#i swear i am perfectly normal haha
jonny-b-meowborn · 1 year
when I say I'm into Jarod Road 96, I don't mean I wanna kiss him or whatever. I mean I want him to hold a gun to my head and make me dig my own grave
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gokubrain · 11 months
are you aware of the hit vegeta image song ‘love is like a ballad’ from the fusion reborn soundtrack where it’s essentially a kakavege love song 😭😭
and i’m 99.9% sure it’s about goku too because it uses the word ‘yatsu’ which is only used by men to refer to other men in a derogatory way… it drives me so insane
OH YOU ALREADY KNOWWWW IM WELL AWARE OF THIS LMFAO thank u for giving me the chance to talk about it HAHA
under here cuz its kind of a lot:
lets break down the lyrics shall we ..
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right off the fucking bat. starting off STRONG. for vegeta to even have the thought “on this small earth life must be protected to the end” is such a good line but pairing it with “but whenever i look at you i feel like a fool” CRAAZYYYYY. insane. protecting the earth is a huge part of all the earthlings’ characters, and without goku, vegeta wouldnt have those feelings. to talk about protecting earth in one line and then immediately talk about goku next is wildddd. “i want to protect the earth, you taught me the importance of that, and yet when i look at you im reminded that it’s because of YOU that i hold these feelings about this planet.” like okAAAY alright okay!!
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“why do i treat you so harshly? why do i hurt you that way? yet still fight against great evils” GRAAAHHHH this is insane right LMAO
vegeta displaying confusion as to why he treats goku the way he does when they share the same goal.. when they fight the same battles.. this self aware-ness is literally what early-stage kakavege IS dude. vegeta feeling conflicted about his actions vs his emotions is the first step to realizing he’s in love with goku.. haha. lol
“for the sake of love […] i would even throw away my rank” VEGETAAA. WHAT ARE WE TALKING ABOUTTTTT LMFAO….
vegeta suggesting he would disown his own ranking, his pride, something very near and dear to him.. this is also early kakavege core LMAO i mean come on. thats just an insane fucking thing for him to say. unreal.
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“although i pretend to be a steel wall […] all i know is you” is just. i mean. EXPLICITLY kakavege. this is kakavege poetry. this is vegeta’s struggle perfectly put into lyric form. i cant believe this fucking song exists lmfao
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“the smile you give me is always warm” is wild when thinking about how the entire fusion reborn movie consists of 45 minutes of goku smiling lovingly at vegeta LMAO DONT EVEN THINK VEGETA DIDNT NOTICE. !!
“here i am, offering myself completely if we can be together”
“if we can be together” …. i mean. what even is there to say about that. how much more explicit can he be here. this is the most straightforward thing vegeta will ever say in terms of kakavege lmao this is it folks. this is IT !!!
its just unreal right. that a song like this even exists.. i mean its so obviously about goku, talking about training together and vegeta being mean to him and protecting earth together and throwing away his rank….. if you think even for one second that this is about bulma you are BLIND. like lets all be serious a moment lmao
and i love that this is related to fusion reborn of all things. that movie is the fucking kakavege bible dude i SWEAR. this whole song makes so much sense if you see fusion reborn as a love story, it all fits so perfectly with how vegeta would theoretically be feeling during the (vaguely referenced) place in the timeline that this movie takes place. this is buu arc shit baby its the point of no return for vegeta its the beginning of the end.. he is realizing his feelings for goku.. i live for this shit man seriously this is what i thrive on
also the goddamn song is called “love is like a ballad” i mean what else can even be said lmfao ..!
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lordofdragos · 1 month
TIME FOR THE DRAGOS WALL OF IMAGES AND SCREENSHOTS *UPROAROUS APPLAUSE* Ok but for real For the people that know what this is you already know (Great sentence there Drago glad I can speak English to say stuff like that) but for those that DON'T know This is going to be me screaming and having a mental break down about a game called "In Stars and Time" I highly recommend you DO NOT view under the read more page break if you intend to play this game at any future point in your life, which I would HIGHLY recommend the game is so GOOD AAA Anyways, off to the races!
Actually let me add tags to this post first... And done!
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WHAT ELSE AM I SUPPOSED TO DO WHEN YOU WON'T LET ME YOUR BACKSTORY This sounds like something me and my friends would say to each other when we're being assholes
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Game gives us the best party member to control in my personal opinion My personal opinion is I've played this game for like 20 minutes but I threw scissors 3 times against Tutorial Kid I know what I am *Insert that always throws scissors guy meme where he complains about the rock players ruining the metagame*
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I get the distinct feeling that everything will not be fine soon . . . Owie
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Time to talk to every bird again!! I am mentally stable I swear the game hasn't already captured my entire soul what no haha
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Its the Bastard tm I vaguely know about this character ALSO YES THANK YOU I NOTICED THAT HAPPENING ACTUALLY
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So I MAYYYYYYY have gone through this dialogue like 30 times or something to see if anything funny would happen It didn't
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Hooray for teamwork!!
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DAMN KID DO YOU MIND Also note here from Future Drago Does this one not count as a loop since it tutorials you to restart in the castle? I don't think it increased my loop number
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WOK!!!!!!!!! Man I really love all of the characters but Bonnie is interesting to me because they are written so perfectly like an actual child Which means I constantly flip between YEAH CHILD ENERGY AND EXCITMENT And get this RUNT AWAY FROM ME GOOD LORD I know it somewhat sounds like I dislike them but no really just more of a testament to how GOOD the writing is
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So real game
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Mission failed we'll get em next time
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Sometimes when the game itself tells you you cannot go further the best way forward is to fight to the death BTW I recommend losing to a normal Sadness some time good reading there
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War. War never changes. Went down purely to spite Bonnie for saying smart kid intuition we all stupid here except Odile
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This conversation gave me the feels man
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Funnyjokespun person! Also Hampter Sif!
End of images for this post but final thoughts at the end of this wonderful loop WHY WON'T ANYONE TOUCH SIF DID SIF ASKING TO STAY WITH THEIR FRIENDS AT THE BEGINNING CAUSE THIS DID THE FUCKING TREE DO THIS MAN?? It has been TEN HOURS and I just finished loop 4 I am so glacially slow (I think) I do basically everything everytime because I love it I refuse to fall into despair! The game will probably change that without my consent in the future though so OH BOY
Alright thats one massive post done how do I like schedule this so I can type more and have them all come out at around the same time...?
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good-beanswrites · 1 year
hiihiii i love the way u write shidou smmmm so if ur requests r still open id like something with shidou + lies <3
Hellooo thank you!! Shidou zoomed his way into my favorites and I really enjoy writing him, haha! Here's a bit of him hanging with the smoking group T1
The problem with lying, Shidou had found, is that you end up fooling everyone involved. If you spend time trying to deceive someone, the people close to you will also believe it. If you continue, it will affect all those in proximity. And, if you do it for long enough, you’ll start to deceive yourself. 
Shidou had certainly lost track of his lies for a while. Right before it had all come crashing down around him, he’d almost believed all the beautiful tales of hope and health he’d been spreading. He’d almost seen the world as the place he’d been describing. 
And then the truth hit him; it crushed him. Seeing all the blood on his hands, he’d tried to swear the whole thing off in what little time he had left in this life. But, like his other habits, it was a difficult one to break. 
He exhaled smoke into the room, listening to Mikoto go on about the busy days of his office job. Shidou was concerned how he still spoke about everything as if he’d be heading right back after all this. 
He wanted nothing more than to sit him down for an examination. There were several reasons he may not remember his crime -- it was most likely the emotional shock, but Shidou couldn’t rule out the possibility of a head injury, an illness, a seizure, a stroke, or even it being a side effect of whatever drugs Milgram must have given the prisoners when bringing them here. It took everything in him to let Mikoto be. After all, no one was going to request help from a “killer doctor,” and he didn’t have any of his usual equipment. 
So he just stood and smoked in silence. 
“What about you?” Kazui asked. “My line of work definitely stressed me out, too. But I don’t think I’ve seen you bat an eye at anything since coming here.” He nudged Shidou. “Are you just as cool under pressure as those movie doctors?”
Shidou’s lips angled to a smile. “I suppose so. Though, I believe they look calm because they’re meant to appear perfectly competent. I’m calm so that patients don’t realize I am imperfect.” 
Was that all he was, when he killed those people? Just ‘imperfect’?
Seeing the way Mikoto’s eyebrows shot up, he clarified, “I’m very competent, mind you. But no doctor is perfect. Many patients will panic if you show even the slightest sign of doubt.”
He teased, “so you just lie to everyone all day? Damn, remind me to watch out the next time I go in for a checkup.”
“No, it isn’t like that.” Wasn’t it? 
The other two continued the conversation, but Shidou grew quiet. Was that something else he’d started to believe? Another thing he’d convinced himself was normal when, in fact, it was very, very wrong?
“I get that. Confidence is really important when dealing with dangerous situations.”
“Heh, I’ve definitely put up a bit of an act around here for some of the younger prisoners. I think it’s been helping, they seem calmer from when this all started.”
That’s right -- his goal was always to help, to calm. He watched Mikoto rub his temple absently, and knew another headache was approaching and knew what to do for it. He’d helped Haruka get over a cold the past week. He and Kotoko had discussed nutrition tips the other day. He was still doing good. The smile that he put up for the others was still doing good. 
“Well, I’m glad we’ve got a professional around here.” Kazui gestured his cigarette to Shidou, snapping him away from his thoughts. “Nothing against the guard, but it’s nice to have someone like you who can help me look out for everyone.”
“Yeah, feel better about being here already!” Mikoto slung an arm around him. The boy's expression showed he was trying to appear in on some joke. “So, doc, you think that all of us are getting out of this crazy place in one piece?”
Shidou wanted to warn him the situation was more serious than he knew. Milgram was not a big joke. He was not a man to be trusted. He was not a man to be forgiven.
But old habits die hard. 
“Oh, I'm sure of it.”
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kyriat-stories · 6 months
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And Noor was right, life did become easier. Eira and her children found a new rhythm without Teteriu. As time went on there were fewer moments of deep grief, and more moments of enjoyment.
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Khará and Bansabira, now both teenagers, were very different as persons, but had a good relationship between them. Khará took more after her father, she loved philosophy and analysis, and was calm and collected, you might even perceive her as a bit cold. Bansabira on the other hand, had her mother's emotional and artistic temper. She also wanted to pursue a academic career, but her true passion was in art.
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Polykarpos, the "baby", was the one who could make them all laugh, even in difficult times. He was often teased by his older sisters, but he usually managed to tease them right back. Eira always said that he always reminded her of her brother Toidr.
- Was he funny mother?
- He was the funniest person in the whole village, Polykarpe! He was everybody's favorite!
- Just like me!
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At the Asijaka household things were also going well, relatively speaking. Like everybody else in Manthos they were surprised with the snow that winter, but thanks to Noor's knitting skills, at least all the children were provided with warm clothes.
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Noor's biggest headache however, was not how to keep her children warm, but how to stop the constant bickering and fights.
- Astanna have mercy on me, she complained to Eira, I don't see nothing but sour faces from morning to night. Not a smile, no kindness, no rest. Who raised these kids?!
- Haha, they seem perfectly normal to me?
- Normal? Well, maybe when they are with other people, but if I leave them alone I swear they would try to kill each other.
- I'm sure you're exaggerating Noor, it can't be that bad?
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- But it is! And Phaidros and Areth, who are older and should be an example to the others, they are the worst! It starts with just teasing or pranks, but then it escalates to vicious fights and screaming and shouting, and the whole neighborhood gathers to see what's going on!
- My Goddess...
- And the younger ones take after them! Tychon has just figured out how to fill Myrto's dress with snow, and she screams of course. I really have to do something.
- What are you thinking to do?
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- I don't know! I don't know if it can be stopped by anything but growing up.
- If it helps, I understand completely. I have children too.
- Pfff. Your's are angels compared to mine. Jokes aside, I am actually considering finding a husband for Areth, but I'm torn. She is a now a young woman, but .... this marrying children away is not easy, I'm sure you agree. I have to make sure it's a respectable family, and also that the marriage is something she wants. You know, I don't want to create a new situation like the one with Teo.
- What is happening with that, Noor? Is his heart still set on that girl?
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- It is. And I don't fight it. Mpatíni is not a bad person, and not a floozy like the gossipers try to make her. She has proven herself to me this year, she really has. I just want him to be a little bit older. I mean, Teo is still in his teens.
- So you didn't hear the latest news?
- What news? About Mpatíni?
- No about her brother, apparently he was attacked yesterday.
- He was attacked? That's terrible! By whom? What happened? Does Mpatíni know?
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How much do you like Razul so much?
Okay, so, first of all, I just really wanted to say that whoever you are, dear Anon, you made my day ! And possibly my whole week too !! You really have no idea just how unbelievably happy I was when I saw this in my inbox ! I just wasn’t expecting this at all and it was such a wonderful surprise !
Besides, I have to apologise for, to be honest, I couldn't properly understand if the question was «How much do you like Razul ?» or «Why do you like Razul so much ?»… so I'll just answer both, I hope that’s okay. I'm sorry 😓
First of all, I have to confess that I find so curious that someone actually noticed and cared enough to ask ! like really !! I’m perplexed and just so intrigued right now ! I just hope you’re not afraid of me, Anon, because I might be kinda weird and sometimes eccentric I guess, but that’s all, I swear !
Also, allow me to clarify something important : I like the Razul that M. Edgar P. Jacobs created, and, honestly, I didn't really like what was done to him by the new authors, namely in «The Gondwana Shrine» and «The Last Swordfish»… so I just ignore it
Anyway, skipping to the question(s)… I’ll answer both with two versions : the easiest one and the longer one, so you can pick up your favourite.
