#i suppose i could try my hand at draw some of the bad sans'?
imtrashraccoon · 5 months
Help! I want to draw more characters but I've already drawn the two skeletons I simp over!
Please, I am desperate for help... My brain needs serotonin that only cute skellies giving positive affirmations can provide!
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oboetemasuka · 7 months
Order of Attack, part 12
One of these parts had been written even before Mahiru's VD. It was inspired by Nott, and by that, as usual, I mean "Nott was there".
My trial is over, but I had so much fun holding this over Nott's head. "I'd show this to you, but I'm a stickler for chronology, so I'll have to finish Mahiru's VD first."
And then I turned around and held Mahiru's VD over Beans's head. "I was going to cause emotional devastation to Nott, but I have to write Mahiru's VD and inflict it on you first instead. *sigh*"
(cw cults, implied suicidal thoughts)
"I've been in my share of fights, but going up against her was different. She really isn't someone to mess with. I could defeat her in a fair fight, but… she does not fight fair."
"Is that so?"
"I could tell by the way she fought Mikoto. As much as I wish I could have broken up the fight sooner, I couldn't afford to just jump in. If they had ganged up on me, that would've been the end of it. I suppose it was fortunate that they were already worn down." 
"Speaking of Mikoto, what is up with him?"
"I don't know. Nobody does. But at the very least, he doesn't seem to be going out of his way to pick fights. It says something that he was the first at the scene." Kazui lowered his gaze regretfully. "I have to hand that to him. Amane's injuries could have been fatal if not for him." He sighed. "I wish I wasn't so late…"
"Better late than never," Es said, but Kazui did not seem to appreciate that.
"Still, I shouldn't have been so far away from the scene. I take a single moment of rest, and this happens. Two people… and one of them is a child."
"It isn't your fault. If anything, I…" Es trailed off.
"The weight of responsibility is a heavy one, isn't it? Well, if you would forgive me for adding to it… could you try to keep everyone safe?"
"Are- are you asking me to make my judgments according to safety?"
Kazui nodded.
That was the opposite of what Mahiru asked for. Es wasn't sure what they would do.
Amane walked across the panopticon towards Fuuta's cell. She was concerned that he was getting worse than last time. Wait, last time? What was going on last time? He was probably arguing with the voices in his head. That sounds about right. It was so bad that she could practically hear them from the way he argued with them. He was probably also hitting things to drown them out. Kicking the walls, ramming his shoulders into the furniture… anything that would be louder. But nothing was louder than those voices.
As she stood in front of the cell door, she went over her speech again. Fuuta-san, I- Wait, how did it go again? She'd rehearsed it many times. Why was she drawing a blank now?
"Stop it… Stop it… I… I haven't killed anyone…"
That sounded awfully familiar.
And then she could see inside. Fuuta was backed up against the back wall, with Kotoko standing over him.
She needed to get inside now.
She didn't remember how she got in, but whatever was covering her hands seemed to dematerialize in that moment.
Kotoko looked over her shoulder and locked eyes with Amane.
The rest was a blur.
Amane stood in front of Fuuta's cell door. She sensed something different from within the cell.
"Stop it… Stop it…"
Fuuta was being attacked by Kotoko. Amane didn't know why it was Kotoko specifically, but she could feel it.
Should she call for help? No, she shouldn't run from her trials. Besides, all the free adults were so far away. She couldn't just leave Fuuta like this.
Amane barged into the cell. The sound of the opening door immediately drew Kotoko's attention.
"Amane Momose. I didn't expect you to come to me. We can start this early."
Amane was on the ground. She didn't know how. But she had to stand up. She had to get up and face Kotoko. Tell her that… what was she supposed to tell her? Everything was jumbled up.
Everything was dark.
Amane sat in her cell, examining the items she had accrued before the first trial judgments went into effect. Scissors, wooden skewers, some rods from an easy-to-assemble chair… She picked up the rods. She had to be crafty this time.
Amane stood in front of Fuuta's cell door. She had no speech in mind this time. Just a plan to punish a persecutor. She just had to sneak into the cell and catch Kotoko unaware. She had gotten the jump on a person once before. She could do it again.
But when she moved to turn the door knob, she realized she didn't have a rod in her hands. She didn't even have free hands. She was wrapped up in the straitjacket. Oh well, she could probably find something in the room to use despite this.
Amane carefully pushed the door knob with her elbow, propped the door with her foot, and leaned in to open the door as quietly as possible.
She caught Kotoko in the act. What a horrific sight to see. Kotoko didn't notice her in turn.
Amane guided the door to close as quietly as possible, and then she surveyed the room. Was there anything at all that she could use? No, the room was completely devoid of anything, including furniture.
There was nothing she could do but watch.
Even when she looked away, she could still see them.
What other options remained?
Before she knew it, Kotoko was hovering over her, staring her down.
"Amane Momose. I didn't expect you to-"
"You're wrong," Amane told Kotoko as firmly as she could muster. "Milgram's judgment is wrong. You have no right to take part in it. You don't get to interfere with other people's destiny. You are not the warden's fang."
"You are nothing but a persecutor!"
It hurt. Everything hurt. Her eye socket screamed at her. Her ribs jabbed her angrily as she yelled.
Then she saw Mahiru on her left side and tried to quickly compose herself. She wasn't fast enough.
"Oh, Amane-chan… was it another nightmare?"
"There are… no… nightmares…… only trials."
What were the things she said in that dream? Maybe she could use them in her next conversation.
… There was no point trying to remember words said in dreams.
"Fuuta Kajiyama, how have you-"
"It hurts..." Fuuta groaned, drawing out his words.
"Pain is merely a trial form God. If you endure it, your reward will be great."
"It had better be worth it."
"Of course it will be."
Little did Amane know that Fuuta had a very different outcome in mind.
"…I've felt more alive," Fuuta said after a brief silence. "Ever since I reduced the dose."
"I am glad to hear that."
"But it still hurts…"
"I know. I also know you can tough it out. I believe in you."
If only Amane had listened and observed Fuuta's mannerisms more carefully.
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punsmaster69 · 11 months
[There's some stickers attached to this page. Sparkly stars, fall-themed ones, dog ones, and some colorful hearts. In the corner, a blue and purple heart have been stuck next to each other. It looks like an attempt to remove them was made, as the blue heart has a small tear.]
to my forearm: stick.
to my coat sleeve: stick.
to my hand: stick.
to my forehead: stick.
"gonna just paste 'em all on me?"
"Only the ugly ones."
frisk peeled off the stickers they didn't like, and stuck them to me instead.
"..what is that one?"
"No idea."
to my shoulder: stick.
"For fun."
"i'm gonna look great."
paps set the marker box on the floor and sat beside them.
to papyrus' cheekbone: stick.
"Red star."
"looks cool."
he stuck a red heart to frisk's cheek in return.
"Hey, Sans."
" 'sup?"
"Got an empty spot in your journal?"
"haven't written anything but the date yet, so go ahead."
they stuck a purple heart to the top-right corner.
the second i turned my face, he stuck a blue star to my cheek.
when i turned back, there was a blue heart stuck as close as possible to the purple already on the corner.
"They're friends."
"Don't peel them off! Just let it happen."
"...funny today, huh?"
"Always, actually."
flipped through the sticker sheets until i found the ugliest sticker i could.
to frisk's forehead: stick.
"i'm not 𝘵𝘩𝘢𝘵 short."
"Shortest out of all of us."
"𝗦𝗲𝗰𝗼𝗻𝗱 shortest out of all of us."
"not too long ago, you were the same height, y'know."
"And now I'm taller!"
"by two inches."
"Three! I grew some more."
"you drew me that short too, bro?"
"i-i got it. thanks."
"It appears they had quite a bit of fun with stickers."
"paps got a ton stuck to him as well."
"I saw that!"
"..They were not 𝘵𝘰𝘰 much trouble, I hope."
"nah. they're fun to be around."
"the kid's grown a pretty sarcastic sense of humor."
"I could not 𝘱𝘰𝘴𝘴𝘪𝘣𝘭𝘺 imagine where they have gotten it from."
"it's really a mystery."
i twisted open the cap on my water bottle and took a sip.
"Have you ever thought of becoming a parent?"
i choked on the water.
"I- I suppose that is a bit of a personal question. You do not have to answer, of course. It is just.."
"I think you would make for a good father."
"i'd be an awful influence."
"You have not been too bad of an influence for Frisk and Flowey."
"N-not to imply that you are their father."
"flowey would completely despise that."
"That's true."
"...even if i did want a kid, i'm a bit too old to start fresh."
"You are not too old."
"too old to 𝘄𝗮𝗻𝘁 to start fresh. babies are needy."
"They take some getting used to, is all."
"now it just sounds like you're trying to convince me to have one."
"OoooOoooo~ You would like to have a child so badd~"
"can i ask you a personal question, too?"
"Go ahead."
"are you into short guys?"
"Short guys....?"
"..Yes, I would say I am."
"Someone that is about.. three feet shorter than me would be perfect."
"Are you into tall ladies?"
"yeah. i think i'd want a lady that towers over me."
"maybe by about.. three feet."
"Are you done yet? I finished my drawing like ten minutes ago."
tori jumped.
"Frisk! I apologize for making you wait, my child."
papyrus popped his head out the door.
he returned brandishing two fresh sheets of sparkly stickers.
"and if you don't, we've still got more where that came from."
"..Thanks for chilling with me today."
"seeya, kiddo."
they waved and dashed down the stairs, across the lawn, and hopped into tori's car.
"Goodnight, Papyrus."
he disappeared inside.
it was just me and tori left on the porch. frisk was too busy flipping through their stickers in the car to be paying attention.
i motioned for her to lean down.
removing a small candy from my coat pocket, i displayed it towards her on my palm.
"it's a kiss."
"I will accept this kiss. Thank you."
"..come by again soon, ok?"
"I will be sure to."
she texted me a photo later that night.
it of was frisk, helping put a ton of stickers on flowey's pot.
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demonicpiano · 1 year
A Sock for Your Dilemma
Written for @rusengweek2023, Free Day! Wahoo!
Includes demon summoning, bad ideas, and a need for knitting. Available on Tumblr and/or AO3.
Ivan had about three seconds before the black smoke cleared and the human-esque figure now standing in his living room prattled off, “My name is Arthur.  Reason for summoning and what are you offering?”
“Uh,” was the first thing Ivan said. He sat on his living room couch, leaning over the coffee table with his hands lifting from a drawing made with suspicious red on a piece of paper. Tall horns, tail tip twitching, hands on his hips—Ivan quietly bemoaned the creature staring dully and expectantly at him, “Oh no, it worked.”
“What worked? This better not be another prank! I had four this week already!”
“No! No prank!” Ivan shot to his feet, almost tripping on the coffee table as Arthur charged a few steps forward. “I just! Ah,” he glanced around the table, nothing foretelling but a half bottle left of wine. It didn’t do much. So he thought. “I…dont know.”
“You don’t know. You summoned a demon and you don’t know why.”
“Sorry,” Ivan said. “My bad.”
Surprisingly, the demon only huffed, puffed, and sighed. “Ugh. I suppose it wouldn’t be the first time. Fine. I’m here already. Let’s negotiate.”
“About what you want.”
Ivan sank back onto the edge of his couch, staring up at Arthur.
“You somebody managed to get my number. There's some part of you that wondered if it was legitimate enough to try, yeah?"
"No, I don't think so," Ivan told him. "It's bad idea to negotiate with demons."
"Then why even try summoning one in the first place!" Before Ivan could 'I don't know' again, Arthur made an offended noise and turned away. He wandered around the living room, which was only a tight circle, sniffing at nothing in particular and his tail flicking.
Truly, Ivan didn't know. He hadn't been expecting guests that night. Demonic or not. It was just some silly paper his sister had stuffed in the mail. Maybe that was the prank.
"What the fuck is this!" Arthur turned to Ivan, pointing at a photo frame on the wall. "Is that a sock?!"
"I—yes? Have you ever seen socks before?”
“Not in a frame for pictures and paintings!”
“It's the first one I ever knitted. So I framed it. Safekeeping.”
Arthur looked at the frame. Looked to Ivan. Looked to the frame again. He harrumphed and continued onward, gesturing at a picture between the two windows facing the rich view of an alley, one of a morose clown. "And this thing! What the hell is that thing. It's creepy." He continued around Ivan's apartment, snuffing and snorting over anything he deemed extraneous and odd. Again, coming from a demon.
Didn’t every and any piece of literature and religion screech over these creatures? But it was so absurd. A demon. Snooping around his kitchenette, sans fireballs and tortuous screaming. Ivan may have been a bit underwhelmed, if it were honest to himself. Arthur seemed like an ordinary man that came out of a gay bar on Halloween night. Maybe it was all according to plan, to dismay the victim, then spring hellhounds and annoying pop music when they least expect it. Ivan rocked to himself on his couch, petting down his scarf as he stared at the sheet of paper on the table. Mildly worrisome. The mold growing in the bathroom pipes was probably worse in the long run, though.
Arthur stopped just on the other side of the coffee table again with fists on his waist. Ivan looked up at the horns again and tucked his face into his scarf to snicker.
"Oi. You brought me here, remember? I don't like wasting time, so I'm not leaving without a deal. If you need a friend, I will make you one. If you need a lover, I will make you one. If you want a plane ticket back to your sisters, it will be done."
"How do you know about all that?"
"It's my job."
Ivan decided not to question it. "Ah. So you are every kind of man."
"Aye. That’s right. Any and every sort you need me to be."
Ivan made a thoughtful noise. He shook his head. "I don't feel like giving up my soul today."
"You don't have to. We perform deals to a far lesser extent all the time."
"But I get lesser asking."
Ivan thought again. He shook his head again. "No, it's bad idea."
"You give grocery clerks money for food. You give your car petrol so it can give you distance. Your entire life already revolves around deals and trade-offs. Think about it!"
"I am thinking! It's still bad idea!"
"Okay and?! Humans make bad ideas all the time."
"That's...not the good selling point."
"Well, it's true, innit?"
Ivan sighed to himself, but made sure it was loud enough for Arthur to hear. If there was no other way to get this demon out of his home besides striking a deal, maybe the smallest, most affordable deal wouldn’t be so bad. It was either that or start smacking the demon on his head, but that wasn’t a good idea either, even if a lead pipe, for example, would make good music between those horns.
Maybe Arthur could snap away the mold in the pipes. Or grant him a new cooking set, one that wasn’t dinged up and flaking. Or  new shoes that wouldn’t get wet in the snow, or…
Arthur gave him a curious look, one that sent a blush through Ivan’s face from the knowingness of it all. 
"How much would...it cost to have someone to talk to for the night?"
"You do understand what sort of entity I am, right? Ask for something better."
“I see. I cannot even pay a hell-creature to spend time with me.”
"I-I didn't say that! I'm just saying if you had one opportunity to ask for anything, why go for something so..."
Ivan frowned.
"Anticlimactic, really."
"Because you said big deals need big payments!"
"And what do you have to lose? You're two payments behind in a rundown flat. I can give you riches. I can make the world love you. I can give you friends. Endless vacations. Endless ecstasy!"
Ivan hunched up his shoulders and made a few uncertain noises.
Arthur was at his side, breaching the couch in a heartbeat. "Your shame. Your guilt. I can take them all away."
Ivan leaned back, pinching his scarf to his mouth to protest, "Then you will chew me and eat me!"
"You might like it!"
"Oh, no. Oh, no, that's more bad ideas."
A short sigh. Arthur resigned to whisk around the coffee table again and back, the tip of his tail irked and twitching. "Fine!" He finally said, still going back and forth. "I suppose since this is your first time, I'll go easy on you. But only because of that! This is business, after all. You want me to sit down and have a little chit chat through the night, then we will." He finally stopped, whirling on Ivan. "I won't take your soul over such a puny request, but I expect payment nonetheless for my time!" He pointed behind himself. "I will accept that!"
Ivan glanced at nothing there, then Arthur, then the nothing again, until he realized it was the photo frame on the wall. "You want a sock?"
"It's something meaningful to you, isn't it?"
"I could just...make you one."
"But that doesn't have the same emotional satisfaction to it!"
"It doesn't?"
"Well!" Arthur's hand fell to his side with a huffy sigh. "What sort of sock are we talking here?"
"Oh!" Ivan leaned down and brought out a wicker basket of yarn and needles from beneath the coffee table. "Any sock! I have good yarn."
"Aaaand that's probably where all your income goes."
"No, that's-" Ivan blushed. "Okay maybe a little true." Arthur raised a brow, in which he glanced away.
"Two socks, as I have two feet, after all. And my end will entail spending time with you in any way however long it takes to make them. Does that strike your fancy?"
Ivan peeked up at him. “You wouldn’t take my soul afterwards?”
Arthur rolled his eyes and slighted back, crossing his arms. “Look, I know my marks when I see them. I can go somewhere else to get that if I must.”
“But you can get socks somewhere else, too-“
“Not like this, okay?! Are you going to make them or not?”
“You cannot make socks? Maybe I can teach you instead, that will be good payment, yes?”
“Erm, well. Yes. But. I’m afraid that won’t be possible. I’m fine with you making them for me, really.”
“Is it because of the claws?”
“No. We’re cursed. Our little departing gift from Heaven, I suppose. Can’t make anything from our own creation. It withers and rots away in our hands.” Begrudgingly, “So we get others to do that for us.”
“Ah, and most people do not do it for demons.”
"Right, right."
The living room fell quiet. Such a thing must have been a bruise to Arthur's hellish pride.
A sock. Two socks. Two measly little socks. What harm was this? Ivan stroked through his scarf with the image in his mind of demonic toes wedging into a cracked door, or some idiom like that.
“Okay," he carefully said. "We can have a deal.”
The pleasure erupted across Arthur's features, shoulders straightened, his tail gave a singular flick. "A deal it is, then. Pleasure doing business and all that. We'll just need a kiss to seal it."
Of course. "Okay."
"With tongue."
Ivan furrowed his brow. "No."
Arthur laughed. "I'm taking the piss out of you." He held out a palm, making a beckoning motion. "Just a drop of your blood and we're gold, luv."
Maybe they should have gone with the kiss instead. "On your hand?"
"No, give me your hand. Just a little prick."
"Just how you are a little demon?"
Arthur lightly snorted, smiling almost. "Maybe to you." Another beckon. It was almost gentle. Maybe impatient.
Maybe demons hankered for dusty, boring old souls. He smiled, shy over something goofy like putting his hand onto Arthur's palm. It wouldn't be good. Every part of him knew that. Very warm, though. Of course he dwarfed the creature, but—Arthur leaned forward, lifting their hands to his face and stared right at him as he pressed his lips to Ivan's knuckles. A being quick and sly and holding him far more confidently than he could handle; yes, a very not-good idea indeed.
"If we misbehave," nothing but green, green eyes and soft lips on his skin, "it's bad for business, yeah?"
Arthur kept staring. Waiting. Neck, ears, cheeks, all red. Ivan nodded. Bad, bad, bad.
Just socks. Just yarn and string and a demon.
With a corner of his lips curling up, Arthur glanced down and sank a claw into Ivan's fingertip. A droplet fell onto the page with the sigil on it. Ivan tried to let out that shaky breath as quietly as possible. A pinch and cut were always worse when it was expected, but just a pinch, nonetheless. Arthur smudged his thumb over the cut and let go of Ivan's hand, poking into his own to drop a few more on the paper. Dark creature. Dark blood. Ivan instinctively put his finger to his mouth, gawking as the scrawls on the page shifted and swirled before his eyes, blending with the blood. He jumped, leaning back as they lifted in a grain of dark scarlet to Arthur's waiting hand, and ran up his skin and settled like a snake around his neck. Just a thin outline of whatever words they were, but Ivan knew where they settled, therefore could see them.
Magic? Science? An act of godlessness, right there in Ivan's crummy living room. Arthur's smirk split into a smile and sharp teeth. Just socks. Just knitting.
"From this moment until you're done, whatever you want. I'm yours."
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skeletonsfortea · 7 months
I was going through some of your older posts to cure my boredom, and remembered you said Edge and Red would be mother hens with VBPS Reader if UnderFell started turning into Horrorfell. Got any blurbo on that for us readers >u<
Aighty then but I think I should give some context first XD
So, if VBPS Y/N was to go with them they would arrive before Frisk ever came to Ebott. Then, they would have to go through the neutral route (and however many resets came before). Following that, Undyne would take the throne. Of course Papyrus and Sans would be hopeful that their friends wouldn't make the same mistakes and would try to help fix the core when it started to shut down.
And this scene comes...
"I don't know what we're supposed to do," Red admits, rubbing his face, "all of the numbers work, it should be producing just fine, but..." he sighs, slumping, his head hitting the table, "...it's just...not." You reach over, eyebrows furrowing, to rub his back, and his head turns so he can look at you, a bit of warmth ghosting his features.
