#i think theyd be besties ngl
radioisnotdead · 4 months
hi! i'm rayn! I have a question for lucifer, alastor, charlie, vaggie, angel, husk, and niffty
who's your top 3 favorite people in the hotel?
( let the chaos ensue >:] )
lots of love, rayn 🤍
rayn hi I think I remember you from a different hazbin blog! ^^
Top three? Easy, Charlie, Vaggie anddd Vox
Dear Niffty, Charlie and, I suppose, Husker.
AWWWWW THATS SO SWEETT I LOVE YOU BOTH :D uUMMmm anywayyy i cant choose :c i think its a three-way tie between vagggggieeeee, dad and alastor!
..Okay I'd understand a tie between me and your girlfriend but I am NOT on his level.
You are to Charlie, clearly.
jesus fucking christ can you two shut up for five seconds?? mkay it goes charlie, angel or niffty, and lucifer.
Placed beneath a porn star in a rehabilitation hotel? That is a new low, sir.
At least I'm actually on the list jackass.
At least, instead of craving attention and validation, I don't want to be on it.
FUCKS SAKE SHUT UP. and, al. bad choice of words, "beneath a porn star". kay anyway, charl, husk, niff, boom.
Im not answering that question.
cmonnnn huskk...
Wait whym I on there
I have no clue, genuinely.
Interesting choice of people nif, you sure this isnt a murder list?
its both :)
cmon huskkk pleaaaasee?
Cheer up, Husker! You can't be the only one not participating, this is quite a fun activity.
fucks sake. if I do it will you all shut up
fine. angel, charlie, niffty.
wwwwho was the first person??
no I dont think I did actually
..I feel kinda left out, I wasn't in any of the lists OR the ask itself.
You were on my list.
Oh shit yeah thanks :D
Kay so whats yours look like?
Uuuuh I don't really know anyone here but I guesssss, Lucifer, Charlie and idk Niffty?
This is fun, can I kill myself again?
Of course you're allergic to slight affection, even when it's not directed towards you, what else could we expect.
Ok, nevermind, can I kill him?
i am so tired of you both.
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turbotasthick · 3 days
If you could say something to all TSAMS characters, what would you say?
BLOODMOON (old): bro if only you didnt fuck up and tease the living hell outta sun you couldve had a sick family whod help you and love you. they did you so fucking dirty like you actually had potential to be good with your LOVE FOR THE CALM when the bloodmoon was up, when you say nobody gets you my god you couldve been such a cool fucking brother for them.
BLOODMOON (new): You were fucked from birth when ruin made you. bro wasnt even give the coding to be able to change, to eat foods, and to just be a fucking dog for everyone despite you not admitting to it. you couldve sucked up your urges and you wouldnt have to be alone but no your coding fucked you up from the start and ended up alone in the end i pity you, bitch. rest in hell with your brother also bloodmoon i think youre fucking funny you couldve been such a cool character to be their brother bro if only your thick headed skull of yours could comprehend shit and not succumb to your blood and murder addiction
Sun: You should stop shaking and shivering in fear and do somefuck about your brother it pains me to see him get replaced like that- and fuck old moons back yet you dont have the backbone to stand up against him when he yells hits or berates you fucking do better sun smh
moon: do better youre slowly going back to your old ways bro like stop forcing sun to do shit he dosent want or yell at his face or be a bitch bro
nexus: respectfully go to therapy and do fucking better bro i cant believe youd do that to your family AND solar??? i know you broke down and are probably in some psychotic break holy shit (i pity you honestly) but fuck man its so rough seeing you struggle and isolate yourself like this- fuck even going as far as to lobotomizing yourself...i hate how hirt you are rn and i hate how youre also hurting people fucking shit
solar: God im glad youre back and shit but i feel pity for you- of course theyd put you right into work- of course youd drown yourself into your work..youre mourning your best friend i understand but please dont give up on him so fucking easily like how his family did- solar cmon man nexus loves you bro..dont kill him right away...
lunar: Ngl i used to really like you but now you just break my heart- idk when you said "nexus and i werent ever close" that fucked me up cause nexus did and tried everything to get close to you- he wanted to keep you safe helpef you in any troubles you might have and you just spit in the guy in the end- and not yo mention how you seem to push solar away as well-- dont tell me you arent close to him too after what solar does for you? you feel really cold lunar
eclipse: Eclipse, bestie please gtfo of puppets grasp you deserve to leave and live your life without a fucking burden on your hands bro- it must be annoying. Also i hope you make more friends.
earth: Wtf happened to your caring nature?
jack: my precious pomerianian puppy!!!! yourr so cool and awesome with your weapons and agility do you wanna play fight with me kiddo? i bet you cant beat me in a tussle!
dazzle: Hiiiii wanna go out to the markets and buy some banaynays and froot? we can bring jack with you honey :3
kill code: be a better father lol like goddamn and why didnt you fight for ur life when bm killed you? didnt you WANT to live a nice life? ffs kc
flare: Slay babe you did nothing wrong imo rest in heaven
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pansy-picnics · 2 years
idk what to ask i just want to hear you speak harvest moon. how about yuzuki and iluka friendship/relationship how would it go?
