#i thought it was a fit for sakuya~
lunafool · 7 months
tea time!
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tagged by: @inkantation
tagging: steal it uwu
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glitteringstardust · 19 days
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sakuya sakuma stimboard
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jujumin-translates · 2 months
[A3!] Sakuya Sakuma | [SSR++] Guiding Stella | Bear Costume
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Izumi: I was just starting to get a little hungry. Thanks, I can’t wait to eat it!
Juza: Yea.
Sakuya: …Huh?
Juza: Oh, Sakuya.
Sakuya: Weren’t you going out, Juza-kun?
Juza: Just got back. I… went out to get some taiyaki. Ya want some too, Sakuya?
Sakuya: Wah, it looks really good!
Sakuya: But didn’t you get it because you wanted to eat it, Juza-kun? Are you sure?
Juza: S’okay, I got it for everyone to eat.
Izumi: He just gave me some to eat too… This taiyaki is filled with red bean paste and really tasty!
Sakuya: Wahh, that sounds so good.
Sakuya: Since you insist, I’ll have some too. Thank you, Juza-kun.
Juza: No problem.
Sakuya: Mhmm…! It really is tasty! The sweetness of the red bean paste is perfect!
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Juza: The dough’s real good too.
Izumi: (Sharing delicious taiyaki with the two of them really makes for a great snack time.)
Sakuya: …Ah, right! That reminds me, Juza-kun, Director, I’ve got something I want to ask you.
Juza: What is it?
Izumi: Something wrong?
Sakuya: I’m playing a role in a comedy play for my next guest performance.
Juza: A comedy, huh? Comedy performed by Sakuya… Sounds interestin’.
Izumi: Yeah! It’s pretty unusual for you to do a comedy, so it seems like it’d be something nice for you, Sakuya-kun.
Sakuya: Thank you so much. I’ve been thinking about getting some advice from Summer Troupe to get a better grasp on comedy.
Sakuya: Actually, I’m also supposed to play the role of a bear.
Izumi: You’re supposed to be a bear?
Juza: So you’re playin’ the role of a cute bear?
Sakuya: Uhh, something like that. I’m going to be performing in a bear costume, so I guess I’ll be a cute bear… Maybe?
Juza: Costume, huh? Sounds like somethin’ that’d suit ya, Sakuya.
Sakuya: That’s why I was wondering if I could borrow the bear costume that you wore before, Juza-kun.
Juza: Sure thing, it ain’t really mine, so ya can use it whenever ya want.
Sakuya: Thank you! I still thought I’d get your permission, just in case.
Izumi: But considering that costume fit Juza-kun perfectly, don’t you think it’d be a little big for you, Sakuya-kun?
Sakuya: It’s just for practice, so it’ll be okay, even if it’s a little big!
Izumi: Gotcha.
· • —– ٠ ✤ ٠ —– • ·
· • —– ٠ ✤ ٠ —– • ·
Option 1: Sakuya-kun’s bear seems like it’d be peaceful.
Izumi: A bear played by you sounds like it’d be kind of peaceful, Sakuya-kun.
Sakuya: You think so?
Izumi: Of course, it depends on the scene and the way you act, but I think you can still sort of sense the vibes of the person wearing the costume when it comes to that kind of thing.
Izumi: But since it’s supposed to be a comedy, it made me think that you might be playing the kind of bear you’d want to squish like a stuffed animal.
Sakuya: I’m a little flustered, but… I’m glad you think so. Thank you so much!
Sakuya: I hope I can put on a performance that can give everyone a real sense of peace.
Izumi: (Sakuya-kun seems so enthusiastic about it, I think I’ll go and see his performance too.)
Option 2: There are just some funny things that can only be done in a costume.
Izumi: There are just some funny things that can only be done in a costume.
Sakuya: Yeah! I think it makes comical movements stand out even more.
Juza: Yea. It’s a lil’ harder to see small movements, but they make the big movements stand out a lot more.
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Sakuya: Exactly! It seems like the kind of thing where it’d be good to make use of your whole body. I wanna practice while keeping that kinda thing in mind.
Izumi: (Sakuya-kun and Juza-kun always seem so earnest and happy while they talk about theater.)
Izumi: (They really have a positive influence on each other.)
· • —– ٠ ✤ ٠ —– • ·
Izumi: Ah, right. I think that costume might be in the storage room, but it might be in a hard-to-find place.
Izumi: We’ve had to put a lot of stuff in the storage room lately…
Sakuya: I’ll look for it, so don’t worry! I’ll go get it as soon as I can.
Juza: But it might be stacked on top of a shelf or somethin’. Could be buried under somethin’ too, so I’ll come with.
Sakuya: Thank you, Juza-kun! Alright, let’s go to the storage room then.
· • —– ٠ ✤ ٠ —– • ·
Juza: Glad we found it right away.
Sakuya: Me too! Alright, now let me just…
*Fabric rustles*
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Sakuya: How does it look…? Do I have it on properly?
Juza: It’s pretty big. ‘N the head’s kinda tilted too, but… Is the weight ‘n visibility okay?
Sakuya: The head is a little heavy, but… I think it’ll be okay.
Juza: Gotcha. But don’t push yourself, ‘kay?
Sakuya: Yeah, I’ll be careful.
Sakuya: That reminds me, it might be a bear costume this time, but other animal costumes are really cute too.
Juza: Ya think so…?
Sakuya: Alright, I wanna take the costume to my room, but I think I’ll get used to walking in it first.
Juza: Gotcha. You’re not gonna have a real feel for it right off the bat, so watch your step.
· ❀ —– ٠ ❀ ٠ —– ❀ ·
Sakuya: Alright… Uwhoa…! Sorry I had to ask you to help, Juza-kun.
Juza: It ain’t a problem. Aight, does your bear role got any lines on stage or somethin’?
Sakuya: No, I don’t have any lines, I’ve just gotta ad-lib. That’s why I wanna practice even more than usual.
Sakuya: Right! Since you’re like the veteran of this bear costume, do you have any advice for me, Juza-kun?
Juza: Advice…
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Juza: Right… They say beaarrr.
Sakuya: Huh, really? I never knew they said beaarrr! Thanks so much, Juza-kun! I’m glad you told me that!
Sakuya: Alright, I’ll give it a shot. …Beaarrr!
Sakuya: Umm, how was that?
Juza: Bears are big ‘n strong. So maybe ya could be a lil’ more majestic in the way ya say it ‘n in the way ya move or somethin’.
Sakuya: I see! Okay, I’ll give it another shot then!
Sakuya: Beaarrr~!!
Juza: Yea, I think there was more power in that one than before.
Tenma: …
Tenma: Juza-san and by the sound of your voice, I’m guessing… Sakuya? The hell are you two doing…?
Sakuya: Ah, Tenma-kun! Actually, for my upcoming guest performance…
· • —– ٠ ✤ ٠ —– • ·
Tenma: Got it… Wait, that costume… Isn’t that one of the ones Autumn Troupe had put away in the storage room?
Tenma: The hem is too long, so you look more like a bear cub when you wear it, Sakuya.
Sakuya: Ahaha, it is kinda big, isn’t it? But it’s still good practice to get a feel for what it’s like to wear a costume like this.
Tenma: I getcha. Good luck with your next guest performance. I’ll come to see it too if I’ve got time
Sakuya: Thanks! I’ll do my best!
*Tenma walks away*
Sakuya: Alright, one more time… Beaarrr--!!
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Tenma: …Not like there’s something really happening or anything, but I’ve got a bad feeling about this…
· • —– ٠ ✤ ٠ —– • ·
Sakuya: Hmm, I learned a lot from Juza-kun, but it’s still kinda hard to play a bear…
Sakuya: I feel like I don’t seem strong enough…
Citron: If it is okay for you to ad-lib, I think it is okay to be a Sakuya-like bear. There are bears like that too!
Sakuya: Yeah, I guess you’re right. I’ll try my best to play a me-like bear!
Sakuya: … Yawn…
Citron: Sakuya, are you getting sleepy from all of your costume practice? We can talk about it tomorrow. Today, it is time to go night-night.
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Sakuya: Right. Thank you for your advice, Citron-san. Okay, goodnight.
