#i think eddie would be much more comfortable getting yelled at actually
glorious-spoon · 1 month
i don't actually think buck will get mad at eddie about this. i DO think there's a good chance he'll go, 'come on, man, you're better than this,' thus hopefully causing eddie to disintegrate into a little heap of shame
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eddiesxangel · 5 months
Fool Me Once | Eddie Munson x Reader
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Anonymous Asked: Eddie being your first everything and first boyfriend and reader is like kinda awkward or something. Then Eddie gets really drunk and gets home to reader and starts yelling at her saying like “You’re only dating me because you don’t want to be a sad loser virgin.” and she gets really sad because she genuinely loves him so much and she starts thinking that he doesn’t love her at all… Then maybe the day after he can’t find reader anywhere and maybe she’s like with robin just crying her eyes out.
AN: IDK IDK it’s my first angsty thing I’ve done hope it’s ok 🫣
Cw: angst, hurt no comfort. Small bitty smut. Use of pet names, one use of reference to reader as “my girl”
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“I love you, god, I love you” Eddie slowly pumped his swollen cock in and out of you.
You’ve never felt this wave of pleasure before; no wonder everyone was so hyped about sex.
“Fuck you’re so tight.”
“Baby, please.” You didn’t know what you were asking for, but the feeling in your lower stomach was starting to build more and more and more until! Euphoria. Euphoria fuelled your body. The wave of pleasure that Eddie just granted you felt indebted to him.
“I love you,” you sigh as your body melts into your boyfriend.
You’ve been with him for almost six months and finally felt ready to give himself to him. You hadn’t slept with anyone until now, and you were so happy you waited. You never felt so close, so in love, so unbelievably happy in this moment. Life was amazing; nothing could ever break this feeling you have.
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Ring ring ring
You were abruptly awakened by the sound of your phone ringing. You were fast asleep, and now feeling disoriented, you looked at the clock. It was already 3:38am. You wondered who could be calling you at this late hour. Maybe it was an emergency? Your heart racing, you rushed over to the phone in a state of panic.
"You little slut"
"Who else would it be? Are you expecting a booty call? another guy you want to fuck?"
"I don't understand? What's wrong."
“What's wrong? I'll tell ya what's wrong! You’re only with me, so you’re not some loser virgin, that’s what! Do you think all the guys will want you to know that your cherry is popped? Well, guess what, honey? Now you're just a sad little whore.” He slurred.
“You think you’re hot shit now? Getting with the freak of Hawkins? Gonna brag about how you fucked the freak?”
“Eddie, what are you talking about?” your voice wobbled.
He was obviously drunk out of his mind, but as they all say, drunk words are a sober man’s thoughts.
“I know how this is going to go… well, not if I beat you to it.”
“I don't understand?”
“I don't understand?” He mocked you in a high-pitched voice. “I’ll tell you what I’m talking about!” He yelled, and you cowered. He didn’t care. His voice got louder and louder. “You were a sad loooooser virgin before me! And now you’re just a sad loser who fucked the freak,” he laughed. He actually laughed.
“So we are don-”
You hung up the phone before he could finish his sentence.
You couldn't believe this was happening? You gave Eddie everything. You thought he was your everything up until this point. You slept with Eddie for the first time a week ago. Things were good, great, even. Until he went to the hideout tonight without you.
You stayed up the rest of the night because you were in tears about what Eddie said. None of this makes any sense? You always loved Eddie, and you thought he loved you back? How could he be so cruel?
You were woken up from your daze by a knock on your apartment door. You stumbled out of your room, still in your sleep shirt, with puffy eyes from crying all night. Robin was here to pick you up for work.
"Good Mor-" Her smile dropped along with the cup of coffee she was handing you as she saw your appearance. "Oh my god! What happened?" she rushed inside to wrap her arms around you.
"Eddie. He-" You could hardly get the words out. You just crumpled into a ball on the floor and sobbed pathetically in front of Robin.
"I'm going to kill that son of a bitch" She let you cry into her on the floor. "Come on, you need to get out of here. Get changed. We are calling in sick, and we can return to my place."
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Eddie woke up the morning after with a terrible hangover. It was already 12:35pm, and he couldn't remember how he got home. He suddenly felt an intense wave of nausea, which prompted him to hurry to the bathroom, where he vomited uncontrollably.
After the fifth shot, things in his memory become a little hazy. He was pretty hammered by then, but he still kept drinking with the boys. He vaguely remembered Jason being at the bar and making some leud comment about you, but other than that. Nothing.
He stumbled over to his answering machine to find it empty. That's weird? You always call him before your shift, and at least try to catch him on your lunch break. Today was Wednesday, right? You always work the morning shifts today.
Eddie tried calling your number, but he had no luck, so he tried calling your work, and when they said you called in sick, he got worried. So he tried your number again, and it still went to voice mail. Maybe you were sleeping? He tried calling back to see if Robin might know more. But when your annoyed coworker picked up the phone to tell him Robin also called in sick, he knew something was up.
Eddie rushed to his phone book to find Robin's number and called it. he waited for four rings until...
"Hey! Rob it's Eddie, have you-"
"We are not speaking to you."
"We? Who's we?"
But it was too late. All he heard was the sound of the dial tone.
He tried again, no answer this time. He tried once more before getting pissed and decided to just go over to her place because what the fuck?
When Eddie got to Robin's, he pounded on the door like the pounding going on in his head.
"Robin! Open the door, please."
The door finally swung open to a very angry-looking Robin standing before him.
"Who the fuck do you think you are, Munson?!" She stepped outside and closed the door behind her so he couldn't come in.
"Robin, I'm extremely hungover and do not have the patience for your riddles. Do you know where my girl is or not? I'm worried sick."
"Oh, you can relax now since she is not your girl anymore, buddy." she poked his chest roughly. "you made that abundantly clear last night.
"Last night? I don't remember a thing from last night!"
"Well, think harder because she has been in there sobbing her eyes out from your little phone call."
"Phone call? What pho-" Then it all came rushing back to Eddie. It hit him like a Mack Truck.
"Yo Munson, where is that little whore of yours? Is she usually dangling off your arm like your little pet?" Jason snorted. "I bet she's off sucking another guy's cock; realized what a loser you are."
Jason didn't say much more to antagonize Eddie and get in his head, especially with the amount of alcohol he had consumed.
How could he be so stupid?
"Robin, oh my god, I fucked up. I fucked up big. Let me apologize."
"No. not now." She's a mess, as you can imagine-"
Robin was interrupted by the creek of the front door opening.
There you stood, looking as small as ever. Your eyes are still puffy, and your hair is a mess in your pyjamas at 1:30 in the afternoon.
"Baby, I-"
"Don't!" you cut him off, and Robin leaves to give you two spaces. "Don't you dare come here and think you can just take back what you said to me!" You had done a lot of crying; your anger was showing through.
"You don't understand, Jason was-"
"Jason?! What the fuck does Jason have to do with this? You hurt me, Eddie! I gave you everything! And then you throw it back in my face, accusing me of sleeping around? Are you insane? I've been in love with you for the last year and give myself to you, and you just throw that all away because of Jason Fucking Carver?"
"Baby, please, I'm so sorry; I'll do anything!"
"You've done enough." You turn and slam the door. That's it. You were done. Your heart felt so heavy… like it was just smashed into a million pieces. You were so close to caving when you saw the look of sorrow in those puppy dog eyes. But he had hurt you so bad you couldn’t believe he felt an ounce of pain he had inflicted upon you.
You and Eddie were officially done.
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You have been radio silent. You were held up in your room, and you refused to do anything other than go to work.
Eddie called you excessively. It was every day, multiple times a day. His messages made your heartache as you played them back. You could hear in his voice how broken he was. He had fucked up so bad you didn’t know if you should give him another chance. For two weeks, you refused to answer your phone. You were so sick of it ringing you eventually took it off the line.
Eddie did everything he could think of to try and win you back. He sent you flowers to your work every single shift. He called, wrote love letters, and just needed you to speak to him. He was a desperate mess without you. Eddie’s heart, like not, was ripped into shreds, and it was all his fault.
You’ve been in his life since high school since he met you in hellfire freshman year. Then, once you finally confessed your feelings for one another, he couldn’t believe his luck. You said you wanted to be with him, that you wanted him to be the only one you give yourself to. He never thought that he would be so lucky... And here he was, shooting himself in the foot. He even tried to go to your apartment a few times. But you would never answer the door. He would leave a note each time he showed up unannounced. It would say how sorry he was and how much he loved you, but you just couldn’t bring yourself to believe him.
The slurred words repeatedly played in your head, and you couldn’t make it stop. No matter how much he apologized, nothing he could say could make you forget. Your chest felt like it had a fifty-pound weight sitting right on your heart. Your eyes were permanently swollen from the continuous crying you couldn’t seem to stop. He had stolen your heart and then stomped on it until it seized to beat.
The first month after the breakup was rough, but avoiding Eddie seemed to be easy enough. He eventually got the message by month two and stopped trying altogether.
As time went on, you slowly started to heal. Eventually, your constant thoughts about Eddie subsided. Eventually, they stopped. You never thought you would get over the hurt, but the distance helped. You were getting on your merry way by month three. Finally, feeling like yourself again, eating regularly, sleeping regularly. You hadn’t heard or seen him, and you were finally freed from the prison sentence that was Eddie Munson.
Time spent with your friends and family was exactly what you needed. Even though Robin saw Eddie regularly, she never forgave him for what he did to you. Their friendship was strained, which strained his friendship with Steve as well as Nancy. They wanted to take his side, but once they heard what he had said to you, they couldn’t simply look the other way. So you would hang out with them when Eddie wasn’t there and vice versa. They made sure you never had to encounter one another for the time being. However, it was getting more and more difficult to have two separate schedules to appease you both.
You were to go to Steve’s for dinner with everyone, pizza and movie night. When you arrived, everyone was tense. Lines got crossed, miscommunication ensued, and as you walked through to the kitchen, he was sitting at the kitchen table with a glass of water in his hand, almost slipping from his grip as his Bambi eyes widened at the sight of you.
“Oh shit!” You hear Steve curse when he realizes the mistake that has been made.
“I’m going to go.” You turn and sprint to the door.
“Not wait!l You can hear Eddie shuffle off the chair behind you, but you refuse to look back.
“Please! Wait!”
Threatening tears sting your eyes, and you rush out the front door.
“Sweetheart, wait.” You feel his hand hook your elbow as your body is jerked in the opposite direction in which you’re running.
“What!” You yell, but then you see his eyes. You really look at him for the first time in three months. He had bags under his eyes, and the dark circles extenuated the deep chocolate of his eyes.
“I-I uh,” he lets out a deep breath, “I wanted to say I’m sorry I’m so sorry. I was so god damn stupid, so so stupid, the dumbest guy on the planet. I can’t believe I fucked this up so badly; I love you. I love you so much. I can’t do this anymore without you, baby. Please.” He was on his knees, begging, literally on his knees, grovelling.
“Eddie, get up.”
“No, I don’t deserve it.” He was so pathetic, but he didn’t care. “I love you, please, just please. I need you in my life.”
“I don’t know Eddie…”
“So that’s not a no?!” He popped up like an excited little bunny, the silver oh hope he needed to get by.
“Eddie…” you sigh.
“No, no, you said maybe! You don’t know. You haven’t decided. Please, baby, I love you.”
“This is too hard.” Your lip wobbles as you try walking away again, but he interlocks your hand with his.
“Please, can I at least just hold you?”
“I don’t think that’s a good idea.” You let your hand slip from his grip, and he unwillingly let go.
Eddie felt you slipping through his fingers, literally. The hope he had moments ago was gone.
“I’m sorry”
“So am I…” without another look back, you walked away.
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steddieas-shegoes · 4 months
count on your courage
for @steddielovemonth prompt 'love is what makes you brave'
rated t | 1,508 words | cw: coming out (one goes horribly wrong offscreen, one goes perfectly right), steve gets kicked out | tags: wayne munson is the best uncle, secret relationship, steve has bad parents, hurt/comfort, wayne adopts steve
Steve should've gone to Robin's probably.
But when you're in a state of shock after being kicked out of your house because your dad found a handwritten love note from your boyfriend, you don't always think clearly.
He was sitting outside the trailer, on the gravel driveway, rocks digging into his ass and thighs, thinking about how uncomfortable the back seat of his car was for sleeping. He managed to grab his sandwich bag of savings, which was barely enough for a motel for a couple of weeks, but maybe he'd find a place that would be more understanding.
After Vecna, most places were open to any arrangement on payment as long as they got something.
"Steve?" Eddie's voice filtered to him from the front door of the trailer.
It wasn't until he heard Eddie's voice that he realized Wayne's truck was parked next to Eddie's van, which meant Wayne was home, which meant Wayne would be confused as hell.
Eddie's hands were on his shoulders, worried and tugging him out of his own thoughts.
"Hey," Steve said.
"What're you doin' here, Stevie? You said you weren't comin' over because you have an early shift tomorrow," Eddie's eyes were wide, and Steve realized he must assume there's an emergency.
"Oh. I did say that." Steve sighed. "I actually don't know why I came here."
"Shit, Steve. Did you hit your head? Is it...you know?"
"No. To both. Just-" Steve didn't want to alarm him, but he did have to say what was going on. "My parents kicked me out. Well, my dad did. My mom just kinda...let him?"
"What? Jesus Christ, Stevie. Come inside, you're shivering," Eddie pulled him up so he was standing awkwardly in front of him. "How long have you been out here?"
"Dunno," he shrugged. Which was true. He knew his parents got home around five, and his dad had stormed out of his office around six, yelling about Steve's belongings being where they shouldn't be. It didn't take long after that for all hell to break loose. "What time is it now?"
Eddie looked down at his watch. "A little after nine."
"Huh. I guess close to two hours."
Eddie cussed under his breath, then wrapped an arm around Steve's waist.
It's not like they had to worry about being seen; What used to be a full trailer park now mostly consisted of the Munson's new trailer and Max's trailer that was only inhabited for a few hours a night, if that.
