#i think it's really important 2 to know that he's like .
hackedmotionsensors · 14 hours
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A spin off comic from Noen's Band AU fic that gave me brain worms and I had to draw it out lol Hopefully this doesn't step on their toes for their actual fic bc I wanna read what THEY have planned too lol
If you haven't read the first two chapters to sum up strawhats are a band. Zoro and Sanji GENUINELY don't like each other (or do they?...they do not lol but in like a horny way trust me lasdfads) so when the fans see that sexual tension they're told they have to start a fake relationship. Thats where it leaves off in chapter 2 (definitely read it! I'm only paraphrasing)
But there's a part where someone calls Zoro a player and I loved the idea that if they were like GETTING THE FEELINGS and zoro either 1) gets super frustrated and tries to sleep with someone else or 2) gets caught with an eager groupie and that starts a big fight. And leads to Zoro popping off a lot harder than he should have and not realizing he used phrases that Sanji grew up hearing.
Also its important to me that ....Sanji doesn't QUIT quit. He really is just trying to get away for a breather but it FEELS like he left and his leaving is FELT (like when he left in WCI)
But I also didn't think he'd leave them high and dry so he'd ask Law or Carrot to step in and take his place while he's away and it leads to even MORE awkwardness when they really AREN'T vibing with Law (they like him and he's good but its wrong) and Zoro also wants to know why the fuck Sanji even knows this Emo-boy in the first place HUH!?
Again please go read the actual fic! Subscribe! Leave comments! be nice!!
Here's the extra doodle btw
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lol this is literally like the first time I've drawn a spin off idea from an existing fic bc I never wanna step on someone's story idea but I had to. I had to. I needed to purge the breakup from me lmao
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howbrightthemoon · 3 days
as we expected, EPISODE 5 WAS BRILLIANT
we're REALLLLYYY kicking off things in part 2 huh
SPOILERS BELOW proceed with caution
The intimate scene: we get a love scene not even half way through the episode and it is....SO beautiful, and I genuinely stopped breathing and couldn't stop thinking about it for the rest of the episode
there's lots of giggles throughout the whole scene because it's Pen's first time, there's check ins, double checks on consent...but Pen isn't totally clueless, she WANTS to touch him but just doesn't know how...and the way he guides her....and the way he makes her feel comfortable first with the ol carriage fingers before asking if she's ready AGHEHREWKENKFJNEWHR
and the way they slowly reveal their bodies to each other....my god it is just incredibly sensual and romantic, he really takes his time undressing her and savoring her, while he really takes his time letting her see all of him (and I mean ALL. OF. HIM.).
they start off slow...but again Penelope is like LETS FUCKING GO and she's giving him the 'fuck me' eyes and he's legit losing himself and honestly, they're both REALLLLYYY getting into it, BOTH. Not only is there the focus on Pen's pleasure, but Colin's too. I think because it's important to show the difference in his sexual encounters at the brothel versus with someone he loves. LN was seriously giving his all in this scene, I was not expecting to see an O face but yeah, he did thaattt
Whistledown mentions: Nicola does an amazing job at portraying the sheer anxiety she feels over this massive secret she's hiding. Now she's part of the Bridgerton family, she has to see Eloise more often and just SEEING Eloise makes her panic. Not even with the 'you have to tell him before midnight' thing, but every time they're in the same room, Pen just loses it. The way she shows how her anxiety builds and BUILDS throughout this episode is so scarily accurate, I really felt for her, poor girl was just trying to enjoy her fiancees engagement speech and Eloise just had to butt in and start ruining the whole night for her.
Cressida's motivations: girl, I get it. I'm sorry she's reverting back to her old cunning ways, but...man no one in that drawing room was listening to her...she had to say something. Can you imagine being in her position? i'd lie that I was whistledown too lol, girl, I get it. It's ELOISE that I'm honestly fed up with in this episode.
ANTHONY BRIDGERTON: Last thing, I wanna shoutout Jonathan's acting in this episode. The way I am so convinced that Anthony is absolutely overjoyed at the fact that he's going to become a father soon, and he plays that joy into every single scene he's in. I could see so much of that playful competitive big brother vibe from season 2 (especially in the charades scene, which reminded me of pall mall s2) from him in this episode, I loved it.
anyways rant over, I am seated for the release of all four episodes later today and you best believe I'm binge watching it
p.s. I just wanna say....Nicola was not kidding when she said she was going to show everything on camera....girl, you are absolutely gorgeous
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sanyu-thewitch05 · 3 days
F! Yuu’s Dad in Twst Wonderland Headcanons pt. 2
Heartslabyul, Octavinelle, Scarabia, and Pomefiore are genuinely the only dorms that respect your dad.
Savannaclaw keeps trying to fight him with the exception of Jack, Ruggie, and Leona.
Ignihyde fears your father. Mainly because your father thinks Idia is some form of a perverted weirdo.
🦀: Yuu, that weird boy is looking at you and your cat again.
🎮: Please let me touch your cat…
🦀:….I’m going to give you five minutes to get away from us.
Meanwhile, Diasomnia, is still amused your dad tried to beat up Malleus.
The core emotions and feelings of Diasomnia towards Yuu’s dad is the following:
Malleus: Amused and now takes gaining any sort of relationship with you as a challenge
Silver: A bit wary of your dad but still gets why he’s so protective over you
Sebek: Wants to beat him up for threatening Malleus and thinks he can win
Lilia: As a father he understands and is probably going to tell Malleus not to purposefully irritate your father for his own good.
After witnessing Riddle’s overblot, your father is convinced on staying at the Isle Sage’s hotel
Or maybe trying RSA
Whatever option comes first.
In fact, he actually tried to bolt out of NRC after the Savannaclaw overblot.
🦀: Yuu! Yuu! Yuu, listen to me! These kids are not right in the head. A hyena furry boy was using magic to control people’s bodies so they fall down the stairs. For a school tournament! And the lion furry man, BY THE WAY, he is 20! He tried to turn everyone into sand!
🦐: Dad, please, they’re my friends and I give them comfort. Plus Riddle and Leona were having a mental health crisis.
🦀: These kids are serial killers or murders in the making! We should’ve ran when we found out they worshipped Disney villains!
You end up running out of NRC with your father with Grim, and by the time morning came, someone has already found you.
♥️: Yo. I heard Yuu was staying here now.
🦀: How did you find us?
♥️: Um…I had a bit of help…more like magic spell really.
Deuce, Epel, Jack, Silver, and Sebek step out from behind Ace.
🦀: *Sigh* Look, I get we teleported into your school, but we really don’t need to stay there-
🦐: Dad, can’t I attend school there until we go home? It’s perfect.
🦀: They literally don’t even have a girls bathroom for you to use.
🦐: Doesn’t matter. I can use the bathroom when no one is in there.
Then things heat up when Malleus appears.
🐉: There you are, Child of Man. I’ve been looking for you everywhere.
🦀: Let me guess, you didn’t see her inside her room when you floated by? Like you usually do when you think no one notices?
🐉: Child of Man, would you like to go to my gargoyles club meeting? It’s really only me, but together we can bring more people.
🦀: That is the worst lie for a date I’ve ever heard. Also, her name is Yuu not Child of Man. And this Man is named F/N. Besides, we still don’t know your actually name Hornyton.
The mocking of the nickname Yuu picked out for him causes him to get upset. Which inadvertently activated the fairy tale fae behavior.
🐉: You know, a name is a very important thing to give away. If I give my name to you, you must give something to me.
🦀: You realize I can just break into Crowley’s office and get your school records or just ask anyone what your name is, right?
🐉: Perhaps, your daughter might be something of equal value to give. My name for a girl with an otherworldly name. I assure you I’ll treat her well if you give her to-
Your dad punches Malleus square in the nose and KOs him.
❤️&♠️: Damn.
🗡️: I told him not to make being in a relationship with Yuu a challenge.
🍎: Nice right hook.
🐺: What good form.
Your dad shuts the door, and packs up your stuff again.
You move back into Ramshackle the next day, but this time there’s iron hanging around the doors and windows.
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tanoraqui · 2 days
Dungeon Meshi Liveblog: I thought I wasn't going to have strong opinions about the Laios-Shuro fight, but...
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Laios was right about this! Yes, they had 2 physical fights first, but it's important to note that Laios was right about this!
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^ -man who would literally kill to stay in this room and observe this private conversation.
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Sir, your unfaltering little wide-eyed, amiable smile while seriously considering topics that are obviously un-smile-worth has charmed me utterly. I wish to study you like an climate-entomologist yearns for the butterfly that causes storms.
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She seems fine.
If I start screencapping Laios's and Marcille's faces in this fight, I will never stop because literally every panel is devasting.
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Kuro has done distinctly the most damage so far this fight, just stabbing and gnawing, and I think we should recognize and appreciate that fact.
I really miss the animation we got of Rin's lightning blast slicing narrowly past Laios.
I love how fast, if reluctantly, Laios accepts that if - not, that Falin is a true "monster", inhuman and hurting people relentlessly and unapologetically, and thus she needs to be killed before she kills them, like any other monster. I also love that Marcille doesn't accept this. Characters!
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+1 to qualification to kingship! Kabru is one again surprised (you can tell by how he's not smiling) (though this might also be due to the significant injuries he just took).
I do have several emotions about how Falin immediately yanks away and kills Kabru, without touching Laios. That's her brother!!
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I really like this little cluster because it says to me that Shuro still has very good "do what Marcille says when she abruptly shouts magic-related directions in combat" instincts. He's a mirror of the "You're already on the Christmas card, buddy" meme - more like, "You're still on the Christmas card." Just like Namari: no one really stops being fond of, and battle companions with, these weirdos.
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I think the most painful part of this probably is that Marcille isn't certain. Maybe this IS her fault. At minimum, she knows she might have mixed the dragon's soul into Falin's, which enabled this even if it didn't create it. But she can't 100% rule out the possibility that it's more her fault than that - which is, of course, the absolute worst thing to say to all of these people looking at her violently askance for using dark magic.
yeahhhhhh "Lunatic Magician" REALLY lacks the oomph of "Mad Mage"
ANGRY LAIOS! It's such a rare expression on him, it's exciting to see.
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Yesss look at my man Chilchuck use available tools in his environment and save this little goober who thinks it's cool to resent adults.
I really like how they show the social consequences of dark magic. Much beyond Shuro's anger: the other mages are now shutting Marcille down, especially where resurrection magic is concerned. She's made herself untrusted by her peers, whether or not the magic she used on Falin is truly "evil."
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I really enjoy the, like, narratively obligatory, not actually real (well, maybe to Rin) "will they-won't they" between Kabru and Rin. In the story that this isn't, where Kabru is the protagonist with his quirky gang of found family who are helping him save the island and prevent another bloodbath like in his angsty backstory, she IS the One (Human) Female on the Team who is obviously his love interest - often the first to challenge him, battle mage rather than healer ie a Strong Female Character who nonetheless doesn't use unfeminine brute force, forced by happenstance to kiss...
Alas! Kabru is not the protagonist of this story, so Rin shall remain disappointed.
Also this montage of people healing and reuniting while in the background Laios and Shuro whale on each other remains SO funny. Flawless comedic timing.
Alright, hot take time: I feel like all the debate I've seen about the Shuro/Laios fight depict it as revealing the friendship basically shattered, and never real in the first place. Whereas I'm mostly warmed by how real it clearly was despite everything that just happened?
