#i should have a tag for anon thoughts too hmmmm
joohanisms · 11 months
"i'm a tummy warrior. i'm against the abs agenda. and i am saying jungsu has a tummy." MA'AM THANK U FOR SPEAKING UR TRUTH I WILL FOLLOW U INTO BATTLE FOR SOFT TUMMY JUNGSU JUST SAY THE WORD 🫡
once again you have outdone yourself with that post thank you for your service!!!! although that food for thought at the end,,,, literally ruined my life omg why did jungsu smack jiseok's ass so hard like that i'm 😵‍💫 imagine him making you ride one of his delicious meaty thighs and when you start slowing down because you're so overwhelmed he smacks your ass so hard you practically half scream half moan 😵‍💫 hahaha are there any spare rooms in this mental hospital ur admitting urself into because oh Boy!!!
tysm 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺 i'm glad you liked it <33
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q1ngqve · 4 months
Hiiii I'm the avenratio x reader requester a while back!! No worries I'm not here to make you hurry up on that but I did want to leave some more food for thought!! :3 But hmmmm AvenRatio who starts their toxic yaoi w you as their messenger/wingman LMAO so you've seen some and been through some shit cause of them HDHSHSHHS and then one day they get together and you're like my work here is done!!! And try to leave but you silly! Silly thing <333 you have been part of their dynamic since the very beginning isn't that why you were both helping them in the first place?
Tsk tsk tsk guess they'll just have to reteach their dumb stupid little human on what's correct or not <333 (yes imagine this w wolf ratio and fox aventurine or something and you're a normal human okay good day idk what my anon tag should be you decide)
im gonna change it up a little because i dont write for mlm so 😼 also reader is a bunny hybrid because ive been obsessed with this dynamic lately
CW; fem! reader, threesome, bunny hybrid reader, fox hybrid aventurine, wolf hybrid dr ratio, degradation, sex toy (dildo), double penetration (ass & vagina), throat fucking
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wolf! dr ratio would be degrading you the whole time after he finds out that you think you could just run away after helping them! are you really that dumb or just pretending to not know?
“dumb little bunny, thinking she can just leave us whenever she likes.”
and fox! aventurine would be laugh teasingly at you as he shoves a dildo up your ass, a mischievous glint appearing in his eyes when he turns up the vibration on the toy
wolf! dr ratio and fox! aventurine getting even more excited when they notice your fluffy tail twitching and your ears flopping down to the back of your head each them they play with the sensitive parts on your body
their animal instincts taking over when you promise to be good and listen to whatever they say, because you’re just too dumb to make any correct decisions for yourself! you just need two big men to make all your decisions for you, so you can turn off your brain when you’re with them! why think at all when they can do that for you?
“gotta teach you a lesson, isn’t that right, sweetheart?”
fox! aventurine’s grip on your hair tightens as he fucks your mouth, your throat constricting around the tip of his dick, while wolf! dr ratio pounds into your pussy from behind, the dildo in your ass not helping the situation. you’re so full that all you can do is whine around aventurine’s dick as you clench around wolf! dr ratio :(
“c’mon, use your words.” knowing full well you’re already fucked dumb and delirious! they just wanna tease you 😵‍💫
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katyspersonal · 1 year
(cut content anon, hi) in response to your question: i've never thought about how the hunter would feel about anything before lmao, but you ask about drama i bring drama. imagine a TYPICALLY cold and impersonal "no emotions but the hunt" hunter who's usually very concerned with efficiency seeing all of micolash's bullshit, having it get to them for once and just. throwing all their learned techniques out the window and brutally fucking him up. but then afterwards they're like "wait what the fuck- that was a person, even if he was horribly cruel that was still a fucking person, what am i doing" and spend however long marinating in the conflicting feelings of "holy shit i just fucking wrecked that guy" and "yeah but it was fun+he deserved it tho lol." like, they've killed people before ofc, but this is the first time they've a) lost their focus during a kill (especially one as easy as micolash that should've been very quick and simple) and b) gone out of their way to make a human (or anything, for that matter) suffer, and it makes them very very nervous. not because they feel guilty, he for sure DID deserve it and they will cherish the memory of beating his ass forever, but because they've seen what can happen to hunters who become too bloodthirsty.....anyways lmao, what do you think?
(also i read your tags and i'm glad my last ask cheered you up, and i hope you're feeling better by now 💖)
'A human OR anything for that matter' got me to chuckle a little bit, because of implication that Micolash is such a cryptid you don't even know anymore with him x)
But yeah, I get you... Not just that, but also even if you factor Gascoigne, Maria, Henryk, aggroed younger Madaras twin or some other hostile hunters our character could have slain before Micolash - in all of those cases it'd be self-defence! Micolash is the one human character paleblood hunter fights that feels not like self-defence, nor there is a clear enough message of 'you should kill them to pass this area' (it is only clear for the player, not for the character). Like... They just find the weird man that might have done All That Shit, go like 'YOUUUUUU!!!!!!!!!!!!' and then chase him and kill him. Your idea that instead of killing quickly and precisely they'd go completely rabid on the guy is like... not a bad one? The dilemma of 'this man was fucked up, but is this worth losing my humanity?' is great too 👌
Hmmmmm I also promised a mistranslation bit per ask for now, so hmmmm what do I share... TIME TO SPIN THE WHEEL
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DID YOU KNOW!!!!!!! DID YOU KNOW THAT!!!!????? In Japanese original, 'Sage's Hair' item is Skull of a Saint!!!!!!? Same for 'Sage's Wrist' - it is 'Saint's Wrist'! *slaps knee*
Healing Church's saints were STYLISH fsdhhfdsdf I think it totally works - crowning a saint would definitely not be outside of realm of possibility, especially since they're responsible for exterminating Cainhurst, former powerful structure! I always felt like since that, Yharnam became theocracy... But closer towards Emilia/Amelia's vicar stage, it is way more like anarchy.
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bougiebutchbitch · 2 years
I love kakagai, I think it's the ship that makes sense the most but what I dislike is how kakagai shippers saying it's canon, kakaobi shippers saying it's canon, kakairu shippers saying it's canon, hell even kakasaku and kakanaru shippers are claiming it's canon too just because Kakashi cared about them ಠ益ಠ Does canon mean that I like it so everyone else has to like it too now? It's infuriating to me that everyone likes to sexualize every beautiful relationship in Naruto then claim it's canon
okayyyyy I think you might need to take a step back, nonnie.
Is this really such a big issue? Are people attacking you personally, or are they just stating their personal interpretations of canon, and because they don't align with your own, you're getting upset and coming into people's inboxes to try and make it an argument?
Basic rule of Tumblr: if people say what you don't like... block them. Don't react. Don't come into people's inboxes, don't post hate in the tags where fans will see it.
By all means, share your negative opinions! Your tumblr blog is your own. But you need to take measures to ensure the fans won't see it, otherwise you're not venting. You're trying to start a fight.
And come off anon so I can block you properly lmao
Look, people have different interpretations of 'canon'. Just because, for all we know, Kishimoto intended every single character except the creepy pedo-coded villain to be read as cishet, it doesn't mean there isn't canon subtext, however unintentional, that people can pick up on and adore.
Sure, the canon content can be read completely as platonic. But honestly, I'm a little weirded out at how you seem to think that seeing hints of a romantic relationship in canon between men in a children's show is ‘sexualisation’.
Where might that train of thought be coming from??? HMMMM I WONDER. :stares at the Don’t Say Gay bill, and every other argument that queer content is somehow inherently sexual:
Obviously, I'm not a fan of teacher/student ships. At the end of the day, I'm a firm believer in 'everyone can write what they want so long as they tag it properly so I can avoid it'. But seeing an adult and a child who are very close, and perceiving them as 'romantically involved', is a WHOLE lot different from seeing two adult male characters and thinking 'oh I can see a canon subtextual romantic relationship here'.
I don't really think they should be compared like this. I'm sure this wasn't your intention, but it kinda makes it sound like you're putting them on a moral playing field, which... no. :/
Of course, I may be being uncharitable. I admit that this whole issue might just be a muddle of terms. I and a lot of people use 'canon' to mean 'content in the source material'. This is different from 'Word of God', which means 'word of the author'. The two do not always align. However, if you see 'canon' as meaning 'both the source material and Word of God in combination', I can see that you might be upset that people are going against Kishimoto's personal views. I still don't think this is an excuse for actually bothering shippers about this, but I can understand it.
But the point remains: I haven't seen anyone say 'this is a canon ship and therefore you have to ship it'. Why would they? Everyone knows that shipping doesn't 'have' to follow canon anyway. A canon ship is of no greater or lesser worth than a non-canon one.
If people are implying otherwise, they're asses - but in that case, why come for the entire kakagai fandom, rather than just blocking those Schrodinger's Assholes who I've never had the misfortune to meet?
I just. I cannot see how people interpreting a romantic element in a canonically close relationship that is only assumed to be platonic because the couple is m/m rather than m/f is hurting you, anon. And it definitely doesn’t justify harrassment, which is what my original post was about.
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jackrrabbit · 4 years
I just discovered your blog today and read through your entire masterlist. Your writing is wonderful ♥️ I feel so privileged to have the opportunity to read your writing. Keep doing what you’re doing since you have a real knack for writing!
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holy shit my WHOLE masterlist? That’s wild, thank you anon!!!! I’m so in love with you, you don’t even know
imma answer a bunch of asks real quick!!! Doing it in one post so as not to spam followers 🥰 also I been thinking I want to do this more often so...y’all could sign your anon asks with an emoji if u want! And I’ll tag it like “🦋 anon” or whatever so you can find it. I feel like that would be kinda cute idk 🥺👉👈
ask answering
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I’m praying 4 a speedy recovery 😏 and thanks! I thought it was time for a change and I found the gif and was like 👀 lowkey kinda hot perhaps? something about the spanking and the glitter ;///;
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hhhhhhhh STOP my heart can’t take this
1k followers legit feels like so much tho, I’ve never had 1k on anything (except like LinkedIn and FB? if that counts). I’m thinking about 1k people and...that’s like a whole ass lecture hall. which gets me thinking that when i post smut I’m presenting it 1000 people like whattttt 1000 people are looking at my sex fantasies that’s a lot of pressure but I hope I’m up 2 the task haha
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😛😛😛 that’s fucking awesome, as a smut writer that’s basically the goal 😋 I’m honored to be a part of your go-to porn stash hehe
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Thank you!! I finished my last final for this semester on Friday, so I’m officially done with my junior year of college 💅 I’m a double major in psychology and law & justice theory. I’m keeping reqs closed for now so I can finish up some things I’m already working on but I can’t wait to reopen them!
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@fictionalcat i love you too!!!! 🐱
😍 so glad to have converted more people to yandere Tendou...he’s such a good (bad?) yandere. god what a creep, I love him. Shoutout to @vermiliren who got me on the yandere Tendou train with their fic finally which made me a dirty Tendou simp 🤬 those long fingers smh
Part 2 to Unprofessional should be posted on May 20th (this coming Wednesday) as a nice birthday present for Tendou 🎁 I hope no one is expecting more plot because it’s literally just smut, which is what the OG request asked for. Part 2 to Fanatic is kinda up in the air...gotta wait for inspiration to hit but I’m working on it!
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Yo thank you........💝 I love Fanatic but I always feel the tiniest bit weird abt it because it’s more extreme than most of my other stuff...someone commented on the post saying it made them want to cry and I was like oh shit that was kinda the point but I’m still v v sorry 😥 anyway it’s really great to get positive feedback for it!!! strong degradation kink might be niche but the people who like it REALLY like it and I am very grateful
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wow thank you! I’m glad it felt in-character for him 💓 I think keeping characters true to canon is one of the hardest parts of writing, especially with smut. I think it’s harder to write smut because you have a conscious endgame that you’re pushing the characters toward—I don’t ‘plan’ my writing so usually I just try to think about “what would this character do in this situation? how would they react?” and then let the story play itself out from there. can’t do that so much with sex tho because you’re actively trying to get them into bed lol 🙈 so it feels really good to know I captured Tanjiro well, thanks!!!!!
A couple others have asked for a part 2 to Sleepless, so I’ve been thinking about it, but atm I have no plans to write another part. As much as I liked the end product, Sleepless gave me a lot of trouble when I was writing it—most of my other fics I wrote in 1–2 sittings; Sleepless took at least 5 rip. HOWEVER I’ll keep thinking on it and possibly write another part some time in the future, and I’ll def write more KNY 💜
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@villain-hotline HOW are you going to put me under arrest when you’re already in jail under suspicion of being too perfect & gorgeous for this world HMMMM
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omg i’m crying........the hard work, time, and effort thing got me 😭😭😭😭💞 stop playin and marry me already 💍
and also I just wanted to say, to everyone who replies to my fics or puts comments in the tags, I love you and I would die for you <3 I can’t respond to replies bc this is a sideblog, but your comments/additions make my day and give me so much inspiration it should be illegal.
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spookyboywhump · 4 years
If you wanted asks for the character development questions: 017,029 for Wren; 031, 030, 023 for Zander; 099, 072 for Cain; and 039, 019, 098 for Vanessa?
OHOHOHO I wanted asks for them alright
 Thank you anon, here we go! 
017. When does your character think that violence is justified or deserved?
Probably in more situations than he should. He thinks that violence against Cain would be very justified given all the shit he puts them through, he thinks that Zander attacking Clement is justified, in general if somebody has personally wronged him or somebody he cares about, he probably thinks violence is deserved. At least a little bit. 
029. What sort of sense of humor does your character have?
 I always pictured him having a very dry sense of humor, though he’s also one of those people who would find stupid internet memes to be the funniest shit ever 
023. What do they consider beautiful in others physically?
He thinks blue eyes are very attractive, and he also really likes lighter hair colors. He likes tall boys, and he thinks freckles are really cute, no matter how faint they may be. He’ll fall hard for anybody with a pretty smile too. 
