#n e ways expect part seven out sometime soon
chocoenvy · 2 years
Two Gods (Part Six)
Part one; <;- prev ; next -> (not yet available)
Notes: Oh dear it's been a minute huh? Decided I should just post the drafts even if I'm not particularly fond of them at least this will maybe jump start my motivation for this series once more. I just want it done at this point. Either way I hope yall appreciate the continuation!
warnings: Cult behaviors, fluff
word count: ~2.5k
Beidou had seen countless treasures out at sea, most of which were shiny, all of which were extremely valuable.
Seeing her god - her two gods - smile so brightly at the sight of her, was a better treasure than anything she’d ever seen.
You and your twin barreled down to Beidou with wide grins, still gripping tightly onto each other’s hands. She blinked in surprise as you both stopped right in front of her, still grinning with stars in your eyes.
“Hi Beidou!” You both giggled, waving.
She blinked off her surprise, a smile overtaking her face, “Your graces! It’s an honor to have you on my ship!”
She bowed and the rest of her ship followed suit, including Kazuha.
“Ah, there’s no reason to bow.” T/n shook their hands dismissively, “It’s nice to meet you Beidou, Kazuha.”
You nodded, beaming, “It’s nice to meet you both.”
Excitement bubbled in your chest, you and T/n were giddily grinning.
“It’s an honor to be in the presence of your graces.” Kazuha said with a smile, “I humbly thank you for all of your blessings.”
You and T/n nodded, “It’s nothing.” You shook your hand, still grinning. Your hands were practically shaking from how giddy you were.
“Well,” Beidou puts her hands on her hips, drinking your presence in, “What brings you to my ship?”
“They wish to travel to Inazuma, and they’d like to travel on your ship.” Zhongli answered for the both of you, standing next to T/n.
Childe stepped up to your right and grinned down at you affectionately. You sent a small grin back before looking back to Beidou.
She nodded, “I see, well, of course we’ll take you to Inazuma! It’s an honor to have you both on my ship, your graces.” She laughed boisterously, causing you and T/n to laugh.
You remembered the both of you playing her hangout event together, far too excited for it to do it separately, and hearing her beautiful laugh. It was so different in real life though, with her right there, and your twin holding onto your hand.
“Thank you so much, Beidou!” T/n grinned, turning to you, their eyes wide and grinning from ear to ear, “We’re going to Inazuma on Beidou’s ship!”
You tilted your head back and laughed, gripping T/n’s other hand, “We’re going to Inazuma on Beidou’s ship!” You giggled, holding onto both of their hands tightly.
T/n jumped up, shaking your hands, “Finally! God, I’m so upset they didn’t show this in the game, but now we get to experience it in real life!” They laughed almost maniacally, vibrating from excitement.
“Hey- T/n,” You giggled, gripping their face in your hands, “Calm down.” You said, though you were still shaking with laughter yourself.
They paused for only a moment before continuing to grin ear-to-ear, gripping onto your hands to keep themself grounded in their excitement.
Beidou’s loud and confident laugh was a blessing to the ears, “I’m so glad you’re both so excited. Is there anything you both need? Are you hungry? Tired?”
“I don’t believe your graces have eaten at all today.” Childe said with a frown.
“Well in that case, Kazuha,” Beidou turned to the boy with a confident and glowing grin, “Go with their graces to get some food. I’ll be manning the ship.” She turned back to the two of you, her eyes softening ever so slightly. She bowed once more, “It’s an honor your graces, please enjoy your stay.”
You and T/n nodded, “Thank you for letting us stay.” T/n smiled and glanced at you from the corner of their eye, “Beidou, can we have a hug?”
Beidou froze, her eyes fluttered as though she couldn’t process the words, “Excuse me, could you please repeat that?”
T/n grinned, their grip on your hand tightening, “We want a hug! If that’s okay with you.”
Beidou gained her bearings and opened up her arms, “Of course, your graces! It’s an honor.”
T/n tugged you and themselves into Beidou’s arms and holy shit it was the best thing you’d ever done. Her arms were strong and secure and yet she was just soft enough to where you felt you could melt into her. You could’ve fallen asleep right then and there, no problems.
You pulled away before you and T/n came across as weird, “Thank you for the hug, Captain Beidou.” You grinned.
“Just Beidou, for your graces.” She bowed once again.
“Then call us Y/n and T/n.” You pointed to yourself and then your twin.
“Aha,” She shook her head, “I don’t think I could sully your names like that.”
You laughed, despite the fact she was completely serious, “You could never sully our names, Beidou. It’s you.”
Beidou didn’t understand what you meant by that. She was just Beidou, captain of the Alcor. You were a being above everyone and everything, in the grand scheme of things, she meant nothing to you. Didn’t she?
She smiled fondly at the two of you, her eyes soft, dark emotions swirling deep within them. Ones that caused the hair on the back of your neck to stand on edge, but you ignored it. It was Beidou, one of the characters you loved without question.
“That’s very high praise from your graces. I hope to hear more from the both of you soon, but I should get going so we can set course for Inazuma.” Her eyes were obsessive, “I’ll see you soon your graces. Kazuha-”
“Yes Captain Beidou.” Kazuha nodded, swiftly making his way to your sides, “I’ll take care of them.”
She nodded and waved as she turned to leave, Kazuha sent you both a small but warm smile, “Follow me, your graces.”
He led you, T/n, Childe, and Zhongli down under the deck, where the kitchens were located. “Take anything you’d like.” He offered, nodding towards the food with a smile.
The chefs were stiff as you and T/n picked through the food. You didn’t grab anything big, but there were some plates already prepared with simple fruits and foods that you and T/n took.
“Thank you.” You and T/n muttered, grabbing a plate of simple fruits and vegetables.
“It’s our pleasure.” Was all they said.
T/n and you leaned over the edge of the ship. Childe, Zhongli, and Kazuha were next to you two. Beidou was steering the ship but you could tell she was staring at you.
The ship ride was hella fun. T/n was talking about lore the entire time, the crew thinking it was some ancient proverbs or something (which was hilarious when they started quoting all of the memes T/n put in there). Then you, of course, were fussing over Kazuha’s artifacts.
“We have nothing else to do,” You shrugged, your fingers crossed praying for good rolls, “Might as well do some spring cleaning.”
Kazuha was procuring some poems about you two, “Why pass up this golden opportunity when I have the perfect inspiration, your graces?”
“You’re too nice.” T/n chuckled with a disbelieving shake of their head. “-Y/n what’re you doing?”
They whipped their head over to you and you smiled sheepishly, a pile of artifacts in front of you.
“Leveling artifacts…” You said, holding an anemo goblet, “This is actually probably really good for Xiao.” You held it up with a grin.
“Of course it’s Maiden’s Beloved,” They scoffed with a grin, “What’s it got on it?”
“Double crit, flat attack, and def percent.”
T/n hummed, “Have you rolled it yet?”
“Yeah it’s rolled into crit damage twice.” You grinned, “We just keep that up and it’ll be perfect for him.”
Xiao and the rest of the crew blinked at all of the trinkets on the ground, all of it going over their heads. You and T/n spent a good chunk of the day cleaning out your artifacts (that you’d been hoarding for months now so it was much needed).
Beidou had come to find you two when the sun started going down. Her eyes, after staring at you two with a star-struck smile, caught onto the artifacts.
She hummed at the familiar objects, “Are those artifacts, your graces?”
T/n nodded and Beidou hummed with a dangerously fond smile as she watched you level the artifacts, “It’s amazing your graces, the power you two possess.”
“It’s nothing.” You said, crossing your fingers, praying for crit rolls, “Just taking care of ya’ll.” You shrugged with a smile.
Beidou faltered, but sat down next to you along with your other party members. She laughed heartily, “That awful kind of you, your graces.”
“19% crit dmg and 8% crit rate.” You grinned, “Here you go, Xiao.”
He brought out his artifacts and you placed the goblet down, setting his old one beside you.
“Fodder?” T/n asked, glancing at the piece.
You nodded, “It was trash, we shouldn’t have kept it for so long.”
T/n hummed, and the rest of the characters stared at you two in wonder at the shiny and dull artifacts in your laps.
Zhongli, ever the curious to information he hadn’t yet obtained, inquired you two about the nature of artifacts. What everything you just said means. Who has the best artifacts and why did you give it to them?
“It’s all luck.” T/n explained over the sound of the waves, “But our luck is shit so our artifacts suck.” They shrugged, “The fact that Childe and Kazuha have any good artifacts at all is a miracle.”
“No it’s bullshit.” You huffed, “I”ve done those domains enough times I could defeat them with my eyes closed. And yet still only barely a full set of decent artifacts.”
Beidou frowned, “Your graces, if there’s anything you wish for just ask and we’ll put our all into getting it to you.”
You hummed, “I guess… but I don’t know how artifact domains work outside of…”
“Artifact domains?” Zhongli inquired, “Those domains scattered around?”
T/n nodded, “Yep, they’re full of stuff to make you guys stronger. Artifact domains are probably the worst, and the ones we’ve done the most.”
“Just tell us the location and we’ll make a stop by there to get you what you need your graces!” Beidou grinned proudly.
You grinned, “Bet, I’ll show you. Artifact domains are tedious though but we need to do them to make y’all stronger.”
Beidou grinned, pleased with herself, “I’d be happy to do it for you, if it’s what you need.”
“I’d appreciate it a bunch!” You grinned as she called over someone to go and give her a map.
When you were given the map, your heart practically stopped. “T/n! T/n! Look!” You grinned, grappling their shoulder to pull them over.
They stumbled into you, “Hey! The heck-” They looked down at the map you were showing them with a bright grin. They blinked.
“It’s the map of the entire Teyvat!” You had stars in your eyes, grinning up at your twin.
They grinned, matching your excited expression, “It is! We need to go everywhere on this map!”
You nodded fervently, “Yes! You’ve always been so excited to see the rest of Teyvat!” You shook their shoulder playfully, “Now we can do so and not wait a year for each region! There’s so much to explore too! Haven’t you wanted to go to Snezhnaya for a long time now? We could meet the Tsaritsa! Like you’ve always wanted to do!”
T/n grinned, “Yeah! We can go together too! Instead of just one of us playing and the other watching. It’ll be fun!”
“Do your graces like Snezhnaya?” Childe asked with a prideful smile.
“Of course!” T/n answered, “It’s so pretty and interesting, and now we can go and explore it.”
You shook them excitedly, “Yes! I can’t wait!” You giggled, grabbing a quill and marking the spots on the map of the domains you needed. You grinned at all of Teyvat that you hadn’t explored, excited to explore it with your twin. Excited because you knew they loved Teyvat.
“Y/n! Y/n! Wake up!” Your form was jostled around, and you groaned as T/n’s shoulder disappeared from under your head and their arms attempted to pull you up from the ground.
“No…” You mumbled, weakly tugging your arms away from them.
“Y/n!” They whined, “We’re in Inazuma, come on!”
“What?” You groaned, a bit more awake now.
Your eyes peeled open to the cool night, your twin grinning madly, and the crew bustling around quietly with flames lighting up the ship. You heard Beidou issuing orders and the idle chatter of you and T/n’s “team” next to you.
T/n tugged on your arm and you stood up with their help. You stood up shakily, rubbing your eyes as you held onto their hands.
You looked out over the ship as it turned, nearly stumbling as the ship docked in Ritou.
“Holy shit.” You whispered at the beautiful scenery, the red trees and dark wooden houses lit up in the night. And the crowd waiting at the dock, including all of the playable Inazuman characters (even some unreleased that you definitely hadn’t looked at the leaks for).
T/n clutched your hand tightly, grinning from ear to ear, “There they are.” They whispered.
“Your graces are excited,” Childe mused, “I’m glad.”
“Yes,” Zhongli agreed with a small smile, “It’s a lovely sight to see you two so happy to be in Teyvat.”
You jumped in excitement, the ship stopping entirely, the crew rushing to lower anchor, and Beidou shouting orders.
You perched your feet up on the edge of the ship.
“Y/n…” T/n narrowed their eyes.
“I’ll be fine!” You giggled, your feet dangling over the edge of the ship, “I’m a professional.”
“A professional at getting your ass hurt.” T/n huffed, tugging lightly on your shoulder, “Don’t do it, it’s stupid.”
“And since when have I listened to you?” You chuckled, prepping yourself, swinging your feet and staring down at the dock.
T/n shook their head incredulously, “Never,” They scoffed, amused.
“Your grace?” Zhongli questioned. You and T/n turned your faces to him. He smiled, “It’s time to go. Are you both excited?” He asked as he turned to lead you both to the piece of wood that was propped up for you to walk off of.
T/n gasped, clutching your arm with an iron grip, staring out at the sea of people with wide, awe-struck, and nervous eyes.
“Owch- T/n the fuck-?”
“Pretty fish lady, she’s here,” T/n covered their mouth, muffling their scream, “She’s here!”
You whipped your head around to look out at the crowd of people. Sure enough, standing tall and graceful near the front, with her general Gorou beside her, was Kokomi.
A Cheshire grin erupted onto your face as you grabbed T/n’s hand tightly, “Do you wanna go and meet her?”
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i8jisoo · 4 years
𝐒𝐓𝐑𝐀𝐘 𝐊𝐈𝐃𝐒 ⇉ skz with pregnant!reader
felix x reader | part six of dad!skz
↬ genre; fluff
↬ warnings; pregnancy, slight relation to sex, birth
↬ notes; this took so long lmfao i just had it sitting but i’m finishing up seungmin rnnn 🤓 i’ve been doing requests whew i just have EVERYTHING coming at once
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u guys r really surprised 
u two had been in a relationship for four years now so this was inevitable as u two were putting off the pressure of marriage for awhile now
“woah, i’m gonna be a dad!! does this mean u have to call me daddy now?”
u r s e n s i t i v e
felix first notices this when he gives u a kiss in the morning n ur crying like two seconds after
“why are you crying??!”
“you just leave so early and i miss you!!”
felix skips the day, not rly caring he just wants to cuddle u 🥺
speaking of cuddling u two r so cuddly together now
u guys just cant get enough of each other
ur at practice less often just bc of media and he thinks the house is safer for u
so the boys come over a ton more to the dorm just bc they wanna see u and spend time with u
he is so cute, whenever he sees you he’ll instantly be on his knees to kiss your baby bump and leave u with a light kiss on ur lips
u guys go to ur scan at the beginning of the second trimester
its hush hush and ofc felix has u with the best doctor hes heard of 
his hands are clammy asf, hes smiling and so dazed while he stares at the ultrasound
“look at that!! baby a and baby b!!”
felix is like, 
“oh im gonna pass out”
now he gets these corny ass JOKES like
“wow lix has really GOOD swimmers!!!”
“felix knows his way around the bedroom!!!!!!!!”
poor baby jeongin :( they are POLLUTING HIS MIND
he doesnt but this boy is scared shitless now, two babies?? thats a lot to handle
he likes to shop, a lot. 
for some reason everything is dog themed, puppies on everything and he’ll come home with bags of baby stuff everyday
lix is just so in love with your body
sweaters, t-shirts, hoodies, anything he owns, he 100% wants you to wear it
he might be a little excited at the thought of u in his clothes, it was usual but now u pregnant, he was a little MORE excited
abnormally this guy worships your body 100% 
he loves how easily you can just unravel, to the point of tears and have u begging for him to stop
ok lemme not ill start writing shit type smut anyways chile yes lix loves u A LOT in and out of the bedroom
mmm he’ll always be brainstorming names
aeygo for the babies 🥺
tons of kisses he has plenty to go around
he acquires a new skill called cooking 😣
ur his new favorite taste tester
he’ll read books for them both
tons of research on expecting twins and what to do
“hey, okay.. so i bought a pregnancy pillow, and like, i wanna use it?”
felix has this smirk, holding the huge pillow that is supposed to be a maternity one, but he much prefers himself using it as a regular pillow
he actually goes public with this, knowing that the fans adored u after being his girlfriend for so long nd u soon became a favorite for them
some shit like ‘stays meet your new members’ 😣
this guy has a knack for painting, his newest canvas is your large baby bump, doodling little flowers n hearts or animals on it, sometimes painting characters on it or whatever it may be
u two have this rly cute vlive together which consists of him painting ur baby bump, plenty of fun while he asked stays to tell him what to draw on ur bump :v
“ooh!! a ladybug!!”
he posts the finished project in nice high quality on their official instagram, showing off the many things he had painted
the dreaded bed rest comes into play
u are now nearing seven months, which meant that u should be experiencing labor or maybe labor pains soon
he takes his paternal leave, now indulging in ice-cream and gummy bears with u, rather than working out and drinking nasty smoothies
guess who has that sympathy weight 
(jk he just uses it as an excuse so he can just give up on his diet)
sleep all day
sleep all night
u two are honestly so tired for WHATEVER reason
lix is there to be a cuddle bug, pulling ur back close to his body, ur legs entwined and his hand on top of ur own that was on ur bump
its rly cute just try and picture it for a moment
u guys r trying everything to hurry and get to the end of this seemingly forever pregnancy
he’ll def buy two yoga balls instead of just one for u and he’ll bounce on them with u
who cares ab trying to hurry up y’all are having so much fun regardless of the fact u have to pee every ten minutes
u both forget the thought of it and just go with the flow
making a deal to go with the names for whomever u claimed aka baby a or baby b
i see ur guys timing to be during the summer so its miserable in ur house
its hot n stuffy
u two r just lounging n u both have popsicles, then ur just like
“oh! oh.”
it was a steady gush of fluid between ur legs and that was when the nervousness set in
u two just look at each-other in shock
“oh! we’re having a baby- um.. wow!”
he is abnormally good at keeping calm, helping u keep ur breathing steady and getting everything together 
felix is a pro.
u guys r kinda chilling in the parking lot just quiet and sort of nervous that the next time ur walking out of there you both will have not one, but two babies
“i don’t know if i’m ready yet.”
felix groans, grabbing ur hand
“ur right, ur more than ready. look at us!! parents of two in at least the next twenty-four hours!!” 
his hands r around u in a second to help u up and there to help u walk in
u two honestly decide to play games on ur phone to kill time
felix crawls into ur bed, seeing as how u looked extremely lonely, letting his arms and legs wrap around u n he’s just playing with ur hair
its honestly adorable
u two are really tired for whatever reason, falling asleep like this before u would be consumed in the late nights of being parents
these nurses wake u both up and are just like
“let’s see if we’re ready to meet ur babies!!”
felix is kinda scared but nonetheless he’ll grab ur hand and hold onto it with a smile
10cm woo!
if he wasn’t hyping u up before he is hyping u up right now
ur somewhat laughing and crying while in pain
yall r so weird
felix is there to wipe ur face with the wet cloth, or to give u a sip of water, rly whatever u need he is on it
poor baby just wants to be of help
“here’s baby a! it’s a girl!”
u two have at least a moment with her, taking in her small appearance, felix holding her out for u to see
abruptly cut off by baby b needing to make an appearance
“i don’t wanna do this again.”
“it’s alright, shh. we’re going to have two babies, two perfect ones. we have one little girl, let’s get ready for the next one, yeah? our two babies, you’re doing so good.”
they take away ur little girl while felix does what he already did beforehand
“here’s your second one!! we have a pair of sisters!”
u and felix are so overjoyed at this news, literally sobbing, u two r a mess
both r brought over to u, felix taking in the fact he’s a father of two girls, such small girls
ur both smiley while u kiss them n cuddle them, getting the nurse to take a picture of u two
ur obviously tired, felix emotionally worn out but having the brightest smiles on ur faces while u hold onto ur pair of newborn girls
he’s so proud, he’s the definition of a proud father
lix is holding onto one and he comes over to you, the other one cooing
“that’s it, my three girls.”
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©️ maysdiors 2020 :: all rights reserved. do not repost my work on tumblr or other platforms.
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samwrights · 4 years
i really like your seijoh baby fever hcs 😭 could i please request with 3rd gym + ushi and tendou ☹️
BABY FEVER PART 2 HUH 🤧🤧 alright, lets dive in y’all. Also, side note, I am sooooo soft for Akaashi’s inferiority complex. I just wanna hold his hand and tell him he’s perfect.
Also, Tsukki kinda got angsty??? I m sorry.
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This nut has baby fever with you
That baby radar we talked about last time—you both had it.
You can bet there’s a competition of who saw the cuter baby at the grocery store when the two of you go.
Though, no one ever wins because they’re all fckn cute.
You’re a little bit worse off than Bokuto though, in the sense that you won’t stop mentioning “when” you guys have kids versus “if”
And it’s kinda doing lots of funny things to him
Especially if you guys have friends over that have kids.
If you’re nowhere to be found, you can bet that you’re in the backyard playing tag or hide and seek.
H o l d I n g t h e m.
Friends who have babies are especially allowed over, just so you can hold them.
And feed them.
Oh my god, the way their eyes open?? So full of love and wonder??
Your weakness #7.
And Bokuto weakness #41—seeing you feed and hold a newborn
Never in his LIFE has the owl seen you look so happy and loving and glowing.
Not even on your guys’ wedding day.
You did but whatever, Bo.
Wait who’s got baby fever? You? Or Bo?
Both. Both is good.
But, Bokuto being him, he kinda starts to worry about the fact that you haven’t even brought up having kids.
Like y’all have been married for a year
This is what married couples do, right? No
So he’s in emo mode, but this is a whole different kind of dramatic.
He’s so serious and blunt and it’s kinda scary.
