#i tried to save a man getting mauled by a wolf but i failed and he died
cerbreus · 2 years
i may be bad at many, many video games. but i am comically bad at rdr2
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You Saved Me - Derek Hale x fem!reader part 11
As soon as I walked into the veterinarian office, I felt it. Like a total drain of my muscles and my head started to hurt. 
“Mountain ash.” Dr. Deaton said as he came out from around the corner, “It weakens werewolf abilities so they cannot shift their form.” 
“That would explain it.” I smiled, shoving my hands in my pockets. 
“How can I help you, (Y/N).” He knew my name.
I squinted at him, “Have we met?” 
“We have, but you wouldn’t remember. You were here with some minor injuries and your parents weren’t sure if you were going to turn and just in case…the hospital found something interesting.” He said, a small smile on his face, “But I see you have finally turned.” 
I nodded, “Yeah, but I don’t know how.” 
“I believe I may have an answer.” He pulled out a book from the front desk. It was a dark leather bound book, its pages were brown with age. 
“It was a spell used by werewolf clans that were being hunted hundreds of years ago, in France, Scotland, England. In some cases, werewolf hunters would test werewolves in their human form with Mountain ash, rendering them unconscious. Et obscuratus lupum. Wolf Eclipse.” I looked at the book, seeing a drawing of what looked like a child, half human, half wolf. 
“Parents would perform this spell to cloak their child from hunters. The Mountain ash wouldn’t affect them and they would be spared and safe until they could transform. This spell would also remove any memories of werewolf behavior from beyond that point so they couldn’t give away the rest of the clan by accident.” 
I looked down at the desk, “But why now? Why did I turn now? And why am I an alpha? I’ve never killed anyone.” 
“As for your turning now, many children are given back their power by their parents. Or if their parents were killed, they usually don’t unless something triggers the change - high stress, fear, terror, torture. But I can’t explain the alpha part, the only people who could were your parents.” 
“Derek? Derek!” Isaac’s voice echoed through the building. 
“What’s wrong?” Derek turned away from what he was doing. Isaac looked frantic and scared. 
“My dad… I think he’s dead…”
“What did you do?” Derek asked firmly. 
“That’s the thing…It wasn’t me.”
I woke up on the couch. Not the best place to sleep all night. 
I sat up and cracked my back, twisting from side to side. I shuffled into the kitchen, seeing Uncle Noah already there. 
“Morning, kiddo.” He said, sipping his coffee. He went with the dark roast this morning. Bitter. Something serious had happened. 
“We found Lydia, I don’t know if you heard.” He said. 
I nodded, “Of course, talk of the town. Stiles is gonna get an A in economics.” 
He shook his head, a small smile on his face. He was still slightly sleepy, meaning I could probably get something out of him about what’s making him leave this early. 
“What’s going on?”
He yawned and raised his eyebrows. He looked around the corner then back to me, “Promise you won’t tell Stiles. And I’m only telling you because it involves one of your players.”
“Isaac?” I asked, “Is he okay?” Uncle Noah narrowed his eyes at me, clearly confused how I knew. 
“I had my own questions about his home life. A guess.” 
“Well we found his dad dead this morning. Mauled to death in his car in an alleyway.”
“Mauled?” Great… This is exactly what we needed with this hunter situation going around. Didn’t Derek tell Isaac that humans were off limits, especially right now? Isaac didn’t seem like the type, but if he was getting abused, maybe he couldn’t take it anymore. 
“Yeah, not pretty. Oh, by the way.” He rifled through the mail, “This came for you at the station.” It was a brown envelope. It had multiple stamps and postmarks. The text was written in old English calligraphy. 
“The Lunar Circle.” I shook my head, “Never heard of it.” I looked at the return address, “Scotland?” 
“I guess so.” He looked at his watch, “Alright, gotta go.” He kissed the top of my head, making his way out the door. 
I got into the locker room later than usual, but in time to watch Scott and Stiles stare at a chain that was falling out of Stiles’ locker. Coach walked between the two of them, staring at the chain as it finished pooling on the floor. 
“Part of me wants to ask… the other part says knowing will be more disturbing than anything I could ever imagine. So, I’m gonna walk away.” Before I could speak to the two, Coach slipped the blind fold onto my eyes, the elastic slapping the back of my head. 
“Good looking out.” I nodded vaguely in his direction. Stiles shoved a bag in my hands, Scott and Stiles started shoving the chain into it and froze, Scott tensed up. 
Another scent. Someone like us. 
“There’s another in here.” Scott said. 
“Another what?” Stiles asked. 
“Another werewolf.” 
Once the players were on the field, Stiles pulled me aside. 
“Alright, switch Scott with Danny for goal and then you use your sniffer on the guys on the bench.” 
I raised my eyebrows at him, still not over what he said the other day. 
He stared for a minute, then closed his eyes, “The silent treatment, really?” 
I smiled slyly, nodding. 
“Oh my god.” He groaned, “Look, I’m sorry. I know you’re just trying to protect me. I get it. We can have this conversation later, please.” 
I thought about it for a minute, then nodded, “Fine. I’ll go tell Coach.” I found Finstock and told him. 
“Why would I want McCall in goal? McCall is co-captain. He needs to play offense.” 
“That’s true, but what happens when Danny gets hurt during a match. Are you gonna put in someone from second line or someone with those reflexes?” He stared for a minute, thinking about what I just said. 
“Think about it like this. Danny’s out, it’s tied and we are ten seconds from overtime. Who are you putting in? Second line or McCall.” 
He nodded and chuckled, “Good thinking.” He turned back to the other players and blew his whistle, “Let’s go! Line up!” Players made their way onto the field, “Faster! Make daddy proud.” Daddy… I hate it. I scanned the line up, there was number fourteen at the end - Isaac. 
Coach blew the whistle again, signaling the drills to start. Scott ran from the goal, tackling the player. Scott was many things. Subtle was not one of them. 
“McCall!” Coach shouted, his eyes wide and his hair seemed even wilder. 
“Usually, the goalie stays somewhere within the vicinity of the actual goal.”
“Yes, Coach.”
“Let’s try it again!”
“What the hell, man?” The player shouted. His name was…  Matt Daehler if I remembered correctly. 
Coach blew the whistle again, throwing another ball into play. Again, Scott knocked the next player down. 
“McCall!” Coach called again, “The position’s goalkeeper, not goal-abandoner!’
“Sorry, Coach…”
“Let’s go!” He blew the whistle. Again, Scott knocked the next man down. 
“Stiliniski!” Coach pulled Stiles up by his helmet. Stiles stood up from the bench on the other side of me, “What the hell is wrong with your friend?”
“Uh, he’s failing two classes, he’s a little socially awkward, and if you look close enough, his jawline is kinda uneven.” Stiles said in a rush. 
Coach and I turned heads to the side, looking at McCall. Was his jaw always crooked? Had I not noticed in all of this time?
“That’s interesting.” He said, dropping Stiles' helmet. Scott knocked over Danny next, landing on top of him. Danny was having a good year so far. 
“McCall!” Coach shouted, clearly frustrated, “You come out of that goal one more time, and you’ll be doing suicide runs ‘til you die! It’ll be the first ever suicide run that actually ends in a suicide! Got it?” 
“Yes, Coach.”
“Yeah!” Coach glared. 
Jackson looked at Scott warily, “Uh, Coach, my shoulder’s hurting… I’m gonna-I’m gonna sit this one out…” He watched out of the line and onto the bench. What’s gotten into him? Besides not the bite. Scott ran forward at Isaac. But instead of Scott taking him down, they both collided and fell to the ground. That’s when I saw Scott pause, he found his werewolf. 
“Dad?” Stiles asked. I turned around, seeing Uncle Noah and two other officers heading towards the field. They must have been coming to bring Isaac in for questioning. 
“Don’t tell them…Please don’t tell him.” I heard Isaac say. 
I stayed back with the rest of the team while Finstock was talking to Uncle Noah. Scott was listening in on the conversation. 
“His father’s dead. They think he was murdered.” Scott said. 
Stiles looked at me, “Is that what you and my dad were talking about this morning?”
“There may have been something Uncle Noah told me not to tell you.” I grinned innocently. 
“Come on…” Stiles sighed, “Are they saying he’s a suspect?”
“I’m not sure. Why?”
“Because they can lock him in a holding cell for twenty-four hours…”
“Like, overnight?”
“Those generally are the same amount of time, yes.” I said. 
“During the full moon.” The full moon. Not only would it be Isaac’s first turn, it was going to be mine. 
“Crap.” I mumbled. 
“How good are these holding cells at holding people?”
“People? Good. Werewolves? Probably not that good.” Stiles said grimly.
“Stiles, remember when I said I don’t have the urge to maim and kill?”
“He does.” How Scott could tell that, I couldn’t tell. Because I didn’t get that vibe.
I made my way through the hall, seeing Uncle Noah in the hall outside the principal's office. 
“What’s going on?” I asked, not seeing Isaac near. 
“We’re interviewing Jackson Whittemore. He’s Isaac’s neighbor, we’re just trying to see if he knows anything. I’m just waiting to meet the new principal.” 
“New principal?” I asked. Right after I spoke, the door opened. And there stood Gerard Argent. I tried to hide my shock when I saw him, since the last time I saw him I watched him cut someone in half. 
“Sheriff Stilinski, I’m terribly sorry to keep you waiting. Just a phone call from one of my teachers.” He said in his brogue, he turned to me, “And Miss (Y/N), assistant coach for our lacrosse team. I have been anxious to meet you.” He held out his hand. Oh, he was anxious? Yeah definitely. 
I blinked, a small smile on my face, “It’s good to meet you as well. I apologize for my shock, I was not aware that you had been hired.” I shook his hand. His hands felt cold, like the ice in his heart spread through his veins. 
“I understand. It was quite unexpected. But I am excited to get started.” He played his role well. An older man happy to help and be accommodating to his new surroundings. I knew the truth though, and it terrified me. But I needed to lay low and stay on his good side for right now. He declared war, no longer following the code and Chris couldn’t stop him like he stopped Kate. 
“Of course. I’m excited to work with you too, Mr…?”
“Oh like Allison. She’s such a sweet girl, I always see her at games.” 
“She became a fan.” He nodded. In the distance, I could hear Jackson’ walking down the hall. How did I know it was Jackson? His brand new shoes squeaked.
“Well, I gotta head out. Delivery came to the front office for the team. Pearls and crosses. It was good meeting you, Principle Argent.” 
“Please, call me Gerard.” He smiled. 
I grinned and nodded, “Gerard.” I looked at Uncle Noah, “I’ll see you tonight.”  I made my way towards the front office, glad that the hunter couldn’t hear my heart beating out of my chest. 
“You okay?” Derek’s voice echoed in my head. 
I sighed, taking a deep breath, “No. They took Isaac into lock up, Gerard is the principal, and I am going to turn tonight whether I want to or not and I’m scared.”
“We’ll talk.” 
I sat on the front steps, looking over the envelope. The Lunar Circle. Was this something my parents were involved in? Just as I was about to open the envelope, I got a text from Scott to meet him and Derek at Isaac’s house. 
So I met them there, looking up at the sky. I had already cracked all of my knuckles so now I just was wearing a hole in my shoe from tapping. 
“Are you alright?” Scott asked. 
“I don’t know, Scott, were you okay when you turned the first time? Because I can recall you almost killing me the last time.” My eyes flashing red.
“Hey, I apologized for that.” Scott defended himself. 
“(Y/N), look at me.” Derek stood in my line of vision. The red left my eyes and I sighed. 
“Sorry, I’m just… anxious.” I clenched and unclenched my hands. 
We snuck into the Lahey household, making our way down to the basement. 
“If Isaac didn’t kill his father, who did?” Scott asked as Derek led us through the house. Derek moved slowly, keeping a flashlight beam ahead. 
“I don’t know yet.” 
“Then how do you know he’s telling the truth?”
“Because I trust my senses. And it’s a combination of them.” He looked at Scott over his shoulder, “Not just your sense of smell.” 
“You saw the lacrosse thing today?” Scott asked sheepishly. 
“So you saw him tackle and sniff everyone on the field, his big plan.” I added.
“Yeah.” Derek said plainly. 
“Did it look bad?” 
“Yeah.” Derek and I said together. Derek opened the door and we all looked down to the bottom of the basement, Scott and Derek’s eyes lit up the space a little, enough to see what was below. There were the usual things - chairs, dust bunnies, boxes.
“You wanna learn?” Derek asked, “Start now.”
“What’s down there?”
“Motive.” We started down the stairs. 
“And what are we looking for?”
“Follow your senses.” Derek said. I strayed from the group, seeing dust covered toys and games, covered with age and gray. It looked like a normal basement, but it felt like something terrible had happened here. Derek took my hand in his, pulling me back to them. 
“What happened down here?” Scott asked. 
“The kind of thing that leaves an impression.” Derek said in a low voice. It was kind of creepy, in addition to the spider web covered basement. As we went further into the basement, we saw chains hanging from the wall. My heart sank. I took Derek’s flashlight and lit up the floor, there were groove marks in the floor. Scott bent down and placed his fingers within the groove. Scratches in the cement floor. My attention was brought to a large freezer in the corner of the with a rusted padlock. The energy radiating from the cooler made my heart drop into my stomach. 
“Open it.” Derek told Scott as we stood in front of it. Scott took off the lock and lifted up the lid of the freezer. My mouth fell open in shock, tears burning at my eyes. Scratch marks, covering the entire inside of the freezer. The worst were the rust covered marks, meaning that Isaac was so desperate to fight his way to freedom that his fingers bled. I turned away from the freezer, feeling nauseous. Leaning over, my hands on my knees. 
“This is why he said yes to you?” Scott asked. 
“Everyone wants power.” 
“If I help you, you have to stop. You can’t just go around turning people into werewolves!” Scott had a point. It was dangerous to be a werewolf right now. That’s why my parents did that ritual on me. 
“I can if they’re willing.” 
“Did you tell Isaac about the Argents? About being hunted?”
“Yes, and he still asked.” 
“Then he’s an idiot!” Scott shouted. 
I stood back up and stared at Scott, “An idiot? He’s been tortured his whole life, Scott, and he’s the idiot for trying to save himself.” There was a growl in my voice as my anger rose. Derek put a hand on my arm.
“You’re the idiot dating Argent’s daughter.” Scott looked shocked at Derek’s words, “Yeah, I know your little secret. And if I know, how long do you think it’s gonna take for them to find out?”
Derek grabbed Scott by the shoulder, “You saw what happens to an omega. With me, you learn how to use all your senses. With me, you learn control.” He lifted Scott’s clawed hand, “Even on a full moon.” Seeing Scott’s hands, I lifted mine and saw the claws had grown in. I hadn’t even felt them come out. 
Scott pulled his hand away, “If I’m with you, I lose her.” 
“You’re gonna lose her anyway. You know that.” 
I shook my head, thinking about the night Peter was killed. The look in Allison’s eyes as she shot arrows into Derek and I was cold, no emotion at all. “Scott, don’t you remember what happened? She shot us down.” 
“That wasn’t her, that was Kate.” He defended her, like a love sick puppy. 
“Was it? You didn’t get to see her when Kate brought her down to that cellar and watched as Derek got electrocuted, over and over. She did nothing to stop her, she knew it was wrong but she didn’t stop her. Allison’s loyalties are never going to be with us.” My voice was calm but the shaking was starting to take over. It felt like my chest was going to burst at any moment. Even my gums ached. 
“Come on.” Derek said softly in my ear. He escorted me to the stairs, a gentle hand on the small of my back. 
“Wait!” We turned back to face Scott, “I’m not part of your pack… but I want him out. He’s my responsibility too.”
“Why? Because he’s one of us?” 
“Because he’s innocent.”
I sat in the parking lot of the Sheriff’s office, tapping my fingers on the steering wheel. I can’t do this. How can I help break Isaac out of jail when I can’t even keep myself in control. I shouldn’t be around people. I shouldn’t be around Stiles or anyone else in the deputy department. I jumped when I heard the knocking at my window. Derek and Stiles stood there, looking a little concerned. I opened my door and got out, sticking close to Derek. If anyone could stop me from attacking Stiles it was him. 
“Okay. Now, the keys to every cell are in a password-protected lock-box in my father’s office. The problem is getting past the front desk.” Stiles stared at me like I was from Mars, “I gotta tell ya, I don’t think I’m going to get used to the red eyes anytime soon.”
“Yeah, me either.” My voice had a growl too, quickly shutting my mouth. 
“Well, there goes plan A. Letting you distract the front desk.” I glanced inside, seeing a woman sitting there, sipping her coffee. 
“I’ll distract her.” Derek said, turning towards the building. 
“Whoa, whoa, whoa.” Stiles grabbed onto Derek’s jacket and pulled him back., “You? You’re going in there?” Derek eyed Stiles hand, then Stiles, telling him to get his hands off of him in his usual way - without words.
“I’m takin’ my hand off.” Stiles quickly pulled his hand away. 
“I was exonerated.”
“You’re still a person of interest.”
“An innocent person.” 
“Ah-” Stiles blew out air, “You? Yeah right.” He sighed, “What’s your plan?”
“To distract her.” Derek said impatiently. 
Stiles nodded, “Ahuh, how? By punching her in the face?” 
Derek let out a fake laugh, “By talking to her.” 
“Is he even charming?” Stiles looked at me. Derek looked at me expectantly while I thought for a minute. 
“Compared to when I first met him, he’s very charming.” I smiled awkwardly. 
Stiles rubbed his temples, “Okay. Alright. Give me a sample. What are you gonna open with?” Derek only stared. 
“Dead silence. That should work beautifully. Any other ideas?” Stiles asked sarcastically.
“I’m thinking about punching you in the face.” Derek said snidely. Once Stiles agreed, we made our way towards the station but before we went in, I pulled Derek aside. 
“I can’t do this.” I looked up at the moon, “My body feels like it's going to fall apart and I feel so angry and-” 
“Just hold out a little longer.” He placed a hand on my cheek, “As soon as we get Isaac out, I’m gonna bring you somewhere where you can let it all out and you won’t hurt anyone. But right now I need you to get inside and make sure nothing happens to Isaac. There’s a hunter in there who’s going to kill him.” 
“Okay, I’ll try.” 
Derek led the way into the station, Stiles and I stayed low to avoid the deputy. 
“Good evening, how can I help-” She paused, looking up at Derek, “you?”
Derek gave her a thousand watt smile, “Hi.”
“Hi.” The woman said with a little tremble in his voice. She leaned on the desk. 
“Um, I had a question…” he chuckled, “Um, sorry, I-I’m a little thrown. I wasn’t expecting someone…”
���Like me?” She asked. 
“Oh, I was going to say ‘so incredibly beautiful’, but yeah, I guess that’d be the same thing.” Derek said sheepishly. Stiles stared at Derek’s back in disbelief. I shoved his side. He shook his head and we crawled down the hall to uncle Noah’s office. 
Once inside, Stiles used a code on a keypad on the wall that opened a small hatch. It was empty inside. In the next room we heard the jingling of keys.
“Oh no…” Stiles and I ran towards the source of the noise, getting closer and closer to the cells. On our way there we were stopped short by a deputy. 
“Oh, sorry,” Stiles apologized, “Just lookin’ um…” I looked over the deputy, then I saw it - an arrow sticking out of his leg. I hit Stiles' side. He looked down, then back up at the deputy. 
“Ah shhh-'' We tried to run for it but he grabbed us, pressing his hands over our mouths so we couldn’t scream. I wanted to rip his hand off with my teeth but that would be putting Stiles in danger and outting myself as a werewolf to a hunter if he got away. As we were dragged back towards the cells, Stiles pulled the fire alarm. 
Once in the cells, he threw Stiles and I into one of them. I clenched my fists together tightly, desperately trying not to turn. Sharp teeth poking at my lips. Stiles grabbed my arm, bringing my attention to the other cell, the empty cell. Isaac was loose. The hunter’s shout brought us back to see him being attacked by Isaac. He pinned the hunter to an examination table, then threw him against a wall. The hunter struggled but got up, trying to stab Isaac with a syringe but Isaac grabbed his arm and broke it. Isaac slammed the hunter’s head into the wall, he fell, dropping the syringe. 
Derek came into the room shortly after, stepping on the syringe. The sound of glass breaking turned Isaac’s attention to us. His yellow eyes took us in, his fangs and claws sharp. He stalked forward towards us. I shoved Stiles behind me, baring my fangs at Isaac as he came closer. Derek’s roar broke Isaac out of his trance, making him fall to the floor and scramble to the corner. He looked up from the wall, looking more human. He was trembling in fear. 
“How did you do that?” Stiles asked, trying to catch his break. 
“I’m the alpha.” Derek smirked, his eyes red. 
Ignoring the trembling the best I could, I walked over and kneeled beside Isaac. He was breathing heavily, eyes darting around the room like he was expecting someone to show up. 
“Isaac.” his eyes focused on me, “Let’s get you home.” I smiled and held out my hand.
Read part 12 here!
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subbing-for-clones · 4 years
The New Apprentice Part 10
Maul x Sith Reader 
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Word Count: 2.6k
WARNINGS: Pining, death canon and non-canon, blood
       Maul had given into your desires as he stayed behind on Zanbar while you boarded one of the Death Watch ships with Savage and Vizsla. You scoffed at the loosely hanging Pyke robes attempting to pin them back so the extra fabric wouldn't get in your way. Savage was muttering specifics with Bo closer the rear of the ship while Vizsla eyed you.
"Allow me." He sauntered over to you and expertly gathered some of the fabric behind your back, fastening it with a safety pin.
