#i should’ve gone with a warmer purple but no one’s gonna really see that first hexagon when i wear it
dearest-kibble · 4 years
How they meet their Darling (Yandere haikyuu!!)
Ushijima and Kageyama
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Kageyama is a man who doesn’t pay attention. To anything really.
Anything but Volleyball, that is.
It’s not until you are sitting next to him in class that he even knows you exist.
You give him a simple poke, and he jerks up, looks at you, and goes to lean back down. 
“Aren’t you the setter for the volleyball team?”
“Yeah, why?”
“I just heard he didn’t pay attention, guess they were right.” You laugh to yourself, roll your eyes and go back to looking at your notes as the teacher drones on. 
Kageyama puts his head back in his arms. 
That was weird.
And the next day, when he’s strategizing for practice in his notebook.
“So what's the rest of the team like?”
“Annoying, why?”
“Just trying to start a conversation.” You sigh, and turn back to your own notebook.
“Ask me when I’m not thinking about volleyball.” 
“Ok.” The conversation ends until Kageyama can stop thinking about volleyball. 
You’ll find him when he does. 
You don’t find him.
Maybe it’s because, contrary to popular belief, Kageyama is in fact, surprisingly, not more emotional or expressive than a brick wall. 
But he’s stopped thinking about volleyball. For a few moments in class. While he’s looking at a tree, or when he sleeps.
Dreams that once were about setting the perfect spike, turn to you sitting in the bleachers, watching him set that damned spike.
That tree he’s looking at? You’re sitting under it, telling him that his form is almost perfect.
And in class?
He almost wants you to ask about how to set. How even you, could become a better volleyball player. 
It gets bad. To the point where you and volleyball are synonymous. He can’t have one without thinking about the other.
He has a problem with you.
Or more, that he doesn’t understand why you aren’t at his games or aren’t under that tree talking about his posture. 
And maybe? It’s a little bit a problem with why you’re always on his mind.
He doesn’t get why he feels warmth sitting near you. 
You aren’t the rush he feels when he’s playing a match.
Yet his heart still beats faster.
He’ll ask you about it. He catches you after school, but he won’t be late for practice, you’ll come with him. 
He finds you by that tree.
“Why do I feel warm when I’m near you?”
“Cause I’m really hot?” It’s a deadpan answer for a deadpan question. “I don’t know, why do you feel warm when I’m near you?”
“You should watch my games.” Your eyes widen and blink twice. 
“You wanted to know what the team was like right?” 
“Sure, I guess,”
“Then come on.”
You sit in on a practice three v three.
It’s pretty intense, Hinata is playing against him, he’s setting some shots to be hit by Tanaka, Noya is rolling his thunder, all in all? A close game.
But Kageyama always comes out on top.
If it wasn’t for his pride, then maybe it was to impress you.
The you, who was now talking to a very excited Nishinoya.
The short Libero had apparently caught your eye with his flashy-as-all-hell style of playing.
But what was the point of you being here if you weren’t going to watch him?
In all his dreams and thoughts, you were watching him.
His chest aches when you don’t pay attention to him.
Kageyama just doesn’t feel complete.
He hears his knuckles crack before he feels it.
“Hey. Come with me.” He glares down at Nishinoya who just smirks right back at him.
You have the audacity to laugh.
“Yeah yeah, I’m coming,” you send a smile to Noya as you try to keep pace with Kageyama’s long legs. “We’ll continue our conversation later, yeah?”
“Yeah!” Nishinoya barely even gets through the word befor Kageyama slams the door to the gym.
No one is around, it’s just the two of you.
Kageyama’s ache goes away and his shoulders realesed tension that wouldn’t be good if they played another match.
“What were you doing in there?!” He’s aware he’s loud, but when isn’t he? This is normal. The only abnormal thing here is you and the way his heart beats around you.
“I was talking to Noya, got a problem with that?”
What didn’t he have a problem with? You were on a nickname basis with Nishinoya, you didn’t look at him at all during the game. And he still didn’t know why he felt so warm around you.
“Why didn’t you look at me?”
“I didn’t know I had to look at his majesty, the king.”
Well shit. It feels to natural for Kageyama to do this, like he’s setting for Hinata and they pull of their quick attack.
He punches you. A little above your gut. He watches as you stumble back and clutch your chest. The way you breath to get air makes him feel a little colder inside. That’s not right.
“What. The. Fuck!” You take a breath after yelling at the top of your lungs. “Kageyama, what the fuck, why’d you hit me?” You take a few more breaths and another step back.
Why are you yelling at him again? Because he tried to let you know that you should look at him? Not Nishinoya?
Looking at him would improve his game. Telling him he was almost perfect would improve his game. Yelling, looking at others and cussing? Oh the cussing would not improve his game. He’s fairly certain that is someone were to cuss loudly as part of a chant, they’d be kicked out of the gym.
