#yandere ushijima wakatoshi x reader
forusomimiya · 1 year
Ushijima praising your beautiful pussy that he abuses until he sees his cock covered in white. He'll hold your hips and just watch you devour his cock endlessly.
"Don't stop please, keep - fucking me baby. Keep sucking me s-so good… this cock is all yours, all yours babe… keep it up."
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i-cant-sing · 1 year
What are your thoughts on the yandere haikyuu teams x their manager?
Boring. I need some spice in it. How about-
Yandere Daichi as a cop and his darling is a civilian and now he's so obsessed with her that he murders her husband, frames him as a criminal and will literally stop at nothing to get darling in his arms because again... who will suspect good old, everybody's best bud COP Daichi to be able to do heinous crimes???
Yandere Sugawara as a psychiatrist because come on- he gives major "master manipulator" vibes and now he's obsessed with his darling patient and will continue to do malpractice and gaslight her and prescribe her all the wrong meds until she loses it and he gets to admit it her under his "special care" and now he can play with her mind all day long🤍
Yandere Oikawa is now a pro volleyball athlete and he just saw Ushijima's little sis, the same one he used to bully and even rejected (and ofc, HUMILIATED) when she confessed to him back in highschool. But now Oikawa's obsessed with her and also still hates his nemesis Ushijima, so what's better than killing two birds with one stone??? And Oikawa still has a very devoted fanclub, only now it's larger and more powerful than ever so now he uses them and his socials to peer pressure you into dating him and eventually, marrying him because he ain't getting any younger honey and he needs some cute babies out of you ASAP.
Yandere Kuroo who is the smart IT tech guy at your office but in reality, he has his own cyber security company that he uses to spy on you, controls your entire life through your socials and don't even get me started on your online banking shit. If its any consolation, he's very rich so... yeah. He may not look like a million bucks, but he does have them. In several offshore accounts.
Yandere Kita who somehow ended up as a mafia leader, probably inherited it as family business and he has like severe OCD so he wants everything done to perfection or so help you, you will 1000% end up 6 feet under. Mafia Kita who has this vision of you being the perfect wife, solely based om the one time you offered him your handkerchiefs because he had a nosebleed from stressing too much and now Kita thinks you're an absolute angel and he wont let you destroy that fantasy of his. Seriously. He will pick out your outfits, tell you how to act and all, punish you if he must, but he does love you.
Yandere Ushijima who is a farmer and has decided that the reader whose car broke down and came to his door asking for help, will now be his wife and be a countryside mom to many kids (u can't say no, okay? He wants a big family) and animals! But hey, he's a very caring husband and will massage your feet, give you baths and feed you his homegrown veggies and meals daily once you are round with his babies🥺
Yandere Bokuto who is now a popular politician and he needs an obedient wife to keep up appearances and play the "family man" image up. So he decides to threaten reader who had a one night stand with him, and Bokuto somehow has very intimate images and videos of you and he uses them to get you to marry him. And now he controls every aspect of your life and tells you to do exactly as he says, and he abuses this privilege more as he gets more powerful and you could only imagine the horrors he would inflict on you if he does actually win elections, but you can't run away because again- he has eyes and contacts everywhere.
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compressingsins · 10 months
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|| The Unexpected
Yandere Ushijima! x Chubby f!reader
Warnings : Obsessed Toshi, jealousy, forced sexual contact, forced orgasms, slightly OOC Ushijima, both reader and Ushijima are 18 y/o, (this is a forced lemon, please proceed with caution). Minors, please don’t interact.
"You act as if you do not recognize my feelings for you—I am in love with you, and graduation is almost here, meaning you'd be gone in a bit. However, I could not let that happen, letting you out of my grasp. You are mine, ____, I am here to claim you.”
Requested by; Anonymous
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Please do not copy or rewrite my works without my permission. 🫥
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"Ohhhh yeah! Graduation is nearly here, only a couple of days away!"
You were so excited, walking the halls of Shiratorizawa with your friend, also a volleyball player of the team. Shirabu, who was just as excited as you were, even if his calm demeanor didn't really express it, his smile said it all. You were nearly a straight A student, and having the opportunity to walk across that stage made you all the more excited, nearly cheering as you walked. "Yeah! I can't believe how fast these years went by. I also can't believe we won't be seeing each other, as much."
It was an understatement to say that you would be seeing them, as much as you do now, considering you're going out into adulthood to start your own lives. It bummed you out a little, in all honesty, but a quick smile pulled to your lips as you pat Shirabu on his back twice, for he was looking down a little saddened. You two always hang out so you could understand how he felt. "Don't worry, Shirabu! I'll make sure to keep in contact, with you and the others. I'll make sure to text you, at least fifty times a day!"
He could only smile, your bright personality always seeming to calm his nerves. A nod of his head showed that he was taking you seriously, knowing that you'd literally text him fifty times a day. Possibly even more, if you've got the time to do so. If you could add one more year to your high school education with him, you would honestly, if that meant you could still see him everyday but it is what it is.
You couldn't be in school forever, but you're really ready for college, having already made your choice. Since you were the manager of Shiratorizawa and a third year, this year was your last so you had a choice, and your choice was to attend a college. You didn't know where everyone on the team was going or what they've planned on doing after graduation, but you knew some like Ushijima would be staying in volleyball.
You honestly didn't know what Shirabu was planning on doing, so you looked at him, raising an eyebrow which made him turn to you with a confused expression and a hum of question. You weren't insulting him though, just really curious. "What are you doing after graduation, Shirabu? I don't think you've told me, honestly."
He looked at you for a moment, as if he was thinking just before his eyes went to the floor whilst answering your question. "Well, at first I didn't know, but I think I still want to play volleyball. I don't know what college I'll be going to though, but hopefully one with the best volleyball teams. A powerhouse team, just like our Shiratorizawa team was. It'd be awesome, if you could still be my college teams manager, though."
You lit up at the idea, but you had no clue as to which college he wanted to attend. It'd be awesome if you could be his manager, but it'd be different if the entire team was different, meaning you would have to meet an entire bunch of new people. Yes, you had to do that with Shiratorizawa, but they were more welcoming and open to you, which easily formed a bond with them.
If you tried being a manager with a college team, they may not be as nice, but it's just a thought. Plus, that's the same thought you had when you first became the manager of Shiratorizawa, thinking they wouldn't like you but honestly, they freaking loved you. None of them would shut up about you having to leave, well Ushijima didn't really seem to care, honestly. It bothered you a bit, however, you weren't going to tell him though.
You scratched that thought, returning your gaze to the bowl cut male, beside you. You realized you didn't reply to him, smiling to shake off your thought of Ushijima. Shirabu was really your bestfriend, so if he would miss you, then you were okay with everything else for now. Plus, you knew that everyone on the team was busying themselves with getting ready to leave the academy, so you didn't complain too much about it.
"Well Shirabu, we'll just have to see which college we'll be going to. I wouldn't mind being your manager, so I'll think about it! But, let's hurry, I know the team is waiting!"
"Yeah, right!" You two were on the way to the gym, as your team was doing one more team practice game, just before you were released into the real World. You of course wouldn't participate in the practice game, more like just cheer them on and enjoy your last game together, before your leaving.
Your grumpy old coach let you decide this, considering that when it came to you, he wasn't as explosive as he was with the guys. Everyone just all around adored you, as your calm demeanor and personality tended to sooth the tension between anyone, which they loved. It didn't matter how bad games gotten, even if that never really happened, you were always the one to say something to keep them going. You were the kind of manager to never lose hope on your team, no matter how many points you were behind, you'd always have something to say that would boost their confidence, bringing home the win.
It wasn't long before you two made it to the gym, the sound of shoes screeching on the floor sounding throughout the gym, and flowing into the hallway. You were so excited to see your team, since you didn't get to see them the other few days, as you were setting up the graduation ceremony. Some of it, at least. Your face lit of with a smile that was nearly brighter than the sun, seeing as your entire team turned to you with a smile, running at you which made you flinch a bit as they called out your name whilst charging at you. They looked so big, coming towards you...
All of them was running at you with open arms, causing you and Shirabu to freeze, your lips twitching thinking that you were about to get tackled to the ground. Well, they stopped once you all heard it. Heard him... you'd rather say...
"Hey! Sit your lazy asses down, and let ____ in the gym! For crying out loud, she just got here, give her some damn space!"
"Sorry Coach!"
You should've known your coach was going to say something, but it relived you that he did, considering your size compared to your teammates. They still proceeded to approach you, but more calmly this time, big smiles etched across their faces as you hugged all of them, one by one. Still though, Ushijima was the only one who didn't approach you, but you weren't really focused on that right now, just so you could catch up with your friends right here. You lastly hugged the little Goshiki, he always managed to brighten your day, and you really hoped he'd become the new Ace, of the team. He was that good, to you.
"Do you really have to go, ____?! I'm gonna miss you so much!"
"Okay Goshiki..."
You chuckled a bit, trying to calm him as he layed his head on your shoulder, both his arms around you which instinctively made your arms wrap around him, in return. You found him so cute, and his personality even cuter, considering that he always tried impressing you when he's playing, on the floor agaisnt other teams. You'd cheer for him, of course, but that didn't mean you didn't cheer for your other teammates.
He was so dramatic, with you, resting his head on your shoulder as he cried, real or fake you didn't know. You just chuckled, stroking his dark hair as his sobs only seemed to get louder, but you distracted yourself as you looked to another one of your teammates. His brownish orange hair catching your attention, you releasing the hold on Goshiki to hug Taichi as well.
"I'll be sure to visit you all, once I get settled into my college. Since I've already been accepted, y'know."
"Yeah totally, just make sure I'm the first one you visit."
"Nu uh, she's gonna visit me first!"
You could only smile as they tried debating on who'd you get to see first, who you honestly couldn't choose. However though, you always had an idea, one that you suggested to them almost immediately, smiling it out as you said it.
"Guys, how about my first week in college, we all get together and do something?! Or before the graduation ceremony, we could probably do a little get together, before we officially leave the academy?" They seemed to love the idea, all smiles appearing on each one of their faces, but one and that's Ushijima who decided to join the group, without you even noticing. He was quiet too, but he was listening in on everything you were saying with the team, and he wasn't really enjoying what he was hearing.
Low groans were coming from him, groans of disappointment and disapproval, but of course no one could hear them. His eyes were glazed over with slight anger, narrowed as he eyed you down, listening closely on what you were saying. He could feel the anger in his chest boiling, tightly straining the muscles in his arms, containing him from striking blows at something.
He didn't want anyone else hanging around you, but him and only him, that's why he was more quiet than usual. But once you glanced at him, you smiled and walked up to the taller male, his eyes softening as he looked down at your shorter figure, your arms extending to offer the male a hug. He doesn't give hugs, but to everyone and your surprise, he engulfed you in his arms, a genuine hug as he placed both hands on your back.
Considering the height difference, Ushijima had to bend down a bit, just to get a full embrace on your body. You melted into the hug though, but as it concluded, everyone was silent, more out of shock and surprise. For some reason however, the hug felt different... like something that you've never experienced before, but it was a good feeling. A feeling that you kind of didn't want to get rid of, a slight tint of pink ghosting over your cheeks, faintly.
His scent was causing your hold on his body to tighten, as he smelled of a bit of sweat and faint cologne, from an earlier time. You didn't want to seem weird or anything, so you tried releasing the embrace, but Ushijima wouldn't let go. Not yet, at least. You could hear the teasing words of your friends around you, and the gasps of some who were befuddled with the whole ordeal.
"Woooow, Ushiwaka! I never expected to see the day, you went soft for some girl." The red haired middle blocker, Satori Tendou, commented as his lanky body dramatically moved to insinuate his words. Your face was flushed blood red, by now, thinking the thumping of your heart could be felt on Ushijima's chest. He was so close as he held you flush agaisnt his body, which didn't sooth your nerves at all.
He did however loosen his hold on you and let you go, once he heard the voice of his bestfriend. You stood off to the side, patting the side of your thighs as your eyes trailed to your legs masked with black tights, then trailed to your feet to try and relieve the fast beats of your pulse, that was beating quickly with embarrassment. Ushijima stared at Tendou without a concern in the World, as what he just did to you was on purpose. He wanted everyone to see him do that, wanting everyone to know just who exactly you'd be giving your last and only hugs to. He wasn't going to speak on that though, only staring at Tendou with that usual bored look of his.
