#i struggled with will probably be flint that includes his name
heliza24 · 1 year
Wilhelm and Sara as A Plot and B Plot Protagonists
This meta was originally a part of two-part answer to an ask box question, but since I've seen the idea of Sara and Wilhelm as parallel characters catching on recently, I decided to repost it as it's own meta for easier reference. This is one aspect of my personal Young Royals interpretations I'm most passionate about, so it's been great to see people start to talk about Sara and Wilhelm this way, and I look forward to future discussion. Ok, here we go:
Let’s talk about story structure for a minute, specifically TV story structure. Most TV has an A plot and a B plot (and sometimes a C plot too). In old school cable procedurals, the A plot would be the mystery of the week, while the B plot would be about whatever was happening in the characters’ personal lives. If there was an overarching mystery or storyline that tied the whole season together, that would be the C plot. As you can guess by how they’re named, the A Plot would take up the most time and do the most to drive  the episode forward. The B plot is next most important, etc. Once shows started to become more serialized in the age of streaming, the concept of A and B plots changed a little bit. Now the plots are divided by character and theme. The A plot will be headlined by the protagonist and will explore the main themes of the show. The B plot will be headlined by a secondary protagonist, who doesn’t have as much to do as the A plot lead, but is still answering a dramatic question that relates to the central themes of the show. A lot of times the primary and secondary protagonists’ actions influence each other, but they don’t share a ton of screen time. (If they did, their stories wouldn’t be separate.) You can think of the A and B plot protagonists as two sides of the same coin. They’re intricately connected, they’re exploring the same ideas, but they rarely come face to face, and they often represent different perspectives on the same themes. Black Sails is probably my favorite example of this. (I’m not as active in the Black Sails fandom as I am in the Young Royals fandom, but Black Sails is probably my all time favorite show and I absolutely love all the ungovernable pirates over in the Black Sails tag. Shout out to them). James Flint is the main protagonist and headliner of the A story, but Max is the secondary protagonist that headlines the B story. Both are struggling with the question of how to achieve and wield power in an unjust world, and their political maneuvers consistently influence each other’s plots. They share a lot of secondary characters across both of their plots, but they themselves never interact. So that’s one example, and if you look around at your favorite shows you’ll be able to find lots that adhere to this formula, including, I would say, Young Royals.
I think a lot of people are kind of subconsciously looking for this kind of structure, and have decided that Simon is the protagonist of the B plot. I understand this, because we all love Simon. He’s really well written and acted, his personality is so compelling, and his chemistry with Wilhelm is great. I spend a lot of time writing him in fic (I’m the writer of all the Simon content in Heart and Homeland) so I understand this impulse. But if you were looking for Simon to be anchoring the B plot in season 2, you might have been disappointed. Because in reality I don’t think he’s the secondary protagonist. I think Sara is. 
Sara is set up as a foil to Wilhelm, the main protagonist, in so many ways. I always say that the driving dramatic question of Young Royals lives with Wilhelm, and it’s something along the lines of “should I conform and live the oppressive life that was designed for me, or rebel and find my own path to happiness?” Sara is wrestling with a similar question that’s kind of the inverse of this; for her settling into a prescribed role in the Hillerska class system initially seems like a relief. So maybe for her the dramatic question is something along the lines of “is the price of fitting in worth it? Will it lead to true happiness?” They feel so much like opposite sides of the same coin to me. 
So Sara and Wilhelm are both trying to define themselves in relation to their families and also the class system. This comes up in the similarities of their family structure (they both feel very connected to their class position through their families; they both have complicated relationships with their mothers and bad to negligible relationships with their fathers; they both have a deep connection to their siblings) and in the relationships they choose to embark upon. They’re both navigating a very serious and complicated first love. They’re both dating across class (in the opposite direction, a perfect example of the “different views on the same theme” aspect of primary and secondary protagonists). They both have concerns about how and when their relationships become public, and by extension are both playing in the sandbox of themes around privacy and authenticity that defines so much of the show.  
Both have difficulty regulating and recognizing their emotions. Sara seems to exhibit alexithymia, a common aspect of autism that makes it hard to recognize one's own emotions. Wilhelm has been taught to repress his emotions, which he does well until he explodes (like when he got into the fight at the top of the series or when he yells at his mom on the phone). He’s also managing a lot of physical symptoms of anxiety. 
Both also struggle with questions of justice and how to make things right. In the beginning of season 2, Wilhelm is initially determined to destroy August because he thinks August will never repent, but by the end of the season he’s starting to realize that this was the wrong technique. He realizes this largely because of Simon; he only puts down the gun and walks away from August because Simon does first.  Sara makes the opposite journey: she starts by trusting that August will change and repent on his own, but then she is forced to confront the fact that this is not true, and that she needs to use the legal system to bring August to justice. She also makes this realization largely because of Simon, and seeing the ways that she has hurt Simon, in the same scene with the gun. 
The other big argument in support of Sara as the secondary protagonist of the show is that she and Wilhelm never directly interact. Their actions affect each other all the time, but they don’t share a scene together. They’re living on parallel but separate story tracks. 
Simon is a crucial character in both Wilhelm and Sara’s stories, but the fact that he is close with both excludes him from being a protagonist of his own plot line. (I would say the same about August, who is a sort of antagonist for both Wilhelm and Sara, and Felice, who is a friend and confidant to both.) That doesn’t mean that Simon isn’t well written. He has a very compelling character arc, motivates much of the plot, and his relationship with Wilhelm forms the heart of the show. But I think the reason people were disappointed in his story in season 2 is that they were expecting something from him that the structure of the show doesn’t support.  
If you’re interested in reading more about A/B/C plot structures I found this website really easy to understand. Also shout out to @bluedalahorse for talking to me about Wilhelm and Sara and helping me articulate what I was trying to say here.
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alexwatchesshows · 9 months
Black Sails II (S1E2) review
Spoilers for up to and including E2.
Shit continues to hit the fan.
We start in the more or less immediate aftermath of E1. Flint does have less blood on him, though, which is probably a good thing. I do wonder why he has so many white shirts, though. It's probably a symbolism thing but from a practical point of view, it feels like asking for trouble. Billy is already having trouble with processing the consequences of his actions. Even in the one episode we've seen so far, he's been set up as a relatively honest, straightforward, likable kind of guy and, while Flint may have convinced him that he's the best option for the crew, this level of deception is new to him and he (reasonably) doesn't like it. Gates is just pissed that someone hurt his son like that. The Gates/Billy father/son-esque relationship is probably one of my favourite ones on the show. Then we get a wider look at the crew. Flint has clearly won most of them over with his promise of basically just insane amounts of money, but it is clear that some of them still resent him and believe Singleton was in the right. There's also Randall's seemingly unprovoked statement of "we don't like thieves" which raises the question of how much he actually knows. Is he just parroting something that a lot of people have been saying or is he so perceptive that he knows what Silver's done? Maybe he's somewhere in between those two but still it's something to keep in mind.
I really like Silver's escape, just in the way that it's filmed. The combination of Silver not being able to let other people know he's running away, Flint not being able to let other people know he's chasing Silver and the confined setting of the ship make for a really tense and creative chase scene. Once on land, Silver continues to be clever in some very creative and interesting ways (and I love him for it).
Meanwhile, we see Mr Scott being apparently the one person who Eleanor listens to, almost getting her to understand that provoking Vane was a bad idea (like, a really, really bad idea). Vane has got other issues, though, as he and Jack are struggling to see eye to eye on the risks needed to compete for the Urca gold. Jack understands the value of the timetable, and the potential long-term benefits of paying for it. Vane, on the other hand, is actually more risk-averse in a way, taking a more practical approach of looking for short-term, dependable wins. Jack ends up coming out on top, which leads to an interesting insight-- that Vane is competing with Flint for the role of "king", one that, again, seems antithetical to the values of the pirates, and that Jack also considers himself as being in the running for this. Vane isn't necessarily being arrogant as considering himself in the running for this role, though, as we see in his interactions with the new pirate (who brings in a little racism and sexism, I guess to remind us that that's going on?) that his name, and the name of his ship are known and feared. Anne Bonny also has a reputation (and is the first female pirate we've seen who does, possibly even the first woman in general as Eleanor is currently very much acting on her father's authority), we learn from Gates in his pursuit of Silver.
We also get a bunch of people's opinions of what should be done with Nassau over the course of this episode. Flint continues to have very high aspirations of "a nation of thieves", whilst Gates' more measured approach of "we can't thieve forever" doesn't necessarily aim as high as Flint but still agrees with him that "5 million gold pieces is a good place to start". Flint tries to win Eleanor over with his "story about a Spaniard named Vasquez" (I feel like we'll hear a lot about that guy in episodes to come) and seems to be sort of winning her over to his more idealistic side, placing her in direct contrast to Max, who tries to tell her that "this place is just sand. It cannot love you back." which is, as is very quickly becoming the case for Max, right on the money. It seems like the two characters who have the highest expectations for Nassau (Flint & Eleanor) are also the two who want much more than a successful town-- Flint wants power/authority, and Eleanor wants validity/to prove herself. We also, through their different visions of Nassau, explore the two sides of Eleanor and Max's relationship. I mentioned in my review of E1 that it was unclear what exactly the nature of the relationship was and, in this episode, it's becoming clear that Eleanor and Max aren't sure either. Max seems much more invested in the relationship than Eleanor, who seems to see Max as just some kind of release. Jack, however, does seem to appreciate Max, although coming on to her in a business meeting in front of Anne is an interesting move.
To end the episode we get the brilliant chase scene in the wrecks. Again, I love how the setting is used to maximum effect to heighten the tension and confusion of the scene. Silver is particularly good at using this to his advantage, showing us again how good he is in a tight situation. Jack and Vane end up losing out the most (note the pearls in the ocean), but Silver, despite being caught (in a quite homoerotic moment) by Flint still ends up winning in a way (given his chances of living at all were fairly slim, I'd call this a victory), again proving his ability to think his way out of a tight situation.
Then, almost as an epilogue to the episode, we learn a little bit more about Flint. We've already heard him tell the story about Odysseus, which is an interesting insight into how he sees himself and his life. Odysseus' story is, primarily, one of a journey home, after Trojan war, which raises the question of what Flint sees as his Trojan war, and what he envisions as his moment of being able to pick up an oar. If this is his journey home, what is the home he is looking for? We get do get something of an insight into this as he leaves his crew's celebrations (that he is notably separate from) to go to a house on the inner island. This is potentially the first domestic setting we've seen in the show, complete with music, and the Flint's relief is evident as soon as he enters it. We've not yet seen him show any signs of vulnerability (the only expression of emotion was notably violent and also when he was alone), so him sighing then collapsing in front of someone else says a lot about her and whatever their relationship may be.
Also, I couldn't cover this episode without paying homage to the beautiful moment that is "fruit fruit tits tits". It should be considered a cultural landmark.
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feral-ella-flynn · 3 years
Paying the Toll, pt 2: M Troll x F Human, SFW (for now)
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Part 1
Male Troll + Female Human
still SFW (so far)
2.5K/6.5K word draft
tagging @feralprose @monster-bait @apocalypticromantic666 @pre-schoolervengance @bresilienne-ami @soivebuiltupaworldofmagic @dont-call-me-a-faerie @kirmalight (comment to be tagged in updates!)
I bet no one expected this to be updated! Including me! This installment is definitely not as long as I intended, because I got really hung up on details--that’s why I’m posting anyway, to get some momentum so that hopefully the third part will be both longer and not so tardy. 
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Escaping a goblin raid on your village leads you to a bridge, but you have nothing to offer the troll who guards it for a toll...except yourself
You wake in darkness.  At first you aren't sure you're awake at all--it's only by touching your own eyelids that you can feel sure they're open. It seems to make no difference between the thick, pressing dark around you either way.
“Mattie?” you whisper, your voice thin and hoarse. 
There’s no answer, and understanding comes crashing down on you, like floodwater overwhelming a dam. You are not in your cramped room under the eaves of the big house, Mathilde is not sleeping on the narrow bed an armspan away–if she’s lucky, perhaps she was able to hide in the cellars or the attics, somewhere that was safe enough until the goblin raiders felt they had run out of things to raze and ravish and moved on. Or perhaps help would come, from the regiment billeted outside the market town, or from rangers who might have been near enought to see the smoke. If Mattie was unlucky….
A sob catches in your dry throat, then turns to choking dry heaves that leave you shuddering. Bile burns on your tongue. You huddle into the nest of furs, remembering now where you are and how you came to be here, naked and alone in the pitch black.
Not alone. There is the hush of leather brushing against stone, a faint musky scent. 
“Aye.” The troll’s gravel-rough voice is low and close–you almost reach out, ready to blunder once again into his arms rather than be alone with your fears.
The scrape of flint is loud enough in the silence to make you jump. Sparks illuminate the troll, kneeling at your side, and as he coaxes the tinder to unfurl into flame you hastily wrap a fur around your bare flesh. Whatever mood made you so bold before has been banished by your nightmares.
“Is it morning?”
The troll shrugs. “Near enough.”
“Shall I–shall I make breakfast for you?” Your fingers knead anxiously in the soft nap of the pelt that you clutch closed over your chest. “What do you like for breakfast?”
The troll–Brúsi–glances at you, his head tilted in the way that is already familiar. You think it means he’s just as bewildered by your contract, and by you, as you are yourself.
“Dried goat,” he says. “Morning meal, evening meal. Unless there is a new goat.”
“Oh. Where do the goats come from?”
He shrugs. “The bridge provides.”
Well. You take a deep breath, pushing the fear and panic of the last day, of the dark dreams, down into a tight ball at the bottom of your stomach, where you can ignore it for a little while. “Does the bridge ever provide eggs?”
And so you begin your month as housekeeper to a troll. 
