#i think that's a fair assumption tbh
jin-zixun · 2 months
Reasons Nie Mingjue tries to kill Jin Guangyao:
JGY saved his life (while being unable to do the same for others)
He didn't think working as a spy to win the war would actually include having to do bad things (unlike the killings NMJ performs which are always 100% justified because NMJ is 100% moral and has the right to make that call)
JGY won't kill himself
JGY won't perform extrajudicial murder of his shidi, favored by his father (which would also get him killed)
JGY won't die
JGY talked back to him and won't just completely agree with his assessment (that JGY should just die)
It's the only way for them to have peace (says the guy who suffers from extensive murderous rages and came back as a corpse to continue killing people against the guy who oversaw the biggest public safety project and expansion we know of and kept the peace for over a decade)
JGY tells their mutual friend/sworn brother that he's concerned about NMJ suffering from said extensive murderous rages
JGY bought nice things for NHS
Reasons Jin Guangyao tries to kill Nie Mingjue
Doesn't want to be killed by Nie Mingjue who keeps trying to kill him
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cuddlytogas · 6 months
Fyre sent me an article that made me Lose My Mind, so instead of sending 800 tweets about it, I decided to just write up my thoughts here
so, in re: ET Fox, 'Jacobitism and the Golden Age of Piracy' --
Fox is definitely exaggerating. His logic jumps from 'ship names and alleged toasts', to 'every pirate was one contact away from a confirmed Jacobite', to "a Jacobite maritime community" (296), with little evidence beyond each previous assumption. He does demonstrate a link with popular Jacobitism, but overstates pirates' political commitment by far.
There's one letter to George Camocke, a Jacobite naval officer, suggesting that the pirate fleet should unite under his command and take Bermuda as a Jacobite base, but the source is shaky, and it went nowhere once Woodes Rogers ousted the pirates. (It's I think from 1718 and unsigned? Possibly from Charles Vane and his crew? Fox only says that, "Through these contacts [unspecified, between Vane and English Jacobites] a letter reached George Camocke" (286), which is suspiciously vague, and I can't access the original to check. Either way, it would still only prove the committed politics of one crew.)
Fox also makes a lot of Archibald Hamilton, governor of Jamaica from 1710-16, who commissioned and profited from the anti-Spanish privateers who turned pirate and made up some of the original Bahamas pirates c. 1715. Since "it has been suggested that [Hamilton] was a Jacobite supporter" (283), Fox claims that these establishing pirates were also committed Jacobites, and therefore the whole pirate community that grew around them must have been. (Which leads to Fox then being baffled when there's no direct evidence of Jacobitism among some of them, such as the crews of Anstis, Fenn, or Rackham.) He relies on these assumptions, and then claims that every connection between pirates proves their mutual Jacobite sympathies.
It's much more likely (and in line with the historians I've read so far) that the Jacobite toasts and ship names speak to a broader anti-authoritarianism among pirates, with no evidence of committed Jacobite actions by them, eg, specifically targeting Hanoverian ships, or materially supporting or trying to support Jacobite rebels beyond that one letter. Indeed, the 1710s/20s pirates are generally agreed to be distinct for not adhering to religious/national loyalties like the C17th pirates usually did. (I'm so sorry, I haven't consolidated my notes yet, but I know Marcus Rediker goes through this, as does Kris E Lane, and I think Tim Travers and David Cordingly.)
Fox does identify a correlation between the rise and fall of Jacobitism and piracy over the mid/late 1710s, but attributes a pretty shaky causation: pirates ceased their Jacobite loyalties due to the suppression of Jacobitism in Britain and Europe. A much more obvious explanation is that both anti-authoritarian movements simultaneously flourished in the post-war, post-succession instability, then were both quashed as the new regime established itself and cracked down on rebels.
So, did many pirates espouse Jacobite sympathies? Yes! They named their ships in favour of Jacobite causes and rulers, and there are plenty of reports of them toasting to King James / the Pretender. (Which it must be said, although the sheer volume lends a ring of truth to the trend, individual claims should be taken with a grain of salt, as Jacobitism was a common accusation against criminals at the time, with or without a basis.)
Does that mean that the 1710s Caribbean pirate community was centred around a heart of politically committed Jacobites, as Fox argues, or largely motivated by Jacobite sentiments? Yeah, probably not.
Anyway, I am SO sorry that this article got me riled up XD the whole point of this is to say, I've never read anywhere that "many pirates were Jacobites driven out of Britain", which I KNOW wasn't even your main point, but I am unfortunately Insane. We can and should talk about expressions of pro-Jacobitism and actual political engagement among 'Golden Age' pirates, but what we know of their actual actions and espoused ideals doesn't speak to a trend of committed Jacobite politics beyond a general loyalty to rebellious causes.
#history#pirates#pirate history#Jacobites#Jacobitism#Togas does meta#this article annoyed me so much omfg#at every step Fox makes a sort of shaky assumption and then bases his next assumption entirely on that as if it's a proven truth#it's like IF hamilton was a commited jacobite and IF that loyalty was shared with the privateers and IF those privateers#retained and spread that belief among the growing pirate community and IF that was the belief that held the community together#then yeah sure i guess jacobitism was a core cause and concern for the golden age pirates#but that's a lot of fucking 'if's among a situation with a lot more obvious explanations#Fox is right that historians so far are probably ignoring the influence of Jacobitism on golden age pirates a bit#it really hasn't come up in all my reading so far and I've done... a pretty fair amount lol#but he goes so far in the opposite direction that it's kind of embarrassing#very BR Burg coded tbh XD (i say as if i've actually read burg >.> but all the reviews are forming a picture for me...)#EDIT: it's also worth noting that Jacobitism was rarely (never?) a charge laid against pirates in all the trials and moralising against them#which you'd think - if they were actually hardcore individual or broad-base supporters of the cause - might've come up more often#but anti-pirate arguments basically always revolve around the threat to trade and property therefore nation/empire#if lawyers and reverends wanted to argue that pirates were traitors - and they did! - you'd think they'd mention any actual treasons#EDIT EDIT: N: Harry M. Lewis (2021) George Camocke’s 1718 Proposal of a Jacobite–Pirate Alliance#The Mariner's Mirror 107:3 pp366-370#has better detail and context for that letter
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paint-music-with-me · 11 months
#so I think ep 12 is really good - does it have problems? yes.#do I think Atom should've apologized to Boston's face properly? yes#do I think boston should've apologized to top's face properly? yes#do I think Nick's interesting choice words for his last convo with Boston were def harsh? yes#do I wish they did the fire topmew scene a bit differently to make it more poignant esp since they've been shitting on top? yes#so many things! And that's just ep 12 bc jfc if u asked me abt the other eps?...we'd be here all night#basically it's this - they are characters meant to rep early 20 something students who are so messy and flawed and reckless#will they each recognize every mistake they've ever made? noooooo bc WHY WOULD THEY??? WHEN ITS ABT THEIR PAIN!?!?#THEY ARE THINKING OF YHEMSELVES#THATS HOW IT IS SOMETIMES - I DO THE FUCKING SAME THING#it feels v much like the end of edge of seventeen where you're with a character you've bonded over for an hour and a half and realize#NO ONE is going to apologize to them - not truthfully or fully or genuinely or etc and it's sad and heartbreaking and painful#but newsflash - it happens#and don't think you've done it right all the first time and apologized rightfully - and if u did?? It's bc that person mattered to you!#these 'friends'??? while yes they are - they also are not#im fucking surprised they all stayed friends tbh bc they don't truly make sense long-run but they have that business together so let's see#let's face it - it's the friendships it's the meanings it's the labels it's the community it's the assumptions it's the lack of words#ya'll saying you want toxic but can't handle when everything is not fair#and it isn't fair! there's exec decisions there's editing decisions there's casting decisions! bruh. it was set up from the start.#editing based on audience reaction? bruh. played right into their hands#blabber time#please ignore me#not even gon put the tags bc ya'll vicious as fuck when it comes to your characters while valid I'm tbh too tired to hear abt
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scottapez · 2 years
hrrrng sonic prime thoughts
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toastsnaffler · 3 months
that uncomfortable but necessary conversation post is sticking in my head now like points were made.... maybe I should say something. 🤕
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britcision · 8 months
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HYPOTHESIS: Milsiril was bare minimum visiting, caring for, and feeding Mithrun at points in his timeline between year 480 (trying to recover) and 500 (appointed as a captain - this is also noted to have happened immediately when he was fit for work, since they were running out of people)
In the comic, Milsiril specifically references Utaya (year 499, from Kabru’s timeline - it’s the only demon incident in Utaya), as she uses the incident with the demon in Utaya to get Mithrun to eat and get his act together
Kabru lived with Milsiril in the elven capital from year 499 to 510
Milsiril specifically dislikes and avoids other elves… now with the apparent exception of Mithrun, who she thinks she might have quite liked pre-nuking
Milsiril would not want to go to Mithrun’s family estate and deal with his entire family every time to take care of him… and they may not have been keen on her dolls or cooking
The only thing we know about Mithrun and his family is that he hated his brother, and visits him every five years (brother has extended a permanent invitation for Mithrun to visit any time pretty sure Mithrun overestimates how much his brother cared/noticed he didn’t like him)
His parents deadass aren’t mentioned except to note that he’s the bastard child, and his parents ignored his older brother. There’s an implication here that they preferred Mithrun… until they sent him to a death squad
Milsiril has a repeatedly-mentioned tendency to take in strays, usually kids of short-lived peoples, and strong nurturing instincts that may/may not be pretty dehumanizing
CONCLUSION: there is a non-zero chance that Mithrun and Kabru LIVED TOGETHER FOR A FUCKING YEAR post Utaya at Milsiril’s house and just didn’t even fucking notice
I am losing my mind
This is incredible
Mithrun deadass coulda been The Crazy Uncle In The Attic for a full fucking year
He was busy going feral and blaming himself for Utaya cuz it “could have been different” if he’d been there and recovered for the same fucking year THE LAST SURVIVOR OF UTAYA was in the next room
What kind of unhinged interactions did they have
Kabru was fucking SEVEN the state of Mithrun in that comic woulda fucking RETRAUMATIZED HIM any mention of him being a dungeon lord???? NOPE
We know from the changeling incident that Mithrun barely considered Kabru a distinct person so 0% chance he would ever put it together but KABRU
Kabru is an observant little thot and his favourite thing is making assumptions from his observations
Just a MENTION of Milsiril and Kabru shoulda been all up on that
Mithrun FULLY DID mention her as Milsiril the Gloomy when exposing his backstory and Kabru just… tossed every single name in the garbage
(Which, fair. Elves live a long time, the odds of there being only one Milsiril are 0% and she wasn’t all that gloomy with Kabru, and, frankly, he had bigger concerns named Laios Touden)
Ugh too much too many bits Otta’s comic includes them actually talking about his adoptive mom but without names they were SO CLOSE I am going insane
So much fanfiction
It MUST be post Kabru/Mithrun this ship is all angst and tbh the whole “desiring someone who can’t desire” is only gonna consternate Kabru for so long so once that is done I want a slice of “WAIT A FUCKING SECOND you’re the guy in the attic???????”
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leviismybby · 4 months
I saw that you said that it said Levi was popular in more ways than one…and it was right after he made that woman blush so I always assumed it was implying it meant popular with woman given the context. So I assume that’s why you hc him as not a virgin and straight? I would says it’s a fair assumption correct?
Hello anon! :))
This is the panel I was referring too haha it could mean a lot of things tbh.
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Now the reason why I think he isn't a virgin is what I took this panel as, that he was popular in the underground with women. It's also just my personal headcanons, just like why I think that he is straight, that's just a headcanon since we aren't shown anything directly in canon about Levi's sexulaitiy, I feel like poeple can interpret what he said to Zeke about being popular how they want or that it was implied when Hange asked Olou if he knew Levi's taste in women but that's on how someone interprets it.
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lydscare · 1 year
ponyboy curtis dating/relationship headcanons
warnings/notes: ponyboy is a softie; no warnings 🙌 (pony is a little insecure, though)
a/n: yooo 😃, it’s been a hot minute; sorry school drama is being a b*tch right now and has been exhausting me from writing 😭 [why do guys gotta be so immature!?] anyways, “the outsiders” hyperfixation kicked in and made me write this, enjoy!!
reader is gender-neutral / my masterlist 
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he’s a sweetie :))
he likes to calls you sunshine or hun
he LOVES taking you to watch sunsets. (he was probably watching one with you when he realized that he was in love with you–)
discussions with him can be so funny when taken out of context. they can go from goofy not too serious questions to an entire exsistensial crisis about the universe
“do crabs think we walk sideways?”
he is the first to say “i love you”
being close to him allows you to get to know his witty (and kinda smartass) side. 
he also loves being able to make you laugh with any of his sarcastic remarks
“if mr. ray gives us another homework assignment i’m to go to dally for some help.”
