#i suck at finishing series if u couldn't tell
chocoenvy · 2 years
Two Gods (Part Six)
Part one; <;- prev ; next -> (not yet available)
Notes: Oh dear it's been a minute huh? Decided I should just post the drafts even if I'm not particularly fond of them at least this will maybe jump start my motivation for this series once more. I just want it done at this point. Either way I hope yall appreciate the continuation!
warnings: Cult behaviors, fluff
word count: ~2.5k
Beidou had seen countless treasures out at sea, most of which were shiny, all of which were extremely valuable.
Seeing her god - her two gods - smile so brightly at the sight of her, was a better treasure than anything she’d ever seen.
You and your twin barreled down to Beidou with wide grins, still gripping tightly onto each other’s hands. She blinked in surprise as you both stopped right in front of her, still grinning with stars in your eyes.
“Hi Beidou!” You both giggled, waving.
She blinked off her surprise, a smile overtaking her face, “Your graces! It’s an honor to have you on my ship!”
She bowed and the rest of her ship followed suit, including Kazuha.
“Ah, there’s no reason to bow.” T/n shook their hands dismissively, “It’s nice to meet you Beidou, Kazuha.”
You nodded, beaming, “It’s nice to meet you both.”
Excitement bubbled in your chest, you and T/n were giddily grinning.
“It’s an honor to be in the presence of your graces.” Kazuha said with a smile, “I humbly thank you for all of your blessings.”
You and T/n nodded, “It’s nothing.” You shook your hand, still grinning. Your hands were practically shaking from how giddy you were.
“Well,” Beidou puts her hands on her hips, drinking your presence in, “What brings you to my ship?”
“They wish to travel to Inazuma, and they’d like to travel on your ship.” Zhongli answered for the both of you, standing next to T/n.
Childe stepped up to your right and grinned down at you affectionately. You sent a small grin back before looking back to Beidou.
She nodded, “I see, well, of course we’ll take you to Inazuma! It’s an honor to have you both on my ship, your graces.” She laughed boisterously, causing you and T/n to laugh.
You remembered the both of you playing her hangout event together, far too excited for it to do it separately, and hearing her beautiful laugh. It was so different in real life though, with her right there, and your twin holding onto your hand.
“Thank you so much, Beidou!” T/n grinned, turning to you, their eyes wide and grinning from ear to ear, “We’re going to Inazuma on Beidou’s ship!”
You tilted your head back and laughed, gripping T/n’s other hand, “We’re going to Inazuma on Beidou’s ship!” You giggled, holding onto both of their hands tightly.
T/n jumped up, shaking your hands, “Finally! God, I’m so upset they didn’t show this in the game, but now we get to experience it in real life!” They laughed almost maniacally, vibrating from excitement.
“Hey- T/n,” You giggled, gripping their face in your hands, “Calm down.” You said, though you were still shaking with laughter yourself.
They paused for only a moment before continuing to grin ear-to-ear, gripping onto your hands to keep themself grounded in their excitement.
Beidou’s loud and confident laugh was a blessing to the ears, “I’m so glad you’re both so excited. Is there anything you both need? Are you hungry? Tired?”
“I don’t believe your graces have eaten at all today.” Childe said with a frown.
“Well in that case, Kazuha,” Beidou turned to the boy with a confident and glowing grin, “Go with their graces to get some food. I’ll be manning the ship.” She turned back to the two of you, her eyes softening ever so slightly. She bowed once more, “It’s an honor your graces, please enjoy your stay.”
You and T/n nodded, “Thank you for letting us stay.” T/n smiled and glanced at you from the corner of their eye, “Beidou, can we have a hug?”
Beidou froze, her eyes fluttered as though she couldn’t process the words, “Excuse me, could you please repeat that?”
T/n grinned, their grip on your hand tightening, “We want a hug! If that’s okay with you.”
Beidou gained her bearings and opened up her arms, “Of course, your graces! It’s an honor.”
T/n tugged you and themselves into Beidou’s arms and holy shit it was the best thing you’d ever done. Her arms were strong and secure and yet she was just soft enough to where you felt you could melt into her. You could’ve fallen asleep right then and there, no problems.
You pulled away before you and T/n came across as weird, “Thank you for the hug, Captain Beidou.” You grinned.
“Just Beidou, for your graces.” She bowed once again.
“Then call us Y/n and T/n.” You pointed to yourself and then your twin.
“Aha,” She shook her head, “I don’t think I could sully your names like that.”
You laughed, despite the fact she was completely serious, “You could never sully our names, Beidou. It’s you.”
Beidou didn’t understand what you meant by that. She was just Beidou, captain of the Alcor. You were a being above everyone and everything, in the grand scheme of things, she meant nothing to you. Didn’t she?
She smiled fondly at the two of you, her eyes soft, dark emotions swirling deep within them. Ones that caused the hair on the back of your neck to stand on edge, but you ignored it. It was Beidou, one of the characters you loved without question.
“That’s very high praise from your graces. I hope to hear more from the both of you soon, but I should get going so we can set course for Inazuma.” Her eyes were obsessive, “I’ll see you soon your graces. Kazuha-”
“Yes Captain Beidou.” Kazuha nodded, swiftly making his way to your sides, “I’ll take care of them.”
She nodded and waved as she turned to leave, Kazuha sent you both a small but warm smile, “Follow me, your graces.”
He led you, T/n, Childe, and Zhongli down under the deck, where the kitchens were located. “Take anything you’d like.” He offered, nodding towards the food with a smile.
The chefs were stiff as you and T/n picked through the food. You didn’t grab anything big, but there were some plates already prepared with simple fruits and foods that you and T/n took.
“Thank you.” You and T/n muttered, grabbing a plate of simple fruits and vegetables.
“It’s our pleasure.” Was all they said.
T/n and you leaned over the edge of the ship. Childe, Zhongli, and Kazuha were next to you two. Beidou was steering the ship but you could tell she was staring at you.
The ship ride was hella fun. T/n was talking about lore the entire time, the crew thinking it was some ancient proverbs or something (which was hilarious when they started quoting all of the memes T/n put in there). Then you, of course, were fussing over Kazuha’s artifacts.
“We have nothing else to do,” You shrugged, your fingers crossed praying for good rolls, “Might as well do some spring cleaning.”
Kazuha was procuring some poems about you two, “Why pass up this golden opportunity when I have the perfect inspiration, your graces?”
“You’re too nice.” T/n chuckled with a disbelieving shake of their head. “-Y/n what’re you doing?”
They whipped their head over to you and you smiled sheepishly, a pile of artifacts in front of you.
“Leveling artifacts…” You said, holding an anemo goblet, “This is actually probably really good for Xiao.” You held it up with a grin.
“Of course it’s Maiden’s Beloved,” They scoffed with a grin, “What’s it got on it?”
“Double crit, flat attack, and def percent.”
T/n hummed, “Have you rolled it yet?”
“Yeah it’s rolled into crit damage twice.” You grinned, “We just keep that up and it’ll be perfect for him.”
Xiao and the rest of the crew blinked at all of the trinkets on the ground, all of it going over their heads. You and T/n spent a good chunk of the day cleaning out your artifacts (that you’d been hoarding for months now so it was much needed).
Beidou had come to find you two when the sun started going down. Her eyes, after staring at you two with a star-struck smile, caught onto the artifacts.
She hummed at the familiar objects, “Are those artifacts, your graces?”
T/n nodded and Beidou hummed with a dangerously fond smile as she watched you level the artifacts, “It’s amazing your graces, the power you two possess.”
“It’s nothing.” You said, crossing your fingers, praying for crit rolls, “Just taking care of ya’ll.” You shrugged with a smile.
Beidou faltered, but sat down next to you along with your other party members. She laughed heartily, “That awful kind of you, your graces.”
“19% crit dmg and 8% crit rate.” You grinned, “Here you go, Xiao.”
He brought out his artifacts and you placed the goblet down, setting his old one beside you.
“Fodder?” T/n asked, glancing at the piece.
You nodded, “It was trash, we shouldn’t have kept it for so long.”
T/n hummed, and the rest of the characters stared at you two in wonder at the shiny and dull artifacts in your laps.
Zhongli, ever the curious to information he hadn’t yet obtained, inquired you two about the nature of artifacts. What everything you just said means. Who has the best artifacts and why did you give it to them?
“It’s all luck.” T/n explained over the sound of the waves, “But our luck is shit so our artifacts suck.” They shrugged, “The fact that Childe and Kazuha have any good artifacts at all is a miracle.”
“No it’s bullshit.” You huffed, “I”ve done those domains enough times I could defeat them with my eyes closed. And yet still only barely a full set of decent artifacts.”
Beidou frowned, “Your graces, if there’s anything you wish for just ask and we’ll put our all into getting it to you.”
You hummed, “I guess… but I don’t know how artifact domains work outside of…”
“Artifact domains?” Zhongli inquired, “Those domains scattered around?”
T/n nodded, “Yep, they’re full of stuff to make you guys stronger. Artifact domains are probably the worst, and the ones we’ve done the most.”
“Just tell us the location and we’ll make a stop by there to get you what you need your graces!” Beidou grinned proudly.
You grinned, “Bet, I’ll show you. Artifact domains are tedious though but we need to do them to make y’all stronger.”
Beidou grinned, pleased with herself, “I’d be happy to do it for you, if it’s what you need.”
“I’d appreciate it a bunch!” You grinned as she called over someone to go and give her a map.
When you were given the map, your heart practically stopped. “T/n! T/n! Look!” You grinned, grappling their shoulder to pull them over.
They stumbled into you, “Hey! The heck-” They looked down at the map you were showing them with a bright grin. They blinked.
“It’s the map of the entire Teyvat!” You had stars in your eyes, grinning up at your twin.
They grinned, matching your excited expression, “It is! We need to go everywhere on this map!”
You nodded fervently, “Yes! You’ve always been so excited to see the rest of Teyvat!” You shook their shoulder playfully, “Now we can do so and not wait a year for each region! There’s so much to explore too! Haven’t you wanted to go to Snezhnaya for a long time now? We could meet the Tsaritsa! Like you’ve always wanted to do!”
T/n grinned, “Yeah! We can go together too! Instead of just one of us playing and the other watching. It’ll be fun!”
“Do your graces like Snezhnaya?” Childe asked with a prideful smile.
“Of course!” T/n answered, “It’s so pretty and interesting, and now we can go and explore it.”
You shook them excitedly, “Yes! I can’t wait!” You giggled, grabbing a quill and marking the spots on the map of the domains you needed. You grinned at all of Teyvat that you hadn’t explored, excited to explore it with your twin. Excited because you knew they loved Teyvat.
“Y/n! Y/n! Wake up!” Your form was jostled around, and you groaned as T/n’s shoulder disappeared from under your head and their arms attempted to pull you up from the ground.
“No…” You mumbled, weakly tugging your arms away from them.
“Y/n!” They whined, “We’re in Inazuma, come on!”
“What?” You groaned, a bit more awake now.
Your eyes peeled open to the cool night, your twin grinning madly, and the crew bustling around quietly with flames lighting up the ship. You heard Beidou issuing orders and the idle chatter of you and T/n’s “team” next to you.
T/n tugged on your arm and you stood up with their help. You stood up shakily, rubbing your eyes as you held onto their hands.