Shuro is operating on no food and less sleep, desperate to save the woman he idolizes without truly understanding her loves, who is now apparently a monster who nearly slaughtered his most loyal followers. In the past like 2 weeks, Laios has: watched his sister die to save his life (his little sister, whom he is supposed to protect), walked headfirst into a nigh-unwinnable fight to get her back, held her skull in his hands, got her back and held her in his arms, lost her again about 6 hours later in an even more unwinnable fight, which was proven even more unwinnable when the Mage twisted the dungeon itself against them, saw her again but as a murderous monster now (which might be due to the magic he agreed to use to resurrect her), swiftly and sternly resigned himself to fighting and potentially killing her (his little sister! whom he is supposed to protect!), had her recognize him (and no one else!) despite her monstrosity, watched her be killed (again!) in part thanks to him distracting her, except it didn't work and then she fled.
This is an immature, ignoring-immediate-needs (ie, food, healing) knock-down drag-out fight between two men at the absolute ends of their ropes, who, sure, have built-up resentments against each other and the world, and an inciting incident pushing them over the edge - but mostly neither of them can punch in the face the fact that they can't save Falin. So they punch each other instead.
I won't even address the prologue to the fight, where Laios tells him about the black magic and Shuro promptly tries to strangle him then levels a sword at him. Kabru already nailed that: Shuro was worried about Falin - that the magic had hurt her, that the social consequences would be worse. Laios knew this enough that he didn't fight back, then. But now?
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The first shove is Shuro demanding, Don't you fucking DARE give me false hope.
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I cannot emphasize enough how hard I would also slap someone for suggesting that I wasn't taking the death and monsterization of my younger sibling seriously.
Shuro knows it, too. He doesn't respond to this, he just punches, and Laios punches back. Shuro doesn't speak again until Laios knocks him all the way down, and
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Shuro is at his absolute depth. The lowest point he (feels that he) can go. He cannot save Falin. He's shamed himself as a leader and heir by getting his people killed (they got better, but that's beside the point.) He's been beaten in hand-to-hand combat by this idiot northern peasant. He lets down his guard and pride enough to mutter this self-deprecation aloud...and the idiot northern peasant hears, compounding every shame - and it's infuriating especially because he doesn't even hear properly, just like he never hears properly - he's so frustrating in his friendly but oblivious constant irritation and THIS, Shuro can still be furious about, to avoid his grief/hopelessness/self-loathing/shame. This, he can still fight about!
So he does.
They're both wrong in this fight. They're both right. Laios was consistently inconsiderate; knowing this about himself - because it's not like by his early 20s he didn't know that he didn't Get people the way most people Get people - he should've made more of an effort, and picked up any of the hints Shuro was laying down. Shuro was too caught up in his own pride and out-of-place manners: when it was clear that Laios wasn't going to pick up on even the strongest "hint", he should've said something plainly instead of just letting his resentment build until he was effectively lying to Laios about, if not their entire friendship, certainly the shape of it.
But they were friends. They are friends. This isn't the posture or conversation of two guys who don't like each other.
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It's two guys who are still, in fact, fucking exhausted, physically and emotionally - but they just got rid of a lot of extra, furious, helpless energy, so they're finally satisfied to just sit. Their posture is relaxed and casual; their conversation straightforward and companionable, if serious.
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This is two guys who've sat like this many time at a campfire, in just these poses. Who've kept watch together late at night and stayed awake by talking.
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Laios cares about Falin more than anyone in the world, and even after the words and blows they just exchanged, he's still willing to put Shuro's suit to her. Shuro didn't tell Falin he was interested in her until he proposed to her, but he's telling it all to Laios. Admittedly, this is because Laios is, Shuro assumes, the closest he'll ever get to being able to tell it all to Falin...but still. And he admits vulnerability, which he clearly wouldn't have done before, even to his most loyal and loved companions as they urged him to eat and sleep.
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Yeah, they're buddies. If I had to describe it, I'd say: their relationship was built on unsteady, false foundations, but they built something sturdy on it anyway, and the sturdy thing survives even when the foundations shake and re-settle.
Lol at Shuro. "I'm going to report you to the local authorities for your crimes because it's the right thing to do. But if you survive, I'll totally use my power and influence to help you flee the country, and live peacefully on my estate beyond where an extradition treaty can reach you."
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superprofesh · 3 days
The Five Times Colt Seavers Almost Kisses You (and the One Time He Does) — Part 6 (Final)
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Pairing: Colt Seavers x reader
Description: The one time Colt Seavers kisses you — or, rather, the first time.
Rating: T
Word Count: 4.6k
Tag List: @strangedeerconnoisseur, @icantwaittoliveandlearn, @moonlightandstarshimmer, @chemococktailonthehouse, @1word (sending directly to the rest because Tumblr isn't cooperating)
Author’s Note: Well, folks, we've come to the end of this fic, and I hope it's everything you've all been waiting for. I can't express how much your kind words and amazing feedback has meant to me, and it has truly shaped this fic in more ways than you know. I'm really going to miss writing this fic, soooo........ if y'all are interested in a little epilogue, I'm up for that ;) Thank you all, and I hope you enjoy!!
Part 1 // Part 2 // Part 3 // Part 4 // Part 5
Colt can’t get out of the camera crew’s station fast enough. He’s been searching for you all morning, but Holly finally pressed a note in his hand, telling him that you asked her to pass it on to him. He instantly searches for a quiet place where he can read your note, dreading what it might say.
Yesterday shook him up, in more ways than one. Staring down the headlights of a train while Elijah Gordon pushed him to stay a few more seconds was terrifying even for him. Seeing you engage in a showdown with Gordon himself in front of the entire crew was so completely unexpected and selfless that he hasn’t been able to get it out of his mind. No one has ever stood up for him like that.
The more he’s thought it over, the more he’s realized that he’s been blind. Blind to your feelings, blind to your sincerity, blind to the fact that he’s been on the verge of his sweetest dream come true. He’s been pushing you away because he thought he wasn’t good enough for you, but after what happened yesterday, he’s starting to realize that doesn’t matter.
He keeps remembering the look in your eyes when you were in the tent together. The gentle way your fingertips stroked his hair, the soft skin of your neck against his lips, the way you held him as if he were designed to fit in your arms. If your fierceness in defending him didn’t convince him that he needed to wake up and confess his love for you, the heated look in your eyes did. His plan upon finding you has been to simply pour out his heart and see if you’re still willing to accept him after everything that’s happened.
Colt finally finds an empty bench a few stations down from the camera crew, and he unfolds your note carefully. A gentle smile crosses his lips when he sees you’ve scribbled it by hand, your artistic handwriting scrawled in green ink across a piece of office paper. The smile slowly fades, though, as he scans the contents of your letter.
Dear Colt,
I’m sorry to leave without saying goodbye, but I figured we’ve already said a lot of things that are more important than goodbyes. I want you to know that I’m not leaving because you hurt me or because I’m angry with you. I just think it’s best this way, for both of us.
I quit my job last night as Gordon’s set director. After everything that’s happened, I just can’t work for him. I’ve already had a few offers back in L.A., so I’ll be fine. I wish you the best as you finish the movie. You really are the best stuntman in the business, and I hope you stay safe.
I’ve already told you most of what I feel, so I won’t beat a dead horse any more. Still, in case I haven’t told you enough, I want you to know that the time I’ve spent with you has been the happiest I’ve had in a long time. I don’t know why you’re so dead-set on believing you’re not good enough for me. That thought has never entered my mind and never will. You’re the best person I know. When I look back on my memories of love, I will always think of you. Whatever you think you’d be holding me back from, it doesn’t matter to me half as much as you do. Please believe that.
I wish you all the best, and I hope one day our paths might cross again. Until then, thumbs up and happy landings.
Colt squeezes his eyes shut once he’s finished reading the letter, fighting the urge to crumple the piece of paper into a ball. How could you have been so stupid? his inner monologue chides him. How could you not have recognized unconditional love when it was staring you in the face?
The memory of your touch hits him like a knockout punch. Suddenly, every moment the two of you have shared comes back to him in excruciating detail. Smudging paint on each other’s faces. Walking you back to your hotel room. Flirting with you at the club. The look in your eyes when you ran to him after the train stunt. Your hands on his face, in his hair.
Setting his jaw, Colt glances at his watch. 7:42 AM. If he can figure out where you’re leaving from, he can catch you in time. There are a lot of things he needs to say before it’s too late, and now, for the first time, he’s ready to say them.
He folds the paper, tucks it into his pocket, and starts running.
You grip your steering wheel with white-knuckled hands. The sun has already risen over the mountains in the distance, but the beauty of the landscape is the furthest thing from your mind.
You can’t believe you actually left. You’ve never quit a job before, especially one as high-profile as this one. But you just couldn’t take it. You couldn’t work for someone who would so carelessly risk the life of one of their employees. Especially when you happen to be in love with that employee.
You haven’t told anyone but Holly (and Gordon, of course), and she understood. She also promised to pass along your note to Colt.
Writing that note is the most difficult thing you’ve ever done. You wrote eight versions of it before settling on the one you passed to Holly. The most painful part was knowing that that note may be the last time you ever communicate with Colt. Saying exactly the right thing was vital, and you finally felt satisfied with the ninth version, which included a lot less poetic verse and a lot more explanations of why you were really leaving.
The airport is looming on the horizon, and a wave of emotion sweeps over you, biting at the backs of your eyes. What was the point of knowing him if this is how it has to end?
You can’t stop replaying your memories with him as you pull closer to the airport parking lot. Things started out so simple and easy between the two of you — making each other laugh, sitting together at lunch, cheering on each other’s projects — but once the tension between you started heating up, maintaining a friendship has seemed almost impossible. You thought you could handle it, but it turns out you’re not strong enough to face Colt every day if you can’t express your love for him openly.
You pull into a parking space, facing the vast grassy field that leads to the plane runway. A passenger jet soars into the air, leaving a trail of jet stream behind. You’ll be aboard one of those planes within the hour, and maybe when you get to L.A., you can leave all your sorrows behind you.
You’re still trying to muster the strength to climb out of the car and drag your suitcase to the airport, when something… odd catches your eye. On the busy street leading up to the airport entrance, a vehicle is moving too fast to be driven by a normal person. The truck rounds the corner to fly up the airport drive at top speed, and your heart constricts.
That’s Colt’s truck.
All your attention is suddenly laser-focused on that familiar GMC pickup, and before you know what you’re doing, you’ve leaped out of your car and started running as fast as you can towards the driveway. A few seconds later, Colt’s truck pulls to a stop on the side of the drive, and he jumps out without even bothering to turn the truck off.
The fifteen seconds it takes you to get halfway across the grassy field feels like an eternity, and by the time you’re halfway, Colt has already cleared the distance. He sweeps you into his arms, holding you off the ground as you try to catch your breath, completely overwhelmed by this grand gesture.
He came for me. He couldn’t let me leave without saying goodbye. It’s not over yet.
You’re content to stay like that, suspended off the ground and feeling his heartbeat pound against your chest, but Colt carefully sets you back on your feet and holds you at arm’s length. His face is a jumble of a thousand emotions, more than you’ve ever seen from him in all the time you’ve known him. He’s breathing hard from his enthusiastic sprint across the greenway, but his eyes are illuminated by his excitement at catching you in time.
“Colt—” you start, gripping his forearms as if he’s going to disappear.
He shakes his head, cutting off whatever you were about to ask. “I’ve been wrong. I’ve been so wrong.”
You raise your eyebrows in disbelief, trying to make sense of his words. “Colt, how did you find me here?” you ask.