And he can’t have that now. You have to watch him.
For the whole game.
“Talk to me asshole! I might be willing to let it slide i-” his arm moves on it’s own, fingers wrap harshly around skin.
You’re relatively light as it so turns out.
“Don’t cuss, it’ll be a shit ton to deal with in games.” Your hands pull at his wrist desperately.
Your eyes are pleading with him and he feels a jolt up his spine as he watches you struggle, mouth open, nostrils flaring.
“And don’t look at anyone else. Got it?” You take a few more gasps. He’s not being to harsh is he? He’s being firm, and that’s good when your talking to people. You nod furiously in response to his demands.
He releases you from his grasp and you immediately drop onto the sidewalk, one of your hands goes to rub at your neck while the other is splayed on the ground. You take shallow breaths as Kageyama just watches.
Eventually you sit up, and the hand on the ground cups the part of your stomach he hit.
“When-” You take a deeper breath the time, exhaling through your mouth. You’re looking at the sky. “When is your next game?”
“February 18th. I’d like you to be there.” He tries to offer a smile, the kind his Sister told him weren’t creepy.
“Ok,” you nod quickly. For a small second, Kageyama’s eyes meet yours.
He feels warmer than he normally did with you, and he can hear his heartbeat.
“Please uhhh,” He can feel the blush on his cheeks. “Call me Ka-Kageyama.”
“Kageyama?” Your eyes aren’t so wide as you look at his shoes.
He nods and leaves for the rest of practice, you don’t follow, but that’s alright. You’ll find him.
You do find him.
And the next day when he doesn’t see a bruise around your neck, he feels a little bad.
You would’ve looked cute with a dark purple handprint on your neck.
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You should’ve gone to Shiratorizawa.
Really, you should’ve.
Being an assistant manager to Kurasuno was just going to drive you insane. When he first saw you, you were in the thick of some team discussion.
They were taking a break in between the sets, and Kurasuno was still bickering over how they were to play the game.
You were trying to act as a voice of reason, talking over the others in a calm manner and asking your team to “please take turns speaking”
In true Crow-like fashion, they continue to caw loudly until their coach yells for their attention.
He thinks you’re cute, how you thank the coach with your embarrassed, red cheeks.
But he has a game to finish and win. And then he can see how cute you are when you comfort Kurasuno.
Shiratorizawa wins easy, between Ushijima and the orange haired kid? Ushijima would clearly come out on top.
Ushijima watches as you look with such empathy in your eyes.
You look like you’re about to hug each of the Team. And then, you do.
He’s right, you really are cuter after he beats the crows.
It’s fucking adorable how you furrow your brow and bite your lip as you comfort someone who’s crying.
He wishes he could hear the tender shush you give the person, and though he hasn’t heard your voice he can picture you so clearly with a child in your arms and singing lullabies. He’s standing in the doorway and you smile up at him.
He smiles back.
And your hugging the Kurasuno boys like he’d want to hold you, so tender and delicate when you catch his smile.
You give an affirmative nod and smile before you hug a teammate.
It almost like he’s being pushed forwards to walk over towards you.
You manage to pat the next boy on his shaved head before you give a little wave, say some words and walk over to Ushijima.
You meet in the middle of the  gym.
“I figured I should talk to you away from the team, I’m sure they’d have a-a reaction, to your being there.” You shoot a worried glance behind you towards the boys who have a similar expression on their faces.
“Yeah, you’re probably right.”
The two of you stand in silence, both of your teams are trying to ignore you.
“So-” You begin to speak before Ushijima rests a large hand on your shoulder.
“You’re cute.” He doesn’t give compliments he doesn’t mean. You are the cutest damn thing he’s ever seen.
“I-oh! Thank you!”
Your teams are a mixed bag of staring at the two of you, and the ceiling.
“Was that all?” You speak up first, and aren’t unkind with your intonation.
“Yes,” Ushijima looks down at you, and once again, gives a small smile.
“My team is eager to play against you next time, good luck,” You have a smile brighter than the sun. “Shiratorizawa is gonna need it!” A laugh that carries lighter than the wind too.
Ushijima just nods again and has to tear his eyes away from your lips.
The team is completely silent before he returns.
Goshiki is starry eyed as Ushijima stands there listening to Tendou’s ramblings and the rest of the team just watches that shit go down.
Soon after, the Kurasuno team starts packing up to leave.
“I’ll run back.”
“Is it because you want to talk to that person?” Semi sounds exhausted.
“More or less.”
Ushijima tunes the white noise from his team yes out for a second, before he hears a sharp “Dissmissed!” From Coach Washijo.
He immediately turns around to try and look for you.