"How are you feeling about this?" Edge asks, drawing your attention. His eye sockets are narrowed. He would look angry, if you didn't know him well enough to know he's worried.
"I'm fine," you lie, and Edge scoffs. Red just turns his face back to the table.
"We're not going to let anything happen to you," Red says.
"I know," you insist, wishing you sounded more convincing, "I'm not worried about that." That part is true, at least. Mostly. You're not so worried about the other monsters. You're not even worried about Edge. As messed up as it is, you're worried about Red. You don't know what broke Sans. You don't know if Red will fall down the same hole, despite how much you'd like to believe he won't.
"We're going to work this out." Edge assures you with firm confidence. "Before things get bad."
But as weeks go by, you find that you don't believe him.
Edge checks on you constantly, and not always subtly. He pops his head into the room you're in and asks random questions that seem completely irrelevant. Sometimes he'll even offer to cuddle- something that's pretty rare coming from him.
Red isn't quite as obvious about it. He works pretty much twenty-four-seven trying to figure out the core, and you've had to drag him to his bed some nights just to get him to sleep. He always seems to be just a room away when he isn't working.
Anytime you go out- although you go out without them rarely anyway- they're basically attached to your hip.
Honestly, you have expect them to start calling family meetings to talk about feelings at this point. Which is...a little too far.
So, when at dinner, Red tries to hand of his leftovers to you- claiming to not be hungry- although his act is convincing- you have to put it to a stop.
They both freeze when you burst into laughter, exchanging looks with each other.
"Alright," you say, "that's it!" You prop your elbows up on the table and fix them with a look. "I am fucking fine. I'm not made of glass, so stop treating me like it!"
"Seriously! I'm not teetering on the edge, ok? I'm not going to flip a switch and treat you guys like I did Rust and Vulture, ok? You guys need to worry about yourselves!"
"We don't think you're going to snap." Edge says.
"But you're treating me like I could just regress at any moment!"
"That's not it," Red insists.
"Then-" you begin, only to stop when Edge grabs your arm.
"Listen. You've already proved you can survive what the world has to throw at you," he says. "We just...we..."
"That doesn't mean you deserve to go through it again," Red says, "we just don't want you to think that this will ever be the way your universe was."
"But it might be." You say softly, looking at the table.
"No, it won't." Edge says.
"You don't know that."
"We do," Red says, "sure, we can't predict how things will turn out. But you're family now. Fuck fate, fuck probability. Fuck all of it. We're not going to hurt you. Besides. There were humans that fell before you in their universe. That means some have to fall soon enough."
"Great. More dead people." You mutter bitterly.
"...just one."
"Glad we're numbering them instead of referring to them as people," you hiss. Edge's hand draws away, and you're positive you've hurt him.
"Some things require sacrifice." He says. "That doesn't mean we like it."
You shut your eyes and sigh. "I know. I'm sorry."
Dinner is put away in silence.
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hirsheyskisses · 2 years
Hi Hiryur-san! I don't know why, I seem I'm fell in love with ur works when I saw it
Can I req luxiem members hc (or whoever you pick if you focused on fic) with ptsd s/o? I was stuck in this situation a while ago and need some comfort, ofc you can ignore this if you aren't comfortable. Thank you
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❝...You're safe.❞ (PT. 1)
┆GN!Reader x Luxiem (Vox, Mysta, Luca)
┆┆Angst/Fluff (HCS/Short Fic??)
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Vox was, and is, by no means a genius. But, given his age, he knows enough to know what's happening. Seeing you trying to make yourself small as possible, seeming tied between moving away from him and running, or pressing yourself as close to him as possible.
The mall was.. definitely crowded. So much was happening, he couldn't even begin to fathom what might've triggered you. Could it have been the loud band playing? Maybe the play somewhere in the background? ..But what triggered it couldn't be the demon's concern right now. Vox had to get you away from these people and to a place of silence.
So where did he pick?
...A janitor closet.
His arm slipping around your shoulders, guiding you through the people, rubbing your back. "Shhh.. i'm here. You're safe with me, you'll be alright.." His lips were right up against your ear.
For a few long moments, you stayed like that. In his arms, hyperventilating. Vox was silent during that time- before beginning to talk softly. Hands running up and down your sides, keeping your head pressed against his chest. Only once before had he seen you like this: and, he had learned the easiest way to calm you was by talking. Giving you something positive to focus on- which currently meant Vox was- being, well, Vox. The voice demon. His voice soothing you slowly but surely.
After you had finally calmed down, Vox slowly began to kiss away your tears, hands cupping your face. "You're.. safe with me, darling."
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Mysta was still getting to know you: having only recently begun dating, intimate and private knowledge was slowly being shared at a natural pace. Neither of you wanted to rush things- so when Mysta had invited you on the trip out on the water he didn't see anything wrong. It was a group get together with the boys and some of the girls, on a giant ass boat. When he noticed your jitters- he had assumed it would've been because of the fact there'd be so many people you had yet to meet in person. Because Mysta was a bit jittery, too.
But, he was quickly corrected, when it became clear with your deathly fear of the ocean.
Barely an hour in, Vox had been trying to convince you to get into the water. And you nearly did- but as Mysta watched you staring over the edge, he noticed it.
He noticed it, because your signs were the same as his own.
Which led to Mysta drawing you away to the cabin quick as humanly possible for him. "Heyy, darling, babe, light of my life-" he mumbled, hands on your shoulder as he stared into your terrified eyes. Heart aching, his arms wrapped around you and pulled you close to him. "Im.. sorry. Didn't know ye were- ahh." Your grip around him tightened, sobs becoming audible; and he'd never once felt more helpless in his life.
So he sank to his knees with you, inwardly panicking, hugging you close. Allowing you to cry on his shoulder as Mysta held you. Word weren't near enough- but through his touch, you felt safe. Grounded, in a way.
"I've got you, babe."
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Maybe it was a mistake. Bringing you with him. Sometimes it was easy for the mafia boss to forget you weren't like him: weren't used to blood and death and the trauma his targets caused, or went through.
He forgot you weren't supposed to be involved with the mafia.
So seeing you, white as a sheet, hands gripping Luca's arm to a painful point- he realized maybe allowing you to see such a bloody mess was a bad idea.
Anther thing: he knew nothing of your past. It had just never come up- you'd never spoken about much past who your family was and odd memories, and Luca never pried past that. It wasn't his business, and he had complete faith that you'd tell him any bad information when you were ready.
It clicked in his mind immediately what was happening. The terror in your eyes. A large, gloved hand gently grabbed your head and pulled you into Luca's chest, fingers massaging your head and other arm wrapping just under your waist, picking you up with ease.
He barked an order to his men, but it fell on deaf ears. Terror was overwhelming you; your fingers gripping his shirt and head buried into his chest. God, how did Luca handle this? That sight.. Oh god. You felt as though you were going to vomit.
Before you knew it, you were set on a couch, and Luca was knelt down in front of you, hands on your sides, and staring up at you with his signature smile. But worry glinted in his eyes, seeing your frozen body. Even though your eyes were angled at him, it was as though you couldn't even see Luca; your mind still lingering on the scene he had caused you to witness just moments before.
Which left the boss struggling, mind racing in desperate attempts to figure out how to distract you. "Hey. Sweetheart. Look at me, 'kay? There's nothin bad here- just me! Unless you, yknow, count that I'm a big and evil mafia boss.. Legend, super evil, scary, yknowww the stufff."
As you can tell, Luca resorted to trying to make you smile.
He continued to talk, fingers brushing up your arms, crouched in front of you, until he finally, after so long of talking, getting you to focus, focus on him, run your fingers through his hair, Luca got a smile out of you.
Eyes growing serious, yet filled with love..
"I've got you, okay babe? You're safe here."
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A/N: Im really glad you like my writing!! Im not 100% sure if this is what you had in mind, or if i portrayed it correctly.. but i did my best! I kinda combined "short fic and headcanon" together.
I'll only do 3 characters a post-- but I'll do a part 2 with ike and shu soon! Hope you enjoy it :)
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aro-aizawa · 2 years
Locked Out - Chapter 6
A Danny Phantom / My Hero Academia Crossover, set mid season 2 and pre-canon respectively.
[Chapter 1]  |  [Chapter 5]  |  [On AO3]
"Wow. Uh. Yeah." Shinsou said as he blinked at the paper Danny had handed him. "Yeah, you might be a lost cause."
Danny groaned into the table they were sat at. "I'm so stupid!" He half yelled, getting a few looks from the others around them.
"Didn't you basically rewire my phone and practically replaced my battery without any spare parts to replace it with?" Kirika interrupted, setting down their drinks. "Kid, you may not be brain smart but what you do know, you know well." Uncharacteristically, she smirked and ruffled Danny's hair while he was still face down on the table.
"That's different, Tucker taught me that trick..." Danny groaned into the table.
Kirika gently swatted Danny's head causing the teen to complain and lift his head to whine at her. "And get your head off the table, I'm gonna have to wipe it down anyway, at least be kind to your servers or I will have failed as a guardian."
"Bold of you to assume that I don't respect servers, you're just the exception."
Danny grinned, and looked over at Shinsou's quiet snicker.
Kirika looked at Shinsou. "Hey, if he's a lost cause, then that's fine it's not like I'm expecting solid As or whatever. He just needs to skim by and maybe pass a high school entrance exam if he'll be sticking around that long. Homeschooling is really not gonna work out and his parents'll kill me if he doesn't go to school."
"Don't worry Kamiya-san, I'll help him out." Shinsou replied politely, to which Kirika snorted hard.
"Don't let the fancy get up fool you kid. You're calling me Kirika or I'll call you eyebags and you'll be stuck exclusively with the kiddie menu here, take your pick."
Shinsou looked at Kirika with wide eyes which made Danny almost cackle. "O-okay then, Kirika-san."
Kirika sighed dramatically. "I suppose it's good enough. Make sure he doesn't slack off." She grinned at Shinsou, messed Danny's hair up once again, then headed off to get back to work. They were luck that Kirika's boss was understanding of her plight and let Danny monopolise a table almost every weekday, they didn't need to push his limits by Kirika not working while he was here.
"Your cousin is cool." Shinsou remarked as he flipped through their textbooks to get to the right place. "Not sure what I was expecting, but it wasn't that."
Danny smiled. "Yeah, she's annoying sometimes, but cool."
If she stops stealing things she'd be even cooler... Danny thought to himself, remembering their last trip to the market and seeing her pull out a variety of trinkets she'd slipped in her pockets when he wasn't looking.
He'd given up trying to stop her a little while ago, it only increased her haul afterwards out of spit. At least this way it would draw less attention to them, and sometimes Kirika would swipe something cool for him which was fine. In those cases though he tried to go back and leave the thing where she'd stolen it from if he could. She'd caught onto that fact though at some point and only stole things he couldn't easily return. It was a silent war between them that likely would never fully go away. Danny still hadn't forgiven her for being an accessory to car theft that first day together.
"But seriously, please help me or I'm going to be the laughing stock of the school and become a social pariah." Danny bemoaned his fate.
"I don't know why you're doing so bad? This is the kind of stuff that's just cementing everything we already know, unless you slept through the entire school year, I really don't understand." Shinsou remarked with a slight frown.
"I told you before, I was already an idiot back in America. Didn't help that my school got constantly disrupted by small time villain attacks, well the town in general did a lot, so my lessons were a mess. Plus, I kind of have a low work ethic if I'm not fixated on a specific goal." Danny replied, musing on how he could have probably done a whole lot better with his grades if he hadn't dropped his ambition to be an astronaut completely after the accident.
His family always had a rather high work ethic, unsurprising considering they were all overachievers most of the time, pre-Accident Danny was among the top students in his year. He'd been considering taking a few AP classes, but decided to wait until sophomore year for that, in a way it had been a good choice, it made it less embarrassing to rapidly drop grades as much as he did.
"You got a lot of villain attacks? Didn't you say your town only have a few thousand people?" Shinsou asked, looking even more confused.
Danny hoped he wasn't going overboard in trying to integrate his history into what could possibly have happened her in the Quirk Universe. He was trying to keep it as close as possible to the truth so he wouldn't trip himself up with a lie, but it was still so hard to judge what was and wasn't normal here outside of theory.
"Yeah, there wasn't really much there. I guess people just liked trying to attack our only pro hero? He wasn't all that good, which is probably why the villains kept getting away to strike later, but he always tried to help the town as much as he could. I think as a whole, the town like him? Well, the people in my school do. Not sure about the adults or whatever outside my parents, but he does the best he can. We're so far out in the middle of nowhere though that no heroes want to move there and help, and the only reason our hero hung around is because he's from there."
"Huh. Sounds like you have a lot of respect for him." Shinsou mused, almost trying to seem casual as he asked his next question. "You like heroes then?"
Danny shrugged. "I mean, they do their jobs? I find it kind of weird how ingrained they are to popular culture, but they're hard working. The flashy ones look cool, but I only ever like to read about them if they're fictional which is unfortunately a dying genre...actual flashy heroes just give me a headache honestly."
He'd unluckily been in the presence of a fight that had Present Mic involved. He'd been almost two blocks away and yet he'd still gotten a migraine from the sporadic yells. If the police hadn't sectioned off the area, he was sure that anyone in that range would have had burst eat drums, which is probably why he'd been called in.
Shinsou snorted. "Glad you have some taste. If you said that you adored the big flashy heroes, I think I would have ended this arrangement before it even began."
Danny grinned. "Nah man, you can't get rid of me. I'm stuck you like a sticker slapped on a public transportation system."
"I don't think that's a saying."
"It might be a fancy american saying where I'm from, you don't know."
"Yeah, I do know. I think the american saying is 'stuck like glue', not whatever you said."
Danny threw a fry at Shinsou, starting an unfortunate mini food fight where they tore the fries into smaller chunks and tried to hide what they were doing so they didn't get kicked out. It didn't stop Kirika from hitting the backs of their heads with her notepad when she came over and saw the carnage, watching them with a stern expression as they tidied up after themselves.
"I'm never going to move again." Danny declared to the room, barely managing to speak through the fur.
Distantly he heard the snickers of Yume, and saw the eyeroll of Shinsou but all he focused on was the deep rumbling purr of the biggest cat he'd ever seen, along with the other two cats all laid on him for some reason.
He had no idea if this was some dormant part of his powers or whatnot, due to his lack of interaction with cats post-accident (all the cats in and around Amity were mandatorily indoor cats on account of some rare wildlife that cats had pushed to the brink of extinction in the area), but shortly after he arrived at the Shinsou apartment, the cats that were being looked after practically swarmed him.
There was one cat that was a giant Norwegian Forest cat, with a thick white coat and the most striking yellow and blue eyes, that was responsible for the purring; the tiniest adult cat he'd ever seen, that was the forest cat's sister who was pure black with a sleek thin coat; and one tortoise shell cat that was a little old lady who was delicately laid across his neck, rubbing her nose through Danny's hair.
He'd already been warned in advance that the big Norwegian forest cat was incredibly friendly and would demand to be played with, but he hadn't expected him to launch from the couch and into Danny, making him slip on the wood floors without shoes on and almost hit his head as he fell. The perpetrator in question had then turned in circles trying to get comfy before turning into a loaf on Danny's stomach.
Seeing the cuddle pile for what it was, the tiny cat had sprinted over and snuggled up to Danny's side, not actively on him but he had no doubt she would have been if the forest cat wasn't almost completely covering Danny's torso. At that point, he'd thought that would be it, until the little old lady cat at a staggering seventeen years old had daintily pattered over to them and laid across Danny's neck.
Shinsou had come in from the kitchen where he'd been getting them drinks and was bemused by the whole situation. Yume was delighted, but started to worry when Danny explained that the forest cat had pushed him over.
"Are you alright, Danny?" She asked, carefully making her way over to him and hesitantly trying to feel the back of his head for bumps. "Chibi doesn't usually launch himself at people..."
Danny grinned up at her. "Yeah, don't worry. No harm done, I'll let you know if he cuts off my breathing though."
Yume grinned in reply, gently stroking the tortoiseshell under her chin, before getting up and giving Danny some space.
"Well, you're gonna have to get up, your homework was terrible this week and we're starting to get closer to high school entrance exams." Shinsou remarked, kicking Danny's leg who gave him a whine in return.
"Dude I'm already a lost cause, give it up. Let me flunk out so I can waste away peacefully under this soft and warm pile of cats." Danny dramatically declared, lifting his hands to stroke Chibi and his sister.
"The little one is Aiko and the tortoiseshell is Kameko." Yume told him, staring at Danny with rather obvious jealousy. "The big one is chibi."
"Chibi, seriously?"
"Yeah, apparently he was the runt of the litter so they thought he'd be on the smaller side. Turned out he was going to be close to the largest cat of his breed in Japan." Yume shrugged.
"This guy wakes up the most out of all the cats we look after." Shinsou informed Danny, leaning down to gently pick up Kameko, to which she gave the sweetest meow to before he passed her to Yume. Yume lit up when Kameko started to purr and obviously demanded snuggles on the couch.
Shinsou then tempted Aiko away with a feather toy. He hadn't even managed to pick it up before she was shooting up and racing to attack it. With his foot, Shinsou gently pushed Chibi off Danny's chest. Chibi wailed pathetically (and dramatically) in response, staying sprawled out where he landed on the floor. Shinsou smirked at the cat, but Chibi calmed when Danny sat up and pet him a couple of times before he stood.
"Alright, I'm up. What was it that you said the other day? You can't wait to be absolutely destroyed by me in Mario Kart?" Danny smirked.
"Yeah, you're definitely remembering wrong because I said that I can't wait to absolutely destroy you in Luigi Kart. Still don't get the constant switching of Luigi and Mario's names..."
"I don't you, inside joke with my friends since we were five." Danny waved off, sitting on the couch and trying in vain to brush off the hundreds of white cat hairs that were stuck to his black t-shirt. "You going to be playing with us Yume? I'll go easy on you, I promise."
Yume grinned at him shyly. "You wouldn't mind?"
"Dude, if you didn't play it'll be more humiliating for Shinsou, at least if there's another person to race against, he can say he put up more of a fight than he did. "
Yume giggled, and Shinsou clearly had enough of Danny's jabs at him, so he waved the feather toy in Danny's direction. Aiko was on the feather as fast as lightning, but not fast enough to redirect her leap when Shinsou pulled the toy away from her, launching her straight into Danny's face with paws outstretched.
"Ah!" Danny yelled in surprise, making Shinsou snicker and Yume giggle.
"Alright, time for you to put your money where your mouth is."
It shouldn't have come as a surprise to anyone that Yume did in fact utterly humiliate her brother and his friend. While she was wearing the winner's crown as Baby Peach, Shinsou (playing Waluigi) and Danny (playing Boo) had ultimately tied in dead last place below almost all the AIs, all because of how much they had been sabotaging each other rather than actually focusing on the race.
"They're so weird!" Aoki cried shrilly as she talked to her friends near the entrance to the school. "I mean, Fenton seemed cool at first, but now he's inseperable with Shinsou."
"Do you think that Shinsou brainwashed him into being his friend?" Tomue suggested idly.
"No, I bet it's because Fenton is just as freaky as he is. Did you see him use his quirk during gym class the other day? He managed to move his whole body out of the way of the ball I threw! Like, y'know his chest and stomach area? It was so weird! He seemed surprised after he did it too." Kanada chimed in, shuddering dramatically at the memory.
"Y'know, I wouldn't be surprised if they were up to something—" Aoki started, only to scream along with the others as they were suddenly pelted with snow. Some of it even seemed to fall directly under her shirt collar making her squirm and yell harder.
After a moment of dancing around, she looked up to see Shinsou laughing quietly as he looked after at them, while Fenton grinned fiendishly. She didn't hesitate to point at them and yell, "I know you both had something to do with this!"
"We're all the way over here! How would we manage to do that?" Fenton called over from the other side of the courtyard, putting his hand to his mouth as he yelled to emphasize the distance.
"You have a freaky quirk, that's how!" Kanada yelled back, while Tomue nodded and glared.
"Okay, you quirkist bigots. But you might want to get inside and warm up, it's below freezing! You'll get frostbite and that'd be such a shame."
"This isn't over Fenton!" Aoki yelled before shuffling her friends inside and over towards the heater in the entrance hall.
Danny hadn't been in arcades very much, there had only been one back in Amity, and it had been really run down, what with the increasing availability of games consoles at home. No one was going to the arcade to spend $20 on half an hour of short games when there were much better games they could play at home.
So obviously, after years of it being run down and only visited by the nerdy teenagers of Amity that consisted of maybe a dozen visitors each week, it was inevitably shut down. Of course, this being Amity, it meant that a ghost violently objected to the closing of the arcade and started to fight, pretty much ensuring that it would stay closed.