You looked out over the ship as it turned, nearly stumbling as the ship docked in Ritou.
“Holy shit.” You whispered at the beautiful scenery, the red trees and dark wooden houses lit up in the night. And the crowd waiting at the dock, including all of the playable Inazuman characters (even some unreleased that you definitely hadn’t looked at the leaks for).
T/n clutched your hand tightly, grinning from ear to ear, “There they are.” They whispered.
“Your graces are excited,” Childe mused, “I’m glad.”
“Yes,” Zhongli agreed with a small smile, “It’s a lovely sight to see you two so happy to be in Teyvat.”
You jumped in excitement, the ship stopping entirely, the crew rushing to lower anchor, and Beidou shouting orders.
You perched your feet up on the edge of the ship.
“Y/n…” T/n narrowed their eyes.
“I’ll be fine!” You giggled, your feet dangling over the edge of the ship, “I’m a professional.”
“A professional at getting your ass hurt.” T/n huffed, tugging lightly on your shoulder, “Don’t do it, it’s stupid.”
“And since when have I listened to you?” You chuckled, prepping yourself, swinging your feet and staring down at the dock.
T/n shook their head incredulously, “Never,” They scoffed, amused.
“Your grace?” Zhongli questioned. You and T/n turned your faces to him. He smiled, “It’s time to go. Are you both excited?” He asked as he turned to lead you both to the piece of wood that was propped up for you to walk off of.
T/n gasped, clutching your arm with an iron grip, staring out at the sea of people with wide, awe-struck, and nervous eyes.
“Owch- T/n the fuck-?”
“Pretty fish lady, she’s here,” T/n covered their mouth, muffling their scream, “She’s here!”
You whipped your head around to look out at the crowd of people. Sure enough, standing tall and graceful near the front, with her general Gorou beside her, was Kokomi.
A Cheshire grin erupted onto your face as you grabbed T/n’s hand tightly, “Do you wanna go and meet her?”
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hunterbunter3000 · 1 year
Hey hope you have I nice day, I LOVE you sweetheart series but I was just curious on what farah and valeria thoughts of sweetheart, do they also have a crush on her or do they see as an enemy(valeria), again hope you have a lovely day
Hello! Thank you, I hope you have a wonderful day as well! ❤️💓
And omg they don't hate her at all LMAO
I kinda dislike when girls hate each other over men. Even tho, yes, it can do good for the story and writers can do whatever tf they want, I like when they communicate their emotions on WHY they feel like that, instead of ruining a good friendship they have!
Farah and Sweetheart are actually really good friends! Even though Farah thinks that Sweetheart is weird as SHIT (I mean hell, who doesn't) and questions her thinking process everytime she sees Sweets, but she's a hell of a good fighter and has been there when other people weren't.
Farah values Sweetheart's kindness cause WHEW YK SHE NEEDS IT MY POOR BABY
Sweetheart tells her stories of her whacky adventures she has by herself and with her team constantly when she visits or when she calls like she's CALLING A NEIGHBOR LOL
Farah: Sweetheart? Why are you-- how are you calling me? Hang up, they can trace this!
Sweetheart, laughing: Don't worry, Don't worry! I'm using an old burner phone that isn't even on the market anymore. Now I need to tell you what happened at the base today.
Farah, speed walks to a secluded area: Oh girl shit, tell me what happened
Sweetheart: RIGHT???
And omg I see Farah teaching Sweetheart how to cook her home food (have you noticed that I'm a foodie. Have you noticed I really like food) and Sweetheart bringing dishes she made at the base so Farah and her soldiers can try!
Farah, eating her mac and cheese: Sweetheart oh my God this is amazing!
Sweetheart: 🥹
Soldier: Are you taken yet?
Sweetheart: 😰
Istg Farah is like a damn cat, protecting Sweets from hands in MARRIAGE LOL
But Farah was quite confused about her team. Why do they all look at her like that? And she's not doing anything about it?? WOAH WATCH YOUR HAND SOAP--
Laswell had to explain it to her.
Farah, shocked: wait... so they ALL LIKE HER!?
Laswell: I would say it's 'love', but basically yeah
Farah, looking at Alex: So... All of them?
(Farah x Alex forever, Sweetheart can go suck a carrot)
Farah was so heartbroken when she found out that Alex loved Sweetheart romantically. She honestly found that out herself when she saw Alex had a fond look in his eyes looking at Sweetheart
And Farah kinda-- just accepted it? Like she didn't want to interfere with the two, so it was like an Angelica and Eliza story (ANGST??1?1??11?) So she would just smile and ignore the pit she felt in her heart everytime she saw them together.
But one night Farah couldn't take it anymore and just ignored Sweetheart for like two whole days. Sweetheart ain't about that 😡 nah uh no ma'am
Sweetheart: Farah!
Sweetheart, grabbing Farah's arm: Farah please. What is going on with you?
Farah, not looking at Sweetheart: Nothing.
Sweetheart, not buying it: Farah come on- even a blind man would see that something is wrong. You can talk to me! We're friends--
Farah, breaking Sweets hold: Just... Leave me be, please.
Sweetheart, sad: Did I do something wrong? Please-
Farah: No, you didn't do anything wrong I just--
Sweetheart: Then what's going on--
Farah: I like Alex, okay!?
(It was silent)
(Farah didn't want to look at Sweetheart, but she saw her hands waving frantically. She looks up confused, now seeing Sweetheart smiling ear to ear and fanning her eyes)
Sweetheart, wheezing: You like Alex! Holy hell, I KNEEWWW IT- I knew it I knew it
Sweetheart, hands in her hair: ARGH I OWE LASWELL SO MUCH FUCKIN MONEY SHIT
Farah: Pardon?
Sweetheart: GIRL PLEASE I knew you liked Alex a long time ago! I just-- didn't say anything cause I didn't want to pressure you.
Farah, relaxed: Ah... I see. You're not- You're not mad?
Sweetheart: Mad!? Why in the world would I be mad at you liking someone I know?
Farah: Well... I didn't want you to see it as me taking your..."friend." Also, I don't think he likes me back.
Sweetheart, grabbing Farah's cheeks: Farah, have you seen yourself? You're absolutely beautiful! Of course he would like you.
Oh my.
Farah felt warm and tingling when Sweetheart said that. With honesty. With her smile. She meant it. "You're beautiful."
"Have you seen yourself? You're beautiful."
Her big, warm hands held Farah's cheeks softly, like too much pressure would break her.
(FARAH GOIN THRU IITTTT) (Farah bi-curious moment? AHAHAHAH)
Sweetheart told Farah that she would help her win Alex, so it's a GIRL POWER type friendship they got goin on and I love it
With Valeria... as I said in another ask, they're like freinemies (did I even spell that right) Sweetheart don't really like her cause she works for the cartel and drugs BUT SHE A BUSINESS WOMAN
Omg when they were interrogating Valeria, Sweetheart was SWEATING-- SHE WAS SCARED FOR HER LIFE (she had some... troubles with the cartel in the past)
But omg she was so nervous
Sweetheart: If you mitch-match blacks, YOU DIE
(Valeria was fucking cackling in there)
Valeria, smirking: I don't think you'll get very far with this if she's with you
Valeria sees Sweets as entertainment, because she knows how nervous and hyper Sweets can get when she's around
Valeria teases the SHIT outta Sweetheart constantly (Val gonna give her a heart attack fr fr)
She questions Sweets actions alot tho
Valeria: ...How did you even get up there?
Sweetheart, holding onto a high pole to get away from Valeria:
Sweetheart: uh- out of fear
Valeria thinks it's impressive how she collects men like Pokémon
Valeria: You have my ex wrapped around your manicured finger.
Valeria, smirking: Good on you, pez globo.
Sweetheart: h u h
And Valeria popped the question to her
Valeria: Why are you afraid of me?
Sweetheart, getting nervous: I'm... sorry?
Valeria: I have seen you take down men like they're flies. I have seen you use many weapons like they're second nature. Yet you're afraid of me?
Sweetheart: I just--
(She looks away, unconsciously rubbing her right forearm with her hand. Her eyes dim, holding a dark story she obviously doesn't to say.)
Sweetheart: What you do... is dangerous. So obviously I'm-- I'm gonna be afraid of you.
Valeria: I see.
(Did I just give Sweetheart trauma- what the flying fuck why do I do this everytime with characters-- I WAS TRYING MY BEST NOT TO GIVE HER ANY UGH)
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kygerbearr · 10 months
What's the worst game you've ever played?
it is hard to really gauge what the worst game I've ever played was, but there are definitely some games I consider to genuinely be bad. none of them are really all that interesting takes so don't expect much
persona 5 - I really, really dislike this game and genuinely think its game design is bad. visually it's amazing, but they lock game changing mechanics like party switching behind social links that I just had no interest in doing, and no one should be punished that hard for not doing optional content. horrible game design. also the story bored me to tears. the villain is so half-assed and character assassinated in the later half of the game that I felt insulted that they took so much time from me. the only redeeming quality of that game is its aesthetics, soundtrack and some of the characters, otherwise it's mediocre garbage and there are so many better RPGs to play. also persona 3 clears it
genshin impact - I don't hate it because it's anime or because it's gacha and I played it from launch all the way until the second half of inazuma when they released itto, but the way they handle content in that game is horrible. the units they released had horrendous kits overshadowed by whoever was running the meta. the hype for new units was completely gone, and building your team was fucking miserable because you need to gather bugs for 3 hours which also take 48+ real life hours to respawn. also everyone in that game is fucking white and its so annoying and I fucking hate it
the peak of my enjoyment out of genshin impact was liyue as a whole since it was actually a beautiful area with some slight amount of authenticity to traditional chinese culture, language, and topography. but the story of the game is so unbelievably fucking boring, the gameplay is not interesting, the new characters end up sucking and it's just a ridiculously unfun timesink. fuck genshin impact
maplestory - i have nothing to say about it. just trust me
yakuza 3 - holy shit I have never been more unsatisfied with the gameplay and story of a yakuza game. this actually made me want to drop the series entirely because I didn't find it fun or interesting whatsoever, the game is incredibly unbalanced, combat is so clunky and gross, the only saving grace is that okinawa is cool to look at. i didn't do any of the side stories because I just did not enjoy the gameplay, I finished this game and felt exhausted when I was done with it. the yakuza series is deeply deeply worth it, but please play this on the lowest difficulty and just bumrush the story.
tloz: wind waker - one of my hotter takes is that wind waker really isn't that good, admittedly I did play the gamecube version but what the wii u version changed doesn't completely turn it into a good game. my biggest issue with this game is that the overworld is genuinely empty and exploration feels pointless since the only side content you can do has unsatisfying rewards that don't make the game much better. the hint system they use for that game is fucking stupid, dungeon design takes a nosedive after the first 2 dungeons, items you get in dungeons have next to no use outside of those dungeons, and the final sequence being a boss gauntlet is one of the laziest cop-outs for the zelda series. I desperately wanted to like the game, so I played it 1 and a half times and that was enough to tell me that it wasn't that good.
ty the tasmanian tiger - i really wanted to love this game! but the level design got lazy and became a slog trying to collect everything, the boss design was very much not interesting and it just really couldn't hold my attention. I've gone back to this game 3 different times trying to see if I'd change my opinion but I play through half of the game and just end up realizing I don't like it and don't want to play it. it's just kind of sad
paper mario 64 - I won't call it one of the worst games I've played, but it's on this list because I beat the game and realized I didn't have any fun. the combat is really basic and boring, some of the areas are just kind of boring, it just felt really boring. the final battle? boring. there is nothing interesting about this game and I had more fun playing the randomizer than the actual game
tsukihime - this is not a game. this is a visual novel, but it's on the list because I genuinely fucking hate this game. it has the worst most annoying protagonist inner monologue ever, I liked the characters in it because of Melty Blood and ended up hating most of them by the time I finished tsukihime. I WILL be replaying it once the official english version of the remake drops in which case I will type a much longer winded review of it but I don't think anyone who likes tsukihime read it, or if they did and still like it, are not a good person. "just because they like the media doesn't mean they approve of it" cool don't care shiki tohno is a dogshit protagonist and wants to bang his sister bye
thats just scratching the surface and its just off the top of my head, other honorable mentions include final fantasy 15, final fantasy 10, glover, dragon ball z legacy of goku, super metroid (will not elaborate)
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adoringhaikyuu · 3 years
I've just finished reading your whole "using me for my body" serie and it was sooo great! If (and only if) you accept request, could you do it with Sugawara and Daichi?
