#i should reread the accursed kings
stoportotouch · 2 years
plugging myself directly into the Bad Plantaganet Novel Mainframe
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schmafs · 4 months
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happy webcomic day! my comic, where the heart is, is still running over at @wthicomic and on comicfury! it's been a real joy to work on it so far and im very excited to keep going with it :)
that aside, here are some webcomics ive been enjoying the past few months! check em out, tell a friend–itll really make someones day!
dead or alive “Wanted alive for fraud, Clay is on the run. Blackbell is wanted dead for 13 counts of murder. The two meet in the town of Nowhere as they attempt to evade capture. When secrets from their pasts come back to haunt them, Blackbell and Clay soon find out their paths are more intertwined than they initially thought.”
(action, western)
dead or alive is a western with incredibly charming characters and a fun adventure overall! im so interested in some characters’ backstories (namely blackbell). i know it’s gonna go so hard…
arc of the spark “Bangaroo, a hot contender in the Spark Wrestling League, seeks to bring his lost family back together by wrestling his way to money and fame. The league has other plans for him however, as he unwittingly finds himself tangled up in its dubious, shady underbelly.”
(action, mystery)
a fun story that, to me, is reminiscent of saturday morning cartoons! great character designs and phenomenal action sequences.
it’s all a dream in the end “A catlike protagonist wakes up to find themselves asleep, and meets a colorful cast on their journey to waking up; a clown, some talking meat, a dream copy of her younger brother, and a rabbit that claims to be in the same never-ending-dream situation. Along the way, she learns to trust people she should, fear things she should fear, and maybe just enjoy the moment sometimes as she moves from dream to dream.”
(horror, surreal, marked tws for blood, violence, and strong language)
this comic is recently finished, and boy is it a neat time. the surreal (and, well. dreamlike) elements in it are really fun and well thought out and it’s a comic i keep meaning to reread so that i can see all the bits of foreshadowing the author laid out towards the beginning of the comic. great color schemes overall, too!
phantomarine “Phantomarine is a spooky-but-sweet fantasy webcomic about a ghostly princess and her perilous journey across a haunted sea, hoping to save her soul from a devious, shapeshifting death god known as the Red Tide King. Expect all manner of maritime mysteries – monstrous sea creatures, sacred lighthouses, strange afflictions, accursed marauders, feuding gods, grand sea battles, and a heaping helping of humor in-between!”
(fantasy, adventure)
im not quite sure where to begin with phantomarine because it’s just that good. bursting with heart and with beautiful scenes and color palettes overall. the worldbuilding in it is also very well thought out (particularly with regard to the religion of the world).
maladious “It’s 2002, and sixteen-year-old Julian Lewis has just debuted as the newest member of Olympos, America’s premiere superhero team. Admittedly, he's kind of terrible at his job–-but he’s got the heart of a hero and the best mentors he could ask for.
However, when a mission to intervene with a low-tier villain attack reveals that an old foe isn’t quite as dead as he’s supposed to be, Olympos must untangle a web of new enemies and old ghosts in what is undoubtedly their greatest challenge yet.”
(horror, action, thriller, rated 16+)
maladious is another comic with a charming art style, but i think the most interesting thing about it by far is the mystery the author is cultivating. i can tell they’re cooking something, but i don’t know what yet and i want to stick around to find out!
invincea and the warriors from hell “Orphaned and mute from infancy, Invincea has never had an easy life. But when what little she still has in a world that rejects her is violently torn away, she sets out to find justice.
Lost and wounded, she soon meets the mysterious bard Lon Quillow, and together they are catapulted into a cross-country string of adventures bringing them closer together as they learn about humanity, empathy, and the deep desire of all people to be understood and accepted.
What has been lost can be found again…”
(fantasy, adventure)
i absolutely adore invincea. the characters are all incredibly charming and the art style is delightful to look at and very reminiscent of cartoon saloon’s work! im so curious about where the story’s going to go next!
tiger, tiger “Tiger, Tiger is a story of a young noble lady, who steals her brother's identity and his ship to sail across the world to find love and adventure, and to write a book about her favourite subject: the fascinating life cycle of sea sponges!”
(fantasy, adventure)
this is one ive been reading for a while! once again, the characters are all very charming, likable, and authentic in a way i cant quite explain. absolutely gorgeous grayscale art in this one.
golden shrike “Something has shifted in the world. Sheltered deer twins, Runi and Nero, will get to see it all unfold.”
(fantasy, adventure)
the author consistently draws these beautiful natural scenes with equally beautiful colors, and i really enjoy the lore theyve put together about the deer world!
starbord: the journey home “In a part of the universe alien to them, all that Zachary Higgins and J.C. Coleman want is to get back to Earth. There's only one problem: nobody's ever heard of a planet called "Earth". Stuck with an experimental spacecraft and trapped in a galaxy teetering on the brink of total war, they'll turn to unlikely friends and face uncanny foes in their journey home.”
