#i should have 16-18 different designs in sets of 3
thethirdromana · 10 months
In honour of Doctor Who's 60th birthday, here are 60* things that I like about less popular** Doctor Who stories.
(*in multiple posts because I'm falling foul of the character limit)
(**IMDB rating of less than 7/10)
1. Susan is great in The Sensorites. She's at her absolute best in stories like this where she gets to be genuinely a bit alien and a bit weird.
2. "So," said someone at the BBC, "we're going to produce an allegory for different political systems, using insects. Choreographed by a mime artist. On a budget of about £2.50." The Web Planet might not entirely have succeeded, but my god, you have to love that they tried.
3. They introduced Jamie, the best companion, in The Highlanders! How is does this have less than a 7/10 rating, what is wrong with you people. It's Jamie.
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4. I applaud the utter bonkersness of The Underwater Menace, and Patrick Troughton really gives it socks.
5. The Wheel in Space is proper 60s sci-fi: Servo-Robots, x-ray lasers, radio beams! I can practically smell Penguin mass-market paperbacks thinking about it. And with the introduction of Zoe, it completes my all-time favourite TARDIS team.
6. The Dominators contains the Quarks, who are adorable. They weren't supposed to be, but it doesn't matter.
7. Zoe is still relatively new to the TARDIS, but she has heaps to do in The Krotons. Nice having a female companion who's written as smart and capable.
8. We have entered the 70s, so with Colony in Space, we get Social Issues. Especially an Evil Mining Corporation, which are always fun.
9. More Social Issues in The Mutants, but this time they're paired with big sci-fi ideas. Ancient tablets! Strange life cycles! Love how much is going on here.
10. The Time Monster is like the Eurovision of Doctor Who. Deeply silly, but what would Doctor Who be without silliness? I'm sorry about Jo's coccyx too.
11. I love that they returned to Peladon in The Monster of Peladon, especially with the 50-year time jump. I'd like to see that kind of follow-up more often.
12. Is it not cool to love K9 any more? Well, I like my Doctor Who with a dose of silliness, and The Invisible Enemy delivered that. Every time traveller needs a robot dog.
13. The design of the Seers in Underworld is excellent, I love a brass dome.
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14. Doctor Who doesn't have enough giant squidmonsters looming on the horizons. I'm glad the The Power of Kroll does something to address the deficit.
15. The Creature from the Pit gave us the line "a teaspoon and an open mind", and I appreciate it for that at least.
16. Romana wears one of her best of many splendid outfits in The Horns of Nimon.
17. I liked all the arch dialogue between the Doctor, Enlightenment and Persuasion in Four to Doomsday.
18. Heathrow airport is an underrated setting. I also appreciate how Time-Flight prominently features Concorde, making it far more 80s than they could ever have planned.
19. I don't intend this to be damning with faint praise (even though it probably sounds like it) but my favourite thing about Arc of Infinity is that we get a little jaunt through 80s Amsterdam. I do love a tram.
20. Babyfaced Martin Clunes doing his spoiled princeling thing in Snakedance is enjoyably disconcerting.
21. Terminus is tense and scary and bleak. Another one that I'd expected to be more highly rated.
22. Warriors of the Deep gives us a very solid base under siege. Silurians + Cold War is a winning combination.
23. Landing in a modern village doing a historical re-enactment in The Awakening is a witty touch.
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24. I can’t say I enjoyed the idea of the Doctor’s violent moods in The Twin Dilemma, but I have to commend it as a punchy way to introduce the new regeneration.
25. The Mark of the Rani should surely get some love just for introducing the Rani: camp, delightful, iconic.
26. Herbert turning out to be HG Wells in Timelash is a lovely twist and handled well.
27. The Trial of a Time Lord is so grand and ambitious. If the show hadn't been struggling in general at this point, it would be among the all-time greats.
28. With its colour-coded gangs and faux-urban slang, Paradise Towers is gloriously of its time in a way that currently feels quite naff, but that I suspect will be fascinating to revisit in about 30 years.  
29. Delta and the Bannermen is action-packed and has one of the best titles in 80s Who.
30. Possibly the most terrifying moment in all of Doctor Who is Kane's face melting in Dragonfire. This series is nothing if it doesn't send children running for safety behind the sofa.
31. Got to love it when Who gets aggressively anti-Thatcher, and they never did it more than in The Happiness Patrol.
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simlit · 2 years
3, 5, 10, 15, 16, 18, 23 for Kyrie
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What architectural or design aesthetic would best suit them?
industrial; this is actually a pretty difficult question, because I don't think he really fits into any one style, and he doesn't have a distinct theme, himself. He's adaptable and eclectic. I think if I had to settle on one, it'd be industrial because of its fusion of new and old; raw, barebones structure within a functional living space. In a modern day setting, I could see him being a fan of those odd flips, like old gothic churches into flats. Something about the idea of recycling or repurposing the old for contemporary use, while still preserving the original beauty and respecting the initial construction, would deeply appeal to him. He rebuffs the traditional, but reframing it in a new light fits right with his personal outlook. 
If your OC was a character in a novel from literary canon, who would they be? 
Nick Carraway | The Great Gatsby; Initially more of a hopeful idealist, and harboring a sort of naïve eagerness about the world. Though privileged, Nick retains some level of moral decency and integrity throughout the novel, which I think Kyrie shares. He watches things play out from a comfortable position of wide-eyed wonder, but along with the awe and the wild entertainment comes all the vile realities of human nature. Kyrie is, at his core, The Observer. Like Nick, watches from both within and without, and while he maintains a level of civility with those he knows to have committed evil acts (not necessarily believing those people to be evil, themselves), he also has a strong sense of what is right and good and what should be done. Still, he strives for something else, something different than the monotony of his life.
What piece of moody poetry or novel quote best encompasses your character?
"To live is the rarest thing in the world. Most people exist, that is all." - Oscar Wilde
What is a common misconception about your OC?
That he is devout. Considering he is a priest of sorts, people believe him to be a person of deep faith, but that isn’t true. Despite having his own personal connection to the gods, therefor being incapable of denying they exist, he dislikes the idea of higher power, or any sort of narrative of destiny or fate. He struggles with the fact that he has these gifts and why they are his, if not just by pure chance, and rejects the notion that he should be forced to use them for some purpose simply because he was born on a certain day of the year. 
In addition to devout, people often think him diligent or responsible simply because of his title. In all actuality, he’s a very detached person, and he doesn’t like to apply himself because he often sees very little return. 
What trait do they find most attractive/appealing about others?
Another really hard question to pinpoint because honestly he loves people. He finds them amusing and fascinating, and he doesn’t see “good” or “bad” traits, he sees human traits, and the manner in which they manifest would be the appealing part, for him. Pain may turn to cruelty in some, or hopefulness in others. So I guess what he would find attractive is perseverance. How someone might use negative experiences or trauma to overcome their lot in life, if they can maintain their sense of self, and prevail, even if in a flawed manner. Which is why he very rarely feels contempt or disgust for anyone, even if he morally disagrees with them fundamentally. He can almost always understand why they do what they do. But just as well he can be disappointed if someone squanders their opportunity to grow. The flipside would be he finds doing things for purely selfish purpose a sort of regression, as it adds nothing to the person’s character.
What is one thing that they only let those closest to them see?
His loneliness; As much as he is in love with observing others, his relationships have been mostly shallow throughout his life. The only deep connection he has is with his sister, and outside of that, everything feels like a formality. The few people in his life are only there because of circumstance and he hasn’t had the opportunity, prior to the trials, to make friends or meet people of his own accord. He understands that even though the Ten are also only there out of circumstance, he almost desperately clings to them as this sort of lifeline cast in from outside his glass bubble. He’s not an incredibly reserved person, so these cracks begin to show up even now. But I think it would take someone really getting to know him to see just how deeply that thread runs. 
What sort of routines, rituals or rules do they have or set for themselves?
I wouldn’t say he has any. He’s incredibly laid back and bucks against the rules already imposed upon him by the clergy. So he almost spitefully refuses to assume more. 
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byakuwan · 2 years
writer interview as requested by @hopeswriting
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
10, with 12 more oldies in a private collection. ( i should probably make those public again... )
2. What’s your total AO3 word count?
3. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
95 kudos: Setting up Senpai (Enstars)
83 kudos: Your Darling (Darlifra [E]
81 kudos: Summer Triangle (Enstars)
71 kudos: Cinnamon Spice (Darlifra)
67 kudos: Freedom within Dependence (Enstars) [E]
4. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
i used to not respond, but i don't think there was a reason? i do now though. i value all comments so so so much and have to express it somehow!!!
5. What’s the fic you’ve written with the angstiest ending?
i'm pretty sure it's one of the twewy ones? i remember Paradise (TWEWY OCs) and/or No Last Words (TWEWY + DMMD) were really sad but i remember next to nothing about anything i wrote before i was in the enstars fandom in 2019 lmao. so no promises on those.
i am Horrible with writing sad endings these days, so i generally end up not writing them anymore RIP. i apologize bc it's hard to even read them without having the urge to make a happily-ever-after in my head OTL
6. What’s the fic you’ve written with the happiest ending?
oh hands-down Setting up Senpai -> Summer Triangle. those two together were a reimugi origin story that i have heard from multiple different people they based their understanding of the ship on. it's unfortunate bc i did not know how to write rei at all so i'm still hesitant to reread it.
however, that's where you can first find my habit of ship or character manifestos begin.
7. Do you write crossovers?
not really? i think about them a lot, though. like... a lot.
i'm more of an RPer at heart, so most of my crossovers are through RP. shout-out to the dreamwidth RP where i wrote byakuran having a deep conversation with an azula where they talked about being 'monsters.' it was Fascinating.
