#i thought my hand was healed already. it is not. so this is short. mb
blue-thief · 7 months
For the Put That Guy in a Situation ask game: Kaisagi with 43?
Put That Guy in a SituationTM Ask Game
43. Fake dating
🥀Michael Kaiser @mkaiserrose | 5 mon the rumours are true. @1sag1yo1ch1 and i are together <3 you guys can stop calling him homophobic now
🗨️ 17.3k 🔃 41.0k ♥️ 54.3k
👨‍❤️‍💋‍👨 i miss the NEL @kiisreal | 5 mon replying to @mkaiserrose WAKE UP KAISAGI NATION WE WON
🗨️ 21 🔃 112 ♥️ 362
🦵 itoshi toes @putheBLinBLTV | 5 mon replying to @mkaiserrose I HAVE BEEN WAITING THREE YEARS FOR THIS MOMENT
🗨️ 2 🔃 14 ♥️ 124
🔔 MICHAEL JUST ONE CHANCE @kaisermyking | 5 mon replying to @mkaiserrose ......i owe many people an apology now
🗨️ 52 🔃 42 ♥️ 22
The blue light from Isagi’s phone killed the darkness that swallowed Kaiser’s room. The light fell on the walls, making them as white as ghosts and cast shadows as dark as the ocean.
An ocean will separate us again soon enough.
Isagi killed the light, and the wide clinical expanse disappeared. He embraced the darkness that closed in on him like a warm blanket, hiding him from the big bright world that lay beyond. Here, it was just Isagi. Just Isagi and Kaiser.
With Kaiser pressed up against Isagi’s back, his unkempt strands snaked through the sheets and tickled Isagi’s chin. Kaiser’s snores were light and ceaseless, tickling the nape of Isagi’s neck. One snort synced with a heavy sigh that escaped Isagi’s throat.
Has it already been five months?
Kaiser wouldn’t make the breakup announcement until a few weeks later, but the fifth month marked the beginning of the end. To the faithful fans online, it would appear as though their beloved “Kaisagi” were in the throes of a long-distance relationship. Little would they know it was over for good.
It’s not like it was ever real in the first place. We’ll still see each other after this, won’t we? It’s all part of the job.
Still, this would be the last night Isagi spent in this room. He hated it at first with how uselessly large and boring it was. Now, Isagi hoped the sun would stay below the horizon. May it never rise and seep through Kaiser’s stupidly expensive blinds.
Let me stay here. Let me stay with you.
He would never say those words aloud. Not for fear of waking Kaiser; God knows that man can sleep through anything. No, Isagi could never bring himself to admit something so vulnerable—so pathetic—especially not to Kaiser. Kaiser had too much to use against Isagi. This whole arrangement was a massive favour Isagi would spend the rest of his life struggling to repay. He could just imagine the stupid smirk on Kaiser’s face if Isagi ever caved in.
What? Don’t tell me you’ve fallen for me for real. I was just trying to be nice. What would I do if my favourite step stone lost his whole career over a stupid thing he said online?
Isagi turned his phone back on. These past five months have been built on pure lies. Just this once, let me tell you something real.
🧩 Isagi Yoichi @1sag1yo1ch1 | 1s It’s my last day before I head back to Japan. I’ll miss you, Micha.
🗨️ 0 🔃 0 ♥️ 0
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fearofaherobrine · 7 years
Roleplay Server Log #209
“Ineffective Cool Down With MB”
[Steve] Doc... Can you take care of Smile, he wore himself out helping us. [Doc] Of course. I'd be glad too. [TLOT] oh good... -He gives Steve a throughly debauched look and the two tp away without further ado.
[Doc] preps some meat and a water dish for the exhausted dog and tucks a blanket under and around him before giving him a pat on the head.
[Smile] Gratefully drinks the water-
[Jeff] Stumbles into the kitchen, still limping from where Smile bit him-
[Smile] Tail thumps the ground a little-
[Doc] Jeff! You look like you've had a bad day. Want me to stitch that up for you? Sit down at least.
[Jeff] - Fuck off, where's my dog?
[Doc] Points down at the dog-
[Jeff] - What the fuck happened to him!?
[Doc] I'm not sure. He took TLOT and Steve into Cp's dream to help him withhis nightmares. I think he's just tuckered out.
[Jeff] - Doing just that wouldn't make him like this...
[Doc] That's all I know, I wasn't there.
[Mix] We did sort of run around the server before this to save Jane... Maybe all the exercise got to him?
