#i speedran this in like. 10 minutes
birthofmusic · 1 year
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Ꮺ misc pjsk icons 𖹭 ⁞ self indulgent
꒰ ♡/⇄ ꒱ if saved/used !
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zishuge · 3 months
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Lost You Forever 长相思 (2023) | Ep. 3
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twisting-in-wonderland · 11 months
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... And... Rook--
(thanks to everyone who voted, lol-- it was fun! (this was the funniest outcome tbh- Pomefiore win!! :]
there's some extra stupid doodles i speedran, whilst rushing this art, under the read more--)
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Vil is Fuming-
(also shout out to Idia's early lead, i couldn't stop laughing about it at first-
alsoalsooo, i thought that particular reblog was really funny, i'm all about Jade propaganda - let him have all the free time he wants :'[
-- but if the reblogger doesn't want me posting that then tell me pls! )
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episode 3 slapped thank u mappa for the food…. back to waiting. just one week more. 7 days. its fine im fine
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nerocoin · 1 year
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southislandwren · 2 years
i've successfully poisoned my boss's mind with instrumental music so i'm making a playlist of chill instrumentals so when im gone she can relax without having to find her own songs
#today in the car she was like oh this music is so calming#and fucking kass's theme was playing. which is not like a chill song at all.#so im gonna make her a playlist so relaxing it knocks her fucking socks off#diary post#also she woke me up at 5:26 for a down cow and i arrived at her farm at 5:40 and its a 10 minute commute.#i got the commute down to 7 minutes and basically speedran getting ready for the day. it was fucking insane#but im fucking exhausted and tomorrow will be another long day#so i'll hang out for a bit but hopefully be asleep by like 8:30#edited to add more because i have Thoughts and no one to share them with#she is literally everything i want my future to be. almost down to the minute details.#its so good for me to see that school IS useful and i DO have a future where i can be happy#this summer fucking rocks#edited again to add. when I visit her in September we are getting fucking SLOSHED. the events on a Sunday I think#so we’ll get drunk Sunday night and then I’ll help on Monday to reduce the ill affects of the hangovers#(this little baby turns 21 in august but after I’m back in school. so unless she bends the rules for me. we’ll have to wait until September)#or maybe on my way to Christmas break at home I’ll spend a night with her and we can hang out and drink#I have like negative interest in alcohol but I think if there’s ever a situation to drink it’s with my 40 year old best friend#anyway tomorrow is farmers market with the husband and I’m lowkey not excited bc he’s a massive asshole but whatever. I’ll cope
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jiingyuans · 3 months
CW SPOILERS (?) FOR ACHERON'S CHARACTER | NSFW | oral (acheron receiving) | gender neutral reader, no y/n | i speedran this in 10 minutes |
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being intimate with acheron is holding her waist with all the care in the world as you mark her body with kisses and teasing bites, your body in-between her legs to stop her from closing them. her lip is trembling, soft breaths escaping her with every bite you place.
tell her how well she's doing for you, pulling away to admire how you've marked her. your hand will trail to her abdomen before trailing to her cunt, thumb moving across her wet slit as her thighs tremble. hold her legs apart as you lower yourself to her pussy, licking at the slick that covers it before dipping your tongue in to fully taste her. her soft breaths turn into lewd moans, shameless with their volume.
acheron is an emenator of finality, a person who's soul might as well live amongst their blade from their training, so it's no surprise when she manages to squirm out of the grip you had on her legs with the way your tongue had been working her undone. hand tightening around your hair as she rolls her hips up into your mouth, thighs squeezing your head until you tap at her thigh for a second to catch your breath.
her body is warm, flushed, embarrassed by her actions. kiss her softly, feel her shiver as she tastes herself on your tongue before you tell her how good she is for you and how proud you are of her. press a kiss to her forehead and let her watch you with darkened, lust-filled eyes as you lower yourself back down in-between her legs.
when she cums, her clit bumping against your nose, hands tightened deep in your hair and chanting your name like a prayer, you'll watch with awe as she comes undone, and thank the aeons that you are the only one to ever see her like this.
