#i think she'd like horror movies too. especially the old ones
automatonknight · 2 years
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sillies with these two before i head to bed :3
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susandsnell · 2 months
For the character ask game 4; 8; 21 for Daniel Molloy and 10; 20 for Madeleine Eparvier? If that's too many, just pick which ones you're most interested in obviously :)
Hi anon! Finally sitting down to do these. Thank you for your patience with this, and double thank you for being the first person to ask me things about that old man and that spectacular queen. Let's go! I'll put it under the cut because boy I'm about to get long-winded -- I blame you for giving me so much to work with!
Daniel Molloy
4. If you could put this character in any other media, be it a book, a movie, anything, what would you put them in?
You do not want to know the crossovers I've envisioned for this old man. Because of his meta role as the narrator, the messenger, and the archivist of the story, he fits surprisingly well into so many other pieces of media with the premise "what if he was the one investigating/interviewing the survivor". There are many other vampires I'd like him to interview (especially the ones from Tanz Der Vampire), and I'd love to see how a younger Daniel would fare in Fright Night (we all know how The Lost Boys would end for him..). But mostly, final girl that he is, I think he'd rock it in other horror media; the thing that has plagued him and enthralled him all his life. The thing he has begged for and run from. I wonder if The Ring's Rachel Keller was a former student or colleague of his, and if she'd enlist his help with respect to breaking the story on cursed video tapes. I want to see him in a Se7en or Longlegs type of neonoir slasher, sticking his nose where it doesn't belong, and yet coming through when it counts. I think that I would want to personally beat him to death myself for the things he'd say to Dani Ardor (Dan to Dan communication), but he's actually proven himself to be solid at deprogramming someone subjected to intense gaslighting (and very good at ruining relationships, including those that aren't his own!), and if he can keep the insanely misogynistic comments to a minimum for more than five minutes, he might've been able to get her away from the Harga by talking sense.
And finally, in what must make me the greatest parody of myself fathomable, yes, I think Daniel Molloy should investigate and probably write the retrospective on the Black Prom of Stephen King's Carrie. I've frequently joked that for all the addiction trouble, marital and familial trouble, and insanely out of pocket offensive comments, he's a Stephen King author avatar guesting at Manderley or perhaps Wuthering Heights.
But all seriousness, you have Sue Snell, who wrote her own autobiography of the horrific and targic events for which she wound up both scapegoated and disbelieved. Given his nose for the supernatural/preternatural, Daniel would follow where that thread leads and maybe help her find some peace in the process. The two certainly have a lot in common; both did fucking horrible things as a teenager for which they later faced an insanely disproportionate retribution, both have curly hair (usually in Sue's case), both are heavily coded to be repressing queerness leading them to unfulfilling heteronormative relationships/plans for unhappy family life, both take the role of the archivist and messenger to shape the horrors they lived into a narrative - their narrative - before the world will make of it what it will. Both fell in love with their monster(s). Both are fucking SURVIVORS.
(I kind of want to write this now...)
8. What’s something the fandom does when it comes to this character that you despise?
Honestly, I don't want to rehash bad discourse from twitter, so I'll just say exaggerating his very apparent flaws to thoughtlessly trigger people in the interest of winning a morality contest in this of all franchises. On the flipside of that, reducing him to his ship with Armand -- I've been very vocal regarding how much I despise the Armand Is Alice theory, and so long as it persists I'll continue. Not because of this or that headcanon, but it's phenomenally misogynistic to erase women we haven't even seen onscreen yet for slash because eewwww no girls allowed. Like what in the circa 2007 misogynistic yaoi livejournal, TJLC ass theory are we doing here. But also because it would be terrible writing. The emotional impact of old Maniel as a character concept is that he's lived a full life, accomplished incredible things, and had relationships that were meaningful and that he also destroyed. He has these things because of Louis' rescue of him and Louis' words, and when they see each other again in 2022, the tangible impact of his great deed are written in every line on Daniel's face. I don't mind 'the Chase happened' truthers at all, but my God, you undercut everything when you suggest that it's Oops, All Armand, meaning Daniel never had a life fully lived and failings and triumphs he carries with him. You also ironically make DM less interesting by making him the only person in Daniel's life of any significance. Just. Take the character as we got him, my god.
21. If you’re a fic writer and have written for this character, what’s your favorite thing to do when you’re writing for this character? What’s something you don’t like?
I have a whole Thing about how I'm a strident feminist who somehow hitched her wagon to this geriatric misogynist, but it is a part of his very distinctive voice, so I do like to dig deep with "what's the thing a man could say that would piss me off the most", and then I run it through the canon content (since his character voice is very particular and distinct), plus some meta works with Eric Bogosian, to see if it fits, sprinkle in some Freak Shit, and bada bing bada boom, we've got our favourite asshole. It's weirdly cathartic in a way? Exorcising demons of shitty men I've dealt with or known of I guess lmao. I would say in sappier moods I like looking for the gentleness and the silver lining underneath the ten layers of Having No Limits, and when I hit on what's tender but still plausible, aka my favourite Daniel moments? No better feeling.
The flipside of this, being what I don't like, is that keeping that voice up is hard and it is a challenge to stay as sharp and ten steps ahead as he is. Need to brush up on some Columbo, I think...
Madeleine Éparvier
10. Could you be best friends with this character?
My heart would really, really, really love to say yes, but my gut and my brain say a definitive no. For one thing, while they make it very, very clear she's not a Collaborator or antisemitic in the slightest, the way her wartime affair came about and her later actions betrays an amorality in those circumstances that I probably wouldn't be able to look past, outsiders though we both may be. I'm also one for obsessive morality-related thoughts in general, so I don't think this would jell especially well with her survivalist mentality. I'm also fluent in French but it's not my first language, so that would likely get on her nerves. And while we'd share an interest in fashion and I'd commend her for her tastes in both clothes and women, I feel like she'd see me as a bootlicker for my legal education lolol.
And most importantly - Madeleine is incredibly mean. It's hot, it's funny, it's sexy, but I am profoundly oversensitive, and she would absolutely make me cry several times lmao. I don't really know if there's any character on this show I'd be able to get along with because everyone is so delightfully awful and also, you know, murderous. But that's why it's fun!
20. Which other character is the ideal best friend for this character, the amount of screentime they share doesn’t matter?
Well, Claudia is her companion and soulmate, so that's the easy answer; they complete each other in a way that no one ever quite has. Two outcasts, two people brutally mistreated in societies to which they were supposed to belong, two women carrying pain and humour and brutality and softness, and growing flowers over the corpses they leave in their wake. She is the X at the end of Claudia's long journey, the reason she doesn't leap in the fire who did not think twice about burning at her side; she is the only one who reads Claudia's diaries with permission. Claudia is her window to the wider world, her rescuer twice-over, and the only person who meets her where she is, in strangeness and violence and joy, in sucking the marrow from the bones you leave behind you.
So...'best friend' is probably a very light way of putting it lolol.
But also? I genuinely think she'd get along with Daniel. Two unapologetic amoral assholes who defiantly faced their past trauma to sacrifice themselves for the one they loved. And they both bully Armand, too!
Thank you so much for this! Apologies again for the length.
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elfqueen006 · 9 months
Human Moonpie Headcanons
CW/Tags: AU, parenting, religious bashing, slight horror elements, implied possession, etc.
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• Full name is Miranda Durand-Cofer. Is 8-10 years old. Likes cats and princess movies.
• She's still blind but Shaun makes sure she's properly accommodated while not making her feel left out or "othered" from her peers.
• She loves to explore and color. Her favorite colors are purple and pink!
• Very chatty, but says the cutest (and sometimes weirdest) things.
• Wants to be a fashion designer when she grows up!
• Now, I used to have an idea that Shaun had a one night stand with a girl in college and they now co-parent. But after hearing of Olivia and their implied history, this could be applied to them but she mainly resides with Shaun.
• I feel like not only would Shaun be a good dad, but he probably had it in mind when starting his career. He'd have to settle down at some point, right? Though balancing work life and a child can be tricky, especially with the subject matter he portays in his films.
• I feel that now that a child is added to the mix, his uncle, Abraham Cofer, comes down on him much harder. Badgering him about introducing Miranda to "devilment" and "horror porn". Which Shaun rightfully goes off about this, seeing as he would never put his daughter in a position where she would experience anything inappropriate.
