#i think boots but i've been staring at them for too long tbh
guardian-angle22 · 1 year
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911 lone star fashion -> every paul outfit
↳ 4.14
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komotionlessqueenmm · 3 years
One man's trash, is another man's treasure.
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Short story # 6
2,442 - Words
Fandom - House of Wax (2005)
Pairing - Bo Sinclair X Reader
Summary - The reader finds herself & her 4 month old son stranded in Ambrose. While Bo finds himself enamored with the woman, wanting nothing more than to protect and provide for the two of them.
Warnings - Some dark topics, talk of abusive relationships, eventual blood & death, eventual smut. (I'm not sure what else tbh)
Notes - Italics means the reader is singing.
Pt. 1 ~ Pt. 2 ~ Pt. 3 ~ Pt. 4
"You go relax in the living room while I call my brother, I'll only be a minute." Bo instructed as they walked into his house. "Okay." (Y/n) smiled as she cradled Von in her arms, having left his stroller on the porch. Bo walked into the kitchen, calling his brother to pick up (Y/n)'s jeep. While (Y/n) walked into the living room, idly scanning the pictures hanging on the walls. (Y/n) sat down on the couch with a content sigh, gently patting Von's butt in an attempt to keep the baby asleep. Von's soft breathing and the gentle patting of (Y/n)'s hand were the only sounds in the room, that is until Bo walked back into the room. "He should be here within the next hour, I'm gonna go change outta this suit real quick." Bo explained pointing behind him to the stairs, already tugging at his tie. "Okay." (Y/n) smiled with a nod of her head, turning her attention back to Von when Bo started walking upstairs.
A short five minutes passed before Bo came back down the stairs, changed from his suit, to a mechanics jumpsuit. "So can I ask? What was with the suit?" (Y/n) wondered aloud, as Bo walked into the living room, taking a seat in a recliner he began slipping on his boots. "I was at a funeral." Bo explained as he tied his laces. "Oh I'm sorry for your loss." (Y/n) gave her condolences. "Thank you." Bo smiled softly. "It's getting pretty late, is there somewhere in town I could stay?" (Y/n) asked as she looked out the window, the sun low in the sky. "You can stay here if you'd like." Bo offered. "Oh you're too kind, but I don't want to be a burden." (Y/n) genuinely hated feeling like a burden on people. "Nonsense I've got plenty of room, and the extra company would be nice." Bo insisted, making (Y/n) smile softly. "Alright... Would it be alright if I got a shower real quick? Sitting out in the suns got me all sweaty and gross." Bo chuckled alongside her, nodding his head. "Of course, I'll show ya to the spare bedroom." Bo rose from his chair, leading (Y/n) upstairs and to the right. "Here ya go, there's a small bathroom attached." He pointed to the bathroom door after escorting (Y/n) inside. "Thank you, I shouldn't be to long." (Y/n) smiled as she sat the diaper bag onto the small bed, gently laying Von down a moment later. "I'll wait for ya down in the living room." Bo hummed as he closed the door, leaving (Y/n) be.
When the warm water hit (Y/n)'s back she sighed in content, the sore muscles of her back relaxing under the heat. Allowing herself a moment to soak up the warmth, (Y/n) closed her eyes and hummed softly under her breath. As if with the flip of a switch however, (Y/n)'s eyes snapped open and she quickly set to work cleaning herself up. However just as she was rising off, Von began crying from the bedroom. In an instant (Y/n) cut off the water and wrapped a towel around her body, droplets of water still rolling down her legs as she exited the bathroom. "See there's mama." Bo cooed at Von, cradling the fussing baby in his arms. "I hope I didn't overstep my boundaries, I was just down the hall when he started crying, and I wanted to make sure he was okay." Bo explained as he stood from the bed, handing Von over to (Y/n). "No no it's alright, I appreciate it actually." (Y/n) shook her head with a small smile. "He's just fussy because he hasn't eaten yet, I didn't want to wake him earlier." (Y/n) sat on the edge of the bed, pulling down part of her towel to allow Von to feed. "Oh I understand completely, I get pretty grumpy when I'm hungry to." Bo joked turning his attention to the floor, not wanting to make (Y/n) uncomfortable by accidentally staring. "Don't we all." (Y/n) chuckled softly.
