#i swear i wasn't high
pinkcrittertomb · 7 months
Saw a ant and a fly fighting for a piece of crumb today. Man nature is wild
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sapphoscompanion · 1 year
Sorry but confessing to the girl you like by saying
"And I have feelings for you. I have every feeling for you. And my... my biggest fear is that if we tried this, if we actually went for it, that... I might lose the most incredible friendship I have."
"I feel like... I feel like I don't deserve to be as happy as you make me. You are the scariest, most beautiful person I've ever met."
And then following it up with
"Should we just, like, I don't know, like, stay friends?"
is the most sapphic thing I've ever witnessed.
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heedra · 2 months
whats up w kids movies w/ a lot of sequels where the og movies have themes like 'its ok to be who you are and to stand up for what you think is right against social expectations and doing so is the bravest thing you can do' and by the end of the series the movies themes are like 'the bravest thing you can actually do is grow the fuck up and learn to deal with the fact that you've gotta conform to society's expectations for the rest of your life (and start a nuclear family)'
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offonaherosjourney · 10 months
I need to tell someone about how DELIGHTFULLY IRONIC it was to spend a good chunk of the last two days sourcing and formatting bibliography for a paper while watching hbomberguy's video in the background
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Explanation of Hell's Economy
Okaaay, so it looks like it’s my turn to give a big explanation. Haha
How does the economy work in Hell?
To answer that, we first need to clarify how souls end up in Hell. There are only two ways: naturally, or by making a deal with a demon.
Once a person dies and somehow ends up in Hell, that soul has to embark on a journey along a river that flows through almost every part of Hell. I’m drawing from Greek mythology here. In this scenario, Azrael is the one who guides these souls to the river and leads them to a certain point; from there, the souls travel alone, carried by the river’s current.
Another point I need to clarify is that before the fallen angels went to Hell, they were sent to Earth as part of their punishment to protect God’s creation. But since that went horribly wrong, they were sent to Hell. Again, I’m drawing from Greek culture here; at least in my alternate universe, Hell was originally a pretty cold and desolate place because that’s what was commonly associated with death, darkness, and all that. This changed after the demons arrived, followed by the souls of mortals. In fact, the river of mortal souls is what sustains Hell’s energy and makes it a rather hot place—at least most of it—with exceptions in certain parts of Hell where the river doesn’t flow. Before that, demons had to use their own magic to maintain a stable temperature since not all of them could tolerate the cold, unlike the creatures that were already native to Hell.
Anyway, at the end of the journey, the souls fall into various pits scattered across Hell. They fall deeper and deeper based on their sins. I like to think that only the souls fall through these “rings,” while the demons actually live on just one surface. Then, as much energy as possible is extracted from these souls through “tortures” or at least punishments in the astral plane, carried out by demons chosen by the second triad of angels. This is part of the penalty for the fallen angels, where they are forced to torture these souls, and the energy from the souls is distributed evenly among all sides. (I hope this explains why many demons aren’t quite right in the head and why many turned into psychopaths, sadists, or unrecognizable monsters.)
And well, it was only a matter of time before they realized they could acquire souls without interference from Heaven, as long as they followed certain guidelines. Let’s just say that through trial and error, they figured out what they could and couldn’t do. And by trial and error, I mean that if one of the demons did something they shouldn’t have, it could lead to an armed conflict with angels or punishments for that demon in some very unpleasant ways. That’s how they discovered some loopholes they could exploit, and some of the rules they established were:
- The mortal must be willing, without hesitation or fear, to give their soul to the demon.
- The transaction must be conducted through a bond with the demon.
- The demon has full control over the person’s body, soul, and will once the deal is made.
- It’s forbidden to interfere in the life or death of a mortal unless you own their soul (whether by saving or killing a mortal).
- You can only have control and influence over mortals who were nearby at the time of making the deal (whether they’re family, friends, acquaintances, or strangers).
- If not, you can’t take the life of one of them as revenge or to fulfill a deal.