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vhsdreamland · 1 year
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ive smoked twice. the first time was my first time ever doing weed and i coughed for 20 minutes after, speedran picos school in front of my friend, then chugged a monster. the second time was like 2 years later and i had karkat (my boyfriend) on call and i was like oh my god im going to look so cool smoking in front of my boyfriend and my friend was like "okay so exhale then inhale" so i put my mouth on the bong and exhaled and blew bong water out the other side and got weed all over my pants. so we got the bong fixed and i managed to take a hit but this time i coughed violently for 30 minutes and threw up a little bit all while my boyfriend who i was trying to impress was on the phone. later that night i was like hey the weed wore off but i dont want to smoke again do you guys have any edibles and my friend was like yeah we have these ones that are illegal and have like 50 mg of thc and since you only have a tolerance of like 5-10 mg we'll cut it into a quarter so that way youll be okay and itll only be like 10 mg. i get higher than ive ever fucking been right. like zonked out of my mind, paranoid, ate 3 whole pizzas all by myself, i am ZOOTED. i get in the car with his mom who knows im high so she can take me home and she notices im acting off and shes like whats up and my friends like oh he had an edible and shes like jesus you know those have 80 mg of thc right. 80. EIGHTY. not 50. i took 20 mg by accident and i switched out and our john egbert fictive switched in and i think he actually thought we were going to die.
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Hello it is a day later and I am STILL thinking about EoT and getting distracted at work because wow. I thought you might appreciate more thoughts?
One of the things that made me consider EoT was seeing someone call it "secretly the best video game movie" and in the first 20 minutes I was like "Ah okay yes I understand what they meant"
NO I DID NOT because the creeping horror of the movie didn't really kick in until after that introductory sequence when I realize oh no this isn't an aesthetic thing or a cinematography thing, no. EoT is secretly the best video game movie because Bill Cage is basically "what if the character being speedran understood that he was in a speedrun." The sequence breaking, the mashing through 'cutscenes,' the literalization of deathwarping.
I am frankly desperate to ask the original author or McQuarrie if they are familiar with video games because this movie took a lot of rote, basic facts of games and turned them into this rising suspensive drama. As I was watching with @interropunct I kept going "OH WE ARE GONNA HAVE SUCH TRAUMA FROM THIS HUH" and "these two are Same Trauma buddies for life now" and "oh my god he's deathwarping."
Anyway yeah I feel like the real pitch of this movie is "Bill Cage is a Titanfall 2 character and experiences the existential terror of being part of a massive speedrun reroute and its amazing."
Literally the only bad thing I can say is the final 20 minutes were so poorly lit I stopped trying to track the action and was like "See if McQ was directing, I'd be able to see shit."
ALSO THAT MUSIC CUE TO THE CREDITS, WHOEVER THOUGHT OF THAT NEEDS A HIGH FIVE AND A HANDSHAKE. That music cue honestly acts as an epilogue through implication, letting me know what's next for Rita and Bill. Huge fan.
it's so fucking... chilling.... like the first couple scenes where we see bill trying to cut in through the whole battle is the great redeemer speech? that's like a gamer's horror film right there: not being able to skip cutscenes. add to that the fact that there's only one save point AND the AI is self-aware and knows what you're going to do before you do it, AND it has the ability to take away all your lives? absolutely horrifying. i cannot imagine a gamer and going through what bill cage went through.
i found the letterbox'd page for eot recently and this one review on it was like. something out of r/TwoSentenceHorror if it was more like r/TwoParagraphHorror. just read this:
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i mean. this fucked me up. what could take 2 hours in a game could take years in real life........... utterly chilling to think about!
re: titanfall i have never heard of that game before bUT YOU'RE RIGHT IT LOOKS EXACTLY LIKE EOT ON THE COVER LMAO
AND THE SOUNDTRACK!!!! THE SOUNDTRACK!!!! i get goosebumps every time the end credits roll i swear. there's never been a more perfect outro to a more perfect movie. doug liman i am in your goddamn walls.
excellent thoughts, 10/10, i LOVE to hear this kind of thing!!! i hadn't thought much about the underlying horror implications of eot being video game-esque before but honestly it is so fucked and i will be sending my therapy bill to tom & mcq for it <3
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dailyhermitdoodles · 1 year
[204] I speedran this part 2
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I was making a false doodle for winning mcc, but realized I only had 10 minutes left until I had to go to sleep, and was far from finishing it so here is a fast drawn beef lol
Ofcourse he has already made like 10 more cards ofcourse he has...
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todayisafridaynight · 9 months
EXCITED TO SEE Y3 SPEEDRUN STRATS IN ACTION !!! I paused the speedrun I started like 15 minutes in like "yeah I can do that" and came back 17 hours later having finished Y3 So. Yeah <3
Crying at how the endgame strategy is basically the same as Saejima's plan for carrying out the Ueno Seiwa hit though
IT BEEN A LONG WHILE SINCE I SPEEDRAN Y3 PLEASE DONT EXPECT MUCH FROM ME i'm gonna try to squeeze in practice tonight if not tomorrow and throughout the week, but still.... im clumsy..
its SO funny though its my favorite thing and its why i love SRing y3- like ALL OF THIS just to gun everyone down ☠️☠️ all this technical business for like 10 chapters then youre guns ablazin..
