#i told yall the next one would match the aesthetic
lonesome-squire · 6 months
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New pfp!
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quirklessidiot · 4 years
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Title: coward :: obliviousness Pairing: Y/N x Miya Atsumu Genre: angst, romance, and very slow burn [ex to lovers au] Warnings: Cursing, alchohol, mentions of unprotected sex, unplanned pregnancy, and mentions of abortion
Synopsis: Atsumu seems nicer these days and you seem to see him more than before. Meanwhile, your kids meet someone they probably shouldn’t have.
three more chapters till the end!!! I’m so happy by all of the love! really! its definately been one of my favorite fanfictions to write since its angsty and im in love with angst stories skjsksksksks 
i think this chapter is the shortest one amongst the rest idk shhshshshs anyways i hope yall still love it wuwuwuwu. Hope you all are doing well and ilyasm!!!! have a gweat day!!!
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You thought you’d never see Miya Atsumu again but here he was, in your son's sports club, helping out Sugawara. Wasn’t it supposed to be volleyball season? What was he doing here? Helping the kids and picking up volleyballs? Didn’t he hate kids?
“...We train every morning and I personally train every night. You know my sched, it's what I did back then in college too.” He shrugs nonchalantly, “Plus I wanted to personally apologize to the brats too because of what ‘samu and I did.”
You tilt your head in curiosity, “What did younger Miya-san do?”
“Beat’s me, your brat told me that ‘samu made you cry when he confronted you,” he blinked, recalling the first meeting he had with the kid, come to think of it, they did had a pretty good reason to be wary of him from the start, “Must’ve said something really shitty if you cried, L/N-san. You never cried except that night at the frat party when I first actually got to talk to you.”
Nostalgia hits you when you recall that day, it was a shitty day indeed. The only upside was seeing and talking to Miya Atsumu for the first time and getting him to bandage your leg.
“Oh indeed.” the blonde stated, wiggling his eyebrows, “He’s just overprotective sometimes which is weird since we used to get into fist fights. Doesn’t excuse him for being an asshole to ya though.”
“He was being rational.” You expressed, watching him pick up the last volleyball.
“He has no right to though.” he retorted, annoyed that you were letting it slide, “Let’s be honest here, who did you left six years ago?”
“You left me.” He cuts you off, giving you no chance to talk, you’d think he’d sound bitter by it but he anything but that. It was as if he was proving a point, “And I’ll admit I was angry at first by what you did and how it ended but that doesn’t give my friends and my brother the right to intervene. I’m not a fucking kid, I know what I got into when we started dating.”
“Miya-san, I-”
“So let me make it up to you, alright? Before we started dating, I was your friend first. Now that we’re both responsible adults and you’re a single mom at least let your friend help you. You can handle that shit right?” He replied but before you could even agree to him, your kids went out of the comfort room, fully changed to dryer clothes.
“Kaasan!” They yell in unison but immediately stop in their tracks when they see Miya Atsumu standing next to you.
“What’s this jiji doing here?” Yuuto spat out bitterly, looking the other way. The younger twin followed suit and looked the other way too, making Atsumu laugh and bend down to their level, “I heard from your kaasan that you like to eat cake. How about a truce? I know a good place that sells good cakes.”
Yuuto and Youta eyed him warily and you patted the oldest twin’s head, “Baby don’t you have something to say to Miya-san too?” your voice was softer towards him, Atsumu still couldn’t get used to your personality switch with the twins. He watches in amusement as the twin tries to sputter out a sorry.
“S-so...sorry…” he frowned, “I should’ve been a big boy and not call you names.”
“Youta, you too.” You urged the younger one.
The other twin frowned and also had trouble apologizing to him like his twin, “S-Sorry...I won’t do the same…” he apologized under his breath.
Atsumu couldn’t help but laugh at the dynamic they seem to have created, at least they weren’t as close-minded as they were before, “No sweat, kid.” He said, “I’m sorry for making you feel bad and for what my brother did too. Now, let’s get that cake shall we?”
You hold Yuuto on one hand and Youta on the other as you head to his car, after helping the kids at the backseat, he opens the front seat for you, “Oh, um…” You blinked, the sudden feeling of embarrassment creeped in, “You didn’t have to-”
He rolls his eyes in reply, “Get in, L/N-san. I don’t bite.”
The boys were quiet at the back first until Atsumu tried to strike a conversation with them, “What made you guys like volleyball?”
Youta, being the more open one, suddenly jumps on his seat, “ ‘Kaasan has an old volleyball at home! We saw it and started asking her about it!”
“Oh?” he stops at the traffic light and stares at you, quite surprised since he never pegged you to keep something of his after the break-up, “Didn’t know you kept my old memorabilia with you.”
Yuuto’s eyes seem to widen when he hears that, “No way, that was yours?” he sputters out, shocked.
“Yeah.” he laughed, starting the car again when the light turned green, eyes crinkling in amusement, “Your ‘kaasan and I used to be very close before. I used to sleepover and leave some of my stuff at her place.”
“Hm.” you clicked your tongue, recalling those times when Atsumu would just come in your home unannounced like you both lived together, “He was incredibly all over the place and messy like you two.” 
“Wow!” Youta grins, seemingly excited, “What was kaasan like, jiji? I bet she was super nice and caring and a super good friend!”
The look of amusement never left his face as he agreed to the young boy, the rest of the ride was filled with Youta being overly-excited and asking Atsumu about you during college and about how you met him, “We were in the same class.” You replied, seemingly indifferent by it. You were used to this question before.
“Nope.” He replied, popping the p, an amused smirk worming its way to his face as he recalls differently since he never told you how he met you, “I saw your mom around a lot during the first few months of school.”
You were turned silent by his story, you didn’t know this part. You always thought that the first time you and Atsumu got acquainted was in that minor class you took during the second semester, “...I had also accidentally hit your mom with one of my serves while she was looking for a friend.” He recounts, parking the car in front of a very aesthetically-looking cake shop.
Your brows furrowed in deep thought, that was him? How come-
“Your ‘kaasan’s too famous, she probably doesn’t even remember the minimal interaction we had.” he joked, feigning hurt.