8. Have you ever received hate on a fic?
i don't think so? it was definitely just on RP. i have heard so many tales of "mary sues" and fem OCs getting hate though.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
yes....... mostly ends up consensual stuff but with really wild kinks or situations. you can ask but no promises lmao
10. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
no, but i have had some of my OC art / lowkey designs stolen? which is honestly flattering to me idk. probably bc i thrive off of having my creative stuff seen and enjoyed. (i don't get all that many comments in general so idk.)
11. Have you ever had a fic translated?
i think one of the darlifra ones was?
12. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
yes, an enstars one that i consistently forget about for some reason?
13. What’s your all-time favorite ship?
... :') i'll get back to you on this one. (what are decisions?)
14. What’s a WIP that you want to finish but don’t think you ever will?
Lost at the Crossroad. another manifesto of why reikei is not always as light-hearted as i think it seems.
i can't bring myself to finish it for a ton of reasons... namely that it ended up my first NOTP in forever as i was writing it...
15. What are your writing strengths?
dialogue and flow according to others. plot according to me.
16. What are your writing weaknesses?
motivation. if i don't throw progress at cheerleaders and get encouragement i struggle to maintain interest in writing much of anything.
that's also why i did a lot of gift fic, but one of them... went over very poorly last year, so i'm not super sure if i want to go back to doing that.
17. What are your thoughts on writing dialogue in other languages in a fic?
i... don't have the opportunity to and i'm OK with that. formally knowing JP may or may not be very useful on ao3. i wouldn't know. maybe romaji?
18. What was the first fandom you wrote for?
hmmm. naruto OCs, i think? back in 2005 when i was a tiny beginner in fandom.
19. What’s a fandom/ship you haven’t written for yet but want to?
most of my all100 agenda LOL. tsuna and spanner come to mind but i have no faith i'd be able to write tsuna so. it also doesn't help that i usually like having my hand held when writing new characters i'm not familiar with.
20. What’s your favorite fic you’ve written?
well. if On Cloud Nine existed anywhere but wattpad, i'm still passionate about that one. i literally have a whole almost 20 chapter plan for it and... i feel like continuing someday, but maybe after darlifra gets a new season lol.
Bonus facts for no reason!
i have to imagine my own validation for the most part and generally have no idea what anyone thinks, ever... i'm trying my best to combat the resulting social anxiety, but it's hard. think of it like being seen without knowing why people are looking in the first place. positive, neutral, negative? if i don't know anything, it scares me.
(having a queue helps a lot because i don't have to look at all and there are things being posted anyway.)
rest assured that every single reply, comment, tag, reblog and/or like means the world. if i am shown somehow that someone enjoys a thing i made, i will Thrive for like. a week. it's just weird if i send 'thank you for the like/reblog!' but i definitely think that.
in any case? y'all are so appreciated. thank u for following me and liking whatever brain rot i have on any given day. 🙏💝💖💞 please accept my love. YOU'RE THE BEST
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shanamahtopoeia · 6 months
Editing Origins Soundsets Without the Toolset
Tools needed: xoreos tools GDApp pyGFF Talktable xmls Any text editor (Notepad++ works nicely)
Without the toolset, you can't create new soundsets, but you can tweak the vanilla ones a bit. Removing unwanted lines and/or duplicating preferred lines is perfectly do-able.
First step is to find the soundset you want to mess with. All can be found in designerdialogs.erf, of which there are several versions.
Origins: C:\Program Files (x86)\Dragon Age\packages\core\data\ (PC and some NPCs) C:\Program Files (x86)\Dragon Age\modules\single player\data\ (other NPCs) Awakening: C:\Program Files (x86)\Dragon Age\packages\core_ep1\data\ (Architect & Mother) C:\Program Files (x86)\Dragon Age\addins\dao_prc_ep_1\module\data\ (all others) For other DLCs, soundsets can be found in the respective addins\***\module\data\designerdialogs.erf, but they are encrypted. If you have a Steam installation, the location will probably be different.
Export the sse_ss****.gda & sst_ss****.gda files using pyGFF.
Unfortunately, these GDAs are an older format, and cannot be opened by GDApp, so we'll need to use xoreos tools instead, specifically convert2da.exe. Put your GDAs in the same folder as the xoreos tools, and open a command \ Powershell window there. In Windows 10+, this is easily done by holding Shift and right-clicking in Windows Explorer.
If you plan on changing the number or distribution of lines in the soundset (by deleting, moving, or duplicating lines), you'll need to convert both. If the number of lines for each entry type will stay the same, you only need to deal with the sse_ss***.gda.
Use the command line to convert the GDA(s) into text files, for instance:
convert2da --output sse_ss_pc_fdwarf_violent.txt sse_ss_pc_fdwarf_violent.gda
The gda text files will look like this:
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Now we need to get these into new GDAs, making changes along the way. The first column is unneeded, as is the "2DA V2.0" line.
Put GDApp into 'Designer' mode, and set the column count to 2. For sse***.gda files, the headers will be 'ID' and 'StrID'. For sst***.gda files the headers will be 'ID' and 'Count'. The second row is the data type, and it will be 'int' for both columns of each GDA.
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Switch GDApp back to 'Editor' mode. Unfortunately, you can't simply copy/paste from text files into GDApp. You'll need to either input both columns by hand, or use Excel's 'text to column' function to get a table, and then copy/paste that into GDApp. (there are probably other programs that can also turn a text file into a table, but Excel's what I have)
Whichever method you use, you should end up with these:
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Now, you may be wondering what all these numbers mean. For the sse**.gda, the ID refers to the type series, while StrID is the string ID for the line.
A "type series" is all the lines of a particular type. The first digit(s) are the line type. These correlate to the entries in ss_types.gda (which you don't need to touch, thankfully). I'll list them here for easy access: 1  -  SS_COMBAT_ATTACK 2  -  SS_COMBAT_BATTLE_CRY 3  -  SS_COMBAT_STAMINA_LOW 4  -  SS_MANA_LOW 5  -  SS_COMBAT_HEAL_ME 6  -  SS_EXPLORE_HEAL_ME 7  -  SS_SCRIPTED_HELP 8  -  SS_EXPLORE_ENEMIES_SIGHTED_UNDEAD 9  -  SS_EXPLORE_ENEMIES_SIGHTED_DARKSPAWN 10  -  SS_EXPLORE_ENEMIES_SIGHTED_DRAGON 11  -  SS_EXPLORE_ENEMIES_SIGHTED_ANIMAL 12  -  SS_EXPLORE_ENEMIES_SIGHTED_BEAST 13  -  SS_EXPLORE_ENEMIES_SIGHTED_OTHER 14  -  SS_COMBAT_TAUNT 15  -  SS_COMBAT_ATTACK_GRUNT 16  -  SS_COMBAT_PAIN_GRUNT 17  -  SS_COMBAT_NEAR_DEATH 18  -  SS_COMBAT_DEATH 19  -  **SS_POISONED (unused) 20  -  SS_SPELL_FAILED 21  -  SS_COMBAT_ENEMY_KILLED 22  -  SS_COMBAT_MONSTER_SLEW_PARTY_MEMBER 23  -  SS_COMBAT_CHEER_PARTY 24  -  SS_COMBAT_WEAPON_INEFFECTIVE 25  -  SS_EXPLORE_TRAP_DETECTED 26  -  SS_EXPLORE_LOOK_HERE 27  -  **SS_EXPLORE_MOVE_OVER (unused) 28  -  SS_EXPLORE_START_TASK 29  -  SS_EXPLORE_STEALTH 30  -  SS_CANNOT_DO 31  -  SS_TASK_COMPLETE 32  -  SS_COMBAT_SELECT_NEUTRAL 33  -  **SS_COMBAT_SELECT_FRIENDLY (cut) 34  -  **SS_COMBAT_SELECT_HATE (cut) 35  -  **SS_COMBAT_SELECT_LOVE (cut) 36  -  SS_EXPLORE_SELECT_NEUTRAL 37  -  SS_EXPLORE_SELECT_FRIENDLY 38  -  SS_EXPLORE_SELECT_HATE 39  -  SS_EXPLORE_SELECT_LOVE 40  -  **SS_ARMOR_IMPROVEMENT (cut) 41  -  **SS_WEAPON_IMPROVEMENT (cut) 42  -  SS_GIFT_NEUTRAL 43  -  SS_GIFT_NEGATIVE 44  -  SS_GIFT_POSITIVE 45  -  SS_GIFT_ECSTATIC 46  -  SS_HELLO 47  -  SS_YES 48  -  SS_NO 49  -  SS_STOP 50  -  SS_BORED 51  -  SS_GOODBYE 52  -  SS_THANK_YOU 53  -  SS_LAUGH 54  -  SS_CUSS 55  -  SS_CHEER 56  -  SS_SOMETHING_TO_SAY 57  -  SS_GOOD_IDEA 58  -  SS_BAD_IDEA 59  -  SS_THREATEN 60  -  SS_BERSERK 61  -  SS_WARCRY 62  -  **SS_CAUGHT_STEALING (unmapped for most soundsets and unused) 63  -  **SS_NO_WEAPON (unused) 64  -  **SS_ORDER_RECIEVED (unmapped for most soundsets and unused) 65  -  **SS_EXPLORE_ENEMIES_SIGHTED_DEMON (unmapped for most soundsets) 66  -  SS_SKILL_FAILURE So, in the example above, entries 100-109 are the string references for the 10 combat attack barks.
In the sst**.gda, each ID refers to an entry type, and the count is how many lines there are of that type. This is so that the game can correctly calculate the odds of each line being played.
If you find ID #1 in the example GDA, you'll see it has a count of 10. (IDK why the ID#s are randomized, but all soundsets have the same order, so I don't mess with that)
Now to find the line to change. For this example, I'll be removing the infamous "Can I get you a ladder? So you can get off my back?". You'll need the talktable xmls now. Most soundset lines will be found in the core/single player core_en-us.xml. Doing a search for "can I get you a ladder" brings up 6 hits, one for each of the 'violent' soundsets. By context, I'm guessing that's one of the "SS_EXPLORE_START_TASK" lines, so I'll cross-reference with the StrIDs in the 28** series, and see if one matches up.
