#i think i can only get with the 'macaque is a little annoying shit to wukong' if they both legitimately did bad things to each other.
cloud-somersault · 7 months
AU where Wukong didn't kill macaque (i know, hear me out) and it was a long play by LBD to get Macaque on her side or smth. And Macaque fell for it despite being a master of illusions himself...maybe LBD used the shadows against him? 🤔still playing around with that
anyway, Macaque eventually realizes this after LBD dies and now he's awkwardly got to apologize to wukong about it, but Wukong wants nothing to do with him because he's deeply hurt that Macaque thought he did that.
then: Macaque awkwardly hanging around Wukong and trying to get back into his good graces only for Wukong to blow up at him and vent his hurt and frustrations and macaque is just...really regretful
they eventually make up or whatever, but i saw someone mention they like the flavor of "macaque hanging around wukong, and wukong wants nothing to do with him" and i was like yeah, that'd be easy to make an AU for because there's nothing too complex going on LMFAO
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frogking17 · 2 years
A long needed talk - happy family au
Part 2 of my happy family au based off of Lego monkie kid if you want to read the first part here it is: Why are you here?
Macaque and Wukong use to have long talks as they gazed at the stars, however, since macaque’s death by Wukong’s hands they haven’t done much talking.
Read on ao3
Wukong wakes up and starts rubbing the sleep from his eyes. From his spot, buried in his pillow, he can see the floor of his dark room covered in clothes he was too exhausted to put away. Slowly, he sits up and hears someone next to him groan. Shit he didn't, did he? Nervously he looks down and sees a sleeping Macaque; he lets out a big sigh of relief as the memories of yesterday flow back.
Macaque groans again and while being semi-awake starts reaching out blinding, Wukong thinks for him. When Macaque's hand finally brushes against Wukong's side he moves closer before wrapping his arms tightly around Wukong's waist. He purrs happily as he snuggles closer. "Macaque, it's morning... meaning time to wake up" Wukong jokes while Macaque growls lightly (he never was much of a morning person).
Eventually Macaque gets tired of Wukong’s refusal to lay back down and flings one of his arms up, blindly feeling up Wukong’s chest until he finds his face and pushes Wukong back into the bed. Wukong makes an embarrassing squeak as he falls backwards; sending a half-hearted glare towards Macaque who has snuggled into the crook of Wukong’s neck. He huffs a little before chuckling and manoeuvring them both. Wukong ends up snuggling on Macaque’s chest before teasing “did you like your grope?” Wukong hadn’t expected an answer, usually Macaque only communicated by grunts and growls until mid-day, however, he did mumble “I did” and when Wukong looked up in surprise he saw Macaque’s eyes still closed but he was smirking, looking all proud of himself. Angrily Wukong growls, pinching Macaque’s arm to get back at him, which made Macaque laugh.
The two cuddled happily after that, enjoying the long-missed touches as the light from the windows either side of the bed started to spill in. Wukong watches as Macaque’s eyes flickered open before he groans and buries his head in Wukong’s hair, trapping the golden furred monkey against his chest. Somehow Wukong must have wriggled out of most of his clothes during the night (he hated sleeping in clothes), meanwhile Macaque was still dressed. Wukong tries to ignore the annoying voice in his head that whispers paranoid thoughts about what that means but slowly they become unavoidable.
It's so he can make a quick getaway… He doesn’t trust you… and who can blame him… you did murder him… you hurt the one person who’s always loved you!
…he hates you!
Wukong closes his eyes tightly, taking a deep breath as he tries to remind himself that Macaque doesn’t hate him. The reason he’s still dressed is because he fell asleep like that. It does mean anything, and Macaque said yesterday that he doesn’t hate him!
While Wukong tried to fight off the voices his body had gone tense, and a half-awake Macaque started to get. Gently, he brushed down Wukong’s bristled fur and coughed to clear the gruffness of his voice before whispering “Peaches… are you okay?” Macaque’s question startled Wukong out of the prison which is his mind, and he finally lets out the breath he’d been holding, “I’m okay… I just…” before Wukong could babble out an excuse Macaque released him from the tight grasp he’d been forced into and looked at his face curiously. He wasn’t rushing or questioning him but looking into Macaque’s eyes made Wukong nervous to lie… they had just gotten onto talking terms, lying would just complicate that. So, after a second to steel his nerves, Wukong mumbled “you’re still wearing your clothes.” Macaque paused in confusion, not realising it was a problem, but Wukong looked so vulnerable and if he wanted Macaque naked, he wasn’t going to complain.
Begrudgingly, Macaque slinked out of the bed and started undressing; getting down to his boxers when Wukong shouted “WAIT, I DIDN’T MEAN GET NAKED!” Wukong face was bright red, making his adorable freckles pop, and was waving his hands in front of his face trying to hide Macaque from his view. “What do you mean, you said my clothes where the problem-“, suddenly Macaque paused mid-sentence as an idea popped into his head, smirking mischievously before continuing “or your just nervous now that you see how hot I am!” Wukong put down his hands, giving macaque a once over, before he shrunk back in what Macaque is guessing disgust.
He was not expecting that reaction…
Macaque looked down at himself nervously. He was still in shape, had the muscles to prove it, and his glamour covered up any imperfections so why did Wukong look at him like that… was he no longer attracted to him?
Wukong noticed Macaque’s worried expression as he looked himself over and quickly babbled to correct himself “oh no, it’s not like that… it’s just because of your glamour you look really weird to me!” He had hoped Macaque would relax after that but instead he tensed, his tail flicking back and forth anxiously.
“You want me to take off my glamour?” Macaque’s asks sounding weirdly small, like Wukong was threatening him.
Emphatically Wukong shakes his head saying “of course not… not if you don’t want to” which seems to make Macaque relax before he crawls back into the nest. Wukong snuggles into his side, mindlessly brushing through Macaque’s fur as said monkey stares at the ceiling, purring softly to show he appreciates it. They stay there in silence, both too awake to go back to sleep but not wanting to leave the nest or stop cuddling. However, the silence gave Wukong time to think, which was never a good thing. He sits up, leaning on his elbow so he could see Macaque’s face properly, before nervously he blurts out “I’m sorry.”
Macaque looks down at him curiously before sighing exasperatedly “Wukong we already went through this yesterday, you don’t-“ he stops when Wukong presses a finger to his lips to shush him.
Wukong takes a calming breath before continuing “you deserve a proper apology and not just for me killing you…” he pauses to see that Macaque is staring at him curiously and knowing he’s listening he continues “I am sorry for that; you were trying to help me, and I should’ve listened to you instead of letting my emotions cloud my judgement… I’m also sorry for leaving you, I don’t regret leaving for heaven or to re-join the journey because it was what I needed to do to eventually become a better person… but my actions hurt you and I do regret that.” Macaque waits a few seconds just to make sure Wukong was finished before taking his hand that was still shushing him and kissing his palm. Wukong doesn’t stop him as he pushes him onto his back and lovingly starts pressing kissing as he travels up his arm, making eye contact with Wukong the entire time.
When he gets to his shoulder, he pauses to nuzzle it, only then breaking eye contact, before snuggling towards Wukong’s neck and possessively nipping at it. He purrs happily when Wukong lulls his head to the side to give Macaque more room and decides to wrap his tail around his, purring quietly as he answers back to Macaque. Eventually Macaque breaks away, pausing to smile smugly at his work, before looking into Wukong’s eyes lovingly. “Gem I think I have some things to apologise for too” Wukong opens his mouth to argue but stops when Macaque presses his index finger to his lips, smirking as Wukong glares at him or as Macaque would describe it, pouting. He shakes off the smug persona and looks at Wukong seriously before continuing “I tried to force you into doing what I wanted and refused to listen to you even when you yelled that going to heaven or protecting that monk was what you wanted… I’m luckily that you ignored me, but I also know that I wasn’t the best boyfriend or more importantly friend when we were younger, I need to learn that I can’t leash you and also expect you to love me… so I’m sorry I tried to control you.”
Wukong smiles happily at Macaque before whacking his finger away and wrapping his arms around Macaque’s neck so he could drag him down into a kiss. Macaque happily kissing back as Wukong threaded his fingers through his hair, leaning into his hand as he felt Wukong’s claws brush against his scalp. The two break away reluctantly to break and Wukong asked, a little out of breath “do you want to stay… here, with me… for possibly eternity?”
Macaque laughs, almost collapsing onto Wukong, before saying “yeah I’d like that!” His face hurts from how much smiling he’s been doing but he couldn’t be happier. However, he chirps in surprise as Wukong pushes him off onto the other side of the nest and jumps out of bed. “Great, I’ll make breakfast then, and then we can go pick fruit-“, walking briskly over to the window and flinging open the curtains, much to macaque’s displeasure. However, Wukong just smugly chuckles as Macaque groans and tries to hide under the covers, “welcome home Liu er” he teases but before leaving he gently kisses Macaque’s head.
He's so happy they're back together, he can’t imagine the misery he’d be in if Macaque hadn’t come over.
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winterpower98 · 2 years
- since wukong is a rock (literally) not only he is a heavy sleeper, but he looks like he's dead too HAOAHHAHA
- when wukong gets scared, he jumps like when a cat sees a cucumber
- he gets zoomies and it's the end of the world.
- he fucking SUCKS at cooking, he has to watch those cooking tutorials on YouTube
- he knows technology a lot! He knows how to use it and he knows trends and such,
Macaque? Fucking boomer. He is the guy who needs 50 pair of glasses to see a meme and still not understand it.
- since wukong as a kid was basically naked (other than him obviously covering his private parts) once he discovered clothes were a thing, he started wearing them. Why? Comfy.
- macaque isn't a morning person, so hearing wukong say good morning to actual rocks was making his urge to kill him even more.
- i couldn't stop thinking of the whole "alternative wukong but it's just his worst and deepest impulses"
So my head got wild and thought,
What if wukong has something similar to macaque shadow, but only HE can see it and hear? Because it's literally just his head.
imagine it like if wukong has the little angel and demon on his shoulder but it's just a version of himself, like a shadow who every once in a while annoys him.
And it gets worse, at first it just the little shadow saying dumb pranks, but it got worse as wukong mental health decreased, until in jttw wukong simply started following those ideas, but then changed path again into something better.
(and it took a LOT for him to change into something better.)
so, if macaque talks alone, it's his shadow, it's fine,
If wukong does it, he is simply talking to himself,
Like some people do when they start talking alone, (i basically made the "talking alone" into some weird shit AHHAHAHA feel free to use it it's fine dude)
Part 1
Wukong always had zoomies Very destructive zoomies
Also, about Wukong's not visible friend My guy go to a doctor
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maybe1649 · 2 years
Survival of the species — Extra 1
The following text is just an extra of my fanfic (Survival of the species), so to understand a little more, you can read it on AO3! (Or on wattpad, if you understand Spanish).
Red Son was really worried, he didn't like the idea at all, not one bit.
"Well! It's time to go. You're coming with us, aren't you, Red Son?" MK's question and his very attentive look at the young demon, simply made him tremble.
Clearly he was obliged to go, because everyone was going, and recently it was impossible to say no to that annoying human, what kind of power did he have to make him unable to refuse? Red Son really didn't want to go visit the monkey couple, he already knew what was going to happen.
"He's not coming, MK! He's just too much of a coward to come" Mei mocked, those words were enough for the young demon to feel a blow to his pride and respond.
"Of course I'm coming! I have no reason not to go, what a stupidity!"
Of course it was only at that moment that Red Son thought that, then he could only curse himself for having said those words.
"Then let's go see them! You know how happy Macaque gets! "
Oh, shit.
Red Son wished so much that he hadn't gone that day to visit MK and the others.
What a damned lucky guy he was.
When they finally arrived, Wukong had greeted them with snacks, there was always food in his home, especially since Macaque was pregnant, as he had to have anything to appease his partner's craving.
Red Son had stood outside the house as he watched Mei, Tang and MK enter the monkeys' home. The young demon swallowed saliva, feeling really nervous, why was he nervous, why was he so afraid to go inside?
Of course there was a damn good reason! His pride and the embarrassment he had to go through whenever he went to that damn house.
"Good to see you! " Macaque was already hugging each of them, a really affectionate hug, you could say he was even rubbing up against them, maybe sharing some of their scent.
Yes, since Macaque was pregnant, it had been a nightmare for Red Son, and there was a particular reason.
