#i think im gonna put 'hearing what makes other people happy' to this list cause honestly yes
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I am stressed out and sad and even sadder because me stressing out prevents me to think of more stuff that makes me happy so please tell me what little things make you happy
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melkyt · 2 months
Law has enough eccentric genious vibes to be House or any soap opera level doc lol
This amazing doctor with zero people skills, even more, this doctor that hates interacting with ppl while being the best in the country if not for all the complaints and lawsuits on his record just on the basis of being an asshole or ghosting patients even if he cures them
Luffy, some famous daredevil adventurer type with more money than he would know what to do with probably part of the mob somehow, has an older brother who needs a heart transplant. With all the other issues that Ace has, its unlikely he'll get one, even if they are on multiple transplant list, and nobody actually knows whats wrong with his heart.
(I use Ace for this trope in every fic Im not sorry. That boi can be a damsel in so many ways cx)
Luffy being Luffy decides to wander around hospitals until he A: convinces someone to give up a heart or B: Find out whats wrong with Ace, with no success on either front.
Then while wandering around he hears someone go "Yeah Trafalgar Law, best fucking doctor I have ever had the displeasure of meeting, dudes a fcking headcase but he gets the job done."
Luffy doesnt listen to most of it. He heard a name and best. Tracks Traffy down immediately! No hesitation.
With the full intent to throw money at the hospital to make them put Law on his brothers case.
But he doesn't have to, Law is ahead of him, as he keeps an eye on cases that enter his hospital and not like Luffy has been subtle in looking for Law lol, and he drops a letter in the room "Ill treat your brother, if you stop looking and leave me the fuck alone"
Luffy dumps money at the hospital anyway, and he doesn't leave Law alone, but not on purpose. The dean of the hospital keeps doing everything so they dont meet as they know as soon as they do, and Law opens his mouth, thats it for the money flow.
Luffy isnt about to go with anything anyone tries to make him do, so he finds himself trying to avoid doctors and nurses.
Law does the same, and thats how they meet. In an empty unused exam room that's more of a storage space than anything.
Luffy has no idea who Law is, he didnt bother seeing how he looked after getting the letter. He stopped looking cause it is Ace's life on the line.
Law, meanwhile, knows exactly who Luffy is, though doesn't say anything. They bond over hiding out, and soon, it becomes routine to hang out.
Eventually, Ace gets a new heart and is cured of whatever. He is discharged.
Law almost regrets that he won't spend time with Luffy anymore. He's grown to like their talks.
Luffy doesn't think about it yet. Happy his brother is healthy. When they are about to leave the hospital. Ace points and says 'yo thats the doc, i know you asked who the fuck he was' Ace only saw the man once, and Law ofc pissed him off by flippant remarks. "He's an ass"
Luffy follows his gaze and grins. "Woah, woah, that's the doc I was hanging with! He's the best" He bounces on his heels "Hey! TRAFFY!" Thats ofc what he has been calling the doc even if they never met. He runs over to Law. "My number! We should hang out all official like, I'll text you!" Then he runs out without waiting for an answer, going after Ace.
Law is a little stunned and more than a bit embarrassed that he yelled that in front of everyone. Rumors spiral for days. Law waits for his phone to buzz from Luffy but decides that it's not gonna happen and tries to go back to his life. Which is the exact point that Luffy texts him. 'Picking you up at 9!' And that's it.
They go on a date, if it can be called that. They go urban exploring because Law mentioned he was an enthusiast but didnt have the time or motivation. Luffy drags him to all his favorite places. Its the best date he has ever been on.
They go like that for awhile, at the most random times and days, Law always drops what he is doing, its a highlight in what he considers an otherwise annoying day to day.
Luffy is just happy he can make Traffy happy for saving his brother.
Law is the one who asks if Luffy wants to make it official, be boyfriends. For the first time in his life he finds himself almost stuttering over his words.
Luffy grins and nods enthusiastcly, then they kiss and everything is cool.
Law now marginally happier then he was, gets less complaints and gets along with patients a little better even if they still annoy him, he knows that if he didnt interact that one time, he would have never met Luffy.
Requests Open till 08/09/2024
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bunny-heels · 9 months
oh i should give my thoughts on Final Draft since i finally finished it. spoilers below
so the ONLY thing i didn't like was that there wasnt a lot of new manuscripts or videos to find. i probably missed a couple pages because i didnt look around as much, but i am sad that the 3rd Darling video is gonna be for the Lake House and the 2nd Door video is gonna be for Night Springs. i dont mind waiting to see them but i wish the collectibles menu didnt list it as incomplete cause its not even in the game yet. but i'll gladly wait to see them.
okay on to actual thoughts.
finding the dark poems on the surface world was a big splash of whiplash, and i liked how they were placed throughout the game, especially with the order of how i switch realities, it felt perfect.
the beginning with Saga telling Casey that she used to be into geology and she helped Logan with a science fair project, but basically did it for her and Casey going "oh thats basically a CRIME, Anderson". that was adorable. i love their dynamic so much it hurts.
ALSO IM SO HAPPY THEY PUT IN THE LINES FOR THE SALT SHAKER MEMORY. i'll come clean and say i've heard the audio before from when my boyfriend went through the files, but it made me so happy to hear it in-game. Casey is so fucking cute. and the fact that Saga notes that Casey doesn't joke around with literally anyone else, showing that he trusts Saga so much. i love this man i love him i love him i need to nibble on him like a dog nibbles on a plush toy
Darling's videos were very fun to watch. i loved that he didn't really care that he was trapped in the Dark Place because to him it was just a new thing to research and make experiments with. i'm assuming after he realized Alan sounded like him that he tried not to think about too much at first, but that's definitely going to be something that fucks with his brain later
Darling and Zane fucked for sure im convinced of that. if i had to pair any other characters together besides Saga and Casey then it's Darling and Zane. fucking Zane saying Kippis as he takes a drink with him too. i'm killing this man. theres apparently a theory that they both created Alan and that's why he looks like Zane but sounds like Darling. if thats true, then Sam Lake is a fucking genius for making it that a brilliant artist and an advanced scientist made the stupidest writer son on the planet and it somehow worked. at least the one thing they have in common is all three of them deep down have selfish bastard tendencies.
but even if Alan's a bastard he loves Alice so so so fucking much and it was literally their love and memories of each other that brought them back together along with Saga putting some sense into him to actually think about others, not just him and Alice. i hope Alice is doing okay and that she got to be reunited with Alan as soon as possible.
Tor and Odin showing up in the Dark Place was adorable, and im so happy that apparently they're fine with Door now, after what happened in '88. i'm assuming what brought them to finally come to an agreement was that they wanted what was best for Saga and Alan. i hope Logan and David get to meet Tor and Odin at some point in-canon, even if its off screen. i'm still curious on what's gonna happen the next time Alan and Door meet, or when that's even gonna happen, but i guess that's either gonna be in the DLCs or even in Control 2. i also hope Tim gets out and gets to finally be face-to-face to Door, which is probably also gonna happen in either DLC or Control 2.
finally the ending. i thought it was perfect. i've seen people say it was too easy and that there shouldve been more ambiguity. i'll be honest, i think the ending is a perfect blend of closure and opened interpretation. Alan finally got out and Logan is alive now, which is wonderful, but now it's the question of what's happening outside the writer's room. what's going on at the Lake House? why did the FBC go dark? did Tim get out? are Saga and Casey now going to be dragged into the FBC full-time because Kiran deputized them?
we also still don't know what happened to Darling after meeting with Tom [at least i havent cause i refuse to watch the leaked third video]. is Darling gonna be able to figure out his way through the Dark Place? is he gonna get the chance to meet Door and Tim? is he gonna indirectly cause Jesse or Dylan or both of them to go into the Dark Place in Control 2? is Darling being the Dark Place a good thing at all? does he ever figure out how he ended up there after trying to stop the Hiss? is he aware that Trench is gone and Jesse is the new Director?
i think the most the ending does is just show that Alan's part in the RCU is MOSTLY done, at least for now. to me this looks like a chance for him to show up more often in other things and to maybe help with what's happening at the FBC. the most i hope for him at the moment is he meets up with Alice again, and ESPECIALLY meets up with Barry, though i hope the Blessed organization haven't done anything to him, which is another thing that i hope gets touched on.
anyways i'm very happy i finished it im so excited :]
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polyamorouspunk · 5 months
Happy Friday!!
I have so many projects going on man I'm going crazy lol. I think some of the projects need put on hold until I save up for a decent sewing machine though.
But I've got my garden going again, and my coworkers gave me a deadline to write a childrens book based on doodles, and Im working on my zine that for some reason I can only open in chrome(???), and I wanna do a little research with my punk 101 posts, and also I need to do research that Im not really in the mood for so I can make that music map.
Oh and also I'm going to see Radium Girls (a play) tomorrow with a friend, and I'm debating if I'm going back to my college sunday for my friends graduation, but I dont really want to cause its gonna be raining. And also also, Some (different) co-workers wanna play dnd with me, but I dont think I'd like playing with them just from knowing them for a few months but I dont know how to be like 'no', but also Im on a HUGE dnd kick (I got new converse I need to show off btw) but have no one to play with and that makes me sad, but I dont want to play with people who will make it not fun for me :(
But how are you? How was your week? Any fun plans??? (side note: do you like dnd, just out of curiousity?)
I ain’t making people scroll though this
My week has been… better. Better than last week. Monday I took a day trip to Virginia Beach by myself to kind of clear my head and my soul, purge some of that pain and negative energy. Last night when you sent this though it kind of just… came back… which is why I didn’t answer this then.
Tomorrow I’m going out with my family to some botanical garden that only opens like 4 times a year or something to the public. We’re bringing lunch with us so I guess we’ll be eating together somewhere, maybe at the gardens.
I’m counting down the days until I fly back to CT to go see Electric Callboy with my friends, and then hopefully go to the aquarium with my gf + friends. Other than that I don’t have any plans for that trip. I still have to tell my brother + my other friend when I’ll be up, I just feel like any spare moment I have I use to recover some psychological HP.
I’m going from working 30+ hours a week to only 3 days a week soon because we’re getting self checkout on Monday. Hopefully I can use that time to work on some things for @prideful-things-shop, mainly the snowglobe tumblers (don’t worry, you’re getting one of the Eeveelution ones).
I’m still waiting to hear back if we can go to that concert and trying to book my tattoo appointment for that Friday.
I LOVE Radium Girls, I read the book, it’s one of my favorite books. I know they turned it into a play and a movie, but I haven’t seen either of them. I actually grew up near one of the locations in the book. They put a mall right next to it, so that’s where I used to go to the mall. I’ve never been to the clock factory, but it’s a museum now. Maybe I can add that to the list of things to do when I go back home. It’s also right across the highway from one of those defunct Jesus theme parks. I’ve wanted to visit that too.
I’ve never played DnD, but my friends made a game that’s similar and I was part of the pilot test group for that, and apparently they’re still playing all these years later. It’s been almost a decade.
My mom wants to make raised beds but we haven’t gotten that far yet. She wants a saw, just hasn’t been able to spare the money for it yet. I’ve offered to get it for her but she declined. We were looking at them while I was looking for the drill I bought for the tumblers. She has a lot of potted plants though lining the porch, including some herbs, and I think she’s planning on some carrots and cherry tomatoes.
I’ve been studying the sub-genres of metal music for a while, basically so that I can ID a song/band by it’s genre and guide people towards recommendations based on what they already listen to (country, pop, rap, etc.). The idea of making a music map sounds really exciting, I would love to do some research for something like that (like I said, I’m already using spare time to do that on my own anyway).
I’m really hoping once I have more free time I can also go back to working on my patch pants. My grandma bought us a sewing machine from the thrift store she works at, and she taught my mom how to use it, and my mom has used it to make pillow cases for outside pillows, but she didn’t buy outdoor fabric and they faded quickly. This year I paid for some outdoor fabric we picked out together along with some more fabric for my patches, so I’m turning our front porch into a fruit-themed area, which my mom isn’t really thrilled about but I’m the one paying for everything, so…
The other day there was a big snake on the front porch and my mom had to kill it. It was a pretty rough experience for both of us. We have a cat that lives on our front porch which is who found it, and then our neighbor has a cat who lives on her front porch, and we’ve had snakes get in the house before, and now we have indoor cats, so it’s just a risk we can’t take. It made me reflect a lot about city vs country life and a lot of things tied to that (poverty, race, queerness, etc.).