• There are times he tries to at least give Abraham updates on her, just to have some semblance of normalcy. And I think Abraham would want to be involved in Miranda's life, but he is an old man who is stubborn and stuck in his ways and probably thinks being involved means Shaun should see things his way about, well, everything.
• If Miranda has the clairvoyance that Shaun is implied to have in the Character Reveal Trailer, there's a chance she'd have the ability to see Sunny Day Jack without watching the tape.
• If we have a co-parenting situation with you and Shaun. Maybe the events likely to happen in the game with go a bit differently. It would still be horror, but with a different approach.
• Kids are not an uncommon factor in horror. They can range from being victims, killers, and even mediators of sorts between the dead and the living.
• Jack loves children! And I think if ever encountering Miranda and she was able to see him, he'd adore being like a big brother figure of sorts. Like Shaun, he wouldn't dare put her in a scenario that would harm her. Still, keeping in mind that he's a yandere, I don't think he'd be above using her innocence to his advantage; planting ideas in her mind that her environment might not be so safe.
• Shaun isn't fit to be a parent, in Jacks' eyes. He's too career oriented, makes indecent material, and is overall too lax in his parenting! If Jack had it his way, Miranda would be under his care 24/7...
• Strange occurrences start happening with Shaun soon. He has more nightmares, calls with his uncle distress him more than normal. It begins to scare you and Miranda so you take her to your parents for a short amount of time so he can calm down.
• After about a month or so of missed calls and frantic texting, Shaun is... completely fine! He'd been attending some therapy sessions and taking some time off work to get his head straight. In fact, he might just go into a different career path.
• He's eager to have Miranda in his arms again, and he reassures you and her that he'll always be here to spend time together... <3
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yuukei-yikes · 11 months
It’s me back in the ask box again for another super important question:
What “cringe” fandoms would the mekadan have been into as kids. Like we know Marry was a black butler girlie but I need to know the rest. Who was deeply invested in the fnaf lore, who was cosplaying as homestuck trolls, who was shipping creepypastas. I am desperate for answers only you can provide.
EXCELENT question. i ADORE this question.
ayano is into homestuck. used to role play warrior cats. loves the marvel cinematic universe, and just any superhero comic book stuff in general. canonically into jojo.
kido's is BANDS. specifically bands considered emo back in 2013 or something. my chemical romance. blink 189. black veil brides. that was their shit. also im sorry but they were a superwholock. sorryyyyyy i also think they'd be into medical dramas like grey's anatomy and dr house LMAO
i dont think seto did or does fandoms. i think seto goes outside too much. he's the only one who has no idea what being in a fandom is like, also the least online definitely (I'll get to mary)
kano would be into youtubers/celebrities. he's so into celebrity gossip it's impossible to talk to him he knows of names youve never even heard of.
like u said mary is a black butler girlie but i guess she could like other mangas... i also think she'd watch medical dramas with kido. BUT she doesnt internet so she has no idea about any of it she just lore dumps everyone instead about any book she's reading. she finds out black butler is actually animated and forces everyone to sit down and watch it with her
momo was the one shipping creepypastas btw. i also think she's a sims girlie she's obsessed with its lore and loves making ocs in there and ends up obsessed with her own sims families (commissions haruka a bunch)
shintaro is into magical girls animes. like any of them. but i also think he'd like some popular cartoons like steven universe LOLLL he was probably furiously defending pearl online. also i think he used to make youtube poops and sparta remixes when he was like 14
haruka and takane are the fnaf lore guys especially haruka i seriously think he arrives to school one day after he stayed up all night watching fnaf lore videos and told takane all about it. they're the ones lining up for the movie rn. they also probably roleplayed undertale together in highschool. also i think takane likes analog horror which is horrible for haruka bc i think he hates horror but he's also weirdly fascinated by it so he's watching through his fingers anything takane puts on lol. they tend to share their fandoms especially in hs because haruka was furiously googling anything takane mentioned to have conversation topics with her
hiyori's obviously into idols. i think like kido she loves bands too but she's from the directioner bts stan vibes. and hibiya i LOVE to make jokes abt him being into whatever 12 year olds are into (fortnite, among us, fnaf) and seriously i do love that and i think gamer hibiya is possible with the power of him making the effort to learn to use his phone and the internet bc all his friends live far away and in the process learns abt all that. but before that he was like seto he has no idea what it feels like to be in a fandom and cannot understand hiyori's visions. he's still not SUPER online though
i loved this question. more questions like this i beg
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hearts401 · 1 year
wait I forgor that the reason I was in your ask box was bc I wanted to say that your art is rlly cool and reminded me why I liked fnaf in the first place!! :]
(Also if you don't mind id love to hear some headcanons you have for the aftons ehe)
DSJDSFKJD TYYY OUHFUH Thats so sweet omg :(((
OOH BOY HEADCANONS FOR THE AFTONS (Not gonna include mrs.afton aside from vague mentions simply bc i dont care about the implied existence of a wife for william lmaoo)
-8 years old
-I am an intense ginger hair lizzie truther. SHE IS NOT BLONDE!!!! I REFUSE!!!
-She looooves circuses and would dress herself and her friends up as clowns a lot. her love for makeup sparked it and then it went on from there
-music stims galore!! humming, patting her legs, bouncing to the sound of music
-likes first person shooters!! not an a "cute girl likes edgy games" way but in the way that she genuinely enjoys them! shed rlly love shooting games. shed also likes games liek stardew and animal crossing bc shed like getting to know the villagers. (ik these games dont fit the timeline of the 80's but whatever idc) she'd like those gun games at amusement parks too
-lots of energy!!! you cannot stop her!!!!!
-her fav ice cream is mint chocolate chip
-shes not close with her brothers, much closer with her father. because of her fathers distance, however, this results in her feeling lonely a lot, but shes not willing to get involved in whatever her brothers are doing
-really likes animals and especially colorful birds. she has a collection of many things, one of them being colorful and pretty feathers (she has a peacock feather and its her pride)
-really likes bunnies just like her dad!
-likes to braid hair and do makeup. she used to do it with michael whenever he let her. him cutting that off kinda fucked their relationshipt. (and ofc then came the bite)
-She has a very orange room. orange red and pink r her favorite colors.
-thinks her eyes are super pretty
-if she's curious about an item, she'll sniff it and inspect it and feel it but not put it in her mouth bc thats gross ><
-sleeps on her side like a normal person
-likes dolls n stuff :333
-10 years old
-anxiety and autism
-very good at sewing (bc michael would break his plushies a lot)
-never let lizzie do his makeup bc it overstimulated him
-anxious stims. hand shakes, biting his nails, wringing his hands, shifting side to side, ect.
-enjoys crocheting but almost never has yarn. lizzie gave him an unused yarn ball once and he used it to make a bunch of stuff
-very picky eater, but he wont say it out loud.
-likes webkinz
-HATES HORROR MOVIES!! like this is a given but he will stay up all night thinking about it. its the one thing he stands up for himself on is not being forced to wathc horror movies (mostly because its the only thing both william and lizzie will back him up on)
-he likes yellow a lot. his room isnt hyellow but he wishes it was.
-doesn't have friends and is regarded as weird, but kids avoid him for the most part. most of his bullying comes from ppl who know michael.
-hed like racing games a lot
-scared of his dad and by association he was scared of henry too
-not super close with charlie but he knows her to be a good person. wishes he was closer with her
-ofc easily startled, freaked out, and made uncomfortable
-does NOT like being talked over
-gets frustrated rlly easily and often rants to his fredbear plush
-liked to draw!! he picked it up from mike when he was younger and continues to do it as an outlet
-wishes he had a bigger family
-definitely not flexible at all, but doesnt hurt himself much (hes not dumb, he learns what makes his bones break)
-will feel things over if hes curious about them. maybe sniff them too but he gets scared they'll kill him 😭
-dislikes amusement parks bc overstim but does enjoy the games and prizes
-he likes rice. idk. he just likes rice a lot.
-if he grew up, hed be taller than mike AND lizzie idc idc
-he tries his best to smile in family photos but he just looks so goddamn uncomfortable that eventually william just let him sit them out.