Citron: Goodest of nights, Sakuya.
*Lights turn off*
· ❀ —– ٠ ❀ ٠ —– ❀ ·
Sakuya: Mnnh… Huh…?
Sakuya: This is…?
Bear: Beaarrr--!!
Sakuya: UWHOA!?
Sakuya: What? … Huh… Juza-kun?
Bear: !
Sakuya: You’re Juza-kun, right?
Bear: …
Sakuya: Ehehe, I knew it. Ah, maybe you’re here to give me some guidance with my acting?
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Bear: …?
Sakuya: I knew it! Thanks!
Sakuya: Ah, right. Since I don’t know much about this forest, could you tell me more about it? Why don’t we take a walk together?
Bear: …Sure.
· • —– ٠ ✤ ٠ —– • ·
Sakuya: There’s a river running through here. And there are so many flowers blooming too. This really is a lovely forest.
Bear: …Yea.
Rabbit: …
Sakuya: Ah.
Bear: ! The hell are you doin’ here…?
Rabbit: Hah? The hell are YOU doin’ here? This is my turf.
Bear: This place belongs to no one.
Rabbit: HAGH!? …Huh? Ain’t that a human?
Sakuya: Umm, Banri-kun, right?
Rabbit: …
Sakuya: (I didn’t get an answer from Juza-kun earlier either… Are they not allowed to answer to their names?)
Rabbit: Whatever, I don’t give a shit about humans, so get the hell outta here.
Bear: Shut up, YOU get the hell outta here.
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Rabbit: The fuck!? Who the hell do you think you are!?
Sakuya: Whoa, whoa, don’t fight, guys…!
Tanuki: Ah! They’re fighting again!
Squirrel: Ugh, not again. Y’all never learn, do ya?
Wolf: Alright, c’mon, calm down you two.
Lion: Tch, I take my eyes off of you for a second and this is what happens?
Rabbit: It’s his fault for comin’ at me first!
Bear: Pretty sure that you’re the one who came at ME first. Quit tryin’ blame others.
Rabbit: Which one of us is blamin’ the other!? Quit fuckin’ around! You wanna go!?
Bear: Come at me.
Sakuya: Oh gosh, w-what do I do…!? C’mon, stop fighting, you two!! 
· • —– ٠ ✤ ٠ —– • ·
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Sakuya: Hah…!
Sakuya: J-Just a dream, huh… Those were the Autumn Troupe animals just now, right…?
Sakuya: Haah… Maybe that was because of my costume practice. …It’s still night, so I guess I should go back to sleep…
Sakuya: …
Sakuya: (I can’t sleep for some reason… I had a dream about a bear, so maybe that means I’m anxious about my bear performance.)
Sakuya: (...Okay. I’ve just gotta go gently and quietly so I don’t wake Citron-san up…)
· • —– ٠ ✤ ٠ —– • ·
Sakuya: Alright, there… I might wake someone up if I turn on the lights, so I’ll just go on practicing like this.
Sakuya: I walk like this, right? And then I raise my arms wide, and…
Sakuya: (...Huh. There’s someone’s shadow over there…)
Tenma: Haah, I’m exhausted…
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Sakuya: (Ah, it’s Tenma-kun…! Did he just get home?)
Sakuya: Ten--...
Tenma: Hm?
· • —– ٠ ✤ ٠ —– • ·
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Tenma: GYAAAGH--!!
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riddlerosehearts · 1 month
currently thinking about how when itaru was in high school he tried SO hard to hide his true self from everyone for fear of being judged and bullied and then his love of gaming accidentally got revealed to tonooka when he dropped his kniroun keychain. and when they became friends over it he thought he'd found someone he trusted, someone who was just like him, who made him feel joy and made him want to share his interests. but then he made the "mistake" of talking to his other classmates about knights of the round and instead of joining in the conversation and backing up his best friend, tonooka walked out him, told everyone his secrets, and completely betrayed itaru's trust and made him decide it'd be better--easier, safer--to never get close to anyone again.
and how when itaru joined mankai company he once again tried to hide himself from them, going so far as to lie about not feeling well in order to leave practices early, until they all ended up finding out one way or another. and not only did they not judge him at all, but they wholeheartedly accepted him and loved him. he wanted to leave because he thought he didn't fit in with the rest of the spring troupe and wasn't good enough, but they came up with a whole plan to basically beg him to stay. with his foot injury during romeo & julius he nearly made a big mistake and must have thought he'd come so far just to screw everything up but then sakuya saved the play and saved him. like no wonder he started crying tears of joy after it was over--not just because he finally discovered his passion for theater, but because he finally found people who assured him over and over that they wanted him in their lives and that they wouldn't betray him. he found a family.
currently i am getting very very emotional about itaru chigasaki!!
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dokidokitsuna · 7 months
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Fantasy Seal- Incident Resolvers
-I decided to go with the throwing needles as Reimu’s (first) phantom weapon. I’ve just always liked them; they feel like such a unique part of her arsenal, and it makes sense for her to start with a weapon similar to Sakuya’s knives, since he’s the first person she learns from.
-I love it when an anime cast has a variety of school uniforms; it’s such an underrated design choice. ^^ And in this case, it gives me a chance to put the characters in designs with more obvious references to the canon.
-Sakuya’s younger brothers are possessed by a mysterious pair of vampires, who also seem to be siblings in Gensokyo. Most of their ‘incidents’ are fairly harmless pranks involving weather phenomena, doppelgangers, and destruction of private property.
-Remi is the older twin, with a cold and calculating personality. Of the two, he is much more purposeful about embarrassing Sakuya and making their incidents an inconvenience to him specifically.
-Flandre is the younger twin, who is moody and sharp-tongued, but quiet most of the time. He’s a bit of a pushover, and tends to go along with what either of his older brothers tell him to do…unless he gets angry, at which point he becomes very difficult to reason with.
-Sakuya has a bit of an unfortunate dynamic with his brothers (which I’ve definitely only thought about a normal amount): basically, he spoiled them with constant attention for far too long, and now that he’s getting older and doesn’t have that kind of time anymore, they resent him and try to get back at him for “ignoring” them…a development that happened to neatly coincide with the discovery of their powers. The end result is a trio of characters who love each other deeply but simultaneously make each others’ lives hell…so, just a normal sibling rivalry, pretty much. ^^
-Is this actually ‘Sanae’ (as in, not just the name of this representation of the character, but the actual same character with the same backstory)....??? I’m still a little undecided, but I’m leaning towards ‘yes’. ^^ I just think she fits well into this AU the way she is, as someone who’s canonically a human descendant of a god– only in this case, since Gensokyo isn’t a place she can move to, she instead becomes a bridge between the ‘fantasy phase’ and ‘material phase’, who can mediate between the two layers of reality and teach others to do the same.
-Plus, she’s older now! I love aging up characters!! :D Cool old ladies for the win!!!
-Meanwhile, a real incident is brewing at the local university…
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the-himawari · 6 months
A3! Outing Event Translation - You're my first and last love. (3/11)
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*Please read disclaimer on blog; default name set as Izumi
Sakyo: —Everyone’s here now. These are our team members this time.
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Masumi: …
Hisoka: Zzz…
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Sakuya: I'm looking forward to working together, Azami-kun!
Azami: Yeah. Even though our teams were picked by lottery, I don’t like the fact I ended up on the same team as shitty Sakyo. But you’re here too, Sakuya-san. So I’m sure it’ll work out fine.
Sakuya: Ehh! Um… let’s do our best together!
Misumi: What a surprise though, huh~? I never thought we’d also ending up doing something at that place!
*flashback starts*
Izumi: Welcome home, everyone! I sent you guys a LIME earlier. Did you see it?
Masumi: Yeah. We were surprised since we were right by the venue when we got your message.
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Izumi: Huh? Really? What an amazing coincidence.
Misumi: We were with a lost kitty!
Izumi: A kitty?
Masumi: Don’t worry about it. Continue.
Izumi: Ah, sure. I heard that Veludo City was also involved in the construction of this event hall. And so, apparently they’re reaching out to stores and groups that have a connection with Veludo City to participate in the event hall’s grand opening.
Misumi: That sounds fun~!
