#i think the adhesive tag is funny
i-am-strawberrygirl · 2 years
march 18, 2023
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im not good at taking aesthetically pleasing images, so enjoy reality instead? maybe ill figure it out eventually.
today is the last weekend before i go back to school from spring break. right now im just trying to do work that ive been putting off for my college classes.
speaking of college, im having to put together a reputuar of music for my college auditions. for context i would like to be a vocal preformance and music education major. and maybe minor in politcal science? not sure, it seems like wayyy too much work but i really do love polical science and things related to it such as history and government (economics can go rot). anyway im having to get all that music together and then ill probably order music over the summer.
i have a trip down to the coast soon, thats what the counter is for. ill leave in just about a month, im very excited for what i would be posting then.
today i felt moderate anxiety, still managable but having an anxiety disorder is never fun.
i need to get back to my homework and thats all i have to write for now. goodnight!
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lovecinnatwist · 3 years
How would you go about writing omega Jason with Alpha Dick?
Man oh man- Omega!Jason with Alpha!Dick is always such a bop.
It depends really! I see so many fics with insecure Jason thinking Dick is too good for him which is nice and definitely in character- but sometimes it makes me crave the other end of the spectrum?
Like a confident, sexy Jason who teases Dick with his scent and body until the alpha wants to implode? I also like the idea of Jason being raised by an Omeganist!Alfred and Omega!Talia to be badass, sassy and sensual. Bras? Suppressants? Painful heats?
Not for Jason Todd!
He embraces his Omega-ninity and it wreaks havoc on Dick's hormones. Dick being a more conservative alpha would definitely find himself overwhelmed but enamored!
Here's something playful with a clumsy Alpha!Dick and confident pack Omega!Jason!
Tiddies Out - JayDick
Tags: Omegaverse, AlphaDick, OmegaJason, Pining, Crack treated Seriously, Lactating, Heat Cycles, Omega Tim, Alpha Bruce, Pup Damian- Just Dick being an obvious pining idiot and Jason enjoying his reactions-
Jason doesn’t mind being an omega. How could he when it’s one of the superior options? While Alpha’s often lost themselves to aggression during rutting season and beta’s scrambled to placate them- Omega’s got to sit back and watch the show.
Being the object of an alpha’s fascination has many perks. First off? The gifts. Lavish offerings make their way to him with little to no effort. Weaponry from Talia, Expensive silks and poisons from Ras, The latest tech from Tim and Bruce. It's an endless parade really. One of the few things that make this more bearable to put up with.
He’s a heavy milker. Always has been.
Maybe it’s from growing up in an abusive household. Perhaps it's in response to being closer to the pack’s pups or hell, maybe his body is just gearing up for the imaginary children it wants to have. Regardless of the reason Jason’s tits are aching.
They seem extra tender tonight. The cold dingy air does little to ease the tension under his armor. He shifts and the way his pads squish under bullet proof chest plates is a pain. He curses and tries to ignore it. Something that’s getting harder as the cotton under his clothing reaches its limit. Tsk- 4 hours his ass. It’s barely been 2 and he’s about to make a mess of his gear.
As annoying as it is. He reluctantly reaches into his kit to get two fresh napkins to change. Other omega’s might be shy to do this in public but Jason has always been more practical about it. Breasts are breasts, no reason to get all crazy about it.
Though it probably didn’t hurt that Jason himself had a nice rack. He knows what the other heroes say about him behind his back. His figure has never been more appreciated than now in his prime. The dip in the pit did wonders at helping him bulk up. Thighs thick, emphasising his trim waist. In the throws of season his ample chest gives him an illusion of an hourglass figure. While some people would say omega’s should be small and dainty, he has yet to meet an alpha or beta who can resist him.
Not to be vain but he is nothing else if not attractive.
He’s got his top half way off when the sound of a near violent thud echoes out in the darkness. The hiss of pain gives away the alpha before his scent can. Jason doesn’t even turn in his direction. Instead he keeps his attention on the sopping pads under the compression shirt. He hisses as the gentle adhesive pulls from his throbbing mamories.
“ You alright over there goldie? “
He gets a groan for an answer. A nicer person would have maybe let the other man know about his current state of undress. Too bad that Jason isn’t exactly known for being ‘nice’. He carefully wraps up one cotton cloth. Once he’s clean and dry, he applies another. It’s quick and easy work. The slight chill does wonders against his flush skin.
The worn form of Nightwing crawls from the side of the building. There’s a pretty good bruise on his cheek Jason is 90% sure that the acrobat had a less than graceful landing. He’s always been weird about nudity. Even back when they mostly had the same parts. He rolls his eyes as the man pointedly tries not to look at him. He can’t help scoffing at the false modesty.
“ Hood. You shouldn’t do this out in the open like this. Anyone could see you. “
Everyone knows Jason is an omega, by extension that means Red Hood. It’s one of the reasons why his territory is so well protected. No one wants to cross an omega. While the fangs in their mouths were now more for scruffing kits, no one had forgotten the days when they were for hunting prey and tearing out throats.
He would flash his at Dick but he’s wearing his helmet and would probably just looks stupid. He manages to get the other pad off. It’s absolutely drenched. His left teet is definitely working harder than the right. The sheer weight of the cotton makes a loud squelch as it hits the little plastic bag at his feet.
He snorts. “ And you know what they’d say N? Best tits in Gotham. “
The alpha’s face is anything but amused. The furrow of his brow and spike in his scent is territorial and aggressive. It’s laughable really considering the fact that between the two of them, Jason is actually the one in charge of protecting the pack. It’s all a part of being the lead omega.
Whether Bruce or Dick want to accept it or not.
“ Stop objectifying yourself like that. “
Jason enjoys the feeling of being clean and dry as he gets the other cotton adhesive on. It’s a welcome sensation. Especially when he straightens his armor and it’s a little less chafing and tight.
“ It’s only objectication if I say I’m only a nice pair of tits Wing. Luckily I’ve got a nice set of thighs too.“
He pays Dick no mind as he stands and packs away his used pads to be thrown away later. He might have to call it an early night at the rate. With the way fall is quickly approaching his heat is just dying to make an appearance. Perhaps he could get away with offering himself to the foster system. With the amount of milk he’s making now it would be better for the pups who need it to benefit instead of it all going to the trash.
“ Hood! “ The sound is a scandalized growl. It’s funny enough that Jason throws his head back and laughs free and clear. With the voice modulator it’s mean and menacing. Amusement bubbles in his chest. He can’t help taking off his helmet so that Dick can take in just how wide his smile is.
“ Sorry Wing. I’m a pretty girl. What can I say? “
Talia is nothing but progressive. While many omega’s in the west suffer from low self esteem. Jason learned his worth quickly. Confidence is beauty. The more one loves themselves, adores them selves and takes time to know themselves the more they blossom. It’s a deep healing that not everyone gets to understand. A privilege for a few chosen omegas. He cocks his head and smiles and see’s the exact moment Dick starts losing his footing in the conversation.
The alpha is tongue tied.
“ That’s not what I mean and you know it Hood. “
Jason shrugs. Once he’s got his stuff away he’s ready to run roofs and actually get some work done.
“ Sorry Goldie. It’s 2021 and haven’t you heard? Red Hood says free the tiddies. “
He doesn’t wait for a response as he makes a running start towards the edge of the building. It’s always such a thrill. He tucks a bit to clear the gap. The moment his legs touch the concrete the sound is silent despite the bulk of his frame. Dick calls after him but he loses the words in the wind. Laughter bubbles up in his throat. He wouldn’t be a prude just because his family wanted to be sexually repressed more than they wanted to be happy.
Dick doesn’t try to catch up with him and Jason finishes the night patrolling with Tim and Stephanie.
He manages to get an entire three hours out of the next set of pads. Instead of changing out in the open he accepts Alfred’s invitation back at the manor for a warm bath and cookies. Tim stares at his chest while Jason gets himself decent.
Tim is a gorgeous omega, with a slender petite frame and porcelain doll-like features. He always seems to get shy in the presence of Jason’s more unconventional curves.
Jason knows what low self esteem looks like. The younger omega wears it no matter how much bravo he tries to exude. Jason brushes against him briefly and lightly. His usual fragrance is marshmellowy from the sweetness of milk that clings to it.
There’s an immediate blush as Tim ducks away. Clearly he’s embarrassed from being caught. Though in reality where is the shame in a little boob appreciation amongst omegas?
“ You know Timmy, you gotta stop wearing bras. Maybe if you show a glimpse of those pretty pink nips Kon would take the hint. “
Tim goes red from his ears to his chest. Jason can practically see the steam coming from his ears. He slaps his hands over his petite breast quick enough to hurt. Jason wants to let him scamper off but instead he presses into his space even more. Long gone is the perfume of pup, now that Tim has come fully into his omega hood. Every day his scent leans more and more towards caramel and sugar.
“ Uhg you’re such a jerk. “
Tim tries to dodge out of his hold but Jason gets him anyway. The omega yelps and Jason ducks him right between each swollen peck. They are red and tender from patrol. He hasn’t put on new pads yet so some milk beads at his nipples. The little shriek Tim lets out is hilarious.
“ You’re going to get milk in my hair! Jason stop- God you suck- “
The omega fights and Jason lets him go before the two actually get into it. It’s light and playful. Well for the most part. Tim gets some milk on his face and the teen honest to God looks terrified. He curses all the way to the shower stall to take another quick bath all while Jason cackles at his misfortune.
“ I swear to God, when I start milking I'm going to get you back Ten fold! “
Jason rolls his eyes. As if.The last thing Jason’s afraid of is milk. It’s a natural thing. God everyone in this pack is repressed.
“ We’ll see about that Timberella! “
The omega hisses and Jason has to hold back a laugh as he leaves the shower. He’s so light and high from the interaction that he completely for gos a shirt. Not that he really wants to wear one. Not with how milk heavy and tender his chest is. Alfred’s always been pretty cool about it too. Being from the 60’s and all that jazz.
Jason maybe gets half way through the cave before the sound of metal crashing draws his attention. Dick walks cleanly into one of the metal tables in the middle of the lab space, knocking over tools and gadgets.
Bruce is thoroughly unimpressed from where he’s helping Damian stretch before bed. He’s in half of his costume, suppressors and scent blockers gone. The sheer disappointment in Damian’s gaze is astonishing.
“ Richard, please control yourself. “
The alpha looks like a deer caught in headlights, his mortification absolutely palpable in the air.
Jason does catch his eyes on his chest though. He smirks and sees the moment horror grows in those bright blue eyes. Instead of heading towards the stairs he decides to circle back towards the group.
Bruce chuffs from his position on the floor. He doesn’t stop what he’s doing but does tilt towards him in reverence. It’s been the biggest change in their dynamic. Bruce finally learning to respect Jason as not only a pack mate, but the pack omega. He greets him with a scenting.