“Wow mom, I bet you must’ve hated jiji when he hit you with those super powerful serves!”
“She probably would if she remembered.” 
You take the kids out of the car but Youta was still too entranced by Atsumu that he went ahead and wobbled next to him. The tall volleyball player was nice enough to match the younger one’s pace as they walked towards the shop, “Traitor.” You heard Yuuto mutter as you trailed behind him.
“I thought you forgave him.” 
“Won’t stop watchin’ at him though, ‘kaasan.”” He grumbled but you can tell he was starting to slowly soften up to the blonde.
Atsumu (after much persistence) paid for the cakes and even got you a sugar-free one, Youta was very elated as soon as his cake was served and Yuuto was muttering something about how unfair it was as he started to stuff on hiw own slice, the blonde laughed at the contrasting personalities. They were so alike yet so different at the same time.
It reminded him so much of ‘samu and him back then.
“Oh, wait a moment. I have to pick up this phone call. Would you mind watching them for a sec?” You asked, Atsumu shakes his head to the side and he watches you exit the shop and take the call, the familiar expression of your creased forehead and narrowed eyes coming into play.
“Jiji, have you ever met our otosan?” Youta suddenly asks.
Atsumu feels his heart waver, this was such a heavy topic to ask but Youta didn’t seem to know the weight of his words. Yuuto was quiet this time too, observing him intently, the blonde setter suddenly cleared his throat, “I heard your kaasan met your otosan right after she graduated early and left me suddenly.” he tried to smile, looking unaffected, “So no, I haven’t met him.”
“Is that why you're mad at ‘kaasan?” Yuuto suddenly asks, head tilt to the side, “Because she left you su-suddenly?” The boy seemed to have a problem with longer words but he seemed very perceptive for his age. ‘Gee, were kids always this nosy?’ the blonde setter thought.
 “Did your mom tell you that?” Atsumu lilted, dodging the question well, munching on his cake.
“She said that she broke something really bad that you owned.” Yuuto disclosed, brows furrowed together as if he was thinking very hard about what you said, “And that she deserved it”
Silence engulfed the table for a moment as he felt his throat dry up with the new load of information, “Your ‘kaasan is a very strong woman,” he began. The boy's eyes,especially Yuuto’s, lights up at the compliment they heard, “And she doesn’t deserve anything bad. So when someone tries to do something bad to her, even me, make sure you give’em a good spike.”
“Really, kiddo.” He hums in agreement, “You have to protect your ‘kaasan since your otosan isn’t here anymore.”
Youta’s eyes flicker at the mention of their father, “Jiji, you’re so funny.” he laughs very suddenly.
Atsumu’s brow upturns at the sudden statement of the twin.
“Otosan isn’t dead.” Atsumu feels his shoulder tense at those words, it seems like the twins were giving him such a field day today with questions and new information, “ ‘Kaasan says that he’s off somewhere following his dreams and he’ll come back soon.”
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Atsumu wants to ask about a lot of things.
He wants to ask about what Youta said, he wants to ask who the fucking asshole was, he wants to ask why you’re waiting for him when he left you hanging by a thread there with two kids.
He really does but when he drops you off at your home and a sudden troubled expression graces your features when you see an older woman standing there, he knows that it isn’t the right time. Instead, he quietly says goodbye and watches the interaction closely from a distance. A bit of worry filling him since he didn’t like that expression you were showing.
The twins didn’t seem to know who the older woman was but judging by her body language she knew you very well.
Come to think of it, her features were very familiar. Cold eyes, (h/c) hair, a very familiar facial feature.
Could it be-
“Y/N…” she tries to call out but you immediately walk past her, paying her no attention. He feels nervous, “Y/N, please don’t ignore me. I’m your okaasan-”
Suddenly he realizes why he has never met your family at all.
Judging by the interaction he sees, you were anything but close with them and that your relationship with them was stagnant (it probably worsened since you got kids at an early age and the father left you to dry). The kids probably don’t even know who that woman was, you continue to ignore her as you sons look at her warily.
When she starts to get physical, he gets out of the car and tries to stop the women from getting any closer to you and the boys, “What are you doing? Don’t you know who I am-” the woman tries to yell her way through but the blonde notices how you flinch away from her as soon as you hear her loud voice and hide the kids behind you as if you were protecting them.
“She doesn’t want to see you or have her near her kids, so please leave before I call security.” Atsumu tried to calm the situation down, not wanting to raise his voice, he could be wrong about his assumptions and he didn’t want to let your mom see him in a bad light.
“You don’t understand-”
“Obaasan.” his voice was anything but nice and friendly now, he wanted to try and respect the woman who brought you to this world, he really does, but right now he wouldn’t mind calling the cops on her if she resorted to making a scene here,  “Please leave before I call for security.”
Your mother grips on her expensive handbag tight and with one last glance to you, she immediately walks away. You don’t notice how you’re shaking and that Youta is crying behind you while Yuuto is trying his best to calm his twin down by insulting him and calling him a crybaby.
“L/N-san, are you-”
“I’m fine.” You cut him off, taking in a few deep breaths to calm you down, “I’m fine.”
He grabs your wrist and stares at you dead in the eye, “You’re shaking, Y/N.” He suddenly says your name softly, you're scared that if he goes nearer, he’d hear your ranging heart beat so you take a step further back and let go of his hold.
Atsumu narrows his eyes and tightens his lips at your response but decides against it, instead he turns to Youta and Yuuto, “I have a game next week and I got extra tickets, would you like to watch? The adlers and I will be playing, I heard one of ya likes Tobio-chan so much.”
Youta finally stops crying as soon as he hears the mention of free tickets and turns to a bundle of excited energy. Yuuto even starts jumping up and down at the mention of Kageyama Tobio. 
Atsumu still has a lot of questions for you though, about your family, why you haven’t mentioned them, or the fact that their asshole of a father just left you to fulfill his dreams (he’s angry, very angry especially about this one) yet when he sees the small smile on your lips as you watch your kids jump up and down.
He holds back.
