#i think that coukd have healed me
achilleslyre · 1 year
i will forever mourn the fact that naruto never confronted and reformed the shinobi system if not for himself and all the other kids then for sasuke.
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bakiuwu · 3 months
Kinda crazy how the crossover proves why there shouldn't have been one in the first place. Baki and kengen are very different but constantly get grouper together. Like yea, there might be a few similarities/references when it comes to kengen with baki, but like they are both so different, especially for them to take place in the same universe. Like the shit with pickle, so no one on the kengan side heard of pickle even tho everyone in the world was aware of his existence????
There's just so many things wrong with that crossover Like can't get over the fact these mfs barely interact with eachother, everyone's fucking personality was water down and mfs were just cardboard cut outs OR MISCHARACTERIZE SO FUCKING BAD LIKE JACK AND SOME OTHERS, LIKE THEY WAYER DOWN SO MANY BITCHES ITS NOT FUNNY ESPECIALLY JUN like I don't know much about kengan characters but i know DAMN WELL his ass would had been more active then what he was honestly same for everyone.
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Like imagine after he said "thoes guys are scary looking" he would follow it up with ".....im go talk to them" then proceed to go over there IDK SOMETHING LIKE he coukd had try placing a bet on who said is gonna win....idk katou could had join in on it THEN THEY ALL COULD HAD INTRO THEMSELVES TO EACHOTHER AND GIVE INTRESTING COMENTSRY MAN IDK I JUST WANTED THESE FUCKERS TO ACTUALLY TALK TO EACHOTHER BUT WAIT THAG ACTUALLY REQUIRES CHARACTER WRITING. It's like Netflix didn't know how to handle two big groups of characters who all have big personalities so they just said fuck it and Sedated everyone.
Another thing....how come characters of the same series weren't interacting with each other??? Like doppo was just off by himself same for shibakuwa...like why and nobody talking to baki like at ALL was very odd to me its like if characters were assigned a role they wasnt allowed to interact with another character outside that role, like how come doppo wasn't sitting with katsumi and the others???....how come katsumi didn't interact with saw ping that would been interesting because ya know both of their dads fought.....but no know of tha....nothing for this to be a crossover bitches weren't really crossing over...I'm sorry but nobody talking to baki really bothers me
Also kinda crazy how the movie did the two things I BEG TO NOT HAPPEN LIKE WTF
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the sence with kurhea and the other guy was kinda funny but annoying cause the movie link them together cause they're both doctors....okay and? Theyre still too very different characters....also really they went to med school together....okay that's it, AND YOU DONT SEE THEM AGAIN. WHAT WAS THE POINT. I thought they was gonna to be helping heal people, like there could have been a funny scene of them fighting over who's way the best way of healing a patient...idk man.
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Oliva and Julius moments were funny but also annoyed me when I found out they was pair together due to them both using brute strength....like okay
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Shibakuwa and the one guy interactions were werid, he was so out of character LIKE WHY WAS HE ANNOYED BY HIM LIKE WTF ALSO REALLY THERE INTERACING BECAUSE OF AKI
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*sigh* I think the most disappointing one was baki and ohma I wanted them to be silly besties so bad but Netflix literally gave me nothing ALL THEY DID WAS STARE AT EACHOTHER AND LOOK AWAY LIKE WHERE WAS THE FUNNY MOMENTZ LIKE WTF, ALSO THE "your just like me" FUCK OFF YALL GAVE THESE TWO NOTHING
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How did yall fumble these interactions so bad....also Jack being water-down to "guy who does drugs".....really piss me off and the fact they couldnt make a original fight for him and raian says alot like they fucked him over so bad....im not over this.
The movie was made to fucking quick it need more time and actually writing before being released. It's also so clear how they didn't want to hurt anyone's fucking feelings so they made sure it was only 3 fights so it could be fair and end on a fuck ass draw.....bullshit like I was hoping to GOD it would end on everyone going to eat but nope....nothing
Also, pickle being there was so???? Unneeded like It felt out of place like the moment between him and ohma was kinda cute but like okay? After that he just left and no one from kengan seem...to give a fuck tha he was a caveman/ seem to notice....okay
ALSO im sure this takes place after the father and son fight (cause they reference the face baki made during his fight with yujiro) so having pickle interrupted the fight was so????? Especially if he learn his manners when baki scold him for trying to interrupted his......hmm a
Also yujiros moment felt a little off cause like don't get me wrong, his moments were fun, but like the way he just left cause him and the guy got screamed at for "ruining"the fun like???? IT was funny but so rushed, also him knowing the niko style..."So you're the one that guy he taught that style to." okay....also, his interactions with the other guy were weak as shit
Last thing....this shit....