"You came too!" Macaque finally looked at Red Son and smiled, leaning closer.
Oh, no, Red Son knew perfectly well what would happen now.
"Yes, hello to you too, I'm going to... Uhm... Look for fruit, yeah, I'll see you later!" Red Son quickly walked out the door, as fast as he could.
But as soon as he stepped through the door, shadow clones appeared in front of him, surrounding him, about 10 of them. By now, Red son cursed his mother so much for having been friends with the six-eared macaque that every time he sees him he simply thinks of him as a demon puppy, a demon puppy that in fact, could be his own, so he treated him too much like one.
And being held, petted and cuddled was definitely humiliating.
Red Son managed to get rid of the shadow clones, or so he had thought. At some point they all managed to catch him and began to fill him with caresses, hugs, cuddling and grooming him.
The young demon could hear perfectly how his friends only laughed at the scene, he also saw how Mei was taking pictures non-stop, they were really all so hateful at the moment.
"Red Son!" Macaque's voice sounded genuinely happy, the six-eared macaque had come in front of him and hugged him, holding him, clinging to him as he rubbed himself to pass his scent to him.
Red Son had tried so hard to get free, but it was impossible, it wasn't the first time and he hated it too much.
"Let me go! Let me go! Let me go! Put me down!" Red Son complained, as he couldn't even touch the ground.
Macaque ignored all his complaints and continued to hug him lovingly as he purred and his tail wagged happily. The dark-furred monkey took a seat on the couch and began to groom Red Son, who had finally surrendered to this cruel and humiliating fate.
Damn luck, damn pregnancy, damn macaque, damn friends who just stood by and watched and laughed.
This would definitely be the last time he was going to go to the monkey couple's house.
Although we all know it wasn't the last time.
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So I've been inspired and we're doing incorrect quotes with the Monkies.
May include Wukong and Macaque or even some other peeps in here, not sure yet, but yeah.
Tongbi: I left instructions for everyone while I'm gone. Chikao: Mine just says "Chikao no." Tongbi: I want you to apply it to every possible situation.
Tongbi: Why is there blood everywhere? Chikao: I may have aggressively poked someone with a knife. Tongbi: You stabbed someone?! Chikao: No, no. I aggressively poked someone with a knife.
Chikao: Don't go to the kitchen. Tongbi: Why? Chikao: I saw a spider. Tongbi: Well, did you kill it? Chikao: It has 8 arms and I only have 2, it's not fair…
Chikao: So, I've been thinking Tongbi- Tongbi: That's dangerous.
Chikao: Hand me the people opener. Tongbi: … Tongbi: Pardon? Chikao, annoyed: The people opener! Just hand it to me! Tongbi, stressed: WHAT THE FUCK IS A PEOPLE OPENER? Chikao: How do you not know what a people opener is? Its pointy- you know? With a handle? Tongbi: Knife. It's called a knife.
Chikao, texting Tongbi: Tongbi there’s a moth on the outside of the bathroom door can you get rid of it? Chikao: Pls hurry because I’m going to cry Chikao: Tongbi Chikao: Tongbi Tongbi: Tongbi is dead. You’re next. Love, Moth.
Chikao: Alright, listen up you little shits. Chikao: Not you Tongbi. You’re an angel and we’re thrilled you’re here.
Chikao is scared of little bugs for reasons Tongbi cannot wrap his head around, and Chikao is a menace to society.
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simpz-art-stash · 3 years
Late beginnings
Summary: Mac goes out for a drink, and happens upon some advice he takes into consideration about his skewered relationship with Wukong. Before finally taking some action to mend the long burnt bridge. (Author’s note: I barely did any beta reading for this so if it’s worded strangely that’s just how I write without the normal filter on. I’m country so HOWDY) Next Page ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- The night was late, but he didn’t care, he might as well have been nocturnal with the way his whole life revolved around the whole stereotype of shadows and shit. He’d walked into a bar he’d passed through a few times before, donning his human disguise of course beforehand, and walked in without sparing anyone else a glance. Before planting his rear in one of the stools seated at the front bar, ordering a drink to get the night started. “I’m really looking forward to seeing that new Monkey King movie with the trailer they just released. You saw it too right?? The whole style of the film is on par with their most recent game- OH, you think they’re gonna make a game of it?? I bet you they wiiiill!~” Ugh, great, just what he’d come here to avoid.
Mac’s eyes glanced to the blabbermouth boasting about whatever new movie was being made about his ex, to see two girls residing a ways down near the other end of the bar a few seats away from him. Both looking to have had a fair night themselves already if any of the cups and plates hanging around their spot was anything to go by. “Probably. I hope it’s better than last game that came out on the Brick 360, the bugs in that thing were gross to deal with.” Their friend commented back. Before looking down at their phone and claiming that it was getting late and that they had to go. “Yeah I’ll see ya Monday!” The chick waved their friend off a lazy farewell after they’d paid their bill before going back to their drink, now taking less tedious sips as the mood seemed to smooth out from their conversation prior. “I see someone’s a pretty big fan of that ol’ man.” Macaque piped up from where he sat, earning the attention of the stranger he’d directed his comment towards. “The Monkey King yeah?” Sparks danced in the chick’s eyes at the recognition of the name, before the stranger perked up and beamed a smile back at him, “You betcha! I’m a total nerd for that legend.” ‘A legend, hah.’ “S’the whole reason I moved to China in the first place.” She jabbed a thumb at her chest, “All the way from America!” Mac whistled, “That’s a pretty far leap to take, even for a legend. What, you hopin’ you’ll get the chance to see em’ or somethin’?” He sneered, taking his glass and lazily swirling it in his hand. “I wish!” She laughed, “Nah I mostly just moved here for work. If anything though it’s cuz a them for where I am now. I’d never even heard of him till about five years ago!” Mac blinked, lowering his drink from his lips, “You’re joking…”
“Not at all! No one hardly knows the story back home. Only reason I found out was cuz I just started gettin’ into anything monkey-related as a hobby.” She pointed at him, “Don’t laugh either, it’s a wildly popular standpoint to have these days online.” Mac quirked a brow at that, he’d hardly touched the internet these days save for whenever he needed some quick info on something he couldn’t find elsewhere. He held his hands up, “Hey I ain’t judging…” He smirked a little to betray the look that he totally was though. It was kinda funny how ironic it was him being there right then. She squinted at him, “Anyways...Yeah, I’d seen stuff of him online, but I’d never paid much attention to it up until recently.” “What made you change your mind?” Mac boredly probed, taking a sip. She simply shrugged, “I was in a dark headspace, guy made me laugh.” He paused, “Wait, seriously??” “I mean have you HEARD half the crazy shit he’s done??” ‘Babe I’ve LIVED through half the shit he’s done.’ “Like, literally, the guy is HILARIOUS. My favorite story out of them all being one where he literally tricked THREE taoist immortals into drinking his own piss!!” She burst out laughing while Mac choked on his drink a little, not having expected to hear that of all things. Sure he’d heard a few of the shenanigan’s his peaches had gotten up to throughout his journey to the west but he’d never heard that one before. Nor had he the patience to read through all that mess of context that had been published either. “Ahhh man, it still gets me…” The chick sighed with a few leftover laughs as she wiped a tear from her eye. “What about you? What’s your favorite story?” She asked. And suddenly Mac felt like he’d been put on the spot as he stared back at her. “Come ooon, surely there’s one that’s gotten your gut rolling.” She pried. ‘Plenty, but there ain’t no way in hell I’d tell a soul.’ “Bahh...there ain’t the first one that comes to mind that I’d like. Honestly I’m not even much of a fan.” He waved his hand dismissively. “Whaaat?? Aw come on! There’s tons of cool n’ funny stories!” “Heh..can’t imagine what you find so charming about a guy who’s too good for his own friends.” Mac spitefully twacked himself mentally for spewing something so personal like that out. Ugh, and he hadn’t even finished half his drink yet… The chick sitting to his left seemed to tilt her head a little before she squinted at him. Her silence being what brought his attention from his drink to her as he blinked back with a quirked brow. “What?” “Your eyes, they’re like raging storm clouds.” She pointed out. He blinked, not really sure how to feel about that. The only one who’d ever really pointed that out to him before was… “...So?” “Nothing!...” She shrugged, turning back away towards her own drink as if no conversation at all had happened between them. Whatever...he had his fill of shit to drink to either way. The night might’ve been late but he was just getting started. “He makes me laugh though.” She pointed out, earning her a glance. “All his stories n’ stuff. If there was ever a man I’d want, it’d be one who could always make me laugh.” “Hmph, not one for strength?” He took a long sip. Ignoring the bitterness of others fawning over someone he’d come to love before he’d gotten so popular. “Strength is fine n’ all, but it can only take a relationship so far..you gotta have more pieces to put in that crockpot of a relationship if you wanna make it taste good. Stuff like patience, honesty, a little bit of everything to help it all come together to make it juuuuust right.” “Hm…” “It can’t be all just you putting the stuff in there either, it’s gotta be a contribution from both gardens. Otherwise you’ll just barren your lands and be left with nothing to spare yourself or others in your life with.” She glanced at Mac, “Relationships are tricky like that, but they should always be a 50/50 split~” She winked. That...actually sounded like pretty sound advice. Something he’d heard a little here and there before but never so simply laid out. Though it made sense from his standpoint, fairness n’ all that. But he’d been that way with Wukong before and it had never worked out, all the bickering and such, so what had gone wrong? “Can I...ask you something?” Mac inquired. “Shoot.” “What’re your thoughts on..a relationship that seemed fine, but then the other changed so much that everything about it fell apart?” “Mmm...care to sprinkle in a lil more context?” The chick eyed him. Mac’s face scrunched up a little, no idea why he was asking some random mortal for relationship advice of all things. “Hey man. We’re both probably never gonna meet again after tonight, so if you’ve got skeletons in your closet, your best place to let em’ out is here. Bartenders are known for being the most well kept secret keepers in all the world after all~” She winked at the bartender in question who simply looked the other way with a look that might’ve suggested such a fact as truth. “Hm…” Ah screw it, “Alright alright…” He sighed and put his drink down, “There’s..someone. We used to be real close, we were strong together but then uh..shit got real and he had to go deal with it. But when he came back he uh, wasn’t the same as before, an I might’ve sorta assumed he was cheating on me so…so we kinda fell out.” The chick nodded, “Ahh..the classic misunderstanding of change and cheating, a tale as old as time.” She seemed to hum a moment before she turned from where she was seated, if not to hop down off her stool and plop down on the one right up next to him. “Uh-” “Shhh, lemme see those eyes.” She squinted, leaning in and staring deep into his. It’d would’ve been really unnerving if she hadn’t said anything about them before, now he was a lil put off that he might’ve been asking a witch of all things for advice… “Right. Well, at least you feel bad about it. So there’s that.” He blinked and his brows furrowed, “Wh- of course I feel bad about it, it was his fault-” He suddenly had a finger pressed to his lips. “Nope! Nooononono, you do not get to throw all the blame elsewhere like that sweetheart. There ain’t no way in hell you’re gettin’ a second chance with them if you keep that up.” She pulled her hands back. His face scrunched up and he found himself crossing his arms, if he had his tail out it would’ve been irritably swaying behind him right then at just how annoyed he was getting at this weird lady and her words. “Oh yeah? An what do you think’s best then huh?” “I dunno if you’d be up for that kinda challenge…” She idly fiddled with an imaginative piece of lint off her sleeve, which only seemed to irritate Mac further at the thought of him not being able to handle Wukong of all people. Like sure he’d gotten his ass handed to him before but he could still hold his own! “Try me.” The chick glanced back at him with a smirk, which caught him off guard for a second before he shot her a glare back. “Alright, but it’s definitely not gonna be as quick or easygoing of a recovery as you might hope it’ll be. Nor is there even a chance of you recovering it in the first place. But, you at least got that spark enough to try so who am I to deny?” ‘Hmpt, dam right I got a spark.’