"____, isn't just some girl, Tendou."
His bland and short answer was to be expected, but it still made your heart pound agaisnt your ribcage. He was always this way so you were used to it, though everyone began to clear out as the two spoke, but with you still off to the side. You couldn't believe your friends, including Shirabu, left you in the middle of this conversation.
"You're right, she's a special girl. A really special girl, that I know you're soft for."
You didn't know if Ushijima was getting upset or not, but you began to slightly panick as Tendou proceeded to talk. There was absolutely nothing wrong with Ushijima being soft for you, but you didn't want him to get upset with that, as you don't really think that you're Ushijima's type. As bold as he is, he was possibly about to crush your self esteem, anyway. Standing between the two, you chuckled to try and brush off the conversation, averting your gaze between the two males. It's not like you were disappointed in Ushijima not liking you or whatever, you just didn't want to hear those kinds of words coming from his mouth. If you didn't know any better, you would probably say that Tendou is doing this on purpose, honestly.
"Hey guys, how about we just-"
"No, he is correct, ____," Ushijima looked down at you, his words penetrating your chest and causing a gasp to escape your parted lips, "You are indeed, a very special girl, to me."
"And it's unlike the great Ushiwaka to confess, something like this, wouldn't you agree too, ____?"
Honestly, you would and you did agree with that. Never have you ever heard him say something like this and hearing him say this to you, made it all the more unbelievable. It made you smile though, knowing that Ushijima did in fact care, to some extent which you didn't know how much but it was a good start. It may have started too late though, considering you're graduating in a few days. "I guess you're right, Tendou. Didn't think you'd be saying anything like that, about me, y'know."
Ushijima's deadpan facial expression was still unreadable, as he was looking down at you, but you weren't complaining about what he said. It was kinda nice actually, and you really appreciated what he said, since you thought that he didn't necessarily care for you? In the beginning. He's just so put together and private that you didn't know anything, so it was reasonable as to why you'd think that. He rarely even conversates with you anyway, so that's another reason you didn't think he was really interested in talking to you, or whatnot.
Whenever you two do talk though, he's always replying with the shortest statements, sending awkward tension between you two. At least you found those moments awkward, as you would always try engaging in a conversation with him, whenever you had a chance, but it gets shut down quickly. You were still his manager for now, though, but in your mind you would hope he considers you as his friend, as well. There was no telling what was going on in that mind of his, as he never exactly expressed himself, not to you at least. That's just who he is and you don't judge him for that, having accepted that when you first were introduced.
"Expect the unexpected, ____."
That was the last thing Ushijima said, just before he turned tails to proceed with team practice. You watched him walk away, gulping a bit as it nerved you for some reason, because you honestly wish he would sit down and converse with you sometimes like your other friends, on the team.
You weren't going to force him though, especially since you know that this is just how he is, and you didn't mind him being that way. If he didn't want want to open up and talk to you one on one, you honestly didn't mind, but you would at least like to know where he stands with you. Is he your friend, or what..? You didn't know that and you wanted to ask, but you were a little too shy when it came to being around Ushijima, by yourself. Just because he's... well, a little awkward and you didn't want to say or do anything that'll potentially make him upset, with you.
"Well right now, we should probably just practice and enjoy our time, before it's over. Y'know ____, just like he said, expect the unexpected." You narrowed your eyes at the red haired male, he shrugged as he began trailing over to the rest of the team. You just followed behind him, but your mind was so focused on what Ushijima said about you, but you weren't upset about it. It just surprised you, in all honesty as it was unexpected.
He's just never seemed interested in talking with you or anything, so you were curious if what he said was true or not. As usual, Ushijima's whole vibe was unreadable, but you also would think that he wasn't the type to joke like that. Seeming as he's always serious, well that's what it looks like. That was something you totally didn't expect, so you could agree with both their words... expect the unexpected.
You were super bummed that practice seemed to end fast, your teammates already leaving which kept you in the gym, as you always tended to clean up after matches. Everyone was tired so you didn't mind cleaning up by yourself, the silence making you feel at peace with yourself. It was nearly clean already, as you're currently taking down the net to place it back into the storage room, finishing it up easily by yourself.
The sound of shoes walking towards the exits notified you that you were alone, waving at your friends that were leaving. After this though, you'd have to finish helping set up the graduation ceremony, but you didn't mind it to be honest. Considering you've got the opportunity to walk across that stage and officially become an adult, it exicted you so much that you didn't mind helping set up everything for the ceremony. You were putting away the net and some volleyballs, along with the brooms you've used to clean up the gym. You were carrying them all at once, which made some fall from your hands, you having to put some down to get the ones that had fallen upon the floor. The only thing you could hear was yourself sighing, that's until you heard footsteps behind you followed by a deep voice, one that you recognize from your team.
Firstly you turned your head, setting eyes upon the source that called out your name. The tall olive haired male, Ushijima was in your presence once again, and alone which almost instantly caused you to become awkward. You began dropping everything, tripping over things, trying to calm yourself as your nerves went into overdrive, filling with unintentional tension. You kept saying sorry as you tried straightening your act up, but you didn't even realize that Ushijima found your actions cute. He wouldn't say that, however, continuing to stare at you with lightly tinted cheeks, both his hands balling into fists as he tried to contain himself. This was his moment, and he didn't know how to approach it, but he was thinking as he watched you.
One last object made you trip, falling on your bottom with your legs crossed, which embarrassed you. You sighed, just before helping yourself up knowing that he wouldn't, but it was okay. Using both your hands, you maneuvered your hands behind your back and down to your bottom, brushing off the little dirt and dust that managed its way on you as you fell. "Uh, I'm sorry about that! Hopefully, you can unsee that," A string of chuckles escaped you, awkward and embarrassed chuckles that Ushijima could easily catch onto but you proceeded to talk, questioning him. "Anyway, why are you still here? Everyone else already left, probably... twenty minutes ago."
"I am well aware of that, ____."
Instantly, your eyebrow arched up, confused and questioning him once again in your head. Everyone on the team was already gone except him, and you had no idea what else would make him stay. You clean up here by yourself nearly everyday, and the Ace has never stayed behind for you, as he was usually one of the first ones gone.
"Okay, then why are you still here?"
"Can I not stay behind, to accompany you, ____?"
It wasn't a bad idea, but you didn't like it for whatever reason. His bland facial expression always confuses you, leaving you bothered and concerned for whatever he was thinking. You just hoped you weren't upsetting the taller male, not knowing if he was actually capable of getting upset or not, considering that you've never seen it. But it was weird that he wanted to stay behind and keep you company, obviously he's not the type to do that. You weren't going to complain about it though, because you didn't know what triggered the male, or what would make him upset with you so you just decided to go along with it. Letting this situation flow like water, clearly.
"Well sure, you can."
Nothing else was said from him, but his body walking over to you, his shadow covering your entire figure. It was so awkward and silent, you didn't even know what to do nor say, as you could feel the males body heat on your back. Hesitantly, you looked behind you seeing as the olive haired male was standing really close to your body. He was like two or three feet away, and it was still uncomfortable to you no matter how many feet. You tried your best not to think much of it, but you couldn't help it, considering that you aren't very fond of people in your personal space. However, you didn't know what to say to Ushijima, him of all people was the most intimidating to you.
He's so quiet, big, and awkward to you and that's something you really didn't know how to deal with, as mostly all your friends aren't like this. Still though, you didn't judge him, but the intense look in his eyes made your entire body stiffen. He always looked like this, but that stare of his was practically making you shake to the bone. If he was here to talk to you, you didn't know but you stood up straight, standing completely in front of the male. Considering his height, you had to crane your head upwards to look him in the face, as that cold stare of his seemed to intensify. You didn't want to be here right now, for some reason, but you weren't going to say exactly that. "Um... I have to go... help with the graduation ceremony."
He didn't seem bothered by what you said, his large body standing in your way, blocking you from walking around him to leave. You were so confused, your eyes a little wide whilst staring at the male, who didn't even attempt to move away to let you leave. The tension in the small storage room was getting more intense, your heart thumping harshly agaisnt your chest. It was until you heard him say something, snapping you out of your trance.
"You are not going anywhere." The venom in his voice caused your body to tremble, as he seemed to be more serious than usual. His body turning and his arms reaching to close the door freighted you even more, and it made you more scared that you didn't know what the hell he was doing. You didn't want to stick around and find out, though.
"Ushijima, what are you doing? I gotta go help with the-"
"What you're going to do, is stay here and help me."
You weren't going to do that, at least it was in your plan, you shrugging off your fear to try and walk around the taller male. He easily blocked your way with a single step, once again in your full view, your eyes going up to the males face. He was still looking down at you, his eyes still dark and intense which brung your fear back. You had no idea what he wanted, and the click sound of the storage room door scared you more, indicating that he looked you both in there. It was honestly scaring you and pissing you off a bit, not knowing what he had in store drove you crazy, because this was also a bit creepy. What in the World could the great Ushiwaka need help with?
"Um... wha—what do you need help with?"
He didn't answer you, not verbally at least, but visually when he began approaching you. His hands went to your arms, holding you down which made you begin panicking. Why was he manhandling you, his grasp on your arms really tight which didn't really give you room to struggle. He was only staring at you, with his usual calm face but that didn't better the situation. You just wanted to leave, but he wasn't allowing you to wiggle out of his grip. Everytime you moved though, his hands on your arms tightened, nearly breaking your bones at the moment.
"If you struggle against me, I will not be gentle with you." Your eyes widen and your body went stiff, the males grip on you loosening but he didn't let you go. You were beyond petrified with his statement however, because what in the fuck does that mean? You honestly didn't know and you weren't eager to find out, just to be honest with yourself. "You act as if, you do not recognize my feelings for you." That sentence caused a sharp gasp to escape your lips, did you hear that right? "I am in love with you, and graduation is almost here, meaning you'd be gone in a bit. However, I could not let that happen, letting you out of my grasp. You are mine, ____, I am here to claim you."
What the hell? You were confused as shit, as you've never heard Ushijima talk like this, not in your presence at least. Whatever this was, you weren't interested in it, because you were more scared than excited to see what he had in mind. You just wanted to go because something about this situation, did not feel right at all, but you couldn't pinpoint it. "What do you mean by, you're here to claim me? Listen Ushijima, I really don't have time-"
His grasp on you tightened, pulling your body flush against his bigger build, your eyes nearly popping out of your head as you felt a stiff object against your thigh. Was this some kind of sick joke, or is this what he meant by he needed your help with something? You honestly didn't know, but you still weren't interested in knowing.
"You are mine. I have been in love with you, far too long and you have yet to realize my feelings, for you. Never have I ever felt this way for someone. You are not going anywhere, until I claim what is mine. No matter if you were to graduate, I'd follow you as I've already planned. Though, our earlier conversation, with Tendou, made me want you even more. I see how my teammates look at you, that is why I'll be claiming you here and now."
Still though, some fight electrified your veins, pushing some courage back into your body as you once again tried wiggling out of his grasp. Your movement was just making the male groan deeply, your thigh was rubbing against the hard muscle agaisnt you. He welcomed that, honestly. "Are you crazy, Ushijima?! Let me go, before I tell coach!"
"We are close to graduating and adulthood, meaning he can no longer tell me what to do, nor you. You can struggle all you want, you will be mine." In an instant, his hands were on your clothes, snatching them away from your body, your tights being the first thing to go. You were panicking now, trying your best to scream but who would hear you? Everyone left already so there was no one who could come save you, from this man.
"What the- what the hell, Ushijima?! Let me fucking go!-"
"If you keep struggling, it will just get worse for you. I will not take you gently, if you keep fighting me with this."
You still tried pushing him away, as you didn't hear the words he just stated. His hands tore your tights completely off just before one of his hands went to your chest, ripping your shirt open, the buttons flying in different directions. Your bra was on full display to the male, as your insecurities began to arise but he didn't seem to care. His right hand was fondling your breast, and your hands began trying to pry his hands off your body, but his left hand easily took both your hands in his to pin above your head. All you had was your legs to kick at him, but those kicks were doing absolutely nothing to him. His grip on your wrists were tight, and all you wanted to do was scream.