Concerning the question «How much do you like Razul ?» :
If you wish for the easiest answer, I could admit that, if you take solely the books into consideration, I might perhaps like him somehow about… just a little bit too much...
On the other hand, if you rather the other version, then I can add that I wouldn't say he is my favourite character (even though he most seemingly is the one I easily talk about the most) because, if you ever challenged me to point out my favourite, I wouldn't be able to choose only ONE of them… but I just really really really really really REALLY like him !! Like... a really huge and probably incomprehensible lot ! I just became so attached to him ! and I regret nothing !
A simple example : if you ever need me 100% awake, operational and in a particularly good mood, please, do not give me caffeine (unless you want me to turn my gremlin mode on, which I do not recommend) – just start an inoffensive conversation, bring Razul into it and that'll be probably enough for the rest of the day. Or, if you want to push me into a quite bitter mood for a few time, just remind me of what the new authors did to him… (Like, no offense to their work, but they cannot please everyone, neither do I expect them to, and that’s just normal and perfectly fine !)
In relation to the question «Why do you like Razul so much ?» :
Starting with the easiest answer again, perhaps I could quote Edgar A. Poe and declare proudly «I am a writer. Therefore, I am not sane.» and pretend it would explain everything – except that I'm not a writer, I'm just an amateur which doubles the dose haha ! shame on me...
Now, concerning the longer version…
I’ll maybe just start from the beginning. By the way, I’m sure there are certainly more brief ways to explain, but I have never ever really been good at summarising… actually, I have always been awful at it… so, yeah, I’m sorry…😑
About almost three years ago yes, I’m slow, very veeeeery slow, I had wanted and I still do ! to write a Blake and Mortimer fanfiction centred on Olrik and related with some potential effects of his long exposure to the Mega Wave… I knew Sharkey would be standing by his side like he always does, but I wanted some more of his men to participate in the story, and so I choose to team up the ones I liked the most : Razul, Sadi (alongside with Éblis, of course), Freddy and Jack.
But then, I felt like I couldn’t just immediately start writing the story without an introduction, and so I decided to begin with the circumstances in which the members of the team would have met each other…
Except that I wasn’t counting on how much terrible I am at summarising and unable to write a text without extending it hopelessly in every possible direction for the fun of it ! And so I couldn’t help but start developing the characters…
Razul was the first victim… I initially liked him as much as the rest of them – not as much as I do now, but enough for me to put him in the story. But it all started changing as I wrote because I’m a hopeless fool that cannot help but ramble and wander out of necessity, and I started writing more about him than I intended at first. However, I ended up regretting nothing and enjoying every bit of it – so much that the second chapter was almost entirely, and, once again, unexpectedly, focused on him and the way he had experienced the events we knew from the books… And I soon found out that the more I wrote about him, the more I liked him, the more I wanted to keep writing about him…
But the best/worst was yet to come… When I entered the university that I wanted, a year ago, I spent the whole first year going mad because I had no time to write anymore. However, even though it pained me not to be able to write something decent, it was probably the best thing that could have happened to me because new ideas kept on coming back to life and the characters’ backstory kept on growing so much more than I would have ever expected, and the fact that I couldn’t write immediately and only took some notes from time to time just helped to let the ideas flow, grow and accumulate slowly over the months until I had a pack of new material to work with.
Razul wasn’t an exception – actually, his life and story were the most interesting for me to develop, just after Sadi’s to such an extent that I soon realised I would have to edit the chapters I had already written because of the incredible amount of things I had added over the time… aaaaaand I still have to do it...
The fact that we know so little about them only made it more interesting to write about them, to give them a whole life beyond their presence in the books and turn them into the main characters of their own story…
Why do I like him so much ? Well, because, for me, he ceased to be solely the man we get to know in the books a long time ago...
People are usually much more than just what we see and I just wanted to give him the opportunity to be someone better than what one would find by simply reading the books... And, in the end, personally, I ended up seeing him as a good and sweet person and a golden hearted man - one who made bad choices and stained his path with terrible mistakes, yes, but a good man nevertheless and I currently see him as a cute cinnamon roll and there's just no way I would not like him as much as I do now
So… I think that’s all. I don’t know if this is what you were expecting…😶
I’m sorry the answer was so long, Anon ! You were probably expecting something shorter and perhaps less weird, but, as I said before, summarising is not my forte and I’m weird…😬
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vewornor · 2 years
Minecraft titan launcher lan games not showing
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I actually tried playing it on my desktop after first trying it on the Deck, and quickly abandoned the mouse and keyboard for a return to the handheld’s twin sticks. It’s a less demanding, though still challenging, take on “How do I kill this dude no wait I am dead” RPGs that also happens to suit the Steam Deck very comfortably indeed. If you’re like me ( or Katharine) and don’t have the patience, temperament, or hand-eye coordination for Soulslikes, you may find Death’s Door more palatable. It’s certainly more comfortable to play and navigate menus with the thumbsticks than to deal with Elden Ring’s wonky mouse and keyboard support, and running on Proton – with its shader pre-caching feature - actually helps smooth out the stutters that you’d still get on native Windows, months after release.
Being a rougelike – mostly – it wouldn’t normally be as suited for short bursts of portable play, say on a bus ride, but the Deck’s quick resume feature lets you take a break whenever and immediately hop back into a run.įor all of its performance hiccups on Windows, Elden Ring is such a good match for the Steam Deck that it’s earned Verified status from Valve. And it’s just as tense, inventive and witty on the Steam Deck: it runs at a perfect 60fps, and only needs the face buttons and a single thumbstick for its slick, combo-happy combat. Hades claimed, by Advent Calendar rules, RPS GOTY status back in 2020. There’s some very occasional stuttering but that’s present on high-end desktop PCs as well, and if you simply lower the Effects quality setting from High to Medium, you shouldn’t drop below 30fps. This translates perfectly to the Steam Deck’s controls, and despite being a bit of a looker, Stray avoids any serious performance issues on the portable hardware. Stray shakes off notions of merely being a haha-funny-cat novelty game with some stellar worldbuilding and intuitive puzzle-platforming, helped along by a sleek context-sensitive traversal style. It’s a clever, surprising, and unrelentingly charming introduction to your new gadget, not a mention a reminder that Valve should really make more games. It’s essentially a Steam Deck tutorial, designed to help you get used to the controls layout, but is entertainingly administered through a genuinely funny mini-jaunt through a pre-Portal Aperture Science. The short and sweet Aperture Desk Job isn’t just one of the best games to play on the Steam Deck – it should probably be the first one you try. Now, in no particular order: the 30 best Steam Deck games.
And, while we’re on the subject of maximising your Deck’s potential, you can also check out our Steam Deck battery life guide, my picks of the best microSD cards for the Steam Deck, and how to install the Epic Games Launcher on the Steam Deck. Of course, half the fun of a Steam Deck compared to handheld consoles is that most of your existing Steam library will likely be playable out of the box, so be sure to try your favourites even if they’re not on this list. Though hey, if you’ve just got your Deck and want some inspiration on what to install first, you can definitely count these as recommendations. These are games I’ve tried and genuinely enjoyed playing on the Steam Deck, without bumping into any technical/compatibility issues, across my however-many months of testing and reporting on it. I know a lot of best-of lists are ordered by publishing bigwigs who want a Google-pleasing “engagement” scrap in the comments, but I’ll swear blind that’s not the case here.
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mendesblurb · 3 years
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I’m With You
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Shawn Mendes x female reader
Warning: angst, fluff, maybe grammar error and maybe some punctuation errors.
Note: So I know I said I will return on 26th, but just couldn’t resist haha. So here you go, this have been on the draft so yeah.. anyway just an update I am still anxious about my assignment but I will just try my best and hopefully everything will turn out well. Enjoy the story guys, sorry that it’s short.
The date night was an excellent idea. it was a much needed time away from all the possible work distractions.
Everything looked so good; the baked chicken Shawn made was surprisingly delicious, the meat was just so tender and delicately seasoned. The chocolate pie he bought for dessert was waiting to be cut, and the accompanying wine was supposed to complement the whole date perfectly.
All that sounds perfect but here you are distracted, playing with your fork and and cleary your mind was anywhere else but the story your boyfriend was telling.
“You had to be there, I swear the look on Brian’s face was just pricelesss and the best part of it all is—.”
"I'm late," you mumbled out.
Shawn felt confused and says, "So you got here ten minutes late. No, Big deal. You had to spend a little extra time at work, that’s normal.”
"Not that kind of late, Shawn."
"But that happens, right?" Shawn says, still implacable. "You've been under a lot of stress, back and forth to LA and New York, doing presentations... You need a day off. You need a week off. Spain is nice this time of year, or Specifically Mallorca..."
"No, Shawn." You say while preparing yourself for what you’re about to say next. "I am not stressed out. I can’t have and don’t need a vacation."
"Okay, I understand," Shawn says. "So what You need is to pee on a stick. And so, I'll be here holding your hand while we wait for the results."
"What? That’s it?” You respond, suddenly very pissed. "I tell you I could be pregnant, and all you have to say is go pee on a stick?"
"You're pissed," Shawn says. It's maddening, the way he states the obvious.
"Yeah. I’m pissed. This is the most terrified I have been in my entire life, and you act like it's no big deal."
This was actually a big deal for Shawn, but he knew he shouldn’t be freaking out right now. He knew he had to be the one to calm you down, but one thing for sure is that If you did end up pregnant, he will do anything to be with you every step of the way.
What kind of boyfriend would he be then, if he didn’t? He knew it wouldn’t be easy, but he would find every possible way to make sure you will not go though it alone.
"So you're mad because you're frightened and I'm not?"
“How could you not be frightened? We agreed to move in together last week, we are so young, you are in the middle of a worldwide tour, and are we even ready?”
Shawn could hear your voice going shrill of panic and So he stood up and put his hands on your shoulders as an attempt to calm you down. "We are just figuring out what to do with our lives, and this can’t be the reason we put our life at a pause.”
Shawn’s hands are firm on your shoulders, trying to calm down you down. "We'll figure this out, Y/N. We always figure things out. But first let's see if there is something to figure out, okay?"
"Okay," you sighed.
Shawn never thought he’d be worriedly pacing outside the bathroom, waiting for his girlfriend to finish peeing so he could know if she was pregnant or not.
But here he was, in that exact situation.
The words, “How did this happen?” were a constant in his head, but he knew. Oh, he knew how and when it happened. It happened in a very pleasurable way, thank you very much—but now wasn’t exactly the time to think about that, not outside the bathroom of his home, waiting for—
He had to calm down, damn it. For your sake he knew he had to calm down.
Finally you head out of the bathroom and waited for possibly the longest three minutes of both of your lives.
Beep. Beep. Beep. The timer rings.
You lean against Shawn, as you breathe in and out slowly and read the results. The first test is negative. So is the second one, and the third one you insisted on taking just for good measure.
"Phew," you say.
"Phew," he echoes.
You look up at him questioningly. "For awhile, you sounded like you wanted me to be pregnant."
"No." He replied. "I just want whatever is comfortable for you. But if you were, we would have figured it out. We can figure out anything, Y/N. And I promise you that I will figure out everything I have to do in order to be with you every step of the way."
“Shawn, I—.” You said trying to hold back your tears, while reaching out to his tentatively hold to his hand.
He galces at you, upturns his hand to meet yours. He interlaces his fingers with yours, holding tight. “I know. When the time is right, we'll have a baby. It will be terrifying, actually, and require a frightening quantity of mature adult discussion, but we would do it eventually when we are older and more ready. Just say when, and I’ll be ready whenever you are.”
Still holding your gaze, his other hand reach out and touch your cheek. Your eyes teary as you lean into his touch. “Baby now or baby someday later or even baby never, I will forever love you Y/N. No matter what you decide I’m with you.” He reassured you.
Thank you for reading guys... feel free to like, reblog, follow my account, leave a comment and my chat is always open for random chats or requests... appreciate every single one of you... ❤️
Taglist: @monikamendes @holland-styles @bvttercupbby @lonelyreputation @badreputationlove @shawn-is-my-giant-jellybean @benito-mi-vida @swiftmendeshoran @yournameoneverypage @shawn-is-bruh @mendesbhraanth @perfectlywrongsm @imaginashawnns @smendes-forever @nervousmendes @whenyoureadyholland @shawn-youth @myboyshawn @camilalewiss @camilalewisss @theregoesmyherojd @nanijaac1 @shawnieeboyy @silverswallow
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drawlfoy · 3 years
the poisoning of draco malfoy
masterlist request guidelines
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pairing: draco x fem!reader
request: no haha
summary: y/n is known her her hangover cure and her passion for potion making. something goes slightly wrong when it comes to helping draco malfoy.
warnings: mentions of underage drinking, swearing, getting poisoned lmfao
a/n: hiyo i should be studying rn for one of my exams on monday but i just wanted to post this also big sorrry to anyone’s dm that i have yet to respond to i literally just popped in here to do this and hopefully i will crawl out of my study hole in a few days fjsdka’
word count: 1.2k
tags :) message or send in an ask to be tagged! @gruffle1 @missmultifandommess @cleopatera @hahaboop @accio-rogers @geeksareunique @eltanin-malfoy @war-sword @cams-lynn @itsivyberry @ayo-cowbelly @nerd-domland @yesnerdsblog @shizarianathania @evanstanfanatic @strawberriesonsummer @hariosborn @night-ving @straightzoinked @imintoodeeptostop @naiomimoonshard @jejegu @ophelia-enthusiast @alwaysbeanunknownfan @nearly-memories @litty-dumb @callieclearwater @malfoy-wife15 @charlenasaxen @belladaises @fiantomartell
“Draco!” Y/N hissed as he flipped through her entire Potions cabinet, his fingers brushing over every bottle. “Be careful!”