"Ed? Everthin' okay?" Wayne called from the porch.
Steve looked up, panicked.
It's not that he hadn't been around Wayne plenty of times, especially while Eddie was in the hospital. He'd run into him a few times at the trailer as he passed through the kitchen to pack his lunch for work or when he was heading to bed when Steve was picking Eddie up for work.
It was more like he felt like everything was written clear across his face, and if Wayne found out about him, he'd find out about Eddie, and what if he kicked Eddie out?
They couldn't both be homeless.
Eddie didn't verbally respond, but he must have done something to let Wayne know everything wasn't okay.
"C'mon in then," he gestured, opening the front door for them both to walk through. "Get that blanket off my chair for him."
Steve didn't know why he needed a blanket, it's not like it was even cold.
But as he was gently pushed down onto the couch, he noticed how much he actually was shivering, and realized he must've forgotten his jacket in his haste to leave his house. It wasn't winter, but the chill in at night was too much to be outside without a jacket.
The blanket was soft, and smelled a lot like Wayne's cologne, the one he insisted he didn't wear, but Steve could always smell just a hint of it lingering in the air after he left the room. It was a comforting smell, one he'd gotten used to in the background. One he'd come to associate with Eddie, and calm, and home.
He could hear Wayne and Eddie whispering by the kitchen counter, but couldn't quite focus on the words they were saying.
Wayne sat down across from him, right on the coffee table, like it wasn't a piece of furniture specifically designed for holding things that were never touched. Eddie sat down next to him, leaving no space, and no way to mistake how close they were.
He tried to scoot away, just leave a few inches of space so Wayne wouldn't question it. Eddie's hand on his knee stopped him.
"You wanna tell me about what's going on?" Wayne asked softly.
"I'm fine-"
"I didn't ask if you were fine. I asked if you wanted to tell me what was goin' on." Wayne's voice was gruff, but his face was open, his body leaning in closer to them so he could listen to what Steve had to say. "You ain't gotta tell me everythin', but if you're gonna be stayin', I'd like to know why you look scared outta your mind."
Eddie's hand moved to his back, rubbing in circles, comforting. "It's okay, sweetheart."
Wayne didn't even flinch at the pet name.
Maybe he was just used to Eddie being a bit too loose with his words, or maybe he actually knew.
"My parents um," Steve silently asked Eddie for permission to say more. Eddie nodded. "They found a note from Eddie to me. And they figured out some stuff about um..."
"It's alright. He knows about me," Eddie said softly.
"Go on, kid," Wayne said.
"They found out that he's my boyfriend from the note, and they didn't want their letdown of a son in their house anymore. I had to grab what I could in just a couple minutes and get out."
Wayne's hand rested on his knee now. "Thanks for tellin' me, son."
Steve broke.
The tears came so quickly, so viciously, he couldn't breathe. Eddie's arms wrapped around him, pulled him tight to his chest.
Wayne's hand was on his back, an extra comforting weight as he let the events of the evening sink in.
His parents didn't love him, didn't want him, didn't even care to hear about how lucky he was to finally have someone who got him.
But Wayne was here, showing him acceptance.
Eddie was here, holding him and loving him through this.
And when Robin heard, she'd be by his side, making threats that would make him laugh.
Eventually, he would tell the others, maybe even Hopper.
But for now, he held the courage Eddie gave him close to his chest, used this as a practice run.
"I'm gonna make us some hot chocolate. You got any stuff in your car to bring in?" Wayne asked.
"Just one bag."
"We'll get it in the mornin'. You can borrow some of Ed's clothes tonight. And you let me worry about gettin' your stuff. Me and Jim can handle it." Wayne stood up and started walking towards the kitchen. "And Steve?"
"Yeah?" he pulled away to wipe his eyes and look at Wayne, who was smiling at him.
"I don't expect ya to pay rent, but I do expect ya to help with chores. Your days for dishes can be Mondays and Thursdays and you'll be in charge of groceries one week a month. Sound okay to you?"
He blinked back at Wayne, confused.
"You can share a room with Eds, but remember the walls are thin."
"Wayne!" Eddie choked out.
Steve laughed, genuinely happy on a night when he was sure he'd be miserable for days to come. "We'll behave."
Wayne knocked once on the doorway and walked out of sight.
Steve turned to Eddie and kissed him once on the lips, a quick peck.
"You okay with me living here? Wayne kinda just invited me without talking to you," Steve felt himself blush.
"I want you to be safe and happy, right here with me. With us. If that's what you want."
"Yeah. I want that," Steve rested his head against Eddie's shoulder and sighed. "I'm tired."
"You were brave tonight. Takes a lot outta ya." Eddie kissed the top of his head. "I should know by now that I can always count on your courage, though."
"What do you mean?"
"Took me three years to admit to Wayne that I was gay. Took you three minutes," Eddie let out a quiet laugh. "You amaze me."
"You're being sappy," Steve said into his shirt.
"Let me be a little sappy."
Steve could hear the words he wasn't saying, had felt them plenty of times over the last couple of weeks, maybe months. The 'I love you' that was hidden under sappy words, hidden under the blanket wrapped around him being adjusted by worried hands, hidden in hands that were always touching him to remind him he wasn't alone.
They might be hidden now, but they wouldn't be for long.
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munsonsmixtapes · 23 days
Playing the Part
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actor!Eddie x actress!reader
summary: you and Eddie are playing the romantic leads in a movie. The only problem? You can’t stand each other.
cw: MDNI (18+) fingering, oral (f receiving), hurt/comfort
You and Eddie stood in the middle of the street, staring at each other like nothing else had mattered. No words had been exchanged between the two of you, but just from the looks in your eyes, it was obvious what you were feeling. Eddie pulled you into his arms as rain poured down on the two of you. It pelted your skin, making it cold and wet, but all you were thinking about was the man in front of you. Even soaked from the rain, he still somehow looked so angelic. Almost as if the rain made him look even better.
The man was looking at you with so much love that it was almost palpable. His brown doe eyes bored into yours, saying so much even though no words fell from his lips. He was always so good at telling you exactly how he felt just by looking at you. How exactly he did it, you’d never know.
“So you’ll marry me?” He asked and you grinned.
“Of course I will!” You exclaimed before pulling him into a deep kiss. His arms wrapped tighter around you, deepening the kiss by tilting your head backwards so he had more access to your lips.
“Cut!” A voice yelled from behind you and the two of you broke apart instantly. You wiped your mouth the with back of your hand while Eddie sprayed some breath stay into his mouth, looking at you with nothing but disgust.
It was needless to say that the two of you despised each other. It was obvious in the way you spoke to the other and the looks you shared. As soon as the two of you had been casted as the romantic leads for the film, everyone held their breath. You had hated each other since the moment you had locked eyes and they were honestly surprised that you both had actually agreed to work together.
The fact was, neither of you actually wanted to participate with the knowledge that you’d be working together let alone having to act as a couple, but the roles were forced upon you since both of your teams decided that your feud was childish and that if you had actually spent time together, you’d get along.
What a pipe dream that was. All you two had done was argue if you weren’t doing a scene. Off screen, you were absolutely insufferable together, but on screen, it was like magic. Your relationship almost seemed believable.
It had gotten to a point, though, where the pull was threatened to be pulled if you didn’t stop with your behavior. It wasn’t too late to cast a new couple and the director never failed to remind you of that. So, you put on smiles and faked like you were the best of friends only to argue once you were behind closed doors and sure that nobody could actually hear you.
Since so many members of the crew had seen you both go into your trailer so often, they had been convinced that you had been sleeping together. Which was laughable to the two of you, until it wasn’t.
You hadn’t meant to. It was merely an accident. You were trying to get a scene right which happened to involve a kiss and one of you was the one to deepen it and one thing led to another and you both somehow ended up naked. It wasn’t your fault that there was a perfectly good couch behind you. You were just trying to test it out. Turned out it wasn’t a very good one since it had broken just as you both were coming down from your orgasms.
A one time thing quickly turned into two times which turned into three until you were fucking each other on the regular. Sure, you hated the man’s guts, but even you could admit that he knew exactly how to please you and make you feel good.
Though, it seemed that you only were able to enjoy each other’s company when Eddie was inside of you since any time you had to kiss him for a scene, it felt forced and different to how he would kiss you behind closed doors. Those kisses were always rough, but at least you could tell that he was enjoying himself.
“Everyone take a break and then we’ll go again.” You should have known that the take hadn’t been good, but you really didn’t want to go again. Not if Eddie wasn’t going to put his all into it like you had.
You fled the set a quickly as you could and made a beeline for you trailer so you could have some peace and quiet. For once, you weren’t going to let Eddie in. You needed him to know that he couldn’t just fuck you whenever he wanted and that you weren’t going to continue your arrangement any longer. It was unprofessional and only made your relationship that much more confusing.
You sat down on the bed and collapsed onto it. Why did everything have to get so complicated? Why did your feelings have to get in the way? You could have easily continued what was going on between the two of you if your feelings for him hadn’t grown so strong. Perhaps it was foolish to fall for someone that you were only sleeping with, but you couldn’t help it.
There was a knock at your door but you ignored it. You knew exactly who it was and you couldn’t see him. You couldn’t without wanting to have sex with him and you couldn’t do that anymore. It had to end.
Even after telling him to go away, Eddie continued to knock. You always opened the door immediately and he wasn’t going to leave until he got answers as to why you were acting so differently. He thought he at least deserved that.
You eventually opened the door and Eddie stepped inside, grabbing onto your waist and pressing a kiss to your lips. It was rough just like always and despite knowing that you needed to push him away, you didn’t want to. You kissed him back, your hands curling into his hair as he stepped forward until you hit the bed. He licked into your mouth as he guided you to lay down on the bed, removing the flannel that you were dressed in as he did so.
His hand moved up your shirt and massaged your breast as he slid underneath your bra, his other hand moving up your back to unclasp your bra. You rested your hand on top of his to stop him and he looked up at you, trying to figure out what was going on in your head.
“Want me to stop?” He asked and you nodded.
“Yes,” you responded. “I’m sorry.”
“No need to be sorry,” he shook his head. “You don’t owe me anything, you know that, right?” There it was again. The sweet behavior that only seemed to appear when you were in that position. Why was it so difficult to treat you that way when you weren’t alone?
“What’s going on? Are you okay?” Your silence was freaking him out. You always usually had something to say. In fact, it was hard to get you to stop talking most days.
“You can continue,” you told him and he looked at you skeptically. You had changed your mind. You needed him right then, your pussy too wet to not have remedy it in some way.
“Eddie, please. Need you.”
“Y/n, I’m not sure that-”
“Then look at my sopping wet cunt and decide for yourself.” The lust returned to your eyes and Eddie slowly unbuttoned your jeans, pulling them down to your ankles. He then removed your underwear and just as you’d said, your cunt was in fact sopping wet.
“Look at you, darling,” he said, spreading your legs wide. “Need me that bad, huh? Don’t worry, I’ll take care of you, okay? Gonna eat you so good.” With that, he removed your jeans and underwear from your legs and immediately shoved his fingers inside of you, the pure pleasure causing you to grip the blanket beneath you tight.
“Oh,” you moaned and Eddie continued to pump his fingers in and out of you, the only sounds that could be heard were the squelching of your pussy as Eddie moved his fingers in and out of you, your moans, and Eddie words of encouragement as he helped you through it.
“That’s right, angel,” he cooed. “Sound so pretty.” He kept his slow and steady pace as he moved his fingers with every intention of edging you, wanting you to beg for his mouth that you so desperately wanted on your cunt.
“Eddie, please,” you begged and he just looked at you with that mischievous grin. “If I could do it myself, I would.”
“Relax, angel. Let’s not get too impatient. “I’m gonna take care of you, remember?” With that, he removed his fingers from your cunt and replaced it with his face, diving in with no warning, causing you to gasp as he nose brushed just the right spot.
He took no time to graze it with his teeth, eliciting the most delicious sounds from your mouth. Your hands moved into his hair and you tightened your fists around the locks at his scalp, giving it a yank when he did something you particularly liked.
“So good, Eddie,” you whined. “Need more.” He swiped his tongue from your slit to your clit then began to suck on it, eating up both your beautiful moans and the way you were pulling on his hair. “Fuck,” you swore and that he took that as invitation to continue, deciding that he’d lick and suck until he had lapped up every single drop of your delectable slick.
“Sound like an angel, angel,” he said. “And you taste so fucking good. Could eat you all the time.”
Once he decided that you were ready, he stuck his tongue fully inside you and your back arched as he draped your legs over his shoulder, pulling you closer so he had more access to your pussy. He swirled it around as you pressed your legs against his head as your moans got louder and louder.
Your vision went hazy as you reached your orgasm and you reached for Eddie’s hands, giving them a squeeze as he continued to work his magic on your cunt, making sure to let you know just how much he was enjoying himself as he did so.
His tongue reached a spot that it never had before and it caused your back to arch the most that it could, your legs tightening around his head even more as you reached your peak.
“Eddie,” you practically screamed. “I love you.” The words that left your mouth caused you both to pause. You immediately sat up as Eddie removed his face from your cunt, his eyes growing just as wide as yours. He pulled your legs off of his shoulder, but stayed on the floor, resting his hands gently on your knees.
The room was so quiet that you could hear a pin drop, both of you too afraid to be the first one to speak. You hadn’t meant to say it and certainly not while Eddie had been eating you out. But the words hung between you and you couldn’t take them back. They meant too much to do that.
“You love me?” He asked, his voice barely above a whisper.
“That wasn’t exactly the way I wanted to tell you, but yes. I do.” His face lit up and he leaned forward, pressing a kiss to your lips. He smiled into it and you couldn’t help but mimic him, the kiss becoming harder to accomplish but that only made the two of you laugh.
“I love you too,” he mumbled against your lips. “So much that it hurts.” He tilted your head back to deepen the kiss just as there was a knock on your door, letting you know that it was time to go back to set.