"I was getting this for the little guy when he started crying." Bo changed the subject, allowing himself a moment to distract himself. "Oh that's so cute!" (Y/n) gushed at the sight of the antic cradle Bo had brought into the room. "I almost forgot about it, it's an old family cradle, been passed down several generations." Bo explained as he laid a clean blanket inside it. "Thank you Bo, you've been so kind to me, I don't think I could thank you enough." (Y/n)'s eyes became a little glossy, a smile spread across her lips. "It's my pleasure, but it ain't nothing to cry over." Bo knelt in front of (Y/n) rubbing away the stray tear that escaped her eye. "Oh I know, it's such a silly thing to cry over. It's just the passed month has been so hard, and you and Lester have been so sweet to me. It's silly I know, but I can't help it." (Y/n) chuckled through her tears, sniffling softly. "You're all on your own aren't ya?" Bo asked with a small frown, the frown deepening when (Y/n) nodded her head. "Where's the father?" Bo asked. "It's kinda a long story." (Y/n) wiped away her tears with a bitter chuckle. "Is he dead, or a deadbeat?" Bo asked bluntly. "A deadbeat of the worst kind." (Y/n) sighed. "That's a shame." Bo shook his head, raising from his kneeled position. "I'll leave ya be." He muttered softly. "I'll be waiting in the living room when you're done up here." Bo added as he exited the room, leaving (Y/n) to finish feeding Von, and allowing her to change in some privacy.
Having changed into the sweats and a tank top, (Y/n) always kept in the diaper bag. (Y/n) carried Von downstairs, smiling at Bo when she entered the living room. "Ready to go back to the garage?" Bo asked as he stood from the couch. "We're as ready as we'll ever be." (Y/n) hummed, following Bo when he went to the front door. "(Y/n)." Bo called out to her as she strapped Von into the stroller. "Yes Bo?" She tilted her head a little, having turned her attention to him. "I'm sorry about asking about Von's father, that wasn't very polite." Bo rubbed the back of his neck, feeling guilty for bringing up such a touchy subject. "It's okay Bo, you were only curious." (Y/n) assured him with a smile. "I don't really mind talking about it, but if someone comes around asking about me, I'd really appreciate it if you forgot about me." She admitted feeling just at ease around Bo as she had around Lester. "He's that bad huh?" Bo wondered aloud with a frown. "Worse." (Y/n) swallowed thickly, dread pooling within her belly. "Well as long as you're here, I won't let anything happen to you." Bo promised, easing (Y/n)'s worry.
"Alrighty lets have a look." Bo mused as they entered the garage, popping the hood to the jeep. "Your brother didn't stick around huh?" (Y/n) stated the obvious as she looked around the garage. "He's not much of a people person, due to a birth defect he's suffering from." Bo explained as he worked. "Oh." (Y/n) felt a bit guilty. "Well he likes people, but people don't really like him much. So he avoids them." Bo shrugged casually. "People always fear what they don't understand." (Y/n) murmured without much thought, unknowingly peaking Bo's interest even more. "He'd like you." Bo mused with a small smile, despite not having the best relationship with his brother, Bo still cared for him. "You think so?" (Y/n) smiled at the thought. "Yeah, what's not to like?" Bo winked at her, chuckling when she ducked her head to hide her blush.
"Hold on..." Bo muttered under his breath, as he checked the oil. "I thought you said you changed the oil last week." Bo frowned in confusion. "I did." (Y/n) mirrored his confusion. "It's bone dry." Bo informed her, moving further under the hood to get a better look at the oil reserve. "I think I see the problem." Bo moved to grab a flashlight, looking to where he suspected the problem was. "What is it?" (Y/n) asked as she walked over to peer at the engine. "It looks like someone put a hole in the bottom of the reserve, the oil just leaked out over time." Bo explained, his assessment making (Y/n) worry again. "Trent my ex... It had to be him." (Y/n)'s voice cracked as the panic set in. "Hey hey hey don't worry about it, as long as you're here you're safe, I won't let him get to you." Bo promised as he wiped his hands with a shop rag, pulling (Y/n) into a comforting hug after he deemed his hands clean. "He tried to kill me Bo, when he found out I was pregnant he attacked me and tried to kill me." (Y/n) wept into his chest. "I won't let him near you." Bo growled protectively, holding her just a little tighter. "I've been running from him for the past month, I just know he's gonna try finding me." (Y/n) shook in Bo's arms, raked with fear. "He won't find you." Bo promised as he pulled her back to look into her eyes, wiping away her tears. "You are safe here." Bo emphasized each word, smiling at her softly when she stopped shaking. "Thank you." (Y/n) sniffled with a smile, leaning up she kissed Bo's cheek, then turned her attention back to Von, smiling down at the sight of him sleeping soundly. "How about we leave this until tomorrow morning?" Bo pointed to the jeep, a dopey grin on his face from the kiss. "Let's go eat some dinner and relax for a bit." He suggested casually. "That sounds like a good idea." (Y/n) nodded her head in agreement, giggling when her stomach grumbled at the mention of food.
