#i think of them criminally little im realizing. i need to shift my brain into Frank n Julie mode...
whats your opinion on frank and julie's friendship.. the sillies
I FUCKIGN LOVE THEM they're so good... entirely platonic m/f relationships have always made me so happy, because they rarely exist without eventually becoming a weird romantic thing
so to have Frank and Julie be best buddies!!! that's so important!! i love it! also they're just so cute... they have the same sense of humor... Julie makes Frank laugh... they tease each other... they play games... they love each other so much!!! whenever i see art of them or they're being pals in a fic, my shriveled heart grows half a size <3
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yelenasdog · 4 years
it was a pleasure to burn (spencer reid x fem bau!reader)
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genre: fluff i think even though the name is v angsty LOL it’s a literal screenplay with the amout of dialogue i wrote LMAO so idk
summary: a particularly rough and disturbing case gets to reader, and spencer and reader are brought together by this.
words: just about 6k (my longest fic ahhHH)
warnings: typical criminal minds gore and violence just up a notch, they get on a plane at the end, somebody gets ~shot~, somebody gets ~bonked~, cursing, mentions of reid’s addiction, and i think that’s it. also the reader wears reading glasses but that’s the only predetermined factor of appearance. btw i don’t think i used any pronouns in this but i apologize if i’m wrong. 
a/n: LMFAO i was outside awhile ago celebrating litha with a nice lil hike and i saw a butterfly and i had just started watching cm and was like hMMm... killer who’s obsessed with symmetry??!1??!? y Es. enjoy 😼 EDIT: THERE IS SO MANY PLOT HOLES OMG FBREHJBFHEJFRE IM RBFBRE
Present Day, Central Park, New York
“Aren’t they just stunning?” The unsub spoke, keeping her eyes trained on the butterfly sitting happily on her finger. The brightly colored creature fluttered off her hand that was dripping scarlet, flying around her curly head of brown hair. Her, formerly white, blood-stained dress flowed around her as she followed it, watching in awe as it soared about. She giggled, plopping down on the grass in the middle of a circle of her victim’s pale, lifeless bodies, all of them with ironically morbid butterflies resting upon the frail skin of the corpses.
“Aren’t they, agents?”
She slanted her green eyes, gripping the grass a little harder. I flicked my tongue over my lips nervously, looking over to the lanky man on my left. He simply shrugged, just about as sure of how to handle the situation just as much as I was.
“If I knew you all were coming, I would have cleaned up, I really would have, I promise.”
We slowly walked towards her, twigs and leaves crunching under our feet. It could have been comparable to a hunter stalking its prey, but it unfortunately was quite the opposite.
6 days earlier, Quantico, Virginia
“3 bodies, all found within the last 48 hours in rural New York. So far, the first body has revealed that although it was dumped upstate, the victim was murdered in the city, and the same most likely goes for the other bodies as well. Nails well manicured, no drugs in the system. They aren't junkies, we’re dealing with upper class citizens.”
My face contorted as I took the photos from Reid’s hands, his large and tanned one surprising me by how soft it felt as it accidentally brushed against mine. I blushed like a madman, looking to see him doing the same thing. I cleared my throat getting Rossi’s attention.
“Why are we only now hearing of this?” I questioned, flipping through the images as I did so, my confusion only growing. I didn’t recieve an answer, leaving my curiosity to bloom.
“Wait, how did you say they were killed again?”
Morgan looked up, taking the photos from me. “He didn’t.”
I sighed, pushing my glasses up on my nose.
“Is there at least any correlation between the bodies and the butterflies?”
Our attention was shifted to JJ, the resident expert on the insects.
“Actually, the ones being found with the bodies are from the Amarynthis family, all native to Latin America. They weren’t there by accident so yes, they’re somehow related.”
Rossi stood up, grabbing his coat.
“Well, none of this is nearly enough for a profile, so pack your bags and tell the others, wheels up in an hour. We’re headed to New York.”
4 days earlier, F.B.I. Field Office, New York, New York
“The final report from the latest victim is in, all the autopsies are clean. They show no signs of struggles, no marks, no blood, no anything. The eyes weren’t bloodshot, so suffocation is ruled out, and that was our best bet.”
I sighed, sliding the case file across the glass table to Spence as I took my seat, sinking into it and allowing myself to be consumed by its warmth.
“So what your saying is that we’re back at square one.”
I looked up at Hotch from where I sat, running my hand through my ponytail.
“Yeah. That’s what I’m saying.”
Just then, the young Doctor spoke up as he flipped through the pages.
“The eyes weren’t just not bloodshot, there was barely any blood left in any of the victims bodies, only about 3% of the volume left. The killer drained them.”
Morgan gave me a shocked expression, silently asking for an explanation.
“Which you failed to mention, Y/n.” Aaron spoke, agitation once again present in his voice.
I looked at the ceiling, crossing my arms in front of me before turning to face Hotch once more.
“Yeah, well, I thought it was obvious when I said no blood.” I stuttered out cautiously.
“On the bodies! Not in the bodies!” Morgan exclaimed, throwing his hands in the air in what was in my opinion, very childish. Everyone else in the room aside from Spencer was either shaking their heads or pinching the bridge of their noses, and reasonably so.
“Look, I’m sorry I just didn’t see it in the report, plus, In the scheme of things, it just doesn’t seem to matter.”
I soon regretted my words, realizing how ill-fit they were for the current conversation I was having. Spencer looked up, tilting his head.
“Doesn’t seem to matter? How? There’s an endless amount of possibilities now that we know this. If we had known it sooner we probably could have figured out the pattern and caught the one doing this!” He harshly spewed, his voice acting like a crescendo of sorts, quiet and calm and moving towards a loud and violent tone. Tears began to prick at the corners of my eyes and I was starting to feel guilty, not to mention absolutely stupid as could be.
“I’m- I really am sorry guys, truly.”
Hotch locked eyes with me, taking a stern tone that one would usually take with a disobedient child, perhaps even Jack.
“I hope that’s a comfort to you when another body shows up. That’s their blood on your hands.”
I was frozen, the gravity of the situation taking its toll.
In the background I heard him say something to Morgan about a new profile having to be made as there were many new things to be known from this revelation. But it all went in one ear and out the other, just unpleasant white noise.
As I clumsily stumbled out of the room, I felt Reid’s eyes burning holes into the back of my brain. I was quick to turn my head to meet his glance, causing him to look down. I felt bad, the weight on my chest growing heavier from the interaction.
I sat down at my desk, turning on my computer and immediately going to google. I typed in “hypnosis” and let the info trickle in.
About 30 minutes later, I still felt absolutely horrible, but I had also put together a valuable profile in the time that had passed. I shut the newly finished file, blowing an abandoned strand of hair out from my eyes. I had to do a double take when I saw Spencer staring once more, his deep hazel eyes meeting my own. I gave him a small smile before standing up and walking to Hotch’s makeshift New York office. I pushed open the heavy door, placing the folder on his too-clean desk.
“What’s this?” He asked, taking it in his hands.
“My theory about the unsub. I think I know what she’s been doing. You can tell the team if you want, I’m not sure if they would wanna hear it from me. ”
He gave a small smile, pushing the file back over to me.
“You get the team together and I’ll get the local PD caught up. You tell them yourself.”
A few minutes later, everyone except for Reid had gathered in the meeting room. I peeked through the half closed blinds that allowed a line of vision to his desk in an attempt to locate him. He was positioned there, staring blankly at his laptop that appeared to have nothing on the screen. I knocked on the window lightly to catch his attention, his glazed over eyes looking in my direction. I tilted my head at him, silently beckoning him to join me. He only shook his in response, shaggy brown locks swaying back and forth. I sighed, frowning at his action. I turned to the group, clasping my hands in front of me.
“Everyone, this will just be a second if you’ll excuse me.”
With a raised eyebrow from Hotchner and a jab in the direction of Spencer’s workspace, I swiftly walked out of the crowded room.
“Spence, care to join us?” I asked, resting one of my hands against my hip, the other on his orderly desk.
“No, I don’t think I will. I need to try to figure this out before she finds her next victim.”
“What makes you think the unsub is a she?” I searched his eyes that had seemingly become brighter at my piqued interest in his hypothesis.
“Well, the unsub seems to be obsessed with symmetry, all the bodies being found in obscure yet symmetrical positions. This could suggest she had some sort of deep rooted insecurity, possibly from some sort of bullying from growing up in a small town where she was looked at as a superior for subpar looks. She moved to the big city, expecting a big break. Instead she was shunned for being less than average. She grew frustrated and as a result, she began her killing spree. The stresser could have been one too many insults that made her snap. Plus, that would account for the butterflies left on the scenes that are used in modern examples of both femininity and symmetry.”
I smiled widely at his words.
“What- why are you smiling, what are you smiling at?”
I tapped his desk, rolling my bottom lip between my teeth. I headed back towards the conference room, looking over my shoulder.
“Because, I’m glad we’re on the same page, Dr.”
“So, our girl, as Dr. Reid has explained to us, is obsessed with her appearance. She’s an organized killer, no mistakes and no signs of blood or anything of the sort on scene. She has practice, she does this sort of thing every day. She is most likely in the age group of 23-30, and has a job in the cosmetic industry, our guess is in plastic surgery. She probably volunteers weekends at local butterfly sanctuaries or zoos, finding comfort in their perfection that those in her life, or formerly in her life, cannot and could not provide.”
“Which would explain to her easy access to non-native species of the insects. She has an absolute infatuation with symmetry, which yet again, links the butterflies on the crime scene to her MO.”
Spencer and I were vividly explaining our shared theory to the team, as well as local law enforcement. He was excited by his discovery and the lead on the killer, and his energy was contagious.
“She kills without remorse and out of jealousy, picking victims who all have one thing in common.”
Spence pointed to all of the images pasted on the board in the center of the room, all of them split in half and reflected, creating a perfect mirrored portrait.
“They all have perfectly symmetrical faces, as well as strong jawlines and high cheekbones. As most of these victims are models or those searching to start a modeling career, we believe she is luring them in with a photographer trope, promising to make their dreams come true.”
I nodded, taking a moment to study Reid’s own sharp yet somehow soft features. I allowed my eyes to wander over his sunken in, kind, and curious eyes; his pillowy pink lips that are in dire need of some chapstick.
I turned my head, snapped back to reality by Rossi calling my name.
I gave a tight and quick smile, returning to the topic at hand and tactics to catch the unsub. But of course not before Emily gave me a crooked smile, resulting in me rolling my eyes.
“Physically, she’s nothing special, most likely a mundane appearance or one with quite obvious surgical changes. No in between. Check all of the plastic surgeon offices in the area for both employees who fit our description, as well as a patient who has gotten any serious facial mod operations. Do the same for any weekend volunteers at local zoos and animal sanctuaries, specifically working with any insects.”
It was an NYPD officer then that spoke up this time, raising her hand briefly.
“But, you still haven’t mentioned how she’s killing them?”
“Hypnosis.” Reid and I both spoke at the same time. He looked to his black Converse, sliding his hands into his pockets. I observed the room and all of the skeptical faces filling it.
“Even if it may sound far fetched, we saw no signs of anything that indicated a struggle or even any marks or wounds. This led us to believe that some form of hypnosis was used to allow her an easy kill. This means extra caution will have to be taken when actually handling the unsub. Even though we’re positive she’s using hypnosis, which method she is using to actually kill them after the fact is what we’re unsure of.”
I turned to Spencer, handing off the explanation to him.
“We think that because of her whole thing with symmetry, she wouldn’t want to disturb the natural state of the victims and their faces, even if she would do the same to her own.”
“Which means?” JJ asked, her blue eyes slanted and glossed lips left ajar.
“It means that the unsub wouldn’t want to leave any large marks like stab or gunshot wounds.” I nodded at Prentiss, who had made the assumption, confirming she was correct.
“With her presumed background in plastic surgery, we believe she was able to make small incisions that made no visible scars. We’re having the coroner look back over the bodies as we speak.”
“She drains the body’s blood 97% of the way before closing the holes up. What she does with the blood, we don’t know. Another Eddie Mays, perhaps.”
I looked over to Spencer, raising my brows at his comparison. He was quick to defend himself, shaking his hands left to right and mouthing “No” while simultaneously shaking his head the same way, something he seemed to be doing often as of late.
After we had finished consulting with any officers who had remaining questions, we branched off to conduct our own routine investigations. We found that the only thing they all had in common apart from the symmetrical faces, is that they all had visited the Central Park Zoo in the 24 hours before they were killed. We received a phone call from Garcia not long after we put together those pieces, being alerted that there was one girl who had, in her words, “Hit every mark there was to hit, sunshine.”                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              
“Her name is Alessia Copelas, she works weekdays as a surgeon's assistant at Premier Cosmetic, and weekends at Central Park Zoo from 4-8 p.m.”
I smiled at the new info from the blonde bombshell known as Penelope, turning to Reid who was still looking at me quizzically.
