#i think it’s dooable
falloutboyyaoi · 10 months
so many bands in one place,,, maybe dan and phil will come on stage with the pride flag
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arolesbianism · 4 months
Man oni is legitimately so fun to play and learn, even for an inpatient lil shit like myself who doesn't like doing things in fancy ways, as it rly is such a replayable game to me as each time I get a bit more ambitious and patient with my runs. Each time I start a new save, I know how to solve the immediate problems a little bit faster, and I know how to deal with my future problems better, and as a result am left with more time where I can just like fuck around and find out, and I've been enjoying the hell out of that
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Dear Prince, Hopefully, the following questions aren't too presumptuous! I was wondering what you think of the fact that your life is again, currently, being filmed for mortal consumption. Season two of our beloved tv series is likely going to involve some of the darkest days of your past. Do you have any reservations about this? And, have you and Louis considered, say, visiting the set in Paris to see what the humans are up to? Night shoots do make that quite dooable, after all. Thank you for your attention.
Lestat here.
Hello again, my dear friend!
The questions you have posed are certainly not in the realm of being presumptuous, I can assure you of that!
I do love to see this rendition of my life playing out; I am enjoying the accuracy of this one a lot more than previous iterations for a multitude of reasons!
The night shoots would make watching the production more doable, and it's certainly something I'd be interested in witnessing for myself.
There is no need to thank me for my attention, my dearest friend! The pleasure is all mine.
Lestat out. xoxo
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chiptrillino · 2 years
*Looks down at tiddies* Why can't I do that? Can you do that? I know some women can. What's the secret?
i think you can practice that! its a muscle on your chest which you can flex or twerk? i can't do that sadly :')
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taeslovehandles · 2 years
Painting program idea :3
A tiny chubby Koo sitting on a slice of cake like a plump dollop of whipped cream wearing a raspberry hat
That is such a cute idea omg! I think, this is definitely dooable and way easier for me to handle with a completely new program I have to relearn from zero T_T
Normaly cute stuff isn't my type of thing to draw BUT, it's a nice doodle for me to catch up on my burnout xDD
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sams-sass · 4 years
The Others pt. 5
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GIF not mine
Hello, here is part 5 because I am INSPIRED. 
Read parts One through four here: 
Part One 
Part Two 
Part Three
Part Four
Part Six
Summary: You and Sam are precious. You figure out more of the puzzle. 
Pairings: Sam x Psychic!Reader 
Warnings: Fluff, angst, implied smut (gettin it). 
Sam was standing behind you. His chest was pressed against your back, his breath tickling your neck as he spoke in your ear. Your arms were stretched out in front of you, your fingers curled around Sam’s gun. His finger tips ran along your hand and up your forearm.
“Relax your elbows.” He said, running his hands over your elbows.
“Shoulders squared.” His voice was heavy on your skin, his hands firmly planted on your shoulders.
“Hips steady.” His hands ran down your body, dipping into the well of your waist before landing on your hips. Your whole body was tingling against his touch and you could hear his breathing becoming more ragged in your ear.
“Aim.” He whispered making your hair move with his breath.
“Close your eyes.” You could feel his lips next to your jaw, your breath caught in your throat as your eyes closed.
“Center yourself. Feel the sun on your skin, hear the breeze through the trees. Clear your mind. Open your eyes.” As he spoke he steeped away from you a little, his hands leaving your skin. Your eyes opened, feeling clear and bright.
“Fire.” His voice was warm and inviting behind you. You shot and watched the glass bottle explode. A smile crept across your face, your gun lowering to your side. You turned and looked at him with wide eyes, a happy and shocked laugh leaving your mouth. Sam was staring at you with a smile of his own. Your eyes connected with his and your heart jumped into your throat, he took a step towards you. His hand came up to cup your cheek. You didn’t look away from him. His eyes were dancing in the sunlight as his face lowered towards yours and his head tilted. You rose up on your tippy toes and wrapped your arms around his neck, lips colliding with his. Heat spread throughout your blood and your mouth opened for Sam, his tongue sliding into your mouth and tasting all of you.
Sam was holding you in his arms, he tucked his hand under your shirt. He felt your warm and soft skin against the calluses on his palms. You made a sound against his mouth that made his blood run even faster. The world dropped from around him and all he could feel is you. All he could see was you. Your back arched against him and his legs bent to lift you. Your legs wrapped around his waist, he could feel the heat of you and it made him dizzy. He tasted every part of you until his lungs were burning from lack of air. He reached one hand up and twisted it into your hair, pulling your head back to taste more of you. His lips ran across your neck and chest. He loved how responsive you were to his touch, how goosebumps covered your skin where his mouth was. His mind was blank and his senses took over as he felt himself drowning in you.
“Ok, so when someone throws a punch always try to block or no shame in ducking.” Sam said as he took a step towards Dean, his hands up in a ready stance. Dean threw a punch and Sam crouched, letting Dean’s arm fly over him. He stood grabbed Dean’s shoulder and landed a fake punch to his ribcage.