(Like a small part of this is funny cause they dont have a clue in the world skiorsky is living hjs besr life in a small apartment with his boyfriend, also like to imagine skiorsky was here cause he was picking up gaia.....)
yea ....it took me less then 24 hours that day to realize how much I hated this shit
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writeathomee · 1 year
I took notes app notes while I was watching the episodes and they're just as unhinged as you would expect. Pls enjoy
Spoilers below~
Episode One
NOT Izzy's last breath calling Stede a twat
I can't
Omg Lai did that fulfil all of your dreams, Izzy dying
That slow run I can't believe this dream sequences
Prince Ricky!!!
That silence is so loud
Omg not Ivan dying lmao
Poor fang omg
Jackie helping Swede discover parts of him he'd never known, like the PROSTATW HAHAHA
Frenchies little head shake HE CARES ABOUT IZZY
Omg Stede left Ricky
She's gonna peg the shit out of the Swede
End credit scene okay okay here we go
Fang's giggling is so wholesome and healing
Episode Two
Run by timber timber??
Wedding toppers lived a short life
Some place called china lmao
Men are so emotional
Lucius LYING
You have impeccable balance
Poor Lucius groaning
Sea witch !!!!
LMAO what if it's Izzy hiding in the walls now lmao
Jim just cuddling Izzy's leg
s poor Vico they said this was the hardest to film
Oh shit Ed
Omg does pirate queen have a crush on oluwande
Lucius going for Stede's throat
omg he's sending them into a storm
Suicidal Ed baby honey no
Archie and Jim lmaooo
Episode Three
I cackled at Stede jumping overboard
Afraid he's unlovable and showing izzy with the gun
Omg hornigold is a ducking hallucination
Warmth food and orgasms
Omg not pirate queen threatening olu
Oh she was seducing him lmao
Thank you buttons so Pete says
Oh no is pirate queen the new kraken she's gonna hunt olu down
Ed has no business looking so beautiful underwater
Stede thinks he's dead bro??
Omg mermaid Stede are you fucking serious
Further thoughts:
Warmth food and orgasms is the new live laugh love
I can't believe izzy and crew are CURRENTLY living with the idea that they killed Ed like???
Wedding cake to Blackbeard is what pizza parties are to managers with overworked employees
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canceramorem · 2 years
CANCER AMOREM ( Latin for cancer love ) is the act of falling in love with someone who also has cancer. Although very rare, it does happen. Being heartbroken and having stage four cancer has been without a doubt the worst experience of the 49 years of my life. The feeling of abandonment and feelings of being unwanted, unloved, and to top it all off, a feeling of impending doom ( from being told that you have cancer- after I haven't even been to the hospital twice in my life because I have been healthy), can really do some damage to a person emotionally. How people that say they love someone, and then when the person they say they love gets a cancer diagnosis , you would think that they would stay by their side. That's what I would do anyways, and I'm pretty sure Emily would. Instead, in the case of Jason Plaster, not only was he abandoned, but his cancer diagnosis was actually used as entertainment for his so called love and her pimpboyfriend.
And in Emily's case, her abusive boyfriend, aptly nicknamed "Angry Doug" , chose to remain mean and even chose fentanyl instead of being a nurturing , caring boyfriend to a woman that loved him and cared for him while they both were on the streets and homeless.
You see, Jason and Emily were living in parallel universes, although they were complete strangers, they were actually going through almost the identical situations and scenarios. And the heartbreak that Jason had , must have been similar, if not the same as the heartbreak Emily had. It was as though God was putting them both through so much bullshit , pain, and loss , that he was preparing them for the greatest relationship, love , and healing , that their story would be one of legend.
I know it sounds crazy, and I know that true love really does exist, as does love at first sight. But the moment that she spoke that one word, that word which actually I never spoke, ( out of shame, out of fear, out of hate , I don't know, but I just didn't speak the dreaded cancer word) . But when it came from Emily's sweet lips, and sensual, sweet , calming voice, it instantly made me fall in love with her. And not just a School boy crush type of love , or not like any other love I have experienced in my life ( this would actually make the third or fourth time I actually experienced love. ) Seeing into the future when Emily said the dreaded cancer word was definitely a first for me. I actually saw what appeared to be the most perfect , happy, loving, caring , - did i mention perfect?- Relationship that I could ever possibly have known existed.