“Alright, thanks babes, you’re the best.” I spoke into the phone, a comical “Mwah!” made from either side as we hung up.
He shook his head, keeping the odd look on his face.
“I swear, you guys have a weirder relationship than her and Morgan.”
I laughed, sliding my phone into my back pocket.
“Oh, please, Spence.” I gingerly placed a hand on his cheek, patting it twice.
“You’re just jealous.” I made a pouty face, letting my hand linger before walking off. “Come on, we’re going on a field trip.”
“Where to?” He asked, gripping the door frame, using it as leverage to swing himself closer to me. He took long and quick strides, catching up to me in no time.
“You like animals, right?”
4 Days Earlier, Central Park Zoo, New York
As soon as we entered the zoo, our ears were filled with the sounds of the loud screeches of birds and monkeys alike. Reid covered his ears, cringing and making his displeasure known with an “Ahh!”
I smiled at his geeky behavior, admiring the animals in the enclosures. I paid special attention to a particularly impressive species of tarantula, leaning down to admire them. A few moments later I looked to my left and saw Spencer doing the same thing.
“Did you know that arachnids have asthma which is why they don’t run for extended periods of time, similarly to cheetahs?”
“Yes I did.”
His face scrunched up in an adorable manner, causing an involuntary giggle to fall past my lips.
“Well did you know that-“
I turned to see a young woman with flaming red hair and a freckled face smiling at me, her green collared uniform top complimenting her eyes of a different shade wonderfully.
“Oh, hi, I’m Agent Y/l/n and this is Dr. Reid, we’re with the Behavioral Analysis Unit of the FBI.”
Her expression shifted to a more confused one, her smile not leaving her face.
“What can I do for you two?”
“Is there an Alessia Copelas that works here, maybe volunteers on the weekends?” Spencer asked, his puppy dog eyes immediately warranting a response.
“Yeah, she volunteers here, she seems nice. Is she helping with an investigation?”
“Well we think that she may have some part in a series of murders.”
Her smile disappeared this time, turning into a cement frown as panic flooded her body.
“Oh God, was she- Is she a killer? Have I been working with a killer for all this time? I mean, I never had any shifts with her but from what I heard I thought she was so sweet-“
Reid glanced down to her name tag that read “Lillian” before meeting her eyes. His tongue darted out, licking his lips, a nervous habit of his I’d picked up on.
“Lillian, we aren’t sure if she’s the killer we just needed to get a feel on her and get some information regarding her personal life.”
She started frantically nodding her head, more trying to convince herself she was okay rather than ourselves. I looked over her shoulder at some exhibits, thinking to myself how this would end up being a waste of our time if this poor girl couldn’t get a grip on herself.
I was soon proven wrong when I looked over to see a young girl wearing an identical uniform to Lillian, probably somewhere between 23 and 24. She had untamed chocolate locks with bangs that stopped just above the shoulder, blemishes covering her T-Zone, and a rounded face to go with it.
The cherry on top? Under her arm she carried a small enclosure with what appeared to be amarynthis meneria, the same butterflies found on the victims.
I tapped Reid on the shoulder once as discreetly as possible, catching his attention. I heard him mutter a small “Oh God” before he told Lillian to walk away calmly and quickly. She ignored his request, turning to look at Alessia, letting out a blood curdling scream and sprinting the other direction.
“Shit.” I cursed, beginning to walk towards Alessia, Spencer by my side. I smiled at her, trying to appear friendly. Reid spoke up as we got closer.
“Hello, do you by any chance-“
“Spence!” I exclaimed, reaching down to help him up from where he had fallen from being whacked by the 4’2 pyscho that was Alessia Copelas.
“Did she get away?”
I turned to see her gone, the only sign she was even here being the forming bruise on the Dr’s face.
“Yeah. She did. I’m sorry, Reid, that was really stupid of me.” He shook his head, running his own hand over the raw skin.
“It’s fine, I would have done the same for you.” He looked up, and I wasn’t sure if it was my school-girl esque crush on him or the fact I just had another experience with a serial killer, but my heart was racing nonetheless.
F.B.I. Field Office, New York, New York, 1 Day Earlier
The stress levels in the room were high.
Despite our best efforts, several more bodies had been found, New York’s narcissists were in a state of panic, and the spirits of the BAU were down to say the least.
“What? Are you kidding me?” I exclaimed, looking at Hotch in disbelief.
He rolled his chocolate eyes, fanning the folder containing the new information we had gathered on Alessia.
“I wish I was, Y/n. She’s off the grid completely, her apartment is empty, phone and credit cards have been deactivated, and the surgeon’s office hasn’t heard from her for 5 days. And the media has decided to give her the name ‘Butterfly Baron’, so she’s probably been fueled even further. We need a new lead before she strikes again.”
I scoffed, standing up and pushing my chair away.
“This is unbelievable. How many times do we have to reinforce the idea to local PD! Especially when the unsub is a self absorbed psycho, do not give them a name! God, I really cannot fathom this.”
I reached up, letting my hair down from where I had messily thrown it up upon my arrival to work that morning.
I stormed out of the room, my heels clicking behind me. I ignored Hotch’s calling of my name, making my way to the closest restroom.
I went in, locking the door behind him. I ran my hands through my roots, tugging just enough to where it hurt.
Turning the water to the left all the way, I splashed it from the stream leaving the faucet on to my face. I scratched my fingernails against the skin, wiping away the tears that had escaped.
“This is all your fault, y/n.” I whispered at myself in the mirror, doing my absolute best to engrain the message in my brain. I had my head hung in shame when a knock rang out.
It was Spencer. My mind started going a million miles a minute, thinking about why he could be there. With my voice raised a few octaves, I tried to scrape up a response.
“I’ll be out in a few, Spence.”
It was quiet for a split second, leaving me to foolishly dance around the idea that he had left me to wallow in my sorrowful thoughts.
“Y/n, Hotch wanted me to check on you. Are you ok?”
My heart slightly sank at the idea that he might’ve just come to check on me because he himself was worried. I discarded the thought, bringing myself back.
“Y/n can you please answer me? If you don’t open the door I’m gonna send in JJ or Emily.”
I sighed, wiping under my eyes where my mascara had smudged, begrudgingly walking over to the door. Just as my hand landed on the silver handle, his voice that was constantly playing in my head echoed out once more.
“Y/n, please? I need to know you’re okay. I’ll come in there myself.”
A soft smirk graced my face as I turned the handle to reveal a worried looking Spencer.
“Y/n, oh God, you had me worried.”
He was quiet when he spoke and his hair looked messy, like he had been running his slender fingers through it in a stress filled state.
I sniffled, attempting to still keep back tears that were still threatening to spill.
“I’m alright, Spencer. Really, I’m fine.”
He gave me a small smile, his eyes meeting my own.
“I know, it’s just that when I had my Diludad problem,” he hesitated.
“I would lock myself in bathrooms to shoot up, and I know you aren’t having a problem like that but I just was worried about you- what are you doing?”
I cut off his rambling by throwing my arms around his middle. He tensed, but quickly melted. He wrapped his strong arms around my shoulders and my waist, laying his head on mine.
“Y/n, I promise you, you’re doing your absolute best to stop Alessia. We wouldn’t even be where we are right now if you hadn’t made the connections. Those deaths are not your fault.”
My tears finally began to cascade like a waterfall, staining his shirt.
“I know, but it’s just like it is all my fault! I could have paid closer attention, or-or, I could have went after her at the zoo, it’s all my fucking fault, Reid.”
I sobbed into his shirt, my hand gripping his shirt like my life depended on it. Like if I let go I would fall into a deep, deep, endless hole.
His hand on my waist moved up to cradle my head.
“It’s not, I promise you-“
He was cut off mid sentence by the ringing of his phone.
“I am so, so sorry-”
I pulled away, breifly touching under my nose with my wrist, then moving a hair behind my ear.
“Nope, it’s fine, don’t worry.” Our words almost had overlapped each other as we clambered to fight the tension that had risen. I closed my eyes, tilting my head up, thinking about how unprofessional yet intimate our previous position had been. How wrong, yet how right it felt.
I kept running the moment through my head, the feeling of his warm figure encasing mine on replay.
His phone call played as background noise to the film playing in my brain, his voice calming me to an extent.
“Yeah, we’re on our way. Thanks, Morgan.”
He closed the phone with a snap, also snapping me out of my trance, putting the movie on pause.
“They’ve got a hit. Copelas was seen dropping by her old apartment.”
And for the first time since that Goddamn case had started, I smiled genuinely.
“Let’s go get her.”
15 Minutes Prior, Central Park, New York
“Yes?” He looked back from where he was driving, following our lead in a rushed manner.
“What will we do if she...” I trailed off.
“Hypnotizes one of us?” He finished for me. I nodded solemnly.
The look on his face was conflicted and it took him a moment to come up with a response.
“We kill her before we have to kill one of our team members.”
He saw a look of uncertainty on my face and spoke up once more.
“And that’s an order.”
I nodded again, making eye contact with him through the rear view mirror. I fell back into my seat, closing my eyes briefly.
After a few more minutes on the road, we had arrived.
The doors all slammed to the SUVs, one after the other as we stepped out.
“The letter said that she would be here, somewhere here.”
The voice of Morgan was channeling through my earpiece, referring to the letter found at her apartment that she had left just for us.
“We ordered evac on citizens, correct?”
The unsure voice of JJ was also heard through the earpiece, her uncertainty quite unusual to hear.
“Yes, it was the first thing we did, Jayj.”
I whispered, a sly smirk from Spencer forming at my behavior.  
“Oh shut up.”
“I didn’t even say anything!”
Our senses adapted, becoming dialed to 11 at the sound of a twig snapping under someone's feet.
“Was that you?” I mouthed to Spencer. He shook his head no and I silently cursed to whatever force was listening.
I nodded, which he then reciprocated, the pair of us slowly walking towards the source of the sound after he did.
“They’re going to remember me, I’ll go down in history.”
The voice was sing-songy and quiet, floating through the air. I took a shaky breath, continuing my steady pace.
My breathing momentarily halted soon after.
Different variations of “Oh my God”s, and loud gasps from almost everyone on the team flooded my ear canal at the horrifying sight in front of us.
Red. So much of it.
“Guys, I think we know what she’s been doing with the bodies’ blood.”
“No shit.” I muttered under my breath.
She was bathed in the blood, it looked like something straight out of a horror movie.
“Alright everyone, I want you to approach her as quietly as possible, Morgan, if you get the chance, corner her.”
Hotch’s voice was a stark contrast to her own, Derek’s response all the same.
Present Day, Central Park, New York
“But Agents, you still haven’t answered my question. They’re beautiful, aren’t they?”
“Alessia Copeleas, FBI, come on, get up, lets go.”
Derek’s voice was stern, not asking, but demanding that Alessia come with us.
“I’m afraid I just can’t do that, Agents.”
She stood up abruptly, causing all of our weapons to rise. The sun reflected off of the silver metal of Reid’s gun, sparkling in a stunning way that caught me off guard.
We all were trying to act as if we were in total control of the situation, but we could tell that us nor Copelas really believed that. Her words were her weapon, and this was the one time where words could hurt, but sticks and stones had virtually no power.
“Take another step and we will have no hesitation to fire.”
She smirked, rolling her eyes.
“If you do, will I be famous you think? You think they’ll hear about me back home?”
Her curls softly blew in the wind, making her appear almost harmless, maybe even endearing, if it wasn’t for the hardening coat of human blood soaking her clothes and seeping from her skin.
“Is that what you want? The kids back home and everyone here to hear about you? You want ‘Butterfly Baron’ written on every billboard in Times Square, your picture painted in museums, films to be made in your honor?” Reid was the one who spoke up this time, his voice remaining strong. Her eyes shone with a sickening excitement at what he said.
“You want to be famous?”
She nodded vigorously.
“Too bad.”
My eyes widened, surprised at the detour the conversation had taken.
“What-what do you mean?”
“Please, the only thing people will hear about is a sad, boring little girl from a small town who killed to feel better about herself. They’ll forget about you in a week, who knows, maybe they’ll even grow an infatuation with your town, someone you went to school with may get as lucky as to catch their big break!” He laughed, while Alessia looked absolutely devastated.
“You? You’ll be a nobody.”
“That’s not true! I’ll go down in history, and they won’t! I’m the fucking butterfly baron for hells sake! All these people?” She gestured towards her field of bodies.
“You won’t remember their names, maybe not even their pretty faces, but me? I’ll live forever.”
Her nostrils flared and she strode over to Reid with purpose. The safety on my glock clicked off, but Spencer motioned for me to wait. So I did.
“You know, Agent-“
“It’s Doctor.”
This visibly agitated her even more as she started her sentence over again.
“Doctor, you have a beautiful bone structure. Absolutely perfect. Symmetrical, not to mention just flat out stunning.”
A glaze formed over Spencer’s honey eyes at her words. He lowered his gun momentarily before turning towards me, Copelas doing the same.
