#like one older force null one
fandomforg · 10 months
So, Your Child is Force Sensitive:
it’s a book written during the prequel era by some mommy blogger on a random planet. she’s got a set of force sensitive twin boys and she compiled her blog posts into a book all about raising force sensitives and choosing not to give them to the jedi temple.
the book is not super well known, it only ever sold maybe a few hundred copies, but it’s honestly really detailed. this lady did her research, but still is able to give her outside perspectives as a force null. she talks all about being pregnant with force sensitives, the babies special needs as empaths, the choice to raise them herself, interactions between force sensitives being raised together, the developmental checkpoints that are different from force nulls, and even how to deal with your moody and powerful force sensitive teens.
the book also talks a bit about jedi ideology and family structures (to help parents make the decision of whether to give the kid to the jedi or not) (it took her so long and so many space emails to the jedi to do that research)
the jedi themselves, however, are not too big of fans of this book because they think it’s probably for the best for force sensitive kids to be raised in the temple (and in some ways it is), but this mommy blogger advocates that with the right, caring parents and the right knowledge, force sensitive kids can do just fine being raised at home (and she’s also kinda right)
anyway, the book stays unpopular all the way up until order 66. then the book gets super-duper banned with all the rest of the reputable information on force sensitive people and the jedi. the mommy blogger stops posting. her and her now adult children drop off the map. her small (but devoted) following has no idea if they’re ok or even alive, but they go to great lengths to erase all of her personal information off the holonet if they can.
the galaxy keeps turning, and the mommy blogger stays missing, but sometimes her book (the few copies not destroyed) will end up in the hands of people who need it. people like bail and breha organa, owen and beru lars, kanan jarrus and hera syndulla, and even eventually din djarin.
even luke skywalker gets himself a copy when he’s suddenly responsible for having his own little force school. (at one point, din is reading the chapter on letting go of your kids when they leave the nest, while luke is simultaneously reading the chapter on how to calm an inconsolable youngling)
a lot of the research into how the jedi work and their ideologies are actually way more accurate, relevant, and recent than any of luke’s other ancient jedi texts, so that’s how luke’s jedi order rebuilding efforts become mostly built on one chapter of a book written by a middle-aged, force null, mother of two.
this mommy blogger may have started her blog just to document her journey in raising her twins, but she ended up writing a book that would help raise a generation of force sensitive children who had no jedi temple to turn to. her honest care spread farther than she could have imagined.
still, nobody could find out where she and her twins went, even after the fall of the empire when it was safe.
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kurakisses · 3 months
⟡ ⠀through your eyes⠀⠀⊹⠀⠀ soshiro hoshina & you
gn, flower shop owner reader. soshiro realizes how much you mean to him, and how afraid he is to admit it. hurt/comfort. this is the part 2 of my scaredy cat series.
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it had been a busy few months for both of you. hoshina had finally been accepted into the defense forces while you busied yourself moving into the heart of tokyo, setting up a modest little shop adorned with the seasonal flowers.
however, you made plans to say goodbye soon, as the man would be heading back south as he was assigned a base in the area. you had always remained close to each other since your childhoods and had formed daily habits that went around that, so it was a bit of a shock to hear the news.
but you would still support him from afar— even with empty words as you watched the tv hoping to see his smiling face on some news. you wished the best for the man even though you lacked the right words to express it in front of him.
you had watched him strive since he was a little boy; when he trained with his brother, when calluses began to grow on his fingers after carrying swords for long periods of time and how he explained his techniques to you with fervor.
you always felt that he deserved the best— the nicest compliments and the sweetest words, for he had worked so hard.
and somehow, you wanted to be the person who showered him with such praise. no matter how much your lips trembled as you tried to say something that would sound corny, or how much your hands clenched the fabric of your garments as you blushed in embarrassment, thinking of something nice to say to soshiro.
you hadn't changed a bit since you were a little kid, you knew that. and that was only highlighted by the way your eyes were fixed on a null point as you felt firm arms wrap around your waist with a certain warmth and utmost care.
you felt your cheeks burn, and silence greeted you as you shared that embrace that was beginning to linger longer than it should.
his head rested on your shoulder and you could feel his breathing vaguely bump against your ear.
you didn't know that his eyes, likewise, were looking at a blank spot behind you. you meant so much to him emotionally— even though he didn't mention it and you remained unaware of it.
you were the first person who welcomed him with open arms without judging what he did and how he did it. the first person who was interested in learning his techniques and who was genuinely intrigued by his extracurricular activities.
at that age he was used to hearing the opinions of only his clan, so seeing something different than that was special to him.
you were just a curious child from a family that happened to live not far from the hoshina settlement. during the summer vacations you liked to go visit him to hang out with him and watch him train until night fell and you would say goodbye with a broad smile.
every day he waited for you, even if he didn't say it out loud. he always took time off for you, to greet you and chat a bit while he rested from his practices— his older brother teased him by saying that he was in love, and he deeply denied it.
but perhaps soichiro's words weren't too far from the truth.
soshiro began to integrate you into his daily life and unconsciously dedicated part of his busy schedule to you just for the whim of seeing you; to see your smile, to hear your voice while you explained something to him, or simply to watch you while spending time together.
he appreciated you a lot more than he did any other acquaintance and that only reinforced the theory that he liked you
as much as he was afraid to admit it
as much as he knew that it was a huge liability because of his line of work
for he didn't want to put your life at risk, or involve you in the intricacies of his work that might escalate to something bigger
for he knew that your life was volatile, fragile in the sight of a kaiju
he would never forgive himself if he was seriously wounded one day and saw you looking at his bandaged body in distress. he would never forgive himself if he lost his life in combat while you waited for him at home, patient and innocent.
so he turned away from you before his body betrayed him, before he felt the need to cling to you and ignore his duties as part of the defense forces. because you meant so much to him and soshiro wasn't yet ready to say goodbye.
so he would force it.
your voice, trembling with obvious hesitation, left your lips in an almost silent trickle. you dared to observe the scowl that adorned his face, how his lips were pressed into a thin line and how those crimson orbs were somehow avoiding looking directly at you
a knot was born in both of your throats, as you clung to each other because of the weight you assigned to the other's presence in your lives. you were like puzzle pieces— made to be together, hands intertwined, close.
so this sudden event would cause certain repercussions in your lives. consequences that both would evade and hide when facing the uncertainty, not knowing how the other would react when declaring something as heavy as love.
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harleyxhoward · 1 month
Analyzing The Abilities of Characters From The Boys Pt. VI
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🐍Zoe Neuman🐍
Zoe, growing up in both a multiethnic and affluent home, is both marginalized and privileged in a myriad of ways. Her ethnicity, along with her mother’s, is never acknowledged outright on the show. For all we know, the directors could have cast white actresses for the both of them and the core of my analysis would be null and void, but I believe the fact they aren’t white provides a certain layer of tragedy to Zoe’s character in particular.
Going off of personal experience in uppity East Coast spaces, Zoe’s presumably one of few ethnic children in her social circle. While she’s debatably white passing, this would undoubtedly have led to numerous instances of her facing prejudice and most likely teasing of various kinds.
This is where her unique ability of generating snake-like tentacles from her mouth presents itself. Her being injected as a preteen means her body analyzed her current surroundings and decided what she needed most at this stage in her life was some form of aggressive defense that could come from her mouth. This most likely resulted from her being mocked, teased, harassed, or discriminated against, and wishing there was a way her “sharp tongue” could actually cut them. Now with these serpents that expel themselves from her mouth, she’s capable of holding her own against anyone who wishes to insult or berate her.