Unlike Dick the alpha seems to pay little attention to his milking.
Damian’s puppy nose twitches as he leans towards him. It makes his heart flutter really. While Damian would never ask, Jason has thought of offering his breast many times. While Technically too old for it, they’ve all done their fair share of growing up too quickly. Something that Jason Laments as well as appreciates.
He scents Damian more thoroughly than Bruce, making him bristle. The boy tries to move out of his hold, hands swatting him away.
“ Todd cease your pestering immediately! If I smell of milk my peers will assume I still breastfeed. “
Jason snorts and pulls back from the prickly pup. Bruce gets a stupid fond look on his face and for a brief moment he feels it echoing on his lips.
“ And what’s wrong with that? If your pack omega is milking of course as a pup you’re welcome to it. “
Damian’s green eyes widen a fraction. His mouth opens in disbelief. Clearly, Damian in fact did not know that. Bruce stares as well, his scent turning into a sweet blend of ‘love-admiration-awe’. It draws a shiver up Jason’s spine. The tender mix of affection from his pack blankets over him like a net of spun sugar.
Jason doesn’t know why he feels drawn to look at Dick. The alpha hasn’t said anything in the past minute. He cuts his gaze to the stone still alpha and his heart flutters in excitement. The looks of jealousy and want is so strong that his intentions sparkle clear like aquamarine in shallow ocean waters.
The alpha is so much more honest when he thinks Jason isn’t looking.
He grins at Dick.
The alpha immediately shrinks in shame and embarrassment.
“ And of course any alpha spending my heat with me. “
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bujorulgalben · 3 years
it’s 5am and my cat just woke me up so now you all have to endure more of me. you can thank pearl now:
NAME. eve is my alias here! it comes from the name my parents nearly gave me; evangeline
STAR SIGN. virgo sun, taurus moon, libra rising. this is insanely sexy of me
HEIGHT. 5′2. i am the eldest and shortest of 3
WHAT’S YOUR MIDDLE NAME? lucy. not short for lucifer but that’d be really funny
PUT YOUR SPOTIFY ON SHUFFLE. WHAT ARE THE FIRST 6 SONGS THAT POPPED UP?   1. rammstein - du hast (oh baby we’re off to a great start) 2. chris keya - totentanz 3. wargasm - post-modern rhapsody 4. franz ferdinand - walk away (never mind time to cry) 5. crystal castles - intimate 6. toby fox - death by glamour 7. ffs - johnny delusional 
EVER HAD A POEM OR SONG WRITTEN ABOUT YOU? ppl have dedicated songs to me and i promise that’s a sure-fire way to make me leave the function
WHEN WAS THE LAST TIME YOU PLAYED AIR GUITAR? maybe two days ago? i dance about with my jams a lot. easily embarrassed if i’m caught out
WHO IS YOUR CELEBRITY CRUSH? marina diamandis my beloved
WHAT’S A SOUND YOU HATE; SOUND YOU LOVE? hate: balloons rubbing on hands or other balloons. i could never be a balloon artist that noise goes straight through my head. it’s on the same level as nails on chalkboard. this is why i stopped going to TGI’s.  love: birdsong. uwu it’s one of the joys of living in the english suburbs all my life. i have a special place in my heart for robins, especially. i love robins. one of the paintings up in the house hallways is one i did of a robin, aged 6. i peaked at 6
DO YOU BELIEVE IN GHOSTS? ok so there was this one time i went on a residential trip with school for half a week, the house was absolutely haunted, and one morning i woke up to find myself standing upright in an old wardrobe. the doors were heavy, and i don’t sleepwalk. cue coming out joke
HOW ABOUT ALIENS? how can you not? it’s insanely vain to think we’re the most intelligent sentient species out there
DO YOU DRIVE? no! never! i love joking like “i’m a euro-gay you don’t WANT me to drive!!” but i legit have zero desire to drive. too expensive. too much destructive power. i’d die inside if i hit a pigeon let alone a person
IF SO, HAVE YOU EVER CRASHED? see this is what i’m talking about! big fear! used to have nightmares abt car crashes
WHAT WAS THE LAST BOOK YOU READ? the song of achilles by madeline miller. i like crying
DO YOU LIKE THE SMELL OF GASOLINE? oh baby. oh i love the smell of petrol. this is the downside to not driving LMAO not getting to go to the petrol station. idk i like melting my brains i suppose. it takes me back to the highs i used to get off spray adhesives when i was studying fine art
WHAT WAS THE LAST MOVIE YOU SAW? i have no idea! i’m not a movie person by any means, so it must’ve been a while ago. i think it might’ve been the green knight, which was very sexy/10
WHAT’S THE WORST INJURY YOU’VE EVER HAD? idk! i’ve had a medically eventless life! it was probably the collapsed vein i had when this nurse fucked up taking my blood to test me for anemia. i fainted! and had to come back the next day! also yes i do have anemia i didn’t need a blood test to tell you that
DO YOU HAVE ANY OBSESSIONS RIGHT NOW? i revived my naruto obsession after ten-ish years of not touching it and that’s been very, very fun. also: bitch i’m here on a tumblr roleplay blog. you tell me.
DO YOU TEND TO HOLD GRUDGES AGAINST PEOPLE WHO HAVE DONE YOU WRONG?  yes. i can hold the mother of all grudges, and as much as i’d like to say i’m more inclined to forgive but never forget... nah. that isn’t true. i’d like to do better at this bc holy fuck is it tiring, but i feel my jaw clench thinking about Certain People. this is absolutely not healthy don’t be an eve
IN A RELATIONSHIP? i’m sorry but your social link isn’t strong enough for me to answer this
tagged by: stole it lol tagging: the girl reading this <3
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mysticsparklewings · 4 years
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Sparkle By the Sea
Pardon me as I just barely squeeze a MerMay piece of art in. I'll be honest with you guys, I've been pretty lacking in artistic motivation since NaPoWriMo ended. Although if you've noticed my lack of uploads, you probably could've already guessed that.  This isn't abnormal for the aftermath of a month-long challenge for me, especially with a brand-new video game calling my name at every moment of the day, but even so I feel like this particular motivation drought was a bit different. Part of it definitely had to do with the changes to DeviantArt that I'm sure I don't need to remind everyone of, but that's been more of me dreading seeing what the state of the community is than anything else. (However, I have noticed I'm not a fan of the new tag system over the old category one, as confusing as the category system could be sometimes.) Rather, I think this lake of motivation has more to do with the fact that being largely absent from all social media during NaPo reminded me...well, that I hate social media. This is really a bigger discussion for a journal or something, but suffice to say it did not feel good to realize just how many literal hours I had previously been spending trying to desperately to scrape up just a little bit of support on other social media platforms (namely Twitter), versus the more natural growth I see here on dA that also feels a lot more genuine and less forced/obligatory. I can't really explain it, but that reminder/realization really helped my brain slip back into a place where I felt like creating again. And with that, I'll transition into talking about the art and save the social media talk for, as I said, a journal or something later on. Naturally, I've been seeing a lot of mermaid art this month and every year I feel the urge to get in on the fun, though I know better than to try actually doing the MerMay Challenge (especially not this year after having just done NaPo), so I usually either do a one-off drawing or if I'm too busy with other projects I just skip it. But I was starting to feel that need to make art in my brain again and I've had a specific set of stickers from the dollar store sitting in my stash for quite a while now that more or less sealed the deal for me. How do these stickers fit into the mix? Well, I originally fell in love with/picked them up because they are mermaid-themed and absolutely adorable--See for yourself! And I thought they would make for nice decals in a book project since they're wall stickers and therefore repositionable with minimal adhesive-yuck. And at first, I thought maybe I'd end up making them into said hypothetical book project in time for MerMay...except that felt a little cheap in combination with my lack of uploads. Did I really want to come back with a book project featuring mermaids I didn't even draw? And for MerMay of all things? So I sat on the idea and left the stickers out where I could see them, and eventually I sat down and took a closer look at them. The art style, upon further inspection, actually didn't look like it would be too far outside my usual art-making realms...Most of the coloring looks a lot like watercolor, except for the skin which I thought was flat and smooth like alcohol marker and the glitter accents which from my perspective pretty much had to be digital, but could potentially be replicated with glittery/metallic supplies... And that was the moment the idea hatched.  I decided I'd try drawing a mermaid myself in the same style. This would work for MerMay, have something to do with the stickers, and based on my plans would work well for me as a mixed-media project, which as I'm sure I've said before is where I think my artistic talent shines best. I thought the scariest part was going to be replicating the looser and less strict line style, and to a point it was, but it wasn't nearly as bad as I thought it was going to be. I find it's usually kind of tricky to explain this, but really what this part of the process boils down to for me (if I'm replicating an existing style and not using my own), is really just studying the original artwork(s) and looking for patterns, then trying to stick to those patterns. For example, the style here features fairly large & rounded faces, and the hands are more like hand-shaped mittens (which was great news by the way because hands are always a pain in the butt for me), so I did my best to emulate those features. As per usual, I did start with a sketch, but I tried to keep it looser than usual, and then when I did the inking I started with my 0.2 Micron, again trying to keep things loose and no be too fussy if I could help it. Then I went back with a brush tip liner from Prismacolor to get more natural variation in the lines and to force myself to not have quite so much control over the line weight. I was also very careful with my choice of liners because I knew pretty much everything except the skin was going to see a lot of watercolors, which meant the lines had to be waterproof. And of course, I went with watercolor paper (my nice 100% cotton stuff this time) to make sure I didn't have any issues with blending or layering. Now, at this stage, I didn't know what I was going to do for the background, though I was leaning towards the idea of making one separately and placing the mermaid on top afterward, as sort of a nod to the original mermaids being stickers. But I wasn't totally sure yet. What I was sure of was how scared I was to just dive into coloring. The sketching and inking and gone so well I was thinking I was in for a rude awakening at any moment. So, just in case, I scanned my uncolored lines as a fall-back if I royally screwed up. With my paranoid mind set at ease (for the most part), I could begin with color application. I started with the skin since it was the easiest; Just one good layer of alcohol marker, leaving a little white space here and there like the artwork I was emulating. Although 1. The marker color turned out a bit darker than I was expecting and later blended too well with her tail, so I had to lighten it in Photoshop, and 2. because watercolor paper really soaks up the ink, I ended up with less white space than I thought I would. But beyond that, this step went off without a hitch. So then came the second-scariest part: The watercolor. I used a mixture of my Master's Touch watercolors and Mermaid Markers (yes, that was a very conscious supply choice ) and tried to take my time and be mindful of the color balance