He was staring at your chest, the fabric covering it making his body even hotter than it already was. Your chest was heaving quickly, his eyes slowly trailing to your face but he didn't say anything, and you ceased your kicking once he did. You both were locked in each other's gaze, and it made all the fear in your body rise again. His right hand was removed from your body, going to his own and to the hem of his shorts, pulling them down which made you panick. He didn't seem to care about your reaction, his eyes still focused on you as he pulled them down. You weren't even sure if you were dreaming or not, because this did not feel real, at all.
"Ushijima! Stop, what are you doing?!"
His hand continued pushing his shorts down, until they fell to his ankles and upon the floor before he stepped out the holes of the shorts. The boxers that were restraining him did little to cover him up, and it made you panick even more. This wasn't right, as you two are still in school no matter how close graduation was.
His hand that was on the hem of his boxers stayed there, calming your heaving chest and beating heart, but it didn't sooth the situation. Your insides were screaming at you right now, your brain punching you to fight this man off of you. It's obvious that you aren't going to like what he was planning, it didn't take a rocket scientist to know. "You belong to me and I belong to you. After this happens, you will not be able to leave me."
"Why didn't you just ask me out, like a logical person would, Ushijima?!"
He paused from your outburst, and you did as well, since you were the type to not really raise your voice. His hand on his boxers slid them down a bit, riding a little under his v line, but you refused to look at what he was doing. He didn't seem to care for how you felt in this situation.
"As close as you and Shirabu are, I know what his real intentions were."
You gasped, eyes wide listening to the words of Ushijima. You didn't speak though, just listening to him continue with what he had to say about Shirabu, your bestfriend. If Shirabu had a secret he was keeping from you, you sure as hell haven't even heard of it, didn't even have a hint of it. "He has told me that he would ask you on a date, after graduation. I refuse to let him have you, for I know you would not deny his feelings. It is clear that you love Shirabu, when you should be loving me. You belong to me."
Of course you love Shirabu, but you didn't know what level of love it was on. You didn't even know Shirabu loved you, as much as Ushijima said and you believed him because, when has Ushijima lied? You can't recall, even if you tried but you still would've preferred him just asking you out.
You know you wouldn't reject Shirabu, so all Ushijima would have to suffer was a rejection, but he's attractive enough to get someone else so that's why it confused you. Out of everyone. "Why do you want me, out of everyone in this school I mean... I'm nothing special, I'm just your manager! There are girls who are way slimmer and prettier, than me!"
You hated admitting that, but you knew it was true and that's why you said it, because you needed to know why he wanted you of all people. It's okay that he finds you attractive, but this wasn't what you should do, if you wanted to show someone that you found them attractive. He still didn't seem to care about what you were saying, his eyes burning holes in your skull as if he was seeing right through you. This would be the last thing you'd expect him to do to you, and it really confused you as to why he was doing this, because he was supposedly in love with you. You listened to his words though, as he spoke.
"I told you before, that you are special to me. No other girl could compete with you, ____. Skinny or not, your weight is what attracts me to you. Besides your personality, how you tolerate me even if you know how I am. It is obvious that people get annoyed by my ways, but you do not seem to care. That is why I want you and only you."
His hands pushed his boxers completely down before you could say anything else, your eyes widening once that stiff organ bounced out and stood at attention. You gasped, really getting a feel on the entire situation and once he brushed the tip agaisnt you and he was still standing some parts away from you, it really showed you how big he was.
Way bigger than you would've imagined, and it scared you as you realized what was about to happen. He didn't just have extreme length, but major girth that seemed a little too heavy for him to carry around all the time, the twitching veins intimidating you. Also the amount of leaking pre-cum scared you. In an instant, you were on your back on the mats that they use sometimes in the gym, to rest. Your hands were still pinned above your head though and when he flipped your skirt up to lay agaisnt your stomach, you once again tried kicking at him. He easily slid his body between your legs, his length too resting on your abdomen.
You froze, feeling his balls agaisnt your covered heat, your legs ceasing and your body stiffening once you felt the heavy cock resting on you. He was staring down at you as you were staring up at him, his eyes holding nothing but want and need for you. You've never done this before, so that's why it scared you more. It didn't take long for him to push himself back off of you with your hands still in his hand, just so he could push your panties aside and pull back enough to grip his throbbing cock. A sharp gasp escaped you, your legs beginning to kick once again, but it wasn't bothering Ushijima. You just wanted to reason with him, at least try to because he was obviously not stopping.
"Wait wait, Ushijima!” He ceased his movements, as his eyes trailed back to your distressed face. You were relived, thinking he was actually giving you a bit of mercy. "You don't have to do this! We can just... just go on a date, and see how it goes! We can both just forget that this ever happened!"
"I am afraid that I cannot do that, nor do I trust your words that you won't tell anyone."
"Ushijima please-!"
He cut you off with a harsh penetrating thrust into your body, the wind being knocked out of you as your hymen snapped. You practically screamed out, but he used his right hand to cover your mouth, his own eyes and teeth closing shut from the tight hold you had on his thick cock. The other thing is that he wasn't even all the way inside of you, but he was still pressing agaisnt your cervix, which soothed the pain by a lot, your cunt spasming violently around the thick cock lodged inside of you. He was panting heavily as both his hands went to your hips, trying his best to push himself deeper inside you.
Your back arched so much into the male, allowing his cock to slide in easier but slowly which caused a slight burning feeling. He was pushing past your cervix, placing himself inside your womb until his hips were flush agaisnt yours. He thrusted once, before you nearly cried out, your walls clamping around his length, gushing out around it to coat his abdomen and thighs. He was confused, until he looked down to see your pussy convulsing and squirting on him, your body shaking which notified him of what he did to your body. He just made you cum from entering you, barely doing anything which made the male crazily smirk. His grip on your hips tightened, slowly pulling out before thrusting harshly back in, his cock easily kissing your cervix.
Your hands were trying to find anything to hold onto, since Ushijima was sitting up and rapidly thrusting deeply inside your overstimulated pussy. Deep grunts and groans came from the male, his hands grabbing yours to put them on his shirt, your hands instinctively gripping it as he picked up his pace, the obscene squelching sounds meeting your ears. There was barely any pain, his cock hungrily trying to get all your juices to coat him, his eyes looking down at your joined bodies watching as your sheen coated him. He let his head fall back, thunderous moans escaping his chest from how tight you were. Water was trickling from your eyes, warming your cheeks in an onslaught of pleasure that your lower regions were recieving.
"Fuck..! You're so tight for me ____, I love you..! Keep squeezing my cock, just like that—ngh!" You could barely focus on his deep voice, for another orgasm was winding in your abdomen, Ushijima's thrust were so intense and strong that it had the mats underneath you nearly sliding you off of it. His hands went to your legs, pulling them agaisnt his body as both his hands slammed on the sides of the floor, trapping you underneath his body.
In this position, his cock seemed to push pass your cervix, fucking into your womb which made the male growl like a beast. One of his hands went to your hip, holding you there whilst he fucked down into your weeping pussy, his huge cock opening you so wide to his cock. The feel of his balls smacking your ass had you screaming his name, the male grunting in your face. “Ushi..!"
You couldn't even get his name out, each pounding smash of his hips agaisnt yours keeping your words in and letting your moans out. Both your eyes were closed tightly, all that was heard was your synchronized moans and your individual screams. It wasn't long before your second orgasm broke, your grip on his shirt pulling him down on your body. "Wakat..! Ushi..!"
You didn't know what you were saying, the male still pounding into you, but slowly as your walls securely took a grip on his thick shaft, keeping him almost trapped inside you. It took so much effort for him to pull out, his grip on your waist becoming painfully tight but you couldn't respond to that.
You were so tight that it nearly pained him, an unexpected deep moan escaping him while his hips slowly continued to sink inside of you, your body shaking and your head against his chest to conceal your screams and shameful moans. The male slowly fucked into you, letting you ride out the parties of paradise enhanced in your pussy. Your eyes were burning with overstimulated tears, a white coat of your cum coating his cock in a ring of your juices, that now belonged to him. You couldn't believe how good he was making you feel, but you still didn't want it to be this way, losing your virginity in such a forceful way.
Once his hips came to a stop, he pulled out and layed you on your stomach, on the mats you were currently layed on your back. You couldn't do anything, as he once again lined his throbbing length up with your spasming pussy. He didn't waste anytime with sheathing himself balls deep into you again, your body screaming almost. He didn't even give you time to recover from your orgasm, his hands going to your hips as he pulled you back with his aggressive thrust. He seemed to hit deeper in this position, your walls feeling the thick veins protruding his length, but his thrusts weren't as hard as they were the first time.
They still kissed your cervix sweetly though, his balls now smacking your clit that was already overly stimulated and leaking with your own juices. His hands went to your front half, pulling you up and forcing your body to arch into his thrust, now his cock sweetly caressing your g-spot. His hands were placed on your throat, his eyes looking down to where he was entering your body from, loving the sight of your small pussy trying to eat up his cock. It was kind of hard for him to thrust back into your body, but when he did, it felt like absolute heaven to not only you, but him too. "I'm coming..! I'm coming, ____! I want you to take it all..!"
You began panicking, but you couldn't get out his grasp as your body already felt like it was jelly. Your hands could only hold onto the mat underneath you, feeling his thrusts speed up which caused a clapping sound to secrete in the room. His thrusts were so hard, your body convulsing as another orgasm formed.
Your entire fate was sealed, you'll be with him forever if he gets you pregnant, and you couldn't let that happen but what could you do? Absolutely nothing, but take him deeply inside you. His moans were getting louder, his hands around your throat before he pulled you flush agaisnt his chest. Both his arms were around your chest, one hand going to your throat and squeezing it as he began slowly sliding in and out of you. The sounds were so erratic, and you couldn't help the way your walls trembled as you listened to it. "Scream out my name, ____..! Tell me... tell me you love me..!"
His pace picked up again, your orgasm snapping harshly in your abdomen, your legs kicking under you as he continued to drill through your orgasm. This one was more intense than all the other ones, seeming like it ripped your entire body with tidal waves of pleasure. A harsh smack on your ass made your body jolt, as you screamed out the words he demanded you say. "I—I love you..! Wakatoshi..!"
His grin widened, his body went stiff as he plunged himself deeply inside of you, his lips latching onto your neck as he moaned agaisnt you. You could barely register the hot pulsing liquid surging throughout you, the male biting a deep mark into your neck. His orgasm was so intense that slight tears escaped his eyelids too, as he's never felt something this good. He definently wasn't planning on letting you go, at all. You're finally his, and will always be his.
Literal tears escaped your eyes as another orgasm broke over you, one not that hard but enough to have you screaming. He held you close to his body, slowly grinding his hips agaisnt yours to empty out his seed into your womb. His grasp on your throat was removed though, before his arms went to wrap around your waist.
A stinging pain was on your neck, and that was when you realized he imprinted a dark hickey on you. Your body fell agaisnt the mat, his hands holding his body up and off of your body. He was still deeply seated inside you, his cock still pressed firmly against your cervix. You could still feel him cumming, your eyes shut still feeling the thick spurts of his seed filling your womb. His hand went to caress your ass, before you heard his deep rumbling voice.
"You will not go to college, ____. You will be with me, at all times, no matter what. No matter how much you want to leave, I will punish you, if you do not cooperate with me." You were so ready to graduate, as you didn't think it would turn out like this. It was correct to expect the unexpected.
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This work was originally written by @compressingsins, if you see anything similar, please report it to me. 🫶🏾
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yandere-romanticaa · 5 months
I want to request yandere ushijima with a reader who is a hermit and elusive. This reader is so elusive that people have never seen Reader's face
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This is something that Ushijima can honestly work with. While I don't think he'd have too many personal preferences when it comes to your social life (having a few friends is good for your health after all.... The ones he gives the green light to though!) but if you're a reclusive little loner, well, you honestly make his life that much easier.
He is the kind of person who is used to being surrounded by more eccentric individuals so I think he would just get very much used to you and your schedule. Despite his occasional rigid attitude he is willing to make compromises.
