#i think i'll stick with wels
biblooky · 5 months
I am finally caught up on Welsknight's s10 videos :D
That puts me at..
*counting on my fingers*
ELEVEN POV'S that I'm caught up with :D
Currently the list of pov's is:
Grian, Mumbo, Scar, Joel, Etho, Tango, Pearl, Gem, Impulse, Skizz, & Wels (not in any particular order)
And the Hermits I plan on catching up on currently:
Xisuma, Cub, Iskall, & Cleo
That's not to say I don't want to watch everyone's pov, I just know that *reasonably* I need to pick and choose for now. I also need to finish the charity streams :'D lots on my watch list currently lol
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1-marigold-1 · 7 months
Just something about two men and their guitars
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This is my contribution to society *leaves*
Yeah anyways they have like opposite themes (futuristic and middle age knight)
I like Xisuma and Wels duo <3
Also sorry but I literally can't stop redesigning X for some reason, the way I draw him never feels right somehow
Also trying out and new artstyle, I must say - pretty good but I don't think I'll stick around with it
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silverskye13 · 6 months
what are your thoughts on the castle Wels is building this season? I don't know if anyone has already asked but it has Helsknight vibes to me :)
"It's very..." Helsknight looked around and searched for something nice to say.
[He'd been encouraged to do that lately: say nice things about Wels. It was supposed to "help things". He didn't particularly want to "help things", but he couldn't very well tell people it didn't work if he didn't try it first. It deserved at least a token effort.]
"... Red."
"You're too kind," Welsknight deadpanned, clearly unimpressed.
"I like red."
"Red is a very you color."
They stood in bristly silence for a few moments, Helsknight looking up at the castle, and Welsknight looking at him. There was a lot of pointed staring going on. Welsknight pointedly watching Helsknight for any signs of unpleasantness. Helsknight pointedly watching the castle so he couldn't take offense and punch Wels in his stupid face. If their stares got any pointier, they might manage to stab each other just by proximity.
"Did you make it red because it was a me color, or because you like the color red?"
"I made it red because I like mangrove."
"That's the hardest tree to harvest in the game."
"So you're not making life easy for yourself."
More silence. Helsknight could feel Wels picking his comments apart for a hidden insult. There wasn't one. He was sticking to strict observations. It was safer that way.
[Think of something nice.]
"The dungeon is cool."
"You would like the dungeon."
Helsknight felt his ears start to heat up, and he wasn't sure if it was anger or embarrassment or exasperation. "And just what is that supposed to mean?"
"It just matches your aesthetic is all," Welsknight said innocently, too innocently. It was a very 'Look! See! You're the unreasonable one not me!' sort of statement. Helsknight sucked on his teeth, and slowly counted to ten.
"Dungeons don't have an aesthetic, besides unpleasant." Helsknight said with what he thought was an admirable amount of patience.
"It matches your aesthetic," Welsknight reasserted, his voice all sugary sweet innocence.
They glanced at each other out of the corners of their eyes. The clenched identical fists. They both looked up at the castle.
"That's fine," Helsknight said, baring his teeth in a smile that definitely wasn't also a snarl. "The rest of the castle matches you."
"Oh?" Welsknight said jovially. "You think so?"
"Mm-hm. Grand. Showy." He flicked Welsknight a slow, sidelong glance. "Pointless."
The two knights glared at each other. They moved nearly identical hands down to rest on nearly identical sword hilts.
"Showy?" Welsknight asked, smiling in a way that showed all of his perfect white teeth, and just a little too much of the white of his eyes. "Pointless?"
Unconcerned, his face and the back of his neck burning with barely contained anger, Helsknight smiled back. "Unpleasant."
The two knights, in near perfect unison, glared at each other. The two knights, in near perfect unison, clenched white-knuckled fists around their sword hilts. The two knights, in near perfect unison, lunged at each other. The two knights, all unison abandoned, wrestled each other to the ground.
Across the river, on Hypno's roof, xB clicked a button on the side of his watch.
"Time!" xB he chuckled. "Six minutes and thirty-four seconds. Pay up."
"No!!" Hypno wailed, burying his face in his hands, "I thought for sure they would last eight minutes!"
"I told you man, they're like cats and dogs," xB patted Hypno on the back consolingly. "I'll take my winnings in diamond blocks please."
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ladymarlin · 9 months
Here’s an idea for a fic!!! I’ve also talked abt it with @not-eli. For like a Christmas special for alheather, Heather could announce that she’s pregnant. Just an idea.
Ok so, it took me a few days and I'm kinda iffy on my writing 😅
But I think the general concept of this is really cute (if anyone wants to rewrite it or anything) And I also had another idea with Heather's family but this just kept coming to me. Also I did all my writing very late at night and I did NOT revise and edit or reread 🤣
Merry Christmas 😁
Heather knew this feeling. Sure it's been a few years, but it was a feeling she could never forget. It did cause her nine months of (mostly) misery, after all.
The pregnancy test only confirmed it. Part of her was excited. She and Alejandro were having another child! But at the same time, she and Alejandro were having another child. She loves her daughter, but she hated being pregnant. What's to like about it? The exhaustion? The cravings? The hormones making every emotion feel ridiculously heavy?
She took a deep breath and shook it off. She needed to tell her fiance. That's important. She needed to tell him. And she had a strong feeling he'd be more than happy. He's so good with their daughter, Heather can't help but smile at the two interacting. And of course the "We should have another one" something Heather would usually reply to with "We'll see what happens."
Yeah, he'll love this.
Maybe she should surprise him. Christmas was only two days away, anyways. It was the perfect opportunity. A perfect gift to her love.
So Heather got a small box. The plan was to put the positive pregnancy test in it, but she ended up standing there for a bit wondering if that was weird and unsanitary. Should she put it in a case or something? What if he grabs it by the wrong end? That's gross.
After some research, she decided to put the stick in the box with some tissue paper. It should be enough. People on the internet were doing way too much, and Heather was not about to do all that.
She wrapped the small rectangular box just as nicely as the other gifts, and slipped it under the tree.
Now it was time to wait.
She spent the two days trying not to raise his suspicions. It wasn't too hard. She really only needed to try and not seem too tired. It was... A little difficult, but she managed. Somehow.
Christmas morning, the couple were woken up earlier than they'd like.
Their daughter entered the room practically squealing with excitement. It's Christmas! Lucky for Heather, the four year old was always quick to go to her father. The girl shook her father, as if he wasn't already woken up by her struggling to open the door, and then the door bursting open, letting in all the light from the living room.
"I'm up, I'm up..." He sat up, rubbing his eyes.
"It's... Presents?" She asked, pointing the general direction their Christmas tree is in.
"How about we sleep a little longer, mi hijita?"
She shook her head with a smile.
He turned to his fiancee and shook her a bit, "Heather..."
She fought back a groan and sat up after a minute or so, her eyes puffy and tired.
"I'll meet you in the living room, mi amor." He kissed her on the cheek before being dragged away by their daughter.
Heather dragged herself out of bed and into the bathroom, making herself decent enough for the early morning.
She walked out to the two sitting on the floor by the tree.
"-see, look, 'to, Marisol'" he read with a smile, showing the young girl one of her presents.
Heather sat on the ottoman, watching the two. Alejandro glanced over and was given a gesture towards the presents, letting him know they're free to open their gifts.
Alejandro handed Marisol the gift he was holding and gave her a nod. Of course, she started digging in, as any four year old would.
Alejandro got to work on opening his own presents, Heather getting oddly nervous as he got closer to the small rectangular box.
She didn't understand why. There was no reason. This could only go well... But she was nervous.
Then he picked it up.
Heather could practically hear her heart racing, keeping her eyes on him.
"Something wrong?"
He pulls her out of her head for a second, "just open the gift."
He looks at her with a mix of suspicion and curiosity, unwrapping, opening, and removing the tissue paper.
It takes him a minute to process what he's looking at, but then his face brightens completely.
All is well.
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aquickstart · 9 months
You know the b99 episode where the dentist who did the perfect murder ends up confessing in a rage because Jake lays down the theory that he was impulsive and sloppy and simply got lucky at every turn? To me Oliver is lowkey the kind of guy Jake described.
i read your ask wrong the first time and assumed something you didn't imply at all and typed out almost a full response. talk about presumption and literacy my god. anyway. to actually answer this correctly this time.