"A warrior, leader and seamster I presume." Slightly annoyed how your flesh reacted to touch. Only your master had touched you outside of combat for the first time in years. You weren't attracted to this human. Your body simply reacted because of biology, or something, you reasoned.
"I'm sure you'll come to find I'm a man of many talents." He hummed with a smirk on his face.
    He dug the mask out of your pack and held it in his hands, looking deeply into the eye holes with a stoic look on his face.
"I need to ask a favor of you." His tone was firm but some kind of anxiety lay behind it. You narrowed your eyes at him expecting bile to spring from his lips.
"I know you are powerful, a gifted fighter and I'm assuming strong with the ways of the Sith." You had no clue where he was going with this so when he paused you waited, searching his eyes for something his words didn't tell you.
"What I don't know is what stake you have in this... conflict."
"What is the favor you're dodging around Mandalorian?"
"These aren't your people. This isn't your planet. Although your current role in this siege is to make a fuss for us to stop, I ask that the chaos you spur on sticks to the script. These are my people; this is my home. I know civilians will die and I know buildings will burn but please... please don't destroy everything. I may not be a force user but I can sense that, you could."
    You sighed. Why does he have to care? In a way he reminded you of the Nightbrother you loved. Commanding, fierce, taking what he wants. But encased with a hard exterior that cracked, leaking a gentle and soft core. You shook your head. Why must men be these complicated yet predictable creatures. You'd much rather go back to viewing everyone in the same light as the slaver except for Savage and Maul. It was so much easier that way, but you couldn't.
"I assure you. No one who doesn't need to die to get the point across will fall by my blades."
    He actually looked relieved. Much too trusting this bald and scarred man was. You weren't lying but how could he tell?
"Thank you."
    He handed you the mask, just hardly brushing his fingers against yours. Your skin still tingled when he pulled away and walked to the cockpit. You were thanking the stars that your Master had stayed on Zanbar. Simply biology. You continued to sooth yourself. Maul may not have sensed it but Savage not far from you definetly did.
    He would never say anything about it however. He understood the wanting of the heart and the body often intertwined but were also separate. He held no romantic love for you but sometimes when you sparred something would stir in his belly that had nothing to do with his heat cycle. It's probably a touch starvation symptom. He knew this but also knew that Maul wouldn't be so understanding if he ever found out so he wouldn't say a word.
       You had stowed away with a few Pykes in a cargo container currently being lowered onto the shipping docks. The four of you smiled and chuckled with an excited anticipation. You had given your sabers to Savage remembering the discussion that took place in the makeshift strategy tent on the moon once everyone had left but the three of you.
"We need Vizsla to be the face of our rule so the Jedi are none the wiser until I'm ready for them to come." Maul seethed in that velvety growl that never failed to make you tremble.
"One Sith causing trouble, especially if he leaves no survivors won't give us away but two or three? They'd come in full force and we aren't ready for that just yet."
The grip on your newly acquired viroblades tightened. Of course, he was right. Your master was always right. A slight wave of guilt for doubting his reasoning in the first place tugged at your heart.
    You had almost lost yourself in your thoughts when the cargo entrance opened, revealing several Mandalorian guards. Every cargo container down the line burst open with Pykes pouring out, pointing blasters at the shocked men in uniform. You slashed open the throat of the one nearest you, blood spurting from his neck and spraying your loth wolf mask.
"Surrender, these docks are now under the control of the Pyke syndicate," the leader of this faction spoke smoothly.
    The remaining guards nodded furiously with their arms in the air, glancing down at their slowly dying brother as he writhed, desperately trying to stop the bleeding. You threw your knife and stuck it square between his eyes just to quiet his chocked groans.
    Within a matter of hours many 'hot spots' were taken under various syndicate control. The Pykes had taken the docks. The Black Suns had control of a number of public meeting grounds, leaving the city center for Death Watch to make an appearance. Savage was currently overtaking the banks with members of the Hutt Clan's minions. All was going according to your master's plan.
    The following day you had hidden away your costume and disappeared into the crowd of citizens as the Duchess made her address to the people. Of course, she tried to calm them, ordering they wait this out, refusing to retaliate. You rolled your eyes so hard they could've fallen out of your head. She's making this so fucking easy.
    But when Vizsla broke the skyline, hovering in front of her with his guard your stomach turned at the sight. She couldn't have been quicker to accuse him of these attacks which if course he denied. He turned to speak to his people, giving a proper introduction and spoke with authority. He kept his speech short and strong. Promising to save the planet that the Duchess had so easily and eagerly weakened. You could sense the relief and admiration from the thousands gathered in the city center through the force just before cries of joy echoed throughout. It made your heart flutter. Surely you were just picking up on the peoples' emotions you reasoned.
    Slowly but surely across the city members of Death Watch were rescuing the guards and citizens from their false imprisonment. Effectively dropping Pre Vizsla's name once the scripted gangsters were in custody.
    You tore away from the main vault just before Savage activated the detonator. "Keep up you weaklings!" He called to the Pykes as the two of you led the retreat eliciting a feral giggle from you. The both of you were throwing bystanders over the rail as you ran. Only one out of five actually fell to their death before they could be saved by the surviving guard.
You're supposed to rid the galaxy of fear not ignite it!
    The voice boomed in your mind causing you to halt just around the corner, shaking your head furiously, confused. Death Watch was waiting for you as planned. It was Vizsla himself who fought Savage with the dark saber. Coming out of your confused stupor only sent you reeling into a new one at the sight. It was choreographed for sure but still, you did love a man who could wield a weapon of the sort. He submit Savage and turned his attention to you with a smirk on his face. Thanking the gods that the mask hid your blush as a binding cable shot out of his gauntlet, tethering around you. You fell to your knees and although that was the plan, your emotions had clouded you and it was not necessarily a false win on his part.
    At this point of the plan Maul wanted you to keep a close eye on the Death Watch leader. Vizsla had his own reasons for wanting you by his side so it took little convincing for him to lend you some spare armor and a helmet as he stormed the palace with you and his team. As predicted, Satine didn't struggle and he shot you a victorious glance nudging his elbow into you. You couldn't stop the bubble of excitement as it manifested itself in a stifled giggle.
    That night you stood by his side on the tallest terrace while Savage, the leaders of the Pykes and the Black Suns knelt in binders below. The crowd of Mandalorians chanted Vizsla's name as Bo Kataan addressed them, announcing that Vizsla would lead them forward if the people would accept him which they whole heartedly did.
"Its gone even better than I could've hoped."
    You turned your helmeted head to face him. The voice you heard just before your capture never stopped echoing in your mind. You knew this was wrong. Your role in it anyway. You shoved your subconscious down deeply inside yourself as you responded to him.
"The people love you. They think you saved them."
"I wouldn't be where I am without you."
"Or without the Pykes, without the Hutts or the Black Suns. Truly at its root you wouldn't be here without my Master. I fear you forget, he orchestrated all of this. You'd still be on that moon grasping at straws without him." You straightened your back and looked back towards the crowd calming the storm that raged within you. Sensing his twinge of displeasure through the force as your loyalty was solidified before him.
      In the throne room Maul finally joined your band of criminals. You quickly returned to his side earning an approving glance from him. Vizsla's eyes narrowed finally understanding exactly how far your loyalty lay with your master.
"Good of you to join us Lord Maul." His annoyance was adamant and you felt something uneasy stir in you. Maul seemed to sense it as well as Vizsla's guards slowly formed a half circle behind you.
"The transition of power will be seamless; we now have the support of the people and Satine to bait Kenobi." Vizsla continued, confident as ever. "With his demise our deal will be complete."
Maul crossed his arms over his chest inadvertently flexing his biceps and his chest as he rumbled.
"Your oversight requires correction... we now have a base, an army and the means to expand into other neutral systems."
Vizsla scoffed. "It wasn't an oversight. It was intentional. I don't have an interest in another systems. Your vision no longer matters."
With blasters pointed at your heads you and your master growled as the members of Death Watch placed you in binders while Vizsla took the throne.
"Oh don't fret, I'll still honor our deal. Kenobi will be dealt with but now you'll do as I say." You snarled at his words. You fucking hated the way your arms were trapped behind you. Baring your teeth, you shot daggers into him as he turned his attention to you, an almost pained look in his eyes.
"You however darling I will give one and only one chance to rid yourself of this angry brute." He loosely waved his hand in Maul’s direction. Your Master's pupils dilated and his chest vibrated in fury.
"Join me. Rule by my side and I will give you everything you could ever want." He extended his hand out to you as Bo Kataan reluctantly guided you to him.
    Maul roared with a bestial, primal rage filled roar that shook the windows while his guard pressed the blaster harder into the back of his head. You smirked and leaned forward so your face was inches apart from the false king and you hummed seductively.
"You sweet, foolish human man. You have nothing I could ever want. You will never have anything I could ever want." You straightened and cleared your throat, spitting in his face.
    He angrily wiped the spit off of his cheek as Bo fired her blaster that had been set to stun, dropping you to the floor at his feet.
"It’s a shame really." Vizsla grieved. "Such a waste of someone so beautiful and powerful." He kicked you down the stairs that led to the throne.
"Take them away!"
  "We still have time to put in place a ruler that will bend to our will. By putting us in prison he has only placed us within reach of viable candidates." You stirred at your Master's whispers.
"Then we shall find one!" Patience gone from Savage's tone, you opened your eyes and took in your surroundings. A thick glass door, starkly bright white walls of the small cell the three of you were crammed into. You sat up on the cold bench you had been resting on. Rubbing your temple as Maul sat beside you wrapping one arm around your waist.
"Your loyalty to me is astounding and appreciated my young apprentice. You will be rewarded in due time." He traced your jawline with a finger while he turned his attention back to Savage.
"Calm yourself brother we will find one. Vizsla has imprisoned the Duchess here and various other political figures who will serve our purposes well."
"Hey! Quiet you monsters." A guard called out to the three of you.
"Savage, I wish a tour of this facility."
    Maul helped you to your feet and Savage smirked, using the force to shatter the glass subsequently launching the mouthy guard over the rail and far down below. Without your sabers you reached your hand out to one more guard as he gripped at his throat. Your teeth bared you clenched your fist pulling a delicious crunching sound from his now limp body, tossing it aside.
    Once you found the Duchess it didn't take long for her to point you directly to the kind of man you sought. She had thought she was being clever, sassy and insulting but like all other areas in her life; she failed.
"Thanks blondie." You taunted as the three of you made your way to the next cell. The former Prime Minister called Almec was confused that Maul was interested in him and the cause of his imprisonment. Once he explained that he was here on charges of corruption for dealing in the black market his suspicion that you were in league with Vizsla was satiated at the death of a third guard. Killed by Savage for firing a stray blast in their direction.
"I can see you are powerful but how would you overthrow Vizsla? Just the three of you?"
"He is a solider therefor bound by honor. I will challenge him to single combat and once I defeat him, take possession of the Dark Saber, the Death Watch will follow my rule. You will then act as my puppet, ruling falsely in my stead while I take control in the shadows."
"Yes. Yes that will work. According to the ancient laws of Mandalore his men will be bound to follow you."
    The four of you smiled with determination as you led Almec from his cell, killing the few and far between guards that stood in your way of the throne room.
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shirtlesssammy · 5 years
15x10: The Heroes’ Journey
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Monster Fight Club! RAWR. In one corner we have wolf-man and in the other, we have wraith-woman. I felt like I was watching a Sci-fi channel show or another show on the CW with this opening scene. I have to give it up to the music and cinema of the sequence though. It’s quite lovely, even as the wolf-man gets stabbed to (near) death.
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Meanwhile, in tiny Lebanon, Kansas, Dean’s picking up essentials (plus pie magazines) at his local Kwik Trip. 
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I have many things to say about this. First, who knew Lebanon had such tall buildings in it? And I’ve read many a comment about Bobo getting his name on something, and while YES, that’s technically true, this Kwik Trip (a real regional chain of gas stations/convenience stores in Wisconsin) is also named after the comedian behind The Manitowoc Minute, Charlie Berens. The Open sign missing the ‘n’ is a reference to it as well. Bless Jerry Wanek and his love for his home state. Anyway, Dean’s credit card is declined, his fight or flight instinct kicks in when faced with the store attendant's psoriasis, he gets a toothache, AND he gets a parking ticket. 
Sam Fucking I Don’t Need Hotpads Winchester royally messes up dinner by burning the food, dropping the pasta all over the food, and breaking all the plates. 
The weirdness continues once Dean gets home. Sam trips when running to greet him and he’s getting a cold.
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Dean gets a call from Garth who needs some help. On the road, they discuss their Very Bad Day. Dean thinks they’re cursed. Sam’s too busy sneezing to contribute. I’m surprised Dean didn’t make him sit in the backseat. (Did Dean seem sarcastically unhappy about Cas seeking out angel help? #missinghusbandhour). Then the ultimate travesty happens: Baby breaks down. 
They have to walk the last ten miles to Garth’s. When they make it, he welcomes them with open arms (Sam declines the hug but Dean gets one and a compliment -- “You smell so good.”)
Garth was previously feeding his twin baby boys, and he takes them to meet his children. He has a daughter, Gertie, and twin boys, Sam (named after Sam) and...Castiel. Dean is confused and disappointed. I love how there’s no explanation as to why Dean didn’t get a namesake. Natasha wrote a thing though. 
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Garth then takes them to see why he called. Bess’s cousin is unconscious on Gertie’s bed. He has wraith cuts all over his body. 
Dean, the candy eating monster that he is, nabs some candy beans from Gertie’s dresser and Garth notices his pained reaction to eating them. Dean makes note of how nice Garth’s home and life are. (SOFT) Sam sneezes again and Bess tells him she has something to help. 
Beth hands Sam her family concoction for helping the common cold. Sam downs it in one go --and instantly has regrets. It’s mostly cayenne pepper. Wherps. Sidenote: Gertie’s little wolf stuffy. All the hearts! 
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Poor Sam really goes through something --and it is a sight to see. Little Sam and Little Cas are sympathy crying with him and he tries to reassure them that “Big Sam’s okay.” He’s really not. 
Garth asks about Dean’s teeth and Dean confesses they’ve hurt since the previous day.
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Garth takes Dean to his basement dentist office. It seems he finished getting his dental degree and is now a dentist for other werewolves. “Fang maintenance is a B.” He assesses Dean’s mouth and finds 17 cavities! 
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He rolls out the nitrous oxide and gets to work. We get to stay with Dean though, AND GOOD FUCKING CHUCK ON A CRACKER. 
I can’t explain what I witnessed with my own two eyes. I really, really can’t. @neven-ebrez​ had a great thread on Twitter that I fully love. 
In any event, Dean tap dances to Cole Porter’s Let’s Misbehave. Garth starts showing him the ropes, but then he takes over on his own and starts dancing with a light stick LAMP. He blows a kiss at the lamp and ascends a stairway to heaven the top of the map table and finishes his dance. They dedicated almost 2 minutes to this scene. I --I just. can’t. Also, Dean going for the lamp is timed to line up with the “lovebirds” lyric? I’m so very tired. 
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Anyway, Dean comes to with a mouth full of gauze, and presumably no cavities. 
Everyone reconvenes in the Fitzgerald’s living room. Garth wants to know what’s happening. Sam tells him that they’re kind of on the outs with God. Garth realizes that they’ve been the heroes of Chuck’s stories, and wonders, “what’s that make me? A supporting character? A special guest star?” Garth's happy being the guest star. Being the hero is the worst. Their lives are going to suck until the end. Also, little vanilla couple Garth and Bess apparently love 50 Shades. Lol. Garth points out that the hero never sweats the small stuff because that stuff ruins the story. They’re normal now. (Dean suggests cursed, which, like, lol bud, normal people's lives just suck.) 
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Bess’s cousin calls for her and they all rush to his side. He doesn’t want to talk to hunters. Sam turns on the ol’ puppy dog eyes and….it does nothing. In fact, Brad can hardly believe that that shtick works at all. Ooof. Bummer, Sammy. Bess digs into the wraith wound to get some answers. And ugh. That was squishy grossness. Brad starts talking about the monster fights though. He tells them where to find the place. 
The Winchesters bid Garth farewell. Garth is VERY WORRIED about them. “The old Sam and Dean” could handle a whole warehouse of monsters but the Supernormally Normal boys don’t stand a chance. Dean’s resolute. Fighting monsters, righting wrongs? That’s just who they are. Dean implores Garth to stay home with his wife and kids, and the Winchesters head off. 
They arrive at midday outside the arena. Dean polishes off his SEVENTH grilled cheese sandwich and they gather weaponry to storm the place. Sam’s concerned that Garth’s theory that the Winchesters are normal is correct, and they need to take precautions. They gather extra ammo, dead man’s blood, and Dean pulls out his beloved precious weapon.
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Upon entering, Sam immediately trips noisily over a bucket and Dean’s grilled cheese extravaganza decides to throw a party right back into his mouth. Dean races for a bathroom, leaving Sam to peruse the room holding the main fight cage. 
While Dean is throwing up in the toilet, I desperately try to pretend this isn’t happening. I’m FINE with entrails but upchuck is a hard no, apparently. The bathroom stall opens and one of the monsters from the cold open’s fight night stands there, training Dean’s grenade launcher on him.
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Sam and Dean end up locked in the cage-match cage (not to be confused with the CAGE cage). The monster, Cutty, owns the fight club. “Man? Monster? They’re at their best, their most pure, in the heat of competition.” Pardon me while I fake cough “Purgatory” for twenty-five minutes. 
Cutty introduces them to their new friend, Maul, a huge monster who grimaces gloomily and flexes his muscles. He wants the Winchesters to fight Maul (together) in the cage match that evening. 
Dean tries to tell a story to get out of the situation and I HAVE NEVER BEEN PROUDER. He draws on their legends - the mighty creatures they’ve taken down - and questions whether any MERE monster should even think about trying to attack them. Nobody’s buying what he’s selling. 
A short commercial for the upcoming cage match plays. It’s….
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All the monsters are gathered around, ready to watch the two mighty cage matches. KILLER WRAITH versus JAMAICA DJINN and MIGHTY MAUL versus THE WINCHESTERS!!!
It’s battle royale time, motherfuckers. When the first fight begins, Dean and Sam are locked up in cells just outside of the ring. “Just how I wanted to die,” Dean grouses. “With a freakin’ audience.” We shall not speak of the 200+ times we have witnessed Dean die on this show. 
Dean pulls a nail from the ceiling and proceeds to try to pick the lock. He…fails. Miserably. Sam gives it a try on his lock and neither of them can pick it. 
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“Could we ever actually pick locks?” Sam asks, frustrated. I’m with others in guessing that both their natural and learned skills have been hugely demoted through Chuck’s interference and this downturn won’t last. But this is a great way to make them doubt themselves. This is the black moment in the hero’s journey - at least for this episode. They’ve never doubted themselves more! Dean delivers a stirring speech anyway. “We’re the best in the world. I say we go out there. We kick some ass.”
Cutty returns to fetch the Winchesters. “Shirts off,” he demands on the way. EYEBALLS EMOJI. But Sam and Dean are gone, the cage doors wide open! The episode rewinds, this time with another point of view. Who’s that lanky man in the floppy-eared hat walking through the crowd? It’s everyone’s favorite werewolf hero, that’s who. Garth frees them by just…BUSTING off the lock.
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Outside, Sam and Dean are ready to flee. But Garth has other plans. He whips out a detonator and we get a quick clip show of Garth planting C4 around the club. The club is DECIMATED by fire. Maul survives, however, and strides out of the burning building. Garth goes up against him, but Maul knocks him out. Sam and Dean stand and face Maul, despite their low, low expectations of themselves. Like real damn heroes!
What follows is a HIGHLY comical fight. Sam and Dean do their absolute, precious best, but fortunately the fight seems to be operating on some modified Looney Toons rules. 
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Garth saves them with a machete through Maul’s head. “You got Garthed!”
Back at Garth’s home, Dean and Sam cradle the babies. “This Cas keeps looking at me weird,” Dean notes. “So kinda like the real Cas,” Sam says. OH SAM. OH SHOW. How we are blessed!
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They head out, Dean clutching a bag of grilled cheese sandwiches from Bess. Sam and Dean thank Garth for saving them and call him a hero. Excuse me while I CRY FOR FIVE MINUTES this is so soft. “I guess I learned from the best,” Garth returns. Garth gives them a tip - a place in Alaska where you can go when your luck’s run bad. “There’s always a catch,” Garth warns. 
They hug!
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“You don’t smell so bad yourself,” Dean notes when he hugs Garth. “It’s Hai Karate,” Garth says. Guys. I love them. 
Werewolves of London plays us out. Garth and Bess dance together through the window as the Winchesters get into the Impala. It’s. So. Precious. And. Warm. 
“I always thought I could be a good dancer if I wanted to be,” Dean muses. Sam admits that Dean’s good at the Macarena. Ah, yes. My generation!
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Dean and Sam reflect on their situation. Their lives are far from normal, so being “normal” is dangerous by its very nature. They need as many advantages as possible, so it’s time for a road trip to Alaska!
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The music mounts dramatically! Triumphantly! It’s time to ride into the sunset!
Baby sputters out. “Son of a bitch!” Dean shouts as the screen fades to black.
Natasha: I can tell you IMMEDIATELY and WITHOUT RESERVATION that this episode is going to be on my short list of comfort rewatches for all eternity. <3
Werewolves of Quotedom:
Still a hugger, huh?
You smell so good!
