#in other words 48-54 tiles
grumpygreenwitch · 2 years
The Fairy and the Prince #5
Part 1 - Part 2 - Parts 3 & 4 - Part 5 - Part 6, 7 & 8 - Part 9 & 10 - Part 11, 12, 13, 14, 15 & 16 - Part 17, 18, & 19 - Part 20, 21 & 22 - Part 23, 24, 25 & 26 - Part 27, 28, 29 & 30 - Part 31, 32, 33 & 34 - Part 35, 36 & 37 - Part 38, 39, 40 & 41 - Part 42 & 43 - Part 44 & 45 - Part 46 & 47 - Part 48, 49, 50 & 51 - Part, 52, 53 & 54 - Part 55 & 56 - Part 57, 58, 59 & 60 - Part 61, 62, 63, 64 & 65 - Part 66, 67, 68, 69, 70, 71 & 72
So a coupla nights back I nearly had a moment of terror because I thought I’d mucked up the updates, until I realized it was Monday, not Wednesday, and the update was on track. I probably was too tired to be mucking up with the queue, but here we are. In any case. Because the word count at this point has escalated to 60K+, I’m moving updates to once a week. I’ll just stuff ser Lyrian into a different day when I start posting his story.
Spring fought its way onto the world. Oliver left, and was not replaced. On the first bright, sunny day, cheeks chapped pink by an exceptionally cold and gusty breeze, Adam renewed his agreement with the two boys, and took off over the rooftops. He greeted every water-spout like a long-lost friend, and asked after Linden; their voices were just a little stronger than a whisper with all the snowmelt, and they were just as glad to see Adam, but they had not seen the young wildling with the shattered eyes. Adam went to the stork nest, but it was still empty; he pocketed a fragile half eggshell and raced to the cisterns, asking the fish. He braved a few early finches, who were exceptionally suspicious of the unruly young boy but could be appeased with courtesy.
No one had seen Linden.
He flopped face down on a steep tiled roof, breathing hard and thoroughly put out. He went through the Royal Gardens, where workers were busy making ponds and paths and adding flower beds and hedges, and into the woods where the nobility coursed and hawked and hunted and sometimes disappeared. There, in the dark shadows where snow still lingered, he shouted Linden's name and listened for an answer. But there were only the trees, whispering with their young green leaves, and it wasn't nearly as fun to fight pirates and barbarians alone. He climbed up a stately, elderly linden tree, the fragrant flowers still nothing but buds on its branches, and sighed, feeling abandoned yet again.
The next day he went as far as the river, where Beli and Dane hid under the old stone bridge to fish and talk, and startled the two boys by his presence. Rain chased them all back to the palace, and for nothing else to do Adam gave his old homework journal to the younger boy, and tried to teach Dane some fisticuffs. A king, he'd been taught, should always bear in mind the strengths of the people around him.
He ended up going to the lessons Leminy had snuck into his afternoons, lessons he'd been skipping to look for Linden. For all of a week they held his interest before he slipped away through the back of the kitchen, buying the silence of the chickens in the yard with a heel of bread and a handful of dry cherries. It was harder to sneak out three people but he managed and was quite proud of it, even as he immediately abandoned Beli and Dane and ran into the woods. He found them, that day, draped in dark and heavy fog; by the time caution brought him to a halt he could scarce see the path under his boots. When he cried out Linden's name, it echoed at him from every direction, as if other voices were taunting him with it. The whisper of the trees seemed almost a fretful warning.
He launched himself up the old linden tree, hoping if he could climb over the fog he'd be able to see something, but while the tree was easy enough to find, nothing around it looked familiar anymore. Adam almost felt as if the tree were closing its young spring foliage around him, shielding him, hiding him. From what, he couldn't have said. But he knew, as everyone did, that sometimes people went into the woods and didn't come back. Sometimes something almost like them did.
Beli and Dane came looking for him with torches, with sunset threatening and suppertime long past. They all got punishment details, but they were all fine with it, glad and relieved simply to have made it back to the palace, knowing without having to be told that it had been, perhaps, a very close thing.
Caution kept Adam to his lessons for another three days before he launched himself up to the palace rooftops. From the very highest point he could see everything around him; in the woods, far below, he could even make out the pale white smudges of the linden trees in bloom.
"You didn't fall this time!" the familiar voice cried out gladly.
"Linden!" Adam crushed his one true friend in a hug, found himself hugged just as tightly. "Wait, don't squeeze so hard, I've a present for you and you'll smush it."
"A present!"
"Yes, of course a present. That's how you tell people who've left you're glad they've come back."
"Oh, is it only when you leave and come back?" Linden sounded disappointed.
"Well, no, you can give presents any time you like, but it's good manners to have a reason. Else it feels more like an obligation and less like a gift." From a pocket Adam drew his handkerchief, and unwrapped it to reveal the half-shell of a stork egg, dry and gone nearly as fragile as one of the Dowager's teacups.
"That makes so much sense now," Linden admitted, and then gasped. "Is it a dragon's eggshell?"
"Nuh-uh." Adam shook his head, and whispered, "Basilisk."
They hunted said basilisk over the rooftops and under the eaves all that golden, merry afternoon, and not a few afternoons after. They went into the woods and sailed their ship into unknown oceans, the dead and fallen giant oak rotting so slowly that their slight weight hardly made a dent. The fog didn't return, but still sometimes Adam merely climbed into the boughs of the linden tree and lingered there, Linden perched close by, kicking bare feet into the green and sweet air. "Do the trees really speak to you?"
"Everything speaks, Adam," Linden replied, examining a bee that had meandered onto their fingers. "Like the fish and the toads and the wriggle-wriggle lizards. The trees just speak quieter. I don't know why you can't hear them, they're louder than the water-spouts."
"Well, yes, but the water-spouts have names and faces and mouths," Adam protested. He was resting against a branch and staring up at the sky as the leaves swayed in the breeze. "I suppose it's harder because I can't see which part is speaking."
"Is it that important, to see a face? It's just a face. I could make a face out of mud and twigs and grass."
Adam grimaced; he knew Linden had a point, and he knew his explanation wasn't one, but for once he couldn't find the words. He was, after all, only ten. "It's a hard question, Linden. Can you ask it later, when I know more things? I'll think on it, I promise."
"Psh, you don't have to." Restless fingers played with his hair. "I can tell you what they say."
"What, like now? Do they speak all the time?"
Linden nodded as Adam straightened up. "They fuss." The bee was thrown into the breeze, to go back to its bee business. "Get down, you're too high. Be quieter, you're too loud. You move too much. You don't drink enough."
"Sounds like a right pack of nannies," Adam couldn't help but grin.
"Right? We're not babies." Linden frowned. "But you did get caught out here on a hunting night. So I suppose maybe they're a little right to fret."
"A hunting night? You mean the fog?" Linden nodded, and Adam sat straddling the branch. "No one talks about that much. Sometimes people go into the woods and they just don't come back out. Or don't come back right."
"They don't," Linden replied, staring at their muddy toes. "I mean, sometimes their skin goes back, but what's inside isn't them anymore. It's..." They flapped a hand towards the heart of the woods. "It's of the Court."
Adam paused. The trees were whispering in the breeze, and he couldn't help but feel as he had that afternoon, when the linden had shielded him against something he could neither name nor comprehend, whispering warnings he couldn't understand. "Why?"
Linden shrugged. "It's payment of some sort. Like blood from a stone or bones from a grave. But I don't like the Court. They still think I'm silly, and I don't like people who think me silly."
"Oh, them." The immediate disdain in Adam's tone made Linden grin.
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Bite and Sting tile blanks! The dried clay makes the most satisfy click-clack sounds when you tap the tiles on a hard surface (including each other!) and I’m so pleased. Sooo worth the effort of making actual tiles and not just cutting out cards.
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team-heavenly · 2 years
Chapter 19 - Part 3
Part 1 set the stage...
Part 2 prepped us for doom...
Part 3...?
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(blur effect ahead)
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I love this moment. Keep in mind these Pokémon have only worked together as a team for 5 ish chapters - and they spent a decent chunk of it apart or bickering. Still, they are this in sync with each other. The power of friendship, man.
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BRO, we were READY to take you on in the future before Primal C dropped in. SO BRING IT ON, PUCKER FACE!!
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This boss fight... I almost immediately got payback for my talking sh*t about them last chapter.
I decided to take a video of the battle so I could give y’all a play-by-play... and, man. I’m glad I had the foresight to do that. I won’t be sharing the video itself because uh, voice reveal (and also the recording angle was really crappy sjhsdjdgddf). So you’ll just have to trust me when I say this is an accurate depiction of what went down. Believe me when I say it was intense.
We start the battle with the six Slowbro in a hexagon formation around us. Gulpin is two tiles ahead of Teresa as shown above. Teresa has 102 HP, and Andrea has 113 HP.
After I switch everything but Blizzard off on Andrea, Teresa throws a Rare Fossil. Because f*ck it, if there was a time to use it, it’s now. At exactly 100 damage, one of the Slowbro falls instantly. Three more advance along with Gulpin. And the two left behind...
They use Discharge.
The first one misses Teresa, and it’s only then that my brain catches up with my eyes. I inhale an ugly gasp as Andrea takes 30 damage. It misses Togetic. On the second Discharge, Teresa takes 26 damage. And becomes paralyzed.
My exclamation of “Ohhh noooo!” dissolves into a nervous laugh as Andrea takes 29 damage and Togetic 33. I gasp some air in and curse. Being helpless, the only thing Teresa can do is throw another Rare Fossil. And it misses.
This is when I start to panic.
Andrea, faithful to her duties, uses Blizzard. 50-57 damage on the Slowbro all around, with the exception of a critical hit on one (78). Gulpin takes a hit of 64.
Togetic uses Barrage on Gulpin. It misses once. The second hit does 91 damage. (Again, what?!)
And now here is the moment that probably saved our asses in battle more than anything else: the use of regular attacks (and some key misses). Slowbro hits Teresa for 13. Gulpin hits Teresa for 19. The next Slowbro misses her. The last hits Togetic for 10. At this point, Teresa has 45 HP left.
Out of the two straggling Slowbro, one advances. The other uses Discharge again. 48 damage. Teresa goes down and uses our one and only Revival Seed to stand back up. Well... at least now the paralysis is gone.
Andrea takes 29 damage. It misses Togetic.
Andrea only has 26 HP left. The little exclamation point flashes over her head. I have only two Oran Berries. I toss one at her and hope for the best.
She uses another Blizzard. Gulpin takes 69 damage. 54-61 damage on the Slowbro all around, and she wipes them all out. Togetic uses Rapid Spin on Gulpin, dealing 90 damage. For just a moment, I think I can finally breathe again.
Then Gulpin hits Togetic with Ice Punch for 52 damage.
My gasp this time is more high pitched. I can’t see Togetic’s health, but I know it must be barely above the warning threshold. So my next words are, and I quote, “Oh boy, ohhhh boy. Alright, new strats!”
I hurriedly rush into the move menu. In my newfound panic, I turn all the moves on for Andrea. I catch myself at the end and then shut everything down except Smokescreen. Even so, I couldn’t risk that move potentially missing. Teresa dishes out Mud Slap, dealing 58 damage and lowering Gulpin’s accuracy. Thankfully, Smokescreen does not miss.
Another Rapid Spin from Togetic for 92 damage. Gulpin swings blindly at him and misses. I want to lower Gulpin’s accuracy as much as possible in case, God forbid, the smokescreen wears off too soon. Another 60 with Mud Slap. Andrea thinks her job is done and doesn’t move.
Togetic launches another Barrage. 91 damage with the first hit. And finally, finally, Gulpin falls.
The battle fades to black as a shuddering “Holy sh*t” leaves my lips.
This fight could have gone wrong in so, so many ways, and we barely made it out alive.
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Wow. What happened here? Andrea was ready TO THROW HANDS (or. flippers. I guess) in the future- even after Primal C showed up, even after Togetic lost all hope! And now in an arguably easier scenario, she’s the one feeling dejected? Talk about flipping the script.
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Boy, this sounds familiar.
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Have you ever seen a comic or something where a character opens their mouth so wide, their lips curl over and envelop their body? That’s what I’m imagining here XD
...But then in a few shots, Gulpin completely vanishes into a black hole. Creepy.
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Desperate times call for desperate measures! Let’s go!
(blur effect ahead)
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I’m impressed, Randomizer! He actually looks down for the count here!
More importantly... that worked?
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(cartoon running sound effect)
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Alright... seasoned players, you know what’s coming. The rest of the chapter will have minimal commentary for this reason.
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She takes this so gracefully...
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...And this isn’t even the worst of it. AKA click here to move on to Part 4 thx.
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dignitywhatdignity · 3 years
NaClYoHo Day 29
Hey, temping allows me to update better!
We're waiting on the flooring guys to get back to us to make an appointment. Hopefully, we'll hear today but I don't expect word until tomorrow.
Progress is being made on the Thanksgiving front, although it's like herding cats trying to get everyone to tell us what they're doing.
Got an email from the school about picture retakes. It would be nice if I could see the original pictures, thanks.
I made an appointment with my GP, although I won't see her until December, so I'll remove that from my list.
Current Date: 11/16/2021 Current score: 23/85 = 27%
Make this list.
Garden 2. Buy some spring bulbs 3. Plant the bulbs 4. Check fridge for bulbs. 5. Prune the sunflowers 6. prune the Shasta daisies ✅ 7. Cut down the sunflowers 8. Dig up the sunflower stalks 9. Harvest the seeds. 10. Repot houseplants
Basement 8. Set up direct deposit for the insurance 9. Upload pictures to FEMA portal 10. get an asbestos appraisal 11. Figure out insurance-vs-fema money situation. 14. Get asbestos removed 15. Get floor refinished 16. Get the walls fixed ✅ 17. Get the walls painted 18. Buy a new rug 19. Put all the furniture back 20. Buy a new couch 21. Buy a new TV 22. Replace the other stuff we claimed 23. Submit receipts for depreciation. 25. Buy new desk chairs.