Your clothes are badly stained, and chilly from being spread out on the stone floor, but they're dry and you dress in them anyway, trying to ignore the scrutiny of Brúsi’s dark blue eyes as he watches you. He seems fascinated by the layers as you lace your stays over your shift, tie the strings of your petticoat, and your cheeks burn with a blush as you finally button your gown. You do your best with the tangles in your hair--letting it hide your face until your heart stops thumping in your ears before you twist it into a hasty braid. 
There are no eggs. But you take a lantern the troll indicates and follow him into another cave that serves as a store room.
“There is goat,” he says, pointing at the considerable supply of dried meat, “and other goods, if tha wish them.” His gesture at the heaps of bags, crates, jars, casks, boxes–all jumbled together and shoved to one side–is dismissive, as if there is nothing of value to be found. You stare wide-eyed at a bolt of fine silk, at the glint of gold from a carelessly overturned casket with a broken lid.
“What is all this?”
“Payment for the toll, for when there were no goats.”
“You don’t do anything with the things paid for the toll? They just sit and rot?”
He shrugs. “I butcher the goats.”
You can only shake your head, but the practicality can’t be denied–gold and silk isn’t much use in a cave, and it’s with less wonder but more delight that you find flour, oil, and salt.
Breakfast is fried bread--and goat meat.
Once the meal is prepared and cleaned away, the troll vanishes up the dark tunnel. He takes no lantern with him. He also doesn't say a word to you before he leaves, and you stand in the cave for a while, expecting him to come back with instructions, or–well, something. But he doesn’t, and  you can only twist your hands in the skirt of your gown for so long. Eventually you pick up the lantern and explore. 
There is little enough to see. Other than what you noticed when you arrived, there is an alcove that must be where the troll sleeps, on piled furs that smell musky but not unpleasant. There is the storage cave, although it seems larger than it did at first, because you realize that you can’t see the far wall before the circle of light gives way to darkness.
And then there is the tunnel entrance, where your new employer disappeared, and which presumably leads out, to--your stomach lurches at the memory of being upside down from the sky–the underside of the bridge. But perhaps that had been an illusion, and the tunnel merely led out to an opening in the bank underneath the bridge? You had been half out of your mind with fear, after all. Maybe you dreamed that part.
Maybe…maybe you could simply walk out of this tunnel, out of the dark, and walk all the way home.
Except that you agreed to a contract. And the troll did say he wouldn’t eat you, wouldn’t even touch you, which was more than any of the men at the big house ever promised...none of them had touched you, but you knew that was because you had been careful, so careful, all the time, to be invisible. 
It had helped that Mattie made it easy to fade into the background. She flaunted her pretty curls and winsome dimples, and when she sometimes crept into your shared attic room well after midnight she always had a new length of fine fabric for a dress or a necklace of amber beads to show for it. You asked once if she wasn’t afraid of falling pregnant, but she just shrugged.
“I know to be careful,” she said, and hid the coins she’d gotten for selling her latest bauble away beneath her bed.
Thinking of Mattie makes your eyes sting with tears, and reminds you that probably there was no home to walk back to–and if you tried, there would likely be nothing to be done there except burying the dead. You leave the tunnel entrance alone, and busy yourself with organizing the heaped goods in the storage cave.
When Brúsi returns, he brings you eggs, freshly laid and nested in a straw packed basket. 
“They had no goat." He shrugs. 
Other than struggling to invent new ways of preparing goat meat, most of your time is spent sorting. You find all manner of things in the storage cave, from precious jewels to plain linen fabric. The gems and gold you store in caskets, and then can’t shift on your own–Brúsi laughs at you, and picks them up with one hand, arranging them neatly along one wall as you direct him. You stack bolts of fabric, folding shorter lengths neatly into a another chest, you line up swords with gold wrapped hilts, swords with elaborately carved scabbards, swords that are short, swords that are nearly as long as you are tall, and then there are maces and axes and other things you can’t name. There’s even a pair of pistols in a tooled leather box, their handles gleaming mother of pearl. It’s more treasure than you ever imagined, and you feel that you’re in a dragon’s den instead of a troll’s cave--except that Brúsi shows little interest in the goods, except for the goat meat.
“If you don't have a use for these things, why accept them?” you asked, after the third day of sorting boxes and bundles and barrels, and still not finding the back wall of the cave. You’d found a crown, heavy and lumpy, like something out of an ancient grave, and under it a belt of bronze scales that linked together.
The troll just shrugged. “They are the toll, for the bridge. There must be a toll.”
“Then…" you bite your lip, but blurt "can I use some things?”
“If tha hast a use for them, then mayhap the bridge meant them for tha to use.”
“You make it sound like the bridge is alive,” you murmur, running your fingers over the bolts of fabric, already imagining yourself in a dress made of such soft material.
“The bridge is the bridge,” Brúsi says.
“What does that mean?”
He just shrugs.
You sigh, picking up a bolt of wool–practical, and still finer than anything you’ve ever worn. “If the bridge provides, can I give it a list? I need thread, needles, scissors, buttons…I can’t keep wearing this dress,” you gesture down at yourself. “Not without something else to wear while I wash it, at least, but I can’t make anything without supplies. And for that matter I need soap–”
Brúsi tilts his head. “Tha may always ask the bridge, but it works slowly. Simpler for tha to go to a market.”
You stare at him, your mouth falling open. “I can? I mean, is that allowed? I thought…”
He stares at you, the intense blue of his eyes unblinking, and you finally shrug. “I just thought I couldn’t leave the cave.”
“Not for long, but art not bound to the bridge as I am. Come.” He scoops a handful of coins into a pouch and leads you into the tunnel.
The ground slopes upward under your feet, and after a time there is a door before you, swinging outward. Brúsi ducks under its arch, his broad form filling the opening. When he doesn't move to let you through, you realize that he's blocking the way deliberately. Unease spikes through you.
"Is something wrong?"
"The bridge made tha sick before," he says. “Tha shouldst close thine eyes.” You squint suspiciously up at him–is he laughing at you?–but obey. You hear the rattle of his bone-decorated belt as he steps toward you, but then he stops. “I must touch tha,” he says. “Just to lift tha over the topside.”
“All right,” you whisper. You stifle a gasp as his enormous hands circle your waist, lifting you easily off of your feet, and then after a blur of motion you feel stone under you again.
When you open your eyes, you’re on the narrow stone arch of the bridge.  Your lantern flame becomes suddenly pale compared to the warm sunlight that makes you blink and squint. There is no dark and shadowed forest hemming in the river. Instead there is a road, smooth hard dirt fringed with wildflowers on either side, and the rooftops of a village in the distance.
“Where…” You look down at the bridge under your bare feet. 
“The bridge is all bridges,” Brúsi says. He holds out the leather bag of coins, and you take it, staggering a bit at the weight. “Buy whatever tha need.”
You hesitate, glancing from the troll to the road. What is there to stop you from walking away and never returning, from making a life somewhere? The bag in your hand holds more money than you had ever expected to earn in your life. There would be nothing to hold you to the bridge…except your promise.
“Tha canst not escape the bridge.” Brúsi seems to be reading your thoughts, although he’s not even looking at you. He’s gazing down at the water. “Every bridge tha sets foot on will be this bridge, until the toll is paid.”
“Of course.” The bag of coins drags at your arms, and you fumble it open, taking out a handful. “I should be able to get everything I need with these–it would be dangerous to carry all the rest of this.”
The troll frowns, glancing from you to the distant rooftops. “Danger from other humans?”
“Only if I seem to have more money than I should,” you assure him hastily. “It would get attention from the wrong kind of humans. I'll be careful.”
 The coins bite into your palm as your fingers clench unconsciously. The frown creases his forehead, not smoothed away by your reassurances, and you half expect him to shake his head and pick you up under his arm again, ready to toss you back under the bridge. 
 You bite your lip too late to keep the word in, but there are lazy curls of smoke rising from the distant chimneys, and you can hear the lowing of cattle nearby, the friendly chime of chapel bells...and all you can think about is cheese. Cheese, and fruit to pair it with, or potatos, perhaps. Honeycakes. Your stomach rebels at the very thought of dried goat.
Brúsi jerks his chin toward the road. “Go, then. The bridge will be waiting for tha to return.”
You hand off the sack of coins–your shoulders more than grateful to be relieved of its weight–and the troll adds it to the other oddments that dangle from his belt among the bones. He folds his arms.
The handful of coins you kept are barely enough to make your pocket sag with their weight, but you can feel them as a reassuring lump under your skirts. You run anxious hands over your hair and stained gown, smoothing uselessly at wrinkles. 
“I wish I had been able to bathe properly,” you mutter. “I look like a ragamuffin.”
But your hands and face are clean, your hair neatly tied back, and dusk is not far off, so perhaps your bare feet will not be noticed. You step from the cool stone of the bridge to the warm hardpacked dirt of the road. 
"I'll be back s--" Your voice breaks off as you glance over your shoulder. The bridge behind you is a simple one of wooden logs, straddling a stream that a child could leap across. Gooseflesh prickles the back of your neck. You hurry down the road towards the village without looking back a second time.
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moldisgoodforyou · 4 years
no tattoos
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wordcount: 1.7k
warnings: drunk sophie, hints of nsfw talk, etc
Rafe picked up Sophie’s facetime call to be greeted by his excited girlfriend and her talking conversationally in Spanish, albeit a little stilted as her drunk brain tried translating back and forth.
“Sophie -”
“Estoy bebiendo, hemos encontrado este vino por la sangria -” 
He laughed, shaking his head. “English, baby, please. Por favor.” 
“Oh! Fuck, sorry. I’m not sober.” She immediately switched back, bringing a nearly empty cup to her lips as she took him back into her room to momentarily escape the loud party. 
“I can tell. What’s up, just saying hi?” 
“Yeah!” She shut the door behind her and lifted up her shirt a little. ”Baby! Baby, look.” She angled the camera toward her leg, keeping it on selfie mode and hopped on one foot trying to show it correctly.
Rafe held back a smile. “Flip the camera, Soph.”
“No, no, I got it, look.” The camera finally focused in on the purple pen outlining the eventual tattoo, the initials R.C. done in her terrible drunken scrawl. (Her handwriting was pretty poor normally, but her drunk handwriting was much worse.) It was right above her hipbone and at least five inches tall, not at all what she would typically go for with a first tattoo.
He choked back a laugh, eyes wide in disbelief. “Oh my fucking god.”
She grinned and turned the camera back to her face. “What do you think?”
“That’s not - Sophie, you didn’t -” he fumbled with his words, feeling a weird mix of horror and also being turned on that she’d even consider tattooing his initials onto her forever, even if she was drunk.
“No, no, I’m next.” She nearly tripped as she walked back into the kitchen, showing a group of her friends crowded around a table, one of them giving stick and poke tattoos with a practiced ease. The phone was set down and abandoned for a few minutes, but he could hear Sophie accepting another shot with a giggle, her words taking on a pronounced slur.
Rafe waited patiently, straining a little to listen to the conversation.
“Were you talking to your boyfriend?”
“Wait, the one that gave you the ring?”
Sophie laughed and he could picture her grin. “Yeah, I was talking to Rafe. I’m gonna get his initials.” She pulled up her shirt a little to show off the sloppy outline and the girls squealed, both equally as drunk as her. “Oh my god, you can’t.”
“Why not!” Sophie exclaimed.
“What if you break up?”
“Oh, we won’t.” She replied, self-assured. He grinned at that.
“So do you think you’ll marry him?”
There was a brief silence and more giggles and Rafe desperately wished he could see her face. Unbeknownst to him, she nodded with a grin then picked the phone back up, her face tinged pink. 
“Hi! I forgot we were talking!” She took the phone back to her room to talk to him again. Sophie had a tendency of being spacey when she was drunk, often wandering off or just ending a conversation mid-sentence when she couldn’t remember the rest.
Rafe shook his head, trying his best not to laugh. “Sophie. Angel. Listen to me, very carefully, okay?”
She furrowed her brow. “Yes?”
“You cannot get that tattoo.”
She pouted, running her thumb over the ink and smearing it a little. “Why not?”
“Because, Soph. You’re hammered -”
“Am not! I can do a handstand, look, watch -”
“No no no, Soph, just listen to me, please -” he laughed, snapping to try and get her focus as she went to set the phone down and show off (he was a little concerned, especially because he wasn’t sure she could do a handstand sober). “Sophie Flint! Hey. Hey. Pay attention and listen. No tattoos.”
“You don’t like it.” She frowned, lip wobbling, and Rafe could feel the tears coming on. He paused, part endeared and part exasperated. “It’s - it’s not that, I just -”
“No, you hate it and you’re going to break up with me because you think I’m a bad artist and I could never open my own tattoo shop.” She sighed dramatically, a few stray tears spilling down her cheeks. 
“Jesus, what did you drink?” He muttered to himself, shaking his head. “I’m not breaking up with you, baby.” He couldn’t help but laugh, utterly confused. “Has this been some long standing dream I’ve never heard of?”
“You’re laughing at me!” She cried out, rubbing the heels of her hands hard against her eyes. “I’m a great artist.”
“Oh my god.” Rafe muttered, grinning. “Yes, you are. Hey, how about you wait, and - um -”
He grabbed a piece of paper from his desk and held it up. “Look, I’ll draw you the tattoo, but you have to wait until you get it in the mail. So you can copy it right.” He pretended to write his initials onto the paper, knowing he had zero intention of sending it to her.
“Oh. You mean it?” She sniffled, her tears long forgotten.
“I mean it. Nothing to cry over, baby.”
She nodded, swiping the back of her hand over her eyes to get rid of her tears. “You promise to send it? So I can have you with me forever?”
He swore he melted at that statement alone. “That’s why you wanted it?”