It was almost as though God was showing me what i could have. Glimpses- one I coukd remember was of her and I being happy and laughing, another was us living many years , (a much better vision than what I was having only a half hour prior) . Let's not forget, only minutes before Emily had said the word 'cancer' , I was hellbent on taking my own life. I was at the worst possible place I could be in the whole of my life. I can't even begon to explain justvhow dark of a place I was in. I never want to go there ever again. Emily truly did save me, she saved me from myself, she gave me hope, she gave me a reason not to kill myself. Most importantly, she gave me love. And not just any love, she gave me a reason to love. And for this, I am forever indebted to her. I can never hurt her, and I won't, I can only love her. You see, people with cancer do everything they can to beat it. In my case, I will never truly beat it. But to be able to live with it, and to be able to feel love and of being loved- that is very hard to explain. And this is why, I could never EVER , Hurt this woman named Emily. Oh wait, this story gets even better. I would find out that she also shared the love of dogs with me - she actually had adopted a puppy, and not just any dog, one that has the same markings and demeanor even the same type of face that I had wanted myself in a dog, which I had entertained getting, Emily just did . The more I peeled away the layers of similarities, and of small coincidences, the more I realized, that she really is the one.
Now comes the fun part- convincing her that what I felt and the visions I saw were true. And not to mention, she would think I'm some crazy man that must be on drugs( which I was) - remember, I have cancer whoch has metastasized to my bones, which meant I would be on pain meds, and not to mention the fog of 'cancer brain' as I call it( it's like being old overnight, forgetting things and not remembering things, and just plain old loss of memory. But that's ok, as long as you have someone to make new memories with.
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wastetimeandtype · 5 years
I once planned a fanfic for post book 4 TLOK where a virus spreads through the refugee camps after Kuvira’s failed invasion and then through the populace and people die and shit and everyone is sad and people die and healing doesn’t save people. nothing works out and the point of the fanfic was ‘sometimes people die for no good reason and that sucks’. That was the whole fic.
I didn’t finish it.
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olderthannetfic · 2 years
Any ideas how to heal from intense top/bottom discourses full of vitriol? Im *mostly* a fixed shipper and I was not ashamed to admit it thoigh I wouldnt have attacked someone for having a different preference (unless theyre being assholes first) and that have had people call me fetishizer, heteronormative, etc and it did affect me bc i dont like being seen as inferior. but right now im in a ship where the idea of them being both switch make the most absolute sense so im open to the idea. But idk i feel like a hypocrite now and i just dislike the feeling that i coukd feel superior by making my ship switch and then be like 'oh no sweetie thats so heteronormative :)', ' fixed shippers should b allowed to like whatever they want :)' i have felt like i sensed a lot of superiority complex in many people and now I just duslike having a preference at all. Also idk i wish i coukd switch just to shit on both sides. Idk now i operate on pure spite and dont like the feeling i wish i could go back to my positive sweet summer child. I feel like being way too involved in top bottom discourse radicalized me instead and i have escaped the fandom but i cant really fully let go of the mindset now and its driving me crazy bc now everytime i look at fan stuff i cant help but judging them and hates myself for it. I feel bad reading smut now and now i started to understand why fandom the way it is now.
Its just funny bc i never opposed to switch until people chose to attack me for what i liked and now all i feel is just bitterness. Hell i did not like being overtly too concerned with top/bottom myself but the discourses made me have to assert my stance and it opened me to attacks to my character and idk now just semtences like 'x is soft despite dressing this way' triggered me.
"X is soft despite dressing this way" makes me want to hurl, frankly.
A lot of preferences for ship dynamics are stereotypical, but I don't think we need to read too much into that. Horny preferences are often reactions to a lifetime of encountering stereotypes and aren't easy to sway.
Actual sex preferences in real people just do not work the way they do in porn. Some people have the most stereotypical tastes ever. Some have the opposite. Some don't know what they like. Nothing makes sense because it's real life.
In fiction, people like whatever the writer finds hottest or whatever makes the narrative work.