Sure enough, it's ID# 2804, StrID 344284. You can either replace the StrID with another StrID from the same soundset (giving that line a doubled chance of being said), or delete it entirely. (each soundset is a separate audio file, and lines can't be mixed and matched with other soundsets or dialogs, unfortunately)
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For the purposes of this tutorial, I'm going to delete it entirely.
I've deleted the offending row on the sse**.gda, so now I need to adjust the sst**.gda accordingly, by finding ID# 28, and reducing the 'Count' by 1.
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Save both GDAs, and put them in your override. (I have accidently misnamed them in my pics, make sure you don't make the same mistake!)
Now you'll never have to hear about ladders ever again. :D
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Black Memorial Chair Covering - 9 Verses available
It is never easy losing a loved one, you will always have memories of them that make you smile.  Remembering your lost loved one on your wedding day and/or any milestone event can be challenging on how to honor their memory.  Granny & Grandpa’s Custom Creations offers an absolute uniqueness and beautiful way to have your loved one very much a part of your event.   
We offer a Memorial Keepsake for your Loved Ones, a Memorial Chair Covering.   We offer an array of peaceful messages that cover either the front or the back of the chair covering along with In Loving Memory, In Remembrance, or Reserved on the other side of the chair covering.   There is an option of personalizing the Memorial Chair Covering(s).  
PLEASE READ PRIOR TO ORDERING: When ordering this Memorial Chair Covering, this is a BLACK chair covering for a folding chair ONLY. The variants for ordering THIS Chair Covering are: FRONT REQUEST, BACK REQUEST, VERSE, COLOR OF WRITING. Should you have any questions prior to ordering, please reach out to us at [email protected]. If you need a banquet chair covering, please reach out to us.
We offer array of peaceful messages that cover either the front of the back of the covering and with Reserved or In Remembrance with the option of the wording in the front or the back of the covering.
One Chair Covering, top quality polyester material will not only spruce your Party but is sturdy and durable. With such a high standard material that can withstand any heavy-duty events and extensive reuse. Our designed polyester chair covers are an ideal choice to enhance the elegance of your special event with the memory of your loved one.
Fits standard folding style chairs. Will not fit banquet style chairs. All sizes are approximate measurements. Top to Bottom Height 34”. Chair back 18” height x 21” width. Chair Seat 16” length x 19” Width. Chair legs from the ground 18” height. Thickness is 150 GSM. All sizes are approximate measurements. Due to different light settings the actual color might vary a bit from the pictures.
This is a unique and beautiful way to have your loved one very much a part of your milestone event! 
Verses (can be placed on the front and/or back of chair covering):
1) I'm In Heaven for YOUR Wedding so what shall I do? I'll come down to Earth to spend it with you. So Save me a seat just one empty chair. You may not see me, but I am here. (can be placed on the front or the back of the chair covering).
2) In loving memory of those watching today from Heaven (can be placed on the front or the back of the chair covering)
3) Mom, Your life was a blessing, your memory a treasure. You are loved beyond words and missed beyond measure.
4). You May Not Be By My side Anymore, But I am Still Walking Through This Life With You. You’re In My Heart With Every Single Step I Take
5).  We think about you always, we talk about you still.   You have never been forgotten and you never will.  We hold you close within our hearts and there you will remain, to walk and guide us through our lives until we meet again. 
6).  Those we love don’t go away, they walk besides us every day.  Unseen, unheard, but always near.  Still loved, still missed and very dear.  
7).  On this special day, our thoughts are with the loved one’s who could not be with us.  We feel your presence in our hearts.
8).  Forever in our thoughts, you have never gone away.  We wish you could be here to share our special day. 
9).  Your presence is in our hearts, as we say, “I Do”.  We proudly say our vows in loving memory of you.  
You are able to personalize the chair covering with the date and name of your loved one. Reach out to us at [email protected]
How to Care: Warm water wash, DO NOT bleach, low temp dry. This item can be reused again and again.
It is never easy losing a loved one, you will always have memories of them that make you smile.  Remembering your lost loved one on your wedding day and/or any milestone event can be challenging on how to honor their memory.  Granny & Grandpa’s Custom Creations offers an absolute uniqueness and beautiful way to have your loved one very much a part of your event.   
We offer a Memorial Keepsake for your Loved Ones, a Memorial Chair Covering.   We offer an array of peaceful messages that cover either the front or the back of the chair covering along with In Loving Memory, In Remembrance, or Reserved on the other side of the chair covering.   There is an option of personalizing the Memorial Chair Covering(s).  
PLEASE READ PRIOR TO ORDERING: When ordering this Memorial Chair Covering, this is a BLACK chair covering for a folding chair ONLY. The variants for ordering THIS Chair Covering are: FRONT REQUEST, BACK REQUEST, VERSE, COLOR OF WRITING. Should you have any questions prior to ordering, please reach out to us at [email protected]. If you need a banquet chair covering, please reach out to us.
We offer array of peaceful messages that cover either the front of the back of the covering and with Reserved or In Remembrance with the option of the wording in the front or the back of the covering.
One Chair Covering, top quality polyester material will not only spruce your Party but is sturdy and durable. With such a high standard material that can withstand any heavy-duty events and extensive reuse. Our designed polyester chair covers are an ideal choice to enhance the elegance of your special event with the memory of your loved one.
Fits standard folding style chairs. Will not fit banquet style chairs. All sizes are approximate measurements. Top to Bottom Height 34”. Chair back 18” height x 21” width. Chair Seat 16” length x 19” Width. Chair legs from the ground 18” height. Thickness is 150 GSM. All sizes are approximate measurements. Due to different light settings the actual color might vary a bit from the pictures.
This is a unique and beautiful way to have your loved one very much a part of your milestone event! 
Verses (can be placed on the front and/or back of chair covering):
1) I'm In Heaven for YOUR Wedding so what shall I do? I'll come down to Earth to spend it with you. So Save me a seat just one empty chair. You may not see me, but I am here. (can be placed on the front or the back of the chair covering).
2) In loving memory of those watching today from Heaven (can be placed on the front or the back of the chair covering)
3) Mom, Your life was a blessing, your memory a treasure. You are loved beyond words and missed beyond measure.
4). You May Not Be By My side Anymore, But I am Still Walking Through This Life With You. You’re In My Heart With Every Single Step I Take
5).  We think about you always, we talk about you still.   You have never been forgotten and you never will.  We hold you close within our hearts and there you will remain, to walk and guide us through our lives until we meet again. 
6).  Those we love don’t go away, they walk besides us every day.  Unseen, unheard, but always near.  Still loved, still missed and very dear.  
7).  On this special day, our thoughts are with the loved one’s who could not be with us.  We feel your presence in our hearts.
8).  Forever in our thoughts, you have never gone away.  We wish you could be here to share our special day. 
9).  Your presence is in our hearts, as we say, “I Do”.  We proudly say our vows in loving memory of you.  
You are able to personalize the chair covering with the date and name of your loved one. Reach out to us at [email protected]
How to Care: Warm water wash, DO NOT bleach, low temp dry. This item can be reused again and again.
0 notes
0, 2, 6, 8, 9, 10, 11, 16, 19, 22, 26, 29, 36, 44!!! for the ask game!!
so basically all of them lol,
0: Height. 170 something centimetres. im actually not 100% sure.
2: Shoe size. US womens 7
6: Age you get mistaken for. like somewhere between 18 and 20. and people at resturants always try to serve me alcohol and then im like "hey buddy im a child" and theyre like "WHAT". one time someone thought me and my mum were sisters and im like no dude shes like 40 something and im her teenage daughter, we r not the same.
8: Want any tattoos? hell yeah (dont tell my parents or irl friends who are on here lol) one day i will get a bunch of tattoos and dissapoint my mother. possibly. (<- is deathly afraid of needles) (<- has never tried getting a tattoo but probably will not be able to sit still long enough while getting tattooed without throwing up) (we shall see tho cause needles in different settings are different levels of scary, sewing is fine and as you will see i have multiple piercings). Anyway, I want angel wings on my back i think that'd be pretty epic - and like a proper biblically accurate angel with 6 of them, and obviously i want the triforce on my hand, i want a six leaf clover somewhere, and "art is the weapon"(cause i think the statement is cool and meaningful not just cause mcr said it, although danger days is one of my favourite albums of all time), and a goldfish, and probably a venus flytrap, and a bunch of other random stuff. probably the lyric that's in the bio of this blog. but not tooooo many i dont want them all over, they need space to breathe and not look all squished up (<- studies art and appreciates the importance of composition and framing).
9: Got any piercings? I have a few. (<- guy who has 7 holes stabbed in his ears) (although the regular lobe piercings should really be counted in pairs as one piercing each) (which would make 5) only on my ears tho. I've got normal ear lobe piercings, and then second ear lobe piercings and ive got 2 helix piercings on one side and 1 on the other.
10: Want any piercings? Yes ehe. i will get more (: One day im gonna get an eyebrow piercing, and possibly a lip piercing. but right now my father will not let me ):
11: Best friend? this is a rlly hard question i have like 3 best friends. I dont really do one individual person bff i just have a few close friends
16: I’ll love you if… you talk to me about any of my interests
19: A fact about your personality. I talk a looooott
22: What I want to be when I get older. aaaaa i never know. (<- is very much in their "what will i do with my life" existential crisis era) I wanna do art but idk how to get a job in that and i really hate graphic design. id like to be a botanist plant science is cool. tbh i wanna like run a random really niche shop that sells something I like. or i wanna be in a band or actually get paid to just do my art, but that doesnt count as real career aspirations.
26: My biggest pet peeves. when people leave powerpoints switched on when theres nothing plugged in.