"Let me help." (Y/n) insisted as she joined Bo in the kitchen. "I'd appreciate the help." Bo smiled as he gathered everything they'd need to cook a nice hardy meal. "Well it is the least I can do, after all you've done for me and Von." (Y/n) smiled as she set to work, the pair working alongside eachother with natural ease. "(Y/n)." Bo called out softly after a few minutes, smiling when (Y/n) hummed in response. "I just wanted to say... You're a real good mother." Bo admitted, making (Y/n) drop what she was holding. "You really mean that?" She asked with wide eyes. "Of course." Bo nodded his head, being perfectly honest with her. "Thank you, you don't know how much that means to me." (Y/n)'s eyes were bright with pure joy, making Bo's heart melt a little. They continued to work in a comfortable silence, nearly finishing their task before Bo struck up conversation again. "So what do you do for a living?" He asked casually. "I'm an author actually." (Y/n) mused. "Anything I might read?" Bo asked with genuine curiosity. "Only if you enjoy horror stories, I'm looking to be the next H. P. Lovecraft." (Y/n) beamed with pride, her words making Bo chuckle. "I think I'd enjoy reading your work." Bo admitted, making (Y/n) beam even brighter.
The following morning (Y/n) and Bo went back to the garage bright and early. "You don't have to sit around down here with me you know." Bo pointed out to (Y/n) who had perched herself upon the gas stations counter. "I know, but I thought you could use the company." (Y/n) mused as she rocked Von's stroller back and forth with her foot, her journal on her lap. "I'll admit the company is nice, but the view is even better." Bo flirted with a wink, making (Y/n) giggle softly. "I have to agree, the view is very nice." (Y/n) quipped right back with a cheeky grin, her words making Bo laugh.
Subconsciously as she wrote (Y/n) began humming a melody, which eventually led to her singing softly. "You are what you are. I don't matter to anyone. But Hollywood legends. Will never grow old. And all of what's hidden. Well, it will never grow cold." Bo stilled in what he was doing, focusing on (Y/n). "But I lost myself when I lost you. But I still got jazz. When I've got those blues. And I lost myself when I lost you. And I still get trashed, darling. When I hear your tunes." (Y/n) relaxed a little, singing a little louder. "But you are who you are. I won't change you for anything. For when you are crazy. I'll let you be bad. I'll never dare change thee. To what you are not." Bo moved to lean against the doorway leading into the gas station, watching (Y/n) with a pleasant grin. "But I lost myself when I lost you. But I still got jazz. When I've got those blues. I lost myself and I lost you too. And I still get trashed, baby. When I hear your tunes." (Y/n) continued writing away, almost in a daze. "I put the radio on. Hold you tight in my mind. Isn't strange that. You're not here with me. But I know the light's on in the television. Trying to transmit, can you hear me. Ground control to Major Tom. Can you hear me all night long. Ground control to Major Tom." Von stirred a little in his sleep, but remained asleep. "Well I lost myself when I lost you. But I still got jazz when I've got the blues. I lost myself and I lost you too. And I still get trashed, honey. When I hear your tunes." (Y/n) smiled to herself as she hummed the melody out. "Are you sure you don't sing professionally?" Bo asked when she finished humming. "I'm sure." (Y/n) chuckled, flattered by his words. "Maybe you should." He winked before turning his attention back to her car, his words making (Y/n)'s heart swoon.
Woof Bo is really getting out of character...
Oh well! That's the beauty of fanfiction.
Anyways part two is complete!
Let me know what you think. (^_^)
PS the song (Y/n) was singing is Terrence Loves You by Lana Del Rey.
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futurewriter2000 · 4 years
What I like about the signs
Aries: They are a fun. I don't know how else to describe it but they have this thing where they joke around and speak in this humorous manner that's really attractive. When they look at you it's like they soothe you with their eyes. It's kind and gentle that just speaks "Relax. You're safe." They are quite easy to talk to, always keen on getting to know new people and new things. They are so adrorable.
Taurus: They are one of the most stubborn people I have ever met but it's funny when you tell them something they just stare at you a while with those confused eyes and keep denying it, even though they know they are in the wrong. It's a bit frustrating but it's fun. They also have this warm energy around you that if I was with a Taurus, I could just lean on them and take a nap. They are like this warm, cosy, safe, comfortable pillow that you just can't wait to hold or hug. Very huggable indeed.