OOOO ok so this is actually a dynamic i feel VERY strongly about because these two don’t seem like they would be a good match at ALL but they ARE and let me explain why
ok so iluka. shes puts up a front thats very authoritative, fiery and dominating. she almost always gets what she wants and she doesn’t take bullshit from anyone. this is a persona that she developed in order to look after siluka, who is objectively more spacey and naive and isn’t really able to stand up for herself or fully take care of herself. iluka took on the role of siluka’s spine because she didn’t have one.
now yuzuki is pretty much the opposite, he’s kind to everyone he meets and incredibly conflict avoidant, he will do everything in his power to not offend anyone, and he’s also kind of spacey and lacks a spine. he’s a lot like siluka except….siluka’s kind of a bitch sometimes (affectionate) and yuzuki isn’t LMFAO
yuzuki and the twins are already somewhat familiar with each other since yuzuki goes to the café so often, and they both speak pretty fondly of him. now the thing about yuzuki is that his overcompensatingly kind nature was developed due to trauma and his intense feelings of being a burden on his loved ones, so he tries to “make it up” to his grandparents or friends when hes…literally never done anything wrong AISJSJDSJ
hes kind of naive in some cases and a bit of a pushover (some traits BOTH of iluka’s siblings respectively have) and very sensitive, so i think iluka would take note of that and be a bit easier on him, eventually coming to trust him, lowering her guard around him, and even eventually starting to stick up for him or be his backbone much like what she does for siluka.
and i think they’d get a lot closer the more comfortable they got around each other!! yuzuki is canonically seen to become more playful when his relationship with the protaganist deepens and he starts to tease and joke with you more. i like to think this is something thats true for all of his relationships, when he starts to relax and is more open with someone. and in this case iluka’s very chaotic nature would probably rub off on him a bit too…like theyd fuck around together all the time tbh
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like ngl. this is them core
they also both have similar issues with their self worth….they both kind of feel like they’re the burdens of the family and like their loved ones would be better off without them. i think theyd bond a lot over that
all in all. they are besties in my head. and i think its especially funny that LITERALLY no one would expect it ever. komari and hinata see them casually chatting like they’ve known each other for years and theyre like “…..since when did you two know each other”
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winderlylandchime · 10 months
1/2 And we are at 5x03 and he is excited to see Britin move in together….yeah… ‘i don’t understand in what world Brian would suck at filling up a club? Maybe the first day, sure BUT DAYS? Plural? Come on, they are making my baby boy look bad’ The groan that he let out when Mel and Linds came on screen is actually hilarious ngl. He was just dead silent and every time either of them would speak, he would just groan loudly. ‘Hold the fuck up, she’s now venting to Brian? What is he? The local therapist? Wow her hair is horrible. Nevermind, I guess he’s the local charity organization.’ And we are now at Justin/Ben/Mikey painting the house scene ‘Justin needs to paint a painting for Brian’s office. Why hasn’t he yet? (Ben mentions Britin getting a house) I highly doubt that will ever happen. I like the loft. Why is Justin so doubtful about it? See! Even Blondie knows the loft is better (ben says he needs to carry mikey in and justin says he wouldnt know what married people do) me and Justin are both gonna puke right now.’ ‘Why is Mike such a bitch? Also where the fuck is Hunter? Did he forget he has another kid? I will give my kidney up to get Brian and Justin back and not see this anymore’ Brian pops up on screen literally a second later ‘I’LL TAKE IT! They want to tear down the club for a gallery? WAIT *pauses ep* imagine a world where Brian is struggling with starting up his club like this and that someone who wants to tear it down for a gallery is Justin. Oh the hatred they’d have for each other, theyd fuck it out and be angry that theyre fucking, I should write scripts for movies. OH he said galleria not gallery. Never mind then but my idea still sounds dope. Brian looks so fucking pretty.’ The scene where Em is introduced as the Queer Guy is up *looks at his cast* ‘well this is feeling like an attack now. Why is everyone so rude to Emmett? Fuck them.’ ‘DEB IS LEAVING THE DINER?! Why? She’s retiring FOR A MAN? We aren’t worth all that. Why is blondie making me feel like he regrets being back in Pittsburgh?’ And we are finally getting some Britin and he got all happy finally ‘MY BOYS! FINALLY! (Brian hugs Justin from behind) AHHHHHHHHH LOOK AT HIM ALL AFFECTIONATE AND SHIT! Wait he dropped out again? Of course Bri Bri wants him to go back to school. Man, where was this 20 years ago? I feel like I would’ve actually graduated if I saw this and had 5 years of Brian telling me to go to school. *looks at me* dont tell dad. Of course Brian is offering him a job! Thatd be cute. Why am i having feelings over Justin putting away Brian’s suit? (The sunshine how did i scene is up!!!!) OH MY FUCKING GOD *pauses tv and slides down from the couch on the floor so he’s now sitting on the floor* no he fucking didn’t! I’m glad all three of us are aware of that!’ ‘Not Ted and Justin being Blondie Besties. Okay, Queer Guy let’s go Emy! Oh god this is bad. *covers up his face* this is so bad. What did they do to my Emmett? IS THAT ROSIE FUCKING O’DONNELL?! That was so bad. And youre telling me justin didn’t have a single joke?’ Rosie (i forgot her name) tells Deb that her husband caught her kissing her friend while making cinnamon buns ‘i can see how that makes a person wanna kiss a friend.. it’s homies supporting homies *forgets about the cast and tries to make a fist realizes it, so he makes a fist with his left arm* Ally…that was weak. I’m so sorry Rosie O’Donnell, you deserve better. I’m ashamed of this’ ‘oh Lindsay. She’s just as dumb as Michael. And that hair is still horrible’ ‘THIS IS WHAT IM TALKING ABOUT! I told you Brian would make Babylon insane but you thought I was dumb! The place is PACKED! Look at Blondie standing next to his man at his club. Supportive boyfriends. Wait the club is empty?! HE PAYED THEM? That’s actually smart. Did Blondie come up with this? I love this so much.‘ ‘YOU GO ROSIE O’DONNELL! Im confused why she’s here but you go girl!’ ‘THEY THINK EMMETT IS NOT QUEER ENOUGH?’ the scene cuts to the custody bullshit ‘did Mel forget that she also cheated? All three of them are so fucking stupid. OH LINDSAY IS A BITCH.’
Hold the fuck up, she’s now venting to Brian? What is he? The local therapist? Wow her hair is horrible. Nevermind, I guess he’s the local charity organization. YEAH he's the local therapist, charity organization, fundraiser, etc etc.
I HATE MIKEY AND BEN in this season with a passion. Ugh. And then they go roping Justin into their nonsense.
Yeah Emmy being the Queer Guy is going to make a lot of uncomfortable commentary about that show given your brother is a fan. Remind him that the original version of the show was not what it is today (I definitely watched it back then too, I won't lie)
Also can we have your brother write a fic where Justin wants to open a gallery in place of Babylon and it's an enemies-to-lovers fic? OMG Justin got sent to conversion therapy, comes back this uptight version of himself, wants to take down the big bad gay club and meets Brian and...
LBR your brother, at this point, would do anything BriBri asked him. ;) including go back to college.
The how did I scene is everything. These are the moments we need to survive this awful season.
And the Rosie O'Donnell plot line. I don't even know...
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bbboar · 1 year
weird asks: ALL hehehe
chaotic good, i love it!!
who is/are your comfort character(s)? Dont rly have comfort characters but during the 2020 lockdowns Breq Imperial Radch was my comfort character bcs i was going through some shit and she was a force of nature and justice Basically i get why Seivarden was down bad.
lighter or matches? Dont smoke
do you leave the window open at night? Absolutely not. It does not close properly and theres spiderwebs outside!
which cryptid being do you believe in? None of them but love to hear stories
what color are your eyes? Brown
why did you do that? What?
hair-ties or scrunchies? Ive never used a scrunchy so i cannot judge effectively
how many water bottles are in your room right now? Only one (i have 2 metal water bottles, one for home and another for work)
which do you prefer, hot coffee or cold coffee? Depends on the season! Hot for winter but cold for summer.