“Sheesh, have I ever been anything but careful?” he teased, shooting her a very self-satisfied look before continuing his search. “Why don’t you label yours?”
“It adds spice to the whole hangover curing process, don’t you think?” she joked, sitting on her bed as she watched him. “Do you need help?”
“No, I’m fine.” She tried to suppress a smile as his stubborn persona reared its head. “It’s pink, right?”
“Yeah,” she said absentmindedly. Her thoughts were somewhere other than potions--instead thinking of how he’d let her rest her head on his shoulder while they were all talking. It obviously meant nothing--they were just friends--but it still made her heart speed up when she thought about it. 
“Got it.” He shut her cabinet, brandishing a small pink bottle before tossing it into his pocket. “Thanks, Y/N. You’re a lifesaver.”
“Anytime,” she said. If she avoided looking him in the eyes for too long, she could pretend like she didn’t feel disappointment at the fact that his visit to her room would be so brief. When he’d asked the group for Wide-Eye potion, everyone had directed him to her and her signature brew (which was really just Wide-Eye brewed with the essence of mandrake root). She’d let her mind wander to the possibilities of what might happen when they were alone in her room--but that was all drunken fantasy speaking. Just because he let her touch his shoulder didn’t mean he was about to propose.
“I’ll see you around, yeah?” He sent her a grin that made her knees weak, turning to leave.
“See you.” 
With that, he was gone.
“Think you’re funny, huh?”
Draco’s voice cut through her own pounding head as she sat at the Ravenclaw table with her other equally hungover friends.
“Excuse me?” She whipped around to see him pink with frustration. “Did you even take it?”
“It doesn’t work,” he told her matter-of-factly. “I don’t know how you managed to con all your friends into thinking that you’re some sort of Potions master at the age of 17, but you’re not. I know you’re a fraud.”
“What are you talking about?” Y/N asked. “That potion works. I’ve used it myself.”
“Yeah, it’s magic,” said her fellow Ravenclaw friend, Rena, from across the table. “I actually stole a vial from your cabinet this morning. Never been better. Maybe you’re just ill.”
“Huh?” Y/N asked. “I gave the last vial to Draco last night. There’s no way you could’ve…” The color drained from her face. “Draco, do you still have the bottle from last night? Can you describe the potion to me?”
The realization seemed to dawn upon him as his eyes widened. “No. I threw it out. It just looked like a regular potions bottle. Pink, like you said. Oh, god, did you poison me?”
“You’re still alive, aren’t you?” said Y/N, keeping her tone cavalier despite the fact that she was terrified. “There’s nothing...deadly...in there per se. But it’s not all totally legal for someone like me to have, so we can’t let Pomfrey know about it until I figure out what you took. Or Snape. Especially not Snape.” She shivered.
“So what do you suggest we do?” he drawled.
“Come with me. I’m going to try and figure out what’s missing.”
They didn’t talk much on their way to the Ravenclaw dorms apart from Y/N asking him about his symptoms. As far as she could tell, he was perfectly fine apart from a headache and sensitivity to sound and light--a classic hangover. 
She racked her brain, trying to think about what potion could be in her cabinet that wouldn’t cause ANY effects, even with the combination with alcohol. There was nothing. Quite literally nothing.
“Ok,” she told him as they stood in front of her cabinet. “I want you to tell me the general region where you grabbed it.”
Draco squinted at the bottles, running his fingers over them like he had last night. “To be honest, I hardly remember. It was a blur. Maybe this’ll teach you to put labels on them.”
“Normally I don’t have people ransacking my potions!” she snapped, throwing her hands in the air. “Are you sure you don’t feel anything different from a hangover? Like, at all?”
“Did you even take it?”
“Yes, I’m quite certain I drank a potion you gave to me this morning unless I completely imagined the entire thing,” he said, rolling his eyes to the ceiling and sitting down next to her. “How fucked am I? Should I go to the hospital wing?”
“Worst comes to worst we use a bezoar, but it doesn’t look like you’re in any danger.” She chewed her lip as she thought. “Hang on…you’re absolutely positive it was pink, right? Were there any other colors in it?” 
“Gold flecks.” 
She sprung up, digging through her cabinet and ignoring Draco’s questioning. “This doesn’t make any sense. I think you took my love potion.”
“No way,” he scoffed. “I think I would know if I was under the influence of a love potion.”
“I know. That’s why it doesn’t make any sense,” Y/N said. “But there’s only one potion in here that has gold flecks, and that’s a love potion. And it’s gone. Unless Rena took it--and I think everyone would’ve noticed that by now--it had to have been you.”
“But I feel normal!” he protested, running his hands through his hair. 
“Of course you feel normal,” she chastised. “The whole point of love potions is to convince you that what you’re feeling is natural--oh.”
It hit her. 
He gave her a weird look.
“Got anything you want to confess, Malfoy?” she asked, cocking her head and meeting his eyes. 
“Do you know how love potions work?”
“Of course I know how love potions work,” he snapped, narrowing his eyes. “I’m not 12.”
“Care to explain?”
“You’re ridiculous,” he said, but he crossed his legs and continued in a monotone voice as he recited the lesson they’d both heard in 3rd year. “The recipient of a love potion falls into infatuation with the…”
His voice trailed off.
“With the person who gave it to them, yeah?” pushed Y/N. “So if you feel no different, and I was the person who gave it to you..”
Draco just stared.
“Draco, I brewed that potion, and I know that there’s nothing wrong with it,” she said, raising an eyebrow. “You feel normal because--”
“Because I normally feel infatuated with you, yeah,” he cut in, his tone bitter as he rolled his eyes again. “No need to spell it out for me.”
“This is horribly embarrassing for you, huh?” she teased, giving him a shove. “Why didn’t you just tell me? I’ve probably liked you for longer.”
“Yeah,” she said, shrugging as she tucked her legs under her and scooted a little closer. “You don’t honestly think I’d give my last vial to some random classmate, do you?”
“Well, why didn’t you just tell me?” he teased. “I don’t let just anyone fall asleep on my shoulder.”
“I guess we’re both cowards, then,” said Y/N.
“And idiots.”
“I think that’s just you.”
final a/n: i didnt edit this and i wrote this in the middle of what was supposed to be a study session for me whoopsies fdjsa;k 
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caputvulpinum · 3 years
Hey Innkeeper. I've been following you for a couple years, and I've been wanting to say this for a while - you really aren't wrong when you say you're genuinely trying to teach us about the occult. I think I just followed you because of your interactions with Normal Horoscopes, and I was like "funny haha person", but I've been taking classes about religion, and the more of them I take, the more the concepts I learn there are something I see in your writings. 1/2
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I'm so glad to hear it! I think the biggest hurdle is always wrapping your mind inside the first paradox. It's always the hardest to be able to capture because you aren't used to the very weird way of thinking and understanding it all yet, but the more you understand, the better you become.
I also think weirdly that social media culture actually inhibits true understanding of the occuly from square zero! Because so much of social media is based on explicit quantifiable things, it is a surprisingly solid and material medium which focuses on the Exists but not necessarily the Real. There's this idea that you can only Understand it if you explain exactly HOW you understand it. But that focus is blurring out the real point of it all.
And like...frankly? I am fully aware how ridiculous I sound. I am perfectly clear on the fact that I sound either like a raving lunatic at best or a pretentious elitist snob at worst. But like. I swear if there was an easier way to try and get as close to explaining the occult as possible than saying "What do you get when you take the house from the home", trust me my guys I would not be saying that shit.
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lordabovehelpme · 3 years
Tied to You - Bucky Barnes x Reader
For my lovely best friend. Happy birthday my dear, I hope you are having a wonderful morning and this puts a smile on your face. Trust me, it’s been hard to keep this a secret from you for so long, but I hope you enjoy. I love you, and I will see you later!!! 
Summary: You’re so happy to be standing before him, but something on his wrist brings you back to the very first time you met.
Warnings: f! reader, marriage
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Excitement sends thrills up and down your spine, tingling through your toes and pooling in your stomach. You clutch the simple bouquet between your hands tighter and take a deep breath, trying to calm your frantic nerves.
Finally, after what seems like both an eternity and a millisecond, the classic “here comes the bride” starts to echo. Taking one more quick breath, you let your shoulders relax and start to turn the corner.
There you emerge from behind the doors of the little church in Brooklyn. Family and friends stand as you start your descent down the aisle. You meant to smile at the crying relatives, to give them some sort of comfort, but you can’t take your eyes off of him.
He stands before the altar, adorned in a black suit with a black tie. His hands stay clasped before him, but his striking blue eyes meet your own. They soften at the sight of you and his shoulders slightly shift towards you.
However, once you offer him a small smile, his eyes rack down your form and back up before meeting your gaze again. Usually his gaze causes you to fluster and try to hide away, but today you stand tall as you approach him.
He offers you a hand as you climb the few steps and you gladly take it. Handing the beautiful bouquet to your maid of honor, you look down at your clasped hands.
No longer does he shy away from you touching the metal, and no longer do you hesitate.
But something catches your eye as you settle before him. Right there on his metal wrist is a bracelet of thread. The one you made him all those years ago; bright yellows and blues, with tan and green. They all compliment the vibranium perfectly.
The sentiment is overwhelming and a gasp gets caught in your throat. “You wore it.” Your voice is small and he doesn’t need clarification to know what has puzzled you.
“Of course I did, doll.”
He can’t take his eyes off you. There you sit with some older ladies, spools of brightly colored thread by your side as you try and explain how to make a bracelet.
“Yeah, you’re starting to get it, this just crosses over here… see?” You lean over and point at one ladys horrible excuse of a friendship bracelet. They all laugh at one another and point out each other's mistakes, but become very defensive when their own flaws are pointed out.
“You should go talk to her!” An elbow is pressed into his side and Yori smirks.
“No I should not.” His eyes snap to face the older man, but not even a second passes before they beg to find your form again.
“Why not? She’s not getting any younger, and neither are you.”
Bucky sighs, but a small smile breaks onto his lips. “Haha, very funny. But I don’t even know what to say.”
Yori shrugs his shoulders. “Flatter her, girls love that. Tell her you love her eyes, her lips, her hair. Anything.”
A scoff falls from his lips as his head shakes. “I’m not going to suck up to her in hopes of a date.”
Yori places his hands over his own and he offers a smile to the soldier. His long white eyebrows twitch in the classic sign that the next few words will be uncharacteristically wise. The older man's eyes meet blue eyes and he gestures for him to lean in. Bucky follows and leans his head down.
“You will.”
Before the words even process in his head, Yori has already walked off, laughing loud as he clutches a hand to his chest. Once again, Bucky shakes his head at his antics.
“No I won’t.” He utters under his breath, before walking over to your little circle of mischievous old ladies.
You look up at him and he swears he might legitimately melt. “Hi!” You offer him a smile and he is already making funeral plans in his head.
“Oh, uh, hi.” Subconsciously, his flesh hand finds itself on the back of his neck, trying to rub away his nerves.
“Can I help you?”
He swears in his head, what does he need? He needs you. But he can’t say that. Swearing again, he tries to think of anything that would make sense to a normal human being.
“Yeah, I…” His eyes flicker around and land on one ladies bracelet. “I wanted to make a bracelet.”
Well great. Now he’s done it. He must look like the biggest dork in history. What was he thinking? Why couldn’t he just admire you from afar?
“Oh.” You genuinely look surprised. “Of course!” A wide smile breaks onto your face and you pat the empty seat next to you. “Come sit down and we’ll get you some thread.”
He can hear Yori’s laugh from the opposing corner. But, he follows your command and takes a seat next to you. Blue eyes follow your movements as you reach for a plastic container holding an entire rainbow of thread.
“So, what color are you thinking?”
He gives the rainbow one good look before sighing. “I don’t know.” You look at him as he offers a small awkward smile.
“Oh, okay. Well… do you know what type of bracelet you want?”
His fingers anxiously pick at the hem of his jacket. Shaking his head he murmurs, “Sorry, I know nothing about thread.”
Things seem to click in your mind that he has literally no idea about this stuff because you smile and slightly laugh. “Ahh, I see. That’s alright! Do you want me to choose some colors for you?”
His stomach flutters and he smiles at your soft laugh. “Yeah, doll, that would be nice.” The pet name slipped before he could even dream of stopping it. Once again, a long, loud, strand of curse words flood his mind.
Your movements stop, but quickly resume. In fact, you were so fast he’s not even sure you caught his slip. He watches with quizzical eyes as you pull brightly colored threads and measure them with your arms. Your fingertips move with ease as they tie the strands together and then hold it out to him. He reaches out and purposefully slides his fingers over your own.
“H-” your voice breaks out suddenly and he just smiles as you slightly fluster, clearing your throat you continue, “Here you go.”
He throws you a smirk and takes them from you. But then his plan of seduction hastingly halts when he realizes he has no idea what to do with the strands. So he just lets his hands rest in his lap as he stares down at the colorful strands.
“Do you need help?” You ask.
His head slowly tilts to meet your gaze and soft smile. He swears his heart stopped. Taking a gulp he prays you don't notice, he offers you a smile back. “Umm yeah.”
You scootch your chair next to his and reach over to grab the thread. Now he knows his heart stopped. You start explaining how to start a simple design but he can’t focus.
He means to focus, he wants to focus, but the smell of your shampoo wafts to his nose and makes his breaths longer. The subtle heat flowing from your skin to his where your arms slightly touch makes him want to close his eyes and lean in further to your touch.