Here’s to hoping we can both have a relaxing but productive summer, and I’ll see you soon xoxo
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minkkumaz · 1 year
HI OMIIII!!! im skipping out a few extra days of school, i know the stress is gonna catch up to me once i get back (hopefully not.) but!!
ive been using my notes app alot recently.. i had to lock them cause it was just full of ideas abt bonedo ^^;
before i get into that,, someone stopped me in one of my classes and asked me abt the woonhak pc i had in my school ID. i got a bit nervous and i waved them off and gatekept them on accident.. i was literally abt to say “the loml” but i felt like that’d be too absurd to say to someone i just met..
i have another friend in one of my classes who also wanted to know who was on my lockscreen (it was taesan!!) but i told them i wouldve rambled and we wouldnt get our work done.. hopefully we have a freeday in that class so i can introduce them to boynextdoor LMAO
ive just been zoning out in class looking at my woonhak PC.. i love love love woonhak so much id give my soul and anything just to see more content of him being happy w the other members :(
but at the same time ive just been thinking abt woonhaks gf privileges.. >> (starts sobbing)
woonhak who slowly falls inlove with the pretty student in his class and does his best to appeal to her.. 💔
woonhak who overheard the reader and her friends talk about their types in guys.. smart guys? he’ll volunteer to answer every question the teacher asks. athletic guys? funny, cause he’ll 100% become a tryhard during gym… cute guys? his members already compliment him on his cuteness!
woonhak who tries keeping his crush a secret, but fails when jaehyun finds his notesapp open to see a list of ways to woo the reader over..
woonhak who dedicates writing the WHO album about the reader.
woonhak who finally has the courage to ask the reader out.. but when the day comes he finds out he has rehearsals. but no fret!! reader would love to watch him practice his singing & dancing.
bonedo members who love to steal glances at the reader and tease woonhak as much but as quietly as they could
bonedo members who easily warm up to the reader and starts inviting her whenever they could to hang out
jaehyun who remembers how woonhak forbade him from touching his sideburns.. but to his surprise he sees the reader twirling them and playing with his hair.
sungho who remembers how woonhak would get annoyed if someone were to notify him even if he was on do not disturb.. he walks by woonhaks phone to see it light up continuously with messages from the reader, he soon finds out woonhak has a special setting on his phone for the reader to bypass the do not disturb feature.
leehan who stumbles upon woonhak and the reader taking a nap on the couch wrapped in a blanket, her body resting on top of his.. but he swears he recalls woonhak exclaiming his distaste for people sharing (stealing as what he would call it) his blanket.
riwoo who hears a genre of music he’s never heard woonhak listen to in all his life.. when he questions it he finds out the reader recommended it… riwoo scoffs jokingly, reminiscing on how he recommended he exact same song months ago
taesan who once asked woonhak to run to the convenience store late at night for some movie night snacks, but was met with refusal. a week later he spots woonhak putting on a coat to head out around 10PM.. “Y/N wants to take a walk together!” he says.
bonedo boys who watch the reader and woonhak slowly fall inlove as they continued to show their endless support (despite the fact woonhak has never given them such privileges..)
HELLO MELONN its nice to hear from you always hehe. please get so much rest on your time away from school, you deserve it! if you get a lot of homework make sure to space it out :)
and omg if someone asked me about kpop at school id probably die. theres this kid in one of my classes that mocks me and my friend for liking kpop and its so annoying!
but yes, your woonhak thoughts are always welcome here :3 at the beginning of the year when teachers had us do 'about me's' i always put yungyu as one of my favorite things LOLL
woonhak would 100% give so much gf privilege its actually crazy. he can act like hes not cute all he wants but he will always be readers cutie patootie! AND HIM DOING THE ABSOLUTE MOST IS SO TRUEE his favorite subject is yn<3
also leehan catching them cuddling it up is so adorable wtf i need me some woonhak cuddles><
youre so cute melon anon seeing how in love with woonhak you are HEHE i love hearing ur thoughts ^_^
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k1nky-fool · 1 year
I think you should answer 💘💫🤲💎🧿
Answers to this ask game, feel free to send in more!
💘 is there any posted fic you want to rework/re-edit/re-write?
I really wanna rework the first half of Devil of the Crossroads. I can't help but feel like it hot a very slow start and I don't have nearly enough flirting in there that I gotta ramp up for the next chapters. I feel like I could have a more entertaining fix if I work more of it together.
💫 what is your favorite kind of comment/feedback?
My favorite is the play-by-play. My favorite thing in the world is when someone types out a reaction to everything they're reading, and their comment list of comments us a play-by-play of their reaction reading it. I absolutely adore every second of it.
🤲 what do YOU get out of writing?
I'm here to make characters and make them kiss the characters I like, mostly. But I also just like a good story. I get to make something that I would want to read; I'm just glad other people like reading it too.
💎 why is writing important to you?
I like creating, but I also like putting meaning into that creation. I use my writing as a way to process my real life problems, and I feel restored when I can give those problems meaning. Trust issues, trauma recovery, violence, and abandonment are all real life problems that I have experience with and are featured in my writing pretty consistently. I'm happy to be able to process those through characters that I write to overcome those issues. If I can write how to work though my problem, then maybe I actually can work through it. And I hope those reading feel like they can work through those problems too.
🧿 what steps do you take to not take things personally if a fic doesn't do well, or if your writing/posting/sharing experience isn't going how you'd like it to?
I write stories I would like to read. I don't really take it personally if I'm the only person that wants to read it. I know why I start writing something, and my decision to publish/post something is truly dependent on if I think anyone else would want to read it.
There are some that I post because I think people would like the character or the story, but there are also some I post because I know there's not much in that genre that I know people are looking for, so might as well post mine so it comes up in the search results.
But regardless of who reads my work once I've posted it, I wrote it because I wanted to. And that's enough for me to keep writing, but motivation to post more comes from comments. I'm going to keep writing no matter what. If people want more posted, they tell me in the comments, reblogs, or in my inbox.
(secret addition because im nice)
💌 share something with us about an up-and-coming work (WIP) that has you excited!
(From upcoming Arcane Fanfic: Tooth and Nail)
"It's gonna take a while to get that train to run again." Pepper mentioned. "I'd like to suggest me and Sevi goin' around and finding out what Finn wants."
Silco shook his head. "I think Vale will be more than happy to take a job for those purposes. I'll be needing you for more important work."
Pepper scoffed. "Sugar, I sure hope that sittin' around the Drop with my thumb up my ass ain't considered more important work."
"I wouldn't dream of it, darling." He assured. “When the time comes I’ll need you to be ready enough to finish this for me. Whether I like it or not, I don’t have the skills necessary to make Finn see reason.”
“Then I don’t want Vale to leave me in the dark.” Pepper argued. “If you’re hiring him, then I want in.”
Silco slowly stepped closer to her, and she instinctively placed her hands on his chest as he looped his arms around her waist. “I think I can agree to that.”
“Good, ‘cause I wasn’t asking.” She hummed, earning a small laugh from Silco. "We have another problem by the way."
"The eavesdropper hear anything I should be worried about?" He asked.
"No, but I've learned that Jinx's favorite Firelight was trained by our favorite mercenary." Pepper said.
Silco was surprised enough to pull away to get a look at her face. "Minute has an apprentice?"
Pepper nodded, "You shoulda seen the way she held Vale hostage. Might as well been looking through your eyes seven years ago."
"Five years of nothing, and suddenly, there's an apprentice in the picture?"
"You and I both know she's been plenty busy for those five years." She argued. "I think Minute's been building a network for the Firelights. If I can catch her, then they fall apart."
"Because you've had such great luck hunting her in the past." Silco deadpanned. "I have faith in your skills, darling, but you and I know that you've met your match with Minute."
"I know she's a ghost, but she can’t hide forever.” Pepper said, “If you ain’t gonna put me on Finn, then let me do something useful.”
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parvulous-writings · 3 years
Not on My Watch // Jesse McCree x F!Reader
Request:   Howdy! Perhaps another Mccree fic? 👀 Mccree and fem S/o decides to have a chill leisure and some dude catcalled s/o and Mccree witnessed it? what do he do? 😳🤠 (loved the previous fic you did for me im still reading it til this day!!)
Requested by: @fragolaaaaaaa​
Summary: McCree takes you out, and you get cat-called.
Warnings: catcalling, alcohol, explicit language.
Words: 1.2K
Notes:  Howdy! I had quite a bit of fun with this one! I’m happy to hear you’re still reading my other fic for you! Makes me smile! My requests are currently open! My pinned post (found here) contains both a list of characters I write for, and a masterlist!
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Not my gif
It was one of McCree’s rare days off, and he had insisted on taking you out for the evening to one of his old local haunts, an old bar in the middle of Deadlock Grange. The entire town may have had some less than savoury memories, but he was hoping that spending some time there with you would clear those away or at least push them to the side.  All he wanted was to share a drink with you on a day off, hear you laugh and see you smile at something stupid he’s said. That was his plan- share drinks with you (preferably something involving whisky for himself), maybe get a little less sober and have some real quality time together, away from the buzz of the Overwatch complex. 
That was his plan. Initially, things had gone really well- you were now a couple of drinks in, and absolutely loving your time together. You personally couldn’t see why Deadlock Grange was so bad, even after all the tales you had been told. Jesse had gone to get the third round for the pair of you, more than happy to be paying for all of these drinks.  Whilst he was gone, someone else saddled up on the stool behind you. You didn’t think anything of it at first, anyone in the facility had right to sit at the bar, rather than at at table. It was when he started speaking to you that the problems started to arise. 
“Well, hey there, doll,” He greeted, leaning closer to you- so close that you could smell the alcohol on his breath; practically taste it as you turned to give him a distasteful look, to try and show him you were not in any way interested. However, he seemed to take this as the exact opposite of what you had intended. He shuffled so that he sat on the edge of his seat, his face mere inches from your own.  “Haven’t seen you round here before... You new?”  “Not exactly, could you please-”  “Show you around? Sure thing... I’d love to...” He gave you a lopsided grin, brushing some of his greasy, auburn locks from his forehead, clearly trying to make himself appear more attractive. It didn’t work very well at all.  “No, that’s not what I was going to say.” You reply, giving him another disgusted look. He seemed to pout a little bit at your words, but you did not cave in to those green faux puppy eyes.  “Shame...” He half laments. “I could’ve shown you my place.. Real special, I think you’d like it. ‘Specially the bedroom.” He gave you a sly wink that made your skin crawl. 
You move to turn away from him again, but he puts his hand on your shoulder and pulls you back. “Oh come on, now, doll.” He coos. “Don’t be that way, I was being so nice to you, weren’t I?” He pauses, quirking his brow. “Or did you want something more?” He started to grin- but not the kind of grin you would have wanted to see on someone’s face. This one was sick, and twisted, and outright vile. He used his hand on your shoulder to slowly but surely pull you closer to him, till you were practically sitting on his lap. His arms were like the coils of a constrictor as they slowly wrapped themselves around you, holding you in place and preventing your plan of escape. 
You heard someone clearing their throat near McCree’s seat- sure enough, it was the gunslinger himself. “’Scuse me, sir.” The needless honourific was drenched in Southern venom, a poison you hadn’t heard him use often at all. This kind of tone was used for people like Reyes or O’Deorain- people who had wronged him substantially, and caused his blood to boil even to this day.  The man turned his eyes to Jesse, giving an unsavoury look in his direction. “Can I help you?” He quipped back, and though your eyes were fixed on McCree, you could hear the snarl on your aggressor’s face.  “Yeah, actually.” Jesse put the tray of drinks- two pints and some shots- on the surface of the bar. They landed with a clank, and it was surprising that they didn’t topple over or break with the force of the landing. “That’s my girl,” He gestured to you as he spoke. The man just scoffed.  “Yeah I don’t think that she is.” He replied with a roll of his eyes. This just infuriated Jesse; you didn’t think you’d ever seen such fire flash behind those earthy irises of his. 
His hands started to ball into fists by his sides as he tried desperately to keep his nerve. “I suggest that you step away from ‘er, right now.” He warned, his tone dark and dangerous. You could just tell he was seconds from snapping, and you’d never even seen him this angry before.  “And what if I don’t, huh? What’re you gonna do?” The man challenged, “I could give you a new one of those, real easy.” He gestured to McCree’s metal arm. “You can’t do shit, cowboy.” The man slowly got to his feet, flicking the brim of Jesse’s hat as he finished his sentence. 
It was then that McCree snapped. He grabbed the collar of the man’s shirt and yanked him away from you- with such a force that it caused Jesse’s victim to yelp, and not quietly either. It caused close tables to stop their conversation, as McCree started to drag the man who tried to woo his girl, his sugarcube outside. It was something he simply could not accept, something that could not go unpunished. Once he had gotten the man onto the dusty road outside the bar, he tossed him to the ground face first.  “You stay the fuck away from her!” He growled, kicking the man back down when he tried to get up. The man’s auburn hair stuck to his face and got in his eyes as he groaned.  “I didn’t even do anything!” He protested weakly.  “You tried, and that’s what I’m angry about. You leave her the fuck alone, or you’ll be gettin’ more than some bruises, I promise ya that!” He vowed, and even this stranger seemed to get the memo. Finally. 
With that final threat, Jesse returned to you- taking off his hat and placing it on the bar as he sat beside you. “Sorry about that, sugarcube....” He apologised, seeming genuinely remorseful that he had left you alone, even for a moment. “And for losin’ my cool...” He sighed, rubbing the back of his neck as he spoke. You placed a hand on his, showing him some affection to comfort him.  “It’s fine Jesse... I liked it, really.” You chuckled, brushing some of his deep brown locks from his brow. “It shows you care... And it was pretty damn sexy.”  McCree looked at you for a moment, slightly baffled, before he began to smile, reaching for one of the drinks still on the tray. “Well, if that’s the case... I’m mighty relieved I could be of assistance to ya...” He took a small sip of his drink, before he felt your warm lips against the stubble on his cheek.  “You know, cowboy, I meant it when I said that was sexy...” You whisper to him. He seems to get your hint, and starts to chuckle.  “Finish your drink off, pumpkin.” He tells you, “Then maybe I’ll give you a lil’ something’.” He winked at you- and his wink was one you genuinely adored; it sent shivers down your spine and made butterflies flutter in your stomach.  “Alright, cowboy...” You smirk, picking up your drink, starting to sip at it. It will be a fun night indeed.. 
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kaz11283 · 3 years
Of Course I'm Here
Characters: Come on you know by now how this goes (Loki x you) (Team x you, platonic)
Warnings: None. And really if you ever see anything that I might need to able as a warning please let me know... I'm the person who forgets there are people out there that get offened by the word F*** if that is an exapmle of anything.
Summary: Mid battle and the avengers keep looking for an answer as to why the God of Lies hasnt showed up yet. Of course you have no idea but at least he proves them all wrong.
