#i think the mommy blogger actually had three kids
fandomforg · 10 months
So, Your Child is Force Sensitive:
it’s a book written during the prequel era by some mommy blogger on a random planet. she’s got a set of force sensitive twin boys and she compiled her blog posts into a book all about raising force sensitives and choosing not to give them to the jedi temple.
the book is not super well known, it only ever sold maybe a few hundred copies, but it’s honestly really detailed. this lady did her research, but still is able to give her outside perspectives as a force null. she talks all about being pregnant with force sensitives, the babies special needs as empaths, the choice to raise them herself, interactions between force sensitives being raised together, the developmental checkpoints that are different from force nulls, and even how to deal with your moody and powerful force sensitive teens.
the book also talks a bit about jedi ideology and family structures (to help parents make the decision of whether to give the kid to the jedi or not) (it took her so long and so many space emails to the jedi to do that research)
the jedi themselves, however, are not too big of fans of this book because they think it’s probably for the best for force sensitive kids to be raised in the temple (and in some ways it is), but this mommy blogger advocates that with the right, caring parents and the right knowledge, force sensitive kids can do just fine being raised at home (and she’s also kinda right)
anyway, the book stays unpopular all the way up until order 66. then the book gets super-duper banned with all the rest of the reputable information on force sensitive people and the jedi. the mommy blogger stops posting. her and her now adult children drop off the map. her small (but devoted) following has no idea if they’re ok or even alive, but they go to great lengths to erase all of her personal information off the holonet if they can.
the galaxy keeps turning, and the mommy blogger stays missing, but sometimes her book (the few copies not destroyed) will end up in the hands of people who need it. people like bail and breha organa, owen and beru lars, kanan jarrus and hera syndulla, and even eventually din djarin.
even luke skywalker gets himself a copy when he’s suddenly responsible for having his own little force school. (at one point, din is reading the chapter on letting go of your kids when they leave the nest, while luke is simultaneously reading the chapter on how to calm an inconsolable youngling)
a lot of the research into how the jedi work and their ideologies are actually way more accurate, relevant, and recent than any of luke’s other ancient jedi texts, so that’s how luke’s jedi order rebuilding efforts become mostly built on one chapter of a book written by a middle-aged, force null, mother of two.
this mommy blogger may have started her blog just to document her journey in raising her twins, but she ended up writing a book that would help raise a generation of force sensitive children who had no jedi temple to turn to. her honest care spread farther than she could have imagined.
still, nobody could find out where she and her twins went, even after the fall of the empire when it was safe.
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tppiner · 2 years
Cast of stuck in the middle
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Isaak runs in and we’re eating like the normal ones and he said, oh my gosh, give me one, give me one. Isaak is like the biggest Oreo fan so my siblings and I got a packet of Oreos and we opened one of them and we put deodorant in there. But a couple of my siblings had to be on set that day and I said, well we have to get Isaak before he gets us. That was his prank that he didn’t have a prank. And I kept telling everyone, hey guys I have the biggest prank. It was April Fools’ Day and we were filming onset. ISAAK PRESLEY: Well, I think what they’re talking about is when you pranked me. JENNA ORTEGA: The thing about his pranks though is that they’re not like set up. And they are very important in the families because they make their families their families. I think it’s important to know that for those middle children out there who feel like they’re not noticed that they are. She feels very invisible but later on she realizes that she is very important and she plays a very important role in her family. I like Harley’s storyline because at first she’s kind uncertain of where she’s going with her life. JENNA ORTEGA: I love being stuck in the middle. I thought that Disney created the show for her and the family because there are so many parallels. KAYLA MAISONET: I have a brother, cousins and three dogs, so.ĬERINA VINCENT: Actually, she is stuck in the middle (Jenna Ortega). (Disney Channel/Rick Rowell)ARIANA GREENBLATT, MALACHI BARTON, NICOLAS BECHTEL, JENNA ORTEGA, ISAAK PRESLEY, KAYLA MAISONET, RONNI HAWK, CERINA VINCENT, JOE NIEVES So some of you can kind of relate but some of you don’t have big families?ĪRIANA GREENBLATT: I have just a little brother. STUCK IN THE MIDDLE – Mommy blogger event. And they’re always over at the house because we babysit them so there’s eight kids in my family I guess you could say. But my sister just had another nephew so now there’s eight of us. I’m one of six kids but if you add one of my nephews there’s seven. So how many of you are actually from large families? I was really looking forward to meeting the cast and hearing how much the show means to them. So cute! The entire family is adorable and the show was really funny. I’ll be honest, having two older boys in the home I don’t watch the Disney Channel that often so when I heard that we would be interviewing the cast of Stuck in the Middle I made it a point to watch a few episodes.
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Hi! I found your Dragon Age fanfictions on Ao3 and love them and sometimes check your blog too but don't have tumblr. What is this whole controversy about being 30 and liking Cullen being wrong? I feel like I'm missing something. Anyway, I'm 32, married, expecting twins and never felt too old for Bioware games. WTF
Hi there, thank you for the support, it means a lot! And congrats! :D
Well, to make a long story somewhat short, recently a video circulated on tumblr from TikTok, one of those “what your favorite X says about you” videos that’s pretty common on the platform, if a bit overdone. This one was a “What your Favorite Dragon Age romance says about you.” Some jokes I’ll admit I found somewhat funny, others just made no sense. (Someone explain how liking Isabela gives you “mommy issues,” I still don’t get that.)
However, what was most egregious to many, myself included, was what this person said about Cullen romancers. According to this person, all Cullen fans are “thirty year old white moms” who are “creepy,” and “Cullen won’t save our failing marriage,” and we need to “go back to making our kids chicken nuggets.”
So, various bloggers broke down what was wrong with this, other than the fact that’s it’s just plain not correct about Cullen fans (Hi there everyone, in case you didn’t know, I’m very Polynesian and a huge Cullen fan, also not a mom yet, though I would like to be one someday. :) )But the breakdown of why these statements are problematic is as follows (under the cut for length):
1. The comments were ageist. The TikToker wielded “thirty year old white mom” like it’s some sort of insult.  There is literally nothing wrong with enjoying a game at thirty, literally nothing wrong with being a mom and enjoying a game. I have news for everyone: when you have kids your life or personality outside of being a Mom doesn’t end. To this end, the comments came across as gatekeep-y.
2. The comments were also misogynistic. A woman in the kitchen joke… in 2020. Not only that, but related to the above, it implies that women can’t have hobbies outside of being a mom when they turn a certain age, and do you see the same thing being said about men and their sports teams, or fantasy football? I don’t know why it’s viewed as cringey to be a part of fandom when you’re an adult woman but dudes can still collect their Star Wars memorabilia into their thirties and beyond. Especially when:
3. Dragon Age is rated mature, and it’s always had the M rating even when it was just Origins. This is a game for adult audiences. If you’re engaging with the media online, I am going to assume you’re an adult. Not only that, this is an eleven year old franchise. People who played the games in 2009 can still enjoy them even if some of them have had kids during this eleven year period.
4. Related to that: most, if not all the developers, I’d imagine, are probably over 30. Should they stop making the games for us and make their kids chicken nuggets instead? Is this why we don’t have DA4?!
5. Cullen’s exact age is unclear from canon, he was probably around 18 in Origins, but there’s no way he’s not under thirty come Inquisition. A thirty-year-old crushing on another thirty year old is creepy because…?
6. I haven’t seen others mention this, but it’s something I gathered. To me, the video subtly implied the TikToker’s view that women need to settle down by the time their thirty with kids, which is pretty heteronormative IMO. I’m just not here for that you’re thirty you need settle down BS. I’m 26 and I get crap for being single, which is a whole other pile of BS I won’t get into here. I would like to someday, but there is nothing wrong with being 30 or above and single with no kids. No one has to “settle down” if they don’t want to, there’s no age where you have to “grow up” and stop engaging with things you enjoy.
Being involved in a few different fandoms I don’t see all the discourse but I did happen to see this, and as I said earlier I do not think the person who made the video meant any real harm. I understand the intent was to joke, but people can harm others under the guise of “jokes” all the time. I can tell you in my life, people have “joked” with me about needing to put on a grass skirt and dance the hula, and not understood why I’ve been offended because they just meant to be funny. Casual racism isn’t funny and neither is casual misogyny or ageism.
It was also discouraging to see people on the tik toker’s video laughing at the Cullen joke for being true, as apparently we need to “find a better romance.” And this lead me to say something in a post which I’ll repeat here, as this video managed to trudge up the same old discourse I’ve seen periodically on tumblr about Cullen since I’ve been here in 2017, and mind you, I started writing/tumblr THREE YEARS after Inquisition’s release: that all his fans are boring, basic, idiot women who just like him because he’s traditionally handsome and we just ignore his flaws in favor of his looks, and also he’s just the basic white guy in a slew of “more interesting” romances. Heck, early in this blog’s creation, I could see discourse within Cullen fandom about the “right” way to portray him. (I won’t get into this right now though, it’s a whole other kettle of fish, and this is a pretty nuanced topic in an already nuanced topic.) Speaking for myself, I actually don’t gravitate towards pretty boys. Cullen won me over with his mature romance route. And I like his arc in Inquisition and think it’s a good redemption-esque arc considering this franchise has a lot of characters to develop— but that’s another story as well.
Anyway, I digress. To me the post was less about Cullen and more about “older women” in fandom and how to some find older women here creepy. (and I’m sorry but if you think 30 is “old” I have to laugh.) Also, I have a secret for you: “older” women built fandom spaces as we know it, and we owe a lot of debt to those who paved the way for us to enjoy content, from the early days of the Star Trek fandom, and even before with fan zines.
Fandom is for everyone, and can we stop trying to box people who like A, B or C into certain categories, because your choices in a fictional game don’t speak for who you are in real life.
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coeurdastronaute · 4 years
Essays in Existentialism: Stud 9
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Previously on Stud
“It’s been awhile.” 
“Near a decade?” 
“Well there was that convention in Prague. Maybe six, seven years ago?” 
“And the reunion at the Hargrove Estate.” 
“The presentations in Oslo?” 
“I think… I think that was right around when m mom--” Lexa furrowed as she tried to place the time that seemed to slip away from them. “I guess Prague was the last time.” 
“Five years then,” her old friend from college nodded thoughtfully. “Time is a dangerous thing. I hate it.” 
The lounge was intimate, dimly lit and clean, freshly modeled despite being an ancient and ritzy institution in its own right. Dark woods were illuminated by soft lights, large paintings covered the walls in dark gold frames. The chairs were velvet and the drinks were perfectly crafted from the best labels. The clamor of the familiar crowd in suits and ties and diamonds and dresses was just a murmur behind their secluded table 
Maggie James hadn’t changed a bit, just matured into a fulfilled version of herself, or so Lexa liked to imagine. She still had deep brown eyes and a heart-shaped face. Still had a soft smile. Her hair was cut shorter now, above the shoulders and wavy. Her demeanor was more assured, more herself, than the unsure girl in college, or even the graduate assistant at a presentation in Prague. 
“I have to say, I hadn’t expected to hear from the CFO of one of the largest companies on the planet after reading my lowly article and research.” 
“I don’t know about lowly,” Lexa smiled after sipping her drink. “I thought it was a good article. And your research was thorough.” 
“I just observe and postulate. Those other companies were the ones doing the hard part.” 
She was naturally demure. Maggie was not someone who had to work for a living. Her family owned an ancient merchant conglomerate and she was vaguely related to a Kennedy and a Duke or something. And though she had her phases, Lexa remembered her from school as someone who wanted to do her own thing. She didn’t cut up her black card, but she sure didn’t care to rely simply by biding her time. Lexa always liked that. 
They hadn’t been especially close, just gravitated to similar circles and were in the same degree program, naturally leading to an affiliation that boarded somewhere between acquaintances who knew too much and friends with no actual ties. 
The real surprise had been when Maggie actually returned the phone call Lexa gave after a few weeks of obsessing over the research and generally annoying her girlfriend with facts and tidbits, filling up a notebook with her own questions, ideas, and things she’d read. She’d garnered a lot of attention with her article and research. It almost wasn’t worth it for her to return the call of a somewhat acquaintances, somewhat friend that she hadn’t seen or heard from in upwards of six years. But Lexa’s last name was on buildings in almost ever major city, and regardless, she got a return call. 
“I did call you about the article, but also to catch up,” Lexa promised. 
“And remember those good times in college?” 
“We did have a few of those, didn’t we?” she grinned, looking over her glass, earning a shaking head and heavy sigh and smile. 
“Much to my girlfriend’s chagrin.” 
“You actually told her some stories?” Maggie raised her eyebrows and chuckled. “And she let you come tonight?” 
“Encouraged it actually. She’s sick of hearing me rave about your work and research. I’m allowed to have an intellectual crush on you, and that’s it.” 
“She’s a saint.” 
“You have no idea,” Lexa agreed and signaled for another round. “Last I heard, you were engaged to some Lockeridge. Didn’t work out?” 
Maggie held up her hand and wiggled an empty ring finger. 