YES. yes exactly. i don't remember this episode well. but oliver quick is impulsive and hungry and horny and confused by his desires. he is sloppy. he is the kind of guy who thinks that of course no one wants him, ugh, poor him, he deserves a sob story because he might as well have been poor and neglected, he felt like he was, so what of it; insecure but compensating by pride. he is also the kind to think that he is smarter than everyone and understands whatever he set his mind to understand better than anyone ever could (i.e. felix, the cattons, the reality of being actually poor, too). he relies on his own perception. once he establishes what he thinks is the full picture, he sticks by this understanding until he gets hit in the face by the concrete wall of reality (e.g. farleigh who keeps defying his expectation and driving him more and more mad).
in his mind, as evidenced so clearly by his monologue in the end, he calculated everything perfectly because he is so smart and everyone else isn't. the truth of it is that the cattons played with him until it was too late. it just so happened that the cattons were also sloppy with their playing, and unfortunately oliver was too impulsive, and too hungry, and never had to face rejection in a way that mattered to him before oxford (because everyone at school was an idiot, clearly, so they just didn't appreciate his genius, and his family, predominantly women, were clearly also too meek to reach his depth of thinking (i am being sarcastic. this is oliver's logic)). he fumbles everything and everyone and then soliloquizes to convince himself (and us, the audience) that he actually didn't. it wasn't actually just a crush that accidentally drove him to something sinister, because oliver quick is a cold-hearted calculating mastermind. if you implied the contrary to his face he'd flip out, probably.
so that's that. but i'll tell you why i first misread your ask. i will also tell you most of what i typed out at first because it is still relevant because of your comparison of b99, a sitcom, and saltburn, an enigma of genre.
by comparing it with a sitcom you're picking up on genre conventions and bringing up, i think, indirectly, a great point about the messiness of saltburn as a film, a cinematic work of art, and the difficulty of defining its genre because of the context of its form. i saw a comment on tiktok in a similar vein, about how saltburn defies the concept of genre and is impossible to pin down, and disagreed with it, because saltburn is fundamentally gothic romanticism, which is, however, largely (if not exclusively) a book genre/aesthetic.
yeah! so like, with this comparison, you're kinda drawing attention to the fact, i think, that oliver soliloquizing his genius plan and recounting everything we've already seen is kind of silly on its own, on a surface level. it is kind of silly because it sounds like it does in marvel-esque flicks, because in those types of stories it's a cliché that works to emphasize the villain's villainy, the pride, the presumption of the win. in those stories we know these dudes are evil (there's nuance, but in general, they are anti-heroes). and i need to stress this: saltburn can definitely be watched and read in the exact same way. surface reading can be completely justified (it is a legitimate literary practice! i have a pdf on hand if you want but here's a citation on researchgate). it's liberating not to dig into psycho- and lit-analysis of a piece and could serve some of us well.
your ask is not about that at all, but i fuckin love the comparison. because saltburn is fuckin silly in a huge part. it has a whole bunch of bits and pieces that it strings together and a lot of people are trying to pin down its genre based on individual bits that they recognize the tone of. but this kind of seeing it is a mistake, because what it does is play into the aesthetics of gothic romanticism. and gothic romanticism can be anything at all, it just has to convey certain themes in certain ways. which is what it does. so it's not that much about whether saltburn is a comedy, a drama, a horror or a thriller. it's more about the fact that it's a gothic story. i fuckin love saltburn.
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yume-tsuki · 6 months
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Sketchis from March till now :)
first picture of some sketch from March
first is Bedivere attacking Percival from behind, he loves to play fight with him a lot on the right is Bedivere sipping his first beer with his master Nanashi; he is not sure if he already likes it XD and on the bottom are Lilia and Belte, she made an apple cake for him (his ears look so cute here x3
second picture I was a bit sick the past days and drunk lots of tea in our new tea pot, and well it's half glass(like Mordred's here) so why not doodling it as a fortune telling cristall Hellen thinks he had way to much tea.... the thing on the right is his sacret treasure alias a demon from the purgatory on the bottom left is Lohengrin escaping into the wild, while Percival tries to 'tame' his daughter well, she is a wild child like her mother.. on the right is King taking care of sick Myrtle,( poor baby, I love him so )
third picture this shows the first chapter I wrote of my next-gen-au Eight Guards of the Abyss The chapter will be shown in Arc3 but it was the first I wrote back then. Well it shows the enemy kidnapping little Mordred right infront of Arthur (I doodled him twice with beared and without what do you say?
I like both, the second makes him look even older, but I'l stick with the one aboth for the story I think Well, why the bottom left Arthur lays on the ground is, because of Mordred's powerfull magic,it let other be catched in his world(like Gowther) the woman,who's name will be shown soon*,gave him a drug to see what magic he owns. The drug powers up magic.
she was quite surprised that even Arthur was caught into it. but well he had a weak moment
I'll try publishing all week again :) for now at last. the pictures could be quite complicated to draw for Arc3
Wel I hope you enjoy my story so far x) I do enjoy writing+illustrating it I always wanted this and now I'm happy that I can do so
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timetraveltasting · 5 months
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Since I'll be away this coming weekend, I thought I would fit in a sneaky historical side dish from Tasting History. Ryse of Fleyshe, which would now be known as Rice of Flesh/Meat (the German word for meat is still Fleisch!) is another dish from the Forme of Cury, a collection of recipes that were served to the court of Richard the II of England. It is a saffron rice that was meant to be served with meat, hence the name. Saffron has, historically, been one of the most expensive spices out there, and it remains so today due to the painstaking process of harvesting the threads by hand. Autumn crocus stigmas have to be collected from the flowers, separated from the pistil, and then dried. Unfortunately, in each flower there are only three threads, making for a very slow and delicate job for whomever is harvesting. Still, I bit the bullet and paid the several euros for just a tiny teaspoon of the spice for this dish. I chose to make Ryse of Fleyshe because it seemed to be a simple dish to make, and Max also enjoyed it. See Max’s video on how to make it here or see the ingredients and process at the end of this post, sourced from his website.
My experience making it:
I made a couple small changes to the modern recipe below. I used saffron powder instead of the threads, since I couldn't find the threads in my local grocery store. So, I used a pinch, about a 1/2 teaspoon. I also used jasmine rice instead of white rice, because I couldn't find basic white rice (very confusing, Germany...).
The preparation was fairly straightforward, which I appreciated, but I still made a change or two to the method. Instead of mixing the saffron with only a bit of the almond milk, I mixed all of it together. I don't think this made much of a difference overall. After the boil, instead of simmering for 20 minutes, I only simmered for 15, since my stove runs fairly hot even on the lowest setting and I was noticing the rice at the bottom was beginning to stick to the pot. Luckily, letting the rice steam off-heat for 10 minutes did add some moisture back in. The finished side dish was fairly fluffy with just a bit of stickiness to it, with a lovely golden colour from the saffron. The Ryse of Fleyshe turned out like Max's despite my changes, so I was quite content. As suggested, I served the rice with 'fleyshe' (herb-marinated porkchops), as well as some fried zucchini.
My experience tasting it:
Of course, I tried the Ryse of Fleyshe on its own first, unseasoned. Happily, it did not really need seasoning. It tasted almost buttery, with a slight bit of saltiness. I could also taste a little bit of the saffron and chicken broth, although, like Max mentions, the almond milk is there more for creaminess than it is for its addition to the flavour of the dish. The rice absorbed the juices from the meat very nicely. My husband and I quite enjoyed the dish overall, and will probably make it again (although not too often, since saffron is expensive). Ryse of Fleyshe is fairly unassuming as a dish - it isn't the star of the show - but I can see it complementing quite a few types of meat (more likely red meats). My husband and I agreed that next time we make it, we'll have it with a nice steak, since the rice will mop up the juices nicely. If you end up making it, if you liked it, or if you changed anything from the original recipe, do let me know!
Links to harder-to-find ingredients:
Ryse of Fleyshe original recipe (c. 1390)
Sourced from The Forme of Cury.
Ryse of Fleyshe: Take Ryse and waishe hem clene. and do hem in erthen pot with gode broth and lat hem seeþ wel. afterward take Almaund mylke and do þer to. and colour it wiþ safroun an salt, an messe forth. (Take rice and wash it clean, and put in an earthen pot with good broth and let it cook well. Afterward take Almond milk and add it, and colour it with saffron and salt, and serve it forth.)