“[name], do you even want to have kids with me?”
“Bo, please tell me you didn’t just ask me that.”
But you can tell by the way his pupils his shrink yet his eyes become wider than the moon—he’s hopeful.
“Koutarou, I’ve literally been saying for the last four years, when we have kids. It’s kind of a given.”
“...can we get started then?”
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Akaashi gets soooo flustered when you start talking babies.
Because no matter how many different ways he looks at it, he thinks he’s not ready.
Especially when your newborn nephew gets dropped off for baby sitting.
How are you such a natural with kids?
Akaashi pretends not to notice the soft spoken voice you use for the baby.
Or the way it looks so natural, so right, to see you balancing him on your hip while you warm up a bottle.
He learned you’re also a co-sleeper and jump at the opportunity to nap with your nephew
It’s hard image for Akaashi to force out of his mind
But he can’t help but wonder if you’d do the same with your kids.
Then he starts panicking a little because he.’s falling down the rabbit hole of thinking he wouldn’t be a good dad.
Even more so when you bring up wanting to have a family with him.
Apparently you were prepared to just forego the entire idea of marriage and skip straight to family
Akaashi can and will freak out about that at another time.
“Shouldn’t we wait? Until we’re ready?”
“I am ready, Akaashi. But something tells me that you aren’t.”
“...I don’t wanna mess up.”
Akaashi isn’t very vocal when it comes to his insecurities—it came with the territory of handling Bokuto for a couple years.
So when he’s sharing them with you, you naturally jump into overprotective mom girlfriend mode.
“Akaashi, I wouldn’t want to have kids with you if I didn’t think you’d be a good dad.”
Did I mention he’s got a bit of a praise kink?
Cause that just went straight from his ears to his dick.
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Being married to Kuroo Tetsurou comes with a warning label.
One you had to recite as a vow.
“I will not bring up children until I am ready.”
You always thought it was a little weird when he asked you include something along those lines.
And, after a year, you sometimes forget your vow. You’re only human.
What else is human is this ADORABLE toddler in the car next to you guys at a stoplight who won’t stop waving at you.
“Aw, Tetsu look! Say hi!” The former captain’s eyes narrow questioningly, but he doesn’t say anything yet.
It only gets worse from here on out.
Why do kids like waving at you? Idk, but it happens pretty frequently.
Like when the two of you go out to eat and a baby in their high chair stops throwing their food on the ground, just to smile and babble as they look at you.
It makes you soft.
And, considering you’re sitting right in front of him, Kuroo sees the way your eyes become three shades lighter with every interaction.
“Remember your vow, baby.” He grits out, though the strain goes entirely over your head.
“Why did you make me say that anyway?” Kuroo never explained why—only begged that you included it.
“Cause once we start having kids, we aren’t stopping until you physically can’t anymore.”
“Hey, Tetsu?”
“Can we start when we get home?”
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If you expected all of these to be happy hcs, I hate to disappoint.
But Tsukki wants to strangle you when you bring up kids.
He’s brought it up so many times that he does not want kids.
No matter how many times you fawn over your friends’ children.
Or how much you splurge on gifts when you have to attend a baby shower.
That last one in particular especially made him want to fight you.
You will tease and joke over and over how much you just want him to impregnate you.
“[name], no.”
“Come on, Tsukki. You’d be such a hot dad!”
He’s not gonna deny that.
But he is definitely going to deny impregnating you.
Unfortunately, this is a recurring argument for the two of you.
To the point where you feel a little empty every time you hear once of your old friend’s just introduced another family member.
And Tsukki knows it’s wearing down heavily on you.
To where you almost aren’t really yourself anymore.
“I’m not agreeing to this,” he says one day when he finally sits you down, “but give me some time to...mentally prepare for being a family.”
“N-no, I’m okay, you don’t—“
“No, you aren’t. I miss you, [name]. And if this is what it takes to get you back, then I have to try.”
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Let’s be real—Ushi kinda dense.
So honestly, don’t expect him to pick up or understand the excitement you have when you see a baby
Or fawn over receiving wedding invites because someone still hasn’t popped the question.
I’m not pointing any fingers. Wakatoshi.
N e way. You’re not as eager for a baby as some. Or at least, you’re not as transparent about it.
Yes seeing little babies napping in their stroller sends your ovaries in a frenzy
Or seeing or hearing a baby cry in public forces your maternal instinct to go into overdrive.
But you were good! Really!
At least that’s what Toshi thinks
Until he overhears you on the phone with someone after getting home from work. Your mother, apparently.
“No, mom, he hasn’t proposed. Yes, I know we’ve been together for the better half of a decade, thanks for reminding me. No, you aren’t going to have any grandkids anytime soon.”
Oh. Was...was he doing something wrong?
“I should go, Toshi’s gonna be home soon.”
As soon as you open your bedroom door, you’re met with your stone-faced partner who was standing close enough that, if the door were still closed, he would have been pressed up against it.
“Are you upset with me?”
“Wha—no! No, you know how my mom gets...”
Ushijima may be a little dense, but he is at least somewhat aware enough to know when you’re lying.
“Let’s talk.” Not allowing you to escape, his large hands plant themselves on your shoulders just as firmly as his voice, leading the two of you to sit on the edge of the bed. “Is that what you want? A marriage? A family?”
“Of course, Toshi, I love you. We’ve been together for seven years—“
“Whatever you want, I will do for you.”
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You had always told Tendou you didn’t want kids any time soon.
And he’s totally okay with—gives you two the chance to be just that.
So you both agreed to you going on birth control. IUD specifically, just so you didn’t have to worry about anything for a few years at a time.
Nothing to worry about!
Except seeing your best friend hold her newborn is doing funny things to you
And your other BFF just found out she’s pregnant
Now they’re both kinda just expecting you to follow in line
“You guys know I’m not ready.”
But they see just how tender you are with the newborn
Or how you’re very involved with the pregnant one, constantly asking her questions of what she’s feeling and how excited she is to be a mom
They know you too well—you’re already entertaining the idea.
So while you and Tendou are laying on the couch together, you try to nonchalantly bring it up. Try.
“How would you feel if I didn’t replace the IUD this time around? Hypothetically speaking, of course.”
Tendou’s typically bemused face perks up. “Oh? Making plans without me?”
“Wha—no! I’m just asking a question!”
“Mm, okay,” though his tone is light, there’s a bit of a teasing drawl, “then, hypothetically speaking, I would try to convince you to finally let me get you pregnant.”
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Haikyuu!! Tag List
Let me know if you want to be added to the tag list!
@hihiq @dreamyjaems @tamcitrus @yourlocalmemedumpster @90s-belladonna​ @basicallyberry​
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hops-hunny · 3 years
Bestie the spin the bottle one where he takes off his anger on the reader😩😩
Guys, I'm a bimbo you guys should know by now😭 BUT YEAH PART 2 HERE WE GO. Part 1 is here if you haven't read it! It's not necessary though you could still enjoy it without it
As the reached the dorm, Neville set the girl on the ground as he wasted no time whisking away the soft satin dress the girl was wearing. He felt his cock twitch in his pants at the sight of her lack of bra, leaving her in only a cute white pair of lacy white panties which were currently betraying her. He brushed his fingers along the wet spot of her underwear, bringing his fingers that were now covered in her slick to his lips to taste. He moaned softly before beginning to unbuckle his pants.
"You know princess, as much as I'd love to ravage you, I'm a man of my word. However, I think I can get my point across within seven minutes." He bent down, biting at the shell of her ear. "That's if you want to that is."
"P-please." He chuckled at her whimper, grabbing a cushion before positioning her on her knees. He whipped his member out, watching as her eyes widened at the size of his girth. He rubbed his hard cock along her face, watching as she stuck her tongue out of the corner of her mouth, desperate for even just a taste. He gripped her hair in his hand, tugging on it for her to look up at him.
"Open your mouth, princess. Yeah, just like that. Keep your tongue out." He mumbled, praising the girl as she followed his direction. If only Seamus could see her now. One of the sweetest girl's in the castle on her knees in front of him with her tongue out and slick trailing down her thighs. Although he wanted to take care of her, with seven minutes on the clock he knew he didn't have much time.
He drew his hips back before hastily shoving his cock down her throat. He moaned at the sight of her eyes watering as she tried to get used to his size, gasping for a bit of breath. When she looked up with him with those big (e/c) doe eyes, he knew she was ready. He kept a firm grasp on her head as he began to thrust deeper into her mouth, cursing at the way his cock felt dragging against her tongue. He continued at his harsh pace, growling at the feeling of her tight wet cavern.
He pulled out of her mouth, watching as she spluttered and coughed taking in a bit of air. He followed her wide eyes, chuckling what they were fixated on. "What's wrong, pretty girl? Weren't expecting that were you?" He said in regards to his prince albert piercing. She looked away quickly, heat rising to her cheeks as she cleared her throat.
"Wasn't expecting it but...it's so hot. I wonder how it'd feel..." she trailed off squeaking as she realized her ramblings were not in her head. He cooed softly, stroking her cheek affectionately before bringing her mouth back to the front of his cock.
"I'd love to show you sometime pretty but sadly we've only got around 4 more minutes. Think you could make me cum?" He purred affectionately. (Y/n) smiled, nodding her hand as she opened her mouth wide. Neville gripped her jaw, spitting into her mouth before ramming his cock back in. He moaned at the sight of a mix of his and her spit dribbling down her face messily as his cock thrusted into her. He wondered if she looked even more beautiful now than she did before.
Her face was a mess of runny makeup, spit, and precum, her tits having the same fate as her face. Large amounts of spit and drool trailed down her face as he continued to fuck her lips senselessly, getting off on the sound of her soft gags and whimpers combined with the noises of his balls slapping against her chin heavily, begging for releasal.
Before he knew it, he felt his balls tighten as he buried himself deep in her throat, moaning as he released. His eyes rolled to the back of his head as he kept her there, his grip tight on the makeshift ponytail he had made of her pretty (h/c) hair. It seemed like his sperm was never ending as it continued to spill into the girls mouth but soon enough, he finished, pulling his softening cock out of her mouth. He looked down at her as she coughed and spluttered a bit, spit and cum bubbles forming as she did so. She looked up at him as she swallowed before letting a shy expression over take her, looking away.
"T-thank you." She whispered hoarsley, getting off her knees as she fell forward into the boy's chest. He supported her with a warm embrace as he held her close. He pulled away before giving her a peck on the lips.
"You're welcome, love. I believe we've got a minute left so why don't we get you all fixed up, flower. Hm? Seamus doesn't deserve to see you looking all pretty and fucked out for me." He muttered, pulling out a cloth before he began to wipe her face with it, fixing her up as best as he could within the retaining amount of time.
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caffeineghostie · 4 years
𝐒𝐮𝐫𝐞 𝐅𝐞𝐞𝐥𝐬 𝐑𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭 - [1]
Pairing: Bucky x female!reader
Word Count: 1496 (i’m sorry lol)
Warnings: just fluff, mentions of sleeping troubles, bad writing
A/N: the title of this series was inspired by this song (Sure Feels Right - Sixx: A.M.). This episode is mainly a flashback, but I hope you like it! As always, feedbacks appreciated! :)
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“Ms. Y/L/N” 
Still asleep in the coziness of your warm bed, you hear a familiar voice making its way into your subconscious. It sounds like Friday. Why would you be dreaming of Friday? Maybe it’s just your imagination, you think. Checking the time on your phone with one e, you groan: it’s barely 6 in the morning, so you roll over in your bed trying to go back to sleep. It’s too soon to function, anyway. 
“Ms. Y/N, your presence is required in the briefing room,”. So it wasn’t a dream. You wonder what could be so important to bother you at this ungodly hour. “It regards Mr. Barnes,” the AI adds.
Now suddenly awake, you jerk up and scramble your way up to the bathroom to make yourself at least look presentable. Thank God you sleep in just a hoodie and leggings, quickly checking yourself in the mirror you figure out that they will do. You hurry to the conference room, worried that something terrible might have happened to Bucky during the night.
Your room is situated directly above his. You learned that one sleepless night, just after your relocation from the S.H.I.E.L.D. Head Department. You had to take a physical test the day after, a test you’ve trained all your life for, and that was the only thing separating you from fulfilling your dream: becoming an avenger, and the anxiety wouldn’t let you sleep. After tossing and turning for hours, your eyelids finally decided to close at 4 in the morning, when a loud repeating thud startled you. You couldn't place the source of the noise at first, but it seemed to come from the ground. While considering whether to get back to sleep, the noise was driving you mad. Cursing under your breath, you ran out of your suite, trying to locate the origin of the disturbance.  
Wandering around the dark compound, sparsely lit up by the daylight, you found yourself outside a bedroom. The banging sounds louder now. Hesitantly, you knocked on the door, the thump suddenly stopping. 
"Come in, Steve!" you could hardly make his voice out, hushed by the door. Turning the cold doorknob, you entered the room. 
You didn’t expect the former Winter Soldier to have such an excellent taste in home decor. 
The first thing you notice is the giant window that opens up on the city; ivy decorates the walls, its ramifications spreading all around the room. Your gaze fell on the bed, over which was stationed the inhabitant of the room, who was now looking at you, confused. 
It wasn’t the first time you saw him, having noticed him in the common room just that morning when you first arrived. But you hadn’t been properly introduced. 
"Uhm, hi" you hint a smile, waving with your hand. 
"Sorry, I thought you were Steve," he excuses himself
“No problem, I’m Y/N.” you introduce yourself
“Wait, you’re the new girl, right? Nice to meet you. I’m Bucky” he offers you his right hand, and you get close to him to shake it, noticing the small ball in his left hand, reminding you the reason you came down here.
"You can't sleep?" pointing to the ball he has in hand with a tilt of your head. You knew his story, you couldn’t blame him for having nightmares.
"Yeah… I have troubles sometimes,” he started fiddling with the toy, looking down, embarrassed, then he finally realized, “I’m sorry, did I wake you?” he asked, holding up the ball, now looking at you ”I didn’t think there were bedrooms upstairs” he apologized.
“No, don’t worry about it. I wasn’t getting much sleep, anyway. I have this test in the morning and I’m nervous,”
“Right, the placing thing, isn’t it? Good luck with that” he wished you, smiling.
"Thanks,” a lightbulb lights up in your head, grinning, you say: “I have an idea. Follow me”. And with that, you leave the room.   
Bucky comes after you, confused but curious, up a couple of flights of stairs. The bedroom floors are on the highest level, so there’s no need to take the elevator. Arriving at the end of the corridor, you stand in front of a small red metal door, holding the handle with a hand. You turn around to face Bucky. and you find yourself on the roof. 
“When I was little and I couldn’t sleep, my dad would always show me the sky. No matter if at night or in the morning, there was always something spectacular to watch. Like this” you say, opening the door. You are on the roof, gesturing at the scenery in front of you. Obviously, the stark tower was the tallest edifice around there, so you could enjoy the view without obstacles. The sun was coming up on New York City, its rays bouncing all over the buildings in front of you, creating a work of art in front of you. 
“It's amazing,” Bucky is at a loss for words. Leaning on the metal railing that perimeters the roof, he takes in the scenery. “You know, I’ve been here for months and I’ve never thought of coming up here,” he scoffs, smiling and shaking his head. 
“It made me realize that no matter what happens in life, the sun is always going to come up. Or the moon for what matters. It’s cheesy I know,” you chuckle, looking at him. 
“Nah, it’s inspiring actually” he looks at you and his gaze lingers on you a couple of seconds longer than usual. You open your mouth to say something, but the beeping of your watch interrupts you: it’s 6.30. 
“I gotta go, I have to get ready,” you say, looking back at Bucky. 
“Right, the test. You’re gonna do great, doll, trust me,” he says smiling at you. “Oh, and thanks, for this, you know,” he adds, gesturing to the landscape. 
“No problem” you laugh, “see you!” you go back to the door, turning one last time and catching sight of Bucky waving at you. 
Just a handful of hours later, you nervously enter the gym. Your assigned supervisor is Steve Rogers, aka Captain America, is already there. Not exactly the person you were keen on disappointing. 
The exam consists of completing a set itinerary in the minor time possible, and you were currently holding the highest record, that’s why your supervisors at shield sent you to the stark tower when a spot opened up amongst the avengers. 
“Ms. Y/L/N, it’s a pleasure to have you here” Captain America holds out his hand to you, seeing you appear in the gym. 
“Thank you, Captain Rogers, it’s an honor to meet you,” you shake his hand
“Well, I’ll leave you to it. I wish you the best of luck.”
“Thank you” you reply nervously. What if you failed? 
You enter in position, giving a quick glance at the door, and you notice Bucky leaning against the doorframe, smiling at you and holding two thumbs up. 
Captain Rogers blows the whistle. Time to start. You know the course like the back of our hands, you’ve been training in all different combinations for years, and your mind goes on autopilot. Still, it’s an examination, and the fear of failing in front of your possible next boss is always at the back of your mind. But now it’s not the time to reconsider everything. You’re there now, you might as well give all you’ve got. 
Just as you arrive at the finish line, Captain Rogers blows the whistle again, stopping the chronometer. You’re out of breath, hoping to have made at least the same time as your record. 
“Seven minutes thirty-eight” he shouts from the other side of the gym, smiling at you
“What?!” it’s your personal best. You can’t believe it. 
“Ms. Y/L/N, you’re officially part of the Avengers, congratulations!” Steve announces, smiling at you. 
Looking back at Bucky, you see him mouthing a silent “Told you”, grinning at you. 
You’re an Avenger now. 
/end of flashback/ 
This was three months ago.
Ever since then, you and Bucky have become good friends. Every time you heard him playing with the ball against his ceiling, you would go downstairs and spend the night in his room, either talking or watching a movie, and then you’d go on the roof to watch the sunrise. It had become like a special place for the both of you. 
Over time, your affection for the super-soldier grew more and more, but you didn’t dare to say anything, in fear of ruining your friendship with him. You were okay with suffering a bit if that meant you didn’t have to lose him. 
Little did you know he felt the same. 
Lost in your thoughts, you had arrived outside the conference room. What could have required your immediate presence? Is Bucky okay? 
Pushing the glass door, you make your way in. 
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ellewritesathing · 4 years
Serpent Heart
Summary: Being Sabrina’s fraternal twin had its upsides but lately the downsides were starting to get to you. You’d made a plan to deal with it, and the only question now was if you were going to let Caliban get in the way.
Word-count: 1.6k+
A/N: hey guys so this is a little different from my usual fluffy clay boi but @hecatemacbeth7 requested this eight years ago and they’ve been so patient with me so i thought i’d post this today and then the next part of Faking It next week 💕 (also let me know if you want this to be a series?i don’t think i’m as good at angst as i am fluff but ya girl can try)
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One of your earliest memories from after your parents died was listening in on a conversation between your aunts and one of their guests. It wasn’t an uncommon occurrence - you and Sabrina would slip into one of your hiding spots and stay quiet until everyone left - but this time was different. This time their guest was a seer.
She saw right through the two of you.
Luckily, she was much more benevolent than the other guests your aunts brought around. She laughed at your efforts to squirm away and asked if she could give you each a reading. Hilda wasn’t so sure if that was a good idea but Zelda encouraged any and all dabbling in witchcraft.
All she had to do was touch Sabrina’s cheek to tell her that her strong (though sometimes unfounded) sense of right and wrong would get her into trouble and that she would go through many trials before achieving greatness. She was a cat, blessed with nine lives and cursed with curiosity.
One little touch was all it took for her to tell you that you were a snake. You’d grow cold in the shadow of someone close to you before striking out on your own. Ambitious and cunning, you would always find your way into the sunlight.
The others forgot about that afternoon in a few weeks, too busy with other responsibilities or new obsessions, but you never forgot.
Almost ten years later and her words echoed through every step you took and every word you spoke. Would things have been different if you’d never met the seer? Maybe not, but maybe you’d feel differently about the plan that started forming when you went to Hell.
It all started when Lilith’s right to rule was challenged and Sabina - always quick to act, not so quick to think - made her claim to the throne. The same throne that would have been yours if you were born seven minutes earlier. The same throne that Caliban would later challenge her for.
Caliban was a tricky thing to understand. If you were a seer, maybe you'd know whether or not to trust him.
He wanted the throne, that much was clear, but he seemed to have taken an interest in Sabrina - then again, everyone took an interest in Sabrina. Harvey took an interest in her, Nick took an interest in her, and now Caliban had. It wasn’t that you were short of admirers, but that the only ones you took an interest in always preferred Sabrina.
And it’s not like you blamed them. Despite the way it may seem, you loved Sabrina. She understood you in a way that no one else did, even if she didn’t understand everything, and she loved you just the same. She was your other half, your better half.
That’s why you never put up a fight when it came to her; because at the end of the day, you cared about her happiness more than your own. You’d help her rule if she beat Caliban, and you’d figure out some harebrained scheme if she lost. It’s just the way that things were when it came to the two of you.
In the end, Sabrina got all the glory and you did all the work. Sabrina was the beautiful assistant that everyone looked at while you conned them out of their hard-earned cash. They all thought Sabrina was the magician anyway, so maybe it was time for you to debut your solo act.
So you let Caliban and Sabrina battle it out in Hell knowing all the while that you’d take the throne from whichever one of them won. Obviously, it would be easier if Sabrina won but you could handle Caliban, even if he had the hordes of hell behind him. After all, what was a demon to a Morningstar? A boy made of clay to an angel?