However, I do see him forcing you to go outside from time to time. It's not good to stare at a screen for so long, you need some vitamin D. He sets up a weekly rule where you have to go on at least one walk with him and no, you can't dodge it. It's for your own good.
If you misbehave though, Ushijima might punish you by forcing you to go outside more. It's nothing violent, it's not like he'll hold your hair in his fist with you on the floor, kicking, screaming and crying.
No, with his sheer size and might alone it's more than enough to force you to obey. You cling to him like crazy, fingernails sinking deeper into his flesh as you struggle to look up from the ground, your gaze firmly glued on the floor.
He may feel a little bad but he won't lie - you do look cute like this. All helpless and needy.
As stated, Ushijima is more than willing to adjust to you. This arrangement also means that he doesn't have to deal with any unnecessary pests either.
As long as you stay in line, things should be fine.
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shaisuki · 11 months
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— 𝙖 𝙨𝙚𝙧𝙞𝙚𝙨 𝙤𝙛 𝙮𝙖𝙣𝙙𝙚𝙧𝙚 𝙢𝙚𝙣 𝙩𝙖𝙠𝙞𝙣𝙜 𝙢𝙖𝙩𝙩𝙚𝙧𝙨 𝙞𝙣 𝙩𝙝𝙚𝙞𝙧 𝙤𝙬𝙣 𝙝𝙖𝙣𝙙𝙨 𝙬𝙞𝙩𝙝 𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝙥𝙪𝙧𝙥𝙤𝙨𝙚 𝙤𝙛 𝙗𝙚𝙞𝙣𝙜 𝙨𝙤𝙡𝙚𝙡𝙮 𝙮𝙤𝙪𝙧𝙨.
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“𝚍𝚎𝚏𝚢𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚊𝚍𝚟𝚎𝚛𝚜𝚒𝚝𝚢? 𝚜𝚞𝚒𝚌𝚒𝚍𝚎? 𝚜𝚊𝚌𝚛𝚒𝚏𝚒𝚌𝚎? 𝚊𝚛𝚜𝚘𝚗? 𝚖𝚞𝚛𝚍𝚎𝚛? 𝚒𝚝'𝚜 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚝𝚑𝚒𝚗𝚐𝚜 𝚒'𝚕𝚕 𝚍𝚘 𝚏𝚘𝚛 𝚕𝚘𝚟𝚎. 𝚓𝚞𝚜𝚝 𝚕𝚘𝚟𝚎 𝚖𝚎 𝚘𝚛 𝚎𝚕𝚜𝚎, 𝚒'𝚕𝚕 𝚝𝚊𝚔𝚎 𝚒𝚝 𝚒𝚗 𝚖𝚢 𝚘𝚠𝚗 𝚑𝚊𝚗𝚍𝚜. 𝚠𝚑𝚎𝚝𝚑𝚎𝚛 𝚢𝚘𝚞 𝚕𝚒𝚔𝚎 𝚒𝚝 𝚘𝚛 𝚗𝚘𝚝. 𝚍𝚘𝚗'𝚝 𝚊𝚜𝚔 𝚖𝚎 𝚠𝚑𝚢. 𝚒 𝚝𝚘𝚕𝚍 𝚢𝚘𝚞, 𝚒𝚝'𝚜 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚝𝚑𝚒𝚗𝚐𝚜 𝚒'𝚕𝚕 𝚍𝚘 𝚏𝚘𝚛 𝚕𝚘𝚟𝚎, 𝚘𝚞𝚛 𝚕𝚘𝚟𝚎.”
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ᝰ.ᐟ they just love you so much that they'll do everything to make you theirs, to the point of madness. you think they care about what you want? yes, no? maybe? they care as long you are with them
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• — will contain of the following: yandere themes, nonconsensual, dubcon, dark themes. read at your own risk. minors do not interact.
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🍃 heavenly delight ft. GOJO SATORU
🍃 addiction ft. SANZU HARUCHIYO
🍃 cigarette smoke ft. AKI HAYAKAWA
🍃 what I want ft. MIKAGE REO
🍃 an eye for an eye ft. USHIJIMA WAKATOSHI
🍃 up in the flames ft. TOUYA TODOROKI
🍃 salt of the earth ft. TSUKISHIMA KEI
— to be added
want a character to be added? comment or ask me in my inbox.
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tatsumessy · 1 year
“tell me where is hurts love” - {wakatoshi ushijima}
When your period cramps are so bad you start to cry.
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The rain starts to heavily hit against your kitchen window as you stood there in your panties and your spaghetti strap shirt holding a cup of now warm chamomile tea.
You had the cup pressed against the center of your pain. Usually your cramps are bad but never this bad, you kept staring out the window every now and then using your free hand to wipe the bead of sweat dripping down your forehead.
And normally you’d do this same routine every cycle but what’s different this time is your boyfriend is home for the first time in two months. And any other time you’re on your period he’s never around, another wave of cramps stabbed into your abdomen and you accidentally dropped the coffee cup on the ground.
The ceramic cup shattered around you creating a large crashing sound that anyone from a twenty mile radius could hear. Bending down to pick up the broken pieces tears prickled on your bottom lash line.
“Y/n?” Your boyfriend of five years spoke from behind you, he walked over noticing the broke glass and his first instinct was to move you out the way so that you don’t get hurt. He easily forced his grip under your arms and picked you up off the ground placing you on top of the island.
He hadn’t even noticed the tears streaming down his precious girlfriends face. He started to pick up the glass and throwing into a plastic bag before tying that off and tossing it in the big trash bin. He turned to see you looking at him with teary eyes, “Honey what’s wrong?” He placed his now cleaned hands around your waist, his thumbs gently rubbed along your exposed skin.
You dropped your head into the crook of his neck trying to calm yourself down, “I’m sorry it’s nothing, I just need a minute.” He sighed and fully wrapped his arms around your waist pulling you closer to him. Your legs wrapped around him as he picked you up slowly walking the both of you over to the sofa. He sat down and you laid down on top of him hiccuping from all the crying.
He rubbed the lower part of your back and his movement were soothing your pain more than the warm cup of tea was. The heavy rain was soothing your mind and his hands were soothing your body.
“My cramps…hurt badly.” You spoke lifting your head up a bit to look down at him. His neutral expression softened a little bit seeing your saddened face. “Do you want me to kiss it better?” He asked with that same dull angered expression, if you didn’t know your boyfriend well enough you would’ve assumed he was being sarcastic. But he was serious.
You nodded your head in acceptance and in one swift motion he rolled over placing you on your back while pulling your legs around his waist. He sat snug between your legs and placed his hands on the base of your stomach. “Tell me where it hurts love.” His words flew through your body and ran all the way up to your cheeks.
Gently gripping his hands you placed them right where your stomach was hurting the most. His hands immediately started to work into your aching muscles, and while his hands massaged into you he leaned his face close to your having his lips hover over yours. You smiled closing the itching gap between the two of you, his tongue immediately forced its way into yours as his hands pressed harder onto your cramps.
A small moan left your mouth and into his deepening the kiss you two were sharing. “Better?” You nodded your head yes in satisfaction, he pulled away moving lower where his head laid on your chest. You ended up falling asleep with one hand in his short olive hair and the other rested on his back.
He glanced up at you shivering a bit from your labored breathing, your nose was starting clog from the crying and all he did was smile cuddling closer to your body.
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mtchacrvle · 6 months
• 𝘐'𝘮 𝘴𝘰𝘳𝘳𝘺 •
ʏᴀɴᴅᴇʀᴇ ᴜsʜɪᴊɪᴍᴀ ᴡᴀᴋᴀᴛᴏsʜɪ x ғʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ
sᴜᴍᴍᴀʀʏ : you and ushijima used to date in high school, but unfortunately you guys broke up. after years of broken up with you, he felt empty. he have became the top 1 professional volleyball player, have millions of money, people love him but he still felt empty, week and he knows why.
⚠️ 𝚃𝚁𝙸𝙶𝙶𝙴𝚁 𝚆𝙰𝚁𝙽𝙸𝙽𝙶 ⚠️ : ᴍᴇɴᴛɪᴏɴ ᴋɪʟʟɪɴɢ, ʏᴀɴᴅᴇʀᴇ ʙᴇʜᴀᴠɪᴏᴜʀ, ᴏʙsᴇssɪᴠᴇ ᴜsʜɪᴊɪᴍᴀ. Aɴᴅ ᴛᴇʀʀɪʙʟᴇ ɢʀᴀᴍᴍᴀʀ
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"ha I'm so tired" you said with tired voice. it was Wednesday 5pm, ushijima just finished his usual volleyball practice and you guys are currently walking home. you could notice that ushijima was quite the whole time so you try to make small talk. "i saw the spike you did earlier and God you look so cool!". silent, you were holding ushijimas hand so you lightly squeeze his hand trying to get his attention.
nothing. "ushi?" "baby?" "toshi" you said little louder. he finally came back from day dreaming. "yes name?". "toshi are you alright?". he didn't say anything just stared at his feet. after felt like forever he finally spoke. "I think we need to break up". you just stared at him with full confused face. "what why? did I do something wrong?" you said concerned. he saw your expression and quickly interrupt "no no it's not that, it's just I want to focus on volleyball more. since we only have 4 months before our graduation. I really really need to be focusing on volleyball. I want to be the professional volleyball player and I can't have distraction..". he mumble the last three words but you heard him loud and clear.
you just stay quiet, trying so hard to to cry. "w-well if you want to focus on volleyball more sure i-i don't mind, we can just focus on volleyball more..t-there's no need for breaking up" you said hopping that he'll changed his mind. "sorry name I just can't. I'm sorry" he then let go of your hand. you felt like your falling at that time but you stay strong. "I see, if that's what you want, I'll respect that. didn't think you see me as distraction. well sorry if I'm distracting you or holding you back from your dream ushijima, I'm sorry. thank you for everything". and then you walk away he'll be laying if he said he's not sad. on the outside he may look calm or he doesn't care. but in the inside he practically crying, how could he not the person that he has a crush on for 4 year left him. well more like he let it go.
after you came home you just fell to your feet. you just to heartbroken. Is that how he really feels? that I'm holding him back..? you spent the whole night crying your heart out. the next morning you came as usual. you didn't like showing your weakness nor your sadness so you just bottle it up.
well your Best friend notice and you told her the whole story. since that you try to ignore ushijima as hard as you can. no matter what way if there's a way you'll use it. you then going out more trying to move on with the help of your best friend. mean while with ushijima, after he break up with you he didn't think bout you at all well almost, there's a few time where when he saw you and he wants to greet and hug you but stops bc he just remembered that you guys already broken up. slowly he forgets about you. he only have 1 priority and that is to be the number 1 professional volleyball player. eventually you already move on and so Is ushijima.
after 4 months you graduate and after that you immediately apply to a cooking school. you really wanted to open a cafe shop so you worked your butt off for this.
4 years has pass and you've been doing great, well can't say the same to ushijima. the last 4 years he's time and energy been paying off he is now the top 1 professional volleyball player. he's in the Schweiden Alders team. but something felt off, he didn't know what. he just felt unhappy, and he was confused. he got what he wanted, he has millions of money, thousand of fans, most of the branded company payed him to model for they're brand. but still he felt empty, weak, unmotivated. everytime he walked and saw a sweet couple he felt sad.
tendou eventually notice, "you must felt lonely ushikawa". "lonely..?". "well you haven't dated anyone since you broken up with name right? maybe that's why you're sad. you don't have shoulder to relax and relay on". ushijima didn't think that was the problem but after breaking up with you he somehow didn't have any interest on anyone sure there a lot of people hitting up on him but he just shook it off. it's not like he didn't think of having a s/o it's just no one attract him the way you do. maybe that's it he didn't want anyone else he wanted you.
"have you talked to name this past 4 year?". ushijima asked tendou with pure curiosity. "yea quite often, since I'm dating her Best friend we often talked". ushijima just stared at tendou. what since when tendou and name best friend dated?. "since when did you guys dated why didn't I know anything?". "I did ushikawa I told you almost a year ago. I said I'm dating someone". "you certainly did but you didn't mention who". " oh I didn't?" tendou chuckled. "it's name best friend, name tell me that she have been crushing on me and I've been crushing on her so here we are". ushijima knows that he shouldn't felt jealous hearing that tendou and name often talked but he knew he didn't deserve name attention after what he did to her.
