#i subscribed to vogue for this but it’s okay
this year’s met gala was such a bummer like the theme was sleeping beauties: reawakening fashion and the dress code was a garden in time. there is SO MUCH there. there’s reimagining classic styles, rewearing archived pieces, the concept of renewal, rebirth, the passage of time, decay, and so much more, but it looks like most people saw the word garden and ran with it. this would have been the chance to pull out the archives! this would have been a great chance to do something new and reimagine classic designs! now is when you wear the marilyn dress, kim!! instead it was flower dress after flower dress after basic tux after basic tux. there were a few hits (tyla was the star of the night for me personally!) but here’s what i would do if i was a designer. before i get into this i want to say if you don’t like my fashion sense that’s okay i don’t really care im not a fashion designer or creator so i will survive if you don’t like this stuff
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these bad boys in the vivienne westwood archive would be so brilliant. they were released as part of an advertising campaign with britons and are made out of carpet. i think it first reimagines fashion and what fabrics can be made into clothes and second is archival and thus celebrates the history of clothing. really any of the outfits from that campaign would have been fantastic especially the ones designed to look like the victorian and elizabethan era dresses.
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this jean paul gaultier statue dress would be amazing and this one is one i would even be willing to see an updated take on. for instance every year kim kardashian’s sole purpose is to push the boundaries of skinny waist bbl but this would have been so cool to see her wearing where her body is the statue on the dress
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anything from oscar de la renta archives but i would have really liked seeing men in the matador outfits
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as a gender neutral option, this is something that would be a reawakening of fashion whether a woman or man wore it. this vivienne westwood archive is a suit with a skirt which is gender non conforming both ways and would have been super cool to see
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seeing mona patel in the custom iris van herpen actually pissed me off even though she was stunning and gorgeous because iris van herpen has an EXISTING COLLECTION from 2021 called roots of REBIRTH based on FUNGI like the material was right there
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armani also has a collection from 1985 of suits for women that would be perfect for anyone who doesn’t want to wear dresses.
anyway all this to say i was a bit disappointed and i think there were only a handful of people (tyla, mindy kaling, zendaya, dan levy) who really understood the theme. this is nothing new with the met gala but hopefully next year will be better but i already know it won’t be.
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fablesrose · 7 months
Ch 13 - The Runway Job
Series Rewrite Masterlist 
Pairing: Eliot Spencer x Ford!Reader
Description: With Tara being a new crew member, they take to the runway at Fashion Week to get back at local sweatshop owners.
Words: 4562
Before the next job we, minus Tara and Nate, video called Sophie.
“He says he’s cool with it, but you know how he is,” Hardison said. 
“And the way she introduced herself?” Parker said, “That was a smooth con.”
Eliot shook his head, “Yeah, but it didn’t exactly build trust.” 
I nodded along, agreeing with what they were saying, but I didn’t have much to add. To be honest, I still wasn’t sure how I felt about Tara and her being here. 
“Look,” Sophie said, “We didn’t get along when we first started… Eliot, how long did it take before you trusted me?”
I heard Eliot deliberately take in a breath.
“Eliot? You do trust me, don’t you?”
“That’s not the point, Sophie,” he deflected. “If Nate doesn’t like this chick, then it’s not gonna work.” I noticed that his southern accent slipped to be a bit thicker as he replied a bit flustered.
“Yeah, which is why you have to get him on board,” Sophie replied. “Look, you need a grifter. The last time one of you tried to grift,” she looked around and lowered her voice, “you wound up kidnapped by Russians.”
I cleared my throat and sent a pointed look towards Hardison. Eliot and Parker made their accusations more vocally. Hardison did not seem to appreciate it, but he deserved it. 
“Listen to me,” Sophie redirected, “Tara Cole is the best. I wouldn’t have sent her if I didn’t trust her, and I know you’re gonna love her, so… Just give her a chance.”
Eliot turned to Hardison, “She is hot.” 
“Very hot,” Hardison agreed. 
I waved my head in mild agreement, because she was, but rolled my eyes at their necessity to point it out. 
“Hot,” Parker said. We all gave her a look. That was not the expected response from her. She caught onto the tension quickly, “Cold? Why are we staring?”
Sophie moved on, “Yeah, I’m not saying to throw her at him, I’m just saying get him on board. He doesn’t always know what’s good for him, and if he does, he doesn’t do anything about it!” She was clearly getting frustrated, “He just lets it walk straight out the door, and…”
I nodded in agreement as she ranted. He did tend to do that. 
“Like… all the way to Europe?” Eliot asked with a swing in his voice. 
Sophie gave us a soft smile, “Just do it for me, alright? So I don’t have to worry about you.”
Nate and Tara walked in the door then, so Hardison and Eliot scampered away because we all knew damn well that we weren’t supposed to call Sophie. Parker and I stayed put for a moment longer.
“I just miss you,” Parker said. 
“And she’ll never be you,” I added before Sophie logged off with a soft smile, before Nate could see.
We then all sat down in the living room, Parker tossing the remote to Hardison, and Nate predictably standing in the front of the room. 
“Okay, run it.”
“Gloria and Russel Pan,” Hardison began. “Self made millionaires, they built their fortune off a company that produces cheap knock offs of the latest fashions.”
“The bargain bin has been pretty good to them, I’d say, with, you know, the nice car, giant house in the rich neighborhood, etcetera etcetera,” I added since I helped do a bit of research. “Gloria works in the factory making the designs. Russel is the business side of things, accounting, and works with the partners in China.”
“Okay, Gloria designs the clothes. Does she have any training?” Nate asked. 
“She did a correspondence course with a fashion school,” Hardison answered. “And she subscribes to all the magazines: Vogue, InStyle, Fashion & Style…”
“She submitted to Project Runway,” I said. 
“Last year?” Parker asked. 
“Last three years,” Hardison corrected. 
“Okay,” Nate said with finality, “That’s our way in. We’re gonna sell, Gloria Pan…” Nate pointed to Tara. 
“Her dream,” she answered. “Yeah, no, I get it.” She stood up to stand at the front of the room next to Nate, “I mean, the word ‘con’ comes from confidence, right? So we gotta build her confidence, make her think she’s the greatest designer in the world.”
“There you go,” Nate commented. 
“How?” Eliot asked gruffly. 
“How?” Nate paused, and smiled. “We need a Caprina.” Then he walked away in his usual fashion. 
“What does that mean?” Tara asked, watching as he walked away, “So he just says things and walks away?”
“Yeah…” Parker said.
“That’s something you’re gonna have to get used to, I’m afraid,” I mentioned. 
Tara looked at me, somewhat confused, “How did you turn out normal?”
I opened my mouth to answer, but wasn’t sure how to, so shut it again. Was that a compliment? A back handed one?
“She’s a survivor,” Eliot answered for me, with a smile.
Parker and Hardison stood and left, in a somewhat Nate fashion. Eliot stretched out a bit, placing his arms on the back of the couch, one of them behind me. Tara still looked confused about the whole situation, but left without another word. 
I turned to Eliot, “Thanks.”
He glanced at me, “No problem.” There was a beat of silence before he reached for the remote that Hardison had tossed on the couch. “Let’s see what games are on.”
“Ah, got a juice up on some manly stuff before all the fashion stuff for the job?” I laughed. 
“Please, I thought you liked sports,” he scoffed, “besides, like you’re into all the fashion stuff anyway.”
“I mean, sometimes,” I tried to defend.
He deliberately looked me up and down, “Uh huh, your clothes are probably between five to ten years old.”
“Ah ha!” I exclaimed as if I had caught him, “This t-shirt? Vintage.”
He laughed, “Uh huh, yeah, really proving your point there, sweetheart.”
I gave a playful ‘whatever’ to which he nudged me.
“Shut up and watch, they’re about to score.”
Later, we had to set up a little photo studio in the corner. Parker took pictures of Tara in some clearly fashion-y clothes and I photoshopped her onto a Fashion & Style magazine cover. I sent it over to Hardison to do the final formatting where he printed it off and actually made the physical magazine. It was a nice little assembly line. 
Parker then was able to strategically plant the magazine in the Pans’ house, setting up some cameras while she was there. We were able to watch as Gloria discovered Tara as Caprina to be the next big fashion designer through the magazine and the various voiceovers we added to celebrity news channels. 
Eliot and Tara went to set the hook and invite Gloria to Fashion Week. It was deemed successful, leading us to prepare for sneaking in ourselves. Parker, understandably, did not want to play dress-up, so she went in as a production assistant, slipping our passes and names on the guest list. She was also there to swipe anything, if need be. 
The rest of us dressed up to be fashion people, with Nate going particularly crazy with small round glasses, fingerless gloves, and a red fan. Hardison just went with a classic shirt and jacket that was deliberately untidy with some fur additions, and Tara with an all black ensemble. I used the occasion as an excuse to buy something a little nicer and a bit frilly. I normally couldn’t justify myself buying something like this, but I liked it and thought I would use it beyond just this job should the opportunity arise. 
I walked into fashion week next to Eliot who wore his hair down, glasses and a white shirt with plenty of accessories. I could tell his eyes were lingering on the models which didn’t bother me as much as I would have thought. I mean, who could blame him? I wasn’t sure why I was thinking about this anyway, it’s not like I wanted any attention anyway.
We set ourselves up next to a runway where some models were practicing their walks, Tara occasionally speaking up to ‘correct’ something. Eliot brought Gloria over and everyone was introduced. Hardison and I were fashion magazine editors and Nate was Caprina’s sponsor. Gloria handed over her designs for Hardison and I to look over.
“Oh no no no,” Nate cried after reading a text. 
“What what?” Tara asked. 
“My young designer who was going to be at the newcomer showcase at the end of fashion week, arrested!”
“Drugs in the car?” Hardison asked simply. 
“No, hooker in the hotel.”
“That is unfortunate,” I commented, looking over Hardison’s shoulder as he thumbed through Gloria’s portfolio. 
“He was to be my great discovery,” Nate lamented. “I don’t know what to do. What that boy could do with a buckle…”
I noticed Gloria perk up beside us. What a coincidence that every one of her designs incorporated heinous amounts of buckles.
Nate continued to have a meltdown of what in the world he was going to do while the rest of us quietly encouraged him to have Gloria take the spot. He finally agreed to see some of her other designs, so off Nate, Tara, and Eliot went to the factory with Gloria. Hardison decided to go back to the apartment at this point, back to run all the technical stuff. I decided to stick around Fashion Week for a bit, learning, wandering, just in case something came up. 
Everybody was running around rushing to make sure everything was perfect and in order for the upcoming shows. I quietly took note of what fashions I liked and disliked and which designer’s areas to avoid. I eventually found a quiet corner to people-watch, opening up the sketchbook I brought to finish the character. I absentmindedly doodled and sketched while also listening through comms to the others at Gloria’s office, trying to close the deal. That was until a PA walked up to me with a can of sparkling water.
“Here’s that drink you ordered,” he said, offering it to me. 
I shook my head, “Oh no, I didn’t order anything.”
“Well, take it anyway,” he insisted.