Halloween 12. Have 5yo hang his window clings 13. Dig non-Christmas holiday box out of the garage and pull out Halloween decorations 14. Buy pumpkins 29. Buy 5yo’s costume
Thanksgiving 30. Put Halloween decorations in non-Christmas box and pull Thanksgiving decorations out 31. Figure out where we’re going when and what we need to bring.✔
Masks 16. Line the white knit mask. 17. Finish knitting the blue knit mask. 18. Line the blue knit mask. 35. Start another knit mask.
Photos 20. Download the official school picture 21. order this year’s pictures 22. parcel out pics for relatives 23. Buy frame for school pics 40. frame the wallet-sized
41. Deal with papers ✅
Medical 26. find glasses prescription 27. order glasses from zenni 28. make GP appointment 32. Make OB/GYN appointment 33. Attend OB/GYN appointment 35. Get the kids their flu shots.✔ 36. make dentist appointments 49. attend dentist appointments
Christmas 38. Make a list of needed gifts ✅ 39. Inventory purchased gifts 40. Shop ✔ 41. Pick out kids’ holiday outfits 42. Take holiday photos 43. design and order cards 44. Compile, mail merge, print addresses 57. Order stamps
photo books 46. Did I ever finish the 2019 book? 47. Compile 2020 pictures – my phone 48. Compile 2020 pictures – husband’s phone 49. Compile 2020 pictures - 5yo’s camera 50. Compile 2020 pictures –BIL 51. Compile 2020 pictures – facebook 52. Compile 2020 pictures – my parents 53. Compile 2020 pictures – desktop 54. Compile 2020 pictures – laptop 55. design 2020 photo book 56. Order 2020 photo book 68. repeat process for 2021 book
69. work through mending pile
Finish thank you notes 59. the last of last Christmas (yes I know) –J&S gave castle blocks, pirate stickers, bath book and toys, pelican sorter –J&D gave crayons, sketch pad, tiles, bead maze 60. 1yo’s baptism -MIL and FIL: hosting. diapers and formula. cake. $$$? -???: Noah's ark book and toy 61. 5yo’s birthday 73. 1yo’s birthday
74. Organize the coupon drawer ✅
Fridge 64. Contact paper 65. Magnets 77. Organize
79. Bag up clothes for Goodwill
Decorate 5yo’s room 68. frame lighthouse pics 69. Hang all art and pics 81. Hang growth chart
Decorate 1yo’s room> 82. hang art
83. replace and organize nightstands
Windows 73. Measure all windows ✅ 74. get new blinds for bedrooms 85. get curtains for bathroom, 1yo’s room, kitchen?
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theherooftime00 · 5 years
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Hello guys, gals and non-binary pals. My name is Link. I am not here to take away your space to express yourself. I am not here to attack anyone. I simply want to shine a small amount of light on a dark situation. Here are 146 things you can do instead of something potentially harmful.
1.  Exercise.
2.  Put on fake tattoos.
3.  Draw on yourself with washable red marker-then take a shower and wash away your pain.
4. Scribble on sheets of paper.
5.  Write poetry.
6.  Cuddle with a stuffed toy.
7.  Be with other people.
8.  Watch a favorite TV show.
9.  Post on web boards or try answering other people's posts.
10, Think about how "I DON'T WANT SCARS FOR SUMMER!!"
11.  Paint your nails a new color.
12.  Go out to see a movie.
13.  Eating something you can't resist.
14. Do your school work.
15.  Write a letter to someone but never send it.
16. Go into chat rooms to talk.
17.  Call a friend and ask them to come hang out.
18.  Play a musical instrument.
19.  Sing.
20.  Look up at the sky, and  find the moon.  Study it.
21.  Make your own list of things to do instead of S.I.
22.  Buy a punching  bag (with gloves) Name it.  Then, have a visit with Bob when you need to.
23.  Snap a rubber band  (hair band) on your wrist.
24.  Cover yourself with band-aids where you want to cut.
25.  Go to the zoo and rename the animals.
26.  Let yourself cry, even if it is hard.
27.  Sleep,  only if you are tired.
28.  Do the exact opposite of what you really want to do.
29.  Play with a pet.
30.  Smile to at least 5 people.
31.  Re-organize and label your linen closet.
32.  Go out and perform one act of kindness.
33. Have a pillow fight with a wall.
34.  Knit a scarf.
35.  Read a good book.
36. Dress up very glamorous, with makeup to match.
37.  Color your hair.
38.  Listen to music (non-triggering)
39.  Watch a candle burn, but no playing with flames or hot wax.   Blow it out when you leave the room.
40.  Find someone else you can help.  Do volunteer work.
41.  Meditate.  Track your breathing.
42.  Call up an old friend and catch up.
43.  Work on a website or start a new one.
44.  Have a vivid fantasy love affair with a celebrity.
45.  Go somewhere very public.
46.  Bake cookies or another favorite food you like.
​47.  Alphabetize your CD's.
48.  Chew gum.
49.  Buy a henna tattoo kit.
50.  Paint or draw.
51. Rip paper into really small pieces.
52.  Give someone a Hug.
53.  Write a  letters or emails.
54.  Talk to yourself, and put it on tape.
55. Hug a pillow.
56.  Hyper-focus on something like a rock.
57.  Finger-paint.
58.  Scream as loud as you want.
59.  Dance.
60.  Make hot chocolate.
61.  Pop bubble wrap.
62.  Play with play dough.
63.  Count to 100.
64.  Build a pillow fort.
65.  Blow up a balloon and pop it.
66.  Hug yourself.
67.  Write yourself an "I love myself because" letter and keep it.  Read it when you feel down.
68.  Read things in a different language.
69.  Go for a nice long drive, walk, or jog.
70.  Complete something you have been putting off.
71.  Drink a cup of herbal tea.
72.  Fold paper and invent a new origami shape.
73.  Write your memoirs.
74.  Build something.
75.  Take up archery.  
76.  Go rock climbing.
77.  Take up a new hobby you always dreamed of.
78.  Organize bills, receipts, etc.
79.  Cook a meal.
80.  Go out for ice cream.
81.  Buy a stuffed animal.
82.  Look at pretty things-like flowers or art work.
83.  Create something.
84.  Pray or read the Bible.
85.  Throw socks against the wall.
86.  Make a list of blessings in your life.
87.  Go to a friend's house and open up.
88.  Take up fencing.
89.  Watch an old comedy movie.
90.  Call your therapist or make an appointment with one.
91.  Talk to someone close to you that you trust.
92.  Throw a temper tantrum.
93.  Ride a bicycle.
94.  Polish silver or jewelry.
95,  Start a garden or water your house plants.
96.  Re-arrange a room.
97.  Feed the ducks, birds, or squirrels.
98.  Draw on the walls-or paint with watercolors if you don't want permanence.
99. Play with face paint.
100.  Play jacks or pick up sticks.
101. Color with crayons.
​102.  Memorize a song and sing it.  Then, reflect on it's message.
103.  Put on boots and stomp.
104.  Stretch.
105.  Find a butterfly  and catch it.
106.  Watch fish.
107.  Come up with baby names even if you aren't expecting.
108.  Go to a public place and people watch.
109.  Make a CD of your favorite songs.
110.  Name all of your stuffed animals.
111.  Go shopping.
112.  Get into your PJ's and just veg.
113.  Buy cheap teddy bears and take your anger out on them
114.  Throw everything on the ground except glass.
115.  Go to a loud concert (Make sure it doesn't trigger you)
116.  Think about your ideal life.  What do you have to do to get there?
117.  Plan your someday wedding day or upcoming prom.
118.  Hunt for stuff on Ebay or Amazon
119.  Alphabetize your books and magazines.
120.  Hunt for your perfect home in the paper or online.
121.  Take up Tai Chi.
122.  Try to make as many words as possible out of your full name.
123.  Count ceiling tiles or lights.
124.  Go to the grocery store and buy yourself some flowers.
125.  Search for ridiculous things on the web.
126.  Google yourself.
127.  Color co-ordinate your wardrobe.
128.  Do a home tan on yourself.
129.  Take a hot bath and "be" in the moment.
130.  Sort all you photographs.
131.  Give yourself a pedicure.
132.  Color or scribble over pretty women in magazines.
133.  Plan a dinner party with menus and guest list, then carry it out.
134.  Go through all your old stuff, and donate to Good Will.
135.  Take a walk in the woods and breathe the fresh air.
136.  Start a mood journal and write in it every day.  Do patterns surface?  Track your triggers.
137.  Buy yourself some toys and play like you are 5 years old again!
138.  Start to collect some thing.
139.  Take up kick-boxing.
140.  Read a magazine or newspaper.
141.  Sew something.
142.  Buy a stuffed animal.
143.  Take your own dog, or a friend's dog for a walk.
144.  Call 1-800-DONT CUT
145.  Call 1-800-THERAPIST
146.  Read through this list again.
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dududiary · 4 years
One Quote from every Avatar: The Last Airbender episode (who am i kidding... half of these are Iroh)
1. Power in firebending comes from the breath. Not the muscles. The breath becomes energy in the body. The energy expands past your limbs and becomes fire. 
2. You both found him for a reason. Now your destinies are intertwined with his. 
3. Even in exile, my nephew is more honorable than you.
4. It’s not about strength. Out technique is about using your opponents’ force against them. Loosen up. 
5. Oh, you’ll have to be a little bit more creative than that!
6. I’m not giving up on these people!
7. You are the great bridge between man and spirits.
8. But he never came.
9. Most people think the lotus tile is insignificant, but it is essential for unusual strategy that I employ.
10. You became the traitor when you stopped protecting innocent people.
11. Harsh words won’t solve problems. Actions will.
12. You will fight for your honor. You will learn respect, and suffering will be your teacher.
13. Do you think we could have been friends too?
14. You have to take fate into your own hands.
15. They were my family and being apart from them was more painful than my wounds.
16. Water brings healing and life. But fire brings only destruction and pain. It forces those of us burdened with its care to walk a razor’s edge between humanity and savagery.
17. Unfortunately, progress has a way of getting away from us.
18. I don’t want to heal. I want to fight.
19. Our strength comes from the Spirit of the Moon, our life from the Spirit of the Ocean. They work together to keep balance. 
20. I’ve always had to struggle and fight and that’s made me strong. It’s made me who I am.  
21. Maybe you should worry less about the tides if they’re already made up  their mind about killing you, and worry more about me, who’s still mulling it over.
22. I hope you learned something about not letting the plans get in the way of the journey.
23. Neutral jin is the key to earthbending. It involves listening and waiting for the right moment to strike. 
24. There is absolutely nothing mysterious about the swamp.
25. You must never give in to despair. Allow yourself to slip down that road and you surrender to your lowest instincts.
26. She waited and listened.
27. That’s who you are Zuko. Someone who keeps fighting even though it’s hard.
28. There is nothing wrong with letting people who love you help you.
29. Pride is not the opposite of shame, but its source. True humility is the only antidote to shame.
30. Where’s Appa?
31. Everybody hold hands. We can do this. We have to.
32. I know sometimes it hurts more to hope, and it hurts more to care. But you have to promise me that you won’t stop caring.
33. Together we’re Team Avatar!
34. Life happens wherever you are whether you make it or not. 
35. My cab.. oh, forget it.
36. I guess this means we’ll always be together.
37. He can’t make you do this. You’re a Freedom Fighter.
38. All this time, what I thought was a great metropolis, was merely a city of fools, and that makes me the king fool.
39. You must gain balance within yourself before you can bring balance to the world.
40. I used to think that this scar marked me. But lately, I’ve realized I’m free to determine my own destiny, even if I’ll never be free of my mark.
41. You already saved the world. And you’ll save the world again. But you can’t give up.
42. We’re in enemy territory. Those are enemy birds.
43. You need me. And I’ll never turn my back on you. 
44. But the truth is, I don’t know if I am worthy. 
45. You know what would make this trip really memorable?
46. Born in you along all this strife, is the power to restore balance to the world.
47. When I try to remember my mom, Katara’s is the only face I can picture.
48. The choice is not yours. The power exists. 
49. I was the perfect prince. The son my father wanted. But I wasn’t me.
50. Your moment of truth isn’t going to be in front some map. It’s going to be out there, on the battlefield. 
51. Because I know my own destiny. 
52. Why am i so bad at being good?
53. You must maintain a constant heat. The flame will go out if you make it too small. Make it too big, and you might lose control. Fire is life, not just destruction.
54. You can’t quit because you MIGHT fail.
55. There is no prison in the world that can hold two water tribe geniuses. 
56. It’s easy to do nothing. But it’s hard to forgive.
57. It takes all the mistakes I’ve made in my life and shove them back at my face. 
58. Fighting the firelord is gonna be the hardest thing we’ve done together. But i wouldn’t wanna do it any other way. 
59. Today destiny is our friend. I know it. 
60. Watch each others backs. If we make it that far, I’ll let you know.
61. The world is so different now. And it’s gonna be even more different, where we will build it together. 
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cottagethings · 5 years
self-quarantine activities
1. Complete a puzzle: The more pieces the better! Feeling extra saucy? Take on a Rubik's Cube. More of a word person? Crossword puzzle!
2. Start a journal or blog. Sure, it can be about the coronavirus, but it could also be about a specific interest from chess to cheese. 