The only people left in the gym are Kurasuno’s setter and the kid with Orange hair. You’ve gone somewhere else.
“Where’s your assistant manager?”
“Oh they’re talking to someone!” Orange hair. “They told you we’d beat you next time, and we will!”
“You won’t.” And Ushijima walks out of the doors of Kurasuno’s gym.
He sets a light jog, maybe once he’d find you he’d ask you on a date?
Or maybe, he’s ask you to be his partner. Regardless, he should sure you get home safely.
He finds you with little difficulty, you’re barely off campus and smiling at your phone as you wait to cross an intersection.
You jump at the sudden intrusion of his voice, and take out an earbud he didn’t notice you had in.
“Oh, hi!” You flash him your third smile of the day. He can feel his heart swell in his chest. “Are you running home?”
“Have a nice run!” And the intersection clears for you to put your earbud back in, and continue on your route home.
He takes a breath, waits a second and jogs at a slower pace behind you.
“So, why are you going this way, isn’t Shiratorizawa the other direction?”
“Yes.” You look at him with wide eyes. “I get more exersize this way.”
“Oh! I get it, like when Asahi goes on his runs and decides to take detours through trees!”
“Who’s Asahi?”
“He’s our Ace, the tall guy with the bun.”
“Enjoy your run, you’re gonna need it for the next time you play against us!” Your wind chime laughter echoes in his ears as you wave him a goodbye.
You’re taking a left.
Ushijima takes a left.
You either hear his footsteps or see his shadow, because you turn around.
Your lips aren’t being bitten, your brow isn’t furrowed but you look like you did during the match.
You look worried.
“Listen, I know you probably didn’t pick up on it and you seem really nice, but I’m not really looking for a relationship right now. Please, stop following me.”
“Ok.” It isn’t a setback. Ushijima will be with you eventually. It must’ve been those rowdy crows. They’re incompetent and altogether too used to roughhousing. Of course you wouldn’t want a relationship when those were the kind of people you were around, it made all volleyball players seem immature.
Ushijima is not immature.
“O-oh!” You smile again, almost like you took off a mask you had been wearing. “Normally that goes a lot less smoothly. Thanks for understanding!”
“Can I walk you back to your home?”
“As friends right?”
“As friends.” The words taste bitter on his tongue but it’s a necessary step. Like getting manure before you plant your crops.
“Thank you again for understanding!”
It’s an easy enough walk, about two blocks away.
Too quickly are you at the door to your home.
Too soon do you thank Ushijima for understanding your situation and close the door behind you.
Too slowly does Ushijima notice the man walking towards your door.
Tall with a bun.
Kurasuno’s Ace.
Whatever his name was.
“Oh uh, hey!” He sounds a little meek.
“I walked them home.”
“Uhh thanks man,” The Ace scratches his neck as he walks by Ushijima. “Have a nice day I guess,” The man emits an awkward laugh, and knocks quickly on your door.
It opens, and your eyes are the sun and moon to him.
You hug the man in front of you, quickly drawing him inside the house with what Ushijima thought was an “I missed you,”
You lied.
Well, Ushijima could live with that, but maybe when he married you, you wouldn’t be allowed to leave the house.
If you lied to him now, at the beginning of your relationship, how comfortable would you be lying to him when married?
And Kurasuno’s Ace.
It wasn’t like he hadn’t beaten him before.
It would be just like last time.
Kurasuno wouldn’t win.
A/N Ok, I've been absent for about two days, sorry about that I hope this is a good tide over till I get my first batch of requests done! I don’t have a time period for when they’re done, but I hope soon! Thank you for reading and have a nice day!
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amberskywrites · 4 years
A Perfect Match
Requested by @tina0555! This was incredibly fun to do, and I hope you enjoy!
AO3 Link || Masterpost
Pairing: Abigail/Farmer (No gender specified for farmer)
Fandom / Genre: Stardew Valley / Fluff
Summary: You return your gaze to the hills flashing by, fiddling with your half of a soul charm idly as you let your mind wander. Things already looked much more peaceful here, and when you spotted a sign saying it was only half a mile to Stardew Valley, well, you couldn't help the excitement that started to bubble in your heart.
Who knows, maybe you'd find that other half here.
You stare at the charm resting comfortably on your chest as the hours drag by. You weren't sure what you were getting yourself into, going to Stardew Valley, but you dearly hoped it'd be a much better experience than working at Joja. It had never occurred to you that Grandpa had a farm this far from the city- yoba, you never expected him to have a farm at all.
But you were glad that it was now yours. A remote place and a fresh start seemed to be something you desperately needed.
You return your gaze to the hills flashing by, fiddling with your half of a soul charm idly as you let your mind wander. Things already looked much more peaceful here, and when you spotted a sign saying it was only half a mile to Stardew Valley, well, you couldn't help the excitement that started to bubble in your heart.