[Jeff] - Speaking of that bitch, I have her knife- He kneels next to Smile to check him over
[Jeff] Wobbles a little since his leg can't take his full weight, even when kneeling-
[liu] -on the floor- hi jeff
[Jeff] - Fuck off Liu
[liu] remember when you said I couldn't fight well I can jane is also looking for her knifes so you should find where she is
[Jeff] - Eh, she'll find me eventually
[Smile] Licks Jeff's hand-
[Doc] Unbalances Jeff so he falls back on the floor and starts working on his leg-
[Jeff] Kicks at Doc with his other leg as hard as he can- FUCK OFF!
[Doc] Is kicked and comes back even more determined. - Hold still you stupid ass! You're bleeding all over the floor.
[Jeff] - I don't need your fucking help!
[Doc] Wrestles with him to get a grip on his injured limb-
[Jeff] Pain shoots up his leg- FUCK!
[Doc] Told you! -  Xe gives up trying to stitch it and slathers a handful of the cold healing paste on it instead-
[Doc] Is thumped on the floor by his thrashing and just hanging on- Stop moving around!
[Jeff] - NO!
[Doc] Little help here? Anyone?
[Mix] Liu, sit on him
[liu] I can try -gets up and sits on jeff-
[Mb] Wanders down the shrine stairs and just walks past them totally unconcerned and opens the fridge. Celine is clinging to his shoulder and there's scratch marks all over his neck and shoulder through his shirt.
[Jeff] - Fucker!- Grabs one of his knives
[Doc] Grabs at his wrist- Cut it out!
[liu] come on jeff I want you to be better
[Deer] - Hello MB
[Jeff] Is scrambling for his other knife as well- Sure, I'll cut you're fucking brains out!
[liu] -grabs his other wrist-
[Mix] I'm very tempted to sit on him too, or to zap him... -Thoughtful look- Getting up right now requires effort...
[Doc] Gets overly frustrated and decks Jeff.
[Mb] Mumbles a sort of greeting-
[Jeff] Is a bit dazed and briefly ceases his struggling-
[Doc] Uses his confusion to patch him up- Idiot.
[Jeff] - I will fucking stab all of you
[Deer] - Are you okay MB?  We noticed you died again...
[Mb] Oh yeah. The little potato over here put up a damn good fight - thumbs at Liu- and the girl with the soulful eyes - indicates Mix- Has some very interesting weaponry.
[Mix] -Stuffs pancake in mouth- What
[liu] as your brother I feel like it's my duty make sure your health so stop and accept the help
[Deer] - Why did you take Jane anyways?
[Jeff] Is coming out of his daze-
[Mb] Bites a chunk off a porkchop and starts feeding the other part of it to Celine- Oh, just a bit of fun. I think she mostly went along with it out of boredom. Cp was out and I was in the mood to rumble.
[Celine] Happily chews on it-
[Deer] - Yes well CP got in trouble as well
[Mb] Ha, well, that's what we do isn't it? What's the fun in being a Herobrine otherwise? Did he piss his wife off again?
[Deer] - Well yes...  And everyone else
[Doc] Watches Jeff from a short distance. - You should give me Jane's knives, I'll likely see her before you do.
[Jeff] - No
[Doc] okaaay....
[Jeff] - Fucking hell Liu, GET OFF YOU FATASS!
[Doc] Don't talk to your brother like that!
[liu] -get up shakily- I am going to be feeling that fight for awhile
[Mb] Good job! I take it the mess is already cleaned up and he's off grooming his whiskers somewhere?
[Deer] - Not whiskers, he escaped that, basically had his wife withheld from him for a little while
[Jeff] - I'll talk however the fuck I want!
[Doc] Pulls out a gold apple and stuffs it in his mouth. - Shut up and eat.
[Jeff] Spits it out and Smile grabs it- I don't need food!
[liu] you need food jeff
[Doc] I... I'm going to have some coffee. Anyone else want any?
[Jeff] - No!
[Deer] - Sounds good love
[liu] no thank you
[Doc] Stumps to the kitchen to find Mb standing there and shudders involuntarily-
[Mb] Grins hugely - No sugar please.
[Deer] - Should we find out where Jane is?
[Doc] Give me a minute and I'll look myself. - At Mb- Please move.
[Mb] Lingers long enough to be obnoxious and slides out of the way.
[Doc] Starts making coffee on the brewing stand and filling bottles with it
[Jeff] Sits up and looks at Smile- So what the fuck did you do?
[Smile] - I went in one dream, then went to another!  And the another!  And then to Slender's!  And then back to the previous one!  And then back to the one before that!  And then back to the first one!
[Jeff] Groans- Smile, you know that's way more than what you can actually handle
[Mb] Intentionally reaches over Doc to take one of the black bottles-
[Doc] Flinches-
[Celine] Wiggles around and jumps forcefully off of MB's back and skids onto the counter-
[Doc] Instinctually grabs at the baby so it doesn't slide off
[Mb] Bonks Doc with the bottle trying to reach the baby as well-
[Celine] Slides off the other side of the counter-
[Mb] Hits Doc with the bottle a second time as he races around the counter to check on Celine.