All of this to say that it was refreshing to enter the arcade where he'd meet up with Shinsou. The games were very different and much more up to date than Amity's (there had been machines from the 80s there, the newest machine had been from 91), but the sounds were almost the same.
If Danny closed his eyes, he could just imagine that he was back home. With Sam and Tucker getting way too intest during air hockey and having to scramble to find the only puck between three machines after it was launched across the arcade and clattered somewhere between the other machines.
But it still wasn't quite the same when he heard the sounds of bowling going on, which was apparently how the arcade could continue to survive if it didn't get much traffic. Good business idea, a shame that Amity hadn't figured that out, but the bowling alley was half a block away and it was also just as run down.
Figuring that Shinsou would be a while, Danny headed towards the most bright and flashy game he could see, knowing immediately that Shinsou would get exasperated in the funniest way. It was really bright, Danny found himself almost squinting as he approached it.
It looked like some kind of side scroller bet em up, themed around All Might fighting random villains as he made his way through the states. He'd always found All Might's american theming just a little bit weird, because from his research he knew that the hero in question was 100% Japanese with no american upbringing, apart from a few years spent there in the beginning of his career.
That being said, if All Might had a move centred around Illinois, he would at least laugh a little.
As anticipated, when Danny heard the loud groan behind him, he grinned but didn't take his attention off the game. "Hey Shinsou, want to take over for me?"
"You little could not pay me enough to even look at that machine. I think it's turning me into a vampire."
Danny chortled, getting hit in the game before managing to recover and get back into it. A quick glance backwards to his friend showed that Shinsou was indeed facing away from it, so that the blinding light wasn't even in his periphery. That got Danny to laugh harder, and made him lose his last life.
"Aw man."
"Serves you right, c'mon let's go play something that won't blind me." Shinsou dragged him off before he could enter more money into the machine as he was just about to do.
Danny definitely appreciated being friends with Shinsou. It was...different from his friendship with Sam and Tucker. While they had their similarities, Shinsou had a bit of a sharper snark and more of a mean streak than Sam and Tucker did. It wasn't even targeted at the weak, mainly just those he thought deserved it.
Whereas Sam would stew in anger and bitterness until confronted, if Shinsou saw an opportunity to get back at those people without serious repercussions he'd usually do it without thinking.
For example, one day they had been slow to leave the classroom and were the last ones left. Shinsou had spotted Aoki's finished homework for the next day, which had fallen on the floor next to her desk. Instead of leaving it on her desk for her to find when she realised the error, he'd folded the paper up and taken it home. Aoki had to redo the homework between classes so she wouldn't get detention.
Danny didn't hold it against him in the slightest, sure it was kinda mean but the students at the school, especially in their class, were a whole lot meaner. It wasn't like Shinsou would do anything to get someone expelled or excluded, it was just little inconveniences that made him feel better about the whole situation and less hopeles.
(It was why Danny didn't hesitate to use his quirk on his classmates to help cheer up Shinsou when he needed to.)
In some of Danny's moments of extreme homesickness he imagined Shinsou and Kirika going to Amity park and showing them around. Maybe even introducing them to Sam and Tucker, and show them the Ghost Zone.
He and Kirika had been trapped in the Quirk Universe for over a month now, and Danny would like to say that he'd gotten Shinsou to break out of his shell a bit more. Though he still remained tight lipped on a few subjects, Danny was sure that he'd be able to crack him by at least the new year in a few weeks.
At least once good thing came from this whole situation being that Japan didn't really celebrate Christmas, which had been the best thing he'd heard when Kirika told him that.
"So we're getting close to high school applications, you have any idea of where you're going to go if you're still in Japan?" Shinsou asked as they sat down to play a racing game together.
Danny frowned. He didn't like the fact that applications were so close, it was almost the middle of December, and applications were late January to mid February. The idea that he was going to be here long enough to actually start a new school in April was nauseating really.
"Nope, no clue. I don't think it really matters to me, after all I don't think I'll be staying to high school graduation anyway." Danny shrugged. "What about you? I'll probably try to get into whatever school you're going to, being the new transfer student again would suck."
Shinsou faltered in his game slightly, allowing Danny to take over him, but the boy shook his head minutely. "I dunno. There are a few schools I've been looking at..."
Danny pursed his lips at that response. It was hard to figure out but it kind of sounded like when Shinsou didn't want to talk about something. Was he...worried about Danny maybe making fun of him or something?
"Dude, I can tell you have your heart set on something. I promise to take you seriously if you tell me."
Shinsou fell silent at that, and the silence between them persisted until the race ended. Danny turned to look at his friend, wondering if the boy would quickly move away and drop the conversation completely, but Shinsou was still sat there silently his hands still on the wheel.
They sat there in silence for a short while before Shinsou closed his eyes, took a deep breath as if to brace himself, then responded. "I want to go to a hero school."
"Okay? That's cool. You'd probably make a pretty good hero." Danny shrugged, and almost jumped when Shinsou's head whipped around to look at him immediately. "What?"
"You...Shinsou stared looking so baffled, Danny was almost concerned. Then suddenly his expression hardened, as he had to shove down hope. "You're lying. No one ever thinks I can be hero, if they know about my quirk."
Danny sighed and turned his body to fully face Shinsou. "Remember how I said that your quirk didn't scare me? That's still true, and it's a really powerful quirk. If you want to use it to be a hero, then good for you, you'll be able to pull it off if you work for it. Really."
Shinsou stared at him wide eyed for a long moment, processing the words, before he gave Danny a gentle and shy smile before he looked away.
"Thanks..." He said quietly before clearing his throat. "Anyways, I bet you I can beat your ass at air hockey."
Danny smirked. "You're on."
[kirika art]
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thatfanficstuff · 4 years
Unexpected - Stucky x Reader
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Pairing Grouping: Steve Rogers x Reader x Bucky Barnes
Warnings: Steamy fluff with a dash cupful of foul mouthed Reader and super soldier. Also liberal use of sugar and baby but no sugar babies.
A/N: short fluff is no 3300+ of very steamy fluff. I’m gonna go with 16+ on this one folks. Oh, and STUCKY!!!
They didn’t think anything of it at first. It was just little things after all. Things that hardly warranted their attention. It wasn’t until Tony mentioned it that they began to take notice.
“Hey, Capsicle, you and tin man been sneaking off to the store without telling anyone? You could at least ask if we needed anything? I’ve been out of blueberries for days,” Tony said one night as the team sat to watch a movie.
“What are you talking about, Stark?” Steve asked with a furrowed brow.
Tony gestured at the bag of gummy worms that you and Bucky were currently sharing. “Just that you two seem to be the only ones around here that never run out of your favorite goodies. You could have stocked up for everyone. That’s all I’m saying.” He shrugged his shoulders and waved a hand through the air as if it wasn’t important, though clearly it was if he’d brought it up.  
You rolled your eyes. “Tony, you’re a billionaire. Pay someone to do your shopping and have it delivered, you big baby.”
The super soldiers on either side of you laughed and you settled more firmly into your seat between them. Tony started to say something else but Natasha smacked his arm. “Shut up. Movie’s starting.”
He grumbled which brought another smile to your face. He really was an overgrown kid sometimes. Really, you were just pleased that he’d shut the hell up. After all, if you’d wanted your crushes to know you were secretly taking care of them, you would have done it not so secretly. Liking both of them was awkward enough without them being aware of it, thank you very much.
Honestly, until that day, Steve had just assumed that Tony had someone that replenished the food in the kitchenette on their floor. True, they’d never seen anyone, but it wasn’t like it happened by magic. It was just over a week later when Steve glanced up from his drawing when Bucky walked into their living room. “Hey Buck, you didn’t do any cleaning did you?”
Bucky snorted. “There’s never anything to clean is there?”
Steve frowned. “Yeah, I noticed that to. I asked Stark if he had a service that did our floor. You know what he said?”
“I’m guessing he said no or we wouldn’t be having this conversation,” Bucky answered as he sat across the table from his boyfriend.
“He asked if I wanted him to get someone in to help us out.”
Confusion caused Bucky’s brow to furrow as he leaned forward. “So, someone has been coming into our space, replacing our food and cleaning up after us and we have no idea who it is?”
“Looks like it.”
There was a stretch of silence before Bucky asked, “Why?”
It started when the boys were on a mission. You’d raided Buck’s candy stash for movie night and before you replaced it, you’d done an inventory and picked up everything else they were needing. It wasn’t like it took much more effort. And when you’d seen how happy they were when they arrived home to all their favorites, that was all the incentive you needed to keep doing it.
You made sure to refill their stash when they were on mission or out for training so they wouldn’t catch you. There was always the chance they’d return when you weren’t expecting it, but the odds were slim. After all, you made a living by sneaking around unseen, hence the name Shadow. The cleaning started when they were gone on a mission and you didn’t want them coming home to clutter and dust. You weren’t even sure that they noticed, but it made you happy to have something else you could do for them.
Steve and Bucky were currently on week three of a mission with Nat and Sam and you were sorting out the groceries you’d just bought while you tried to think of something special you could do for them.
“So, why do you do it exactly?” you heard from behind you, causing you to jump. The twins were in San Francisco until tomorrow so you should have had the floor to yourself.
You scowled when you found Tony standing behind you wearing his infamous smirk.
Your cheeks heated as you turned back to the task at hand, hoping Tony wouldn’t notice at least half of your food was for the super soldiers. “Mind was just elsewhere. What’s up?”
“I was just wondering why you pamper the geriatric twins if you aren’t going to take credit for it?”
You froze briefly before finishing up and placing the boys’ food back into bags so you could carry it upstairs. Finally, you turned and crossed your arms over your chest as you leaned against the counter behind you. “I don’t suppose it would do me any good to deny it?”
He chuckled as he moved closer. “They asked me to look into it before they left. It was the complete lack of evidence that led me to you actually. Only one person I know can get around my system like that.”
“Shit.” You were a technomancer and were very skilled at making tech do what you wanted. Tony hadn’t been thrilled the first time you’d completely circumvented the tower’s security. Now he used you to test out new systems. Finally, you quit freaking out enough to meet his eyes. “Are you going to tell them?”
He tilted his head and frowned at you. “Why are you so dead set against them figuring this out? You know they won’t be anything other than grateful.”
“Because they’ll want to know why and I can’t tell them that.” Your voice was quiet but you knew he’d heard your answer.
“Well how about you tell me then, sparky?” he suggested.
You rolled your eyes at his stupid nickname as you sighed. He wasn’t the most trustworthy when it came to secrets but you were dying to tell someone. And honestly, he would probably be the least judgmental out of everyone. “You can’t tell anyone, Tony. I mean it.”
He rubbed his hands together and closed most of the distance between you. “My lips are sealed. You have my word.”
You arched a brow but chose not to comment. You closed your eyes not wanting to look at him as you made the confession. “I might possibly be just a little bit in love with them.” When you got no response you opened one eye to find Tony grinning at you as he rocked on his feet. You opened the other eye to give him a narrow-eyed look. “What?”
“I think you should tell them.”
“Not funny, Stark.”
“Wasn’t meant to be, sweetheart.” You just stared at him, saying nothing. After a few moments, he sighed. “Listen, as amusing as it might be to trick you into having that conversation with them and recording it to watch at my leisure later, I wouldn’t do that to you.”
“That little admission didn’t exactly help your cause any.”
He ran a hand down his face. “I can’t tell you that I know for sure how they’ll react, because I can’t. I also can’t tell you how many times I’ve caught them checking you out when they think no one’s watching. Or how many times they’ve argued about who got to sit beside you when there was only one seat left. Or the number of whispered conversations they have that fade away when you walk into the room. And while I have had many female friends over the years, I have never suggested any of them sit in my lap unless I was trying to take things beyond friendship.”
You frowned. “I sit in their laps all the time.”
His hands went out to the side as if to say ‘see?’.
Your frown deepened as you recalled something else. “Wait, didn’t you try to get me to sit in your lap when I was still new?”
Tony chuckled and turned around to walk off. “Only proving my point, Y/L/N,” he called over his shoulder.
It was barely five minutes after he left that you gathered the bags of food to take upstairs and put away. You weren’t certain you’d survive sitting around doing nothing and there was only so much training you could stand in a day. “Protocol five, J,” you said as you stepped onto the elevator. “Super soldiers’ floor, please.”
“Of course, Miss.” Protocol five would shut down all recording devices anywhere in your vicinity until you turned it off.
You made short work of putting the food away and glanced around. Things were fairly tidy though they could use a dust and a quick vacuum. A peek in both bedrooms had you wrinkling your nose. They’d had back-to-back missions before they’d left on the current one and obviously hadn’t had time to do laundry. While the boys normally slept together, they maintained their own spaces in case one of them was having a bad night or just needed some time to themselves.
Moving into Bucky’s space, you gathered up all the laundry and threw it out into the hallway. You also stripped the bedding and added it to the pile. You put a load in the washer before moving to Steve’s room. There was more laundry there as it was the space they shared the most often. You added to the pile already in the hallway before stripping those sheets as well.
After sorting the clothes into loads, you took about half of them down to your floor and started a load there as well before heading back upstairs. You opened windows in both bedrooms to let them air out as you put fresh sheets on the beds. You dusted and straightened and vacuumed only pausing as necessary to switch out the laundry.
By the time you finished all but the last loads of laundry, their rooms looked better than they had in months and they had clean sheets to crawl into when they got home. You’d cleaned the rest of the floor as well and were heading back to your floor to take care of the last of the clothes. You had to wait a bit for them to finish drying, but then once it was all folded and sorted, you loaded up the laundry basket to put it away. You were happy you’d gotten so much done.
Apparently ignoring your feelings made you productive, who knew? Most of the clothes in your basket were Buck’s so you headed to his room first. You reached for the handle, only to have the door open on its own. Your mouth dropped and the basket fell to your feet as you ran your gaze up a naked torso to see Bucky frowning at you. He was dressed in a pair of sweats and his hair was still wet from a shower. His gaze darted from you to the basket and back as a grin crept over his face. “Fuck,” you breathed out and took a step back. “I’m sorry. I-I need to go.”
He reached out and snagged your wrist before you got more than a step. “I don’t think so, sugar.” He tugged you gently back in his direction and lifted your chin with a finger since you seemed unable to look at him on your own. “Where do you think you’re going to escape to anyway, Y/N? We know where you live.”
“I was thinking of moving to Alaska. I hear it’s nice there this time of year.”
“You hate the cold,” he said with a laugh and looped an arm around your waist.
Your heart raced and you prayed that his stupid super soldier senses wouldn’t clue him in, but who were you kidding? You’d never be that lucky.
“Oh, Steve,” he called in a sing-song voice. “I have something for you.”
“Not now, Buck. I’m…” Steve’s voice trailed off as he stepped into the hall and saw you. His ears and cheeks turned a rather adorable shade of red and you couldn’t stop a giggle at the sight. “What’s this?” he asked looking between the two of you.
Bucky nudged the laundry basket into view with his foot. “I intercepted her on her way to put away the last of the laundry.”
Steve straightened immediately. “Oh, did you?”
And damned if his voice didn’t drop a whole octave when he said it. Now it was your turn to be embarrassed. You squirmed in Bucky’s hold but didn’t try to escape. There was no point. He chuckled behind you and passed you over to Steve when he held a hand out toward you. You licked your lips as you took it and let him lead you into the living room.
He sat on the couch and pulled you down onto his lap. Bucky sat right beside him and pulled your legs onto his lap. You cleared your throat. “I can sit by myself.”
“I’m sure you can, baby,” Steve assured. “But I’m happy with you in my lap. And you like to make me happy, don’t you, Y/N?”
That was not fair. Not fucking fair at all.
Steve trailed a finger up your spine, chuckling when you shivered at his touch. His finger continued it’s journey up your neck then back along its previous path as he talked. “When Buck and I were kids, there wasn’t a lot of money to go around. Less so for me because of my meds. Our folks taking care of us meant putting food on the table and mending our clothes. Sometimes there might be enough for a dime novel or some sweets, but for the most part we took care of each other.”
Bucky kept rubbing little circles on your ankle with his thumb. “That hasn’t changed much over the last several decades. You know, except when I was trying to kill him. But then someone else started taking care of us. In a million little ways we didn’t always notice. Not right away anyway.”
“But then we did notice and we started making note of everything that made us feel cared for.” Steve’s hand flattened on your back and his fingers flexed slightly as he said, “Loved.”
“So, tell us, Y/N, why did you do it?” Bucky asked.
You shrugged and stared at your hands where they twisted together in your lap. “I stole your candy and needed to replace it so I picked up some other stuff. But then I saw how happy you were when you had your favorite snacks when you got home and that made me happy. The more I did, the happier and more relaxed you seemed so I kept doing it. I like it when you’re happy. Both of you.”
“That the only reason, baby? You like us happy?” Steve asked as he trailed that damned finger back up your spine.
You jumped out of his lap and stepped back until you were out of easy reach for either of them. They stared at you in surprise and you held out a hand to stop them when they started to stand. “No. You stay put. You two aren’t playing fair.”
“How’s that, doll?” Bucky asked, his blue eyes sparking with amusement.
“You with the touching and the sugar and the arm around the waist,” you said gesturing to Bucky before turning to his boyfriend. “And you with the baby and more touching and the deep voice. It’s not fair. It’s not.” You sucked in a breath. “My entire life I’ve been attracted to the unattainable guy. Every fucking time. But this time I really outdid myself because I fell in love with not just one, but two unattainable men and they’re dating each other. I mean fuck my life. Seriously. What is that? So yes, I did all of this because I love you. Both of you. And I’ll keep doing it for the same reason and it will always make me happy to see you happy. But at the end of the day, you two have each other and I don’t and that’s not fucking fair so stop. Just stop, okay?”
Steve stood first as if afraid to startle you. He stepped forward and swept his thumb across your cheek wiping away the tears you hadn’t been aware of. His hands settled on either side of your neck as he studied your eyes for the longest time. “You’ve got quite the fucking mouth on you, baby,” he said then tugged you forward and slammed his lips onto yours.
You hesitated for only a moment, a brief stretch of time and then you let yourself go. Your Steve was kissing you and it was nothing like you’d imagined. There was nothing soft or questioning about it. It was firm, sure, and altogether fucking fantastic. His hands moved to your thighs and lifted as his lips stayed glued to yours. You wrapped your legs around his waist and as he turned, his lips slid from your mouth to travel the length of your neck. His open mouth kisses alternated with tiny nips that were sure to bruise and you rolled your hips against him in response. He hissed against your skin and you smiled.
A large hand grasped your chin and turned your head until another pair of lips slanted over yours. Bucky. His kiss was dark and rich and full of promises. He shifted his body so he supported your back as his hands found the hem of your shirt. Cool metal and warm flesh contrasted against your skin as he slid over your belly and up to caress your breasts. “Oh God.” You rolled your hips again, Steve pressed against your front and Bucky pressed against your ass.
“Fuck,” Steve said as his hands tightened on your waist in an effort to still your movements.
Bucky chuckled against the back of your neck and bit at the skin there, his bite firmer, more punishing than Steve’s. “What’s the matter, punk? She pushing you to the edge already?”
“Suck it, Barnes.”
“I intend to, Rogers.”
That had you grinning. This playful love they had between them was what you wanted. Was part of the reason you fell in love with both of them. Bucky’s gaze shifted to you and he mirrored your grin. “I love you, Buck.”
His grin widened. “You hear that, Stevie? She loves me. God, that’s sexy.” He kissed you soundly then pulled you from Steve’s arms to carry you bridal style to the bedroom. “I love you, too, sugar.”
That earned him another kiss. You put your hand against the door frame to stop him before he could carry you inside. This needed to be said before you were all in bed together. You turned to find Steve with a question in his eyes. “I love you, too, Steve.”
His smile was sweet, soft. “I know you do, baby.” He placed a hand on your cheek and gave you a soft kiss. “I love you, too. Have for awhile if I’m honest. We both have. Turns out we were both feeling guilty for loving someone else and it was the same girl. Never dreamed you’d actually be ours though.” You kissed him again and it only took a moment for it to take on a rougher edge.
Bucky turned you so he could carry you into the room, causing your lips to be pulled from Steve’s. You whimpered at the loss of contact and both men chuckled. “Don’t worry, baby, you’ll have more of us than you can handle in a moment.”
You squealed as Buck tossed you into the middle of their king sized bed. You propped yourself up on your elbows and bit your lip as you looked at the two men standing before you. “Promise, soldiers?”
“Oh, sweetheart, that’s a goddamn guarantee.”
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robininthelabyrinth · 3 years
Same universe as the one where LXC kills JGY on a boat to not-Japan. JRS-centric as he grows up in the Nie clan and deals with his reputation as an inbred son of a traitorous bastard.
so I don't think I've ever written a fic in which LXC kills JGY on a boat, and definitely not one where JRS is a character? I mean, I've written a lot of fics, so possibly I did and I forgot, but I'm pretty sure about this one.