Who knows, maybe you'd find that other half here.
Your first year in the valley was… an experience. Grandpa's farm had been closer to the mountains than you had been expecting, and you focused mostly on clearing the farm and growing crops. You had met everyone, got into some arguments with the local drunk because of his attitude, and hung around Linus or Willy in your off times when you were tired but it was still too early to sleep. You'd explore the mines on rainy days, and the further you went the more interesting things you found.
Abigail really liked the gems you would find. She was almost as excited as you when you had found a particularly sparkly amethyst! You saved it for her birthday, and she loved it. She was surprised you had even remembered her birthday.
You also got to know Marnie and Robin really well, constantly stopping by to buy a new farm building or supplies for a few of your new animals. Sam and Sebastian also became close friends, especially after you took interest in the band they were starting up.
Around winter, you didn't feel like much of an outsider anymore. Though you spent a lot of time in the mines during the frigid weather, you made sure on Fridays to stop by the Stardrop Saloon. After buying Sam a pizza and handing Sebastian another frozen tear you found, you'd give Abigail quartz, which she'd eat despite you telling her it wasn't good for her.
She'd laugh at your concern as you settle on the small couch beside her, watching the boys play pool and Sam once again having his butt kicked by Sebastian. Abigail talked mostly, complained about all the work she had to do over the weekend. But also some of her plans to go hang out in the forest near Marnie's.
Winter was also the season that you remembered your soul charm, often hidden under your shirt. You had been quite busy, and the only reminder you had a soulmate at all was whenever Alex made a comment about not knowing if he wanted to meet his, or Marnie mentioning how disappointing it was that Lewis wasn't hers despite them feeling like soulmates. Marnie only really talked about soulmates when she was really, really drunk though.
Jodi had her soulmate, a soldier named Kent. You were told he should be coming home soon… you couldn't wait to meet him, after hearing Vincent sounding so excited whenever his father was brought up. And… Jodi and Caroline seemed to be the only two with their soulmates, though Caroline talked less about Pierre unless it was to complain about how he worked too much. Willy claimed he had tossed his charm into the sea, Linus didn't have one for some reason either. Marlon refused to tell you about his when you asked one day, buying a new glow ring since your last one had gone missing. You hadn't asked anyone else about their soulmates. It seemed a bit too personal when you weren't great friends with too many people yet.
Time flew by in your second year, too. You were even busier tending to more crops, going deeper in the mines, and caring for your animals. You also grew much closer to Abigail, Sam, and Sebastian, occasionally joining them to watch them practice when you weren't working or playing the harp with Abigail during the warmer seasons in the mountain.
An autumn one night as you were leaving the beach, you caught Abigail in the graveyard. After chatting for a few moments and showing her the one you always kept with you, in case of monsters, Pierre appeared to tell Abigail Caroline wanted her to help with dinner. You ran after her when she fled the scene and continued to talk about the mines and all the creatures you've encountered. You leave out the fact that you actually kill them.
And the year ends, almost as quickly as the first.
Spring in your third year shook you a bit when Grandpa appeared, evaluating your work and achievements over the last two years. He didn't seem too impressed, which put a damper on your mood at the start of the season. 
What did improve your mood though was when one morning you woke up and found a letter from Abigail in your mailbox. Your heart skipped a beat as you read and saw she signed it as 'Abby', something you thought adorable, and you made a mental note to visit her later.
Over the last two years, you had gotten particularly close to Abigail. You loved listening to her talk, enjoyed seeing her eyes dance in excitement as you presented a jewel to her, or told her about one of your adventures… you ended up making it a habit to stop by and say hello when she was in her room, but it'd been a while since you visited her. There was an extra bounce in your step as you got to work.
After a long day of tending to the farm and sparing a trip to the beach to fish, you had almost forgotten to visit Abigail until you saw the letter on your table. You made your way to Pierre's store and walked in just before it was gonna close, and grinned as Abigail pulled you into her room.
She shows off the spirit board she has, and you listen to her explain the multitude of things on it. It isn't until you ask about a certain message - one with some things you can't really read from your place but you do see a drawing of a circle cracked down the middle, lines swirling together from both sides, half of it you think you recognize - and her face flushes a deep red and her words start to fumble until she just rushes you out, bidding you goodnight. You blink as the door to her room slams closed and glance around. Neither of her parents seemed to be around, and you notice it's gotten late, so you make your way home, still confused about what all that was about.
You were about to start on your chores when you were startled by Abigail on your doorstep. She apologized for the night before, and you're still very confused and reassure her it's alright but you don't know if she heard you since she left the farm as soon as she apologized. 
It isn't until you're done with feeding your animals and watering your crops do you realize what the drawing on the spirit board was. And why you pointed out that message in particular.