030. Do they believe in the afterlife?
 He believes there’s some kind of afterlife, he doesn’t necessarily believe in heaven or hell though, or at least, not in a religious sense 
031. Are they superstitious about anything?
 Zander is so superstitious. Breaking mirrors, walking under ladders, putting shoes on a table, cutting tags off clothes while still wearing them, ect., he doesn’t mess with any of that, and would like it very much if the people around him didn’t mess with it either. 
072. In a Dungeons & Dragons game, which class would your character be? (wizard, fighter, bard, priest, ranger, etc.)
 He gives me sorcerer vibes specifically a dark elf sorcerer. Yes I’ve thought way too hard about all of my oc’s classes and races. Don’t judge me.
099. Do they talk to inanimate objects?
 When he’s alone, definitely, though I’m sure by now Zander has witnessed this at least once or twice.
019. If they could have a superpower, what would they choose?
Hmmmm she strikes me as someone who would want cool fire superpowers. She would think that’s neat as hell and also, red imagery important for Vanessa
039. What do they think is the worst thing that can be done to a person?
 Vanessa assumes that being killed is the worst thing that can happen to someone. As far as she is concerned, everything is perfectly fine as long as they’re still alive. 
098. Does your character like animals?
 She does not. In general she finds them annoying at best, and prefers to keep any and all animals away from herself at all times. 
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ironhusband · 3 years
i want to say thanks for the concern, i really appreciate it, and also apologize for the graphic explanation of where i've been. i didn't realize that it could have triggered you or anyone else, and i'm sorry about that and will make sure to denote stuff like that with a trigger warning before going on to speak. although to be honest i didn't think to do so because i never thought of myself as an alcoholic, or of my situation being reminiscent of alcoholism; just an odd accident.
i still don't, really.
nevertheless, i don't think you're overstepping boundaries at all. i've decided to cut back on the drinking. it wasn't by choice; i came back home to find all the alcohol removed and all the ingredients i used to make my many colorful prides and joys gone from my mini fridges. but am i mad about it? nah, i'm not even upset; my family's actions were and still are perfectly understandable. but i am a little bit embarrassed; the house has basically been baby-proofed. i also wish they would have told me about it before doing it, i wouldn't have even disagreed, i just would've appreciated being able to throw my two cents in.
-shrugs- besides that though, the situation hasn't been scary at all for me, it's more like a...out of body experience? i think. to give you some perspective, i don't remember much, just downing another...zombie? i think it was a zombie i made, and then next thing i know i'm in the hospital with a tube shoved down my throat. everybody else was scared and very sad, but i was just plain confused by everything.
but i have been taking it easy anyways, you've got nothing to worry about. oh, and one more thing: i know the day has long, long since passed, but happy valentine's day, yeah? i hope you know that you're a wonderful human being, and that you never, ever forget that. take care now! ❤️
Hmmmm, I can’t really say if what you have is alcoholism or not either, since I’m barely an expert on that, but you certainly have some kind of drinking problem if you had alcohol poisoning, y’know? I thought that was the best way to tag it.  
It didn’t particularly trigger me since I’m not really around alcohol and it’s not something that has proven to be a problem in my life, but I tagged it that way because other people could have been triggered. It more... concerned me. I appreciate the future warnings though. 
I think it was a good call on your family’s part not to tell you. I mean, I also get why you would want to be involved in that decision, and that you sort of feel infantilized by it, but you know, I think it would have been perfectly warranted of your family to think your sense of judgement was flawed. Maybe you’re not an alcoholic but they can’t know that. 
I still think you should take care of yourself in all this. You know, that confusion can be pretty scary too. Maybe for you it was different, but if it were me, I know that the idea of almost dying would have been pretty jarring. Maybe that doesn’t bother you though? That’s perfectly fine. You didn’t feel like you were dying after all. But my point was - you should take care of yourself, in whatever way you find you need to. 
Happy Valentine’s Day to you too, anon! I have been sending late Valentine’s Day cards the next day after Valentine’s, so I think it’s okay. There’s actually a different love holiday in my country, so the date doesn’t mean much to me, I’m just happy to make silly cards and get thoughtful wishes. 
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Prompt 53 from the list; if you dont want to you dont but I'd love Vasquez saying it to Rhys just b4 Jack comes in and saves the day Afterwards sexytime Rhack is always great too ;D
This was like, the best goddamn prompt anon, both in terms of substance and ooey-gooey tropes BLESS YOU. Also, Vasquez doesn’t survive this one folks LOLOL Nothing too horrible happens to Rhys here; ya’ll know my content and I’m not ready to get into total non-con area juuuust yet xD You can check the tags on ao3 if worried tho ^___^
From this prompt list :)  53 was “Do you think you can keep quiet for me?” This labeled as The Executive Treatment. My masterlist archive of bullshit i write can be found linked at the top of the blog or here.  Also found on my ao3 here.  
“I know how much you’ve wanted this, Rhys.”
He didn’t want it, though. Maybe that was the whole point. And maybe Vasquez knew that, too.
The blackmail he had over Rhys could destroy him. And it’s what currently had him bound by the wrists over the bigger man’s wide desk in Hyperion-made tech with his pants around his ankles. He couldn’t back out even if he wanted to; both from the manacles and fear of a fate far worse than letting Vasquez do whatever he wanted to him.
“Y’know, men like us shouldn’t have to put up a front for what they want,” he continued on, not at all perturbed by Rhys’ silence or red-faced glares, and why should he be? He was fully clothed after all and not bent over a desk, after all. “You gotta just reach out and take it without shame. That’s what power really is, Rhys. I can appreciate the theater of it, of course; all bark and no bite,” Vasquez said as he stroked down Rhys’ lower back to caress the bare cheeks of his ass. “Never took you for the dramatic type. Though, I’ve gotta say, you’ve got bigger balls than I thought.”
Figuratively, of course, though it was courage bought from fear that had him bent over against his will. Rhys would never be here and never offering up his ass to his hated rival if not for the very real threat of a live-flaying. This was hardly about sex and everything about power. And Vasquez knew that, of course; peppering in reminders of why Rhys was here in case he thought to give Vasquez trouble.
“…Or is it just the circumstances that made you brave? Either way, I win.”
Rhys didn’t answer, and he was pretty sure the other man didn’t expect a response, either.
It didn’t stop him from bringing his hand down on Rhys’ ass, though, wrenching out a surprised yelp that echoed in the large office and brought further shame-red to Rhys’ face. Vasquez did it again, harder this time, that damn golden pinky cutting through the sting of the smack to almost make Rhys jump at the firmer pain as he bit his lip to stay quiet.
His legs he could’ve closed but for the foot Vasquez kicked them apart with, but he couldn’t move much more than that, prone over the desk with Vasquez’ other hand lazily pushing him down. The restraints were well-made by the company after all, and the hard steel didn’t even protest against Rhys’ cybernetic arm as he tried to curl in on himself even the smallest bit. He wondered if this would actually be worth his life, and if just the once would do it. Vasquez had implied that this was his price, after all, but there were no explicitly-stated terms between them; just the threat that the bearded man’s silence came at a high-price, and right now, that price would be paid or else.
“You’re being rude,” Vasquez’ deep voice almost sounded pouty, the hand coming to rest gently above one of Rhys’ asscheeks not lulling the bound man in the slightest. “It’s almost like you don’t want to be here…”
Rhys snorted and turned his head what little he could manage. It was enough to catch the smirk on Vasquez’s face, and the glint in his eye that said he thought he was far better than Rhys even now. Though Rhys was full of shame at the corporate secrets he’d passed along, he still had personal pride, and he was ready with a sarcastic response. “Shouldn’t you be used to this? I’m pretty sure this is the only way you ever get laid.”
Vasquez huffed, the pout on his face turning into a thinking frown. He glared down at the other man, but that confident gleam to his eye remained. “Well, if you don’t like it, Rhys, I can let Handsome Jack know he’s got a spy in his midst…” He chuckled at the genuinely-terrified gasp that Rhys let loose, and the easy smirk on Vasquez’ face came back. “How do you think Handsome Jack would feel to know his personal assistant has been feeding Maliwan information, hmmmm? I’m pretty sure that would be professional suicide. Or at least, that’s how they make it look. Or so I’ve heard.”
Rhys’ whole body went tense at the reminder of how much Vasquez actually knew. The files he’d accidentally sent to an incorrect echo frequency were enough by themselves for him to be airlocked. That the files had been intercepted by Maliwan, however, was a guaranteed painful death if Jack ever found out.
Yeah, Jack liked him as far as bosses liked their personal assistants, but the information had ultimately resulted in a lost negotiation for Hyperion– a direct correlation, Rhys knew, as Maliwan had contacted him to mockingly thank him for the heads’ up on what was to come, and expected continued insights if he didn’t want their CEO getting wind of it.
Jack was still irked by it, enough to mention it even months later, whenever the rival company came up in conversation. Maliwan’s price hadn’t been too steep, actually. Rhys was good with numbers and chose his losses carefully, and so far his paltry offerings of tidbits of information here and there had kept a sort of stalemate going for a miniscule advantage. He hadn’t wanted to get drawn in deeper, but by now he’d handed over multiple pieces of information and had no idea how to get himself out of this mess.
That it had to be Vasquez of all people who picked up on the fact only added insult to injury. Small mining deals he knew he could reassign Jack’s soldiers to enforce for him shouldn’t have taken much notice. And sending a few ‘bonus’ products in trade deals with weapons not yet released to the public gave Malian a heads-up, perhaps, but truly didn’t impact Hyperion’s bottom line. It was little, potentially-harmless things like that that he’d hoped no one would notice, but somehow, Vasquez had.
Rhys had been controlling the situation the best he could, and was managing a happy stalemate while he still tried to figure out his exit-strategy and hide what he’d been doing from Jack.
Vasquez though… As much as he didn’t want to admit it to himself, Vasquez was not someone he could control. Not since he’d beaten the other man out of the very position he now held as Jack’s right hand man; something Vasquez had taken as a mortal offense and personal theft. After all, Jack was the most powerful man in the universe. It was a power that extended to those who worked directly under Jack, making them normally untouchable out of a fearful respect for the CEO.
And it was a power that Rhys was terrified of being turned against him. Maybe he hadn’t been thinking straight when he agreed to this little ‘meeting’, but the bluntly-stated proposition that Vasquez wanted Rhys crying on the end of his cock– or he could cry from the torture Jack would subject him to- had Rhys indignantly dropping his pants and leaning over the desk with as much furious poise as he could muster.
Vasquez demanded he submit to being bound for this exercise in humility; he knew what Hyperion cybernetics were capable of, and he wasn’t going to allow Rhys to fight him on this matter when he was balls-deep inside of him. Rhys would take exactly what Vasquez would give him until he was totally satisfied that Handsome Jack wouldn’t be needing any anonymous info packets the following morning.
“You know, Rhys, I’ve always been fond of your voice, but this office isn’t entirely sound-proof, I’m sure. Do you think you can keep quiet for me? Wouldn’t want anyone walking around at this hour to know why you’re here, would you?”
Rhys refused to dignify that with a response, his whole body tensed while he kept telling himself– begging himself- to relax. For his own good.
Vasquez ironically huffed at being ignored, and his hand came down across Rhys’ ass again, hard, and Rhys’ legs kicked out on reflex. He caught Vasquez across a shin as the bigger man cursed and stepped back, rubbing the area and muttering in pain.
The quick steps towards him told Rhys that Vasquez wouldn’t take that for the accident it was, and he backhanded him across the face. It made Rhys bite his own lip, his tongue immediately searching out the sting to soothe it. He tasted copper and tried to focus on that; remind himself that the alternative to this was being tortured before his body eventually gave out. This was nothing to being experimented on by R&D. Being a traitor was almost worse than embezzling from Handsome Jack himself; he could endure this to save himself from that.
“I was gonna go easy on you at first,” the bigger man said as he grabbed a handful of Rhys’ hair to look at him properly. They glared at one another with open hate. “Regardless of what you might think, I’m actually a considerate lover. But I Get the feeling you wouldn’t much appreciate that, would you?”
“Fuck you,” Rhys muttered pathetically, embarrassed at the strength of his own voice; the helplessness he was definitely feeling in both situation and action.
“That’s the whole point, but still, rude.” Vasquez dropped his hold on Rhys’ hair unexpectedly and Rhys dropped a bit faster than he’d have liked back to the cold of the desk. Vasquez’ hand found its way back to his lower back, and he kicked Rhys’ legs aside again so they were spread enough that he wouldn’t get inadvertently kicked.
Though he was still fully clothed, Vasquez grabbed the smaller man by his naked hips and ground himself against his ass, and Rhys valiantly stayed absolutely silent, not making a nose to the cloth erection being ground against him. Vasquez groaned appreciatively and cocked his head to try and look at Rhys’ face during this particular humiliation. “You know, I’m less inclined to share your secrets if you act a little more enthusiastic, Rhys.”
Rhys felt a lump form in his throat at the combination of fear and the indignity of what Vasquez wanted. As if being fucked by him wasn’t already bad enough, he wanted Rhys to show appreciation for being dry-humped? Rhys wasn’t sure he could pretend that, and he realized as his cybernetic arm tugged in vain on the metal holding his wrists to the desk, that it must’ve been a reinforced alloy of some kind and not steel. He was truly and utterly at Vasquez’ mercy, and furthermore, he had no guarantee that Vasquez wouldn’t just leave him here to go and report him even after he was done.