ANNOUNCEMENT TIME: hey guys Im back, I know it hasnt been long but I also know I havent been posting every single day like I was, i got into a weird little funk where I didnt want to do anything, I was just feeling completly drained, and I felt bad because I have my little and I didnt even want to play with her because I have just been so TIRED, but I'm feeling better. Work has been kicking my ass here lately and ive been working over 50 hours a week so ive literally been coming in, eatting / feeding the little, getting us ready for bed, and crashing as soon as she falls asleep. But im here now. I will probably be more active on weekends than during the week because I have more time to spend working on stuff but I will be posting also during the week just not daily. At least until after state comes. Thank you so much for the reblogs, likes, comments, follows, and messages please keep them coming! If you would like to be tagged please ask or message, and requests are open. Love you guys so much! 💚💚💚💚💚
Loki Masterlist
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"Y/N, BACK UP I NEED BACK UP! EYES IN THE SKY!" Tony yelled from above, you and Clint stood back to back on a roof top shooting as many bad guys as you could. Clint took aim at another carrier, shooting at the engine causing the entire thing to blow up raining debris and hot metal around you.
"Damnit Clint! Farther away make sure they are farther away!" You yelled popping him on the head with an arrow before aiming it at the thing that was chasing Tony.
"Where is lover boy at? You.sent him the location right?" Nat asked into the com.
"Yes I sent him the location, no I dont know where hes at." You mocked.
"Did you send him the right location?" Sam asked.
"One time, one dam-"
"Language!" Steve chimed in causing everyone to groan. Gun shots where ringing all around you and you could here metal on metal paired with Hulk screams coming from another building over.
"Language." You mocked muting your com son that no one but Clint heard you. "I am a 26 year old woman, I think I'm old enough to cuss if I want." You drew back your bow and sent another arrow flying into another goon that had Nat trapped aginst a wall. She shot you a thumbs up before running off. You hit unmute on your com.
"Jesus, 26? Baby, you sure you don't need to be at a babysitter instead of on a building killing things?" He laughed.
"Dont worry Hawk, when we get done here I've already booked you a nice nursing home to be put into." You put your bow around you and stood on the edge of the building. "I need a better view." You looked round, the top of a taller building caught you eye. "There Hawk, we can cover a better radius from up there, get closer to the action."
"How do we get up there? Or do I even wanna know?" Hawk came to examin where you were talking about.
"Im jumping, you cant tell me that someone wont catch me." You shrug.
"GODS WHERE ARE TH- Y/N DONT YOU DARE JUMP!" Tony stopped and hovered right were you was standing.
"Then take us over there. We need higher ground, we cant cover everyone from down here." You crossed your arms.
"Where are the gods at y/n?" He asked again
"I. Dont. Know. Jesus you guys act like I'm suppose to be there keeper!" A simultaneous you are came from everone through the com causing you to roll your eyes. "Hes gonna be here I swear it! Now take me to the building or I jump. 1.....2....-" Tony grabbed you by the collar of your jacket and flew you to the building.
God these things were everywhere and you were starting to run out of arrows. After shooting another ship and causing it to blow you heard what was unmistakably pounding on the roof top door leading to where you currently was at.
"I have some univited guests about to join my party. Anyone available for some assistance?" You yanked out the two emerald green and silver daggars that your boyfriend had given you not long after you had started dating after throwing your bow around you.
"Buy some time kid, I'm on ground level right now but I can try to get up there as fast as possible." Bucky called over the com.
"Buy some time? Ok. I can do this. I work better from afar but a little hand to hand never hurt anyone, just easier to get stabbed this way." The first of the things busted through the door running straight at you. You jerked out of the way missing his staff by just a few inches. Quickly turning you flipped the dagger like Loki had showed you and stabbed him in his side causing him to fall to the ground before the next one tried to impale you.
"I have two daggers and they have freaking staffs! Back up! WHERE THE HELL AR-" you were interupted by static in the air and a bright light. The bitfrost had just opened up leaving to gods standing in front of you and taking out the remainder ofnthe bad guys. "HES HERE! I TOLD YOU GUYS THEY WERE COMING AND THEY'RE HERE." You pulled two extra coms from you pocket and gave them to Thor and Loki.
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"Always a pleasure to battle beside you Lady y/n." Thor smiled takkng the com and putting it in his ear before taking off again.
Loki sauntered over to you and put his arm around you waist, you put the com in his ear as he rolled his eyes. He leaned down and gave you a quick kiss.
"You got a new outfit." You smiled at him. God the way he looked in his battle clothe always did something to you, the horned helment was a plus.
"You like it." He smirked down at you pulling you closer.
"Your wearing your horns to." You reached up and brushed a peice if hair behind his ear.
"STOP. STOP NOW. WE CAN HEAR EVERYTHING AND ITS GROSS." Tony yelled causing you both to roll your eyes.
"Quick run down, bad guys everywhere, no end in sight, and I'm out of arrows pretty sure Hawk is too." Loki waved his hand over your quiver making more arrows appear.
"I see you had to use your daggers. I am sorry for not being here. Are you hurt anywhere?" He asked stepping away from you to examin you.
"Small cut on the side, nothing I havent dealt with before, Ill be fine. You go make sure Hawk is fully stocked up and help the others. I got a birds eye view of you right here." I leaned in kissing him one more time before smiling at him and pushing him away. He kissed his two finger before placimg them over his heart and you did the same, "always." You both said before he disappered.
You could hear Thor laughing at the chaos going on and Steve trying to direct the god of thunder on what to do. You had learned earlier to just let him do his own thing and he would be fine. Tony was still trying to micromanage everything when you heard Loki mumble something in an old language and his com cut out. You had figured it wouldnt have stayed on to long though but at least you had tried. It had calmed down up on your end so you decided to finally go back down to where Clint was at shooting an arrow with heavy duty rope you glided back down next to him to watch what was going on.
"Hello, earth to y/n." He snapped his fingers in front of your face. You had been to busy staring at Loki and that damn helmet. "I dont even understand why were friends." He rolled his eyes propping up on the ledge watching as the rest of the team secured the last of the bad guys.
"Because we both shoot arrows, because we are both the best in the team, or because we both know we are the best looking one on the team so we have to stick together." You laughed jumping up so you could sit on the ledge.
"The birds can come out of their nest now." Bucky called over the coms causing you both to sigh.
When you and Clint had reached the bottom you walked over to Thor theowing your arms around the big goof ball.
"You are amazing during battle as always." He beemed patting you on the shoulder.
"As always? Thor youve only fought with her twice." Steve said beside you.
"I had a week off. Went to Asguard, spent time with the boys. Someone had to keep them in line." You shrugged like it was no big deal.
"She was amazing!" Thor went on telling the story of the fight you had all gotten into.
"Mothers been asking about you by the way dear. Wants to know if you've decided to come stay for a while." Loki leaned down and whispered in your ear.
"I think I'm leaning toward a yes. I can't stand being away from you, you had been gone forever this time." You reached for his hand as you both walked to the quinjet.
"I was making arrangements to have our room redone. I figured you would come with me." He gave you a knowing smirk as he reached up to take off his helmet.
"Leave the horns on. I have a suprise for you when we get home." You pulled his hand away from his head and smacked his butt.
"You are a little minx." He laughed chasing you into the jet while the rest of the team groaned and rolled their eyes.
"Even if you wasnt moving i would be kicking your ass out! I am so sick of the PDA between you two." Tony hollared after you.
"Leave them alone Tony, they are courting. Im just glad my brother is happy and not trying to stab me." Thor clapped Tony on the back.
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writingsbychlo · 3 years
Ayyy Congrats Chlo! Can I get a 💭 of Noah when his girl is pregnant? Like how is he through it snd when she's in labor?
no more requests, the sleepover is over, I'm just finishing up what's in my inbox!
I got so carried away with this
he would be so good by the labour stage
but lets be real, he takes a hot minute to get adjusted
now, don't get me wrong, this was planned
and he is damn excited to be a dad
you've been taking folic acid and vitamin D and all the good stuff
and you were both elated and crying when the test came back positive
but he does take a moment to actually realise what it means
like he did not think that far through, if he's honest
rubbing your back throughout morning sickness
but like, he doesn't quite get it
you have a significantly lowered sex drive
breast tenderness and morning sickness and he is kinda sexually frustrated
it takes him a moment to adjust to that because y'all had been pretty active before, and he has to take care of himself now
not to mention, you're a lot more sleepy
he knew you'd get sleepy, but he expected it to come later, not as early in the pregnancy as the first few weeks
so there's a lot of things that have to be cancelled
like concerts and things
but he was looking forwards to them
and it causes some arguments to begin with
like when he went to the concert with boyd instead
and you'd put a blanket and pillow on the couch for him
or the argument that came with him insisting that he could ride the bike a little longer
and the little strop he gets in when you throw out all the foods on the list your midwife gave you after your first antenatal appointment
"you can't eat them, but I can! why do we have to throw it all out?"
"because you're supposed to be supporting me!"
"I am supporting you, but I still want to eat my food!"
"fine, keep it then!"
and he feels bad two weeks later when you go to game night
and derek and stiles have laid out an awesome looking spread
with charcuterie boards and cheeses and crackers and wine
and he knows how much you love all of that stuff
and you literally can't have any of it
in fact, you brought your own meal, which is a salad and plain crackers and it's not exactly game night material
and so he does some research into food and writes down everything you can and can't have
and he watches a video on best recipes for pregnancy and he makes one for you
a little surprise dinner for when you get home from work
"what's all this?"
"well, you know, your meals look kinda' miserable. but, you're literally growing our child, so you should get to eat nice things, and I googled a good recipe for pregnancy safe meals."
noah getting laid that night
and afterwards, when you're asleep on his chest, he realises how easy it is when he stops thinking it's gonna be a struggle
at around about 7 weeks, you start getting more emotional
crying more at movies and getting mad at random things and being a lot clingier than usual
which he doesn't mind, of course
but it freaks him out sometimes
"noah, what the fuck?" while in tears and he's freaking out because he has no idea how bad he fucked up or what he did "there's a dead bird in the garden, noah, that's got to be some kind of omen, oh my god, what if you die? why would you just die, noah?"
so he cleans up the dead bird
but now you're mad because you're worried about him abandoning you
"baby, if I was gonna' abandon you then why would I have married you, huh?"
and it takes him a hot minute to get used to that too
however, he also learns how to direct it at other people for his own amusement
"hey, baby, did you know that stiles wears socks to bed, even in the summer?"
"you wear socks to sleep in the summer? you're sick, stiles. you're sick. I don't want you near my child, you're weird, you and your socks and your sweaty toes can stay away. you're so gross."
"what the fuck?"
and noah just laughing his ass off about it
you also have to pee a lot more so noah has to take that into account
you're still fully able to go hiking and do the things the two of you love doing
but he has to plan in your pee breaks
not to mention, you're still throwing up every morning
so, he can't plan too much, but he does plan a little weekend getaway for you both
with a privately rented cabin so that you can throw up each morning in peace and don't feel like you're being watched
panicking when you get spotting at week 8
and that really throws you both through a loop
rushing to the hospital and he's unfamiliar with driving your car
so it stresses him out to know he's useless in emergencies
it turns out to be nothing
but noah is pretty sure he's never cried that hard
not to mention, in a public bathroom, just so he didn't scare you
and when he gets home, like, fuck, it's a reality check for him
he starts getting driving lessons
he has a license and all but he's rusty
and he wants to be prepared, so he starts taking lessons
he also starts checking out bigger cars for the two of you
because your little car won't do in a few years
"you know, not that I'm complaining, but I've noticed you aren't wearing bras anymore."
watching your cheeks go fucking warm as you get all embarrassed
"do you wanna go shopping, get some comfier ones?"
"you are gonna go pregnancy bra shopping with me?"
"well, considering how proud I am when I get to go regular bra shopping with you, I think pregnancy bra shopping is the same."
going with you to get tests and scans done
literally crying again when you hear the heartbeat
"we made that, oh my god."
texting everyone he knows when you get your due date estimate
holding your hands when you have to get your pregnancy vaccinations
actually taking notes when the midwife starts talking about making a birthing plan and getting things sorted before you get to the third trimester
and he does a lot of research on birthing plans and starts prepping
going on every shopping trip with you
"I want to get the nursery painted, like, a while before the baby comes. so we can air it out for fumes."
"we can go check samples out this weekend."
"well, I mean, that's soon, like, really?"
"yeah, whatever you want, sunshine."
getting laid again
and when the morning sickness goes away, he starts getting his late morning sleep back
starting to get self-conscious about extra pregnancy weight gain
and noah doing everything he can to reassure you
but as you get into the second trimester, your sex drive suddenly jumps back up
and he fucking loves it
because that's a lot of unprotected sex and a lot of making out and a lot of touching
and honestly, something about it is really turning him on
"baby, I don't know if it's your glow or the fact that I am literally so in love with you, or maybe the months of not having sex, but I've literally never been this hard."
"shut up and fuck me, you can compliment me later."
throughout your second trimester, you get everything done
the nursery gets decorated and the furniture is built and it's perfect
there's only the little touches now, like mobiles and clothes and such
he also bought the new car, and traded yours in
and he arranged for you to get lessons in it too, so you know how to drive a bigger car before you get too pregnant to drive safely
crying the first time the baby moves. so much fucking crying.
and getting so excited every time
it's few and far between in the middle of your second trimester, but it's so meaningful
starting to go to pregnancy classes
and he also signs you both up for a pregnancy exercise class
that is supposedly meant to make labour easier because of the pelvic floor exercises
having a few days where you're nervous around him
thinking he did something wrong
"I think I'm gonna want to take an epidural."
"that's what you've been so worried about?"
"well, yeah. I read all these pamphlets about how it's so controversial and sometimes the dads don't like it, an-"
"I want you to be happy, okay? it's gonna be a happy time, so whatever you want, we'll do, okay? I want you to smile when you look back on the birth of our baby."