“Guess we should go,” you said with a sigh.
“Guess we should,” he nodded, reaching for your underwear and jeans before helping you put them back on. He then helped you from the bed and you fled the trailer hand in hand to head to the set where you’d do your first scene as an official couple.
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estrellami-1 · 11 months
If I Should Stay
Part 1 | . . . | Part 6 | Part 7 | Part 8
Just wanted to let y’all know that I’m about to get real busy for about a week. I’ll do my best to post on the 3rd or 4th, then again on the 7th or 8th. Thanks for understanding! ❤️
Tensions rise the longer El sits, motionless, in front of the staticky TV. Finally, she speaks. “I see her.”
Steve holds up a hand, stopping all conversation. “Is she alive?”
“Yes. Scared. I- I can’t reach her.”
“That’s okay. Is she safe? For now?”
“For now,” El agrees. “But not for long.”
“How long do you think we have?”
“I don’t know.”
“Okay. That’s okay. Can you look for Will, or are you too tired right now?”
“I’m tired. I’m sorry.”
“No, don’t be, it’s alright. I know how this ends already, remember? Here, want me to take the blindfold off?”
“Yes, please.”
“Robs? Tissue for her nose?”
Robin sprints off as Steve kneels behind El to untie the blindfold. “You did great,” he murmurs. “Thank you.”
“I looked.”
“Which is more than any of us can do,” he reminds her.
“Quick question,” Eddie says, raising his hand. “What in the hell is going on?”
“She’s got superpowers,” Steve says. “Hey, El, want us to blow up the labs while we’re at it?”
Eleven manages a shaky smile. “That would make things easier.”
“So, yes?”
She chuckles and leans into him. “I don’t know. I’m very tired.”
“Yeah, okay. Let me get you upstairs and into a bed, yeah?” She nods, looping her arms around his neck and closing her eyes. He chuckles. “I guess I’m carrying you, then?” He asks, but stands anyways, shifting her so she’s in a more comfortable position. “We can talk more once I come back downstairs,” Steve tells the rest of them, “as long as you can talk quietly.”
Nancy smirks. “That might be a little difficult for this group.”
Steve grins, shakes his head, and brings El upstairs. “My bed? Or there’s a guest bed that no one uses.”
She yawns. “Yours?”
“Sure,” he agrees, pushing open his door and tucking her in. “Y’want the door open or closed?”
“Open, please.”
“Alright. Need anything before I go?”
She shakes her head, smiling up at him. “Thank you, Steve.”
He winks at her. “Don’t tell anyone, but you’re my favorite.” She giggles and yawns again, and he chuckles. “Okay, bedtime for real. Night, El.”
“Goodnight, Steve.”
As he walks downstairs, he hears the group talking. He rounds the corner and sees Eddie, Nancy, and Robin in one conversation while the boys have a different one. “Okay,” he says, loud enough to get their attention. “First things first, we need food. If anyone has anything against pizza, speak now or forever hold your peace.” He raises a brow when the boys all start speaking over each other, yelling out their topping preferences. “I’ve known you for three years,” he reminds them. “I know what you want on your pizza.”
“Prove it,” Dustin says, spark in his eyes.
Steve rolls his eyes. “You just want me to prove even more that I’m from the future,” he says, but points to each of the boys in turn. “Pepperoni, meat lovers, pepperoni.”
Lucas narrows his eyes at Steve. “Lucky guess.”
“Christ, what is it going to take with you? You like basketball because you watch it with your dad. You want to try out for the team but are scared you won’t be good enough. You are, by the way, and I help you with some of that. Your little sister Erica is a brat and a loudmouth but you love her and her weird obsession with government.”
“Don’t forget about El,” Robin adds. “She’ll want pizza when she wakes up.”
“Yeah. Eddie? What do you want on your pizza?”
Eddie smirks. “What, you don’t know?”
“I don’t, actually, because we meet while you’re on the run from something you didn’t do. There’s not much time for small talk, and you deferred to the kids when it came to food.”
Eddie looks at him for a long second before nodding. “I like pepperoni just fine,” he says, and Steve nods.
Permanent Taglist: @justforthedead89 @ilovecupcakesandtea @madigoround @bookbinderbitch @suddenlyinlove @nburkhardt @artiststarme @paintsplatteredandimperfect @i-less-than-three-you @alyelf @quarble @messrs-weasley @littlewildflowerkitten @vankaar @starman-jpg @bornonthesavage @steddie-there @goodolefashionedloverboi @andienotannie @cinnamon-mushroomabomination @platinum-sunset @just-ladyme @steddiestains @swimmingbirdrunningrock @imhereforthelolzdontyellatme @martinskis-lydias @notaqueenakhaleesi @sleepyboosstuff @bestwifehaver @m-owo-n @thatonebadideapanda @finalmoondragon @velocitytimes2 @callmeanythjing @ajeff855 @ilikeititspretty @knitsforthetrail @sillysparrow @that-one-corvid @ace-is-bored @local-writers-corner @harpymoth @weirdandabsurd42
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Fic Taglist: @blondlanfear @do-you-want-something-more @str4wb3rry-guy
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bimbobaggins69 · 1 year
Fooled round & fell in love (part five)
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Eddie Munson X Female!reader
summary: you’re in love with your best friend but your best friend thinks love is for losers, choosing to sleep around rather than settle down. You’ve had enough and you’re ready to move on from your feelings, luckily you find someone who might make that possible but does Eddie really hate love as much as he leads on?
warnings: angstttt, hurt/comfort, allusions to depression, mention of reader having a ponytail, reader has some self doubt, cussing, fluffff
A/N: This took me a little longer then I wanted, I had this chapter almost completely written out but didn’t save it so when I went to change a song on Spotify and went back the whole app refreshed and everything was gone, yes, I had a mini break down lmao but wow I’m so proud of this series and I so glad to finally get the finale posted 🖤 Thank you to everyone who took the time out to read it! Also extra points if you get the twilight reference.
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“Hey baby” rings out in your ears, your stomach drops at the sight in front of you, your feet feel stuck to the floor beneath you
“What are you doing here?” Eddie says to the blonde hanging off of his neck
“You called me and told me to come over, remember?” She says as she furrows her eyebrows
“I, what?” Eddie grits out while his jaw tenses
“Cmon baby, let’s have a repeat of the other night? I can’t stop thinking about you” she wines out
You’re still stuck, so silent the girl in front of you doesn’t even recognize your presence
But once those words leave her mouth, Eddie’s looking over at you with sullen eyes, and a look you couldn’t quite place, as he does, she finally realizes they’re not alone
“Who is she?!” She spits out
“Look you really need to go!”
“What the fuck Eddie? I said who is she?” The girl growled
“Get the fuck out!” Eddie yelled out
The girl turns to look at you while she clenches her jaw
“He’s just using you! I bet he said a bunch of crap that made you feel real special, huh?”
Eddie’s eyes widen at her words
She turns around rushing out of the door slamming it, almost making the whole trailer shake
“Y/n” Eddie says taking a couple steps towards you, he can see the tears brimming in your eyes
“Babe, please let me explain that” he says trying his best to be calm
Finally you snap out of whatever daze you’re in
“I can’t believe I actually fell for your bullshit, Eddie. What was she suppose to be your round two after I left?”
“What? No, no please I don’t even know what she’s talking about!”
“Yeah, okay, I’m gunna go” you grab your keys and head for the door
“Don’t call me that, I’m not your baby, we’re not even friends, I wish I never let you touch me!” You say as tears roll down your cheeks
“Y/n don’t say that, please”
You race to your car and jump in slamming the door, as you peel off, you hear Eddie yelling your name, but you couldn’t even bring yourself to look at him in the rear view mirror. On your drive home you can barely see through the tears in your eyes, it’s late so luckily the streets are dead, and all you want to do is get home and curl up in a ball and cry yourself to sleep
How could Eddie tell you all of those things knowing he invited another girl over, like you were nothing but another notch on his belt, You really felt like you two connected on a different level, you thought maybe since Eddie has known you for so long that you would be different, you would mean more to him.
The blonde girls words kept playing back in your mind
“Repeat of the other night” “I can’t stop thinking about you” “he’s just using you” “I bet he said a bunch of crap that made you feel real special, huh?”
Okay yes he dropped the L word, yes he said you were his dream girl but is that just shit he says in the throes of passion?
You felt physically sick to your stomach, but apart of you wished you heard him out, listened to what he had to say.
You weren’t sure what to feel in this moment, so many emotions pulling you in different directions, you just wanted to scream
Finally you pull up to your drive way, and make your way inside. Luckily your mom’s asleep or else she would definitely ask questions about the mascara and tears staining your face, and you just couldn’t bring yourself to talk about it. As you trudge upstairs, you make it into your room shutting your door and yanking your clothes off, all of them smelling like Eddie and you just wanted them as far away from you as possible, you throw them in your hamper and pull on a big shirt as you slide under your covers turning out the lamp on your nightstand
You toss and turn, trying your hardest to fight back tears but you can’t they flow out of you like a stream
You cry so much your chest starts to physically hurt, and in that moment you promise yourself after you get this agonizingly painful cry out, you won’t shed anymore tears for Eddie
You continue to cry until you eventually drift off to sleep.
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The next morning you wake up to your phone ringing off the hook, you look at your clock on your nightstand, the big red numbers making your eyes squint a bit before they eventually adjusted, reading 12:42 pm, you sit up and stretch as the memories of the night before play like a movie reel in your head, your stomach twists as you remember every little detail of last night, you decide to ignore the phone and head to the shower wanting to scrub the nights events off your skin.
As you wrap a towel in your hair and put your black silk robe on tying it securely to your body, you make your way back into your room, you hear the phone go off for what seems like the 5th time, as much as you just want to shut down and lock yourself inside never having to deal with anyone again, you know thats just not realistic so you hesitantly walk over to the white house phone sitting on your desk.
You clear your throat as you answer
“Hello?” It comes out way more hoarse then you would’ve liked
“Sweetheart, please don’t hang up! I need to talk to you, please” Eddie let’s out in almost a panic
“Eddie, I have nothing to say to you, lose my number” you say as tears threaten to spill again, guess that promise you made to yourself is tougher then you thought
You slam the phone back down not wanting to hear another word from him.
As you make your way to your closet to pick out some clothes, your phone rings again, and now instead of tears you’re seething “can he not take the fucking hint?” You think to yourself
“I said leave me alone!” You bark out
“Woah, what did I do?” Robin says while removing the phone from her ear and looking at it in confusion
“Oh my god, Rob I’m so sorry, I thought you were someone else” you say as you let out a deep breath and let your tense shoulders deflate back to their normal position
“And who would that be?” She says as she laughs
“It’s not that important, anyway what’s up?” You say trying to change the subject
“Well, you never called me back after the other night, and I was just wondering how everything went with you and that Randy guy? But now i’m not so sure I should’ve brought him up” she says
“Oh, yeah me and Randy aren’t really talking anymore, we just kind of decided we weren’t for each other, I guess” you say trying to sound as convincing as possible
You didn’t wanna lie to Robin, she’s your best friend but you just couldn’t go into detail about the whole situation, god you were still humiliated enough by saying Eddie’s name while Randy made you cum, but also Eddie’s friends with Steve and Steve’s friends with Robin so you didn’t wanna create awkward tension between anyone, knowing Robin would have your back if she did run into Eddie. You’ll tell her eventually but now is just not the time
“I’m sorry, babe, well you know what they say, there’s more fish in the sea and all that” she says trying to be as empathetic as possible
“Yeah, well lucky for me I don’t think I’ll be exploring the sea for a very long time” you laugh out
“Hey, how about we hang out today? Maybe go to Benny’s and grab some burgers and shakes? Forget about the burdens of our failing love lives?” She says as she wiggles her brows up and down, like you can see her through the phone
“Um, yeah that actually sounds nice, I wouldn’t mind stuffing my face with some fries and a strawberry shake” you say almost excited
“Okay, I’m gunna tell Steve and we’ll be on our way to pick you up, say around 3:30?”
“Kay, I’ll see you then”
As you hang up you start to overthink, what if Eddie shows up, what if Eddie’s already told Steve, what if, after what if, and now you are almost tempted to call Robin back and cancel, but you know you can’t, you already made plans
Finally you walk back over to your closet and pick out your outfit for the day which consisted of high waisted jeans, a white tank top and a cropped leather moto jacket, you make your way into your bathroom to throw on as little makeup as possible just a little something to cover up the redness from a night of crying, you decide to just pull your hair into a ponytail on top of your head, leaving bangs and some face framing pieces out, you slip some sneakers on and after your finished you make your way downstairs, to watch some tv until Robin and Steve get there
After about an hour of mindlessly flipping through channels and finally landing on music videos on MTV, you hear a car pull up in your driveway, you walk over to the window peaking out, to see Steve’s bmw. You grab your bag, turn the tv off and head out the front door.
“Hey, there she is” Steve says with a smile
“Hey guys, thank you for picking me up” you say as you slide in the back seat
“Don’t mention it” Steve and Robin say in unison
“It really creeps me out when you guys do that” you say as you stifle a laugh
Steve shoots a playful glare at you in the rear view mirror, and you can’t help but to giggle, which in turn makes Steve laugh
“So” Robin says “do you need me and Stevie here to beat this Randy guy up?” She says as she looks back at you, and you wonder if she can tell you’ve been crying
“No, Randy’s not my problem” you say without giving that statement much thought
“You sure?” Steve says looking at you again in the rear view mirror almost trying to read your face
“Guys, I’m fine can we just go pig out, please?” You beg
“Fine, fine let’s go” Robin says as Steve puts the car into reverse and backs out of your driveway
Once you walk into Benny’s with Steve to your right and Robin to your left, you are greeted with a waitress who tells you to sit any where you’d like, so you all opt for your usual booth in the back. its pretty big as it almost wraps around the whole table, being able to sit up to at least 6 people.
You all scoot into the booth and begin talking about god knows what, it’s more Steve and Robin talking while you get lost in thought but pretend to listen as you nod your head to the little words you catch here and there.