“First of all, no more blaming, if you’re gonna tackle this properly, you gotta do yourselves a favor an quit it with the blame placing. Sure it’s easy, but it ain’t gonna get you nowhere but back to square one. It’s all in the past, the now is now. So push forward to fix it and put it behind you two so you can focus on the more important things.” “Easier said than done…” “Hey man, even if they don’t follow the same ruleset at first you could always work things out to make it one later on. I’m just tellin’ ya right now so you won’t just go diggin’ yourself a deeper hole.” Honestly at this point he was pretty much six feet down under, death to him would’ve been a mercy right then. “Fine…” He rolled his eyes. “Next up, apologizing…” -----------~----------- “I thought I told you to stay off my island.” Mac didn’t really glance back from where he stood high up on one of the breathtaking ledges that which Flower Fruit Mountain bolstered. His arms crossed, eyes sternly held against the leftover warmth of the late afternoon sun as it shifted the skies hues from blue to blood red. Hopefully that would be the only tinge of red the Mountain would see after today. “I know.” “What, no witty remark? Give me one good reason-” “I just wanted to talk.” Mac stated plainly. “Why the hell should I give you the chance?” “...” Mac wasn’t sure if he could come up with a good enough reason after the shitshow he’d caused him the last few centuries, most recent being his spat with him between MK. “I’m sorry.” That seemed to catch the king off guard, as he paused in his vicious glare to stare at the other. “Excuse me??” “I’m.Sorry.” Mac turned finally to Wukong, that look of fiery malice having softened immensely upon meeting their eyes. “I was wrong for what I did and I’m sorry.” Wukong’s face looked like it had had a stroke with how frozen in place it was, almost like he couldn’t believe what he was hearing. “Hurting everyone around you just to get back at you, I was wrong for doing that. And I just wanted to apologize.” Mac’s face twisted a little, the words coming out a little rougher than he’d liked, but he’d managed to get three steps in so far… “If you think a few sorry’s are gonna be enough to make up for all that crap then you gotta nother’ thing comin Mac.” Wukong finally shook off the surprise and crossed his arms with a steely gaze. “Nah I know they ain’t worth shit with as long as it's been...which it’s been..a really, really long time come to think of it..nearly 3000 years…” Fucking yikes. “What’s your point?...” Wukong raised a brow at him. “My point is...my point..” What was his point? To make amends and hope they’d get back together? To go back to the way things were? That couldn’t be done with the way things were now. Wukong had a successor, a moral compass, a lotta shit that Mac didn’t. A lotta shit that he wanted but never could figure out how to get his own. His face scrunched up a little and he sighed, “I..just wanted to make things right.” “Oh-hoh? After so long you finally decided to admit you were at fault? Sorry Mac, but it’s waaaay too late for that.” Wukong huffed, “Honestly, this is probably just another one of your stupid tricks if anything. The old Macaque would never throw himself down like that.” “Well maybe I’ve changed!” Mac exclaimed suddenly, his temper flaring a bit as his eyes flashed lightning. “3000 years later? As if…” Wukong rolled his eyes and turned away, “You’ve still got that same look in your eyes you always do whenever we fight. Do me a favor and just keep away from the hot springs this time yeah? The last time you were here you sent a whole dam boulder over there and smashed half the pools.” He waved his hand dismissively. “And I happen to take my once a month bath’s very seriously.” Mac’s nostrils flared a little at just how flamboyant Wukong was acting towards him and his attempt to make amends. How he just saw his attempt as a joke and nothing more, it pissed him off. Wukong had changed and everyone had accepted him, well not everyone, but still, why couldn’t the same be for him? Had he really fooled himself into believing that there was a chance he and Wukong could be together again? His shoulders slumped a little. Of course, who was he kidding. A 3000 year old pit of grudges wasn’t about to just up and disappear at the wave of a white flag. This was Wukong, the same guy who still playfully pestered the gods and demons around him for past conflicts that had happened between them. -----------~----------- “But you can’t just go, ‘ooo I’m so sorry for what I did.’ Nah, you gotta follow the five steps.” The chick claimed. “Yeesh, this a learning course now?” Mac tilted his head to the side. “It is if you wanna make things right.” She claimed matter a factly. “The five steps have never failed me before and have worked wonders for any an all my relationships. Might not quite have the same range of effect you’re going for but it’ll at least be a good start.” “Heh, you got the guts to back up that case?” Mac sneered. “I will if you don’t manage to screw it up.” The chick pointed out. “The five steps go as follows.” - express sorrow (I’m sorry) - own guilt (I was wrong) - name specific wrongs (I did X) - name impact (I hurt you) “And finally...” -----------~----------- “What can I do to prove myself to you?” Macaque asked finally. “What can I do to at least make it to where we can..not fight anymore..and just talk?...” Wukong stood there for a long moment, his features unreadable as their silence was muffled by the wind bellowing between them both from being so high up. “You really are serious about this aren’t you?...” Wukong’s head shifted ever so slightly, but not enough to where Mac could get a reading on his emotions. “I’m tired of fighting and waiting and thinking that if enough time passes things’ll go back to the way they were...when they never will. Trying to hurt you isn’t gonna make the old you come back, no matter how many times you beat me down...It’ll never be the same.” Mac admitted finally. A quiet gust settled down between them, before Wukong seemed to let out a dry chuckle and shook his head. “Can’t believe it took me 3000 years to beat the sense into you.” He turned and looked back at the other, where he no longer held a look of seething hate, but more akin to that of the same tired look just as the one Mac wore. Mac felt a sliver of guilt wriggle its way into one of the cracks of his heart and he glanced away, pulling a hand back and scratching his head. “Yeah well...your kid hit me pretty hard last time, enough to knock it in place.” A small smile crept a little onto his face. “Hm~ He’s gettin’ pretty good at hittin’ stuff with that old stick.” Wukong’s eyes glinted a little at the appeal of how proud he was for MK having taken Mac out the way he did. A little over the top and flashy, just like him.” “He’s got a pretty strong master to thank for that…” Mac found himself yearning a little for that same glint to be reflected on his memory the same way as MK’s. Not that he couldn’t see himself holding the same appeal for MK the way Wukong did, kid was strong, just a lil desperate in some of the cracks that shaped his outline. Something Macaque found that was easy enough to take advantage of, and something Wukong held a blind eye to. “Hm.” Wukong’s reply pushed him out of those thoughts for the moment as they shared a brief look between one another. A glimmer of reconsideration flashing between the two before Wukong finally turned his head away to drink in the sunset before them. “One chance.” Mac felt his heart nearly stop at that answer. “I’ll give you one chance, but if you screw this up, don’t even think about showing your face to me again.” Wukong replied, “I mean it this time…” Mac swallowed a little and nodded. Anything, he’d be willing to do anything to gain back what little trust he could from Wukong. “Good...you can start making up for it by apologizing to MK.” Mac blinked and sputtered a little as Wukong turned away and began to make his way back down the mountain. A smile playing on his lips while Macaque groaned to the heavens about his next trial.
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WIP... Tuesday?
Just in case anyone was wondering what useless novelty project I’m spending my time on now, may I introduce:
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Or more accurately: “Shisui Uchiha and the Saga of the Overly Complex Movie Poster that’s Taking Up all of the Author’s Writing Time.”
Or: “Shisui Uchiha and the One-off Story that Accidentally Turned Into a Trilogy, much to the Author’s Total Lack of Surprise.”
So anyway, I have 30,000 words (3/9 chapters of the first part) so far and as usual, no timeline for completing this story. But I’m definitely in too deep to back out now! My new approach to stories is to write the whole thing, then post week by week. So this one is still probably several months away at least...
But here’s a quick preview:
The list of things Shisui Uchiha regrets in his life is pretty small.
A handful of ill-considered one night stands, several embarrassing bets with members of his family, the summer he decided to turn emo, oh—and one particularly notable fuck-up early in his career that very nearly ended it prematurely. But, for the most part, it’s been smooth-sailing.
Sure, maybe the odd rival takes a pot shot at him here or there. Ancient booby traps try to kill him, or the local wildlife steps in where they’ve left off. He and spiders are categorically never going to get along. But he’s never had cause to regret his career itself. He loves everything about treasure hunting—the adventure, the danger, the intellectual challenge of it all. The way his heart races when he finds some ancient artifact supposedly lost for good.
So, all in all, his current position—perched twenty feet up a silk cotton tree in India, surrounded by about two-dozen armed thugs personally out for his blood—well, that’s just another day at the office.
Two of the men walk below Shisui’s hiding place and he holds his breath, watching. They’re thick-built meat-heads; improbable amalgams of every jackbooted thug to ever grace a movie screen, with jawlines Chuck Norris could break a fist on, and brows that would make a Neanderthal proud. Supressing the snicker that threatens to escape him at the thought, Shisui wonders where Gato keeps finding these idiots. Some sort of steroid-fuelled body building conference maybe…
Comfortable they’re far too stupid to realise he’s here, he swings his legs back and forward, checking his bag to make sure his prize is still undamaged. Thankfully, despite having beaten a hasty retreat through the crowded city streets, the jewel-encrusted golden elephant winks up at him like a winning lottery ticket. One that’s going to pay for fancy canapes, champagne and extra leg room on Shisui’s flight home. Then a lot more afterwards.
But karma, as they say, is a bitch.
And karma, for Shisui, makes itself known in the form of a fluffy grey creature that plops down onto the branch beside him, joined in short order by half a dozen other partners in crime. At first, the macaque just fixes its intelligent gaze on Shisui, as though assessing what to do with him. Then, one very pregnant pause later, after the apparent realisation that no food is immediately forthcoming, the ringleader opens its mouth and screams. Loudly.
“No, shhh…” Shisui orders in a loud whisper. “Oh come on, don’t be an asshole.”
The screaming continues, soon swelling to a cacophony as the others join in.
“Shoo!” he pleads, waving his arms around to try and scare them off. “I’ll buy you bag of bananas or something when I get down from here, just please shut up…”
But the little bastards don’t stop and, if anything, Shisui’s heated objection only seems to be pissing them off more. Which is fantastic, because truly the last thing he needs today is to catch rabies or—
From the bottom of the tree, someone clears their throat. “Ahem.”
Or that.
It’s smug, officious, and quite frankly, about the last voice Shisui wants to hear right now. Every part of him sinks. On reflection, maybe it was a bit arrogant to think he wouldn’t have been followed to the temple. To think he was just going to walk in, pilfer a several-centuries old treasure, and walk out again, a comfortable five-figure sum the richer for it.
But then, it wouldn’t be the first time.
Sighing, he looks down to see his least-favourite human approximation of a turd. “Gato.”
“Well, well, if it isn’t my favourite globe-trotting Uchiha. Fancy seeing you here,” Gato says, appearing inordinately pleased. His trademark sunglasses sit awkwardly atop his bulbous nose, straddling a pencil moustache that looks like a worm met its unfortunate end on his face some years ago, and he never bothered to wipe it off.
For reasons he can’t currently articulate, it annoys the shit out of Shisui. Possibly because if there’s anything he hates more than someone getting the better of him, it’s someone who’s as much of a fucking waste of space as Gato getting the better of him.
“Yeah well, you know how it is,” he says, glancing around for a quick exit. “Ancient treasures to find, damsels in distress to rescue…”
But unfortunately, the crowd of highly armed men around Gato is growing by the second, and Shisui’s options are looking somewhat thin on the ground. At least, all the ones that don't end with him riddled in bullet holes. Damn macaques…
Gato grins. In the pre-monsoon heat, sweat rolls down his neck and spreads like an oily stain across his collar. “Oh, I’m well aware of how you operate... You’re a businessman, just like me. Always taking jobs for the highest bidder.” Before Shisui can open his mouth to disagree, Gato holds up a hand, adding, “I know, I know… you don’t see yourself that way. Moral code or whatever it is you like to call it. But in reality, the only difference between us is that you have the air of legitimacy that comes with an academic backing, whereas I’m willing to admit what I really want.”
“And what do you want, Gato?” Shisui asks flatly, already knowing the answer. The tired old game they’re playing here.
“That trinket you have in your bag.” Gato licks his lips, as though he can taste the champagne he’s going to be drinking once he returns the statue to whoever hired him, to disappear into some private collection, never to see the light of day again.
“What do I get in return?” Shisui asks, even though it’s obvious from Gato’s expression that he’s not going to like it, whatever it is.
A mirthless laugh assaults his ears. “I’ll let you live to cross paths with me another day.”
As offers go, it’s not very believable. But as much as Shisui hates to admit when his luck’s run out, even he can see the writing on the wall. Today really isn’t his day. Sure, he might trust Gato about as far as he could throw him, but even Gato isn’t stupid enough to shoot him on a main street, in broad daylight. Probably…
Retrieving the golden elephant from his bag, Shisui tosses it carefully down.