*yn laughing*
*ponyboy trying to hide the proudest smile on his face :))*
pony loves, loves the sound of your laugh too
it’s just comforting to him :’)
i also think that after ponyboy comes out of his shell more that he’d 100% be the type to gossip (and never get caught) mainly stuff that he heard from two-bit, dally and johnny tho/tbh
y’all can communicate with no words, (it’s honestly sometimes pretty creepy); y’know through you eyes and facial  expressions and whatnot
he learns to read you really well. your body language and everything, so he’ll know that if you’re uncomfortable and he’ll try to get you out of whatever situation as soon as possible
he gets jealous a bit (he’s a little more insecure though) but he tends to wallow quietly in loathing, giving them the stink eye and what not
you go to his track meetings, just sitting on a bench nearby. he’s so happy that you’re there and supporting him :’)
if you cheer him on loudly tho, he will sink into the floor. out of embarrassment or just being overwhelmed by your love and support, who knows? 
if you guys are walking to his house later at night (or anytime, really) and a soc car drives up next to you guys, he’ll block you from their view so you hopefully won’t get catcalled. (in general he walks on the side of the street near the curb) 
if the group of socs does catcall you from their car or make you uncomfy he’ll tell them to shove off (protective boy fr fr)
also likes to kiss you all over your face
forehead kisses <3
passing notes in class
i don’t know why but i kinda feel like he’s insecure about his smile, so please reassure him that you love him whole :’)
he’s a great listener
ends up stealing a lot of you pencils because he’s always losing them 😭
sketches u <3
random deep talks at 3 in the morning 
recommending books and movies to each other
while he reads a book you recommend to him he writes little annotations of what he thought of the book (you do this for him also) 
has defiantely drawen both of your initials in a heart 
draws on your hands, lets you draw on his
he feels happy seeing you walk around with his little drawings on your hand 🥹
people honestly think that you guys are just really close friends; which is a  fair assumption, there isn’t too much pda with him/you probably don’t do anything too sterotypically couplely in public
he’s 14 (anyone who’s 17+ and reading this, 😐 wtf–) and you’re proably the first relationship he’s ever been in, so he kinda is trying to see how it goes + is always a bit afraid he might be overstepping (at least early on in the relationship)
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pt.2 here cuz apparently i went over the word limit :'))
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thequiver · 3 months
I love your fic ‘It’s being Forgotten by someone you’d never forget’! Do you have any further thoughts on the relationship between Billy and Tommy or between Pietro and Wanda? I would love to hear them
Aweee thank you so much! That’s one of my favorites 🥰🥰🥰 I’m so glad you like it!
I do! I always have thoughts!
So I’m also going to touch a little bit on the relationship between Billy and Wanda, Tommy and Pietro, Billy and Pietro, and Tommy and Wanda because I think those are ALSO important dynamics to consider.
So we know from the canon, that Pietro isn’t particularly close to the twins (and never was tbh given the whole him and Wanda fighting thing and Wanda trying to convince him that he had to immediately forgive his cheating wife bit). I think he’s a bit unnerved still that the babies he met, who are supposed to be younger than his daughter are now somehow older and that the lack of familial connection (that drives the desire for familial connection in Tommy’s case) puts him in an awkward spot.
We know that Pietro is someone motivated by love and that he’s very very VERY family oriented, it’s one of my favorite things about him. But we also know that Pietro doesn’t really interact with Billy, and while the meta reason for that is probably editorial going “fast twin with fast twin, magic twin with magic twin”- I think there’s a very real possibility that Pietro might be trying not to insert himself into the Kaplan family. Billy HAS a loving family that accepts him as he is, and I don’t think that Pietro wants to ruin that even if he would like to be closer to his nephew. I also think that Billy and Pietro are MUCH more alike than they're often given credit or implied to be and I'd really like to see that explored more.
But in regard to Tommy, as we’ve just seen in SW&QS, Pietro “checks in” on Tommy. Now what we see is that they aren’t very close- but Pietro and Tommy are both people who have been deeply wounded by the idea family and so despite the proclaimed lack of closeness you can still plainly see the love and trust displayed between them- and it’s evidenced by the casualness of their referenced visits with Tommy mentioning that Pietro comes by to steal his snacks and Pietro speaking to Tommy about David. I think fundamentally their dynamic shows that Pietro is worried about Tommy (which….same).
The Wanda and Billy dynamic, that we have more of in canon. We know that Billy wants Wanda’s approval, that they do think of each other along mother-son lines despite the existence of the incredible Mrs. Kaplan (who I would love to see more of, stop erasing the Kaplan family please). And we see fairly consistently that Wanda prioritizes her relationship with Billy over her relationship with Tommy. And I know that some people will point out that she has more appearances with just Billy and that’s true and I’m not talking about those, I’m rather focusing on those appearances where Wanda is present with both twins.
I don’t think that Wanda is prioritizing Billy over Tommy on purpose, she’s not THAT much like her father (even if her similarities to Erik are a contributing factor to this dynamic with her children) . But I do think that part of why she does prioritize Billy over Tommy is not just that it was easier, Billy openly states that she’s his favorite Avenger, they’re both magic users, etc. but also because she’s not immune to the assumptions made about the twins because of who they look like. Wanda and Pietro for all their closeness and codependency, DO have more than their fair share of issues, and while they’re still close their closeness has decreased over the years due to things like Pietro’s refusal to talk to her because of Vision, Wanda choosing Crystal in the cheating reveal, Wanda’s general greater willingness to tolerate their father, etc. Now I don’t think that Wanda is consciously aware that she’s keeping her distance from Tommy, nor do I think that she’s aware that any distance she’s keeping might have to do with her lingering Pietro issues or negative assumptions that she may have internalized from others (there IS a more popular twin and we all know it), but I DO think it’s a contributing factor.
Tommy, Tommy DESPERATELY wants Wanda’s love. ToM may have been a HOT MESS, but that panel of Tommy staring at Wanda with tears in his eyes, going “Mommy?” Lives RENT FREE IN MY HEAD. I think that Tommy on some level is aware that he and Wanda are probably ever going to have what Wanda and Billy have, but I think he’s ALSO aware that he needs that more than Billy does. We know next to nothing about the Shepherds, but what we do know of Tommy’s past doesn’t paint a very positive picture. Tommy, I think, is very aware of the disparity between him and Billy. Tommy, more so than Billy, is, in my opinion, aware of the privilege that Billy has. Privilege that exists not just in terms of the wealth that the Kaplans have, but in the love that exists there. And Tommy WANTS to be loved SO BADLY.
Tommy wants to be loved SO BADLY, that he lived with Master Pandemonium because the old man was kind to him. And much like Pietro, Tommy is ALSO fueled by love and a desire for family, it’s just that Tommy isn’t quite as jaded as his uncle (yet). Wanda is also a character who wants to be loved, she wants to experience kindness and tries to sow kindness where she can- but she’s just not close enough to Tommy to see through the superficial parallels and realize that HE’S much more similar to her personality wise than most would assume.
Billy, and I love Billy please don’t get me wrong, Billy…..isn’t always the most observant about things that aren’t about Billy. I say this with love, he can be a bit single minded at times. And he’s been more resistant to he and Tommy being family than Tommy has, and I think that plays a huge role in their dynamic. Where Tommy, is ride or die for who he considers to be his twin, this brother he always wants to be there for, and who he wants to assume will always be there for him. And where Billy, is…..not as focused on that relationship, and because he prioritizes Billy (not a bad thing, just a factor of their relationship), Tommy is sort of pushed aside and left to fend for himself.
With Wanda and Pietro things are more even for sure, from their intro they’ve been established as twins and were raised together, no weird Mephisto shit here- which gives them a much more unified idea of what their relationship is. I do think that part of their dynamic includes the idea that Wanda can and does feel more free to forgive and to be trusting because she knows that if something happens, Pietro is going to fuck shit up. And we know that Wanda will also fuck shit up for Pietro, although we’ve seen this less as the years go on.
One of the biggest issues I see with the dynamic between Pietro and Wanda- is that both twins want/need the other to care for them more like how they care for others. Wanda reacts better to quiet care while Pietro basically needs you to smack him in the face with it. But what we get is Wanda giving Pietro quiet care that can feel to him like neglect or forgetfulness, and Pietro basically smothering Wanda in his care and love because that’s how he loves all consumingly.
But Wanda is also kind of…..possessive almost of Pietro’s care and attention? When she needs it and when she admits that she needs/wants it she isn’t always too keen on sharing that attention. I think a LOT about how the House of M didn’t have Luna in it…..
And Wanda knows of course, that she can be as mean as she wants to Pietro and he’ll still be there - and there’s on some level a bit of taking him for granted that comes with that. She’s much better at establishing boundaries with him than he is with her and it’s something that we do see come to bite Pietro in the ass, even if he doesn’t regret it. Wanda can’t express her temper to anyone but Pietro, and Pietro’s temper is a cautionary tale that shows her WHY she can’t because it results in his competitive isolation and friendless state.
Pietro believes that his role is to be his sisters’ keeper and that they are more valuable than him. And I think one of the really cool things about Tommy, is that while he cares about Billy, he doesn’t believe that.
But uh yeah….. Hope you enjoyed the word salad
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helluva-dump · 10 months
Yeah I think I am officially done with the Helluva boss critical community… for good.
Before you guys flip your shit and accuse me of being a Stan, let me explain.
So I deleted my tumblr app and decided just to refreshen my mind and focus on other things. (Like my art, my own possible indie project, ect ) and being away for a while… it kind of made me realize how much of the critical community was becoming too much for my mental health.
Originally, I joined because season 2 disappointed with season 2, didn’t like how Vivziepop retconned things like the pilot, the possible workplace allegations, and of course… the fandom being super toxic as hell work promoting toxic positivity.
But holy shit…. Somehow the critical community is even worse than the fandom.
Like I swear nobody talks about what’s wrong with this community. I’ve seen blogs have such an unhealthy hatred to Viv where they post nonstop about her… it’s insane. Like when making account names “wah I hate Vivziepop”
Now don’t get me wrong, I don’t think all critical blogs act like this. I do in fact still follows few, only thing is the ones I follow don’t constantly whine and bitch all the time and actually do critique. And these reblogs I follow just do AUs, rewrites, and redesigns which to me I will always see as harmless fun since that’s what I wanna do.
As for the other half of criticals…. Hell, these people legit get mad and share screenshots making fun of fans with different opinions. Like, bruh, didn’t you guys get angry at stans for doing that to y’all? You guys are literally doing the exact same thing. And no I’m not talking about sharing screenshots of toxic fans that attack former employees and make excuses for a questionable workplace…. But like they’ll just mock fans that didn’t do anything bad.
I’m all for critiquing a fandom and there are Stans that have such an unhealthy parasocial relationships with Viv… but somehow I see people acting the same with their unhealthy hate obsession. Literally going through her IG and bitching and moaning…
Seeing people making assumptions about her and Gooseworks with the glitch x as well as Tracy just shows me how unhealthy this hate is becoming.
Yes, Viv and Tracy had a bit of a heated thing on Twitter. However, I don’t think it’s fair to assume she’s this evil evil hellspawn that’s plotting to destory glitch x. “She’s kissing ass to goodeworks with her fake smile” dude she’s probably a fan of their works, you really don’t know that.
Also, while I’m aware of the allegations concerning Salem (who I hope really recovers and they did really make this episode the best IMO)… it’s probably not fair to assume all employees get treated the same way… the only people that seem to know what went down are Erin, Ken, Salem, and Ashley Nicolas. Do I think the workplace abuse is possible? Yes, it’s why I haven’t bought any merch.
BUT the reason why I don’t like to discuss things like this is because half of the other stuff seems like flimsy evidence besides Salem’s vents. And I think it’s a bit risky to spread such misinformation and make assumptions. (One blog I’ve seen had so many anons sharing rumors and just go along with them which to me is dangerous…)
Like when the new episode aired, unlike everyone else, I actually loved it. This recent episode was so great it’s what I wanna see more of for Helluva boss. But eh… I noticed some haters bitch for the sake of it. Now, some of the critiques aren’t too bad, I did notice some flaws and I understand the concerns for salem. But like other half it’s just bitching for the sake of it…
Also I heard rumors how the deranged stalker fan of Fizz is a parody of critical blogs… tbh I highly doubt that because that trope always existed in cartoons (like Aggrestuko had one too) but considering a good chunk of “criticals” have a hate boner for viv, can you blame some fans for thinking that?
I really don’t like how the critical community became the anti community. Because not every critical person is an anti, I don’t even wanna fuck with that shit and I don’t ever wanna resort to that.
Hell, they drove one critical blog I loved away… over a bad miscommunication.🙃 and that blog was right, you don’t wanna make friends with this community with how some toxic people are.
Also I’ve been drawing a lot of Hazbin hotel stuff for my Heaven AU and it reminded me why I enjoyed Vivziepop’s ideas and stories so much. It somehow was helping me take edge away from my mental health.
I think it’s possible to still be a fan without labeling yourself as a stan or anti. That’s why I made this blog for. I was so worn out by the toxic positivity of the fandom, so this is my comfort space. But now I need to cut the critical community away since it’s now full of toxic negativity.
And as I said, I do plan to make an indie cartoon series and I feel like being part of this critical community is NOT gonna make me professional on my end. That being said, I don’t like Viv as she said things that rubbed me the wrong way BUT I’m not gonna let that kill my joy for Hazbin hotel.(and Helluva boss to an extent) I do think she has good ideas and they CAN work but she does need more writers than animators to help her execute them.
That’s why I’m only a bit more excited for Hazbin hotel lately
Now I’m not angry at anyone who followed me. I just wanna make some boundaries, and that being said, I’m still gonna critique both shows. However, I’m just gonna tag these posts as HH/HB critiques than HH/HB critical for now on. I feel like that’s more professional and more genuine if you wanna share opinions on stuff.
Just wanna get this off my chest, it’s what I wanted to express for a while.
And if fans come across this blog, don’t be afraid to interact I won’t bite. Everyone has their different opinions. I only have an issue with Stans that promote toxic positivity and dismiss employees that were treated badly is all.