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Izumi: Right. I think it’s going to be lively… but truth be told, the main details of the event haven’t been finalized yet. They said that as long as it fits the theme of “White Day”, then we’re free to do whatever we want…
Masumi: That sounds reckless…
Izumi: Ahaha… the hall was just built, after all. I heard another reason for that is so they can consider how to use the hall and which groups to invite afterwards, based on the event.
Azami: In other words, it’s a trial event.
Izumi: I suppose so. The days and times that each group can use the hall have already been allocated. We get to use the hall for a full day.
Hisoka: …That’s quite a long time.
Izumi: I think so too. That’s why I haven’t fully decided what we’re going to do as MANKAI Company.
Misumi: Ooh, let’s open a triangle shop! We’ll stock up on lots of triangle items!
Hisoka: A marshmallow shop…
Azami: Err, you’re the only ones who would be into that.
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Izumi: We can think about whether it’s do-able afterwards. All ideas are welcome right now. Do you have anything, Azami-kun?
Azami: Even if you ask me…
Masumi: What if we do something like a thank you event like Sakuya mentioned before?
Izumi: Hm?
Masumi: If it’s a big event, then everyone’s schools and workplaces might be more flexible, right?
Izumi: Well, that’s true…
Sakyo: —I’m down for that. Let’s start by askin’.
Azami: Ugh, it's shitty Sakyo. Since when were you listenin’?
Sakyo: I just came.
Izumi: …I got it. I think it’d be great if we could do what Sakuya suggested. I’ll run it by everyone and see.
*flashback ends*
Azami: I never actually thought everyone’s schedules would miraculously match up.
Hisoka: Maybe it’s because it was just one day?
Sakyo: Exactly. That venue also has the capacity to let us accomplish what would usually take us several days all in one day. That also helps in a sense.
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Azami: Well, we haven’t even decided what we’re gonna do though.
Sakuya: I’m curious what kind of ideas the other teams are going to come up with. But first, we should think about what we’d like to do.
Sakyo: Yeah, as Sakuma said. Does anyone have any ideas right now?
Misumi: Here, heeere! I wanna look for triangles!
Sakyo: MANKAI Company’s fans aside, the regular guests aren’t gonna understand what’s goin’ on.
Sakuya: I think it’s a great idea though. It sounds like something Misumi-san would come up with.
Sakyo: At this rate, all Mikage’s gonna say is marshmallows… Usui, do you have anythin’?
Masumi: No.
Sakyo: You…
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Hisoka: Zzz…
Sakyo: Oi, don’t fall asleep.
Misumi: Wanna have a marshmallow, Hisoka?
Hisoka: Thanks.
Azami: *Sigh*… our future looks bleak.
Sakuya: Ahaha…
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thesovereignsring-if · 11 months
Hello there, dear author! :D
I'm wondering, if you could cast voice actors for all the important characters in your game (ROs, siblings, empress, etc. ), who would you choose? :3
I personally prefer Japanese voices, so I'd love to hear your thoughts on those, but if you like English more, then that's fine too!
Hope you have a wonderful Sunday! :D
Oh this is a really cool question!! I am a connoisseur for both Eng and Jp Vas so I will provide both. Lmao Some of these are highly specific because some of these characters were lowkey blueprints 🙈 Though I'm curious about what other people would think!
His voice is soft, light, almost sweet tenor. It's gentle and very friendly, the kind that kids find soothing and approachable, but can go into a deep earthy tone when he wants to be serious.
Miyano Mamoru (Chrollo/Light Yagami)
Matt Mercer (Yusuke Kitagawa)
His voice would be a very smooth, relaxing tenor, dark but very gentle.
Jun Kasama (HiMERU) or Yuichiro Umehara (Alhaitham/ Keito Hasumi)
Greg Chun, specifically when he making cheesecake or as Adam)
Her voice would be the dark, warm and slightly husky voice. Y'know the one that screams Mommy that will wreck you uwu but also playful aunty.
Miyuki Sawashiro
Allegra Clark (Chihiro Morimura/Beidou)
Junichi Suwabe (Sukuna/Archer)
Cam Clark (Kratos Auron/Prince Crescendo) but Patrick Seitz (Frederic Chopin) works too.
Finny has a youthful voice, something bright and almost nasally. I wouldn't take him very seriously and ruin the tone of the story, but I think it would be sooo cute if he had a little lisp. ;//w//;
Masakazu Morita (💕Tidus💕/Kurosaki Ichigo) or Yuki Kaji (Alibaba)
Max Mittleman (Ryuji/ Itto Arataki)
She would have a very sweet, bubbly and airy voice. Something that borders on fairy-like and soothing, but isn't grating to the ears.
Rie Takahashi (Emilia/Hu Tao/Takagi)
Laura Bailey (Cheria Barnes/Rise Kujikawa)
Her voice would be something bright, cute and confident. Nothing too high or low, something just right in the middle.
Haruka Tomatsu (Kyoko Hori/ZeroTwo/Asuna)
Kelly Sheridan (Barbie/Sango)
Her voice would sit somewhere between pretty, sweet and just edging on sexy. Not too bright or husky, a rich tone that's fitting for a young woman.
Rie Tanaka (Himeko / Lisa)
Michelle Ruff (Velvet (OdinSphere)/Sakuya Tachibana /Sadayo Kawakami)
Androgynous, but soothing, dark and slightly husky. Something that makes you question their age, gender and your sexuality.
Romi Park
Veronica Taylor (Tsukasa Okino) or Eric Vale (Yuki Sohma)
SASS. Something not too bratty, but has a rich and sauve twang to it. A rich tone that borders on nasally.
Noriaki Sugiyama (Sasuke Uchiha/Uryuu Ishida/Shimazaki (Mob Psycho100))
Liam O'Brian (Ingway(OpinSphere)/ Akihiko Sanada) or Yuri Lowenthal (Suzaku Kururugi/ Sasuke Uchiha)
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mahi-does-some-art · 8 days
I guess, most people have just been using it as a meme and using fictional characters it fits
ah i see. yeah tsubaki didnt completely think things through. now look hes stuck in a mirror world where all of his loved ones no longer know him.
Also. Just a thought. But Sakuya erasing Koyuki and Ryuusei's memories of his visage seems awfully foreshadow-y to them not knowing Sakuya at all in the mirror world and also not knowing Mahiru that well either.
Four friends split in the name of a "perfect" world, maybe just a little similar to how Sakuya wanted three perfect years with them before disappearing from their lives.
Feels a bit less connected when I type it out but the feelings there.
Do you think Sakuya thought about them, too, while they were all being washed away into a world that shouldn't be? Do you think he realized that he really, really wants that chance to be a bit more selfish and stay in their lives for as long as they allow him to be, instead of three measly years? Before he was stripped of that chance? Hm.
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gardenofbookworms · 5 months
today is a very special day and so i am taking advantage of this opportunity to give you all my manga recs before rose kills me :D
(“bee i thought you hated romance there's a lot of bl on here” bl doesn't count okay. shhh)
*note: author and character names are in last-name-first-name format when full name is shown
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Kindergarten Wars by Chiba You
in japan there exists an establishment called kindergarten noir, where children can often be seen running around in the playground out front. though it may look unassuming—this is the safest kindergarten in the world, daily attacked by assassins (such as leo) yet never having lost one single child. rita is one of the staff members, all of which are former convicts with more kills than their age in years and enough baggage to weigh down a jet. her only goal in life? to find a hot boyfriend (and definitely NOT her nicotine addicted swindler colleague). but before that, there’s something that must be done at any cost—protect the children.
the balance in this manga is actual, literal perfection. it’s officially classified as a comedy, and yet there’s a real seriousness behind the characters and their missions that makes it so, so emotional (the end of the asakusa arc…). not only that, but there seems to be a lovebug going around, and of course it’s not complete without the resident manga otaku (luke). the “elite” from another level in fighting aren’t set apart from the others in the kindergarten, either—the characters are constantly unified and there for each other which only made it worse when [redacted].