There were some muted sounds from outside the office doors as Vasquez was really working himself up against dry-humping Rhys’ ass, followed by a kick that was loud enough not to just be passing janitors. Vasquez was mid-stride to see what the hell that was when the locking mechanism was shot out, electric-sizzling and the smell of ozone in the air before the security system was totally disabled, and in strode Rhys’ savior and terror all wrapped up into one gun-toting CEO.
Rhys laid prone where he was, not moving and knowing any attempt at hiding himself was entirely in vain. Vasquez stood where he was halfway between the office doors and the desk, hard-on still protruding from the front of the pants he wore. Jack took one quick sweep of the situation he’d just walked into, lingering on Rhys’ terrified face a moment, and twirled his gun in his hand playfully.
“I have been calling and calling my hot little PA’s number for over an hour now and I just had to track down his comm and see what was so goddamn important he’d ignore me over. And I really gotta say– what’s happening here?- Not super impressed right now.”
“S-sir I can explain… Rhys-” Vasquez started expectantly, looking down at the half-clothed man forcibly bound to his desk with slapped-red asscheeks and his chin stained with a fine line of crimson from his bitten lip.
Rhys knew an opportunity when he saw it, and didn’t speak or come to Vasquez’ defense. Instead, he locked eyes with Jack– very aware of his own defeated body language- and the look in the CEO’s eyes made his heart speed up all the more. He looked away quickly, biting his lip and wincing as the movement made the cut there bleed anew.
Whatever Jack saw in Rhys’ own eyes had worked, because as Vasquez’ stuttered denials turned into pleading and bare accusations, there was a second shot of Jack’s gun, and a shocked inhalation followed by a muted thud some steps away from the desk where the bearded man had tried to quickly flee.
Jack whistled lowly, moving towards Vasquez as the man was in the throes of death, and quickly searched his pockets until he found what he was looking for. He left the still body as he approached the desk once more, and Rhys was still laying there, silent, barely registering the fact that Jack was uncharacteristically silent as well, and he was still strapped down.
Did Jack already know? Was this a coincidence? …were the dirty fantasies on the echonet fanboards actually true?
No, this wasn’t some fantasy. Jack had just killed Rhys’ longtime rival, and he himself had committed base corporate treason and was strapped down half naked at the mercy of the most powerful man in the universe. Any arousal he had at the idea was suddenly drowned in anxious fear.
Rhys felt his heart pounding in multiple areas; the side of his neck that Jack could break so easily; against the desk from within his chest that a bullet could easily pierce.
The rush of blood in his ears, and his vision going in and out, completely distracted from the older man’s approach, and only the smell of the gun discharge in his nostrils finally drew Rhys back enough to his senses to realize that Vasquez was most certainly dead on the floor, and he could very well be next.
Rhys turned his head dumbly towards Jack, dazed and confused and frozen with fear. The frown on Jack’s face wasn’t indicative of anything good. Rhys feared for his life.
“Y’know,” Jack said as he reached into his pocket and leaned against the desk, shooting Rhys’ ass a pointed look the younger man could see, “I’ve had an awful lot of fantasies that have started this way…”
Rhys found his voice, licking his split lip with a wince. “Jack I–” He was struck mute as the restraints binding him clicked with a mechanical whirr, and everything recessed back into the desk without a trace. Jack tossed the unlock mechanism back towards Vasquez’ body but otherwise stayed leaning on the desk right next to Rhys.
Rhys rose up just a little– slowly, as if to test how free he really was- and exhaled shakily as he curled his palms into fists, fighting his renewed fear of the man at his side. Talk about out of the frying pan and into the fire. Just because he’d been freed from Vasquez did not mean he was safe. He was scared to lift himself further, but slowly, slowly stood.
“Buttercup… Not that I don’t think it’s kinky as fuck, but just what the hell do you mean by bending over for that asshole? Ever? I mean, I’m all about hate-sex, but Wallethead himself?”
Rhys could feel his heartbeat pick right back up into a terrified tatoo against his ribs. Could it be possible Jack didn’t know the things he’d done? Was there a way out of this? Jack didn’t suffer traitors easily. He’d seen people dropped down the hatch in Jack’s office for way less.
“Hey…” Jack’s voice turned serious. “Rhysie… Talk to me here, baby.”
If he could just play it cool long enough to get his ass off this space station, maybe he could disappear somewhere… Somewhere beyond the reach of the companies. Though that idea was hardly realistic, unless–
“Fuck. Hey, you freakin’ out in there or what?”
–he could fake his own death? He was good at programming… if he survived this encounter here, then maybe hacking security footage and using an O2 mask–
“Rhys.” Jack’s hands found their way to his shoulders, and Rhys’ eyes finally snapped to his own, widening a bit as if he just remembered where he was, who he was with, and that his pants were still around his ankles. Jack cupped the younger man’s cheek in his hand, stroking with his thumb as he studied the pallor on his face. He gave Rhys’ shoulder a reassuring squeeze with his other hand. “It’s okay, pumpkin. I was just teasing. What the hell did he do to you? I thought I got here in time but maybe I killed him too quickly now,” Jack said with a disappointed look at the still-warm body.
“I-I’m alright,” Rhys stuttered, lifting a shaking hand to Jack’s wrist and holding it there. He couldn’t help it; even terrified of what might be his last few moments, he still wanted Jack; craved the comfort he was offering. Rhys genuinely liked Jack, and they usually got along so well, too. Jack often complained after meetings that Rhys was the only one on this space station he could stand. It was only going to cut that much deeper when Jack found out.
It’s not like it was his choice to betray Hyperion, but he knew the CEO well enough by now to know it didn’t matter. But he wanted what few moments of comfort were given before the final shoe dropped, and relished in the warmth of Jack’s thumb stroking his cheek. “I’m okay.”
Jack huffed a little, lips twitching into an uncertain smile. “How’d he ever get you here, kiddo?” the older man asked with real concern, his question obviously referring to being trapped against a desk. “Why didn’t you call me on your echoeye? …that wasn’t consensual right, Rhysie?”
“He was blackmailing me,” Rhys stated simply, an answer to all Jack’s questions.
“Yeah, yeah I gathered that when he was calling you a traitor moments before I blew his brains out.” Rhys wouldn’t meet his eyes, and Jack correctly guessed the source of his distress. “This about that Maliwan shit, ain’t it, princess? Unless your sordid little life is more interesting than I ever thought.”
Rhys’ jaw dropped and all the blood fled his face. “How did you–”
“First of all, I’m all-knowing,” Jack bragged with a haughty smirk. “And second– you sent those messages from my desk that day, remember? When I took a nap on the couch?”
Rhys would remember that day for the rest of his life as it had ultimately gotten him in the exact situation he was in right now. It had been a Friday, and Jack had taken apart Rhys’ monitor as it kept having compatibility issues with his echoeye and the personal patches Jack had done to help him be more efficient.
Jack had had Rhys do his work from his desk while he customized the younger man’s workspace to better suit him, and Rhys had handled multiple communications that day. It had been in a moment of distraction at a lame ‘data-size’ joke Jack had made that Rhys had sent the detailed plans to the incorrect address, and had only noticed it the next day because that address had contacted him and told him exactly what he’d done and what he’d continue doing to buy their silence.
“We got lunch that day, remember? I sent you home early and I didn’t go back to the office until Monday morning. You left your mail open at my desk, buttercup. I’ve known what’s going on the whole time. You’ve been handling it like a pro, so I’ve only been keeping an eye on things from a distance.”
Rhys was close to hyperventilating, but Jack still stood there as nonchalant as he had, as Rhys tried to meet his eyes. “A-Are you going to kill me?”
“Hey, I saved you, if you don’t recall,” Jack grumbled with a dismissive look at the still-warm body. “Why would I kill you? For fucking that asshole? I mean, I won’t lie, I am jealous as hell, but talk about unne–”
“I never slept with Vasquez….” Rhys trailed off weakly, realizing how stupid he felt saying so as he was still standing there with his whole dick and balls out for anyone to see; though he didn’t want to draw further attention to that fact by pulling his pants back up. It wasn’t like Jack was looking anyways, though that might’ve been because the CEO was preoccupied with the obviously-spooked expression on the younger man’s face, and giving his shoulders reassuring squeezes.
Rhys looked up a moment from his pondering as his brain suddenly processed the fact that Jack said he was jealous over the idea of Vasquez fucking him…. Even with the idea Rhys thought he’d been selling Hyperion out.
The look Jack was giving him was somewhere between the pout the older man liked to pull when asking Rhys to cancel meetings for him, and the playful smirk he usually reserved for poking fun. He clearly wasn’t teasing right now with the way he occupied Rhys’ space. Rhys dumbly repeated his denial of involvement with Vasquez, any other words currently escaping him.
“Then what’s the problem?” Jack’s hands were gentle on him, but Rhys knew what the older man was capable of. Jack’s eyes kept jumping all about him, as if he could see what was making Rhys so cagey if he only looked hard enough.
“I don’t understand… Not that– Don’t take that to mean I want to die,” Rhys quickly got out, afraid to accept that he was possibly going to get out of this alive. “But why aren’t you, like, shooting me? You bring up that deal we lost all the time…”
“Seriously, kiddo? One, I’m brilliant, and that would be a huge waste. And yeah, I like to win so I’m still annoyed at those assholes thinking they won that time, but you’ve given me an opportunity I haven’t gotten anyone to pull in a long time.”
Rhys looked at him blankly, and Jack just smirked and gave him a gentle pat. “You’ve got those idiots to trust you. They think they’ve got you by the balls. Don’t think I haven’t seen the way you cherry-pick what intel to give them.” Jack grinned as if all the information and access Rhys had been giving to business rivals was somehow a good thing. The CEO rolled his eyes as Rhys clearly wasn’t getting it; as if anything about this conversation was normal. “What I’m saying here, princess, is that they know your information’s been good, and they know you haven’t compromised them by telling me. Otherwise ‘Big Bad Handsome Jack’ would have blown you out an airlock already.”
Rhys was still confused how any of this was good news, but Jack still didn’t seem upset with him. If anything, he seemed pleased. Rhys really wanted to pull his pants back up right now, but he didn’t want to break the spell of whatever this benevolent mood was.
He also didn’t want to have Jack let go of him to make such a movement, drawing strength from the hands on his shoulders.
“What I’m sayin’ is, you’ve opened up the perfect opportunity to sabotage them from the inside. Once I’m ready to give the word, we’re going to feed them bad intel and really take ‘em apart. Hoooo that almost gives me a stiffy, I can’t wait for those dickbags to realize what we did.” Jack chuckled to himself with a grin for the younger man.
“You’re… really okay with all of that?” Rhys asked seriously, watching Jack with a hanging hope as the older man smiled at him.
“Not only okay with it, but I want you to keep it up. If you have trouble deciding what info you wanna give those losers, we’ll make something up, okay? I’ve got enough money lying around to throw those idiots a bone if they still think you’re working for them. It’s an investment I’ll collect on when the iron is hot, or however that shit goes.”
It was strike when the iron is hot, Rhys knew, but didn’t want to give Jack any ideas about striking anything while he was still pantsless. “I seriously cannot believe you’re okay with this,” Rhys muttered with something of relieved shock. “The last person who sold company secrets got sent down to R&D, and they still haven’t come back.”
“Yeah, put ‘em in the hybrid breeding program or something, I don’t know. Anyways, pumpkin, even if that wasn’t the case, I still wouldn’t kill you. You are way too damn cute and that would put a huge damper in my chances of someday getting laid,” Jack said with a half-joking tone, though the look in his eyes smoldered a bit as he smiled in implication.
Rhys couldn’t believe things were going completely his way. Jack wanted to… to fuck him? Even after all of this? Jack found him attractive? Like, yeah, he wanted Jack, but who on Helios didn’t? That Jack was genuinely interested… Well.
“I’m just… I am so relieved you found out, actually,” Rhys laughed a little, unhinged at just how perfect everything had gone. His rival was dead, his attractive boss didn’t want to kill him, and apparently, all his jerk-off fantasies were going to come true if Jack was to be believed.
“What, kitten? You think I don’t keep regular tabs on anyone close to me?” Jack purred dangerously into his ear. “What’s that saying? ‘Keep your friends close but hop into bed with your enemies’?”
That made Rhys’ heart give a little fearful lurch, but he couldn’t help the snort it got out of him, either, as he decided he believed the older man. “I don’t think that’s the phrase, Jack,” he said softly with a little smile growing on his face as Jack grinned shamelessly. “And I’m hardly your enemy.”
“Hardly, huh?” the older man teased as he somewhat crowded against him in correctly reading the signals. “Heh, get it Rhysie? ‘Cuz your pants are down, and it’s making me hard.”
It had to be one of the stupidest things to have ever gotten a laugh out of Rhys, but he could blame that on the adrenaline still running through him, and the sheer relief that he wasn’t about to be murdered.
“There’s my little princess,” Jack said with a grin, boxing him in with hands on either side of the desk. Rhys was still chuckling, cheeks red, as Jack wasn’t through. “Or maybe I shouldn’t say little anymore, hm? …Grower, not a show-er, sweetheart? This guy finally getting in the game? What did it? The talk of screwing over Maliwan, or the part where Jack got to play the big hero?” he teased.
“It’s adrenaline,” Rhys discounted quickly with a smile, though he supposed Jack about had it right; who in their right mind would get a boner for their boss when moments before he thought said man would murder him? Let alone get aroused with a body in the room? He wasn’t even ashamed of it to be honest. Chalk it up to the thrill of still being alive. “And my dick size is– Why are we talking about that right now?” Rhys genuinely laughed, about ready to reach down and pull his pants over the semi he had going anyways, but loathe to break the proximity of Jack’s nearness.
Warm puffs of breath went over Rhys as Jack lightly chuckled and moved in just a tad closer; either teasing or testing, Rhys wasn’t sure, but the hand the younger man wrapped about the outside of Jack’s shoulder gave an encouraging squeeze, and Jack’s smile widened.