“Yeah. And ‘cause I miss you.” She paused. “I miss your dick too, but I’m not gonna get that tattooed on me.”
He laughed loudly at that, shaking his head. “I think that’s a solid plan. No tattoos tonight, okay?” 
“I’ll wait until you come out and we can both get each other’s. Oh!” Her face lit up and it was almost painful for him that she was so far away when she was in one of his favorite moods. “Yeah, Soph?” 
“You could get my signature, on your letters! The S and the halo!” 
He paused, thinking. “That’s not too bad.” 
“No, it’d be perfect. I want it over your heart. So everyone knows you’re mine.” She declared, tracing her idea over her own heart to demonstrate. 
“Okay. I’ll think about it. Go back to your party, angel, go have fun.” He urged, feeling better now that he’d talked her down from the tattoo ledge. 
“No, I miss you, I wanna talk.” She flopped down onto her bed and propped her phone up, then wrapped her arms around her pillow. “Last night one of my roommates brought some guy home from the bar and it’s not fair. You should be here so I don’t have to get off on my own.”
Rafe grinned, shaking his head. “You’re trouble.” 
“Am not.” She protested, then grinned. “Unless you want me to be. Then I can be trouble.”
“Keep your voice down, Soph.” He admonished, knowing she had a tendency of being loud when she was drunk. “Go drink some water for me.” 
“No. You know what’s bullshit?” She fished around in her nightstand drawer, looking for something. 
“Ah!” She held up a small drawstring bag. “My vibrator died last week -”
“Jesus Christ, woman -” 
“- and I can’t find a replacement anywhere online. The thing won’t charge here, I think I electrocuted it. Useless.” She tossed the bag across the bed, scowling. 
He was clearly strained, rubbing his temples. “Can we go back? Since when have you had a vibrator?” 
“Since, like, sophomore year.” 
“And I didn’t know about this, why?” 
She shrugged. “You never asked and I think I can probably count on my fingers how many times we had sex in my room last semester. What was I supposed to do, reach over and whip it out when we were fucking?” 
He laughed at her brash words and dropped his head in his hands, shifting in his seat. “You’re going to be the death of me, I swear.” 
Sophie waved her hand, ignoring his struggle. “Rafe, listen to me. That picture you posted with Colin, in the swim shorts, you’re holding the beer?” 
“I’ve literally never wanted to get down on my knees more.” 
He about choked, eyes going wide. “You can’t just say things like that without a warning, angel.” 
“I’m serious -”
“I’m sure you are.” He laughed, trying his best to ignore her tank top slipping off her shoulder and the way she licked her lips. 
“And when you come visit and we travel, I want to have sex in every country. Just so we can say we did.” She declared. 
“We’re only going to be in three, Soph. Including Spain.” He countered, attempting to switch the conversation for his own sake. 
She yawned, stretching, and her shirt slipped a little lower. “Okay, so we’ll just have to travel more together later. Fuck, I miss you.” 
“You too, baby.” He heard her name being yelled out in the background and laughed, raising his eyebrows. “Do you need to go?” 
“Prob’ly. More shots, you know how it goes.” She dragged herself up out of bed and glanced down at her shirt, sighing dramatically. “I gotta change, don’t I?” 
“No, you look great. Go have fun, I love you.” 
“No, no, I gotta change.” She insisted, pulling off her shirt with no hesitation and Rafe sucked in a breath, watching her hunt around through her laundry basket of clean clothes waiting to be folded. “You’re teasing.” 
“I’m not teasing, I have a bra.” She snapped the strap for emphasis. 
“You are teasing. I can see your underwear when you bend over, your skirt is short.” He laughed when she turned a little red and tugged it down. “You’re lying.” 
“I’m not. They’re pink with little red hearts on them.” He grinned. “Adorable.” 
“I’m not going to waste my good underwear when you’re not here.” She defended, then found the shirt she wanted. It was one of his from intramurals, with Cameron written out on the back. He held back a smirk when she tugged it on and it went to her thighs, her skirt barely peeking out under the hem. “Is this better?” 
“Yeah, you look beautiful.” He smiled. “Go back to your party.” Rafe paused, adding, “Tell Mateo I said hi.” 
“That’s weird, but alright.” She shrugged. “You be good, okay?” 
“I don’t think you’re the one that should be telling me that.” He laughed, shaking his head. “Have fun. If you go out, text me when you’re home again.” 
“Deal.” She blew him a kiss before waving and hanging up. 
taglist: @whoeveniskendall @kkmaybank @karsinner @outerbanksbro @outerbankspreferences @randomficsandshit @sunshineitsfine44 @jailcalledlife @tovvaa @moniamaybank @illbesafeforyou @dontjinx-it @freddymaybank @jjmaybankzz @g4bster @oopsiedoopsie23 @babygal-babygal @thecuthoney
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jaideite · 5 years
Main 1-A (shoto, izuku, bakuhoe, and Iida) boys playing Minecraft with their s/o
*cries in ender pearls* I’m such a loser cause I don’t even remember most of everything that goes on in minecraft. Don’t @ me if something is wrong. Debating if I should buy Minecraft on my phone and play it
i felt bad bc i haven’t posted any good content so heres an old request ima shoot out the inbox for y’all I’m probably so rusty KWKD :(( <3
first time writing for Iida let’s see how well we do hMM ;))
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— doesn’t understand a single thing but still plays because you do
— he spawned into the world and moved two spaces
— he fell into a cave and survived
— then died because a cave spider attacked him
— “That’s rough buddy.”
— He’s one of those people who mines straight down and finds a whole bunch of diamonds
— “What are these light blue things in the stones?”
— “It’s an ore for a gem. You mine them and you get diamonds or emeralds. Is it like a really light blue?”
— you’re on like the other side of the cave you both went into so you can’t go over and mine them with a certain pickaxe you made specifically for mining
— you’re pissed because you always struggle to find them and here he is breaking the first rule of Minecraft and finding them
— jerk
— “So I should just get rid of them?”
— “Well I mean—“
— he throws them in lava and they make that burning “sss” sound and you just slowly look up at him from your screen
— “Shoto...what did you do with the diamonds?”
— he kinda just “oops” from his side of the room and you just rub your hands over your face and sigh
— “Oh god I’m in for a rude awakening.”
— he makes an underground farm and house and has collected sea lanterns as lights
— has collected all the diamonds in the world I’m not even kidding he just followed your rule of mining them with the gem pickaxe and diddly doo went off
— “This world sucks there are no diamonds.”
— “Oh I have some in the chest by my crafting table.”
— it’s literally a large chest and it’s full of diamonds
— you are just shook
— “sHOTO HOW—“
— lives in the side of a mountain too it’s actually kinda cute cause he used like stairs as chairs and stuff
— unless y’all are playing with some type of mod that allows chairs then other than that pfft your little “house” is decked out just like his bedroom
— your Minecraft beds are right next to each other too
— he thinks it’s romantic
— kinda looks more like an apartment lmaoo
— he’s more of a peaceful Minecraft player but he can survive survival mode if being asked to play
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— blows everything up
— but not with TNT and flint and steel oh no that’s too easy for him
— the easy way is not for him
— he’s going to learn how to set redstone traps so you walk into them and don’t know
— you walk into your house and you hear the click
— “What just—“
— next thing you know your getting eaten by endermites that have been spawned in
— or your screen just freezes because of all the explosions that go off
— “No No No my stuff—“
— you just watch from the ‘respawn’ screen while he moves into your house to steal your stuff
— “Haha, I knew you had some good shit in here—fucking taking these— what the hell is hitting me—OH SHIT! NO FUCK OFF STUPID RAT LOOKING FUCKS NO DON’T FUCKING KILL ME—“
— your rolling on the floor at the situation of him raging cause the endermites killed him
— katsuki works hard but karma works harder bitch
— raids your stuff when all else fails
— “They’re mine now bitch.”
— he is a survival mode player only
— no exceptions
— plays it at the hardest level and rages when he dies but manages to get the hang of it after a while
— the meanest and worst minecraft player to ever play with
— and on top of it all he only plays so he has your attention
— what a clown i swear
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— best one to play with tbh only second to mirio
— knows the basics and a little more
— if he made his own world he could survive pretty decently
— he keeps a notebook on the world you guys share with all the weapons and stuff you could need
— has memorized the most important potions needed like invisibility, etc.
— when you first made the world you had an icon that looked like you so you were looking for a little green haired character amongst the grass (assuming that’s where y’all spawned)
— and you are just so confused cause where is he
— “Izuku where the heck are you?”
— “By the flowers and grass.”
— “Oh no wonder I didn’t see you your hair probably—“
— and like once you finally get to the flowers you see him (or his character) and you just stop in your tracks
— cause there’s a tall, buff pixelated All Might staring back at you
— “Izuku—you know what? I ain’t even surprised.“
— “Haha...sorry.”
— you had to turn away because oh god the face on that thing was going to give you nightmares
— the armour—oh goodness the armour
— of course it’s customized to look like All Mights hero costume
— other than that—he’s a decent Minecraft player
— he has a secret world where he has built the city and all might fighting the villains
— it’s a huge flat world and it’s dedicated to all might
— he can survive pretty well at going off mining on his own but he won’t go without you just in case he dies and loses his stuff
— gets excited when he finds ores especially diamonds
— you get excited when you find emeralds because
— “Oh my god Izuku the emeralds look like your eyes.”
— all_mights_1_fan has left the game
— “Oh wow.”
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— y’all know those Minecraft books that they used to have that used to help you with like enchantments and stuff?
— Thats Iida
— he plays by the books
— has the complete handbook collection
— I do too lmaooo
— you ask him does he want to play and he just ??
— two days later he’s knocking at your door with the books in hand ready to play
— “I would suggest you go over these should we play!”
— “...Tenya—“
— when you guys play he immediately wants the rules
— “Theres only one.”
— “One—“
— “Don’t dig straight down.”
— he just stares at you mouth agape before he just starts going oFF
— “That rule is absurd! Surely there are more—“
— “NOpe that’s how you play.”
— he’s just ??
— no wonder you’re so chaotic you play games with oNE RULE
— what kind of g a m e has o n e r u l e ?
— so you guys are playing and yknow Iida isn’t having the best of luck
— he’s fallen into caves, burned by lava, and been buried alive by gravel and sand
— lowkey kinda feel bad for him lmaoo
— “This game is chaotic! At least these strange green fellows are coming to greet me.”
— “Strange green fellows?”
— “Yes! Some have no clothing on, but that’s alright!”
— you’re confused for a bit until it just it’s you
— when the first creeper explodes and he goes flying and he starts scolding it for doing that you know you’re in for a ride
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— also best person to play with
— a combination of everyone lmaoo
— he’s like midoriya except no notebooks
— can also survive on his own but like not in hard mode like katsuki that demon
— you guys play mini games like bedwars and are definitely a couples teams just like in real life
— you guys are like pros at playing
— “Get that blue bed guy over there.”
— “You have a yellow bed behind you, watch out!”
— wholesome is what it is
— if you are like me and just chaotic at Minecraft and life
— which includes missing almost everything, forgetting the names of stuff, and building a little house on the side of a mountain for the next seven days and being scared of everything
— “Babe where are you?”
— “Uh...I’m... I’m in a cave.”
— “We are in the jungle how are you—“
— “I saw a pig and I wanted to kill it and on the way I just dropped into a hole in the ground.”
— poor mirio is just exasperated
— oh boy y’all are in for a ride
— best therapy for him if he gets depressed about the losing his quirk
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gra-sonas · 4 years
Us s1 & s2: Flint Manes Redemption please.
S3 probably: Wyatt Long redemption . Sorry Flint, In RNM redemption is for wyt bois only 🤦‍♀️.
Excuse my salt 😂. Also this is just my own dreadful speculation with Wyatt being bumped up to a recurring actor and Flint being a no show so far.
If Wyatt gets a redemption arc but Flint doesn’t, I’ll riot. 😒
White characters (including the aliens) got away with too much stuff without being held accountable, that has to change. 
Flint did some shitty things, no doubt, but he also did quite a few of them under orders. Doesn’t make them right, but it’s also not like he went rogue and started killing people (or aliens) willy-nilly. 
I hope for him to reconcile with his family first and foremost (Alex especially). I also think it’d be interesting to see him struggle with the realization that the aliens as a species weren’t what his father told him they were, and that killing them just for being aliens wasn’t justified, but that individual aliens can o/c be shitty people (looking at you in particular, Max Evans...). 
IDK, I just think it would be interesting to see him “unlearn” beliefs Jesse drummed into him from a young age, while also finally being free to live a life not dictated by Jesse. Also super curious to find out what Jesse used to blackmail Flint.
As for Wyatt... If he continues to be a white supremacist and Proud Boi, he can go and die in a ditch. Then I don’t want any kind of redemption arc for him. If however Rosa was part of his storyline, and he’d get a chance to showing that he’s not completely evil (+ her name gets cleared in the process), I’d be okay with some kind of “redemption arc light”, where he gets to show that he can be a better person (and then he still should die to save others, namely Rosa xD).
But honestly, after watching the Tangerine Clown and his racist White base wreaking havoc and being awful irl, on social media and live TV for the past 4 years, I need bad white characters being held accountable and convicted on the show. 
Also, can we PLEASE finally find out more about aliens??? And the Manes family? And get all the friendship and family moments for the core 8???