"can you maybe tell me where name is? or where she currently live?" he actually shock himself up. why do he wanted to know where name is? they already broken up why that's that matter?.
"no clue I did ask Yuri (name best friend) but she refuse to tell me". that comment actually made ushijima mad. "why not?" ushijima asked with a annoyed voice kinda sound like he's angry. tendou saw the sudden mood change so he calmly reply "Yuri knew I'll tell you that's why she refuses to tell". ushijima just stay quiet.
after the talk with tendou ushijima rushed home to do some digging. unlucky for him and lucky for you he find nothing. days turn into weeks soon became into months. he was a MESS and thank God he still have few of your pictures everytime he's sad, angry or even he felt neutral he still look at your photo.
his everyday routine is usually come home around 6pm, shower, eat,and sleep and everytime before he slept he would open up his phone and look at your pictures imaging that you're still here with him.
after almost 9 months of searching you he still found nothing, Yuri refuse to talk to him nor give him your information, all Yuri said was "name is doing just fine".don't get him wrong, he's happy and relieved that you're doing fine but the information was not enough. everyday, every second his obsession grew bigger and bigger he became more crazier without you. during the months he search for you he kept blaming himself. he's the reason you broke up, he's the reason why you're depressed.
and all of those backfired to him.its been 1 year and still no sign of you. tendou would be lying if he said he's not worried for his best friend but he tried he's best helping him find name.
"Ushikawa you need to move on" tendou said with a worried tone."how can I, I'm the reason why me and name are in this mess". yuri overhead the conversation and what she told ushijima next made him regret his decision.
"when you broke up with name, she kept blaming herself for you guys break up. she felt bad for you bc she feels that she's holding you back. everyday she tries to avoid you." "what..why is she trying to avoid me?". " God bc what you've said. plus she don't want to break down in front of you, bc she knew if she face you she can't hold her tears" Yuri said sighing "she really love you yk. that's why I didn't want to tell you where she is. bc I don't want you to repeat the same mistake again and hurt her." and that Yuri got up and left leaving tendou and ushijima alone.
the thing that Yuri told him still playing in his head. I really hurt her. he went for a walk after he finished working out, and he went to a walk a little bit. while he was crossing the road he noticed a familiar face. he ran to the other side and ran to the girl. in his mind he knew he could be wrong but he doesn't care. after he felt like he have been running forever he cought the girl wrist.
when the girl turn around he was shocked to see the face that he has been searching for the past 1 year..the love of his life. "name.." name eyes were widen she has so many questions how did he find her? how did he recognized her? "name its you right" he ask the girl hoping that it's not his imagination. "uh yes I'm name". oh do you know how happy he is. "it's me wakatoshi" ushijima said with a happy voice.
This has been in my draft for MONTHS now, didn't think it was good enough to post but eh. It's a cliffhanger so I might do part 2 ? Hehe but that could take a while since I'm working on a new story, so stay stunned (⁠◠⁠‿⁠・⁠)⁠—⁠☆
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yanderecrazysie · 11 months
i just read confine for like the fiftieth time anyways reques: pt. two of confine (take as long as you need it’ll end up great in the end and it doesn’t have to be long or anything it could be a drabble but yk do what you want it’ll be amazing💌)
Fun fact: Confine is my most popular story (and post in general) on Tumblr! I’ve always been surprised by that, since I have ones I personally like a lot more and because Betray gets a lot more interaction! But I do have a soft spot in my heart for Confine!
And thank you for being so sweet and not rushing me or anything!
Part 1 is here
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Title: Confine (Part 2)
Pairings: Ushijima x Reader
WARNINGS: Yandere themes, misogyny
Summary: Ushijima would like to extend your trip to the countryside from a couple months to forever. He’d also like you by his side. Unfortunately, your preferences aren’t necessary.
restrain or forbid someone from leaving (a place).
 The frilly pink apron you wear feels suffocating.
Had you been given a choice, you would never put something like that on your body. Too bad your opinion was irrelevant in this place.
While Ushijima was gone, you were finally allowed to breathe a little. But not by much, for you were never sure when he’d return, demanding your attention and making sure you’d behaved yourself the way he wanted you to.
If he were to walk in around dinnertime and dinner wasn’t on the table, you hate to think how he’d react. If he were to see you cooking without your apron and oven mitts, well, that’d be even worse.
He somehow managed to baby you while still expecting you to do all the housework. It was clear he expected you to play the role of a traditional housewife, but he also panicked if you came close to being hurt while doing so. He still hadn’t forgived himself for the one time you’d spilled a little hot soup on your wrist, leading to the getup you were forced to wear whenever touching anything above “warm”.
Cooking options were limited enough as they were, since you weren’t allowed anything sharper than a butter knife to cut ingredients. It didn’t matter how much or how little you’d known about cooking before being forced through the cabin door- the man had mountains of flashcards with handwritten recipes on them. His mothers’, apparently.
“You have to know how to cook, for your husband and for our children.”
You’d learned long ago to give up on trying to correct him about your relationship status. The delusional man truly believed you two had gotten married, as though his kidnapping of you was the just two of you returning from your honeymoon.
But the phrase “for our children” is what truly haunted you. You didn’t want anything to do with this psychopath, much less have his child. He had never forced unwanted advances on you, but it scared you that he was so sure of this future he had planned for you both.
It was like living in a dollhouse. Wearing a painted-on smile as you greeted him whenever he got home and as you pretended everything was okay. Making sure the house looked absolutely perfect. Never arguing or fighting back.
Ushijima and you would probably look like the perfect couple to any outsider when, in reality, your relationship was built on fear and entrapment. You were stuck with him as long as the chain on your ankle and the locks on the doors remained.
You pulled the meal out of the oven and pulled off the oven mitts while dinner cooled down, wiping your sweaty hands on your apron. You could barely feel relaxed with the anxiety of knowing he’ll return (and what would happen to you if he didn’t?). But whenever he was gone, you felt… free.
You could finally forget about being ripped away from your amazing parents. You could pretend like this house of cards was your own. You could remind yourself that you weren’t Ushijima’s perfect little Barbie doll.
Whenever he decided to come home, you’d have to be at his side in an instant, asking how his day was, but never where he’d gone or what he’d been up to. You’d have to take his coat from him and hang it up, just like a good wife should.
You were sure he’d be home any moment for dinner (you had it at the same time every day, like clockwork), but there was no telling exactly when. The walls were soundproof and there were no windows, so you’d always be kept on your toes, jumping out of your skin when the door swung open.
You wished you could just take a nap.
Softly, and with fear of interruption, you sang to yourself. It was a habit you’d grown used to, and you desperately hoped Ushijima never heard. You didn’t want him to forbid you from it or, worse, demand you sing for him.
He terrified you. You were positive he could rip off your head with just one strong pull from those big hands of his.
You hoped police would swoop in one day and cart him off while freeing you from your prison, but you doubted they had any leads to where you’d gone. You’d simply disappeared while walking home from work, in their eyes.
Did they even care? You knew your parents would worry and know that you didn’t just run away, but the police wouldn’t have that kind of insight. 
You wished you could confide with someone about how frightened you were. Of him, of possible future children, of living this way forever, of dying here. You didn’t want to keep this all to yourself until it bubbled over into something that got you in trouble.
You just wanted-
Your heart dropped in your chest.
He’s home.
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morose-melodies · 2 years
Can you please do a yandere Ushijima from Haikyuu with a chubby reader who is studying in karasuno. The reader is friends with the volleyball club not manager but just friends, reader always attend their games and when they lose they still cheer them up in any any possible way
Thank you! And please do take care of yourself
rainy with a chance of obsession | yandere! ushijima x reader
(sorry this took so long I wasn't sure about how I was going to write it. I hope you like it!)
content warning: obsession and mental issues (??)
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something wasn't normal.
"you all did great!"
your eyes stopped and looked directly at ushijima as you said that, or so he thought.
"everyone did amazing!"
you cheered, your arms wrapping around hinata and he cheered with you. that should be ushijima, you should be hugging him and cheering for him.
cheering only for him.
he did better than hinata could ever do.
"good job everyone! you're all so talented!"
your eyes met ushijima's once again, this time, he slightly bowed his head, and you smiled.
he wasn't imagining it, you smiled at him, you, a pretty, kind stranger smiled at him. he remained firm where he was, his face unreadable but inside, he was very happy.
happy that you thought he was talented. sure, he has heard it many times before, but something about you saying it was difficult.
it was better to hear from you. he liked hearing it and wanted to hear more. he wanted to hear more of your voice and see you more.
but first... what's your name?
he heard it before, he knew that but it was a while ago, but it was soooo long ago to him, he had forgotten your name. he felt bad.
little did he know, you didn't know his name either.
he watched as you left the gym with two of your friends by your side, trying to figure out how he'd figure out your name.
he could approach you, introduce himself then ask your name... but that would be sort of awkward, ushijima sat down on the nearest bench and sighed.
he needed to know your name.
ushijima was tired.
a game had ended hours ago and he was still tried. this wasn't like him. he wasn't in the mood to train or even get up.
something was off and yet he didn't know what it was.
he sat on a bench, his head low, sweat dripping from his brows. a ball dropping from his side and rolling away from him.
what is your name? ushijima wondered, though these thoughts only lasted for less than a few seconds.
he took a large sip from his water bottle before standing up again, pushing past the feeling of utter exhaustion as he approached the ball that rolled away from him.
how long have you been studying at karasuno? ushijima thought as he picked the ball up and set it into the basket full of balls.
ushijima frowned as he exited the gym, going to the locker room to clean up. perhaps stopping by the nearest convenience store would clear his mind.
after cleaning up and changing, he stopped by the nearest convenience store, he roamed down the aisles, not looking for anything in specific.
"I'll be back soon... trust me," he heard a voice from another aisle and it was your voice. he paused, trying to think of how to approach you but his mind seemed to pause with his body.
"I'll just get some chips on the way back. I'll see you soon, bye," you went silent as you roamed down an aisle, hands pocketed.
ushijima needed a plan! he needed to know your name, he needed to, how else would he get rid of these pestering thoughts of you?
so when you were about to walk past ushijima, and before he had a solid plan he dropped a bag of chips in front of you.
you paused, and looked down at the bag before looking up at him, it took a few seconds but you recognized him, "hey! you're...you're," you didn't know his name, "from shiratorizawa! you're... um, you're-"
you went silent after being unable to remember his name, "wakatoshi ushijima." ushijima replied after realizing that you didn't know his name... it hurt his feelings a little bit.
"oh! I remember now... i'm (y/n)..."
you smiled, wrapping your arms around yourself. ushijima glanced at your sweater that covered your ample body... you were attractive, there was no doubting it.
you were very awkward, ushijima realized as you nodded.
you're (y/n.)
very, very easy name to remember.
now he doesn't have to think about you all the time.
his mind has been freed of you...
or so he thought.
days and days passed and his mind began making up more questions about you, he didn't understand why... all he wanted to know was your name and now he wants to know about your favorite food, favorite place to go, the shampoo you use, your address and your friends.
it was becoming overwhelming.
it's starting to bother him.
it's really starting to bother him.
he needs to see you again. he made up his mind as he left the gym and went to the locker room. he needs to see you again. perhaps it's the only way he'll feel better.
but how will he see you again? by chance... he needed to see you now, not by chance.
now he was starting to doubt he'd ever see you again, and that wasn't good.
he didn't like thinking about you. it overwhelmed his mind to the point where he could think of nothing else but you.
he really didn't like it.
ushijima stepped on something, he looked down to see a young girl, wearing a sweater, a sweater from karasuno... should he ask, no that would too weird.