(action, science fiction, adventure)
going back to the idea of authentic characters, each and every character in starbord feels authentic to me. theyre all really well written and the main characters in particular feel like people i could meet in real life. the story is also compelling!
inhibit “Victor is a resident at a home for kids who haven't yet proven that they can control their powers. With a transfer only a few weeks away, he has one last chance to prove he is capable enough to go home to a normal life. But just when he most needs things to go smoothly, everything starts to fall apart, and he finds himself tangled in the plot of a mysterious arsonist…”
(science fiction, adventure)
this one’s got some great mysteries going on, and at the moment the plot is ramping up and i seriously cant wait to see what happens next! very likable characters here, too!
a d6 story “A tale of The UnKing. As a familiar horror infiltrates Folia City, a crew of unlikely heroes must fight to save their world as they know it..”
(horror, action, science fiction)
im not sure where to begin with this comic aside from the fact that the hook is absolutely crazy. you just have to trust me on this one.
milos from home “An anxious Torchic and classically amnesiac protagonist Eevee take a shot becoming a Rescue Team. Also something's screwy with the world at large, but one step at a time.”
(fantasy, fan fiction, adventure)
this one’s a pokemon mystery dungeon fancomic, and the author has some really interesting takes on pokemon culture and interpretations of what certain pokemon look like! i care so much about each character :,) except for one. i’ve never wanted to punt a rat (dedenne) into the sun so bad in my life.
first song “10 years ago, a private company opened a portal. It went wrong. Our material plane was smashed into the land of the dead; Limbo. Spoon was at Ground zero of the explosion but survived, and now he wanders the wasteland with his guitar and the demon that inhabits it - encountering ghosts and other survivors on a quest to return to his childhood home. At the same time he is hunted by a mysterious woman who is single-minded in her drive to find him.”
(science fiction, supernatural, post-apocalypse)
i just KNOW the author of this one is cooking something crazyy. we’re still pretty early on in the story, but i can feel it! the fact it’s in black and white also goes a long way in establishing the vibes of the whole thing.
inheritors “The setting is a post-apocalyptic, alternate Earth. Most of the planet was destroyed by a rogue AI program, called Apollo. However, one continent was able to be saved by the goddess Athena, and was able to evolve and adapt to urban life today. Now, Apollo is making his presence known within the existing cities, and new information is coming to light. Who created Apollo? Where are the gods, now? Most importantly, what does it mean to truly be human?
As if all of that wasn't enough pressure, Space-Time's grandson is having an identity crisis over the sudden realization that he's going to outlive everyone he's grown close to. So y'know, there's a whole existential crisis sub-plot along with the mystery surrounding Apollo, the gods, the world of Faerie, and some strange, alien newcomers in the city.”
(action, science fiction, modern fantasy, drama. marked tws for topics of religion, depression, self-harm, bullying, child abuse, attempted suicide, and struggles with identity)
this one’s also pretty early on in the story as well, but i was immediately captivated by the silly little drawings in the first couple pages. i also know the authors of this one are cooking very hard with the worldbuilding! definitely check this one out so youre here whenever things start getting wild!
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istumpysk · 1 year
Goodness, you're probably one of the very few who don't think Aegon will ever get KL! Congrats, I'm of the same mind (there's probably not many of us, lol) How do you think Euron's story will unfold though? I see him allied with Cersei, like the show had it. I don't think he will have anything to do with Daenerys apart from destroying any chance for her to get the throne before seeking for the North's allegiance. I see the Ironborn split in three, Euron-Cersei, Theon and Asha with the North and dear Vic with Dany. Thoughts? BTW what about the Forsaken?
Hey anon, sorry about the delay.
These would be my thoughts on The Forsaken. :)
I used to be extremely skeptical of the Euron-Cersei alliance on the show, but after rereading the books I'm less sure. A few things stood out.
There's Cersei's escalating obsession with acquiring her own fleet, which directly parallels Daenerys' ambitions.
The new High Septon would doubtless wring his holy hands, and the Braavosi would squeak and squawk at her, but what of it? "The monies saved will be used for the building of our new fleet." - Cersei IV, AFFC
There's the vulnerability of Blackwater Bay, which Cersei fully grasps.
"Lord Merryweather is right," said Lord Waters. "If it please Your Grace, I will launch the rest of our new dromonds. The sight of them upon the Blackwater with King Tommen's banner flying from their masts will remind the city who rules here, and keep them safe should the mobs decide to run riot again." He left the rest unspoken; once on the Blackwater, his dromonds could stop Mace Tyrell from bringing his army back across the river, just as Tyrion had once stopped Stannis. Highgarden had no sea power of its own this side of Westeros. They relied upon the Redwyne fleet, presently on its way back to the Arbor. - Cersei X, AFFC
There's all the times she's constantly told of Euron's dominance at sea. It's easy to imagine her being drawn to that.
Without the Arbor and its fleet, the realm could never hope to rid itself of this Euron Crow's Eye and his accursed ironmen. - Cersei IX, AFFC
There's the offer that was made by Balon Greyjoy to form an alliance with her father, which no doubt lingers in the depths of her mind.
Cersei's mouth was dry. I need a cup of Arbor gold. If the ironmen decided to take the Arbor next, the whole realm might soon be going thirsty. "Stannis may have had a hand in this. Balon Greyjoy offered my lord father an alliance. Perhaps his son has offered one to Stannis." - Cersei VII, AFFC
And then there's this line, which made me itch.