But your ears perk up when you hear Steve mention Eddie’s name, Robin asked where he was and that we should’ve invited him, but Steve says he had some business to take care of, whatever that means.
Before you’re able to get back to your thoughts the waitress is asking if you’re ready with your orders, she’s tapping her foot and chewing her gum as she waits for Robin to decide whether she wants fries or onion rings. Once the orders are put in, Steve and Robin go back to their normal chatter and banter, while you butt in every once in awhile. You’ve never felt like this before almost too stuck in your head, like it’s almost impossible to follow through with a whole conversation. After everyone’s done eating, you’re ready to head back home and maybe hide out in your room for another couple of days, this was too much human interaction for you and you just wanted to be alone with your thoughts. Once you all are finished eating you split the bill and head back out to Steve’s car, as Robin gets in the front seat, Steve stops you
“Listen, Eddie told me what happened and as a friend to a friend I really think you should hear him out y/n” he says with doe eyes you almost feel like he’s trying to play this up for Eddie, make you feel bad so you’ll talk to him
“I really don’t have anything to say to him Steve, I mean I don’t know what he told you but what he did was really fucked up”
“Yeah he told me” he says nodding his head
Your eyes widen a bit
“Like everything?” You say as you look down
“Well I mean he didn’t go into detail if thats what you’re asking but I mean I know enough” he says
“And you don’t think thats fucked? Telling me he’s in love with me and then inviting another girl over? Like who does that?”
“I don’t think that’s exactly what happened y/n”
“Okay so what did happen Steve?” You say as you start to get annoyed
“I don’t know but Eddie wouldn’t do that to you, I’m just saying you should hear him out” he says as he heads back to his side of the car, opening the door and getting in, leaving you there as you stair at the ground, lost in thought. After a few seconds you make your way to the car and slide into the backseat
“Is everything okay?” Robin says as she looks from you to Steve
“Yup, everything’s fine” you say as Steve nods in agreement
Once they pull up to the curb in front of your house, you thank them and tell Robin you’ll talk to her later. You head inside greeting your mom who’s just got home from work, you tell her about your day and listen to her latest work gossip, and then you head up to your room, once inside you take off your jacket and jeans and leave your white tank top on and slip on some black cotton shorts. As you sit in bed you realize how exhausted you feel and decide to take a nap, and maybe deal with the whole “listening to Eddie” situation later
As you drift off to sleep you can’t help but to dream of Eddie, his face, his hands, his lips, god you wanted to hate him, but this was physically taking so much out of you, you were still so irrevocably in love with him
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The sounds of tapping wake you up from the best nap of your life. Once your eyes open and adjust to the darkness you hear the tapping again, as you sit up you realize it’s coming from your window, you stand up making your way over but as you look down into your driveway your breath hitches as you see Eddie releasing another rock into the air, as it hits the glass you flinch and back up, debating if you want to shut your curtains and go back to bed, but the conversation with Steve is still fresh in your mind, so without giving it a second thought you open your window
“Eddie, what are you doing here?” You hissed
“Come outside, please!” He yells back
“Eddie go home!” At this point you want him to beg before you hear him out
And almost like he read your mind, he yells back
“Please y/n, five minutes just give me five minutes!”
You close your window and go downstairs, throwing on the sneakers you wore earlier, as you head outside you see Eddie leaning against his van with a cigarette perched in his mouth, when he sees you he looks at you with the saddest eyes, as you get closer it almost looks like he’s been crying
“Your five minutes start now” you say as you fold your arms over your chest
“Okay, well what happened last night was not what you think, I never invited Becky over” he cries out
“Oh that’s her name” you think to yourself
“She said I called her and invited her over, and that was bullshit” he says as he fiddles with the cigarette in his hand
“Okay so enlighten me Eddie, what did happen?” You say a little condescending
“I spent all fucking day trying to figure that out, and after talking to a few people, I found out Becky and Randy are friends, like they definitely run in the same circle and what I believe happened is Randy asked her to come over and say that I invited her, how he knew you were there I don’t know, but I promise you sweetheart, I would never do some shit like that, not to you, everything I told you last night, I’ve been wanting to tell you for years but I was too stupid and too pussy. But that aside, I would never do anything, anything to lose you! Fuck y/n I mean I’ve never felt this way before and after last night I can’t even imagine being with anyone else. I don’t think my dick could get hard for anyone but you, now”
You roll your eyes at that
“Real romantic, Munson” you retort
“I’m serious” he says as he takes a step closer to you
You don’t move as he takes a couple more steps closer now standing directly in front of you, you’re looking up into his eyes trying to scan it for any bullshit, but all you see is sincerity and that makes your stomach flutter
“Okay, your five minutes are up” you whisper up to him as he looks down at you starring into your eyes
“Cmon y/n you have to believe me” he whispers back, as the hand without the cigarette comes up to cup your cheek, he’s surprised when you don’t make a move to pull away
“I do believe you” you whisper back as tears fill your water line
“But I don’t know, eddie” you say as you shake your head “I mean if we do this, what if you realize I’m not enough? What if you get bored? I can’t compete with all those girls, and that lifestyle” you say as the tears begin to fall
Eddie wipes them away with his thumb as his own tears threaten to spill
“Baby, you’re so much more than enough, you don’t have to compete with shit, because there is no competition, I want you, I’ve already had that and now I just want you, I want you to be mine”
“I have one more question” you spit out almost not thinking before you said it
“Yeah, anything?” Eddie says while nodding his head
“What did she mean by, I bet he said some crap that made you feel special? What did you tell her?” You say almost too nervous to hear the answer
Eddie let’s out a deep breath before he begins talking
“I’m gonna be honest with you, absofuckinglutely nothing, we barely talked I fucked her for a total of maybe four minutes, before I pretended to cum so she could get the fuck out of there. The only reason I went home with her was because I wanted to see if you’d get jealous maybe show me some kind of reaction but you were too busy cozied up to Randy boy, and then when I took her back to my place, I regretted it cause all I could think about was you. I really wanted to pull you off of his lap and drag you back home and teach you fucking lesson, god when I showed up to your house and seen you in that little outfit I had an instant hard on, I wanted to tell you how I felt then, but when you told me you were seeing someone I didn’t wanna ruin it for you no matter how jealous I was”
His words make your heart soar, you can’t believe you spent all night crying over something you shouldn’t have been crying over, now you felt like it was your turn to grovel
“I’m sorry, Eddie. I should’ve heard you out instead of assuming the worst” you say as you wrap your arms around his waste and put your chin on his chest
“S’kay baby, I’m just glad we’re okay, I’ve been a fucking wreck since last night”
“Me too” you say as you both laugh at each others sheer stupidity
“Hey do you wanna go for a drive or something?” He says looking at you with a glint of hope in his eyes
“Mm, I don’t know if I should” you say as you look back at your house, debating whether it’s a good idea
But when you look back into his doe eyes you can’t say no
“You know what, fuck it, yeah let’s go” you say with a smirk
“That’s my girl” he says back with his signature mischievous grin
my girl
I could get use to that.
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morganski-19 · 7 months
Robin hates that she’s even here right now asking this question, but she has to. She has no frame of reference for what to do and her nerves are spiking all over the place. And the only person she can think to ask is Steve. Which shouldn’t be awkward because he is her best friend and they’ve talked about uncomfortable topics before but this is different. She’s never really wanted to know the details of his sex life before, especially when it’s about his ex now her girlfriend, but now she’s actively asking about it. Just because she has no idea what to do when she and Nancy eventually have sex. 
“The hottest thing you can do is put her hand on your head and tell her to show you how she likes it.”
Robin nods, a little skeptical. “Would Nancy even want that”
Steve nods. “She can be very demanding in bed when she wants to be.”
Eddie walking by this conversation, “Wait, what.””
“Yeah, sometimes she likes to call the shots. Most of the time actually, once she’s comfortable with it she likes it more that way.”
“You mean she topped you?” Eddie asks, a little stunned.
“I mean, sort of, she didn’t peg me or anything, except for that one time, but she was in control.”
“Didn’t need to know that,” Robin says covering her ears. “So do you think she would want to do that with me too?”
“Probably, like I said, she liked it a lot more that way. I did too, to be honest.” He says it so nonchalantly like this information isn’t making Robin so uncomfortable. 
“That was too much information.” Robin shakes her head, picking and choosing which words she wants to remember from this conversation.
Eddie bursts out laughing. “You like being topped by nerds.”
“Hot nerds,” Steve corrects.
“I feel like I’m learning too much about your sex life.”
“You asked, I answered. And like you already didn’t know I was a switch”
“What,” Eddie says a bit too shocked. 
“Yeah I’m a switch, thought you knew that.”
“How would I know that if we’ve never switched, we could have.”
“Yeah but I know you haven't liked that in the past so I didn’t bring it up”
“Yeah but I didn’t love those guys, this is different. Sure of won’t be like an all the time thing, but it can happen every once in a while”
Robin smacks Steve’s arm. “Why didn’t you tell me you were at the love stage, dingus?”
Steve has a wide-eyed expression while looking at Eddie “You love me”
“Oh cause that was the first time,” she says, connecting the dots.
Eddie’s eyes widen with what he just said, cursing to himself. “I didn’t mean to tell you like that. Especially with Robni. Here.”
Steve gets up and kisses him. “I love you too.” They kiss again, seeming to forget that Robin is in the room as it is obviously leading somewhere.
She gets the cue and grabs her stuff, heading for the door. “Well, this was nice. Happy for you, I’m just going to see my way out and call Nancy to come pick me up. Happy fucking.”
“You too,” Steve yells out as she shuts the door.
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thelastwalkingsoul · 1 year
Steve never really 'did' easter.
His parents were always away or too busy. Easter egg hunts were always 'too childish, Steven.' He was usually stuck in the house with a nanny or by himself, or being shoved into itchy clothes and dragged to church. Steve didn't get jealous when all the other kids would talk about their easter with joy in their voices. He didn't get upset that get missed out. It was fine, really it was. Steve didn't care.
So, the year after Vecna, when everything had settled down, Steve had an idea. One that had absolutely nothing to do with his lack of easter celebrations as a child and everything to do with giving the kids some fun.
It's Eddie who finds him filling the plastic eggs with candy. He looks all sleep-ruffled, his hair a mess, engulfed in one of Steve's sweaters. Eddie chuckles as he pours his coffee, coming to lean on the kitchen bench across from Steve. "Does little Stevie want to do an egg hunt?"
Steve knows he means it as a joke, purely seeing the situation and deciding to tease, but it still hurts. He scoffs, "Not me. It's for the kids."
Steve fights to keep his voice normal but mustn't do a great job because suddenly, Eddie's cupping Steve's face with his hands.
"Hey, baby," Eddie croons. "What's wrong?"
Steve drops his eyes to the egg in his hands. "Nothing."
"Don't 'nothing' me. Did I say something?"
Steve sighs, glancing up at Eddie's face. The concern in his boyfriend's eyes is almost too much. "I just- I want to give them something fun."
"That's sweet," Eddie says but Steve can his tactic coming from a mile away. He knows there's more, he's just waiting for Steve to say it.
He huffs, and Steve thinks he must look so childish as he quietly admits, "I didn't do anything for Easter as a kid."
Before he can do anything, he's enveloped by Eddie's warm arms. Steve hugs back, relishing in the comfort Eddie brings. "I'm sorry you missed out on that baby," Eddie whispers in his ear. Steve simply hums back, not wanting to get into it. When Steve pulls back (he's almost always the first to pull back, Eddie lets him decide when he's ready), he's greeted with Eddie's smile. "I believe we have eggs to hide, princess."
They spend the rest of the morning hiding eggs in Steve's backyard. Steve tries to make them actually hard to find. His kids are smart; simply putting a few in bushes isn't going to be enough. It isn't until he looks up to see Eddie scaling a tree that he has to reign him in and scold him. 'I don't want them up trees, Eddie! They could get hurt. So could you!' When the kids arrive, they're surprised, but after a few teasing comments about Steve being such a mom, it becomes a free for all. They're all yelling and scrambling for eggs, leaving Steve and Eddie to watch by the sidelines. He can't help but feel warm inside as he sees El's proud smile and Lucas holding Max's hand as they search. His kids are safe and having fun, which is all he can ask for after the last few years. Even Eddie's getting into it, being a menace as Dustin demands clues and cackling at Dustin's face when he refuses. He comes up to Steve later, leaning close and admitting, "I love watching them loose their tiny minds." Steve just snorts and smacks a kiss on Eddie's cheek.
After dinner, Eddie insists he'll clean up and sends Steve to go shower. Steve caves, kissing Eddie quickly before making his way upstairs. Once he's showered and back in his bedroom, he notices something yellow on his bed. A lone plastic egg sits there, suspicious. Steve opens it carefully, fully expecting Eddie to have put something strange inside. Instead, it's a piece of paper, a clue written in Eddie's messy writing. Steve follows it downstairs, finding another. And another after that. And another after that. It's the closest Steve's ever been to having an easter egg hunt, and he can't say he isn't loving it.
The trail leads Steve to the living room. A pink egg sits on the coffee table. Steve picks it up and opens it, just like all the others. Except this one doesn't hold a clue. Written in slightly more tidy handwriting are two words; 'A Promise'. Underneath is something wrapped in soft red material.
As Steve unravels it, a ring drops into his hand. It's a simple gold band that shines in the soft light. A promise.
"Do you like it?"
He looks up to see Eddie, worrying his lip between his teeth. Steve smiles, tears welling in his eyes. "Eds, I love it." He moves towards Eddie and holds his left hand out. A grin comes alive on Eddie's face. He picks up the ring with gentle hands, sliding it onto Steve's ring finger. Steve moves his hand, admiring how it looks. Admiring the meaning and loving the way he feels immediately branded as Eddie's.
Steve looks up and launches himself at Eddie, kissing him hard. He can taste tears, whether they be his or Eddie's. They kiss soft yet hard, pushing all their feelings into the kiss, only pulling away when they're both breathing heavily. Steve closes his eyes and rests his forehead against Eddie's.