"do you know (y/n)?"
the next game was a big one and ushijima hoped to see you there. if he didn't, he'd very very disappointed, because he put extra effort into his appearance and he wanted you to notice.
his eyes roamed across the large area, hoping you were there, even if he didn't know it. then he saw you, his shoulders dropped then tensed.
he felt different.
he felt weird.
he was nervous.
wakatoshi ushijima was nervous.
he quickly lowered his gaze, his hands suddenly felt clammy.
then he felt your eyes on him, he didn't know how but he felt it and he couldn't bare for you to look at him for much longer.
but then the game started.
shiratorizawa lost.
ushijima wasn't his normal self, he couldn't function normally knowing you were there, watching him.
when he saw you come down from the bleachers, he tensed, this overwhelming sensation took over his body and he felt faint.
this wasn't normal.
"you all did great!"
something wasn't wrong and it was all your fault.
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xobrattymoonxo · 9 months
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Yandere Sadist Ushijima x fem! reader
Trigger warnings: Non con, anal, attempted drowning, sex toys, cage, ooc ushi, implied kidnapping
AN: Ushi is a little ooc, please don't hate hvbhbfvad
Word Count: 1.7k
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Third Person POV
Ushijima splashed water on his face as he let out a deep sigh. 
“Another day down Wakatoshi. We want to go out as a team and celebrate. Are you coming with us?” Hoshiumi asked. Kagayma stood next to him waiting for his answer. 
“I have something to do tonight. Maybe next time.” Ushijima said stoically. 
Hoshiumi sighed as he looked at Kagayama. 
“Let’s go tell the guys he’s out.” 
Ushijima walked by them both as he picked up his duffel bag. He walked out of the gym.and to his car. He unlocked his silver BMW and slipped in the front seat. He began to drive to his house in the depths of the city. 
Ushijima was quick to arrive at his house as he slid out of his car. He pulled out his keys and unlocked the front door of his two story brick house.
As he walked in the door he turned around to lock the door once again. He walked into the kitchen and looked at the time on the microwave. 9:43pm. He smiled to himself. It’s been 3 hours since he had last visited his house. 
Ushijima bent down and swiftly slid the carpet over revealing a hidden door. He opened it up, bringing his keys with him. Inside was a set of stairs that led to a door. He unlocked the doors as he walked inside. Inside was a large dark room with regular furniture around it. To one it would seem like a man cave. He continued to walk through the room as he moved a bookshelf that was against the wall. Behind it revelied a door. He unlocked the door and walked inside. Inside you could hear soft sobs. He placed the keys in a plastic bowl that was near the door. In the room there was a large bed, a small room was a washroom. On the other side of the door sat a dog cage. 
Inside the dog cage was a girl bent over with her ass in the air and hands tied behind her back. She had a gag in her mouth and more importantly a sex machine with a 9 inch dildo pumping in and out of her newly stretched asshole. 
Ushijima approached the cage with a smirk as he bent down to the closed up cage. 
“How is my pet doing?” He asked knowing she couldn’t reply. He moved to the front of the cage and turned off the machine pulling backwards. He pulled it back away from her now slightly gaping and bleeding butthole. He opened the cage door as his large hands grabbed onto her hips. He pulled her backwards as he slammed her ass into his rock hard cock. 
“Fuck, Y/n. You look so sexy as my sweet little pet.” 
She cried out as much as she could around the gag. He picked her up and tossed her on the bed beside them. He laughed as she cried out stretching out her sore legs.  
“If I untie you will you be good?” He asked her simply. 
Y/n nodded her head in agreement.  He pulled untied the tight knot around her wrists and then removed the ball gag from her mouth. She sighed deeply as she was finally able to close her jaw. She moved her arms slowly to her side as a gasp of pain could be heard. 
“Maybe next time you will think twice before you try and escape.” Ushijima said once again stoically. 
Y/n couldn’t bear the jaw pain she was enduring so she just stayed quiet. 
Ushijima was quick to flip Y/n on her back. She let out a scream in pain. Ushijima smiled sadistically at her. 
“You deserve this, remember, you are nothing but a mangy mutt. You could have had a little more freedom, but I guess I haven’t broken you in enough yet.” He said as he got on top of her, now shirtless. 
Ushijima’s toned muscular chest was something she decided was a safe place to look while he fucked her from the front. It’s not like he wasn’t attractive, she was very attracted to him, even though she shouldn’t be….
Y/n was just a barista at a coffee shop a close walk to the gym. Hoshiumi dragged Ushijma and Kageyama there one day to check it out. Ushijima immediately fell in love with Y/n’s beauty. He was taken aback by her, he felt his breath go shallow and his heart race faster than it ever does playing volleyball. She gave him a hot chocolate as their hands slightly brushed together. It wasn’t long after he began to get obsessed. He’d go visit her everyday, ordering the same thing from her. 
It wasn’t till one night that seemed to be darker than the rest, Ushijima slowed his car down as he pulled up his hoodie. He began to stalk behind Y/n. Y/n felt his presence as she began to speed up. She turned around once again and he was gone. Just as she turned to face the direction she was walking in, a large hand covered her mouth holding a small cloth. Y/n wasn’t dumb, she's seen movies where people get kidnapped and murdered. She wasn’t about to go down without a fight though. 
Y/n pushed the arm as she held her breath. He didn’t seem to budge. She slammed her head back into his chest. He wasn’t expecting it so he stumbled enough for her to get away. She began to run as she felt herself grow dizzy. She must have inhaled a bit of the cloth. She started to stumble and shake. His vision was becoming blurry, but that didn’t stop her from running. 
Y/n began to scream and call out for help. Ushijima chased behind her as he grabbed the back of her arm. She felt tears start to form in her eyes as he slammed her back into his chest. 
“Please don’t do this,” She begged, “Please….” 
Ushijima just laughed as he slapped the cloth over her mouth once again. He pushed on her stomach with her other hand forcing her to breathe in the scent of chloroform. Y/n seen her vision slowly gain all the black spots in her vision. Y/n passed out in Ushijima’s arms. He carried her back to his car and placed her in the trunk. He got in the front seat and began to drive home. 
Y/n woke up hours later, her arms above her head and tied to the bed. She began to try and break the ties.  Ushijima stood up from the chair in the other room. Ushijima pulled off his shirt as he slid on top of y/n. 
Back in real time,  Y/n laid on the bed under Ushijima once again just like how she was when she got kidnapped. . 
“Waka- Wakatoshi.” She said just above a whisper. “Please let me rest…” 
He laughed as he began to pull his pants off. He lined up his tip at her entrance and began to push in. Ushijima was anything but small, she could feel every inch sliding inside her pussy. 
“You’re so wet already, mutt. Guess you enjoyed your punishment after all.” 
 “Please no.” Y/n was crying as Ushijima began to pound harder and harder into her pussy. 
Blood covered the sheets under them as she cried out in pain. Ushijima didn’t stop pounding into her pussy. 
“You will always remember your place, or I will shove you back into that tiny cage again. Next time I’ll whip you with chains until you are weak and bleeding. You got that, mutt?” Ushijima said between thrusts. 
Ushijima felt himself grow closer. He moved faster and faster which y/n didn’t think was possible. He began to shoot his seed deep inside Y/n’s womb. He waited a second before pulling out. 
“You were such a good girl for me Y/n. Do you want to take a bath with me?” She nodded her head, unable to speak. Ushijima pulled out of her pussy as he got off the bed. 
Ushijima walked into the bathroom and began to fill the large bathtub he had specially made for his comfort. He filled it with a lavender bubble bath as he walked back into the room, picking up Y/n bridal style. 
She cried silently in his arms as she curled into his chest. He pet her hair softly as he stepped up to place her in the bathtub. He slid her down as he turned the water temperature down a bit. He was quick to climb in the tub behind her and pull her against his chest. 
They sat there in silence till Ushijima turned off the water.
“Can I touch you again, Baby?” He asked her softly. 
“No, please don’t.” She cried. 
“You know you are mine and I am free to do as I please?” He asked more stoically then he was being. 
Ushijima moved his large hands up to her breasts and roughly took one in each hand. He grabbed onto her nipples and squeezed them causing immense pain. SHe began to splash water and cry. SHe tried to push him off. 
“Oh are we playing another game?” He asked. 
Ushijima grabbed onto the back of Y/n’s head and shoved it under the water. Her arms were flailing as bubbles rose up. Ushijima smiled as he pulled her head up by her hair. 
“Do you want to behave or go another round?” Before she could say anything he shoved her head back down underwater. 
Y/n didn’t have a chance to catch her breath. Small screams could be heard from under the water. He pulled her up again as she began to cough and gasp for oxygen. 
He smiled at her sadistically as he pulled her against him again. She didn’t put up a fight this time as he squeezed her nipples ever so tightly. He smiled to himself knowing he’d won. He moved his right hand down to her pussy as he began to rub it slowly. She continuously cried as he lifted her up. He moved his cock to line up with her back entrance as he slid inside before she could protest. He moved 2 fingers and pushed them inside her pussy. He was satisfied as he let out small thrusts. 
He continued until he felt himself come undone in her asshole. She was crying ever so quietly. Snot running down her face even. 
Ushijima smiled to himself as he pulled out and stood up. He helped her out of the tub and into the warmth of a towel. He bent down and kissed her forehead. 
“I love you.” He whispered as he pulled her in close.
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i-cant-sing · 3 months
Ushijimas kitten who slipped on the stairs have to be casted
Nightmare for reader because now she cant even scramble away and has to listen to Ushijima's monotonous lecture on her frail ass body and then be force fed nasty green juices and milk and eggs and more disgusting food combos because "yOUre weAk body nEEds nuTRieNtS" bro, reader is ready to jump off the stairs and crack her skull open again if it means she doesnt have to drink a raw egg smoothie again 😭
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hearts4aailyah · 8 months
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I want to go home.
I don't wanna be here.
It's exactly have been one year and 27 days since I've been kidnapped and taken away from my future fiancé and my family. I tried escaping, four times to be exact but I never turned out well.
The even harder reason to escape was because Ushijima was apart of a Mafia with multiple bodyguards around this huge mansion.
I had a hunch that Tsukishima Kei, Yamaguchi Tadashi, and Kageyama Tobio We're also apart of the mafia who live here. Along with maybe Kenma, Kuroo, Bokuto, and Akaashi.
The third time I attempted to escape, Ushijima's guards caught me and Ushijima came up to me and said.
"Try to escape again, I will kill somebody close to you. And we wouldn't want that now and we?"
He threatened and walked away as his guards took me back to my room.
That bastard was bluffing.
Two more weeks go by, I had made another attempt to escape this time, I'm going out my  window. There was multiple locks on it but I was somehow able to break it off.
Just went I was about to climb out, I felt somebody grabbed my hair. I let out a small yelped as I felt somebody pulling me back.
"What did I tell you what would fucking happen the next time you would try and escape?"
I gasped as Ushijima grip got harder, he was stronger than me after all.
"N-no...you don't u-understand. I was...I was getting fresh air."
Ushijima got closer and whispered in my ear.
"Bullshit Y/n. I know you don't love me but sooner or later you WILL love me."
Ushijima let go of my hair and grabbed me by wrist and dragged me down the stairs into the dark and badly smell basement.
Ushijima turned on the light, to reveal one of my
closest friend I've known for 17 years: Hinata shoyo. He was tided up in the corner blindfolded and a gag in his mouth.
Hinata looked up at me, his eyes were covered but I could tell he was scared. Hinata was shaking, a few cuts on his legs.
"What did you do to him..."
"I didn't do anything...yet. Beside this is your fault. I told you next time you try to escape, I would kill somebody. I knew sooner or later you would try to make another failed attempt at escape..."
I gulped, my hands now starting to shake.
"W-Wakatoshi....you don't have to do this. Come on, Hinata has nothing to d-do with this. Leave him out of this, you can punish me all you want! I-I'll obey.."
I stuttered through my words as tears slowly start slipping out of my eyes.
Ushijima stared at me with me with his blank emotion.
"I gave you multiple warnings. Yet you continue to disobey, and go against my rules-"
"Please Wakatoshi, don't kill him." I whispered.
My head fell down in shame as I'm the reason why Hinata was down here in the basement while there's a 50% chance that they he may or may not die depending on Ushijima's mood.
"Hm. I guess I could spare him."
I looked up as Ushijima.
"Y-you will?"
"Yes, next time you try to escape, something much worst with happen got it?"
I gulped as I shook my head yes. Ushijima called his guards to take Hinata out of the ropes and removed the blindfolded and gag.