You’re very strong
Fang maintenance is a B
Mommy, the giant’s crying!
I wanna be the guest star. Being the hero sucks.
You need a colonoscopy STAT
Just because God yanked the magic horseshoe out of our ass, doesn’t mean we’re gonna give up
I’m a growing boy!
I think you might be lactose intolerant now
You keep all your friends in a cage?
You know them. You don’t like them. The WINCHESTERS
C4, a hunter’s best friend
Want to read more? Check out our Recap Archive! 
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erchommai-a · 4 years
main timeline.
●     Jonathan Christopher Morgenstern is born on the second year of the Uprising.
●     Jocelyn’s betrayal.
●     Jonathan is presumed dead along side with Valentine on the 3rd of February.
●     23rd of August Clary is born.
●     On his 3rd birthday, Valentine gives him his first sword.
●     His training begins.
●     It was on the eve of 21st of January that he learned about the existence of the other boy.
●     On his 4th birthday, he learned about demons and met, face to face, with his first one.
●     He wasn’t allowed to fight it.
●     On his 5th birthday, Valentine taught him to hunt.
●     He was also 5 when he first tried to kill Valentine.
●     When he fails, he hears Lilith for the first time and thinks it’s a dream.
●     He learns to take care of himself out of necessity ─ Valentine’s absence is frequent and unpredictable.
●     A week before his birthday, he manages to break into Valentine’s laboratory and burn half of his books.
●     He is 6 years old when he first learns of the whip.
●     He is also 6 years old when Valentine explains to him the nature of his birth when he realizes the scars don’t heal.
●     On his 7th birthday, Valentine gives him a Falcon.
●     He named it Munin to match Valentine’s Hugin.
●     He doesn’t ask anything when he’s ordered to kill it.
●     He asked Valentine if he learned that from her instead.
●     He shot down everything that dared to fly over the cabin in Valentine’s absence for a month.
●     He makes his first attempt to find out where Valentine keeps the other boy so he could kill him.
●     Valentine finds out. As compensation, he lets him kill his first wolf.
●     On his birthday, he gets a bow and a spear and the whole day with his Father.
●     Jonathan asks him about Jocelyn for the first time.
●     He breaks both of his new gifts a month from overuse.
●     Valentine introduces him to other weapons to pass the time until his next lesson.
●     On his 9th birthday, Valentine gave him the challenge to kill his first demon after teaching him the exact place in a man’s back where you can pierce his heart and sever his spine all at once  .
●     He thinks he hears a voice inside of his head but it never answers back.
●     Valentine starts with his formal education. Having instilled enough of what could be considered discipline in the boy.
●     He introduced him to languages, history, and the art.
●     He introduced him to all the necessary education that comes with the life of a Shadowhunter.
●     He learned to play the piano and the violin but his interest was still pulled more closely to things he could do with his hands.
●     He enjoyed whittling and woodworking with his Father.
●     And consuming books in his absence.
●     On his 11th birthday, Valentine informs him of his plan to give up Jace as his present.
●     His unquestionable loyalty to his Father is sealed then and there.
●     His lessons begin to focus on adapting more human traits, spycraft and learning quick magical spells to help in fights and healing.
●     Valentine also starts rigorous experiments performed on him to study the full effects of the demon blood on his constitution.
●     Physical and Mental experiments alike.
●     It’s the first time he’s seen his mother since she had put him to bed that night before Valentine fled.
●     It’s the first time Valentine brings him to the apartment and he only sees his mother in passing before he is sent on his first mission.
●     He dreams of Clary.
●     He spends the next six months stalking and studying Sebastian Verlac.
●     He explores Paris with him.
●     He learns everything about him.
●     He only kills Sebastian when his Father calls him back.
●     He introduces himself as Sebastian.
●     He finally meets Jace and Clary face to face.
●     He dies by the foot of a river before Valentine’s plans come into fruition.
●     Presumed dead. ( Again. )
●     For six months, he is enveloped in darkness ─ practically dead except in thought ─ forced into silence and face the absolute madness of solitude and only Lilith’s voice in his ear.
●     Lilith brings him back through the twinning ritual binding his life source to Jace.
●     He is incapacitated for at least a month ─ borrowing strength from Jace to build his body and his strength back.
●     Jace and Jon shenanigans.
●     Team Evil shenanigans.
●     Clary ruins said shenanigans and breaks the bond between Jace and Jon.
●     He flees to Valentine’s backup apartment in St. Petersburg.
●     He recuperates only for a month but not before leaving dead angel’s wings ( which he actually just stole from Valentine who stole from Ithuriel ) in front of the New York Institute’s doors with “Erchomai” drawn out on the asphalt in red blood like the dramatic bitch that he is.
●     Starts the Dark War while also starting an “affair” with the Seelie Queen.
●     Kills more wolves than people tbh. ( Sorry Praetor Lupus peeps. )
●     Mostly turned a lot of Shadowhunters into Endarkened.
●     Drags Dark War into Edom.
●     Makes himself God. Traps the heroes.
●     Dies.
●     Like an idiot.
●     “ I’ve never felt so light. “
●     TO CLARIFY:HE DOESN’T DIE  because he doesn’t have humanity left because THAT IS ABSOLUTELY BULLSHIT and I don’t sign up for that. HE DIES BECAUSE CLARY STABBED HIM IN THE HEART which is a lot more poetic and also appropriate so fuck that CASSANDRA.
●     RIP.
 2009 / Alternative Post COHF .
●     On the off chance he does survive ─ through some miracle or another ─ but also you know you can’t tell me that Clary couldn’t have just you know thought very hard and tried to save him. LIke I get why she didn’t cause he sucks ass but I’m just saying.
●     Okay for my preferred canon ─ I prefer Jocelyn being the one to go through great lengths to keep him alive.
●     His body is carried in her arms from Edom back to Earth. From there, he is submitted to the Silent brothers for funeral preparations but he isn’t fully gone. 
●     The fire is low but it’s still burning through his system. 
●     Tying his soul to his body.  
●     And one of the effects of the Heavenly Fire is kind of a test of wills. A challenge of how much of that little ounce of humanity in him can survive before the fire burns out. And the answer is six months in a comatose state ─ under 24 hour supervision from the Clave and the Silent Brothers where his survival and existence is kept in close wraps and is unknown beyond those within powerful influences.
●     A fake funeral is done in the interim ─ there is no grave. The Shadowhunter World’s biggest threat defeated. 
●     When he wakes up, he is immediately put in a cell without Jocelyn’s knowledge. The deliberation on his sentence takes months.  
●     Eventually his existence is exposed before the clave could come to a decision ─ the calm and peace that came with his death disappears overnight. Demands on his death are made. Attempts on his life follow not long after. The deliberation worsens.
●     Jocelyn is the only one arguing for his humanity. 
●     He hasn’t spoken to a single soul in months because no one is allowed to speak to him. His cell is warded off. 
●     He makes three attempts to kill himself. None ever quite work.
●     On the eve of his sentencing ─ he thinks it Jocelyn when its Clary who breaks him out.
●     “ Mercy, “ she said.
●     He remembers the word and he says no more before he flees.
2012 .
●     He hides in plain sight in Bucharest for a few years.
●     His skin no longer pale. His hair is sometimes a golden sheen under sunlight.
●     His eyes are a bright green.
●     He still has his Father’s resources.
●     He still has his skills.
●     He still has his weapons.
●     Sometimes he still hears Lilith even though he knows it can’t be.
2014 .
●     Moving to Munich, he fell in love with the Architecture of the city.
●     He was almost mauled by a werewolf, suspecting it first as an old demon coming to collect a debt he had owed or Valentine had.
●     He only lasts a few months before rumors start spreading that the Clave might be circling him.
●     He drops everything and changes his Alias for the 3rd time.
●     It’s snowing when he makes it to Amsterdam.
●     He falls easy prey to the many offers of the city ─ mundane and supernatural alike.
●     Find favor in a local warlock, he seduces him for information and protection.
●     Keeping himself safe for another few years.
2017 .
●     Leaving on somewhat good terms, he re-settles in Bolungarvík, finding it much easier to assimilate in a small town.
●      Building a life as a complete stranger and carving the smallest footprint available as his own home.
●      He picks out land on the outskirt of the town, much closer to the mountains where it reminded him of home than to the sea.
●      He gets back into Woodwork.
●      Eventually, sparking up a relationship with the local fishermen he gets the occasional job when he needs it.
2019 .
●     He gets a dog.
●     For the first time, it’s not named Jace.
●     He names him Wednesday.
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donegeonsndragons · 7 years
Narratuary: Session 17 Highlights
Werewolves roam, new spells are fun, and curses are coped with.
Whoops, this session happened over a week ago but I’ve been busy! Had a long weekend spending time with family, writing essays, and preparing my D&D podcast (which is coming so so soon). Here’s to hoping I didn’t forget anything...
Premise: the party has settled into a mercenary town to rest and secure it for a pilgrimage of Baldwin’s followers which are on their way, but Innchie awakens to the sound of howling...
Innchie circulates the room and shakes everyone awake, pointing wordlessly at the moon and the howling outside
The party is able to guess that the howling within the town is a few blocks away
Aurora recognizes that the two group of wolves are doing some call and response, and so she decides to mimic and join in, though she doesn’t seem to do anything other than disrupt the conversation
Aurora finds a random mercenary sleeping in the inn and wakes him up, convincing him to go check out the wolves (he thinks that it’s just someone screwing around)
The mercenary goes and never comes back
Baldwin wakes up on his side of the city, and he’s able to detect that the wolves on the outside seems to be moving towards the main gate
He starts to move towards the gate alongside one of his rangers, using the stone of far-speech to message the rest of the party and tell them to head towards there
The rest of the party then heads towards the gate, meaning they were going to walk through the section of town with the howling
They choose speed over stealth, especially since Igtbtgh doesn’t have dark vision and was therefore using a torch
Innchie gets the feeling that they’re being watched, but when she sends Rupert to go check out the windows he doesn’t see anything
They get into an alleyway when 4 werewolves leap down from the roofs and attack 
The spellcasters blast the hell out of these werewolves as Igtbtgh and Carlin make good work on their own werewolves
Aurora casts polymorph on one of the wolves and succeeds into transforming it into a glowworm 
Innchie tells Rupert to go eat the glowworm, but unfortunately the damage that Rupert dealt by picking up the glowworm in his beak managed to break the polymorph
The glowworm transforms back into a werewolf who now has a very disturbed Rupert attached to its ear
Although they’re managing to fight back, Innchie, Carlin, and Igtbtgh all get bitten (in meta, Carlin and Innchie failed their saving throws and Igtbtgh succeeded)
Aurora decides to try out banishment and successfully banishes one of the werewolves to a pocket demi-plane 
After finishing off the remaining werewolves by reducing them to bloody bits and ashes, they wait for the banished werewolf to appear before murdering that one too very quickly
Piecing together that this was just supposed to be a distraction, the party runs towards the gate
They get there before Baldwin does and they see that the gate has just opened big enough for people to slip through, there’s someone standing on top of the gate, and that someone is manning the opening mechanism 
Igtbtgh rushes to the gate with his pike to hold the intruders back, and although he tries to push the door close it won’t budge
Innchie and Aurora head over to the person manning the mechanism and blast him away
Carlin scampers to the top of the gate and sees Manny, the person who let them in the first time around
He also sees that there’s at least 50 werewolves outside the gate, all in hybrid or wolf form
When Carlin asks why he’s doing this, Manny says that the people in Morai gate won’t let the werewolves in despite them needing shelter, and that the party wouldn’t understand as outsiders
Carlin asks whether Manny and the werewolves are on their side, and Manny shrugs and tells him that it’s up to the party to decide, but they’re not going to stop their infiltration
Carlin shrugs back and then uses his rapier of force to strike at Manny
The amount of push is just enough to send Manny tumbling off the edge into the werewolves below
Baldwin finally arrives and helps Igtbtgh to pull the mechanism that closes the door (with Innchie using her rod of immovability to make extra sure that the door stays shut)
Aurora now scrambles to the top of the gate and blasts the wolves with fire, turning some of them into ashes and sending the rest scampering away
Having dealt with the issue, they realized that three of the party has been bitten (and they were able to find other townspeople who had been bitten as well)
Corrick is able to remove the curse from Carlin, and the rest of the party decides to tie and lock up Innchie and Igtbtgh in separate cells in the abandoned jail alongside all of the mercenaries who were bitten
Everyone else goes to sleep as Innchie and Igtbtgh weather the uncomfortable night in a dark cold cell with ropes biting into their skin and the sounds of some of the mercenaries turning into werewolves and going berserk in the neighbouring cells
Me (OOC): so what are you doing to cope Igtbtgh? Igtbtgh (OOC): having ‘nam flashbacks
Innchie feels an itch inside of her, a feeling of rage and violence, but she manages to hold onto her mind, calling over Rupert to tell her stories and gossip so she keeps her sanity
In the morning, Corrick removes the curse from Innchie and Igtbtgh and all of the mercenaries he can
Over the next couple of days, the party clears out dead bodies of people mauled by the werewolves, finishes curing anybody with lycanthropy, and prepares for the pilgrimage 
They settle the pilgrimage (which definitely fills the empty space in the city), including Baldwin throwing a ceremony of sorts 
After a couple of days of this, the party decides it’s time to head to their final destination to the north...
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blackwaldpartisan · 5 years
The first day after the battle
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Will be writing in this diminished diary twice today. How jolly. If the conditions allow of course. First I will describe the events of yesterday. Yesterday was chaotic.
The Doctor Dead had set a table in the square and I was invited to share the Partisan meal. I was seated between the infernal Doctor and a Dwarven woman. She was... I've never met a woman like her before. Loud and laughing and with a mane of hair like spun gold. She acted more like a man than her husband did! And when I ate sparsely of the bread she protested and told me to eat more. She told me many things. Loudly.
I ate until I really couldn't stomach more and I think she approved. I think she also approved that I stared into the beastly one's eyes for so long, though I'm not sure. Perhaps she also knows the way of demons. The Doctor Dead handed out ribbons to his Partisans. Little black cockades to pin to their hats or clothes, to show their allegiance.  There was also tea. Lovely, lovely tea. I've not had any since fleeing the city and it tasted like the nectar of Gods, despite being of a rather poor quality and served in a bucket.
This was not the chaotic part (though it was rather chaotic anyway. So hard to know what they expect of me.)
The chaotic part came when the Reserve attacked. Mortars were fired and guns as well. I didn't know what the Partisans expected of me, so I ducked into cover under the table. One of them shielded me from a blast. Black hair and worn. I can't remember his name. I was bruised, he broke ribs. I owe him. Helped carry him to the edge of the village. More confusion but in the end I was told to follow the Doctor. We ended up at the wall facing the Blackwald, under fire from the Reserve. I tried to summon felfire but it failed once and the second attempt was unstable and small and ineffectual. And draining. The Dwarven woman and the one who is often dressed in red had charged through the broken wall (brave? Foolish for certain. ) and they needed help for sure. So I Changed and charged after them (brave? Infernally stupid for certain. But I have had practice at fighting in the cursed shape and it was better than bare fists ). I tried not to kill anyone, but rather wound or knock back. I don't wish my old friends to die for these people who mostly loathe me. I don't know how well I did. Claws and fangs are clumsy things and rend flesh so easily. I reached the Dwarven woman and the Red woman (the Red woman was not wearing red today, but it is how I think of her) and we held our own until the Red woman was overcome and wounded. The Dwarven woman told me to bring her back, so I dragged her and set her down in shelter. Her wound was serious and I had to sacrifice pages from this diary to staunch the flow of blood. The paper was the cleanest thing I had, soiled with memories and ink only. The Doctor came and helped her and I had to charge away after the Dwarven woman again (she must be one of those fabled “berserkers” ) only further into the square this time as the Reservists had broken through. Adrian Motley bowled me over when I tried to tackle him. He recognized me, I saw it. Then he was gone, tackled by the Dwarven woman (she must be insane the way she fights. A tight bundle of sharp steel and fury). From somewhere afar I heard the Doctor shout at us to pull back. The Dwarven woman was down. The beastly one was somewhere in the fray as well, I glimpsed him. They were both down. The shouting went that if I saved them, I was in.
I ripped someone's throat out with my teeth, I think. My shoulder was bitten down on and I grabbed the Dwarven woman and dragged her with me towards the Partisans. She was very heavy. I collapsed near the wounded wall of their infirmary and a gun above us started to fire. It was slaughter. It cut most of the Reservists down like weeds before a flock of sheep. Most fled. Some charged and jumped through the infirmary window. There was fighting inside but I was too tired and my shoulder was so painful and the Dwarven woman was bleeding so I ripped more pages out of this book and held them against the larger wounds. Later I removed my cloak as well. I found it today and it was near black with dried blood. I will try to wash it else it should be burned. Around that time I Changed back as well.
A nurse was sent out to help the Dwarven woman. She made me sew some of the wounds shut and I think I did well enough. The blood didn't bother me the least, but my hand trembled and my shoulder still hurt. And I've not done embroidery since I was a girl. I think. For the Dwarven woman's sake I hope the scars won't be too crooked.
I was called inside to assist the Doctor and had to hold some instruments steady while he treated the worgen with a wolf, slicing at her throat and inserting some tube. To help her breathe, I surmised. The procedure would certainly have been fascinating and impressive were I not so near collapsing. As it were I saw little more than blood. The whole thing reminded me of that Forsaken quartermaster with no jaw left. Hopefully the worgen with a wolf will be more understandable than he once her wound heals. The Doctor then swore me in. I am a Partisan now, in name at least. He gave me a black cockade to pin to my tabard and so I did. I can't remember the oath fully, but I am now to lay down life and everything else for these people. And not give in. Like I did when I was captured. I don't know if the irony is only seen by me. Probably is.
When I left for the inn I noticed the corpse on the floor. One of the Reservists who jumped the window. Tristine Miller. Could've been me if I hadn't been captured. Or me out in the square. More Reservists than Partisans died, it seemed to me. Maybe I've made the right choice after all. Perhaps they we can win.
Other dead Reservists I took note of today when I woke and moved around the village were Kerry Langley, Ervid Denson, Marwin, Porter, the one with all that red hair and freckles and Marie (the one from the City, not the one who broke and was sent to Second, obviously). Others I might've known or faintly recognized but some were too mauled by the terrible gun and others... I don't know. I wish they could have been knocked unconscious instead. Taken captive. Like me. I am very glad I was taken captive and survived this battle. I am glad I am a Partisan now because perhaps I can grow closer to some. I need someone to help me remember. When I looked back at some of the things I had written (now those pages lie discarded and bloody on the square) I couldn't recall it. It wouldn't show up in my memory even when I read of it. It was frightening. If I forget things, these people won't know what to say to fill the blanks. I will end up like some empty shell for the demons to crawl into.
I write too much.
My mauled shoulder was seen to by the nurse who made me sew. Then I got to assist her some, after I asked to. Better than squatting out in the square trying to fell some Reservist with magic that won't come when called and can't be shaped.
I write too much.
Ps. I think the Gnome quartermaster might be a warlock. I will try see if she needs my assistance with the supplies. If we get alone, I will ask. Perhaps she could help.
Pps. I need to ask the quartermaster if I may have a sword as well. Had conversation with two Partisans  other Partisans. A knight named Berand Dawnfeld and the worgen woman with a wolf whose throat is cut. The knight seemed accepting. 