Her being subjected to Red River felt like karmic irony, Victoria injecting her in adolescence* because she decided having any ability at all would be better than being powerless. I’ve mulled over this decision from Vicky, but ultimately settled on it being near sighted and power hungry on her end. She knew full well that Compound V resulted in the death of her own parents, and could very well have given Zoe a disastrous mutation, if not killing her in a long, drawn out body horror scenario. Even Stan Edgar was repulsed and horrified at the idea that Victoria would stoop so low as to inject Zoe with V, which put the gravity of the situation into perspective.
Vicky additionally knew that, while she was getting herself tangled up in Vought and Homelander, that her life was on the chopping block, and if she died, Samir wouldn’t be able to fend off Firecracker, let alone all of Vought’s forces. This would, assuming Homelander didn’t execute her daughter, land Zoe in the same place Vicky ended up after the death of her parents, which is exactly what happened.
While this seemed unfair at first, I saw it more so as a cautionary tale of what corruption does to a person. Vicky wasn’t satisfied with what she had, and strived for absolute power at the expense of her daughter’s well being. The shift from a loving mother willing to give her child the world to a power hungry tyrant injecting her daughter with a potentially lethal drug to turn her into a #girlboss didn’t happen randomly. I can imagine every thought that went through Vicky’s head as she decided to this to Zoe, especially explaining away the consequences as trivial costs to her daughter’s safety.
My response to that, aside from it not panning out how Victoria intended, is to look no farther than Kris Jenner with Kim Kardashian. In both mother-daughter duos a power/money hungry mother mutates/exposes her child all in the name of giving her a “better life” at the cost of robbing her of her agency and ultimately her humanity. Society blames Kim for perpetuating beauty standards, all of which were thrust upon her by a mother who just wanted a bigger mansion.
*The horror of Vicky’s decision stems mostly from the fact that the older you are, the worse the mortality rates/negative mutations are with V injections. Stan and Vicky already knew this, and it’s why people were contemplating whether Ashley would die at the end of S4 or not. Babies appear to be more malleable, and while some gain adverse mutations, they’re hardly ever lethal, and may even be tailored to Vought’s liking (so it seems).*
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redfish-blu · 5 months
I haven’t watched that much of Supernatural but something that was WAYY more effed up to me than the ghouls and demons is how Sam’s life got purposefully and inattentively ripped away from him. Not his first one, his second one, where he was studying at Stanford and trying to recover from his inordinately horrific childhood while also still being quite young himself.
Had there been no ghosts, the pilot episode would have read as Sam’s estranged, compliant older brother who he’d gone no contact with (not particularly by choice) before he even turned 18, showing up on his campus with no warning, breaking into his dorm and fist fighting him, and demanding that Sam has an obligation to go on a wild goose chase across the contiguous United States to follow their abusive father’s trail of breadcrumbs, (who, by the way, disowned Sam to which Dean did jack and shit about far past the age he should have known better). A demand that Sam DID unequivocally refuse and had every right to do so.
Like, yes, because there just so happen to be ghosts, we get to learn that there’s a…maybe not a good reason but a reason for Dean being Like That and Sam comes around on him ever so slowly due to forced proximity and the fact that he was in such a vulnerable position that Dean could get him to comply out of the base need to preserve his own life, so we can add Possibly Kidnapping to the list. But in the absence of any otherworldly beings, Sam would have rightfully said FUCK OFF LAYMEN and slammed the door on Dean’s face and gone about his deserved second chance at life and no viewer in their right mind would have even blinked at it.
I haven’t interacted much with spn circles but rarely do I ever see it acknowledged that THAT whole situation—the first freaking episode— could be a horror story without the supernatural deus ex machina coming in to null the (still very much going on) greif Dean and John were shouldering Sam with for quite literally his entire fucking life up to that point. People have been put under the jail for less than what those two did. Like do not get me wrong, I am glad Dean’s character got explored and explained and it’s all fictional but JESUS. If we were watching Natural instead of Supernatural it would’ve been curtains for Dean.
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mamuzzy-creates-stuff · 4 months
I love your little Blurb about Prudii!! Especially when it came to him and the Alphas rivalry! It was super interesting!!
Do you think you'll ever do some for the other Nulls?
OISHGSODHGOSIDGH I'M SO GLAD YOU LIKE IT!!!! The rivalry existing between the Nulls and the Alphas is really interesting indeed! Alphas are so middle-child coded: they need to surpass their defective older brothers but they will never be as good as the younger ones who came after them. ("good" as in what is expected from them).
AND YESSSS, I would pretty much like to do more about the others as well! They are my life and blood and fantastic characters to brainstorm about!!! <3 I don't know when I'll get to it to make a big post about them, so here are little breadcrumbs about the others~ -- He is the least social one and doesn't really show too much about himself, but Kom'rk likes to play games with people who are not in their inner circle. Sometimes they won't even notice they are participating in an elaborate interrogation disguised as a friendly chat or an innocent card game. Kom'rk often plays the test of loyalty too. If he deems the other person unworthy, he will humiliate them mercilessly. -- Ordo has social blindspots, but he uses this handicap to his advantage: when he doesn't like an order, he will interpret them as he sees fit. He is really good at finding loopholes in orders he was given, and he will abuse this to his advantage, especially when he needs to get away with something. Also I've found this I wrote about him: [LINK TO THE POST] -- Mereel will push people's buttons to force out reactions. Sometimes he is curious. Sometimes he is just bored. He needs constant mental and physical stimulation otherwise he withers away. -- Jaing and Mereel are similar on that aspect that they are both capable of blending in among the civilians, and they don't require too much effort to mask their behavior. The other Nulls often come to them for advice. -- A'den is really social and needy, being away from his brothers and Kal'buir always takes a great toll on him.
-- Prudii loves to keep his clone brothers on their toes, like sneaking behind their back and suprise them out of nowhere.
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vodika-vibes · 3 months
About Misfit: Fun Facts
After Order 66 (which Misfit survives by virtue of being too drunk and high to even stand, let alone shoot someone), Quinlan Vos and Asajj Ventress drop him on Mandalore with the Skirata Clan. He's adopted and then forced into rehab by his scary older brothers.
Misfit spends 90 days in rehab, and then his scary Null older brothers become his violent sober companions. (When he starts looking like he's going to slip they make him exercise, or spar, or build something.)
When he hits his one year sober mark, celebrated with a party with cake and ice scream, Bail Organa comes to Mandalore to invite the Skirata Clan to join the Rebellion.
The Nulls don't agree, they're happy with their bounty hunting life. Misfit, however, thinks about it for a couple of weeks, and then accepts Senator Organa's offer. His brothers in the 501st, if they had the chance, would have joined the Rebellion, and now he has to live for them.
Misfit manages to remain sober, even when away from Mandalore. Though every day is a struggle.
When he meets Omega for the first time, he's roughly 40 years old, and Omega marvels at how young he is. Misfit tells her that the Skirata Clan has had the cure for the advanced aging for close to 20 years, and that there are plenty of vod'e who will live nice full lives.
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deewithani · 1 year
Clone Force 99, Omega, and Emerie Karr are the 6 Null ARCs embryos that "died" from Republic Commando.
Note: This post will be connected to another theory post I'm writing about Palpatine's failures in cloning.
1. CF99 refused Order 66. Crosshair shot Lt. Nolan. Emerie helped release Crosshair. We don't even need to talk about Omega.
Null ARCs are well known to be independent thinkers and resistant to command.