29: A reason I’ve lied to a friend. really boring but i lied to my friend about who i do/dont actually have a crush on. no one will ever know (except the one friend who does know)
44: A random fact about anything. Fancy goldfish have an average lifespan of 10-15 years, which is actually longer than a domestic cat.
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wolint · 1 year
Exodus 23:19
The first fruit first appeared in our base text and occurs fifty times, generally used for the beginning of something and the chief among things. In its literal sense, it refers to the first harvest, the increase or profit that is to be given as an offering to God.
God called his people to bring the first yield—the first fruits—from their harvest to him as an offering.
An offering is any sacred gift given to the Lord, our first fruit is, therefore, anything that is the beginning of the first in our financial, material, and physical harvest; be it our first salary or the first increase in anything. The first fruit from a new job, the first salary of the new year, and the first increase from an old job, business or the difference.
When we remember that it is God who gives us the power for whatever we have according to Deuteronomy 8:18, we will learn to honour Him with our substance according to Proverbs 8:9-10. As gratitude offerings, it would be well to give a portion of the produce of every article by which we get our support to the poor, the representatives of Christ and invariably to God.
Your first fruit might be done either in kind or by the worth of money. Whatever God sends us in the way of secular prosperity, has a portion always for the poor, and God. When that portion is appropriately disposed, the rest is sanctified; but when it is withheld, God's curse is upon the whole.
The most significant aspect of the first fruit offering was the reason behind it: it was designed to acknowledge and thank God for providing the Israelites with the land flowing with milk and honey after their years of captivity in Egypt.
First fruits offering is mentioned seven times in the New Testament, but only symbolically. Paul calls Epaenetus and the household of Stephanas “the first fruits of Achaia” in Romans 16:5 and 1 Corinthians 16:15, meaning that, as the first fruits offering was the first portion of a larger harvest, these people were the first of many converts in that region. James calls believers “a kind of first fruits of His creatures” in James 1:18. Just like the sheaf of grain was set apart for the Lord, so are believers set apart for God’s glory.
We may look at the sum of our first fruit and panic over how we’ll pay our bills and feed, but God says as He did regarding the tithe in Malachi 3:9-11, to test Him, when we release what’s in your hand by God’s leading, He’ll bless and multiply it.
In addition to the financial increase and multiplication of our seed, giving our first fruit: establishes us in righteousness.
Gives us a better payback for our investment, better than any circular financial investment and we get the best from God when we give Him our first and best.
2 Corinthians 9:6-10, says no one should expect to reap but in proportion as has been sowed. If the sowing be liberal, and the seed good, the crop shall be so too.
Romans 11:13-16 says if the first fruit is holy, then the lump is also made holy, which means what we do in terms of our first fruit determines what happens to the rest, but God ensures that we have the lump and enjoy it.
Your first fruit is a tag for a blessing, favour, and supernatural provision.
The first fruit offering is never directly applied to Christian giving in the New Testament. Paul taught the Corinthian believers to set aside a collection “on the first day of the week” in 1 Corinthians 16:2. And, just as the offering of first fruits was an occasion of thanksgiving, so too should our giving be with gladness but cheerfully and liberally according to 2 Corinthians 9:6-7.
PRAYER: Gracious and generous God, I thank you for your loving kindness and unfailing provisions, may I always bring you a cheerful offering of gratitude in Jesus’ name. Amen.
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noahlepperart · 2 years
Virtual Sketchbook 1:
1. Judy Chicago 1974-1979 The Dinner Party. Mixed media: ceramic, porcelain and
textile; 48“ x 42” x 3'.
This piece of artwork is widely regarded as the first epic feminist artwork.
The triangular table measures 48 feet on each side.
This piece of artwork toured 16 venues across six countries and is estimated that the viewing audience was around 15 million people.
There are 39 place setting on the table and each one represents mythical / historical famous women.
Judy changed her last name to Chicago to identify herself as an independent women and the other reason was she had a very distinct Chicago accent.
The way I thought about the art totally changed after learning some facts about the artwork and artist. At the beginning, I was really confused what this piece was about and what I should be taking away from it. Now that I know each place setting on the table represents an important historical women, it made me realize how much thought and planning went into this piece of artwork. It makes sense that it took Judy five years to create this piece because of how intricate the idea and design of this piece was. I see each of the place settings different now and appreciate how much dedication Judy had to this piece of artwork.
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The media used for this painting would be a canvas and paint, I am unsure what kind of paint was used. This painting adds character to the room and fills up wall space. I think this is a very beautiful painting. I think it is beautiful because of how it feels like two emotions are clashing together.
I am 18 years old. I am a male. I am originally from Fort Wayne, Indiana. I am Caucasian. I really enjoy going to the beach and playing basketball. I am not a member of an organized group. I am currently unemployed. I have zero patience and I am working at improving this skill.
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Bite and Sting tile blanks! The dried clay makes the most satisfy click-clack sounds when you tap the tiles on a hard surface (including each other!) and I’m so pleased. Sooo worth the effort of making actual tiles and not just cutting out cards.
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snowdice · 3 years
Little Kestrel (Part 37) [Birds of Different Feathers Series]
Fandom: Sanders Sides
Relationships: Logan & Patton & Virgil (future Virgil/Patton but not in this story)
Main: Logan, Patton, Virgil
Appear: Thomas
Mentioned: Janus
It was supposed to be a quick job either way. Either Virgil would assassinate King Thomas of Prijaznia or he’d be caught and get executed. Yet, when Virgil gets the wrong bedroom and gets caught by Prince Logan and his future royal advisor, Patton, the job ends up getting way more complicated for the 14-year-old. He also ends up sleeping in a (actually pretty comfortable) closet for a few weeks…
Notes: Implied/referenced child abuse, assassination attempt, knives, torture mentioned, captivity, teenagers being really dumb, sexual coercion of minors implied, a minor offering sexual favors
This is a prequel to Kill Dear. I wrote it 100 words at a time on my blog, but this is the edited version. If you want to see how it was crafted (and possibly some future content), look at the tag proofread stories.
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Part 8 Part 9 Part 10 Part 11 Part 12 Part 13 Part 14 Part 15 Part 16 Part 17 Part 18 Part 19 Part 20 Part 21 Part 22 Part 23 Part 24 Part 25 Part 26 Part 27 Part 28 Part 29 Part 30 Part 31 Part 32 Part 33 Part 34 Part 35 Part 36
Virgil had not spent much time out of Logan’s room. What little time he had spent outside of it was either with Patton and/or Logan or tucked away in secret corridors he found in the walls where no one would stumble upon him. Yet, here he was willingly in a, well, not public by any means place, but one that was still more exposed than he was used to being in. Somehow, he was managing to not care at all.
It was helped by the fact that both Logan and Patton had been in the room at the start, but they had gone off to go… somewhere. Food sounded like it might have been the reason. He liked food, and usually he would have been all for going to get some, but between them promising to bring him back some and the fact that he was never going to move ever again, he’d decided to stay.
Princess Marisol seemed to be the only other rational being in the whole castle because she had also not moved since discovering the contents of this room. She was currently laying on his chest purring happily.
The fireplace was a wonderful invention. Now, Virgil had, of course, warmed up by a fire before when it was cold, but this was much different. There was a grate that blocked off the fire a bit keeping it from burning the person in front of it and there was a plush rug right by it, perfect for laying down on. Someone had known what they were doing when designing this room.
He didn’t even care that the king had access to this sitting room as well as Logan.
Okay, so he did care a little bit, but he was ignoring that. He was probably busy this time of day anyway, right?
He really didn’t want to run into him after being caught watching the castle workers set up the bigger fireplaces. Kings probably didn’t like people sneaking around watching things from the shadows even when they didn’t know that the person sneaking around was literally sent to kill them.
Princess Marisol must have had a sixth sense for his anxieties (or he’d just started breathing faster and disturbed her) because she stirred a bit. She started up a calming purr as she moved to gently kneed his chest. “That sort of hurts,” he noted idly as she dug her little paws into his sternum. She responded by purring more. He moved his arm to scratch behind her ear.
Virgil still was feeling a little bit anxious about the fact that he was out in the open, though he very much did not want to leave the room with the nice fire, and Patton and Logan would be back soon anyway. He should find some way to distract himself, and, well, the best way to distract himself was to investigate his environment, and it had the added benefit of making him feel safer.
He carefully turned to his side to gently deposit Princess Marisol on the rug. She gave an insulted ‘mew,’ but quickly forgot her ire to sprawl across the ground with her belly to the fireplace. Virgil got to his feet and eyed the room as a whole.
It was fancy, to be sure, but a lot more homely than he’d expect a room in the royal wing to be. Logan’s bedroom was much more extravagant than this. It was closer to what he’d expect in the home of a financially stable, but not well-off family’s home both in contents and décor.
There was a nice, but older looking couch that was probably older than Logan, perhaps even older than the king. It was huge though and comfy looking. It had two chairs that weren’t quite matching but were close enough and a table in front of it that had slightly chipped wood. A seemingly random set of pillows was on it, none quite matching the rest, but all sort of earthy browns and greens. There were bookshelves stuffed with books of all different shapes and sizes, and a giant painting of a turkey of all things over the fireplace. The fireplace itself was probably the fanciest thing in the room.
Most of the fireplace was made out of bricks, though it had a wooden outline a good distance from the fire, and there was an ornate iron grate in front of it with pretty little leaf designs. On top of the mantle were little figurines that grabbed Virgil’s attention. They were small little pieces of wood that had been carved into animals. Some were painted and some left the wood to be exposed. There were a good number of horses, but there were also things like rabbits and birds. There was even a few creatures Virgil did not recognize himself. They ranged in size from only about as big as his thumb to as big as his hand.
He leaned closer to take a better look at them, careful to keep his legs away from the hot iron grate, though he could still feel the intense heat from how close he was. He did not dare touch them. The room may seem like it did not belong in a castle, but it still was in one, and who knows how expensive or important the little figures were.