“You better get that to whoever actually ordered it, I personally don’t want to witness another meltdown,” I replied, shuddering as I remembered what some of the designers were doing in their stress. 
“What if I said that I lied and just wanted an excuse to talk to you?”
That stopped me. I looked at him curiously. He was wearing all black like the rest of the PAs, and relatively good looking. Nothing like the models walking around, but nothing to scoff at either. 
I hesitantly took the can from him, “Okay…”
“Does he need to be scared off?” Eliot asked through comms.
“Sorry,” the PA said, “that probably came off a bit strange.”
“Don’t worry about it,” I replied to both of them. “I’m a little surprised you’re not rushing around like everyone else.”
“There’s a little break with my responsibilities for a minute. I could say the same to you though.”
“Different priorities, I’m in between editorial appointments,” I replied easily, just keeping with my cover, “Not enough time to go anywhere though.”
He nodded. There was a beat before he said, “I, uh, like your look. And it doesn’t seem like you’re as pompous as most of the people walking around here. ”
I quickly straightened my clothes a little, “Oh, thank you. It’s a bit simple,” I said, referring to some of the other looks I saw walking around.
“And better than a lot of stuff here. Unfortunately for them-” he paused, listening to his headset. “Sorry, I’ve got to go.”
I checked the time, “No worries, I should go too. Thanks for this,” I said, raising the drink.
He nodded and smiled before running away to do whatever was needed. 
I smiled to myself, looking myself over. Maybe I did okay after all. Eliot took my spot at Fashion Week not long after. He came over after dropping the money off with Hardison. I was gathering my stuff to leave when he approached me. 
“Hey, everything okay?” I asked him once he arrived. 
“Yeah, it’s great,” he replied quickly. “That guy…” He trailed off as if fishing for info. 
“He was fine,” I assured.
“Good. Good,” he slid his hands in his pockets. “I did want to say, earlier, that you look nice.”
I smiled, not hiding the blush that rose to my cheeks, I was sure, but it could be attributed to the warm atmosphere with the stage lights and everyone running around. “Thanks, you look pretty good yourself.”
He raised his eyebrows and looked down at his outfit, “Really? I’m not sure about, uh… any of this… fashion stuff.”
“Could have fooled me,” I nudged him as I walked past him to leave, “and try not to flirt with too many models, okay?”
I heard as he stuttered a bit behind me, but didn’t actually answer.
I got back to Nate’s apartment around the same time everyone else did. Apparently Tara and Nate had a fight over how much money to squeeze out of the Pans’, a tension I could almost feel in the room. Nate demanded the earbud back from her right before he took Parker to follow up on a phone call Gloria left for Nate that abruptly cut off. They went to the Pans’ house, and Eliot was told to leave Fashion Week and check out the factory. He was not happy.
“What did I say about the models, Eliot?” I said. 
He sighed, “Just… whatever, I’m going.”
Hardison and I stayed at the apartment, checking where Gloria might have moved funds and her car GPS. 
Tara went to leave since she wasn’t doing anything here. 
“Hey,” I said before she walked out, “Sorry about Nate. He just likes to know all the factors and angles. He just doesn’t know you yet. Not that it’s an excuse.”
She just gave a nod at me before leaving. She had an unreadable expression which I didn’t think much about. 
Hardison started tracking the Pans’ car right when Nate and Parker arrived at their house. The car was pulling away when we heard an explosion on comms. It was loud enough that we determined it was the house since the car was still driving. 
Nate groaned, “Okay, what do we know?”
“Someone targeted the Pans,” Parker replied loudly. Their ears were probably ringing. 
“Yeah, I’m with you on that.”
“And the silver sedan that pulled out right before the explosion, it belongs to the Pans. I recognize it.”
“So, either they got away, or the people who did this got away in the Pans’ car, and the Pans didn’t. Uh, Hardison-”
“Already on it,” Hardison responded. “The Pans’ car just got on the I-95 heading south.”
“Okay, I need to see who’s in the car. Can you get me a visual?”
“Do I look like I have a helicopter?”
“A simple yes or no,” Nate said. 
“I might, might be able to get a photo of a traffic camera, but… I would have to time it just right based on the car’s rate of speed.”
“Listen to me, a car’s driving eighty miles an hour, how long does it take to get to a camera a mile away, seventh grade algebra, Hardison.”
Hardison rolled his eyes and looked at me.
“Yeah, I never got a break in math,” I replied. “But there’s multiple cameras right? You can get a couple chances?”
Hardison tilted his head side to side, somewhat agreeing with me. 
“The husband said they had partners,” Nate said softer.
“Forty-five seconds,” Parker responded.
“What?” Nate asked.
“That’s the answer, forty-five seconds.”
While Hardison worked on getting the timing right, Eliot piped in from the factory. 
“Nate, I got bank statements here listing Sunbright Holdings as a joint account holder with the Pans’…” He trailed off. 
“Can you show me that?” Tara’s voice came through the comms.
“Oh, that’s where she went,” I said, mostly to myself. 
“What’s she doing there?” Nate asked. 
“Wait, tell Nate that I know these corporate ID prefix is from Shanghai!” She shouted through the comms, making them squeal. 
“They pick up,” Eliot said through gritted teeth, “you don’t have to yell!”
“Just tell him.”
I was working on my laptop that was linked with some of Hardison’s software where I pulled up the camera feed from the cameras we planted there. “Hey, I’ve got the camera feed before the explosion… There’s quite a few guys there, here, I’ll send it to you.”
“Who’s planting that bomb?” Nate asked. “Eliot, Tara, get out of there!”
I heard all four of them start to dash off before Eliot said, “Nate, I’ve got three guys here.”
I turned to Hardison to see if he knew what was going on and who we were dealing with, but he was focused on his own computer. 
“Armed with cleavers,” Eliot continued. “That’s the signature of The Triad.”
“The Triads, yeah, we’re a minute away,” Nate responded. 
“The Chinese Triads?” Parker asked.
“Yeah, they control the global counterfeit clothing market,” Nate explained. “Worth billions to them, even more than narcotics.” 
“So we didn’t take money from the Pans, we took money from these guys, is what I’m hearing,” I said.
“And the last person holding their cash, was Eliot,” Nate said. 
I listened to comms as Eliot tried to keep Tara safe, which she didn’t appreciate, but it sounded like they both took care of themselves. At least, I didn’t hear any painful noises from them. 
“Nate, I just got a shot of the Pans’ car,” Hardison said as he pulled it up on the big screen. “Gloria’s traveling solo. I guess Russell didn’t make it out, the poor bastard got blown to bits.”
“Yeah, Russell Pan handles the finances,” Nate said. “Did you do a full background check on Russell Pan?” He then instructed Parker to stay behind, to be the getaway car. 
“Of course we did,” Hardison assured. He listed all the documents and data we got on him to prove that he is Russell Pan. 
“Yeah, but did we make sure that Russell Pan isn’t anybody else as well?”
I looked at Hardison, to distinguish between the two. He sighed an ‘ah, hell,’ before pulling up facial recognition. I guess it was to not just search for names, because that could narrow the search too much, and miss something. 
When the facial recognition finished, I swore to myself.
“Guys, guys, I just got a hit on an Interpol database,” Hardison said. “Russell Pan’s face matches a Nicholas Chow, Chinese national, works for the Sun Yee On Triad, counterfeit clothing, blackmarket, he’s known for burying his enemies alive. This is a bad dude.”
I looked back at my computer, trying to think if there was anything else I could do to help when I watched the camera feed again. “Uh, one other thing,” I said as I watched, “I don’t think he’s dead.” Hardison looked over at my screen. “He was there when the bomb was planted, like, helping.”
“No kidding,” Nate said, presumably as or after he entered the factory where more members of the Triad were. He switched into his character’s accent when greeting everyone, and softly commented that they had guns. “The last time I saw you we were here for business meeting with your wife. Yah, this is all big misunderstanding?”
“That cow of a wife gave you something of mine,” Russell said. “Fifty thousand dollars U.S.”
“Yah, this was for a show,” Nate said, “This was business, eh.”
“Twenty years,” Russell said exasperatedly, “I carried her. I brought over the cheap labor from China, I supplied the Asian markets, all she had to do was copy the fashions. No, you sold the woman a ridiculous dream. So I had to get rid of her.”
“What a douchebag,” I said before I could stop myself. Hardison gave me a look. “You know, along with being a murderous criminal and all that.”
“Now, I’m responsible to my superiors for that money,” Russell continued, obviously not hearing my comment. “Where is it?”
“Guys, sit tight,” Hardison said, grabbing the bundle of money that Gloria gave us, “Tell Chow, or Pan–pot skillet– whatever his name is, that is money is on the way, it’ll be there in fifteen minutes.”
“Well, uh, we don’t have the money,” Nate said instead. “The money is gone, yah, we spent it on the vendors for Gloria’s show, yah.”
“Did you not hear what I just said?” Hardison then emphasized, “I’m on my way, with the money.”
“Yah, and there’s no reason to do anything, or go anywhere because, puh, the money is gone,” he repeated. 
“I think he heard you loud and clear,” I said to Hardison, not liking this situation any better than he did. “Nate, come on, what are you doing?”
Russell gave an order, in presumably Chinese, and Nate started to backtrack a little bit. 
“Listen to me one second before, what if I was able to give you something worth much more than the fifty thousand dollars, what if I was able to give you the designs for next fall’s collections today? Yah, that’s right. Get your factories turning out knockoffs way before the competition. This would be worth millions to you in additional revenue, millions!” 
I could tell Nate was thinking very hard to make this work, his accent wasn’t as thick as before, but luckily he was able to keep up the act as it seemed to catch Russell’s interest. 
“And how are you going to do this?”
“We have access to the Fashion Week, uh, shows. I mean, I can get you Julian to steal a major designer’s designs,” Nate offered up Eliot to steal it. 
“So, I let you go,” Russell seemed to laugh, “you run to the police, and I get nothing! No deal.”
I paced the floor as Nate tried to say something to save it when Tara offered herself as collateral, which Nate quickly refused. He tried to reason that he wouldn’t go to the police, we had no evidence, we couldn’t escape them anyway, etc etc. 
Unfortunately, Russell agreed to keep Tara anyway in exchange for the designs. He gave Nate one hour. 
“I’m telling you,” Tara said, “get him what he wants. It’s just fifty grand, huh? That’s what this is about, five oh, capish? Five oh.”
“Yah…” Nate said hesitantly, “Julien, let’s go, uh…”
Hardison and I waited until everyone got back, without Tara. 
“We could have just given Russell the money,” Hardison said. 
“If we had given him the money,” Nate replied, “we would have gone back to the client with nothing.”
“Cuz that’s what it’s about,” Eliot said, “a chance to run a con on the Triads on the fly. You put Tara’s life in danger to take down a bigger target.”
“Listen, it’s one thing for Florence and those other women to owe money to some local sweatshop. You want them in debt to the Triads the rest of their lives?” Nate asked. 
“You wouldn’t have left Sophie there,” Parker pointed out. 