"I love you, Steve. Now and forever. I promise."
Part 1 (kinda)
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strangestofthings12 · 2 months
This is going to be a very rambling and venty post cause im tired and annoyed and honestly am just using this to vent my anger/hurt. there is going to be stuff that can maybe be seen as anti tommy/bucktommy (please dont tell me a ship name to put i dont care about if they do have an agreed upon ship name right now) so if you dont want that please just move on. i dont want to fight i just want to yell into the void on a stupid throw away account so i dont bring my negativity stew and come out on my main blog where i just want to enjoy my stuff and just keep happy energy. I dont normally post and try and just find someone who explains it better because im not great and getting what im saying across or understood the way i want, so please bear with me. With that said i will move on to what i want to say
Okay so i have been watching 9-1-1 for years and i love and adore it. Its characters and dynamics and i have always loved found family. Now i will admit that i started watching it thinking that Buck and Eddie were a couple and had a son so i was kinda watching for it. Do i think if i didn't start watching thinking that i would ship them still yes 100%. I have always loved their relationship and i have loved watching both Buck and Eddie grow and start to be happy while also having each others back even at the worst times. Sometimes if i think to hard about Eddie and start crying cause I'm very normal about this show and it characters. Now Eddie is my favorite character in the show and at least in my top five overall favorite characters. I love him and his development and i adore seeing how much he does to just do right by Chris even when he messes up you can tell how much he adores that boy and how badly he wants to give Chris the best life possible. I could write essays about Eddie Diaz trying to explain how much i love him and why and i think words would run out before i could finish making people understand. Buddie is my favorite ship (sometimes second depending on my mood. i would say sorry but Henren and Madney will always be amazing ships and sometimes i just cant stop think about them)(Sorry Bathena i love you too i swear i just cant decide if i wanna kiss athena or be adopted by bobby and athena:( Its confusing) and has been for quite awhile and is one of my overall favorites and its one of my comfort ships.
With that context when bi Buck happened i was so insanely happy and i wouldnt shut up about it. it made me sick. i was so happy for Buck and while i think a part of me will always be a little sad Eddie wasnt his first kiss with a guy i dont think either of them are ready for that. i also understand that it wouldnt make sense for how the story is going right now. Now i have nothing against bucktommy in the show. I have watched the kiss scene and sobbed to much to pretend like i hate them or even dislike them. However I genuinely dont care about Tommy. Hes kinda bland and i forget about him half the time and before they brought him back i completely forgot his name. in my mind he was the one that wasnt as much of an asshole to chim and hen as the other two assholes which wasnt saying a lot. Now I dont dislike tommy nor am i going to act like hes irredeemable because neither Chim nor Hen seem to think hes still that guy and while they dont seem super close they seem to get along so clearly, he's not like that anymore. I have nothing that makes me dislike him nor do I like him. He's just there. He's just the guy buck kissed. Thats all he means to me. I would give up his screen time for Ravi or May or Karen in a heartbeat. because i love them cause they mean something to me. I don't think i thought about the fact that people might actually like him especially not more than EDDIE.
This is where the context matters cause i am to my core a one ship per person girly. I might see a ship and people who like it and even think thats not a terrible ship but i will still only look at content for my ship for that person (ie. i ship Destiel (dont say anything bad about them ill cry<3) but i can see the way someone would also ship Dean and Benny or crowley or Cas and Crowley or Mick but i will ignore the ship and move on and look at more Dean and Cas). normally i will just ignore the ship and move on because im not who its for. If it gets annoying in my tag or anything like that ill block it or whoever is annoying me cause its not a them problem that i dont want to see it. When i start to have a problem is when multiple people arent tagging right for whatever reason or people who are being rude about the ship i like because of their ship. When I started seeing Bucktommy stuff more and more in the 9-1-1 tag i went to the buddie tag cause i dont want to see them. my problem is that when im reading on AO3 and click on a fic tagged Buddie where bucktommy get married. it was literally just hurting Eddie. There was stuff before like id be scrolling though the buddie tag here and see someone saying that Tommy is a better character then Eddie and saying that they hope bucktommy is endgame. Whatever block and move on. Just like always but then people who have shipped buddie for years who ive seen talk about them are suddenly saying that they like bucktommy better. People who started watching because of bucktommy saying they dont like Eddie. People are going to have different opinions but it still bugged me. and then i read that and i was just hurt because it was tagged happy ending and i cannot fathom ever thinking Eddie hurting and pining is a happy ending. So i started to get more annoyed and i hate when that happens especially with a show i love and a character i dont dislike so i tried to just move on but more and more people are taking about it then i saw someone saying that they wanted eddie to die so buck and tommy can have Chris.
I just hate that so many people are jumping on the bucktommy train and saying that they like it better than buddie something that is so good and sweet or saying that they like Tommy more than Eddie. I just dont get it cause Tommy is boring. like yeah we now some about him and he flies a helicopter but hes forgettable he could be a completely different person and next to nothing would have to change. We have seen Eddie at his worst and claw his way back up and hes finally letting himself be open and honest and soft. Eddie couldnt be replaced. Now im not saying Tommy can't be an interesting character but as he is right now?? He just isnt. Hes just as bland as every women (minus Taylor and Shannon) Buck and Eddie have dated and been hated on for no reason!!! Like i get that Tommy is a guy and we got canon Bi Buck and people are happy but those same people turn around and shit on Marisol from what ive seen(I could be wrong cause again i have done my best to avoid). Buddie fans arent safe from that either, cause we all know that Buddie fans do that but so many of those people who hated on them and said they didnt want them with anyone else suddenly decided that they were okay if Buck ended up with any guy. I dont know its just weird and i hate how many people are acting like Eddie isnt always going to be better then Tommy. Part of me wanted Tommy to stick around and help Buck and Eddie figure it all out but now?? i honestly just cant wait for him to be gone cause I want to have fun and read fics for my comfort ship and just chill where i can see all of my ships in the show without buck and tommy being everywhere or people saying crap about Eddie.
I have more to say but most of its about how gratifying waiting and seeing where this whole thing goes(Buddie season 8 PLEASE!!) and this is already why to long and i think im just going in circles and none of this makes sense so ima shut up for now and hopefully this will help it not fester and drive me insane and become a tommy hater
Edit: but i also hate that Tommy calls Buck Evan so he already had some stuff against him rip
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film-in-my-soul · 6 months
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Everybody's Talkin' | 2,273 | beetlesandstars / @beetlesandstarss
Summary: "This is just– bullshit!” Eddie yells. You’re bullshit. Oh. Eddie’s face changes then. Goes from livid and scared, to something worried, regretful.
Between The Lines | 2,486 | hitlikehammers / @hitlikehammers
Summary: “We need to talk.” Wayne wonders if this is the tone of voice the kid uses to fight the monsters they don’t talk about. “Say again?”
bet. | 2,835 | starryeyedjanai / @starryeyedjanai
Summary: "You need me to, to kiss you?" the guy asks, and this was a bad idea, the worst idea Robin's ever had. There's no way he's going to agree to this. "So, my friend-" he stops, looking back at Robin - she waves at them. He's trying so hard not to blush as he turns back to the guy and says, "She bet me that I couldn't get a guy to kiss me since it's my first time here. So I was wondering if you would kiss me, so I can win the bet." He's steeling himself for rejection, for this guy to tell him to fuck off or maybe have mercy and let him down gently by telling him he's taken. But he just smiles, tilting his head at Steve. "Why me?"
Indecent | 2,991 | NotEvenCloseToStraight / @not-close-to-straight
Summary: Steve was adorable wearing Eddie’s clothes. He was stupidly sexy wearing Eddie’s clothes. Steve was unfairly breaking Eddie’s brain wearing his clothes and it was just downright indecent. “Steve.” Eddie swallowed hard and lowered his voice. “Steve, go change.” “What?” Steve’s nose wrinkled when he frowned. “Why?” “Go change.” “But I’m comfortable.” “Go. Change.” “Eddie, I don’t understand--” “PUT THAT THING BACK WHERE IT CAME FROM OR SO HELP ME!” Eddie planted his feet and pointed violently at the crop top. “SO HELP ME STEVE HARRINGTON!”
Please see below for more recommendations!
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something so pretty | 3,087 | cranberrymoons / @cranberrymoons
Summary: Eddie raises Steve's hand to brush a kiss over his knuckles, then catches him around the waist again, swaying them back and forth to the rhythm of a Bangles song coming from the radio. “I said you look pretty, and I meant it. Deal with it.” Steve feels a reluctant smile pull at the corners of his mouth. “Really?”
abyss kiss | 3,145 | beetlesandstars / @beetlesandstarss
Summary: Steve stands as if frozen, letting everything churning inside simmer to a slow boil. He wishes suddenly, desperately, that he’d stayed with Robin. He doesn’t know when they’re meant to regroup. He doesn’t know anything. A shuddering breath leaves his lips, in such a rush he feels light-headed. He puts a hand on the wall, trying to plant his feet, trying to fucking think, but the world is turning too quickly, and he’s spinning, spinning, spinning–
Doing it for science (not really) | 3,181 | corrodedbisexual (mishabawlins) / @corrodedbisexual
Summary: The last thing Eddie expected to see in his life was Steve Harrington, comfortably laid back on his bed, fidgeting with a condom wrapper.
Flagging Your Attention | 3,391 | starsdontsleep
Summary: Eddie spots a scrap of material sticking out the back of Steve’s pocket during a party and he has to know; is the guy he desperately wants actually flagging?
Black Dog Sin | 3,668 | grumpyhedgehogs
Summary: Vecna raises Eddie to bring about ruin to those left in Hawkins. Things don't go as planned.
Your skin and bones turn into something beautiful (You know I love you so) | 4,209 | ChristinMKay / @transmascsteveharrington
Summary: Steve Harrington is born with a scream on his lips and so much love in his being that his body is covered in it. An abundance of moles, freckles, and birthmarks are speckled across his skin, painting him in constellations and stardust and affection. The nurses and doctors are congratulating Steve’s parents as they place him in the arms of his mother. They say he is blessed. Lived so many lives filled with people who loved him so much that the press of their lips against his skin had to echo through time and leave a mark.
and i don't want the world to see me ('cause I don't think that they'd understand) | 4,499 | mcdynamite
Summary: Steve Harrington has had a lot of sex. He's not, like, trying to brag about it, or anything. Frankly, he's not even sure it's something he would want to brag about in the first place. It's just an objective fact. The sky is blue. The Earth is round. Water is wet. And Steve Harrington has had a lot of sex. Which is...well, a little bit bizarre, considering the fact that he's not entirely convinced he actually enjoys it most of the time.
Apple Pie (Baked Just Right) | 4,635 | ParadimeShifts / @paradimeshifts7
Summary: Outside, Eddie is standing on his front step, his hair tied loosely back in a knot, clad in nothing but a pair of jeans and a faded t-shirt. And balanced in his hands is…Steve guesses it’s supposed to be a pie. The crust is all fucked up, looks a little like the puckered expanse of Eddie’s hip. It’s the most beautiful pie Steve’s ever seen.
color me in danger | 4,755 | SolariaLunar21 / @likewolveswerunwild
Summary: The first time Eddie remembers a major change in the color of his meter he’s 11 years old. For most of his life the bar on his wrist has sat firmly in the green sometimes on very rare occasions darkening to a green blue color. That is until that day when he’s 11 and he watches it change to yellow for the first time.
Play It Cool | 4,972 | BoudicaMuse / @spinmewriteround
Summary: The title of the video reads “CORRODED COFFIN AT LIVE NATION ARENA COVERS…” The band name sounds vaguely familiar, and he thinks they might be some mid-level rock band, or maybe they're punk. Not Steve’s thing at all, he couldn't name one of their songs with a gun to his head. Whatever they’re covering is cut off, but he can guess. "I'm really not in the mood for this." “Trust me, you’re going to love it.”
breakfast in bed (kisses for me), love can make you sing | 6,307 | luxeberries
Summary: The first thing he registers is Eddie. The second thing he registers is Eddie is wearing his sweater. The third thing is Dustin Henderson, sitting on the kitchen counter. "What the fuck are you doing here?"
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Bad News First, Eddie | 9,618 | alittleoff
Summary: "Bad news, good news? I don't know man, the news is I could have loved you." Steve talks to Eddie Munson's headstone in the cemetery. Life goes on, sorta.
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The Courtship of Eddie Munson | 10,437 | AnnetheCatDetective
Summary: After a couple of terrifying but illuminating trips through the Upside Down, Steve is determined to be the best boyfriend ever to Eddie. Sure, there are complications-- Eddie's recovery is going to be a long road, and it's not easy to court a guy who's unconscious. They never actually got to have a first date or even talk about their expectations for their new relationship. Eventually they'll have to figure out how to come out to the people close to them about it. But he knows he has Robin in his corner, and Eddie's uncle Wayne is surprisingly accepting, so he's confident they'll get through the bumps in the road. They've dealt with worse, right? The complication Steve didn't account for? Eddie's got no idea they're together.
exeunt ; enter stage | 10,576 | stardustcoral / @stardustcoral
Summary: Nancy inhaled slowly as she took a meaningful step towards him. Steve's eyes flickered back over to her instinctively, and he got a firsthand view of how her face had crumpled, eyes wide and shining and worried. "Steve," Nancy said, slow, gentle, quiet, like she was trying to calm a cornered wild animal. "None of us said those things." Steve's mouth opened, words piling on the tip of his tongue: what, so I was just hallucinating, then? he wanted to ask, nearly did ask, and then he realized—heart stopping in his chest and the floor very suddenly feeling like it had been ripped out beneath him—that was exactly what was happening. Steve's jaw shut with a click. "Oh," Steve breathed shakily. Oh, fuck.