That kind of reasoning was why you didn’t mind when Caliban started following you around. He never spoke to you anyway; all he did was watch and keep his distance. You let him look at you all he liked because he didn’t realize that you were looking right back. He was curious. You learned all his little tricks in the week or so that he spent following you, and then you set a trap.
You went about your day just like it was any other, but went to the woods after rehearsals for the musical. Caliban didn’t come out of the shadows as soon as you expected, so you started drawing out other things to keep busy. You’d done it dozens of times before, and the whisps were always the first to come out.
They froze everything they touched in the already-cold forest, but you didn’t mind the cold. They danced across your skin and soon you were dancing and singing along with them. The sun went down while you had your fun, and Caliban came out with the moon. Pretending not to notice, you spiraled into him during one of your turns.
“Mind if I cut in?” Caliban asked, holding out a hand to steady you.
“That depends,” you said with a smile. You used your hand to open up his palm. “Do you know how to dance?”
“I’m not opposed to learning from a pretty little thing like yourself,” Caliban said.
Either he was a quick study or someone had already taught him. You didn’t mind either way. It was better than having him stepping on your toes, plus it felt nice to have his hand in yours and on your waist. The way he looked at you also sent some very annoying butterflies in your stomach into a flurry.
When the rest of the stars started coming out and the whisps were fading, you asked, “So are we going to keep dancing until the sun comes up or are you going to tell me why you’ve been spying on me?”
Caliban smiled and stared into the trees as he thought. All he said was, “You’re more difficult to understand than your sister and your friends.”
“How so?”
“Your friends are all very human with very human concerns. Sabrina included.” Caliban looked down at you and stopped moving. “But not you. You understand Hell, you don’t fear it.” He lifted a hand to your face and moved some hair from the side, watching where his skin made contact with yours before settling back on your eyes. “Tell me, Morningstar, is there anything you fear?”
Caliban started leaning in and your breath hitched. He smiled before pressing his lips to yours, and for a second you smiled too. For a second, you let him kiss you and hold you close. Once that second was over, you remembered that he was a manipulative demon who was using you to get the Throne.
You bit down on his lip hard enough to draw blood and pushed him away. Caliban fell to the ground at the same time that the metallic taste flooded your mouth. You spat it out and knelt next to Caliban to keep him in the dirt with an icy hand. The cold radiated out from your fingertips and across his chest, but he didn’t fight it.
“You want to know why I’m not afraid of anything in Hell?” you asked, pushing down a little bit harder. “I'm not afraid because I’m the one they should be afraid of.”
The ice was snaking up Caliban’s neck but all he did was stare at your hand. “So you know a few tricks," he said. "I don’t think Hell is going to be very afraid of an ice princess.”
“They will be.”
You used your other hand to push some curls from his forehead.
“You’re willing to cross your sister in order to do it?”
“If I have to,” you said. He was silent for a few seconds so you continued, “Sabrina gets everything, have you noticed that? I never used to mind when, but now I want more.”
“And what is that you want?” Caliban asked.
“Earth.” You pushed down just a touch harder on his chest and watched the ice spread across the rest of his body. “You and Sabrina can fight it out in Hell - I’ll pick up the pieces of whoever’s left - but Earth is mine.”
Caliban was unusually quiet as he thought it over, realization spreading over his face as he did. Giving up your claim to the throne, helping Sabrina with the challenges, all the so-called secret trips to Hell … it all dawned on him at the moment it took you to freeze him to that spot on the forest floor.
“I could help you,” Caliban said in a quick voice. “We could make an alliance; I become King of Hell and you can do whatever you please here on Earth.” He looked back down at your hand on his chest for a moment before looking into your eyes again. “Or I could tell your friends about this clever plan of yours.”
“And who would believe you?” you asked. “It would be just like you, Caliban, to turn sisters against one another. You’d do anything for the throne, right?”
Caliban clenched his jaw and moved to break out of the ice that encased his body. His only problem was that he underestimated you, but that was everyone’s first problem. The ice was too strong for him to break it.
You leaned down with a smile on his face. “I’ll come back for you once this all over,” you said, ignoring him when he asked what you were doing. You pressed your lips to his and kissed him while the frost spread over his face. Pulling away, you gave a sad smile to his frozen form. “One day.”
Tagged:  @t-a-i-l-o-r-m-a-d-e  @miss--moose  @marrypuffsstuff  @harryscarolinaa  @igorsbby  @foji2000  @mschfavngz  @artaxerxesthegreat  @thxmagic  @strawberriesandknives  @xealia  @hotmessindisguise  @sweetrogers  @reheated-coffee  @shelby-x  @perseny-blog  @millie-753  @luneerius  @shizzybarnaclee  @lettherebelovex  @throughparisallthroughrome  @ietss​  @thebookwormlife​  @mechanicalanimalz  @mariamermaid​  @nqbmf​
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Through The Rabbit Hole (1)
Part One: Back we go.
Pairing: Loki x fem!reader
Summary: It had been years since you had last gone to Asgard, so much had happened since then and you remember happier times when Loki was your friend. 
Words: 1,493
Notes: Fluffy beginnings with a bunch of angst. This is part one of a Loki one-shot. y/e/c = your eye colour, y/n - your name, y/h/c = your hair colour.
1 ->
You squint against the vibrant colour and blinding light as the familiar rush of air whips around your hair. It isn't long until you're thrown from the portal into a lush green courtyard. Staggering to your feet you take in the surroundings. Everything looked the same, grand stone architecture stood in front of the imposing golden palace that rose to join the clear blue sky. It had been years since you'd seen this sky.
It was purely accidental when you first discovered one of the hidden portals during a game of hide and seek and landed in the lap of Loki, God of Mischief. He'd taken the surprise of having a seven-year-old girl nearly bowl him over quite well. No Midgardian had ever managed to set foot in Asgard and yet there you were staring up at him with big y/e/c eyes; he had to know you.
"Hello, there little one..." His deep melodic voice was soothing but you quickly scrambled to your feet away from the man.
"W-w-where am I? Who-who are you?" You stammered in response.
A lazy grin spread across his pale features as he tilted his head to the side.
"This." He gestured widely his surroundings. "Is Asgard, and I am Loki; Prince of Asgard."
Loki noticed the panic that had seeped into your expression and how your small hands fisted the fabric of your clothes.  
"It was nice to meet you, Your Majesty, but I really need to go home now." You bobbed awkwardly while curtsying before whirling around to go back the way you came, except you couldn’t.
You stare in horror at the flowering bush in front of you. Where was the banking that led up to the park? Turning to once again face Loki, you tried to slow your uneven breathing.  
"Where are you from little one?" He asked softly while kneeling to match your height.
"Mummy said I'm not allowed to talk to strangers." You retort almost defiantly; his grin grows a little.
"But you know who I am, so are we not friends?" His eyes twinkle.
"You don’t know me." You raised your chin in his direction.
"Well, I'd very much like to change that," Loki replied matching your stare.
You hadn't intended to keep talking to the man but his mild-mannered ways set you at ease in this alien setting, he'd offered to be a friend. At first, you hadn't been very trusting but the green-eyed prince had tricks up his sleeve and you were back to your bright self in no time.  
The same routine had continued for years, once or maybe even twice a week you would venture back through the portal to meet the raven-haired prince. He taught you the history of his world, the wonders of the other realms and anything he could think to keep you coming back so he could watch you grown both in mind and body.
The last time you had seen Loki, it had been the day after your 18th birthday, you'd lied to your parents about going to the city with a group of friends for a day out, and that you would be gone all day. When in actual fact you were going to take a trip through the portal to see your favourite silver-tongued prince. The day had started out as they always did with you telling Loki about all that had happened since you'd last seen him, and him doing the same.  
You and Loki sat together in your secret hiding place with your shoulders almost touching. You listened intently to the story he was reading you after he had learnt about your love of books, he had insisted on reading some of his favourites to you every time you visited.  
Eyes closed you tip your head back enjoying the warmth of the afternoon sun’s rays against your skin. Today had been perfect. Your eyes shoot open at the sound of Loki snapping the book shut.  
“Why did you stop?” You ask, confused.
“It is almost time for you to go Y/N” He gestured towards the sky with the book, looking up you noticed how the sky had changed from its pristine blue to a wash of pinks and oranges.
“Oh,” you continued to stare up at the sky, wishing you had more time.
Loki chuckled softly beside you, even though you would be visiting again soon, you had always hated leaving. He offered you a hand as he stood. You placed your hand his much larger one; his warm fingers holding onto yours tightly. You cast a fleeting glance at your intertwined hands and felt heat begin to pool in your cheeks as you walked back towards the portal.  
Over the years, as you both had grown closer and spent more time together, Loki had become more of a crush. He was always the perfect gentleman; sweet and caring. Silently you cursed your love of romantic fiction for giving you otherworldly expectations of men. No boy you had ever shown interest in had treated in ways that would make your teenage heart flutter. But then there was Loki. Tall, handsome, intelligent, and a god. As you had approached your 18th birthday you had begun to hope he would see you in a womanlier light, and eventually as something more than the little girl he had first met.
An idea popped into your head, it was daring and maybe slightly reckless, but you knew that sometimes you had to ask for what you wanted. You looked over your shoulder at the portal before turning back to face Loki frowning slightly.  
“Don’t fret Y/N, you will be back again soon enough,” He smiled down at you “I’ll see if I can get you some of the Queens favourite fruit next time.”
He didn’t have to offer gifts or treats to keep you coming back, he was the reason, you just weren’t sure if he realised it.
You stepped into the goodbye hug he offered and inhaled his familiar smell deeply as you nuzzled your head against his chest. He wrapped his arms around you holding you close. You do the same, gripping onto him a little tighter than usual, preparing yourself for what you were about to do.  
You step back slightly making Loki loosen his embrace until he held you by your shoulders. You could feel the warmth of his skin radiating through the fabric of your t-shirt, it sent butterflies surging through your stomach. You take a fortifying breath before pushing up onto your tiptoes, pressing your lips to his, stealing a kiss.
Your lips tingle as you move away, satisfied and pleased that he hadn’t stopped you or pushed you away. You grin as you look at Loki again, but it falters at his blank expression, his green eyes are wide and unblinking as he stares at you.
“Y/N…” He sighs dropping his arms, his voice was devoid of its former warmth.  
You feel like you have cotton wool stuck in your throat as he looks. You can see his mind working, searching for the right words to say. Heat creeps up your neck, physically displaying your embarrassment. When he finally looks at you, his brows are pinched together.  
“Y/N, I’m not sure what you are hoping for, but I can promise you that I am not it.” Your eyes begin to burn as tears form. “We are two entirely different creatures.” He speaks softly to you, seeing how you become more upset.
“How do I explain this?” He sighs again and you drop your eyes to stare intently at your shoes as warm tears roll down your cheeks. “You and I, we are like a fish and a bird… two vastly different animals. Able to exist together and be friends but, never anything more.”
You sniff, still not bringing your eyes up to look at his.
“Y/N,” he hooks a finger under your chin making you look at him, his expression wilts when he notices your tears. “I’m sorry, I’m not the one you should give your love to, you would only end up getting hurt… I’m not-“
“I understand.” You blurt cutting him off before he continued to make it even more painfully obvious how silly you had been. “I have to go, it’s late.”
Your steps are hurried as you head towards the portal, your diaphragm spasms, making your breath come out in short puffs as you will yourself not to breakdown.
“Take care, Y/N” Loki calls his usual goodbye as you step through the portal.
As you arrive again in your own world, the sob you had been suppressing breaks free. Alone in the deepening blue of the evening sky, you made the decision to never journey back through the rabbit hole. Raising your head, you chose to remember things how they were – friendship with silent fantasies.  
That way Loki could, and would always be your Prince Charming.
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hs-devote · 4 years
11. M A N C H E S T E R
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Moodboard // Content // Masterlist
All characters and situation in this story are fictitious. Resemblance to any person living or dead is only God knows.
Previous chapter: She bit her lip before her finger pulled his cross necklace – made him pulled towards her. Their lips were an only mere inch apart. Knowing his eyes were fixated on her, Y/N chose to play with his cross pendant. She whimpered when he kissed her again, teasing her soft lips with his tip tongue before barged into her mouth. She was hesitant in the beginning yet she kissed him back, tried to make herself comfortable with Marcel. After all, he was part of Harry. They couldn’t be separated. They couldn’t yet be separated.
11. MANCHESTER Not many people occupied seats in first-class, only them and one small family at the end of the car. The train would leave to Manchester in fifteen minutes, yet it seemed like the other passengers have got inside, packed the standard one.
Harry and Y/N were heading to his hometown to celebrate his birthday tomorrow. She was so excited to come to Manchester since this was her first time to be there. Besides, this short getaway would help refresh her mind from work life. Y/N heard from Anne that she invited a few relatives to have lunch together at The Styles’ home. She was ecstatic because her son finally would spend his birthday with family after years of always celebrating with friends or former lovers.
“It’s still two hours and a half until we get to Manchester, so you can catch your sleep time. I’m sorry I chose the earliest departure.” Harry said after the train began to move, leaving the Euston Station behind. Y/N took a glance to her watch, showing a little after seven.
“No, it’s fine.” She shrugged, “Tell me, what do you expect for your birthday party? Your mum will throw a birthday bash since it’s like the first time you celebrate your birthday in hometown.”
“Did she tell you that?” he snickered, “Let me tell you something; The Styles family is like any other families. They love to tease, so don’t be surprised.” He added, “But, I prefer fewer people... to be honest.”
Y/N frowned a bit, “Why? They didn’t bully you, did them?”
“No! It’s nothing like that. I do love the Styles, but their love towards me and my mum sometimes overwhelmed me. I’m not used to it. Only Clementia and my step-dad made me get used to it.”
Her smile faltered, didn’t expect Harry would say that. She understood, even though Harry had been a part of the Styles family for years, he still had an insecure side of himself. He was a grown man, but deep down in his heart, he was still a little boy.
“How about Clementia? Will she come?” she changed the subject, avoiding the sensitive topics. She didn’t want him to have a meltdown right now.
“She didn’t promise me to come. Her uni schedule is packed, so I understand if she can’t make it.”
“I would the same if I was her.” She nodded, “I can’t wait to arrive.”
Y/N didn’t aware she fell asleep most of the journey, Harry woke her up when the train had arrived in Piccadilly. She rubbed her tired eyes before straightened her posture a bit, looking out at the window. Most of the people had left the train with their suitcases, only them were still in the seats. She sighed lazily, too lazy to move from her spot. She was already too comfortable so it made her a little unwilling to get up. Seeing his lover reluctant to move, Harry affectionally kissed her eyes. Urging her to get up before helped her to stand while he got their luggage.
“Is someone picking us up? Or will you drive?” asked Y/N when they were in arrival hall. Lots of people passed by. Her eyes found a group of tourist were looking at maps, or families who were on holiday, a group of friends, even some couples were clinging to each other.
“My mum asked–”
Y/N snapped her head to the sound called for her boyfriend. From the distance, she saw Lucas was walking to them. His big grin plastered on his face, with blonde curls bouncing from the way he walked, his sunglasses perched on top of his head kept his hair from blocking eyesight.
“My mum asked Lucas to pick us up.” Harry finished his word, smiling apologetically to her.
“Oh, hi love! How are you?” Lucas asked her once he stopped in front of them. He was Harry’s cousin, working for him for the Manchester office if she didn’t wrong – in case you forgot. It had been ages since she saw him the last time. His hair was longer than she remembered, yet he still had this teasing look on his face that she didn’t forget. His blue eyes reminded her of Niall.
Why almost all of Harry’s friend had this mesmerising blue eyes? First Niall, and now Lucas. The man loves blue-eyed mates, does he? – her inner goddess ogled
She smiled, “Lucas, right? I’m fine.”
“Told you! You got this woman right away.” Lucas winked at Harry, made him rolled his eyes. Y/N just shook her head knowing how blatantly Lucas was.
“Missed you to, mate! How are you? How’s the office?” Harry sarcastically asked his cousin. Lucas just snaggered, “It’s not the right time for talking about work, okay? Let me get your luggage and go to your home.”
Lucas asked Y/N’s permission to take her luggage, ignoring Harry who was carrying his. He rolled his eyes watching how sweet his cousin to his girlfriend. His cousin always looked for attention to women, but this was the first time he had been kind to Harry’s girlfriend. Before, Lucas was a little mean to Harry’s ex-girlfriend since they weren’t nice to him. While Harry grumbled over how his cousin took Y/N’s attention away from him, she was allowing Lucas to help with her luggage.
“I’ll lead the way in the front since I know you guys will all lovey-dovey behind me.”
“That’s Lucas if you want to know him well. He’s twenty-four but acts like four.” Harry mumbled, placing his arms behind her back, guide her to follow his cousin. Y/N glanced over the man in front of her. Lucas was tall as Harry, but he was thinner than her boyfriend making him look taller.
“I heard you, cousin.” Lucas shouted from the front.
“Fuck off, cousin. You're supposed to be our butler, so... don't interfere with your master's business.” Harry rolled his eyes. Once they arrived in a parking lot, Lucas helped them to load their luggage into his car trunk. They didn’t bring much stuff since it was only a two days trip.
“How nice,” Harry mumbled after his cousin opened the door for them. Y/N climbed first on the backseat and he followed soon.
“The trip will take around thirty minutes. If you want to stop by anywhere, let me know.” Lucas announced after he took the driver seat, while his hand adjusting the rear-view mirror. “My car doesn't have a partition, so please behave appropriately.”
“What does that mean?” Y/N asked while fastened her safety belt, looking at both the men.
“I'm fine with holding hands and little kisses here and there, but just a little of weird sound you made – I'll strike in place.”
Y/N face heated after realising what he meant. She immediately averted her eyes through the window while holding her temple. Lucas let out an inaudible laugh as he turned on the engine, stirred the wheel and drove away. The road was surprisingly empty considering it was weekend. They hardly found any traffic that afternoon.
“Nice car, mate.” Harry hummed, his eyes looked straight into the open road in front of him. His hands sneakily took Y/N's hand to him, interlocking their fingers together. Even though she had been busy looking at the road, Y/N couldn’t help her smile. Her fingertips caressed his knuckle still with eyes fixated through the window.
“I know, this Jeep Compass really made me drool over her when I was looking at the brochure.” He shrugged while his hand shifting the gear, making the car drove faster the next moment. “So, is this your first time meeting Anne, Y/N? I mean, Harry's mum?”
“I met her once in Harry's house.” Y/N nodded, “So, no. This is my second time meeting in person.”
“Are you nervous?” Lucas asked once again, his eyes sometimes looked at her through the mirror above. He had been watching their gestures but didn't say anything. He saw how Harry showed his affection even though just a little. The man made sure Y/N's hands still on his grasp, like not wanting to let go one bit as if he made sure that she was under his supervision.
“That's a lie if I say no.”
“Good then.” He smiled, “You won't only meet Anne, but you'll meet our entire family.”
“Thank you for making me anxious, Lucas.” She muttered under her breath, “I appreciate that.”
“Just breath. They will love you. Everything's gonna be okay.” Harry chimed in, smiling sweetly to her. He raised his palms to rub her head, rolled his eyes of the way Lucas was winking at him from the mirror. He didn't know what they were planning, he just hoped it wasn't going too much. The car began to leave the city centre and entered a fairly quiet neighbourhood area. Lots of trees along the road made the environment beautiful. There weren't many houses there, yet every building had stone walls and gate surrounded their homes, protecting from the curious eyes.
Lucas stopped his car in front of the wooden gate, not too high but still made the building inside not visible. After punching some codes, the gate automatically opened. One thing that flashed in Y/N's mind after the car entering the driveaway; this house was very pretty. Besides, the house was also far from the city hustle, an ideal location for a home.
“Welcome to Anne's house.” Lucas smiled, “Welcome home, Harry.”
Y/N took her time to admire the house once she climbed out of the car. The country style house was rich with cream coloured walls, with brown decorated here and there. Trees loomed in the front yard. The approach was via gated entrance giving access to the driveway leading to a parking courtyard and integral garage. There were small stone steps that connected the yard to the main entrance. On the left side, there was a footpath leading to the back.
“C'mon, darling.” Harry said behind her, wrapping his arms around her shoulder. “Let's get inside while our butler helps with the luggage.”
He smirked, a mocking smile plastered on his face to his cousin who was standing behind them, ready to open the trunk. Y/N swatted his hand playfully, shaking his head. Lucas grinned, seeing Y/N looked like want to defend him. Yet he snorted at the realisation; she was also teasing him.
“Don't forget to give him some cash. He did a good job of taking care of our luggage.” She giggled. Harry laughed at her joke before escort her to the inside, leaving the blonde man alone. Once they got into the kitchen, their eyes caught Anne who was standing in front of the oven with hands covered with gloves. She hadn’t noticed the arrival of the two of them, still busy preparing the lunch. When Harry faked his cough, Anne just turned around.
“Hi, mum!”
Anne snapped her neck instantly, looking at her son standing in the corner with his girlfriend in his arms. She hastily took off her gloves, sprinting to her son – pulled him in her embrace. Harry's hand let go of Y/N's to hug his mother. Y/N didn’t deny Anne’s eyes was sparkling in happiness like it was the first time to meet them. And she understood since the mother and son rarely met because of their busy schedule.
“You're home!” she laughed, cupping her son's cheeks. “I'm so happy!”
“Mum, I was here at Christmas.” Harry chuckled, “But it's nice to be back.”