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Servamp by Strike TANAKA
shirota mahiru is a very simple person. if you see a lonely cat, you pick it up, right? but what if the cat is a vampire, or rather, servamp, and he's just been dragged into the complex world of the supernatural (y'know, vampires, werewolves, demon children splitting in half)? with tensions growing between the seven and the “eighth”, the servamps draw closer to war. and, thinking simply, mahiru and his neet vampire kuro are the only ones who can stop it—and not without help, of course. now, how much of that was a lie?
word is that servamp is ending this year which, nooo…but holy shit is it a good series. everything escalates really really quickly (and ridiculously but that's the charm) but each arc is obviously carefully thought out (sakuya……lilly……ophelia……tsurugi……). the complexity makes it a little hard to follow sometimes, but seeing the way the characters struggle to keep their morals and navigate relationships with each other and more stuff i can't fit here is so, so worth it.
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Zom 100: Bucket List of the Dead by Aso Haro and Takata Kotaro
tendo akira has a definite zombie apocalypse role—the guy who’s just happy not to go to work. having had his dreams crushed by an exploitative corporation, akira would readily take a zombie apocalypse over another day in the office. when his prayers are answered, he realizes he’s had no free time to be anything other than an employee. so what does he do? make a bucket list, of course! after a reunion with college friend kenchiro ryuzaki, the two travel japan and meet other survivors—shizuka, a strategist whose dream is to become a doctor, and beatrix, a foreigner and samurai who came to japan with bright eyes. hordes and manipulative former bosses may follow them, but they can’t fall to their level—because they’d much rather be eaten by zombies than miss out on a chance to live.
i first found out about this manga through the anime (which is phenomenal but beware for your mental health). the way it kicks off really set the tone—akira tries confessing to his coworker, but it goes nothing like he’d ever plan for—that bittersweet start had me hooked throughout the manga. a lot, if not all, of the circumstances are nothing short of ridiculous, my favorite examples being the zombie shark (defeated by electric punch) and the government robots (defeated with the help of a gamer girl). above all, the bad guys aren’t the zombies! it’s—you guessed it—capitalism (yay!).
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The Guy She Was Interested in Wasn't a Guy at All by Sumiko Arai
highschool gyaru oosawa aya is set apart from the rest of her glamorous friends by (mostly) one thing—her music taste. deviating far from the typical, fresh j-pop that everyone seems to listen to, aya prefers her much-treasured american indie rock bands. koga mitsuki, who quickly earns her reputation as “the prince”, is the same way, except she’s on the opposite side of the school spectrum. but it just so happens that mitsuki, one of those “loner-types”, sits right next to aya in class. when their paths cross for real at the record shop where mitsuki works, a case of mistaken identity is the first thing that sets off their relationship—but when you break it down, they’re just two people who really love music.
there are two things that i absolutely adore in this manga. a) MUSIC IS A BIG FOCUS. AHHHH if you can’t tell im also obsessed with music so (btw on spotify i have a playlist of all the songs featured in the manga if you’d like to take a look). really loved the exploration with mitsuki and aya’s feelings about music and also mitsuki’s uncle AND kanna too. and b) the art style is so captivating…the use of green, and especially neon green at that, is so so cool. it kind of reminds me of glitter pen ink with all its shiny-ness. flashy teen romances are definitely not my thing but this series…
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Hirano and Kagiura by Harusono Shou
kagiura akira has never been good at waking up early, despite all his early basketball practices. luckily, he's got his new school dormmate hirano taiga to help him get out of bed. but as the school semester progresses, kagiura begins to realize something—he is horribly, hopelessly, in love with hirano. when he figures out hirano doesn't return his feelings, they enter a compromise; for ten seconds a day, kagiura is allowed to touch him with more affection than just between “friends”. starstruck, kagiura is willing to give him all the time he needs to come to terms with his feelings. but hirano isn't even sure of them himself—kagiura is so, so close to his heart, but are those feelings really romantic? and just how long is he okay with making him wait? and when will they be past the point of trying?
how do i even start to describe this manga. every single chapter i read, there were at least three times i had to put my phone down and take a deep breath. why? because they are so cute rahhhhhh. kagiura’s initial underlying uncertainty about his feelings growing into something he's more sure about is. an amazing reflection of his maturity. meanwhile hirano is still catching up, trying to sort through everything but still cheering his kagi-kun (that's so affectionate i’m gonna cry) on. and obviously, because this is bl and who are we kidding, there's niibashi and hanzawa for comical outsider pov commentary (while i'm on that pipeline, i adore how hanzawa knows and trying his best to be supportive).
“but bee, i thought you had seven recs?” i do, but unfortunately i am lazy af and forgot to write the last summary for given (kizu natsuki). it’s still one of my favorites though. music, romance, and of course, angst. yes it’s bl, shhh. i also highly recommend the bungou stray dogs series (asagiri kafka and harukawa sango) but since that’s a little more widely known (and we trend once a month, if yk yk), i’m not gonna get into it.
hope you enjoyed :DDD
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teablogreal · 3 months
Roze episode 3 thoughts
Didn't get around to putting my thoughts on episode 2 down last week but basically Ash Phoenix is easily becoming my favorite character in the cast and also catherine is a little funny i think
Anyways as usual below this line will be spoiler talk
Ok so like episode 3 had a lot going on like WOW. LL's new fit looks better in the scene that he shows up in than the concept art ive seen floating around. I have seen some discussions on the lore discrepancies regarding lelouch bestowing the same geass he had onto sakuya/roze however i'll wait and see how things go before i decide my thoughts on that bit. I think throwing a fit over lore contradictions is a bit silly, personally.
The maid cafe section of the episode really brought back the goofy slice of life elements of code geass that you either dread or cherish. For me personally even if a lot of it leans onto fanservice I feel like the more comedic lighthearted moments are necessary to emphasize the drama that happens later. Having Sakuya be forced to balance working at a cafe and also larping as Ash's brother while also having to deal with Ash crushing on her waitress-sona is an entertaining scenario. Although not as layered as the school shenanigans in og Code Geass, they can definitely work with this for 12 episodes i feel. or 4 movies, depending on how you're viewing this.
Ash Phoenix. This character fucking baffles me, dude spends one episode cooking with the hardest one liners possible ("I'll show you that even iron bleeds" is the hardest shit like dude) and then goes into the next episode bumbling and infodumping over a crush. He's perhaps the most endearing character on the cast in my opinion, he's just a silly little guy who loves taking care of puppies and kittens and he loves cooking however he also is highly trained in military combat and has nearly inhuman reflexes (dude moved that coffee cup filled to the brim with coffee at high speeds and somehow DIDNT spill it) like he's just the funniest guy there at this point.
Catherine is another highlight this episode, she appeared with one big scene involving her but I already am enjoying how extra she is. She is like intentionally leaning in to the whole meangirl shtick and yknow what? i think its entertaining as shit personally speaking. like yeah shes a total asshole, everybody in neo britannia is. but that doesnt stop the fact that she is incredibly fucking silly to witness. like one of those characters that you love to shove down a flight of stairs.
Norland had his first speaking role here, I was completely caught off guard hearing Dan fucking Green voicing him. It genuinely took my some time to recognize his voice in the dub but shit man his voice was scary here. I was worried that neo britannia might just be a bit of a pushover going off of how the fights with arnold and the two other guys went, but if anything this episode makes it clear that from this point on, things will only get harder for the protagonists. I hope Norland leaves a lasting impact as what i assume is the main antagonist here.
Callis caught me off guard. His dynamic with Natalia was interesting however I did not expect them to kill him off instantly. Curious as to if this was an inside job or not, either way I expect there to be some moral opposition between Natalia and Sakuya because of this incident, even if Sakuya herself has nothing to do with it.
Also taking another moment to mention Mei because I feel like she's decent comic relief. Her shenanigans when helping Sakuya come up with a fake background for herself at the cafe were really funny to watch.
But yeah, i definitely enjoyed this one more than last week's episode, not that episode 2 was bad or anything I just thing that this one kinda topped it in terms of goofy comedy and also world and character building. I'm really glad the writers managed to recapture that same feel of the original series.
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emilycollins00 · 1 year
In the end I succumbed bc making ocs really looked fun, thanks for the encouragement!! definitely needed, sharing this is something else
I'm a simple girl so there had to be one oc for each troupe/season:
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Haruna (19) medicine student at Yosei
Aki (22) fitness instructor at the gym autumn troupe and + usually go to
Natsumi (16) teen voice-actor
Fuyuka (24) kindergarten teacher
Tiny mash-up I thought of while doing this!!