That being said, I don't think I've gotten any Jin Rusong prompts before so I'm reinterpreting this to be a prompt for a fic about JRS growing up in the Nie clan. Fic below!
Nothing ventured, nothing gained, Nie Huaisang reminded himself. Risk is proportionate with reward. Your spine should be made of steel, just as your saber is.
He licked his lips, thought of his brother who had loved him, and threw himself forward with tears in his eyes.
“Oh, gongzi!” he blubbered. “Can you help me? I’ve gotten completelylost, I don’t even know where to begin –”
Xue Yang blinked at him, the lids of his eyes moving slowly like a reptile.
“Maybe you know where my san-ge is? Lianfeng-zun?”
The feeling of immediate threat lessened. It seemed he’d gambled right, and the rabid dog that was Xue Yang could still be controlled by reference to Jin Guangyao.
“I’d really appreciate it if you could just give me some guidance on where to find him,” Nie Huaisang said, lowering his voice confidentially. “I’d be sure to pay you back! If there’s anything you want –”
“Do you have any snacks?” Xue Yang asked.
Nie Huaisang, who had come prepared based on the rumors he’d painstakingly collected, produced some dragons’ beard candy.
“Not bad,” Xue Yang said. “Okay, sure.”
Nie Huaisang smiled, and even meant it.
“Hey, good-for-nothing,” Xue Yang said, and Nie Huaisang turned to look at his least favorite but nevertheless highly useful source of information in Lanling Jin. The fact that Xue Yang had no idea that he was functioning as such just made it more satisfactory. “You like kids, right?”
Nie Huaisang blinked. “Yes?” he hazarded, not so much because he actually did – he’d never had strong feelings about children one way or the other, though perhaps he was being presumptuous in thinking that the reference did not involve goats – but because that seemed to be the answer Xue Yang was looking for.
Xue Yang wrinkled his nose in distaste, though not, Nie Huaisang thought, at him.
“Theoretically,” he said, and he wouldn’t know ‘theoretical’ if it hit him in the face, “if there were, I don’t know, a whole bunch of them hanging around somewhere without parents, you’d be able to do something about that, right? Especially if they had a talent for cultivation?”
It took only a moment to piece together what must have happened to lead to such a question, given the ruthlessness of the cultivation world and of Jin Guangyao in particular, and Nie Huaisang marveled briefly at the idea that Xue Yang might draw a moral line in the sand over something. Presumably he felt some kinship to the children, being similarly utterly infantile, amoral, and fond of sweet things.
“Oh sure!” he said, playing up the brainless idiot who didn’t know to ask questions. “My sect is always recruiting, you know. We took some losses in the war and, well, I feel like adult cultivators aren’t really all that interestedin joining ever since I took over…”
“Because you’re a waste of space,” Xue Yang said, and Nie Huaisang pouted at him. “Whatever, the important thing is that you have space for kids. Orphans. Think, like, a whole orphanage getting shut down or whatever – anyway, not important. You’d take them back to Qinghe, right?”
“Oh, that would be so wonderful!” Nie Huaisang clapped. “That would suit everyone, wouldn’t it? They don’t have to worry about the children, and we get new disciples. I should tell san-ge – no, on second thought, he might be too busy –”
“Definitely too busy,” Xue Yang said quickly. “Wouldn’t it be nice to accomplish something yourself? You could casually show him that your numbers went up at the end of the month instead so he gives you the credit, without explaining that it’s kids making up the increase.”
“That’s a great idea! He’ll be much more impressed by that, I should definitely do that. Where is the orphanage?”
“…uh, in the forest. The back forest.”
You couldn’t come up with a better lie?
“You already brought them here?” Nie Huaisang asked, batting his eyelashes. “You’re so nice, Xue-xiong! I’ll go tell my second in command to go deal with it right away!”
It was in the fifth round of kids getting picked up – small cultivation clans being massacred and there was nothing Nie Huaisang could do about it, because there was either no evidence or else Jin Guangyao had come up with some motive to justify his actions and, inevitably, Lan Xichen would be there behind him, soothing over tempers and providing explanations because he believed him, every time – that something unusual happened.
“Sect Leader Nie,” one of his most trusted subordinates murmured into his ear. “There’s a problem.”
Nie Huaisang found a reason to leave the party early, a reason to go to the rendezvous point, and, once there, found the reason for the problem.
“Oh, hey there,” he said with a smile fixed onto his face by sheer force of willpower, crouching down to make himself seem less intimidating. Not that he was ever particularly intimidating, though given the rage coursing through his veins right now, he thought he might be able to pull it off if he tried. “What a lucky chance! It’s so funny, finding you here, Songsong. How are you?”
Jin Rusong wiped his eyes and looked tearily at him, recognized that the person asking was his Little Uncle Nie, and threw himself into Nie Huaisang’s arms with a howl.
This was pretty typical – Jin Rusong wasn’t much of a crier, but when he did he definitely took Nie Huaisang as his model, something all the other adults in the cultivation world had a tendency to give Nie Huaisang dirty looks over.
The only problem here, of course, was that Jin Rusong was dead.
Or, rather…he was supposed to be dead.
And if Jin Rusong was here – here, in the rendezvous point where Xue Yang put those of his prospective victims that happened to be a little too young for even him to stomach killing, at least without the personal grudge that had driven him to slaughter the Chang clan in its entirety – that meant only one thing.
Jin Guangyao had ordered his own son to be murdered.
Through demonic cultivation, no less, which was a pretty nasty way to go. There was a reason everyone implicitly countenanced Jiang Cheng’s vendetta against demonic cultivators no matter where they were, even when he ignored all territory lines and forgot to not ask for permission – the things a demonic cultivator gone bad could do were just so much worse than what anyone else could that they couldn’t risk any delay in dealing with the problem.
Well, shit, Nie Huaisang thought, even as he comforted Jin Rusong, petting the toddler’s back to try to get him to calm down. What do I do now?
“There has to be a reason,” Nie Huaisang insisted. “He’s not rabid. Songsong was his son!”
“Sect Leader Nie, we can’t find anything that might explain it.”
“Look harder. I don’t care how minor it is, I want to know everythingto do with Songsong. Every little detail – every person who saw him – every medical report, every compliment, every good grade –”
“He placed last in one of his classes,” one of his spies volunteered.
“He placed last in one of his classes. About two months before his ‘assassination’, and shortly before his father started collecting evidence against the other sects that were in his way, which he later used to ‘prove’ that they had been involved in the alleged murder.”
“He wouldn’t kill his son for failing a class,” one of the others objected. “The kid’s barely more than a baby. What’s he expecting, genius from birth?”
“He’s a genius himself. Why not?”
“If everyone inherited everything directly from their parents, he’d be a whore.”
“He’d be a Jin. They’ve all got that nose, every one of them…”
“I heard he’s having the other Jin bastards killed. All of them, even the women…”
Something snapped in Nie Huaisang’s hands.
They all turned to look at him.
“Investigate Qin Su,” he said, looking down at the mess of wood and paper that had once been a fan. “Come to think of it, she has a Jin nose, too.”
“I don’t want to go!”
“I don’t want you to go, either,” Nie Huaisang said, feeling tired and also much more in sympathy with his poor older brother than he’d ever been while Nie Mingjue had been alive. “But you disobeyed me, and that means we don’t have a choice. You have to go.”
Nie Songsong looked down at the ground, his lip quivering. “I didn’t mean to…”
“You did,” Nie Huaisang said. “You have to own your decisions, Songsong. You can’t take them back once they’re done, no matter what the consequences. Not even if you feel bad, but definitely not because you feel bad for having to pay for what you did.”
“No, Songsong. You cannot be in the Unclean Realm when – when he’s here.”
Nie Songsong hung his head.
“He’s not your father anymore,” Nie Huaisang said. “You know that, right?”
Nie Songsong nodded.
Nie Huaisang sighed and held out his hands, and his arms were full of a teary-eyed child a moment later.
“He loved you once,” Nie Huaisang murmured into his child’s hair. “I love you now. I wish I could give you more than that – I wish I could give you an answer, tell you why he didn’t love you enough to keep from doing what he did. But I can’t. All I can do…”
Is what I’m already doing.
“You’re enough, er-ge,” Nie Songsong whispered back. “You’re enough. I promise.”
“When will I get to go night-hunting?”
“You go night-hunting all the time,” Nie Huaisang grumbled. “You’re a fraction my age, and already my height, my weight, yet you wield a saber like my brother was around to raise you properly. You’re ruining my reputation, you know; now no one will believe that my incompetence comes from how short I am…”
“Not night-hunting with the rest of the sect, er-ge,” Nie Songsong said, rolling his eyes. “With other juniors!”
“Not long now,” Nie Huaisang said, looking down at the paper beneath his hands. It was all finally coming together. “Not long now. Just give er-ge a little more time to finish taking care of matters for da-ge, and you’ll be able to go night-hunting with anyone you like.”
“Er-ge! Are you all right? You look so pale…”
“I’m sorry,” Nie Huaisang whispered. “Songsong – I’m sorry. I’m so sorry –”
“What happened? Are you injured?” Nie Songsong demanded, already starting to pat him over, looking for wounds. “Er-ge, what’s wrong –”
“Your mother’s dead.”
Nie Songsong’s hands stilled.
“I told her about your heritage,” Nie Huaisang said, his lips numb. He’d never tried to hide it from Nie Songsong, although he’d introduced the subject very gradually and only once he thought that he’d be able to handle the revelation. “About your father – your grandfather. What they did. I wanted her to be angry at him, to turn against him, to distract him…instead, she killed herself.”
“I shouldn’t have told her. If I knew –”
“I should have brought her in earlier – told her about you surviving – I kept her from you for years –”
Nie Huaisang looked at the child he had raised as a little brother the way his older brother had raised him, a father in everything but name, and who he had the constant feeling of having failed.
He wondered, as he always did, whether his brother had felt the same about him.
“Er-ge, it’s all right,” his little brother, his adopted son, said, and took his hands in his. “It’s all right. You tried, remember? Time after time, you tried to talk to her, but every single time you concluded that she would’ve told her husband instead of trusting you. She would’ve ruined everything. If she did that, I’d be dead all over again, and you with me.”
That had been what Nie Huaisang had concluded. That was why he’d never told her.
“She’s your mother.”
“And you’re my er-ge. As long as you don’t die on me, too, it’ll be all right. Okay? It’ll be all right. It’ll be worth it in the end.”
Nie Huaisang shook his head. He’d already done so much, caused so much chaos and strife, and yet this moment – this was the step too far.
This was the first time he realized that he wasn’t sure he believed that it would be worth it anymore.
But by now…what else was left to do? There were no ways out of the plan he’d made himself; he’d designed it that way on purpose, because he’d known that if there was a way out, that snake would find a way to slither through it. He just hadn’t thought that he would be the one looking for it.
It didn’t matter.
He had to keep going.
His older brother deserved it, even if the younger one didn’t.
“I represent the Nie sect,” the young man – just about their age, though shorter than either of them – said with a smile. He seemed kind, gentle and polite, easy-going, but Lan Jingyi and Lan Sizhui looked at each other, and then at Jin Ling, who just scowled. “Can I come in?”
“Were you even invited?” Jin Ling asked in bitten off words. He was still bitter about some of the things that had happened in the Guayin Temple a month before, and of all them the one he was most bitter about was his second uncle’s retreat into seclusion – they were all upset about that.
“But it’s a discussion conference,” the young man said, blinking in confusion. “We’re a Great Sect. Why wouldn’t we be invited?”
In the face of such profound ignorance, there really wasn’t very much they could say, and eventually Lan Sizhui stepped forward with a smile, welcoming the young man – Nie Songsong, he introduced himself – into the Cloud Recesses.
Everything seemed fine for a little while. Lan Sizhui was able to talk to the people in charge of arranging juniors into finding another place for Nie Songsong to stay, although it would be a little delayed – Nie Songsong assured them that there was no issue – and as recompense they even showed him, at his request, a few of the main landmarks.
And then they turned around and their guest had disappeared.
“I knew he was up to no good!” Jin Ling exclaimed.
“Don’t jump to conclusions,” Lan Sizhui told him.
“I’m with Jin Ling,” Lan Jingyi said. “He seemed so nice and understated – just like you know –”
“Don’t talk about my little uncle,” Jin Ling hissed at him. “I know it’s true, but just – don’t, okay?”
“We should find where he went,” Lan Sizhui decided.
It took them a while, but in the end they found him in the most unexpected place: in the rooms their sect leader had chosen for his seclusion, sitting on the bed with Lan Xichen’s head on his shoulder, sobbing as if his heart had been broken.
“What are you doing?” Lan Sizhui exclaimed, unnerved even out of his own habitual politeness.
“I came to greet my uncle,” Nie Songsong said, his manner just as gentle and polite as it had been from the beginning, although it was now evident that he was as stubborn as a rock and not easy-going at all.
“Your uncle?” Lan Jingyi gaped. “How can he be your uncle?”
“You’re Sect Leader Nie’s son!” Jin Ling accused.
“I’m Sect Leader Nie’s little brother by adoption,” Nie Songsong corrected. “It’s through my father that he’s my uncle – and you my cousin, I suppose.”
“Your – father?”
“Oh, yes. My birth name, you see,” Nie Songsong said, “was Jin Rusong.”
“Why did you choose to reveal yourself?” Lan Sizhui asked. “Given that everyone knows – well –”
Nie Songsong finished the character he was writing and put down his brush. “Wondering if you should let it be known that you were born with the surname Wen?”
Lan Sizhui jerked in surprise, then flushed. “How did you – that didn’t come out in Guanyin Temple.”
“No, I knew it before,” Nie Songsong said. “My er-ge is very clever, you know.”
“Yes, I suppose I do...why do you call him brother? Shouldn’t he be uncle, or – or –”
“Uncle is probably right,” Nie Songsong said. “But he raised me like a son, just as his brother did for him.”
Lan Sizhui looked down at his hands.
“Why did he publicly reveal your background, knowing that you were still around?” he asked again. “Everyone will know. Who your father was, all those terrible things he did, his relationship with your mother –”
“Why shouldn’t he? He did do all those things, and he did have that relationship with my mother.”
“But what about you? What about your reputation –”
“Are you planning on sweeping Wen Ruohan’s grave?”
Lan Sizhui stared at him.
“He’s your grandfather, isn’t he?” Nie Songsong looked calmly back at him. “Who he was, all those terrible things he did –”
“That’s nothing to do with me!”
“And the crimes of my father are nothing to do with me. My er-ge gave me his surname, just as Hanguang-jun gave you his, and for the same reason – to cut us off from the sins of our original family.”
“I suppose that’s true. But – no one knew about you, just as no one knew about me until I told them, and I only told them because they were my friends. Why’d you tell us? Aren’t you worried we’d tell more people?”
“Of course I am,” Nie Songsong said. “I hope you don’t, of course, but you would’ve found out regardless – second uncle wasn’t exactly subtle in his grief. And I had to tell him.”
“Why? To bring him out of seclusion?” Lan Sizhui hesitated. “Do you care so much for him?”
“Of course not. The last time I met him, I was a small child, and my father was just about to order me murdered; that’s not much of a basis to build a relationship. But having him lock himself away like that, as if he were in mourning…it hurt er-ge. And I won’t let anything hurt my er-ge. Anything, or anyone.”
They looked at each other for a long moment.
“I understand,” Lan Sizhui said.
“I’m glad you do,” Nie Songsong said, and then smiled. “I would’ve had to escalate to threats next, and I’m given to understand that I’m too short to really pull them off properly.”
Lan Sizhui snorted. “I think we’ve all learned that that’snot true.”
“Should we talk about this?” Jin Ling asked, arms crossed over his chest and glaring.
“What do you want to talk about?” Nie Songsong replied.
“How about the fact that your father tried to kill me?”
“Sure. Can we talk about the fact that you got all of his affection for years and years after he tried to kill me?”
Jin Ling blanched.
“I wonder if he would’ve gotten me a dog, too,” Nie Songsong mused. “I was too young for that when he ordered his demonic cultivator to feed me to fierce corpses and have my body ravaged until it was barely recognizable…but sure, let’s talk about how he tried to kill you.”
“I was talking about Sect Leader Nie!”
“Well, then, you should have been more specific. Sect Leader Nie’s my brother, not my father.”
“He’s a whole generation older than you!”
“My little uncle, then.”
Jin Ling flinched. “That’s worse. Go back to calling him your brother.”
Nie Songsong shrugged. “Would it help if we fought?”
“It makes me feel better, sometimes. Besides, I may be short, but I’m pretty good with the saber. I bet I could match your sword…maybe not your arrows. But I’ve always wanted to try.”
Jin Ling looked at him suspiciously for a long moment.
“Okay,” he finally said. “Sure. Why not?”
“I really hate that you’re kind of cool,” Lan Jingyi told him.
“I am so cool,” Nie Songsong said, and passed him another jar of wine. “Want to see my spring book collection?”
“…yes please.”
“Thank you for taking care of him,” Lan Xichen said to Nie Huaisang, who shrugged. “I’m sorry that you couldn’t trust me to help.”
“It’s only what I should have done,” Nie Huaisang said, not for the first time. He’d said it so often these past few days that it felt like a new refrain, an alternative to the old I don’t know, I don’t know, I don’t know. He preferred the original. “I was his little uncle, remember? I held him on his first month party. How could I do any less?”
He did not say that Lan Xichen, who could be classified as Jin Rusong’s older uncle, had done much less, but from Lan Xichen’s expression, he’d taken it that way anyway.
“You never…” Lan Xichen hesitated. “Did you ever have any – concerns?”
“That he’d turn out an idiot? No. I figured he’d be in good company, with me.”
“That’s not what I meant!”
“Oh, you meant whether I was worried that he’d grow up longing for his blood family over his adopted family and turn against me in favor of his real father?” Nie Huaisang asked mildly. “No, not really. The memory of your father ordering you to be mauled by fierce corpses and to make sure your face is destroyed so that there’s a reason to refuse to let your mother see the body, as it would only upset her, is a fairly effective panacea against things like that.”
“No,” Lan Xichen said, though he looked sick all over again at the reminder of how considerate Jin Guangyao could be when it came to those he thought of as people, and how monstrous he was towards those he didn’t. “No, just – your brother always took such a hard line against the Wen sect…”
“Because they were raised with the philosophy that they were superior to the rest of us and my brother purposefully made himself into the symbol of their fallibility, thereby making himself and all the rest of us the primary target for their traumatic realization that they’re just as weak and vulnerable as everyone else,” Nie Huaisang said, rolling his eyes. “Our Nie sect cultivators were always especially targeted whenever we were captured – our survival rate as prisoners of war was less than half all the other sects, and it wasn’t just because we were usually more injured when we got caught. Even the civilians surnamed Wen would pull out knives and try to stab us in the back if they had half a chance! We were in a blood feud with them, er-ge. You don’t put down blood feuds just like that, not even if you want to. That’s not how it works.”
Lan Xichen nodded slowly, thoughtful.
“Anyway, Songsong is mine now,” Nie Huaisang said. “Just as Lan Sizhui is your brother’s, and Jin Ling Jiang Cheng’s. Can’t we all just agree to not care about the rest?”
“I suppose we have to,” Lan Xichen said, bowing his head. “Huaisang…did you ever think about what happens now? I mean – what should we do next?”
“I don’t know,” Nie Huaisang said, and smiled humorlessly when Lan Xichen looked at him. “I’m not joking. I didn’t know what to do when I got Songsong for the first time, er-ge, and I don’t know what to do now, either. I just wanted to see justice done for my da-ge, and I did, and for the rest – I don’t know.”
“That’s fine,” Lan Xichen said. “I don’t know, either.”
Nothing ventured, nothing gained, Nie Huaisang thought. Spine as steel as your saber.
“Would you like to come visit the Unclean Realm sometime?” he asked, pretending to be casual. “Perhaps we can figure out what we don’t know together. If you like.”
“…perhaps I will,” Lan Xichen said.
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simplyahoe · 3 years
Kinktober Day 6 : Nipple Play
Dedicated to a lovely @cakepop-tatertot
Also here are the prompts again
TW : time travel, slight dub con, threesome, Light Bondage, overstim
Character : Akaza/Hakuji, Koyuki
Male Reader
You laid on the tatami, a bit stunned from falling into a portal while sparring with Akaza and dropping into a house.
Across the room is a couple.
A very familiar looking male, around 18, with black hair and pink eyelashes. His eyes are a beautiful light blue. He is in a martial arts gi, criminal tattoos around his arms.
The girl on the other hand, doesn’t look familiar at all. Black hair held up with a snowflake pin. A very familiar snowflake. Pink to light blue kimono with a snow pattern. Pink eyes with white flower irises.
“Who are you?” Akaza’s voice came from the guy
“I’m a demon slayer…..” you stared at the two “you?