I was looking for. I'd decided ahead of time that I wanted to try and stick with a soft-ish palette like the original art, but I still wanted my choices to be different. Since yellow/gold is featured in the original but not used for a tail color, that's what I went with, and I opted for the blue-y-purple hair since a soft blue and purple are also prominent in the original and based on color-theory would be a nice contrast to the gold-orange tail. Though I did also try to get some pink in both the tail and the hair for a bit of unity and calling back to the pink in the original art. The trickiest part with the coloring was actually the tiny lips and blush spots. I ended up using a fluorescent pink for that turned out as more of a red originally and had to be touched-up via Photoshop because of that and also because of the lightening I did to the skin. It's more that it was a bit of a challenge to get the shapes of these much smaller areas right and in the correct place, since I had to use very minimal pencil markings, lest I end up with nasty graphite marks mixed into the paint. Getting the hair to be dark enough without being extreme compared to the rest of the drawing was also a great test of patience, but it ultimately worked out, I think. I also had a hard time deciding what color the piece of coral in her hair should be, which is why it ended up as this vague dusky-orange color. And I got more pink on the sand dollar next to it than I intended, but neither of those things is a huge deal. While I waited for all that to dry though, I had to decide how I was going to go about tackling all that extreme sparkle the original art had. I could have just added it in digitally and not even attempted it traditionally, but everything else had gone so smoothly that I decided to push my luck this time. Originally, I started with just glittery gel pens, but I found pretty quickly that they were sinking back into the colors underneath them too much and thus just weren't doing what I wanted. I wanted high-impact sparkle. After some brief consideration, I turned to the metallic watercolor sets I have made by Art Philosophy, which are very high-impact metallic and pretty opaque, which would work well over my failed gel pen and would work wonders for the areas where I wanted that high-impact over an opposing color. (I.E. Where I wanted the blue sparkle over a very orange-yellow area, which would normally make brown mud if the color on top wasn't opaque.) The funny part about that is that I originally used a different shade of purple and gold for those areas of sparkle that I ended up completely covering with different shades (the purple needed to be lighter and the gold needed to be darker/more gold and less yellow). And her eye shadow cover saw all three colors before I settled; The purple just seemed wrong, and the gold blended too well with her skin. I thought the blue wouldn't work so close to her blue hair, but it actually ended up looking the best out of the three. Although, I do have to make a full disclosure that the high-impact sparkle you see here is in fact where I went in and re-did it digitally once I scanned the artwork in. Unfortunately, glitter and metallic supplies just don't scan very well and usually end up looking too dark, dull, or flat by comparison. The metallic paints work just fine in person since you can move the art and see how they reflect the light, but it just doesn't work in a still image that's been captured by having a bright light uniformly shined over it. Still, re-tooling the sparkle digitally ended up being an interesting challenge, especially since it's been a fairly long time since I was messing with digital textures like this. Also worth noting is that I had to re-paint some of the metallic areas because they weirdly lifted off onto the plastic cover I used to protect the art when I pressed it onto the background to make the glue stick. I'm not sure if it's because those were the extra-layered areas and they hadn't fully dried all the way down to the paper, or if that particularly plastic just picks up this metallic paint really easily or what. And speaking of that background... Like I said earlier, I wasn't really sure what I wanted to do for a background for a while, but after reviewing my mermaid-centric Pinterest board I decided a simple rock seat and something to vaguely suggest the ocean/water without getting too detailed would suffice just fine. Based on that, I felt like using gouache would work nicely (and I just really felt like using the gouache since I don't find a lot of opportunities to use it) and that a color scheme that flipped her hair and tail colors would be best for the effect I wanted. I've found I really like the Strathmore 400 series mixed media paper for gouache because of how smooth it is, so I cut a piece down to size and got busy. For the most part, I just kind of went in with the colors doing whatever felt right, and trying to use some gouache I'd already mixed from past projects (since gouache can be reactivated and I've found this kind, in particular, seems to reactivate really nicely) either on their own or to mix the colors I felt like I needed. And I also tried to do a lot of blending straight on the paper to get more variations in color and make things a bit more lively. Oddly enough, this ended up being a good example of gouache's covering power because I accidentally started applying the colors upside down--using more greens and blues on top and more pinky-purple on the bottom--and not only had to flip the paper around but also had to do a fair amount of covering the colors I'd already put down with colors you don't really want to mix with them because they don't make very pretty results.  But it worked out just fine, so yay! I also added some clouds for a little extra ambiance, which I think looks quite nice. Believe it or not, the most difficult thing about the background was the rocks. I spent far longer than I care to admit (or bothered to document, for that matter) trying and in many ways failing to mix the proper shades of gray I wanted, and the end result didn't turn out quite as clean and graphic as I had hoped, but by the time I put the mermaid on top, you really can't tell because you can only see a fraction of what's actually there.  And I mean, the end result isn't terrible, it's just not quite what I was picturing in my mind's eye is all. Personally, I know it's kind of an odd choice, but I really like how there's no defining line between the water and the sky, and yet you still get a clear idea that they're separate and the rocks aren't just floating in space. I'm not sure how, but I think I'd like to work with this kind of ambiguity more often. It's like a step between abstract and more structured art. Anyway. With the background done, the next step was to attach the mermaid, which I felt like doing in a more 3D and less flat manner, so I chopped up a cardboard box that previously held a chocolate bunny I had on hand and glued some pieces together to boost the mermaid up a bit. This where those deep shadows between her and the background are coming from.   Here I feel the need to insert a comment about how difficult it was to get my tacky glue to dispense the glue for me, though there's a chance this is because I need to poke the opening in the tip to be a bit wider. (You have to poke it open yourself and I always felt like I never did get it open quite enough...unless you like strenuous hand exercises...) Of course, once all the above was done then I had to scan the art in, which I was admittedly a bit nervous about after the incident with the plastic cover peeling off the metallic paint (though fortunately, the scanner glass didn't have the same effect), and then all that was left wad the digital retouches. Overall, I'm really happy with how this turned out. It doesn't blend in as well as I originally wanted it to with the original art, but in the end, that doesn't really bother me. It's just a nice piece of art on its own that is also unique from what I normally do...except it's still got a lot of similar elements to how I normally make art. It feels a lot like the days when all I made was fanart. The key difference here is that I know myself better as an artist now and thus can use that knowledge to my advantage. I can't promise this a return to regular posting for me, though I do hope it's a gateway to me posting more frequently at least, but I can say I do intend on getting back to working on art more often and therefore being more present online again. At the very least, I can happily tell you guys that I have a couple of new art supplies en route to me that I've been wanting for a while and am excited to share with you once they arrive.  If nothing else, we at least have that to look forward to! ____ Artwork © me, MysticSparkleWings ____ Where to find me & my artwork: My Website | Commission Info + Prices | Ko-Fi | dA Print Shop | RedBubble |   Twitter | Tumblr | Instagram
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psychadelickate · 5 years
Criminal Minds - Prentiss: Justification
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Imagine: Justification Word Count: 1403 Fandom: Criminal Minds Pairing: Emily x Reader Rating: Teen and up Gif: Not Mine Requested: Anonymous Prompt: Emily Prentiss x reader with the sentence “I don’t deserve to love you I've never written Prentiss before, so I'm not sure if I got it right, hope I did her character justice 
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She finds you at the gym, long after most of the team has gone home. The case has been solved, the unsub caught and now you get to battle your own demons… Your fists hurt, your knuckles are torn and bleeding, but you need the pain to help you forget, help you deal… Sure, having bad days at work are part of the job, especially when you’re a behavioural analyst for the FBI, but some days are exponentially worse that others and some days you wish you didn’t make it…  When you wish the unsub would just end it all for you… “(Y/N),” you hear the sound of her voice behind you, though you don’t turn to face her. 
No, you square up, take in a deep breath and start with the punching bag for another round. In between punches, you roundhouse the sandbag but it doesn’t give you the satisfaction you crave. You go at it almost four minutes before Emily steps between your fists and the bag.  It only takes you a second to realise you’re not going to hit the bag, but you are going to hit her if you don’t drop your hand. You don’t have to think twice before your hands falls to your sides. “(Y/N),” she calls you again, but you can’t meet her gaze. A few minutes pass and you hear the sigh that escapes her.  When you still make no move to acknowledge her, she takes the initiative. She places a finger on your chin, lifting your face enough for you to meet her gaze.  Your eyes roam her face, taking everything in, as though it’s the last time you’re going to see her. When you meet her gaze, you know she knows. She’s aware of your decision to leave, everything.  “(Y/N),” she whispers your name this time and you can’t help the tears that roll down your cheeks.  Then she cups your left cheek and you savour the feel of her skin on yours… The next thing you’re aware of is her mouth pressed to yours, her one hand resting on your hip as the other curls around your neck, bringing you closer to her.   She’s kissing you, and with everything she asks of you, you cannot deny her this. You feel her tongue run across your lips and you open your mouth to allow her tongue entrance. You give her everything you have, not keeping an ounce back. You feel her pushing you gently, and you allow her to, until your back makes contact with the wall and her chest is pressed flush against yours. She kisses you long and deep and it rouses emotion you didn’t know you even possessed.  And then you feel her hand on your waist, travelling up the wall of your ribs, thumb grazing the underside of your breast… Your body has never felt this alive before. You move one hand to her waist and your other glides down her neck and instead meeting smooth skin, your hand meets sterile surgical adhesive, and the day’s events come back to you in glaring high definition scenes. 
