#i think the older brother joined the empire at some point
fandomforg · 10 months
So, Your Child is Force Sensitive:
it’s a book written during the prequel era by some mommy blogger on a random planet. she’s got a set of force sensitive twin boys and she compiled her blog posts into a book all about raising force sensitives and choosing not to give them to the jedi temple.
the book is not super well known, it only ever sold maybe a few hundred copies, but it’s honestly really detailed. this lady did her research, but still is able to give her outside perspectives as a force null. she talks all about being pregnant with force sensitives, the babies special needs as empaths, the choice to raise them herself, interactions between force sensitives being raised together, the developmental checkpoints that are different from force nulls, and even how to deal with your moody and powerful force sensitive teens.
the book also talks a bit about jedi ideology and family structures (to help parents make the decision of whether to give the kid to the jedi or not) (it took her so long and so many space emails to the jedi to do that research)
the jedi themselves, however, are not too big of fans of this book because they think it’s probably for the best for force sensitive kids to be raised in the temple (and in some ways it is), but this mommy blogger advocates that with the right, caring parents and the right knowledge, force sensitive kids can do just fine being raised at home (and she’s also kinda right)
anyway, the book stays unpopular all the way up until order 66. then the book gets super-duper banned with all the rest of the reputable information on force sensitive people and the jedi. the mommy blogger stops posting. her and her now adult children drop off the map. her small (but devoted) following has no idea if they’re ok or even alive, but they go to great lengths to erase all of her personal information off the holonet if they can.
the galaxy keeps turning, and the mommy blogger stays missing, but sometimes her book (the few copies not destroyed) will end up in the hands of people who need it. people like bail and breha organa, owen and beru lars, kanan jarrus and hera syndulla, and even eventually din djarin.
even luke skywalker gets himself a copy when he’s suddenly responsible for having his own little force school. (at one point, din is reading the chapter on letting go of your kids when they leave the nest, while luke is simultaneously reading the chapter on how to calm an inconsolable youngling)
a lot of the research into how the jedi work and their ideologies are actually way more accurate, relevant, and recent than any of luke’s other ancient jedi texts, so that’s how luke’s jedi order rebuilding efforts become mostly built on one chapter of a book written by a middle-aged, force null, mother of two.
this mommy blogger may have started her blog just to document her journey in raising her twins, but she ended up writing a book that would help raise a generation of force sensitive children who had no jedi temple to turn to. her honest care spread farther than she could have imagined.
still, nobody could find out where she and her twins went, even after the fall of the empire when it was safe.
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dollyyun · 6 months
𝐨𝐧𝐞 𝐨𝐟 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐠𝐢𝐫𝐥𝐬 | 01
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SYPNOSIS: wherein Hwang Stella's life is tangled in a predicament involving her clandestine identity as a racer, her seemingly daily life as the official heir to the Hwang Empire, and seven guys with whom she has a complex history with. PAIRING: non!idols enhypen members x fem!oc. GENRE: 18+ (mdni), reverse harem, chaebols, semi-college, racing, eventual adulthood, eventual enha being f1 drivers, multiple povs and written in first pov. WARNINGS: suggestive themes, expletives, mention of smoking. WORD COUNT: 10k+ TAGLIST: @aishigrey @kgneptun
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Ever since I was young, I was taught by my parents and formal tutors all the ways to be a top-notch Chaebol. Including the fact that I had to learn proper dining etiquette and how important it is that I always carry myself with such elegance and great dignity. Especially being a Hwang.
My parents used to emphasise heavily the fact that I was a Hwang, and being one meant there would be responsibilities that we needed to be accounted for. Responsibilities that are heavier than they seem.
In the contemporary society we reside in, the Hwang family is regarded highly by every other Chaebol, and our reputation is quite eminent throughout SoKor. In my family tree, it consists of CEOs, lawyers, doctors, and educators. My father is the most prominent CEO in the Hwang family. Many years ago, long before I was born, his late grandfather chose him as his heir. Thus, my father became the CEO of the dominant business chain.
You may think that I am speaking about my father proudly, as a daughter should, but you're wrong. Despite how everyone else perceives him, I see him as nothing more than a cold-blooded man who doesn't regard me as his daughter because of the way he has been treating me ever since I was young.
As much as I want to learn to love him, I can't. I despise him.
But the irony is that my father, Hwang Minhyuk, has made a firm decision to choose me as his heir, despite how blatantly he despises me as well.
Well, considering the fact that he disowned my older brother when I was fifteen while my older sister decided to move abroad to pursue her dream, I guess Minhyuk had no choice but to choose me as his heir.
I jolt in my seat as soon as I feel a sharp nudge at the side of my waist, eliciting a low groan from my lips. My eyes shift to glance at my mother, who is giving me a pointed stare before she proceeds to put up her facade and communicate with whoever the businesswoman is.
Woops, I must've hunched my back, and of course, it is unladylike, according to her.
As for my mother, Hwang Jihyun, I despise her less. She is the CEO of a renowned beauty product company. Despite reaching the age of fifty, she has fewer wrinkles and is still physically fit. Everywhere she goes, people are in awe of her beauty. I have to admit that my mother can easily pass as a model.
But I know for a fact that she is as rotten as my father. What a compatible pair!
While I straighten my back, my eyes skim around the massive conference room. The room is filled with Chaebols and their heirs. I spot familiar faces from the university. I mean, it is expected to see them here since we enrolled in the same notable university that welcomes Chaebols across Sokor. Even though the fees are absurdly high, we do have students who manage to enrol due to scholarships.
I return my gaze to my mother, who apparently decides to leave the table to join her other fellow associates. Noticing some eyes occasionally diverting glances my way, I suppress a sigh from leaving my lips. I despise putting up this facade of mine for too long. To make it worse, the event is far from over.
Just then, a notification sound comes from my phone. The instant I glance down at my phone as I unlock it, my lips automatically twitch, quirking a small smile while my heart beats in a familiar cadence.
J💞: I'm almost done. Meet me at the private parking lot.
For double confirmation, I take a quick glance at my mother, who is still preoccupied. Maintaining my composure, I begin to make my way out of the conference room.
Once I'm finally out of reach, a triumphant smirk makes its way to my lips. Even if there is a risk of getting caught and having to deal with the dreadful consequences, it'll all be worth it.
As soon as I enter the elevator and am about to press the button, my heart skips a beat when a hand firmly presses at the side, preventing the elevator from closing. When the person reveals himself, my eyes widen for a moment.
Before I have the chance to look away, his eyes meet mine. An unidentifiable emotion flickers in his gaze.
"Sorry." He mutters an apology as he steps in, but his eyes never leave mine. As much as I want to look away from his gaze, I feel as though I've been compelled.
Damn it. This always happens whenever I come face-to-face with him. I mean, we rarely cross each other's paths, but whenever we do, there is something about him that makes it harder for me to ignore his presence.
Silence envelopes the air around us as we stand next to each other. Though I keep a safe distance, my hand unknowingly curls into a fist.
Relax, Stel. I mean, it's not every day you get to be near your ex-crush.
Yup. I had a tiny crush on him during my first year of university. I think everyone has had a crush on him at some point in their lives.
My heart jumps out of surprise upon hearing him utter my name. He knows me.
Ugh, Stel, of course he knows you. Everyone knows you.
"Heeseung." I return, but in a tone that indicates disinterest, or so I tried to. Despite the fact that I'm resisting the urge to look at him, my eyes betray me as I glance at him.
With the physique of a model, a face card that never declines, and is decked out in a black tuxedo dashingly is Lee Heeseung. Though he's a year older, he's a senior like me. Word has it, he's a literal ace, excelling in everything he does. So it makes me wonder why he entered college a year late.
Heeseung meets my gaze once again. "Going for a smoke break as well?"
A frown creases on my lips. "No...." I reply slowly while bewilderment fills me, "How do you know that I─"
His pink lips upturn into a smirk while he slides his hand into his pants's pocket. "I've seen you, Stella. You ought to be careful since you have quite a reputation to maintain."
I open my mouth to make a retort, but the elevator opens. He inclines his head in what seems like an invitation. "Care to join me?"
A small part of me desires it too, but I know better than to involve myself with him. I give him a terse smile before I walk out of the elevator. "No, thanks. Like you said, I have a reputation to maintain."
Given his long legs, he manages to catch up to me, following me in the same direction of where I intend to go. 
"You know....." Heeseung's drawl brings my attention to him, "You smoking is not the only secret I know."
Uneasiness begins to gnaw in my tummy. I give him a look of wariness while I subconsciously fold my arms. "What do you mean?"
Instead of answering my question, he simply gives me a smile, which I'm in doubt of what his smile means. Before he decides to part ways, he offers me wink. "Great race last night. We should do it again."
Dumbfounded, I stand there like a fool as I watch him getting further. And then, realisation finally dawns on me. Colour drains from my face.
Oh fuck.
No one, and I mean no one, was supposed to find out about it. Especially not Lee Heeseung.
Shit, shit, shit! I was careless! I should've checked─
"Hey, gorgeous." His soft yet deep voice interrupts the previous consternation I had. His arm slowly finds its way around my waist, eliciting a soft gasp from me when he pulls me closer until our bodies touch.
"Jay," Shaky breaths leave my lips. "We can't. Not here. What if someone sees us?"
"It's fine. No one's here. Besides," He grabs my hand gently before bringing it up and placing a kiss on my knuckles. "I couldn't wait."
Butterflies begin to flutter in my tummy as we make our way to his Tesla car. Like the gentleman he always is, he assists me in the passenger seat before making his way to the driver's.
"As much as I couldn't wait," He starts the vehicle before placing his hands on the steering wheel. "I'd like to play safe."
I swallow down the bitterness, looking away from him. "Yeah. Wouldn't want the only Park heir to be found in a scandalous relationship with the Hwang heir."
I hear him heaving a low sigh. "You know that we're not in a relationship and you knew what you got yourself into when you agreed to be my─"
"I know, Jay." I interject, trying my best not to sound sour. He's right. I can't even blame him. I even promised myself that I wouldn't ever fall for anyone after what happened. In the end, I only have myself to blame for being stupid enough to fall in love with him when we're only friends with benefits.
I turn crestfallen. Who would ever want to love Hwang Stella? 
I compose myself before Jay can even catch a glimpse of my true emotion. I clear my throat. "So, where are we going to fuck?"
"I'm kinda not in the mood to," He replies in a monotone as he begins to park near the curb. He steals a quick glance at me. "But I am in the mood to make out."
Fair enough. Besides, I'm wearing a dress so I can't risk showing signs of being indecent.
"Just don't leave any marks." I warn him as he assists me to move over to him, settling on top of him with my arm slowly making their way around his neck.
His eyes darken with lust and appreciation as they scan my appearance. I ignore the heat creeping up on my cheeks as he caresses my cheek with the back of his finger. 
"You look truly exquisite tonight." Placing both of his hands on my waist, he leans forward to place a kiss on my lips.
My eyes roll to the back of my head, submitting myself to the pleasure as he kisses down my neck. "How long do you think this can last?" The question accidentally slips from my lips.
"I don't know," He nips playfully at my skin, drawing a gasp from me. "All I know is that I don't intend to let you slip from my fingers anytime soon."
But I know better than anyone that isn't true. In the end, everyone leaves.
─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ──
After my encounter with Heeseung yesterday, I could barely get any decent sleep. His discovery of me being involved in an activity that my family deems illicit caused such perturbation. 
My engagement in the field has been maintained confidentially since I was sixteen, and I was consistently on guard whenever I wanted or was required to participate in any race. With my management expertise, I always meticulously planned my schedules, despite how busy I could get. Even my identity was so well veiled that neither the hosts nor the organisers learned who I was.
So the fact that Heeseung discovered my identity is unsettling. Yes, he's attractive and all that, but I don't trust him. What if he has an agenda and intends to use my identity in the field against me? What if he threatens to tell others? What if he informs my parents─
"Hey, Stella."
A familiar, deep, husky voice pulls me out of my troubled mind. When I look to the side, I instantly have to tilt my head up a little to meet his eyes. A weird sentiment squeezes my heart as I look at him. It has been more than quite a while since we last interacted.
His face remains stoic as ever, but I catch a glimpse of concern in those dark, piercing eyes of his. "Are you alright? You've been staring at the vending machine for a while, and you look a little pale."
I manage to catch the way his hand that is hidden in his pocket attempts to reach out to me, but he slowly lowers his hand and forms it into a fist before sliding back into his pocket. But I simply dismiss his mere action, as I'm too busy being caught up in my own little dilemma.
I brush a fallen lock of my hair out of my face before offering him a tight smile. "I'm fine, Ni-Ki. I'm sorry for holding up the line."
Decked out in a black sweater and denim jeans, dyed blond highlights and piercings on both ears, is Nishimura Riki. Our parents were business friends, so they often came over to our mansion and brought along Riki. Initially, we weren't friends, as Ni-Ki would always give me cold shoulders. But as I'm a year older than him, my mother would order me to look after him while the adults were busy.
After much persuasion and some teasing, he eventually opened up to me. But it's complicated because we weren't exactly friends. He felt more of an obligation to me since my mother never failed to remind me to look after him as a Noona should.
When my older brother was here, Ni-ki would always look forward to meeting him, as they had more in common than we do. But as soon as I turned fourteen, something must have happened between my parents and his, because they no longer came over like they often did. Thus, that explains the reason behind our cold distance.
So knowing that he would be the first one to break this unexplainable cold war between us comes as a total shock for me.
He shakes his head. "Don't worry. It's just me. Here, let me buy you a drink." He steps forward, a little close to me.
"It's okay, Ni-Ki. I don't want to trouble you─"
As always being stubborn, he insists as he proceeds to press the button before hearing thuds from the vending machine. He bends down to pick up two energy drinks and gives me one, which I have no choice but to accept.
As I busily unscrew the bottle cap, I can feel his gaze on my face. After a brief silence, he begins to speak up.
"Oh, and Stel?"
"Yeah?" I look up, and my eyes widen a little at the proximity between us.
"It's Riki for you," He takes me by surprise when he offers me a soft smile. "Or did you forget?"
"Stella Noona, promise me that you'll always call me Riki. It's reserved only for you."
Nostalgia whisks past me. Of course, not. How could I forget? I thought he was the one who had forgotten about it, considering how distant we were.
"Okay, Riki." I reply in a soft tone, smiling faintly.
"Good." He catches me off-guard once again as he pats my head gently, as though I'm a toddler. He offers me one last soft grin, taking a few steps back. "You'll be seeing me around more often from now on."
My hand reaches up to touch my head while my lips downturn into a frown as I watch him walk away until he blends in with other students in the busy hallway. Just because he's taller now, does that mean he gets to treat me like I'm a toddler?
Well, to be fair, I often did that gesture to him before, which irritated him. Who wouldn't be able to resist such cuteness? 
─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ──
J💞: I have to cancel our plans for today. Something came up.
I don't bother to conceal the disappointment written all over my face. Aside from last night, he has been cancelling plans with me since last week. I mean, what did I expect? He's not my boyfriend, so I'm obviously not on his priority list.
Ugh, I hate the fact that I'm becoming clingy, and I also yearn for his validation. As a matter of fact, I will always crave validation in any way.
I rub my tired face as I make my way out of the university building. Even though it's only 6.30 p.m., it's already getting darker out here.
Just then, my ears perk up upon hearing familiar yet annoying giggles I'd recognise anywhere. Glancing up, I spot two familiar people just a few feet away from me.
Well, well, well, if it isn't my dearest sister and ex-boyfriend.
Did I ever mention that I have another sister? Well, there she is, giggling and smiling away like a lovesick fool with her arm clinging around his.
Hwang Rena.
Rena is only a year younger than me, but she often shows her superiority towards me due to the fact that she's my parents' most favourite daughter.
They look happy and carefree. As they stand next to his car, she stands in front of him while holding his hands. They gaze at each other almost lovingly—well, at least Rena is.
I should look away, but I can't because of his smile. I shouldn't be feeling this way because we were over, and I had convinced myself that I had already moved on from him, but why does my heart feel heavy?
The way he gazes at Rena, the way he smiles, and the way he tucks a hair behind her ear─he used to do all those things to me.
Whatever, Stella. You have Jay, though he's not your boyfriend.
But as I look away and walk towards my car, a tear manages to escape from the corner of my eye as it betrays me.
We used to have it all, but where did we go wrong?
Did you ever miss me? Did you ever love me sincerely?
"Damn you, Sim Jaeyun." I mutter under my breath as I unlock my car.
My body jolts in complete surprise. I put my hand where my heart is, as it beats wildly. With a scowl on my face, I turn around to face him.
He doesn't look pleased to see me either, so why is he even here?
"Don't get me wrong. I'm here because you've forgotten your wallet in the lecture hall."
I look down at his hand, noticing my black Dior wallet. Without a word, I snatch my wallet from his hand.
"A thank you would suffice." Sarcasm laces in his tone.
Acting upon my ego, I refuse. "Go away, Yang Jungwon."
I groan loudly before looking back at him with such distaste. "I said to go away! You wanted a thanks? Yeah, thanks for returning my wallet to me, kind sir!"
"Stella, stop." He closes the distance between us and holds my shoulders that I haven't realised are shaking.
His cold eyes examine my face briefly before they soften, or so I imagine. I don't know. My vision is getting blurry each second.
"You're crying, Stella." He speaks in a softer tone. "What happened?"
"As if you care." Pathetically, I attempt to wipe the tears away from my cheeks. "Let go of me."
His hands on my shoulders stay firm. "I'm not letting go until you're calm."
Despite my still-burning hatred for Jungwon, I know for a fact that these tears are not because of him. Seeing Jaeyun and Rena together triggers something in me that I thought I had gotten rid of. It turns out, I had only buried those feelings and forced myself to move on from him.
Fortunately, there are no people in our vicinity. Alas, sobs begin to escape from my lips. I look down, embarrassed to face Jungwon and the fact that he is witnessing my vulnerability.
"I'm sorry about this, but allow me to comfort you." He mutters.
Before I know it, I am being enveloped by his strong arms as they gently embrace me into a hug that I never knew I needed to find comfort in.
As I weep into his shoulder, I desperately cling to him. I thought I was strong enough to withstand the sight of them, but it hurts so much.
"I'm sorry, Stel." Jungwon murmurs as he hugs me tighter. I feel him planting a soft peck on my crown. "I'm so sorry."
Upon hearing his apology, I don't know if he's apologising for the hug or that he's the reason behind our friendship's fallout.
─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ──
I've been stuck inside my car since I parked it in the garage for God knows how long, staring at nothingness with my head leaning against the window. After the mental breakdown I had in front of my ex-childhood best friend, I issued a curt apology to Jungwon and left the place in haste.
I have no idea what has been up with me for the past few days. I feel as though I've gotten weak when I should've been the strong one. I guess I have gotten weaker since the moment I involved myself with Jay.
Jay and I have known each other since we were seventeen, due to seeing each other at any mutual business event with our parents. Despite the fact that my parents and his have been known to be fierce business rivals, that didn't prevent Jay and me from being amiable.
In the beginning, we started off with a polite conversation, but as time passed, we often engaged in discussions about any topic, though it was crucial that we weren't seen as friendly by anyone, especially not our parents.
Jay and I went a little distant as soon as we entered university, with him pursuing a different major as well as mine. I vividly remember the time when we finally encountered each other at the library, which was six months ago. It was a week after Jaeyun and I broke up. The library was occupied with most students, and the only available seat was next to mine. And so, we began with the small talks, and eventually, it led us to a mutual agreement that we were friends with benefits.
I vowed to never fall in love, but with Jay, it was unexpected. I mean, sure, I did find him and his personality attractive, but I couldn't see myself being tied to him. And so, acknowledging that I've finally fallen for someone who is out of my league was hard for me to admit initially.
What's worse is that Jay is one of Jaeyun's best friends.
I release a tired groan as I bury my face in my palms. Out of all the people, why did my heart choose to fall for Jay?
"Maybe it's just a phase." I mumble to myself while I grab my stuff before exiting the car. "My feelings for him will eventually fade away."
As I absentmindedly make my way towards the entrance, I spot Rena in my peripheral vision. I silently curse in my head. I had hoped not to face her.
