tracya0308-blog · 8 years
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With the upcoming super bowl, here's a healthy appetizer I found...yum! Skinny bell pepper nacho boats Ingredients 1 pound lean ground turkey 1 teaspoons chili powder 1 teaspoon cumin 1/2 teaspoon black pepper 1/4 teaspoon kosher or sea salt 3/4 cup salsa, no sugar added 1 cup grated cheddar cheese, reduced-fat 3 bell peppers Directions: Remove seeds, core, and membrane from bell peppers then slice each one into 6 verticle pieces where they dip down. Set sliced bell peppers aside. Cook ground turkey over medium-high heat, breaking up as it cooks. Cook until the turkey loses it's pink color and is cooked through. Drain off any fat. Preheat oven to 375 degrees. Combine cooked turkey with spices and salsa. Evenly distribute mixture into the bell pepper boats, top with cheese. Bake on a parchment lined baking sheet for 10 minutes or until cheese is melted and peppers are hot. NOTE: If you prefer much softer bell peppers, add a few tablespoons water to the bottom of a large casserole dish, add filled nachos, cover tightly with foil and bake 15 minutes. Remove from the oven and add additional toppings, If desired. Optional ingredients: sliced Jalepeno peppers, diced avocado, fat-free Greek yogurt or sour cream, or sliced green onions.
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tracya0308-blog · 8 years
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Here's to a great start to my morning: ✅4:30 am wake up ✅5 am workout ✅checked in with current challengers ✅read some PD All of this done by 7 am! Normally I would be dragging but thanks to my workout & superfood shake I have all the energy I need to get thru this morning without the crash! Not to mention it only took 60 seconds to make my breakfast. Mamas you know how important time is for us so I will take anything I can get to cut time down which will give me time to get other things done. So here's to a great start to this Monday focused on those goals of mine and getting all the nutrition I need for the day! Happy Monday! #goals #grow #targetmoms #startthedayoffright #yourlifeiswhatyoumakeit #butfirstcoffee #idoitformyhealth #healthy #inspiresomeonetoday #itsonly30minutes #doitforyourselfnooneelse #wfhm #createthelifeyouwant #rasingadaughter #turnyourlifearound #youcandoit #workingmoms #focusonyourgoals #busyworkingmoms #youcandoanythingyouputyourmindto #pushplay #takeachance #believeinyourself #whatdoyouhavetolose #noexcuses #dontquit #bethebestyou #snowday
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tracya0308-blog · 8 years
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Happy Monday! Here's to the start of a new week! Let's make it awesome! It all starts with YOU & positive thinking. If you think you will have a great week then YOU Will! #positivity #dosomethingthatmakesyousmile #happinessalways #mindfulthinking #target #targetmoms #createyourhappiness #butfirstcoffee #youjusthavetolaugh #yougotthis #goals #startthedayoffright #yourlifeiswhatyoumakeit #grow #godsblessing #mindfulness #growth #beblessedforwhatyouhave
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tracya0308-blog · 8 years
My morning definitely didn't start off great! Ended up getting a migraine so back to bed I went. I started the day over much later than I had hoped but I got my workout in with a few helpers I might add. My 10 year old even joined in on the fun 😊!