3. If it won't bother your neighbors: Dust off that old instrument and practice.
4. Text all your exes just in case you have one more thing you wanted to get off your chest.
5. Write poetry. Perhaps you can craft a haiku for Mother's Day, or something without a specific structure. Just try it!
6. Watch all the really long movies you’ve avoided until now.
7. Download Duolingo, or a similar app, and teach yourself a foreign language.
8. Finally read “Infinite Jest,” “Les Miserables” or even “The Stand.” Go all in and read “Ulysses.” You got this. 
9. Meditate. Try lying down with your eyes closed, palms up and while focusing on your breath. Or spend 20 minutes sitting crosslegged and repeat a soothing word to yourself in your head. (The latter is more like transcendental meditation.)
10. Face masks, moisturizer, oh my! Treat yourself to a 10-step skin care routine you don’t have time for during a normal work week.
11. Look at pictures of puppies.
12. Put together the most attractive charcuterie board possible, but you can only use foods you already have in your fridge and cupboard.
13. Take note from "Tangled" star Rapunzel, who has an entire song about how she's spent her days alone in a castle. Activities included in her ditty: Ventriloquy, candle-making, papier-mâché and adding a new painting to her gallery.
14. Write actual letters to family and friends. After that? Write thank-you notes to service people who you remember went out of their way for you.
15. Learn calligraphy. YouTube can help.
16. Finally read the rules to those long and intense board games you've never played with the family. Encourage the family to play.
17. Put on a soap opera. Mute the sound. Create your own dialogue.
18. Have a space in your home where all of the tupperware goes? Organize it and actually match lids to containers.
19. Try on all your clothes and determine whether they “spark joy” á la Marie Kondo.
20. Better yet, go through this process with your junk drawer and supply shelves. 
21. Have a roommate meeting about how to be more considerate of one other, especially while you will likely be spending more time together. Bring baked goods.
22. Bake those goods.
23. Watch the films that won Oscars for best picture.
24. Watch films that won Independent Spirit Awards for best picture. 
25. Watch films that critics say should have won those aforementioned awards.
26. Read all the New Yorker issues piled on your desk.
27. Will Tom Hanks into recovery from coronavirus by watching every Tom Hanks movie chronologically. 
28. Knit or crochet.
29. Use Skype, FaceTime, Google Hangouts or Marco Polo to video chat with your long-distance friends.
30. Try out at-home aerobics or yoga videos. Consider downloading a fitness app with curated workout playlists.
31. Look at yourself in the mirror. Attempt a self portrait with pencil and paper.
32. Take a bubble bath (bonus: Add a glass of wine).
33. Make a classic cocktail, from negronis to Manhattans and aperol spritzes. Don't forget the garnish.
34. Coloring books: They’re not just for kids.
35. Take time to reflect: What have you accomplished in the last year? What goals are you setting for yourself in the next year?
36. Write a short story or get started on that novel.
37. Actually try to reproduce something you see on Pinterest. Probably fail. Try again.
38. Clear out the family room and camp indoors with all blankets, popcorn and scary movies.
39. Finally get around to fixing that broken door knob and loose tile or cleaning scuffed up walls. 
40. Acquire a foam roller and treat yourself to some physical therapy. 
41. Pretend you're 13 years old and fold a square piece of paper into a fortune teller you put your thumbs and pointer fingers into. Proceed to tell fortunes. 
42. Learn how to braid (fishtail, French, etc.) via YouTube tutorial..
43. Throw out all your too-old makeup and products. (Tip: most liquid products have a small symbol on them noting expirations, usually six months to a year. This includes sunscreen!)
44. Interview your grandparents (over the phone, of course) and save the audio. Can you create an audio story or book with that file?
45. Go through your camera roll, pick your favorite pics from the past year and make a photo book or order framed versions online. 
46. Go on a health kick and learn how to cook new recipes with ingredients you may not be using already, from miso to tahini.
47. Create a Google document of shows or movies you’re watching and share it among family and friends.
48. Make a list of things for which you are grateful. 
49. Have your own wine tasting of whatever bottles you have at home. Make up stories about the journey of the grapes to your mouth.
50. Work on your financial planning, such as exploring whether to refinance your loan or ways to save more money. 
51. Perfect grandma’s bolognese recipe.
52. Make coffee, but this time study how many beans you use, which types, how hot the water is, how long it brews and whether any of that makes a difference.
53. Buy gift cards from your favorite local businesses to help keep them in business while we quarantine.
54. Watch “Frozen 2,’ which went up early on Disney Plus. Another new movie on the streaming service: "Stargirl." 
55. Write a book with your family. Pick a character and each member writes a chapter about their adventures. Read aloud to each other. 
56. No March Madness? Have a Scrabble tournament. Or Bananagrams. Pictionary, anyone?
57. Get into baking with "The Great British Baking Show," but your technical challenge is baking something with the ingredients you have on hand (that you didn't already use in the charcuterie board).
58. Indoor scavenger hunt.
59. Alternate reading the Harry Potter series with your kids and cap each one off with the movie.
60. Dye your hair a new color. No one else needs to see it if you don't like it.
61. Read Robert Jordan’s 14-book “Wheel of Time” series before it streams on Amazon starring Rosamund Pike. 
62. Write a play starring your loved ones. Perform it via a video call app. 
63. Go viral in the good way by making a quarantine-themed TikTok.
64. Rearrange your sock drawer. Really.
65. Stop procrastinating and do your income taxes.
66. Make lists of all the museums, sporting events and concerts you want to visit when they finally reopen.
67. Get into comics with digital subscriptions on your tablet, like Marvel Unlimited. 
68. Rearrange your furniture to make it seem like your home is a totally different space. 
69. Practice shuffling playing cards like a Poker dealer. Be ready for employment opportunities once all casinos open back up.
70. Organize your spice rack alphabetically or get crazy and do it by cuisine.
71. Teach your dog to shake. Hand sanitizer optional.
72. Memorize the periodic table. You never know when that will come in handy.
73. Order and put together some IKEA furniture. Time yourself.
74. Get a free trial of a streaming service and binge-watch as much as you can before it expires. 
75. Apply for a new job. You have remote work experience now. 
76. Learn a new style of dance via YouTube, from bellydancing to breaking.
77. Update or write your will and organize your affairs. Yes, it sounds melodramatic and morbid but let’s face it: This is a task many of us avoid because we never have the time. Now we do.
78.The parades have been canceled but you can still make corned beef and cabbage for St. Patrick’s Day.
79. Bring out the Legos. Build your house inside of your house.
80. Watch the "Star Wars" movies in this and only this order: Rogue One-IV-V-II-III-Solo-VI-VII-VIII-IX.
81. Two words: Coronavirus beard! Grow it, moisturize it, comb it, love it.
82.  Learn the words to "Tung Twista." Get them so ingrained in your brain that you can rap them as fast as Twista can. Impress everyone. 
83. Been meaning to get some new glasses? Try on new frames virtually on sites like GlassesUSA.com.
84. Attempt things with your non-dominant hand, from writing to brushing your teeth. Prepare to be frustrated.
85. How many words per minute can you type? See if you can get speedier by taking a typing course.
86. Prepare to verbally duel a bully who wants to discuss the evolution of the market economy in the Southern colonies, by memorizing Matt Damon's "Good Will Hunting" speech. 
87. Learn origami. Make cranes for your loved ones.
88. Stretch. Work on your flexibility. It's possible to get the splits back, right?
89. Try to speak in pig Latin. Or, "ig-pay, atin-Lay."
90. Talk to your plants. How are they doing? Make sure they are getting the amount of sunlight they should be. Check their soil. Water if necessary.
91. Deep condition your hair and put paraffin wax on your hands. Enjoy your soft hair and nails.
92. Consider donating money to food banks to help families struggling to get meals.
93. Write a song. If you want to make it about your time inside and put it to the tune of "My Sharona" and replace "Sharona" with "Corona," do what you have to do.
94. Study the art of beatboxing.
95. Try moving in super-slow motion. It's OK to laugh at regular speed.
96. You know how there are dozens of ways to wear a scarf, but you only wear it the one way? Learn the other ways.
97. Learn Old English words. Pepper them into your conversation. Wherefore not?
98. Try on a new shade of lipstick. See how long it takes your partner to notice it.
99. Take deep breaths, in through your nose and out through your mouth.
100. Sleep. Get lots of it.
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mavda · 6 years
Ch.1 | Ch.2 | Ch.3 | Ch.4 | Ch.5 | Ch.6 | Ch.7 | Ch.8 | Ch.9 | Ch.10 | Ch.11 | Ch. 12 | Ch.13 | Ch.14 | Ch.15 | Ch.16 | Ch.17 | Ch.18 | Ch.19 | Ch.20 | Ch.21 | Ch.22 | Ch.23 | Ch.24 | Ch.25 | Ch.26 | Ch.27 | Ch.28 | Ch.29 | Ch.30 | Ch.31 | Ch.32 | Ch.33 | Ch.34 | Ch.35 | Ch.36 | Ch.37 | Ch.38 | Ch.39 | Ch.40 | Ch.41 |  Ch.42 | Ch.43 | Ch.44 | Ch.45 | Ch.46 | Ch.47 | Ch.48 | Ch.49 | Ch.50 | Ch.51 | Ch.52 | Ch.53 |  Ch.54 | Ch.55 |
Ch.56: Light against darkness
Link cursed under his breath. The twilight monster was hurt and wobbled every now and then but it still moved fast and with purpose. The clawshot didn't reach. He was out of arrows.
And the monster jumped again.
The soldiers had barricaded Zelda in a room, they had been nervous and obviously scared, but they moved with a purpose Zelda had thought lost to them. She had had little time to ponder what to do or where to go as William arrived shortly after.
"There is a hole in the sky and some monsters fell and Link just shouted a bunch of instructions and left."
Zelda felt her heart on her throat, "Is everyone all right?"
"The last I saw was Loran guiding a group of soldiers towards the hole."
Zelda made fists with her hands.
"Last I heard, no one was seriously injured."
Zelda tried to relax.
"I'm sure Link will take care of it."
As if on cue, Zelda thought she could hear Link's voice in the distance. She shook her head, she shouldn't let herself be distracted.
William frowned and walked to the window, "Is that-?"
Zelda stood and ran to William.
Link was coming full speed towards the Castle, and sure enough, he was screaming at the top of his lungs. As soon as William opened the window Zelda felt a chill in her spine.
"Monster incoming!!"
Zelda tried to peer and see the monster, but William grabbed her and put her behind him.
"Wait, I have to talk-"
"I know, but still, if the monster appears I will serve as shield."
"Link's coming."
Zelda looked over William's shoulder to see out the window.
Link was still coming full speed, but he was now standing on Epona's saddle and aiming his clawshot to the tower Zelda was in. Zelda couldn't understand how he remained stable standing on Epona.
The moment he reached the wall, Link looked up to the window, "Are there soldiers in there!?"
William peeked his head out, "Posted outside the door!"
"Get Zelda somewhere safe!"
Link could hear Zelda's voice protesting but William disappeared from the window and Link would have to trust him.
The monster arrived with a thud and a scream and his face was growing out slowly. It was almost comical how it looked.
Link swung his sword in his hand, "Beat you to it."
The monster stopped one second and screamed as if it wanted to scare Link away. Link moved his head to wash away his annoyance. The monster shook its head and tried to pass Link but Link successfully parried it. William appeared behind Link, opening a window and jumping towards him.
"You're not hurting it."
Link chopped the monster's leg and stabbed it in what Link thought would be the heart. The monster lay unconscious for a couple of seconds. "I know," he answered.
William looked to the open hole in the sky, "What's the plan?"
Link parried the monster again, "Hopefully Ashei takes care of the little ones and that will weaken this one and let me kill it for good."
William unsheathed his sword.
"How's Zelda?" Link asked. The monster was standing again.
"Protected inside. How about you leave a sword stuck through it nailing it to the roof?"
Link eyed William's sword and ran to the monster.
The monster was weak and Link just had to dodge a desperate attempt to hurt him. William stood relaxed and even Link thought this would be it.
"That hole is giving me the creeps."
Link looked up and asked for William's sword, "Me too. I want this over."
Link was still looking up when he heard Ashei's voice coming from afar. William followed Link's eyes and the both of them stood in awe of what they saw. Link could feel his hairs standing on end.
Ashei was following a group of four- seven? twilight monsters running full speed to where Link and William were. Link was halfway to the monster on the roof when the first twilight monster appeared. Link couldn't do much about that one, but the one after it, Link sliced. William had taken cover near the wall of the tower and though he could hear Ashei screaming things at him, William just stood unmoving.
Link tried to fight the monsters, and he fought for a couple of seconds before a black hand hit him in the stomach and sent him flying down the roof.
Link tried to plunge his sword through the roof, tried to grab whatever he could to break his fall, but he was falling down already and he could hear the monster screeching to the sky as Link's clawshot took hold of the tower wall.
Link's body felt numb so he breathed in and out while holding onto the wall.
William was nowhere to be seen and Link was sure the arrows aimed at the monster were Ashei's. The monster was twitching in place, still morphing itself into one. The monster then screamed and Link closed his eyes, his ears ringed and though he still had trouble hearing around him Link let himself fall to the roof.
The monster gave no time for Link to straighten himself and plunged his arm into the tower. Everything trembled and Link had to crouch to keep his balance. The monster got closer to the tower and raised its arm once again, Link ran towards it and sliced at its leg. The cut disappeared the second Link gave a step back to get into his stance.
The monster kept on hitting the wall and Link was starting to put two and two together while he tried to remain on the roof and not fall due to the trembling.
It had tried to get to Robert first due to the mirror... or the rock. And now it was trying to get to Zelda due to the mirror... or so Link thought.
Link had to plunge his sword through the tiles in the roof to help him from falling and the screams of the soldiers was the only thing that gave away that the monster had breached the wall.