“Listen, I know what I’m doing,” Nate insisted, “I got it under control, alright? We have less than an hour, we need some designer’s plans, we gotta get-”
“Hold on,” Hardison said as he typed on his computer. “Okay, there’s one show left today, Andre V has a hip hop couture line.”
“Great, perfect,” Nate pointed at Eliot, Parker, and I, “go get those plans.”
We didn’t have to be told twice as we dashed off, back to Fashion Week. Unfortunately for us, because of a ‘security breach’ earlier, we couldn’t get in without IDs. According to the chick at the security checkpoint, the only things getting through were models and clothes. Which led us to where we were now, arguing about clothes. 
Parker couldn’t get over the impracticality of them as a thief, but finally offered up a black piece of clothing with red-ish orange trim. 
“The A-line drape of the empire waist is nice, but the neckline is a little weak,” Eliot rattled off. “If you ask me,” he added once he caught Parker and I’s looks. 
“I thought you weren’t into all this fashion stuff,” I said. 
“Hey, I dated a lot of models. A lot of private fashion shows, if you know what I mean.”
“Yes, yes,” Parker said, continuing to flip through clothes. 
Eliot continued to give sexual innuendos that Parker and I rebuffed until we both walked away to a different rack when we couldn’t take anymore. I finally found something that fit some of her criteria enough to get her changed and backstage. 
“Why can’t you come too?” She asked as I rushed her through.
“Because I don’t have an ID and I think I would hinder you more than help, let me know if you need help and I can figure out a way in or make a distraction out here or something, now go!” I pushed her through to blend in with a couple other models heading where Parker needed to go. 
She was able to get the flash drive into the computer, but before all the files were uploaded, she got swept up into actually being a model. I helped conceal Eliot in a clothes rack to retrieve the drive as Parker was walking the runway, but not without an incident on her part. Luckily that didn’t stop us from being successful. 
We brought the drive to Nate and Hardison at the factory. Hardison took it and worked some magic, I was sure before handing it to Nate to give to Russell. Nate stepped out of the van and prepped himself before going in. 
“Hey,” Eliot stopped him, “if this thing starts going off the rails, don’t wait. Call us in.”
Nate nodded, “Chow is primed, I can handle him.”
“I’m not talking about him.”
“She’s a pro, she knows what to do,” Nate insisted before heading into the factory. 
I still had a nervous feeling in my gut despite his supposed confidence, but I seemed to always have that feeling at the tipping point of the con. I, of course, had nothing to worry about as Nate handed over the designs, Russell saw them, unknowingly sent Gloria’s design to all of his factories, courtesy of Hardison, and called the cops. The cops arrested Russell for being wanted by Interpol, also revealed courtesy of Hardison, and let Nate go once he showed them his Interpol badge.
“Okay, no earpiece,” Parker said to Tara, “How did you tell Nate you were gonna do the cop scam?”
Tara recalled when she told Nate that it was fifty grand, “five oh.”
“Five oh? Cops?” Eliot asked, “That was all it took?”
“Some people just know how to communicate,” Nate said. 
“I finally learned how to speak his language,” Tara said. “Cryptic clues, slogans, and code.”
We all shared a small laugh and smile that everything came out okay by communicating of all things. It all turned out for the best, our client got the money to help her parents come over to the States, the factory came under new supervision which was much better for all of its workers, and I think we could now work as a team. 
A/n: Reblogs and comments are welcome and encouraged! Thank you for reading!
Tags: @instantdinosaurtidalwave @kniselle @technikerin23 @kiwikitty13 @plasticbottleholder
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mrluntthehandsomer · 1 year
S-Cape Vlog Time (returns!)
(Swallowing some food he had earlier) Ah, there. Much better. Now I can talk. (Deep breath, then turns to the camera) Hello, friends! I’m back after a very long, unplanned and unexpected hiatus! Heh.. When the life of a superhero slows down, there’s not much to talk about!
But I can see that, uh.. my inbox is filled with questions and concerns. So this video is going to address all of those. And maybe more.
Um, okay first, I’m sorry I didn’t tell you I was stopping. If you’ve seen me in the streets fighting crime, then you know that I was busy 😅. But nowadays, things seem to have slowed down so I’m okay with starting these up again.
I’m okay, I’m alive, thank God. I’m frustrated, I’m annoyed, I’m- (blinks) Where did that come from? Anyways, you’ve probably seen the league not together so much these days. I can explain that.
(Deep breath, then snaps) Vogue is wrong, Thingamabob is wrong and LarryBoy needs to wise up and say something before this whole team falls apart! I can’t be the only one here speaking sense! I don’t want to get to specific but we’re having a disagreement and it gets me angrier and angrier every time I think about it. Sometimes, I don’t even care if I get tricked with a coupon. I don’t! If it means that I have more time to myself and my thoughts, then so be it! I just want to help the town but no one gets it! They don’t understand, man! I want to be a hero but I don’t know what kind of hero to be! And it’s driving me CRAZY!! (pushes his ringlight over and the phone falls down)
(Pants heavily and picks everything up. Then suddenly smiles like nothing happened) Like and subscribe for more! See you next time! 😁 S-Cape AWAY!
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waitimcomingtoo · 5 years
Would you please write about Harrison and reader playing against each other in those bestfriend vs girlfriend quiz? Thank you! ❤️
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Best Friend Vs. Girlfriend
Pairing: Tom Holland x Reader x Harrison
Synopsis: you make a Best Friend Vs. Girlfriend challenge for your YouTube channel with Tom and Harrison
Requests are CLOSED
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“Welcome back to my channel.” You waved at the camera with two hands as Tom and Harrison fidgeted and fixed their hair on either side of you.
“Hi.” Harrison said in a nasally voice.
“How are ya?” Tom mimicked his voice as they both made a circle with their hands. You realized they were imitating Jeffree Star and you let out a loud groan.
“This was a mistake.” You laughed at their antics right before Tom and Harrison kissed you on either cheek. You cut the video there and let your intro play. 
“Hi everyone! My name is Y/n L/n and today I’m joined by…” You gestured time Harrison, who looked deep in thought.
“Shouldn’t it be joined with? Like I’m joined with Harrison and Tom?” Harrison turned to you and asked. You made a face at him, asking why he decided to ask that in the middle of filming a YouTube video.
“No, it’s joined by because if you think about it-“ Tom started to give his opinion on the matter.
“AND JOINING ME TODAY,” you yelled above their bickering, “is Harrison Osterfield and my boyfriend, Tom Holland.”
“I think ‘my boyfriend Tom Holland’ should go first, personally.” Tom interjected, and you suddenly felt like a mother with her two troublesome kids.
“Tell you what, when I kill you both for making me upload a day late, you can go first? Sound good, Tom?” You asked sarcastically with a fake smile. Tom giggled at your threat and leaned into your side, making you laugh as well.
“God, when she threatens to kill you. Heart eyes.” Harrison said with sarcastic fawning.
“ANYWAYS”, you shot him a look that told him to zip it, “today, we’re going to be doing the best friend versus girlfriend challenge.”
“Because I’m Toms girlfriend.” Harrison nodded along. “Wait, you have to delete that, Y/n. The world doesn’t know yet.” He pretended to be panicked.
“They’re not ready to know.” Tom shot Harrison a fake flirty wink.
“Will you two behave? I don’t want to get demonetized for graphic content when this video shows me murdering the two of you while that guitar riff youtubers always use plays in the background.” You threatened again.
“That sounds like great content though.” Tom laughed and elbowed you while you gave the camera a death glare.
“Guys, give this video a thumbs up if you want Y/n to kill us on camera.” Harrison said to the camera with two thumbs up.
“Can we get started?” You asked them. “Please?”
“Yes, darling. I’m sorry.” Tom said sincerely as he gave your cheek a quick kiss. “What’s the first question?”
“I know what the first question is.” Harrison piped up. “Shouldn’t Tom be in the middle since we’re competing?”
“Haz, thats-“ ,you were about to scold him for interrupting again when you realized he was right, “a good idea. Tommy, switch with me.”
Tom got up and slid into your chair as you got into his.
“First question.” Tom smiled brightly at the camera once he was settled in his seat. “What is my middle name?”
“Stanley.” Haz blurted before you could say a word. “I get a point.” He looked at you with a boastful smile.
“Yeah, yeah. Don’t get used to it.” You waved off his win.
“Have I ever stolen anything?” Tom read the next question off his phone.
“No.” Harrison answered quickly.
“I don’t think I have.” Tom nodded. “Haz gets a point.”
“I was gonna say you stole my heart.” You twirled your hair around your finger and Harrison gave you a nasty look for playing dirty.
“Awww.” Tom gushed and smiled fondly at you. “Sorry Haz. Y/n gets a point.”
You stuck your tongue out at Harrison behind Toms back, who promptly gave you the finger.
“Next one.” Tom cleared his throat. “What is RDJ’s name in my phone?”
“Oh.” You jumped, feeling the answer on the tip of your tongue. “Isn’t is ‘Daddy’ or something?”
“Daddy?” Tom gasped and turned his entire body to look at you. “You think I have Robert Downey Junior in my phone as Daddy?”
“Yes?” Your voice came out as more of a question.
“It’s The Godfather.” Harrison practically screamed. “I’m winning.”
“For now.” You assured him. “Ask the next question, Tom.”
“What did I brush my teeth with that one time instead of toothpaste?” Tom asked.
“Oh, I know this!” You clapped your hands. “Hair gel. You brushed it with hair gel.”
“That’s right! Good job, baby.” Tom kissed your lips quickly before returning to his questions.
“So I don’t get kisses for right answers but she does?” Harrison joked, making you and Tom exchange a look.
“What was the name of the ballet studio I went to as a kid?” Tom ignored Harrison’s statement and asked the next question.
“Wasn’t it called Twinkle Toes or something?” Harrison answered with a confidence he shouldn’t have had.
“Twinkle Toes? You think my mum sent me to a studio called Twinkle Toes?” Tom asked, almost offended.
“It was called Nifty Feet but GOD I hope your fans start calling you Twinkle Toes.” You laughed and mentally gave yourself a point.
“Spider-Man Far From Home starring Tom ‘Twinkle Toes’ Holland. Coming to a theater near you.” Harrison said suavely as he winked at the camera.
“It’s out of the theaters now, but sure Haz.” Tom said sarcastically.
“Oh, shoot. What’s the new movie you’re in? Apple?” Harrison asked Tom.
“Cherry.” You corrected with a smile. “That’s another point for me.”
“I’m gonna pretend my best friend in the world didn’t just say I was in a movie called Apple and move on.” Tom said under his breath. “What book changed my life?”
“The Outsiders.” Harrison answered with a nod.
“Nope.” Tom shook his head. “Y/n?”
“Trick question. You don’t read.” You smiled to yourself for knowing the answer.
“You know me so well.” Toms eyes shone with pride at you.
“Haha. Suck on that, Haz.” You taunted Harrison mercilessly.
“How about you suck my-“ Harrison began.
“Next question.” Tom interrupted. “Have I ever been dumped?”
