#i wanna be like new fandom who dis but im pretty sure we all saw this coming
silver-wield · 1 year
I wanna laugh at the cleriths on twitter who ask for tifa to tell the truth so cloud wouldn't get to a mental breakdown THEN they will accept her??? How is it so difficult for them to get that its an important part for him to get to that vegetable stage for the narrative???? If nojima really wanted to, he wouldn't even put him in that state if he so pitied cloud.
My brain cells, I just wanna hug Tifa, these people don't get empathy and EQ....also IQ considering she can't say it all because she didn't even know he was there!!!!! What good would that do??? Plus if they think it's dead future aerith in the resolution? Shouldn't they be more angry at her since she said little to no information to actually help him and said just vague shit??? She could have helped him more than tifa at that point because she knows more right but didn't??? Oh good lord and they think they know the devs better??? Yet they stilll consider tifa a bully even after ToTP???? Sorry for the rant, pretty new to the fandom (after 1 year catching up at most) but were they always this stupid and crazy???? Rejoicing on KH, a single forced date, relying mostly only on devs interviews instead of game content, optional dress, etc???? There's so much out of content it's like asking for bread crumbs when he couldn't even visit her church even as a friend when it's so close to the HW area, both vers low and high he chose tifa and cleriths here thinking its true love??? jesus christ. In low, he stayed despite probably feeling he doesn't deserve the happiness because he failed to prioritize her (like in AC, so he was cold and self-absorbed), in high, he slept with her period. I just want to see they're mental breakdown once she dies and tifa and cloud get a kissing scene on rendered cgi, one they couldn't edit (hopefully).
Btw saw an idiot who say " that people are more concerned with who cloud kisses instead of the new graphics etc" law and behold its a fucking clerith. Why are they acting all high and mighty??? When they're the first one to be so abnormaly obsessed with the "kiss part" of their statement if they get a content even so desperately little??? Did they forget they're shitty take on hollow???? Lol now they're saying we shouldn't be so sure with the trailer but they're so sure about hollow??? Wtf? Do they think that's making them look smart??? Why do they mostly all act this way????
Also, before they think they get the devs, they better ask if they actually get the characters and especially the one they think they're a fan of. I'm neutral on aerith but it's sad that there are a lot of people who don't really get the real workings of her heart. It's even more sad that due to their shipping glasses they fail to get one of the most important theme/moment in the game, her death!!!! Smfh they really think she's gonna live?? Sephiroth, devs nor cloti aren't their biggest enemy on that but new players who don't care to play OG or part 1!!! FF7 has a brand and they're gonna keep it.
Thank you for listening to my rant, hope you have a good day. Im really sorry about this burst of rant but I just hate it since it ruins what the game wants to really say. It actually has a good message if only they're capable of actually seeing that. I personally don't ship cloti , im neutral but I consider them because you don't question how Elizabeth and Mr. Darcy are in love right?? It's right there in the fcking story on it's own unless your eyes were closed the whole time.
So I shared this same clip on twitter the other day. You can literally hear Tifa say "as far as I know" meaning she isn't sure.
Nojima is slapping lying Tifa haters with every bit of this game and companion works and they're still desperately trying to claim they're in the right.
It's funny af watching them meltdown rn over Sephiroth saying Tifa's name in the trailer. They've claimed he don't know her. They're dumb. They've claimed the devs are doing a fake out by having Sephiroth talk about Tifa but "they really mean Aerith". They're deluded af and they know time's up and the hoad is waiting to humiliate them 🤣
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cloversdreams · 2 years
Fandom: NU: carnival Relationships: Eiden/Quincy  Summary:
Topper squeaked three times in quick succession then jumped in place.
“Oh! I know this one!” Eiden exclaimed. He motioned towards the little beastie and looked over at Quincy as he added, “It’s his hungry squeak!”
“They’re all his hungry squeaks…” Quincy sighed. He reached into his pocket and retrieved a small piece of dried meat then gave it to Topper. Eiden practically cooed at the little guy while he muttered something about just how cute he was when he ate. Quincy supposed that was true enough.
He silently observed the pair as they interacted. Eiden was all smiles as Topper squeaked in his right ear then scurried over to his other shoulder and did so again in the other. He seemed genuinely joyful as he set down his notepad so he could try and catch the little beastie. Well, pretend to, anyway. It was clear he had no actual intention of grabbing the little guy and was just having fun letting Topper enjoy himself.
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Red Stud (Part 1/3)
Title: Red Stud
Author:  Kat
Reader Gender:  N/A
Word Count: 8700
Summary: A look at how Jensen met Misha and began their journey. Partner to Submissive but can be read by itself. 
Warnings: AU, Sub!Jensen, Dom!Misha, Humiliation!Kink, 
A/N:  Seriously, not for the faint of heart. No hate. Inspiration belongs to @impala-dreamer
Thank you to @deansbxtch for being my beta
Character: Jensen Ackles x Misha Collins
@dr-dean @drarina1737 @zombitch-cas @teamfreewill92 @winecatsandpizza @bees0are0awesome @sierra-grace1227 @chenshemesh1 @weepinghollywoodatsupernatural @im-in-every-fandom-fangirl @rosescarlett @pandazombie69
“What are you doing this weekend, Jensen?” Jared asked as they walked to their ten a.m. biology class. 
“Nothing. Maybe doing that ‘American Ideals’ paper for the capstone class,” Jensen responded, heaving his backpack into a more comfortable position. “Why did we take half our classes on Friday?” 
“To have Mondays and Tuesdays off,” Jared laughed. “Anyway, there’s a rave happening at this club I know of. Wanna go?” 
“A rave? Like, an actual rave, not a house party?” 
“Yeah! They have strippers until Midnight, then it turns into a Rave. It goes until the morning I’ve heard. They also have some BDSM rooms, supposedly, but you have to be a member to go in there.”
“What’s the cover?” Jensen asked. 
“Fifty,” Jared said. 
“That’s cheap for Vegas.”
“That’s the whole point! Anyway, what do you think?” 
“As long as you don’t kidnap me into a BDSM room, I’m fine,” Jensen joked. 
“Ugh,” Jensen groaned. The taste in his mouth made his stomach turn over. It was like something had crawled in there and died. He sat up, careful to extract himself from the unknown man in his bed. His ass still had a dull throb from the previous night. 
Slowly getting out of his bed, careful not to wake up his partner from last night, Jensen made his way to the bathroom of the apartment he shared with Jared. He could hear the sounds of throwing up from inside. 
“Jare, I’m coming in to brush my teeth!” He hollered, opening the door. 
Jared wasn’t the one in the bathroom. A brunette was heaving over the toilet. 
“Oh, shit, sorry!” He said. She looked over at him. 
“You’re naked,” She stated. 
“Sorry,” he said again, and shut the door. 
The door to the apartment opened and Jared came down the hall with a drink holder of coffee. He handed one coffee to Jensen, who took it with a word of thanks and took a drink. 
“Still throwing up?” He asked, nodding to the bathroom. 
“Uh, yeah,” Jensen responded. “I’m gonna go put on pants.” 
As he pulled on a pair of soft sweatpants, the man still in Jensen’s bed stretched and then sat up. Jensen handed him his coffee. The man took a deep drink and handed it back. 
“Thanks,” he said, getting up and stretching again. “What a party, eh?”
“Wild,” Jensen agreed. The man’s deep voice and electric blue eyes brought a memory of last night to Jensen’s mind. 
“I’m gonna fuck you so hard. I’ll bet that’s all you want, filthy slut!”
“Yes, Sir! Please fuck me!”
“Oh, fuck, it’s nearly three!” 
He stood up and quickly dressed, gathering the pieces of clothing that had been tossed into various parts of the room. 
“Got any cologne I can borrow?” He asked. 
“Yeah, on the dresser,” Jensen responded, watching the man get dressed. When the man came up to him, Jensen realized he was nearly as tall as he was, with dark, disheveled hair, and those electric blue eyes that made Jensen feel as though he could see right through him. 