“Remember, most people forget about their legs. Aim for the kneecap.” Dean turned to kick at his brother, Sam backed away slightly. You and Jenny looked at each other, eyebrows raised and your eyes wide.
“When you punch, aim for the soft area of the cheek. Bone on bone isn’t fun.” Sam traced over the area to aim for on his own cheek as he spoke. 
“Know the weak areas of the body. Step on their foot. Hit them in the groin, punch them hard in the belly. Break their nose if given the chance. All that shit is dooable and hurts like a bitch.” Dean showed you the areas he was talking about, the exact places to hit. “Here, let me see your hand. You stretched your hand out. He splayed your fingers and bent them slightly. “Heal of the hand straight to the nose. They’ll be seeing stars.” He dropped your hand. 
“Most important: always get back up.” Sam said as he wiped his brow, his tee shirt riding up and showing you a glimpse of the skin around his hips. You swallowed and licked your lips, feeling a tingle in your stomach.
“Alright, Bruce Lee, I think we are all hungry.” Bobby said, slapping both the boys shoulders. You all chuckled and made your way into the house. There was a plate of hamburger patties and buns on the table. You all ate while Bobby, Dean, and Jenny told you about their research. They hadn’t found much on the brand on her chest. They had only gotten through a few books though. You and Sam said that you would help after dinner.
Jenny was sitting next to you on the floor, you yawned and flipped the page. Your eyes were heavy, your head was starting to pound and your muscles felt worn. No one was finding anything and you could tell it was starting to make Bobby upset. He slammed the book he was looking at shut and grabbed the next one.
“Hey, I got something!” Jenny shot up next to you, her fingers dancing across the page. “It’s a summoning ritual.” Her eyes shot up from the page, looking directly at Bobby. He walked over and took the book from her, his eyes scanning the page.
“Balls.” His face hard and emotionless.
“What is it Bobby?” Dean asked, standing up and looking over Bobby’s shoulder to get a better look.
“It’s a summoning ritual alright. This is a very specific brand, it’s in an attempt to raise Beelzebub. The ritual calls for 6 human sacrifices, the last being that of ‘one of gifted mind’” Bobby’s face fell as he read from the book.
“Beelzebub?” Dean asked, his eyebrows coming together on his brow. Bobby turned and grabbed another book off the shelf, flipping through the pages before pointing to a page with force. Sam stood now too and walked over to stand behind his brother.
“The Emperor of Hell, the second fallen angel in the chain of command in Hell.” Sam’s voice became increasingly worried as he continued to read the words. In that moment everyone turned and looked at you.
“I guess that’s why he wanted me and my ‘gifted mind’.” You tried to joke. No one laughed. Jenny took your hand in hers as you tried to push the emotions down and your eyes welled. You could feel all their eyes on you, feel the sinking weight of the situation inside your chest.
“Hey, lets get some sleep.” Jenny said, nodding to the men and grabbing you into her arms. She stood with you and the two of you walked up the stairs and into a bedroom. The two of you laid down in the bed and held each other close. You let out all your anger, frustration, and sadness. Feeling the weight push down further onto you. The two of you laid in bed for a while. Without even realizing it, you had drifted off to sleep in Jenny’s arms. You woke to a noise in the otherwise quiet room, you looked around to see Jenny standing by the window. Her shoulders were shaking and you heard her sniffle against her shirt sleeve. You stood and walked over to her, touching her shoulder. She turned and immediately threw her arms around you.
“I was so tired that first night, I just passed out. Now, every time I close my eyes all I see is them surrounding me and hurting me.” Her voice was shaking and just above a whisper.
“I’m so sorry, Jenny. I’m so sorry you’re caught up in all this.” You dragged your hand over her hair, letting your fingers play with some strands.
“All I feel is their knives in me.” A fresh wave of tears ran through her and she hugged you even tighter. You stayed with her until she could lay down in peace before you tried to sleep too.
The sunlight was harsh through the dusty curtains. You rolled over and found Jenny’s peaceful face, she was still deep in slumber. Her lips were slightly parted and her hair was scattered around the pillow. You gingerly got off the bed and made your way into the hallway and downstairs, looking for coffee. You stumbled upon Sam in the kitchen, his back was to you. You watched the muscles move under his shirt for a minute before you stepped towards him. You wrapped your arms around his waist and laid your cheek between his shoulder blades.
“Hey.” He said softly, his voice was deep in the morning.
“Hi.” You answered back, letting him go so he could turn and face you. He placed both his hands on either side of your face and pulled you to him.
“Ew. I just woke up.” Dean’s gravely voice spoke from the entryway. You turned and wiped your mouth, not making eye contact with either one of them and Sam busied himself with the coffee. You went to the fridge and looked around.
“You guys want some eggs?” You asked, taking out the container from the fridge and checking them.
“Don’t worry about it, Y/N. I’ll run into town and get some bagels.” Sam smiled at you.