"Oh? Stella!" She greets me cheerily, but I recognise that she's being a two-faced bitch. I give her a side-eye.
When we were young, people often mistook us for twins, although our features didn't look exactly the same. I remember being incredibly excited to have a younger sibling. Rena and I got along great until she entered elementary school. Something had changed, including her behaviour towards me.
Whereas Rena is the goody-two shoes, the attractive sister, and the ideal daughter to my parents, I'm the opposite. Whereas she earns praise and compliments, I receive criticism. Whereas Rena is the good one, I'm the bad one.
But despite how everyone else perceives her, I'm the only person who recognises how much of a two-faced bitch with a rotten personality she truly is. But despite all that, everyone favours Hwang Rena. As much as I hate to admit it, I found myself striving to be like her at one point in my life.
Now, she stands the same height as me. Her dyed pink hair cascades down her shoulders until her waist. Her doe eyes often make anyone impossible to resist whenever she wants something. Cute button nose and naturally full pink lips. Plus, she dresses well, so I've got to give her credit for that.
It's no wonder Jaeyun fell for her.
Insecurity begins to crawl its way towards me as I turn crestfallen, but I maintain the icy, heartless facade I've been putting up.
What was I thinking? Have I truly forgotten who I really am?
The thought of me wanting to be exactly like Rena disgusts me. Who cares if she's the good one and I'm the bad one?
I'm Hwang Stella. The mean, cruel, heartless Hwang that almost everyone perceives of me. Fuck being good.
Just like someone once told me─ if I cannot be the best, then I'll become the worst.
Unlike Rena, I've managed to become the heir. That is what matters.
"Jakey sent me home. You know, as in Jake Sim?" Rena begins to ramble as she walks next to me, a little too close for my comfort. A small gasp leaves her lips as she stares at me with faux sympathy. "Of course, you know him! He's your ex-lover!"
Careful, Stella. She's trying to get a reaction out of you. Don't give her the satisfaction.
I choose to ignore her as I swipe my key card on the smart lock before entering. However, Rena still decides to pester me as we make our way up the stairs. "We're still getting to know each other, but what matters is that we're dating!" Her giggles are starting to get on my nerves. "You won't mind me dating your ex, right? I mean, we are sisters after all."
I halt my steps halfway on the way to my room. A muscle ticks in my jaw. You know what? Fuck this.
Trying my best to remain calm, I turn around to face her. The sight of the innocence she's feigning makes me want to puke.
"Honestly? I don't really care much what you chose to do, but going after my ex?" The sound of my tongue clicking echos throughout these walls. "Wrong move, Hwang Rena."
Finally, Rena reveals her true self. Her once doe-eyed stare morphs into such abhorrence while her lips upturn into a sneer.
"And what are you going to do about it? Nothing." Her icy tone matches mine. "Jake is mine, and I don't give a damn about your opinion. You're the one who chose to leave such a precious gem behind."
With swiftness, I manage to make her stumble backward as I push her before pinning her against the wall. My eyes glare heatedly into her widened ones.
"Listen here, you cunning bitch. Leave Jake alone. Did you really think I have no idea what you're doing?" A crazed laugh leaves my lips. Any of my actions are due to my thinking irrationally. "You've always been obsessed with wanting anything that was once mine. And now, you're going after Jake? The man who was with me for three years, and the man who I love?"
I immediately release my hands from holding her shoulders and take a step back. "You're not good enough for him. He deserves someone who isn't you."
No matter how much Jake hurt me by leaving me heartbroken, I still hope that someone else will treat and love him the way I always did. But not Rena.
Rena releases a scoff as she rolls her eyes. "You're being a greedy bitch, Stella. You said you loved Jake, but what about a certain someone whose surname is Park?"
My heart drops, as does the rage I have been feeling. Noticing my expression, a smirk rises on her lips.
"Oh, yes, Stella. I know what you and Jay have been up to." She hums delightfully. "How do I know this? I have some intel, of course. My, my. Sneaking around with him on campus? How scandalous!"
"What we do is nothing of your business." I curl my hand into a fist. "So what? We're just friends."
"Careful, Stella." Rena warns me before speaking to me in a whisper. "We wouldn't want our parents to be informed that the Hwang heir is having a scandalous affair with their rival's son, would we now?"
I give her one last icy glare. "I hope you die in a ditch, Hwang Rena."
Rena chuckles before giving me a mocking salute. "The feelings are mutual, Hwang Stella."
─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ──
Three days have passed, and I've successfully managed to get back on my feet. I've decided to direct my focal point on my assignments, including voluntary lessons on what is expected of an official heir and paperwork with a private tutor that my father hired.
I've been ignoring texts from Jay and avoiding him on campus. Not only Jay, but I've also been avoiding seeing any sightings of Jungwon or Jaeyun. Other than that, things have been going smoothly.
The sudden rowdiness pulls me out of my train of thoughts before I lift my gaze to scan around the familiar pub. It is getting more crowded than usual, but to be fair, it is a Saturday night.
I am seated in a secluded corner, like I always do, where I'm positive no one will bat an eye at me since the light is also dim. My black leather jacket and pants camouflage well in the dark. Perfect.
"Excuse me?"
Or maybe not so perfect.
I reluctantly glance up and see a woman who appears to be around my age standing near my table. The first thing I notice is how tall she is. I might've mistaken her for a model. She is dressed in all denim and a white crop top, which displays her belly piercing. She has blonde highlights on her raven hair. As I briefly scan her face, she looks awfully familiar, and yet I don't recognise her.
She offers me a sheepish smile. "The other seats are occupied. Do you mind if I take a seat here?"
It's the way she smiles. It reminds me of a certain someone.
"Sure." I curtly respond, folding my arms as I break eye contact. Whenever I come to participate in the race, my make-up application is way different compared to how I usually apply make-up on a daily basis. It is also thanks to these coloured contact lenses. So I hope she doesn't recognise who I am.
As she takes a seat next to me, I expect her to keep to herself. But I'm taken by surprise when she directs her full attention on me with seriousness written across her face.
"I know who you are."
And then she breaks into a smile, while I can only give her an odd stare. "Silly me. I forgot to introduce myself." She extends her hand towards me. "I'm Aera. I go to the same university as you."
Despite feeling hesitant, I find myself shaking hands with her. Awkwardly, I say, "Nice meeting you?"
"Oh my gosh!" She gasps as she looks down at her hand. "No way did I shake hands with Hwang Stella!" She squeals silently.
"Uhh..." I am left speechless. What....?
With earnestness, she looks back at me with a grin. "I have a confession to make. I've been wanting to be friends with you."
Making friends and Hwang Stella never go well. After what happened with Jungwon and the fact that Rena was the reason why anytime I made friends, they would abandon me for her. So yeah, this is hard for me to grasp.
I guess she must've noticed the expression on my face. "I swear I have no bad intentions. I'm being sincere when I say I want to be friends with you." She says.
I hesitate, but something nudges me to accept this small friendship, even though I might get hurt again. I let out a low sigh.
"Sure. We can be friends." I say plainly.
"Awesome." Her grin never falters. "I'm here to watch my brother and his friends race. What about you?"
I force out a chuckle, and it comes off as awkward. "The same as you, I guess."
"Are you really?" She wiggles her eyebrows suggestively. "Or are you here to watch your secret lover, who turns out to be a racer? It's okay! You can tell me anything! I'm good at keeping secrets. Plus, I'm into gossip."
Geez, this girl sure loves to ramble.
"Aera?" A manly voice calls out for her before we shift our attention to someone familiar who is approaching our table.
With haste, I put on my Gentle Monster's sunglasses, hoping that he wouldn't notice my face. Thankfully, his eyes are fixated on Aera.
"Sunoo!" Aera greets him cheerily before lunging towards him in a hug. "What are you doing here? I thought you'd be at your usual stations for the race."
Kim Sunoo, a senior just like me. We haven't exactly interacted, but he does follow me on all of my social media and even likes my Instagram posts. I also saw him at some business functions with his parents, but other than that, he's just a stranger. I know I shouldn't judge someone whom I haven't met, but from what I heard, he has this charm that is hard to resist and is a sly fox. He's also known as the king of schemes, considering the dramas and gossips I've heard about him.
I take a glance at him while he idly chatters with Aera. He is handsome and cute, even. His fox-like eyes are what captured my attention first. His full pink lips turn into a sweet smile. Though he appears cheery, there is an air of gentleness around him.
"Oh! Before I forget─" Aera tilts her body and catches my eyes, but she pauses for a brief moment while I look away as soon as Sunoo shifts his attention to me. "This is my friend, Sera."
My eyebrows jump up in response, as I never expected her to lie about my identity to Sunoo. My heart feels at ease, and I silently thank Aera.
I'm uncertain what Sunoo's reaction is, but he stays silent for a moment before resuming to speak to Aera. Fortunately, he clearly has no interest in me, given how blatantly he ignores my presence.
Seeing how preoccupied Aera is with Sunoo as they chatter idly once again, I take the opportunity to leave the table in a swift manner and proceed to make my way out of the pub.
Ugh, why is it so annoyingly crowded─
"Watch where you're going." A pissed-off, manly voice says to me as I bump into his shoulder. Yet, it is a voice I recognise all too well.
"Wait a damn minute." I hear him mutter, and before I have the chance to escape from him, he grab my arm a little too firmly to my liking. "Well, well, well, if it isn't the witch herself."
I roll my eyes upon hearing the insult I have heard since we were young. When my gaze lands on his face, I narrow my eyes at the way he smirks at me with his fang displayed.
"Let go of me, Park." I try my utmost to remain calm despite the urge to strangle him.
He ignores me and instead yanks me towards him as I let out a yelp. "Fancy seeing you here. Or not."
I attempt to yank my arm from his grasp, but he only grips it firmly in return. "But it is rather strange to meet you here out of all the places. Care to tell me why?"
"How about minding your own fucking business?" I retort.
"Language, princess." He tuts, placing his index finger against my lips before slowly lowering it as it brushes gently on my bottom lip. "What would your parents think of their precious daughter having such a foul mouth?"
The temptation to bite off his finger is strong. But before I can do that, I'm being interrupted by another familiar voice that causes me to internally groan.
I steal a glance at Heeseung, who is standing next to us. With our current position, Heeseung's eyes dart between us before settling his gaze on Sunghoon instead. Heeseung appears to be nonchalant, though I notice dissatisfaction in those eyes of his.
"Leave the poor girl alone." Heeseung says in a monotone.
Park Sunghoon, also known as my rival slash enemy since kindergarten, Lucky for me, we went to the same schools throughout our lives and were classmates. At first, it started off as a friendly rivalry, but as the years passed, we've developed a mutual animosity towards one another. Be it academically or not, we've always been incredibly competitive against each other.
Never mind his good looks, which are evidently strong. He will always be that annoying kid who became petty just because I was at the top of our cohort.
Sunghoon makes a tsk sound before releasing me roughly. "You're ruining my fun, Heeseung. Besides, wouldn't you want to know why the infamous Hwang Stella is here out of all places as well?"
"And why couldn't I be here, Park?" I glare into his eyes, which mirror the same sentiment I abhor for him. "What's it to you? Does my presence here affect you that much?"
"As a matter of fact, yes." He replies venomously, taking a threatening step towards me, but I remain strong on my ground.
His eyes pierce into mine with the familiar animosity, which I can't help but lift a smirk. "Just seeing your face is enough to ruin my night. So I suggest you get the fuck out of here."
I fold my arms across my chest and tilt my chin up in defiance. "Oh, yeah? And what are you going to do about it if I don't?"
A warning glints in his eye. "Don't try me, princess."
I don't even realise the close proximity between us until Heeseung pulls Sunghoon away from me. "That's enough. We're wasting time here."
"I agree," I respond to Heeseung, but my eyes are still trained on Sunghoon's. "And I've wasted my breath on someone like you. Please do not ever show me your face again."
"As if I want to." Sunghoon sneers at me. "Why don't you go back and sit tight in your comfy mansion, princess?"
In response, I offer him the sweetest smile I can muster as I slowly walk away from them. "Why don't you suck my dick?"
Before I turn around, I manage to catch a glimpse of Heeseung smiling lightly, as he seems to be amused by my comeback.
Forget about Park Sunghoon or even Lee Heeseung. I have a race to win yet again.
─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ──
Racing is something I've always been passionate about since I was sixteen. In the beginning, it started out as a hobby or an activity for me to de-stress due to the social pressure and having enough of the toxicity in Hwang's household. But eventually, it turned into something that I often sought solace in.
I know, it's weird. Other people sought solace in things like reading books, listening to music, et cetera, instead of racing.
I guess it also has something to do with the fact that by racing, it's how I can still feel the connection I once had with someone whom I've regarded as my father figure. My father's older brother.
Sentimentality hits me hard, prompting me to clutch the grips of my motorcycle firmly. I don't know what happened to him, but his disappearance from my life five years ago is still a mystery that I know I need to solve. I will find him, no matter what it takes.
I blink away the tears that are collecting in the rims of my eyes before focusing on the track ahead. I can't afford to lose focus. I hate losing, and losing is never an option for me.
Especially when my opponent is the one and only Park Sunghoon.
I steal a quick glance at him. He is adorned in red and black leather, with a black helmet worn over his head. I hate to admit it, but I've seen him in races, and his skills are almost impressive. Almost.
Fortunately for me, he fails to recognise who I really am, thanks to my last minute of changing my leather jacket, now revealing the skin of my waist as I'm also wearing a crop-top shirt and my racing boots. Since the racing arena we're currently at is a new venue to me, most of the people here don't recognise that I'm the infamous ace. So I must've gotten too much attention because of that.
Why infamous? Well, most of the racers look down upon women who race. And so, they've never expected a mere lady like me to win in all of my previous participations. They hate it when women win.
"Hey!" Sunghoon calls for my attention, to which I roll my eyes before looking at him. He offers me a salute. "If I win, you have to give me your number!"
I hold myself back from laughing. Oh, the mortification he would feel if he knew who I was.
At once, the sign board changes, and thus, we speed off in a blur with our engines blaring loudly. The loud cheers from the spectators fall to death in my ears as I vigorously utilise my skills to overtake Sunghoon.
He's fast, but I manage to overtake him. Just when I thought that would last, Sunghoon proves me wrong when he catches up to him. Now we're even.
But thanks to my highly competitive ass, I refuse to lose to him. The surroundings around me pass by like a blur as I accelerate until I have successfully managed to leave Sunghoon behind in the dust.
Finally, I cross over the finish line. I won.
As I decelerate, I hear some cheers, which brings a small smile to my face. While there are also some boos and unpleasant words thrown at me, I simply dismiss them. What matters is that tonight is another victory.
"Hey! Wait!" I hear Sunghoon calling out for me before he catches me, prompting me to pull the brake.
I only watch him behind the visor of my helmet in silence as he removes his helmet. He holds it in one hand while the other ruffles his tousled raven hair. He lifts his gaze to look at me briefly.
"As much as I hate losing, you did amazing." His compliment throws me off, as does the way he appears to be shy towards me as he rubs his nape while looking away from me momentarily. I raise my eyebrow when I notice how red his ears are.
"I'd like to see you around again." He says with a small smile.
I am completely baffled by this new behaviour of his. Park Sunghoon has never smiled at me like that. All he ever does is smirk evilly at me or make sarcastic grins.
I don't even know what to say. If I speak, he will definitely recognise me instantly. But thankfully, I am saved when the rest of his friends start to call for him as they approach us. Including Aera....and Riki???
A frown tugs at my lips. Judging by his outfit, he is most certainly a racer as well. Since when does he do racing?
Nonetheless, I grasp the opportunity to speed off with the intention of heading back to my secret hideout, where I store my racing car and bike, including some outfits. I can't risk storing all of the stuff anywhere in my mansion.
─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ──
Instead of heading home straight, I decide to go for a nightly drive with my everyday car, aka, my gorgeous sleek black Tesla, which I've parked earlier in the garage of my secret hideout. Even if I'm not around in the mansion, my parents never care enough about whether I'm there or not. I am only needed whenever they need me, or rather, use me to their advantage.
After I pull up my car in the empty parking lot, I start to make my way towards the familiar skate park. I sit down on the edge of the skating ramp with my legs dangling in the air. When the wind gently breezes past me, so does the nostalgia. I remember when my uncle used to bring my older brother and me here, where I was taught how to ride a skateboard.
But it is also where Jaeyun brought me for our first date.
"Careful, love!" Jaeyun called out for me with concern, lacing his tone while I went ahead, riding his skateboard without any caution. "You might fall if you go any faster."
Since it's been quite a while since I've ever ridden a skateboard, Jaeyun taught me the basics, but it was as if I were a natural at it.
Changing course, I've decided to head towards him. As I was nearing him, a big, gleeful smile was etched on my face while my arms were opened wide. "Jaeyun! Catch me!"
Before Jaeyun could blink, I lunged towards him, and he easily caught me in his arms. He spun me around while laughter left my lips.
With Jaeyun, it was easy for me to be myself. With Jaeyun, he brought out the side of me that no one had seen except my loved ones. Being with Jaeyun, I never had to worry about the facade I'd put up in front of everyone else.
"One of these days, you're going to give me a heart attack." Jaeyun joked as he stopped spinning me, but I was still in his embrace.
With a few chuckles emitting from me, I look into his loving gaze. My cheeks turned rosy the longer his handsome gaze stayed on my face.
"What?" I muttered shyly, lowering my gaze, but he had other plans as he lifted my chin up with his finger.
"Nothing. It's just that you're so adorably precious," Jaeyun chuckles softly, and the sight of his grin melted my heart. "And that you're mine."
"Of course!" I mirrored his grin while I wrapped my arms around his neck. "I'm Jaeyunie's. Always."
"That's right." Jaeyun brought his face closer to mine before bumping his nose against mine playfully. "I will always love you, Stella. Never forget that."
Feeling a little overwhelmed by his display of affection and the love that was transparent through his gaze, I leaned forward to connect our lips. My tummy was filled with the familiar warmth, and the butterflies erupted.
"Forevermore, Jaeyun." 
Just like that, one of the memories I still cherish vanishes as I snap back to reality. A shaky breath leaves my lips before I feel a slight dampness on my cheek. Of course, I've shed a tear. How pathetic.
My ears perk up as soon as I hear footsteps approaching from behind, which prompts me to wipe the wetness on my cheek.
"It's dangerous for a lady like you to still linger around in the night." He muses before taking a seat next to me.
I don't bother to look at him, but at the same time, I feel a strange relief that someone is accompanying me.
"I thought you'd be heading back home after the event ended." He takes out a box of cigarettes before taking one stick and lighting it up.
Finally, I take a look at him. "What are you doing here, Heeseung? Did you follow me all the way here?"
Heeseung inhales the substance before blowing out a puff of smoke. His eyes meet mine. "It's only a coincidence to see you here. Besides, you looked pretty lonely."
To my surprise, I find myself chuckling. "It's not as if I haven't gotten used to being alone."
"Yeah, well, I'm here now. You can consider me a friend." Heeseung offers me a gentle smile, a smile that mesmerises me.
Heeseung looks different than how I usually see him. There is something benign about him. Oddly enough, I don't feel threatened by his presence. Instead, I feel at ease.
"I know I probably gave you a bad impression the other night we met, so I'm sorry for that." Heeseung takes another puff.
I watch him as he does so. "Smoking is bad for your health, you know?"
A smirk appears on his lips. "Says the girl who smokes as well."
Guilty. "Actually, I've been trying to quit."
Heeseung hums as he looks ahead. "So why do you smoke, Hwang Stella?"
I look down at my hands on my thighs. "I guess I was too heartbroken, so I chose to find something to put my mind at ease. Hence, the smoking addiction."
"Ahh, you and Jake."
My eyes widen as I look at him in surprise, but in return, he arches an eyebrow at me. "Don't look so surprised now, sweetheart. Both of you were quite famous on campus as a couple."
I remain silent while he seems to be carefully examining my face. I catch the way his eyes soften. "Plus, you looked happier when you were with him."
A sad smile touches my lips. "I was."
Heeseung inhales the last of the substances before putting them out. He returns his gaze to me. "He did love you, you know?"