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tracya0308-blog · 8 years
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HA, HA!!!! How many moms feel me here? Sometimes I think I'm the only one lol! #wfhmom #momboss #thejoysofmotherhood #rasingadaughter #raisinggirls #targetmoms #butfirstcoffee #dogmama #nymom #momfunnies #mywishformydaughter #funnies #youjusthavetolaugh
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tracya0308-blog · 8 years
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This sooo used to be me. I used to justify my unhealthy habits with working out. The more I worked out the more unhealthy food and drinks I could have until one day it caught up with me and I had enough. Anyone else that can relate to this reasoning behind your unhealthy habits? #unhealthyhabits #unhealthyeating #drinking #justifymyunhealtyhabits #unhealthyhabits #turnyourlifearound @unumdesign #unum
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tracya0308-blog · 8 years
This morning was one of those mornings when I overslept - ugh! 😩 While I couldn't get my workout in that I was planning to do because I was short on time, I logged into beachbody on demand - the "Netflix" of fitness workouts and pushed play to to hammer & chisel which was only 30 min! I can't believe how my arms are feeling like jello now because I haven't used weights in what seems forever! So even though I overslept I still got my workout in and I'm so glad because it sets the tone for the day for me both mentally and physically! Here's to a great Thursday!!!! #bod #pushplay #30minuteworkout #focusonyourgoals #youcandoit #hammerandchisel #busyworkingmoms #workingmoms #youcandoanythingyouputyourmindto #itsonly30minutes #earlymorningworkout #inspiresomeonetoday #mentalfitness
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tracya0308-blog · 8 years
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<<<<STOP THAT SCROLL >>>> TONIGHT at 9pm EST my mentor and team leader will be going LIVE to share her story from nurse to work at home momma and answer ANY questions you may have about this business and what we do as coaches! You have seen my posts but: ♦️Have you ever wondered what in the world I actually do, how I earn an extra income from home, work a full time job, have a family, a furbaby and a "part time" job? ♦️Do you love health and fitness and like helping others succeed like I do and like to see them reach their personal, fitness and financial goals ? ♦️Do you have that feeling that you were meant for more but you don't know what? Do you feel like something is "missing"? If you answered YES to any of these questions this session is for you! NO commitments just ask away or just listen in. You don't want to miss this!!!! Comment "IN!" or message me and I will send you the details for this awesome call you don't want to miss out on!!!!! #momboss #girlboss #wahm #sahm #wfhmom #whatdoyouhavetolose #takeachance #believeinyourself
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tracya0308-blog · 8 years
Because if I don't post a video, it didn't happen and I need to keep myself accountable. I'm so close to finishing my third round but then I think I'm going to try a diff program. Not sure what - do I want to do more cardio, weights or dance? Hmmmm But today's workout almost DIDNT happen and I would've been fine with but instead my little voice inside my head said you have to do this & keep going. Not only for you but for your coaches and challengers too! We are there for each other even on those hard days! But I'm so glad I pushed thru my excuses & got it done! What a difference on how I felt afterwards too! So who holds you accountable?! If you need the support, comment below about getting more information on my upcoming group. 💪👊 #dontquit #pushforward #pushthruthoseexcuses #noexcuses #accountabilitygroup #goals #yougotthis #youvecometoofar
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tracya0308-blog · 8 years
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Today was one of those mornings that I could've used a do-over! Between having a daughter who had "one of those mornings because her hair didn't come out", forgetting her lunch and the dog getting into everything because he wanted attention too and working in between the chaos. I'm tired and stressed from this morning and it's not even 10 o'clock yet!!!!! Good thing for my superfood shake that will give me everything I need especially for my energy & stress today. Mom's can you feel me here on how my morning started? #workingmoms #busyworkingmoms #thejoysofmotherhood #rasingadaughter #raisinggirls #havingadaughterjustlikeme #myminime
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tracya0308-blog · 8 years
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Remember this is your life & yours alone. Do what makes you happy. Remember we are always growing no matter how old we are. Keep pushing for those goals & you will be glad you did. Not for others but for yourself. HAPPY WEDNESDAY! #Wednesday #mindfulness #dowhatmakesyouhappy #dontdoitforothers #goals😍 #confidencefromwithin #happiness #targetmoms #doitforyou #inspireothers #bethebestyou #godsblessing #greatday #inspirethosearoundyou #morninginspiration #butfirstcoffee #imrightwhereiwanttobe #startthedayoffright #notforothersforyou #yourlifeiswhatyoumakeit #grow #growth