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CHARACTERS: daichi + sugawara + (gn!reader)
WARNINGS: suggestive
NOTES: requests were technically closed when u sent this but i can't say no to them hsdfkjg
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you liked to tease daichi now and then
tbh he had dad energy a lot, sometimes not knowing about certain trends or sayings
it was really cute
and his reactions were always the best
you teased him for your own amusement, but most of the time, the outcome was great for the both of you
his lips were sucking marks into your neck, as his hand reached for the waistband of your bottoms. he'd been giving you looks the whole day you'd been out running errands. as soon as you'd gotten home, you'd barely made it to the couch before he pounced on you.
as he started to pull, you placed a hand on his and called out his name breathily. he paused immediately and pulled back to look at you and you tried your best to look anxious. "i just..."
he placed a hand on your cheek, his voice gentle. "hey, what is it? you can tell me."
"i've just been wondering...if you're using me for my body?"
his eyes widened, "woah, what?"
you turned your head, pretending to brush it off when in reality you were fighting off your smile. "it's nothing––"
"now hold on sweetheart," he turned your head back to him. "we should talk about this. i would never do something like that i need you to know that––"
you could see the very familiar serious look in his eyes and the furrow in his brows as he sat up and you couldn't help but laugh, making him quirk a brow. you put your hand on his, "was just joking dai."
his gaze darkened and his hold on your face tightened. he smiled darkly, "oh you're gonna pay for that, darling."
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you and suga had a really playful relationship
and you liked to tease each other all the time
in many ways
so it wasn't anything new for you to do something like this
he joked about you using him sometimes (for the good pipe) but you'd never done it back
now was your chance
he was helping you undress after a night out, his touches lingering, his lips pressing stamps of affection along each sliver of skin he revealed. and though he was getting you riled up, and you were in the mood, you couldn't help but carry out your plan.
you were down to your underwear and he was knelt in front of you as you stepped out of your bottoms, his hands smoothing up your thighs with a cheeky smirk on his face. he looked up at you with a familiar glint in his eyes that sent a thrill down your body.
he pressed his lips to your skin while keeping his eyes on yours and you let him continue for a few seconds, putting a hand in his hair, making him hum against you before speaking up. "kou?"
he hummed, his hands gripping the backs of your thighs as he continued to mouth at them.
you put on the most convincing face you could muster, "are you using me for my body?"
he pulled back and looked at you with wide eyes, completely shocked. his hands froze and he stood up immediately, gripping your waist hesitantly. "baby what? no––of course not, you know i wouldn't do––"
suddenly you burst out laughing and he put his tongue in his cheek to fight off his smile, nodding his head slowly as he looked up. "okay, alright ha ha." he pulled you into him and let his lips graze your ear, "you think you're so funny, hm?"
your breath hitched and he smirked, "we'll see who's laughing when i'm done with you."
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timextoxhajima · 3 years
Nevertheless: Wishful Thinking [1]
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[completed] [1] [2] [3] [4] [5]
synopsis: why would the college flirt want anything to do with the innocent heartbreaker? a [somewhat] nevertheless au featuring tbz's eric son young jae
genre [per chapter]: suggestive material, mentions of alcohol, SMUT *this series is a smut series so* please don't read if you're uncomfy. if you're underaged and you still wanna read, i'm not stopping you. i don't care because that's your responsibility to know what's fiction and what's not.
word count: 2.8k, half of which is probably filth
taglist: @from-xero
{this is a work of fiction}
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"i'm sorry, i just... i just don't see you that way."
the boy tries his hardest not to choke (or sob) as he lowers his head, the bouquet of flowers in his hands crinkling when he brings it down to his side.
he huffs, using his tongue to poke the inner sides of his cheeks as his grimace pulls out into a smirk.
you look at him with utmost guilt, fingers awkwardly intertwined with one another as you scan the distraught on his face.
"so..." he slowly nods, looking up from the floor. "not even the most popular person on campus can win you over, huh?"
the label strikes a chord in you.
honestly, you were just waiting for him to say those words. you hadn't expected the campus star boy to confess to you tonight, much less at his own graduation party.
he was two years your senior and frankly way out of your league - leaving you with absolutely no clue how he came about to develop feelings for you.
you had wondered if he was merely capitalising on your growing reputation as the 'innocent heartbreaker'.
the pretty, new, freshman who just couldn't seem to stop heads from turning.
one of those heads was his.
wooseok scoffs, obviously unhappy and dissatisfied with your response.
how dare the pretty freshman reject the hottest boy on campus?
"okay," wooseok nods, still holding out the flowers to you. "at least take the flowers, would you?"
grimly picking the golden-wrapped roses from him, you scan his eyes, glossed with a layer of tears as his nose sours.
"no, don't," he interrupts you, sucking in a deep breath as he puffs out his chest. the yelling from outside his bedroom door calls the both of your attention.
"the party's still going on until morning, are you staying?"
with a light shake of your head, you hug the flowers close to your chest. your heart slows down, calming from the fact that he had brought you in here just to confess and not something else you were afraid of.
the guilt sinks in when you realise you didn't trust wooseok all that much.
"okay, well..." he clears his throat, rubbing the back of his neck. the silver shine off the school's logo on the varsity jacket glimmers under the room's ceiling light. "at least stay until we finish the first bottle of vodka? we have games later."
"oh, wooseok, i can't-"
"come on," he reaches forward and grabs your hands, his hands hot and warm. probably from the adrenaline he had to give himself to make this feat. "the first bottle."
you look up from his fingers and at his face, his fringe covering his eyes and casting sharp-angled shadows all over his lids.
your lips part, but before you can even utter a sound, he hops right in and exclaims with a grin on his face. "great! i'll see you around and come find me when you're leaving, okay?"
the smile lines extend from the sides of his nose and down to his lips, the shadow lines on his cheeks shifting as he turns on his heels, hands sliding off yours.
"i'll-" he points to his door, already reaching for the handle. "yeah. bye."
wooseok pulls the door open for him to exit, and right before he can shut the door behind him, his eyes come between the gap to take one last look at you.
the door clicks shut after he moves off first, and you're left with the roses in your arms, standing in the middle of his room, having just rejected the most sought-after bachelor in the school.
looking down at the roses once more, your finger-pads rub against the velvet petals, heart aching for him.
the neon lights in his room were casting a bright blue hue all over the walls and the carpeted ground, trophies for baseball and customised bats decorating almost every corner.
you turn to his bed, thinking of leaving the flowers on the cushion and leaving quietly through his window.
but your train of thought violently snapped into two when the party outside yells, followed by the loud thunking of the bass throughout the house.
the flowers are a reminder of how shit of a person you are.
you didn't ask to be a heartbreaker.
people tend to think you find joy in rejecting the brave ones who get their feelings across but you don't. not at all.
carefully laying the bouquet of flowers back onto his bed, you pull the door of his room open and step out into the hallway, the music blasting like everyone was deaf and hard of hearing.
the crowd in the living room comes into view when you start walking down the stairs - everybody jumping on beat to the likes of superbass and people yelling the all-time classic rap.
your knuckles whiten from gripping onto the wooden railings, unable to return yourself to the party when you've done broken the heart of the host himself.
so you turn on your heels, deciding to return to his room and crawl out through his window - only to be met by someone else.
"party's downstairs."
if you were the innocent heartbreaker...
then eric son was the vicious one - the male, sluttier equivalent of you.
"oh, well... party's not for me," you offer a tiny smile, slightly embarrassed to be caught making a u-turn.
eric tilts his head to the side, holding out an arm and resting it on the wooden railings. you lower your head, taking a step to your left in a bid to walk past him.
but you're stopped yet again by his arm reaching out, palm pressing flat into the concrete as he looks down at you.
you don't realise your fists are clenched (and sweating) until you rub them onto your dress.
"look, eric- i- i had a bad day and i just-"
"so walk out the front door," he raises a single brow, taking a step down and removing his hand off the wooden railing.
your feet fumble around each other in a bid not to topple down the stairs. turning to face you, he forces you to step back to maintain the safe distance between you.
"i don't want to make a scene-" the bad habit of picking your nails returns when your back hits the wall, and eric's standing an uncomfortable distance from you now.
"oh," he lifts his free hand and mirrors the other, keeping your neck between his forearms. but you are the scene. you can't just... leave."
a flustered chuckle runs through your throat as you lean your head back against the wall. "i don't have the time for this."
"make time for me," eric cocks his head to the side and glances down near the bottom of your face. "you can tell me about your bad day."
"i think i'll be fine on my own, thank you," carefully squatting and trying to shrink out from the wall-eric sandwich, your brows furrow as you shift.
but eric son buckles his arm and halves the distance he has between your faces, the sudden surge forcing you back upright.
now his breath is hot on your jaw and you turn away from him, lips pursed into a thin, tight line.
"the 'innocent heartbreaker'," he gently hums, fingers reaching up to play with the curled locks fallen around your upper arms. the fleeting brushes of his skin across yours draw out chills, and a harsh inhale twitches your facial expressions to his liking. "i can see why boys would fall for this."
with your eyes still glued to the party downstairs, you part your lips, wanting to explain yourself.
then eric, with the weight of feathers, reaches up to your chin and tilts it towards him.
his lips are parted as he slides his tongue across his teeth. he sighs softly, eyes travelling from yours to your lips and back up.
by now, you can feel his breath on your philtrum.
"you're pretty," he whispers, almost against your lips.
and your stomach plummets when he pulls away completely, the cool air rushing in to replace the bodily heat.
without breaking eye contact, even for a single second, eric pushes himself off the wall. lips drawn out into a wide smile, he adjusts his jacket and runs his hand through his hair.