If you're writing a realistic book for teens about what it's actually like to be queer identity X, then I would not include "the girly one is the bottom" nonsense. But if you're writing erotica as a hobby, there is no reason to assume or demand that it will be ~good representation~. Hell, even if you're writing romance novels professionally, they're just not about that. There are levels of offensive stereotype that I find to be beyond the pale, but cliched top/bottom roles are something a lot of audiences like and that I expect to have to wade through to find what I prefer.
As for how to heal, I suppose it's like any scarring social experience.
Maybe encountering chiller people will make you feel less pressured to have an angry and absolutist stance. Maybe going and consuming some media from radically different communities will make you internalize the reality of how small and stupid these arguments are.
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covenbookofsecrets · 4 years
Hello dear! I'm Rose. I saw your post, can I get a Spirit Guide reading please?
Hello Rose 🌹
You did not leave your birthdate or zodiac sign but I think I can work with this 💖
You have a team of SpiritGuides that I sense right now; what could that mean? Well, something ic bugging yoh or yoh are unhappy and unsatisfied with the life your living. I think I've got great answers for you ...
I'm not going to tell you about ALL of your SpiritGuides , only the main one thats showing to me right now ..
🌼🦌🌼Your Spirit Animal is a
White Deer🌼🦌🌼 named DeeDee
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Dear spirit animal, symbol of gentleness and heart energy
When you have the deer as spirit animal, you are able to bring gentleness and grace in every aspects of your life, even in the most challenging moments. By inspiration from the deer’s qualities, you can achieve ambitious goals and tackle difficult situation smoothly with a touch of gentleness and grace.
The deer spirit animal will remind you to be gentle with yourself and others. The grace and gentleness characteristic of this spirit animal echo the qualities brought forth when living from the heart. For example, the traditional symbol used for the heart chakra has the deer (sometimes also represented as an antelope) as emblematic animal of the energy of love and harmony with oneself and others.
Okay so want to know the most specific reason this deer 🦌 🤔 is in your life ? And how long its been here?
Well ... you have been under this White Deer name DeeDee 's soul contract since 2017 .. does that year mean anything to you? It should.
DeeDee is warning you ⚠️ that your heart Chakra ❤ 💚💚💚💚is 🚫 blocked!!
What does She want you to do hk unblock hour heart Chakra?
Listen to this meditation music for up to 45mins at least (OR MORE PLS)
and x4 a week
🦌 🦌 🦌 8:13am is thd best time yo start and 8:33 pm ic best time to try ..
(Also look those numbers up on angel numbers Google to see what wisdom they hold.. they coukd be a key piece in your shamanic healing journey
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Thats what DeeDee actually looks like , here's another shot of her in the Springtime coming out of ghe woods.. DeeDee is just a regular Earth 🌎 Animal totem, but she does look mystical and mythical with her white glazed fur does she not ?
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Whats My Deer Messages ? 🦌
Number 102 is made up of the vibrations and qualities of number 1, number 0 and number 2. Number 1 promotes changes, new beginnings and ventures, ambition and tenacity, self-leadership and assertiveness, uniqueness and individuality, ambition and will power. Number 0 relates to eternity and infinity, oneness and wholeness, continuing cycles and flow, and the beginning point. Number 0 stands for potential and/or choice, and is a message to do with developing one’s spiritual aspects and is considered to represent the beginning of a spiritual journey and highlights the uncertainties that may entail.  Number 0 suggests that you listen to your intuition and higher-self as this is where you will find your answers. Number 0 also amplifies and magnifies the energies of the numbers it appears with making them more powerful and influential. Number 2 resonates with the energies of faith and trust, diplomacy and co-operation, relationships and partnerships, intuition and insight, service and duty, and your Divine life purpose and soul mission.
Angel Number 102 is a message from your angels to trust that all will work out for the highest good for all. What may seem to be an obstacle or hindrance today may prove to be a ‘blessing in disguise’ tomorrow.  
Angel Number 102 asks that you keep your mind-set and thought patterns aligned with your life purpose and things will go in your desired direction. Have faith and trust that outcomes will be favourable and beneficial to you. The angels are with you, supporting you through any doubts or fears, and they encourage you to maintain faith and trust in yourself and the Universe. Your angels are surrounding you with love and healing and are available for help and guidance anytime you need.  