“I got your note,” he tells you. “Holly told me how to find you.”
“Don’t you have to be on set?”
“Actually, I’m not filming anymore.”
You can’t hide your confusion. Colt isn’t working on the movie anymore? What kind of insane coincidence could this be? “What?” you squeak, gripping his arms even harder. “Please tell me you didn’t quit because I did!”
Colt shakes his head, which relieves you. “Tom quit the movie last night,” Colt explains, his eyes never leaving yours. “Called Gordon and told him he was sick of taking orders and wasn’t working for him anymore. I’d say it had something to do with you taking Gordon to task yesterday,” he adds with something that sounds a little like humor. “Tom doesn’t want something like that reflecting badly on him.”
You laugh in pure disbelief, amazed at the turn of events you could never have expected. “Well, I never thought I’d be grateful to Tom Ryder for anything,” you say honestly, and Colt laughs with you, genuine joy behind his eyes. You search his face for answers about why he has rushed to the airport to see you. You begin, “Listen, you didn’t have to come all this way just to tell me—”
“I did,” Colt says definitively. “Believe me, I did. Because what I have to say isn’t something that can be done long-distance.”
Your heart drops. This is it. After all this time, you’re about to hear the words that you know are true, the ones you’ve been waiting for, from his own lips.
Colt takes a step backwards, his hands falling from your arms to hold your hands between the two of you. The look in his eyes can only be described as utter sincerity.
“I have been so wrong about selling you short,” he says softly, emotion threatening to break through his voice. “I keep putting you on this impossibly high pedestal and believing that you’re way too good for me. I thought you could never feel what I feel because I don’t see myself the way I see you. To me, you’re every wonderful thing that ever existed.”
Tears spring into your eyes at his words, so totally without guile. “Are you serious?” you whisper.
“Absolutely serious.” His eyes blaze with an intensity you haven’t seen before, and his grip on your hands grows tighter as he says, “Listen, I’ve never said this to anyone in my life, but… I love you.” Colt stops, his voice catching in his throat when he sees the tears streaming down your cheeks. “I’ve been in love with you since the first time I saw you on set painting that triple-sized stop sign.” You both laugh at the memory, relieving some of the overwhelming emotion.
He keeps going. “I’m so in love with you it actually scares me,” he finishes, “because nothing has ever meant so much to me as getting this right. I can’t keep holding it back, and you deserve to know. It’s killing me.”
“Colt…” It’s as if you’ve forgotten every word but his name.
Still, Colt presses on, trying to get three months’ worth of communication out in three minutes. “I’m not asking anything in return,” he tells you insistently. “If you still want to go, I won’t stop you. You don’t need to say or do anything, but I just had to get this out. After yesterday, with the train stunt almost going wrong, and you telling Gordon off, and then when you told me you love me and want to be with me no matter what, I don’t know… it just sort of woke me up.”
Your eyes brim with tears again, and you squeeze his hands, giving him an encouraging smile to keep going. You can feel his pulse in his hands, flying as fast as the jet planes soaring over the nearby mountains.
“I’ve been holding back because I didn’t want you to be stuck with a guy like me.” Colt can’t seem to stop the avalanche of words spilling out of his mouth, every one as sweet as honey to your ears. “I keep imagining this amazing future for you and thinking that I’m only going to hold you back and get in the way. I’m still not sure it wouldn’t be that way, but… I’m not the only one who gets to make that decision.” His voice thickens with emotion again. “No one has ever cheered me on the way you do. No one has ever supported me with everything I do, and made me feel like I actually have a chance at real love. But you’re different. You make me feel like I can do anything, and if you still want me after all we’ve been through, I’m yours.”
The look in Colt’s eyes is enough to make your knees feel weak, and you throw yourself forward to steady yourself, wrapping your arms around his neck and burying your face in his shoulder. Colt’s instant embrace is more welcome than you could have imagined.
“Of course I want you,” you whisper in his ear. “Just you, no strings attached.”
Colt holds you against him for a few moments, long enough that a plane takes off from the landing strip and zooms far enough away that it doesn’t drown out his words. Finally, carefully, he pries himself out of your arms and holds you at arm’s length, his hands on your waist. “Look, I can’t promise that it’ll be easy,” he continues in a rush. “I’m a stuntman. Life is scary and dangerous and all that.”
“I don’t care about that,” you answer honestly, beaming through your tears. “If it’s what you love doing, there’s nothing I want more than for you to do it. I can handle it.”
“It’s not just that. I’ve never… I’ve never had a serious relationship before. Everything will be new for me, and I’m going to make a ton of mistakes.”
Colt’s eyes are misty, too, and your heart is so full of joy that it feels like it will burst. You know it must be radiating from your face, because Colt starts grinning back at you, seeming to sense how much you’ve been aching to hear these words from him.
“So am I,” you insist, your hands fluttering back and forth from his face to his shoulders over and over. “Mistakes are just part of a relationship. As long as we communicate and stay committed, we’re not going to fall apart just because of a few mistakes.”
Colt nods, flexing his fingers against your waist as his smile overtakes his entire face. Still, he doesn’t lose control: he seems to be holding back until he’s finished saying everything that’s been building up over the months. You’re more than happy to let your gaze wander over his wonderful face, to bask in the fact that Colt Seavers loves you back and isn’t going to let you go.
“There’s one more thing,” he says gingerly. “I… I don’t really have a lot of grand aspirations for the future. I’m a stuntman because that’s what I love doing, but there aren’t a lot of ways to move up the ladder. I’ll be doing stunts until I’m dead or until I can’t anymore, so basically, my future is just to be a working-class guy. I’ll just be an unknown stuntman.” He hesitates at the end of his speech, as if he honestly believes this could be a problem for you.
You want to laugh in sheer glee, but you hold back so Colt won’t think you’re taking his seriousness lightly. “If that bothered me,” you inform him, moving your thumbs lightly against the sides of his neck, “I would never have fallen in love with you in the first place. Colt, I’m not exactly shooting for the stars myself as a set decorator. Sure, I may have a chance to work on even bigger films, and it can always open up some new opportunities, but I’m not doing this to climb the ladder either. If we’re both working-class professionals for the rest of our lives, that’s fine with me. As long as I have you in my life, I don’t care what kind of life it is.”
Colt’s eyes finally brim over with the tears he has valiantly been holding back. His hands are trembling against your waist, and he ducks his head so you won’t see how much this confession has affected him. You pull him close to you again, resting your head just below his chin while he squeezes you tightly enough to take your breath away. This is what heaven must be like.
He’s whispering something against the top of your hair, so low you can barely hear it. “I’m so sorry.”
You shake your head. “You have nothing to be sorry for.”
“I do,” Colt replies, the regret in his voice obvious. “I haven’t been able to make up my mind about what to do because all this has been in the back of my head. I should have just come clean with you the first time you ever let me know how you feel.” He lifts your head with his fingers under your chin, meeting your tear-stained gaze with one of his own. “It would have saved you all this heartbreak,” he whispers.
You smile up at him, resting your hand on his cheek. “What’s love without a little heartbreak?” you tease him. “That’s how you know it’s real.”
Colt finally returns your smile, his shoulders relaxing as if he suddenly believes that this is real. “I promise I won’t break your heart again,” he says solemnly.
“I believe that.” And you do.
Colt is looking into your eyes with all the passion of the ocean in a storm, and you can feel the blush in your cheeks building just from the way he’s looking at you. You’re suddenly hyper-conscious of his hand that’s still resting under your chin, tilting your head back to look deep in your eyes. The hand that is slowly, ever so slowly, bringing your face closer to his.
Colt hesitates for a moment when your lips are just inches apart. You’ve been here so many times, so close to a kiss, and have parted every time. This time, however, you know his heart is beating for you alone, and you feel like you have all the time in the world to savor this moment.
His gaze flickers down to your lips, and his breath seems to double its pace as he considers what he’s about to do. He lifts an eyebrow at you, as if asking, Are you ready? Your smile tells him all he needs to know, and finally, finally, Colt closes the endless distance between you.
The moment your lips meet his, your heart whispers, This is what you were made to do. Colt’s kiss is everything gentle and passionate, his lips moving slowly against yours in a rhythm that is so incredibly natural. His hands find landing spots on your back when you tighten your arms around his neck, pressing yourself against him as he deepens the kiss.
Every last circuit in your brain is exploding in the sweetest way possible. Is this how it’s supposed to feel? you wonder, and Colt pulls away from your mouth at that exact moment, fixing his eyes on yours with an expression that tells you he’s wondering the same thing.
The separation only lasts a moment, though, because now that Colt has had a taste of your lips, he can’t get enough. He kisses you again, and again, and again, and again, until you’re both so out of breath you wonder if you’ll ever recover. His hands move up and down your back, clutching your body so tightly against his that you’ve started breathing in rhythm with each other. You can taste salt on his lips, and you have no idea if it’s from your tears or his.
Just when you think you’re about to drown in the sweetest possible way, Colt presses one more soft kiss against your lips, then pulls back so you can breathe. You find yourself gasping for air and aren’t surprised to see him doing the same. Your hands stay on his shoulders as they heave up and down, and he doesn’t loosen his hold on you for a second.
“Colt…” you sigh, your lips feeling like they’ve actually changed shape, “I’ve dreamed about this so many times. You have no idea.”
He inclines his head toward you, resting his cheek against yours. His beard scratches your skin in a way that sends a delightful shiver down your spine. “Me, too,” he whispers against your cheek.
“Promise me this is real.”
“It’s real,” Colt assures you, dipping his head so he can press a kiss against the skin right below your ear. “Realer than anything I’ve done in my life.”
You feel like your body is about to sail into orbit at the contact, and you grip Colt’s broad shoulders even harder as his lips move down your neck, across your throat, down to your collarbone. You know you’re making breathless sounds that betray how much he’s exciting you, but you are far past the point of caring.
With every kiss, it’s as if Colt is repeating the words he said just a few moments ago: I love you. I love you. I love you. One of his hands moves from your lower back to cradle your chin, tilting your head to the side to give him better access to your neck.
“I’ve been aching for you,” he murmurs close to your ear. “Burning for you.”
His words inspire an entirely new shiver down your spine, one that makes you stand on your toes and arch even further into his arms. All you can manage to choke out is, “I love you so much… so much…”
You slide one hand into his hair, remembering how he reacted the last time you did that. Right on cue, Colt lets out a soft sound that makes every inch of your skin erupt into goosebumps. He goes still in your arms, his mouth still on the curve where your shoulder meets your neck. You run your fingers through his hair with firm but gentle strokes, reveling in the way he seems to melt in your arms.
After a few moments of it, Colt finally straightens again, his intense gaze locked on your face. You leave one hand in his thick hair and let your other wander to his face. Using just your fingertips, you trace his forehead, his cheekbone, his nose, his lips, his jaw, everything you’ve been dying to touch. Colt’s eyes flutter closed at your touch, as if he’s about to come undone right before your eyes. Your heart leaps when he leans his head to the side, leaning in to your touch.
You choose to copy his actions, rising up to press your lips to his pulse point, right below his neck. The way Colt’s hands on your waist flex in response tells you you’ve found something he likes. You trail your way up until you’re peppering kisses behind his ear, then on his cheek, on his nose, on both his closed eyelids.
At the sensation of your kisses on his face, Colt opens his eyes and smiles at you. It’s a new smile this time, one that speaks of a new emotion he’s feeling for the first time. Peacefulness. Assurance.