“And you, Agent. Wow. I feel like I’m in an art exhibit, you’re gorgeous. I think the Doctor man here would agree.”
As he lifted his revolver at me, the situation became all too real as I understood what was happening.
I either had to shoot the man that I was struggling to admit I was beginning to love, or died at the hands of the very same man.
Tears flooded my eyes, all safeties were turned down, and all guns were pointed at Reid.
“Spence, please.”
My voice was weak, something that seemed to bring Alessia lots of joy.
She laughed before talking again, commanding Spencer.
“Pathetic, really! Spence”, she mocked,“shoot her.”
Present Day, Somewhere In The Sky, The Jet
I opened my eyes from where I had been tackled to the ground by Hotch, surveying my surroundings to see Alessia laying on the grass, the source of her gunshot wound non-distinguishable from the previous blood on her body.
I looked to the right to see where Spencer had crumpled to, his frame bent in a discombobulated position.
“Spencer!” I cried out, crawling over to him like some sort of dog,
“What happened to him?”
“Y/n, he was going to shoot you-“
“I don’t care you should have let him!”
I cradled his head in my lap, allowing my pent up tears to fall.
My eyes snapped open for real this time, my mind calmed at the sight of Spencer sitting next to me on the couch, gently shaking my shoulder in an attempt to wake me from my nightmare.
“Spencer! Sorry, was I too loud?”
He chuckled, gesturing to the rest of the sleeping plane around us.
“You’re fine, I wasn’t sleeping, I decided to reread ‘Fahrenheit 451’ for nostalgia purposes. And you weren’t that loud, you just looked like you were having a bad dream.”
I chuckled at the not-so outlandish idea in an attempt to diminish it from his mind and move on.
“I’m fine. But fun fact, I did have nightmares after reading ‘The Veldt’. Seriously, I don’t get how you can just reread Bradbury’s stuff all the time.”
The genius scoffed, starting a rant on how Ray Bradbury’s storytelling was just classic literature and deserved to be reread, thus successfully changing the topic as I hoped my statement would. Although soon after, he caught on much quicker than I would have liked him to.
“And not to mention, The Veldt alone could be seen as a forewarning to the 21st century and beyond, even Bradbury himself supported that interpretation-‘
I gave him a tired smile, enjoying his rambling like I always did.
“-and you totally just got me to change the subject.”
“I was wondering when you were gonna catch up.”
He laughed as I rested my head on my hand, trying to fall back asleep.
“Really, I can tell those nightmares are bad. What’s going on?” He questioned, his tone empathetic and compassionate.
“It’s nothing, Reid. I just keep seeing in the park, when Alessia got shot and you-you got hurt but instead of getting up like you did in real life, you just…”
I trailed off, not wanting to relive the negative dream any longer for fear of the tears that were pricking my eyes escaping.
“It’s okay, that didn’t happen, I’m right here.”
He pulled me into a hug, allowing me to bury my head in the crook of his neck, his warmth consuming me once more, a sequel to the film from earlier.
“I know, but what if it hadn’t?” I asked as I pulled away.
He shook his head, reaching for his wallet.
“In this job, this course of work, we can’t focus on ‘what if’s’. In this job, we also get nightmares, all of us. It happens.”
He slid a picture over to me, it was of a happy family. The edges were worn from years of being carried, but the picture seemed loved.
“Gideon gave me that when my nightmares started. He told me about how those families we save everyday, and how that’s what makes what we do worth it. And I know you didn’t know Gideon personally, or the work on the specific case with that family, but I want you to have it anyway-“
I cut him off by throwing my arms around his neck, attempting to speak despite being muffled by his fluffy sweater.
“Thank you, Spence. Truly.”
I smiled, and I imagined he was doing the same.
“No problem y/n. Anytime.”
I moved my legs over to be tucked underneath my arms, leaning into Reid. He wrapped his arm around me, also leaning in. We both managed to fall asleep for the remainder of the ride in our state of content, but not before he managed to sleepily call out my name.
“When we land do you wanna go on a date or somethin’?”
I smiled at him, separating from his form just long enough to see that beautiful face of his.
“Without a doubt.”
i don’t have some long ass paragraph to write this time omg wig, i’m just proud asf of my work for once (except for the zoo part ngl kinda didn’t like it😳) 
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😛✨vibes✨ love u, xx hj
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warmau · 5 years
{Regular Inspired!AU x NCT} Sicheng
tw: weapons mention, violence mention, n*fw elements, be warned. everything written here is a work of FICTION, it does not in anyway reflect reality, nor do i condone any of the extreme behavior. ♢ introduction ♢ pick mark instead | pick haechan instead | pick yuta instead | pick johnny instead | pick doyoung instead | pick taeil instead ♢ special route: pick ten
“don’t fall in love with sicheng, everyone always does it and everyone always ends up the same.”
“are you asking for him or are you confirming him as your pick?”
the way jaehyun phrases that questions makes something coil up in the pit of your stomach
should i not pick him? it’s just he said he’s going to beijing which means ..... ill be far from people who could possibly hurt me ...... right?
before you can formulate another thought, let alone even look up at jaehyun
you feel a soft hand turn your cheek the opposite away
sicheng’s beautiful features come into full view and you nearly topple backward off the desk 
you swear you see him smirk a little at your fumble, but you can’t really be sure if he wasn’t just wearing it the entire time
“ill take care of them”
he puts emphasis on each word. a slight accent slips its way through and you swallow.
take care of me?
“well - are we done here then? they’re going to be packed up and shipped to china and we’ll NEVER see them again!”
haechan spews, crossing his arms over his chest and eliciting a glare from mark
“they’ll come back fine, sicheng i trust you know what you’re doing?”
jaehyun puts a hand on sicheng’s shoulder and out of everyone in the room, he looks most comfortable with the gesture 
because doyoung’s eyes narrow and taeyong doesn’t look up from where he’s chipping away at his nails but stops the small action as soon as the temperature shifts 
“poor thing, couldn’t you have picked me~ now you’re going to china and i haven’t even gotten a chance-”
johnny sings, swishing around the wine in his cup 
you assume he’s just doing it to break the ice blanket that seems to have quilted the room
but then sicheng’s warm hand travels down from your cheek to your wrist
as he gently tugs you up and off the desk
“of course jaehyun, you and your father know how i am.”
sicheng says a string of words in mandarin and you can’t for the life of you even begin to guess what is being discussed 
all you can focus on is his skin on yours - you aren’t used to being touched by strangers
well, it’s been much more than just touched hasn’t it? 
you sigh to yourself and try just slightly to see if you can wiggle free-
you can’t. sicheng’s hold was soft at first but now it’s like you’re grounded beside him without much of a choice
“you are meticulous, i will give you that. when do you leave for beijing?”
sicheng’s gaze is on you now
he has brown eyes like everyone else in the room, but they don’t look human when they’re only mere centimeters away
they seem to be speckled with foils of gold, as if they’re reflecting light from an unknown source
the power almost leaves you unable to speak and you assume sicheng must be aware of this overwhelming effect he has on people
because once again, the small smirks blossoms and he answers easily
“whenever they’re ready.”
you feel him squeeze your palm
“shall i drive you home so you can get your bag?”
your hands shake as you reach for your toothbrush - acutely aware of the presence that’s occupying your living room
sicheng had commented, after getting out of the car and opening your side of the door like a gentleman from a movie, that your quaint apartment building was “cute”
he had seemed almost amused by the fact that you still used keys to get in 
“you don’t have a keypad?”
“the building is a bit old so ,,,,,,,, “
he had hummed - shadowing after you into your cramped living space
you had invited him to sit down, but he had taken right away to the window
realizing it now as you tried to pack without going into full-blown panic about the situation, that window looked right out onto the street he’d parked
meticulous,,,,,,,, that’s the word jaehyun used to describe him,,,,,,,,,i wonder if that’s a good thing?
your train of thought is cut off when you feel your phone vibrate in your pocket
you thank your past self for putting it on silence and pick it up, trying to mask your whispering with turning on the sink water 
a friends voice crackles to life on the other end
“hey, are we still on for lunch tomorrow? i wanna hear all about your new job!”
you want to match their enthusiasm, but with everything that’s transpired -  you can barely work it up
“ah- i can’t i -”
you rack your brain for a believable excuse as to why you can’t keep the date - oh my grandma’s sick, oh i have to do overtime even though it’s my second day, oh i accidentally stumbled into the inner business of an illegal ring of criminals who said my life is in danger now!
but another thought dawns on you
couldn’t i just tell my friend im in trouble? couldn’t she call the police for me and then this nightmare would be over?
your pause leaves your friend confused on the other end of the line
sicheng is in the other room, but you could take him on - couldn’t you? 
you swallow - a nervous feeling like cold ice flows through your veins and you start
“hey, actually - “
you stop short
won’t she just laugh at me? whose going to believe me - a lowly intern - that the biggest family name in south korea are actually a bunch of criminals?
“actually, i got a little sick. i’ll text you when i can do lunch again, anyway - gotta go!”
you hang up before your friend can even protest. you stare as the screen ends the call and your background photo pops up instead
a knock on the bathroom door nearly makes you jump out of your skin
“all ready?”
“y-yes, im coming out.”
you turn your phone off and place it in your pocket again. you gather your toothbrush and some other necessities
you give sicheng a weak smile as you pass him, not sure if it’s because you’re terrified he might know about the call or if you’re trying to calm yourself too by putting on this act that you’re fine
that you’re not ,,,,,,,,,,,,,, scared
“that’s a light bag. do you have everything you’ll need?”
sicheng’s words come out slow and calculated as he looks at your duffel bag
you nod, slinging it over your shoulder 
“we will be in bejing for some time.”
he looks you up and down and again those inhuman eyes seem to eat you up whole
he then says something in mandarin - leaving you staring at him stupified from lack of understanding
but he seems to think you don’t need to know what he’s said as he ushers you back into the car
you watch the cars pass you by on the way to the airport. you try to take in details because you’re worried you’ll never see this country again
who knows what will happen in bejing? but sicheng can keep me safe, right?
suddenly you feel a hand on your shoulder - you look back over and see sicheng is still watching the road ahead
but his large palm is resting on the material of your shirt
“you did a good job.”
“you lied to your friend, that was the right decision.”
he pulls his hand back and onto the wheel
even though he’d been speaking to you - he hadn’t even bothered to initiate the eye contact
though you don’t know if you could stand it, feeling your face pale because how had he known? had he been listening in on your when you were in the bathroom?
the care turns the bend leading up to the doors of the gates, the switchboard lists numerous asian countries and the destination flights and terminal numbers
laos, thailand, india, indonesia - so many other places than china, than beijing
sicheng swiftly walks in the direction opposite the ticketing booth and you catch up to him only after you’ve noticed how many strides away he is
“shou-shouldn’t we check-in?”
he simply smiles over his shoulder and you don’t know what the feeling coiling up in your stomach means
you clutch the strap of your bag and follow him through the large, unfamiliar airport 
don’t we look suspicious together? sicheng is so tall and walks with such refinement - and im carrying this duffel bag ive had since freshman year of highschool,,,,,,,,,,,isn’t someone bound to notice us?
but it doesn’t happen - instead, the security seem rather cordial even friendly toward sicheng
tipping their heads or smiling when he flutters by
is this the jung influence? or is sicheng something of a powerhouse himself?
you’re lost in your thoughts when suddenly a gust of air hits you - the automatic doors at the end of a long hallway you didn’t even notice you were passing through open
and sicheng saunters up to one of the many small, but sleek jets that are parked in a quartered off section of the airstrip
a pilot greets sicheng in mandarin, they begin discussing something as you stand with your eyes wide open 
a private JET? 
you run your eyes along the white body before reaching one of the wings. spanned over it are chinese characters you’re not familiar with.
“come, it will take maybe two hours.”
sicheng steps back as the ladder extend from the jet’s one entranceway
the pilot and he wait as you make your way up the stairs - legs barely holding you up from the utter shock
the jet is just like you imagine it to be - everything is so unnecessarily fancy
and you sit stiffly in the oversize chair - eyes wavering on the flatscreen tv that hangs above the partition to the pilots cabinet
sicheng follows after, patting your shoulder again
he says - or commands - it’s all a blur and you close your eyes softly and to yourself begging that this is all a dream - it has to be ,,,,,,,,,, it just has to be
when you land in beijing it’s already early dawn - you’re exhausted to no end, even though you think you took a nap on the plane
either that or spent the whole time sweating about how this was really happening - really, really happening
from waking up this morning, going to your first day on the job, spotting mark and jungwoo, ending up in the basement of jung enterprises, packing your bag
and now here
with sicheng
in beijing
sicheng doesn’t seem phased at all, he looks like this is another day on the clock for him as he takes your duffel bag off your tired shoulders and heads off the jet with a nod toward the pilot
“it’s ok i can carry-”
“your eyes are tired. you need sleep.”
well,,,,,,he’s not wrong but -
“are we going to your house?”
it’s probably the most childish thing you could ask right about now, but sicheng doesn’t seem to mind 
he simply shakes his head
your exhaustion makes it hard for you to be as scared and as nervous as you were before. the panic you’d felt had drained you 
so even though your mind was blaring alarms, you followed behind him like a puppy
what else could you do? he was the only person you had in this new place 
as you two walk out through the airport, you’re surprised to see the beijing is still bustling even though it’s so early
the clock on the switchboard glares that it’s about 5 in the morning, but business people and travelers are already making the rounds
sicheng glides through them with ease, but unlike before - he keeps his head down 
sort of using your duffel bag to shield the view of his profile
you scamper to keep up with his long legs, and finally, you end outside again
sicheng brings his phone out and makes a call, and nearly a minute later a motorcycle pulls up before you two
sicheng drops the duffel bag back in your arms
“yukhei. take care of them.”