Angel Number 102 may also be a message that it is time to usher some fresh, positive energies into your home and family life. Bring some love into your home by redecorating and refurbishing, spring cleaning, de-cluttering or simply sprucing up your living environment with some fresh flowers and/or houseplants. Angel Number 102 suggests that you add some freshness to your home and surroundings with a view to upgrading and reinvigorating your environment. A positive atmosphere fosters positive energies.
Make time to tell family members how much you love them when the Angel Number 102 appears.  
Number 102 also relates to the number 3 (1+0+2=3) and Angel Number 3.
(See #3 also for your next numeroscope )
The light at the end of a very long tunnel will get significantly brighter for you in January, Rose. In fact, this could be a month that is filled with blessings. You may have to wrap up a few loose ends that were left dangling from last year that may not be all that pleasant, but they will be a means to an end - the end of some turbulence, disharmony, and some personal angst that you really need to resolve. But if you show good faith in wrapping these things up, life will get better and better. Someone may show great confidence in you by offering you a position or a role that you have coveted. And while this may come as a surprise, and you may not feel prepared, the stars encourage you to accept this. It may be a bit of a struggle at first, but gradually, you will gain confidence and a strong sense of being where you belong. A reminder about a goal you lost somewhere along the way may come to you this month. This is a chance to reassess it and perhaps mold it to how it might suit you today. Chances to take steps toward reigniting this desire will be possible.
-- DivinaeDruin @divinaes-bookofsecrets
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Anybody looking for a shamanic healing session where you get to meet your spirit guide , please fm md at (above account) or just here but I'd like it 😉 at my Divinae account or if your on instagram im @divinaedruin
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viktormaru · 5 years
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@cosmicconundrum now u got me, cause even though ive watched the start of kakashi’s anbu arc several times, ive never actually finished it cause i always drop it when it starts focusing on itachi sjsjsjs... i was saving it for when i reached there w/ my gf
What i can say abt it is that ANBU really was... A Time for Kakashi
Afterall, when Kakahi joins up he joins freshly out of murdering rin, he’s traumatized and he’s called fucking Friend Killer Kakashi, which is... not good... he’s violent and kills without having to and has terrible episodes thanks to his trauma and he closes off to his friends a lot.   Minato dies and we see kakashi so full of that “darkness” that he really almost goes along with murdering the fucking hokage. But kakashi is loyal , and thinks for himself so he doesnt.
Still, after that it seems kakashi is a bit at loss, navigating the world by himself. He’s tense and stuff a lot but he seems to mellow out compared to his beggining days in anbu. We see that when he spares tenzou’s life (claiming it to be an asset for the village) but we truly see him just.. calming down and basically lose that aggressive violence stored up from his earlier years at anbu when he meets with tenzou while chasing after orochimaru (how he decided to lie to protect tenzou).  kakashi is anbu at the beggining because they didnt know what to do with him, and kakashi stays anbu because he thinks thats all hes good at, destroying things. But kakashi goes out of his way to protect ppl he calls comrades and thats how tenzou comes to respect him so much (and so does his other teammates in anbu).
 Kakashi doesnt really baby his team, they are anbu after all, but he makes it clear that he’d sooner die then let anything happen to any of them, and with time i guess that trait of him became clearer and clearer, and thats why Kakashi is Kakashi of the Sharingan instead of Friend Killer Kakashi.
In the end, kakashi just wants his team to trust each other and rely on eachother. He wants them to be their best and he will do what he can for them to get there. He’s their guide but he doesn’t think of himself worth of any praise or as someone to be looked up to, just someone who’s giving the tools he has so they can shine On their own. Like ive said before, seems like kakashi thinks of himself as someone whos bound to die and be forgotten eventually, and thats how he goes through life. again, havent seen much abt him and itachi but like i said, he doesnt really seem to baby itachi despite his age, we see him gt dissapointed at his team for distrusting the boy, and see him bet his opinion out as to why they do what they do as anbu in the hopes itachi understand, but he carries on with the mission like “this is what we must do, and you can count on me to get it done”
He thinks himself a tool to help others and he thinks being anbu is just a curse he must carry on, so getting pulled off anbu really must felt like someone pulling the carpet out under his feet. Losing that routine and that certainty that this was his Life until the end must have put him in a really strange position.