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beepiesheepie · 11 months
road rage headcanons
note i am going in with the assumption they know how to. If they have a license is up in the air (they probably dont)
Scout: My boy grew up in Boston, we have the worst fucking roads on the planet. Go ahead and google worst cities to drive in in the US Boston and Worcester will be in the top 5, trust me. Therefore Scout is a terrible driver. He tailgates, leans out the window to shout at people, middle finger all the time, slashes tires and breaks windows, etc etc. He's also just bad at driving. I think his first instinct when road rage takes over is to slam his palm on the horn and lean out his window and scream, even if he's driving, even if he's on the highway. Also he goes like 100 mph and passes people and doesnt use his turn signal.
Soldier: He also cant fucking drive, helmet covering his eyes or not. He's a generally jolly guy while driving though, just dont take him into cities. He will HATE waiting at lights. If he gets honked it, its all over for you, he will get out and grab you through the window by the neck.
Pyro: I dont think Pyro gets road rage all that often tbh, they're a calm driver. Sure the pyroland mask probably influences their choices and what they see but they're overall chill. Don't let them have access to under the car's hood though. Don't.
Demoman: He's nervous about driving, since he has one eye and he's destined sooner or later to become blind, also he's often drunk, so he usually lets other people drive. But if he's ever cut off and misses his exit on these shite american roads, or the shit maps and constant km to miles conversions gets to him, he will shout one big loud shout and then everyone in the car shuts up. if he's drunk he'll start sobbing and hating himself and then oh no the car is in a ditch
Heavy: You don't want to see Heavy mad. When Heavy is mad on the road, he will force the person who fucked with him to pull over and as they're screaming at him he will combine his fists and then slam them onto the car's hood so hard it's almost in half, then leave the guy there and get back in the car. He also shouts one big loud shout and everyone in the car shuts up.
Engineer: Man is also a quiet angry, but he plays the long game, he's more sneaky about it. He will use a device to fuck up someone's car without them knowing, offer to help them, then through his godlike engineering skills the car will do some unimaginable horror the second it starts up and he will drive away laughing. He isn't as skilled with the one big shout that heavy and demo are, so he'll be patient and wait until they're out of the car to fuck up Scout whoever was being loud and obnoxious in his car.
Medic: Does what Engie does, but to the person instead of the car. He also doesn't care if it's broad daylight in the middle of a city he'll just rearrange their skeleton right then and there then speed away. Average tuesday for him tbh. and also unlike Engie when he's done he'll be his usual cheerful happy giggly self right after as if it didnt happen. I think it'd take a lot to make him mad, cause he brushes it off by going 'im too amazing and sexy and beautiful for this shit'. He also HATES american roads, and hates having to constantly do km to mph conversions and drive on the wrong side
Sniper: He's the most chill i think, but he has definitely killed someone on the side of a road in the middle of nowhere and then left their body there. It takes a fair bit to give him road rage. When he does he just, follows. He's a patient man he'll get his revenge. I can also see him leaning out the window and giving the finger while shouting 'WANKA' though.
Spy: He does Medic's 'im too beautiful and sexy for this' but to a higher extreme. He's tooootally above road rage, toooootally. He toootally didnt leave a body on the side of the road and they still havent been found to this day, nope. His car is also expensive as hell, so no one touches him on the road for fear of having to pay damages on it.
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splashesdarling · 7 days
tbh it never sat well with me how fandom was making jokes about louis "so clearly suffering" because he has to dom in the bedroom and how he was sexually repulsed by armand. some of these takes were coming from people in the fandom who prided themselves on calling out racism, but had no problem contributing to gross, desexualized stereotypes about brown men. or writing louis as the type of person who would degrade his own partner because he wants to be topped by his masculine white ex. all while fandom glosses over the dubcon of 1x06 with him disassociating during sex with lestat.
i also didn't forget that when a black blogger called out these jokes for being distasteful, those same fans got defensive and proceeded to double down on why louis wasn't attracted to armand and never even loved him? like wtf is this? do some people in this fandom realize they can call out the abusive and harmful behavior of characters without making up bullshit?
Yeah, I think it's a mix of general fandom bullshit (aka: 'this ship threatens/takes away screentime from my otp so i'll put it down', etc.) and racism/anti-blackness mixed in, in addition to a general unwillingness to acknowledge that gay men are not always strictly tops or bottoms.
The idea that Louis is not attracted to/turned on by Armand has always been weird to me, because the show both tells ("You felt my lust?") and shows us that Louis and Armand are both majorly into each other. Likewise, the idea that Louis never loved him and only got with him to protect Claudia/was coerced into a sexual/romantic relationship with him doesn't make sense with what the show gave us - Louis doesn't tell Armand what he wants to hear ("If it's not a companionship, what is it?"), keeps undermining their relationship/Armand's Maitre role in front of the coven ("You don't understand the danger I risk every night for you. How that danger compounds with every slight."), Armand advises him to leave Paris when the coven starts to turn on him but Louis insists he's staying ("You should think to leave." "No. I'm staying in Paris. With you.") - Not exactly the words or actions of someone just sticking it out for the sake of protection, if that's all it was he would have played along with what Armand wanted/told him what he wanted to hear, and he would have jumped at the chance to leave Paris with Claudia when she said she wasn't happy/Armand threatened her/Armand outright told him to leave.
And yeah, you're also right that if people are going to claim their whole relationship, or at the least their first time together was dubcon, then yes they need to acknowledge Louis being depressed about the state of his relationship with Lestat to the point he's not into/disassociating during sex is also dubcon - 'He clearly doesn't want it! He's just going along with it because he's afraid Lestat will beat him and harm Claudia again!'. Fair's fair.
As for people just making stuff up because they don't like Louis and Armand's dynamic? Well, Louis seemed to be more of a bottom in his relationship with Lestat to people (even though Lestat's cheeky: "It's ok. You can be on top" line suggests they probably switch), therefore Louis topping Armand must be 'uncomfortable' for him 🙄. Plus, if they like the idea of Louis as a bottom, his topping Armand probably comes off as off-putting to them and unnatural, because it's not the role they want to see Louis in.
But you know what's weird to me? The assumption that Louis is always topping Armand - I guess people don't realise that just because someone is a dom doesn't automatically mean they always top. I mean, you know some heterosexual women are doms? Do you think they're always grabbing the strap-on? No. More power to the ones that do, but it's not all of them and certainly not all of the time.
Now, there is something to be said for how the show handled Louis and Armand's bdsm dynamic, namely that it's wildly unnegotiated and the idea just kind of gets thrown out there without any exploration into it - which was my main issue with them going down the path they did. However, being able to acknowledge a failure in how the show should have given this dynamic more time and focus to be fleshed out and explored does not excuse how some have just taken it to spread harmful racist and anti-black sentiments - as in: 'Louis' an aggressive sex pervert black monster!' and 'Armand's a sexless, undesirable brown loser!'.
That kind of thinking is not only offensive but harmful too, but sadly a lot of people in this fandom have shown their bias and prejudice when it comes to race, both conscious and unconscious. And many are also unwilling to self-reflect or acknowledge that they're being racist and/or anti-black because apparently it's more offensive to call out this thinking/behaviour than stopping to ask yourself: 'wait, are they right? And how can I fix that going forward'.
My advice - speak your mind/call it out when you see it, filter tags, and, if necessary, just block users that are egregious with it.
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atiny-piratequeen · 1 year
𝑩𝒆𝒂𝒖𝒕𝒚 𝑳𝒆𝒂𝒗𝒆𝒔 𝑪𝒉.𝟓 (𝑷.𝑺𝒉)
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✧.*Summary  ✧.*-Due to olden traditions, you’re sent off to be a sacrifice to an unseen beast on an island far from home. You’re not exactly the one to go down without a fight and you promise when you get yourself out of this situation, you’re going back for revenge.
After an encounter in the ocean and arriving on the island in question, you collect yourself and begin making preparations to get yourself off of this island.
All while being watched over by a pair of unfamiliar, narrowed emerald eyes.
✧.*Pairing  ✧.*-Siren!Park Seonghwa x Fem!Reader
✧.*Genres  ✧.*-Angst, Romance, Smut, Action, Fantasy, Survival, Slight Horror Elements, Hurt/Comfort, Revenge, Siren AU, Monster AU, Enemies to Lovers
✧.*TWs  ✧.*-Guilt, Intimidation, Stabbing, Blood, Biting, Pregnancy (Oh Look, the Consequences to our actions-)
✧.*Sws ✧.* - Creampie, Chase Kink, Cunnilingus, Breeding Kink (Yall look what all that stuffed poosi did-), Double Penetration, Monster Anatomy (Double Cocks), Scent Kink, Fingering
✧.*Rating  ✧.*- Explicit (18+)-Minors DNI
✧.*WC  ✧.*-+ 11.9k
✧.*Previous Chapter
✧.*Next Chapter
✧.*A/N  ✧.*This was originally a 3k+ paid commission thanks to the lovely @jacksons-goddess-gaia​​ but I loved the idea so much that I decided to make this into a short series! Thank you again for allowing me to turn your comm into something of a bigger scale and I hope you and everyone else also likes this little series! Just a note of warning, the ending of this series does have a pretty dark ending so please be mindful of the tws of each respective chapter (tbh I don’t think its any darker than the shit I make yall suffer through write anyway but just a fair warning, you are not ending this as any kind of pacifist lol)
✧.*Series Playlist ✧.* (I keep fidling with this one so dont be surprised if songs are added lmao)
✧.*  AO3 | Ataraxia Info| Taglist Form | Commission Sheet  ✧.*    
✧.*  ©atiny-piratequeen. do not repost, translate, or use my works. Minors DNI✧.*
✧.*Network Pings- @kwritersworld | @kdiarynet | @k-vanity
Divider Cr.- @benkeibear (tysm ily)
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“It’s time to wake up, my love.” 
You feel lips against your head and grumble, tucking yourself firmly against the warmth pressed against your cheek. There’s a deep chuckle that rattled your bones and for a moment, you are under the wrong assumption that you’d be able to go back to sleep. 
Instead, you’re lifted clean up, and your eyes snap open, large and silver as you scramble to hold onto the giant so rudely mocking you with his dumbass handsome face. 
“Good morning, Y/n.” 
You stare at him, unimpressed, and for a moment you lament not being able to shift into your SeaBorn form at will. You’d found slapping Seonghwa with your tail was surpiringly effective when it came to him teasing you. 
You could only do it when wet, though. 
For now. 
Speaking of wet, you blush feeling a distinct wetness run down between your legs, reminding you of last night's messy love making. You huff, crossing your arms as Seonghwa held you up off the ground. 
“How wrong are you going to hold me up?” 
Seonghwa looked at you for a moment in confusion before he chuckled. 
You arch a brow. 
“Yes, you’re wrong.” 
He shook his head, gently, touching your lips. 
“You’re still getting used to your new language. Here, follow me.” 
Seonghwa repeated the sentence and you flush, realizing your clicks had, in fact, been off. You’d come a long way since you and him mated a week ago, but you still found yourself stuttering over your clicks or holding down a note too long occasionally as you spoke to him. 
As flustered as it made you, Seonghwa found your pattern of speech rather cute, calmly helping you every time you stumbled. 
He’d actually been pleasantly surprised when he found out you wanted to talk to him only in your new language, and for the first three days after you’d mated, you couldn’t understand a damn word he was saying. 
Seonghwa had been surprised by how adamant you had been to understand, fumbling through your tones and hums until he’d perked midday through the third day, hearing you call to him and ask him for a kiss because you were frustrated. 
The look on your face when you’d gotten the desired kiss all but made him fall in love all over with you again.
“I dod it!”
“‘Did’ it, baby.”
“I did it!”
Back to the present, Seonghwa walked you to the beach, the salty air blowing his bangs as he looked out at the ocean. You look up at him and then follow his gaze. 
“...Wanna go tell Hongjoong the good news?”
You don’t miss the way he perked, his eyes lightening, excited as he nodded. You kiss him, cupping his jaw lightly before he walked you to the water.
“Remember, don’t panic. I have you, and I won’t let you drown. Ever.” He assured you. You smile and kiss him gently. 
You hadn’t gotten the hang of holding your breath quite yet. Seonghwa had assured you the more you did it, the longer you’d be able to do it, and you’d be able to talk freely as well. 
For now, all of your focus usually went into not panicking while underwater. 
Seonghwa waited until you were ready and gently waded into the water, holding you bridal style so your legs would shift, the dark grey speckles of your legs stretching up to your torso, a thick, rather smooth tail forming. Seonghwa ran his fingers up the speckles, smiling to himself despite the shiver that ran through your body at the intimate touch. 
“Sorry, I got distracted. Let’s begin. If you do well, we’ll go down and visit Hongjoong.” 
You smile and nod, floating vertically with your head above the water as Seonghwa let you go. You drifted a bit from him before gently keeping yourself in place, your hips working gently as you watched his tail slap the surface in his usual fashion. 
You feel his hand lace into yours and dive in, smiling as he pulled you lower. 
The water is pleasantly cool, but you find yourself marvelling at Seonghwa’s tail. 
While yours was a simple grey, dotted with different colored splotches, and much rounder and thicker than his, Seonghwa’s tail had definitely gained some color since you both had mated. 
Before his tail was a simple, yet elegant ombre of platinum and gold, now it held many intricate designs and colors along the expanse. 
Thick, brown stripes started along the midway point of his tail, with beautiful orange and yellow dots speckling the space along the stripes, all the way down to his tail, which was a contrasting black with a single, distinct electric blue stripe going along the tips of his tail fin. 