Among many other rules. Only certain demons were able to acquire souls and strictly follow all these rules. Additionally, projecting themselves into the mortal realm was complicated, as demons can’t physically be on Earth; only the most powerful ones could obtain souls for themselves. It’s much easier now due to the breach between Hell and Earth, which only exists in Inkwell , where demons can now be physically present in the mortal world as long as they don’t leave the islands.
So, these soul exchanges are mostly used by high-ranking demons for territorial and commercial relationships. Since not all demons and creatures living there can afford to have many souls, there are other forms of payment, primarily with precious stones (gold, amber, jade, emeralds).
Gold and amber are of lesser value and more common, with amber typically found along the banks of the river of souls, while jade and emeralds are much more valuable and are found in Hell due to the high temperatures that aid their formation in rocks, but they’re not as common.
Of course, if you try to pay a demon with gems from the mortal realm, you’ll probably get a nasty look in return, since they’re not the same as those that originate in Hell.
(Demons also use these gems a lot in rituals and magic.)
Explicación de la economía del infierno
Okeeey, entonces me tocará a mí dar una gran explicación. Hahaha
¿Cómo funciona la economía en el infierno?
Para poder responder a esta duda, primero hay que aclarar cómo llegan las almas al infierno. Hay solo dos formas: de manera natural o por hacer un trato con un demonio.
Una vez que una persona muere y casualmente termina en el infierno, esa alma tendrá que recorrer un viaje por un río que pasa por casi todas las partes del infierno. Tomo como referencia la mitología griega en esto. En este caso, Azrael es quien lleva estas almas al río y las conduce hasta cierto punto; luego las almas viajan solas por la corriente del río.
Otra aclaración que debo hacer aquí es que los ángeles caídos, antes de ir al infierno, fueron a la Tierra para cumplir con su castigo protegiendo la creación de Dios. Pero como esto salió muy mal, los mandaron al infierno. También tomo como referencia la cultura griega; al menos en mi universo alterno, el infierno originalmente era un lugar bastante frío y desolado porque eso es lo que comúnmente se asociaba a la muerte, oscuridad y todo lo malo. Esto cambió después de que llegaran los demonios y luego las almas de mortales. De hecho, el río de almas de mortales es lo que mantiene la energía del infierno y hace que sea un lugar bastante caliente, al menos en su mayoría, con excepciones de ciertas partes del infierno donde el río de almas no pasa. Antes de eso, los demonios tenían que usar su propia magia para mantener una temperatura estable para ellos, ya que no todos los demonios eran capaces de tolerar las bajas temperaturas, a diferencia de las criaturas que ya eran originarias del infierno.
En fin, al terminar el viaje, las almas caen en diferentes pozos de tierra que se encuentran en varias partes del infierno. Estas caen más y más profundo según sus pecados. Me gusta pensar que solo las almas caen por estos “anillos”, mientras que los demonios sí viven en solo una superficie. Luego, a estas almas se les extrae lo que más se pueda de su energía mediante “torturas” o, al menos, castigos en el plano astral que realizan demonios escogidos por la segunda triada de ángeles. Esto es parte de la penalización que tienen los ángeles caídos, donde eran obligados a torturar a esas almas ,siendo repartida la energía de las almas equitativamente entre cada lado.(Espero que eso explique por qué muchos demonios no están bien de sus facultades mentales y por qué muchos se volvieron psicópatas, sádicos o monstruos irreconocibles.)
Y bueno, fue cuestión de tiempo para que se dieran cuenta de que podían adquirir almas sin interferencia del cielo, siempre y cuando cumplieran con ciertas pautas. Digamos que, por prueba y error, se dieron cuenta de qué cosas podían o no hacer. Y con prueba y error me refiero a que si uno de los demonios hacía algo que no debía, podría ocasionar un conflicto armado con ángeles o que lo castigaran solo a él de maneras no muy agradables. Así descubrieron algunos vacíos que podían utilizar, y algunas normas que establecieron fueron estas:
- El mortal tiene que estar dispuesto, sin dudar ni temer, a dar su alma al demonio.