“You’ve got two choices here, buttercup,” the older man said with a smirk that did nothing to quell the plumping of Rhys’ cock, “And I’ll respect whatever you choose. We can cover that up,” he said with a quick glance down between them so Rhys knew his meaning, “cover that up,” he said with another look in the direction of Vasquez’ useless shell, “and you can go back to being the best damn PA I’ve had in a long, long line of unprofessional idiots, and I won’t press it any further, or,” Jack said with an edge of uncertainty Rhys wouldn’t have caught if he didn’t know the older man so well, “you can let me show you just how irreplaceable you are on a less than professional level, and how very much I don’t wanna kill ya. Whaddya say?”
Rhys’ heart rate picked right back up from where it had been finally calming, but this time he wasn’t afraid. The exact opposite, actually. “You mean–”
“I guess I did cockblock you, right?” Jack joked with an exaggerated roll of his eyes. “Technically, I mean,” he mocked a little, then smirked, emboldened by the squeeze Rhys’ hand gave his arm. “And here you are all… pantless with no dick-being-sucked. It’s a travesty is what I’m saying, kitten; dicks being out, left un-sucked. It’s un-Hyperion. Goes against everything my brand stands for.”
Rhys couldn’t stop the laugh that escaped him, and it was a small movement to lean the top of his head on Jack’s shoulder, shaking with laughter and relief and holding tight to the older man to try to reign it in. Jack himself couldn’t have been more delighted by that, and Rhys could feel the smile against his skin as Jack turned and spoke, lips just barely kissing his jaw.
“Whaddya say, pumpkin? How would you like a little executive treatment, hmm?”
Jack’s lips pressed chastely against Rhys’ jaw as the younger man pressed into the gesture, and Rhys stood back up to smile, allowing Jack to take his chin in his hand and press their lips together. The action stung where he’d bit himself, and Jack licked his own lips as he pulled away, wrapping both large hands around Rhys’ hips and smirking expectantly.
“…Please?” Rhys asked, wanting the comfort, the ironic safety the older man represented, and everything else he had to offer.
Though he’d alluded to it already, Jack still surprised him by dropping to his knees in front of Rhys, hands on the younger man’s thighs as he came face to face with his cock, and wasted no time getting himself quite acquainted.
Rhys was learning a lot about himself today. Namely, that he probably wasn’t as good a person as he thought he was if he was able to get fully hard and enjoy one hell of a blowjob with a body in the room, but also that he’d been willing to go a great distance to protect his own interests– which he was a little proud of- and that his little crush on Jack, along with his hero-worship of the man, was definitely not going to change any time soon… even when potentially fearing for his life.
None of that mattered right now though, because as great and as varied the skills that Jack was rumored to have were, it didn’t prepare Rhys for the reality of the CEO on his knees completely taking him apart with his mouth alone.
That was okay though. He had a feeling that Jack was going to be there to put him back together again, too.
kofi | ao3
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thewhiterabbit42 · 5 years
The Other Side
Pairings: AU!Gabriel x AU!Reader
Summary: Survival wasn’t all there was to life in the apocalypse, and you were lucky enough to understand this.
Word Count: 5628
Tags/Warnings: smut, oral sex, vaginal sex, fingering, multiple orgasms, edging, friends with benefits, sleeping with the enemy, secret / forbidden affair
Written for: Anon - kiss request - tripping over objects / furniture and @spnkinkbingo     
Square Filled:  Biting
You hated using the tunnels.  They always felt cold, unnaturally so, and smelled the way you imagined a tomb would: damp, earthy, filled with stagnant air and the ever present possibility of entrapment.  It wasn’t that you were claustrophobic, so much as you really disliked the idea of being put beneath the ground.  Especially alone.  
They were the only way to get in and out of the colony unnoticed, however, and discretion was key.  Mostly because Bobby might blow a gasket if he knew just how often you left on your own, not to mention the aneurysm he'd get when he found out the reason behind it.
Thankfully, the passageway you needed was short, and before you knew it, a fresh breeze was once again nipping at your cheeks.  The barest whisper of something trickled across your senses as your feet guided you down the path, causing the cool night air to fill your lungs at a faster rate.  
Your pulse lost its steady rhythm, and you stopped dead in your tracks.  Your head tilted slightly, your instincts kicking into overdrive, but your hand never drew the blade on which it rested.  You were far from alarmed, even as the rustle of wings sounded directly behind you.  
“You know, if I was one of my brothers, you’d be dead right now…”
“You know, if I was anyone else, you’d spend the rest of your morning in the principal's office for misuse of emergency exits.”
The early morning sun blinded you, making it impossible to see the figure waiting for you just outside the tunnel doors.  Exhaustion clung to your mind, preventing the familiar voice from registering.  You whirled, unsheathing your blade, your muscles readying to strike.  
Recognition override your adrenaline at the sight of your best friend’s face.  
“Jesus, Wes!” You clutched the weapon to your chest, as if that would calm the frantic beating of your heart.  “That’s a good way to get yourself stabbed.”
“Is that anyway to greet someone bearing gifts?”  He asked, immediately holding up an old, faded travel mug.  You pursed your lips, tucking away your blade as you tried to even out your breathing.  You were relieved he was the one catching you sneaking back in over the fact he’d prepared a peace offering.  
Your eyes flicked down, curiosity brimming.    “I suppose it would be awfully ungrateful not to accept.”  Wryness lifted both your tone and the corner of your mouth as you took the mug from his hands.
“If I were you, I’d drink up.  Bobby’s been waiting for you since dawn.”  
Shit.  You’d forgotten you’d asked to meet with him.  
You glanced over to find an odd look on your friend’s face.  
“What?” You resisted the urge to glance down the front of you and make sure nothing was compromised.  You continued to hold his stare, noticing there was something different about it, something you were too tired to tease out.
There was more to Gabriel’s presence tonight.  More tension, perhaps.  More energy.  Or maybe there was just more of him.  It carried over into his touch, that something extra feeling awfully possessive as he grabbed you by the waist.  
“Since I know you’re not stupid, I can only assume you either have something terribly wrong with your sense of self-preservation, or maybe, just maybe, you somehow knew it was me...”
It wasn’t quite suspicion that colored his tone, but you also wouldn’t call it concern.  What was concerning to you, however, was how guarded he was. It was as if something was brewing inside him, something that was strong enough to churn everything he kept buried up toward the surface.  
“I’m having a torrid love affair with my mortal enemy…which do you think it is?” You said dryly, hoping some humor might help diffuse whatever was going on.
“Hmmmm.”  He sounded less than convinced, but as his hands slipped beneath your jacket, his focus shifted.  Fingertips teased tiny circles along your skin, sending small sparks of excitement through your system.  
You held your breath, concentrating on him and only him; the feel of his touch, the heat of his chest on your back, the way he smelled of different air and clean rain, suggesting he had come from someplace much further away.  He was your escape, and you wanted nothing more than to become lost in him.  
You felt yourself slipping away as he traced the tip of his nose down behind your ear, his breath unfurling warmly against the shell of it.  
“Close your eyes and open your mouth,” he ordered.  You were tempted to make a remark, but that little extra edge to him had you doing what you were told.  He placed something small and square on top of your tongue, and it only took a moment for a delectable combination of sugar and cocoa to soar across your taste buds.
“Oh —”
“— God, this - is this…” You stared at Wesley, wide-eyed.  “Where the hell did you find whiskey?”  The look you pinned him with really said who did you have to kill for this?
“Thought you’d like that,” he grinned, patting you on the shoulder before passing you.  You stared at his back a few seconds, your brain unable to comprehend the magnitude of his gift.  It took a few moments to recover, and you were thankful he was in front of you as you awkwardly shuffled to catch up.
Your moan was as decadent as the long lost flavor spreading inside your mouth.
“... you like that?”  He murmured, nuzzling along the side of your neck as he allowed you time to savor the surprise.   
You couldn’t remember the last time you had real chocolate.  Candy, sweets, anything without real nutritional value was overlooked once the fighting began.  Then, once everyone realized this was really the end, treats became so uncommon they surpassed the value of gold and silver.  In some places, they had become the only valuable piece of currency.
Now they were as rare as toilet paper, and you couldn’t believe the things people were willing to do for a chocolate bar.
“What would you do for one?”  Insinuation danced through his tone, and you finally turned around to greet him properly.  What you saw, however, had you stilling.  
Gabriel’s eyes glimmered in a kaleidoscope of sentiments and colors.  Greens and golds vied for dominance against a backdrop of heat.  He was beautiful.  Breathtaking.  Perhaps one of the few truly magnificent things left in this world.  
And for whatever reason, he found you deserving of his time.  
“I can’t - this is too much,” you insisted, holding the cup back up to him.  “I don’t deserve this.”
Wes might have been your closest friend, but things like this went beyond bestie status.  If anything, you should have been procuring him impossible items for looking out for you.
Especially when he had to know whatever you were doing outside the colony was at least seven shades of questionable if not outright forbidden.  
He glanced sideways at you, and your brows pulled together beneath his scrutiny.  You still weren’t able to get a pulse on him, which was strange.  Normally, you could both tell where each others’ heads were at.
“Oh, don’t worry, there are strings attached,” he informed you.  “You’d think if we took anything from the military, it’s that the whole don’t ask, don’t tell method doesn’t really work worth shit.”
You footsteps froze, your entire system lurching to a stop with them.  “Wesley…” 
You didn’t want to lie to him.  You weren’t certain you could after all you’d been through together, but most of all, you didn’t want him to share the burden of your secrets.
As if sensing the weight behind things, his hands shot up in surrender.  “You don’t have to tell me.  In fact, the less I know right now, the better.”
It wasn’t hard to read between the lines.  He was catching flak about you.  Then again, when wasn’t he?
“You just need to promise me you’ll come back.”  He placed a hand on your shoulder, squeezing lightly.  The contact combined with a stare that was far more direct than usual had you floundering.  
Unsure of what to do with his concern, you went straight to your family's specialty.
“If bribery of this caliber doesn’t convince me to, nothing will.”  You slipped your arm through his,  tugging him away from the main path and diverting your course toward a secluded hill that ran along the edge of the colony.  
You never knew how to handle these moments.  It was never easy seeing Gabriel for what he was.  It only reminded you how completely different you were.  
He was infinite, whereas you were nothing, an insignificant speck on the cosmic timeline that would eventually fade away.  You never felt worthy, even if it only came down to him needing a body with which to find pleasure.    
His eyes suddenly narrowed, and your forehead wrinkled down the center.  It wasn’t until you blinked that you realized what the problem was.  A drop of moisture slipped past the confines of your lashes, slowly trickling down your cheek.  
You didn’t understand how he could move you to such emotions so quickly when you spent most of your days struggling just to feel.  It was just another bewildering piece to the enigma that was Gabriel.  
“What have I told you about that?” He chided, a juxtaposition of hard and soft forming between his disapproving look and the gentle way he brushed away the streak with his knuckles.  
“What have I told you about going AWOL?”  Bobby scolded, not bothering to turn around from his place at the edge of the overlook.  You moved next to him, taking a large swallow from your mug as you avoided the cantankerous side-eye he sent you.  
No wonder Wes had opted to wait for you at the bottom of the hill.  There was more bear than man present this morning.  
You knew better than to jump straight into anything when Bobby was like this, and you took some time to admire the view of the colony.  Everything seemed ordinary on the surface.  People ambled through the center, going about their business.  The previous bustle had slowed, and the bodies weaving in and out of the structures took on an ambling, weighted shuffle.
His stare eventually settled on you, lips pulling thin with appraisal.  “You look like this is the last place you need to be.”  
“I’m fine.”  It was an automatic answer, a mistake, one you didn’t realize until his gaze intensified.  “I didn’t get much sleep.”
You knew it was better to give him something rather than stonewall him, and you hoped the amendment was enough to appease him.
“We have everything we need for it and then some: beds, linens, walls, protection… and yet it always seems to be one of the things shortest in supply.”  He paused, his eyes scanning the grounds some more before he continued.  “You still haven’t said where you were.”
You burst through the door to the supply shed, wincing as a thunderous crack echoed through the valley.  It was the third time this year you’d damaged something.  Bobby was going to be so pissed.
“Gabri-mmph,” his lips smothered yours, cutting off your protest.  
Shhh you heard his voice in your mind.  You want to alert the whole neighborhood we’re out here?
His mouth released yours, allowing you a brief reprieve for your burning lungs.  An infuriating smile pressing against your skin as he teased his way down along your collarbone.  His hands fisted the sides of your shirt, and you wished you’d remembered to fix the zipper on your jacket.  The last thing you needed was to have to explain why you were traipsing around at the end of winter missing vital layers.  Again.  
“Fuck you,” you breathed, your fingers weaving through his long, wavy strands of hair.  When he lunged for your throat, hungrily devouring your skin with teeth and tongue, you tugged in an attempt to keep him focused.   
An amused, albeit dark, chuckle rumbled in the back of his throat.  “That’s the plan, sweets.”
He captured your lips again, reigning in his ardor as he nudged you back through the small building.  You stumbled over piles of wood, scrap metal, broken pieces of furniture that might yet still serve a purpose, and you had to cling to him just to remain upright.   
Your luck eventually ran out, and your foot finally hit something that refused to give, sending you tumbling backwards so quickly even he wasn’t able to stop it.  Pain flared along your spine, and once your surprise wore off you realized you’d fallen against an old bookcase.
It was as good a spot as any.  Gabriel shrugged out of his jacket before running his hands beneath yours and pushing it over your shoulders.  You let it drop to the ground, eyes riveted as he tugged his shirt over his head.  His skin looked flawless in the moonlight filtering in through the windows, your gaze trailing up his lean, defined frame to the tousled, tawny locks hanging down around his face.  