Anywhere, Anytime | 10,853 | AidaRonan / @aidaronan
Summary: Eddie wakes from a nightmare about the bats. Again. About a week ago, Steve Harrington gave him his number with instructions to call if he needed anything. Said number is tacked on Eddie's wall under his Anthrax poster. 555-9878 -Steve H. But it's 3:17 a.m. and Eddie probably shouldn't call. Definitely shouldn't call.
It's Not a Big Deal | 11,708 | AidaRonan / @aidaronan
Summary:Eddie survives, but his entire life is locked away in the Upside Down forever (his books, his DnD stuff, his guitar.) Everything that wasn't on Eddie when Steve carried him into the ER, gone. So naturally Steve starts giving him things. Handing Eddie back those little outward markers of who he is.
Meet-Cute in the Metal Pit | 14,926 | pez_the_platypus
Summary: "You were in theatre in high school, weren't you," Steve said, but he was charmed nonetheless. "Was it the eloquent prose or grand gestures of chivalry that gave me away?" Eddie simpered. "Actually," Steve reached out without thinking, wrapped the one loose tendril of Eddie's hair around his finger, and gave it a sharp tug, "It was the hair."
All That You Ever Wanted From Me Was Sweet Nothing | 15,283 | t1red_gay
Summary: “'I’m in love with you,' Eddie says, so casual, like it isn’t 3PM on a Tuesday in the middle of a Family Video in Bumfuck, Indiana. Like they’re somewhere else, like he’s someone else. Like it’s nothing extraordinary."
The Worst Mixtape Ever Made | 17,999 | nbfutureboy / @futureboy-ao3
Summary: “It’s a gift, so you gotta listen to the whole thing, okay? I think-- I think it’s got what it takes.” There’s an art to making a mixtape - and Steve Harrington has decidedly ignored all semblance of art in creating a mixtape for Eddie Munson. Too bad Eddie’s fascinated with how impressively terrible his song choices are.
and it all comes down to you | 18,638 | heartofwinterfell / @nancywheeeler
Summary: Eddie Munson’s no hero. Too bad the universe—or whatever’s gonna be left of it—didn’t get the memo.
November Paramedic | 25,662 | BackyardOwl
Summary: Eddie has had his fair share of fantasies, but none of them involved fucking a paramedic. Until two years ago. That's when the "sexy men at work"-calendar got added to his porn stash and orgasms as he knew them changed forever. All the men in the calendar are hot, but none of them hold a candle to the paramedic. He's got this look in his eyes, this slant to his mouth. Like he knows he's the hottest guy in it. And everything is fine. Everything is great. Eddie's been single forever and he has no idea where he's headed in life, but he's fine. At least until he's collateral damage in a bar fight after a gig, and none other than his sexy November-paramedic arrives to treat his wounds.
hold me now, i need relief | 25,805 | ToEdenandBackAgain
Summary: It’s probably going to go down in history as the worst kiss Steve Harrington ever got, but Eddie doesn’t give a fuck. He isn’t going to get another chance so he’s working with what he’s got. It’s less of a kiss, and more of a slide of lips, wet with blood and tears but he feels Harrington’s grip tighten on the back of his shirt and he pulls back. He reaches up with the hand he can still feel and pushes back a strand of hair that had fallen in Steve’s face, smearing blood along his temple as he does. “Sorry. Couldn’t die without knowing what that felt like.”
I've seen your face before, my friend, but I don't know if you know who I am | 26,952 | HMSLusitania / @hmslusitania
Summary: At the end of it all, to fix everything, the Hawkins crew had to go back to 1983 and prevent the first gate from ever opening. After that, they've got a chance to lead normal lives -- from November 1983 onward.
Blood on My Name | 28,448 | VTHX (V_Haley)
Summary: Tuesday, November 8th, 1983: Steve un-dies in hell.
The Enormous Upside to Losing Everything | 35,886 | Stressed_Depressed_Lemonzest
Summary: “Oh for fuck’s sake,” that mysterious someone cursed, “Why don’t you watch where you put your goddamn feet-” They seemed to recognise him and stopped in their tracks. Brown eyes blinked owlishly at Steve as he in turn took in the sight of Eddie Munson. “Harrington,” Eddie greeted, voice a mixture of surprise and suspicion. “Munson,” Steve returned.
don't go wastin your emotions | 51,650 | kissesforcas
Summary: "Steve 'the Hair' Harrington, a rage-filled barbarian, who knew?" Eddie says, like its a compliment, like Steve has ANY idea what that means. "Uh, I knew. Obviously." Steve says, wisely, even though he clearly didn't. "Anyway, do you think we could eat a demobat? Or would we turn into some kind of monstrous freak? I'm starving, and Dustin's cheese crackers are not enough to get me on my feet again." "What difference does it make to me if I'm a human freak or a monster one?" Eddie shrugs, and Steve butts his shoulder up against Eddie. It's meant to be brotherly, maybe friendly, but it's too soft. Felt like something he might have done before slinging an arm around a girl's shoulders. "You're not a freak." Steve says, and finds he means it. Eddie's eyes, when he looks at Steve, are curious. "No?" "No."
Call My Number (and Call Me Yours) | 53,663 | novacorpsrecruit / @novacorpsrecruit
Summary: “Fire department is on the way. Stay on the line with me, okay?” A buzz of a radio came over the headset. “Fire station 3 responding.” “Damn,” Eddie whistled. Chrissy looked over at Eddie. “This guy’s voice is hot.” Chrissy’s eyes grew wide. The voice cleared his throat. “Just wait until you see my face. It’s not too bad either.”
the lathe | 82,547 | palmviolet / @palmviolet
Summary: "This time, do it right. This time Eddie won’t bleed out in his arms, in anyone’s arms. This time, Steve will do it right."
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nburkhardt · 1 year
Somebody Loves You, You Got A Friend (part 2)
(Part one)
It’s been nearly a week since everything was flipped and he’s no longer “King Steve”, no longer friends with Tommy and Carol, them jumping ship when Billy rolled into town.
Without a girlfriend or friends, he’s a little lonely right now.
Calling the number on the matchbox is easy, especially when it’s only his mom and him in the house today, so he grabs hold of the phone and dials it.
“Munson Residence, if this is Hagen again, I’m gonna hang up” a smooth voice floods his ear and he’s so glad his mom is working outside, because the sharp intake of breath would’ve had her eavesdropping immediately.
“Uh, hi, it’s- it’s Steve, Steve Harrington” he stumbles over his words, “you- left your-“
He’s interrupted by a chuckle, “I’m surprised you even called, Harrington.”
“Why would you give me your number if you didn’t think I’d call?”
“Considering you were sobbing like crazy, dude. I’m surprised you even got home, I realized after I should’ve driven you home. But, I didn’t think you’d like being seen with the resident freak”
Frowning, he looks out the window to spy on his mom, she’s too busy with her flowers. “Truthfully? I don’t give a shit who I’m seen with. I don’t know if you’ve heard but I’m on the bottom of the totem pole”
A snort, then continued laughter is filling his ear and he’s smiling like an idiot. Clearly, he’s been in the wrong crowd since school started. Because that laugh? He would absolutely kill to hear it every day of his life.
“Aren’t you a surprise, your highness. How about this, you come over and we’ll do a trail run. Sound good?”
He nodded, like an idiot. A smile growing on his face and he only knows this because his mom is inside and laughing at him. Scowling at her, he forces himself to talk, “sounds great, I’ll be there”
Eddie responds with a ‘see you soon’ as he hangs up and Steve just scowls at his mom as she walks up to him, “aren’t you adorable when you’re flustered”
Groaning, “I’m not flustered! I’m- anyway! I’m going to a friends place”
She laughs again, kissed his forehead and went on her way to shower. “Have a good time and remember to be safe!”
Throwing his head back with a groan, he went on his way to his own room to get properly dressed yelling out an ‘I love you and be home later’ to her as he walks out the door and into the unknown.
The test run, as it turns out was an amazing time. Despite running in different circles, having nearly nothing in common, they get along so well, it’s almost scary. Eddie’s all metal and nerdy, while he’s all pop and sports.
Truly the odd couple.
Rumors at school immediately spread wild and fast.
Not that he cared, actually, he and Eddie make it a game. Who can hear the wildest one, so far, Eddie’s heard that Steve is buying his friendship. Which, rude.
Steve will freely admit, he’s never had this much fun in years. His mom even admitted this is the happiest she’s seen him in a while and she’s happy to see it. (His dad is, of course, disappointed to hear about the lack of Hagen friendship. But doesn’t say anything else, thankfully.)
After only a week, he decided to introduce his mom to Eddie and eventually it’ll be a mistake with the two teaming up against him. But after the dinner, he’s unfortunately embarrassed by his mom talking and showing baby Steve to his new friend.
If he’s being honest, which he tends to be, he hopes Eddie is more than a friend someday.
And once Eddie is heading home, his mom corners him and he can see the twinkle in her eye. “That boy, is an absolute delight! A way better fit than Nancy, sweetie.”
Has Steve mentioned how much he loves his mother? Because truly, if anyone understood him, it’s her.
They don’t say anything more, because really, they don’t need too. They’re comfortable right now and life is so much better when they’re happy.
Ending it there for now :) again, this story is mostly slice of life with honestly no real plot to it. It was originally just a fun story I was writing for myself because at the time it was alllll I wanted and there wasn’t many fics with the exact thing I wanted. Anyway, hope you enjoyed it!
Any questions or if you see any mistakes let me know!! If you wanna be added to the tag list, I can do that ☺️
Taglist: @spectrum-spectre @itsfreakingbats @mysticcrownshipper @artiststarme @thereindeerlady @justforthedead89 @ronniescontinuum @freyaforestafay @littlewildflowerkitten @zerokrox-blog @callme-keys @maya-custodios-dionach @rajumat @yellowdevilkitten @munsonfamilyband @steddierthings
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steddieas-shegoes · 4 months
oh love, i'm terrified
for @steddielovemonth prompt 'love is terrifying'
rated t | 1,585 words | cw: negative self views | tags: falling in love, getting together, love confessions, sappy and fluffy
He thought he was being obvious.
He doesn't do this stuff for everyone else. He doesn't show up after work to hang out for no reason other than just wanting to be around the other person. He doesn't talk on the phone for three hours in the middle of the night to comfort the other person after nightmares. He doesn't fucking stargaze with anyone.
But with Eddie he does. Steve always goes out of his way for Eddie.
He knows why, and he feels like everyone can see it too: he loves him.
But somehow, Eddie doesn't see it, or chooses not to.
Even Dustin, oblivious to human emotion as anyone else Steve's ever met, pulled him aside after Hellfire one night --yes, he even attends Hellfire now-- to ask if he knew he was flirting with Eddie so much.
Robin and Nancy had called him out on two different occasions for touching him too much in public, but he hadn't even realized his hand had gone to his waist!
And Eddie still seemed clueless.
Or at least, most of the time he seemed clueless.
Sometimes, though, Steve could swear he looked at him in a specific way, a way that Steve would think is understanding and maybe even returned feelings. But he never said anything, never did anything out of the ordinary for Eddie.
Months of wondering what the hell he could do differently, months of being less and less subtle every day, months of showing how much he loved him without actually saying it.
All for Eddie to still be oblivious.
But not tonight,
Tonight, he was going to Eddie's to have dinner and watch a movie. Wayne was on a fishing trip with his buddies from work, and all the kids were at the same summer camp, probably torturing underpaid teenage counselors.
No interruptions were possible.
He could bring out all his moves, and if Eddie still didn't get it by the end of the night, maybe he could even use his words.
"Dinner's almost ready!" Eddie yelled from the kitchen as Steve let himself in. "I didn't burn anything!"
Steve rolled his eyes fondly. "Sounds like something someone who burnt dinner would say."
"I didn't! I mean one edge is a little crispy on the lasagna, but I think that's because our oven is older than Wayne. You think the government could've given us a better oven for my troubles, but apparently not," Eddie turned to Steve standing in the doorway. "You look...nice."
Steve always liked to look nice, but he'd decided to dress up a little bit tonight, try to make his intentions clear right from the start. His hair was done as usual, but he was wearing his khaki slacks instead of jeans and his nicest navy polo instead of the t-shirts he'd mostly been wearing outside of work. He even sprung for his watch that his dad gave him as a graduation gift. He hated to know how much money was wasted on it, but it did look nice.
"Thanks. You do too," Steve replied.
Eddie looked down at his own clothes and back up at Steve. "Dude, I'm wearing sweats and a t-shirt that has more holes than cloth. You don't have to lie."
"I'm not lying. You always look best when you're comfy," Steve shrugged. "Need help with anything?"
Eddie shook his head. "Not unless you wanna grab beers from the fridge. I forgot to get some this afternoon so they're just Wayne's PBRs, but a cold beer's a good beer, right?"
"Right," Steve agreed, walking to the fridge to grab the beers.
Dinner went as dinner usually does, except they actually sat at the table this time instead of the couch. Eddie seemed surprised when Steve set his things down in front of the chair he only sat in to keep Eddie company while he planned for campaigns, but just silently joined him.
They talked and joked, they made themselves laugh so hard beer almost came out of Eddie's nose. It was perfect.
After, Steve started working on the dishes, Eddie standing by the counter watching.
He was quiet, which was unusual, especially when no one else was around to fill the silence.
"Everything okay, Eds?" Steve asked as he scrubbed a particularly difficult area on a fork.
"What? Oh. Yeah."
Steve turned to look at him, suddenly worried when he saw Eddie's face turned down to the floor. This wasn't them. They'd just had a nice dinner, and now Eddie was being...shy?
Now was his chance. He could say it. Robin would be proud of him for finally just doing it.
Hell, he'd be proud of himself for doing it.
But something seemed wrong, and the last thing Steve wanted was to turn a good night bad because he couldn't reign in his feelings for a bit.
He wiped his hands on the towel by the sink and turned fully towards Eddie.
"What's wrong?"
Eddie shook his head once, then sighed. "I kind of feel like I've been wined and dined tonight. And that's ridiculous because you're just one of my best friends, and you're straight, and it's all been in my head for months, but-"
"Woah. Wait." Steve interrupted. "You've been noticing that for months? And you didn't say anything?"