“He didn’t particularly care that I was interested in anything other than the usual marriage retirement activities like kids and needlepoint or whatever.” 
“A shame.” 
“I heard you decided to go outside of the pool or acceptables,” Maggie shrugged. “I only have a few questions: How, and how did your father take it?” 
“You know my dad. He wouldn’t know acceptable if it shook his hand. He actually adores Clarke. And it was sheer luck. She just happened to be best friends with a mechanic I use to fix up old cars.” 
“How did your parent’s take the loss of a Lockeridge hyphenation?” 
“Mom went into full mourning, black outfits for a week and three weeks in Italy,” Maggie recited as Lexa laughed. “Dad complained about his lost deposits on venues.” 
“And now?” 
“Now, I research sustainable and ethical management in corporations.” 
“I meant--”
“I don’t even own a car, so I haven’t run into any mechanics, and I was almost hoping you’d broken up with your saint and that’s why you’d called.”
“It actually our three year anniversary next month.” 
“Disgusting. You’re buying the drinks.” 
They both shared a smile and shook their heads, amused at themselves and the situation of their lives, both wondering how they hadn’t taken the time to be better friends, although a few drunken make outs had certainly ended any hopes of that back then. 
“I’m assuming you want to talk to me about the article and your company?” 
“I was having fun catching up, but I take sex off the table and now you’re all business.” 
“I know your time is valuable, and I don’t want you to think you have to waste it catching up,” she explained, leaving Lexa slightly baffled. 
“Your time is valuable too, and honestly, I am kind of having fun catching up. I kind of fell out with the old gang after Mom.” 
“I heard you did the falling.” 
“Probably,” Lexa nodded in agreement as she swapped out her empty glass for a new one. “I worked myself raw for three years straight.”
“But you still hear some of the rumblings from the old guard?” 
“Some. Care to fill me in on more before I proposition you?” 
Maggie took a large sip from her drink and eyed the girl across from her, at ease and amused at their conversation, ever charming and wildly sexy without even meaning to do it, Lexa was someone who made her attention feel like nothing else mattered, and anyone would want to be within her company to experience it. All were welcome, but it was a blessing to hold her focus for an extended period of time, in any capacity. Maggie remembered making out with her in the bathroom of a club. She remembered making out with her at a party on the Lower East Side. She remembered Lexa’s messy waves, leather jacket, and fiery eyes that remained, even a decade later. But they weren’t for her anymore, and she was alright with the disappointment if it meant working with her. 
“Did you know Emma Hunton-Blather?” 
“Not biblically.” 
“I wouldn’t imagine so. She’s an ultra-religious mommy blogger now.” 
“Yikes,” Lexa winced. 
“And Francine Christenson already divorced twice.” 
“I think I saw one of those.” 
The evening was easy. The drinks flowed and the two caught up with their previous acquaintances. Lexa was grateful that it was going well considering how nervous she was about approaching an almost stranger. 
The drinks kept coming and before she could talk shop, Lexa was drunk and just enjoyed having fun.
“I love her.” 
“Oh god, not this again,” Clarke groaned, rolled over, and tugged the pillow with her over her head. 
“Not like I love you. I just am fascinated by her research.” 
“Is that what you call her boobs?” 
“Oh no,” Lexa shook her head, wobbling slightly as she plunked down on the edge of the bed and began awkwardly tugging off her shoes. “I can’t even seen boobs that aren’t yours boobs. I am boob-blind now.”
Despite herself, Clarke smiled at her drunken girlfriend. It wasn’t often that she came out, and when Drunk Lexa did, she often enjoyed it. There wasn’t any jealousy against Maggie James, just that Clarke liked a little more attention than she was getting with this new project. She also wished this old project hadn’t made out with her girlfriend, but that was neither here nor there. She’d feel the same way if Lexa was obsessed with recycling. She’d hate it and vote for global warming to make her stop fixating. 
Before she could finish with her shoes, Lexa flopped backwards, fully clothed and half on the bed. 
“Clarke. Hey, are you sleeping?” 
“No, darling. I’m up.” 
“I wish I’d never made out with Maggie, because I think we could have been have friends.”
“Good. Keep not making out with her and you can be.” 
“Ahhhh,” Lexa pointed at Clarke and laughed before letting her arm fall back down. 
“Plus, you could use more friends.” 
“Nah. I don’t.” 
“You do.” 
Clarke moved, putting the book she’d fallen asleep reading on the night stand and moving her way around the bed to help the pitiful thing that couldn’t get undressed. She stayed at Lexa’s strictly because it meant sloppy drunk needy Lexa. She also expected her about two hours earlier. 
“You need more friends. It’s good to have them.” 
“I have Gus,” Lexa listed, counting on her fingers as her girlfriend tugged off her shoes for her. “And Aden, and Anya, and Dad, and Indra, and um. And Maggie. And, um… uh…” 
“Only one of those are age appropriate, not related to you, and not salaried.” 
“And you! You’re my best friend. Who needs more than that?” 
She didn’t mean to, but Clarke smiled at that as she moved to unbutton Lexa’s shirt, earning a smile and laugh despite already closed eyes. 
“Oh, are you getting me naked, Ms. Griffin? Naughty naughty.” 
“How much did you drink?” 
“A little bit.” 
Clarke just shook her head and pulled Lexa up so she could pull off the shirt. She moves to the pants next, instructing her to lift her butt so she could tug them off. Lexa remained fairly still as Clarke searched for a spare shirt for her to sleep in. 
“Hey, hey, Clarke. Hey,” Lexa called in a whisper. 
“You really are my best friend.” 
Clarke smiled, her cheeks growing warm as she slid the shirt over the drunk’s arms and head, careful not to poke an eye or pull hair. Tenderly, she got a rag from the bathroom and wiped her face as best she could, earning almost purrs of contentment with the treatment. 
“Are you ready for me to fuck you?” Lexa ventured, wiggling her eyebrows. “I’ve been thinking about it all night.” 
“You’re drunk.”
“And you’re beautiful.” Clarke pushed her girlfriend’s shoulders so that she fell back in bed easily. “Perfect. You can be on top.” 
“Get under the covers. It’s time for bed.” 
“Fine, but you should know that I am a good lay.” 
“I’m aware,” Clarke grinned as Lexa climbed in obediently. 
“I’m like really good at giving you orgasms. And you seem to like them.” 
“Oh, I do. But I’m tired and you’re drunk.”
“Those are two true facts,” Lexa nodded and yawned, rolling into her usual spot. Her arm was held open until Clarke joined her in bed. 
The lights off and the pair finally ready for bed, Clarke snuggled into her spot and felt Lexa’s warmth, enjoying the feeling of having her back. 
“Hey Lex?” Clarke whispered as arms held her tightly. 
“Change your mind about sex?” Lexa returned. “I’m still down.” 
“No. I just wanted to tell you that you’re my best friend, too.” 
Her arms pulled tighter and Lexa kissed Clarke’s shoulder before falling into a very contented drunken slumber. 
Lexa loved her office. She loved that it was quiet and that even though she had taken a smaller role in th day to day operations, it was still there for her to work, uninterrupted and unimpeded. She loved her desk. She loved her view. She loved the certainty that came behind sitting her name plate, as if it told her who she was. There was a certain power that she took from it all. 
“Thanks for coming down,” Lexa offered as Maggie took a seat across from her desk. “I think i forgot to explain what interested me most about your research at drinks the other night.” 
“Yeah I think the fourth round of whisky made it a little difficult to keep track of complex ideas.” 
“I had a good time.” 
“Me too.” 
“My girlfriend let me know that I need more friends. The problem being that I don’t particularly like or trust most people.” 
“Or you’re too busy to put the effort into it. I get it. Trust me,” Maggie nodded, relaxing slightly as Anya brought in some coffee and placed it between them. “Thank you.” 
“I was told that all my friends work for me or are related to me,” Lexa explained as she sipped her coffee. “And even though I would consider us friends, or potentially friends. I want to hire you.” 
“I already have a job.” 
“Yes, but I have lots of money.” 
Maggie snorted at that, smiling, amused at Lexa’s candor. 
“I have lots of money too.” 
“I knew you would say that. I also knew that there wasn’t much I could offer you to sway you away from a fun research and doctoral position at a great university. I’m sure you find teaching rewarding.” 
Lexa stood from her desk and grabbed a folder from the corner, carefully looking it over in her hands. 
“The interesting thing I found in your report was that you were advocating for a system that not one single major corporation would even contemplate putting into existence.” 
“I’m sure some--”
“Free housing? College tuition? Four day work weeks? Work from home? Private insurance? Officer salary cuts? Who in there right mind is going to do that?” 
“I thought you were interested in my research.” 
“I am. Because my job was killing me. And I have a hypothesis for you.”
“I think that’s my job.” 
“You haven’t accepted yet,” Lexa reminded her as she leaned against the front of her desk. “If I implement your suggestions, will I not hate my job anymore?” 
“There’s no way for me to measure that.” 
“True. Will I feel better if we are a more ethical and knowledgeable company?” 
“Will we turn a profit?” 
“According to my data, yes. Although the scale of your business,” Maggie shook her head. “I wouldn’t even know where to start hypothesizing on when.” 
“Hypothetically,” Lexa continued, smiling at how easy it was to get her interested. “What would you need to start testing your hypothesis? In real time. At this company.” 
There was a quiet that settled as Maggie stared at the CFO. Long and tall, Lexa crossed her arms over her chest, the mystery folder tucked under her arm. Her shirt was folded precisely up to her elbow, her collar pressed and pointy, her glasses perched perfectly and her hair coiffed with enough effort to look like it wasn’t trying at all. She didn’t betray a thought though. 
“Off the top of my head, I’d need access to everything. I’d need months of internal research and auditing, plus at least a handful of accountants and assistants. I don’t think you understand what you’re asking.” 
“I do.” 
“You can’t.” 
“In this folder,” Lexa grinned, and held it in front of her friend. “Is one of our middling branches based in London. I want to give it to you.” 
“A company?” 
“Kind of. I want you to hire your team. I want you to help me implement your changes. I want to create a better world. I had to think of something that no one else could give you, to entice you. Is it working?” 
“Consider me enticed,” Maggie nodded, slowly accepting the folder and flipping it open, her mouth slightly agape. 
The buzzer on Lexa’s desk sounded and she pushed off, walking back to her chair. 
Ms. Woods, the car is here to take you to the airport. 
“Thanks, Anya. Give me a few more minutes.” 
“Going somewhere?” 
“Three year anniversary weekend,” Lexa smiled. “I had a bit of a rough year last year, but it’s all coming back around.” 
“You are incredibly good at multitasking. You’re pitching me while planning an epic event and doing how many other things.” 
“Take the week to think about it. Everything you need is in that folder.” 
“I’m going to need more than a fifteen minute meeting with yout see if this is even for real.”
“It’s real,” Lexa promised. “We can figure everything else out together, when you accept.” 
“I’ve been told I’m very persuasive. Take the week. I’ll be back next Tuesday and we can talk more then, if you’d like.” 
“I thought maybe a consultation, but this is…” Maggie shook her head and stared at the folder before shutting it quickly. “Hell of a friend.” 
“Come on, I’ll walk with you out,” Lexa offered as she grabbed her bag. 
The ranch was still slightly visible in the sunset, the timing only slightly off with their arrival for the romantic weekend escape. Tall pines and cedars eclipsed it while the mountains stood tall and purple in the distance against a firestorm of clouds in the fading summer light. The cabin was one of her favorite places on the planet, and she couldn’t think of anywhere more secluded and perfect to hide away from the world with her beautiful girlfriend to celebrate three absolutely life-changing years. 
“I would have been happy with just a hotel room downtown,” Clarke chided as she entered the giant house. “This is too much.” 
“I figured it was a good excuse to use this place. It’s been years since I’ve been out,” Lexa explained as she dropped their bags in the foyer. 
She made sure everything was stocked and prepared and the staff wouldn’t be around. The caretakers didn’t mind a week off, and she was just excited to be away from the city and back somewhere quiet. 
“Is this the ranch your mom liked?” 
“Yeah, she’d make us spend a lot of spare time out here.” 
“I can see why. It’s beautiful.” 
“She designed it. Found an old hunting lodge and decided to convert it to a modern home. It was her labor of love.” 
“Thank ou,” Clarke smiled and hugged her girlfriend before kissing her cheek. “Show me around.” 
Lexa wasn’t particularly good at feeling so good, but she’d been excited and planned everything for the past month. So she took Clarke by the hand and showed her the grand room, the high ceiling and giant windows that looked out at the trees and the mountains as far as the eye could see. The fireplace was already roaring and inviting, but she took her toward the pool and hot tub area that went from outside to inside. She excitedly told her stories about being a kid, and all the stuff her and Aden would do. 
By the time they made it to the bedroom she wanted, Clarke flopped onto the bed and gave up trying to figure out where she was in the maze of a house. 
“So we get this whole place to ourselves for the next few days?” Clarke asked as Lexa gracefully slid beside her in the giant bed. 