“why aren’t you speaking man- oh oh i see~”
the rider takes off the matte black helmet to reveal a handsome, young face underneath
“im yukhei!” 
he introduces - but sicheng just pushes you gently forward and clicks his tongue at yukhei
“go. they are tired.”
yukhei huffs but beckons you closer. you turn to sicheng and open your mouth as if to say “are you insane? im not getting on the back of some random dude’s bike!”
but sicheng’s eyes swirl a little colder and you decide to keep your queries to yourself
plus,,,,,,,,,,,yukhei seems nice? he doesn’t have a,,,,,,taeyong or a jaehyun vibe,,,,,,,,,,
“you will see me again, don’t worry.”
“oh sicheng - look at you being all caring, wait till hendery hears about this!”
yukhei teases and you give an understanding nod as you back up toward yukhei
he grabs your duffel bag, slinging it over himself and confidently tells you to get on and cling to him as hard as you can
sicheng rolls his eyes before he’s gone back into the crowd of the airport
what’s going on? i thought he was going to “take care” of me?
you assume yukhei’s going to take you to his home - or to someones home - not to the ritzy hotel lobby you stop in front of 
decorated in old decdeance and gold
“um -”
yukhei waves to the desk girls who all giggle into their palm and then tugs you up behind him
for some reason, even though you can’t understand it, their whispers smell like jealousy and your cheeks start to burn
he brings you up to the 9th floor and there’s a room with the same chinese characters that were on the jet
you take the moment to ask yukhei, “does this say jung enterprises?”
he laughs, “no - they say dong sicheng!”
you blink back confusion, but then he’s pulling you into the grandiose suite and pointing out that the bedroom is down that hall - that sicheng said you were tired and it’d do good to get some rest
“where did sicheng go?”
yukhei shrugs
“probably to deal with his parents, anyway ill be here! so you’ll be safe - that’s a wong man’s promise!”
you nod - turning on your heel to go toward the room but stopping to ask one more question
“is sicheng,,,,,,,, famous here?”
yukhei almost doubles over with laughter because he genuinely thinks you’re joking
but when the blank look on your face doesn’t change he straightens up
“well, yeah - he’s the only son of the dong family. they’re basically chinese royalty.”
you hit the hotel pillows and for a second you think your body is melting into the sheets
you had wanted to pry yukhei more about sicheng - but the weight of the world had pushed you right into bed
you curl up and try to remind yourself to ask later, later - after a little nap
you think it’s part of your dream, the insistent shaking and the screaming, you think it’s just a bad dream cultivated from the rollercoaster of emotions you’ve been on today
but then you wince - because the yell is loud and gruff and the hand on you is cold to the touch
with a gasp, you wake up and see yourself staring up at a man 
he’s unfamiliar, with a gun pointed directly at you
he’s telling you to do something in mandarin but you have no idea what and you pull away, eyes big and frightened
you can tell he’s getting frustrated, he leans over to grab at your ankle and harshly pull you off the bed
when a hand wraps its way around his neck and turns it to the side with a loud and perfect crack
the gun that had been in his hand goes falling onto the sheets and you scream
sicheng is standing behind the crumpled over body and he reaches toward you
afraid you coil up, threatened and shaking, but he soothes in his slow voice
“i won’t hurt you, i need you to trust me.”
you want to scream again - trust him? trust him? everything is ruined because of him and whatever stupid fucking scheme you got caught up in 
but you know you can’t - whatever is happening is wrong - and when you feel him pull you toward him, it’s like your instincts are telling you this is the safest place right now
beside sicheng
you hear his name being called from the next room, you think the voice is yukhei 
there’s another voice - maybe two or three and as sicheng leads you back into the suite’s main hall you see that there are multiple of these masked men
all restrained on the ground with rope - or being held back by who you can only assume are sicheng’s accomplices
“kun - are there anymore?”
“no, this should be all of them.”
the exchanges are quick and in mandarin - you can’t understand and you desperately bunch up the fabric of sicheng’s shirt as your knuckles go white from clinging to him
his broad back keeps you nearly out of sight from everyone when you feel it - 
something swats at you - in an upwards motion - it almost knicks you 
but sicheng’s reaction is fast and he spins you both so that you end up in his position and he ends up in yours
the small pocket knife cuts the left side of his cheek and the blood streaks down onto his chin
not even taking note of it - sicheng reaches out - hand on the face of the assailant as he tugs him down by the hair and delivers a strong knee to their face
they tumble backward - and you realize it was another one of those men
they’d been aiming for your back with that knife and instead - sicheng had taken the blow
you look up and sicheng barks something out - but you aren’t even mentally in the room in anymore
instead you’re looking up at him, his beautiful skin is stained with the red from the gash
you want to ask first if he’s ok - if he needs a bandage, but that’s ridiculous the answer is: of course he needs one
but the second question stays with you for a long time - why? why are you protecting me? wouldn’t it be easier if i get hurt and then you and the jungs don’t have to worry about me anymore?
either way - when you come to - you see that those men are gone and instead 
you’re sitting on the coach beside sicheng and yukhei and a group of other men
“sicheng - seriously, why would you volunteer to take them here? you’re already a target yourself - isn’t this just doubling the risk?”
“isn’t it obvious kun - look how cute they are!”
“oh my god hendery is THAT the only thing that ever crosses your mind?”
“im just saying, isn’t that the reason sicheng - huh? huh?”
you can’t catch what’s being said - but suddenly the eyes are all on you
sicheng’s cheek has been cleaned up and patched - he explains that you don’t understand mandarin all that well and the mood in the air shifts
“that’s fine! ill use english - im hendery, and the rest of these idiots are not important! soooooooooo tell us, how’d you woo sicheng?”
someone makes a sound of disdain and you look in the direction away from hendery, this person is sitting up straight - posture absolutely immaculate and glasses perched on the end of his nose
his arms are crossed and he looks defensive
“that’s kun! he absolutely suuuuuuuuuuuuucks!”
hendery sings and falls back against the shoulder of another boy who shoves him off
kun directs his eyes onto you and then narrows them
“so - you’re sichengs new plaything?”
sicheng starts and kun doesn’t glance his way 
“what? am i wrong?”
the tone of voice is condescending and judgmental - he doesn’t even know you and yet he’s saying something so rude?
“who cares, sicheng - did you tell your parents your back? chances are they sent those goons after you.”
“hendery ,,,,,,,, why would his own parents try to have him murdered?”
the boy throws his hands up in exclaim
“i don’t know? for the drama! they’re entertainment moguls - imagine the press stories!”
you sit up a little at the new fact - so sicheng’s parents are in the entertainment business? what’s he doing working for the jungs?
“no, they don’t know. but right now, i need to ask you guys to help me.”
“is something wrong?”
your voice is shaking as you ask, but sicheng gives you a soothing smile - it’s not very much effective with that huge gash on his cheek though
“no. i just thought our entrance to beijing would be safer. kun and yukhei - will you keep them company while i clean up this mess?”
kun is about to say: absolutely not
but yukhei jumps up and winks
“of course - you just be careful ok sicheng!”
sicheng turns to you and tells you he’ll be back soon. 
that’s a lie.
he vanishes for over a week and during that week you end up being moved into the almost dubiously normal apartment where kun lives
on the outside, it looks normal - middle class
it’s nice, but not fancy. the neighbors are all either hardworking youths or families
kun is known to them as a graduate student with an interest in tech
but the reality is, it’s a money-laundering den set up under the jungs 
when you’re first dropped off there by yukhei - kun refuses to acknowledge your existence 
he sits behind his computer - wiring checks through different banks and forging signatures 
another side business you figure out from your hours of observing is money fraud
kun spends great time looking at foreign bills and reproducing them to perfection
one day you lean over and look at the sample bill he’s made
pointing out the serial number on the left
“you can’t keep it this way.”
you point out and kun tosses a look at you over his shoulder
“excuse me?”
“there would never be a chain of  numbers starting with this - it’s a misplaced pattern and tellers will now it’s fake.”
“how do you-”
you shrug, “i went to poland when i was younger and i just remember this detail.”
you turn the bill around and then pass it back to kun 
he stares at you - once disinterested and even angry expression turned rather intrigued
“are you usually interested in details?”
you sit down beside him and look at his screen, it’s in another language - polish you presume - so you don’t get any of it 
but you nod
“details always make sense - people in my program back in university would say im a perfectionist, but i just don’t want to make-”
kun finishes your sentence, pushing his glasses back up by the frame and you nod
“yes. this is why all of this is so nerve-wracking. it’s too bizarre. the details don’t add up.”
kun snorts, “details usually aren’t supposed to add up in this business. otherwise, the wrong people will come looking for you.”
“you mean like the police”
kun gives you an almost sympathetic side glance - although he can’t blame you, you’re not used to this - sicheng made it worse by bringing you here as a part of some stupid deal with the jungs
and then sort of tossed you into the corners
“here, let’s see how detailed you are.”
kun shuffles through a pile of folders and places them in front of you
“they’re various fakes i’ve made before - it’s really wasting time but if you can find the problems it should keep you entertained for a while?”
you smile, taking the folder and for the first time there’s almost a little bit of warmth coming from kun
even when yukhei swings by with lunch - he seems peppy about the change in the “temperature” of the room
the days get a little better as you wait around for sicheng to come back
kun is actually quite,,,,,,, tolerable of you,,,,,,,,and he’s impressed that you didn’t lie
you pick out some of his fault bills and he seems to respect you a little more for the way you carefully handle the nonsense, but welcome tasks he gives you
one afternoon, yukhei is back with lunch - this time with hendery in tow
“hey if you’re bored you can come take a ride with me-”
he starts to ask, slurping up his noodles before receiving a whack on the head from kun
“taking them out would be dangerous yukhei, think before you speak.”
you look down into the broth and sigh
“is kun being super mean to you still?”
hendery whispers when he hears you - but you shake your head
“i just wonder,,,,,,where is sicheng anyway?”
hendery sits back up and shrugs
“if you wanna see him so bad - we can make it happen. hey kun, can i turn on the tv?”
your eyebrows furrow
“why? did something happen - was it on the news?”
you get up, almost spilling your noodles - your look of alarm only humors the two boys as they reassure that’s not it
when hendery fishes the control out from one of the bookshelves he clicks through the static and the channels before settling on one
you stare at the screen - it looks like a movie? or maybe a drama? 
the setting reminds you of your university, the library, the students and then -
you lean forward and your jaw nearly drops because sicheng pops up on the screen
his lines are all in mandarin and he’s being pulled around by what is probably his love interest in the drama
but that’s not why you’re in disbelief
not only does he work for the jungs - he’s ,,,,,,,,,,,, he’s an actor?!?!
“he’s super popular here too - his face is on like every brand of ice-cream.”
hendery chimes in and you want to ask something when kun marches back in - shutting the tv off
“they didn’t have to know that”
he hisses and yukhei rolls his eyes, “if they’re going to be here for six months - they’re bound to find out!”
hendery nods in agreement 
“the dong family are all famous actors, but they also own a number of the big fine arts theaters in mainland china. sicheng acts, but he’s probably going to take over one of the departments soon.”
“h-how if he works for the jungs?”
yukhei taps his chin and hendery shifts sort of uncomfortably like there’s some kind of truth that everyone knows except you
you want to call it out, but suddenly the door clicks open and sicheng comes in
he’s wearing all black, hair stylishly done up and he slips the mask off his face as he greets you with a gleaming smile
“see, i said i would be back.”
you don’t have to ask him where he’s been or what he’s doing anymore - you’ve sort of pieced it all together
he comes closer and closer until he’s putting a hand on your head and giving it a little pat
“sicheng you can’t just pet someone like they’re a -”
kun starts, but you don’t hear the rest
is this what jaehyun meant - meticulous? organized? so well - that he could live a double life as a beloved actor in china and a criminal in south korea?
the stars in your eyes are apparent to everyone in the room, kun tenses up, but sicheng is used to it
he turns after “greeting” you and asks kun how the transfers are coming along
hendery and yukhei snicker and venture into the kitchen
you’re not sure how embarrassed you’re supposed to feel - but you are sure that something on your skin feels a little hot
sicheng sticks around, he even moves you back out of kun’s apartment front and into a nearby hotel
less fancy than the other one and this time, he requests that the back entrance be available for him to come and go
one evening you’re sitting beside him as he finishes a call with jaehyun and you ask the itching question on your mind
“why did you join the jungs if you’re so successful here in china?”
his mouth twitches up a little 
“ah - so you found out?”