"but not that pretty."
you don't realise your heart's racing until you feel your chest heaving, unknowingly panting from the unruly interaction the vicious heartbreaker has just provided you.
the world finally seeps back into view and into complete perfect audio, the music finally rumbling through you again when your eyes trail after eric, walking into the crowd jumping in the living room.
the taste of iron seeps out from the inside of your lips, and you dart your tongue across the mark that your teeth have left on your flesh.
clearing your throat and shaking the thought of eric out of your head, you turn back up the steps and head back into wooseok's bedroom.
the blue hues of the room start to sink into your consciousness again, the yellow shade of the bouquet wrap looking more like green under the lighting.
you take a moment to fester - over wooseok, over your reputation, over eric.
college just started and here you were, feeling guilty over something that wasn't even your fault.
the final decision comes to rest on your fingers in the form of pulling wooseok's window open, carefully lifting your feet and crawling under the glass.
now, troublemaker was playing, muffled but definitely loud enough to be heard at least 3 houses down the road. you climb onto the roof of his garage, eyes scanning to cars parked outside and along the road.
you stride to the side where you know wooseok had a wooden plating attached to one of the walls, fake vines intertwined between the planks.
it's a relief when your feet meet the concrete ground, and nobody was in sight - until you back up into someone's chest and you turn to find eric, again.
"what in the world-"
he cuts you off by grabbing your waist, slotting his lips between yours and holding your chin to align your faces.
you were nearly bought into it, but the consciousness seeps back into you and you rip your face off his, palms one his chest with his hands still on your waist.
"what do you think you're doing?"
"i could ask you the same thing."
"you already know I'm leaving."
"you can't leave just yet."
"why the hell not?"
"because I'm not done with you."
with a low huff, he hoists you up onto his hips, lips crashing onto yours as he walks you backwards, your shoulder blades hitting the wall where you had climbed down from.
there's a gentle rattle when he keeps you up against the wooden planks, his palms riding the skirt of your dress up and over your hips.
his fingers slide under the material of your underwear hugging your pelvis, hot skin gripping onto the flesh of your rear.
then you hear a tear amongst the mess he's making on your lips, and the material of your underwear loosens.
"what the-"
"shh," he smirks, now turning his head into your neck to nip on your jaw. your chest heaves from the sensitivity, the fluttering sensation of his lips on your neck drilling chills all through you. "make a sound and everyone will know you couldn't say no to me."
conscience returns to you for a split second.
"eric- we can't-"
before you can finish your sentence, eric drags the thin material out from under you and dangles it before you, his eyes clouded and dark.
the darkened patch of material on your underwear washes your face in pink and heat.
"you were saying?"
your stomach plummets, and you now register the coolness on your core. eric smiles, rolling up the material to shove it into his pocket.
"eric-" your fingers dig into his left forearm as they return to the wall by your head, his right carefully undoing his belt.
the clink of the metal followed by the zipper coming undone forms a knot in your stomach already, then his fingers coming to spread your neediness all over you forces a sharp whimper up your lungs.
"I've done nothing..." he shakes his head, sliding a single finger up and down your core. "and you are so wet."
he lifts his finger from under your skirt, his fingers glistening under the sharp, fluorescent lighting.
your hooded lids are just about tearing with the overwhelming ache that's throbbing through you, and he makes it worse by running his tongue all over his finger.
eric's pride swells when a whine escapes your throat, and he presses himself into you, chest against yours with his hands digging into your thighs. your arms circle around his shoulders, pulling him closer for a deep, slow kiss.
he prods against you, the throbbing ache spiking when his manhood rubs against your core. groaning into the kiss, your entire being squirms between him and the wall with the muffled music still blasting from the living room.
he doesn't bother to wait for you before he finds his manhood and aligns it with your entrance, gently prodding before sliding himself in like it was meant to be.
he buries himself inside you by holding your thighs around his hips even tighter, drawing a low and prolonged moan from your lips.
eric pulls away, pressing his forehead into yours to let you breathe. but he finds some kind of sadistic pleasure when he pulls his hips away, only to slam right back in, earning a sharp yelp from you.
"go any louder, princess, and i won't be the only one enjoying this."
he grins to himself, licking his lips before diving into your neck and picking at all the right spots. every kiss and nibble earned him a moan or a mewl and it ruins your pride over and over to know that you had just broken someone's heart tonight.
yet you were outside that someone's house, letting eric rail you like he owned you.
your fingers claw and grip at his shirt as you feel your back jerk and rock against the wooden plank. with every thrust he offers you, he sounds like he's laughing and panting at the same time, the hot breath on your neck making you writhe in a guilty pleasure.
he offers a few slower thrusts before grabbing your chin to look at him, eyes slightly fucked out and your thighs tired from keeping your body locked to his.
slowly pulling out and sliding back in, he takes the time to revel in the way your brows furrow and your lips fall apart, your curled hair now a mess around your chest and shoulders.
"that's it, princess," he leans into your ear and coos. "tell me how good that feels."
unable to form a coherent word in your head, you whine in response, pulling his face to yours and planting your lips onto his with every ounce of energy left in you.
his hands fumble under your skirt and find your sensitivity, pressing his thumb flat onto you. the pressure jerks you upwards and he takes the opportunity to reposition himself, changing the angle ever so slightly.
by some miracle, the tip of him buried inside you finds the magic spot, and when he picks up his pace, the knot starts to find you in eternal bliss.
eric pulls away again, huffing as he thrusts himself into you, fingers flicking and abusing you as if your legs weren't already shaking and convulsing around his hips.
"good girl," his breath is heavy on your jaw as he plants a few wet kisses there, his pants bringing you to some newer heights. your vision starts to fade into white with a few more thrusts and his fingers dig into your thighs when your lower body starts to spasm.
muscles flexing, your entire body squirms and trembles as you meet your high.
then eric hurriedly pulls out, the hot fluid dribbling all over the ground under you.
while you come down from your high, eric's strained grunts rumble through his torso under your arms. the vein that popped out on his neck was still there, and your senses only allow enough for you to focus on eric now.
he bites on his bottom lip and pushes his hair back with a deep inhale. he turns to you, eyes wide open and clear.
"not such an innocent princess now, are you?"
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fandomvariousness · 3 years
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pairing: eren jaeger x reader
request: "I just finished the episode where Eren just straight up beats Armin and mentally fucks up Mikasa but because it's horny hours my brain just went what if he bent s/o over the desk there?!And this is the reason why I watch things alone!But anyway can you imagine that!Can that be a prompt,I don't care about what kinks they pull,could be physical fighting, consent,spanking the whole nine yards I don't care!As long as both parties enjoy I couldn't care less what they do really!"
summary: eren pins you down to the table to make you listen
warnings: violence, smut (spanking, dacryphilia, degradation kink)
word count: 1.1k
a/n: i was thinking bout this all day omg here u go hope u like it
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It was just you and Eren in the room; not a good sign, since he's technically a fugitive, and you don't want to be harboring one. Not even if he's your lover.
'You're here now, huh?' You questioned, trying to remain calm.
You were just as hot-headed as Eren, one of the main reasons why you two hit it off.
He was standing across you, at the other side of the round table, just asking to be slapped.
'You think you can just waltz in here after all the shit you pulled on all of us, without having explained it beforehand? Not even to me?' Your voice was trembling, and you were aware that you're going to lose your shit soon.
And then he'd done it. He rolled his eyes, ever so slightly, but that didn't go unnoticed by you. It never did.
You growled and threw yourself over the table to reach his smug face and deliver a heavy, emotion-loaded slap. You were only able to raise your hand before he swiftly stepped to the side and bent your arm behind your back painfully, bashing you flat against the wooden surface.
A painful moan escaped your mouth as you felt stinging against your cheekbone, almost frothing in an attempt to escape his vice-like grip.
He grasped your other arm before you could use it against him and moved it into the same lock of his hands.
The edge of the table pressed into your navel as you tried to balance yourself by reaching the floor on tippytoes.
'Let me GO.' Your whole body shook as you yelled out the last world, only to be silenced by Eren painfully wrenching your arms even further.
'I was going to tell you everything, but I should've known better. You really are a savage, aren't you?' he asked nonchalantly, kicking your legs apart and positioning himself between them.
You wanted to ask what was he doing but your words stuck in your throat at the sensation of Eren's palm against your clothed ass cheek. Instantly, you felt heat rushing to your core, your face blushing, making you realize just how much and for how long you've been yearning Eren's touch.
You opened your mouth, careful not to give rise to the moans that are gathering in your throat just so Eren wouldn't have the satisfaction of pleasing you; right now, you want it to be yours alone.
He yanked your pants down enough to reveal your ass, digging his fingers into the plush of it, making you suck in a sharp breath of air; you mentally cursed yourself for that.
He released a faint breathy laugh through his nose. 'Look at you, trying to conceal how much you like being pinned down like this.'
You knowingly ignored his remarks, your forehead flat against the table surface as you tried to steady your breathing.
All your attempts failed when a scream tore out of your mouth as Eren's palm came in slapping contact with your ass cheek. It felt sogood you had to bit your lip real hard to prevent another moan from following the scream.
You heard a deep chuckle emanating from Eren's chest as he observed your submissive frame below him. Nowhere to go now, he thought.
'Perhaps this will teach you a lesson.' He said before sending another slap against your ass.
Your eyes filled with tears, signs of the failed attempts to remain silent and twisted pleasure mixed with it. Another scream rendered your mouth open, your leg jerking upwards slightly, as a reflex.
And then he sent another, another, and another until your skin was bruised pink, purple, and red, and tears were streaming down your heating cheeks. As Eren leaned against your back to reach your ear you felt his hard-on pressing against your brutalized ass.
'Will you listen now?'
You shook your head as an answer instantly, knowing perfectly well what your refusal will make him do. He knows it too, but sometimes you love to play games.
'Thought so.'
He briefly released your hands to roughly pull your panties down, revealing your weeping hole to him.
'Such a slut for me, as always,' he muttered as he fumbled with his own undergarments before one of his hands locked your arms in a knot against your back again. 'Gonna keep you like this, you have to take it.'
You were almost frothing with anticipation when he finally rammed into you, his hardness tearing your walls apart, forcing you to release a moan dripping with pain and pleasure alike.
'Shit,' he blabbered, trying to remain sane himself. 'Always so tight.'
His grasp on your interlocked arms became tighter as the other dug into the meat of your ass, his cock mercilessly pounding your insides. He was fucking you stupid as everything around you became fuzzier and fuzzier, sound and sight muffled by the pleasure he was building up with his movements.
'Gonna make you cum all over me.' He breathed out between the groans, knowing perfectly well that your anger for him will clash with the pleasure that he's giving you.
Your voice hitched every time he pounded in, his tip teasingly brushing against your cervix, making this encounter even more pleasurable with all the pain.
You felt the bliss approaching and wanted to tell him that you're gonna cum, but all that came out was only a series of incoherent moans.
'Look at you, can't even talk.' By the sound of his voice and shallow breaths, he was having difficulty speaking as well.
Without any warning, your pussy clenched around his length, milking him dry and sending your body into a series of electric convulsions.
'Fuck, yeah.' He blabbered as your abused cunt tipped him over as well.
Gradually, his grip on your wrists weakened, until he let go completely, letting your arms hang limp to the sides since you had no strength whatsoever to prop yourself up immediately.
After a while you heard him fumbling with his pants, putting them on, giving you one last soft, encouraging slap. That brought you back from the post-sex trance as you tried to stand up. He didn't even step away as he put your pants back on and turned you around, propping you on the table properly so that you sat facing him, your legs dangling at his sides as he gently held you by your waist.
'What about now? Are you listening?'