Varys would have known, Cersei thought with irritation. "I do not propose to climb in bed with that sorry pack of squids. Their turn will come, once we have dealt with Stannis. What we require is our own fleet." - Cersei IV, AFFC
Other than that, I mostly keep going back to three things.
Cersei is a foolish and desperate woman, who consistently forms ill-advised alliances.
Cersei's and Daenerys' storylines faithfully parallel each other. If one does it, the other follows suit. What does that mean if Daenerys accepts Victarion Greyjoy as an ally?
Cersei's enemies are the same people Euron is and will be targeting. Is that intentional? In relation to this, is there a reason why the author chose to have Euron sail past the Westerlands and directly proceed to the Reach?
My apprehension is because of Euron. He's so unlike his show counterpart, it's almost difficult to envision him as being capable of making alliances. What use does he have for Cersei Lannister?
I'm still on the fence, but it wouldn't surprise me in the least if it broke down like you've predicted: Cersei - Euron / Daenerys - Victarion / Jon + Sansa - Theon + Asha.
With regards to how I see his story unfolding, I think he's going to fuck a lot of shit up, until Daenerys and Victarion stop him. Lol
Post: Aegon the Doomed
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jade-parcels · 2 years
Monsters and Mortals
Monsters and mortals should not meet.
Only to slay the beast should they encounter each other.
Now then, why do you come to me mortal?
Share with me what you see that does not scare you,
Tell me why you speak to me and hold me as though I am human.
Even when you have seen what I can do, you return.
Really, what is going through your mind when you say those accursed three words.
Dawn will come, surely,
Although we can not be certain.
Running from the darkness
Kings will cower from the terrors of the night.
Not this king, for he is uncrowned.
In the cover of shadows, he will protect.
Giant beasts may threaten his city,
He will cut them down, saving peasants and nobles alike.
This king will protect his people from the dark side of dawn
(Upon rereading these it's way more subtle than I thought. Also it's only the letters in caps that apply bc some of the lines got a little long but whatever enjoy <3)
THE UNCROWNED KING OF MOND YEAHHHHH these are so creative and cool damn!!!! I love ittttttt 💕💕💕💕
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demigodsanswer · 4 years
Clarisse & The Lord of the Rings
“War must be, while we defend our lives against a destroyer who would devour all; but I do not love the bright sword for its sharpness, nor the arrow for its swiftness, nor the warrior for his glory. I love only that which they defend.” 
When she was 12, Chiron noticed that she was the only year-round Ares girl. He pulled her aside one day and offered her a room in the Big House for herself, figuring she could use some privacy and alone time from her brothers. 
The room had a small TV and DVD player in it, and she had the only key to the room. She could use it when ever she wanted, as long as it wasn’t during training or school work. 
That’s where she found The Lord of the Rings extended edition DVDs. She watched all of them in two days. 
She cried when Boromir died, but nothing prepared her for the raw emotion of this scene from The Two Towers . She thinks about this scene constantly, and it’s probably her favorite scene from any of the movies in the long term. The only scene that rivals it is the Battle for Osgiliath in The Return of the King. 
What really fucked her up though, was the Battle for Osgiliath/Pippin’s song from Return of the King. That scene made her realize, more than anything she’d encountered before, the ways in which war, while it can sometimes be comprised of glorious moments of good triumphing over evil, it could also be comprised of moments of leaders gluttonously and recklessly consuming those willing to fight for them. 
After she watched all the movies all the way through, she asked Chris to re-watch them with her. He agreed, because she was his best friend. She didn’t expect to cry at all, because she knew what would happen, but she cried twice, once at the Sam scene in The Two Towers, and "I can’t carry it for you, but I can carry you!”. Chris didn’t judge her. 
When Chris was really sick, she would sometimes sing “The Edge of Night” to him, and it would calm him down. 
Chiron had large text print copies of the books, which he gifted to her. 
She read them all in one summer. She rereads them every summer. They’re ear marked and annotated to death. 
While she always loved Faramir in the movies, when she read his line: “War must be, while we defend our lives against a destroyer who would devour all; but I do not love the bright sword for its sharpness, nor the arrow for its swiftness, nor the warrior for his glory. I love only that which they defend.” She was so overwhelmed that she had to lie down. 
Tolkien’s ideology, philosophy, and stories have shaped her understanding of war, its purpose, and its consequences. 
Her favorite part of the main three books is the scouring of the Shire, because it is the part that helps her cope with the war the most. Camp had always been her home - her idyllic home where she could be herself, study at her own pace, and train as much as she wanted. But after the war, it had been changed. Thalia’s tree had been poisoned, people had died there, and it was no longer the same place it had been in her childhood. But she had also been changed by the war. Like Frodo, she felt like there wasn’t a way to remain in the place after a while - she couldn’t go home again. Unfortunately for her, there are no undying lands for her to sail to.
Her favorite book is The Silmarillion. When people (read: annoying Athena boys) question this, she just looks them dead in the eye and asks “Oh, I’m sorry, are mythological wars not in my DNA?”
She went to Tolkien’s grave once on vacation and read the tale of Beren and Luthien out loud and left flowers. 