You found yourself mesmerized by the upper half of his tail, which was the same electric blue as the tips of his tail, a series of mesmerizing (and sometimes glowing) platinum rings drawing your gaze directly to him. 
He smiled at you and swam backwards, encouraging you to follow after him, and you clumsily do so before you get into the groove again. 
The two of you swim in tandem, twirling around one another, swimming through reefs and enjoying each other. Seonghwa didn’t rush you, and instead waited until you took your breaths before continuing. Each time, he’d keep you for longer and longer, encouraging you with clicks and words of affirmations. 
After the fith dive, you hear a loud, distinct bellow that drew your attention. 
“My, look at this.” 
You look down and find Hongjoong casually circling you, his expression interested as he eyed your tail. You smile and wave at him. 
He blinked before chuckling and swimming closer, greeting Seonghwa with a gentle nudge. 
“Hello, Y/n. You’re learning the language a lot quicker than any human I’ve ever met, besides myself. How are you handling swimming?”
You purse your lips, frowning for a moment. 
“I still can’t stay underwater indefinitely.” 
He chuckled and crossed his arms. 
“You wouldn’t be able to, anyway. It’s the Landling in you. We are Reborns. Humans turned Seaborn. We have to come up for air eventually. It's just a matter of perfecting closing down one breathing system and using the other.”
You blink slightly and tilt your head at him. 
“‘We’ have to? Hongjoong? Were you also-”
“A story for another day, but yes. I was.” There’s something…dark in his eyes the moment you mention him previously being a human, and you immediately decide it’s none of your business to pry. 
Hongjoong seemed to appreciate you not doing so, and in an instant, you watch his eyes lighten back up as he looked at Seonghwa. 
“You’re doing a wonderful job, Angelfish.” 
Seonghwa’s scales tinted pink for a moment before he coughed and looked away bashfully. Both you and Hongjoong noticed immediately, matching grins on your faces. 
“Cute~” You both chirrup. 
“Oh oceans no, please don’t start ganging up on me” Seonghwa immediately half heartedly complained. You laugh, raising yourself to the surface for a fresh breath of air with both of the men trailing behind you. 
When your head surfaces, you find its night out, the stars twinkling in the sky as a crescent moon illuminated the surface of the water. 
The three of you don’t say a word, simply bobbing in the water as you enjoy each other’s company. Seonghwa kissed the top of your head, a calm smile on his face as he hugged you close to his body. 
“I think it’s about time she meets the others, don’t you?” Hongjoong inquired sometime a while later. You hadn’t even realized you’d been nodding off, your head resting on Seonghwa’s chest as he held you from behind to keep you from drifting. 
Seonghwa let out a nervous laugh that made your head perk up. 
“I’ll call them, Wooyoung probably will need to be warmed up first.” 
You frown and turn your head to look at his expression. His eyes were tinged white around the edges, something you’d never seen before. 
Was he…afraid?
“Who is Wooyoung?” You quietly speak up, reminding both of the men that you were not only right there, but able to understand them through the bouncy notes and hums of their conversation. 
Seonghwa looked at you and gently rubbed your hips. 
“He’s our best friend. One of them.” 
You purse your lips. 
“So why do you look afraid?” 
Hongjoong chuckled quietly. 
“Because he’s worried Wooyoung might not exactly take it kindly knowing you stabbed Seonghwa and nearly killed him.” he answered honestly.
You feel the weight of the world slam into you. Your lips part and you find yourself unable to speak. It hadn’t came up again since you’d dragged Seonghwa to the ocean to save his life. You glance at him again, and Seonghwa doesn’t respond, staring at the dark inky waves as he held your hips, the cogs in his head turning quickly. 
“What…what exactly does ‘not take kindly’ mean?” You ask slowly, putting your hand over Seonghwa’s. Hongjoong clicked his tongue, floating past both of you, looking at the sky. 
“Do you want to tell her?” He looked at Seonghwa but the SeaBorn simply shuddered and kissed your head. 
“It’ll be fine. I’ll talk to him tonight using the resonance stone.” He muttered. You could smell his scent, tinged with anxiety and fear, and press yourself back into his chest more to comfort him as much as you could. Even though you had no idea what was going on. 
Hongjoong hummed and gently flicked his tail hard enough to send both of you drifting to the left. Seonghwa sent him a curious look before Hongjoong waved his hand dismissively. 
“Go to sleep. I’ll check back on you both tomorrow.” He encouraged before he dove down, disappearing into the dark waters. Seonghwa took your hand and guided you to the shore, carrying you once you got there. 
You cup his chin and kiss his cheek several times until you make him turn his gaze down to you. When he does, you steal a kiss from his lips. 
“I really am sorry I hurt you.” You whisper. He nodded.
“I’ve long since stopped being angry and hurt about it. You were scared and defending yourself.” 
You nod and then gently press your forehead together with his. 
“I’ll explain myself to this friend of yours. Even if they yell at me, I deserve it. So don’t look so sad. We were having such a wonderful day, tomorrow will be the same.” You encourage and Seonghwa sighed, closing his eyes for a moment. 
You had no idea the beast of a man that Wooyoung was, but Seonghwa would undoubtedly handle the man’s ire first that way you could meet everyone worry-free. 
It’ll be fine. 
When he opened his eyes again, they were back to their normal emerald, and he gently walked you back to camp, settling you in your bed. Since you couldn’t hold your breath as long as Hongjoong could, you still preferred to sleep on land and Seonghwa didn’t mind accommodating you. 
You find yourself drifting once more against his neck and he gently sung, soft, airy notes swirling through your mind. Seonghwa rubbed the space between your shoulders, kneading out any tension his fingers found there. 
“Just rest. Tomorrow I’ll make a big breakfast for us.” He promised. You smile and let the embrace of sleep pull you under. 
For the briefest of moments, you feel as if you’re being watched by the sky itself, but you pay it no mind and drift off.
.·:*¨¨* ≈☆≈ *¨¨*:·.
Something warm began to rouse you from your sleep the next morning. There are undeniable puffs of air blowing directly onto your face, and while tinged with the scent of amber, you couldn’t help the way the hair at the back of your neck stood on end. 
You should wake up. 
The moment you hear a growl, your eyes fly open, and in an instant, you’re greeted with a mass of hair, a GIANT canine standing over you with blazing, molten eyes that looked like fire peering out at you past their undeniably bear-esque face. 
You stare up at them in horror, your voice caught in your throat. The canine doesn’t move from their spot above you, though you watch where you assume the ears are under all of that fur twitch and rotate, listening. They raised their head, looking North East before looking back at you, letting out a bark that rattled your bones. 
You scream and scramble up to your feet, grabbing your knife in a hurry, but the dog made a snap at your heels, and you decide running is much more viable for you in this moment. 
“SEOGNGHWA” You scream, rushing into the trees with the giant dog on your heels. Every time you moved to make a turn and shake them off, they threw their massive body in that direction, howling and barking and forcing you to pivot in the opposite direction. 
Had you had been a bit of a calmer mind, you’d realized this demon dog was much faster than you, and seemed to be corralling you in whichever direction they wanted you to go in. 
You, however, are not of a calm mind, and keep running for your life, screaming Seonghwa’s name, panic flooding into your system when you realize he hadn’t came for you yet. 
Above you, the sky is blotted out for a brief moment as something humongous flew overhead, obscuring the sun for a few seconds before it was gone, also heading in the direction you were running in. There’s the sound of a primal roar that vibrates the air. 
You pay none of that any mind, nearly tripping over your own feet as you catch a root on your ankle. The dog grabbed your dress in their jaws and spun their body, nearly hurling you in the direction you were running in. Surprisingly, the maneuver doesn’t tear your dress, and you keep sprinting after the close call, finally breaking the treeline. 
Seriously, where the fuck is Seonghwa?!
“SEONG-”You stop yourself, eyes wide as you finally see your lover. 
Your stomach drops in an instant. 
He’s being held above the water of the ocean by his throat, a different man staring at him with an unimpressed look in his eyes. They were glowing a shifting deep purple and blue. 
In an instant, all of your fear melted away, your claws elongating and your eyes bleeding red. Seonghwa looked in your direction, and threw his hands up. 
“Y/n, wait, no!”
You don’t heed his words, rushing over, tossing the sheath to your knife away, your feet moving faster than they did even with the dog on your heels.
You don’t ask questions, driving and twisting the knife hard into the man’s back, throwing your body between them as much as you could and biting down on his forearm, tearing the skin and crunching down on bone. 
Seonghwa paled and the man hardly flinched, his gaze, once fixed on Seonghwa’s face, now snapped down to you. 
You don’t back down, your nose scrunched as you lock your jaw, biting harder. His blood runs down between your lips, into your mouth. You ignore all of it, glaring hateful daggers at the unmoving and infuriatingly smug looking man. 
“So. You’re the mate, hm?” 
“Wooyoung, listen to me, calm down.”
You don’t hear anything but the blood rushing through your own ears. Wooyoung smiled at you, but you can see a wild look in his eyes as he cocked his head ever so slightly to the left. 
“Is this how you did it? Did you stab him the same way here? Or was it a little higher? How about to the left? Mm? Hit any organs? How about we try again? I don’t quite feel like I’m getting the full experience, little seal woman. Though, the bite is certainly new.” 
You hear a bark from somewhere behind you and Seonghwa reached to touch your head and try and push you off. 
“Y/n, baby, my angel please I’m begging you, let go. You’re making it worse.” He genuinely looked terrified, his eyes pale platinum as he glanced at you and Wooyoung.
“No, no, Seonghwa. Let her do what she wants. I’m finding out every little thing I need to know here.”  
You hesitate and Wooyoung’s arm flexes in your mouth, in a moment, he lets Seonghwa go, grabbing your jaw and leaning into your face. 
“I don’t take too kindly to having harm fall upon my loved ones. So, what should I do, seal woman? I’m facing a dilemma.” He sighed dramatically, ignoring Seonghwa’s rapidly protesting and trying to separate you both. 
Suddenly, he perked, looking at the tall SeaBorn for a moment. 
“My, that was a dangerous thought, Park Seonghwa. Were you thinking of biting me too? Putting your fist through my chest? Are you sure that’s what you want to do here?” 
Seonghwa froze and you frown. He hadn’t said anything threatening. Hadn’t even moved. But the look on his face told you everything you needed to know. 
Who is this guy?
Instantly, purple and blue eyes are back on you, as deep as the night sky, speckled with stars. 
What is this guy?
“Jung Wooyoung. Eldritch god. Any other questions? I’d be careful, if I were you. I’m not sure how much of my blood you’ve consumed~ Who knows what could happen to you consuming the blood of a god like this.” He teased. 
You let go in an instant, and everything hit you in an instant, horror crossing your face. 
This was the friend, the one Hongjoong mentioned. You look at Seonghwa and he looked distraught, reaching for you. Wooyoung narrowed his gaze, and a barrier instantly separated him from the two of you. 
“Haven’t I let you do whatever you want for too long, dear Hyung?” He inquired, though the honorific sounded more like teasing venom with his tone of voice. Seonghwa locked his jaw, red bleeding into his pale eyes as anger began to swell in him. 
“Wooyoung, that’s enough.” 
“Is it? You nearly die, don’t call me even once to save you, and now you think the person responsible can suffer no consequences? When you fell, did you crack your head, perhaps? I gave each and every one of you a resonance stone and instead of it being anywhere near you for a case of emergency, where is it? Hm?” He turned his gaze to you, and you shrink back from the overwhelming pressure coming from him as he looked at the peridot earring dangling from your ear. 
“I was hoping you’d help protect her from harm in case I wasn’t enough.” 
“Protect her? She almost killed you.” 
“The spider almost killed me. The toxins would have killed me before I bled out.” 
Wooyoung looks infuriated, turning his head in an instant. 
“And WHO could have avoided all of that if he’d just called me? Are you out of your mind, Park Seonghwa? Do I need to remind you of how important you are to m-”
You can see he’s about to lay into him, and before you can think, you reach out, grabbing his face and forcing his head back to look at you. 
“I’m sorry. Whatever it is, I’ll take responsibility, just…please, enough of this. My mate is upset and I hate this. You think I don’t already feel horrible for what I did? I did then and I do now, every time I see him, I see the scars he got from that day and it won’t go away, it never will. But that doesn’t mean I don’t love him. So whatever it is that you’re going to do, whatever punishment you feel I need or deserve for it, just do it already so I can go back into his arms. This has been a very long and fucking chaotic morning.” You speak a mile a minute and Wooyoung stared at you with a half lidded look once more. 
“So, you’ll die? Because that’s what I deem appropriate for hurting one of my seven.” He answered flatly, all emotion gone from his voice. You hear a bark again, and a different noise that sounds like a growl, but you don't tear your eyes away from Wooyoung. Seonghwa pounded on the barrier, frantic and enraged. 
You feel his killing intent, but don’t look away from him. 
“If that’s what you think I deserve. Just make sure he’s not hurt.” 
Seonghwa’s voice nearly breaks from the sheer rage in his voice as he slammed on the barrier, and for a moment, you think you hear a crack. Wooyoung looked into your eyes for a long moment before looking down at your stomach, cold fingertips pressing against your abdomen. A thoughtful hum left his lips. Seonghwa’s enraged voice grew louder. 
Wooyoung looked up, meeting your unwavering gaze. You were terrified, but you didn’t back down. A long pause stretched between the two of you.
Then, he chuckled. 
