#i used the mexican plants from rdr1 :)
pantsferdinand · 4 months
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this was supposed to be just a little doodle studying a screenshot but now we're here...javi javi javi <33333333333
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saintbarou · 7 months
(tw for themes of SA/CA, pregnancy, spoilers for rdr2/rdr1)
@sukunasstarlight @yinyuedijun -> u where in my replies so i hope its okay to tag u here
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my self insert comes from the recently established state of california and was taken in by a family that established itself off the californian gold rush and later through cattle + sheep farming to work as a maid/nanny. she is mexican as her family lived in “california” when it used to be a part of mexico and stayed when it was purchased by the united states.
her father died in an accident in the stables he worked at and then her mother died by wasting away after entering a huge depression when her husband died. somewhere in this time her older brother went missing. she was sent to a loosely established and assembled orphanage when this formerly mentioned rich family took her and made her a maid to work for them and to play nanny to the rich family’s daughter.
this life was very hard as this was a white family essentially uprooting a 12 grieving mexican girl and putting her in this position where the man of the house creeped on her (watched her bathe/watched her dress/etc) and as did other members of the staff (this undeveloped) and the lady of the manor did what she could to defend my self insert but it even that becomes incredibly toxic and twisted.
these years are very complicated but this is where my self insert learns many skills as she tries her best to stay out of the house where the abuse happens the most - she learns how to make hunting traps and forage (This Is A Mouseka Tool That Will Help Us Later.) she also has a childhood best friend named romeo who later on develops feelings for her and also becomes a painter of admired skill.
it’s important that i tell you that this self insert is a very kind and timid young lady - learning to keep herself hidden from other’s eyes BUT she is also incredibly vindictive (This Is Another Mouseka Tool That Will Help Us Later) and she has a sense of morality that is a little skewed, “take from me i take from you” is the name of her game so when she meets fang’s self insert they quickly plot to rob the family she serves BLIND.
remember how she learned how to forage? basically she excels at plant based knowledge and due to the library she has access to due to being a maid she would read and memorize a lot of poisonous plants/spores and begins to concoct numerous poisons. it is her main way of fighting (she coats her knifes with it, she laces people’s food/cosmetics/drinks with it) my self insert does not fight fair and fights only to win.
both her and fang’s self insert slowly but surely begin to rob the family of money, antiques and even gold bit by bit until the family heads to blackwater in 1899 (my self insert is 21 by this point) around the time the vander lin gang is there (coincidence?….I THINK NOT)
the reason why this family went from being in california to being in blackwater is because of how the daughter my self insert played nanny for is getting engaged to a rich family in the state of connecticut (where the man of the rich family is originally from) AND this is where my self insert and fang’s plan to steal the last bit of money the family has which is the daughter’s dowry.
this is pulled of successfully though due to fang’s own criminal shenanigans the do get SOME of the pinkerton’s attention which sets us off to go into the mountains inadvertently following the trail of the vander lin gang and coming into an alliance with them.
somewhere along the time she is spends working for this family she gets her horse -> a kiger mustang named artorius
javierlamb is essentially love at first for both of them and they both fit into what it is they have been missing for the longest time. for javier it’s finding a sense of belonging in the world and for my self insert is finding a sense of safety in the world that for the most part has robbed her of identity and agency. their relationship is mostly smooth until chapter 6 where there are
TWO ENDINGS as by chapter 6 my self insert is pregnant and by the epilogue has a son. javier can either return to her side and they become a family -> this is the good ending.