Modern Recipe
Based on The Forme of Cury and Max Miller’s version in his Tasting History video.
A large pinch or about 1/2 teaspoon saffron threads
1 cup (235 ml) almond milk
2 cups (350 g) white rice
3 cups (700 ml) chicken broth
3/4 teaspoon salt
Crush the saffron in a mortar and pestle.
Add some of the almond milk to the mortar and let the saffron diffuse for 5 minutes.
Wash the rice.
Combine the rice, chicken broth, the rest of the almond milk, and salt in a pot. After the saffron has diffused, add the saffron almond milk to the pot. Stir everything together.
Set it over high heat and bring it to a boil. Boil for 30 seconds, then reduce the heat to low and cover the pot. Cook for 20 minutes.
Remove the pot from the heat and let it sit with the lid on for 10 minutes.
Fluff the rice, bedight it with a few extra strands of saffron if you like, then serve it forth.
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platonicpinotnoir · 1 year
Educated Monkeys & Flying Horses
Welcome to me blog sire...! I'll respond to any name, including Rhubi. Currently in my dragon ball phase.
I keep rewriting this post and it keeps being long, so for now I'll stick the whole thing under a readmore - I'm at the point now where I think that I can be brief.
I read slow but I'm working on finishing a few books right now. The most important one that I'd recommend is "In An Unspoken Voice" by Peter Levine - it's about the nature of trauma and the healing of it, and it's a real life-changer. I am going to be annoying about this.
I'm a neophyte in everything that this blog is, but that won't stop me from trying to make discussions out of things! I'm uneducated, but interested. I don't know what online niche this is or what sorts of online communities I'm meant to assimilate into, but I'm here.
I'm open-minded. I like to think and feel.
This blog is for DISTURBING THINGS.
Also SWEET things, like healing mindsets, or genuinely lovely things.
It will also get personal.
I also LOVE TO LAUGH and so I may peddle a lot of BULLSHIT!!!!!
Also everything I draw is a PR nightmare. & it all means the world to me.
Below is a more comprehensive take on this blog that was written previously (sept 2023), as well as a breakdown of the tagging system.
This blog is for disturbing things. But not exclusively - I have no allegiance to explicit taboo, and there is no point that I am trying to make in being deliberately gross (unless stated otherwise; and not to overshadow the artistic value, merit, and necessity of being purposefully counter or grotesque & macabre in a sensitive sense).
Things well within the range of acceptable/conventional and empathetic, and are still difficult and raw and honest and vulnerable, are of steep interest as well. Even just things that I find BOLD! Given stigma or otherwise. Further generalized: anything piquant in a certain, potent way!
There will be MORBIDLY / SINCERELY SWEET THINGS as well because ... there's so much there that is important.
Also just like. Interesting things. Art or insights about, like, humanity or nature that I found interesting. If my brain is turned on yknow. Sometimes it is
This blog will GET PERSONAL. As a mode of self-expression, self-comprehension in context of an outer whole, interconnectivity - HONESTY, really.
I want to encourage self-protection as much as self-exploration - Use the block button if there is something here that you cannot tolerate, now or ever! Or send me asks about it.
This goes without saying but: This post is prone to change/replacement, as no one can tell the future, and who knows what features + atmospheres + intentions will move in and out of this blog (and in other words, myself). When you consider life to be an ongoing journey: I would expect to post forward, toward deeper understanding or new thoughts, as well as in retroactive art-moods in order to express the backlog of ideas that I've entertained. But if the latter doesn't happen, that's alright. I'll try to let things pass with grace, then. I won't hold my horses, but I won't beat them, either.
It's unnatural, and natural given the unnatural circumstances: see it before you and accept reality. View it with due criticism, contempt, or aversion, and without taboo.
When it comes to fucked up art, my favorite subjects are those of an inappropriate intimacy, a damning devotion, and misappropriated/forsaken parental/power dynamics - and/or anything that I can call "honey horror" as an aesthetic term. I think that they're conducive for many interesting themes, insights, and discussions!
I am also very partial to the patterns of freezing -> thawing and of a soul returning (hopelessness as felt by a character is one thing, but a true hopelessness by conviction of the author has never been my thing!). So the topic of health and healing will come up frequently, I think. Unless it doesn't. Lol
Again, there will be gravely sweet things here as well! They're important, and when I suddenly care, I care DEEPLY.
Although - and I cannot overstate this - there will also be quite a fair amount of bullshit on this blog. It's what I do.
Healing is always in your loving hands.
Reblog - all reblogs (others' posts)
Art - reblogged art (mostly visual)
pinotnoirposts - all original posts (even if reblogged from another blog of mine--tagged at my own discretion)
rhubi archives - a subset of the above tag that is longer, perhaps more personal, textposts; either contained or open discussions
rhubi arts - personal art tag
Trauma - Posts that are predominately or explicitly about trauma in a visible way, moreso than the rest (all posts will have an undercurrent naturally!)
Healing - Posts that predominately or explicitly carry the theme or hope for healing
SWEET - Things that are so very sweet and wholesome, or morbidly sweet
BLOOD - blood! An aesthetic tag. Red blood (literal and visual), flesh, intimacy, devotion, damnation
FROOT - An aesthetic tag that is a focused subset of the above one: The need for love, intimacy, sex, rest, or pleasure - and the FEAR of it (or, the coming-around sensitivity to the need of it in the context of healing, which often has you weak and tremulous and feeling the awe/fear of nature/god)
Categorical tags, like "Quotes," "Video," and "Music"
Fandom tags, like "dragon ball"
Castor & Cain - Tarble and Vegeta tag (dragon ball)
Table - I like Tarble so he gets his own tag. Mutually exclusive with the previous tag
Stay GORE-geous!
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the-firebird69 · 2 years
So I'm trying to threaten me and I replaced my characters with monsters they can't figure it out John remillard drives by I'm too close with a motorcycle so I'm going to go after him I'm going to take him down on the motorcycle he says he wants them to be incorporated into it and we're going to do that takes years to heal from it normally and a lot of people who are his race are walking around with wounds broken arms and things like that from being assholes people just grab them in their arms break or the ribs just like Dave AKA Dan although his were hard a little bit harder than normal and my husband broke them by accident it's just that his whole body didn't move and his ribs with what he's trying to push with so weak he can't do that to him and we are going after you trying to remember Lord You have to hear it again it doesn't matter how many times we say it you still lose cuz we're going after you going to make mincemeat out of you and yeah Biden is the one who does it to you and Matt himself shoot you and blows your brain up and Brad dies because of the RoboCop guy and it looks like his own sister and that's what it is trying to pretend she's Sherry. So you guys are really lijedm. Yeah and Sarah said she's manipulating your death trump we can't stand you. You get into a fight with him he's going to kill you you'll be gone early maybe bja who's the lizard guy matter of fact he thinks that's who it is he thinks you die on Madagascar cuz you insulted Garth. A lot of people are starting to think that too.
When is he can't say anything to you without you saying you're winning and tonight you're going to lose all the big bases of yours and the computers there's a few of them over nine are located and they found them running can you believe that they don't do what you think
Shut up retard trump.