“I’m Hakuji and this is my Fiancé, Koyuki.” Hakuji’s brows furrowed
You thought about it
“Could any of you tell me what time period it is?”
“Of course, Edo.” Hakuji answered
“Time travel.”
You huffed. It isn’t a demon blood art. You two were sparring in the safety of Akaza’s small safe haven.
“Anyone here made a wish of sorts?”
Slowly Koyuki raised her hand
“Eh?!” Hakuji looked a bit shocked
“I kind of made a wish on a star.” She hid her face behind her sleeves “I wanted to know what will make you feel good for our wedding night.”
His face became red. In fact, his blush went down his neck and to his ears. Just like a specific demon you know. It then clicked in your mind, Akaza looked really similar to Hakuji. They looked like twins. It means that Akaza and Hakuji are one in the same. What could have happened to make him turn into a demon?
“I think I have a vague Idea, but don’t kill me if I’m right.” You pointed at Hakuji “I am currently involved with a demon named Akaza.”
“So?” I guess being a brat has always been in his blood
“And he looks an awful lot like you. So something bad might happen to cause you to become a demon.”
“I’m not done.” You gave a pointed look “to put it simply, Akaza and I fuck. We live in Taisho, so Koyuki-San must have passed somewhere along the line.”
That gave them a shock
“And if I’m correct, I’m supposed to be here to teach her the ways of fucking you.”
You ended the statement there to give them time to process what was just said. It took a few minutes but Koyuki was pretty quick about it.
“Please teach me!” She grabbed your hand “If I don’t have time left, I want to make the most of it!”
“Wait.” Hakuji’s voice wavered
“This means the three of us fuck then.” You grinned
“Do I get a choice?”
“Nope, if you want to send me home, we fucking tonight.”
You two didn’t listen, pushing him to the bedroom. Koyuki pulled out a futon while you held Hakuji in place. When she nodded, you threw him onto the bedding, sliding behind him and holding his thighs slightly open with your legs.
He yelped when you slide his gi off his shoulders, catching his elbow before it can hit your face. Wrestling his arms behind his back, you held both his wrists with one hand, using the belt to tie his hands back. He struggled, but it held.
“Lady Koyuki come here”
You wave her over, pulling her hands to his chest
“His neck and ears are his weak points, but these are what get him going.”
You pinch a nipple, gaining a squeak from the shy, squirming Hakuji. He bites his lip in an attempt to keep quiet.
You lick the shell of his ear before nibbling on it, gaining some quiet sounds from the Soryu fighter.
“Try it.”
She watches as her fiancé wriggles in your grasp before nodding in determination and pressing his other nipple. His gasp is music.
“Good boy.” You murmured into his ear
Koyuki noticed and took a mental note. She mimicked your movements as he started to fight his bonds. Licking his ears and kissing down his neck, remembering your words.
It’s odd seeing black hair with blue eyes, but it's nothing too much of a shock. His mannerisms are still pretty similar, just less shy about his body.
His nipples are now hard, the one that you played with is slightly pinker. Mainly from your rougher treatment.
“How about you try sucking and gently biting them?”
Slightly pleasure dazed, Hakuji didn’t really catch your words. He only watched his future wife get closer to his chest, till she latched on. He threw his head back, resting against your shoulder, as a moan fell past his lips.
“Ple- please st- stop.”
“Feels we-weird. Please.”
“Oh is that so?”
You worked off his pants and fundoshi. Hakuji barely managed to move his head to look at what you are doing. His dick in hand, you motioned for Koyuki to sit back and watch, grinding the tip of your thumb into his slit.
He grit his teeth as he came. Eyes rolled back as tears fell from his eyes. Head thrown against your shoulder his entire body tensed. He unknowingly pushed his whole body against you. As he fell from his high, he drooped into your hold.
“It tastes a bit weird, but do you want to try?”
White painted knuckles pressed against her tongue as she licked some of his release off. Her face scrunched at the taste. Shrugging, you licked your hand clean.
“Ple…. Please…. Enough….” Hakuji huffed
“If that was enough, why am I still here?” You kissed his tempel “don’t worry, I think after the next thing I’ll be gone.”
“Please….” His eyes closed, “Take care…. of me……”
“I will.”
You laid him down, untying him and spreading his legs. Motioning Koyuki closer, you showed her the lube piece.
“That dissolves in saliva, do you want me to dissolve it?”
She nodded
“I will be teaching you how to fuck his ass. So I will put the lube in your hand ok?”
She nodded once again. You stuck it in your mouth, waiting until it fully liquefied. Pulling her hand to your mouth, you allowed the lube to drip from your mouth. Once it was all out, you guided her hand.
“Slow at first.”
You muttered to her, as her middle finger slipped into his ass. Once her first finger fully entered you motioned to her how to move her hand.
“Now I think he is loose enough for a second finger.”
Her ring finger started to slip in. She worked through the motions taught, quickly gaining some soft, weak cries.
“Now, find the prostate. It will make him feel the best.”
You put Hakuji’s head onto your lap, allowing her to fully explore on her own. His hands weakly grasped onto your uniform. Tears falling faster as more noises slip from his lips.
Quiet praises fell from Koyuki’s lips as she explored. Until his thighs came together accompanied with a loud yelp.
“You found it! Now that place will make any man feel good, but I learned that he likes it rough.”
You played with his short hair, brushing tears away every so often. Hands traveled down to play with his chest.
“Got it!” She quickly started moving again, drawing cries and moans from his lips.
This is getting you hot, pants feeling uncomfortable and tight. You moved your pants down enough to pull out your dick.
“May I?”
You looked at Koyuki
“Go ahead. You become someone important to him.”
Hakuji didn’t give a second thought, he allowed you to enter his mouth. You muffled his sounds with your dick, the vibrations becoming pleasant. He is sloppy, saliva dripped from the corners of his lips as he tries to suck you off.
He squealed through his second orgasm, noise only muffled by your cock. The vibrations shocked through you, causing you to cum down his throat.
Hakuji slowly came down. Hips rutting against nothing. Koyuki wiped her hand off with a pre-prepared towel, a satisfied smile on her face.
You pulled out. He gasped for air, trying to slow his breathing. Saliva and white dribbled down his face
“Gonna….. Die….” With his last thought said, he slipped into unconsciousness
“You did good, Lady Koyuki.” You fix your clothes as you started to fade, “ But there is nothing else I can teach.”
“Thank you” she chirped, way too happy having finger fucked her fiancé into oblivion
“See you on the other side.”
“Oi… OIIIII!” Akaza flooded your senses
“You disappeared for an hour and returned asleep.”
You laid on your back, head in his lap. He leaned over you, hands in your hair, gently massaging your scalp. His little vest covers you like a very tiny blanket.
“Let’s just say, you were cute as a human.” You smiled up at him
“I hope you remember that I don’t remember anything about being a human >.<“ he has such a cute pout
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luminnara · 3 years
God Damn, Shit Sucking Vampires | Poly lost boys x oc CH 9
(oops no gif because the ones i want won’t upload right now)
Just as a reminder, lost boys requests are OPEN!
Chapter 8 | Chapter 9 | Chapter 10
Tags:  @americancowgirl19 @ilikechocolatemilkh
Warnings: Blood, gore, vampire things
Hearing a strange voice in her head nearly drove Vera into a panic. When she realized she was hearing Max, she nearly flew into a second panic, the sire’s strong, firm voice only reassuring her that all of her fears were correct and he wasn’t going to like her very much. 
As she walked along the beach, bare toes sinking into the sand, Dwayne at her side, Vera briefly wondered how hard it would be to kill Max if it came down to a struggle. Did she have a chance against him? Maybe, if she stooped low enough to cry for her own sire, he would come and take care of it—
“Hey, chill out,” Dwayne said, stopping and turning towards her slightly. “What’s wrong?”
She realized she had halted and was simply standing there, staring at nothing as her mind raced. He could probably feel how freaked out she was getting, and as she looked at him, she found a gentle, understanding expression on his face. 
“C’mere,” he said, his voice low and rumbly and comforting. 
He opened his arms in invitation and she dove right in, moving quickly and desperately enough that she knocked him right onto his ass. He landed in the sand with a laugh, situating the two of them so that she could sit in his lap and they could face the dark, never ending ocean. 
“Did Max freak you out?” Dwayne asked as Vera tucked her head under his chin. 
“...a little.” 
She sighed. Something about Dwayne made her feel so safe that she was actually considering talking with him about things she hadn’t even told David yet. “Because I’m not used to this. I’m used to vampires who want me out of their territory the second I even get close, and I can’t really blame them.”
“This is your territory, too.” He said. “You’re the one who’ll be kicking people out of it now.”
“I don’t think Max is going to like me.” She grumbled. 
“Why not?”
She was quiet for a moment, fiddling with the zipper of his jacket. “Because he’ll see me as a threat.”
“Max isn’t like that.”
“You’re just saying that now because he’s your sire.”
“No, I’m saying it because I mean it.” Dwayne rested his cheek on the top of her head, his hand absentmindedly rubbing circles on her back. “Max wants a family. Now you’re part of that family.”
He sounded so sure of his own words that Vera was actually feeling inclined to believe him for a moment. “Parents don’t tend to like me.”
“Anyone who can handle having Paul in their pack can handle you.”
She scoffed. “He isn’t that bad.”
“Maybe to you.” Dwayne chuckled. He tightened his arms around her when he realized that his jokes weren’t very reassuring. “Max is a good man. A good sire.”
“Why?” Vera asked. “What does he do that makes you like him so much?”
“Well,” Dwayne situated them a bit better, getting more comfortable. “He’s fair. He acts stern, but...he sees himself as our father.”
“Don’t they always?” Vera grumbled. 
“He calls David his prodigal son, but he always wanted a whole family. He ended up with the four of us.”
“So, what? He plucked you all up out of the gutter and that makes him a good guy?”
“Why are you so determined to hate him?”
“I’m not!” she protested. “I’m just...wary.”
“Max gave us new lives.” Dwayne sighed. “He found us back in San Francisco after we got ourselves in some trouble with another vampire.”
Vera had to snort in amusement at that. “Seriously? Who’d you pick a fight with? Dracula?”
“You’ve gotta be kidding me.”
He flashed her a smile. “How were we supposed to know who he was?”
“Humans really have no self preservation instincts, do they?”
“Apparently not.” Dwayne chuckled, squeezing her. 
“How long ago was it?”
“1906, same year as that big earthquake. Tore the whole city apart...it was the perfect time for four vampires to start learning how to survive, with all that chaos. People were dead, more were missing...nobody noticed a few more disappearing here and there.”
“Is that why Max and, uh...Vlad were there?” Vera asked. 
“I imagine.” Dwayne shrugged. “We resisted at first. David was especially pissed off.”
“Yeah, I can see that.” Vera laughed quietly. 
“But...we took to the lifestyle pretty quickly.”
“And that’s that?” Vera asked. 
“That’s that.” he shrugged. “Max wants to be a father figure. He turned David because he wanted a son, and he taught him everything he knew. Then, he decided David needed companions, and he happened to find me not long after. Then the others. Max isn’t a bad guy, Vera. You’ll see.”
“That’s what everybody says about their own sire.” she said, looking out at the black waves as they crashed against the sand just a few feet in front of her. “Everyone wants to talk their sires up, because without them, we’re nothing. Just because your own sire is nice to you doesn’t mean he’ll be nice to me.”
“What’s so bad about your own that you think ours is so awful?”
The question hung in the air for a moment, Vera’s mouth pressing into a thin line. “Nothing.”
“Don’t lie to me.” Dwayne opened his eyes, rubbing his cheek over the top of her head affectionately. 
“I’m not.”
“I know that you are, though.”
Vera let out a frustrated noise, then heaved a sigh. Maybe talking about this could be good for her. Maybe verbalizing thoughts and fears that she’d been living with for centuries could finally help her get over them...and if anyone was a good listener, it would be Dwayne. 
“Okay, fine.” she said. “What’s so bad about my sire? Everything. Everything is what’s bad about him, literally.”
“Where’s he from?” Dwayne asked. 
“The old country. Like...the old old country.”
“Why are you so reluctant to talk about him?” Dwayne’s voice was low and gentle, barely audible over the sound of the waves. 
“Because he’s got a reputation.” she fiddled with the hem of her shorts. “Most older vampires know of him. You guys might not, and if we had a different situation, I’d say it should stay that way.”
“That serious, huh?”
“You have no idea.”
“Hmm.” Dwayne’s chest rumbled. “The others should hear about this, too.”
“Yeah, they should.” she sighed again, her voice small. She felt small in general, all curled up in Dwayne’s lap like that. Small and helpless. She wasn’t, though, and she didn’t want them to think that she was. So she cleared her throat, trying to muster as much confidence as she could, ignoring the mild twisting in her gut. “I’ll tell you guys everything tomorrow night.”
Dwayne made a small, impatient sound. 
“Max will want to hear, too.”
“That’s a good point,” he admitted. “You know, I still need to hunt for you…”
Vera perked up slightly. The thought of food made the tight feeling in her chest loosen up slightly, and she looked at Dwayne eagerly. “Yes, please.”
He laughed, wrapping his arms around her as he stood and set her back on her feet. “Then let’s go find some snacks, Princess.”
“You know, we don’t have to do this. We could just go back to the cave--”
“What happened to that tough attitude you had a few days ago?” David raised an eyebrow, looking amused as he pulled Vera off the back of his bike.
“I’m still tough,” she growled, knowing that he could very easily feel how nervous she was. 
“Come on, babe,” Paul parked his bike next to David’s and bounded over to her. “You’ll be fine.”
“We’d never let anything happen to ya,” Marko said, following Paul. 
Vera knew he was telling the truth, but it didn’t make her feel any better. She had barely slept the entire day, waking up restless and on edge as soon as the sun disappeared, and it had taken a good deal of coaxing from David to even get her to leave the roost. They took Star and Laddie to the boardwalk, dropped them off with some cash, and then headed off to Max’s house.
David told Vera along the way that Star and Laddie weren’t allowed to know where Max lived. They really weren’t allowed to know anything about him in general, in order to protect him, so when the pack walked up to the front gate of their sire’s home, it was only the four boys who accompanied Vera. She didn’t mind; having Star around would have only put her more on edge, probably, and she had been glad to leave the halfling behind. 
As she faced the gated bridge that led to Max’s completely normal-looking, Californian home, Vera did everything she could to act confident. She squared her shoulders, held her chin up, and pretended that she had nothing to worry about...but the boys could see right through the facade, and as they joined her, they all fell into a little formation. In moments, Vera was surrounded by them, David offering his arm while the others stepped into their spots behind. It made her feel better, knowing that they were all there to protect her...but at the same time, she still wished they were all out wandering the boardwalk. 
“So brave,” David sneered as she took his arm. 
“Shut up.” she growled, vaguely aware of Dwayne’s hand on her lower back. 
“Relax,” Marko purred. 
“Don’t you dare tell me to relax, Marko, I swear—“
The barking of a rapidly approaching dog interrupted her, the sound of paws thumping rhythmically against the wooden walkway drawing her attention away from the boys. A big white hellhound was barreling towards the gate, all teeth and rage, and although it looked like it wanted to tear her limbs off, the sight of such a beast made Vera temporarily forget why she was so anxious. Even as it barked and snarled and threw itself against the gate, she thought that it was absolutely adorable.
“Oh, look at you!” She squealed as the boys all jumped back. When she took a step forward, David tried to yank her towards him, but she slipped away easily, too focused on this hellhound to care. 
“You’re such a big handsome boy,” she said, in a voice that made Paul jealous. 
“No fair,” he grumbled, crossing his arms. “Why’s the dumb dog get all that?”
Marko glanced at the taller blond nervously. “Don’t call him dumb, you remember what happened last time?”
Paul groaned, rolling his eyes at the memory of nearly losing a hand. 
The dog stopped barking as Vera approached, falling silent as it sniffed the air around her. The vicious look on its face was gone, replaced by curiosity, and when Vera ignored David’s irritated warnings and reached over the gate to pet it, the animal whined. 
“You must be Thorn,” Vera cooed, scratching behind its ears. “What a big, brave, hell-y hellhound you are, yes you are!”
“You’ve gotta be kidding me,” Paul said as he watched. 
“What?” Vera asked, looking over her shoulder at him. 
“Thorn doesn’t like any of us.” Marko huffed. “Why’s he like you so much?”
“Well...he can probably smell my sire on me,” Vera said. “Might remind him of home. Hellhounds usually like me because of that.”
“...Home?” Paul asked. 
“I’ll tell you later.”
“But I wanna know now!” he whined.
Thorn growled at him. 
“Thorn!” a male voice called from the other end of the little bridge. 
Vera immediately stiffened. The front door of the house had opened, and in it stood a man, wearing a very stylish suit and horn rimmed glasses. Thorn heeded his master’s call, giving Paul one last woof before trotting back towards Max. His departure freed the front gate, and David brushed past Vera to open it, taking her hand and leading the gang across the walkway. 
“Boys,” Max greeted as they approached him. He offered David a stern smile, one which David didn’t return, and when Max’s eyes fell upon Vera all tucked up against his side, his eyes narrowed slightly. “And you must be Vera.”
She didn’t like that he knew her name. It was inevitable that he’d find out what it was, but still...she kept clinging to the hope that maybe, he wouldn’t learn too much about her. The boys seemed so convinced that Max was just an annoying father, but as Vera took him in, she could see that behind the trendy, 80s-dad facade, there was an old, powerful vampire, and those were the kind she didn’t get along with very well. 
“Well, come in, everyone, before dinner gets cold. I made sure to get all your favorites, boys.” Max stepped to the side, inviting them over the threshold in a very courteous way, one that suggested he had nothing to fear from the boys or Vera.
“You shouldn’t have,” David sneered sarcastically as he walked in. 
“Would it kill you to be nice?” Vera hissed. 
He rolled his eyes.
Max noticed the exchange with a bemused expression on his face. “Go on in and sit down. The table’s already set.”
The house was nice. It wasn’t incredibly extravagant, by any means, but it was perfectly well decorated, modern art that Vera didn’t quite know how to appreciate hanging on the walls. Everything was clean and organized, not a speck of dust in sight, as opposed to the state of decay the boys kept their lair in. Max seemed to enjoy playing the role of a video store owner, and his home reflected that; if anyone came to visit, they wouldn’t see a single item out of place, nor would they have any reason to be suspicious of him. There were no torture devices, no loose vials of blood sitting around, no skulls or human skin nailed up. It looked so...normal. 
Vera almost stopped to wonder why exactly she was so nervous...and then she heard the whimpering.
“Geez, Max,” Paul remarked as they rounded the corner and entered the dining room, “you really shouldn’t have.”
“Well, fresh caught is always the best,” Max said. “Don’t you agree?”
“Hell yeah,” Marko growled, lips pulled back in a grin. 
The dining room table was covered in an array of meats, from a suckling pig in the center to a rack of ribs at the end. Six chairs surrounded the feast, plates and cutlery set out at each spot, with big glass goblets already half full of blood ready and waiting. Next to each chair stood a human, frozen due to both fear and Max’s vampire magic, a couple of them shaking and considerably more conscious than the others. 
Max walked to his place at the head of the table, Thorn at his side as he took his seat. David sat at the far end, facing him, his eyes dark and hungry as he held himself back. Dwayne sat at David’s left side, Vera at his right, while Paul and Marko took the remaining two chairs and tried not to completely lose their minds. They were shaking almost as much as the humans were, Paul looking at his blood donor eagerly while Marko held a little sneer on his face that suggested he was about ten seconds from ripping his apart.
“Dig in, everyone,” Max said, taking his cloth napkin and tucking it into his shirt collar. “But please try not to make a mess. There’s more than enough here for each of you.”
David immediately grabbed the arm of his meal, sinking his fangs in and taking a drink while Max preferred to drain his into the goblet he had set out for himself. Vera could only watch, stunned, as the carnage began, and before long, she was joining in. The human Max had caught for her was a middle aged clergyman, and she had to tear through his holy sleeve to get to his flesh. 
She didn’t mind, though; she very rarely ever got to eat members of the clergy. They were generally too much work to hunt down, and since she had an aversion to churches, well...like most vampires, she tended to leave them alone. It was hard to nab them without making a spectacle and letting the entire town know that something was amiss. So, all things considered, a little bit of extra work involving a mouthful of fabric was worth it. This was like a special treat for her, and she couldn’t help but drain him all in one go, still holding on even after he had collapsed in a bloodless heap on the floor. 
When she looked up, she realized that Max was watching her. 
“So,” he said, speaking over the hellish sounds of the others slurping up their meals, “I believe some congratulations are in order. Welcome to the family, Vera.”
She swallowed her last mouthful of blood and looked at him. “Uh...thanks. I-I mean, thank you.”
Max picked up his silverware, cutting a slice of ham for himself. “Where are you from, Vera?”
“I wander,” she said, following suit and stabbing her fork into a raw steak. 
