#i suupose
systemerror8 · 2 years
sometimes i wish id go back to being unknowing about videogame knowledge and such because i have fond memories about stuff like me and my sibling figuring out that lucatios down b in brawl was counter.., like our minds were BLOWN, its just be nice to experience stuff like that again
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i know clark kent grew up in a farm and probs got buff doing Farm Things, but mans is a whole ass alien who gets his powers from the sun, he could be a tall ass stick-thin man and be just as strong and impenetrable and whatever
give me a stereotypically nerd looking gangly superman is what im saying
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cherubdulce · 7 months
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milkshake date? 🩷🍨
🪽taglist: @newdaybreak @funkedge @cupiidzbow @cinderellahoneymoon @wisp-herr @bunbunsheart @frankenbridez @sparky3tears @selfshipper @lovinglin @retrojem @lovebugexe @jils-things @4rachnophilia @starshroom-doodles @scientistkerberos @dissonantyote @sunstar-of-the-north @frozenhi-chews @gideongrovel @sunflawyer @bizarrescribblez @morexlapis @comfortingstars @lovebugexe lmk if you’d like to be added or removed :) !!
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torifuckingspring · 8 months
I'm wearing four layers of clothing and I'm still cold shoot me
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transgenderbobdylan · 3 months
okay goodnight 😭
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krch-1982 · 2 years
Does ur cat like cheese or any kind of treats? What is his favorite snack
hmmm.... Ford (fella in my pfp) likes spaghettis. . . we never really gave him treats, but we let him sneak our leftovers sometimes, and his favorite was spaghetti haha. im sure that wasnt the Best for him, but haha, hes 15 years old and still going strong -w-. hes a good boy 💜
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ent-is-indecisive · 3 months
Some people think im smart and here i am, 45 minutes later, completely unable to divine how to put the bike tire (metal, air chamber, tire) back together. Ive changed an air chamber at least 4 times before. Yet here we are.
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solaaresque · 2 years
i was supposed to do something but i. i forgor
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thatgirlonstage · 1 year
blorbo thoughts! what if merlin could shape shift into animal forms? (saw a cool fanart of it somewhere the other day). I think his favourite form would be some kind of bird because of the freedom it would afford him. But also maybe sometimes he'd transform into something cuddly (does Arthur like cats?) so he can go cuddle with Arthur without the whole "we are suuposed to be prince/king and servant so we must keep Some distance" thing getting in the way.
Oh I reblogged that!! Idk if you saw that from me or somewhere else but I definitely know the art you're talking about.
I don't know if you meant with Arthur knowing about the shapeshifting or not but I am experiencing an Emotion about the idea of Merlin shapeshifting into a cat that eventually gets recognized as a stray that hangs around the castle and then whenever Merlin isn't supposed to be in a meeting with Uther or whatever bc he's "just a servant" he will sneak in as a cat and Arthur knows he's there as moral support
Also yeah just... Merlin turning into a cat and crawling into Arthur's lap as they both sit by the fire after a long day. Arthur like "I have things I have to do" and Merlin just plops himself down like "nope, you have a cat in your lap, it's Illegal to move now" and they both get a rest for fucking once
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detectivedipstick88 · 2 years
i love how honest he is with me i like knowing where i stand i like when he tells me things so truthfully it makes me feel safer around him but at the same time it sucks certain things certain times i wish he wasnt i wish he wouldnt say it i wish he wouldnt bring it up and i cant even say that because i feel like i do the same, but i asked him if it bothers him and if he wanted me to stop and he said no he said it didnt bother him at all so how am i suupose to look him in the eye and say it bothers me when he does it? he is so perfect he perfect for me he does whatever he can to make me happy he makes me smile hes loyal and hes sos sweet to me im just scared hes going to realize how stupid and broken and anxious of a person i am and hes going to realize that im not good enough for him, its one of the hardest things in the world dating someone so perfect ykno?
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huntrcsss · 1 year
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'calm down, you are safe'
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" - & how the fuck am I suupose to do that?!"
She's shuffling with feet planted on the ground, kicking until she's slid back into the corner of the room, back colliding with the wall with a dull THUD as chestnut gaze stays focused on the unknown stranger. Today was just getting more strange each second. . .
"What's going - the hell happened?!"
@waywardfeathered || Calm down
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bluesheep21 · 1 year
How are you nowadays?
Oh! I am so happy that you asked, little anon. I was actually just about to get off to sleep in my Brand New bed!!! Mister Sparklez helped me get it set up this morning and oh goodness, it's just lovely!
I'm doing really well!! I've been settling into my new house here in Snowchester and it's been Very nice for me so far. lots of snow. Very cold! Gives me excuses to wear my sweaters and drink hot chocolate.!!
So I suupose happy and chilly is how I am doing! Happy, chilly, cozy and full of hot coco! :D
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seraphinial · 2 years
I don't think it's that big of a deal in souls games elden ring specifically to not be able to pause. "I got a phone call, and I had to let the boss kill me :(" okay, the run up to the boss room is like 40 feet? Try again, It's not like you have to start the whole level over, and, if you're playing right, you're dying a lot anyways. "I'm jUsT sUupOsEd to DIE?" yes? It's a game. That's 'gimmick' was "Prepare to Die."
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sh1-n0bu · 2 years
You should do matchups bro I'd be dying to know who my by Nobu assigned significant other is
“Nobu assigned s/o” pfsssh
i wanna do smt like that but i’m kinda bad at matchups in a way. i suupose i can try tho!
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skiniibuniii · 11 months
im glad im 162 now i just wish i lost it sooner. i was suuposed to be in the 150s by now.
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daybydayinaquote · 1 year
Back To Me: Day 166
June 15 Take a selfie just as you are, write a description of your face using loving words.
Ehhh.... This seems like it would take too much effort. Espeically with how I am feeling today... But here are some short blimps I suupose
Clearer skin than normal. Big plus.
Pretty eyes are always girlll
Lashes on fleek. Thanks Amy!!!
Pout for days.
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