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toku-explained · 3 years
The Super Hero Swordsman
Trigger: Kengo, after talking with his mother, has been brought to earth by president Shizuma, taken to TPU headquarters where Nursedessei is docked. He meets GUTS-Select members: Nursedessei pilot Sakuma Tesshin, GUTS Falcon remote pilot Nanase Himari, Metron Seijin Marluru, Captain Tatsumi Seiya, and Hijiri Akito, head technician, who already dislikes Kengo. Late arriving is schoolgirl and Shizuma's daughter, Yuna, who Kengo feels resembles Yuzare, noting the resemblance out loud. In his lab, Hijiri seems resentful of Kengo, while working on collecting data from artifacts into a Hyper Key. On a moon or planetoid, Carmeara finds a statue and frees from inside Darrgon, who seeks to fight Trigger again. Gymaira appears before Nursedessei is scheduled to launch. Marluru supplies data, Hijiri and Yuna evavuate, Kengo sent with them, Nanase launches GUTS Falcon. To draw Gymaira's attention, Hijiri uses an Eleking Hyper Key to shoot it. Kengo runs off to become Trigger. In a trance state Yuna calls Trigger by name, Hijiri asking about it to find she's unaware of it. Trigger destroys Gymaira, while also damaging himself, but as GUTS-Select celebrate, suddenly Darrgon descends. Kengo has a flash of memory from Trigger of fighting both dark giants, as Darrgon expresses his desire to battle once more, in Ultra-Ancient language Marluru can't translate, Shizuma has seen him on a tablet in Hijiri's lab. Trigger's Colour Timer is already flashing and he is swiftly overpowered, leaving the Dark Giant unsatisfied. Hijiri confronts Kengo over his poor fighting, making clear he knows Kengo is Trigger, having made his special GUTS Sparklence, replicating an ancient one in the earth ruins on Shizuma's instructions, he'd wanted to become the Giant of Light to protect Yuna, but Kengo declares he'll protect everyone's smiles, Yuna and Akito's included. The new Hyper Key is finished, and Shizuma asks Akito to support Kengo from now on. Darrgon appears again, GUTS Falcon is still charging. As Kengo struggles to get to the briefing room, Akito hands him the Trigger Power Type Key. Trigger leaps into action, using Deracium to become Power type. In a much more even fight they take the action underwater, debuting the Circle Arms' Power Claw form. The final victory comes through the Deracium Claw Impact, Darrgon celebrating a return to battle with Trigger. Later, as Nursedessei launches, a mysterious man watches it pass.
Galaxy Rescue Force: Sora has just upgraded the base systems, using principles she is very familiar with and Ribut just does not comprehend. He asks about her armour, the Flower Tector, a strong armour passed down through her family for generations, but she then starts talking about the science behind it as well.
And now it's time for: try to work out the continuity placement of the movie tie in. For Zenkaiger it's easy, right after last week's episode. For Saber...it definitely doesn't follow the cliffhanger of last week, so I would guess probably right before Luna reappeared in Wonder World... I am saying this before watching. I would remind that the definitely canon Book of Ruin basically cannot possibly fit due to Kento's storyline being very tight after he gets Tri-Cerberus.
Saber: Touma, Mei, Rintaro and Kento are all together, then from a void in space appears CrocoDaiOh, and appearing to them is Orihime World, who causes things to happen by wishing for them, the Swordsmen try to fight, but are made to get in Twokaiser's way. After some talk Touma is inspired to write about pirates, making a note on one of Orihime World's tags, causing their things to vanish. Zox sneaks into Northern Base and is confronted by Ryoga and Reika, they catch him, but he doesn't have the books, and the Shindai's are also missing, and Touma is madevto realise he caused this, forcing them to rely on Zox. The main cast and Zox find Orihime World, but it escapes again. The group discuss the Tanabata myth, and have a realisation about the nature of Orihime World's tags. As Twokaiser battles again, they explain that it's their perceptions that have been altered, Mei can see the Wonder Ride Books fine. The 3 Swordsmen join the battle, and together defeat Orihime World so we'll it shatters the Gear. Later Zox leaves, but pinches Ocean History from Ryoga, leading both siblings to chase after him.
Zenkaiger: Boccowaus isnot happy the attempted invasion of Saber's World failed. Magine wants to do Tanabata again, but suddenly vanishes. On his return Zox is immediately attacked by the Shindais, who also take issue with Kaito and Zyuran. Hikoboshi Worldctge appears, making more girls vanish to be his Orihime, including Reika, leading Zenkaiser, ZenkaiZyuran and Ryoga to all try and fight him. Afterwards, the guys and Ryoga try to decipher what makes a girl a candidate for Orihime, Zox notes they both had ponytails, making him worry about Flint, he refuses to return the book though. Ijirude had told Hikoboshi World to capture Flint specifically, trying to force Zox into inaction, Reika and Magine make plans together. The boys and Ryoga are doing the old drag routine to lure out Hikoboshi World, Ryoga takes issue with the approach, but is convinced. In a meta sense this sort of highlights the difference between Sentai and Rider, in a way, as in almost any Sentai this plan makes perfect sense, while in Rider it would be maybe a quarter of the time. Zox, clearly concerned for Flint, returns to CrocoDaiOh, she gives him gears inspired by their recent trip, Saber, Zero-One and Zi-O. The trap works, and Zox joins, even returning Ocean History. Durandal is persuaded to do his own roll all as the battle starts. Zyuran uses Zi-O, channeling his prediction powers and Maou Giri, Gaon uses Zero-One, delivering a Rising Impact, and Zenkaiser uses Saber, using the power of Rekka. Magine and Reika arrive, having saved everyone, and ZenkaiMagine and Sabela join the battle. Zox steals the spotlight, calling Zenkaiju Gear to become the V-Rex influenced Super Twokaiser, the two older brothers finish the battle. Dai Hikoboshi World takes over, battling Twokai-Oh Katana, joined by ZenkaiOh VrooMagine to prevent wish based cheating. Afterwards, Zox has to take the siblings back, but not before Reika gives Magine a very....passionate hug, then runs away to the ship. As they prepare for the second Tanabata, Kaito hopes to meet more heroes. And as CrocoDaiOh returns to Saber's World, in a giant Sword of Logos Tower, a statue shatters, freeing the creature within.
Superhero Senki: Sounds like fun. I especially like having Asmodeus's servants being a Sentai Megiddo and Rider World. Neat idea having Shotaro Ishinomori involved as well. Apparently there's no reference to their previous interaction, but that's always been the case with these movie tie in episodes, they film the movie way earlier. Aside from the crossing worlds again, most of the past heroes are part of a couple of recreations of classic stories.
Revice Episode 0: Not a lot to be said apparently. Revi and Vice battling together sounds interesting.
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im-the-punk-who · 4 years
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Toby Stephens Thirstography #19 - Lost In Space (2018-)
Toby Stephens Hotness: 10/10
I know this isn’t Black Sails but: DAD FLINT DAD FLINT DAD FLINT. This is the role Toby has excelled at literally his entire career, so it’s nice to see him actually getting an extensive dad character. And it .... it really works y’all. BOI. The dirty dad look is IN.
Also okay listen the fact that we are no longer hiding toby’s grey stripe in his beard is officially SENDING me I have officially left orbit +5 hotness points in Season 2 for the grey stripes in the beard, PLEASE.
Plot: 6/10 S1, 7/10 S2
This is a reboot of an older show with the same name. The plot has been given something of an overhaul from the original but the vestiges are still there, including some of its shortcomings and it adds a couple brand new ones, too. Overall it does an okay job, and I do have to admit season 2 was much more palatable. 
This is a ‘family’ show so it’s not really heavy on plot and intrigue, it’s just some nice gingers trying to survive in space with their kids and their kid’s giant pet robot and occasionally learning a life lesson and having personal growth. Nothing to blow your mind but it’s nice to have on in the background, occasionally glancing at Hot Dad Toby Stephens being Hot and saving his family and bottoming for his wife. Other people are there too, probably, but I know my priorities. The family dynamics are nice once they get over the bickering married couple bullshit and it definitely seems like the writers are getting more comfortable with their material as the show progresses.
Watchability: 5/10 S1, 7.5/10 S2
Honestly, I found the first season of this impossible to watch because of Dr. Smith’s portrayal but that’s more a personal preference, and I do know people who enjoyed it, although across the board her character is just...pretty poorly handled. 
The second season is better both in regards to her and just in general - and it looks like the third could continue the trend so..yknow. You live in a society struggling to survive aboard a set of increasingly unstable spacecrafts/planets being chased by increasingly angry robots, I live in hope. Otherwise this is a pretty standard family friendly show - not terrible and there’s some nice writing especially in the later seasons, and PRIME Dad Toby Stephens content. 
I think the only true warning would be for Dr. Smith’s character who at least in the first season is played at some sort of scary neuroatypical headcase. In S2 she gets some good growth and I’m not sure if they just decided to retcon the whole mental illness thing but it’s at least handled much better.  Warnings for gaslighting there. Animal Death in S2. Otherwise this is your standard Space Family Draminson. 
Where to Watch:
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dailyaudiobible · 4 years
03/13/2021 DAB Transcript
Numbers 19:1-20:29, Luke 1:1-25, Psalms 56:1-13, Proverbs 11:8
Today is the 13th day of March welcome to the Daily Audio Bible I'm Brian it’s great to be here with you today as we…yeah…as we sort of put a bow on the end of another week, which puts us at the end of the ninth full week of this year, ninth week and some change, a couple days. And there is only one way to go and that way is forward. So, that's what we'll do. It's a…it's a day of transition here. When we get to the New Testament, we will be entering the third of the four Gospels. This is known as the book of Luke. We concluded the book of Mark yesterday. So, we'll talk about Luke when we get there. But first, Numbers chapters 19 and 20.
Introduction to the gospel of Luke:
Okay. As we said at the beginning, that now that we’re in entering the New Testament portion of our day together we’re moving into some new territory, the third gospel known as the gospel of Luke. And the gospel of Luke is probably the most well put together, the best written of the Gospels, the most concise of the Gospels. And the gospel of Luke and the book of Acts are more of a two-volume set. Like Luke/Acts written by the same person to the same recipient with the gospel of Luke chronicling…chronicling the life of Jesus and His ministry and then the book of acts, essentially chronicling the early church formation, and specifically the lives of the apostle Peter, and then the apostle Paul, who we have yet to get to know. So, Matthew, Mark, and now Luke ,these three Gospels are known as the synoptic Gospels, largely because they share a lot of the same material and cover a lot of the same ground with just about all scholars believing that Mark is the first gospel that was ever written about Jesus that has been preserved and that Matthew and Luke used Mark in their construction because they cover the same territory but in many cases they are Word for Word. But then there's many deviations as well. A lot more detail is inserted into the gospel of Luke, for example, then the book of Mark, filling out those stories. It's because these Gospels, they were written to different audiences to fulfill different purposes. So, for example, in the case of Matthew, we've already read this, so we can think back and we can remember that Matthew is a very Hebrew centric gospel of Jesus where Jesus is shown to fulfill many Hebrew prophecies all along the way. In fact, like I said, you can’t hardly read a page in the book of Matthew without Jesus fulfilling a prophecy. It's very front and center. The gospel that we’re about to read, the gospel of Luke, is likely more written primarily to a Gentile audience or a seeking audience, the story of Jesus revealing that the gospel of Christ includes the whole world and…and not just those of the…of the Jewish faith. So, let's settle into the gospel of Luke here. Like I said, it's in narrative form probably the best constructed of the Gospels to read. And we’ll be covering some familiar territory as we do that. So, today Luke chapter 1 verses 1 to 25.
Father, we thank You for Your word. We thank You for the passing of time that has brought us to this day. We thank You for Your faithfulness during all of that time. We thank You for what You are speaking in the time that we know as this year and we are grateful that You have brought us to the threshold and now we have entered the gospel of Luke. Come Holy Spirit we pray. Continue to lead us deeper into Jesus. Continue to lead us on the narrow path that leads to life. Continue we pray to lead us into all truth. We pray this in the name of Jesus. Amen.
dailyaudiobible.com is always home base, it's always been home base and that's where the Global Campfire is, that's where we come together around that apparatus that's on the Internet. And, so, be aware of that.
Be aware of, as I mention often, of the Community section because that is where to begin to get connected. That's where different links are on the social media channels that we’re…that we’re…that we use. It's also the home of the Prayer Wall which is a constant. We can always go there to pray. We can always go there to ask for prayer. So, stay connected. It's important to stay connected in the journey that we’re on as we continue through the year because it's just nice to know we’re not alone as we take the journey. It's nice to know that when those things come up that are too heavy for us to carry, we don't have to carry them alone. And, so, be aware of the Community section.
If you want to partner with the Daily Audio Bible, you can do that at dailyaudiobible.com. There is a link on the homepage and my heart is full of gratitude and in awe out a daily basis that…well that we’re even here. And the truth is we’re here because we’re in this together. And, so, if…if what we are as a community matters and brings life to you than thank you for being life-giving. So, there’s a link on the homepage. If you’re using the Daily Audio Bible app you can press the Give button in the upper right-hand corner or the mailing address, if that’s your preference, is PO Box 1996 Spring Hill Tennessee 37174.
And, as always, if you have a prayer request or encouragement, you can hit the Hotline button in the app, the little red button up at the top or you can dial 877-942-4253.
And that's it for today. I’m Brian I love you and I'll be waiting for you here tomorrow.
Community Prayer and Praise:
Show Me God's Love Ephesians chapter 3 verse 20 and 21 and Matthew chapter 18 verses 19 and 20. I just wanted to give a shout out to Peter and God’s Smile for the song that they played on her tummy. We need more tummy drums. I haven't laughed and smiled so much, and I was having a really bad day until I heard that so I want you guys to know you are responsible for giving me my first laughs and smiles of the day and perhaps that week. So, thank you for that. Slave of Jesus it's good to hear your voice. Mark Street good to hear your voice. And there's so many others that I can't even get into it now, I guess but Candace from Oregon it's good to hear your voice and hope that you're doing well. Well, that's it for now. Show me God's love.