OR javier abandons her completely following the collapse of the gang in chapter six and flees to mexico to follow the events of rdr1 -> this is the bad ending.
as pure as the driven snow -> off the a balland of songbirds and snakes soundtrack
and i loved her -> by kurt cobain
abrázame muy furete -> juan gabriel
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neon-junkie · 4 years
THANK YOU <3  when I managed to glitch into the rdr2 Mexico map the other week, I went up onto that big cliff north of Diez Corona and just gormed at my TV cause the view up there is so pretty ;-; so here’s a lil RDR1 Willscuella fic based off that sight I saw the other week
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"Nue.. new... neuo..." Bill continues to grumble, attempting to pronounce a non-English word. Javier knows by now that Bill's never going to get it, even if he broke the word down and took his time with it, but Bill continues to 'attempt' his pronunciation. "Bill... come on," Javier sighs, slowing his mount down slightly so Bill can catch up to him. They'd been riding inline whilst passing north of Diez Corona, traveling down the somewhat busy roads as they headed further south, trying to get as far from New Austin (and John) as they can. Javier had paddled across the river, sneaking into the state to pick Bill up and save his ass, and the two had only just returned. Bill was adamant about paddling the canoe on the way back, saying it's the least he could do since Javier had agreed to bail him out, so Javier relaxed and enjoyed the sight of Bill struggling to paddle them to the other side. Bill's still got his eyes forward, his brain ticking away as he continues trying to figure out how to pronounce the name of the state they're in. Javier had told him off for just calling it Mexico, and said that if he was going to stay here a while, then the least he could do was learn a little bit of the language. "Let's try it again, huh? Say it with me, Bill. Nue-vo Par-ai-so," Javier says slowly. "New... Neuo... Shit!" Bill grumbles again, exhaling heavily. Javier sighs, rolling his eyes dramatically as he steers off the road, finding his own trail amongst the dirt. "Aye, I give up with you, Bill," Javier tuts, peering over at Bill. He knows that Bill's probably never going to get it; he's known Bill for well over a decade, a very long decade, and even after things had gone south and they'd split off, Javier still ended up helping the larger man out when he needed it. "I don't blame you. I would, if I were you," Bill agrees, staring at the dirt rather than where they were heading, letting his mount lead the way. 
"We'll hitch the horses here. I want some lunch," Javier says as he comes to a halt, hitching his horse on what's left of a tree and taking some food from his saddlebags. Bill does the same, almost standing on another cactus in the process. That's not the first time he's gotten close to hurting himself, though he's managed a few times since they'd arrived. Bill pulls some food from his own saddlebags then peers his head around, realizing that Javier has wandered from his sight. He notices Javiers pointy sombrero and follows it, realizing that Javier had continued forward a few paces, heading down onto a small ledge. Bill takes a seat next to Javier, using the small ledge as shade as they lean back against it. He finally lifts his head up to notice where they were and the sight below them. They'd been traveling along a cliff, overlooking the vast Mexican landscape. There's an array of buttes below, surrounded by the dry desert and an odd sprinkle of plants. The heat can be seen radiating from the earth, small waves rising from the sand, making Bill rub his eyes just to ensure he's seeing things correctly. Javier notices the way Bill's looking at the landscape. He thought Bill had seen it all before with the dryness of New Austin, but Bill had never seen a butte before, nor how the earth was a vibrant gold shade rather than the dirty sand shade of New Austin. "You like what you see?" Javier asks, his mouth half-full with his food. His manners had gone out the window a long time ago, though Bill never bothered much with his. "Yeah, s'pretty," Bill tells him, finally dipping his head down to open the packaging to his food. "It's different to what I'm used to, I ain't seen stuff like that before," Bill comments as he points to the buttes, the large rock formations dotted about the landscape. "Yeah, Mexico's a beautiful country. I've told you that many times before, but now you get to see it for yourself," Javier says with a soft laugh, his mind flashing back to all those years ago where Javier would tell stories about his homeland around the campfire, enjoying the way his former gang members faces lit up as he described the landscape. "Finally," Bill nods, his gaze fixated on his food, but Javier snaps his head across to give Bill a confused look. "Finally?" Javier repeats. "Well, yeah. You has always said how pretty it is, 'n' now I get to see it for myself," Bill says with a shrug. "I never thought you cared for those stories? You never really said anything when I told them." "I