Link had been figthing for himself and the future of the world and his village all those months back. And though he had faced collateral damage that still weighed him down, that still made him feel anxious, knowing that Zelda was unprotected against this Twilight monster filled Link with such dread that his heart was at his throat.
A soldier stood in front of Zelda while another tried to mover her away from the debris that fell inside the room. The monster outside screeched and Zelda knew with such certainty that the next blow would take half the room with it and only she with at most two guards would make it alive that Zelda could feel her mind coming to a stop.
The soldiers were shouting orders to each other and the only thing Zelda could think of was, 'Not again,' never again, not to her, not to her Kingdom, not to her people, and certainly not to the poor fools that would try to protect her and die trying. Not when she knew she could fight against such a monster.
A Twilght monster, a darkness monster. It almost made her sigh in relief, to know that her magic was meant to fight such things. The soldiers moved in disorder but one word from Zelda and they stood aside. It was good to know that at least now no one would dare disobey her orders. It made her feel strong. Stronger.
The monster raised its arm and a couple of soldiers gulped down their fears and stood at her sides. Zelda could hear their gasps and whispers for mercy as the arm came down. Link screamed her name once.
And Zelda raised her arm and called forth her Light Magic.
There was no fear in her. Nothing more than the need to protect her people came to her mind. The lectures of her tutors were drowned by the feeling of victory that bathed her as the monster staggered back with half an arm less.
Zelda closed her hand and knew she could handle this. She would save them all this time.
When Link appeared in front of her. Worried, amazed and with his breathing uneven Zelda clung to him. None of the soldiers moved, and Zelda's "Take cover," was the last they heard before Hero and Princess fell from the tower.
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crystalau-em · 6 years
Emotional Experience: Skymind, Skymind, Taal
This is gonna be the first in a ~very~ occasional series of detailed descriptions of my thoughts and emotional states as I listen to a piece of music. They will be written in the form of a brief description of the song, a YouTube link to it, followed by timestamp comments under a cut to be read as the song is listened to, followed by any other commentary I feel like adding.
This time I will be breaking down my experience of the song Skymind, from the album Skymind, by the French Progressive Rock band Taal. Listen and follow along if you enjoy apocalyptic instrumentals and ominous chants!
0:05 - Nice, slow ominous intro…
0:11 - Oh! Intro ~montage~, that’s cool.
0:14 - Circus?
0:18 - Market? Wish I could understand the snippets of French. Also, would the real song please stand up? I love being teased, but I think a whole song of this would get tiring after a couple minutes. :/
0:21 - Punk rebelliousness? Oh wait! The way these snippets have similar tones, tempos, and melodies despite radically different stylings is amazing! A smorgasbord of ominous apprehension.
0:28 - Wait, this is different.
0:35 - Holy shit! I’ve never mistaken a cello for an airplane before!
0:45 - Okay, we’re in the *song* part of the song now. Some beats have been laid. Cello is mournful. The light background of radio feedback squeaks and hisses are giving me a strong WWII era vibe rn, but there’s this one instrument making a pew noise that makes me think it’s more futuristic than that.
0:58 - Oh I ~adore~ the dissonance with which the second cello enters! Such a regretfully ominous slow burn they’ve got going!
1:12 - Tapping the cymbals to anticipate the revelation...A wild electric guitar appears! Something screams far above.
1:17 - YES! Good riff. The screaming was a missile launcher, the riffs the aftermath.
1: 24 - The missile lands with a low rumble in the distance and the battle is on. The cellos buzz with dread.
1:54 - The snare taps and short electric guitar bursts make me feel like I’m observing this battle from afar. War is on this mind in the sky. Each squeal of the guitar portends an escalation.
1:58 - The low rumbling of destruction. Are those flutes in the background taking up the melody?
2:18 - Tempo increasing. This is making me *really, really* anxious!
2:25 - The subtle shrieking as a bomb falls within the cacophony. Shit’s about to go down.
2:37 - Everything is destruction.
2:48 - Now the explosions give way to whispered words, a summoning chant, faint and faltering.
3:02 - The chanting is rhythmic, increasing in intensity. I ~really~ wish I could make out these words. What existential terror are we summoning! What are its attributes?!?
3:16 - Skymind...an autonomous drone? A spy plane? A satellite?
3:26 - The reveal feels anticlimactic. Really frustrated I couldn’t make out the words.
3:34 - I feel like the strings have been cut, the power cut off to something in motion.
3:43 - What do you portend, mischievous piano?
4:07 - OH! The skymind is put in a box, works its way out and to the internet and begins rebuilding itself.
4:24 - The chant is more patient, less under duress. Melodious flutes, with the cello returning ominously to the background. SOOOOO deliciously subtle! The skymind bides its time and I have goosebumps.
4:30 - The electric guitar returns, rumbling with power. I am shaking with anxiety now.
4:41 - “...wings, night, glide…” is all I’ve made out. More evidence the skymind is an AI war drone.
4:48 - That riff felt like the roar of rocket engines in a liftoff. The chant is a countdown to destruction. I am afraid.
5:04 - I just heard the words head and kill. The emotionless nature of the chant makes me think these are the processes the drone is going through in a loop. Endless, remorseless. Maybe the transition before was a shutdown, refueling, update, and change of target.
5:4o - The riff leading up to and between the 2 chants of Skymind is a strafing run of destruction, it is such a satisfying relief from that buildup and am really disturbed.
5:52 - The keyboard plays an update to the next target? Is this a robot orgasm? Job well done?
5:58 - Oh, that transition was abrupt and unexpected! I feel like I am being taunted for feeling satisfaction at the climax, the folly of humanity, and now everything is chaos.
6:18 - Cities fall. Hope is lost.
6:37 - Rally to the flute! There may be hope yet!
6:43 - The strings hum of resistance being plotted amidst the chaotic destruction.
7:00 - The strings turn ominous again! Where is this going?
7:14 - I am so anxious. I feel like everyone is fleeing.
7:19 - And the drums signal the last of humanity is being gunned down.
7:21 - The riffs of POWER assured, return. All is lost.
7:33 - WOW the resonant chords on those guitars are freaking me out. So much power and confidence!
7:38 - More rat-tat-tat-tat, rat-tat-tat-tat, shots fired.
7:44 - Oh, that squeal feels so good!
7:47 - And again! Do I hear the sound of an organ in those chords? Neat!
7:58 - Definitely an organ. Lots of dread.
8:26 - Okay, I get the reign of terror is endless. We can move on.
8:38 - Oh, thank goodness! Something new. A little keyboard in the background.
8:50 - I’m hearing radio static again. We must be nearing the end.
8:57 - was that an ambulance siren?
9:07 - That prismatic keyboard chaos is almost ~exactly~ what plays during most of the establishing shots of the deathist dystopia in the movie Logan’s Run. That is so delightfully appropriate for this new world order under the Skymind!
9:20 - I am 80% percent certain that is the exact same sound as in Logan’s Run. I. AM. LOVING. THIS.
9:46 - and now the universe is tiled in computronium and the last radio signals of resistance give way to static.
Deliciously horrifying!
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theliberaltony · 7 years
via Politics – FiveThirtyEight
Welcome to Pollapalooza, our weekly polling roundup. Today’s theme song is “Everywhere You Look” from the television show “Full House.”
Poll of the week
Gallup this week released 2017 job approval ratings for President Trump in all 50 states. There’s a lot of interesting stuff in there. But one data point seemed to catch people’s attention more than others: Trump managed only a 39 percent approval rating in Texas; 54 percent of Texans said they disapproved of Trump.
Those numbers are pretty bad — worse than his ratings in Nevada and Arizona, more typical battleground states. Indeed, Trump’s net approval rating (approval rating minus disapproval rating) in ruby-red Texas (-15 percentage points) was essentially the same as his net approval rating nationally (-18 points). Take these numbers at face value and it’s difficult not to conclude that Ted Cruz, the Republican senator from the Lone Star State who is up for re-election this year, could be in a surprising amount of trouble against his Democratic challenger, Beto O’Rourke.
But should we take these figures at face value? It’s possible that O’Rourke and Cruz may end up in a close race, but I’d be cautious about using the Gallup numbers to argue that Cruz might lose. The reason is simple: The group of people Gallup is polling is the entire adult population, rather than registered or likely voters. And in Texas, there’s a big partisan gap between the adult population and the electorate.
Nationally, voters, as a group, typically lean a bit more Republican than the adult population.1 But Texas is a special case: The electorate tends to be way more GOP-leaning than adults overall are.
You can see this at work in polling that Marist College did of likely voters and all adults in nine states during October and November of the 2016 campaign.2 When Marist asked whether respondents approved or disapproved of then-President Barack Obama, it found, on average, a 5-percentage-point drop in Obama’s net approval rating when the population changed from adults to likely voters. In Texas, the decline was 13 percentage points — by far the largest of the states polled. In other words, the likely electorate in Texas was 13 points more GOP-leaning than the state’s overall adult population.
Texas voters are a lot more Republican than adults overall
Former President Obama’s net approval rating among adults and likely voters in Marist College polls conducted in October and November of 2016
Obama’s net approval rating State Adults Likely voters Difference Texas +5 -8 -13 Arizona +2 -5 -7 Georgia +7 +1 -6 Nevada +8 +2 -6 Florida* +4 -1 -5 Ohio 0 -4 -4 New Hampshire +10 +7 -3 North Carolina* +5 +5 0 Pennsylvania +13 +14 +1 Average -5
*Data is from the final survey conducted in the state.
Source: Marist College
Why the difference? In short, the answer can be found in the ethnic and racial makeup of the adult and voter populations. Whites are more Republican-leaning than nonwhites, so the more white an electorate is the more Republican it will likely be. According to the U.S. Census Bureau’s Current Population Survey, non-Hispanic whites made up 47 percent of all Texas adults in 2016 but accounted for 61 percent of Texans who voted that year. The only other states with a gap that big were California and Arizona, which also had 14-point differences and have large Hispanic populations.3 That’s double the average gap (7 points).
But Texas is different from Arizona and California in an important way — it has a larger partisan gap between whites and nonwhites, which exacerbates the effect of the ethnically/racially-driven differences between all adults and voters. White voters in Texas are far more Republican than white voters in Arizona and California are, and Texas’s nonwhite voters are more Democratic-leaning.4 So, that Texas’s electorate is so much whiter than its adult population has a huge effect.
None of this is to say that O’Rourke can’t or won’t beat Cruz. Cruz’s polling shows him ahead of O’Rourke by 18 percentage points. But it also found Cruz’s net favorability rating at just +8 points, which suggests that the race could tighten. Also, O’Rourke is a strong fundraiser. And Texas might not be as red as it used to be — in 2012, Mitt Romney beat Obama there by 16 points; in 2016, Trump beat Clinton by 9.
Still, Cruz is likely to face an electorate that is far friendlier to Trump and Republicans than the Gallup numbers suggest.
Other polling nuggets
YouGov found that 38 percent of adults always see the same person for a haircut. Among those 55 and older, the number is 48 percent. Among those 18 to 24 years old, it drops to 25 percent.
A 1984 Society survey of a potential Ohio governor’s race matchup shows Republican Mike DeWine leading Democrat Richard Cordray 49 percent to 28 percent.
Gallup found that 78 percent of Americans are satisfied with the U.S. military’s “strength and preparedness,” and 63 percent are satisfied with “the nation’s security from terrorism.” Both of those numbers are up from 2017.
70 percent of State of the Union viewers rated Trump’s speech positively in a CNN poll, the least positive reaction for a speech of its kind in at least 20 years.
Just 13 percent of Americans told YouGov that the FBI should be loyal to the president, while 73 percent said the FBI should be independent from politics.
Ahead of the March Democratic gubernatorial primary in Illinois, a We Ask America poll put J.B. Pritzker at 30 percent, Daniel Biss at 17 percent and Chris Kennedy at 12 percent.
Just 53 percent of millennials in a University of Chicago survey said elections can produce real change in America; meanwhile, 75 percent said community groups could produce change.
According to the Pew Research Center, a majority of Americans believe the government doesn’t do enough for young people, old people, poor people or middle-class people. But only 5 percent said it doesn’t do enough for wealthy people.
The vast majority of registered voters (90 percent) told Quinnipiac University that it is important for a president to be a good role model, although only 29 percent believe Trump is one.
63 percent of Americans told Gallup that artificial intelligence will widen the gap between rich and poor.
Trump’s job approval rating
Trump’s job approval rating is at 39.8 percent, while his disapproval rating is at 54.7 percent. Last week, his approval rating was 39 percent, compared with a disapproval rating of 56 percent.
The generic ballot
The Democrats’ hold a 46.1 percent to 40.7 percent advantage on the generic congressional ballot this week. That’s down from last week, when the Democrats were up 46.4 percent to 39.1 percent.
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agilenano · 5 years
Agilenano - News: Plan Small Shelf Brackets
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Scroll Decorative Metal Shelf Brackets . . . a smaller iron decorative bracket for A Glam Kitchen Detail On a Budget: IKEA Shelf Brackets Spray-Painted Gold! See more ideas about Shelving brackets, Industrial furniture and Shelves. . The floating remodel: Budget solutions, small-space ideas buoy houseboat. Shop Wayfair for all the best Glam Wall & Display Shelves. . family photos in the sturdy or highlight a red rose nestled in a small white vase in the entryway. Explore Luyolo Mdoyis board wall shelf brackets on Pinterest. . A Corner Shelf For a small bathroom.hopefully my dream home wont have a small bathroom,. You searched for: small shelf brackets! Etsy is the home to thousands of handmade, vintage, and one-of-a-kind products and gifts related to your search. Online shopping for Shelf Brackets & Supports from a great selection at DIY . PACK OF 8 Small supports for glass SHELF 4-6mm thick CHROME plated. 24/10/2017 Putting up shelves doesnt have to be a puzzleespecially when you have 18 Clever-approved shelf brackets to choose from. Stanley Hardware 218974 10 x 12 Black Utility Shelf Brackets. Price . Wallscapes/More Inside 12 x 32 Shelf , 32 Silver Bracket , Small Basket and Medium. This time I made a gorgeous glam shelf with a lot of bling. . We are currently at this moment still living in our .