From Wookipedia:
When the Kaminoans began cloning, they produced twelve prototypes, designated as Null-class Advanced Recon Commandos. Their extreme physiological modifications killed half of the prototypes during gestation. The "enhancements" to the Fett genome handicapped the survivors with erratic behavior and an inclination toward disobedience, making their loyalties unpredictable. Kal Skirata, a Mandalorian warrior who had been brought to Kamino to assist in the training of a special unit, concurred with the Kaminoans' rationale behind "modified" troopers; an "unaltered" Jango Fett was not the ideal infantry soldier. Disappointed with the unsatisfactory results of their wayward creations, the Kaminoans deemed 12 of the first 100 prototypes complete failures and intended to kill them
They're also very loyal to those who are loyal to them.
Other regular commandos followed Order 66.
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2. In Republic Commando, the Kaminoan scientist Orun Wa created the Null ARCs. This is what he said about them:
Highly intelligent, deviant, disturbed—and uncommandable.
In Season 1, Episode 1, Tech says this when AZI says they're defective clones:
We're more deviant than defective.
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3. The living Null ARCs numbers and the "dead" Null ARC embryos' numbers.
N-5 ("Prudii")
N-6 ("Kom'rk")
N-7 ("Mereel")
N-10 ("Jaing")
N-11 ("Ordo")
N-12 ("A'den")
Missing are Ns 1-4, and Ns 8 & 9.
Clone Force 99s designations are likely CT-9901-9904. We know that Crosshair is CT-9904. They are Ns 1-4, respectively.
Omega is N-9. She's the last experimental clone Nala Se took for her experimental unit.
That leaves Emerie Karr as N-8.
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4. Omega is a defective clone, and it has nothing to do with her being an unaltered clone.
Nala Se also says she's a defective clone to Tarkin. She specifically tells him that five genetically defective clones are all that remain. This excludes Echo. He wasn't genetically defective. This also excludes Emerie Karr. She's with Dr. Hemlock by this point in time.
If Omega is one of the Null ARCs, she wasn't created unaltered. She was created with accelerated aging like all the others.
Her accelerated aging is broken. She's not older than the rest of CF99. She's the same age.
I suspect she started out aging rapidly, like 99. That was Omega's genetic defect. She remembers everyone else in the tubes but being outside of them herself.
Omega was an experiment too. Nala Se figured out how to turn off accelerated aging to keep her from aging too fast.
This also mirrors Republic Commando. The Kaminoans at one point knew how to slow aging. Kina Ha is proof of that. She was engineered for long hyperspace journeys, but those never came to pass. That particular trait wasn't really needed anymore after that and was abandoned.
Slowing down the aging of clones isn't a good idea for the Kaminoans financially, after all. You want your buyers to keep buying.
(I also find it interesting that both Nala Se and Ko Sai had hidden underwater research labs).
All of Ko Sai's research was destroyed by Ordo (to Ko Sai's knowledge, anyway. They kept a copy). Nala Se's research would have been destroyed with Kamino, except a living copy remains. Omega.
Omega only appears unaltered because her broken genetic defect was fixed.
Nala Se theoretically knows how to slow/stop aging, and Omega is a genetic template for that.
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5. Probably the flimsiest proof. Delta Squad exists in canon.
It's not out of the question to believe that Omega Squad and the Null ARCs could be pulled into canon as well.
I'm personally interested to see if Bo-Katan gathers any Legends Mandalorian clans. If any Clan Skirata members show up that could help this theory.
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saffronwritings · 11 months
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17 - A Portrait - Dva / Hana Song
Things had been stressful for the MEKA Squad since Hana had gotten herself hurt and then the announcement of Overwatch forming up again. You had finally convinced your older brother Kyung-soo Han to let you come help as a mechanic for the Mobile Exo-Force. After endless pestering and getting the rest of his squad against him, you found yourself a second home at the Busan Meka Base. Regardless of the fierce competitiveness your brother still has with the other members of the squad, you had integrated yourself amongst the squad as one of the most trusted mechanics.
You always seemed to quickly find an issue with one of their mech’s if they couldn’t figure it out on their own. You never wanted to pester the squad and wanted them to approach you with an issue. There were times where Yuna had almost refused your help until she came to you defeated the next day after she tirelessly tried to fix her navigation system. You had it fixed by lunch. It was from that point on that the team went to you less reluctantly. They leaned on you and you felt like if you needed to you could lean on them.
Everyone had been on edge as they awaited to hear news about when D.Va was to deploy to go help Overwatch in their missions in fighting off the Omnic in their current Null Sector. After Hana’s brave show fighting off the Gwishin and saving South Korea it was only a matter of time before she was thrown back into danger’s way. 
It hadn’t always been this tense. Just a few months prior the only major repairs you were doing was when the boys were off doing amazingly stupid tricks that would blow an engine. The training since the Gwishin incident had gotten more strick in the passing months. The bags under your brother’s eyes were getting darker and you felt the enthusiasm was drained from your once energetic MEKA Squad. 
It was 3 a.m. and you knew that half of the squad was probably still awake. You knew Hana and Yuna were probably up playing the new game they had been talking about a few days prior. Regardless of how tired the two were, their dedication to their hobbies outside of the force was very impressive. You had decided to take up residence at the base. The base had offered it to you at your six month mark working for them.
You figured it would be cheaper and made sense so that way when you couldn’t shut your brain off you had your outlet within a short walk down the complex. Each of the squad members also had units that they stayed in when they had their intensive training when they were just too tired to head back to their apartments in the heart of the city. You had visited Yuna and Jae-eun’s apartment for a few small get togethers and parties to celebrate small accomplishments. 
So when you had your fits of insomnia you found yourself down in the shop to either work on something you hadn’t finished before the work day ended or to clean up. You looked at the pile of projects lined up on your work desk and opted to clean up around the station. It had been a while since you cleaned up your space and you were hoping that maybe that would help the cloudiness in your head as well.
Someone had cleared their throat to let you know of their presence and you turned around to see Hana. Her hair was down and had strands sticking out in different places. It looked like she had just tumbled out of bed. It was possible that she had fallen asleep on her gaming chair again and had just suddenly woken herself up. “What are you doing awake?” She asked you with a sleepy tone.
You swooned at the girl in front of you. When Hana had come back from dealing with the Gwishin you had felt every part of your body hurt for her. When you had gotten a call from Kyung-soo you had rushed to the hospital. You had gotten pretty close with Hana in these last few months. With her being on “bed rest” she was forced to sit back and watch a lot of what was going on around her. 
She especially payed a lot of attention to your work. She would occasionally wander off to go talk to Yuna or Jae-eun. There were a few times that she went over to Kyung-soo and the two of them bickered for a good ten minutes before Captain Myung came in and told the two to separate. Hana had come over to my work station the next day and planted herself on the work desk with a huff and an adorable pout on her face. “I don’t know how the two of you are even RELATED.” She huffed and proceeded to throw glaring daggers at my brother. 
It wasn’t that the two of you hadn’t talked much before all of that happened. She was just always on the move. She liked to keep herself busy and moving. Whether it is playing her games for stream, doing MEKA Training, or even just keeping up with her exercise regime. This was the first time in a few months that she was forced to sit down and relax.
“I couldn’t sleep, figured I would make myself useful and get a head start on today’s tasks.” You explained as you had continued to sweep the broom across the floor. She walked over to your table and stared at some of the projects that cluttered your space. Sometimes she would help you optimize some features on a part for their MEKA or she just liked to look at the machinery. Her hands were constantly messing and fidgeting with something. 
“I really like this picture.” She commented out of the blue. This made you looked up from your task and saw that she was staring fondly at a picture on your corkboard. As you approached closer to her you felt your cheeks flush as you noticed that it was a portrait of the two of you on your birthday last year. The two of you are facing one another and Hana has her hands on your cheeks and the two of you are making goofy faces at one another. 
