#i see you all thirsting over ed in this scene and raise you your own dark past /lh
Former Sherlock fans who are now OFMD fans, I have an unfortunate parallel for you
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I'm so sorry
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star-lemonade · 3 years
Happy New Year
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Series rating: R  (AO3: E)
Warnings: polyamory, pegging, threesome, voyeurism, smut
Word count: 5k
Genre: Smut, romance
Female Reader x A.C.E Byeongkwan, Female Reader x A.C.E Sehyoon
beta-ed! Thanks so much to @Alexing1061
Masterlist | Chapter Index
Summary: You admit your crush on Sehyoon and after an apparent rejection, Sehyoon has to make a confession of his own.
If you don’t enjoy reading about relationships that involve more than two people, this story is not for you
Taglist: @Multistan-Net
You entered the restaurant and walked up to the waiter standing by a small, high desk.
“Hello, reservation for Kim SuA.”
He checked in his book and gestured for you to follow him. The big room was divided by short, ornamented walls making each table into its own little room, still open but also with some privacy. SuA was sitting at a table next to a big window, and next to her was her husband. SuA fit in perfectly with the restaurant. She was fancy and her pantsuit screamed management soon. Her husband, clearly older than her, wore a shirt and a sweater that made him look even older. A grandpa out with his niece. SuA waved when she saw you.
You took off your coat and sat down opposite them.
“Hey how have you?”
SuA smiled. You were not sure why she asked you here. She liked you or at least she pretended to like you. Sometimes she would come to your office and talk but it was always superficial, small talk. It made you wonder if there was something she wanted from you or use you to get something. If this was the case you had not found out yet.
“I am good. Thanks. How about you?”
“Same old, same old. Much work.���
She waved it off.
“Isn’t your boyfriend coming?”
“He will be here soon.”
A waiter appeared next to you and you ordered something to drink.You felt odd by yourself. Even though you had known her for sometime you were not close with SuA.
Thankfully she was good at talking for everyone else as well. Her husband on the other hand was very quiet. He seemed content just to watch his wife’s monologue.
Sehyoon arrived not much later.
“Hello I’m Kim Sehyoon, nice to meet you.”
He smiled but it was a bit reserved. When you had first met him, he had been much more shy, more like the Sehyoon that was greeting SuA and her husband. Somehow you had grown closer over time. Seeing him this guarded made the progress you had made in your relationship visible. He trusted you enough to show you his cute side, his sexy side but most importantly his vulnerable side. Stress at work had made him gain some weight that he was uncomfortable with and you could not stress enough that he always looked fantastic. Like today. The jeans he wore with the suit jacket and white shirt made the look more casual. His dark hair had gotten longer and he had parted it in the front. Absolutely stunning.
The waiter came and you all ordered food.
The conversation was mainly between you and SuA. She asked about your work and had some in depth questions.
When the food came the talking ceased and the digging in started. It was good although the portions were a bit small even for your taste. As the restaurant was so expansive, you did not want to order more. Maybe you could stop by a convenience store on the way home.
SuA eyed Sehyoon over the edge of her wine glass. He seemed to have noticed too and stared back.
“I was quite surprised when I saw you.”
SuA looked at him then at you. A smile spread on her face. It was unsettling.
“Why were you surprised?”
You did not have a good feeling about this. SuA looked like a hyena who was circling a wounded animal.
“Well I thought he would be the guy from the wedding.”
Sehyoon looked up from his plate and echoed:
SuA pulled out her phone and showed a photo. Your face was burning. The photo was of you and Byeongkwan. His arms were tightly wrapped around your waist, yours around his neck, your faces were so close, in kissing distance. It felt way too intimate.
“I mean this guy, who is he?”
What should I say? ‘Oh he is my boyfriend’s partner who I also sleep with’??
Sehni grabbed the phone and inspected the photo. SuA and her husband had expecting expressions on their faces as ithey got ready for a show.
“Are there more photos from the wedding? Can you send me this one?”
Sehyoon looked at SuA with sparkling eyes and she was taken aback.
“Awesome thank you.”
He beamed. Sehyoon had asked for photos from the wedding but the married couple had not released them yet. The photo on SuA’s phone had been taken by someone who was not the official photographer. It was not unusual for people to take photos of course but it put you in a difficult position.
“So, who is he?”