Turning the trinket over in his hands, Gato lets out a hum of appreciation. “Very nice. My client will be pleased.” He hands it off to one of his many thugs to box up, then peers back through the branches, looking more like a slug than Shisui would ever have thought possible. Reinforcing the impression, his lips twist with a slimy smile. “Well, as always, it’s been nice doing business with you Shisui. But I think, unfortunately, you’ve caused me trouble for the last time.”
Far too pleased for Shisui’s taste, Gato steps back, raising his hand in a gesture that looks awfully like it’s intended as a final farewell. Or a smug ‘fuck you.’ Either way, the message is perfectly clear.
Shisui rolls his eyes, mentally scratching off another predictable villainous turn on his treasure hunting bingo card. “All right,” he calls after Gato’s retreating back. “Nice doing business with you too! See you next time...” Under his breath he mutters, “Asshole…”
Truly, Gato doesn't have an original bone in his body. It's like he once read The Idiots Guide to Being a B-Grade Movie Villain, then internalised it on the spot to make up for a lack of anything remotely resembling a personality. But, pathetic imitation of a villain or not, his bullets are still effective.
The leaves around him shred beneath the pop, pop of gunfire as Shisui sucks in a rushed breath, bracing himself for what he’s about to do. The branch wobbles precariously beneath his feet as he races along it, pushing off into air that rushes past, disconcerting and empty. The slender gap to the building seems to widen to the span of a gaping abyss—
He hits the rail of the apartment with thud, clambering quickly over it to fall on his back on the balcony, winded, but mercifully unharmed. A macaque peers over the guttering at him, with a leering grin that clearly threatens more screaming.
“Don’t you start,” he warns, waggling a finger at it.
But there’s barely a moment to catch his breath before the sound of splintering wood below indicates another problem. Or an extension of the same one. Bounding to his feet, Shisui scoops up his hat, settles it back on his head, and checks over the railing. A bullet clips the plaster nearby—a pretty good indication that Gato’s men have every idea where he’s gone. That, combined with the way they’re currently pushing through the lower doors to the complex probably doesn’t mean anything good for him.
“Shit,” he announces to no one in particular. It’s times like these he really wishes he carried a gun…
Forcing his way into the mercifully empty apartment off the balcony, Shisui slips quickly through it. Cracking open the door on the far side, he checks the coast is clear. It is.
Of course, it doesn’t stay that way for long. Halfway along the open air corridor, there’s a cry of discovery from his pursuers, followed by more shooting. Seriously, why are the bad guys always bringing guns to Shisui’s knife fights?
Ducking, he runs faster, bursting into another apartment filled with hazy cigarette smoke and shocked faces before finally making it to an exterior stairwell on the far side. Looking at the next building over, it’s immediately apparent the gap is way too far for him to use the same trick he did before. But with Gato’s men advancing on him from below, maybe he can just make it to street level and bypass them altogether…
A thicket of power cables criss-crosses the span between the buildings, with one nearby running almost to the level of the shop awnings below. Sending a rash of silent prayers to whatever gods take care of Indian power line maintenance, Shisui detaches a length of rope from his belt and flings it over the wire, gripping each side like a makeshift zipline. Holding his breath, he pushes off into empty space. To his surprise and considerable delight, the line holds.
It sweeps him across the street, picking up more and more speed, until the side of the other building is rushing at him like—
He impacts it with his shoulder, coming to an uncomfortable and jarring stop. Pain shoots down his arm and he lets go of the rope, crashing through a fabric awning and landing ungracefully in a huge stack of bagged flour. Dust floats down around him and Shisui groans, moving each of his limbs in turn. By some miracle, nothing seems broken. Not even his tantō in its leather holster at his back.
Oh well. Fall down seven times, stand up eight…
Apparently his exit was none too subtle though, because Gato’s men are leaning over the stairwell railing, yelling and pointing at the mess he’s made. Dragging himself to his feet, Shisui evades an angry store owner, brushes flour off of his clothes and resumes running for his life.
Never let anyone say archaeology is boring.
As he emerges back onto the main street, searching for quick and easy exit, the sound of screeching brakes and angry honking carries from the road. Cutting a wild path through traffic is an old open-top olive-drab Jeep with several gold charms dangling from its rear-view mirror. It jerks to a stop just before hitting Shisui, both side wheels riding up on the curb.
“Need a ride?” the female driver asks, grinning.
Her windswept hair hangs past the fashionable silk scarf tied at her neck. Unmanicured nails wrap around the slender metal of the steering wheel, like they couldn’t be more at home there. They’re a stark contrast with the cream suit linen she’s wearing, rolled up neatly to her elbows. Speckled with dirt, it looks like she’s probably travelled halfway across the country to be here, and been up to her elbows in the grease of the Jeep’s engine at some point to do it. She’s a walking contradiction—albeit one Shisui is delighted to see.
“Izumi!” he exclaims happily.
Eyes sparkling, she waves. “Hey.”
“I thought you were practicing on the course in Reno this weekend… What’re you doing here?”
A shot rings out, kicking up dust near one of the tyres. Glancing behind him, Izumi rolls her eyes, reaching across to throw open the door. “What am I always doing? Saving your ass, you idiot... Now get in before one of us gets shot, or I have to find out whether my rental insurance covers illegal firefight damage.”
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purble-turble · 3 years
Would you please make more of that, "Weird kind of dark shadowpeach idea" you posted earlier? A softer take on the, 'Repeated Consequences' premise sounds lovely. A fluffy alternative to the tragedy that is that well written fanfiction sounds lovely. MK deserves all the dads and none of the pain!
Sure! Btw, if dark shadowpeach is something you’re into, definitely go read Repeated Consequences... I mean. Mind the tags. Holy SHIT mind the tags.. but Macaque in that fic is one of my favorite versions of him and I’m into it.
Anyway, picking up from that last shadowpeach ask, I think after Mac and Wukong have that brief encounter once MK leaves, after enough time has passed Wukong comes to his senses and splits. Probably to go back to Flower Fruit Mountain to take a cold shower and think about his life choices hide for a bit.
Macaque knows it wasn’t going to be as easy as that and expected Wukong to withdraw for a bit. So when MK comes back over the next day, even more excited than usual to hang out with his new monkey dad, Mac puts on his most solemn face and admits to MK that he’s conflicted... he cares about him and the Monkey King so much, but obviously Wukong is uncomfortable with this whole situation. He still holds a grudge from a centuries old spat they had (the details of which are glossed over entirely) ..Oh if only there was something that could ease Wukong’s nerves so they could all be one big happy family together. He even says that Wukong is angry enough that maybe he should just go... MK immediately perks up like OH! HEY, let me go talk to him, I’ll tell him how nice and helpful you’ve been, I can make sure he’s cool with you sticking around!
So MK runs over to Flower Fruit Mountain and finds the Monkey King laying around on the couch stuffing peach chips into his face as he stares up at the ceiling. MK has a long talk to him that’s mostly just AT him about how Macaque has been really nice to him, and he understands they probably have some history that’s not so pleasant but maybe Monkey King could give him one more chance because he’s REALLY trying! Wukong just sighs and says “he’s manipulating you, kid... it’s what he does.” Then he finally sits up and looks kind of annoyed for the first time and he says MK should take Macaque up on his offer and ask him to go, telling him that he couldn’t convince Wukong. That’ll get him to see how earnest the shadow money really is. There’s no way he’ll actually leave... MK says he’s not gonna do that! And it isn’t fair of the Monkey King to ask him to!! And he storms off. But of course, Macaque obviously got close enough (without Wukong noticing him) to listen in on this conversation. So when MK shows up at the dojo again and tells him that Wukong still doesn’t want him hangingn out with Macaque, Macaque does exactly what Wukong says he wouldn’t do, and he just pats MK on the head saying he doesn’t want to leave MK, but he definitely doesn’t want him to have to choose between them, so he’s going to make himself scarce.
MK is devastated and begs him not to go, but Macaque just shrugs and says that maybe someday when Wukong is ready for him he’ll come back, but until then he’s not going to do anything to make him any angrier. He’s just so sorry because there’s so much more he wanted to teach MK... so Mac says goodbye to a teary MK with a hug and then vanishes..... but not really. Obviously. He just makes himself unseen for a few weeks, letting MK be sad and keep trying to convince the Monkey King that he should forgive Macaque. All he has to do is wait for Wukong to be affected enough by MK’s sadness to give in to the begging and allow Macaque to keep seeing him. He’s waited this long, he’s absolutely willing to let a little more time pass in order to make Wukong sweat.
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dancingthesambaa · 3 years
The Smell of Plum Blossom Tea Ch 19
Summary: Just like a butterfly wing, a single act of kindness can change the course of the future, it certainly did for MK as a black furred monkey put out a hand towards him.
Rating: Teen and up
Chapter 19: Got Your Back (And Maybe Your Heart)
“Okay let me get this straight-”
“No one here is, but go on.”
“Hush, I’m still mad at you,” Tang gave a stink eye to the Kappa before turning back to Macaque. “So let me get this straight, so not only are you the same Six Eared Macaque that has fought the Monkey King and the deity that’s known as the Wandering Healer-”
“Not actually a deity,” he inputted.
“Whatever, but I’ve been coming here for years and just now I find out that there are mythical deities and magical plants within the forest! The Yao grass that is said to be a component to the Immortality Pills, an actual Qilin living here?! And the brown bunny and that little shit stain, who probably wants to laugh his ass off, is actually a Kitsune and spirit!”
“Guilty as charged,” the Shui Gui chortled.
“Pretty much,” the monkey shrugged his shoulders.
“Yup,” Ní nodded in her fox form.
“…I am both very angry and very excited,” he grumbled. “Do you know how many questions I have?! Do you know how many things I could have tested? Do you know how long I have wanted to meet someone like you guys? Do you know how many questions I have?!”
“I think you already said that,” said the water spirit though he froze as he saw an ominous glint in his eyes.
“Oh yes I did, because by the time I leave here,” he mysteriously whipped out his phone, “I will have all my questions answered.”
“Just how many do you have?” Macaque cautiously asked.
Tang said nothing as he instead showed a folder containing many files within them. “Quite a few. Quite. A. Few.”
All three immortals, the ones who have faced many fierce opponents throughout their life, gulped at the looming trials ahead.
“Fuck,” they all unanimously said.
It was cold, damp, and thoroughly disgusting with all of the worthless piles of junk lying around, but she supposed she would have to work with what she had under these…conditions.
Lady Bone Demon quietly walked through the open sewer as she attempted to distinguish where exactly she should strike next while her underling, who has been waiting for all these years, searches for the one item she hasn’t quite found.
It was quite tricky, to say the least, all the rest of the ingredients she needed to procure, albeit a bit rare, would be much easier to obtain even if those incompetent bugs mess it up. It won’t be too hard to find a replacement for those, she just decided on them for the proximity, she does not desire to leave the city before she achieves her prize. The last item though is something that is an ingredient that is not so easily replaceable, so she will need to take her time and look through every crack and back alley down until she does.
It was quite irritating, from the conditions she found herself into the annoying bugs that seem to think they are above her to Sun Wukong.
Sometimes she just wished that she could be over and done with this little game entirely and reach the end, but alas that’s not how life works. But she will admit that it will be fun watching them all struggle to get one step ahead of her, though she can’t decide which one she’ll enjoy more, Sun Wukong look when she finally drains him of every last bit of power and torture what he cherishes in front of his very eyes or Spider Queen expression as she stabs her in the back when she becomes the component to her plans. Both sound absolutely delightful when the time comes, but for that to happen she suppose she will have to achieve this the long way, no shortcuts or cheats allowed.
But she doesn’t mind the wait, after all, she had been imprisoned for over five hundred centuries.
She has nothing but time and she intends to play this little game all the way to the end.
“So your not just some random ass immortal,” Macaque bluntly said when Shen met up with him again.
“Took you that long to figure that out,” the frizzy hair old man laughed.
“Well, how am I supposed to know that you were literally giving me Immortal wine when I have never tasted it before you all but shoved it to me?” He grumbled as he held the bottle of very rare wine once more. “You know I don’t really need this, I am still perfectly immortal without it.”