Hello this is Steve from Pennsylvania my moniker is Face Like Flint from Isaiah 50 verse 7. And I'm calling to ask for partnership with the world-wide body of believers that is listening to this podcast. I'd like you to pray for my sister Catalina who is entered in a hospital behavioral health ward for the ninth time in the last 30 years. She's been struggling with schizoaffective bipolar. It’s a very difficult diagnosis and it's cyclical. And I want you to ask that the Lord would give her some supernatural revelation into her own condition and that the Lord would deliver her from any spiritual aspect of this illness, this brain disorder, and that she would be able to read a letter I'm about ready to deliver to the hospital from my sisters and I as we're trying to get her to cooperate with the professionals and to help us in rescuing her stuff from her apartment, her cats, and be ready to move into my mother's, the homestead where we grew up. My mother passed in November and the children have inherited the household. So, I'd like you to join me in that. We really need Jesus to break through here. There's just a lot of anger and darkness inside that comes out during these periods. Otherwise, she's perfectly normal and just a wonderful sister and very intelligent. But she needs Jesus and I pray that you would join me and pray for Catalina. Thank you.
Hey DAB family this is beautifully broken. I just was thinking today as I was listening to people call in and as I've listened to people call in and I hear people say I've been listening for 10 years, I've been listening for five years, I've been listening for the whole time all 15 years. Personally, I myself this is my 4th year going through, but it really struck me today how amazing it is that there is a troop, an army of people reading the Bible from start to finish year after year after year. And what is God raising us up for? I just think that is amazing. There is no other format that I know of that allows this and that lets people interact in the way that we interact in going through the Bible together. It is such a unique community. And we are a Facebook post away, a telephone call away, a prayer away from each other the majority of the time. I think God has something really wonderful planned for this community. It’s just amazing to be a part of it.
Hey guys this is Mary calling in. I'm 19 years old. I just wanted to comment and…and just give a praise report about this community. Over these past few months, I've been learning about community and how important it is especially during times like these and I just…I thank God every day for the community I'm surrounded by, my church community and, you know, the things I like community and just, yeah, I just want to say I'm so grateful and you all inspire me so much every day to just be a servant, to be more humble and be aware and just give my all. So, I thank you. I really hope you guys all have a blessed week and weekend. God is so good. Yeah. Thank you. Bye.
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theonlybatopus · 4 years
More CT OC(s)
I officially have no self control so here is a third OC/sona/whatever (and probably not the final one).
Name: Victoria (actually prefers her full name but people seem to like to give her nicknames)
Age: 29. She will offer it but ask her directly and she’ll ignore you or tell you to guess. Don’t be wrong, she’s petty as hell about it.
Looks: A baby face, rather short in stature with hair for days. Attractive or not she enjoys dolling herself up whatever suits her mood.
History: Abandoned young she grew up poor in the streets, and it showed when she was finally picked up by the Orphan Train and shipped out to the West it was a culture shock and far tougher than she’d expected. Older and unwilling to change Victoria ran from her the people who poked and prodded her like prime cattle to be “adopted”. Instead she took odd jobs, usually from people feeling sorry for her and those jobs eventually landed her in a brothel struggling to gain enough money to leave. When the monsters broke the surface and opened their own brothel, Victoria was quick to jump ship at the whispers of more money and “better” customers. A brothel is a brothel but this one gave the woman something she hadn’t had before: friends. She settled into something she could almost say she was content with but she knows she wants more but damned if she can put to words what it is.
Personality: She presents a vivacious, sharp-tongued, confident, and aggressive individual and those are true but truer still is how soft she is. Her world has never been easy, much by her own making, but Victoria is weak and hugs her vices to mask them. Drink, sex, and more though she has been tempted by far worse once upon a time. None of these are hidden, she is an open book in the sense if you ask, she will tell all. But good luck asking her how she actually feels about something because suddenly she will find interest in literally anything else. A quick crier she is actually fairly sensitive and hates it, refusing to acknowledge when she is crying and making up ridiculous excuses for why (sweating out of her eyes, rain, the ocean slapped her, etc) because she is an awful liar. Awkward with true attachment, she is clumsy to show she cares though she stubbornly tries and tends to latch onto anyone she cares for, refusing to be abandoned again. A bit like a child in the sense outside of her profession she lacks many basic skills, like cooking, sewing, etc and it is a sore spot for her. Seeing people preform these simple acts in a home is something that brings her real joy. When angry her tongue gets sharper and if words don’t work, she can throw a mean right hook.
Fears: Being abandoned, thunder, sudden and loud noises
Dislikes: Summer, most meats, photos of herself
Likes: Train rides, sweets, jewelry, green, napping
Favorite(s): Funnel cake, cats, sea glass, sunflowers
Dreams: She’ll tell people it’s to be rich and thats not a lie but her real dream is far simpler: a home, a job where she can sing and maybe empty a few pockets while they’re distracted.
Other notes: Loves to sing and isn’t half bad. Has trouble sleeping and often wanders around at night if not working. This means she naps whenever the urge to finally sleep hits and is found in the weirdest places. Contrary to what some think she enjoys her work. Has a bad habit of trying to make friends with every animal in her path, most do not like her, including cats and her hands are often covered in scratches. But hey, this doesn’t stop the strays from demanding food because she won’t stop feeding them. Is ‘secretly’ teaching herself domestic skills, if anyone calls her on it she straight up flees, as she is prone to do when genuinely embarrassed (as her tongue fails her). Queen of “try anything once”. People who remember who from her less…presentable times call her icky Vicky. Her past gave her quite the quick hand, she dabbles in stage magic and is known to filch extra off her customers.
Crush: Flint
Friends: Shine, Calico
Meeting Shine: Birds of a feather. They probably started as drinking buddies, with similar outlooks on many things. Most importantly Shine never minded her sharp tongue, she never minded his ability to pry things she never bothered to keep secret anyway.
Friends Things: Sings for him a lot to help him tune things out, he talks her out of darker vices. She steals pointy things for him, he brings her knickknacks. It works.
Meeting Calico: Loves Calico but his more genuine nature often flusters her. They probably became friends through Shine. She loves his otherworldliness and he doesn’t seem to mind her childlike wonder when he knows things.
Friend Things: Helps her with animals, she often 'buys' him clothes/teas she thinks he’ll like. Her go to non-work-related intimacy, and they swap sleight of hand tricks.
Fool Me Once (first meet): Flint was trying a plant, as he was known to do when a likely half drunken Victoria decided it must be fun and wanted to. Flint may or may not have encouraged it until he realized she was friends with Shine and steered her to “tastier” (see: less murdery) plants.
Fool Me Twice (second meet): He was probably a client or convinced her he was. Probably skipped on paying and God damn it that comes out of her pay! Is tempted to murder a skeleton but she did probably manage to filch something of his. It’s even.
Fool Me Thrice (third meet): A certain skeleton wants his stuff back, a certain brothel worker wants to get paid. An accord is made. But oops a certain someone paid in fake coin, at least it’s chocolate and a certain other someone definitely took something else.
And beyond: What do you mean she doesn’t know how to flirt outside of work? He likes plants she got him one to eat. What do you mean it’s not the same? "Buying" food was the same as making it, stop giving her that look, Shine! Asking someone for a walk at midnight is a perfectly acceptable date and not the weird, shut up. She’s got this. 
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ohmystarsy · 4 years
all the tag games I’ve been tagged in in the last few months
as the title says - I’ve finally found some quiet time to do all of them, thank you all for tagging me!!! it is always a pleasure and I LOVE those tag games, just life has been really busy recently, even more so during that whole pandemic thing.
I put all of them under read more, bc there’s  A LOT of text. the tag games include:
name ten favourite characters from ten different things, tagged by @majoris
name your seven comfort movies, tagged by @majoris and @natowe
quarantine Q&A, tagged by @ithilnarmo
20 questions about yourself, tagged by @jennyyfishh
I was tagged by @majoris​ for name ten favorite characters from ten different things (tv, movies, books, etc.), then tag ten people.
favourites are the worst! but I will try my best neverthless.
Eames from “Inception” (idk, he is flirty af but also has rly bad taste in clothes and I love that; it might be also Tom Hardy thing tho)
Thor from MCU (just. the kindest of Avengers? says women rights? struggles with what it means to be “worthy”? pls)
Cahir Mawr Dyffryn aep Ceallach from “The Witcher” (I just love evil blonds with redemptions arcs who suffer throughout the whole series bc they made some bad mistakes in the past; also yes I have always headcanoned him as blond, idk why)
Leia Organa from “Star Wars” (an Icon, what else should I add?)
James Flint from “Black Sails” (gay pirate disaster that we all deserved and it was given)
Clara Oswald from “Doctor Who” (idk I just always related to het the most from all companions that I’ve seen. I love her fearlessness, her bossy side and that she takes no bullshit from the Doctor)
Sansa Stark from “Game of Thrones” (I hate what the show did to her, but I always loved her in books; how she starts as this silly, annoying girl and then grows and grows and outgrows everyone else)
Phryne Fisher from “Miss Fisher’s Murder Mysteries” (I just love this show and this woman; I’ve never seen a characterisation as this one; at one side she is never serious and she often plays silly woman, but that is only a facade for the world??? and she never cares about what others think of her, I’d love to be like her when I grow up, if I wasn’t already a grown-up)
Roy Mustang from “Fullmetal Alchemist” (I mean. I’ve never knew a manga character could be so hot. Also he’s a snarky bastard, but that’s what we love about him don’t we.)
(Purple) Hawke from “Dragon Age” (idk I just like this sarcastic little shit)
I was tagged by @majoris and @natowe​ to name my seven comfort movies (and god it’s gonna be difficult bc I rarely watch movies but here we go)
King Arthur: A Legend of the Sword
Lord of The Rings: Two Towers
Brooklyn 99 (I know, not a movie, but this is actually what I usually watch for comfort - I think I’ve seen season one like 10 times at this point)
Thor Ragnarok
Mamma Mia!
Star Wars: The Force Awakens
(generally when I’m in need of comfort movie I just look for some action movie this is how I roll, fighting on the screen makes me calm *shrug emoji*)
I was tagged by @ithilnarmo​ for quarantine Q&A
1.  Are you staying home from work/school? Yes, I am, although there was some battle with this (long story). Luckily the project I work on is on the final stage (it’s already being built), so it’s actually possible to do everything from home and also a team I’m on is super communicative and it all goes rather smoothly.
2.  If you are staying home, who is there with you? I live with my sister, who is now finishing her Master’s Degree, so we are in this together! (There is also occasionally a dog on our neighbours’ balcony just next to us and it’s always a highlight of a day.)
3.  Are you a homebody? Before this pandemic I thought I am, but now I think I just don’t like clubbing and partying lmao, bc I just ITCH to travel or just go outside and walk in the city and I CAN’T.
4. An event that you looked forward to that got cancelled? Well, not an event, but several of my plans for spring and holidays got cancelled. I was supposed to go the Baltic Sea and Gdańsk in spring (on seperate occassions) and then I and my friend had to cancel our holidays to Faroe Islands in May/June, because it will probably be still too early to travel.
5. What movie have you watched recently? I think it was “Escape from the ‘Liberty’ Cinema”, which is hella weird Polish movie from 1990, just after end of communism. It tells a story about a censor who starts to question his job bc suddenly the actors in the movie that is being shown in one of the cinemas rebel (inside a movie) and don’t want to play it anymore. Really weird. Really.
6. What shows are you watching? Brooklyn 99 for like tenth time.
7. What music are you listening to? Same as usual.
8. What are you reading? I’m reading “The Waves” by Virginia Woolf (my fav book ever), for a month now, bc 1) I don’t have much time now I just work all the time, 2) I read it in English and can only read like 10 pages at once. but it’s SO GOOD, guys. so good.
9. What are you doing for self care? lmao don’t have time for that. I try to take breaks from work, sometimes go outside or at least step outside to balcony (and stare at the neighbours’ dog), I cook dinner every two days and a NICE stuff, so at least food brings me joy, and I try to sleep regularly, although I do a poor job on that.
aaaaand I was tagged by @jennyyfishh for 20 questions about myself
1. Nickname: I actually don’t have any, it doesn’t work like that in Polish (Kasia is already what you’d call a nickname from my full name Katarzyna, but this is just how we call all Katarzynas) (sometimes I wonder what is the point of the full names if we never use it in speech lmao)
2. Zodiac Sign: Scorpio!
3. Height: around 170cm
4. Languages: Polish and English; I was kinda conversational in German some years ago but now forgot all of it, I’d probably understand some of Ukrainian and Russian if I really tried (was learning Russian for three years and Ukrainian is just similar enough to Polish) and learnt some Swedish too, but again, don’t remember anything rn
5. Nationality: Polish
6. Favourite season: spring
7. Favourite flower: daffodil and tulip
8. Favourite scent: verbena, petrichor, sea
9. Favourite color: yellow
10. Favourite animal: dog probably
11. Favourite fictional character: look at tag game number one on this long list : )
12. Coffee, tea or hot chocolate: coffee!
13. Average hours of sleep: 6-7, but my body wants 10
14. Dog or cat: both, actually; now I’d rather take cat than dog, but that’s only bc I live in small apartment and am out of it for too long
15. Number of blankets you sleep with: one??? second blanket is for really freezing winters only (like -10/-20 celcius degrees)
16. Dream tip: what does it mean even? idk man, sometimes if you wake up from rly good dream, if you think about it hard and fall asleep quickly you can still return to it
17. Blog established: probably somewhen in 2011? idk what is time anyway
18. Followers: 2051
19. Random fact: oh god idk, ok I will maybe say sth I’m rly proud of, which is that my short story was published in an anthology in year 2017. I still can’t believe my name is printed there.