Trying to remember the drawing to the best of your ability, you look down at the charm around your neck. You curse under your breath as you quickly put away your tools and run down the path to Pierre's store. You're pretty sure Abigail will be there, but first you think you should buy something, so you hope Abigail is at least in her room.
Even if your charms didn't match, didn't fit together perfectly… you don't really care. You hoped you weren't jumping to conclusions as you caught your breath, walking into Pierre's store and walking right up to the business man. You smiled as usual, but kept your voice down.
"Is Abigail here?" You ask, and Pierre shakes his head.
"Up by Robin's, I believe. Why, if I may ask?"
You shake your head. "No reason, just... wanted her input on something." You grab some money from your pocket, and lay it on the counter. "But I also wanted to buy something."
After buying what you wanted from Pierre, you force yourself not to rush to the mountain lake where you were told Abigail would be. Looking at your watch, you guessed she was playing her flute, or maybe just sitting under one of the trees.
And once you get there, your mouth runs dry as you approach the purple-haired girl, lost in her own world as she plays her instrument. You take a deep breath, and smile as you tap her shoulder, one hand kept behind your back.
She seems startled, but relaxes as soon as her thoughts catch up and she smiles gently. "Sorry, I didn't expect to see you today. You don't usually come up here on Wednesdays…"
You shrug. "I wanted to talk to you, about what I saw yesterday. And I wanted to ask you something." You watch as her face dusts crimson again, and she doesn't meet your eyes. "I'll leave if you don't want to talk about it, though. And I won't bring it up again if you're uncomfortable with me doing so."
She fiddles with the flute in her hands, playing a silent song with it, maybe to calm any nerves. Abigail had been hoping you wouldn't pursue the topic. But she should've guessed you'd want to talk about it.
"... Alright."
You smile reassuringly, even though you know she isn't watching you. "You doodled our soul charms together, that's what that message was about." Abigail nods.
"I forgot I had it up there, until you pointed it out." She exhales slowly, finally meets your eyes and she relaxes when she finds no disgust in them. "I've done it before, a few times only though, with small crushes on the kids in school… they never ended up being my soulmate, though. So I stopped checking, but still doodled soul charms with mine anyway."
"So, you have a crush on me?" You ask, smile never faltering, your grip on the object behind you tightening just a bit more.
Her face turns a slightly deeper shade of red, and she nods.
"Then, do you want to try dating?"
Abigail's brows furrow, and she's about to ask what you mean until there's a bouquet in front of her. She recognizes it instantly, having helped her father put the bouquet together, and she stumbles over her words for a moment.
"But- but what about our- the charms? You don't want to see if they match?"
You shrug. "If you want, we can definitely see. But even if we weren't soulmates, I would wanna try dating."
Abigail stares at you in silence for a moment, mouth agape as she tries to think of what she wants to say. "But what about our actual soulmates, then?" She asks finally.
"People don't always get together with their soulmate. I mean, just look at Sebastian's parents."
She seems like she's about to say something against that, but changes her mind, and finally, Abigail nods. "Alright."
You brighten a bit. "You'd like to go out?"
Abigail nods again, smile widening as you pass her the flowers and she holds them to her chest. "You picked out one of my favorites."
"Yeah, it was hard getting your dad to stop talking about which ones were the best to try and see if you had told him which ones you liked most." She laughs at that, nodding in understanding. When her laughter dies down, you tilt your head and tap where your soul charm is. "Do you want to see if they match?"
Abigail stares at the charm resting on your chest for a moment before she reaches towards her own, tugging it out from under her shirt and she nods, holding it up. You step close and bring yours up to meet hers.
They fit together perfectly.
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hardyimagines · 6 years
Part 1 — Gangster Prince
It’s the 1960’s. Reggie and Ron Kray rule London and unluckily for you, your brother. Reggie is more than happy to help you, a young girl living at home with her abusive mother, and your brother move elsewhere. Ron isn’t very fond of you at first, but it takes a little while for him to come around. Read below to see where the story goes!
Warnings: punishment and swearing
Word count: 3.2k
Part 2    Part 3    Part 4 
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It was a cool night in November as you walked down the empty street. Your high heels clicked angrily against the cobblestone, eyes flashing with fury. You didn’t understand why you were always sent out to retrieve your brother when he didn’t come home right after work. Your mother always warned you to ‘stay near the streetlights’ because apparently the lighting would protect you from harm, but sending you out this late at night? She was fucking crazy. You scoffed under your breath as her words echoed in the air. London’s weather had been varying lately, so as the harsh wind whipped around you, you shivered visibly. A coat had been the last thing on your mind when your mother shoved your bedroom door open and told you to go get your older sibling. She didn’t give you much choice on the matter. You wrapped your arms around your form and tried desperately to rub some warmth back into your cold skin.