“Thanks for last night,” He whispered, Jensen smirked and they kissed.
“See ya around,” Jensen said when they broke apart, though he knew he wouldn’t. 
“That party was insane,” Jared said as they sat down on the couch in the small living room. 
“I don’t remember much,” Jensen grunted.
“You’ll get some pieces back like usual.” 
“Did we… Take anything?” He asked. 
“Besides a shit load of alcohol? I don’t think so,” Jared responded absently, scrolling on his phone. “Why?” 
“Just wondering.”
“We gotta do that again,” Jared sighed, happily. 
“I won’t,” a female voice said. The girl had come around the corner, purse in her hand. “Sorry for spewing my guts out.” 
“You okay?” Jared asked. 
“Yeah. I’m gonna go,” She turned to Jensen. “You should get on a pole more often.” 
“Excuse me?” 
“You don’t remember?” She asked, then continued. “You got up on stage and swung yourself around the pole like you’d been doing it for years.” 
“I did what?” He asked, incredulous. Jared snickered. 
“It was pretty awesome,” Jared muttered.
“Shut the hell up!”
A few days later, he got a text from an unknown number. He was studying in the library. 
I can’t stop thinking about you stretched around my cock, those green eyes rolling up into your head.
He looked around, worried, but no one was nearby. 
Who is this? 
It could be any of his one night stands from the last few weeks.
I’m offended, we had such a good time the other night! - Sir M
It must be that blue eyed man he met at Frenzy. What did he say his name was? It had been something strange. Another message came through. 
You were such a good slut for me. I’d love to have you for myself. - Sir M
Jensen blushed to himself. He didn’t usually sleep with the same person twice. He thought briefly about making an exception. It had been an amazing night. Most of the pieces of the night had come back. The blue eyed stranger had dominated over him, easily taking complete control of their time together. Jensen had thoroughly enjoyed it. As the memories floated to the forefront of his mind, Jensen could feel that his cock was hardening. Another message. 
I’ll bet you’re so hot and bothered right now, thinking about the way I owned you. - Sir M
Jensen finally texted back.
Yes, Sir.  
It became tradition, each month Jensen and Jared would go to a Rave night at Frenzy. They would stay until the place shut down at 5 a.m. and then crash until late afternoon. Sometimes they brought dates home, sometimes not. Sir M and Jensen continued to message each other. Sir M could be very domineering, even over a simple text and it sent thrills of excitement through Jensen’s body.
About a week after his one night stand with Sir M, Jensen walked into the studio shyly, it was his first time here. He’d been curious about pole dancing ever since that girl had told him how well he’d done. 
“Shoes off please!” The teacher, Jaz, behind the desk said sharply. “No outside shoes on the studio floor. Please sign this waiver and set your yoga mat down next to one of the poles.” 
Jensen ended up loving pole dancing, going to class three times a week in between his college classes and working a part time job. One day after class, about six months later, Jaz called his name as he was walking out the door. 
“Yeah?” He said, walking over to her, his bag slung over his shoulder and a yoga mat in his hands. 
“You’re still pretty new, but I know you like to go to Frenzy every so often. They get a lot of their talent from this studio and they’re holding closed auditions for a new male act. I was wondering if you wanted to audition? You’re one of my only male students and I think I have just the song for you.” 
Jensen stood there for a moment, his mouth hanging open. 
“Oh, I don’t know,” He said eventually, “I mainly do this for fun-”
“Strippers there, especially males, make upwards of $500 a night.” 
That was more than Jensen was making now, way more. He thought for a few moments, then relented. 
“Let me know what to do.” 
Three Saturdays in a row, he practiced one on one for three hours with Jaz. On the fourth Saturday, they ran through the entire routine twice. Jensen was sore, tired, and out of breath. 
“You’re ready,” Jaz said excitedly. “I think you’ll take the job easy.” 
“You… Sure?” Jensen said between gulps of air. 
“I’m damn sure. You’ll knock ‘em dead this afternoon!” She gave Jensen a quick hug and began to ready the studio for her next class. “Make sure you drink plenty of water-”
“And eat plenty of protein,” Jensen finished, rolling his eyes in mock annoyance. “I know.” 
That afternoon, Jensen arrived outside Frenzy at 1:30. Auditions started at 2. He showed his paperwork to the bouncer at the door and was let in. The place was a little unnerving when it was mostly empty and the lights were all on. He made his way towards the Rave Hall and saw a check-in table. He walked up to the two women. One looked up as he approached.
“Here for an interview for the bouncer positions?” She asked. 
“Uh.. no,” he said, caught slightly off guard. “I have an audition for pole dancing.” 
“Oh,” she said, surprised. “Sorry! Um, name?” 
“Ackles,” He said. 
“Got it. Locker rooms are that way,” She pointed. “Follow the signs. They’re still doing female auditions, so they may be running slightly late. Do you have a song?” 
“Yeah,” he handed over a CD with his name and audition number on it, then made his way to the locker rooms. 
As he got dressed, his nerves started to send butterflies to his stomach. He pulled on a pair of tight black cycling shorts and a plain black t-shirt. He had decided to go barefoot for this audition. From the information he had received, there would be a panel of judges and they would ask him a few questions before he danced. Jensen noticed as he waited for his name to be called that most people were doing slow and sensual songs, sometimes even emo. This made him slightly more nervous since Jaz had chosen a fast song for him. 
“Next up is Ackles! Ackles to the stage!” 
Jensen took a deep breath and then stepped out of the curtain onto the stage. He stood next to the pole and blanched slightly. It seemed like most of the auditioners were staying in the room after they’d auditioned to see the rest of the performers. Jensen only saw three other men in the audience. Then he looked at the panel of judges. Two men and a woman sat there. 
The man in the middle had electric blue eyes. Electric blue eyes that made Jensen feel as though he could see right through him. Electric blue eyes that Jensen recognized. Sir M. It knocked the breath clean out of him. 
“You used your real name?” The bearded man asked, rolling his eyes. “What’s your stage name?” 
“I..I don’t have one,” Jensen stuttered, shrugging. 
“Oh boy,” he said in annoyance. “Any tattoo-”
“Red Stud,” the blue eyed man interrupted. 
“What?” the bearded man snapped. “Collins, are you in-”
“No, I’m just giving him a stage name. Red hair and just look at those muscles! Yummy.” 
“Red Stud, I guess it works,” The man turned back to Jensen. “Tattoos?” 
“N-No,” Jensen sputtered, he started to think this had been a mistake. He grabbed the pole, noticing it was on spin. He could do the routine either way, but doing it on spin was harder. 
“Why do you want this job?” The woman asked, speaking for the first time. 
“I love to dance,” Jensen said smoothly, he was aware his voice had become more even and slightly huskier. “I can dance, and I want to make money doing what I love.” 
“Well, I think we’d love to see!” Sir M clapped his hands together. “Go on.”  
I saw him dancin' there by the record machine
I knew he must a been about seventeen
The beat was goin' strong
Playin' my favorite song
And I could tell it wouldn't be long
'Til he was with me, yeah, me
And I could tell it wouldn't be long
'Til he was with me, yeah, me, singin'
As soon as the music started,  Jensen felt right at home. As if he were back in the studio practicing with Jaz. The loud guitar strums and drum set blasted through the speakers and Jensen opened “I Love Rock N’ Roll” by flexing his biceps, rolling his hips, and showing off his muscles, visible even under the t-shirt, to the various parts of the room. People started clapping along with the beat. When the lyrics started, he climbed the pole to the top, stopping at the end of each line to do various hangs to show off his strength, flowing with the hard rock. 
I love rock n' roll
So put another dime in the jukebox, baby
I love rock n' roll
So come and take your time and dance with me
Once he reached the top of the pole, the chorus started and Jensen folded over and around the pole, holding an attitude position before quickly hip-switching to a sundial. He pulled up and inverted into a Fang, spinning quickly with the music before doing a cartwheel dismount. 