“Mind if I join? I wanna make dinner tonight. I’m tired of diner food.” You asked, turning to face him. He looked over at you, a look of appreciation crossing his face.
“Of course.” He nodded at you, taking a sip of his coffee.
You got ready for the day and met Sam downstairs, he was leaning against the door frame. He took up almost the entire thing. You bit your lip and held back to urge to jump on him right then and there with everything you had. You two walked out and climbed into the impala. Sam drove with one hand on the wheel and the other resting against the door. He cracked the windows slightly. You closed your eyes and leaned your head back, letting the small breeze wash over your skin. He pulled into a field, his face one you couldn’t quite read. You turned to look at him, your eyebrows coming together.
“Is something wrong?” You asked him.
“No, nothing’s wrong. I just don’t know how much longer I can hold back. Y/N, I want you.” He faced you, turning his torso. Your breath stopped and you completely forgot how to speak. You let out a shaky breath and somehow found the words you were looking for.
“I want you too, Sam. I want you so bad it scares me.” You crawled up onto the seat, never letting your eyes leave his. His hands found you immediately and pulled you tight against him. The two of you climbed into the back seat. He laid you down gently, letting his fingers twirl within the strands of your hair. His hands were everywhere. You could feel them dragging across your body with every passing second. His breathing was becoming harder and louder, you could feel his chest moving heavy against yours as his hands ran from your hips to your breasts. He removed your shirt and yanked off his own. You stared at his muscled and massive chest. His pupils were blown wide with lust. When you were with Sam you quickly forgot about the bad and only felt the good. And my god did he feel good. It was like his body was made for you. His hands were made to hold yours, fingers twisting and caressing in perfect harmony. You were made to take all of him. He took you to heights you didn’t know you could hit.
Sam was on top of you, your body warm and soft under him. You were absolutely perfect. Everything about you was made for him. His fingers were made to slide between yours, hands meant to hold you. His mouth was made for yours, lips and tongues gliding in a perfect dance. He could feel how your hearts were beating at the same time. How your body perfectly took him. You surrounded him. Completed him in every way.
You and Sam got back to the house with bagels and groceries about an hour after you left.
“Where did you go to get this? Canada?” Dean asked, taking a bagel out of the bag and slicing it open.
“Sorry, long line at the grocery store.” Sam quickly lied, placing his hands in his pockets. Dean looked up, his eyes darting between the two of you. He narrowed his eyes and stared at Sam for another moment before walking away. You let out the breath you had been holding and looked at Sam out of the corner of your eye.
“Hey Bobby, where’s Jenny?” You asked.
“She’s still in her room.” He answered. Your gut turned and you raced up the stairs. Something was wrong and you could feel it coursing through you. You opened the door to see Jenny still in bed, her body was in the exact same position that you left her in over an hour ago. Your heart sank and you walked over to her. You placed your hand on her shoulder and gently shook her. Her eyes opened and she sat up, taking a large breath in through her lungs. She looked at you with confusion on her face.
“What? What is it?” She was panicked and shaky.
“Nothing, you have been out for 10 hours now.” You sat down on the bed next to her. She gave you a confused look, eyes narrowing.
“Really?” There was confusion and worry in her voice.
“Yeah, I just wanted to make sure you were ok.” You tilted your head to look her in the eye.
“Yeah. Yeah, I feel ok. I guess I just needed to sleep.” She was trying to convince herself as much as you.
“Ok, well whenever you are ready there are bagels downstairs.” You gave her hand a squeeze before you got up and walked out the door, closing it behind you. Something still didn’t feel right and you were nervous there was something Jenny wasn’t telling you. Something she saw in her dream that she didn’t want you to know. The nerves crept up your spine and you chewed on your lip anxiously. You could feel it in your bones, something was horribly wrong.
 You added the flour and parmesan cheese to the bowl with the other spices, mixing them all together and coated each chicken breast. You placed them in the pan of sizzling butter and olive oil. The spaghetti boiling in a large pot on the back burner.
“Who taught you to cook?” Sam asked, his eyes watching your every move.
“Myself.” You laughed, taking a sip of beer. Feeling the carbonation run down your throat and into your stomach. He laughed with you, nodding his head slightly. You removed the chicken as it was done, then combined chicken broth and lemon juice in the pan with garlic. The sauce bubbled and thickened before you added it to the spaghetti, making sure it was coated. You plated the meal and turned around.
“Dinner.” Sam called. There were footsteps from every direction as the others joined you at the table.
“Is that your chicken piccata?” Jenny asked, taking a bug whiff and sliding into her seat.
“Yup.” You nodded, taking spaghetti from the pot.
“Oh hell yes.” She giggled, serving herself a large plate. Dean took one bite and stared directly at you. His face one of amazement.
“This is out of this world, Y/N.” He shoveled more into his mouth without chewing. You weren’t sure if he was really tasting it with how fast he was eating.