The team had been profiling the unsub rapist, who had recently accelerated to killing his victims. Unfortunately for the team, Emily had fit his profile perfectly and despite your strong protests of her going in undercover to bait him, Hotch had unhappily allowed her to do it.  Well, in her defence, Morgan had promised he wouldn’t let anything happen to her and JJ would be there as well. You didn’t like it, didn’t agree with it but you were outnumbered and so she’d gone… It was twenty minutes later when Morgan realised, he’d lost sight of her in the crowded bar and her cardigan with the tracking device had been left on the barstool she’d been seated on.  “Motherfucker,” you’d shouted, to no one in particular, as you’d punched your fist into the desk.  “(Y/N), we’ll get her back,” Morgan tried so calm you, but it only enraged you further.  “Not losing her in the first place would’ve been ideal,” you’d shot back.  It was JJ who finally told you to take a walk to calm yourself down because if you didn’t, she would see to it, personally, that you were taken off the case.  You’d been walking down the street of the parking lot of the bar when you’d heard the scuffle. You were instantly alert, walking in the direction of the noise. You’d already taken your firearm out your holster and since you carried 1-up. You followed the pair into an abandoned building where you saw him force Emily onto the bed, hands tied behind her back and mouth duct-taped shut, knife pressed against her neck. You were going to kill this asshole. “Touch another hair on her head and I won’t hesitate to pull the trigger,” you said, startling him.  He pulled Emily up by the arm and blocked your shot by placing himself behind her, knife still pressed to her neck. She’s got a bruise on her cheek and her shirt is torn in some places, and you wonder just how far this dirtbag got with her. You’re almost certain she has pressure marks on her hips from this fucker and it you can’t keep control of your anger, no matter how hard you try.  According to the profile he was a psychopath who had no remorse for his actions. And you weren’t helping by threatening him. Though in your defence, he was trying to kill the woman you were in love with.  You were in love with Emily Prentiss. It was this emotion that prompted you into action.  “I’m not going to ask you again, let her go, or I blow your brain out,” you tell him, and he smiles at you, egging you on.  “If I die, so does your lady love,” he tells you as he presses the knife into her neck.  The trickle of blood you see pisses you off and you take aim.  Emily knows you won’t miss, but she speaks to you anyway.  “Killing him won’t let him suffer,” she tells you and while you hate that you can’t, you also agree with her. Instead, you shoot him in the knee, blowing out his knee-cap.  The knife falls from his hand, clattering to the floor, and you holster your weapon, running to Emily as quickly as you can. You take her into your arms and hug her as tight as you can, without hurting her. You don’t realise there are tears running down your cheeks until JJ pulls the two of you apart and hands you a tissue.  “You good?” she asks and both you and Emily nod your heads.  Hotch, Rossi and Reid remain silent. Morgan tries, but you don’t wait for him to say anything. You’re not ready to forgive him.  You tear apart mid-kiss and even though her mouth follows yours, you don’t let her kiss you again.  “I should go,” you tell her, though you make no move to remove your hands from her body.  “(Y/N),” she starts, but you don’t let her finish.  “Em, you’re the best person I’ve met in a long time. You’re kind and funny and gorgeous and kick-ass and I am so in-love with you it’s not even funny.” “But,” she says, “because there’s always a but.”  “But I don’t deserve to love you,” you tell her, and you see her confused expression.  “I don’t understand,” she says.  “I can’t protect you and I’m not good enough for you. If I was you wouldn’t have gotten injured today. It wasn’t as serious as I thought, but what if he was smart enough to move the knife an inch forward… we wouldn’t be having this conversation… We wouldn’t be having a conversation at all,” you continue.  “I don’t deserve to love you,” you whisper this time.   You kiss her one last time before untangling yourself from her and walking away.  “You’re not giving me a choice in this?” you hear her ask you.  You’re tempted to turn around and answer her, and the restraint it takes is monumental, but you keep walking, out of the gym, out of the FBI building, out of the BAU and out of one Emily Prentiss’ life. You’ve never hated any decision as much as you hate this one and you’ve never felt as much pain as you do today. 
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mooleche · 5 years
A Story of Ink and Venom - Chap. 7
A/N - A shorter chapter for once! There’s a needle reference and a little blood, just a fair warning! Also one french term near the end, it just means ‘stop talking’, haha.
Tagged - @master-sass-blast @leo-writer
If you’d like to be added on or removed let me know! Enjoy! (❁´▽`❁)*✲゚*
Chapter 7 - Awakening
They say that when you die, your life flashes before your eyes.
This was, well, true. I only say this because I’d experienced it myself when I was 20. Every memory was like a picture and every picture felt like it lasted a lifetime. It was hell.
After what had just transpired I fully expected to have the same result play like an old film projector playing its last tape. 
Only that wasn't the case.
I no longer sat breathing my last breath in the back of Renato’s lab. I blinked and was now sitting amidst a flower patch in a valley of grass. In front of me stood a woman.
Her back was turned to me, covered by a cascade of flowing red hair that ran through her pale hands like water.
“Oh Peter, this spot is wonderful,” I heard her call to me happily, and I frowned.
‘I’m not Peter’, I want to say, but I don’t get the chance.
A flicker of static hits me and the world goes black.
More voices now. They’re followed by laughter this time before the sound of glasses clinks together and I find myself releasing a content sigh. Only, the sigh isn’t mine, it’s that mans again, Peter. We’re at a restaurant. I’m looking into the woman's face this time, bright green eyes that light up as I stroke my thumb over her hand.
“When are you gonna let me put a ring on that finger, Red?” I murmur to her before she hides her blushing face away from me and stares out of the window. It’s a black abyss outside, but I’m met with the reflection of the man. He’s tall, broad-shouldered and clean-shaven, yet still somehow still manages to look youthful.
I ponder back to those words.
I never said that.
And I certainly didn't remember this place.
What was going on? These weren’t my memories.
Another flash hits me, this time with loud voices following.
The woman. She’s holding a knife at me now, green eyes alert with fear as I attempt to take a step towards her with caution. Another woman, an older woman, stands behind her with the same look in her wide eyes. We’re in a house now, there’s a broken vase beside me and my body is covered in a black skintight substance that fights me, or whoever I’m supposed to be, with every movement made.
“Peter, stop! This isn’t you!” the younger woman, the woman I’ve seen in all these ‘memories’ yells at me as I clutch my head. The voice is louder now, the urge to do something to stop her accusations growing with each passing second.
I want to tell her I don’t know what’s happening.
Instead, there’s a final flash before a blood-curdling scream hits my ears and I’m ripped from whatever strange dream I’ve been stuck in.
I shot up and released a startled gasp, gulping down air like my lungs had never experienced breathing before. What the hell was that? Who were those people? Those memories? Most importantly, where was I now?
A shrill beeping beside me alerted my attention and I turned to see what I could only guess was a heart monitor whose lines were now fluctuating rapidly as it tried to keep up with my wild heartbeat. I trailed the wire to my chest and delicately tore off the adhesive, immediately greeted with silence only dulled by the soft tune of what sounded like Claire de Lune to keep me company as I tried to recall what happened.
More wires. My thoughts were like sifting through a heavy fog until my eyes fell on the IV needle that lay nestled in my arm. I gritted my teeth before I removed it as delicately as possible, not like I had seen so many people rip it on in films and shows. I was met with the sight of blood that trickled down my arm in response.
Then it hit me like a ton of bricks. 
Renato. Phobus. The gunshot.
That terrifying black mass appearing before I-
I shivered at that thought, or maybe because all the sweat I had produced was now as cold as the room around me was. All I knew was that right now I had to figure out where I was and get some answers.
My vision blurred briefly in the dark area only to clear as I began to look around. It looked like your typical medical room; various machines lining the walls with a very neat looking nursing station for what I assumed were for various special procedures. 
It only occurred to me then that I had been in a gurney myself. I slumped forward and rubbed my face haphazardly to wipe any remaining exhaustion from my eyes before swinging my legs out to the floor. Even with my socks, the tile was ice cold, and like clockwork, a series of overhead lights blinked on at the sudden motion. I winced at the sudden brightness and fell back against the gurney to adjust to the change.
The voice was deep and guttural in my head but so loud that I jumped in surprise. 
Who said that?
"Is someone here…?" I asked, voice dry and hoarse as if I hadn't spoken in weeks. I searched the room, even dared to wander to the desk nearby littered with papers and files. No one was there.
A menacing growl that faded into an ominous chuckle filled the air and I stumbled forward. My legs were a constant mixture of lead and jelly as I wandered through the large room before freezing in my tracks. Across from me in the reflection of a glass medical cabinet stood that creature's face where mine should have been. 
I released a panicked scream and stumbled back, falling flat on my ass as I missed the gurney and instead felt my mind grow dizzy with fear.
"This...this doesn't make sense...this isn't real, you’re supposed to be in jail…" I whispered to myself, hands shaking as the chuckle grew louder.
"And you're supposed to be dead! Funny how life works," it snarled smugly as I dared to stand and look at my reflection once more. 
The terrified face of a young woman stared back, black hair half matted to her dark skin while the other half fell in loose curls around her shoulders. There was no monster.
It was me. I was me again. 
I touched the fine black line that traveled across the bridge of my nose and sighed.
I must be hallucinating…, I thought loosely as I leaned against the counter for support, trying to ease my racing heart. I had to be, there was no other explanation to the sudden madness. This is crazy, I must be going crazy.
Not quite.
I gasped in horror, scrambling to catch myself as I jumped back from the counter like it was the culprit to the sudden voice. My eyes scanned the room desperately, settling upon the only door leading out to god knows where and I bolted for it, desperate to escape the memory of the creature that was haunting me.
Instead, it slid open to reveal Renato with a hand ready to knock, his mouth agape at me.
“Nina?” he gasped in surprise as my terrified appearance pushed past him into a brightly lit corridor. The flashes had returned, only this time I was not met with pictures but voices that overlapped one another. I clutched my head and closed my eyes, trying to concentrate on one but being met with many instead. I felt Renato grip my shoulders and call my name, worry in his voice. “Nina, speak to me. What’s going on?”
“Get off me!” I shouted, not because of what he said but because of what he now looked like when I looked up at him. He looked like that thing, that creature with its slick black skin and those long sharp teeth that snapped at me as I pushed myself away. 
I searched around me in a panic, trying to find an escape. The room was now spinning and I was losing my edge fast, unable to process everything happening. Renato called to me and I turned once more, seeing the face of a worried man I knew well and I grimaced. I felt like I was going crazy, in fact, I knew I was going crazy. Especially when I bumped into something hard and whipped my head around to see what it was.
Standing before me was a looming figure that stared down in what I could only guess was confusion. He was tall, taller than Ava or even Renato, but that wasn’t the strange part about him. It was everything else. He was covered in a fine blue fur that only seemed to end where his hardened facial features began and I gasped in shock.
“Miss, are you alright?” he asked me in a careful tone, but my hearing was muffled once more by those voices. Behind him, a set of doors similar resembling an elevator dinged open and I rushed past him, hearing both their voices call to me before fading as the doors shut and I was left alone once more.
“What’s happening to me…?” I whispered as I slumped against the cool wall of what was most definitely an elevator. Its slow hum confirmed this as it started it’s trek up and led me god knows where. I didn’t care, anywhere was better than where I had just been. My thoughts wandered back to Renato. Was that actually him? Was my mind just playing tricks on me again? 
Inside a dark chuckle rang throughout my head and I felt my heart pound once more.
What do you think is happening to you, Nina?
That voice again. I felt a chill run down my spine at it’s taunting tone and yet I couldn’t help but answer.
“I...I don’t know. What did you do? What are you?” I whispered frantically, feeling the elevator stop abruptly. Another flash went off in my head before it could answer, followed by a new voice, a calming voice.
Nina, can you hear me? He asked carefully. I nodded with hesitation before uttering a small ‘yes’ in response in case they couldn’t see me. This seemed to work as he continued.
Very good. Listen to me, you have to relax, he ordered, a voice that, the more I heard it, I swear I had heard before but just couldn’t place it. Another searing flash hit me and I found myself clutching my head in pain as the other tried to return. We want to help you, this is a safe place.
“A safe place…? I don’t even know where I am,” I whispered, pressing myself against the wall as my appearance took the form of the monster again. Its white eyes were narrowed into slits as it watched me, as if waiting to strike if I moved.