“Two months is long if your son isn’t home, darling.” Anne smiled, hands tidied up his hair. A typical mother would do if it was her first time met her child after being separated for years. Harry sheepishly whined because his girlfriend was standing next to him, watching the encounter. It took Anne a few seconds before noticed another figure in his hand. Still with the warm smile, she hugged Y/N tightly. Y/N, of course, happily returned her hug.
“How's your journey, darling?” she inquired, hands gripping Y/N's arms softly. The way Harry’s mother smile with her pearly white teeth made her feel so eagerly awaited. Her maternal aura made Y/N so comfortable to be around although she didn’t deny that sometimes felt intimidated by her boyfriend’s mother. Yes, Anne was very nice but she could feel the older woman was so protective over her only son.
“It was very pleasurable. I was able to sleep on the train so I wasn’t very tired.” She answered, “I love it here already. And your house is so beautiful.”
The twinkle in Anne's eyes got brighter, she smiled showing her perfect teeth while pinching her nose. “That’s good then. And oh, Harry, why don't you take her around the house? I’ll let you know when lunch is ready.”
“Sure. Let's go, baby.”
Anne's house was massive. The house had four floors with lower ground leisure suite including swimming pool and gym. It had six bedrooms and five bathrooms over the upper two floors while the ground floor, which they were standing on right now, focused on family/living rooms and kitchen with the dining room. The backyard was quite wide if they wanted to house a party, she also had a garden path for her plants and a small pond at the end. Y/N just found out that Anne loved farming and was thinking of turning half their backyard into a small farm. While Harry was showing his girlfriend his childhood house, Lucas helped them to put their luggage on the first floor where their room was located. They were using Harry's old bedroom at the far end.
“Why does your mum living alone in a big house like this? She must feel lonely.” Y/N asked when Harry led them to the backyard again. The couple took a seat in the terrace overlooking the open green field.
“I once asked her to move in with me in London but she refused. This house has too memorable to leave.” He answered, “I also think that way. This is where I grew up and became a better person. We couldn't leave the memories with my step-dad. Besides, Clementia would be upset if we leave this house.”
“My aunts and cousins like to come to keep my mum's company. Sometimes they stay a few days because according to them, this is one of their holiday options. They love the environment and greenery.” He added. “Also, my mum has a maid to help her with the house. So, she's not really alone.”
“Must be nice to live in this house,” she murmured, “feels so homey and far from the downtown.”
Harry just silent while sometimes stole a glance at his girlfriend who was staring far ahead. She enjoyed the view although it was just an empty backyard – that would later be full because of his birthday tomorrow. He shook his head while chuckling as if remembering they would celebrate his birthday like when he was little. Well, honestly little Harry never had a birthday party. But, when he became a Styles, Igor threw one for his fourteenth birthday.
“Am I bothering you, guys? The lunch is ready.”
Anne appeared behind them, still wearing her apron. Y/N was the first one who turned her body, walking to her.
“No, no. You're not.” She smiled, “Can I help you something? I feel bad if I can’t help you anything.”
“Don't worry darling. Everything is done. Let's eat. Lucas already took his spot in the dining table.” Anne took Y/N's hand, bring the girl inside. Harry walked behind, followed them to the dining room. From their behind, Harry could see the way his mother and girlfriend getting along. Laughing at something he didn’t understand. He broke a smile, this was a good sign his mother agreed of the woman he brought home. In his previous relationship, Harry only introduced his mother and girlfriend at each other, nothing more. Didn’t take this far step, bringing her home and introduced the woman who stole his heart to his extended family.
He rolled his eyes when found Lucas had eaten before the host – with joking manner of course. Not surprising to see his cousin was comfortable to lurking around his mother’s house like his own house since Harry frequently asked him to visit Anne to check on her.
“Such an impolite to start eating before your master.” Harry scoffed jokingly when his cousin was chewing his food.
“That's because you're not feeding me, my lord.” Lucas shot back, shrugging his shoulders before aimed a spoonful to his mouth. Anne shook her head watching her son and nephew attacking each other, she ignored them and sat on her seat right away.
“My job is not feeding a slave.”
“Harry.” Anne widened her eyes, shaking her head to his son. She did know it was just banter but that was a little rude.
“But this slave, my lord, defended by your dear mother.”
“In the meantime, remind me to make a potion so your poison in her could disappear.”
“Harry.” This time Y/N was the one who rebuked him. Her head tilted sideways with eyebrows arched at her boyfriend.
“It's a shame you need your lady to defend you, my lord.” Lucas laughed. Y/N could feel Harry got tense instantly, and she knew what would happen if she didn't try to clear the situation. Yes, what Lucas said was just a joke, but he didn't know the thing.
“That doesn't mean you can keep mock him, Lucas. Grow up already.” She said softly, her palm under the table rubbed Harry's thigh. She didn't need to be told Harry was glancing at her from the side, yet she was relieved when Harry had his hand over hers. A small gesture like this that always touched Harry’s heart, very simple but the effect was overwhelming for him. He smiled faintly while his fingertips stroking her knuckles.
“I'm sorry, Anne.” Y/N smiled apologetically at Anne, “I didn't mean to caused chaos.”
“It's all right, sweetheart. If you didn't stop them, they would go for another hour.” Anne waved her hand, “Don't be sorry. Sometimes these boys need someone to snap their words.”
“That knocked my sense that Harry will be twenty-six tomorrow yet he's still a boy.”
“He's still your baby boy, Anne. No matter what.” Y/N told her, yet her eyes were on her lover. Harry just grinned, his finger caressing her thumb. They didn't know that both Anne and Lucas been watching them. Harry mouthed a thank you to her with his dimples clearly visible from the way he smiled broadly. His bunny teeth made him look even cuter. Anne didn't know what her son thanked her for, but whatever it was, she was happy to see Harry could smile so brightly. She had never seen Harry smile so wide like that even when he was with his former lovers. In this current relationship, he was bright and radiant. More than the last time Anne saw him.
They continued eating in silence. Y/N helped Anne to do the dishes while the boys cleaned up the dining table afterwards.
“See, the boys are fine with each other now.” Anne voiced, “They are always like that since their childhood. At the end of the day, they will make up again. Lucas is a good person. He was the first family to approach Harry when we were introduced to the extent of Styles family.”
She stopped wiping the plate all of a sudden, as if aware of something. Slowly, she turned her head at Y/N who was standing next to her. “Excuse me, but.. did you know that me and Harry– ”
“I knew the story, Anne. Harry told me everything.” Y/N interjected, “It was fortunate that you and Harry finally found the safe place. You and him deserve better and I guess God really bless you both.”
“And I guess God really loves Harry.” Anne uttered a soft murmur, “Because, he blesses him with someone like you.”
“If I'm being honest, Harry is on the happiest stage in his life right now. And I can see, why.” She added, “And I thank you for that. You made my Harry happier than before.”
Y/N chuckled, her thumb wiping her now glossy eyes. “Why do I want to cry now?”
“Ooh, sweetheart.” Anne took her petite body in a big hug, “I'm the one who should be crying now. And I trust him to you, Y/N. Promise me to always keep him happy.”
Anne smiled when she felt Y/N nodded in her shoulder, “Always, Anne.” . . . .
The families began to arrive when the sun started to fall from its peak. Lucas mother, Karen, was the last person to come with her daughter when it was dark. Harry didn't know why his mother invited almost all their families to had a sleepover for his birthday. Well, technically it was just Lucas with his mother and sister, his grandparents, and his pregnant cousin with her husband and their three-year-old daughter.
Y/N got along really well with all of them, especially with Lisa – his preggo cousin and Lucy, her baby girl. During the dinner, Lucy always hots on her tail wherever she walked. Harry was a little jealous because his girlfriend was stolen by his niece, but he couldn't do much.
“Lucy, baby. Leave aunty Y/N alone. Do you see uncle Hawwy is sad?” Lisa cooed from her seat, her hand holding her seven months baby bump. Everyone chuckled in response, but Lucy didn't budge. She still playing with Y/N's hands while sitting in her lap.
“Hey, Lu. You didn't miss me, did you?” Harry tried to talk to her. Lucy shook her head, made him sigh in relent.
“Fine then. You're not allowed to kiss me.” He rolled his eyes, folding his arms together. He cracked a small smile when he felt Lucy crawled to him. Her tiny chubby leg pressing his thigh while the other one still on Y/N's lap.
“Kissy!” Lucy shouted, stretching her hands for Harry to pick her up. Everyone laughed as Harry grasped her armpit, took her from Y/N. Lucy grumbled happily while her tiny palms scratched his jaw, then laughing hysterically when Harry snuggled her soft neck.
“Everyone loves Harry.” Lucas spoke, the rest of the family nodded their head in agreement. Lucy pouted her lips, waiting for Harry to kiss her.
“Because I'm irresistible, Lucas.” Harry said smugly before landed a smooch on Lucy's tiny lips. The little girl snuggled into him, yet her eyes peeked on Y/N who was sat next to him. Y/N playfully waved her hands to her, made Lucy babbled as she buried her face in Harry’s neck in shy.
“Yeah, I can't wait for my son to get too attached to you, Harry.” Thomas, Lucy's father, responded to him. “But I'll keep my eyes on him once he's born. I won't let you make my children love you more than me.” He added with a mocking smile.
“Everyone, girls and boys, can't resist my charm, Thomas. Don't forget that.” Harry shrugged, his large palm rubbing Lucy's back with her head resting on his shoulder.
“No, daddy. Uncle Hawwy is love!” Lucy yelled quietly. Everyone awwed in response, while Thomas just shaking his head. Harry stuck out his tongue in mockery, “See?”
“I can't wait to see Harry someday with his own children.” His granny snickered, “He absolutely will spoil his children too much. I don't doubt that.”
“I can see that.” His grandfather nodded, “He's very good with kids.”
Harry felt the weight on his torso increased, he beamed at how Lucy fell asleep on his stomach. Carefully, he carried the child and took her to her parents' room. Thomas and Lisa thanked him for that. When Harry returned to the family room, he saw his girlfriend was chatting with Mandy, Lucas' younger sister. Only him, Y/N, Mandy, and Lucas left since the elderly already went to the bed. It was a little after ten, no wonder why the youngster still gathered.
“Harry, is Clementia coming tomorrow? ” Mandy asked him once he took the empty seat next to Y/N.
“Unfortunately, no. This is her project week so she can't leave her school.” Harry shook his head, “But I think she will Facetime me tomorrow.”
“Harry, do you fancy a late workout? I haven't been to the gym for a long time.” Lucas offered after sipping his water. Harry seemed to think before accepting his offer, “Sure. I'll be down in ten minutes.”
Harry stood up from his seat, went to his bedroom upstairs to change his clothes. Yet Lucas still on his place, not move any muscles.
“You needn't change clothes?” Mandy was eyeing her brother up and down whilst asked him a question, “Your PJ will be drenched on sweat.”
“I can wear whatever I want, darling.”
“Why aren't you changing clothes, Lucas?” Harry's voice was heard after five minutes disappeared when he jogged down the stairs. He wore a white tank with black training shorts. His curls were pinned by a pink hair clip.
“Yes, yes I will change, father.” Lucas mocked him, headed to his bedroom to change. Mandy rolled her eyes before took the tv remote and switching the channel she liked, her hands were busy digging into her chips bag.
Took the vacant seat next to his girlfriend, Harry swirled her strands. “If you want to join, you're more than welcome, darling. I'll be in the gym.”
“Maybe I’ll come if I’m bored.”
“Okay then.” Harry just nodded, patting her head before joined Lucas who was waiting for him at the end of the stairs.
“Why do they like to workout at this time? It's like multiple times I've seen them practice at midnight.” Mandy mumbled to herself, but Y/N heard what she just said. Although the television was on, her voice was quite audible since there were only two of them there.
“Oh. They love to do the late workout?” Y/N frowned, it was the first time she saw Harry work out late. She and Harry always had a morning gym session, but he never had a late session like this.
“I think it's because they have a companion to do that.” Mandy told her, “Has Harry ever do the late workout when he was with you?”
“No, we always do in the morning.” She bit her lip, “Maybe he never ask me because he thinks I don't like working out at night.”
The sixteen-year-old girl just nodded her head, “Have you met Clementia?”
“Yes, I met her when she was visiting Harry a few months ago. Been a long time. Too bad she couldn't come.”
“Yeah, too bad she's in Italy for school. But good for her, if I was her, I would be over the moon for studying abroad.” She sighed, “Unfortunately, Lucas won't allow me if I have the chance. Plus, my parents also don't want me to go to uni to far from home.”
“Why is that?”
“Because..” She stopped, “I don't know, but maybe I can persuade them someday. Lucky for Cece, she has the most supportive brother ever.”
“If you can get the scholarship too, it will be plus point for study abroad.”
“Yeah, that's why I have to try extra hard.” Mandy agreed, “Well, I want to go to bed. Good night, Y/N.”
“Night, Mandy.”
Mandy threw her small wave before she went upstairs to her room. Y/N didn't what to do, she hadn't been sleepy due to the nap she took after lunch. Yet, being alone here made her uncomfortable. Called her clingy but she didn’t want to go bed without Harry.
Maybe went to see Harry in the gym wouldn't bad. – Her inner goddess patted her chin.
Rose her body up, Y/N let her legs took her to the gym in the lower ground. Through the big glass door, she saw Lucas on the treadmill while Harry was sweating under the Lat pull-down machines. His thin tanktop drenched, showing his inked tattoo beneath. His veins popped due to how strong he pulled, his bulging muscles looked so tense yet relaxed. Both of the men didn't aware of her arrival.
She gulped when his shoulder, biceps, and back muscles were forming every time he tugged the grip down. His rigid jaw looked sharper when he clenched his teeth. Y/N admitted that she was slightly aroused when sweat dripping on him. She had to go before her wetness down there getting worse. The best choice for her right now was to go to bed immediately, even though without Harry.
After cleaned up herself and changing her clothes, Y/N unzipped her bag and pulled out a small black box – putting it inside the nightstand. She planned to give her present to Harry when he woke up tomorrow morning. Laying down onto the bed, she pulled the comforter and shut her eyes closed. She tried to fall asleep with a smile formed on her face, couldn't wait for Harry's birthday tomorrow.
But, Y/N seemed too excited that made her couldn't sleep. She just tossed around the bed, tried to find a good position to sleep. She didn't realise she kept tossing around for an hour. She was exhausted and wanted to sleep, but her eyes wouldn't allow it yet. She heard the door being opened thirty minutes later. Someone entered her and Harry's bedroom and closed the door after.
“Hey, why haven't you fallen asleep yet?” Harry inquired after Y/N pushed the comforter and leaned against the headboard.
“I couldn't sleep.” She shrugged, “I'm exhausted but my eyes won't comply with my body.”
“Maybe because you're already used to sleep cuddling with me.”
“You're such narcissistic.” She rolled her eyes playfully, “Clean your body and go to sleep with me.”
“Now, who said I was narcissistic earlier?” he joked before vanished into the bathroom. Y/N shook her head as she lay down to the bed before jolted right away, her brain suddenly remembered something. Her hand grabbed her phone on the nightstand beside the bed, unlocking the device. The screen light blinded her eyes for a moment, contrary to the dimmed lights on the room. It showed 00.15 am on February 1st. Her boyfriend was officially getting older today.
Grinning, she propped herself up with her elbow, opened the drawer to get the present and hit it under the pillow.
Harry exited the bathroom thirty minutes later. His upper body was half dry with the towel wrapped around his hips to the knees. Y/N bit her lips when Harry dropped the thick fabric until it pooled down to his feet caused his bare bum was facing her. Her eyes raked his body up and down. Sometimes she forgot his backside body was almost naked from the tattoos except for his left arms. His shoulders which had looked tense before, were relaxed now. His back was so soft, but when he was stretching, the muscles formed in its mighty. The waist, the tiny waist... she couldn't believe him when he told her he wore size 26 in jeans. His waist was tiny yet his body was broad. And the last, his bum looked normal. Yet, if he wore tight pants, his bum was very full and rounded.
Stop drooling over him you horny girl! her inner goddess scoffed.
Y/N blinked her eyes at the same time Harry wore his boxer. He threw the towel in the basket before joining her in bed.
“Happy birthday, H.” Y/N gave him a small smile, her hands fumbling together in her lap.
“Oh, it's February already?” he rose his eyebrow before checking his phone. He cackled as his phone screen showing his birth date, “I'm getting a year older now.”
“Come here, birthday boy.” Said her, with both arms wide open. He happily brought his body to her, swayed their bodies back and forth. Harry felt Y/N showering his neck with kisses while muttering some birthday wishes. Her hand rubbed his back while the other one stroking his hair.
“I wish that you'll always be happy.” She hummed on his shoulder, feeling Harry's arms cradled her weight; carried her to his lap.
“I'll be happy if you're happy too, darling.” He reacted in a cheesy way. Y/N couldn't help but laugh, her eyes were slightly teary but she wiped them off. She was a little emotional because he sure looked happy, yet in her heart there was a little sense of sadness, because every day he was always staked out by the shadow of anger that could change him in the blink of an eyes.
“Okay, I got you a present.” She sniffled as she let go of his arms. Her hand took something that had been prepared under her pillow.
“I know you like to keep some accessories and pieces of jewellery.” She rambled, placing the small box on his hand. “I hope you like it.”
“What is it?” he smiled, shaking the box next to his ear. But she just shook her head; asked him to open it. Harry carefully lifted the lid, his eyes slightly widened with eyebrows furrowed together. Meanwhile, his girlfriend in front of him squeezed her hands together, she couldn't take his expression. She just wished Harry liked her present.
“This is so beautiful.” He mumbled, take it out from the cushion carefully. In his hand, rested a black crucifix necklace. The material was stainless steel yet it was light.
“You have a few rings but you only have one cross necklace, so I thought it would be a friend of your cross one.” She shrugged, “It helps you remember that you're not alone, H.”
“Thank you so much. This is very thoughtful. I love it.” He declared, “Want to help me with this?”
Y/N picked the necklace and asked him to turn around. He did as she said, lowered his head a little. Harry had his eyes set on the crucifix pendant which was now hanging right on his chest, joining the silver cross one.
“Perfect” She stated after she made sure the hook was perfectly attached. Harry whirled and cupped her face with his right palm while his left slipped behind her neck, molded their lips together. Their kiss was soft, yet ravishing. He gently laid her down until her back hit the bed. Their collided lips getting more aggressive and passionate when he crawled over her. Her body was locked by his, she was small compared to him but sometimes her strength was strong enough to flip his body and sat on top of him.
She moaned when he kneaded her breast before he took off her camisole. Harry smirked as his eyes stared at her tense nipples hungrily. He wasted no time to latch on her, sucking her bud as he twirled his tongue on it.
“Oh!” Y/N cried over the sensation, her fingers tugged his roots, ruffled them messily. Her panted breath made her chest and of course her breast rose up and down. Harry hastily pressed her stomach down with his palms.
“Are we really going to have sex with Jesus watching us?” she laughed, tugging his necklace.
“Let's just pretend our sex would be blessed.” He whispered, “I mean.. I have a cross on me before and we always succeded our sex activities.”
“Now we're talking about God and sex.” Y/N shook her head jokingly.
“Because that's the definition of sin.” Harry added before kissed her again. Y/N wrapped her legs around his tiny waist while her hand buried in his thick hair. She sighed in pleasure while Harry sucked her neck, adorned her skin with his lovebite.
Up all night they spent with sex, worshipping each other's bodies. They didn't care if their moans or scream being heard all over the house. Their bedroom was very at the end, secluded from other rooms. In his mind, Harry praised himself in choosing a room here. Aside from this room was indeed his old bedroom, this was the most spacious after his mother's bedroom. This room also had a big window and he liked the view outside.
Every moan Y/N let out that night made his lust getting higher and higher. And he’d always knew they could go for a few rounds later.
. .
Please excuse some errors. Chat me here!
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the-fiction-witch · 5 years
NSFW Alphabet: Isaac Hempstead Wright
I've seen this for alot of different characters but I plan on doing my characters and actors for it just because Mostly why not I personally got the frame I'm using off of a bran stark ver from this amazing person https://glamorousstark.tumblr.com/post/186181760349/nsfw-alphabet-bran-stark
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A: aftercare-
As soon as it's all over and your both finished off Isaac will pass a glass of water from the bedside table and pull you close to his chest for snuggles.
B: body parts-
Isaac has an odd fixation with your waist and the small of your back he loves the soft slow curves it creates no matter how he holds you, often pulling you by the waist or ticking it to get attention, but mostly using it to direct you while you ride.
C: cum-
Isaac is quite the gentleman and almost never goes without a condom so your interactions with his cum are fairly limited however if you suck him off he will 1000% pull himself out your mouth and cum all over yours breasts and stomach.
D: dirty secret-
Isaac secretly has a fantasy every time he drives, he always secretly imagines your hand coming over and playing with him while he drives, getting his cock out his pants and distraction him, it's not limited to the car but he does it most in the car, as well as trains, planes, busses anything really where people could see you touching him he secretly wants you to.
E: experience-
Isaac was a virgin when you met so you where his first however having been working on such a sex heavy TV show for a large part of his formative years he had more knowledge then you'd expected but most of it in theory, however he was happy to practice the practical of what he already knew.
F: fave position-
His favourite position is simply you riding him, he loves holding your waist and hips as you bounce naked on him kissing your lips and breasts when he gets close as well as getting to see your face when you cum as well as hold you close when he reached is own.