“Oh I know, Yama sometimes grumbled about it from time to time when we get together. Gods know he wants to strangle Sun Wukong's scrawny neck when he gets the chance,” he said while drinking some of the wine.
“You regularly drink with the King of the Dead?” He deadpanned, “Who the fuck are you? Cause that right there shows that you're not just a regular ass deity.”
“Hmm I’ll tell you if you tell me how you figured out how to make the Immortality pills,” he smirked at the monkey still look.
“What do you mean?”
“I may be old, but I can smell a lot of the ingredients for the pills in this forest alone. Yao grass, Biya berries, Voya roots, Gracidea flowers, just to name a few,” he tapped his nose.
“Can’t really hide the smell,” he clicked his teeth. “Alright fine I’ll talk, but you better keep your end of the deal.”
“Will do.”
And so they talked and talked and when Shen spoke of who he was Macaque all but threw the bottle in his hand.
“What the fuck Ping?!” He hissed out as he had to stop himself from bashing his head against the tree. “How the fuck?!”
“He was an interesting one,” he laughed. He met his old friend by the river where he was doing his laundry, they spoke and then he found himself another drinking buddy.
Macaque’s eyes twitched as he just slumped over and groaned loudly. “What the fuck!”
Shen just laughed wildly next to him.
“Yeah yeah laugh it up,” he hissed before letting out a sigh and sat himself up. “Shit I don’t know if I can ask you this but I might as well fucking try?”
“Hmm?” He curiously questioned.
“I may need something soon that I can’t quite get on normal means and I think-no I know I will need your help to get it,” he asked with an almost pleading voice.
“Hmm, why do you need it?” He noted the tone in his voice but didn’t say a word about it.
“There is a demon that wants to take over the land and almost nobody would be able to stop her,” the simian admitted.
“Eh, there will always be some creature that wants to take over the world, been there, seen that, but that never really happens now does it,” he easily dismissed it as he leaned in closer, “but why do you need it?”
“Because there are people that I want to protect and I know that they will be the ones that will be fighting against that monster and like hell I am letting them do this alone,” he growled.
“Oh now I have your reason, so here’s another question. How much are you willing to give for my favor?”
“Anything,” he determinedly said.
“Anything you say? Even your life?” His green eyes challenged his violet ones.
“Yes,” he replied with no hesitation as the question didn’t even make him flinch.
There was a long silence as both beings stared the other down until the red haired man broke off his gaze and chuckled lightly.
“…hehehe, always knew Ping was fond of the stubborn ones,” he grinned.
“Ping is an old coot with the perchance of running into the weirdest fucking things,” he huffed as the air around them seem to settle down.
“You're not wrong,” he nodded. “Alright I’ll help ya, but next time I drop by I expect some high quality drinks.”
“Tch, fine you alcoholic bastard. Hope you don’t mind Plum wine, have a few sitting for a couple of centuries.”
“Are you kidding? The longer the age, the better it is! It’s like you don’t know me sapling,” he said with a mock hurt expression.
“I mean I might as well as you just told me who the fuck you are!” He threw his hands in the air.
“But you know my wine tastes!”
“You've only given me one kind of wine bastard!”
“Don’t you fucking pout you overgrown child!”
“Shit! Shit! Shit! Shit!” MK cursed as he dashed his way through the volcanic land and ducked from a large fiery boulder aimed straight towards him. “Why does this happen to me!?”
Now you may be wondering how and why MK found himself stuck in the volcano arena, well he was visiting one of the more interesting customers he had delivered to before, as in she was trying to learn more about magic, with Red and Mei. Which is cool and all, especially since she has mastered how to change her hair color on will, but she was showing him her more advanced spells. Now it was very fun with the Bull Prince trying to explain to the young girl how each spell works and how much energy must be put into it. They were even going to try out a new spell together, but the thing about her is that while she does have quite a bit of talent, she is extremely clumsy. As she took a step forward and accidentally pushed him into the symbol on the ground and then ‘poof’ he teleported right in the middle of the fire imp territory.
Usually, this wouldn’t be a problem, he can handle a few enemies on his own and he did with such ease that not even a scratch was laid on him. It’s just that the problem was that they all happened to be a bit too loud and woke up a humanoid creature that was three times his size, entirely made up of molten magma and rock crystals, and looked very pissed.
Needless to say all of them booked it as fast as they could, but unfortunately it had their eyes on one creature that looked different from the rest.
“Seriously!” He yelled as he climbed up the mountain and quickly hid and he held his burnt side. He knows that he is quick on his feet, but even he can’t dodge all of those boulders and swipes aimed at him. It doubly hurts as he can feel the burning of the magma touch his skin, he desperately wants an ice bath when he escapes this.
But until then he will continue to make his way to the ocean ahead where he hopes that it would be enough to stop the beast in its tracks. He will swim all the way back home if he has to, he can deal with the sickness later after he saves his skin.
He felt the beast let out a devastating roar and a glance back he saw the creature lift the largest boulder that he didn’t even think he could dodge. So, he instead prepared himself as he was about to bring out his staff when-
“Here comes Jade Dragon/ Blazing Bull!” Twin voices shouted as the next second two terrifying forces slammed into the creature and with a pained roar he flew back.
He blinked as he saw Mei and Red Son, one who is surrounded by ethereal viridian energy and the other encaptured in a fiery crimson aura, jump in front of him protectively.
“MK/Noodle boy! Are you okay?!” Both of them have been trudging through not only ashes clogging their lungs and spot marking their skins, but also all different types of books and ruins trying to find the right activation phrase to reopen the portal to where their friend had disappeared to. They were tired, dirty, clothes ripped, and pissed off, but in MK eyes they were the most beautiful people he has ever seen as he couldn’t stop the blush forming on his cheeks as he took in their perfectly disheveled appearance, the muscles peeking from their ripped sleeves, sweat dripping from their face, and the worried look in their gorgeous eyes.
“Y-Yep!” He involuntarily squeaked. ‘I really should not have read some of those romance books with Jin,’ he thought as he cleared his throat. “I mean yeah, yeah you guys are perfect-I mean you got here at perfect timing!” He nervously said as he rubbed the back of his neck and tried to avoid eye contact.
“You sure you didn’t hit your head along the way,” she lightly teased as she kept a firm stance in front of him.
“Would be an improvement,” he smirked, but his eyes didn’t leave the Cherufu dazed form.
“Heyyy,” he whined before he realized what they said before, “Do you guys have names and you didn’t tell me!”
“We’ll you see-”
“They are so cool!” His eyes sparkled, “they fit you both so perfectly, and the way you guys came in and shouted it made the scene even more awesome!”
Both of them couldn’t stop both smiles and blushes as their smaller friend, and small crush, kept on praising them, but unfortunately, their little bubble popped as the beast roared once more.
“Tch,” Mei irritably clicked her tongue at the beast ride interruption, showing off her fangs (after countless of honing to both tracing and the dragon sword, she was more than ecstatic to see that she matched with both of her boys) “I actually forgot about that.”
“You mean the walking miniature mountain that was just chasing me down,” MK huffed as he shook his head. Hopefully, the two would just blame his fluster on the heat and not drift towards the thought that he may like them more than friends.
“Yeah that.”
“You both need to really get up to speed with your Mythical beings,” Red grunted as he opted to not use his fire against the creature made of lava.
“Says the one who never knew what Advil was,” MK muttered.
“It’s not my fault you mortals inconsistently change their names for no reason!” He hissed as his hair flared up.
“Surrrreee,” both mortals said.
“Let’s just focus on getting out of here.”
“You just don’t want to admit that your wrong~”
“Shut it!
“And where do you think you're going?” Wukong flinched as he heard Macaque's voice behind him.
“Oh you know, just a little road trip,” he smiled wider than normal as he quickly turned around to hide his suitcase, “I thought that it was time I get off of my mountain and see what else I missed.”
“Uh Huh,” he noncommittally said as he casually walked forward, “and you just decided that right this week?”
“Just out of the blue.”
“You know it!”
“With no thoughts in mind.”
“None whatsoever!”
“Sunny, I know you’re bullshitting me,” he bluntly said.
“Whattt?” He nervously laughed, “I’m serious, I am just going to go sightseeing for a bit and-”
“You still have that same tell when you lie, you know. Smiling too widely,” he pointed out.
“I thought I got that under control,” he muttered to himself and sighed, “alright yeah, you caught me. I was gonna go out and look for a weapon to stop her, but I have to do this, Lady Bone Demon is not someone to trifle with. You know how she can easily command someone under her will and that was when she just got out of centuries of captivity! Imagine what she could accomplish once she regains more and more power! I just can’t sit here and wait for that to happen.”
“I know, that’s why you're not doing it alone,” he pointed out.
“Did you really think that talk we had the other day was just a one off thing? No no no, there are so many people and demons solely invested in this, because what Spider Queen did really pissed off a lot of people and they want revenge on not only her, but those who helped her,” he said as summoned a map and showed him. “Just see for yourself.”
The monkey took the map and he became confused about what he was looking at. “There’s just a bunch of doodles in certain areas.”
“Those are the areas that have been hit and investigated thoroughly, the ones with X are the no goes of anything suspicious or useful, the ones with question marks are the clues or hints, and the few with checks are the ones where they found positive report and/or confirmation on successful supplies that we need. All of these are for finding the necessary materials to end the Bone Demon life once and for all.”
Wukong's eyes were wide at the end of his statement, “You know how to destroy her?! How long were you planning this? How have you managed to search all of these areas?”
“Well, it helps that I have so many favors stacked up from my former clients. I usually don’t care what they pay me, but usually, it’s in either money, food, or favors and I have a lot of those. I mean just Po and his students alone have them all checking the western areas for it by themselves. He says it’s a good training exercise for them, but I think he just wants a break from those brats. And for your first one, we’ll ever since BK got possessed the family has promised vengeance upon her, and Queen Iron Fan happens to have knowledge of a permanent kill switch to ending that demon life,” he said as he showed him the formula.
Wukong examined it and after a while, he nodded his head and faintly said, “Yeah…yeah that might actually work…there is something to destroy her.” He still couldn’t believe his eyes, but it was right there in front of him, then the first part of his words hit him, “Wait, that long?”
“Yes that long,” he said with exasperation, “Am I the only one who found it fucking weird that the Demon Bull King, one of the strongest beings in the realm, got possessed out of fucking nowhere? That right there was already suspicious by itself and the ominous whispers were sure not helping her case, that just added it on. So we decided to get to the bottom of this and boy is this one deep chasm we got ourselves into.”
“It really is,” he agreed as he looked over the map and saw that some of the places that were marked were the ones he was going to go to, even some that only celestial beings can access, “You already investigated these realms?”
He looked over to see what he was pointing at and nodded, “Yeah, pretty much. As I said, I have clientele all over and I don’t really restrict unless they have really done something so fucked up that I would rather kill them.”
“You have favors with Celestial deities,” he emphasized.
“Just some minor ones,” the doctor tried to brush it off, but judging by his friend's look, it wasn’t going to be easy.
“Celestial. Deities.”
“How about we talk about this later.”
“Oh we are so talking about this later, but I still have to do this. I have to make sure that she doesn’t cause any more harm to people anymore, this is my duty that I have to do-”
“You're not understanding!” He gripped his hair in frustration. “I literally gave you a map and you still don’t understand what I’m trying to say!”
“What!” He threw his hands in the air, “What can you possibly-”
“You aren’t alone dumbass!” He hissed out and froze the Monkey Sage.
“Wha-” he was cut off once more by a furious finger poking his chest at each word Mac hissed out.
“You. Are. Not. Alone. I don’t know how many different ways I have to say this, but if it gets through your thick skull then god damn it, I will.”
“I know what you were about to do, you were about to galavant off and try to do everything on your own and not say a single word to nobody like a stupid martyr, cause apparently this is a shared trait between you and MK about being so self sacrificial that you wish to take on the burden yourself! Well fuck that! I’m putting my foot down for both of you, you don’t have to recklessly go out there and hope that one of them will stick!”
“What else am I supposed to do!” He leaped to his feet, “I basically serve no purpose other than this glorified title of hero, which I am really sick of hearing, and that Bone witch could strike at any moment and we won’t be prepared. If I leave the city then that would mean that not only would I be faster on looking for the weapon, but I would be far away from her and her attempt to sap my power.”