SuA‘s husband pressed. He had leaned forward. I don’t know what to say. I can’t tell them. You did not say anything and the silence weighed heavy on you. The mixture of voices from other tables made the lack of words more obvious. You really could not say “he is also my boyfriend”.
“My … friend.”
You felt bad the moment the words had left your mouth. My friend. You had publicly repudiated that Byeongkwan was your boyfriend.
“It was really nice of Byeongkwan to accompany you to the wedding.”
Sehyoon's smile was adorable but his tone clearly signaled that this topic was over. To your surprise the other two did not dare to ask about this again even though they were clearly still curious. The miserable expression on your face must have been enough for them. Sua pretended like nothing had happened but she seemed a bit disappointed. You skipped dessert and paid.
Outside cold wet air hit you in the face. The weather fit your mood perfectly. Miserable.
“Are you okay?”
The cold rain drummed on the umbrella as you and Sehyoon walked to his apartment.
“I don’t know.”
That answer did not satisfy him, you could tell by the way his lips were pressed together.
“I have to talk to Kwanie.”
Byeongkwan sat on the couch when you entered Sehni’s apartment, focused on his phone. You sat down next to him.
He looked up, alarmed by your tone. You had heard it too. You had almost sounded like you were about to cry. If you were honest that was the case. He sat up straight.
“What happened?”
You hugged him and he pulled you onto his lap.
“I’m not sure.”
Sehyoon said behind you.
“I feel terrible. I’m so sorry.”
“Why? What happened?”
“They asked about you and I said nothing.”
His hands ran over your back and your chin rested on his shoulder. It was a terrible thing to deny him in front of others.
“I was afraid of what they would say if I said you were my boyfriend.”
He pushed you away so he could look at you.
“Boyfriend? You have never called me that.”
Your face felt like it was on fire.
“I’m sorry I thought you felt that way too..”
You tried to stand up from his lap suddenly uncomfortable with the closeness. The way he said your name made you sit back, all soft, like it was something sweet.
“No, no! That’s not what I meant.”
He cupped your cheek and pressed a kiss full of reassurance on your lips.
“I was just surprised, that’s all.”
“We haven’t really talked about this so don’t feel bad.”
Sehni ran his hand up and down your back.
“I’m happy that you think of me as your boyfriend.”
You buried your face in his neck. He held you tight.
“I got you an early Christmas present.”
You turned around to find Byeongkwan standing in the kitchen with you. This evening you would go out to a fancy restaurant. All three of you. After the debacle with your colleague you needed a good time with your partners.
“A present?”
He handed you the box. It was wrapped in black paper. Hmm what is this? The present was not heavy but also not light. You had not asked for anything nor were you aware that there would be gift giving this year. At your parent’s house this was not a thing any more.
“Open it.”
I have a bad feeling about this.You opened the bow and removed the paper. The box inside immediately told you what was inside in big pink letters.
It was as if lighting hit you. You felt hot all over. It was from a conversation that you had almost forgotten about.
“I thought you probably didn’t have one.”
It was true. You did indeed not have a strap on. A nervousness rose in your chest but also excitement.
He beamed and hugged you. In your ear he whispered:
“We can try it out later.”
You swallowed hard. He let go and took the box to the bedroom. An image came to your mind. Byeongkwan bent over, moaning while the dildo entered him. No,no, don’t think about it now. You fanned your face. This man will be the death of me.
The restaurant that Sehyoon had booked for the three of you was a familiar place. It was the one where he had asked you to be his girlfriend and where you had seen Byeongkwan for the first time. You entered one of the private rooms in the back. The walls were painted in traditional style depicting a peaceful mountain scene.
Last time you only had drinks but the food was delicious.
“This place feels a little bit like the places where the noble men go in period dramas.”
Sehyoon thought about what you had said.
“You mean like a gisaeng house?”
Byeongkwan seemed amused.
“No, I mean… I guess?You know, with the whole private rooms thing.”
Byeongkwan smirked and stood up.
“Sir, Lady, I will quench your thirst for entertainment tonight.”
Sehyoon giggled and you sat down next to him so Byeongkwan had the other side of the table to himself. He put on some music and laid his phone on the low table. In a graceful, fluid motion he raised his arms and like a wave he flowed to the ground. An arm snuck around your waist and you leaned into Sehyoon. He watched his boyfriend, transfixed by the delicate yet powerful movements. You were so captivated by the way Byeongkwan's body moved that you did not notice the waiter until the door was audibley closed shut. You and Sehyoon exchanged looks and laughed.