would you slaughter the rich? i understand the craving for violence but personally i think it would be more torturous to have them watch as their wealth is redistributed and they have to live like normal people and work and have a budget and shit lol Like i know i doesnt sound bad but the way some of these people live....theyd be crying screaming shitting throwing up etc
favorite extracurricular activity? Girl im 27, i dont go to school anymore. All my activities are extracurricular
what kind of day is it? Thursday. Actually its after midnight so its Friday now
when was the last time you ate? Like 5 hours ago, i had some chocolate
do you love the smell of earth after it rains? Yeah!!!
are you a parent? (all answers qualify) no
can you drive? No but god do i need to learn to make my life easier
are you farsighted or nearsighted? Neither to my knowledge
what hair products do you use? Lmao none?? Unless im curling my hair and using hair spray. Oh i also use a hair mask each time i shower.
imagine we’re at a sleepover, would you paint my nails? omg of course, bestie!
do you say soda or pop? Im Australian, i say fizzy drink
something you’ve kept since childhood? I have a sonic tshirt that ive had since i was 12 years old and i will not throw it away until it comes apart
what type of person are you? Vampire coded werewolf
how do you feel about chilly weather? I get sad when the weather starts getting colder bcs summertime is my favourite, but after that transition period, i think its fun to go into cozy mode! I love my big comforting jackets and my oodie and having tea every day.
if we were together on a rooftop, what would we be doing? Looking at the starts, laughing, having deep conversations.
perfume/body spray or lotion? Personally i dont use perfume or body spray. The only lotion i use is moisturizer bcs my skin is dry
a scenario that you’ve replayed multiple times? So many of them, lets not get into it
about how many hours of sleep did you get? Yesterday? Probably ~7
do you wear a mask? Yeah although not as much as i used to ngl
how do you like your shower water? Warm.
is there dishes in your room? Nope. The most there is at any given time is 1 tea mug and maaaybe a plate if ive had a snack or smtn
what type of music keeps you grounded? This doesnt apply to me
do you have a favorite towel? Not really?
the last adventure you’ve been on? Took public transport to an area id never been before last week. To me thats an adventure lol
is there a song you know every word to by heart? Yeah, theres a bunch where as soon as they start, ill know all the lyrics and be able to sing along but if the song isnt playing? Head empty.
what’s your timezone? Australian Eastern Standard Time
how many times have you changed your url? Over 5 for sure
someone in your life, other than a relative, you’ve known for 10+ years? Damn i think ive known Kieran Teeniepaws for 10+ years (Kieran if youre reading this sorry for not tagging you, this post is sooo long)
a soap bar that smells good? I dont use bars of soap??? I dont find them that practical. But ive sniffed a lot of them in shops and like 80% of them smell rly good
do you use lip balm? I have to bcs my acne medication gives me super dry lips
did you have any snacks today? Yeah i had some chocolate after dinner
how do you take your coffee? I just have a regular latte no sugar unless its more bitter than im used to. Then 1 sugar
an app you frequently use besides this godforsaken site? Twitter lol, podbean, spotify, youtube and as of recently pokemon go
what’s your take on spicy foods? i love spicy food! i actually bought some sriracha the other day bc i missed having it
you get a free pass to kill anyone, who is it? who are you? The fbi? Im not going to tell you
can you remember what happened yesterday? woke up, took the bus, went to work, kept thinking about touchstarved (game) while at work, tried to play some sneaky pokemon go during work bcs i ran out of pokeballs and needed to spin the local pokestop to get more, went home, made dinner, made a touchstarved thread on twitter, went to sleep
favorite holiday film? Not to be a grinch but i dont like holiday films and im sooo sick of the xmas films that come out every year.
what was the last message you sent?
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when did you first try an alcohol beverage? Pretty sure i was 14,i had a glass of wine and fell asleep almost right after lol
can you skip rocks? I think its fun to do but i am bad at it
can i tag you in random stuff? If youre a stranger? No. If youre a mutual, sure! Go ahead.
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jam-is-my-food · 3 years
rose!! + sage (ily) + denim (this is a must for all besties im so sorry </3) + lavender:)) + sky !! ILY <33
rose: what if we ran away to a cave and read poetry together,, jk unless
yes please how's sunday
sage: i think of u not only as a blog but a bestie
ilymmmmmm uno reverse
denim: i feel like you'd bark at me
i probably would ngl
lavender: i would give you a bouquet of hand picked flowers
AW i wuold write you a story :)) (shush im too lazy to go pick flowers) (i live in the city anyway theyd be gross)
sky: lets go lie in a field together
yes please !!!!!
uno reverse to everything ngl ily abiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii
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