Aki has the biggest and most humongous crush on Omi. She's very vocal about it too
Natsumi comes from the same company as Tenma (she also voices one of Itaru's most favorite characters)
Sakuya works part-time at the same kindergarten as Fuyuka (she's also a former classmate of Tsumugi/Tasuku back in college)
Natsumi and Fuyuka are sisters! Natsumi ADORES her big sister
I'm having Tsuzuru and Haruna have the longest slowest-burn ever
Don't know if I'll do anything more with them (But hopefully bc I like them <3) in any case this was fun on its own! Want them to become friends with everyone's oc too hoho 💕
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Hi hello I'm back! I got myself lost in the hype of Rune Factory 3 rereleasing so I disappeared for a bit. But Im back now! Heres the Bracelet Girls dressed as some of the bacholorettes!
Standalones and inspirations under the cut!
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Yuzu! I was debating between going for either Shara (flower girl vibes) or Pia (in reference to my mermay piece, pink hair, and the fact that shes the girl im going for in my current run), but ultimately thought Shara fit her better.I absolutely adored Shara as a kid, and when RF5 came out last year, I always wore the Shara outfit. And Yuzu looks great in it! Im very happy with how it turned out, it really fits her aesthetic.
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There was only one of the bacholorettes that I was gonna go for with Serena, and that was Raven. They have the exact same vibe in my opinion. I dont know if Raven's outfit really matches her color pallet, but eh. I like drawing Serena with her hair down.
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RINRIN♡ Rin started this whole idea for me. I originally compared her to Carmen, and then thought she was quite a bit like Marian as well. I decided to go with Marian because Wind Witch vibes. This started out as my least favorite when Id sketched it, but i ended up really happy with the details when Id finished the coloring!
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In my opinion, Ruri doesnt really have a bacholorette in RF3 that I can compare her too. She reminds me more of Felicity in RF1 or Leann from RF2. So it was down to whichever RF3 bacholorette I thought her aesthetic matched to the best- Sofia or Sakuya. I went with Sofia because I think the colors of the outfit would go better with the rest of the girls. I feel like im not really great at drawing Ruri though, so I hope to draw her more in the future.
If youve made it this far, thanks for reading! Next piece of fanart, Id like to draw Yuya dressed up as RF3's main protagonist, Micha. Thanks for sticking with me :3
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sasukesun · 10 months
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(To save you the trouble of searching, here are the two manga covers that were mentioned)
Hi, I saw some ss fans saying that ss are inspired by Japanese mythology. According to them, Sakura shares many similarities with the goddess Konohana-Sakuya-hime because: 1)Sakuyahime is an icon of cherry blossoms, similar to the name and appearance of Sakura; 2)Sakuyahime often holds a cherry blossom branch in her left hand and a mirror in her right hand. In Chapter 50 of the Naruto manga, illustrated by Kishimoto, Sakura is depicted holding a comb with cherry blossom patterns in her left hand and a small square mirror in her right hand; 3)Konohana-sakuya-hime is also the goddess of Mount Fuji. Whenever she is saddened, she can make the volcano erupt. This is also a symbolic detail indicating Sakura's fiery temperament. 4)Konohana-Sakuya-hime symbolizes the life of humanity.This coincides with Sakura, the best medic nin of Konoha (in their opinion) Sasuke, on the other hand, draws significant inspiration from the deity Ninigi-no-Mikoto (Ninigi) because: 1) Ninigi is the son of Ame no Oshihomimi no Mikoto, the grandson of the sun goddess Amaterasu, and the husband of the goddess Sakuyahime. 2) The name of the deity Ninigi-no-Mikoto translates to "The Child of the Sun of Many Talents". Similarly, Sasuke has been hailed as a prodigy of the Uchiha clan since his academy days. Even the Second Hokage acknowledges Sasuke's potential, comparing it to that of Uchiha Madara. 3) Amaterasu sends Ninigi down to Earth as the Descent from Heaven. In a parallel, Sasuke receives the "Heaven Seal" from Orochimaru in the Forest of Death during the Chunin Exams arc. 4) Ninigi, as the descendant of Amaterasu, brings Three Imperial Regalia to Japan to establish peace. One of these is the sword Kusanagi-no-Tsurugi. Similarly, Sasuke possesses his own Kusanagi sword, which he wields consistently throughout the battles in the Naruto Shippuden series. And finally, the mythological element in SS. According to them, on the cover of Naruto manga volume 8?, there is an image of Sakura holding a paper fan (commonly referred to as Uchiha' symbol– a type of fan made from bamboo and Japanese paper) with the emblem of the Leaf Village Police Force (originally established by the Second Hokage and entrusted to the Uchiha clan to symbolize trust), standing by the seaside. In Japanese mythology, during a visit to the king's house shortly after Ninigi descended to the mortal realm, he met and fell in love with Konohana-sakuya-hime by the seaside. I know that SS fans often make up a lot of things, but when I checked the information through Google, it seems to be true :(. So, could you share your thoughts on this?
so what the information itself is true? the “connections” they make are superficial and cherrypicking and pretty much twisted to fit their own delusions.
1) Sakuyahime is an icon of cherry blossoms, similar to the name and appearance of Sakura
they know that sakura is a fairly common name in japan right? and also, appearance?
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not really sure about that.
2) Sakuyahime often holds a cherry blossom branch in her left hand and a mirror in her right hand. In Chapter 50 of the Naruto manga, illustrated by Kishimoto, Sakura is depicted holding a comb with cherry blossom patterns in her left hand and a small square mirror in her right hand
so sakura is brushing her hair with a comb that has a cherry blossom on it (wow very unfitting for a girl literally named cherry blossom) and looking at herself in the mirror so it must mean that is a reference to a mythological figure. this is so lol because kishimoto uses that chapter cover to show sakura’s hypocrisy and vanity, both of which are a thing about her character. they are in the middle of forrest of death and yet sakura is too worried about her looks, while naruto and sasuke do all the work, of course, another thing that is constant in the naruto narrative.
3) Konohana-sakuya-hime is also the goddess of Mount Fuji. Whenever she is saddened, she can make the volcano erupt. This is also a symbolic detail indicating Sakura's fiery temperament.
yes, sakura is the only short tempered character in the naruto manga!
4) Konohana-Sakuya-hime symbolizes the life of humanity. This coincides with Sakura, the best medic nin of Konoha (in their opinion)
i’m glad you already added the “(in their opinion)” cause yeah... it’s just that... an opinion, and an inaccurate one btw, since sakura only achieved the same level of abilities of tsunade, but there is the small difference that tsunade actually created her own jutsu and was a pioneer in medical ninjutsu, unlike sakura who was just able to copy it, and no, you can’t use a non canon novel to say sakura opened a mental health institution in konoha, sorry :(
there is absolute no indication that sakura’s character was inspired by this mythological figure, the strongest link those people can make is “cherry blossom goddess” = sakura (despite the fact that the cherry blossom tree is a very popular symbol in japan in many ways and sakura is a very popular girl name there) and “volcano eruption” = short temper, this is pathetic.
now sasuke… is even worse lol.
Sasuke, on the other hand, draws significant inspiration from the deity Ninigi-no-Mikoto 1) Ninigi is the son of Ame no Oshihomimi no Mikoto, the grandson of the sun goddess Amaterasu, and the husband of the goddess Sakuyahime
i wonder where is the evidence for the significant inspiration here... amaterasu isn’t exclusive to sasuke, itachi has it too, amaterasu, tsukuyomi and susanoo are associated with the uchiha clan, and why sasuke must be the grandson specifically? this is completely forced, it’s not “ninigi resembles sasuke and coincidentally he is married with sakuyahime” logic, it’s “he is married to sakuyahime, which i’m forcing association with sakura, therefore i will force parallels between him and sasuke” logic, the ends justifying the means.