- El intermediario tiene que hacerse por medio de un vínculo con el demonio.
- El demonio tiene la disponibilidad del cuerpo, alma y voluntad de la persona una vez hecho el trato.
- Está prohibido entrometerse en la vida o muerte de un mortal si no eres dueño de su alma (sea salvar a un mortal o matarlo).
- Solo se puede tener control e influencia sobre los mortales que estuvieron cerca en el momento de hacer el trato (sea familia, amigos, conocidos o extraños).
- De no ser así, no se puede cobrar la vida de uno de ellos como venganza o para cumplir un trato.
Entre muchas otras normas. Solo ciertos demonios eran capaces de conseguir almas y seguir todas estas reglas rigurosamente. Además de lo complicado que era proyectarse en el reino mortal, ya que los demonios no pueden estar físicamente en la Tierra, solo los más poderosos eran capaces de conseguir almas para sí mismos. Ahora es mucho más fácil debido a la brecha que existe entre el infierno y la Tierra, que solo existe en las Islas Inkwell, donde ahora los demonios pueden estar presencialmente en el mundo mortal mientras no salgan de las islas.
Así que estos intercambios de almas son más utilizados por demonios de alto rango social para relaciones territoriales y comerciales. Como no todos los demonios y criaturas que viven ahí pueden costearse tener muchas almas, hay otras formas de pago, principalmente con piedras preciosas (oro, ámbar, jade, esmeraldas).
El oro y el ámbar son de menor valor y más comunes, el ámbar siendo encontrado normalmente en las orillas del río de almas, mientras que el jade y la esmeralda tienen mucho más valor y se encuentran en el infierno debido a las altas temperaturas que ayudan a su formación en rocas, pero no son tan comunes.
Claro que si intentas pagarle a un demonio con gemas del reino mortal probablemente te devuelva una mala mirada, ya que no son iguales a las que son originarias del infierno.
(También los demonios utilizan mucho las gemas para rituales y magia.)
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nosferatufaggot · 7 months
I got season one on DVD. Haven't watched yet. Not to be the G3 hater people don't like, cuz truly I'm not, BUT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I watched the live action movie when it first came out. I frankly really didn't like it other than Frankie. I love the original and didn't like all the changes and I still don't like the changes. So, I was already upset once the movie was over. Then the new show had it's premiere. Frankie wasn't voiced by the actor who played Frankie (and I was under the impression that this would be in the same universe as the movie so I was upset) AND THEN Toralei was posh british. That truly was the tipping point for me.
I really want to give this a fair shot because I know I would 100% love it if not for my already huge love of G1. I'm gonna watch this a few times. I know my first time watching this I'll just be a hater going "BUT THAT'S NOT HOW IT'S SUPPOSED TO GO!" even though my mind and myself understand that this is different from G1. My heart will feel the betrayal and I'm just gonna have to get used to it. I so badly want to like this and I know I will once I jump over that hurdle. I've already seen a few episodes I like aswell.
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sluttylittleslashers · 6 months
Me in my silly little room making silly miniatures for my silly little doll collection
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neiled-it · 7 months
if you haven't noticed by now, i have no filter on this website 💀
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beaversatemygrandma · 2 months
At roughly 4 to 5am one of the cats decided to climb on top of the shelves right above my head where i sleep. Shelves that we put there specifically bc they couldn't reach them. (They grew since then. They can now...) And I was rudely woken up by a lego succulent that was on display hitting me right in the head.
The little shits have mastered verticality and I'm hating it.
Anyways. Anybody have any recommendations of museum putty for displayed lego sets? (Bc anything that isn't plastic isn't out in the open bc of them.)