“Thank you.” You held back a laugh, watching him thoroughly enjoy himself.
“This is delicious.” Sam complimented, smiling at you. You smiled back, feeling good about yourself.
“I haven’t had a home cooked meal in a long time. This is great.” Bobby chewed his food with surprisingly good manners. You nodded at him and the table fell into a comfortable silence, aside from Dean’s moaning about the food.
You were lying in bed looking up at the ceiling. It was another night where sleep just wasn’t coming. There was a tentative knock on the door. You looked at Jenny quickly before you got up and opened the door to see Sam. You smiled and slipped into the hallway, being quiet down the stairs and out the door.
“I want to show you something.” He whispered, taking your hand in his. He pulled you to the backyard and unfolded the blanket under his arm. You both sat down and he pulled you against him. 
“The sky is beautiful out here.” You looked up, your head against Sam’s shoulder. 
“That’s what I wanted to show you.” He chuckled, you felt the rumble against you. His fingers grazed your skin.
“I love you, Y/N.” His lips whispered against yours.
“I love you so much, Sam.” Your fingers twisted into his hair. The two of you laughed together.
“You gave me everything I ever wanted and more.” His smile was wide across his face and his eyes never left yours.
“You’re my everything.” You bit your lip, tracing his face with your fingertips.
You blinked pack into the present, a goofy smile across your lips.
“What did you see?” He asked you, moving so he could look at you.
“The future.” You answered and turned to press your lips to his.
Tags: @watermelonlipstick​ @virtualheaderssupernaturalnerd​ @wnchetrs​ @deanlovespiebabyandmeloljkiwish​ @lukawats​
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Your whumptober fills have been giving me life istg! Each time I get a tumblr notification I hope it's from you haha. Each thing you write just clicks all the right buttons, you know what I mean? This is not to say "hey you must always post daily" so don't stress! I'd wait years if it meant a work from you dbjsbsj
I’m so glad that my whumptober fics are making you happy! and i don’t know what “istg” means but thanks! :D And honestly, I think I’m going to be able to make it through whumptober posting on every day. I have eleven more prompts to write as of right now, and I think that’s dooable...?
Anyway, thank you so much again! You’re super sweet and this ask made me smile super big <3
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lilmistermaya · 7 years
year-end round up.
lets see, what all have I done this year?
I graduated RN school, passed my state test and got a full-time job. I earn, like, adult-person money. 
passed my first semester of the RN to BSN bridge program. second semester is coming up. yay? I just think of it as being 1/4th of the way there. 
I had a good vacation in gettysburg this year, seeing stuff I hadn’t seen before, even if alot of the civil war stuff was way more boring than I thought it’d be. 
I wrote one fic that was pretty well-received, I have written parts of 3 other novellas that I need to sit and finish at some point. I just suck at it. 
I have an embroidered dress I need to finish. 
I journaled almost every day. 
started collecting stamps for... some reason. I don’t know why. I should stop spending money on it. 
I’m doing better with my depression, I think.  I sleep less, I get more done? or maybe its just a new and different version of it. ah well. 
this year? pass my second semester, sew some pokemon plushies and get decent at it. journal on the days I have off. write another fanfic. go to vegas with the girls. go off for a weekend to paint. take care of my child who is a small toy eevee, and a very good baby. save money for a house. save money for a cruise to japan and korea. attempt to learn more korean. get a few more cool sneakers. get better at drawing pokemon. finish ultramoon. draw fancy calligraphy for work posters and get better at it. eat more greens. 
sounds dooable, yeah? 
remember, I love you all. 
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craftmanatee · 8 years
Resident Evil 7 Review
Please oh PLEASE Do not read on if you are going to, or have a mild interest in the game. It is amazing and should be experienced blind.
But let me give you an imaginary vision of how the game felt like: “This game is Texas Resident Evil Dead Massacre” Read that with a little cheese and you've got a game that contends with Re4 and Re1:Remake.
Resident Evil 7 showed itself as a horror game as serious as Amnesia, Outlast or even PT (Silent Hills Playable Teaser). However, that is simply its marketing. The game sure does fucking spook you, but not as jumpscary as you think. Only a few cut scenes and scripted areas do you get spooked but when the game really starts, the scares come from the game elements, such as its mechanic, where the enemies are, what lies in the next corner and your fucking resource management.
At that point, you are more concerned about if you will be able to tackle the next room. But the way you tackle it is actually pretty genius simple. In this game, you do not HIDE from enemies, that is simply tertiary. Your primary focus is to get by, your secondary is to eliminate them. By the time you take out all enemies with clunky ass controls and aiming, you will have very little, or barely make it out from the next room. You have to get a grips with your confidence and the controls and...
Accept getting hit!