Colt raises his hands to frame your face, tucking the strands of hair that he’s pulled loose back behind your ears. His voice breaks when he says softly, “I may never find the right words to tell you how I really feel about you, but I promise I’m going to take every opportunity to try.”
You rest your hands on his chest, grinning as you reply, “We’ve got the rest of our lives for you to think of the right words. I’ve heard all the ones I need to know what you mean.”
Colt’s eyes are brimming over with the love he’s been demonstrating, the adoration, the gratitude, the sheer bliss of sharing this moment with the one person he’s been waiting all his life for. “You’re everything to me…” he murmurs, lowering his lips to touch yours again. “I’ve never…” he restarts, only to interrupt himself with another kiss. “No one has ever…”
He doesn’t even try to finish the last sentence, and your lips are meeting in a gentler kiss, one that calms the fire you’ve been building for the last little eternity. His lips are so soft against yours, coaxing things from you but never demanding. Colt’s hands stroke through your hair and down your spine, holding you close against his chest protectively. You can feel every breath he takes, every movement that reveals how wrapped up he is in feeling you with him.
Another deafening jet plane roars over your heads, but neither of you take the slightest bit of notice.
Colt finally slows your kiss down, pressing his lips to the corner of your mouth and leaving one of his hands to tangle in your hair. He doesn’t pull away, just lets his lips linger on your jaw, as he asks casually, “So, Sofonisba, are you still flying out?”
“Sofonisba?” you repeat, words slowly drifting back into your brain.
“I was running out of artist nicknames,” Colt explains, a husky edge still noticeable in his voice. “Had to look that one up.”
You grin at him, though he feels it rather than sees it. “I don’t have to fly out. I don’t exactly have somewhere to be.” You snuggle closer to him, not quite ready to leave his comforting embrace. “Haven’t even gotten my ticket yet.”
Colt hums in approval at that, the sound lingering on your skin. “In that case,” he suggests softly, “what do you say to some coffee?”
“Can’t think of anything I’d like better,” you say honestly.
Colt returns your smile, pulling you forward for one last, reverent kiss to your lips. Then he wraps his arm around your shoulder, and the two of you gaze off into the distance, where another plane soars into the sky over the mountains.
You don’t know what lies ahead for you, and you know Colt doesn’t either. But you are assured of one thing now, and that is that you’ve found the man you were made to be with. All it takes is one glance up into his eyes to know that he’s confident of the same thing.
That’s more than enough for you.
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"He’s finding his footing as king and working out what kind of king he wants to be. From an acting perspective, I’m working it out with him and trying not to make too many decisions about how it’s going to unfold, or how he’s going to deal with certain situations. I’m kind of just taking it as it comes because that’s what he does. He doesn’t think things through very much. He’s very impulsive. So I’m trying to approach the work in a similar way."
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"That’s good way of putting it, bit of both sides. It’s great. It’s a tiring thing playing someone like Aegon. His rhythm is very different to mine, he’s quick and frantic. And I feel like my usual default rhythm is a lot slower than his. So yeah it’s physically and emotionally quite challenging. But that’s the whole point, isn’t it? That’s the aim of the game, to push yourselves out of your comfort zone as actors and and take on things that make you feel out of your safety net."
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"Totally. I love him to pieces. I think he’s an absolute tragedy. You know, people call him a villain and all sorts of stuff. And yeah, he has been villainous in the past, but I think he’s desperately sad and clawing for any scrap of validation or love or acknowledgement from anyone. Yeah, he’s desperately sad actually [laughs]."
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"I think so. I think we see a fragility to him this time. We see the broken little boy in him. We see the tragedy in him. For me, it kind of explains and informs why he behaves and why he has behaved the way he has behaved in previous episodes. The idea is that he is not just a cold, dark character. It spawns from something and that’s what I’ve tried to bring to him. I think in episode one of Season 2, we see a levity and some humour from him. We see some joie de vivre, but you know it all comes crashing down."
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"The pre-production stuff is always useful, even just to make sure that you’re feeling fit and strong and able to physically keep up with the requirements. I got to be careful, I don’t want to give anything away but yeah, it’s always very thorough and very beneficial to anyone who needs it. For me, it’s been more of maintaining a healthy baseline of where my body is at. I just made sure that I was eating as healthy as possible and getting as much sleep as I could. Doing a lot of yoga and stretching. Aegon puts a lot of tension in my body and I found myself getting very stiff. He walks different from me and moves different from me. It was important for me to stay loose, stay centred and flexible as best I can."
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ticktockheartstop · 3 days
I just find it sooo interesting how Charles chooses to kiss Crystal after the most emotional day in Port Townsend so far. Let’s review:
1. Charles is clearly jealous of Monty and Edwin at the beginning of the episode: “You? Him? Spending a lot of time?” (Whether this is platonic or romantic jealousy, I’ll leave that up to you… though I definitely have thoughts.)
2. Edwin is really trying, for maybe the first time ever, to comfort Charles and get him to open up (because the Devlin case in the previous episode made him realize that Charles has major walls up). Edwin paying, even slightly, is definitely a new, potentially kinda scary thing for Charles.
3. Crystal is really concerned about Charles and not afraid to hide it, and it’s clearly irritating him. So much so that he nearly snaps at her — which he never does to her — and he stops himself, only to say, “As long as I’ve got my best mate and a case to solve, I’m good.” *pause* “I appreciate you. But leave it, yeah?” I just think it’s really significant that Charles didn’t say “as long as I’ve got you guys” or “my mates” or “you and my best mate.” Crystal was a hit of an afterthought, I think.
4. Charles tells Edwin off for not telling him about the Cat King, so much so that Edwin feels the need to say: “I don’t understand why you’re so angry.” Charles is clearly not in the best mood, not thrilled about the case they’re facing, and not thrilled about his “best mate” hiding things from him.
5. Charles nearly watches Crystal jump to her death, and it wasn’t even him who saved her. It was Niko. He looks the most devastated of all of them, and then gives her that big speech of how important it is for her to know that jumping isn’t worth it, because it’s not actually her mom, no matter what it feels like. And she basically tells him he doesn’t know what he’s talking about, because she knows her mom wants to see her.
6. Charles is so jealous, watching Monty flirt with Edwin as he’s stuck digging through a dumpster.
7. Let’s just be clear on one thing: Crystal was the first to “attack” the Night Nurse, even if she tried to do it psychically instead of physically, and no one bats an eye. But then, when Charles gets violent with her after she threatens to take Edwin back to hell and makes him relive all his trauma, all while basically teasing him, everyone FLIPS OUT about him attacking her. It’s honestly kind of unfair, and I’d lose it too if my friends looked at me like that.
8. Charles really loses it for the first time (maybe ever in front of Edwin). He feels like he can’t help Crystal with her problems, and he can’t get Edwin to be honest about what’s going on in his head, so he definitely can’t help him, and it’s heartbreaking. But the real kicker is that the only one who steps up to try to comfort him in that moment is Edwin, because the others are still stunned by his outburst. But Charles flinches away from his touch, because he can’t fathom how anyone could love him or want to be near him in that moment.
8. If that wasn’t enough, as they leave the lighthouse, Crystal is staring at him with major concern. For obvious reasons. But I relate to Charles in the way that that look would drive me CRAZY, and I think it’s so important that later, when offering an understanding ear, Edwin doesn’t let Charles see the scope of his concern for him. That’s why I think Charles responds more politely to his offer to talk to him if he ever needs it.
9. Slightly out of chronological order here, but before going into their respective rooms, Niko says, “I think I’m going to go do something where I don’t have to think now.” And Crystal says, “Yeah, I’m with you.” … and then she goes and makes out with Charles.
10. Idk, it just seems a bit self-destructive of Charles to go make out with a girl right after she says that, and to kiss her for the first time right after she says “I just want something that’s real.” After he spent the whole day being jealous about Edwin spending time with Monty, and keeping a meeting with the Cat King from him, and after Charles lost his mind (understandably). Like, this is not the time to make romantic decisions! This can only end with someone getting hurt.
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chelseamariep · 1 day
I rewatched Part 2, and I'm gonna list my likes. I'm trying to focus on the postive. These will all be Penelope and Colin centric.
My Likes
The brothers urging Colin to tell Pen how he feels.
Colin raising his voice and Pen immediately getting turned on. Like you could see it on her face in that moment. She was DTF.
Colin saying "I love you" first and Pen questioning it. That felt very in character for her.
The mirror scene. I've seen mixed reactions to this but I think they used the mirror in just the right way. This is not a hard core porn show. I don't think we could have had an entire full frontal sex scene in front of a giant mirror. As much as we might have wanted it lol.
Also, remember this was Penelope losing her virginity. To the only person she's ever loved. It needed to be soft, sweet and romantic. It definitely delivered on all fronts.
Plus we all know the mirror scene came purely from a single quote in the book so the artistic liberties were boundless.
I loved that like in the book they made Penelope eager and not shy and her asking if they could go again was just about the cutest thing ever.
Nicolas' face acting during the Colin undressing scene was a masterclass. That woman literally carried this whole season on her shoulders and I love her even more now.
Let's not forget about Colin Bridgerton, the consent king.
The after glow scene was amazing. Her teasing him about his French girls and of course the iconic "my mess" book quote. I probably should have just turned the show off there so I could have stayed happy.
Except the little carriage scene was so god damn adorable I nearly lost my mind. The two of them all up in each other's personal space.
The ring scene was sweet. Portia lingering in the background was funny especially because we all knew how badly colin wanted to kiss his girl.
The church scene was also very sweet, and again, they snuck a book quote in there. That one felt kinda forced, so I didn't enjoy it as much, but it was still nice.
Stepping on each others feet while dancing was so nerd coded and adorable
Them talking about Colin's book was so cute too, and Penelope being super into the dirty passages was brilliant. Pen is a book girlie, and there is nothing a book girl loves more than smut.
I believe it's around this time my likes really start to dwindle...
Pen's wedding look was serving
The cut away to the empty room during the wedding dance made me swoon. That was a good Pride and Prejudice touch
Colin reminding Pen that's she is a Bridgerton was also super adorable
Eloise hugging Pen when she's sad is peak Bridgerton and I missed it so much. I needed it and it healed me.
Colin keeping all of Penelopes' letters. Like boy you have been in love this whole damn time
Another parallel Eloise and Penelope scene. That nearly made me cry.
I've seen mixed reactions on this but I like the healing arc they did with Pen and her mother. That storyline seemed to eclipse the polin story which did bother me slightly but ultimately it was important to bring the Featherington family together
Colin's speech was nice. I liked that they put in the purpose line since that seems to be an overall theme with Colin. He's looking for his purpose and loving his wife wholeheartedly seems like a great one to me.
That second sex scene, while lacking, was excellent because it gave us our girl on top, riding her man. You go Pen.
We could all see it coming from a mile away, but I'm still glad Penelope won the baby race. With the reconciliation, it seemed not as necessary, but I kind of love the idea of Penelope being able to stay in her family home and raise her son with her husband.
The fact that Pen and Colin will be living across the street from Bridgerton house next season fills me with lots of joy.
That last kiss in front of Penelope's beloved windows was a good touch and her new Penelope Bridgerton signature on Whistledown was perfect.
Also does this mean Nicola will narrate the show now? Don't get me wrong I love Julie Andrew's but ever since they gave Pen a voice over in season 2 I have been dreaming of that.
I'm may do my dislikes in a separate post just to get them off my chest. I have alot lol.