Byeongkwan was unaffected and continued his performance. With a split he showed off his flexibility and that of his pants. His hands grabbed the hem of his sweater and pulled it over his head.
“Wow, don’t start stripping!”
Your voice was a loud whisper. Your face was burning and prayed that no one would come in now.
“What if the waiter comes back?”
Sehyoon‘s statement was not there to support yours, that much was clear from the smile on his face. Byeongkwan eyed the door. It remained shut. In sync with his body waves he slowly pulled up his shirt as if it was swept up, and revealed a bit of his firm stomach.
You hissed and he let go of the shirt. It slid back down, covering him again and not too soon the door slid open again and the waiter peeked inside. He set the drinks you had ordered on the table and left as fast as possible without running.
Sehyoon and you could not hold your laughter.
“How are you feeling?”
You pulled the zipper of your coat higher and hid inside the collar.
“Can’t wait to get home.”
The food had left you full and the drinks with a light buzz that would have faded by the time you reached Sehyoon‘s apartment.
“Are you tired?”
“Not really.”
“Then why the hurry?”
You looked at Byeongkwan.
“I wanna see the rest of your dance.”
For a moment he stared at you blankly. It was almost like you could see the gears turning in his head.
You giggled. Sehyoon did not say anything and you were not sure he had even heard. He watched the cars passing by as you walked along the street. You had one arm hooked around his arm and one around Byeongkwan‘s. Without actively thinking about it, your steps had synchronized. A smile crept onto your face.
The warm air in the subway made you so sleepy that you took a nap on Sehyoon‘s shoulder. It was just enough rest that by the time you arrived at the apartment you felt awake.
“So, you want to see me dance again, huh?”
You nodded eagerly. One thing you had noticed in the time that you had been involved with your two partners, Byeongkwan loved to feel wanted. The more openly you showed the fact that you found him attractive the better. Sehyoon on the other hand, liked it when you pretend to be unaffected so he could seduce you. This was much harder because he was attractive. Hiding the fact of how much he turned you on in those situations was quite the task.
“How about you put on my gift and Sehni brings a chair to the bedroom.”
Sehyoon looked up from his phone. His mouth opened. When no sound came out he closed it again. Byeongkwan smiled evilly.
Sehyoon set the chair down in the corner of the room. It had been his wish to watch you and Byeongkwan have sex for some time, so now that It was about to happen, a gentle smile had appeared on his face.
You stood in front of the bed and stared at the box. You were not sure what to do with the strap on. Should you take off your clothes first? Leave something on. An arm wrapped around your waist and lips pressed a soft kiss to your neck.
“You okay?”
With Sehyoon holding you like this there was nothing in the world that scared you.
“Should I ... wear this over my clothes?”
“As you like but maybe taking the pants off would be a good idea.”
His hand slid down and opened the button of your jeans. You let him take the pants off. Sehyoon left kisses on your thighs and stomach.
“Should I help you with that?”
Byeongkwan had returned from the bathroom. He had changed clothes. The skin tight pants and loose white shirt were begging to come off.
Byeongkwan helped you put on the harness for the dildo.
Sehyoon sat down on the chair and his lap seemed like a good place to watch the show from. You sat down on his thighs and his arms held you in place securely.
Byeongkwan turned on the music and started to dance. Because there was no possibility of unexpected visitors now, he let all restrained go. There was a fine line between being sexy and being unintentionally funny but Byeongkwan did perfect.
Like a deja vu he made the same moves as at the restaurant earlier. The waves for his body swept the white shirt up and over his head. He threw it to the side. Now his dancing was even more captivating. You could see his firm muscles working under the skin. He gestured for you to stand up. Your mouth felt dry and your underwear did not. You left the comfort of Sehyoon’s lap.
Byeongkwan wrapped his arms around you. Suddenly you were pressed up against his hard body and your faces were close. You kissed him. This whole situation was exciting but also a bit overwhelming. Having both your partners in one room and about to have sex left your head spinning. Kissing Byeongkwan now grounded you again. It was familiar and safe.
“Did you like my dancing so far?”
You did not trust your voice and just nodded.
The kissing gave you time to breath. His dancing had worked you up a bit too much if you were honest. Byeongkwan is too good at this and I am too weak. If you had not been kissing him, you might have laughed at this though.
