#i still take screenshots for the most part ofc :3
oh-my-may · 6 months
I FINISHED CHAPTER 12! (Basically... PS says I have like 7% remaining and that is probably gonna be leaving the Gold Saucer again so... yeah)
Zack??? ZACK FAIR??? How dare you be the most beautiful gorgeous cute man ever. His sections always manage to have me tear up. The ending of this game is SO gonna hurt me my god.
My date was with Aerith... which i didn't mind but Cloti for the win you know. Aerith, girl, Zack is somewhere out there!
Didn't bother with any of the new minigames at the Saucer yet, since I wasn't a fan of a lot of them the first time around. Will probably only do it after finishing main story, since some of the exchangeable rewards are very nice.
Loveless was wonderful. Teared up seeing Jessie again. The song was so moving. The party acting as the main cast had me rolling tho. THE WAY YOU COULD CHOOSE BARRET AS YOUR TRUE LOVE? They're so unserious. The little game mechanics were a little confusing tho. I swear I don't have a left-right-weakness but this part had me questioning. Managed to get score A but still... wish there would havd been earlier triggers that told you what button to press... but maybe that's just me.
BUT THE COLOSSEUM HAD ME QUESTIONING EVERYTHING. WHAT DO YOU MEAN BASICALLY 6 ROUNDS OF FIGHTING BACK TO BACK AND THERES ONLY ONE OPPORTUNITY TO CHANGE YOUR EQUIPMENT. The first two rounds were easy, when they brought put the Tonberry I was having war flashbacks to the boss fight in Corel. Didn't expect a round 4, but Aerirh and Phoenix came through for me <3
THE TURKS AGAIN THO??? Listen, I'm a proclaimed Turks lover okay. I love them. My pookies. BUT YOU'RE GONNA MAKE ME FIGHT THEM A THIRD TIME NOW?? Elena is always easier to handle, Rude kinda annoying still but we got through it. Wanted to take this opportunity to say how much I love Elena being such a hater. And her having the most bone chilling horror movie scream when you land a hit or pressure her. Queen.
BUT THEN RUFUS??? ALONE AS CLOUD??? I was gnawing at the bars of my enclosure bro. I hate blonde men. Had to restart several times to get his patterns down. Was very upset with my inability tp dodge, usually I play my fights pretty head-on offensive... I was shaking crying throwing up until I had Rufus down to like half his health. Kujata on Cloud really helped me idk. Darkstar was annoying, but got him down eventually after using Clouds Limit TWICE. Almost died when Rufus was only like 3% HP remaining. The way I was shaking when it was finally over... damn. Never wanna do that again but I had already heard that the Rufus fight was pretty annoying...
Cait's betrayal was nothing new to me, I did know about it. Still made me sad ofc. THE WAY YOU CAN'T PLAY WITH HIM AFTERWARDS? I'm heartbroken.
Now it's off to the Temple/The Promised Land. Very curious what the last 2 Chapters are gonna bring. Heard 13 was quite long, but I wanna try and play it all now without any more interruptions... gonna play side quests and minigames later. Maybe I'll even be able to finish this weekend, which would be nice. I'm on vacation next week and won't be home...
So that's that. Enjoy some screenshots I took during this chapter!
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blighted-lights · 1 month
choose violence; 1, 3, 6, 9, 13
(for this ask here!!! im still taking asks for this, so feel free to send more in!)
1: Character Everyone Gets Wrong
going to name several here, just because i can lol. for idw, its tailgate, drift, arcee, getaway, and tarn. for tfp, it's airachnid and knock out. jazz gets hit with this HARD no matter what continuity he's in and it's so frustrating seeing most fanon interpretations of him, because a lot of it is just rooted in racism. that isn't saying at all that people are intentionally being bigoted ofc, but a lot of the headcanons that people assign jazz and the frequent mischaracterization of him is... well. it's weird. it's weird.
3: Screenshot or Description of The Worst take You've Seen on Tumblr
so im not going to pull out direct screenshots on this, but there is a LOT of back and forth about sexuality headcanons in the tf community, and holy fuck does it get annoying sometimes. im full believer in the idea that anyone can headcanon any character as whatever they want, don't get me wrong, but there is such a lack of consideration for others and boundary crossing when it comes to people going "you're wrong, actually, and here's several paragraphs describing why". this character cant be bi for yadda yadda, they cant be trans bc yadda yadda, they cant be ace bc yadda yadda, or they can ONLY be ace bc of whatever reason. it's happened to me, to several of my mutuals, it's happened to other people i see just randomly in the transformers tag. there's been several vague posts made about people disagreeing with other people's takes and its just,,, it's draining, ngl. maybe not the worst takes i've seen overall but definitely one of the most frequent that annoy me
6: Which Ship Fans Are The Most Annoying?
obligatory "not all fans of these ship are annoying, this is me generalizing from what i've seen" warning here, but i think mega/op and mega/star take the cake. and dra/tchet. this is largely because there's such a big separation between the canon and fanon versions of these characters that seeing a lot of the fanart and fic made for them is just,,, agh. i can't really recognize these characters as who they're supposed to be because they've been so removed from how they're presented in canon media. and im NOT saying you have to strictly adhere to canon. because fuck canon, lol. but it comes to a point where these aren't even the same people anymore. and i wouldn't even care about the canon/fanon thing if some of these fans weren't so idk. mean? aggressive? when it comes to their shipping and people not agreeing with what they ship/how they present that ship? it's absolutely calmed down in recent years, though.
also there's a fair bit of dra/tchet fic and art that is just. absolutely riddled with casual classism, orientalism, and anti-sex work rhetoric, and its uncomfortable. so i tend not to engage much with the fandom on it.
9: Worst Part of Canon
this is such a vague question because i could say so much here, but i'm just going to go with the very biased answer of the frequent condescending way a lot of the beastformers are treated throughout idw. like. these are people. canon wants you to believe that these characters are just as sentient and alive as everyone else but just, jeez. look at what ravage does throughout all of mtmte. being pet, drinking out of bowls, sleeping under megatron's bed, the visual gag of megatron gifting him a bone in one of the cover pages for the holiday special in mtmte, nautica handing ravage a little energon treat, everyone calling him kitty. it's just. agh.
13. Worst Blorbofication
idw tailgate and ravage. absolutely tailgate and ravage, though drift fits here too. tailgate is an arrogant asshole who has a violent streak a mile long. ravage is a bitter, snarky jerk who was, at some point, considering on killing megatron. they're both complex adults and fanon does somewhat have a habit of waving these things away.
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reijnders · 11 months
PLEEEEEAASE give me your pixie hollow headcanons or lore or theories or whatever i am so deep into it right now and i don't know anyone else who likes it :,)
- @pairies-n-fixies
a new hand touches the beacon…
imma put everything below the cut cus this is gonna get /long/, but heres a TL;DR as well :)
blurry boundaries btwn seasons + air currents + common Clank and Bobble forgetfulness L
the Keeper's ice film about Peri and Tink's Arrival isn't beat for beat, its just a summary
oh god idk if i can tl:dr this one but basically both lord milori and minister of winter can exist i promise
starting off with Tinkerbell, Clank, and Bobble flying through the winter woods b4 settling on Tinker's Nook my /personal/ thought is that 1) the boundaries between seasons are only hard and fast across water, like between winter and autumn in Secret of the Wings, 2) the air right above those borders can have a lot more variation due to changing air currents n stuff, so while is was definitely chilly, it was also bordering spring(evidenced purely by the color of the snowless trees in this horrible screenshot), so with a combo of those they could potentially be okay for a few brief seconds of a fly-by, and 3) Clank and Bobble are not always the thinkers when it comes to Anything Except Tinkering. i could fully accept that they were /not/ supposed to do that and forgot until a bit after.
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Periwinkle's existence! dull boring-ass answer: camera didnt care about Periwinkle/wishful thinking that they had some level of meta planning ahead and wanted to keep the idea of more than one a secret. less dull answer: the cinematic reenactment that Peri and Tink saw in the Keeper's work zone wasn't as accurate to real life within the world timing-wise. the Keeper's own personal magic(and by that extension, the natural way in which he and any past and future Keepers are able to manipulate dust) is for the retelling of history. So Peri and Tink were from the same laugh, yeah, but not as back-to-back as it was made to seem in the movie. essentially its like the Keeper has OpenShot Video Editor edition pixie dust powers.
my big finale,,,, the one i actually focus a lot on in my fairy worldbuilding Lord Milori vs the Minister of Winter in the first movie I personally choose to believe that they both exist, but lemme break it down for you beat for beat
so we know, based on ofc the first movie, that the ministers are for each season, they oversee the organization and prep for bringing that season to the mainland, and also just keeping it tidy within the Hollow.
so naturally, there should be four ministers, one for each season. now here is where i first start deviating a little from canon. so understandable, the pixie hollow seasons are based on the far northern/southern hemisphere experience of them, because going elsewhere would mean a lot less difference between each season all the way until you hit the equator's dry/wet season split. therefore, spring, summer, and autumn aren't the same level of warm. summer is the warmest season, and Warm fairies who do most of their tasks for that season will be biologically more optimized for that region, same for all the others.
The ministers of Spring and Autumn, for instance, would have a somewhat better resistance to the cold than the minister of Summer, though they are still naturally Warm fairies and eventually would reach a point where their wings would grow to cold and snap. The minister of Winter could technically be neither a Warm or Winter fairy by this metric. Because the ministers do a lot of their work with the Queen, and only oversee the production and take down of their seasons, it's understandable that the winter minister would be a Warm fairy biologically, but since Talent is an innate thing, each and every minister of Winter that Arrives could be of this unique class of fairies that can spend a much longer time in the Winter section of the Hollow, and on the flip side, maybe not do so well in the Summer section of the Hollow.
So we have ministers and we have a Queen. i've established that the minister of Winter could feasibly venture into Winter whenever she needs to to check on how things are going, but what about the long term? This is where Milori comes in, not as a minister, but as a stand-in for Queen Clarion. Since she herself cannot go into Winter for very long, he's essentially her, but for Winter. he may occasionally receive correspondence from her with big news and changes to protocol, but for the most part he operates on his own, since i imagine mail between the seasonal boundary would require rigorous scheduling and couldn't be done just on the fly unless you've acquired a bird, or...
...if you have a minister of Winter.
Having both a minister and a lord of winter would make sense, mainly because the role of minister is necessary regardless of seasonal conflicts! in the first movie, when Spring is being brought to the world, it is the minister that accompanies the nature talent fairies, not Clarion. Similarly, it shows the minister of Winter returning with her fairies after the onset of her season.