"I love you, so damn much."
"I love you so damn much."
finding out the sex of the baby, neither of you wants to wait
telling everyone it's a secret until the baby shower
your bump really starting to come in at the end of the second trimester
as well as headaches and backaches and stretch marks
and noah always making sure to kiss it better
a lot of nice warm baths and washing your hair for you
the baby starts responding to touch and sound, though
noah starts talking to the baby a lot
telling them about your day and rubbing lotion on your stomach
the baby getting hiccups for the first time
in the beginning of the second trimester, you start choosing names
more tears when you settle on a name
the third trimester is where you really start feeling it
you’ve got mood swings, you’ve got backache, and you’re getting a lot of odd cravings
all of which noah indulges for you
some make him gag and he actually cannot watch you eat it
banning food in bed
it caused an argument but he won that one
announcing the gender at your baby shower
you and noah dressing in white while waiting for everyone’s guesses
it’s a girl!
you announced it via a little cake cutting ceremony that was pink inside
using those last few weeks to decorate the nursery with teddies and buy clothes
when you finally go into labour it’s actually while you’re hanging out with stiles and derek
thinking it’s just cramps for a while
because you’ve been having cramps, you think it’s fine
“uh, (Y/N), you know I love you, but did you pee on my couch?”
“excuse me, I did not pee on your couch an- oh my god, they’re contractions.”
noah literally choking on his drink
you rubbing his back as he tries to cough it up
panicking so much that his whole fucking birthing plan goes out of the window
“the bag is at home!”
“what about your pillow?”
“fuck! fuck! fuck!”
derek is the only calm one because stiles is;
and noah is 
so derek coordinates it all while you just kinda sit there and watch it all
“okay, well, her contractions are now, like, eight minutes apart, so maybe we should get a move on.”
telling stiles to take you to the hopsital while he takes noah to pick everything up
and off you go
stiles is fucking buzzing the whole way there
calling your hospital to inform them you’re on your way
getting to the hospital and being greeted by your midwife
“lovely to see you again, mom and dad”
“thanks, stiles.” your midwife being confused. “this is the uncle, they’re twins. dad is on his way.”
“stop shouting stiles, the baby won’t come out, you’re scaring it back up.”
stiles holding your hand
noah arriving five minutes later with more than enough stuff
“I didn’t know which pjs you’d want after so I brought options!”
after a good few hours of labour, and noah being there for all of it, your baby is born
literally crashing right after and sleeping for a while
“‘bout fuckin time you woke up, noah won’t let me see my niece ‘til you have. hurry up.”
“I will punch you so hard you’ll be glad you’re in a hospital.”
“that’s my wife”
meeting your daughter with noah, and having a moment
because he’s put her in a little pink striped onesie and she’s got a baby beanie on
“she’s got your nose.”
“you can’t tell that, she’s like six hours old.”
“i can hope.”
finally taking her to meet stiles who practically dies on the spot
he cries a lot when he finally gets to hold his niece
“stiles, derek, meet ‘hope claudia stilinski’.”
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Parents fucking suck bro. [Corpse Husband & Reader]
Warnings: Arguments, bad parents, swearing, crying Summary: Y/N loves playing with Among Us with the others, even if she's the youngest among them. While shes playing with them, her parents walk in and are not happy with the fact she’s playing with them. There's a big argument and shit goes down but Corpse is there to comfort Y/N. Tag list:  @save-the-sky @alilshit @whatifwedo @hughugh20 @fleurmoon @bi-andready-tocry @itsminniekat @yoongi-holland @loraleiix @hacker-ghost @fanworrior @marvelous-musicals @annshit @unknown-and-invisible @letsloveimagines @hairbrush-anon @babyhoneystvles 
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“Hey guys” Y/N greeted happily as they entered the lobby in Among Us. They have been playing Among Us with Felix, Sean, Rae, Toast, Sykkuno, Charlie, and Corpse for a while now. Y/N was 18 and still living at home, making money off of YouTube. They’re parents were strict and wanted them to have a “real job” like being a doctor. Y/N knew their parents were toxic and would disapprove of their job choice, so they keep it a secret.  
“hey Y/N” 
“Whats up Y/N” 
Everyone began to greet them, which made them smile. Y/N was filming the gameplay of this for a new video on their channel. Everyone seemed to love when they played Among Us, so they always played it- doing commentary and music on the side. “How you guys doing on this..” they looked out the window of their darkened bedroom, seeing heavy rain pouring down from the dark clouds in the sky. “Pretty damn depressing day where i'm at, holy shit.”
There was a couple of laughs and chuckles, and everyone began to state what the weather was like where they were. There was a lot of “Its nice out where am”s. It rains a fuck ton where Y/N lives, especially during spring. But they loved it, rain was their favorite. 
“Alrriiight is everyone here?” Toast asked.
“Nope, Corpse is joining.” Sean announced, which caused sounds of happiness. Corpse was everyone's favorite, it was that damn voice. Corpse was Y/Ns bestie, they always had each other backs. There was many people who shipped them, but they both only wanted to be friends. 
A few seconds after Sean spoke, Corpse joined. “Hey guys.” Corpse said, he sounded tired. But that was common for him, he told you about his insomnia. He probably didn’t get any sleep last night.
“Alright lets start the game.” Sean said, clicking to begin the game. Y/N smiled at the big letters reading “IMPOSTER” at the top of their screen. They’re a really good imposter- as they were told. They first went to blend in with crewmates, going to walk around a bit. While roaming around, they went into electrical to fake a task. Y/N saw this as the perfect chance to get their first kill in. So, they snuck up and killed him, then they vented to escape. 
After a minute, a dead body was reported and they were now at an emergency meeting. 
“Where was the body?” Toast asked. 
“I found the body iiin.. electrical.” Rae replied, “Who was in there last?”
“I did see Y/N walking towards electrical.” Felix said, “That is where the body was found.” 
“Yeah, but did go into electrical?” Y/N said, “I was heading to reactor, I had a task there.” 
“Not the best alibi.” Sean said, “But I’ll take it.” 
“Could be Rea, but.. wait no.” Sykkuno said. 
“How could it be me if I reported the body?” Rae chuckled. 
“Yeah I know I just realized.” Sykkuno replied. 
“So... skip vote?” Corpse said. 
“I’m still sus on Y/N.” Felix said while voting for Y/N. 
“Vote Aoc shes kinda sus.” Y/N said, voting for Rae.
“Wha- Y/N!” Rae said. 
“Sus.” Y/N said plainly. 
“Ok yeah i'm skipping this vote.” Toast said, skipping the vote. 
Most people skipped the vote, so no one was out. Y/N continued to play the game how she would, until she killed someone and had to quickly vent because someone just walked by. That made them shriek, “oh sugar honey ICED tEA-” they laughed, “That was a close one, hah.” Well seemed they were being too loud because their mother walked in. 
“Why are you being so loud?” She asked, just as an emergency meeting started. 
“Oh shit- my moms here hold on.” Y/N said, going to mute but misclicking, so now they were all going to hear this. “I’m just playing Among Us.” 
“Shouldn’t you be looking for a job instead of playing stupid video games?” Mom said, stepping into the room. 
“Oh- uhm... I do YouTube as a job. I make money of it.” Y/N replied quietly, knowing what was to come next.
‘whAT?! YouTube is not a fucking job Y/N!! Me and your father told you many many times that we want you to be a doctor!” Mom yelled. Y/Ns sister got into a great college because of her smarts and intelligence, shes going to be a surgeon one day. But that just wasn’t Y/N, they wanted to make content for the people on the internet. And so far, it was working pretty damn well.
Y/N sighed, “Oh my god mom shut up! I hate all that doctor college bullshit. Im making enough money on here!”
“Are you delusional?! Why can’t you be more like your sister, shes so successful!” Mom yelled, she was in disbelief. She wanted to have the perfect children, but she only got one. 
“WHY DO YOU ALWAYS COMPARE ME TO HER?!?” Y/N screamed, beginning to cry. “What does it fucking matter?!” 
“You are such a fucking disappointment. Get off that damn game!” Mom said, running over to pull Y/N away. But Y/N pushed her back. 
“Bro FUCK off! its my goddamn business, Im a fucking adult now, leave my shit alone!” Y/N screamed through the tears. 
“I am your mother! I know best! Now get off that fuckin- OW!” Y/N slapped their mother straight across the face, pushing her out of their room and closing the door, locking it. They sat back down and looked at her screen. 
“Oh fuck. You heard all of that.” Y/n choked a little, “Shit.”
This is where Corpse came in, breaking the silence and shock between everyone. They listened to the whole thing, messaging each other in the chat what to do. “Hey, your moms an asshat.” 
Y/N flinched, hearing banging on her door and screaming. “And a fucking psychopath!” they sunk down a bit, putting their hands on their forehead and breathing heavily. “Shes gonna kill me!” 
“Hey hey hey, its alright Y/N. Don’t let her get to you, she doesn’t know what shes saying.” Rae said. 
“I personally think you have great content.” Toast said, “I don’t think i would trust you as a doctor.” 
“hey don’t listen to her Y/N, we’re always here for you.” Corpse said, “DM me and we can talk about it more, ok?” 
Y/N sniffled, “Ok.” Then they muted, taking their phone out to DM Corpse. 
T/N: Hey 
Corpse_Husband: Hey are you doing alright?
T/N: No
T/N: Do you think im a disappointment? Is YouTube really worth it?
Corpse_Husband: Disappointment? no. The only disappointment is that sad excuse of a mother you have. And YouTube? hell yeah its worth it. I started youtube off when I was younger and had a blast. If you’re having fun and making bank keep doing it! You’re 18, your mother doesn’t control you anymore. 
Corpse_Husband: Pewdiepie is a subscriber to your channel
Corpse_Husband: That should be enough motivation
T/N: you have weird ways of making me happy :’) 
Corpse_Husband: I do have facts. 
Corpse_Husband: But seriously, please dont have a panic attack, those suck. But do you wanna play more Among Us? It might cheer you up :D 
T/N: Yeah yeah yeah thanks. And sure, I’ll play more among us. Thanks Corpse, your the best best friend 🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🌹🌹🥀
Corpse_Husband: 🥺
~The End~ 
Oh my god this ones terrible. I might rewrite it in the future. 
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shoichee · 4 years
Hey! I read your Kise imagine recently and I adore it, it's rare to see someone write about manga!kise and I really loved it. Furthermore your writing is so so good to read 🥰 I wanted to ask you Kise x reader prompt 1! I would really like to read about him in such a situation ☺ Thank you Iain advance 😘
WAHHH TYSM ANON <33 IM SO HAPPY HEHE, and phew yall thought asshole kise was something but... have yall heard of TEIKO-era asshole kise??! NO?? dw, bc he’s debuting here // i wanted to really showcase his dual sides through more of dialogue (so we won’t really see what’s in Kise’s mind for this), so here it is hope you enjoy this anon! 
Kise x Reader
Prompt: “We’re not just friends and you fucking know it.”
Word Count: 2120
prompt list here
»»————— ☼ —————��«
“We’re not just friends and you fucking know it, Kise.”
“Huh?” he mocks with a condescending tone. “I didn’t peg you as someone who’d pull shit out of their ass like my last ‘ex-girlfriend.’ Just because I let you hang around me doesn’t mean you can parade around campus with an inflated ego.”
Your hands shake furiously at your sides, trying not to punch the basketball player square in the face.
“Me? With an ego? Look who’s damn talking!” you seethe. “I’m tired of the fact that we keep playing this stupid flirting game for months, only for it to go absolutely nowhere!”
“Have you ever stopped to use your brain and think about how flirting inherently is done in good casual fun?” Kise explains slowly, implying that you were the immature one in the situation. “Meanwhile, you have the audacity to get mad at me when you’re the one who’s using me for your own selfish gain!” Kise sends a heated glare but his eyes were tinged with betrayal.
“What the hell are you even talking about? Are you out of your mind?”
“Fuck this,” he scoffs, throwing his hands up in mock surrender. “I’m leaving, I’m not dealing with this shit anymore. If you want attention, I’m not gonna entertain you anymore.”
“No, you will not leave!” you yell, trying to stop Kise in his tracks. He merely ignores you as he holds up a hand to do a wave with his back to you. “You’re going to explain what the hell you were talking about!”
You sprinted and held onto his sleeve to tug him back to face you, only to be met by the most bone-chilling gaze from him. You would’ve absolutely cowered in his presence if it wasn’t for the fact that you were irrationally angry from the false accusations Kise threw at you prior. You can definitely tell that Kise was biting his inner cheek to keep himself reasonably calm.
“Ryōta,” you say.
“Don’t call me by my first name anymore,” he says flatly.
“Where did you get the idea that I was using you?”
“Hah! Why? Does it matter? Are you gonna go to them and try to threaten them after? It’s so clear from the way you’re talking right now that you only see me as a prize to show off.” You inhale a huge breath to stop yourself from saying something you’ll regret.
“I never saw you as some object, Ryōta,” you mildly scoff. “Let me make myself clear. All I wanted was a clear answer from you every time I asked you if you wanted something serious, but every single damn time, you changed the subject or never answered the question!”
“It’s all done in good fun. Does it really need to be serious?”
“But I want something serious with you!”
Kise merely turns away in silence, but you can see his body slightly tremble.
“... Ryōta?”
“Don’t lie to me like that…” he says, slightly sucking a breath. “... Look, if you really wanna use me to boost your popularity, just… just come clean, okay? I’ll go along with it if you tell me now. After all, we’ve been… good friends.”
“Lie? Why would I lie? I never thought once of using you or having any motives other than to get to know you personally as a friend, Ryōta,” you say, looking down on the grip you had on his sleeve still.