You gulped, searching for something in his eyes. You didn't know what he will give you, but you needed to know, whatever it was.
So you nodded.
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rinstars · 3 years
𝐫𝐞𝐜𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐨𝐟 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞 — 𝐬.𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐭𝐚𝐫𝐨𝐮 (𝐩𝐫𝐨𝐥𝐨𝐠𝐮𝐞)
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pairing: suna rintarou x reader
genre/trope: angst, unrequited love, forbidden love
warnings: nsfw, profanity, infidelity, mentions of weed/drugs, intoxication
description: you knew you never meant to him as much as he meant to you.. yet deep down, you still hoped his heart also breaks with every single goodbye and the regrets of the past clings to him a lot more than he let you believe.
note: this is a repost of 'the call' where i changed and added a few things to make it fit as a prologue better, so make sure u still read it. i'll do this series at my own pace so please just be patient! i'll open the taglist so just send me an ask if you want to be tagged hehe.
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The smell of leather and weed floating in the space surrounding you constricts your breathing, making you gasp for air – even more as he suctions the air out of you through your heated shared kiss, your lungs burning with the need for oxygen. But you ignore it. Running your fingers through his hair and meeting his hunger with kisses equally as rough, you ignore the building pain on your chest.
You rock your hips towards him, feeling his hard crotch rub you through the lace of the panties you bought just a few days ago. Pulling away for a moment only to gasp on his reddening plump lips while he lazily guides your movements on his lap, triggering a flood of pleasure wash over you.
Slender, pale, and long fingers reached over to snatch another blunt, taking a long drag before the very same fingers of the opposite hand takes the back of your neck so he can pull you closer to his lips. He breathes the smoke out of his mouth into yours, connecting your lips once again.
Despite the distinct scent of the drug, you taste a tinge of sweetness on your tongue as his own massages yours. Rocking your hips harder to his forces a moan out of you, making your fingers curl around his lengthy hair. You pull away, muttering a small give me a minute to him. Leaning back on the steering wheel, you watch him while you try to control your ragged breathing.
His hair is long. Long enough that it falls softly all the way to his eyes and cheeks, the ends brushing his really pale skin. With your earlier statement, he just shrugged with the same unchanging look of nonchalance in his eyes—proceeding to take drags out of his blunt. His beautifully shaped eyes now bloodshot and shiny with moisture.
He's almost like a vampire, now that you think about it. So beautiful. Such pale skin but such dark hair. Sharp gaze but soft lips. Intoxicating scent but still so sweet.
The most similar thing between him and vampires, you thought, is the way he sucks all the life out of you. Drying you out and taking all your light.
This man has corrupted you more than you're willing to admit.
You opened your mouth to say something when the blaring ring of his phone makes you jump. His eyes glanced over the source before grabbing it with a sigh and scanning the monitor. You didn't even need to ask who it is. You're very well aware who it is, and why he never hesitated to answer.
When it comes to you, it always takes a lot of rings and missed calls before he picks up, though. You understand. You tell him you do, you always will.
He doesn't pick a call up on the first ring unless it's his girl. Astumu whispered as if he heard you ponder about the caller in your head one night when you were drinking with him in a bar. Loves her a lot. Probably too much.
The alarms rang in your head that night, no matter how much you tried to ignore it. So annoying but at the same time so painful. You didn't know how to turn it off and you wish every single time you could.
"Darling," He whispered with such a loving voice, one you never heard from him when he answers your calls. Your heart ached but you knew better than to confront him about it. Instead you cry in the arms of the twinss—more on Atsumu's, since Osamu takes you through an hour long lecture of why you should have known better.
You know that much, you think.
You shouldn't have let yourself get dragged in this stupid situation, craving a taken man and his touches. Letting him in on your secrets even when he barely lets you get a peak in his.
"I miss you too, my love.. Oh?.. I'll be home soon." He speaks in pauses as he lets her finish speaking first. You close your eyes to prevent the liquid threatening to spill out, taking a deep breath before slowly lifting yourself from his lap to the passenger seat. His eyes widened a millimeter—almost as if he cares what you do, when he noticed you getting off him without having to tell you. You noticed he ended his call with her and you refuse to look back at him. If you do, you are sure of another sleepless night.
Another sleepless night of asking yourself what went wrong and if he ever regretted his decisions— maybe he, too, spend the night wide awake asking himself why he brushed off every single detail of the past like it never existed, why he acts like you're a stranger he met for the very first time when both of you coincidentally takes the seat next to each other on a bar, why he never gave you an explanation of what happened that day.
Cold fingers hook under your chin, slowly turning your head to the left. He leans over the center console, connecting his lips with the soft skin of your neck, making you exhale out at the feeling of him sucking all the reason in you again. He runs his tongue wet on your collarbones, creating a glistening trail.
"I'll see you soon?" He whispered on the crook of your neck, nibbling it a little with his teeth. The bruises he leave on your skin another reminder that everything is real.
You just hum with a nod, cupping his jaw and slowly pulling him away from you with a small smile. One of his bangs fell in the middle of his face—you reached up to brush it away.
So many unspoken words from you. Too many. You wonder if he has anything he's holding back to say too as his eyes linger on you a second longer than usual. Or maybe you're just desperately reading into the lines again, like what Osamu said way too many times.
"Rin, what.. what are we?" Every parting is like this, like a new way of saying goodbye that you both developed. You just needed to be reminded, to wake up from whatever delusions you're starting to have.
"Nothing." He replies as flatly as all the other times before. Not a hint of emotion – no amusement or remorse.
You swallow, letting your hands fall to your sides. On the verge of turning around and reaching the door, his voice echoes once again. "How many times are you gonna ask me this?"
Until you start feeling something.
You thought to yourself. Anger, disgust, love, hatred, adoration, anything. You just want him to feel something. Prove to yourself and everyone else that you're not just a tool to him.
"Sorry. Slipped out of habit." You settle for that response now. No point having a conversation with him about this.
"You don't have to leave right away, I can still drive you home."
Losing all the strength to refuse, you found yourself just agreeing with him. Why the fuck are you even so upset to begin with? You knew what you signed up for. You knew about the girl. You saw him with her in the very same bar a few nights ago. Watched how much attention he gives her, how tightly he holds her.
Of course, you knew about the girl. Your past with her woven in a way no one will be able to deny, and she knows it too, as much as Suna and the twins do. How could you forget? Everything to you was clear as day, from the very first day to the last. Rintarou knows it hurts you more this way, but he never bothers to hide it from you—how he chose her over you.
"I'll break your heart by the end of this, baby." He warns you as you feel his length slip inside you, making you moan out in ecstasy.
"I don't care." You pant, grabbing him by the hips as a way of telling him to go faster.
Looking back, maybe you shouldn't have been so foolish and say that. Now, you're paying the price. Now, your exit has been sealed.
The moment you met him, you forgot everything – your reason, pride, dignity, loyalty, sense, self-love. You hate how intoxicates you like the drugs on his backseat and yet you can't stop. You wonder if he knows how you feel about him—how you still feel about him. If he notices the way your eyes would light up when you see him or the way you would wrap your arms so tightly like you're afraid of letting him go.
The car stopped soon after and you looked out the window to find yourself in front of your house. You collected your things and fastened the clasp on your sandals then opened the door, stepping a foot outside when he once again stops you by the wrist.
"I'll call you soon. I promise."
"I'll be waiting." You wriggle out of his grip without looking back, stepping your remaining foot out to join with the other as you stand up to leave. "Take care, Rintarou."
"You too, baby." The sound of his tires grow fainter by the second as he speeds off to his and his girlfriend's shared apartment and it was so loud, you couldn't tell if there was a strain on his voice when he said that or if you just imagined it again in your head.
You didn't notice the sobs wrecking your body. Not until you feel warm droplets fall to your open palms in front of you. You clutched your phone tightly, holding it to your chest.
You can only hope the next call comes soon, interrupting the continuous flow of the songs on your phone—the very records that remind you of what you never had—or perhaps, if things went a different turn; what you could've had with him.
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whattodowithkpop · 3 years
Blind Senses (Ravn)
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Title: Blind Senses
Pairing: Reader x Ravn (Oneus)
Genre: Fluff, Spice, Superhero AU, Enemies to lovers, Soulmate AU
Word count: 2,543
Writer: Kpopmadness (Ju)
There is a lie that every parent tells their child, we hear it when we get scared at night. We are reminded of it over and over again. 'Monsters don't exist' Monsters aren't under your bed, they aren't in the closet, they aren't trying to get in your window. The doors are locked, the window is sealed shut, everything is fine.
The only thing I was worried about when I was little was who my match was; Every child is born with a soul mark, it's the tell of where your soulmate will touch you for the very first time. But when you are touched by your soulmate, the birthmark will turn a bright shade of pink and purple before withering away. Your soulmate having been found.
My birthmark encases my right wrist, a common place for people to have their soul mark. I often forgot about my mark until I looked down and saw my one marked wrist. But every now and again a flutter would slice through my stomach at the thought that one day, that mark would be gone. And I would have found my other half.
When I was 15, my childish dreams changed forever. A science plant exploded suddenly. An experiment gone wrong. There was an orange smoke that rose from the ashes of the building, its angry smoke rushing toward our city. I still remember seeing it outside my bedroom window a second before my mother rushed in with my father and hurried us down to our basement. My father boarding up the windows and doors to block the smoke out. Screaming could be heard outside, ones of fear and agony for those who didn't get inside in time.
In the wake of that science experiment, we were left with mutants. People caught in the smoke developed supernatural powers. Some of these people developed a spiked aggression, using their powers for the worst. That is how my father died. He and a group of scientists were working on a cure for the genetic mutations. But some didn't like that. A group of mutants set up a bomb in the basement of the plant, angry that someone wanted to take their power away. Take away their sense of control.
I still remember being home with my mother when we saw the black cloud with angry flames fill the sky. The earth shaking slightly in its wake. Dread and grief filling us, knowing exactly where the explosion came from. On that day, my life, my goals, and how I viewed people with these special powers, changed.
Alarms ring through the large building, the sound jarring and disorienting. I stand my ground at my station and continue working quickly. I enter a series of commands into my laptop. My fingers shaking violently.
Red lights flash and the sound of people running down the halls fills the small room. I take my lab coat off, the room sweltering. The screen on my laptop shows a loading bar, making me tap my foot impatiently. I was so close to finishing this, it would change how we see mutants. It reversed their DNA to go back to normal, their powers vanishing. The work my father started would finally be complete and I would have a sense of closure.
The lights and alarm cut out, leaving me in blackness except for the screen of my laptop. I suck in a deep breath, letting it out slowly. I was putting my life at risk for the sake of this experiment, but I had come too far to stop now. Eventually, blue lights come on, slightly illuminating the room. When they do, the loading bar on the screen is almost done, my muscles tense. Then the laptop suddenly gets slammed shut, making me jump back.
"Did I interrupt something?" A deep voice asks coldly, his palm firmly on the laptop to keep it shut.
"That's government property." I say firmly, but my voice cracks.
The man smirks at me, seeming amused by my weak attempt at a threat. Like me saying it was something the government owned would make him remove his hand from it and leave in fear.
"Yes, well, you and your government should really stop trying to cure something that doesn't need a cure." He glowers.