“Are you paying attention?”
His eyes shoot open and heat rises to his cheeks. “Yes!”
One of your eyebrows twitch and amusement twinkles behind your eyes, but you continue where you stopped. He forces himself to listen and not be distracted any longer.
After about an hour of small talk and you helping him, finally the bracelet is long enough to tie off. Everytime your hand brushed his heart would skip a beat.
Now you tie the bracelet onto his wrist and cut the long ends. “There!” You smile at him and he nearly melts into a puddle beneath your feet.
“Thanks doll.” This time he doesn’t miss the way your body slightly stiffens and your eyes widen a tad.
“Umm, yeah.” You clasp your hands before you and open your mouth, but before you can say anything the older ladies call for you that they need your immediate help. You give him an apologetic smile, “Sorry, I have to go, but it was nice to meet you…” trailing off when you realize you don’t know his name.
Nodding at him, your smile widens from remorseful to joy. “Bucky, it was nice to meet you.”
He watches as you walk away, laughing and giggling with the old ladies. “You too doll, you too.” Little did you know, but you walked off right with his heart. The once stone cold piece of meat, now fluttering and happily beating beneath your gaze and care. And for the last time that day another flood of curse words plagued his mind.
His hands squeeze your own and he takes a deep breath, blue eyes meeting your own. The bright bracelet proudly on display for anyone to see.
“Doll, there were many times I was lost and you found me. There were days which were heavy, and you picked me up and lightened my heart. Through it all, you were always there for me.”
His voice wavers a little and you can’t deny the water pooling at the corners of your eyes.
“And I know that will never change. I promise to love you as you are and to respect our differences while still supporting and encouraging you. Whatever the future holds, know that I will stand by you and love you. Through pain and passion, sorrow and hope. Through death and through life I will love you. Everyday and with whatever we face I promise to love you because I am tied to you.”
You have to drop one of his hands to wipe away your tears as you smile up at him. Then you say your own vows. And finally after the classic I do’s, the officiant says, “You may now kiss your bride.”
The two of you lock eyes before he swoops down and captures your lips within his own. One of his hands wraps around your waist and holds you steady. The crow erupts in shouts and glee for the two of you but neither of you care. He leans back and you both just smile at one another for a while, both holding the widest grins you have ever had in your entire life.
“I love you.” He says.
“I love you too.” You say back.
Later in the night, as the two of you sway, your arms wrapped around his shoulders and head on his chest, the final words in his vow finally make sense. You play with the string bracelet on his wrist.
“Tied to you huh? You were proud of that one, weren’t you?”
He chuckles and presses a kiss to your forehead. “Was it obvious?”
He smiles. “But I’m your dork.”
“Oh my god!” You sigh, “James Buchanan Barnes,” landing a poke to his chest to emphasize your point, “you are the most cheesiest, handsomest, loveable dork out there.” You stand on your tiptoes to catch a kiss from him. “And you're all mine.”
Yes yes, I know. “Lordy what the heck? Why are you writing for Bucky?” Well this is a birthday gift for my friend who loves Bucky, so yeah. 
Disclaimer!!! I will not write for Bucky normally!!! This was purely a gift!!!
But please, if you liked it, consider reblogging or leaving a comment, I love hearing what you all have to say! (And maybe y’all can convince me to write for him more. Idk, I’m not promising anything.) 
Love, Lordy :) 
Everything tags: @jedi-jesi​ @along-the-lines-of-space​ @madsvano4 @golfmarshal​
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trumpkinhotboy · 3 years
All in good time
Pairing: Jacob Black x f!reader
Type: Not requested
Genre: Kinda fluffy i'd say
Warnings: None!
Rating: g
Requests: Open (for Narnia and Twilight, maybe?😳)
A/n: Alright, alright, I know I said this blog was going to be centralized on Narnia stuff, but lately I've really gotten back in my Twilight phase🥴 Plus, I had a really shitty week and needed a pick me up. Jacob is one of my biggest comfort characters so I felt it was only suiting. I hope you'll enjoy it😬 I suggest reading this while listening to any kind of Twilight ambiance playlist.☺Also, I know my title sucks HAHA. Couldn't think of anything better so yea, I'm sorry, but this is what you get
Update: changed my title huhu!
* gif is not mine!!
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There were days that just deeply and inherently... sucked. Days where everything seemed out of rhythm, where no matter how hard you tried, it all seemed wrong; it all fell apart.
Today was one of those days. When your dad jokingly said: "Someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed." you did not think it the tiniest of bit funny. When you opened one of the kitchen cabinets to get your favorite brand of cereals and found an empty box, you almost threw a full-on seven-year-old crying on the floor tantrum. Especially when you saw the half-emptied bowl sitting in the sink. Too bad, no breakfast for you this morning. Ridiculous, immature, and not changing anything? Yes, of course, but you still did it out of pure spite. As if that would punish anyone else than you.
Like any other day in Forks, it was raining, nothing awful here, if it was not for the fact that the window on the driver’s side hadn’t been properly closed. Your seat was by now totally drenched. With your pants completely soaked you rode to school, your knuckles turning white from angrily gripping the wheel. Once you arrived, it seemed that everyone was annoyingly happy and enthusiastic while you just couldn’t get out of your personal, unchangeable, black cloud. Not to help, your friends only kept making fun of your moody behavior. Could you not be taken seriously on one of your worst days?
In your least favorite class, you were horrified to see written in big letters on the board:
“20% exam!! Leave your personal effects in front of the class.”
You would have run away if it wasn’t for the flow of students coming in to push you further in the classroom. Convinced the exam was for the next week, you did not even open the pages of your manual concerning the subject. It is with panic and exasperation that you sat at your desk waiting for your doom. Did you need to add that along with all that bull crap of a day, the only person who could have made your day a little less annoying was, once again missing. No calls, no texts, no news, nothing. Probably on another mission with the rest of his mutant gang. You got to the Rez after school, hoping you would see him, but were only welcomed by Leah and Seth. It almost felt like they were waiting for you as they were sitting outside of Billy’s house. Why they were the only ones left here was a mystery for you. The pack usually always stayed together.
- “Where are the others?”
- “On some kind of mission around the lands.”
- “Is everything alright?” They nodded nonchalantly. “Then why are you two here?”
The answer Seth gave you while chewing loudly on yet, another snack, made you grith your teeth so hard he thought they were going to fall out of your mouth.
- “To protect you.”
- “I thought it was nothing, so why would I need protection?”.
- “You should talk about it with Black. He’s the one who ordered us to stay to watch over you or something.”
- “I am PERFECTLY capable of WATCHING OVER MYSELF.” you answered a little louder than expected, anger rumbling in your chest. That earned you some awkward looks from your two friends, but at this point, it didn’t even matter, you were seeing red.
Leah, never intimated by you, shrugged her shoulders. Seth looking a little bit more nervous still laughed at your display of anger. Jacob was the one assigning babysitters over you? Of course, you and he would have a little discussion, that mutt would not see it coming.
When you got back home, you called your father to warn him; there was no way you would be cooking dinner. With your luck, it wouldn’t be a surprise if you burnt the whole house down. Fortunately, he was in good mood (unfair) and answered there was no problem; he would get pizza. He got home with the box in hand and a “Hey sweet...heart”. One quick look at your rough appearance and frustrated expression and his mouth closed shut. He dropped politely, almost carefully, a plate with a slice of pizza before quickly leaving for the couch. You mostly played with the food, incapable of swallowing it down, looking at the forest many times, waiting, expecting to see a tall figure appear on its verge but nothing. Time passed, still no sign of life. There was no way that by now Leah or Seth didn’t give him your message. You had time to wash the dishes, do some homework, and get in your sweats. At 7:30 pm you gave up; he wasn’t coming. Your father was still watching TV, completely oblivious to your growing anger. You picked up his plate to put it in the sink but tripped and dropped it, the delicate plate exploded into a thousand pieces.
- “Y/n? Everything okay?”
- “Y..ea.. an accident. I’ll pick it up.”
There was a slight tremolo in your voice. That was it. Your day had been terrible with no sign of sun, and this broken plate would be your breaking point as ridiculous as it sounded. You leaned on the counter, head hanging low, feeling tears of frustration swelling up in your eyes. Taking a deep breath, you looked up; in a second you were out the back door.
- “Where you going?” you heard your father ask.
- “Getting the trash out.”
The figure backed in the woods as you rushed into them without hesitation. You smacked against something big and warm, warmer than it was normal to be, yet you had become quite accustomed to it.
- “You little piece of shit.” your index finger digging in his chest. “You weren’t even here today, and it was terrible, and you can’t do this. I do not need any PROTECTION. Oh my god, do you really think I am weak and helpless without you or Leah or Seth or ANY werewolf to protect me?!”
He didn’t interrupt your monologue, only looking at you spitting your anger out.
- “You are SO annoying. Honestly who- who do you think you- are?! I’m- I am not, I can DEFINITELY, I don’t ne-eed any-one.” Your speech was becoming less and less coherent, your emotions taking control of your mind.
Without waiting any longer for you to finish your incoherent thought, he pulled you in for one of his signature bear hugs.
- “You can’t do this to me I’m an-ang-angry...”.
- “Shhh, it’s okay.”
- “You-you weren’t there.” you gave up fighting him, wrapping your arms around his waist.
- “I’m sorry, Leah told me.”
- “Wh- why didn’t you come sooner?” you continued, sobbing.
- “Some wolf things, Paul got in trouble.“ you backed off, immediately lifting your head at the mention of one of your friends in trouble.
- “Is he okay?”
- “Of course, he is, but Sam was very upset this time.” he stroked the side of your face with a small smile. “Enough with the boys, tell me what's wrong.”
- “Everything. I left my car window opened my seat was drenched. At school, everyone was disgustingly happy and in a good mood. I did not know I had an exam, I didn’t even study the subject. And this morning, my dad half ate the rest of my favorites cereals, and then I didn’t eat anything else as a silent protest, I know that’s stupid, but”
- “You didn’t eat anything else?”
- “Yeah, but I…” you lifted your gaze to meet his disapproving one. “I mean, I must have eaten a snack at lunch today…”
- “Must have?” he looked angrier.
- “Y/n??? Where are you??”
The calling of your father interrupted your conversation; he looked in its direction.
- “You should go back inside before your dad comes out.”
- “What? No, please. Can’t you kidnap me for tonight?” he chuckled lightly.
- “Trust me, go back in, okay?”
You looked at him unsure, even though you knew he was worthy of your trust. You finally nodded before running back inside.
- “What took you so long?”
- “Oh, uh, I thought I saw something and got a little carried away.”
- “Mokay, I don’t like you being so close to the woods. We’ve still had a few complaints about some trekkers finding traces of big animals in the woods. I’d prefer you be careful, alright?” You held up a smile, thinking about your friend just outside.
- “Sure.”
You stayed in the middle of the living room, expecting, waiting to see Jacob’s next move. You expected something quick, but when ten minutes later, there were still no signs of him, you felt frustration rising again. Not sure what to do now, you sat next to your father, half paying attention to what was happening on the screen. If he just left you, he was going to pay for it. You needed him, and just like that, he was gone? Probably, got called away by Sam again. Maybe it wasn’t in his control? But if it was…
Knock. Knock.
You looked up, surprised. The door opened with a creaking sound.
- “Oh, Jacob. Hi, what are you doing here?”
- “Hi Charlie, I heard Y/n had a pretty bad day. Came to kidnap her, if that's okay?”
- “Bad day? That’s an understatement. I swear, at one point, I thought she was going to scream at me. I ate her last bowl of cereal this morning; the thing was disgusting, I only ate half of it. I don’t think that helped.” You heard your friend’s low chuckle. Your dad seemed to feel pretty guilty about his crime, which did make you feel a tad bit better. “But yeah sure. Y/n! You have a visitor.”
You walked to them, Jacob awkwardly fitting in your small house; he seemed so disproportionate with his imposing size. For once, he was wearing actual clothes, a shirt and a pair of jeans, a sign he wasn’t planning on having to transform tonight. A sign that he was planning on being entirely dedicated to you.
- “Ready to go? I’m kidnaping you.” He said that last part with a smirk, a hint to your previous request.
- “Sure.” You grabbed your coat, said goodbye to your dad, and left without waiting any longer.
First, he took you away to get some food in you. It wasn’t until your teeth were digging inside a delicious burger that you realized just how hungry you were. Jacob being the glutton that he is, ordered two cheeseburgers along with a pack of large fries. You went for a milkshake, the perfect dessert for a night like this, and took your victuals to the La Push beach. It was empty and peaceful; the sun was slowly going down, the wind just a whisper in the night. It wasn’t even that cold, but the excuse to snuggle into Jake’s wolfish warmth was too good to pass.
- “Feeling better?” he asked while wrapping his arm around your shoulders.
- “Yes. Thanks, Jake.”
- “Kidnapping mission was a success?”
- “Yes, it was.” You answered with a smile.
- “Alright.” He muttered under his breath, looking in the distance.
You stayed for a while in comfortable silence, simply enjoying the other’s presence.
- “So, what were you saying about me not being there today, like that made your day worst?”
His question took you by surprise. A look at his cocky expression was all it took you to punch him in the ribs as hard as you could.
- “You wish idiot.”
He laughed at your attack, he probably didn't even feel a thing but leveled his face with yours in all seriousness.
- “You can avoid this conversation for now since you had a shit day and all, but keep in mind, it’s not over.”
- “And you keep in mind that our discussion about you ordering werewolves to stay behind to protect me, is not over. You won’t get away easily with that one Black.”