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Well packaged and particularly speedy delivery, all good stuff nicely chromed although (coz I didnt look at the dimensions) they are smaller than youd imagine. Results 1 24 of 54 Pair of Small Cast Iron Victorian Ironbridge Shelf Brackets 8 / 21cm OF DECORATIVE VINTAGE DESIGN WALL MOUNTED SHELF. Find great deals on eBay for Decorative Wall Brackets in Bookcases. Shop with confidence. . FREE UK POSTAGE -Choose from over 50 designs. 14.95. Shop Wayfair.co.uk for the best decorative shelf brackets. . This collectors box made of pine wood features small compartments that are ideal for collecting. Shop for British made cast iron and brass shelf brackets. The best place for . The very smallest cast iron gothic shelf bracket for small shelves around the home. Small 3x3 metal iron hand forged shelf brackets, corbels, steel shelf bracket, . Design Wall Shelf Brackets, Free Shipping, Decorative Small Shelf Brackets,. 2x Industrial metal shelf brackets for reclaimed scaffold board Rustic Shelf Brackets x 2 Scaffold Board Bracket Industrial Heavy Duty UK Made Sold in. Duraline Classic Baroque Bracket Black Small. 12 . background or youre searching for decorative shelving support that makes a statement, look no further. Welcome to bowleyandjackson.co.uk . Our range of wrought iron shelf brackets are ideal for use with an old piece of timber to create . Antique cast metal Gothic decorative wall shelf bracket 200mm . Small cast metal antique shelf bracket.
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Shop Shelves & Shelving, Garage Racks, Storage Cubes, Wall Mounted Corner and Floating Shelves, Wire and Plastic Shelves, and Steel Racks all at Lowes. . Install shelving with shelf brackets and reclaim some space in your home. Use with shelves 7-in to 12-in deep; Durable white powder coat finish; Solid-steel construction; Mounting hardware included; Holds up to 80-lbs per pair when. Shop shelving brackets & hardware in the shelves & shelving section of Lowes.com. Find quality shelving brackets & hardware online or in store. Shop through a wide selection of Shelf Brackets & Supports at Amazon.com. Free shipping and free returns on Prime eligible items. floating shelf brackets lowes Google Search. . Discover thousands of images about DIY install floating shelf; Project is remarkably simple, inexpensive . Wood floor bathroom Rustic Master Bathroom, Tiny House Bathroom, Modern. Take storage and organization from the to-do list to done with shelving, totes, . If youre short on space, consider a corner shelving unit, especially for smaller items. . Dont forget to make sure youve got the proper shelf brackets and shelf. Knape and Vogt 208WH500 20 White Heavy Duty Shelf Bracket, 1-Pack . Wallscapes/More Inside 12 x 32 Shelf , 32 Silver Bracket , Small Basket and. brackets shelves home corner mounted box unit depot cable bookshelf target . medium size of cupboard small bookshelf lamp ladder lowes corner shelves ladde . wood cabinets lowes bookshelf corner bookshelves bookcase cheap pine re.
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Take storage and organization from the to-do list to done with shelving, totes, . Get Inspired & Organized with Shelving Ideas . If youre short on space, consider a corner shelving unit, especially for smaller items. . Dont forget to make sure youve got the proper shelf brackets and shelf supports to hold all of your items. The BLOC metal shelf brackets are adjustable to work with nearly any shelf . shelf material; Pair with glass shelves for a minimalist look; Small size helps give. The FLAC metal shelf brackets are adjustable to work with nearly any . All Departments Home Decor & Furniture DIY Projects & Ideas Home One of our smaller brackets, the BLOC is a great compliment with glass shelves for a minimalist . however, FLACs small size helps to give the appearance of floating shelves. Products 1 48 of 156 Choose from decorative shelf brackets, heavy duty brackets, rustic styles, metal and wood brackets and more. See our selection. Set of Two Concept Fusion Minimalist Rod U Shelf Hairpin Bracket, Flat Black Powder Coated Finish or Raw Aluminum . Black Shelf Brackets, Modern Shelving Hardware Metal, Screws Included Minimalist MINI Shelf Brackets (Pair). 05/03/2015 One of our favorite small space secrets one of those little things that takes . You can find upright s and brackets at the Home Depot, or, if you dont . pole or wall mounted) is popular in university libraries for its minimal look and incredible versatility. 7 Clever Ideas to Steal From Small Space Entryways. Shop Wayfair for the best minimalist shelf brackets. . Provides effective wall storage in durable wrought iron metal for wall mounted shelves that dont sacrifice. 5 Open concept floating shelves provide a fashionable way to display your most treasured possessions. . Take this shelf, for example: crafted from metal, it features 11 shelves to help you give This contemporary Ladder Bookshelf design allows you to make the most out of small areas where . minimalist shelf brackets
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Wickes Twin Slot Upright Shelving Bracket White 2060mm. (1). 9.00 Wickes Adjustable Steel Shelving Bracket Small 250 x 65mm Pack of 2. (0). 10.50. Wickes Shelving and Storage Units include free-standing metal, and timber shelving . Wickes Shelf Brackets include basic and specific supports for creating. Whether you need floating shelf brackets or heavy duty shelf brackets you will find the right shelving brackets for you here. Our wall shelf support range offers. In case we have a small kitchen. I want this in my kitchen instead of Wickes Heavy Duty Shelving Bracket White 295 x 210mm. Shelf BracketsShelvesShelf. (2) Brackets Iron Shelf Concealed Hidden Wall Hidd Home Screwfix Rustic . glass duty shelves lowes slatwall screwfix pipe small enchanting. (2) Pipe Home Menards Iron Microwave Brackets Decorative Wall Steel . Hea Amazing Small Hidden Dut Enchanting Hidd Pip De Agreeable. (2) St Stunning John Menards Brackets Screwfix Glass Pipe Wall Mitre Pretty . Hidde Licious Fo Amazing Glamorous Rus Glas Wick Nz Sh I Enchanting. . small iron wickes shelf brackets heavy wood slatwall rust duty folding. Consultants to Home Delivery, Wickes can help you make your dream Wall & Floor Tiles: Travertine Autumn Gold Mosaic. Accessories: Boston . a cloakroom or small bathroom. Mode Collection Brace supports for additional stability. H:1900 W: Enchanted (co-ordinates with the Enchanted shower). Mono Basin. discover how easy it is to create your dream bathroom with Wickes. 1. Imagine them ideal for bathing the kids, small spaces or getting in and 212334 Enchanted Bath Shower Mixer Tap. 120928 . wall brackets and centre foot. 25 year.
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Whether you need floating shelf brackets or heavy duty shelf brackets you will find the right shelving brackets for you here. Our wall shelf support range offers. Buy White Shelf Brackets at Screwfix.com. Thousands of customer product reviews. Delivery 7 days a week. 30 day money back guarantee. Thousands of. .but not half the quality. Great savings when putting up a 370mm wide shelf in the garage. Funny that other DIY stores in town didnt know what a London. Whether youre looking for a radiator bracket, hanging basket bracket or curtain bracket, you can find it online at B&Q. Shop the range of styles online. I thought about one of these but they are either too small or too big. . For cheap brackets, Screwfix and Toolstation are probably the cheapest. 2G Switch Surround with Shelf. . Bought as a little bit of fun and really impressed. Had to cut off two small clips to allow the MK switch to sit flush. Time to buy. Fixings for heavy shelf in plasterboard In my home (includes DIY) . [This site is funny -> is b-u-g-g-e-r really a rude word??? ] TV brackets and heavy mirrors etc, probably cheaper to buy at Screwfix For weight they are not as good as the plastic plasterboard fixing which at least requires a smaller hole. (2) St Stunning John Menards Brackets Screwfix Glass Pipe Wall Mitre Pretty . small iron wickes shelf brackets heavy wood slatwall rust duty. (2) Brackets Iron Shelf Concealed Hidden Wall Hidd Home Screwfix Rustic . mitre shelf adjustable wall small menards rustic kitchen glass.
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Put up a set of handy wall shelves with our selection of shelf brackets to suit all styles of home. Browse metal shelving brackets and more online at B&Q. Create the perfect storage solution or display from our wide range of wall . Hang your shelves securely and stylishly by choosing the right shelf brackets. Additional medium and heavy duty shelf brackets sold separately. Order your floating shelve online today for 1hr click & collect at your nearest B&Q store or for. Whether you need floating shelf brackets or heavy duty shelf brackets you will find the right shelving brackets for you here. Our wall shelf support range offers. Build extra storage space with shelving brackets at Toolstation. Find metal, black, brass, white, London shelf brackets and many more styles here. Add mirrored subway tiles for a small dressing room or bathroom. . very tempted to paint my bathroom white and tile it like this. or maybe my kitchen. . tiled pantry with marble shelves, iron shelf brackets and classic subway tiled backsplash . B&Q Radiator Shelf Kit, White 920mm : For hall Tv In Kitchen, Living Room. 11/10/2018 Fancy home furnitures sets small coat rack shelf free standing full size . iron stair railing wall mounted hanging rod closet bracket ideas suit . sonoma cubbie shelf wall coat rack shelf b&q coat rack dimensions 1500 x 1125 coat rack. . Tempting Handcrafted Wooden Wall Mount Coat Key Red Available. 05/09/2018 Formidable chunky rustic wood floating shelf shelves mantel rustic woodenmantel . You Maybe Interested In : Narrow Tv Stand . Preferential Brackets Wall Shelves Wall Shelves Hgtv Rustic Wood Shelves Diy Rustic Wood Shelves . Diverting Rustic Wood Shelves B Q Rustic Wood Shelves Target Rustic. Order online at B&Q now & get free home delivery on orders over 50. . effectively supports current networking requirements, Stainless steel mesh doors are A clever inventor offers a third option: Mesh, a DIY kit of small, wireless tags that . you may be tempted to spring for Security shutters trade prices for installed or.
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Shop through a wide selection of Shelf Brackets & Supports at Amazon.com. Free shipping and free returns on Prime eligible items. Shop through a wide selection of Shelf Brackets at Amazon.com. Free shipping and free returns on Prime eligible items. Discover the best Shelf Brackets & Supports in Best Sellers. Find the top 100 most popular items in Amazon Home Improvement Best Sellers. Buy products related to decorative shelf brackets and see what customers . Lot/Set of 6 Antique-Style Cast Iron SMALL 5 1/4 x 7 SHELF BRACKETS Hangers. Buy products related to decorative shelf bracket products and see what . NACH js-90-061AW Victorian Shelf Bracket (Pack of 4), Small, White (4.924.921.18). Results 1 24 of 183 Online shopping for Tools & Home Improvement from a great selection of Brackets, Pegs & Pins, Shelf Clips, Shelving Hardware & more at. Buy products related to adjustable shelving brackets and see what . I love the fact you can choose how big or small you want this shelf or if you can Rubbermaid Configurations Custom Closet Deluxe Kit, White, 4-8 Foot, FG3H8900WHT. Results 1 24 of 177 Nautical Ship Anchor Shelf Bracket For Custom Shelves Rust . Small Metal Garment Peg for Clothes, Neck Ties, Purses, Hats, Scarves,. Online shopping for Shelf Brackets & Supports from a great selection at DIY . PACK OF 8 Small supports for glass SHELF 4-6mm thick CHROME plated.
Visit us for well-designed wall shelves at low prices. Find everything from brackets to shelves that dont need brackets, in lots of styles and colors. Buy floating shelves and wall shelves to create the perfect solution for your room. Choose from a variety of great products at affordable prices. Shop online today. Visit us for well-designed wall shelves at low prices. Find everything from brackets to shelves that dont need brackets, in lots of styles and colours. Probably Perfect Best Black Corner Shelf Ideas : Baby Nursery Remarkable Top Corner Shelves . Living Room Tier Archaicfair Tower Shelf Available Walnut And Black Huntington Ture Small Unit Glass Shelving Wood Metal Wall Ikea. . shelving unit,slimline bathroom cabinet,small book shelves,u bracket bunnings,white. Probably Terrific Nice Glass Corner Shelf Brackets Picture : Baby Nursery Foxy . Home Corner Small Unit Ikea Black Gloss Wall Glass Metal Wood Archaicfair. Probably Super Awesome Curved Glass Corner Shelf Gallery : Baby Nursery . white corner shelf kit with trim,kids wall bookshelf,large shelf brackets,linen cabinet,long black floating shelves,modern wall shelves,narrow console table ikea,narrow . corner shelves glass wall and archaicfair round shelf installation from mirror. Baby Nursery Archaicfair About Corner Shelves Bedroom Shelf Engaging For . In small or limited living locations, they can provide an ornamental function or could hold . baby nursery astonishing floating wall corner shelf ikea drawers and shelves shelf brackets corner unit bedroom contemporary wall shelving ikea red. baby nursery: Archaicfair Lack Shelves Ikea Lp Designs Images About Man . Enchanting Nursery Room Shelf Ikea Lack Wall Shelf Modern Furniture: Small Size . . Fullsize of Sleek Ikea Ikea Lack Shelf Bracket Ikea Lack Shelf Ikea Lack. 03/07/2018 Decoration Small Wall Mounted Bookshelf Shelf Brackets Cube Kids . diy solid wood wall shelves chris loves archaicfair book cases and floating fitted . diy hanging rope shelf bookshelf from wall ikea shelves with doors.