Those questions can wait another day.
taglist [closed]
@fortheloveofiwaizumi ;  @svtbitch  ; @kiyoomile ; @lovedanii ; @juno-multifandom ; @gyubit17 ; @saeranoppa ; @nixxona ; @kyomihann @shorttstackk ; @intoomuchfandoms ; @yammmers ; @mx-minxx @itsmattsunshinehere ; @missingmystogan ; @volleybloop ; @imcravingyou ; @yams-wants-that-booty ; @liathachcapricious ; @pinknugget @seikamuzu ; @marigoldthoughts ; @sillykittt ; @baejinoffcl ; @alluring-akaashi ; @bnhasstuff ; @jungshookmeup ; @intheawks ; @bokuakadaily ; @agaassi ; @yams046  ; @dope-squish ; @chrisrue15 ; @vermillionwaves ; @demursv1ogs ; @just-snog-already ; @angmarwitch​
@misosamu  @Etherynaw  @ryaaaax @differentballooncollection @keniloveshaikyuu @allysasteaparty  [hi, i can’t seem to tag u guys, i think you need to open your tags uwu]
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sunshinetoshi · 3 years
Who do you ship your moots with?
AHH okay i was planning to eventually make this even if no one asked HAHA so tysm cause who knows when that would've come out lol
this got LONG so they will be under the cut <33
also i did the moots i more regularly interact with/have gotten pretty close with. i have more moots that i haven’t gotten to know too well yet bc i’m shy pls but reach out if you want heheh <33
okay i know yall have your faves but i wanted to go for slightly unexpected ones that i can also see (it might sound like i’m talking out of my butt but i swear i’m not akjsdf i spent more hours on this than i’d care to admit. so at most i am ✨r e a c h i n g✨ HAHA)
@daichis-kitty daichi ofc but.. TANAKA. i know you love tanakiyo buuuttt i think tanaka could make you laugh so much (sometimes most times unintentionally and he would be so heart eyes whenever he does) and the thought of you two on the dancefloor makes me so hype HAHA. and those late nights or early mornings he’d be so gentle and soft and romantic (he feels like a physical touch love language guy) and he’d be so supportive of you no matter what
@luvbub akaashi ofc but.. IWAIZUMI. very caring and romantic bf (who would make sure you DON’T sleep next to a pair of scissors). and i think he fits cause he can have some banter with you and you’d make him laugh and get flustered AND i pictured you and him wearing matching crocheted bucket hats and now i will not be swayed otherwise. i think the aesthetics and vibes match (and if anyone can help your wallet relax it’d be iwa trying to scold you that you have enough yarn oh who am i kidding. in fact he’d enable it sometimes bc he thinks you deserve the world)
@love-oikawa oikawa ofc but.. SAKUSA. i feel like sakusa is a really big romantic and you give me that deep love kind of vibe and the two of you together would be so heart eyes wow. like it’d be so?? dreamy. yes. dreamy indeed. he is very sweet with flowers, letters with cute poems he’s come across, and little trips you’ve always wanted to go on but he also would love a quiet comfy day in bed with you.
@kuroos-simp kuroo ofc but.. MATTSUN. i feel like the vibes match bc he’s not a super loud guy but he can get deep in chaos at the same time. would have you in that belly-ache laughter. lots of lighthearted teasing. i think issei also likes late nights in just the two of you. also picture mattsun blasting one direction with you. would be a big fan. that big ol tree just head banging to no control or something HAHA. this is also looks-wise i think it’d be cute!!
@lilshortcakess osamu (i think?? i think i saw on your blog once that he’s one of your faves. lol what if i said chan HAHA) okay okay osamu ofc but.. SEMI. okay shared love for music. constant humming songs with the two of you it’d be so cute omg. also he loves how soft your aesthetics are?? OH you could totally get him to watch rom-coms (he’d be a lil snarky at first but he falls in love with them heheh)
@gg9183 konoha ofc but.. KITA. both of you give off such pretty and soft aesthetics BUT there’s so much more to you two. like that aquarium post of yours when you said kita would ABSOLUTELY mess with you. mhm. i think you get kita more than other people do and that would show in a relationship. he’d actually be very teasing and making you crack up and other people are surprised but you’ve always known. but he also takes SUCH good care of you. hubby material.
@theuntamedmulti aone ofc but.. ASAHI. another gentle giant HAHA. but this one was kinda specific okay i remember that one time you were talking about dressing kinda edgy and recently i saw a post about asahi getting piercings to look cooler. so yall would dress edgy and look immaculate and maybe slightly intimidating but the kicker is that you two have these hearts of gold and it’s amazing. we love to see it.
@daichidaichidaichi daichi + ushi ofc but.. TERUSHIMA. okay i’m pretty sure i’ve told you that look-wise i ship you with teru but if i havent then now you know asjdf. but i also think you two would have good back and forth but he’d never try to push your buttons like most people would think. no, he’s too soft for you. wants to treat you like a princess. i also think you both are bubbly and like to joke around (also lots of flirting lol)
@targaryens-blog tendou ofc but.. ATSUMU. you have a very kind heart and i feel like you’re the type to understand others in ways most people don’t care to try and do so i feel like the way you would connect with atsumu would be something he has hardly experienced and it can be really special. he is very much a sweetie and i think you two would be very supportive of each other even if it seems like you two have different interests. lots of laughter!!
@sunalma suna ofc but.. TSUKKI. HOLD ON HEAR ME OUT. i think it’d actually be a more chill relationship than you’d think. bc you two are more alike there’s a connection where you two just move in sync. also he’d love all your music recs and in a way you’d chill him out and get him to laugh more and i think that’s sweet (also i think yall would be good together looks-wise too ooo)
@starlightte osamu ofc but.. FUTAKUCHI. OKAY. I FEEL KNOW YOU WON’T AGREE. BUT THIS IS JUST FOR FUN BAHAHA. first off he might not be your type idk but he’s a very pretty tall boy and i think look-wise it could look cute. second your personalities could be nice together - it would be a very teasing and flirty relationship but he also knows when to get serious and take responsibility so it would be fun but mature. small bickering might be frequent but they don’t hold actual weight. he will go to the ends of the earth to make you happy.