0 notes
flynnraider-blog · 8 years
damsel in distress
who: Leonardo Flynn, Bei Huang tagged: @beibyblackmage what: Bei and Leo work their shit out... oh and there’s a full moon where: Tengra Heath, ship when: 02/10 - 02/14 word count: 14 300 ish warnings: no formatting and time stamps because what is effort
[2017-02-10 4:00:22 PM] Ro (is trash): To say Leo was losing his damn mind would be an understatement. Which was ironic, really, considering he was supposed to be the only one who wasn’t affected.  But he couldn’t help it. The damn game had descended into chaos since the full moon rose. All round him people were unravelling, and fast. He’d already had to yank an overeager vampire off of a poor girl lest he tear her throat out or something equally violent that he didn’t care to think about. Not to mention Sophia was missing. Seeing a disturbingly large wolf round the corner, Leo widened his eyes and quickly ducked into the nearest doorway. [2017-02-10 4:03:01 PM] Kait: Full moon. Bei had assumed he'd picked a species that would be relatively safe from it's affects. After all, who expected a wizard to have some sort of adverse effect to a celestial event? And, thus far, it seemed he'd been proved right. Nothing felt different, at the very least. Everyone else seemed to be losing control. Werewolves shifting involuntarily, vampires going into a frenzy. Even cubi seemed incredibly... eager. He breathed out slowly and leaned forward against the bar top of the tavern, tipping the drink in his hand up to his lips as he took a long sip. [2017-02-10 4:07:57 PM | Edited 4:07:51 PM] Ro (is trash): Starting to make his way into the bar, Leo froze when he saw a familiar figure. Bei. Fuck. Now was not the time to be running into that particular acquaintance. If he was being honest, there was never going to be a time. Bei had made his stance rather clear. Hoping he hadn’t been spotted, Leo slowly started to back up. He would take his chances with the wolf, thanks [2017-02-10 4:32:53 PM] Kait: The bar was getting louder, the effects of the full moon slowly taking effect, and Bei knew he'd have to leave soon. He finished his last drink and was standing to leave, pushing himself from the bar stool when he knocked into someone passing. He was fine to let the moment pass, butt he sound of a growl from behind him seemed to indicate the other person thought otherwise. Slowly, Bei turned to face the person before his eyes widened and caught on the start of long scruff against his jaw and extended incisors. Shit... "Hey, I don't want trouble..." Bei managed, lifting his hands in a surrender gesture, but the other seemed to not be having it. He breathed out then flicked his wrist, clearly intent on sending the werewolf sprawling- but nothing happened. He tried again, and found that he achieved the same result. Panic began to register, and he flicked his wrist three more times in quick succession before he found himself suddenly pinned to the bar by a werewolf who was clearly intent on working out some aggression. "...I don't suppose we could talk about this?" [2017-02-10 4:41:18 PM] Ro (is trash): When Leo saw the werewolf approach Bei, Leo barely even wavered. Fuck. He was going to have to do something. He was a damn human, why was it his job to wrangle all the supernatural tonight? Using his superior size to his advantage, Leo swiftly made his way to the bar, grabbing the other player by the scruff of the neck and tossing him off with ease. They smashed into a table. Hard. He turned to look at them without even making eye contact with Bei, crossing his arms. “Scram.” Leo tried his best to use what he thought of as his “bouncer voice”. It worked at the club at least. [2017-02-10 4:46:00 PM] Kait: Bei blinked. One moment the werewolf was there, saliva damn near threatening to splatter onto Bei's starter tunic, and the next he was gone. The space in front of Bei was remarkable clear of a doggish scent and he had to take a moment to process. Soon though his gaze found where the werewolf had gone- crashed into another table with a very... very displeased look on it's features. His eyes then flickered up to Leo- had Leo just saved his as? -before he once more tried to cast a spell. Nothing. God damn it. "Out." Bei began, watching as the werewolf was rounding and getting up, clearly intent on getting back at whomever had just thrown him. "Out... out now." He rushed, grabbing Leo lightly by the arm of his shit and pulling him out the front door of the tavern. [2017-02-10 4:51:30 PM] Ro (is trash): Okay, yeah, maybe not Leo’s best plan. He’d forgotten that this was some crazed wolf, not the drunken rowdy party goers he was used to. He barely even had time to process before he was being whisked out the door, leaving a growling man in their wake. He raised his eyebrows slightly but still neglected to actually verbally acknowledge Bei, too focused on their surroundings. With a quick sweep he categorized all the threats. A siren splashing in the fountain – an elf taking off out of the town – and a vampire barrelling straight for them. Cursing under his breath, he slammed into them, knocking them askew. “I fucking hate the full moon.” [2017-02-10 4:57:37 PM] Kait: As soon as they hit the cool night air, Bei breathed in and tried to forget the fight from the bar. However, it seemed he wasn't going to get much of a reprieve. They'd not been outside for more than 30 seconds before Leo was already in another altercation and Bei was fumbling to equip something, anything that could be used as a weapon. After a few failed jabs as his user interface, his stave finally populated in his hand and he swiped the menu shut. "Move." The word was a simple order, and he waited for Leo to do so before he struck out, whacking the vampire hard in the side of it's head. [2017-02-10 5:02:08 PM] Ro (is trash): Ducking obediently, Leo watched as the man struck out, the vampire dropping like a stone. “Gesù, that’s gonna hurt in the morning,” he couldn’t help but acknowledge with raised eyebrows. It’s not like any of these people wanted to lose their marbles. He felt kind of bad. Not bad enough to not rough them up a little though. Cracking his knuckles, Leo sighed. This was going to be a long night. [2017-02-10 5:04:24 PM] Kait: Gesù. The last time Bei had heard Leo say that particular Italian word had been an entirely different experience. He felt a shiver roll through him before he breathed out and looked around. Not the time. They were under attack, enemies on all sides bearing down. Breathe, acknowledge, react. Don't overthink. Not the time. "We need to get out of the open." Bei managed, still not looking directly at Leo but rather the chaos that was falling over Tengra Heath the further down the sun went. [2017-02-10 5:11:15 PM] Ro (is trash): Ah, so they were settling into an uneasy partnership. Excellent. Leo couldn’t wait. “Roger that, cap,” he replied dryly, ducking onto one of the smaller offshoot streets. ”Cazzo, questo non sta per andare bene,” he muttered under his breathe, more for himself than anything else. translation: fuck, this is not going to go well [2017-02-10 5:13:23 PM] Kait: ...cap? Did that make Leo Iron Man? Abruptly Bei let out a quiet laugh that he had to stifle, his hand moving to cover his mouth to subdue the sound. Now that was funny. He cleared his throat and followed the other off through the alley, turning to walk backwards so he could keep an eye on the mouth of the street so as to avoid any unwanted and unexpected attacks. [2017-02-10 5:22:31 PM] Ro (is trash): Leo turned his head back quickly just in time to see the other man stifle his laughter, single eyebrow arched. What was so funny? Certainly not the situation they were stuck in right now. Certainly not the awkward tension between them. With a scowl he turned his eyes forward once again, on high alert. They may not be friends but it Bei went down Leo was getting dragged down with him, and he had no interest in going out on the first level. [2017-02-10 5:25:10 PM] Kait: When they made it through the alley with no one behind them, Bei turned forward once more and breathed out. That's when they came face to face with full turn werewolf. He blinked, watching as it's hackles rose and his throat suddenly went try. "Leo..." He warned, breathing out as he took a step back, trying to put distance between himself and the creature. [2017-02-10 5:32:26 PM] Ro (is trash): “Yeah, I see it,” Leo breathed back, for a moment forgetting the animosity between them. He’d heard that the werewolves had a full form but this was just ridiculous. Leo backed up as well, keeping the other man slightly behind him. He’d bet his life on the fact that the mage classes were much squishier than his own. That paired with the fact Bei’s magic was noticeably absent? Leo easily took the front lines on this one. “We can’t kill it. That’s a person.” [2017-02-10 5:36:16 PM] Kait: Dark eyes flickered up and fixed on Leo. For someone that Bei was fairly sure hated him, the human seemed to easily step in and act as 'protector.' "I know." Bei managed, looking back to the wolf and fixating on the way it's lips pulled over its teeth. "Other way." He managed after a moment, tugging on the back of Leo's shirt. "Back out the other end of the alley." He managed as he stepped backward and away from the wolf. [2017-02-10 5:50:46 PM] Ro (is trash): Quickly yanking his bow off his back, Leo drew, pointing directly between the eyes of the wolf. Thus far he’d tried to keep weapons out of the mix. He didn’t want to hurt anyone, but he wasn’t just going to let himself get mauled either. He didn’t dare flinch as he slowly crept back, bow armed all the while. One wrong move and he’d drop the poor thing. “Where the hell do we go after that?” he whispered, eyes pinned to the animal. [2017-02-10 5:58:57 PM] Kait: "...when the hell did you get a bow?" Bei managed, blinking in confusion before he shook the thought away and took a moment to think. Strategy was something he'd gotten good at in the Marines. "Away from the city. And the forest." Bei replied after a moment. "The wolves will naturally gravitate to the forest, and the vampires will head for city centers- where the most people are." He straightened up a bit, an idea suddenly starting to form. "Can you get access to a boat again?" He questioned, tipping his head up so he could like at Leo while they continued to slowly creep backwards, away from the snarling wolf who was lumbering towards them. "The water may be the safest place to wait it out." [2017-02-10 6:24:48 PM | Edited 6:24:51 PM] Ro (is trash): “Wanted a long range weapon,” Leo simply grunted in reply. Getting stabbed in the arm was… inspiring to say the least. The question shocked him though. What the fuck? After the shit show of last quest Bei wanted to just merrily hop on another boat? That was just a disaster waiting to happen. But… the idea did have some merit. Leo wasn’t stubborn enough that he’d get them both killed. ”Cazzo stai scherzando,” he hissed. “Yes. I can still get us a boat. What about the sirens?” He didn’t make eye contact. translation: are you fucking kidding me [2017-02-10 6:28:00 PM | Edited 6:27:55 PM] Kait: "I don't think they'll bother us. Sirens aren't murderous, if I'm right. Just sea loving." Bei replied and exhaled. "Then that'll be the plan. Get out of the city and onto the water. I'll pay you back whatever I owe you tomorrow when the sun rises." He grunted. It was then that he heard it, the sound of another wolf and he turned to find that one had taken up the space at the opposite end of the alley. They were boxed in. Fuck. Immediately Bei's gaze wondered, taking in the various things that littered the small alley, then he looked up to the roofs of the buildings around them. [2017-02-10 6:32:12 PM | Edited 6:32:03 PM] Ro (is trash): And suddenly, a bow didn’t seem like the brightest idea. Leo couldn’t shoot two at once with a bow. He didn’t want to go down via another player. Who would look after Sophia? ”Cazzo, Bei, you got a plan?” [2017-02-10 6:42:12 PM] Kait: "I think I do." Bei replied with a nod. He'd never hoped that real life skills carried over into the video game world more than he did in that moment.  He quickly stowed his stave in his inventory. "I'm about to piss one of them off... really bad. Cover me and I'll get you out, I swear." And with that, Bei took off running directly at the wolf on the far end of the alley. It had been so long since he'd danced, longer still since he'd last done a free run... but he hoped the flexibility and muscle memory was still in his body. Using the momentum of his run, Bei pushed off the ground and connected the sole of his right foot hard with the alley wall, letting his leg bend entirely before he pushed off with every bit of strength he had. He went sailing through the air, head over feet in a front flip and over top the wolf before he landed solidly on the side of the wolf. He didn't give himself a moment to get sure footed again though before he took off. The wolf was tall, thankfully, and Bei intended to use the height to his advantage. He ran full force until his foot connected with the spot on the wolf's back just above it's tail which garnered just the reaction Bei had hoped. The wolf howled loudly and reared, clearly trying to through it's perceived attacker. Bei kept running, moving quickly up the wolf's back until his left foot landed on the wolf's raised shoulder and he pushed off, throwing himself into the air. His fingers just barely grasped at the edge of the roof, and with a dissatisfied grunt he pulled himself up onto it. Once up he turned back and looked down into the alley he'd just fled. The wolf he'd used as a ladder was rightfully pissed off and it was quickly leveling it's sights on Leo who was the only available target at the moment to take it's anger out on. Bei quickly re-equipped his stave before he bent over the edge of the pitched roof and held it out, using it like a life line. "Grab onto it, I'm going to swing you up." [2017-02-10 6:51:29 PM] Ro (is trash): “Wait where the fuck are you –“ Leo didn’t even finish his question before Bei was taking off. And doing…. whatever that was. Leo’s eyes widened slightly – okay, what the actual fuck - before he realized he had another wolf to deal with. Spinning around, he quickly sent a shot directly into the leg of the other advancing wolf, making him think twice about coming any closer. But when he turned around…. Bei wasn’t there. Was he fucking serious? Did he just get ditched? But those thoughts were kicked from Leo’s mind when a stave swung into his sight line. Not stopping to think if that would even work, Leo all but threw himself up, tumbling. [2017-02-10 6:53:03 PM] Kait: Bei grunted when Leo's weight hit the stave. Suddenly he was severely regretting not putting more points into is strength stat. He breathed through it and swung his arms, using Leo's weight to leverage the other boy until he was close enough to the lip of the rough to grab on- God he hoped Leo understood that he was supposed to grab on. [2017-02-10 6:57:27 PM] Ro (is trash): Leo grabbed the ledge – barely. Thank god for his agility stat, he would never have been able to pull this shit off in real life. Hearing wolves snap at his feet, he quickly yanked himself up over the ledge, falling forward. “This is even worse than the last quest,” he grumbled. Except it wasn’t. Because the last quest had been infinitely worse. [2017-02-10 7:00:31 PM] Kait: Once Leo was safely up and the wolves were gnashing at air, Bei fell back onto the roof and breathed out. He hadn't done anything like that in years. And it felt damn good to be able to do it again. A smile fixed itself on his features for a moment before he quickly wiped it away and sat up. "Alright." He pushed himself to feet and breathed out. "Gotta go. Come on, grumpy gills." [2017-02-10 7:03:51 PM] Ro (is trash): “I- “ For a second, Leo forgot all about what had happened. That Bei didn’t even like him. “I am not grumpy gills,” he grumbled back in a decidedly grumpy manor. Not that he noticed. Dragging himself up, he brushed off. “Since you seem to be the man with a plan – where the hell are we getting off this roof?” [2017-02-10 7:05:55 PM] Kait: "Because that is so helping your case." Bei countered, arching an eyebrow. At the question he glanced around, following the line of roofs throughout the city. "We aren't." He managed after a moment. [2017-02-10 7:08:03 PM] Ro (is trash): Leo followed his line of sight. Great. “I swear, if I go crashing through a roof I’m going to kill you,” he muttered. “Or just push you off.” [2017-02-10 7:08:41 PM] Kait: Bei turned to look at Leo, an eyebrow arched. "Push me off? I'd like to see you actually get a hold of me, jolly green giant." Bei countered. [2017-02-10 7:11:15 PM] Ro (is trash): Leo didn’t even dignify that with an answer. As uncomfortable as he was with this entire situation, he conceded to falling back into their easy banter. It just made things easier. “I’ve built up a rapport with one of the captains. He’ll let us on for free,” he explained as they made their way along. [2017-02-10 7:15:02 PM] Kait: Moving over the roofs was easy- at least for Bei. He was able to leap from one building to the next with little thought, landing solidly each time before he continued on. "Good." Bei paused and glanced at Leo. "You may want to consider getting you're sister out on the ocean when you get the chance. Safer for her." [2017-02-10 7:16:49 PM | Edited 7:17:32 PM] Ro (is trash): Leo glowered. He wasn’t happy about the situation with his sister. “Can’t,” he said curtly. “No idea where she is. She took off into the forest sometime earlier tonight.” Not knowing where she was set Leo on edge. [2017-02-10 7:17:26 PM] Kait: "She hasn't responded to pms?" Bei questioned, brows furrowed. [2017-02-10 7:18:00 PM] Ro (is trash): "Not a word. That's... unusual for her." It was safe to say he was worried. [2017-02-10 7:18:20 PM] Kait: He exhaled and nodded his head. "Well, if she's anything like her older brother, I'm sure she's fine." [2017-02-10 7:18:52 PM | Edited 7:18:58 PM] Ro (is trash): Leo furrowed his brows. “What does that even mean? Besides, she’s nothing like me.” [2017-02-10 7:19:40 PM] Kait: "Resourceful. Resilient. Strong. I'm sure she has the best of you in her. Most siblings do." Bei replied without looking at Leo. [2017-02-10 7:21:59 PM] Ro (is trash): "I...." Leo was unsure how to respond to that. He never knew how to take praise well, if that's even what it was. He decided to just gloss over that part. "Strong, yes. Resourceful? Maybe not. Sophia is kind of all over the place. I was always the driving force of logic." Or of no fun, as Sophia would say. [2017-02-10 7:48:54 PM] Kait: "Give your sister credit." Bei called before he took off at a sprint to leap to the next building. He turned to look back at Leo, eyebrow arched. "I mean, she's survive this long in her life. Right?" [2017-02-10 7:52:29 PM] Ro (is trash): Leo frowned, hopping the gap with ease due to his long legs and high agility. “You say that, but you’re not the one who had to yank her back before she tried to dive straight off a 90 foot cliff back home,” he replied dryly, lips turning up at the memory. She hadn’t even had a care towards if it was even safe for cliff diving there. Leo had chewed her out for days. [2017-02-10 7:54:48 PM] Kait: "Where there rocks at the bottom?" Bei questioned, arching an eyebrow as he moved along the next roof. [2017-02-10 7:56:19 PM] Ro (is trash): "More like boats," he snorted. "The actual cliff she was looking for was a few over. She's a shy little thing but once she sinks her teeth into something, yikes." Leo shook his head. Sophia never ceased to amuse him. [2017-02-10 7:59:24 PM] Kait: Bei smiled softly and let out a laugh. It certainly must have been nice to have siblings as a child- someone to go on adventures with or someone to reign you in when you needed it. He breathed out and took the next roof with ease which brought them to the edge of town. He took a moment to look down over the craziness that was Tengra Heath during the full moon and he breathed out. Now... to get out of town. [2017-02-10 8:09:00 PM] Ro (is trash): As Leo slid away from town, he couldn’t help but think of his friends. Of Sophia. Of Eli. Hell, even of Damian. Who knows what they were going through? “Jeez, I’m just realizing now that I don’t know a single other human in the game. Lovely.” He mused aloud. [2017-02-10 8:13:18 PM] Kait: "Makes you one of a kind." Bei called softly. He pulled in a sharp breath before he leapt off the roof and down to the ground below. As soon as he connected with the ground and let his legs gave so that he did a forward roll, absorbing the momentum of the hit before he pushed himself back up to his feet and looking back up at Leo. "...coming?" [2017-02-10 8:16:16 PM] Ro (is trash): “Yeah, right,” Leo rolled his eyes. Like he was going to believe that. Especially coming from Bei. Opting for a less flashy dismount, Leo sat with his legs hanging off the ledge before sliding off, wincing at the pressure. “Yeah, yeah, I’m comin’.” [2017-02-10 8:17:45 PM] Kait: Bei didn't acknowledge the remark. Because even if he thought Leo was unique, he was sure that was the last thing the other male wanted to hear from him. And just like that, the awkwardness crashed back over Bei like a wave. He blinked when Leo hit the ground before he nodded his head. "Alright. Lead the way." [2017-02-10 8:20:38 PM] Ro (is trash): Shrugging his hands into his pockets uncomfortably, Leo started towards the coast. He felt like she should say something, try to make conversation maybe, but honestly he had no idea what it would be. He was bad at small talk on a good day, let alone this. [2017-02-10 8:21:29 PM] Kait: Bei fell into step, making it a point to keep just a couple of paces behind Leo. This way neither of them had to look at each other, keep up with one another, or talk if they didn't so choose. [2017-02-10 8:25:24 PM] Ro (is trash): Fuck. This was so awkward. Even for Leo, who had a tendency to ignore social cues. There was a tension hanging between them that he felt obligated to