But like, i say kakashi “mellows out” but kakashi was still traumatized and not coping with it.... i feel like just.. the anger died down and he was just left out fedling tense and depressed, he was shut out from his friends outside of work and i believe he’d barely even show up eithout the anbu mask, to the point his friends felt the need to intervene. So like, he still wasnt ok, though i feel like his connection with tenzou put some focus in his life for a while
Wow this is probaly confusing coming from my brain nonstop at 4am so i’ll try to make a few quick points or something like that of some random thoughts
- kakashi went through some character changes in anbu, from the aggressive, hurting kid at the beggining, to a mellowed out, friendlier man we know today (though of course his skills were still very much honed, and we also know lots of times he coukd never get off the tense, high alert, assassin mindset, which was very bad since it wasnt allowing him to heal completely)
-  kakashi  cares for his subordinates but somehow doesnt expect them to care for him, and shows to be uncomfortable by being looked up on
- he’s really accepting of their fates of tools of konoha and doesnt question it that much, but offers his assistance to keep his team alive no matter what
- tenzou was def important to kakashi. I feel like thats one of the first times he gets invested in someone for a long time, and tenzou is someone he managed to help in the end, like, a thing he did good instead of ruining, and i love how they developed their friendship and im pretty sure tenzou just being there helped slow kakashi’s descent into a further depression
Am i even making sense
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thatonegaybastard · 2 years
spoilers for witchs heart and deltarune (au idea)
A while ago i had an idea for like some eitch's heart au ish kinda thing? Where i make designs for what the witchs heart cast would look like in the dark world basically and rhen draw them interacting anyways heres some basic ideas for designs and also just some rambly notes
Claire would be like Kris and Noel would be like Ralsei- if i ever make it a proper au thatd be their roles probably.
My fanon design of Claire hss her bow shaped more like a butterfly so i like to imagine that her bow would become an actual buttefly upon entering the dark world- she would go in with her shorts and tank top and then her dark world form would have like a dress kinda like her formal dress ingame but more butterflyish themed i guess- idk what her attacks/weapon would be- maybe her design could also be kinda princess like to parallel Noel's
Noel has thisnlike magician princey kinda outfit- i cant get a good color scheme down but itd also have some star themes- i oriiginally had it like he wore a tophat and on the rim of the tophat was a croen but i couldn probably just have it so he has the ribbon studded with jewelw- He is a magician! So kind of like deltarune Noelle he has an attack spell and a healing spell probaly- and his weapon is an actual wand! Like not a haryr potter wand but the kind of a wand a magician at like a kids birthday party would use- idk if i should give him a more blue colorscheme like stars and stuff or a more red one with yellow eyes like his monster form
I don't have many ideas for ashe's design but! He definitely would have glasses or something kind of spamton themed becuase- because he wants claires heart shaped object. Im sorry- I gave ashe this big coat so he kind of looks like grsvity falls ford ig- thats what he reminds me of the design mpbut ill remake jt- i definitely could do something fun with the scapels but idrk what he would use them as a weapon in some way for sure though
i could make the spamton gag with wilardo too tbh but ashe is more outwardky batshit crazy about it when he gets it like ashe is so dramatic and insane about it and wilardos also dramatic about it but not as much as ashe and i think that fits spamton more
I'm not quite sure what to do with wilardo's design- the onky idea i had with him was to make him into a ninja with a gun- maybe his gun could be a plasma gun /j
No idea what to do for sirius. Probably something to do eith magical stuff
Idk if i'd do the demons- the demons eould probably be like the dsrkners in thid and the humans would be like lightners- noel could be a lighter that fell into the dark world and has been stuck there since so his design is slightly more darknery
Rogue coukd belike Queen ad Noel could be Noelle.. That could be their dynamic but it doesnt fit exactly
i could also imagine lime and charlotte as sweet cap'n cakes idk who would be the 3rd person though- m a y be z i z e l ? ? Idk tho
Ill draw up some designs soonish and post them here
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greenflamedwriter · 3 years
Angel part four
….Lance could only stare at the bowl of food goo in his lap. His time was running out, it was only a matter of time before he lost his halo.
He glanced up at Shiro, he was nodding off his in chair and Lance wondered if he even slept at all. He lost quintessence too.
Lance picked up his spork with a bored look on his face and flicked food goo at Shiro.
Splat !
Money shot.
Shiro snorted awake. Lance almost smiled. Almost.
“Lance- Sorry…”
“It’s fine, you don’t have to watch me you know, you can take a break if you want.” Shiro shook his head “You lost a lot of quintessence.”
As if that explained everything.