@mochi-marie asahi ofc but.. YAMAGUCHI. just two absolute sweethearts being together. i really like the idea of you being a little more teasing compared to tadashi and he’d get flustered but you’d also get him to get more comfortable over time. BUT ALSO yams can get kinda chaotic sometimes (when he would subtly join in hinata’s antics lol) so yall would have a blast together and end up cackling together.
@shoyotime akaashi ofc but.. ENNOSHITA. okay you might be thinking HUH. BUT i think in a similar way that akaashi can draw in some of your chaos and keep you on track with a task ennoshita can do the same. BUT ALSO i feel like ennoshita has a chaotic side (like how daichi also has a kinda chaotic side) so it’s not like you two would be complete opposites. if anything he’d let himself be a little looser around you bc he’s more comfortable. and it’d be one of those things where you and his friends could be doing the same thing but he’d only yell at them bc when you do it it’s actually funny or something like that (lol basically he’s a simp).
@tsukkisfatsimp iwaizumi ofc but.. MAKKI. i can just imagine all the memes you two would send one another. and sometimes when you two speak it makes no sense to anyone else but there the two of you are laughing your butts off. but also he’s a v sweet bf and wants to give many many cuddles and smooches. so pls give em to him.
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Heyoo sorry if this is a bother but can I can for another match up? This one is for my bestie lol
An INFJ Taurus she/her and straight.
over all a kind person sometimes sarcastic and lowkey mean but fun to be around :) understands everyone's boundaries and totally respects them. Sweet and caring and loves everyone for who they are no matter what.
calls herself "the mom friend" (she lowkey is 💀) knows when to leave someone (when they are using her or just being toxic) and she's always there when you need her AND ISTG ALWAYS HAYPES U TF UP
She says she's sensitive and has a basic style 🤨
Loves drawing and has two cats that she will take a pullet for very into vintage and cottagecore things
Basically your very open and loving mom
Thank u! Take care and dont forget to eat and drink water (づ ◕‿◕ )づ💕
🍰 for @shotosimp2 lovely friend
Romantic Matchup
Yamaguchi Tadashi
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How yall met
Ok so you were in his class
You know those friends you have in class
And ONLY in class
That was what you two were
Sure if you saw each other in the halls you would say hey
But other than that
You were practically strangers outside of the classroom
Then one day you two were talking in class
And he mentioned something about playing volleyball
And you were like oh my gerrr :0 I love volleyball
So he invited you to their next game
He wasn't expecting you to actually show up
But you did!
He was kinda embarrassed because he invited you and he's not even a starter
The game went on but SURPRISE
Yams had to go in for a pinch serve
As he held the ball in his hands he looked in your direction
You smiled and him and gave him a thumbs up
And for some reason that made him feel real fuzzy inside???
But he smiled back and tried to do a floating serve
Oh hey it went over the net
He was still a little shocked
But was snapped out of it when he heard you cheering
There was that fuzzy feeling again
He scored the team two more points with his serve
And then the other team finally received it
And scored a point...
Yams had gotten subbed out once that happened
He felt a little bad about his last serve
Until he heard your voice again
Suddenly he didn't feel so bad anymore
After the game, you made your way over to him and started going off about how cool his serve was
Yams isn't used to get compliments
Let alone compliments about his volleyball skill
So he was blushing HARD
After that day Yams made more of an effort to hang out with you
You just made him feel a way he's never felt before
Soon enough he came to the shocking realization
He had a crush on you
He was super nervous to tell you how he felt tho!
So he just crushed on you for like 2 months
Until Tsukki had had enough of this nonsense…
Tsukki legit walked up to you and was like
Yeah, you know Yamaguchi? Well, he likes you. Break his heart and I'll break your face ✋😒
Before just walking off
Leaving you there like 👁👄👁
You had told yams what happened
And that's when he told you that what Tsukki said was true
You just pulled him in for a hug and told him that you felt the same way
And omg he was literally gonna cryyyyy
Gomen Tsukki
What they love about you
He loves how supportive you are
Let's be honest
Yams is an insecure boi
But when he's getting down on himself
You always there to pull him out of that rut
Speaking of always being there
He loves how reliable you are
I swear he could text you saying he needs you
And you would be there in seconds
No matter the day the time the weather
He can count on you to be there when he needs you
He loves how you get along with Tsukki
Well kinda…
It's a love-hate relationship honesty
Yall get into little games of wit to see who can get under the other's skin
But for the most part, you guys get along
And he's very happy about that :)))
Omg he loves your preferred aesthetic
Yams is definitely a cottagecore boy
Well get into that later
Favorite things to do together
Ahem… he likes to have picnic dates with you
He likes just packing a basket full of food and taking you somewhere quiet
And just vibing with you!
And he puts some EFFORT into this picnic basket
It has all of your favorite goodies in it
Along with some homemade things as well
Yes… he spends time making things to bring on a picnic date
Such a sweet boy 10/10
Random Hc
My dude makes great pies
He made a pie to bring on a picnic date
And omg you ASCENDED it was so good
He really likes to draw with you
Granted his drawings never turn out as great as yours
But they're still pretty good
Better than my crappy art that's for sure
Every time you compliment this boy
He's literally on the verge of TEARS
Once again poor boy doesn't get a lot of compliments
And they always mean so much more when they come from you
Taurus + Scorpio
Compatibility 90%
They value life and love in a way that no other sign understands.
The depth of their belief system goes as far as planet Earth’s core and if they begin their relationship on the same page, this could be what binds them for years.
Although their perspectives differ when it comes to material and emotional values, their core is the same and everything else can be adjusted.
This emotional connection is really something to deserve.
Not only do these two represent the axis of Moon’s special dignities, exalted in Taurus and fallen in Scorpio, but they also have Venus as a ruler on one hand and the intense element of Water on the other.
When they fall in love, they become an image of eternal love. There is no better personification of Hades, the god of the underworld in ancient Greece, and Persephone – an idea of immortal love that can never die.
Overall Aesthetic
Cottagecore (duh)
You can also check out this moodboard I made a while back 👀
Strawberry blonde (Mitski)
Love like you (Rebecca sugar)
Are you bored yet (wallows)
Line without a hook (Ricky Montgomery)
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random-mha-thoughts · 5 years
Stranger (Todoroki x Reader)
Pairing: Todoroki x Reader
Genre: Fluff, College!AU
Summary: While at a party you were forced to attend, you meet a mysterious stranger having fun by himself in the corner.