Do not talk to her about The Hobbit movies or she will put forks in you. She was nearly kicked out of An Unexpected Journey when Thorin charged at the Orcs at the end because she yelled “THAT’S THE RINGrWRAITHS’ THEME!” and then spent a few minutes explaining to Chris that “thing mean things” and that “the ringwraith theme is a poem written by Philippa Boyens about the wraiths and then translated into the ancient language of man. It’s not just some random, intense battle music!” 
She slept through most of Desolation of Smaug. She was so out cold that Chris actually left the theater to walk around the mall for a while. He came back before the end, just in time for her to wake up. “How long have I been asleep?” “Since dwarf barrel boing boing. I brought you a soft pretzel, thought.”
She straight up left the theater during Battle of Five Armies when she heard Thranduil say: “Go north, find the Dunedain. There’s a young ranger among them; you should meet him. His father, Arathorn, was a good man; his son might grow to be a great one. He’s known in the wild as Strider, but his true name you must discover for yourself.” 
“Go north? Look at any map of Middle Earth and you’ll see that Erebor is the northern-most kingdom on the map. The only thing north of Erabor is desolate dragon territory. And go north to find the Dunedain? Dunedain literally translates to ‘men of the west!’ Why would you go north into dragon territory to find the men of the west?! And ‘there’s a young ranger among them known as Strider?’ The Hobbit takes place 77 years before the Fellowship of the Ring is formed, which means that Aragorn is TEN! When Aragorn was ten he wasn’t a ranger! He was living at Rivendell! His name was Estel! They didn’t even need Vigo to sign on to the project if they wanted an Aragorn cameo, they only needed some kid with black hair! And he wasn’t known in the wild as Strider! He was known in Bree as Strider, and he didn’t even like the name! This isn’t even deep lore! This is just stuff in the main books and appendices and the maps printed on every inside cover!” 
She has three (and a half) Lord of the Rings tattoos. 
The first one she gets is a pretty common design: it’s the white tree of Gondor with the shards of Narsil, but she gets the text “Renewed shall be blade that was broken, The crownless again shall be king” around the design. She has this on the inside of her right forearm. She likes this line because in the movies Arwen says them as if they are ancient prophecy, but in the books, Bilbo writes them in a song. It’s a little inside joke with herself. 
Some people have asked why she didn’t get the text from the ring itself, and her response is always “It’s an accursed language. Why would I want an accused language on my body?” “it’s a made up language.” “All languages are made up.”
The second one she gets on a bet. She gets a goofy illustration of Gollum from before JRRT republished The Hobbit to be more canon compliant with The Lord of the Rings. She has this one on the inside of her left arm. As goofy as it is, she does love Gollum as a character. 
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She then has the door to Moria on her ankle. 
The half is her drakon tattoo. She has a tattoo designed partially after the drakon and partially after Tolkein’s illustrations of Smaug. The drakon is weaving itself through a hand, so it is proportionally very small. This tattoo is on the right side of her ribcage and was the first tattoo she got (Ares paid for it as a gift). 
When she was pregnant for the first time, she played The Lord of the Rings soundtrack and watched the movies a ton deliberately to train her baby to respond to the sounds. Her first kid ended up (by no accident) being calmed by The Lord of the Rings. 
However, her favorite book is The Hobbit, and she proudly proclaimed at three years old that she was going to be a burglar when she grew up.  Chris was very smug. 
(anyway, come talk to me about the lord of the rings @nohomo-mrfrodo​) (did I write this whole thing to go on that rant about that line from battle of the five armies. yes, yes i did) 
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starcrossedyanderes · 4 years
The Wedding Part 2
Part 1; unedited.
Word Count: 2,563 words
Note: So I reread the first part and oh boy can my writing get bad whilst I am tired. Later I’ll edit it or straight up rewrite, but for now I’ll get this saga done before that stuff happens.
Also the vows in this are inspired by the vows from “The Corpse Bride” but overall have been written by me.
I also just finished this at 12:24 AM and I am currently too tired to edit this and Xavier may have loosed his accents at some part and I don’t care cause I’m sweepy. And enjoy cause after this it’s Xavier with kids. That should be coming out Wednesday and on Monday it’s “Beauty and The Birds”
The doors swung open and a single white heel stepped forward.
It was too late. You could no longer run away.
A band off in the distance were playing an oh-so-hauntingly-familiar song as your feet automatically took you forward. 
You thanked the veil that covered part of your face. For you do not think you could bare to stare into all of those eyes. For now, the world truly had their eyes on you.
Your heels did not make a sound on the long rug and the whole hall was silent except for the insturments that played. You could see the lights reflecting on the countless jewel you wore. From the ring on your finger, to the small jewels embedded on your ivory dress, and even on the large diamond that laid on purple velvet on your chest. 
You refused to meet those emerald eyes of his and instead swept to the aisles; where all your ‘beloved’ guests sat. 
There were a plethora of older women with abnormally larges hat that one would see at the Kentucky Derby. A lot of younger women sat tall with dresses that had seemed to imitate your own while others tried to out do with the flashiest dresses they can. You dully noted the lack of white and purple dresses in the crowd which you quickly acredited to the memory of some guards dragging an ivory-clad woman down the hall.