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Actually this is a bug bear but I find the complaints about the Kal'tsit yapping to be missing the point extremely. When I see those I think about hbomberguy's Dark Souls 2 video and the brief tangent where he talks about the expectation for "efficient storytelling", and how it doesn't really matter if Kal'tsit's style of speech is meant to convey anything, she takes too long and says too many hard words.
But that's the point. Kal'tsit, especially when she is introduced, is a very mysterious figure who is clearly really important at Rhodes Island despite her nominal position as a member of the Medical Department. She plans strategies for Rhodes Island operations, she's been all over the world and has seen events you'd only find in the history books, and for a very long time there was only speculation that Kal'tsit was really old.
Talking to Kal'tsit is supposed to feel weird. She could make the effort to be more direct and approach where the Doctor needs to be at, but she doesn't! She hates us! She's still struggling with the fact that we killed Theresa and she now has to deal with us having no memories of much of anything. She can't kill us off because she knows that Rhodes Island would benefit from the Doctor's knowledge of Originium and tactical ability, and because she grows to learn that the Doctor is moving forward with being a new person.
So she makes it hard on us. She makes it clear as she talks to us that she is looking down on us. She is talking about concepts that are difficult to understand to parse, that maybe wouldn't be if we still had all of our memories back. She talks with the wisdom of someone who has been alive for over two thousand years, but also with the expectation that we need to just immediately get on her level. Giving us the information directly is going to help us and she's still kind of pissed. If you listen to her conversation with W in Chapter 13, she's a lot more direct with her intention and her word choice. She needs W to understand what the fuck she is talking about as quickly as possible. But the Doctor can struggle a little bit.
And, obviously, it's not just for this reason. The point of how Kal'tsit talks is to make her seem very odd compared to the rest of the cast. Dobermann speaks very harshly because the writers wanted her to sound like she came from the military, for a similar example. Kal'tsit talks at length, uses difficult to understand language, and often is quite indirect because its meant to enhance that mystery. People for years were dying to know what exactly was going on with Kal'tsit, and the way she speaks is absolutely part of that. She's an outlier in the cast for many reasons, and how she speaks is one of those.
So I find the criticism to be, frankly, awfully juvenile. It's not a bug, it's not the result of poor impulse control on the part of the writers. It serves a very obvious use.
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arandomnerd810 · 3 days
personal TADC character analysis
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uh warning this is long lol
autism time let’s go (/not in a negative way i have autism) stretches hands * I’ll go in order of the character episodes cause why not we have it (see below) i’ll put periods but it will just be to make it more readable not to be intimidating lolll
btw im completely open to interpretations of characters changing throughout the series this is just for fun
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Gooseworx has said this series is mostly focused on characters rather than lore, and from what we know, i truly believe it. I don’t think any of the current characters will abstract because of this.
(I put a version of this in the glitch inn discord theory thing so if you recognize it that’s why)
Pomni: we already know her deal pretty well, as we’ve already had her episode. uuuh if anyone’s going to do something important lore wise it will probably be her as she’s the main character but can’t rlly tell what that may be. to review ep 2 though she’s an outcast who has felt like she was nothing and is a logical thinker.
(Kinger and Zooble will there their focus episode but i put it in order of who was revealed to be the ep 3 focus first)
Zooble: From their design (the entire motif is it can be changed at any time) and the fact she doesn’t know his gender, we’re dealing with some pretty clear identity issues. Friends with Gangle seems cool excited for next episode to learn more about them!
Kinger: One of the most interesting characters so far. I feel like we will get to learn more about abstraction though Queenie, the X-ed out door that looks like a female version of him. If i had to guess, since Gooseworx said they were not siblings, they were a couple. (Also judging by his age and the fact he could have been married, he may have been a father yeowch imagine that) I can see the common theory of the insect collection implying he was a coder before getting trapped, but i could also see him being some random guy who just likes bugs lol. He seems like really sweet guy behind his constant anxiety and disassociating.
 Gangle: (My faveorite human rn) Her mask design can be interpreted in a lot of ways but it’s clear that the happy mask isn’t her real personality. My take on it rn is she doesn’t wana bother people with her stuff so she pretends she’s happy? She seems easily embarrassed and def has self esteem lower than the last circle of hell. What’s interesting though is she’s willing to stand up for herself from time to time, even though she’s easily shot down after.
Ragatha: Waaaay too nice for her own good. Also probably has self esteem lower than the last circle of hell and bases her self worth of others approval.  Though she’s been here the second longest, she seems a lot more normal than Kinger. Makes me question how long apart their introductions have been. Probably copes via escapism.
Jax: I can see why everyone is very interested in him cause me too. He seems like the only fourth wall breaky guy (unless you count Caine cause of his intro at the pilot)which is rlly interesting how did he figure out more than everyone else? what’s with the keys? i have no clue lmao. He’s an asshole who makes the best of his situation by torturing everyone else. At the end of the day though, he’s a human and was sad at kaufmo’s abstraction but he probably isolates himself so it would probably be the same for anyone
but waAitTt a moment
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that’s 6 humans but Gooseworx said we would look into 7 (cause of the “other” part) in her twitter post talking about the character focus timeline so we know our fav character won’t be left behind ⁉️⁉️⁉️ I hear you not asking well my dear hypothetical person, who better to fill the 7th character than Caine?
Why you did not ask? Too bad i’m info dumping. First, he’s the main antagonist and alongside Pomni, the commercial face (or lack their of haha teeth and eye joke) of the series. he’s an important character and loved by many. (and hated equally if not more aside the point lmaooo)
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Yes, gooseworx can lie about stuff but I think she’s smarter than to lead this heavy into Caine depth/ angst territory if there wasn’t going to be anything On top of that, the entire purpose of the timeline post was so we know our faveorite characters weren’t getting treated poorly. It’s unlike for a character based show to suddenly drop such a major character for some random other guy were introduced to later or smth. i mean cmon there’s three episodes after all the humans at least one of them has to be focused on my boy.
Caine: I believe he really does have good intentions and wants to help but just does not understand people at all. This means he’s like an anxiety disorder; it wants to help, solves some issues but creates 500 more. Judging by the Tumblr post, loneliness may play a big part in what’s to come? I’ve always had a feeling his front was extremely fake and his VA saying “breaks keyfable” (an act that pretends it’s true) supports that theory. Episode two gives some insecurity vibes when Zooble didn’t want to go on the adventure. I find that pretty interesting cause he didn’t care at all if people went on the gloink adventure or not. Maybe he puts some adventures over others and he could have been proud of the candy adventure cause more time and care was put into it and he made a new AI. Why did he blue screen? i feel like he could have some blockages on what he can say built in though im not sure why he was blocked then if he even was. one of the biggest questions i have ab him currently tbh. what’s with him grabbing his cane like that in ep 2? if i had to guess simply be nervous = that? His VA also knows some depth to him even though his focus episode is likely going to be at least one of the last 3 episodes, which they have not gotten to recording yet. You know what this means Caine angst solidarity club? Sad Caine so more fan angst appetizers before the main cannon feast let’s friccin go‼️‼️⁉️⁉️
(try to guess my fav impossible /j)
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penspolin · 1 day
Why Sophie won't be genderbent, exploring sexuality in Bridgerton
I've gathered some evidence for why Sophie will not be genderbent in S4. None of these are confirmed, of course, but I think this should help to alleviate concerns.
Probably the most obvious - they've already risked a lot by gender bending one character (Michael), so I don't foresee them doing it again.
Directly tied to reason 1, the show already made a change from Book!Benedict this season by making him canon bisexual. That is already one substantial change, and I personally don't see them giving both Francesca and Benedict gender bent endgames.
Directly tied to Benedict's sexuality, there is one particular scene that stands out a lot: during Benedict's last conversation with Tilley, he explicitly says that gender does not matter to him.
"Paul could be Patricia, or Polly, or Peter, or all three at once."
I'd argue this was included 1) to convey his sexuality directly to the audience through dialogue itself, 2) to highlight his concept of freedom, and 3) to emphasize that this experience is a bisexual (pansexual, potentially) awakening, not a homosexual one. I've noticed a standard in media to give characters an LGBTQ+ experience that confirms to them that they've never really liked the other gender (in this case, women) all along, they were just "playing pretend." But what we know very well by now from Benedict is that he doesn't play by society's game. If he was not attracted to women, he would not have been pursuing them for so long. Benedict having an LGBTQ+ experience this season makes him so happy because he's finally grasping at the freedom he once found in art. There is a lightness to Benedict in the last two episodes of S3 because he's broken through a barrier, admitted to a core part of himself, and lived the way he wants to, away from the watchful eye of society, in direct opposition to what society deems "appropriate."
Contrast Benedict's sexuality to what we've seen of Francesca, who has never expressed such explicit interest in both genders. Up to this point, she is a societal conformant, and we witness her struggle with that. While I do think she harbors deep feelings of love for John, her last scene with Michaela indicates that her love for him isn't romantic. It's also important to note - Benedict has had previous experience with a gay man; as far as we know, Francesca has never interacted with a member of the LGBTQ+ community and thus does not carry that same knowledge. As we've seen with other plots in Bridgerton, women were not often privy to the same knowledge and experiences as men (shielded, so to speak), and so her understanding of sexuality could be understandably limited.
4. Went off on a tangent there, but the final reason why I don't think Sophie will be genderbent: Sophie's identity as a bastard and maid derives conflict from her gender. Men, even illegitimate ones of wealthy families, were typically fairly well-off. I hardly think the bastard son of an Earl would be immediately cast out and turned into a maid or servant. Additionally, Jess Brownell has indicated that she doesn't want to mess with the books "too much," and while she's made some gender and sexuality changes, I do not foresee her changing something so pivotal. For this backstory to present conflict, Sophie must remain a woman.
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missmaniac25 · 1 day
Ateez Scenarios - Realising you're in love with your best friend Part 2 (the confession)
Behold! The sequel that nobody asked for but I had to write anyways!
Each member’s part is between 600 - 700 words This does link to part 1 but I’m sure you could read this as a stand alone if your heart so chooses I don't think there's any warnings but let me know if I missed anything
Another night, another successful snack run. You and Hongjoong tumble back into his studio as the clock reaches two in the morning. Like normal, you’re both a little giggly and a little bit chaotic as you flop onto the couch whilst Hongjoong takes his chair.
“Throw me a chocolate milk, please,” you ask before Hongjoong dives, almost literally, into the packet before tossing one your way.
However, you were not ready for it when he tosses it your way and it lands on your head with a thunk before falling off of you and onto the floor.
“Ow.” Is all you manage to get out before your best friend is kneeling in front of you, still giggling, but clearly concerned.
“Are you ok? I really didn’t mean to throw it so hard.”
It must be the lack of sleep that makes you decide to play it up.
“Oh, the pain!” You pretend to be wounded. “Oh, the betrayal! How could you do this to me?”
Dramatically you place the back of your hand on your forehead like a damsel in distress and it causes your best friend to laugh even more.
“Oh no!” He mimics your tone. “I’ve fatally injured the most important person in my life! How will I ever earn their trust again!”
You go still at his words. Does he even know what he just said? Does he know how much it tugs at your heart strings when he says things like that?
“I’m the most important person in your life?” You dare to query, knowing that he might retract his words now that he was being confronted with them.
A faint blush appears over his nose and along his cheeks. At first you think you’re imagining it.
“Um, yeah.” It’s as though he’s suddenly become sober, the giggle disappearing from his voice. “You are. I thought you knew that.”
The two of you watch each other in silence for a short while.
“Does your head actually hurt?” He finally asks, bringing you back to reality.