If Milori were to overwrite the minister entirely, and take over all her duties, it would conflict more with his own lore, because he would have to be able to join in meetings conducted in the Tree on the regular with no issue, which we know he can't do. And on top of that, he would have to travel to the mainland on the regular, which would leave the Winter Woods without a leader for a good chunk of each year, which would not be a good combination in an emergency situation.
I like to think that things like queens, ministers, and lords comes in rough cycles. Now some of this delves into things that i truly dont have time to get into(regarding mother dove, the age of the Hollow, fairies interactions with humans, the power of flight, how fairies interact with dust) but im gonna try with what i have.
So imagine, for a moment, that Clarion is not the first queen, and on top of that, the Hollow is not the first location on Neverland that fairies have lived. I headcanon Clarion as a "young" queen, but she is still a little over a thousand years old, with a lot more to go.
Ministers and Lords also follow a cycle, with the one of Lord/Ladies of winter being shorter than that of a Queen, but still pretty long(minimum half of a Queen's expected lifespan), and ministers being less than that(minimum a third of a Queen's lifespan). The average fairy lives a while, but not forever, so it is rare for the average joe to see the changing of Queens, lords, and ministers. There can be exceptions, of course, when someone passes away due to outside causes, or if someone is exiled, but those situations are rare, especially now that fairies live in The Hollow.
With the exception of Spring, i headcanon the current ministers as having Arrived in the last few years of the previous Queen's life, and Milori showing up <10 years after Clarion Arrived as queen. Any fairy alive today(with today being late 18whatever the hell in the movies to the 1940s) would not remember this stuff, but its fun to think about!
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sixosix · 10 months
hi hello
I'm here to write about my experience while reading the latest writing of wanderer. (it shall contain what I'm doing as I'm reading and my reactions - so if you don't wanna read it - that is a-okay!)
I'M STANDING IN -3°C OR EVEN LESS ON A TRAIN STATION FREEZING. I'm reading this by taking a glove off of my hand to scroll and then switching it to the other (taking the other glove off putting this one on) - pain fr, and then smiling to myself like a love struck idiot at 6 FUCKING AM. ON A FOGGY CROWD FILLED TRAIN STATION.
you did say in the a/n that the first part was "unnecessary" but I enjoyed the potrayal of friendship - it fleshed out the mc fr. also didn't except Heizou to be so touchy bUT THEN I gave it a second more of thought (lol) and I can see it. wanderer wearing all black is fucking canon in my eyes in modern!teyvat/world/somewhere.
the flashback was written really cutely, managing to catch the good vibes and capture, in a quite the short amount of text, the history the two have. (except like why does he think he hurt them-myb he thinks it is cos they left? idk listen I'm still sleepy if I missed something dO NOT HATE ME I WILL REREAD LATER TODAY)
next, I manage to find a spot in the train to sit, now nice and warm, chuckling at the boys & mc interaction in the hotel room
takiNG PAUSES - TURNING MY PHONE OFF AND LOOKING OUT INTO THE DARKNESS OF THE MORNING WHEN THEY KISS???? WHEN HE SAYS ANYTHING? I'm out here yet again smiling to myself and looking out of the window before continuing my reading
little love confessions cute! cute! cute!
thE FUCKING CUDDLES THE CUDDLES THE. CUDDLES. as a deeply touched deprived person with main love language being physical affection (with only selected few I care for, otherwise I hate any physical contact) my reaction is - YES. tysm. bless, thank you for your service.
it warmed my heart, perfect perfect perfect. ALSO THE LINE - I JUST RECALLED, THE LINE "You think I'd settle for less than you" - screenshoted, screamed internally, felt special, felt pain no one in this bitch ass world has me yet like that - no one ever will prob let US BE REAL (I'm mentaly dating all of them fictional mfs) , looked out of the window, paused, thought about stuff, leaned my head back to reimagine the scene as I try to also nap and fAIL cos I'm too hyped to read it - like man! 5k words - a LOT (it indeed was not a lot, I forgot how fast I read even when I reread lines and pause, and that I finish a thick ass book in 2 hours.)
it was slow burn without the slow but you worded it so nicely, paced it out, captured the essence of the thought proccess of a "crush" and stuff. also heizou being mentioned so much DOES make sense in the way - that ofc you'd think to tell your bsf this shit and chat with him DUH.
the detail of Aether texting his sister warmed my heart.
roll back a bit earlier - did I mention my train arrived late to my station - and in the freezing dark cold morning I smile and was like "ehe" cos I get to read this in PEACE for 15 mins longer - cos of the late train.
roll back to the present. after the kiss someone sits next to me so I'm putting my phone away, like I'm reading straight up smut of some shit, yet again rethinking everything you wrote.
then I see "a/n" - cut to me screaming, yelling, crying internally for more - feeling like it just began - I need the two days, I need more of the kissing, I need how they solve the end of vacay, and how they work all of it out - ALSO WHERE IS XIAO AMONGST MY ANEMO BOYS
on the topic of xiao I do understand it would be difficult for me as well to put the two boys I love the most in the same fic and just not have anything with one of them. furthermore, I understand one of your notes on a Xiao writing you did as a Xiao main. Listen me too, I could not write about my beloved. it would be a struggle just like it is for you but I KNOW WHY LET ME TELL YOU WHY - to quote Jane Austen "If I loved you less, I might be able to talk about it more" I rest my fucking case.
I CAN FURTHER SUPPORT MY CLAIM WITH THIS - I'm talking to my friend the other day about genshin and he's like tell me about you favorite character, I say a bit while also trying to keep it spoiler free but I struggle so much, because my mind just fills with everything about him, every single thing Xiao has been through and dear gods how do I say it all, how to get across everything he is, has been through. yeah. the quote is true.
I beg on my knees for somehow another part of this wanderer writing I'm just gnawing at a train plush soft cushion (not literally).
I am very aware of how long this is, hope it wasn't boring - but HEY it is an ask, so technically you can ignore me
I probably didn't manage to caputre all my thoughts while reading it cos I'm just still very tired - hope you have a great day
ps. I could very well write an ask about how I started enjoying (read: liking) Wanderer + how the pulls went (it would be more put together than this ask honestly lmk)
pps much love, keep writing stuff x
hi hello! of course id love to read. i love the trend of sending long asks like this!! the only time i dont like long asks is when readers are requesting something---i dont like that at all :/ but youre not doing that!!! youre talking about your experience in reading my works and it really really warms my heart reading through it
OH NO T__T i cant even imagine. my countrys temperature never falls below 25-30°C so i cant even imagine surviving outside when the numbers are NEGATIVE T__T
the first part was absolutely unnecessary HAHA but thank you for justifying it. My hopeless crush wormed in and i wrote too much to just delete it sigh…
now for your question--scara moved out and essentially left the reader. it was more of a reference to scaramouche's canon backstory. he felt hurt that ei left him! and now, he's leaving the person he cares about. of course, in my head, he would assume that you'd feel what he felt. its why i put scaras mommy issues in the tags hahaha
im glad you like their interaction!! i loved writing their banter so much. i love writing scara talking to anyone in general because the way he talks is the way i think irl LOL
im so glad you also like the "you think i'd settle for less than you" line!!! ill tell u a secret. a few minutes before posting the fic it wasn't even there, but after reading through it i thought it would fit perfectly with the way i wrote scaramouche's character :D
and im so glad u pointed out the pacing!!! in all honesty i am far from confident with my pacing. i never know if im doing it right so thank u so much for saying that!!!!!!!! T__T <3 i dont know if i should clap for the late train for letting you read in peace? ??
LMFAOOO IM SO SORRY. this is exactly why i avoid reading fanfiction out in public even if i dont read smut. these strangers cannot know that i read about scaramouche kissing me.
and also fun fact!!!!! in the previous author note, it was not written that way. let me show you proof!! i cant find it rn but ill go into the version history version of my docs :D
AHHH that quote is so real im stealing that sorry. Everytime someone brings up why i dont write xiao enough ill pull that up !!!!! i know exactly what u mean :/
and about a part two… some people are already asking for it but i just don't do part twos T__T unless its stated in the fic that there's another part coming--it means that that's it…… your imagination will probably do better than whatever i can cook anyway !!!
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noctualagenaria · 1 year
Choose violence 1-25
all in one? ok you asked for it buddy
1) the character everyone gets wrong
- most if not all of the men, even itto he is Not a himbo im sorry hes literally a twunk,, or as much of a twunk as hoyo can make them hes also jus awful in general 2) a compelling argument for why your fave would never top or bottom - my top fave is baizhu and he's 100% a switch hes both at the same time so this is difficult for me to argue-- alhaitham and ayato however !!! paragraph incoming sorry--
alhaitham is 100% a bottom not because he wants to be but because he doesnt wanna put any work into the act, he just wants others to do things to him, others doing the work for him basically dfsfsd so ofc that reflects here ( also flushed alhatiham expression >>>)
ayatoooo isss s s s i think also a switch but i dont think too much abt it sjhdf he could be a service top and a power bottom at the Same Time 3) screenshot or description of the worst take you've seen on tumblr
-- every diluc x fem!reader im sorry they are all so bad and also the unironic use of "yandere!(guy)" is,,, never done right or like,,, isnt good sdfsdf at all 4) what was the last straw that made you finally block that annoying person?
-- there was this artist i found bc i wanted to look for more diluc artists, right, as one does ! and then after like a couple weeks of tolerating the chiluc bc it started to get on my nerves, they posted a komi cant communicate diluc au thing, and in the caption they had literally said "i thought it fitting considering diluc deserves to be worshipped <3" liKE DID YOU WATCH THE SHOW???? diD YOU PLAY THE GAME?? ?? ? diluc doesnt deserve that nor Want that and the show character komi has a mental illness that makes it awful its not something to be romantisiced at All and they were romantisicing it AND diluc like aughhhh
5) worst discord server and why
-- main genshin server or the keqing main one bc i think the main one jus is Hoyolab part two (derogatory) and the keqingmains is just meta fighting over numbers n shit orz orz orz
6) which ship fans are the most annoying?