“What reason is there to know someone like this other than to activate a ticking time bomb while playing a game to pass that time? Isn’t that how it’s always been? Isn’t that what we are right now?”
Your senses tell you that something deeper beyond this surface argument has been troubling him. You slowly let go of his sleeve, before turning away with a sigh, leaving Kise absolutely confused.
“I think we both need to cool our heads,” you sigh. “We’ve both said too much, and… just… forget what I said, okay? And I’ll forget about what you told me.” Kise’s eyes widen at your statement.
“We can still do light-hearted banter like we always do the next time we see each other, okay Kise?” Your fists on your sides tremble before you hold up your head to give him a cheerful smile that’s eerily all too familiar to his own. You turn to walk away, but his heart squeezes painfully at the sight of your back to him like this. You’re so far from him. So far.
“Hold it, now…” he says, slightly sprinting to catch up to you. He grabs your hand, still balled tightly by your side. “You’re cruel, you know that? Demanding me not to leave but then leaving the conversation on your own accord? You’re a hypocrite.” He spins you around to see your eyes barely struggling to hold back fresh tears. Little did he know that your countenance was a mirror to his own.
“... Our heads aren’t in the right place, Kise. You should probably let go.”
“I probably should, huh…” he says, but still giving no sign that he was actually going through with it.
“Knowing you, you’d really hold my fist until someone has to actually separate you from me.”
“And knowing you, you’d probably punch me before anyone else had the chance to do so.”
“You know me so well, hm?” you muse, a tiny curl of your lip a different world than the one you gave moments before.
“... No,” he says with a slight frown. “I don’t think I know you well enough.”
“I don’t know you enough either, Kise.”
Silence falls between the two of you, frail as thin ice, before you eventually break it.
“... You’re right, this whole friendship we have right now… it’s a time bomb. It’s bound to fail and fall apart.”
“W-Wait,” Kise slightly says in shock. “That was… I didn’t mean it like—”
“No healthy relationship of any kind would last if we keep dancing around each other like this. I wanna be honest with you for once… I… don’t wanna do this banter anymore. I don’t wanna do these flirting games. I’m kinda tired of it. Especially when you always keep me at a distance.”
“Pfft, (y/n)-cchi,” he snorts loudly, flashing his sunny smile. “I’m practically so close to you holding your hand!”
“You know exactly what I mean,” you sigh, and you avert your gaze away. “You feel so far. I just… you feel so out of reach even when I’m in the same room as you… even as of now. I just want to know where we’ll end up.”
You firmly shake his grip off you, watching his hand falling back to his side as he does nothing but stare at you. You don’t know if he’s angry, offended, or shocked, but whatever his expression was, you couldn’t tell, not when you still stared at the concrete to the side rather than at him.
“Of course I wanna be friends with you,” you continue. “But can you blame me for believing that there’s something more between us when we do romantic gestures and flirting for months on end? If we’re just going to be friends, that’s fine, but I’d prefer if you’d also stop addressing me with -cchi, just to draw a clear boundary between us.” You finally look up to see Kise, but to your own shock, he looks quite bitter.
“You say that you’re confused about what we are, but then you go prattle to everyone else that you’re my significant other when we haven’t even talked a single thing about being a serious thing. You’re so fucking confusing.”
“I… did no such thing?” Your eyes, still puffy from the tear ducts, shine in genuine bewilderment.
“You… didn’t?”
“Are you kidding me? Are you fucking kidding me right now?”
“I… um… oh…” All he could do was to stand there completely stupefied, mouth gaping as multiple realizations suddenly hit him like bricks. He rubs his neck as he shamefully looks away.
“So tell me,” you slowly say, giving him a more bone-chilling gaze than the one he gave you. “What exactly have you been hearing in the hallways?” You both stand there in silence again as Kise struggles to think of a way to explain it without sounding completely dumb.
“Okay, look… I’m sorry… I shouldn’t have listened to the rumors so easily, especially since I despise them too, but… they were about you, and I just couldn’t help myself…” he mumbles. “I don’t know, I… the thought of you getting close to me to use me really, really hurts.”
“And you thought just cutting me off on the spot was the most reasonable decision you can think of?”
“H-Hey…! Don’t put it like that! I thought I knew you well, but when I heard what people gossiped, my mind just went somewhere, and I thought maybe I misread you at some point. If you really did have ulterior motives, cutting you off wouldn’t be as easy as that other girl. Because I… w-wait! Where are you going?!”
“Home, Kise,” you flatly say. “It’s after school after all.”
“At least hear what I have to say!” He tries to catch up with you, but you only speed walk to outpace him. “Let me explain myself!”
“Hypocrite~” you say, using Kise’s mocking voice. “I don’t recall you letting me explain myself in the beginning.”
“(y/n)-cchi, I’m sorry! I’ll pay for all the outings we’ll do this week! And um… I’ll always talk to you if something’s bothering me—don’t ignore me!”
“Didn’t I tell you not to use -cchi?” you sigh, stopping abruptly, causing Kise to accidentally bump against you. “I’ll forgive you, but we’re still only friends. I guess I’ll apologize for assuming things on my end, too.” Kise drops his head on your shoulder from behind, and you only roll your eyes in amusement at the familiar contact. “Oh dear, Kise. I didn’t think you were the type to be so clingy after a fight.”
“Okay, I’ll ‘fess up,” he says, voice muffled by your uniform blazer. “Even though we’ve always gotten along so well, there’s always been a part of me who’s been on the lookout for any possible signs that you only saw me for my reputation. While I enjoyed having you around, I had always been ready to cut you off if I saw anything suspicious, but… lately the thought of letting you go ached so much… and then I heard what the other students were talking about… how you were acting the entire time… how you somehow screwed over other people before… couldn’t really think properly after that.”
“Boo hoo,” you huff. “Do you want a kiss to make you feel better?”
“... I actually do.”
“I think our heads haven’t completely cooled down. I’m going ahead.” You were about to walk away, even though you very much enjoyed his head on your shoulder, but his arms wrap around you to stop moving any further from his side.
“You said that you wrongly assumed what we were…” he whispers. “But you’re actually right. We’ve been more than friends for a while without me really acknowledging it,” he chuckles at your groan, “I guess you really do know me well… I’m really attached to you… but it’s not fair that you’re so collected even when I’m hugging you like this.”
“Kise, you’re an idiot, do you know that?” you snort. “How are you hugging me but not noticing how fast my heart is beating?”
“H-Hey! Can you call me by my first name again? I said it without really thinking, okay? It hurts me every time you do that.” He gives the most comical pout, but you only punch the top of his head on your shoulder before walking ahead.
“I’m still mad at you. I’m going home.”
“(y/n)-cchi, w-wait! Let me walk you home, then!”
“Don’t call me that either. I’m still mad at you.”
“But aren’t we dating now? I can call you that if we’re a thing.”
“But I’m still mad. You still said all those horrible things, and that stung. You think you’re the only one hurting right now?”
“I’m really, really sorry! I’ll make it up to you, and I won’t say anything like that again, and…”
“You’re not being really convincing.”
“I know I was being immature and the one with the inflated ego, and I said things that aren’t remotely true—”
You sigh before you turn back to a panicking Kise behind you.
“Then you better make it up to me by cuddling me and telling me some sweet nothings, because I can really use that right now, Ryōta.”
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sunqyu · 4 years
~ Treasure realizing they love you and the first time they say it pt 1.
Request 1: “ hmm im all in cute feelings, so FIRST I LOVE YOUS with treasure reaction thingy, would be super sweet 🙊💗🌼🌼 “ - anon
Request 2: “ i love your writing! treasure realizing theyre in love with their s/o🥺 “ - anon
These requests are both so adorable and fitting so I decided to combine them. Hope you enjoooy. Also, buckle up ‘cause ITS A LONG ONE AGAIN. Got carried away as usual so it’ll be in two parts. K BYE <3 - Nova
realizing it
it doesn’t take much to make Hyunsuk like you
but to actually fall in love with you
that’s a different story
he’s alone at the studio, trying to get his verse right
every time he fixes something he didn’t like, he notices something else
he’s sat at his desk, elbows next to the keyboard
head hanging down with his fingers tangled in his hair
a sharp inhale
a shaky exhale
then his phone lights up, a message from you, asking if he’s home yet and how his day went
2.30am, he reads
he starts typing, frantically, on and on as the chaos in his head makes it’s way onto his phonescreen
only for him to stop and delete it all because he knows what he really wants to send you
but it’s too late and he doesn’t want to be a burden, you need your sleep too
when he looks up and sees his own reflection in the, now dimly lit, screen of his computer
another sharp inhale
‘Not so great to be honest, can I come to your place?’ sent.
on the way to your house he’s still thinking about turning back
but all those thoughts are long gone the moment you open the door
your eyes beaming at him, messy bun wiggling side to side and you’re wrapped up in a blanket
his heart melts as he feels the tightness in his temples and neck from the stress subside
‘Hi- I missed you.’
you probably didn’t notice but he almost said something else
he snickers to himself, that would’ve been a bit early
saying it
definitely the type to say it without realizing what he’s saying
you two are getting groceries
which, even though it’s not a special thing, is always so much fun
this time you ended up playing hide and seek
it wasn’t really discussed, you just lost Hyunsuk at one point and decided to turn it into a game instead of calling him
which means it’s your turn now
it had been over 20 minutes and he was getting worried
very impressed with your skills
but worried
in the end he decided to call you
to his surprise he hears your ringtone behind him
he turns around
the ringtone is still behind him
he turns around
what the-
he turns around but really fast this time
his eyes meet yours a second before you start dying from laughter
‘How long where you doing that for-?’ he laughed in self-pity and disbelieve
when he finds out you never left he sighs
‘Ugh- I love you.’ he mutters inbetween chuckling
for a second he freezes, a thousand things running through his mind
but y’know what? fuck it.
‘Yea- it’s true. I love you.’
realizing it
also seems like someone who does not fall in love quickly
mostly because he’s not looking for it, he doesn’t feel the need to be in love to be happy
but once he does
oh boy
so when you came in his life he wasn’t thinking about a potential relationship
or wondering if you two would be compatible
he simply enjoyed your presence and you two got closer as friends
because of this the moment he realizes he has feelings for you will be overwhelming for him
wasn’t ready
you weren’t even doing anything different than usual
just eating in the yg cafetaria, both rambling about things
subjects that made people walking by look up because they didn’t get the full story
out of nowhere he fell hard
the mechanism that’s supposed to be his brain malfunctioning
croissant in mid-air
it all just made sense
the reason why he could never be sad around you
the reason that made your eyes twinkle more than anyone elses
the reason you saying his name sounds different than when anyone else says it
the reason he’s now sitting with his mouth wide open staring at you without really looking at you
‘Y-yea, I was listening. Ofcourse I was.’
saying it
probably says it on a special occasion
not planned or anything
it just seemed fitting in that moment
he realized before you two were even dating so it’s not like there’s any doubt left
still, expressing it feels like a very big step
it was quite a warm autumn evening
you were sitting on the floor at the salon table
filled with food from different places
‘I’m so proud of us.’ he beamed
you had just finished a very important essay which is going to be a great advantage when looking for an internship
he had just ended filming their third music video
‘I wish I could show you, you’re gonna love it.’ he mumbled before grabbing another bite
it looked like a feast but takeout-style
you continue eating, enjoying each others company
all the windows were open because of the nice weather
a soft breeze would ruffle the curtains
the subtle sound mixing well with the music
Jihoon had looked for just the right playlist for almost half an hour
and it couldn’t have been more perfect
the warm light of the candles was accompanied by a desklight
you got it out of your room because the ceiling light wasn’t cozy but the candles weren’t enough to see each other’s face (or the food)
the topic slowly drifts to more nostalgic memories
dates to the beach, your weekend in Japan, meeting his friends
‘You know what’s funny? out of all of those memories the one that is most special to me was a really simple one.’ something in his expression changed and you sat calmly, waiting for him to continue
‘It was a few days before I asked you out on our first date. We were at yg, eating something.’ he grabbed another bite of food, chuckling at your impatient response
‘I don’t know what it was but out of nowhere I realized I was in love with you.’ the words came out while he looked at his plate, looking up only a second before he continued
‘I still do. I love you-, even more each day.’
realizing it
there’s not really a specific moment where it hit him
his love for you grew gradually
which is exactly how he liked it
from the moment he met you he was never nervous around you
he never felt like he wasn’t good enough or like he had to try harder
everything made sense from day one
there would be moments where is heart could burst from it
like the time you tried to fix his broken jeans with a youtube tutorial
or when you first fell asleep on his chest
the worst was when he couldn’t see you for a few days
as if the love in him grew and grew but he couldn’t give it to you
he just felt like he was going to explode sometimes
the other boys would notice very easily
‘I know it’s only a few days, you guys are right.’
his mind didn’t listen to his own words
‘I’m fine- I promise.’
but if it’s a few more hours he might not be
he would go to bed quite early these days
after he noticed that trying to distract himself wasn’t working
he’d scroll through photo’s you took together
and photo’s he took of you
he’d sent you another text, hoping your phone was off so he wouldn’t wake you up
a strange mix of happiness and sadness
luckily once he realizes his sadness is temporary and it only shows how special you are to him he’ll be able to focus on the happiness
thinking about all the memories you’ve made and will make in the future as he slowly drifts to sleep
saying it
finally he was going to see you again
it was only like three days but boy was he DEPRIVED
he was the first done packing
the first in the car
the first to run into the dorm and put his bag away
aaaand the first to run out the door again
you two had been texting all day about movies to watch and all the stories he wanted to tell
his knee bumped up and down in the bus
he couldn’t remember the last time he was this hyped
only three more stops
he gazed out the window chuckling at himself
who would’ve thought someone could make him feel like this?