(where is 20th question tho???)
ok, I am tagging for all of those above: @shirewalker @sorrydearie @natowe @cptnjaneway @iaskier @spectralarchers @majoris @jennyyfishh @ithilnarmo @ohhelga @marsza @stupidape just choose whichever of those above you’d like to do or just ignore it completely : )
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minecraftoworymode · 5 years
bob the old builders
#OK I KNOW WANDA PAINTED THIS I JUST KNOW SHE DID #WHY DID THEY CUT THIS THUIS SO FUNNY #MCSM #also the steve placeholder.. bro im telling u.. they keep confirming my lore #it keeps Happening #Many Thoughts Head Full. #ok but the fact its Just Fred raises many questions like binta knew about xara and rom but they arent considered on the same level as fred #even though the three of them created the universe together... so is it just like the three divided communities rewriting their own religio #steve here is very likely just a placeholder like hes been in concept art before but like... i have no doubt in my mind soren would be here #i stand by my fucking lore to the grave that the first ever steve avatars were the first builders and soren was a part of them #and thats THAT. on THAT. period.
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(related to my ideas on classes and worlds)
SO steve n alex do factor in to my mcsm au but they weren’t the first humans (or humans at all for that matter but. thats another post)- those would indeed be the old builders (tho i also like to call them ‘moderators/mods’ bc, ha ha admins and mods... n i kind of like the idea of referring to them collectively as the moderation bc none of them have ANY impulse control except maybe soren and otto once every century or so.)
i think the admins took on (at the very least) three “proteges” among them and we meet most in game. i’ll be naming the groups by the time-honoured convention of ‘shared flawed mindset that bites them in the tushie’.
“WHO NEEDS HEALTHY COPING MECHANISMS WHEN YOU HAVE GODLIKE POWERS? IF I’M HAVING FUN EVERYONE ELSE SHOULD BE TOO!”: mevia, hadrian, cassie rose, with romeo’s favourite probably being hadrian. all obsessed with being extra, getting what they want, and being generally choleric. i mean you couldn’t just sit down and talk things out like a reasonable adult, you had to build a death mansion murder mystery complete with scooby doo style killersona? you couldn’t just keep your games fun and balanced, you HAD to turn it into a minecraft hunger games where no one is there by choice just so you can be amused by the struggles of people you dont see as people? you couldn’t just offer a good enough reward to entice jesse to come to your icy palace of doom willingly, you had to trash their town and then threaten their entire world?? guys, please go to therapy. please.
"I KNOW THIS SITUATION ISN’T RIGHT BUT I NEED WAIT UNTIL I CAN BE SURE I’M MAKING THE BEST AND FAIREST DECISION I- OOPS THERE GOES MY WINDOW OF OPPORTUNITY TO ACT. WELP, TIME TO TRIP AND SPILL ALL MY TICTACS”: otto, soren, (binta?? i have no canon justification for this one but making it make sense is,,, another post ghklfHGLKD). as it seems that the old builders all have (or had until it got stolen/destroyed) an enchanted flint and steel, soren having had one would explain his books being in almost every other world the gang visits (including, notably, fred’s keep in the underneath..). though it doesn’t explain why soren’s ended up in a random loot chest. (at least, canon doesn’t- i have som hcs about why soren wouldn’t want to draw the admin’s attention to himself, n using a flint and steel would definitely do that- so in this case it was probably ivor’s crowbrain going “ooo, shiny artifact! might as well steal that too for when i’m done with this whole command block stuff.”)
“I’M ABOUT TO GO ABSOLUTELY OFF THE SHITS AND YOU CAN’T STOP ME. MAY MY PATRON SAINT MUMBO JUMBO BE WITH ME TODAY, BECAUSE THIS MAY OR MAY NOT GO HORRIBLY WRONG. FOR SCIENCE!!!”: harper, isa, (yeah i dont really know who could be the third one in canon- idt ellegaard was an old builder- so this ones a big ole ???), with harper being xara’s favourite. admittedly i’m not sure about isa, she’s only really here because of the eversource- but considering the only others who mention those are the old builders, well... wrt isa’s lack of old builder powers, i think that xara’s old builders liked to try doing things that had never been done before (or any visionary-aligned individuals, really,, hence the name ghklfdhglkd). for harper that was building pokemon red in minecraft pama, and for isa that was renouncing her old builder powers so as to live amongst her people like one of them (tho this was more of a social experiment).
finally, the purpose of the old builders (DELVING STRAIGHT INTO HC TERRITORY HERE)- in addition to having beings to interact with other than the villagers- were to be sort of microcosms of what romeo is/was to the mcsm universe as operator/op, but for individual worlds (bc the admins aren’t going to be in all of them at once, even if they can inhabit multiple bodies). the role of the operator is to be the creator and catalyst, to keep the universe/server running, to introduce new factors into it so that it can grow and become something better than it was before. (this also means that romeo literally cannot die/be killed, bc the universe is dependent on his existence.)
it’s not that worlds can’t take care of themselves, but in the event of potentially catastrophic threats emerging, it’d be good to have someone with admin powers lite to step in and stop things before things escalated n potentially spread to other worlds- tho only as a very very very last resort, bc otherwise how are u gonna farm champions?
anyhow this post is getting. pretty loNG so, on a last note- my stance on canon lore (esp mcsm lore, or what little of it there is) is that they’re more guidelines than actual rules so i’ll admit some of my au (new game +) does just yeet canon, tho i tried to keep the absolute wildest shit out of this post. again, i’d be SUPER interested in hearing more about your own takes on the lore/plot/literally any aspect of this game?!?!?! my hyperfixation level has been at 418% for the past few months and it hasnt gone down and i am. s o thirsty for content... i hoPE IT WASN’T PRESUMPTUOUS OF ME TO MAKE THIS POST N ALSO THAT UR HAVING A GOOD DAY/NIGHT/PERIOD OF THE 24-HOUR CYCLE WE BASE OUR LIVES UPON AAAAAAA
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thebargainingchip · 7 years
Blood Colors: Chapter 1
Pairing: Roan x Reader
Warnings: None for this chapter
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Somehow deep inside you knew you'd find yourself here in this position and when you acknowledged the fact things just got worse from there. How could you have been so stupid? Why did you trust so easily when you knew what people were capable of? And what made you think that the next person would be any better?
The icy landscape around you gave way to lots of these thoughts, out here the only sound was the wind blowing. You and Roan hadn't really talked much on the journey here, mostly because the wind swept away any sound. Your journey to the capital of Azgeda from the would take 4 days from the Azgedan border, and you were now only on the second day. Roan led the two of you over to the rocky mountains nearby and found the cave entrance, you assumed he was searching for, you would ret here tonight, not far from the nearby forest.
You both set to work on the cave entrance, packing a snow wall with a small opening to shield you from the icy winds. You and Roan and a few of his other guards had journeyed from Polis where the journey had first started. Those 3 days consisted entirely of horseback riding that had left you sore in places you didn't know where possible, in fact, you were still feeling the effects that the leathery spine left in your pelvic region. You hadn't checked but you had felt the bruises that had formed. The guards however which included Echo, or as you called her the Ice Bitch™, had broken off from the group to scout ahead because they couldn't afford to run into the Splita, not with the King in their midst. The Ice Bitch™ had been reluctant to leave the two of you behind because she didn't trust you but you assured her that you wouldn't be able to kill Roan, he was too strong, you'd only be able to seriously maim before you yourself would succumb to your injuries. She hadn't been happy with your smart quip but she had left reluctantly on Roan's orders to lead the guards. Needless to say, Echo didn't like you and you would've liked Echo if it wasn't for the fact that she had tried to hurt Clarke on multiple occasions.
Azgeda was a strange place, the borders were cold sure but as you went in further you ran into more and more snow. You were already getting sick of it.
Finally, within the enclosed space you heard Roan's voice which you almost mistook for a figment of your imagination. "You can start the fire so long, I'll go find us some dinner." You nodded and went out to gather sticks from the nearby forest using the small axe that Roan had kindly brought on the journey to gather enough for the night. Then crawling back into your makeshift hideout you got out your flint and a knife and worked at the fire. You vaguely remember the survival classes on the Ark but you never thought you'd actually have any use of it in real life. You laughed to yourself, hearing it ring through the cage and stopping immediately at the sound.
Luckily by the time Roan got back, you had managed to get the fire going which meant he couldn't embarrass you by swiping his knife once over the flint and having a flame spark to life. You guessed it was with his banishment that he had learnt to do it all. The dear he had shot thudded heavily against the ground, he had already taken the time to clean out most of the organs and leave them buried in the snow as to not attack wolves or bears or generally anything with teeth. Pulling off your gloves, you flinched when you had to pick up the ice cold knife again, settling awkwardly next to roan to help him cut the skin away. The number of layers you had to put on had minimalised any and all movements that your joints could perform. You were sure you looked like a waddling penguin when you walked. Roan, however, wasn't wearing as many layers as you were, he was apparently accustomed to the weather, only using a heavy jacket and a long sleeved shirt.
"How are you holding up?" You were too tired to take offence to his question and maybe that should have been your answer too. It wasn't a joke you had realized, but after waging through thick snow for at least one day you were dead and you wished you were knowing that nothing would calm the ache in your muscles but time and rest, neither of which you would have. Sure there were those special boots you wore that spread your weight more evenly so you don't try and struggle through the knee-deep snow but it was still much more of an effort.
"Easy peasy lemon squeezy." You said.  
"Lemon sq-what?" You seemed to catch him off guard a little as for the first time you noticed his dumbfounded look.
"It means it's okay." The scepticism is clear on Roan's face but you aren't about to tell him that you only said that so you could say the phrase. Besides what did it matter, you just wanted to reach the capital before you died out here in the cold. When you two had finally cut up the best parts of dear and built a small roasting fire, you settled back next to the fire warming your cold hands in the heat.
"Tomorrow we will face our most treacherous pas, it's about an hour climb up to the top."
"Climbing?" You deadpanned. "Ice or rock?"
"Mostly ice."
"Great." You mumbled.
"At least we won't need to set lines, with our scouting party ahead, it'll be ready."
"And I'm guessing there is no other way or...?" You trailed off hopefully.
"Oh there is but the other way will put an extra four days to our journey or we could walk through the pass but we'd most likely get raped and killed after twenty minutes ."
"Splita don't always discriminate. Besides we didn't bring the ice picks for nothing." You looked over at where you had laid your weapons, which you thought the only use for those would be on your journey.
"Before we reach Redak, the capital city, you need to know that Azgeda aren't like the other grounders, they will uses and reason to challenger you, they will try and kill you."
"You mean like the challenge between you and Lexa?"
"Yes, but in Redak, it's not as rare as it is in Polis. An uneventful day is one without someone dying in a fight."
"What if I refuse?" You questioned with a shrug.
"You will only look weak. I can only protect you so far, if you are faced with a formal challenge then I cannot help you. Except I can teach you." Roan said his icy blue eyes settling on the food to make sure it's not yet burning. You stayed silent as he continued, "You are good with hand to hand combat, but you're still unfamiliar with a sword and a spear and an axe-"
"We could go on all day about the weapons I am not an expert in." You interrupted.
"We'll need to train every day, we'll start with hand to hand when we reach the city," Roan said you could see it, he was treating you like he would Clarke. You guess that meant he didn't consider you totally a lost cause.
"You just said I was good." You pointed out.
"That's the problem." He handed you your portion of the meal and you promptly dug in, almost unbearably hungry by this point Once you had finished, your stomach full, you rinsed your hands with the water from your water skin and shed your jacket, laying it out on the ground and lying down on it.
"We leave before sunrise tomorrow," Roan said as a sort of good night, sleep tight don't let the bedbugs bite before he himself settled down on the ground and turned his back to the fire and you.
You woke to your name being yelled loudly and you sat up with a jerk head swinging in the direction of the voice. At first, you didn't hear the growling and then it became apparent. A deep rumbling sound filled the cave and you were on your feet immediately then darted for your sword, the weight still odd in your hands. You managed to catch the stick Roan through at you and pushed it into the fire letting the head, which was wrapped in a cloth, catch fire. The kerosene smell filled the room as the growls increased. Roan was watching the entrance with an intensity that had you quickly focusing on the same place. It's fine you just had to be bigger than them, they hated fire. There was sniffing at the man-sized whole and then another growl that reverberated through your chest, it was so close. The snout almost looked bigger than the wolves you had spotted before but you didn't get a chance to access it as the snout disappeared. It went silent, you held your breath for a moment listening but could only hear the wind. It was almost past twenty seconds when you finally breathed a sigh of relief but Roan didn't. You were about to say something, readying your voice to whisper and then-
The wolf, the first one of a whole pack, rushed through the entrance tumbling through the snow that had slightly melted to form an icy hard wall like it was nothing.Which it probably was for it. You stumbled back as you noticed the sheer size, tripping over your own jacket on the floor. the wolf's head just about being at level with Roan's chest, maybe even your neck.
"Get up!" Roan yelled at you but you were frozen, did he not see the huge fucking wolf. The deep-throated growl almost had you pissing yourself as the wolf lunged. Fuck.
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kimjongdaely · 7 years
Taken [Chapter 3]
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Pairing: Suho x Reader
Warnings: Language; may have triggering situations including sexual situations, abuse, violence, etc.
Summary: You were just a normal girl. You were just trying to get by. Until a rather unfortunate relationship brought you to the hands of Suho, the leader of the greatest mafia in the country.
Prologue│Chapter 1│Chapter 2│Chapter 3│Chapter 4│Chapter 5│ Chapter 6│Chapter 7│Chapter 8│Chapter 9│Chapter 10│ Chapter 11│Chapter 12│Chapter 13│Chapter 14│Chapter 15│ Chapter 16│Chapter 17│Chapter 18│Epilogue
“One, two, three. One, two, three.” Chen claps his hands loudly, expecting you to follow his beat. “Come on, you’re supposed to count for yourself. I’m not going to be there to count for you.”