G: goofy-
It allways starts out giggly and funny as your both not quite sure how to suggest to each other other than literally just saying it, but once he gets horny the giggles melt away
H: hair-
The dark brown continues in a slight trail down from his stomach but the actual area is well groomed and taken care of as he knows it makes it easier for you while giving blow jobs as well as it looks nicer for your distance picture exchanges
I: intimacy-
Isaac is very sweet and affectionate, often times durring sex he'll Tell you he loves you and no matter what he'll look after you.
J: jack off-
Isaac spends a lot of time away, time for filming, time for uni, time for touring, time for his family so in all honesty you don't spend much time in the same room, and after all the moving around in his life Isaac has mastered the art of quick and efficient jerking off, he will often do it to the memory of the last time you where together or perhaps some exchanged pictures.
K: kink/s-
Isaac isn't that kinky, he doesn't mind getting tied up, but he does like when you act all innocent and get out your old school skirt
L: location-
Your favourite is the antique wooden dinning table at his parents house, if someone where to take a black light to that table they would be angry, but it sure does make Christmas dinners a giggle.
His is the back of his car, he doesn't know if it's the danger or the teenage spark of rebellion of having sex in your car but either way he loves it, snuggling up in the back in empty car parks grabbing a condom from the box in the glove box and making the little car bounce up and down for a while.
M: Motivation-
Oddly enough his glasses. You stealing them, you taking them off for him, you playfully nudging them for his attention. He loves when you are cuddled up somewhere and you simply moved sitting on his lap and pulling off his glasses for him putting them on the table it gets him rock hard as he knows if you take his glasses he knows what your going to do next.
N: No-
Anything to do with daddies, physical violence or bodily fluids
O: Oral-
Isaac loves to give and to receive somehow your not sure how but he pick it up somewhere that one 30 Mon blow job is worth an hour of eating out, and Isaac likes to keep sex in your relationship fair, if he gets to cum he makes sure you have one or two as well. However if he had to choose he would pick receiving just because he loves your mouth way to much.
P: pace-
It always starts very slow and loving, sweet and caring but it gets faster and faster till you both explode with pleasure.
Q: quickie-
Neither of you are apposed to a quickies as they made up alot of your early relationship having to deal with you both living at home and having to doge family and such like, which lead you to some very creative quickies like in the shower together or in the laundry room ontop of the washing machine.
R: risks-
Isaac doesn't like to risk it much, or so he says.
Secretly he loves risking it.
S: stamina-
It varies, some days he can go four hours and hours and others he cums when your kissing, it mostly depends how much he's been away and how much you have seen each other, but you have began to notice if he jerks off alot while away he lasts hours when he comes home, something important to remember for his next trip.
T: toy/s-
A few toys mostly for you as he knows sometimes when he's been away he gets a little overwhelmed seeing you again and he can't always make you cum before he does so you have a couple toys but your not allowed to use the toys on your own only Isaac is allowed to use them on you.
U: unfair-
Isaac isn't a tease, he just wants to make you happy and make you feel good, undeniably sometimes he does it using some unfair tactics but you don't mind as most days he gives you an extra one more then him just so your happy
V: volume-
Loud! But he tries, he bites his mouth and kisses you all over to try and stop himself from screaming about how good it feels but he'll make sure you make enough noise for the both of you.
W: wild card
Isaac doesn't like pron, he finds it odd and uncomfortable, the only thing he does like is GIFs and pictures mostly stuff where you can't see the faces of the pornstars so he can imagine it's you and him, he has tried many times but can't get into porn at all, he just needs you to send him some pretty pictures.
X: xray-
Isaac being the long lanky boy that he is to no surprise I'm sure,
His cock is a fair width and girth however very long atleast seven inches if not more, initial this put a hult to sexual activity in the relationship due to your fear of him being to big, however you where very mistaken and Isaac fits snuggly hitting all the right places. Similarly he had concerns about you using your mouth for fears you wouldn't be able to take it all but after a couple weeks of trying over a summer you proved you could take every inch.
Y: yern-
When Isaac is away he yerns for your touch, your kisses, your pussy, and that doesn't change once he's home if he's in the mood he'll stop at nothing till your both satisfied
Z: zzzzz-
Isaac won't go to sleep till your snuggled close in his arms he will always check you've cum and that your happy and often asks "your sure you don't want another one? Before bed?" He likes to make sure your satisfactied and happy before you snuggle up and drift off to sleep together.
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WhatsApp, Part 16. (Steve Rogers x reader)
Description: You’ve never been lucky with guys. You just wanted to catch someone’s eye, to be loved. One day, that’s about to turn completely - with one fake, completely imagined number a guy gave you.
A/N: Inspired by the song Turn Me On by Cheat Codes and Dante Klein. Like, fuck it up, Kenneth. Fuck it up.
Word count: 2.4 K
Tagging: @missdictatorme, @songforhema, @mikariell95, @jaqui-has-a-conspiracy-theory
Read the rest here: Part One  Part Two  Part three  Part four  Part five  Part Six Part seven  Part eight  Part nine  Part ten  Part eleven  Part twelve  Part thirteen  Part fourteen  Part fifteen
If you like to have your readings in order :):  H E R E  
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The following morning, you really did call to your office and took a fucking day off, because you really needed it. Your headache was killing you - but you were happy when you remembered what happened last night. Yeah, your legs weren't working like they used to normally, but you were on cloud nine.
Bucky's shit-eating grin was shining on his face as Deena and Sam both handled him twenty bucks in cash. You've really done it and Steve reacted. You expected to end up that night with a kiss - but Steve gave you a few good rounds and he went down on you without any hesitation. You couldn't even count how many times you came that night.
And even if your whole body did hurt and you were tired, you knew you could take more of him.
So you laid in your bed with a lazy smile on your lips, your hand leaned into your crossed forearms as you watched Steve swinging his ass dressed in jeans in a rhythm of a fast song. It was an interpreter from the concert you were on the last night, you could really tell. That sweet Greek god was preparing your breakfast and he was as happy as he wasn't in a long time.
His body and smile felt relaxed and truthful, his body was itching with the finest pain he ever felt. Oh man, sometimes it was good to be eager - and to DEFINITELY love sex. He was one hundred percent sure that he loves sex.
Being seventy years in the ice wasn't an excuse for not learning some new techniques in case they were needed; including new types of speaking, some physical attributes, clothing style and of course, the modern styles of making love.
The missionary was outdated - now, there were much funnier things to do in the bedroom. 
Both Steve and Bucky knew that, so their research was fairly good in this matter. And they were good students.
A woman's body was the most beautiful instrument in the entire world when you knew how to play it - Steve knew that since the fucking forties. And you sang for him the entire night. 
You had some messy memories of the night, but Steve remembered every single detail. He knew that you curl up your toes when you liked what he was doing, that you were praising him when he touched the right spot and that your collarbones were visible when your body tensed up as you orgasmed with loud moans.
He was eager to test everything out, to learn more about your physical side; to learn how to please his baby girl the best way he could.
It was pretty obvious that from that night on, you two became a couple in a relationship. You were his doll and his baby girl just as he was your big guy. And you lived for all of that.
“That’s who we're listening to now?” - You chuckled as you heard Salt and Peppa’s famous lyrics “let’s talk about sex” in that EDM remix. - “How come?” 
“It happened to be my new all-time favorite. Might have one or six reasons” - Steve answered in a singing voice and you giggled, sitting up. He smirked, punning on the events of last night.
"So, how you're feeling?" - He smiled sweetly and leaned down to give you an entire plate of fried eggs. You accepted, covering your body in a blanket.
"I haven't felt this good for a long, long time." - You leaned closer to kiss him, Steve gladly accepted that his huge palm traveling on the smooth skin on your neck, caressing you with love. - "And thank you for breakfast. I can't even say how hungry I am."
"My pleasure, really." - He winked at you. You ate in silence, but with sinful grins on your faces. You were looking like a muse - he never saw such a beautiful thing until that very morning.
He was having a happy grin on his face. It was all his work - your happy smile, the blissful look in your eyes and the slight pain in your body.
"The best fucking breakfast ever." - You kissed his shoulder, hummed and smiled, resting your head on Steve's body. He had a body of a God, you wanted to take a picture of that bod, just to look at it when feeling down. You knew it will make you curl your lips into a smile every time he'll have a chance to show his abs. - "And you're the best fucking soldier."
"Oh really, missy? What makes you say that?" - His hands smoothed your hair and he pressed a gentle kiss on your temple. You curled to his side like a little kitten, almost purring with love.
"Well, you're handsome, gentle with me, emotional, hot and so good with your tongue." - You sighed and slowly smoothed his chest with a nail of your finger. - "You have many qualities that I can name, but I can think of different ways of you showing me."
Your lips invited his body to lean into his, slowly kissing his neck down with your eyes closed. You felt him tense up under your touch when you brush his nipple teasingly; so he was the sensitive one. You liked that.
"What are you doing to me?" - Steve took your jaw and brought his lips to yours as he slowly leaned down, pressing your body to the mattress.
"Making you wanna love me." - You whispered with a wicked smile and caressed his cheeks, down to his collarbones and wide shoulders. Jesus fuck, his back was something you knew you will never have enough of.
"I already do, kitten." - Steve sat back up and undid his belt, looking you in the eyes with dark eyes. You were ready to come at his simple command. - "But now I'm going to show you." - He gave you a brief look when he lifted up boxers. You swallowed and almost rolled your eyes to the back of your head. Jesus that man was a piece of art.
As they say, the most innocent looking ones are the kinkiest ones. Thank God, that happened to be the truth.
"What the fuck have you done with Captain Rogers?" - You sighed dramatically and caught your breast without further thinking.
"Was that a bad language word?" - Steve's hand replaced your on your breast, his fingers were playfully playing with your nipple. Oh God, that made you moan playfully. You minx. - "I might know some ways how to make you forget this kind of words."
"Here's my man. Promise me that you'll be my Captain in the streets." - You ached your back as his lips praised your belly with sloppy kisses. Your hand was messing up his perfectly cut hair. - "But my animal in the sheets."
"Oh, I can promise that, ma'am." - He hummed into your skin and with that, his tongue circled slowly around your clit. At that moment, your headache was long forgotten as you made a long, sweet sound with your eyes happily closed. You were smiling as Steve carefully caressed your inner thighs down to the pit under your knee, his eyes closed as he flicked his tongue directly on your sweet spot.
Sometimes Steve stopped those blissful motions to suck on that spot, making some wet sounds. You were caressing your breasts as he continued, but you stopped when his eyes winked at you. You felt somehow guilty, but Steve, his lips and chin wet from your pussy, just chuckled.
"Continue with that. It's hot." - He pleaded and you circled your fingers around your hard nipples. You could but diamonds with that; and you had no idea how hard it made his cock. - "I will go to hell for that, you she-devil. This is just too much for me to handle."
With those words, he dived back between your legs and you screamed in pleasure. It was more common to guy praise his girl, but you were kindly taking that privilege.
"Such a good fucking boy, making me feel so good." - You bit your lip and started to feel as the muscles inside of you come clenched. Steve could feel as you jumped a bit because of all that stimulation, so he decided to put his fingers in use as well.
That was almost too much for you to take. Steve had fingers of a skilled pianist, long and flexible. So when started to curl them inside of you, you only rolled your eyes backward and tried to find your breath. It was nowhere to be found.
Your body started to tremble and you couldn't control it at all. Your thighs were squeezing Steve's face in your sweet valley, and as the passion took over your body, and when you came, with his name on your lips, you almost choked him a bit.
When it was all over, your body just relaxed and you looked into the ceiling. Holy fuck, Steve Rogers truly had a golden tongue and you needed that tongue all day and all night.
"I hope that you don't think that it's over, do you?" - Steve's voice chuckled next to your ear. He sounded like a predator, slowly cleaning his chin with the back of his palm. - "I have a whole lot of cure for your swearing with me."
"Oh, baby. I think you're making the punishment for yourself because all of that will make me swear even more." - You smiled lazily and kisses him, while he giggled out of his jeans. He was laughing and let his tongue passionately dance with yours, letting you taste yourself on his tongue. - "Trust me that I'll have such a fucking dirty mouth, baby boy."
And with that, he pressed your body into the mattress as he slid inside of your cunt. The premiere when you almost couldn't take the full length inside was far inside of you; you were slowly adjusting to him and this time, it was way pleasurable than in the night. You couldn't help but make some erotic sounds as he started to pound into you and peppered your neck with sweet kisses and gentle bites.
But most of the time, his eyes didn't leave your face. He closely watched every little emotion crossing through your eyes, how you opened your mouth more and wider before leaning your head backward. You were such a masterpiece to him.
Steve tried different positions than the night before, different rhythms and different angles with his pelvis. He was a playful, dirty boy when his goal was having you breathing, moaning mess in the shortest time he possibly could without you coming for the second time so soon.
It took him some time to come as well and you felt so warm and smooth in the inside that he didn't want to stop. But he loved as you caressed his body and praised yours. That self-love was a huge turn on for him to say at least.
"I think I can't anymore." - You squealed in the middle of his firm, quick tempo. Steve laid you on your side, having one of your thighs circled around his hip as he kneeled on his knees and his dick was pounding into you from some angle that made you go wild. He felt fucking huge. - "You make me fucking come again, Rogers. Jesus fucking Christ."
"Try to think about your words, missy. I have a whole day for you and you can make hard any time." - Steve leaned down to kiss your shoulder. He was sweaty as well and it was no wonder to you. Steve was pounding into you like there was no fucking tomorrow.
"No, I will be a good girl, just snuggle me for the rest of the day. I beg you." - You straightaway screamed the last sentence since you came again. Mr. Rogers's magical dick. That was your favorite thing on the whole planet from that exact moment, you've decided. Period.
After a few last pounds with little growls, he came as well. Since he remembered almost everything you've ever done, he knew it was safe to come inside. At least that's how Steve understood the science of hormonal pills.
Steve watched your lazy smile and closes eyes with a loving gaze. Those feelings were something that only he was able to make you feel and Steve was proud of it. And you loved the style he was fucking you, it was wild and you could feel that Steve was having fun.
"Baby, I'm tired. Come here, hug me and snuggle me. You have to do it since you practically destroyed my body." - You let him slip out of you and slowly crawled under one of your blankets. You were basically falling asleep on the spot.
"But you liked it, didn't you?" - Steve asked as he laid behind you, slowly snuggling his chest to your back. You both looked as the snowflakes slowly fell down from the sky. It was a magnificently calm view.
"I will show you how I loved it the next time I will be able to stand on my feet." - You laughed lazily. - "You might take a few days off that superhero life because you will have to take care of the mess you made out of me."
"Gladly, kitten. I will gladly take care of you. But go to sleep now, we'll take a bath as soon as you wake up. I promise." - Steve pressed his lips to the crook of your neck and nuzzled his nose into your hair, smelling it shamelessly.
Steve Rogers was sure that heaven had to smell like that. Otherwise, he didn't want to go there - he would follow you to the deepest hell for that matter.
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mysmedrabbles · 5 years
RFA+Minor Trio Reacting to an MC in the Mafia
requested: y e s 
a/n: listen,,,,, im a huge sucker for mafia au’s ,, and perhaps i’ll upload a full story with all of them on Patreon! So stay tuned for that one! Definitely more mafia AU type things coming soon though  if you want to see more mysme mafia and want to support my work, feel free to buy me a coffee!
warnings: vanderwoods is really good
-Prohibition-Era Italian Mafia mod Alex 
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- corporate heir of a multi-million won company married to the runaway child- now mafia member? my god what a cliche
-it’d originally been a few weeks before he’d planned to propose when he suddenly realized that he had... never actually met your family? He’d always figured that you’d tell him when you felt comfortable enough, or when you felt like it, but he genuinely wanted to propose, to marry you and make you his, however he felt he needed your fathers approval, something.
-he’s surprisingly calm when you tell him the truth, that you’d run away from home at a young age and upon asking for a job at the local bar, as anything, someone who works in the back and does inventory, trash person, anything, you’d found out that this bar was a front for a mafia organization, who’d promptly adopted you and taken care of you ever since 
-you’re not sure what kind of reaction you expected from him, but you receive none, only an understanding nod and a question, same as before, “Can I meet them?”
-the next day you take him down to where you work, a lovely little rustic bar downtown. 
-he notices as you visibly relax when you take him into the back, smile spreading on your face as you greet various members cheerfully, a reluctant grin, changing to a threatening frown when they noticed Jumin holding your hand and following you to the back
-you’re not expecting the meeting to go well, pacing around the door, where your boss, is privately speaking to Jumin, hand placed firmly on your grip of your gun, finger threateningly over the safety lock, ready to fire if something bad went down
-so you’re exceedingly surprised when the two come back out on an embrace, chuckling as they greet you. waving the two of you off with a genuinely kind smile, you turn to Jumin, demanding an explanation as you get back into the car.
- “Jumin?????” you gesture wildly, inviting the explanation.
- “Yes dear? - Home, Driver Kim please” he nods in Driver Kims direction.
-He gives no explanation, knowing it’s going to drive you insane, only says, “We’re having dinner with your family next week by the way.”
-corporate mafia family
-her dream, to own her own cafe, with you! her love, her joy, her future wife!
-so she can’t understand you when you’re extremely hesitant to leave your job, what looked like a? boring bartending job?
-she knew there was something you weren't telling her, and she ends up figuring it out herself, putting two and two together, using various news reports about the bar, mixed with information (or lack thereof) of the manager of the place
-she stomps up to you in a cold but angry manner, and thrusts a piece of paper in your hands, a list of collected evidence. “Tell me you’re not part of a gang MC.”
-her voice is scarily cold, but hints of tears that threaten to swallow her whole still manage to reflect through her voice.
-you explain your story, the whole ordeal since you ran away until you found the job, to how they all took care of you, and hey its not like you were the most powerful one, you were moreso like the little sibling of the group, still having skills but never in any direct danger.
-she doesnt speak to you for two days, “contemplating the information” (aka making you feel guilty for hiding this)
-when she sees just how broken down and sad you are as you get into bed, movements sluggish as you flop into the comfort of your shared bed, it finally makes her realize that,, this was something you had chosen as a child and even if she wasn’t okay with it, it wasn’t her choice to make. This was your family and she had to respect that. 
-biting on the inside of her lip, she slips next to you, pulling you towards her silently. resting your head on her chest, you look up at her hopefully, “does this mean I’m forgiven?”
-the ghost of a smile graces her face as she closes her eyes, “We’ll see tomorrow. Lets sleep for now y/n.”
-when jaehee meets the crew its a lovely spring night and,, well,,,, basically they end up scared of her and you’ve never been more in love with the woman sitting across from you at the dinner table
-nonononononono his sweet baby angel cant be in the mafia
-the fact that you’re you know,, a part of the mafia doesn’t even register in yoosungs brain, his main concern is that you’ll get hurt, that something will happen to you in the line of duty and you won't come home
-you assure him that you’re mainly the person who talks to the targets beforehand, gathering intel and helping prepare for the missions
-you dont necessarily tell him much about anything or anyone, preferring to keep him in the dark, for his own safety
-of course you’d mentioned Yoosung to Byung-Hee, the mafia boss and your paternal figure, but he’d never thought much of Yoosung; that is until Yoosung bursts into the storage rom of the bar, and with around 15 different guns pointed at him, he threatens Byung-Hee, that if he ever dare let anything happen to you, he’d come in and kill him himself, using his medical knowledge to make his death look like an accident
-Byung-Hee is,, amused. Yoosung is not threatening in the least, but the dedication it took to march into mafia headquarters uninvited and threaten the leader while thirteen different people had their guns trained directly at him,,, shit takes guts
-All he does is nod, extending his hand to shake Yoosungs, who is,, extremely confused. When Yoosung’s hand reached Byung-Hees however,, the boss yanks Yoosung close, whispering in a threatening manner that if h e ever hurt you, he’d kill him in the most painful way possible and no one would ever know
-needless to say as soon as he gets back home, the adrenaline rush fades and runs directly into your confused embrace as he cries, mumbling something about how you’ll always be safe and his promises
-sjdhfskjdfh bitch you think you’re dangerous? i’m part of the mf mafia
-he never found much about you when he looked you up, only records that existed were report card grades in elementary and middle school, but past that it was as if you’d fallen off the face of the earth; no credit cards, social media accounts, guilty 2 am internet purchases, not even so much as a water and power bill or an address, until you suddenly reappeared three years ago, but it’s still not much
-the two of you drive the rest of the messenger to insanity, and even your FBI agents are sick of see your texts to each other, questions masked in playfulness, both trying to get the truth out of each other. Nothing making sense except to the two of you
-often he’ll poke you awake in the middle of the night, glasses slipping down his nose rapidly as he pesters you with incoherent questions about your past; but all you do is shift, intertwining your legs with his and pushing him back down to the bed, placing your head on his chest as you go back to sleep
-its around six months later post having moved in together when the two of you when you decide enough is enough. the truth had to come out sometime no? the two of you gather all the fast food and snacks you can, and facing each other sitting cross legged on the couch, no interruptions, you take turns firing questions at each other, answering them no matter how hard it might have been
-his reaction to you being in the mafia is at first, concerned. because he knows how mafias operate, and the last thing he would want is for a client to come into his job and for your gang to be the target that needs to be eliminated. 
-his next question is what level of illegality do you operate at?