You can almost hear the music that was playing in the background at the party that night. The way she gently cupped your face into her hands. She had pulled you into a hug after that and ran off over to dance to the song that was on (it was of course a popular dance that was thriving on tiktok at that moment). It felt like your heart was going to beat out of your chest as the music throbbing through the apartment.
You snapped yourself out of your trance of memories and smiled back at her. “It’s one of my favorites, I only hang my favorites.” You smirked, swallowing your nerves away. Hana quickly looked back over at the board and that was when she noticed that it was the only polaroid on your wall. 
Hana’s face flushed lightly at the comment and she turned back to the photo. There was a moment’s silence and for a moment you wondered if you pressed too hard. You weren’t sure if the feelings you felt towards Hana were reciprocated or not. 
You weren’t sure why you had taken that leap. It felt like you had made the first bad move in a game of chess. You gripped the broom a little bit tighter. The last thing you wanted to do was make her uncomfortable around you. It was nice having someone to talk through my weird thought process when messing with the machines. You didn’t want to ruin that. That’s why you’ve hid your feelings for her for so long.
Your mind was going a mile a minute trying to think of a way to stop the awkward and tense silence that was suffocating both of you. All of your cards were on the table at this point and it was probably one of the cringiest things you had said in a long time.
“I really thought about kissing you that night.” Hana said in what was almost a whisper. 
You blinked at her for a moment before turning around to see if anyone else was around that she might have been talking to. It was only the two of you in the shop at the moment. You felt like your voice was caught in your throat. You looked over at Hana and noticed that her cheeks were now a deeper shade of red as if she had just realized what SHE had said. 
You had taken a few moments to register what had just happened. “You should have.” You answered in an almost whisper that matched hers. Her head whipped over to you in surprise. Her blush deepened immensely. A smirk crawled across your lips as you winked over at her and walked back over to where you were sweeping.
Hana had stayed over at your work desk for a minute or so more before she walked over to you. “I’m going to head back to my room to sleep. See you in the morning.” She said before pecking her lips onto your cheek. It was your turn for your cheeks to turn beat red. You had grabbed her hand pulling her to a gentle stop.
You raised her hand to your lips, causing her face to burn a nice cherry red, and placing a chaste kiss to her knuckles. “Goodnight, Hana.” You cooed at her. She quickly took off after that with a blush and a few mumbles under her breath.
You smiled as you continued to sweep up your station, replaying the events of tonight over and over again in your head. Your heart in constant flutters and a smile that you can’t wipe off your face. You had a good feeling about the events of the day to come. 
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coffeexafterxmidnight · 7 months
I have no idea what I'm doing but uh
Hi people in the Overwatch fandom! Let me introduce you to my omnic doctor OC!
Jillian "Jill" Herrera-Cortez - Caretaker
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"Don't you worry, I'm the best mechanic in Mexico City."
A young woman with bright gray eyes, long black hair held up in a high ponytail, and freckled medium brown skin. She’s on the chubby side, but agile, with legs built for sprinting and calloused hands. She’s also short - 5’2, not counting the ponytail or boots. She prefers casual clothes - hoodies, t-shirts, overalls and jumpsuits left with the tops tied around her waist and the legs cut off at various lengths. Jill always keeps her safety goggles and collapsible toolkit on her - never know when an emergency will happen.
(forgive the somewhat outdated and inaccurate picrew, I can't draw.)
Jill is a talented mechanic who runs a dubiously legal Omnic clinic in Mexico City. Compassionate to a fault, she works hard to take care of those who come through her doors. She's not afraid to take risks, and her reckless behavior has gotten her hurt many times, but she keeps getting back up again because she believes she's needed. All she wants, in her heart, is to be like her childhood hero Mercy. She'd be a perfect fit for Overwatch... Which is probably why I tend to play her being kidnapped by Talon or Null Sector and forced to work for them instead, haha
Full backstory, written first person POV, under the cut:
Truth is, I try not to think about it. It’s easier to keep a secret, if it’s not always on the tip of your tongue. Maybe I’m the only person who thinks it’s a secret - I mean, who didn’t lose loved ones during the Omnic Crisis? But if I keep it to myself - tell my patients that my parents died in a car accident, if I really have to - then, maybe they’ll be more inclined to trust me. It wasn’t their fault what happened. I don’t hate them. Nobody should hate them.
When I was eight, I got in trouble at the orphanage for it, but by the time I was thirteen, I’d gotten good at it. How could I not? Didn’t matter how the nuns punished me, I wasn’t going to stand by and watch people hurt other people. And standing up for the Omnics never worked, so… I did other things. Misdirection, hiding the victims wherever I could, even the occasional dirty trick. But it wasn’t enough. I don’t see how no one understands - the Omnics are people. I feel more in tune with them than any human. When I was a child, I saw it so clearly. I was looked at the same way they were.
Nobody wanted me either.
I broke the law a lot, to get what I needed. They don’t just leave Omnic blueprints lying around online. At first I felt guilty, and scared. I wondered what would happen to the people around me if I got caught. Seems a bit silly now, doesn’t it? But I wanted to do more. I wanted to help. So I moved away when I was 16, set up a home in a rundown building, and put it back together. I fixed things for humans - still do! - and I bartered, and I negotiated, and I begged for what I needed. I stole. I survived. And nobody seemed to notice, when the Omnics slipped in through the door in the back, or when they came back out. Well, maybe one of my neighbors did, but she never said anything.
And the word got out. That I was kind. That I was safe. That I was good. That I was the best damn mechanic in Mexico City. That’s what I tell my patients, whenever I see them. I haven’t lost any of them, not a single one. Call that a miracle.
It was never just one powerful, traumatic moment. It was a thousand little cuts that led me here. And don’t get me wrong. I don’t hate humans. I can’t imagine hating such a vast, amazing quantity of life. There’s nothing wrong with being human. There’s nothing wrong with being Omnic.
Even now I just don’t understand why my remaining family never took me home. I had two older sisters, three uncles, an aunt, all of them I found after I grew up. I reached out to my siblings… never heard from them. I reached out to one of my uncles. He blocked me. I’m starting to think there’s a reason I’ve been thrown out of the family, and it’s not because of my clinic. What were my parents doing before the Crisis? I have no idea. All their records were destroyed, just like so many others…
I tell myself it’s okay to be alone, that I don’t need them. I wish I could lie to myself as easily as I do everyone else.
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clonewarslover55 · 2 years
Delta Squads biggest fans  Part one
The first meeting 
@papanowo had the awesome idea that the Bad Batch are huge Delta squad fans. They even made this incredible art about it! I loved the idea so much I decided to write a multiple fic series on it. 
I had too much fun with this first chapter, and I am way too excited to write the following ones! Stay tuned for those, and if you want a tag please let me know! 
This fic and the series that will soon follow wouldn’t exist without @papanowo and their incredible art!! 
Warnings: None this is just some fun and cuteness! 
Being the biggest fans of the Delta Squad began early on for Clone Force 99. They were nothing more than kids when they first heard about them.   Commandos, Null’s, and Alpha clones are all a bit older than most clones, even older than The Bad Batch.When they were still nothing more than young trainees, seeing the commandos and alpha’s pass by always star struck them. But one group more than others, a group of misfits with the same face, Delta Squad.
They first met the Delta Squad in a brief passing, when the Delta’s were leaving target practice and The Bad Batch was on their way to target practice. They were nothing more than kids, looking up into the faces of some badass teenagers.
Leading a small group of four commandos was a tall mandalorian, completely clad in black, an odd creature trotting by his side. The creature growled their way when it passed, drool hanging from its fierce jaws. Wrecker flinched when the six legged beast passed with the mandalorian, Hunter putting a hand on his brother's back to steady him. The mandalorian didn’t even seem to notice them, not even sending a nod in their direction.