“You’re about to be if I don’t win.” You joked.
“Another point for Y/n.” Tom laughed as Harrison rolled his eyes. “Have I ever seen a ghost before?”
“Well Haz gets pretty pale in the winter. Does that count?” You asked innocently. Harrison looked ready to kill you.
“You’re so loud, Y/n. Did you know that?” Harrison dished it right back to you.
“Really? Your dad never complained.” You shrugged and Toms draw dropped.
“Children, please.” He said and gave the camera a pointed look.
“I feel like I’m being scolded by the principal.” You giggled, happy Tom was now the one feeling like the mother of two kids.
“Or my father.” Harrison added.
“Ugh. Daddy.” You sighed.
“I have heard Y/n say ‘daddy’ more times in this video than I have heard anyone say it all year.” Harrison commented on your behavior.
“Really? I hear it every night OHHHH.” Tom put his hand over his mouth and cheered himself on like a frat boy. You shook your head at the camera while Harrison looked a bit horrified.
“Do you want me to get demonetized? Is that your goal?” You looked at the boys for answers.
“Yes!” Harrison almost jumped out of his seat. “Was that the answer? Do I get a point? Was that a nod? I think I saw a nod.” Harrison said as he gave himself another point.
“Moving on.” Tom interjected. “What side of the bed do I sleep on?”
“I hate that I know this, but it’s the right.” Harrison answered before you could.
“Except if he’s had caffeine.” You cut in. “Then he sleeps on every side of the bed and I end up on the floor.”
“That happened one time.” Tom held up one finger.
“That happened three times, and one of them was last night.” You made sure your fans knew the truth.
“Tom and I once had a sleepover and I woke up with him underneath my pillow.” Harrison had his own story about Toms violent sleeping habits.
“Is this the attack Tom challenge?” Tom asked in defense. “Because I don’t think it is.”
“You tell me, Twinkle Toes.” Harrison slapped Tom on the back and you let out a laugh.
“Don’t laugh! It only encourages him.” Tom said to you.
“I’m sorry.” You said through giggles. “Come on. We’re almost done.”
“What is the stupidest thing I’ve ever done?” Tom read the last question from his phone.
“This video.” Harrison blurted and you nodded in agreement.
“Okay.” You laughed. “You deserved that point. You can have it.”
“Thank you it’s been a pleasure beating you today.” Harrison said poshly as you shook hands to signal the end of the challenge.
“Who won?” Tom asked as he looked between the two of you.
“I think it’s safe to say we are all losers.” You said. Harrison nodded in agreement.
“That’s all we have for you today. If you liked this video-“
“I can’t imagine you did.” Harrison cut in.
“-then be sure to give it a big thumbs up. If you want to see more of these two-“
“Of course they do.” Tom vogued for the camera and you swallowed thickly.
“-then hit subscribe down below. Thank you for watching and I’ll see you next time. Bye!” You kissed your hand and put it over the camera as the video faded to a black out.
Tag List 🏷
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thecreepiestcarrie · 3 years
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(x) the Kardashians are racist af. Here we have Kendall, you know her, she's the one who ended all police brutality with a single can of Pepsi- she's proudly telling Vogue (and their millions of subscribers) that her spirit animal is Black rapper and actor, Tupac Shakur. [2016]
There is almost too much to unpack here. But luckily for you: my sedatives haven't kicked in yet so let's goooo.
Tupac is considered one of the most influential rappers of all time. He is also viewed as a symbol of activism against inequality due to his songs addressing social issues. He was gunned down at age twenty-five. He was self-made, practising and honing his craft before hitting it big. His is an unavoidable legacy, his image is iconic and will always be recognisable, coz it's pretty much everywhere.
His face is so everywhere that Kendall and her cultural-appropriation-happy sis Kylie tried to make a quick buck from it. In 2017, the two ignorant girlies added to their clothing line, a collection of vintage tees. They charged $125 for shirts featuring photos/logos of legendary musical acts, then slapped their own faces over the top, coz narcissism knows no bounds with these shitheads.
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This particular design makes me extremely uncomfortable. I get that it's the initials of the two sisters, but they are one K away from a Ku Klux Klan callout over a photo of a Black man. But maybe they didn't realise, they have never had to deal with that kind of discrimination - they (and both of their parents) are white, why would they ever have to think about the KKK? That's just something they heard in history class, it doesn't affect them.
The shirts are exploiting the careers, hard work and legacies of others, specifically Black artists like Tupac and Biggie Smalls. How can these two white girls equate themselves with giants of their genre, who inspired countless people, who broke down barriers.
Okay so hopefully we've established that the things Kendall has in common with Tupac are slight to non-existent. Now let's move along to the term spirit animal. True, Kendall is not the one who says it, but there is no way the questions aren't submitted in advance to the filming and if she had any shred of sensitivity for others, she could have asked it be taken out.
Spirit Animal as a phrase has a less than straightforward origin, but it is clearly in reference to Native Americans, taking the concept of their sacred connection to nature (animals, plants, etc) and turning it into a joke. It de-legitimises the importance that many (but not all) Indigenous cultures apply to animals.
It is appropriation, plain and simple.
The fact that this privileged white girl would so casually equate Tupac with an animal is deeply troubling. Sure she was just using that misinformed, trendy phrase. But what lies beneath her words are a long history of micro-aggressions.
Equating a Black man to an animal is a long-standing and damaging stereotype, it has literally been around since the 16th century. It allows aggressors to 'other' Black people, making it easier to project their fear onto them.
They could describe Black men as violent, rapists, uneducated, irrational, less than human. As animals.
This is cultural appropriation, but in onion form and there's always more to peel back.
Fuck the Kardashians and their ignorant, appropriating asses. Eat the rich
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r3almellow · 4 years
MLQC Boys With A Famous S/o
Here we go! Thank you anon for this request I hope its to your liking!! Apologies for typos as always!
Kiro (YouTuber S/o)
How did you meet ?
You were a YouTuber that had over 500,000 subscribers. During a Mukbang Q&A video you received a question in regards to your celebrity crush. 
“I think the big ass poster currently behind me kind of gives it away, but my ultimate crush is Kiro. I’d give anything to meet him at least once.” You went even as far as to give him a shout out. “Hey, super star! I heard you were a big foodie and since you like to eat and I like to eat, maybe we can eat together sometime? Okay, that was dumb, please ignore this!”
Little did you know, Kiro was a huge fan of your videos and just so happened to see your request. Next thing you knew a clip of you “shooting your shot” made its way to his social media page with a caption of “Its a date ;)” right above it. You just about died when you saw his post. You were only joking around! Well...not 100% joking, but you didn’t expect him to respond! 
You spent weeks talking to each other through private messages soon after. Your messages filled with gushing over your similar interests, playful banters and light flirting. He offered to be a part of your next Mukbang stating that it was better to have two people eating themselves into a coma on camera than one. You couldn’t argue with facts and took him up on his offer! Kiro only had one condition...you let him take you out on a date afterwards.
And the rest was history. 
The cutest couple to have ever existed! 
Both of your social media pages are filled with couple photos. 
You both get to dress up in disguise whenever you go on dates! A baseball cap, sunglasses, and face masks are your usual go to’s, but depending on where you’re going you might be required to get a little creative. 
Dealing with overly excited fans and even more persistent paparazzi was a bit new for you, since your interactions with people is mostly through the internet, but you handle it pretty well.
Interviewers practically threw themselves onto every opportunity to get information about your love life. Kiro was more skilled than you about these things, so you tend to just laugh awkwardly and let him take care of it. 
Kiro appears a little more in your videos whenever he’s free which the fans are grateful for. Of course, your channel doesn’t turn into all things Kiro and you never use him for your own personal gain. 
Dating Kiro did open up some opportunities for you, like getting to experience award shows and networking with other celebrities and content creators. Again, you refused to throw Kiro’s name around just to get the things you wanted. 
You both like to bounce ideas off of each other, whether its for his music or for your latest video. Having two creative minds come together does wonders! 
You’re almost always somewhere in the background during his live streams.  
Gavin (Actress S/o)
How did you meet? 
High school. You were a part of the drama club and Gavin was...well...forced into being a part of the stagehand after being threatened with expulsion from his last brawl. 
You were the first one to welcome him. You were kind, funny, and cute. And when you were on that stage? Mesmerizing was the best way to put how Gavin saw you. You were inspiring. 
After graduation Gavin lost contact with most of his acquaintances, but he never once stopped thinking about you. Gavin wasn’t big on celebrity news, but he actually kept up with your progress once he got wind of a newcomer taking the entertainment world by storm. 
Fast forward to a few years later and he was playing bodyguard for one of the most successful actresses in the world. You. This was just an undercover job that was going to last as long as his target was still out there. 
There was definitely chemistry between you. And while Gavin wanted to act on his feelings, his work had to come first. You respected that, but that didn’t mean you weren’t going to let him know you were interested. How could you not be? You had a huge crush on him back in high school and now that he was by your side practically every day those feelings came back with a vengeance! 
As soon as Gavin’s objective was complete he continues being your bodyguard stating, “Only I can keep you out of trouble.” Which you responded by kissing him.
Once word got out about you dating your “bodyguard”, it shocked many that you decided to be with someone that wasn’t a celebrity. 
Even so, Gavin doesn’t look like your average Joe. He has the body and face of man who could easily be on the cover of Vogue or Vanity Fair, but you know your man isn’t about that life. 
You’ve spent years being a private person, so when you and Gavin start dating not revealing much was easy. The public only knew what you wanted them to. 
There are a lot of at home dates filled with takeout and movie night. Just being in each others company is more than enough for you!
You work out together a lot! He’s really good about motivating you especially when you have to prepare for an upcoming movie. You honestly don’t need a personal trainer when you have Gavin. 
The paparazzi are afraid of Gavin. Like they won’t even get within six feet of you whenever he’s around. The last poor soul who got a little too close for your liking ate asphalt within seconds.
Gavin isn’t one for the limelight or the glitz and glam, which you appreciate. Its nice to be around someone that isn’t a part of the entertainment world. 
You don’t have to hide a part of yourself, in fear of judgement, whenever you were with him. You appreciated Gavin’s genuine nature. He was always truthful with you and he never gave the impression that he was only with you because of your status. 
Gavin does a great job with making you feel special. Whenever you feel like you don’t meet the standards of what the industry wants, he pulls you out of that dark hole and gives you the pep talk you need to get through the day.
You could walk around without an ounce of makeup on or trade in a Dior dress for sweatpants and a t-shirt, and Gavin still found you beautiful. 
Victor ( Famous Pianist S/o)
How did you meet? 
Victor was a fan of your work for quite some time. There was something about your raw talent that drew him to your work. He always made it a point to go to all your live shows whenever he was available, but has never met you personally. 
It wasn’t until you waltzed right into his office out of the blue. When he saw you enter his office with Goldman and two security guards tailing right behind you, he didn’t even recognize you. You looked as if you had just rolled out of bed with a messy bun, ripped jeans, t-shirt with some random cartoon character and thick rimmed glasses. His first thought as you stared him down with a frown was, “Who let this homeless person into his office?” 