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Willow-20B 7.5D 10.0H 2.0W Iron Corbel Metal Shelf Brackets, Rustic . Small Scroll Shelf Brackets Metal Shelf Bracket Iron Shelf Brackets Wood Shelf. Steel Shelf Bracket, Forged, Iron Shelf Bracket, Kitchen Bracket, Metal Shelf . 2 Mini shelf brackets Hand Forged Wrought Iron Kitchen Cup Mug Spice CD. Small Scroll Shelf Brackets Metal Shelf Bracket Iron Shelf Brackets Wood Shelf Brackets Black, Gold, White, Turquoise, Red, Gray. Wood Shelf Brackets. 2 Mini shelf brackets Wrought Iron Hook Kitchen Utensil Mug Spice S Rod Pole Rack Wood Glass Holder Wall Hanger Blacksmith Hand forged Metal. Shop through a wide selection of Shelf Brackets & Supports at Amazon.com. Free shipping and free returns on Prime eligible items. Results 1 24 of 177 KES HSB304-2-P2 Solid Metal Adjustable Wood/Glass Shelf Small Metal Garment Peg for Clothes, Neck Ties, Purses, Hats, Scarves,. This collectors box made of pine wood features small compartments that are ideal for . Delightful iron shelf bracket that suits almost any wall of your home! The roomy drawer can be used for small utensils. . This table is supported by inexpensive folding brackets. . compartment, three drawers, three open shelves, knife rack, and row of screw hooks for hanging utensils. . Metal or wooden handles may be used. . Soups and stews are delicious when cooked in the cooker. . metal wall mount p //onbedroom.website/verichron-wall-clock/decorative-unique-super- wall mirror panels mirrors plastic acrylic teardrop panel sets v large small . shelf brackets wall hung shelves white wooden long decorating ideas accent . ://hethrone.co/raise-bathroom-vanity/delicious-raise-bathroom-ceiling-vanity/.
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Shelf life. Collection by Sfgirlbybay / victoria smith. shelves and storage with shelving . Interesting use of vertical space Corner Shelves, Book Shelves, Book. The shelf lives of most products depend upon how you treat them. Edibles, unless otherwise indicated, should be stored in a cool, dry place. (With any food, of. Massive level of interest in shelf-life extending film following trials of Siranes Sira-Flex Resolve. Sirane is Europes leading food packaging. 14/02/2018 Perfotec and Uflex Ltd have joined forces to introduce Flexfresh a packaging solution that dramatically extends the shelf-life of fresh fruits,. 13/04/2017 Shelf life is an important property of any food and is of interest to everyone in the food chain from producer to consumer. The legal requirement. 25/09/2018 Longer shelf life decreases a products chance of ending up in a landfill. . HPP is a unique food preservation method that utilizes cold water. 31/10/2018 Maybe it would be interesting to take a look at what we have and show . We hope you enjoy Shelf Life as we periodically pick our favorite. 26/09/2017 To reduce food waste, a dynamically adjustable shelf life and . In this paper the effect of dynamic shelf life (a dynamically . Interesting for:. PHOTOGRAPHED BY LAUREN PRESSEY. Creating a space in your home is about showcasing your unique style, interests and life experiences. Your home.
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Agilenano - News from Agilenano from shopsnetwork (4 sites) https://agilenano.com/blogs/news/plan-small-shelf-brackets
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samanthasroberts · 6 years
10+ Epic Bar And Restaurant Fails
Have you ever visited a restaurant that has deep fried baby on the menu? Perhaps you’ve visited a bar where the urinals are so close that two people can’t use them simultaneously without getting awkwardly intimate with each other? Or maybe you’ve somehow found yourself dining in a place named after the Ku Klux Klan. If you answered “yes” to any of the above then this list of hilarious bar and restaurant fails, compiled by Bored Panda, is especially for you. Don’t forget to vote for your favourite!
#1 This Italian Restaurant In My Hometown Is Really Italian
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#2 They Can’t Be Accused Of False Advertising
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#3 The Sushi Restaurant That I Went To Accidentally Put A Picture Of USB Sushi On Their Menu
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#4 Took This After Lunch At The Restaurant. At Least The Irony Is Delicious
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#5 My Local Mexican Restaurant Won The Best Italian Restaurant Award
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#6 A Friend Of Mine Called A Restaurant About A Spelling Mistake On Their Sign. And They Changed It
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#7 Smart Salad Bar
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#8 This Indian Restaurant Was In A Basement, But Wanted To Created The Sense That It Wasn’t. They Created An Entire Wall Of Fake Windows Looking Out Into Pictures Of A Parking Lot
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#9 This Restaurant Uses Semi-Transparent Frosted Glass For Its Bathroom Stalls
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#10 Apparently Somebody Accepted This At A Bar. A For Effort
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#11 This Trash Can At The Bar Is A Box For A Trash Can
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#12 These Salt And Pepper Shakers Filled With Salt And Pepper Packets At My Hotel
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#13 What A Deal!
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#14 Seen In A Restaurant In Texas
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#15 Taco Time’s Hiring Pamphlet
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#16 A Bar I Go To Never Cleans The Dripped Candle Wax
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#17 No Thank You, I Think I’ll Pass
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#18 My Local Thai Food Joint Has A Very Unique Interpretation Of “Kid’s Menu”
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#19 Confusing Cafe In Korea
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#20 B.A.D. Sushi
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#21 Is Diet Ice Better For You?
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#22 Saw This At A Local Mexican Restaurant… I Think I’ll Wait
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#23 This Restaurant Just Has A Framed Picture Where A Tv Used To Be
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#24 The Modern Art In This Mexican Restaurant Is Just Breathtaking
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#25 Didn’t Expect This
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#26 Paid $16 For This Caesar “Salad” At A Concept Restaurant Last Night
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#27 This Window Advertisement Left An Awesome Shadow On This Restaurant Patron
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#28 Well, That’s One Way To Get More Men To Your Restaurant
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#29 Bill & Ann Clearly Believe That Honesty Is The Best Policy
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#30 This Restaurant In Paris Used A Dictionary To Translate The Menu
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#31 I Need A Taco
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#32 Hands Up! This Is A Lobbery!
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#33 This Restaurant Wraps Their Menu Around A Wooden Stick. There Was Absolutely No Explanation Or Purpose To It
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#34 This Is What I Have To Look At While Eating At Mcdonald’s
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#35 This Sign Makes It Look Like Its Quoting A Fire Extinguisher
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#36 The Lighting On These Menus
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#37 Ate At A Local Restaurant
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#38 The Design Of These Plates At A Restaurant Makes It Look Like They Are Dirty
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#39 Suggested Tips At This Restaurant
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#40 The Fork And Knife At This Restaurant Are Very Awkward
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#41 You Keep Using That Word…
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#42 This Restaurant Got A New Sign, But Forgot To Program It
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#43 Beer Coaster
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#44 So, This Is In My Town Now
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#45 This Sign Is In A Hallway By The Bathroom. It’s The Mascot For A Restaurant In Tampa
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#46 I’m All About Making New Friends But This Might Be An Awkward Introduction
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#47 French Restaurant Menu
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#48 A Restaurant In My Hometown Is Using The Pirate Bay’s Logo As Their Branding
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#49 The Restaurant I Went To Plastered Their Logo All Over The Descriptions
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#50 Clearly Missing The Point Of A Digital Menu
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#51 Nice Tile Job
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#52 I Ordered Steak At A Restaurant And This Was Brought To Me
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#53 This Bar Put Up A Braille Sign In Lights
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#54 Just Got My Bill At A Restaurant. Seems Legit
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#55 Restaurant Sign Fail At The Ulster Hospital
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#56 Magic Restroom Cafe
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#57 Fart Taco
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#58 Actual Facebook Logo For My Hometown’s Only Bar
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#59 Walked Into A Chinese Restaurant. Found This In The Bathroom
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#60 Intimate Urinals At The Bar
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#61 Delicious Salt And Eppe To Season My Meal
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#62 A Friendly Reassurance During A Meal
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#63 How My Friend And I Were Identified At A Hookah Bar
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#64 This Bar-Top Has A Beveled Edge, Resulting In Daily Spilled Drinks And Broken Glasses
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#65 A Bar In The Grocery Store
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#66 Stressed Backwards Spells…
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#67 Buffets Will Let You Eat Anything These Days
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#68 Apparently This Bar Has A Designated Sexual Assault Area
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#69 Worst Restaurant Name Of All Time?
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#70 Why Do They Make You Climb Up Into These Booths? Why Are There Barriers?
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#71 This Menu At Cereal Killer Cafe, London
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#72 Phrasing
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#73 The Right Way To Name Your Vietnamese Restaurant
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#74 In Oakville At A Chinese Szechuan Restaurant. Both Fascinated And Confused By The Men’s Washroom Setup
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#75 This Restaurant Sign Isn’t Centered
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#76 Hard Day
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#77 Mexican Restaurant At My Hometown In Illinois
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#78 I Was Worried Going To The Fair Would Break My Diet, But Thankfully They Had Slimfast Bars
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#79 This Restaurant Sign Claiming They Offer Menus In Four Foreign Languages Contains Spelling Errors In Every One Of Them
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#80 Tnaruat Bar & Res
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#81 Looking For A Bar In A Random Vietnamese Town When Suddenly
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#82 This Light I Found At A Restaurant Has A Swastika Hiding Inside It
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#83 Yes, I’ll Have One Child Rib Please, Along With A Child Burger
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#84 Sports Bar’s Undue Effort
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#85 This Menu
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#86 How Did That Happen?
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#87 This Cocktail Lounge I Went To Has Bars Of Soap Mounted To The Wall In The Bathroom
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#88 I Guess Popeyes Is Changing Their Menu
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#89 A Nationalwineday Reminder That Wine Glasses Should Not Be Used For Sausage, Mash And Unnecessarily Large Bits Of Rosemary
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#90 Ah Yes. Nothing Gets Me More In The Mood To Eat Mexican Food Than Watching Someone Get Liposuction On The Big Screen
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#91 So This Happened Yesterday While Enjoying A Martini. Waiter Decides To Iron His Shirt
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#92 Yes Please… No Wait What
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#93 This Is Not A Yellow Basket
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#94 Doesn’t Seem Like The Best Idea At A Bar
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#95 First Page Of The Drinks Menu In The Local Caffe Bar
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#96 Here’s One I Saw In Niagara Falls A Couple Of Years Ago. The Name Was Especially Funny As The Restaurant Had Clearly Gone Out Of Business
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#97 Palt And Pepper
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#98 Local Bar Glasses In El Paso, Tesax. I Mean Texas…
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#99 The Choices Are Plentiful At This Fine Dining Establishment
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#100 This Menu In A Slovakian Bar
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#101 Some Of The Lights At My Local Bar Burned Out
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#102 Hitler’s Cross – Mumbai, India
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#103 There Is Not A Single Day In Thailand When You Don’t Giggle At The Menu 1
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#104 This Restaurant Forgot To Fill Out Their Store Information On Their Receipts
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#105 No Extended Bar And Uncomfortable Stools
Source: http://allofbeer.com/10-epic-bar-and-restaurant-fails/
from All of Beer https://allofbeer.wordpress.com/2018/11/01/10-epic-bar-and-restaurant-fails/
0 notes
humansoulsarg · 7 years
Spice Girls Fan Club Snail Mail Solve
In the not so distant past, on a Valentine’s Day, this solve was discovered http://humansoulsarg.tumblr.com/post/157261188208/spice-girls-fan-club-valentines-day-post-solve leading several Pangent Technologies Sister location members to submit their information to Pangent HQ (via tumblr) trusting that this information would be used for good and not evil.
Since then, the concept of Lockers has come up, with 54 lockers available. As of this time, 25 of those lockers have been reserved, again for unknown purposes, but the hope is that good will prevail (despite any player-caused locker management shenanigans which may or may not have occurred)
It was theorized that the first four player lockers reserved were for those who had submitted Spice Girls Fan Club Questionnaires, and this theory was given more credence when This solve dropped: http://humansoulsarg.tumblr.com/post/159513845803/ revealing four locations would soon be receiving media mail.
Also in this solve: http://humansoulsarg.tumblr.com/post/158762278828/, this solve: http://humansoulsarg.tumblr.com/post/158761814153/, this solve: http://humansoulsarg.tumblr.com/post/159475658093/, and this solve: http://humansoulsarg.tumblr.com/post/158764977618/, which confirmed reservations of Lockers, the contents were possibly hinted.
Lo and behold the four packages did arrive, and were quickly documented and investigated by the Pangent Remote Location Crew. A true team effort followed as the contents were catalogued and puzzles solved. This post will attempt to document some of the excitement and joy of this process while providing a recap of the hidden mysteries uncovered in this quest.
Speaking of quests, this is not the first Pangent mailing to multiple recipients leading to intertwined puzzlings, see http://humansoulsarg.tumblr.com/post/150433706803/the-heart-and-the-crown-solve for The Heart and the Crown Solve, a very worthwhile quest to enjoy when you have a few quiet moments.
So the four recipients documented their packages in imgur albums as follows:
Lucario: http://imgur.com/a/6evg8
Randomiser: http://imgur.com/a/Eshx7
timescape: http://imgur.com/a/7rGAf
Renpy: http://imgur.com/a/T7QKE & http://imgur.com/a/L4I4z
Some common themes are found in the packages. Each contains several pages, some Spice Girls related material, Original Stressed Penguin artwork and sketches, the Heart and the Crown pencils and inks, a book (revealed earlier in a facebook post), and some other more cryptic content.
“Flash this card for instant Girl Power!”
So, on to the mysteries…
In Lucario’s pages is this gem:
which contains a seemingly straightforward letter from Charlotte to Alex and then some reversed text in green.