Perfection you thought, and the air left the room in a sudden rush.  
“I needed some air,”   It wasn’t a total lie.  It just wasn’t the only thing you had needed.  
Strike two Bobby’s face said as he gave you a long look.  
“Different air?” He asked skeptically.  You shifted your weight from one foot to the other, doing your best to ignore the way he stared.  You knew he didn’t have a clue about anything, or else he’d be confronting you.
“I just…”  You fumbled for a better explanation, one that didn’t cross the careful lines you were trying to maintain between keeping him in the dark and outright lying to him.  The latter didn’t sit well with you, but you had nothing else to offer him this morning.  
Except maybe some of your whiskey, and there was no way that was happening.  
“... needed some air,” you repeated, taking another sip and finally glancing up at him.  You aimed for neutrality, hoping you could suppress how guarded you really were.
“One of these days, kid, you’re going to tell me what that means,” he said, finally letting the issue drop.   
“One of these days, we’re finding a bed,” you insisted, your hands gripping the sides of the bookcase as you all but prayed the thing didn’t collapse on you.  
Gabriel had ravaged the thing, sending pieces shattering in every direction in his haste before hoisting you up on the highest shelf left, ensuring he had a place to ravish you.  The setup was far from sturdy, the entire frame creaking and wiggling with every movement.  You did your best to stay still as he buried his head between your thighs, whereas he tried his damndest to get you to writhe as much as possible.  
“God, you’re such an ass,” you moaned, your feet digging into his back to keep your hips from rocking into his face.  You wished you could have the same effect on him, that you could make him dance to whatever tune you created, from fast-paced to slow to everything in between.  Yet, it was always him playing your body while you simply went along with whatever symphony he orchestrated.  
You wished you could tell him now.   You wished Bobby could understand that you left the walls of the camp because there wasn’t enough inside of them anymore.  Only he wouldn’t.  
His first reaction would be to make sure you weren’t bewitched.  Once convinced your mind had not been compromised, he’d move on to coercion, insisting there must be something the angel was holding over you.  It would take him some time for his denial to wear off, but once it did, then he’d think you were a silly little girl in way over her head.
Or a complete dumbass.
You weren’t sure which would be worse.  
“So… I can only imagine what you want to talk about,” he began.  “We got angel attacks getting closer by the day.  Outposts being discovered and overrun.  They’ve fractured our communication lines with the outermost colonies.  There’s that damn flu making its rounds, the fact that our last four supply runs came up all but empty, and I’m sure if we looked hard enough, we could even find a spy or two…”
In other words, you better not be there to waste his time.  
“Subtle,” you remarked.  “And while I understand you, and the others, have very important things to worry about, I would hope the happiness of your people would be among them.”
His eyes swung to you, hard and measured.  This wasn’t the first time you’d picked this battle, and he wasn’t any more thrilled to be doing it than you were.
“Hate to say it, but it’s the apocalypse.  Nobody’s supposed to be happy.”  
You knew you were walking a fine line.  You understood his priorities.  He and the other leaders had an overwhelming burden to shoulder, but sometimes they lost sight of the things that went beyond crises and survival.
“Should I quote you on that?”
You could practically feel the burn of his stare searing through the side of your head.  
“We’re doing the best we can with what we have.”  End of discussion.  
You hated when he tried to shut you down, like you were still some naive child with no idea what life was like beyond the walls.  
“Are we?”  You demanded.  At best, the place was a refugee camp, rather than the rebuilding of civilization they claimed.  Everything about it screamed temporary.  Many of the structures remained open.  Only the sick, injured, and most vulnerable were afforded four walls and a roof.  The rest of you made do with improvised lean-tos and tied down canvas, and even you had to admit to feeling a little salty that some of your supplies saw better quarters than the rest of you.  
You made do because you had to.  Because three figureheads was enough to keep a pulse on the entire place, but not nearly enough to keep ushering people forward.  Even with your help, with Wes’ and a handful of others, the tide had grown stagnant over the last several months.  People were drowning, and nothing good ever came from feeling like one’s head was trapped beneath the water while the surface drifted further and further away.
The only reason you weren’t losing your mind was because you had an archangel that had no problem helping you misplace it.  
Fuck, he was so good at this.  That tongue of his knew just how to move, just how much pressure to use, just what pace to set to get you to unravel.  His fingers moved within you, and they, too, knew exactly when to curl and hit that sweet spot.  You’d never known any man to pay this much attention to what you liked, and you wondered if it had anything to do with the fact that he wasn’t one.
He tried to draw it out for you, bringing you right to the brink before easing you back again.  It was amazing and agonizing all at once.  
“Gabriel,” you pleaded, hands raking through his hair, nails scraping across his scalp as another wave of pleasure rolled through you.  You rocked yourself forward, ignoring the precarious groaning of the wood, unable to see past anything but an increasingly blinding need for him to pull that final stitch and let you come undone.  
“Sing for me my little songbird,” he murmured, his voice deep and husky with arousal.  
“Can’t,” you panted.  It was risky enough just being there with him.  You didn’t need some half-cocked night patrol bursting in because the archangel needed his ego stroked.  
Refusing him was clearly a challenge, his fingertips stroking your g-spot with more vigor.  Your head dropped back against the wall, a half-strangled moan catching in your throat.
“Gabriel—“” your argument cut short with a whine as he all but stopped, his touch slow, feather-light -- maddening -- and you watched as your release slipped away once again.   
“You will sing,” he insisted, his face breaking away from your sex to nibble tantalizingly along your inner thigh.  “Even if it takes me all night to convince you to…”
“I have all day to talk,” you reminded Bobby.  “Do you?”
You glanced back down at the activity below, taking another long pull from your mug.  You let the liquid roll around in your mouth, savoring the taste, allowing him time to decide how he wanted this to play out.  
“If you got a point, then make it.”  
You nodded, but said nothing, eyes riveted to the instructional building where all the kids spent their days learning useful things.  Trades.  Survival skills.  Tactical strategies.  How to properly handle an angel blade.  
“Listen,” he rounded, patience reaching its limit in the steady flush creeping up his neck.  “We got five graves that need to be dug this morning, so I suggest --”
You held up a finger to him, cutting him off.  “Just a moment.”  
A few seconds later, a set of doors swung open and everyone between the ages of six and sixteen came filing out.  Gaunt faces peered out from beneath worn and weathered layers, bodies shuffling obediently to the area a handful of adults were shepherding them.  This was their time to take a break from their studies, to be children, and yet, nothing about their movements suggested they were.  
There were no bursts of laughter, no lighthearted giggles or shouts, no excitement to be free from such menial tasks.  There wasn’t an ounce of playfulness within the group, only solemnity and silence that was mirrored by the adults overseeing them.  
“What do you see down there?”  You questioned.    
Bobby was many things, but he wasn’t an idiot.  
“Point made,” he conceded.  “Some days it’s like half of them already think they’re dead.”  
“Can you blame them?”  You made a wide sweeping gesture to the entire grounds.  Everything had a purpose, a function, just like everyone in the colony had a role.  Some days it felt like you were all just cogs in one big machine that did nothing but demand you keep running regardless of all the death and discomfort.  
“It may not be paradise, but it’s the best we can do.”  
“Is it?”  You pressed, unwilling to let the same cliche arguments drive the conversation.  “They need a way to let off steam.  Some form of entertainment, an escape, something.”
“I’ll get right on putting in a jungle gym after I bury our dead and explain to their children why their parents died from something a few Tylenol could have fixed.”  Sarcasm bled heavily into his words, and you could tell you were losing him.  “You want to help these people?  Find us some medical supplies.  Build us a clinic that doesn’t kill as many people as it helps because we can’t sanitize it properly.  Guarantee us one god damn supply run that doesn’t end with somebody not coming home!”
He had a valid point, but it only strengthened your argument that much more.  
“I’m not saying we ignore those things.  What I’m suggesting is we don’t overlook them.  Lift the sanctions on what people can bring back,” you insisted.  “Simple things like books, magazines, porn.”
Actual liquor so you didn’t have to drink things that tasted like they were one bad batch away from blinding you.  
Stars overlaid your vision, though it wasn’t quite how you anticipated.  The bookshelf emitted a final, dying groan before giving beneath your weight.  Gabriel lunged forward, pinning you to the frame with such speed that your head slammed unceremoniously back against it.  
“Shit,” he muttered, fingers hastily tapping the side of your head.  “Don’t check out on me yet, sweetheart.”  
The ache in your skull immediately faded, and he waited for you to lock your legs around his waist before shifting your weight entirely onto him.  
“Can we do things my way for once?”  You asked as he moved you both away from the new pile of kindling.  
He made a non-committal noise, turning to assess what other options were available for you both to get back to business.  
“You know, where we don’t break anything, myself included?”
“Ha, ha, chuckles.”  Sarcasm dripped from his words, though gold was more heated than anything when it pinned you beneath a look.  “I have yet to hear any complaints.”  
That’s because you knew better than to look a gift horse in the mouth.  
“Unless…”  He prompted, almost daring you to say something to contrary.  
“No complaints,” you confirmed, stepping down to the floor.  “Though it would be nice if you let me lead for a change.”  
He was always the one calling the shots.  For once, you wanted to be the one in charge.  
Your hands smoothed up his chest before nudging him backward, and his brow shot up in a clashing combination of warning and curiosity.  He allowed you to guide him toward the center of the room until something pushed into the back of his thighs.  You reached behind him, ripping a sheet off an old, worn desk before playfully shoving him on top of it.  
“Permission to climb aboard the Gabriel Express?”
He rolled his eyes so hard he must have pulled something, but there was no mistaking the twitch of his lips or the way some of the darkness receded from his stare.
“Do you actually have anything important to discuss, or are we planning to ride the unicorn and sparkles train straight into the station?”  Bobby demanded after you went another heated round with each other.    
The knuckles around your mug turned white, and you realized no amount of good whiskey was going to let you keep your cool with him today.  
It was like talking to a brick wall.  Nothing you said made a difference, but you forged ahead, unwilling to let it drop this time.  The more you debated, the more you realized the only common ground between you was the sheer stubbornness you both possessed.  Any minute now, a bell was going to go off and you were going to be ushered into your separate corners.  
That, or one of you was simply going to murder the other one.
“What's the point of living if all we're going to do is survive?!” You shouted, your control dissolving as your words echoed across the valley.  
One day you were going to make him lose control, but tonight was not that night.
He wouldn’t, or couldn’t, give it up, his hand tight in your hair, baring your throat when he wanted it, dragging your mouth back to him on a whim, keeping your lips locked tight until you thought you might suffocate beneath his hunger.  
He let you set the pace, but the way he sat stock still beneath you resonated as more of a power move.  Be careful what you wish for, sweets, that smirk of his whispered as he made you do all the work.  
You took it as a challenge, doing everything you could to make him regret that decision, whether it was rising up and taking him in at a painfully slow rate or bringing him close to the edge before backing off the same as he had with you.  
Bit by bit, he started splintering, the need beneath his hands increasing as he tried to undo you.  You focused on the burning ache of your muscles, refusing to allow him to drag you over the edge yet.  A flush spread through the length of you, sweat breaking out across your skin.  Whose resolve would give first, you wondered?
Your face filled with color, less from your outburst and more from the way Bobby looked on the verge of shattering.  
“Is that how you feel?”  The quiet uncertainty beneath his words didn’t suit him.  He was the one with the unapologetic loud mouth.  He was the one filled with anger and bite.  You were supposed to be the one that took the edge off things.
“Bobby --”
“Don’t Bobby me, young lady.  You tell it to me straight.”  His face was all stern lines and gravity, and you suddenly felt like the time you’d gotten caught beneath the gym bleachers, not only with some boy but the wrong one.  
“No,” you told him.  “I don’t because it’s enough that I have people who take care of me.”
You never knew how often Gabriel had your back.  When you came, screaming his name and clenching so hard on his cock even he couldn’t hold back a cry, someone should have come running.  
No one did.  
You weren’t in any state of mind to question why, but, unbeknownst to you, he’d undone just enough of the grounds’ warding before you arrived so he could soundproof the building.  He’d never admit to it, and if you ever did ask, he’d simply pass it off to unusually accommodating acoustics.  
Had you known, it would have made losing your standoff a little less grating.  Your pride was used to it, though, and begging him to fuck you when your legs began to tremble wasn’t really anything new.  
He stilled, hands moving behind your thighs to help you ride out your pleasure exactly the way you wanted.  When you were done, they moved up your backside, helping himself to a generous handful of your curves.  He rolled his hips into you, giving slow, lazy thrusts that buried him in you to the hilt.
“You should see your face when you come,” he rasped, mouth ravenous along your neck.  That extra something within his presence returned, removing the chill from the air and causing it to swelter.
You couldn't imagine the view was as nearly as magical as he made it sound, but who were you to argue with someone that much older than you?
“So make me again,” you challenged, emboldened by whatever was causing his energy to spill out so palpably.  Your teeth sank into his lip, drawing it away from his mouth in a wholly uncharacteristic and ungentle way.  
He grunted, fingertips digging into your waist before he started pounding away at you in earnest.  
And make you come again, he did.  With one leg over his shoulder, then both, and lastly on your back when your legs could barely move, hitting so hard and deep that every thrust was followed by your sharp cries of satisfaction.  
When it was finally his turn, his eyes flashed bright with flames of gold, a gutteral noise tearing through him so fiercely the vibrations carried over onto your body.  You yelped as teeth unexpectedly sank into your shoulder so hard you were surprised when there wasn’t any blood.
“Fuck,” he growled, collapsing, the weight of his body trapping you against the desk.  
Instead of leaving right away, he lingered, leaving himself buried inside of you as your breaths began to slow.  You weren’t sure when you fell asleep, only that it didn’t take long.  He never stayed more than a handful of minutes after, and you were glad not to be conscious of it.  Every time left, you felt empty, physically and ways that ran so deep you didn’t want to think about them.  