“that you’re the son of famous actors and are on every makeup brand ad in beijing? yes - i found out.”
he laughs
“you’re being sarcastic - right?”
you blush, you don’t know why, and look down at your feet
“well - i don’t know. i joined because i was bored?”
he leans back against the sofa and looks up at the ceiling 
the angle highlights the strength of his jaw and glistening of his skin, the scar on his cheek is healing and even it can’t take away from his beauty
“yes. being famous isn’t all it’s cut out to be.”
he grins
“don’t i sound selfish?”
you shift
“were those men who broke into the hotel, were they after you - or after,,,,,me?”
“oh, they were after me. i havent been in beijing for over a year. my parents put out a reward if i was found.”
“a year? then that drama hendery showed me -”
he tilts his head your way and his gaze alone makes you feel a shiver in your spine
“was it where i played a university student?”
“ah - it was a rerun. i shot it two or three years back.”
“and it’s still on air?!”
he humbles himself with a shoulder shrug, “maybe it’s that popular?”
part of the way he talks so languidly about all of this irritates you - but the other part of you can’t help but be mesmerized
what kind of person finds boredom in a life born into stardom? what kind of person doesn’t pick up a hobby to help it - like video games or crocheting
instead choosing to be the overseas link for a gigantic company like jung enterprises
so many questions fill your head, more than when you were basically forced to come here in fear of your life
sicheng grins and says something carefully - as if he’s cautious about the right words
“i can hear it. the gears in your head turning. you are curious, right?”
you try to shake your head, but it has to be obvious - sicheng’s read you like an open book since you made eye contact back in the basement of the jungs
“it’s just ,,,,,,,, a lot.”
he suddenly leans in close - pretty face mere inches from yours
“i know what can take your mind off of it.”
the thoughts that had clouded your brain seize - everything in your body seems to come to a screeching halt
he’d always had this power of overwhelming you, but now he was - he was tipping over that border
you can’t even say his name, not when he’s looking at you like that and talking to you in that voice 
what does he mean? what does he have in mind? is it what im thinking-
the moment where he’d saved you from the attacker in the hotel room seeps back into you
the feel of you pressed into his back - the fact that it didn’t make sense for him to protect you like he did, to take the pain for you
he’d known you for less than 48 hours and he’d done that - what were his motives? it didn’t make sense
and on top of that, he was china’s it boy - he really - he would never put the moves on,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,you?
sicheng laughs because it looks like steam might come out of your ears
he takes your hand in yours and goes
“i was suggesting i take you out to see beijing, so you can stop having all these questions and see the beauty of the city.”
something inside you pops with relief, but another part - deeper away - deflates 
exactly. he’s an it boy, a dream boy, so you need to stop thinking that stupid little act of kindness meant anything. especially not in the grand scheme of things.
you chuckle, as a way to push past your nervousness and nod
you inch a little bit away from him and sicheng thinks it’s amusing
“but - are you sure you can just gon on the street? won’t you be,,,,,,, mobbed?”
sicheng fishes a black facemask from his pocket - “hiding in plain sight?”
you don’t know why your stomach does a little flip like you’re on some first date back home, but it does
as sicheng tugs you through the busy streets and you can tell that no one really looks twice at him - not with the mask and the baseball cap
and you’re inconspicuous in general, blending in among the talkative tourists and rushing native trying to get to and from all the places sicheng wishes he could show you
you can’t see all of beijing in two hours - and sicheng is definitely trying to play it safe  - so he takes you wangfujing, buying up snacks and pointing out the crafts and decorations the hang between the malls
you spot his face on advertisements left and right - kind of thrilled by the act that no one even knows that their favorite actor is pulling you behind them right under their noses
sicheng explains that his parents own a theater nearby, that if he could he’d love to show you some of the productions they put on 
and you ask in the busy, loud street if sicheng likes acting on stage or on the screen the most
he astonishes you once again when he picks neither
he takes your hand and twirls you around, much to the utter annoyance of some older women
and pulls you in close
“i like dancing the most.”
the whole experience feels like a fever dream of some sort - from the moment you two sneak out the back door of the hotel
to when you’re back and standing in front of the bed holding a panda sicheng had bartered to buy you
it says beijing loves you in bold letters on the tshirt it’s wearing and you don’t know why but you hold it close to your chest
beijing doesn’t love you - it doesn’t even want you to be here - and you wish you were home, feeling the lack of familiarity starting to grow
but something warm lingers, from where sichengs hands passed the bear onto you 
and your tears dry up on your cheeks and you think - it’s fine, it’s only six months
sicheng explains the next day that he needs to be gone for a bit, just to do some small parts in order to please his parents and keep off the radar of anyone looking for the jungs here in china
he leaves you in kun’s care - and after time has gone by, you can tell kun has warmed up to you
actually letting you do tasks that would help him - and even offering to cook you lunch one afternoon
the only thing that seems to irk him as much as when you two first met is the mention of sicheng
but it’s not like you can help it - there’s so much you don’t know
you set the pile of highlighted documents down near kun
“you’re done?”
“yep, i checked them over twice - you don’t have to ask.”
you laugh and kun even seems to give you a twinkle of a smile in return
you shift a little, looking around the room
“do you know if sicheng is shooting another drama?”
kun’s fingers stop typing and he looks at you for a second
the coldness is back in the dark brown of his eyes and he clears his throat
“you need to be careful.”
kun looks back at this screen and then at you, taking the time to slip his glasses down on the file you’ve put before him
“don’t fall in love with sicheng, everyone always does it and everyone always ends up the same.”
“the same?”
kun clenches his teeth
“do i have to spell it out for you? they end up heartbroken and feeling like an idiot.”
you don’t understand the spite, aren’t he and sicheng friends?
“i -”
“there are other men in the world. men that don’t live double lives, running around eating up the spotlight. don’t get me wrong, i respect sicheng. he works hard to make everyone happy. but he isn’t - “
kun searches for the word as you stand there feeling more and more pathetic by the second
“but he isn’t reliable. you should know that, with the way he comes and goes.”
you think, well you know, kun is right. 
to be honest - you don’t think you’re in love with sicheng - how could you be? you’ve only known him for a bit over a month. 
although you think it’s strange, that the moment he saved you replays in your mind more than the moment when you woke up in the jung’s basement
more than when you met all of sicheng’s friends
or even more then when you got to run around beijing with him for a little while
you go to sleep now, every night thinking back to it, thinking back to the image of him standing between you and danger
blood dripping down his cheek - not a seconds of hesitation when it came to protecting you
with kun’s logic, he’s right - sicheng probably did it because of some impulse or even worse - because he wanted to be a hero
he’s an actor after all, the limelight is a specialty, but you can’t help but buck against the ideas
it had felt like sicheng did it because he didn’t want you to be the one hurt
was it because jaehyun would get on his case? but why - having you gone eliminates the problem
was it because he’d look cool in front of his friends? his friends didn’t even know you, and kun didn’t even seem to want to know you back then
so why? why? why?
you don’t look at kun - you just sort of nod and ask if there’s anything else you can do
kun waves you off, but an hour or so seems to feel slightly bad for blowing up on you
offering that you two go out and buy some groceries for a nicer dinner than instant ramen or fastfood that yukhei could bring back on his bike
you agree, mostly because you don’t want to revert back to the awkward and hateful atmosphere that you’d first had to stew in when you met each other
and to your relief, neither does kun
you guys talk naturally - even confusing the cashier who kun shyly explains to you called you his significant other on accident 
you laugh it off and are too busy rummaging through the bags to see the way kun’s eyes linger on you
as you’re walking back to the apartment - kun stops under on of the streetlights
you turn back and ask what’s wrong
“i want to ask you again, well i didn’t ask the first time - i just made the assumption, but are you in love with sicheng?”
you feel your hands sort of twitch in response - you thought that conversation had been buried away 
you start, wanting to explain to kun where you are right now - what you’re thinking
hendery, xiaojun, yukhei - they were always kind to you. but kun had spent the most time with you and you were getting to a point where you thought you could see him as a sort of confident about all this
you obviously didn’t want to worry sicheng with your doubts (or your emotions)
so telling kun might actually make it better
“kun, i just i think i-”
the sound of tires reveing against the street cuts your sentence off
you both turn to see yukhei’s familiar motorcycle and he waves as he pulls up onto the curb
tugging off the helmet he greets you two with his usually goofy smile and points to the grocery bags
“is mama kun making something good tonight? can i join?”
you giggle and kun rolls his eyes, but invites him anyway
the weird moment and the weird question kun had asked melt away, at least they do for you 
as you listen to yukhei excitedly explain one of the new upgrades on his bike
kun slinks a little behind. he wonders what you were going to say.
for a while everything seems to be “normal”
normal meaning no one attacks you in the hotel room or comes raiding kun’s apartment
you think surviving this isn’t going to be that hard - not the horrible nightmare you had thought it was when you were getting on the jet to fly over here
when sicheng is around, he’s always got a way of keeping your attention. you usually don’t focus on anything but the work kun gives you
but when sicheng is there - you kind of feel like another fan watching one of his dramas - he’s just ,,,,,, he’s like living artwork
and you know he knows you peek - because sometimes he’ll look back at you and wink
the mindless flirting sort of makes you feel sprinkles of joy, but you try to level it out with what kun had said 
maybe you are another “plaything” - something sicheng thought he could keep around for when he’s bored
but he’s otherwise,,,,, respectful,,,,he never crosses a boundary or does something that might make you feel like a toy - or like less of a person
if anything, he’s done more to keep you safe and happy 
when he isn’t around though - you help kun out with small tasks which you say aren’t really criminal right?
most of the money, according to kun and sicheng, is just from “sales” the jungs makes 
you don’t ask - they don’t tell and plus you’d rather do these tasks than sit around being useless
you’re scared that’ll make kun hate you again
hendery will sometimes come over and make you laugh, yukhei keeps pestering about that ride on his bike that kun refues him from giving you and xiaojun - though reserved - tries to make you feel comfortable too
you think it’s crazy, such sweet boys work for the jungs - but for some unknown reason they don’t mention it
and they never help kun or sicheng with this work? actually you’re not sure - do  they also work for the jungs? do they work for sicheng’s parents?
still many questions - but it somehow feels like you’ve fallen into an ok groove
one call from jaehyun ruins all of that
sicheng had been around, making you feel giddy and safe for the past few days 
you, him, and kun had been working on printing money for an upcoming trip doyoung was going to take under the guise of a “marketing meeting”
when the phone had wrung and the color had seemed to drain out of sicheng’s face
you didn’t know why, but you gut said it had something to do with you - and you were right
immediately after hanging up, sicheng had called out your name
“get up, we have to leave. now.”
instead of scrambling to your feet first - kun beat you, grabbing sicheng by the arm
“what’s happening? where are you taking them?”
sicheng shrugs him off
“don’t be concerned. make sure yukhei knows im taking his bike.”
panic starts to make your mind go fuzzy, the room spins as sicheng starts collecting your things 
“the hotel has my -”
“no time, let’s go. i need to get you to safety. it’s part of the deal.”
the deal?
you follow after him, as confused and scared as the first time he’d lead you into this unknown place
but this time kun takes a hold of your wrist and tugs you back toward him
sicheng turns on his heel at the sound of your back hitting kun’s chest
“tell me where you’re taking them sicheng, im not joking.”
“kun let them go.”
“tell me.”
the hold tightens and you stare up at kun - something is different about him, he could be cold and unagreeable but this was just downright,,,,,,,,,,, frightening
“im sick of it, what was the point of bringing them here in the first place? did you get tired of playing around with the stars - wanted to ruin someone innocent?”
sicheng’s eyes overcast
“kun - what are you accusing me of?”
“they’re a person, sicheng. a person whose life you put in danger by getting them involved with you - with us - with the fucking psychopath jungs. don’t you remember what they’re doing to ten and yangyang?
two names you’ve never heard of pop up and you want to ask what the hell is going on 
but then the two of them switch into fast paced mandarin and you’re stuck in an absolute limbo
“of course i remember, that’s why i started this. i thought it would help ten and yangyang.”
“and what about now? what about taking them out and frolicking about the city like you aren’t famous? like your parents wouldn’t blow a lid on you and this whole thing if they found you out on a date with someone they’ve never met before?”
“kun, it’s my life. i can do wh-”
“it’s THEIR life too sicheng - people are not toys! stop treating them like they are!”
sicheng’s hand suddenly wraps around your other wrist
“they aren’t a toy to me. you wouldn’t understand.”