“I mean a little.” You playfully lift your eyes as if you’ll be able to see anything and you succeed in making Hongjoong giggle again. “Do I have a boo-boo?”
He swats your hand away and takes a closer look.
“There’s a bit of a red mark, oh my soul, I’m so sorry!”
You muse that it’s really ok, you should have been paying more attention aways.
“Wait, I know how to make it feel better,” Hongjoong tells you, shuffling closer.
You’re about to ask what he means when he gently places a kiss on your head, assumedly where the chocolate milk had hit you. It lasts only a second but it feels as though every moment you’d ever shared with your best friend is captured in that second, in that action.
“Do you feel better?” He asks as he moves away.
You shake your head.
“Do you need another one?”
You nod.
There’s a smile on his face as Hongjoong kisses your head again, a little longer this time and your eyes flutter closed. You almost tell him not to stop when he pulls away.
“And now?” Hongjoong is still smiling, almost as if he knows where this is leading.
“Still not better,” you say, opening your eyes. “But I think I know what will help me.”
There’s no pull back from Hongjoong as you gently guide him down. There’s still a gap between the two of you. But after a breath, you feel his lips against yours and the rest of the world is forgotten.
You don’t know how long the kiss lasts for. All you know is that you’d give anything to have him kiss you like that from now until forever.
Little do you know, Hongjoong feels exactly the same way.
“Ok, ok, enough!” You plead with the people around you. “Damn, I’m crying I’m laughing so much!”
An evening out with your friends had been exactly what you’d needed to relieve yourself of the stress you’d been feeling. The banter dies down for only a short time before someone else strikes up a new conversation and the commotion begins again.
Next to you, your best friend sits uncharacteristically quietly. He’s barely spoken the whole evening, opting rather to sip continually from his glass. You don’t think you’ve even seen him smile.
After wiping away your tears, you affectionately nudge your shoulder against his. Seonghwa peers over at you and his expression softens ever so slightly.
“Hey, everything alright?” You ask, trying to be as subtle as you can be.
“Hmm,” he hums and you know he’s lying to you.
You nudge him a second time and this time he rolls his eyes.
“Come on, what’s up? I want to help you feel better.”
Seonghwa gazes around the table, almost willing all of the other people to go away. His look isn’t lost on you.
As discretely as you can manage, you take your best friend’s hand and stand up, pulling him away from all the noise and outside of the restaurant. Seonghwa doesn’t hesitate to go with you, trusting you completely.
“Alright.” You place yourself in front of him. “What’s bothering you?”
“Nothing is bothering me.”
He sighs, his eyes darting to look at anything but you.
“It’s just…” He pauses and then finally gets the courage to look at you. “I didn’t intend for everyone else to join us tonight. I actually wanted it to just be you and me.”
To say you’re confused is an understatement.
“But I thought that you invited them?”
Seonghwa rubs his hands overs his face with a groan.
“They invited themselves. I mentioned to them that I thought about going out this evening with you and suddenly everyone was tagging along. I didn’t know how to say no to them or to ask you out alone.”
You try to find a middle ground; a positive for him to focus on.
“Is it really so bad to be with them though? We haven’t seen them in a while and you and I hang out together a lot just us.” 
“But I…”
He stops himself short. There’s an emotion in his eyes that you can’t quite place. Is it desperation? Is it longing?
Gingerly, he holds one hand out to you. You take it without thinking twice – you’d trust him with your life.
“I like spending time with just you,” Seonghwa admits. “I like when it’s only you and me laughing until it hurts. I want to be the one making you laugh like that, not someone else.”
The world stops spinning. The only thing you can focus on is Seonghwa – the beautiful features of his face, the feel of his fingers brushing yours.
“I was going to tell you something else tonight but I wanted it to only be us,” he continues. “I wanted it to be… romantic.”
You react before you can think.
“Should we leave then?”
You’ve clearly taken Seonghwa by surprise but you’ve also done the same to yourself.
“I mean, if you still want to… spend time with… just me.”
Your confidence quickly dwindles with every word you say and you wish that the ground would open up and swallow you whole.
“Yes.” Seonghwa finally smiles for the first time that evening and it makes you smile too. “I’d love that.”
You both waste no time going back inside, gathering your goods and quickly paying for your part of the meal.
You don’t know where Seonghwa is planning on taking you or what’s about to happen. All you know is that you can’t wait to spend time with him and only him.
‘Damn it why didn’t I wear something warmer?’
You internally curse your circumstances as you stand outside with the rest of your friends. The little fire that they’d made to roast marshmallows was not big enough to give you any kind of substantial heat. To be fair to yourself, it’d been sunny when you’d left your home that afternoon, but as the night had closed in, the temperature had taken a dip.
“You ok?”
You turn to find Yeosang. He glances at how you’re rubbing your hands over your bare arms over and over.
“I mean I’m a little cold,” you confess but try not to cause a fuss. “I’ll be fine. Don’t worry about me.”
He tuts quietly before shrugging his jacket off and holding it out to you. Adamantly, you try to refuse him but he’s insistent and eventually you end up with the garment hanging over your shoulders. And you have to admit, you feel much better already.
“No problem.” Yeosang smiles before turning back to the conversation happening around you.
It’s only a little while later when you feel someone poke you in the ribs. You don’t even have to turn around to know who it is.
“What was that for?”
Yunho appears next to you, a whisper of a laugh on his lips. The flames of the fire reflect in his eyes and you catch yourself before he notices you staring.
“Just wanted to get your attention.”
Ever since a few weeks ago, you’ve had to be mindful of how you act and talk around your best friend – any small slip up could reveal your new feelings for him. But when says things that like, it makes it so much harder.
Luckily, he doesn’t give you too much time to dwell on that as he notices your attire.
“Is this your jacket?” He asks you, brows furrowed. “I don’t recognise it.”
“Oh, it’s not mine. It’s Yeosang’s.” You tell him honestly, thinking nothing of it. “I was cold and he gave it to me.”
You miss the way Yunho’s jaw goes stiff; the burning in his eyes, not from the fire in front of you.
“Why didn’t you ask me for my hoodie?”
You almost laugh until you finally register his expression and how tense he is next to you. As you’re about to tell him that he just wasn’t around, he grabs your hand and leads you away from the group. When it’s just the two of you, Yunho quickly removes his own hoodie, telling you to put it on instead.
“Yunho, what are you doing?” It’s your turn to be confused. This is weird and you don’t know what to make of it.
“I don’t want you wearing anyone else’s clothes. Please just wear my hoodie.”
“I still don’t understand what…”
“I’m in love with you!”
The confession hangs in the air. It’s a glass bubble that if it’s not caught, it’ll shatter. You want to tell someone to pinch you just to make sure that this isn’t a dream.
“I’m in love with you.” Yunho’s hand clamps his hoodie tightly. “And seeing you wear someone else’s clothes is making me go insane, ok?”
It’s incredible how hastily you pull Yeosang’s jacket off of your shoulders and reach out for Yunho. He beats you too it though and gently pulls the hoodie over your head, just like he did the day you realised you liked him more than a friend. You let him help you put it on properly and he takes his time pulling it down over your torso.
“I suppose I should go give this back to Yeosang.” You say, fiddling with the jacket you now hold.
Yunho smiles mischievously and tugs at his hoodie on you, gently forcing you closer to him.
“Or we could make him wait a little longer.”
You feel his hands on your sides and you finally get the confidence to look him in the eye. There’s that feeling of butterflies in your stomach.
“Yeah,” you agree, finally giving in to everything you’ve wanted to do for so long now. “He can wait. I’ve waited long enough for you.”
Your anxiety was almost palpable as you knocked on the door to Yeosang’s apartment. There was already music playing just loud enough to be heard outside and you could hear the voices of some of your friends. Normally, you wouldn’t be so nervous about going to your best friend’s birthday party. Hell, under normal circumstances you would’ve been the first one there. But there were two things that had held you back.
The gift. You’d taken a gamble getting this but you’d banked on the fact that he would get the inside joke.
Your feelings for Yeosang. They’d morphed into ‘more than friends’ and you were certain that he could tell and that the vibes were off between you now.
Jongho was the one to finally open the door and let you inside, calling into the apartment so that everyone knew you were here. No room to hide now.
Throughout most of the evening, you’d managed to avoid Yeosang until it came time to open the presents, and you found yourself seated next to him on the couch.
‘He’s so beautiful,’ you mused to yourself before shaking yourself back to reality.
The tension between in your body grew as Yeosang opened every gift until only yours remained.
“Hmm, I wonder what this is?” Yeosang said carefully pulling the paper away from the small box.
You held your breath.
It was a candle. A custom scented candle that you’d had made using a combination of his favourite smells. Something sweet, fresh and a little bit earthy.
Yeosang was quick to pull the candle out and sniff it, a smile on his face.
“I love you.” He looked over. “Thank you.”
No one else seemed to have heard it and at first you weren’t sure you had either. The way Yeosang casually went back to telling everyone about the joke of the candles, you debated whether he had realised what he’d said at all.
The party goes by in a blur after that and when you come to your senses again, you realise that everyone has now left expect for you and the two roommates. Yunho and Yeosang look around their apartment and you quickly jump up to help them start the cleaning up process. They try to dissuade you but you’d do anything to stop from thinking about what happened earlier. With your help, the job is finished in no time at all and Yunho declares that he’s going to bed, leaving you and Yeosang alone.
“Thanks for coming tonight,” he tells you.
“Did you mean what you said?”
“Right now or…”
For a moment you contemplate abandoning this conversation and just going home never knowing. But you can’t.
“When you opened my gift, you said that you love me.”
Yeosang opens and closes his mouth, forehead creased as he thinks back.
“But I do love you,” he says, again far too casually for your liking. “You’re my best…”
“But do you just love me as a best friend or do you love me love me?”
You didn’t mean to cut him off. You draw back with a soft apology.
“Look, I’ve been a little in my own head about us, our relationship,” you confess. “I just need to know how you feel about me.”
The two of you stare at each other. There’s muffled noise from up the passage but neither of you register it until Yunho’s head pops into the doorway.
“I don’t mean to eavesdrop,” he says, causing you and Yeosang to whip your gazes to him. “I just thought I’d let you know that he does feel the same way, he’s just really bad at expressing it.”
With a curt nod, Yunho disappears again, leaving you to deal with that bomb shell.
When you look back at Yeosang, you can see red creeping up his neck and ears.
“That’s not how I wanted to tell you,” he says in a whisper before raising his voice again. “But I do love you. I love you love you.”
You’re quick to wrap your arms around him and breath him in. He smells like clean linen.
“Good. Cause I think I love you love you too.”
It’s Friday evening and it is finally time to open another letter. This had become your routine ever since San had gifted you the shoebox filled with white envelopes just over half a year ago. It lived on your coffee table in your lounge which is where you now found yourself after a long week, ready to be comforted by the words of your best friend. Although he wasn’t away at the moment but he was still busy – this would have to do.
‘Week 23’
Hastily you open the envelope and pull out the letter.
‘To my best friend
I can’t believe this is already the 23rd letter I’ve written. Kind of wild. It’s also very late right now so I apologise for the choice I’m about to make. I probably won’t remember that I wrote this tomorrow when I wake up but I feel like I have to tell you. We’ve known each other for a long time now, you’re my best friend. I’d even say you’re closer than a best friend. You’ve seen parts of me that no one else ever has and I wouldn’t trust anyone else with the secrets I’ve told you. So, I’m trusting you with one more.