-- any and all popular ships but mostly the popular mlm shippers bc they are,,, practically if not Exactly ,,fujos basically (the popular wlw shippers are either Cis Het Men or also sapphic ppl 7) what character did you begin to hate not because of canon but because how how the fandom acts about them? -- itto for sure, tho the more i saw abt canon the more i hated him, i jus saw a buncha fanon that i hated so sdfsdf 8) common fandom opinion that everyone is wrong about -- most if not all of them, most specifically kazuha/beidou family and zhongli/xiao family i fucking Hate that SO much because WHERE did it come from????? the infantalising short guys bitches??? fucking stop it
9) worst part of canon - ugh too much to fit here it could be a2 hour long video essay atp but mostly the colorism fucking Sucks 10) worst part of fanon -- also a lot, but the part that irks me the most is that No One thinks outside of the box, and im not pretending like im special or anything bc of certain things but like,,, at the mere mention of a rarepair they just go "oh no but i like (popular ship) better!" like ughhhhh stop it think differently 11) number of fandom-related words you've filtered - too many to count on twitter but here ive been spacing it out ;> 12) the unpopular character that you actually like and why more people should like them - baizhu for SUREEEE and like look at the everything about him literally WHY after his release whyyyYyyYyyyYY is he STILLLLL unpopular why is he STILL lacking in fancontent im ehrgehrgeehrgere upsET 13) worst blorboficiation - childe,,,,, who made him a fuckboy 14) that one thing you see in fics all the time - they/them pronouns for baizhu ( not a bad thing but not rlly a good thing im getting sick of it a little bit ) 15) that one thing you see in fanart all the time - diluc with a Bow WHY 16) you can't understand why so many people like this thing (characterization, trope, headcanon, etc) - a LOT a fucking LOT mostly ships and the Collective Dynamic of the ships bc aughhh they are so boriinnnnnnggggggggggggggggg g g g g g and again the "found family" that comes out of NO WHERE
17) there should be more of this type of fic/art
-baizhluc 18) it's absolutely criminal that the fandom has been sleeping on...
-baizhu,,,,,, 19) you're mad/ashamed/horrified you actually kind of like...
-,,,,,, tighnari-- and i used to absolutely HATE him bc the voice was so just IRked me so Badly it rubbed me the complete wrong way and ruined the character for me, yes i play in eng and ever since the recasting my view of him is much nicer now he doesnt irk me anymore 20) part of canon you found tedious or boring
-ayatos story quest he deserved better still 21) part of canon you think is overhyped
-,,,,,raiden and yae content 22) your favorite part of canon that everyone else ignores
-- the fact that diluc is 1) BANNED from snehnyaha 2) got WASTED in snezhnya 3) was part of a secret underground organization WE STILL know NOTHING about??? it was never brought up again and 4) Killed his Own Father out of his misery 23) ship you've unwillingly come around to
-uhhhh is i bad i dont know, 24) topic that brings up the most rancid discourse -- "are kaeya and diluc brothers " and to that i say they are exes fuck both sides of the argument 25) common fandom complaint that you're sick of hearing
--"genshin fans need to touch grass" "genshin fans are the worst fandom ever" literally look at every other fandom, any big hit anime fandom ,, (ahem mha) are like 100x worse then genshin fans, like yeag we're ruthless sometimes sure and will chew each other out thanks to most of the fanbase being on twitter of all places but we wont put glass in cupcakes
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pxltown · 2 years
dang your computer’s kinda beefy please tell me you play more than just sims 🫶
dw anon i also play stardew valley 😌
no but actually afshdjd i play apex, gta, and cod among other games — i admit though i gravitate towards and have fun playing ‘screnshot games’ more lmao ;-;
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ayato-comehomepls · 3 years
You as Their Phone Wallpaper🌱
Genre- Fluff
Warnings- Cussing, g/n but some fem compliments
Characters- Diluc, Venti, Zhongli, Childe, Thoma, Kazuha, Xiao, Scaramouche, Albedo, Gorou, Itto
A/N- Modern au obv,
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He thinks it's probably kind of embarrassing that you're his wallpaper, it's just he sees other couples do it so he wants to too
But when he sneaks a peak at yours and sees him there he feels much better about it
No longer hides his home screen from you or other people ajsjjshs
Somehow gets the most ridiculous photos of you to set as his wallpaper
Ones of you caught off guard or from silly angles
He could use serious or cute photos of you but,,,, he has much more fun tormenting you with stupid pictures that you have no memory of being taken
He thinks they really capture your true beauty
A very serious man but also such a romantic
Probably didn't even know couples did this tho-- until he saw his face on your home screen and was confused
Once you explain it to him he'll change his wallpaper too so fast
Wants it to be a picture of both of you so others can see how happy you make him
Sometimes just sits and stares at his wallpaper
Won't hide it from you or anyone because why would he?? You're literally so hot??
Loves seeing it every time he goes on his phone,, but then it makes him miss you
It's either a serious photo of you or something stupid, changes each time he switches it out :p
Literally loves talking about you to friends,,,, hell even to strangers too
Has you send him photos of you or takes them himself so he can change wallpapers often
Cause he needs to have updated photos to show off!! So it's something new each time
Prefers more subtle wallpapers of you
Something like a picture of you guys holding hands,,,
He likes keeping things mysterious 😯
And likes your relationship to stay personal- but wants people to know he's taken
Will screenshot his home screen every time he changes it and sends it to you for you to see <3
Has you as his wallpaper for a VERYY long time- but you don't find out for a while cause he's so shy sjdjek
When you do see it you tease him endlessly- so he threatens to change it
(But you both know he'd never do such a thing)
If he's your wallpaper too it'll make him so happy
Xiao part 2 but more defensive
"Scaramouche, am I your wallpaper?" "WHAT OFC NOT THATS WEIRD.." *Draws little hearts over it <3*
Doesn't let anyone see it because he's not a simp remember 🤨 (debatable)
His friends will 100% make fun of him and will do so in front of you,, just to embarrass him
Like Thoma,,, he loves showing you off to anyone and everyone
Texts you reminders like "just saw my wallpaper, you're still so pretty"
Might even draw a picture of you and use it too
Doodles cute lil drawings on it ;(
Loves having matching backgrounds
Shy part 50293838
Sets you as his wallpaper then gets rid of it then gets it back then repeats
He's just scared you'll see it and then be uncomfortable
But then you pitch the idea of having wallpapers of eachother and he's like ivE BEEN WAITING FOR THIS
So excited he can't choose a photo for the life of him
Will constantly ask you for photos of yourself to use
Some of them he saves for his wallpaper,, some of them he just keeps
Also likes taking pics of you himself
All in all just loves using up his storage space for you akshjshs
Proudly announces every time he changes it because he loves seeing you get lovestruck over it
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daikushiji · 4 years
hi! i like your "i'm gonna marry this man" with oikawa, suna, and iwaizumi ❤️ can i request the same for tsukishima, osamu, and kita?? 😳👉🏻👈🏻
“I’m gonna marry this man” (pt. 2)
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pairings: tsukishima x reader, osamu x reader, kita x reader
a/n: hellooo bby and thank you!!! i hope you gonna like this one too <33
[part 1 and part 3 here!!]
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Tsukishima Kei
we all have to thank noya for this one
he was wandering around the school thinking about some new ideas for a tiktok
when he saw you two acting all lovey dovey by the vending machines
you once told tsukki your favourite snack and now he always buys it for you before leaving to go to practice
honestly he knows all your favourite things like the back of his hand
will he ever admit that he’s actually so whipped for you? ofc no
but still there he is offering you the drink that you like so much before you could even say that you’re thirsty
as you drink it, a silent giggle escapes his mouth
with a starstruck look on his face, he reaches out a hand to tuck in a strand of hair behind your ear
and when you look up, his gaze is already on your figure, eyes softening when they meet yours
seeing you smile at him, he feels his heart pounding like never before
and he wants to tell you about it, but he remains silent, just wondering how lucky he was to have met you
needless to say you’re pretty surprised to see the video noya posted where he calls you two a married couple
thinking that it's better to not tell anything to tsukki, you just brush it off
but the first thing you see at school the next morning is your boyfriend charging towards noya 
”what are you doing?”
”i’m gonna delete that dumb video”
”why? you don’t want the world to know how much you love me?”
your teasing tone has him turning his head to the other side to finally face you
amused by his flustered expression, you pull his glasses down
and kiss the indent marked between his eyes, just to see his cheeks getting even more red
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Miya Osamu
he videocalls you all the time, especially just to annoy you with the dumbest questions ever
(he’s so glad you can’t hit him through the screen)
”is cereal a soup?”
and right after you hang up, he sends you a full paragraph explaining what he thinks
osamu loves to cook or clean on facetime with you because it feels really domestic
he will randomly start drawing doodles around you and then take pictures to set them as his wallpaper 
you often catch him staring at you, but he always plays it off saying he was frozen because your wifi sucks
you make him feel so at ease that the two of you can even just do your own things in silence while on facetime 
and it’s never awkward because you both love being in the company of one another
but his favourite type of calls are when you two fall asleep together
he usually calls while you’re getting ready for bed to chat
and then spending the rest of the night either having deep conversations or taking random screenshots of the other doing weird crap 
no wonder you have so many photos of him sleeping saved on your camera roll
he looks just so adorable with his mouth slightly open and his head sinking in the pillow
so you post some of those saying that the biggest flex of your future husband is being a pretty sleeper
as you two are chilling on the couch, osamu gets a text from his twin
”eew so this is what i look like when i sleep?”
he doesn’t even pay attention to the tiktok, his eyes are fixed on one particular word in the caption
dying of embarrassment, you try to escape his embrace
but he stops you pressing his lips to the corner of your mouth
with his hair brushing your face, you feel him smiling into the kiss
then two arms wrap tightly around you, as he buries his face into your shoulder
”can’t wait for you calling me that”
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Kita Shinsuke
he always has his hand on or near you
walking you home, he holds your hand the entire way
when the school halls get crowded, his hand rests on the small of your back to guide you
going out to eat, he wants to sit beside you and not in front of you because he needs to lace your pinkies together under the table
when you two are studying together, he will touch you with either his elbow or his knee the entire time
and then randomly take your hand in his to press them up to his warm cheek 
he’s almost always tracing his fingers across your arm or down your back
and most of the time he’s not even aware that he does it because the feeling of your skin under his fingertips just feel so natural to him
you love to record these lovely moments between you two and sometimes you even post them on tiktok
“i guess that now you’re their boyfriend as well”
pressed into his chest, you’re reading to him some funny comments that your followers left under the videos with him
he chuckles softly, as he keeps smoothing your hair back to press his lips to your temple
then cupping your jaw, he gently tilts your head towards him
“sorry but i’ve already decided to spend the rest of my life only with you”
you nuzzle into his hand, leaving a quick kiss on his palm
“do you think we will get married one day?”
dragging some lazy pecks down to your ear, he engulfs you into a desperate hug
“well i’m gonna ask you for sure, i just hope you’ll say yes”
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shotorozu · 4 years
hellooo,, i saw another tiktok video(and since ur like the elite on writing this type of reqs im requesting to you aha) https://vt.tiktok.com/ZSJYsk4CY/ for shoto, kaminari and monoma (if u write for him) ty 💕
‘bae lol’
(the greenscreen heart, then kiss tiktok trend)
character(s) : todoroki shouto, kaminari denki, monoma neito (bnha)
legend : [Y/N = your name] for monoma reader’s a part of class 1-A, they/them pronouns used, quirk’s not specific
headcanon type : fluff (x reader)
note(s) : oh, i absolutely love AND hate this trend, it’s mostly bc im single though :,) not like i can get a partner in the pandemic. anyways! i love your thinking, anon <3 also no proofread bc its like,, 2am here </3 will edit later!