Inspo: A Tiktok by Designer_eyebags that has suddenly disappeared, it was too cute for me not to write honestly.
Word count: 2,476
Tags:  @yuki-osaki​ @liviitehe​ @iamsoftsodonttoucheume-blog​ @bunnythepipsqueak​
a/n:  When I tell you I'm a sucker for casual Todo esp Todo in a beanie?? Ded 
College!AU for Todoroki finally!  It was honestly about time!  Though, I feel like I could’ve done better with it, I wasn’t really sure where I wanted to take it so I just let it take me I guess?  But I think it's still pretty cute, so that's gotta count for something, right?
I've got another Baku scenario planned, and then a Midoriya one right after that (or I might reverse the order since I have the beginning of the Midoriya one written already).  Also thanks again for 300 followers!  Yall might be getting a surprise at 400, depends on when I finish these next few scenarios.
Buy me a coffee?
I don't want to be here at this party, but Ochaco told me I need to loosen up.  And she's tired of me whining about how single I am.  "Then do something about it!" she exclaimed, "Get out there and find someone!  You won't meet anyone if you stay in the same rut!"  She's lucky, she already has a boyfriend.  At first glance, he's a complete pushover, but he seems to be a social person.  At least, social enough to have friends who host dorm parties, apparently.  So here I am, in a stranger's dorm with colored lights and obnoxiously loud music.
The funniest thing about this entire party, though, is this random person I've been watching.   The music in the room is bumping to some EDM tracks, but this guy's having a blast in the corner of the room.  He's off in his own world, headphones on, swaying and mouthing the lyrics to whatever's playing, which might be more melodious judging by how much slower his head nods are.
Honestly, relatable.
I would've thought he was just drunk or on some really good drugs, but his movements are structured enough to show he still has coordination.  I'll admit, the way he's dancing around like no one's watching is pretty endearing.  He seems like a pretty fun guy to be around, I should go talk to him.   Ochaco abandoned me for her boyfriend, and this is my way of finding someone else, I guess.
I approach him slowly.  It would be a stupid idea to tap on his shoulder and interrupt him, I don't really want to break his flow.  I settle for standing by quietly, close enough for him to notice I'm staring right at him, but far enough so I don't break up his single-man party.
It takes him a while to notice me.  The music bleeding from his white headphones even in this loud environment tells me he's really trying to drown everyone else out.  His eyes are closed as his had bobs around, silently mouthing the lyrics to a familiar Top 40's song I've heard on the radio.  His casual outfit consists of black jeans, a half-white-half-black hoodie over a black T-shirt, gray Converse, and a matching beanie.  His hair on the side facing me is scarlet red, but from his movements, I can see the other side is snow white.
My lips quirk into a small smile as I continue to watch him entertain himself.  I probably look like a creep, just watching some other weirdo doing their thing in the corner.  I can't help it, he looks absolutely adorable, not to mention just a smidge familiar.
His eyes open for a brief moment just so he can blink and he double takes at me, freezing up and jolting backward.  He slides the headphones down around his neck and looks around before scratching his head.  "Hi... " he offers a slight wave.  "Was I bothering you?"
Now that he fully faces me, I notice he has two different colored eyes, and his features are sharply handsome, contrasting the staple casual soft-boy aesthetic of his outfit and his awkward speech.  "Not at all," I shrug, collecting my thoughts, "You seem like you're having the time of your life, so I thought I'd join you."
A slight blush coats his cheeks as he buries his hands in his jeans pockets.  "I apologize.  Perhaps what I was doing was distracting and inappropriate."
He's so prim and proper, it's adorable.  "No worries, no one was staring other than me," I assure him, leaning against the wall.  "So, why are you jamming all alone over here instead of being with your friends?"
"Ah, my roommate is spending time with his girlfriend right now, I don't really want to pry into their business."  He scratches the back of his neck nervously.
I sigh.  "Yeah, same here.  Your roommate wouldn't happen to be a Midoriya, would it?"
He blinks.  "As a matter of fact, he is."
"Wow, small world."  That really is a coincidence.  Can't say I was expecting to meet the roommate of my best friend's boyfriend, let alone find him alluring in some way.
The boy is silent for a moment.  "Honestly, I'm sleepy, but I lost the key to my room, so I have to wait for Midoriya.  I don't even have my wallet, unfortunately."  He fingers one side of the headphones.  "This is the only way to keep myself awake and occupied until he's ready to leave."
"I'd say you have guts to be listening to your own music at a party.  You must have a pretty great playlist."
He tilts his head to the side.  "I'm just not fond of this sort of music, it nauseates me."
"I feel that.  This, in general," I motion to all the happenings around us, "Isn't really my scene.  I'd rather be in my dorm alone."
He nods in agreement.  "Me too.  If it wasn't for me losing my dorm key, I would have already gone back."
Now that I've called attention to it, we really have drowned out the world around us, as if there was a bubble and I just popped it to return us to the present.  There's this magnetism between us to keep to ourselves, despite the awkwardness of this being our first encounter.
I kick off from the wall and face him.  "If you wanna hurry out of here, we can go somewhere else to talk.   Or if you wanna go eat, I can pay for you, it's no big deal."
For the first time in our conversation, he turned to look at me head-on.  "Really?" he cocks an eyebrow, "We've only just met, do trust me that much?"
I offer an amiable smile.  "You seem like someone I'd like to get to know."
We walk into the darkness of campus at night, talking about nothing in particular.  Whatever random question that popped into my mind was whatever I asked him.  He's a quiet one, very hesitant about opening up and answering my questions more than what I've asked.  I guess I like how mysteriously awkward he is, it's cute.  Normally, I'm not one to talk either, but when it comes to someone who's even less of a talker than me, I take the lead just to make them comfortable.
His name is Shouto Todoroki, he's in the same year as me, a business major because his father wants him to take over the family company.  He's the youngest of his siblings, his parents are separated, and he's a cat person.