"Yeah," I whisper, and a familiar lump of sadness is stuck in my throat. "But he never loved me enough."
Heeseung heaves a sigh, bringing his hand to run through his dark, dishevelled hair. "I don't know what happened between the two of you, but I can confidently say that he's stupid enough to let go of you."
I furrow my eyebrows at him as I frown. "But he's your best friend?"
Heeseung chuckles dryly. "Was. But never mind about that."
As much as I would like to pry, I choose to play safe. Jake and Heeseung were inseparable. Heck, I even mistook them for brothers when I first saw them.
I let out a sigh before carefully standing back up. "I've got to go. But thanks for accompanying me for a short while, I guess?"
Heeseung stands as well, but something flickers in his gaze as he looks at me. "Just call or text me if you need someone to accompany you. I assure you that I'm good at it."
It's tempting, but I don't want to be involved with him. It's bad enough that I'm already involved with Jay. Plus, it is wise to never get involved in anything with the seven of them.
He seems to notice my wariness, and so he offers me another smile. "If you don't do that, it's fine. But can we be friends?"
"I'm not sure if you're clueless or what, but you do realise that my parents and yours are not exactly on a decent term?"
"I don't give a fuck about what my parents think." Heeseung replies calmly. "Besides, they can't do anything about it. If I have something I want, I will get it."
Shivers run down my spine upon hearing his last statement and his dark gaze. The longer he looks at me, the more I feel as though I'm prey to him.
"Friends, then." I say curtly. "But don't expect me to be all friendly with you on campus."
His lips quirk into a smirk. "Sure, sweetheart."
─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ──
Once, I was told by someone that I looked a little too calm for someone who was an international relations major. While some students crack under the insane pressure and others change majors, I manage to remain steadfast and consistently give my utmost effort on every assignment and test given.
So they wonder. How does Hwang Stella make it look so easy? The answer is short and simple.
I don't.
I go fucking insane too, just like every other student. It is downright mental to be an international relations major.
Nevertheless, it's what I'm meant to do, despite the fact that my parents dictated my choice in all of my academic matters. I admit that I do despise them, but I always end up trying my best to please them.
Besides, it's not that I have that much of a choice to fail. Based on my past experiences, I have had to face the consequences. Some consequences did leave scars on my skin. They serve as a reminder the next time I choose to deviate from their mandates.
Most of the time, they are pleased with my actions, but their treatment towards me remains unchanged. While Rena doesn't excel academically the way I do, my parents love and treasure her more. It's blatantly clear that whatever Rena does, their love for her remains unchanged.
I do admit that I did yearn to earn their affection when I was young, but eventually I gave up. If I couldn't win over my parents' hearts, then I would just have to impress and please them enough to make me the heir instead of Rena.
But deep in my tainted heart, I know that this path isn't what I truly want. As a matter of fact, I wasn't supposed to be the heir. It was always meant for my older brother.
I shake my head lightly while my lips press thinly together. It's fine. I'm doing this for my older brother, and if things end up well, I'll bring him back and pass down the position to him.
Noticing that I've been distracted by my troubled mind, I decide to shift my attention to my laptop screen, which displays my unfinished essay. But it appears my reaction is delayed than usual before I jolt lightly in surprise when a familiar face greets me as she sits in front of me.
"Aera, you startled me." I give her a frown as I lower my laptop screen. She looks lovely in a baby blue knitted cardigan that hugs her figure loosely, and her hair is pulled back into a messy bun.
Aera smiles sheepishly. "I'd be feeling sorry if you weren't spacing out for too long to notice that I've been sitting here for the past five minutes."
"Five minutes isn't that long." I retort. "What are you doing here? Don't you have classes to go to?"
She shakes her head. "I've finished my last lecture of the day and decided to loiter around campus until I saw you sitting here alone." Her lips form into a pout while she stares at me with doe eyes. "I thought you'd be happy to see me since we're friends now!"
I relax my shoulders that I didn't realise were tensed. Right, I've forgotten that I have actual friends now. Truth be told, I thought Aera was merely joking about it.
Feeling a little bad, I give her an apologetic look. "I'm sorry for being cold. It's just that." I pause, glancing down. "Having female friends is new to me, and I haven't had an actual friend who is sincere enough."
A warm hand places itself on top of mine before I look back up. She gives me a smile of assurance as she squeezes my hand lightly. "There's nothing to be embarrassed about, Stella, and you don't have to apologise for being cold! Besides, I have every intention to win your heart and show you how beautiful it is to have genuine friends!"
Much to my surprise, a few chuckles leave my lips, and I find myself totally amused by Aera. I don't miss the way her eyes seem to light up.
"I have successfully made you chuckle and smile! That's a start!"
And so, I find myself continuing the conversation with her, including our proper introductions. It turns out that Aera is majoring in marketing under business. She's a senior as well, and she is a stickler for breaking rules. Apparently, she has an older brother who goes to the same university.
"Speaking of him, do you know how exasperating it is for people who wanted to be my friend just so they could get to my brother?" Aera rolls her eyes, the distaste is evident on her face. "It's the reason why I couldn't find any genuine friends who didn't want to date my brother."
Now that I think about it, I may or may not have a hunch on who her brother is. The similarity of their eyes is conspicuous.
"Anyway, enough about him." Aera then looks at me eagerly. "Say, do you want to go to the mall with me? That is, if you don't have anything planned."
I do have plans that involve sleeping early because I feel lethargy these days. But with the way she looks at me, I begrudgingly cave in.
"Lucky for you, I'm available." I say as I begin to pack my stuff into my bag.
"Oh? Hey, Sunoo!" Aera suddenly greets him as she abruptly stands, while I continue packing. But the names that leave her lips cause me to freeze for a moment. "Jungwon! Ni-Ki! I haven't seen you two in a while!"
Just great. Half of the squad is here. They'll probably ignore my existence, which I hope.
Aera side-hugs Sunoo before looking at the rest of them with a beaming smile. "Where are you guys headed off to?"
"We were planning to go to the mall," Sunoo replies.
Aera gasps. "Stella and I were planning to go as well! Why don't we all hang out? I'm sure it's going to be fun!"
On second thought, I should make myself unavailable because there is no way I'd want to hang out with Jungwon.
"I don't think I can join you guys." As I speak up, all eyes focus on me, but I lock eyes with Aera. "Something came up last minute."
Disappointment is written across Aera's face. "Can't you just cancel it? Please?"
"But..." I pause, and my hand curls into a fist. It's getting harder to resist her doe-eyes.
Aera turns to look at Sunoo. "Stella can follow us, right?"
Sunoo shifts his attention from Aera to me. Feeling his gaze, I accidentally lock eyes with him. But something feels unsettling with the way he gazes at me, as if he's unravelling a lie. I catch a glimpse of emotion in his eyes. Recognition.
Sunoo breaks into a grin, though it seems like a smirk, as if he has a hidden agenda. "Of course. Any friends of Aera are welcome to the circle."
Aera returns her gaze to me, looking at me expectantly with those damn eyes again.
I let out a sigh of dismay. "Fine. Just for you." Aera claps her hands in return.
"So how are you guys going to get there? I'll be riding my bike," Riki says. "I could've given any of you girls a ride if I had an extra helmet."
"Aera will be riding with me since I have an extra helmet." Sunoo offers, to which Aera smiles thankfully.
"I don't have a ride." I say ineptly. "My vehicles needed some servicing."
"You can ride with Jungwon." Sunoo tells me. "He brought his car."
I internally groan, already dreading to be in Jungwon's vicinity. I steal a glance at Jungwon, noticing how stoic his face remains, completely different from the demeanour he had shown me last week.
Just as I thought this day couldn't get any worse.
─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ──
I thought I would appreciate the silence, but instead, I feel uncomfortable. No word is exchanged between us from the moment we entered his car. Just this frigidity that feels suffocating and the sound of music coming from the radio.
I attempt to shift uncomfortably in my seat in discreet once more, but it seems that my action doesn't go unnoticed by him as he turns his head to look at him after putting the car to stop since the traffic light has turned red.
His eyebrows furrow in what looks like annoyance. "What is it?"
I refuse to look at him, my eyes stay fixated on the road ahead. "Nothing."
I hear him scoff. "It's not nothing if you've been squirming in your seat."
"Just focus on the road, Jungwon." I grumble under my breath. "I don't want us risking to be in any accidents."
I don't miss the offence he takes to heart as he narrows his eyes at me. "You don't trust my driving skills?"
"I don't trust you." At least not anymore.
Jungwon's clutch on the steering wheel tightens, his knuckles turning the faint shade of pink. A muscle ticks in his jaw. "You act as if I'm your enemy when I'm not."
This time, I muster the courage to look at him in the eyes, glaring at him. "You're no friend either. Now pay attention on the road."
I receive silence in return. At the same time, the traffic light turns green. 
─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ──
The whole time whilst we hang out, I always stick to Aera. At some point, I subconsciously cling my arm around hers. Riki and I did exchange some words, but mostly, he's with Jungwon whereas Sunoo often talk to Aera. I'm surprised when he included me in the conversation too.
Aera told me that she's been best friends with Sunoo since high school, but with the way I see them, I would've mistaken them as a couple with how comfortable they are with skin-ship.
Given how evidently spent we are, I suppose it's time for us to call it a day, considering we went to different stores and even playing in the arcade for an hour.
As Jungwon, Sunoo, and Aera walk ahead, I am left walking next to Riki. I look down to see a soft toy duck in my hands before I look up at Riki.
"Here, take it." I tell him with my hand extend towards him. "Technically, it's yours since you won it."
Riki glances down at the toy before returning his gaze to me. He shakes his head. "It's yours. I won it in your honour."
Heat creeps on my cheeks. "Are you sure?"
Riki offers me a boyish grin, no longer putting up the cold exterior I often saw. "Positive."
He takes me by surprise as he pats my head gently. "I hope the duck reminds you of me. Keep it safe, yeah?"
I can't help but smile. "Okay."
"I guess it's time we part ways, gang!" Aera announces, turning around to look at us as does Sunoo and Jungwon. "Today was great! We should hang out again!"
Let's pretend I didn't hear the last statement.
"I forgot to ask, but since when did you and Ni-Ki know each other?" Sunoo questions me, looking genuinely curious.
Riki and I glance at each other before I speak up, "I used to watch over him as he often came over since our parents were friends."
Riki nods his head. "What she said."
"Wait! Riki, didn't you tell me before that you were into older girls?" Aera blurts out straightforwardly, and I manage to catch the way Riki's ears turn pink. Aera smirks. "Was it because of Stella?"
Riki clears his throat in an awkward manner while refusing to look at anyone. "So....about the party─"
"Right!" Aera being Aera, getting easily distracted, she snaps her fingers before looking at me. "There's this party on Friday night. Since now you're part of the elites, you're invited to a party at Sunghoon's."
"You should come." Sunoo adds. "As they say, the more the merrier."
Riki nods in agreement, but Jungwon is the only one who appears to be against it with the way he frowns at me. But I disregard him.
"Sure. Consider my attendance to be confirmed at the party."
We exchange a few words before we finally part ways, leaving only me and Jungwon.
"I'll book an Uber." I inform him curtly.
Jungwon sighs annoyingly. "Don't be stubborn, Stella. I'll give you a ride home."
"Come on, Stella."
"That's more like it." In a blink of an eye, his hand latches around my wrist before pulling me with him towards the parking lot.
I look at him in bewilderment before attempting to yank my hand away from his strong grasp. "What?! Yang Jungwon, let go of me this instant!"
Jungwon ignores me as we reach his car. He opens the passenger door for me, to which I begrudgingly enter. 
"You're a jerk, Jungwon." I mutter as he busily starts the ignition.
"Yeah. A jerk who is willing to give you a ride home because it's already late." Jungwon replies calmly as he steers the wheel.
I fold my arms across my chest, the frown on my face never leave. "I hate you."
There is a brief silence before he says, "I know."
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83 notes · View notes
halfmoth-halfman · 1 year
do you have any headcannons about designer dress you can disclose? every now and then i create some of my own, but it's great finding out about the "official" ones, like why did you choose canary as mc's moniker? are we going to find out more about laswell and price? maybe gaz's mom? she seems important... what about farah's relationship with john? and some tidbits as well, like why blue? why valeria's "day job" is fashion designer? sorry the questionnaire, any piece would be great! i'm just in awe with the whole ambience you've created. much love! xx
oh i’ve got plenty of headcanons. some i won’t go into too much detail about because it would dipping into spoiler territory, but here ya go:
gaz was a big momma's boy as a kid, and when she died so soon after his father it left him with a lot of big, confusing feelings for an 8-9 year old
he was angry at price for a long time after his parents' deaths and it wasn't until well into his teenage years that he started warming up to price
farah was adopted after gaz, when her parents were killed during price's and the 141's first go around with makarov when they were both building their "empires" (we'll go more into that in the next few chapters)
gaz and farah took to each other easily, often finding comfort in their similar struggles and complicated feelings for price
price does everything he can to help gaz and farah remember their parents, mostly out of respect and love for them and their parents, but also due to that quiet guilt that he's the reason their parents are gone
gaz goes back on forth on calling price dad, but always refers to farah as his sister
farah does not call price dad, it’s always either old man or price
farah does think of gaz as a brother, but can’t bring herself to actually call him that because it makes her think of hadir
farah and gaz are best friends through and through tho
price cannot visit their parents' graves with them, he doesn't feel he has a right to, and if he goes with one of them he’ll wait in the car until they’re done to go to the grave himself
price has talked about canary to gaz’s dad’s grave
i hc price's favorite color as blue in general, hence all the blue he puts his women in
there is a difference between the blues when he gets canary a dress vs when valeria makes her one
valeria's come in various shades of blue while price's are always the same shade of blue as his eyes
he is absolutely doing it as a way to mark his territory
graves loves his women in gold and jewels and designer, it's a way to show off his wealth and status and how much he spoils them
it's all part of a carefully put together show to make himself look good
makarov does not give a fuck about any of that
his women are on display as a way to taunt and tempt his enemies because they know better than to touch what's his and he drapes them in blood-colored fabric as warning
price had a playboy phase after his (amicable) divorce from kate and it only got worse when gaz’s parents died
he never loved or really cared for any of his significant others, knowing most were just after his money, status, or bragging rights - they used him and he used them as a stress relief
when gaz moved in to the manor, he tried a few short-lived relationships that never lasted more than a few months
he stopped completely when farah moved in
price tried dating once or twice when gaz and farah were older and things were more stable but it was never anything serious until canary
price has never been in love until canary
price, nik, and gaz's dad were bffs with farah's dad joining later, and nik loves gaz and farah like his own
at one point, shepherd was included in that little group
alex and farah had a romcom-esque meet-cute at a 141 gala where alex was a guest of kate's
alex fell first, farah fell harder
price, and the rest of the 141, are good friends with kate's wife, but they don't see her often since she's not involved in their business
kate tries to keep her wife separate from that side of her life for her own safety
roach, könig, and horangi live in a three-bedroom apartment because the third bedroom was originally ghost's
outside of soap, ghost is probably closest to roach and sees him as a younger brother
no one except ghost knows how old roach is, he changes the answer every time someone asks him
roach was not born mute, it happened during a bar fight where he shielded ghost from someone with a broken bottle
ale/val/rudy have known each other since they were kids
rudy always had feelings for alejandro but never said anything, content to be friends
alejandro and valeria dated first, they broke up when valeria and alejandro disagreed with how to run the vaqueros
alejandro and rudy started dating in that time, but rudy broke up with him when valeria came back and rudy felt like alejandro wasn't over her
it was a lot of drama and feelings being shoved down that culminated in one night of drinking, arguing about emotions, and eventually a threesome
the three have been together ever since
alejandro and rudy do not necessarily approve of what valeria does with her own business - she takes a very jason todd approach to it all (aka "you can't stop crime, but you can control it") - but she does get positive results so the arguments are few and far between
rudy is a doctor first and foremost, but he's always enjoyed cooking (something something cutting into meat the same way he'd cut into a body something something) and it was his own suggestion for him to be the club chef
valeria never intended to do fashion design, but she enjoys the finer things and has specific tastes for how she wants to look
since every tailor/designer she had hired eventually ended up disappointing her, she took up the job herself
running a club was nik's idea, and it took him a few months and a lot of badgering to convince price to go along with it
price agreed only because 13-year-old gaz mumbled that "it'd be kinda cool" one night at dinner
the singer position at the club was made specifically for farah because she found comfort singing songs her mother used to sing to her and hadir when they were little
on special occasions, soap will take over at the bar and alex will get on stage and play guitar alongside farah as she sings
soap was gaz’s friend that he introduced to the club and he became fast friends with everyone
eventually price hired him after recognizing how smart and perceptive soap was
soap is in his position for a reason, the guests are more than happy to ogle the handsome server with too many buttons undone and not notice that he's watching them back with a far sharper eye
soap and ghost were supposed to be a one-time thing meant for stress relief but ghost caught feelings and kept coming back
it took ghost ages to admit he cared for soap and when the realization hit, it scared the hell out of him but roach convinced him to talk it out with soap
soap is the only person ghost would ever disobey price for, but he would never admit that
alex gushes to gaz about farah nonstop and talks about how he knew he was going to marry her the moment they met
gaz was happy for them, but he never really got it...until he met tabby
nik sometimes gets too drunk and reminisces about his wife back home
no one knows if he actually has a wife, or where “back home” is, his stories are all the same, but the little details change every time
könig and horangi were together before they joined the 141, and könig moved in with roach and ghost completely unaware that they worked for price
the 141 refers to kortac as "könig's people" because it's a far more complicated system of contacts and connections that would take a week to describe
ghost’s entire spine pops when he gets out of bed in the morning, and it freaks soap out
roach was a track star in highschool
price has the highest kill count in the 141, soap and valeria have a not-so-friendly competition going for second place
canary got her nickname from her father
graves did have romantic feelings for canary at one point, but that quickly got overshadowed by his want for adler to recognize and approve of him
adler only approved canary and graves’s marriage because canary asked him to - the contract was his one condition for that approval
russell adler died two days after canary and graves got married
graves only has two preferences when it comes to his women: rich & powerful
price cares about his people, but it borders on a possessiveness that he keeps very well hidden
price has built a very strict set of rules about who his people kill and how far they can and cannot go
he will end business relationships if someone steps out of line
valeria has come close on several occasions
makarov does not care - he will kill men, women, children, old, young, pregnant, etc. blood is blood, it doesn't matter who it comes from
that’s not say price wouldn’t do what needs to be done to protect his people
price cares about family above all else, and he will go scorched earth on anyone who would dare to threaten or hurt them
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maidenofthecloud · 3 months
I came up with this au when I was watching this video and I think
wouldn't it be fucked up if Aerrow's entire personality shown in the series was fake and it was just acting as Lightning Strike?
that's how I came up with this au
the strike brothers au
where Lightning Strike was Aerrow's beloved older brother and His death really affected him a lot.
Aerrow and Lightning's sibling relationship is quite complicated in this au, not because they hate each other or anything but because they actually love each other too much.
For example
Aerrow: has great devotion and admiration for his brother to the point of becoming obsessed with being like him
Lightning: joined the sky knights with the purpose of creating a better world so that he and his brother can live peacefully.
It is a strong but unhealthy brotherly relationship on Aerrow's part, this is due to his past.
The brother's past
It all started Before Aerrow was born, his family was taken as prisoners of Cyclonia and sent to the crystal mines, where his parents died shortly after he was born, leaving Lightning as his sole caregiver and parental figure.
The life of the Strike brothers in the mine was not exactly easy
there was the constant fear of dying for various things like exhaustion, falls of ground, diseases, lack of food and water, Because of all that Lightning worked hard to make aerrow's life better.
finally when Aarrow is 4 years old, Lightning devises a plan to escape from the mine along with other prisoners. The plan works, with many complications, but it works, Lightning escape with Aerrow and all the other prisoners out of the mine
This event only increases the admiration that Aerrow felt for his brother, now Lightning was don't just his father figure but also his Savior
The brothers tried to enjoy their new freedom, away from the Cyclonia empire or any Talon that found them suspicious. Unfortunately, that was quite impossible because Cyclonia ruled all of Atmos at that time, so the brothers mostly spent their time hiding.
until one day a guy who called himself Arygyn introduced himself to the strike brothers and offered to train them to be able to defend themselves against the talons.
some time later Lightning decides joins the Sky Knight and creates the squadron known as storm . . . . And you know how that ends
After receiving the news of his brother's death and the fall of the Storm Hawks, Aerrow is devastated and decides to take his brother's mission as his own and with his personality, to fulfill his mission and avenge him.
aerrow has many changes in this au.
the most notable changes
his hair was originally brown but he started dye it red to look more like his brother.