Following the mandalorian and his beast was Delta Squad, the group that Clone Force 99 had only heard about through rumors. And by rumors, I mean what Tech had read after he hacked into Kamino’s systems. He always told his brothers about what he read, especially when it was about the Delta’s and other badass squads. The stories they heard about the Delta’s were always the best. From fights in the cafeteria to explosions caused by one grenade loving member, it was always something new and different with them! It didn’t take long for the Bad Batch to become superfans, Hunter secretly being the biggest fan.
Their dream was to always meet the Delta Squad, but they haven't yet had an opportunity.
Until that delightful day, their loaded schedules finally lining up just enough that they saw each other in passing. The Bad Batch couldn’t believe their eyes, staring up at the older teens. The commandos looked down at them, noticing the stars and awe in the young misfits' eyes. Both groups paused, the one they came to know as Boss, the cleanest and less scarred one, winked at them. He continued on after his mando sergeant, the one known as Fixer already ahead of him by then. Fixer was known by the temporary cast on his arm, which he got from an accidental explosion caused by the grenade loving Delta, Scorch.
When Boss winked, Hunter nearly passed out. As Tech tried to get Hunter to breathe, Sev ruffled Crosshair’s hair as he walked by, “Keep practicing with that sniper rifle kid, and maybe someday you'll be better than me.” His gruff voice made it sound like he growled at the words, which only made Crosshair smile more. Sev didn’t look back as he caught up with his squad, so the young misfits didn’t see the smile pulling at the scars on his face.
Scorch just gave them all a grin, shooting finger guns their way before giving Wrecker a fist bump. Wrecker squealed in excitement and shook his hand in Tech’s face, “He touched me!!! Tech he touched me!!!! I can never wash this hand again!!” And Tech just grimaced and moved away from Wrecker’s hand, “That's gross!” and Wrecker just shrugged, staring at his first in pure awe
“Yeah well, Sev talked to me, so I win.” Crosshair grinned at Wrecker, walking into the practicing room with a confident swagger. Wrecker huffed and slouched in defeat, giving Hunter a sad look when he patted his back. Hunter couldn’t help but smile, Boss winked at him!!! At him!! He hoped to be as great a leader as Boss one day.
That day they were a bit distracted during target practice, all too excited by getting to meet their heroes! They all deeply hoped they would get to see the Delta’s again, maybe even get a chance to talk with them.
It was their biggest dream, and soon it would come true.
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profanepurity · 2 years
So Lucifer's favorite is Primo. Terzo is Asmodeus' favorite. Do other Demon Lords consider Secondo or Copia their favorite?
Oh, very good question! You guys are going to get more design peaks and small name changes for the Lords with this one! (and a lore dump oops)
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Secondo and Beelzebub actually see eye to eye on quite a few things. You would think two very similar, powerful men- stubborn, cold, and bitter powerful men I might add- would clash. However, they actually get along quite well. Secondo always provides exceptional offerings and has proven himself to be a worthy devotee and prophet, so much so that Beelzebub has even invited Secondo out to drink with him on several occasions. (They both made a freind you guys this a big accomplishment for both them.)
Beelzebub even offered to personally oversee Bellamy's education when she is older. To the church he may be a bishop, or a terrifying king of Hell, but in some circles he is known as "Reverend Professor Avarice". Many of the siblings, like Sister Natalie, can attest to how good of a teacher he is.
Copia on the other hand is a bit of a special case, since he gets baby privileges with the fact that many of the demons want to be close to him for one reason or another. But Saltarian and Imperator have Copia so locked down that Satanas even has to "put effort" into reaching out to him. This has deterred a lot of demons from working with our rat boy unfortunately...
except for Belial...
Belial is a wicked and cruel king. There are very few members within the church that are willing to work with him, simply because of how dark his energy is. (Something to note, Belial is very good at spotting witches, keep that in mind for later). His name roughly translates to "Godless", "worthless", "evil" and you feel that when you are in the presence of Lucifer's second. "Father Null" on the other hand is a very sweet young man, but is simply a lowly priest, often over looked and often dismissed. As Copia gets older, that is perhaps what draws him to Father Null and the darkness of Belial. Copia just wants companionship in the shadows from someone who's like him, over looked and dismissible.
If you look back at my post about Copia's "dedication", you can see a very old sketch of Belial in the background. Many of you caught on to how pissed he looked lol. Lilith actually ended up telling the other Lords what the church had done a few years after Copia had been born. Many of the Lords had been "out" for one reason or another, so when they'd returned they had done so excitedly, expecting to come back to two of their partners and a baby. Instead, Lilith looked more pale and ill than the day they had found her in that cave. She could barely describe what had happened without breaking into sobs. Lucifer was like a wounded animal being forced to perform as "Bishop Stell", giving sermon after sermon for the church while Saltarian practically held him at "gun point" to do so. It would not matter how many people spontaneously combusted into fire in the pews, how black the water became, how many swarms of locusts and toads covered the church, Lucifer could do nothing for Copia. He could only drag his bloody claws against Imperator's door at night, whispering all the things he as going to do to her in Hell (Oh I have a comic idea for that later hehe).
So you can imagine just how livid Belial was to come back to this. He only regretted not spending more time comforting Lilith initially. After she told him where Copia was, Belial took Lilith's head in both of his slightly shaking claws and kissed her in silence. He only broke it once her breathing had evened, and he watched her until she looked up at him. Belial was a sadistic fucker that rarely took anything seriously. His humor is a reflection of just how black his heart is.
But he has never looked more concerned and angry than in that moment in quite a long time. He looked at Lilith's face, which Belial adored, even as it was stricken by grief and anxiety. He had pressed his forehead to hers.
"Baby, can I leave you alone for a little bit?"
The Unholy Mother said yes, but she wanted him to come back with Lucifer. She was scared for him, terrified of Lucifer tearing himself apart trying to get them to release Copia.
Of course, Belial promised her everything would be fine.
He killed 36 monks who were under Nihil on his way to the nursery, one for each month Copia had been kept from his mother at that point. He left their bodies piled in the hall of Imperator's office, practically trapping her inside with corpses draped in red, cotton robes and sparkling grucifixes in front of her door.
When "Father Null" entered the nursery, he saw Copia playing on the ground, alone, with a couple rats who he was sharing his food with. In that moment, all the vile, sick intentions of the wicked king dissolved. All he saw when he looked at Copia was two of the loves of his life. He saw Lilith's eyes and Lucifer's smile in little Copia, who barely even noticed the priest had walked in. Null sat with Copia for a little while as a gentle priest, watching Copia play with his tail that he decided to unmask. Copia thought it was the coolest thing ever.
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Before Belial returned to Lilith, he came into Bishop Stell's office to do as he promised. He approached Lucifer slowly and knelt before his king at his chair. Belial pulled both his beloved's hands away from his work, and kissed each of his damaged fingers. Lucifer didn't say a word as he looked at his lover, covered in the blood of traitors. Then he saw Belial smile at him. The evil demon, with such pure and warm affection, told Lucifer that their child was beautiful. He promised he would remain in the church for the entirety of Copia's childhood to ensure their child would be looked after in the shadows. Belial was seen as worthless and wicked in heaven and on earth, but Lucifer, the perfect being, has always looked at him with weakness and adoration. For that, Belial would be eternally devoted.
"I know you're angry, but you're scaring her."
Belial had whispered that against his head, and that was all it took for Lucifer to finally break down into sobs- that he'd been suppressing for three years- into Belial's arms.
Lilith felt like she could breath again when she saw Lucifer walk in behind Belial, hardly hearing him apologize to her as she pulled both the fallen angels closer to her and the other kings.