Finally reaching a diner just a block off campus, I instinctively stroll up to the counter.  At first he stands behind me, unsure what to do as he stares at the seat next to me.  I eye him with another smile.  "I guess you've never sat at the counter before?"  At the shake of his head, I pat the stool to my right.  "Come on up, it's not that different from sitting in a booth."
Slowly, he hoists himself up onto the seat and rotates over to face me.  "Do you come here often?"
"Sort of, I'm alone most of the time.  I don't usually come this late though.  After my classes, I would come here because I love their burgers.  I like sitting here to just do some homework."
The waitress gives us the menu and takes our drink orders.  The diner is empty this time of night, save for a group of probably drunk students from our college and a truck driver at the other end of the counter across the room.
"What do you feel like eating?" I ask.
Todoroki's staring at the menu in great thought, holding his chin with one hand.  "Maybe a sandwich.  Or a pasta dish, I'm not sure yet."
"I think..."  I scan over the menu.  I'm not that hungry per se, I just wanted to get out of that party with this adorable stranger.  "I'm gonna have a bowl of soup.  It'll warm me up after being in the cold outside."  I rub my cold hands together and tuck them inside the sleeves of my sweater.
The boy glances down at my hands before his cheeks blush slightly.  He tries to hide it by rubbing the back of his neck.  "Would you like me to...hold them for you?  I've been told I have pretty warm hands..."
It's my turn to blush now.  "Sure, thanks."
He stretches out his left hand onto the table, tentatively covering my clasped hands.  Surprisingly, I find his hand is large, able to surround both of mine entirely.  And they're pretty muscular, I'd say.  "Your hands are pretty warm," I comment, almost dumbly.
He nods wordlessly in response.
Our shoulders almost brush because of how close I'm leaning to him.  I'm close enough to smell his fresh scent coming off his jacket.
The waitress returns with our drinks and startles us into ripping our hands away from each other, bumping shoulders in the process.  She takes our orders on her pad before smiling at us.  "Aw, you two look so cute together," she coos and walks away before we can correct her.
Suddenly I don't know what I should say now.
"What made you come here one day?" Todoroki asks, his cheeks brushed pink.  I appreciate his attempt at making things less awkward.
"I like having comfort food, I guess."  I stir the straw in my water.  "I get easily overwhelmed and homesick, so I like eating my feelings in a way."
His hands cup his warm mug of tea.  "I can't say I agree with that.  I wanted to get away from home.  It was suffocating there."
"That must be difficult."  Out of reflex, I raise my hand to pat his shoulder, stopping myself right before I can touch him.  "I'm sorry-"
"I don't mind it," he blurts out quickly.  "But only if you're comfortable."
I chuckle at his eagerness and rest my hand there.  "We've become somewhat awkward again, huh?"
"Should I ask some questions, then?  Since you were doing that earlier."
"Sure, go ahead."
Todoroki's questions were difficult to get out.  He didn't ask as many as me since he thought very carefully before asking them.  They weren't typical small talk questions you would ask someone you just met; they were thought-provoking, which I admit is something I appreciate way more.  His last question was to discuss what would be the most important items to have you were stranded on a space mission with a group of people.
"Why wouldn't you want a flare gun?  It could help the home base locate you from the light."
"Yes, normally, but it wouldn't work the same in anti-gravity space," Todoroki explains monotonously.  "Though, the force of the shot would at least allow you to propel you in a certain direction if you're floating around aimlessly."
"You have a point.  But we agree that rope, oxygen tank, and water are definitely essential for survival."
The waitress sets our food in front of us.  Todoroki ended up getting a vegetarian panini just because he didn't really want any meat tonight.
"Will you be satisfied with just that soup?" he eyes my bowl carefully.
I start ripping at the toasted bread on the side and dip one into my tomato soup.  "Yeah, I'm not terribly hungry, and I haven't had this soup in a long time."
We eat in a somewhat comfortable silence.  I feel like we've gotten to know each other pretty well, but there's still the awkwardness surrounding us.  Nothing really told me why he was so familiar to me at the party either.  I don't really remember him at any of the previous outings I was forced to attend.
Todoroki puts down his mostly eaten sandwich.  "I must...confess something.  I-"
"Are you a creepy stalker?" I casually joke, dipping my spoon into the soup.
His face turns blank and the life drains from his eyes.  "N-No!  Not at-!"
I shove him lightly.  "I'm just joking!  You look like you've seen a ghost.  What is it?"
Color returns to his face as he looks down at his unfinished burger and fries.  "I've...been to a couple parties with Midoriya before, and I admit I've seen you already.  To say you never caught my attention is a lie.  Actually, I...hoped to see you every time he offered me to join him."
I'm frozen in place, my cheeks heating up at the implication.  "Does that mean you've taken an interest in me?"
He inhales carefully.  "Yes, I have."
"So...you'd like to see me outside of parties then?"
"Yes."  He rubs his hands together.  "We could even come back here, if you'd like."
"I wouldn't mind that."  I avert my eyes away from him, ashamed to be shy like this.  "But next time, you're trying a burger here."
His chuckle reminds me of the tinkle of wind chimes, except deeper.  "It's a date."
I can't stop myself from smiling, my heart skipping a beat at the word.  Wow, I actually found someone decent at a stupid college party.
We finish the rest of our meal in silence again, and I paid as I promised.  It felt like we were holding back a secret from everyone else in the diner.  We just started dating in the middle of our first meal together, how cute is that?
We leave and start heading back to the dorms, keeping a distance between us.  Neither of us really know what to say after a sudden change in relationship status like that.
Todoroki coughs awkwardly.  "If you don't mind, I'd like to warm your hands up again.  Only if you're okay with it."
That's such a cute way of asking to hold hands, I gush inwardly.  I close the distance between us, allowing him to gently grip one of my hands in his.  He tucks our joined hands inside his hoodie pocket, pulling me closer to him.  It feels like I'm walking on clouds.
He walks me to the front of my building.  He'd gotten a text from Midoriya that he's back at their room and will open the door for him when he returns.  "Thank you for the meal."  His eyes express his gratitude clearly as he stands in front of me.  "It was more enjoyable with your company."
"Don't mention it.  It was great having someone to talk to."  I realize I've unnaturally used my left hand to brush my hair behind my ear because my right hand is still in his pocket.  Standing so close to him makes me nervous.