He smiled, so I got up and asked for his name
"That don't matter", he said, "'cause it's all the same"
I said, "Can I take you home where we can be alone?"
And next we were movin' on
He was with me, yeah, me
Next we were movin' on
He was with me, yeah, me singin'
He pole walked once, before unveiling his next climb. Jaz had spent the majority of their first session teaching him this complex no legs, hand-over-hand climb until Jensen could do it perfectly without falling. Jensen was surprised to hear cheers. He climbed, doing a pull up at the end of each line of music until he was at the top of the pole again. He quickly maneuvered into a cross-legged sit so his arms were free.
I love rock n' roll
So put another dime in the jukebox, baby
I love rock n' roll
So come and take your time and dance with me
Jensen tore his shirt in half splitting it down his chest, then took it off and flung it at the blue eyed judge. He then inverted into a crucifix and nose dived down the pole. Jensen gracefully dismounted as the music faded. He took a bow to the cheering audience before turning his attention towards the judges. Jensen became all too aware of the sheen of sweat covering his face and chest and felt his cheeks reddening - it had nothing to do with the workout he’d just done and everything to do with Sir M staring at him. 
“I...I thought Jaz said you were new to pole dancing,” the woman said in awe. 
“I mean, I’ve only been pole dancing for about six months,” Jensen responded, shrugging. “Should I go?” 
“Can you dance like that tonight?” Sir M asked, his voice deep and vibrating. 
“I- What?” 
“Can. You. Dance. Like that. Tonight?” He asked again, more slowly, like Jensen was hard of hearing. 
“I’d need a new black t-shirt… but yeah, I can,” Jensen felt even more blood rushing to his face. 
“Then the job is yours. You’re on at midnight,” the bearded man said. “Be here no later than 11.”
As he was walking out, he heard his name called. Turning, he was shocked to see Jared. 
“Since when do you dance?” 
“Six months or so,” Jensen said, looking away from Jared. 
“Dude, you’re insanely good!”
“Uh...Thanks. Why are you here?” 
“Got hired as a bouncer!” He said excitedly. 
“Dude, that’s awesome!” Jensen exclaimed. “I gotta go call Jazzy and tell her I got the dance slot and then get ready for tonight.” 
“I’ll see you tonight! It’s my first night too.” 
Jensen was able to meet most of the other dancers that night in the locker room. It turned out that there were only three other male dancers, so everyone shared one locker room. A girl came up to Jensen. She was dressed in a red thong and red corset. She had blonde hair that was curled in large spirals. He recognized her as the female judge from earlier. 
“Hi, Red,” She said, smacking some gum and winking at him. 
“Hey,” He nodded. 
“Come on, I’m gonna show you the ropes and rules. I’m Cherie by the way. So, tonight. They’re just going to have you open the Rave with your routine, but people will still throw tips at you. Each of us also has a jar at the bar where people can place tips, too. Don’t forget to empty it before you leave for the night. If you have any problems with patrons on the floor, grab one of the bouncers. After a couple weeks, you might do some dancing for tips, or they might have you out on the floor to do lap dances and such. I dunno, Mish will let you know.” 
“‘Mish?’” Jensen asked. 
“Misha Collins?” She looked at him incredulously. “Big blue eyes, stubbled jaw, orgasm inducing voice?” 
“Oh, him.” 
“Yeah, him. Let's get some makeup on you.”
Jensen fidgeted as midnight approached. His butterflies were even bigger now and he worried he’d mess up the entire routine. As the acts neared his, the music got faster. Cherie was just before him in the lineup, her song started, ‘Cherry Pie’ by Warrant. Jensen warmed his body and put grip aid on his hands. Cherie came through the curtain. She had removed the corset during her act and was down to her red thong and pasties. 
“Good luck, Red,” She winked at him. 
He swallowed hard and entered the stage through the curtain. A few whistles met him. 
“Please welcome to the stage, our newest dancer. His debut performance right here, right now! RED STUD!” the emcee announced. 
‘I Love Rock N’ Roll’ started and Jensen began his routine. He only slipped once and it was barely noticeable. Cheers and applause met him and he bowed. Then, he quickly picked up the cash tips that had been tossed onstage and exited. He’d made nearly $250 from tips he’d picked up off the stage.
Jensen made his way to the bar after he put on another black shirt from his locker. The lights shut off completely and black light turned on. Glow sticks lit up the room. A thumping bass beat blared through the speaker. Jensen sat down at the bar in an open seat and waited for the bartender to see him. The bartender came over to him. 
“What can I get ya?” He yelled over the thick bass beat. 
“Shot of whiskey!” He yelled back. As he went to hand over a ten, a hand caught him. Jensen turned to see Misha standing right next to him. He was wearing a red t-shirt that was a size too small and stretched dangerously over his shoulders. Up close, Jensen was able to see just how handsome the man- Misha- really was. 
“On the house!” He yelled to the bartender. “And make it two!” 
Jensen and Misha tapped glasses and took the shots together. After four more shots each, Jensen was feeling much more free and relaxed. Misha tapped his hand against his shoulder. 
“Come with me!” He yelled. 
Misha dragged Jensen into the Rave and they began to dance together. After the second song they were both drenched in sweat and the alcohol was really hitting Jensen’s head. He hadn’t eaten anything in a few hours. Misha raised his hand to his mouth and swallowed. Then raised his hand to his mouth again. This time he grabbed Jensen’s face and began kissing him. Jensen opened his mouth in surprise and Misha shoved his tongue in and Jensen felt a small pill. Guessing what it was, he swallowed and continued to make out with Misha. 
Within ten minutes, the drug was taking effect. Jensen began to feel remarkably loose, happy and floaty. Misha was grinding against his ass and Jensen didn’t mind one bit. The music thrummed heavily through his head, his heart speeding up to match the rapid music. The bass beat dropped and Misha was reaching around palming Jensen’s half hard cock through the shorts he was wearing. His moan was lost in the music as he leaned back into Misha’s solid body. 
Then, Misha was pulling him along, through the waves of people. They reached a door on the other side and Misha pushed him through it. They were in a back hallway and Misha pushed Jensen into another room. The lights flicked on. Noise was completely silenced when the door closed but Jensen’s head pounded with the remnants of the bass line. 
“Should we be in here?” Jensen asked, eyes widening as he took in the sight of the room. It was a smaller room, but it was beautiful and dangerous. The walls were red, the carpet was plush and black. A few sex toys were scattered around and Jensen could only imagine what was in the armoire at the other side of the room. There was also a double bed in the corner behind the door. 
“It’s my private room,” Misha said. 
“A private room?” 
Misha came up behind him and began kissing and nipping at his neck. Misha grabbed the hem of Jensen’s shirt and dragged it over his head before going back to kissing his neck. Jensen moaned lightly. 
“Owning the place does have its perks,” Misha growled, his voice low and lust-filled. 
Jensen turned to face Misha and pulled the other man’s shirt off. Misha pulled Jensen over to the bed and pushed him down on it. As Misha kicked his jeans off and leaned down on top of Jensen, something clicked into place. 
“Are you a Dom?” Jensen asked. 
“You could most certainly say that,” Misha laughed. 
“I’ve never really… Except that night with you and I don’t remember everything.” 
“Well, it’s up to you, but I promise I’ll make it worth it if you stay, Boy,” the voice slipped down a few notes and Misha reached a hand into Jensen’s hair and pulled lightly. A rush of pleasure flowed through his body. Jensen moaned. “What are your limits?” 
“Nothing too crazy, I’m, uh, pretty vanilla you could say.” 
“Vanilla it is, but next time we do things my way,” Misha smirked before kissing Jensen again. Blood rushed to his face and his cock, making his brain spin. He laughed into Misha’s mouth, the feeling of euphoria enveloping him again. 