"Well, no. I didn't wanna ruin our friendship because I can't handle my own hopes getting up." Eddie leaned away from Steve further. "I know you don't mean it that way. I don't want you to change anything."
"And if you do want to, that's fine! Whatever would make you comfortable. I just have to say it's feeling very 'I have romantic feelings' for you territory and I know you don't so."
"I'm also not good at that though. No one's ever shown interest in me other than one girl in high school who ended up moving away a week later so I didn't even have to break her heart."
Steve crashed his lips to Eddie's, half hoping it would shut him up, and half hoping he would somehow keep rambling. He kind of loved watching him ramble.
It did shut him up. Even when Steve pulled away, Eddie's silence was deafening.
"Sorry. I should've asked if I could first, but I don't think you would have even heard me. Was that okay?" Steve asked.
"Why did you do that?" Eddie sounded heartbroken.
That's not what Steve wanted at all.
"I wanted to. I have wanted to."
"No you don't."
This was not going the way Steve had hoped for. "How would you know I don't?"
"Because I'm me! I'm just the dude who gets the good weed, and says funny shit, and cooks dinner sometimes. I'm not a girl Steve Harrington falls in love with, or even takes on a date. I'm not the type you build a relationship and future with. I'm just the guy who gets to watch everyone else do that. I'm not good for that."
"What the hell do you mean?" Steve was angry now. Who had convinced Eddie he couldn't have good things, couldn't be loved or love someone, couldn't be important? "You're Eddie Munson. You saved us all from an evil wizard dude and nearly died doing it. You're the guy who makes me a sandwich when I come over for Hellfire even though there's strict no eating during the campaign rules because you know I've been working all day and need to eat. You turn all my bad days good, and make my life better just because you're you."
"My turn." Steve crowded him against the counter, hands cupping his cheeks and eyes boring into Eddie's. "I need you to understand something. I've been trying to show how much I care about you, how much I love you, for months, and I've been thinking I've just been terrible at it. I thought I truly did lose all my charm. I've been pulling all my moves out for you. I was starting to think maybe you just were trying to ignore it all to let me down easy, but it isn't that. It's because you don't see how fucking amazing you are, isn't it?"
Eddie's eyes were shining with unshed tears.
"Because you are. You're incredible. Maybe the best person I've ever known other than Robin. I find excuses to be near you. I find reasons to talk to you. I didn't even have a nightmare the other night, I just wanted to hear your voice. I'm in love with you. Like, the real stupid, do anything for you even if it hurts me kind. And if you don't feel anything for me besides friendship, I'll leave right now and I'll do my best to get over it so we can be friends."
"And if I do?"
"If you do love me, then you should kiss me."
"I've never kissed anyone."
"That's not true. We kissed two minutes ago," Steve smirked, his heart racing in his chest.
"I'm scared," Eddie's whispered admittance nearly broke Steve's heart.
"Oh love, I'm terrified. Love is like that. But we've faced scarier things, haven't we?"
Eddie's soft lips against his own was the only answer he needed.
Love was terrifying, even for Steve, maybe especially for Steve, who was used to giving a lot more love than he received back. But as they kissed in Eddie's kitchen for seconds that turned to minutes, minutes that turned to hours, they got just a bit less scared.
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mouthfullofmunson · 2 years
More pest-boyfriend!eddie since you guys liked it so much
Steals your food- 24/7, if you’re eating something he will steal a bite from your plate or just take it out of your hand and take a big bite “oh yeah, that’s good”
Drums his hands on your ass if you’re laying on your stomach “that sounds amazing, does it not? I need to show that band that one.”
He gets piss drunk and comes over to your house, somehow ends on on your floor ranting about how much he loves you then starts crying like “your going to leave me :( I don’t want you to leave me. I can’t have another person leave me” and you have to get him food and lots of water so he can sober up a bit before shoving him in the shower all while reassuring him that you love him too and would never leave him as long as you live
And when he wakes up, on your floor, with a migraine he’s like “you shouldn’t have let me drink that much…” when you weren’t even with him when he started drinking
Not a pest kind of thing but refers to you as his “lover” <3
Bites you, because it is his favorite way of giving you affection
Along with noogies
And he loves to throw his dirty clothes at you while he’s changing
Especially throwing his dirty boxers at your face and then be hurt when you think it’s gross
And anytime you’re watching a movie together he has to sit basically on top of you or he’s not comfortable
He either wants you in his lap, or laying your head in his lap, or he wants to have his head on your lap, or cuddled up with his arms around you and your head in his chest
And he is in fact the absolute most obnoxious sleeper
He goes from sleeping in a cute position with him all cuddled on himself to his leg wrapped around you and the other on the floor, his arms slug across his eyes and the other over your face
Or he’s on his belly and he wakes up every five seconds whining about how he’s not comfortable
And if you’re giving him the silent treatment he’s absolutely not having it
He will annoy you until you finally have to yell at him to stop and then he’s like “you love me so much. I know you want to kiss me.”
He would literally do anything from licking your face, begging you to talk to him, to pantsing you
And that will make you even more angry at him, but hey, at least you’re talking to him
And before sex he always has to make jokes about getting you pregnant (even if you can’t get pregnant) just because he LOVESSS to be annoying
And he’s so the type to try to scare you 24/7
Act like he’s sleep just to scream “BAH!” And start crying laughing when you actually get scared
And if you watch a scary movie he does everything in his power to convince you that that specific murder is out to get you
He will scratch your back and he like “OH MY GOD FREDDY IS HERE! BABY HES OUT TO GET YOU!”
And he’s so the type to brag about your sex lives even though he knows it annoys you he likes to see you blush
“Sorry if we’re late, y/n got horny” even though he was definitely the one to initiate it
He’s the type to shove his finger in your nose then in your mouth
And burp as loud as he can and act like it didn’t happen
Or even fart and blame it on you “oh my god get out of my room if you’re going to do that!” And he does it all with a straight face
He also digs in the ground like a little boy so you have to tell him to wash under his nails
And he will go on a smoke break, walk around the trailer park, dig a random hole and find a bird feather or a random piece of junk and be like “here, babe. I got you a gift.”
But that happens anytime you go anywhere
If you go to the park to smoke a joint together he’s going to find a worm to chase you around with
Or those locus shell things
And he tries to put them if your hair and when you run from him and the random slimy insect “baby, no! Come here sweetheart, it’s a gift! C’mon! It can be our pet.”
Forces you to run down to the drug store with him and get snacks any time, weather it’s 1pm, 8am, 2am, he doesn’t care
And he calls you all the time, just to hear your voice and to tell you random things about his day
“Well I accidentally put on a pair of cum filled boxers. Then I dug in that hole again and there was acorns in it, so I looked around and put more acorns in it for the squirrels, then I had to run down and get more cigarettes but they didn’t have the kind I smoke so I had to get another kind and I hate it. I made breakfast for my uncle. Oh, I drank a huge think of dr.pepper and almost puked in my lap after I had this huge burp, i felt it in my chest it was crazy.”
He definitely has his hand in his pants 24/7 and constantly plays with his pubes and when he looks over to see you giving him a dirty look he pulls the waist band of his pants open “you can join if you feel left out”
He loves to moon you idec
“Hey, look”
“What baby?”
You look back to see him holding his pants right under his ass.
And he thinks he’s so funny, you’ll leave the room and come back to him laying on his stomach with just his ass out
“Come on I know you want to slap it”
Okay okay I’ll shut up those are all the thoughts I have tho
Plz lmk what you think :3
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headkiss · 2 years
a little on-brand seasonal idea? eddie and a scared reader going to a haunted house, eddies all like “i’ll protect you dont you worry” but then you get separated or something & he finds you crying/upset/anxious. proceeds to be the angel he is & comforts you
hiiii i hope u like it! ty for requesting :)) | 0.8k words, scared reader, sweet sweet eddie
Eddie loves Halloween. It’s his favorite holiday.
This meant that he would drag you along to every single Halloween activity he could think of. You’d complain, but really you were happy that you’re the person he thought of to do this stuff with.
When it comes to movies, you’re usually okay, only hiding in Eddie’s neck or shoulder at the super graphic or scary stuff. In real life, however, you were scared of so much.
Spiders and snakes and every cliche fear, really. Eddie didn’t mind, though, because he liked to protect you. He likes to be the one you yelled for to kill a bug, to call when you were nervous alone at night. It made him feel helpful, needed.
He had to do a lot of convincing to get you to go to the haunted house with him. You hated the jump scares, the masks people wore. But you liked to make him happy and so, you eventually agreed.
He beamed at you, promised not to let go of your hand for a second.
That brought you to where you were now, sitting in Eddie’s van that was parked outside a haunted house he saw in the paper. He was excited, practically bouncing on his feet. You, on the other hand, were a ball of nerves.
When you’re walking towards the entrance and your steps slow, he slings an arm over your shoulders, urging you to walk with him.
“Don’t you worry, baby. I’ll protect you.”
“I know. Just scared.”
“That’s the point!” He’s being overly positive to try and make you feel better. It’s kind of working. “C’mon, it’ll be fun.”
You can't imagine describing this as fun, but you walk inside with him anyways.
He makes good on his promise to hold your hand, he doesn’t let go at all. He even takes his free one to give you brief hugs after each scare. You certainly aren’t having fun and you feel awful about it, but he does help you feel safer.
It’s not until the very last jump scare that the experience is completely ruined.
You could see the exit, and by mistake, you let your guard down, stopped clinging onto Eddie’s arm the way you had been for the majority of the haunted house. Then, some sort of thing jumps out at you while fake spiders drop from the ceiling, thin strings holding them just above your heads.
You actually scream this time, not just a squeal or a scared gasp. A full on scream. You get so scared your eyes fill with tears.
As soon as Eddie hears that scream he knows to get you out of there so he squeezes your hand tight and pulls you until you’re outside. He doesn’t stop until you’re by his van again, away from other people.
“Shhh. Baby, you’re okay,” he holds your face in his hands, wiping away your tears with his thumbs while you lean against the side of the car.
“Sorry,” you sniff, more tears fall. “I didn’t make that fun.”
“Stop it,” he kisses your forehead. “This is on me, ‘kay? Should’ve known you wouldn’t like it.”
He feels horrible. The last thing he wanted to do was make you cry. He thought that maybe going through the haunted house would ease your fears a little but he’s made them worse.
Realistically, he’s not responsible. He couldn’t have known about the last scare, but he feels terrible anyways.
“Promised to protect you and look what happened,” he says.
“It’s okay, Eddie,” you’ve calmed down some, your eyes still shiny but no more tears have fallen. Your eyes are slightly puffy, you have tear tracks in your makeup. “Not your fault I’m so scared.”
“Baby. I’m still sorry. Still love me?”
“Like I could ever stop.”
It’s true, you don’t think anything could take the love you have for this boy away. He’s so caring, so soft with you and it shows. His rings cool against your cheeks but his gaze is warm. He hasn’t taken his hands off of you, and you reach up to grasp his wrists, give them a squeeze. A reassurance.
“Yeah?” He smiles, “I love you, fears and all. How ‘bout we go home and you can pick a movie.”
“Not a scary one.”
“No, not a scary one. Whatever you like. And I’ll cuddle you real good. Squeeze that stupid haunted house memory right out of you.”
He draws a smile from you with his words. You don’t know how you got lucky enough to deserve someone like him. Someone who stays good when he’s faced so much negativity, someone who loves so completely that you feel it every second of every day.
“Sound like a plan, baby?”
You nod, he kisses you, and he takes you home.
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eds6ngel · 11 months
hey! I just saw your account and I loved it, I'm looking for accounts that have open requests, if you don't like it, leave me empty, you have no obligation!🤍 eddie x reader where reader likes physical touch, but eddie isn't much of that, and he ends up calling her clingy or suffocating
hey beautiful! i made this a lot more angsty than you asked, but that’s just what i seem to do well, so i hope you enjoy regardless!
warnings: fem!reader. pet names. swearing. mentions of abuse. yelling. swearing. a lot of angst. a lot of hurt. eddie’s childhood trauma </3. comfort. self-inflicted pain. meltdowns. tons of sad eddie. but also some tooth-rotting fluff!! [2.3k].
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Childhood trauma was a bitch.
Eddie loved you. He really did. But, it was fairly obvious that your love language was physical touch.
He explained to you that he wasn’t the best at giving physical touch, which was true, but he didn’t tell you from the receiving end. And arguably, that was ten times worse.
And it got visibly worse closer to traumatic events. This wasn’t just a relationship thing either. Close to his mother’s death anniversary last year, he practically shut himself off from all of his friends. He pushed Dustin off of every hug he tried to give.
And this time, it was the anniversary week of when his dad beat him so hard, he broke his nose and cheekbone. He was seven years old at the time.
They say that trauma-filled dates stay with you until the day you die, and Eddie was convinced that was one hundred percent true.
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You see Eddie standing by his locker, sneaking up to him and wrapping your arms around his waist. “Guess who?”
You fail to notice the slight flinch in Eddie’s demeanour as he becomes aware of your presence. That was something he struggled with majorly. The unwantedness of your touch.
“Yeah. Hi babe,” he replies slamming his locker shut, D&D manual in his hand.
“How are you?” you ask cheerily, hands still wrapped around his waist as he turns to face you.
“Yeah. Fine, fine,” he says, looking around frantically as he pushes a hand through his hair, letting a shaky breath out.
“You okay?” you ask, placing a soft hand on cheek, him instantly moving his head away and wincing, closing his eyes in pain.
“Yeah. I’m good babe, I promise,” he lies through his teeth. He couldn’t tell you yet. He couldn’t scare you away. He couldn’t lose you. “I just… I have to get going, campaign starts soon.”
“Baby, it doesn’t start for another thirty minutes,” you say, a disappointed look settling on your face.
“Actually, um…” he thinks for an excuse, “We’ve decided to start early today. We’re all just too excited to wait any longer to finish this campaign.”