Suddenly Shiro’s eyes focused on him “I can help you if you want.” Lance raised an eyebrow “Honestly? I’m fine- oh wait you meant…” Lance was realising what Shiro meant by help. He shook his head.
“No, it’s no fair on you- Or Keith.”
“He’ll understand if I’m helping you live.” Lance grit his teeth “What choosing one life over another? I don’t want that on my hands.”
Shiro stood up so fast Lance flinched his wings flapping startled “Lance you’re going to die if you don’t eat!” Shiro exploded “Do you think I enjoy it? Seeing you starving yourself to death? Do you think I like to watch!?” Lance swallowed.
Shiro leaned closer “Thought what?” He asked and Lance shook his head “Nothing, that’s one less thing to worry about.” Shiro smiled then leaned closer and Lance blinked “Shiro-” The older mans lips hovered over his and Lance’s hand smacked up and accidentally clipped Shiro’s chin.
“You surprised me- what the hell Shiro!?”
“I thought we were okay- I can help you!”
Lance groaned in frustration “I don’t want your help, just tell Allura to land on a popular planet and I’ll be fine.”
“Lance.” Shiro sounded exaspirated as if a child wasn’t eating their brocoli.
Lance threw the covers of himself and Shiro panicked “What are you doing!?”
“Getting into a pod, Shiro. That stuff works I know it does and I’d rather go into that thing than- whatever the hell that was.”
His heart was thuddering, it’s been a long time since Shiro was that close to his face. He needed some time to think...away from Shiro.
And that’s how the others saw Lance stomping out his room with Shiro yelling behind him.
“Lance! You’re not supposed to be moving!”
Allura suddenly appeared in front of him and Lance fell backwards alarmed. He was terrified to touch her, she was so easy to siphon Quintessence and with what happened he was terrified to be near her right now.
“Lance, why aren’t you in bed?” Lance swallowed then straightened up “I’m feeling better.”
“Lies, you look like death warmed up.” Pidge said and Lance scowled and brushed past them “I’ll go into a healing pod and I’ll be fine.”
“Lance I don’t think that’ll work.” Lance turned back “It did before, I was bleeding from the stomach and then I was okay.”
Coran raised a finger and looked guilty “I actually know why it works for you.”
That stopped everyone short.
They’re in the arena and meet Lotor.
Shiro and Keith broke up. It was an awkward time for everyone present and honestly no one knew how to react. Not only did Keith break up with Shiro he left him as well. And then to top it all off Shiro suddenly has the inability to drive the black lion.
And weirder still when all the others were asked together by Allura to fix it all eyes turned to Lance.
What the fuck?
Shiro and Lance talk and have a moment with the D&D and then make out.
They’re in the arena and meet Lotor.
Shiro and Keith broke up. It was an awkward time for everyone present and honestly no one knew how to react. Not only did Keith break up with Shiro he left him as well. And then to top it all off Shiro suddenly has the inability to drive the black lion.
And weirder still when all the others were asked together by Allura to fix it all eyes turned to Lance.
What the fuck?
Shiro and Lance talk and have a moment with the D&D and then make out.
Show Shiro's arena fights and the stuff he's went through to make it less one sided. (Arena fight where they meet Lotor and the blade! we can go to the confession scene in the lions fro there then after have Keith break up with Shiro because Hunk has been his tability."
Have Lance and Shiro exposed in an arena fight as they both fight together against a robo beast.
Have Keith and Lance have a post break up singing my chemical romance welcome to the black parade and destory shit.
Hunk was nervous
"Guys what do we do?"
"Calm down, we just have to think-"
"-Well think quick, they're going to out us out there in the arena."
..."Shiro you fought in there, what do we do? Shiro...?
-Shiro is currently freaking out-
"Well fuck."
-Reveal lotor and antok who talk to the others-
"Who are you?"
"The reighning champion after shiro. I’ve been fighting here since I was a boy."
"I meant You're name?"
"I am Lotor and this is antok."
"Shit a guards coming- shiro!"
Lance shoves himself forward with a growl. He is pissed and will murder everyone for hurting shiro. Years....Shiro was here yearsfighting and starving to death he lost his arm and it takes a lot to scar a demon. Lance was going to kill them.
"Shiro snaps out of it when Lance is take .
Shiro slames against the gate-
"Don’t attack first- evade and find its weakness!"
(Lotor) "He’s a lost cause he’s facing Urak the worst galra here.