He settled his chin on the edge of the mantel, getting as close to the decorations as he dared, his eyes locked on a little robin that had been painted orange and grey with a bright yellow beak and eyes that almost looked alive.
He spent a good minute staring at the wooden creature, before finally drawing back.
“They’re nice, aren’t they?” a voice asked, and Virgil just about jumped onto the ceiling, but there weren’t any good footholds, and the ceiling wasn’t very high besides and wouldn’t give much cover. “And that is why I waited until you stepped back,” the same voice said and perhaps it sounded a bit amused, but Virgil was not focusing on that.
“S-sorry,” he stuttered, cringing back. Why did he always have to be screwing something up when the king came upon him. Why did the universe hate him?
“Oh, it’s okay,” the king said. He was still by the door, having only paused outside of the room instead of coming in. “You weren’t doing anything wrong.”
He certainly had been doing something wrong even if he was allowed to get that close to little things that seemed so fragile (which he almost definitely wasn’t) or be in one of the royal rooms without Patton or Logan in sight. Virgil had come here to kill this man even if he didn’t know it. He was an assassin in one of the private royal chambers. If the king had any idea, Virgil would be dead
He made as though to take a step into the room, but he paused when he saw Virgil take a step back and grimaced. “I’ll, uh, just be going,” he said. “You can stay. You can look at the figurines all you want.”
Virgil looked at the man’s feet and didn’t say anything. He hoped he didn’t take that as an insult.
“Okay,” the king said. “Goodbye.”
He walked off then, likely to his own private room. When the footsteps faded, Virgil bent down to pick up Princess Marisol, who meowed her complaints at being pulled from the fire. He snuck quietly back into Logan’s room.
Logan and Patton found him in the closet 10 minutes later.
Want to read more? Click below!
Part 38 Part 39 Part 40 Part 41
Birds of Different Feathers Master Post
My Masterpost
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Memorial Ivory Chair Covering
It is never easy losing a loved one, you will always have memories of them that make you smile.  Remembering your lost loved one on your wedding day and/or any milestone event can be challenging on how to honor their memory.  Granny & Grandpa’s Custom Creations offers an absolute uniqueness and beautiful way to have your loved one very much a part of your event.   
We offer a Memorial Keepsake for your Loved Ones, a Memorial Chair Covering.   We offer an array of peaceful messages that cover either the front or the back of the chair covering along with In Loving Memory, In Remembrance, or Reserved on the other side of the chair covering.   There is an option of personalizing the Memorial Chair Covering(s).  
PLEASE READ PRIOR TO ORDERING: When ordering this Memorial Chair Covering, this is a IVORY chair covering for a folding chair ONLY. The variants for ordering THIS Chair Covering are: FRONT REQUEST, BACK REQUEST, VERSE, COLOR OF WRITING. Should you have any questions prior to ordering, please reach out to us at [email protected]. If you need a banquet chair covering, please reach out to us.
We offer array of peaceful messages that cover either the front of the back of the covering and with Reserved or In Remembrance with the option of the wording in the front or the back of the covering.
One Chair Covering, top quality polyester material will not only spruce your Party but is sturdy and durable. With such a high standard material that can withstand any heavy-duty events and extensive reuse. Our designed polyester chair covers are an ideal choice to enhance the elegance of your special event with the memory of your loved one.
Fits standard folding style chairs. Will not fit banquet style chairs. All sizes are approximate measurements. Top to Bottom Height 34”. Chair back 18” height x 21” width. Chair Seat 16” length x 19” Width. Chair legs from the ground 18” height. Thickness is 150 GSM. All sizes are approximate measurements. Due to different light settings the actual color might vary a bit from the pictures.
This is a unique and beautiful way to have your loved one very much a part of your milestone event! 
Verses (can be placed on the front and/or back of chair covering):
1) I'm In Heaven for YOUR Wedding so what shall I do? I'll come down to Earth to spend it with you. So Save me a seat just one empty chair. You may not see me, but I am here. (can be placed on the front or the back of the chair covering).
2) In loving memory of those watching today from Heaven (can be placed on the front or the back of the chair covering)
3) Mom, Your life was a blessing, your memory a treasure. You are loved beyond words and missed beyond measure.
4). You May Not Be By My side Anymore, But I am Still Walking Through This Life With You. You’re In My Heart With Every Single Step I Take
5).  We think about you always, we talk about you still.   You have never been forgotten and you never will.  We hold you close within our hearts and there you will remain, to walk and guide us through our lives until we meet again. 
6).  Those we love don’t go away, they walk besides us every day.  Unseen, unheard, but always near.  Still loved, still missed and very dear.  
7).  On this special day, our thoughts are with the loved one’s who could not be with us.  We feel your presence in our hearts.
8).  Forever in our thoughts, you have never gone away.  We wish you could be here to share our special day. 
9).  Your presence is in our hearts, as we say, “I Do”.  We proudly say our vows in loving memory of you.  
You are able to personalize the chair covering with the date and name of your loved one. Reach out to us at [email protected]
How to Care: Warm water wash, DO NOT bleach, low temp dry. This item can be reused again and again.
It is never easy losing a loved one, you will always have memories of them that make you smile.  Remembering your lost loved one on your wedding day and/or any milestone event can be challenging on how to honor their memory.  Granny & Grandpa’s Custom Creations offers an absolute uniqueness and beautiful way to have your loved one very much a part of your event.   
We offer a Memorial Keepsake for your Loved Ones, a Memorial Chair Covering.   We offer an array of peaceful messages that cover either the front or the back of the chair covering along with In Loving Memory, In Remembrance, or Reserved on the other side of the chair covering.   There is an option of personalizing the Memorial Chair Covering(s).  
PLEASE READ PRIOR TO ORDERING: When ordering this Memorial Chair Covering, this is a IVORY chair covering for a folding chair ONLY. The variants for ordering THIS Chair Covering are: FRONT REQUEST, BACK REQUEST, VERSE, COLOR OF WRITING. Should you have any questions prior to ordering, please reach out to us at [email protected]. If you need a banquet chair covering, please reach out to us.
We offer array of peaceful messages that cover either the front of the back of the covering and with Reserved or In Remembrance with the option of the wording in the front or the back of the covering.
One Chair Covering, top quality polyester material will not only spruce your Party but is sturdy and durable. With such a high standard material that can withstand any heavy-duty events and extensive reuse. Our designed polyester chair covers are an ideal choice to enhance the elegance of your special event with the memory of your loved one.
Fits standard folding style chairs. Will not fit banquet style chairs. All sizes are approximate measurements. Top to Bottom Height 34”. Chair back 18” height x 21” width. Chair Seat 16” length x 19” Width. Chair legs from the ground 18” height. Thickness is 150 GSM. All sizes are approximate measurements. Due to different light settings the actual color might vary a bit from the pictures.
This is a unique and beautiful way to have your loved one very much a part of your milestone event! 
Verses (can be placed on the front and/or back of chair covering):
1) I'm In Heaven for YOUR Wedding so what shall I do? I'll come down to Earth to spend it with you. So Save me a seat just one empty chair. You may not see me, but I am here. (can be placed on the front or the back of the chair covering).
2) In loving memory of those watching today from Heaven (can be placed on the front or the back of the chair covering)
3) Mom, Your life was a blessing, your memory a treasure. You are loved beyond words and missed beyond measure.
4). You May Not Be By My side Anymore, But I am Still Walking Through This Life With You. You’re In My Heart With Every Single Step I Take
5).  We think about you always, we talk about you still.   You have never been forgotten and you never will.  We hold you close within our hearts and there you will remain, to walk and guide us through our lives until we meet again. 
6).  Those we love don’t go away, they walk besides us every day.  Unseen, unheard, but always near.  Still loved, still missed and very dear.  
7).  On this special day, our thoughts are with the loved one’s who could not be with us.  We feel your presence in our hearts.
8).  Forever in our thoughts, you have never gone away.  We wish you could be here to share our special day. 
9).  Your presence is in our hearts, as we say, “I Do”.  We proudly say our vows in loving memory of you.  
You are able to personalize the chair covering with the date and name of your loved one. Reach out to us at [email protected]
How to Care: Warm water wash, DO NOT bleach, low temp dry. This item can be reused again and again.
0 notes
perilpetrol · 3 years
My newest hyper-fixation; creating a home brew dnd campaign based off of the little known rpg gem, kingdoms of Amular: reckoning.
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It makes me unnecessarily angry that this game isn’t more popular. So I’m gonna rant about why it should be.
1. The Reckoning system is the most satisfying and unique combat mechanic in an open work rpg I’ve ever played
2. The combat in general is fluid and fun without being too easy and you can easily become overwhelmed in battle as enemies all have differing attack patterns and can swarm you from any angle, leading to fast, frantic fights that are challenging as well as so cool
3. The leveling and fate card systems are complex and work together to make each character build unique and personalized to your play style. And unlike other rpgs that were more widely acclaimed at the time (*cough* Skyrim *cough*) you are never stuck with any set path and can change your mind at any time in the game
4. The junk items system makes it easy to sort and mass sell any items you have that aren’t useful or are clogging up your inventory.
5. Quests are carried enough that even minor ones never feel like chores or busy work
6. “I’m real, you must be drunk”
“Oh I am”
7. The main villain is voiced by Winey the Pooh
8. Removable helmets
9. The armor and weapon designs are so cool, and the female armor is functional and I love it so much
10. Alyn Shir
11. The game is so pretty and the art style is so good, why would anyone want to look at Skyrim’s brown and grey and white when you can have this!!!