You awoke a handful of hours later to ray of light spilling in through the dusty windows.  You were already dressed and covered in a dusty quilt that could have been tucked away in some obscure box, though you knew it hadn’t, and you might have questioned whether the night had really happened if he hadn’t left a few gifts behind for you to remember it by.   
“But other people aren’t as lucky, and some people just need more.”  You paused, watching two individuals square up against each other over what amounted to a shoulder brush.  “Some people need to get laid or take matters into their own hands.”  
Bobby made a face.  “Not much standing in the way of that.”  
You fixed him with a look that said there’s plenty.  
“Books.  Magazines.  Porn,” you repeated.  “Start there, and I guarantee you'll see a difference.”  
Shouts rose up from below, and you knew it was only a matter of time before fists started flying.  You frowned, knowing you both should get down there before the two idiots broke each others’ noses again.  
“You’d think they’d just learn their lesson and steer clear of each other,” he sighed, as tired of their antics as you were.   
You smirked.  “Maybe they would if they had some Playboys.”
He winced.  “For the love of anything good left in this world, can we please stop talking about porn?!”  
You stepped back, attempting to hide your mirth as you took one last sip from your cup.  You turned to head down the path, but before you could, he grabbed you by the arm.  
“You’d tell me if you ever felt that way, right?”  Blue eyes pinned you beneath the look, the one reserved to scare the shit out of anyone dumb enough to mess with you, and these rare moments in which he needed you to believe he actually could see through you so you wouldn't lie.  
You slipped your hand into your pocket, an ache flaring across your shoulder as fingers came in contact with something.  The lining to your jacket muffled the sound of the crinkling wrapper as your thumb skimmed over the nearly whole chocolate bar, pausing to worry over the small indent where a piece was missing.  It brought a smile to your face as much as the bruise and warm whiskey in your belly.  
“Don’t worry, dad,” you assured him.  “I’ll be just fine.”  
Tags are open to anyone 18+.  Send an ask to be added OR follow @rabbit-writes (my fic only side blog) and turn on notifications.
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@bloodstained-porcelain-doll @lacqueluster @baritonechick @samikitten @kazosa @nobodys-baby-now @acarpouschimerical @cipherwheeldecoder @megasimpleplan4ever @azlinh @fruitypieq   @koithings @booknerd1324 @the-kryomancer @karichanarts @sherlockedtash88 @archangelashiah @calamity-chaos @erisunderthemoon @hankypranky @missihart23 @curious-trickster @gabegirrl86 @trickster-emissarie @crazyevilninja-is-lame @sweetmisseddreams2002    @bun-dpdbny
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tartagliaxx · 3 years
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hey darling! my day’s going well but it’s a little bit of a bore. i just finished writing a request but other than that, i’m just scrolling through socmed in bed. that happens tho! like maybe u revised the right parts that’s why you did well. in any case, good luck and you’ll do great no matter the result <3
we didn’t decide yet, honey. i’ll leave that in your able hands. just say the date and i’ll be there. ooh wedding dresses... i haven’t really thought much about it but i do like the ethereal looking ones with long trails. maybe like this? and this is nice too...
my thoughts? kazuha pretty 🥰 i don’t think i’ll pull for him because i’m saving for albedo and ayaka. i’m not even sure how to put him in my team in the scenario i pull for him and won. lmk if u do end up pulling for him!
you don’t need to do that for me lmaoo it’s fine! you can send the link to the vid you want me to see or if you had it downloaded, you can go to your browser and visit my tumblr there and submit a post (for my page that’s ‘and that’s the coffee, sis’). it’s important you’re not logged in in that browser. they’ll ask for a name and email which you can just fill up with anything. << you have to go through all this stuff bc you can send media in anon and there’s no anon submit in mobile smh
gotta love them guitarist boys who are rough against your skin 😌 they’re tasty and i can’t help it sigh. feel free to request both. it’s not my loss seeing as yknow hehe kaeya and childe.
yea sure i’m down! there’s not much to do while i’m stuck in my room anw. i probs should make a separate tag for it. hang on for a second while i try to conjure smth witty.
i freaking snorted— in case you do end up to be a kaeya kinnie, i’m so sorry for you but it’s ok. i’ll love you regardless. /j and please,, not that cat emoji 😭
ooooooh baker au 👀 hmmmm ok wait. it’s coming. it’s coming.
i see a struggling college student childe who knows how to bake because his mother has a sweet tooth. he stumbles into this barely noticeable bakery that had zero customers. zhongli’s the owner but he unfortunately can’t bake and his ex-baker left to pursue culinary school. now, business is suffering. they strike up a deal and childe becomes a part-time baker. over time, business becomes lively again and they hire a stoic but gentle barista, diluc and his eccentric brother kaeya sometimes pops by with a bunch of customers in tow, obviously allured by his beauty.
and then there’s you, another struggling college student who is frowned upon by the gods because out of nowhere a strong thunderstorm falls and you’re forced to seek shelter in the corner bakery store you’ve never been into looking like a hydrated seaweed. just your luck, the baker is hot and he’s smiling at you before noticing your shivers so he promptly offers his jacket. you return the next day, and the next, striking up odd conversations with the cute, lively ginger head who always seems to glow brighter at the sight of your entrance. he knows your favorite table and makes sure no one’s sitting there around the time he knew you’d drop by. he’s had your favorite drink memorized, pointedly telling diluc to make sure your drink is perfect and he always sneaks in an extra slice of your favorite bread before he finally gets the courage to ask you out through a hastily written note on a tissue paper that reads ‘i’m a stud muffin. why don’t you take a bite?’ you laugh at the sheer cheesiness and childe blushes because he swears that’s the most beautiful sound he’s heard but also because you’re writing something back. you leave with a shy smile and a wave and childe almost stumbles over his feet to go to your table and he can’t help the boyish smile and the excited hop in his steps as he recounts the words you wrote back: ‘take me to your bakery because i want a cutiepie like you <3’
pst. hallmark hmu. i’m writing the cringe romantic stories you want
and no matter what, don’t think about childe, alone at closing time, breathing heavy as he kneads the dough for tomorrow, flour covering his arms before smirking in pride, as he wipes a stray bead of sweat that fell to his brows, one hand on the counter carrying his weight all this time.
sigh, i’d love childe even if his hair burns off bc that’s what true love is.
0 notes
inyournightmares97 · 6 years
Hey, since I saw an anon ask about writing, I thought I'd ask something too. I really enjoy writing fanfiction, but I don't really have the time to write much. I have a Wattpad account and I post on there, but I don't update often (from twice a month to once every few months). I'm thinking if I want to start a Tumblr blog too, but I'm worried that people won't stick around. Sometimes my content might not show up in the tags due to some Tumblr bug too. Should I still do it?
Hmmmm, I don't know. Personally, I've never had a Wattpad account. I DO have a fanfiction.net account and an asianfanfics account that are both inactive. (And an AO3 account that I can't even remember the username of, lmfao)Personally, I've never managed to keep more than one account active at a time. It takes an insane amount of time and work, and you're already saying you don't have the time. I don't reccommend trying to stay active on more than one site unless you really want to spend time on it. I shifted all my EXO/GOT7 works from my asianfanfics account onto Tumblr last year and the response to the exact same fics has been much greater here. I personally also think that the average quality of writing on Tumblr is much higher. I don't feel like I have to sift through hundreds of fics written by 8-year olds that all sound exactly the same and spend more time describing the character's clothing than the story on Tumblr. I personally like Tumblr and think it's not a bad idea to switch! I've never had much problem with my stuff not showing up in the tags or anything and honestly, the response is worth it. This is the best response I've gotten to my writing ever, the only close second being to when I wrote Harry Potter fics on fanfiction.net years ago. But it's probably going to be difficult to maintain both a tumblr AND a wattpad account so if you make the switch to tumblr, I would say do it wholeheartedly. (I don't mean to delete your Wattpad account, I just... you know what I mean. Invest the time into figuring out how Tumblr works and everything.)(Also, I might not be the best person to be advising you on this, because I have a severe distaste for Wattpad. The fanfiction on there is mostly very badly written imo, and searching for stuff is the pitts. So maybe you should see if there's anyone who has both an active Wattpad account and a Tumblr account to advise you.) Do any of my followers have some advice for this anon?
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221bshrlocked · 7 years
God Bless America
Pairing: Steve X Reader
Words: 3188
Warnings: Smut. Some girl-on-girl action. NSFW gifs.
Anon asked “For one you write really well. 2, you write fairly in the same tone and rhythm and sometimes exact words but I love it. When you have a thing that works I respect that you use it. 3, ur last 3 fics were hella hot and I wanna request more (pls Steve and pietro if possible but bucky is 100% always accepted)”
A/N: I didn’t know if you wanted Steve and Pietro together or separately so I did one for each. The Pietro one will be done soon.  Let me know if you want to be tagged. And let me know if my writing is improving or not….please!!!
Permanent Tag List: @meganlane84 @mizzzpink @bringmetheemobands@kimistry27 @fireandicewillsuffice @vacam79 @amrita31199 @badassbaker@feelmyroarrrr @aekr @sexy-sea-basss @isaxhorror @actual-bucky-barnes-trash @cassandras-musings @kimistry27 @mo320 @ssweet-empowerment
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So it was the 4th of July. America’s Independence Day. The ultimate American experience for some.
But for you, it was spent, unfortunately, on a mission, with Steve. Now, it wasn’t unfortunate because of Steve. No. It was unfortunate because Steve was doing this on his birthday. You tried to convince him you could do it on your own but he refused. You made Bucky attempt to tell him he could come along if he was needed but he still refused.
Which is why were annoyed right now. You were planning on giving Steve a fantastic birthday gift. It was now or never. You harbored a crush on him for a while now, and had to pretend everyday that he was just a friend.
But he was more than that. Much much more.
So you were going to confess.
But then this happened.
I mean it wasn’t the worst idea either. You had to go undercover as a couple to a party. It was simple really. Get some information from the daughter of a HYDRA general. It would be so easy. Lucky for you, she was not interested in Steve.
She was not interested in men at all. So all you needed to do was distract her a little, get her to walk to a room with you, and go home.
Walking out to the car Tony lent you, Steve’s jaw dropped once he saw your attire. For some reason, his pants felt just a little too tight.
“Y/N t-that’s some dress you got there.” He pointed at you, too shy to look up at you, knowing very well you caught him checking you out.
“So glad you like it babe.” You kissed his cheek, making him blush even more.
Oh man. He was America’s Golden Boy.
“W-what was that for?” He finally looked at you, marveling at how beautiful you looked, even with simple your make-up.
“Well we are going as a couple right? Better get used to it from now.”
He opened the door for you, and you caught the hitch in his breath once he saw the back of your dress.
Walking, more like sprinting to his side, he sat down and started the engine.
“That’s some dress you picked out.”
“You said that already Soldier.” Not expecting to hear that, he pressed harder on the gas, making you chuckle at his reaction.
“So uhhh, how do I-where can I touch you when we’re...you know..when I’m leading you around?” He avoided looking at you, knowing very well he would lose it.
Leaning towards him, you whispered in his ears. “Anywhere you like Captain. It is your birthday after all.” Sitting back, you saw his jaw clench at your tone.
You were driving the poor man insane. But it was so much fun, knowing very well how he was affected by your actions.
“You sure about that doll?” He tried to control his voice, failing at how desperate he sounded.
“For you Captain, always.” His resolve was breaking slowly. You noticed how he always reacted when you called him by his rank.
Maybe it was a kink? You were going to test that theory later in the night.
An hour later, Steve pulled up to the hotel. He was on the verge of losing it at this point. You spent the entire time teasing him with your feather-light touches and your flirty tone.
Oh how much he wanted to hear you giggle again. It drove him mad.
Well, two can play at that game.
Opening the door for you, he grabbed your hand and pulled you a little harder than he intended, making you stumble and grab on his shoulder for support. He supported your back, and you wished he didn’t hear you moan at the warmth of his hand on your skin.
But he did.
And he smiled at your reaction.
“You ok doll?”
You looked up at him and smiled. “Never better.”
Leading you towards the door, you were welcomed with a woman, in her hand a list of the guests
“Good evening. Who might be the young couple?” She looked towards Steve, taking a step towards him.
“Steve Rogers and Y/N L/N.” You answered her, leaning towards Steve. Since when were you this jealous? She turned towards you, giving a shady smile and jotting you down
“Enjoy your evening C-“
“Thank you.” You started walking, ignoring the look she gave you, making Steve smile at your actions.
“At ease.” He whispered in your ears, the smell of his cologne making you shiver.
“I am.” You turned to look at him, regretting it immediately. The once baby blue eyes were gone, his dark pupils taking over completely.
You hated the effect he was having on you. What happened to the shy Steve?
Walking through the crowds, Steve was recognized more and more, with people wanting to take pictures with him and completely ignoring your presence. You left his side, looking for your target and finding her at the bar.
Sitting not too far away, you ordered a vodka martini and looked towards her, winking when she smiled at you.
“That’ll be on me.” She said to the guy putting the drink in front of you.
“You shouldn’t have.” You smiled, licking your lips seductively after taking a sip.
“Well, with that dress, I should.” She sat closer to you, grazing your arm.
“April von Strucker.” She held out her hand.
“Y/N L/N. It’s an honor to finally meet you.” You hoped she didn’t see you walking in with Rogers.
“You here with someone?” She inquired, making you shift in your seat.
“Ya. But he’s ignoring me.”
“Well not really. I found someone better.” You leaned towards her, whispering in her ears.
 “Good for me then.” You chatted for a while, stealing gazes at Steve and hating how invested he was in a conversation with a woman standing too close to him.