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kon-konk · 10 months
I still find it a little funny how in like 10-20 minutes shamrock went from "I'm gonna kill you" to "I don't want to bite your arm to drink blood to heal, what if I hurt you :(" towards Shuhie
He speedran that whole enemies to friends to something more route
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arcadeii · 2 years
i woke up today while camping and got up, packed up all of my stuff, and rode around on a cart that was supposed to be for luggage for 2 hours
then i went home and had 2 frisbee games
i got home and 10 of my friends were on a call waiting for the face reveal
and i wouldnt have joined the call bc i was worried they would be rude and they kind of were but i might be sensitive
but i found out that they were playing gartic phone and i wanted to play gartic phone
so i played gartic phone and they were checking the countdown and so we freaked out cause we had like 12 minutes til the end of the countdown and the estimated game length was 14 minutes
so we speedran the game and it was really funny
and then the premiere came out so we were like "goddamn this is like the 3rd counter" and so we waited 20 minutes
and then i deafened on the call and watched the video and was freaking out obviously
5 minutes after the video ended my friend showed up at my door blissfully unaware of what happened and i fell over twice trying to open the door and started screaming at her to look at the video and she was like wtf
so i went to the park near my house with her and i was like shrieking because happy stims yknow
and she asked if i was having a panic attack?? and i was like no im just happy
and then she suggested we go run around the parking lot in circles
and then we went home and she gave me frog earrings that i cant wear because my ears are sensitive but i wanna wear them so much
and now im in denial so uh yea thats been my day
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firebugging · 4 months
is this a vent??? idk, uhmmm me being upset utc
I'm still pissed abt the fact that I speedran my shower in hopes that I would be able to call my boyfriend and do our work together but he FORGOT BECAUSE HE WAS PLAYING FUCKING VALORANT AND I WAITED 20 MINUTES BEFORE GIVING UP
HE SAID SORRY (like a-ton of times) but I cried over this bc I really wanted to study with someone but I didn't end up getting anything done in the end (went on call with goosy <33 ended up getting distracted erm) so now I dunno what to do.
save me 0310.... toxic justice yaoi I am going to swan dive into a pool and live underwater for 10 million years
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impactedfates · 7 months
I just got off of my game and good god I didn't realize the passage of time—I played Reverse: 1999 and when I checked my screentime "18h 28m" its normal until I looked at how much time I spent playing the game since installing it at 4AM
Good GOD
— 🫶🏻 Anon
Reverse 1999 is so fun but I cannot play it for like 10 hours in a day sob. Are you alright after that speedrun session??
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estelle-lee · 9 months
another bad day. - 9th August, 2023
woke up late again. nothing special.
but i was fucking scared last night. i watched some horror kpop incidents with my lil bro last night. he was scared so he slept earlier. but i didn't finish my work yet so i stayed up, trying to finish ASAP.
no even 2 minutes in after he slept, the dogs started howling all at once on the street next to our building. damn.
it's normal for them to howl once, twice or at most thrice. and only one dog at a time. but this time… ALL OF THEM were howling for 10 FUCKING MINUTES NON-STOP. and they still continued…
i was so fucking scared i speedran through my work and somehow finished it. i didn't have the courage to turn off the lights so i just slept with the lights on.
i didn't even dare to look outside the window bruh…
anyways i just had a fight with mom cuz she apparently thinks i don't value time and i am wasting my time on work instead of studying… like bruh i do have adhd, but i DO value time too. i try to fit everything in… why does no one understand me…
only 5 days to go and i haven't finished one fucking subject yet… this is utterly disgusting and pathetic… how can i be a failure like this…
so i wasted most of my time today just chatting and sleeping, that sucks and very unproductive… i hated today.
hopefully i'll get a lot done tomorrow <3
let's plan tomorrow's study then…
general math chapter 6, 14, 15 cq
higher math chapter 1, 4, 5, 6, 8.3, 9, 11.4, 13(24-32) cq
physics chapter 2, 3 cq
chemistry chapter 2, 3 cq
this will make me finish 2 chapters at least and get started on 2 more.
i believe i can do this… me, my parents, my closest friends are counting on me… i have to do this… i MUST do this
good night sraboni <3 rise and shine!
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