He was 9 years old when Dark Ace betrayed the original Storm Hawks, so in this au he is 19 years old (piper finn and cyclonis, everyone is 19 instead of 14 years old)
His behavior is a bit more sadistic, he tries to hide it but sometimes the facade fails, especially with his enemies,
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queen-scribbles · 4 months
Coming at you with OC questions!! First up, Ody! How did she become an Agent? Was it something she always wanted to do, did she stumble into it, was she recruited...?? Is there juicy backstory?
Oh, yay, excellent, time to spill some Ody backstory
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She's from a well-established Imperial family; her father served in the military with distinction before his appointment as Joint Chief of Survey and Exploration. Her mother is a renowned opera singer, who mostly performs on Dromund Kaas, but occasionally will visit the other major Imperial worlds to do shows. Their family has always served with honor and made the Empire proud, and Odessa and her brother were raised on such stories of patriotism, protecting the Empire, the Sith's authority, etc etc.
It was practically inevitable they would both wind up in service themselves. Her brother joined the military, but Odessa favors charming people and blending in, manipulation over outright violence(and she's very good at it) so she joined Intelligence. It was 100% a patriotism thing, if not always something she specifically wanted to do, then a way to fulfil a more nebulous desire to serve the Empire. I don't think little baby Ody was running around at age 5 wanting to be a spy, but as she got older(teens), it started seeming like something that would be a good fit for her skills.
Her brother was KIA roughly around the point she received her Cipher designation, which made her double down on making her parents/the Empire proud, so she takes a lot longer to start cracking than most of my Agents who do the disillusioned patriot arc, lol. I think that made it hurt even worse for her than most of them, too; she was willfully blind to what a lot of hints meant until it was unavoidable reality. There's definitely some more bitterness than any of my agents except maybe Jaaide.
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thetypedwriter · 1 year
Babel Book Review
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Babel Book Review by R.F. Kuang
This book was so incredibly impressive in multiple ways. I was blown away by Kuang’s sheer amount of research in terms of history, etymology, linguistics, and sociology. There were so many aspects of this novel that required her to dig deeper into subjects and Babel is an incredible display of her hard work and effort (and PHD’s). 
Babel tells the story of a young boy who is taken from his home in Canton and trained by Professor Lovell in England. Given a new name, Robin Swift, the best tutors, and a strict schedule that dominates his childhood, Robin is forced to forget his home and dead family in order to assimilate into White British society, a society that sees him as foreign and less than human, even as they rely on his Cantonese in order to power their city. 
Blending realistic, brutal history of the British empire—bloody politics and colonialism included—with the magical element of silver bars and silver-working, Kuang creates a beautiful blend of accuracy and the fantastic. In this world she’s created, silver working is birthed through what is lost in translation, requiring different languages and people who deeply understand it. 
The effects of this translation are magical bars that can be imbued with a variety of purposes like making carts go faster, ships sail smoother, and teapots stay hot—only if you can afford it, of course. 
Robin’s childhood is stained with memories of Professor Lovell’s cold shoulder, violent temper, and reticence to admit that Robin is actually his son. With Lovell looming over him, Robin is relieved when he’s old enough to attend Oxford as a Babbler, a revered translator. 
A good portion of the book details Robin’s stay at Oxford, including his studies with his other cohort members: Ramy, Victoire, and Letty. 
I could argue that this section was a bit long, where we have chapters upon chapters of Robin attending classes, dreaded school functions, mundane translation work, or spending time with one of his friends but overall, I enjoyed it. 
This is where Kuang focuses a lot of energy and pages to linguistics, building her world and magic system of silver bars, and developing the relationships between Robin and the others. These chapters are also steeped in history, with several of them almost coming across like a textbook. 
Again, if this sounds boring, it wasn’t. I found the historical recounting of the British empire a fascinating subject when used in conjunction with the silver bars and Robin’s eventual epiphany of his own situation and latent childhood cruelty. 
Some much needed spice came in the form of Griffin and the Hermes Society. Griffin, it turns out, is Robin’s half-older brother and also an unnamed heir of Professor Lovell. 
He is a part of a rebel organization whose purpose is to destroy Babel, stop the pillaging of other languages for Britain’s greed and pleasure, and eventually, to change the course of history by dismantling war plans between China and England. 
I could go on and on by summarizing the rest of the book (which would contain massive spoilers), but the ending focuses on Robin and his friends going to Canton themselves, witnessing the British trying to get the Chinese addicted to opium, a harsh death that leads Robin and his cohort to join the Hermes society, and then a fight against the empire itself as Robin and his rag-tag survivors destroy Babel within in order to bring Britain to its knees and leave Canton alone for good. 
The plot of this book itself was solid. I don’t say fantastic because there was never at any point where I was truly shocked or blown away by a surprise twist or revelation. The characters you think will die, do die, and the characters that seem suspicious of betrayal, do in fact betray others. 
This would be a criticism of obvious expectations, but I don’t think astonishing was what Kuang was going for. I think she was going for more of a streamlined story in which, yes, the white girl does feel slighted and must take action in order to save herself.
 I did like the occasional separate POV’s that would explain a character’s backstory and motivation, but in general, Kuang was trying to tell a realistic story and she did, including adding historical footnotes, remarks on translation, and word definitions that I found fascinating, if a bit obtuse. 
Setting wise, Oxford was brilliant. You can tell that Kuang is half in love with Oxford, which makes for very pleasurable reading. As I studied abroad there myself, it was very nostalgic and lovely to read about its cobblestone streets and spires glinting in the moonlight. 
My biggest gripe with the book are its characters. They’re not bad, not by any stretch of 
the imagination, but none of them felt very fleshed out either. The only character I found myself really understanding and relating to was Robin, as we spend the entire book in his head. I found Robin to be a sweet, tortured soul who took us on a riveting journey of self-discovery and eventual, brutal revolution. 
All the remaining characters in the book were fine, but I never felt like I knew them on any grounds. It annoyed me when Kuang would have a paragraph or two every other chapter discussing how much Robin loved his cohort members and list off random things about them, like how Victoire preferred her tea or how Ramy acted in the morning. These idiosyncrasies should have been shown to me, not told. 
The book would have been at least a third longer if Kuang had truly tried to develop the characters naturally in a way where their connections felt believable and organic, so I understand why she didn’t, but it comes at the cost of having shallow characters with little depth and minimal attachments to the reader. When several characters died, I didn’t bat an eye. 
I teared up slightly when Robin was miserable in prison, but the deaths of others? Not a blink. 
While I understand that Kuang’s focus was more on the history, sociology, and linguistics, as I mentioned at the beginning of this review, by shafting the characters, it does make this a good book rather than an exceptional one. 
For me, a very character-driven reader, no matter how stunning the research and backdrop of your novel, if you don’t have strong characters to pull the reader through, it will never amount to a book I would consider great. 
However, that being said, I really enjoyed this book for what it was and the information it contained, even though we never learned Robin Swift’s real name. It was a very different read than the novels I’ve been ingesting lately, coming across as refreshing and informative. 
I really enjoyed the book, despite not having attachments to characters, because of all that I learned and the lens of history it offered. 
Recommendation: If you like history, revolution, languages, and magic, this is your book. If you wanted a different perspective on the fall of the British empire mixed in with fantastical silver bars, you will find nothing more polished or better explained than Babel. If history bores you, the world and characters will not be enough to pull you through to the end. But as a lover of history and different perspectives, I bolted down Babel and cherished how much I learned in the process. 
“Language was always the companion of the empire, and as such, together they begin, grow, and flourish. And later, together, they fall.” —Antonio De Nebrija 
Score: 7/10
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knightyoomyoui · 1 year
The Tale Of The Bloodline | TWICE MiSaMo (Mina, Sana & Momo) x Male Reader- CHAPTER 10 (SPECIAL): “Rise Of The Empire Chief”
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In this chapter, there will be no any of the MISAMO trio to feature in here. This special chapter is only to tell the origins of Yuta Nakamoto becoming The Empire Chief and how did his historic title run begun, which led to the foundation of The Bloodline. Oh, and by the way, Your appearance in this story will be ENHYPEN's Park Sunghoon. I chose him because since your role in this story is YN Myoui, who is the twin brother of your older sister Myoui Mina, I based your appearance on being mostly similar to Mina too, and I've seen some contents telling how Mina and Sunghoon look almost like "siblings" because of how similar their features are, so that's why. But I'm not telling you to follow me though; if you're still more comfortable imagining yourself in your role, then I have no problem with it. This is just optional.
"Here's what we gonna do. If you still don't work yourself being SHY SHY SHY around Sana again, I'm gonna do something you ain't gonna like." Yuta warned YN who is still couldn't calm himself down from his cackles because of Sana's newly made catchphrase.
"Here's what I'm gonna do. I'm gonna take that "Honorary" away, and I'm gonna make her our official Bloodline's muse." Yuta said as he points out at Sana's scarf around her neck, with YN now back at being seriousness even though the glimpse of how he surrendered herself from Sana's irresistable effect is still visible.
YN gave Yuta an incomprehensible look, muttering "You can't be serious, cous?!" but Yuta just nodded back at him and points his head. "Use the time well, think wisely."
"Well ladies and gentlemen, I think The Empire Chief has called an end to this segment. Please catch your Empire Chief LIVE and in person from all around the world next time on Friday Night Knockdown." Jinyoung said as he gave his closing remark in regards to The Bloodline, doing a mic drop before the arena played Yuta's theme again.
The show ended with The Bloodline as Yuta walked out on the ring first followed by Jinyoung, Mina, and Momo until YN and Sana were the last ones. Sana gave a cheeky smile on him in which he blushed before quickly rolling his eyes back and ignoring her to hid it away.
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AUGUST 20, 2020 | 3 YEARS AGO
The Japan Combat Federation's World Champion Dong Young-bae or better known by his alias Taeyang is making his entrance to the ramp. The titantron, the raging theme, and his aura as he emerges in the arena perfectly congruent altogether to describe the cursing adrenaline and fueled motivation of him to finally finish his last quest.
That, is in the form of his contender, being his 3rd straight match with him, but this time... the opponent is in another persona as a part of his character, which is Taeyang's biggest challenge because this one's is the final form of Shin Dong-hee: a diabolical, merciless, and beastly character.
Shindong is waiting for Taeyang to join him in the ring as he creepily stalked at the corner. Their eyes had contact, and Taeyang never wore such a terrifying expression before that will match to what he's having today.
"Ladies and gentlemen, if you guys have a weak stomatch, please turn away... because this is not going to be pretty." Knight warned to the viewers. "Dong Taeyang and "The Sinister" Shin Donghee finally clash here tonight at Superslam."
Taeyang enters the ring, leaps at the ropes and stares down a hole at Shindong before doing his taunt and proudly showed the golden telt in his grasp.
"Taeyang promised to show the world the evil son of a bitch they have ever seen before." Kwangsoo reminded. "And now he stands before us as a World Champion tonight."
"This is a Falls Count Anywhere match. That means you pick up the victory in this building, to be out of the street as a matter of fact. Taeyang, Shindong, for the World Championship title." Knight explained the rules to anybody who might have forget how does the stipulation works.
5 minutes after the bell rang to officially start the match, the two collided with all their last stored might at one another, sending them all around in the arena.
Taeyang rudely kicks Shindong's face while he is crawling away in the ramp from him. "I've never seen this side of Taeyang before." Knight commented as they continue to watch him assaulting Shindong.
Taeyang picks up Shindong and threw him to the LED screen of the entrance way. "C'mon, Shinister!", he mocked as he weakly kicked his face then bounced his head on the screen.
Both went to the curtain, Taeyang punches Shindong leading him inside to the backstage area where the producers monitoring the match left and gave space for the two behemoths to proceed hurting each other while sparing theirselves from harm.
Taeyang fires a blow on Shindong's stomatch before attempting to lift him up for a powerslam but the latter refuses and fights back, pummeling Taeyang with multiple arm hits on the spine.
The two exchanged hits until Shindong took the advantage and threw Taeyang into the wall, shoulder and arm first on the bump. Shindong grabbed him again and he drove him on the other side of the wall after.
Shindong positioned Taeyang to prepare executing his finishing manoever, the Kiss Of Death where he kisses his opponent's forehead first before he rotates along with the head, slamming the face backwards straight at the ground.
He perfectly performed it, putting Taeyang unconscious for good. "That's gotta be it. No one's getting up from that." Kwangsoo reacted.
"And the cover now by The Shinister to win the Japan World Championship"
Taeyang swayed his arm away, lifting his shoulder up to break the count and kick out at two. Shindong sat beside his beatened foe, and maniacally laughs at how Taeyang is determined to hold on and willing to take more pain just so he could submit once and for all under his hellish brute power.
Another 5 minutes have passed, Shindong and Taeyang's fight returned to the ring. Taeyang who is now leading the match under his control, is carrying Shindong's body over his shoulder to attempt for a second repeat of his own finisher, a running powerslam.
He ran, turned, jumped and drilled Shindong's body down on the mat. He hooked his leg and the referee began to count. "1...2..." but Shindong kicked out again.
"And if you're Taeyang you're gonna start wondering what the hell do I need to do to keep The Shinister down?" Knight stated as the camera flashes at Taeyang with bloody head muttering something out of rage in which it urged him to hammer fist Shindong's face repeatedly before screaming in anger on his front.
Taeyang rolled out of the ring and slowly walked around the ringside before he noticed something on the floor. A laid out opened toolbox with its contents scattered. He squatted and picked up a sharp object as he stared at it with fascination.
With a cruel idea, he reentered the ring and guards Shindong who is still down. He kneeled  on the vacant space and looked at the sharp object around his hand as he lets out a frightening laugh.
"The hell is Taeyang gonna do with a damn box cutter?" Knight confusedly asked before the answer was thrown at him when Taeyang started to slice through the mat of the ring.
"Taeyang is exposing the wood inside the ring." Kwangsoo replied as Taeyang spreads and tears off the thin foam and the canvas away to make the wood surface visible.
After he finished doing a little work to assist his plans, he turned around only to see a fully recovered Shindong standing and staring intimidatingly at him.
Taeyang immediately charges at Shindong but he catches him, hooking his arm around and squashes him down with a urinagi straight into the exposed ring area.
He wasn't done yet, as the tables suddenly  flipped, Shindong snatches the opportunity where he grabs the critically damaged Taeyang and sets him up again for a Kiss Of Death on the woodened surface in which he did succeed.
"Wait what? The Shinister isn't done yet?" Knight was baffled and even Kwangsoo as they thought Shindong is going to pin Taeyang already but it looks like the monster isn't finished yet with his agenda.
Shindong positioned Taeyang again on his hold, head locked around thd arm for another Kiss Of Death on the wood.
He finally covers Taeyang's completely knock- outed body and the referee counts. "1...2...3."
The bell rang on the signal and the timekeeper handed the world title belt on the referee as the entrance theme of Shindong played across the interior of the arena.
"Here is your winner and the NEW Japan Combat Federation World Champion, "The Shinister" Shin Donghee!!!" ring announcer Song Jihyo yelled into the microphone to declare the win for the brand new victorious champion.
"The Shinister is a champion again." Knight acknowledged Shindong's second world title run after winning it last year in 2019.
"Once more, darkness reigns over the Federation." Kwangsoo said. Shindong snatches the championship belt away from the hands of the referee who is presenting it in front of him.
He slowly rose from his feet and exhaustedly stood to raise his arms up with the belt in his hand to celebrate his another achievement before he sensed something danger coming against him.
He glanced at the side and the entire world went stunned when a familiar person appeared on the scene, tackling Shindong down with an emphatic spear before aggressively punching him in the head.
"What the- who the hell?!"
"You know who the hell is he!"
"OH MY GOD IT'S YUTA NAKAMOTO!!! THE GUARDIAN OF NCTIZEN IS BACK, AND HE'S BEATING THE HELL OUT OF THE NEW WORLD CHAMPION!!!" Knight exclaimed as they keep on witnessing the returning Yuta Nakamoto in action after being on a hiatus for months due to suffering from a virus infection since 2020 was when the pandemic started and spreads out around the globe, affecting all the people in every different countries.
All the fans watching that were visible on the screens provided as a temporary replacement for the arena's set-up during the pandemic were all making the different shapes of reaction to Yuta's return: shock, disapproval, and hype.
"And now he's got his eyes set on The Punisher!" Knight said as Yuta glanced at the weakened Taeyang on the ringside. He rolled out at the other side and starts to run towards at Taeyang to unleash a massive spear into his midsection.
"DID YOU TWO SERIOUSLY FORGOTTEN ABOUT ME?!" Yuta asked, talking to both Shindong and Taeyang who were taken out by him. He looked down at Taeyang laid on his feet. "I MADE YOU! DON'T ACT LIKE YOU'RE THE BIGGEST THREAT AS LONG AS I'M HERE!"
Yuta went to the timekeeper's area and grabbed a steel chair with him which he used to brutally smash it on Taeyang's back and his left arm.
"Yuta Nakamoto is mangling the chair out of the fallen body of Dong Taeyang!" Kwangsoo said.
Yuta threw away the chair bended in half and went back in the ring to set his sight on target at Shindong crawling in fours. He stood at the corner and prepares himself to create another attack on the champion.
"The Shinister, the World Champion has no idea what's going on. He has no idea where he's at. He was blindsided by Nakamoto moments ago." Knight said as they all wait for Shindong to realize the pain he's about to take.
Yuta charged and speared Shindong again for the second time. He stood up and fixed his shirt as he breathes out the effects of the impact he showed tonight.
"Yuta Nakamoto is back with an empathic statement."
Yuta observed something beside the unconscious Shindong. The golden belt in the ground, he grabbed it and admiringly looked at it as he switches his gaze to the current holder of it.
"What is this? You think you can handle the responsibility?" Yuta asks Shindong as he threatens him while holding the belt. "So this is what's all for, huh? No. You're just a freak, out of your mind. I'm the man. I'm the guy, I'm the one."
The show ended with Yuta Nakamoto officially makes his return back in Japan Combat Federation as Shindong's new challenger for the World Championship in which everyone didn't see that coming.
AUGUST 28, 2020 | 1 WEEK LATER
The general manager of both main rosters, Monday Night War and Friday Night Knockdown Bang Sihyuk knocks on the door thrice to drew the attention of the occupant inside.
"Yuta, it's me Bang Sihyuk!" he exclaimed. Not having any responses by receiving a "get in!" signal or the door opening for him, Sihyuk had no other choice but to do it by himself, muttering "Alright, then" under his breath.
He entered the locker room, meeting Yuta inside who is organizing his things. "Oh thank God you're here, I was looking for you everywhere."
He opened the folder, showing the paper content inside of it to Yuta. "Here's the official contract for your Triple Threat match at Retribution."
"Let's see this thing."
"I'll show it to you."
Sihyuk handed the ballpen to Yuta but he didn't grabbed it from him. "I'm gonna check this out first with someone. Is that alright?"
"Yeah. Go. Sure, take your time." Sihyuk nodded before he left the locker room. Yuta picks up his phone and made a phone call, informing somebody that he finally received it and got updated in return that "he" is on his way now in the arena.
Two matches has passed for tonight's show, Sihyuk decided to check over Yuta regarding the contract signing.
He entered his locker room again, and in his surprise, he recognized a very familar individual sitting beside Yuta on the couch.
"A-are you done, now?" Sihyuk asks Yuta who is reading the contract.
He massaged his chin, pursed his lips and popped it before he speaks. "Let me tell you this, I want you to fix the changes that I need. I assure you right now, I will be on Retribution this Sunday. That is a promise." Yuta said to Sihyuk who is switching looks to him and the other person with them in the room.