He’s lying, the other commanded. More flashes, little pictures of memories that I knew weren’t mine and yet they still invaded my skull like a hammer on wood. I had enough, I couldn’t take it anymore. He wants to hurt you, to use you-
“Get out of my head so I can think!” I shouted before bringing my fist to the metal door. I didn’t think it would leave a mark, I was never one strong enough for that. But I now stared at a heavy dent in the door that slowly slid open to reveal the outside and grimaced. I was greeted with silence, staring out into a room full of kids of various ages all staring back in shock at my outburst. There was nothing to say, what could I say after that other than ‘Where’s the exit?’ as I clutched my throbbing hand. A few lifted their hands to point to a corridor not far off and I uttered a small ‘thank you’ before booking it out of that room like a bat out of hell.
At any other time, I would have marveled the interior of this place. It was grand, filled with wooden architecture that even Ava would have gone gaga over. Right now it just looked like an endless nightmare of corridors that I had no escape from no matter how much I ran.
I struggled forward, my brain too muddled and my body beginning to grow too hot as I searched desperately for an exit. Anything to calm the chaos swirling around in my head. And just like that, the familiar voice popped in my head, this time stern.
Nina you have to stop, we can’t help you if you won’t let us.
“It’s too hot, I can’t...I can’t…” I whispered to no one in particular. Even if I wanted listen to him my flat out legs refused his request, desperate to escape this hallway of horrors. All I could focus on was making it outside. Outside would have cold air, maybe an escape to these voices. Outside was going to save me.
Don’t listen to him, the other commanded. I shook my head and rooted myself in place, suddenly unaware of where I was. In my hurry to run I suddenly found myself at a crossroads with growing panic spreading through me.
Nina, please-
“Arrêter de parler!” I shouted to no one in particular. My voice must have carried through the halls because more children began to poke their heads out to see who was causing the racket. The eyes, the whispers, the incessant orders being given in my head were all too much. The room was back to spinning violently now and I could no longer keep up with anything. 
With a quick turn of my heel, I gathered up what remaining strength I had to head back to where I had been, to confront Renato or who I thought was him, for answers or help. Instead, I found myself smacking directly into something very hard. The heavy clang of metal contact rang through my ears before I hit the ground, only the faint whisper of ‘Bohze moi…’, being heard before my world turned black once more.
Finally, the voices had stopped.
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likethetailofacomet · 5 years
Have Your Cake (& Smash It, Too)
A/N: Checking another of @zaffrenotes seemingly never-ending requests off of my ever-growing list of WIPs. This one is chock full of pre-wedding stress. FUN. 
featuring: my fav BrOTP Ben and Emma 
Word Count: 821 - ANOTHER TRUE DRABBLE! It amazes me when I can be brief. 
“Hang on, wait…Emma!” He reached out and grabbed her shoulder, spinning her to face him. “Where are you going?” He asked, with a shake of his head. He looked her over, makeup half finished; one side of her face painted perfectly with a dramatic smokey eye, the other side with part of a prosthetic scar dangling from her cheek. If that wasn’t already making it hard enough for him not to burst with laughter, her hair was haphazardly clipped to the top of her head with a big purple plastic claw clip that was probably older than she was, and her clear blue eyes were wide and crazed. He was struggling beyond belief keep the laughs inside. But then she answered his question, and all the talent in the world couldn’t force him to keep a straight face.
Emma blinked at Ben, knowing exactly how she must look. She threw her hands up as she responded. “Where am I going? Crazy. Wanna come?” She shook his hand off and stalked away from the makeup trailer.
“Yes I certainly do!” Ben scrambled after his friend, gasping with hysterical laughter as she nearly tripped, one foot slipping out of her flip flops.
She spun and there were fresh tears shining in the corners of her eyes- finally enough to get him to stop laughing. “I’m glad you think this is so funny,” she said between sobs. She bent down to pick up the shoe that had betrayed her only to find that it had broken. “Great,” she pouted, throwing it ruthlessly back down to the dirt.
Ben stepped up next to her and ducked down a bit to look her in the eye. “Hey. Em, what’s wrong? I’m sorry I laughed at you, it’s just…” he gestured to the half-applied prosthetic flapping from her face. With a lopsided grin he reached up and gently pulled it off. “There, that’s better. Couldn’t have a serious conversation like that.”
Emma touched the spot on her cheek, feeling the sticky adhesive beneath her fingertips. She wiped her hand on her jeans and sighed. “I can’t wait until we’re done with those scenes. I hate wearing that thing.” She smiled and blinked away the tears.
“Yeah but you look like a badass with it.” He countered, and she laughed a little. “But no deflecting. What’s up? Why are we going crazy?”
Emma rolled her eyes and head and dramatically threw her hands up. “The wedding. What else?” Ben chuckled and nodded knowingly; not only had Rachael let him in on Emma’s stress levels, but Seth had also been mentioning how much work it was becoming to plan.  “It’s just getting out of hand, you know? Between my mom and Seth’s there are A LOT of opinions. Strong ones- I just got a passionate text regarding champagne flutes. And I can’t help but think that I’d be just as happy if we just went to City Hall and did the damn thing there. At least then our wedding day wouldn’t be overcast with a cloud of stress and worry over every meaningless detail.”
After nearly a two year engagement, all Emma wanted was just to get to call Seth Levine her husband. She didn’t need a wedding fit for the cover of Bride magazine. She wasn’t aiming for theirs to be the affair of the year, or for it to draw the attention of the media. She simply wanted to be Seth’s wife. She wanted a marriage; she couldn’t care less about a wedding.
Ben shrugged. “So why don’t you?”
Emma narrowed her eyes. “Don’t think I haven’t thought of it.” She sighed. “But we’re two weeks out. What am I supposed to do, cancel the thing?”
“What would your character do?” Ben posed the question and cocked his head to the side.
Emma smiled, a wistful look in her eyes. “Whatever she damn well pleases.”
Ben nodded in agreement. “That’s right she would. She’d have her cake and smash it in her husband’s face, too.” He winked.
“Are you suggesting...what I think you��re suggesting?” She asked, the smile crawling up her face changing the tone of her voice.
“If you think I’m suggesting that we call Seth and Rachael and have them meet us at City Hall as soon as we wrap for the day, then...yes, we’re on the same page.”
“That’s...that…” Emma was grinning like a damn fool.
“So crazy it might work?” She saw that mischievous glint in her friend’s dark eyes as he pulled out his phone to call Rachael.
“So crazy it will work.” Emma pulled her phone from her pocket and dialed Seth. As she waited for her sooner- than- she- thought -soon -to -be husband to pick up, she knocked her elbow into Ben’s. “Thank you,” she mouthed.
He winked as Rachael picked up on the other end of his line. “Hi love. Got some news for you…”
tags: @zaffrenotes @ooo-barff-ooo @sleepwalkingelite @brightpinkpeppercorn @kellypenac
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folklorecostumes · 6 years
A lot of these posters are pictured in either giant bubble letters, rep font or in calligraphy. Can’t do any of these? Download the rep font or font you wish to use, type up what you want in a big enough font size, print, cut, and trace, or glue them down up to you! Of course, write these however you wish!
Hello all! Thanks for waiting so patiently for this list! Because of how long it is and how very excited you all have been waiting for this we have decided to post it into 2 parts to keep the excitement going. Part 1 is linked below! Please enjoy all the ideas we listed below, feel free to send us others you may have and want to share with the swiftie world. We apologize if the formatting on this looks bad on mobile, we are trying to actively make it easily accessible and readable across all platforms!
And lastly, enjoy and tag us in these recreations! We want to see them! We want to help them get seen by Taylor!
Find the Reputation Part 1 list here.
Find the 1989 idea list here and here.
Find the Red idea list here.
Find more costume and poster ideas and tips here.
- Reputation Costumes.
1.  “Gorgeous” – Few options:
      → Draw/or print the baby emoji onto a poster with a speech bubble saying the word gorgeous.
      →  Poster spelling out gorgeous between you and your friends.
      →  One poster with the word gorgeous on it. This song really sounds very bubblegum-y pop so pink and glitter and fluff and flowers can be associated with this. Keep that in mind when designing your poster.
     →  Create your own gorgeous inspired Taylor merch. Get an idea based on how her current merch looks and design a shirt similar but instead of saying like “rep” everywhere it’ll say gorgeous.
2. “Made fun of the way you talk” – Poster with a multiple taymojis of Taylor with speech bubbles including all the extra hashtags, replies, reblogs Taylor’s ever used or said. This includes (find more on tumblr or I’m sure there are screenshots of these all somewhere since she like cleared her tumblr):
     →  Mom-croon
     →  Bae
     →  Emojis
     →  “I think for me, um…”
     →  Pop Tart Squad 4 Lyfe
     →  Can’t find my chill ever
     →  Shifty Swifty Strikes Again
     →  No it’s Becky
     →  Brb going to buy more cats now
     →  Merstare
     →   I stalk because I care
     →  They see me lurkin…They hatin…
     →  Welcome to moo York
3. “Magnetic field being a little too strong” – Glue magnets onto a shirt and create a poster cut into the shape of a giant U-shaped magnet with that lyric written in it.
4. “Whiskey on ice” – Poster of a tumbler filled with whiskey and ice. The lyrics can be written into the ice cubes.
5.  “Sunset and Vine” – Few options:
      →  One person dresses up as a sunset, see the idea above for the “grey days clear” lyric in So It Goes…
      →  Another person dresses up similar to Poison Ivy from DC Comics or one of the other poison/vine related looks listed above for Don’t Blame Me.
      →  Poster with a map street view with a pin at the intersections of Sunset and Vine.
      →  Dress like you’re favorite vine!
      →  Poster cut out to look like a vine video post, you can take pictures with it as if you’re in the vine. Have the caption of the vine video be a cute lyric from the rep album!
6. “You’re so gorgeous, I can’t say anything to your face” – 2 options:
      →  Wear a morph suit or shirt consisting of only Taylor’s face over and over—can be where she’s making a funny/weird face or can be just a normal shot of her face. Have a poster saying “you’re so gorgeous” to go along with this.
      →  You and a friend can have two posters, one that says, “You’re so gorgeous, I can’t say anything to your” and have an arrow pointing over to your friend. Their poster will be a giant cut out of Taylor’s head.
7. “Cause you’re so gorgeous it actually hurts” – Poster saying Taylors so gorgeous it actually hurts. Can have a friend hold one that says “(Honey, it hurts)” or you can write that underneath the main lyric in the ( ).
8. “Ocean blue eyes looking in mine” – Poster of eyes, draw them big enough where you could draw waves of water where you’d shade it blue for eye color.
9. “There’s nothing I hate more than what I can’t have” – Typically we don’t recommend this simply because it canget fans overlooked, however it’s funny and cute so here it is: Write this lyric with “(t-party, club red, loft 89)” underneath in a small font, cross them out like that too since we won’t know the name of the after party show!