resolve, though he didn’t know how. “Hey, uh…” he cleared his throat, coughing and immediately losing his nerve. [2017-02-10 8:26:06 PM] Kait: Bei was comfortable with the silence, even if the reason for it make him immensely less so. When it was broken, he lift his head and glanced up at Leo, one eyebrow arched. "Yes?" [2017-02-10 8:28:16 PM] Ro (is trash): “Nothing, nothing,” Leo was quick to brush off. Lord knows Bei didn’t want his apologies. [2017-02-10 8:29:27 PM] Kait: He blinked, staring at the back of Leo's head before he let out a breath. "Right." He nodded his head slowly and let the silence settle back before them. [2017-02-10 8:30:32 PM] Ro (is trash): He sighed in relief. Leo had dodged a bullet there. They walked in silence for a while longer until they finally hit the coast and Leo threw up a hand in greeting. [2017-02-10 8:31:37 PM] Kait: When the coast appeared, Bei hung back and let Leo do the talking. His hands curled around his stave, knuckles going white as he shift his weight from foot to foot. [2017-02-10 8:34:36 PM] Ro (is trash): Convincing the captain to let them on wasn’t hard, especially with the chaos breaking out around them. He’d always had a soft spot for Leo anyway, something he felt guilty exploiting. “Come on, before he changes his mind,” Leo called back, gesturing up to the ship. [2017-02-10 8:35:57 PM] Kait: When Leo gestured and called out, Bei didn't make any effort to move. Instead, he stayed rooted to where he was. There was a long, heavy pause before he slowly began to shake his head. "You should get on board. Get to safety. I should..." He gestured over his shoulder and took a step back. [2017-02-10 8:38:00 PM] Ro (is trash): Fuck, seriously? He was doing this now? Leo was at the end of his patience. He couldn’t help the large scowl growing on his face. “Look, dude, I know you don’t like me, but I just hauled your ass all the way here. You seriously want to stay out here and become a vampire slushie?” Maybe a little too aggressive. Whoops. [2017-02-10 8:38:28 PM] Kait: He blinked, brows furrowed. "...don't like you?" [2017-02-10 8:39:39 PM] Ro (is trash): “Don’t worry, I’m not taking it personally,” Leo replied with a roll of his eyes. “That’s generally the norm for people when it comes to me” [2017-02-10 8:40:30 PM] Kait: "Leo, I don't dislike you." Bei replied with ease as he stared. [2017-02-10 8:41:31 PM] Ro (is trash): Leo blinked, aggression dampening slightly. “I hardly believe that.” he answered skeptically. [2017-02-10 8:41:52 PM] Kait: "And why is that?" [2017-02-10 8:42:37 PM] Ro (is trash): Jesus Christ, he was not interested in getting back into the dirty details of it all. “Uh, like the entirety of last quest?” [2017-02-10 8:48:03 PM] Kait: He pulled in a breath and let it out slowly as he looked down at his feet. "Look, Leo..." How did he even apologize? "I didn't... I mean, I just..." His weight moved from one foot to the other and pulled a hand down over his face. When the fuck had he gotten so tongue tied? [2017-02-10 9:17:26 PM] Ro (is trash): "You don't need to explain yourself," Leo was quick to cut him off. He didn't want to pressure him even further. "Just, sorry, yeah?" That was the best he could do, given he didn't really know the circumstances. He just wanted the awkward atmosphere to lessen slightly. [2017-02-10 10:22:56 PM | Edited 10:23:09 PM] Kait: "...you're sorry?" Bei repeated shaking his head after a moment. "Leo, you have nothing to apologize for. I'm that pressured you into something you weren't read for... Something you didn't want and I just..." He exhaled. "I should be apologizing." [2017-02-10 10:28:52 PM] Ro (is trash): "Pressured me?" Leo replied, confused. "What am I, fifteen again? I thought it was pretty damn obvious I wanted it." A slight blush stained his cheeks at the admission. [2017-02-10 11:23:15 PM] Kait: "You made it pretty clear physically you were unresponsive to my advances. And just... the way you acted, I-..." He shift and took a step back. "Look... I just... I'm sorry. Okay? I didn't mean to... I would never, or at least I thought I would never..." [2017-02-11 11:57:30 AM] Ro (is trash): “Woah woah woah,” Leo cut him off, throwing his hands up. “Okay, you didn’t do anything to me that I didn’t want. Gesù Bei, you don’t need to worry, everything is fine.” Somehow in the span of one conversation Leo had gone from pissed to thoroughly confused. [2017-02-11 2:39:04 PM] Kait: Bei breathed out and shook his head as he ran a hand the length of his face. "Well, all the same, I'm sorry." He managed. "It's not that I dislike you. That isn't... that wasn't it at all." [2017-02-11 4:11:08 PM] Ro (is trash): "I'm sorry too," Leo countered, still feeling slightly guilty. "And I don't dislike you either. So, now that we're on the same page, are you going to get on the ship or not?" [2017-02-11 4:13:18 PM] Kait: He glanced up, meeting the younger man's eyes as he arched an eyebrow. "You actually want me to join you?" [2017-02-11 4:14:14 PM] Ro (is trash): Leo shifted under his gaze, grumbling. "You act like we're not prime werewolf snacks right now." [2017-02-12 1:05:14 AM] Kait: "I'm aware that we are. Vampire as well. That doesn't mean you'd like me to join you." Bei countered. [2017-02-12 1:26:21 AM] Ro (is trash): Leo rolled his eyes to look up the sky. “How can somebody so small be so frustrating?” he sighed. Leveling Bei with a look, he crossed his arms. “What do you want, a signed and dated invitation? Yes, you can join me on the boat.” [2017-02-12 1:57:45 AM] Kait: He laughed softly and looked down before he nodded his head. "alright. Alright." [2017-02-12 2:00:20 AM] Ro (is trash): Leo nodded in relief. “Okay, cool. Let’s go before I have to save your ass again.” Without waiting, Leo turned and jogged up the gangplank. [2017-02-12 2:02:55 AM] Kait: "rude. I could have saved myself." Bei called. "maybe." he added more softly. He breathed out and moved after Leo, following him up and onto the ship. [2017-02-12 2:05:46 AM] Ro (is trash): “Yeah, yeah. And that werewolf wasn’t about to tear your lovely face off. You forget I was there to see it,” Leo replied absently. Stopping to put his hands on his hips, he observed the top deck. The view never got old. [2017-02-12 2:06:55 AM] Kait: Bei felt one eyebrow tick up at the word lovely before he smirked and shook his head. "a few scars just would have made me look more rugged." [2017-02-12 2:07:59 AM] Ro (is trash): The question made Leo stop and think. “Can we even get scars here do you think?” he mused. Virtual reality was... confusing to say the least. [2017-02-12 2:08:45 AM] Kait: "probably not. But i had to say something to make me sound less pathetic." [2017-02-12 2:10:12 AM] Ro (is trash): Leo snorted. “You’re not pathetic. We both know any other night of the month you could have me flat on my ass in two seconds.” [2017-02-12 2:12:40 AM] Kait: "did you just admit I've got the upper hand on you, Flynn?" [2017-02-12 2:13:18 AM] Ro (is trash): He frowned. “It’s not my fault you have the –“ Leo wiggled his fingers to try and convey what he meant. [2017-02-12 2:13:51 AM] Kait: "....." Bei stared before he started laughing absurdly. "Next you'll be asking where's the rum gone." [2017-02-12 2:16:42 AM] Ro (is trash): “…I’d like to hope I’m going to be a slightly more competent captain than that.” [2017-02-12 2:44:45 AM] Kait: "hope being the key word right there." [2017-02-12 2:49:38 AM] Ro (is trash): Leaning against the mast, Leo crossed his arms and raised an eyebrow. “Do I seriously look like the irresponsible type?” [2017-02-12 3:33:34 AM] Kait: "I think you could be given the right circumstances." [2017-02-12 3:34:37 AM] Ro (is trash): He squinted slightly. “What does that even mean?” [2017-02-12 3:57:53 AM | Edited 3:57:59 AM] Kait: Bei smirked and shrugged. "What do you think?" [2017-02-12 4:00:28 AM] Ro (is trash): Leo wasn't going to let himself get sucked down this road after what happened last time. "I think that if I knew I probably wouldn't be asking," he dodged casually. [2017-02-12 4:20:11 AM] Kait: "lost your sense of adventure, Leonardo?" [2017-02-12 12:56:58 PM] Ro (is trash): It was like entering the twilight zone. One minute Bei is apologizing, the next he's saying Leo's name like that? "I... there was nothing to even lose. I'm fairly boring in the grand scheme of things." [2017-02-12 1:31:20 PM] Kait: Bei watched Leo a moment before he shook his head. "I think I'm going to find a place to crash for the night." [2017-02-12 2:02:36 PM] Ro (is trash): "There should be some hammocks below deck. I'm sure there's a free one," Leo gave helpfully. "I'll be up here if you need me." There was no way he was going to be able to sleep tonight. He was too keyed up about Sophia's absence. Wandering up to the railing, he leaned over. [2017-02-12 2:29:58 PM] Kait: Bei watched Leo once his back was turned. His gaze wandered over the bit before he turned and disappeared below deck. [2017-02-12 4:40:05 PM] Ro (is trash): It was a long night, but Leo couldn’t bring himself to retire below deck. Not with thoughts of Sophia swirling around in his mind. He spent the hours worrying over her absence in way only an older brother could, fretting over her wellbeing. At least staring into the swirling waters and pacing the deck gave him some peace. But as the night wore on, Leo grew increasingly weary. Sighing, he leaned back on the rigging, eyes slipping closed. [2017-02-12 4:49:55 PM] Kait: After a few hours of fitful sleep, Bei finally awoke once more. His arms lift over his head and he stretched as he arose from the hammock where he'd been trying to relax. Quietly, the wizard made his way up to the deck and arched an eyebrow when his gaze fell on Leo. He picked his way across the deck and reached out, gently grasping Leo's shoulder before he squeezed. "Hey..." He murmured softly. "Go below deck and get some sleep. There's nothing you can do right now, and you're tired." [2017-02-12 5:27:28 PM] Ro (is trash): Leo startled, blinking his eyes open to come face to face with Bei. He hadn’t even realized he’d drifted off. “I –“ he stopped to clear his throat, voice coming out raspy. “I’m good up here.” [2017-02-12 5:30:43 PM] Kait: Bei tried to ignore the roughness to Leo's voice as he looked away and over his shoulder, dropping his hand. "If you say so. But the hammocks aren't bad, and you may as well get some rest so when you do find your sister, you aren't exhausted." He paused, a smile curling up the corner of his mouth. "You really do seem to have a bad habit of misplacing her, don't you?" [2017-02-12 5:33:42 PM] Ro (is trash): Leo scowled. “Does it really count as misplacing her if she’s the one who took off?” he grumbled. “You’d think I’d have enough practice after all the times she ran off when we were little. I can only hope Damian is looking after her - if he isn’t too crazy that is.” He could also be hunting her through the forest; not a pleasant thought. [2017-02-12 5:36:27 PM] Kait: "Damian-" Bei repeated the name, brows furrowed before it finally registered where he knew it from. "Damian." He repeated again, his tone changed as he nodded his head. "He's a good man. He has... He'll take care of her if she's with him." [2017-02-12 5:38:08 PM] Ro (is trash): He rolled his eyes. “You say good man, I say asshole. But he can be trusted to look after her, so there’s that.” Leo didn’t have to like Damian, but he did trust him to a certain extent. He blinked. “Wait, you know Damian?” [2017-02-12 5:39:05 PM] Kait: "Good men can be assholes. Those terms are not mutually exclusive." Bei countered. "And yeah. We... bonded... over a shared experience." [2017-02-12 5:42:38 PM] Ro (is trash): Ah. The army. Leo didn’t say anything, though. That was Bei’s story to share, if he ever desired to tell it. “Hm. I guess that’s fair. I’m kind of an asshole but I’m not all bad.” [2017-02-12 5:43:59 PM] Kait: "See?" Bei countered, smiling softly. "Not mutually exclusive. Seems I know at least two people are good men but also assholes in this game." [2017-02-12 5:46:24 PM] Ro (is trash): Leo laughed. “Not exactly the friendliest company to keep. You should meet Sophia, she’s the most aggressively friendly person you’ll ever encounter.” It just kind of slipped out before he realized that may sound a little weird. “On second thought, maybe not. You’ll never be rid of her then. She sticks onto you like glue.” [2017-02-12 5:47:06 PM] Kait: "Well, if she's anything like you?" Bei managed, glancing sideways at Leo, "I think I could deal with that." [2017-02-12 5:48:37 PM] Ro (is trash): Leo coughed, tips of his ears going red. “Uh, more like Flynn 2.0. Better, cuter, more charming. You’d like her.” [2017-02-12 5:49:30 PM] Kait: Bei turned and moved to lean out over the edge of the ship, watching the water pass below. "I'm gonna have to respectfully disagree on one of those points. Perhaps even two of them." [2017-02-12 5:50:52 PM] Ro (is trash): Leo joined him, looking out at the horizon. “You’re not allowed to disagree, it wasn’t up for debate,” he said with a slight grin, not looking over. [2017-02-12 5:52:46 PM] Kait: "Well, I do disagree. So looks like you're wrong." Bei countered, his tone a bit lighter as a laugh followed. [2017-02-12 5:55:49 PM] Ro (is trash): Leo laughed, trying to ignore the heat in his face. “You can’t even judge! You’ve never met her!” [2017-02-12 5:57:33 PM] Kait: "But I've met you." Bei replied, glancing sideways and smiling when he saw the color that laid over Leo's cheeks. [2017-02-12 5:58:51 PM] Ro (is trash): Ducking his head, Leo buried it in his arms. “That’s not enough Flynn references to cast judgment,” he grumbled. [2017-02-12 5:59:26 PM | Edited 6:02:31 PM] Kait: "I think I'm gonna have to disagree again." Bei replied, fully smiling now that Leo couldn't see him. [2017-02-12 6:02:40 PM] Ro (is trash): He was never going to be able to contain the blush now, god damnit. His ears were burning. “We'll agree to disagree, then. You can fight Damian on this one. He’d defend her honour to his dying breath.” [2017-02-12 6:05:09 PM] Kait: He laughed softly, enjoying the way the color seemed to spread from Leo's cheeks outward. "I'm not saying anything about your sister's honor. I'm sure she's a wonderful young woman." He leaned into the side of the ship a bit. "I'm simply saying that I'm glad you were the Flynn I met first, and I think you're more than adequate representation for your name." [2017-02-12 6:07:30 PM] Ro (is trash): Leo looked up from his arms, biting his lip to contain his grin. “I’d say I was glad you were the first Huang I met, but that would be cheating considering you don’t have any siblings.” [2017-02-12 6:08:26 PM] Kait: It was Bei's turn to have color burn beneath his skin as he laughed softly and shook his head. "I can assure you that if I did have siblings, they would likely be far better representatives of my family than I." [2017-02-12 6:10:06 PM] Ro (is trash): “Well that just sounds untrue,” Leo reprimanded. “But what makes one a representative of their family anyway? Lord knows I’m nothing like my parents.” [2017-02-12 6:10:55 PM] Kait: "I think someone who... represents the name well. Gives off a good impression and makes people think well of the name when they hear it." [2017-02-12 6:11:49 PM] Ro (is trash): “Well, I think you’re doing alright then.” Leo replied simply, looking down at the waves. [2017-02-12 6:16:12 PM] Kait: Bei cleared his throat softly, turning his head a bit to disguise the way his face lit up. "Well thank you." [2017-02-12 6:18:05 PM] Ro (is trash): “You’re welcome,” Leo muttered, coughing lightly. What the fuck was he supposed to say now? This was uncharted territory. He shifted slightly in his place at the railing. [2017-02-12 6:20:15 PM] Kait: The silence stretched from a few seconds to a minute or so before Bei shift. He straightened, then pushed himself away from the railing of the ship. "I suppose I should leave you to your brooding now." He managed, not sure of what else to say. [2017-02-12 6:22:20 PM] Ro (is trash): Leo couldn’t help but scrunch up his nose. ”Brooding? What am I, some shitty bargain brand vampire mass marketed to preteen girls?” The quip slipped out of him before Leo could stop himself. Usually he didn’t speak this freely with anybody but Sophia. [2017-02-12 6:23:56 PM] Kait: Bei stopped abruptly, his mouth curling up as he subdued a laugh. "I was wondering what the strange sparkles were when you were in the sunlight." [2017-02-12 6:26:32 PM | Edited 6:27:27 PM] Ro (is trash): Leo’s lips pulled down in a scowl. “I do not sparkle. The only time I’ve ever sparkled is when I went out to the Industry Bar as a patron instead of on work hours." [2017-02-12 6:28:17 PM] Kait: He perked up, tilting his head slightly. "You put on glitter when you go out?" [2017-02-12 6:30:59 PM] Ro (is trash): Leo shifted. “I….” he tried to stall. “It wasn’t my idea, okay?” [2017-02-12 6:31:58 PM] Kait: "Now that I would have almost paid to see. I bet it just complimented your sparkling personality." [2017-02-12 6:34:08 PM] Ro (is trash): “Ah yes. My friendly and approachable demeanor and innocent face totally brought all the guys in,” Leo rolled his eyes. [2017-02-12 6:34:42 PM] Kait: "Are you honestly trying to tell me that no one hit on you that night? Because I am going to call bull shit on that." [2017-02-12 6:37:25 PM] Ro (is trash): “I mean… I didn’t have to pay for any drinks, so that was nice at least.” [2017-02-12 6:38:37 PM] Kait: "That's what I thought." Bei managed, smiling as he turned away. [2017-02-12 6:41:19 PM] Ro (is trash): “I may have been that dick that took off after though,” Leo grimaced. “But like, that’s not their fault. That’s my repressed emotions and latent trust issues speaking,” he laughed softly trying to make light of the situation. Leo turned back to the railing. “I’ll call you when we dock again, yeah?” [2017-02-12 6:45:00 PM] Kait: "Well, maybe one day you'll find the right person that'll help with the repressed emotions and latent trust issues." Bei offered before he breathed out and nodded his head. "Yeah. Try and get some rest." He added before he moved off across the deck. [2017-02-12 6:47:18 PM] Ro (is trash): “Doubt it,” he muttered under his breath as Bei left. In direct contrast to Bei’s suggestion, Leo hunkered down to wait out the rest of the full moon. He wanted to be ready for if Sophia ever PMed him. [2017-02-12 6:53:15 PM] Kait: Bei ducked across the ship and out of sight. He paused and breathed out, running a hand the length of his face before he smiled just barely. With a glance around he ducked off and found a corner where he could be alone. To pass the time until the sun rose (as he knew sleep was likely out of the question) he continued to try and cast small spells... all of which came to no avail. That was until the sounds of shantys began to fill the air. The pirates on the ship singing the night away- it brought a smile to Bei's features and, with the knowledge that no one was watching, he began to dance. [2017-02-12 6:59:00 PM] Ro (is trash): The crew singing brought a small smile to Leo’s face. He hadn’t been on the ships for long but already he’d started to pick up their common hymns and chants, unintentionally memorizing the words. And he couldn’t deny that it did help pass the time. He was never one for singing but that didn’t stop him from humming along absently, occasionally jumping in when he was confident enough in the words. [2017-02-12 7:01:57 PM] Kait: Before Bei knew it, the night had passed and the sun was slowly beginning to crawl over the horizon. He glanced up and sat down, back against the side of the ship as he watched the sunrise in the sky. [2017-02-12 7:04:38 PM] Ro (is trash): Stretching, Leo left his position at the side railing and wandered across the ship. “We’ll be docking soon,” he yawned and called across the open air. [2017-02-12 7:05:52 PM] Kait: Bei glanced up when he heard Leo call out and he nodded his head in response as though Leo would see it. He turned his attention quickly back to the sunrise- it was amazing how well this game could mimic the beauty of real life. [2017-02-12 7:08:54 PM] Ro (is trash): Spotting Bei as he rounded a mast, Leo followed his gaze to the sky. “Hm, looks just like back home.” Italy of course, not New York. The city wasn’t nearly as beautiful. [2017-02-12 7:11:09 PM] Kait: "Does it?" Bei asked softly, staring out a moment longer before he looked up at Leo. [2017-02-12 7:13:53 PM] Ro (is trash): Leo just shrugged. “I was always up early to help out around the house and mamma’s business. The sun rising over the Mediterranean was one of the best views,” he replied quietly. Somehow the moment just felt like it demanded hushed tones. [2017-02-12 7:15:55 PM] Kait: "Well, I'm certainly jealous. The only sunrises I've ever seen are the ones in New York and..." He trailed off, brows furrowed before he shook his head. "And you know what the New York sky looks like what with all the pollution." [2017-02-12 7:16:58 PM] Ro (is trash): “Yeah, I can’t exactly say I’m in New York for the view,” Leo laughed lightly. "It's a shame you can't see the stars." [2017-02-12 7:18:38 PM] Kait: Bei glanced up. "I'd say there are views in New York that are certainly breathtaking, even if they aren't nature related." He looked up then. "I've never really had the opportunity to appreciate a night sky the way it's meant to properly look." [2017-02-12 7:21:34 PM] Ro (is trash): “I’ve never really looked, if I’m being honest. I’ve only lived there for a little over a year. Didn’t really get out much.” Said aloud like that, it just sounded depressing. Shaking it off, Leo continued. “You really should. It’s stunning. Sophia always laughed at me, I’m kind of an astronomy buff. Comes with the history territory I guess.” [2017-02-12 7:25:18 PM] Kait: "When you make it out of here, you should. I think you'll find yourself pleasantly surprised. I know I have been." Bei murmured, keeping his gaze fixed ahead of himself on the sunrise rather than looking to Leo once more. "Perhaps one day I'll get the chance to see it without the smog in the air or the brightness of explosions to mask it." [2017-02-12 