Copia has no idea how loved he is.
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artzychic27 · 11 months
Hey Artzy, do you have any tips on how to write an OC without making them a Mary Sue?
I guess, just don’t make them overly perfect and “can do no wrong.” There’s nothing wrong with seemingly perfect characters like how I wrote Aurore, becuase she feels pressured by her parents to be perfect. Now, if you take away the bit about her parents, make her incredibly self righteous, give her all of these natural talents without any sort of practice, have everyone fawning over her, and let her always be in the right about everything and everyone who says she’s wrong is a piece of shit, then she becomes a Mary Sue
Like a certain someone…
Here are the Science Kids for example, OCs, and the canon ones I fleshed out
Aurore: Straight A’s and definitely getting into her top school, but how will she tell her parents she’s a lesbian and can’t keep being their “golden child” right before she cuts all ties with them and goes to live with her brother?
Denise: An enby with a physique body builders would kill for, yet they feel overworked by their parents simply because they’re the strongest in the family and the elder twin
Simon: Tech Wiz often commissioned to create promo videos for upcoming events, still not completely over their parents abuse and still has mental and physical scars
Reshma: Beautiful, modest rich girl with a love for magical girl anime and anime in general, BUT! She has difficulties knowing if potential love interests truly love her and not her status or looks. Also, has some difficulties trusting older men due to incidents at galas
Jean: Plucky theater kid with a flare for dramatics and has an amazing boyfriend. Who would have guessed that this guy still blames himself for his mom leaving?
Ismael: Cool skateboarder, loves magic tricks, and always seem so cool under pressure. His personality is just a mask to cover up the fact that he’s emotionally drained due to the torment his mother puts him through when he gets home and that his dad wasn’t able to get custody of him after the divorce
Mireille: Pleasant shy girl with a meek demeanor everyone seems to love? Throw in a bastard dad who keeps trying to push her into the spotlight despite the fact that she is painfully shy!
Cosette: On their way to become Paris’ next top makeup artist! How fun! Oh, what’s this? Their “perfect” older siblings are total assholes and this stems from the fact that their mother is emotionally distant and hasn’t once complimented or shown physical affection to any of her own children? And now they put on this cool “I’m here for it” persona and crack jokes to mask their tears?… Wow
Lacey: Let’s see… Incredibly athletic, cute yet badass… Dead parents. Has to take care of both her grandparents and younger brothers. Fears the day her grandparents will die as she does not feel mentally and emotionally ready to take care of her brothers all on her own and refuses to let people in and hell her so she does parkour and all sorts of other activities to null the pain
Marc: Talented writer with legs for days and a cute boyfriend. My, what could possibly be his flaw? Oh! I know! A bad case of anxiety, and depending on the universe, he’s still terrified of Lucien and believe he’s the one at fault for their relationship taking a toxic turn! Boom!
Zoé: Rich mom, rich dad. But, what’s this? The mom is a complete bitch (Which we already know) and is always pressuring her into looking and acting “like her daughter,” even going so far as to bleach her hair at a young age, forcing her to compete in beauty pageants, and the constant verbal abuse regarding her looks. The dad’s cool, though. He misses her dearly
See, no one’s perfect. Not all of them get straight A’s, and not all of them have parents who are super well off due to a thriving business or some shit, and not all of them have parents who are totally accepting of their genders and sexualities. They have to be human, and humans have flaws
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dayscapism · 3 months
So... all queer and supportive readers should know Brandon Sanderson, a pretty rich author, regularly tithes to the Mormon Church (or LdS idk), who are very anti-LGBTQ+ and actively fund anti-LGBTQ+ policies and initiatives. And no one seems to care in the book community, which is so odd!
From his january 2023 statement (I think is the latest update on his LGBTQ+ views), he's trying to somehow fight the beast from within. But you can't reform an institution with a base built so strongly on discrimination like the Mormon Church (I'm not surprised he thinks like this given how insidiously anti-revolution his books are). That's not how this works. He sounds like he's trying to save face, like all this is a PR stunt. And maybe it isn't, maybe he's genuine but... Idk. It's been 17 years since his famous public anti-gay marriage statement. 17!! And he's changed so little in 17 years?? What a bunch of tepid bullshit. (Yeah he's older now and was probably raised conservative, but I was raised like that too. It isn't an excuse after 17 years!)
I'm glad he's changed somewhat and become more accepting, for the sake of queer people in his real life at least, I'm ok if queer people still enjoy his books and find his recent representation enough. But I don't think personal, private acceptance and the little representation he has now included in his books is enough when his money is still going towards said church via tithing/taxes. He's trying to stay neutral, keeping his fame, his queer fans, his public good face, but also his place in the Church, his binary essentialism and morals intact. You can't have it all, Sando! You can practice your faith separate from the institution if it really means that much to you. That's what someone brave would do. And I know you can't force someone to leave their church, but at least take a stronger stance instead of trying to play both sides!
Religious freedom becomes null when your church is actively funding and supporting discriminatory politics. Do not expect queer audiences to support you vocally or by giving you money when you think you can keep a "neutral" stance with your homophobic/racist church in a time when queer lives are being threatened everywhere with legislation and general public hatred, especially in the US, where he's from.
He's such a beloved author and no dares criticize him, but I think we need to address this as an inclusive book community.
(I don't even think his books are that great and a big reason why is because they suffer due to his narrow worldview, a lot).
Sanderson's 2023 statement, for context:
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wildissylupus · 9 months
You agree, I deliver. You don't need to do all if it seems like too much work, but I cannot wait for your take.
- Someone who escaped Talon in the past, but unlike Baptiste, did not go out searching to help nor get help from someone.
- Emre's pupil/partner in crime. Somehow cross paths due to unforeseen circumstances.
- A humble but skilled sniper. Socially awkward around those who boast about their shooting. (Bonus points if you can make them dislike Jack's constant taunting praise towards Ana's skills.)
- A Cowperson who lost touch with their countryside culture and dialect speech.
- A literal janitor who can kick a mop bucket at enemies and thwack a twisted up washcloth for melee attacks.
- A secretary that works for one of the many ill natured organizations. Your choice. (Talon, Vishkar, etc...)
- A lawyer running from the feds after finding and discovering a PETRAS Act loophole.
- An Omnic who hates other Omnics.
Ok let's get into it;
First one, I actually can't say much because this is already an OC I'm working on and if I said something it would spoil that.
Second one, I'm going to go with the pupil angel. I'd like to think that this is an omnic characters, probably someone who was brought in during the early golden age. For unforeseen circumstances I think they could be someone forced into one of the Anubis loyalist groups, so when Overwatch came to take their group down they took the first chance to get out of that situation.
For the sniper character I could picture this character being on the younger side, around the same age as Illari, maybe a bit older. I could see them being someone who grew up idolizing Overwatch, watching the cartoon, keeping updated on their missions etc.
A cowperson who lost touch with their countryside culture, I could see this person being a victim of the rising gang activity in the southwest, maybe even a victim of the amount of Mega farms using child labour as well. I think they would be an NPC, maybe someone in a Cassidy or Ashe focused mission.
Either they're an ex-Overwatch janitor or a Talon janitor, or both, yeah let's go with both. Gotta pay the bills somehow. I could see them being a bit antagonistic towards a lot of heroes as there is no way all of them a clean. I could also see them being on the older side. Maybe they helped fight in the first Omnic crisis but after they just went back to their old job. I think this character would truely be a "True Neutral" type character. This person just want's to pay the bills.
Just to make this persons life difficult, I'm making them a secretary to Talon. This person is traumatized. Like could you imagine having to deal with the documents that Moira makes on her experiments. Also they are 100% done with Reaper and Sombra's bullshit, they just want to do their job, get paid and go home. They don't need to be threatened or hacked every five seconds.