“tell me sicheng, sicheng who was born with a goddamn gold spoon in his mouth - what wouldn’t i understand? the way you take people and use them up?”
sicheng jerks you, and out of fear of hurting you, kun lets you go
you fall back against sicheng’s side
“they’re just like me kun. they ended up in a situation they didn’t want to be in. they were scared and couldn’t tell anyone. it’s simple, i saw myself in them and want to keep them safe.”
“you? keep someone safe - sicheng you’re more selfish -”
sicheng leans forward, you look up into his eyes and he ignores kun as he presses his lips tenderly to yours
he pulls away - your body frozen over as he locks eyes with kun again
“i can be selfish, just like you’ll always think i am, and that’s why im taking them right now. somewhere safe.”
he turns and you barely follow behind - knees shaking
kun commands sicheng to turn around and explain, but sicheng shakes his head
“you can’t think straight right now, it’s the jealousy talking - you won’t hear me out.”
you are still trying to process what the hell happened as sicheng throws a leg over yukhei’s motorcycle
he beckons you over and before he slips the helmet over your head - you ask him, words barely audible
“wh-why did you kiss me?”
he gives you a small smile - but it’s not the one you’re so used to seeing
so used to being struck by 
it’s almost,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,sad
“because i might not get the chance to ever again.”
he turns on the engine and motions for you to hop on 
you do, because you trust him, wrapping your arms tight around his waist
sicheng speeds off into the streets at a pace even yukhei hasn’t gone at
you suddenly wish he’d have worn the helmet instead - but you somehow know he wouldn’t have allowed that
you think you might be suffocating sicheng with how hard you’re clinging onto him - just like that time in the hotel ambush
you don’t know where he’s taking you or what’s going on - you don’t know anything and yet what scares you the most is what he’d said
why won’t i ever see you again? is it because you’ll die? or because i’ll die? is there trouble? i just want you to tell me you’ll keep me safe again,,,,
to motorcycle pulls up to the gates of a large open field - in the field you see the jet that brought you to beijing
in front of it is the pilot - who doesn’t waste time getting the stairs down from the opening of the jet
sicheng gets off the bike first, helping you right after and slipping the helmet off your head
 gently he fixes the strands of your hair that have gotten all messy and you talk a mile a minute
“sicheng what’s going on? why was kun so angry? and why do i have to lea-”
“one question.”
he goes
“ask me one question, and then you must leave.”
you swallow - your throat is dry and you stare into his beautiful eyes - those golden specks rotate hypnotizingly around his pupil
why did you kiss me?
why were you and kun fighting?
where am i going?
what happened?
“why,,,,,,,,did you save me on my first day in beijing - wouldn’t it have been easier for me to,,,,,,,to have just been hurt?”
he smiles, tilting his head a little as he keeps his eyes locked on yours
“because i said i would keep you safe. that’s a silly question.”
“but you didn’t have to - you didn’t have to - no one is forcing you to keep that stupid promise to jaehyun,,,,,,”
he runs a hand down your cheek
“it’s complicated. but ill tell you something. even if it really didn’t matter, even if i had just met you. i still would have protected you.”
he leans in and once again you think he’s going to kiss your lips - leave you frozen and unable to think for yourself
but he doesn’t kiss your lips - he kisses your forehead and mutters 
“because we’re the same.”
the words are cryptic - you can’t ask what he means because the pilot is gently pulling you toward him instead - toward the jet
when you get on - you rush to open the window and see as sicheng gets back on the bike 
he looks over his shoulder and it makes your heart stop for a second in your chest
before he’s gone
the plane flys you back to korea, where mark and johnny pick you up from the airport
you ask them what’s the issue and mark explains that a criminal rival of the jungs in china had been suspicious of sicheng for a while
that one of his informants had caught a glance of you and sicheng on the street - confirming the suspicion that he’d been working for the jungs
“technically we asked sicheng to come back with you - so we could protect him too, but looks like he said he’d take care of it himself.”
“so,,,,,,,,so it’s my fault,,,,,,”
you whisper and johnny tries to play it off - “of course not! it’s not your fault - plus jaehyun trusts sicheng can handle himself! now c’mon, how can we turn that frown upside down?”
you look out of the window of the car - lost in thoughts, and mark taps johnny on the shoulder - motioning to leave you alone for right now
a couple of days pass and you’re allowed back in your apartment - of course a member of jaehyun’s team is always there to keep an eye on you
you don’t really know what to do but wait and see if someone - anyone - will give you an update
did that person see me and sicheng when we went out together? was it when we landed? if i had never chosen him and went to beijing then he wouldn’t have gotten in this trouble!
it’s when the door opens and instead of haechan or jungwoo, yukhei comes in and mark springs up in confusion
he pulls his gun - “who are you?!”
mark turns to you, “we said not to tell your friends-”
“hey hey, what’s the problem little dude - im with sicheng!”
mark blinks “you’re with sicheng?”
from behind yukhei steps out just the man of the hour
you notice a cast wrapped around his arm, but other than that he’s relatively unharmed
you rush toward him - nearly tackling him 
“are you ok? im so sorry - if it wasn’t for you having to take me with you back to beijinig-”
sicheng puts the other hand on your cheek and gives it a little squish
“shh. im fine. aren’t you happy to see me?”
mark look between the two of you, bewildered and yukhei elbows him in the side as if they’ve been friends for years
you bury your head in sicheng’s chest and he laughs, gently running the fingers from your cheek into your hair
“let’s go dude - they need their space!”
yukhei exclaims, pulling mark after him and through the small door to your apartment
mark protests, but yukhei overpowers him easily and suddenly it’s just you and sicheng
you think you’re going to start crying - from the happiness and the confusion
“why didn’t you just come back with me? why did you stay?”
sicheng waves the cast around
“i wanted to personally deal with the problem.”
“because that bastard threatened to kill you and sicheng actually went crazy on him.”
you look back at the door - where kun is leaning against the frame
“kun! you’re ok!”
you jump to your feet and kun kind of half smirks at the sound of worry in your voice
you don’t see sicheng roll his eyes behind your back, but kun doesn’t step closer
he looks at sicheng and on purpose tells him in mandarin
“i believe you for now, but if you end up tossing them to the side like everyone else - just know ill be waiting. and i won’t forgive you.”
“thanks, but that’s not in the plan.”
you huff
“can you guys please speak so i can understand - you two were in dire danger and the last time you did this you almost killed each other so please, im begging, don’t spike my anxiety through the roof.”
kun lets out a sound, sort of grumbling as he turns to follow after yukhei and mark
you look and see sicheng has stood up
“i now have time to answer any other questions.”
he laces his fingers with yours and you think - where should i start?
“why did you kiss me?”
“wanted to.”
“why did you kiss me in front of kun?”
sicheng grins, “to teach him a little lesson”
sicheng shrugs, “just so he knows, that i like you.”
“why do you like me?”
“why - do you not like me?”
you scrunch up your nose and sicheng laughs again -
“fine, it’s because of what i said - you are a lot like me. we’re the same.”
you don’t understand - you’re a uni student with an otherwise boring as hell life
how could you and dong sicheng - an actor, a boy born into richness with this starvation for adventure - be even remotely similar
“because even when you were thrown into all this. even when you were scared - you did it.”
“but - how does that make us the same?”
he leans in and suddenly his forehead is pressed to yours
“because i got thrown into this too.”
“i-i- i thought you joined because you were bored!”
he shakes his head, “there are other reasons. one day we’ll talk about them. for now, do you want to go back to beijing with me?”
your stomach twists
“it won’t be safe for you-”
“it will be. it will be safer there than here. plus, kun told me you are quite good with details.......the word jaehyun uses-”
“yes. meticulous. what do you think?”
you would agree - you think you are pretty meticulous yourself, but instead of saying anything or asking any of the million questions you still have you hug him again
because sicheng had said before that he’d be afraid he’d only get one chance to kiss you again
and you just are scared of thinking that that could have been the reality of this situation
“ah, xiaojun brought this back by the way.”
sicheng pulls the panda he bought you at the beijing markets and drops it in your hands - you stare at it 
the shirt on the panda had said ‘beijing loves you’ before - but, in what you presume is xiaojun’s handwirting, there’s a post it over beijing it says ‘sicheng’
you giggle - but then look up at him
he tkaes the post it off and taps the panda’s head
“so - do you want to come back with me? or do you want to switch and pick someone else?’
“that’s a silly question.” 
you copy him and tip toe up to press your lips to his own
he grins against your lips and then goes, “we’re going to have to convince jaehyun though - he was a bit mad about this situation.”
“that’s fine - doesn’t he trust you.”
sicheng nods, looking deep into your eyes
“he does. but i hope he knows that if anything, just say the word and ill always pick you over my allegiance to him.”
you can’t believe what he’s said - you just look at him and see something in those words
“i don’t know what jaehyun has over you - or how he forced you to work for him - but let’s get it back and let’s make sure you never have to see the jungs again.”
something sparkles in his eyes and he nods, slow and quiet
when you guys rejoin everyone outside, mark is too distracted with yukhei to notice the change in your expression
hendery and xiaojun who are also waiting realize it, yukhei does too when he looks over his shoulder. kun smirks to himself. finally
with your help
they’re all going to get back at the jungs.
spoiler: to know why sicheng joined the jungs - read ten’s special route!
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cartoonloverstuff · 7 years
Snowy Disposition pt. 3
Told ya I’d forget. I have a million deadlines coming up, so I completely forgot about this! Anyways, enjoy the final part of this little story!
Ash’s idea had been to use the side of a flatten box she hadn’t bothered throwing away as a sign. They used thick black marker to write “We found the baby. He is safe.” along with Ash’s contact information in big, clumsy letters. But it was still fairly legible, so the pair bundled up and ducks outside. The sun had gone down and the outside world was already chilled without its presence. Meena set up the homemade sign on top of the dumpster while Ash stood aways back, her hands out in front of her as she directed Meena in adjusting the sign. Once the sign was in place, they gave the area a quick look around and found no one, which was both relieving and disappointing. Ash finally declared it time to go back in and they retreated to the warmer inside of the apartment.
After stomping off the snow on their shoes and losing a few layers, Ash went to turn on all remaining lighting methods they had set up and Meena went to gather up as many blanket as she could find. The winter air was starting to become noticeable in the apartment.
Meena entered the living room a couple minute later with a mountain of blanket and was about to ask Ash about sleeping arrangements when the porcupine caught her eye and Ash brought a finger to her own lips, signaling Meena to keep quite. Meena set down the blankets in a pile on the ground and gave her friend a confused look. Ash just smiled and pointed at the couch. Curled up in the nook of the arm and back of the couch was Johnny, slumped against the back on the couch and soundly asleep. The cub was tightly cradled in his arms, a tiny paw clutching the cloth of his sweater. And to top everything off, there was a gentle purring coming from the cub.
Meena had to cover her mouth to keep her cooing from getting to loud. The scene was overwhelming adorable to her. Ash even used some of her precious phone battery to take a picture of the sleeping animals. Once Meena recovered from the sheer cuteness of her friend and the cub she asked about where everyone would be sleeping. Ash shrugged. “You guys have slept here before. I thought we’d just all sleep on the couch like normal. It’s not like Tiny takes up a lot of room.” The porcupine pulled a blanket from the pile on her floor and wrapped it around Johnny’s sleeping form and the cub as best she could, whispering her reply. Both girls grabbed blankets for themselves and settled on the couch. Meena sat in the other end and let her head lean against the back, and Ash curled up between the two of they with head on Meena’s thigh and her legs kicked up against Johnny’s. Both were asleep within 20 minutes.
The serene scene lasted a blessed couple of hours before a tiny paw kicked Johnny in the face and crying woke the other two. Meena sleepily got to her feet as her foggy brain remembered something about cubs needing to be fed every few hours. Automatically, she took the fussing baby and ambled off to the kitchen. Ash, whose comfy sleeping position had been disrupted by Meena’s leaving, tried to go back to sleep, but was disturbed again by Johnny get up and following the elephant and infant. Ash closes her eyes again, felt guilty being the only one not helping, and begrudgingly got up to trudge to the kitchen, blanket wrapped around her shoulders. The porcupine didn’t end up doing much as Meena was trying to soothe the upset infant while Johnny groggily filled and warmed the bottle. Not much was said, after Meena mentioned the need to fed cubs every few hours, Ash brought an small kitchen timer with them back to the living room. After a quick feeding and diaper check, all returned to couch and nodded off within minutes.
The timer went off two hours later and all three sleepily repeated the process. This went on a few more times through out the night. Each time, all three teens fell the need to get up for some reason, even if they were too tired to be of help. During a 4:00am shift, Johnny managed to fall asleep standing up and leaning against Ash’s fridge. Meena spared him a sympathetic look before focusing her attention on the squirming cub who was insistent on being fed. When Meena had a chance to look back up and over at her sleeping friend, she also saw Ash on the counter next to Johnny with a pen in her hand. Ash frozen as soon as her and Meena made eye contact.
“No.” Meena said simply with exhausted tone.