his hand clutched on to the souvenir he got you
two more stops
an old couple got in
yoshi always had a weakness for happy old couple
but now especially
he smiled politely at them
admiring how in love they looked
that would be you in the future, he thought to himself
one more stop
his smile was still on his face
recognizing restaurants you two went to
clothing stores where you complimented his style
and then
the bus stop
it’s the one where you two met
he still can’t believe he managed to strike up a conversation with you that day
but it must’ve been meant to be
he looked around frantically as soon as his foot hit the sidewalk
the sound of your shoes on the floor came closer
he turned to face the sound and before he could even see your face he was holding you in his arms again
tightly as if to tell the world you were his
a deep sigh left his mouth before he mumbled into your hair
‘I love you- I missed you so much. I’m so happy to see you.’
realizing it
‘stop being weird-’ ‘says who?’
you and Junkyu were laying on his bed
both with your limbs spread out, staring at the ceiling
you weren’t sure how long you’d been there
he hummed along to the song you just put on
before being interrupted by the sound of his own stomach
‘Oh wow- sounds like it’s time for lunch.’ 
you nodded in agreement as you grabbed your phone
he started thinking about what to get, watching you tap away on your phone
your hair was laying in a circle around your head
a shadow from the ceilinglight behind your phone over your eyes
he noticed how you pupils dilated as they adjusted to the light everytime your moved your phone a bit
your eyes are cool af, woah
he turned to his side, still looking at your features while you scrolled on your phone
the song changed and this time it was you humming along
your voice is so nice, he thought to himself
his dreamy moment was interrupted by you looking at him
oh right- food
‘Uh- I want uh-..’
to his surprise you tell him you already ordered
‘What- what about me?’
you listed the things you ordered for him, saying how you definitely knew what he wanted by now
he was shocked
then he wouldn’t know who is
his dreamy moment continued, even though you were staring right back this time, confused
he never felt like this before
like he wants to fast-forward and sit in a rocking chair with you, grumbling about youth
this is love isn’t it?
saying it
he promised
he promised he wasn’t going to fall asleep during the movie
but look at him now
soft deep breathing, lips slightly parted as he was laying against you
even though you didn’t want to wake him up you had already seen this movie with friends and the remote was all the way on the table
you reached forward in slow motion
Junkyu moved, rubbing his cheek against your shoulder before mumbling under his breath and laying still again
that was close
the journey continues
you were only 10cm away from reaching the remote
‘N-no hh.. stay h- ple ase.’
a dilemma
lean forward a bit more or sit back and just let the man sleep?
bit more
your fingertips grazed the remote and it wobble side to side
‘Babe?-’ that definitely sounded more awake then earlier
but when you look at him you see he’s definitely not fully awake yet
‘Come back to beeed-’ he whined
bed? boy, we’re on the couch
you didn’t mention it and instead quickly grabbed the remote before you sat back down a little faster
‘Th-nk yo-’ he held you tighter
‘Love you-’
wait what?
realizing it
seems like a hopeless romantic to me
so might realize quite fast
this man has been fantasizing and imagining his future love life for so long
not to the point where he’s yanking flowers apart to find out if you love him or not
but he sees the beauty in so many things
enjoys the warmth of the sun on his skin
likes to watch people going about their day and thinking what their life is like
leaves sweet notes on receipts for hardworking employees to find when they come clean his table
little things but a lot of things
he has an eye for beauty and knows exactly how to use it for his own happiness
so he quickly noticed how happy you made him
it was again, the little things
but so so many
how your pinky finger was always a little higher than the rest when your hands were relaxed
how the cute baby hairs on the back of your neck would always leave your ponytail within minutes of putting your hair up
how your foot would bounce up and down when you sat with your legs crossed, even if there was no music
how every time you called him cute he had to keep himself from calling you cute because he knew you’d hide your face in your hands right after
the way you sat against the mirror when you came to watch him practice
sleeves of his sweater to long for your arms as you clapped after each song
loving you wasn’t something that happens at one point
it’s built within him since the moment you met
it just grows and grows as you take care of it with your cuteness and love
saying it
so much snow
the snowflakes were most visible under the light of the streetlanterns
appearing and disappearing as they went back into the dark nightsky
the crisp sound from under your shoes was relaxing
you and Mashiho had a snowballfight after finishing about 20 snowangels each
it had gotten dark before you knew it so now you were walking home
his arm around your shoulder, rubbing softly to keep you warm
you felt the cold water through your gloves but sharing bodyheat was all you needed
both of you had soft smiles on your faces, walking in content silence
and you were also just EXHAUSTED so the quiet evening was a nice change
in some of the houses you walked by you could already see christmaslights and trees
he noticed you looking
‘Lets get our own decorations soon.’ 
you nodded happily, leaning against him a little more
this was going to be your first christmas together
you never expected to celebrate it with someone this year
the idea of setting up a tree together and the coziness it would bring made him feel warm inside
you discussed fun things you could do for christmas
ways to surprise the boys or what you wanted to eat
he listened to you talk about memories and future plans
when he noticed how clearly he was already involved in those future plans he couldn’t help himself
‘Hey-’ he gave your shoulder a squeeze to make you look at him
‘I love you, so so much-‘
realising it
it was the first time you were going to meet the rest of Jaehyuk’s group
a little nervous but mostly excited you walked to the front door
he told you to text him when you got there so he could see you before the rest did
a few second after you saw he read your message the door opens
you get a kiss on the lips, a tight hug and a kiss on your forehead all after each other
he wanted to show you love but also wanted to mentally prepare you for what was about to him
don’t get him wrong, he loves the other members with all his heart but he could imagine them being a little.... overwhelming.
before he could even ask you if you were nervous the yells from the living room began
curious heads peeking out from behind his back, 11 hands reaching out to you as they all wanted to introduce themselves first
you could make out some teasing to Jae followed by someone’s voice trying to keep the peace
he looked at you with slight worry in his face, only to be greeted by a cheerful smile
before he knew it you were bashing out jokes left and right
even standing up for him a few times in the funniest ways
he couldn’t be happier
so many people he loved in one room
one in particular though
he took a moment to sit back against the couch and look around in awe
so happy
after a few hours and some good food it was time for you to go home
he watched you end your conversation with Asahi
who, to his surprise, seemed like he didn’t want the conversation to end
you waved goodbye to everyone and got loads of no’s and why’s in return
‘It’s late guys, she still has to go home.’
saying it
you still heard the whining when you and Jae reached the front door
you talked a few more minutes about how much you enjoyed yourself and the funny and awkward moments you two noticed
‘Apparently you don’t only make me happy but my friends too.’
you beamed at the compliment
even though you enjoyed the night as well, the validation that they did too meant a lot to you
‘So I’ve been approved?’ ‘Clearly.’
he insisted on walking you home 
you discussed the evening even more
he explained more about their personalities and memories he has with them which now made so much sense to you
your fingers were intertwined, arms swinging back and forth playfully
for some reason he felt a lump in his throat
but he couldn’t quite figure out why
it even distracted him from your conversation a few times
which is very unlike him so you noticed quickly
when you stopped walking to ask him what was wrong
looking him in the eye to show you you were not taking nothing for an answer
the determined look in your eyes made him realize what it was
what he had been holding back
but he didn’t say it
not yet
after a few minutes you reached your frontdoor
‘Thank you for the great evening, I’m sure they’ll want you back as soon as possible.’
he leaned in for a goodnight’s kiss, holding you close a little tighter than usual
for a second he pulled back
‘I love you-’
before connecting your lips again
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glassartpeasants · 4 years
I’m Sorry
Shigaraki x Reader
Warnings: Angst, like REALLY ANGST
A/N: I came up with this at work, i literally wrote down an entire plot to a story in about 30 minutes. I don’t know if i should feel proud or ashamed
You sat in your car sighing heavily as you put the seat down to look up at the stars, since you had opened your sunroof. Your arms going behind your head to create a make shift pillow as you waited for your boyfriends response.
Tomura Shigaraki, Leader of the League of villains was your boyfriend, and god did you love him. You loved him more then anything else in the world. But for some reason it felt like he was ignoring you. You look at the text your sent and just stared at it wondering if you said something wrong. You scanned over it again realizing he just hadn’t opened it yet.
You grab the necklace that was hanging around your neck and fiddle with it between your fingers. The metal reminding you of when he officially asked for you to be his.
The necklace was a symbol of devotion to one another. You always wore the necklace cause it made you feel butterflies every time you looked at it. Shigaraki always wore his too. It was so romantic,
Well it was romantic.
You had noticed recently that he stopped wearing it, or forgetting. You didn’t mind at first cause everyone’s forgetful sometimes but it did bother you when it became a regular thing. He’d always say he left it on his nightstand or took it off when he was going to bed. These were all rational explanations but he didn’t even bother to put it back on. It felt like you guys were drifting apart, which ripped a hole right through your heart.
Not to mention every time you went into the hideout, everyone gave you looks of pity. You don’t know why they did but you weren’t gonna question it. You refused to believe that Shigaraki would do anything to hurt you.
After your little session in the car you had gone grocery shopping for the League, something you would do often. They gave you a list of food they wanted and you got it for them.
You packed up all the groceries in your car and drove towards the building. You smiled all the way there. They didn’t know you were coming it was going to be a suprise! Oh won’t Shigaraki be happy!
You park outside the building and as you got out you see a lady coming out of the building you’ve never seen before. Normally you wouldn’t mind someone like that but...
She had Shigaraki’s hoodie on.
“Hey wait miss! Can i speak to you?” You said running up to her.
“Oh of course, what do you need?”
“Um i was wondering where you got the jacket from? I really like it.” You lie, you wanna know why this woman has your man’s jacket on, but you wanna hear what she has to say first before you go ape shit.
“Oh its my boyfriends! Isn’t it cool! That’s not the only thing he got me either, he gave me this necklace as well. He told me that as long as i have this on, it would show how much i love him. Isn’t that romantic!” Your heart shattered in your chest. You couldn’t believe it. No you wouldn’t, he said he only loved you. How long as this affair been going on? You needed more answers.
“That’s super awesome! How long have you guys been dating?” You smile holding back your tears and the burning urge to scream out of your chest.
“Almost 1 year!” She was so happy, could you tell her? Would she even believe you? She seemed even more happy then you been for the part 2 months, she seemed to be everything you weren’t.
Long hair, curvy, not an inch of skin imperfections, and lets not forget how much bigger her chest was compared to yours. She was everything a man could ever want. Hell she was there for most of your relationship, you guys have been dating for a year and 4 months.
“IM so happy for you! I have to go but i hope to see you later!” You lie through your teeth, you never wanted to see her again.
She drove off while you open the doors to the building looking down as tears streamed your face, your lungs burning with the need to scream and sob.
You open the door to the main room where Shigaraki sat with, Dabi, Spinner. Toga, and Twice. Your arms shaking as you could feel everyone staring at you.
“(Y/N) what brings you here?” Spinner asked before you pushed past him, you grabbed the necklace from off your neck, pulling it off letting bits and pieces of the chain to fall onto the floor. You throw the necklace at Shigaraki before slapping him across the face.
“How fucking dare you! Your such an inconsiderate piece of shit! You thought i wouldn’t find out?! Was she good huh?! Was she worth it?!” Your screams could e heard through the entire building, everyone’s eyes on you as you screamed at their leader. Shigaraki’s eyes were wide, you could see it behind father.
“Don’t say a thing! I should have never agreed to be your girlfriend! Was it because she had a better body then me?! Did she satisfy your fucking needs?!” Your rage was outstanding as more tears streamed down your face, the pain of knowing your supposed love of your life was going around with other women. Shigaraki said nothing as he took the screams, his eyes soon looked uninterested and bored, which only fueled your fire.
“You know what fuck you, i wish i never met you. Enjoy that bitch cause im done!” You only cry more as you ran out of the room and out of the building, getting into your car and driving off.
Shigaraki didn’t move an inch as trying to keep his composure. But on the inside he was shaking. He was going to break it off he promised! He was going to the next time he saw her, why couldn’t you have come a little later? Why did you just show up damn you!
Your words cut like knives into Shigaraki’s skin, as the image of you crying kept replaying in his head.
“Nice job Handman.” Shigaraki turned his head towards the burnt male.
“IT’s not your place to talk so shut the hell up.”
“It’s not your place to talk either, must suck knowing the girl that would have taken a bullet for you left you. But can’t say i didn’t see this coming.” Shigaraki stayed silent. He didn’t want to say anything he just wanted to figure out a way to make you come back.
1 month later
Ice cream.
As stereotypical as that sounds, ice cream had become your best friend for the past few weeks. You just ate your heart away, not mentioning that you threw up everything you ate.
After your fight with Shigaraki you blocked him on everything. His number? Blocked. His gamer profile? Blocked. Everything was blocked.
You had even moved to another part of town, he knew where you lived so you just deiced to up and leave, your lease was over soon anyways. You thankfully found another apartment. It was small but it was perfect for you.
You’ve watched the news a few times looking for any sign of Shigaraki and his plans. But nothing occurred.
“Aw shit-” You ran to the bathroom as fast as you could about to throw up everything you ate that day.
“Well fuck.” You look down at the home pregnancy test. A positive home pregnancy test.
“What do i do now?” You sat down on the bathroom floor looking up at the ceiling. You liked kids so having on shouldn’t be a problem right? 
But the fact that it was your cheating ex’s is the problem...
“No! I will not think about that crusty rat anymore! I don’t need him to be happy i have everything i need right here!” You say to yourself as you get up off the bathroom floor.
“I will take care of this baby and I’ll be the best mother that their could possibly be!” You hype yourself up as smile to yourself. He may be Shigaraki’s child ut that doesn’t mean you can’t love your kid. You would love the kid to the ends of the earth, and no cheating ex will stop that.