7:26:57 PM] Ro (is trash): “If,” Leo easily corrected. He wasn’t as optimistic as others in his chances of getting out. But as long as Sophia got out, that’s all that mattered. Dropping down beside Bei, he stared steadily at the horizon. “That sounds rough.” [2017-02-12 7:31:45 PM] Kait: He shrugged and moved slightly to accommodate Leo and give him a bit of space. "You got used to it." [2017-02-12 7:32:45 PM] Ro (is trash): Leo hummed in acknowledgement. “That’s impressive. Can’t say I ever would.” [2017-02-12 7:35:32 PM] Kait: "Humans have an amazing ability to adapt." He blinked before he pushed the thought away and glanced over at Leo. "I'm sorry." He managed after a moment and lift a hand to rub at his face. "I generally try not to talk about that shit. I know most people don't wanna hear about it." [2017-02-12 7:40:46 PM] Ro (is trash): Leo frowned, looking over. “Don’t apologize. It’s fine. You’re going to have to talk about it eventually. Sometimes it’s easier when it’s a stranger.” He tilted his head back, looking back up at the sky. “I’ve been told I’m a good listener anyway.” [2017-02-12 7:41:24 PM] Kait: "I can see why someone might say that, what with the whole brooding silent type bit you've got going on there." [2017-02-12 7:42:19 PM] Ro (is trash): Leo’s lips curved up despite himself. “I’ve got it down to an art. Emotions are hard. Talking is hard. But listening? That’s easy.” [2017-02-12 7:43:22 PM] Kait: "You know, sometimes the listeners need to talk as well." [2017-02-12 7:45:32 PM] Ro (is trash): "Sometimes the listeners don't have anything to say," he scowled. [2017-02-12 7:47:45 PM] Kait: "Now that I don't believe. Not even a little bit." [2017-02-12 7:49:05 PM] Ro (is trash): Leo drummed his fingers on his knee. “I… have things to say,” he started tentatively. “I just don’t know what to say. Or how to say them.” [2017-02-12 7:49:26 PM] Kait: "Well, I've been told I can be a good listener too." Bei offered, arching an eyebrow. [2017-02-12 7:50:04 PM] Ro (is trash): “Two listeners? That’s going to go well,” Leo huffed with a laugh. “We just gonna sit here in silence?” [2017-02-12 7:50:31 PM] Kait: "Surprisingly, there actually hasn't ben that many silences." [2017-02-12 7:51:12 PM] Ro (is trash): Falling silent, Leo nodded. “You’re easy to talk to. Don’t let that go to your ego,” he warned as an afterthought. [2017-02-12 7:51:49 PM] Kait: "Oh? I am?" Bei managed, tossing an amused look Leo's way. [2017-02-12 7:52:14 PM] Ro (is trash): "No, no you're not. I lied," Leo immediately backtracked. [2017-02-12 7:53:13 PM] Kait: He leaned in, bumping his shoulder against Leo's lightly. "Too late. You already said it." [2017-02-12 7:54:06 PM] Ro (is trash): Leo returned the friendly gesture, leaning in slightly as well. “See, this is why I don’t talk much.” [2017-02-12 7:55:18 PM] Kait: He glanced up, the space somewhat less between them. "I don't know... I like it when you talk." [2017-02-12 7:56:11 PM] Ro (is trash): Leo blinked, flushing slightly. “Now that I hardly believe. I can usually barely string together one sentence.” [2017-02-12 7:57:07 PM] Kait: "It just makes it more entertaining." He teased before he shook his head. "I mean it, though. I enjoy listening." [2017-02-12 7:58:33 PM] Ro (is trash): Leo smiled softly, huffing out a laugh. “Thanks. Nobody usually does. Listen, I mean.” [2017-02-12 7:59:27 PM] Kait: "I'm sure they're just distracted by the pretty packaging." [2017-02-12 8:00:13 PM] Ro (is trash): He narrowed his eyes slightly. “I feel like… that’s something I said once.” [2017-02-12 8:00:51 PM] Kait: Bei just smiled and shrugged his shoulders. "Maybe." [2017-02-12 8:03:05 PM] Ro (is trash): Leo snorted. “Well, thanks anyway. Never been called pretty before.” [2017-02-12 8:03:24 PM] Kait: "That's definitely one of the lesser adjectives I use." [2017-02-12 8:04:01 PM] Ro (is trash): “Hmm? What’s your go to one liner then, if you’re such an expert?” [2017-02-12 8:05:32 PM] Kait: "Not an expert by any means. I'm actually terrible at shit like that." Bei murmured with a soft laugh. "I more so meant... I could think of quite a few descriptors that would fit you better than pretty." [2017-02-12 8:07:33 PM] Ro (is trash): “Ah, so you’ve put some thought into it?” Leo teased with a laugh. “Uptight? Repressed? Grim? Standoffish? Grumpy gills?” [2017-02-12 8:10:02 PM] Kait: "I have to admit I have." He replied, wrinkling his nose with a smile. "Closed off. Awkward. Socially inept." He paused and glanced up. "Interesting. Intelligent. Surprisingly personable on occasion. Handsome. Stunning... breath taking." He added the last one soft and under his breath. [2017-02-12 8:14:49 PM] Ro (is trash): Leo opened his mouth to reply, snapping it shut again when Bei continued. He could feel his face flaming. Immediately he was burying his face in his hands. What the fuck, was he 15 again? Lifting it slightly, he glared. “Surprisingly personable on occasion? I’m flattered.” Trying to draw attention away from the rest of it. [2017-02-12 8:15:39 PM] Kait: "I know. I was shocked." Bei laughed as he leaned back and tipped his head up towards the sky. [2017-02-12 8:16:26 PM] Ro (is trash): “You’re…. pretty attractive yourself,” he managed to ground out. Why was this so damn hard? [2017-02-12 8:17:00 PM] Kait: "...pretty attractive?" Bei bit back a laugh and tipped his head, looking at Leo. "I have never been so flattered in my life." [2017-02-12 8:18:53 PM] Ro (is trash): “I could drop the attractive part and leave it at just pretty if you’d like,” Leo teased. [2017-02-12 8:19:33 PM] Kait: Bei rolled his yes and tipped his head back, though his smile did grow noticeably on his features. "You are just the smoothest, Leonardo Flynn." [2017-02-12 8:20:26 PM] Ro (is trash): Leo threw up his hands. “Hey, hey I’ve had like one relationship my entire life. Cut me some slack.” [2017-02-12 8:21:45 PM] Kait: "Well, you are doing significantly better than me." [2017-02-12 8:23:22 PM] Ro (is trash): His eyebrows grew impossibly high. "Seriously? You? Never had a relationship? You're going to lie straight to my face like that? Bei, I thought we had something special." [2017-02-12 8:23:59 PM] Kait: He shook his head. "Not lying." [2017-02-12 8:25:08 PM] Ro (is trash): "Huh. I would never have guessed that." Leo paused. "I would trade, to be honest. Having nothing is better then the one I had." [2017-02-12 8:25:23 PM] Kait: "Didn't end well?" [2017-02-12 8:25:51 PM] Ro (is trash): "Didn't start well. Didn't go well. Didn't end well. Take your pick." [2017-02-12 8:26:44 PM] Kait: "I'm sorry to hear that, Leo." Bei murmured, every word genuine. [2017-02-12 8:28:05 PM] Ro (is trash): Leo sighed, resting his head against the ship behind and closing his eyes. "Thanks. Wasn't my smartest decision." [2017-02-12 8:28:50 PM] Kait: "Well, you learn from mistakes. So hopefully you make a better decision in the future." [2017-02-12 8:31:53 PM] Ro (is trash): "My 'better decision' included becoming even grumpier than I was before so I clearly can't be trusted." [2017-02-12 8:32:12 PM] Kait: "What do you mean?" [2017-02-12 8:34:00 PM] Ro (is trash): "I mean, I probably should have used it as an excuse to buck up and put myself out there. I did exactly the opposite of that." [2017-02-12 8:35:00 PM] Kait: "Well, you've acknowledged it, now you have the chance to fix it." [2017-02-12 8:37:19 PM] Ro (is trash): Leo looked at Bei with raised eyebrows. "Can you really see me as an outgoing put myself out there kind of guy?" [2017-02-12 8:40:23 PM] Kait: "I think if you find the right reason, yeah. I think that may take a long time, but I think it could happen." [2017-02-12 8:45:17 PM] Ro (is trash): Looking down at Bei, Leo grinned. "Or I could just force them to put up with my perpetually grumpy demeanor." [2017-02-12 8:47:11 PM] Kait: "Let me just tell you, saying that with a smile like that-" He paused to gesture at Leo's face. "-doesn't really work well." [2017-02-12 8:48:54 PM] Ro (is trash): "Sorry, sorry." Leo quickly pulled his lips into a scowl. "Better?" [2017-02-12 8:49:11 PM] Kait: "Much more fitting." Bei nodded approvingly with a smile. [2017-02-12 8:50:04 PM] Ro (is trash): "Jeez, do I have somebody holding me to my reputation now?" [2017-02-12 8:52:17 PM] Kait: "I mean, if you insist that grumpy is your defining trait..." Bei teased. [2017-02-12 8:53:53 PM] Ro (is trash): "I mean, what else is it going to be," Leo shrugged. [2017-02-12 8:54:45 PM] Kait: "I don't know... you have a really nice smile." [2017-02-12 8:56:49 PM] Ro (is trash): He flushed, biting his lip. "Nice smile? Nice-smile-Leo doesn't have the same ring to it as grumpy-Leo." [2017-02-12 8:57:14 PM] Kait: "Charming. I would say the smile could go along with charming." [2017-02-12 9:06:53 PM] Ro (is trash): "I-" Leo fumbled, unsure on what to say. "Are you doing this on purpose?" He accused. [2017-02-12 9:08:41 PM] Kait: "Doing what?" [2017-02-12 9:12:17 PM] Ro (is trash): "Trying to be sweet and charming and nice in an attempt to make me embarrassed? Because it's working." he grumbled. [2017-02-12 9:13:20 PM] Kait: "Sweet and charming... huh?" He managed, arching an eyebrow. "I can't say I'm doing it on purpose, but I'll gladly take the credit if it makes you flush like that." [2017-02-12 9:17:27 PM] Ro (is trash): "Everything makes me flush. Don't get too cocky." [2017-02-12 9:17:57 PM] Kait: "Mmm... I'll take the small victories where I can get them." [2017-02-12 9:24:52 PM] Ro (is trash): Leo just hummed, eyes on the sky. It was getting gradually lighter. "I'm glad I saved you from becoming a werewolf's scratching post." [2017-02-12 9:25:45 PM] Kait: "Aww... he likes me. He really likes me." Bei teased softly before he laughed and nodded his head. "Though I'm glad too. Thankful, really. I owe you." [2017-02-12 9:31:52 PM] Ro (is trash): "Yeah, yeah. Don't let it get around that I actually have a heart." Leo replied with a small smile. "But you don't owe me anything, really. You saved my ass at the bar that one time too." [2017-02-12 9:36:23 PM] Kait: "Even then, yeah?" [2017-02-12 9:39:48 PM] Ro (is trash): Leo rolled his eyes. "Are we just going to go in circles, you owe me, I owe you, etc etc?" [2017-02-12 9:40:25 PM] Kait: "If it gives me an excuse to be around you? Then perhaps." [2017-02-12 9:40:56 PM] Ro (is trash): "You don't have to owe me just to see me," Leo grumbled, blushing. [2017-02-12 9:41:09 PM] Kait: "Oh? I don't?" [2017-02-12 9:44:34 PM] Ro (is trash): Leo eyed Bei next to him. "You do have the ability to PM don't you? No need to guilt me into hanging out with you," he joked. [2017-02-12 9:45:16 PM] Kait: "So all I have to do is just message you? Well, I will certainly keep that in mind." [2017-02-12 9:46:07 PM] Ro (is trash): "Well that just makes it sound like I'll come running at your beck and call," Leo said with a roll of his eyes. [2017-02-12 9:46:28 PM] Kait: "That is a nice thought." Bei teased. [2017-02-12 9:48:09 PM] Ro (is trash): "You're cute - but not that cute." [2017-02-12 9:49:00 PM] Kait: "You wound me." [2017-02-12 9:55:30 PM] Ro (is trash): "But yeah just... message me or something. If you ever want to hang out. Or whatever." Leo winced. That didn't exactly come across very confident - but did he ever? [2017-02-12 10:12:45 PM] Kait: "I will certainly do that." Bei replied quietly. He couldn't help but smile at Leo's expression and his gaze flickered down to his lips for just a moment before he shook his head and looked away. [2017-02-12 10:31:38 PM] Ro (is trash): Hauling himself up, Leo rubbed at the back of his neck. “We uh… we should probably hop off now. Ship is docked.” [2017-02-12 10:32:47 PM] Kait: "right. Yeah. Of course." he nodded as he got to his feet. [2017-02-12 10:35:54 PM] Ro (is trash): “Right it was… nice to see you…” Leo started to wander off before stopping. Fuck, he had to get his shit together. Sucking in a breath, he spun back around. Marching determinedly back, he grabbed Bei by the arm, pulling him forward and leaning down to kiss him. [2017-02-12 10:40:27 PM] Kait: He nodded politely. "it was nice to see you too, Leo." he replied. He watched the other walk off before he turned to make his own way back. He had seen Leo turn around, so the grab at his arm was a surprise- though not nearly as much of one as the kiss. His eyes widened momentarily before they slipped shut and he kissed Leo back. [2017-02-12 11:21:53 PM | Edited 11:22:53 PM] Ro (is trash): Drawing him forward, Leo kissed him for a moment longer before pulling back slightly. Fingers still tangled in Bei’s shirt sleeves, Leo blinked down at him. “I, uh…” he started huskily before clearing his throat. “…might have used up the last remains of my confidence on that one.” [2017-02-12 11:27:12 PM] Kait: When the kiss broke, Bei let out a quiet breath and exhaled before smiling. "that... Was a good choice of action to spend confidence on..." he managed, smiling up at Leo. He made absolutely no move to pull away. [2017-02-12 11:30:59 PM] Ro (is trash): Huffing out a laugh, Leo smiled. “A cute guy once told me I should try putting myself out there more.” He tightened his fingers on Bei’s arms. [2017-02-12 11:34:55 PM] Kait: He lift a hand and moved it so that it was lightly resting in the side of Leo's neck, his thumb gently stroking his jaw. "sounds like a smart man." [2017-02-12 11:38:17 PM] Ro (is trash): Humming, he leaned into the touch. “Eh, debatable,” Leo replied before laughing. [2017-02-12 11:39:10 PM] Kait: "well... Now I'm hurt. And I think you should make up for it." he teased. [2017-02-12 11:40:43 PM] Ro (is trash): Dropping a quick peck to Bei’s forehead, Leo smirked. “Well, he did also try to avoid getting on the boat. So I don’t know if I can vouch for his intelligence.” [2017-02-12 11:42:37 PM] Kait: The kiss to his forehead was soft and sweet and it put a smile on Bei's features. "I'm sure he had his reasons." He whispered before he bent in and kissed Leo. [2017-02-12 11:45:52 PM] Ro (is trash): Smiling into the kiss, Leo leaned down slightly so his height wouldn’t be a problem. He released his grip on Bei’s arm and moved it to his lower back instead, holding him gently. [2017-02-12 11:46:36 PM] Kait: Bei made a soft, content noise into the kiss as he prolonged it. He didn't quite want this moment to end. [2017-02-12 11:51:36 PM] Ro (is trash): Nipping slightly at Bei’s lip, Leo pulled back. Resting his forehead on the other mans, he smiled. “As lovely as this all is, we do have to go.” [2017-02-12 11:57:16 PM | Edited 11:57:25 PM] Kait: "I know... I know." he whispered before he let out a breath. He let the moment longer before he pulled back and glanced up. "as fucked up as this whole situation is... I feel I'd be remiss if I didn't ask... Would you perhaps like to go on a date sometime, Leo? Or at least what passes as a date here?" [2017-02-13 12:03:39 AM] Ro (is trash): Leo blinked rapidly. “A….date?” he repeated, flushing. “I… yeah, that would be nice,” he managed weakly. [2017-02-13 12:04:57 AM] Kait: He smiled warmly. "good." he managed and laughed softly. [2017-02-13 12:10:38 AM | Edited 12:10:43 AM] Ro (is trash): “Good,” Leo repeated with a smile as he released Bei and stepped back. “Lord knows you can’t come anywhere within 10 feet of my place at the inn though. Sophia would be on you in 2 seconds.” [2017-02-13 12:14:45 AM] Kait: "You say that like I wouldn't enjoy meeting her." [2017-02-13 12:15:27 AM] Ro (is trash): “That’s what I’m afraid of. You would enjoy meeting her too much,” Leo shuddered. “She’s armed with too many embarrassing stories.” [2017-02-13 12:16:03 AM] Kait: "now that just sounds like all the more reason to seek her out." [2017-02-13 12:17:01 AM] Ro (is trash): "And all the more reason to keep you two separated. I need to keep what little dignity I have." [2017-02-13 12:17:58 AM] Kait: Bei laughed and shook his head. "come on. We should be getting back." [2017-02-13 12:18:43 AM] Ro (is trash): "Yeah, yeah. Gotta survey the damage, locate the sister gone wild, all that jazz," he grumbled as he followed Bei. [2017-02-13 12:27:24 AM] Kait: "I'm sure she didn't 'go wild'." [2017-02-13 12:28:12 AM] Ro (is trash): “Alright, maybe not go wild. She probably spent the entire time making flower crowns. This can only go poorly for me.” [2017-02-13 12:32:48 AM] Kait: "and why is that?" [2017-02-13 12:34:06 AM] Ro (is trash): Leo raised his eyebrows and looked over at Bei. "Because that means I'm going to be the victim that has to wear them." [2017-02-13 12:35:25 AM] Kait: "... Now that is something I'd pay to see." [2017-02-13 12:37:06 AM | Edited 12:37:16 AM] Ro (is trash): "...she probably has photo evidence from last time. Sophia manages to have photos of damn near everything, it's like she's the fucking paps," Leo shuddered. "I can't do anything remotely embarrassing or 'cute'" - he made little air quotes with his fingers - "without her swooping in." [2017-02-13 12:39:16 AM] Kait: He laughed softly. "I suddenly have a burning desire to see these photos." [2017-02-13 12:41:36 AM | Edited 12:42:03 AM] Ro (is trash): "Which is why you're never meeting Sophia. Self preservation, sorry tesoro" [2017-02-13 12:42:56 AM] Kait: "you say that. But I have a feeling I will meet her eventually." [2017-02-13 12:47:35 AM] Ro (is trash): "When that day comes, remind me to clear the area. I do not want to be around for that." [2017-02-13 12:48:21 AM] Kait: "Aww, why not?" [2017-02-13 12:49:01 AM] Ro (is trash): Leo raised his eyebrows. "I don't need to be embarrassed by both you and my sister. My poor ego wouldn't be able to handle it." [2017-02-13 12:49:58 AM] Kait: "why, I'd never embarrass you." [2017-02-13 12:50:31 AM] Ro (is trash): "And yet, somehow I don't quite believe that." [2017-02-13 12:53:38 AM] Kait: Bei smirked and leaned in as they walked, bumping his shoulder to Leo's. [2017-02-13 1:03:36 AM] Ro (is trash): Smiling, Leo bumped him back with his hip, using his larger size to knock him off kilter. [2017-02-13 1:07:32 AM] Kait: Bei stumbled a few steps before catching himself and testing, thanking his dancer's grace for keeping him up right. "now that was just rude." [2017-02-13 1:08:55 AM] Ro (is trash): Leo smirked. “Hey, it’s not my fault you’re small.” [2017-02-13 1:10:07 AM] Kait: "yeah, it's just your fault you're a giant." [2017-02-13 1:10:48 AM] Ro (is trash): "Thank my genes. You should see me next to Sophia, she's a foot shorter." [2017-02-13 1:11:07 AM] Kait: "now that is a sight, I'm sure." Bei laughed softly. [2017-02-13 1:11:46 AM] Ro (is trash): "She took after mamma. I... took after my father." He shrugged. [2017-02-13 1:14:22 AM] Kait: "I'm sure that's an interesting family photo." [2017-02-13 1:14:59 AM] Ro (is trash): "He's not in them." Leo said, simple and blunt. What else could he do? [2017-02-13 1:15:55 AM] Kait: Bei blinked. His mouth opened as though to ask, but the bluntness of Leo's statement made it clear it was not a pleasant subject, so he let it drop. "you keep mentioning your mother has a shop?" [2017-02-13 1:17:33 AM] Ro (is trash): Leo was grateful for the reprieve. Already having touched on his past with Dylan, his father was not something he wanted to get into. “Yeah, a little B&B on the coast. Sophia helps run it. I used to help too, before I moved away.” [2017-02-13 1:18:14 AM] Kait: "why did you end up moving to the states?" [2017-02-13 1:19:51 AM | Edited 1:21:35 AM] Ro (is trash): "Ah, for school. University of Pennsylvania has one of the best ranking history programs. They offered me scholarship," Leo explained, rubbing the back of his neck. Talking about his own accomplishments always made him feel oddly shy. [2017-02-13 1:22:51 AM] Kait: "Pennsylvania, huh?" he murmured. "isn't that... A two hour drive from New York?" [2017-02-13 1:23:23 AM] Ro (is trash): Leo rolled his eyes. "Well I'm not in school now. I've graduated already." [2017-02-13 1:24:41 AM] Kait: Bei laughed softly. "that makes far more sense." [2017-02-13 1:25:34 AM] Ro (is trash): "Headed to New York after I graduated because of the museums. Would love to work at the MET or something someday," Leo mused. "And yet, a year later here I am, a lowly bouncer." [2017-02-13 1:26:58 AM] Kait: "I wouldn't say lowly. I mean... You're a rather attractive bouncer." he managed, then furrowed his brows. "So were you a non traditional student?" [2017-02-13 1:29:03 AM] Ro (is trash): “Thanks,” Leo laughed. “But I’m not quite sure what you mean? Non-traditional being that I’m an international student, I guess. Not quite up to date on my English lingo.” [2017-02-13 1:29:58 AM] Kait: "non traditional means... You didn't attend college during the typical age range." [2017-02-13 1:31:17 AM] Ro (is trash): Leo scrunched his nose. “19 seems pretty typical? When do American students usually go away to school?” [2017-02-13 1:32:20 AM] Kait: Bei blinked. "Eighteen to twenty two is for an undergrad degree. So wait..." he paused, step faultering. "how old are you, Leo?" [2017-02-13 1:34:24 AM] Ro (is trash): “Ah, in Italy we don’t graduate until nineteen. Nineteen to twenty three is more the average –“ he cut off when Bei fell behind. “Uh, twenty four?” [2017-02-13 1:35:34 AM] Kait: "twenty-four..." Bei breathed and furrowed his brows. [2017-02-13 1:35:58 AM] Ro (is trash): "Twenty five this year?" The way Leo said it sounded more like a question. [2017-02-13 1:36:54 AM] Kait: Go figure. A cute, sweet guy and he was a decade younger. Bei breathed out and ran his hand the length of his face. [2017-02-13 1:37:30 AM] Ro (is trash): Leo blinked, coming to a complete stop. "...is that... a problem?" [2017-02-13 1:38:29 AM] Kait: "I'm... Older." Bei admitted. [2017-02-13 1:39:02 AM] Ro (is trash): Leo raised his eyebrows. "You don't look old," he said with amusement. [2017-02-13 1:39:30 AM] Kait: "I'm thirty-four." [2017-02-13 1:41:08 AM] Ro (is trash): Leo choked. “Ah…” was all he managed to get out. “You… carry it well?” [2017-02-13 1:41:41 AM] Kait: He laughed softly and lift a hand to scratch at the back of his neck. "it's my Asian heritage." [2017-02-13 1:42:44 AM] Ro (is trash): “Clearly,” Leo replied with raised eyebrows. [2017-02-13 1:43:06 AM] Kait: "is that... I mean... Is it...  