I don’t want to just be your best friend. I want us to be more. I’ve had feelings for you for a while now but for the sake of our friendship, I’ve kept them to myself. But I can’t do it any longer. If you don’t feel the same way, you can throw this letter away and never mention it again. But if by some small miracle you do, come find me. I’ll be waiting for you.
All my love
The thumping of your heart in your chest is the only thing keeping you from thinking that this is a dream. The implications of his words swim around your head. He gave you this almost six months ago. He wrote the letters before then. How long has San felt about you the way you feel about him?
You almost fall over yourself as you get up and gather your belongings. You can’t wait a second longer. You’re going to find him.
You knock rapidly on the door to the apartment. Theres a sense of urgency that drives you forward buzzing through your body; what if he’s changed his mind since then?
It’s Mingi who opens the door.
“Hey, what are you…?
“Is he here?” You don’t even let him finish.
“We just got home, what do you… ok never mind.”
Mingi lets you shove him aside and move into their home. With determination you make your way to San’s room, knocking again and letting yourself in when no one objects. Time stands still when you see him. San smiles at you, saying something about how he’d hug you but he’s been working out and he doesn’t want to gross you out.
“Do you still…” You stop yourself short, looking down at the letter. “You said…”
There’s a confused look on your best friend’s face when you look at him again so you hold the paper out to him. San takes it from you and realisation washes over him as he reads it.
“Do you still feel that way?” You finally manage to ask, dreading what his answer could be. All of this could end up being a huge mistake.
His eyes meet yours, expression sombre.
“You didn’t throw it away.” He states calmly.
“No.” You shake your head a little. “I came to find you.”
Slowly, a smile breaks out onto San’s face and you find yourself wrapped in his arms. Finally, the sense of urgency that had been driving you till now dissipates.
It’s an unspoken agreement that things are different now but you don’t care. Best friends, more than best friends. As long as you’re close to San, that’s all that matters.
To be honest, it’s been a little weird between the two of you since that night. Normally, Mingi would message you every day, even if it was something stupid like a meme or a joke. The past few days there’s been nothing but radio silence from him. At first you tried to contact him but when you got no reply, you lost a bit of hope and decided that it wasn’t worth hurting yourself even more.
The thought of reaching out to one of your mutual friends had come to mind; even that seemed like crossing a line now.
It’s been almost a week since you’d last spoken to Mingi. The entire world feels out of order as you try to busy yourself with anything other than the thought of him, the thought of losing him. Despite the fact that it’s getting late into the night, your apartment feels like a cage so you pull your shoes on and head out. There’s no destination in mind. You just know that you have to move.
You’re stopped dead in your tracks though when you get to the street only to find a familiar car parked out front and your best friend sitting in the driver’s seat. Mingi runs his hands through his hair and you reason to guess that he’s been doing that for a while, judging by the way it stands up in various directions.
A little voice in the back of your head tells you to run back inside and avoid him forever. A debate begins inside of yourself but before you can make a decision, Mingi’s noticed you standing and staring intently at him. You meet each other’s eye. He reaches over and opens the passenger side door without a word and you need no further invitation to climb in.
For a short while, he just drives. It seems that without having to tell him, he’s understood what you had wanted to do before you’d run into him.
“I’m sorry.” You break the silence. Truthfully, you don’t know exactly what you’re apologising for but it feels like the right thing to say.
“No, I’m sorry.” Mingi says. “I’ve been a jackass.”
“Yeah, you kind of have.” There’s a bubbling of anger inside of you. “You just… disappeared on me, Mingi!”
Timidly, he looks over at you. It’s clear he’s trying to figure out how to explain himself but the words just aren’t coming out. The car rolls to a stop as he pulls off the road and switches off the engine.
“Look.” You shift in your seat so that you can face him before you continue. “If what I said made you feel uncomfortable then I’m sorry. We can just pretend that it never happened and go back to… before that happened.”
On top of the anger, desperation is starting to build. You can’t lose Mingi over this; not over your mistake.
“I can’t forget about it,” Mingi all but whispers. “How do you forget the person you have a crush on saying that you’re perfect?”
It takes a second for it register in your mind.
“You’ve been avoiding me because you like me?”
Mingi seems almost ashamed as he looks down, hands twisting over the steering wheel as he grips it.
“I panicked.” He confesses. “I didn’t think that you meant it like… that. I still don’t think it.”
If you hadn’t been hindered by the space of the car, you’d have thrown your arms around him and held onto him tightly. Instead, you reach for the hand that’s closest to you, pulling it off of the steering wheel and into your lap. The action is enough to get his eyes to lift and look at you.
“Mingi. I did mean it like that. I thought you were avoiding me because you didn’t like me back.”
“I’m sorry.” He says, now clasping your hands in his.
“You don’t have to apologise.” In a moment of bravery, you raise his hand and press a kiss to his knuckles. “You’re perfect just the way you are.”
You wait impatiently on the pavement. He was meant to be here eight minutes ago, not that you’re keeping track of the time or anything, but with no word from him you’re tempted to just abandon the ride and go back into your building and get lost in a series. But as you peer down at your phone for the hundredth time, the roar of an engine catches your ear.
You’d know the sound of Wooyoung’s motorbike even in your sleep.
He screeches to a halt in front of you, the kickstand hitting the ground without even turning the engine off and takes your helmet off of his arm and practically shoves it onto your head. He then hastily ushers you onto the seat behind him before taking off again once your arms are loosely around his waist. Honestly, you don’t know what the big rush is for. There’s nowhere you two need to be; this was just meant to be a casual afternoon ride to unwind after one hell of a week.
Tap tap.
Your grip on Wooyoung’s body tightens just before he accelerates. If you could get away with doing this with him any other time you definitely would. Despite how affectionate your best friend was, you never pushed yourself onto him, so these stolen moments while he rode you to who knows where were everything.
It’s five minutes later when Wooyoung pulls up next to an open park.
“Come on, we have to go!” He all but shoves you off of his bike, grabbing your hand after you’ve taken your helmets off and pulling you forward.
“Wooyoung, what is the rush?” You say exasperated but you let him haul you along.
The other people around you are a blur as he forges on, leading you down path after path.
“I don’t want us to miss the sunset!”
You want to shout at him. All this hullabaloo for a sunset!?
Once he’s dragged you to the top of a small hill and parked you on a bench do you let loose.
“Wooyoung! You infuriate me!”
At first, he looks a little sheepish but it turns into a naughty smile after only a second.
“Maybe but you still love me.”
His words shut you up immediately.
Wooyoung places himself next to you, slinging an arm over your shoulder. You shuffle a little closer to him but not enough to make any difference.
“Are you going to tell me what’s so important about the sunset now or should I just guess?” You query.
“Just cause…” He trials off but you feel him tap your shoulder twice.
“Why do you do that?” You gaze up at him. “Tap me even when we’re not riding.”
It’s Wooyoung’s turn to shuffle in his seat, unintentionally edging himself closer to you.
“It’s how I let you know that I love you.”
Once again, you’re left stunned at how casually he says those words.
“Do you mean it?” You dare to ask, your gaze focused on him and only him.
The sun in front of you continues its slow descent.
“Always.” Wooyoung looks at you, his eyes glancing down at your lips ever so quickly.
Despite what he says, there’s still a part of you that thinks he doesn’t mean it. He’s only saying it because he’s your friend and there’s nothing more to read into.
You feel something on your shoulder.
Tap tap.
‘Love you.’
Your breath catches in your throat as you think back on all the times your best friend has done that simple action. All the times he’s confessed and you just didn’t know.
“I love you too,” you tell him.
Wooyoung smiles, pulling you closer to him and finally pressing his lips to yours. Even while you kiss, there it is again.
Tap tap.
You’ll never think of it the same way again.
“Did you switch off all the lights in the lounge?” You ask as you put away your clothes.
Jongho appears from the bathroom, toothbrush in his mouth still, mumbling words you don’t understand.
“I have no idea what you’re trying to say.”
Jongho, holds up one finger telling you to wait before he disappears again.
As far as sleepovers with your best friend went, this was not out of the ordinary. A little bit of chaos, a little bit of humour. A whole lot of unresolved feelings from your side.
You’d accepted your fate of only being Jongho’s friend and nothing more, and opted to never let him know how you really feel about him.
Jongho returns again to tell you that he did switch off all the lights, he’s not an idiot.
“Could’ve fooled me,” you laugh before a pillow is abruptly thrown your way.
It’s harmless fun but damn it does it break your heat to imagine him doing this with anyone else.
You return the pillow to where it belongs on the bed, slip under the covers and snuggle in for the night, ignoring those feelings welling inside of your chest.
“Do we have plans for the morning?” Jongho asks as he too climbs into the bed.
“Nope. Not unless you want to do something.”
“The only thing I want to do is sleep in.”
You hum in agreement already looking forward to it.
The room goes dark and you feel Jongho settle down next to you; you facing him, his back to you. The proximity is something you’ve been acutely aware of since that cold, rainy morning. It hadn’t happened again that he’d pulled you that close to him and you weren’t sure whether to be relieved or disappointed.
“Stop thinking so loudly,” Jongho says, turning over to face you even though he can’t see you.
“I’m not thinking loudly.” Your attempt to deflect doesn’t work on your best friend.
“Tell me what’s wrong.”
A part truth is better than nothing, you decide.
“There’s this boy that I like. But I don’t think he wants to be anything more than friends. And everything we do together, I overthink it wondering if he’d rather be doing it with someone else.”
You wonder if you’ve said too much – if you’ve given the game away. Then you feel an arm over your torso and Jongho pulls you closer to him, holding you against him. You don’t dare to breath.
“Whoever he is, he’s an idiot if he doesn’t want to be with you,” he says. “I’d always pick you.”
You’re dead certain that he can feel how fast your heart is beating. A thousand thoughts begin to fly through your head all at once.
How can he just say something like that? Does he know that it’s him? Will I ever be able to get over him now?
“You’re thinking too loudly again.” He sighs as he soothingly rubs his hand over your back. “Talk to me.”
“Do you promise not to get mad?”
“Why would I get mad?”
“Because you might not want to be my friend anymore if I tell you.”
His movements cease for just a moment and then he promises.
With a deep inhale, you tell him the truth.
“It’s you.”
You wait for him to turn you down. To get up and leave. For the end to begin.
“Thank goodness,” Jongho utters quietly and at first, you’re not sure that you heard him properly. “I was about to get mad that it was someone else.”
“You… you like me?” You ask, still wondering if that is what he really meant with everything he was saying.
His body vibrates as he laughs quietly.
“Do I need to make it clearer? I’m infatuated with you.” Jongho places a kiss to the top of your head. “I meant it when I said that I’d always pick you.”
He snuggles you as close as he can and you finally let your mind go quiet.
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We Are Ep. 11
Part 2
Hello again!!!
Here's part 1 of this post. It's not necessary to read that, but this does follow directly from there.
Warning: long post 😊😅
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And again, we see Phum coming here for no reason but to drop Peem off.
Also, he usually just stayed in the car previously, but now he's walking with Peem all the way.
I reckon we'll be seeing much more of Phum appearing in front of the Fine Arts building for nothing but to drop off or talk to his boyfriend Peem, in a slight reflection of all the times he came here to take Peem off somewhere to make him do something for him.
And I can't wait for it. <3
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Q: something very gay is going on here hmm 🤨
Be glad it's Q (who has enough tact to ask you about it in private) and not Toey who'd immediately call y'all out 😭
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He played in water all day with Phum and then they cuddled all night. Next question.