"And maybe we wouldn't have to look for a cure if you people weren't destroying families and killing the innocent." I shoot back, anger rising in my chest and filling my veins. My thoughts going to my father.
The man hesitates, his eyes showing a sort of concern and sympathy for my words. I take my chance and make a dive for the laptop, trying to jerk it out from under his strong hand. The man grabs my right wrist, stopping me.
"Do not try it." He snarls, his grip on my wrist horribly tight.
He slowly removes his hand from my wrist, my eyes widening and a gasp escaping my lips when I see my wrist. My soulmate mark shined a bright purple, matching the mark on his hand, then both marks slowly began to fade. Our soulmate marks disappearing. We had found our soulmates.
I stare at the man in front of me, both our eyes wide in disbelief. We were on opposite sides of a war, yet we were meant to be together. Suddenly, everything goes black. At first, I think the lights in the room have gone out. But it's my vision that disappears. I fall to the floor, my legs unable to support me. Panic grips me. I've gone blind.
"Don't worry." The man says soothingly. "I only took your sight away temporarily. Your vision will return in 10 minutes, that's just long enough time for me and my team to escape."
I take several deep breaths, trying to soothe my heart that pounded in my ribs. I spread my fingers out along the cold tile floor, trying to feel for something, anything. That's why I jump when I feel warm hands incase both my hands, making me cower away from the touch. But the grip holds firm.
"I hope we meet again." The man says. His tone sounding like he really meant that. "Maybe then it will be under better circumstances, soulmate."
He squeezes my hands before letting me go, his footsteps fading into the distance. Leaving me to recover my sight slowly, with a swirling heart and mind. I thought he had left, then I hear his voice again.
"By the way, just because I think we should know this for the future, my name is Ravn."
3 Years Later;
"No, we have to finish this." I demand as I follow my co-worker around the lab. The earth shaking beneath us, making everyone scurry around the room. Anxiety levels high.
"Well then you finish it then." My co-worker snaps irritably. "We don't want to die here. Unlike you and your obsession with finding this dream cure."
"It's more than that." I plead. Pushing my way through people pushing passed me in panic. The earth giving off another tremble while bright flashes of red light flash outside. Heavy rain pounding against the building like fists.
"You say that and he always comes for you." My co-worker says, whirling around to face me. His eyes raging.
I pause, my brain looking for an excuse. Any excuse. Ravn had come for me and the sought after cure for three years. No matter what I did, no matter how much I tried to hide, he always found me. His devilish smirk always reappearing.
"We're so close though." I say quietly. More of a reminder to myself than to anyone else in the room. Not that they ever listened to me. The population had given up on trying to find a cure a long time ago.
My co-worker sighs, rubbing his temples. "I know this experiment is the only thing of your father you have of him." He says, his tone softened. "But they won't stop chasing you and trying to tear you down. And they are outside as we speak."
I look over my shoulder to the large glass window behind me. Flashes of light and tremors in the earth reminding us that these weren't from natural sources. But from people. People who could control the weather and even create earthquakes to topple a building in seconds. And their leader, my soulmate, just waiting for them to break through our defenses.
"We're evacuating." My co-worker says, pulling my attention back towards him. "Come with us if you want. Otherwise, you can stay and talk to your boyfriend."
I feel a surge of heat course through me, flushing my cheeks a scarlet color. I couldn't find my voice in time to deny that he wasn't my boyfriend before my co-worker hurries off with the rest of my, supposed to be, teammates. At this point in my journey, I was used to working alone and everyone thinking I was crazy for trying to fix something that everyone else had just adjusted to and given up trying to control.
I set my jaw in determination and whirl back to my station, opening my laptop and entering the code. I watched the clock carefully as I worked. The world around me seemed to fall away as I worked, being used to Ravn coming for me to stop me from developing a cure. Our relationship having grown in a strange way. We were soulmates, but we were also enemies.
The lights in the building flicker off, just like they had three years prior when I first met Ravn. My heartbeat picks up but I keep working, knowing I still had a few valuable minutes before he showed up. My laptop gives out a series of beeps, making me step back in surprise. I stare at the screen in shock.
"I did it." I whisper under my breath, a smile spreading across my face. I found the cure to return the mutants back to their normal DNA.
"We really have to stop meeting like this." A familiar deep voice says behind me.
I whirl around and press my back against the counter's edge, trying to hide my laptop screen from his sharp eyes. Ravn stood a few feet away from me, his dark hair dripping wet from the rain. His black trench coat leaving pools of water around his boots.
"You say that, but you seem to enjoy chasing me." I reply, trying to keep my tone even. I slowly reach my hands behind my back to find the USB with the cure downloaded on it, pressing it firmly against my palm for safety.
Ravn's eyes flicker to my hands that were behind my back, his eyes taking on a cautious look. "You just can't give up on that cure, can you?"
"Someone has to keep trying."
Ravn chuckles, stepping closer to me. Making my muscles tense. "Give me the USB, sweetheart." He says dryly, extending his palm towards me.
I stare at him, how could he know?
"I'm not stupid." Ravn says, as if reading my thoughts. "I know you found the cure. Please, give it to me."
"Why is it so bad that you could all go back to your normal lives?" I ask, my voice pleading as I slide my way down the counter as Ravn comes closer.
"Because some of us have nothing to return to." Ravn answers calmly. "You would be taking away the one thing people feel they can control since they inherited their powers."
"You don't use your powers for anything good though." I argue.
"That's not true and you know it." Ravn replies. "We aren't all like that. Even if you gave the cure to some of us there would be others who would refuse to take it and would continue to wreak havoc. You take away the good people with powers you're left with the bad and you won't be able to defeat them."
I pause, that thought never having occurred to me since I took over my fathers work. The population of people with special powers had grown. 40% of the worlds population had citizens with some kind of power these past three years.
"The cure." Ravn says again, extending his hand out to me once again.
I stare at his hand, the hand that once held his soulmate mark, just like my wrist once did. Despite all he said, I still held onto the USB tighter and turned and ran from him. I knew how stupid of a move it was, it was pointless when Ravn could strip away human senses. But I still ran, and I almost got to the door when my vision disappeared, immersing me in blackness. Making me fall to my knees, the USB still clutched in my hand.
I feel Ravn's hands encase my waist, picking me up off the tile floor and taking me to the closest counter to let me lean against it. My vision a milky white.
"You know running from me does no good." His voice sounding as if he were a bit hurt by my actions.
"This cure is all I have." I choke out, still clutching the USB in my palm. My hands trembling.
Ravn seems to freeze, his breath fanning across my cheeks that were starting to streak with tears. "This cure is all I've known since my fathers death." I gush, unable to stop the words from tumbling out. My mother having completely shut down since my fathers death. Her attitude cold and isolated from me.
"It's all I have."
Ravn touches my eyes, wiping the tears away but also giving me my vision back. I'm alarmed by how close he stands to me, our eyes locked. His brown eyes hold a sadness to them I had never seen before. A sort of sympathy that had faded from people's eyes long ago when it came to me.
"It's not all you have." He whispers. "It never has been."
I stare up at him, words freezing in my throat. Before I can form a response, his lips press against mine. His hands cupping my face. I suck in a breath in shock, but soon my eyes close and my arms snake around his neck, pulling him closer to me. A sense of completeness washing over me.
Ravn slides his hands down to my ribs, picking my up and setting me on the counter. His body between my legs, his hands going to my thighs as he grips them firmly. I feel my fingers uncurl their grip on the USB, it clatters to the floor. My fingers weaving through Ravn's hair instead. His lips tugging at mine in a sort of desperation, both of us craving each other after being deprived for years.
The cure fades into an obsession that melts into my past, something I had chased thinking it was all I had. When my life had the chance to start over with Ravn and actually do something to help others. He had known something all this time that I never had. We were on the same side, I just wasn't willing to accept it. My senses blinded. And it took him to uncover them.
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peachybowen · 5 years
stupid • r.b
series masterlist
pt.1 pt.2
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pairing: ricky bowen x reader
warnings: none
songs: Falling For U by Peachy! and mxmtoon, Wondering by Julia Lester and Olivia Rodrigo
words: 3.6k
A/N: feedback is always appreciated 🥺 I’m sorry if you find any grammar mistakes. Enjoy xx
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I have dreamed of playing the lead since 5th grade. Of course I didn't tell anyone besides my brother and Cousin. When I got home last night, my brother and I talked. He was happy for me. Ej also said that he was really proud of me but he also added that he thinks that Nini deserved better.
,,Yo, what's up? I'm trading in my East High Leopards gear to be a Wildcat, starting today, because it's the day of the read-through! Blessed to be playing Chad. Swipe up for a link to tickets.'' EJ said holding his phone up, smiling the whole time.
,,Hi!'' Ash and I exclaimed simultaneously, walking up to EJ.
,,Say hi to my cousin and my little sister and bye to my cousin and sister.'' he turned his phone off and put it in his jeans pocket.
,,You're in a good mood.'' I mentioned and continued walking beside him, with Ash on his other side.
,,That's just for the fans, Y/N. Inside I'm a bucket of sad.'' he stated and I looked at Ash and then at him.
,,You still not over the not-getting Troy thing?'' Ash asked.
,,I put 3 years into this drama department and now I have to understudy my girlfriend's ex?'' he turned to me.
,,No offense Y/N.” he added and I just laughed and waved it off.
,,I know it sucks. But, I mean; Y/N is Gabriella and I don't think we would want an incest couple in our play, you know.'' Ash explained and I cringed at the thought.
,,Ash is 100% right.'' I agreed and started walking faster, Ash right behind me.
When we arrived at the rehearsal room, I saw Ej putting the Chad Danford card next to the Gabriella one. Ricky and I didn't talk much since the auditions and maybe, just maybe, that was my fault. I have been avoiding him, which was actually pretty hard considering I had almost all my classes with him. He tried to talk to me here and there but I just hummed in response most of the time. Honestly I was just trying to get over my crush on him. He still wasn't over Nini and he actually wanted to take part in the musical for her and I kinda ruined his chances because she did not get the lead. I also didn't want to ruin our friendship. We were friends since kindergarten and I wanted to keep him as a friend. After the auditions, Ash came over. She actually told me not to avoid Ricky but I just thought it was a good idea. Of course Ej agreed with me.
,,Could everyone take their assigned seats?'' Ms.Jenn asked loud enough for everone to hear. I walked to my seat and noticed that Ej put the cards back to how they were.  I sat down with a sigh. Soon after Miss Jenn actually asked Big Red to read the stage directions because Natalie, the stage director, wasn't there. And like 5 seconds after that Ricky took the seat next to me. I looked at Ash, who was sitting across from me. She smiled and turned her attention to the blonde drama teacher.
,,I realize that you all walked in here as strangers.'' she started looking at us.
,,Actually, I'm Y/N and EJ’s, cousin!'' Ashlyn corrected. I could see Ricky looking at me out of the corner of my eye but I just ignored him.
,,But after today, you're a family. Please take your neighbors' hand.'' she finished and everyone did what the teacher said. I took Gina's hand and turned my head to Ricky, who was holding his hand out for me. I took his hand but avoided eye contact.
,,Hand.'' Ms.Jenn said as soon as she saw that Ej and Ricky weren't holding hands. Their heads shot in my direction when they heard me giggle. I stopped immediately.