A problem?" [2017-02-13 1:43:59 AM] Ro (is trash): He crossed his arms as he regarded Bei. “Not particularly. You seem to be the panicked one.” [2017-02-13 1:44:32 AM] Kait: "I just... I've never been with anyone more than a couple years younger." [2017-02-13 1:45:54 AM] Ro (is trash): "I mean...." Leo shifted awkwardly. "Sorry for not saying something." [2017-02-13 1:47:29 AM] Kait: "no... No. I mean it's not something you just blurt out. You have nothing to be sorry for." [2017-02-13 1:50:49 AM] Ro (is trash): “Riiiight….” Leo said slowly. Twisting his mouth, he shoved his hands in his pockets and continued the trek back. [2017-02-13 1:51:31 AM] Kait: Bei stood still for a moment before he logged to catch up. "sorry... It just... Caught me off guard." [2017-02-13 1:51:59 AM] Ro (is trash): Leo tried for a smile. "Nice to know I look mature, I guess." [2017-02-13 1:52:50 AM] Kait: He reached out and caught Leo's arm, tugging him to another stop. "you definitely do. I figured 28ish... So you're okay with it?" [2017-02-13 1:56:12 AM] Ro (is trash): Stopping, Leo shrugged. “Doesn’t really matter to me. If I’m being honest, age gaps aren’t as much of a taboo in Italy. American customs never cease to astound me.” [2017-02-13 1:57:46 AM] Kait: Bei searched his features before he breathed out and nodded his head. "okay... Okay." [2017-02-13 1:58:38 AM] Ro (is trash): Reaching over, he squeezed Bei's arm reassuringly. "Really. It's fine. And if it freaks you out, that's fine too." [2017-02-13 1:59:33 AM] Kait: "its... Odd. But it doesn't freak me out." [2017-02-13 2:01:36 AM] Ro (is trash): Leo paused for a moment before a smirk crept up on his face. "...Thirty four, really? Fuck, you're old." [2017-02-13 2:02:20 AM] Kait: Bei rolled his eyes and reached out, hitting Leo in the shoulder. "and yet this old man could still hand you your ass any day." [2017-02-13 2:04:46 AM] Ro (is trash): "Hey! Stay away from my ass," Leo teased with a glint in his eye. [2017-02-13 2:05:28 AM] Kait: Bei laughed softly and shook his head before he turned and walked forward once more m [2017-02-13 2:09:11 AM] Ro (is trash): Falling into step with Bei, Leo admired the countryside and started to absently hum the pirates shanty's. [2017-02-13 2:09:33 AM] Kait: "stuck in your head ?" [2017-02-13 2:10:13 AM] Ro (is trash): Startling, Leo shrugged. "I guess. They sing it non stop, it's hard not to." [2017-02-13 2:13:56 AM] Kait: "at least you don't sound half bad." [2017-02-13 2:20:21 AM] Ro (is trash): Leo snorted. "Yeah, right. You don't want to hear me try to actually sing. Music was never one of the arts I was particularly adept at." [2017-02-13 2:21:38 AM] Kait: "well now I'm just curious." [2017-02-13 2:22:00 AM] Ro (is trash): "Hey, I'm curious about the dancing but I don't pester you about it." [2017-02-13 2:22:58 AM] Kait: "have I mentioned dancing?" Bei managed, tipping his head. [2017-02-13 2:23:51 AM] Ro (is trash): "You said you were part of a hip hop group in highschool," Leo replied with a slight upturn of his lips. [2017-02-13 2:30:24 AM] Kait: "I... Don't remember that. Saying that. Then again, Unsurprised I don't remember." he smiled and glanced up. "curious, huh?" [2017-02-13 2:31:07 AM] Ro (is trash): "You don't remember our bonding session on the last quest? Bei, you wound me." Leo claimed dramatically. "It's clearly never going to work out." [2017-02-13 2:32:57 AM] Kait: He snorted and shook his head. "I just have memory issues sometimes." he managed. "so you're really curious?" [2017-02-13 2:33:51 AM] Ro (is trash): Leo glanced over, concerned. "Sorry." he apologized sincerely. "But how could I not be curious?" [2017-02-13 2:34:14 AM] Kait: "I'll make you a deal." [2017-02-13 2:34:22 AM] Ro (is trash): "A deal?" [2017-02-13 2:36:02 AM] Kait: "Mhm." he nodded, grinning. [2017-02-13 2:36:29 AM] Ro (is trash): "...Am I going to like this deal," Leo said warily. [2017-02-13 2:36:59 AM] Kait: "you let me hear you sing, I'll let you see me dance." [2017-02-13 2:37:39 AM] Ro (is trash): Leo frowned. "Can't I just, like, draw you or something? Or anything I'm actually competent at?" [2017-02-13 2:38:24 AM] Kait: "... Paint me like one of your Italian boys?" Bei wiggled his eyebrows. [2017-02-13 2:39:01 AM] Ro (is trash): Leo arched a brow. "I don't know where you're getting your information but Italy is very catholic." [2017-02-13 2:39:35 AM] Kait: "... It was a twisted Titanic reference." [2017-02-13 2:40:08 AM] Ro (is trash): "...I'm aware. Who hasn't seen Titanic?" [2017-02-13 2:40:41 AM] Kait: "you'd be surprised." Bei managed. "so you can actually draw?" [2017-02-13 2:41:45 AM] Ro (is trash): "Well now I'm just setting high expectations," Leo shifted uncomfortably. "Like sketching and stuff, I guess. I'm okay. Art history student, remember?" [2017-02-13 2:42:38 AM] Kait: "new deal. You let me hear you sing and see a drawing and I'll dance for you." [2017-02-13 2:43:03 AM] Ro (is trash): "What!" Leo sputtered. "That's not how negotiating works at all." [2017-02-13 2:44:44 AM] Kait: "it's how this one works." [2017-02-13 2:45:07 AM] Ro (is trash): "No deal." He crossed his arms, trying to look tough. [2017-02-13 2:45:47 AM | Edited 2:45:50 AM] Kait: "come oooon..." [2017-02-13 2:46:33 AM] Ro (is trash): Leo hedged, eyes darting over at Bei. "..." [2017-02-13 6:11:29 AM] Kait: Bei arched an eyebrow and nudged Leo. "come on." [2017-02-13 7:46:27 AM] Ro (is trash): "... find, fine whatever." Leo caved. "This better be the best fucking dancing I've ever seen," he grumbled. [2017-02-13 10:03:03 AM] Kait: "and if it's not? If I'm absolutely terrible?" [2017-02-13 2:36:02 PM] Ro (is trash): "Nothing you do could be terrible." [2017-02-13 2:39:22 PM] Kait: "That is a lie. I have done plenty of terrible things in my life. I am terrible at plenty of things." [2017-02-13 2:41:06 PM] Ro (is trash): "I'm terrible at singing and you're still making me do it." Leo pointed out while glancing over at Bei. [2017-02-13 2:44:06 PM] Kait: "I have no proof that you're terrible." Bei countered before he smiled softly. "...yet." [2017-02-13 2:49:41 PM] Ro (is trash): "Yet." Leo repeated with a roll of his eyes. "I apologize in advance for the state of your ears after." [2017-02-13 2:50:24 PM] Kait: "It's okay. I'm sure you can think of someway to make it better." He teased. [2017-02-13 2:51:33 PM] Ro (is trash): Leo flushed. "Nope. No ideas." [2017-02-13 2:51:49 PM] Kait: "Now that is the biggest lie I think I've heard in a while." [2017-02-13 2:55:13 PM] Ro (is trash): "Trust me, I'll seem a lot less appealing after the whole singing thing." [2017-02-13 2:55:22 PM] Kait: "I don't think that's possible." [2017-02-13 2:59:18 PM] Ro (is trash): Leo rubbed the back of his neck. "Now who's the one lying." [2017-02-13 2:59:57 PM] Kait: "Nope. Not lying." [2017-02-13 3:02:40 PM] Ro (is trash): "Alright, alright, I give. Mercy. Can we end this war on making Leo embarrassed?" he begged, ears red. [2017-02-13 3:27:37 PM] Kait: "But it's so cute when your ears light up like a Christmas Tree." [2017-02-13 3:35:08 PM] Ro (is trash): He rubbed at his ear, frowning. "That is not helping." [2017-02-13 3:43:43 PM] Kait: "And why is that?" [2017-02-13 3:59:35 PM] Ro (is trash): "Don't play coy. It's unbecoming." [2017-02-13 4:01:53 PM] Kait: Bei let out a quiet laugh and tucked his hands into his pockets while they walked. "Alright. So let's hear this singing." [2017-02-13 4:02:51 PM] Ro (is trash): Leo coughed, startled. "Wait what, now?" [2017-02-13 4:02:58 PM] Kait: "Why not?" [2017-02-13 4:04:22 PM] Ro (is trash): "I just thought I would have more time to..." Leo floundered, trailing off. Avoid it. Panic. Hide. All things that could easily fit there. [2017-02-13 4:04:42 PM] Kait: "We've got a decent sized walk ahead of us. Might as well do with some entertainment." [2017-02-13 4:05:51 PM] Ro (is trash): Leo shrugged. "Was there anything in specific you wanted? The pirates shanty's? Does it have to be in english?" [2017-02-13 4:06:18 PM] Kait: "Hmm... no. Serenade me in Italian." Bei managed, glancing up to Leo with a smirk. [2017-02-13 4:10:31 PM] Ro (is trash): Leo raised a brow. "Serenade? Ah, so he wants a love song," he teased. [2017-02-13 4:12:37 PM] Kait: "I mean, I won't know if it's a love song or you're rick rolling me, so..." [2017-02-13 4:47:23 PM] Ro (is trash): “Now that is a tempting idea,” Leo laughed. Falling quiet, he searched his mind for something. Then, very softly, he began to sing. “Con la chitarra in mano Lasciatemi cantare Una canzone piano piano Lasciatemi cantare Perché ne sono fiero Sono l'italiano L'italiano vero Buongiorno Italia gli spaghetti al dente E un partigiano come Presidente Con l'autoradio sempre nella mano destra Un canarino sopra la finestra…” It was a song his mother used to sing. A comfortable, familiar tune and once he started, most of the embarrassment fell away. if you were curious I was listening to l'italiano by toto cutugno haha [2017-02-13 10:53:16 PM] Kait: Bei fell quiet when Leo began to sing, and he found a soft, genuine smile spreading over his features while he moved to fold his arms over his chest. It was easy to get lost in the sound of the other man's voice. It wasn't the best singing he'd ever heard, no... but it was by no means the worst. The low timbre of Leo's voice was soothing in a strange, pleasant sort of way. [1:02:11 AM] Ro (is trash): Fading out, Leo coughed. "Er...there you go. Sorry to disappoint." He bit his lip. [1:03:00 AM] Kait: "I don't think you disappointed at all." Bei replied softly and shook his head. "That was actually fairly well done." [1:04:10 AM] Ro (is trash): Leo snorted. "You're just trying to boost my ego so I don't butcher your portrait in spite." [1:05:51 AM] Kait: "I'd be quite honest if it were terrible... and trust me, it wasn't. You should give yourself more credit." [1:14:28 AM] Ro (is trash): "You're one of those ruthless honest types, aren't you? Yikes, can I take back agreeing to that date?" Leo joked. [1:15:36 AM] Kait: "I prefer honesty. Makes life easier." Bei hummed before he laughed. "And no- no backing down. You've already agreed." [1:17:17 AM] Ro (is trash): "I actually agree. Lying and dodging the truth just makes everything more complicated." Laughing, Leo bumped Bei's shoulder. "Not very gentlemanly, not giving me a choice." [1:18:04 AM] Kait: He smiled, the expression taking over his features. "Well, I suppose if you really want out of it..." [1:18:43 AM] Ro (is trash): "Hmmmm." Leo pretend to think on it. "I suppose I could grace you with my less than sunny presence." [1:20:11 AM] Kait: "Well, aren't I just honored." He teased softly. [1:20:30 AM] Ro (is trash): "You should be. I don't go on a lot of dates." [1:21:11 AM] Kait: "Well, this will technically be my official first first date." Bei admitted, shrugging. "So it seems we both don't." [1:21:41 AM] Ro (is trash): "You've never been on a date? Shit man, no pressure," Leo managed. [1:22:27 AM] Kait: He glanced sideways and up. "No, I can't say I have." He admitted but he didn't seem at all perturbed by it. [1:23:21 AM] Ro (is trash): "I've been on like, 2 dates anyway. So I was probably not the best candidate for this." Leo paused. "Fuck, neither of us have any idea what we're doing do we?" [1:24:12 AM] Kait: He laughed once more and shook his head. "No, I suppose we don't. But hey, that means less pressure, right?" [1:25:54 AM] Ro (is trash): "I guess. We don't even have the generic coffee date to fall back on." Leo twisted his mouth. "Fuck, this is hard. Why are dates so hard?" [1:26:46 AM] Kait: "The date hasn't even started yet. Don't stress about it. Besides, I asked you. So all the stress is supposed to be on me, right?" [1:28:05 AM] Ro (is trash): "Clearly you don't know me. Stress is basically my middle name," Leo huffed. But his lips turned up slightly. "Does that mean I should be expecting to be pampered and spoiled?" he asked dramatically with a laugh. [1:28:51 AM] Kait: "Now I wouldn't quite go that far." [1:29:31 AM] Ro (is trash): "Well that's just no fun." [1:31:06 AM] Kait: "What would you even consider to be pampering and spoiling?" [1:34:10 AM] Ro (is trash): "I...." Leo trailed off. "...don't know." He really didn't have much of a frame of reference. [1:34:44 AM] Kait: "Well, then in that case, sure, expect pampering and spoiling." [1:35:14 AM] Ro (is trash): "Wait what, no I was kidding." Leo yelped. [1:35:49 AM] Kait: "Well, if you don't know what you'd consider to be pampering and spoiling, I could do just about anything and it could be pampering and spoiling. No?" [1:36:18 AM] Ro (is trash): "Hm. I don't quite think that's how spoiling works." [1:37:37 AM] Kait: "Well, who am I to know? New to this. Remember?" [1:38:32 AM] Ro (is trash): "Well, I guess we'll just have to stumble through this together," Leo replied with a soft laugh. [1:40:08 AM] Kait: "I suppose we will." Bei nodded as the main square finally seemed to come into view. [1:41:33 AM] Ro (is trash): Wandering into the square, Leo came to a stop, rocking on his heels. "Well, this is me," he said, gesturing in the direction of his inn awkwardly. [1:42:02 AM] Kait: Bei nodded his head. "I won't insult you by trying to walk you to your door step." [1:42:37 AM] Ro (is trash): Despite himself, Leo flushed. "Ah, thanks. Sophia would never let me live it down." [1:42:54 AM] Kait: "I'll... see you later then?" [1:43:25 AM] Ro (is trash): "Yeah, uh, later," Leo replied awkwardly, lifting his hand in a half wave. [1:45:11 AM] Kait: Bei hesitated, clearly not quite sure before he stepped in and pushed himself up, kissing Leo chastely. [1:49:02 AM] Ro (is trash): Caught off guard, Leo barely had time to kiss back before Bei was pulling away. Cheeks tinting pink, he smiled. "I'll talk to you soon, Bei. For our date," he waggled his eyebrows before jogging off. [1:50:12 AM] Kait: Bei watched him go before he smiled to himself and left the opposite way.
0 notes
thebookrat · 6 years
I mentioned in another post recently (actually, maybe this is going up first, so maybe I will mention in another post... I've been writing and scheduling in so many posts - for me - that I don't honestly know!) that I have a goal of featuring more books more often, and in more ways, as a general rule on this blog. One of those ways -- and let me know if you like this idea -- is to do a monthly post highlighting some of the books that are coming out that month, that would be my top picks if someone handed me a bookstore gift card and said, "Go crazy." So here are my picks for April. Some are already out, and some will be out very soon. A couple of these are either on my shelves, or will be featured in some other way around these parts very soon. (Ahem, giveaway of one of these coming soon and/or possibly already up, depending on when you're reading this, and when I've scheduled things for! See note above... ;D) Take a look, let me know what you think, and if I've missed any April, 2018 releases that I DEFINITELY need to have, please tell me in the comments! And of course, each cover is >clickable< so you can find out more or pick a copy up! This is in my TBR for this month!
A captivating novel about two extraordinary teens, and the unsolvable problem of life after high school. Sophia is smart, like genius-calculator-brain smart. But there are some things no amount of genius can prepare you for, and the messiness of real life is one of them. When everything she knows is falling apart, how can she crack the puzzle of what to do with her life? Joshua spends his time honing magic tricks and planning how to win Sophia’s heart. But when your best trick is making schoolwork disappear, how do you possibly romance a genius? In life and love, timing is everything. Published April 1st 2018 by Peachtree Publishers
I mean... everyone's buzzing about this.
Jane McKeene was born two days before the dead began to walk the battlefields of Gettysburg and Chancellorsville—derailing the War Between the States and changing America forever. In this new nation, safety for all depends on the work of a few, and laws like the Native and Negro Reeducation Act require certain children attend combat schools to learn to put down the dead. But there are also opportunities—and Jane is studying to become an Attendant, trained in both weaponry and etiquette to protect the well-to-do. It’s a chance for a better life for Negro girls like Jane. After all, not even being the daughter of a wealthy white Southern woman could save her from society’s expectations. But that’s not a life Jane wants. Almost finished with her education at Miss Preston’s School of Combat in Baltimore, Jane is set on returning to her Kentucky home and doesn’t pay much mind to the politics of the eastern cities, with their talk of returning America to the glory of its days before the dead rose. But when families around Baltimore County begin to go missing, Jane is caught in the middle of a conspiracy, one that finds her in a desperate fight for her life against some powerful enemies. And the restless dead, it would seem, are the least of her problems. Published April 3rd 2018 by Balzer + Bray
I was a big fan of McCarthy's You Were Here.
Fandom and first love collide for Iris on the film set for her grandmother’s famous high-fantasy triology—perfect for readers of Fangirl! Unlike the rest of the world, Iris doesn't care about the famous high-fantasy Elementia books written by M. E. Thorne. So it's just a little annoying that M. E. Thorne is her grandmother—and that Iris has to deal with the trilogy's crazy fans. When Iris gets dropped in Ireland for the movie adaptation, she sees her opportunity: if she can shut down production, the Elementia craze won't grow any bigger, and she can finally have a normal life. Not even the rascally-cute actor Eamon O'Brien can get in her way. But the crew's passion is contagious, and as Iris begins to find herself in the very world she has avoided her whole life, she realizes that this movie might just be amazing… Published April 3rd 2018 by Sourcebooks Fire
*tries not to want book solely based on cover* *fails* *reads synopsis and still wants book, is happy* *realizes book is only in AUS, is sad*
Two very different girls, and one giant hoax that could change – or ruin – everything. Harriet Price has the perfect life: she's a prefect at Rosemead Grammar, she lives in a mansion, and her gorgeous girlfriend is a future prime minister. So when she risks it all by creating a hoax to expose the school's many problems – with help from notorious bad-girl Will Everheart, no less – Harriet tells herself it's because she's seeking justice. And definitely not because she finds Will oddly fascinating. But as Will and Harriet's campaign heats up, it gets harder for them to remain sworn enemies – and to avoid being caught. As tensions burn throughout the school, how far will they go to keep their mission – and their feelings for each other – a secret? Published April 2nd 2018 by Hardie Grant Egmont
I don't know that I've ever come across a more unique-sounding book.
In an alternate reality a lot like our world, every person’s physical size is directly proportional to their wealth. The poorest of the poor are the size of rats, and billionaires are the size of skyscrapers. Warner and his sister Prayer are destitute—and tiny. Their size is not just demeaning, but dangerous: day and night they face mortal dangers that bigger richer people don’t ever have to think about, from being mauled by cats to their house getting stepped on. There are no cars or phones built small enough for them, or schools or hospitals, for that matter—there’s no point, when no one that little has any purchasing power, and when salaried doctors and teachers would never fit in buildings so small. Warner and Prayer know their only hope is to scale up, but how can two littlepoors survive in a world built against them? A brilliant, warm, funny trip, unlike anything else out there, and a social novel for our time in the tradition of 1984 or Invisible Man. Inequality is made intensely visceral by an adventure and tragedy both hilarious and heartbreaking. Published April 3rd 2018 by Amulet Books
Welp. I need it.
The ancient land of Éirinn is mired in war. Ciara, Princess of Mide, has never known a time when Éirinn’s kingdoms were not battling for power, or Northmen were not plundering their shores. The people of Mide have thankfully always been safe because of Ciara’s unearthly ability to control her enemies’ minds and actions. But lately, a mysterious crow has been appearing to Ciara, whispering warnings of an even darker threat. Although her clansmen dismiss her visions as pagan nonsense, Ciara fears this coming evil will destroy not just Éirinn, but the entire world. Then the crow leads Ciara to Leif, a young Northman leader. Leif should be Ciara’s enemy, but when Ciara discovers that he, too, shares her prophetic visions, she knows he’s something more. Leif is mounting an impressive army, and with Ciara’s strength in battle the two might have a chance to save their world. With evil rising around them, they’ll do what it takes to defend the land they love…even if it means making the greatest sacrifice of all. Published April 10th 2018 by HarperTeen
Sometimes I just really crave romances that are fraught with tension and obstacles and SO MUCH HEADBUTTING.
A teen werewolf finally meets her destined soulmate only to discover that he's not quite what she expected in this steamy debut romance. She's met her mate . . . and he's met his match. Megan Ross has been waiting her whole life for her mate to come and sweep her off her feet. But the wolf she meets on the beach is NOT the sweet gentle boy she's been dreaming of. Instead, he's a warrior, one whose suffering has led him to lock his heart away in a prison as cold and hard as a diamond, who fights to resist the bond and their deep sexual attraction. Far from home, with a soulmate who is still a stranger, Megan learns that the path to true love isn't quite as straight and easy as she thought . . . Published April 10th 2018 by Swoon Reads
Spare, windswept, western -- these words didn't make it into my buzzwords list. But they should have.