-definitely a peacemaker between lizzie amd mike
-if hes thinking hard he looks PISSED. RESTING BITCH FACE. He is GLARING AT HIS PLATE. "Evan? What's wrong?" and he just immediately is like 😠😯🙁
-he cares about michael a lot more than he should. he tells him to stop when hes fighting someone, he tries to calm him down when hes angry, he tries to talk to him. it makes him so frustrated, it makes him so mad when michael refuses him rudely, but he keeps doing it. its who he is.
-he got a golden freddy mask that creeped michael out and he jumpscared him with it once.
-cuts his own hair
-not a hugger but if EITHER of his siblings offer a hug he will NOT deny them (does not apply to william tho)
-i dont think he cared about william tbh lol
-sleeps on his back like a corpse.
-nonbinary he/they but doesnt realize it til hes 18
-gets mad when overstimulated
-Likes pirates a lot, watches lots of pirate shows.
-INTERNALIZED HOMOPHOBIA it kicked in in like 2nd grade when someone made fun of him for letting lizzie do his makeup. (jeremy helps him get over it)
-forgets to eat a lot. not intentionally. hes just dumb.
-argues with his dad the most, and drives william nuts
-if hes curious about something, hes gonna bite it. what is it? idk. CHOMP
-loves skirts bc sensory issues are worse in his ankles. he compromises by wearing basketball shorts.
-canNOT wear things near his neck. hates things near his neck.
-close-ish with charlie. likes talking to her.
-favorite color is red. he puts it everywhere.
-likes pokemon.
-watches anime
-halloween is his fav holiday. ud think its bc he liked scaring evan (and it kinda is) but mostly he jsut likes dressing up and going trick or treating. he'll use his costume to scare evan later tho. william takes them away because of that, just bc he doesnt want michael ruining the costume (they reuse them sometimes)
-likes growing his hair out
-looks very soft when thinking. evan only talks to him when he looks calm and collected.
-stims by humming, tapping, slamming his fists, and making loud sounds (shouting, whining, UGH AAAGH ect.) which tend to overstimulate evan
-him and evan are adhd vs autism but if the adhd also had autism
-scared of the ocean but he'll never admit it (got bit by some small fish once and it freaked him out)
-mouth moves faster than his brain
-messy room with very little in it.
-punches holes in his walls as a stim :(
-likes sweaters in fall
-for someone who jumpscares his little brother, he gets jumpscared easily
-giggles a lot during hide and seek but thru hiding from evan he learned how to stop it. if he does giggle it means hes genuinely happy
-faints when SUPER freaked out. but it takes a lot
-probably gets queasy around blood
-lactose intolerant but he'll be damned if he doesnt eat that mac n cheese
-has SO MUCH FOXY MERCH. he convinces his dad to give him EVERYTHING HE LOVES FOXY SO MUCH
-would do awesome in school if he could get himself to try
-probably felt rlly hurt when he heard foxy was confined to a small area and not onstage. not because it mattered to him, but because the way william looks at foxy makes him think of the way he looks at him.
-gators r his second fav animal
-draws as a way of venting, but it rarely works. he likes it tho
-moves in his sleep
-NEUTRAL "I'm uncomfortable and idk what to do rn" SHOULDER PUNCH GO!!!
-giggles evilly
-like evan hes not very flexible but hes much more likely to hurt himsel fand sprains his ankles a lot
-Do not misspell his last name he will get unbelievably pissed
-probably nd too bc all his kids are but he doesnt gaf abt that 😭
-has kissed a man before as an experiment. did not get anything from it unfortunately
-met henry in college for robotics and became friends
-when his wife left/died he was just like "oh. i have three kids now. fuck." and then avoided them
-doesnt care about his kids but them dying causes problems for him so he tries his best to keep them alive (unsuccessfully. this is the afton family after all)
-just like mike, he sings and taps a lot, but its more humming and tapping.
-also lactose intolerant but he actually cares about it
-likes bunnies a lot.
-allergic to pollen. severely. he walks outside in spring and is already sneezing and rubbing his eyes
-Frustrated easily
-Looks pissed when hes not, looks pissed when he is. looks pissed when hes sad. looks pissed when hes thinking. the only time he doesnt looks pissed is when he looks happy and that is very rare (and never happens around his kids, only henry)
-Buys his kids gifts but its always stuff they either dont like anymore or didnt like int he first place. he doesnt care
-secretly likes thanksgiving a lot. hes a foodie what can i say
-lizzie is his favorite but that only means he is occasionally gentle with her in a way he'll never be with his sons
-likes dressing up fancy but als freaky he just likes dressing up
-poses in the mirror to check his outfit. michael walked in on him once and william has never yelled at him so muhc in his life. michael acted upset but he was giggling to himself
-does not and will never care about whatever michael and evan have goin on. he does NOT have time for them.
-drops and breaks his phone ALL THE TIME.
-likes stress balls a lot.
-springbonnie is his BABY. he LOVES HER.
-grabs his kids by their heads a lot. like if michael is in his way he'll just put a hand on his head and move him off to the side. the only one he cant do it to is evan because he just moves out of the way
-has a bunch of tiny robots of his own. he likes to make silly bunny robots taht r tiny
-thinks hes smooth wiht flirting and could grab a girl (he cant henry knows he cant)
-sticks his tongue out like a cartoon character when hes thinking SUPER hard
-pats michael on the back a lot to lighten a tense situation but it just makes michael tense up and makes it worse
-giggles evilly
-used to be queasy with blood and spent an hour in front of a mirror post-killing charlie telling himself to man up and somehow that worked
-not a hugger. only hugs his kids in public to lighten the mood. except mike. mike u get awkward back pats
-doesnt like being touched (he WILL smack your hand)
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suguwuus · 4 months
★ diana alberts
— backstory EXPLOSIONS GO OFF the most peaceful of my self inserts im ngl but !! the story is written from her pov. she's in the same class as elize, same school as aerron and philip. she has one little sister and basically the peculiars got to her because she told beatrice (wattpad user in disguise) who was her online friend for like a few months but didn't think much of it.
— personality v headstrong and impulsive i think she's both the biggest instigator and troublemaker of the group HELP oh she's so silly i was fr unhinged at 12 yrs old ouh... anyway she does Does things i think.. i mean the others do as well but i dont think diana has a second voice in her head telling her to reconsider... yeah she's just built different
but also i think a lot of her being open to things and very adventurous is due to her reading a lot (how she met beatrice in a fanfiction comsec) and following renren around when he does errands. as a kid the world was full of opportunities and wonder to her whenever they went around, especially those times when cats came running to her, when the sunset felt just right, when the perfect music played as they ate their snacks. she saw the good in everything, i think.
also it's mentioned that her aunts and uncles really liked movies so she'd always be gifted films and watching them really influenced her.
she is so very outgoing!! what a cutie!! doesn't really think twice about anything until the situation actually sets in omg 😭 head empty.. also she is v loyal, when she loves someone she also protects them, shows them she appreciates them, lets others know how much she admires them, etc
dawg i checked my notebook and i saw "lies to herself" omg that got dark fast but unfortunately yeah:( to give herself hope she does that, or in an attempt to make things better. she's also impatient, loses all rationality when she retaliates, blocks out her feelings when they're too much. she's just a little girl:( NOOOOO
— appearance morena, shoulder length hair always in a ponytail, no bangs just forehead, almond eyes, chubby cheeks, expressive brows (??) always wearing tshirts and jeans (likes shorts but hates getting scraped knees)
— additional info
decided she likes coffee after discovering it during the trip
her vibe is very "eat the rich" (bullies aerron) HELP she likes to annoy him a fuck ton
also plays roblox but her type in games is like horror games and tycoons
talkative, v loud
going thru the tomboy phase
swears too much
nickname ana
— age 12
— noticeable habit making references
— fear being abandoned by every1
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some-creep · 2 years
🙏 I am respectfully begging you to pls write more hotaao, literally any scenario with them, that recent thing you wrote was fucking incredible 💖💚
Hey anon I want you to know when I got this I screenshot it and showed all my friends because I was really excited to see it. I know it took a while to respond but that's because I wanted to write something in honor of this ask,,, :')
Marie took any excuse she could to go to Callie's house. Her own house didn't feel safe, even when she was alone. It was fun to run off to her aunt and uncle's house and pretend everything was normal and no one was cruel to her and her mind was quiet. If she was alone for too long, her mind started drifting to dark places. If she thought about Callie in an attempt to feel better, then it went somewhere worse.