This Lawyer probably used to work with or was inspired by Adawe. I could see them being from Numbani as well. I could also see them being besties with Lifeweaver, just picturing them talk shit on different governments would be amazing. They would also become the Overwatch teams lawyer just to spite the UN, did they ask for a lawyer? No. They got one anyway though. Also this person is 100% in contact with Sombra.
This Omnic was left over after the Omnium explosion in Australia, after which they started pretending to be human. As a result, in order to live in Junkertown, they had to say they hated Omnics. This was only pretend until Uprising, this is where the tables turned. They saw Null Sectors acctions as a disgrace and saw Mondatta's and other Omnics inaction as cowardly. This combined with the years they had already pretending to hate their own kind, it was easy for the act of hating to become real.
I might come back to all these characters at some point and make them actual OC's (I'm already doing that with the first one after all). For now though, enjoy the little character concepts I made!!
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kalevalakryze · 1 year
The Bunk Situation
Pairing: Ahsoka Tano/Sabine Wren Characters: Sabine Wren, Ahsoka Tano Warnings/Tags: Master/Padawan relationship, literal sleeping together, Sabine Wren Has ADHD, Nightmares, First Kiss, Sabine Wren Needs A Hug, Ahsoka Tano Needs A Hug Summary: “I left to save everyone!” “Everything I did was for Family! For Mandalore!” “You’ve done enough” Her fingers curled around the Mandalorian’s wrist, a slow, deep inhale leaving the Togruta as she listened. “Maybe you should tell her that,” “She isn’t the one who needs to hear it right now,” word count: 1,608 ao3 link: here!
“I left to save everyone!” The nightmares were louder than usual, tonight. Ahsoka’s own mood was certainly not helping, not with the ghosts of the clones that should have been sitting around that table with her. When she listened closely, she could still hear Fives telling a joke with Jesse, though, the Mandalorian’s night troubles got in the way of her old friends and the accusations in dead eyes.
“Everything I did was for Family! For Mandalore!” Ahsoka pushed herself off of the bench, her long forgotten mug of caff left to fade away with her vode as she stepped towards the bunk room. The door slid open with a soft hiss to reveal Sabine’s twitching body, eyes clamped shut, sweat clinging to her brow, and lips moving in echoes of the words that sang out in the force so strongly.
Her hand reached out, the terrors shifting the closest her hand got to the clammy wrist tossed over the sheets. “You’ve done enough” Her fingers curled around the Mandalorian’s wrist, a slow, deep inhale leaving the Togruta as she listened. “Maybe you should tell her that,” “She isn’t the one who needs to hear it right now,”
“Sabine,” Ahsoka’s voice, like a lighthouse in a storm, reached out to Sabine. Golden eyes snapped open with a gasp, the younger woman moving to throe herself out of the bunk, though she was stopped by Ahsoka’s hand on her forehead, thankfully preventing their foreheads from colliding, or from Ahsoka’s own head getting bashed up against the bottom of her own bunk.
“ ‘soka,” Sabine’s voice was thick with sleep, confusion in her tone as her clammy hand reached, twisting from the loop of Ahsoka’s fingers to instead grasp at the older woman’s forearm, steadying herself against the stability offered.
“Are you alright?” Ahsoka knew the question was null, knew that Sabine wasn’t alright, and probably wouldn’t be, until they worked out whatever was going on with them. That until Ezra was home, she may never be alright again.
Her eyes slid shut as she processed her own feelings, when the turmoil rose up once more, the Mandalorian’s grip on her forearm would tighten, until eventually, her hand released entirely, falling softly back onto the bedsheets. “I’m fine,” Rubbing at her eyes, Sabine glanced around the cabin, peering past Ahsoka’s shoulder to view the table just in view. “Thought you said we needed rest for this one,”
Ahsoka’s lips pulled into a tight smile. “I was just saying goodnight,” Her back straightened as she ducked from under Sabine’s bunk and back into the crew quarters. Even with the door sliding shut, Ahsoka could feel her Padawan’s eyes on her as she moved about the cabin, dumping cold caff and washing the mug out before retracting the table. If she stayed to watch until each latch clicked into place, that was her business.
The pair did not speak again until long after Ahsoka had hauled herself up into her bunk and gotten as comfortable as she could be. Sabine’s restlessness truly was a drain on her own capabilities. “Sabine, you need to be quiet,” She called in as soft a voice as her mild annoyance could muster.
“I know, I know,” The Mandalorian grunted, growling at her pillow as if it had personally offended her as she rolled over for the hundredth time.
“Not with your body, young one, with your mind,” Ahsoka could feel Master Sinube speaking through her, could feel the ghost of her own irritation at the words spoken as she’d heard them decades ago.
“It’s not happening,” Sabine said once five minutes of jittery, charged silence had passed.
Shoving her covers to the side, Ahsoka dropped silently onto the cold floor of the bunk room. “Scooch over,” She ordered, sliding herself into the warm spot next to the Mandalorian once space was made. It was certainly cramped, though Ahsoka was fine dangling half off the bed once she was settled.
Already, there was a significant change in the output into the force from her force sensitive companion, their backs pressed together just enough that Sabine could feel the hear from the warm blooded Togruta.
This pattern would continue long past the edge that one would deem typical for a master and a padawan, at least, on the surface. Ahsoka knew that looking deeper into the relationships shared between the pairs across the timeline, she would find many who started to… feel.
Sabine’s feelings had not been subtle in the slightest, and Ahsoka had truly tried to dissuade them. Unfortunately, trying to throw the Mandalorian off the scent was more difficult than hunting Morgan Elsbeth in the first place.
Their routine turned from backs pressed together, to crammed tighter into the bed to stare at the glow in the dark star system Sabine had tacked to the top of the bunk, to the multicolor haired woman curled up entirely into Ahsoka’s side. When Sabine grew into the habit of curling a fist around Ahsoka’s lek, the Togruta had officially ran out of ideas or options.
She couldn’t deny that not being alone had been... better. She’d gotten more sleep than she had since the piles of clones she’d find herself dragged into, or even aboard Bo-Katan Kryze’s gauntlet, wrapped into the Mandalorian Princess’s sheets. Sidious’s voice, Pamde’s funeral, the Tribunal, they’d all stopped hanging over her like a thick, noxious cloud, the burdens had grown lighter to carry, with Sabine’s interference of her ‘brooding hour’.
Sabine started to mellow out more too, the nightmares were still there, but they hadn’t been bad, not as bad as the lightsaber marks that were still scorched into the other side of bunks across the small compartment. One set, made with a green saber and the reminder of a blue skinned man, the other, made with twin blades of white, with the ghost of a mechanical wheeze as her target.
Training was still rocky between the two women, one, whose feelings were so clear, and the other, who wanted to lock herself away and focus on the needs of the galaxy, dancing around each other in the game of push and pull. Sabine gave her all, but Ahsoka only offered so little of herself in turn, questions would be answered with pursed lips and vague answers, before the older force sensitive would disappear for the rest of the day.
“What’s really going on?” Sabine snapped as she stepped into the bunkroom the moment Ahsoka had finished dressing. A gloved finger found Ahsoka’s chest and pushed, until the cool durasteel of the wall was meeting her back and she was staring down at a very angry looking Mandalorian. “You keep avoiding me, and… and keeping things from me!”
Ahsoka’s hands stayed at her sides, her expression neutral as the Mandalorian ran through her list of accusations. “Perhaps one day, you may find the answer in your training,” Ahsoka offered vaguely.