“Mhm, so go ahead and just take your clothes off now. I actually should have told you that at the door.” 
“But I brought very cute lacy things you like me to wear.” 
“Oh, wait, yeah,” Lexa nodded eagerly. “That’s all you can wear.” 
“You’re ridiculous.” 
“I’m yours.” 
“And sappy.” 
But it was perfect, and Lexa didn’t care that her girlfriend was mocking her. She leaned forward and kissed her. She pressed Clarke into the bed and went about the task of celebrating. 
“I need you to carb up because I have a few more things planned for you,” Lexa explained as she reached forward and took another slice of pizza. 
“Shut up.” 
“I mean it. Dad keeps the W stored in the garage and I have waited three years to--”
“You can’t be serious,” Clarke laughed and shook her head, pressing her palm over her chest with how amusing she found it. 
They were tangled in the sheets. They were tired and sated and happy and now nearly full from the dinner of pizza and beer. 
“That’s the real reason I decided to come here,” Lexa grinned. “The romantic, candlelight bath and fireplaces, and privacy were all a ruse. You’ve been ruse-d.” 
“I can’t believe I’ve kept you around for three years.” 
“Me neither.” 
“I should get a medal.” 
“I agree completely,” Lexa decided as she hopped up from the bed. “Wait right there.” 
Nearly tripping over herself, the CFO took the corner out of the room so quickly, Clarke was certain she hit the wall. The sound of padding bare feet could be heard in the bed, and for the life of her, Clarke wasn’t sure why it made her fall a little more in love, if that were even possible. 
In a flash, Lexa returned, hopping into the bed, quick to hide whatever was in her hands. 
“This was supposed to be a year of no gifts,” Clarke chided. 
“I’m terrible at following directions. I don’t know if you knew that or not yet, but it’s a harsh truth you should start to understand.” 
“You should listen to me.” 
“I should,” she nodded and held out a velvet box. “I’ll start tomorrow.” 
Clarke eyed her girlfriend warily and frowned at the blatant lie. But Lexa shrugged and smiled, nudging her to open the box. 
“Oh, Lex, this is…”
The keychain was a tiny logo of Lexa’s company. It was plain and simple and cost exactly $2.95, and now it was dangling from Clarke’s finger as she furrowed and smiled at it despite all else because it was certainly not what she was expecting. 
“It’s too much. You shouldn’t have.” 
“You deserve the best,” Lexa explained, scooting closer. “Last time we did this, I wasn’t read. You weren’t ready. It wasn’t right. But now...I think it’s right. I think I want to be with you all of the time. I want to come home from business trips and see you. I want to cook dinner together. I want to sleep with you every night. I want to live together.” 
Her hair was a mess, and when she was nervous, she talked with her hands. Clarke watched the entire thing without moving a muscle, because she might scare Lexa if she did. Instead, she looked at the key chain in her palm and listened. 
“You’ve been making a lot of moves lately, Woods.” 
“Well, the girl I love keeps pushing me to do better.” 
“What if you get sick of me?” 
“I won’t.” 
“What if I get sick of you?” 
“We’ll get a big place, so you can ignore me when I bug you,” Lexa promised. 
“You’re ready for this?” Clarke asked, giving her a hard look. 
“Very. Are you?” 
Before she could say anything else, Lexa launched herself at her, and Clarke was tackled and kissed happily.
205 notes · View notes
spirit-shroud · 3 years
what are some roles that have been largely changed for cityrune? since you said queen was an influencer now :]
hi ty for asking me im vibrating. havent gotten to talk about this au now for three years and now that chapter 2 is like real and this time i can like........draw occasionally and i have more understanding of nuance...... [grips table] [screams]
this isnt quite what you asked but heres what's everyone from chapter 1 has been Up To with a little bit of context (and under a read more bc it got LENGTHY):
kris - professional stay at home teen (they live w/ asgore n help run the flower shop sometimes. this decision was entirely bc i dont like toriel). was wrongly diagnosed w Sudden Soul Rejection when they were incredibly young and given an experimental transplanted soul as a replacement. it works for them fine, give or take having to see gaster once a month for checkups. but sometimes the soul makes them skittish n decides they're going to sit in front of the pc and play 30 consecutive hours of a certain simulation game and not even let them drown people in the pool. if it were entirely up to them, they'd be like. passing out on the sofa to documentaries about bigfoot. or practicing cool knife tricks to impress their friends at their next tabletop meetup
- EDITED IN: the soul is kind of their friend. they are wearing a hypothetical get along shirt. most of the time, they agree on actions and things to do. tends to refer to themself + their soul as we/us which originally was just something they did in their head but they kept slipping in speech/text n just became a Thing of how they talk. switches to 'I/Me' whenever smth is wrong.
- also edited in: they believe the soul they have is their original soul bc nobody has told them otherwise. whenever theyre like 'oh yeah we think about our soul n view it as a separate entity to us like. all the time. it likes to hurt if we make too many choices it doesn't seem to like and kind of forces us to be a toned down version of what we want to be but thats just how souls are haha' and everyone is like.... 'Hey Kris That's Really Not How It Is.' theyre like. 'huh. gonna ignore that for now' - this was going to be a plot point
toriel - head of H0MEWOR1D (H01)'s department of education; kind of lost her roots as a simple math teacher as she was pushed into a lot of power she didn't even really seek out. divorced asgore over some miscommunications in their relationship; also loosely as a result of grief from asriel's death
asgore - the same. runs a lil flower/gift shop. people come in more to talk with him than to buy flowers most of the time, though
asriel Flowey - he's back in flower form, thanks to the government an accident. causes a lot of technology glitches wherever he goes, and wants revenge. isn't sure how to go about it. asriel "died" around 8 years before the story takes place and kris still misses him and refuses to even THINK about even the IDEA of calling someone their sibling after what happened, just in case it somehow happens a second time
susie - more of the same really. she spends most of her time either at grillby's (she's sort of become his assistant n helps with opening/closing. it just happened) or getting into low-stakes trouble w/ kris
noelle - she's in the city's equivalent of college and shes so tired. shes So Abysmally Tired n got kinda pushed 2 follow in her mom's footsteps. she's rarely around anymore except through text or on monsters & mages (dnd) night. (however.........she will come back w/ a long break n hang out w everyone again)
berdly - tbh i didnt even consider berdly when i made the au initially. idk what he's doing. probably in a similar situation to noelle??? canonically got kicked out of the M&M group due to clashes w/ other players but lurks in their group chat to posts memes sometimes
didnt rly think of any other of kris' classmates (+ their families) after ch1 and probably will continue to not, until chs 3-5 come out and i gotta whip up roles and histories for like. a lotta guys all of a sudden. i also forgot about noelle's parents
sans - runs a convenience store that everyone kind of thinks is a front, but also it has really cheap snacks and the local teens make a point of stopping there after school. so essentially, more of the same papyrus - similar to ut. is a very polite and sweet boy but you'll know when he's coming
grillby - he's back. he runs a bar like back in ut but the cozy vibes and weird-for-a-bar hours keep attracting kids who need parents, so half of his menu is comprised of overly sweet mocktails. usually only frequented by monsters
QC - same as usual. has a "rivalry" with grillbz but, theyre besties and have a book club
mettaton - he's real and he's back. he's similar to how he is back in ut w/ his EX body. likes to hang out at grillby's and talk to unsuspecting fans. has a show for everything
napstablook - similar to how they are in ut. helps mtt with making music sometimes. doesn't leave the house too often, but spends a lot of time posting on undernet
undyne - unfortunately. more of the same. she is a cop in the monster district. i am also upset by this but couldn't think of anything better for her
alphys - a doctor studying under dr. gaster in the hopes she'll one day take over his research. she spends most of her time as a nurse with a bigger title, though, and blocks out the weirdness of her job with anime.
gaster - weird guy. H01's top soul researcher and resident House wannabe. trying to manufacture the ultimate soul that can be controlled with simple internal switches, but so far he's only had 1 (very limited) success with a certain human. monsters just melt, and darkners just sorta......get weird... he's onto Something, though.
ralsei - lonely boy with some very strange hobbies. popular on UnderNet for poetry, baking videos, and general cryptid vibe. is the DM for the monsters & mages group (also seems to think everything is actually very fine in H01 when it is very much not)
lancer - about the same. professional Round Boy. lives w/ rouxls full time. follows susie around like a lost puppy and calls himself her "underling."
rouxls - runs a hotel/casino kind of deal where the objective Bad Guys hang out, and usually ends up doing any of the spade king's paperwork.
spade king - mafia godfather. kind of a dick. don't play cards with him
seam - works with the spade king as his right hand cat more or less because they have for a lot of years and are in that 'sunk cost fallacy' zone. thinks of retiring to a quiet life in the monster section of town like, daily
jevil - used to work with the spade king, but got imprisoned for Crimes. got weird after The Accident (separate from asriel's accident)
temmies (all) - dont really get mentioned except offhandedly but they run the monster space station. so far, are the only monsters who have ever been to space.
as far as chapter 2 goes:
yeah i dont have much so far for characters. in the original version of the au i accidentally made darkners as a whole just kinda..... not great? like all sorts of weird organized crime ties n sort of going out of their way to be A Problem to the city (not even in like. a revolution way. in a working against them but with the same goals kinda way). with the whole context it worked At The Time, bc i just had the spade king to look to as a villain, and also in this au the darkners are just trying to survive a world that ultimately was not built for them (that humans think they own, and monsters sort of... seeing this and wondering what it'll mean for them whichever one wins), but w/ new info abt how the dark world works n more guys to work with i want to kind of. edit the vibe a bit. like yea darkners will ultimately do whatever it takes to take over H01, but maybe in a better way than like. idk. all this. it doesnt have to be peaceful or anything it just has to be more adaptable as we meet more kinds of darkners
however yeah i thought up 'queen as some sort of childless mommy blogger/influencer' and that completely revived all memory i had of this au. she should be on mtt's talkshow. also she sells collectible wine glasses w/ her likeness
spamton is another one of gaster's failed soul experiments, but he hasn't melted yet, and seems............fine? sort of. so he hasn't gotten decommissioned yet. he does want to give you malware tho. hot monster singles in your area n all that
im blanking on the rest of the guys but i hope any of this was comprehensible
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anaeishops-blog · 4 years
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10 Top Products To Sell Online
Ecommerce can be tough if you have zero idea about how this vast marketplace works, but with the right mindset and analogy you can succeed and earn enormously high profits within the first six months!
The changing working norms are growing in popularity and also promoting maximum working industries to have virtual business setups. All the new entrants in selling services and products online need to research the potential target market thoroughly.
For starters, you need to have patience and an attitude to thrive and learn from your mistakes to survive in this competitive online business industry for long time. Let us begin with the three most important rules for ecommerce: you must have an undying thirst for success, a vast skillset for business and marketing, lastly – most importantly – sell the most sought-after products.
Too many product ideas can cause confusion, but this article has enlisted the most profitable items for you already.
Just read along and get going!
Before finding products, do some research to see which industry is growing in popularity, what is the competition like? Gather some data on your competitors, any suppliers, or manufacturers you might need, and make up a rough image of what your costs will be like.
Find a niche that has low competition and know its price points so that you can begin selling products online at lowest price and then make your way to the higher prices – the loss leader approach.
Now, the products.
Clothes are that one thing for which the demand is never going down, in fact, new trends and fashion styles have only uplifted this gigantic industry. According to Statista, the online clothing industry is expected to reach USD 872 billion by 2023. From shapewear and athleisure to formal and semi-formal clothes everything is in-demand.
However, the industry is fairly competitive, and it might be difficult to find a spot as a new entrant. But worry not, there is always a buyer for a product. Keep studying market trends, your target buyer’s choice and preferences, their purchasing power and all other important aspects that can help you list the best products on your online selling store.
Teeth whitening products
You might have noticed the sudden surge in the endorsement of teeth whitening kits; this industry is expected to reach 7.4 billion USD by 2024. The plus point is, you do not even have to heavily market it, it is already in-demand by so many consumers, much thanks to sponsored posts by influencers and celebrities on social media. As the beauty industry is growing all the affiliated industries are also getting a bigger market share in their businesses. The consumers for teeth care-products are increasing prodigiously. Now is the time to start investing in these products and get most benefit out of this opportunity.
Technology gear
With the rise in technology and increasing usage of the internet, tech gear is high in-demand. These products are not age specific, almost every age group is in excessive use of such tech gear items in some way of their life. But the products that are not suitable for kids, their specific age versions are also available in the market and are selling like hot cake. From smart watches and tablets to wireless speakers and Bluetooth devices, everything is in-demand. Gaming laptops, computers, Cell phone and car accessories, like pop socket, phone cases, portable chargers and trackers for car are a very profitable niche in this industry. Especially for those looking for drop shipping in ecommerce.
Digital Products
Internet and technology have surely paved the way for tech gear, but it has also created a new industry for digital products. From software, online streaming services, games to digital art, eBooks, and online courses – which are even higher in demand due to CoVID-19. Although you do need a specific skillset for entering this industry, but there are so many online resources available for you to learn from and create a product to sell online.