"Y/n..." Hinata whispers
"S-Sho..." I sighed as I looked at the bruises and cuts on his legs.
"Since hinata, knows I was responsible for him being here...he's going have to stay here." Ushijima says
"W-what?!" Hinata stuttered.
"You staying here would be better then me killing you isn't it Hinata? Anyways...You'll be in the care of Tsukishima, Yamaguchi, and Kageyama. They would love for you to be their pet."
Hinata gulps, as the guards walked him out of basement, probably taking him to Tsukishima's, Kageyama, and Yamaguchi's room.
Ushijima's grabs my hand and walks the both of us to Ushijima's huge bedroom. Ushijima's locked the door and looked over at me.
Ushijima's sat on the edge of the bed, he motioned for me to come over where he was at.
My throat went dry as I walked over to where he was sitting, standing in front of him.
"Get on your hands and knees."
I gulped as i obeyed what he said. I didn't want this but do I really want to go against him and risk one of my friends or one of my family members dying?
"Unzip my pants and start sucking."
As I said...I don't want this.
What choice do I really have?
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imisssummer · 4 months
request rules (closed)
everything has to be x fem!reader, they should be answered within a week of submitting, and i’ll do pretty much anything (incest, non-con/rape, piss, age gaps, yandere, etc etc) except for scat!!! as for fandoms & characters—
jujutsu kaisen
𖤐 — satoru gojo, suguru geto, toji fushiguro, sukuna ryoumen, nanami kento, choso kamo, megumi fushiguro, itadori yuji, mei mei, shoko ieiri, yuki tsukumo, toge inumaki, & okkotsu yuta.
hunter x hunter
𖤐 — chrollo lucifer, hisoka marow, illumi zoldyck, feitan portor, kurapika kurta, shalnark ryuseih, ging freecs, & pariston hill.
my hero academia
𖤐 — shota aizawa, shinsou hitoshi, dabi, hawks, shigaraki tomura, shoto todoroki, izuku midoriya, katsuki bakugo, endeavor, mirko, himiko toga, & amajiki tamaki.
𖤐 — rintaro suna, atsumu miya, osamu miya, eita semi, sakusa kiyoomi, oikawa tooru, iwaizumi hajime, ushijima wakatoshi, tendou satori, kita shinsuke, akaashi keiji, kageyama tobio, kozume kenma, kuroo tetsuro, bokuto koutarou, sawamura daichi, hinata shoyo, asahi azumane, tsutomu goshiki, & koshi sugawara.
tokyo revengers
𖤐 — mikey sano, draken ryuguji, haitani ran, haitani rindo, hakkai shiba, takashi mitsuya, chifuyu matsuno, kazutora hanemiya, taiju shiba, keisuke baji, shuji hanma, shinichiro sano, kurokawa izana, hajime kokonoi, seishu inui, & sanzu haruchiyo.
demon slayer
𖤐 — kyojuro rengoku, giyu tomioka, sanemi shinazugawa, tengen uzui (+ wives), muzan kibutsuji, akaza, doma, muichiro tokito, gyomei himejima, obanai iguro, mitsuri kanroji, & shinobu kocho.
attack on titan
𖤐 — levi ackerman, eren yeager, mikasa ackerman, armin arlert, zeke yeager, reiner braun, hange zoe, erwin smith, jean kirstein, connie springer, & yelena.
bungo stray dogs
𖤐 — osamu dazai, atsushi nakajima, yukichi fukuzawa, ranpo edogawa, doppo kunikida, chuuya nakahara, ougai mori, ryuunosuke akutagawa, akiko yosano, fyodor dostoyevsky, nikolai gogol, tetcho suehiro, & edgar allen poe.
black butler
𖤐 — sebastian michaelis, ciel phantomhive, alois trancy, claude faustus, & undertaker.
𖤐 — moomobami ririka, momobami kirari, ikishima midari, jabami yumeko, saotome mary, & yuriko nishinotouin.
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shaisuki · 11 months
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wakatoshislovebot · 2 years
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attack on titan
➸levi ackerman
➸jean kirstein
➸mikasa ackerman
blue period
➸takahashi yotasuke
criminal minds
➸aaron hotchner
➸spencer reid
demon slayer
➸any character except shinobu, tamayo, yushiro, and nezuko
final fantasy vii
➸reno sinclair
➸tobio kageyama
➸wakatoshi ushijima
➸hajime iwaizumi
➸kei tsukishima
➸kenma kozume
➸tooru oikawa
➸osamu miya
➸atsumu miya
➸i can do more haikyu characters i'm just most comfortable writing for the ones mentioned above
jojo’s bizarre adventure
➸any character except those from part 7 & 8
jujutsu kaisen
➸literally any character except for the newer ones from the culling games arc
kuroko’s basketball
➸atsushi murasakibara
➸taiga kagami
my hero academia
➸katsuki bakugo
➸shoto todoroki
➸tenya iida
obey me!
ouran high school host club
➸takashi morinozuka
➸kyoya ootori
➸kaoru & hikaru hitachiin
pacific rim
➸chuck hansen
➸raleigh becket
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~I won’t write smut anything(just because I suck at writing it not bc it makes me uncomfortable), yandere, incest, rape, pregnancy inserts, age inappropriate stuff, and anything that could be considered ‘dead dove do not eat’.
~reader x character only please(character x reader x character is okay!).
~i try to write to make the reader gender neutral as i don’t know how to write for a male reader so I will only do gn or female.
~i am not obligated to do your request especially if it makes me feel uncomfortable or uninspired.
~please give a story description or prompt you want.
~don’t give me criticism on headcanons, if you disagree keep it to yourself(my headcanons aren’t facts) :)
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seijorhi · 3 years
Patience of a Saint
An Ushijima x virgin reader commission for the wonderful @hearteyes-candyskies, I hope you enjoy it, bby! 💕
Ushijima Wakatoshi x female reader
TW non-con, nsfw, smut, virgin reader
“Wait, you’re kidding me, right?”
Ushijima simply shrugs, “Why would I joke about something like that?”
Semi and Tendou share a glance, the former hiding a smirk behind the glass rim of his beer bottle. Tendou had been the one to drag them both downtown for ramen in the middle of the night, an impromptu reunion of sorts, now that the volleyball season had wrapped up and Tendou was back in Sendai.
Perhaps his first mistake had been to allow his friend the option to stay with him instead of booking a hotel. Though, truth be told, Tendou would have undoubtedly monopolised his time regardless of where he was staying, and Ushijima would have allowed him to.
They were friends, after all, and that was what friends did. He was just glad that Semi had been roped in alongside him. 
When and how the conversation had steered towards his relationship with you, more specifically the details regarding your bedroom exploits together, Ushijima isn’t entirely sure, but he has no reason to lie to his friends.
The disbelieving look on Tendou’s face, however, makes him wonder if he’s said something wrong. “You mean to tell me that you’ve been dating this girl for how many months now, and you haven’t actually slept together yet?”
At that, Ushijima shakes his head. “We’ve slept together,” he corrects, taking a sip of his own beer. He likes sleeping with you, finds an odd sense of comfort he’s never felt before, waking up to find you curled against his side. 
Most mornings Ushijima has no trouble getting out of bed for an early start. He’s found that lately, at least on the nights you stay over, that’s no longer the case. 
The snort from his right is abruptly cut off into a choking cough as Semi tries and fails to mask his amusement. “He means sex, dude. You haven’t fucked her yet, have you?”
The loud cackles from the ex-middle blocker are enough to draw the attention of several other patrons, but Tendou pays them no mind. “Why the hell not? Is she hideously ugly or something?”
“Nope,” Semi answers in his stead, a little too quickly for Ushijima’s liking. But he supposes he cannot blame his friend for noticing your attractiveness. You are, of course, beautiful - he’s told you many times.
A lone, red eyebrow quirks, glittering amusement dancing across Tendou’s face, “Are you… are you having trouble performing, big guy?”
Semi almost chokes on his mouthful, and even Ushijima feels the tips of his ears flush red. “No,” he asserts with a frown. “She…” he pauses, unsure for the first time whether this might be a line that he’s crossing to reveal something so personal between the two of you.
It’s not like he hasn’t discussed sex with them before. He has an almost uncomfortable amount of knowledge regarding the girls the redhead has been with, and Semi is no better.
(Semi was actually far, far worse.)
And truth be told he’s never been shy to share his own exploits with his friends, either. You might be the first girl that Ushijima’s ever loved, but love is not a necessary requirement for sex. He ensured that his partners left satisfied and so did he, there wasn’t anything more to it than that.
But you mean something to him. You mean everything. 
“She… wants to wait,” he says quietly. “She’s-”
Tendou’s red eyes widen, his face transforming into an expression of delighted surprise as he puts it all together. “She’s a virgin?!”
“Hey, dumbass,” Semi grunts, smacking his old friend over the back of his head, “you wanna say that a little louder? I don’t think the entire restaurant heard you.”
Tendou waves off his admonishment with a flick of his wrist, his attention firmly fixed on the ace. “So I was right then? You found yourself a cute, innocent little virgin for a girlfriend?”
Ushijima doesn’t reply, he doesn’t need to. 
He can still remember the scared look on your face the first time you stopped him, the way your hands shook and your pretty eyes filled with tears as you explained. Did you truly believe he would leave you over something as simple as that? 
While he might have been… somewhat disappointed, he understood. He loves you, he’s known that for a while. He could be patient, wait for you to become accustomed to him, wait for you to get over your fears and apprehension.
Not that you make it easy for him. He knows you aren’t teasing him on purpose with low cut dresses and too short skirts, cuddling close in bed at night just so you can grind your ass against the swell of his cock, you’re too innocent for such things.
But that doesn’t make it any easier to ignore the heat that pools in his gut, the stirrings of desire and twitch of his cock every time you bend over in front of him and he’s rewarded with a perfect view. He’s lost count of the number of times he’s had to excuse himself to the bathroom, bracing himself against the wall, bent over and fisting his cock to the mental image of you spread out naked, desperate and begging before him. 
“Wait, wait, hold up. I’m still a bit ticked off that you’ve been dating this girl for months and managed to hide her from me, your very best friend. I wanna see pics!”
Ushijima exhales, “You will meet her tomorrow-”
But it’s a fruitless endeavour, as Semi’s already scrolling through his phone to pull up your social media. Dutifully he passes it across the table, and Ushijima can only watch as Tendou’s eyes widen and a wicked grin creeps across his face. 
“You, my big, beautiful, brawny friend, have the patience of a saint. My condolences.”
He meets you the very next day, and there’s a strange feeling in Ushijima’s chest as he watches you collapse into a fit of giggles at Tendou’s joke, the redhead’s arm slung casually over your shoulders.
He’s pleased that you get along with his old friends, it’s not something he’s ever had to concern himself with with his previous partners. They were nothing more than blips on a radar - not necessarily one night stands, but hardly worth introducing to the people who matter most to Ushijima.
Yet he can’t help but linger on Tendou’s comment from the night before.
You hadn’t told him that you were waiting for marriage. It wasn’t a religious vow you’d taken. It was just that you weren’t ready for sex yet. You asked for time.
And he’d understood. Your relationship was new, and he supposed that for your first time he was perhaps intimidating. You were shy. Nervous.
It was to be expected.
But hasn’t he proven by now that he can be gentle? That he loves you, and he has absolutely no intention of leaving you? You’re the only one he wants to be with - the only one he’ll ever want to be with. If you’re waiting for the right ‘one’ to lose your virginity to, what more does he have to do to convince you that he’s it?
Which makes him consider, watching you smile at him as you duck into his kitchen to grab some more snacks, whether you might not be as invested in this relationship as he is.
He doesn’t doubt that you love him, but even as you sidle up beside him, letting him tuck you to his side where you belong, he can’t help but question whether the true reason you haven’t allowed him to take you as he wants is because you’re still under the assumption that your relationship has an expiration date.
The thought doesn’t sit well with him.
Sex is separate from love, Ushijima knows that, but he’s also firmly of the belief that it can be an act of intimacy, an expression of love deeper than words or other actions can convey. He wants to feel that with you. 