-with your response being an even 5, he presses for more. you explain how you take funds from the rich, expose the businessmen who steal from the company’s funds, bribe and threaten powerful congresspeople to pass better laws to help the poor, the basic steal from the rich, give to the poor type deal
-he listens intently, the story of how you got to this point completely capturing him. he never thinks badly about you; in a way you guys were helping out the world. if he spins it the right way, its almost like the two of you are doing the same job, just different methods
-work buddies! while he hacks and does his work for the agency, you’re right there sitting next to him trying to learn all you can about your next target and making a detailed plan, on constant call with Hyun Ki and Hyun Shik, dubbed the “intelligence twins.” When you’re getting visibly stressed he reaches over, gently squeezing your hand reassuringly as he breaks out the HBC for the both of you to take a short break, and when he gets stressed you do the same. 
-finally having a place to rant about work, of course neither of you can ever disclose the targets names, but its still good to get things off of your chest
-honestly the only thing he has trouble believing is that you’re an actual bartender. “yes seven, i actually went to school to get my certificate for this” “why u always lyyyiiinn”
-when he sees something on the news, another politician knocked down from the public eye, a mysterious amount of money donated to the local orphanage, he makes sure to congratulate you, genuinely grinning as he picks you up to kiss you, proud of his s/o 
-if you’re chosen to do some first hand intel, go down and charm someone into signing x y or z paper or get them to a secondary location, he uses his own skills to keep an eye on you and make sure nothing bad happens 
-when its time to meet the family, he goes in jokes ablaze, making what was supposed to be a refined mafia dinner at an upscale restaurant a comedy center,, and the lack of fear on his behalf frankly amuses the boss. sevens a mess the whole dinner. he observes the similarities between the gang and the RFA, both having the same familial dynamic between each other, a kind of comfort and complete happiness. 
-of course as soon as you get married he instantly becomes a part of the family as well
-they hate him. like,,, they love him but also hate him.
-terrible jokes from his part; “hey y/n can you take care of this client for me? here kind of a dick but i’m not allowed to say anything. it'd be great if,,,, something happened to their money”
-he knows you’d never do it to anyone that doesn’t deserve it but its a funny bit that keeps the two of you sane
- “absolutley not mc”
-he hates your job already, working at a bar in downtown, but the fact that its just a Front for a Mafia gang? that you’re a Part of?
-absolutely not.
-he springs into protective mode instantly, launching himself into a long rant on how he’s going to get you out of there, you dont need to worry because you dont have to be there, no matter what dirt they have on you, what you did in the past, he still loves you and he’s going to help you no matter what it takes
-meanwhile youre sitting there watching him pace around, trying not to burst out laughing
-when you explain to him that they’re quite fair, a robin hood type deal made of people who grew up poor, people who were cheated by the government and were forced into poverty, broke their way through the ranks and were trying to help others that were currently in their situation, taking from the rich, bribing businessmen in high power to put forward better laws for consideration, dropping money on random peoples doorstep, all under the cover of anonymity.
-he sits on this for a while, trying to digest what you’d just said. as much as he hates it, he empathizes with the situations that brought you there, and his opinion of this gang has,, drastically changed
-he’s still wary of your safety, hence you suggest he meet the members himself
-bringing out all the toughness he can muster, he strides in with you at his side, cooly talking to the intelligence twins, Hyun Ki and Hyun Shik. He meets others, Jae-Sang and Byung-Hee, and they accept him into the family surprisingly quickly
-he gets along with everyone,, r e a l l y well
-nervous boye 
-he doesn’t want you to get hurt, but he understand your reasoning as to why you started in the business of money laundering, understands better than most
-he listens to your story, about the way you ran away and straight into the arms of Byung-Hee, who offered you a job. With no other choice you joined, but eventually warmed up to the idea, and now you love them like family
-of course, he cant help but call you during your lunch break, needing to hear your voice and make sure you’re okay, that you haven't been killed or turned into a murderous member
-a part of him does think its somewhat cool, especially the fact that you willingly got in and can belong to a group like this and not be you know,, abused traumatized and poisoned repeatedly.
-when he finally meets them, he barely musters a word or two, but as time goes on, he gets increasingly comfortable with them. if you trust them, he trusts them.
-he cant go through this cult mafia shit again bro
-it takes a lot of reassurance that the boss is actually fair, and even proving to him that you guys dont do others harm, nor do you forcibly recruit people
-you tell him about how they took you in as a scared and alone high schooler, essentially adopted and raised you, gave you a job, a roof over your head and urged you to do what you want in life
-of course theres the thing that you cant officially leave them, so technically you are trapped there, but they took pity on you, looking at you as a little sibling, and at most they only make you gather intel or have you as the driver
-he’s not the most calm about it, but he understands that they’re your true family, and he tries his best to get along with them, trying to view the members as multiple brothers sisters and or parents instead of,,, dangerous mafia members
-he seems extremely calm and chill whenever you guys all go for dinner, very professional and sleek, but in reality he’s trying not to run into the restroom and escape through the window
-you started off as his client, the one he were supposed to gather intel on and report back to the boss, find his way to your own boss and kill him
-so when Vanderwood found out that you were also the rfa he felt like the luckiest man in the world
-he pretty much always hangs out in the bar during your shift, trying to overhear any useful information; but damn he never expected you to look,, like that.
-week after week, he finds himself enraptured in your beauty, buying water after water, trying to be smooth as he talks to you
-he convinces himself that the little flutter he gets whenever you smile, when your fingers momentarily touch his as you give him yet Another glass of water no ice,, your focus when you experiment with different drinks, the way you get ridiculously excited when said experimental drink turns out good, immediately giving Vanderwood a glass,,, missions,, weren't supposed to be like this right?
-he pries, asking about your boss, but its the adoration of which you speak of Byung-Hee that breaks him, the gestures you make as you talk about him like family
-he skulks back to base, head running wildly. he knows he can’t let you go, he cant fall in love with a client, however he can't bring himself to bring you or your family harm. 
-trying desperately to regain his composure, he spins a story how the original intel he received must have been wrong, because there was no hidden agenda behind the bar. He makes up a lie how he went through the bank statements, hacked the system, did it all, but the bar was 100% clean
-he knows he can never go back, to you, but just protecting you will have to be enough
122 notes · View notes
39hystericalqueens · 5 years
It’s A Hard Life (Brian May x Reader) Chapter 1
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This series was written alongside a companion playlist. Each song on the playlist is related to a certain scene or moment within the story and while this fic can 100% be read without the playlist, it adds so much to the story to listen along as you read. Throughout this series, you will see numbers in parentheses within the text. Each number corresponds to a track on the playlist. For example, if you saw: (1), this would mean play the first track on the playlist before continuing on reading. Some of the songs serve to set the mood, some correspond with a song that is actually playing in the story, and some tell part of the story better than I can and so they help to drive the plot. I will say again that you don’t need the playlist to understand and enjoy this fic but I strongly recommend at least checking it out. 
Chapter 1
Warnings: Some swearing
A/N: It’s finally here! The first chapter of my Brian May x Reader fic, It’s A Hard Life. I worked really hard on this so I hope you all enjoy! Additionally, I don’t have a taglist yet so if you like what you read please message me and I’ll be sure to tag you in all future installments. 
Word Count: 4.8k (she’s a long first chapter)
October 1969
*beep beep beep*
*beep beep beep*
It never ceased to amaze you how jarring the sound of your alarm clock could be. Loud and unrelenting, it was especially obnoxious this morning because it signaled one thing: the beginning of the week. Grudgingly, you rolled over to check the time. 
6:45 AM
Ugh. In an hour you’d have to be in class, and not just any class. Professor Wesham’s Intermediate Music Theory course was taught at 8am sharp every morning five days a week. Professor Wesham was a rather vile man with a love for discipline, trick questions, and embarrassing his students in front of the rest of the class. He had no interest in being a professor and mentioned that at any moment he saw fit. Rather, he believed that music theory was a subject that very few could teach correctly, and so it was his duty as a musician to impart those teachings upon young students, no matter how much he hated it. If you could have you would have dropped his class after the first week, but for a degree in music performance, all levels of theory were required.
You looked over at the clock again. 
7:02 AM
C’mon Y/N, gonna have to get up sooner or later. 
With quite a bit of effort, you finally pulled yourself up and out of bed and into the first pair of jeans you saw lying on the floor. 
“...so when we’re looking to find a mode of a scale we can look to the intervals for the answers. Each mode has its own unique combination of whole tones and semitones, so if you know the patterns you can accurately alter the scale…”
As expected, class that morning was hellish. A thirty-minute lecture on the basics of modes followed by another twenty minutes of history and you found yourself slowly drifting back to sleep. Your thoughts were soon taken over by memories of being curled up in bed this morning and fantasies of what you would be eating for lunch in a few hours. 
Maybe spaghetti? Or soup? I could really go for soup today. With luck they’ll have that creamy tomato one that I love down at the cafe...
“Miss Y/L/N?!” Professor Wesham’s voice rang out through the lecture hall  
“Miss Y/L/N I asked you a question, but it appears as though you can’t be bothered to pay attention to what I’m saying this morning. Have you heard a word of what I’ve said?” 
You opened your mouth to protest, but nothing came out. 
“That’s what I thought. Can anyone else answer my question? Anyone at all? Or are you all just going to sit there and stare at me like a bunch of deadbeats?!” 
Silence filled the hall and for a moment it seemed as though he was about to give up and move on when suddenly he yelled,
“Susie! What is the C Mixolydian scale?”
From the back of the hall, a faint voice answered, 
“It’s the 5th mode of the F major scale, it follows the Mixolydian interval pattern of whole whole semi whole whole semi whole, and the notes are C D E F G A and B flat.” 
And with that, he moved on forward with the lesson. 
I could have answered that, you thought to yourself, all the bastard needed to do was repeat himself.
You sighed and silently took notes for the rest of the period. 
When class let out you made a beeline for the door, hurrying out of the building and down towards the green commons in front. You didn’t stop walking until you saw the sign for The Cafe. Located right in the center of the music department, The Cafe was your go-to spot. Coffee and pastries in the mornings, sandwiches and soup for lunch, and full-on dinner seven nights a week. Although technically open to the general public, the music students at Ealing had claimed the place for themselves long ago, and you had never seen it empty in your entire time at the college. Today was no exception. You pushed your way in and headed straight for the counter to order. 
“One creamy tomato soup please,” you said to the woman at the counter, and with your table number in hand, you found a small booth in the corner and collapsed into it. 
It had been a particularly difficult week for you. The new term just started a few weeks ago and already your professors were piling on work. Theory worksheets, composition assignments, and three new solos had all been handed to you in the past few weeks, and it wouldn’t have been so bad if you didn’t also have a job that demanded long shifts late at night. You worked at Selmer’s, the music store in town and, due to your schedule, almost exclusively worked the night shifts from  6 until closing at midnight. It wasn’t a bad gig by any means, in fact you really liked working there. You never knew who would walk through the door. One moment it would be a broke uni student popping in to buy new guitar strings and the next it could be a famous musician like Pete Townshend. Okay so maybe not Pete Townshend, but you had once sold Jim McCarty a set of drumsticks. It was your one claim to fame. 
As you ate your soup you enjoyably became lost in your own thoughts, so much so that you didn’t notice when someone sat down across from you. 
“Hello? Earth to Y/N?” 
The voice of your best friend Freddie interrupted your quiet contemplation. You loved him to death but sometimes he really had the worst timing. 
The story of how you two met was actually quite funny. It was back in September of last year, the beginning of your first year of uni. The night before classes were set to start you had gone to a party and somehow ended up right in the middle of a game of truth or dare, only the rules had been altered slightly so that anyone who chose truth also had to take a shot. Being the relatively shy person that you were, you hadn’t taken many dares and as a result found yourself to be rather drunk. 
“Alright c’mon Y/N,” said a guy named Greg (he was in your year and studying music as well) “you can’t pick truth forever.”
“Ok fine, dare”
“I dare you,” Greg continued, “to make out with Freddie.” He gestured to a man who appeared to be just as drunk as you were sitting across the circle. He laughed and said, 
“Whenever you’re ready darling, I’ll just be over here waiting.” With a roll of your eyes toward Greg, you had crawled your way across the circle, straddled Freddie’s lap, and started to viciously make out with him to the best of your abilities in your drunken state. 
The next morning you had woken up wickedly hungover and as you walked down the street to find something for breakfast you had bumped into none other than Freddie from the night before. He had laughed at the state of both of you (“we need to make sure that neither one of us ever drinks that much again!”) and offered to take you out to breakfast and the rest was history. It was definitely an odd way to start a friendship, but you two found that you just clicked together. His outspoken nature balanced out your tendencies to sink back into the shadows, and your level-headedness counteracted his love of making decisions on a whim. It really was, at least you two thought so, the perfect friendship. 
“Hello? Y/N? Is anyone home in there?” Freddie continued as you looked up from your food. 
“Hey Fred,” you said, coming to terms with the fact that your time for quiet contemplation was over. “What brings you down here? I thought you had a class way at the other end of campus this morning.” 
“I did. And then I decided that I was feeling a bit peckish and could go for a bowl of The Cafe’s famous tomato soup, even if it is all the way on the other side of school. But this worked out perfectly, me running into you here, because I have something important to tell you!” 
He dramatically reached his hands out and motioned for you to take them in yours. 
“You know I have been following this band called Smile around for ages.” 
You nodded.
“And you know I’ve been begging you to come out and see one of their shows with me” 
Once again you nodded. At least once a month (if not more) Freddie would try and drag you along to one of their shows despite your efforts to tell him that rock concerts really weren’t your thing. 
“Well recently I’ve started to hang around with them properly, them being the band, and we’ve become rather close. You and I both know Tim of course but it’s the other band members that I’ve really started to click with. We’re even talking about getting a flat together. They still won’t let me sing in the band, but that’s an issue for another day. What I need to tell you is that they’re playing a free gig tomorrow night right here at Ealing and you and I are both going!”
You opened your mouth to protest but Freddie kept talking. 
“And don’t even try to get out of this one. I know for a fact that on Tuesdays you only work until 7, and I also know that you don’t have plans afterward because yesterday on the phone you expressed to me just how boring your week was going to be. So unless within the last 24 hours you have made plans to go out late on a Tuesday night after work, you have no excuse not to go with me to this.” 
You stared back at him in disbelief. 
“Alright Fred, you got me fair and square. I will go with you tomorrow,”
“Excellent!” he exclaimed, “I’ll be at Selmer’s to pick you up from work at 7 PM sharp tomorrow. Oh, this is going to be so fun!” 
“Sounds like a plan,” and then you added, “And just because I’m going this time it doesn’t mean you’ll get me to go next time.” 
“Fair enough,” Freddie said, “but you’re going to have so much fun tomorrow night that I won’t even have to ask you to go with me again.” 
And with that he sprung up and made his way over to the counter to order some food, leaving you alone to wonder what on earth you had gotten yourself into. 
The store was surprisingly slow for a Tuesday evening. Two hours into your shift and only three people had come in, and all within ten minutes of each other. To kill time you had started reorganizing the reed display, but quickly lost interest and for the past hour and a half you had simply been sitting behind the counter, listening to the old rock n roll music that played in the background, and thinking about nothing in particular. 
🎵Without her I will be in misery (oh oh oh)
In misery (ooh ooh ooh)
My misery (la la la la la la) 🎵 
As the song came to a close you heard the bell over the door jingle, alerting you that someone had just walked through the door. You craned your neck around the counter to see a guy with long dirty blond hair looking around frantically as though he had lost something. 
“Hi,” you said, “Welcome to Selmer’s, can I help you find anyth-“
“Guitar strings!” he nearly shouted, “I need guitar strings!” 
“Okay,” you said slowly, “do you have any idea as to which type of strings?” 
“Oh shit...uh, I don’t know. The normal kind I guess? I just need strings!” he once again looked around frantically, eyes finally settling on the clock on the wall behind you. “Shit! I’m so going to be late!” 
“Ok slow down a second,” you said calmly, “what’s all the hurry about? What, are you about to go onstage any second now?” You had meant it as a joke but to your surprise, he screamed, 
“Oh shit sorry I didn’t actually think you were- ok, um, so you don’t know the type of string but do you know what model the guitar is?”
“It’s uh...oh dammit I don’t know.”
“I don’t mean to be rude, but what kind of guitarist doesn’t know the kind of guitar they play?” 
“I’m not the guitarist,” he said, “I’m the drummer. Our guitarist broke a string like ten minutes ago so I ran out to grab him more while he helped the rest of our band keep setting up.”
“Ah, I see,” you said. “Well since you don’t know which kinds of strings he uses I’ll just give you some Fender 12 gauges. They’re pretty standard, I’ve got a lot of people who use them so hopefully that should be ok.” 
“Yeah, those should be alright.”
You rang up the package and handed it to him. 
“Thank you so much, you just saved our show.”
“My pleasure,” you said as you handed him the strings, “I hope these will work out for you guys tonight, and if not, well then you didn’t buy them here.” 
He laughed at your comment. 
“You’re funny,” he said. “Normally I would stay around and chat, maybe ask for your number, but I do kind of have to be going or else my bandmates will have my head on a spike. But it was great to meet you…uh….”
“Y/N,” you answered his unspoken question. 
“Great to meet you Y/N, I’m Roger.” Is all he said before turning on his heel and sauntering out through the doorway. You could tell he was trying to maintain a cool, laid back composure despite having burst through your door in a panic not ten minutes prior. You laughed to yourself, wondering if you would ever see him again. 
Looking at the clock you saw that it was eight till 7. Freddie would be here any minute. You got right to work closing up the store for the night. You were right in the middle of locking the window display cases when once again you heard the bell over the door ring. 
“Hello darling I hope you’re ready for a concert!” Freddie’s melodious voice sang out. 
“Hey Fred, just give me two more minutes and I’ll be ready to go,” you replied. 
“I have been absolutely restless all day today thinking about tonight,” Freddie continued, “We are going to have so much fun!” 
He made his way over to the counter and leaned against it, facing your back. “I really think you’re going to like their music,” he continued, “they’ve got a very real sound, none of that formulaic clean-cut bullshit.”
“I told you, Freddie,” you said, turning around to face him, “I make no promises as to whether or not I’ll like them. But they do sound quite lovely from the way you describe them.” 
With that, you shut off all the lights, lock up the doors, and the two of you were on your way. 
The concert was being held in the student center at Ealing, right in the middle of the campus. On a normal day the large open room was typically used for fundraisers, game nights, and a variety of other student-run activities, but every now and then the school would allow bands to put on shows. As you walked through the door you were immediately overwhelmed by the sheer amount of people packed into the room. All the tables and chairs had been pushed to the sides making it so it was barely possible to sit down, though there were a few people who had managed to squeeze themselves into a seat. You were about to follow their lead, your eyes fixed on an empty table close to the back, but Freddie grabbed you by the arm and pulled you both up to the very front. 
“Do we really have to be this close, Fred? I can hear just as well from back there,” you said, gesturing towards the table you had so lovingly had your eye on. 
“Darling we’re seeing a rock concert, not the symphony, it’s not just about being able to hear them. Watching them play and being right up in the middle of things is all part of the experience.” 
You looked at him rather quizzically. 
“Alright, but if I get my ears blown out tonight it’s your fault.”
“That’s the spirit! Now I’m going to go and get us both something to drink. I’ll be right back.” 
As you watched your friend disappear into the crowd of students you turned to focus your attention on the stage in front of you.  They had taken the small stage that permanently stayed in the back of the student center and never usually saw anything more exciting than experimental theater pieces put on by the drama students, and had completely transformed it into something out of a whimsical fever dream. Brightly colored metallic fabrics had been draped over the dingy, dust-filled curtain that hung behind the stage. In the center of the stage sat a drum kit with a giant red-lipped smile on the bass drum. To the side, there were two guitars on stands, a pretty standard bass guitar, which you recognized as Tim’s, and a guitar which you had never seen the likes of before. It was a bright cherry red color with a black pickguard and it was oddly round in shape. You had been working at a well-stocked music store for nearly two years now and had never seen any guitar that remotely resembled it before. To top it all off you saw that they had covered the lights facing the stage with different colored translucent films, further adding to the whimsical ambiance. 
You know, this actually seems like it’s going to be a lot of fun. Dammit, Fred, why’d you have to be right. 
You shook your head to yourself and began to look around to see if you could see Freddie anywhere when suddenly everyone started clapping. 
The band was making its way onstage. On bass, there was Tim Staffell. He went to Ealing, studying graphic design, and was a good friend of Freddie’s. The three of you often went out together for drinks. You then looked over to see the man behind the drum kit and couldn’t believe what you saw. Sitting there was Roger, the guy you had sold guitar strings to mere hours ago. 
“Ha!” You said aloud.
“What’s so funny?” Interjected Freddie, who had just appeared next to you holding two beers. 
“I know the drummer,” you said. 
“You know Roger?”
“Yeah,” you continue, chuckling, “I sold him guitar strings a few hours ago. He was in a right panic about it. Apparently, their guitarist broke one earlier and didn’t have any extras on hand.”
“Brian didn’t have any extra strings on him? That must have really caused a panic, I don’t think Brian has ever forgotten anything in his entire life.” 
“I’m assuming Brian is the guitarist?”