Medical and Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
The global pandemic has boosted the medical and PPE industry, and expect to reach USD 85.72 billion by 2026. More and more people are entering in online business for medical supplies. From thermometers, pulse oximeters, nebulizers, face masks, sanitizers, medicines, everything is crucially high in-demand right now.
Baby and Maternity items
It is for sure that items for babies and maternal care are never going out of demand, just like clothes. All the parents get so excited for their child even if he’s not the first one, so be sure, the market demand for your items is always the sky-high. And perhaps due to this, the industry is pretty saturated now, but still profitable for newcomers who want to dropship items to their customers. There is a rise in “mommy bloggers” and many are looking to promote your products at very low prices. As a content marketer, you can surely benefit from these.
Vegan, Cruelty-free and Organic
Many consumers are switching to more eco-friendly items, thanks to veganism, the Minimalism movement, and the increasing awareness about climate change. Fashion bloggers and lifestyle influencers are promoting ethical and sustainable fashion brands, trend for thrifting is increasing, organic food items, cleaning supplies, skin care and beauty products are also popular.
The global market size for this type of industry was USD 12.9 billion in 2017, and it is expected to increase, so it would be a good investment. For example, cruelty-free beauty products, plastic-free containers, as well as ethically sourced jewellery and clothes. You can start your online business of beauty products on Eishops that is offering free marketing and listing services to all the sellers.
Pet Industry
Just like the baby items industry, pet accessories are forever in-demand. According to AVMA, 63.8% households in the USA own either a cat, dog, or both. With this high percentage, there is no dropping of the demand for pet food, litter boxes, flea repellents, grooming products, toys etc.
In fact, the industry in America alone, was estimated at $72 billion near the end of 2019. The target audience for pet items are millennials, and they are high in population in the entire world, so you have customers ready, just begin selling!
LED Light
I am pretty sure you have seen those Tik Tok videos of influencers showing off their rooms decorated with colourful LED light strips and how they got those online stores at cheap rates. Well, LED lights are among the trending items for millennials and Generation Z consumers, but if you plan on investing in this market, go big!
Try to sell LED lights not just for indoors, but for outdoors, maybe for cars too. No wonder this industry was estimated at USD 54 billion in 2019 and is expected to rise 13.4% in the current decade.
In 2018, the global stationery industry had a value of USD 90.6 billion and it was estimated to grow by 5% each year, following 2018. There is also a rise in online communities like the Studyblr, or the Bullet Journal Community; they thrive on stationery items and art supplies. With a large social media following, marketing for such products will be relatively easy too – influencers and artists are always looking for sponsorship deals.
Ecommerce business may not be a piece of cake, but it is surely a profiting industry. The search volume for your preferred industry and its competitive niches, products, should be high. You also want to think about your preferred ecommerce method, whether you are looking for business to consumer, business to business, direct to consumer, wholesaling or drop shipping.
You need to calculate all costs before actually setting up your ecommerce store. If you want to create a new product, think of the design, bring new product ideas, get a prototype built by a manufacturer and then look for potential investors, and get going. If this is costing you too much, go for drop shipping.
There are so many options available for you to begin your online business, all you have to do is start thinking, and Eishops will take care of the rest. Since it is a relatively new ecommerce business platform, there is not much competition and you can conduct your business rather smoothly. Eishops provides best SEO and marketing tools to attract your target audience and generate maximum customers for you. There is no registration fee and you can start your business without any hassle!
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vampyritis-remade · 4 years
em i am begging you to elaborate on your tags of that. please
ok i feel like the explanation doesnt make sense and makes me sound crazier but like. after i dropped out of college i was desperate to find something to do with my life and ended up latching onto the idea of cosmetology. idk i was 18 i thought i had to act fast and it was the only appealing option i could find. i also had some real bi lesbian shit going on where i sort of knew i was a lesbian but refused to act on it and decided i’d just keep trying to date men anyway.
anyway all my friends (at the time) who were in the field were like.. very stereotypical ‘married at 20, three kids by 25′ mommy blogger, love-and-light bitches. good for them i guess but i was convinced i had to do all that too. so i was like it’s fine if i’m disgusted by men and hate them, but i’m going to marry one anyway because that’s what you’re supposed to do. i had a whole heterosexual hairdresser lifestyle fantasy constructed.
so i a few weeks away from starting a program and i was ‘dating’ the last guy i ever dated (tbh i barely remember anything about him. he was catholic tho and that probably played some part in this) when i had a mini breakdown. i ended up telling my best friend all of it even though i really thought it was totally normal, this is how all women feel. she had to sit me down and be like ‘em do you actually want this or do you think this is what you SHOULD want?’ and i was like holy shit (a lot of it actually had to do with her in retrospect but getting into that is another bizarre and depressing can of worms so i wont dslkhgshv).
in conclusion i ended up not going into that program and now i’m a lesbian and i don’t hate myself for it. i have no idea whats up with that lady but if i’d committed to this weird 50s housewife fantasy i too may have described myself as a lesbian virgin with three children and a husband.
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lanaeishops · 4 years
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10 Top Products To Sell Online
Ecommerce can be tough if you have zero idea about how this vast marketplace works, but with the right mindset and analogy you can succeed and earn enormously high profits within the first six months!
The changing working norms are growing in popularity and also promoting maximum working industries to have virtual business setups. All the new entrants in selling services and products online need to research the potential target market thoroughly.
For starters, you need to have patience and an attitude to thrive and learn from your mistakes to survive in this competitive online business industry for long time. Let us begin with the three most important rules for ecommerce: you must have an undying thirst for success, a vast skillset for business and marketing, lastly – most importantly – sell the most sought-after products.
Too many product ideas can cause confusion, but this article has enlisted the most profitable items for you already.
Just read along and get going!
Before finding products, do some research to see which industry is growing in popularity, what is the competition like? Gather some data on your competitors, any suppliers, or manufacturers you might need, and make up a rough image of what your costs will be like.
Find a niche that has low competition and know its price points so that you can begin selling products online at lowest price and then make your way to the higher prices – the loss leader approach.
Now, the products.
Clothes are that one thing for which the demand is never going down, in fact, new trends and fashion styles have only uplifted this gigantic industry. According to Statista, the online clothing industry is expected to reach USD 872 billion by 2023. From shapewear and athleisure to formal and semi-formal clothes everything is in-demand.
However, the industry is fairly competitive, and it might be difficult to find a spot as a new entrant. But worry not, there is always a buyer for a product. Keep studying market trends, your target buyer’s choice and preferences, their purchasing power and all other important aspects that can help you list the best products on your online selling store.
Teeth whitening products
You might have noticed the sudden surge in the endorsement of teeth whitening kits; this industry is expected to reach 7.4 billion USD by 2024. The plus point is, you do not even have to heavily market it, it is already in-demand by so many consumers, much thanks to sponsored posts by influencers and celebrities on social media. As the beauty industry is growing all the affiliated industries are also getting a bigger market share in their businesses. The consumers for teeth care-products are increasing prodigiously. Now is the time to start investing in these products and get most benefit out of this opportunity.
Technology gear
With the rise in technology and increasing usage of the internet, tech gear is high in-demand. These products are not age specific, almost every age group is in excessive use of such tech gear items in some way of their life. But the products that are not suitable for kids, their specific age versions are also available in the market and are selling like hot cake. From smart watches and tablets to wireless speakers and Bluetooth devices, everything is in-demand. Gaming laptops, computers, Cell phone and car accessories, like pop socket, phone cases, portable chargers and trackers for car are a very profitable niche in this industry. Especially for those looking for drop shipping in ecommerce.
Digital Products
Internet and technology have surely paved the way for tech gear, but it has also created a new industry for digital products. From software, online streaming services, games to digital art, eBooks, and online courses – which are even higher in demand due to CoVID-19. Although you do need a specific skillset for entering this industry, but there are so many online resources available for you to learn from and create a product to sell online.
Medical and Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
The global pandemic has boosted the medical and PPE industry, and expect to reach USD 85.72 billion by 2026. More and more people are entering in online business for medical supplies. From thermometers, pulse oximeters, nebulizers, face masks, sanitizers, medicines, everything is crucially high in-demand right now.
Baby and Maternity items
It is for sure that items for babies and maternal care are never going out of demand, just like clothes. All the parents get so excited for their child even if he’s not the first one, so be sure, the market demand for your items is always the sky-high. And perhaps due to this, the industry is pretty saturated now, but still profitable for newcomers who want to dropship items to their customers. There is a rise in “mommy bloggers” and many are looking to promote your products at very low prices. As a content marketer, you can surely benefit from these.
Vegan, Cruelty-free and Organic
Many consumers are switching to more eco-friendly items, thanks to veganism, the Minimalism movement, and the increasing awareness about climate change. Fashion bloggers and lifestyle influencers are promoting ethical and sustainable fashion brands, trend for thrifting is increasing, organic food items, cleaning supplies, skin care and beauty products are also popular.
The global market size for this type of industry was USD 12.9 billion in 2017, and it is expected to increase, so it would be a good investment. For example, cruelty-free beauty products, plastic-free containers, as well as ethically sourced jewellery and clothes. You can start your online business of beauty products on Eishops that is offering free marketing and listing services to all the sellers.
Pet Industry
Just like the baby items industry, pet accessories are forever in-demand. According to AVMA, 63.8% households in the USA own either a cat, dog, or both. With this high percentage, there is no dropping of the demand for pet food, litter boxes, flea repellents, grooming products, toys etc.
In fact, the industry in America alone, was estimated at $72 billion near the end of 2019. The target audience for pet items are millennials, and they are high in population in the entire world, so you have customers ready, just begin selling!
LED Light
I am pretty sure you have seen those Tik Tok videos of influencers showing off their rooms decorated with colourful LED light strips and how they got those online stores at cheap rates. Well, LED lights are among the trending items for millennials and Generation Z consumers, but if you plan on investing in this market, go big!
Try to sell LED lights not just for indoors, but for outdoors, maybe for cars too. No wonder this industry was estimated at USD 54 billion in 2019 and is expected to rise 13.4% in the current decade.
In 2018, the global stationery industry had a value of USD 90.6 billion and it was estimated to grow by 5% each year, following 2018. There is also a rise in online communities like the Studyblr, or the Bullet Journal Community; they thrive on stationery items and art supplies. With a large social media following, marketing for such products will be relatively easy too – influencers and artists are always looking for sponsorship deals.
Ecommerce business may not be a piece of cake, but it is surely a profiting industry. The search volume for your preferred industry and its competitive niches, products, should be high. You also want to think about your preferred ecommerce method, whether you are looking for business to consumer, business to business, direct to consumer, wholesaling or drop shipping.
You need to calculate all costs before actually setting up your ecommerce store. If you want to create a new product, think of the design, bring new product ideas, get a prototype built by a manufacturer and then look for potential investors, and get going. If this is costing you too much, go for drop shipping.
There are so many options available for you to begin your online business, all you have to do is start thinking, and Eishops will take care of the rest. Since it is a relatively new ecommerce business platform, there is not much competition and you can conduct your business rather smoothly. Eishops provides best SEO and marketing tools to attract your target audience and generate maximum customers for you. There is no registration fee and you can start your business without any hassle!
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Dadcapades (2)—N. MacKinnon
Warning: mentions of pregnancy complications. Check out my other imagines and master list on my blog with #hockeyimagine. Read other parts to this series, questions, and statements under #dadcapades.
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Y/N was excited for an evening without the children and Nate was excited to have an evening with his wife. It had been about a month since Gabe had offered, and frankly to Nate, that was too long not take him up on his offer. However, it took another day for Celeste to get over her fever. Then Y/N’s morning sickness became all day sickness. Sidney started a skills and drills hockey camp. Y/N enrolled Gabi in ballet and Celeste in a Mommy & Me class. Mikko still had his routine dog park visit followed by obedience training and had to go to the dog spa. Nate knew that this was his only true time to have a real date with his wife as preseason games started in a couple weeks and Sidney was starting Kindergarten tomorrow.
“This is going to be so nice,” Y/N sighed with a smile.
Nate smiled as he watch his wife do her hair and makeup. They planned to take full advantage of this night, and that meant going out to a fancy restaurant in Denver. Tonight’s choice was Rioja, a favorite for date night. “Definitely,” Nate agreed. “A night alone with my sexy MILF.” Nate kissed her neck.
Nate watched her roll her eyes in the mirror. “No wonder we have so many children if you’re thinking that way. Perhaps a vasectomy may be in order.”
Nate gagged. “Way to ruin the mood, sweetheart.”
Y/N rolled her eyes. “How do I look, Nate? Honestly.”
Nate stepped to take a full look at his wife. Her H/C was down in its normal style and had on simplistic, natural makeup. She wore a casual tan dress with a black shawl and leopard print shoes. Simple and perfect. Nate grinned. “You look marvelous. Are you sure you’ve already had 3 children and are about to have a fourth?”
“Keep your pants on my dear,” she told him as she walked out of their room at the sound of Gabi and Sidney squealing that the Landeskogs had finally arrived.