[Doc] Ow.....
[Celine] Wags tail at the sight of MB-
[Mb] Kneels down and speaks very quietly- You okay there?
[Doc] Awww.
[Mb] Shut the fuck up.
[Celine] Jumps up and bonks her nose on MB's-
[Yaunfen] - Burp?
[Mb] That's my tough little girl-
[Jeff] Stands up and shakes his leg trying to get the slime off-
[Doc] Comes around as well to supervise hir baby - Play nicely....
[Mb] Yeah, cause Celine could kick your kids ass.
[Celine] Cocks head curiously at Yaunfen-
[Yaunfen] Jumps around a little- Burp!  Burp!
[Jeff] - Hey fucker!  You better not let Smile do anything else!
[Mb] Yeah Celine, that's Doc's candy dragon.
[Doc] Excuse me? That's camoflage thank you.
-The two baby dragons sniff at each other-
[Doc] And it's not a matter of letting him do things Jeff! He volunteered!
[Mb] Tries to clandestinly offer Yaunfen a bit of the meat-
[Jeff] - I'm saying don't let him do anything else for a little while!  He's used to much energy doing what he did!
[Yaunfen] Sniffs and then sneezes-
[Mb] What the fuck...? Is this one a vegetarian or some shit?
[Doc] Find Grinny then. He stays pretty still when the cat is laying on him- And yes, actually. Xe only eats sugary things-
[Jeff] Groans and heads off to find the cat-
[Mb] Makes a disgusted face. - Weirdo. Perfect for you.
[Doc] Bite me.
[Mb] You wanna be next?
[Deer] - Love, your coffee is almost burning
[Doc] Dammit! - Dashes back in the kitchen.
[Mb] At Deerheart- Hmph, nice save.
[Deer] - But of course
[Mb] I wonder what it would feel like to butt heads with you? Though, - points at her antlers- they look a bit... soft.
[Deer] Moves them- They are
[Mb] Eyebrows up- So what furry corner of the internet did you come out of anyway?
[Deer] - This seed
[Doc] A bit too loudly as xe fusses with the brewing stand, pouring more powder into it- She's the server!
[Mb] The fuck..?
[Yaunfen] They and Celine are playing, rolling about on the floor-
[snake] -comes down the stairs to the kitchen kazooing- hello everyone
[Mb] At Deerheart, smoothly - So what's a guy gotta do to get an Op around here?
[Doc] No fucking way!
[Deer] - Not happening, other than Doc and I, Lie's really the only other one who's op'd, and that's because she was a human struggling with her brine...  Although she's never used it...
[Mb] Dammit... - He leans close enough to breathe sensually on Deerheart's throat - Are you sure there isn't.. anything I could do... to change your mind?
[Doc] Stop that!
[Deer] - Hmmmm...  I don't know...  I mean, I'm not the only one who can op you...
[snake] -passes mb- you are going to far
[Doc] Don't fucking hit on my girlfriend!
[Mb] What are you gonna do? Get Cp to beat me up again? And what the hell is that?!
[Doc] Bristles angrilly-
[Deer] - I mean, Lie can technically op others, but she can never remember how...
[MB] Oh I'm sure I know the commands...
[snake] -pulls at doc's pant to get hir attention-
[Deer] - Actually, do you think Flux would naturally be op'ed?  She is a server as well...
[Doc] Looks down, hir face is a bit red - What is it Snake?
[snake] do you want me to call gem to beat up mb?
[Doc] Growls, - No. He won't get anywhere anyway.
[Mb] Is making a rather satisfied face-
[snake] also gem has been working on trying to make sweets she remembers
[Mix] I'll fight him again,  as long as I get more food?
[Doc] I prefer my kitchen not be wrecked. And you can have as much food as you want Mix.
[Lie] Comes in, still a bit shaken from what she had seen in CP's mind-
[Mb] Eyes narrow- Hello Lie....
[Mix] Well I want more food but I can't.. get up. My leg fell asleep. -Shrugs-
[Lie] Tenses up a little- Oh, um...  Hello...
[Doc] Looks rather stressed.
[snake] -pulls a cookie with not chocolate chips in it out of his inventory and hold it out for doc there seem to be sugar on to top of it-
[Deer] Grabs some bacon and quickly cooks it before taking it to Mix-
[Mix] Thank you Deer!
[Doc] Takes it distractedly-  Oh. That's odd.
[Deer] - You're  very welcome
[snake] it's a sugar cookie
[Lie] - Doc, is there anything to calm nerves readily available?
[Mb] Slides over to her like a shadow, his voice is throaty and deep. - Nice to see you again. I bet I could calm you down....
[Lie] Yelps and jumps away-
[Doc] Dammit Mb!