You ran your hands down his bare back and landed on his ass. So firm and round.
“You think you’re ready for that?”
His breath tickled your neck. The kissing and sucking made it hard for you to formulate a coherent thought.
Sitting on the bed brought Byeongkwan’s hips into focus. You opened the button on his tight pants. They hugged his thighs so nicely that you had to run your hands over them. An urge took over and you wrapped your arms around his hips. Your cheek rested on his stomach. He petted your hair. Despite the wetness between your legs a strange feeling of affection bubbled up. Byeongkwan waited for you.
He ran his hands soothingly over your arms.
You kissed his abs. They were still as perfect as the first time you had seen them. The soft surface and hard underneath was still your favorite combination.
Byeongkwan’s pants and underwear found their way to the ground. He helped you with installing the dildo in the harness. It was an odd sight.
“I think if you come in from behind it’s the easiest.”
You felt excited. He gave you a condom and sat down on bed. You pulled the latex over the dildo.
Byeongkwan had shifted into a lying position that showed off his ass. Legs angled so you could see a gem. A plug.
“You like it?”
He smirked. How could someone who was about to get fucked be so smug? You ran your hands over his butt. It was wonderful. The plug had to go first. You grabbed it and pulled on it gingerly.
“You don’t have to be that careful. Pull slowly.”
This time you pulled with a bit more force and the plug actually moved. You pulled it out accompanied by a soft moan from Byeongkwan.
You grabbed the lube and spread some of it on the strap on. Now came the scary but also exciting part.
“Maybe it’s better if I just hold still and you … go at the speed you want?”
Byeongkwan looked over his shoulder and nodded. You aligned the dildo and he pushed against it slowly. The sigh that accompanied the movement was part pleasure, part pain.
“Kwanie, don’t hurt yourself.”
You rested your hand on his ass.
“It’s all good.”
He went as far as possible with the harness and rested his head and chest on the bed. His back was arched and he breathed audibly. You ran your hands over his body in what you hoped was a reassuring manner.
“You're doing so good. You took it all in.”
He moaned.
To emphasize his point he pushed back a little. Tentatively you pulled your hips back. The movement was so foreign and familiar at the same time. It was like a song you had heard often and now you heard it used as a sample in a new song. Byeongkwan had his eyes closed. You watched his face closely. There was nothing you wanted less than hurting him.
You pushed back in. There was noticeable resistance but his face remained relaxed. Encouraged by his content expression you began setting a pace. It was an odd experience to be at the other end of the literal stick. You felt powerful but also wary. Byeongkwan was in a vulnerable position and if you made a mistake he could get hurt.
“Are you okay?”
He had opened his eyes and looked at you over his shoulder.
“Then can you go faster?”
“I will try.”
You felt clumsy trying to move your hips faster and somewhat regularly. Byeongkwan sighed a moan. The sound made your underwear wet. You closed your eyes and concentrated on the movement of your hips. Your hands held his hips and you drove into him faster.
Behind you the chair creaked. It was the first time since you had started that Sehyoon had made a noise. When you opened your eyes, he was standing next to the bed and Byeongkwan was looking up at him expectantly.
Sehyoon cupped his cheek. Byeongkwan had propped himself up and ran his hand over the very noticeable bulge in Sehyoon’s pants. Byeongkwan pulled down the pants and wrapped his lips around him.
“This is your fantasy now.”
Sehyoon sounded almost accusatory as he grabbed his boyfriend’s hair.
“You should help her a bit more. She will be sore tomorrow.”
That was probably true. Byeongkwan pushed back at you, whimpering around Sehyoon's hard penis. You tried to keep your pace but your muscles were already starting to ache from the unfamiliar movement. Byeongkwan pushed back faster and moaned. The sound went straight between your legs. He shuddered to a halt and let go of Sehyoon. You pulled out and Byeongkwan let himself fall onto the bed. He breathed heavily.
You wanted to be filled so badly now. The moans had you so riled up you did not know what to do with yourself.
“Don’t worry I will take care of you.”
He pulled his shirt off and pulled his pants down all the way. You did not know how to react to seeing him naked. He looked so good and you were desperate. You fumbled with the strap on but you had no patience left. Sehyoon pushed away your hands and helped you out of the strap on. The rest of your clothes landed on the ground.
He lay on top of you and his kisses drove you mad.