Years ago, and she would never tell a soul, Marie had become particularly attached to one photo of Callie from her family vacation to a small, not far off amusement park called The Salty Ink Boardwalk. Marie had never been. They had a small water park area, and one of Callie's parents had taken a picture of her by a swimming pool in a cute two piece bathing suit.
It was the first time Marie had ever really noticed girls. Or anyone, for that matter. She was fixated on how looking at it made her feel, until one day, she did the unthinkable. She touched herself while staring at the picture on her phone. She knew she'd crossed a line that she couldn't come back from, and vowed never to do it or think about it again. Most importantly, the real Callie could never know it happened! She didn't delete the picture until several months later. Just in case.
Callie was alone tonight, with her parents out on an anniversary date to some fancy hotel. Callie's parents loved each other…she was lucky. They loved her, too! They liked Marie, but not as much as their own daughter. She was just the weird little niece who came over way, way too much.
"But Marie! Isn't that a scary movie?" Callie whined when she saw Marie's idea of evening entertainment. She always liked it when Marie came over, but sometimes she was a little odd. It was dark out, and they were totally alone in the house. Callie wasn't confident she could handle something like that without having nightmares. Maybe if Marie stayed in her room she'd feel better. And if they could leave the overhead light on all night.
"Yeah, that's why I brought it. It's seasonal! Besides, aren't you a little old to be scared of horror movies?"
"No. They're scary. That's the point! To be scared and afraid."
"Those mean the same thing. C'mon, I'll make popcorn and you can hide under a blanket if it's too much~."
Food was always a quick way to win Callie over, especially when it was something she couldn't easily get on her own. Which was most things. She was talented in many areas, but the kitchen was not one of them. She reluctantly agreed to Marie's offer, and soon enough, she was sitting on the couch with a large bowl of popcorn and a blanket wrapped around her shoulders.
"Why'd you turn the lights off too! It's already dark outside!"
"You're basically an adult and you're still scared of the dark?" 
Callie huffed, hugging the bowl to her chest, "all mine now. Meanie." 
Marie flopped down next to her, shoving her entire hand into the bowl and spilling several kernels onto the blanket and floor. "Gimme."
She shook her head, turning away. "Watch your scary movie, I'm busy," Callie said, back to Marie.
Marie knew it wouldn't last long, and Callie's curiosity would get the better of her like always. 
A few minutes in and Callie had already turned back around, setting the bowl on the table to share, if Marie really wanted.
"Hey, is that that one actor?"
"That guy! He was in…that one movie! I like him, he kinda looks like you, don'tcha think?"
Marie shrugged, "I dunno what you mean."
"Well, he's always got a really serious expression and those really pretty gold eyes."
She blushed, brushing off her comment with only silence. She did her best to look interested in the movie, but now she could barely process what was being said.
Things only got worse when a fake jump scare was enough to startle Callie. Instinctively, she jumped to Marie for comfort, holding onto her arm and pressing up against her. Marie held her breath until she calmed down.
"Scaredy Cal."
Despite the insult, Callie didn't back down. She leaned on Marie just like she used to do when they were younger. She could smell Callie's body wash this close. Melon of some variety, she thought.
She let her mind wander, indulging in the fantasy that Callie was doing this on purpose. That she knew how Marie felt. Definitely not possible.
"Snuggle better." Callie demanded, pulling Marie's arm around her shoulders. "You're supposed to be protecting me from the scary stuff."
She tried, and failed, to relax. It was obvious how tense she was… Hopefully, Callie would think she was just freaked out by the movie that she had long since stopped watching.
Marie began slowly rubbing Callie's arm over the blanket. It was a gesture she seemed to enjoy as she snuggled up closer, nearly in Marie's lap now. When Callie reached up to grab her hand, she was certain she was going to stop her. Instead Callie just held onto it. No way it was a coincidence..! She wanted to push her luck, just a little.
As subtle as she could manage, Marie rested her other hand on Callie's thigh, deliberately not taking her eyes off the TV. Callie didn't seem bothered. A victory? She was feeling confident now, for a brief, thrilling moment.
They sat together like that for a while, in comfortable silence. Callie had her head resting against Marie, still holding her hand. It was nice, while it lasted, though not long enough in Marie's mind. A rather abrupt sex scene caught them both off guard. They both tried to act disinterested so as not to seem weird to the other. In an attempt to look at anything but the screen, they mistakenly looked at each other, freezing in place.
Callie had a peculiar look on her face as she peered up at Marie. She was thinking about something, or maybe trying not to think of it. Marie didn't have a chance to do anything before Callie quickly, wordlessly, kissed her. Less than a second worth of contact. She bit her lip, waiting for Marie's reaction, holding her breath.
Marie blinked. Then stared. She opened her mouth, wanting to say… something. She didn't know what. Nothing.
She grabbed Callie's face, kissing her like she'd never kissed anyone before (she hadn't). Don't think about it, don't think about it. She tasted like sugar, likely from all the candy she ate when she thought no one noticed. But more importantly, she tasted like Callie. That was enough to make her dizzy. 
Was she doing a good job? Did Callie like it? What if she wasn't good enough? Callie had kissed people before! She could judge her performance. Would she do that? Was that a thing people did? She had no past experiences to know what was normal. All she could think about was Callie. How much she wanted Callie. Needed Callie. 
Kissing Callie felt like home. She was so warm and soft and safe. But Marie was miserable and greedy. She'd never had anything and now she wanted everything.
Callie didn't.
Marie snapped back into reality when Callie grabbed her wrist. She'd pushed it up under her shirt, but didn't get far.
"Ah, hey, hey, Marie. Not so fast…"
She froze, realizing what had just happened between them. She wanted to cry, but not in front of Callie.
"I gotta get home. My parents are gonna wonder where I am." She didn't and they weren't.
Callie didn't argue. Marie pulled her shoes on, sprinting into the blankness of Calamari County.
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melodythebunny · 2 years
Time to ramble about your OCs. Any OCs you have, tell us about them? What's lore do you wish to tell of them? Funniest things about your OCs? What inspired your OCs?
I wanna ramble about my original work ocs... Bc its been a while since i talked/thought about them. Let alone drawn any of them.
So ill answer this with my original characters if that alright
i have a bunch of ocs. Many are still in drafts cuz ive been busy with fan works. But i have two to 3 series one i am trying to turn into an animation series (@the-mis-adventurers ) and another that is gonna be a collab comic series with @strawberry-mangoprincess (she's more active one her Insta compared to me lol) one is just merely a fun concept i think about every now and then.
Overall my ocs are inspired by other fictional characters. mainly from whatever media i consume and enjoy.
Starting with the concept one.
I only have two ocs made for it so far. Ember and Crystal. They are sisters with fire and ice elemental powers hence their names. Ember like fire embers and crystal like ice Crystals. Orphans dunno who there parents were. Not clear if their powers ran in the family/curse/etc.
Ember always had trouble controlling her powers especially with having a fiery temper. She's the more friendlier sibling however. Crystal despises her ice powers. She has an easier time hiding them so she can blend in with normal people. (I gotta draw them again sometime)
Crystal doesnt hate her sister but isn't close to her either. Feeling the need to take care of her since she's the last of kin.
And now for my (slightly) more thought out ocs from my wip series, the misadventurers
In a nutshell i want this series to be about the power of friendship (i blame my mlp phase for this-)
There's four main characters. All girls bc why not?
Their names are mink, jing, Raine and jennifer.
Mink is the more calm and responsible one out of her friends. Mom friend type. Her hair was actually blonde but turned pink to unknown reasons. (I took inspiration from lofi music when creating her) She proudly owns a pet turtle named fern. Will kick butt if her friends are hurt.
Jing is a goth who enjoys making music. she plans on startd her own band someday. (Eventually she does with her friends. Its called rock n pop. Pending title for now) has a rivalry with another oc of mines, Lillian. Loves to scare the others with pranks and horror movies.
Raine is the artist of the group. She tends to break the fourth wall whenever she wants. Also whatever she draws with her paint brush becomes real. her name is also a pun. Raine strom. (You can see her on my tumblr header harassing my old sona) Very zany in a good way. Has a crush on a dense boi*
Jennifer is a social butterfly. Heart's too big for her sleeve. Pacifist. Tends to let wild animals in the house. And thats how she got a pet goat who may or may not actually be one. Her mother wishes she'd be more responsible.