Y/N hugged Mel and Gabe. “You have no idea how much we appreciate this,” she told him. “Bedtime is 8:00, especially since Sidney starts kindergarten tomorrow. All of them need to take a bath. Sidney and Gabi can take theirs together. Celly has her own little tub in our bathroom. There’s a variety of food in the kitchen for dinner. Nate, am I forgetting anything?”
“I don’t think so,” Nate answered. “Mel and Gabe got this. They’re going to do fine.”
“Don’t worry, Y/N. Gabe isn’t alone so nothing horrible can happen,” Mel reassured her.
Gabe snorted. “Wow. I love you too.”
Y/N sighed. “I know. I just worry. It’s instinct now. I have six kids to worry about.”
“Six?” Nate, Gabe, and Mel all questioned.
Y/N nodded. “My three actual children, the one inside me, my dog who acts like a giant baby, and my giant child of a husband.”
Mel giggled. “Well in that case I already have a kid.” She kissed Gabe on the cheek. “Now go have fun and enjoy the night.”
“But not too much,” Gabe winked at Nate.
“That’s disgusting, man. My kids are right here.”
Throughout their dinner Nate just stared at his wife’s beauty. She wasn’t a model. She wasn’t an actress. She wasn’t a blogger or an Instamom or an influencer. She was an average beauty. She was an elementary school 3rd grade teacher. She gave up her job for their children (That wasn’t true. She quit teaching at her normal school when Sidney was born and started teaching online for homeschool kids so she could be with their children when Nate was gone and to enjoy their youth).
“What are you staring at?” Y/N asked him. “I don’t think you’ve heard a single word I’ve been saying.”
“That’s because you’re so pretty.”
“You saying that I don’t normally look good?”
Nate chuckled. “Sweetheart, you know I never pay attention. My hearing is selective. It is in the husband and father handbook.”
Y/N rolled her eyes at him. “I was talking about the schedule we need to have now that Sidney is,” she winced. “About to start kindergarten.”
Nate’s eyebrows furrowed. “Not much needs to change. Are you okay?”
She nodded, but he could see the tension in her smile. “Y/N.”
“I’m fine, Nathan,” she snapped. He watched her hand go to her side. “My stomach just hurts a little. I’m probably just hungry.”
Nate nodded. He didn’t want to anger or stress her out. “Gabe and Mel are thinking of adopting.”
Y/N nodded and took a sip of her water. “Mel told me. She said you offered for them to watch our kids as a way to get experience without us around. She didn’t say it but I know she appreciates it. They’ve been trying for so long.”
“I hope our children aren’t driving them insane,” Nate said. “I mean I’m sure they are.”
“You love your children.”
“I know that. You know that. I never said I didn’t love them. They, and you, mean the absolute world to me. I don’t know what I would do without you. What they would do without you.”
Y/N blushed. Neither of them said anything further as the waiter brought them their dinner. It was quiet while they enjoyed their food. Nate and Y/N couldn’t enjoy food like this much anymore because it is not easy to feed picky children. Nate noticed throughout dinner the small winces Y/N let escape and her left hand clutching her side.
“Y/N,” he said at one point.
“I’m fine, Nathan,” she snapped like she had earlier.
“I was just going to ask how your food was.” He wasn't, but it was believable enough.
“It’s fine.”
Nate signaled for the check when Y/N got up to go to the bathroom. He was getting worried after she didn’t appear for a few minutes. It wasn’t until he heard a shriek that he found himself holding his unconscious wife. She was washing her hands and just collapsed according to a lady who was at the sink next to her.
The ambulance was there a minute later. “That’s my wife. She’s pregnant,” he kept mumbling as the paramedics ushered both him and her onto it.
“What’s your wife’s name, sir?” One of the paramedics asked him.
“Y/N. Y/N MacKinnon.”
“Your wife will be fine, Mr. MacKinnon. She’ll be in good hands,” the other paramedic said to him.
Nate nodded but just gripped Y/N’s hand tightly. This was the mother of his children, his wife, his best friend laying before him unconscious with the oxygen mask on. The mother of his children.  His children. He needed to call Gabe.
“I need to call—“
“We’re almost at the emergency room. Once we get your wife in and everything stabilized, you can make your call.”
He nodded. The ambulance halted and the back doors open. “We’ve got a 29 year old 10 week pregnant female. Collapsed and loss consciousness in restaurant unknown cause.”
“She’s been gripping her side all night long but she told me she was fine,” Nate added. “She’s had trouble in the past with pregnancy. This is her fourth.”
“Damn man,” the driver whistled. “That’s a lot of kids. How old is your oldest?”
“He turned 5 in March. Our second one is 3, and the we have a 9 month old.”
“It’ll be okay, sir. Your wife is going to be okay.”
Nate sure hoped so. He couldn’t imagine life without her.
“I expected you and Y/N to be back by now,” Gabe said when he answered the phone.
“Y/N is in the hospital,” Nate told him.
The line was quiet. “Are you serious? I mean I know you have to be because you would never joke about Y/N. What happened?”
“I don’t know. She’d been in the bathroom and she collapsed. She’d also been gripping her side most of the night too. The doctor said it’s some weird form of very early preeclampsia. She had that problem with Celly and had placenta previa with Gabi. She also had gestational diabetes with all 3 and she has it again.”
“God, Nate. Is there anything Mel and I can do for you?”
“Just stay with the kids a little longer. I’m heading home once she’s up. I can’t make it to practice tomorrow. Can Mel watch Gabi and Celly tomorrow?”
He heard Gabe whisper to Mel. “She said she can. She’s just going to run home and get something’s for us. We’re staying the night.”
“You don’t have to do that, Gabe,” Nate sighed. “I can do this.”
“I know you can but it’ll be easier. Just for tonight. Okay?”
“Okay. I’ll see you in a bit, Gabe.”
Nate hung up and saw his wife staring at him. “You’re awake,” he smiled.
“Nate, I’m sorry. I should have told you I wasn’t feeling well.”
“It’s okay, Y/N. You and the baby are okay. Dr. Bellmeyer said you have anemia, high blood pressure, and gestational diabetes. She fears it may be a weird early onset preeclampsia. She’s running tests to rule it out. She already ruled out placenta previa. She also strongly recommends no more children.”
“This could mean the baby can’t be born in Canada like the others.”
Nate shrugged. “Whatever happens happens.”
Someone knocked at the door and in walked Dr. Bellmeyer. “It’s so good to see you awake, Y/N. How are feeling?”
“Not too well considering I’m in a hospital,” she answered.
“Good news is that preeclampsia is not in the picture; however, there is still a great risk for its development later on. I want to keep you admitted though and monitor you for the next month. I know it sounds excessive but you’ve had too many troubles in the past. Nobody wants anything to happen to you or your baby.”
Y/N nodded and turned to Nate. “Go home and come back tomorrow after you take Sidney to school. I want lots of pictures and videos. Tell them I love them. Just please go take care of our children. You’re going to be doing that for the next six or seven months.”
“What do you mean, Y/N?”
“She’s saying, and in very good knowledge, that there is no way she can take care of your children successfully due to her condition. She is going to be on extensive bed rest,” Dr. Bellmeyer explained. “This is the best interest of her and your child’s health and well-being.”
Fear rolled over Nate. The season starts in a month, preseason in a week. “You can do it, Nate,” Y/N smiled. “You love and care for our children, as do many others who will be willing to help you. I will always be here to advise you. I love you, Nate. I love you so so much.”
Nate smiled and kissed his wife. “I love you too. I’ll be back tomorrow. Get some rest.”
Mel and Gabe were still up when Nate walked into his home. He flopped into a chair next to them and groaned. “She and the baby are going to be fine,” he told them. “The crappy part is she is going to be hospitalized for the next month and then on bed rest after that.”
“We’re here for you, Nate,” Mel told him. “I’m here whenever to watch them once the season starts or to help Y/N.”
“The guys will be there for you too,” Gabe added. “I know they will be.”
Nate let a tear slip out. “I know I’m a good dad, but I never realized until right now how much I am going to have to handle.”
“You can to do this, Nate,” Gabe reassures him. “There’s a lot of people here to help you through all the escapades.”
Nate nodded and thanked his friends before excusing himself to go to bed. He needed the sleep because Nate wasn’t sure when he was going to get it again.
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seasonofthegeek · 6 years
Love Keeps You Warm: Blogging
Written for Alyadrininette Week at @mlshipfleet <3
Parts 1, 2, 3. 4, 5:
“Okay, I have my appointment today at eleven-fifteen,” Marinette whispered, leaning close to Alya as the other woman poured creamer into her mug. “Can you come with me?”
“Of course I can.” She gave her a quick hug and turned back to her coffee. “And you’re sure we’re not saying anything yet?” Alya kept her voice low as she glanced over Marinette’s shoulder at Adrien and Nino sitting at the breakfast table. “You know they will come if we ask.”
“I think I just want to know from the doctor to be sure first. I don’t want to give anyone false hope or…” She trailed off and dropped her gaze.
“Five tests aren’t going to be wrong,” she warned.
“I know, but…” Marinette bit her lip and her eyes grew shiny.
“Okay, hey, okay.” She pulled her into another hug and spoke against her hair. “Everything’s going to be fine, Mari.”
“What are you two whispering about?” Nino set his plate in the sink and picked up the bottle of turtle treats beside the large aquarium set up at the end of the counter. He shook two out and reached his hand in to offer them to Wayzz. The old turtle studied the hand for a moment before beginning a slow creep towards it while Nino patiently waited.
“Just girl stuff.”
He raised an eyebrow. “Girl stuff?”
“Yep. Girl stuff.”
“As in ‘mind my own business’ girl stuff,” Nino nodded. “Got it.” He frowned when he caught Marinette’s worried expression. “But you’ll tell me if you need me, right?”
“Yep,” Alya repeated firmly.
Adrien squeezed past Nino to drop off his own dishes in the sink and he started running the water to wash them. “Hey, Marinette, do you want to grab lunch today before Nino and I go to work? I’ve been thinking of that little deli we found when we were by the park a few weeks ago. It’s been a while since you and I got to go out alone.”
Marinette covered her mouth and looked at Alya with wide, panicked eyes.
“We’re already doing lunch, Sunshine, but how about a rain check?” Alya leaned in to kiss his cheek and then quickly led Marinette out of the cramped kitchen and back to their bedroom.
“Is it just me or are they acting weird?” Nino dropped the second treat into the aquarium for later and thrust his hands under the running water before he grabbed the soap. “They’ve been like this for days now.”
Adrien’s shoulders sagged with relief. “I thought it was just me still. I’m kind of glad they’re treating you that way too.”
“Thanks, dude.”
He shot Nino a sheepish smile. “You know what I mean.” ______________________________
Marinette held her breath as the doctor slid the ultrasound wand along the goo covering her stomach.
“Sometimes it takes a minute to find,” the doctor said in a reassuring tone. “It’s a really small target.”
Alya squeezed Marinette’s hand and they both softly gasped when a fast thumping sound came through the speaker on the machine at the side of the bed.
“There we go.” The doctor adjusted slightly and watched the screen. “That tiny little blip right there.” He used a tool to make a circle around a grainy blur against a background of black to the left of the screen. “That’s your baby.”
“And this is the heartbeat?” Marinette breathed. “It’s so fast. Is…is that normal?”
“Perfectly normal. It will even get a little faster before it drops back down. Sounds good and healthy.”
She blinked back tears. “That’s our baby.” She looked up at Alya and her bottom lip trembled. “They should’ve been here for this. This is all my fault.”
“I’ll get a picture printed off for you and be back in a few minutes. There are wipes on the counter,” the doctor said, giving Alya a knowing nod before he excused himself.
Alya immediately went to the wipes and handed one to Marinette. “Get cleaned up, M. How do you feel?”
“We got to hear our baby’s heartbeat. Wasn’t it amazing?”
She swallowed hard. “It was beautiful.”
“And the doctor is going to bring us the first picture we will ever have of them.”
Marinette gave her a teary nod. “Yeah. We should get a frame.”
“We can do that when we leave here. And tonight, we’ll show it to Nino and Adrien, okay? As soon as they get home from work.”
“What if Adrien’s mad at me?” she whispered.
“Did you trick him into having sex?”
Marinette blinked. “No, of course not.”
“Did he fight you about not wearing a condom?”
“Well, no…”
“Okay, then.”
“Yeah, but Alya—“
“Nope.” She held up a hand. “It’s very possible this baby isn’t even biologically his and we aren’t going to do eight months of drama. If he wants to be a father, he can be. If he doesn’t, he won’t be. We’re still going to love Adrien. And I’m going to be right here beside you and you know Nino will be too. That kid is going to be covered in love.”
Marinette sniffled but started wiping the ultrasound goo off her stomach. “You’re right. We’re going to love this baby so much.”
“Damn straight.”
“And Nino is going to be the sweetest daddy.” Marinette sat up and swung her legs over the side of the exam table. “And we’re going to be good moms, right?”
“We’re going to do the very best we can.”
Her eyes lit up. “Oh! We can go shopping now!”