You’d been lounging on the floor in your bedroom prior to this freezing walk. Your stomach was pressed against the purple rug, pen dangling loosely between your fingertips as you gnawed gently on the end. Memorizing the entirety of prescription pills, organs, illnesses, and treatments was already something difficult for anybody to do, but when you had a mother that seemed much more focused on her PRECIOUS son, your desire to be a nurse didn’t matter to her. Your ankles hung in the air, folded together as you memorized the sheet in front of you consisting of the necessary actions to take for certain injuries. The record player in the corner had been playing at a low volume, not enough to distract you, just enough so that you weren’t drowning in the silence. You’d heard the loud thud from the soles of her boots beating against the old, creaky steps so you prepared yourself for the intrusion, leaning over to halt the record. Kneeling up and away from your studies, the cracked white door was slung open roughly and your mother stepped forward, into the doorway. She was thin. Her skin wrinkled like raisins and her voice was croaky like a toad. She had her blonde hair drawn back and out of her face, wrapped in blue hair curlers. You watched the cigarette smoke escape from between her lips before she pointed the lit stick at you. “Charles has no sense of time. I’m not going out there, so you get your ass down to that club and bring him home.” You stared up at the woman in confusion, hands planting firmly against your knees as you remained on the floor. You were six years younger than your brother. “It’s not safe out there this late at night, mum.” She was quick to talk back. “Oh, hush, don’t fuss. Go find Charles, I’m sure the Krays are keeping him around to do god knows what and I can’t have THIS in my family, I won’t tolerate it- do you know what kind of mother people think I am?” You cocked a brow at her words before rolling your eyes and standing. If you didn’t find Charles and he didn’t come home, she would have your knees buried in a pile of grits for an hour. You still had bruises and dents in your sensitive skin from the last time you were given that punishment. You were scantily clad when you left your house and your mother didn’t care to say anything. ‘Honey, it’s cold out. Slip on some trousers, don’t go out in a skirt!’ Nothing.
You turned the corner sharply and stared up at the dark club. Surely Charles wasn’t still here? You held down your plaid skirt as the wind blew. The tan top that you had tucked into the waistband was a nice fit, but you really should’ve worn something warmer out. Your legs were paler than usual, making the red marks on your knees very visible. Your yellow painted nails curled around the handle of the door and you slowly pulled it open. You had never been to the club before, nor had you ever met the Krays. Despite the fact that you were now inside the warm establishment, you couldn’t help but shiver in the darkened room. Charles was 28. He should know better than to do this. He was also grown up enough to know if he wanted to come home or not, but your mother didn’t care. If he was living under her roof, he abided by her rules. He knew that if he didn’t listen to your mother’s commands, you were the one to suffer the consequences. Charles could do no wrong in her eyes.
“We’re closed.” A gruff voice pointed out, no kindness in his tone. You turned toward the direction of the sound. The walls in the room were red, decorated with gold curtains and shelves. The tables scattered across the room were covered with white, laced tablecloths and small lamps in the center. Sitting in the far corner of the club, a man with glasses peered at you with what seemed to be annoyance swimming in his gaze. “I’m here to get my brother.” You told him softly. The man’s brows drew together, fixing you with a hard stare. “I didn’t ask what you were here for, did I? Nobody’s here, but me, love, so turn around and get back going to wherever it is you came from.” Your lips parted at his blunt rudeness before you clenched your jaw and looked to the table. Glasses rested rim to rim, empty and knocked over on the table. This man had obviously had too much to drink and that was, surely, why he was being so cruel. “Right, have you got a hearing problem?” He asked firmly. You could see his knuckles turning white from his grip around the beer bottle in his hand. He moved to stand and you took a small step back. You should’ve just left, gone home and told your mother Charles wasn’t at work and you couldn’t spend all night searching for him, but that would result in punishment and you didn’t want to deal with that either. Your eyes burned with fire.
There was a loud clatter to your right and when you turned your head, another man entered the room. He was tall, broad, and shockingly handsome. His hair was slicked back out of his face and his forehead was creased with several lines. “Fucking hell, Ron, at least pick up after yourself, mate. Someone’s gonna break their fucking neck because of you.” Reggie was oblivious to your presence, busy cleaning up after his brother. The resemblance between the two was uncanny and it hit you like a brick that these two men were in charge. There were little differences between the pair, but you didn’t stare long enough to figure out what they were, only realizing that the one in the glasses was too stubborn and rude to speak to and the good-looking one hadn’t seemed to even notice you were in the room. Reggie looked to Ron who hadn’t spoken yet, which was out of character for him. Following his brother’s gaze, Reggie straightened at the sight of you, stood with your hands on your hips, annoyance evident on your face, stronger than Ronnie’s. “Oh, hello.” He set his palm down on the bar’s counter and eyed you curiously. “We’re closed, darl, you’ll want to come back tomorrow, though you don’t look old enough to even be in here.” He squinted at you and you squinted back. “I’m here for Charles.” Reggie looked to Ron and Ron looked to Reggie. “So you’re the sister?” Reggie spoke up again after an awkward silence. “Who else would I be? I’m not old enough to be his mother and he doesn’t care to hang out with girls.” You were met with a warning look from the handsome fellow and you tried to ease up. You didn’t mean to be so rude, but you really didn’t want to be here. “Right, pet, Charles is busy for the rest of the night, so you’re gonna have to just go on home.” He saw the fear flash in your wide eyes and he straightened further.