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12. The lore of this game is so rich and interesting that you could write a full blown novel with just the lodestones, journals, and hidden stuff in this game
13. Alyn. Shir.
14. The siege of Mel Senshire is the best quest line I have ever played, I could never forget it, and it still makes me cry
15. Agarth is my dad and I would never let anything happen to him
16. The accents are so bad they somehow loop around and become perfect
17. Who needs dragons when you can become as god?
18. You can join ever faction in the game at once
19. You can betray every faction in the game and they will all try to kill you
20. You can betray the Warsworn and honestly, you really should
22. Alyn. Fucking. Shir.
23. Wolf trapped in a mans body
24. Hi, would you like to hurl disks of flaming metal at your opponents with great speed? Chakrams
25. This man has big himbo energy and I want to hug him
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26. There is not romance but 2 out of the 3 characters you flirt with are girls and that seems pretty gay
27. Everyone else is dressed appropriately for battle except for Alyn Shir and that seems very in character
28. The expansions are 10/10 and you can have wolf pets in one
29. “You will fall before the night of the tuatha!
“Who are you again?”
30. Alyn Shir
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She could murder me and I would thank her
All right that is all
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weaver-z · 4 years
25 writing tips for new or aspiring writers!
I’m incredibly bored today, so I thought I’d share some advice I like to give to young writers who are planning a novel or work of fiction. Check under the cut if you’re curious!
1. If you’re writing a novel, you should really have an outline written before you start. Yes, some authors have written great works without outlining! However, this is an incredibly risky move that often leads to burnout and a directionless, meandering plot. 
2. On that note, don’t feel afraid to alter or break from your original outline if you have a great idea or a new and interesting plot point to incorporate! 
3. Exposition is a delicate balancing act. Avoid info-dumps, but don’t leave your readers completely in the dark. 
4. Well-written imagery is critical to most works of fiction. Your job as a writer is to craft a rich, vibrant world for your characters (and, by extension, the reader) to inhabit. Even mundane or ordinary settings can be described in ways that make them feel immersive.
5. Your characters should be interesting before they are likable. 
6. Internal conflict makes characters interesting. Explore your main character’s inner life and relationships to others. What ties bind them? What forces and people pull them in different directions?
7. Dedicate yourself to a premise. If your plot can’t be described in one or two sentences, make your work more focused. 
8. While worldbuilding is important to many works of fiction (especially fantasy and sci-fi), worldbuilding is not writing. Don’t fall down a rabbit hole of research or setting-building that will burn you out and distract you from your plot and character development.
9. Show your work to your friends and, more importantly, to people willing to beta-read for you. Try to find people who will give you honest and constructive criticism about your writing, and react positively to their feedback.
10. Kill your darlings. Be your own critic. Your work is a labor of love, but it is NOT your baby. Be willing to edit, alter, and outright scrap portions of your work if something isn’t working.
11. Related to points 5 and 6--give your characters a strong philosophy and convictions, then challenge them.
12. Main characters need to fail, and bad things need to happen that are their fault. Your character needs to struggle, to strive, to fall and get up again. This process makes them human.
13. All of your characters should have key traits that differentiate them from each other in their interactions. These can include tics, manners of speaking, vocabulary, habits, and the ways in which they move. This helps your reader to remember key players in your narrative and makes your work FAR more entertaining and easy to read.
14. When describing the physical characteristics of your characters, focus on traits that make them stand out. Describing a character’s hair color and eye color is expected and a decent way to put an image of the character in your reader’s eye. However, describing a character with hands that twitch and tremble as though constantly grasping for a knife will intrigue your readers and make them want to learn more about this person.
15. Diversity is a great thing in fiction! Try to seek the counsel and advice of people in the minority groups you’re representing if you’re not in those groups yourself. Sensitivity readers are great if you’re planning to publish and share work that tackles social issues.
16. Find a place where you can get into a “flow” to write. Different people prefer to write in different environments; find one that suits you.
17. Villains have to do villainous things. A lot of young writers, concerned with making their villains “too problematic,” create designated villains who do little to further the plot and pose no real threat to the protagonist. Yes, this is a real issue I’ve encountered.
18. When writing science fiction or fantasy, find ways to break from the tropes of the genre. Tolkienesque fantasy settings and StarWarsian science fiction settings are extremely common in genre fiction and thus are hard to write well due to their oversaturation. Having said that, if you have a great plot that fits well into a “typical” fantasy or science fiction universe, don’t be afraid to write it!
19. Read the work of great authors, especially the work of authors in genres you want to write. Reading is, to put it in an extremely trite way, exercise for your mind. You will develop as a writer by reading.
20. Accept that you need experience, time, and planning to publish good, high-quality work. Hone your skill in writing before making your debut.
21. Here’s a petty and very specific tip: if you see one of those horrible “50 words to say instead of ‘said’” lists, which often circulate around tumblr, pinterest, and instagram, ignore it. “Said” should cover 90% of your necessary dialogue tags, as it is a word that facilitates the flow of speech rather than halting it. Other words, such as shouted, whispered, called, or hissed are sometimes necessary to indicate volume, but use them sparingly.
22. Don’t obsess over your first draft. Wait until it’s finished to start doing major edits.
23. Ask your friends for ideas and feedback beyond simple criticism. One of my friends helped me massively expand on a specific part of my worldbuilding that is critical to the novel I’m working on.
24. Don’t incorporate romantic relationships into your plotline without reason or for paper-thin reasons (e.g. “it’s expected in this genre” or “I made these two characters sexy”). Critics have a field day with poorly-developed love triangles for good reason.
25. On that note, don’t waste space on anything that is filler or feels like filler. Padding is the bane of many a good novel. Be efficient, and your work’s pacing and readability will drastically improve.
That’s about all I have for now! If anyone wants me to expand on any of these points, I’ll do so in the comments.
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accio-victuuri · 4 years
things I have learned from unofficial BTS videos.
just a thoughts dump to keep things in one place. very random and those that I remember. if you don’t like it then scroll along. everything is under a cut. It’s all CPN.
1. You can create an entire playlist with all the songs they randomly sing together. Mostly GG. Favourite they sang would have to be Avril Lavigne songs and White Windmill.
2. GG will say he is okay to just about anyone then turn back and tell Web if something really hurts.
3. For Web, making GG eat well is a form of profit.
4. Everyone on set is used to there antics, they all just smile at them or ignore whatever it is they’re doing.
5. GG was salty that they didn’t even ask him to eat out, especially when he heard Web drank.
6. GG doesn’t want Web to leave him. When the time Web was back, he was gone and filming joy of life. That’s why Web was extra savage during the 9-min boat video.
7. They have no concept of personal space. What’s yours is mine. Even nasal inhalers.
8. They monitor each other’s calls or texts— to the extent that GG knows Web is texting four people. Or that the other is talking to girls.
9. They have this inside joke about the sword and flute.
10. GG loves to start physical fights with Web but he never wins.
11. Web has this thing that he says he won’t eat if GG refuses to.
12. GG is a koreaboo. You know. Celebrities. They’re just like us.
13. They talk in four different languages that why it’s hard to translate their conversations.
14. One adjective Web loves to use to describe GG is “CUTE”
15. GG offered to design a leather suit for Web.
16. For Web, when he says “fuck you” it could also be heard as love you.
17. GG’s selfie is set as Web’s chat background.
18. GG likes Taro cake.
19. Web sings ddu ddu in the living room so loud that GG can hear it in the shower.
20. The walls on their hotel are thin.
21. GG likes it when Web does not have make up on.
22. For Web, as an idol, it’s usual that you will have makeup on, compared to actors.
23. Web asks GG’s assistant to confirm if gege really ate.
24. Libras flirt really well.
25. Giving food is Web’s love language.
26. It’s not true that Web can’t take care of anyone.
27. GG sees Web and goes - “ is this my bed?”
28. Web sees GG and goes - “ can i put my hands here?”
29. They sang Kepler and Nanhai to each other.
30. GG thinks his sword, suibian is erotic— Web thinks so, saying, “just like you.”
31. GG talked to the director after reading the script, cause he thinks that scenes with WQ in the burial mounds will lead the audience to believe that they are together.
32. GG literally sang “give me a kiss” to Web.
33. Web said their hearts are in sync.
34. Web is so cute, saying GG should not let cold air into his tummy so it will not ache.
35. Wang Yibis has the boyfriend strength ™.
36. GG likes to be princess carried.
37. Web probably searches xnine videos on bilibili.
38. Web thinks GG is sexy.
39. Web thinks GG is SUPER photogenic and that both his left and right face are pretty.
40. they plan on taking a bath together.