"I will be in the Triple Threat match, destroy everyone and vanish. That's a guarantee, and I will win back the World Championship that I never lost in the FIRST PLACE." Yuta added, referring to his previous reign that was unfortunately cut short with regards to his health condition where he was forced to vacate the title as a consequence for taking a time off away from the company.
"And that's not just a prediction..." He turns his head to the side, now his and Sihyuk's attention are both glued at this mysterious person making the general manager distracted. Grinning from ear to ear, he looked back at Sihyuk to end his statement.
"... that's a spoiler."
The camera's frame widens, revealing the identity of the man, who is none other than one of the most legendary managers in pro-wrestling and combat entertainment history who held many iconic fighters that ever stepped foot in the industry, Park Jinyoung.
He leans forward to make his words clearer to hear for Sihyuk. "Believe. That."
Him and Yuta looked at each other with an interesting smirk as they nod their heads, teasing everyone who is watching at their homes about their newly formed affiliation.
AUGUST 30, 2020 | 2 DAYS LATER
Japan Combat Federation held their Retribution pay-per-view in Hokkaido. The show's main-event features the Triple Threat match which includes the rivals Dong Taeyang, "The Shinister" Shin Donghee, and Yuta Nakamoto who is making his first match since his months-length of absence.
Strangely enough, the match started with only Taeyang and Shindong present in the ring when the referee signalled for the bell to rang immediately as Taeyang plowed Shindong to the back of his neck while he was performing his entrance in the ring.
They forgot about Yuta supposedly to be included also in the match, and it proceeded instead with only Taeyang and Shindong fighting each other off for the World Championship.
"Taeyang going after at The Shinister, still upset after what happened last week."
Taeyang ran through Shindong and collided his body on him at the corner before lifting him all over and slam him down on the mat.
He made a quick cover, looking to end the champion earlier than expected. "1...2..." but Shindong kicks out.
Taeyang just laughs at the toughness of Shindong until the latter just stood back up like a possessed madman, only to be caught when Taeyang drives him to the turnbuckle and deliver some right hand shots and headbutts before he tries to splash him again on the corner.
However, Shindong finally manages to prevent the Punisher by blocking him with a crossbody, two heavyweights involved in a collision.
Shindong stalks Taeyang who is groaning in pain. He sets him up for a Kiss of Death and he nailed it. A cover was made "1...2..." but Taeyang kicks out.
Taeyang crawls out of the ring. Shindong pursues the challenger but Taeyang caught him with a choke, then a knee to the stomach and elbow shots at the back. He was about to smash his head on the edge of the ring but Shindong counters, taking his turn to attack with his own hits and returns the attempt back at Taeyang, bouncing his head off at the ring.
The two titans continues to apply pain at ond another. Shindong wraps Taeyang and performs a urinagi slam to him right through the announce table as it exploded on the impact.
Their grueling and intense fight created a slightly similar feel to their match back at Superslam when both of them were now brawling at each other around the ring.
Shindong punches Taeyang on the stomach and sets him up again for another Kiss Of Death but on the steel ramp this time but Taeyang was able to block him with a headbutt to the forehead, escaping from his possession.
He punches Shindong on the face. Noticing that he is now standing at the end of the stage, Taeyang did an unbelievable spot by pouncing at Shindong and send theirselves crashing through the tables stacked below.
"We anticipated chaos and destruction, but these two have no bounds." Kwangsoo said.
Taeyang slowly gets off from Shindong's side and continues to hammer his fists around his face. He stands up and leaned at one of the equipment machines for the stages to heavily breath off his exhaustion caused by the ongoing battle.
Afte resting a little, he pulls Shindong's hair upwards and carried him all the way back in the ring.
Taeyang climbs at the top rope, looking to fly and land through Shindong to apply more damage but the immortal-like ability of Shindong assists him to recover eventually and fires an uppercut at Taeyang's face.
Shindong joins Taeyang on the turnbuckles and proceeded to attack him.
"These two entities, these two monsters climbing at the top of the ring."
"There's a great deal of humanity in the ring ropes even though neither of these were close to being a human"
Shindong clutches Taeyang's head around his arm and sets him up on the corner before performing a superplex to the top rope, and in everybody's bewilderment and amusement, the ring collapses at the massive impact it took.
"Oh my goodness, The Shinister has Taeyang in position for a superplex! O-OH MY GOD!"
"WHAT THE HELL! THE RING IMPLODED!" Knight and Kwangsoo reacted in utter awe as they watched the ring bounce and deconstruct. The posts bended, the ropes untangled, the referee was yeeted out of the ring, both fighters down in the destroyed battleground.
The arena then played Yuta's entrance theme, alarming everyone who might've forgotten already that Yuta is still included in the match. "And at this moment, with both men down. Here comes the Guardian of NCTizen, with Park Jinyoung in tow."
Yuta with a steel chair in hand emerged along with Jinyoung holding the contract for him. He took out the ballpen and gave it to Yuta for him to sign the contract.
Yuta starts to march in the ramp with steel chair in his hand as a weapon, completely legal based on the No Holds Barred rules.
He entered the collapsed ring, rolled Shindong around to pin him but he noticed that no referee was present anymore. He commanded one from backstage to get out and substitute.
One listened and runs through the ring to count. "1...2..." It's too late as Shindong kicks out at two, much in Yuta's disbelief.
He shook his head, then proceeded to hook Shindong's leg again for another cover. "1...2..." and a kick out still.
Yuta panics. He decided to switch to Taeyang and cover. "1....2..." but yet also, the Punisher is still holding on to his strength.
He figures out what to do next. He grabs again the steel chair that he left on the ringside and starts smashing it on Taeyang's back repeatedly.
Yuta pins Taeyang again, thinking it might finally work "1...2.." but still, it wasn't enough as Taeyang refuses to stay down.
Yuta confusedly looked at Taeyang and wondering why is he still fighting with everything he can when he knew he's losing the advantage of the match.
He tried to attack Shindong next with a steel chair but it prevented Yuta when he chokes him out with a mandible claw manouvre stuffing his fingers down into Yuta's throat only to receive a low blow on his crotch.
Him enduring the pain sends him rolling out of the ring. Yuta covers his mouth to ease the pain that he felt on that part before ficusing back on the action, setting himself on the corner as he eyed Taeyang slowly getting up back to his knees.
As Taeyang rotates, Yuta engaged a spear to him, putting him down. He covered Taeyang for the third and final time.
The referee signalled for the bell and Yuta's entrance theme played. "Here is your winner and the NEW Japan Combat Federation World Champion, Yuta Nakamoto!!!"
Jinyoung laughs and applauds for Yuta on the stage as he watches him being presented by the golden belt. Yuta grabs it and accepts the declaration by the referee to raise his arm in victory.
"Nakamoto regaining the title he never lost." Knight said at the aftermath of the main event.
"Listen, Yuta did exactly what he filed to do but I don't think Yuta even expected it to do this way. It doesn't matter anyway, because we got a brand new World Champion!"
"But wait, Kwangsoo. What about the way Yuta did this? He waited for the opportunity. He walked down here, signed the contract on the way to the ring..."
"...exactly what Yuta said he's going to do. Destroy everyone and vanish."
The show ended with Yuta approaching Jinyoung praising him for his title win, marking the beginning of his historic championship reign in the main roster of Japan Combat Federation.
For this week's episode of Friday Night Knockdown, the brand new World Champion Yuta Nakamoto and Park Jinyoung are both scheduled to appear tonight for a segment, to address everyone and explain about their relationship.
Yuta with his golden belt around his shoulder, standing beside Jinyoung with a usual microphone in his hand fitting for his expertise.
"Just when you thought I was out, HE... pulled me back in." Jinyoung starts his speech, pointing his finger at Yuta staring seriously at one of the cameras recording them live.
"Oh please, don't make fools out of yourselves and embarass yourselves pointing your accusatory fingers at me for corrupting him, because I assure you... HE is corrupting ME."
"Let me ask you a question, what happened to the thank yous, the appreciation to all the selfish executive decisions through life-threatening illneses this man has delivered?"
"Let me tell you this one time, so you can get this into your thick unappreciative skulls. Ladies and gentlemen, my name... is Park Jinyoung, and I serve as the special adviser for YOUR Empire Chief, YOUR reigning, defending, undisputed World Heavyweight Champion... Yuta Nakamoto.", Jinyoung said, announcing to everyone his role in Yuta's life while introducing a new side into the man's entire personality.
He handed the microphone to Yuta, while he remained behind and watch him patiently.
"I'm a man of my word." Yuta speaks out his message. "I did exactly what I was about to do in Retribution. I signed the contract, I destroyed Shindong, I destroyed Taeyang and I left as your World Heavyweight Champion."
"At Battle Of The Champions, I don't care who I am gonna face. Monster or man, watch them get enslaughtered by me because THIS IS MY TERRITORY."
"And when you have this kind of power, all you have to do... is show up and win."
After they ended the segment, they walked through the backstage to make their leave on the arena. In the middle of their way, Yuta plastered a grin on his face as he get to crossed paths with one of his cousins, YN Myoui who is clapping his hands loud enthusiastically.
He waved at Jinyoung who nodded and smiled at him. "Oh man, you really made our family proud! Yo, I've been texting you for a whole week, man. What were you up to?"
"I'm sorry, man. I was busy, alright?"
He commanded Jinyoung to go first and prepare the car for him.
"Can I ask you something, man?"
"What is it?"
"What's with you and JYP?" He asked intriguingly with a mix of doubt in his tone. "After all he'd put you in, bro? You trust him?"
"Wait, don't worry. I know, okay. I got it under control", Yuta calms down YN, understanding his point knowing that Jinyiung has been once a manager of some of his previous best rivals throughout his career.
"Everything is all in line, just let me handle this okay?"
"If you need somebody to watch your back, you know I got you. Always."
"I know. I love you, man but I have to go." Yuta bid his farewell to his cousin who still has a match upcoming for tonight.
"Okay. See ya!" He watches Yuta walk away, but he just remembered something when Yuta was already quite far away from him already."
"Wait, yo! Wanna grab some steak with me after the show ends?"
As expected, Yuta couldn't hear his invitation anymore.
Jinyoung received a notification from his phone while he is in the middle of driving.
He tapped the screen to check, the information displayed on it.
As he quickly reads it to maintain his focus more on the road, he blinked his eyes rapidly when he understood what the update is sharing.
"Uhm, sir..." he called at Yuta who is busy playing a game on his phone.
"Did you know that YN had a match earlier tonight?"
"No." Yuta answered. "He did?"
"Yes sir."
"What's the match and the result?"
Jinyoung cleared his throat before speaking as he wasn't sure what his Empire Chief would feel about this.
"Mr. Sihyuk organized a Fatal 4-Way match earlier with the winner to be the number one contender and your first challenger for your World Championship at Battle Of The Champions-
"Yeah, I knew that he will." Yuta replied, interrupting his sentence. He then furrowed his eyebrows and paused the game. "Wait, so YN is in the match?"
"Y-Yes, sir...
... and he won the match too."
Yuta slowly raised his head and stared at the reflection of the nervous Jinyoung in the rearview mirror as his reaction to the unexpected information that was given to him.
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malsfefanfics · 1 month
wheres the a and s support for dimitri?
I'm guessing you mean A-Support and a Paired ending for Rosamund and Dimitri? If it's not, please let me know.
The short answer to that is simply: there won't ever be any additional supports or a paired end between these two.
The long answer: the two just aren't compatible, so having them have more supports and a paired ending just wouldn't work.
Rosamund has a very firm set of ideals and hopes for the future. She also has incredibly firm boundaries. All of which were built from her experiences growing up basically restricted to the Vestra house, the woods around it, and the watchful eyes of Marquis Vestra, only getting some freedoms thanks to her mother and older brother.
As she is now, she would not mesh well with the culture of Faerghus or that of the Church. Hence why I wrote her to not be recruitable to those routes.
And even if I did write her a storyline for Azure Moon, it would most likely end with her either eventually defecting back to the Empire, hoping for Edelgard and Hubert's forgiveness, or she would defect to the Alliance and hope that Claude and the Golden Deer will allow her to join them. If not she can't go home or to the Alliance, she'd probably leave Fódlan altogether and try to live a life she can feel as though she remained true to her ideals, helping those she can.
Because as much as Rosamund can sympathize, empathize, and show compassion towards Dimitri and his struggles, she would eventually draw a line on what she would personally tolerate from him post time skip. And for an Azure Moon Rosamund, her final straw would be the death of Randolph and the moments leading up to it. If she'd seen it personally, or heard about it from one of the other Blue Lions or Byleth, that would be it for her. She would choose to walk away.
I love Dimitri a lot, but even though I understand he's at his lowest point here, I don't think Rosamund would choose to stay after that. Dimitri at this point is in need of severe help, and she isn't equipped to provide the kind of help he needs. And neither are most of the people around him. And there's only so much she can say to him or the others, and only so much she can do to try and help him, before she has to make a choice; stay and try to push through, or try to find her own path elsewhere.
And sadly, I don't think Byleth would be able to convince her to stay once that point comes. As much as she might want to, everyone has their limits, and that would be hers. If she did stay, it wouldn't be for Dimitri, but for everyone else she's possibly grown to care for in the Blue Lions, as well as for the people who get caught in the crossfire of the war. But that would still be undercut with a sense that Rosamund is doing so out of a sense of obligation to her current allies, rather than a genuine belief in the lord she'd chosen to follow five years prior.
And to top it all off, Rosamund's perception of Byleth would also be severely altered upon the death of Randolph. Because in that moment, Byleth chose to kill Randolph instead of actually stopping Dimitri. I don't think she'd be able to trust Byleth is doing the right thing anymore after that, and would rather be marked a traitor and leave than stay and support a lord and Professor she doesn't believe in anymore.
Part of the reason I made Rosamund recruitable to Verdant Wind is because while she shares a lot of ideals with all three lords, only two of them fall on the similar spectrum she does in terms of methods, pace of which change happens, and how far is considered too far. Ideally, she'd rather stay with the Empire. But she's not afraid to walk away from her Edelgard's cause and even Hubert's side, if she doesn't agree with how they're doing things. And while I don't think they'd always see eye to eye, I could see Claude being more receptive to Rosamund's protestations if she feels he and the Alliance are going to far.
And even if she still decided to stay, and she saw Dimitri starting to crawl out of that low point he's found himself in, I don't think she'd personally be able to fully trust him going forward. She'd be forever watching him, waiting for him to fall into the dark again. And that wouldn't be healthy for either of them. Dimitri needs people who can support him and trust he's getting better and will strive do better, and Rosamund just can't be that support for him.
And I think Dimitri would understand that and support her choice, once he's started his own journey of recovery.
Every side (Empire, Kingdom, Alliance, Church) in the conflicts of Fódlan has a point where Rosamund, if she fought by their side, would be pushed too far and she would choose to walk away.
And that's okay.
So yeah. As nice as it might be to imagine a potential end for the two of them, in the end, it just wouldn't work out between Rosamund and Dimitri.
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blueberrytwoberry · 1 month
star wars au idea
Okay so one of the ideas I played around with based on AUgust was a Star Wars AU for 9-1-1, but I don’t know exactly where I’m going with it as far as plot so i don't think I'll end up writing it and just want to free it from my brain
I’m just fascinated by the idea of them still working as, basically, emergency responders during the rebellion era, because SOMEONE has to be there to jump in and try to save people after/during a space battle, and that’s what THEY’RE doing. Sometimes they get involved in the fighting, of course, but their primary goal is keeping as many other rebels alive as possible 
Chim is the longest standing member of the 118 rescue squad. He joined up after some Imperials came into a bar where he’d been working and started shit, eventually starting a fire because they suspected some of the clientele were rebels.
Chim managed to get out the fire and keep everyone alive after the Imperials left and realized he’d found his calling, but it’s been a hard, brutal road and he’s already lost so many people he cared about through the rebellion. 
Hen left behind a soulless (but profitable) job in the Empire after she watched her mentor get dragged away for suspected sympathies with the Rebellion (turns how Hen had some of those sympathies, too). Along the way, she met Karen, who’s one of the Rebellion’s preeminent ship designers, responsible for the creations or engine modifications that help keep their rag tag groups ahead of complete destruction by the Empire. 
They don’t see each other as often as either of them likes, because Karen’s work requires her to stay in one place, as much as possible, and Hen’s pulls her from one battlefield to another. 
The group is led by Captain Nash, of course, who was an officer in the rescue corps back in the old Republic army and is carrying around just a ton of trauma from the Clone Wars (and from the loss of his family due to an accident he caused) 
Athena is The Law on an outer rim planet that often serves as their home base, when they have a chance to take some downtime. She’s basically in charge and gets to do her full old-west gunfire strut as much as she damn well pleases. 
Absolutely no one realizes she and Bobby are Together for an embarrassingly long amount of time. 
Buck is a guy who joined the rebellion, initially, for a girl. He has no real… connection to the cause, not at first. He lived a life mostly untouched by conflict, on an Imperial world, and only got a look at the hell that so much of the rest of the galaxy was going through after he left home. 
And then he got involved with the rebellion, things with the girl fell apart, and he stuck around because he’d found a family and something to do with his life that felt worthwhile and bigger than he was, by that point.
But he’s still got this creeping sense of… not really belonging enough, sometimes, because he joined “late” and not because he wanted to stand up for what was right, even if he’s now fully bought into the cause. So, yeah, imposter syndrome rebel Buck. 
(And, because this is Star Wars, he probably at some point discovers that he’s a clone of his dead older brother, that his parents failed to deal with their grief and thought they could just replace their son, but then never quite managed to love Buck in the same way, anyway, because, yeah, grief doesn’t work that way. So he’s got even MORE imposter syndrome after Maddie tells him about that, he’s not even his own person! He’s just the clone of a dead kid!)
Anyway, so Buck is with his Rebellion Group, grappling with his complex feelings about whether he belongs with them REALLY or not, when Eddie gets recruited into their group, and Eddie, ooof
Well. Eddie. Was in fact an Imperial soldier. Recruited at eighteen. Served for years, until he sustained injuries in combat. And then he came back to his family, and discovered a few things, like that his wife was working with the Rebellion and that their son’s injuries had come from an Imperial doctor, who’d suspected Christopher of being Force sensitive, and, while he was processing all of that, Shannon went to Alderaan, using a visit to her sick mother as an excuse to deliver some important documents to the Organas. 
And then the planet blew up.
In the aftermath of that, Eddie fully defected over to the Rebellion and is now focused on keeping his kid safe (surprise, turns out Chris still has SOME access to the Force) and clearing out the red from his ledger. 
I know I’d want the plot to involve Buck basically figuring out Eddie’s Whole Ass Messy Deal, and drama when everyone realizes that Eddie used to be a storm trooper, with that probably coming out when they get in an actual fight, and think they’re all going to die because they aren’t trained as soldiers–
Except Eddie is, and ends up saving them, demonstrating a great familiarity with imperial weaponry and tactics, and most of the crew just puts two and two together and leaves him alone (Bobby knows about his history, the rest…not so much), but not Buck, who tracks him down while Eddie is tending to his own wounds, to ask a lot of questions like “Where’d you learn to shoot like that?” and “Wow, you just killed kind of a lot of people, what’s up with that?” while, of course, taking over the job of tenderly patching Eddie up.
Leading to Eddie having a breakdown and spilling his guts about what he’s done and his guilt and how HE should have been the one who died, not Shannon, and Buck going, “Well, I’m GLAD you didn’t die!” and Eddie going, “Well, I don’t see why” 
And that leading to a kiss and make-outs where Buck is trying to be careful of Eddie’s injuries, with things progressing from there.
And, basically, the plot would roll all the way through until RotJ, where their crew is there for the Battle of Endor, because everyone is expecting heavy casualties, and they get to see the destruction of the second Death Star and the fall of the Empire and enjoy the brightness of the future. 
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codenamehazard · 11 months
.:Prep and Plan:.
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Chapter 21: Prep and Plan
Hey guys!
Not much to say here to be honest, but it's time to get rolling and start exploring more of the Wildlands has to offer! Hope you like this chapter!
Let's jump in!