“Take me hard, please.”
Sehyoon just nodded. He slung your legs over his shoulders and entered you. You were so worked up already he entered with ease and you moaned. Finally, your neglected hole was filled. You clenched your inner muscles for even more pleasure. His pace was hard and fast. Exactly as ordered. The harsh contact of your hips that came with each of Sehyoon’s thrusts was perfect. You held your breath as the pleasure built and almost screamed when a wave of bliss rolled over you. After a few more thrusts Sehyoon collapsed on top of you and you kissed his cheek and shoulder.
After a quick shower all three of you fell into bed.
The city was bustling with people wanting to buy a last minute present as you made your way to Sehyoon’s apartment. All of you had taken the day off and you looked forward to spending time with them. Cheesy Christmas movies, take-out food and cuddling on the couch was everything you wanted from this holiday.
Last year you had spent it alone and would have never guessed that this year would be so different.
Sehyoon opened the door and you hugged him. He wore very comfy looking pants and a sweater. You buried your face in the soft fabric and let his warmth envelope you.
“It’s cold.”
Your voice was muffled by his sweater.
“We’ll get you warm.”
Sehyoon rubbed your back and laughed. His smile was the thing that warmed you the most.
“Kwanie is in the kitchen, can you make sure he doesn’t burn it down?”
You nodded and pecked his lips. Unfortunately you felt so good in his arms you did not want to let go and go to the kitchen. He chuckled as you hugged him tighter.
“Soon. You will get to hug me even more.”
“Can’t wait.”
Sehyoon began moving backwards and you followed inevitably. It was silly, the way he moved you in the direction of the kitchen without letting go. You both laughed and giggled as Byeongkwan turned around. He looked at you with an unchanged expression. The containers he had arranged on the counter were filled with food. He set the one he was holding down and came over. He hugged you from the other side and knocked the air out of you in the process.
“Too tight!!”
The embrace loosened but you could hear the pout in Byeongkwan‘s voice when he said:
“It’s so nice, when it’s tight.”
“That’s what she said.”
Sehyoon hollered at your retort and laughed. Byeongkwan let go and you turned around to hug and kiss him. It still felt a bit overwhelming when both, Byeongkwan and Sehyoon, were close to you. Your head was spinning a bit from all the happy juice your brain pumped out.
“Who made all of this?”
You inspected the food containers. Someone had made a lot of different side dishes that looked fantastic. You doubted that they were made by either Sehyoon or Byeongkwan.
“My parents and Sehyoon‘s parents send us food for Christmas.”
That explained a lot. Byeongkwan had said something about visiting his family. His family lived in the city but his parents would visit other family members over the holidays. They could see Byeongkwan whenever.
You changed into comfortable clothes and helped Byeongkwan arrange the side dishes on plates. They filled almost the entire coffee? table when you brought them over. Sehyoon had not bought a third chair yet, so you decided to eat on the couch. It was not the best but it worked. Sitting on the floor actually worked better than sitting on the couch. It felt more like being at a traditional restaurant.
You all sat down around the table but no one started eating.
“Last year I did not think that this year would be so different.”
You looked in the eyes of Sehyoon, then at Byeongkwan. Yes this was different. In one year you had gone from no boyfriend to two boyfriends and it was good.
“Thank you for being in my life.”
You had made it awkward but you grabbed your glass and said: “To us. I love you.”
Sehyoon smiled his shy smile while Byeongkwan beamed at you and raised his glass too.
“To us.”
“Your mom makes good food.”
It was true, the dishes Byeongkwan‘s mother had provided tasted amazing and you ate way too much. Your stomach hurt and if you did not have to move for a few hours, that would be optimal. Sehyoon cleared the table and you heaved yourself into the couch. He did it in his calm, carefree way. There was no hurry in his steps when he brought some plates to the kitchen. Byeongkwan sat down next to you. He rested his head on your lap and you combed his hair with your hand.
“How about we go to sleep?”
Sehyoon looked at the two of you on the brink of a food coma.
“I have to move for that. That a no no.”
You really did not feel like moving. Just staying put seemed like the best option now.
“Let’s watch something and go to bed after.”
Byeongkwan did not want to move either so he simply laid on Sehyoon‘s and your lap. About 20 minutes into the movie your eyelids felt extremely heavy. You could barely keep them open. I will just close them for a second.
A moment later you were gingerly picked up and you woke up from that.