When Goldman called your name as the two security guards grabbed your arms, Victor had to do a double take. The elegant and graceful woman, who commanded the stage with just pads of her fingertips, was...YOU?! 
Victor allowed you to stay, curious to know why you were here. You business with Victor was simple. You wanted funding to create music schools for low income families. You had sent countless emails to LFG with hopes to do business with them, but after being ignored the first few times and receiving a rude rejection email that morning, you were ready to take the bull by the horns. 
Surprisingly Victor found himself intrigued by you and thus started an interesting partnership. 
The more Victor got to work with you the more he became attracted to the headstrong, smart, and talented person who seemingly enjoyed ruffling his feathers every chance they got. 
You were also attracted to the blunt, detail-oriented man and it bothered you to no-end. What you saw in a man who probably would critique drawings from a toddler, you had no idea. But you appreciated his work ethic. He genuinely wanted you to succeed with this project and you couldn’t deny his heart was in the right place. 
The day the first school opened was the day Victor decided to stop tiptoeing around the mutual attraction and asked you out.
“We can celebrate your accomplishments over dinner.” 
The CEO of LFG and the child prodigy turned world famous pianist dating?!
Whenever paparazzi get a picture of the two of you, you both look as if you just finished a professional photoshoot. You NEVER look bad in those photos. Never! 
And when you do professional shoots? It leaves people SHOOK. Magazines like Forbes have never had such a beautiful couple grace their covers before. Just wait until people see your wedding photos.
You always ask him to visit you during your rehearsals which he almost always declines but shows up anyway, if he’s not too busy. He’ll also bring a box of his homemade pudding because knowing you, you probably were too busy with preparations for your upcoming concert to eat. He’ll take you out to eat afterwards, but the pudding should hold you over for a bit.
Victor will never admit this to you, but your music helps him de-stress after a long day at work, so whenever he isn’t with you, your music helps him fall asleep. 
Victor also likes to watch you work. Seeing you so focused as you create your next piece was a sight to beheld. The pensive look in your eyes as you went over your music sheet, the slow nod of your head as your fingers danced across the keys as you intently listened to the melody, and the way your eyebrow twitched when you hit a key you didn’t like; all things oddly enjoyed seeing.
You’ll never catch him staring. He’ll pretend he’s working whenever you feel his eyes on you and if you try to call him out on it, he will most likely deny it. 
Lucien ( Novelist S/o)
How did you meet? 
You needed the help of someone knowledgeable with neuroscience for your next book. Someone recommended a Professor at Loveland University who specialized on the topic. That was how you met Professor Lucien. 
You two worked closely together once you started your manuscript, going over various topics under the neuroscience category. It wasn’t surprising just how intelligent the man was on the subject, but you were in awe about how much you knew.
Your meetings would often start at the university which led to you going home together once you found out he lived in the same building as you. You leveled up from the lecture hall to aquariums, movie theaters, restaurants, and his apartment where you had lunch or dinner. 
Your conversations never stayed on the topic of work. It often changed to your interests. You found that you and Lucien had a lot of similar interests like your taste in books and art. He also developed a love for teasing you. 
Seeing the look on your flustered face turned into one of his favorite pastimes.
When it came to the topic of your books, you learned Lucien has read quite a few of them and was very intrigued with your work. He asked you numerous questions, questions no one thought to ask. 
He admitted to you his favorite of yours was the first book he ever read titled, “The Boy Who Dreamed.” You jokingly offered to sign his book, but he declined with a smile.
“I’ll admit I do enjoy the book, but I’m more interested in the woman who wrote it.” 
More dates at your favorite places. 
Almost every other week, Lucien seemed to have tickets to art exhibits, festivals, or the movies. 
His teasing intensifies by a hundred! That man loves to tease you and you hate it! You love it. 
The closer you got to Lucien, the more you realized he didn’t enjoy talking about himself, so it takes a while to learn about him or his past. You never press him for information, but he does reveal things to you within time.
Lucien loves when you read to him. Its how he falls asleep and once you find out he has trouble sleeping, you always suggest what you call “story time.” 
In truth, having you by his side is more than enough to get him to sleep, but if you aren’t there hearing your voice will do the trick. You could be reading anything and he’d be fine with it. From Dr. Seuss to H.G. Wells, Lucien was fine with it as long as he got hear your voice.
You like to ask for his opinion on your latest projects. He does a great job making you think outside of the box which will make things easier or challenging during your writing sessions. 
Whenever you encounter writer’s block, Lucien will pull you away from your laptop and mountains of papers to enjoy a nice relaxing day with him. 
Doooone! Please comment if you enjoyed this! I’d love to know what you guys think!
Want to read more of my writing? Check out my MLQC masterlist here!
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plutohimself · 3 years
okay this was a really long post about the AIDS crisis and queer history and erasure/things not left behind and I’m not going to reblog it AGAIN bc it’s very long but it really is the source of all these stupid things I think about when I think about Alex.
But specifically in the context of Alex Mercer, who grew up in LA, who came out to his friends and family before 1995, who would have seen this on the news.
Yes, I love a lot of things about JatP. But the thing that hooked me, probably above everything else, was the extremely time-and-space specific context of this fictional kid and what forces would have shaped him. Kenny Ortega lived through this. It is impossible for me to imagine that Alex’s characterization is not drawn from this time period, in some part.
So when I get choked up thinking about this ghost and his anxiety and yet also his self-assurance in his feelings and desires, it’s because of this history. It’s because of the real people who did not make it. And even as a ghost, to come back, to be able to see what has changed in 25 years, to meet and love and be loved by Willie, I get a little overemotional about it. So many people, real people with real loves and stories, did not have that chance.
(and it’s because I am only a decade younger than he would be. I am not so far removed from this history.)
I think about Alex walking down the street and seeing two men (or women or whatever), in broad daylight, holding hands. I think about him getting nervous for them, looking around, slowly realizing no one was paying them any mind.
I think about Alex dancing onstage with Dirty Candi, with the callouts to voguing in his dance. This is a kid who died before he would really have been able to go out to gay bars, who likely did not have queer spaces as a teenager to dance and express himself in. Who learns that there’s an entire problematic 14-season long drag competition on national television, that people make fun of because it’s bad and not because it’s gay.
I think about Alex hesitating in broad daylight to hug Willie. No one else can see them (Luke and Reggie notwithstanding) and he still hesitates, still holds back.
I think of Alex going to Pride, in LA. Not Pride like it was in 1995 (no small thing in LA as it was, thanks in part to WeHo), but Pride like it is in 2020 (okay, 2019): the 50th anniversary of Stonewall. People of all genders and interests coming together to celebrate their love and friendships and culture and found families with corporate sponsors (yick, I know, but the visible impact of that).
I think of Alex walking down the street and seeing rainbow stickers in windows, pride flags, car bumpers. Not just the few and the proud, but the everywhere and anywhere.
I know I’ve said this before on other reblogs but like, the past 25 years have been remarkable (just like the 25 years before that were, for all the good and bad in them).
And there’s, idk, a couple of things that I can’t quite get into because of that. For one, it’s why I don’t totally subscribe to fanon religious-upbringing Alex - his parents not being cool with him could simply be out of badly-expressed fear, the whole “You don’t want people to know because they might judge” thing. (Although I am in no way knocking that headcanon! it is 100% valid and possible and, unfortunately, not unlikely.)
Another is that his anxiety is unrelated to his queerness. I mean, I think his anxiety (and anxiety in general) exists on its own, but I can’t imagine the two things helped each other much.
I don’t know what the point of this is. I just think of all of my milestones and what Alex - and so many of our elders - never got and I’m filled with so much sorrow and loss, it’s overwhelming.
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sevensided · 4 years
my clown persona is hoping that the writers were writing mike and el like that on purpose and are going to subvert the trope, since both have fallen into a shallow relationship type that does not match their true potential. but then again I see how popular the ship is, a big marketing asset that the show can't pass. and the writers have proven that they take under account the preferences of the general viewers. i hope I am wrong 🤷🏻 my clown persona always overrides any logical side in me lmao
This is... a very interesting thought.
I think that, honestly, if they wanted to subvert the trope they probably wouldn’t have put Mike and El together in the first place. If they break up and stay broken up, it’s not really subverting a trope: it’s just them breaking up. But I do hear what you’re saying. I tend to subscribe to other theories around the use of junk food and pop culture in S3 to illustrate that the shallowness was universal and entirely deliberate. I also think it’s a comment on American consumerist culture and the rise of Reaganite capitalism (case in point: Erica’s speech). It’s about advertising and about artifice. I’m sure I’m not the only viewer who watched Erica applaud capitalism while cynically thinking about American race relations and the decrepit, dangerous nature of capitalism in its current form. The point wasn’t necessarily to show that she’s young, but to show how powerful the concept of capitalism was at that time, and how hugely influential it was in forming American exceptionalism and its fierce tenets of democracy and opportunity. It’s easy to forget that the 80s were a melting pot of technology, politics, and changing international culture. Hawkins is a microcosm: not only is it the place where the show is set, but it’s also illustrative of the small, middle-American town that is familiar to the 80s cinematic setting.
In terms of the marketing asset... another interesting point. I didn’t know that the Duffers outright admitted to listening to fans - the only instance I can think of is keeping Steve and El around. If there are more examples I’d like to hear them! I wonder how strongly Mileven features in the mind of your average viewer. Outside fandom spaces (the ST subreddit is a great example) most viewers don’t think or discuss the relationships on the show. They do consume the story in a very shallow way (not always a bad thing - that’s just my perspective). It’s only in fandom spaces like Tumblr (not really Twitter) that more in-depth conversations around canon relationships takes place. I don’t think that Mileven has that much marketing value. It’s not really marketed as a romantic show. In fact, I’d say that the themes of family and friendship are the pillars of the story, and it’s those that are most memorable to the average viewer. The writers have taken a lot of care in showing the different types of families (both functional and dysfunctional) and the importance of friendship (especially in S3, when puberty proves to be a key factor in unsettling the established friendship dynamic).
That being said, I take your point in that it is the easy way out to keep Mileven as endgame. It’s what everyone would expect. If you do actually go on the sub and search for Mike/Will and read the conversation there, most viewers have no idea as to the queer coding, and outright deny it. I’ve only come across a few comments that indicate some viewers interpreted the S3 fight/rain scene as something to do with Will’s feelings of insecurity around his sexuality (potentially). But I don’t think that even if Will and Mike got together the fanbase would revolt. As I said before, most people watch the show because it’s inventive and interesting, and it plays heavily on the 80s nostalgia card, which is already in vogue. No doubt there would be some homophobic rumblings, but, you know, society isn’t as progressive as it’s presented online. Homophobia and sexism is alive and well. We shouldn’t kid ourselves in thinking that Tumblr is reflective of common opinion, because it’s just not. And I say this as someone who survived Teen Wolf and Sterek, okay. Like, I remember Sterek being pushed at cons. It was a time.