“I need Charles to come back with me.” You sounded weaker than before and this didn’t go by unnoticed. “What’s the matter? Pretty princess needs her big bad brother to escort her home?” Ronnie chortled, pointing his finger at you. “We said he ain’t coming home, so go.” Reggie rolled his eyes before crossing the remainder of the space between himself and your much much smaller form. “I can have a driver bring you back.” He told you firmly, plump lips pressing together into a purse as if a ride home would ease your worries. It didn’t. “I’m not afraid of the streets, Mr. Kray.” You muttered before turning away from him. He lifted a brow. “If Charles doesn’t come home with me then—“ “it’s not our fucking issue.” Ron shouted, mouthful of whatever the hell kind of food was in front of his meaty hands. You didn’t care to look. Scoffing with an eye roll, you began to make your way out of the establishment, very aware of the thudding from Reggie, following close behind.
“Ignore him.” The man said firmly before ceasing your small arm in his warm palm and drawing you back into the club. “It’s too cold out there.” He grunted before releasing you and stepping back a few inches. “I can’t exactly tell you where Charles is, but he isn’t able to come home tonight, alright?” You shot him a hard stare. Why was he pulling you back inside to tell you something he’d already said. Turning sharply again, you shoved the door open and strode away from him and back toward the house. Hot tears filled your eyes because you knew what was going to happen when you arrived. Reggie stood in the doorway, tongue sliding across his lips. You were just as difficult to simmer down as Charles had said. The boy hadn’t gone into much detail about you, but Reggie felt a sense of guilt wash over him. Maybe he shouldn’t have let you go back home.
The following day your knees shone a bright, very sharp, noticeable red. You were laying on the floor in your bedroom, half-awake do to the loud shouting from downstairs. Your eyes were hooded and heavy from crying all night. Your mother’s voice was squeaky and loud as she shrieked at, you assumed, Charles. “Get out of my house! What are you- Where’s Charles!” You lifted your head in confusion as her words became more clear. Wiping your smudged makeup from underneath your worn eyes, you made your way out of the bedroom. The burn in your knees hardly affected you since you’d felt it so many times. “Mother?” You called softly, brows furrowed as you waited for a response. You heard the sharp gasp leave your mother’s lips. “Hey, you can’t just come inside like this!” She shouted at whoever had obviously brushed past her.
Peering down from the top of the long flight of stairs, your heart stopped beating for a second as none other than Reggie Kray came into view. He was stood at the very bottom of the steps, small smile gracing his full lips. “Charles won’t be returning home and he’s asked me specifically to come and get you.” He pointed at you, standing in the same outfit from yesterday. His dark eyes flickered briefly to your swollen legs and the smile on his face dropped. “Right, then.” You watched as he wrapped his wide hands around the stair rails and began to climb the several steps to the top. When he could no longer move because you blocked the final stair, he gazed up at you. “Pack your things.” He looked over his shoulder to your mother. She was seething. “Go. Charles has found a new place for the two of you.” You took a slow step back and the man stepped the rest of the way up. He, now towering over you, ushered you to your bedroom. Your bare feet sunk into the carpet as you moved down the corridor, confused as to why he was following you, but you didn’t dare say anything. You left the door to your bedroom wide open and Reggie took it upon himself to stop outside the room and wait in the hall. That was your private space. “Wh-what am I meant to bring?”