The text reads:
leslie check this out. field trip idea? http://tinyurl.com/controltowermilllanenewport
Which was a bit of a mystery until it was discovered that the Spice World bus is on display at this address http://www.island-harbour.co.uk/spice/
On 18 July 2014, The Spice Bus was put on permanent display at Island Harbour Marina. This is THE actual bus used in the Spice Girls’ 1997 film, Spice World
The rest of the backwards text is as follows:
13 arriving 17 thing 23 nest 25 warm 32 swim 31 Antarctic 35 Adélie 39 emperors 43 young 46 relatives 5 birds 3 Scientific 11 ice 13 coast 14 gather 18 finished 26 creché 33 leopard 32 water 23 mate 43 stay 45 sea 17 collecting 28 take 25 chicks 24 eggs 32 cold 28 ready 48 front 35 leaving
This was discovered to be a modified book code using the blue penguin book in Randomiser’s mailing, where finding the word given on the page number listed, counting words from the beginning of the page provides numbers:
33 78 34 62 36 34 70 75 63 70 68 36 78 64 79
These can be interpreted as hex for 3x4b64pucph6xdy which is a mediafire link to http://www.mediafire.com/file/3x4b64pucph6xdy/weirdo.zip
A Pangent themed music video to KT Tunstall’s Weirdo featuring Lottie and Eric having various happy moments around and about the house. A possible slender man is spotted on the bulletin board outside before Lottie is seen posting ‘LOST CAT’ posters requesting help for finding Mayor Sassenheim (okay, so maybe not all of the video is happy moments!)
This song had been previously referenced by Pangent in this post: http://humansoulsarg.tumblr.com/post/159512439613/
Side note from Lucario’s Pokemon book, Scholastic’s address is listed as 555 Broadway, New York, NY 10012. Sounds very Pangent-esque but appears legit.
Next up we have this page of mysterious Pokemon text from Randomiser’s mailing:
These sentences were found in the Pokemon book included in Lucario’s mailing, and by writing down the page numbers each sentence appears on, a new code is found.
119 113 116 99 112 50 105 106 106 49 111 102 ? ? ?
The last three sentences were stumping Lucario in the quest of discovery, but Randomiser was able to use a little bit of Pokemon knowledge along with some brute forcing to determine the last three digits. Of the missing sentences, #1 and #3 may refer to Meowth, #2 to Mr. Mime. Mr. Mime had already been given, so with only 36 possible values (a-z+0-9) another mediafire link was discovered decoding these digits as decimal ASCII.
119 113 116 99 112 50 105 106 106 49 111 102 111 106 111
Another Pangent music video! This time it is of Lancelot walking around the ‘Flow’ art installation by May Sun in Pasedena California to the musical accompaniment of George Harrison’s Cloud Nine. If this is anything like this previous May Sun art installation video http://humansoulsarg.tumblr.com/post/155323795428/ we will need to decode the walked upon symbols somehow.
Moving on, we now look at the Penguin Land codes from timescape’s mailing:
Using the previously revealed ‘code’ for these symbols from the order in which they appear in the Penguin Land manual, these can be transcribed according to this image:
Code #1 is:
74 69 6e 79 20 75 72 6d 20 6b 61 70 70 61 20 73 75 64 6f 6b 75 20 73 75 6c 20 6f 66 20 6e 75 6c 62 65 72 73 20 6f 6e 20 63 6f 76 65 72 20 69 67 6e 6f 72 65 20 72 65 64 2f 62 6d 75 65 20 62 61 63 6b 67 72 6f 75 6e 64 20 6e 75 6c 62 65 72 73 20 6c 75 6d 74 69 70 6d 79 20 74 69 6c 65 73 20 69 74 73 65 6d 66
Code #2 is:
74 69 6e 79 20 75 72 6d 20 70 6f 6b 65 6c 6f 6e 20 62 61 72 62 6f 20 73 75 6c 20 6f 66 20 70 6f 6b 65 6c 6f 6e 20 6f 6e 20 63 6f 76 65 72 20 6c 75 6d 74 69 70 6d 79 20 74 69 6c 65 73 20 69 74 73 65 6d 66
both of which can be interpreted as ASCII hex values which become:
tiny urm kappa sudoku sul of nulbers on cover ignore red/bmue background nulbers lumtipmy tiles itsemf
tiny urm pokelon barbo sul of pokelon on cover lumtipmy tiles itsemf
Hmmm… strange things are afoot in Penguin land, and it was discovered that our trusty decoder ring had the ‘C’ and ’D’ swapped, which ends up swapping ‘l’ and ’m’. So the corrected version is somewhat more readable.
tiny url kappa sudoku sum of numbers on cover ignore red/blue background numbers multiply times itself
tiny url pokemon barbo sum of pokemon on cover multiply times itself
These appear to be referring to the Soduku book in Renpy’s mailing and the Pokemon book in Lucario’s mailng.
After some trial and error (and master Pokemon knowledge) the following tinyurls were discovered.
Both of these tinyurls redirect to imgur albums, the first to images of the May Sun ‘Flow’ installation along with the presentation of several of the books from the mailings that were previously shared on facebook, and the second to a slew of Lancelot pics.
Included in the May Sun images is this one providing a bit of a decoder ring for the 'flow_nine’ video from earlier:
These codes appear to be the first 6 braille characters, so either 1-6 or a-f. A binary grid was discovered in flow_nine, only visible for a frame:
This grid decodes to tinyurl/513 so we’re going with digits instead of letters for the symbols.
Stringing together the digits from Lancelot’s stroll (including a very helpful overlaid fish in the frame when Lancelot manages to all but obscure the symbol in question) a tinyurl is discovered:
Which redirects to another mediafire, this time of tweeter.zip containing yet another Pangent music video. This time George Harrison is joined by the rest of the Traveling Wiburys as they perform Tweeter and the Monkey Man as we are treated to Lancelot graciously allowing himself to be filmed in the yard, the car, and possibly even dangerously close to the Cube!
Next up we have this brick of text from Lucario’s mailing:
It was discovered that each of these sentences could be found in the white Penguin book included in timescape’s mailing. After looking up each page, the string of page numbers is:
11 18 12 14 11 10 12 09 12 16 11 12 08 09 12 15 08 15 12 13 08 14 11 17 11 07 11 11 08 08
But the first page of the book is actually page 6 so 5 is subtracted from each page number, and then the values are converted to hex by making anything over 9 0-F:
6C 79 65 74 7A 67 34 70 30 78 39 6B 62 66 33 -> lyetzg4p0x9kbf3
Another mediafire link:
This link provides a treasure trove of Spice Girls Fan Club material including high quality images of the Spice Girls related Fan Club material we’ve seen in the mailings as well as new images and paper crafts of each Spice Girl in two formats. Girl Power!
This takes us to the next phase of our decoding quest, the Sudoku solutions given in timescape’s mailing:
Boy, you sure said something there, Stressed Penguin, what is this is right!?
After a few days in stumped-ville, some patterns begin to emerge and assumptions made based on the nature of the other puzzles led to finding the page numbers of the puzzles for each of the 45 solutions given. The puzzles were in the Sudoku Book from Renpy’s mailing, and can be given as:
p1: 30 4 40 43 9 42 32 51 53 34 6 41 44 29 8 31 52 2 24 10 48 23 50 55 5 p2: 36 19 18 2 26 8 9 33 4 17 24 13 4 7 5 25 20 6 21 29
The twist is that to get to page numbers, 5 needs to be added to the regular ones, the locos need 60 and the sumoku’s need 75 added. This leads to a page number string of:
35 64 45 48 69 47 37 56 58 39 66 46 49 34 68 36 57 62 29 70 53 28 55 60 80 41 24 23 7 31 13 14 38 9 22 29 73 79 12 10 30 25 11 26 34
Again with the assumptions, we now have 45 numbers and are looking to get to a 15-character mediafire ID so each three numbers were summed to give octal values:
144 164 151 151 151 155 152 143 145 61 65 60 164 65 71
which decodes as: dtiiimjce150t59
Leading to http://www.mediafire.com/file/dtiiimjce150t59/flow_texture.zip
Another George Harrison song put to Pangent video this time showing another walkthrough of the May Sun Flow art installation set to His Name Is Legs (Ladies and Gentlemen).
Decoding the symbols in the same way as before takes us to another tinyrul (not-so tiny as it’s the maximum size of 30 characters) http://tinyurl.com/124446224666146351364331223315
This leads to a filename you may remember from Lottie’s letter to Alex way back in the first of this post:
And while words do not come easy to describe this masterpiece, it does seem to provide a pretty good answer from Lottie to Alex RE: the Cube. With hex title 'adelescence’ this is a Grand Finale worthy of Pangent for this Spice Girls Snail Mail Mystery Quest, providing yet another music video. This really needs to be viewed by as many Pangent fans as possible, even though George Harrison is not featured in the soundtrack.
This video has been reposted for ease of viewing here: https://vid.me/OjrR
With that our Pangent themed Spice Girls Fan Club Snail Mail quest is complete, and all we can say is Thank You for your continued efforts, Pangent Technologies!!
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64 Arts of the Kama Sutra
The 64 Arts Of The #KamaSutra (to be cultivated to make a person more attractive) are-
1. Singing 2. Playing a musical instrument 3. Dancing 4. A combination of singing, using musical instruments and dancing 5. Writing and drawing 6.The Art of Tattooing 7.Adorning an idol with flowers 8. The art of spreading flowers on a bed or on the ground 9. Coloring fabrics, nail and body with colors from plants 10. Fixing colored glass tiles on floor 11.The art of making a bed 12.Producing music by striking glasses of water 13. The art of storing water in reservoirs 14. The art of picture making and decorating 15. Making rosaries, necklaces, garlands 16. Tying turbans 17. Stage playing 18. The art of making ear ornaments 19. The art of making perfumes 20. Proper care of jewels, decorations, and ornaments 21. Magic (sorcery) 22. Manual skills 23. Cooking (culinary skills) 24. Making combination drinks and flavored drinks i.e.– lemonades, sherbet etc 25. Tailoring and sewing 26. Making handicrafts e.g.– parrots, flowers etc. from thread 27. Skils to solve riddles, puzzles and covert speeches 28. The skill of Antakshari (a singing game where one must start with the letter with which other person’s song ended) 29. The skill of imitating natural sounds 30. Reading, chanting, and intoning 31. Mastering tongue twisters 32. Skills at martial arts (the skills to use sword, stick, bow and arrow) 33. Skill to reach logical conclusions based on given facts 34. Carpentry 35. Architecture 36. Knowledge about gold, silver and gems 37. Chemistry (knowledge of properties of materials) 38. The art of coloring jewels or beads 39. Knowledge of mines 40. Gardening 41.The art of cock fighting (getting cocks, quail or rams to fight and make the fowl/animal victorious) 42.Teaching parrots or starlings to talk 43.Applying perfumes on body and hair 44. Understanding of code language 45. Spoonerism (purposefully interchanging position of letters of words while speaking) 46. Knowledge of languages 47. Knowledge of making flower chariots 48. Knowledge of making mystical graphics, spells and charms and ways to avoid spells 49.Mental exercises 50. Composing poems 51. Knowledge of dictionaries and vocabulary 52. The art of impersonation 53. Impersonation of materials i.e.– make common things appear fine rare substances (make cotton appear to be silk) 54. Knowledge of gambling 55. Using mantras (enchantments) to take away others’ possession 56.Skills in sports and games 57.The art of social conduct, paying respect and sending compliments 58. Knowledge of war, arms and army deployment 59. Knowledge of gymnastics 60. The skills of knowing a person’s real character from his conduct 61. The skill of reading and composing verses 62. The skills of enjoying arithmetic puzzles 63. Making artificial flowers 64. Making images with clay
“A public woman, endowed with a good disposition, beauty and other winning qualities, and also versed in the above arts, obtains the name of a Ganika, or public woman of high quality, and receives a seat of honour in an assemblage of men.She is, moreover, always respected by the king, and praised by learned men, and her favour being sought for by all, she becomes an object of universal regard. The daughter of a king too as well as the daughter of a minister, being learned in the above arts, can make their husbands favorable to them, even though these may have thousands of other wives besides themselves.If a wife becomes separated from her husband and falls into distress, she can support herself easily, even in a foreign country, by means of her knowledge of these arts. Even the bare knowledge of them gives attractiveness to a woman, though the practice of them may be only possible or otherwise according to the circumstances of each case.A man who is versed in these arts, who is loquacious and acquainted with the arts of gallantry, gains very soon the hearts of women, even though he is only acquainted with them for a short time.”
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Chanticleer – An American “Pleasure Garden” near Philadelphia
About "The Ruin" from the officual website:
"Minder House, built in 1925, is where Adolph Rosengarten, Jr. lived most of his life. In 1999, under the vision and direction of Chanticleer’s Director Chris Woods, the house was razed and construction of the Ruin Garden began. Originally the plan was to use the partially dismantled house as the ruin, but for safety reasons the only part left of the original house is the foundation and the tile "rug."
With the help of landscape architect Mara Baird the new ruin was built on the foundation of Minder House where carved marble, granite and other stone pieces sculpted by Marcia Donahue define the ruin’s various spaces. The Minder Ruin Garden was unveiled to the public in April, 2000.
The Minder Ruin Garden is composed of three rooms: a "Great Hall" with a fountain shaped like a large sarcophagus that rests on a mosaic "rug" of tile, granite and slate, a "Library" where the books are sculpted of stone, and a "Pool Room, where marble faces gaze up from the depths of another fountain. It is a landscape theater."
In mid May, we drove thirteen hours from Georgia up the Shenandoah Valley and across the Pennsylvania Turnpike to Wayne, PA, arriving at the gates of this great American Garden just before 6:00 PM to take advantage of the 8:00 Friday closing time. I’ve now put up a set of shots taken quickly over the two hours just before the garden closed that afternoon.