“Oh,” you softly mumbled, “Okay. Will I see you later?”
“No,” he blurts out, a confused look perched on your face. “Sorry… I mean, um, Wayne and I were going to spend some time together. He has the night off from work.”
You nod, understanding why he wanted some alone time, “Okay. I’ll see you tomorrow, ‘kay?”
He softly smiles, “Yeah. Tomorrow.”
You lean up and place a quick kiss on his lips before turning your back and waving goodbye to him.
But, on your way home, you wondered why his behaviour was… off. You caught on he wasn’t the biggest fan of physical touch early on in the relationship, but even so, when you hugged him from behind like that, he would still lightly place his hands on top of yours.
And why did he flinch? It’s not like your hands are rough or you gave a harsh movement, it was the same as every other time. And every other time, he would nuzzle his face into your hand. A small gesture, but enough reciprocation to show comfortability.
Maybe he was just having a bad day. Tomorrow’s a new day. Perhaps he would be better tomorrow.
But, you were very wrong.
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You walk into the cafeteria, spotting Eddie and the rest of the Hellfire boys sitting at their usual table.
You beam as you walk over, reaching the table and taking your usual seat, on Eddie’s lap. You sit on top of his thigh, wrapping your arm around the back of his shoulder and placing a soft kiss on his cheek.
The conversation goes as normal. Random chats about classes, latest campaigns, recent shows, a mix of everything.
But, Eddie is trying his hardest not to break. His other knee is bouncing and his hand is shaking, him trying to hide the fact by shoving pretzel after pretzel into his mouth.
With the boys loud chatter and the visible weight on his leg, it all becomes too overwhelming for him.
“Babe, can you get off please?” he whispers, just loud enough so she can hear.
“What?” you ask, making sure you heard right.
“Can you fucking get off of me!” he yells, his eyes on the brink of watering as you flinch at the loudness of his voice right beside your ear. You quickly move off of his lap, taking the empty seat beside Mike to your left.
“So fucking clingy all the time,” he grumbles, a slight waver to his face which you pick up on.
You reach out towards his hand, “Baby, what’s wro—“
But, he lets out a harsh whine and slams his fist down on the table in frustration, shaking his head and squeezing his eyes shut.
He grabs his small lunch box and loudly pushes his chair back, the legs scraping across the floor as he powers out of the cafeteria, arms folded across his chest.
All of the boys have their heads staring down at the table, each avoiding eye contact as they pick at the food on their plates.
“Gareth?” you pipe up, “Can I talk to you a second?”
“Uh… yeah,” he says, the pair of you getting up and walking over to the end of the cafeteria, away from the rest of the boys to be able to hear.
“What’s going on with him?”
Gareth sighs, a sense of knowing to his voice, “It’s best if you talk to him. It’s just…” he pauses, “It’s not my place to say.”
“Is he okay?” you ask in a concerned manner, worried for your boyfriend’s sudden shift in behaviour.
“No… he never is around this time of year. It’s… stuff from the past,” he explains, “I’m not the one to tell you, but he really needs your support. I would suggest you go find him.”
You place a hand on his shoulder, “Thank you Gareth,” you smile, walking back over to the table and collecting your belongings, before turning and walking out of the cafeteria and to the parking lot.
As you burst through the main doors, you look around, Eddie’s van nowhere in sight.
“Shit,” you curse, powering over to your own car and throwing your backpack in the backseat, jumping in the front and slamming the door shut. You put your keys in the ignition and turn it on, reversing out of the parking lot and heading down to Forest Hills Trailer Park.
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It’s 1:30 by the time you reach Eddie’s trailer, stepping out of your car, seeing his van parked on the driveway. You walk up to his front door and knock on it, surprisingly no answer being shared.
It felt wrong, but you turn the handle and open the door, stepping into the small space, seeing the walls covered in Wayne’s favourite mugs. You giggle to yourself, he sure had a lot of favourites.
You walk past the couch, heading down the hallway and coming to a halt at his bedroom door. Making sure not to scare him, you lightly knock, “Eddie? Honey, it’s only me.”
“Leave me alone,” you hear him mumble from the other side, that waver in his voice returning once more.
You sigh, “I know you don’t really want that Eds,” you say, knowing that he did indeed want you to be there, he just shut himself out when things went wrong. “I’m going to come in, okay?”
When you are met with silence, you slowly open the door, turning to your right to see Eddie curled up in a ball in the middle of his bed, his knees tucked up to his chest and his head in between his legs.
As he looks up at you, you can see how puffy his eyes are from all the crying, his hair also a fluffy mess. It was the worst sight you had ever seen.
You sigh as you take a seat at the opposite end of his bed, giving your boyfriend enough space to make him feel comfortable. The last thing you wanted to do was scare him more.
“Gareth told me to come and find you. He didn’t tell me the details, but…” you take a breath, “He said you get like this every year and that you could do with my support. So, here I am.”
He simply nods, a strong silence filling the air once more. Seeing as the conversation wasn’t moving any further, you tell him something truthful, “I’m not pushing you to tell me a single thing, but whatever is making you have this reaction, I won’t judge you for it, okay? Our past doesn’t define us, and if you think that telling me is going to make me leave you, I can guarantee you that will never happen in a million years.”
He sniffles, “You won’t leave me?”
You attempt to lighten the mood, “Eds, unless you axe murdered someone in the past fifty days, I promise I won’t leave you.”
He slightly smiles at this as he untangles himself from his self-made ball and sits up on his bed. He takes a breath, debating to admit the truth to you, “You know I don’t live in the most… conventional family. I mean, it’s just me and my Uncle Wayne, you know? But…” he sighs out shakily, “I’ve never told you about my parents… Specifically my dad.”
You look over at him, “I’m listening, baby.”
You can see his leg bouncing, you refraining from the urge to put your hand out to calm him down, realising on the way here that physical touch must’ve been the issue he was facing with you.
“This week… Well, it’s been ten years since my dad hit me so hard he broke my nose and cheekbone. And I just…” He shakes his head in annoyance as the tears spill once again, “Fuck… I know you’re not him. God, you’re nothing like him. You’re one of the best things that’s ever happened to me, and you would never hurt me in my lifetime.”
He hits his head a few times with the palm of his hand, you almost jumping in to stop him as he refrains himself from continuing. God, it hurt to see him like this.
He sniffles, “Just… The way you touched my cheek like that yesterday in the hallway, and then today with how overwhelming everything felt in the cafeteria… It just brought back so many fuckin’ memories…”
You slightly shuffle closer to him, maintaining enough distance to make sure you weren’t pushing any boundaries. “And… I’m sorry,” he cries, “You aren’t clingy, not at all, I just couldn’t cope with the physical touch, and I’m just… I’m sorry.”
“You don’t need to be sorry, angel,” you softly speak, “Trauma is a tough thing. You shouldn’t feel the need to put on a brave face and cover it up just to make others happy. If you don’t want me to touch you, I’m okay with that. Touch isn’t the only way to show love.”
You inch just a tiny bit closer, seeing that he wasn’t flinching anymore and his breathing was becoming more regulated, “I just want to tell you that we have moments where we crash and burn. Healing isn’t a linear process baby. And if you have moments where you don’t want me to hug you or kiss you or simply hold your hand, then all I ask from you is to let me know, okay?”
He shakes his head, “But, I want you to touch me. I don’t want your touch, your such kind and loving touch, to link to his hands,” he spits out the end of his sentence, an obvious frustration at his traumatic childhood.
“Well…” you think for a second, “Why don’t you guide me?”
He looks up slightly in confusion, you beginning to explain yourself further, “Take my hand honey. Guide me to where you want me to touch you. That way, you’ll know that my hands are safe and you are the one initiating the touch. It’s just a small step in healing yourself.”
He looks down at your hands, taking a shaky breath before grabbing them with his own. He places each one on either side of his cheek. You can feel him take a sharp intake as he feels your skin come into contact with his.
He’s gripping onto your hands, afraid to let go as his eyes are closed, you whispering out a soft, “Listen to the sound of my voice baby. It’s only me. It’s your girl’s hands.”
And with those words, he removes his hands from yours, letting them sit comfortably on his cheeks. You can feel and hear him start to cry once more, but this time, in a sense of relief.
He felt safe in what felt like forever. For the first time in years, this week in his life, he let someone touch him, and he didn’t feel scared. He felt safe, he felt secure, he felt loved.
You can feel him reach out for your waist, pulling you close as he places his head on your chest, sobbing into your shirt. “I’m sorry,” he cries out again.
Your hands are now stroking his hair, tangled in his brown curls as you place a soft kiss on his hairline, leaning your head on top of his.
“You don’t need to apologise, my love. We’ll get through this, you’ll get through this. Because I know how strong you are, how tough you are. You aren’t as weak as you think you are. What you did just there? That’s the bravest thing I’ve ever seen someone do. And that is what makes you a strong person. The ability to overcome a fear and accept love into your life when you most struggle with it.”
You can feel him place a soft kiss on your exposed chest, him mumbling, “Thank you. I love you.”
You place one more tender kiss to his head, replying, “I love you too. So incredibly proud of you.”
And that is what he needed. Someone to tell him that he was a strong person. He was worth loving and that he should be proud of himself. And he’s forever grateful that he gets to call that person his girl.
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thank you for reading! and i’m sorry for the utter heartbreak in this, but it’s just what i do best </3 hope this was good for you my love!
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h4rring1on · 2 years
could u please do reader getting vecnad and in her vision eddie is saying rlly hurtful things but in the real world eddie is trying to wake her up and ends up saving her and finding her fav song
maybe ending with reader holding onto eddie cuz they were rlly scared
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you have never been so stressed in your entire life. with eddie being hunted down for murder, creel house, the horrifying murders—it was just too much
but you pushed that away, you had no time to freak out and actually process this. you had a job, save hawkins, but more importantly, save eddie
you eddie barely got to be together. well, not really. that night, you two said your first i love yous, you hung out for a bit before he told he had a deal with chrissy
eddie told you all about his deals, even though some of people there wouldn’t want anyone to know, eddie trusted you and told you everything
you on the other hand, well— you told him everything too…but some things in your past just weren’t exactly comfortable for you to mention
he didn’t know everything, but he did know it was hard, and was patient with you. because he loved you and you cherished that, the way he gave you time, the way he never made you feel less
never have you ever thought you’d be in this situation now.
you were on the boat with steve, eddie, nancy, and robin. the three were oddly quiet, you looked to eddie to see him looking down at his lap
“hey” you said and he looked to you, “we’re in this together, we’re gonna fix this. and you’re gonna be able to come back home. i love you eds” you smiled and went to grab his hand but he backed away and chuckled
“do you really think i’d want to touch you?” he said, and you furrowed your eyebrows, “who told you i want to come back home? i’m already home.”
“let me correct myself, anywhere is home when it’s far away from you.” he said and you could feel your heart ache, why would eddie say this? “don’t think i don’t know about your past, y/n. i know everything, i just wanted to wait and see if you’re gonna say it. but no, you didn’t. because you didn’t want me to think you’re absolutely disgusting. and a horrible person”
you looked to see the three gone, you looked back to him, “e—eddie-“
“cant say you’re not wrong though. because i truly think just how pathetic you are. you hold on to the past and act like you’re the victim. but it’s your fault. everything is your fault. i would never love someone like you. more so touch you. i might be a freak but i wouldn’t go that far” he said and you could feel your tears streaming down your cheeks.
“why—why are you saying this—you don’t…you don’t mean it—“
“trust me. i mean everything. every single word. about time you find out the truth.”
unbeknownst to you, the four were still here, and they were freaking out. eddie could feel his heart pounding out of his chest, your eyes were rolled back and flickering, just like the others
“y/n, please listen to me! please! please wake up i can’t do this without you please—“ eddie cried out, he never felt this scared in his entire life, even after chrissy. nothing could compare to the thought of losing you
“max!” steve yelled as he finally reached the shore again, max ran to him and gave him the walkman, eddie had your tape on his pocket at all times, he wanted to put it in the van so you could always play it, but he never got the chance
he put the tape in, his hands shaking uncontrollably as he put the headphones on your ears and played the song
the song suddenly started playing while eddie was glaring at you
“i know you’re hurt” eddie said, “your suffering will end soon” he got closer to you
“no!” you screamed and hit him with the oar, to your surprise, there wasn’t any water surrounding the boat, so could easily run away
you knew this wasn’t eddie. it couldn’t be. eddie would never say this, which only meant. vecna got you
“eddie!” you screamed out, your voice shaking and tears sliding down your cheeks, “eddie! robin! please! anyone—“ you said, unable to normally breathe anymore, you gasped when you saw a man you were sure was vecna just walking towards you
you kept running, the music filling your ears, just as you finally focused on the music, you could hear it. it was the song eddie played for you all the time. he even practiced how to play it on his guitar just for you
vecna got you, and you were on the verge of death. but no, you couldn’t leave just yet. memories of how you and eddie would scream this song in the van crossed your mind
how eddie got you your own hellfire shirt, how he made you feel a way nobody could. how he wa a patient with you, never pushed, never made you feel the way you used to.
suddenly, a hole opened, and you could see yourself floating, and everyone crowding around you. but most specifically, eddie. he was on his knees, you couldn’t hear him, but you could see him sobbing. he never looked so in pain
the strength suddenly got to you, and you managed to escape from vecna’s grip. you ran to the hole, trying your best to avoid the things that vecna was sending to stop you
just as you thought you were gonna fail. and eddie was gonna lose you. you woke up, falling right into eddie’s arms
you could see the look of relief on his face, and how he hid his face in your hair, trying to get as close to you as possible
“i thought i was gonna lose you” he cried out
“i’m here” you breathed out, “i’m here” you said, holding onto him as everyone wrapped themselves around you to hug you as well, you were special to them too.
eddie never felt such pain in his life. but the relief he felt when he saw your eyes go back to normal was something he couldn’t explain.
it didn’t matter anymore. because you were back and eddie was going to protect you with his life if he had to.
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