“Welcome to The Fold, Seal.” 
He snapped his fingers, and in an instant, you feel the world rush by. Colors and scents whirl past you until-
-you jolt upright, heart hammering. You’re back in your hut. 
…what were you doing?
Seonghwa startled from beside you, and the moment you lay eyes on him, you burst into tears, kissing and embracing him tightly. 
“Y/n? Why are you crying, my love?” He inquired. You open your mouth to ask him if he was alright after seeing…who, again? 
Why are you crying? 
Seonghwa looked at you, checking your head, your face, and your neck for any injuries. You relax the moment you feel his touch, putting your hand over his. 
“I guess I had a bad dream. I’m okay as long as you are.” You kiss his nose and smile. He sniffed gently, making sure you weren’t hurt before he kissed you deeply, hovering over you. 
You run your fingers down his abdomen, smiling at the way he rumbled and shuddered into the kiss. Seonghwa’s scales turned pink around the edges of his eyes and he smiled. 
“Oh? Is this how you want to start your morning?” He purred, pressing his hips down and grinding between your legs. You smile and thread your fingers through his hair, intending on pulling him into a kiss when a bone-shaking bark drew a loud scream out of you. 
Instantly both of you jolt up and Seonghwa looked perplexed for a moment, standing and sticking his head out of the hut. 
It took a brief second before a black and red blur tackled him back into it. You scream again, reaching for your knife and then frowning when you note it definitely wasn’t where you’d left it last. 
When the hell did it get so far from you?
You turn your head to the sound of your mate's voice, and in an instant, you relax when you hear Seonghwa laughing.
Your gaze falls upon this massive mass of black and crimson fur. They appeared to be a canine, and you got the confirmation when they licked Seonghwa’s face, nudging his hand until he began roughly rustling and ruffling their fur. 
“Y…Yunho?” You parrot, slowly coming closer, the knife forgotten. Yunho turned his head towards you and keened. 
“This is one of my best friends. What are you doing here?” Seonghwa inquired. Yunho wagged his tail, sitting straight. You were amazed at his massive form, and you nearly forgot to wave in greeting to the canine. 
“Wooyoung said we had to meet your partner.” Yunho spoke despite his form. Seonghwa paused, and you could smell the twinge of anxiety in his scent. 
“Oh, please. Just come outside, we made this feast for you and it's going to be eaten completely the longer we wait.” 
You hear a voice seemingly coming from the sky and Yunho made a gruff keen before turning himself around and lowering himself, seemingly waiting for you both to get on his back. 
“Yunho, I’m too big to be riding-”
You jolt as Yunho let out a dramatic yowl, slamming his weight playfully against Seonghwa and nearly knocking him over. Seonghwa caught himself and sent him a scandalous look. 
“Fine!” He huffed and turned to you, smiling sweetly and picking you up. He kissed your nose and raised you high, setting you carefully on Yunho’s shoulders. He rumbled and you smile, gently scratching his ears. He radiated warmth, but he wasn’t uncomfortably hot to the touch. Seonghwa mounted him next, wrapping his arms around your waist. Yunho rumbled and stood up to his full height. 
If you weren’t tightly clenching your thighs to keep yourself in place, you're sure you’d fall right off. Falling from this height would hurt like a bitch.
Was Yunho as tall as Seonghwa on all fours like this? Was he taller? 
"Hold on, I'm going to go fast." He warned before he walked outside. Seonghwa tightened his grip on you, kissing your head before Yunho broadened his stance and took off like a shot. 
You let out a scream before you cover your mouth and burst into joyful laughter as Seonghwa held you. Yunho wove through the trees as if he’d done it a thousand times before. 
When he stepped foot on the beach, he slowed down to a trot, walking over to a group of men talking amongst themselves. 
“I brought them.” Yunho keened, closing his eyes and wagging his tail as the tallest of the group, a man who towered over the others, scratched below his chin. 
“Good job. I hope you didn’t startle our new friend too bad.” the man with the golden hair with the deep orange tips spoke. Yunho nudged his hands. 
“I didn’t mean to, if I did.” 
You look at the two of them and then take the time to survey your surroundings. 
Hongjoong is here, his arms crossed as he looked down at a man who was sitting on….air? His legs crossed and a cup of tea to his lips. A man with long hair and a ponytail stood with them, seemingly scolding the man sitting on nothing with his quiet gaze. 
There was a fire pit on the beach, and beside that was another man clad in tight, form fitting black clothing. He had part of his pendant in his mouth, and he seemed to be focused on getting the food on the fire cooked to the perfect degree. The man beside him watched on quietly, though he cast you a few cautious glances, the scorpion tail swaying behind him twitching every now and again. 
Seonghwa got off first, gently letting you down and smiling before he looked over at the man floating in air. He took a breath, seemingly steadying himself. 
“Just wait here, I’ll go talk to-”
“There’s no need.” 
You’d blinked, and in an instant. The man with the teacup was floating in front of you, his blue and purple eyes twinkling like the night sky itself. You startle, Seonghwa’s hand instinctively goes in front of you. 
“Wooyoung, I want to-”
“I said there’s no need. I’ve learned everything I needed to know already. Isn’t that right, Seal? Or, rather, Y/n?” He inquired, offering his cup to you. You blink at him and then gently take the cup, sniffing. 
It smells sweet. 
Seonghwa looked stunned, watching the two of you and the look of joy bloom on your face as you sip the tea. Wooyoung smiled casually and leaned back, sending Seonghwa a mysterious smile. 
Seonghwa pursed his lips. 
“Did…did you do something? You’re taking this a lot…calmer than I expected.” He admitted. Wooyoung shrugged a shoulder. 
“Have I done anything? Is there something wrong with me greeting one of my seven’s partners with open arms and a cup of healthy, immune system boosting tea?” He inquired, looking in your direction as you drank another sip, peeking over the rim of the cup at the two of them. 
Something about him seemed familiar, but you couldn’t put your finger on it. Seonghwa touched his abdomen subconsciously but then he relaxed, putting an arm around you. 
“Y/n, these are my seven. They’re…the most important people in my life. I didn’t know everyone would come to greet you.” He shied, rubbing his neck as he looked at the others. Hongjoong shrugged, wearing attire you weren’t familiar with, though he looked comfy as he approached you. It dawned on you that you hadn’t seen him on land until today. 
The man who was beside him followed and stopped in front of you, a row of freckles stretched across his cheeks and nose, and a nearly heart-shaped, splotchy birthmark at the corner of his left eye. You stare at him for a moment, taking in the unique look of his eyes. They were an interesting mixture of blues and pastel yellow and they glittered in the morning sun as he smiled sweetly at you. 
“My name is Yeosang. I’ve heard you’ve had quite a rough time. If there’s anything I can help you with, please let me know.” He greeted, glancing at your stomach for a blink-and-you’ll-miss-it moment before looking back at your face.
The man with the gold and orange hair towered above you, smiling and extending his hand. 
“Name’s Mingi. The weather is quite nice out here today.” 
You took his hand, marveling at how huge every part of him was. Two thick horns sprouted from his forehead and the moment you nodded and greeted him back, you noticed his massive tail swaying to and fro behind him. 
Speaking of massive, the dog you’d come to know as Yunho shifted before you all, standing taller than Seonghwa, as well. 
The corners of his crimson eyes had smudges as if left from the cinders of a once-burned fire and he smiled from ear to ear as he offered his hand to you, as well. 
“Hi, Yunho. Thank you for carrying us here.” You smile and hand Wooyoung back the now-empty teacup. Yunho’s tail wagged so fast, it thumped into Yeosang’s hips. 
“Who are they?” You inquire, pointing to the men by the fire pit. Seonghwa took your hand and gently brought you over to the two. 
The man with the scorpion tail tensed for a moment before relaxing the moment Mingi sat to his left and Yunho to his right. His ears, rounded, yet cat-like, twitched and swiveled. 
“Good morning.” He quietly greeted. You nod and sit across from him. 
“Good morning..uh…sorry, what is your name? My name is Y/n.” 
He didn’t meet your eyes, but you found Mingi subtly opening his posture so the man could press closer. The small, yet familiar action made you smile. 
‘He must be nervous because of something.’ You think, not realizing you’re doing the same, leaning into Seonghwa’s chest as your eyes fall upon the last man. 
The one with the black clothes and hazel eyes. He had a laser focus on the food in the fire, his pendant firmly in his mouth as he turned the fish and gently stirred the pot that had what looked like a stew inside of it. 
Where on earth did he get that on this island?
“Jongho, baby bear, you’re being rude.” Yeosang gently scolded, touching the back of his neck to get his attention. 
He tensed in an instant, his spade-shaped tail sticking straight up. That was the only indication of him being startled aside from his wide eyes. In an instant, he relaxed and looked over the fire at you, smiling. 
“Oh, uh. Sorry. I spaced out. My name is Jongho. It’s nice to meet you.” He greeted. He smelled incredibly sweet, almost mouth wateringly so.
You waved at him and introduced yourself, looking at the group. 
“To what do I owe the pleasure of meeting all of my mates…seven?” You’re not sure what the significance of them calling each other their ‘seven’, but you don’t pry. They all seem very close with one another, no matter what. 
“We figured we might as well stop by and say hello just in case a certain angelfish decided to not bring you around to greet any of us.” Yunho answered, staring as Jongho finally finished one of the bigger pieces. He nodded in his direction and he picked it up right out of the fire, seemingly unbothered by the flames nor the heat of the fish as he immediately tore into it. Mingi followed suit, splitting his piece with San and continuing between bites. 
“Our den isn’t exactly ready for other people to be in it.” He rumbled. San made a sour face before biting into his fish to seemingly keep his comment to himself. 
He didn’t seem privy on you being in their ‘den’ yet.
You hummed and accepted a cooler piece of fish on a stick Seonghwa had passed over to you. It was full of flavor and you can’t help the seal-like bark of joy that came out of your mouth. 
All eyes land on you and you blush, clearing your throat and looking away. 
Wooyoung smiled smugly as Seonghwa gently broke off more of his fish to hand to you. 
“Jongho, make sure to give our lovely new friend extra.”  He instructed. Jongho nodded and handed you a bowl. 
You look down into it and tilt your head. 
“It’s full of protein, and I brought some freshly harvested veggies to stew in there. I added some spices, too. Not too many, though, I promise. It's very good for you.” Yeosang smiled softly and handed you a spoon. You sniff gently, the aroma smelling slightly spiced and savory. You take a sip with the spoon and smile, going in for more. 
Seonghwa leaned over your shoulder, blinking owlishly. 
“I want some.” 
“It’s not for you.” Hongjoong muttered flatly. Seonghwa gasped in horror while Wooyoung laughed, leaning on Yeosang. 
“Why not?! There’s a whole pot full of it!” He complained. Hongjoong arched a brow at him and San eyed the two of you before speaking up. 
“Y/n needs the extra protein.” He spoke gently, wiping his mouth. He seemed to be trying to convey something, but it seemed to have gone over Seonghwa’s head.
Instead, you tilt your head and look at the bowl before sneaking him a spoonful anyway. 
“It’s okay. I know I’m still growing into my size now that I’m SeaBorn, but I still will share with him, and you all, too. I can’t possibly eat an entire pot full of food all by myself.” You tell them. 
They seem to exchange a look with one another before Yeosang sent you a gentle smile. 
“Well, it’s alright. We’ll all eat until you’re full. If you want more, just call us back and we’ll be happy to make more. Or, Seonghwa can bring you around The Whetū Faewilds and I can cook something different, but just as nutritious for you.” He cooed, and you can see the freckles along his skin twinkle and glitter. 
“I’d love to visit everyone’s home one day. Maybe I can make some food from my old home for you all….”you trail off, thinking about your village. 
You’d been so engrossed in your new life, you forgot your promise of revenge. You stare idly into your bowl of food, brows pulled together. 
Wooyoung looked at you from across the pit, eyes narrowing for a split moment before he gently was slapped on the back of the neck. 
“Stop reading the poor girl’s mind.” Yeosang scolded him, his voice low. San, Mingi, and Yunho perked regardless, looking over at you as you nurse your bowl in your hands, unbothered by the heat. Your eyes had begun to bleed into a deep red color.
“Not my fault her thoughts are so loud. That woman’s mind has a storm just festering below all the goody goody emotions Angelfish is giving her.” 
Yeosang blinked before he looked over at you, as well. A stormy expression crossed your face before it disappeared the moment Seonghwa kissed you. Your grip on the stone bowl in your hands loosened and you relaxed once more into his grip, clicking and purring as he peppered kisses all over your face. 
“Give it a few months, tops. She’ll call us. I’ll bet on it.” He rumbled, leaning on Yeosang. The faerie exhaled and looked at him. 
“True as it may be, you need to let it come to pass naturally. For now, stop prying.” 
“Yeah, yeah. You’re no fun.” 
You eat and listen to the stories of the group of unlikely friends until you feel yourself dozing off, your eyes growing heavy. Seonghwa wrapped his arm around you, smiling softly. 
“I think it’s time we head to bed, everyone. I promise I’ll be better about visiting.” 
San sent him a look and then looked at you instead. 
“....I’ll let you in our den if you make him stop by. This one is terrible at keeping his word. He gets too comfortable on this island taking care of sea turtle babies and monkeys and neglects us.” 
“I do not!” Seonghwa gasped, scandalized. Jongho snorted and Mingi arched a brow. 
“You haven’t stopped by in months.” 
“It was during Season! You two were-” His cheeks flared red before he cleared his throat, San's face igniting as well while Mingi stared back, unbothered.