The combat in this game is actually visceral because it has this new simple mechanic of Guarding! You move very slow, despite sprinting away from the enemies, they catch up real quick and will get a hit on you if you turn while they still have a momentum on you. What you can do is, stun them with a critical hit (Headshot with melee or ranged), then turn and run. But what is better is actually Guarding the attack, you take ALOT of damage if you get hit without guarding, but when you guard you pretty much only took 20% of the damage. But it also lets you continue on with a flurry of melee blows or running away for ranged. This simple emphasis on guarding enemy attacks makes your first person camera fly right up in their faces, and its fucking terrifying at times. Sometimes you even end up in these grappling scenarios with the enemy where you can only move and aim your weapon while the enemy is about to destroy you. Sort of like those scripted sequences in Dead Space, but in this case any enemy can do it.
The combat for a horror game is incredibly fitting but oh boy do you not want to be in combat without ammo. Melee is dooable, but not beyond 2 enemies at once.
Anyways, lets get to another highlight of mine... The feeling.
The games visceral combat stays in line with the rest of the games general feel, which is basically a gore fest horror extravaganza. The game pits you in every uncomfortable position, ready or not. And funnily enough they are incredibly creative, funny and just... brilliant. I do not want to spoil my favourite encounter, but one other boss encounter has you in a small but deep pit looking up at the boss who sends down swarms of insects at you. All you can do is just desperately shoot your way out, which in turn makes you truly take in the scene. Because that is what the whole scenario was. You, a cornered animal, going into fight mode because flight is no option.
What else helps the feeling? The looks! Every gun, wound and fucking dialogue lines borderlines cheese. The shotgun that you get is pretty much Ash’s boomstick. Some lines of dialogue are pretty questionable in a real sense, and some item placements throw you between gamy and immersive. The fucking main character even goes “Who built this place anyway?” while opening up a secret passage after a dumb shadow puzzle.
The games story In my opinion does not matter much, but it does rely on it heavily towards the end. And there it does not do well, especially if you take it as singular from other resident evil games as possible. I understood what was going on with the story because I played Resident evil REVELATIONS (Yes resident evil 7 is in heavy ties with Revelations).
Anyways, you are a new guy named Ethan in the look outs for his wife Mia who has been presumed killed 3 years ago, but suddenly she contacted Ethan thru email. So he took the bait and went to where the email sent him, which is the estate that the game takes place in. Anyway, you get stuck in the place while another family member who is sane (Zoe) fortunately has a cure for the virus Mia contracted. However, you have to hurdle yourself across multiple areas in order to get the cure, and you get it. And you then cure either Mia or Zoe. Ive done the Mia route, dont exactly know what Zoe route could offer because there is a whole lot of game after choosing one of them. What happened to me after was we escaped the estate by boat, but we hit one of the ships from Revelations in the swamp. There Ethan gets cought and you now play as Mia! Fresh from the start, you have nothing, but you gradually build back up your resources. From this point on, i feel the game goes a bit downhill as the areas you explore in the ship is kinda boring and the enemies only have like 2 and a half variety. Mia now has to rescue Ethan from being taken over the sludge that has taken over the ship AND the estate previously, Buuuut the sludge is basically commanded by a little girl virus thing that has been controling all the crazy residents. Mia sacrifices herself to save Ethan, but not really. After Mias bit long campaign, you are now Ethan again with his stuff back. Now your mission is to go back to the estate, down the lab and find an anti-cure against the little girl virus. By this point, it should be obvious how generic-resident-evil this has gotten.
Without spoiling too much, you eventually end up getting the anti-cure and find the little girl who is actually the virus and you stab it into her neck after a long and epic fight THAT KEEPS GOING. You take out the manifestation that she took on and end outside the estate in day time with a well known character rescuing you from a helicopter.
The game sort of ends half way after an assumed final boss. After curing Mia or Zoe, you can pretty much take a break and get back into the game in another day to refresh your mind of the episodes you have gone through, because you essentially will be playing a different campaign after that.
I dont know what else to say other than this resident evil game, despite being first person is still clunky, horrory, exploratory and resident evil-like. And I highly recommend it!
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fashionent1 · 7 years
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Start Where you are, Use What you have, Do What You Can http://bit.ly/2rumgc7 Here is a great place to start.. *********** Being an entrepreneur in the creative industries is never easy. I get that. There’s creditors to pay deadlines, payroll to meet, employee and freelancer problems to deal with, and hundreds of other details you need to take care of every day. But here’s the problem: Unless you can get above the day-to-day, you’ll never be able to grow your company bigger than you or even simply turn a profit. That’s why I am so excited to invite you to a 7 Day day course designed especially for creative entrepreneurs like you and me: I will be sharing the secrets on how to win at business, and stay on track with the big dream and still have a blast, including demystifying the myths that so many creative entrepreneurs owners believe. I will l BUST these MYTHS throughout the course: 1) Work Life Balance. Its a real thing! It’s dooable. 2) Money is the only motivator you and your team needs. I think we’re a bit more ‘woke’ than that! 3) That you product or service is your business. IT IS NOT 4) Outside circumstances control your destiny. Only if you let them 5) Your business is all about the customer. What about you?