2) The name of the deity Ninigi-no-Mikoto translates to "The Child of the Sun of Many Talents". Similarly, Sasuke has been hailed as a prodigy of the Uchiha clan since his academy days. Even the Second Hokage acknowledges Sasuke's potential, comparing it to that of Uchiha Madara
hmmm itachi was the prodigy... sasuke was also top of the class, but he had to work hard to get the same praise itachi easily did, sasuke graduated at the same age every child does, itachi graduated much earlier (if i remember it right, he was 7), sasuke was a genin at 12, itachi was an anbu at 12... just because sasuke is better than his classmates (because of his hardwork motivated by making his father proud and then by avenging his clan), doesn’t mean he is a prodigy, especially when he himself has a prodigy brother. it slips over people’s minds that sasuke worked hard! also... “the child of the sun” just doesn’t sit right to me at all... wrong celestial body i guess.
3) Amaterasu sends Ninigi down to Earth as the Descent from Heaven. In a parallel, Sasuke receives the "Heaven Seal" from Orochimaru in the Forest of Death during the Chunin Exams arc
sorry i don’t even know what to say to this lol yeah... analogy is my passion!
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4) Ninigi, as the descendant of Amaterasu, brings Three Imperial Regalia to Japan to establish peace. One of these is the sword Kusanagi-no-Tsurugi. Similarly, Sasuke possesses his own Kusanagi sword, which he wields consistently throughout the battles in the Naruto Shippuden series
how is this not forced? ninigi brought three presents and one of them happens to be a sword? he doesn’t even use a sword himself? they are just picking similar words at this point.
And finally, the mythological element in SS. According to them, on the cover of Naruto manga volume 8?, there is an image of Sakura holding a paper fan (commonly referred to as Uchiha' symbol– a type of fan made from bamboo and Japanese paper) with the emblem of the Leaf Village Police Force (originally established by the Second Hokage and entrusted to the Uchiha clan to symbolize trust), standing by the seaside. In Japanese mythology, during a visit to the king's house shortly after Ninigi descended to the mortal realm, he met and fell in love with Konohana-sakuya-hime by the seaside.
that is a shuriken? the police force symbol is similar, but it’s just not the same thing and it can’t reference the police force either when there is already an object in the naruto universe that looks exactly like that... a shuriken.
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and if they make such a huge deal about sakura holding a fan (while wearing traditional clothing, so it’s not unfitting or out of nowhere either) i wonder what they have to say about this:
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i find it sad how hard they try and still can’t make one good analysis with logical arguments and parallels… well of course you can’t make that when the original source tell us the exact opposite from their delusions.
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jujumin-translates · 5 months
★ Main Story | Act 13 - Budding Spring | Chapter 8 - First Theater Experience
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*Door creaks open*
Towa: …
Towa: (It’s almost time for it to start, but I wonder if it’s fine for me to come in…)
Izumi: Ah, Towa-kun, welcome. You can go ahead and take a seat over there while you wait.
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Towa: Hello…
Boy: Hey, I’m thirsty.
Father: Here’s some water.
Izumi: There’s vending machines in the lobby, so if you want to get anything, now’s the time.
Young Man: Umm, where’s the bathroom…?
Sakuya: It’s that way. I’ll show you!
Towa: (There’s all kinds of people here, from elementary school kids to elderly people…)
Towa: (I wonder if those high school-looking girls and college-age-looking ladies are Spring Troupe fans like me.)
Towa: (It’s kinda a relief that no one here seems like they’re an actor. Everyone looks pretty beginner-ish.)
Izumi: Well, it’s about time. Let’s get things started.
Sakuya: Everyone, please come and gather here~!
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Sakuya: Hello! I’m Sakuya Sakuma, the leader of MANKAI Company’s Spring Troupe!
Sakuya: Thank you for participating in today’s beginner’s workshop!
Sakuya: This is our first time doing something like this, so I’m sure there’s some things we’ll kinda have to ease into, but we’ll do our best and we hope you all have fun!
Citron: We will start with a very eggciting backstage tour led by me and Sakuya!
Citron: We are also bringing in some special guests for today, so we hope you look forward to seeing them~!
Sakuya: We’ll start by showing you the part of the stage that can be seen from the best seats in the house! Be sure to watch your step as you make your way up.
· • —– ٠ ✤ ٠ —– • ·
Sakuya: Here’s where we always perform for the audience.
Boy: Whoa…!
Towa: Amazing… so this is what it’s like to be on stage.
Sakuya: When you’re actually standing up here, it’s kinda surprising how small the stage is from one end to the other. But since it’s up higher than the audience seats, you can see all the way to the back from up here.
Woman A: So you really can see it from up here.
Citron: We can see all of the audience members!
Sakuya: Akashi-saaan, please go ahead!
Akashi: Okay…
*Stage lights turn on*
Sakuya: This is the stage lighting. It can change the color of the entirety of the stage, and can be used to cast a spotlight on a single person…
*Spotlight turns on*
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Towa: !!
Woman B: So hot…!
Citron: It is always hot and shakes us sweat!
Tsuzuru: You mean makes us sweat.
Itaru: You sure letting Citron and Sakuya run this thing is a good idea?
Citron: Just leave it to us!
Sakuya: When a scene is exciting, the light can flicker like this, and when a scene has a slower tone, the lights can become subdued like this…
*Lights flicker and then slow down*
Citron: We can do many performances this way!
Sakuya: Let’s move on to the lighting booth next.
· • —– ٠ ✤ ٠ —– • ·
Citron: It is time to introduce one of our special guests!
Sakuya: This is Akashi-san, he does all of our lighting for us.
Akashi: N-Nice to m… you…
Towa: Huh?
Citron: He is a bit shy, but he has instanding lighting skills!
Tsuzuru: You mean outstanding?
Akashi: A-A single light can completely change the atmosphere of a scene… the mood of the stage can completely differ depending on who’s in charge of the lighting…
Sakuya: The mood on stage that Akashi-san creates is always so gentle and warm.
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Akashi: T-Thank you…
Towa: (I hadn’t ever really thought about the lighting that much before. Next time I see a play, I’ll pay more attention to it to see how it changes…)
Citron: Next up is the sound booth!
· • —– ٠ ✤ ٠ —– • ·
Rento: Yo.
Sakuya: This is Rento-san, he’s in charge of the sound for us!
Rento: Nice to meetcha.
Rento: My job is to do stuff like prepare the music ‘n sound effects used on stage ‘n then make ‘em fit in line with the flow of the play.
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Rento: I’m basically a jack-of-all-trades when it comes to sound-related stuff.
Rento: ‘Course, the music’s gotta fit for the scene, ‘n the sound effects can’t be too dull or they’ll take away from the play.
Rento: Not only does that stuff really liven up a scene, but it also pushes the play forward so it doesn’t fall into a lull or anythin’ like that.
Boy: Huh… the music really does get me more excited, now that I think about it.
Towa: (So this is the guy that does the sound effects that go along with the sword fights…)
Sakuya: Even a tiny timing error can disrupt the rhythm of a play, so it’s a pretty tough job.
Citron: Rento’s sounds are always very nice and perfect!
Rento: Thanks much.
Sakuya: Now let’s head to the backstage dressing room~.
· • —– ٠ ✤ ٠ —– • ·
Yuki: Hey there.
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Azami: Nice to meet you.
Towa: Huh, Azami-kun and Yuki-kun…!?
Sakuya: These guys are Yuki-kun, the one in charge of our costumes, and Azami-kun, the one in charge of our makeup!
Woman A: I didn’t think we’d get to meet anyone from a troupe other than Spring Troupe…!
Woman B: Same here!
Yuki: I’ve been in charge of costumes for every performance since the Newborn Spring Troupe’s first play, RomiJuli.
Yuki: I create the designs based on the plots of Tsuzuru’s scripts, and then from there, I draw up the patterns, which you can kind of think of like being the blueprints for costumes…
Yuki: Then I buy the fabric and get to sewing.
Yuki: I make designs that not only fit the image of the role but ones that’ll also look good on stage and are easy to move in.
Woman A: Do you make everything all by yourself?
Yuki: Generally speaking. It’s easier for me to get a solid idea that way. But sometimes I have Taichi or the others help me with some of the smaller details.
Towa: Amazing…!
Azami: And I’m in charge of plannin’ out the makeup to match the roles and costumes and also doin’ everyone’s makeup before each performance.