Ten years ago, a horrifying disease began spreading across the West Texas desert. Infected people—shakes—attacked the living and created havoc and destruction. No one has ever survived the infection. Daisy Wilcox, known as Willie, has been protecting her siblings within the relatively safe walls of Glory, Texas. When Willie’s good-for-nothing father steals a fortune from one of the most dangerous shake-hunters in town, she finds herself on the hook for his debt. With two hunters, including the gruff and handsome Ben, to accompany her, she sets out across the desert in search of her father. But the desert is not kind to travelers, and not everyone will pass through alive. Western meets horror for this riveting story about survival, family, and inner strength. Tense, short chapters propel readers from one action-packed scene to the next, while Willie’s distinctive, introspective voice deepens the emotional stakes with every turn of the page. High concept and character-driven, Emma Berquist’s debut will satisfy fans of The Magnificent Seven, Rae Carson’s Walk on Earth a Stranger, and HBO’s Westworld. Published April 10th 2018 by Greenwillow
Psst! You can enter to win this!
Fourteen-year-old Avery Armisted is athletic, rich, and pretty. Sixteen-year-old Kayla Butts is known as “butt-girl” at school. The two girls were friends as little kids, but that’s ancient history now. So it’s a huge surprise when Avery’s father offers to bring Kayla along on a summer trip to Spain. Avery is horrified that her father thinks he can choose her friends—and make her miss soccer camp. Kayla struggles just to imagine leaving the confines of her small town. But in Spain, the two uncover a secret their families had hidden from both of them their entire lives. Maybe the girls can put aside their differences and work through it together. Or maybe the lies and betrayal will only push them—and their families—farther apart. Published April 10th 2018 by Simon Schuster Books for Young Readers
I am just so. damn. fascinated. by everything about this.
How do you live after death? Julie Nolan is a pretty average girl with pretty average problems. She’s been in love with her best friend, Lorelei, ever since they met in grade three. Only Lorelei doesn’t know about it — she’s too busy trying to set Julie up with Henry, her ex, who Julie finds, in a word, vapid. But life gets more complicated when Julie comes home to find her mother insisting that her heart is gone. Pretty soon it becomes clear: Julie’s mom believes that she has died. How is Julie supposed to navigate her first year of high school now, while she’s making midnight trips to the graveyard to cover her mother with dirt, lay flowers and make up eulogies? And why is Henry the only person Julie feels comfortable turning to? If she wants to get through this, Julie’s going to have to find the strength she never knew she had, and to learn how to listen to both her mom’s heart and her own. Published April 10th 2018 by HarperCollins
Again, love the cover, only in AUS. =/
Kit Learmonth would rather die than grow up and leave Neverland … When she was twelve, Kit Learmonth watched her parents drown in a storm as their boat sailed over the Tranter Sink Hole. Now seventeen, Kit doesn’t remember the incident, and she doesn’t want to. In fact, her only clear memories from before her parents’ death are of the fantastical stories of pirates and mermaids that she and her dad invented about the small island where she grew up, a place she calls Neverland. Following Kit’s parents’ deaths, her uncle and guardian, Doc, transformed the island into a boarding school for mentally ill teenagers and sent Kit away to school on the mainland. But when Kit tries and fails to end her life, Doc brings her home to the island and places her in the care of his colleague, Dr Hannah Ward. Resisting her treatment, Kit instead pulls her friends deeper into her world of make-believe. It’s only when Kit and her new boyfriend, Rohan, take the fantasy too far and land themselves in very real danger that her faith in Neverland is shaken, and Kit must find a way back to reality. Published April 1st 2018 by Penguin Random House Australia
Am I the only one getting serious dark fairy tale retelling vibes from this?
Theodosia was six when her country was invaded and her mother, the Queen of Flame and Fury, was murdered before her eyes. Ten years later, Theo has learned to survive under the relentless abuse of the Kaiser and his court as the ridiculed “Ash Princess.” Pretending to be empty-headed and naive when she's not enduring brutal whippings, she pushes down all other thoughts but one: Keep the Kaiser happy and he will keep you safe. When the Kaiser forces her to execute her last hope of rescue, Theo can't keep her feelings and memories pushed down any longer. She vows revenge, throwing herself into a plot to seduce and murder the Kaiser's warrior son with the help of a group of magically gifted and volatile rebels. But Theo doesn't expect to develop feelings for the Prinz. Or for her rebel allies to challenge her friendship with the one person who's been kind to her throughout the last hopeless decade: her heart's sister, Cress. Cornered into impossible choices and unable to trust even those who are on her side, Theo will have to decide how far she's willing to go to save her people and how much of herself she's willing to sacrifice to become queen. Expected publication: April 24th 2018 by Delacorte Books for Young Readers
Did I miss anything amazing? Or is there a book coming up in the next few months that you're dying for?  Let me know in the comments! via The Book Rat
0 notes
archonreviews · 7 years
The Archon’s Review of Fallout 2
Fallout 2 is the second game in Bethesda’s long-running Fallout series, which isn’t quite as long running as The Elder Scrolls; but its still got a decent record. The plot is about the player becoming “The Chosen One” of their village of Arroyo, in what was once Oregon. The Chosen One is tasked with finding a G.E.C.K, or Garden of Eden Creation Kit, so as to restore life and Whole Foods to the land. The Chosen One must travel throughout the Wasteland, which is what the USA became after the nukes dropped. Oh yeah, the world at large was destroyed in a massive nuclear holocaust. Basically, think techno-punk Mad Max, and you’ll have something close to the Fallout series as a whole.
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An admission before I go on with the review: I took no screenshots of the game. As it turns out, Fallout 2 doesn’t like the Steam overlay, which means I can’t take screenshots easily. I am not going to use the print screen button, paste the screen into paint, and use the result as a screen shot. So to those of you who prefer a review with lots of fun screenies, I dearly apologize.
Now, when I first booted up the game, I was suddenly drawn from my passive, watching state into a heightened sense of awareness and immediate nostalgia. Among the series of idents flashed the logo of Black Isle. Black Isle was one of the premier RPG crafters of their day; they were responsible for the likes of Baldur’s Gate (the PC CRPG, not the PS2 hack n’ slash), and Neverwinter Nights (the PC CRPG, not the weird AOL thing). These were a couple of the best CRPG’s at the time, and seeing their logo here hyped me up like nothing else. Unfortunately, I may have raised my expectations just a smidgen too high.
When I first began the adventures of Splendor, the Chosen One of Arroyo, I was confused, and tried to punch to death the various giant insects that assailed me in the game’s opening areas. I was killed in fairly short order, and that’s when I realized, there’s no autosave. This event taught me two things about this game: first, there is no tutorial and I must scream, and second, the game has no autosave and I must scream.
At this point, I looked at the pre-made characters for inspiration for my own character, and came away with an intelligence-based character. Thus began the adventures of Gregarian, Second Chosen One of Arroyo. At this point, I figured out how to equip things and fight properly. With this knowledge and with consistent saving, I managed to advance a bit further into the game. At this point, however, I learned another lesson: Unless you build your character correctly, you will get mauled by early-game combat-centric challenges. This is unfortunate, considering Gregarian was a scrawny sod. Very bookish. Belonged in your local library, not in Mad Max land.
Eventually, the lack of autosave got to me too much, so I restarted with a new character. Thus began the adventures of Honorius, Third Chosen One of Arroyo, a hulking brute of a man who doesn’t care for his fellow humans. Hilariously for him, doing sidequests nets you good karma regardless of your moral alignment, unless you do them in an evil way. But there aren’t many quests you CAN do in an evil way. And once I had a bunch of karma kicking around, “evil” quest givers wouldn’t even give me the time of day. So the karma system’s a bit wack. But Honorius taught me one more lesson before I gave up and went to play Shadowrun Returns instead: All the armor and Body stat in the world won’t help when a raider riddles you with a submachine gun and you’ve only got a crowbar and your AI companion is too busy shooting the local fauna to help.
As for the plot, it kinda gets dogpiled by ancillary bullshit pretty quickly in. I knew I was supposed to find a certain trader, but I spent most of my time doing sidequests for assholes. Once I finally found the guy, he said we should go to the next city, which by my estimation was somewhere in China; jeez was it far. That was about when Machinegun MacKillsyoufuck popped in and the trader decided to take up a vow of vengeance against all of wolf-kind. I would never see how the quest for G.E.C.K. ended, and frankly, I think I’m okay with that.
A couple more comments: the landscape is really dull. Sure, the interior design of many locations was neat, but I almost never saw that for more than a few minutes before it was back out into the open waste. And this isn’t a “Well of course it’s boring, that’s what Fallout is supposed to be; a wasteland!” I’ve played other games by Black Isle, and I know that future Fallout games can be very aesthetically interesting, with sprawling cities and swamplands and fortresses and the like! So the aesthetics are, somewhat ironically, a wash.
Also, the music is weird and boring. It’s either this weird foreboding track that plays in the main menu, or it’s nothing memorable. I wish I could say more about it, but I can’t recall it. Call me a failing art student, because I’m literally drawing a blank here.
Combat is entertaining while it lasts, but not a whole lot to write home about. The illustrious V.A.T.S. aiming system is available, but combat is actually turn based, and using the V.A.T.S. costs more action points than using a regular attack, so in many cases, it’s more effective to ditch the system all together and just hit as often as possible. I’ll admit, the combat is visceral and fun at times. Watching my fallen enemy’s blood pool around them after I’d just crowbarred them to death was oddly satisfying. Or maybe I’m just psychotic; who knows?
To be fair, I’ll outline some fun points to FO2. Character creation was fun. It was complex enough to require choices and real thought, but not so involved or complicated as to overwhelm. The premise is down-to-earth, but urgent enough that you do feel like there’s something you should be doing, despite the billions of sidequests that hamper you like a swarm of bot-flies would hamper a swamp explorer. I like how you earn experience points for using your non-combat skills. Although, I only ever earned XP from the First Aid and Doctor skills, and despite Gregarian’s absurdly high Science skill, he was never able to learn much with it. Huh. These mostly turned out to be rather backhanded as far as compliments go.
All in all, I don’t think I can recommend Fallout 2. It’s an interesting piece of gaming history, and while Black Isle’s influence is clear, I get the feeling that perhaps Bethesda interfered somehow with the development, and thus, we got a sub-par game by Black Isle’s standards. The plot feels meandering, the environments are uninteresting, and it has that scourge of old RPG’s: the opening challenges are too difficult for players who don’t stack their characters just so. Will I keep playing? Nah. Naht aht ahll. Now, I’ve decided that the phrase “intentions” isn’t really working here, I suppose “warnings” may be more apropos. As for “warnings” in FO2, there is slavery in the Wasteland, and there’s a group of slavers you can join. However, they are clearly presented as outright moral degenerates, and should you join them, the game locks you out of a lot of quests, and your karma takes a substantial hit. I felt I should talk about them anyway, seeing as how slavery is utterly abhorrent and all that. You fight plenty of slavers out in the wild. In fact, I’m pretty sure that’s how Honorius met his end. Essentially, if there’s a social ill depicted in this game, it’s described as being abhorrent, as it would be in real life.
Now. All that aside. Why am I not recommending this game? I mean, yeah, there are plenty of problems with it. But I would have been much more charitable if it weren’t for one thing. One, very simple thing. One thing that I’m so, so glad we have now. That is, autosave. The fact that this game lacks it is ultimately the most damning thing about it. I got fed up with it, not because I died, but because I couldn’t reload a save from a few minutes ago, and instead, would have had to load a save from an hour or more ago. Forgive me for saying this, but I’ve gotten used to having the game save for me every so often. It was a good development in video games. Am I entitled for saying so? I’m not sure. But that doesn’t matter, because without autosave, the game is crippled as an interactive experience, as it takes far longer to get back into the action than in games with autosave. So, let this be a lesson to game devs out there; leaving out a single, simple feature can absolutely tank a game’s fun-ness levels.
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How I (hopefully) ran the Marathon. Part iii
Right, the third instalment…
I know The Empire Strikes back gets widely lauded as the best, but Return of the Jedi has always been my favourite so let’s hope this is the same.
Well,  f#*k me, what a nightmare. I’ve never been a big believer in fate, or luck (you make your own right) and I’ve never been superstitious but I’m beginning to think this whole thing is jinxed…
The whole superstition/fate thing is a load of bollocks in my book, how can three lines that Mystic Meg writes in the paper fit for a 12th of the population or to put it into numbers, about 5 million people within the UK. Although I have to admit it is ironic that my Gran was a Cancer given the way she died, she was mauled to death by a giant crab. As I’ve said above though, I can’t help but think this whole thing is doomed to fail.
So, an update on how the running has been going since the last entry…… I haven’t done any. Nadda. None. Nil. Nope. Not a single run at all. Not the ideal preparation and not quite the stage that I wanted to be at. I guess I should explain why.
I finished work for Christmas and was looking forward to some family time, not to harp on about it but it’s not been the easiest few months as anyone who’s read the other entries will know and we thought, “yep, that’ll be good, let’s do some fun stuff”. I managed the Panto on the Friday afternoon which was ace but started to feel a bit rough on Christmas Eve so went off to bed with a couple of Paracetamol thinking I’d be fine when I woke up in the morning. What actually happened was that I woke at 3am so cold my teeth were chattering but I was dripping with sweat at the same time, a full on fever. All of Christmas Day I felt awful, like proper awful. I managed to get downstairs for the kids to open their presents but it was game over after that. I did make it to my sister’s house where I slept on the sofa for an hour and a half before heading home to bed, 24 Pigs in Blankets especially bought in for me untouched. I believe they’re still there..
I laid in bed for the next three days pretty much unable to move just assuming I had flu. Blokes are supposed to get it really bad right? So I figured this must be what they talk about when they say ‘man flu’. I’m really not one to cry wolf with illness or make a fuss so I just sucked it up. Tash moved my lamp into the spare room for me and I lay there for a few days. After a consultation with a student with a ring binder on the 111 service on the fourth day who told me they thought I was fine and just to rest I gave up and went to the doctor. The doc spent two minutes having a look and sent me to the hospital having diagnosed Pneumonia saying I needed IV antibiotics and fluids. This contrasted quite significantly with the diagnosis from my dad when he was driving me to the aforementioned appointment who told me I needed to “get up and about” and “show some mental resolve”. Then as I stumbled/limped/fell into the waiting room, literally feeling on the verge of death he commented “see, you look better already for the fresh air” You can take the man out of Yorkshire….
So without going into too many details, I spent 5 days in the hospital on various drips for fluids and antibiotics and oxygen masks etc trying to recover from the Pneumonia. I don’t know if anyone reading this has had it but I can see how it finishes off the elderly as its bloody horrible and I felt awful. Truly awful. I got sent home on New Years Day (oh yes, my New Years Eve was a belter, particularly when the dickhead in the next bed started making calls to people very audibly at 1am to say hello and the bloke opposite decided to pull out his own catheter and then started screaming “my willy’s bleeding”. He was a lovely old bloke opposite though, very caring, he even got up and tried to help the bloke next to him have a drink. Of course the poor bloke next to couldn’t sit up and would have drowned if the nurses hadn’t stopped him but it was a lovely gesture. You could write a great sitcom about life in an NHS hospital. In fact I should have done to stave off the boredom. Loads of the patients I saw are such ar*eholes. The bloke next to me on my first visit was shouting “lady, lady” all the time at the nurses and all he wanted was for them to plug in his mobile phone. Who needs to plug in a phone at 3am?! Then of course the nurses get distracted as they have 700 things to do and people calling them and go off. After the second time he stopped me getting pain relief by distracting the nurse to get his phone plugged in I had to politely point out that if he interrupted for something so menial again he’d never have to worry about charging his phone again after I’d shoved it where…… I know I know, I’m punchy but it’s been a tough 5 weeks….
To put it into context for those who think I’ve been soft, you get an infection marker in your blood (CRP it’s called, look at me, I’ve got all the medical terms now) and it should be between 0-5 usually. When I was admitted to hospital mine was 450 something.  After 6 days at home where I felt a bit better, but not good I went back to the doctor who said I should be better by now given the drugs and time and so he did another blood test and my CRP was still 170 odd so he sent me back to the hospital where I spent another 4 days. Fortunately not on the acute medical ward this time (well, I was for the first 24 hours and then I got moved) so to be honest the second stint on an different ward felt like I’d been moved to The Hilton. I had a chair, a bedside table and a window…! It turns out the fluid on my lung from the pneumonia hadn’t drained away and had become infected and caused my lung to partially collapse. Oh yes, I’ve been having all the fun….
I was told I’d need either a chest drain to get rid of the fluid or be moved to Southampton hospital for surgery, fortunately for me I only needed the former and after that, coming home and another couple of weeks R&R I’m starting to feel human again………..but I haven’t been for a run yet.
You also start filling the days with meaningless and pointless things in hospital as well. Like going to the toilet far more frequently than you need to because you get to walk there and it’s something to do. Then you spend a good 5 minutes determining if your stools are a type 3 or 4 according to the chart on the back of the door and should you be worried or not (surely they should just stick a newspaper in there). It really is/was that bad. Not to be cliché either but the food really is almost inedible. I know they cater for large numbers, and on a budget, but still, how people ever get better eating that is a mystery. Its worth publicly commenting Berni Hampton that the Spaghetti Bolognese you made me on my second stint in hospital saved my life. It was easily the best Spag Bol I’ve ever had and sitting there chatting to Grant while I polished it off was the best I’d been in 3 weeks, a real turning point.
Tash should get a shout out here as well. I’ve cited in previous entries about her ability to cope and get on with it but bugger me she really is awesome. As well as everything she has going on, and spending Christmas solo with the kids (family obviously but in terms of looking after the little one’s) she managed to do a month’s worth of early wake ups, breakfast shift, get them dressed, bath time routines, bedtime routines all on her own and still cope with work, general life and fit in coming to see me every day, bring me Smarties, deal with my moods about the whole thing and cheer me up/tell me to man up where appropriate. I’ve promised I’ll make it up to her. I won’t put my trainers on until I get out of the house now.
So far this has all been pretty depressing hasn’t it, it’s like an entry in Adrian Mole’s diary “today I measured my pecker, still fuc*ing small”…
So the marathon………and running and where I’m up to with that. Well,…… I’m still convinced I can do it. Various members of my family, friends and most importantly my wife have told me that there’s no chance and I’m an idiot for even considering it. I’ve spoken to Rebecca at Anthony Nolan and they’ve been brilliant and told me I can defer and do it next year for them if I want to and just continue my current fundraising but with no pressure to do two lots (ie. For two years entries). I guess I won’t be the first person to ever pull out should I have to. I should note at this stage that I definitely will do it, even if I have to defer and do it in 2018. People have been amazing with their kindness and generosity for the charity and that’s not been missed and this isn’t a ‘get out of jail card’ for me, I will do it and I will make sure I put myself through it for those donations. Every penny is vital and I want to make sure I’ve earned it. Especially when you look at some of the incredible donations like that anonymous one for £1,000. Ha ha, anonymous, yeah right, we ALL know who that was (love you mate, can’t wait to get back in our favourite restaurant). That one also specified I had to do it in 3 and a half hours or pay it back and that target time might be beyond me this year now I’m 6 weeks behind schedule and my lungs are still like that scene in the The Matrix when Neo is reborn and comes out gasping for air.
So I’ve decided I’m going to let the professionals make the decision. I have a follow up with a respiratory consultant on Monday and they’re going to X-ray my lungs and see how I’m doing. I’ll ask them outright if I can run and if they say no, it’ll be put back to 2018. Definitely not the outcome I want, possibly for the best but I’ll be desperately disappointed if that’s what they say. Having been so ill however, I don’t want to go through that again and if they tell me my body can’t cope in three months time then I won’t risk it. Hopefully they’ll tell me I’m good to go and I can pick up the training. Otherwise I’ve got a hotel room going spare on the 22nd. There’s no point using it on Marathon Day otherwise, it’s packed and you can’t get anywhere…
In a bit of good news, all of those emails and looking for contact details finally paid off. The bloody nice people at the Manchester United Foundation sent me a signed football that turned up in the post the other day. All I have to do is send them details of what I do with it/how much I raise and they’ll forward me on a certificate of authenticity with it as well. What a nice bunch and a terrific gesture from the League Cup Runners Up 2017. Looking at it, I think if I auction it I’ll raise less than if I raffle if as I’m reliant on one person paying lots at an auction so I’m going to advertise it as far and wide as I can at £1 a raffle ticket. I’m film it all and make it all visible so if you’re interested in a ticket, two or more let me know and I’ll work out the best way to collect the money etc. It goes without saying that 100% of the money taken will go to the charity. There’s no fees, costs anywhere, they gave me the ball for nothing so it’s all going to Anthony Nolan.
Running wise I’m going to give it a go at the weekend with a slow/short run just to test the water. I gave 9 holes a whirl this week and that felt OK (other than the fact my putting was dreadful but that’s to be expected after 5 weeks). I had a little bit of pain in my back where the drain was the next day but it’s cleared up pretty quickly. I guess we’ll just have to see if I make it back from my run on Saturday morning. Hopefully I’ll feel fine, trample mud all through the house and we’ll be back to normal.
And that’s where I’m up to. I’m sorry it wasn’t very funny, or cheery, or positive but it’s reflective of the past 5 weeks for me. I’ll keep you posted with a short entry early next week on the verdict (if anyone is even reading this..) In the meantime, if you want to sympathy sponsor me the link is still in the first entry on this blog page. I try to keep a positive outlook if I can and I always like to look for a silver lining, I lost loads of weight over Christmas (almost two stone in that first week of illness), I didn’t spend any money and if you notice, I haven’t moaned once about the pain in my legs………
Chris x
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