“I’ve surmised that much,” Max chuckled good-naturedly. “I meant where are you from originally.”
“...oh.” She cleared her throat somewhat awkwardly. “Italy.”
“Italy!” Max exclaimed. “Such a lovely region. I haven’t visited The Mediterranean since I left the old country myself. If I didn’t have the shop here, perhaps I’d take a trip...have you been back recently?”
“No,” she crossed and uncrossed her legs, trying to act like she wasn’t fidgeting. She took a bite of her steak, focusing on the blood as it trickled down her throat. 
Max reached for his goblet, raising the blood to his lips and taking a drink. “And your sire, is he still in Europe?”
Vera almost choked on her food. 
By this point, the boys were all watching. Paul was licking blood off his lips while Marko still had his dinner’s forearm in his mouth, but David and Dwayne were both focused solely on the conversation at hand, their eyes narrowed slightly as they listened. 
When she realized that everyone was waiting, Vera coughed into her fist, clearing her throat. “Y-yes, he is.”
Max’s eyes darkened, despite the smile on his face. “You know you need to tell me about him, Vera.”
“There’s not much to tell,” she lied, turning back to her steak. “Just an ancient vampire, out there in the old country. Not very exciting.”
“Exciting or not, I’d still prefer to know who he is.” Max said. 
She shrugged, reaching for her glass to take a nervous drink. “I doubt you’d know him.”
“When you drink that blood, you’ll be joining our family.”
She froze, hand on the stem of the glass.
“I’m sure your sire will be able to feel it. I’d hate to be rude and not even know his name in the event he visits one day.”
Vera stared at the blood—Max’s blood—as her fingers tightened around the stem. “You don’t want him to visit.”
“Oh?” Max asked, appearing as relaxed as ever. “Why not?”
“Because of who he is.” She closed her eyes for a moment. “And what he can do.”
Dwayne and David glanced at each other. 
When Max spoke again, his voice was softer, gentler than before. “What is your sire’s name, Vera?”
With a great deal of effort, she opened her eyes again, still staring into the blood rather than at any of them. 
“Asmodeus.” She said. “My sire is Asmodeus.”
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hongism · 3 years
the little things - c.san
↣ pairing: san x reader; poly ot8 x reader ↣ genre: sfw, fluff, slight angst, fantasy au, witch ateez au ↣ wc: 3.3k ↣ summary: one of your favorite things to do is look at the stars with san ↣ warnings: none !
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“You’re out rather early.”
You don’t turn towards the source of the voice; just hearing him speak is enough of a clue for you to know exactly who it is. Although, even if he hadn’t spoken, you’re sure you would have known from the flutter of wings that resounded before his arrival.
“The stars are prettiest right before dawn breaks,” you sigh, hugging your arms a bit tighter around your knees. Your new companion moves forward and comes to a stop beside you. He doesn’t sit down quite yet; for a while, he merely stands at your side and stares up at the same sky hanging above your heads. The time is roughly four o’clock in the morning — a late night for you and an early morning for San — but your words hold true. The glimmering stars are tucked behind fluffy and luscious clouds that seem to herald coming rain, and they shine against a midnight blue background that seems infinitely deep.
San sinks down to sit beside you at last, tossing his legs over the lip of the stone wall you’re perched on, and he sways his legs in rhythm with an unknown melody. You squeeze your knees as you press your cheek to one of them, enough to have a clear view of San’s pretty side profile against a landscape of green pine trees and shining stars.
“I thought you were out here to look at the stars,” San whispers. He glances at you out the corner of his eye. There’s no malice in his speech, just a hint of teasing, and you can’t keep your lips from quirking into a smile.
“I’m looking at you instead.”
“I should be the one looking at you, little star.” San turns his chin to face you, and his dimples flash as he grins back through the hazy moonlit night. “Our precious star,” he murmurs before reaching a hand out to trace over your forehead, slipping down to your temple then to your cheek and dragging the pads of his fingers over your skin in an unknown pattern.
“Why are you up so early?”
“Waiting for Hongjoong,” San says through a sigh. His hand retracts as quickly as it made contact, and you can’t pretend to be oblivious as to why. Things are always… harsh for San when Hongjoong is gone. It’s much worse when it’s a job like Hongjoong’s current one where the witch has to be gone for weeks at a time. Then San becomes quite volatile and hard to deal with — it only makes sense when a familiar is separate from his master for so long. Seonghwa tries to do damage control every time, tries to use techniques that normally help his own familiar Yeosang calm down, but they never work for San. Hongjoong is the only person and thing that can quell the anxieties and worries and stress that flow through San’s veins in times like these. And seeing as they are a bonded pair, it makes the connection of sharing emotional states weaker. They can’t share emotions this far apart, and that weighs heavily on San’s shoulders after being so used to sharing his heart in such a way for so long. Even if Hongjoong has a tendency to cut San off from feeling the brunt of his negative emotions, there’s still a lingering knowledge that the other is right there, just within grasp.
Not now, however.
San has gone three long weeks without even a breath of a whisper from Hongjoong.
And tonight (this morning? Today? Whatever time it may be) the witch is supposed to return. San’s nerves must be getting to him if he’s out this early because usually he would curl up in Hongjoong’s bed and await the witch there, presenting himself like a neatly wrapped present for the other to unravel with warm kisses and soft touches.
San clenches his fingers blindly around the lip of the wall.
“Tell me a story?” You inquire out of the blue. Your eyes shift to look up at the sky again. San huffs out a weak laugh.
“What kind?”
“Hm, how you and Hongjoong met?”
A risky choice, maybe, but you know how near and dear that tale is to San’s heart, and how much comfort it brings him in simply thinking of it. So it is also a very wise choice on your behalf. San’s lips twitch into the shadow of a smile.
“You’ve heard it so many times already…”
“I’ll give you something in return,” you coo, reaching out to pinch the skin around San’s elbow. He yelps like a kicked dog and offers up a deep pout that has you ready to tease him further.
“Seven kisses.”
“Seven?” You echo. Confusion slips into your tone. You can’t recall any significance to the number seven, nor can you remember whether it’s supposed to have special meaning.
“One for each time I’ve told you this story,” San murmurs, leaning forward to press a quick kiss to the tip of your nose. You scowl at the faint sensation as a laugh nearly escapes you, but you manage to bite it back enough to smile again.
“I always forgot how good a crow’s memory is.”
“Ravens remember well too, little star.”
You poke your tongue out between your lips in his direction, and San merely laughs at your expression before shifting closer to you. He loops a hand around one of yours, pulling it away from the leg you have propped up on the rock wall, then he loops his fingers through yours.
“Several hundred winters ago, this land we live in now held very different values and laws. The people were cruel and brash, only using their fists and crude weapons to handle gathering food and protecting their women and children. No one imagined there was any other way of doing things — the people knew nothing of what gentle prowess magic could offer.” San glances over at you, drawing a laugh from your lips when he makes eye contact with you. You shake your head ever so slightly.
“I didn’t mean for you to give me the version that’s in books and legends…”
San dares to giggle at that, and a moment later, he’s shifting his position so that he can rest his head against your thigh and look up at the stars like that. You have to push your other leg down to accommodate the shift, and once San is comfortably staring up at the sky with you, he begins speaking again.
“I was alone. It wasn’t something new; I was used to it at that point. Ravens don’t have the longest lifespan, and I was still a young familiar at the time. I had no owner or master. My mother’s master left our nest after she passed, leaving me with two sisters who were sick and close to death. They were too ill to shift to their human forms, so I couldn’t bring them to an apothecary or village. Ravens are seen as bad omens after all; had I brought them to a town, they would have been killed on the spot. I spent some time going between our nest and the nearest village, stealing food and medicine where I could because I couldn’t afford it. I worked some too, little odd jobs here and there, but it was a lot of delivery work. Made it easy to steal thankfully. Then… well, one day, I got too bold and tried pickpocketing a high-ranking guardsman. He was some lieutenant or something like that, I don’t remember. Too many years have passed since then. But I got caught trying to lift some coin off him in a bar, and he grabbed me by the arm and dragged me out to the streets. He was planning on killing me right then and there with no trial, but some short little witch came stalking up without a care in the world and knocked the guard on his ass. He was going on and on about how rude it is to grab random people off the street like that.”
“Of course he would,” you murmur, a bit of fondness slipping into your tone. “Don’t let him catch you calling him short though.”
“Eh, he’ll survive. In any case, when the guard tried explaining that I was trying to pickpocket him, this witch extended a hand to me and asked if I needed help. I naturally said no because I didn’t think I could trust him, then took off running. I went back to my nest in the hopes of finding my sisters and telling them to get out of the area, yet when I got there, they were already gone. It had been nearly two years since my mother passed, so they were well enough to do things on their own at that point, but they’d never up and left like that without warning. I couldn’t do anything but stay and wait for their return. We’d gathered some food and supplies, so I was able to live off of it for several months before needing to depart for more again. The entire time, not once did my sisters return. They just… disappeared into thin air. I waited every day, wondered when they would come back, and some nights I would stay awake all night flying around the area in search of them.”
“That part always breaks my heart,” you whisper. Stretching a hand down, you drag your fingers along the curve of San’s cheekbones then his jaws, torn away from the stars as you look at the familiar.
“Why? Had it not happened, I wouldn’t be here.”
“I know but…”
“But Hongjoong found me,” San continues through a smile. You huff but let him finish the story, pointedly ignoring the curling grin he sends your way. “After a few months, I started noticing magical residue near my nest. And sure enough, that little witch from before was setting up camp nearby. I did nothing at first, watched him from afar for a while, then I got brave enough to try to lift a few things from his camp. That turned out to be quite the mistake because he caught me within three seconds of setting foot into that camp. And yet… instead of threatening to kill me or harming me, the little witch simply asked if I was alone. ”Are you alone? Do you have anyone with you? A master? I feel your magical energy yet it doesn’t seem normal. You must be a familiar. Where is your master?“ When I said I had no master and was on my own, the little witch was… hm, I would say he was both confused and concerned. Said it was no good for a familiar to go without a master. Without one, I would die within a few years. He suggested that I hurry along with finding one, and I explained I had absolutely no one else in my life.”
“And after that?”
San hums to himself a bit, bringing his hands up above his head as he stares at the night sky. A delicate little smile graces his pretty lips and squeezes his dimples out, but he doesn’t speak any other words for quite some time. The next voice you hear doesn’t even belong to him.
“After that, I invited San to spend some time in my care and work an honest job for me before going on his way to finding a master.”
You twist your neck towards the source of the voice, finding the witch standing a little ways away from the wall you and San are currently seated on, and he grins through the moonlit night at you. San jolts upwards at the sound of his master. The smile that splits his lips is so broad and heartwarming that it feels too intimate to look at, even for you who shares in their love for one another. It’s different for them, and you know that, even if it’s just a different strain of the same love, it’s different nonetheless. San hops off the wall in one swift move, closing the distance between his and Hongjoong’s bodies within seconds.
“As it turns out, we were…we did quite well together. And thus, here we are,” Hongjoong says as he lets San press his nose into the curve of his neck. “I’m sorry I was gone so long. Had to make a few extra stops along the way to gather some supplies. How was he?” Hongjoong directs the words to you, watching with careful yet loving eyes as you pull yourself down from the wall as well and step closer to him and San. The familiar will be like this for a while; unmoving and unresponsive as he soaks in Hongjoong’s presence again and drowns himself in the sensation of having all those feelings doubled once more. Hongjoong will try to ease the burden as much as he can for both their sake, and you’ll do what you do best: taking care of both of them when it gets to be too overwhelming. While Seonghwa and Yeosang (who don’t go a long time without each other anyway) don’t have to deal with this type of ordeal, Hongjoong and San always do. Hongjoong thinks it has something to do with how frequent his trips are, or perhaps the lingering sensation of separation anxiety that San suffers from given his past. Either way, it makes their reunions that much more emotionally taxing and intense. Even you, who has not a drop of magical ability in your body, can feel the sheer power radiating off them both right in this moment.
“You came home at the right time. He was getting antsy,” you murmur back, reaching up to comb your fingers through the long hair at the base of San’s scalp.
“Next time I’ll leave you all with a bit more of a safety net.”
“Or you could come back sooner.”
Hongjoong nearly rolls his eyes, and you catch the way he stops himself just beforehand. The annoyance in his features is nothing serious, only something because he’s heard such words a hundred times over.
“No doubt you haven’t slept yet?” He inquires, trying his best to make his way to the door of the coven’s home. San proves to be quite the obstruction, as it seems, and Hongjoong has to hoist the slightly larger man up enough to loop his legs around the smaller’s waist. Hongjoong grunts from the added weight but manages to carry San the rest of the way with no other complaints. You trail along beside them, taking care of opening the door and grabbing Hongjoong’s satchel once inside.
“Welcome home, my sweet starlight. I see our star and bird found you before I could.” Seonghwa is the first to greet the three of you upon stepping inside. You only notice Yeosang’s sleek black cat form slinking around the hearth witch’s ankles when you’re helping Hongjoong out of his shoes.
“Mm, they were waiting outside,” Hongjoong mumbles into the chaste kiss Seonghwa delivers to his lips. Seonghwa also places a sweet kiss on the back of San’s head before Hongjoong steps around the taller man, continuing to carry San as he goes.
“Mingi fell asleep in your bed last night, so don’t be surprised if you find him there,” Seonghwa calls out over his shoulder. You stretch up to your tiptoes in front of him, half-expecting the kiss that he presses to your lips a few seconds later, but the sudden appearance of Yeosang’s human form popping up on your left is much less expected. You nearly jump out of your skin, and probably would have if not for Seonghwa placing a steadying hand on your hip.
“You haven’t slept either,” Yeosang comments, nose pushing hard against your cheek. You click your tongue against the roof of your mouth.
“No need to lecture. I’m going up with them, don’t worry.”
“I’ll come by after Jongho heads out for morning work.” Yeosang smiles a little before turning on his heel and heading back into the kitchen, no doubt where Jongho waits. Seonghwa huffs out a laugh but sends you on your way without any more conversation. You catch him slipping back into the kitchen as well just as you start climbing the stairs behind Hongjoong.
“Did San fall asleep already?” You ask after the man. You can barely see the familiar’s face from how hard he has it pressed into Hongjoong’s neck, but his eyes seem to have fallen shut at some point. He’s either basking in Hongjoong’s presence as much as he can or he’s entered a pleasant state of unconsciousness with Hongjoong’s warmth around him.
“Almost. He’s calming down some though. I’ll put him in bed with Mingi then take a bath. Care to join?”
“Such a temptress,” you snort to his back.
“I’m only joking, my dear. Keep San and Mingi company while I’m washing up for me instead? We can bathe together another day.”
“Of course darling,” you murmur, drawing a hand across his shoulders once the two of you reach his door. “Be quick though. Mingi will want some time to cuddle before he joins Jongho for yard work.”
As Seonghwa warned, Mingi is already curled up into a tight ball in the center of Hongjoong’s bed when you enter the room. It’s not hard to move his lanky limbs to the side to make room for San, and when Hongjoong eases the familiar down to the mattress, Mingi immediately takes to curling his body around the smaller man like it’s an act of pure instinct. San nuzzles into the touch, releasing a content little hum. You feel a hand brush the small of your back and jerk to look Hongjoong in the eye. Turns out, it was only a way to distract you because he captures your lips in a quick kiss that tastes a bit of honey and cinnamon. You have no time to savor the taste, however; Hongjoong pulls away just as quick and mumbles something about being quick to clean up. You bring a hand up to touch the spot where his lips just were. The smile that overtakes your face is one you can’t hold back, and now it’s your turn to be content and happy as you pull the sheets back to join Mingi and San under the covers. A large hand clamps down hard on your waist, tugging you flush against San’s chest.
“Where’s my kiss?” Mingi’s voice rises through the silence, thick and groggy from sleep. You reach around San to smack him as gently as possible on the arm.
“Go back to bed.”
“Joong home yet?”
“Mhm, he’ll be in bed in just a bit.”
“Good,” Mingi sighs. He settles back into the mattress, maintaining his hold on you around San’s body, and you twist just enough to lean over the sleeping familiar.
“Kiss,” you murmur, and Mingi rushes to meet you halfway with a cheeky grin. “Okay, now sleep. You don’t have long before you have to be up.”
It doesn’t take long for you to fall asleep wrapped up in that embrace, and even when Hongjoong does finally come to bed, he doesn’t stir you from sleep except for the barest sensation of lips against your forehead. You might hear him mutter some loving words to all three of you, perhaps lingering a little while longer on San because he knows the familiar needs that reassurance and comfort right now more than ever, but once he settles down and tucks your head against his chest, a wildly comfortable and deep sleep overcomes you.
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goodlucktai · 3 years
What about some hurt/comfort for Natsume & Natori? (Not slash tho)
Natori doesn't seem like he has anyone in his life to take care of him except his shikigami :(
"You need to sleep," Hiiragi says. Her tone is unchanging, an unhurried monotone, but somehow it manages to carry a thread of concern.
Shuuichi waves her off, sifting through papers. "In a minute. I just have to finish this."
A group of exorcists in over their heads sent these reports earlier today. Yesterday, now, Shuuichi amends inwardly with a bleary glance at the clock in the kitchen, which reads an inappropriately cheerful 6:07 AM. And they'll arrive to collect them, along with Shuuichi's notes, in just a few hours.
"They are presumptuous," Hiiragi says, "to assume you had this time to spare them, and on such short notice. You're busy."
"Not with anything that matters," Shuuichi laughs. It comes out not sounding like a laugh at all. Hiiragi tips her head incrementally to the side, no doubt staring at him behind her mask.
"Your work does matter."
"This work does," Shuuichi says, laying a hand on the papers scattered across the desk. "The other stuff-- "
"The 'stuff' that pays your bills," Hiiragi says. "The 'stuff' that keeps you fed, and gives you reason to leave your house and interact with people who won't make you think about ghosts."
It's Shuuichi's turn to stare. "I didn't realize you were such a firm believer in my acting career."
"I don't understand it," she says frankly. "But you enjoy it. It may not be.... 'vanquishing evil,'" she goes on, quoting the report the exorcists sent as if it's something slimy she's peeling off her shoe, "but that doesn't mean it doesn't matter."
It might be the lack of sleep talking, but Shuuichi feels strangely touched. He has to swallow before he can reply, something that happens rarely, if at all.
"I'll make sure to sign an autograph for you," he teases, grinning. "But only after I've finished this."
"Hm," Hiiragi says. She doesn't call him an idiot, at least. A few minutes after that she leaves from the living room window, ostensibly to patrol the neighborhood.
Shuuichi will just finish his notes, and then set an alarm for-- he checks the clock again, and winces-- and hour and a half. He'll get that much sleep, at least. He's worked with less.
At some point, the front door opens. That's odd. Only a few people have a key to his apartment, and none of them who do live anywhere near here. His shiki certainly don't use the door.
A familiar voice says, "Hi, Natori-san."
Shuuichi lifts his head, so fast his vision swims. There's Natsume, standing in the doorway between the kitchen and the sitting room, hands full with a cardboard drink tray and a brown paper bag bearing the distinctive golden arches. He looks decidedly windblown, as if he flew the whole way here. He probably did.
His brow is wrinkled, mouth tucked into a frown. It's the way Shuuichi imagines Hiiragi's face looks behind her mask at least ninety-percent of the time.
"What on earth are you doing here?" Shuuichi says, pushing himself upright. He has to lean on the desk to get there. Natsume clocks it with a flick of his eyes but doesn't comment. "Don't you have school today?" Shuuichi goes on, desperately trying to remember what day it is. Friday, right?
"No school," Natsume says, putting the drinks and the bag on the counter. "Teacher's institute."
"Are you in trouble?" Shuuichi asks carefully.
"I have to be in trouble to come visit you?"
Natsume wanders into the sitting room and sets his messenger bag and his ugly cat down on the sofa. He actually points a stern finger at the cat in clear warning that it needs to behave itself, as if it isn't actually a giant monster capable of leveling buildings should it so choose. Something about that manages to be hilarious, where it isn't slightly horrifying.
Shuuichi smiles a bit. This weird kid means the world to him.
"Did you bring me breakfast?" he asks lightly. "I hope that's coffee."
Natsume is so receptive to any manner of kindness, even after the life he's lived, that he smiles back like a knee-jerk reaction. It still feels like an accomplishment when he does.
"Tea," he corrects. "And some egg sandwiches. The sausage ones are for sensei. Can you eat with me, or-- if you're too busy-- "
"I can take a break," Shuuichi says, and slings his arm around Natsume's shoulders, steering him back into the kitchen. "Let's talk about what dragged you all the way out here in the early hours of the morning, shall we? Does your mother know where you are?"
"Of course she does," Natsume insists. "She even sent some leftovers with me. I put them in the fridge already."