And look, if you have a clown persona then so do I! I really enjoy these discussions and reading meta and devouring theories, because that’s just one way to enjoy the media you consume. I do think a lot about the relationship between canon and fanon and how creative works like fics or art fill that sense of yearning. If it means anything at all, I am hopeful for Byler. In fact, I’m more than cautiously optimistic: I am quite confident it will be canon. I do doubt it’ll play out as popular theories will suggest, and I say that because we’re not the writers, and we don’t know what’s in store. But there is enough in the source material to suggest that at the very least Will is gay and has feelings for Mike. I do think that Mike is gay (not bisexual) and reciprocates those feelings. But as we stand, canonically, at the end of S3, we can only take what’s given to us, and that is a Mileven cliffhanger.
Tl;dr: In a story about friendship and family that plays on 80s nostalgia, I don’t think Mileven is as large a marketing drawcard as you might think. I also don’t think that general viewers - like, your Joe Average viewer - necessarily care about the romantic lives of pre-teens and early teenagers when the pull of the story is the supernatural. But I do agree with you in that Mileven was written deliberately in S3, and it’s meant to be contrasted against the pre-romantic relationship Mike has with Will.
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whereimfeminine · 4 years
like okay if i subscribe to vogue right now, will i get this issue???? do i have to fight the masses at a store for it??? 
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lady-divine-writes · 5 years
Five Times Blaine Gets Sick and One Time Kurt Figures Out Why: Chapter 1/6 (Rated T)
This is a commission gone bad, so I’ve decided to start posting it and return the commissioner’s money (which I’ve been trying to do for a bit now but since they’re apparently not in the same country as me, Paypal won’t let me do a straight refund. I have to pay $10 out of my own pocket to return the money, which I’m trying to arrange). This whole thing has been a poop show, let me tell you. A lot of things went wrong. But two things that rubbed me the wrong way about this is a) yes, I was taking a while to get this done. Aside from life, I had seven other commissions, all which this person was told. I even offered to return their money twice before. I was told that as long as it didn’t take till the New Year they were willing to wait. That was apparently a lie. And b) they were stalking my actions on social media. You’ve heard me talk about this before - how someone will say “Hey, I noticed you updated this story. Why don’t you update this one?” That’s what I was getting. They had subscribed to me and was put out that I was doing other work that I enjoy when I had their commission to do. That automatically makes me not want to work on your project. Well, here it is. I’m putting it up in six short chapters, but the work is mine. I don’t want their name attached to it. Read it. Don’t read it. I really don’t care. I just want it off my shoulders and off my plate so I can focus on more important stuff.
“I’m dying!” Blaine moans, arms wrapped around his stomach and rolling left and right on the sofa while Kurt tries to snatch the thermometer out of his husband’s mouth.
“You’re not dying. You’re just sick. Now hold still, you big baby, while I check your temperature. Otherwise I’m going to have to do this rectally, and I’m sorry, but I’m not sure our relationship can survive that.”
That comment stops Blaine’s tantrum in its tracks – not because he’s finally being an obedient patient, but because of the absurdity of that remark. Kurt has shoved a great many toys up Blaine’s rear, but a thermometer is where he draws the line? He would love to explore the rationale behind that in greater depth but he’s too busy dealing with his life being violently torn from his corporeal form.
“I am dying. I feel it.”
“What do you feel exactly?” Kurt pounces, grabs the thermometer from between Blaine’s lips and holds it up to the light.
“I’m burning up. It feels like my blood is boiling. My whole body’s on fire!”
“Yeah, well, you have fever,” Kurt informs him, squinting at the red line to make sure. “But it’s not all that high. What else?”
Blaine frowns at the assertion that the fever currently surging through him like lava isn’t all that high. “Well … I’m achy. Like, all over. And my head hurts. I’m thirsty …” He continues pulling out anything he can think of when it looks like Kurt is no longer taking his peril seriously. “I could probably drink the whole ocean!”
“That wouldn’t be a good idea. The saline content would definitely kill you. But congratulations! You have the flu!”
“The flu!? I can’t have the flu! I got a flu shot!”
“Yesterday. You were probably exposed to the flu a week ago and you’re just showing symptoms now. I’ll call Gunther on my way to work and tell him you won’t be at the diner today. And you should email your professors. See if you’ll be missing anything important today at school.”
“You’re … you’re leaving me?” Blaine sits up quickly only to regret it a second later.
“Yes, Blaine. It’s just the flu. It doesn’t even seem like a bad flu. You can take care of yourself.”
“I can’t take care of myself, Kurt! I’m suffering from a fatal disease here!”
Kurt’s eyes roll hard enough to make him dizzy. “You’re not going to die from the flu.”
“People have died from the flu!” Blaine insists. “Google it! It’s possible!”
“Yes, it’s possible, but it’s rare. You’re healthy as a horse. I don’t think it’s going to happen to you.”
“You don’t know that! I could turn a corner in seconds! Th-there was a woman in Minnesota had the flu - seemed fine. Laid down on her sofa for a nap and never woke up!”
“Wasn’t she in her eighties?” Kurt shoves his keys into his pocket and his wallet into his messenger bag. “And didn’t she have, like, diabetes and a heart condition?”
“Don’t know,” Blaine mutters grumpily. “But why take the chance? Wouldn’t it be a good idea for you to stay with me? To be on the safe side?”
“Blaine! I’m only going to be gone for three hours. Four tops! I don’t think you’re going to die in the next four hours!”
“But it feels like I am!”
“You have your cell phone. If you start seeing a bright light and distant relatives coming to greet you, call me, and I’ll have Mrs. Pancetti from next door come check on you. Shoo them away.”
“Kurt!” Blaine stares at Kurt with pleading, blood-shot eyes, and Kurt stares back - stoic, determined not to be swayed. A stand-off ensues, one Kurt doesn’t have time for. In his head, he tells himself to end this ridiculousness, grab his stuff, and go. His husband is a big boy. He’ll be fine. But the more Blaine stares, the more Kurt begins to feel sorry for him. Blaine doesn’t usually get sick. Aside from catching a mega-cold his senior year of high school (which resulted in the infamous Tina Cohen-Chang Vapo-rape incident) Kurt can’t remember the last time Blaine was truly sick.
And he doesn’t seem all that sick now! But Kurt has had the flu before (of course). It can be deceptively mild in the beginning. If Blaine’s is anything like the flus Kurt gets, he’s going to be miserable. And even though he doesn’t consider himself the nurturing type, there’s something deep inside trying its hardest to convince Kurt to stay home and take care of his husband.
And it’s winning.
Kurt checks the clock on his phone and sighs. He’s cutting things close as is. If he’s going to leave, he’d better do it now or else he might as well not even try. At this rate, he’ll miss his connection, hit hellacious traffic, and spend close to an hour stuck on a crowded subway platform. He scrolls through his itinerary in his head – his one class and the few projects he’s contributing to at Vogue.
Can he really afford to miss a day?
Actually, he can. For the first time in a long time, he can.
“Alright,” he groans, but with the twitch of a smile on his lips. “Give me a minute, let me iron out a few things, and I’ll be back to hang out with you.”
“Yay!” Blaine giggles, fluffing his pillow and snuggling beneath his thick comforter.
“I’m going to go to the bedroom and get changed. Try not to die too loudly.”
“This is going to be great, Kurt!” Blaine calls after him. “You’ll see. I … I know I’m sick, but we can watch trash TV and play video games and …”
“Hold that thought.” Kurt ducks behind the privacy curtain. “I’ll be with you in a minute.”
Kurt drops his bag and unzips his boots. He shoots Isabelle a text, wincing while he gives her what he feels is a thin excuse, but that’s because he has his father’s work ethic. No missing work unless he’s caught in a fire or bleeding profusely out his head. He doesn’t like bowing out on his responsibilities without giving people twenty-four hours’ notice. But Blaine getting sick? Incapacitated? (That’s what he tells Isabelle has happened to assuage his own guilt.) That cropped up this morning. And it’s an emergency, right? Emergencies don’t tend to give 24 hours’ notice. So if he didn’t have it, how could he give it?
Besides, it’s been a long time since he’s had a dedicated day off with his husband. Their schedules for the past six months have turned them into proverbial ships passing one another in the night. They share the occasional meal, get one date night every two weeks, but they’ve been overwhelmed by mid-year exams and double-shifts at the diner. Maybe Blaine’s flu is a blessing in disguise. Sure Kurt will be playing nursemaid, but Blaine is awfully cute when he’s needy. He’ll cling to Kurt like a baby sloth. They’ll watch TV and cuddle, Blaine’s hot skin pressed against his as he feeds his husband apple sauce and they catch up on life.
He’ll be missing an exciting day at Vogue, but this will be worth it.
“Okay, Blaine!” Kurt strips off the stylish outfit he’d chosen for the day and puts on his pajamas, rushing as he becomes more and more excited. He yanks on his socks, slides his feet into his carpet slippers, and sashays back to the living room. “Let’s play hooky!”
But by the time he returns, Blaine is fast asleep.
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koolkvat-blog · 6 years
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       hello  loves  ,   what’s  up  !   i’m  super  excited  to  be  here  &  to  finally  play  my  precious girl  ,   jade aka kool kat   .   i’m  LOLA  ,   use  she / her prounouns  ,   i am NINETEEN  ,   &   i  am  currently  in  the  gmt + 1 timezone  which  means  yes  ,  my  ass should’ve  been  awake  for  intro  posting  but  i  don’t  know  what  time  management  is  and  ended  up  swamped  w/  work  ,  so  !   everything   you  need  to  know  about  about  miss  kat  is  under  the  cut  ,   &  i’m  rlly  thrilled  to  be  apart  of  such  a  wonderful  rp  with  such  gorgeous  muses  .  corniness over  ––   if  you’re  looking  to  plot  sumn  out  ,   just  hit  that   ♥︎    &   i’ll  make  my  way  on  over  to  ur  dms  ,  or  feel  free  to  add  me  up   on  discord  which  i’ll  give  in im’s  if  anybody’s  interested  !   ♡♡♡         tw  :   family issues  ,  body image issues  &  drug mention  ( not  explicit ) . 
001 . SYNOPSIS  . FULL     NAME  .      jade        kikuchi . NICKNAMES  .      kool kat    . AGE  .      twenty - one . DATE     OF     BIRTH  .      twenty  -  seventh     of     september   ,     1993      /     libra . PLACE     OF     BIRTH  .      harajuku ,   tokyo ,     japan .         GENDER  .       cisgender     female . SEXUALITY  .     (  closeted  )  pansexual  . NATIONALITY  .      japanese  ,  now  american  too  after  successfully  gaining  citizenship  . ETHNICITY  .      asian  . OCCUPATION  .       fashion designer at katz designz      ,     former  fashion  design  and  journalist  student  back  in  her  original  timeline  . PLAYLIST  .      here  !  (  +  )     charismatic , enthusiastic , warm , energetic , adventurous , compassionate , animated . (  -  )     deceptive ,  independent ,  emotional , territorial , ambitious , impulsive , temperamental , insecure , sarcastic .  