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tracya0308-blog · 8 years
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"To fear change is to fear being challenged. To fear being challenged is to fear growth and new possibilities" This is so true & something I was afraid to do for so long. I was afraid of change. Sure I was unhappy in certain aspects of my life & I struggled like everyone else but I never did anything about it until finally something clicked. I finally realized I deserved more. I needed to grow for my own self instead of remaining stagnant not just for me but for my family. I knew I liked health & fitness & wanted to focus on my own goals so I could be the best mama & wife possible. I never knew this opportunity would open up so many possibilities & make me feel more fulfilled & happier all thanks to personal development and taking care of ME by making the right health & nutrition choices. This transformation isn't just because of the focus I had because let me tell you there were times I wanted to quit, but it's also because if the awesome team I am apart of. My team and I hold each other to our goals, and we keep each other accountable all while telling each other to get rid of those excuses. We are always there uplifting each other, and we get it done! Without this team, I don’t know where I would be. Definately I would be giving in to my excuses and falling off track more times than I could count. I’m so grateful for this team That I am a part of. Do you have a team you can count on like this? What are you waiting for? #godsblessing #beblessedforwhatyouhave #beblessed #noexcuses #pushthruthoseexcuses #goals #challenges #believeinyourself #inspireothers #bethebestyou #mindfullness #lifestyle #happiness #confidencefromwithin #betterthanyesterday #targetmoms #journeytofit #dogmama #girlboss #sahm #lifeofdesign #raisingdaughters #cleaneatingforlife #focused #preptosucceed #metime #doitforyou #goals😍 #girlboss #accountability #community
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tracya0308-blog · 8 years
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Loving sitting at the table helping Brianna with her homework to look at this! How beautiful the snow is! #snowday #lovewatchingthesnowfall #beblessed #beblessedforwhatyouhave #godsblessing #nature #thereissomethingaboutnature
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tracya0308-blog · 8 years
I can't believe it Day 18 of 30 of my THIRD round! The one thing that stuck in my mind this morning as I was "contemplating" working out was "You can never expect to succeed if you only put in the work only on the days you feel like it ". Today was one of those days I would have loved to skip my workout all together. there are days I DON'T want to work out like this but where is that going to get me? That's right no where except feeling I let myself down. I'm so happy I pushed thru those excuses & got in this workout today because then when I get home from work I can hang out with my daughter & pup before homework time! Remember you put in the work & you will get so much from it. #earlymorningworkout #goals #noexcuses #pushthruthoseexcuses
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tracya0308-blog · 8 years
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Remember it all begins with how you think! Stay positive & don't let the negativity come in! You are in control of your own happiness if you let it! Have a Happy Tuesday #motivation #inspire #confidencefromwithin #lifestyle #keeppushingforward #workingmoms #busymama #challenges #inspireothers #butfirstcoffee #greatday #inspirethosearoundyou #bethebestyou #believeinyourself #betterthanyesterday #coffeeaddict #morninginspiration #happiness #mindfullness #thinkpositivethoughts #dontletnegativityin @unumdesign #unum
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tracya0308-blog · 8 years
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>>>>>>>QUESTION FOR YOU>>>>>>Did you know it's part of my JOB to share my journey & story here on social media!? If you got paid $250 a week to work out 5 times a week, eat at least one healthy meal a day, work on yourself by reading and/or listening to positive personal development for 10 minutes a day AND the catch is that you'd have to share this journey publicly on social media, would you do it?? If your boss offered you a raise, would you turn it down? If you were offered more free time, food, clothes, spending money? What about ENERGY? Would that extra $13,000 a year be worth it to you to stay focused and committed to your health? If you would say HELL YES in the comments below with your email or private message me. My health is worth it so let's make 2017 the healthiest, happiest, and BEST year of your life!! :) YOU ARE WORTH IT!!!!! #busymama #girlmom #workingmoms #raisingdaughters #wfhm #sahm #confidencefromwithin #lifestyle #keeppushingforward #targetmoms #youneverknowwhoiswatching #girlboss #lifeofdesign #journeytofit #dogmama @unumdesign #unum
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tracya0308-blog · 8 years
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Moms do you feel me here - lol! I know we've had our share of "oopsies " with this alone!!!! #momfunnies #workingmoms #raisingdaughters #wfhm #sahm #nymom #girlmom #challenges #busymama
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