I'll be a great send off prove that you're mentally incompetent for trial because you're retarded
Zues Hera
You might do that cuz you're doing that to someone tip showing the half brain she's been trying to get in public eye all we have to do is help her out a little and you'll blame her she's a massive c*** wicked b**** to him you ladies are so stupid it says it's a bike lane and says you ride on the sidewalk you just have to walk with the bike and who the hell cares if you walk with no one's there I'd hate to see a cop try and do that cuz he gets off and walks whenever someone comes by not you guys so we're going to go after you again for that stupid s*** never going after Trump right now I'm going to take his bike and jam it up his ass so second time he's threatened him with that thing and it's attempted vehicular homicide and we're going to charge you with it
Mac daddy
Those are the charges are starting to stick is staying in prison longer and longer we're finding more and more of your computers using it and we have to continue doing it now
I want it for this harassment he's harassing us too by harassing him and he's right we just sit here watching it taking a beating I want to go out there now and get him and I'm waiting for orders
I too want to get him and I'll team up with whoever's doing it big teams are going to erase him here so I can get rid of most of his facilities tonight he's got to go first this guy is a big menace to everyone he's more like became useless because of him we should be blaming all of them for what he's done
Mike too
It's finally time the b******* is stopping the guys are complete lunatic I'm going to take him out of the knees
Mac daddy
I don't have any room for error and this guy keeps making errors everywhere employees he's stupid and f***** up what he says to him is so upsetting you would not believe it he's actually the programmer and the guy is sitting there telling him all this s*** that's wrong it says it's all wrong shut up you f****** loser you can't even listen to any of it and no one else could either but he has a computer program and he runs it and he has the keys might as well take those
Beb Arnold tell me I've already took your program you piece of s*** you're just sitting there doing loser s*** all the time some sort of idiotic pantomime we're going after you get rid of you
We are too I can't stand him anymore doing that stuff to our son I can't stand it I don't know why someone couldn't have notified here comes the f****** bozo you don't let him do that come on it says we're eliminating a threat by having a threaten you I don't want to do in that turns into b**** I don't get any sleep all night long. Showing people what he's doing the ranting for other people of his are doing it we had one to control and he knows it what really you know it's aggravating him a lot I have to have a meeting cuz I'm not getting it either what he's saying is cut that s*** he had s*** off they're coming here and take my place everybody's so damn f****** manly I can't stand these people at all in any way you can't either you're so manly but you're not here this is an incredibly difficult place to be I don't need that a****** doing that s*** I'm defenseless and also you don't tell me you're defending me of her anymore you just sit there and f*** around with me all day everyone else does too now he's saying that he means it and he wants us to stop this s*** I have to have a meeting it's not happening and now I'm doing it I knew what I was doing but really he's like what the f*** are you doing. What do I have to do like the apartment on fire oh you better blame someone and then have them run by me with the fire engine too close. Starting to see his point he doesn't have any points left doesn't want this s*** cuz he can't afford it no going after that guy and we did that on purpose but really he's saying that it's already out there he just show people it's out there it's better than showing it's happening to me unless you're doing it correctly and I say this he's issuing orders and he forced it and that makes more sense then had him do it so you can issue orders now you're telling them yourself to get investigated to slow us down further it doesn't make any sense to you it does you just drove by again so I have to get in here and we're not in here so get in here haven't do it and have him tell him to do it
Thank you anyways but it's very very very very very very very very very irritating in here it's extremely irritating I'm very powerful people are cutting me off on that what do you want anyways I don't have any money at all these people all need to die every single f****** one of them
Is back again but he's right the spent to burnt out the stupid the retarded in the front I've had enough in my feel of this stupid show this is ridiculous you didn't do anything all day but ride around in circles his assholes keep saying is the cheese and I was dumb s*** we're going after them and get rid of them I'm sick of these people I'm running up the orders and I'm sending them in you two trying to stop that s*** and not start it swear I should put him in a room with you this idiot you'll get it right away why don't you do that by the way each of you at a different time not just follow him around trying to deal with him on a car purchase or both purchase or house inspection of his house all sorts of stuff you can do he is the most annoying crap you've ever seen by the time you haven't done anything he has made a deal with you he's ruined a couple things
You want to get Adam this is terrible this is horrible horrible you're not getting points at all he does not want to see you doing that s*** it's everywhere
Thor Freya
Like I said he was forcing to happen he says don't let him force you to say it so I believe it it's kind of illegal and I realize it is so I'm going to the Thor Freya to drop my reporting and falling procedure.
Frank Castle hardcastle
Inside and we see it now and we're helping you can't let it get to that point but where are the high pressure point we need a lot of troops I want people to get in here and start hiring I'm trying to those two putting it on the line saying what they have to although they're effective and they're like military it says he needs them to say it and if it works they'll feel better it's actually true even if it works a little goes up 3%, it smile and said you're actually right what do we need to tell him. Need to tell them a few things to go through our minds we have to be involved in this daily or really not part of it even me that's one and then we have to make sure they don't get these weapons intended our people to have but being involved by being not involved that's another these people are dangerous even if this stuff wasn't here they can make things to go real fast and the diamond spheres are in question and we're still here and it's a problem because of ships and lasers and thorium and authority balls are huge and a detonation might affect them and they might be terminated because the universe might go up that's another reason all those reasons plus should be listed at the same time are they ready if massive amounts of space to breathe from like Saturn and from ships and other things that blew up while racing towards them at 3 million miles an hour to stop all of that degree all at once and more.
I've got some additional he's our friend and he's telling us off because we're sitting here not doing the job by hiring and we can't do the job cuz we don't have enough people and that's one that should be said each and every time all of these points should be mentioned he's also mentioning that these people have a lot of hardware and foreigners aren't here yet and they should have been here right now and there's only a few and it's a problem and it takes a while for them to get here. Now we're asking people what to do and we should not we should know and he knows what to do you have to reduce them take people out of the plan get their plan take weaponry take stuff to make weapons with and all the time and stop their phony and we have to do it constantly because we're not raising the Army to full capacity and that should be included too I agree we should make a statement that we issue each and every one of us should issue it to ours in a different way usually using different verbiage but we should say the same thing and we should make it that way not uniform but the same points you know number one we are insufficiently manned for our universe to be in a safe state. Language it's military style English and there's more number two we're contracting and it war with a very vast number of dangerous people who are mostly considered to be terrorists and they have access to devices that are natural and not and ones that are man-made that can destroy the Earth the solar system and just a result the universe in a short amount of time due to chain reaction at this moment so I'm going to write it up I'm going to send it in and we're going to make a plaque and I'm going to put it in public places this is what you should sign up for in your required to and Olympus wants you and then at the bottom whose area it is as empress and emperor and king and queen and etc down to the mayor and his Goddess wife and we are going forward
Frank Castle hardcastle
The above was me Duke Nukem Blockbuster and yeah I have to do something equally as important as putting national guard posts out with recruiters and what you're saying is find the local damn recruiters for each area no matter how small in town is and assign them to build it with blocks on his own time if he has to it's all our time but I'm going to go ahead and do that I don't care if you get a permit we'll make it right just call it the office I'm going to do that right now thank you for the assignment you're welcome he says and let's get Thor Freya Frank Castle hardcastle and they'll go to Olympus with you and we'll get it all approved and I say it's approved but I see what you're saying and get our special block at our home Depot where We are this is incredible he says we should do it here within our areas I'm going to start doing that now
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stargazersroom · 2 years
Tango, our lovely lonely endermite person. It's time to write down everything we know about him, don't know and some crazy theories I have so far.
In "How to Kill a Tango" Wels, False and Scar were judges. They were canonically inside Tango's head when Tango dropped in the room. As of now if room became infinite and there were multiple people inside, room would yoink them all. This event however may be the exception/clarification for this rule - judges were in spectator mod and room probably gets only those in survival. But there is a possibility that we actually saw Tango-Wels-False-Scar amalgamation all this time. I stick to the "survival mod only get abducted" idea myself.
Speaking of "How to Kill a Tango" - we have no idea when exactly room became infinite. So Tango can theoretically have a lava bucket. Though I personally believe that echoes cut out right when room takes a person, so no lava for Tango.
Tango can control fading in and out of whiteness.
Tango has said that "In the end, he [Grian] always get scared". That means room probably has (or had) at least one more Grian that we haven't heard about.
One of his mites has the the same eye that Tango has, I call it Queen Mite. There is a chance that Tango uses this mite to see what's going on in other places of the white void.
I want to draw attention to Tango's words. "Do you want to keep me company" was directed at us, but "We are going hunting" was no different, and he was talking about taking primarily us on a hunt with him, not mites. "Do you hear that? Seems like a bird just lost it's wings." was the only reaction to the echo from the cast, where person surely was talking to someone, and in this case, to us. "Why don't you go take a look at the other one? He's been here for a while, we should go say hi. I'll be there soon" was a part of our ominous convo with Tango! And then~
Tango may have been the one to TELEPORT US to New Grian. I mean, he literally later said "this is so fun! it was a good idea to send you to him". HOW COOL AND HORRIFIING IS THAT? It is kinda suiting for someone, who has pet endermites, to be able to teleport certain stuff around. But it is scary to think that Tango may teleport us whenever and wherever he wants.