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arolesbianism · 1 year
Considering redesigning Dancer a bit to go with his new backstory.... His design is an og so part of me doesn't wanna touch it too much, but on the other hand I just feel like its just so noticably blander than like every other stalien. I'm probably just gonna give him more scars, but I might also adjust his colors a smidge and maybe give him some other markings idk
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sams-sass · 4 years
The Others pt 5
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GIF not mine
Hello, here is part 5 because I am INSPIRED.
Read parts One through four here:
Part One
Part Two
Part Three
Part Four
Part Six 
Part Seven
Summary: You and Sam are precious. You figure out more of the puzzle.
Pairings: Sam x Psychic!Reader
Warnings: Fluff, angst, feelings of doubt, implied smut (gettin it).
Sam was standing behind you. His chest was pressed against your back, his breath tickling your neck as he spoke in your ear. Your arms were stretched out in front of you, your fingers curled around Sam’s gun. His finger tips ran along your hand and up your forearm.
“Relax your elbows.” He said, running his hands over your elbows.
“Shoulders squared.” His voice was heavy on your skin, his hands firmly planted on your shoulders.
“Hips steady.” His hands ran down your body, dipping into the well of your waist before landing on your hips. Your whole body was tingling against his touch and you could hear his breathing becoming more ragged in your ear.
“Aim.” He whispered making your hair move with his breath.
“Close your eyes.” You could feel his lips next to your jaw, your breath caught in your throat as your eyes closed.
“Center yourself. Feel the sun on your skin, hear the breeze through the trees. Clear your mind. Open your eyes.” As he spoke he steeped away from you a little, his hands leaving your skin. Your eyes opened, feeling clear and bright.
“Fire.” His voice was warm and inviting behind you. You shot and watched the glass bottle explode. A smile crept across your face, your gun lowering to your side. You turned and looked at him with wide eyes, a happy and shocked laugh leaving your mouth. Sam was staring at you with a smile of his own. Your eyes connected with his and your heart jumped into your throat, he took a step towards you. His hand came up to cup your cheek. You didn’t look away from him. His eyes were dancing in the sunlight as his face lowered towards yours and his head tilted. You rose up on your tippy toes and wrapped your arms around his neck, lips colliding with his. Heat spread throughout your blood and your mouth opened for Sam, his tongue sliding into your mouth and tasting all of you.
Sam was holding you in his arms, he tucked his hand under your shirt. He felt your warm and soft skin against the calluses on his palms. You made a sound against his mouth that made his blood run even faster. The world dropped from around him and all he could feel is you. All he could see was you. Your back arched against him and his legs bent to lift you. Your legs wrapped around his waist, he could feel the heat of you and it made him dizzy. He tasted every part of you until his lungs were burning from lack of air. He reached one hand up and twisted it into your hair, pulling your head back to taste more of you. His lips ran across your neck and chest. He loved how responsive you were to his touch, how goosebumps covered your skin where his mouth was. His mind was blank and his senses took over as he felt himself drowning in you.
“Ok, so when someone throws a punch always try to block or no shame in ducking.” Sam said as he took a step towards Dean, his hands up in a ready stance. Dean threw a punch and Sam crouched, letting Dean’s arm fly over him. He stood grabbed Dean’s shoulder and landed a fake punch to his ribcage.
“Remember, most people forget about their legs. Aim for the kneecap.” Dean turned to kick at his brother, Sam backed away slightly. You and Jenny looked at each other, eyebrows raised and your eyes wide.
“When you punch, aim for the soft area of the cheek. Bone on bone isn’t fun.” Sam traced over the area to aim for on his own cheek as he spoke.
“Know the weak areas of the body. Step on their foot. Hit them in the groin, punch them hard in the belly. Break their nose if given the chance. All that shit is dooable and hurts like a bitch.” Dean showed you the areas he was talking about, the exact places to hit. “Here, let me see your hand. You stretched your hand out. He splayed your fingers and bent them slightly. “Heal of the hand straight to the nose. They’ll be seeing stars.” He dropped your hand.
“Most important: always get back up.” Sam said as he wiped his brow, his tee shirt riding up and showing you a glimpse of the skin around his hips. You swallowed and licked your lips, feeling a tingle in your stomach.
“Alright, Bruce Lee, I think we are all hungry.” Bobby said, slapping both the boys shoulders. You all chuckled and made your way into the house. There was a plate of hamburger patties and buns on the table. You all ate while Bobby, Dean, and Jenny told you about their research. They hadn’t found much on the brand on her chest. They had only gotten through a few books though. You and Sam said that you would help after dinner.
Jenny was sitting next to you on the floor, you yawned and flipped the page. Your eyes were heavy, your head was starting to pound and your muscles felt worn. No one was finding anything and you could tell it was starting to make Bobby upset. He slammed the book he was looking at shut and grabbed the next one.