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todoroki shouto
he’s very aware of your tiktok antics, but out of all of the ones you’ve pulled on him, and asked him to do
he loves this one the most.
because shouto doesn’t have to get the lights scared out of him, and it doesn’t have a chance in ending terribly.
you brisk towards your room, knowing that shouto rests inside— “shou!” you call out to him, and he tilts his head up
“Y/N, tell me it’s not—”
“no, i swear!” you drop next to him on the bed, and you play the video. “this would be fun to do, right?”
he doesn’t say anything at first, but he definitely wants to do it, judging by the fact that he’s replaying the tiktok over and over again.
abruptly standing up, he tugs at your wrist “let’s do it.” he says with determination hinted in his voice
you’d think that he’d get the hang of doing tiktoks because of you but LMAO NO— the greenscreen failed you both multiple times in a span of 40 minutes.
the first take, the heart was blurry, the second take, the kiss was captured seconds before the kiss, and the third take— your phone fell 💀
plus, his movements were a little stiff the first few times, but after the third try— he definitely got the hang of it.
and,, he doesn’t understand tiktok effects, not even the slightest.
on the brighter note, he has more excuses to kiss you so,, it’s a win for him! he won’t get sick of doing any retakes :))
you knew the moment he focused on making the perfect heart, as he firmly pulled you close to kiss you
that, would be the perfect shot there. he almost forgot that there was a camera recording
shouto is seen replaying the filmed tiktok over and over again— and it might’ve looked odd to anyone else
but not to you, definitely. for you, it’s the norm to see him like that.
“do more trends where i could kiss you more.” he pecks you on the lips, before he leaves you be temporarily only to edit the tiktok, ofc
the tiktok itself blows up by a ton, gathering 2M likes, and 5M views, in a surprising amount of time, and you didn’t even notice how he placed his hand on your hip
until the comments pointed it out to him. which shouto replies with “i always do that. you just didn’t seem to notice.” it’s fine bc you do now
the comments consisted of “where can i find a guy like this 💔” “haha that’s so cool *blocks*” “okay but we sEE THOSE HANDS 👀”
nonetheless— please do more trends like that with him. don’t be afraid!
shouto rates the entire ordeal a ♾/10. can and will do it again. oh— and he saves his home and lockscreen as the final outcome from the tiktok. he did a screenshot it, and decides to keep it like that for a very long time
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kaminari denki
again— this man is ALWAYS on tiktok, so he’s aware of most of the trends there. but that doesn’t make them any less scarier
but oh wow, he loves this trend. denki was just praying that you’d see it— and ask him to do it with you.
he was grateful that luck was on his side, since he was ecstatic when you skipped over to him— asking him to do a tiktok trend
“oh, what tiktok trend? wait— please tell me it doesn’t involve me breaking up with you for a week so you could listen to drivers licenses—”
“what? no— let me show you” and when you showed him the tiktok, he showed you this cheeky little smirk
“let’s do it! the sooner the better!” he says, and he seems more excited that you 💀
denki’s so enthusiastic, to the point that the first few takes are a total fail— as he makes you fall over your feet, as the result of quickly pulling you onto him for a kiss.
“denki— one of these days, you’re going to shatter my face”
“sorry, sorry!” he grins sheepishly. and it’s a miracle that he didn’t accidentally short circuit!
you guys try again, still persistent in getting at least a decent video, and this time— when he yanked you, causing you almost slip
he tightened his hold on you, a hand pressed against the small of your back and another hand dangerously close to your bank
the kiss is eager, passionate— and he holds you like you’re on the verge of death
and this flusters you because MAMDKWDK what happened to the goofiness 💀 i suppose that’s what happens when you have an eager denki kaminari.
you upload the video, thinking it would only get 5 likes at the very most— but it exceeds your expectations
though most people couldn’t get a clear view of your relationship dynamic with him, denki’s enthusiasm did attract the attention of 2.8M people
and in a good way, because the video did get 800k likes
the comments consisted of “when he caught you when you almost fell :,)” “damn he was EXCITED” “hey, have you told us where you got your boyfriend? i need the link to find someone like him NOW‼️‼️”
the bakusquad fawned over the video weirdly, but it quickly gets overplayed by denki— since that’s all he watched for a week or so 💀
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monoma neito
bruh </3 as much as he loves you, you’re going to kill him with pranks one of these days.
he’s totally in on it if HE’S not the one being targeted, but most of the time,, neito’s the subject of your pranks
so he thinks it’s another silly prank, where you make him pick a number between 1-5 and ghost him for that many hours.
but when you show him the video one day, when you guys were chilling in your room— as per usual, he declined :,)
“sorry dear Y/N! but no. that’s my answer”
“but whyyy?? it’s so harmless!”
“the class is going to tease me for being a part with a silly tiktok like that.” and besides,, he’d be a hypocrite for participating in that kind of tiktok with someone from class 1-A.
in reality, he did want to do it. he wasn’t so sure on why he said no— but he does want to show that something so easy isn’t really a bother to him.
“oh- don’t be so sad about it! you know what?” he gently pulls you up, “let’s do it. i don’t care what those silly class 1-A kids will say anymore.”
“what? i thought you said you didn’t want to.”
“have you ever heard of a lie?” he clicks his tongue, but he’s glad that you’re feeling much better than you did 10 seconds ago.
when it comes to it, he’s actually really shy about it. not like a ‘i don’t want to be seen with you!’ more like ‘gosh, how many takes is this going to take? will i be able to kiss them properly?’
“what if i end up accidentally copying their quirk? neito— focus, damnit.” he thinks to himself, brushing the anxious feeling away.
he’s determined enough to stay focused— but man struggled a bit with cooperating with the heart shape.
“neito— not that heart!” “well, you said to make a heart, so i did!”
it takes a few tries for the greenscreen to cooperate, and for you guys to get in sync
and when he finally has to kiss you, he grins at you— a very obvious blush adorning his cheeks, as he smashes his lips with yours
then he remembers that he actually has to break free from you— and forces you guys apart, still trying to play it cool
“wow! i look awesome. only i could kiss you like that, right? i don’t need an answer, because i know it’s true!” he says with that proud laugh of his, but it immediately dissipates after the second replay
neito leaves you be, not only for you to upload the tiktok— but also because he needs to THINK WHAT JUST HAPPENED he’s running laps in his mind rn
you upload the tiktok, not worrying too much about it— as you wanted to let it sit for a while, before checking up on it
however— when you open your phone again, you get bombarded with multiple text messages from kendou, and the other class 1-b students.
“you and monoma went viral!” is what you can sum up about most of the messages, and you have to see for youself— wanting to know if the tiktok really did get 800k likes and 1.9M views in a short amount of time.
spoilers ‼️ — it did
the comments were mostly like “why can i smell the dynamic from a mile away 💔 i want that.” “he’s definitely annoying to everyone but you” “sHEESH the way he smirked before he kissed you 😩✋‼️‼️😔”
monoma flexes on a daily that he did that to your class— but he HATES how class 1-b wrecks havoc on him, by teasing him
in short— he does prefer this more than being scared. and! he didn’t have to verbally ask you for kisses 💀
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likes and reblogs are appreciated, thanks for reading!
i do not own bnha/mha and it’s characters. boku no hero academia/my hero academia belongs to horikoshi kohei, i only own the writing and i do not profit off of my hobby
do not plagiarize, reupload, translate, or use my works for audio readings without permission
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pyaasa · 3 years
lesbiansandgayssupporttheminers is racist; she thinks she understands racism better than poc, stands by racists, and attacks poc for trying to speak to her about racism
Tw: racism, rape mention, incest mention. also possible transphobia 
For the full story, you first need a bit of background: if you’ve been following me for a while then you will be aware I have called out @ayeforscotland’s racism several times. I would recommend reading this post for a full explanation.
In addition to the incidences mentioned in the post I have just linked, ayeforscotland has also had interactions with neo @androidgynes who is Romani and another person who is black (but didn’t want to be named) and they’ve both also called him out for his racism.
Anyway so. @androidgynes​ saw that lesbiansandgayssupporttheminers was reblogging from ayeforscotland, and that the op of the post was @/getpoliticaluk (who defends incest). Androidgynes messaged lesbiansandgayssupporttheminers (who I will from now refer to as lagstm) and informed her that ayeforscotland is racist and getpoliticaluk defends incest - the conversation that followed went like this. (the below screenshots are posted with permission from @androidgynes​)
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The post that neo (@androidgynes) linked of mine was this. And I mean... clearly that particular post by ayeforscotland was very racist, he literally just sat there laughing about anti-black racism as if it was a joke. When @mangopickled​ tried to speak to him about how offensive this post was, he removed her comments from the notes of the post (like. to be clear: ayeforscotland, a WHITE MAN, made a post about racism, and then removed a WOMAN OF COLOUR’S commentary from that post when she told him that his comments were inappropriate). When I saw that, I called that out, and he blocked me. There’s many levels to his racism here that I don’t have the energy to explain, and if you don’t understand why it’s so problematic then you should probably stop reading here cos you clearly know nothing and probably care even less about anti-racism.
So on that particular post that neo linked to lagstm, there is ayeforscotland being racist, and 2 woc calling out his racism. And yet on having this post shown to her, this is how she chose to respond
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lagstm literally says that she thinks my views on racism lack nuance. I am a woman of colour, I am visibly muslim, and I’ve experienced racism pretty much all my life. And here is a white woman saying that she thinks my views on racism “lack nuance”. I,, I genuinely don’t have words to convey how angry this makes me. Literally who does she even think she is. Not even is it racist to dismiss my literal LIVED experience of being a woman of colour in this country, but she is literally saying “look at these stupid brown folk, they don’t know what they’re talking about cos they’re so stupid :)”
neo points out firstly that as a white person lagstm doesn’t have the right to make that call, and also that there is ofc another woc on that post saying that exact same thing, and androidgynes themselves are roma. lagstm is not just dismissing me as a stupid savage who is too stupid to form complex thoughts, but she is also indirectly saying the same thing about 2 other poc, and saying that her judgement, as a white person, is more sound than all of ours.