Sprinkled in you could what caused your mouth to dry and your hands to shake. Large black, square boxes stared at you with a glemaing center like that of a black hole. Behind them only part of faces could be seen as a million of other faces stared back at you.
Your eyes momentarilly swept over the converted throne room and could see why such a hefty price tag was assigned. Such extravagant bouquets lining the aisles and such minute details that can not be seen by the normal human eye.
Even in it’s guadiness you had to admit it was quite beautiful.
As you neared closer and closer to the altar you could seen those who sat in the front row. Seated there was the Queen and King of Colvakia, Xavier’s parents. And to your shock and horror next to them sat your very own parents. 
But alas, only so much time could be bought and you had no choice to look up into those accursed green eyes.
His eyes were gentle as they looked at your veil and you could see a small, gentle smile coming on his face. He wore a black prince uniform that had the Devorsky family crest with plentious amounts of gold embrodiery. With a golden chain of sorts his red cape with a fur collar hung on one shoulder before it spread around him. You noted with gulp that he also had golden scabbard on him as well.
Next to him you noted with an almost smile stood his most beloved pet, Ivory. Normal a peacock would be quite odd at a wedding but since it seemed the Devorsky’s had some sort of connection with the birds and it would not be all too suprising.
With some deep breaths you climbed up the marble stairs with only the boquet you held in your hands to sturdy you. All that was up there was the altar, the thrones, a priest, a table with various items, Ivory, and of course Xavier. No bridesmaids in sight, not even a groomsmen either. If you recalled this was tradition for the royals here as all attention should be on those who are getting wed.
You finally reached the platform and was forced to face in Xavier’s direction as the music stopped and the older man started to speak.
Your hands were quickly swallowed up in Xavier’s as he massaged your skin and the ring worn on your finger.
The table at the side was moved over a bit as the part you almost dreaded the most was coming.
Xavier let go of your hand as the two of you looked over all the items laid out in front of you before your hand was grabbed again and Xavier began to speak.
“With this hand I will lift all your sorrows.”
Your held hand was lifted high in the sky as all the people and cameras watched. Your hand was let go in favor of him grabbing a bottle of wine sitting nearby as he poured the tiniest amount into a golden cup.
“You will never thirst, for I will be your wine.”
The cup was brought to your lips as the small drop fell down your throat.
“With this candle I will light our way through the darkness.”
With a quick strike of a nearby match that he lit the white candle to a flame.
“And with my whole being I shall be your brace.”
He now reached out to grab a delicately intertwined golden tiara with pieces of blue gold and other blue stones laid inside from a large cushion.
“It is with this crown that I entrust you with not only myself but our people.”
The tiara was carefully lifted up before replacing the tiara that laid on your head.
He then grabbed the small box that sat front and center on the table before flipping it up and gently placing a russian ring that looked to have to multiple rings of blue gold and regular gold all twisted and connected over each other.
“And it is with this ring that I ask you to wholly be mine.”
He fully let go of your hand as he stared at you in pure excitement for what is to come next. You on the other hand dreaded it as you repeated the lines over and over in your head, knowing a single mishap could cause someone’s death.
You took a deep breath before willingly grabbing Xavier’s hand for quite possibly the first time as you said your vows.
“With this hand I will lead you through all trials”
Like him you lifted his hand high in the sky before placing it back down to tear off a small piece from the loaf of bread that sat next to the wine.
“And you shall never hunger, for I will be your bread.”
You grabbed the near match and with a quick stroke the thing became engulfed in flames before placing it on the black wick.
“It is with this candle that I shall light our kingdom through the darkness.
And it is with my whole being that shall also be your brace.”
Your hands shook as you reached out to the golden stick that laid on a velvet cushion before handing it to Xavier.
“It is with this scepter that I entrust you with the prosperity of a kingdom.”
He gladly gripped it in his non-ring finger hand as he stuck out his other hand expectantly; practically giddy with excitement. You flipped open the small box and grabbed onto the identical ring before sliding into onto one of Xavier’s always perfectly manicured nails.
“And it is with this ring that I ask you to become my partner through all that is to come.”
You could tell that at the moment he was barely controlling his inner teenage girl that wants to go ‘eeeeeh!’ into a pillow at the slightest bit of acknowledgment from their crush. But despite this fact he barely kept himself together as the priest sad a few more words before the two of you tore off a piece from the slice of pomegranate before you; the last unused item on the table.
“It is with this pomegranate that our marriage will last through sickness, health, prosperity, and strife. May Hades let us be together whether in heaven or in hell.”
At the same time you both placed the piece of pomegranate into your mouths and started to eat it as you both turned your attention to the priest as the ceremony was finally closing up.
The priest spoke up.
“And it is with this kiss that you, Xavier Devorsky, will take (Y/n) (L/n) as both your wife, and queen. (Y/n) (L/n), with this kiss you will not only let Xavier Devorsky be both your husband and king, but you will also be marrying all of the people of this kingdom. You shall be entrusted with millions of lives and they all shall trust in you. Do you, Prince Xavier Devorsky, accept?”
Without even a second to wait he responded.
“And do you, (Y/n) (L/n) accept?”
You waited for a few seconds longer than you should have; despite you already having made your decision long ago. Xavier’s eyes morphed into a glare for a split second before it went back to normal as you said your answer.