Tango exploited us. Tango took us on the hunt to slow Grian down and/or win some time for Tango to get to him. Tango wasn't too far away from Grian, so he may have used us to make Grian make noise and by talking to Grian we helped Tango find Grian's exact location. There is a possibility that Tango also hoped for us to scare, confuse poor Grian and make him distressed, and some of us did. At least you amused Tango, I hope you're happy now.
Continuing documenting Tango's convo. "How kind of you" as an answer to someone welcoming local vampire inside telling Tango that Grian is with us and making latter scream. Then Tango heard us telling Grian "we have no idea what Tango's capable of" and he gave as a hint, that "endermites have a large appetite".
That hint spawned a conspiracy level theory in my brain, but I'm almost sure that it's not true: we are the mites. That's right. WE are the hungry ones. WE need to be fed with action and angst. And Tango is the right man to deliver such things with his "murder every Grian" attitude. No wonder we stick to him.
Something has happened between False and Tango in the past. Also it looks like she might be the Ultimate Endermite Person Deterrent, which is good (for now).
To the few people knowing what's actually going on - hope you had a good laugh reading this)
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helsknight · 3 years
okay. okay. okay. ive never done one of these before but i want to so badly because i do think about this so here we go. @betweenlands helped me out with a couple (read: a bunch) of these and i'll mention where exactly ofc but huge shoutout to solar just in general for being an amazing creative waterspout for what feels like everything.
- scp hermitcraft au...been done before? maybe. nihil novi sub sole. but that won't stop me. i think the thing that makes them all Correlated is that everyone works in the same One building, stationed...somewhere. i'm not gonna give them numbers because i don't want them to be confused with ACTUAL scps, and even if i choose a currently unused number it will likely get filled in the future. so i'll just use names <3
im putting the rest of this under a cut bcause it got LONG AS FUCK lmao but please give it a read i'd appreciate it <333 i will. probably make art for this soon. its really been spinning my brain around
- cub, zedaph, and welsknight are all scientists in the facility, with varying degrees of Normal, but all are slightly..."Hm". zed is probably the most normal, but it's hard to tell where/if he got any sort of science degree. he gives off the vibe like someone hired him without doing a whole lot of background checks (see mr. fantastic from fallout new vegas), but he takes his research projects in STRIDE and he makes up for it with a lot of passion in his work.
- cub is definitely educated, and it feels like he's the only one actually running the place. that doesn't mean he sticks to the protocol very often, though! but it seems like he knows what is and isn't against the rules, unlike zed, even if he cares just as little about what rules he circumvents. he claims to be more of a chemist than a researcher, so he lets zed do what he wants. it's also incredibly obvious to any trained eye that he's not human (or at least not entirely), but when you're surrounded by anomalies of all kinds, it's easy to explain aging backwards once in a while.
- wels plays the scientist role the straightest out of the three, mostly because he knows what happens to people who break the rules at the foundation and he's a lot more cautious and a lot less reckless. still, he busies himself most with upkeep and containment procedures, as well as filework and other things. before he was a scientist at the current foundation location, he had a very. strange. accident with SCP-914. he was moved offsite after that to his current location, but (according to official sources) he's very panicked that he's been followed. sounds fine though lol
- doc USED to be a scientist. unfortunately, according to some records which have been expunged several times (and rewritten by a very angry doc equally as many times), he 'got into a fight with a god and lost his arm, eye, and several teeth--but still won!' it's unsure when his skin started to change colors, but he was contained shortly after that. he keeps reapplying to be a scientist, citing other researchers who are 'definitely worse than he is', but there's been no plea deal just yet.
- solar helped me nail this one down a lot more (bless u solar)! iskall and xisuma are currently taskforce--employed as guards on most cases, but are occasionally sent on duty to corral SCP escapees, as well as collect new ones! ren USED to be on taskforce, but something went terribly wrong in the field and he was bit by a "werewolf". it's pretty obvious it wasn't JUST a werewolf, but don't tell ren that. we'll come back to that later. he's contained and prevented from going out on the force 'for his own safety', mostly, but his cell is under complete lockdown on full moon nights. iskall's eye was clawed out in the same fight where ren got decommissioned, but other than that, theyre fine! their arm hurts sometimes, but they never got bitten, so that means they're in the clear, right?
- xisuma is a funny one. he actually joined the taskforce with his twin brother, ex--you couldn't usually tell them apart, so they tended to color-code their underarmor. however, ex messed up at some point--really, really bad--and was demoted to d-class. xisuma (and most of the facility, actually) was devastated, so they were given amnesiacs so they Wouldn't Remember :). ex went missing (presumed dead) after an experiment with a particularly volatile scp with the codename "midas' minion". however, if he WERE still alive, perhaps with a few new abilities and more than a little mind-controlled, he'd probably be pretty angry that everyone forgot about him. that would suck. xisuma still doesn't remember why he wears green most of the time--or, more accurately, why he never wears red.
- and FINALLY we can move on to the actual SCPS!! first up is everyone's favorite grian. he's a mimic scp, and visually looks like a mix between a harpy and an overgrown parrot. his anomaly is that he can perfectly imitate another creature's voice, completely indistinguishably--but, additionally, he can also say ANYTHING that the creature would say, regardless of whether HE knows or not. for example, he could easily start spouting foundation secrets he should NOT have access to if he wanted to. the foundation does not like him! <3 his only restriction is that he has to hear the person speak before he can properly mimic them--otherwise he'd only be guessing.
- next is the beloved cleo, paired alongside the very joe hills himself! solar suggested this one again and i absolutely loved it so. cleo is the "werewolf" that bit ren, but of course. werewolf is a loose term. she can transform into anything that has a contagious bite. werewolf, vampire, zombie, you name it and she's there. currently she's a zombie, because vampires are VERY last century, but when she was captured she's a werewolf. solar also mentioned that she would definitely transform into an angel at some point, which has hilarious (if worrying) implications. joe is kind of different! he's a thaumiel-class scp, sort of, but the foundation is working very hard to figure out what his deal even...is. all thats obvious is that, without one or the other in each others immediate vicinity, they're basically uncontainable. joe likes to write poetry in his cell, and cleo enjoys threatening joe while he writes poetry.
- next up is our goodtimeswithscar <3 he's...less containable than any of the other scps in the location, but just as frequent a character. his arrival is usually preceded by a grey-white tabby cat appearing as well, lounging on paperwork and activating doc's allergies from miles away. when he does show up, it's kind of odd--he acts like he's meant to be there, entering containment cells and talking to the SCPs or drinking tea in the break room. they've tried to contain him as well--arrest, secure, pretty much anything--but as soon as the tabby cat (which scar calls, oh-so-affectionately, 'jellie-cat') is gone, scar usually leaves within a day.
- finally, the last one i have thought up pretty much at all, is our dear wormman <3 he's a shapeshifter mimic whose mimicry is much more complete than grians--he can transform almost entirely into a replica of another person, including their memories. however, when he chooses a form, it usually sticks for...a really long while. currently, he's at-a-glance indistinguishable from zedaph. of course, if you put them next to each other, you could probably start to notice some differences...but maybe not which was which. he enjoys 'playing', because he's lived far too long for this containment thing to really bother him, and his current choice of game is pretending to be a very incredible and powerful superhero who's been detained by the evil masterminds. because of course! when he copied zedaph's memories, however, he actually got the slightly better deal out of it...because zedaph, if you'll recall, was given amnesiacs to deal with a certain problem. wormman escapes his containment far too often for it to be a coincidence, or just on his own, but he's usually corralled back in fairly quickly--he's not subtle or very good at escaping. the only person who's ever SEEN one of his escapes claims that someone who looked a lot like xisuma, except with longer, white hair, broke him out, but that's frankly illogical because the person who saw it WAS xisuma, so there's probably another shapeshifter on the loose, or wormman has a secret gaggle of friends.
that's. all i have for the moment, and actually i wrote a whole lot more than i thought i'd have LMAOJSDHKJF but! i'm definitely still brainstorming more hermits as scps so pls go ahead and ask me about these id love to talk abt this au. am certainly going to draw these things very soon, again thank you solar for helping me w some of this and also for listening to my rough pass of some ideas <333
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anne-white-star · 3 years
Band queen x reader : a misunderstanding
Notes : reader is an assistent and a good friend of the group they trust her with a lot of stuff and always ask her for a second opinion on stuff. But what happens if the band suspect her of stealing things from them while its not even true and somone is framing her. Read to find out.