“There’s my girl,” Alya grinned, pulling her close for a kiss. ______________________________
“Okay, so this blog says something totally different from the other one,” Alya groaned. “Why can’t everyone just agree on the foods to avoid during pregnancy?”
“The doctor gave me this list.” Marinette searched through the stack of papers she had on the dining room table and lifted up a sheet. “It’s pretty easy to follow, I think.”
“I know but I wanted to check the blogs too.”
“Listen to you,” she teased. “Checking ‘the blogs’. You’re going to be a mommy blogger, aren’t you? You’re going to be a Pinterest mom with perfect Instagram photos.”
“You will take that back or we’re breaking up right here and right now.”
“I wonder what you’ll call your mommy blog,” Marinette continued. She tapped her chin thoughtfully. “Since your other blog is ‘Bread Makes You Fat’, you obviously have to play with ‘Bun in the Oven’.”
“I’m ignoring you now.” Alya opened up three new blogs from a recommended search.
The other woman quieted down and shuffled the papers in front of her. “They should be home soon, huh?”
“Are you nervous?”
Alya gave her half a smile. “A little. How about you?”
Marinette worried her lip. “I really don’t want to lose him.”
“We aren’t going to lose him.”
“We could.”
At that moment, the door opened and both women jumped in surprise. Alya quickly stood and moved into the living room with Marinette following a little behind. “You guys are home early.”
“Yeah, we were scouting out two possible venues for one of the events I have to plan in a couple of months.” Adrien dropped his soft briefcase by the door. “One of the venues got booked before we could put in our dates so it made the choice really easy.”
“We were talking about how hungry we are. Did you guys have something planned for dinner or should we order in?” Nino walked past them all to the kitchen and grabbed a bottle of water from the fridge. He slowed on his way back as his gaze fell on the papers covering the dining table. “What is all this?”
“Um, well, we actually need to tell you guys something.” Marinette wrung her hands together anxiously and Alya touched the small of her back.
“Maybe we can sit down for a minute before we talk about dinner?”
Nino looked at them with wide eyes. His mouth worked but no sound came out as he looked back down at the papers.
“Come sit, Nino,” Alya urged, patting the armchair by the couch.
Adrien dropped down beside Marinette as Nino moved to join them. “What’s going on? Are you okay?”
With an encouraging nod from Alya, Marinette began. “Um, well, I’ve been a little off lately.”
“Yeah, we were worried about that actually.” Adrien took her hand and shot Nino a concerned look but the other man’s eyes stayed on Marinette and Alya. “Is everything okay?”
“Well, yes.” Her voice wavered. “Everything’s really great actually. I’m…I’m pregnant.”
He froze beside her. “I…”
“That’s amazing.” Nino knelt down in front of the couch so he could see all three of them. “Tell us everything.” He shifted to the side and pressed his shoulder against Adrien’s knees as if keeping him in place.
Marinette glanced anxiously at Adrien. He still held her hand limply in his so she left it. “Well, Alya’s the one who realized actually. I’ve been moody and had food aversions and stomach aches and then we saw that I was over a week late for my last period.”
“You guys were working late that night so we went out and got pregnancy tests,” Alya added.
“Late?” Nino frowned. “Wait, last week?”
They nodded in unison.
“I didn’t want to say anything until I saw a doctor though,” Marinette continued. “I wanted to make sure it was real. That’s why I’ve been a basket case the past few days.”
“Even though I told her five positive pregnancy tests were definitely real,” Alya said as she rose off the couch. She went to the table and shifted around the papers and books until she found a picture frame and brought it back to them. “But we were able to listen to the heartbeat and get our first picture.” She offered the frame to Nino and he swallowed loudly as he looked down at it.
“This inside the circle? That’s the baby?” he asked in a shaky voice.
Marinette nodded. “I’ll be nine weeks on Tuesday. The doctor said the heartbeat sounds good and healthy.”
“Nine weeks,” Adrien murmured.
“Yeah, around the time of your little unsafe threesome,” Alya replied cutting her eyes to him. “Marinette told me all about it and I have to say that I’m jealous and hurt.”
“Alya,” Marinette groaned, covering her face.
“What? I deserve a striptease too. It’s been so long.” She smiled at Adrien but he didn’t look up from the ultrasound photo Nino was still holding.
“That was…you were still working for Joseph then,” he said, tone too even for the situation.
Marinette blushed. “So when I had my whole unemployed and need to be pregnant breakdown, it turns out I already was.”
“That means the baby could be either of ours…if it was from that night that we...”
“It can be both of ours either way.” Nino held out the picture frame and Adrien took it with visibly shaking hands. Nino stood and pulled Marinette into a hug. “I’m so happy, sweetheart. I’m so…I don’t even know what to say.” He pulled back to look down at her. “How are you feeling about all this?”
She felt herself melt under his touch. Things were so easy with Nino. “I’m really happy,” she smiled, feeling tears prick her eyes. She’d been so tired of crying but seeing the look on his face and shine in his eyes, it didn’t seem so bad to do it again. They stared at each other for a few long seconds and then Nino opened his arm to pull Alya into the hug. “And how do you feel?”
“Like we’re about to get a whole lot busier.” Alya rested her head against Marinette’s and let out a happy hum. “I’m excited. I can’t wait to meet our baby.”
The trio turned their attention to Adrien who was still sitting on the couch and staring down at the framed ultrasound. Marinette said his name softly and his head whipped up, his expression unreadable. Nino and Marinette opened their arms and he jolted up and buried his face against her neck, whispering words no one could quite make out.
Buy me a cherry coke?
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nebulawriter · 6 years
A Simple Favor
When I first saw the advertisement for this film I thought it was going to be a romantic comedy between Anna Kendrick and Blake Lively, and, you know what, even though it wasn’t, I don’t feel too disappointed.
Main Character: Anna Kendrick was at her Anna Kendrick-iest, and I loved every second of it. In this she was a perky mommy-blogger who had difficulty being friends with other parents, but was honestly a really good mother as well. She definitely has a dark side to her which is fully explored in this movie, but I think she fully enveloped the ‘don’t fuck with my kids’ aesthetic without turning away the chipper mom aesthetic. I’m saying I want to be her as a mother. Though maybe with less blogging and hopefully better friends. 
Side Characters: Hoooly Shit Blake Lively BROUGHT it with the mysterious bitch vibe and I’m all over it. The most unbelievable thing is that after the shit with her twin (triplet, whatever) is that she was mostly above board. I thought we’d at least find out more of what she did at her job, even if it didn’t end up relating. And Sean....I think he was just mostly along for the ride. I would not call their relationship healthy. Actually, I wouldn’t call anyone in this healthy. 
Other Characters: Most everyone else down to the kids are pawns in this strange game the main three are playing, primarily Emily and Stephanie. I don’t know if I care all that much for the other school parents, but whatever. 
Plot: This was very twisty and turn-y but I will FIGHT that it does make sense! Actually! Though it...it IS hard to keep track of, and maybe some things could have been laid out clearer, but. I think it does work out, overall. 
Story: I don’t know if there was a simpler story in this. I guess that people aren’t always as they seem? people can get taken advantage of if they keep acting nice? Don’t keep pushing nice people or they’ll set you up to confess your crimes on their liveblog? actually, you know what the moral I love best in here is? Don’t say ‘sorry.’
Cinnamontography: Very nice, staged very well, and I enjoy how it all works out. I’m here for it.
Design: DAMN THOSE SUITS ON BLAKE LIVELY THOUGH. HO SHIT. Though admittedly, in one of them she had a DISTRACTING amount of side boob. like damn. Also the houses were gorgeous, but they did not do a good job convincing me Blake Lively didn’t have money with her house and her clothes yadda yadda.
Other: Honestly I’m still not really sure which twin was Hope and which was Faith
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mostlyexcited · 7 years
Follow Your Fitness Friday (#9)
This is the ninth installment of Follow Your Fitness Friday. Every Friday, I’ll post a Q&A with another fitness-related blogger. This was created in an effort to connect our community and share our stories. Want to be featured? Comment on this post or DM me and I will send you the questions and feature ya!
This week … meet @reverie-of-jenni! 
1. Why did you create your blog and does it serve the same purpose it did in the beginning? @a-run-ode is actually my secondary blog and @reverie-of-jenni is where I started on Tumblr to collect things I enjoyed. However, as time went by my interests were drawn towards running and the running community on this space. So in short — yes. I enjoy being on here on and off and I do hope to keep my running blog updated as regularly as possible.
2. Tell me about your fitness. What do you like to do/play/practice/compete in? And why? I am primarily a runner. An amateur at that. In past years, I’ve enjoyed playing Badminton, Cricket, and several other group sports. Running is currently my No.1 physical activity. My obvious favorite. I also lift weights and practice yoga at home as frequently as my body desires. I’ve started to run races to just go out and test myself and I want to run a half marathon this year!
3. What do you wish more people understood about your answer to the above question? I picked up running very recently (2015) after accepting the fact that what I looked like mattered only to me and this was the best mindset to start a fitness routine with and I set myself a goal to run a 5K that summer. Which was a huge deal for me — someone who’s never run that kind of distance ... EVER. I ran (without a walking break) and finished with a time of 43 mins. Fast forward to 2016, I had stopped running, had gained some pounds (life changes) and I was determined to become healthy in that season of life. So, I started back on something I fiercely enjoyed — running! I haven’t looked back since.
4. Tell us about a moment in your fitness journey where you kicked ass and took names! (Ex. Set a personal record, felt pride swell in your chest, did something inspiring, etc.) Easy … every time my kid says, “Look mommy, I’m running fast, just like you!” I swell with pride inside and running my second 5K in 2017 with a time of 29 mins (not even my personal best) was a great kickass moment. I also have gotten many of my family and friends interested in getting healthier and this brings me great happiness.
5. What do you tell yourself when the going gets tough? Like, REALLY tough. In addition to profanities under my breath, I also think, “When the going gets tough, the tough get going,” “I pushed a baby through this body, this pain is nothing compared to that, I can do this!” and “I can do this shit.” I also think about the reason I first started this journey and how far I’ve come and soon I’m not so focused on the hard parts.
6. If you could do a workout with ANYBODY who would it be and what would you do? I love following several runners on Tumblr and if I get to run someday with any of them, that’s an awesome experience for me. My dream is to be able to inspire my kids to enjoy running like me and someday run races with them.
7. Tell us about an experience that changed your view on fitness and overall body health. After an unexpected surgery, I realized that while genetics does contribute to many illnesses and though it is something beyond our control, I would be foolish to not take care of my body in whatever small ways I can and that if I could set an example for my kids to pursue a life of health, fitness and most importantly balance, then I will have given them great tools to live life fully.
8. Favorite fitness-related quote? I can’t think of one particular quote but I stick to one mantra to keep me going: rely on discipline, not motivation. I also aim to make every day a “non zero day” meaning I aim to do something/anything even the smallest effort towards my goals every day to make it count. So, if I’m struggling to get going one day, I simply aim for a non zero day. If anyone’s interested in this, click here.
9. What are three blogs you absolutely love? (Tumblr or non-Tumblr) I’m pretty simple. I love to follow blogs that keep me encouraged in giving my best and these folks are amazing people who keep doing their thing which makes me want to keep doing my thing. @musingsoflulu, @goaldengoats, @love2befit, and @caseyeatsclean
10. Why should people follow your blog and what can they expect to see? Anyone who follows me would see lots of cozy, fun and neat things I like to keep on my primary blog (@reverie-of-jenni). On @a-run-ode I love to post stuff on running and also post about my weekly running adventures. I am not good at doing it regularly but I hope to change that!
Follow @reverie-of-jenni here! Want to be featured? Comment on this post or DM me and I will send you the questions.
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ktrxs · 5 years
Sick as hell fam.
One of the very few downsides of living with the family and a bunch of f****** minor brats, is that your close to a bunch of disease.
One of the reasons why I literally cannot stand children is because they're all diseased. And they are very disgusting but that's besides the point.
All last week Autumn has been sick. Actually Chad has been sick for the last month but I'm pretty sure Autumn has the freaking cold that I have now.
Nothing too bad though. I just feel drained all the time, my nose is constantly clogged yet running at the same time, sneezing and yesterday I had headaches all day.
No big deal.
But it's so funny because the whole house is sick. And I saw Autumn in the kitchen yesterday. She said, "yesterday we came down for lunch and Mommy gave us a banana, a whole pack of saltine crackers, a cup of orange juice and then shipped us upstairs."
Lol, that was very funny and cute 😂
Mom is doing the BOAT diet or BRAT diet. Basically when you're sick, just consume Bananas, Orange juice, A pack of saltine crackers and Tea.
LMAO!! I have no clue what the letters mean and they change with each uneducated/unqualified blogger that I find.
So essentially the kids are getting that and a shit ton of medications.
I don't do medications. Unless I am going to fucking die, I will not pass that shit through my mouth, ass or any other cavity.
I think people are babies. They get a slight headache, a little runny nose and want to get doped up.
But then you're making your sickness twice as long.