002 . AESTHETIC  .      wheatgrass  smoothies , 90′s  anime  with  subtitles  , chanel  no. 5, speeding  on  a  desert  road  with  the  windows  down ,  painting  your  toenails  on  the  dashboard ,  neon  prints ,  cat  lazing  on  a  balcony  in  the  sun , black  lace ,  japanese  horror  films  ,  sour  cocktails  with  sugar  around  the  rim , half - smoked  cigarettes ,  stacks  of  fashion  magazines , long  hair  hastily  dyed  different  colours in  a  motel  bathroom ,  thrift  stores   .
tl;dr : a flighty, inattentive adventurer: a follower of whims; personable and sociable but lacks the skills to maintain relationships because she’s entirely (and perhaps too) career focused, checks her horoscope daily and entirely relies on the stars when concerning relationships, epitome of a britney spears / gwen stefani stan back in the 2000′s, still owns a (bedazzled) flip phone, collector of vintage fashion (chanel, elle, juicy couture etc.) a subscriber to the Leonardo Da Vinci sleeping method; catch her at 2 am making soufflés or buying plane tickets to shiwei so she can really experience the culture: will tell you she loves you ten minutes after first introduction because she’s high: kind of unintentionally insensitive to those she doesn’t know and closed off but in like a cool, lovable way. 
•    heads up im running on like 5 hrs sleep so sry when this inevitably derails ! ok sweet let’s get into this . 
•    so as aforementioned this is jade kukichi, aka, kool kat. she was dubbed that by her friends due to her unique fashion style and sense of dress, and it’s stuck. lbr nobody other than her friends can use that term so if you do, she’s just going to stare at u for a quick sec before saying ‘it’s jade’. 
•    born in harajuku, tokyo to a cardiothoracic surgeon of a father and a politician of a mother, jade grew up traveling the world and becoming flighty af, never thinking she was going to make long - term friends and kinda being okay with that. 
•    her family has never stayed in one place for very long, though her aging parents eventually settled into a permanent residence in the us around the time she turned sixteen, not soon enough for jade to break the habit of wandering, but thankfully quick enough for her to meet the bratz girls who were just as adventurous and fun - loving as she. she's spent much of her teen life jumping from place to place wherever her interests are that moment, collecting people along the way, but to find friends was the only thing she was missing. jade has a brilliant mind, but she lacks patience and follow through. she needs guidance or she'll jump from idea to idea, job to job, whim to whim.
•    ngl, jade pretty much hated her home life. her parents were an overbearing presence in her life, her mother wanting jade to be a proper lady who also went into a profession like theirs (entirely serious and stifling when it came to creativity, doctor, politician, lawyer etc.) while jade herself wanted to check out the latest trends and go to the mall w her friends – so she turned all of her focus and energy into getting good grades in everything she wanted to do in the hopes that she could be the most successful fashion designer, then leaving town forever. 
•    like she spent 7 yrs in high school graduating w honours but she barely knew what was happening in 9/10 of her classes and sometimes she just slept through classes and then wing her exams which she miraculously did well at. it was just not a good idea to send jade to a public school at 11 after being in boarding school for the rest of her life and then never really enforce any rules :~\ she has trouble with that kind of thing.. as in making logical choices instead of saying "YEAH lets go watch american psycho and smoke weed!" skipping chemistry to do just that 
•    she loves fun and values doing what makes her happy over most things. it's hard to pin her down and she spends most of her life chasing after ideas that don't really follow any sort of conscious order, bc she’s really got that ‘i’ve got dreams and i’m gonna do everything in my power to achieve them’ personality. 
•    according to bratz canon she’s worked as literally everything ? she’s one of those insufferable people who r just. good everything ig and that’s just how it is on this bitch of an earth. jade’s been a photographer, a song - writer and bass player in a rock band (shout out to bratz rock angelz the best movie w the best soundtrack ever), a student studying fashion design, a fashion columnist, a quickly fired nanny, and many other things in between. 
•    so when she appears in toonsville she’s kind of out of it that she’s not doing something w her skills and sets up her own business which she loves ? being her own boss suits her fine (for now) because she’s got a Real Job and she's actually trying rly hard so she can fulfill her dreams !! like suck it mom nd dad haha !!!
•    jade has a lot of weird feelings TM about her body and her looks and struggles a lot with her self confidence :~( she had a shit time at school with boys saying she was too thin and she compensated by acting like she didn't like anyone at all for a while and now she thinks she isn't good enough for anyone when rly she is a cinnamon bun too good for this world too pure 
•    best friend ever she is so good at being a friend if u text her at 3am to go out or cry on her shoulder shes ready to go at 3:15 even if she was sleeping w lots of snacks and treats and love!!! she is sooo extroverted around those she’s comfortable w, she gains so much energy from being around people and she loves being nice and being around ppl she likes 
•    she becomes the mom of groups pretty easily (hence why she’s the leader of the bratz) bc she bottles up most of her own problems to help ppl with theirs!! which is toxic yea but she puts people first always so !! plz help her poor repressed soul!! rip kool kat.. 
•    still super into the stuff of her time so like.. she loves the x files and bad reality tv shows (i want to be a hilton) and reads gossip magazines on the reg because she enjoys that stuff! also very into girl groups.. ginger spice / posh spice is an eternal mood.  
•    anyway yes sweet adult-child of 21 (she is in denial about that tho like she doesn't want to be childish) who is v nice v kind v loyal v baked a lot of time, v passionate v silly. idk what i'm doin hope u like it < 3
friends / best friends / ride or dies . jade genuinely loves people, loves talking to strangers and getting into intense conversations with people she’s only just met, learning other people’s way of life and bettering herself for getting. she is, however, incredibly blunt and has never once minced words to keep from hurting someone’s feelings or to ease them into a situation. she’d much rather have a one-time conversation with a stranger than make long lasting relationships. she has three very close friends –  to the point of co - dependence –  and honestly, she’d rather spend all of her time doing things she loves such as her hobbies, sticking her nose into the latest vogue, or searching for cute collars and treats for her cat mica w them instead of making new friends. she's also FUN and she'd be happy to go on crazy road trips or buy out a movie theater for a day or anything that she thinks will her buds happy. she's traveled all over, so she’s v well read and cultured. she loves people but she hates complication and won't deal with any sort of emotional labor. she wants to live in the moment and expects everyone in her life to do so as well. just be chill, y'all. 
frenemies / enemies /  rivals  . please be her enemy, she needs people to antagonize shdhshd. she grew up pretty much affluent so she’s pretty spoiled even if she doesn’t want to admit it, and that rebellious side of her hasn’t died down yet. despite the fact that she is wealthy and in good community standing, she has a hard time letting go of childish grudges. in general she’s got a lot of suppressed feelings and ready to fight everyone who hurts her friends – like an irritated cat – so, honestly, come at her ? she is sometimes a little fickle and flighty and a unintentionally stuck up when it comes to art / fashion and she has definitely said the wrong thing at the wrong time and pissed the wrong people off, she can’t stand anyone underestimating her or thinking she’s dumb bc she’s interested in fashion. like gtfo !
ex’s , fwb’s , possible love interests .  jade is fairly fluid romantically and is the type of person who hates labels but also just wants to be cherished and called cute pet names lowkey. she loves a lot and gives a lot to her relationships, but typically doesn't want to commit to anything important. she’s gone from one disastrous relationship to another, ending up with a boyfriend who constantly ridiculed her image that was essentially the catalyst for her cutting off romantic ties, quite a recent wound before she found herself on the island actually. worst thing is tht she’s convinced herself that she’s been the problem in these relationships –  that she turns good people bad or that she is too much for people to deal with, she’s not sure what the issue is and she doesn’t really want to know. so…. fuck everything amirite ? anyway, she’s a strong independent woman who don’t need no (wo)man. 
etc . pls give me people jade can give a makeover to, people she shares an apartment w on the island, people who think fashion is girly and vapid.. creatives who love what she’s doing, anything tbh << 3
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bisluthq · 3 years
The only people who “aren’t okay” with it are people like you, entitled bigoted white people who like to fantasize about straight ladies in a konspiracy. You’re fucking trash, anon. Like quite literally a poop smear on a public loo of a person. That is what you are. You’re not funny, you’re not smart, you’re into something very weird lmao and endlessly bullyable because YOU LIKE KAYLOR and think you know shit about celeb PR when you can’t even understand that A VOGUE PHOTOSHOOT didn’t send you Klues and yes was PR and on top of that you’re a racist and ableist bigot. I’ve got you on tape twice with that and betcha I can find some homophobia and misogyny if you keep going. // you are so stupid you genuinely beleive im a kaylor just because I called you out in your hypocrisy against unhinged kaylors. I’m not fucking white dumbass cunt. It’s obvious you’re projecting and assuming everyone who doesn’t subscribe to your white savior fake wokeness is white because you can’t fathom that someone doesn’t see you as the fake white supremacist you are. You are entitled and very stupid. Maybe if you actually picked up a book on social issues and how the industry works (not your pathetic little fanfic where Taylor magically decided to date bellow her standards) instead of pretending to know shit you wouldn’t be getting rightfully dragged. I’m not racist just because I called you a racist you bafoon. And me asking if you are on the spectrum isn’t ableist either. It’s obvious from the way you misinterpret words you aren’t right in the head. And it’s not normal to come up with arguments that have ZERO correlation with the original ask. It’s Not ableist it’s the truth. Vogue photoshoot was PR yes the friendship was PR to cover up the glass closeting dumbass. This has been explained to you with concise words but you don’t accept it because you are a dumb fangirl who ignores the reality. I don’t a single shit about Karlie Kushner I just don’t know her and Taylor had something which is a FACT whether or not you like it. Taylor is idiotic but not as idiotic as you and swifties. I don’t fantasize you stupid cunt. I’m not you. I don’t fucking masturbate to Taylor or writer cringe fanfiction like you do. Again you are projecting. And funny how it’s okay to fantasize Taylor with Joe (which is what you do) but someone thinking she had sex with Karlie is weird. Instead of creating logical fallacies educate yourself because you are just straight up embarrassing. On tape twice? Im not misogynistic nor homophobic. Clearly you are making up BS and confusing me with other anons. You’re a fucking RACIST and maybe instead of projecting you accept the reality that you’re a dumb white cunt who pretends to know anything about racism and who admitted to being racist. AND what’s worse you’re claiming an anon is racist for calling you out. The only reason you are getting away with it is because your followers are so stupid they can’t think for themselves and they see you as their white savior EW. “Bigot” = someone who calls you a racist and rightfully so, apparently. You can’t call anyone a bigot when you admitted yourself to be prejudiced against minorities. Fucking weirdo.
I’ve literally never read anything stupider in my whole entire life. Anon, block me lol. Like you hate me, you hate my vibe, you believe in a conspiracy, you think racism is correlated with Kaylorism, you use “on the spectrum” or “not right with your head” as an insult, like what am I adding of value to your life to write this ESSAY? Nothing. You’re wasting your time. Like what you like, say what you want to say, but what’s it got to do with me?