“And I told you, you could have joined. I have two-”
“I’llDoBetterLet’sJustDropIt.” Seonghwa muttered quickly, his face dusted with pink scales. You looked at him before snickering. 
“It’s a promise. I want to visit, anyway.” You tell them through a yawn. Hongjoong gently motions with his hand. 
“Go rest. We’ll clean up.” 
You wave goodbye to them and get on Seonghwa’s back, your limbs dangling as he chuckles and disappeared back into the trees. 
The seven remaining men watched the two of you leave and Yeosang glanced at Wooyoung. 
“I know what you did in the first meeting, Wooyoung. Must you threaten people like that all the time? What if the stress was too much?” He scolded. Yunho sent them a curious look before tilting his head. 
“Did you do something? Is that why I have this weird sense of deja vu?” 
Wooyoung yawned, stretching his limbs before he flopped back, his head resting on San’s thighs. San gently ran his fingers through his hair, looking down at him. 
“If anyone intends to get near you, they go through me. I needed to see if she was worthy. Besides, she’s not nearly at the point where overstress would be a concern. If I were you, I’d worry about that hatred she’s got in her pretty little head instead of me testing her.” Wooyoung checked his nails before locking eyes with a concerned Yeosang. 
“That woman has murder on her mind. It’s below the surface, quieted only by her love for him, but it’s there. All we need is one monumental event, and it’s all over for that sorry-ass village. And when that time comes…”Wooyoung trailed off, humming softly. 
“We help. Where she goes, Seonghwa goes and where he goes, we go.” Hongjoong cut in. 
In an instant, all of their eyes hardened. Wooyoung’s lip quirked. 
“Now who’s the one who’s being threatening?”
Yeosang looked at him flatly and threw a ball of magic his way. It exploded into dandelion-esque puffs and Wooyoung instantly began sneezing. 
“Oh, shut up, you sound like a damn villain. Help us clean up the beach.��� 
 .·:*¨¨* ≈☆≈*¨¨*:·.
1 Month Later
.·:*¨¨* ≈☆≈*¨¨*:·.
You feel the wind blow by you, and your lungs protest from the strain as you rush through the trees. 
Several tree branches snap behind you, but you pay it no mind, rushing faster through the island’s forest. 
You’re almost there. You’re so close. 
Goodness, you’re a bit more winded than usual today, aren’t you? 
In the briefest of moments, as your mind trailed off, you feel yourself get swept off of your feet. 
“I caught you.” 
You look up, sweat running down your temple as you meet Seonghwa’s gaze. He’s looking at you with deep magenta eyes, his chest rising and falling as he catches his breath. 
You smile. 
“You won this round. I won before. That means we need a tie breaker.” You tell him through pants, reaching to wipe his face. Seonghwa gently set you on your feet and held you close to him instead, burying his face in your neck. 
You look at him, smiling softly. He’s breathing in your scent deep, and with him so close, you find yourself doing the same, grazing your fangs over his shoulder, pressing yourself against his sturdy body. 
“How about we do something else?” You coo, running your fingers through damp blonde locks and tugging. Seonghwa purred deep from his core, his cock hard against your thigh as he tilted his head back. 
“Kneel for me.” 
Seonghwa doesn’t make you ask twice, getting down on one of his knees before you and looking up. You run your fingers through his hair, pushing it back before you lift your thigh and set it on his shoulder, smiling sweetly. 
“Go ahead. Enjoy your meal.”
Seonghwa let out a keen, grabbing both of the globes of your ass and pulling you flush against him after muttering a soft ‘thank you’. 
You clench and sigh, feeling him work his tongue into you, his claws leaving indents in your skin as he curled his tongue. 
You move his head, thigh flexing every now and again as the sparking pleasure from his saliva started to creep into your system. 
“Don’t make me cum yet, I want to make a mess of your cocks.” 
You watch his pupils dilate, a reverberating growl tearing from his lips as he looked up at you. You smile, sweet as nectar as you push his face flush between your legs, challenging both him and yourself to actually fulfill that wish. 
Seonghwa, for his own credit, ate you out slower and more deliberately than he usually did, kneading and panting against your pussy as your juices ran down his chin. 
You don’t think you’ll ever get tired of the look on his face when he’s between your legs, dazed with his eyes deep and pink. 
He could be there for hours, if you let him. You’d tested that one day and he’d only stopped because your eyes were full of pleasured tears and your legs were trembling. 
You pull and tug at his hair and grit your teeth. Reluctantly, he stilled all movement, looking up at you with half lidded eyes. 
“Where?” He growled, short and simple. You growl back at him, trembling and impatient. 
“Right here. Both.” 
He stared at you for a moment before he chuckled and pulled away from you, letting your thigh down and slowly licking his lips. He stood to his full height, backing  you against a tree and leaning into your space, tilting your chin up to make you gaze deep into his eyes. 
“My, you haven’t had a single time where you didn’t ask me for both.”
You stare back at him, brow arching. 
“Why should I? You’re mine and that means both of them are mine too.” You fire back, running your fingers down the expanse of his abdomen until you stopped over the slit at his pelvis, smiling at the way his eyes darkened. 
“You’re insatiable.” He whispered, though it distinctly lacked any real reluctance. You smile, regardless. 
“Am I?” 
You pretend to think for a moment before nodding, kissing the tip of his nose. 
He blinked, head tilting, and in an instant, you bolt back through the trees, leaving him stunned in your wake. 
“I’ll take care of myself, then~” You call over your shoulder. 
It took another second, and you fight the urge not to laugh as you hear the loud, undeniable roar of your name come from behind you. 
The birds in the trees squawked and flew off as Seonghwa tore through the island, chasing you with renewed vigor. 
“Seonghwa~!” You mock him lovingly, calling his name as you make sharp turns and pivots through the familiar terrain. This island had become your home in your time here, you were more than familiar with all it hid.
Seonghwa, of course, knew this place like the back of his hand and in no time he skid into your view, scales shimmering and glittering beautifully in the sun as he laid eyes on you. A smile stretched across his face as you rush to the left, giggling to yourself. 
You find yourself at a familiar rock formation, the same from when you first arrived on the island, and realize with a pout that you’ve hit a dead end. 
The sound of Seonghwa growling behind you confirmed it and you don’t even get the chance to turn around before you’re being embraced from behind. Seonghwa purred, planting kisses upon your shoulder and up your neck and ear before he nibbled the shell of it, clicking slowly. 
“I caught you again. What do I win?” He purred. You smile and turn your head to kiss him, taking one of his hands and guiding it between your legs. He got the hint, long fingers working you open while he held you flush against his body. 
You sigh and relax into his grip, moaning as your head rolled onto his shoulder. Seonghwa kissed you with an urgency his fingers did not share, and the mixed speeds made your head spin. 
You move his other hand to your breast, smiling as he kneaded it in his free hand, rutting his cocks against your ass. You can feel him dribbling against the dimples at the small of your back and you have a passing thought. 
‘He’s wasting it.’
You’ve long since stopped being flustered about these thoughts, and cup your hand over his, pushing your own fingers in beside his as you kiss him with a tad more aggression. 
“Want you.” You growl, hoping he gets the hint. Seonghwa moaned into the kiss and pinched your nipple between two fingers. 
“Bend over.” 
You pull your fingers from yourself, sending him a searing look over your shoulder as you lick them clean. Seonghwa followed the movement with his eyes before they drifted up to yours.
“Ah ah, down here.” You spread your legs and hold your folds open, your core aching. Seonghwa pressed himself against you in an instant, slowly guiding his cock coated in essence into you first. Your eyes nearly roll back at the pleasure of finally having his warmth inside of you. A shaky gasp left your mouth as he held your hip, pushing the other into you once he was sure you’d adjusted to the first properly. 
Seonghwa waited until you were ready, kissing your head and singing sweet nothings into your hair. 
“Put your arms back.” He instructed and you do so, feeling him work one of his arms through both of yours, pinning them back as he slowly rolled his hips forward and keeping you arched. 
“You’ve become such a fast baby, Y/n. I wonder what you would have done if you got away from me. Maybe I should’ve let you this time, just sit back and watch you pleasure yourself just right.” He growled against your ear, taking your earlobe between his teeth. You whine, clenching down possessively on his cocks. 
He noticed, a deep, throaty groan ripping from his chest as he snapped his hips up before reminding himself he wanted to drive you crazy, slowing himself back down. 
“I would have called to you-ah…faster, it’s too slow-” You whimper, trying to rock your hips back. Seonghwa’s arm flexed between yours as he held them back, clicking his tongue in your ear. 
“I’m enjoying my mate. Be still.” 
You shudder and feel yourself gush around him. Your body is getting hotter again, and you loosen up. Feeling precum run between your thighs as he moved faster over time. 
You stand on your tiptoes as he rocked into you, moaning his name like a chorus as he nuzzled your neck. 
“Sweet…you smell so sweet.” He panted, both of his cocks rocking hard into your gspot at the same time. 
You feel your brain disconnect for a moment, your mouth falling open before a guttural moan of pleasure fell from your lips as Seonghwa repeated the action. Encouraged by your song, he angled his hips, focusing on making you melt in his arms, his teeth sinking into your shoulder. 
Beautiful, glittering silver droplets run down as you feel him let go of your arms, pressing them above your head on the smooth rock wall as he thrusted into you. 
“Seonghwa! S-seonghwa slow down I’m gonna cum-” You try fruitlessly to drag it out for longer. Seonghwa had other plans, his free hand finding its way between your legs, rubbing your clit in rapid circles as he licked your shoulder bites closed. 
“Cum for me, then. You sound s-so pretty for me, clenching me like a vice….c’mon, don’t hold back. Make a mess. That’s what you want right? To make a mess of your mate’s cocks?” He chuckled into your ear, both of his cocks throbbing deep inside of you. You can feel them, and your mouth waters at the undeniable need to be bred swirling in your mind. 
“K-kiss me?” You plead, nearly crying in relief as he immediately tilted his head to do so, his tongue melding against yours as you feel yourself standing on your tiptoes due to the force of his thrusts and his heights. 
Your stomach bulges from the size of his cocks and the moment you hear him growl ‘I love you’ into the kiss, you feel yourself clench down, fingers flexing and clenching as you came with a spine-shaking orgasm.
Seonghwa moaned, your scent flooding his senses as he sped up his own thrusts, cumming deep inside of you and keeping himself still as he kissed you, keeping you pinned between him and the wall. 
“Love you, I love you.” You pant, mewling as you look back at him, your eyes no doubt matching his in their magenta color. He smiled and hugged you close, keeping himself inside of you. 
“I love you.” He rumbled, letting both of you catch your breaths and settle down before pulling out, watching as his cum and essence roll out in thick pearls, leaving a glittering puddle on the stone between your legs.
You pant, and for a moment, you consider cupping yourself to keep it inside, but you blush and perish the thought, instead.
Seonghwa picked you up, kissing your temple and carrying you off to the waterfall where you both had first gotten intimate. He gently guided you into the water, chuckling at the way your legs instantly shifted into your tail. 
You look down and he ran his fingers over your tail, smiling fondly. 
"Your tail really is beautiful."
You look at the gray speckles and purse your lips. 
"Yours is stunning. Mine is just…"you trail off and Seonghwa clicks disapprovingly.
"Beautiful." He ran his fingertips in small loops, tracing words of love and patterns of lace along your tail and chuckling as you shudder.
"You can always tell the difference between a Seaborn who was born that way and one who used to be human. We call them Reborns, at least, the older generations did. As Hongjoong told you, humans who were turned into Seaborn will retain mammal traits. Namely, the tail." Seonghwa hummed, drumming his fingers along your tail. You look at his face, watching the cogs turn. 
"Everything else is basically the same no matter the type. Our strength, our longevity, our basic anatomies, how we give birth, it's very similar regardless of being Reborn or Seaborn." He continued, beginning to wash your tail with long caresses after opening the container of self-made soap he'd left at this particular waterfall since it held sentimental value for you both. 
"How do Seaborns give birth?" You inquire. He blushed and rubbed his neck. 
"Laying eggs and keeping them warm? 
You blink at him.
"Laying eggs…and then keeping them warm after that?"
"Like a chicken?"
Seonghwa gave you a funny look, his eyebrows and nose scrunching up.
"....did you just compare us to chickens?"
"....its kinda chicken-like"
He stared flatly at you and pushed you into the water further, face deadpan as you came back up laughing.
"Seonghwa! I'm right!"
"No, wash yourself, chicken girl"
You snicker and come close to him, resting your arms on his knees as you feel him work his hands into your hair, gently washing and scratching your scalp.
“Our village is fortunate. There is an underwater volcano within our territory. There is a nursery nearby that is protected by magic and round the clock security. This is for couples who are active in hunting or may not have time to incubate them above water, in sand. During particularly busy egg hatching seasons, Yunho will come and stay within one of Hongjoong’s gardens and use his body heat to keep them warm. We have had our numbers quadruple and our success rate for hatching guppies almost perfect itself because of him and Yeosang enchanting our nursery gardens for Hongjoong." Seonghwa explained, purring softly as you close your eyes. 
You don't even realize the way your tail slapped the surface of the water, just enjoying the feeling of him taking care of you. He chuckled and reached in, picking you up out of the water as he continued to wash you. 
His hand wanders as he sings and hums to you, but so do your lips, and it takes but a few minutes of him cleaning his essence and cum out of you before you press your face into his throat, kissing and nibbling at his pulse. 