“It just an eyeliner pen. Completely washable!” Ash shushed insistently as gestured to Johnny. Meena still shook her head and the porcupine grumbled as she slouched back against her cupboards. “His own fault for falling asleep there…”
The elephant rolled her eyes and gave a sleepy smile. She gently nudged the gorilla as she walk past to put away the milk, wincing at the light from the fridge. Once closed, she leaned back against the the fridge door as a large yawn took over. Meena stopped mid yawn when it hit her. Her glaze snapped to Ash who was also sporting the same look if realization. Ash jumped down and bolted to her light switch, practically smacking it. The kitchen lights turned on and Ash’s mood jumped through the roof. “The power’s back! Johnny, wake up!” She snapped at the drooping gorilla and watched him fumbled awake.
“Huh? Oh, oh! That’s great! We need to call.. who do we call?” Johnny clumsily pulled his phone before realizing he had no idea who to contact about finding a baby in a dumpster.
Meena had beaten him to finding a place online, but sighed at hours of operation. “St. Huron children hospital is closest, but it doesn’t open until 7.” She yawned and gave her phone a disapproving look. “We could try calling Rosita. Or maybe my mom. They might know what do.” Meena’s sleep riddled brain struggle to come up with suggestions.
Johnny shook his head. “Naw, even if one of ‘em is awake, they might try t’ come out 'ere if we told 'em what was going on. I don’t want either of 'em driving at this hour.” His brow furrowed as he thought. “There��s always 911.”
Ash cocked an eyebrow at him from where she was leaning against the wall. “But there’s not really any emergency, though. I mean, Tiny seems happy.” She smiled and jabbed a thumb at the little cub in Meena’s arm, contently chewing on the blanket he was wrapped in.
“He also seems pretty awake.” Meena mentioned remorsefully. The cub’s eyes still weren’t open, but he was moving around and kicking at his blanket.
Realizing the cub may not go back to sleep anytime soon, Ash cleared her throat and spoke. “Okay, new plan. We make a bunch of coffee and wait out the three hours until the hospital lines are open. Cool?” She was already digging through her cupboards for her coffee before the others could answer.
A few minutes later, they all had piping mugs of coffee and Ash had turned on the TV to try and find something worth watching. Despite Meena’s best efforts, she couldn’t stand the taste of coffee and could only nurse the mug in her hands. The elephant soon nodded off, unable to consume her caffeine quick enough. As she was sat on the floor leaning back against the couch, Meena soon slump over sleeping against Johnny’s legs.
Johnny had long since confiscated the baby from the drowsy elephant and was playing with the tiny cub, letting the infant gnaw and wrestle with his hand. The gorilla only looked up from the wrestling match when he felt the weight of Meena’s head against his knees. He smiled, deciding she had done the most work and deserved the rest.
Johnny’s gaze shot up in time to see Ash snap a picture of all of them with her phone. “Aren’t you three adorable?” She teased a stiff and blushing slightly Johnny. The gorilla gave Ash a suspicious glare that her only return amused grin. She climbed up in the couch next to him. “Sorry, but there’s something kinda funny about seeing my 'tough, former criminal’ friend all curled up with Tony the Tiny here.” Ash leaned against Johnny to look over at the infant.
“It was pretty funny seeing a moody rocker bottle feed 'im too.” Johnny lightly jabbed back with a smile.
The night carried on sleeplessly with many cups of coffee and lots of bad TV. At 6:45, Ash was calling the hospital line repeatedly. At 6:58, she finally got in touch with a very irritated receptionist who was straining to remain professional. The receptionist’s tone made it clear this had better be important, and Ash took great pleasure in hearing her tone switch to shock at the words: “Yeah, we found a baby in the dumpster.” The receptionist on the line, who clearly didn’t think three teenagers should be left with a new born, sent out an ambulance to collect the child despite the weather. Less than an hour later, a nurse arrived at the small apartment.
The nurse, an elderly camel, laughed when she saw the make-shift diaper the child was in. “Well now, this is a first!” She said as she eyed the three worn out teens with a soft smile. After quickly changing the cub into a proper diaper, asking about how the infant was cared for, and collecting Ash’s contact information, the trio had to say there last goodbyes to the now half-asleep cub. After all three stood in the doorway to watch the ambulance drive any for a bit, both relieved and a little sadden, Meena yawned and slinked back to the couch to collapse on top of it. She was barely conscious enough to register the other two follow suit and both fall half on top on her.
Two days later, Ash got a call. Five minutes laters, she was frantically trying to contact both Meena and Johnny. The ecstatically happy porcupine managed to convey a time and place to the other two teen, leaving the larger two mammals with many questions. Later that day, all three met at the cafe Ash had told them to go to and once again, Ash left her companions in confusion as she waltz right into the cafe without telling the others why they were here. She ignored her friends’ questions in favor of looking around the small cafe. After finding her targets, Ash lite up and cheerfully approached a friendly looking lion and cheetah sat at one of the tables.
Meena and Johnny traded inquisitive looks. Ash had her fair share casual friends and acquaintances, but the two adult male cats look to be somewhere in there thirties, and not like the kind of animals Ash would normally make friends with.
A flustered Meena stumbled over a proper greeting to the two adults, still trying to figure out why she was meeting them. Any curiosity Johnny had about the two cats was replaced by curious over a small baby carrier next to the cheetah. Leaning to the side a bit to peek in the carrier, Johnny caught a glance of a small, fuzzy, striped form. His eyes went wide with realization. “Wait! Is that..?”
Johnny interrupted the polite small talk between Meena and the two strangers. Neither cat seemed to mind and were actually smiling fondly. The cheetah reached into the carrier to rustle out the cub.
Ash was beaming ear to ear as the cheetah presented a familiar little tiger cub. “Meena, Johnny, meet Tiny’s new dads!”
And end! Sorry the epilogue was rushed! But I wanted to make sure the cub got a happy ending.
Part 2: here
Part 1: here
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iphoenixrising · 7 years
Window Seat
My soulmate @satire-please deserves all the love, so a bit more little Timmy with the Bats from here.
The house is always quiet. Even when his mom and dad were home or Mrs. Mac was in the kitchen when he got home from school, the upstairs is always silent, like the museums where his parents donate what they find on digs. He thinks it’s always been like that.
No one ever goes to the upstairs attic, though. The dust is thick and settled, its’ own niche in Drake Manor. There’s one window to look out the back yard and off into the sea (and if you looked really, really hard, you could almost see Wayne Manor up on the bluffs, a dark silhouette in the dawn). The nights he didn’t go out into Gotham with his camera, he usually wound up here, squeezed into the non-existent seat to watch for the headlights of the large, black car that was unmistakable even in full dark.
And tonight, a few days after Robin saved him from a bad fall, and the extraordinary turn of events that put him in their direct path rather than an outsider that just knew their secret, he’s still waiting. At the time, he grudgingly turned over the box of photographs when Robin (Jason) and Nightwing (Dick) brought him home. They were working a hard case and would be gone for a few days, so he did what he was probably expected to do: promised to go to school and stay out of trouble.
He hasn’t gone out into Gotham, and hasn’t heard or bothered them since.  Which…is okay. It’s not a problem for him. He’s used to these kinds of things. Promises from grownups that never come to fruition. Coming home for his birthday. Taking him with them during Christmas break. Being there for the Science Fair.
Sometimes expectations fail. Sometimes you need another plan. Sometimes other things have to take precedent. All the real world truths.
So, it’s really okay. He gets it.
The vigilantes didn’t expect a kid to figure them out, not when they’ve got the whole world fooled. It makes sense they would want to give him something to look forward to, a “reward” for keeping quiet about their secret identities. (And it isn’t like he doesn’t realize how dangerous it is to know, how many of Batman’s enemies would come looking for him just to get the secret, how dangerous he is to them now just because he was too smart for his own good. He’s…he’s a liability.)
By the second night with no word, he’s convinced himself the whole thing is going to amount to checking in on him quarterly to make sure he keeps out of trouble, doesn’t call any attention to himself or them. It’s the adult thing to do. So, he’s going to give it a few weeks, wait until they’ve all but forgotten, and go back to his old haunts. He’ll have to be more careful they don’t catch him so he can’t slip up and accidentally almost kill himself again.
It’ll be fine. He’s got darker clothes to stay closer to the shadows and has been tinkering around with a shooting grapple gun like Robin used. He thinks he might have figured it out, but testing is really going to be the problem.
And…and it is fine (it’s disappointing but inevitable). They didn’t need some kid hanging around when they had criminals to stop and a city to save.
He’s sleepily convinced himself it was all for the best, he already had the one chance to live the life and shouldn’t be too greedy because the reality is nothing but trouble could come from stepping into their world. He could get hurt or die, he could get them hurt if he got caught and they had to come save him. Or they would finally get tired of dealing with him, his endless questions and terrible hand/eye coordination, his fanboy awe and clumsy stumbles, the odd moments when he can fit in the most awkward spaces to hide (like right now).
Eventually…it be the same as with his mom and dad. They’d just start leaving.
Tim sighs and forces himself to be reasonable because of course it’s better this way. Nothing would change (it’s okay, it could be worse). Besides, it was better than never coming back.
When the rumbling goes by the house, goes further, deeper into the woods, toward the only other home, he can let his eyes slide closed, glad they made it back from another night, and let himself drift off a little. No school tomorrow, no Mrs. Mac, no reason to get up early and make an appearance.
He’d probably read more on the coding manual he’d picked up from the library, ride his bike into the city for pizza and to hang out with Ives, then come back home before his curfew. He would wait it out a few weeks and then jump back to old habits, keeping out of their way, and staying in the shadows. Life would just—
Go on.
The world gets fuzzy and soft and dark, and even with the minor ache in his neck and back from the odd angle, even in the quiet upstairs, even though he knows it’s too cold to be sleeping up here, the dream starts out anyway…
“—glad we found him, Big Wing.” That’s…that’s Jason, isn’t it? (Jason, here? Nah)
“I wonder how long he’s been up here all alone?”
(It has to be a dream because they came looking for him…)
“Musta been a while. He’s freezin’.” The dream hand is warm on his forehead, so nice, not enough to make him want to come to reality, so he just snuffles against his arm and hums, not trying to swim to the surface of awake, not yet.
“Okay, okay. Not leaving Timmy by himself at night anymore. Check.” Dick sighs, his breath a puff in the cold, and cranes his neck to eye the configuration the kid squeezed through to get to the wide window ledge.
“B’s gonna talk ta his folks when they make it back ta town anyhow.” And Jason shakes his head, burrowing a little deeper in his jacket with bare face (doms keep the eyes warm, you feel him?). “Kid his age shouldn’t be left alone anyhow.”
“Nope, just circus brats and street kids, right Little Wing?” Dick glances over at his replacement with a wide grin (and if B is serious about keeping Timmy now that the business with Two-Face is over, he’s going to have to come around more to help corral two younger brothers).
“Yeah, some a’ us can take care of business, Dick. This kid? He don’t need ta be in a house alone like this. Ain’t right.” The current Robin just frowns at the small silhouette, eyebrows drawing together.
“Alfred has his room ready, so at least he’ll have somewhere warm with a window. How did he even get in there?” And Dick? Is an acrobat and this configuration is making him flinch.
But Jay just smirks back, “Wiry little shit, apparently. Already fittin’ in.”
“Apparently. Let’s get him out of there, shall we Robin?”
And he huffs drowsily, swimming in and out of consciousness, the lack of sleep in the last few days making him sink further down where the voices are muffled, muted.
He might make some grunting sound when dream hands lift his heavy limbs, weightlessness like this a foreign concept, but it’s not like dreams where you step down abruptly and jar awake. It’s warm and smells like leather, Kevlar, and musk. And his brain gives him what he wants in the dream, soft cotton to fist his hands into without having to do anything more than sigh.
“Poor little guy is tuckered out. We shouldn’t have left him so long. It doesn’t look like he’s been sleeping.”
The transition is down, steps, his blurry mind supplies.
“He chases us through Gotham, yeah? Sleep probably ain’t even in his vocabulary.”
“He’s so small, Little Wing. He needs to sleep.”
“He needs goddamned parents, Dickie.”
“It’s okay,” is breathed against his hair, “he has us now.”
“Sure, sure. Lotta grown ass men what dress up in tights n’ masks. Normal as they come.”
“Hey! It’s not a bad life, you know. I turned out just fine, thank-you very much.”
A grunt in reply and something warm tucked around him before the air shifts and it’s cold, making his small body tighten again, start to swim a little closer to consciousness. But he’s snuggled higher, closer to strength and warmth.
(All the good things)
“Ah. I see you two have managed to ferret out the missing Master then?”
“Shoulda seen ‘im, Alf. Alla way up in the attic window.”
“You have a similar propensity for small spaces, Master Jason. Master Dick as well if memory serves. Very high, small spaces to be precise.”
“Not my fault there’s so many in the Manor, Alfred. Those are the perfect places to explore.”
“Hm,” the car doors close as Alfred Pennyworth shuts his young charges in (three now, not including you, Master Bruce. He is not getting any younger, you understand?) and moves to the driver’s side through the chill.