“Hey, I got something!” Jenny shot up next to you, her fingers dancing across the page. “It’s a summoning ritual.” Her eyes shot up from the page, looking directly at Bobby. He walked over and took the book from her, his eyes scanning the page.
“Balls.” His face hard and emotionless.
“What is it Bobby?” Dean asked, standing up and looking over Bobby’s shoulder to get a better look.
“It’s a summoning ritual alright. This is a very specific brand, it’s in an attempt to raise Beelzebub. The ritual calls for 6 human sacrifices, the last being that of ‘one of gifted mind’” Bobby’s face fell as he read from the book.
“Beelzebub?” Dean asked, his eyebrows coming together on his brow. Bobby turned and grabbed another book off the shelf, flipping through the pages before pointing to a page with force. Sam stood now too and walked over to stand behind his brother.
“The Emperor of Hell, the second fallen angel in the chain of command in Hell.” Sam’s voice became increasingly worried as he continued to read the words. In that moment everyone turned and looked at you.
“I guess that’s why he wanted me and my ‘gifted mind’.” You tried to joke. No one laughed. Jenny took your hand in hers as you tried to push the emotions down and your eyes welled. You could feel all their eyes on you, feel the sinking weight of the situation inside your chest.
“Hey, lets get some sleep.” Jenny said, nodding to the men and grabbing you into her arms. She stood with you and the two of you walked up the stairs and into a bedroom. The two of you laid down in the bed and held each other close. You let out all your anger, frustration, and sadness. Feeling the weight push down further onto you. The two of you laid in bed for a while. Without even realizing it, you had drifted off to sleep in Jenny’s arms. You woke to a noise in the otherwise quiet room, you looked around to see Jenny standing by the window. Her shoulders were shaking and you heard her sniffle against her shirt sleeve. You stood and walked over to her, touching her shoulder. She turned and immediately threw her arms around you.
“I was so tired that first night, I just passed out. Now, every time I close my eyes all I see is them surrounding me and hurting me.” Her voice was shaking and just above a whisper.
“I’m so sorry, Jenny. I’m so sorry you’re caught up in all this.” You dragged your hand over her hair, letting your fingers play with some strands.
“All I feel is their knives in me.” A fresh wave of tears ran through her and she hugged you even tighter. You stayed with her until she could lay down in peace before you tried to sleep too.
The sunlight was harsh through the dusty curtains. You rolled over and found Jenny’s peaceful face, she was still deep in slumber. Her lips were slightly parted and her hair was scattered around the pillow. You gingerly got off the bed and made your way into the hallway and downstairs, looking for coffee. You stumbled upon Sam in the kitchen, his back was to you. You watched the muscles move under his shirt for a minute before you stepped towards him. You wrapped your arms around his waist and laid your cheek between his shoulder blades.
“Hey.” He said softly, his voice was deep in the morning.
“Hi.” You answered back, letting him go so he could turn and face you. He placed both his hands on either side of your face and pulled you to him.
“Ew. I just woke up.” Dean’s gravely voice spoke from the entryway. You turned and wiped your mouth, not making eye contact with either one of them and Sam busied himself with the coffee. You went to the fridge and looked around.
“You guys want some eggs?” You asked, taking out the container from the fridge and checking them.
“Don’t worry about it, Y/N. I’ll run into town and get some bagels.” Sam smiled at you.
“Mind if I join? I wanna make dinner tonight. I’m tired of diner food.” You asked, turning to face him. He looked over at you, a look of appreciation crossing his face.
“Of course.” He nodded at you, taking a sip of his coffee.
You got ready for the day and met Sam downstairs, he was leaning against the door frame. He took up almost the entire thing. You bit your lip and held back to urge to jump on him right then and there with everything you had. You two walked out and climbed into the impala. Sam drove with one hand on the wheel and the other resting against the door. He cracked the windows slightly. You closed your eyes and leaned your head back, letting the small breeze wash over your skin. He pulled into a field, his face one you couldn’t quite read. You turned to look at him, your eyebrows coming together.
“Is something wrong?” You asked him.
“No, nothing’s wrong. I just don’t know how much longer I can hold back. Y/N, I want you.” He faced you, turning his torso. Your breath stopped and you completely forgot how to speak. You let out a shaky breath and somehow found the words you were looking for.
“I want you too, Sam. I want you so bad it scares me.” You crawled up onto the seat, never letting your eyes leave his. His hands found you immediately and pulled you tight against him. The two of you climbed into the back seat. He laid you down gently, letting his fingers twirl within the strands of your hair. His hands were everywhere. You could feel them dragging across your body with every passing second. His breathing was becoming harder and louder, you could feel his chest moving heavy against yours as his hands ran from your hips to your breasts. He removed your shirt and yanked off his own. You stared at his muscled and massive chest. His pupils were blown wide with lust. When you were with Sam you quickly forgot about the bad and only felt the good. And my god did he feel good. It was like his body was made for you. His hands were made to hold yours, fingers twisting and caressing in perfect harmony. You were made to take all of him. He took you to heights you didn’t know you could hit.