This is my first queen fanfic so please if anything is wrong am sorry im new to the fandom also I have dyslexia so im sorry for any spelling mistakes.
Words : 1464
Warnings: non mabey some cursing oh and Paul prenter being a bitch
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(Gif isnt mine)
"Good morning guys"
"Morning" came the reply from the guys
"So Hows everything going?"
"Everything is going just fine y/n, Fred is doing some overdubes for the song " John replied
"Oh alright, is there anything i can get you guys? Tea, coffee?" 
"Soms coffee would be great" came the awnser from Brian
"Everything ells?"
"No thats it darling"
"Alright i'll be back soon "
Once y/n was gone to get the coffee for the boys Paul walked in to the recording room
"Can i have a word with you all"
"What is it Paul? " roger replied in a snarky tone
"Its about y/n"
"What is it about her?"
"Wel have you guys been missing a few things here and there? "
"Now you say so yes "
"Wel im suspection y/n of stealing and i got evidence"
"Oh really?" Said Fred while walking up to him
"Show me then "
"Here it is i caught her red handed while she was trying to steal something " he handed Freddie a polaroid
"But that can't be true y/n would never steal" said Brian as he aproched freddie
"Wel i got the evidence here so also it might be a good idea to check her bag" 
"We ask her if its poseble"
The door opend and y/n steped back in the room "im back" she put the tray down "four coffee one with 3/7 sugars i brought some milk with me in case anybody wants some"
"Y/n is it posible if we might have a look in your bag?"
"Sure hold on i will get it for you..... But why?" She sat it down on the table infront of them
Freddie opened the bag "i have to check something"
"Alright? "
First freddie grabed a necklace out of it
"Hey thats mine" Roger said
"How did that get in there?"
Next up he grabed a book out of it
"I wondered where that was i have been looking For it the past few days" said Brian while looking sligtly hurt
Then he grabed a paper out of it with some lyrics on it "i wrote that i could't find it all morning" Deacy grabed the paper from Freddie his hand"
And as last a smal picture frame of one of Freddie his cats "y/n im so disappointed in you"
"Fred i have no idea how those things got in my bag i swear"
"Well miss y/n it seems that you arn't quite so honest after all"
"Shut up Paul, look fred i swear i dint steal anything somone is Trying to frame me"
"I don't want to hear it now, please y/n im sorry but we can't trust you we need to talk with the band about this I want you to pack your stuff and go home"
"No y/n please go home"
"Fine but don't come back to me if you need anything" she said while grabbing her bag with tears in her eyes "i can't believe that you don't trust me Fred" y/n slamed the door as she walked out. Once y/n got back to her flat she floped down on the bed
"Hey y/n you back early is something wrong?"
*sigh* "yes Alice something is wrong very wrong" (if Alice is your name you can change it)
"What is it then? " Alice sat down next to her on the bed
"Wel I think somone is framing me for stealing stuff from the band members... I never would steal from them, you believe me right?"
"Of course i do y/n I know you Would never do that" she rubbed y/n her back "give them time im sure they will come around don't worry"
"Alright, is it an idea that we go and eat something im starving"
"Sure come lets go then" Alice grabed her hand and leaded her out her bedroom
Meanwhile with the band
"I still can't believe she stole from us"
"Me neither Fred" said Brian
"But what if she dint"
"What do you mean With that John?"
"Wel what if indeed somone is Trying to frame her"
"What Are you trying to say"
"What i try to say is that somone wants to try and get her fired we have known her for so long she would never steal anything"
"who could that person be?"
"Who do you think Fred its Paul of course i don't trust that bastard for a second" said roger while getting up from behind his drums
"No Paul would never do that"
"You might think that Fred but i believe roger might be right about Paul he's acting really mean to y/n, she does everything for us and he keeps on giving her all his work i think he might be mad about that we keep asking her on second opinions and not him, she has more controle over us even when she's under paul"
"Brian has a point"
"Alright alright, we just have to catch him in the act"
"Lets call y/n so that she can come over"
The phone rings and Alice picks up "hello with Alice how can i help you?"
"Hi Alice its John um me and the band was wondering if y/n is with you"
"Oh yeah she's with me at home how so"
"We want her to come over and talk about what happend this morning"
"Alright, but is it ok if i come with her?"
"Sure but she has to bring her bag as wel we will explain what we do once you two are there"
"Alright i'll let her know" once Alice was done she hang up the phone and y/n steped in to the kitchen
"Who was that?"
"Thats was John he asked if you could come over to the studio And you have to bring your bag with you"
*sigh* "Alright lets go" Once y/n and Alice arived at the studio Brian was waiting for them outside
"Hey y/n" he gave a smal wave
"Hi, so you guys wanted me back?"
"We want to try something"
"And that is? " she raised an eyebrow at him
"We want you to place your bag in the hallway and not go to it for over an hour or so, if something of us is found in there while you Haven't been out the room we can conclude for real that somone is framing you"
"Alright Sure" she sighed and followed him to the recording room where the others were waiting "alright I heared about the plan"
"we want to prove your inocense".
"I know guys i know"
"Come sit lets talk about deacy his new song" said Fred while tugging her to sit down next to him.
About an hour later after talking the new songs and laughing about that time that Roger put him self in the cupboared john stood up "Lets check if the there has been anything put in the bag" he walked to the hallway and grabed it
"Lets see, Ah ha! Look "
"Hey those are my favorite drum sticks"
"Conclusion y/n isnt the one who stole stuff somone wants to get her away"
"But who?"
"Oh look who's back" there in the door stood Paul with his arms crosed
"What do you want Paul "
"Well i wanted to see if me and Fred could grab dinner or something but it seams the thief is back once again"
"Shut up paul it wasn't her we came to that conclusion"
"Oh realy how?" He raised an eyebrow at roger
"She hasnt been out the room for over an hour so it really couldn't have been her somone is framing her," Roger walked circles around Paul "and everyone at the studio likes y/n Exept for one person, you"
"What do you mean?"
"Do you think we are dumb Paul seriously i might have a bad eyesight but im not blind" said roger while standing in front of him now
Alice And the others looked at both of them, Paul looked nervous
"Alright i did it i wanted to get her fired so that i would get more controle"
"Wel now that you confesed Paul, you are fired get your stuff and leave" said Freddie angerly
"But fred-"
"No you call me mr Mercury from now on when you see me, now get out!" Paul paled visibly at Freddie his outburst and ran out
"Y/n we are so sorry for Everything "
"Its really alright deacy please don't worry" she smiled softly
"Im glad he's gone now i never liked him" said Alice
"Me to"
"lets go to the pub my treat" said Freddie grining
"Alright to the pub!"
And then she knew no matter what that the boys could trust her once again with everything.
The end
This is my first queen x reader that i ever did i hope you guys like it 😊🌹
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Soup trio my beloveds
Soup Trio... that's Impulse, Pearl, and Gem right?
Impulse backstory involves the rest of ZITS so I think I'll just stick to miscellaneous Impulse facts for this. If you want to get technical, Impulse is only properly called a Demon because he's roughly the Demonic equivalent of middle aged. If he was a bit younger, he would be called a Devil, and if he was a bit older, he'd be an Elder. When he was a kid, he was called an Imp and only the Demon Gods are called Ancients. Impulse's vertical horns act as lightning rods during storms, drawing lightning down to him to help give him a power boost. In his human shape, his irises are gold with starburst shaped pupils
Onto the gals!
Pearl is a Water Dragon and is 24 feet long in her true form. She only has two limbs (her front legs/arms), has dappled blue scales with silver webbing/fins and the fins at the end of her tail have eyespots that change with the phases of the moon. She and Grian met before EVO happened and she claimed him as part of her Thunder, her family along with the rest of the EVO people. When she first met Wels and Hels, both of the knights instinctively hissed at her and tried to stretch out their wings to try and look bigger because dragon instincts said that she was an invader encroaching on their territory. Fortunately, she just found their posturing cute rather than threatening and they were easily bribed into leaving her alone with some riches from her hoard.
As for Gem, she is a cervitaur Faun, a deer-like nature spirit with a specialty in plant magic. She and Pearl met through Martyn because Martyn knew Pearl from EVO and he's an Ent so ofc he and Gem have met a few times to exchange news and magic tips. She is easily distracted by listening to the plants of a world speak so she is very prone to being snuck up on and shot at/blown up/eaten.