10.  “Guess I’ll just stumble on home to my cats” – Buy 2 cheap plush cats, maybe at a local dollar store, glue the heads of it onto a poster (or cut holes into the poster and stick the stuffies through, make sure they’ll stay all night though) and write the lyrics. Draw paw prints along the poster. Could pair with cat shirts and cat accessories. Could also glue multiple mini plush cats to an outfit and pair with a poster cut into the shape of a paw print. @taylortreasures has created an outfit similar to this!
1. “Best of times, worst of crimes” – Set of posters for you and a friend to match with.
       →  Times poster could consist of multiple watches/clocks drawn throughout the words
      →  While crimes poster could have things like handcuffs, stolen money bags, cars all drawn throughout it. Turn these poster ideas into two unique outfits!
2. “Struck a match and blew your mind” – Set of posters:
      →  Poster in the same of a match with a flame.
      →  Poster drawing out the words “mind blown” in pink. See link to get a good idea, don’t draw the bitmoji.
3. “Ties were black, lies were white” – Dress up fancy for this! Think Blank Space video but before the outfits get torn up! Poster can read, one a white poster board, “lies were” and then leaving the rest blank. Could write “white” in glow in the dark paint/tape that would only show after the lights go off.
4. “X marks the spot where we fell apart” – 2 options:
     →  Treasure map idea, see End Game “bury hatchets” idea!
     →  Write out your stadium(s) name and draw a giant red X over it and write  “where we fell apart” underneath.
5. “From the first Old Fashioned” – 2 options:
      →  Dress old fashioned—so like pick a decade and go with it! May we recommend the 80s ;)
      →  Poster in the shape of a tumbler that appears to be filled with an “old fashioned”, be sure to include the small details like a lemon rime/wedge and a cherry!
6. “Never had a shot gun shot in the dark” – Poster of the night sky with cutout bullet holes in it. Write the lyric out in mini glow in the dark stars to stand out!
7. “Drivin’ the getaway car” – Few options:
      →  Poster in the shape of a car. Think of a 1969 Camaro or another vintage car that’s often seen in movies involving getaway cars. The lyrics from the chorus can look like its spray painted on the side of the car or front depending on how you face it in the poster.
       →  Poster of the front of a car that’s cutout so you can wear it to look like you’re sitting in the car. Could have fake money hanging off the edges to make it look like money is flying out.
        →  Poster with any of the chorus lyrics with a little drawing of a car speeding away with money flying out or drawing of tire tracks on the ground. Perfect for the “we were flyin’ but we never get far”
8. “Don’t pretend it’s such a mystery” – Few options:
        →  Poster of the side of the Scooby doo van with the lyrics above the word Mystery that’s painted onto the van (omit words “the” and “machine”)
        →  Make a Clue game board involving Taylor scenes from videos/tour pics etc and you can even include Olivia in a little detective outfit and a magnifying glass. Have a few game cards flipped over on the board with the lyrics being written across them.
9. “Think about the place where you first met me” – Met Taylor before? Or even some of her band members, dancers, parents, team? Make a poster with any pictures of these events and the lyrics!
10. “Sirens in the beat of your heart” – Draw a heartbeat line emitting from a police car or the red and white lights attached to the top of them (think the portable round ones’ undercover cops would attach to their cars). Put this idea onto a poster. Could even cut out the shape of the red and white siren lights and the heartbeat line and use glow in the dark tape/paint to make it stand out.
11. “The great escape, the prison break” – Dress up as runaway prisoners or thieves on the run! You can make posters in the shape of giant money sacks.
12. “A circus ain’t a love story” – Few options:
       →  WANEGBT tour outfits from Red tour worn by Taylor and dancers!
                  → This includes ring leader, clowns, acrobats, etc
       →  Traditional circus outfits
       →  Love Story, a classic Taylor song! Dress like the music video or past performances of this song.
       →  Romeo + Juliet
13. “Hit you like a shot gun shot to the heart” – Same concept as above, however instead of a night sky poster, have a large cut out heart with bullet holes in it.
14. “We were jet-set, Bonnie and Clyde” – Dress as the infamous Bonnie and Clyde!
15. “Put the money in a bag and I stole the keys” – Bank robber with a money sack poster. Reference the poster to either show it’s a friend’s (or Taylor’s) money and have novelty keys hanging off the tie of the bag.
16. “I was ridin’/cryin’/dyin’ in a getaway car” – Few options:
      →  Poster using a car emoji, the crying emoji and the skull emoji in the lyrics.
      →  “I was crying to getaway car” pun on you enjoying the song poster
     →  “I was dying to hear getaway car” poster
17. “I made up my mind, I’m better of bein’ alone” – Poster saying you’re better off being a swiftie.
18. “We met a few weeks ago.” – Tribute to if you’ve met Taylor/her team/parents/band/dancers/etc on a poster or shirt.
19. “Callin’ me baby like tryin’ on clothes” – Poster board that’s interactive! Make a cut out Taylor (using the IKP outfit from 1989 tour will be the best option to start) and attach multiple tour outfits or appearance outfits she’s worn with double sided tape or some other adhesive and allow fans to try different outfits on Taylor!
20. “Salute to me, I’m your American Queen” – Few options:
         →  Dress up as a Queen/royalty
         →  America/4thof July inspired outfits
         →  Crown and sash/Pageantry. Sash can say “Miss American Queen” You could even have a fake acceptance speech written out on a poster board that says like “And I want to thank Taylor…”
        →  Poster cut out into the shape of a crown.
        →  “you traded your baseball cap for a crown” relate KOMH to Long Live.
        → Poster saying this lyric and have American Queen colored in red, white and blue.
21. “You move to me like I’m a Motown beat” – Motown beats originated in gospel music but also in the 1970s music industry, use these two to inspire decade looks! The 70s were big on disco.
22. “With their range rovers and their jaguars” – 2 options:
       →  Poster in the shape of the range rover or jaguar emblem.
       →  Wear or make merch that looks dawns these brands emblems.
23. “You are the one I have been waiting for” – Poster ideas:
       →   Typically, we don’t recommend this simply because it can get fans overlooked, however it’s fun and cute so here it is: Write this lyric with “(t-party, club red, loft 89)” underneath in a small font, cross them out like that too since we won’t know the name of the after-party show!
       →  Taylor’s the one I have been waiting for on a poster.
24. “King of my heart” – Few ideas:
      →  Giant heart shaped poster with a king’s crown and mini robe attached to it.
     →  Poster using the crown emoji and the heart emoji.
     →  Going with a significant other? Have them dress up as a King (or Queen) and have them hold a fake heart (think the vampire diaries but less gore ha) or hold a cutout heart poster. You can wear heart shaped sunglasses (think heart eyes motherf*cker vine) and shirt with these lyrics and an arrow pointing to your significant other.
     →  Going alone but like the above idea? You can say you have Taylor’s heart or she has yours instead.
25. “I’ve been waiting” – Poster including how many days you counted down for your tour date(s).
26. “Late in the night, the city’s asleep” – Poster using the visual opening for WTNY that showed the landscape of the city at night. Use glow in the dark stars over the skyline and hole punch the lettering when writing out the lyric.
27. “Your love is a secret I’m hoping, dreaming, dying to keep” – 2 ideas:
      →  Make a poster using this lyric and draw out the emotions of hoping, dreaming and dying. Think of the see no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil sort of imaging.
     →  “Taylor’s love is a secret I’m hoping, dreaming, dying to keep”
28. “With a school girl crush” – Dress up as if you’re trying to impress your crush on the first day of school! Have a poster that consist of those passing note questions you’d send your crush but have them addressed to Taylor. (ex. Do you like me? Circle one. Etc)
29. “Drinking beer out of plastic cups” – Red solo cup poster.
30. “Say you fancy me, not fancy stuff” – First fancy in the lyric draw heart and draws in the sentence and the second fancy draw diamond rings, luxury items etc. with a large red X through them.
1. “Oh twenty-five years old” – Poster with your age in replace of the 25 lyric.
2. “My love had been frozen” – Few options:
       →  Poster in the shape of a heart that is frosted over and turning blue.
       →  Poster with these lyrics but the word frozen is drawn like the movie poster font for the Disney film.
       →  Winter wonderland type of outfit or poster. Think Snow Queen.
       →  Dress as Elsa, Anna or Olaf.
3. “Deep blue, but you painted me golden” Few options:
      →  Two matching posters saying Deep Blue and Golden painted in the prospective colors.
      →  Matching outfits made from the prospective colors.
      →  “Deep Blue” think the deep sea.
      →  Dress up as a painter.
4. “Picture of your face in an invisible locket” – Make a poster cut out in the shape of a locket, have it folded to open up like an actual locket and have a picture of Taylor in it.
5. “But we were dancing” – Poster with these lyrics, have the dancer emoji drawn on it.
6. “Dancing with our hands tied” –  2 options:
        →  Poster in the shape of a pair of hands tied together.
       →  Poster with these lyrics. Have it split up if you’re going with a group of friends.
7. “Yeah, we were dancing, like it was the first time” – First Taylor show? Make this poster dedicated to seeing Taylor for the first time!
8. “Through an avalanche” – Poster in the shape of a mountain top with the words of the lyrics to appear to be snowballing down the side of mountain.
9. “I’m a mess, but I’m the mess that you wanted” – 2 options:
       →  Dress up like you’re a mess and have a poster to match with the lyrics.
       →  Poster that says you’re the mess Taylor wanted.
      → You’re a mess because of Taylor poster.
9. “Cause its gravity, oh keeping you with me” – Poster with these lyrics but have them begin to fall down and off the poster. Have cut out letters dangle off the poster.
10. “I’d kiss you as the lights went out” - few options:
        →  Poster in the shape of lips painted red. Use red reflective tape to make it stand out.
       →  Poster adorned with miniature red lips all over it. Use glow in the dark tape/paint on the words “lights went out” so it stands out.
       →  Make a cut out poster of the lyrics “lights went out” and fill the letters with glitter, as much as you can. Do a matte finish or laminate it so you can shake it up and have the glitter move around.
11. “If I could dance with you again” – Print out the photo of Taylor performing Holy Ground on the Red Tour, print it large enough that you can make a cutout silhouette of her dancing as a poster. Don’t have the resources to print it big enough? Try your best to sketch the outline! Incorporate the lyrics either into the silhouette or have it as a sort of a halo written around the entire silhouette of her!
1. “Our secret moments in a crowded room” – Poster with the words secret moments being suffocated by a multitude of things such as confetti, glitter, charcoal etc. Have the words pop out of whatever you chose to relate to the sense of a crowded room.
2. “There is an indentation in the shape of you” – Poster cut out into the shape of the indent of a person lying in bed.