Now for some reccuring characters-
Lillian - famous star, used to be childhood friends with jing. And now they hate eachothers guts. Primadonna gurrrrllll. All she ever wanted was the worrrrldddd(Took alot of inspiration from the song for her) is an attention hog and will do anything to be popular.
*Milo - Also known as peppermint boi/j. But seriously look at his color pallet-. He does enjoy mints and always passing one out to people. Very dense and doesn't get when he is getting on someone nerves. Just as zany as raine. Uber positive. Don't let him get too excited tho. Cuz he'll LITERALLY explode.
Cole - college drop out. Wonders why the haystack milo and raine won't leave him be. Also tends to be their third wheel on their 'not' dates. He hates it. Very moody. Legend has it he's never laughed or smiled before.
Derek - just some rich dude. Comes up with so many back stories like Horst from ratatouille so its hard to tell which is fake and what is real. Tries really hard for Jennifer to fall for him but doesn't work out.
I already rambled to you about max and min. Buttt I can tell you a it more about them at least about their absent/missing parents
Thymes (pronounced Times) and Divid are the twins and Equan’s Parents.
They are both scientists who worked for [REDACTED]. Thymes and Divid were both pretty much crazy but in a ‘not so dangerous’ type of way.  always ready to invent stuff even if it held no actual purpose.
It did concern them greatly when Equan started going through a Frankenstein phase. At least they assumed it was. Probably didn’t help much they were pretty much working even at home leaving their kids pretty much unattended(And boy oh boy did they learn…)
And sadly disappeared due to unknown circumstances.
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I cant put together a clever post but it would be remiss of me if I didnt at the least mention the prospect of Wylan sabotaging a couple things on Sonia's birthday so itd be easier to kidnap and sedate her then leave her 'alone' in a haunted house he had learned about. Yes, he had some help on this front (we talked about how he wins over security). And yes, the monster stalking Sonia is him.
Shes probably not scared of him. Or the monster prospect. But maybe she will indulge a chase scene anyway? Theres no fancy meal at the end just more Wylan. And an evening free of the razz.
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Sonia's Birthday 2022! - Accepting asks and/or posts from mutuals
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The thing is, this is a clever post, Bear! It's fun to discuss headcanons just as much as IC content. And sometimes, it's just easier on the mun to throw out some ideas: often, that leads to me sending some aesthetics or inspiration for interactions, past/present/future.
Anyway, Sonia would appreciate this effort so much. Her receiving love languages are quality time and acts of service first and foremost, and you're exactly right when thinking she likes a bit of danger and spontaneity in her life. When she so often has to live by many rules, nothing gets her adrenaline going like an adventure!
Or a horror movie.
Or her own personal horror movie that's turned into an adventure.
As I said on discord, she would've gone willingly on such a caper but the fact he put in that much effort to kidnap her? She appreciates it. Even if with at least two past kidnappings, her first instincts would be to fight against it. Though I believe Wylan is very good at what he does, and thus she wouldn't have the skills to retaliate. Oh no! Kidnapped by a charming assassin/stalker whom she loves! Whatever shall she do!?
Well, after she comes to, Sonia gets to work on her bindings. Because he definitely not only kidnapped and sedated her, but he tied her up too Consensually. She enjoys this. It's not Sunday but it's her birthday so Sonia gets a lewd treat.
But does she want to be untied? He's put her in an old, dusty, nearly-falling-to-pieces house. On the upside: staying in her binds means she's less likely to need a Tetanus shot later. On the downside: she wants to explore everything! Especially what's making those floorboards creak. And that growl.
And the fact that, just maybe, much of this isn't as decaying as it looks: it was decorated that way, and so well that she believes the story the house is telling her.
Including that monster.
It takes her a little time (she's dawdling and she'd admit it), but Sonia would free herself from her bonds and become properly acquainted with her new surroundings. Checking the various cobwebs, bits of papers and books left in disarray, flowers that have turned dry, brown, and crumbling in dust-caked vases. She's trying to fully immerse herself in the story of the house and all the horrible events that took place there...
...but that's a bit of a challenge when something is pursuing her. And she's giving it chase, fitting herself into the smallest hiding spaces and controlling her breathing as much as possible.
Unfortunately, she's no match for Monster!Wylan. They have their respective strengths and weaknesses, and no one is better than stalking, and catching his prey, than Wylan.
It's not as if Sonia minds. After some time, she wants him to find her. She's a filthy mess and her heart is beating fast, anticipating for his hands to wrap around her and devour her whole.
They don't need a fancy dinner, but they will need some privacy. And something to sustain them all night long. Sonia will even thank him by cooking a frozen pizza in the oven, if both are available! Cardboard base and all.
Which proves to be the scariest part of the whole ordeal, when you think about it.
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randoimago · 10 months
persona 4 for the ask game? :P
Ngl, I usually fill these out in order, but for this game specifically, I immediately wrote my least favorite things (or at least the first in my list of least favorite)
Ask Game Here
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3 male characters I love:
Kanji (I love this himbo so very much, precious child)
Naoki (I end up writing for the guy so much that he's slowly become one of my favorites now)
Yosuke (god I almost didn't include him just because of the homophobia, but ignoring those comments, I really do like his character. Atlus could've done better)
3 female characters I love:
Naoto (if it weren't for Yumi, I probably would've romanced her)
Yumi (I don't think I've ever loved a non party member in a Persona game more)
Nanako (my baby)
3 romantic ships I love:
Kanji/Naoto (ngl, I love it so much. Even before Naoto's "secret" was revealed, the fact that it was still kind of there was so cute)
Chie/Kou (I just love how it mentions someone crushing on Chie and Chie is like "He obviously likes my hot best friend" idk it just made me root for them to be a thing and in my heart they are)
Teddie/Yosuke (those two idiots deserve each other) /j
3 platonic dynamics I love:
Yukiko/Chie (I love their friendship so damn much)
Everyone/Nanako (the way that everyone interacts with Nanako is so cute, even the non-party members that get Nanako scenes are adorable. She's the best and deserves the world)
Kanji/Rise (I love their dynamic too, idk I feel like I don't see enough people talk about their dynamic. They're just both single brain celled people and I love them)
3 favorite moments in canon:
The crossdressing event was great. I loved it and Teddie's appearance was so amazing.
Figuring out who the true culprit was was so amazingly done too. All the pieces coming together and then confronting him? I do love the Persona plot twists.
The fucking gas station attendee reveal was crazy. That tiny little detail becoming something much bigger was so freaking cool.
3 favorite headcanons:
God I've written so many romantic headcanons for this game, what are some platonic headcanons that I have??
As heartbreaking as the Adachi thing is, him being such a good uncle figure to Nanako is something I enjoy. Even if it might have been fake, he would show her so many silly magic tricks and Dojima would sigh at Adachi's ego growing because a child finds him cool (but Dojima couldn't deny liking seeing his daughter so amazed).
Movie nights with Chie and Yukiko where some nights they'll watch old Kung-Fu movies and then other nights it's some creepy scary movie (and Japanese horror movies are next level shit). Chie usually tries to bury her face in a pillow or make excuses to use the bathroom so she misses most of the movie, but she still enjoys having those little hangouts with Yukiko.
Because I mentioned Kanji/Rise's friendship earlier, I feel like Rise would absolutely lose her mind when she finds out Kanji makes stuffed animals. She'd absolutely ask him to do a line of Risette merch of her as various animals (like Animal Crossing type stuff) and he'd grumble and say "Hell no", but he will make like one doll for her.
3 least favorite things about it:
As much as I love how much of a friend Yosuke is to you, how much I just love him, the fucking homophobia just completely diminishes whatever good things there were in the scene. Yosuke is just a fun "best friend" character, but then those comments with Kanji are just so bad. Not to mention he was originally going to be romanceable?? Yet the homophobic comments stayed?? I don't get it. I don't care if it is a "But at the time this game was released..." type thing. Persona 3 had a Kotone/Aigis moment and none of the characters made homophobic comments then (double standards I guess)
I understand why there are options that you can't choose unless you have a stat at a certain level, but saying you need high Boldness in the beginning of the game just made me sigh. Especially since when I replayed it, all of my stats were maxed out so what was the point in choosing the Bold answer if it was just going to give you more of a stat bonus? Idk, it's a real nit-picky thing but I didn't like it.