“I do.”
“And it is with the power invested in me by the holy one himself to bless this marriage and allow you to kiss the bride.”
Your waist was quickly grabbed and was practically thrown to Xavier’s hip as he quickly  pressed his lips onto yours in by far the fiercest kiss he has ever given you before pulling back with a ‘mwah’. 
Cheers erupted within the building and you would not be suprised if all of Russia could hear the screams. Xavier quickly turned back to the aisle and gripped onto your hand as you were forced to walk with him back down the aisle with Ivory close behind as some person over the speakers said something or another to the people still in the room.
As the door slammed shut behind you Xavier couldn’t help but to gush a bit.
“ohmygoshohmygosh ohmygoshohmygosh we’re married. We’re actually married.”
He grabbed your arms once again as he twirled the two of your around a bit as your dress swirled around the two of you.
Xavier now carefully lifted off the veil from you and placed into a cushion held by who you assumed to be a servant of some kind. He then readjusted the new crown on your head before placing a kiss on your forehead.
“I’m afraid ve must hurry now, dear. As much as I vas looking forward to you staying in that absolutely gorgeous dress all night before I ripped it off I’m afraid ve have to change for the reception. If you could follow these vomen they shall take care of you. They are here to help you change and vill be transporting it to a museum for perservation before it’s placed on display. Tata for now-”
Xavier interrupted himself by letting out a little giggle that was somewhat muffled by the hand that slightly covered his mouth.
“-my wife.”
And with some guards he practically skipped off as he was lead away to some room as well.
~|~ (I decided to include the reception as well and a tiny bit of the honeymoon. Nothing too much, as I don’t write the stuff here, but you can use your imagination.)
The gardens were decorated quite beautifully and seemingly transformed into a place completely new.
Tables were now placed practically everywhere and a makeshift dancefloor was even set up for the outdoor venue.
A few tables held assortments of food, including the ginormous wedding cake, while most were occupied by guests you didn’t recognize in the slightest. At your circular table you now sat on your large throne right next to Xavier as his parents now sat on smaller ones. To your dismay your family was placed somewhat far away from this one as it would seem this is ‘royal only’.
Many guests danced to the classical music with the occasional modern dance song popping up every once in a while whilst others sat eating at their food. 
Scattered across the place were various peacocks roaming around and it seemed they were wildly appreciated by all the guests that ‘ooohed’ and ‘ahhhed’ at them.
Next to Xavier Ivory and Ebony sat and you couldn’t help but note your disappointment that Marciel could not be here as he was currently going through heat.
Your face brightened consiberably as you saw your very own parents walk up to you.
“(Y/n)! Oh, how nice it is to see you!”
Your mother reached out to grab your hand but was stopped as a guard shifted his spear to block her path.
“Hmm? What’s going on?”
Xavier looked up and gave a large smile.
“Ah, mother-in-law, it’s lovely to see you again. I’m afraid that from now on no contact from others will reach my dearest wife again. They are not deserving of such pleasures.”
You could see your Mom quirk an eyebrow and interrupted her before she could speak up again.”
“Mom, it truly is lovely to see you here. I must admit I wasn’t told that you were coming so this was quite a wonderful surprise. Please do enjoy yourself here.”
You forced a smile on your face, hoping that would be enough to convince your Mom before Xavier blew a fuse and once she left with a huff you let out a breath.
You later ate to your content to make up for missed breakfast as you tried to savor every flavor in the steak and the other dishes laid out before you.
Many people would walk up with their well wishes and you were forced to just sit and nod as you were afraid a single word to a stranger would cause you to break.
You wished to truly join in on the party but instead settled on watching all who danced and laugh at the peacock who was currently screaming its little head out while running from a random man chasing it. You proceeded to laugh harder as the peacock got its revenge and instead it was the man screaming his heart out as it ran away from the peacock.
Time ticked by and the party ended as you stumbled into your now shared bedroom and unceremoniously plopped down onto the large bed.
You could hear Xavier open up his closet as he seemed to search for some clothese whilst talking.
“Dear if it’s alright with you I’ll take the first bath or if you wish you could always go to one of the other ones down the hall or in your old bedroom. Do keep in mind we will begin travelling tomorrow as we start our trip around the world. Your bags have already been packed but once again do keep in mind that we may be in a plane for a good couple of hours.”
With that he left through a side door and you could hear the water spilling from a nozzle as you begrudgingly got up and got ready for a bathe of your own.
~|~ (bath time over and time for the only thing you get to see of the honeymoon.)
You let out a yawn and stretched your arms as you stepped back into the bedroom in your now fresh set of pajamas. Once again you plopped down onto the bed with out taking a notice of the green eyes in the corner. 
A yelp almost escaped your lips as you felt hands pushing down your body and felt a smile against the back of your neck.
“Don’t vorry, ve have plenty of time to explore. For now how about ve take it nice and easy.”
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arofili · 4 years
Cause & Consequence (ch5 alt draft)
Since some people expressed interest, here you go! @himrings :)
This is from the POV of Ryndil, my Haleth/Caranthir baby, and takes place directly after the Nirnaeth after the Feanorians fled to Caranthir’s stronghold in Amon Ereb. I intended it to be part of Cause and Consequence ch5, but having reread it now after I’ve written ch1 of that fic, I know I’ll have to rewrite most of it to fit the Caranthir characterization as well as the general tone.  This confrontation will happen, and there are parts of it I’ll probably keep, but overall I’m gonna have to change most of it.