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atozearth · 1 year
Top Rocking Chairs of 2023: Expert Picks & Reviews
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There's nothing quite like the soothing rhythm of a rocking chair. Whether you're a new parent trying to lull a baby to sleep, someone seeking relaxation on a porch, or simply in need of a comfortable reading spot, a rocking chair offers unparalleled comfort and a touch of nostalgia. In this review, we delve into the best rocking chairs available in 2023, examining their features, aesthetics, and durability. 1. READY ROCKER Portable Rocking-Chair 2. AVAWING Home Rocking Chair 3. Sweet Home Collection Rocking Chair 4. Ailisforest Rocking Chair 5. Christopher Knight Home Alva Outdoor Acacia Wood Rocking Chair 6. Bonzy Home Velvet Rocking Accent Nursery Chair  7. Sweet Home Collection Rocking Chair  8. Flamaker Rocking Chair Recliner Chair 9. Christopher Knight Home Harvey Mid-Century Modern Fabric Rocking Chair 10. Coaster Home Furnishings CO 11. WILLIAMSPACE Rocking Chair 12. Devoko 3 Piece Rocking Bistro Set Wicker Patio Outdoor Furniture Porch Chairs 13.SUNCROWN 3 Piece Outdoor Rocking Bistro Set Black Wicker Furniture Porch Chairs  14.Cambridge Casual Bentley Outdoor Porch Rocking Chair 15.Shine Company Inc. 4332WT Vermont Porch Rocker, White 16.LUE BONA Outdoor Rocking Chairs  17.FURNDOOR Outdoor Wood Rocking Chair Wagon  18.Tangkula Acacia Wood Porch Rocking Chair Set 19.MUPATER Outdoor Rocking Chair  20.Outsunny Outdoor Rocking Chair A rocking chair, an emblem of leisurely relaxation and age-old comfort, combines functionality with artistry. Characterized by its two curved bands, also known as rockers, this chair's design allows the occupant to rock back and forth with ease. Often crafted from durable wood or upholstered for added cushioning, the rocking chair has transcended time, with early iterations dating back centuries. Ideal for serene moments, like reading by the fireside or calming a restless child, its gentle motion offers therapeutic relief to its users. Whether placed in a cozy corner of a living room or on a breezy porch overlooking nature, the rocking chair embodies a sense of home and tranquillity. Frequently Asked Questions about Rocking Chairs 1. What are the benefits of using a rocking chair? Rocking chairs offer numerous benefits including aiding relaxation, relieving stress, and in some cases, helping with lower back pain. For new mothers, it can also aid in soothing a crying baby. 2. Is it safe for pregnant women to use a rocking chair? Yes, many pregnant women find rocking chairs comfortable, especially during the latter stages of pregnancy. However, it's always best to consult with a healthcare professional about any concerns. 3. What materials are commonly used to make rocking chairs? Rocking chairs can be made from a variety of materials including hardwoods like oak or teak, metal, plastic, and wicker. They can also be upholstered for added comfort. 4. Can I use my rocking chair outdoors? While some rocking chairs are designed specifically for outdoor use with weather-resistant materials, not all are suitable for this purpose. Always check the manufacturer's recommendations before placing your chair outside. 5. How do I maintain my wooden rocking chair? For wooden rocking chairs, it's advisable to periodically clean them with a soft cloth and mild soap. Avoid excessive moisture. To maintain the wood's luster, consider applying a wood conditioner or polish annually. 6. Are there weight limits for rocking chairs? Yes, different rocking chairs have varying weight capacities. Always check the manufacturer's guidelines to ensure safety and longevity of the chair. 7. Can I assemble a rocking chair on my own? Most rocking chairs come with assembly instructions and can be set up with basic tools. However, if you're not comfortable assembling it yourself, consider seeking help. 8. Are rocking chairs safe for children? While children might enjoy the motion of a rocking chair, they should always be supervised when using one to avoid accidents, such as pinched fingers. 9. How do I choose the right size rocking chair for my space? Measure the space where you intend to place the rocking chair, ensuring there's enough room for the chair to rock without obstruction. Check the chair's dimensions before purchasing. 10. Do rocking chairs come with warranties? Many manufacturers offer warranties on their products. It's advisable to check the warranty details before purchasing to understand what's covered. Conclusion The world of rocking chairs is vast and varied. From the classic to the contemporary, from the plush to the eco-friendly, there's a rocking chair for every preference and purpose. While our top picks are based on a mix of style, comfort, and durability, the best chair is one that suits your personal needs and aesthetic. So rock on and find your perfect match! Read the full article
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ayuuria · 4 years
Yashahime Translation: Animage Magazine March 2021 Issue
Please do not repost this translation without my consent! This includes screenshots of any type and amount. If you wish to share this translation, simply link to this post.
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The Two Beast Kings
At his daughters’ crisis, Sesshōmaru makes his satisfied appearance! It appears he has some kind of connection with Kirinmaru but their intentions are still unclear. In what way will the two beast kings be involved in the fate of the Yashahimes?
While chasing Tōtetsu who is the last of the Four Perils, Towa, Setsuna, and Moroha finally confront Kirinmaru. The three of them are overwhelmed by Kirinmaru’s immense power. Saving the girls from a desperate situation was none other Sesshōmaru. The impact of the clash between the two great demons shook the earth and was put to an end in a moment. While Towa and others are left pondering what the relationship between Sesshōmaru and Kirinmaru is, they somehow managed to survive the fierce battle.
The spirit of the Tree of Ages considers Kirinmaru’s existence as one that should be killed. However, looking at his actions, they do not seem to be simply “evil”. Kirinmaru intended to defeat Towa, Setsuna, and Moroha as they were “the half-demons who would take his head”. However, he could’ve buried the three with one strike of his overwhelming strength. It appeared as though he was not taking the battle seriously in episode 18.
On the other end, although Sesshōmaru saved the girls from a crisis, it looked as though he was not truly hostile towards Kirinmaru. The meaning behind Kirinmaru’s words to Sesshōmaru “I will still have you work for me” puts a weight on one’s mind.
The relationship of the two beast kings who bare many mysteries. It might be a little longer before the full picture behind their motives becomes visible.
Character Bios
Sesshōmaru A proud, ruthless greater demon whose father is the Dog General. Towa and Setsuna’s father. (A man of) very few words, he does not show his thoughts for the most part.
Kirinmaru A beast king on par with the Dog General. He was in a long slumber but was awakened by his elder sister, Zero. Apparently, he’s trying to destroy this world to a degenerate state.
Jaken A small demon who serves under Sesshōmaru. Cowardly but helpful, he placed upon himself the role of child rearing and caretaker to Towa and Setsuna who had been taken from their mother not a moment after being born.
Rin Towa and Setsuna’s mother. She accompanied Sesshōmaru for a long time as a child and has faith in him. For some reason, she is currently sleeping within the Tree of Ages.
Higurashi Towa In order to save Setsuna who had her memories and dreams stolen, she searches for the Dream Butterfly. Her explosive power when Setsuna was driven to a corner was enough to leave a scratch on Kirinmaru.
Setsuna Even in the feudal era she sometimes plays the violin she borrowed from Mama Moe. The details on how she came to wield her favorite naginata, Kanemitsu no Tomoe, will become clear?
Moroha Although she is Inuyasha and Kagome’s daughter, in order to escape Kirinmaru, she was placed in the care of the wolf demon tribe in her early childhood. She carries the sword Kurikaramaru, which she received from her master, Yawaragi.
The Mystery Behind Sesshōmaru’s Actions
14 years ago, Sesshōmaru took a newborn Towa and Setsuna from Rin and sheltered them in the forest of the Tree of Ages in order to keep them away from Zero and Kirinmaru. However, 4 years after that when Zero burned the forest, Sesshōmaru tolerated her actions. The intentions behind what he is thinking is unreadable.
The Dream Butterfly and Rin
The Dream Butterfly steals Setsuna’s dreams and takes them to Rin who is sleeping within the Tree of Ages. It seems Kirinmaru has something to do with the actions of that Dream Butterfly. What is Kirinmaru’s “profound plan” regarding the Dream Butterfly that Konton of the Four Perils spoke of? And what is the reason behind Rin’s slumber?
Moroha’s Master
Yawaragi, the wolf demon who trained Moroha who was separated from her parents and raised by the wolf demon tribe. The of two them broke their ties 3 year ago but reunited due to Konton’s trap and fight each other as teacher and student. During that battle, Yawaragi explains to Moroha how to fight without becoming Beniyasha. Putting her life on the line, she bestows upon Moroha the grand technique “Crimson Backlash Wave”.
The One Who Will Defeat the Beast King
The prophecy the Shikon Jewel once told Kirinmaru was “(The one who will destroy Kirinmaru) will be one who is neither human nor demon and can impossibly traverse time”. He seems to think it refers to Towa, Setsuna, and Moroha but the difference in strength between the three of them and Kirinmaru is obvious. Presently, it would probably be difficult for the girls to defeat Kirinmaru.
Inheriting the World of “Inuyasha”, Director Satō Teruo
Following the “Inuyasha” Rule for Shot Divisions and Presentation
— Director Satō, please tell us first the details of how you became involved in this current work.
Satō: “Inuyasha” was the first work I took part in as a freelance producer and it also taught me the fundamentals of production. Afterwards, I was the assistant director for “Inuyasha The Final Act” and because of that, they reached out to me this time asking, “We’re going to make a work that inherits the world of “Inuyasha”. Would you be interested?”.
— As a work that inherits the world of “Inuyasha”, what points do you place importance on?
Satō: Among the viewers of this work, there will of course be those who watched “Inuyasha” but reversely, I think there will be those who come to know of “Inuyasha” through “Hanyō no Yashahime”. I intentionally created the work so that when these people reach the point of wondering “What kind of work is “Inuyasha”?”, they’ll get the same taste (as “Hanyō no Yashahime”).
There’s also a task for “Hanyō no Yashahime” to “Inform the generation that doesn’t know “Inuyasha” that there’s a wonderful work by Takahashi Rumiko-sensei called “Inuyasha”.” Just like “Great Detective Conan” that’s also on Yomiuri TV, families can enjoy (the work) together as parents become nostalgic and the children have a fresh feeling. From there, it would be great if the children are told “There’s a work called “Inuyasha”.”
For that reason, I felt that I wanted to depict the characters that were carried over from “Inuyasha” in a way that didn’t feel off as much as possible. The serialization for the original work “Inuyasha” ran for 12 years and the anime continued for 4½ years, so I think everyone has a complete image of each of the characters within themselves. I’m conscious of trying to stick to that set image people have of “This person was this kind of character.” as much as possible.
— Director Satō, you were directly in charge of the storyboard for episodes 1, 2, 4, and 6. What sort of things are you mindful of as you create the images?
Satō: In “Inuyasha”, there was something like an ““Inuyasha” rule” for shot divisions and presentation. I wanted “Hanyō no Yashahime” to inherit those rules. Episode 1 for the most part depicted “Inuyasha” since then so we couldn’t exactly break away from that rule. However, starting from episode 2, if we suddenly used a different shot division method that feels as though it’s from a different work, the viewers probably wouldn’t be able to follow along. Thus, in order to show that rule from the start, I did as much of the storyboard as I could myself.
— What kind of rule is it exactly?