“Yeah, and he’s bloody brilliant at it. There he is right there.” Freddie pointed to the man standing on the right of the stage. He was incredibly tall and lanky, with a head full of unruly curly brown hair and deep brown eyes. He was wearing black pinstriped trousers and a white top which he had accessorized with the most interesting looking fuzzy vest. He exuded the most peculiar combination of confidence and recluse, and as he stood there fiddling with his guitar you couldn’t help but think he was the most beautiful person you had ever seen. 
You turned to say something to Freddie, but before you could get any words out Tim had started talking into the microphone. 
“Hello Ealing!” He shouted. He was met with a resounding chorus of cheers and whoops from the crowd. “We are Smile!” More cheers. “You all know me, I’m Tim Staffell, over there on guitar we have Brian May, and back there on the drums is Roger Taylor. We’ve got a good set for you tonight, all originals except for a few, and we’re going to start with a song called Step On Me.” 
At once they struck up an upbeat tune and it didn’t take long for the audience to start dancing and singing along with them. 
🎵Know what I said when I saw you crying
Hang on that’s folly
I was weak in the head out to meet your lying
You’re just a bad memory 
My life was going to be better
My why did I never ever see she’d step on me🎵
As you listened to them sing you couldn’t help but nod and dance along with the rest of the audience. Fred was right again, they really did have a sound the likes of which you had never heard before. Not only were their harmonies perfectly in tune, but they had an almost angelic quality to them that pulled you in, wanting to hear more. 
“Well now look who’s actually having a good time,” Freddie said to you as they finished their first song. I knew you would like them. 
“They really are something else,” you said, “although I would probably like them even more if I weren’t surrounded by so many people right now.” 
Freddie laughed. 
“I guess I’ll have to talk to Tim about getting you a private show then.”  
They went from song to song, each one more enjoyable than the last, and while you tried to keep your attention from wavering, you kept finding yourself drawn to Brian the guitarist. Freddie hadn’t been lying when he said that Brian was bloody brilliant at what he did. You watched him easily play his way through several guitar solos, making them sound effortless, though with your musical knowledge (and by the look on his face) you could tell that they were anything but that. He played with a look of concentration on his face, never wavering except for the few times he looked up and out into the crowd. It was then, you noticed, that a small smile would cross his face. 
All too soon Tim was at the microphone again, announcing that this would be their last song. You felt as if you could continue to listen to their music for hours and wished to yourself that the show wasn’t over yet. 
“You all have been such a great crowd tonight,” Tim went on, “and so to finish we’re going to be bringing you everyone’s favorite: Doing Alright!” 
If you thought you had liked the songs they had played the rest of the night, then you loved this one. It started out with a slow ballad, complete with more complex guitar work, but as it went on it morphed into hard rock with grit and feeling. You thought the juxtaposition of the two styles was a daring choice seeing as it would be easy to mess up, but they did it with such grace and style so that it completely worked. When the song finally came to a close and the band took their bows you joined in with the thunderous applause and cheering. 
“Fred, I’ve got to say it: I really did enjoy myself tonight. It was a little loud and crowded for my liking but I think the music and the show were able to make up for it, and maybe, just maybe, I’ll come with you again.”
“Oh that’s wonderful darling! I knew tonight was going to be a success. But it’s not quite over yet.”
“Of course not! You didn’t think you were going to get away without meeting the band, also known as my new friends. C’mon, they’re probably around somewhere outside packing up.”
You and Freddie fought your way through the crowds of students to get to the door and out into the night air. As Freddie had said, you found Tim and Roger sitting on the back of a van which you could see was full up of their equipment. Brian was nowhere in sight. 
“Freddie! So glad you could make it!” Exclaimed Roger, standing up. “And,” he turned to you, “I don’t believe it. Y/N from the music store, why on earth didn’t you tell me you were coming to the show tonight?” 
“Mostly because I had no idea this was your band,” you replied, laughing. “Freddie here has been after me to see and meet you guys for ages.” 
“And,” said Roger, “what do you think?”
“Coming from someone who doesn’t tend to enjoy rock concerts, I thought you guys were wonderful. I did not expect to enjoy myself tonight as much as I did. I think you’ve really got something special here.”
“You flatter us too much,” said Tim, “if you keep talking like that we’re all gonna get big heads. And Roger’s is big enough as is.”
“Hey!” said Roger, but he smiled. 
“So,” you continue, “Freddie said you guys are thinking about getting a flat together?”
“Yeah, Brian and I found this place up the road a little, Brian’s our guitarist by the way,” said Roger. 
At the mention of his name, you could feel your heart flutter slightly in your chest.
“Freddie mentioned him,” you said, “Did the strings end up working out for him?”
“I thought they were fine, but Bri gets particular about these things. I guess they were the wrong brand or gauge or something like that. He kept going on about how he was going to sound awful tonight and his sound was going to be too abrasive.”
“Well yes, different strings are going to give you different sounds and I don’t know what he usually uses, but you guys sounded just great to me.”
Part of you desperately wanted to ask where he was right now, but you decided against it. 
Against your better judgment, you had let Freddie convince you to stay around and talk with him, Tim, and Roger for a while longer. In that time you learned that Roger was studying to be a dentist at London Hospital Medical School, and Brian was over at the Imperial College studying, as Roger put it, “some sort of space physics.” 
“He’s real into all that,” Roger continued, “but I can’t say the same for myself. I get good marks and all that, professors think I have a lot of ‘promise’, whatever that means, but a dentist for the rest of my life? I’m not sure I could handle that. Nah, I’m hoping to stay in rock n roll for as long as I can. What about you? You’re over at Ealing with Fred and Tim, right? Are you another graphic design nerd like these guys?”
“No, music actually. Nothing like what you guys do,” you added, seeing Roger’s face light up, “classical repertoire mostly. I play the flute.”
“You any good?”
“I suppose that’s a matter of opinion. Personally, I tend to think I’m shit, but you ask any music student and they’ll tell you the same thing.”
“Oh don’t be like that, Y/N,” interjected Freddie, “she’s bloody marvelous. She can play you Bach like you’ve never heard before, although Roger I don’t think you have ever heard it before.”
“Oh come off it, I’ve heard my fair share of the classical stuff.”
“Yes, next time you go to the symphony be sure to refer to it as ‘the classical stuff’ I’m sure you won’t get any funny looks at all.”
You and Tim howled with laughter at Freddie’s comment while Roger gave him a good punch in the shoulder. 
“Dear god, look at the time,” you said a moment later after having glanced at your watch. “Is it really two thirty in the morning?!”
“I suppose it is,” said Tim, ���sure hasn’t felt that long.”
“I’ve really got to be going then,” you said.
“Aw c’mon stay out for a little longer with us,” said Tim, “Fred and I hardly get to see you anymore.”
“I know, and I wish that I could, but I’ve got class at 8 tomorrow morning and I should at least try to get some sleep.”
“Oh alright go on, we know you’re right,” said Freddie, “I should probably be going myself, I am quite exhausted.”
“See ya later Fred,” said Roger, “great to see you again, Y/N. You should come round to the flat once we get it, we’d all love to see you again and you can meet Brian as well.”
The flutter was back. 
“I definitely will,” you replied before giving them all a wave and starting back to your own flat. 
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tenshibeth1 · 5 years
Fic Writer Meme
Thanks for the tag, @chierafied ! <3
Author Name:
Here and a few other places my author name is Tenshibeth1, which was a username I'd created back in high school some...gosh, ten years ago now? Time flies! But, it was created in part by my group of friends then. I was in the goth group, but they always said I was the nicest and most innocent of the group, like an angel. My nickname in reality is Beth, short from Elizabeth, and I've always been big into Japan, anime, and manga and all, so Tenshi seemed a fitting choice to add onto my name. Tenshi means angel. The one stands for the fact that it was my first author username. Now, Reflection of a Broken Dream (RoaBD) came later in life, when I felt everything I am and was, was broken. It came after my divorce from an abusive and terrible man...he had me believing I was nothing. I could do nothing right, I was a pest to everyone, and my dreams? Get real. I could never make them come true. Writing has always been a balm for me...and even though I believed few would read or like my stuff, I did eventually begin posting stuff again. To my shock, people liked what I wrote...they wrote me such kind words and pleas for continuation. Everyone who liked and commented on the stories gave me hope again, and confidence in myself. So thank you to everyone who read and commented! I'm where I am now because of you all. ,^.^,
Fandoms You Write For:
SessKag and SessOC from Inuyasha, KuraKag and HieiKag from Yu Yu Hakusho and Inuyasha, KuraOC from Yu Yu Hakusho (although I'm not sure if I've posted any...), and, a long while back, I used to post ShinoHina from Naruto. I also wrote some KakaHina, GaaraHina, SasuHina, and ItaHina from Naruto...I don't know if I ever posted any...but I ship it.
Where You Post:
Mainly on here and on Dokuga. I once posted on Spark a long time ago...and I was posting on FFnet, but something went awry when I tried to get the app...and now I can no longer sign in to my account and no staff members will help me, so I'll probably make another account. I also have an AO3, which I need to update. ><
Most Popular One Shot:
On Dokuga, it's a SessKag titled Now and Forever...which is a one-shot sequel to Written in the Stars. Here, it's the SessKag Someone to Protect with 79 hits. I have no oneshots on AO3. And on FFnet is Hinata's Favorite Insect, a ShinoHina, which only won by two follows. It was neck-and-neck with a SessKag Things That Go 'Thump' In The Night.
Most Popular Multichapter:
Here, it looks like the SessKag Alpha is in the lead with 104 hits. With Dokuga...holy crap, it's Cursed with over 12k reads! O.O On FFnet it's Overprotective, which is a HieiKag...and it looks like it's the favorite on AO3, too! Oh, wow. I need to go back and write on so many stories...T.T
Favorite Story:
Ahh...most of them hold a special place in my heart...but there are a few that are a little more...sentimental than others. Cursed, for example, would be one of the top ones. I began writing it when I was living with my ex-husband. It is one of the few reasons I stayed sane...and the original version of that fic was warped...just like my mind at the time. If anyone's curious, I'll tell that story later...but know that it will end well. Rising From the Ashes is going to be a good story if I can ever finish it. It's a bubbling of hope from the darkest recesses of depression...something I suffer and struggle with everyday and have to rise from. Very Merry Christmas With You is going to be a healing fic, Sesshoumaru helping Kagome heal from a trauma that happened to her as a child. They have the relationship I desire most. Same with Alpha, but it's a more recent trauma that reminds me much of my past marriage. The Unexpected, a ShinoHina, was a much earlier echo of this, with an abusive relationship in the making with her arranged betrothed in the Snow. And I just have a special place for Overprotective and All That is Meant To Be because...I do. They were works when I wasn't as confident as I am now, and I really loved and worked on the stories vigilantly outside of what I posted. I kept writing and re-writing to see which directions I wanted to go with them...I need to re-write them both with more detail and post them...
Story You Were Most Nervous to Post:
That's a tie between Arranged Marriage, a ShinoHina, and Cursed, a SessKag. Arranged Marriage was the first real fic I worked on that I posted after several years and the abuse I went through. The anxiety I suffered to post it was...unbelievable. I thought I might pass out. I expected people to boo me out of there since it isn't a very liked ship...but, happily, I found that wasn't the case. And Cursed... I was revamping it to be made public after realizing how messed up it was, and how messed up in the head I'd been... So, I was understandably nervous and trying to make it better. Real. Believable. And not the dark hole it once was...
How Do You Pick Titles:
Erm...I'm with Chiera, I pick whatever feels best. Mostly, I try to pick something short and sweet...and easy to remember.
Do You Outline:
Define outline. Haha. I do try to kind of figure out which events I want in the story and roughly figure out the ending...but I don't always do that. On the ones I have more of a feel of, I do. Ones I don't? I pretty much fly by the seat of my pants and go on the journey with my readers. Some, I still have no idea how they're going to end. We'll find out when we get there. XD
Complete Stories:
Ai yai yaiii...roughly eight. The Best Antiques will get a oneshot sequel or two, but...yeah. Not very impressive. I have a bunch of unfinished published works...and about seven hundred more on my computer... >.>;;
The list of completed fics:
The Best Antiques
Things That Go 'Thump' In The Night
Waiting for You
Hinata's Favorite Insect
Written in the Stars
Now and Forever
Someone to Protect
In Progress:
I am currently working on The Pact, Alpha, and Cursed actively, with some work-ins on the other SessKags. I want to work on them all more, and get back into some of my KuraKag, HieiKag, and ShinoHina.
Coming Soon:
I just posted The Pact chapter 5! Dancing With Your Ghost, a SessKag one shot that likes to rip my heart out every time I write on it. I Found You, a SessKag one shot exploring alternate realities. Romancing, a SessKag series of Sesshoumaru trying to wordlessly woo Kagome. The Dark Guardian, a SessKag I hope to write for Halloween! An interesting take of Sesshoumaru as the deity of death that I started, like, a year ago and forgot about... And I'm working on a fic called The Child, an eventual KuraKag with a rough start. ...I'm also working on another KuraKag in little bits, it's currently unnamed and will revolve around Genkai's secret love child she didn't even tell Toguro about... Yes, I know I'm working on a lot at once. Because of my medicine change I have days where I struggle to focus on any one thing...so I write a little here and there. And some days I don't get to because work kills me sometimes and I have do things after work for work other days. -shrugs-
I love them and am open to them if anyone wants to suggest or send them. They might even help with what I'm writing. The Dark Guardian was created from a prompt. ^.^
("Unbeknownst to you, Death was watching you from the corner of the hospital room when you were being born. Fascinated by life, it imprinted on you. As the years went by, Death often saw you being bullied at school and couldn't do anything but watch; as taking the lives if your bullies would have been too much of a verdict. However, you have just been kidnapped and Death is pissed.")
Upcoming Story You are Most Excited For:
It's a tie between The Dark Guardian and Romancing! I'm excited to explore the role of Sesshoumaru as something loosely like Hades with Kagome as his Persephone...just in a very different way. (If you follow the telling of the story in which he does not rape her. The one I found, she could read the inscriptions and said it did not explicitly say he raped her, just whisked her to Hell.) But that isn't exactly the way the story is going, just that Kagome is his light in the all-consuming darkness. Romancing...is going to be sweet and funny, with a bit of drama added in. And frustration. Why does she not understand?! XD Poor Sesshy... If I could get my act together, I would work on The Youkai Games...something I've been working on, off and on, for the past ten years or so...
Five Authors:
And anyone else who wants to try! ^.^
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kyokkou · 5 years
𝐚𝐧 𝐨𝐟𝐟𝐞𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐟𝐫𝐨𝐦 𝐚 𝐝𝐞𝐦𝐨𝐧 | part six. late shōwa (1926–1989) era
☼ part five. ☼
                    ❝The promise that dissolved in the wind will someday cross time                     “We’ll meet again” – a lie whiter than the snow and the clouds❞
          AN EMPTY HOSPITAL BED was all that greeted him today. The formal surrender was to be signed, and Kiku was gone. Hikaru didn't take him for a coward who would run away-- he always said he would die before surrendering to anyone, though. Perhaps he had made good on the threat of death... but personifications could not simply die. It took years of illness and eventual fading away-- didn't it? That was what he had heard, and it was within the realm of possibility. Kiku was very ill, and didn't seem to be getting better, and now Hikaru was feeling similarly nauseous-- which he immediately blamed on his panic at Kiku's disappearance.           HIKARU WOULD HAVE TO GO in his place; as far as anyone knew, there was only one of them, anyway. No one would know the difference, and he had suffered enough physical injuries from the air raids that he could surely pass himself off as the same one who had started this destructive war. He broke his promise to me, and now he's gone. I don't know whether to be angry or upset. Or... terrified at what comes after this, Hikaru thought as he trudged down the corridor. What he didn't know was that Kiku had already gone home.
          THE PAIN SEEMED TO DRAIN from his body that morning, before the first light of dawn. He couldn't be sure, but it probably went to Hikaru; and that meant he would be suffering alone, at home. Their home had not been destroyed by the relentless air-raids, tucked away just enough that the bombing raid on the Imperial Palace in Tokyo had not touched it. Just having to walk past that was enough to make Kiku wish he was still unconscious from pain. This was his fault. Everything he had worked for had been undone, and there was no one to blame for it but himself. And, certainly, he didn't deserve it-- so he thought, at least.           THEIR HOME WAS EMPTY save for the two dogs, who could be heard shuffling about in one of the rooms. With all of the new people coming by, their behavior had become skittish-- though he called out, they didn't come running like usual. No answer, either. Hikaru was nowhere to be found after a quick run-through of the home. He must have already left for the day, and maybe they had already passed one another. He would just have to wait until Hikaru returned, and apologize for not being there later. Hopefully this wouldn't cause too much trouble-- after all, he knew Hikaru half expected him to find a reason to avoid attending the formal surrender.           WHEN HIKARU RETURNED, Kiku immediately went to meet him. Hikaru looked right at him, as if looking through him, and sighed. Like usual when they weren't on the best terms, Hikaru didn't say a word; instead, his attention was directed to the dogs. It was to be expected; all the times he'd disappointed Hikaru were like this. Kiku was quick to shrug it off and sit in the main room while Hikaru made a modest dinner. Even when he was angry with Kiku, Hikaru wouldn't let him starve.           EXCEPT FOR THIS TIME. Kiku watched as Hikaru sat down, alone, with only enough to eat for himself. When he didn't immediately begin eating, the now-former empire anticipated what he might say and leaned forward over the low table, reaching out tentatively to touch Hikaru's cheek... Only to feel nothing. In a moment of slight panic, Kiku tried again, this time trying to move Hikaru to look at him. He was nothing but a projection-- or was it Kiku? Had he disappeared, just like his empire?           HIKARU DIDN'T ACCEPT IT right away; at least, that's what he thought. That he must have been hallucinating all sorts of things; that his reflection in a mirror was Kiku, or that he was still in his room, the scent of incense and tobacco lingering as if he was just there. Every time he looked, there was no trace of him. Reiji would come by sometimes, and sit there for hours by himself; Hikaru didn't have the heart to tell him to leave. He simply fed him and let him be on his way, always making sure to tell the little aircraft personification on the days that Alfred was meant to come over.           THOSE WERE THE DAYS HE HATED THE MOST. Without fail, whenever he showed up for a visit, it ended painfully for Hikaru. Physically, and mentally; it was always something he wanted to forget, the way he felt like a prisoner in his own home-- it had gotten better since the occupation ended decades prior, but it never truly stopped. The younger nation was like night and day with him; kind before sunset, but a real bastard once the lights were out. Hikaru rarely ever went into that guest room as the years went on, but there were some nights-- every so often-- that the American would run out of the room screaming, claiming Kiku was threatening to behead him. If only-- Hikaru caught himself thinking, while pulling his yukata a little bit tighter around his body.           THE MORE TIME THAT PASSED, the more Hikaru wondered if he was going to crumble; the hallucinations were so frequent now that he found himself waiting for them, just to be able to see Kiku again. And then, just when he let his guard down, something moved in his peripheral vision; just as quickly, it was gone. On the especially stressful nights, he found himself habitually walking down the hallway to Kiku's room, wondering if he'd be able to open the door instead of just standing in front of it until he fell to his knees, crushed by the weight of his own despair. He assumed tonight would be much the same. The past few months, it seemed like he did it every night.           WERE THE HALLUCINATIONS GETTING WORSE? Hikaru had gone down the hall as usual, but the door was open tonight, and there was a silhouette barely visible in the near-complete darkness of the room. Impossible-- no one should be in here; no one even knew where this home was, even if they could go trespassing this far into grounds of the Imperial Palace. Hikaru felt like a zombie as he slowly went into the room and reached up to pull the cord of the overhead lamp. Kiku was there before him when the room was illuminated, and yet, he couldn't even react; his eyes had lied to him so many times before, this wouldn't be any different. Kiku would disappear like always.           ❝YOU SHOULD BE SLEEPING, not wasting your time in here...❞ Kiku mumbled, reaching out to touch Hikaru's cheek and expecting to just pass right through him, as it had been for the past forty-four years. Hikaru, meanwhile, was frozen; for the first time in all those years, he could finally hear Kiku's voice again. It must be my imagination, Hikaru thought, leaning into the touch. For being nothing but a hallucination, it was more like a dream. Surely, he'd wake up with the same stinging sensation in his eyes, and would have to settle for the warmth of his pets to keep him company.           ❝I JUST MISS YOU, more than anything.❞ Hikaru couldn't believe he was responding like this; but there was no dreamscape to collapse this time, and the way it felt to put his own hand over Kiku's hand was what finally snapped him out of the tired and apathetic daze he'd been in. When he looked back up at Kiku, he looked just as stunned at what was happening. ❝You-- where have you been?! Why did you leave? You said you would protect me--❞           ❝I NEVER LEFT, I've been here this whole time! You couldn't see me. I tried to tell you, I wrote you so many letters on whatever I could find, but you just collected the paper and put it away without reading it!❞ Kiku argued as the two of them pulled away from one another. Hikaru was clearly upset, and it made Kiku feel instantly guilty for raising his voice like that. He hadn't done that in... forty four years.           ❝THOSE WERE BLANK, so I put them away... this whole time? You've been here, but I couldn't see you... which means you could see me.❞ The realization that he had seen everything that had been done to him was enough to make him overcome with nausea, and Hikaru immediately turned away in humiliation. Kiku didn't say a word; of course he had seen it. Every time Alfred was over as the years went on, he would stare at him until the sun came up, wishing nothing but terrible things to happen to him. He'd never admit it to Hikaru; he assumed he'd get scolded for it-- the sword and the beheading threats weren't necessary, were they? Besides, he knew he could get away with it; no one could see him. He was gone, as he had no purpose as the Empire of Japan. It didn't exist, and neither did he.           HIKARU COULDN'T BELIEVE that Kiku would even want to embrace him after everything he had seen; and yet, he was now being held closely. Neither of them were imagining things. After all this time, why was he now allowed back? It was the one question both of them were not sure they wanted the answer to, as if knowing would somehow drag Kiku back to whatever limbo he had been trapped in. That didn't stop the former empire from bringing it up, though.           ❝I CAN'T IMAGINE WHY I'M HERE AGAIN, because you've done well without me. You don't need me. In trying to give you an ideal life, I ruined everything, and you've had to deal with the burden of it all. Hikaru--❞           ❝DON'T SAY ANYMORE, I don't want you to disappear again. I can't do this alone, I don't think I can go on like this. I need you, Kiku. I don't care what happened then-- I don't want to be alone,❞ Hikaru pleaded, trying to hold back all of the emotions that threatened to overflow at any moment. ❝We'll just have to find something for you-- if that's all it is, there must be something... that can keep you here so I don't have to be alone again.❞                      ❝I DON'T KNOW IF IT WILL WORK, but it's worth a try if it means I can be by your side again.❞ As the two of them sat talking, long past the sun had risen, His Majesty the Emperor departed their world.                                                 PART SEVEN COMING SOON!