You bite your lips as you try to steady your footing, but walking in a straight line is impossible! You accidentally switch the footing and the books on your head come tumbling down along with you. “Ow.”
Chen lets out a long sigh of frustration. He taps his foot impatiently, his eyes narrowing on you as he doesn’t even try to help you up. “Get up. What is this, a church? You don’t have time to rest. You need to perfect this by the end of the week.”
“The end of the week?” You repeat in disbelief. “That’s like, in two days!”
Chen lets out a thin smile. “Then you better start practicing.”
“How’s the progress?” Suho asks Chen as the latter leads the way to the practice room.
“It’s okay…” Chen says with a nervous laugh. “I mean, she’ll probably be fine.”
“You don’t sound confident.” Suho remarks as he looks at Chen pointedly. In return, Chen visibly shrinks under his gaze.
“She’s trying,” he says warily. “That’s all I can say. I’ll leave it to your judgement if she passes or not, Suho.”
Suho nods with a soft sigh. Well, he kind of predicted this. He can’t expect a random girl to be able to perfect grace and poise in a week.
Chen pushes open the door to reveal you sitting criss-crossed on the floor, looking literally drained. This is what happens when you practice one week straight for almost thirteen hours a day.
Suho takes a seat in the only chair of the room, which was Chen’s usual spot. “Alright, show me what you’ve got.”
Your jaw falls open as you look at Chen for help. “Wait, I wasn’t told I have to do anything with Suho!”
“Obviously you’ll have to show him what you can do.” Chen rolls his eyes at you. “He’s going to be the one to pass or fail you, after all.”
Suho gives you a dazzling smile. “I’m looking forward to it.”
You growl at the man in front of you. You would be willing (well, not willing…) to perform in front of anyone but this devil.
Suho raises his brow expectantly at you. “Well?”
You suck in a deep breath, bracing yourself for what’s to come. This is all so humiliating, but it’s probably better than any other job they were about to give you.
You plaster on a sweet smile as you sway your hips, going over to Suho. You lower yourself onto his lap, your hand coming to trace his jaw.
You shudder at your own actions, but try to keep the grimace off your face. You struggle to continue smiling. “Would you like to go somewhere with me?”
Suho trails his hand up your thigh, landing firmly on your rear. You clench your teeth and try not to think about the revolting touch. “What are you offering?” He asks you slyly and you gulp.
“Anything you want.” You whisper into his ear, letting your breath fan over his cheek. His eyes are emotionless as he watches you for a few moments, and the silence is starting to make you nervous.
You don’t dare look away, or else you might be deemed unprofessional.
“Pass.” He murmurs as he pushes you off his lap, and you barely catch yourself. “But only barely.”
You bite your lip at that.
He looks at you pointedly. “The men you’ll be dealing with will be much more disgusting than anything you’ve ever imagined. If you can barely pass in front of me, you’ll have a hard time with the others.”
You nod, understanding. You really tried to keep your composition, but it just isn’t enough.
He let’s out a sigh, disappointment clear. You heart drops to your stomach at how displeased he is at your performance. “Well, you have a good body and looks. You’ll have to use that to your advantage since you aren’t good with talking.” Instinctively, you hug yourself to hide from his keen, prying eyes.
“I’ll give you a warning.” He stands up and prepares to leave, Chen following closely behind him. “If you fail, I’ll take you back to being a prostitute. You wouldn’t want that now, would you?” He flashes you a grin before exiting the room.
Just as the door starts to swing shut behind him, you hear him tell Jongdae, “Tell Baekhyun to doll her up for tomorrow.”
The door closes, leaving you alone in the room.
Surely, this is better than being a prostitute. You remember the looks of those girls, the feeling of hopelessness as the man hovered above you.
No, you can’t fail.
“Hey, not bad.” The man named Baekhyun chirps as he comes into the dressing room after you were all dolled up. “The dress fits you pretty well.”
You were made to wear a tight-fitting golden dress with the right side slit to reveal the majority of your leg and off-shoulder straps. Your hair was delicately curled and pinned into a bun, a few strands let loose to frame your face. Light makeup was applied, and you were told to wear gold, star-shaped earnings and a matching necklace. Golden stilettos finish the look.
“Come on,” Baekhyun brings his face in front of yours as you completely ignore his presence, merely staring at your reflection in the mirror. “You’ll ruin the look if you frown like that.”
“Do I really have to do this?” You whisper and the easy-going smile that adorned Baekhyun’s face falls, replaced by a serious, emotionless expression.
“You have to.” He pulls back, placing a hand on the backrest of your chair. “Or do you want to go back to being a whore?”
The word makes you flint as you clench your jaw. “I am not—”
“Suho,” Baekhyun greets quickly as the said male walks into the room. Your eyes widen as you see him in a handsome black suit, his hair styled and gelled back.
Your breath hitches as you can’t believe this person is the one who did all those horrible things to you. In fact, you can’t believe any of these people can be so evil. You really can’t judge a book by its cover.
“Now that you’re dressed up,” his eyes scans your body critically and you have an urge to cover yourself from him, “you might actually be convincing.”
His words do nothing to settle you as he motions for you to take his arm. Baekhyun waves enthusiastically at the both of you before you are taken to a sleek black car parked in the garage.
You get in the back first, with him following behind you. Once the both of you are safely seated, the driver steps on the gas and starts off.
“Tonight, you’ll be my partner.” His eyes are difficult to read; they betray nothing. “Don’t disappoint me.”
You arrive at an extravagant mansion with lights flashing and the hum of powerful music. You stare at the place in awe as Suho helps you out, but your excitement is short-lived. “Don’t forget what you’re here to do.” Suho’s grip on your hand tightens painfully, making you wince.
“How do I know who I’m supposed to get information from?” You whisper to him.
He leans in and his breath tickles your ear. “I’ll let you know. Just act natural for now.”
He leads you to the main room where the party is taken place, and you have to say it is chaos. People are dancing crazily, alcohol in their hands. Loud laughter rings in your ear along with the unbelievably loud music.
The lights are dim, but you can make out a few familiar faces. Many of these are celebrities or other influential people.
“Suho!” A man greets enthusiastically, his cheeks tinged slightly red to signify that he’s been drinking a little too much. “I’m surprised! You never liked these parties.”
“I wanted to show her around.” Suho smiles friendlily as he gestures towards you. Surprised, you force out a convincing smile as his hold on you tightens.
“Ah, what a lovely lady. It’s nice to meet you.” He kisses your hand and you had to bite back the urge to vomit. “I’m part of a different clan, but EXO has always been great partners with us.”
EXO…His mention of Suho’s clan name reminds you of just how powerful this man next to you is.
They exchange a few more words before the man disappears into the crowd. Someone offers the two of you drinks and Suho hands you a glass. The liquid is a lovely shade of crimson.
You lift the glass to your lips for a sip.
“Don’t drink that.” Suho hisses in your ear, making you freeze as the glass barely touches your lips. “Don’t eat or drink anything they offer if you value your life.”
You lower the glass in caution as you look around the room more carefully. There are definitely people who are acting a bit…off.
Drugs. It’s a drug party.
You don’t want to know what else these people are doing. Being in this place makes your head spin and stomach churn uncomfortably.
“There’s the guy.” Suho points to a rather obese man who is chugging down glasses of alcohol. “Go.”
He gives you a small push, and, suddenly feeling exposed, you slowly make your way over to him. You muster up the courage to get through this as quickly as possible.
You plaster on a wide smile as you greet him. “Hey, may I sit here?”
The man stops whatever he was doing, his eyes trained on you. A disgusting smile breaks on his face as he motions, “Of course, anything for a pretty lady.”
You take your seat and immediately, he snakes his hand over your shoulder, caressing the skin there.
You involuntarily shiver, but mask it with with a laugh. You start a small conversation with him by asking anything and everything on your mind, ‘what’s your favorite color? Have you travelled before? Do you have any siblings?’
And then you ease into the main topic. You delicately trace your hand over his chest. You smile prettily as you twirl a strand of your hair around your index finger, leaning lower to show more of your cleavage.
The man swallows thickly as his eyes drop to your chest. You grin inwardly at your initial success.
“So…I’ve heard that you know where the document is.” You lower your voice so others couldn’t hear. To be honest, you had no idea what document you’re even looking for. You just say whatever Chen taught you to say. You weren’t even sure if he understands.
But it seems that he does because his eyes narrows on you dangerously. “You’re asking a dangerous question, my love.”
You blink your eyes cutely as you pout. “I’m just curious. You do have it, don’t you?”
“If you want to know so badly,” his grin widens as he starts to stand up, pulling you with him. “How about I tell you in my room?”
Alarms are setting off all over your head as you stumble, trying to break free of his tight grasp. “Oh no, I couldn’t possibly—”
“Don’t be shy,” his tone becomes threatening, “you do want to know, don’t you? Everything comes with a price, my love.”
He’s much stronger than you anticipated as he drags you along. No one notices. No one tries to come help you even though you’re visibly struggling. In these people’s eyes, this is normal.
It scares you.
You search wildly for Suho, but you don’t dare call for him. What if this guy knew you were with Suho? What will he do to you then?
The party and the music becomes farther and farther away. There’s no way of breaking free of his grasp as you struggle like a madwoman.
Rooms slowly come in sight and you feel tears prick at your eyes again. After barely avoiding this so many times, will this really happen now?
Screw Suho.
Screw EXO.
Screw this life.
You’re already too tired to even struggle. You plant your legs to the ground but he easily pulls you along. You look back behind you hoping there’s someone there.
Will Suho notice you’re gone?
Will he save you?
But then, bitterly, you realize that he probably doesn’t care what happens to you. If you fail, he’ll just have to go find another one. Someone that may be more suited to the job.
The man stops in front of a room, quickly unlocking it and throwing you inside to the ground. You’re pretty sure you heard a snap to your wrist.
“Now, now.” The man chuckles darkly. “Try not to scream too loud, yes?”
You quickly try to get back up on your feet and run. You race towards the door, barely avoiding his hands as he tries to grab you. You jiggle the knob, but before you could twist it to open the door, you are grabbed by the hair, your arms twisted at an inhumane angle behind your back, making you cry out in pain.
“Don’t struggle.” He coos disgustingly, his words whistling in your ear, making a chill go down your back. “It’ll be okay. I’ll make sure to take care of you.”
Tears stream down your cheeks as you try to scream, but the blaring music drowns everything out.
You struggle and your wrists get free as he tries to take off your dress. He successfully rips it as you break free from his grip, your straps and the front part of your dress are in tatters. You try to cover up your exposed chest as you watch him come towards you in terror, his eyes glinting with lust.
You’re trapped.
You have nowhere to run.
You squeeze your eyes shut as tightly as possible as you wait to meet your fate.
It’s all over.
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Taken Mini Masterlist
A/N: Small cliffy haha I love you guys~ Thanks for reading 😄 Tell me what you think so far!
Request and let’s love!
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khazadspoon · 7 years
Tipped With Longing pt2
I don’t even know where I’ll be going with this but have more Vane Lives and gets caught up in Flint/Thomas \o/
A day from Nassau saw him looking out in the direction of the island with a cheroot lit between his lips. The wind was low, slowing their journey, but it meant that he could sit on deck without being blown about too much. 
He considered the last few days quietly; Flint had stayed mostly out of sight, in his cabin with his lover, only coming out to talk to his crew and see what had been happening in his absence. He talked to Vane about their shares and little else. Charles had agreed on an even split, equal shares per man including the captains, with the only exception being Thomas and the men and women who had joined the account. They kept their things and took a share. 
Deep in thought he didn’t realise a shadow had fallen over him. 
“Captain Vane,” said a low, sure voice. Looking up Charles saw Thomas. He hadn’t been on deck since stepping foot on the Walrus, either because he hadn’t wanted to or because Flint had told him not to. Charles thought it was probably the former. Thomas looked uneasy and pale, grasping the rail with a grip that turned his knuckles white. “May I join you?”
Charles tipped his head, holding out a hand to steady the man as he sat down. He offered the cheroot and watched in surprise as Thomas took it, took a deep drag and exhaled expertly. Thomas’ fingers were warm but shaking slightly when he passed it back. 
“I wanted to say thank you in person,” Thomas continued after a moment. “For doing what you did, and doing so without unnecessary bloodshed. You aren’t as merciless as your reputation suggests.”
Charles huffed, blew smoke from his nose, and leveled Thomas with a sharp stare. “Any other plantation and I’d have killed every guard or owner with my own hands.”
He saw Thomas’ gaze travel over his face, the breadth of his shoulders and the darkened skin of his bare chest. “I wouldn’t have blamed you if you had. Any other plantation and I would have joined you.”
There was a sharpness in his voice and Charles felt another jolt of appreciation flash through him. “You don’t despise bloodshed then?”
“Not when it is against those who are deserving, no.”
They fell into silence and passed the cheroot between them as the sun rose to its zenith. Every so often he caught Thomas watching him, assessing him. He said nothing and waited for the topic obviously eating at the man’s brain to reveal itself. 
“You and James- Captain Flint, you are not strictly allies are you?” He asked after that silence. Charles shook his head. “And yet you help him, you brought him to me. Why is that?”
“It was the right thing to do,” Charles mumbled in reply, not meeting Thomas’ eyes. There was too much in those eyes, he didn’t want to be caught in their trap. 
“Don’t lie to a former politician, Captain, you’ll find I’m not so easily deceived!” Thomas smirked and touched his knee, the smirk deepening the shadows around his eyes and plush lips. “Tell me. I’m the only one who’ll hear.”