Seonghwa opened his mouth to tease you again, but paused. Once again he can smell it. That sweet scent lacing your usual one. 
His fingers twitched. As you place nips and kisses along the edges of some of his scales, you can hear him rumbling. 
You look at him, blinking. 
"Yes. You smell sweet."
You blink before you hum quietly. Your eyes drift between your legs.
"Your fingers are still inside of me."
Seonghwa’s platinum scales along his cheekbones and the corners of his eyes turn a dusty pink, but all he did was hold you close. 
"Yes, Seonghwa?"
You can tell there was nothing to panic about-yet-Seonghwa had spoken in a calm tone, his scales never paling or his scent tinging with fear. 
Instead, excitement? Nervousness?
"I think you're pregnant."
You stare at him. 
He stared back.
For a while, you think the world had stopped, had it not have been for the rushing sound of the water behind you and the gentle, steady sound of splashing as he continued to wash you with gentle, reverent hands. 
Then, your eyes well up. Seonghwa bit his lip and smiled as you bring your hand to your stomach. 
“Your scent has changed. It’s sweeter than usual, gentler.” 
He gently ran his hand over your stomach, landing on top of yours. 
Tears roll down your cheek as you pull him down for a kiss, feeling like you were floating. He smiled into it, holding you securely as you both sang and purred words of love and adoration to one another. 
That would explain…a lot, actually. The hunger you felt growing steadily, your portions growing significantly, getting winded easier while doing work around the island and in the ocean, and the increased clinginess from Seonghwa. 
You two clean up and Seonghwa held your hands in his, smiling softly. 
“How about we visit The Whetū Faewilds tomorrow? Yeosang may be able to help us out. He’s really good at helping out new families and I want him to give you a protection enchantment. I need to see if I can have my own seagarden somewhere here for our eggs so you can lay them separate from everyone elses. Maybe if Yunho brings a magma stone we can keep them warm on our own and-”
You watch fondly as Seonghwa excitedly chattered on about setting up your own nursery for your eggs. You cup his cheek minutes later and he stops mid-sentence, looking into your eyes. 
Neither of you say a word and he simply pressed his cheek into your palm, smiling. 
“Let’s get settled into bed early. We’ll leave for Yeosang’s early tomorrow.” Seonghwa suggested. You nod and smile, letting him carry you off to bed, a new kind of joy settling in your body as you cuddle into his arms that night. 
“So how are we getting to Yeosang’s faewilds? Do we swim?” You inquire, looking over at Seonghwa the following morning as you both stand on the beach. 
Seonghwa fiddled with his ear, blinking as they brushed against a peridot earring. 
He had a feeling something had been misaligned, but couldn’t put his finger on what. Instead, he gripped the earring and called out to the ocean. 
There’s a silence that stretches between you both. The ocean swayed calmly, unbothered. 
Seonghwa furrowed his brow and opened his mouth. 
“I’m right here. What do you need?” 
Both of you look behind you, finding Wooyoung standing on the air above both of you, looking down as you clutch your chest, startled. Seonghwa rubbed the small of your back and Wooyoung cocked a brow. 
“You two don’t look like you’re in danger. What do you want?” He yawned, stepping off of whatever invisible platform of air he was standing on, getting right in both of your faces. 
“We need a lift to The Whetū Faewilds, please.” Seonghwa informed him, smiling in greeting. Wooyoung blinked before looking at you. 
Whether you noticed or not, you’d been idly rubbing small circles along your stomach, taking note of the subtle bulge forming. 
“Oh, good. You both realized she’s pregnant. I see.” Wooyoung stretched and ignored the stammering coming from Seonghwa. 
“You knew?”
“We all knew. Now, c’mon before I change my mind. I don’t recall when it was I said I was suddenly a transportation service.” Wooyoung grumbled. He took a few steps towards the ocean, and you could see trails of stardust glinting with his every step. 
You blink. 
His feet never actually made contact with the sand, now that you looked closer. 
Wooyoung made a sweeping motion and in an instant, a tear appeared before you all. You frown, looking at the unnatural tear space and peer through it, holding Seonghwa’s hand. Through it, you can see a lush forest. 
“I don’t have all day, go on.” Wooyoung urged, nodding towards the tear. Seonghwa smiled at you, kissing your knuckles before he pulled you towards the spacial tear, guiding you into it. 
Immediately, the aroma around you changes. 
The smell of sea salt disappeared into the distance, now replaced with fresh rain and flowers. You breathe deep, smiling as it caresses you and brings about an instant calm. The forest seemed to welcome your presences, and you watch as a tiny, cotton ball shaped entity bounced over to you. 
It made a noise you could only describe as a puppy-like squeak before it ran down a row of fragrant plumeria and gardenia bushes. 
“That’s a faerie, they’re leading us to Yeosang.” Seonghwa explained. You smile and turn to thank Wooyoung, but find him already missing. 
“Oh-uh, okay, let’s go.” You take Seonghwa’s hand and follow the fae through the forest. You are careful not to step on any flowers along the way. A few other fae peeked out of the bushes, watching you before they began following you both, some of them cooing and climbing up Seonghwa’s body with a sense of familiarity. 
You smile, watching as the small glowing puffs dot your mate. One of them crossed the bridge between your and his shoulders, squeaking as it pressed against your cheek and began to shake in what you assumed was excitement. 
“Ah, you’re here. Welcome.” 
You look up and blink in surprise, finding yourself standing in front of a beautiful hut in the center of a village you don’t remember walking into. You look around, lips parted as you spy faeries of all shapes and sizes, looking curiously at you as they held fruit and flora in various baskets. 
Your eyes drift back in front of you and you find Yeosang smiling softly at you both, his hair secured back in a clip and a dangling jewled hairclip catching your attention as he walked closer. 
“You kept your word and stopped by. I appreciate it. We’ve missed you,Seonghwa, and my people have wanted to greet you, Y/n.” He gently gave Seonghwa a hug. Seonghwa closed his eyes and leaned down, pressing his forehead to Yeosang’s. Yeosang closed his eyes back, gently holding Seonghwa’s forearms. 
When they pulled away, Yeosang muttered something in a tongue you couldn’t understand, smiling softly before he looked at you. 
“Do you mind?” He asked, holding his arms open. You smile and lean into his embrace without a second’s hesitation. Yeosang smiled and hugged you back. He pulled away after a moment or two and you follow what Seonghwa had done, closing your eyes and tilting your head up slightly. You miss the small look of surprise on Yeosang’s face before it melted into a fond look, with him leaning down to press his forehead to yours, breathing gently. 
A sense of warmth and welcome washed over you, and just like with Seonghwa, Yeosang pulled away and muttered something. This time you could understand him. 
‘Welcome home.’
Seonghwa put his arm around you and guided you into Yeosang’s home, sitting down first and patting his lap. You sit down with a small blush, settling into his embrace as Yeosang began to move about his home, grabbing some decorative cups and setting them in front of you both before he set down a few small ceramic bowls. 
“So, I can smell the excitement on you both, and I noticed you had Wooyoung bring you here instead of making the day-long swim…I’m assuming you both have come to realize you are with children, yes?” Yeosang inquired, his movements graceful as he removed the lids of each bowl. You lift your head to peek, seeing dried flowers and fruit inside of each one, as well as the one at the end having some form of glittering powder. 
“Was I really the last to know?” Seonghwa frowned. You laugh behind your hand and kiss his jaw after turning your head and Yeosang chuckled, gently adding certain petals and leaves to a small bag, tucking them carefully into it. 
“It’s alright. Love is as exhilarating as it is blinding.” Yeosang mused, looking at both of you with a gentle fondness in his eyes. 
“How are you feeling, Miss?” He inquired. You wave gently. 
“Y/n is fine, Yeosang. I’ve been slowing down a bit but I’m okay. I imagine in the next eight months that may change drastically.” 
Both he and Seonghwa looked at you curiously before Yeosang hummed gently, adding dried apple and lemon to one bag. 
“Seaborns do not hold their eggs for nine months like humans do their young. You will probably need to lay in about two or so months. You’re a month in, so you’ll notice your body adjusting and changing fairly quickly from here on out.” He explained. You feel your lips part, staring at him in surprise. 
“Two months?” 
“Or somewhere about that time, yes. I recommend you keep your stress levels down and try and stay away from dangerous situations until then.” He met your eyes and you feel like there’s something he’s not saying in this moment. You don’t look away, rubbing Seonghwa’s knuckles as he adjusted his embrace. 
“What would I be doing that’s dangerous, Yeosang?”
Yeosang’s eyes didn’t betray anything in his head, and instead he only shrugged a shoulder. 
“I don’t know, I’m just warning you regardless.” 
He put the bags in the cups and gently poured the water into them. A pleasant aroma flooded the room and you find yourself sniffing eagerly, watching as he covered each cup with a small lid made of some kind of wood. 
He closed his eyes and took a moment, seemingly thinking before he looked at you both once more. 
“You would like me to place a protective enchantment on your womb, correct?” Yeosang inquired. You and Seonghwa nod in unison and Yeosang hummed, staring at the cups. 
“Have you chosen a place to lay your clutch?” He inquired, looking into Seonghwa’s eyes. 
“On the island, in a mini spring with a waterfall.” 
“Is it deep enough to have a magma stone placed in it without overheating it?” 
“I would need a smaller stone than usual, but yes. It's a good twenty-five feet deep. At least.” 
Yeosang tapped his lip and nodded quietly, humming to himself. He took the lid off of the cups and gently grabbed some of the glittering dust from the final ceramic bowl, sprinkling it into your cup before smiling softly and handing it to you. 
You take a moment to take a deep breath, enjoying the aroma of hibiscus mixed with dried fruit. You sip gently and lean back against Seonghwa’s chest fully. 
“How many guppies do Seaborns usually have?” 
Yeosang looked at Seonghwa, arching a brow. Seonghwa rubbed your hips, putting his chin over your head. 
“If all goes well, usually two or three. If they aren't incubated properly, they won’t make it. We also would have to watch for predators. Usually, the creatures of the ocean stray clear of Seaborns but nurseries that aren't properly guarded have been known to have opportunity hunters go after the eggs.” he sighed. 
The sound of a growl drew both of their attention to you. A deep leer settled on your face, your eyes bleeding into crimson as you gripped the cup tight. 
“I’ll kill anything that comes near my fucking babies, Seonghwa.” 
He blinked in surprise before he rubbed your hips and kissed your cheek. 
“I know, baby. Nothing will get close to our nursery.”
Yeosang watched the two of you and moved closer, sitting in front of you. 
“Can you lift your shirt? Just so I can see your stomach?” He inquired. Seonghwa moved his hands away from yours so you could decide and after you sit up a bit, you lift your shirt up until it was bunched over your belly. 
Yeosang’s eyes gleamed, and he held his hand over your stomach, fingertips glowing. He blinked for a moment before he exhaled, laughing to himself. You frown at him, worry settling in your brow. 
“What? What’s wrong?” You ask quickly. He waved and pressed his palm firmly against your belly. 
“Nothing, just thinking. Hold still for a moment.” He instructed. You hold your breath without thinking. Yeosang’s fingertips begin to glow with a soft, pastel yellow twinkle, small symbols appearing around the curve of your stomach before he pulled his hand away and gently lowered your shirt. 
“I’ve put some protective magic over your womb. Remember to be careful, it doesn’t make you immune to injuries, but it simply makes it easier for you with carrying and eventually when you lay. I’ll send you both home with some fae meals to keep your energy high and boost your health. Because you are a Reborn, you will find that your body will most likely begin to lactate, as well. Only Reborns can, seeing as you hold onto your mammal genetics to some extent. You can come back to me when your guppies are born and I will provide you with more Fae meals in order to keep your body healthy and cleansed of toxins so you can nurse them…if you choose to do so.” Yeosang explained, moving to sit back down, taking a sip of the tea in front of him. You touch your stomach ever so slightly and looked over at the kind Fae man. 
“That’s so kind of you…all of this is…Is there anything I can to repay you for your kindness?” 
Seonghwa kissed your head and pressed a kiss to your temple. 
“Yeosang, I’d like to show her around the village and your forest. Is it alright if I do it alone? I want her to see the Vermillion Gardens. If you don’t want anyone there, I understand, too.” Seonghwa spoke gently, and you could tell from the way Yeosang had paused his drinking, this was something of a special place. 
He rose his gaze up to the two of you before he smiled, his nose scrunching slightly. 
“Just be mindful of the flowers. Do not stray too far from them. My Faewilds may be friendly towards those I welcome here, but that does not mean you shouldn’t watch your own back.“
Seonghwa smiled wide and took your hand, pulling you out of the hut and guiding you through the beautiful village. 
Yeosang watched the two of you leave and sat down, bringing a cup of tea up to his lips. 
“I never expected you to be such a softie for an addition of The Fold.” He spoke into the brim of the cup. For a moment, there was no response in the seemingly empty room. 
“A ‘softie’? You wound me. I don’t give a damn about that woman or those kids, I just want to make sure-”
“There was an Eldritch rune on her womb long before I touched her. I wonder who that came from.” Yeosang cut him off and motioned to the empty spot beside him, his fingers glowing as a second cup of tea began brewing. Sure enough, Wooyoung emerged, taking a seat beside him, pouting. 
“I really can’t hide a thing from you, huh?” He grumbled. Yeosang sent him a smile, eyes twinking with mirth. 
“No, you can’t. I don’t even know why you try at this point.” 