“I wasn’t sleeping.”
Your voice sounded groggy even to your own ears. Sehyoon chuckled.
“You slept for the last 90 minutes, but it’s not good if you stay on the couch all night.”
You nodded and held onto him. He carried you to the bedroom Byeongkwan was lying in bed already, apparently still asleep. You helped Sehyoon to take off some of Byeongkwan‘s clothes. It was fascinating to see that he did not wake from this.
You laid down in the middle. Even though the heat in the middle was too much, you were the one who was least bothered by it. Sehyoon turned off the dim light on the nightstand.
You wrapped your arms around him and kissed his cheek. He turned and hugged you back. In his arms was still one of your favorite places to be. His lips found yours in the dark for a soft kiss.
“Good night.”
“So, what do you think?”
“This was the best one. The right amount of space, bit pricey, but still okay.”
Byeongkwan nodded, agreeing with your assessment.
“I like this one best. Until when do we have time to decide?”
Sehyoon blinked. He had contacted the landlords first so he should know.
“I think they said tomorrow, but if you have already made a decision, maybe it is better to tell them now.”
If they did not get this apartment, there were not that many other options. The ones you had looked at yesterday were either too small or much too expansive. Sehyoon and Byeongkwan both worked so they could afford a bigger apartment, but it had limits. Housing prices had risen dramatically and having two apartments but only using one was just not a good option.
“If we get this apartment, you can come by more often.”
Byeongkwan slung an arm around your shoulders and you reflexively leaned into him. They would indeed live much closer to your place and you had a feeling that he was right. The apartment would be in walking distance. It had a room that Byeongkwan would use as his room but it would have his old sleeping couch. If someone needed to stay there but not be cooked alive between the other two, there would be a good alternative now.
“We could go to work together.”
Sehyoon smiled more to himself and it was the cutest thing. You took his hand. A warm feeling spread in your chest. So the new year would start with moving and being closer to your two boyfriends, both physically and emotionally. You looked forward to all the good times that awaited you in this new part of your life.
It would be a good year.
A/N: This was the last chapter! I hope you liked it! Thanks to everyone who has given feedback on this! I would like to thank Alex again for reading my error riddled drafts and for always being my hype person! Thank you so much ;-;
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drink-n-watch · 4 years
  Genre:  Supernatural, romance, comedy yokai
Episodes: 12
Studio: David Production
  You know what’s tough? Having a defence mechanism that makes you lash out and be rude or mean to people whenever you feel shy or awkward even though you would really like to be friendly. Oh no wait, you know what’s worse than that? Having everyone think you lead the perfect life just because you come from a super rich family when in reality you’ve been isolated your whole life and most people just want to get something out of you. But that might not be as bad as having been separated from and ignored by your parents your whole life just because you are a little different from your sister. I mean it’s no wonder you’re having a tough time connecting with others. Wait wait, there’s more! As if all of that wasn’t bad enough, what if you are a half human descendent of an ancient and powerful Yokai, granting you all kinds of amazing powers with all kinds of strings attached. Actually that last part sounds not too bad. You can even go live in a mention full of half Yokai. Really attractive half Yokai. With your own amazingly loyal bodyguard! Things are looking up!
A little while ago I watched Blast of Tempest. Some of you may recall that I had picked up the series because In/Spectre had just finished and I wanted something in the same vein so AniList suggested Blast of Tempest. It was a fine series and I’m glad I watched it but it turns out that what I actually wanted to see was Inu x Boku SS. Why didn’t AniList suggest that??? Why isn’t the website psychic?
apology accepted
I’m not quite sure how to describe the production of Inu x Boku SS. I would call is flashy maybe? Here’s the thing, it a well made anime. A really well made anime. But I have a feeling it was on a budget. It’s super pretty, with really nice character designs, good backgrounds and very consistent art and animation. But at the same time there isn’t that much animation, the backgrounds repeat a lot and although nice enough aren’t very intricate, and the colours lack a certain depth. But it looks great! Am I making any sense? Wait, this was made in 2012? So maybe it’s just a little aged. It looks great!
Fine, let’s get to the important part, I drooled over most of the characters which was a little uncomfortable cause some of them seem very young…
Also the cast is amazing. One of my favourite ensemble casts in a while. Individually, most of the actors are worth noting but together they are even better. Great chemistry!