As Jensen began to swim into consciousness, he squeezed his eyes shut more tightly. His head was pounding, his muscles ached, his ass hurt, and his mouth was as dry as the deserts surrounding Las Vegas. Slowly, he opened his eyes and looked around the room. He had no idea where he was. The room was lit softly through thick curtains. The walls were a cool grey and matched the bedding. An unopened water bottle was sitting on the nightstand and Jensen grabbed it, cracking it open and taking a deep drink. 
“I was thinking I was going to have to come wake you up. It’s nearly five,” Misha’s voice startled Jensen, and he looked around to see Misha standing in the doorway. 
“I’d have been up at three if you hadn’t slipped me Ecstasy,” Jensen grumbled. “Where are my clothes?” 
Misha walked over to the closet and stepped inside. He threw a shirt and a pair of jeans on the bed. 
“You only had on those pole shorts when we came home,” Misha answered. “Take those. They should fit okay.” 
Jensen got out of bed and stumbled sideways. Misha caught him. He became suddenly dizzy and shut his eyes trying to clear the feeling before it made him hurl. 
“You okay?” Misha asked. 
“Just a bit dizzy… Stood up too fast,” Jensen grunted. He slowly put weight back on his legs and got dressed in Misha’s clothes. They smelled like leather and cologne. An image of Misha pushing his cock into Jensen’s mouth came to mind. 
“We should get some food in you,” Misha said. “Do you want to have dinner with me?” 
“Sure,” Jensen said, his stomach snarling at the thought. 
“Everything okay?” Misha asked. 
“When you said ‘have dinner’ I thought you meant a dive bar or a diner or something…”
“Oh no, Sweetness, when I dine, I dine in style.” 
“I’m not really appropriate-” Misha cut him off. 
“Nonsense. Come on.” 
The maitre’d greeted Misha by name and led them all the way to the back of the restaurant to a private booth. A waitress dropped off water, smiling at them before gliding away to the kitchen. Jensen fiddled with the menu, slightly uncomfortable. 
“What’s wrong?” Misha asked in his low, gravelly voice. 
“Just nervous,” Jensen mumbled. 
“Listen, about last night-” It was Jensen’s turn to cut off Misha. 
“I don’t regret anything.”
“Well… Good, then,” Misha said. “Are you good to go on tonight?” 
“Of course,” Jensen waved a hand at Misha.
The waitress arrived with an appetizer. 
“The usual, Sir?” She asked Misha. He nodded, then the waitress turned to Jensen, but Misha interjected. 
“Let me order for you.” It wasn’t a question. 
Jensen, shocked, nodded at him jerkily. Misha whispered into the waitresses ear and she gave him a nod before vanishing again. He turned back to Jensen, and put a hand on his scruffy face. Jensen suddenly had butterflies in his stomach again. 
“So what are you into?” Jensen blurted out the question. 
“You know, like you have a private room at Frenzy- Hell, you OWN Frenzy. You’re a Dom, you asked my limits…” Jensen trailed off. 
“I’m into things you couldn’t even dream of,” He said, darkly. Jensen shivered. It was strange, the way Misha could make him feel both scared and aroused at the same time. “But for the most part I’m into Dom/sub.”
“Like, whips and chains and ‘Master’?” Misha chuckled at the look on Jensen’s face.
“I’m more into the relationship, the power exchange, not the punishments, and I prefer to be called ‘Sir,’” He responded. “You know nothing of BDSM if you’ve just watched porn.” 
Misha began explaining the mechanics and the true BDSM scene. Jensen became much more interested, and aroused, as Misha explained the true relationship between Dominants and their submissives. He never figured this sort of scene would be up his alley, but the way Misha had made Jensen beg for release last night… 
“You’ve barely touched your food,” Misha stated. “Eat.”
Jensen did so. Misha smirked at him, his eyes were filled with lust and approval. 
“What?” He asked. 
“You absentmindedly enjoy being told what to do. I just had a very intriguing thought,” Misha said in a hushed voice. 
“What?” Jensen was even more confused. 
“Let me introduce you to being submissive. I think we’d be a good match. We like each other and damn you’re just yummy. I can’t get enough of you.” 
Jensen looked down at his mostly empty plate, his mind was hesitant, but his cock was thoroughly interested in the idea of having sex with Misha again. 
“Try it,” Misha pressed. “If you don’t like it, no harm no foul… But I think you’ll fall in love with it.” 
“Fine,” Jensen relented, telling himself he could try something new. “We should get going. I need to go home and shower. I also need to work out a little. I missed my afternoon class today.” 
“Want a ride home?” Misha asked. 
“That would be welcome,” Jensen whispered.
Jensen finally got back to Frenzy at ten pm. He opened his locker and saw a jar of tips. The jar from the bar. Jensen groaned, knowing he would probably be in trouble with the bartender for forgetting to pick them up. He then pulled his phone out of his locker to check it. He had a message from Sir M. 
I need you to open and close the dance acts next weekend. Open with a slow, sensual song for me? Then close with your regular routine. Next week you work Wednesday thru Sunday. W & Th & Sun 7p - 3a.m. Fr & Sat 7pm - 12:15 am, then you’ll join me in the Member’s Club -Sir M
He immediately texted Jazzy to find out if she could help him with a new routine. 
We can practice this week, I’ve got a good one for you. I’m here btw! To see you perform. 
That week was one of the hardest of his life. He even skipped a few classes at the college trying to get some rest between the club, school, practicing a completely new song, and texting Misha. He barely even saw Jared except at Frenzy. 
Friday evening came and Jensen was a ball of wrecked nerves. He was exhausted, but got a jolt of excitement at the thought of performing a slow song just for Misha. The emcee was beginning to announce the acts and Jensen’s whole body buzzed with nervous excitement. 
“Let’s open up with Red Stud!” The emcee yelled. 
Jensen took the stage and a few whistles broke out above the chattering crowd. He sat down in front of the pole, back pressed against it and nodded toward the emcee. “You’re the Best” by Wet played through the speakers as Jensen began to go through the choreography Jazzy taught him. It was slow and sensual, just what Misha had asked for. Most of the choreo had him on the floor, using the pole as just a prop, instead of being on it the entire time. He ended the song on the floor, in a shoulder mount with his legs split. People clapped, cheered, and whistled. Jensen collected the money on the stage and went back to the locker room, to rest and get ready for the closing act. 
After the closing act, Jensen got a t-shirt on and went out into the now Rave Room. As he approached the bar, he saw Misha talking to a few patrons. One girl was draped over his shoulder and a hotness spread through Jensen’s body. Jealousy. They had never said they’d be exclusive, Jensen reasoned, but he still wanted to toss the girl into what was now becoming a mosh pit. 
He grabbed a couple shots from the bartender, downing one right after the other. His eyes were trained on Misha at the other end of the bar, the jealousy burning through his veins, just like the whiskey he’d shot down. He finally shoved himself from the bar, deciding he could play the same game. He disappeared into the rave to find a partner for the evening. 
As he was grinding with a stranger, he felt a hand fist the back of his shirt and yanked him back. Jensen was shocked, he looked around and saw Misha was the one who had his shirt. He was surprised at the roughness and then saw the look on Misha’s face. 
His jaw was clenched and eyes were narrowed in anger. There was fury written into his face. He caught Misha’s eye for just a moment and saw only rage in the flashing blue. Misha shoved him through the same door as last weekend and into his private room. 
“Think you’re funny?!” Misha spat as all other sound was drowned out. Jensen opened his mouth but a single flash of Misha’s eyes and his voice died in his throat. “Grinding on some stranger right in front of ME? You’re mine!” 
Something strange happened at Misha’s words. He was slightly scared, very much confused and then a shooting feeling of arousal coiled through his belly. Jensen found his voice. 
“You had women all over you at the bar! We never said we were exclusive,” He strained his voice to keep it level. 
“I wasn’t the one out on the dance floor practically having sex!” 
“You were last weekend!” Jensen cried, aware that his words were making less sense. 
“You’re MINE, Boy!” Misha barked. The arousal came back, harder and stronger than before. 
“Promise?” Jensen breathed. 
Anger melted from Misha’s face. He looked confused, then a grin broke across his face. 