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Poor Peem 😭
You just confessed you woke up together 😭
And you think someone as smart (most of the times) as Q wouldn't catch on?
[Also, just an observation: Peem is painting a scenery with water here too.]
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Beer knows everything. 😌
He's the only one in their combined friend groups with two braincells, and he has no difficulty calling out his friends (Phum) when they're being idiots.
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And again 😭
I see it's not your turn with the braincell yet, Peem
Also, the chicken sounds in the background I was dying 😭😂
Phum's backstory was painful to hear, but I kind of expected something like this. It would explain his attachment to plushies, his fear of losing people and behaviour that might seem "childish".
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Q gives his beloved pencil case to his beloved nong Toey to draw on, and what does Toey do? Make the most adorable doodle of his beloved P'Q 😭👍🏼
Seriously though, this is really good, and it also probably has a beautiful symbolism that I'm too lazy to go into right now 😭
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Coming from Q that means a lot. And Toey knows that very well.
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Again, what secretly, you're both about as subtle as the glaring sun on a hot summer day.
And it's time you two idiots (affectionate) get your shit together and kiss as boyfriends (gods know you've kissed as... whatever you are right now more times than I can keep count).
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Yeah! You're talking nonsense, Phum, it's obvious you fell first!
*sigh* honestly though, at this point, I don't know how, but they managed to be worse than even ChainPun.
Jokes apart, I know they're both a bit insecure, and they didn't get off to the best start. But I hope that in the next ep, they'll realize they're both head over heels for the other and finally start dating.
Also, about time Peem finally accepted Phum as his personal driver <3
That scene in the shop was very sweet too, and most PhumPeem scenes in this ep had me going all gooey and mushy hehe
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This show I calling me out 🥲
But I'm even worse because I can only make Maggi (with or without added condiments) 😭
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Do y'all see the importance of this moment?!
Phum in the painting studio?!
This painting studio is Peem's safe space, and he's allowing Phum in there willingly.
Slowly, but surely, he's letting Phum in, and starting to accept that yes, this guy is an idiot, but he's an idiot Peem really really likes.
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I knew this was coming but that didn't mean I was ready for it 🫣😳
TanFang are absolutely slaying
Love them. <3
This scene is a goddamn masterpiece. It rendered me speechless. What am I supposed to say to that?
Peem's soft little "You did a great job, getting through those times." has me in a chokehold. The nose boop, the kiss- I'm screaming crying rolling around on the bed.
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Tried to do a confident walk away but the gate was in his way 😭
Peem is me though, I bump into things like thrice a day at the least.
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He- 😶
I gasped at this scene, because you realize what this means right?
This painting, that was ruined due to Phum, that he had to painstakingly repaint while having to obey Phum's whims, this painting that represents his comfort (I don't know shit about art interpretation, but in grade 12 I had friends who'd taken art and I learnt a couple things from them), that represents himself, and in this painting, he adds bright red roses, for the ones that Phum gave him when he was driving him back because he was absolutely wasted, the roses he didn't have the heart to throw out.
And he's drawing these red roses to represent Phum, to show that inexplicably, but undeniably, Phum is a part of his life now; a part he likes enough to embed in one of his most prized paintings (as assumed from various context clues and such along the series). And when he does, he thinks of how Professor Po said "Every work you create contains a piece of you".
If this doesn't show that despite his caustic and sarcastic exterior, Peem is a sappy mushy romantic at heart (he is a Fine Arts student after all), I don't know what does.
This moment felt so poetic (I literally could write a poem about it and it still wouldn't be able to capture the raw beauty and vulnerability and love of this scene.)
Update: I really did write a poem about it 😭
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I really like this scene.
Apart from not leaving Kluen hanging, and making sure he knows, this moment is also about Peem admitting to himself aloud, that yes, he does like Phum. He's slowly getting out of De Nile.
He didn't have to say this, but he did. To gently reject Kluen and tell himself that there was no going back now.
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Matt: what in the gay chicken-
Toey: ooh this seems interesting. will they kiss? 👀
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Poor Chain 😭
Let him enjoy being shipped with his husband bestie!
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And all the while these two are having a staring contest to decide who'll tell their friends.
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Beer knows exactly what's going on.
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This moment is everything to me (other than the one in the painting studio of course).
Peem tried to muster the courage to tell all his friends that he and Phum were... well, more than enemies or friends at least, but he couldn't.
And Phum, my beloved, while more than a little emotionally constipated, he has consistently tried to tell Peem what he feels. And now, he's the one outright saying he likes Peem in front of everyone. He's the one saying "okay, if you can't, I will." And I love him for it. He does it while staring right at Peem too.
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Live Reactions of Friends Who Just Found Out that the Guy Who Ruined Other Guy's Painting and The Other Guy, Who Kicked Him In The Balls For It, Have Fallen Victim to the BL Laws and Are Now Very Much In Love.
Beer: knew it 😌
Fang: my little brother?!
Matt: I have to deal with another couple?? 🥺🥲
Q: I'm not drunk enough to deal with this shit.
Toey: wait... I WAS RIGHT?!!
That freaking cliffhanger though 🥲
It's better now but at the moment I wanted to commit homicide 😭
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I'm sorry, I couldn't help myself, Q's "RIGHT IN FRONT OF MY SALAD?!" expression is just too hilarious 😭😂
So that's all for ep 11, see you next week!
And if you made it this far, thank you so much for reading! 😊
Here, have a burger and some fries 🍔🍟
[If you want, my previous posts: Ep. 8 Ep.9 Ep.10]
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1. Andrés is this close to telling Marta about Begoña. I wonder if she then in turn will tell him about Fina or if she’ll still be too scared. But, yeah, they’re setting this up for the two of them to take the helm of the company in the future. Andrés is useless, though, he’s just there for moral support pretty much.
2. Now, the diary. I haven’t been this excited about their story in weeks. Things are happening. Finally! Marta had been avoiding writing Fina’s name so far and the wait was worth every second. But what made her do it now? Their talk yesterday, the sexual tension and the makeup scene we didn’t get to see? My girl Marta spent the whole night thinking about what could have been for sure.
Also, Marta, the drama queen that she is deep down, looking out the window thinking about her love like a character straight out of a romance novel is giving me life.
Anyway, when do you think Jaime will read the diary? Monday, so that we have the whole weekend to lose our shit over the preview? 🤔
3. I know I’ve been going back and forth on the pregnancy thing. I still think there won’t be a baby mainly because of Claudia and also because I really don’t want it to happen. But why do I feel they’re dropping clues about it now that Fina’s saying she would have liked to become a mother in the future if things were different? It could be a solution for them, sure, but we’ve seen this a million times already. I guess I wouldn’t hate but why would they do this so early in their story and this way?
4. Is Fina in the house in the sneak peek for tomorrow or is it the hospital? I cannot tell. The important thing is that Marta cancelled her dinner with Jaime to be there for Fina. Well done.
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faeriekit · 3 days
For @kingcrow01 and everyone else because I forgot to port this back over from ao3: what the hell is going on with Cass's gender in Quiet Respite, specifically?
1) I know that DC plays fast and loose with medical facts but the truth of the matter is that growing up without a language of any sort fucks your brain up forever. Like. I'm pretty sure you might not even live to old age, if I remember my child development class correctly— humans need some level of linguistic processing even just to FORM MEMORIES. Your brain relies on language like a structural support in a building. People handwave Cass's childhood with a "oh, Cass learned body language" sort of thing but that is NOT the same as actual linguistic processing. Hence why it's so hard for her (especially in this fic) to speak and communicate even with a speech therapist and a bunch of time dedicated to learning English and about the world around her: genuinely, kids who grow up without hearing or speaking human language widely suffer developmental delays for the rest of their lives. (This part of the reason why sign language is so important for deaf kids and why talk boards and AAC devices are so important in nonverbal kids n adults btw; Communication deprivation is REALLY BAD.)
2) Gender is fake. Have we all looked each other in the eye and figured that out? Good? Okay. Gender is sociological and varies and adjusts to whatever culture you're in at the time and is a social role we've all pretended to obey in order to facilitate other, more complicated social roles for long-term convenience. We got it? Good? Far out.
3) Social roles are WAY harder to understand and conform to if you're neurodivergent in any way. No joke, one of the theories around why autistic people are more highly represented in trans spaces is that gender is just another social role that makes no fucking sense. Why are we jumping through hoops for pretend facts about people?? Hello?? Anyway, I call this the Neurodivergent loophole. Cass didn't grow up with any living culture or IDing as any particular gender, even though she probably knew she didn't have a penis at the very least. She had no reliable adults to model herself off of and was only exposed to a living, breathing society as a preteen. Gender is something that's purely sociological. I will bet you every buck in my wallet that she isn't particularly attached to the idea of womanhood in any way that doesn't involve doing a good job as Batgirl so that Barbara likes her. She has Bruce-assigned pronouns and is aware of what her own body looks like, and everything else is just icing.
However, I also think that Cass is exactly like Bruce insofar that most things about herself can be presented in a way to get her into better places. If Cass is going to date someone, she is going to be The Boyfriend, and be the support that the title implies. Cass is willing to also let Peter be The Boyfriend, but she is the ass-kicking boyfriend and he is the breadwinning and emotional support boyfriend. This all works. Peter, who does not care (affectionate), is willing to see this through as far as Cass is willing to take it, because it's not like his opinion will change anything and her thought process is kind of fascinating tbh.
Anyway, they're bi4bi. Happy Pride! 🏳‍🌈
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pensbridge · 3 days
No spoilers, seriously, but
if I see one more person still throw a fit about "rake" Colin & cry about Polin's first time possibly being ruined (rly I haven't seen a ton, because I'm not following all of the discourse but I KNOW it's there & coming)...
because Colin and Pen are of different experience levels. Please, tell me you're joking. I'll be honest, when it's come to the debate of virginColin vs expColin, my stance on it has always been......I don't care. I really kind of hoped they left it open ended, because people felt so strongly about it, but before I watched the season I had a feeling he's had sex from something in the interviews, and I was expecting it and I thought, I think I know how this is gonna play out when Pen and Colin do sleep together. Because Colin is not a rake. A rabbit can purr, but that doesn't make it a cat. like I'm pretty sure Colin didn't sleep with anyone until this last travel tour, and that made my mind wander before part 1 dropped: Colin is fresh on the scene. Most likely, it wasn't that long ago that Colin, so to speak, felt like Pen (like it's different because of the different gender expectations and because of the times, but the possible insecurity, the importance of the romantic aspect and intimacy (both of those lead into past and present feelings) - he understands and it will only make him more careful/thoughtful with her. And I bet for him, it's almost like bummer, if we found our way to each other before my last voyage, all of that wouldn't have happened (maybe not, lol, I'm sure he's insecure af nervous about their first time). But Anthony or Simon couldn't have this perspective. And one thing about Colin is that he's sensitive. Like if you thought he was brooding in part 1, prepare now for the hidden contemplation of this fixation. He sneakily went out and bought a home and the proposal is probably barely 2 days old. He's already treating her like a princess as he can't stop twirling her every second they get. I'm positive he's THOUGHT of the details of this moment - planning it out in his head for how to make her feel special. He's very aware that she's a virgin. If anything the fact that he is more experienced is going to make Colin take more care with her than if he was unsure and extra concerned about not having a clue (because a molded to society toxic masculine man is still a toxic masculine man, especially because he's insecure). And the details for their individual backstories makes it more intricately deep than if they left it open-ended and didn't tell us anything at all.
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