Master Jason and Master Dick continue a quiet conversation while the child sleeps on and the dark forests pass them by. Alfred inputs when necessary with the usual plans on the next few nights of patrol ahead of them sans the Batman, and it does the butler’s heart good to see them finally getting along. Just as he told the worrywart that is his eldest charge, the two needed time to find their own way. Time and exposure, more appropriately.
As Alfred is well aware, the life his family leads, one of the night, one of pain and bruises and burns, one of trauma after trauma with only the strength of will and people in need to drive them, it required a certain amount of humanity to maintain. The strength of their bonds, to lean on one another in times of need, had been the hardest lesson for Master Bruce to learn as the Batman,, and one he would daresay he failed to pass it down to his sons. Fortunately, when a certain little robin that lost something so precious so young, the lesson for Master Bruce had begun and would continue for a second so in need, he would take on any fight just to survive, and would, of course, extend to the small one they are carrying up the staircase of Wayne Manor as he sleeps the sleep of the innocent.
Alfred and Master Dick take his shoes off and manage pajama bottoms, tucking the little boy in with care.
Only once did he wake up slightly, blinking fuzzily without move his heavy head from the pillow.
“This is such a nice dream, Mr. Alfred.”
A gentle hand to his head, smoothing down his too long hair, “go back to sleep, Young Sir. We shall be here when you wake in the morning.”
And Timmy hums again, smiling, snuggling down into the comfortable mattress and pillow. He’s fine sleeping until morning, to keep the dream for as long as he can (and maybe….maybe it would be okay to just not have to wake up).
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ok he'd probably be like ‘hehe; guess I'm falling further into obscurity thats cool i was never amazing in the first place’
“theres only one!”
...that is rare
“i traded my watch to my kooraheenese friend! it plays the steel samurai theme when it goes off!”
“it sounds just like the steel samurai theme”
“no it doesn't!”
mayas right, it doesn't sound like the steel samurai's theme. 
it sounds BAD.
seriously i feel like my soul is physically rejecting it 
put your arms akimbo at me again young lady and ill push you into your magic soul pool.
“that whole séance thing makes trials completely different”
speaking of trials, we’re back to trials! ya–– i dont want to deal with nahyuta
“you have to pitch your terrible crossover!! i won't let you down”
as much as i disapprove of the crossover let it be known that phoenix is a sweetie pie.
“The sacred murder dagger was used to murder someone?!?!??! BLASPHEMY!!!”
“The lowest level of hell; the Hell of Tickling” IM KINKSHAMING KOOORAHEENISM
“They shall not escape on their /redtext/ Freedom Express today!”
she did it yaaaaayy!
well i
i cant argue....
oh god no t voice acting again
guess its not *that* important eh
the entire court just called phoenix a shithead. 
i mean people say “Polkhunka” when theyre surprised, and the term is “polkhunan”. so yeah. either hellion, or shithead. nice.
phoenix: this makes no sense 
me: ooh i cant wait for the bullshit excuse!! 
Well ill be damned to tickle-hell. Rayfa’s a television aerial. 
oh i see how they did that. i guess spirit visions have steady-cam?
.........he ran right into it
dude why 
i just love this. “yes he ran directly at the killer, to fight them! with his arms flailing in terror!! it might look stupid and fake but actually it’s kooraheen’s biggest martial art, RonDeliteFu!”
every time Rayfa does her hand-flinging-out pose i mistake her sash for a stick and i keep thinking she’s a muppet 
“we can’t let the special fires go out, so we make sure to remove the glass around them every year on top of a window mountain so that a woman can um...... walk around it i guess.”
i hate to admit it but these stupid pond vision things are really stumping my blind ass
i stg pohlkunka is the stupidest sounding made-up expletive ive ever heard
id rather heard cowabunga every time something shocking happens for godssakes
“wow he really does care about ema”
hey show dont tell lol
“i cant believe he's come to understand their value”
uhhh well
they stated that they still hold investigations despite their magic pool parties, so uhhhhhhh yeah???? forensic investigators are usually pretty helpful??
since Sadmad’s catchphrase appears to be ‘putrid’, i keep reading ‘purification rite’ as ‘putrification rite’
i cant believe they did a “what if... (EXTREME CLOSE UP ZOOM) PLOT TWIST?!”
oh hey its dirty hobo man! ...also i guess the ‘sexy pan up shot’ is for every new character :/
hobo rangers go...
...Nahyuta named him A’nohn Ihmus. A’nohn Ihmus.
Well that just cements my idea that Kooraheenians are just a bunch of Americans that stole a landmass and made up a phony baloney culture. 
It has been confirmed that they are legitimately just taking english words and ‘kooraheenifying’ them.
“i used my binoculars to spy on the rite at the inner sanctum”
A’nohn is just as perverted as his namesake from Tuhmbl’r
“Feh. I knew you were a fool...” 
Cue Franziska crashing her plane into the court room to yank on Sadmad’s braid to scold him for taking her word.
“shall be reborn as a witless sea urchin with barbs limited to your posterior”
ok well sadmad, sea urchins asses are next to their mouths... on the bottom of them. completely opposite to the, uh, you know. Spiky part.
So I’m not sure if that serves to strengthen your point or just make you look like a moron
i mean i guess it served to enhance sadmad’s point since phoenix’d be totally smooth and unprotected, but then he wouldn’t even reach adulthood so that sea otter wouldn’t come in too early and...
...he just said phoenix will be reborn as not only mentally slow but also physically deformed.
...uh... nice one, sadmad.
to be fair, she could have stabbed him with a reverse-grip or not; one doesn’t have to hold their hand at any particular to perform a reach around 
oh well at least the contradiction is incredibly obvious 
at least hobo ranger has an excuse to use words like “bucko”
i hate that,,,, theres a rule against climbing the mountains during the rite. that means that there have been perverts of yore who tried to spy on the lady changing 
hes gonna see her shad–– (sigh)
yknow, i dont think shadows are detailed enough to know which way someone is holding a knife.
also moonlight isn't that bright 
ok so... does happiraki mean “hello” or “hooray!” because its been used it both contexts 
i just realized that the Plumed Punisher theme song sounds like one of those posts where someone takes a recognizable song and fucks with it in a silly way, like pitch shifting it at awkward moments or changing the key
i cannot believe i have to use a fucking walkthrough for this game. I'm disgusted with myself. I'm better than this.
“no one was allowed in there and the only way up were the stairs!”
ah yes, the unguarded stairs surrounded by people who had their heads down. in prayer.
totally impenetrable. 
“What?! This is insane!!” no no, phoenix, youre doing it wrong. you have to say “this”, then sadmad has to say “is” and then the judge has to yell “insaaaaane!!” because its funny when one person says one word of a sentence each!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
‘rah rah sis boom bah, fight, fight, phoenix wright!!”
um excuse me maya who gave you the right to be cute
why does sadmad only have one hand-guard-glove thingy
“my bag of bluffs” is an interesting and long way to say “ass”
they put... a maximum security prison... on top of their holy mountain. they put their criminals... on top of their. holy mountain.
they put a jail. in a church. in fact they put it higher up... closer to... god. 
what the fuck. the fourth one. only accessible by helicopter.
who was smoking what when they decided this???
(sigh) mmmmm id been waiting to use that patchwork quilt
“hell of hangnails”
not as fetishy but still pretty–– actually you know what that sounds kinda fucked up. isn't that just kinda G rated torture anyway 
wow that incredibly obvious lie deserves the terrible pursuit theme??
maybe its the last one (i hope)
“are you the rebel hunter!!??!?!?!??”
um well no, unless the rebel hunter is a criminal. jackass.
...cutting dirty deals with criminals, are we, sadmad?
“haha, the fact that the third person at the scene was a wanted criminal destroys your theory that it was the rebel hunter Keera that killed the high priest!!”
...wow... gosh i was wrong... and the fact that a wanted criminal was actually at the scene... doesn’t help me at all... because once i said that one person didi it, it couldn’t possibly be someone else... oh no... i guess it was Maya who did it... for reals... not the.... wanted criminal....
...hang on, his little power rangers dance was the defiant dragons dance? how... did nobody notice this?? sadmad really was colluding with criminals wasn’t he. gosh. what a trustworthy guy.
phoenix: oh no!! his testimony was a lie!!
oh no! the testimony that did nothing but damage your case was a lie!!! 
sadmad: get him!
hobo ranger: (does a little hop and daintily scurries off)
sadmad: ... (takes a good five leisurely seconds to stop the background music) put everyone on high alert. i want everyone after that guy
that guy who just. skipped out of a courtroom. past hundreds of crazy people and several bailiffs. 
haha... the kooraheenes police. to quote phelous... THEY’RE THE BEST!
“what was the point of all that, anyway?”
search me, phoenix.
“well, i cant help but feel that entire episode was an enormous waste of time”
hey capcom? hanging a lampshade on it doesn’t make it better. it just amplifies how much it sucks.
“yes! i recognized that piece of paper because it looks exactly like the piece i have! thats covered in blood and unrecognizable!!!”
“the ignorant lawyer has not bothered to learn out language??”
well A) he's not an international attorney, B) he was on vacation, not studying abroad, and C) fuck you, fuck you, fuck you, fuck you. you’re all speaking english all the time anyway, you bunch of fuckin phoneys 
i stg sadmad if you say putrid one more time i’ll cram a rotten egg down your pasty white gullet and show you the meaning of the word 
“the criminal could have only escaped if the high priest helped him out, so why would he kill him?”
hey sadmad? remember that thing about using your putrid brain? yeah, doesn’t take too big a leap to realize that you might’ve just proved phoenix’s ‘idiot theory’ right. maybe the priest um... was a rebel??? who was going to do just that??? and the rebel killer offed his sorry ass?
perhaps, o foolish prosecutor, you should think before you open your rancid lips... lo, in your ignorance, you will be cast down to the hell of those who are kind of stupid....... the hell of perpetual fart smell. there you shall inhale the decomposing winds of ten thousand and one accursed mihtama, while fart fetishists gaze on in envy... 
oh wow i didnt even need to go on that spiel, he just admitted it straight up. but yeah, apparently when Lady Kee’ra impersonator kills a rebel, it’s A-OK. But when Maya kills a rebel, well, fuck, she’s a foreign bitch, execute her!!
also the way he said it seems to imply that he knew all along so uh
maybe people should start suspecting this guy. he seems to... know a lot of rebel criminals.
every time sadmad shakes his head i wanna break his neck
man i remember being annoyed at edgeworth in the first game and wanting to hop my desk and rough him up, but never wanting to physically maim or kill him. you suck, sadmad. 
hey sadmad; tickling? bondage? can we... keep that out of the courtroom please?
also “oh no! i can’t point my finger!!” phoenix cries, forgetting that he has two arms. i guess capcom won’t spring for more than one sprite tho haha
“the keera we saw was the statue draped in the sacred robes!”
with a... knife sticking out, apparently. ok..?
also gosh, maya’s really fast, tiptoeing around the abbot, draping the costume just so, then tiptoeing back around? like lightning she is!!
he just cut off his own theme song.
“she used her fiendish tricks to fool the court room”
which didn’t work at all if you remember the beginning of this court so fuck you?
“she sought to use the divination seance to mislead us!”
good going, pointing out an absolutely massive flaw in your country’s legal system, sadmad.
i cant believe we had a flashback for absolutely no other reason than Sadmad to gloat. I FILE FOR A MISTRIAL ON GROUNDS OF MISUSE OF FLASHBACKS.
please oh god just let it end i dont have enough space in my stomach for any more ulcers
i can’t stand hearing him say let it go one more time please I'm begging you
oh no... phoenix has failed... he’s going to die... it’s really going to happen...
just get to the surprise witness or whatever already
oh thank god. love you, headband guy
“the dagger bears the finger prints of maya fey!”
wow. the police suck major ass at catching running people, but their finger print checking speed is second-to-none. ...either that or they waited a while before telling people about a dead body.......
oh gosh!!! its totally maya!!! she arrived 2 years ago and so did lady keera and 
yeah no. it’s not her. 
but even if it was, kinda awkward there, sadmad? she’s um. kind of a hero to you.
i dont get it why is everyone freaking out. i thought the keera impersonator was considered some kind of vigilante hero? why is it suddenly bad when they “find out” it’s maya? is it because she isn't kooraheenees?
I'm honestly really confused. everyone was rooting for the masked defender one moment, but now that its maya, it’s murder?? 
seriously what the fuck. like the gallery was legit going “ah!! lady keera has come back to save us from the rebels!”
and then its like “its not divine its some foreign bitch in a cloak” and now its like SERIAL KILLER. also, nice. we’ve never been allowed another day in court because there was a second charge racked up. awesome. (with the possible exception of Ron Delite, tho he was changing his charge)
sadmad can go choke on his own braid and the gallery can lick their own hypocritical asses. i can’t believe i stayed up till 2 am to finish this section.
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