didn't really know what to say, plus the others would always jump in with their questions 'n' stuff," Bill shrugs again. Javier pauses for a moment, going over all those events in his head. Bill seems unphased, focused on eating, whilst Javiers mouth remains empty as he thinks about his flashback. Javier eventually decides to remain silent, unsure of what to say, unsure if he should ask the many things that have been on his mind since they went their separate ways. Javier finally picks up once he's finished his meal, leaning back against the rock, his eyes gazing out at his mother country. "Bill?" he asks. "Mhm?" Bill replies, finishing off his food. "Did you ever think you'd end up here? As in, did you ever think you'd visit Mexico?" Javier questions. "Not really..." Bill answers. He opens his mouth again but quickly shuts it, his facial expression becoming focused as he runs through a few other answers in his head. "I thought... well, maybe..." Bill trails off, unsure of the right words. "You mean, you thought you would, but not like this?" Javier asks. "Yeah, not on these terms. Not on Marstons terms," Bill agrees, his brows furrowing slightly at the thought of John. "Yeah, I understand..." Javier sighs. He pauses for a moment, coming to terms with what he knows is going to happen. "You know, John isn't going to stop until he's got us." "Not unless we get him first," Bill says with a confident laugh. "You might be able to do that, but I can't..." Bill looks over at Javier, questioning why he won't stand up for himself. "Why?" he asks. "He's family, you know," Javier shrugs. "He ain't much family if he's tryna kill you." "I guess you're right." Javier and Bill remain in silence, enjoying the shade whilst it lasts, gazing out at the landscape and watching the clouds pass by. They both want to talk about the elephant in the room, about the way they split up all those years ago. Bill's eager to question why Javier even decided to help him in the first place, and Javier wants to ask why Bill contacted him, though he already knows it's because Bill has nobody left. Though Javier doesn't know that Bill's attempted to contact him before, he's written letter after letter but ended up scrunching up the paper and tossing it into the fire, never able to find the right things to say. "You wanna get going?" Javier finally speaks up, breaking the silence. "Sure," Bill nods in agreement. Javier's about to get up but Bill speaks again. "Can we... like... we know we is gonna die here. So, could we just.. you know..." Bill asks with a shrug. He keeps his gaze away from Javiers, not wanting Javier to see his flustered and unconfident face, nor wanting to see how Javier will react. Maybe Javier will push him off this cliff for asking such a thing, but Javier surprises him instead. "I know what you're asking," Javier tells him, his eyes wide. He doesn't bother hiding the smile on his face, nor the soft laugh he lets out. "Yeah, we can, Bill," Javier agrees. They both know their ends are near, but if they can enjoy their final moments together, then at least they'll die happy. They look at each other, a pair of old, tired men, gazing into each other's eyes like a bunch of lovestruck children. Javier removes him sombrero, setting it on his lap as he shuffles a little closer to Bill. He knows by now that Bill never removes his hat, he's always been so self-conscious of his balding. A pair of slightly chapped lips meet Javiers, and the two almost freeze up in the moment. It's been so many years since they'd last seen each other, even more since they'd kissed. Though they fall into sync, remembering just how they both like it; the right angles, the specific tilt so their noses don't bump, the soft biting to Bill's bottom lip that always drives him crazy. Bill reaches up to run his fingers into Javier's hair, short jagged locks that he's definitely cut himself. He remembers the way Javier would swat his hand away whenever he used to try that, not wanting to mess up his ponytail. The two stay connected for some time, attempting to catch up on some of the years they've missed, though they've got a long way to go to make up for it. Javier eventually breaks the kiss, knowing Bill could sit here for hours with his lips locked with the younger man. "Come on, old man," Javier says with a laugh. "Old man? You can't talk," Bill replies, his voice grumbly as always. "I haven't got any grey hairs yet, unlike you," Javier teases, stroking his thumb over the grey patch to Bill's moustache. Bill lets out a frustrated whimper but lets Javier have the last laugh, knowing he's in the right. Javier puts his sombrero back on and stands up, leading the way as they head back to the horses. The pair mount up, Javier leading the way as they continue on their travels. Their eyes catch each others every so often; Javier always smirks, making Bill's cheeks flush red, just like how they used to flirt across camp all those years ago. Javier can't help but smile every time he overhears Bill still trying to pronounce Nuevo Paraiso under his breath. He'll get it eventually.
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