Gemini: I know Geminis hear this a lot but they are the funniest people to talk to. They have this youthful energy that lights up the room and such a natural ability to make you laugh. Sometimes they just do these funny faces when you're angry at them and it doesn't take you long to start laughing. And if you really know a Gemini, you'd know that they are very emotionally strong. They hold so much inside but it doesn't even show. People say Geminis havetwo faces but in reality, it's like they are fighting with good an bad inside. Geminis go through a lot of shit but they still stand tall. I respect them.
Cancer: I love cancers. They are literal teddy bears when it comes to this signs. They have the most adorable cheeks and such a lovely smile. When I see a cancer, I just want to hug them because they look so innocent and conflicted. They have such a sensitive side and they are not afraid to show it. They will express their emotions through things they love and when they do their face just lights up. The corners of their lips rise up and their cheeks reach their eyes and just the laughter- oh the lovable laughter of the cancer is just contagious.
Leo: The things I love about leos so much is that they will always go for the things they want. They don't take, they grab it. There are leos that are passionate and fiery and then you have the soft, genlte leos that just do their thing without anybody getting in their way. What I noticed with leos is that they become extremely soft and baby-like when they are being loved by their person or family. It's like they keep putting up a show but when they come home, to their safe place, surrounded by the people who love them and who they love, it's like they turn into such a calm, resting and lazy cub. Also let's be hinest. Leo insults are funny af. They are rude but it's funny.
Virgo: You the best Virgo. You just the best. What I love about you is how you can mind challange me. Like you I'm trying to tease you but I end up the one flustered and embarassed because you just know so much. And you're so funny when a person gets to know you. You're so much more than the stereotypical "boring neat freak" because you can be so messy and so confused that it's just so cute. And your eyes are so special. They hold such a spark that makes a person just go "wow". Or more like "wOw"... If you know what I mean ;)
Libra: Oh libras you little flirts. You just get everything with your irresistable charm. You don't even try but you charm it without even knowing. I don't know many libras but every libra I met has always got that charm and OMG YOUR LAUGH! It's so contagious. You know how to make a person laugh and charmed and just MWA MI LIBRAS.
Scorpio: Oh, Scorpio, Scorpio. I know what a lot of people say about you but don't listen to them. You are an intense emotional warm-hearted person. I don't know how to say this because I don't know many Scorpios in my life but I enjoy your company. You always want to be this mysterious person and I really like that about Scorpios. Being a mystery is something so beautiful. Just because some people cannot get that some shit are private, doesn't give them the right to call you an asshole. You're just an intense feeler. It's something you should be proud of. Also the eyes man 👌 mwa.
Sagittarius: Sagis... So a lot of people always say how adventorous, high-class and open you are. Well, they forget that Sagis are actually babies that need to be pampered a lot. Not by other people but by themselves. You are independant and you will stay that way. Yes it's so good being spoiled by someone else but you prefer being spoiled by yourself and you love spoiling other people. In the end all that high-class, "too cocky" attitude is just a mask for the cute, caring baby you are. I don't know a lot of you but I know a few and I know that you guys arw not all bad. You're not all self-centered, spoiled, brats. Ypu're more than that, so much more and more amazing and only those closest to you get to see that.
Capricorn: Sometimes I wonder where yall go bc yall rare as a unicorn, which says a lot. A lot of people say you are too stern, too serious, too private but I say you value yourself and ypur future more than what other people think of you. So what if you dom't live up to other peoples expectation. To me, you guys rock. Why? Well because one: you are smart as hell, two: you can be sarcastic if you want to and its usually next level of sarcasm, three: yall are actions and not just words and that is a major good character development. Yes you can be a procrastinator that overworries a lot but you get shit done. I want to marry a capricorn tbh.
Aquarius: Lately... I've not been feeling aquas but imma try my best here. Yall are some shapeshifters, Imma tell ypu that. You weird but good kind of weird- UNIQUE! That's the word. You have this thing that makes you stand out and people love you for it. You might overthink things but man people love you. Why? Because you have something on you that shines out like a dimaond. And yall can be looking homeless one second but next you be slaying the red carpet. Also you would do anything for the person you love. Anything. Literally kill people for them anything. Joker and Harley Quinn kind of love.
Pisces: Oh yall males and females be like two poles of the earth but alright. Yall eyes... Yall goddman eyes are like puss in boots with sand in his eyes scene. Do you know how hard it is to stay mad at you? Cuz you just look at me and I'm like "I wiull never evah hurt you, uwuwu" cooing to yall and making me soft. It's good tho because yall can be so broad-minded. Like you look like you're not in the conversation but you hear me, the table next and God up there, and Satan probably because you guys arent as innocent as you appear to be. People underrate you. You are one of the most intelligent peole to know and also naturally awkward, which is extremely cute. And also naturally attractive which I also do not get.