It’s also worth mentioning that neo, who is Romani, was polite to lagstm during this exchange, and lagstm was rude and dismissive. I find this deeply hypocritical. Lagstm has been talking a lot about the policing bill and how it will affect GRT communities, but when she’s talking to someone who is actually *from* the Roma community, she is dismissive and condescending. All this shows is that she’s fake AF. She pretends to care about the Roma community on her blog and then speaks down to them in private.
And again this is worth repeating: AYEFORSCOTLAND WAS BEING RACIST ON THAT POST. IT WAS RACIST. WHAT HE SAID WAS RACIST. So lagstm isn’t just ignoring 3 poc, she is also ignoring,,,, you know,,, the actual racism,,,
And she also says ayeforscotland is borderline racist? Like she acknowledges ayeforscotland is borderline racist but she’s still happy to follow him? Like that alone would be enough for me actually
neo then blocked lagstm and messaged me and told me what happened, and showed me the above screenshots - btw prior to this neo and I had never interacted. Anyway I was obviously a bit disgusted but instead of going straight to blocking lagstm or making a callout post straight away, I messaged her to explain herself and take back what she said. That is now two poc who tried to resolve the matter privately - clearly a lot more than lagstm ever deserved. Androidgynes messaged me last Friday, and I messaged lagstm the next day on Saturday
My convo with lagstm went as follows:
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So you can see that initially she was apologetic and said she “didn’t mean to imply that that my judgement on racism was flawed” (even tho that’s literally what she said) and defended herself by saying “I react poorly in interactions like this” - genuinely not a defence but whatever. She then proceeded to say that what she doesn’t trust my opinion on is Scotland and Ireland - which completely irrelevant. Firstly I am ambivalent to Scottish nationalism and have always said I don’t know much about it, and I support the reunification of Ireland. And secondly, my issue with aye has got literally nothing to do with Scotland or Scottish nationalism; he is racist all on his own. And the post neo linked was barely even about scottish nationalism, it was just him being anti-black. So lagstm saying “I don’t trust your judgement on Scotland and Ireland” is ridiculous considering that Scottish/Irish nationalism have nothing to do with this.
Like akjfbkjdfbs this is actually so ridiculous. It doens’t make any sense. Lagstm clearly says “I don’t trust pakisstani’s judgement on THIS issue [the issue being racism] and her views on THIS issue [the issue being racism] lack nuance” but now turns around and says “I wasn’t talking about racism, I was talking about Scotland/Ireland” like she must really think I’m dumb
And you can see Lagstm bringing up unrelated hypothetical scenarios, and saying “in this situation, you can’t tell me to defer to poc” which i found ??? Like why are you bringing up scenarios in which you think you are allowed to educate us poor and stupid black and brown folk?? I then told her she was straw-manning and that her points about Ireland/Scotland were ridiculous, but then she claimed it was me that was engaging her in bad faith. Like SHE, the white woman who practically said that I am too stupid to understand racism, and when confronted on it started straw-manning and bringing up unrelated scenarios, said I am not engaging her in good faith. AFTER both neo and I tried to speak to her privately about this. Like I tried to speak to her privately AFTER I FOUND OUT SHE HAD SAID RACIST THINGS ABOUT ME. BUT I’M NOT ENGAGING HER IN GOOD FAITH? LMAOOO
And then the accusation about rape threats which is actually the most disgusting part of this entire thing. I shouldn’t have to explain that accusing 2 poc of conspiring to send her rape threats (without any evidence whatsoever. Frankly I think she’s lying about the rape threats 🤷🏽‍♀️ it’s quite a transparent attempt to distract from her own nasty behaviour and deflect onto us) is actually extremely racist. She is invoking her white fragility and painting me and androidgynes as aggressors who are threatening her safety and inflicting/threatening to inflict sexual violence on her. It is beyond disgusting 🤮
What’s more, neo is trans, so when lagstm is baselessly accusing them of issues related to rape, she is also playing up to transphobic tropes.
One more thing worth mentioning is that there are several lies peppered throughout lagstm’s comments. Firstly when she claimed to have briefly unfollowed me - she didn’t actually. I was checking regularly, and she never unfollowed me. This was a small lie that I picked up on striaght away but because it wasn’t relevant I didn’t say anything about it. But I just think it’s interesting that she would lie for no reason. And another lie - feigning ignorance about ayeforscotland’s racism, and actually even asking for receipts is incredibly disingenuous when on this particular post, if you scroll through the notes, you can see she has literally liked it. Like she had already seen the posts where me and mangopickled called out his racism and literally LIKED it, and when neo says to lagstm that aye is racist, lagstm says “receipts please :)” YOU’VE ALREADY SEEN THEM! AND LIKED THEM! screenshot in case she unlikes it (sorry for including dumb comments by dumb scots but i need to prove it’s the same post so):
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LASTLY. Last point I swear. When lagstm said “it was also coloured by the statements they’d made about another tumblr user, which didn’t relate to racism, which I didn’t address with them because I didn’t want to upset them” <- she must mean getpoliticaluk defending incest? So like what is lagstm saying here, she didn’t want to bring up that she also herself defends incest?? Like is she tryna say she’s a pro-shipping freak?????????????????????? What other way is there to read that statment
Okay that’s everything.
I’m not interested in discourse on this post - if you are white and think lagstm isn’t racist or you’re inclined to defend her then save your breath, I don’t need white people telling me what is or isn’t racist. I gave her the chance to defend herself, which is way more than she deserves, and this is how she responds. Her actions and indefensible and she can choke ☺️❤️  I will be unfollowing/blocking anyone I see reblogging from her because I deserve better than to follow people who are ok with racists ❤️ 
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roguelioness · 3 years
writing tag game
Tagged by @ejunkiet, @noire-pandora and @thevikingwoman - thank you ♥
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
68. The number would be higher if I transferred a bunch of my tumblr fics there, but I haven’t gotten around to it (and I don’t know if I ever will!)
2. What’s your total AO3 word count?
3. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
 A Whole New World  (Dragon Age, Solas x OFC)
Deja Vu Jamais Vu  (Mass Effect, Thane Krios x OFC)
For Goodness Bakes (Dragon Age, Solas x Lavellan)
The Dread Wolf Took Her (Dragon Age, Solas x Trevelyan)
A Single Arrow (Dragon Age, Solas x Trevelyan)
(side note: I’m very surprised by the last two! Both of them were written when I first joined the fandom and I’m not very fond of them, but I haven’t deleted them because they show me how far I’ve gotten along in my writing journey. I’m also rather surprised that some of my other longer works haven’t gotten as much attention... oh well!)
4. Do you respond to comments, why or why not?
I answer most comments (with a noticeable exception). I struggle with replying to comments but I try to do my best to do so - getting a comment makes me incredibly happy and I want to let the commenter know just that :D
5. What’s the fic you’ve written with the angstiest ending?
A lot of my angstiest works were also my very first works, haha. I temper my angst with fluff these days :) 
That being said, here are some:
Solas ends up killing Trevelyan - A single arrow
Post-Crestwood feels - Rue
Solas loses Lavellan to his plans - Solace sought
Solas and Lavellan lose to Falon’din - In the grip of death
Some of those are better than others (a couple make me cringe, but that’s part of the writing journey I suppose!)
6. What’s the fic you’ve written with the happiest ending?
Most - of not all - of my stories these days are happy endings. I refuse to have it otherwise!
For Goodness Bakes is my happiest ending so far, I think. There are some rough patches but it ends in a very fluffy way. The Inquisition Job also has a happy ending, which for a Cullenmance is to be expected, but it’s still fun :)
7. Do you write crossovers? If so what’s the craziest one you’ve ever written?
I don’t think I’ve written crossovers so far, but I do have a Stardew Valley/Dragon Age one planned for the future.
8. Have you ever received hate on a fic?
Yes. A Whole New World had a period where I would get negative comments, and anon hate on Tumblr. It’s part of the reason I had to turn on comment moderation, and why I don’t respond to comments for that fic.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
Oh gosh, yes. Are there different kinds of smut? I have no idea. I try to write hot, emotional smut, but whether that comes across I don’t know.
10. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not to my knowledge, no, and I hope that isn’t the case. Writing is so hard and takes so much effort, it would be such a slap in the face to have something stolen. I hope people don’t do that - what a terrible thing to do.
11. Have you ever had a fic translated?
12. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
No. I imagine it would be quite tricky planning out characters and plot? Would each author write a chapter? Not sure how that would work, but I wouldn’t be opposed to it if there was a good way to go about it.
13. What’s your all-time favorite ship?
Solavellan, though if I’m being honest, it would be a tie between that and Solas/Trevelyan. There’s just something about an ancient elven god falling in love with someone who belongs to the race he believes caused the downfall of his people... I haven’t written it because I would be terrible at it, but it does capture my imagination.
14. What’s a WIP that you want to finish but you don’t think you ever will?
My very first longfic (now deleted) was a Solas/Trevelyan soulmate AU that suffered from the too much syndrome, and as a result I had to can it. I have a soft spot for it because a lot of ideas I had in that story I’m proud of, but I just don’t think I can finish it - it would take way too much work, and I have other ideas that interest me more.
15. What are your writing strengths?
Plot. And dialogue, maybe.
16. What are your writing weaknesses?
Emotion. I know what the character feels but it’s quite the challenge for me to show it. I’ve been trying to work at it but it takes a lot of effort. 
Description is another part that I struggle with - I often wish I had a way with the pretty language/phrases I read.
17. What are your thoughts on writing dialogue in other languages in a fic?
I’m guilty of doing this! One thing I’ve come to realize is that having a different language in the middle of a story can be quite immersion-breaking, so lately I’ve tried to use only words/phrases that are part of canon and are well known. I’d much rather use italics to depict a different language - it does the same job but won’t leave the reader struggling to translate.
As far as using other languages - might be an unpopular opinion, but I don’t see the harm. Ideally, it would be good to have a native speaker help with the translations, but translating itself takes time and effort and should be appreciated.
18. What was the first fandom you wrote for?
Dragon Age.
19. What’s your favorite fic you’ve ever written?
Oh man, I don’t want to choose - I put in a lot of effort into all of them and I love them the same! (The one-shots, on the other hand, are a different story lol).
This might be strange, but I’m quite proud of Resurrection. It’s a very different story idea and writing style, and I’m pleased with how it turned out. I’m also happy with Succumbing, a Solavellan vampire AU that was my first attempt at writing horror. Lastly, my DAI:NPC ficlet series is a very self-indulgent attempt to explore the random characters you encounter in Inquisition (though I’ve had to pause it on account of not having screenshots - maybe I can pick it up again at some point!)
Tagging @ma-sulevin, @kagetsukai, @wickedwitchofthewilds, @redinkofshame, @bearlytolerant, @shannaraisles, @galadrieljones, @cleverblackcat, @hoochieblues, @rhetoricalrogue and anyone else who wants to do it (consider yourself tagged!)