He laughed again, visibly amused with your threat. You laughed too but were slightly less amused. These two conversations were important ones, although one you apprehended way more. You looked at Jacob's happy expression and felt a fuzzy feeling warming your body. No, right now was not the time for such serious topics.
All in good time, right?
Tagging my two gals because they know how nervous I was😭...@imjustdreamingig @gonzalezyon I did it gals🥺 I hope you'll like it, thank you so much for your support💕💕
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reidamancy · 3 years
a little different || bau
summary: You are on your way to meet the BAU, who are just... a little different than what you’re used to. (reader & bau)
category: fluff
warnings: none
word count: 1k
a/n: hi guys!!! sorry i haven’t posted in forever!!! school has just been so busy :P anyways, this is ‘a little different’ (haha!) from what i usually write, but i hope you enjoy this short and sweet little fic! plz be kind i’m nervous >.<
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The sun shined softly through the crisp, white curtains, signaling the start of a new day. Birds chirped happily outside the window; and the house was an eery quiet; maybe today could be a good day after all. 
I let out a sigh and got up, passing the mirror on the way to the bathroom. My long, golden locks cascaded perfectly down my back even though I just woke up. I’m just that perfect. My blue/green/gray orbs stared back at me in the mirror. I let out a sigh and put my hair into a messy bun; I could not deal with it today. 
As I was getting ready, I heard my mom yell, “Y/N!! Get down here NOW!”
Ugh, I hated her.
I made my way downstairs to see what she wanted, but there was a man standing in our kitchen. 
“Um, who is this?” I asked.
“He is your new owner.” My mom replied. 
He stepped forward and introduced himself, “Aaron Hotchner, FBI.” He extended his hand for a handshake but I looked at it with disgust.
My mom scowled at me, “Be nice to Agent Hotchner, Y/N, I just sold you to the BAU.”
“You sold me?!”
“Uh, yeah, I just said that.” She waved her hand, “Take her out of my sight.”
Agent Hotchner nodded and said, “Follow me,” as he passed by me.
Wow, I could not believe this.
He led me to his car and told me he was going to introduce me to the rest of the BAU. 
“What is a BAU?” I asked.
“The Behavioral Analysis Unit. Your new owners.”
I scoffed.
“Just so you know, we are... a little different. But we own you now so there’s no escape from us.”
I rolled my eyes, and plugged my earbuds into my iPod and looked out the window the rest of the ride.
When we arrived at the FBI building, I followed Agent Hotchner to a small room with six other people sitting at a table. Their eyes followed me as I slowly sat down in the empty seat.
“Y/N, meet the BAU.” Agent Hotchner said. “This is Rossi,” he gestured towards an older Italian man.
“I have the money and power to kill you and make it look like an accident. But I won’t, even though I should, because it won’t be good for the plot.” Rossi said.
That’s a bit weird, but I’m just gonna go along with it.
“He’s a mafia boss,” Agent Hotchner clarified.
Rossi nodded, “And I’ve infiltrated the FBI, which means all these agents,” he gestured around, “work for me.”
“Okay then.” I nodded, like it was the most normal thing in the world.
“And this,” Hotch moved on, “is Agent Morgan. He’s supernatural.”
“...What do you mean supernatural?” I asked.
Morgan leaned forward and slyly said, “You know, vampire. Werewolf. Ghost. Fairy. Warlock. All of the above.”
“Wow. That’s hot.” I said. Omg, did I say that out loud?!
He smirked at me, and I knew that even though he was much more powerful than me and could probably kill me, that didn’t stop my heart from fluttering when he looked at me. I could feel this weird supernatural bond with him, and I had this trust in him, that he would never hurt me, even if it’s in his nature to. But in the end, he’d probably turn me into whatever creature he is so we can live peacefully together forever. But I swear, we could be happy as human and supernatural <3
Agent Hotchner then pointed to the woman sitting next to Morgan. “This is Agent Prentiss.”
She frowned at me, and I rolled my eyes back at her. It was obvious she hated me but she was so hot. The tension between us was so thick and we couldn’t stand to be in the same room together. Maybe there will be an incident one day where we reveal the most vulnerable parts of ourselves and she will be the only one I come to trust </3 I knew in time she would warm up to me and even though she hates me right now, perhaps later we will be... lovers?
“Next to her is JJ,” Hotch announced.
A blonde woman came over and hugged me, “Hi, sweetie, I’m your mom!”
“Um, no you’re not.” I said. My mom literally sold me to her.
“In an alternate universe I am, silly!” She booped my nose.
An awkward silence filled the air.
“You know, in another alternate universe you could have been sold to, I don’t know, One Direction or something.” JJ laughed.
I laughed with her. Wow, she’s so crazy.
Hotch cleared his throat. “And this, is-” I turned to where he was pointing and gasped.
“Y/N, hi.” He quietly said.
I walked over and gave my childhood friend a hug. “I haven’t seen you in so long!” I exclaimed. After giving him a tight squeeze, I released him, only to see his cheeks tinged a bright pink. He only blushed like that when he had a crush. Could we become childhood friends... to lovers?
“And lastly,” Hotch said. “This is Penelope Garcia, your-”
“Soulmate!” She finished for him. “See our matching tattoos! And I can hear your thoughts! And you can hear mine! And if we write on our skin, the other person can see it! And we can feel each other’s pain! Isn’t that so cool!”
Yeah!! I thought.
“I know right!!” She responded out loud.
Omg she really is my soulmate.
I smiled at her and gave her a hug.
Most people would probably think it’s really weird to be sitting at a table with a mafia boss, a werewolf/vampire/whatever, an enemy, a childhood friend, a mom from an alternate universe, and soulmate, but I am NOT like other girls so I was completely okay with it. I’m also okay with the fact that my actual mom sold me to the FBI. Because I hate her.
I looked up at Hotch. “So what are you?”
"Me? I’m just your normal FBI boss. And we’ve got a case.”
“A case?? I’m not trained for the FBI!”
“You will be. Wheels up in 30.”
haha, if you couldn’t tell by now, this entire “fic” was my little april fool’s joke :’) i tried to squeeze every wattpad trope in to this monstrosity of a fanfiction and i wish i could say i hated writing it but it was honestly pretty funny... even tho it’s so, so painful to read. anyways, sorry if you were expecting an actual fic, i am trying my best to work on my wips but until then check out my masterlist (with writing that is much better than this)! <3
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ssamie · 3 years
ten. love is war!
oikawa tooru x fem langa!reader
(hq x sk8 the infinity)
warnings: spelling mistakes, swearing, 2k+ words, u have langa’s blue hair sorry
gen masterlist.                  "snow" masterlist
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oikawa grumbled under his breath as he walked alongside of y/n. normally, he would be more than happy to be hanging with her so casually. but that certainly wasn't the case at the moment, seeing as, not only is iwaizumi with them, but also the five other friends of hers
"hey hey, where are we going exactly?" oikawa whispered to her
y/n peered back at him and smiled "well, we're just going wherever. it's been pretty long since i last saw my friends, after all" she said "but you can stay behind if you don't wanna come with oikawa-san" she said with furrowed brows as she took notice of his grumbling
oikawa took one quick glance at reki and grumbled even more as he shook his head "no, im coming with!" he huffed 
y/n nodded and chuckled sheepishly "okay, oikawa-san.. tell me if you need anything" she said 
"hey, actually.. am i even allowed to be here?" oikawa asked with a look of dread as he looks around them 
joe, cherry, miya, reki, and shadow were casually chatting along and yet he felt a little left out. 
"of course, oikawa-san" y/n reassured him with a smile "why? do you feel awkward?" she asked him. she then averted his eyes towards iwaizumi and mused "even iwaizumi-san is getting along with them quite well" she said 
oikawa sweat dropped and followed her line of sight "that's cus he's bonding with joe over some weird crossfit stuff!" he exclaimed. oikawa sighed and stared longingly at his best friend "even miya likes him" he playfully cried "all that kid does is bully me and call me a slime" he sulked 
y/n sweat dropped and chuckled at his antics. "well then, you can stick with me if you want" she mused. "i won't let you feel left out, oikawa-san" she chuckled "since you did the same for me when i fist joined the team, remember?" she smiled 
oikawa stared up at her with comical tears flowing down his cheeks and beamed "thank you! you're the best, y/n-chan!!" oikawa cheered 
y/n laughed as the brunette hugged her arm and leaned down to rest his head on her shoulder. "you look silly oikawa-san, please stand straight" she sweat dropped as she struggled to walk with his towering form clinging onto her 
oikawa laughed and did as he was told, though still keeping their arms locked together. "dont be like that, y/n-chan~" oikawa cooed "y know you love me" he grinned cockily 
y/n chuckled and sighed "sure, oikawa-san. whatever you say" she said 
from behind them, reki watched with a smile as she and oikawa goofed around. he's always happy to see her so lively and becoming close with new people, after all. 
"well..??" miya mused as he gestured to the two with an expectant look 
"well what?" reki tilted his head in confusion 
miya rolled his eyes and pulled him down to his height to whisper "aren't you gonna do something?" he asked 
reki furrowed his brows and let out a sheepish laugh "what do you mean?" he asked "what do i need to do?" 
miya sighed in exasperation "you're so stupid. no wonder you can't go up from your position as a slime" he said 
reki huffed and ruffled his hair, making miya groan in annoyance "don't call me stupid! also, what're you even on about?" he said
"what're you gonna do if she suddenly gets together with him?" miya asked him 
reki blinked in response and let out a nervous laugh "what..? what kinda question is that?" he mused 
"and what kind of answer is that?" miya spat out in annoyance "you know what? whatever" he said "just don't blame anyone but yourself if y/n suddenly finds a new best friend and gets a boyfriend that isn't you" miya sneered 
reki frowned and hit him in the head, making miya whimper "shut up! she won't do that" reki said with a meek laugh 
reki peered up at her, watching as she listened to oikawa with a weary look on her face as he rants to her about something stupid with his usual charming but cocky grin. 
"she won't do that." he muttered to himself. "she promised."
soon, all of them had arrived at some random restaurant since y/n and reki had been complaining about food for about an hour straight, and frankly, cherry has had enough. 
"y know, you probably should've declined adam's beef" reki mused. y/n raised a brow and looked at him in confusion "what? why?" she asked "i won either way.." 
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reki sighed and turned to look at her "well yeah, but adam's totally nuts! and didn't you promise you won't skate with him anymore?" y/n gulped and looked away from him "i did promise that didn't i.." she mumbled 
"well, it's whatever." she waved it off "it already happened. besides, im totally fine!" she grinned 
reki watched as she went to grab some of the food, only for her to wince as her wounded hand grazed the hot bowl. "ow" she winced under her breath as she cradled her hand 
reki sweat dropped and laughed at her "see? what'd i tell you" he mused as he went to grab her hand "here, let me see—" 
he couldn't seem to finish his sentence since he was beaten to it by oikawa's interjection. "tsk tsk, y/n-chan you gotta be careful you know?" oikawa playfully scolded her as he grabbed her hand and gently massaged her palm to try and ease the pain down 
y/n huffed and nodded along as she let's oikawa hold her hand for a while longer "sorry, oikawa-san" she muttered as oikawa playfully pokes her cheek to annoy her 
"hm." reki pursed his lips as he let out a low hum, watching the scene play out with partial confusion and annoyance 
"haha! be careful next time!" reki exclaimed with a grin as he ruffles her hair and pulled her closer to him, making oikawa loose his grasp on her. "yeah sorry" she grinned sheepishly as she looks up at reki with reddening cheeks 
reki side eyes oikawa and sends him a smile, to which the brunette responded to with an irked and painfully forced smile in return 
"haha, well then.." oikawa mused "here you go, y/n-chan" he said as he held a sushi before her with his chopsticks "you should let me feed you since your hand's pretty messed up" oikawa suggested with a smile 
y/n looked up at the brunette and then down at the sushi and eagerly nodded. "okay!" she said as she went to chomp on the sushi, only to be met with nothing. 
"eh?" she mumbled in confusion as she stares at the chopsticks which were now empty 
"actually, i'll do that!" reki interjected with a sweet smile as he snatches the sushi from his chopsticks with his own "here, y/n! say 'ahh!' " reki cooed as he held it to her with his hand cupping the underside from crumbs 
"oh.. um.. okay?" she muttered in confusion as she turned to face reki with her cheeks slowly heating up "a-ahh" she smiled nervously as she went to eat the sushi, only for it to be snatched away once again 
"my my, reki-kun~" oikawa cooed with an irked smile "you shouldn't pass around people's food" he said "now it's all mushy and gross" oikawa stiffly laughed as he put away the sushi and reached for a new one 
reki took a deep breath and sent him an equally irked smile as well. "ah is that so?" he chuckled "my bad.." 
"have this instead then, y/n" reki said as he reached for a dumpling and held it to her mouth 
"have this instead, y/n-chan~" oikawa cooed as he held the sushi to her mouth as well 
"oh..okay.." y/n sweat dropped as she looked at the two boys beside her with a look of dread. "actually, maybe i'll just finish my drink for now—" 
"ha, see! she didn't want the sushi anyways! haha what a shame!" reki cooed as he taunted oikawa 
"well apparently, she's also not in a dumpling mood, is she, reki-kun?" oikawa cooed back through gritted teeth 
as the two boys telepathically argue, y/n sat quietly as her stomach grumbled, wanting nothing more than to eat at the moment. 