3. “Made your mark on me, a golden tattoo.” –  2 options:
        →  Wear those gold jewelry type tattoos people wear to music festivals!
        →  Poster asking Taylor to make her mark on you with her signature.
4. “All this silence and patience, pining and anticipation/pining and desperately waiting” – Few options:
        →  Poster of these 4 adjectives for you and your friends to hold!
       →  Desperately waiting for rep room.
5. “Say my name and everything just stops” – 2 options:
       →  Say my name, Beyonce/Destiny’s Child connection.
        →  Say Taylor’s name and everything just stops.
6. “Only bought this dress so you could take it off” – 2 options:
       →  Poster in the shape of a dress, possibly little black dress since Taylor has referenced those forever.
       →  Make an outfit that you can transform from dress to whatever else you want! Think tear away tour outfit!
7. “Carve your name into my bedpost” – Poster of a headboard with Taylor’s name or initials into it, make it look carved in. Could even carve out lyrics or the word reputation.
8. “And if I get burned, at least we were electrified” – 2 ideas:
       →  Two posters of the words Burned and Electrified. Have burned be made or engulfed in flames and have electrified have lightning bolts striking off of it.
       →  Make the poster idea above into an outfit. Use reflective tape and cut out pieces into the shape of flames or lightning bolts and attach them to the outfits.
9. “I’m spilling wine in the bathtub” – Poster in the shape of a wine glass. Cut it so it’ll be on an angle and have red or rose wine sloshing out of the rim.
10. “Flashback when you met me” – Met Taylor/her team/parents/dancers/band? Make this a tribute to them!
11. “Even in my worst times, you could see the best of me” – Make a poster using headlines about Taylor and have them slashed up and covered with positive memories and headlines and all her success. Have reputation written in the middle of it.
12. “My one and only, my lifeline” – Poster made of these lyrics. Could also say Taylor’s my one and only, my lifeline.
1. “It was so nice throwing big parties” – Posters made to look like balloons, party favors, etc. Think Gatsby and vintage since this is a popular theme in this song.
2. “Everyone swimming in a champagne sea” – Make a poster in the shape of a giant champagne bottle and have confetti looking like its pouring out of it.
3. “Feeling so Gatsby for that whole year” – 2 options:
       →  Dress vintage and 1920s Gatsby like.
       →  Use the Great Gatsby font and make a poster using these lyrics.
4. “So why’d you have to rain on my parade” – Make an outfit that looks like you’re a part of a parade celebration and hold a poster in the shape of a rain cloud with raindrops dangling from it. Use reflective or glow in the dark tape for the rain drops to stand out.
5. “This is why we can’t have nice things” – Poster of these lyrics but instead of the word nice, replace with drawn items or emojis of things like rings, money, designer brand labels.
6. “But you stabbed me in the back while shaking my hand” – 2 options:
       →  Related to back to Bad Blood, check out our 1989 costumes post to get some ideas.
       →  Where a fake knife attached to the back of your shirt, you can find these sort of props at a Halloween/gag store or at like Party City.
7. “Get you on the phone and mind-twist you” – Cut out of an old fashion rotary phone and have a speech bubble coming out of the speaker portion of the phone to make it look like the person on the other line is saying “mind-twist you”
8. “So I took and axe to a mended fence” – 2 options:
     →  Could recreate a blank space music video or tour look
     →  Poster in the shape of an axe.
9. “If only you weren’t so shady” – Poster in the shape of sunglasses with these lyrics reflected into the frames.
10. “Here’s a toast to my real friends” – 2 options:
    →  Poster with these lyrics and champagne glasses clinking drawn throughout
    →  Poster in the shape of a champagne glass clinking with another, could even make two (or more) separate ones for you and your friends to match.
11. “He-said-she-said” – few options:
    → He said she said is typically hearsay/rumors, so you could dress up as a news reporter.
    →  Using the NYT’s font aka reputation font as a background/filter for the lyrics in a poster. Think of how it looks on the right ride (Taylor’s left) on the album cover.
    →  Poster of a fake headline regarding Taylor. Could recreate the back of the reputation magazine covers. Have the headline be the lyric.
12. “Here’s to my baby” – Poster idea. Do what you think works best with this as it’s a very simple line.
13. “Here’s to my momma” – Poster dedicated to Mama Swift.
14. “Had to listen to all this drama” – Drama poster, it’d be a cool idea if you bought all those crappy tabloids and sort of papier-mâché the word out of all the headlines revolving around drama.
15. “Because you break them” – 2 options:
    →  Poster cutout of a broken fancy item. Could be a broken award, broken watch, etc anything fancy that you deem making.
    →  Make an outfit out of the idea above, wear broke items glued to you.
1. “My castle crumbled overnight” – Poster in the shape of a castle, could have pieces hanging off or broken to represent it crumbling. You could also dress up as a princess/prince.
2. “I bought a knifer to a gunfight” – 2 options:
   →  Foam knife/sword accessory
   →  Poster of the knife emoji
3. “They took the crown” – Crown shaped poster or plastic crown to wear!
4. “My baby’s fit like a daydream” – Few options:
    →  Fit is British slang for attractive or good looking. Make a pun of the word fit and have a poster that looks like a guys six-pack abs.
   →  Poster in the shape of a thought bubble with the lyrics “my baby’s fit” could even use all or some emojis in replace of the words.
   →  Could dress up as a sort of fairy/daydream-y/soft type of persona. So wings, pastel colors, definitely having jewels glued around your eyes and such! Have fun with this look, for makeup lookup festival looks or mermaid looks to get an idea.
5. “I’m the one he’s walking to” – Poster replacing the lyric “he’s” for “Taylor’s. Could have foot tracks painted around the lyrics or even use high heel cutouts from magazines and catalogs rather than painting foot tracks.
6. “Call it what you want” – Paint this in a pretty pastel color in a calligraphy font. Have the background of the poster have a soft feel to it, like cloud and starry like. Could even make a 3D type poster and have plush either as the background or as the letting.
7. “My baby’s fly like a jet stream” Few options:
    →  Poster in the shape of a plane/jet with these lyrics behind the plane in a loop. Think of how planes on maps so dashes to track their paths.
    →  “Taylor’s fly like a jet stream”
    →  Couples costume of a pilot and attendant.
8. “High above the whole scene” – 2 options:
    → Poster of a skyline. Can be whatever city skyline you’d like, maybe even emphasis in the building windows/lights which city; it’d be cool to reference your tour stop! Have the poster cut out to mimic the buildings rather than drawing in a sky.
    →  Could make a poster of a bird since they fly above the scene, as well as planes like referenced above. Could relate this back to 1989!
9. “Loves me like I’m brand new” – Few options:
     →  Not necessarily tour outfit related but don’t want to dress up? Simply buy a nice outfit and only where it the day of the show! It’s brand new. Could even be Taylor merch.
    →  Poster of a giant price tag that has Love written as the amount. The product into written on the tag could say like Taylor Swift. Size: Reputation Stadium Tour
    →  Taylor loves me like I’m brand new.
    →  Poster of a new package or wrapped gift with the tag saying “love you – (name or xoxo)”
10. “All my flowers grew back as thorns” – 2 options:
    → 3D poster of like a thorn-bush or vine type thorn with only a few flowers still left on it. Have the lyrics written or painted out in a deep green cursive font, intertwining with the thorns.
     →  Buy or make a skirt and attach fake flowers to the entire skirt so it is covered. Buy or make a top and attach plastic “thorns” or vines around the top and have them hang off of it so it looks like they are slowly taking over the flowers. Have the top be very dull and lackluster in color but have what is remaining on the skirt be full of color.
11. “Windows boarded up after the storm” – Poster of a broken windowsill with boards covering up the cracked window. You could even make the boards openable like a book so that when you appeared into the window you could see the fire that is referenced in the next line. Have caution tape covering the planks but have the lyrics written repeatedly over the caution tape.
12. “He built a fire just to keep me warm” -  See idea above OR make a poster in the shape of the flame emoji or a log campfire.
13. “All the drama queens taking swings” – Dress up as a baseball or softball player and have your team name be Drama Queens. Make a baseball bat poster with the word reputation on it.
14. “All the jokers dressing up as kings” – Dress up as a joker/clown/fool but masquerade as a king so also were a crown and possible a cape. Make a sign that says “King of Reputation” or that displays the lyric.
15. “They fade to nothing when I look at him” – 2 options:
     →  Poster with these lyrics where it looks like the words are fading off the poster. Use glow in the dark paint/tape to have it still show after the lights go down.
    → They fade to nothing when I look at Taylor.
16. “I did one thing right” – Poster that says Swiftie or Proud swiftie, meant to represent you made the right choice in being a fan of Taylor.
17. “I’m laughing with my lover, makin’ forts under covers” -  Make a poster that is drawn like a bed fort, so multitude of different blanket patterns etc and attach a speech bubble to the top of the poster to show either “hahahaha” or “* giggling *”“* laughing *” to make it look like there’s laughing underneath the sheets.
18. “Starry eyes sparkin’ up my darkest night” – few options:
     →  Dress up in a costume that is galaxy themed. So tons of stars, especially glow in the dark ones, have glitter, moons, a tutu and have it all be in a navy blue. Your matching poster can be in the shape of a shooting star with the lyrics “Sparkin’ up my darkest night.” Use reflective tape or glow in the dark paint to stand out!
    →  Poster cut out of eyes and have the galaxy drawn in them rather than simply coloring in a regular eye color.
   →  Could have a lit match or sparkler shaped poster.
19. “I want to wear his initial on a chain round my neck” – Make a poster of Taylor’s initial’s and wear them like a necklace. Think back to when flavor flav wore a giant watch.
20. “Late November” – Poster of this exact lyric but have it big enough where you can decorate inside the words and have it fall themed.
21. “Would you run away with me? (Yes)” – Make a poster asking Taylor if she’d run away with you. Have it set up like a check yes or no question and have a paw print or 13 stamped in the yes box.
1. “There’s glitter on the on the floor after the party” – Few options:
     →  Glitter, glitter glitter! Wear sparkly outfits (think NYE) and have body glitter all over you. Have fun and extra glittery makeup looks and have a poster of these lyrics written out in glittery puffy paint.
    →  Have a poster made that looks like you’re staring down at hardwood floor and have a spilled glitter container open, glitter all over the bottom of the floor with the lyrics written out (think written out as if someone took their finger and just wrote it out in the pile).
     →  “After the party” – reference the end of your show with this, rep room.
     →  “There’s swifties on the floor after the party(concert)”
2. “Girls carrying their shoes down in the lobby” – Poster cut out and drawn to look like you’re carrying a pair of high heels. Look at some of the heels Taylor’s worn for previous tours and outfits and recreate them on a poster.