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“ -Gonna be around 70 F, slight instability in the air so there might be some ra- Oh hey! Kestrel’s back!”
I hear Dove holler out as he stands on top of one of the trailers like a meerkat. Huh, seems like he acts as the weather bird for the rest. Not surprised that the air Conduit has weather duty, probably knows about what’s going on in the sky as I do on a given day, maybe more. Mako and Pangolin look up from a checklist to see the two of us and Mako gives us a wave before looking at Kestrel.
“Finally decided to come out of your hole and join everyone else, you gremlin?” Mako teases the Gunsmith, prompting an eye-roll from the older woman.
“Pot calling the kettle black, weeb-gremlin.�� Kes snips back with a grin, earning a “Touche” from Mako as Kes walks over. “Besides, you saw I was busy with a project.” The banter between Zeke and I when I blew up a gas station in Empire City echoes in my mind, but I shake my head to clear it before it can take root, not the time or place.
“So that’s what you’re calling it now, hm?” I roll my eyes at Mako’s comment. Oh God, she’s still on about that? I shake my head before I see Kes grab at Mako and the two have a rousing tussle with each-other, both grappling, pushing and pulling to try and knock the other over. I can see Pangolin about to step up to break them up, but the playful laughter tells both of us that this is just some horseplay between friends. I can’t help but to chuckle at their antics.
As the play fight breaks up, I feel my hackles raise as I watch Pangolin walk over to Kestrel. I watch him try to initiate some small talk and pleasantries, but the Gunsmith completely ignores him, instead deciding to busy herself with packing up some of the stuff into the trailers, I can see Mako giving Kes a concerned look and Dove is shaking his head at Pangolin’s attempts at making nice.
Part of me is very happy that somebody actually listened to me without me having to crack heads. If I am to be honest, outside of Mako, Kestrel has been the only one to really listen to me without having to use more… Aggressive means. Though I’m not blind to potential issues, if this extends to more critical communication, it will end badly. I make a mental note to take the Gunsmith aside to give her a little pep talk.
“So… I saw you were working on Cole’s weapon…” The brick dumbass awkwardly tries to talk to Kestrel. This idiot can’t take a hint, can he? God, this is painful to watch… She straight up ignored him when he was trying to start small talk with her, what makes him think that continuing on is going to help? “How is that going?” The bird exhales loudly through her nose before forcing a smile, baring her hyena teeth as a subtle threat.
“Well.” She starts with a growl. “If you absolutely, positively must know… I’ve run into a little bit of a snag. Not like you’d give a shit, since it’s not your precious pile of scrap, but I need to make a trip to Tri-Point so I can have access to some key components to complete the repair.” Pangolin looks like he’s about to say something, looking annoyed at Kes’ abrasiveness, but thankfully his little brother comes in clutch to save his dumb ass.
“That actually sounds like a good idea!” Dove chimes as he perches on the top of the lead vehicle like a gargoyle. “We can head back to our old stomping grounds, say hi to everyone, restock on other supplies and give our folks the good news about that bastard monster being dead!” Mako smiles and nods in agreement. Pangolin sighs, finally seeing that he's not gonna be talking to Kes.
“Yeah, it would be nice to visit mom and dad.” Pangolin mutters. “I know mom was worried sick about us with the Summoner running amok, she was about ready to come with if we didn’t tell her about our plan.” Kes seems to be holding back a little bit of a snicker before making her face neutral again.
I watch as the lanky beansprout leap from his perch on the top of the trailer onto Pangolin’s back, part amused just by the sight of this overgrown spider monkey perching on top of the shit brickhouse, part impressed by the fact that Pangolin barely budged when his brother landed onto him. Dove pulls out a small device from his backpack and shows it to Pangolin.
“Okay, so if we’re set on going to Tri-Point, we have a couple of options. Of course we can take the highways, but I wouldn’t recommend it, Bandits and all.” He states as he fiddles with the small gadget, I’m assuming it’s some sort of GPS.
“Then we straight-shot it.” Pangolin replies. “The HEMTT can handle rocky terrain, it may not be the smoothest or most comfortable of trips, but it’ll be the fastest.” Dove nods in consideration, but then I see Mako raise her hand a bit.
“Um, we might wanna think about this a little bit more.” She states with a bit of worry in her voice. Uh-oh… “Word on the wind is that Warped populations have spiked heavily around the Storm’s Pass area. Things are getting a little bit ugly, so we need to be careful.” Great, more zombies. I can’t help but to groan in my mind. I have to wonder if this spike means more of those tumor-monsters…
“Guys, this isn’t our first rodeo with these fuckers.” Kes interjects. “The worst of the lot only come out at night, as long as we set up camp at night and don’t go wandering off when the sun goes down, we should be fine.”
“So says the one who wanders off every time she sees something shiny or glowy.” Mako teases. Kestrel rolls her eyes.
“Hey, even I’m not impulsive enough to go out during a Warped Spike at night. I still have the scars from the last time my crow-brain decided to make checks my ass couldn’t cash.” I can feel the side of my lips twitch upwards as I watch the two banter with each-other. “I didn’t hear the end of it for a week!”
“That’s because you came back with half-inch deep bite-marks in your leg! Any deeper and you would have bled out!” Mako shouts.
“But I didn’t.”
“Can we please get back on topic?” Pangolin grunts. “Warped or not, we still need to work out the route!” Kestrel gives a huff before the others start to chatter on about routes. I see Kes whisper something into Mako’s ear before she nods to the bird. 
Out of the corner of my eye, I see Kes leave the group. I follow behind, seeing this as an opportunity to talk to the bird. When I walk around I see she’s putting away some more of her gear.
“Hey Kes, a word?” I ask as she throws a large duffle bag into the trailer, she turns her head and hums before cocking her head, eyebrows furrowed, but eyes curious. “S’nothing bad, just a little pep talk.”
“What’s up?” She responds as she walks over, popping her knuckles a little.
“Couldn’t help but to notice there’s a little bit of break-down in communication with Pangolin, wanted to see what was going on outside of the rift.” I point out, her eyes now become confused.
“I just don’t wanna talk to him, I haven’t forgiven him yet, so why should I?” Her confusion grows. “Thought you said it was okay not to forgive if I’m not ready?”
“I’m aware.” I state. “And I still stand by that. The issue is that you can’t really just completely shut down communications full stop in your situation. You are part of a team with him and teammates need to talk to each-other to keep everyone safe.” I can see her head tilt more, her eyes watching me. The mental image of a cat turning their ears towards a sound to listen pops into my head as I continue. “I’m not saying you have to be all buddy-buddy with the blockhead, just keep talks to business only type things until you’re ready.”
“Mmmm.” She hums in understanding while nodding her head before rubbing the back of her head. “Yeah… I was actually going to ask about that… Learning the hard way about the importance of clear communication, even if the person you’re communicating to is on your shit-list…” She murmurs sheepishly. I shake my head.
“Yeah… For the both of us.” I say with a light chuckle. “Hey, aren’t we supposed to drop that?” I remind, but this time in a more light hearted tone, knowing she didn’t bring it up as an attack, but as an acknowledgement of a lesson hard-learned.
“Yeah, I suppose we are… But that doesn’t mean we forget the lessons.” She chimes gently. I nod my head in agreement. I feel my habit of patting backs come up, but seeing as I’m not quite sure how Kes feels about being touched, I keep my hands to myself. Settling for a simple chuckle and a nod.
“Hey, hotheads!” I hear Mako call out as I stow away the container that held the Amp into the trailer I’m going to be bunking in for the trip.  “I don’t know what kind of smooching or whatever you two are doing over there, but get your asses back over here! Huddle up!” My mind stutters as I try to think of a response.
“Oh my god, MAKO!!” I hear Kestrel shout. “Just because a couple of people go off on their own for five minutes doesn’t mean they’re in the middle of playing tonsil hockey! Good god, get your head out of the gutter, will you?!” I hold back a little bit of a snort and roll my eyes. So it’s one of those kinds of friendships, huh?
A small flicker of a memory flashes by, of Zeke with his binoculars and me asking him if he was spying on some chick in the shower. I smile sadly at the thought, but I shake it out of my head before following the Gunsmith out.
We join back up in the huddle and Dove pulls the modified GSP thing, showing a straight-shot going from Droptown to this new Tri-Point place… Wait, isn’t Tri-Point in Oklahoma City? Question marks fill my head until Dove speaks up.
“Alright, here’s the plan, we’re gonna straight-line it the best we can from here to Tri-Point, wanna avoid highways and other roadways as much as possible as bandits like to prowl those areas and while I’m sure we can handle them, they’ll just slow us down…” The Dove turned parrot chimes. “We’re gonna have to clip the top of Texas, but it’s the quickest route.” Everyone murmurs and nods before Pangolin speaks up. I hope he doesn’t say something stupid.
“Unfortunately, due to a spike in Warped activity and numbers, we’re going to have to restrict our movements. Once the sky goes dark, we stay put. No travel, no night missions, no wandering off.” Pangolin states with a firm voice. “Some of the meanest and the heaviest hitters of the Warped come out at night as they are sensitive to UV. Best not get into any unneeded scuffles with those bastards so we can get to Tri-Point as quickly as possible.”
I could hear the screeches and the roars of the Corrupted in my head as Pangolin talks about the Night Warped, memories of the swamp monsters barrelling through the Rebel camp as the “Dunbar Beam” as Zeke called it burned through the bastards like a magnifying glass roasting an ant. I want to say something, but I decide to keep it to myself.
With the briefing finished, Pangolin dismisses us. All of us disperse to their respective trailers and I follow Dove to his since that’s where I’m bunking for the trip. As I make my way to the trailer, my mind doesn’t stop thinking about what the brick armadillo said about those Warped becoming worse at night… They were already a pain in the ass as is… And the less spoken about the tumor monster or the “Summoner” as it’s being called, the better… How can they get any worse?
As I hop into the trailer and shut the door behind me, a more important question echoes in my head… Do I really want to know?
The HEMTT rolls out as I ponder. In truth, I don’t think I do.
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coyotiii17 · 2 years
Freemaker Adventures Headcanons
Zander's passion for starships came from Pace. The reason why Zander is just so obsessed with starships is because they remind him of his father. It's kinda a comfort thing.
Kordi is so overprotective towards Rowan, because the loss of their parents had such a huge impact on her, that she's terrified of losing another family member (and Rowan has a knack for getting into trouble and almost getting killed).
Roger blames himself for not being able to find Pace and Lena after they disappeared, even though he tried many times.
The reason why Rowan was so happy to admit that he's a Freemaker in "Duel of Destiny" is because he often doubted if he should even consider himself a Freemaker. He had a huge complex about not being as skilled as his older siblings and often causing trouble instead of being helpful. That's why he tried to find different, more fitting path. He always wanted to help people and that's why he wanted to be Jedi so much. However, after finding out about Naare's true plan, Rowan started thinking that he's not anything. Nor Freemaker, nor a Jedi. But after reuniting with his family in "Duel of Destiny" he finally managed to believe that he's a Freemaker and he doesn't need to be anything else to be happy.
When Freemakers were still living in the Wheel, Kordi had a lot of problems casued by stress like constant tension headaches, nightmares and overall problems with sleeping. Although after joining the Rebellion she became much happier and those issues stopped bugging her that much.
At first, Zander really couldn't grasp flying with starships and he often made really stupid mistakes. But then he started doing things "his" way and that's why sometimes he's flying like a madman.
Kordi learned to fly with starships quite fast. She also likes doing it, because it helps her relax a bit whenever she's stressed.
Rowan can't whistle, no matter how much he tried to learn it. Zander even tried to help him, but he failed.
Kordi swears a lot, but she tries to do it less and she always holds back when Rowan is around.
Even though Zander calls himself 'superstar pilot guy' sometimes he doesn't actually realize how great his flying is and how many times it actually saved his family.
Kordi tried many times to give Zander some advice when he tried to talk to Becky and maybe ask her out, but every time Zander backed away in the last moment, so Kordi kinda gave up.
Zander likes to pick Rowan up just for fun. He started doing it when they were both younger and Rowan was really small. Zander was just very excited about being a cool older brother, since he never felt like a cool older brother around Kordi who liked to boss him around.
Rowan doesn't get sick very often, but there was this one time when he was sick and although it wasn't very serious, Kordi was on edge almost all the time.
After joining the Rebellion, Rowan actually started having nightmares with Naare. Since at first they didn't know what exactly happened to her after Empire Day, Rowan was actually anxious that she's going to quickly come back to take revange on Freemakers. It got to the point where Kordi and Zander had to have serious talk with him.
Zander hates coffee and he stares with fear when Kordi drinks cup after cup.
Rowan would totally hyperfixate on games like Five Nights at Freddy's and he would tell Kordi and Zander about it and they would understand nothing out of it. He would also love games like Sonic The Hedgehog and Pokemon.
Now some LGBT+ headcanons:
Kordi is asexual lesbian.
Zander is bisexual.
Rowan is aroace.
Naare is a lesbian.
I need to make some icons-
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Also a picture with Rowan telling Kordi and Zander about fnaf lore *wheeze*
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dirthara-dalen · 1 year
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so I recently i played through Ilum and it got me thinking.
So by this point Ligastar is questioning his loyalties and his place in the order. He actually sort of agrees with Malgus as in my version of their encounter, Malgus actually points out to him the darkness building in his heart. How he ruthlessly killed the Voss that had joined his new empire. How he was more like a Sith than a Jedi. Still they fought as Ligastar believed Malgus was going about his reforms wrong.
I will go into depth later about these choices when i get to them but to sum them up real quick.
During Makeb he is fairly ruthless and doesn't leave when the republic does instead he escorts the scientists to aid the imperials as his older brother is in charge of the imperial operations.
on Rishi he flat out tells Orgus to allow him access to the rest of his memories of his time with under the emperors control. He states that he has accepted his family's past and is ready to embrace the dark.
and some other choices
Under the cut has some outtake screenshots
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Dream SMP Recap (July 10/2021) - The Beets Episode
Tubbo, Sam and Foolish create a definitely-not-a-cult based around beets for the good of vegans, turning the newly cleared-out area by the Prime Path into one giant stretch of farmland. 
Captain Puffy
- While wandering around the server, Tubbo notices that he’s having trouble finding food and decides to create a farm
- He asks Sam for help, and Sam points out the cow farms. Tubbo tells him to think of the vegans. Tubbo suggests beetroots instead
- Foolish arrives, dressed as Mario, and they declare him “Beets Man”
- They turn Hutt’s Pizza into Hutt’s Beetza
- Tubbo reads Connor’s diary
- Tubbo wants to create an empire of beets all the way to the Community House. They shall be the Beets Trio, and after they create the beet farm, they will destroy every other source of food
- Sam learns that Fran has been stolen. Time to blow things up
- They go to Puffy’s temple and blow up her pictures. They debate killing one of the parrots, but instead return to beet farming
- Fundy logs on and they make him a Beets Brother. If he doesn’t join their initiative, it means he hates vegans. Fundy hesitantly agrees to join since he does not hate vegans
- Fundy arrives and is shocked by the amount of beets. He also notices they got rid of the Socializing Club, to which they respond that it is all for the beets
- If someone says they do not like beets, they will cut off their balls. “Anti-Beeters Lose a Ball.” How else will they supply for the war if they don’t have enough beets?
- Some people do hate vegans, so they will be going to war against them. There is already conflict between Toby Carvery and Vegan Pizza
- Fundy starts crying while planting beets
- Sam points out that beets are a very inefficient food source
Tubbo: “Sam, do you want kids when you’re older or am I gonna have to step in here? Like, you know imagine it, you’re in your what -- your fuckin’ thirties and you’re settling down, Sam, and you wanna have kids but then you’re like ‘oh wait! I forgot! I don’t like beetroot so I don’t have any balls!’ So, you know. ‘Cause I will step in. With force.”
Sam: “You’ll step in? With force? Would you say that you mean business almost?”
Tubbo: “No, I don’t mean business. I mean beets.”
- Their political party will be “the Beeties”
- Fundy is horrified to see that he has accidentally harvested a beet that was not ready to be harvested. He continues crying as he plants. If they take breaks, the vegans suffer. As they farm, Sam and Fundy whisper to each other:
Sam: let’s run away
Fundy: but I like vegans
Sam: so do I. They will understand.
Fundy: they want me to harvest the beets. I want them to like me. I like vegans they must like me back. I shall continue
Sam: I shall free you from this one day.
Fundy: plant.. harvest.. repeat.. plant.. harvest.. repeat.. plant.. harvest.. repeat.. plant.. harvest.. repeat.. plant.. harvest.. repeat.. plant.. harvest.. repeat..
Sam: I will take you to a better place.
- Tubbo’s hoe breaks and they mark the block where it happened to remember the history. They decide to halt, finishing Stage 1. Fundy is the Chosen One and will play a key role in Stage 26
- Sam whispers to Fundy that it is time and leads Tubbo and Foolish to the other side of the hill. They admire their work and destroy Tommy’s fence, as it intrudes on the beets
- Tommy logs on. Tubbo tells Sam that Tommy stole his dog
- Sam whispers to Fundy that it’s time and they run. As Tommy comes over, Fundy and Sam run by and hand him steak. Fundy makes it away for now. Sam tells him to be free as he returns to the beet farm
- Tommy sees the beets. He isn’t pleased, and Fundy falls to his death
Tubbo: “Clearly you hate the vegans.”
Tommy: “Of course I hate vegans!”
- Tubbo draws his axe. As Tommy backs away, Tubbo shoots and kills him. Sam immediately starts running to the prison to get the revive book from Dream (but Tommy has already respawned)
- Tubbo tells Tommy that in time, he too will be a fan of the beets
- Fundy returns and they watch as he jumps into one of the beets watering hole before returning to work
- Tommy tells the beets men to get off his land and rebuilds the fence. Fundy comes up to them having stopped working. Sam says Fundy should quit. Fundy starts walking around, planting beets wherever he goes
- Sam wants to go find Fran and no longer wishes to continue with this. Tubbo protests
- They point out that even the bats are harvesting beets. Seeing this, Fundy realizes that if bats harvest beets, then Fundy does not have to harvest beets
- He jumps from the path and dies
- Tommy has decided he wants to let go of the war items he no longer needs, since the server is peaceful now
- Tubbo tries to convince Sam to stay, offering every belonging he owns
- Sam turns and walks away, leaving Tubbo in anguish
- The rain goes away and Tubbo decides he actually can do it without Sam
- Tommy makes it to Pogtopia and visits the storage vault
- Tubbo and Foolish ponder what to do if not planting beets on the other side of the path...Pumpkins. They decide on pumpkins. Foolish becomes Yoshi
- Tommy reaches Logsted. He wants people in iron armor, not Netherite. He digs a hole with a chest and stores the gear, ending with the Axe of Peace
- Tommy has decided he doesn’t want to keep a stretch of the railway that’s connected to his house, as it reminds him of losing Henry. He gets rid of part of the railway
- Tubbo and Foolish decide to do beets again instead
- Tommy destroys his gravestone in Puffy’s graveyard
- Tommy does some cleaning up of the land
- Meanwhile, Sam successfully finds Fran and goes mining in the Nether
- Tommy goes back to Tubbo and tells him he has learned what a ‘cuck’ is at last. Tommy has also brought seeds and asks for a large portion of the farm to be dedicated to wheat. Tubbo doesn’t approve. They don’t want business, just beets
- Tommy starts running. They try to get Tommy to eat one beet, explaining that they can bypass pregnancy with beets
- Tommy pretends to eat one. He gates off his property and tells them they are now on gated territory
- He notices them return to his property after a bit, chasing a pig named Wiggles. Tommy decides to indoctrinate Wiggles
- Tubbo and Foolish bridge over above the roof of Tommy’s house, outside of the chunk
- Tommy’s landlord is Jesus Christ
- Tommy gets a saddle and puts it on Wiggles. He gets on the pig and logs out. Foolish and Tubbo find out that Wiggles has disappeared
- Sam goes to the prison. He shows a glimpse of the courtyard
- Tubbo and Foolish ask Sam if he ever found Fran. Sam says yes, and Tubbo explains about Tommy taking Wiggles
- Foolish suggests they get Tommy’s family and hold them hostage
- Sam says Tubbo’s dog needs to be put down. They start bickering until the dog gets pushed off the Power Tower and falls to his death
- Tubbo demands Sam be put in the prison. They go to the prison and Tubbo asks to be let in. Sam says Tubbo can only visit the entrance. He tries to bribe Sam and Sam says he’d be willing to do a tour for a shulker box
- Tubbo begs and begs until eventually Sam gives in. Tubbo immediately activates Sam’s stasis chambers and Sam says he’ll kill him...as soon as he mines through the glass with Mining Fatigue. After a minute of mining, Tubbo places concrete as soon as Sam finally breaks one block
- Sam finally gets out and Tubbo reluctantly leaves...and immediately breaks the portal mechanics by spawning a new portal in the entryway
- Tubbo actually leaves, with Sam now having to mine more obsidian
- Puffy is not happy about the new beet farm. Puffy replaces the beets with potatoes and talks with Foolish, who insists on the beets
- Foolish replaces the potatoes with beets, which Puffy destroys and tries to replace with potatoes, and this goes on for a while. Puffy complains that they could have had room for so many cool buildings, but Foolish doesn’t see why one would build instead of having beets
- Puffy tells Foolish he has a choice to make and watches as he eats a steak. She declares it “potato time”
- They wonder about which side Dream would be one. Puffy says that he would likely be more of a potato guy
- Puffy keeps planting potatoes, and Michael logs on as well. Puffy asks him which he prefers, potatoes or beets, and Michael says potatoes
- Michael sees the farm and Puffy explains what happened with L’Targay and the beets farm
- The three of them chat. Dream was sentenced to prison for being a silly goose
- They also talk about shirt-wearing koalas, maid outfits and plenty more and continue to chat for a while
Upcoming events remain the same.