Shigaraki laid down on his bed staring at the ceiling, tears threatening to spill from his eyes. He couldn’t help it, he’d actually lost you.
He tried contacting in in every form possible, once he realize you blocked his number. Once he called from a payphone only to find out you changed your number as well.
He broke off ties with the other girl, hoping it would bring you back. Which it didn’t. 
Now he was alone again, the feeling of emptiness crept back up from the depths of his mind as his bed was cold. Your body no longer there to warm it. It ate him alive, the realization that he would never feel your fingertips brush through his hair again or the comforting words you said that put him to sleep.
His thoughts were his own worse enemy, he hated how much that fateful day replayed in his head. Over and over again until it corrupted his everyday life.
His bitterness was soon taking over. The madness that was Tomura Shigaraki slowly crept into his thoughts. Corrupting them, warping his mind making it seem like you were in the wrong not him.
He couldn’t bare to handle the insufferable guilt that he felt so he occupied himself with work. Running the LOV to escape the fractured pieces of his mind.
Within 3 months you were no longer plaguing his mind.
We skipping to when reader give birth
As you laid down in the hospital bed with your newborn child in your hand you couldn’t help but tear up. 
You were 100% sure that your little girl was going to look like her dad, hell she even had the same eyes and mole. 
But you couldn’t dwell on the fact she didn’t have a single feature of yours yet all you could think about was the amazing smile she gave you as soon as she saw you.
“Aren’t you just the sweetest little thing.” You cooed at the baby as she giggled at you. She reached her little chubby baby hands at you and grabbed your nose. You chuckled before giving her a kiss on the cheek as you sung her a little lullaby in your arms.
2 Years later
You watch the TV as the war keeps going on. Fighting and war is all people seem to do nowadays. You were afraid, your not even scared to admit it. After hearing about Shigaraki and learning that He’s now the leader of a huge army made you very scared for your daughter. HE may not know she exists but it still scares you.
You sigh at the Tv before getting up and putting on your jacket getting ready to pick up your daughter from your parents house.
You step out of your door and lock it before going down to your car. Putting your purse in the passenger seat as you buckled up and started the car before pulling out on the road.
Little did you know someone was watching...
“Pwease! pwetty pwease!” Your daughter whined trying to convince you to let her play on the swings near your parents house. You looked at your daughter as she gave you the puppy eyes.
“Fine, your lucky i love you so much.” You daughter squealed as she ran to the swing and waited for your help.
You laugh as you put your daughter in the baby swing and push her a little bit. Her baby blue hair moving along with the motions. You were right when she got her appearance from Shigaraki but she had your facial features.
‘At least she got something from me’ You chuckled to yourself before you hear your daughters giggles grow quiet.
“Sweetie what’s wrong?” Concern wired in your voice. She kept on looking on the other side of the street, so you look too.
Once your eyes were scanning for a bit they blew wide open as a patch of similar blue hair caught your vision.
No it couldn’t be....you moved how did Shigaraki... how did he find you?
You pick up your daughter before quickly walking towards your car. You car was in eye sight before a gruff voice stopped you in your tracks.
“Is she mine....”You back stiffened as you felt his eyes burning into you. There was no escaping him at this moment.
“Mommy who’s that?” Your daughter asked, her little body trembling as she looked at the hooded man in fear.
“Shigaraki, take your hood off your scaring her.” Your voice stern, laced with poison as all the emotions waved over you once more.
“You know i can’t do that. Answer my question, is she mine.” His voice laced in the same poison you once spoke in.
“No shit sherlock.” You look at him as you hear him let out a huff of air.
“Can...can i see her...” His voice was weak as you saw his hand twitch. HE refused to look at you the entire time.
“You think I’d let you see her?! Shigaraki look at yourself! Your an S-Class villain! If people saw you with her they’d go after her! Im not letting you see her.”
“I know im a villain but she’s my kid too damnit!”
“You didn’t even know she existed! Why now huh?! Why after almost 3 years do you decide to show up now huh?!” Your voice shooting daggers into Shigaraki’s heart once more.
He happened to stumble by you guys on accident, he was walking home from getting a new game when he heard your voice. It may have been years but he could always remember your lullaby you use to sing him to sleep. He walked over to your location and dropped the game on to the cold concrete as he saw you holding a little girl in your arms.
His crimson eyes widen as he stared at the exact copy of himself. There was no way, how could you not have told him?
“Let me guess you accidentally saw us and now you want to be with me again?!” You screamed at him but immediately stopped when you heard sniffling coming from the little girl in your arms.
“Hey, Hey its okay Sayori, mommy’s just a little angry that’s all, im sorry for screaming.” You say as your run your fingers through her hair.
“Please...just...can i not even look at her.....” You could hear it, the pain in his voice. The tiniest part inside you begging you to give him another chance but the realization of having to protect your daughter over through your love for him.
“No. Shouldn’t have cheated. Not going to let my baby be in harms way because her father can’t seem to keep his dick in his pants.” You turn around and walk away leaving Shigaraki at the playground as you drove off.
Shigaraki felt his soul leave his body as his knees gave out. He started to sob uncontrollably. The once dormant flashbacks of your heartbroken face now replayed in his mind once again. 
Hiccuping as his sobs became much more inaudible. He felt like shit, the thought of his turning up like his father blew his mind as it only added to the pain. Images of what could have been a happy family replay in his head as he could just imagine a world where he has you by his side and his daughter in his arms.
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shyrose57 · 3 years
Brothers anon, im gonna start combing the two separate submissions again cause its getting too short to have them separate I think?
1: His possession messed with memories Ranbob had before, so memories of school friends or playing with Ran were distant to erased. Though after Dreams possession it was also harder to make and keep memories. But thankfully as Ranbob was recovering from Dream and got futher away making memories came eaiser to him, though he'll never get back the memories he lost. 
3: Oh he would very quickly grow to regret his decision, but it would be funny. And Benjamin would later admit that while it was annoying and stressful, it was also fun and he was very happy to have his two families meet and generally get along. 
8: Everyone is just in shocked silence before Cletus just goes "YEAHHHHHHHHHH!" Oddly happy that Ranboo committed so much arson. Oh definitely, after all the outcasts of society where put there. Of course people would make such negative rumors about Mizu and treat the people as the scum of the earth. Though this also means, people don't know what happened in Mizu, and anyone who knows, view it in a more happy and a "Their finally gone" type of way, then viewing it as the tragedy it was. 
Spoons is a card game technically. A group of people sit in a group and everyone gets 4 cards, and you keep discarding at least 1 card of yours to the person on your left, who then does the same to their person on their left, the last person in the group puts a card into a discard pile. The goal is to get 4 of the same cards, and once someone gets 4 of the same cards, that person goes and grabs a spoon in a pile in front of them (let's say there's 5 players, theres only going to be 4 spoons cause there's always a spoon less than the people playing), once they grab one anyone can grab a spoon. And the person who doesn't get a spoon gets a S added to them, once Spoons is spelled the person gets out of the game, and a spoon gets removed to continue the game. Basically for flowers its played the exact same way but with flowers in the middle expect for spoons.
11: I just imagine Dream sulking in a corner as you yell at him and him going like "well I didn't know…" as he kicks a stone. And he wasnt sure what it was, but quickly jumped on the idea that maybe it was the fact that Ran was still alive somewhere, and that that's causing Ranbob to willingly let himself become weak and defy him. Causing Dream to become angrier at Ran and punish Ranbob harder. 
3: During the brothers fight in the storm, and after everyone runs off to find Ranbob, Ran is left alone. And he decides to just wander off into the storm, not protecting himself from the rain so he does get burnt. The whole time he's lost deep in thought and isn't really paying attention. He continues to wander for a whole day unfollowed (because after the Gladiators and Fishermen came back to the cave after finding Ranbob they are in no rush to find Ran and decide to look for him after the storm passes, which takes a full day) and at some point Raq finds him wandering. Which Raq then uses Rans distraction to his advantage and attacks him. At first only really the gladiators where concerned when they found Ran gone. But once they found him blinded and terrified everyone felt awful and a looming sense of guilt. And everyone continued to feel that way, even after they got the antidote and Ran started to see again.
4: They would just leave Ranbob alone and check in on him every now and again. But generally let him deal with it himself. They'd feel guilty leaving him alone, but they also know that they can't really do anything for him as their not prepared or briefed on how to help him in this situation. 
10: Oh definitely, even with Ran blinded they would've been kicked out immediately for fighting, without even a second glance. Dont forget, Ran still cares for his brother. And maybe, losing his sight made him face the side of him that wanted to become family again with Ranbob, maybe it brought enough to light that he just can't ignore it anymore. Mostly only negative potions can be permanent, like posion, blinding, wither, and nausea (I know the last like 3/2 are effects but they've also found a way to make effects into potions.). You already know what a antidote for blindness would be. A antidote for wither would be, a ghast tear (actually a basic ingredient for almost every antidote), blaze powder, and glistening melon to make a overpowered healing potion. Antidote for posion would be ghast tear, swiftness (so it acts fast to get rid of the posion), and the 3rd ingredient depends on what kind of posion it  was (posion that has a side effect of constricting or filling the lungs with water? Pufferfish and Turtle shell for last ingredients. Posion that has weakness? Blaze powder, and glistening melon) And antidote for nausea would be ghast tear, and potion of slowness to allow the person to slowly feel better, so their nausea doesn't hit them all at once before disappearing, which can cause them to throw up or have side effects. 
13: Thats exactly what they did. 
14: Jackie will 100% attempt to fight God and no one can stop him. :) (to be honest im not sure yet, I know I want to do more with Raq and have the idea that maybe he could be the person that finds Dream and gets him out of Mizu, but that's pretty often used in stories and I want to try to think of something more unique. Maybe I'll have it so Raq actually manages to capture the brothers or at least one of them and uses them as blackmail?)
15: When Ranbob was a child and Ran was just a baby Ranbob would often take Ran out of his crib and take him to go watch the fish swim by. When Ran was old enough he'd follow Ranbob everywhere, even a few times he managed to sneak into Ranbobs class room and almost wasn't caught. Ran got extremely clingy one day and managed to gather his haunting all up into his arms and carried them around, even though he was obviously struggling. And Ranbob used to complain about his teachers and idiotic classmates whenever he got home, which is funny when you consider Ran was very impressiable at the time and Ran started mimicking Ranbob, leading to him cursing, much to Ranbobs dismay. 
And im curious, do you have any questions that I havent answered? Or do you have any ideas for anything? I'd love to hear whatever you have to say about anything honestly!
Course! I dont have much lore wise other than they go to Kelalen and when they hear Dream is still around they decide to stay back to help fight him. But the idea I have is that Karl is just kinda hanging with everyone I listed, talking about allies or treaties when his time traveling clock/watch starts to go off, and he panics, but sadly in his haste to stop it he makes it worse and it grabs everyone, where they end up in the future. After hours of confusion and explaining they calm down. When 2 days later they find the Gladiator and Fishermen group, at first Karl is strongly against going to then for help, but everyone basically ignores him and go to ask for help. Hours of explanation and proof giving later the GF (Gladiator and Fishermen, got tired of writing it out) group sadly tells them that they cant really help. Until Ran (who was previously gone searching the surrounding area and making sure it was safe) appears high up on a tree (cause I just can't get the image of Ran on a tree and looking comfortable and confident as hell out of my head), and says that maybe Kelalen can help, if not going to Foolish may be a good alternative. Isaac, and Grievous are extremely against going back (at this time a 2 months have past since they left Kelalen)n saying it could be dangerous but Ran just aboustely shoots them down, along with Watson and Jackie agreeing with Ran, and Karls group agreeing to it. They head off to Kelalen. And Jackie is extremely excited at the potential of going to see Foolish finally. And it'd probably be like a sub au where the brothers au is the main backbone for it but at a certain point it separates from the au and becomes its own.
1: Okay, ouch. Can you imagine if Ran brought one of those memories up, and just had Ranbob look confused, or horrified, depending on how quick he realizes what happened? How would Ran react to that realization, both before and after he forgives Ranbob?
3: If nothing else, everyone got some laughs from it-even Benjamin, once his friends were far, far away from his family and not able to teach them more chaos. 
8: Cletus, why are you so happy? Do you just enjoy knowing chaos existed back then? Are you an arsonist? What’s up with you? 
Also, wow. Not cool, other city people, that’s very mean.
Spoons sounds like it’s interesting, I might try it sometime. Did the group just have those cards on them? What other games did they have?
11: Good, put Dream back in the corner, I’m gonna be yelling more. Because, seriously dude? I know you probably exist solely out of spite, but c’mon. Admittedly, from a certain point of view, it could be considered amusing that your first thought was that Ranbob was making himself weaker out of defiance/spite but like. From a more responsible and mature viewpoint, that’s incredibly stupid, and I-just. Buddy, hate to tell you, but I’m pretty sure that’d just be a you thing. Besides you were in Ranbob’s head, didn’t he think Ran was dead? It doesn’t even make sense. Good lord, I’m half-tempted to get the broom and chase you around like you’re a particularly unruly barn cat. 
3: First of all, that sounds really scary for Ran. Second of all, are we getting an overprotective arc?
4: Kind of sad, but understandable, they’re dealing with the situation as best they can.
10: Even if the group was provoked by the townspeople? Potions sound really cool, wish I could make those in real life, tbh.
13: W-what do you mean ‘that’s exactly what they did’? Anon, is your friend, like, a legit gremlin? I’m spooked. 
14: Foolish takes one look at Jackie, wearing a smile that exactly matched Tubbo’s when he was about to cause chaos, and immediately nopes out of that. He knows that face, and he will not be getting tangled into a fight with a goblin child today, no sir. I’m sure Jackie tries regardless though. (Also, that sounds like that goes horribly, do we get an overprotective ender-sibling, for whoever gets captured or used as blackmail, if that’s what you do?)