 “Hey do you wanna get outta here?” She leaned towards you. You nodded and smiled, following her to the elevators.
 She took your hands, leading you through the crowds, and smiling at people before sliding through the doors. The moment the elevator doors shut, she grabbed your hair and pulled you towards her, crashing your lips together violently.
 Surprised by the action, you took a step back and grabbed her waist to bring her closer to you. You heard Steve laughing at something, making you angry and more aggressive with her.
 “Ohhh kitty has claws.” She smirked against your neck when you dragged your nails down her back.
 She spoke near your ear, making Steve ask where you went over and over again. When you didn’t reply, he grew angrier, almost yelling now in your ears. Luckily, the elevator rang signaling your arrival.
 You looked past her at the number of the floor.
 “You have the entire 30th floor to yourself or not? Don’t want you on the tabloids tomorrow.” She chuckled against your neck and nodded.
 Steve confirmed your status, telling you he’ll be there as soon as possible.
 Everything was happening so fast, you couldn’t tell him to stop because there were guards stationed on that floor.
 You walked to her couch, laying on top of her and distracting her with kisses. When you looked up, you saw her shutting her eyes, completely lost in your ministrations.
 “So...what do you do?” You asked between laying lazy kisses on her arms and neck.
 “I uhhh….accountant...for my dad.” She tried to push you lower but you whispered for her to be patient.
 “Hmmmm daddy’s girl.” You licked her clavicle, blowing air on her neck and making her shiver.
 She nodded in agreement. “You have to go with him anywhere?”
 “S-sometimes...but he works mostly in Mikro.”
 “The shores are pretty there.” You replied back. Steve told you that was all the information they needed.
 “Y/N leave now. I don’t think I can make it past the 20th floor.”
 “Maybe you can invite me one time...I can never leave from here.” When she never replied, you looked up and saw that she was already sleeping.
 “Damn that took a really long time to work. She’s out. Meet you in 10 outside.”
 You walked out and saw the two guards next to the elevator. Shit. You tried to walk past them but they held you back, asking you where April was.
 “She asked me to bring us more drinks.”
 “There are plenty of drinks at the bar.” The second it took them to realize you were lying, you hit one of them with your bag, rendering him unconscious. The other one pushed you back towards the wall, crashing your back hard. You climbed over him, attempting to take off your necklace to choke him. But he caught your hair and pulled you down, straddling you and getting two punches in. You were fighting desperately, dreading what would happen if he captured you.
 No more than a second later, you were able to breathe once more, grabbing your throat. He was pulled back by his jacket, slammed against the wall and punched so hard he lost consciousness.
 Opening your eyes, you saw Steve hovering over you, trying to help you up.
 “You alright?”
 “Ya ya shit….that hurt like a motherfucker!”
 “Bite me.” You sassed him. He was about to carry you when you told him you could walk on your own. Taking the card of one of the guards, you slid it and pushed the parking lot button.
 Getting you in the car, the drive back was so quiet, you dreaded the lecture he was going to give you once you got into the compound.
 Which is precisely what happened. He led you to your room with no sounds, got the first aid kit for your bleeding mouth and the slight bruise around your neck. He was speaking the entire time with what he thought was a controlled tone.
 “Can you just give me a chance to explain what happened?” You tried to get a word in.
 “No. Because what happened was very stupid. You put yourself in danger without even letting me-”
 “Well if you weren’t so invested in that stupid blonde’s story I wouldn’t have been in that situation by myself.” You hated when your emotions ruled your mouth. Looking up at him, you saw him giving you a look.
Almost as if he was apologizing. Not saying anything, he continued dabbing water and antibiotic on your neck.
 Once he finished, he walked away, telling you that debriefing will be in the morning and that you needed to get some rest.
 You didn’t have a chance to even sing him happy birthday.
 Steve, on the other hand, felt horrible about how he spoke to you. You were right. He was giving you too much space. And that almost cost you your life.
 Taking off his jacket, he ripped the tie off of him and unbuttoned the first 4 buttons of his dress shirt, sitting down on the bed.
 Not a moment later, he heard his door open. Looking up, he saw you locking it before turning around and resting your body on it.
 “I’m sorry.”
 You shook your head at him, telling him to not say anything. He straightened up when he saw you walking towards his ipod player. Plugging in yours, you picked the song you’ve been dying all day to play him.
 It was three in the morning so you put the volume just high enough for the both of you to hear. He smiled at your gesture, shaking his head as you started singing him happy birthday.
 You walked towards him and stood between his knees. You placed your hands on his cheeks, raising his head so he could look at you.
 When the song finished, you smiled at him and leaned down, kissing his lips and marveling at how soft and plump they were.
 He couldn’t register what was happening in that moment. When he didn’t kiss back, you raised your head, afraid that you misunderstood his flirting earlier.
 He grabbed your hand and lowered you again. When you laughed because of how restricting the dress was, he grabbed the lower part and raised it above your hips, pulling you towards him and making you straddle his thighs. Your lips met once more in a much hungrier kiss.
 The kiss went on for what felt like hours. He was more demanding than you thought, racking his large hands over your thighs and smiling when he realized you were wearing a thin layer of lace to cover you.
 “So that’s what was hiding under your dress?”
 “Well, anything might be visible so….” You giggled at his amused expression. He was looking you over, amazed at how beautiful you were in the moonlight.
 “Doll I can’t...please tell me this is more than just a birthday gift.” His voice sounded broken, making your heart flutter at what he was implying.
 “I’m going all in Captain. Are you?” Your voice was so hoarse and you weren’t sure if it was because of the fight earlier or because of how turned on you were.
 He grabbed your neck and pulled you closer to him, kissing you again.
 So he liked to make out? You filed that somewhere in your brain.
 When you started to grind yourself down on him, you both moaned in unison. The bulge in his pants was hitting your barely covered core precisely, causing the right amount of friction.
 You were sure you could have come had he given you a chance to ride his thighs a bit more. But he was so impatient.
 Rolling you over and getting on top of you, he attacked your breasts with rough kisses, biting your nipples through the dress and fondling the other one. You were sure he would be a ‘going slow’ kind of guy but boy were you wrong! He was getting rougher by the second and you loved it.
 “You don’t know what that dress was doing to me the entire night. I couldn’t stop thinking about ripping it off of you in the car...I wanted to bend you over so badly. Punish you for teasin me. Feel what you do to me Y/N.” He rolled his hips and your breath hitched at how painfully hard he was.
 Before you could reply, he was grabbing the top of your dress and getting you out of it.
 “Wait let me take off my heals.” You bent down to grab the strap but he stopped you.
 “Keep em on doll.”
 “Fuck me.” You never knew he was that kinky.
 “Plannin on it baby girl.” He winked at you.
 “You’re too clothed.” You commented on his state of attire. Getting up, he stripped in record time and smiled once you saw his dick. Your mouth watered at the sight of him in anticipation of what was to come.
 Getting back on the bed, he ripped the layer covering your pussy and held it up to his nose, taking a long sniff and humming at how good you smelled.
 “Fuck baby girl...you smell so good.” You weren’t sure if it could be possible to get more excited.
 “But I wanna taste.” Before he could bend down, you stopped him.
 “It’s your birthday. I should be-”
 “Ohhh no. I get to say what I want. And I want to taste you.”
 “Wait I got it.” He was about to argue when you pulled him down on his back and straddled his face.
 You were about to reply back with a sarcastic comment when he took one long strip across your lips, wasting no time. It took you a couple of seconds to get yourself together before grabbing his cock and rolling your tongue around his head. He growled and bucked his hips, grabbing your ass and pulled you closer to his face.
America’s golden boy was amazing at giving oral. Who would have thought? 
You were both approaching your orgasms quicker than you thought. At a particular lick, you lost it and took his cock in your mouth, grazing your teeth slightly. Before he could warn you, he came down your throat in hot bursts, groaning so loud you were sure Natasha and Sam heard you.
 “Ffffuck doll your mouth is heaven.”
 “Language.” You laughed at his sigh. Carrying you with no problem, he laid on top of you again.
 “I can kiss you for days.” He was thoroughly enjoying how your lips fit perfectly with his.
 The moment was cut short once he flipped you over on your stomach and smacked your ass. Without any warning, he thrust in agonizingly slowly.
 You were both cursing at the feeling, you because of how perfectly he filled you up and him because of how tight you were squeezing his dick.
 “Shit doll you’re so tight.” He set a slow pace, giving you time to adjust to his size.
 “No you’re just so fucking big Captain.”
 At the sound of his rank, he sped up a little and bent over, grabbing your breast and biting your nipple, pinching it immediately after and making you moan louder than you intended.
Your pussy was clenching around his dick, making him come out almost completely before pounding into you faster.
 He was setting a rough pace, asking you every while if it was too much or if he should ease up.
 How could he be such a gentleman when he was fucking you into the next world?
Grabbing your neck, he tilted it towards him and kissed you.
You felt a tight coil in your stomach, hinting at how fast you were approaching your orgasm.
 You moaned his name over and over again, loving how he fucked you harder every time you called him Captain.
 “Fuck you’re takin my cock so good baby….you gonna come for me? You gonna milk my cock Y/N? Shit I’m so close doll.”
 “Right behind ya Cap.” You smiled when pulled you up against his chest, your sweaty bodies working in unison to your euphoria.
 “I love these. God’s greatest creation.” You laughed at how he was able to form a sentence right now.
 “So close Steve...fuck don’t stop.” You kept on moaning his name, loving how he was caressing your body.
  “Come for me Y/N.” It took him kissing your neck and whispering your name in your ears for you to come. Your muscles clenched around him, helping him achieve his high even quicker.
 One, two, three thrusts later, he came with your name a prayer on his lips. You fell down on your sides, you chests still heaving.
 Moments later, you started laughing uncontrollably, making Steve look turn your head so he can look at you.
 “What the hell is so funny?”
 Wiping tears away from your face, you looked at him and said with the most straight face you conjure up, “God Bless America!”
Steve facepalmed at your joke, chuckling at how easily amused you could be.
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briteboy · 7 years
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why is my bra size a G? Where is that even on the bra size spectrum?
honestly i’m not sure why i got this question but it made for a good cold open to this post didn’t it
Mother I’m having a really bad migraine please help I’ve been throwing up for hours now 😭
OH NO i’m sorry :[ that sucks so much. i’ve only had a migraine once and i’m pretty sure it was because i went to a palm reader who had some untrustworthy evil vibes going on omfg *googles ‘migraine remedies’* uhh uhuh leafy dark greens! a cold dark room! ice packs! i’m sorry i suck at this i will offer you one (1) hug instead
i dreamed last night that last august u sent me an ask with questions from an ask meme i hadn't reblogged and i responded really rudely and then in the present i got a notif for an ask and i looked it and it was actually the already answered ask u had sent me a year ago and i was like 'wtf when did i get this ask when did i answer it why was i so angry???' and i messaged u and was like 'i have no memory of this but im sorry for being such an ass idk why either man' and u were like :/ ok i guess
OMFG :/ ok i guess i apologize on dream me’s behalf for sending you questions u didn’t even reblog. maybe i was just really interested in ur hypothetical answers. it’s okay i forgive dream u for being rude. we’re best friends now in dream land
a half goat, half human is a satyr but I like goat boy more
yeah i’m dumb and realized this after i said it omg. it’s not my fault i’ve only seen the chronicles of narnia once
Could you release astropussy cc merch? 😂 i need it in my life
YES PROBABLY IN THE FUTURE!! it’s on my to-do list!
Do you have a link to the beginning of ur story? Thx
the amount of times i’ve answered this, i just. asjkdfj lmao. it’s on my faq and also at the top of my blog, if you’re on mobile just look at the tags on my post and the general rule is that you can go to that tag and put in /chrono and it’ll go to the beginning. here
Do you follow any astrology blogs??
hmmmm i used to, but i’ve fallen out of touch with that area of tumblr. i still trust @astrologymarina with my life tho
hit me with that astrology shit ! gimme references, everything!
Yo my main squeeze! I’m doing a PowerPoint bout astrology, could u give me some sweet info?
(two different anons, same answer) AHHH *sweats* tbh i learned everything i know from observing my own chart (find yours here), acknowledging the traits of each sign and applying to people i know, then reading up on the planets and houses, and honestly...just exploring the tumblr astrology tag and following the rabbit hole down a twisted web of different astrology blogs. if you start with marina up there ^^ you can probably find a lot of sweet info and other blogs as well.
Hello mother, could you teach me about all the astrology stuff you’re always talking about? Like the birth charts and the planets etc. I find it v interesting but I can’t understand shit bc English is not even near my native language. Help. I’m so very lost lmao
ah well firstly check out the links above ^^ i would personally explain everything but 1) i’m bad at that and 2) ain’t nobody got time 4 dat honestly cafe astrology is a good starting point for beginners, they have everything on that website! if you need any specific sort of help with understanding it, feel free to message me off anon!
i think i finally figured out the birthchart thing?? really cool and very defining for a lot of elements of character design. i'm a aquarius sun, scorpio moon, and taurus rising -- i'm ready to be judged - sirius anon
right!! it’s like a main priority for me in character building! ohoooo that combo is very interesting, because i feel like aquarius and scorpio are not really compatible, in that aquarius influence can make you very distant and unwilling to address your emotions and their importance, but your moon (which controls your emotions) is SO preoccupied with exactly that, which might exacerbate that scorpio intensity because you feel that constant pull between hiding and revealing your true emotions. but then taurus rising kind of balances it out and makes you at least appear to be level headed? so even if you’re suffering on the inside at least people think u got it all together.
i.... i feel like your inbox is now bombarded w/ zodiac related questions.... so i sorta feel bad for dropping this on u but im doing it anyway hehe ok so: sagittarius sun and rising, cancer moon
it is and my wrist is killing me all of a sudden but i do this for u guys because it makes me so happy that u even care oh wow, that’s an interesting combo!! it’s actually one of those combos that like...it never crosses your mind, but now that you think about it, they actually go really well together. sagittarius is the most calm of the fire signs, so it actually might pair well with emotional and highly intuitive cancer. your inclinations are probably pretty bold and outgoing, but then you might think about them for too long and develop a fear of going through with them. in that way your emotional side kinda holds you back, but you should learn to trust your gut instincts!! 