Todoroki lifts our joined hands to place a feather-light kiss on my knuckles.  "I look forward to next time," his low voice resonates smooth as butter, eyes boring into mine.
I can't meet them for very long after, breaking eye contact with him sheepishly.  "M-Me too."
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elliottalksalot · 3 years
Hiii I would like to request for a male genshin matchup if thats cool:] I'm a straight female, Sagittarius and an INFJ-T. I have brown eyes and brown-ish black-ish hair and glasses which I tend to lose often heh. I like spending time with those close to my heart but I also value my personal space and time. I like to travel but I don't mind staying in one place and settling down. I don't like frogs, I have a phobia of them for some reason. I can take other creatures like cockroaches, rats, heck even snakes, but no frogs plz:< I don't like aggresive confrontation and I'm the type of person to diffuse tense situations. I don't like heated arguments as well, they make me uncomfortable and give me huge anxiety:<
What I want in a partner is someone who is willing to listen to me, and in turn I'll listen to them. I want someone who shares the same values as I do as well. Respecting me, my beliefs and my family and friends is definitely a must. I want someone who I can confide in (and vice versa) and create a special and deep bond with. I want a relationship that isn't shallow or only about love, but about other things like trust. Someone who is patient and can humour me in the silly things I do would be really cool too:) My love languages are prob all of them ngl:] For hobbies I like listening to music and singing to myself, daydreaming, knitting and crocheting if I have the materials and reading!
I think I'm the type of person who comes across either as really intimidating or really shy, but when you really get to know me, a kind, outspoken, and sometimes feisty person. I'm kind of between being that responsible mom friend and being that friend who radiates crackhead energy, (lmao idk either) depending on the situation and vibe. I'm an independent person with strong morals, although I'm always willing to listen to other people's perspectives. I'm a pretty carefree person, and I'm someone who is willing to help another through their problems, whether that is just by listening, giving advice when asked, etc. I'm also pretty moody tho, and there are definitely times where I go from optimistic to pessimistic and vice versa. I also work well under pressure and I'm definitely an overachiever. I tend to invalidate myself and my feelings a lot and I tend to overwork, overthink, and stress myself out a lot because I bottle my emotions up:(
I don't really have an ideal date in mind, maybe something where I can really get to know the person, like maybe doing something that the other person likes doing and one that can be away from other people as well, so privacy yes. Maybe like a picnic date, a private dinner, learning the hobby of the other person or even a date that just involves staying in. For aesthetic I've been told that my aesthetic is "scholarly academia" I just asked my friend and thats what I was told hehe:]
I hope this was okay and I just kind of started to ramble so sorry about that hihi:] anyway I hope you're doing well, stay safe:]
Hi Hi! You’re my first Genshin Impact request! I hope you enjoy this and stay safe as well! I match you with...
Okay so! You both seem to be calm and collected people who would listen to each other! And really I can’t say much else so onto the HEADCANONS!
You were friends with Kaeya
He introduced yall two to eachother once he found out you wanted to start you childhood hobby of painting again.
Y’all unsurprisingly got along well
He, not knowing had to go about this, asked Kaeya for advice.
Terrible idea really
There was a bunch of failed attempts before Diluc just got tired of you two flirting in his bar and told you Albedo liked you
It got the point across clearly.
You’re first date was just chilling in the bar
Neither of you drank much so you just sat drawing different people passing by
He walked you home and you gave him a kiss on the doorstep
Cliche Cute Assholes
Klee likes you. Like a lot, she has brought you bombs of love only for them to blow up in your face literally
You never get mad at her for it
Fights with Albedo don’t happen often
You both find them draining and prefer to talk stuff out before it gets to that point
✨ Healthy Communication things ✨
“ (Name) Love, Do you think you can get me the watercolor? “ Albedo asked you turned away focusing on his painting . You two were on a outdoor date for inspiration when Albedo decided to surprise you. Getting the paint you hand it to him then go to sit back down. After some time you hear Albedo putting supplies away. “ You can look now , dear. “ It was a painting of you sitting there. Wind blowing your hair, clothes ruffled. “ You..” You stuttered in surprise . Albedo only smiled innocently before he pressed a Kidd to your forehead . “ I think we should head back now? “
Songs That Remind Me Of Your Relationship!:
Put Your Records On - Ritt Momney
Put Your Head On My Shoulder - Paul Anka
Sunshine, Lollipops, and Rainbows - Lesley Gore
The Book Of Love - Peter Gabriel
Then He Kissed Me - The Crystals
That one healthy couple with next to no problems you can’t help but be jealous of. Come on y’all are perfect for eachother.
You have a whole portfolio of drawings/paintings Albedo had done of you
You once made a flower crown for Albedo and he still has it
Klee once called you ‘ Big Sis ‘ and you started crying right there
You and Albedo don’t really celebrate birthdays so you just have a date at the winery alone with eachother
Your favorite color is blue because of him though he just say ‘ because it’s the color of the sky “
You both have missed sleep time just tirelessly working on paintings
Once Albedo drew Kaeya and Diluc as thanks and left it on their desk. He didn’t leave a note nor signature but they knew who it was from
Just Wholesomeness between you two really
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nullwork · 5 years
1-45 fucker.
on god i shouldve deleted this from my queue when i had the chance
1-5 answered
6. Are you single this year?
7. Can you commit to one person?
8. Describe your crush.
big dumbass bee hater who thinks hes cool and im going to kill him
9. Describe your perfect mate.
what is this. is this warrior cats? warrior cats roblox rp circa 2014? mate. hahahahahah holy shit. tbh just someone i find attractive and doesnt annoy me and im heart eyes
10. Do you believe in love at first sight?
absolutely not yall just got the hots for strangers
11. Do you ever want to get married?
yes but it must exactly match pewdiepies wedding aesthetic.
12. Do you forgive betrayal?
no. next question.