#taks speaks#my ceramics are in one spot specifically in a glass cabinet#and literally nothing but lego and plush are actually out#i have been hit multiple times by my shelf sitting cyndaquil plush but that hurts far less#that was at least from them just reaching up and bapping at the shelf#they stand in the window sill and just reach#but now. somehow. they have gotten past the wall of cyndaquil. knocking everything on the shelf over in their path#to reach the highest point of the bedroom: the top of the cabinet/shelf that i have as a bedside table#what scared me the most when i woke up wasn't a pile of green legos but the fact#that the squirtle ditto plush that was shoved between the cabinet and the plush net above was sitting hauntingly perfectly beside my head#it's plain faced smile just staring back at me as i'm wondering wtf just hit my head#how did it land perfectly like this? idk. but i swear i had a moment of thinking halfawake where i thought it was posessed#the cats really want to be in the nook between the cabinet and plush net#i can't blame them. it's high up and it's covered#but it's how they get up there and how it's right over my head#and due to the rise in infiltrating wolf spiders in the apartment we don't want to kick them out of the bedroom#so they can hunt the one we lost behind the shelf#which bean had last night btw but dropped it#and bc it ran under the door she was so focused on behind the door so i picked her up and put her facing it from like 3 inches away#and she turns quickly to go back behind the door#so i grab eek and do the same but she just stared at it and watched as it ran behind the shelf#they aren't doing their job. and they're waking me up very rudely
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rainofthetwilight · 10 months
hey guys wanna hear about how today some guy at my school jumped to the other side of the school wall just to look for a ball
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averlym · 1 year
a word to the wise sometimes the only true rest is looking beyond what you thought was success
so true! adamandi is full of wise advice such as this, including: "and you'll never feel better if you - fucking die- you stupid ass!"
#these are all very good reminders. especially during exam season (i am suffering. but at least i'm working on art coursework so it's#suffering i love.) guys i have maybe a bit too many thoughts on ambrose. sculpture. and ceramics. and studio. in my art student 3d era rn#tmr it's black and white 2d so it's vincent vibes instead... anyways. in my breaks i ended up brainstorming more doodles again so..#anywaysndhfnfjfhf sorry to detract! but like these two quotes are holding my sanity intact i think.#at this point even without listening to the live soundtrack it sounds in my head so. lasting impressions i guess. every time i get anxious#' you'll never get better if you fucking die'' sounds in my head and i go ''ah yes there's a whole life outside''#continuing this ramble you ever think how vincent went from you'll never get better if you fucking die to '' first i chose my friend#ambrose for my debut :DD'' realll quick. or also how this principle worked for when he was talking to ambrose about it and then. for himself#he didn't want to get better. he wanted quincy to get better and so '' you'll never get better if you die'' held through to the end#it just wasn't a mentality that saved him... god that screws me up. so many thoughts.#anyways anon!!!! thank you for sending this :3 made my day <33 very vibes#going to put the soundtrack on and power through studio again.. :3 adamandi asks are welcomed ngl teehee#ask me stuff???#on another note sometimes it's so surreal that actors are real people... i guess the magic of theatre is that it makes the characters come#to life.. like i believe actors are real. and deserve to be treated like people. for the record. but also when consuming media and it's the#suspension of disbelief? these are Real Characters i can't believe that someone who isn't them is making these sounds and doing these things#it's so insane. incredible. idk i just have very high admiration for the cast and idk how i got here even... akshdjdhdf#<blinks> they did such a good job akdhdnfhfbgfhff ok bye#first time i swear in the actual post on this blog and not in the tags... of course
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synintheraven · 11 months
Breaking my weekend hiatus to share this major rambling while chatting with @lord-aldhelm because it's too funny to keep it in our dms lol
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+bonus about James/Aldhelm land:
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irisbaggins · 1 year
Everyone when trying the shock collar: *Audible pain at the second and third setting, barely able to have it on with the higher ones*
Me, sitting quietly as the shock is ramped up, barely noticing until the fourth setting that there is indeed something shocking me: Oh was I supposed to be in pain? Oops! This is Pleasant, Actually. What are you guys on about?
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wherela · 1 year
they should invent a friend for me who doesn't randomly stop talking to me for no reason
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Quick Marie doodle to celebrate Mar13 Day.
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monstrsball · 2 years
ok so i wasn't going to say it in the tags bc i didn't want to be mean but what is with yamaguchi's third year hair i hate it. is it just me or
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