You step carefully as you trek through the Vermillion Garden, the petals of countless spider lilies tickling your ankles as you walk beside Seonghwa. There was a gazebo in the center of the field and Seonghwa carefully helped you sit in a bench, touching you with added care, as if you were to lay at any moment. 
It was as equally adorable as it was endearing. 
Seonghwa put an arm around you, looking at the illuminated flowers as he took a deep breath. You admire your surroundings, holding Seonghwa’s hand. 
“This flower field…is it special?” You inquire. Seonghwa nodded, looking up at the stars above. The sky was a much different color than the one back on the beach. 
Instead of a pitch black or a deep blue, the night sky was a deep purple. A shimmering aurora flowed through the sky above the two of you, and for a few moments, you forget to breathe, simply taking it all in. 
“The heart and soul of the Faewilds. It all started here. Yeosang always brought us here when something good would happen in our lives. Something about the flowers helping lift the soul and spirit. So…its only right I bring you here.” 
You blush and smile, kissing him slowly. Around you, the flowers begin the glow, wisps of light dancing around the night sky like fireflies. You cup Seonghwa’s face, feeling like you were floating. 
Everything was going to be alright. 
@kimnamshiks @angel0taiyo @atiny-dazzlinglight @jacksons-goddess-gaia @smallfrye @daniblogs164 @daisyhwa @yunhofingers @xlilehx @violetwinters @jess-1404 @perfectlysane24 @babiebumm @bangteezbaby @skmoonchild @universe-sighted @seomisaho @sanraes @asyamonet22 @drunk-on-hwa @shingisimp @yungiland @serialee @justatiredhuman @heesuncore @twistedsiren @xuxibelle @delphinium3000 @horizonmoonfics @cookiechristie @stardragongalaxy @ateezwonderland @spooo00oky @shymexican
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strqyr · 3 months
Tbh I think an issue the rwby fandom has when it comes to analyzing the story and making theories n stuff, is that they forget to include what DOESN'T happen.
Like you can make a million assumptions based on what did happen! And that stuff is obviously important. But it's really easy to miss the stuff that doesn't happen, despite that being just as important.
Cause like,, let's throw an example out there. Some people say Oz is bigoted, and on the surface, if you only look at what did happen (Oz interrogating Blake and thinking she could be White Fang still, and thus be connected to Salem). But there's many things there that DIDN'T happen; Blake never pointed out Oz being bigoted (she would've done so had she felt he was), she never complained afterwards of Oz seeming to target her, and Blake wasn't intimidated at all. All she criticized him for was for 'not trying hard enough' to clean out Vales systemic racism, which was pretty fair. Not only that, but the story doesn't say Oz is wrong for thinking this, nor does Blake seem to blame him for being cautious.
There's many more examples of what did happen vs what didn't happen but I can't think of any atm lol. Essentially you can't rely on just one side of a story. Plus the framing is important, as well as what purpose something might serve narratively (and Oz being bigoted... serves absolutely no purpose).
Sorry for rambling in your inbox for the millionth time, hope you like it lol
yup. it's very easy to cherry-pick scenes and what parts of them to focus on to make it fit into whatever conclusion you've come to, or theory you're crafting. like, it's a thin line to walk and confirmation bias is one hell of a thing, but there's a difference between making up your mind and then working backwards to make everything fit into that conclusion (selective, if one must) vs looking at scenes, analyzing them, seeing what is being portrayed, how it's portrayed, and then if it forms a pattern that keeps repeating, you very well might have something there.
using the ozpin & blake scene as an example: yes, ozpin questions blake. yes, some of it comes across as accusative. but look at the end of the scene when ozpin tells blake that if she ever needs to talk to him, she shouldn't hesitate to ask, with this look on his face:
Tumblr media
ozpin isn't just being cautious over the possibility that blake is undercover for the white fang / possibly salem, he's worried; "you wouldn't have been the first," he tells her when blake claims to have just been "at the right place at the right time." in regards to the white fang's presence at the shipyard that night.
this is not ozpin's first rodeo. blake is not the first troubled teen who may be involved in something she'd rather not and is looking for a way out but doesn't know how; she's paralleled with the branwens the most for a reason, me thinks lol
it's a small moment right at the end of the scene, and because of it it may not leave a lasting impact in the same way as the rest does, but it still exists, shining a new light on the rest of the scene.
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Genuinely curious, what are your thoughts on Dancer and FCG cuz like, he Literally, not figuratively, tried to kill her and did kill all of her companions at the time. I can see being critical cuz she doesn't seem to treat them like sentient beings, but even in the canon... most of the automatons aren't. Just some of the really old ones from Aeor/other old cities, right? So? She got a whoops!sentient microwave, treated them like a microwave, they killed all her friends and almost her and she's supposed to....? Be good buds with them? Also I know it's said that she trauma dumped on FCG, but let's switch it from microwave to personal journal - how would YOU feel if your personal journal popped to life and attacked you for trauma dumping? IDK haha I guess Idk you opinions and I'm just responding to my projected assumptions of your opinion. REALLY I'd 100% sincerely would like to hear your thoughts. I was really bothered by FCG pushing to meet with Dancer. Like jeez just leave her alone, you're her literal sleep paralysis demon, read the room.
Hey! Thanks for the ask, I put this a little bit in the tags but I can elaborate more here. (Edit: elaborate A LOT MORE it seems)
So here goes, I don’t know if you meant it this way but the analogy of a journal or microwave is helpful here because that’s exactly how Dancer treated FCG - as a tool to be used. But they *aren’t*. FCG is a whole being with emotions and thoughts all of which are apparent and so clearly distinct from other automatons.
So tbh, I think the perspective of “whoops! Sentient bot” makes sense for like a month, max. Not years. After all, we have seen NPC after NPC recognize FCG is a sentient being almost immediately after meeting him. I find it VERY hard to believe that Dancer never realized it herself.
Additionally, we need to step out of the plot itself and look at FCG’s mechanics. We know that every time he heals, takes damage for someone else, etc. he takes stress points, and that once past a certain threshold his switch flips and he goes full Murderbot.
We also know that rest and recovery are what reduces FCG’s stress points. So that tells us that Dancer was using and using and using FCG and not letting him rest (enough? At all?) even though he needed it. Because again he’s a person not a tool.
Even when they met back up recently and FCG sobered her up she remarked how she missed him doing that for her. And while I don’t expect her to miss him, I do think it’s indicative of her interest in him never being about him as a person but only how he could serve her.
And if we want to criticize FCG for his lack of boundaries, inability to take no for an answer and pathological need to fix Dancer sure that’s fair. He needs to unlearn a lot of that and quick. But we then have to ask ourselves where did those traits come from? They didn’t come from nowhere.
FCG is mentally extremely YOUNG. Aside from the 6?-ish Months spent with Ashton all he remembers is his time with Dancer. So, if FCG has a pathological need to fix others, to help them, and feels worthless if he’s unable to do so - that comes from how Dancer treated and trained him.
That doesn’t just go away; ESPECIALLY not when FCG doesn’t even remember going postal and doesn’t see to have the (IMO) most clear and realistic view of his and Dancer’s relationship.
After all look how he interacts with the Changebringer. She’s his surrogate Mom/Dancer. He needs someone to tell him how to feel, think, and what’s Good and Bad because he doesn’t know how to do it for himself - because he wasn’t *taught* to.
But here’s my real question. What do we call one person keeping another person in service to them, with no compensation or personhood to be had, and with no intentions of releasing that person from that service? That’s slavery my dude. AT BEST indentured servitude.
(but that implies there’s a debt. What debt? Waking him up? He didn’t ask for that; that was her choice.
And again this sounds a lot like children being “indebted” to parents for giving them life, housing, feeding, etc. )
That’s the part I can’t get over. And that’s the part I can’t get behind where FCG is the abusive one. The power differential was NEVER in FCG’s court; he never once thought of himself as a person or as anything but in service of “Soul Touched”. That complete sacrifice of yourself and your needs (or an inability to even know you HAVE needs) comes from being in relationships where those things are expected/demanded.
So, yeah, he literally tried to kill her, and I gotta be real I’m not surprised. Even children of abusive parents who they love snap sometimes. Because again, that’s mentally what he was at the time. A child.
But even then, no I don’t think it’s unreasonable or unrealistic for Dancer to be traumatized or not want to see FCG again. I don’t even think she’s wrong to say “I can’t give you closure” because closure isn’t something other people give you.
But the way she’s been discussed to be largely clueless about his sentience, blameless in his blow up, and FCG’s victim? I just can’t get behind that. Like at all.
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5 and 8 for Jason, and 19 and 21 for Tim?
Hello laufire :D I've seen you around in my notes a fair few times, thank you for the ask!
Jason first bc I am predictable 😌
5. First song that comes to mind for this character?
Dana Dan by Bloodywood! I had it as his theme song long before I started headcanoning him as religiously Hindu and the music video feels all the more appropriate now that I do!
There are a LOT of runners up, sixteen in specific I could name off the top of my head bc I made a whole character playlist for him and I listen to it every time I drive (burned CD in my car :3)
8. What's something the fandom does when it comes to this character that you despise?
Hoo boy, that competition is FIERCE lol I try my best not to talk about it in terms of complaints though. That's just not the energy I wanna have most of the time. That being said, since you asked for some salt ye shall receive hehehe!
I think the through line of the most annoying stuff is that people will point at something Jason did in his villain era and twist it wildly out of proportion into something unequivocally EVIL and then everyone else will (incorrectly imo!!!) claim that it's out of character and due to writers that hated him and we should throw it out.
The worst example of this by far is his fight with Mia Dearden
First of all, it was written by JUDD FUCKING WINICK so yeah this was not a matter of an unfavorable writer!! Second of all, I think it's a goddamned masterpiece of a comic, and THE successor to UtRH
So like you have the second Robin, born into grinding poverty, having to commit crime to survive, joining up with a vigilante mentor, and killing someone for the greater good, and then being utterly destroyed... and then you have the second Speedy, born into grinding poverty, having to commit crime to survive, joining up with a vigilante mentor, and killing someone for the greater good, and then growing from that to become a fully fledged hero in her own right! So similar and yet their paths have been so different with Mia healing and becoming even stronger and Jason having been isolated and pushed to villainous extremes.
Then during that confrontation each of them know about the other through hearsay and research, but have never met before. Each make their own assumptions and then prove that they are more than what was assumed of them! Jason makes a deeply flawed but earnest attempt to try and connect with Mia and she rejects it because she has the support he never did and therefore has already long ago grown passed what has destroyed and consumed him!!
And some people REDUCE their fight to just "evil scawy Jason trying to hurt poor widdwe Mia"???????????????????????????? Might I challenge those responsible to a duel of paintball rifles at dawn?!?!?!?
Kinda the entire fucking point of an antagonist is to let the complexities and nuances of the characters shine, and that's doubly true of antagonists that used to be protagonists! Mia and Jason are such amazing narrative foils for each other, and tbh, Jason himself is an extremely good foil in general! On top of that the Arrows have long been foils of the Bats, so Bruce and Ollie also foil each other in the background brilliantly as Jason runs rings around them both!!!!
I would need to start pulling up pictures of comic pages and write a full length essay to get into proper depth with it (And I do intend to eventually!!) but the way they each interact with that fight and with their own histories going into it is great for both characters and it's just... gah... basically my favorite comic ever and it's stuck in this meaningless tug of war over "characterization" from two sides who both mostly haven't read the damned thing, let alone properly dug into the analysis of why Jason did any of that or what it might mean to Mia beyond just being unpleasant...
I would KILL to get DC to let me write a Mia and Jason comic. There's so much fun shit that they could do together, no matter if they were allied or enemies, I'm gonna have to write it as fanfiction tbh, but the fact that Green Arrow (2001) #69 - #72 is completely ignored until someone wants to use it as flat proof of 'Jason bad and ur bad for liking him' is just...
Le sigh...
Anyway what the fuck was I doing? Answering an ask lol??
Okay here we go: Timmy Time!
19. A relationship in canon that you don't like?
Its gotta be Steph simply due to how badly it was mishandled. As usual with female characters, I feel like Steph's nuance and strength as a character was in direct conflict with how the authors implemented her narrative role as a love interest. The fact that Tim was flat out casually misogynistic to her for her whole introduction and it wasn't treated properly as a flaw is a deal-breaker for me. The amount of Steph's Wikipedia biography that's Tim's love life makes me want to commit arson. The ship itself in isolation from much of the canon may have potential, and the canon material itself isn't all bad by any means, but to me the relationship still feels like a net loss.
21. I do indeed write, uh, a considerable amount of fanfiction about this dude, so: What's your favorite thing to do in fics when it comes to this character? Something that you don't like?
I like making him more unhinged. Or rather, I interpret his early actions as having been spectacularly unhinged, and like to imagine he kept that energy up into later years. I'm so not interested in Tim being a well adjusted person tbh I want him in my wonderful little Freak 4 Freak ship being spectacularly messed up and incredibly weird with nonsensical ideas about how boundaries work
For what I don't like... Hmmmm, this one's a little hard to answer because most of that falls into the neutral category of stuff I have no interest in writing at all, and so I just don't lol
I suppose I don't like to do apologies, though I have written one. I like to get down into the messy depths of sympathy and resentment by having him talk about those conflicts with the allies that have hurt him. However, I think the direct contrition and simplicity of apologies has less and less appeal to me the more I develop as a writer. Apologies retroactively cement an idea of fault and blame. I think there's more room for exploration in having the characters talk through all of the components of the issue without ever having that particular kind of confrontation.
Thank you very much again for the ask!!! I hope this was a fun read :3
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