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awesomerextyphoon · 4 years
Don’t Tell Me
This is for @cockslut-padalecki​’s Not My Ninth Challenge. My prompt was Stucky x Reader with Royal Au and No Doubt’s Don’t Speak for the lyrics.
Summary: You loved them with all your heart, but now you must wed another.
Pairing: Stucky x Black Female Reader, Brock Rumlow x Black Female Reader
Word Count: 1,893
Rating: 18+ / Explicit
Warning: Angst, Implied Smut, Threesome, Mild Depictions of Violence, and Forced Marriage
A/N: This might be my saddest fic yet. I hope this isn’t too much of a downer for you, @cockslut-padalecki​. Happy Birthday and Congratulations on 9K followers!
Dividers are by the lovely @firefly-graphics​
Back to Masterlist
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“Rise and shine, Your Highness! Today’s the big day!” Sabine, your closest handmaiden, announced.
You covered your head with your pillow in irritation, “I don’t want to!”
Sabine sighed, “You have to get up or the guards will come and force you out of bed.”
With an annoyed huff, you got up and stretched, “Let’s get this over with, Sabine.”
You had been dreading this day for weeks. Today was the day you were to wed Brock Rumlow, ruler of the Triskelion Empire. You didn’t want to marry him. He was boorish, cruel, and violent.
But most of all, you didn’t want to marry Brock because your heart belonged to Steve Rogers and James “Bucky” Barnes.
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  It started when you were six years old. You were sent to Brooklynd to be King Joseph’s ward as part of a peace initiative (you later found out it was because of a failed coup and your mother wanted you safe).
King Joseph, Queen Sarah, and the court loved you. Only Prince Steven and his best friend, James Barnes Duke of Shelby, gave you the cold shoulder.
It sucked because they were the only ones near your age. You tried to win them over with baked goods from your homeland, trinkets and toys Queen Sarah said that Steven would love, and some of your favorite books. Nothing worked until you had enough and confronted them.
Steven was about to enter the stables with James when you caught them. You just wanted to ask why they were avoiding you, but as your mother warned you got violent and socked James with a left hook. It got to the point that the guards had to split up the three of you.
Queen Sarah had an unusual and embarrassing punishment: the three of you had to sit in a circle and hold hands for one hour under the stern eye of the governess and the queen herself. The air was thick with tension until the governess farted. You tried your hardest not to laugh, but you help yourself. Soon Steven and James joined in the merriment.
You were best friends ever since.
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 “What do you want for your bath, Your Highness?”
“May I have the Rose, Hibiscus, Black Pepper, Lemongrass oils for the bath, and the Amla/Coconut Oil mixture for my hair, please. Thank you, Ngozi.”
“As you wish, Your Highness.”
Once the oils were applied to the bath, you sunk in sighing from the nearly scalding water; its warmth giving you a peace of mind that has been denied to you for weeks.
You wondered how it got to this, then you frowned at the bitter memories symbolized by the single piece of jewelry under your pillow.
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  The three of you became thick as thieves. Always helping each other in defending one another whether it be fighting off Steve’s bullies with Bucky or telling the snobby rich girls to stuff it whenever they said you weren’t feminine enough.
Joke’s on them because you passed all of your etiquette classes with flying colors.
Though something happened when you turned thirteen; you started seeing your best friends in a new light. You noticed how Bucky’s shoulders were broadening, Steven’s full bottom lip, the dazzling blues in their eyes, or how their laughs.
Sabine, your closest handmaiden, and friend, confirmed it; you were falling in love with them.
You were scared at first; you didn’t want to ruin your friendship with them. So you started avoiding them by spending time with Duchess Natalia and Marchioness Monica as they were the only female peers you could stand.
You would sneak glances at them when you thought they weren’t looking, but they were.
It went on like that for a year until Bucky had enough and confessed to liking you. You were relieved that he returned your affections, but was taken aback when Steven grabbed Bucky’s hand and pulled him in for a kiss. Turns out they’ve been a secret item for six months.
They both loved you and wanted to make it work.
And it did, for a time. You spent a great deal of time together. Though they were a few close calls since your mother instructed Queen Sarah not to let you court anyone and Steven and Bucky couldn’t go public just yet.
It didn’t matter; you just wanted to be near them. The three of you would sneak kisses by moonlight, write secret love letters, all the fun, and mushy stuff. Your relationship reached a new level when Steve and Bucky presented you with a vibranium and dragon’s gold alloy promise ring with ruby rose and emerald leaves. The three of you vowed to be together forever.
It was pure bliss; you didn’t want it to end.
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  “Life had other plans, huh?” you muttered to yourself as your handmaidens were making the final body preparations before you got into your gown.
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  Your mother, Queen Ketandu, had written to you and Queen Sarah requesting that you return to Abia in order to complete your studies and take on royal duties. You cried in Bucky’s arms for hours before he had to return to his quarters the morning before your departure.
It wasn’t long before puberty hit you like an airship going at full speed (late bloomer). You became famed for your beauty with scores of suitors, but you rejected them all. Only Bucky and Steve would have your hand.
One of the suitors, Brock Rumlow of Triskelion took it especially hard. He vowed he would have your hand, but your cousin, Samuel Wilson, said to pay him no mind.
You were only able to communicate with Steve and Bucky via phone or letters. It took you four years to return to Brooklynd, but it was not a joyous occasion. King Joseph had passed and Steven was to be crowned king within the fortnight.
Both of them had changed so much, especially Steve; he was nearly unrecognizable. He towered over nearly everyone (only Bucky, Thor, Loki, and M’Baku were taller), broad shoulders, rich tawny pink skin, and a face that could make nearly all the women (and some men) swoon.
He looked like the kings of old, even more so than his father.
Bucky wasn’t slacking either with the way many of the courtiers were ogling him; admiring him for his rugged, yet prim presence.
They were Rulers of Paradise and you were to be their queen.
The three of you finally made love that night. It was your first time, so they decided to be gentle and showered you with kisses and affection. Steve and Bucky worshipped your body as if it was the last thing they would enjoy before the afterlife.
It was as though you were dreaming.
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  “Here’s your wedding gown, Your Highness.” Zara, another handmaiden, exclaimed.
“Thank you, Zara.” You tried your best to not let the tears fall. This day was never supposed to happen.
Why did your dream have to die like this?!
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  The first crack in your fantasy came with the news of your older brother’s assassination and the outbreak of a civil war. Your sister-in-law begged you to come home.
Your airship was to leave first thing in the morning.
You raced to inform your lovers of your departure. One of the servants said that they saw Steve in his mother’s rose garden. Thinking it was Steve being shy and needing some rest, you ventured into the garden only for fantasy and your heart shatter completely.
In the rose garden under the central archway was Steve on one knee proposing to Margaret ‘Peggy’ Carter with Bucky looking on with a smile and the full moon behind them.
Everything froze at that moment.
Why?! Why did they do this?! Were your feelings a joke to them? Did they ever love you?
Unable to hold back your despair, you shrieked at the ideal romantic scene before you.
Steve tried to explain the situation and Bucky almost caught you, but you ran away before you could hear them.
You left for Abia that night.
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  “Now ladies,” Lady Bente, the wedding planner bellowed, “remember, this is Emperor Rumlow’s big day. There’s no room for failure.” She didn’t need to say what would happen if you tried anything ‘funny’.
“I know. How can I forget the threats?” grumbled as Sabine put the final touches on your wedding outfit: an off-the-shoulder A-Line Tulle Wedding Dress, a Hand-crafted white gold Baroque tiara inlaid with pale sapphires, diamonds, and pearls, and matching earring and necklace.
Looking in the mirror, you almost didn’t recognize yourself. The dress accentuated your curves and the jewels made your face glow. You were a vision.
Too bad it was for a man who wouldn’t hesitate to destroy everything you hold dear.
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  Barely six months after you returned from Brooklynd, Abia conquered by the Triskelion Empire. Their ambassador informed the council that the empire will let Abia continue as a client state if you married their emperor, Brock Rumlow.
If not, Triskelion would raze Abia to the ground and take her citizens as slaves.
The council implored you as Triskelion forces had Sam captive and Abia’s army was running out of supplies.
With a heavy and broken heart, you accepted Rumlow’s terms.
The wedding was to be in a month.
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  You took one last look at yourself in the mirror, “Too bad Rumlow isn’t getting a virgin.”
“Goodbye, Your Highness.” Sabine whispered, “Now, don’t you start crying after all the work I put into ya!”
“I know it’s just not fair. I have to lose you, too?” Rumlow made it clear that you were to leave your old world behind, including your closest friend and confidant.
Sabine pulled you in for a hug, “I know it’s not. It’s been a pleasure and delight being your handmaiden and friend.”
“Alright, everyone! Line up! The wedding is about to begin!” Lady Bente ordered.
You gave your friend one last glance before the doors shut behind you, “Goodbye Sabine.”
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  The cathedral was spectacular.
Bouquets of roses and elven tulips adorned the pillars. The banners of Abian and Triskelion colors were delicately placed creating an ethereal atmosphere.
Rumlow really outdid himself.
Dignitaries from far and wide were in attendance. You saw your mother, uncle, Sam, and your sister holding her ten-month-old son.
Rumlow took your hand with a triumphant smirk. You could say that he was handsome if you didn’t want to claw his eyes out.
“You look ravishing, darling.”
“I hate you.”
“Doesn’t matter.”
“Dearly beloved and exalted rulers, we are gathered here today to join the Triskelion Emperor and the Second Princess of Abia in holy matrimony.”
You closed your eyes in resignation. No one was coming. Maybe Brock wouldn’t be so bad.
“If anyone has any reason as to why these two should not be married.”
Then you remembered how he threatened your mother and uncle when after Abia surrendered. His twisted smirk was enough to make your blood boil.
“Speak now or forever hold your peace.”
The cathedral was silent for a few minutes until the doors were blown off their hinges and several guards were flung to the opposite wall behind the altar.
Everyone turned to find smoke and debris. An inhuman roar filled the venue terrifying the guests.
Two figures emerged from the smoke and your eyes widened in shock.
“We do.”
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strawberrylemonz · 4 years
A Mother for Two
Welcome to the continuation! As always, time to dedicate these chapters! Hope you all enjoy, especially @applepie1000
@petrichormeraki I will fist fight you lmaooo /j
Part 3
Part 4 [CURRENT]
Part 5
“You two sure you have everything you need?”
“We’re sure, Xisuma, jeez. It’s not like we’re leaving for good, we’ll be back by tonight.”
Grian snickered as Tommy was swiftly swatted on the backside of his head by Xisuma. Huffing, the boy griped as the group walked over to the portal leading to the Hub. As Xisuma gave the two another look over, Grian finally spoke up.
“Tommy and I will be just fine. We’ll just set up the fliers, get supplies, get our asses back here. Done, easy work.”
“Yeah, easy work!”
“Nothing is easy work when the two of you are together for too long. Just don’t cause too much trouble, nothing more than usual.”
After bidding farewell to Xisuma, the two boys walked into the portal. Instantly, voices chatting with each other filled the silence. The two stepped out of the portal and into the Hub. Players of all kinds here entering and leaving several portals. As the two made their way through the portal transportation section, Tommy examined all the portals. 
Stampy’s Lovely World
Cops and Robbers
There were so many portals to so many places. He had only been through the Hub to get to MCC. He was always focused on getting to his destination that he didn’t stop to look closely at every other portal around him. Stopping in his tracks, he stared at a ruined portal. It was grand and beautiful, but falling apart. It was cracked and broken, no longer activated. The giant sign above it proudly held it’s name, keeping the world from being forgotten.
Grian was walking when he felt something off. Turning around, he noticed that Tommy wasn’t following him. Tilting his head and looking around, he saw that Tommy was just standing there, staring. Excusing himself as he pushed passed the crowd, he eventually made his way to his brother. Before he could get onto his brother for immediately separating from him, he saw what his brother was looking at. Making a humming noise, he nudged Tommy before pulling out a large banner. Tommy nodded in understanding, and helped Grian unravel the banner. Working with haste, the two strung up the banner on the inactive portal. Once it was secured, they stood back and admired their work.
We, in Hermitcraft, happily invite you to join us in the opening day of our latest amusement park, Innit an Adventure! Created by our very own TommyInnit, we encourage you to spend the day with us! Come join us as we make unforgettable memories! Keep an eye out for festival week, and join us for a wonderful night of dancing! 
Are you innit with us?
“Looks great!”
“Of course it does, we made it.”
“Yeah yeah, lets just finish the set up.”
Smiling, the two boys set up two podiums underneath the banner. Taking out a good amount of pamphlets and fliers, they neatly set them down on the podiums. Content, the two began to walk away from the portal as people began to stop at the ruin, murmuring in excitement for the adventure park. 
“This is going to be a success, I can already tell you that. Good job, baby brother.”
The two laughed as they made their way through the portal Hub. Grian noticed some people he recognized and waved them over, already pulling pamphlets out of his bag. Tommy laughed as he looked around, fliers in hand, searching for anyone who was willing to get one. That’s when he saw it. Gulping, he quietly walked up to a neon green portal. 
Reading the sign attached to the portal, Tommy saw that only whitelisted people could enter. He was whitelisted. He could walk in, right now, and possibly lose his final life tied to the world. Shaking his head, he snapped himself out of his thoughts and scoffed at them. He liked it in Hermitcraft, he didn’t want to leave it for a terrible past. He didn’t have to worry about permanently dying in Hermitcraft. He didn’t have to worry about losing his shit or having said shit used against him. 
As Tommy mumbled to himself, he eventually came to a final decision. Nodding to himself, he crumbled a couple fliers and chucked them into the portal, sending them to the SMP. It was common knowledge that, even though people couldn’t enter, they could send items. With the fliers crumbled up, it would appear as if random passerby’s just threw trash in, making it easy for Tommy to deny inviting them.
Tommy knew that he didn’t want to go back to his past, that much was crystal clear. But what was stopping his past from going to him? If they missed him as if and wanted to see him again, they would need to make the effort. Humming with approval, he walked over to Grian, who was finishing talking to his acquaintances. 
“Hey, big man, maybe we should send some of the fliers and pamphlets into the portals.”
Grian thought for a bit, before nodding in agreement. Taking half of Tommy’s fliers, Grian gave him half of his pamphlets. Nudging towards the main server, he explained his plan.
“I’ll handle the portals and the travelers, okay? You go out and hang up banners and set up more podiums. Meet me at Feast Street for lunch, okay?”
“Okay, okay, calm down. I can do this, I’m not useless.”
“Far from it. See you later, Toms, love you.”
Tommy stood in silence, watching his brother walk away. His brother’s proclamation of love had caught him by surprise. A smile formed on his face as a warm feeling bursted through his chest. Looking around, he found some crates nearby. Standing on them, he inhaled before hollering out.
He saw his brother turn around, confused. He felt his face flush as a couple of strangers faced him as well. Ignoring them, he yelled out in confidence through the crowd.
He saw Grian laugh, a big smile painted on his face. The two exchanged waves of goodbyes before turning their separate ways, ignoring the cooing noises from the crowd. Tommy laughed as he situated his satchel. Nodding, he made his way down to the capital city.
Things were going great for Tommy. Do take note of the use of past tense, just pointing that out there. Now, Tommy was being scolded as if he were a child again. For Nether’s sake, he was 18! Yet, here he was, being scolded for something he didn’t do.
“I swear that I didn’t do shit!”
“Then why are you being so defensive?”
“Because you’re accusing me of crap that I didn’t even do!”
Apparently, according to the stupid shopkeeper that was currently giving him a hard time, some kids were going around and stealing stuff from the shelves. Due to the stress, the shopkeeper immediately accused Tommy of being apart of that group of kids. She wouldn’t let him leave, even after he explained himself. So there he stood, feeling like a helpless child once again.
“Is something the matter?”
Tommy turned to see a petite woman standing behind the shopkeeper, arms crossed. Despite her height, or lack of it, she seemed very intimidating. At least, that’s what the shopkeeper seemed to believe.
“Oh, ma’am, my apologies! I was just reprimanding this deli-”
“My son. You’re reprimanding my son.”
“SON??? WHAT???”
“What is she doing?”
Tommy perked up at this, peering over at the lady once more. The shopkeeper seemed flabbergasted at how blunt the woman was with her. The woman, however, stayed firm with her stance and gaze. 
“You’re son, ma’am?”
“Yes, my son. How many times do I need to repeat myself? I sent him in here to buy some fresh fruit to snack on before lunch, but I now see that was a mistake.”
“W-Wait, no! Ma’am, I didn’t-”
“We will find a different shop to go buy fruit at, instead. Do think about things before acting. Here,”
The woman grabbed a flier and a pamphlet from Tommy, handing it to the shopkeeper.
“You can make things up to both me and my son by telling shoppers about this. Now, we shall take our leave. Come on, dear.”
The woman held her hand out to Tommy, who nodded his head and took it. She led him out of the store and to the street, ignoring the apologies coming from the shopkeeper. Once they were a good distance away, she let go.
“Sorry about that, but you seemed stuck with her hounding you like that. I was going to ask for a flier or pamphlet, but figured I should help you instead.”
Tommy blinked a few times before laughing alongside the woman. Chat was laughing alongside them, taking a liking to the mysterious woman who had saved their little pogchamp.
“Ah, I should introduce myself. I’m Kristin, very nice to meet you! I’m originally from SMP Earth, but I somehow ended up here many years ago.”
“SMP Earth? Holy shit, I’m from there, too! I’m Tommy, by the way. Well, my actual name is Thomas, but everyone calls me Tommy. I’m from Business Bay, but I eventually became the youngest prince of the Antarctic Empire.”
“Youngest prince? Are you Phil’s brother?”
“What? Nah, he adopted me as his son.”
Tommy was startled as the woman, Kristin, began choking on air. Alarmed, he pat her back as he gave her a water bottle he had on him. After a while, she raised her hand and nodded, indicating that she was okay.
“Wow, he has a son. The world is ending, hah.”
“Four, actually. He has four sons.”
“Oh my god, I’m going to have a heart attack.”
Tommy laughed before asking what was on his mind. Judging by the breezy feeling that moved across his starry face, he knew that Clara led this woman to him.
“How do you know Phil?”
Kristin’s face brightened up as a small blush painted her cheeks.
“Er, how about I tell you about it as we walk?”
“Better yet, why don’t you tell me and my older brother about it over lunch?”