“But you would also be away from the city and by the time you come back, there might not be anything left to come back to,” he said with a final tone. “No one would be able to stand against her, not the demons, not the people, not MK, not the Bull Family, not even me. We would all fall by the time the morning sun rises if we tried to face her head on. We would all be corpses below her feet.”
The Monkey King stilled as the morbid images flooded into his head.
City in ruins.
Bodies sprawled everywhere.
Familiar faces all dead eyed.
Bodies collapsed.
Heart stilled
His precious student.
All of his tribe members.
The rambunctious Demon quartet.
His family to the West.
The headstrong Dragon successor.
Demon Bull with his wife and son.
Yanyu surrounded by her siblings.
They're all dead.
“Wukong!” He snapped out of his thoughts by black furred hands and looked up to see Macaque worried Violet (alive there so alive and bright, so so bright and alive) eyes. “Are you okay?”
“I’m-” he stopped himself and remend what he was about to say, “I will be fine…I’ll stay.”
The Six Eared monkey let out a sigh of relief, “Good, that’s good. Sorry for putting that image in your head.”
“No, no I needed to hear that. I-I can’t be impulsive, not right now, not when things are becoming dangerous, I need to think things through,” he sighed as he sat down.
“You're not going to be out of the loop, you are the one who knows where a weapon may be hidden, so you can easily tell them which spot to tackle more thoroughly,” he reassured him as he sat by him.
“That would be more efficient than me just searching one at a time, okay I’ll do that,” he let out a small puff of air and managed a small smirk, “I guess that’s why I have you in my life, you somehow manage my little quirks.”
“‘Little quirks’ is an understatement,” he deadpans and leans on him, “but yeah we do fit well for some odd reason.”
“Like peaches and congee,” he grins.
“I think you are the only ones who actually dip it into the food.”
“Oh like I haven’t seen you do the same with mango,” he pointed out.
“There’s a difference okay! It just tastes better that way,” he huffed.
“Surrrre it does,” he drawled out.
“It does.”
“Whatever you say.”
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skellebonez · 3 years
Since it looks like your in "pain mode" today, how about a prompt with Freenoodleshipping or Shadowpeach and the numbers 10 and 18?
I got so upset about losing that other fill that I decided to do fills out of order because I wanted to come back to the lost fill later on and immediately knew what I wanted to do for this one anyway... I’m picking on Macaque again, and Wukong this time.
Warning: non-graphically described injuries (though not nearly as bad as last time), anxiety, hurt/comfort.
Stop it! You’re only making it worse!/ Looks like we’re going to be stuck here for a while.
“Looks like we’re going to be stuck here for a while,” Macaque groaned as he kicked a stone hard enough to shatter it against the wall of the cave system that he and Wukong were trapped in. Together. Alone. With only the cell phone Xiaojiao had insisted on Wukong owning for light. “Fan-flipping-tastic.”
“You’re not helping,” Wukong hissed, tail swishing behind him as they walked through the tunnel and looked for any weak spot the could use to get out. He wasn’t happy, not in the slightest, and he wouldn’t be until they got back out of here.
“There isn’t much I can do to help,” Macaque snapped, kicking and shattering another rock in his frustration. Wukong noticed that he let out a hiss of his own after doing so this time and turned away from him. “Not until we find the exit. Or make one. Or try to make one and get buried alie-”
“Not. Helping!”
Macaque tensed at the snap, looking down at the ground as they continued on. “Sorry. That was... a bit far. Just... sorry.”
He sounded genuinely apologetic, not something the Monkey King was used to in his sudden attempt at... whatever kind of either redemption or something or other he was trying to accomplish, and when Wukong turned to look back at him he looked the part too. Tail and ears dropped, head lowered, gait slow and... off.
“Mac, are you hurt again?” Wukong stopped in his tracks. “Don’t lie to me.”
Over the course of time that the other immortal monkey had been staying with him Macaque had been injured a lot more than Wukong thought possible, but then again it had been a long time since he had seen him. He’d known the other could be hurt, hell he had thought he killed him the last time they had seen each other before the incident with Xiaotian after all, but the way he just brushed off his injuries was...
Well, it was just worrying enough to get his mind off the ice cold feeling of anxiety creeping up his neck. To distract him from how much his hands were shaking and how his thoughts raced and how much he tried not to remember the last time he was trapped in a mountain.
“Yes, Peaches,” Macaque replied with the tone of a sassy teenager who was being scolded by their parent. “I’m hurt. That’s what happens to me. I’ll heal, that’s also what happens to me. I’ll be fine, you know that.”
“What is it this time?” Wukong turned around fully, making a beeline back to his companion. “I don’t see any blood.”
The answer he received was mumbled under Macaque’s breathe, too low for even his hearing to catch, and Wukong sighed and thwapped his arm with his tail. Not hard at all, just enough to get his attention again. He looked back up at Wukong and sighed, gesturing with both arms down to one of his legs with a half smirk. “It’s broken.”
“It’s b- Your leg is broken?” Wukong asked incredulously.
“Only a little, Peaches, I’ve been walking on it just fine!” He argued back, putting pressure on it and wincing immediately. His fur poofed up in a tell tale sign of agitation. “Just fine.”
“Have you been kicking rocks with your broken leg the whole time?” Wukong ignored his assertions of finery, kneeling down to get a better look. Under his clothing he couldn’t tell it was broken at all, but the way the fabric stretched definitely showed it had swollen around the break.
“It’s fine, I needed a distraction!” Was the defense he received as Macaque turned and kicked another rock, this time actually yelping in pain and looking fearful at the fact he had let himself be heard letting that sound out.
“Stop it!” Wukong put his phone on the ground and grabbed him, lifting him off the ground with the darker furred monkey’s side pressed into his chest and earning an offended gasp in return. “You’re only making it worse!”
“Uh, I think I know my limits Bud!” Macaque didn’t even bother to struggle against his grip, but he sounded more annoyed the longer he was held.
“You are yelping in pain you clearly do not!”
“Oh yeah, like you know when to stop doing anything yourself!”
“Just let me focus on you damn it!”
“Instead of what? The mountain we’re... the mountain...” Macaque trailed off, having apparently noticed what he was saying and how much Wukong’s grip was shaking. How unsteady his breathing was. How his voice almost sounded like it was going to break.
“Shit... shit, Peaches, uh... are you... ok?” His questions were stilted, awkward, like they felt odd on his tongue. They probably did, they hadn’t really talked about feelings after the the whole mountain crumbling thing with Xiaotian and Red Son. They’d kind of just brushed the affection he had shown him in his injured state to the side to deal with later.
Well... it was later apparently.
“Y-... no,” Wukong admitted, feeling like he would be a hypocrite if he denied anything right now. “I have a history with-”
“Mountains, yeah,” Macaque acknowledged. “I get how that could. Yeah.” He paused for a moment, tail coming around to brush against Wukong’s own, which was shaking just as much as his grip, softly. “We could probably break out, you know,” He offered after a moment.
“I think we’ve destroyed enough mountains this week.” Wukong couldn’t help the small chuckle that escaped him as he lowered Macaque down onto his unbroken leg and turned to look down the tunnel again. “I don’t want to completely ruin the scenery.”
Macaque didn’t answer at first, just letting his tail wrap around Wukong’s in a soft grip as he leaned on his shoulder. They stood there for a moment in the darkness of the cave, leaning against each other, and eventually Macaque wrapped his arm around the other’s shoulder too. Wukong’s shaking didn’t stop, but it slowed down and Mac eventually leaned down and grabbed the phone from the floor before returning to that position.
“Distract yourself,” He said after a moment. “While we walk. I promise I won’t put more pressure on my leg that I need to.”
“Ok,” Wukong answered as he wrapped his arm around Mac’s shoulder and helped him along, talking about anything he could think of.
And Macaque kept his promise, all the way up until they actually found the exit.
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son-wu-kong · 3 years
This is part 2 to how Six and Macaque met. Hope y’all enjoy! Much love💙
Six wakes up, tied up in a room with little light. He tries to lift his head up but is struck was a sudden jolt of pain in his neck “Fuck!” putting his head back down he’s met with the same voice he heard earlier, “So.. why did you try to steal the purse? With a kid with such.. talented acrobatics I’d think you’d be making decent money.” The voice said “Ha, if only, but I don’t think people are too keen on keeping a demon around even if they were running a freak show.” Six replied, “speaking of why did you bring me here? I don’t see any tools around so I’m not here to be gutted, what do you want?” Six said “Ah, just to chat, get to know you a little more, because you and I…”the voice said before stepping out from the darkness to reveal a tall, black furred monkey with red facial marks and six ears, “…aren’t so different” taking Six a little by surprise by this reveal, he’s meet other monkeys before but never with six ears like him. “Who are you?” Six asked. “Macaque, The Six Eared Macaque” Macaque said cheerfully “What about you?” Macaque asked “Six.” He said “Why Six?” Macaque asked “Why Macaque?” Six replied “…fair enough.” Macaque replied “you never answered my question… what do you want with me?” Six said glaring at the monkey, Macaque glared back at him “I want to help you!” Macaque said with a sadistic smile on his face “Help me? Funniest shit I’ve heard all day.” Six sarcastically said “No, I’m being serious, I thought I was the only six eared demon around yet here you are, thought we’ll… since we’re the only one of our kind around thought we could look after each others backs, help each other ya know, work together…”as Macaque went on his monologue, Six conjured a small dagger to cut the ropes from his hands but still remained seated he was… curious to what the monkey had to say. “…so what’d you say?” Macaque said still with the smile on his face, like a creepy door to door salesman “No…because I’ve meet people like you, there’s more.” Six said now with an annoyed expression “What do you mean?” Macaque questioned “I mean…” as Six stands ups from the chair and Macaque slightly taken aback by this “…you say all this looking out for each other bullshit then bring me on some fuck all expedition, your gonna say you want to “work together” but as soon as the job is done you rob me of the rewards and leave me in the dust like everyone else!” Six said with anger in his voice “Woah bud, it’s not like that, genuinely I want to help.” Macaque said “but why?” Six said “*sign* because I’ve been in your situation before, I know what it’s like, to live on the streets to have no one, stealing, fighting, trying to survive when the world brushes you away. I know what it’s like. Trust me. Been doing for awhile now, and with the way you handle the situation on the rooftop you not gonna get very far, so can you at least hear me out?” Asked Macaque “Fine.” Six replied. “I want to train you, teach you to fight, control you powers, cause I know you have some of those, considering the knife you pulled out of nowhere to cut yourself free, and… I want to help you in your hunt for the people who murdered your sister.” Macaque explained, Six taken aback by this with an a soul dumbfounded expression “How the hell do you know about my sister?!” Six growled “She was a… friend of mine, you could say and what those poachers did to her was disgusting, your not the only one looking to get back at them, let me help you, you know you need it.” Six looking down and thinking “he’s right, even if I have to admit it, I need all the help I can get.” Six then looks back up at Macaque “alright fine, if you really do mean it, I’ll accept your help… and… thank you for this, and for not kill me for stealing form you.” Six said with a slight smile on his face and Macaque replying with his own. “Great, come back here tomarrow and we’ll get started.” Macaque said with a smile on his face.
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cloud-somersault · 7 months
(sits down opposite you in a booth at a ice cream parlor) i think a really important point of shadowpeach after reconciliation is the interweaving of all facets of their relationship and them struggling to meld those into some kind of cohesive "friendship" or whatever
and what I mean is that, like, there's always going to be some underlying resentment because wukong did a murder. so on Macaque's part, there's always going to be this anger and resentment and this hate that he has to deal with while also trying to piece their relationship into something that fits.
there's always going to be some guilt on wukong's part because he did a murder. there's going to be some guilt and an understanding that if Macaque, at any point, doesn't want to be friends, wukong understands why because of what happened between them. so he's saddened by the fact that things could end at any point and he doesn't have the right to try and fight for their relationship. i don't think that would stop him, but he'd be aware of it.
and then there's always going to be these echoes of their past haunting them. of what they were. because on some level, they're both still grieving that. they both miss that time in their lives, and that leads to anger, especially on macaque's part, because he lost something he coveted and treasured. and wukong also, because even if he killed macaque accidentally, he's allowed to miss that time also. because he wishes with all his heart that they can return to that past where none of the bad shit happened.
and then there's the threat of what they are now. broken and shattered people, jaded and knowledgeable of the world, they see these crumbled pieces and the feelings dwelling within themselves and look to each other and say, "Hey, can we really fix this? Can this really turn into something tangible and discernible?"
because the whole point -- (moves and sits beside you in the booth) the whole point is that they look at that scattered mess and decide yes, it's a broken mess that can become something worthy of being looked at. and though it's going to take time to put the pieces together and, in so doing, it's possible that we mishandle the pieces and they break further or the glue we're using doesn't work. and one of us may give up for a while, but we have to keep going.
the process of piecing their relationship together is difficult. they can cut themselves, hurt themselves or each other intentionally or unintentionally. it's a messy process. it's tricky and annoying and frustrating but, despite that, they both decide to keep working on it together.
and that's the reconciliation process. because we get to see that ugliness. it's not this pretty thing. it's not perfect and not everything it solved. it's only the beginning because, in reconciling, they both looked at that mess of pieces on the floor and then looked to each other and said, "Yeah, we can fix this."
but the thing also is -- this is wukong and macaque. and they're a little stupid. and they're prone to mistakes. so whatever they make at the end, whatever they piece together...
chances are it's not going to be beautiful at all.