"Goddamit let him out."
-Hunk is freaking out and keith consoles him since Shiro ignored him-
"Oh god they’ve taken lance."
"He’ll be fine Hunk- he flew out a ship to save shiro, remember."
"But this- he can’t fight- he’s terrible at combat."
Lance barely panting breathless with his eye shut to stop blood from dripping into it. Then smirks. Oh he was only messing around waits until the robo beast runs at him. Then uses his grace and wigs out his anger at everythkng shiro’s been through.
I'll become a demon if I have to. (Dissonates)
Shiro was the champion they found another one. He screamed and the tortured him and lance was pissed.
Shiro runs out on the arena lance heveggaze fixated on him burning hatred and disdain and a gun aimed at lance.
"Look out!"
-Lance stared and for a moment Shiro thought he was going to use his grace on him. That did not detour him from running. -He clips lance and they tumble to the ground lance snaps out of it-
- They run in the panic towards their lions. -
Shiro backhands a galra lance looks impressed -nice one!- and they get their bayards and shit.
The other paladins are outside in space. Lotor Keeps his identity a secret.
He is actually oart of the mamoura and was undercover in the arena being a double agent to zarkon as his champion. And letting the paladins and the prisoners go.
“But what about you.”
Lotor smiled smug and it made lance grind his teeth into dust especially when lotor kissed alluras hand.
“I’ll be fine princess, our paths cross again.”
Lotor helps them and others escape and thankfully no galra are aware they left the paladins and the mamoura help the rebels to a planet to settle down and join the rebellion.
The manourian soies keiths blade and question him Keith tells the truth and te blade tell keith he needs to talk to their leader.
Keith keeps the blade but has a deadline if he cant activate it then the blade gets taken from him moreso to prove he desevrs it and hunk is there every step of the way even Lance and oidge say they can just 3-d the thing Nd give the fake to the mamoura. Keith is against it and wants to prove himself. Lotor finds Keiths mother and helps reunite them then we get an indepth into his story of an abused child then his secret gets exposed Allura and the others are hurt but the mamoura sticks up for him and it slipts the alliance with Keith unable to choose who to side with.
Allura fumes Lance takes her side and shiro takes lotor to the side.
“Look I’ve besn where you are, I felt betrayed it’s cold and hot at the same time because you feel as if your hearts been ripped out.” Allura blinked tears in her eyes.
“Lotor is a jackass and you din’t need that in your life.” Allura shook her head.
“I really liked him.”
“I know.”
Lance glanced back at Shiro and took a breath "But for what it's worth, I think Lotor is a good guy."
"What?" "I'm an angel I can tell, he really cares and he wasn't lying about the cause."
"You're saying I should forgive him?" "What no. Well not straight away make him sweat a little, but believe me Allura it's a leap of faith." Allura saw Lance glance back at Shiro and pursed her lips.
"I think you're a hypocrite." Lance blinked "What?"
"If you want me to try, why don't you try with Shiro?" Lance flushed "I-uh...it's...it's really hard." He slumped back and Allura joined him "I know it really is scary."
Lance laughed "How do people do this? like all the time?" Allura shook her head "I don't know how my father did it. But for the people who fall in love are stupidly brave." Lance glanced her way.
"Well I'm stupid, and I think you're pretty brave...want to give one final leap?" Allura pressed her lips together.
"Not yet, not until I know someone will catch me first." Lance glanced back to Shiro and Lotor.
Could he do it again?
“Allura I can’t change who my father is, but everything I’ve said was not a lie. I like you and I want to get to know you, please give me a second chance I can prove I’m nothing like my father.”
Allura bit her lip “I-”
“Allura can I talk to you a sec?” Lance asked and took her hand leading her away.
Shiro’s shoulders sagged, there went any hope Lotor had, Lance had allura wrapped around his fibger she’d believe anythkngbhe had to say
Both shiro and Lotor saw the pair arguing back and forth, Allura looking more upset as Lance finalky crossed his arms and nodded. Thats it, it was over.
Before shiro can even begin the talk of more fish in the sea.
Although in his case none coukd compare and everything after when you’re sure you met the right one was justsetyling.
(I hibestly don’t believe this I’m jus pairing characters up- life is hard to find the right one maybe you did or maybe the person your with isn’t for you. But if you know it’s not right and the situation feels wrong trust your gut.)
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