“What?” Jensen snapped, but the anger was melting completely and being taken over by desire. 
“You liked it.” 
“Liked what?” 
“Being called names. When I called you ‘boy’ I saw your cock jump in those tight shorts. You like being humiliated,” Misha looked at him fondly. “I’ll tuck away that information for later.”
They ended the night a lot happier than it had started, the fight completely forgotten, like the clothes all over the floor. 
Jensen was sitting at Misha’s kitchen table. A laptop, books, notebooks and folders were spread out around him. Jensen had his forehead pressed to the cool wood. He’d spent the better part of three hours trying to write a paper for his english class. What does each room color symbolize in Mask of the Red Death? Discuss. Jensen then thought of the two ten-page papers due at the end of the semester. A Topic of Your Choosing Using Compare and Contrasting Methods and How are American Ideals Still Relevant in Today’s Day and Age? 
He groaned and lifted his head up. He found Misha standing against the counter to his right. Misha was wearing a suit, crisply ironed, with a khaki top coat over it. From the looks of it, Jensen figured it was probably cashmere. 
“Looks like a tornado came through,” He indicated the mess on the table. 
“More like a typhoon. I’m drowning in this.” 
“I wanted to talk to you about some things, but it can wait if you’re too busy.”
“Please, I could use a break from this.” 
“Now that we’re going to delve into this relationship, I want to lay out a couple rules for you to follow,” Misha sat down at the table and looked at Jensen seriously. Jensen nodded. “Number One, you call me ‘Sir.’ Number Two, you don’t cum unless I say so. Number Three, do not lie to me, EVER. And Number Four, is this.”
He took a small, leather-bound book from the inside of his topcoat and set it in front of Jensen. Upon further inspection, it was a journal with lined pages. Jensen cocked an eyebrow at Misha. 
“I want you to keep a journal. At least one page per day, more if you feel like it. On the first page,” Misha flipped the book open, “I’ve written some prompts I’d like you to start off writing about, so we can hone and mold our relationship together.” 
“So, I’m drowning in homework… And you give me more?” Jensen said, indicating the haphazard papers that littered the table. 
“I guess so, yeah. Got a problem with that, Boy?” Misha’s voice dipped into a commanding voice. 
“No,” Jensen responded. 
“No, what?” Misha’s voice dripped with venom.
“Uh, no, Sir,” Jensen looked down at the table. 
“Failure to follow my rules will result in punishment, and trust me, punishment does not equal pleasure.” 
“Yes, Sir,” Jensen said, nodding his understanding. 
“That’s my good slut,” Misha said, patting his hair. Misha and Jensen had found out fairly quickly that the pet name turned Jensen on to no end and Jensen felt a swell of happiness each time Misha used it. “I have a meeting. Be good.” 
As Misha left, Jensen looked at the table. He rolled his eyes in frustration and grabbed the journal. Opening it to the first page, he saw Misha’s handwriting. It was slanted, neat, almost calligraphy
What are your likes and dislikes in the bedroom? Discuss. 
How are you currently feeling about our relationship? Write this subject weekly
What do you want from a sexual partner?
What do you need from a sexual partner?
There was a hard line penned into the page
Only Jensen may write, unless he gives permission for me to respond. 
This is Jensen’s safe space to write what he needs.
Jensen will never be judged for what is written. 
Jensen looked between the journal and the three college papers he was working on. He groaned and pulled the laptop towards himself, deciding to write a little more about Mask of the Red Death before trying to fill out his journal. 
The first room is blue, which symbolizes Poe’s own depression…
“You know, maybe he just liked the color blue!” Jensen yelled at the empty house. He tossed The Works of Edgar Allan Poe across the kitchen. 
I’m honestly not sure how I feel about the relationship with Sir. I’ve barely met him but I feel like I’ve known him for a long time. I’m nervous and scared, but also aroused…
Jensen felt extremely weird writing in the journal at first, but once he got the first few sentences out, a bunch more were written. He ended up with three pages. By the time Jensen finished his journal as well as the Poe paper, it was nearing 5 pm. Jensen stood and stretched. It was Monday, so he didn’t have work and he didn’t have class: college or pole. 
He felt like he hadn’t seen Jared in forever. At least, the last time he saw Jared outside of work or school. They never really had time to talk while busy studying and working. Jensen texted Jared. 
Where are you?
Video Games was the response. 
Jensen was getting ready to head over to his apartment when a thought struck him. He quickly texted Misha.
I’m going over to the apartment to hang with Jared. 
Home by 2am came only a few seconds later. Jensen set an alarm on his phone to go off at 1. 
Jensen had only been by the apartment a couple times in the last two weeks and that was only to grab some clothes, his toothbrush, and school things. Jared hadn’t been home. He was splayed across the couch, playing COD. Jensen grabbed a controller and joined the game. As they played, he couldn’t help but feel a sort of tension between them. After about half an hour, Jared shut the game off. 
“Drink?” Jared asked stiffly. 
“I’m gonna drive back to Misha’s later,” Jensen said. “Is something up?” 
Jared finished his own beer and grabbed another one from the fridge. He scoffed. 
“What?” Jensen pressed. 
“You know, dude,” said Jared, turning to him. “I don’t even know what to say. You get this job at Frenzy, end up in the back room WITH THE OWNER, and then disappear for three weeks. What the fuck, Man?” 
“It’s not like that-” Jensen started before Jared cut him off. 
“That’s how it looks from my angle! You’ve never been that kind of whore! Tell me, is it true? Are you Collins’ new bitch? I have never known you to sleep with a partner more than once, but now that it’s some rich dude...” 
“I didn’t mean for it to happen,” Jensen tried to explain, but he realized Jared must have been drinking most of the day; he wasn’t usually this hurtful. “What?” Jensen was taken aback as he comprehended the last sentence. 
“That’s what I heard. That’s what everyone at Frenzy is talking about. You hopping in bed with the owner. Man, I knew you liked to sleep around but this...” 
“Jared, I’m sorry, dude. Let me explai-”
“Explain what? Just answer the question, Jensen!” Jared yelled. 
“We’re in a relationsh-” Jensen started to yell. 
“It’s been three weeks and you’re basically moved in with him! Do you know how worried I’ve been? I would’ve called the cops if I hadn’t seen you at Frenzy!” 
“I’m fine, Jared! What? Can’t bear me actually being happy?!” 
“You’re a goddamn idiot! You have no idea what this guy’s intentions are! Sure, we’ve all done one night stands, but this… This is a whole new level, even for you,” Jared had gotten right into Jensen’s face. Jensen didn’t back down. The hurt was pumping through his body and he stabbed Jared right where it hurt. 
“You’re the one who almost killed yourself over Gen leaving you!” Jensen shoved Jared hard. He didn’t react fast enough to the fist that connected to the side of his head. 
“Get. The fuck. Out,” Jared snarled. 
Jensen had to sit in his car for fifteen minutes before the dizziness finally passed enough for him to drive to Misha’s...To home. When he pulled into the driveway, he could see the lamp on in Misha’s bedroom. He felt relief at the sight, not wanting to be alone after his fight with Jared. He let himself in the house and went down the hall to Misha’s room. He hesitated for a few seconds before knocking on the door. 
“Enter,” Came a distracted response. 
Misha was propped against the headboard, wearing only his boxers. He was reading Things Fall Apart by an author whose name Jensen couldn’t begin to pronounce. He felt that, in a way. That his life was falling apart around him. The room began to blur and shift and Jensen clenched his hands at his side. It had been a long time since something like this had happened. His head began to buzz loudly, like angry bees. 
The room began to come back into focus, but then thoughts of the night and the last month of his life overwhelmed him and the room spun wildly, his heart raced, and tears fell from his eyes. Misha was at his side, steadying him. 
“I need. My medicine,” Jensen was almost hyperventilating. “In my bag.”