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one-night-story · 6 years
Echoes of You (Spike Spiegel)
A/N: The formatting on this is h e l l. But when nostalgia slaps you and says “Fall in love with Spike Spiegel again.” You do as it’s says. Thus this
Roman Holiday had changed who she was so many times she didn’t remember who she was when she started. She’d been a drug lord, a spy, an informant, a bounty, a runaway. But these days, with blue and purple hair and a coat large enough to hide a pistol, she settled on being a ghost among the streets, listening and picking up information as she went. She found herself on Mars, mourning friends and paying dues. She was going to have to disappear again soon. But first, she needed food, scissors, and some hair dye; though she was uncertain what color. She tried walking into a convenience store when she ran into someone.
“Sorry about that.” The guy said. From that one comment Roman almost got whiplash. That voice shouldn’t be talking to her. That voice should’ve been dead. If not from the first time, then definitely the second time. She looked up at him and sure enough it was him. Spike Spiegel in all his blue suited, disheveled glory. And he looked just as shocked to see her. “Ro-?” He didn’t get to finish her name because she took off, sprinting in the opposite direction as fast as she could. He of course went after her, he always would, and she scaled a building to get to the roof. She pulled her pistol and waited for him to catch up.
“Who are you?” She asked.
“Ro don’t do this.”
“Tell me! Stop playing cruel tricks and just tell me!” She yelled. It couldn’t be him, it shouldn’t be him.
“Roman, it’s really me.”
“Bullshit, you died.”
“I didn’t,”
“Then you died again.”
“I’ve had worse.” He said with his trademark lazy smile. Roman almost let up at that. He still knew her weak points.
“Gimme the word.” She said, lowering her gun but not putting it away. He furrowed his brows and then figured it out.
“Lily.” He said. Roman lowered her pistol entirely and put it away. Her flower of choice. Julia had roses, she had lilies. Her whole form softened, though she was far from the Roman he used to know. Spike took a step forward to see if she’d let him and sure enough, she didn’t move. “It’s good to see you Roman. Glad to know you’re still picking up information.” He said. Roman shrugged and sat down, still keeping her distance.
“Nothing better to do on this dirt rock. You know you threw the whole operation into chaos, right? There’s a power vacuum with at least seven people trying to fill it.” She said. Spike sat across from her, a little closer than she would’ve liked, but she allowed it. She chalked it up to some primal part of her brain still wanting to keep him as close as she could. He pulled a cigarette from his pocket and stuck it in his mouth.
“What’s next for you then? Figure you’re not gonna stick around for that mess to sort itself out.” He said as he fished out a lighter and lit the cigarette. He took a drag and offered it to Roman. She took it and copied the movement. She never smoked unless she was with Spike. Again, she chalked it up to that primal part of her brain that was still 13 years old and hoped that she still stood a chance against a far prettier half-sister.
“I cut my hair, redye it and catch a flight out of here. I’m thinking Ganymede. Or the asteroids. Hell, I could go be a small fry in Tijuana.” She said.
“And what color will it be this time?” He asked. Roman’s mood was usually determined by her hair. She changed it with regimes, mood, the music she was listening to that month, and sometimes when she felt she had no control of anything. He watched as she thought over her answer.
“Red. Probably. Or pink. Julia always thought I’d look good with pink.” She said muttering the last part.
“You would.” He said. Roman tried to not flush to the color in question, but she never did take compliments well. “I remember she was constantly trying to push you out of the shadows.”
“I like the shadows. No one judges me there. I’m useful there.” Roman argued. Spike chuckled and took a drag from his cigarette. The motion was repeated when he passed it to her to take a drag.
“Maybe, but you have no reason to stay there. Unless you wanna start working for the police.” He said.
“I could be a bounty hunter.” She said with a shrug.
“Oh no, I don’t think I could have you competing for my dinner money too.” He said with his trademark smile. Roman laughed at his comment, a real laugh. Something she hadn’t done in a while. As she laughed, Spike watched her. Her face was lit up by the beginnings of sunset and neon. Her and Julia had no personality similarities, but sometimes they did have physical ones.
“I haven’t done that in forever.” She said when she finally calmed down. Spike smiled at her. She seemed lighter now, more at ease. It was like the laughter fit had locked her into a time machine and she had shed so many years of cynicism with ease. “What about you? What becomes of the great Spike Spiegel? Now newly undeceased again.” She asked. Spike thought it over. He wasn’t certain. He didn’t know if he could go back to the Bebop. But he didn’t know any other way of life. Maybe just him and Jet could strike out again. Maybe he needed to go forward. Maybe he needed to disappear.
“No idea. Maybe dye my hair and change planets.” He said. Roman rolled her eyes.
“Hey, don’t steal my one thing.” She said. Spike chuckled and actually gave her a genuine smile. They were silent for a minute, casually passing the cigarette between themselves. For a moment they felt like teenagers again, sharing cigarettes and sharing a moment of uncertainty. At least that’s how Roman always felt in moments like these. Until finally she broke the tension.
“Annie told me you came to see her.” She said as she looked down.
“Yeah. Thought I might finally kill him.”
“Ignored my bounty then.”
“Always did. Whenever it came up, no matter what the price, no matter what name you were under. I wouldn’t do that to you Roman.” He said. It felt like a whisper on the wind. Like if he said it any louder, he’d lose her like he lost Julia. Roman leaned into this, allowing one of her knees to knock into his. She needed this. She needed him. Outside of just that primal part that told her she was once 13 and crushing on the one person in the whole galaxy she couldn’t have.
“I look at you and I think… god what have we done with our lives? And what did it get us?” She said with what Spike could only describe as the truest form of sadness he’s ever seen from her. Roman Holiday kept all her cards close to her chest until one day, she’d die. But now? He felt like he was peering through a brick in her wall. “I loved my sister more than anything in this life. And I chose her happiness over mine, time and time again.” She scoffed and leaned back on her hands. “God I can’t believe I’m saying this.”
“What?” He asked. He wasn’t sure what was coming next, but curiosity killed him to know.
“A million years ago, she said to me “this one’s mine.” So, I stood by.” She said. “And I knew I shouldn’t do anything, I should just leave and pretend I never met you. But Julia,”
“She was too kind for that.” He said as his brain was slowly putting the pieces together. He had always wondered when they were kids, even before Roman became a shadow figure, why she always seemed to fall into that point, even when Julia brought her out, or when he tried to talk to her. But now he got it. She’d been hiding pain this whole time.
“I should go.” She said. She stood up and dusted herself off. Spike stood up as well and grabbed her wrist before she could go anywhere.
“Don’t disappear again.” He said. Roman looked down at her beat up shoes, trying to hide what had just come to pass.
“You can’t ask that of me.” She said.
“Ro, you’re all I’ve got left.”
“And who’s fault is that?” She snapped. Spike wanted to get offended. But he remembered an incident when they were younger, where he’d gotten too close and she’d snapped, and he retaliated. They didn’t speak for a month. Not until Julia forced them to, and not until after he’d brought her lilies. He sighed and plucked the nearly burnt out cigarette from his teeth and passed it to her. She took a drag and then stomped it out. She was still looking down at it when Spike brought her face to look up at him. Roman unintentionally leaned her cheek into his hand, blinking at him a couple of times.
“I won’t let this be the last time I see you Roman.” He said. Spike, at his core, was a deeply sentimental person. He couldn’t lose Roman. She reached up and brought his face to hers, giving him a small, soft and what Spike could only describe as a ghost of a kiss. Like she was afraid of what fully kissing him would mean. He kissed her cheek in turn, letting it sit there a little longer than either of them expected. When they separated, they put the distance back between them. Once again, afraid of what the closeness would do to them. She tossed him a comm unit she had pocketed off some guy and he caught it with ease.
“Call that ship of yours.”
“Wouldn’t that be going backward?” He asked.
“One step backward to go miles forward? I think it’s worth it. Call them Spiegel.” She said. Spike nodded.
“Remember, pink.” He said. Roman gave him a small, soft smile and nodded.
“See you Space Cowboy.” She said as she ran off the edge of the roof, scaling down the building to go buy some scissors, some food, and some pink hair dye.
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kee-writestrashh · 6 years
To Marry a Bastard
Ramsay Bolton x Reader
summary:  Before there were the Bastard’s Bitches, the Black Sheep, the Wicked Ones, and the Red King’s to worry about there was only the Bastard’s Boys. Before there was a bun in the oven there was a possessive, obsessive love. There was raw emotion. There was a rowdy group of men who frequented a small, hole in wall, bar…. There was something evil behind that smirk. But there was also something needing and wanting behind those cold blue eyes.
**prequel to Guns for Hire
Chap 1 || Chap 2 || Chap 3
Chapter 4: And so the Story Begins....
"You're late." Domeric said, looking up from his paperwork when Ramsay entered the office.
"Pft," Ramsay huffed with a haughty sniff. "And the problem is? I had shit to do."
Domeric set his pen down and examined his younger brother for a moment as he sat across the desk from him. Something seemed to have his feathers ruffled. Not that it took too much to get under Ramsay's skin, even if he wouldn't admit it. "Everything alright?"
Ramsay shot a cold glare at Domeric but his usual smirk cropped up soon after. "Of course. Everything is always alright."
"How'd court go? I haven't seen you since then." Domeric said slowly, as if choosing the words carefully.
Ramsay gave a shrug, "Dropped the assault charges. I'm sure father had something to do with it. But I was assigned six more weeks of anger management bullshit, and they added another day of therapy. So instead of seeing that old bitch once a week, I get to see her two times a week. Woooo." He added the last part in bitter sarcasm with an eye roll.
Domeric nodded a couple times before looking back at his paperwork. "I asked you to come by because I seem to be missing something. Father says that upon running final numbers last week for the last three months, it would seem that four of our larger shipments seemingly disappeared. I don't understand?"
"You and me both. I brought it up to father the first time it happened. It's hurting sales because guns keep going missing. Father said he'd look into the matter, but never said anything else to me." Ramsay said, idly biting a nail and leaning back in his seat.
Domeric frowned at the paper on his desk and gave a sigh.
"That's really all you wanted?" Ramsay asked, raising a brow and feeling irritable with his older brother. "You wasted my time to come into the office on my day off to talk about ghost ships? You could have fucking text me."
"Yeah... I guess." Domeric shrugged, tearing his pale eyes from the paper and looking back at Ramsay. "Sorry. I just thought maybe you knew more about it. If father already knew and you two had discussed it, why would he say anything to me?"
Ramsay gave a bewildered shrug and scrunched his face, "Fuck if I know how his mind works. Are we done here?"
"Yeah I guess. Since you seem in a hurry."
"Good. Because I have a couple things to buy real quick like. If you need anything just... text me."
"Think he'll actually show up to take me out?" You asked, looking over at Olyvar.
"He'd be a fool not to, dear." Olyvar hummed, wiping down a table top.
It was Wednesday afternoon, and the bar was closed, but Old Man Jones liked to have the bar wiped down and cleaned real good at least once a week.
"It's just a bit weird isn't it? I mean, he didn't even give me a name. What if he's like some serial rapist killer or some shit?" You sighed, walking into the back employee room to grab your things.
"Then don't go if you're worried about it. Make sure you have mace or something? I don't know what you want me to say (Y/N). You've been out of the game way too long." Olyvar said, following you and grabbing his coat.
You slid your coat on and pulled your keys from you pocket and gave a small shrug. "Yeah I guess. I'll text you and let you know how it goes!"
"Don't forget the condoms." Olyvar winked, slipping out the door.
"I'm not gonna fuck him!" You called after him, feeling your cheeks warm a bit. You shook your head slightly, exiting the building and locking the door behind you. Olyvar, he was so bold in everything he said. No shame.
You reached the landing of your apartment and were slightly startled to find a dress bag and a box on the ground outside your door.
There was a note on the box. You stooped down and picked it up:
For dinner tonight. I will meet you at front at 7:00 exactly. -R.B.
You gathered up the items, quickly unlocked your apartment door and stepped inside, closing the door quickly behind you. Your heart pounding in nerves and excitement as you made way to the tiny kitchen table you had. Okay, so it was more of a plastic party table, but it did it's job none the less. You set the note and box on the table, hanging up the dress bag on the handle of the freezer door of your refrigerator. You pulled the zipper and found a navy blue dress. It wasn't flashy, but it was still elegant. You removed the dress from the bag and held it to your front. The top dipped a little dangerously, but the length was respectable at it's mid thigh. At least you wouldn't be showing your ass.
Draping the dress over your arm you turned your attention to the box and removed the lid. A pair of strappy black high heels. The kind you would sometimes look at when you passed by shop windows, but knew you could never really afford. It made your jaw drop slightly. Your mysterious no name had left expensive gifts for you to wear on a date with him, and he had done no more than give you the initials R.B.
It somehow made you excited for the date all over again. You were now overly curious of this mystery man, and curiosity killed the cat. You had to know who he was. You had to know what his interest in you was. Why you?
So you spent the remainder of the afternoon getting ready for the date. Makeup, hair, the dress, and finally the heels. You turned from side to side to examine the dress as it clung to your body in all the right places. A last glance over of yourself in the mirror before finally prying your eyes away and checking the time. Five to seven. You took a deep breath, looking back at your reflection. The young woman staring back at you was not you. It felt like some first awkward meeting with someone in yourself you weren't aware was there until you put that dress on. Like some magic illusion. You took another deep breath and exhaled slowly.
"Alright, (Y/N). You got this. It's just a date with a cute boy. That's all." You said to your reflection. If things go bad, they go bad. It wasn't that big of a deal, right? But he had provided you with your evening attire... Probably just to get it off of me. You thought with a falter to your smile, turning away from the mirror at last. You walked into the kitchen, grabbing your small clutch purse and sliding your phone inside. You made sure you had your keys and your wallet, tucked the clutch under your arm and stepped out of the apartment.
You made your way down the stairs and stepped outside into the crisp night air. Winter was fast approaching now that November was here. The lobby door closed slowly behind you, as if sealing your doom. Your nerves starting to get the better of you as you glanced up and there he stood. It wasn't exactly what you had been expecting. Sure, the sharp dinner attire, but the car was not what you had expected. You assumed some Lexus or other business casual rich man car. Though you weren't exactly sure why, other than he had bought you expensive dinner clothing, which obviously meant he wasn't hurting for money. No, the car was a classic muscle car. An old Camaro, blacked out and shone like a black diamond under the street lights.
You snapped your eyes to him, taking him in. He was rather... okay, he was fucking hot. That was all you could think in the moment. Not very modest or ladylike, but it was what it was. He cleaned up nice, as opposed to his bloody get up from Halloween. But those blue eyes were still as bright and haunting, even without the fake blood to bring them out. His pale complexion in the dim light making them sparkle like forbidden pools in some enchanted garden.
Forbidden pools. Enchanted gardens. What was this? Some Prince Charming fairy tale? Get a grip on yourself (Y/N).
He flicked his cigarette away from him and pushed off the car he had been leaning on. Eyes glancing at the watch on his wrist before back to you.
"You look nice." He commented, opening the passenger's door for you.
"As do you." You said, unsure what to say and immediately deciding what you had said was probably stupid. But you said nothing to try and salvage the confidence you just botched rather stupidly. You took the invitation, sliding into the car, feeling your nerves scream as you walked past him. How nice he smelt. How being so close to him was... you really had been out of the dating game for too long.
He closed the door and you glanced around the pristine leather and interior of the car as he slid into his seat. He gave you a sideways glance, watching you run your finger tips over the smooth, black dash.
"Sixty seven?" You asked, turning your eyes to him.
He gave a tiny smirk. "Yes. I rebuilt it myself. My first car." he nodded. "I'm impressed you knew what she was."
"My dad. He's a muscle car fanatic. Anyways, enough about what I know. You seem to know quite a lot. Like where I live. What size dress I wear. What size shoes I wear." You said, cutting straight to the point.
He gave a chuckle and a innocent shrug. "I make it my business to know people, doll."
"Well, mister-make-it-your-business-to-know-people, it is Wednesday, I am at your mercy on the way to a date I agreed to. I believe you owe me a name." You said, raising a brow.
"Yes. I do. You can call me Ramsay." He nodded, his coy smirk still in place.
Ramsay. That was a rather odd kind of first name. "With an E or an A?"
"A." He said almost at once, in a defensive sort of way.
"And is there a last name to go with it, Ramsay with an A?"
"Bolton." You repeated slowly. You knew that name... but where did you know it? And then it hit you. It all suddenly made sense. The money and fancy getup. You gave a tiny gasp of comprehension. "Like the gun company?"
"That's the one." He nodded again. "My father is Roose Bolton."
You gaped at him, as if waiting for someone to jump out and scream 'April Fools!' This was all some joke. There's no way someone like him would ever be caught dead with some lowly bartender in school to be a cop. Ramsay seemed to know what you were thinking because he shifted in his seat at the red light and pulled his wallet from his back pocket, handing it to you. Cautiously you took it and opened it. And there, plain as day was his face and name. Ramsay Bolton.
Dinner passed pleasantly. The restaurant was nice. beyond nice in your opinion. The food was perfect, the wine was perfect, and your date seemed to be the cat's fucking meow. He was funny. His dry sense of humor made you giggle. He was very charming in your opinion. He seemed to know all the right words to say to keep you talking and gushing about yourself. If he kept it up, and the seemingly bottomless wine glass stayed in front of you, Ramsay was likely to know your deepest darkest secrets before you walked out of this place.
You spoke about coming to the city, finding the job at the bar, starting college, your life in the city so far. But you avoided the topic of where you came from. Your family. It was still too soon to admit to yourself that you were in the wrong about how things had went. But you had been 18 and 18 was a stupid age, no one could really fault you, right? But he didn't press for any information. He didn't seem too inclined to talk about his own beginnings either. You did manage to pluck up the courage and ask him why you were here with him on a date when some arm candy, made up, upper east side bitch could be here with him instead.
"They're boring." He said simply with a small shrug. "You're different." He added as an afterthought, helping you from your seat. Your legs a bit unsteady as the wine finally all hit you.
You grabbed on to his arm, regaining your footing. Cheeks burning to find yourself so close to him. His eyes held yours for what felt like a lifetime. As if he could see into your soul right through your eyes. And maybe you imagined it in your overly tipsy state. Maybe you wanted to find something wrong with Wonder Boy. But you could have sworn you saw a dark shadow cross those startling blue eyes.
But the next thing you knew was he was helping you up the stairs to your apartment, and fitting your key in the lock after you had managed to drop the key ring about seven times. Through the door and you were too drunk to care that your tiny flat was drab and mostly empty. You were hardly ever here save to sleep, shower, and study. Most of your days were spent at school or at the bar. Usually the bar. You didn't care if he turned up his nose at your 'poorness'. You were clean at least. You tossed away your clutch and clumsily stepped out of the heels as Ramsay took in every inch of the living room. The TV. The couch. The coffee table covered in textbooks and your laptop.
"You're free next Wednesday?" He asked, turning those cold eyes to you.
"Does this mean I get a second date and more wine that costs more than my life?" You quipped with a small giggle.
"Yeah, I think so." He replied with a half grin. "You'll be okay then?" He asked before turning to the door and opening it.
You felt a small twinge of hurt as he opened the door. You had fully expected at least some awkward kiss or passing innuendo. Some kind of outwardly sexual suggestion. And you would have invited it gladly, even if you had told Oly you weren't going to do that. Be that girl. It was the 21st century. Men didn't see women safely back to their apartments and just leave. There was no modesty in this city. No modesty past the age of 20. No chivalry and charm simply for the sake of it. But, he wasn't forcing himself on you. Had given no small suggestion to get you out of that dress. His eyes hadn't even lingered too long on your overly exposed cleavage during dinner.
You gave a small smile. "I'll be just fine."
"Goodnight then, doll." He said and gave a nod, letting his eyes look you over one last time, and just like that he was gone.
What a charmer. Maybe you should have know it was an elaborate trap. Even if you had yet to kiss him... you were all his. He knew it. If only you had seen it then too.
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