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dancingthesambaa · 3 years
The Smell of Plum Blossom Tea Ch 6
Summary: Just like a butterfly wing, a single act of kindness can change the course of the future, it certainly did for MK as a black-furred monkey put out a hand towards him.
Rating: Teen and up
Chapter 6: And So It Begins
“I’m back,” MK tiredly said as he dragged his form out of the blazing sun and into the cool restaurant, “orders delivered, traffic long and people angry, but food is delivered.”
“Great, but you still have another delivery,” Pigsy replied as his back was turned.
“Just one,” he grinned, “compared to the other ten this will be a piece-,”
He slammed down 30 orders down in front of him on the already bustling counter.
“Of cake,” he deflated as he saw the monumental amount of food. “What the-Are we feeding an entire town?!”
“Close. Party, though I should have charged their ungrateful asses extra for the rush order,” he growled out, “who gives an hour warning Huh?!”
“Apparently them,” he groaned as he picked up and carried the whole load into the car.
“And when you get back, there are a dozen more orders to take care of,” Pigsy called out.
“Got it bossman,” he yelled out, then he slammed the door closed and he sat up straight with a grin, “alright this won’t be so bad.”
“BEEF? BEEF?!! I WANTED MISO! GET IT RIGHT YOU STUPID DRIVER! The voice yelled out at MK as the two stood at the doorway.
“I’m sorry but-,” he winced as he was cut off by the rude woman screech.
“You better be sorry! I could have your job for this big of a screw up! You are nothing!”
“Technically I just delivered your food,” he whispered to himself.
“What did you just say?”
“Nothing!” He put on his best service smile, “I’m very sorry about this, how about I take your food back so that I can-.”
MK watched as the woman threw down her food in a fit of rage.
“There’s your damn food, now pick it up and get me a new one,” she spat out.
MK looked down at the pile of food that Pigsy put his sweat and blood into slowly dripping off the stone stairs. He took a deep breath as he put his hand in his pocket to subtly squeeze the stress ball and looked at the woman.
“I’m not cleaning that up,” he deadpans and walks back to the car.
“Also,” he rolled down his window when he got in the car, “if you would like to order for a party, next time call ahead of time.” He then quickly drove off until he could no longer hear the yells of the angry woman.
He rode until he reached the grocery store, parked at the edges of the lot where there were barely any cars, unbuckled his seat belt, and laid his head on top of the wheel.
“I. Hate. People. Sometimes.” He lightly banged his head with each word then he leaned back and took out the ball and squeezed it a few times. “I really do.”
He likes to think of himself as a pretty optimistic person, after having his whole life turned around and learning things can get better, he likes to think that the world can be good. But days like these, people like those, make him really put that side of him to the test and today he very much failed that. He should be glad that he didn’t go off on her, like what Pigsy did when some dude tried to scam him or Mei when she is feeling very competitive over some a-holes, but at the same time that sounds amazing.
He squeezed the ball a little tighter.
“I really want to see Dad right now,” he muttered to himself. It would be so easy, just one yell to him and he would be over in less than a second. “I really want him right now…but I made a promise to myself that I would do this without him.”
So he took a deep breath, lifted his head, put on his music, put away his rainbow stress ball, and slowly began his drive back to Pigsy restaurant.
It was during that drive back that he got a call, “Hello?”
“Hey MK, it’s me,” he stopped as he heard Pigsy's voice, he had a feeling he knows what this is about.
“Heyyy Pigsy, I’m almost at the store,” he tried and failed, to sound casual.
“I just got off a call with a very rude customer who said that you threw down her food when she was being oh so kind,” he bluntly said, “even mentioned about assaulting her.”
“That is so not how any of that went down!” He immediately said, “she yelled at me for saying that I made her food wrong and I told her that it can be redone, but she decided to instead throw down all of that food herself and told me to clean it up! Who does that?! And all of this was after she put her hand all through that food, which is so gross by the way, I mean other people are eating that, cause I know she ain’t-,” he was cut off by Pigsy chuckles.
“You don’t need to explain anything, I know you for far too long to even think that you would put too much salt in someone's food let alone throwing it down on the ground.”
“Oh,” he calmed down as he released the tension from the wheel, “that’s good.”
“Yeah, I told it to her straight just exactly how I felt about her being an utter ass to not only myself but my employees. Let’s just say that she was not happy about that and threaten to sue,” he could almost hear him shrug.
“What no!” He tried to stand up, only to realize he was still in the car and he was still buckled up. “I am so sorry!”
“Don’t be, cause jokes on her the world we live in has become pretty up to date with security and, more importantly, security cameras,” he said with a grin, “I don’t think she’s gonna get a single cent when everything that went down was all on video.”
MK let a smile spread across his face, bless technology and all its glory. “That’s good.”
“It sure is. Do you want to take a breather when you come back? I know that woman was more than a handful that what you're used to,” he asked in concern.
“Nope,” he cheerfully said, “I am A-Ok! Just get those next orders ready for me so I can deliver!”
“Well if you're certain, get your ass back here on the double,” he said, but the teenager could tell it was more playful, “we got orders waiting to be delivered.”
“On my way!” He saluted to no one and hung up. “Alright! Let’s get a move on!”
‘Make sure to add the cohesive before the mixing,’ the voice silently thought to himself.
“It would be so easy just to make that jump, hell my youngest kit sister can make that and she’s not even a month old,” a voice bragged.
‘Combine the Feins roots with the Elia petals first to dilute the solution.’
“All I’m saying is that if you try to jump off the cliff of perils then I sure as hell am not catching you,” another voice deadpanned.
“Nahhh I would be fine.”
‘…dice the Oran berries and Pecha then add when the next stage is ready.’
“If you count being splattered into tiny little pieces fine, then, by all means, go ahead,” another voice sighed.
‘Make sure that the color is a deep orange hue and not dark yellow, that can-,’
“Ye o little faith.”
“No, you are of little sanity. Even my younger gremlins know better,” she shot back.
‘That can easily violate the substance,’
“But they don’t have the certain skills like I do,” they bragged.
‘…leading to a-,’
“It still wouldn’t be a wise thing to do,” a deep voice pointed out.
‘Leads to a-,’ his vial cracked in his hands as he was once again interrupted.
“No, but it would be fun-.”
“I swear,” everyone turned to face the irritated monkey, “to all things good in this world and the next, if you dumbasses don’t shut the fuck up in the next five seconds I will make the Piñata fiasco at the Boiling Isles look like a god damn nap compared to what I’m gonna do to you.”
“Sorry, were we disturbing you,” Yanyu cheekily said.
“You little-”
“Awwww I’m soo sorry,” Daiyu mocked.
“I swear-”
“We didn’t mean to interrupt your monologue,” Minsheng smirked, “you know it kinda reminds me of Flicker when you do that.”
“That’s it!” He slammed down his ingredients, opened his drawers, and took out a roll of duct tape, “come here you little bastards!” He yelled out as he began to chase down the three annoyances.
“Same as usual,” Bohai sighed as he drank his tea.
“One would think not to mess with Mac when he’s like this,” Ahmed commented.
“Especially when he’s in his mood.”
“Especially that.”
“Now shut it,” he proudly said as he sat on top of his third victim.
“Hey hey!” Daiyu struggled to break free, “we were trying to lighten your mood fuzzball.”
“By annoying the shit out of me,” he growled as he taped her beak shut. “Fat chance, anyone else,” he looks over to his other two remaking friends.
“I say nothing,” the jellyfish put his tentacles up in surrender.
“While they may have been a bit well-,”
“Fucking annoying,” the monkey bluntly said.
“Yes that, they did have a purpose to their madness,” the lion pointed out.
“What? What could they possibly want badly enough to annoy the absolute fuck out of me?!”
“You have empty bird nest syndrome.”
“I said-”
“I heard you the first time!” Macaque interrupted, “I do not have that! I am use to MK not being home day to day, so why the hell would you thi-,”
“For days,” Yanyu said once she ripped the tape off her mouth, “but not for longer than a week.”
“Same difference!”
“Nah pal it ain’t,” the bunny demon said as they chewed on their own tape, “I can see it as bright as day, you have been extra moody and hella sad these past couple of days. It’s just like mum, whenever one decides to leave the warren, she gets all glum and broody for days.”
“I am not broody!” His tail swished violently.
“But you do miss him,” Ahmed stated.
“I don’t-”
“And it’s okay if you do.”
“I don’t miss him, I can visit anytime,” he stated.
“You still miss him being there, being next to you,” the lone human gave his ponytail a playful tug and sat next to Mac, who was still sitting on top of the tied-up vulture. “Take it from a big sister, when Shu moved out to live in the dorms I was so happy for him, but as time went on I noticed that I didn’t hear his off pitch singing in the afternoon nor did I hear his voice amongst my gremlins over who gets the last brownie. I didn’t miss him, hell I could video chat with him anytime, but I missed his presence, you know.”
Macaque just gave her a hard look before sighing, “He used to hum to himself whenever he was bored,” he admitted as he got off his friend and slumped down next to her.
Yanyu just patted his shoulder as he continued.
“I know I can just visit him, but my kid is growing up, he’s learning to stand on his own and he should have his own life separate from me.”
“Yeah imma stop you there,” Sheng rolled his eyes, “you are being one over dramatic monkey right now if you think that just because he’s doing his own thing, doesn’t mean that he doesn't have time for you. Hell, you are the one demon he will always have time for no matter what.”
“Ain’t no buts about it fuzzbrain,” Daiyu squawked out once she feared the tape off, “your hatching adores the shit out of you and if you don’t think he won’t spend time with you then you are dead wrong.”
“He should have that time to himself, he is just starting out all on his own…without me…,” he slumped in depression, but quickly shot up due to a shocking touch, “OW! FUCKING WHY BOHAI!”
“You're being an idiot,” he smugly said as he lowered his tendril.
“Thanks,” Yanyu nodded to him, “and he’s right. I know that this whole thing won’t end with this so here’s what we’re gonna do. The six of us are going to go to Qián city.”
“…why the fuck are we going to the underwater city of Shanghai?” He incredulously looked at her.
“Cause you seriously need to relax.”
“I don’t-”
“You spent most of your time in the garden or prepping medicine that you don’t need,” Ahmed calmly said as he cleaned up the mess that Mac made.
“…you may have a point, but I don’t really feel like I should leave, what if MK or Mei happens to call?” He said.
“Well one, I know damn well that your hearing exceeds that city's borders,” Sheng points out.
“Okay true.”
“And second, we have the beauty of phones, which allows people to fall from far away,” Yanyu slowly told him as if he was a child, “I taught you this in one of our first lessons.”
“Don’t patronize me,” he muttered, “but I don’t-”
“You either go willingly or Kit Kat over here is going to drag you,” she pointed to Ahmed.
“He wouldn’t-”
“I really would,” he had to stop a smile at the utter betrayal in the monkey's face.
“I could beat your ass again,” he grumbled.
“You very well could,” he agreed, “but then you would also have to go against everyone else and they will happily drag both you and me off.”
“Fine!” He throws his hand in the air.
“Got ‘em!” Sheng high-fived Yanyu.
“Told you he would cave in eventually,” the vulture grinned.