Sam was on top of you, your body warm and soft under him. You were absolutely perfect. Everything about you was made for him. His fingers were made to slide between yours, hands meant to hold you. His mouth was made for yours, lips and tongues gliding in a perfect dance. He could feel how your hearts were beating at the same time. How your body perfectly took him. You surrounded him. Completed him in every way.
You and Sam got back to the house with bagels and groceries about an hour after you left.
“Where did you go to get this? Canada?” Dean asked, taking a bagel out of the bag and slicing it open.
“Sorry, long line at the grocery store.” Sam quickly lied, placing his hands in his pockets. Dean looked up, his eyes darting between the two of you. He narrowed his eyes and stared at Sam for another moment before walking away. You let out the breath you had been holding and looked at Sam out of the corner of your eye.
“Hey Bobby, where’s Jenny?” You asked.
“She’s still in her room.” He answered. Your gut turned and you raced up the stairs. Something was wrong and you could feel it coursing through you. You opened the door to see Jenny still in bed, her body was in the exact same position that you left her in over an hour ago. Your heart sank and you walked over to her. You placed your hand on her shoulder and gently shook her. Her eyes opened and she sat up, taking a large breath in through her lungs. She looked at you with confusion on her face.
“What? What is it?” She was panicked and shaky.
“Nothing, you have been out for 10 hours now.” You sat down on the bed next to her. She gave you a confused look, eyes narrowing.
“Really?” There was confusion and worry in her voice.
“Yeah, I just wanted to make sure you were ok.” You tilted your head to look her in the eye.
“Yeah. Yeah, I feel ok. I guess I just needed to sleep.” She was trying to convince herself as much as you.
“Ok, well whenever you are ready there are bagels downstairs.” You gave her hand a squeeze before you got up and walked out the door, closing it behind you. Something still didn’t feel right and you were nervous there was something Jenny wasn’t telling you. Something she saw in her dream that she didn’t want you to know. The nerves crept up your spine and you chewed on your lip anxiously. You could feel it in your bones, something was horribly wrong.
You added the flour and parmesan cheese to the bowl with the other spices, mixing them all together and coated each chicken breast. You placed them in the pan of sizzling butter and olive oil. The spaghetti boiling in a large pot on the back burner.
“Who taught you to cook?” Sam asked, his eyes watching your every move.
“Myself.” You laughed, taking a sip of beer. Feeling the carbonation run down your throat and into your stomach. He laughed with you, nodding his head slightly. You removed the chicken as it was done, then combined chicken broth and lemon juice in the pan with garlic. The sauce bubbled and thickened before you added it to the spaghetti, making sure it was coated. You plated the meal and turned around.
“Dinner.” Sam called. There were footsteps from every direction as the others joined you at the table.
“Is that your chicken piccata?” Jenny asked, taking a bug whiff and sliding into her seat.
“Yup.” You nodded, taking spaghetti from the pot.
“Oh hell yes.” She giggled, serving herself a large plate. Dean took one bite and stared directly at you. His face one of amazement.
“This is out of this world, Y/N.” He shoveled more into his mouth without chewing. You weren’t sure if he was really tasting it with how fast he was eating.
“Thank you.” You held back a laugh, watching him thoroughly enjoy himself.
“This is delicious.” Sam complimented, smiling at you. You smiled back, feeling good about yourself.
“I haven’t had a home cooked meal in a long time. This is great.” Bobby chewed his food with surprisingly good manners. You nodded at him and the table fell into a comfortable silence, aside from Dean’s moaning about the food.
You were lying in bed looking up at the ceiling. It was another night where sleep just wasn’t coming. There was a tentative knock on the door. You looked at Jenny quickly before you got up and opened the door to see Sam. You smiled and slipped into the hallway, being quiet down the stairs and out the door.
“I want to show you something.” He whispered, taking your hand in his. He pulled you to the backyard and unfolded the blanket under his arm. You both sat down and he pulled you against him.
“The sky is beautiful out here.” You looked up, your head against Sam’s shoulder.
“That’s what I wanted to show you.” He chuckled, you felt the rumble against you. His fingers grazed your skin.
“I love you, Y/N.” His lips whispered against yours.
“I love you so much, Sam.” Your fingers twisted into his hair. The two of you laughed together.
“You gave me everything I ever wanted and more.” His smile was wide across his face and his eyes never left yours.
“You’re my everything.” You bit your lip, tracing his face with your fingertips.
You blinked pack into the present, a goofy smile across your lips.
“What did you see?” He asked you, moving so he could look at you.
“The future.” You answered and turned to press your lips to his.
Tags:  @watermelonlipstick​ @virtualheaderssupernaturalnerd​ @wnchetrs​ @deanlovespiebabyandmeloljkiwish​ @lukawats​
*sorry if I double tagged you. None of the tags worked in the first post and I wanted to make sure people got the chance to read it.
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