,,Feel each other's energy. Let the silence speak volumes. In a world full of no, this is a space full of yes.'' the drama teacher preached.
,,Nice. Did you just come up with that?'' Carlos whispered to the middle-aged woman.
,,I did.'' she replied, smiling at him. It was silent. Nobody said anything and I could feel Ricky staring again and I just turned my head to Gina and smiled at her. Seconds later Ms.Jenn started singing ''We're all in this together.''. I let go of Ricky and Gina's hand and looked at the script on my table, highlighting my lines. Ash started to clap after Ms.Jenn finished singing. Nobody clapped beside her so she stopped and everyone looked at her.
,,"Sharpay heads for class, hears singing," "opens the door to the biology lab." "She finds Gabriella and Taylor washing their hands." "They turn to find there are no paper towels in the dispenser. They-'''' Big Red was disrupted by Miss Jenn before he could continue reading.
,,Try to read the punctuation.'' she instructed and smiled at the redhead.
,,"Sharpay comma heads for class period.'''' he said and I grinned. He was so oblivious sometimes it was cute.
We took a break after reading act one. I was talking to Ash but I also kinda watched my brother and Nini talking. And, yes, Ricky looked at them too. Nini got a text, she laughed, and Ricky was on his phone so it was kinda obvious that he sent her a meme or something like that. Ej glared at him and sat down again.
,,Cool glasses.'' I turned my head to see Seb taking a seat next to Ashlyn. She smiled.
,,Thanks. They're my grandmas.'' she acknowledged.
,,I have the same ones at home.'' he laughed.
,,Really? Why?'' I asked, trying to join the conversation again.
,,So, I can see when I'm milking.'' he replied and I was confused.
Before I had the chance to ask what he meant by that, Miss Jenn said that we were gonna continue.
I was on stage waiting for Ricky. Ms.Jenn wanted us to start rehearsing early and I wasn't really thrilled. When he came running in, he said that he was sorry for being late.
,,We're diving into page 97.'' Ms.Jenn directed and handed us the script.
,,You mean the last scene?'' Ricky asked just as confused as I was. The teacher just hummed in response.
,,You wanna rehearse this? It's just one line.'' I also asked.
,,Yeah, I've got one, too.'' Ricky stated turning to me.
,,And then there's the kiss.'' Ms.Jenn exclaimed. I looked at her and started to panic.
,,There was no-. I don't remember a kiss in what we read yesterday.'' I stuttered trying to reason with her.
,,It was very much in the original movie.''
,,I only remember a hug.'' I augmented further. I wasn't really in the mood to kiss my best friend. It would just make things more awkward between us.
,,The kiss ended up being cut. Little racy for its time.'' she explained looking at me with a smile.
Later that day I sat in Miss Jenn's office, explaining to her that I just couldn't kiss Ricky.
°Ej's POV°
I was standing outside Ms.Jenn's office, waiting for Y/N when Ashlyn walked up to me.
,,Hi!'' she greeted cheerfully.
,,Go away.'' I simply said.
,,No, you go away. You're standing in front of my locker.''
I stepped away and she opened the locker.
,,I can't believe this. She's around Ricky's finger.''
,,Who?'' Ash asked and looked at me.
,,Miss Jenn! She added a kiss.'' I explained and Ashlyn rolled her eyes.
,,Ej, stop. He's not bribing our director.'' she interrupted.
,,Y/N doesn't want to kiss him, Ash. And I don't want that either.''
,,Being her big brother doesn't mean you own her.'' she commented. I rolled my eyes and changed the subject.
,,I need you to do me a favor.''
,,What kind of favor?'' she asked with a raised brow.
,,I need you to borrow Nini's phone.'' I explained and she looked at me like I was crazy.
,,Borrow? As in steal?''
I just nodded. I needed to be 100% sure that Ricky wasn't in the way of my relationship. Nini was different. She wasn't like other girls. The girl helped me be a better person.
,,Okay, you've just gone up 3 levels of scary!'' the girl stressed, shocked by my words. She tried to reason with me for a bit but then she left, leaving me standing alone in front of the office, waiting for my sister.
°Y/N’s pov°
,,I'm kinda lost. If the play is over, why would we still be dancing?'' Ricky asked beside me. We were back in the rehearsing room. Just as I was about to answer, Carlos came up from behind us.
,,It's a certain call. You're the last two to come out. We want to bring the audience to their feet!'' he explained snickering.
,,Teach them the dance.'' Ricky joked.
,,Carlos? Can we wait for Miss Jenn?'' I pleaded kinda just wanting the director there.
,,Miss Jenn is busy tracking down a prop. She's asked me to create a crescendo, people, so let's stop swirling and let's start twirling.'' Carlos directed calmly.
,,But why are we practicing the bows when we haven't even practiced the play?'' Ricky asked still confused.
,,Because you start with the hardest dance that takes the longest to learn. It's in the Big Book of Broadway.'' Carlos started. Gina came up behind him.
,,Page 374.'' they both finished at the same time. Gina walked away after they both high-fived each other.
Shortly after we started practicing the dance. Ricky was terrible. I mean he tried but he did not succeed. Kinda embarrassing.
,,What is he doing?'' Nini asked from the side as soon as the music stopped. I turned to look at her. She stepped forward and looked at Carlos.
,,Why you're talking to him? I'm right here.''
And that was when I took a step back. I wasn't in the mood to be in the middle of Nini and Ricky drama. I had enough of that over the summer.
,,'Cause you're not here. Not for the right reasons.'' Nini snapped.
,,What's that supposed to mean?'' Ricky asked standing right in front of her. Everyone was silent. Nobody wanted to interrupt that conversation.
,,What I said, Ricky. You hate musicals. You're doing this so we're in each other's grills.''
Carlos took a step forward to break the two apart but they kept on going.
,,Now you're rubbing some weird cologne on your neck.''
,,Hey, you love Throb!''
,,And wasting everybody's time by making fun of something that the rest of us take seriously.'' the brown-haired girl ranted. After the words left her mouth, Carlos told everyone to take a five-minute break and to get out. I stayed just being moral support for Carlos and Ricky. He and Nini argued for a few more seconds, my brother's name was mentioned and Ricky left. Just as Miss Jenn came back, Ricky walked through the door.
,,We're you going Troy?'' she asked, confused as to why he was leaving in the middle of rehearsals.
,,It's Ricky.'' he mumbled before exiting the room. I sighed, looked at Nini, who looked at her hands, grabbed my things and went after him.
,,Why are my leads leaving?'' Miss Jenn asked again.
Ricky was way faster than me.
I mean have you seen him? He's way taller than me!
However, when I saw Big Red outside talking to him, I decided to let them talk. My mind just told me to leave him alone to cool off, you know? So I decided to talk to Nini instead. On the way back, Carlos asked me where Ricky went and I told him that he went outside. Not so sure if that was a good idea because it would just put more pressure on Ricky. When I arrived at the rehearsal room again, Miss Jenn was talking to Nini and she still stood by the piano, looking at her hands.
,,Nini can I talk to you for a second?'' I asked and walked in her direction. Miss Jenn turned to look at me and left the room without another word. I think she knew that it was better to let teenagers sort their problems out alone sometimes.
,,I really don't want to talk to you right now. Ricky probably send you and I'm really not in the mood to-''
,,Ricky did not 'send' me. I'm here because I chose to talk to you. I know that you probably don't even want that because I basically stole the role you wanted to play but listen. Miss Jenn is working really hard on this musical and so is everyone else and I know it's hard being in a musical with your ex- and current boyfriend but please, for the sake of this musical, get along with Ricky.''
,,Y/N you don't even understand the situation. You never had an ex before!''
,,That may be true but I'm not on good terms with Ricky either! Do you see me causing a scene? No! So please Nini, at least consider, not ripping Ricky's face off.'' and with that, I left.
The first thing I did when I arrived at home was eat. I always ate when I was frustrated. Not my best habit. While waiting for my pizza to be done, I decided to post something on Instagram
Salt Lake City, Utah
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liked by ejcaswell, dancingcarlos and 67 more
y/ncaswell you're looking at your Gabriella Montez baby 🤪
view all 23 comments
dancingcarlos and that's on actually auditioning for Taylor
yourgirlash u rocked that audition tho! So proud of u :))
I smiled at all the supporting comments and began eating my pizza, which I got out of the oven without burning my hands.
what? I'm proud of me. I always burn my hands while getting the pizza out of the oven. That's why Ej is normally doing it when... I want pizza.
After eating half of the pizza, leaving the other half for Ej, I went upstairs. I threw my bag into a corner and threw myself on bed. I sighed and grabbed my ukulele. The next thing I knew was that I started playing some chords that popped into my head.
I was hangin' with you and then I realized
I didn't think it was true, I was surprised
When I found out I've fallen for you
I didn't wanna believe my feelings for you
I didn't wanna believe that I could lose you
If I told you just how I felt
But I can't help it
I'm falling for you
And I can't quit it
'Cause I'm stuck on you
And it might be pathetic and you might be skeptical
But I just want to be with you
Please tell me, boy
Can you get a clue?
Or come through 'cause I just want to be with you
,,The song is for him right?''
I gasped in surprise and turned my head to the door to see EJ leaning against my door frame, eating the pizza I left for him.
,,When did you come home?'' I asked while placing the ukulele on the floor. He walked towards me and sat on the edge of my mattress.
,,5 minutes ago but stop trying to change the subject. The song is for Ricky right?''
I just nodded, looking at my hands.
,,It's cute.''
,,What?'' I asked and looked up.
,,The song. It's cute. I mean I don't really support the idea of you and him together, you know that but I like the song.''
,,Thank you and don't worry EJ, him and me? That won't happen. He's still in love with Nini.'' I responded with a sad smile.
,,I know this may sound really awful but maybe it's just not meant to be.''
Maybe he was right. Maybe the universe wanted to show me that it just wasn't meant to be. That I was chasing a dream. Ricky was so in love with Nini and to be honest I wasn't surprised. Nini was such a sweet and gorgeous girl, always have been. It's so easy to fall in love with her. No wonder my brother did.
I nodded and the only word that left my mouth was:,,Maybe.''
EJ flashed me a smile, patted my shoulder and left the bedroom. I sighed and my head hit the pillow.
The next day was pretty much uneventful.
Ok maybe that's a lie. I did catch Nini spying on Carlos and Ricky in the library. That's a good thing right?
When I opened the door to the auditorium, everything was silent. But as soon as the door closed and I leaned my back on the wall, someone started playing the piano. The curiosity got the best of me and I walked up the stage to see who was playing the wonderful melody. I was quite surprised to discover Ashlyn sitting in front of the piano, pressing the keys softly.
,,Oh hi.'' was the first thing she said when she noticed my presence.
,,Hi. I didn't know anyone was in here.'' I answered looking at my cousin, who took her hands off the piano keys.
,,I can be gone in like 7 seconds. Six if I don't zip my bag.'' She replied as she started to throw her things into her bag.
,,No, Ash. Don't go. What was that?''
,,What was what?'' she asked and stopped packing her things.
,,The song you were just playing.''
,,Oh that. Miss Jenn asked me to compose a song for my character. It's probably way too much.'' she explained and grabbed the notes out of her bag again. I just nodded and listen to her ramble. I didn't really know why she was so nervous.