Uhhh can you also do my birthchart? I know nothing about astrology and you're a godess in this topic! I'm Scorpio Sun, Pisces Moon, Pisces Rising
OMFG A GODDESS well i’m just ok, i try ooh boy you’re watery alright!! wow you’re probably dreamy as f*ck, but also moody as f*ck, highly and acutely aware of everything at once, otherworldly, always living inside your head but wanting to get out and experience things with everyone else, always wondering about the mysteries of life and the weird questions no one ever wants to answer. you understand things more deeply than anyone around you, and you probably don’t even realize how strong and adaptable you are!!
Ahhh are you still doing horoscopes? If so can you do mine? I’m Aries sun, Sagittarius moon and libra rising. I’m overwhelmed with how to read these things! Thank you and hope you’re having a good day 😘
hello finally i am answering your question! sorry i just get overwhelmed when i get a lot of these lmao this is an awesome combo!!! sag + libra is always so good and then aries + libra are opposites/sister signs which makes for an interesting dichotomy. i’m actually an aries sun/sag moon as well, so i know this combo very well lmao. you might come off as very calm and appealing (dat libra charm tho) and then when people get closer to you you reveal your optimistic, perseverant and passionate nature. these signs are very harmonious together, you’re probably like the calmer version of me lmao. you might be pretty rational but then your sun makes you want to be more impulsive. it’s good to listen to it sometimes...but not all the time. aries is a child don’t trust him too much
hey sunny! i know you're probably stressed out by all these so feel free to skip this one, but i'm a virgo sun/capricorn moon/cancer rising! idk if i fit in a lot of the virgo stereotypes though but ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
o0o0o0o0o so many sister signs i swear heheh, it’s good though, i like this combo! i feel like you can’t really go wrong with virgo/cap because they’re both earth signs. cap/cancer are opposites so your cancer rising might make you come off as very sweet, soft and emotional, but your moon says otherwise. people probably underestimate you a lot, but underneath your exterior you’ve got a guarded heart and you can’t be pushed around easily. though your virgo and cancer influence might invite people to walk all over you, you are stronger than you know.
Hi! Just felt like letting you know that there's this song called "Red Bottom Sky" by Yung Lean and it always reminds me of Santi every time I hear it.
hello! omg i love these messages, it makes me so giddy when people relate songs to my characters ;-; i’m listening to it right now and this is definitely something he would like lmao. it’s so calming somehow i wanna live in this beat
when i saw the title for lou’s story i immediately thought of the group choker lmao. you should check them out el dorado is my fav song
omg i actually think i’ve heard of this group before!! i’m digging these song suggestions, i like this one a lot! watch me put their songs in this story now lmao
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asks (40)
Anonymous said: Holy frick that is so encouraging and I needed that so much bc I literally visited my college to measure my dorm room and drove home in tears bc I panicked myself into a frenzy about whether or not everything leading me to this point has been a mistake and what if I fail and ruin my life before it even starts (I have since calmed down a little) so your encouragement was much needed & is much appreciated
I’m glad I could help <3 <3 <3 Good luck at school! I’m sure you’ll kick its ass
areverieofchaosdreams said: It's Fanfiction Writers Appreciation Day. So thank you for all your amazing stories!!!
Oh goodness I’m all a blushin :’)
Anonymous said: *HAPPY WRITER APPRECIATION DAY* Send this to someone whose talent has blown you away, who you'd like to encourage to keep on writing always, and who you'd like to thank for working their butt off to provide fandom members with breathtaking stories to consume! THANK YOU :D
Aw thank you!
Anonymous said: Hi! I Hope you're well! Do you still take fic requests? Because I really miss Colin Wilkes and I'd love to a story of him with your writing!
Unfortunately I don’t often take requests these days, but I’ll definitely keep Colin in mind!
dirtycherrypie said: hey! applying for WE for the R&D department (may or may not be aware of producing bat gadgets)
dirtycherrypie said: SHit forgot my name - Bea, at your service!
[Bruce Wayne voice] hired
tigers-and-weeds said: Literally just fell down the rabbit hole on your tumblr for the last 12-24 hours. I am in love with with you headcannons and fics! The angst feeds my soul... So I figured I would request: anything angsty with Dick and Damian please please please
Okay again I don’t usually take fic requests BUT I like me some angst so the odds that this will eventually happen.... are extremely high. I’ll try to remember to dedicate the next one to you :) And thank you!
math--ew said: I went on a little birthday vacation to california and I've never been to the beach before. I was bending down to grab a pretty shell and this huge wave knocked me face first into the sand. Like, five people saw and laghed but I got the shell so I guess it's a win win.
Duuuude back at Lake Michigan last month the same thing happened to me. I was taking care of my little sister and her five year old friend, so I was so busy making sure they were okay that the wave plowed me halfway across the beach
babybatbrat said: when i was in ap physics i once spent an entire study period in my physics teacher's room working on one problem. as far as i could tell i was doing all of the work correctly and had all the initial values right so i was racking my brain trying to figure out why i wasn't getting the right answer. the third time i went up to my teacher and asked for help he told me to start at the beginning and walk him through my process bc he couldn't tell why i was getting it wrong either (1)
babybatbrat said: (2) so i start the problem and explain how i got through all the values - "okay so the rod is 5 inches long and half of 5 is 3 and a half -" and i stopped there bc it occurred to me that 3.5 is not half of 5. "it's what?" My teacher asks. i put my head in my hands and stood there for a minute before picking up my work and walking to the back of the classroom while he laughed, bc i had just spent 45 minutes convinced that half of 5 was 3.5 and not, in fact, 2.5, and that was the only thing wrong
Honestly??? Relatable
babybatbrat said: One time i woke up at six in the morning to hear the neighbor's dog barking and instantly realized that meant my dog had jumped the fence, so i went racing outside and sprinted down the street to catch her. when i did i picked her up and turned around to go home and then saw my neighbor standing on their front porch, realized i was in only an oversized spiderman tshirt and snowman pajama shorts, holding a twenty pound labrador and thats how i met my new neighbors
Incredible...... 10/10.....
thrakaboom said: Not a funny story,but two days ago at comic con I met Tom King and he showed me a picture of his kids while he was signing my books
Well hey that’s pretty cool
Anonymous said: I adore your Tumblr. It was a wonderful way to get into the Batfamily fanbase; prior, I thought that there was only one Batman and a single Robin, dearie me was I wrong. And those stories you write, just great. The Headcanons are just as enjoyable. As for Batman, that has come to be a sibling enjoyment. Thank you for your contributions and existence!
!!!!!! Welcome to the crew!
frnkensteingrrrlz said: hey!!! i just went through ur reasons to be happy tag and!! i'm so so happy bc of it (esp the damian hcs, they're spot on imo and he's my favourite) so i hope u have a good day!!!
Thanks! I am having a good day today! Although I’m sure it’s been a long time since you sent this :////
Anonymous said: HELLO I have just discovered and binge-read all of your fics with my homeboy Damian in them, and just wanted to pop by and say that I love you & you are my hero & you write my boy so well so thank u and I hope your life is blessed & you achieve your wildest hopes & dreams
My day is made :D
badfaith00 said: Best batman storyline you've ever read ?
Ooooooh hm I’m mighty attached to n52 Batman and Robin? Particularly the first storyline, but the second is also fantastic
onwardmotley said: In today's Detective Comics someone finally told Bruce and co that Tim's alive. They didn't explain where he is, or how to get him back, but hey. It might've had more impact if anyone was seen actually mourning Tim and it wasn't just played as him being in cosmic time out, but at least it should end soon idk. Hopefully.
Tim Drake? It’s been years since I heard that name.....
Finally. Thank goodness.
Anonymous said: Idk if I prefer your soul crushing angst or your heartwarming fluff... actually I like to suffer so I'll stay with angst lol
Y’all seeing this? Anon gave me permission. Can’t yell at me next time because it won't be my fault (thanks babe :))
Anonymous said: for music, idk what kind of music u like so here is variety: St. Vincent - Paris is Burning, Sea Wolf - Dear Fellow Traveler (tbh everything by Sea Wolf is great), Dirt Poor Robins - Eleanor Rigby, Between Wind and Water- HAEL, Ellem - Kings and Queens and Vagabonds, The Rigs - Rise & Fall, Tally Hall - Light and Night, and Streetlight Manifesto - The Hands that Thieve.
Thank you! I’m excited to listen to these! I’ll start right now!
Anonymous said: 1) What are the good comics to read for Batfamily stuff (from any point in time) and 2) what are the best Jason Todd comics? Thanks!
Okay for Jason I would definitely start with the big ones, which are A Death In the Family and Under the Red Hood. After that you could try Red Hood: the Lost Days and Countdown to Final Crisis. I would avoid the n52 series until you have a good enough grasp of the character to recognize bad writing when you see it. 
For the generalized batfam.... that’s pretty broad. My personal favorites are Red Robin, Batgirl (2009), and both B&R series. If you have more specific questions, you should IM me! I promise I’m better about answering those than asks
yellowwallsbluesky said: Have you heard Swooner by The Zolas? I've really been jamming to it lately
Listening to it right now! Sounds like a bop so far :)
Anonymous said: Hidden citizens paint it black 💜
Much obliged!
Anonymous said: Harry styles "sign of the times".
[adds to list] thank you!
neo669 said: I MISS CASA OLE!! Sorry just read that you lived in Bryan/College Station and I used to live there as well. It's kinda hard to find people that even know that it exists. But I'm sure you can kick law schools butt. You got this!
Yooooooo I miss cstat too :((((
palliddark said: Adalgiza, and I'll be a translator (English to Brazilian Portuguese)
[Bruce Wayne voice] also hired
maeofthedead said: I love your headcannons and now I sort of want to cry thank
Excellent that is the exact target response 
Anonymous said: Love your rant in the tags about the pizza making I'm laughing so hard
Listen..... I have strong feelings
Anonymous said: Did you hear they're making an omnibus of Tomasi's entire run on Batman & Robin?? I just heard and now I kinda want to get this massive book in honor of my favorite batkid and the series that made me love him so much
Man I already have all the individual volumes but if I didn’t......
sonicboom00724601 said: Hi. :) Nice headcanon. :)
I’m not sure which one you’re talking about, but thank you! You're real sweet
Anonymous said: can you maybe write an interaction between Wonder Woman and Captain America? I absolutely adore your style and would love to see your take on it.
Hmmmm I don’t really have a good enough grasp of Captain America’s characterization to try that one :////
Anonymous said: i tried to kill on mosquito that was on my ceiling by slamming it with a book but mosquito was on the move so i bounced swiftly and jammed both my wrist and thumb and now my existence is Pain. also my thumbs swelling and looks purple, so that's nice
Oh shit anon you good???
daziy said: Do we know who Barbara's mother usually is?
Yeah! In her original version, Babs had a birth mom and an adopted mom. She was originally Jim’s niece, so her birth mom’s name was Thelma Gordon. After the adoption, her parents were Jim and Barbara Gordon, with her adopted mother being her namesake. So two Barbara Gordons.
I think for awhile the canon was that her mother died in a car crash, but the current version has her still alive. She left Jim when Babs was young, taking her son (Babs’s brother) with her. James Gordon (the son) turned out to be a serial killer. 
Barbara Gordon Sr. and James Gordon Jr. both appeared in the n52 Batgirl series during the Death of the Family arc. There’s also a very good story about James from the Dickbats period. That one’s called The Black Mirror, if I’m not mistaken?
Anonymous said: Hi! What do you think of the upcoming metal event? Dick and Damian seem to have a big role in it ( I hope Jason is involved too but there's still no sign of it)
Hmmmm I don’t know that I have an opinion just yet, but as always, I hope to be pleasantly surprised 
Anonymous said: bless you are your wonderful tagging system. know that i may have avoided death because of how easy it was to f ind the thing I wanted in your tags. bless
Oh goodness anon I hope you’re not serious about almost dying.... but thanks?
Anonymous said: hi amy! would u say that damians narrative is written as a child abuse one? like there are definitely many allusions to it but its also not as explicit as say, cassandra or rose. like how much of it would u chalk up to comic world dynamics and how much to actual abuse? also would u consider jason to also be a case of this?
Oh I have very strong opinions about the role of abuse in Damian’s narrative. It’s absolutely there, and the effects are staggeringly large. There is no doubt in my mind that the league was an abusive environment, and I can’t justify some of the things Bruce did either.
I think I would say the same thing for Jason, if not quite as strongly. I definitely think that some of the things that happened to Jason as a child shaped his story later on, but less of those were abuse than outside circumstances. The n52 takes a different track on that one, I think, but I don’t put much stock in that characterization. 
Anonymous said: has jason forgiven bruce for not killing joker? if so, what made him?
Unlikely. They get along better these days, but I would argue that comes from poor characterization of Bruce, not an actual resolution process. 
mellenabrave said: My mom accidentlly threw my Damian doll away (╥_╥)
Tossed in the garbage by yet another parent--
Anonymous said: Whoa where'd you get that bat and oracle shirt you're wearing in your necklace pic? It's so cool! (The necklace is also gorgeous!)
Shoot I think it was from Redbubble? But I can’t find it now
Anonymous said: Omg that necklace was so cool!!! Kudos to the maker of it!! Also I really like your top!!
Thank you <3
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