Jensen curled up on the floor, holding himself until Misha came back with a prescription bottle. He popped it open and handed Jensen one pill. When shaking hands, Jensen put the pill into his mouth and swallowed. It would take about ten minutes for the effect to settle in and calm him down. With arms stronger than Jensen imagined, Misha scooped him up and set him down in the large bed. 
“Shh, just breathe,” Misha soothed. 
As time passed, Jensen felt his heartbeat begin to slow and his breathing evened out. He became aware of Misha holding him with one arm, the other carding through his hair. The feeling was soothing, comforting. When he felt he could, Jensen sat up and faced Misha. 
“Panic attack?” 
Jensen nodded. 
“That may have been something you should have told me about.” 
“I haven’t had one for two years,” Jensen whispered. 
“Did it have something to do with the bruise that’s darkening on your face?” 
“I had a fight with Jared,” He explained. 
“Obviously. What about?” 
“This. Us,” Jensen said, apologetically. “I should go lay down. The medicine makes me insanely tired.”
“Stay. I want to keep my eye on you.”
Jensen hadn’t stayed the night in Misha’s bed since their second night together. Jensen felt a swoop of anxiety, but then Misha brought a hand to his face, and it melted away. He leaned into Misha’s touch. 
After a moment, Misha got out of bed and beckoned Jensen to do the same. He set the book carefully on the nightstand and pulled the covers back. He indicated to Jensen to get into bed, then slid in after him. 
“Why do you have panic attacks?” Misha asked. 
“When I was little, and my Mom and Dad were still together, they fought, like, all the time. Downright screaming matches. Their fighting started causing panic attacks. So, now whenever there’s arguing it can cause an attack.”
“I guess the fight just really affected me. I shouldn’t have said some things,” Jensen sighed deeply. 
“We’ll have to be careful. Everything will be okay,” Misha soothed.
The light clicked off and Misha spooned Jensen, his arm wrapped around his waist comforting him. Jensen pushed himself back into Misha’s chest and within minutes, the exhaustion from the day as well as the medicine pulled him into sleep. 
Jensen woke the next morning, groggy and feeling like his head was too heavy to lift. He was alone in Misha’s bed. Slowly, he sat up. He noticed a small piece of paper on the nightstand on top of the book that Misha had been reading. He grabbed it. 
I will be in my office when you wake, taking care of some work. Eat some eggs and toast and meet me when you’re through. -Sir
Jensen went to the guest room he’d been calling his own. He slipped into the bathroom attached and did his morning routine. He then made his way to the kitchen, wishing he knew where Misha kept the Tylenol. 
As Jensen ate breakfast, he scrolled through his phone lazily. The group chat he was in with the other guys and girls had blown up the previous night. Jensen scrolled through quickly, getting the gist of what had been discussed. He paused, however, when the chat shifted.
Cherie: It’s almost Mish’s Birthday y’all. What are we doing this year? Another showcase? 
Brad: Maybe, he never gets tired of watching us dance. 
Ariel: What if we did a choreographed routine with all of us? We could do it on the weekend of his birthday.
Michelle: Ooo I like that. Unless @Red Stud has a better idea? 
Brad: That’s a good idea. Everyone meet at noon at Frenzy tomorrow. Come with song ideas. 
Cherie: Great idea! See everyone then?
Shit. It was almost eleven now. He quickly finished breakfast and packed a bag. Then he went to Misha’s office. Jensen knocked on the open door. 
“Enter,” Came a reply. 
Misha was sitting behind a large carved desk, looking through a stack of papers. He glanced up at Jensen. 
“Where are you off too?” Misha asked. 
“Uhh,” Jensen hesitated, not knowing if the birthday party was a surprise. 
“Don’t lie to me,” Misha reminded him suddenly, fixing him with a blue-eyed stare that seemed to read his mind. 
“Okay, I’m meeting the other girls and guys at Frenzy-”
“Ah, yes. My birthday,” Misha rolled his eyes. “Anyway, I just wanted to give you this and ask you to fill it out. I’m filling one out, too. We will compare them and make necessary changes before signing.” 
Misha slid a thick packet towards Jensen. He walked to the desk and picked it up. Standard D/s Contract - Misha Collins was the title. Jensen felt his cheeks heat up. 
“Okay,” Jensen said, slipping the contract into his gym bag. 
“Okay what?” Misha snit.
“Sorry. Yes, Sir,” He amended. Jensen walked around the desk, so he was directly next to Misha, who had gone back to his report. He gave Misha a soft kiss on the cheek which he accepted. 
“Tell the girls and boys not to worry too much. I think I’ll be getting exactly what I want for my birthday already,” Misha threw him a quick, dirty look. 
“Yes, Sir.”
“Be good, Slut.” 
Jensen closed his eyes for a moment, letting the heat pool in his belly. Then, he left to get to Frenzy. He seemed to be the first one there, surprisingly. He changed, then warmed himself up quickly. He walked out to the stage and placed his phone off to the side, hitting the “Play” Button on the song he wanted. The slow guitar started and Jensen began swaying his body to the music, body rolling on the pole, doing slow spins. 
Whenever I'm alone with you
You make me feel like I am home again
Whenever I'm alone with you
You make me feel like I am whole again
Whenever I'm alone with you
You make me feel like I am young again
Whenever I'm alone with you
You make me feel like I am fun again
“I think Red should do the choreography!” He heard the yell, it startled him and he lost grip on the pole, landing painfully on his elbow. 
“I have no idea how to do choreography,” Jensen said tersely, sitting up and rubbing his aching elbow. He looked around and saw Brad, Cherie, and Michelle, who seemed to be the one who’d yelled. 
“Yes, you do,” Cherie said. “I know you can. Just by watching that performance, I know you can.”
Everyone filtered in and then Cherie called for silence. 
“I think Red should do choreo,” Michelle said again. 
“All in favor?” Cherie asked. Everyone except Jensen yelled ‘Aye!’ 
Jensen groaned. 
“Now, what song should we do? Fast or slow?” 
“Slow,” Jensen said. “I’m a lot better at slow choreo. Jazzy’s the one who usually choreographs for me.” 
It took nearly an hour before they’d settled on a song. Jensen huffed, it wasn’t a very slow song, but he could work with it. 
“Give me a half hour to figure out what we’re doing,” He grumbled, grabbing a pad of paper from behind the bar. 
Jensen played Breathe on Me at least five times, stopping and starting and writing the choreography on the pad. He called Cherie over and went through it with her. That way she could teach group one and he could teach group two. After about two hours, Jensen called it quits for the day. 
After a long shower, Jensen settled down at the kitchen table to do his homework and try to go through the large contract Misha had given him that morning. He’d gotten his english paper done, his journal written in, and was just staring at the front page of the contract when Misha arrived. 
“Slut,” He greeted, flashing a smile his way. 
“Sir,” Jensen nodded at him, a smile spreading across his face. 
“I’ll be in my room. Have fun.”
“Yes, Sir.” 
Jensen, in his limited free time, had been doing a lot of research into proper BDSM etiquette and rules. As Jensen read through the contract, filling in the blanks, he was all too aware of his cock hardening. He palmed himself as he went through the listed kinks and fetishes and circled ones he’d be willing to try. One line of the contract kept playing through his mind.
Above all, the primary duty of this submissive is to please.
Jensen grinned to himself. He had a sudden idea, and it sent warm heat through his body as his heart sped up. He hoped this would work, because if not, he’d be having a hard time following Misha’s rule not to cum without permission. 
He walked down the hallway, his heart pounding in his chest. The door to Misha’s room was open and Jensen dropped to his knees just outside the threshold. He put his hands on his thighs and bowed his head, closing his eyes. He’d seen this pose on a website as one of the accepted sub poses. He itched to call out, call attention to himself, but he pushed the urge down, stubbornly. Jensen waited. 
A calmness washed over him. His breathing and heartbeat slowed, the thought of pleasing Misha helped him ignore the numbness in his knees. Finally, Jensen heard an intake of breath and the swish of sheets rubbing against pajama pants. Jensen kept still, unmoving. He fought the urge to snap his head up. To meet those blue eyes that could read his mind. 