3. “Candle wax and polaroids on the hardwood floor” – Few options:
     →  Burning candle poster, could be a simple candle, could be in a jar like the ones she uses frequently, or it could be decorated with things that remind you of Taylor and Reputation.
    →  Polaroid poster (1989).
    →  Poster of burned out candles and dried wax on the floor (look up the candles Taylor loves to have in her home and create the logo for the posters) and polaroids scattered on a hardwood floor (reference the opening lyric idea to get how to picture this.) Have the polaroids be pictures from the reputation magazine.
4. “Don’t read the last page” – Poster of the opening/dedication page of a book with this lyric written in it. Either make it look like the author purposely wrote it, OR have all the prewritten info from said book be information about Taylor and the reputation tour and use her handwriting from 1989 and have it look like she handwrote “don’t read the last page” as a note to the next reader. Make it look three dimensional by having the page look like it’s about to be turned to the next.
5. “But I stay” – Make a poster of these lyrics but make it big enough that you are able to write inside of each individual letter. Write the speech Taylor gave about how she felt her hands were tied behind her back but swifties always defended her (it’s a clean speech). Could even write long live lyrics.
6. “I want your midnights” – 2 options:
     →  An analog clock striking midnight
    →  Or a digital clock (think the old digital though where the numbers physically flipped rather than it being just animated) and have the numbers look like they’re changing from 11:59PM to 12:00AM.
7. “But I’ll be cleaning up bottles with you” – Poster of a recycling bin that is piling up with empty champagne and wine bottles. Have all the labels on the bottles be song titles or lyrics!
8. “New Year’s Day” – Few options:
     →  Dress up like its NYE/NYD. This means glitter, 2018 hats and glasses, champagne, confetti and streamers, dresses or skirts and crop tops. It also means holidays, so you could reference a few other things as well with this.
     →  Poster drawn out of the NYE ball dropping. On the countdown screen you could either write the lyric (full or just NYD) or you can write how long you waited for your show.
     →  Simply just sketching out the words New Year’s Day however you may want.
     →  Midnight kiss, so a poster of lips.
     →  “Ring” in the new year. Could be a poster of a bell or a ring.
9. “in the back of the taxi” – Dress up like a taxi or make a poster of the backside of a taxi with the silhouette of two people sitting in it. Have the license plate reference reputation or swifties. Be sure it’s a NY plate.
10. “I’ll be there if you’re the toast of the town, babe” – Few options:
     →  Could do a large poster that looks like a champagne glass with a tag/ribbon hanging off the stem (think like seating cards) that says Toast of the Town.
    →  An award poster (like an Oscar or such) but instead of it saying Best Picture etc it’ll say “Toast of the Town: (name)” You can either write your name or Taylor’s name or even Joe’s.
    →  Poster of a cut out magazine cover you can take photos in (or make it look like an Instagram post) and have the little blurb on the “cover” say this lyric. Make the magazine a reference to the rep mags.
11. “If you strike out and you’re crawling home” – Baseball or softball player costume with a poster in the shape of a bat. Could even have two posters for you and a matching friend where the bat is broken in half and you’re each holding a split end.
12. “Hold on to the memories, they will hold on to you” – Few options:
     →  Reference long live. Whether it’s by poster or you want to recreate the long live tour outfit!
     →  Poster of the word memories but have it being spelled out by photos from previous tours, Taylor with fans, from previous album booklets. Tumblr likes/posts, etc.
    →  Met Taylor/her team/band/dancers/parents/etc? Wear an outfit or make a poster using pictures and memories from that moment.
    →  Poster of the word memories being hugged/squeezed. Don’t have to draw the entire body, just arms wrapping around the word.
     →  Have a poster in the shape of a jar and have it labeled Memories and then fill it with your favorite Taylor memories. So love the Speak Now album? Write the words Speak Now in big block/bubble letters in the jar. Keep doing this with words of memories you like. Don’t have the words overlap, simply cut off a word if it doesn’t fit. Make it seem full but not unreadable.
13. “And I will hold on to you” – Poster of this lyric just as is. Maybe make it written on a music sheet or on piano keys. Could also write Taylor will hold on to you or I will hold on to Taylor.
14. “Please don’t ever become a stranger” – Poster dedicated to her 6 albums.
15. “Whose laugh I could recognize anywhere” – Poster collage of all the photos of Taylor laughing.
16. “You and me forevermore” – Poster of the word forevermore. When I hear this line, I think of a clear night sky, glitter, love, passion so incorporate that into this creation. Maybe have it made out of stars or hearts, or have it made out of flowers. Whatever you envision when you hear this.
1. Make poster that looks like the popup stage in the reputation VIP tour box, make it out of papier-mâché newspapers.
2. Snake poster.
3. Use the dialogue from the LWYMMD end scene as funny posters.
4. Meredith and Olivia posters.
5. Reputation/REP poster cut out using the rep font.
6. “There will be no further explanation. There will be just reputation”
7. Lots of gold and metallic colors, glitter.
8. TS/TAS Initial Poster
1. “Pavement she once decorated as a child with sidewalk cross” – Poster that looks like a sidewalk drawing.
2. “Her skin was spattered with ink” – Use body paint to spatter ink on your arms and clothes. Make a poster using the same idea. Maybe use the word snake in some of the spatters.
3. “She rose slowly” – Poster of a flower slowly blooming.
4. “Avoiding old haunts and sidestepping shiny pennies” – 2 options:
      →  Poster of a ghost (think emoji)
     →  Poster of a penny or writing out this piece of the poem using pennies (or drawing them if you don’t want to waste the money)
5. “Way of phone calls and promises” – Relate this back to All Too Well or LWYMMD. Have a phone poster with a speech bubble writing this line.
6. “Waded out into the dark, wild ocean up to her neck” – The ocean is almost all unexplored so have fun with this line. You could do mythical mermaids or sirens. Or you could make an outfit out of seashells and seaweed. Your poster could be a cutout of a wave.
7. “And in the death of her reputation, she felt truly alive” – This is a GREAT quote for a poster and to really sum up the entire reputation era.
1. “Cross your fingers” -  Poster of crossed fingers.
2. “Wish on lucky numbers” – Poster of a number cutout related to Taylor. (13, 22, 1989)
3. “Rest in Peace, to your naïve bravado” – 2 options:
     →   Poster of a gravestone addressed to your naïve bravado.
     →  Dress up as a zombie (zombie Taylor) and where a tombstone or have written on shirt “Here Lies my Naïve Bravado”
4. “Secret garden gate” – Poster of a flower garden. Have it three dimensional so use craft flowers.
5. “Each new enemy turns to steel” – This line reminds me so much of Yellow Flicker Beat by Lorde in the line “I’m locking up everyone who ever laid a finger on me” Maybe make a poster combining these two ideas.
6. “You’ve grown to hate your pride and to love your thighs”
7. “But Darling, it’s going to be okay”
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vulturevomittm · 6 years
20 questions tag!
hey!! i just got tagged by @palraiyuk for this thing! i’m too anxious to tag ppl but if you are a friend/mutual/follower reading this and want to do it then you can just pretend like i tagged you asdjkgbaskljgbakjsnf
1.) nickname: god i love nicknames literally call me anything
main- Vulture-Vomit, VV, Sticky
additional- V, V-Vivvle, Venedict Viesel, Adhesive, Pancake/Pancakes, Glutecrepes, Stick, Sticktail, Stickers, Kiwi, Nutty, Nuttycake, Cryptid, Mimmikyu
2.) height: 5′2″, my little brother recently grew an inch taller than me and its a thing
3.) favorite school subject: besides my major (Visual Art), I would say i’m also fond of English! love to WRITE!!
4.) something i want to learn: MORE LANGUAGES fuck man im so seriously impressed by ppl who know 2 or more languages ive tried but im just not the best at budgeting the time for it (ive been stuck trying to learn spanish for a while, but i think i would also like to learn ASL and maybe japanese? idk if i ever get good at it maybe ill end up learning a whole bunch)
5.) favorite quote: do no harm, take no shit
also like anything from snapcube or snubdub bc theyre funny and cute and make me smile!!
6.) favorite food: yeah
im kind of a garbage disposal when it comes to good food like im not picky theres not a lot of stuff i DONT like- but im very partial to sweet or satly things like favorites are probably noodly stuff like beef lo mein and ramen, fruit like kiwi, watermelon, peaches, pineapple...... yes
7.) favorite place: idk anymore tbh a lot of the places i liked have been destroyed or altered in ways i cant rly enjoy... still love the old mulberry tree in my backyard i guess! and i’d love to go back to king’s island or holiday world some day: alternative answer- around ppl i love, doesn’t matter where!!
8.) what cant i leave the house without?: phone, glasses
in ideal situations i will also have: a hat, my wallet/ID, a water bottle, a phone charger (my portable charger if im REALLY on top of things), menstruation necessities, pens/pencils, a sketchbook and/or notebook, a flash drive, chest binder (and backup sports bra for binder breaks), i would say charms/accessories friends have given me but i usually overwear them and end up losing them fadskjlgbasdkjgb
also a boxcutter but i lost my boxcutter and probably should at least get some scissors or something
im kind of a mess sometimes so doesn’t always end up happening
9.) last song i listened to: denial and greed from cat’s cradle (the whole album really)
10.) identity: agender polyamorous bisexual im the them
11.) eye color: blue
12.) hair color: naturally? brown; right now it either needs to get bleached or shaved or both bc its been growing back to how i looked in high school faksdhgksajgn 
13.) something i collect: pokemon plush and cards, literally any non-food a friend gives me
14.) favorite movie: god there’s just so many movies i love uhhhhh anything with rly good animation like pom poko, the last unicorn, coraline are definitely up there ALSO POKEMON MOVIES THE ENTEI MOVIE IS SO HJECKInG GOOD
15.) favorite song: don’t really have one but i rly love 4lung’s stuff; alternative answer: any song that’s ever been made into a warrior cats AMV BONES SHATTER FALL APART AND HIT THE FLOOR-
16.) favorite book: stupid fcukngi warrior cats 
if we’re counting webcomics/visual novels then also put ShootAround by suspu and Butterfly Soup by Brianna Lei out there!
17.) zodiac: birthday is September 29th, 1997 so im a Libra! my chinese zodiac is the ox
i mean i read homestuck but i dont know the differences of like rising sun/moon or whatever else fdsahglaskj
18.) languages i know: fluent english, fragments of spanish and asl but not enough to be confident to speak it
19.) full name: i dont fuckin know man
rn i guess its Vulture Vomit Oakley but ive been toying around with something  like Voltaire like idk i like Voltaire but im not sure if im doing that bc i want it or bc i feel like i need to be professional or what i wish i could just like not have a name sometimes aksgdskgj
20.) tattoos/piercings?: someday maybe...... i have my ears pierced but it would be cool to have a tattoo and maybe some more ear stud things!
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