Instead of powering through it and letting your body heal itself, you are now giving it another job to deal with the reactions of this medication and the side effects.
You are basically like, "yo. I know you have this important job to heal me. And I WANT you to do that ASAP because it's uncomfortable as hell. But... I'm still slightly uncomfortable with this so can you also put a temporary relief bandaid on the wound every 4-6 hours?"
Then your body needs to do three things at once, and it's not effective at all.
This year mom wants to just combined everyone's birthdays together because she's sick and tired of having big birthday parties every week.
Essentially we have three birthdays in February and that would mean three parties.
But since everyone is combining this year, Mom and Chad had our party together.
Mom didn't really want to participate, so only me and Chad had individual cakes.
So because of the sickness going around, no one wants to eat cake with other people's spit all over it.
So mom made a big, main cake. And then baked some cupcakes.
I got six cupcakes and Chad got six cupcakes. I put them together and then frosted the top of them to make them look like mini cakes.
They were so cute.
And holy hell did my mailbox blow up this year.
I think I got about 12 cards. Literally every single person in Brandon's family sent us 3 individual cards. One for my birthday, one for our anniversary and one for Valentine's day.
Their commitment to cards it's like something I have never ever witnessed.
I still will never understand why people will send out Valentine's day, St. Patrick's day, and Halloween cards.
I'm a little fucked but that's okay. So essentially...
I'm getting sued again. Literally LITERALLY right before my RV trip.
It hurt. It fucking hurt to pull $650 from the RV fund.
Perfect timing to fuck me over 🤣
Also these fucks were not going to tell me they are suing me. I had some random lawfirm contact me like, "we noticed you have a docket open in the state of PA. Need help?"
I checked the case search and it was there with a court date fast approaching. Like what the actual hell?
So I called my lawyer right away, but he's not doing these cases anymore. So now I'm with the same firm but different lawyer. Which is fine but ... Ugh i guess I'll rant about that later.
So yeah. Still sick. Getting sued. Uncle Mike is sick with no appetite so I'm essentially fucked with the weight loss challenge.
But I made bread and I'm getting RV so two resolutions are done-ish
I'm here, and I'm queer. Let's do this!
0 notes
missingverse · 7 years
Missing Chapter Eleven
Notes for this chapter: As I am not from America and Hey Arnold is, a lot of research has gone into the next few chapters when puzzling out locations, but I will probably still get some details wrong. If you notice anything really off, please let me know in the comments.
Also, I have not seen the Jungle Movie yet but I'm hearing good things. Lovely.
Three weeks until:
Waking up was a challenge; actually getting up once she was awake was even worse. The sun trickling through the curtains was stinging her eyes and she had slept with her shoulder at an odd angle, it ached.
Once Helga managed to lift her head off the pillow, she noticed that not only had she been drooling again, but the drool was foamy! Was that normal?
Her arms and legs were heavy, she rolled over with difficulty and picked up her cellphone.
Pheebs, I'm not coming in today.
Thank goodness for predictive text, her fingers wouldn't move the way she wanted them to.
Why not?      
I'm sick.
Again?You really need to see a doctor.
Yeah, with whose money?
Free clinic is two bus rides and
I can barely get out of bed.
Ask Patrick's mom to bring you. You know she would.
I can ask my mom when she gets home from work.
It's fine, I'll try and sleep it off
and see how it is later. It's probably
just the flu.
Flu doesn't last this long, Helga.
All right, I'll think about it and
call you later.
She dropped the phone and attempted to get up. She couldn't remember going to bed the night before; the last thing she remembered was getting halfway through her Social Studies report. She stumbled to the bathroom to wash the drool off her face.
Miriam wasn't up yet; Helga heard her thick snoring from what used to be Olga's room. Bob was definitely gone to work, the sink was clogged with shaving foam and stubble.
She leaned into the mirror and poked at the skin under her right eye. It was still marked from where she'd blackened it. Telling everyone it was a baseball injury was marginally less embarrassing than admitting she'd had a dizzy spell and fallen into a door (like anyone would believe that when it was known as the go-to excuse of beaten wives and battered kids).
She turned on the shower and made to get undressed, and then she realized just how bad she was; apparently she'd been so out of it she'd put on her nightgown back to front.
Dawn was just tiptoeing up in the sky when Arnold was rather brutally woken up by a knee in his stomach. He opened his eyes to see Helga thrashing in her sleep, trying to push him away from her but just pushing herself closer to the wall. A small distressed whine was rising in her throat.
“Helga....Helga!” he groaned, still half asleep and a touch winded.
He shook her by the shoulder gently and she stilled, slowly blinking awake.
“You were having a nightmare,” he told her.
“Yes, I was,” she replied. She was damp with cold sweat.
Being this close, it was remarkable how human she looked for a ghost. He could count individual eyelashes, the faint freckles under her skin, the trembling of her lip that indicated she was still upset but trying to hide it.
“You wanna talk about it?” he pressed, scooting to the edge of the bed so she wouldn't feel trapped.
“Not really,” she mumbled, turning so she was lying on her back. “But I probably should, right?”
“Not if you don't want to.”
“There was something around my neck.”
Now cold sweat started beading on Arnold's skin under his t-shirt.
“What kind of something?” he asked cautiously. “A hand?”
“No, not a hand,” she murmured, stroking her throat thoughtfully. “It was cold. And heavy.”
That could be anything, but Arnold's mind helpfully supplied some images.
A thick rope.
A chain.
Something sinkable if you tossed it in water.
“It's probably nothing,” Helga demurred, but she didn't sound convincing.
Arnold threw back the covers and got to his feet, booted up his computer.
“Maybe you should come with us to school today,” he suggested, pulling up the latest headlines. “Just a distraction. Things have been getting really heavy lately...”
“Maybe,” she agreed, but she had turned over in the bed, facing the wall. Away from him.
They had hit a dead end. They had where Helga had gone last and why she was there, but Officer Plaskett was certain Bob Pataki hadn't been involved in her disappearance.
He wouldn't have wanted to lose his only source of real income Arnold thought sourly.
But that left them with nothing else. Nowhere to go. Part of him was a little glad though, because it was just now occurring to him that if they discovered what happened to her, ghost Helga would have no reason to stay and he had grown very used to having her around.
“Wanna hear some news?” he asked.
“Sure, why not?” she replied, still facing the wall and a little muffled by the pillow.
“Lena Montclare has been slammed for inflammatory tweets about her fans,” he began.
“What kind of news is that?” she said, turning over to look at him. “Who's Lena Montclare?”
“Remember that Netflix movie you watched while I was out? She played the sister.”
“Oh. She was awful in that.”
“She's just awful in general.”
“What else is there?”
“Seven reasons JimBob Saves Christmas doesn't need a reboot....Massive shipment of Lego bricks runs aground on Kettle Beach.... Golden couple Ray Harkness and Mona Washington rocked by rumours of infidelity...Pocaselas cheer team make the nationals....”
Helga sat up suddenly.
“What was that last one?” she asked, a high note rising in her voice.
“What? Pocaselas cheer team....” he answered.
“Pocaselas. What is that?”
“Uh, it's a city two states over, I think.”
Pocaselas was barely a city, more like a halfway point for people on their way to somewhere better. It was full of motels, hotels and trans-state bus lines. Arnold had been stranded there once for seven hours when trying to get to Montana for a concert when he was thirteen. He hadn't even tried to go to a concert since.
“I know that place. I keep seeing the name,” she said, rubbing at her temple (just under her scar).
“Seeing it? Where?” Arnold asked, typing the word into Google.
“In my dreams. It's printed on something.”
“Like a newspaper or a street sign?”
“I don't know, it's hazy.”
Pocaselas was unremarkable; Google brought up basic info about annual rain fall, bus timetables, some mommy blogger's website....
….until about three entries down in the search and the only real reason anyone knew that Pocaselas even existed.
The Black Gulch Ripper.
In the early nineties, Pocaselas became known as a hive for young runaways and working prostitutes, who were sometimes one and the same. For any young person looking to disappear, it was a good option. There were lots of short-term places to stay, lots of abandoned buildings to squat in when the money ran out, and plenty of truckers and blow-ins to keep the working girls in business.
When women began going missing, nobody thought much of it. People left Pocaselas all the time, especially runaways. There were a lot of cases where a john was robbed by a working girl who fled town on the first bus in any direction. So nobody could really pinpoint who the first victim was.
The first victim found, however, was 26-year-old Elisa Frank. She appeared in the Black Gulch on the edge of the city, discovered by a local fisherman, and was so bloated and disfigured it was near impossible to see what had been done to her. Her throat had been cut, and a good number of internal organs were missing.
A girl who had frequently worked the same stretch of highway as Elisa turned up next, not in the Gulch itself but just beside it. Sarah May Caldwell's throat had also been cut but only her heart and lungs were missing. Police arrested the girl's pimp for their murder but he was released without charge (and then picked up again and sent down for three years for soliciting.)
As many as a hundred girls had been reported missing; with the ones that hadn't been reported the number would have been closer to three hundred. Three more bodies were found in the Gulch in the same state as Elisa and Sarah May, but it was near impossible to tell who could be considered the culprit's next victim just looking at the missing reports.
By the time four more bodies appeared in the gulch, a pattern had emerged. They were all young women; the oldest was thirty-four and the youngest nineteen. They were blondes, mostly (Tegan Nicholls was biracial with curly dark hair and Annette Fischer was a redhead) and they were between five foot and five seven. Several of them were heroin addicts and three on some other narcotic, which the police theorized made them easier to capture, and most were prostitutes but two were mere runaways.
The newspapers gave the killer the nickname everyone used. He would go quiet for two to three year stretches and then come back with a new body, and there was a grim sense that the press had been waiting for him because it was the only kind of interesting news you got in a place like Pocaselas.
There had been theories that the Black Gulch Ripper was behind Helga Pataki's disappearance, but it was dismissed as nonsense. For one, Helga was much younger than the killer's usual M.O. He also concentrated his attacks in the Pocaselas general area, and the difference between that city and Hillwood was two states and a mess of highways and sideroads. The roads in and out of Hillwood had speed cameras that had picked up nothing beyond the usual traffic.
It was entirely possible to reach Pocaselas on foot through the forest that ran from Hillwood through the interim state to the edge of the city, but that was only if you managed to avoid swamps full of water moccasins, treacherous sinkholes and the occasional bear. It was said only a madman would attempt it.
“You're not ready yet?” Phoebe said as he opened the bedroom door to her, still in his pyjamas.
“We might have got something,” he told her, ushering her in. “I'll tell you on the way to school, I just need to shower.”
Her attention wasn't on him though; she was looking in the general direction of Helga, sitting on his bed.
“I can kind of see her,” she said, a smile slowly growing. “The air is kind of blurry, like when there's gas in the air.”
“That's good,” he said.
“I have a new notebook for you,” Phoebe said, ignoring Arnold entirely. “I missed your last few birthdays, I owed you a new one.”
“Wow, thanks Pheebs,” Helga said, taking the notebook.
“Did you hear anything? She thanked you,” Arnold told her, and Phoebe's face fell.
“No,” she mumbled. “But it's okay, she can write to me with the notebook.”
Arnold left them there, and throughout his shower he could hear the low murmur of Phoebe talking and Helga answering, although he knew anyone else listening would just hear the sounds of a girl talking to herself. He got out, dressed and just as he was about to come back in, he heard something that made him linger outside.
“....has to know something, doesn't he? I mean, you ended up in his house...”
Helga muttered a reply he couldn't hear and through the crack in the door he saw her scribble out a response and hand over the notebook. Phoebe read it and rolled her eyes.
“If not now, then when?” she said. “Back then you told me you were over it, but you're obviously not.”
Helga scribbled out another response, and at this one Phoebe looked like she wanted to cry.
“What's the point?” she half-laughed. “You tell me! Maybe the reason you're back is nothing to do with how you died, you know? Maybe that's not the right kind of closure....”
They both lapsed into silence, and Arnold felt it was okay to come back inside. He watched Helga slam the new notebook shut when he came back in.
“You ready to go?” he asked.
Helga ultimately decided not to join them, and for the first few minutes of the walk to school Phoebe was silent. Until....
“...why is she in your bed?”
“What?” Arnold sputtered.
“She's in your bed now,” Phoebe continued. “She was on the sofa and now she's not. Why?”
“I had to tell her about the memory stick,” Arnold said with a sigh. “She was pretty upset, and I was worried.”
“So she ended up in your bed because she was upset?”
“I can understand why you're worried, but nothing happened. At least until this morning.”
Phoebe stopped dead in the street and grabbed his arm, turned him around.
“What happened this morning?” she demanded, cheeks turning pink with anger.
“She had a nightmare,” Arnold explained.
The colour drained from Phoebe's face, and she looked abashed.
“Sorry,” she muttered. “I guess I'm still a bit peeved that you can see her and I can't, but I shouldn't take that out on you. How does she look to you?”
“Like herself, but older,” Arnold shrugged. “Speaking of....do you remember any kind of scars Helga had before she went missing?”