I really could've done without some of the Teddie/Nanako comments. That was not great at all. I like Teddie as an older brother figure, that's cute, but some of those comments were definite yikes.
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keokomi · 3 years
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in which you go ghost hunting. ( happy halloween! )
xiao, albedo, kujou sara, kamisato ayaka x genderneutral reader.
warnings : fluff, mentions of ghosts, me clowning xiao, modern au, requested.
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xiao's the person to just sit there with a straight face as if nothing was happening.
and to him !! nothing was happening !!
you could be walking through a cemetery or an abandoned building and he will look straight ahead with a blank stare.
xiao is probably firm on not believing ghosts.
unless something moves
he's only ever done this in phasmophobia, and even then he's so ??? even though internally he's kinda freaking out ??
xiao would accidentally end up angering something because his first instinct is to WHACK it.
he would tease you a little for being scared with the slight fucking SMIRK as iF HE WASN'T SWEATING BUCKETS EARLIER
xiao could be freaking out but he doesn't want you to know that !! so he just :l
he's actually pretty shaken up but he doesn't want you to be scared either :( ( also because he wouldn't be able to live it down if he got spooked )
if you're genuinely scared he'll let you hold onto him, like holding hands or an arm linked with yours.
as long as you stay close to him, he's okay.
this man is PREPARED !1!1 he's done the research !! he has the gear !!
ok i genuinely think you both watched shows about it and he got disappointed when they end up using something wrong so he's just
"we could do that."
what he means is we could do that BETTER
albedo is honestly just excited to try out something he made ‹3 like .. oh yeah ghosts, but also a good opportunity to test it out so why not?
out of everyone, i think albedo is the one that's most likely to actually see / catch a ghost on camera
and he isn't even REMOTELY scared
he's happy his invention worked and his hypothesis was correct, he doesn't even focus on the fact that we saw ??? a ghost ??? sir ??????
i really want to think of a scenario where albedo is scared but he's just ?? scarily calm?? ghosts fear HIM
though, if he is scared, it's hard to tell besides his increasing hold on your hand.
he glances over at you very frequently, just to gauge out your reactions and to make sure you're okay. if he notices you're scared, albedo would pack everything up as fast as possible, even if it's really early into the night.
he doesn't want you to be uncomfortable just for the sake of an experiment, so he makes sure to get you both out to see if you still want to go back in. his experiment doesn't matter as much as you do.
kujou sara.
trying to get her to go ghost busting is really pushing your luck, especially since she has work to do, but since it's you, she'll .. try.
i don't think sara actually watches horror all too much, unless she's trying to pull a reaction out of you so you can cuddle into her side.
which is why you both don't know what you're doing. at all. your knowledge comes from caffeine and old ghost buster movies. firm believer you both would nearly bring a vacuum to suck the ghost into.
it's fun though !! especially since she doesn't get THAT scared, just very ?? confused ??
you could be scared behind her and she's just "huh?"
but when she does get scared, she's glued to your side. don't point out that she's scared because she definitely isn't.
kujou sara !! puts her jacket on you !! when you mention it's cold !! even if you think it's because a ghost passed by, she'd give it to you anyways.
if you both think you saw one she's the person to whisper-shout "keep walking!" to try and avoid it.
has to constantly have a hand on you, just to make sure she doesn't lose you.
kamisato ayaka.
this wasn't her idea, it was DEFINITELY yours.
she wouldn't exactly be opposed ?? to it ?? ayaka really wants to try new things, especially with you, and it's not like she could really do much about it anyways
you could look at her and she'd say yes, no questions asked, just
"hey would you like t—"
which ultimately would backfire on her, but ayaka doesn't want you to feel like she's holding you down so she takes a deep breath and goes in :((
it would be really hard to keep her composure !! so expect a few gasps or tiny screams muffled into her hand or your shoulder before a quick "im okay!"
speaking of which, she's constantly asking if you're okay, and you're not sure if she's trying to comfort you or herself, but it's still really sweet !!
as soon as you both see one you're both booking it out, straight running for the exit. ayaka really wants to try but also plsdontmakehergoback
she still enjoyed it !! just .. never again ..
ayaka will also hold your hand alot, or maybe just lock pinkies since it flusters her too much, but she likes knowing you're there to calm her nerves.
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© keokomi — do not repost, translate, etc.
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alittlebitgoofy · 3 years
any headcanons you can share from the parenting au? 🤲
yes!! plenty! it's mostly just greentia and river and anubis and blackcherry for now but i've got tons of thoughts about them and i may end up expanding it to the whole of uk2/3
this ended up fucking long so i'll put it behind a thing
- whenever someone has to come up to the school it is always veronica bc tia would not know how to respond and would just stare at them like this child is completely fine what (river has a habit of getting into trouble bc she calls shit out constantly, veronica always backs her up)
- as opposed to this anubis very rarely gets told off bc she's usually pretty attentive, or just plainly not paying attention but quiet enough to where the teacher doesn't care, joe has had to come in once or twice but she just stares them down like this child has no bad bones in their body what the fuck
- river swears like a sailor, definitely lawrence and ellie's influence after they babysat one too many times, veronica constantly tries to curb it but she gives up after a while, tia thinks they should let an 11 year old say fuck because she's mature enough to
- lawrence and ellie def do babysit river sometimes and she loves them dearly bc they let her get away with a ton more than ronnie does, lawrence is both confused and absolutely understands how she's veronica and tia's kid bc she's the biggest nerd but she's also socially competent
- ellie gives her energy drinks it does not end well, river develops one hell of a caffeine resistance by the time she's in her late teens
- lawrence, tia, river and sometimes ronnie and ellie all watch doctor who together when there's specials that air and they have a ton of snacks and it's one of the best nights
- how joe manages to raise a child is a mystery to everyone but anubis is literally a carbon copy of her maybe minus the swearing, somehow she came out barely saying fuck despite the amount joe does and cherry not being adverse to saying shit
- anubis has a sea themed bedroom they customised when they were a kid and refuses to get it changed bc it's fucking awesome, river does in fact bully her for it but she secretly thinks it's adorable
- speaking of sea creatures there is a large collection of plushies, anubis's favourite being the ikea shark that's almost as big as river
- river feels no fear with horror films bc of the doctor who but she gets freaked out by weird shit (@plegdoctor bagpuss fic kinda vibes, bagpuss is fucking creepy)
- as opposed to anubis who loves horror movies but always always falls for the jumpscares and screams, she loves it but she always ends up clinging to a blank faced river at the end of a film
- they watch shrek 1 and 2 so many fucking times anubis can recite them from memory, river watches it at least twice a week usually more and will not let anubis skip it no matter what, they have to watch it together fairly often too
- they also watch a crap ton of cheesy horror movies and the hannah montana movie a lot
- anubis literally towers over both of her parents and everyone thinks it's hilarious, joe and cherry are both quite small and the 6'4 child is something to behold, she hits a growth spurt around 13 and just SHOOTS up at a very alarming rate and goes from kind of tall to fucking giant why is she that tall
- as opposed to river who while being taller than veronica can never hope to compare to tia, she would use that to be intimating but tia is shit at punishing anything and normally caves to whatever river asks
- veronica is an anxious mess of a parent who doesn't want anything wrong to happen to her baby ever and tia kind of has to be the voice of reason like hey she's smart she'd tell you if anything happened but she also does worry especially in river's teen years
- also they have family puzzle and musical nights, it's the nerdiest fucking thing and river would never tell anyone but anubis does find out and thinks it's the cutest thing ever
- joe's a very chill parent, believes in kids learning by doing, anubis has a lot of minor accidents as a kid and joe would always check her over and let her go back to what she was doing....unless there's anything sharp involves she's not allowed near sharp objects until she's like 14 bc she almost cut her hand off once
- cherry is the responsible parent and the reason the two of them are still alive but she trusts anubis not to make any too stupid decisons, and if anything does happen veronica is usually around who would take care of anubis at the drop of a hat if anything came up
- they basically have two kids, river and joe have a werid bond that everyone is a bit confused about but she's absolutely part of the family and ronnie and tia adore anubis bc they're always polite and a good influence on river
- river does have a rebellious phase and tia has to hold her tounge bc she's literally a miniature veronica at that age
- anubis never rebels and joe genuinely encourages her to at least once be angry at her parents or do anything a generic teenager would but she's just sat there contently drinking tea and reading and joe realises she raised an old lady in a kids body
- they have weekly sleepovers and take it in turns who's house, veronica always wants to check on them but tia drags her away to just let them chill, also bc she doesn't want to her river complaining about her mum never giving her space for the 1000th time (that is an issue and they work on it)
- as opposed to joe and cherry who let them do whatever and just shout when dinner is ready, sometimes cherry comes in offering snacks, a lot of baked things like cookies and cake that no one can turn down
- when joe and cherry first say they're adopting a child their friends freak tf out wondering how that kid is gonna come out knowing cherry tends to work long shifts and joe is barely able to take care of herself
- as opposed to veronica and tia who just get a "yeah we figured it would happen eventually" (they use a donor bc veronica wants to give birth to a child, like her mother river ends up with asthma)
- cats, both families have pets, klaus is a very spoilt little guy in jumpers who's always around anubis waiting for some attention bc he knows they can't say no, if river's staying over the two of them are attached at the hip
- another thing me and @plegdoctor discussed is heather the cat, she's veronica's cat more than anything but she's very fond of river, and tia is ronnie isn't in but she'll always run for veronica first or river when she comes home from school
i think i got a bit carried away lol
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Movie Review | Olivia (Lommel, 1983)
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This review contains mild spoilers.