15: I love all of these so much, oh my gosh. Baby Ran seeing the fishes and following his big brother around. Poor Ranbob’s face when his baby brother cursed one day, Ran trying to carry all of his haunting. I’m in tears, honestly. 
Umm...I can’t think of anything right now, to be honest. If I ever do have a question or idea though, I’ll through it on the Brothers AU tag for you to check out, I guess. 
Oh, this sounds really cool. The part about them just ignoring their local time traveler when they’ve just time traveled particularly amuses me, as does Jackie wanting to see Foolish-I feel like Foolish may be a little more than terrified to see both Tubbo and Jackie back, honestly. Why was Ran willing to help them so much? What did they do to offer proof? How did Ranbob react once they proved who they were? How does all the group get along? Are they Ranboo’s haunting, and if so, if Ranboo gets close with his descendants, does he merge his hauntings with theirs? How does the time group feel about the Brothers fighting, and Ranbob’s possession?
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staywritten · 4 years
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All In│Bang Chan «Chapter TwentyOne»
Synopsis: After a messy break up your sophomore year, you decided that the best thing for you was to finish off your college career single. You wanted to focus on yourself, grow as a person and finish off your degree strong. There’d be plenty of time for love after college. But after losing your camera you become friends with the seemingly perfect boy that threatens to ruin your plans.
Genre: SocialMedia!AU, College!AU, Fluff, Hurt/Comfort, Smut
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Written Portion of the Chapter Below 
You stared at your arm, the light bruising on your forearm pretty noticeable. Yugyeom never hurt you in the past, not physically at least. But last night, he grabbed you so hard, you struggled against his grip and he only held tighter. You were sure it’d be gone in a few days but it still made you sick to see. 
The last thing you wanted to do was to make Hyunjin and Momo worry. They were so protective of you, Momo would risk her performance, and could lose a scholarship. Hyunjin would risk getting expelled if you told him. But you hated lying. You didn’t want to lie to them, so you ignored them. Hyunjin had been calling you all morning and you’d been texting him that you were just too busy or tired to talk, but there was only so much of that he was going to tolerate before coming to your house.
You sighed, covering your arm with your sweater. There was so much weighing on your mind. Momo’s messages about Chan hitting Yugyeom, Rosie’s sudden DM. What were you supposed to say? What could you say? Your anxiety was getting to be a bit much, but what could you say to a girl whose relationship you almost ruined.
It was almost suffocating. And you just needed a break.
Your walk ended up taking you all the way to the park on South campus. You looked out at the lake and tried to figure out what to make of Rosie’s words. You lost track of how long you just stared at the reflection of the clouds. You were hoping the fresh air would give you courage to hear her out. See what she wanted to say, but you were just so scared. And it felt like there wasn’t an impartial party for you to turn to. And for times like this you wished you could just vent to Chris again. 
“Hey!” Changbin waved, before jogging toward you. “You runaway again?” he chuckled, lightly jogging in place monitoring as his heart rate lowered from his run.
“Ha.Ha” you let out a dry laugh, but mustered a small smile “I just went for a walk, i just needed to clear my head”
“For someone that came to clear their head, you look pretty stressed” he chuckled “Would you like some company?” You nodded gesturing to the grass beside you. He took a seat and took a swig of his water. “So what’s going on?”
“What’s your honest opinion on Chris?”
“I’ve known the guy for years, and I know he broke your heart so you’re probably not gonna wanna hear this from me but...I trust the guy with my life. He was a musical partner, and my swim captain. He puts others first and takes care of people, real empathetic guy almost too much so. His worst habit is that he overthinks and that may cause him to make some bad choices because he doesn’t wanna hurt anyone.” He leaned on his knees looking out at the lake. “But I trust him”
“I heard he punch Yugyeom…”
“Trust me, if he didn’t it was only a matter of time before someone else did. That kid is a scum bag”
“Why did he punch him?”
“Listen...I know Channie-Hyung hurt you. And he was an idiot for it but no matter how much you may hate him, he loves you and he’s not gonna let someone talk about you or hurt you like Yugyeom does. If you’re fishing to try and figure out what kind of guy he is because your image of him isn’t matching up to your hatred of him or how you’re painting him to be it’s because he isn’t a bad person… “ he smiled softly “You know exactly the kind of guy he is. The guy you fell for wouldn’t cheat”
You sighed hugging yourself “But he did...He did cheat…” you pouted. “And you’re bias”
“I am” he chuckled “You’re not gonna find many people that know him that aren’t biased.”
Changbin was right, some of your frustration was based in the fact that you built your heartbreak to blame Chris for everything that was wrong. That you guys had a good thing going and he ruined it by keeping a secret. But the Chris you spent months talking to, the man that fell asleep on the phone with you, or who made you feel safe wouldn’t have done that. He wasn’t a bad guy. 
“His girlfriend...Rosie...She DM’ed me...what do I do?”
“If you won’t talk to him, than talk to her. How many other opportunities do you think you’ll have like that” he stood up to stretch his back. “You already got your heart broken, worst case scenario you get closure”
“Best case scenario?”
“You and Channie-Hyung get back together and work this out, because a lot of people are rooting for you”
“Why are you rooting for me? When he could have some beautiful model”
“Because you make him happier than I’ve ever seen” he shrugged “Like I said Chan, is like my brother. I love him, I trust him and his happiness is my happiness. He helped me and the guys out a lot over the years and I can’t repay him enough. You’re the one person that seems like they can calm him enough for him to sleep and that’s all I can ask for” he stretched his arms and gave you a little wave. “Alright I gotta finish my run but, good luck.”
You took a deep breath and looked down at your phone before opening up instagram to reply to Rosie. At the very least you could try, couldn’t you?
To Be Continued…
Hey friends! Sorry about the long wait, I’ve just had a lot of issues with my social dummy app and ended up losing all of the profiles I use for this series so i have to remake them and it’s taking a long time. >.< 
∘Tags List:@vhschs @thelustasylum @lunnanunna @yooniversalstudios @aiyalix @ph0ebevix @zaratanveerx @channieboyo @hannahdinse8 @got7-yeah-got7onmymind @itisjustpaula @ann0325441904 @etherealchangbin @7829-kamie @ateez-babygirl @lazyliyah @im-on-a-hellavator  @princejoongie1997 @skzsprinkles @ frau-moon @ introvertapple @ehiparkcarmi @lokideadontheinside @pimpnameyannie @skkzuwu @kpopstreeanon @dimpledchannie @bangtan-g7-bigbang  @cherriechurros  @moonlight-night @ethereal-chanracha @kurootetsuro-trash @dreamescapeswriting @skzsprinkles @tophuphu @hugs4chan @channieboyo @ l1th1umm
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ignorancelive · 3 years
@whitedeadflower​ |  pick my favourite albums for bill clinton to enjoy
not necessarily my favorites but i always pick the same 5 albums for these so i just put 4 albums i like a lot and have been listening to more recently <3
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@opossuwu​ | 15 questions
1. What is the first song you remember hearing?
english songs: either learn to fly by foo fighters or human by the killers, i really cannot remember which one but it was around the same time im pretty sure
spanish songs: ALL the songs on/by rebelde, my sister was super into it when i was a baby so i heard so many of their songs right as i was learning to become a human
2. What is the first band you got into?
mmmmmmm probably one direction? if we’re not counting rebelde lol
3. Do you collect music on any physical format?
i collect almost all cds i know and like on CD and have recently started buying vinyl but i think im only going to get albums i really like on it since its more expensive
4. What is your favourite piece of music-related memorabilia/merchandise?
SO many things. i really like my nirvana and red hot chili peppers shirts because they make me feel cute! im also IN LOVE with the in utero angel sticker i bought on redbubble that has a transparent border so its JUST the angel, i stuck it on my record player and i love it so so much
5. What is your favourite concert you've been to?
i have not been to a concert yet :/ i went to a little student festival thing my university hosted for us and saw hunny + hayley kiyoko which was pretty neat
6. If you could see one artist (or band) who is no longer alive in concert, who would it be?
nirvana :(
7. Have you met any musicians?
i went to a cd signing for little mix when i was like 12-13 ish but thats the closest ive gotten lol
8. What is your go-to song/album when feeling sad?
i actually have a playlist of comfort songs to listen to when im sad, but i think the song i most consistently go to is encore by red hot chili peppers
9. What is your go-to song/album when feeling happy?
this one depends. probably hump de bump also by rhcp cause it SLAPS and always puts me in a better mood than when i started
10. What is one music-related documentary you love?
EYE only watched a few minutes of funky monks but im sure if i sat down to watch it now id love it. this is the worst question to ask me because i watch a ton of interviews on youtube so i cant even remember which ones were legit docus as opposed to just youtube vids so this question is gonna be basically unanswered. i do want to watch bob and the monster though
11. What is one concert DVD that you love?
i listen to it more as an album on spotify than watch it but Nirvana’s MTV Unplugged is so good
12. Do you prefer listening to playlists or full albums?
usually playlists! but occasionally ill play the albums i have on my player
13. Do you tend to listen to albums in order or on shuffle?
in order, shuffling them is rare
14. What is your favourite deep cut song by your favourite artist?
favorite artist is rhcp and honestly im? not fully sure. quixoticelixer slaps. and i like almost every song on im with you. but i think im gonna have to go with storm in a teacup cause i checked its streams and its not that popular </3
15. What is your favorite CD/vinyl/cassette that you own in terms of packaging?
THIS ONES SO HARD I LOVE PACKAGING DESIGNS. i love how rhcp’s im with you disc looks like because it has the track list on it but it doesnt look bad like other discs who do that do. booklet design i love vices and virtues by panic at the disco and american idiot by green day. idk what this would fall under but i also love how stadium arcadium’s booklet is held in the case and how when you take it out you see a picture of the band. and there are too many albums whose art i love so i cannot elaborate on that without making this 5xs longer lmao
@garbanz0​ & @dailywilliams​​ | top 5 songs ive had on repeat recently
according to spotify’s on repeat playlist:
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but also according to my last.fm:
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so basically red hot chili peppers own my ass
@badhe4d​ , @garbanz0​ , & @catts-world​ | 10 songs you like, each by a different artist
1. Monarchy of Roses - RHCP 
2. Back and Forth - Foo Fighters
3. Heart of Glass - Blondie
4. Omission - John Frusciante and Josh Klinghoffer
5. Dance with Me - Sir, Please
6. Henrietta - The Fratellis
7. Breed - Nirvana
8. Mary - The Happy Fits
9. Girls and Boys - Blur
10. It’s All So Incredibly Loud - Glass Animals
@psychoticbreak​ |  suppose you’re being sent to a deserted island for the rest of your life, and you can only choose 10 records to bring with you and those are the only albums you can listen to for the remainder of your life; what albums are they
oh GOD ok
1. in utero - nirvana
2. stadium arcadium - RHCP
3. nothing personal - all time low
4. red - taylor swift
5. after laughter - paramore
6. wasting light - foo fighters
7. im with you + im beside you if you count them as the same album - RHCP
8. so wrong its right - all time low
9. american idiot - green day
10. inside of emptiness - john frusciante
@mark-hoppuss​ |  shuffle my playlist and list the first ten songs that come up
1. New Invention - I Don’t Know How But They Found Me
2. Thanks to You - All Time Low
3. Por Que Me Haces Llorar? - Juan Gabriel 
4. Torture Me - Red Hot Chili Peppers
5. Speak Now - Taylor Swift
6. Prayer of the Refugee - Rise Against
7. Going Away to College - blink-182
8. Time-Bomb - All Time Low
9. DNA. - Kendrick Lamar
10. Heaven is a Place on Earth - Belinda Carlisle
@frafru1​ , @whitedeadflower​ , & @psychoticbreak​ | make a playlist with the letters of my name
Lithium by Nirvana
Universally Speaking by RHCP
Pool by Paramore
Eye Opener by Dot Hacker
@badhe4d​ |  post my lock screen, the last song I listened to and the last picture I saved on my phone
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friends name blocked out but. an interesting screenshot. yes i have flea’s tweet notifs on and use twitter for absolutely nothing else. yes i have email notifs on 
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if screenshots count:
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if they DONT count and you mean purely just saving:
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my icon and boyfriend <3
@badhe4d​ | 7 questions to get to know me better
three ships: not romantically because i dont believe in shipping irl people but i love everyone in rhcp’s gay polycule energy. specifically john and anthony in the 80s. romantically tho mickey and ian in shameless. i dont think i have a third one? me and my bisexual mutuals <3
last song: i shuffled a ton of songs and skipped for some of these tags but before those i was listening to the album weird kids by we are the in crowd as a tbt, specifically the song manners
last movie: inside by bo burnham but if you dont count that, hereditary 
currently watching: it is very difficult for me to watch shows so im currently just watching youtube lol
currently reading: nothing. i cannot read :( bc of attention issues not bc im illiterate
currently consuming: banana bread :3
@the-replacemints​​ |  top 10 favorite debut albums
NOT in order. also it took way too long to come up with this list lol
1. Concentrate - The Happy Fits
2. So Wrong It’s Right - All Time Low
3. SOUR - Olivia Rodrigo
4. Strange Desire - Bleachers
5. RAZZMATAZZ - I Dont Know How But They Found Me
6. Hot Fuss - The Killers
7. Vampire Weekend - Vampire Weekend
8. Bleach - Nirvana
9. Costello Music - The Fratellis
10. WALK THE MOON - Walk The Moon
because theres so many of these im not gonna tag people for each individual prompt but if you tagged me in one of these i tag you in whichever ones you wanna do <3
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