I’m over it, Karuta is adorable
Inu x Boku does one thing that I usually don’t care for at all. I has a plot relevant end scene after the closing credits. There’s nothing inherently wrong with that but it does mean I can’t simply skip the end credits and go on to the next episode when I’m binging a series. And I did finish this one in just a couple of days.
However, this was heavily mitigated by the fact that Inu x Boku has an entirely different ED almost every episode. That means a new song (often sung by one of the characters) and completely new visuals and style. Even the few repeat EDs have some differences here and there to keep things fresh. I can’t quite explain why this impressed me so much but it really made a mark and I felt like I really needed to mention it in the review. You know, I might just want some more of this show.
I guess that’s good too….
When I say this is what I wanted to watch to quench my In/Spectre thirst, it might give you a good idea of the story. It reminded me of a mix of In/Spectre and Pandora Hearts. Which sounds pretty weird but it seems I really like that!
Structurally, Inu x Boku SS is closest to a Slice of Life, surprisingly. It follows Ririchiyo, a very socially awkward girl, as she slowly learns how to come out of her shell and make friends in her new living arrangement and at school. There is some big complicated back story of ancient Yokai and powerful families but that’s merely a backdrop. It does give you the impression that the series is just a tiny part of a much larger adventure. I may cave and get the manga eventually but I still really enjoyed it for what it was.
And what it was was a surprisingly light hearted and occasionally really funny comedy that got super romantic at the end. Like the last episode may have been a bit too romantic for my tastes but by then I liked the characters enough to just go with it.
I *might* have awwwed
Which is the crutch of it all. Like most SoL shows… I have a feeling some readers might feel cheated if I don’t clarify this a bit. I wouldn’t say it’s an actual Slice of Life. There is a very loose connecting thread that goes over the entire season but the action of each episode is fairly stand alone and a lot of it is just Ririchiyo and friends having fun at school or the people at the Ayakashi house playing pranks on each other or having little competitions. One episode is them burying a time capsule, another is Ririchiyo’s long lost fiancee reappearing out of nowhere to classify everything around as either a Masochist or a Sadist (a running gag I really liked). So let’s say it’s Slice of Life like.
Back to what I was saying, like most SoL like shows, your enjoyment of Inu x Boku is probably going to hinge entirely on how much you like the characters. There’s a pretty big spread of archetypes so most people should find at least one to their taste but I won’t deny a certain shoujo sensibility in the characterizations. Still, I’m going to venture that if you liked In/Spectre or Pandora Hearts, you’ll likely enjoy Inu x Boku SS. If you liked both, then you definitely will enjoy it!
everyone loves Zange…almost
Favourite character: Zange
What this anime taught me: Yoshimasa Hosoya is an amazing actor!
“You’re riding a horse full speed.. there’s a giraffe beside you.. and you’re being chased by a lion .. what do you do?.. get your drunk ass off the carousel”
Suggested drink: A Last Love Letter (isn’t that a lovely cocktail name?)
Every time we see falling sakura petals – take a breath, there are a lot
Every time Ririchiyo is in her Yokai form – take a sip
Every time Sou (Inu) is being clingy – take a very small sip
Every time we see chibi Ririchiyo – awwww take a sip
Every time Sou sparkles – Sparkle too!
Every time anyone other than Yuki wears glasses – take a sip
Every time Yuki flirts with any of the girls – raise your glass
Every time Ririchiyo gets dressed – take a sip
Every time Ririchiyo talks about her family – take a sip
Every time Karuta is eating – get a snack
Every time Sou says good morning – say good morning
Every time Ririchiyo collapses in bed – stretch
Every time anyone mentions the letters – take a suspicious sip
Every time anyone swoons over Sou – agree
Every time Watanuki gets yanked by the tail – feel bad for him
Every time Watanuki is a delinquent – take a sip
Every time Kage comes bearing gifts – be jealous that you aren’t getting any
I would not have minded a bit more of Renshou either…
I filled up a pinterest board and I have enjoyed revisiting it! I hope I didn’t give you the impression that Ririchiyo isn’t great… She is! I have the pics to prove it!
        Inu x Boku SS -Why did it take me this long to watch this? Genre:  Supernatural, romance, comedy yokai Episodes: 12 Studio: David Production You know what's tough? Having a defence mechanism that makes you lash out and be rude or mean to people whenever you feel shy or awkward even though you would really like to be friendly.
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