If you have time, you can click on the set and run the SLIDESHOW in FullScreen Mode to follow us around the garden: www.flickr.com/photos/ugardener/sets/72157629915442950/wi...
Here is an EXTENSIVE Plant List that shows the kind of horticultural craftsmanship and attention to detail that makes this garden and the staff who run it so special:
Here is a link to the garden’s beautiful website, and a quote from it about its history:
"The Chanticleer estate dates from the early 20th-century, when land along the Main Line of the Pennsylvania Railroad was developed for summer homes to escape the heat of Philadelphia. Adolph Rosengarten, Sr., and his wife Christine chose the Wayne-St. Davids area to build their country retreat. The family’s pharmaceutical firm would become part of Merck & Company in the 1920s.
The Rosengartens hired architect and former classmate Charles L. Borie to design the house, which was completed in 1913. Landscape architect Thomas Sears designed the terraces as extensions of the house. A 1924 addition converted the summer home into a year-round residence and the family moved here permanently.
Mr. Rosengarten’s humor is evident in naming his home after the estate "Chanticlere" in Thackeray’s 1855 novel The Newcomes. The fictional Chanticlere was "mortgaged up to the very castle windows" but "still the show of the county." Playing on the word, which is synonymous with "rooster," the Rosengartens used rooster motifs throughout the estate.
Adolph and Christine gave their two children homes as wedding presents. They purchased a neighboring property for son Adolph, Jr. and his bride Janet Newlin in 1933. It is now the site of the Ruin. Daughter Emily’s house, located at today’s visitor entrance, was built for her in 1935. It is presently used for offices and classrooms.
Adolph, Jr., bought his sister’s portion of the estate following her death in the 1980s. He didn’t move into the main house, but used it for entertaining and kept it as it was when the family lived there. The house is open for tours by reservation. Adolph, Jr., left the entire property for the enjoyment and education of the public following his death in 1990. A seven-member Board of Directors, five of whom are Rosengarten relatives, oversees The Chanticleer Foundation. The garden opened to the public in 1993. There are 17 full-time staff, of whom two manage facilities and 12 are gardeners and groundskeepers."
Posted by UGArdener on 2012-05-24 23:54:48
Tagged: , Chanticleer , American Gardens , Gardens , Great American Gardens , Adolph Rosengarten , Philadelphia Gardens , Philadelphia
The post Chanticleer – An American “Pleasure Garden” near Philadelphia appeared first on Good Info.
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suteshiro · 5 years
(1) Do You Sleep With Your Closet Doors Open Or Closed?
Open, kinda? My closet is built into a wall and one of the sides has like, shelves I use often so it’s just open for accesibility
(2) Do You Have Freckles?
Nope! I got nerfed, honestly. I’d look lovely with freckles
(3) Can You Whistle?
Hahaha nope,
(4) Last Song You Listened To.
Night of Fire bc im listening to an eurobeat mix while working on a school assignment skjfvnskjfv last song I Willingly listened to is The Hearse by matt maeson which fucking slaps
(5) What Is Your Favourite Colour?
Probably purple!
(6) Relationship Status.
(7) What Is The Temperature Right Now?
18 celsius/64 fahrenheit. pretty average but for some reason im cold
(8) Did You Wake Up Cranky?
Nope! I woke up feeling wonderfully actually
(9) How Many Followers?
404. Very nice number
(10) Zodiac Sign.
I’m a scorpio and a dragon :3
(11) What Is Your Eye Colour?
(12) Take A Vitamin Daily?
I do not, though I used to and might start again, who’s to say
(13) Do You Sing In The Shower?
Not rlly. I shower listening to music and I have a lot of trouble singing along to things im hearing for some reason skfnvskfjb
(14) What Books Are You Reading?
I’m too embarrassed to say publicly which one im reading now skjvnskfjb i kinda wanna read some cute cheesy romance in the nearby future
(15) Grab The Book Nearest To You, Turn To Page 64, Give Me Line 14.
I grabbed the first lotr book and gottt
“Ah,” said Ted, “ you hear them, if you listen. But if I wanted to listen to old lady tales and childish legends, I’d stay home”
(Translated a bit roughly bc my physical books are mostly in spanish
(16) Favourite Anime?
You cant ask me thatt skjfvnklabmksfjb It might be Violet Evergarden? It’s the only anime that’s really made me cry
(17) Last Person You Cried In Front Of?
I think I cried in front of my mom at some point recently while pretending i wasnt crying
(18) Do You Collect Anything?
Notebooks skfnskfsnb I just think they’re neat
(19) What Did You Have For Lunch?
havent Lunched yet, dont scold me
(20) Do You Dance In The Car?
I’m rarely in cars and they’re usually not mine
(21) Favourite Animal?
Coatimundis pretty...... and adorable
(22) Do You Watch The Olympics?
(23) What Time Do You Usually Go To Bed?
I try to go to bed a bit before midnight but im needy and like talking to my friends so its usually around 2am
(24) Are You Wearing Makeup Right Now?
Nope! I p much never do that
(25) Do You Prefer To Swim In A Pool Or The Ocean?
Both have their pros! I think I tend towards pools bc as a rule they dont rlly have like, annoying consequences
(26) Favourite Tumblr Blog?
@yournewapartment​​ keeps popping up in my dash with good advice and nice stuff and i appreciate it
(27) Bottled Water Or Tap Water?
Bottled waterr the tap water in my building is weird and doesnt seem very safe to drink and by now i hate the taste skjvfnkjn
(28) What Makes You Happy?
My friends, comedy shows, reading good fanfiction, writing fanfiction, drawing my characters, reading about others’ characters, giving gifts, the smell of roses, fairy pokemon, butterflies-
I like being happy
(29) Post A Gif Of What You’re Currently Feeling Right Now.
Im not really a Keeps Gifs That Convey Emotions kinda guy
(30) Do You Study Better With Or Without Music?
Depends a lot skjvfnskfjvn my brain keeps switching
(31) Dogs Or Cats?
Very hard questions,,, I think I tend towards dogs bc they’re like me. Big. Excitable. Needy.
(32) If You Were A Crayon What Colour Would You Be?
(33) PlayStation Or Xbox.
(34) Would You Swim In The Lake Or Ocean?
I have been in the ocean before and idk how much i liked it but sure id do it again. A lake sounds fun!!
(35) Do You Believe In Magic?
I practice it!
(36) What Colour Shirt Are You Wearing?
(37) Can You Curl Your Tongue?
I’m not sure what exactly this is asking
(38) Do You Save Money Or Spend It?
I like saving money skjfnvksjv I rarely think of things to spend it on
(39) Is There Anything Pink Within 10 Feet Of You?
Ye! There’s a bag I use to keep my chargers in it when im outside. it has flower pictures. very pretty
(40) Do You Have Any Obsessions Right Now?
Love Live,,,,, and now my character Curiosity bc @zuramaru​​ is an angel and running a campaign he’s in and we played yesterday and holy shit theres a lot going on
(41) Have You Ever Caught A Butterfly?
Oh yes!! this one time I was in a place absolutely full of butterflies and I caught one between my cupped hands and it stayed there when I opened them and it was a wonderful experience
(42) Are You Easily Influenced By Other People?
Ya,, I do the fawning thing so I tend to agree with other people by default, lest we have any kind of conflict
(43) Do You Have Strange Dreams?
Oh yes, most of the dreams I remember are. bizarre
(44) Do You Like Going On Airplanes?
Yeah!!! Only done it twice but it was a blast
(45) Name One Movie That Made You Cry.
Inside Out fucking got to me
(46) Peanuts Or Sunflower Seeds?
Peanuts,,, I don’t like sunflower seeds. I mean they’re tasty but. Too much effort for too little reward
(47) If I Handed You A Concert Ticket Right Now, Who Would You Want The Performer To Be?
Uuuuh, FOB probably
(48) Are You A Picky Eater?
Not really, but also yes? I have a few things I absolutely refuse to put in my mouth
(49) Are You A Heavy Sleeper?
Perhaps? I’m not very hard to wake up but I can sleep through a lot of stuff
(50) Do You Fear Thunder / Lightning?
Nah I fucking love it
(51) Do You Like To Read / Write?
Yes!! I think I would actually like to become a writer. Not sure tho
(52) Do You Like Your Music Loud?
Yea but only when I’m really into it. Like, usually I’m listening to stuff and the volume tends to low but then there’s this One song and I turn it up all the way until it’s over
(53) Would You Rather Carve Pumpkins Or Wrap Presents?
Wrap presents, I’ve never carved pumpkins before skjfvnskjfv seems like a hassle and I’d feel bad for not making it look nice
(54) Put Your Music On Shuffle, What Is The First Song That Came Up?
Haven’t you noticed (I’m a star) from Steven Universe
(55) What Season Are You In Right Now? (Weather)
(56)What Are You Craving Right Now?
(57) Post A Screenshot Of Your Tumblr Feed.
Here you go!
(58) What Is Your Gender?
(59) Coffee Or Tea?
I’m a tea guy!
(60) Do You Have Any Homework Right Now? If So, What Is It About?
I’m helping translate an entire thing about the way emails work, its a bit of a hassle skjfvnsf
(61) What Is Your Sexuality?
Uuuuh I’ve been questioning but im mlm and also into nb people
(62) Do You Make Your Bed In The Morning?
Yeah! Makes me feel accomplished and sexy
(63) Favourite Pokemon?
(64) Favourite Social Media?
Absolutely Tumblr. Unless you count Discord as a social media
(65) What’s Your Opinion On Instagram Stories?
I don’t use. Instagram. But sure they’re neat
(66) Do You Get Homesick?
A little. Usually when I travel I’m either at a place I hate or at a place where I don’t have commodities I do have at home skjfnskjfb so I miss my room
(67) Are You A Virgin?
(68) What Shampoo And Conditioner Are You Using Right Now?
Uuuh I’m using a Head & Shoulders shampoo I believe? WIth no conditioner bc my hair is real short now and conditioner tends to feel weird
(69) If You Were Far From Home And Needed To Sleep For The Night, Would You Choose To Rent A Crappy Motel Room For $60 Or Sleep In Your Car For Free?
Well you see I would choose the crappy motel but 60 bucks seems a bit unattainable so sure, let’s stay in my car
(70) Are Both Of Your Blood Parents Still In Your Life?
Nope, father is Dead
(71)  Whats The Next Movie You Want To See In Theaters?
I’m not interested in anything, honestly
(73) What Is Your Favourite Quote Right Now?
“If I could make days last forever, if words could make wishes come true, I’d save every day like a treasure and then, again, I would spend them with you”
(74) What Eye Colour Do You Find Sexiest?
There’s this like. Really nice honey color
(75) Did You Like Swinging As A Child? Do You Still Get Excited When You See A Swing Set?
I loved swinging! I still do but I’m. Self conscious about my weight and scared of breaking something
(76) What Was The Last Thing You Ate?
Some pastries for breakfast
(77) What Games Do You Have On Your Phone?
20B wives, My sweet angel is a real angel, BitLife, Buriedbornes, Cardinal Quest 2, Crazy 8, Egg Inc, FarmVille 2, Fire Emblem Heroes, Gardenscapes, Get bigger! Mola, Homescapes, Human Resource Machine, Kept Man Life, Love Live, Mermaid Evolution, My Little Star VIP, Piano Tiles 2, Plague Inc, Pocket City, Pokémon GO, Puzzledom, SmithStory, Soul Knight, Tap Knight, Tower Breaker
To be clear quite a few of these stay there completely untouched
(78) Would You Give A Homeless Person CPR If They Were Dying? Why Or Why Not?
What kind of question is this???
I mean I don’t know CPR but if I could yeah???
(79) Been On The Computer For 5 Hours Straight?
… listen,
right now ive only been on my computer for like an hour or two but yeah ive done that,
(80) Stalked Someone On A Social Network?
I don’t think so?
(81) Do You Like Meeting New People?
Yyyyes and no. I’m a bit awkward but I like people
(82) Do You Wear Rings? If You Do, Take A Picture Of Them.
Oh!! I wear this really pretty crown shaped ring but idk where I left it
(83) Do You Sleep With Your Bedroom Door Open Or Closed?
Closed closed closed I haaate when my bedroom door is open
(84) What Are Three Things You Did Today?
Talk with friends, make some tea, read? I haven’t done a lot today skvnskjvn
(85) What Do You Wear To Bed?
Comfy shirt and sweatpants
(86) List All Of Your Different Beauty Products You Have Right Now.
What’s a beauty?
(87) Are You A Day Or Night Person?
uuuh both? hard to answer??
(88) List All Of Your Video Games On Your Phone, Console Etc.
Well, we’ve already clarified what I have on my phone skjfnskjfb
THe only games I know I have on console are Mortal Kombat Armageddon, Devil May Cry 3 special edition, and Okami. Oh! And God of War. I think at least the first and second. Were there more than two?
(89) Tell Me About A Dream That You Had And When It Happened.
(90) Favourite Soda Drink?
I don’t like fizzy drinks, they make my throat hurt
But Fanta is nice
(91) What Sounds Are Your Favourite?
Melodic voices singing, the rain, absentminded humming, small clicking noises...
(92) Do You Wear Jeans Or Sweats More?
Jeans! I have very few but I’ve grown fond of them. Used to wear yoga pants pretty exclusively before
(93) How Do You Look Right Now?
Gorgeous, of course
Skjvnskfjvn I’m still wearing the clothes I used to sleep
(94) Name Something That Relaxes You.
Ghibli movies
(95) What Tattoo Do You Want?
A star map on my back!
(96) Favourite YouTuber?
Right now I think that’s John Wolfe. But I like quite a few
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