Shuuichi is in a vulnerable state, and that just about undoes him. He clears his throat and takes a big, scalding gulp of tea instead of saying or doing anything embarrassing. "Tell her I said thank you," he manages.
"Or you could just call her," Natsume points out dryly.
"Or I could just call her," Shuuichi agrees.
In his defense, Shuuichi truly didn’t stand a chance. The combination of heavy food and a hot drink… the pale fingers of dawn creeping through the shades at the kitchen window… the steady back-and-forth of comfortable, friendly conversation… no one asking anything of him, expecting anything from him, except his company…
He dozes off in his chair at the counter, face buried in his folded arms. He feels someone draw a blanket around his shoulders, their cold fingers lingering protectively near his nape, and Hiiragi’s voice says, “Thank you. He’s very stupid.”
“No he isn’t,” Natsume replies loyally. “Well, not all the time.”
It’s ridiculous how well Shuuichi sleeps after that.
He wakes up a solid ten hours later, the blanket slipping to the floor. The TV is on in the next room. Hiiragi is perched on the counter beside him. Her mask somehow manages to appear both smug and judgemental without actually changing at all.
“Sleep well?” she asks with no inflection.
“What-- time is it?” Shuuichi asks blearily, looking around for the clock.
“A little after four,” Hiiragi says. “Those exorcists have come and gone.”
“They didn’t come inside. Natsume dealt with them at the door.”
“Sorry, Natori-san,” Natsume pipes up in the doorway. He shuffles a bit, self-conscious until Hiiragi seems to catch his eye. Then he lifts his chin a little and says, “You seemed tired, so I handled it. Hiiragi and Sasago both said it was okay.”
Betrayal, Shuuichi thinks, glaring hard at Hiiragi. She gazes serenely back, entirely unmoved. He’s firing her.
“Natsume, I appreciate it,” because there’s very little in this life that Natsume could do that Shuuichi wouldn’t back him up on, “but don’t talk to strangers. Even though they’re exorcists, that doesn’t automatically make them trustworthy.”
“I don’t trust most exorcists,” Natsume says plainly. “You’re one of, like, two exceptions.”
And there’s a lot to unpack there, but for some reason the first thing Shuuichi thinks of to ask is, “One of two? Who’s the other one?”
After a beat, in which Natsume looks as though he doesn’t want to answer, he admits, “Hakozaki-san.”
“Hak-- the recluse with the dragon shiki? The owner of that mansion we watched burn?” Shuuichi laughs, unable to help himself. It unwinds tension in his body he hadn’t even realized he was holding. “Natsume, you never even met him!”
“I still liked him!” Natsume says hotly, embarrassed. “He was friends with yokai!”
“And I’m sure if he’d had the chance to know you, he would have spirited you away as his son and heir within two business days.” Shuuichi chuckles, leaning back in his chair. “Lucky for me he didn’t have the chance, I suppose.”
Natsume huffs, but he still climbs into the seat next to Shuuichi. After a beat, Nyanko-sensei hops up into his lap.
“I might have gotten you in trouble with those exorcists,” the boy admits. “I told them to do their own homework from now on. That if they kept taking advantage of your kindness, you wouldn’t help them anymore.” He glances at Shuuichi sidelong from beneath his fringe, and adds, “They got mad, so I sicced sensei on them. I, um, think they thought he was my shiki. I also think they thought I’m from your clan. I couldn’t tell ‘cause they were all, um-- screaming, at the same time.”
And-- okay. There is a right and a wrong way to react to this, clearly. A teenage boy using his terrifying yokai friend to menace people within Shuuichi’s network? Not good! Very bad, even!
But Shuuichi has to lean forward against the counter, face buried in his hands, because he’s absolutely howling with laughter. Natsume is stammering, trying to explain himself, but he doesn’t say sorry. He isn’t sorry for sticking up for Shuuichi. He showed up at Shuuichi’s apartment at seven AM with McDonald’s on his day off from school, and chased a bunch of exorcists out of the building, because his friend needed a break and that’s just the kind of person Natsume is.
The kind of person who deserves something fancy for dinner tonight, Shuuichi decides, and he’s still smiling as he reaches for his phone.
Hiiragi places it neatly in his hand.
“I don’t want your autograph,” she says. She doesn't call him an idiot out loud, but she's probably thinking it.
Hell, he’ll order something fancy for her, too.
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couchpotatoaniki · 4 years
One Year ❣︎ One: Holidays Aren’t For Drama
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Chapter Summary: San has finally found you after five years of searching, and he wants you for himself--though not knowing how to do it just yet. In the meantime, you’re having fun hanging out with a friend on the plane to Jeju.
Pairing: Mafia!San x Fem!Reader Genre: Mafia AU, fluff, angst, eventual smut, lotta crack and stupid shit ngl Chapter warnings: swearing, stalking Word count: 1.2k+ A 365 Days parody
Previous: Prologue For the rest of the series, click here
Speech in bold means they’re talking in Korean
Speech in italics is whatever the reader wants their native langue to be that’s not Korean or English
Speech without either means they’re talking in English
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You were glad that you were sat next to Yunho on the plane since you needed good vibes that your boyfriend couldn’t really give you. Too sucked up in his own life, which make him the worst person to sit next to Yeosang.
Thankfully, Dominic was terrified of the boy so he was silently scrolling through his phone. That left Mingi to annoy poor Seonghwa the whole trip.
“Oh, you bitch,” Yunho mumbled, picking up four cards from the deck beside him. To pass the time, you and the tall boy decided to play a game of Uno. 
Chuckling, you threw down a yellow 2. effectively ending the round. “You know, for someone of your profession, you’re really shit at cards.”
“Maybe because I’m playing against your devious ass.”
“You love my devious ass, don’t lie.” Scoffing, he gathered the cards and began to shuffle them before you ripped them from his hands. “Oh hell no. I know for a fact you’re gonna rig it.”
“I tried last time, and you still won,” he huffed, running a hand through his sandy blonde hair before using the other to take the deck again.
Yunho wasn’t really your friend to begin with. More so Mingi’s, but that had not stopped the two of you becoming just as close. Seonghwa and Yeosang too; you had meet them through the sweet-hearted boy, and all three had quickly become an addition to your short list of loved ones.
In fact, out of the six of you, Dominic was the odd one out.
He didn’t know the secrets you shared, the things you did without his knowledge. Nothing that would directly harm your relationship, no.
To add to that, the five of you were like a family, looking out for each other, and the boys weren’t very font of the guy you had chosen to date.
Then again, compared to the last one, Dominic was much better.
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Every year, the boys and you had decided to treat this time as a holiday away  from the all the work you do, to treat yourselves for living another year. So you all splurged out and did something big.
How you chose the destination was fairly simple; one of you would throw a dart at a map of the world--blindfolded, obviously--and wherever it landed, you all went there.
It’s what led to the fun cruise in the Pacific the previous trip, and this part of Korea for this current one.
Though, Jeju was one of the places on your bucket list. You were more than excited to go and sight-see. Already, you do plenty of that for your job but never really get the chance to stop and pay attention.
To relax with friends and have fun.
You were going to Jeju for leisure purposes.
San was going to Jeju for you.
Yes, he was originally going there for work, to deal with a bit of business that had gone awry. But then he saw you, quickly crossing the road, from his vehicle.
Decided to follow you, see where you were going and with whom.
At first, he was a little pissed to know that you were travelling with five men, you being the only woman. Most likely scenario, one of them was your boyfriend.
But that information had no longer mattered, because you were going to Jeju. On the same flight as him.
San didn’t like to admit in believing in fate, but if that wasn’t it, he didn’t know what would be.
Hongjoong--who was stood beside him in the middle of the airport by now--was concerned over his strange behaviour. Even the slightest shift that seemed out of the ordinary, he immediately became suspicious.
That’s why San knew it was stupid to try and lie to him.
When he pointed out to you, telling him to look, it only took the older boy a few seconds for him clock on. “You’re shitting me...”
“I’m not, Joong. She’s here. She’s really here.”
“San,” the now-blue-haired boy began, trying not to draw any unnecessary attention, “look at me. You can’t. It was five years ago, and not to mention, you’re already with--”
Shoving his hands off his shoulders, the mafia boss glared at his second-in-command. “You don’t even like Dae anyway!”
No, Hongjoong hated that crazy woman to his very core. She was bad for his friend, but the boy was too caught up in filling the hole you somehow managed to carve to even care.
Had it been any other, the short man would have let San do his thing, but his current girlfriend was one of the heirs to a rather big mafia herself. Being with her involved politics, and being with her for nearly five years brought more trouble than you were worth.
But Hongjoong knew that San wouldn’t listen to him. Not when he’s like this.
The only thing he could do now was damage control.
The two males--San mainly--had stalked the six of you, deducing who meant what to you. Didn’t like how cosy you were with either of them, but specifically disliked the guy who had his hand wrapped around your waist.
Then there was the other guy, one of the really tall ones, with black hair--streaks of green and grey running through it--and a loud voice. Party animal, the two thought. He was particularly close to you too, sending playful hits that were definitely reciprocated. Hopefully, he was just a friend...
The other tall guy--the blonde one, with puppy-like eyes--seemed more reserved yet somehow still as energetic.
Next tallest was s black-haired fella. Clean and lean--smart-looking, with soft (but somehow sharp) eyes.
Finally, the last guy. The one who rarely spoke, with a silvery grey mullet that surprisingly complimented his pale skin. There was something about him that Hongjoong couldn’t pin down. Something familiar...
The most obvious odd thing was how you and your supposed ‘boyfriend’ were of a different ethnicity to the other four. Confirmed when the two men overheard you speaking in a completely different language neither of them were used to.
“Fuckin’ language barrier,” San grunted as he realised there was yet another obstacle in his way.
“Fuckin’ good-lookin’ people,” Hongjoong laughed, scanning the six of you.
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Being in business class was usually a comfortable experience, but right now was the most excruciating thing possible for both of them. San constantly bombarded the elder with questions and worries about you.
Couldn’t even send Hongjoong back there since his newly-dyed electric blue hair would have captured too much attention. “What’s the point of you if I can’t even get you to spy on people,” the younger huffed. “Dye your hair back to black when we get to the villa.”
“Oh, shut up,” Hongjoong spat with gritted teeth, already beyond annoyed with the man’s behaviour. “That’s not even my job. And you come at me with having unusual hair, but you look like Frankenstein’s Bride with that lock of white with the rest being black.”
Groaning, San looked at the entrance of the business area, hoping for some other miracle to occur and you would peer out. Desperation filled him, wanting to see you again. Etch your newer features into his mind once more.
“Who do you think those other guys were? Her boyfriend’s friends? Her friends? Colleagues?”
“Probably her friends, since they all seemed pretty close to her.”
“Ugh.” San buried his face in his hands, still not liking the sound of that.
“It’s the 21st century, dude. Girls can be friends with guys--and that girl is friends with those guys. Get used to it.”
“Don’t wanna,” San mumbled, puffing out his cheeks as Hongjoong narrowed his eyes at his tantrum.
“Listen, dude, you can’t confine and control her. Doing that’s only gonna push her away--if you’re actually serious in pursuing her.”
“Of course I’m serious!”
“Then you need to plan this out carefully. And you need to think of it fast, since I doubt they’ll be in Jeju for long."
The younger male scoffed, running his tongue against the inside of his cheek as his confidence grew and cogs in his brain began moving. “Don’t worry, I’ll definitely come up with something.”
Sighing, Hongjoong looked out of the window, into the peaceful, empty ocean they flew above. What exactly had he done?
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☕︎ Tag list: @little-precious-baby​ , @sparklychangbin​ ,
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limitlessgojo · 3 years
Blood Bound: Blackened Bond (Ch 15.5)
Warnings: Action, Coarse Language, Fighting, Descriptions of Blood
Previous Chapter: Shadows Fall
Next Chapter: Non-Standard
Word count: 2.4k
Tags: Kamo Noritoshi x Reader, Soulmates AU, Angst, Fluff, Hurt/Comfort, Fem!Reader
Taglist: @lessie-oxj @rizzo-nero @whoreuc @fkngkumiko @isl3t @gojoussunglasses @onepotatostand-blog @s-t-f-u-b-i-t-c-h @sunaswife @lordguameow @track5enthusiast @nayydoesthings
Notes: If you want to be tagged for every update, and specify if you're okay with nsfw posts or not, please mention it in the comments below ty❤
Author's Notes: This is a deleted chapter but I decided to just put it as an extra/half chapter. I took a step back to assess my drafts and deemed that it didn't need to be in the story for it to be cohesive. But this is full of extra info that will be quite significant in the chapters to come^^
Chapter 15.5: Tsuchimikado
“Geto Suguru has pronounced war against the Jujutsu Society. We are expecting there to be an ambush here in Kyoto and one in Tokyo Shibuya. We must prepare thoroughly. Amongst the students we will only be asking Jujutsushi of Grade 3 or higher to assist us in this battle. And you may opt out if you do not wish to fight. But your help will be highly appreciated, especially on such short notice.” Principal Gakuganji ended his speech by looking at you dead in the eye.
And deep in your gut, you knew you didn’t have so much as a choice. You were going to fight this battle as a Special Grade sorcerer (and being the only one in this room at the moment), whether you liked it or not. So you gave a short nod in return.
“I’ll be joining. As the future clan head of the Kamo clan and the eldest son, this is not a matter to be ignored or taken lightly.” Your head whipped around to face Noritoshi and to your biggest surprise he was looking straight at you. Then he turned to nod to Principal Gakuganji who nodded back approvingly.
“I’m always up for a good fight, so of course I’ll be joining. Can’t miss out on a chance to beat down curses.” Todo grinned and cracked his fists.
“Will you join, Tsuchimikado?” Utahime asked.
Everyone was silent as you looked at her then the Principal. “Of course I will.”
Everyone else called out to say if they were participating or not. After the meeting was finished after several more announcements, and you left back for your dorm rooms.
The next day, Utahime sensei called in some students plus Hiroki into her office. You all filed in, wondering what it was about. Hiroki nudged you, “Why am I here with yall kids?” You pinched him in return.
Outside the door, you went face to face with Noritoshi. He gently called your name, “Good morning Y/N.” You just purse your lips and nod.
In this time of war, you need to set aside all personal matters. It’s all business; everyone had to cooperate together to have a chance of surviving.
You counted and named the people present. Noritoshi, Todo senpai, You and Hiroki. That was it.
Utahime let you all sit down on chairs facing her desk before calling your attention, “So, I called you all here today, because we have some information on the possible curses that might appear here at Kyoto. As you know, Geto Suguru has the ability to manipulate and take in curses.
We know of some grade 1 and special grade curses. I decided that amongst the students, the three of you are the most capable in handling those. Hiroki san, you’ve stated that you’ll be fighting alongside your cousin, so I brought you in here today so that both of you can prepare together.”
He grinned, “Of course Utahime san. We got this in the bag sis.” He punched you softly in the arm, and you softly hit him in the head. A childhood habit of yours.
So Utahime sensei then explained and listed off the curses that are known to be in his possession. All of you paid close attention and took notes. Most were Grade 1 and 2.
“And finally. We know of another Special Grade curse, the Giant Black Tsuchigumo of Kyoto. This curse is-” she continued to speak, but it felt like radio static on your end. You couldn’t hear anything anymore.
The blood drained out of both your and Hiroki’s faces. ‘Huh? I thought that nightmare was already done and gone. Whatthefuck’
Your right hand shot out to grab at Hiroki. Utahime paused at the sudden movement. It was getting harder to breathe, and you could feel the onset of the panic attack kicking in.
You’ve done so well recovering from anxiety attacks over the years, but this just made you feel so helpless. “Sorry, can’t breathe.” You gasped out.
“Give her space!” Utahime and the others pushed back the chairs and desk. Hiroki caught you as you leaned your forehead against the top of his chest and settled on the ground.
“Breathe in 2 3 4, hold 2 3 4 5 6 7 8, out 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9, and again,” Hiroki repeated your go to breathing exercises, ignoring how your nails dug into his arms. It took you a good 7 minutes to calm down. “I’m so sorry,” you apologized, wiping your sweaty palms off your thighs.
You looked down at your hands to see them still shaking. Utahime, Noritoshi and Todo were all kneeling with you on the floor. “Don’t apologize. You have nothing to be sorry for.” Utahime patted your head lightly.
“Tsuchigumo. That big black one is dead. I have no idea which one you’re talking about right now, but the one that reigned in Kyoto is dead.” you said. “Gojo Satoru and I killed that curse back in late 2007.”
Noritoshi inched closer to you. Hiroki stiffened, watching him closely, but he didn’t do anything to close the gap. He just stayed by your other side, a silent and steady presence.
Utahime reached out to wipe your sweat with a towel. You only noticed now that the room has been rearranged, chairs pushed away to make a bit of space. There were cushions on the ground for everyone to sit on.
“Drink.” Hiroki pushed a cup of hot tea into your hands. You nearly spilled it, but he cupped your hands firmly, helping you drink. You leaned against your cousin, sighing at his warmth.
Hiroki spoke up, “As you can see, it is a bit of a touchy subject for the both of us. Our clan had a bad run in with that Tsuchigumo years back when sis was only 6 years old. But we are pretty sure that, like she said, Gojo and Geto san have gotten rid of it.”
Utahime nodded, “Geto did huh. Then he must have taken it in during that time.”
Noritoshi looked at you and realized that something far worse than just an attack happened. “Your sister,” he spoke quietly, “was she…?”
Hiroki raised his eyebrows. “Yes, our Sora was killed by that Tsuchigumo.”
The atmosphere in the room turned heavy and almost unbearable. Utahime looked concerned, “We need as much information on that Tsuchigumo as we can. Y/n, can you tell us anything?”
Oh yeah, just the one memory you’ve desperately tried to forget your entire life. Still you nodded.
Hiroki squeezed you.
“So basically.” You paused. “One night when I was 6, Sora neechan was like 10 years old. We got attacked near the Kiyomizu shrine. It was getting late, the sun was setting. But we were up at Daimonji-yama to play, and there were barely any people around. It wasn’t too dark yet, but it was really quiet.” Your teeth were practically chattering.
Noritoshi met your eyes and for a moment you wanted him to hold you. Until you remembered you were supposed to be angry with him, so you brushed it off and looked elsewhere.
“Satoru nii and Geto san were actually in Kyoto at that time to visit us. So I remember calling Toru nii and screaming for help, he was on my speed dial. He told us that we could call for help anytime. We are pretty much like siblings to each other. So he would always come to our aid. Right niichan?”
You leaned into Hiroki as he let out a small “Yep. He never lets us down. Dumb as he is.” Your lips actually quirked into a small smile at that.
“Sora and I basically had to hold off the curse until they got there. But it was strong. As you know, Tsuchigumo are earth spiders. But this particular one reigned in Kyoto for so long. Like centuries. It was so strong it ate every other tsuchigumo, making it grow bigger. Still, it rarely comes out to feed and is adept at hiding. We like to think of it as a smart curse. Every bite is laced with poison.”
“Back then I only mastered basic freezing and wind manipulation techniques. I couldn’t make barriers yet. And it really…” you closed your eyes remembering that sense of helplessness you’ve felt like never before.
“It was the worst 10 minutes of my life. I couldn’t do anything to hurt it. I had another technique I was working on, but it involved using reverse cursed techniques which I didn’t perfect yet. And I didn’t like playing with fire as much as I did with water and ice.”
“I froze it several times, but my technique was way too weak. It kept breaking free. Sora nee didn’t even have a cursed technique; she couldn’t fight. But still she felt responsible for me since she was older, so she …” you stopped. You closed your eyes and tightened your fist.
At this point your nails were drawing blood from your palms, but you didn’t feel the pain. “It’s so stupid really.” You laughed out loudly trying to distract everyone from the tears that were forming in your eyes.
Noritoshi reached out to you. But Hiroki’s eyes flashed at him in warning and he dropped his hands. Your heart squeezed painfully.
“I was just a stupid kid, who let her weaker sister take the shot of poison from that Tsuchigumo, instead of facing it head on. She wouldn’t let go of me no matter how hard I tried to put her behind me. A huge part of me was scared and terrified that night of course. I didn’t know what to do and I was such a coward. It was about to hit me until Satoru nii came.” You took a deep breath and forced out the remainder of the story.
“So I actually did manage to activate my reverse cursed technique towards the end, but it was too much. I burned nearly half of the mountain…. My mom had to help in restoring a large part of it afterwards. Satoru finished it off and carried us away immediately.”
“But Su- Geto san. Like he has the cursed spirit manipulation right? I never realized if he took it in or not really. I never particularly cared about it that night, because Sora nee was dying in my arms.” You rushed your words and pushed further into Hiroki’s arms.