"geez. those two slimes really are a good-for-nothing" miya said with a sigh. he then turned to y/n with a smug cat-like grin and held his chopsticks out for her 
"guess i'll have to feed you instead" he cooed with an evil laugh  
y/n beamed and happily munched on the food, "thank you, miya" she said with a smile as she lets miya feed her the meal 
miya chuckled and sent the two boys a smug smirk. reki and oikawa deadpans at him and huffed. "did he just." oikawa muttered "yeah he did." reki replied
"just how long is this gonna go on for?" shadow sighed as he watched oikawa and reki subtly shove each other by masking it with friendly smiles and conversations
"dunno, but im enjoying this!!" miya exclaimed as he happily let's y/n feed him as well
shadow deadpanned as he watched the boy purr and roll around like an over joyed cat. 
"well of course you are" he sweat dropped
"man, just how long til we get there?" reki groaned out as he shuffles around in his seat
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"but it's so boring! why can't we just skate there" reki huffed as he reluctantly planted himself still in his seat
"you're not a child. stop acting like one or im kicking you out of this car" cherry said in annoyance
"because it's too far and everyone here will pass out from the heat" cherry responded with a sigh "also.. if its so hot.." he trailed off. "then why are you two cuddling as if its the peak of winter?!" he exclaimed as he gestured to y/n and reki, who was pressed against each other as they both practically melt into a puddle
"because reki said he missed me" y/n replied "so i wanted to comfort him"
cherry peered down at her with a grimace as he took note of her sweat drenched face, and her meek smile "you're sweating all over the seats. that's disgusting." cherry deadpanned
"but i don't want reki to be sad" she reasoned
"he looks perfectly fine to me" cherry shook his head in exasperation "and you." he averted his eyes towards miya "what are you doing?"
miya looked back at him and grinned sheepishly "we're bonding, don't you see?" he cooed with a playful scoff
"bonding?! who the hell said that?! get off me!" oikawa exclaimed as he tried to pluck miya off of his lap 
"we're bonding!" miya hissed at him "it just so happened that theres an ac directly above you, so this position is necessary" he said 
"piss off, catboy" oikawa playfully scowled at him "if it's so hot then take off that damn cat hoodie you have on!" 
"no way!" miya exclaimed as he tried to pry away oikawa's hands, thus causing more chaos within the car 
"hey stop moving around!!" shadow scolded them  from the driver's seat "and you two love birds! stop sweating on my seats!" 
"we're not sweating on them!" reki exclaimed 
"its practically river back there, shut up redhead!" 
cherry had a look of dread on his face as he managed to just sit and endure the whole thing. though that was soon ruined as he turned to look at joe and iwaizumi, only to find them arm wrestling like a bunch of crazy gym freaks. 
"arm wrestling? really?" cherry scoffed in disbelief "in the middle of a car ride? in a moving vehicle?" 
"dont worry kaoru!" joe mused "im totally beating this kid" 
"yeah right" iwaizumi grinned as he slammed joe's arm down with a look of triumph 
"what the?!" joe spluttered "no way! kaoru! he cheated i swear!" he exclaimed 
"i don't care" cherry grumbled back "hey, step on the gas and just take us there for christ's sake" he said to shadow with a weary sigh 
"geez, no need to tell me twice" shadow replied 
"WOAH!" reki and y/n cheered as they looked around the empty skatepark "SO COOL!" they exclaimed as they ran around the open space 
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"how'd you find this, oikawa-san?" she asked the brunette with sparkling eyes "i didnt think miyagi even had skateparks!" 
reki perked up and faced him "girls? do you have a girlfriend already or something?" he asked the brunette 
"oh? you like it here huh?" oikawa mused "then let's go again sometime" he suggested "also, one of the girls at school told me about it" he said 
"i don't" oikawa replied with furrowed brows "why?" 
"no reason" reki cooed as he have oikawa a friendly pat on the back "just thought it'd be weird to be so close to y/n if you have a girlfriend" 
"but you don't so it's fine.. totally fine.." 
"oikawa-san is very popular at school so he has a lot of fangirls." y/n explained as she skates past them
"popular?!" reki exclaimed in surprise "you're popular, oikawa-san?!" 
"huh? so what if i am?!" oikawa huffed in response "and why are you so surprised?!" he narrowed his eyes at the redhead. "well i didnt think you would be famous like that" reki said with a laugh "well i guess it makes sense since you're an athlete and all" 
oikawa sweat dropped and peered down at him "i can't tell if you're mocking me or if you're being genuine" he said 
reki smiled at him and sheepishly rubbed the back of his neck "im being genuine" he said "its cool that you're a big shot athlete already at your age. you're probably really talented too" reki said "you're pretty admirable, oikawa-san . i can see why y/n enjoys being with you" reki let out a soft chuckle 
oikawa's eyes softened at his words and awkwardly shuffled in his place. "you're pretty cool too, reki-kun" oikawa admitted with a sigh 
"im kinda jealous of you, actually. you don't even have to try and yet.." oikawa trailed off as he watched y/n look at reki with love filled eyes from afar. 
reki looked at him and tilted his head in confusion. "yet what..?" he asked 
oikawa shook his head and waved it off "nothing, nothing. nevermind" he chuckled "just go skate or something" he said "i'm staying here" 
reki grinned and playfully slapped his back. "don't be like that!" he laughed "you're the one who brought us here, so you gotta join in on the fun!" reki beamed as he dragged oikawa over to the rest of the group 
"oh? have you two finally made up?" cherry mused as he watched reki drag oikawa around, while the brunette complains about the wind ruining his hair. 
"made up? but we never fought" reki mused as he got in his skateboard 
"you say that as if we didn't have to sit through your passive aggressive exchange during lunch" shadow sweatdropped 
"eh? what'd you mean?" reki cooed "your memory's going stale, old man shadow!" 
"im only twenty four!" shadow yelled back 
"over already?!" reki whined as they reluctantly followed them to the car 
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"well, its already dark" iwaizumi said as he stretched his arms over his head. "and we've been here for hours"
"hes just sad cus he hasn't skated in forever" miya sneered as he skated past them and placed his board into the trunk 
"fine" reki sighed in reply. "hey, was it fun?" he asked oikawa, making the brunette shrug. "it was fun, yeah.. though falling on my ass wasn't exactly the greatest" oikawa replied 
"exactly! let's just stay here for a while!" reki pouted. "we can skate again tomorrow, reki" y/n said with a smile as she patted his back reassuringly 
"don't worry, oikawa-san! you were actually pretty good!" y/n complimented him with a grin 
"yeah yeah, you flatter me too much!" oikawa chuckled as he nudged her playfully with his shoulder 
"anyways, im pretty tired." she yawned. "i think i'll just sleep on the way home" she said as she entered the car and sat down on the leather seats 
oikawa and reki side eyed each other, shuffling on their spots as they send each other one last 'friendly' smile before sprinting towards the car, trying to claim the seat next to her. 
"what the hell" iwaizumi deadpanned as he watched them push and shove each other as they fought for the seat beside her "i thought they made up already" iwaizumi sighed 
"and are they really that dumb to not realize she's sitting in the middle." miya chimed in as he peered at the two with a grimace 
"you can sit on both sides, slimes!" miya yelled at them 
"oh right" they both muttered in realisation as they quietly take their seat on either side of her. 
"ehem." reki fake coughed. "y/n!!" he cooed at her with a beaming smile 
y/n looked over at him with tired eyes and smiled back "yes reki?" she asked as her cheeks gradually heat up
"if you ever wanna sleep, you can use me as a pillow" reki suggested with a grin as he patted his shoulder 
"me too! but im probably more comfortable since reki-kun here would probably poke your eye out with his spiky ass hair" oikawa cooed with a sweet smile 
y/n spluttered as she looked back at oikawa with a look of disbelief "what? his.. his hair?" she muttered 
"awh! but oikawa-san, you might suffocate her with the amount of hairspray you have on to keep your hair in place!" reki cooed back with a giggle 
y/n sweat dropped and nervously looked at the two boys as they continue to smile and beam at each other despite their awfully insulting words. "i see.." y/n nervously chuckled. "well, i appreciate it" she said 
"no problem!" they beamed at her
"its been half an hour." miya commented 
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"yeah." iwaizumi nodded along "what's gonna happen next? i think i know." 
miya hummed and side eyed them. "y/n's asleep." he muttered in a deeper 'narrator' type voice 
"i see." iwaizumi nodded 
oikawa hummed to himself as he slyly watched her head slowly starting to fall and instinctively lean against somewhere. "wow. this ride's pretty long" oikawa mused 
"her head is falling." miya said. "i see." iwaizumi replied.
"mhm." reki nodded 
a soft sigh could be heard as y/n's head slowly falls towards reki's direction, causing a smug smirk to form on his lips 
"the slime won." miya clapped quietly, with iwaizumi sulking for his friend 
oikawa gritted his teeth as a vein popped out of his temple out of frustration. he swiftly grabbed her head and dropped it down to his own shoulder, waking her in the process from the sudden pull 
"what the..?" y/n mumbled as he looked up at oikawa in confusion 
"nevermind! the other slime won by force!" miya commented as he glared at oikawa while iwaizumi smiled proudly 
"what're you doing?!" reki exclaimed as he grabbed her head and forcefully rested it on his shoulder instead 
"im letting her get comfortable, that's all" oikawa mused as he placed her head back onto him 
"reki?! oikawa-san?! what are you guys doing?! " she frantically asked as she felt her head being shook around, and her neck coming close to snapping 
"shh! sleep!" oikawa shushed her as he held her close and gently ran his fingers through her hair. "i- why are you guys pulling on me?!" she shrieked out 
"okay that's enough." cherry sighed as he turned around to hit both boys on their head with his fan "let the girl rest. and stop fighting." he sighed "just sleep altogether or something"
in the end, oikawa and reki ended up resting their head on her shoulder while iwaizumi rests peacefully beside them. miya, however, was sprawled out on top of them with his head on y/n's lap and iwaizumi holding his legs down to keep him from slipping 
all in all, it was a cute sight, and whether they admit it or not, joe, cherry, and shadow definitely took loads of pictures. 
"geez." joe sighed 
"these kids are making me feel old" he mused "when was the last time we were like this, kaoru?" he asked as he gestured to their sleeping figures. 
"since never." cherry deadpanned "not once did we ever do that" he said, making joe sweat drop 
"sheesh, atleast play along or something" 
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sorry for the spelling /grammar mistakes if there are any :>
idk if this is good i'm so sorry 💀 
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slashingdisneypasta · 3 years
Harper Alexander x Fem!Reader || Oneshot, [Part 2]
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Title: The Fake Love Of My Life [PART 2]
I'm just realising Harper and Y/N's relationship is very like Dimitri and Anastasia haha XD
Plot: Fake fiancés, impending murder victims who are actually quite lovely, dancing, jealousy, and engagement rings- oh my!
Warnings: Ehhhhhhhhhhhhhhh? Jealousy?
"Wait... you two? Are together???"
The words coming out of an 'honoured guest's mouth, aimed at Harper and I as he comes on into the bar, pressing a kiss to my temple on his way past. The guests, especially the one that rode in with that blonde Harper made off with earlier, do not miss it despite its subtlety - given more for the towns folk around us then anything else, obviously, - . And suddenly the fact that Harper just went off flirting with another woman, hits us both in the face.
Well... fuck- and the rest of the town catches it, too; Freaking out also, on the inside. I glance up unsurely at Harper who is still standing close to my seat, but force a tinkering smile that just makes me look perplexed, and that doesn't meet my eyes.
Which, you know, works. Because if we were a real couple, and I didn't, in fact, know perfectly well that he had to seduce these girls then I would look like this; Oblivious. And that's exactly what the guests think is happening.
Trying not to show my nervousness at the situation, a shield that I've mastered at this point, I decide to play the clueless-type. Thoughtlessly blinking and smiling, I tilt my head at the guy. "Yeah," I hold up the back my left hand, and show off the engagement ring (Which so happens to be Harper's actual mothers ring, so I take very good care of it even if it doesn't totally feel like mine, nor will it ever- seeing at the engagement in the first place is a total hoax) and beam. "We're engaged, actually!"
"Uhhh... " The guy's eyes flicker nervously from me, to Harper where his glance becomes hard. You can tell that he's struggling not to tell me out right what my 'fiancé' has been up to, and is gouging what kind of reaction Harper might give if he does do that right now. Still looking blissfully oblivious, I look between the two with wide, confused eyes. "Dude."
Knitting my brows together, I play my part well. A hand on Harpers arm and a teetering tone to my voice completes the act. "Harper?"
"Ah. Y/N!... " He picks up my hand off his arm, and holds it in his own, playing his own part with a side of guilt sitting beside a big serving of regretful douchebag. He doesn't meet my eyes completely, just flickers over them, leaning his shoulder slightly between me and the guy. "Its nothin', don't worry about it. Okay?"
"Hey, its not nothing!" The guy actually shoves Harper out of his way, and my own blow open wide at it as Harper flashes a dark glare his way, silently. "Girl- " I blink up at this man, who's pointing directly at me after that show of violence and I hand him all my attention. Because oh- wow- direct! Okay, yes? I mean I know he's going to be dead in a couple of hours and he's the enemy but wow. He points behind him with a thumb, at Harper. "This guy's been cheating on you. I saw him go off with my girl friend, Jess- and I know her. The way she was lookin' at him... oof," He shakes his head. "They fucked, or something, man. I'm sorry."
Miss Peaches and Boone flash eachother a smirky, secret glance at that while most people are looking at me for a response or glaring at Harper like some of the guests are, Buckman's watching this whole scene like a show at the theatre and he's on the edge of his seat, Hucklebilly is silently urging me with his eyes to do something already. Like hurry. Hurry up. Hurry! Hurry!!
Dragging my gaze away from Huck's, I make myself slowly look from the guy that 'told me'... to Harper. Before a new expression can take hold on my face, I ask, in a deadly tone; "... what?"