Sakuya: We used to do our makeup ourselves before Azami-kun was put in charge of it, so it’s a little funny to see how our makeup skills compare to his.
Citron: The impact it has on our faces is totally different~!
· • —– ٠ ✤ ٠ —– • ·
Sakuya: Well then, that concludes our backstage tour. Now it’s time for everyone to try their hand at acting!
Itaru: The theme this time is “Enjoying your first theater experience”.
Tsuzuru: You don’t have to worry about any special techniques or skills, we just want you to experience what it’s like to perform.
Izumi: We’ll now pass out the scripts~.
Tsuzuru: The script is actually an excerpt from the Spring Troupe play “Romeo and Julius”.
Tsuzuru: We thought it’d be one that’s easy to act out since Romeo and Juliet is a pretty famous work.
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Itaru: And because at the time of Spring Troupe’s first performance, all of us were just beginners.
Towa: (“Romeo and Julius”… Masumi-kun’s Julius is so cool.)
Towa: (I can’t believe he was just a beginner when he first performed as him.)
Tsuzuru: Alright then, we’re gonna split you guys into six teams now and decide on the casting. We already planned out how we’re gonna split you into teams, so we’ll tell you which team you're on now.
Towa: (I wonder what role I’m gonna get!)
· • —– ٠ ✤ ٠ —– • ·
Masumi: I’m in charge of your guys’ team.
Towa: (I must be some kinda oshi magnet or something…! No, could he possibly be doing this out of all the care and consideration and kindness in his heart…!?)
Masumi: Quit staring so loudly.
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Towa: !!
Masumi: For the casting… do any of you have any preferences?
Towa: --.
Towa: (My luck’s been good so far, so I’ve gotta go for it…!)
Towa: I wanna play Julius!
Masumi: Anyone else want Julius?
Masumi: …Okay, you’ll be Julius. Anyone else have a preference?
Young Man: Ah, well, I’d like--.
Masumi: What role do you want?
Young Man: Umm… someone with fewer lines would probably be better… but…
Masumi: You’re going to be switching roles around anyway, so just pick who you want.
Young Man: T-Then, Romeo.
Masumi: If no one else has any preferences, I’ll just decide for the rest of you.
· • —– ٠ ✤ ٠ —– • ·
Young Man: “Umm, let’s go on a journey together, Julius. We can leave behind this cramped town and travel the world.”
Towa: “Romeo, you’ve got brawn, and I’ve got the brains. If it’s the two of us together-- then we can surely do anything.”
Towa: “Right, together we can go anyw--.”
Young Man: Ah, sorry…
Towa: No, no, it’s my fault, I completely screwed that up!
Towa: (This is the worst. That wasn’t anything like Masumi-kun’s Julius at all. What I did wasn’t even close to Julius.)
Towa: (Embarrassing myself in front of Masumi-kun, I would’ve been better off just being publicly executed instead.)
Towa: Sorry, maybe it’d be better for me to switch with someone…
Young Man: Then I should also…
Masumi: That’s just how everyone is at first. It was the same for me and Sakuya too.
Masumi: Try switching your roles.
Young Man: Huh?
Towa: W-Will that really work…?
Masumi: Read Romeo’s lines from the scene we’re on right now.
Towa: “Let's go on a journey together, Julius. We can leave behind this cramped town and travel the world.”
Young Man: “Romeo, you’ve got brawn, and I’ve got the brains. If it’s the two of us together, then we can surely do anything.”
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Towa: “Right, together we can go anywhere.”
Towa: (Huh? The lines somehow came out more naturally than they did before…)
Towa: (It feels good to say the lines like that…)
Young Man: Huh…
Towa: I did it somehow…?
Young Man: Me too…
Towa: You’re amazing, Masumi-kun!
Masumi: It was just because those roles fit you more.
Towa: (My heart is still pounding… I wonder what this feeling is… I feel like I can’t stop the urge to keep acting.)
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meenatranslates · 1 year
[SR] Sakyo | Courier Rabbit
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Those brats... I’ve told them to do it seriously, but this is some crazy instruction. I’ll give them a lecture after this.
All-out Easter Etude! - Part 1
*Director's default name as Izumi
―Entrance (Night)―
Izumi: I’m home~.
Sakyo: Oh, you just came home too, huh.
Izumi: Yeah! Good work for today, Sakyo-san.
Sakyo: We’re back.
Kazunari: Welcome home~.
Izumi: What’re you all doing here?
Sakuya: We’re doing preparations for Easter event!
Sakyo: Oh, the one that Miyoshi proposed?
Kazunari: Yeah, that one! It’s kinda tiring to prep for it tho, cuz there’ll be tons of different games~.
Izumi: Are you guys making easter eggs?
Azami: Kinda, but not really. The egg inside has a piece of paper with instruction written on it.
Izumi: Instruction?
Kazunari: I call this game, “Simon Says Easter Eggs Hunt”!
Sakyo: What kind of game is that?
Sakuya: It’s like a scavenger hunt. The contestants must pick up an egg and follow the instruction written on the paper inside.
Taichi: Sakyo-nii will be the rep of Autumn Troupe for this contest!
Sakyo: What? Since when did you decide on that?
Azami: You weren’t there for the event selection ‘cause you had some errands to do. You even said it yourself, “Go ahead and decide for me”.
Sakyo: Oh, that time... It’s my bad for not listening but you should’ve told me if you’ve decided already.
Taichi: Sorry, Sakyo-nii!
Izumi: It doesn’t seem like there’s that much progress though...
Sakuya: Actually, we all had trouble coming up with challenges to write on the paper.
Kazunari: We need some decent amount of them~.
Azami: And it won’t be good to have many identical ones too.
Sakyo: Perhaps it’d be better to go for a different direction that’s not too biased and easy to think about.
Izumi: Oh, how about writing a theme for an etude? It might be a bit different from an instruction though.
Sakuya: That’s a good idea!
Taichi: It’s fitting for us actors!
Azami: Etude themes... Anyone got any idea?
Kazunari: Here, here! I just thought of one!
“A person who frantically waves his hand for a taxi in a heavy rain at midnight, but the taxi is actually a police car”!
Sakyo: What the hell...
Sakuya: That’s very sad...!
Azami: How surreal.
Taichi: But thanks to Kazu-kun, we’ve got some idea of the direction! We just gotta think of themes like that!
Kazunari: Alrighty~, I’m gonna come up with lots of ideas~!
Sakyo: You better not just think of weird stuff.
All-out Easter Etude! - Part 2
Taichi: What about this one!
“A rabbit who is wary of the surroundings to monopolize its favourite carrot”!
Izumi: Nice, you included an Easter element!
Sakuya: Mine is... “An Easter egg who is sad for not getting any paint”. How is it?
Kazunari: Super interesting, Saku-saku!
Oh! I got one more idea... “A frog who wants to be reborn as a boba”!
Azami: Are we having a surreal story fest now?
Sakyo: ...Cut that out, you brats. Take this more seriously, will you!
Taichi: Eek! I’m sorry~!
Sakuya: We didn’t mean to play around...!
Kazunari: I guess it’d be a problem if we put any strange themes in this game since Frooch-san’s gonna be in it~.
Sakyo: That’s not what I meant. If it’s etude, we’ll do it seriously. I’m just telling you to think more properly.
Azami: Properly, you say... In that case, an interesting theme that we don’t usually see might be better.
Sakyo: Hey, what’re you up to now?
Azami: Nothing.
Izumi: Now, now. You don’t have to be that angry.
🌸CHOICE 1: Make the event more exciting
They just wanna make the event more exciting, that’s all.
Sakyo: I know that.
But what if the game stops because the contestants have difficulty with a theme like the one just now?
They’d be sluggish and everything will be a mess from that point onwards.
Izumi: Sakyo-san...! I thought you weren’t that interested in the Easter event but you’re very serious about it!
Sakyo: What? Well, I gotta do it properly since I’m going to participate in it.
Izumi: Fufu, I’m kinda happy to know that you’re also enthusiastic about this.
Sakyo: Hmph, I’m not so keen on it though.
🌸CHOICE 2: Sounds interesting, count me in!
Izumi: It sounds interesting, so I’ll try coming up with a theme too. Let’s see...