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katsukisday · 3 years
I can't believe my one, favorite original story is coming to an end.
Tbh I never thought that in less than a year I'd be making the end of this story,, I feel like I've made an accomplishment.
Anyway here's a snippet of the last scenes, it's still unedited tho
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But as his breathing becomes shakier, fear evident, Shin thought she needs to say something. She can't go on staring at him like this.
"I can't do this."
Daisuku sighs. In relief? In surprise? In distrust? It hurt her mind to think, so Shin just threw the thought out the window. "Leave at once. Guards will be here after I flee and they will arrest you if you were found."
His eyes remain as indifferent as ever.
Or so any other would think.
Shin did not miss the glimpse of hurt in them. She never did.
Yet, he refuses to fight back, not against her at least. Even after saving her, putting his life on the line for her, she's still intent on killing the boy- no, the man who supposedly caused her brothers death. And, now, with her on top of his clothed, heaving chest, feet pinning down his wrists and almost drawing blood, and a knife pressed against his pale, freckled neck,
he still refuses to fight her.
Shin knew he's much stronger now. In fact, he's incredibly strong it's almost hard to believe it's really him. How could she not and she has just saw him on the battelfeild? Fighting the raiders by her side as a masked old man? Saving her life, too.
He's much, much stronger than me now, the thought is bitter, hard to swallow. But, in the deepest, darkest, and most twisted part of her heart, she really wanted him to be this. After the horros his spying did, she couldn't even deny she wanted him to be strong.
"Why?" tears well up in her eyes, te brown orbs glistering under the beautiful rays of the setting sun.
Do you think the sun knows of our pains? He once asked her. It was at a time like this, both running away for a clear breath out of a gala Reiji couldn't attend alongside them. On top of the castle, where they shared their worries.
Fuck, why am I remembering this now?
She doesn't want to think of what they were, and what they could have been. She's lost interest in her curious soul, she only wants this to end.
"Because 'I can't do this' either," he sighs, looking away from her and into the darkening blue sky. "I'm tired of this. I can't hurt you even if-"
"Stop-!" her cry scares the few birds on the trees away, taking him by surprise. Before he gets to inhale another hard breath, to to her weight slightly crushing his lungs, she hops off him. His wrists slightly twist under her boots and he half winces in pain.
She turns around, back facing the sun, not wanting him to see the tears digging down her wounded cheeks.
I'm such a mess, she thought. It's true, her cape was ripped off her during battle, her hair was already everywhere, some stuck to her forehead and neck due to sweat and blood. Her neck was wounded, , the majority of her 'white' shirt has become bloodred and down her thigh was an enormous, ugly cut that crossed her olive green pants and onto her flesh by some arrow and a blade.
But she was also a mess in that head f hers. 3 weeks to be wed and become a queen, and now, upon seeing him after so much and so long, it's like the world was telling her to give up.
"Please leave," she mustered, breath aching to take in as she rubbed at her tired face. "You d-don't want to be here, I-I don't either. It's f-for everyone's god i-if you leave."
"I might not want to be here, Shin, butI I want something else," he mutters, coughing as he feels pain in every part of his body due to standing up, blood leaving his hoarse throat with every cough. "You know-"
"Don't you dare sputter that bullshit," She snaps, menacing as she turns around to him with an accusing finger hung in the air, a runny nose, a dirty face and sobbing eyes. "You only want damage."
"How ironic. You won't let me talk?"
"I won't let myself hear it!" she snaps, he almost takes a step backwards. Almost.
Because, hate to admit it as she might, Shin can't hurt him just as much as he wouln't hurt her.
"I DIDN'T DO IT-! IT WAS NEVER MY INTENTION TO HURT YOU OR ANYONE ELSE!" It's his turn to get mad, arms thrown into the air as his own black shirt had a missing sleeve, revealing an arm full of new, healing, and old scars. "Even Reiji noticed-"
Reiji is...what?
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this sin't the original one though, the one in my notebook is way more painful :) sO I hope you enjoyed
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guardian-angle22 · 1 year
#someone needs to tell me if the red at the bottom of his pants are the cuffs of his pants or part of his boots#i think boots but i've been staring at them for too long tbh
I think it's part of the pants 🤔
Based on the left leg in the last gif, where it appears to be tucked into his shoes and his shoes just look ordinary shoes, not boots with cuffss
But I'm happy to be corrected heather
[reply to my tags on this gifset]
I honestly still can't tell, so if you think it's the pants I will happily agree! I do like the little pop of color down there regardless of which it is (and I'm always jealous of Paul's boots ngl. He's got some good boots).
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my face when I was looking at his pants for too long trying to solve this unimportant mystery ^^
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