“It was a bad omen for our clan,” Hiroki’s teeth were gritted tight as he relived your stories. “For such a powerful and evil curse to share a part of our namesake, only to hurt one of our own. After that day, we hunted down all the Tsuchigumo we could find across the entire country as a priestess told us to do so to cleanse our clan of a lingering curse. But… for some reason it was never enough. Now we know… it still lives with Geto san.”
“What painful memories,” Todo cried. “We will help you take it down, y/n. And I don’t doubt that you can defeat it the way you are right now.” You were touched by his words.
“But can you face it once more?” He asked.
“I’ve been training all my life for a day like this. Of course I’m going to throw that thing into the depths of hell.”
“Careful there.” Hiroki nii was eyeing you carefully. “You tend to rush headfirst when you’re being controlled by your emotions. You’re too reckless lil sis.”
“That’s true.” Noritoshi hummed. You glared at him. “If it’s to save a life, why not.” You shot back and had a stare off with Noritoshi.
More like a one sided glare on your part and him lovingly looking back at you with a sad smile. Noritoshi’s bond mark burned.
"Ahem." Hiroki cleared his throat loudly and everyone turned to him. "I'll be watching over lil sis here so it should be fine. I'll be joining this war anyways."
You smiled at your cousin gratefully.
“Well then. That was the last curse that needed explaining. I think the four of you are suited to taking them down. You’re all dismissed.”
You all nodded at Utahime, rising to your feet along with everyone else.
“Y/n! I need to talk to you.” Mai said urgently. She followed you back to the first year dorms after class. You had told the first years about the special grade curses you were expecting to see in the war.
Mai looked particularly shaken upon hearing about the death of Sora. She was always the cool and calm one amongst the first years, besides Mechamaru that is. So this was very new.
“Of course, come into my room.”
You served her tea and cakes, before kneeling down on your floor cushion.
Mai threw her arms around you. Your eyes widened as her arms tightened around your shoulder. You cautiously put your arms around her.
“I know how it feels….. To lose an older sister.”
You flinched, “Is yours-”
“She’s alive.” There was a different pain in her eyes. And that was then you realized that she must have been left behind.
“Grief is the loss of a person. Someone could be going through a divorce or a break-up and experience grief. You could lose an important person, while they’re still alive and it’s still considered grief.” Mai said.
You wanted to cry, but your eyes ran dry. All you’ve been doing is crying yourself to sleep night after night lately. Your soul was still longing for Sora when she couldn't be reached anymore.
Noritoshi was different. He made it clear that he’s still running after you, never stopping to call out your name even if you ignore him in the hallways. But you were not willing to touch on his matter as of now.
Mai told you all about Maki and her life in the Zenin clan. How she was left behind and forced to be a Jujutsu sorcerer. Everyone has their issues deep inside, but you’re all still pushing and coping as you fight curses.
You buried your hair into Mai’s chest. “I’m sorry you experienced that Mai. You’re such a brave woman for doing this everyday even though you’re afraid of curses.”
“You get used to it.” She sniffed.
You sat there for a while, just hugging her.
“Wanna watch sappy romcoms with me?” You peeked up at her from her arms. “Of course.” You both smiled at each other.
Author’s notes: Tsuchimikado translates to “Emperor of the Earth”, while Tsuchigumo translates to “Earth Spider”. Thus, with how Tsuchi (meaning earth), both names share common Kanji. They are a strong clan that can heal and guard living beings and plants. And Tsuchigumo are expected to be easily defeated by them, being an earth creature. But, as Hiroki said, it was a very bad omen when Sora was killed by one.
Blood Bound: Table of Contents
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ga-yuu · 3 years
~Kurama~Main Story Chapter 23~
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Chapter 22
-------Part 1-------
Akihito: “I want to apologize to you. You can hate me all you want. One more curse on me now won’t make much difference.”
(What are you going to me....?)
A gently outstretched hand touches my hair as gently as if he was guilty....and then quickly moves away.
Akihito-sama stood up and his smile was already gone.
Akihito: "-----Yasuchika. Give her the treatment as planned."
Yasuchika: "....As you wish."
Yoritomo: "Kagetoki, have you received any new information?"
Kagetoki: "Just now."
During the march of the main body of the Shogunate, Kagetoki, who was talking to a messenger soldier, lined up next to Yoritomo's horse.
Kagetoki: "It is not good news. The advance party, which has reached its destination, has begun to fight the Rebels ahead of us."
After a moment's silence, Yoritomo processes the information without expressing any emotion.
Yoritomo: "Is Yoshino safe?"
Kagetoki: "Tamamo intervened, but she was taken away by the enemy demon and Yasuchika-dono. He and Kurama, who was also at the scene of the battle, will join us."
Yoritomo: "-----Kurama. I don't know if it's a good thing or a bad thing."
Kagetoki: "At least, the Imperial Court seems to have planned to kill Kurama on the spot. By making Tamamo the forerunner, we were able to throw a wrench in their calculations. Let us widen the gap little by little, and completely destroy the intentions of the Court."
Yoritomo: "I get it. Kagetoki, you're in your element. When we get to the battlefield, you'll be in charge of finding out what's going on and controlling the troops."
Kagetoki: "Understood. What about Yoritomo-sama?"
Yoritomo: "It's obvious. I take every trick."
At the same time----The Rebels were also hurrying their horses towards the battlefield.
Benkei: "You don't look good, Yoshitsune-sama."
Yoshitsune: "....Benkei."
Benkei, who had come running up, was the first to sense that something was wrong with Yoshitsune.
Benkei: "Are you worried about Kurama?"
Yoshitsune: "I can't hide anything from you."
Giving up on hiding, Yoshitsune shrugs his shoulder.
Yoshitsune: "The one incident in which the envoy with Yoshino and the advance party was attacked by the Shogunate was a trap set by the Imperial Court. I know Kurama's life is safe because our deal is not broken....I can't help but have a bad feeling about all of this."
Benkei cajoles, at Yoshitsune's muttering.
Benkei: "We will always help Kurama no matter what. He's one of us."
Yoshitsune: ".....Yeah, thank you Benkei."
Benkei: "Kurama is lucky to be thought of so highly by Yoshitsune-sama."
Yoshitsune smiles faintly at Benkei's sorrowful words.
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Yoshitsune: "I'm sure I'm the one who's getting lucky. Kurama taught me how to fight when I was just a child. He gave me strength. That also led me to a path where I met you guys."
Benkei: "....Yoshitsune-sama."
On the back of his horse, Yoshitsune looked quietly into the distance.
Yoshitsune: "I owe Kurama too much. I'm always trying to figure out how to pay it back."
(...Nnn....it hurts...what..is happening to me now?)
I struggled to keep my head above water.
(Yasuchika-san...did some kind of....magic spell...on me after that....)
Ibuki: "You'd better take it easy, Yoshino."
--------Part 2-------
Ibuki: "You'd better take it easy, Yoshino. Your body is not normal right now.”
Ibuki was looking down at me as I lay in the tent.
Yoshino: “Yasuchika..san..and  Akihito..san...”
Ibuki: “Yasuchika is no longer useful for the time being because of the large amount of spell applied on you and Akihito is busy planning and preparing his own traps. If you need someone to talk to, you’ll be glad to know that I’m available.”
When I looked down at the body, I saw a mysterious purple thread of light wrapped around it.
It bites and creaks when I move.
Yoshino: “What did they do to me?”
Ibuki: “Curious? You’re going to be our puppet?”
Ibuki wipes the sweat from my forehead with a hand towel.
Ibuki: “Yasuchika’s spells seem to be slowly getting used to your body, I think. Soon your powers will be out of control.”
(Out of control!?)
Ibuki: “You can’t normally handle a demonic power past human capacity. Do you know about that?”
Wanting a bit of information, I answered his question.
Yoshino: “....If I draw out too much magic power, my own body will be destroyed.”
(That’s why I can’t use foxfire or Kotodama. All I can do is ‘take away another demon’s powers.’)
I repeated the same words Tamamo taught me, in my head.
Then, an unpleasant premonition ran cold on my spine.
Ibuki: “Yasuchika’s power breaks the circuits of your power and at the same time stops your body from disintegrating. In return, you’ll surrender control of your body to us.”
Yoshino: “So that’s your puppet....?”
Ibuki: “Doesn’t that sound fun...? You’ll also be able to try out different fox powers lavishly.”
(....No, it isn’t.)
Yoshino: “You’ll also make me attack my allies, won’t you?”
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Ibuki: “Not just your allies, but the Rebels too. The Imperial Court wants the Shogunate and the Rebels to fall together. You are a pawn in the process.”
(...... I can’t allow that to happen.)
But the fact is that all I can do is lay here and I can’t even lift a finger.
I could feel the purple light slowly seeping into my body, like despair.
(I know intuitively. When this light is extinguished, the process is complete and my demonic powers will be out of control.)
(Is there any way to escape?)
Ibuki: “Want some help?”
Yoshino: “Eh?”
Ibuki: “If you make a deal with me, I’ll release you from this pain.”
A sweet whisper strikes my ear as if my thoughts were read.
Yoshino: “What’s its......the deal?”
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Ibuki: “We’ll lure Yoritomo and Yoshitsune out first and kill them. Even though you’re yet to be our puppet, your abilities are more accurate and powerful when they are in your agreement. If you crush the heads of both armies, the limbs will stop. The rest of the army will be spared.”
(Kill Yoritomo and Yoshitsune to save many others....?)
Ibuki: “What do you say? It’s easy to kill two people than to kill two whole armies, right? The others will surely understand. You will be the hero who saves the worst.”
I purse my lips and think of all the possibilities.
Yoshino: “I’m not in the deal.”
Ibuki: “......Ohh. Can I ask why?”
--------Part 3--------
Yoshino: “I’m not in the deal.”
Ibuki: “......Ohh. Can I ask why?”
Yoshino: “Kurama told me once that you have a habit of taking pleasure in corrupting people.”
(From what I could see,...Ibuki took pleasure in hurting Kurama.)
Yoshino: “You Ibuki...you can’t be trusted.”
Ibuki’s eyes narrowed bewitchingly as he tests me.
Ibuki: “Are you really going to believe the Rebels and Kurama? Who is a demon like me? I suppose he’s a bit like me when it comes to natural inclinations. He has also been toying with you.”
(I can’t deny that. But still.)
Yoshino: “....Kurama never lies. Not to others and not to himself. Kurama, who was eager to challenge Tamamo, left you. I think it proves that Ibuki has done something very wrong to Kurama.”
When I have finally finished, I exhaled long enough to relieve the physical pain.
Yoshino: “Even if Yoritomo and Yoshitsune die, this war will not stop. Ibuki knew that and tried to deceive me, right?”
Ibuki: “-----I’m listening. Go on.”
Ibuki’s eyes turned to me for the first time, as if he was seriously intrigued.
Yoshino: “Because the two of them have such a great influence....If they die, the army will run wild with sorrow and anger, and this war will burn until everyone is ashes.”
(In the Shogunate and even in the Rebels....I’ve seen with my own eyes how many people adore the two of them.)
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Ibuki: “So that’s it. Apparently, you’re not as ordinary as you look. Ordinary people lose their cool in the face of confusion and despair if they are induced by sweet talk.”
Yoshino: “What...are you up to...now?”
I glared at Ibuki.
Ibuki: “You must be in a lot of pain, but you’re strong. I like you. I can’t wait to see your face when you cry.”
(....He looks so serious.)
His eyes remind me of Kurama, though they don’t look much alike.
1. Remember Kurama’s face.
2. Remember Kurama’s voice.
3. Remember Kurama’s strength.(+4/+4)
When I call your name in my heart, I feel strangely courageous.
(-----Kurama does not give in to anyone.)
(As long as the longing I had that day lives on in my heart, my heart will not die either.)
Ibuki: “What happened? Why are you suddenly so quiet?”
Yoshino: “I....will never despair in your presence.”
Ibuki: “What?”
(I’m really trying hard to hold on to my frustration.)
I feel like I’m going crazy like my body is being transformed even as I’m doing this.
(At least I want to have my heart as my own.)
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Yoshino: “I will prove to you the strength of humans that I believe in.”
(The man I love, my enemy-----to live a life without shame for Kurama.)
I looked at Ibuki as if to challenge him while feeling the pain running through my body.
Ibuki: “.................. Interesting. Then let’s play that game.”
A mysterious heat lights up behind Ibuki’s eyes.
The usual sarcastic smile had disappeared.
Ibuki: “Show me what you’re really made of.”
--------Part 4-------
Ibuki: “Show me what you’re really made of.”
(Is this your true face...Ibuki?)
I couldn’t help but notice the serious expression on the demon’s face who loves to play with humans.
Ibuki: “Do you know what you’re gonna do here?”
Sometime later I was carried out of the tent and onto the battlefield.
Yoshino: “Let...go...”
Ibuki: “You should enjoy your limited freedom while you can. Be grateful that I’m helping you.”
It’s frustrating, but my body can’t stand up on its own anymore.
(....If I had been on the battlefield, I would have been irretrievably injured....)
Ibuki: “Oh look, aren’t they Shogunate soldiers. Let’s kill them first.”
Yoshino: “.....!”
Shogunate soldier 1: “Yoshino-san!?”
The other side recognized me and rushes towards me.
Yoshino: “No! DON’T COME CLOSER!!
Ibuki puts his palm on my back as I scream.
(I feel...hot....)
I could see an intricate pattern glowing on my chest.
Ibuki: “Attack!”
(I won’t....)
Shogunate soldier 1: “Yoshino-san, what are you...?”
Yoshino: “RUN AWAY! NOW!!”
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With a sensation of weakness in the whole body, a blue flame appeared in the air.
It lights up everyone’s face with spitefulness.
Shogunate soldier: “What the hell!?”
Yoshino: “DON’T COME...CLOSER...”
Shaking my head, I could see the silvery hair swaying from the corner of my eye.
(I hate this. I hate this. I don’t want to hurt anyone. I hate this!)
The bones scream when I remind myself to dam up the overflowing spell.
The trajectory of the exploding foxfire just barely deflected and gouged the ground beneath the soldiers’ feet.
Ibuki: “....Did you deflect it on your own?”
(It worked this time...)
(But even I can make foxfire. That’s crazy----)
(If I hit any one of them, they’ll die.)
I realized the horrors of Yasuchika-san’s spell.
Through the still rising cloud of dust, we could see the soldiers running away.
(....! Some are limping. Even though they escaped a direct hit.)
When I got that far into the situation, I reached the limit of being uptight and fell to my knees.
Ibuki pulled me up and holds my body.
Ibuki: “Are you using your willpower to overthrow the spell?”
Yoshino: “Ibuki said...the accuracy and power of the spell...will be greater if the intentions are the same. So...I’ll keep resisting...”
Ibuki: “Yasuchika’s spell is solid. No matter how hard you fight, one day you will be defeated. If you resist, the spell will put you in place and your body will collapse.”
(I’m scared...when I think I’d die...)
Yoshino: “.....But it’s better than giving up.”
Ibuki: “......You’re too stubborn for your own good.”
Ibuki frowns as if he was been caught off guard.
Ibuki: “Who are you? Where in this body do you get this energy?”
Yoshino: “I’m just a human. So I’ll always do the best I can.”
My hair, wet with cold sweat, sticks to my cheeks, which is depressing.
Ibuki: “-----We’re moving.”
The frustration of being held like a real doll, unable to move, was overwhelming.
Ibuki puts me on a horse and we rode through the battlefield......
Ibuki: “I think you’ve reached your limit.”
Yoshino: “Haa......ah......”
(What...was I doing...?)
(Fight...no, attack everyone..)
(How long...has..passed..?)
We met both the Shogunate and the Rebel soldiers on the way, and each time I attacked them with foxfire just barely managing to deflect it.
It’s strange that I was able to keep conscious.
Yoshino: “I haven’t killed....anyone...yet, right?”
Ibuki: “You don’t even know what you’re doing anymore, do you?”
I clenched my teeth and glared at Ibuki.
Yoshino: “Answer me!”
Ibuki: “....you didn’t.”
(Thank god...)
(I can still be me.)
Ibuki: “You’re a strange woman.”
Yoshino: “I’ve heard that before....from someone....else....”
Ibuki: “Huh?”
I muttered, floating in the heat.
(Oh, I see.)
Yoshino: “....Kurama.”
Ibuki: “.......do you like him that much?”
--------Part 5--------
Ibuki: “Do you like him that much?”
Yoshino: “I don’t like him...”
Ibuki: “Don’t lie.”
(Because words like that don’t do it justice.)
Yoshino: “I love him.”
Ibuki: “....................”
I heard Ibuki gasp faintly.
Ibuki: “You’re so----”
As if hesitating, Ibuki’s hand reached out to touch my cheek and then-----
Yoshino: “Nn....ah....”
Ibuki: “----Time’s up.”
A burning heat spread from my chest.
Ibuki: “The spell is complete. And look, the main body of the Shogunate is also approaching.”
As I look out, I see a large group of people on horseback down the cliff.
(Stop! Stop! Please---)
Ibuki: “Our game is over. Get comfortable, Yoshino.”
His voice sounded even gentler.
(.....I can’t control it anymore.)
Yoshino: “Don’t come...”
The foxfire scorches the sky and falls down the cliff.
(Is that all I can do?)
(Don’t give up yet. I don’t want to end my life in disgrace.)
These thoughts were like a flashback to my time in the Rebel mansion.
Yes, that was when I was almost killed by soldiers who had a grudge against the Shogunate-----
I was about to give up everything when I was met with the cold fury of Kurama.
Yoshino: “Help! Kurama—-”
Kurama: “That’s right. Beg me from the bottom if your heart.”
(Help me!)
Before I could think, I inhaled and shouted in a dry voice.
Yoshino: “Help, Kurama!”
A moment later----a gust of wind forces the foxfires away.
Ibuki: “....! No way.”
(This wind----)
Even the remnants of the foxfire that exploded in mid-air were blown sky-high.
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Black feathers fluttered with the wind that rose from the bottom of the cliff.
Kurama: “-----You wished well, Yoshino.”
Yoshino: “Ah....”
(Is it for real....?)
I struggled to see through my blurred vision, hoping that the fever and pain cause me to have an illusion.
Ibuki: “....Are you out of your mind? You’re injured.”
Kurama: “Don’t touch her.”
As he lands on the cliff, Kurama made his way, while opening his fan.
Kurama: “If you touch her, I’ll kill you. Even if you don’t touch her, I’ll kill you.”
The wind turned into a deadly blade and attacked Ibuki all at once.
Ibuki: “It’s too good to come at this moment. This is reality, Kurama!”
Ibuki’s greatsword tears through the wind blade. One of the blades barely cuts through Ibuki’s cheek.
Ibuki: “Alas, the curtain has fallen. Yoshino, you take care of Kurama.”
Ibuki pushed my back as I fall forward.
Yoshino: “Nn....”
Kurama: “Yoshino!”
(I can’t...control my powers...)
Golden balls of light rise over the vastest area ever seen.
It became a huge vortex, forcibly sucking the power out of Kurama.
Ibuki: “It’s a reaction to all you’ve endured. I’m afraid you’re going to get yourself into trouble.”
Kurama: “Where are you going?”
Ibuki: “Just know, that I won’t be there to see you die.”
Ibuki slipped through the smokescreen of dust.
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As if to support this, a foxfire blazes up in front of Kurama on its own.
The blue foxfire spreads out on the ground, quickly burning through the grass and closing in on Kurama’s feet.
Kurama: “Yoshino.”
Yoshino: “Ku..ra..ma...’
With his wind blades, Kurama pushes the foxfire away.
But in the meantime, a golden vortex swept relentlessly around Kurama, stealing his power.
Kurama closes the distance, forcing his way through the vortex that clings to his body.
He grabbed me tightly by the wrist and my cheek brushed against his solid chest.
Kurama: “I know what you’re going through. Be patient.”
Yoshino: “.....nn...mnn....”
I felt a popping pain in my body and my spell was suddenly broken.
Yoshino: “What are you...?”
Kurama: “From the restraint of Yasuchika, I temporarily bound your soul with my magical power. It won’t last long, and it won’t alleviate the pain or fever, but it should stop the outburst for now.”
Yoshino: “Really...?”
Kurama: “Yeah.”
The languidness that had taken over my whole body was still there, but I moved my fingertips fearfully and a little freedom returned.
(Ah, thank god....then for once, I don’t have to hurt Kurama.)
My body was also burning from inside out because I sucked out Kurama’s power.
Kurama’s low voice was the only thing I could hear clearly through the rain and the ringing in my ears.
Kurama: “Is it painful?’
It’s a question without any embellishment, which is why I couldn’t disguise my true feelings at the moment.
Yoshino: “It is..”
(I can’t help it anymore...)
(It’s hot...I can’t think anymore...)
Kurama: “I see.”
(Why does Kurama have a painful expression?)
Kurama’s hand was placed gently on my throat and his sharp nails brushed against my skin.
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Kurama: “Tell me what you want.”
Chapter 24
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