Harper immediately comes forward again, looking desperate and pissed off- though its not me, he's angry at. "I don't know what he's talking about, Y/N, I swear- "
I get up from my seat and he steps - stumbles? - back at the terrible glare on my face. As terrible as I can muster, when I want to laugh at his reactions. You know? Sometimes this pretending thing can be a lot of fun. Taking a deep breath, I take off the ring he gave me, and under the gaze of the man that told me Harper was 'cheating'- I hand it back to him. Then I clear my throat, as he looks from it... to me. And does 'heartbroken' so well. "... Um- whether you did, or not. I- I cant wear this... u-until, I know. You know? Um... sorry."
Then I manage to slip past him and out the bar door, into the empty square before a smile fights onto my face and giggles topple out of me. I collapse against the side of the building, letting the laughter come out as I cover my face. Oh god... the looks on Harper's face! Oh, he was good.
He must have run out after me a moment later - after the appropriate amount of staring heartbrokenly at my empty seat, I'm sure, - because then he's poking around the corner, finding me, and enfolding his hands into his pockets as he saddles lazily up to me.
But he does not fool me- he's pretty damn amused too, I see, as when I glance around my fingers; Theirs a grin on his handsome face.
Sighing, I calm down and press my head back into the wood. "That was good! You did well!- Coulda cried, though. I mean, you were being left by me, after all."
Rolling his eyes, making me giggle again, Harper sets his jaw. "You sure think a lotta yourself, don't ya?" His slow drawl is back to normal, no longer desperate like he was acting before. Perfectly, annoyingly shirty. He leans in towards me, giving me a raised eyebrow-look. "I didn't see you cryin', neither, Y/N. Not even one, stray, tear."
"Hm. Not even I am that good an actress, Harper."
He smirks back at me, and for a moment , before returning to his straight standing position, and sighing. He looks back at the building, his mouth twisted into a displeased, put-out frown. "Well, I guess we're fightin', now... Should we be yellin'?"
Scrunching up my nose, suddenly tasting something gross in my mouth, I scowl at him. "Do we want to be the kinda couple that screams and yells?"
"Well, it is just an act."
"Yeah, but still."
"Hmmm... " Harper, looking dissatisfied with my objections, looks away again and thinks. "Okay. How about we just say we fought, then? You can jog in place for a minute and look like you just ran a marathon or something when we get back in."
Gaze flickering up to him, my eyes narrow. "Oh I am only running, if you let me squeeze your cheeks to make it look like you got red-faced."
He does not look like he likes that idea, at all. "... Okay. What if I didn't find you, then? 'N instead I walked around looking for you for a while. You can go back in now and I'll wait out here for a while before comin' back in."
"Yeah, lets do that." I push off the wall and ready myself to go back in their, looking all down, when Harper pulls something out of his pocket and tries to give it back to me. As soon as I realise that its the ring though, I shake my head good naturedly and push his hand back. "You hold onto it, until this is all over. I don't want it falling out of my pocket." It was his mothers, so its important, and if anything in this relationship is real its our shared devotion to keeping that ring safe. I would die if I lost it.
Harper stalls for a moment, displeased by my response if I didn't know better, before shoving it and his fist back into the pocket of his trousers. "Alright then... Until this is all over."
"Right." I assure him, awkwardly. Before patting his shoulder and passing him by. "See you back in there!"
Its nearly 45 minutes before Harper comes back into the bar, a sullen look on his face still, like normal. I look away almost immediately, pointedly- returning to the conversation I'm having with Miss Peaches. "... As I was saying, yeah we are having nice weather toda- "
The guy from earlier - the one that had informed me of Harper's 'infidelity'. I think his name was Matt? - suddenly pushes out of his seat a few tables over, seeing Harper come in also and saddles right beside my chair. I cut off again, and look up to him. Hello? Mister?
Not looking at me, rather glowering Harper's way, Matt offers his hand to me. Shoving it right in front of my face. I blink, surprised at its presence and the gesture. "Miss? Would you like to dance?"
"Uh- " What? I look from him, with wide, surprised eyes to Miss Peaches who just looks pretty darn amused at it - in other words, entirely unhelpful, - , as I feel quite put on the spot and unsure. What is he doing?? The whole room seems to still once again, noticing the scene that Matt is creating, and I glance Harper's way.
His sullen look has just begun to look hazardous to anyone standing near to him and I fight not wince under its power, myself.
Matt breaks his gaze from its locked position with Harper's, and looks down to me; His gaze softens, a bit, and I understand that he's only trying to make me feel better. And if this whole thing wasn't fraudulent in the first place I would probably be grateful. So letting out a careful breath, letting go of my nerves and surprise at being put in a position like this, I place my hand in his and let him guide me up to my feet.
Oh god- now I just really want everyone to stop looking, at us. At me. Stop, stop, stop-
A booming clap sounds throughout the room, and just like that everyone's attention is stolen clean away by our enigmatic mayor, who's stood up and grinning. "What a good idea! Go on everyone, lets have ourselves a good old-fashioned hoedown. Grab a partner and get to the dance floor!"
As everyone immediately starts liking that idea and getting up from their seats, and music starts play from the little wooden stage in the corner, I let myself relax. Thank god. Bless that man. Long live the mayor.
"Hey, so, are you okay?" I'm broken from my relieved thoughts, as Matt walks me to the middle of the dance floor and guides me in front of him- setting one hand on my waist while the other holds my hand. His words are sweet and low, so no one else really hears, and damn- I'm going to sure be mournful when he dies. Even if he is a yank.
Offering him a small, strong smile as we begin to dance to the reasonably paced guitar music, I set the hand of mine that isn't holding his securely up onto his shoulder. He's just wearing a sleeveless under shirt, so I feel a bit of the skin of his shoulder which is odd but I've long since given up holding new-comers to any of the same expectations we have. "I'm holding up, thank you. I just never thought he would do something like that... its so not Harper... "
Speaking of Harper, I glance around the room slowly to see where he is now, and catch his glare from the side of the room with Miss Peaches. Evidently she's asking him if he wants to dance with her while I'm busy, but he seems unresponsive. Too busy playing jealous.
I quickly look away. Matt shrugs. "Yeah well, you can never really tell with douchebags. Sometimes they're real nice guys, until they aren't."
"Yeah... I guess so... "
"Anyway," Matt suddenly lets go of my waist, carries my hand up to above our heads, and spins me. A cant help the delighted giggle that tumbles out of me at the move, my skirts flying around me before he pulls me back to his body. He flashes me a grin back, and as the music's tempo speeds up, so do we- the dance becoming faster, and more fun. "Lets see if I can distract you from that bullshit for a little while."
Smirking back to him, I feel like forgetting about who I'm supposed to be, now - engaged and heartbroken, - in order to just have some fun. Because damn, it has been a long time. Yes at parties I dance with men - Lester, Hucklebilly, Buckman. Even Granny, though she isn't a man, - but that's not really the same. That's like dancing with my brothers, or my father - or mother, - . Theirs nothing quite like dancing with a man you don't know, not because you want him to court you or because he wants to court you, but just for fun.
"Lets see if you can."
A couple of hours later I finally sit back down again, a beam on my face and my cheeks warm - aching for a glass of water or twelve, - as Matt excuses himself to go to the bathroom- but promises that he'll be back. "Take your time, I'll be here!"
He smiles, patting my shoulder comfortingly, before turning and heading off out of the building.
Its a few moments later, after I've acquired a drink of water and am sipping at it at the bar, that Harper slips into the seat next to me. I turn and- immediately, catch myself. I was about to smile, and ask him how his night is going.
But I remembered just in time that I am supposed to be mad at him, and take a deep breath; Looking away again.
Without saying a thing to me, he orders himself a shot of whiskey- a heavily grumpy look on his face. I glance at him, wondering what's going on in his head and if he's had any fun at all tonight or if he's been preoccupied acting like a jealous bastard the whole time. I worry that its turned his actual mood sour.
I hope not.
"So... " He finally speaks, still not looking at me. "You been havin' a good time, with that yank?"
"Um... " Glancing around us, I see a group of the yankee girls nearby within hearing distance, and look nervously at Harper. Because for whatever reason, I get the inkling that he isn't acting anymore, and I don't want him thinking that anything that comes out of my mouth, is true. "That's... not, really, any of your business- is it?"
Finally he looks at me, and theirs a pissed off gleam in his brown eyes as he looks down on me. "Oh yes it is. You're my fiancé, ain't ya?"
My jaw nearly damn well drops. Has he been drinking before now?? I didn't see him dancing at all throughout the night. What's wrong with him? Theirs definitely something odd about what he's saying; How he's looking.
Not even Harper is this good of an actor.
"Harper... " Lowering my voice and leaning closer, I tug gently at the side of his clean white shirt. "Are you alright? Do you want to leave and talk?- "
"What's happenin' here, huh?" Oh for fucks sake- I turn to see Matt suddenly back, on my other side and standing over both Harper and I- but turning his stony, protective, angry look on my 'fiancé', obviously. I mean, I appreciate the efforts but you really have the worst timing, Mathew-
Harper doesn't back down even an inch from the more imposing figure that is my dancing partner for the evening. In fact he just pulls up his whiskey to his lips, letting his hand dangle lazily before him as he raises his brows at Matt. "I'm talkin' to my lady, a'course. What are you doin'?"
"Oh, your lady?" Matt scoffs, and I feel like red lights should be flashing and alarms should be blaring. Their tones are dangerous. "First of all, this is the twenty first century man so she has a name. Second of all- did you mean Y/N or the girl two seats down from you?"
Oh, hell. My eyes widen as that particular dig leaves Matts lips and, knowing Harper's already prickly personality, turn slowly to him. A flickering of a tiny - dangerous, - smile flashes across his lips as he nods and looks away, before taking the whole contents of his glass in one go. Then he turns to me - to me! - , an only marginally softer look in his eyes. "Y/N, lets go."
"Uh- " I cut myself off, unsure of how to respond. He continues to look at me, waiting impatiently for my response, and Matt looks swiftly down at me before picking up for, me.
"Y/N's not going anywhere with you if she doesn't want to, man. So back off."
"My apologies, was I talking to you?" Harper turns his gaze up to Matt again, and my eyes tear around the room for some help, but for the first time today no one, is stopping to witness the drama.
Hell, violence could be ensuing, and no one here cares?? Seriously?! How drunk is everyone?!
"No, but someone has to be good to Y/N."
Harper doesn't flinch but you can tell that he wanted to, as one of his eyes slowly squints, and the frown lines in his face deepen. "... do you wanna take this outside?"
Immediately I whip around to face him fully. A hand slamming down on the table between us and I am deeply concerned. "Harper do you even see the size of this man!?"
"Love to, but I don't feel the need to remedy all my problems with violence, mate." Matt smirks, crossing his arms. And first of all, thank god, but also- the look on Harper's face at hearing that is horrifying. How could this man have made things worse, by not punching Harper in the face?! Now I kind of wish they had gone outside.
"Okay!" Before Harper can respond, or take out the sharp throwing object I know he has in his pocket, I get up out of my seat and back off from them both. "You both need to stop this, before it becomes a dick measuring contest. First of all, Matt, I had a really lovely night so thank you, but I'm leaving now, so goodbye. Harper- " The moment I turn to him, I stall, and calm down. And I mean it, when I say; "I'll talk to you, later."
Then I turn around and head for the door so that I can walk out into the night and go home- when I suddenly hear a horrible hitting noise and a crash, followed by gasps and Buckman yelling 'HELL'- and whip right back around. My eyes blow open wide the moment that I see Matt, fallen into a chair behind him holding his jaw, and Harper shaking out his fist, still managing to look tough even as his fist must be killing him, looking down on Matt. I gape, about to say something - or yell something, - but Harper suddenly turns to me, and grabs my hand on his way storming through the horrified crowd and out of the building. I just try to keep up so he doesn't tear my arm off.
Once we're down the road a bit, I manage to rip my arm back away from him, and get glare in response. I tough it out, though, and scowl back at him. "Harper what the hell?? I mean I know we're kind of invested in our scheme but you're acting weird, now. And- you- you hit him! Why would you do that??? What is wrong with you??"
"'It's what my 'character', woulda done," He almost growls, through grit teeth.
"You really don't have to go that far, Harp!" He really, really, doesn't!
Rolling his eyes up into his skull, I watch as he finally takes in a deep breath- hands on his hips, bracing himself. After a moment of silence, and I'm thinking he's calming down now thankfully, his gaze flashes to me and I see clearly that he's still burning.
Reaching over to me, he once again takes my hand in his and drags me off. Not quite so angrily this time, so I don't fear that my arm will be removed from my shoulder at all at least, but I'm still totally lost. Where are we going, now??
We don't go far, as it turns out, and he quickly presses me against a wall between two houses close by to where we were, and in the darkness I can just make out a clearer look entering his eyes, finally. Like his sight is finally, - finally, finally! - not so clouded by fury anymore, as he breathes in fresh night time air. Silently, I watch, waiting for him to speak first.
Is he okay??
Taking his hands off of me, he runs a hand back through his hair, and finally lets his shoulders relax. "... Okay. Okay. I'm fine, now. Sorry for makin' you uncomfortable."
"Are... are you sure you're alright? Do you want to talk about what just happened??" Because I definitely think we should-
"My character just got away from me, that's all. I got too into it... I apologise." Yeah, he says that, but he still isn't looking me in the eye. Everywhere but my eye, actually. And an idea occurs to me that makes my heart start to beat louder, in my ears. Carefully, I reach up, and lay one hand on his shoulder while the other curls up into his hair.