0 notes
holycow99 · 3 years
石田お寿司 12/9/21 stream translation Part 3
This is not the full translation of the stream. I only translated the parts I could understand & interpret or parts I found interesting/important. I’m still a beginner in Japanese, so the translations may not be accurate. If you want to repost, please repost at your own risk.
(t/n: ** means translation may not be accurate.)
C: Did you become high after finishing the manuscript?
I: Nope. I was drinking soju just now.
C: I can’t resist ikemen.
I: Aren’t all ikemen super good-looking? This might be bias, but I think there are more beautiful women. They’re oozing with feminine beauty, like their skin texture. I think women are more beautiful, and they have high sense of beauty. Aren’t beautiful guys rare? That’s why, you’ll easily get attracted to these people.
C: I understand what you’re saying. Women are all sexy.
I: No, you don’t. I never said anything about women being sexy.
*Someone commented about them getting bored of looking at beautiful men & women after a while.
I: I don’t think so. I think a beauty will always be a beauty. Handsome guys will also always be handsome as long as they take care of their appearance.
C: I won’t get tired of looking at beauties, but I won’t even look at uglies.
I: What a harsh thing to say. You won’t even look at uglies? This might turn into a topic about appearance discrimination. Well, we are not born equal. Humans are living creatures that are greatly influenced by our genetics.
(t/n: The answer below may be offensive to some people. Please be aware that everyone holds their own beliefs, so please be respectful. Do not throw hates on Ishida Sui you disagree with him. Thank you.)
C: I want to fight against my genes.
I: Everyone’s the same. Aren’t we here living for that reason? Fighting against genes and death. We fight against our genes and traumas. We battle against death, though we’ll surely be defeated. Lately, I think women are enemies of men and vice versa. This happens during break up as well, but men and women are battling each other. By that I don’t mean just by clashing head-on. Being together and understanding each other are a battle itself, in my opinion. I just think that men and women are enemies. I don’t mean that we can’t understand each other. Men live to conquer women, after all. That’s why I think we’re battling against our opposite sex. People who wanna be popular are fighting too. The men wanna appeal towards women. Of course, there are battles among men themselves. For women, they’re dealing with all sorts of things, such as protecting themselves from men or put up with the absurdity of men. Men and women are different, so I think we can’t help but to fight against each other. It’s our destiny.
S******: The progression from Tagame Gengoroh’s topic to this topic is amazing.
I: That’s right. We started from talking about Tagame Gengoroh to talking about this. We diverted from talking about Tagame Gengoroh, and now we’re talking about how men and women are born to conquer each other. This applies to both non-masculine men and non-feminine women too. It’s about fighting against gender.  
C: I have a lover, but I don’t remember ever fallen in love. Is it strange?
I: It’s not strange at all. You might’ve been raised like that. It’ll be tougher for you if you keep on thinking about how strange or weird you are or that you need to fit in with your surroundings. I think it’s better if you can slowly accept yourself.
C: My ex-girlfriend had an arm fetish.
I: ‘My girlfriend had a breast fetish. What do you mean? Wait, it’s actually arm fetish! Hahaha! (t/n: Ishida misread the kanji for arm.) It sounds like I’m the one who has breast fetish.
C: How about a love counselling session with listeners for 30,000 subscribers’ commemoration?
I: That’s a good idea. It doesn’t have to be about love. I’ll answer questions from subscribers.
C: How about doing ‘100 questions to Ishida Sushi’?
I: I see.
MM: On the contrary, don’t you have questions for us?
I: Are you provoking me to?! I’ll pin this comment, since it’s funny. Let’s expose this comment. What the hell is wrong with you?! I don’t have one! Who cares?! Hahahaha. What a hilarious thing to say. I’m gonna expose you. I’ll let everyone see your comment until the next ridiculous comment appears.
I: When I was playing Ghosts n’ Goblins, there’s one person who sought my love advice. She’s dating with her childhood friend and they couldn’t converse properly through chat. I told her not to then.  Surprisingly, she’s really asking for advice. It’s actually a real problem. She probably had someone she could talk to. It didn’t have to be me. I found it funny how I answered that question as I liked.
*Someone suggested to him to ask the fans questions.
I: Did something good happen to you guys recently?
C: No.
C: I cut my hair.
I: That’s nice.
People in the comments: No good things happened.
I: Isn’t this bad?
C: I went to Disney Land.
*Ishida reading people’s answers.
(t/n: It sounded like he’s rapping.)
I: There’s too much to read. If you ask me questions, it’ll end with me answering them. If I ask you guys, I’ll receive a lot of responses.
*Continue reading answers.
I: Isn’t this good? It means you guys have good things happen to you. That’s all for my question.
C: Do you believe in fortune-telling?
I: The only things I believe in is Shiitake Uranai. (t/n: Shiitake Uranai is a fortune-telling by Vogue Girls.)
C: Have you become interested in us?
I: Well…
C: This stream won’t end until Ishida Sui sensei ask 100 questions to us.
I: I see. I can, but I’ll just ask the questions. I don’t have that many questions though.
C: Are you a virgin?
I: Yes.
C: Tell me to go to bed early.
I: Go and sleep.
C: Sensei will ask us questions half-heartedly, so it’ll end quick.
I: That’s right. I’ll only ask questions.
C: Why is Shiitake Uranai so accurate?
I: It’s designed to be applicable to anyone as much as possible. And people only look at the part which only applies to them. So, they think it’s accurate.
I: I totally understand how you guys feel. Everyone must be feeling anxious every day. You’re anxious every day, but if you can find a small happiness in it. And then, everyone, for example, usually likes to hang out and having fun with their friends, but there are times where you wanna be alone. Aren’t you this type of people? Then, you also have dreams you’ve been thinking about for so long, but you can’t tell anyone about it, and you’re not confident whether you’re capable of realising them. You have these kind of worries, but you still pursue them because you think there might be something special out of it.** Aren’t you guys like that? Did I hit the bull’s eye?
(t/n:**This line may not be accurate.)
C: Just like you said.
I: Right? That’s why, people are convinced the fortune-telling is accurate because it predicts things that can be applied to anyone.
C: You’re wrong.
I: What a strong statement.
C: Are there people who aren’t like that?
I: It’s okay if what I said doesn’t apply to you. In conclusion, fortune-tellers are people who are able to skilfully put together all these ideas.
C: You completely missed the mark.
I: Really? Then, you must be gloomy even when you hang out with people, you don’t even have a dream.
C: I didn’t listen to it all.
I: Go away! Hahaha. Go listen again.
C: Before you started streaming, I thought you had a very strict personality.
I: How should I put it? I think I do have a strict side, but don’t act as if you know me. Hehe. If we talk alone, then you’re probably right. Let’s have a conversation together one day.
C: Have you written a one-shot before debuting?
I: I probably had. The TG one I suppose.
C: A question for foreigners.
I: Do I have one? What’s your favourite colour?
C: I’m thinking of sending letters to you.
I: Send it. I’ll read.
C: I like Chimpanzee. (t/n: This comment’s in eng.)
I: I never asked about that.
*Someone commented about fan letter.
I: I do receive and read them. I read all the letters.
C: Have you watched Demon Slayer?
I: I read until the 7th volume.
C: Are the letters we sent go to Shueisha?
I: Yeah. To Shueisha, then they’ll send them to my house if you submit it to Young Jump.
C: Why you don’t say anything about TG manga or anime?
I: I have my own reasons.
C: Do you play social-networking games?
I: Nope.
I: Can’t we just have an idle talk? (t/n: He probably said this because there were questions he’s uncomfortable with.) Maybe we’ll stop here. We’ve been chatting for an hour and a half.
*Someone commented about fan letters.
I: If you submit your letter to Shueisha’s Young Jump, it may get delivered.
*Someone commented about Dandadan.
I: I read the first chapter only. I thought It was good.
*Someone commented about the time Ishida fought against his fans in Smash Bros and got beaten up.
I: That was a shock.
Part 4
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amixedwitch · 3 years
Okay so does anyone subscribe/read Vogue (USA)? I want to talk about the September issue!!! This is my fave issue so far!
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deadpanwriter · 6 years
How I Became a Reader
I was always that one girl in class with a book in my bag, reading for leisure and not for homework. So you know, probably the same as most book nerds. When baggy pants were en vogue, I even kept a paperback in my pocket during recess! Either way, it set me apart from the others bit, because somehow, not one of my classmates was a bookworm like me. There was a competition between schools one year where every ten pages read meant you could place one bean in a container. I chose to re-read my favourite fantasy series, so I easily contributed about thirty beans per book while the others maybe only put in ten. But how did it start?
From what I know, my love of books started when I was a small child, too young to actually remember it. About ten minutes from home and maybe five from my preschool there was a library my mother would take me to sometimes. Mostly I wanted the books about Barna Hedenhös, a children’s series about some Stone Age children who at one point travel to the moon in a rocket made of wood. It’s very anachronistic. At home I was subscribed to the Bamse comics, a comic about the worlds strongest, and more importantly kindest, bear. That comic has been running for decades, and it even has a TV Tropes page! I totally did not read all of it one evening when I was supposed to sleep. Nope. Not me.
I liked books so much that at preschool I would bother the workers and ask them to read to me even after I was fully capable of reading on my own. One book, which wasn’t even my favourite, I remembered well enough that I criticized a classmate’s mistakes when he read it aloud (we were encouraged to read aloud for the group). Okay, I criticized him silently. In my head. I was not particularly outspoken at that point in my life.
When I was eight I attempted to read the Lord of the Rings. I still haven’t finished it. I got to somewhere in the Two Towers before I stopped. But it was my first foray into fantasy. I already enjoyed magic, my favourite ”cartoon” was Sailor Moon, and I really, really wanted to read the W.I.T.C.H. comics, but LotR was my first ”proper” fantasy. I was officially sold on reading as a hobby by age 9-10. This was when I discovered my favourite series, in the same library my mother used to take me to. And by discovered I mean ”my sister found it and she read it and then I read it”. The Deverry Cycle by Katharine Kerr is definitely not a children’s book, but it only had a positive effect on my character. And vocabulary.
The majority of my earliest memories are about reading or going to the library, which feels really weird in hindsight... Fun fact: the librarian who worked there when I was little is one of my favourite people still, and it always makes me happy when I see her around. Less fun fact: the library actually shared a building with the school I went to from 7th grade to 9th, and that building is getting demolished in a couple of years. The library moved years ago, but when I think of it I still think of it as being in the old building. I think I’ll miss the place in those early memories still, even though I’d gladly take the first swing at the walls of the rest of it.
With all that said... What’s your story?
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These Under-$98 Finds Are So Good It's Kind Of Alarming
These Under-$98 Finds Are So Good It’s Kind Of Alarming
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I am simply going to say it, I do know a nice inexpensive vogue purchase after I see one. Whereas I may sit down and clarify intimately what precisely every of those finds so spot on, I choose to depend on my intestine intuition because it hasn’t led me astray but. You know the way I can inform when one thing is admittedly good versus simply okay? It occurs…
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