Still, I had a lot of fun with the arguing Feanorians, especially Maedhros who is less “in denial about Fingon’s death and crumbling entirely as a person” and more “completely Does Not Care about anything now that Fingon is dead, would be happy to watch the world burn because Nothing Matters, but still has his wits about him.” and I really let myself go off with my headcanons! I’ll have a note at the bottom explaining some of them :)
“Who are you?” demanded Celegorm.
Rýndil glared up at him, undaunted by his blood-stained figure and the astonished looks of his brothers.
“I am Rýndil,” they proclaimed. “Rýndil of Brethil.”
“Didn’t I see you in the fighting?” one of the twins asked suspiciously. “You aren’t one of the Accursed’s people, are you?”
“I’m from Brethil,” they said, affronted. “I’m one of the Haladin!”
“Regardless, this is no place for mortals,” Maglor said flatly. “You do know who we are, don’t you, Rýndil of Brethil?”
A shiver ran down their spine. Seven tall elf-lords, gaunt and scarred and bloody in the aftermath of a disastrous battle. Maedhros, the eldest, was a shell of the glorious figure he’d been on the battlefield; they weren’t sure if he was even awake, his eyes were so glassy and unfocused. Grief, they supposed. They’d heard the rumors about him and the High King, after all.
Maglor, leading in his place, trembling despite the firmness in his golden voice. Celegorm, bitter and angry and mean despite his fair features. Curufin, his dark shadow, flint in his eyes and venom on his tongue. Amrod and Amras, mirroring each other in their distrustful glares. And yet despite the blood and dirt and pain, a light shone from each of them. These were men to be feared, men to be worshipped.
And then there was him. Caranthir the Dark. Rýndil’s father, the blood flowing through their veins, the reason they were here in the first place. Gaunt and red-faced, the weary host of his defeated brothers, he had scarcely stopped moving about and making room for them since they arrived.
As much as Rýndil was of the Haladin, as much as they were the child of Haleth, they were bound to this family and people also.
Rýndil stuck their chin out and glared directly at the unobservant Caranthir. “I know who you are,” they said evenly. “You are the Fëanorians. Well, so am I.”
There was a horrid pause, in which Rýndil wasn’t sure if they were going to be sliced open from gut to throat or welcomed with open arms. Even those that hadn’t been staring at them before turned to look at them with open mouths.
“They’re not mine,” said a wry voice at last. Everyone turned to stare at Maedhros, speaking his first words since their arrival.
“What?” he said. “Fingon is—he’s dead. No point in hiding it any more. Yes, I was sleeping with him. We were in love. You’re all shocked, I know—yes, Curvo, I was being sarcastic, don’t even start, I’m well aware that we were the worst-kept secret in Beleriand.”
“More like all of Arda,” muttered Maglor.
Maedhros ignored him. “My lover is dead,” he said, a deep and righteous grief rumbling in his chest. “And so. This bastard child. Is. Not. Mine.”
Bastard! Rýndil recoiled. They knew it was true, knew that the Fëanorians could see the truth of their relation but also the truth of its illegitimacy in the way that elves had. The way Rýndil only partially understood, like they only partially understood everything about who they were.
No one else spoke. Maedhros stuck his feet up on the table, crossing his arms. “I’m done with dancing around unfortunate subjects,” he said. “Whoever of you bed some mortal woman, fess up. I faced my scandal, time for you all to face yours.”
Still no one moved, until Maglor blurted out, “I know you’re looking to me, Nelyo, but Arasdil’s children had other fathers.”
“What?” Curufin yelped. “You slept with a mortal? And you mocked me for being faithless to Quilla with Finrod! What would Ezellë think of this, at least I didn’t stoop that low—”
“This is rich,” Maedhros drawled, “coming from the person who would never shut up about me being a cousin-fucker.”
“Look, Finrod was the whore, look at him, he had Edrahil and Bëor and at least two of those dwarves, and besides he was already fucking Turgon well before me—”
“I’m asexual,” Amrod said, raising his hands and stepping backward. “It wasn’t me.”
“And unlike some of you, I remember my marriage vows,” Amras snapped. “Thennes may have died in the Bragollach, but if we get out of this blasted Oath and reunite in Aman I’ll be doing it on a clean conscience!”
“Tyelko?” Maglor demanded.
“Hell if I know,” Celegorm growled. “I’m not the type to get tied down—”
“Valar damn it, Tyelko, how many times have we told you—”
Rýndil watched, wide-eyed, as the Fëanorians fell apart into bickering about their various sexual exploits, bringing up long-buried grievances while Maedhros watched with a morbid amusement. Morbid, that was the right word for him; just looking at him unsettled them.
Throughout all this, Caranthir stayed silent in the shadows of his own home, his face growing more and more red. Rýndil looked at him, crossing their arms. They weren’t going to say anything—this was his fault.
“I think I’d know if they were my kid, though,” Celegorm argued. “Has Tyelpë been sleeping around?”