Ulli Lommel's The Boogeyman is not a great horror movie but it is one I think of often. It's marred by a clumsy, effects-laden climax, but the bulk of the movie has a strangely artificial tone. The gruesome slasher-esque kills (which earned it a spot on the Video Nasty list) and supernatural elements seem at odds with the picturesque, almost postcard-like veneer of the overall film. It's as if the reality of the film is at war with itself, echoing the tension in the horror plot. A primary driver of its tonal discord is the extremely uncomfortable opening scene, where the partner of the protagonists' (possible sex worker) mother physically abuses them and is then killed by one of the children, who subsequently goes mute from the trauma. The scene is shot in hot, saturated colours (a quality perhaps inspired by the films of Rainer Werner Fassbinder, with whom Lommel collaborated earlier in his career), giving it an especially rancid quality, as if it's corroding through the screen.
Olivia has a version of this scene. Here, the heroine witnesses her prostitute mother being killed by a violent john as a child, the scene this time being shot in moody dark blue lighting. We cut to fifteen years later, and now the protagonist, played by Suzanna Love (star of The Boogeyman and Lommel's wife at the time), is trapped in an unhappy marriage with a controlling, abusive husband. (I watched this the same weekend as Sudden Fury, a Canadian thriller about a man who schemes to kill his wife in the backwoods of Ontario, and it was startling to see two strong candidates for the Cinematic Bad Husband Awards almost back to back.) As she spends her days looking out the window towards London Bridge (where they live), she begins to envy the freedom enjoyed by the nearby prostitutes and tries going out to do likewise during one of her husband's night shifts. However, when she picks up a john, it turns out she'd internalized her childhood trauma more than we'd realized, and murders him at the behest of the voice of her mother who speaks to her. (It's worth noting that the man has mannequins in lingerie in his flat, which adds to the scene's weirdness.) She also falls in love with an American engineer hired to provide estimates for restoring the bridge, but when her husband finds out, things meet an abrupt, violent end. Years later, the engineer is visiting Lake Havasu, where the old London Bridge was relocated, and spies a woman who bears an uncanny resemblance to Love. Could this be the same person?
The plot has elements that were obviously inspired by Psycho and Vertigo. Compared to Brian De Palma and Dario Argento, two other directors who were channeling Alfred Hitchcock's influence to exhilarating results at around the same time, Lommel's film lacks the same technical sophistication, but that adds to its distinct atmosphere. A lot of films can be described as dreamlike and it can mean an awful lot of different things. Compare the films of David Lynch and Lucio Fulci (the latter of whom I will always bring up given the opportunity), which are very different yet the word applies to both. In Olivia, the film's tone and rhythms make its sense of reality feel strangely tenuous, even if there's nothing in the narrative to suggest what we're seeing isn't actually happening. In describing Jonathan Demme's Married to the Mob, Roger Ebert cites its "sleepy/wide-awake style", which are words that came to mind. The visual style, which features a lot of strong blue lighting, is not as precise as the work of those other directors, putting the film in a state of slight stylistic flux. Production details add to this quality, with the bridge in Lake Havasu and the faking of London locations through well chosen props, as well as crew members cosplaying as Londoners during a crowd scene (which features some not terribly convincing British accents). That the murders (one of which makes similar use of an electric toothbrush as a scene in Boogeyman II) in the version I watched had their audio sourced from a video version instead of the original elements helps them ripple the film's fabric even further.
Speaking of Demme, the film also brings to mind Something Wild, in the sense that the night isn't just a time of day but a different state of mind and perhaps a different place altogether, which emphasizes the somnambulist qualities of the daytime scenes. Are these even in the same reality? Is night real and day just a dream through which the heroine sleepwalks? There's also the relationship between wardrobe, self and storytelling. (As I've spent too much of the last year and a half perusing menswear blogs and then trying to talk myself out of ill-advised purchases, this is an idea that's been on my mind a lot lately.) When Love dresses up as a hooker, she puts on a nice purple floral dress, which on one hand doesn't strike me as a particularly slutty outfit, but is also likely the most sexy item this character, who we understand doesn't get out much and is married to an unkind husband, would reasonably have. Yet with her sunglasses and golden hair, she suggests a Hitchcock blonde and balances the same aura with her kitchen sink daytime existence. (Lommel grew up in postwar Germany and would likely have been sensitive to the economic realities that drive people to that line of work, something he explored in Tenderness of the Wolves. Interviews with Love and assistant director John P. Marsh also suggest that the prostitution elements and opening scene were Lommel's way of processing traumatic events from his childhood. Lommel himself shows up to play a detective, while Love's brother Nicholas, who also appeared in The Boogeyman, plays the client who murders the mother, making this a family affair.)
If like me you own the Vinegar Syndrome blu-ray, you have up to three covers. The slipcover, which features a shrieking woman plunging a knife into her mate (and a grimacing face on the moon over London Bridge) suggest something more blood curdling than the finished product, while the reversible cover brings to mind a Playboy centerfold, accurate to brief sections of the movie (like really brief, before the movie snaps back to horror) in terms of the proceedings but certainly not the tone. The "actual" cover, with the heroine's face hidden by her large sunglasses and the deep blues of surrounding her, better capture the movie's distinct look and feel. And of course, much of the film's power comes from Love's performance, who brings an innate sympathy and low key nerviness to the role. (Love admits to having been uncomfortable with the sexual content in the movie.) Like the movie around her, the different sides of her character seem to be wrestling with each other, the resulting offness and inner tension making her performance, and the film as a whole, extremely compelling.
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morbid-n-macabre · 5 years
This case is very reminiscent of a 70's horror movie. It's interesting, to say the least!
Toledo, Ohio-
Father Gerald Robinson was a Catholic priest who tended to the sick and dying at Mercy Hospital, meeting their spiritual needs in times when a priest is needed most. Or, that's what he was supposed to be doing; today many believe that Father Robinson may have been hiding a dark side.
So, we will begin our story on Saturday, April 5th of 1980; it was Holy Saturday, the day before Easter. It's fair to say that this holiday is a big deal for most Christians, and that's especially true for Catholics. When an unsuspecting Sister Phyllis Ann came to help decorate the hospital chapel for the upcoming festivities, she received the shock of her life: the much respected 71 year old Sister Margaret Ann Pahl's corpse was discovered laying in a pool of blood.
So, Sister Margaret had devoted her entire life to her faith and helping others. She had taken her vows as a teenager, and later became a registered nurse who did her best to serve those around her. It's said that, while caring, the sister could be difficult to please; she was a perfectionist who expected everyone to give their 100% all the time, just as she always had.