“But we are going there to strictly relax, that means no explosions, arsons, paralyzing, hacking, or prison riots.”
“What about stealing and graffitiing,” the bluenette raised her hand.
“If there assholes, be my fucking guest, but your ass better not get caught.”
“Don’t worry, I’ll be more stealthy than sneaking into the police hub to get rid of the evidence,” she cockily stated.
“…you know what the less I know the better.”
“Good choice, so let’s get packing!” She excitedly said as she, Daiyu, Minsheng, and Bohai exited the infirmary.
“So are you gonna tell them that the game dealers there are more than likely to scam them before or after they get robbed?” Ahmed curiously asked.
“After, they need a lesson on not annoying the fuck out of me when I’m working,” he gave a mischievous grin.
“Quite rude of you,” he grinned.
“But you're smiling too.”
Ahmed chuckled lightly as the two left the infirmary.
It was a quiet day at the restaurant, the dinner rush had just ended and all that was really left to do was wait for the store to close and clean up what’s left. The only customers inside were Mei and Tang, both of whom have long since finished eating and are currently just chatting, or laying down, with MK over the counter.
“So how’re your online classes treating you?” Mei asked.
“Great!” He perked up as he took his eyes off the creepy butterfly in the corner of the restaurant, “I’m just about finished with my general study.”
“Ooo, does that mean you finally have a major in mind,” Mei leaned in.
“No I do not.” He cheerfully stated.
All of them, including Pigsy who was listening in, facepalmed.
“Mkkk,” the nineteen year old groaned.
“I knowww,” he slumped down, “but it’s hard deciding what to do for the rest of your life.”
“Well that is okay,” the historian softly said, “you're still young, you have your whole life ahead of you. Besides, college is not for everyone.”
“Yeahhh, so how’re your classes going Mei Mei?” MK turned to his friend, “I know you been taking some of the engineering courses.”
“Ugghhh, don’t get me started,” she slumped down in her seat, “I love it, but that is seriously kicking my ass right now. If I didn’t like to make sweet ass rides then I would have totally just dropped it.”
“Let me guess, for racing,” MK said as he sprayed down the counter.
“Duh, I’m gonna be so fast that when they're only halfway, I've already passed that finish line baby!” Mei screamed.
“Shhhhh,” Tang hushed as he held his head against the cool counter, “not so loud please.”
“You okay there Tang?” Pigsy asked as he moved closer to his friend, “you’ve been like that ever since you got in.”
“Yeah, it’s just this headache has been killing me and my usual medicine isn’t doing a thing,” sighed as he leaned into the warm hand touching his head.
“Doesn’t seem like you have a fever at least,” the pig mutters.
“Do you have any coughing, sneezing, nausea, or any other symptoms?” MK curiously asked as he sat up.
“I have been feeling a bit nauseous,” he murmured.
“Sharp ringing in your ears on and off?”
“Yesss,” he groaned out.
“Hmm hold on,” MK quickly went upstairs, everyone heard faint shuffling noises before he came back down as fast as he was carrying a small baggie, “Can I use your stove and teapot?”
“Go right ahead,” Pigsy agreed.
MK gave a quick smile and they all watched him make a pot of tea, but instead of teabags, he added some of the plants that were inside the bag.
“Here you go,” MK presented the tea to the historian once it was done.
Tang hesitated for a moment before accepting the cup, “…what is it?”
“Medicine. Drink,” he gave him a wide-eyed look.
“...alright,” he shrugged his shoulders and joked, “if this kills me, just burn my corpse.”
“Drink,” MK commanded once more.
Tang drank his tea instead of retorting back and his eyes widen at the taste of it.
“Are ya dead?” Mei asked.
“Feel the poison seeping in,” the pig demon joked.
“This is really good,” he complimented MK and he began to drink more.
“Thanks, it’s Dad’s special recipe diluted when it comes to dealing with migraines,” he happily announced.
“Diluted? I can already feel my migraine already going away, how bad is his if this is diluted?” Tang asked with much concern.
MK grimace as he shared a look with Mei. He can’t help the memories all filtering in of his father lying in bed clutching onto the headphones as it tightly covered all six of his ears. There is never a pattern to when this happens, but he knew to keep a pot of tea hot and a bowl of mango or other non-citrusy fruit available on those days.
“It’s pretty bad,” was all he said.
“Oh,” both adults shared a look before Tang put on a grin as he slurped down his tea, “well this really works, what in it?”
“It’s Feverfew Tea with some Pika berries,” said MK.
“I’ve heard of Feverfew, but I don’t think Pika rings a bell,” Pigsy hummed totally missing Mei’s shocked face.
“Why I never-,”
“No, it’s not pokemon,” MK quickly shut that down before she got to her rant.
‘’Awww,” she deflated.
“It’s from Kunlun peak.”
Tang immediately choked on his tea, “AK! Did you just say Kunlun peak!”
“What’s so special about that,” she glumly asks.
“Mount Kunlun is known to be a mythical mountain that hikers and historians have been searching for centuries,” Tang began, “It’s said to hold both mythical animals and plants, each having extraordinary potential within them as even the Gods from above go down there for certain herbs and items needed for their potions. It just lays there on top of the highest peak, but no person nor demon has ever had a straight map leading there and you’re telling me your Dad, Macaque, went there?!”
“He goes there a few times a year,” the teenager proudly says.
He looks down at his tea with sparkles in his eyes, “I’m drinking magic tea made from the legendary mountain,” he gave a big slurp as he inhaled it and stood up.
Pigsy eyed the drink, neither teenager knew if it was in envy or jealousy.
“But I’m impressed MK,” Mei playfully punched his shoulder, “look at you being all smart about medicine.”
“Well I hear Dad mutter on and on about different types of herbs and their properties on a day to day basis, that it eventually gets stuck in my head you know,” he joked then he paused as an interesting thought occurred to him, “wait a moment.”
They all watch MK have a silent conversation to himself, complete with waving hands, multiple facial expressions, draw a few sketches on his notepad, and finish with a final glow of his eyes as he leaped up in the air.
“That’s it!”
“What’s it?” The owner said.
“Why didn’t I think of this before!”
“Think of what before?” The historian asked.
“It was seriously in front of me this entire time!”
“MK, I swear if you don’t tell us what’s up right now I am not liable to my next actions,” Mei threatened.
“I can be a Doctor!” He leaned forward in excitement, “or at least something along those lines!”
“You can be pop’s assistant!” Mei started to get excited alongside him, “how the hell did I not think of it either?!”
“I don’t know!”
“It does suit you,” the demon agreed. He knows the kid is smart, he has seen his grades, so it’s not far fetched to assume that he can do this rigorous task. “Hope you have good study habits, I know mines was absolute garbage back in school.”
“With notecards and all,” MK hates studying, his brain goes brrr during those times, but he can’t thank Yanyu and Bohai enough for teaching him different tricks to help keep focus. “Now I’m thinking maybe of being a pharmacist, cause I don’t think I do well with surgery.”
“There are also the ones who diagnose the disease using the X-ray thingie,” she snapped her finger as she tried to remember.
“Radiologist,” Tang called out.
“Yeah that!” She pointed to him.
“Ooo that also sounds interesting,” MK and Mei continued their animated talk as both adults watched.
“It’s nice to see them so happy,” the noodle lover let out a content smile as he drank some more of his tea.
“I hear that,” Pigsy then looked at the man cup in confusion, “by the way you’ve been drinking, I thought you would have already been finished by now.”
“With my first cup yes, I’m on my third one now.”
“How in the-I didn’t even see you leave this area!”
“Magic tea is magic,” was all Tang said.
Pigsy exploded, “That doesn’t explain shit!”
“Well too bad,” he gave a loud slurp once more.
“You know what, two can play that game,” the human was confused when the pig demon got up and left the room. He was no longer confused as he came back with a cup of tea in hand.
“You wouldn’t dare,” Tang threatened the pig.
The pig looked him straight in the eye and, with a sly smirk, drank down the tea.
“You heathen!” He shrieked as he banged his hands on the counter and stood up, “how dare you drink my magic tea!”
“Well next time don’t be rude as fuck!” He shot back and got in his face as well.
“That’s rich coming from you!”
“Says the freeloader!”
“Oh here we go again! You know, if you wanted some tea you could have asked!”
“My stove, my cups, my pot, mine.”
“But it was made for me!”
“Yeah well-wait hold up, you feel better right,” Pigsy dropped his screaming as he softly asked his friend, “no drill pounding in your head?”
“Yeah I’m fine now, it really does work miracles,” Tang also lowered his voice.
“That’s good.”
“…they really do act like an old married couple,” Mei announces, MK facepalmed as both adults separated from each other and yelled.
“I’m really sorry about such short notice,” the panda bear demon on call apologized once more to Macaque as he was quickly gathering his ingredients.
“Don’t apologize, shit like this happens,” he waved him off, “I’ll take me a couple of days, a week at max, but I’ll be there before the poison reaches its peak.”
“Thank you,” the panda bowed to him.
“Make sure to store away any semblance of caffeine, alcohol, or anything high in potassium, those are the fastest ways to speed up the process,” he instructed him.
“I’ve been meaning to take away Mink coffee stash, now I have a reason,” he chuckled, “I’ll see you soon.”
“Will do bossman,” he hung up the call and called another number as he continued to pack. Once it picked up he put a smile on his face, “Hey Comet, how’s it going?”
“Good!” The twenty year old happily responded. “You wouldn’t believe it, but the classes are actually kinda easy to understand. They’re still tricky, especially the tests, but Yanyu was right about you teaching this. It made almost all my classes so much easier thanks to you.”
“Aww, that’s another one for my ego,” he joked then he put on a more serious tone, “but I didn’t just call you here for a chat kiddo.”
“Why what’s up? Is there something wrong?” MK suddenly asked as he leaned in, “Do I have to get Mei here and help kick some asses?!”
“Snrk, no nothing like that,” he let out a snort, “you know Po right?”
“Yeah, he’s the panda demon who comes in to get pain relief, muscle relaxants, and other types of medicine for his students? Does this have something to do with him?”
“Close, his disciples messed up big time and accidentally inhaled a bunch of toxic fog when they faced off against an elephant demon.”
“How can an elephant make poison?” MK questioned.
“Magic can do the weirdest of things, I mean I’m a monkey that can do shadow magic,” he pointed out.
“True, okay so he’s gonna come over to pick up the antidote? I don’t see what’s the big problem?”
“Here’s the bad part, Po can’t make a round trip, cause the time he gets back, all of his students…might not be alive,” he gently told him.
“…oh, so what’s gonna happen?”
“Well, I’m going to have to make a house call, which means I'm gonna have to go away for a bit and it’s pretty far, so I won’t be able to hear you.”
“Okay!” MK gave a big grin to him, “Don’t you worry bout a thing! I’m an adult now Dad, I will be just fine!”
“You have grown up,” he gave a gentle smile, “I’m glad to hear that, but remember to call if there’s any trouble. I may be far, but I will come running if you need it.”
“I will! Now finish packing and save some lives!”
“I will, I’ll see you in two weeks shooting star.”
“See ya later old man!”
Macaque hung up the call with a smile as he resumed his packing. He wished he could have hugged his kid goodbye, but he was in a time crunch as he zipped everything up and quickly jumped out of the treehouse and began to move within the shadows of the trees.
He really does love his shadow powers during these times.
“Duh du Duh,” MK hummed out as he danced his way over to the food delivery destination with the headphones blaring in his ears. He then lifted it to call out the order name when he heard a silky voice interrupt.
“It feels like I waited for an eternity for this moment, is everything in order?”
“Just making the final adjustment mother,” another voice replied and this is when he opened his eyes to see that this was no ordinary food order as an ominous group stood before him.
“Nope,” he immediately whispered as he silently jetted off to hide behind a pile of rocks, but he peaked his head carefully out to see and his eyes widened.
“Finally after all this time,” the woman continued.
‘No way.’
“We have the means to lift Monkey King staff.”
‘It is!’
Standing before them all, wrapped in vibrant viridian vines and burrowed underneath a garden left untouched by the destruction laid around it, was the legendary Monkey King staff.
Things were about to get interesting.
No joke, the delivery scene with the lady is something I had to experience before. There are people who truly treat food workers lower than dirt, which is stupid to me cause why would you disrespect the people making your food? It’s like insulting the people who manage your money.
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