How about, “A person who’s happy after they open an Easter egg and find a curry rice in it”?
Sakyo: You’re the only person who’d be that happy about it.
Izumi: EHH?! I don’t think that’s true though...
Sakyo: Heh, yours are probably the most surreal out of all.
―The day of Easter eventー
Manager: The next game is “Simon Says Easter Egg Hunt”! Which is also an “Etude Game”!
Masumi: I’ll show her my good part.
Tenma: I’m gonna win this.
Homare: I’m very looking forward to seeing what kind of etude themes will pop out!
Manager: We’ve got quite a unique group of members here!
Sakyo: Guess it’s time for me to play now.
Omi: Do your best, Sakyo-san.
Juza: We’re rooting for you.
Taichi: Go, go, Sakyo-nii~!
Manager: Well then! On your marks, get set... Go!
Sakyo: Guess I’ll go with the egg that’s closest first. Let’s see what’s inside-.
Manager: Oh? Looks like Furuichi-san is frozen in place after seeing his paper. Sir, please read out loud your theme~!
Sakyo: ...“Sakoda Ken, who’s eating a fried shrimp set meal”.
Taichi: Whaaat! He’s gonna act as Sakoda-san?!
Banri: Pfft, the heck? That’s more of an imitation rather than an etude.
Juza: Who put that theme in...?
Azami: I wrote it thinking it’d be funny if Shitty Sakyo pulled it, but I didn’t expect for him to actually get it. I should film this.
Sakyo: ...So that’s what this is.
Manager: Quite a difficult theme there! What will you do, Furuichi-san?!
Sakyo: I’m an actor, so I’ll give my all to act it out.
Azami: Wow~.
Sakyo: You better watch me closely, you brats...
―After the etudeー
Banri: Oh, man~. If there’s MVP for this game, it’d be Sakyo-san for sure.
Azami: Yeah, that acting of his was the best. Bet Ken-san would cry if he saw it himself.
Right, I should send him the video that I took.
Sakyo: Stop it, don’t let the guys from Ginsenkai see that.
Azami: I’m the one who took the video, so it’s up to me how I want to use it. Anyways, gotta send it to Ken-san first.
Sakyo: Dammit...
Izumi: Great work, Sakyo-san! You were really impressive as an actor!
You were just like Sakoda-san!
Sakyo: ......
Izumi: Um, Sakyo-san? What’s wrong?
Banri: I’m sure that was meant to be compliment but that ain’t it for him, Director-chan.
Izumi: Huh?
Sakyo: ...Not happy at all.
Story Clear!
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tribow · 2 years
Notes I took from the Grimoire of Usami
If you didn't know, a danmaku fireworks festival takes place in this book and the human playable characters act as judges for the spellcards of various characters. This is the most amount of dialogue we get out of Sakuya and Youmu for a while.
There's a lot of characters that show up so I took hella notes. Big post.
Reimu takes her judging fairly seriously. I didn't expect her to be that critical instead of being laid-back. She's very biased on money/food type spellcards tho.
Marisa had to use a flashlight and Machine Gun Sparkinstead of the actual Master Spark to keep the audience safe. It is what it is.
Three Fairies of Lights teamed up and got a spellcard disqualified as you must be solo
Youmu is allergic to butterflies???
Lily White apparently gets stressed when it isn't spring.
Who was Kagerou aiming at for her first spellcard? Also she's good at acting feral...it fooled Sakuya at least.
Sanae is the most focused judge. Everyone else gets plenty distracted.
Characters that cause actual fires pre-hijack: Sunny Milk & Narumi
In an extremely Yuyuko move, she convinced Youmu to judge in her stead since she "couldn't make it" and then showed up at the competition anyway. She probably just wanted Youmu to enjoy a day at a festival. (Of course Youmu gives her a 10/10)
Marisa is a big fan of Benben's spellcards.
Raiko and Murasa are shredded I am taking that as canonical fact.
Nazrin uses gold from the kappa in her spellcard and gets her points deducted (the kappa are the management behind this event).
Satori's "Brain Fingerprint" spellcard uses fear to determine where the explosions happen. So the explosions happened in different locations for each individual viewer. That's cool as hell.
Marisa's good at determining the actual technique that goes into a spellcard. Her insight is in good constrast to Reimu's harsh critiques.
Futo let people ride her boat hell yeah
Tenshi comes swooping in and almost ruined the whole thing with a dangerous spellcard. To be fair, she didn't know what was going on.
The damage control efforts are really fun. It's cool seeing other characters like Nitori, Murasa, and Kanako step in to help out.
Iku, Miko, and Shou all got 9s in the competition before it got hijacked. I'm not counting Suwako cause Sanae is biased. Miko won though, two of her spellcards got a 9.
Surprised to see Hina show up during the hijack. She usually seems so friendly and kind despite the kind of goddess she is. Maybe she's putting on an act as this hijack does fit very well with her theme of misfortune....heck she could be gathering misfortune from the audience so they dont get struck by stray bullets? Hmm, there's layers to her appearance here.
Murasa sinking Shinmyoumaru is very funny
The humans in the audience are actually mostly onboard with the dangerous hijack...probably because they don't need to actually dodge anything thanks to damage control efforts.
For a moment I thought Byakuren would not join in on the hijack, but she had complete faith in the playable cast to deflect her spellcard. How dangerously reasonable.
Seija's backward comments on everyone is great. She mostly just settles on insulting whoever is up though.
Is this Momiji's first line of dialogue? I like how they comment on her spellcard breaking the 4th wall.
Okina and Yukari also show up as hijack judges. I doubt Shinmyoumaru was able to contact the two of them herself. They must have invited themselves in once they knew what was happening. Heck, Okina even instigated the hijack plan with her own support without the inchling knowing.
Hecatia and Okina are implied to have met in person now. Okina even invited her to the hijack.
Junko showing up is enough for Yukari to immediately join damage control. I wonder is she got any frustrated words from Reimu up there.
Surprisingly enough Yukari ends up asking Eirin to call down Sagume to bring the festival to an end. Once she knew Okina was instigating this it probably wouldn't stop unless something like this was done about it. Resourceful.
Sumireko's outside nerd perspective was nice to see and she didn't even react to poorly to the hijack. I guess that's a testament to the effectiveness of the damage control.
Before, reading this I thought I was going to be super disappointed by Shinmyoumaru's actions here. I got the feeling that she would contradict her own character development or something here.
Shinmyoumaru was (somewhat) the mastermind behind the hijack. To her, the fireworks festival was insulting to what danmaku is. Danmaku is a display of power. Removing the danger from it is just wrong. It's a way for the small to show off their strength! She labours on that point the most; about how danmaku shows the strength of the weak and small.
Shinmyoumaru's weakness as an inchling is a big source of conflict for her. Her species is weak. She gets used and manipulated only to get beat down by the strong danmaku of the playable characters. I wouldn't be surprised if Shinmyoumaru was became enamored by power. With power comes the ability to change the world around you, and even if it's something Seija instigated, it's what Shinmyoumaru desires.
She's a very passionate character too. Yeah, she's one of the more morally good characters in touhou, but it doesn't mean her passion can't lead her down the wrong path and well...that's exactly what happens here.
She's no idiot, her goal here wasn't to get humans in the audience killed. She saw that there's already plenty of power behind the damage control for this event. This hijack wouldn't work if the audience had to run away from it. They needed to witness it and if the playable cast was busy protecting the audience then she had full reign to takeover the judges position.
However, Shinmyoumaru was in over her head here. Okina getting involved made the hijack way more intense than what Shinmyoumaru even had in mind. Yukari even gotten herself involved solely to support damage control (and have some fun with the event of course).
In a way, Shinmyoumaru is completely right about fireworks festival not showing off the true nature of danmaku. I mean, you can feel the disappointment from everyone when Marisa never fires off a true Master Spark. However, the hijack was the wrong way to go about it and Reimu shows her just that.
I don't see the Grimoire of Usami as a bad look on Shinmyoumaru's character. If anything, it exemplified her inner conflicts and flaws. She gets jealous of the many powerful characters that show up because she wants that power. She needs it to be the hero the inchlings never got. Although, she never realizes how much she has already achieved with her own strength alone.
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