“How long have you been here?” Jensen couldn’t help the shiver that ran through his body at the soft, loving tone. Misha was right next to him. A hand rested on Jensen’s head. Jensen leaned slightly into the touch before remembering to keep his pose. Words were lost to him. 
“Speak,” Misha’s voice was still soft, but had an authoritative tone that Jensen couldn’t ignore. 
“I don’t know,” He answered honestly. It could have been five minutes or three hours. The time had melted away, had become meaningless. 
“What do you need?” Misha asked. 
“To please you,” spilled from his mouth. 
“Good Slut.” 
A sense of pride swelled inside him and a jolt of arousal coursed through his cock. 
“Crawl in here and take your position,” Misha guided him to an open space in the bedroom. 
When Jensen had resumed his pose, he listened intently, trying to figure out where Misha was and what he was doing. Misha’s hand curled into his hair, lifting his head. Jensen struggled to keep his eyes closed, but his lips parted slightly as his breathing quickened. The soft, velvety head of Misha’s cock brushed lightly against his lips. A shiver went down his spine. Sure, he’d sucked guys off before, even Misha, but never like this. 
“Is this what you want?” Misha asked, his voice low and growly. 
“Yes, Sir,” Jensen whispered. 
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Get Away Driver
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Fandom: The Devil All The Time
Pairing: Arvin Russell x Reader
Part of a Series: Yes or No
Warnings: Spoilers! Don't read if you haven't watched the movie!/Lots of Angst/Some fluff/Mentions of death/Blood/Murder/Mentions of abuse/Mentions of Rape/Cussing/Gun Violence/Mentions of suicide/Mentions of baby death
Disclaimer: "The Devil All The Time" is not mine, Credit to lovely Creators. GIFS are not mine! Credit to owners! 
A/n: HI! I just watched the movie and it is fucking awesome! And I love Tom Holland and now I’m in love with another character he plays, Arvin Russel! Also, I don’t know if they gave a name to the cop who gave Arvin the news about Lenora being preggers but his name is Howard I’m pretty sure, I had looked it up. If I am wrong don’t come after me. Also I think he was in his very early Twenty’s and he was semi friends with Lenora, Arvin and Y/n. Please do not read if you haven’t watched the movie! I hope you like it! Thank you for reading!!
Summary: Y/n knew the young Russels all her life. She knew Lenora the day she was born, courtesy of both their mother’s being great friends. She met Arvin the day he moved there. Y/n loved Lenora like her own sister and Y/n loved Arvin. So when Lenora took her life and Arvin avenge her going on some type of murder spree, she went after him. To help him. 
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“ God damn-it Howard, just tell me what yah told the sheriff. Tell me where the fuck yah think he is. And don’t bullshit me either,” Y/n said staring the deputy down with a hard stare, trying to get much needed information out of him. To find her best friend’s brother, to find her friend, to find the stupid boy she was in love with. 
“ I can’t tell yah that Y/n, yah know that..”
“ And yah know me, and Arvin. And yah knew Lenora too. Arvin was only doing what he needed to do to protect ‘er, to avenge ‘er,” Y/n knew Howard had always liked Lenora but she was too wrapped up in god and running away from the boys that would torment her at school to notice. Sure, Y/n was using that to her advantage but she needed to use all that she had if she was gonna find Arvin. 
“ Don’t yah use that on me, look I care about yah guys. I know Arvin wouldn’t hurt nobody that didn’t deserve it. But I can’t tell yah where he is, and the Sheriff’s got it handled. He can take care of Arvin by himself, he don’t need a girl such as yourself getting in the middle.”
“ But he don’t know Arvin like I do. And that sheriff don’t use ever use his god damn head. I should know with how handled mah daddy,” Y/n and the Sheriff from Knockemstiff weren’t too friendly with one another. Back when Y/n was nothing but youngling, only 13 at the time, Sheriff Bodecker blew the head off her Daddy. Bedecker did protect her and her Mama that night. But Bodecker wasn’t there to help them. He was there for money her father owned him, and the man just wouldn’t give it up. So just seeing the man hit his daughter gave him enough reason to kill him and get his money. Y/n didn’t like how it went down, she’d seen the whole thing. All the yelling and the big shot gun. Got stricken across the face and then, her Daddy being shot. 
“ I just know that Sheriff is gonna do somethin’ to sent ‘im off and Arvin might do somethin’ he gonna regret. Please just tell me where yah think he is. I need to find ‘im Howard. I need to find him before he does somethin’ stupid again. Please.” 
Howard sighs, looking at the young girl in front of him. She was a good friend, he knew that much and he knew her since they were young. Arvin and him weren’t the best of friends, but they knew each other and that was enough. He knew Arvin cared for Lenora deeply and he’d do anything to protect her. And he knew Arvin loved Y/n, the two were so enamored in the other that they didn’t even know they held the same feelings. But with their feeling, he knew that Y/n was the best bet to help Arvin out of the hole he’s dug himself into. 
“ Alright, alright I’ll tell yah. But don’t get yerself killed, Kay?” Y/n nodded happily. 
“ We think he went back to Knockemstiff. Where he used to live as a kid, to his old house or somethin’... Now git, and don’t you tell nobody I to-” He was interrupted by the young girl hugging him tight. 
“Yah won’t regret this, thank you.” And then she ran to her truck and made her way to knockemstiff, hoping she wasn’t too late to stop Arvin from taking another life if he felt he had to. 
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Shit is a word that Arvin repeated over and over again in his head as the Sheriff pointed his shotgun at him, yelling like a mad man. I mean, Arvin would have done the same thing if his sister was killed and in a way he had when he killed the Preacher. The sick fuck had deserved to die. 
The Sheriff continued speaking, angry and drunk. Wanting so bad to kill the man who killed his sister. So when he finally found his hiding spot, he tried to shoot him wanting the bastard to die, wanting Arvin Russell to die. But sadly, he would not be getting his drunken revenge. The sheriff shot, trying to shoot the young boy only to shoot the fallen tree protecting Arvin and to get shot himself by the German Luger in Arvin’s hand. 
Arvin’s whole body felt shaky after he shot him, he hated the thought that he killed another person, another man. Someone who had family, who had a life unlike the other three he shot and killed. This man was a lawman, and the law would have his head for this. Arvin pulled out a small picture, it was of Sandy Bodecker holding a dead man in her arms. Arvin showed him, so that the Sheriff could see why he had to kill her because if he didn’t, he might’ve of been killed himself. So he sat there as the man died just a few minutes later even though it seemed like hours. Arvin stood up, exhausted and went to grab his Jacket to get ready to take off when he heard his name being shouted by a voice he knew all too well. It was Y/n. 
“ Arvin! Arvin Russel! I know yer out here!” Before Arvin could think, he scrambled behind the fallen tree, hoping she’d go away. He didn’t want to pull her into this, hell he’d left a letter for her too. Hoping his Grandmomma  would have given it to her. The letter was all about her staying away, but she couldn’t even do that. Arvin knew Y/n was too stubborn to listen when she had her mind set. Y/n never listened to reason when she got her mind set on something else. Which in this place was running after him after he said not to. 
“ Arvin please come out! I don’ts got a gun on me or anything. I have money and a truck, I even gots some clothes. I want to help yah. That ol’ sheriff is gonna be here any minute to get yah and I need yah to come with meh.” Arvin realized that she didn’t know the Sheriff already came, and that he shot him. He felt like shit that he was pulling her into this, that she was in this. This mess that he created. 
Arvin knew he couldn’t just sit there, expecting that she’d think he wasn’t there Y/n always knew. Arvin always suspected that she knew him better than she knew himself. He spoke, just wanting so badly for to leave him be so that maybe she could be safe,“ Y/n, I need yah to leave. I uh, I’ve done shit things and I don’t wanna pull yah down with me. Please don’t be stubborn for once in yer life and listen to meh.” He heard Y/n sigh, which meant she was close.