Grian was not expecting Tommy to come back with an older woman. He didn’t mind, however, after hearing how she saved his brother from the shopkeeper’s rage. Laughing, he ruffled the younger boy’s hair. 
“Haha, you found a mother!”
“We’re brothers, so wouldn’t that make her our mother? Sheesh, dumbass.”
Kristin laughed out loud in the background, holding her stomach and she doubled over. Tommy happily smiled, very glad to have someone appreciate his language. Once they all gave proper introductions and a reason as to why Kristin was with them, they all got food and sad down at one of the outside tables.  After getting a few decent bites into their meals, Tommy spoke up.
“So,  how do you know Phil?”
“Ah, yes, that old fart-”
She smiled as both boys snorted at that statement. Taking a bite out her bread roll, she waited for them to settle down before. Nodding her head, she continued.
“It’s true, he is! Anyways, I knew him when I lived back on SMP Earth. I was, well, am the princess of a smaller kingdom back there. Phil’s parents had started a small kingdom of their own, the Antarctic Empire. My parents, along with his, arranged for the two of us to be married to one another. I would have usually thrown a fit at an arranged marriage, like I always did when they brought up suitors, but Phil and I actually liked each other, so we agreed. I disappeared before the wedding, however, fell through my mirror and into a hardcore world. Once I made it out of there, I ended up here. Been here ever since.”
Grian started choking out of surprise. Tommy and Kristin both moved quickly to help him, worried. Once he gave them a sign that he was okay, he adjusted himself.
“You’re Queen Kristin?”
“Yeah. I read it in one of the books in the archive when I was younger. Although you disappeared, you were still married to my dad, and the two kingdoms were merged into one.”
Kristin stared at Grian, confusion and disbelief painted her face. Suddenly, she groaned and hit her head against the table. 
“This explains why some of the things I bought took way too long to finalize! My last name has been Minecraft this entire time!”
Tommy and Grian shared a look of disbelief. This was the only thing she was concerned about? Being married to Phil wasn’t troubling or shocking news to her at all! Suddenly, Tommy’s eyes widened as he gasped, pointing at Kristin. 
Kristin helped them finish setting up banners and podiums. She also aided them in passing out fliers and pamphlets to passing people. Once they ran out, she walked them over to the Hub. As they stood at the entrance portal to Hermitcraft, Tommy hugged Kristin, who ran her fingers through her head. She may have been new to the whole mother thing, but her caring instincts were enough to comfort the young boy.
“I wish I could come, I really do, but I’m not on the list. I’ll have to wait until opening day.”
Before Tommy could whine, Grian spoke up. 
“What if we got you on the list? Would you move in, then?”
Kristin laughed as she pat Grian’s shoulder, a smile painting her face.
“Of course! I just found out I had family! You guys aren’t getting rid of me that easily. Here, take this. If you guys get me on the list, use this to get to my house.”
Tommy brightened up as he was given a compass labeled Kristin. He nodded as Grian promised. 
“Bye Kristin! See you around!”
“Bye Tommy, Grian, I’ll see you two soon.”
The boys watched as she walked away, a pep in her step as disappeared into the crowd. Nodding to each other, Tommy and Grian went home.
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deaconusdelirium · 3 years
If You Love Me (Crosshair x F!Reader)
Requested: “I think I know who to come too for some Crosshair content now. You’re literally so good! I had a request if you don’t mind. Could you do a oneshot of the reader f! Who’s been in love with Crosshair ever since they were cadets, he felt the same way and you were probably the only person he was truly comfortable with, and whenever his brothers got too close he’d get jealous. Like, actually telling you how he feels and all. Crosshair gets in a fight with some Regs because they were picking on his brothers, and you’re there to help. And they just all end up in a cuddle pile. Note sure if you’ve seen those fan arts of them?🥺 and years later you all were separated, until you run into them. And of course, you’re apart of the Empire while they’re deserters. And somehow they all end up in a cuddle pile again with Crosshair finally confessing his feelings and he’s just a huge romantic?, I really fucking love you and I hope you go through with this❤️🖤❤️🖤”
That’s all I can say. Wow. This is literally perfect, of course I’m gonna do this, who would be crazy enough to say no?
“You can sit here Y/n” Hunter offered as you sat in between both Wrecker and him. Crosshair sat in front of you, glaring at his brothers. All cadets had separate lunches from the older clones, so there was nothing but ‘kids’ in the cafeteria. You smiled at Hunter, thanking him and started talking to Tech, wanting to hear more about his facts on other worlds since you’ve never been off world. Of course Tech seemed to love it, his eyes shined like stars and he went into whatever you wanted to hear. You even asked Echo about how he could hack into computers and terminals. Crosshair had a look of disbelief on his face, you talked to everyone but him, what did you find so interesting about them, that they had, he didn’t?
Wrecker even joined in, joking along side you. Your eyes landed on Crosshair, unsure of what to say since he was always so quiet, especially around his brothers. So you wanted him to be comfortable without having him talk to much, he never liked to anyways. “What about you Cross? Still good at hitting your targets?” He nodded, upset since you sounded a bit, not scared, almost bored when you asked him about his interest. “Fine.” Your eyes widen and then softened again at his little lash out. It was nothing new, but it still hurt that he didn’t speak to you as normally as he spoke to his brothers. You nodded your head, looking down at your food and playing with it, a little distraction. Wrecker noticed the awkwardness and nudged your side, making you fall into Hunters side a bit. You laughed it off, apologizing to Hunter and pushing Wrecker back.
“Well well, isn’t it the Sad Batch?” Your attention directed to the young Reg at the end of the table, two other cadets behind him laughing. You glared at the Reg, “Watch it” “what are you going to do? Hurt me?” He mocked, “leave her out of this” Cross interrupted, “what’s it to you? It’s not like you care for her. It’s not like you even care for these losers” he pointed to the Batch while Crosshair stood up, “I’d sit down if I were you CT-9904” “then leave” “make me” Wreck stood up beside the two, your eyes darted between the five, Crosshair threw a punch as the Reg landed on his back, the other two threw Cross down while Wreck immediately pulled the two apart. You jumped up and ran over to Cross, kneeling beside him.
“You better leave Reg, before Lama Su sees what you’ve done” you warned the young clone as you helped Crosshair up, “fine” the Reg spat as Wrecker threw the other two along with the first. Crosshair stood beside you, watching you with confusion written all over his face, your hands tended to his smaller cuts and bruises before you spoke up “well, we better go to the medical bay before someone files a report and makes things worse” you suggested as Crosshair nodded, walking along side you out the cafeteria and to the Med Bay. “Thank you” he bashfully admitted “for?” “Standing up for me” “oh! Pfft, it was nothing, really” you told him, holding his upper arm as you both walked down the white hallway. It was quiet after that, Cross checked in and they made sure he was ok before letting him go. They didn’t lecture him much since they knew fighting was in clones blood.
After that you both walked back to your shared barrack with the others. Everyone was already there, Wrecker was doing push ups, Tech was playing with some android, Echo caught up on some sleep and Hunter played with a pencil. Twirling it between his fingers so smoothly. Everyone looked over and seen you two, you took your boots off and stayed in your blacks. Everyone was already ready for bed, “Crosshair!” Wrecker ran up to Cross and gave him a big hug, throwing him down in middle of the room on a few blankets and pillows you all put there whenever you huddled up. “Wrecker!” Cross called out, trying to push his brother away, Hunter came over and sat against Wreckers back while Tech jumped up and laid down and leaned over Wreckers legs, Echo followed shortly and threw himself over the already growing pile. “Come on Y/n! Bring your blanket!” You stood up, grabbing your blanket and grabbing Lula at the same time. You threw it over the guys as you laid down near Cross.
You laid quite a ways as to not make him uncomfortable, yet you still were close “You alright? Nothing hurting?” “No, don’t worry about me” he huffed out, trying to loosen Wreckers tight grip and get out from under the boys weight. You laughed a bit as everyone put their things away and started to fall asleep. Everyone was basically a blanket for Wrecker, so he slept peacefully, Hunter could feel the coldness of the floor through the blanket so he slept on top of Wrecker while Tech used Wreckers arm as a pillow, and Echo was draped over Hunters stomach, while both you and Crosshair used Wreckers arm as a pillow as well. You held Lula and snuggled closer for warmth. Just then, Nala Se walked in, “lights off” she told everyone as she smiled. A chorus of “Night!” Played throughout the room while Nala Se smiled and turned the lights off, and closing the door. Crosshair pulled you closer so you could at least be under the blanket as well. “Night” you whispered to him, “goodnight” you closed your eyes, cherishing these moments with them all.
“Remember, stay to the shadows. We’re only here to eliminate the targets, and leave” you said over the comms to near Elite troops. “And if we find information?” One radioed back, “if it’s on a computer, gets as much info as you can. If it’s something we can take back, bring it. Don’t kill Gerrera. We need him alive” “yes commander” you held a fist up, signaling for your troops to stop. Making them shuffle towards the trees. Night time was the best time to hit, and with the trees covering the light from above made it even better since it was hard to spot any of you especially with your darker armor. “Camps just down the hill” “is there anyone there?” “Not sure. There’s smoke in the distance” “stay there. We have the high ground, we’ll check it out. Make sure no ones around you” you kneeled before the edge of the little cliff, your rifle scanned around as you seen civilians here and there. Your head turned to a branch breaking.
A boot to your chest kicked you back as you brought your knife out, your gun too far for arms reach. Your troops were out cold behind you from the looks of it, quite a ways actually. You told them to stay close before the mission started. The big burly trooper came close, you swung your knife, as they grabbed your wrist and twisted it, you spun around and kicked the back of their knee making them fall, they turned to you as you hit them in the head. They took the beating you gave them well, but as you turned, you were pushed down the pretty long cliff. Your knife and gun still on top of the cliff as you tried to grab onto any branches you hit on your fall. You landed on your side, holding your head as you stood up, hearing sand and rocks roll down. A slightly smaller yet skinner clone slid down after you, they jumped on you as you kicked them off.
Their hand coming up to block your coming hits, “commander?” You groaned, as the person kicked your feet out from under you. You turned and crawled away, only to have them pull you by your foot, you grabbed whatever was closest to you. A branch? You swung at their head, making them fall to the ground in pain as you heard footsteps in the bushes beside you. You looked down, did they even have any weapons on them? Nothing. You ran over behind a tree, your HUD scanning for anything, “commander?!” You angrily pressed the button, “what?” You asked, “we have intruders at-” the line was cut off with screaming and then silence. The sound was gone, yet the body from earlier was still laying there.
The civilians from earlier ran off in the opposite direction as soon as they seen you fall down. Great, there goes Gerrera. Your body fell forward and whoever was on top of you had your hands behind your back. They leaned down, and as soon as they did, you threw your head back, knocking them off you. You took stance as they stood back up, a bit taller than the second one, but still skinner than the first. “Give up, you’re not making it out of here alive” “says who?” A second voice made you spin around as a punch was thrown at you, how many were there? They ran over to you as you kicked them towards the other one that first threw you down. They argued at each other and stood back up. One that looked like a robot ran at you as you dodged his attack, grabbing his helmet and slamming it against a tree trunk beside you, the second one trying to hit you. You moved in time as they hit to tree. Your hand coming under their arm as you kicked the back of their knee. Making them kneel. A with one last hit to the back of their head they fell, holding their neck while the other held their head. “Told you”
You looked up the cliff while waking over to it, your gun and knife still up there. You stood before a tree, ready to climb it. “Where do you think you’re going?” Another one?! You just wanted to leave at this point, you were already tired, you turned and seen the helmet of an unknown clone. Their visor seemed so familiar, yet it seemed like you haven’t even met them. “I suggest you leave, by Order 66 all traitors must be eliminated. I’m giving you and your squad the chance to leave” he didn’t say anything for awhile, he stared at you. You jumped a bit as they suddenly lifted their helmet off their head, your eyes widen under your yours. It couldn’t be, no, they died. They left you on Kamino and died on another planet. They never made it home. “This is the final warning” you broke the silence. No it couldn’t be him. He looked nothing like him, but he somehow did. You shook your head, turning around to jump the tree.
You swiftly climbed it until you reached the top. At least that clone was gone. You grabbed your rifle and your knife, putting them away. It was quiet on the way back to your ship, you still kept your guard up. You stood at the door way, “any remaining troops, come back to the ship, were departing soon” you commed to the others. Hoping that there was still some troops out there somewhere. You opened the door as you walked in, you placed your gun down, head turning as you tried to brace for impact as the clone from earlier pushed you against the table. You breathed out, but the clone grabbed your helmet off you. “Y/n?” You stopped as you heard your name leave his mouth. “Who are you? How do you know me?”
“Where have you been?” The man asked frantically while searching your body, which scared you a bit, making you step the the right and back away from him. “Excuse me? I don’t think we’ve met before” “CT-9904-Crosshair” and there it was, if felt like you had just been hit with a tie fighter. “No- no Crosshair died. The others died on-” “I’m here, Crosshair from Kamino” “stop.” You held a hand up before he came any closer. “Crosshair and the others are dead. They failed a mission” his shoulders slouched a bit, it seemed like you weren’t going to budge anytime soon. He held both hands up, signing to you that he wasn’t planning on doing anything. You watched him carefully, as he stepped closer. You breath hitched as he stood right in front of you, “The Sad Batch?” Every Reg kid on Kamino called you guys that, that wasn’t enough proof. You glared at him, his hands coming up to your wrist and putting them down.
You backed away but he held you there, in place. “Goodnight” you tensed under his grasp, only Crosshair could have known to whisper that to you, in that slightly happy voice. “..Cross? Is that really you?” He nodded, his hands coming up to hold both your wrists, as your hand hesitantly came up to hold his cheek. The one where he was beaten up long ago, apparently the Crosshair tattoo covered it. You ran a thumb over it, feeling the bumps of the black drawing as he sighed out. Only he ever let you this close, he leaned into your touch, but quickly pulled away from the oncoming people. “Crosshair! You let them get away?” One groaned loudly, you stumbled back, “Wrecker.” Crosshair growled out, “Wrecker?” You asked, your eyes squinted at the man, “woah, who are you?” The big burly man walked up to you, way taller than you actually. “Thats Y/n idiot” Wreckers head snapped towards Crosshair who stood with his arms folded, “Y/n?!” He ran up to you, grabbing you in a big bear hug and swinging you around, “where have you been?” Wrecker asked, like he was still the child you knew on Kamino.
“Right where I’ve always been” you gasped out, as he set you down. He rubbed his head, another ship arrived outside yours. The door opened and out walked the other three. Their helmets off, they came in, the one with the longest hair which you assumed was Hunter, he scanned over you for a second, Y/n” “uh” “Hunter” he introduced himself again, “Hunter, wow you look” “Echo seems to be alright, his diagnostics seems stable” Hunter elbowed Tech in the stomach, “Tech, Echo in so sorry about earlier. I didn’t know” you lightly laughed out. Echo had an ice pack on his head while Tech was carrying around a first aid. “Oh. It seems Y/n is alive. We’ve been searching for you, don’t worry, at least we know you can take care of yourself” “searching.. for me?” “Don’t believe us? Check the map and notebook of all the planets we looked on” “no, I just. I waited for you guys back on Kamino, you never came back. I waited for you, and when they said you all died, I stopped wanting to lie to myself, now -I’m somewhere better than before”
Everyone gave each other guilty looks while you turned away from them, still hard to believe that they were actually alive. “We had to leave, we had the Empire on our tail” “yeah well, you can tell the old me, the one who actually believed you were still alive before I threw myself into my work” “speaking of work, why work for the Empire?” Echo asked, “well leaving Kamino and the Empire would have me long gone. And with the New Empire, we could finally rule over all that have beaten us and thought wrongly” “uh Hunter, her chip” Tech tapped Hunters shoulder, “right. Y/n, have you ever gotten your chip removed?” “Chip? What chip?” “I’d say she hasn’t” “speak for yourself” Crosshair bumped in, “have you ever been experimented on? In a tube?” “What? No, I was always loyal. Why are you asking these questions?”
“I prefer to have the chip removed as soon as possible” Tech said as you were totally lost, “agreed” you looked over at everyone, hoping for an answer. “Come with us” Hunter extended a hand towards you, Crosshair still had that jealousy he thought he had long forgotten about. But you only looked at his hand, which made Cross almost sigh in relief. “I can’t just leave, I have my home and my cadets in training back at base” “trust me, you’ll have a better life here than back on Kamino” Hunter tried desperately to get you to come, you thought about it, everyone noticed, but this time Crosshair held his arm out to you, “then take your time training the one we have” you looked back to the console behind you, the beeping of the incoming com rang out. “Give me a second. This is commander CT-9908, what’s the problem?” “We have reports about civilians taking off from the planet. And the failed mission”
“Dank farrick” you cut off the com and turned around, “we need to leave fast” they all seemed to smile at your decision. You grabbed your gun and walked down the ramp, the guys following close behind you. “Wrecker. Pull that box off and take out the wires” you slipped your helmet on as Wrecker did as told. Tech winced at the perfectly good parts being wasted. Everyone boarded on their ship, Crosshair waiting for you at the door. “Can’t believe I’m actually doing this” you scoffed, “hard to believe?” “Yeah, I just left everything I’ve ever known, behind” “hello CT-9908” you turned at your name, and a girl stood there. She waved at you, “hi?” “I’ve seen you before, Hunter always asked about you especially Crosshair but I told them to be more specific about which female clone-” “-off you go!” Crosshair pushed the girl away, “that’s Omega” you hummed, curious to see who she was.
You awkwardly stood there, unsure of what to do. “This way” Cross pulled your arm and lead you to his bed, “put your gun there, I’ll clean it later” you slid your helmet off, putting it next to his on the stacked gun cases gently. “Thank you, I’ve...I’ve never had anyone offer to clean my gun before actually” the ship powered up, you turned to face Crosshair who stared at you, he didn’t have a scowl on his face, instead, it looked like a small smile. “I’ll clean your gun for you anytime” you could basically feel his body heat through your armor, the closeness didn’t make it any better as you blush at how close he was. The ship pulled off the ground, making him fall into you, as you almost fell but he caught you. “The ships not as smooth as yours I suppose?” “No, I know the parts you need for that though” his arms around your back as you hand held his shoulder. Guess now was a good time to tell you how he actually felt. “Y/n?” He asked, eyes scanning over how beautiful you looked up closer. “Yes Cross?” It was quiet, and it seemed like if you spoke to loud, you’d ruin the moment. He felt goosebumps paint his skin under his blacks. “I need to tell you something” he wanted to get this over with quick before anyone other than you two joined or interrupted. “Go on” you spoke, wanting to hear what you thought he was going to say “promise me you’ll stay for good this time. I can’t stand the thought of you leaving again” his words were brittle “I... I promise. So long as you remember me” “I never forgot you” he pulled you closer, chills ran down your body as he gave you the smallest kiss. Then pulled away, only to see you look at him again with those eyes of your, this time. He gave you all he had, his hands held your hips as you cupped his cheek, finding yourself to be more than friends at this point.
“Cross- oh!” Omega walked in, then quieted when she seen you two, you pulled away slowly, processing what had happened as a blush coated both your cheeks. “What, Omega?” He asked irritated, “Hunter wants to talk to you” she giggled when she seen his pink face, then ran off. After that you both walked over to Hunter, he explained that you all were headed to Bracca. Mid sentence, Wrecker picked you up from behind, “I missed you being here Y/n, good to have you back though” “yeah, yeah It feels good to be back” You watched as Wrecker brought you over to the middle of the ship. Laying on the ground with you while the others started to join in. Tech put his datapad away and Echo walked over like he always did when he was smaller. Hunter still slept over Wrecker like he used to and Crosshair used Wreckers arm as a pillow. Pulling you closer to him as Omega jumped on top of Hunter holding Lula. Even after all this time you spent apart from them, it felt like you never left, they never left. And you weren’t separated. Cross faced away from the huddle and faced you, he made sure no one was looking before placing a loving kiss to your lips, “night” you whispered, “goodnight” he whispered back and pulled you closer to him
It seems that this one needs a second part as well. However that’ll be quite some time. I hope you enjoyed. I fixed it, and if you guys find the memes in here, I’ll love you forever and you’re now my friend😂
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