,,Why don't you play me some more of your song?'' I asked and sat down beside her. Ashlyn nodded and started playing the same melody I heard when the door closed.
,,Seems like a part of me will always have to lose.'' She began, her eyes watching her fingers which were pressing down the piano keys.
,,Every single time I have to choose
Swore that it felt right, but was I wrong?
Is this where I'm supposed to be at all?
I don't have the answers, not today
It's like nothing makes the questions go away
What I'd give to see If the grass was greener
On the other side
Of all I've had and lost
Would it be enough
Or would I still be wondering?'' she sang, her eyes still trained on the piano.
,,If I could go back and change the past
Be a little braver than I had
And bet against the odds
Would I still be lost?
Even if I woke up in my dreams
Would there still be something I'm missing?
If I had everything Would it mean anything?''
I looked at her in awe. I never really heard Ashlyn sing like that before and she had so much talent. She turned her gaze to me for a second, implying to sing with her. I smiled and turned my attention to the little sheet of paper in front of me.
,,Maybe I should turn around and take the other road
Or maybe I'm just looking for what I already know.'' we sang together, smiling after realizing that we hit every note in perfect harmony.
,,I'm just wondering...
It feels like I might have broke the best thing that I had.'' I sang alone and at that exact moment, Ricky slowly walked in. We didn't notice though. We were to caught up in our own little moment.
,,I said too much to ever take it back
I'm scared I'll never find something as good
And would I even know it if I could?'' I vocalized the verse Ashlyn wrote so flawlessly.
,,If I could go back and change the past
Be a little braver than I had
And bet against the odds
Would I still be lost?
Even if I woke up in my dreams
Would there still be something I'm missing
If I had everything
Would it mean anything.'' we both sang again.
,,To me?'' I finished and smiled. My smile fell as soon as I saw Ricky standing in the room.
,,Uh...We're back.'' he stuttered and looked at us with semi-wide eyes.
,,What?'' I asked quietly.
,,Downstairs.'' the curly-haired boy answered and shook his head slightly which made his curls bounce a little.
,,Miss Jenn wants to see everyone in the bomb shelter.'' he finished and left without saying another word. I looked at Ashlyn and she just shrugged before she got up and packed her things. Me being the incredible cousin I am, I waited for her.
When we arrived downstairs the whole theater group was building a small circle around the blonde drama teacher who had a huge carton in front of her.
,,Here it is, people.'' Miss Jenn breathed out, holding a small device in her hands.
,,Is that a garage-door opener?'' Seb asked as he looked at the small object in front of him.
,,No, Seb. This is Gabriella's Phone. From the film.''
A few students gasped.
,,I plan on creating a time-capsule display in our lobby. If they can have 40 sports-ball trophies, we deserve a little movie museum.'' the teacher explained, holding up the phone so everyone could see.
,,Okay, people, enough dazzle. Fetch your scripts please. Places for the top of the ski lodge!''
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theroset · 5 years
The Rose "New Love"
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Pairing: Woosung X Reader X Jeahyeong
genre: fluff fluff ,little bit smut?heheeh
word count: 1760
You and your best friend, “Yuri” just finished your first year in college. You used to live in the university dorms but now you can't and that because the electricity will not work for a while,��because they are doing regular maintenance for the dorms, but now that is a problem for you and Yuri that because you don't have a place to live in this meantime. Both of your parents went for a holiday together and left the two of you to live in the dorms for the summer vacation.
You and Yuri have been searching for a cheap apartment, but unfortunately, you couldn't find a cheap one so Yuri has been calling a bunch of friends if they have extra room for the two of you to stay in until they finish the maintenance. Yuri came to you with a big smile on her face.
Yuri said: “OMG I found someone will let us stay in there apartment for a cheap cost ”
You said: “OHHH REALLY I am so happy but with who?”
Yuri said: “Ummm maybe you will be a little bit shocked hehe, but I hope u fine with this its Jeahyeong with his three friends”
You said: “OH JEAHYEONG you know we are childhood friends and also Ummm he is my first crash but i gave up on him”
You were happy but at the same time feeling very awkward because it's strange to live under the same roof and they are guys too you hope nothing wrong happens.
After a while, you got a call from Jeahyeong telling you that prepared two rooms for you and Yuri, you were timid to talk to him, but his voice was soo cheerful as always.
One day passed, you and Yuri finally finished packing your stuff to move on to their big apartment.
You have finally arrived, you saw Jeahyeong standing near the door waiting for the two of you along with his friends, they came to help with carrying the bags.
You knew one of them because Jeahyeong always telling you about his friend having a unique voice when he sings his name was Kim Woosung.
The other two were Hajoon and Dojoon they helped Yuri with her stuff, and Jeahyeong and Woosung helped you to take your stuff upstairs to the room.
Jeahyeong went out of the room, but Woosung got near you, and this is was your first time seeing him this closely he has a white hair like the snow with two big brown eyes looking at you with a big smile and surprising you to hold your hands and telling you to not worry about anything and to feel like it's your own house.
Your cheeks were burning hot and red like a tomato, you couldn't look at his eyes. You were embarrassed. You needed to control your feeling saying to yourself "I really should hold myself up and control my feelings" you shoveled your hands away from his as fastest as you could, he was surprised why did you did that, he bows to you then leaving the room and going downstairs.
You felt so bad, and that was rude of you to do to him since he was kind to help, but you are terrible at expressing your feelings.
After finishing organizing your stuff you went downstairs to drink some cold water from the fridge, you saw Jeahyeong and Hajoon sitting in the couch and watching some GOT episodes and that not your type of series to watch though. Anyways you opened the fridge, and you grabbed a bottle of water and starting to drink it.
But suddenly you saw the two of them staring at you didn't know why anyway continuing to drink the rest of the water, but someone abruptly holds your shoulders you cough.. the water you were surprised it was Woosung he said “are you okay sorry but I need to tell you this my water bottle every person has their water bottle you didn't realize what he was saying because you felt your whole body was heavy shivering you got a bad fever that all because of those two days it was too much for you to handle you couldn't stand anymore then you fell but thankfully Woosung was behind you he carried you all the way to your room upstairs, Jeahyeong was running and calling you, but everything was too blurry for you.
You opened your eyes slowly, and you saw Jeahyeong sitting next to the bed putting his head on it and he was taking a nap like a child he makes you think of him a big brother taking care of his little sister.
To you, he is an important person because he knows you so well, and you were like his own family.
You touched his soft brownish hair color but he suddenly opened his eyes you took your hands away from his hair, but unexpectedly he catches both of your hands pulling you into him with a warm hug you was too surprised even to say anything then he realized what he was doing, pulled you away from him and leaving the room you.
You didn't feel anything romantically from him, and it didn't seem awkward to you at all.
You used to like him, but these feeling vanished away Long time ago. He will always be a best friend, “no feeling no more.”
After what happened Yuri entered the room to check on you. You talked for hours she told you that she likes Dojoon and doesn't know what to do to make him feel the same way, you gave her some advice like a pro hehe.
Afterward, she went to her room but suddenly Woosung came to the room, and he sat on the bed and out of the blue he puts his hand in your forehead checking if you still have a high fever you flashed red cause Jeahyeong always do this kind of stuff he is a touchy person with everyone even with Yuri, but Woosung has a very calm personality but cheerful at the same time.
He looks at me with his both eyes so seriously telling me that you should take care of myself and to not overwork myself again and asking for help from him.
You were thankful to him. You were charmed by him a real angel with his white hair and the kind look on his face. You don't know why when every time you see him your heart races soo fast.
He went to bring yo you a glass of water, but you chased after him suddenly you stumbled from something and fell above, both of you was on the floor, but the most awkward thing was your faces was so close you looked forcibly at each other eyes but shockingly he pulls your head to his chest with an unawares neck kiss you weren't expecting anything like that you didn't know how to react you didn't pull off it was like you were waiting for something like this to happen, his kiss turned into a bold red Hickey in your neck.
Suddenly someone opened the door it was Jeahyeong and Hajoon, Dojoon they wanted to make sure you were fine but they saw you on top of Woosung their eyes went white but Jeahyeong looked very angry he walked so fast to you picking you up to the bed then pushing Woosung, Hajoon, Dojoon to step outside of the room.
Then he sat on your bed with an upset look on his face you had never seen this look from him before you didn't know why he was that upset because you are only friends after all right?...
Jeahyeong was staring at you with a stern look on his eyes. You told him that it was an accident he seems to not care for what you were saying,
but out of the blue he near his face so close to yours he looked at your neck and saw the hickey on your neck after it suddenly closing his eyes bringing his lips to your with a surprising forcing hard kiss you slapped his face, both of you got a cut on the lip bleeding from it, you covered your mouth with both hands giving him a shocked look yelling "Why did you kiss me!!"
You ran out of your room Woosung saw your tearful eyes but your head was so messy to even see anyone,
Running outside to the nearest park, Jeahyoung runs after, but Woosung grabbed his hand, telling him to stop chasing after you and that it will be better if he did.
You sat in the bench there crying but suddenly hearing a familiar voice calling you out loud, it was Woosung he saw you sitting on the bench he was running out of breath and the sweat all over his forehead, he sat next to you and all of sudden grabbing your shoulders, giving you the warmest hug then webbing your tears off. It was at night, so you didn't see his face clearly you tried to bring your face closer to see him better, but unexpectedly he holds your face with his both hands bringing his lips near to yours slowly giving you the softest kiss ever, looking at you again saying if it was okay if he kisses you again you gave him a small nod with your head.
He continues with a second kiss. You were melting along with his soft kisses begging for more.
After that, he started to bring his tongue along with his kisses and with a hungrily kiss, you were almost catching your breath he went for a second one, more deeper after grabbing your waist to get even nearer,
now you can hear his breathing, and him whispering in your ear "do you want more"... his lips were going down to your collarbone sucking your skin and leaving a hickey on you to mark you.
Licking his lips with his tongue but after seeing you exhausted and you can't handle anything more he carries you on his back bringing you back to the apartment when you entered Jaehyoung was waiting for you and ask if you are okay with a sad look on his face you gave him the smallest smile.
Woosung puts you in the bed and covers you with a blanket giving you a forehead kiss and looking at you with the warmest smile then leaving the room.
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johobi · 5 years
Hi there! I just had to stop by to say that I absolutely LOVE when you least expect it. Seriously. I've only been following you for a short time so I hadn't read it and when I woke up this morning and opened Tumblr it was the first thing on my dash. And holy shit, I have a busy day today, but I've been so enraptured by your writing that I've been picking up my phone whenever I have a spare moment. I've only just finished chapter 2 and I couldn't keep reading without telling you (1/2)
(2/2) how good you write! I’m drawn in by how well you’re portraying the y/n’s thoughts and emotions. Your story is honestly sucking me in. I’ll probably be back once I’m caught up to praise you some more. I hope that’s okay
You have no idea how relieving it is to hear that you’ve found WYLEI enjoyable to read even as back as the earliest chapters (they’re my biggest insecurity but it’s my own fault for taking 2 damn years to write this story lol). I’m so so happy to hear you’re liking it so much!!! I’m always thrilled when I see new readers going thru the series. Excitement pangs every time!! And it’s MORE than okay if u come back and tell me your thoughts!!!!! I love it!!! xx
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