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leopardmask-ao3 · 3 years
NHH Fictober Day 7: Hybrids (Hybrid Hygiene)
Day 7 of the NHH Fictober Challenge. Being hybridized with another mob often comes with problems that neither creature would have had normally. As a silverfish hybrid, Wels has a carapace to deal with. Characters: Wels, TFC Words: 712
Wels could tell he was coming in too fast for a decent landing, but it was too late to slow down. He just barely managed to get his feet under him before skidding across the stone in front of his Bookery. Wels dug his claws in to stop himself, but that instead just turned the slide into a tumble that took him off a short ledge and deep into a pit of soul soil.
Wels sputtered and thrashed to pull himself out of the sticky, sandy mud. It was making it hard to breathe. He gasped in a deep breath through his mouth, and pumped the air out of the spiracles in his sides, getting some of the mud out of the way. He sighed, rested for a moment, then pushed himself the rest of the way out of the pit.
<Welsknight> hey, can I get a favor from someone <Welsknight> I got really muddy & need help getting cleaned up <Tinfoilchef> something i can do? <Tinfoilchef> don't have anything goin right now
So, Wels flew to TFC's base, this time being careful to stick the landing. TFC met him just inside the wall.
"Well, well," TFC grinned. "It's Wels!"
Wels grinned back. "Hey, man. You been holding up alright out at this end of the island?"
"Oh, sure, sure." TFC looked Wels up and down. "You really did foul yourself up, didn't you?"
"Yeah," Wels sighed.
"Alrighty then," TFC declared. "You've got your shell armor, right? You need any special tools or something to get this done?"
"Kinda?" Wels replied. "I have some stuff in my ender chest..." He set one down and looked through it, quickly pulling out two soft-bristled brushes. "Aha! I knew I had an extra."
He sat down on the grass, and TFC followed suit. Wels showed off how his exoskeleton was not attached all the way to the edges, and how to make sure everything was in order. "I'm not saying get every single speck of sand," Wels added, "but like... it'd be nice to get as much of it as possible."
Wels started with his head and face plates, and TFC tried his hand at one of Wels' shoulder plates. The edge of each plate could be lifted slightly, just enough to catch any number of annoyances under it, before it met Wels' skin. "It's kinda like cleaning under your fingernails," Wels explained, "but over my whole body. I don't think actual silverfish have to deal with this, but vertebrates with skin and stuff aren't really meant to have exoskeletons, to be fair."
Wels moved down to pick at his chest plating. TFC brushed at Wels' side. His brush hit an unexpected shape. Wels blew out a surprised breath - why could TFC feel the breath on his hands? - and leaned the opposite direction. TFC pulled away. "Oh, sorry! What did I do there?"
Wels straightened up and rubbed his finger at the spot. "No, that's my bad. I didn't think to warn you to avoid those. That's called a spiracle; it's one of my more, well, arthropodic features. It's how bugs breathe. Except since I'm a big ol' human, I have to use both them and my normal human breathing system together."
"So me finding one must'a felt kinda like someone unexpectedly sticking a toothbrush up your nose." TFC laughed.
Wels burst out laughing with him. "Yeah, something like that! They are kinda sensitive in the same way. Tell you what, I'll work on them. If you could get my back plates that would be great."
After a short while longer, Wels found himself slowing what he was doing, then stopping.
TFC paused. "Everything okay?"
"Oh! Yeah," Wels murmured. "This just feels... really good."
TFC smiled and started brushing again. "It always feels nice, having someone else making sure you're all groomed and looking good. It's like being a little kid again. Or a monkey picking fleas out of a friend's fur." He laughed.
Wels giggled. "I guess I just didn't expect it. It's not like it's fur you're working with here."
"Well, it's just the same as any other hybrid around here," TFC said. "You've got your shell and your whatchamacallems and your extra skills and challenges, but you're still more human than you realize."
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stoopsbookstore · 5 years
Kinktober Day 5 (10/05/2019)
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Kink - Mechanophilia (Sexual arousal caused by machines), Bonus light impregnation kink
"I don't think we should take the contact."
The 10 guys of NCT Chop shop were in a sticky situation. An offical letter from SJ industries offered the boys 1,000 dollars each if they allowed the company to take over their workshop, the one place that they've felt free enough to be themselves and work on their projects.
"Where would we go?" Taeil asked the group, all with unsure grimaces on their faces.
"With 10,000 grand, we should be able to find a cheap enough place that we can work from, possibly in a better neighborhood and that could mean more rich clientele," Jungwoo spoke up, looking the letter over.
"We should at least try to talk them up to two grand a piece," Doyoung took the letter from the younger boy, reading one sentence out loud, "right here, it says 'We will stop by tomorrow,' meaning today, 'to talk about any problems and possible solutions.' We could talk to them then."
"But we still need to come to a consensus, take the money or not?" Taeyong, their democratically appointed leader, looked at the 9 other members, "all for one and one for all, remember?"
A knock at the large door shocked the boys, Yuta going over to open it, 3 tall men and a girl around their age on the other side.
"Hello," a man in a gray suit with the nametag 'Leeteuk' looked the group up and down, "you must be the gentlemen who work here. Is there a manager?"
"I guess that would be me?" Taeyong walked towards him, sticking his hand out, "I'm Taeyong, pleasure to meet you, sir."
"Likewise," Leeteuk shook Taeyong's hand, wiping his hand on his pants as Taeyong gestured the others to come inside, "this is Shindong and Heechul, and my secretary, Y/N."
The group bowed, Y/N keeping her eye on the tall boy whose coveralls were embroidered with "Johnny" in red thread on the left side of his chest.
"Now," Leeteuk threw his suitcase at Y/N, the girl catching and holding it to her side, "I assume you boys are willing to take the offer? I mean, judging on how this place works, you could use the money."
Taeil was cut off by Leeteuk, "Don't tell me you're thinking about not taking the offern? 10,000 for you must be a lot."
"It is," Taeyong hid the disgust on his face for the cocky male, "but this is also our home, we've been here for years, some of us have even stayed here when we had nowhere else to go. One grand a piece isn't enough to make us part with this place."
"How about we talk about this?" Leeteuk threw his hands in a smug manner, "Shindong, Heechul, go with the others while I talk to Mr. Taeyong."
"What do yo-"
"Oh, that's right, Y/N is here too," Leeteuk looked at the group, "Lanky boy, what's your name?"
"I can tell you it's not Lanky Boy," Johnny looked up, displaying his name on his clothes, "I assume you can read, seeing as you are a huge CEO?"
Y/N and Johnny's nine friends started laughing, Leeteuk whipping his head around to give an annoyed stare at his secretary, the girl immediately halting all actions and staring at the floor. Leeteuk threw his hand over the shoulder of Taeyong as the tourgroups began to break off, Johnny and Y/N shaking each other's hands.
"Taeyong my boy, let's go talk," Leeteuk practically dragged Taeyong away from his friends, the leader looking at the other mechanics with a concerned look on his face.
"Is he always like that?" Johnny asked Y/N, the boy picking up a rag and wiping some grease off his face.
"Do you always keep those googles on?" Johnny touched his face at Y/N's comment, playfully rolling his eyes.
"They're stylish, but back to that Lettuce dude."
"It's Leeteuk and You'd be surprised how kind he can actually be when he's not talking about business," Y/N scoffed, looking around the huge area, machines, wood and metal decorating the space.
"Ah," a simple word out of Johnny's mouth as he notices Y/N's interest, "would you like to take a look around? None of the tools are plugged in, so no Final Destination deaths here."
Y/N awkwardly chuckled at the sight of the handsome boy, "umm, yeah, sure."
"We call this Ellie," Johnny pointed to a big machine, picking up a giant tube, "she helps us clean up faster, sucking up all the dust and dirt."
Y/N smiled and nodded along, watching Johnny excitedly go from machine to machine.
"Here we have a wood splitter, nothing fancy, just sort of does what its name says it does," Johnny gestured to a small room inside the workspace, "we call this the tool prison, drills, hammers, nails, screws, you name it, it's in there."
Johnny pulled out a chainsaw, pretending to rev it up as Y/N jumped back, still quiet so she won't interrupt Johnny's excitement.