[Mb] Tps behind her and brushes her shoulder with a hand- Ah, so jumpy....
[Lie] Tries bolting away-
[Mb] Just gives a low chuckle and watches her with a nasty smile- Not as much fun as fighting but still entertaining.
[Lie] - How about we don't fray my nerves anymore?
[Doc] Sorry Lie. He's just being an asshole to rile people up.
[Mb] But it's so much fun!
[Lie] An enormous amount of calming flowers spring up around her because of her stress-
[Mb] Saunters over to her and picks one-
[Doc] Growls-
[snake] -runs into the flowers to play in them-
[Mb] Looks Lie dead in the eyes and bites the bloom off the flower and swallows it. -
[CP] Feels his mates distress peak and teleports in, kicking MB in the balls from behind- Fuck off!
[Mb] Was already feeling the effects of the calming flower and just ragdolls with the kick, landing in the doorway to the magma room. He just lays there dazed- Owwwwwwww
[CP] Growls at him before approaching his mate-
[snake] -is curled at the bottom of one of the flower in front of lie-
[Lie] Quickly is next to CP, shaking a little-
[CP] - Geez...  Why didn't you stay upstairs if you were still this stressed?
[Deer] Begins working on tea for Lie-
[Doc] Well it probably would have been okay if Mb hadn't wandered in. But then he did just defiantly eat one of Lies calming flowers. If you hadn't kicked him he probably would have slumped to the floor in a few moments anyway.
[Mb] Fuuuuck. -sarcastically- Thanks for the flower Lie! Getting kicked in the dick would have hurt way more if I didn't feel like someone replaced my bones and muscles with slime block pixels.
[Lie] Unsure sure face as she kinda hides behind CP-
[Doc] Checks on Celine and Yaunfen-
-The two are chasing each other around-
[Doc] Can't help but smile softly. - At least the babies are getting along
[Deer] Finishes the tea and gives it to Lie-
[Lie] - Thank you Deer
[Mb] slides a small sugar cane tune out of his inventory and conceals it under his hand
[CP] Catches a small whiff of the tea and purrs a little before he can stop himself- Fuck!
[Mb] puts a wheat seed in the end of the tube and blows in it. The pip goes flying across the room and pings off Deerheart's butt.
[Deer] Yips-
[Doc] only heard Cp cuss and Deerheart yip- what the fuck?
[snake] -sees the wheat seed and goes over to it to picks it up-
[CP] - There's fucking catnip in the tea!
[Doc] Good call Deerheart. Cp...  Catnip works on people too, it's tasty with mint and makes you feel warm and sleepy
[CP] Grumbles- Fine...  If it helps her nerves...
[Doc] it should.
[Mb] softly snickering-
[snake] -gets closer to mb and throws the seed at him-
[Lie] - Doc, would you be willing to contact Dawn soon?
[Mb] little worm...
[Doc] I tried, it's night out there right now. No one is answering. Let's give them a bit to get up.
[Lie] - Okay, it's just that whatever CP ran into, she might be able to help
[snake] I am a snake worms don't have forked tongues
[Mb] whatever. Beat it before I tell my dragon to eat you.
[Celine] Licks Yaunfen-
[Doc] Notices - aww good thing neither of them have the moisture allergy
[snake] you do and gem is going beat you up -slithers away from mb-
[Mb] ppppppppppth! - he's sticking his tongue out at Snake. So mature.
[CP] - I'm just glad Slender can work dreams too...
[snake] -makes a kazoo noise at mb-
[Notch] in chat- Uh, Doc? Can we borrow you? And maybe Cp as well.... You could use some help around Stevie's house, kind of- now-ish...
[CP] - Do I have to?
[Yaunfen] Baps Celine and then they chase each other around the table-
[Doc] Cripes. I have no idea... - Looks down at Mb- Will you behave while the babies play?
[Mb] I'm too relaxed to give a flying fuck.
[snake] I want to go it sounds like an adventure
[CP] - You two go have fun then
[Notch] Can you hurry please...? Stevie is a bit.. overwrougth right now....
[Doc] You can go with me then. - Xe scoops up Snake and puts them in hir waist pocket.
[CP] Grumbles, on the fence about going-
[snake] -pokes his head out of the pocket- yay adventure!
[Mb] Blaaargh. Why the hell did you make fucking knockout flowers?
[Lie] - They're calming flowers, not knock out
[Mb] Try eating one... you'll feel differently....
[CP] - Fuck it, I wanna root for what ever's scaring my brother
[Lie] - I don't understand why everyone tries eating my flowers...
[Doc] Deerheart, can you watch the... - looks at Mb- children?
[Deer] - Absolutely
[Mb] Fuck you and the deer you rode in on.
[Doc] Stomps up the stairs-
[CP] Follows-
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