He wants to watch you writhing beneath him, your pussy squeezing around his cock, milking it for all it’s worth, lost in the ecstasy that only he can bring you. 
He wants to know what sounds you’ll make, what pretty moans and gasps he can draw out from you as he fucks you within an inch of your sanity. 
He wants to look in your eyes the first time he makes you cum, wants to take his time, to kiss you slowly, baptise you in pleasure and watch as you surrender yourself completely to the love he has for you. 
Ushijima doesn’t have time to waste on romantic flings and relationships that will go nowhere. You are his future, so it does not make sense for you to keep holding yourself back where sex is concerned. 
The sound of your laugh breaks through Ushijima’s musing and he’s pulled back to the present as you recount the story of how the two of you met to the redhead. He’s told Tendou before, but somehow the way you tell it made it sound better. You paint him in a better light, make yourself out to be the awkward one, stumbling over your apologies when it was his fault that you’d tripped in the first place. 
You don’t have a clue about the weeks leading up to that moment, but it hardly matters. He’s content merely just to listen as you speak, your cheeks warming, long lashes fluttering as you glance up at him with that gentle smile of yours.
He loves you. 
Across from the both of you, he catches the pointed look in Tendou’s eye- 
It will be good for the both of you.
-and comes to a decision.
Unsurprisingly, the redhead just grins brightly when Ushijima corners him shortly afterwards, telling him that he will have to find somewhere else to stay for the night.
“No worries, I can crash at Semisemi’s,” he sings, rocking up onto the balls of his feet. “You two need your space, I get that.”
Ushijima nods, turning to leave, only for Tendou to reach out and stop him. “Yes?”
“You know, I kinda like her, Ushiwaka. Think she’ll be good for you, so try not to break her in two tonight, yeah?”
He frowns at the comment, causing Tendou to break into a fit of laughter. 
By now, he should be used to his friend’s ribbing, but the thought of hurting you even as a joke doesn’t sit well with the ace. 
To his credit, Tendou plays his role well. You all but beg him to stay for dinner, but he just mournfully shakes his head, sighing about Eita twisting his arm and forcing him to go watch him and his band play at some local bar.
And then, it’s just the two of you.
In hindsight, perhaps he should have put more effort into making this romantic for you. He’s never had to try with things like that before. He should have cooked dinner, and maybe considered candles and roses, or even music.
Instead, you order takeout and eat it sprawled across Ushijima’s lap, and he cannot find it within himself to mind. The most mundane activities are made better simply for you being by his side, he’s found.
He waits, fingers casually stroking along your arm as you curl up to his side to watch something on TV. You seem to be enjoying it, if the giggles that spill from your lips are anything to go by, but Ushijima finds himself distracted by the gnawing feeling deep in the pit of his stomach, an eagerness that has him twitching to act.
It doesn’t help that he’s all too aware of the softness of your body pressing against his. 
But he won’t have your first time together be on his living room couch, of all places. He has enough patience to wait for weariness to set in, and when you yawn trying to muffle it against his shoulder, Ushijima almost smiles. “Why don’t we go to bed?”
You nod, and he presses a gentle kiss to your hair before helping you up. 
He knows that you like to shower before sleeping, and while there’s a voice in his head that whispers for him to go and join you, Ushijima simply strips out of his clothes, sits on the edge of his bed and waits.
When you emerge from the steam, smelling faintly of the vanilla and citrus body wash he’d bought after the first night you’d stayed over, he stiffens. Instead of your usual sleeping attire (an old tee-shirt and a pair of sleep shorts) you’re clad solely in one of his fluffy towels, hair still damp, skin glistening with stray droplets of water.
“Hey, sorry I forgot my-” you pause, words trailing off as you take in the sight of your boyfriend, utterly naked. For a split second, you freeze in place, eyes wide and lips softly parted, like a deer caught in headlights.
And then, just as Ushijima moves to stand, you snap out of it.
“Oh my god!” you cry, whirling around and clutching the knot of your towel, hiding yourself from his view and burying your face in your hands. “I-I’m sorry!” 
It’s rather adorable how flustered you get by something as natural as nakedness.
“Why wou- you know what, nevermind. I…uh, I forgot my clothes, they’re just on my bag I think, could you, um- could you please pass them to me?”
He spies them, folded neatly on the top of the overnight bag you’d packed. Instead, he reaches out to take your hand and gently tug you back towards him.
“Wakatoshi, what are you-” but your surprised protests are swallowed up as he leans down to kiss you. Yet instead of softening to his touch, allowing him to take the lead as he usually does, you stiffen in his arms, your hands finding their way to his bare chest, trying to push him away.
“Toshi, just- just stop for a second, please?” you gasp, managing to extricate yourself from the kiss.
That won’t do.
He has to be gentle with you, but with anticipation coiling in his gut, his cock stirring at the thought of your almost naked body pressed against his, it’s easy for him to forget his strength as he rids you of the offending material, bends down and hefts you up into his arms. 
“Shh, little one,” he says, ignoring your shouts as he takes the three steps over to his bed so he can lay you down. “I know you’re scared, but you have no need to be. I won’t hurt you. I’m going to make us both feel good, I promise.”
He bestows another kiss against your forehead as he climbs over your trembling frame. 
“Babe… Toshi, please- I-I’m not, I don’t-” your eyes are wide and filling with tears and you’re shaking your head - it fills him with a flicker of unease, but he knows deep down that this is just temporary.
You need this as much as he does, and once he shows you how wonderful he can make you feel, you’ll thank him. 
Cradling your cheek with one large hand, he tries to tell you as much.
But your breath is coming in quick pants, your terrified eyes darting past his broad frame as if you’re trying to look for an escape route while pleas and whimpers spill almost incoherently from your lips, and he realises that words won’t be enough.
He’ll just have to show you. 
“I love you,” he murmurs, kissing you once more before turning his attention to the rest of your body. It’s not the first time he’s seen you bared, of course, but it is the first time he’s been allowed the luxury of taking his time to enjoy it.
Your whimpers are soft and distressed as his lips trail down the column of your throat, resisting the urge to nip and suck at the tender skin, and you squirm under him when his mouth finds your breasts. The sounds you make for him, your choked little gasps only feed the pit of hunger deep inside of him. You must be able to feel his cock, big and thick, rutting up against your stomach, leaving a shining trail of oozing pre-cum across your skin as he busies himself playing with your tits.
They’re soft and pillowy, just the perfect size for his hands to grasp and knead, and the way that you keen for him, jerking a little when he sucks a nipple into his mouth and laves his tongue over the pebbling bud is utterly captivating. You’re so caught up in the attention he’s paying to your chest that you miss the hand that trails down your side, snaking between your trembling thighs.
At least until long, thick digits swipe along your folds. 
Like a frightened little rabbit, your eyes widen and you jolt into action. “Wakatoshi, stop!” you cry, hands finding his chest once more to try and push him off of you, your legs kicking out uselessly beneath him. 
His expression softens, his thumb sweeping against your thigh in what he hopes is a reassuring manner. “Shh, it’s okay. I need to prepare you to take me, otherwise it will hurt.”
If anything, your expression only becomes more panicked. “No, no, no, no-”
“Let me take care of my girl. You’ll feel good,” he murmurs, and already his fingers are sliding back to your pussy. You’re not as wet as he’d like, but it’s no matter, as his thumb finds your clit, his other fingers returning to tease at your entrance.
The soft little moan you try and fail to bite back as one finger slides inside of you sends a rush of blood straight to his cock. It twitches and throbs, aching for relief and perhaps if you were anybody else, he might throw caution to the wind and fuck you right then and there, regardless of whether you were ready or not.
But as you shiver, gasping as he curls the thick digit inside of you, he’s reminded that he needs to have patience. You are not worth rushing, and despite the feral beast inside of him that’s snapping and snarling to sink into your heat, he wants to savour this.
You only get one first time, and he’s determined to make yours unforgettable. 
“That’s just one finger,” he tells you, his thumb circling your clit in slow, steady movements. “You’re going to take three before I can fuck you properly, understand?”
He doesn’t want to break you in half, after all.
You still writhe beneath him, shaking and jolting as he teases your shining pearl and coaxes your pussy into accepting another finger, and when he lowers his mouth back to your tits to add to the pleasure building inside of you, a sob bursts free.
“Please- please, Toshi!”
A third finger prods at your entrance-
“Please don’t!”
He almost winces at the sharp hiss of pain that escapes you, but he reassures himself that it will only be for a moment. The stretch and burn will give way to pleasure as he fucks them into you slowly. Your pussy is so warm, so tight, sucking the digits in deeper and when rough fingertips brush against a particular spot on your walls and you cry out, Ushijima allows a small, adoring smile to cross his face.
“Good girl,” he purrs, quickening his pace. 
You’ve always been so beautiful to him, but when you cum for him that first time, face flushed and dewy, bottom lip caught between your teeth as you try not to scream in pleasure, he doesn’t think there’s anything on earth that could possibly compare.
The same could be said about the way you taste, he thinks, greedily sucking your juices off of his fingers. 
“Wakatoshi,” you beg, lying spent across his bed still reeling from the afterglow of your orgasm as he slides your thighs further apart so he can settle between them. He grunts a little as he wraps his hand around his flushed cock and guides it to your sopping entrance, marvelling at the way you shiver and mewl when he nudges it against your oversensitive clit.
Olive eyes find yours, and he cannot resist leaning down to claim your lips once more as he sinks slowly inside of you.
The sound that escapes him is deep and guttural, but the feel of your warm pussy clenching around his throbbing cock is simply heaven, and he almost - almost - loses control.
Forcing his eyes open, he watches your face as you take his cock, feeling every vein and ridge stretch you out, the pained whimpers that slip from behind clenched teeth. He knows that he’s bigger than average, that his girth is impressive and that even with his foreplay you’re still squeezing around him like a vice, but he forces himself to take it slow, to allow you the time to adjust. 
He almost starts when you reach out to grab him, fingers painfully sinking into the muscles of his forearm as you fight off another wave of tears, so he pauses for a beat, peppering your face with more kisses. “You’re doing so well for me, such a good girl.”
When your grip eases, he resumes moving, drawing his hips back and trying not to curse at the friction your slick walls are creating. 
“I love you,” he grunts, “so much.”
And then he rocks his hips forward - steadily, filling you up again, allowing you to get used to his girth. He kisses you, trails rough fingertips gently along your skin, teases you finding all the sensitive spots that make you moan for him.
Gradually, he feels you relax around him.
The obscene sounds of his cock sliding in and out of you, the rhythmic slap of skin against skin is drowned out by your soft whines and pants as Ushijima slowly picks up the pace. He fucks you deeply, but not roughly, taking care not to hurt you anymore than necessary.
It’s slow and sensual - your body can’t help but respond to his ministrations, and when you clench around him, sucking him deeper Ushijima can’t help but groan, feeling the tight coil of heat in his core burn as pleasure ripples through him.
He wants more. Needs it.
Ushijima’s hands wrap around your thighs, easing them back towards your chest so that your ankles fall over his broad shoulders. He kisses at your calf when confusion flickers across your face, but doesn’t offer any explanation as he snaps his hips forward once more. The choked scream that leaves your lips is beautiful, but he can barely focus on that when he finally bottoms out, his balls slapping against your ass as another hoarse groan leaves him. 
He promised himself that he would be gentle with you, but as your velvety walls quiver and convulse around him and your lips fall open in another soundless scream as your second orgasm hits, he’s not entirely sure that he’ll be able to keep that promise.
There’s a tightening in his balls and he can feel the tether he has on his control fraying little by little as you moan for him, your hips rocking up to meet his fervent thrusts. You’re beautiful, perfect, and he’s losing himself to the feeling of being buried inside of you. It’s indescribable, the way your pussy’s fluttering around him, clenching and pulsing, kissing his cock with sweltering heat - it feels like the very edges of his sanity are blurring as he fucks himself deeper inside of you, his cockhead hitting your cervix with every thrust. He wants to cum, wants to fill you up with his thick load again and again and again, wants you so full it’s leaking out of you-
It won’t be enough, it’ll never be enough.
He loves you, and Ushijima won’t ever be satisfied again without the feeling of your pussy wrapped around him, milking him for every drop that he’s worth.
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