“How the fuck should I know?!” Curufin snarled. “Ever since you fucked up our perfectly good plan with the witch of Doriath I haven’t seen hide nor hair of my unfortunate whelp!”
“I fucked it up?” Celegorm shouted. “Really now?! You sending your boyfriend off to his death had nothing to do with that?”
“It was me,” Caranthir said quietly. The others didn’t seem to hear him at first, though Rýndil saw Maedhros’ eyebrows shoot upward at the confession. “I’m their father.”
Slowly, the Fëanorians fell silent, looking to their middlest brother in astonishment.
“Moryo!” Maglor groaned. “Of all of us, only Ambarussa were less likely!”
“And me, don’t kid yourselves,” Maedhros interrupted. “I had my money on one of the ‘Three Cs’ as I hear they’re calling you all in Dor-lómin. Though I doubt Dor-lómin will be around for much longer.”
“Don’t group me in with those idiots,” Caranthir said scornfully. “Yes, I fathered the brat.”
“I’m not a fucking brat,” Rýndil growled. “And I may be a bastard, but that’s to your shame, not mine, Father. My mother’s people treat me very well.”
“Who is the mother?” Amras asked. “I never pinned you for the romantic type, Moryo.”
“Haleth wasn’t, either,” Caranthir said glumly. “She...conquered me, I suppose. I didn’t even realize that she got a child out of the exchange until I met Rýndil several years later. And frankly, they’re so unimpressive, even for a peredhel, that I’d forgotten about them until—”
Rýndil sprang across the room and bitch-slapped Caranthir to the ground. “Fuck off,” they spat, hitting him where it hurt. “My mother was right to send you away when she did. You’re worthless, all of you Noldor princes, bringing only ruin to this land and blaming it on everyone but yourselves. Look at who brought Beleriand to ashes in this last battle—it wasn’t the Sindar, nor the Edain! It was you lot and your double-crossing friends! And maybe I’m an unanticipated, unimpressive peredhel, but everything I can claim is thanks to Haleth, not you. I may be a Fëanorian, but I’m worth seven of you.” They curled their lip. “And for the record, uncles, I think Celebrimbor had the right idea.”
They gave the stunned Caranthir one more knee to the groin and stormed out of the room. “Thanks for giving me a place to spend the night,” they called as they left, “and for letting me get that off my chest.”
“I like them,” Maedhros observed sardonically once Rýndil had rounded the corner. They hung by the doorway, catching their breath and trying to regain their composure. “They’re not afraid to tell you all the truth.”
“I’ll remind you who led this Union of peoples that failed so disastrously,” Caranthir hissed, “and if tonight has proved anything, it’s that Ambarussa have the right way of looking at things.”
Rýndil didn’t know if they would go that far, but they smiled grimly. So much for finding a place with their father’s people—but at least this venture hadn’t been uneventful.
A/N: So really this turned out to be more of a sequel to “Unanticipated” than part of C&C - my Halenthir characterization there is fairly antagonistic and playful, but after thinking about it I don’t think Caranthir is actually...ashamed of Ryndil, or particularly regretful of their existence, he just...doesn’t know what to do with/about them. So I’ll tone down his disdain for the actual fic, because I don’t think this is really representative of how he feels anymore.
A lot of my headcanons for the Feanorians and their relationships showed up here! I went into more detail about some of that in my longfic “ATATYA.” That fic, however, is not set in the same universe as this one; Ryndil is discussed in Moryo’s chapters of “ATATYA” but he didn’t actually know they existed until after his rebirth in that story, where he does know here.
There are references to Quilla and Ezelle; these are my OCs for Curufin and Maglor’s wives, respectively.
I mentioned Amras’ wife Thennes in this fic - she’s another character discussed in “ATATYA,” but her fate is different here than in that fic. Here, she dies in the Dagor Bragollach instead of absconding with Elured and Elurin after the Second Kinslaying. I have some headcanons about her relationship with the Ambarussa and how that plays out in both fics; one of these days I’ll get around to writing them.
Someone else I mentioned was Arasdil, a mortal lover of Maglor’s. That relationship was something I was workshopping around the time of writing “ATATYA,” but I ultimately ended up going with a different version of his life in my fic “Sins and Sorrows,” which is set in the same verse. I still think she existed, but they weren’t married like I originally envisioned. Basically, Arasdil was a woman of the house of Beor that Maglor rescued from an abusive marriage and had a relationship with. His comment about her children having “other fathers” is just that - he slept with her, but she never had his child. This is an affair that Maedhros knew about, but the rest of his brothers didn’t until this moment.
There’s a lot of swearing here that I’ll probably end up toning down, and I don’t think I’ll be as explicit with Amrod’s line about him being asexual, though that’ll still be there in spirit. And by the end, with Ryndil “bitch-slapping” their father and just Going Off at him and his brothers - I don’t think that would fly in actuality, but it was too fun to resist, tbh.
Also, the main thing this fic is missing is Ryndil’s dog!! They always have a dog with them - though perhaps Tallagar also died in the Nirnaeth.... :(
Anyway, I hope you enjoyed this snippet, and if you haven’t checked out the actual fic, you should definitely do that!! :)
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