I literally feel his body relax more, under my touch. A sigh escapes him, that I'm sure he would've preferred me not hear. So he looks stony, again.
Letting go of my bottom lip, as I had nervously been chewing it, my gaze flickers up to his face. "Um, would it help, if... my character, were to, 'forgive', you?" Still against his better judgement I'm sure, Harper perks up, at my suggestion. I set him with a focused, serious look. "Because she does. She knows that you have to touch other girls and its not because you want to, and in fact it has nothing to do with her. Me."
"... yeah?"
I nod. "Yes." Giving him a smile, I start to take my hand away from him and step away. "So don't fret! We're okay. Still engaged, and in 'love'- "
Suddenly, before I can get away completely, Harper grabs my hand again and tugs me back- and further, to his lips, where he presses a passionate kiss. A moan is torn out of me immediately and my eyes quickly fall shut, reciprocating before I can think better of it.
This happens a lot, now; The kissing. It helps us get into character, I suppose. Makes us feel like two people who are actually in love, rather then Y/N and Harper who just pretend to be. And it feels really, really good.
He pulls back not even an inches worth of space for a moment, solely for air, and my eyes crack open a tiny bit; Enough to see him gulping down air so he can come back. "Harper... "
He presses right back quickly, guiding me forward back into the wall behind me. Wood digs into my spine but I cant bring myself to care, too wrapped up in the body of the man kissing the hell out of me and my endeavour to taste him back, and maybe gouge a moan or two from him. Because I want to hear it. I don't know why, but I need to. I feel like all I ever see from him is spite and crankiness and I need to know he has more, for me. Especially, for me.
Tugging gently on some of his hair seems to win me what I wanted, as I swallow the vibrations of his groans. Then I slowly pull back, my heels finding the ground again and opening my eyes delicately, and look up at him as he sighs; Understanding that its over as he still leans over me.
Tilting my head, breathing slowly in order to return to former breathing patterns, I catch his gaze. "... Feeling better?" My voice is low, talking carefully as I look up at him from beneath my eyelids.
"... almost."
"Hm?" What else can I do? I'm just wondering what else it could possibly be that he, or his character, wants from me when to my surprise Harper slips down to one knee before me. My eyes widen slightly, looking down at him and wondering what he is doing. "Harp? Your knee hurt?"
He takes my hand in his and, not looking me in the eye as my heart starts to beat unbelievably louder- the sound reverberating hot in my ears. "I just figured, that, our engagement is missin' something."
Oh... Harper takes his mothers ring back out of his pocket, and slips it back onto my fourth finger; Where it now lives. "Y/N L/N, we've known eachother a long time now, basically our whole lives... unfortunately, I think I've only just cracked the surface of what their is to know when it comes to you... and I'd sure like to spend the rest of my life trying to learn the rest."
"Aw... Now, I kinda regret that we didn't do this in front of people. You did that really, well. And telling me my last name! Nice touch." I tell him, because its true, but adding a little joke because I have to as I slip my hand out of his grasp and examine the ring back in its place. My ring.
It really is pretty.
"I ain't done." My eyes snap back to Harper's and my cheeks heat up even more then they had been already, and close my mouth quick.
Flashing a little smile that looks so good on him, he tilts his head. I nearly forget that this is fake. "Will you marry me?"
Breath hitching, because that is the softest, least disapproving-of-me thing he has ever said and it makes my stomach drop- In a good way. But I hope that he does not see how mushy he's made me- because that might complicate things.
He might think I'm falling for him... And I'm not...
I try to keep it out of my voice as I respond, even as a gentle smile warms onto my face. "Yes, Harper Alexander... I will marry you. Now get back up here."
He smirks and gets up, and I lean up to press a quality kiss to his lips, in thank you. When I pull back, he picks up my left hand in his and I catch a serious and forlorn look cross his face as he looks at the ring. His voice is quiet but firm when he speaks. "... I don't want you ever taking this ring off, again. I didn't care for that, at all."
"Well it was just for show... "
His jaw clenches. "I know."
"Hey- " I grab his arm, pulling him gently but abruptly from whatever angry place he was disappearing back into, and flash him a comforting grin. "How about we don't go back to the bar. We can just go back to my house, and avoid the headache. Alright?"
"I'd like that." He grins, a lovely grin that we very rarely see on on him anymore unless he's faking it, a hand hovering over the small of my back as we turn and start heading off to my house.
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eevee-eclair · 4 years
Family Resemblance
Written by Eevee
Things to look out for: brief mention of blood, pain, crying, swearing, eating trash, mention of throwing up, (please tell me if I missed one!)
Random side note: Haha raccoon man go brrr (also it impossible for me to write pure fluff, I’m so sorry)
All of Phil’s sons had some kind of animal they were mixed with. All except for Tommy so far. Techno had pig like features, Wilbur had his fish scales, and he himself had his wings. What Tommy had, they had yet to find out.
But that didn’t bother any of them. No, it bothered Tommy because he looked different. But his family started getting hopeful when Techno noticed small habit changes.
He saw him spending more time at night than the morning and was always waking up late. He took up whistling and hissed at anything that was vaguely threatening. Tommy also became more nosy and destructive than normal. His room was always a mess, but he refused to clean it.
So a few days after his fifteenth birthday when he gained his physical animal traits, no one was that surprised.
Techno was always the first awake. After he finishes his first cup of coffee, Wilbur usually comes up and then Phil is right behind him. Tommy has started to sleep in later, but he was always up an hour or so later.
But today he never showed up. It was almost noon before they all went to his room to see if he was awake. What they found delighted them and scared them; mostly scared them though.
Tommy was laying on his floor, a deep growl coming from somewhere in his throat. He looked in pain so they all rushed over. He saw them and hissed, trying to crawl away but ended up backing himself into a corner.
Phil held Techno and Wilbur back and pointed at his face. “Look, does his face look darker to you?”
The two older boys looked at their younger brother and nodded. “Yeah, like there’s a mask on him,” Wilbur said.
Techno pulled away and slowly made his way to Tommy. “Hey, hey, hey! You’re okay, buddy,” he mumbled, crouching down. “It’s me, Blade.” He held out a hand.
Tommy calmed down slightly and seemed to sniff Techno’s hand. He recognized his brother’s sent and relaxed fully. Now he just looked scared.
“It hurts, Techno...” he whined, curling in on himself.
He sat down fully and ran his fingers through his hair. “I know, bro. You’ll be okay soon, I promise. Anything you need?” he asked, looking into his sky blue-turning-brown eyes.
Tommy whimpered in pain again. He pointed to his trash can. “Can you bring that over here..?”
Wilbur rushed it over. Everyone expected him to throw up, but they weren’t expecting him to eat the rotten food bits out of it. Phil quickly took it away.
“Whoa! You know trash is bad for ya, Tommy!” he cried, putting it back where Wilbur found it.
“But it tastes so good!” he wailed. “And it’s the only thing I haven’t thrown up since this morning!”
Techno sighed and turned to his dad. “Remember how I eat potatoes, Wilbur loves eating seaweed, and you eat seeds all the time? This is his food,” he explained. “Trash.”
“But that’s not healthy!” Phil argued. “Tommy how does steak sound? Or a Gapple?”
Tommy shook his head. “I snuck some earlier and they just came right back up. I’ve been living on trash since three,” he said, holding his stomach.
Wilbur sat down, worried. “Three am?! Tommy, why didn’t you wake us up?!”
“I didn’t wanna bother you... Plus, I was quiet! Techno didn’t even know I was there!” Tommy responded, frowning.
Said brother sighed. It was true, he didn’t hear or notice a thing last night. “True. But how’d you manage to sneak the Gapples from my room?” he asked, very confused. He was the lightest sleeper and most observant person in their family so it was hard to get into his room without him knowing, let alone steal.
“I was qui—“ he cut himself off with a large cry of pain. “Fuck! My back!”
Everyone looked to see a tail trying to push its way through. Tommy kept swearing and Phil didn’t badger him about it; he knew how painful this must be. He turned to Wilbur.
“Go call Tubbo and see if he can come home. I think seeing him will help Tommy,” he said.
Wilbur nodded and ran to the phone while Techno tried to reassure Tommy he was okay. He picked it up and punched in Tubbo’s number. It took a few rings before he picked up.
Wilbur sighed in relief. “Tubbo! It’s me, Wil! Can you come here as fast as possible? I know you’re at a friend’s house but Tommy’s finally gained his physical animal traits and we think seeing you will help him.”
“Yeah, I’ll be right over!” he asked. Wilbur could hear him pulling on shoes.
Wilbur nodded, even though he couldn’t see. “Please hurry.” He hung up the phone and ran back upstairs.
Tommy’s tail was half out and they could see the tips of some ears. He sat back down next to him and rubbed his back. “Tubbo will be here soon, okay? You’re doing so good!”
He didn’t respond, he just kept swearing and crying. After about five minutes, the doorbell rang and Wilbur rushed downstairs to let Tubbo in.
“He’s upstairs, come on,” Wilbur said, dragging him in immediately and running back with Tubbo. “He’s here!”
Tommy looked up and whined. His eyes were completely brown and his tail was almost out. Tubbo ran over and sat in front of him.
“Hey, Tommy! It’s okay, you’ll be okay, alright? Do you trust me?” Tubbo got a small nod and he gave a brave smile. “Good. Then trust me when I say it’ll be over soon. Just hold on a little longer,” he said, holding onto Tommy’s hand. Tommy squeezed back, not saying anything but the occasional cuss word.
Phil stood up, knowing his youngest was in safe hands. “I’ll go get towels,” he told them before running off.
Techno watched him go and brought the trash can back over. “Here, Tommy. Eat some trash before he gets back. I used to eat out of the trash all the time and I turned out fine.”
Tommy gave a weak laugh but didn’t reach for what he called food. “N-not hungry...” he muttered.
“Let’s wait until his ears are out,” Wilbur suggested. “His tail is out and when his ears show the pain will ease up enough for him to eat.”
Tubbo nodded. “Yeah, that makes sense.” He took a glance at Tommy. “He look like a raccoon,” he told them, trying to start conversation.
Techno started making a pile of edible food for his brother. “Yeah, considering what I’ve seen him do that makes perfect sense.”
“What’s he been doing?” Tubbo asked.
As Techno filled Tubbo in on Tommy’s new behaviors, Wilbur comforted him. Eventually, Tommy let out a content sigh and let go of Tubbo’s hand, going completely limp.
“That hurt like hell,” he sighed after a while. “Why’d it hurt so bad..?”
Phil walked in with towels and handed one to Techno. “Because your body is rearranging itself to comply with the new appendages,” he explained, starting to dry the blood off his new tail while Techno worked the ears.
Tommy tried to pull away but was too tired to do much so he just let them continue. “I gotta wash these fuckers now, don’t I?” Everyone nodded and he huffed. “That’s no fair! Techno doesn’t have to wash his fangs!”
Techno snorted and Phil sighed. “No he doesn’t, but he still has to take care of his skin just like Wilbur goes swimming everyday and I go flying every morning.”
“Oh poo! You guys don’t have to brush knots out of something you can’t reach!”
Wilbur stepped in. “No, but it’s just as difficult. Swimming takes a lot of energy out of me and dad still has to groom his wings. Techno eats Gapples not just to stay strong but because it’s just as important as us eating vegetables,” he explained.
Techno and Phil pulled away and helped sit Tommy upright. As he reached for the pile of trash, they all took a good look at him.
His tail and ears had dark rings and his eyes were dark, almost black. He had a dark pattern on his face that looked like a mask and his teeth were a little sharper. His nose was slightly pinker and Tubbo gasped before leaning forward and booping him.
Tommy dropped his food bit and bleped, causing everyone—even Techno—to make an ‘aww’ sound. They all took turns booping him and he started to get angry.
“Stop that,” he said, pouting. “Let me eat!”
They all snickered and let him go back to eating. After he had finished, he yawned and curled his tail around his legs.
“Tired?” Phil asked with a small laugh. “It’s only two in the afternoon, son.”
Tommy huffed. “But I’m sleepy! Can I....“ he trailed off and they watched his gaze wonder to the gold bits holding Techno’s cape on. He reached for them and Techno moved away.
“Hey, hands off, Tommy!” he scolded. Then he saw the look of shame on his brother’s face and sighed. “Sorry, that was harsh. It’s just your animal instincts. Don’t worry, we’ll help you learn to control them.”
He nodded and dug through the trash some more. Tubbo was the one to break the awkward silence.
“So, what now? Do I have to go or can I stay?”
Phil smiled. “You’re always welcome to stay, Tubbo. I’m sure Tommy would appreciate it too.”
Tommy pulled out a Gapple core and started chewing on it. “Yeah! I can show you how to climb a tree and dig through trash!” he said with a mouthful of food.
Wilbur took the core from him. “You know how to climb a tree...?” he asked. Techno was just as confused.
“Yeah, it’s not hard!” He stood up and pulled Tubbo up with him. “Come on!”
Tommy’s family watched him go, his new tail wagging from side to side in a blur. Wilbur stood up and sighed. “Well, I’m going swimming. Have fun you two.”
Wilbur walked away and Techno got up also. “I’m gonna make sure they don’t hurt themselves,” he said, following his brother out the door.
After a while, Phil stood up and walked out to start on dinner. Apparently Tommy did know how to climb a tree so they all watched him leap from branch to branch.
Everyone agreed that a raccoon suited him perfectly.
Hey, thanks for reading this! If you enjoyed please reblog, it helps me stay motivated to write more. Comments are also very appreciated! I might also write some Tubbee or Tubbo with horns if this gets enough attention
(Also, sorry for the rushed ending)
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