Sister Margaret had been tortured, stabbed dozens of times, and strangled. This killer had placed an altar cloth over the nun and stabbed her 9 times in the chest; together these particular wounds made the shape of an upside down (inverted) cross. Then the attacker had stabbed her over and over again in the face and neck; all together the sister sufferered 31 stab wounds, to be precise. It appeared that at some point Sister Margaret had been given her last rites, except her head had been anointed with her own blood instead of oil! Still, the worst part may have been the sexual assault, it is rumored that she'd been violated with a crucifix. Think of how awful this must've been for Sister Margaret, who had joined the convent at the tender age of 19; it's safe to assume that she had been a virgin. At some point Sister Margaret was taken to a special room called the sacristy; this is the place in which the Holy Eucharist is kept in the days prior to Easter Sunday. Considering Catholics believe that the Eucharist is the embodiment of Christ, it's likely this killer believed he was killing the good sister in the physical presence of her savior. Another thing which should be noted: this particular room would've been kept shut, likely even locked in the days before the holiday; this killer knew what he was doing. In this sacred room the killer posed Sister Margaret with her arms and legs straight; the poor nun's underwear had been pulled all the way down, and her dress pulled way up. It was as if the murderer had tried his best not only to kill this woman, but to utterly destroy her; it's possible he believed he was sending her soul to the lake of fire. But who in the hell would do this to a helpless elderly nun, in a hospital chapel, on the day before Easter?
Back to Father Gerald Robinson again. It quickly came to light that the Father and Sister hadn't exactly gotten along, which had been no secret around the hospital. Matter of fact, a day or so before the murder these two had had a tiff in front of many witnesses. Father Robinson had significantly shortened a Mass, which had thoroughly ticked the "old school" nun off so badly that she challenged his authority, right there in front of God and everybody! Father Robinson, who quickly became investigators best suspect, was brought in and questioned. A sharp letter opener shaped as a sword was found among the priest's belongings, and it appeared to have blood up underneath it. Police took this into evidence, but nothing ever came of any of this at the time; the priest was simply reassigned elsewhere, the case went cold, and life went on.
The horrific murder of Sister Margaret may still be considered unsolved today if not for a seemingly rather outlandish story. In 2003 an unnamed woman filed a lawsuit claiming that she'd recently recalled some trauma from her childhood. She remembered having been placed in a coffin filled with cockroaches, penetrated with a snake, forced to consume a human eyeball, and that she witnessed not only the torture of animals but also the murder of a toddler. Really gruesome stuff. The 41 year old claimed that she'd experienced all of this and more in various basements at the hands of Catholic priests; but not just any old priest stuck out in her mind, Father Robinson had been one of her abusers! The accuser now thought it only fair that the church pay for her therapy bill, a total of $50,000. A few other women came forward, and they claimed to have also experienced similar abuse; the matter was investigated but, considering how much time had passed, nothing ever came of this. Well, nothing except it brought the cold case of Sister Margaret front and center once again to a new batch of investigators.
Come to find out, the original investigation had been suspect from the beginning. The initial interrogation of Father Robinson had been cut short by Deputy Police Chief Ray Vetter, a devout Catholic. Reports which had been ordered turned in to Vetter had been "lost"; other investigators who had worked the case remember being outraged by the facade, and many were still fuming over it all of these years later! Finally given the chance to properly investigate this murder, police spoke to multiple witnesses who could place the priest at the scene of the crime, and Sister Margaret's corpse was exhumed. It was determined with a decent amount of certainty that the letter opener found among the priest's possessions had been the murder weapon, and police were finally able to arrest him.
During trial the prosecution claimed it would've been unlikely that anyone besides a priest, nun, or a seminarian would have possessed the knowledge to pull commit this crime. Also the woman with the repressed memories was brought up, it appears that she may have even testified against the priest. Buzz words/phrases such as "human sacrifice", "satanic cult", and "Satanic Ritual Abuse" were used; it was as if the 80's called and wanted their Satanic Panic back - it was very reminiscent of what happened with the McMartin Preschool. Anyways, on May 11th of 2006 a jury found Father Robinson guilty of murder; the priest was sent off to prison for a 15 years to life sentence.
Seems pretty open and shut, right? Well, not quite; many were not satisfied with the verdict. While much of the evidence, be it circumstantial, does point directly at Father Robinson, it appears that the prosecution withheld some important things from the jury. This included unknown male DNA found beneath the Nun's fingernails, and a report written by a FBI trained profiler named Dr. Harley Stock. According to this report, an experienced killer such as Coral Eugene Watts was likely to be the culprit, probably not a priest with an axe to grind. DNA tests were run on multiple suspects, including another priest and the aforementioned serial killer, but none were a match. When you add the missing, lost, and/or destroyed evidence, many believe that the priest caught an unfair shake; plus a lot of people don't believe that repressed memories should've been heard. The prosecutor has been accused of misconduct, and there was even some talk of granting the priest a new trial.
Father Robinson didn't last too long behind bars, he passed away on the 4th of July in 2014; a heart attack took him out at the age of 76. He received a priest's funeral service in which more than 200 people, including dozens of nuns, were in attendance. While some are still trying to clear the priest's tarnished reputation to this very day, others are adamant that he was guilty of killing Sister Margaret. It's all up for debate.
Do you think that repressed memories should be permitted at trial? Do you think the priest was guilty, innocent, or maybe he had a partner in crime?
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To my Satanic Followers,
Before I am bombarded with comments and messages from you fine folks, please understand that I have researched your beliefs as I find all religions fascinating. I am very much aware that the Satanism does not call for human (be it adult or child) sacrifice, nor does it condone mistreatment of a child. I get it, I'm just telling you about this particular case. I'm very much Christian, but I do not judge anyone on their beliefs.
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more-than-a-princess · 11 months
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"Sooooo, what's um...what's your favorite movie? Horror yeah, but which one? I....think I've seen the one with the car? I don't remember what it's called, but I do remember that car. '58 Plymouth Fury, real nice one too, with the cherry red paint job. I...never did see the end of it though..." Because he had been too scared... //i also gift a kazoo trying his best uwu
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Sonia's Birthday Asks 2023 - No Longer Accepting!
Usually, Sonia believed Kazuichi to approach her mostly for reasons relating to her appearance or her title. And while she didn't mind talking about her work, she'd hoped that by attending Hope's Peak full of other talented students that they would care far more about who she was as a person versus what she was, the crown princess and future queen of Novoselic. 
Thus, she was pleased when, out of the blue, he'd inquired after her favorite movie. And horror movies, at that (though she had a few she watched in secret that were decidedly less frightening, but afraid of being stereotyped for enjoying fluffy love stories, she tended not to speak of them to others). "A horror movie with an old car?" She clarified, giving Kazuichi a rare smile. Rare for him to be on the receiving end, anyway. "I think you are referring to Christine! It was originally a novel by Mr. Stephen King before it became a film: his words were very popular for adaptations in the late 1970s and 1980s. Yes, it is about a car with a strong jealous streak that attacks anyone who attempts to harm her, or come between her and her driver! Some of the characters meet rather grisly ends: it might be my favorite car in cinema."
It was a little disappointing that Kazuichi hadn't watched through the film's thrilling conclusion, though: especially as the two teenage survivors worked to crush Christine into a metal cube so she couldn't harm anyone else. Though, the more she thought about it, the more Sonia guessed that such a scene would horrify the likes of Kazuichi Souda: a precious vintage car, rendered to scrap metal. 
So it was probably a safer topic for him if she spoke about her own favorite horror movies. But that presented a unique obstacle for Sonia: how could she choose only one important film to call as her favorite? The befuddled expression she now wore in response to his question was enough to show that he'd asked her the equivalent of a Sophie's Choice.
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"A favorite...? Well, it would be terribly unfair for all of my favorite stories if I chose to exalt one over all of the rest!" Sonia chuckled a bit awkwardly, deferring a precise answer in the way only a politician could. "Perhaps it is best to consider the themes of horror films, and selecting my very favorites amongst them! Such as slasher films, for example: I find Friday the 13th, A Nightmare on Elm Street, and The Texas Chainsaw Massacre to be most enjoyable! And then there's films about witches, such as Suspiria and The Witch. And we must not forget the brilliance of the aptly-titled 'torture porn,' such as the Saw and Hostel series. Oh, I do wish my parents had approved of Mr. Eli Roth filming his Hostel masterpieces in Novoselic! I so very much tried to convince them to accept the film studio's offer, but they were worried about the bad press it would bring to Novoselic. Oh, and there's always supernatural entities, demons, vampires, ghosts, and-" 
If Kazuichi had ever wanted Sonia Nevermind to speak at length to him, all he'd needed to do was ask about her various opinions on horror films, television shows, books, and documentaries. So much of her discussions took place on the internet with other like-minded fans that she hardly ever had the opportunity to discuss them in person.
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