13. answered
14. Do you have a crush on anyone?
15. Do you have any piercings?
just earrings 😔
16. Do you have any tattoos?
no but I Would Like Some
17. answered. i think
18 + 19 ahahahah theres no 18 or 19
20. Do you shower every day?
like every other day but im tryna not turn my hair pink lately
21. Do you think someone has feelings for you?
by god i sure hope so
22. Do you think someone is thinking of you right now?
23. Do you think you can last in a relationship for 6 months and not cheat?
yes this is literally so easy to do
24. answered
25. Do you want to be in a relationship this year?
I literally am
26. Has anyone ever told you they don't want to lose you?
yes. then he tried to gaslight me.
27. Has anyone ever written a song or poem for you?
ghghghghggg my first boyfriend wrote a poem for me where he called me satan or smth
28. Have you ever been cheated on?
yeah 😔
29. answered
30. Have you ever considered plastic surgery? If so, what have you wanted to change about your body?
im a tranny of course i have. top surgery. now who's the bottom, bitches.
31. Have you ever cried over a guy/girl?
yknow i have we wont get into that
32. Have you ever experienced unrequited love?
perhaps a tiny bit.
33. Have you ever had sex with a man?
34. Have you ever had sex with a woman?
35. Have you ever kissed someone older than you?
yeah x2
36. Have you ever liked one of your best friends?
hmmm perhaps yes
37. answered
38. Have you ever liked someone you didn't expect to?
uhhh yes
39. Have you ever wanted someone you couldn't have?
😳 does this qualify me for an emo discount if i say yeah
40. Have you ever written a song or poem for someone?
41. Have you had sex so far this year?
also yes
42. answered
43. How long was your longest relationship?
uhhhh about a year and then he missed his ex
44. How many boyfriend/girlfriends have you had?
like. 5. yeah 5 i think
45. How many people did you kiss in 2012/2013?
i was 12 years old the only thing i kissed was my Harry Potter figurine
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Helloo pretty 🤩 how are u ? Ok ummm may i get a match up shshshs idk why am i shy wtf is wrong with me lol whatever im 17 and im super energetic AND IM SUPER VERY moody like omg im moody asf i like singing my friends told me im good at it but idk I don’t think so and...what else ohh im obsessed with manga like omg and im scorpio 🤭 idk sometimes people think im madly toxic i have rbf 😞 any ways I guess that’s enough right? I want it with haikyuu boys please 🥺 thank ya have a nice day sweetie
🍰 for @pinkqp
Romantic Matchup
Bokuto Koutarou
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How yall met
You were Karasunos manager
You were messing around with Noya and Tanaka
Cuz yk...crackhead tings
And Bokuto had noticed you
If he didn’t believe in love at first sight
He does now
He was just thinking
Omg how can someone be so pretty
They look so fun to be around!
Are they singing about meat?
Omg I love meat!
It’s meant to be!
Meanwhile his team was wondering why he was staring at the three of you dancing to some sort of meat song
The rest of the day he spent trying to impress you with his spikes
And well….
It wasn’t working that well
You were so focused on supporting your friends and helping them improve
That you didn’t even notice him :((
His mood was starting to affect his playing
So when he spiked a ball…
He wasn’t expecting it to ricochet off the ground...
And hit you…
In the face…
He quickly ran over to you
And kept on apologizing
You really weren’t hurt that badly
You just got a bloody nose from the hit
But honestly you might as well have been dying
Our boy was PANICKING
“Bokuto they’ll be fine just take them to the nurse”
So he did
The whole time he kept apologizing
You swear you’ve told him it was fine like 50 times
But he just felt so bad :(((
After the nurse fixed your bloody nose and sent you both back to the gym
He promised to make it up to you
The next day he had showed up to the gym with an “I’m sorry” basket
Apparently he had ran to the nearest gas stationand picked up a bunch of snacks and even a little bear plush
You thanked him for the basket and gave him your number to show that there was no ill will
Next thing you know
You guys are texting everyday
Even when camp was over and you both went home
Eventually he couldn’t take it anymore and told he liked you
And he was pleasantly surprised when you accepted his confession :o
What they love about you
He loves how goofy you are
Your goofyness is what drew him to you in the first place
So he loves it because it reminds him on why he fell in love with you
He loves how you can understand his mood swings
You admitted to being a little moody yourself
And he just feels better knowing he’s not the only one who gets down on himself
And you help him overcome his mood swings
If he’s ever in emo mode
Your always there to cheer him on and telling him to keep going
What you love about them
You love his energy
This boy acts like he can be up for 24 hours and still not be tired
And honestly
Your here for it
You’ve never really been able to find someone who could keep up with your energy levels
But now you e found someone who seems to have more energy than you
You love how much he cares about you
You saw how he reacted when you got a bloody nose
This mans would do anything for you
Someone’s bothering you? He’s on it
You skinned your knee? He’s right there with a band aid and kisses
He’s always looking out for you and you couldn’t be more grateful for that
Favorite things to do together
Ok so you guys have a bit of a long distance relationship
So he can’t see you every day :(
Which means his favorite thing to do with you is text you in the late hours of the night
Or even better! FaceTiming you
You guys have stood up so late just talking to eachother about whatever was on your minds
And when he can see you
He loves just doing random things with you
He cherishes the time he has with you in person
So he’s down to do anything really
Random Hc
He thought you hated him after the volleyball incident because of your rbf
You still have the best plush he bought you as a apology
He bought you both matching necklaces so that way you could always be together
God help anyone who’s around you when your both acting moody…
Scary shit right there
Sometimes you’ll just show up to Fukurōdani and surprise him
He loves it when you do that :))))
Scorpio + Virgo
Compatibility 76%
That changeable nature of Virgo will be settled down by the fixed quality of their Scorpio partner, who will keep their relationship exciting for a very long time.
In general, there is a problem that these partners share when it comes to Venus, and their relationship is often a reflection of these troubles. This can lead to all sorts of emotional blackmail, their tendency to control each other’s lives, and if not this, than constant criticism that makes them both feel guilty or simply sad.
The best thing they can do is decide that they will value each other and be thankful for each other in this relationship.
If they develop a strong sense of gratitude, their relationship might be extremely deep, exciting and truly appreciated by both partners.
Overall Aesthetic
Cherry Cola (kuwada)
Marlboro Nights(lonely god)
Run the world (dayglow)
Dance baby (boy Pablo )
Pump it (black eyed peas)
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