#i should really draw more of my marvel blorbos too
domnorian · 1 year
I don't read DC, I just read xmen, but ur superman with fangs drawing changed my neural pathways.
As an Xmen fan myself, your message brought me so much serotonin! Thank you!
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gale-in-space · 9 months
tell me about your ocs. right now 🫵🏻 i wanna know them
Okay, fuck it, answering this MONTHS after I first got this. Here we go.
Elliot Sparrow, M.D., is my pride and joy. My blorbiest blorbo. He's a flight surgeon and an astronaut with a deep dark secret - he has psychosis.
(Putting this under a read-more because I can't shut up; tw for discussions of medical gore).
His psychosis is pretty gnarly. As a medical doctor he hallucinates all the fun shit; mangled, zombified bodies in patient gowns ambling after him, oozing tunnels of gore where starch-white hospital walls should be, scalpels gliding across his abdomen and needles plunging into his eyes, et cetera et cetera.
Psychosis amongst medical doctors is rare, but not entirely unheard of. But astronauts? Forget it. If you're not the star spanglin' picture of perfect American health, then you can kiss the Astronaut Corps goodbye. And so, he does his damnedest to keep a lid on it and gets rewarded by being flung into space. To the ISS, in fact. Or the future ISS for when our current ISS inevitably crashes back through our atmosphere. Po-tay-to Po-tah-to.
Okay, this whole backstory thing is turning out to be a bit like "if you give a mouse a cookie." Mostly in the sense that I can't shut up once you get me talking about my favorite character that I cobbled together with the tangled mess of sulci and gyri that is my shit-for-brains. So more backstory you shall get. Interlude over.
During his mission as an astronaut aboard the future-ISS, he draws the proverbial short straw and has to walk out into space to replace some of the station's batteries (a very routine procedure that necessitates an EVA - I won't bore you with details).
First mistake. Never step out into space when some alien asshole opens up a freak wormhole outside of your space station with their crazy futuristic technology. Or in this case, do that, because the alternative is staying behind while these terribly rude invaders rend your station in two and you are consequently exploded.
That is to say in plain terms, a wormhole full of malicious aliens spontaneously opens up right next to the ISS, causing it to be the target of an attack and to pop open like sausage meat bursting out of its casing. You follow?
Elliot survives, but the same can't be said for the rest of the crew. He's yanked around on his tether as the station is ripped asunder, and is tossed about in empty space like a ragdoll before being intercepted by the alien ship and falling unconscious. And when he wakes up, he's decked out in alien garb that smells like the inside of a jail cell. This may be due to the fact that he has awoken inside of what looks to be a jail cell.
And he thinks, "well, shit."
There's a bit more backstory - mostly having to do with these weird Marvel-esque powers that he obtains from traveling through a wormhole as a human and not-dying. They have everything to do with his psychosis - when he touches someone, he now has the ability to transfer his hallucinations, his paranoia, and his delusions to the being he is touching - and it feels VERY real for them. Oh, and his eyes glow red while he does that. Because of course they do.
So that's about it. I'm currently playing as him in a campaign that I am DM'ing (yes, I know that's a bit of a no-no - but I really can't help it, I LOVE playing as characters, and I love the theatrics. Sue me).
I'm not going to bore you with details about the campaign, plot, or any of my other ocs, because I've already said way too much and have hit my infodumping quota for the month. But seriously, thank you for this ask, and for the opportunity to talk about my darling Elliot.
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reverienne · 11 months
self-rec tag game
I saw it making rounds on my dash and you know what? I'm doing it and I'm strongly encouraging @aylaaescar, @bluekaddis / @rainhowls-arts (yes, it's my wink wink nudge nudge for you to fill it twice), @czandziowata, @etoilebinaire, @lavampira - and anyone else who wants to - to also give it a try! 💕
Rules: Share five of your own fanworks (fic, art, etc.). Then, tag five more people to share the things they’ve made.
(Mind that my ao3 fics are currently only available to the logged in users. Sorry for the inconvenience!)
1. something you absolutely adore:
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Sierra's ShoH MC, Odelinka! And my ShoH MC, Bogusia!
They were made as a matching set and turned into custom acrylic keychains. Their coming into existence was a turning point in my life and I'm not exaggerating when I'm saying that they made my life so much better. Here's to more chibi keychains in the future! <3
But! I've spent way too much time refreshing the page and marvelling at my coding for Achievement Unlocked not to also count it here. It's a 70-words-long coda for Episode II of Wayfarer and my second attempt at coding. A long break made my return to CSS more challenging than I'd like it to be, but I'm very pleased with the end result and I keep shoving this little fic into the faces of all people who are up to date with the public build of Wayfarer. I think that it's just neat.
2. something that was challenging to create: 
Worst Romance Ever was both my first fic for Dragon Age, first fic published on ao3, first fic shared publically in a veeeery long time and, most importantly, my first venture into CSS coding. It's an account of a dudebro gamer criticising Emerald Aeducan's romance route in the fictional remake of Dragon Age: Origins. (Don't get discouraged by its unfinished status - it's technically finished, I'm just going back and forth on whether I should upload a little extra.) There was so much I had to learn for this project! Frankly, nothing I've made ever since matched it in terms of intensity. The layout is not perfect and I'd like to rework it sometime in the future, but it's a testament of my persistence and I'm proud of it anyway! Also, that's how I discovered that I actually like CSS coding and want to dabble in more ao3 skins in the future! So, small steps. :)
3. something that makes you laugh (or smile, if that fits more comfortably):
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Zarya of disapproval! Her judgemental face never fails to crack me up. (Gosh, I really need to draw some more for Mysticons...)
4. something that surprised you (in how it turned out, how much other people liked it, etc.):
spotkania o 8. rano na Zoomie, my ~200-words-long modern AU ficlet for Wayfarer! I wrote it on a whim, published it right after, in a bout of unhinged self-confidence wrote about it on Wayfarer's Discord server... but nothing could prepare me for the warm welcome this ficlet received! It was written entirely in Polish, it was as niche as it could get, and yet! One person actually confessed to reading it with the help of Google Translate. I'm still overjoyed just thinking about it.
I ended up translating it into English the very next day, another record for me, though 8 a.m. Zoom meetings most likely got lost in the notifs and didn't match the Polish version's popularity. Still, I love both! And if you played Episode I of Wayfarer and have a minute to spare, I recommend giving it a chance!
5. something you want other people to see:
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I dare to say that my art of my blorbo, Serena Amell, is quite underrated. C'mon, with some tweaks suggested to me by my best friend, I really managed to make her look very cute!
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