Satō: For example, how Inuyasha releases the “Wind Scar”. Also, I was frequently asked “Tessaiga is always written with dokkun (translator’s note: pulsing sound effect) but what is the “dokkun disposition”?” or “What is “mokomoko”?”. The pulsing Tessaiga does when it transforms is what we call the “dokkun disposition”. The “mokomoko” refers to the fluff that Sesshōmaru trails behind him. There are people who call the fluffy scarf worn during events like the coming-of-age ceremony “Sesshōmaru’s Mokomoko” and we call it “Mokomoko” at the production site too (laughs). Conversely, there are many people who give Setsuna’s mokomoko the same volume as Sesshomaru’s like in the “Inuyasha” era, and I remember at the beginning (animation character designer) Hishinuma Yoshihito-san was always correcting them like, “Please make hers more subdued than her father’s”.
— How do you do the shot divisions?
Satō: We use a sort of old-fashioned method of shot division that’s different from the current trend. Currently, there’s a lot of finely chopped, speedy shot divisions and while cutting battle scenes short is easier, we purposely make it one continuous shot so that the battle is endless. My thought process is that I want there to be traces of “Inuyasha” in that part of the screen.
Even the Effects Have Traces of the Parent Generation
— You spoke of Setsuna’s mokomoko but does she herself know of her father’s mokomoko?
Satō: I don’t think she knows. The clothes were probably given to her by her caretaker, Jaken, like “Let’s have you wear this” (laughs). Towa and Setsuna were named by Rin in episode 15 but they were babies, so they didn’t know. Probably while Jaken was in charge of educating them, he told them “You’re Towa and you’re Setsuna.”
— We heard that Moroha’s clothes is the same as Inuyasha’s “Robe of the Fire Rat”.
Satō: Yes. Just like the “Armor of the Iron Rat” that appeared in episode 16, it is made of fabric from the fire rat. Inuyasha himself is inside the black pearl and Moroha was left in the care of the wolf demon tribe, so Inuyasha couldn’t give the clothes to Moroha. However, I think the wolf demon tribe probably got their hands on something similar somewhere.
— What is the reason for Towa’s clothes being a school uniform?
Satō: It’s probably Towa’s own uniform for living in the feudal era (translators note: basically, it’s her way of dressing for the times). Her reason for dressing as a boy is because “It’s easier to fight in” after all, and it’s something I discussed with Takahashi Rumiko-sensei and (Series Composition) Sumisawa Katsuyuki-san many times. As to why we made her core like that. First, starting from her being a child that avoids the standard femininity, we came up with all sorts of thoughts like “Why not just give her an appearance with a Kyary Pamyu Pamyu like originality”. From within (those ideas), it was Takahashi Rumiko-sensei who came up with “It’s easier to fight in”. She said, “Rather than having a complex reason, wouldn’t a simple reason like this be easier to for the people watching to understand?”. That’s how Towa’s appearance and character were solidified.
— Towa’s weapon is also a little different. What she thought was the national treasure, Kikujyūmonji, was actually a fake, and she creates a blade with her demonic power at the part where it broke.
Satō: That part is probably also Sumisawa-san’s sense. Turning the broken sword into a demon sword. Even though she once obtained the real thing through Riku, the result was that she continued to wield the fake one. I think that part makes things more entertaining.
In a sense, “Inuyasha” was also a story about a sword’s growth. Inuyasha’s Tessaiga absorbs the demonic energy of demons it cuts and turns many techniques into its own. On the other hand, Sesshōmaru created the weapon, Bakusaiga, from within himself. Whether Setsuna inherited that or not is something to look forward to going ahead.
— How did you create the techniques for the three?
Satō: There are various techniques such as Setsuna’s “Scrouge of Swallows” and “Cyclone Burst” and Moroha’s “Crimson Dragon Wave”. The creation was basically Sumisawa-san coming up with the (kanji) characters and us coming up with how to portray them. We had the photographers match the shade and disposition of the effects to the parent generation and lineage. Towa and Setsuna have the same blue and green as Sesshōmaru and Moroha has the same yellow effect as Inuyasha’s “Wind Scar”.
We Want Towa and Everyone to be Happy
— Of the episodes that have aired thus far, which one in particular left an impression on you?
Satō: Episode 15 where Riku talked about the past. It was an episode that was related to the crux of the story and I think it was a crossroad of the past. The fact that it only appears as flashbacks to the three princesses who are the lead characters is characteristic. It was to the point that I was surprised on the day of the recording like “Oh, they’re not here!”. For this episode, we had Yamaguchi Kappei-san, the role of Inuyasha, do the commentary for the PR spotlight and it had an “Inuyasha” feel to it. Rin has grown-up a little bit but for her acting, we ordered that we “Want you to be conscious of childhood Rin” when addressing “Lord Sesshōmaru”.
— Episode 15 was also the episode that revealed Rin was the mother of Towa and Setsuna. What were you conscious of when depicting Sesshōmaru and Rin?
Satō: Regarding that, it was something I wondered about the most as an Inuyasha fan when my work in “Hanyō no Yashahime” was decided. Since Rumiko-sensei did not depict this, there were probably fans that had complicated feelings with how the relationship between the two is presented… In that sense, I’d say it’s best to make it so that the two can properly live together in happiness. How do I put it, it’d be hard to look at if things stay as they are.
— Director Satō, you yourself want everyone to be happy.
Satō: Correct. The moment “Inuyasha The Final Act” ended, I thought everyone would be happy, but it ended up like this… Based on the actions of the other characters, I would like to shape Sesshōmaru and Rin-chan’s afterwards in a way that everyone can agree to. Regarding Moroha, there’s the matter of when she will meet Inuyasha and Kagome. It would make me happy if you could pay attention to that part going forward.
— This month we published an illustration of Sesshōmaru and Kirinmaru (P. 42~). Director Satō, do you have any situations you would like to see in future copyright illustrations?
Satō: As a fan, I would like to see the parents and children sitting together. “Inuyasha, Kagome, and Moroha would be there and beside them would be Sesshōmaru, Rin, Towa, and Setsuna” like they had a family gathering at New Years. I think that kind of situation would be fun. However, in actuality I think that might be difficult as the dog brothers don’t get along (laughs).
— In episode 18, Sesshōmaru finally appeared before his daughters and that created major movement in the story. Please tell our excited readers some highlights going forward.
Satō: Episode 19 is a story where the demon slayers play an active, albeit not serious, role. You could say it’s a breather episode and it feels as though the tempo is completely different from episode 18. However, please enjoy it while relaxing (laughs). Following with episode 20, Shiori-san, the half-demon who appeared in “Inuyasha”, will make an appearance. It is an episode where she and Setsuna will interact. Sumisawa-san thought that in order to depict half-demons, this was something that couldn’t be left out and Inuyasha walked down this path as well. Then, the final chapter begins in episode 21. Things will move all at once. Zero, who started appearing in episode 14, will especially be a key person going into the final episode. Please pay attention to her relationship between Kirinmaru and Sesshōmaru.
Having Takechiyo Around Is A Big Help!
“Takechiyo is fun to move. As a therapeutic mascot character, just him being there is a big help and he has room for growth going forward. From the start, Takechiyo was born from “having a character that could be messed with in some way or another like Shippō” but he feels completely different. Also, with Fairouz Ai-san’s tenacious acting, he has grown into a very good character. Apparently, he’s a favorite of Sumisawa-san (laughs).” (Satō)
Sesshomaru’s on A Different Level! The Role of Sesshōmaru, Narita Ken
Episode 18 was his first appearance outside of flashbacks. The impression I got was that it’s as though Sesshōmaru thinks Kirinmaru is “Not an opponent worthy of my time”. That’s why I didn’t even insert a breath and imagined that “he could easily win this” during the scene where they crossed blades. I also checked with sound director Nagura Yasushi-san like “Would you like me to insert a breath?” but he said, “No need”. On the other hand, Kirinmaru was taking breaths so I really think Sesshōmaru is on a different level. Even my impression of Hosoya Yoshimasa-kun was… the level is not the same. Just kidding (laughs). Hosoya is quite adorable so it was fun doing (the scene) with him. What will become of the relationship between Sesshōmaru and Kirinmaru is something to look forward to going ahead.
Today’s Diary
This month we visited Sunrise’s studio #1. The selection begins in the conference room lined with plastic models of Sunrise’s works. Hishinuma-san, what do you think seeing all these works we have collected? **
“We created “Hanyō no Yashahime” with the intention of simply gearing it towards the children of today, but there’s a wide age range of contributors. From elementary schoolers to those in their 50s, I can really feel that the work is loved by everyone. It seems there are many people whose deep-rooted support for us stems back to the “Inuyasha” era.”
Which character is the easiest for you to draw?
“The one who’s easy to approach is Moroha. There’s a part of her that resembles her father (Inuyasha) so at first, I was conscious of copying (him). However, over time, I gained the ability to bring out her uniqueness.”
Who is the most popular on-site? (translator’s note: aka the studio)
“I’d have to say there’s a lot of staff who say, “I want to draw Moroha!”. When the plans were stood up, Towa and Setsuna were the two protagonists but Takahashi Rumiko-sensei’s design of Moroha was so appealing that the 3 of them became the main characters you see now. That’s why I want the on-site staff to love on Towa and Setsuna more! Especially for me, I want to continue to sympathize with Towa and watch over her growth with the emotions of a foster parent. Of course, the parent that gave birth to them is Rumiko-sensei.”
The main story is finally approaching its climax. Please show us your enthusiasm.
“My main job right now is designing and copyright illustrations but the staff are working hard towards the climax that will be at the end of March. The story development is going to be hardcore, but I would be really happy if you continued to support us. Look forward to it!”
 ** Back story: This month’s Animage held an art contest for Yashahime with the judge being animation character designer, Hishinuma Yoshihito. Also, this page has a “One point lesson” on how to draw the 3 girls. However, that one is heavily image reliant so I will not be translating it (I do not post scans as much as possible).
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