There was a flash of anger and a warning in the force before the Mandalorian moved. Instead of a fist being thrown her way, pale fingers reached out to grab her chin. Sabine’s tone turned cold and condescending. “Listen, Master,”
Ahsoka did not wait to see how she planned on continuing. Her hand raised then to bat the hand off her chin before she was angling her head down. Apparently, Sabine had either felt her intentions in the force, or her tangent was leading to the same conclusion, their lips met halfway like a tsunami. Ahsoka was calm, slow, and calculating against the press of Sabine’s bullheadedness, her teeth scraping the older woman’s lower lip as her hand dropped to curl around Ahsoka’s Lek as if they were laying together in bed.
At the brush of Sabine’s fingers against her lek, the woman reached to press on her shoulder, lowering the Mandalorian from where she’d risen onto her tip toes. Sabine followed her instruction, for once, pulling away as she was guided.
The older woman’s hand rose to the side of Sabine’s cheek, watching as the red cheeked woman leaned into it. “I know that trust is hard for you to come by,”
“If you’re about to say-“Sabine was cut off by Ahsoka’s thumb pressing against her lip. There was a moment of slow deliberation and a furrow in her brows, before the Mandalorian parted her lips and took Ahsoka’s thumb between her lips.
Shutting her eyes and searching for control, Ahsoka found the strength she needed to continue in the Force. “You need to trust me, Sabine,” The flat of the woman’s tongue pressed against pad of her thumb, and she pressed down to keep the muscle from moving again. “If I’m keeping something from you, it is not yet safe for you to know. Or perhaps, I am merely waiting for you to strengthen your abilities to search for the answers yourself. Do you understand?”
Ahsoka pulled her thumb from reluctant lips, though she did still brush her thumb across the woman’s bottom lip, interested in the flat bridges of teeth exposed each time she moved. “Trust goes both ways, you know,” The woman’s words sounded off, what with not being able to press her lips together, but she s=understood the message.
“Then perhaps that is something we will need to work on together,” Her free hand moved to grasp the steadying hand the Mandalorian had placed against the wall at her side.
“You’re not going to make this one easy on me either, then?” Sabine’s head turned enough to allow Ahsoka’s hand to fall loosely to her side once more.
“You wouldn’t be here if it was easy, Padawan,”
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eldritch-spouse · 2 years
The Siadar- Basic Introduction
The Siadar, or Astsar Siadar/Highers/Virtuous, are a god-like race of beings who have, for the longest time now, exerted their presence across several planets. Their reach may be intergalactic as of current times.
They proclaim themselves to be heralds of order and union, with the common goal of establishing maximum efficiency and coherence across the universe. Is this a feasible goal? To them, yes.
General traits/ideas
Siadar have a wild variety of physical appearances, some being noticeably humanoid and others taking on an amalgamation of shapes and/or objects. Their coloration tends to be pale, although swirls of color will develop naturally as they age. The less blemished and paler one's skin is, the more attractive they're considered.
(Krulu, as you know, has a deeply charred dark coloration, but he was once completely pale and had very few tints of ocean blue on his body. He was described as an extremely attractive protector.)
A siadar's gender is not determined at birth. All siadar use, in addition to other pronouns, they/them. Their gender is picked usually at some point during adulthood, by themselves alone. There exists a fair amount of genital variety and only a small portion of their population is hermaphroditic. At some point in life they may choose to change their forms and identify as something else, it's actually quite natural when one lives for ages;
Any non-deviant siadar values order and discipline above all else. They have a very serious and demanding justice system in place. The worst of the worst usually get tossed into a barren, extremely vicious realm dubbed "The Null", which effectively works as a god's prison;
Contact with lessers has been cut entirely ever since direct mingling experimentations on Earth lead to the rampant genesis of monsters (hybrids between siadar and humans), beings who are the very antithesis of sense and order. Shamed by their failure and inability to exert self-discipline, Earth has thus been abandoned and they refuse to engage directly with their creations anywhere else;
Siadar may occasionally visit the planets they orchestrate through the use of vessels, which functions exactly like a possession. Possessions were originally joyous occasions and only ever started acquiring negative connotations once interlevel contact was deemed prohibited, and deviant siadar attempted to force their way into a lesser's body to visit Earth. A forced possession is very damaging and oftentimes even fatal;
By this logic, yes, humans are older than monsters. Most religions have been created by humans as well, as a coping mechanism for the abandonment of their gods;
Their siadar genetics, whatever's left of them, is what makes monsters usually more powerful and diverse than humans. The less mingling with lessers there is in the species, the more siadar-like they tend to be, naturally. (Like breeders, such as Breg.)
Siadar have a role-based society that operates a lot like a colony (with low social mobility), featuring several ranks, the main ones being:
Creators. The most high-ranking siadar, featuring members with immense power, magical aptitude and respected by all. These highers are in charge of originating lifeforms to populate planets, or tweaking pre-existent ones. They often work in groups, but there are instances of particularly "seasoned" creators operating entire planets on their own. Elements of this cast are often given the titles of "Mother" and "Father" (or both), and are addressed that way exclusively by lower-ranked siadar. Creators are physically the biggest, and have always preferred not to establish much contact with the lifeforms directly spawned by them. (Creators have several sub-groups who specialize in different tasks, among them evaluators, matemakers, conceptualists.);
Protectors. A more versatile, combat-oriented cast, whose name is self-explanatory really. These siadar have the most contact with planets, being deployed to establish order, usually commandeering an army of angels with them. It's common for them to have several limbs, more ocular organs and/or mouths. Tails are also more frequent here. (Protectors have a couple of sub-groups, also more specialized, such as defenders, enforcers, keepers and champions.);
Upholders/Workers. The masses mostly. Siadar of varying degrees of power who maintain the inner workings of their society. The most variety in appearance can be found inside this cast. Among them are curators, scribes, counselors, and assistants.
Spawn = A creation. Not to be confused with offspring.
Offspring = A siadar child.
Higher = A siadar.
Lesser = Used to describe creations of all kinds.
Hybrids/Aberrations = Terms commonly used by the siadar to describe monsters, who they don't like in case that wasn't clear.
Interlevel = Referring to interactions between highers and lessers.
Eden = Heaven.
Perdition = Hell.
Surface = The main "realm", the core, the planet itself, Earth.
Celestials = Creations made to operate in Eden, mostly angels.
Wicked = Demons.
Blush Linbanite = A type of mineral not from Earth, valued immensely in an aesthetic sense for siadar, has a velvet tint that makes it easily mistakable for Hell gold.
Deviant = A siadar who actively breaks rules and engages in punishable offenses.
Heaven and Hell
(I won't go into too much detail here.)
Heaven and Hell are realms exclusive to Earth, meaning they aren't connected to any other planets.
Eden existed longer than humans have, and it was populated by both angels and siadar. Contrary to Hell, it's a vast space, where order is maintained not through physical barriers but by the people within it. Angels have several choirs. Ever since the departure of siadar, they have become lethargic, dysfunctional and depressed, many of them dying of heartbreak over the years.
Krulu has not been the first to deviate and he won't be the last. Before him, another siadar of undefined cast (though likely a creator) deviated, disagreeing with their kind's current methodology and forming Hell as it is known today. Angels followed them into Perdition and were physically altered to make the first demons, and the first Icons (which are not the current ones). Naturally, the forces of Hell and Heaven have been butting heads ever since, juggling power over the surface. Hell is divided in rings, order was kept through the siadar that ruled it and his icons. In perhaps a cautionary tale of blind ambition, said ruler of Perdition ended up being betrayed by the demons closest to them, and Hell is now messily ruled by Icons alone.
The reason demons are often seen in the surface is because, ever since siadar abandoned the planet, angels steadily gave up the hunt and are unable to operate on their own.
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