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sportyclown · 4 years
how sawamura, miyuki, yuki, and kuramochi text (friends + s/os)
will most likely do a part 2 with more boys at a later date! these got freakishly long because i am, at my core, a very mad. also might revisit as i get re-familiar with the characters, i just had this idea floating around in my head. also the way these got pro
sawamura eijun
no matter who he texts, it’s always extremely extra. not only does he always give more information than you asked for – ex. if you text him wya? he will give you a play by play of his entire route or something
 he also uses tons of emoticons. and yes I do mean emoticons, baby boy has a flip phone. ifhe does eventually get a smart phone, then this boy overuses tf out of emojis. he’s the sort of person that sees someone use a combination of emojis he likes and then tries to copy them, but uses it completely incorrectly, but its v cute.
if you send him a meme, he will respond with an unnecessary amount of hahas. 
when he’s texting his lil bae, they’re always on his mind so he ofc texts them every thought that comes to his mind! when he sees something that reminds him of you, he won’t hesitate to share it with you. 
if you have been together for a long time, then we will definitely text you words of affirmation and be very honest/blunt about how he feels about you. he’s also always sure to ask you about your day - and he seriously cares. but i still i feel like with a s/o he would prefer facetime to texting just because he likes to see you :)
overall, a very adorable texter and his enthusiasm is just as contagious when texting as it is in person. he’s kind of clueless so he doesn’t pick up on subtext. so be blunt, just like he will be with you~
kuromochi youichi
my bias might be showing here, but I feel like he is one of the most well-adjusted boys in terms of being ready for a serious relationship tbh (at least post-high school). i mean we all saw that he regularly corresponded with wakana wish that were me lmao
i think he would most often use proper capitalization, but not to the point where he uses a period after every text
would send his friends news articles about his favorite fighting games where u like gaming or not
a meme fiend in general. the sort of person who uses reaction images of people he knows. (if you’re dating, he would still have a stash of funny pics/screenshots of you on ft, but he’d ofc only use them with you <3). his convos with his friends are rarely serious
 i don’t think he’d be the type to text haha out loud, but he does use LOL on occasion. with close friends/his lil bae he might send a voice memo of him laughing hysterically if you send him something REALLY funny. ugh my annoying king <3
unlike eijun he’s the king of being perceptive / picking up subtext. 
similarly, i do think he’s pretty reliable, but for friends i feel like he might make a lil bit of a stink lmao. like lets say a friend wants him to pick something up for them, he might play like he won’t do it then miraculously shows up with the requested item. its giving tsundere vibes on the low.
with his partner: i feel like he would use emojis when he’s trying to be ~cute~. i think with a established partner he’d be pretty flirty still but he’s v much whipped for his partner so its way more mushy than it would be early in the relationship.
yes your name has hearts/stars in his phone. mans is a SAP for you
his love language is more quality time imo, so I think he values time spent with you over texting time. so a lot of your texts might be asking you to come over to hang out / get a meal or vice versa
like eijun he wants to hear about YOU, and is very supportive and good at advice when he wants to be. he can be goofy but this is how he shows you he cares/sees you as more than a friend
he’s a blushy/shy boy with his s/o esp early in the relationship, so he might be hesitant or nervous to say “i love you” or anything like that outright, but you know anyway, which just makes the times when he does outright say it that much sweeter.
miyuki kazuya
i mean it goes without saying that this man is snarky. he’s not a meme king himself but he enjoys when people send them to him and will usually play off the meme to make his own jokes.
i feel like he also likes deep-fried memes or the very abstract, post-modern memes. miyuki is good at making other people laugh, but he has a generally very-off brand humor and the things that make him cackle hardest are either at someone else’s expense (very similar to kuramochi, so they bond a lot over that) or just indiscernible without access to a huge layer of context/background
saves the reaction photos kuramochi sends him, but doesn’t usually use them. but seeing an ugly pic of eijun yelling never fails to make him grin LMAO
i think he also texts A LOT about baseball, even more so than these other baseball dummies. texts his teammates a lot of articles he reads or clips from games/cool plays. this is mostly about texts, but in terms of social media I think miyuki uses twitter/instagram the most especially for baseball related reasons, while kuramochi uses snapchat the most. 
he probably texts a lot about baseball as well, both seriously and playfully
i can see him using hahas and LOLs in equal measure, but he would also utilize the haha reaction if he had an iphone. this boy does value his wit so he would definitely have commentary about any memes or jokes he’s sent
you won’t win a joke war against him, he will definitely one-up whatever you send him with either a one-liner or another joke. how tf does he do it?
definitely ignores people/conversations if he really wants to - but ofc he never does that to his BAE
if miyuki give you a dry one-line response...he’s not interested at all or he’s feeling frustrated about something else. but when he’s really happy? he will text his friends all the time and spam them! i see him as someone who enjoys texting when he has the attention span/state of mind for it. and when he’s texting his s/o his texting gets even more ~flavorful~
wit his lil bae: i don’t think miyuki would switch it up much w his s/o. is probably even more teasing with you over text than he is with his friends, which is saying something.
like talking with you just by nature of you being his partner. prob prefers texts to facetime because text kinda allows for maximum snark
he LIVES for you guys’ witty back and forth 
if he’s traveling for work or something, will definitely relish in you guys binge texting a tv show or something but just making funny commentary (or he’ll just send you funny commentary to get a reaction)
 he can dish it and he’s also not a super sensitive guy so he can take it tenfold from you as well. nothing y’all wouldn’t be used to when talking in person!
sometimes when texting him you’ll want to beat his a*s because he can be so cheeky but its endearing in a way. he definitely adds emojis to the end of his more annoying messages to give it that loveable vibe (and it works ofc, we love u miyuki)
he’s kinda clingy on the low so i think he’d prefer a partner that’s more open with their affection via text than he is. he would live for your random ilys or whatver throughout the day. also would not mind at all if you updated him on your actions throughout the day or sent him snaps - might not be able to respond to everything, but will react and appreciate it. very likely to make jokes about whatever you’re doing.
would also apologize over text. he’s not always used to apologizing can be awkward about it, so text makes it easier for him.
he would use emojis w you in a joking/ironic way. would absolute use those dumb but genius emoji combinations
yuki tetsuya
i’m literally cracking up thinking about texting him. he is one of my ultimate baes but im sorry i just know he texts dry asf. but its part of his charm!
has a flip phone. either never upgrades or gets the chunkiest most basic android if he is forced to
the thing is this man thinks that he is infusing all his texts with, like, tajin level seasoning, when in reality its pepper
uses punctuation. always. exclamation marks are used sparingly to express excitement.
but i can’t get the image out of my head of an upset tetsuya texting you a simple angry emoji (or the angry emoticon >:( LOL) if he’s reeeeeeally mad. but its v cute i can’t take him seriously. i just want to give him a hug <3
 but you know what he is so PASSIONATE about whatever he’s talking about that his passion bleeds into his text through sheer quantity of words and depth of thought. ultimately, all his conversations end up being extremely flavorful in terms of content. he is surprisingly good at having deep conversations over text.
he’s better at holding conversations with more extroverted personalities, truthfully.
he’s another one who sends random things to people when he thinks about them. miyuki of course gets so many texts/thoughts about shogi. if you get a random haiku, poem, or quote from testu, that means you’re blessed enough to be in his inner circle! he definitely thought of you when he read it and and wants you to respond!
with bae: he doesn’t really change up his texting style tbh, but he has a stronger outward reaction to what YOU text in response.
definitely the type to smile almost imperceptibly at his phone as he texts you, even if you send him something like “hey i’m at the store, want anything?”
he’s not great as verbal affection early in the relationship, so you’ll have to discern his love/affection. however baby boy is NOT afraid to just straight up say he loves you, he does it all the time and early.
he’s KNOWN for being reliable and responsible, so he will be at your beck and call when he’s able to for anything you need, but his heart is also warmed by the thought of you reciprocating that care. if your texts show him you’re thinking of him just like he does too. he’s very gentle and sweet, and checks up on you when he’s able to see if you need anything at all.
he might be reliable, but that doesn’t mean that he’s the quickest guy to respond to texts. he’s a busy guy, and he doesn’t think about his phone all the time, but he will always get back to you (bae does not play when it comes to completing things).
if they came up with a shogi game for gamepidgeon and tetsu had an iphone, your phone probably would be spammed with requests for games lol.
this is my first time doing headcanons like this so please let me know what you think or give me tips on how to improve! I really enjoying thinking about it so I hope to do more in the future <3
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satanfemme · 3 years
👀 Please elaborate on the killjoys cafeteria au!! :)
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[ID a screenshot of an anonymous message saying “I would like to hear about the cafeteria au!” End ID]
ok and some people replied to my post with interest too, so :3
basically au where they’d all work in a cafeteria, and idk where it’d be exactly, but maybe a small mall cafeteria or on a college campus? but also location doesn’t matter much either way, just that they’re all working there
and basically there’s a main cafeteria space where most of the killjoys r employed, including a full kitchen and salad bar, and then there’s also a Subway(tm) across the hall under the same management. and ofc all of them have “real” names rather than killjoy names in this au, but I haven’t figured that all out yet and so just for simplicity anyways I’ll be referring to them with their canon names. here’s a quick run down of my current job assignments for them:
main cafeteria space:
the director - retail manager (ie: in charge of both the subway and also the main cafeteria, but she isn’t always on location cause she’ll be out doing meetings and such with the even-higher-ups) korse - cafeteria manager, usually in his back office or running around from place to place - u know - managing things.
jet - head chef / supervisor for back of the house dr. d - sous chef / works the line vinyl - line cook
poison - supervisor for front of the house volume, newsagogo, and hot chimp - all cashiers ghoul - unofficially in charge of the salad bar- works at the salad bar vaya - also works the salad bar
adjacent Subway(tm):
kobra - subway manager val - works front of the house and hates it vamos - works front of the house and loves it
the girl - still in high school so she only works part time, but when she’s there she’s working with vamos and val! the cat - the girl’s service animal. it isn’t allowed near the food behind the counter or in the back (only storage back there anyway), but it’s usually nearby
show pony - janitor / handyperson cherri - manages the finances part time (manages finances elsewhere on-location during the rest of his time) neonfuck - a temp who kinda just works wherever they’re needed (usually dishwashing/janitorial work, but cooking too sometimes!) mad gear - customer ❤️ (unemployed)
and here’s some thoughts on the characters and their relationships that I have so far!:
volume sometimes leaves his cash register to hover around vinyl as he works in the kitchen (and flirts). vinyl sometimes leaves the kitchen to lean on volume’s register desk, pretending to buy something for way too long (and flirts). its cute but their supervisors, poison and jet, both hate it.