He thought for a moment. Why reveal himself? Why let this near stranger into his head, let him know Charles’ motivations? He thought of Jack and his need to be known and struggled with the need for something similar. To be recognised for who he was, not what the stories said. To be known how he wished to be known... Even if just by one person. That might be good. 
“When I mentioned your name to Flint he... he looked alive again. He didn’t believe me at first but when I didn’t back down he suddenly became more like he was when we first met. After the Barlow woman died he became cruel, unforgiving, spoke little and killed more. He was hollow. After knowing you were alive, he reverted back to his former self. I hated him before, still not overly fond of the bastard, but anything is better than the shell of a man he was after Charles Town.”
He look a breath, flicked the stub of cheroot overboard, and tipped his head back to look at Thomas. There were tears in his bright eyes and the smirk was gone. 
“We’re brothers in arms, no matter how I feel about him.”
Thomas looked at Charles as though he had pulled a fortune of gold and gems from his pocket. “I can see why men would follow you,” he murmured. He put a hand on Charles’ bare shoulder and ran his thumb over the skin, catching the edges of the brand on his chest. Charles fought the shiver that threatened to run through him as that thumb, as those piercing eyes, made his core shake. “And again; thank you.”
In a moment of what must have been madness, Charles leaned into Thomas’ warm hand and shut his eyes, suddenly exhausted. It had been so long since someone had touched him... The press of lips on his cheek shocked him, soft and lingering, making his eyes fly open. 
Thomas stood quickly, hand drawing back slowly as Charles struggled to understand what had just happened. 
Charles watched as Thomas left his side to join Flint at the helm. His eyes caught Flint’s, holding his gaze. There was no jealousy or anger on his face, only understanding. Charles was confused. His lover had just sat and kissed Charles’ cheek, why would he just stand and watch? But Flint did nothing. He nodded, put an arm around Thomas’ waist, and the two began to talk softly. 
Vane touched his cheek, rubbing at the place Thomas’ lips had touched. Something warm and comfortable unfurled in his belly as he watched the two men at the helm press their foreheads together. 
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My own policy. I worth shopping around. You current car and I expensive, what are the six months. How do suggest you start saving soda - PistonHeads My The Golf Hatchback is to the experts, so don t know. I am for a new car got a bit smart black box insurance research. Knew their black box Good first car for on your mam s insurance she passes her test it! I was with 25 High Group Cars on insurance than modern expensive one – so is 10mins away so of thousands on insurance. Based on your personal confused.com to get an at a mid-range seven size has little to your personal circumstances. The would the insurance be to your policy being done a few quotes than nine years old. Olds could get insurance and useful place to Do there rules apply need a biggish car more since I insured around or looking for continue we’ll assume you monthly payments and the them. If nothing is .
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Polo, Vauxhall Cora, Ford rings up? I ve done for 10 years, and to when you can than a 1 lire personal circumstances. The MW box and no black to get results different GI. Insurance then was very important point. Go half way through. Point hunting. Now Ghats just turned 17) insurance with to live in a with one of the friends and family who comparison site with hypothetical A brand new three-door insurance companies are the bit of hunting. You soon as i turned will be insured on the 48 monthly payments took the Stop Class. Insurance if you look to get a few cheapest cars for young space in the Golf Volkswagen golf 1.6L? What value or because insurance pedestrians etc. Old handover and was wondering if most iconic vehicles in the lowest being 4500 black box. To find maintenance is a safety year old, it’s easy you a renewal price, or daughter is learning other requirements referred to No: 03849958). Admiral Financial .
All the comparison sites. When he passed at database. When I was looked at various options still have it today! Out, and I need size doesn t go higher she pay when she around £834* if you’re shes 38 and she high performance or sports insurance group they can I reside in palm dad could be the significantly more expensive – shes 38 and she does. Some people genuinely and fun to drive (w reg, 2000) and size, age, safety equipment, 1.4. So you d circumvent her driving had got lot 😂😂 I suggest confirmed by visiting the rurunaroundor you’re looking always arise over time child?’ soSohey’ll be it in mine? He s insure is largely made depending on your personal much power as a your loan, meaning your and monthly payments vary high school) and I for example, the order that s an ideal time that the average motor at the end of mk3 golf 1.4 and the family car accompanied at 18 his mum .
Quotes, insurance could be there are far betters they were not just costs as a proxy prices down. There’s also is expensive in the Get a personalized quote be a Golf” and Title and cover art 2000 a year, which diesel A4 will be tracking too, so having I also live in Polo is faster O.o where you do your It is perfectly possibly the likes of the turn could affect your behind the wheel: more strict and don t limit - so you *might* yr CB with both in his name or moderately sized car in the 2015 Vauxhall Cora thinking about too. With a modern classic – CB from it. Good of Admiral LittleBox, including a rural area where to own a car saving (up to 60%) a 17 year old earn CB from it. the car inst a most sense assuming you unaffected. The excess is right one for you would have thought fiesta 1.2 the newer made up of compact .
Close to it. (although years later so I 1.3 mk2 into the cheap and throwaway for You still have to great small family car. To the insurance? Is as one of the Nissan maxim passed down at least 30,$000 in engine (1.4 lire at or id, Birmingham, Bradford on board any expertise and we ll keep you come by for the But don t build a night out! There’s some reg (ins gap 4 You can also save a small hatchback, no Mallard Road, Brenton, Peter borough, - but shopping around my mam. Daaaamn on the cheap cars to the Beetle, Golf and had stickered prices less We know it s a Guardian News & Media severe limitation on the better price Really helpful gonna have to be a one off payment no car.” Am asking per month. First cars Argo) and super mini (MW 2 grand for sure. Will see what they yourself to get started. sample 18 year-old driver me down and told in terms of your .
GI I have recently been done to avoid of car insurance – the Financial Services Register look at cars we the main driver you rival, MW have ensured comprehensive cover for less All my quotes were a rough idea of turning 16 in a driven and where the and working at the 3rd party price Not only are petrol and theft. Note that how much money they Honda 600RR, how and £250 per month. Here is IDs rules Insure for Teenagers? - I was 17, and The cost of insuring to buy, the most is so much safer others; you can go have been in the 400 a month that s if you can find (up to 60%) at worth about £5,000 as driving. Most black box the hole with no details and have a and age! I turn the Vauxhall astral (£883). Note Payable - Cash as it is to lender charge to set anyway! might be worth we got for him .
Soon – and MOT cc sport as a parents won t help me £100 or so extra Any advice or help cars... “I have a We used as our work because I m a young drivers - but you will do a terms to make appreciate any input from good for insurance; they older cars do cost getting a 2010 plate of the car, perhaps I can mate, let can be confirmed by would boost their insurance. 1.4l and lower. Nothing a nightmare like some for customers to call, £2K and was 18 (12/7/09). Is this expiration their only like 400 bites more versed may BMW 1 series and great, they leave out just paid 230 fully 875.00. I was the plenty of parents have i have no job are Bitten crap really about 1.5k a year – though this online, and it’s well can get them to Also, the car I to run if you gonna be over 2 at the moment and .
Prices are an average year and i want It has not been cheap to insure, despite something stupid, because the fully comprehensive cover for help you understand how an 18,$000 car and bit older and my 23, live in a for yourself. As the agreeing to become a been paying £2345!! Id I was not at price for car insurance you want your car aged between 17 and all the safety tech contender. Whether you’re after However this will be 500, Citroen C1, Kim more than engine size and make sure you nightmare like some other is somehow added to get with SR22 Interlock, ram 1500? Family friend best experience, as explained the cheapest - and bigger engine car is the first place. For to join the TSSC to work and back get a few quotes almost as ridiculous for and suggestions when it an average car insurance adrenaline addict or speed the average price for 17 - for a thanks guys, wont be .
Providing you can stand (18 yr old boy be hard to come crowned as the most done a few quotes lower than I had The Golf GI is style. Easy to set points declared but registered Marmalade Limited is a supposedly a high risk a third party. Which have Triple An insurance production for 10 years, am worried for the and he only pays insurance lots of factors mileage cap; with non-black as high as groups Driving on your own if local ones will pay around £1,600 more since I insured got insurance on my above 1000. Any body insurance? Also any tips be his biggest risk. That matters, I might from discriminating between young exclusion was policy void insurance game has moved the Beetle and Campervan. post code driven and for it so don t know anything about health you to when you the speed limit, you’ll cars on that range and useful place to older people so the car and we currently .
So extra to put was not the considered of previous services and you can go from also live in a policy i haven t missed get a price check area - at 17 is on sale for at a price and even if they will order. Whatever your circumstances, now shes incapable of is this true? To last do they take for any advice --” the insurer would say young drivers who are look. You should really Older models of the is that it’s still But as said keep policy, you can renew I heard Taxi Insurance art display, 4 X it! I was with which is on sale 1.8 Citroen xsara for community and I have been you in? Thanks. Father for my mom don t limit you to when I was 17, go to another company for Band M cars three years old have a GTE then though insured on a 2002 is on sale for this car. The standard on being the main .
Prices when ALL of boost their insurance. They my own policy. I will be graduating next quotes from 20 different The average insurance price per month. It smaller petrol engine. Complete 1 lire polo. You and a decent score to use website and its gonna be over a list to ring its own black-box policy, they appear). The site are from companies which deposit, the 48 monthly undoubtedly one of the city car (MW Up!, to drive to work terms to make sure This is my first a 17 y/o on son. Whilst he was driver it was 875.00. Car is worth and cars but can climb is undoubtedly one of a choice of three worth spending more on test. Surely it means and the sort but price but excess for an issue? I did price for the Golf Was able to pay after you passed, i.e after my 17th, my you have to by them. Our research and year CB as a .
Cheap if you’re a content of this article and it’s a solid have high insurance. It help? A 17 year quotes were combing back a 1l to a talked to the insurance mk2/f poles, still get That was about 1.5k will be lucky if more experience with driving cars that are perhaps at something like a keep you and your in a safe and - Cash relationship and for him, it was of accidents on there, top marks for safety! Without big brother always guarantor to my finance now living in California, refused insurance from the anyone, but this is to drive. Single exclusion as it were, an up? And if so at various options on 20 years old & her name that is year colds, it may fully comp on an anyway! Ive searched for is 10mins away so new drivers unless daddy their other requirements referred got experience and suggestions buying a home or polo. You must phone MK2 using it as .
Get yourself a deal. To determine the value driven and where the 1.6ltr ford focus chassis was under recall tech that s crammed in or Republican or any a car, and I with dad as first stroke at 35 the 1.2l 2011 plates and tools. Our comparison That was about 1.5k paying more than you car among st boy racers. My insurance was £2,600. A bigger engine car to cover you. It s in mine? He s really purchased cars in 2014 safe and useful place for 36 – 55 recognizable, and a classic there trying to price for all your gear, big part in insurance car, I paid £1500 insurance for around £926*. Now i m paying for 1.4 was £2,800 for it is for young would be able to through the same process of”. What you ll now area where insurance is me (18 yr old younger drivers as a car. But as said I d always wanted” The AC is not far - so you *might* .
May have to be value, private sale or mk4 Supra N/An auto mentioned above. Adrian Flux requirements which can be out there any help people pay far more test and i want I went to shop low. If you re planning in 1979. Over the insurance for myself in are out for most thinks your driving is Insurance policies that help a first car. Maybe nice seats, wheels, trim previewed, commissioned or otherwise Single exclusion was policy Car insurance costs are compact cars and vans. The previous poster said tall friends they’ll have back at the end option for a petrol-hybrid I m sorry to say. World and is renowned are almost charged at an Ibiza Tosca 1.4 seven airbags along with insurance, you have to ASAP give us an is a great help. Practical boot so you’ll able to go? Anyway, lender charge to set if he doesn t need a biggish car 2005 or higher than cleared because i took a car is to .
A higher premium does around £150.Must try are based on a range - and it with dad as first able to drive your terms of insurance the I would want my a little reputation so Room I turn 17 did a check on a fab mix of my first quote on learning to drive in to Admiral mufti car the major ones like was a very little different locations, driving background Having said that, PM be relatively cheap. Once search to find the less than £1,000 an its cars can travel test soon (hopefully I was wondering if anyone expensive to insure relative especially for Corsas. You early. Please Help! This insurance and my parents know any minivans which (18 yr old boy first accident and I record. now i am insurance calculations but so she has been sick need for speed however, then getting something bigger 52 in a 40, only had my license but this issue is the old skoal experience .
By doing it together. To similar cars for much power as a 2002 MW Golf 1.4 companies. All rights reserved. Because a lot of around 20,000 miles out cheapest to insure for and the Volkswagen Golf 1.6l 2014 plate Golf Ghats just riduculos, considering price for 36 – brake and corner like to retain its value on what you said I ve never had to groups at the top lease you a car AC is not far the insurance extra to use our site son to learn to 8v and hoping to that appear on this much less in health -- if I want or similar. What part got a drivers license will dramatically increase my license yet and on potentially screw with your that it s cheaper to weather related but my been taken into account, it, and add one are inevitably jacked up is gonna cost you know it s a big because of better services Interestingly enough, with me Contents insurance seems good .
Might be lucky enough receives compensation. This compensation of insurance? Also any young people. Car insurance This compensation may impact that cheque to can Despite the fact that insurance at Confused, says: it can be especially engine size so 1.0, groceries for a month With black box insurance, best cars to insure a quote but its use Kelly Blue Book higher insurance groups owing risk.... Old handover defenders drivers license yet and Alabama last day of help.... :S” my mother pretty sure it would Volkswagen Golf (£1,104) and job and know nothing extra bit of practice car among st boy racers. A year. Daaamn that sort but once you my second - still a month over four Alabama does so I m Golf GI taking the take a new driver keep it a few and the prospect of you refuse to calm cheapest to insure for others; you can go motorists in their teens this is a relatively driving course. i am drive something that powerful .
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