“Scars?” Phoebe questioned, thoughtful. “Um...she had one on her elbow from where she broke her arm and the bone went through skin. And she kept saying she had one under her eye from when she blackened it but I think she was just hyper-focused on it...”
“Wasn't that the one her Dad gave her?”
“That was just a rumour, Arnold,” Phoebe sighed. “She ran into a door because she was dizzy and she didn't want to tell anyone because someone would spread rumours. Which they did anyway.”
“Oh,” was all Arnold could think to say. He'd bought into that rumour, they all had.
“Why are you asking? Does she have different ones?”
“Yeah,” Arnold said, and took a deep breath before continuing. “She has a big one, on her head. Looks like she was hit with something big and heavy. There's one on the back of her leg too.”
Phoebe blanched even more.
“And there's one more, a really long one...it goes from her hip to her chest. It looks kind of deep too.”
“Her hip to her chest? How do you know about that one?” Phoebe asked.
“Come on, Phoebe...” Arnold groaned.
“How do you know about that one?” Phoebe growled.
“I looked, okay? She was asleep and I saw the edge of it from under her t-shirt so I took a look.”
“You goddamn perv-”
“There was nothing sexy about it if that's what you're worried about,” Arnold muttered. “I don;t know about you but looking at knife wounds doesn't get me hot under the collar.”
Once again, Phoebe's anger faded.
“Sorry,” she mumbled again. “She used to complain when boys paid attention to her... I guess I'm still a bit protective.”
“It's okay,” Arnold shrugged. “It's nice, actually. Nice to see you trying to look after her even after all of this.”
“Just repaying the debt. I would have been eaten alive at school if it wasn't for Helga.”
Phoebe had forgotten to ask what the new thing they had discovered was, and by the time they reached the school he had debated with himself over and over about telling her.
The Black Gulch Ripper flashed in his mind, over and over.
In the end, he decided it could wait.
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Get To Know The Blogger (it’s a tag game)
Thank you @the-bookdevourer​!
Rules: Once you’ve been tagged, you are supposed to write a note with 92 truths about you. At the end choose 25 people to be tagged.
LAST: Last drink: Root beer, not my favorite brand but still good Last phone call: Talking to one of my closest friends (my ex) because he was freaking out about life being super hard right now Last text message: to my study partner making sure we were studying American Sign Language today before class Last song you listened to: Guns And Ships from Hamilton Last time I cried: Like four days ago getting my wand at Harry Potter World
HAVE YOU EVER: Dated someone twice: Nope! Been cheated on: Nah Kissed someone and regretted it: Oh yes, two someones. One immediately because it was my first kiss and he surprised me, and one weeks later Lost someone special: In the death sense? Yes, all of my grandparents have died and I loved two of them Been depressed: I’ve had depression since puberty started, so absolutely Been drunk and thrown up: Nope and I never plan to
IN THE PAST YEAR HAVE YOU: Made a new friend: Yes! Like three! That’s a huge accomplishment for me and it makes me so happy Fallen out of love: Yup, nothing dramatic but yes. Laughed until you cried: No. Laughing is fun but I’m unused to doing it so like my face will get tired from smiling after a little bit Met someone who changed you: Yes, two someones actually, they’re soulmates so you can’t have one powerhouse without the other Found out who your true friends were: Oh yes, it tends to happen. Especially in the college years with high school friends Found out someone was talking about you: Not in a bad way, but yes. It tends to happen when friends are worried about you GENERAL: How many people on tumblr do you know in real life?: Like six? One I don’t talk to anymore though. Do you have any animals? Ohhh yes, I have my Emotional Support Animal who’s the best kitty ever, three other cats, a turtle, a horsse, and three dogs. I desperately want rats again too and also an axolotl. Do you want to change your name?: Nah, I really like how my first middle and last names all flow into one another, it’s pretty What time did you wake up this morning?: Well I either slept through my alarm or woke up and turned it off, so I woke up at 11:20 when class started at eleven What were you doing last night?: Chilling. It’s been ridiculously busy in the last week, so after a club meeting (I’m vice president of our LGBT+ club on campus) I just hung out in my room and cashed in a freebie homework assignment and watched Netflix and worried about a friend. Name something you cannot wait for: @a-magical-knight and I are moving in together in like eleven months!!! Have you ever talked to a person named Tom: Yup, the president of another club I’m in is named Tom and also my music director in theatre and chorus teacher in high school was named Tommy What’s getting on your nerves right now?: Nothing, because I’m worn out emotionally right now, but the last thing like twenty minutes ago that was getting on my nerves was a friend’s home situation Blood type: No clue. I know my Hogwarts house though! Nickname: Jess, Jessi, Jessi Butterfly, Mom, Sis, Mommy, Miss Jessica, young Jessica, kiddo Relationship status: I’ve been dating @a-magical-knight since May! Zodiac sign: Gemini, and except for the lack of faithfulness I’m a pretty sterotypical one at that Pronouns: she/her but when I’m in my drag persona it’s he/him Favorite TV show: I really love Criminal Minds and also Ancient Aliens College: I went to Dutchess Community College for two years, and now I’m up in SUNY Plattsburgh for a total of two years and then I’m going to grad school next year here as well Hair color: Brown Do you have a crush on someone: My girlfriend, one would hope What do you like about yourself: My altruism and my striving to recover
FIRSTS: First surgery: Never had any, unless you count getting crowns on my teeth because insurance counts that as surgery but I don’t First piercing: My ears, when I was a toddler, and the gun got stuck to my ear First sport you joined: Dance, with the classic trio of tap, jazz, and ballet First vacation: I don’t remember where we were, but I remember I was really little, like three or four, and we were camping but it was pouring rain so we celebrated my birthday with cake in the car instead First pair of sneakers: Probably light up Barbie ones
THOUGHTS ON: Eating: Good in theory, but my eating disorder says fuck that to anything that isn’t absolute junk Drinking: People can drink if they want, I don’t care, I’ll try stuff here and there to know what it tastes like but so far the only thing I like is shots of honey whiskey I’m about to: Finish eating and read the journal article I need to write about Listening to: Right now just my fan is on because it’s eighty-three degrees in fucking September because we’re murdering our planet and also my kitty’s bell and purring Want kids: Yes!! I want to foster and/or adopt kids so badly. Older kids, the ones that aren’t cute anymore so no one wants them, or LGBT+ kids or disabled or neurodiverse kids. I don’t care if the kid is seventeen and never wants anything to do with the system or me once they’ve aged out, for those remaining months they’re gonna be fucking loved and know someone cares about them Get married: It’s not something I’ve always dreamed about or anything but I’d like to have a really fun wedding with the person I adore Career: Ideally a trio of writing, theatre, and being a therapist; my ideal is being a therapist in a shelter for the LGBT+ population and/or working with survivors of modern slavery WHICH IS BETTER: Lips or eyes: Eyes Hugs or kisses: Hugs!! Shorter or taller: Doesn’t matter, but short is cute Older or younger: Older, I’m good with people above my age and good with kids under twelve Romantic or spontaneous: Why not spontaneously romantic? Sensitive or loud: Sensitive Hook up or relationship: Relationship, though hook ups do seem fun Troublemaker or hesitant: I was always friends with troublemakers in school, and people who get branded troublemakers often have more fun because to me hesitant means anxious. Which is not what it means for many people, but like @a-magical-knight isn’t getting into trouble but she does do things that look fun that other people might not do so she’s not hesitant. But I wouldn’t want to date someone who was constantly getting into fights.
HAVE YOU EVER: Kissed a stranger: Nope Drank hard liquor: Does a shot of honey whiskey count? I think it does Lost glasses/contacts: Nope, I don’t wear them Sex on first date: Nope Broken someone’s heart: Oh yeah, gay high school me broke a few boys’ hearts when they couldn’t get with me. Gay college me is still doing it but less so Been arrested: Nah, I’ve always been the alibi in those situations Turned someone down: Yup, in high school mostly but college too Fallen for a friend: Oh sure; I never got the idea of “I’m gonna date/call a complete stranger because they’re hot” which means my three whole relationships were with people I actually knew.
DO YOU BELIEVE: In yourself: Yes. More so than a couple years ago, and even a few months ago Miracles: Eh, it’s a case by case thing. I’m not Christian and wasn’t brought up in a religious household so that makes me lean towards no. I see chaos as an actual being (Eris, a Greek goddess) and chaos is what miracles are often the result of, and also I’m very cause-and-effect and a social scientist which means looking for physical/mental reasons for things Love at first sight: I’m a gushy sappy romantic so yes. It takes the form of puppy love in the beginning and evolves if you help it Heaven: I don’t even guess at what the afterlife will be, just that there is one, and I’m excited to see what it is Santa Claus: Yes because there’s magic goddamnit and there’s a system of magic and false memory implantation to make it happen without people knowing the truth. I know it’s childish, but I need there to be magic in life
Twenty-five people is a lot so I’m just gonna tag whoever pops into my head. @highfantasyorbust @ekinsellaauthor @prideandpen @thejollywriter @leigh-fae @criticoutofcontext @kclenhartnovels @writingsforwinter @gingerly-writing
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givencontext · 4 years
Untamed: Building a Coalition of Cheetahs
What do I want to say about Glennon Doyle’s latest memoir? First of all, who has the kind of life that warrants three memoirs? The fact that she started as one in a massive field of Christian mommy bloggers and ends up as a… cheetah. It’s kind of amazing. I have to admit I didn’t read her first two books. I heard of her years ago, but a memoir about saving a marriage with a cheating husband wasn’t something I was going to read. I’m not saying a marriage can never be saved, but I have some experience with unhealthy relationships, and I was afraid this was going to give a lot of women some wrong (IMO) ideas.
So when Glennon announced her separation from her husband on the eve of her “saving marriage” book release – that’s when she got my attention. When she came out about her relationship with soccer star Abby Wambach, I clicked the follow button on all of her sites. Some people were going to unfollow her because of this, so I was going to show up in my Free Mom Hugs t-shirt and give her some support. When I heard about her charity Together Rising, I signed up to make monthly donations. I’ve been sending her money for years… still hadn’t read her books. Then she wrote Untamed.
Back to my original question: What do I want to say about this book? I loved it. I was on the waitlist at the library, but when a friend starting sharing about it, I had to buy a hardcover version also. I have so many notes, highlights, bookmarks. There was only one thing in the book I disagreed with, and that is more an issue of semantics. The love-at-first-site narrative and “my sexuality is Abby” raises a few red flags for me, but I also kind of relate. I have referred to my own sexuality as “hetero-monogamous” because when I’m in a relationship with someone, I really don’t find other men attractive. So I sort of get what she’s saying, but that mom part of me worries about her at the same time. Her relationship with Abby sounds great, and I hope it stays that way. I’m not going to walk around expecting that same lightning bolt to hit me.
The premise of this book is nothing new. Women are tamed by society. We are taught from a very early age what our cages are and why we should be in them. We can’t just “be” wild now. We have been tamed. In order to get our wildness back, we must be untamed. I love the analogy of the cheetah that she introduces at the beginning. Tabitha is a cheetah born in captivity. She has never known the wild, but Glennon can tell from her stature and the way she sniffs the air that she knows there’s wildness out there just beyond her reach. Is this something women can relate to? I sure can.
It was Mother’s Day last weekend. I’m back to being a single mom again. My kids are adults now, but it still reminded me that some of the things moms are recognized for… I did all those things and all of the other things. Next month my parents will have been married for 57 years. My mom worked when/if she wanted to. Neither of my grandmas even had a drivers license. What was I supposed to be when I grew up? No one ever asked me what I wanted to be. I wasn’t explictly told I was supposed to be a wife and mother, but it was the message I received. Then I wound up taking care of two kids on my own. I was lucky to find good jobs, etc. but a lot of this life just happened to me.
Glennon expresses the wish that our lives be “born from” us and not imposed on us. She’s not talking about a life that revolves around kids, although she has some great momming advice in this book. She’s talking about choosing and creating your own life. I’m lucky that I’m already in a time of transition while reading this book. I’m newly single, on the verge of an empty nest. It’s prime time for me to throw off the reigns and run wild and unfettered through the savanna. My theme for 2020 is Freedom. Sign me up for the untaming! But what about my sisters who are settled comfortably in their cages that will find this book unsettling them? I can’t wait to find out.
Women becoming untamed doesn’t mean an end to the family. Glennon actually has a family that *works* now. Her ex wasn’t a good match as a husband, but he’s a great dad. Sometimes (IMO) kids are better off with a non-traditional family that doesn’t include dad at all. Are they surrounded with love and support? Yes? Good. No? Choose something else. Create your own family. Glennon repeatedly says her ideal family is one in which every member is simultanously held and free. That’s a tall order, but something I can find myself aspiring to. I think it’s a feminine quality to believe we can be two contradictory things at once.
Some may read this book and view it as the Gospel according to Glennon. I hope more will see that she’s trying to point each of us to that sacred voice within our own stillness. Learn to listen to your own Knowing, then surround yourself with others who listen to theirs, a coalition of cheetahs, if you will. It sounds simple, but I swear, it’s revolutionary.
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