kobra hates his job. he wanted to work in the main cafeteria which is so much cooler, but poison was working there first so he wasn’t allowed. he’s been here for so long waiting for poison to quit that now he’s the subway manager and this fills him with unending angst. val hates his job too, for no particular reason other than he’s val and this is customer service. on the other hand, the girl isn’t there half the time (high school!!!) and vamos doesn’t take it that seriously (rightfully.... it’s literally just a subway lol), so val and kobra’s vibes tend to overrun the place and honestly walking in there is so hostile emotionally hfjghfgdfhgfd. the plus to this tho is mean customers DO get yelled at by val and/or kobra who r just aching for an excuse to let off their disgruntled steam.
sometimes kobra makes val go mop the seating area to cool off
sometimes vamos goes to use the restroom “for just a minute!!!” but then just visits vaya for like half an hour or more. one time ghoul had vamos start helping out at the salad bar too (and they all had fun lol)
ghoul and vaya are Best friends and they run the Perfect salad bar. all the good vibes r localized there
show pony loves their job cause they really just go from place to place and get to talk to everybody! sometimes they “slack off” a little bit but they’re always done on time anyway so no one really minds
poison and jet have a secret relationship outside of work. no one knows except for kobra who sometimes has to deal with one of his coworkers being in his house in the morning, which is certainly an emotion. one time vaya started a rumor that poison and jet were a thing but everyone was just kinda like “lol that’s be so funny” about it so it passed over.
ok I think thats all I have for now?? thx for reading <3
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ranmanjuu · 4 years
—gen z mc with uesugi-takeda + misc. forces
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ahh, i’m so glad people liked my gen z oda hcs! lol it’s usually pretty slow from my writing blog experiences until now, but i’m rlly happy! i was planning to do u-t and the others but then i decided to stop at oda and continue another day. thx for the asks tho! and yeah, i do take requests but it’s more of a pasttime, since this whole blog is just my stupid ideas written out and shared out there.
also someone said that a gen z mc could be old enough to romance the warlords, like, early twenties. and yes, very fair if u wanna romance ur mans with memes and existentialism go for it!! i just think it adds more to the comedy side of this child they have to babysit, while not fearing death or any consequences from their dumb of Ass decisions. someone who fears no death and armed with no braincells is a fool, but a Child who fears no death and armed with no braincells is also a fool, but more bizzare and has That Vibe y’know
@niphredil-14​ and @arthotsglasses​
tw: s*icidal, violent jokes treated in a light manner
also spoilers to some things of their characters
who is this,, , sassy lost child??
he first saw you prepared to throw hands with ronins who were being Elite Dickheads. ofc, armed with nothing compared to the sworded-adults, he had to interfere.
no matter how cold he treated you, masking his secret !!!-like concern, you seemed so unfazed through it. you still interacted with him like normal,,,,, why?? do you want a death wish?
and each time he threatened you with,, anything, you responded with, “the only one who gets to hurt & kill me, is ME”
...... what?
he’s convinced you’re the biggest fool of a person. and he’d be right but even so, he has a weirdly strong need to protect you as you two got closer. you’re often with sasuke, so it’s harder to avoid you.
even with all the Horrible jokes you make on a daily basis, if your passionate side with everyone having equal rights of being treated as human, for him it shows a side of you that makes you seem precious and pure and kind hearted.
and the overprotective side increases.
which is, ,, a bit problematic sometimes cause you have the tendency to target and piss off anyone in a 10 meter range by just one (1) sassy comment, along with your lack of impulse control and blurting out everything in your mind. it’s made you a lot of short enemies in the sengoku period, and kenshin would always be ready to slice them down behind you.
sasuke has to tame him down with his Masters degree in kenshin-wrangling.
at banquets, kenshin would often have you beside him. if you’re too young for sake do age for drinking exist in sengoku? probably not. it’s more of sasuke advising for him to not give you alcoholic drinks he’ll have you pouring for him or just munching away at pickled plums or food.
(ngl i kinda had a hard time with this since it’s erasing a big part of his overall character,,, flirting)
once he heard the news that oda had taken in somone as young as you during honno-ji,, ,,,he’s in a very “how dare that demon >>:( taking such a pure soul,....”
and when you’re taken to kasugayama as a captive, you’re,,, surprisingly very calm and whelmed. you don’t have much sign of fear or anxiety in your overall demeanor meanwhile you’re busy dissociating and spacing out to feel those
you actually don’t seem to hate your captor. but shingen isn’t sure if your ‘fingerguns’ is a good thing or not cause it depicts you pointing guns @ him,, (dw is good shingen)
while yes being held hostage—no matter how good you’re being treated—isn’t ideal and kinda not very cash money, you consider shingen v chill. man has a kindheart!! “i diagnose you with good vibes.”
if he ever sees your righteous side, as everyone else, he’ll deeply admire you. he himself is someone who believes in such as well. and hearing the circumstances in the modern world regarding those things (blm, etc.) his heart truly does go out for you. he feels sympathy for such a young person like you having to take action
also your dirty humor around him, echigo’s player, kind of makes him question where and how you learnt it
and,, his illness.
through getting straight to the point and not falling for it each time he changes subject/dodges the question, you managed to get to the bottom of his illness. shingen himself thinks it’s not something you have to burden with knowing—you’re so, so young.
but that doesn’t matter to you. the world’s given you such a shit time, you’re mature enough to understand the situation at least.
and as he finishes his explanation, all there was is silence. it felt wrong to say any of your usual quips,, so all you did was slowly came there and hugged him.
that was more than what he’d ask for.
oh hell yeah
you are in your element with him. the chillest guy to talk to, and probably the first one you’re the closest to
your phone was dead after like 2 days of use, and you were miserable while hideyoshi, like a typical parent, told you to go outside and into town. sensing your bad mood, sasuke asked what’s up. you deadpanned, “my phone game ended and now i’m ready to commit not breath.” you oslemnly look out in the bustling streets and clutched your fist like an Anime Protagonist, “those boomer memes were right all along... i am absolutely Miserable and Useless(^TM) without it.”
in response, you could’ve sworn he did the Anime Glasses thing as well, “then we at team Moderately Awesome Sengoku Ninja are happy to announce the launch of a DIY phone charger, made with the electricity from a fruit and the main functionality of a solar panel. and has more durability than samsung’s.”
there were Stars in your eyes now. with a big grin, you thank him, “i’d die for you, sasuke.”
“then perish.” he said with a blank look. (yukimura, in the bg: ???!!!??!??!?)
the next day he consentually breaks in through the ceiling and gives you the weird contraption. you’re now saved, soul-wise.
the memes start coming and they don’t stop coming from the two of you. in any situation. whether it’d be at a teahouse, or at a battlefield that can determine your life and death.
and you can have discussions about current world events, or the past ones, with him and he’d understand completely what you’re talking about. it’s those rare nights when you’ve been thinking and have a deep conversation with him in his room, and as an adult, it makes for interesting results as well.
the others are endlessly confused, but you’re both so unapologetically yourselves.
and he’s super protective if the circumstances are tough. he feels bad for dragging another person in the sengoku with him—much less when they’re so young like you.
if you’re enough of a lil shit, once you’re taken into kasugayama, in the nights where you can’t sleep because brain at what would be 3 am, you’d probably trudge over to his room and wake him up to tell him what kind of mind-blowing shit you realized.
when he saved you from falling to your death, your reaction already set off weird Vibes inside him. what do you mean, “you stopped me from fleeing this fleeting world by the sweet embrace of death” ?!?!?! are you crazy?? yes
he doesn’t waste time getting blunt with you at all either.
once he goes into azuchi as a merchant, he silently observes you talking to sasuke for a bit. what’s with your weird language?? and crude humor???? never in his life has he met someone in your age act like that wtf
even so, he still operates on the basis of ‘‘if sasuke trusts you, i trust you’’, no matter how utterly concerned you make him feel
you have a dirtier mind than him! unsurprisingly. along with everyone else, you often tease the poor soul, a nd you’d gladly tell him what the innuendoes mean ( 69, etc.) and maybe sprinkle in some gay jokes in there
and why do you keep mentioning this “bromance between him and sasuke” ?? what us,,, a bromance????? and why is sasuke in it??
he takes you out to teahouses to eat chestnut dumplings and other desserts with you. you always seem to target the one he doesn’t like the most and have a bit of banter
your relationship is built on banter but what’s different rlly
he treats you much more maturely than other people your age. as in, he doesn’t pull back his punches in words most of the time. you don’t seem to around him also, it looks like.
and, he’s also very protective of you. he regards you as his little sibling, as rat as you may be. and he does care about you—he might just be a bit unwilling to say it
you think he’s very chill, if a bit unique but who were you to judge. and he is, if you ever meet him in echigo or even azuchi
his big liking to art and something of apathy to people is osmething you can respect. there’s something about that kind of Vibe that you find oddly a mood.
and oh boy oh boy you wasted no time pulling up your phone and showing images of what art is in the future. whether it’d be a screenshot of anime, fanart, aesthetic-like ones, palette-themed—the whole shabang. 
and, somehow, you were left ranting to him  about how some artists in the future get it so shitty for theft, reposting, not crediting, the list goes on (please be a decent human being to artist, sincerely the author) and he can’t help but just listen in silence and kind of thinking about how you’re so passionate about the Struggles of artists. and it isn’t something he sees often in the sengoku era—where war rules most things.
and he does find art from the modern times interesting, how they’re so different and vast in styles. and not only that, it’s not like the future only has one major style like then, each hand can draw such different pictures and still have beauty in each. he appreciates and admires that.
and he does tell you his thoughts ^ while you give your own insight. it’s so fascinating to see someone like you having strong opinions on this.
because, well, rn art is a big thing in our lives as we’re stuck inside. a part of entertainment is looking at any media of art—and he finds his view of art and yours quite the same. you two came from a time of turmoil (one moreso than the other) but still think art isn’t exactly irrelevant just because it isn’t a cure to diseases or the Ultimate Weapon.
you had to Surgically Remove him from your phone so you can use it and to stop him from draining your battery looking at the art
and he often drags you out to town and admire pieces when you’re holing yourself in too much. your comments are always unknown to him, “radical”, “that’s one i can vibe with ngl”, and the list goes on.
and you occasionally call him pretty boy as a compliment rlly
when you first saw him at honno-ji, and he won’t forget the one (1) line you gave him, all you said to his warning of ooo spooky demons was, “that’s lit fam gtg tho”
and that alone was enough to stun him for a few seconds
honestly you told the others of your meeting with kennyo before they told you it could be kennyo. just a throaway line of “oh yeah there was this dude with a scar across his face.” / “,,, ,....that’s kennyo. he’s really dangerous actually—” / “oh, poggers”
you’re probably kind of half the reason the oda forces found who dun it.
and it was an eye for an eye, kennyo himself found out that you were their child chatelaine, and very close to the others. as per his villain-schedule, he kidnaps you .
he laments about how “such a pure soul such as yours is not to be stained by the demon’s hands”
oh how Wrong he was.
you were the definition of the opposite of pure. and you seemed unfazed, which surprised kennyo but shrugged it off. he was willing to face you screaming and panicking, along with shouldering the sin of doing the deed. but instead, he was met with a raised eyebrow and, “this is unexpected and probably not welcomed but what am i doing here.”
he was stunned for a moment before explaining what he can. 