The man turned his head to look at you. “Anything you don’t want to come back for.” He spoke softly, head tilting back to rest against the wall. He pulled out a small packet of cigarettes and placed one between his lips before lighting the end. It was a very swift movement and the match in his hand ignited. You didn’t stare for too long, too busy wondering where the hell Charles was and where this man was taking you. You figured that standing around and folding every item of clothing would take too much time, so you shoved the contents roughly into the bag. You cleaned out your closet and then your dresser, ensuring that nothing you absolutely needed was left behind. The question hung in the air of ‘Where was Reggie taking you?’ and ‘Where was Charles?’, but you didn’t say anything. Lifting the black straps, you hooked them over your shoulder before turning toward Reggie. The man brushed his thumb along his bottom lip slowly, silently asking if you were ready to go. You shyly moved to the corner of the room and curled your small fingers around the stuffed monkey on your vanity. Bashfully pushing the animal into your bag, your cheeks were burning under his stare. Reggie didn’t say anything. Everyone treasured something. “Come on.” He ushered, guiding you toward him with a movement from his fingers. His large hand was on the small of your back as the two of you descended the stairs and your mother squinted knowingly. “You can’t open your legs for just anyone, Y/N. You’ll ruin your life. You’re going to have a kid within the year— how will you raise a child? You’re still a damn baby yourself. Your brother isn’t with these men. He knows better. You’re leaving with them so willingly, what are you, a tramp? This is the end of the line.” Her strong hand wrapped tightly around your forearm, no doubt bruising the tender skin. “If you dare try coming back here, I’ll have you on your knees for a week.” Your eyes flickered briefly to your knees before you yanked your arm roughly away from her. You wouldn’t stoop to her level. Shouting, arguing, and beating your mother down wouldn’t make you feel better. You just wanted to leave. “I’m not a baby. I’m 22.” You pointed out softly. “And I’m not a tramp either, mother, I’ve hardly kissed a boy.” You stared up at the woman, pain evident in your glistening eyes. “I don’t know what I did to make you hate me,” You whispered, shaped brows pulling together in a deep frown. “but I’m sorry.” You could feel Reggie’s fingers curling in the back of your shirt, gently guiding you backward and toward him. You turned away from your mother willingly, praying silently you’d never ever have to come back to this house.
Once outside, Reggie led you toward the large black car, parked halfway on the sidewalk. He drew the backdoor open and ushered for you to get in, but you halted. Situated on the backseat was Ronald Kray. He held a lit cigar in one hand, lips spread to show a toothy grin, which really came off as more of a grimace. Reggie gently nudged you, urging you a bit more firmly to get into the car. You lifted your foot, sore knee straining to support you briefly as you slid on to the leather seat. Reggie followed directly behind you. The space in the back wasn’t as roomy as you had assumed, every movement meant you were rubbing against one of the Kray’s. Your knees were pressed tightly together, but the car was rather bumpy as it drove along the pavement, so Reggie’s knee kept tapping your own. You glanced to him. Then again, he was sat with his legs spread wide, one hand residing on his thigh and the other resting on the armrest of the door. You looked to Ron. He didn’t sit nearly as widespread as his brother, but he needed the arm room you assumed because anytime your elbow would accidentally brush against his own, he’d shoot you a soft glare. “Right, Reggie, have you told the lass where we’re taking her?” He muttered, smoke escaping his lips with every word he set free. Reggie turned his gaze toward his brother, hand extending across your small form to snatch the cigar from Ron. “No, Ron, I haven’t. No use, is there, she’ll see when we arrive.” He opened the door and tossed the tobacco stick out. You craned your neck, watching the brown dot in the distance roll along the pavement before you returned to your previous position. “You don’t have to talk about me like I’m not here.” You pointed out quietly before moving your small hands to your legs. “Is Charles already there,“ you looked to Reggie curiously. “wherever it is you’re taking me?” The man stared down at you, tongue gliding along his lips to wet them before he answered simply. “Yes.” His eyes flickered to your knees, but he didn’t question what had happened. It was quite obvious. The guilt that arose inside him was hard to ignore. After-all, he was the one who’d told you to go home without Charles. Your eyes, still droopy from lack of sleep and crying, began to once more fall shut. Your heavy head tipped back, resting uncomfortably against the seat. You needed to take advantage of this time. Sleep while you could. Reggie noticed your discomfort and smoothly lifted his arm before guiding you toward him. Though you were a bit uncomfortable leaning against him, you were grateful for his small act of kindness. Reggie and Ron shared a look. Ron glaring at his brother’s actions and Reggie smirked because you hadn’t refused his offer. Your small hand rested on the thin white shirt he wore, right above his navel, and your head fell against his chest. The car continued on its journey, remaining bumpy, but now you had Reggie to use as a pillow, so it was quite steady. You fell into a dreamless state of oblivion within minutes. The pair of you were free now. Free from the abuse you had to endure over the last several years from the cruel hands of your own mother. When you woke, Charles would be waiting for you with open arms.
My first Reggie fic ahahaha! This is an original story!💜 though I will take anybody’s requests if they’d like to see something happen in it. Also, I know that Frances had her brother work with Reggie and stuff, but this isnt like that and it’s going to be a lot more drawn out! I hope you guys enjoy (:
Tagged: @thatsamegirl @peakyhoegh @ihclipse @callisen @hardygal69 @centerhabit @favouritereadings @goodiesintheclosetlove @buckypetal15 @kitcatimpala67 @captstefanbrandt @meer0rauschen
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