"I call this Betsy, she's been my tool since day 1," Johnny showed Y/N the carved out name in the side of his chainsaw, "she's a bit old, but still works."
"How did you get into mechanics and tools?" Y/N walked over to a table, a nailgun, a drill and some screws scattered on the top.
"They're sexy," a laugh from Y/N causing Johnny to make fingers gun, "but seriously, Taeyong and Taeil needed someone else to help them with their projects and I was in the same woodshop class with them a few years ago."
Y/N walked around, exploring the shop, "do you want to continue giving me the tour?"
"Sure, why not? This is a table saw, one of my friends actually almost got injured real bad by this one," Johnny started fucking with the machine, spinning the sawblade as Y/N visibly freaked out while Johnny played with the sharp tool, "she was using this tool for a show that her class was putting on, one of the triangles she was cutting had a nail or staple in it and it shut out, narrowly missing her."
"Ohmygod, is she okay?" Y/N cringed at the story, Johnny putting the safety cover back on the machine, smirking at Y/N.
"Yeah, she's fine," Johnny put his arm up, hand hidden in his sleeve, spooking Y/N, "she just has to live with one hand!"
Y/N gently smiled, continuing to look around as Johnny watches her walk around, noticing her skirt keeps raising up, the girl having to pull it down every few steps.
"Why do you work for that Leek Dance dude?" Johnny sat next to the table saw, keeping his eyes on Y/N, "like he's such a douche."
"He's my stepbrother's friend," Y/N walked over to Johnny, "the one with the pinkish hair? Heechul? He's my stepbrother and one of Leeteuk's best friends. Leeteuk offered him a job and said he would only take it if I could have an internship."
Johnny nods, swinging his legs, "an internship? That's it? Do you get paid?"
"Yeah," Y/N shrugs, standing a few feet in front of Johnny, "but it goes to Heechul for the most part. Leeteuk says 'it's for the best until Y/N can learn to control her money,' even though, you know, I'm able to do so."
As Johnny started to speak, Y/N cut him off.
"You asked me a question, I get one."
"Ok, alright. What do you want to know?"
"What's your favorite machine?"
"Does Betsy count," Johnny jumped down from the table, his googles now around his neck, Y/N shaking her head, "alright. I guess it'll have to be the table saw, come here and I'll show you a better view."
Y/N walked over to the table saw, Johnny caging her in as he showed her the unplugged cable.
"Just so no one gets their face mauled, you make sure this is never in the wall unless there is a piece of wood under it," Johnny lays the cord next to the saw, gently grabbing Y/N's hand and placing it on one of the handles and placing the other on a button, "this right here is to move it left and right. Go ahead, push the button and try it."
Y/N pressed the orange button, maneuvering the power tool, Johnny placing his hand on top of hers as he lifted up the safety cover.
"Remember, it's unplugged, so it's not going to hurt you," Johnny repositioned himself in a more comfortable position, his chest flushed to Y/N's back, the secretary feeling her body heating up at the mechanic's proximity.
Johnny watched Y/N's hands roam over the machinery, her nails tracing each curve, Johnny feeling his pants tighten as he imagines her hands on his body, tugging at his hair and pulling on hi-
"Umm," Y/N turned around, looking down at Johnny's bulge that became prominent, Johnny stammering, "I guess you were right about machines being sexy."
Johnny barely opened his mouth, Y/N using his own words against him, the pair moving impossibly close to each other as they begun to heavily make out. Y/N took off her coat, throwing it to the side, and Johnny throwing the googles around his neck along with it.
Johnny helped the girl on the metal table, the table saw right next to her, pulling her shirt above her breasts as he immediately begun to suck on one of her nipples. Y/N's hands found their way to Johnny's hair, running them through his greasy, but soft locks.
Pulling away, Johnny unzipped his coverall, pulling his cock out his boxers, bringing Y/N in for a kiss, teasing her by rubbing his cock up and down along her covered core.
"Would you like prot-"
"I'm on birth control, just fuck me," Y/N shimmied her skirt further up, the fabric looking more like a belt, allowing her to spread her legs more, a wet spot growing in the middle of her underwear.
Johnny leaned down to kiss up Y/N's body before pulling her panties to the side, guiding his cock, pushing into Y/N. His hands immediately went up Y/N's body to play with her nipples, Johnny nuzzling into Y/N's neck.
"I'm gonna fill you up with my cum," Johnny nipped Y/N's neck, thrusting into her as she held a hand over her mouth, not wanting to be caught, "barely know you, but I'm gonna make you mine."
Y/N moved her arm to lean herself up, accidentally knocking a belt sander to the floor.
"Thing was a piece of shit anyway," Johnny helped her, holding her close to his chest, Y/N scratching down his back, "next time I see you, maybe I can eat you out in the tool closet, fuck you up the ass on the wood splitter, would you like that?"
"Yes, Johnny," Y/N moaned out the mechanic's name, her forehead slick against his chest, his pounding into her not stopping, "fuck me all over the place."
"Have you sit on the table while that shitty belt sander vibrates the whole table," Johnny nipped on Y/N's ear, bucking his hips at an angle that made Y/N's high start to creep up, "maybe do it in front of your boss, piss him off."
Y/N whimpered in Johnny's arms, the feeling in her gut twisting as he continued to whisper the dirtiest things she's heard.
Y/N hadn't noticed she came until Johnny pulled her even closer.
"Good girl," Johnny looked at her, his forehead sweaty and his eyes half opened, "now you're gonna be even better and take my cum."
Johnny thrusted a few more times, Y/N sensitive in his arms, his cum seeping out of his sudden lover. He stayed in her, grabbing a cloth from his back pocket and wiping her forehead. A moment passed before Y/N broke the tension, Johnny's hand caressing her back.
"Normally, you're supposed to turn machines on, not the other way around." Johnny laughed, pulling out of Y/N and pulling down her panties, putting them in his pocket as he fixed her skirt.
"You want these back? Make a date with me," Johnny smiled as Y/N nodded, hopping off the table just as the group came back.
"So, we have a deal, Mr. Leeteuk?" Taeyong smiled triumphantly while Leeteuk shook his hand, "2 grand a piece, we keep this area and teach a class every week?"
"Yes," Leeteuk grimaced, staring at Y/N in Johnny's arms, her legs wobbling a bit, "what's wrong with you?"
"She tripped," Johnny held onto Y/N's waist, "she accidentally tripped over the belt sander that Haechan left out."
Haechan looked down at his feet, Leeteuk looking for any sign of something in her eyes. When he couldn't find any, he straightened his suit jacket.
"Ok, it was a pleasure to meet you gentlemen, this is going to be a fine partnership."
Handshakes were had all around, Johnny walking up to Y/N, taking his phone out and handing it to her. Y/N typed in her phone number, texting her number so she could have Johnny's. Leeteuk called after Y/N, the girl walking as poised as she could. After the gate closed, Johnny's phone vibrated, the text bringing a big smile on his face.
That wood splitter idea sounds fun ;)
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Dean: Holy shit! *Grabs shotgun loaded with rock salt*
Ghost: WHOA WHOA WHOA!! *holding up hands* CHILL, MAN!
Dean: How did you get in here! The bunker is warded!
Ghost: Front door. Actually, the sigil you mistook for ghost warding is actually a drawing created by a 3 year old Swedish child who got scolded by their mother for drawing on the wall. Please put down your gun.
Dean: *lowers gun slowly* Who are you.
Ghost: The name's BOO! *Dean jumps, startled - bitchface activated* James Ann Bew. Pleasure to make your acquaintance. Think I'll stick around for a bit.
Dean: No you aren't wel... *sees ghost has disappeared* Dammit.
Dean: *Working a crossword puzzle to prove to Sam that he can*
James Ann: Mediocre.
Dean: *jumps, startled - bitchface activated*
James Ann: 8 letter word meaning 'ordinary'. Mediocre.
Dean: You have GOT to... *sees that the word fits* Thanks. You have GOT to stop sneaki... *sees he's talking to no one* Dammit.
James Ann: If you're Russian when *Dean jumps, startled. Even bitchier face activated* you enter the bathroom and American when you exit, what are you when you are in the bathroom?
Dean: *rolls eyes* I dunno. What? *he says to no one* Dammit.
Dean: *standing in front of toilet, eyes closed, waiting for the stream to begin*
James Ann: European!
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