“......... fuck.”
he cringed ever so slightly at your curse. but your attention seems to stray so quickly off of the fact that you were bounded and helpless, to the fact that you have the man doing unspeakable things to civilians and you absolutely don’t approve.
throwing your common sense to maybe be civilized, you went off on a rant of how human rights and how to not be an ass to him. all he could do was just listened, shocked to even cut you off.
when he did, he gave the whole ‘unsaved demon’ shtick, and you weren’t taking that kinda shit. he believed he was truly unsaved—you knew that. but that doesn’t make it okay.
eventually, he left you with a cold end of the conversation.
he admires your spirit in a way—but with what he’s experienced,,, it’s a bit of unreachable for him.
if at any point you saw the soft side of his with animals, you just gaped at him for a split second and whispered, “the gap moe is strong with this one.”
also old man died inside when you said that you’d fight god, along with many things.
all in all, to him, you’re insufferable. but weirdly,, fascinating.
you’ve totally ok boomer’d him once cause he rlly looks old
,,. if your speech to kennyo was bad, he’s going to rant hell.
motonari already knew you were interesting even when his men just spied on you. your behavior, so brash and impulsive, is going to be so fun to have, he thinks.
through some planning to stir up more chaos, he kidnaps you and brings you unto his ship. same as kennyo, you showed no clear sign of surprise, and that’s when he decided you were either used to this in any way, or a fool. both answers, he liked.
you’re kind of really confused on why he’s doing what he’d doing. “i get it, i like to stir up chaos myself but it’s harmless,, most of it—but not until the people are in danger, bitch.”
and by that line, motonari leans towards you with a deadly smirk, “now, i can bite, ‘kay kid? you don’t wanna be in the receiving end... do you?”
“do it, coward.”
and before he could let out even a wheeze of laughter, you continued on on a lecture of, again, not being a dick and letting people live their life in peace. and much less all of this damage, for what? chaos?? yeah you wanted to see the world burn but it wasn’t literally.
however, his patience was running thin. he shuts you up forcefully, and leaves.
even so, after a cooldown period, he still talks to you (,,,, well, that’s kind of a generous term) because, right he was, you were so fun in his eyes.
an interesting observation he made,,, was that you picked up on his big dislike of physical contact. and he’d think with how annoying you were at times, that you’d weaponize it. but you didn’t—in fact, you kept your space (not that you were planning to get close) and respected his boundaries.
he thinks you a bit of peculiar for that decision, some wary, and perhaps naive.
one of the days—the more dangerous ones—he was planning to take you to the oda as bait or something. and you weren’t taking it like that. two days before arrival, a storm racked up. you stood upon the edge of the ship with the rest of the crew watching you like you were a madman.
“the oda won’t want me if i’m dead, would they now?”
motonari stands in his composure, guffawing, “all i need is to make sure they believe you’re alive, kid.”
a smile that showed absolutely no fear and 1000 percent spite spread in your face, “not unless i decimate my own body until all the trail left is my blood. the only one who gets to do that shit to me, is me.”
finally, a look of wavering shows in his face.
you were saved last minute,, and the rest is history.
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hongism · 3 years
I think that you are a genuinely intelligent person. The way you phrase your sentences, basic or not, you always make it seem as if you’ve put hours of thought and care into it.
When i see the way you write, I immediately think, “Yeah, that’s def an educated person.”
Ofc i don’t know you personally, but i felt if i had told you my darkest secret, you wouldn’t tell anyone and you would take that secret to your grave.
You’re just a very safe person for a lot of us to talk to, and for me, i could almost say you’re like a big sister, except without the sister part because big sisters are mean. Anyways, you seem like a very caring person, and i don’t want to compare negatively with anyone else, but usually when i send asks to other creators, i expect a short or vague response, and i didn’t rlly have a problem with that. But you actually talk to us, and it doesn’t feel like we’re talking to a celebrity who is so far out of touch with us.
Even though you have a lot on your plate with school and writing, you manage to show us your strong side, even if it may be hard. That’s what i envy about you. But if you do ever feel it, you can show us that you’re struggling, and the reason you can do that is bcs you’ve created a close bond with us. Even with the people who don’t send asks, they probably feel care for you like the ones who send asks do.
This may just be me, but I really like to make sure that people feel important and feel their impact on other people. I want you to know that every morning when i wake up and go through tumblr, I always get excited for your posts and i like looking through all of them, especially your daily hongjoong posts.
You are genuinely so talented and I could probably write a whole essay as to why i think your talented. I could analyze your stories and still not really get to the nitty gritty because it would take time to actually try and see what exactly goes on in your mind and your characters minds when i read, and that’s, like, the best thing ever. Like, there wasn’t a lot of authors where i could read their stories and try to analyze their characters, or when i do so, it’s so quick and easy. I hope you get what i mean, because i’m honestly not good at explaining things because my mind is going a mile a second and once a thought it there then it just leaves immediately lmao.
But to finish this off, i will say it simply 😤 You are an amazing writer and your writing and persona has a positive impact on not only me but all of us. I love you ❤️
- 🗡
NAUR FOR REAL I WASN'T EXPECTING THIS KIND OF LOVE FROM ANYONE HELP?!?! cried the first time i saw this in my emails and cried again reading it just now okay yes AAAAA i feel like any response i try to come up with is gonna be an absolute mess and im gonna be a mess and this is just overall a mess BUT!!!! let me just pretend im put together enough to respond coherently :')
do forgive me if this isn't as detailed or coherent as usual im genuinely a bit !!! speechless because of how kind and beautiful and touching this whole ask is? in all my time on tumblr i don't think i've ever received something like this or something that really shook me the way this ask does and it's such a high honor and a true blessing for me <3
i think for me the thing that is most important in interacting with others around me is that sense of safety. as much as i want to feel safe here on this blog, i want and feel a burning need for others to also feel safe. i want people to know they are loved and cherished here no matter what, and in my time as an anon on various writing blogs, the thing that always bothered me was when people would respond to a detailed ask with 1-2 sentences that never felt genuine. i strive to maintain a certain level of respect for any ask i receive, no matter who is behind it, and i want to give my all in responding to those asks because i know what it feels like to give a lot and receive little in return. beyond that i just adore getting to talk with people, and in real life, talking to people is incredibly difficult and stressful for me. being able to talk so much and so freely here on this blog is such a rewarding experience for me as a person beyond just being a writer and a content creator.
but also im someone who doesn't like showing when things are difficult. i only really admit that it's hard and hurts when it's been bottled up for a while, but these days im trying my best to learn to be more forgiving with myself, and truly it's because of the love and affection and support that you all show me that i feel comfortable enough and safe enough to open myself to you guys.
as someone who also loves making sure people feel important and needed and special, it means so much to me that you find such value in my blog because it's such a special and precious place to me as well
and to hear those compliments about my writing is reall y really something i will cherish forever, i have a place where i keep screenshots and messages that mean a lot to me and i can assure you that this one is going there in an instant. to think that before coming to tumblr, i was so insecure about my writing that i couldn't bear to look at it or share it with even my closest friends and family, and now here i am blessed and lucky enough to share my works with thousands of people is truly one of the greatest blessings i've ever been given. it might seem odd or foolish to some people, but to have this blog and this community and this family of people is so incredibly special to me and has helped me grow as a person in ways i didn't think possible. i adore that i have each and every single one of you because i know i would have left forever ago if not for the community i have been able to build up over the years and it's still as special to me now as it was when i received my first followers.
this is sappy enough and emo enough but thank you from the bottom of my heart thank you and i love you sosoososos much 😭💞💗
send me a LONG (or short) anonymous message saying what you think of me
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ancatss · 4 years
DCST random thoughts! (CHAPTER ~160 SPOILERS)
So here’s just a little collection of random things i noticed/thought about while re-reading some of the later dr stone chapters. 160 is in the title, but these all take place over multiple chapters- if you haven’t read past 160 you should be fine, theres nothing too spoilery here. anyways...!
1- The small  scene with the whale during the trip: although it’s not really content there’s a lot you can pull from the one panel- Obviously, everyone’s reactions are pretty justified, Yuzuriha’s could be just because she’s been shown to love all/really care for animals before, but what I’m focusing on here is Ukyo! As we know, he used to work on a submarine or some type of marine force, so it’s entirely possible he developed or already had an interest in marine life! It’d just make sense after spending so much time in the quiet with nothing but you and the sea- I think that’s an adorable part of Ukyo’s character, so I really really hc he gets excited about oceans and ocean animals!
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2- This little flashback moment: does Senku (temporarily) live at Taijuu’s house? Ofc we’ve rarely seen them separated when we get flashbacks of baby Senku, so it would make sense, and after all, where would Senku live while Byakuya’s away at NASA for most of his life? It’s entirely possible Senku could stay afloat living by himself if Byakuya was still paying bills from the U.S, and Senku would probably prefer it that way, but even though he has the knowledge it’s probably not convenient for him to do all the things that come with owning a house, like buying food. The idea of them being housemates along with bffs is really cute tbh  (Also small note, I like to imagine Taijuu’s dad is either really meek similar to bakugos, or is just an older, burlier copy of Taijuu- of course hed take Senku in no problem, and actually probably get along quite well with Byakuya)
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3- I’ll try to keep this short, since I’d love to and probably will go more in depth into it for a separate post, but... Gen is really, really smart, guys. Like it’s been stated before, but Gen and Senku are pretty matched in knowledge, except obv with Senku it’s focused on science and with Gen it’s focused on psychology. I actually had a small theory about the possibility of Gen still being as morally grey as he was when we met him, but like I said, i’ll probably go into that some other time. For now, have these screenshots of examples Gen being an actual genius when it comes to reaction time, memory and critical thinking skills/analysis (that is, immediately catching onto the plan and immediately realizing xeno would most likely know that senku would mention taijuu if he were to basically study under xeno, really helps gen’s case for just being a minor lackey and highlights his relationship with senku <33)
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