“ Arvin, I ain’t leaving. So get your ass up outta whatever place your hiding in before I make yah.” He sighed, he knew he wasn’t gonna be able to do anything to make her leave. He stood up slowly, time seemed to slow down as tears filled her eyes upon seeing him, running at him and hugging him tightly. Arvin wrapped his own arms around her and rested his head onto her shoulder. 
“ Yah big, dumb, idiot you...” She said quietly, hugging tightly like he might disappear if she lets go. Arvin sighs, feeling a strange sort of comfort in her arms. It reminded him of the comfort he used to have with mother, when she’d hold him or sing that old song ‘Bessie’. She pulled back before looking down to see the dead body, Sheriff Lee Bodecker. 
He heard her sigh,“ Where the Luger?” 
Arvin was surprised by how calm she was, seeing a dead body right in front of her. But then again, he knew Y/n. She’d seen things that even he hadn’t seen and he saw his pet dog being crucified and his Daddy taking his own life with a god damn pocket knife. Arvin looks down at the ground, where he buried his poor dog and his Daddy’s gun,“ I buried it.” 
“ Good, we don’t need nobody else dying cause yer trigger happy.” Arvin nods his head, not really having anything to say. 
“ ‘Kay, go git into the truck, I’ll be up there soon. I need a few minutes to send a few prayers for the man and such.” 
“ Look Y/n, yah don’t have to do thi-”
“ Go git in the truck Arvin. We’ll talk in a few. Just go git in the truck.” Arvin sighed, nodding before making his way up the hill to Y/n’s old black pickup. He opened the door and sat in the passengers seat. He knew he could’ve probably dipped out on her, tried to push her away so that she doesn’t get involved in this mess. But he knew no matter how hard he tried, she would just pop right back. Because she loved him, it was clear to him now that she loved him the same way he loved her. I mean, what kind of girl would drive all that way to knockemstiff just to pick up a boy she knew murdered several people. Girls in love.
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Arvin and Y/n sat in silence in the truck. Silence reminded Y/n of her Father. How her and him would sit in his black pickup truck, the same one she now drove in. They’d drive in complete silence, to a place where he could have his way with her when she was nothing but a child.
Y/n thoughts started to wonder, wondering if that's what the preacher did to Lenora, took her to a place in his car where he could get what he wanted, blinded by his sinful acts. She’s seen him do it to the Reaster Girl and he once tried to do with her. But she wasn’t stupid enough to get into a car with a man she just met, with a man that reminded her of a man she longed to forget but always stayed ingrained in her brain. 
Men like that are always blinded by sin, no matter how much they say they are a man of god, they are just the devil in disguise using god's name to cover up their tracks for what they do. She thought Lenora would've been safe, but that sadly wasn't god's plan. Arvin stared ahead, trying to keep awake as he tried to figure out something to say when Y/n spoke up," I do this cause I care about yah and yer all I have left. I donts got any family no more. At least nobody in coal creak. Your all I gots left.", the girl had started, causing Arvin to wake up a little. And he looked at her, watching as she gripped the steering wheel, so focused on the road but also focused on making Arvin know her reasons for helping him. For a helping a boy who's killed.
"We aren't blood related but we're friends, we're close enough to be family. Lenora was mah friend, but she was mah family. And what that preacher did, he deserved to die. That man reminded me too much of mah Daddy. I knew he was trouble from the start. I could see the way he did things, it was the same type of things mah daddy did. Those type of men, they always have a pattern. Mah Daddy did, and so did the preacher."
Y/n didn't speak of her father often, sometimes it was too painful to talk about. About the things he did to her and her mother. He'd beat them, and he'd use them in more ways than one. Using them to show off to the world what a man of god he was as the Father of a small Church. Or to use them as servants for his house to be picture perfect, not a thing out of place or there would be a price to pay. Or, he'd use them in the most sinful way of all, through lustful acts. And not just his wife, but his daughter too. Lenora had saved her most times, sneaking her into her home late at night or sometimes in early morning or during the day. And Y/n helped her with the boys at school, trying to get them to leave Lenora alone. It never worked, both Lenora trying to keep Y/n away from her Daddy and Y/n trying to keep Lenora away from the horrid boys at school. But they both tried, and for just that Y/n saw Lenora as family and Lenora saw her as family too.  
" Lenora didn’t deserve what happened to her. She was such a bright girl, she my best friend. She always helped, no matter if it was gonna hurt her in the end. She always helped.” Y/n paused, a small memory forming in her head and then into words.
“ Remember how Lenora used to hide me from mah Daddy? She'd sneak me in the window and yah'd hear it and come running to tell us to shut up before we woke up Grandmomma. Then you’d proceed to act like yah didn’t want me there, only throw one of yer shirts at me telling me it wouldn’t be the greatest thing for meh sleep in mah day clothes,” Y/n spoke, a small smile and chuckle leaving her, Arvin watched it. Watched how a memory with not good things embedded into it made her smile. Arvin never understood how Y/n could get so happy just by a single memory. Even memories that weren’t the greatest. Arvin thought it was probably because she didn’t have many good memories, only a few but they always had some type of her hurt in them but she still cherished them as much as she could. Mostly, all memories she had was her trying to save herself and her depressed mother from her Daddy, so not too many were happy. And because of  all those no good memories, Arvin rarely ever did see her smile like that, smile with really happiness and not just something phony so no one will worry about her. But Arvin knew, he always did. 
He hears her sigh," I wished she would've recognized the signs of a man like that. Of a man like mah father, she knew ‘im, we both pledged to stay away from men like that. But sadly, they always tend to get us one way or another. No matter what their relation is to yah, they always get yah." She pauses, thinking about Lenora for a minute, thinking about how she didn’t deserve that kind of abuse, about how she didn’t deserve to die, to kill herself.
“ What I’m trying to say, is who yah killed, they deserved to die, not the other way around. And thats why I’m helping yah, because yah don’t deserve whatever’ punishment the law’s gonna inflict on yah. You were Lenora’s brother and in a way she was my sister. So I’m looking out for yah, for her.” 
Arvin looked down at his hands, the same ones that held a gun, his Daddy’s gun,“ But aren’t I like those men, aren’t I turning into them? I’ve killed, Y/n. Not just the preacher. I’ve killed another man and a women, I’ve killed the Sheriff.”
“ And why did you kill ‘em?”
“ They were gonna kill me. T-the man had a gun, so did his wife. I shot ’im before he could shoot me and I shot his wife too. I had begged her to put down the gun. B-but she wouldn’t. And the Sheriff, he was gonna kill me cause the wife was his sister. ”
“ See, yah only killed to get rid of the horrible people who only intend to hurt yah. Yah killed with reason, not just cause yah were blinded by sin. And that Sheriff, sure he was a lawman, but he was a bad one. He deserved it as much as his sister. So no, yah aren’t like ‘em. That’s why I love yah, stupid. Because yah aren’t like them.” Arvin looked at her, all she did was stare straight ahead, focusing on the road. Arvin knew she had hard times with saying love. Even just saying love to people who were just family or friends. Love scared her, he knew that. It scared him too. Love to kids like them was a scary thing, because it didn’t come often and when it did it was ripped away from them. Slowly Arvin put his hand on her leg, to give her at least some sort of comfort, some sort of touch and maybe he needed the touch as much as she did too. 
“ I love yah too, yah know.” He said as he looked out the window.
“ I know.”   
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“ Put these on.” Y/n spoke throwing a black t-shirt and Jeans at him, the clothes landing on his head.
“ Why?”
“ Cause, they already know what yer wearing. If yah wear something different it’ll be harder to find yah, plus it’ll be better for yah to wear somethin’ cleaner.” Arvin sighed grabbing the clothes Y/n threw at him.
“ Also, I got somethin’ for yah. Here.” She then throws a pack of cigarettes at him. The pack hitting him square in the face making Y/n laugh. 
“ Yah know, yah could always just hand me the stuff instead of throwing it at me.”
“ Well where would the fun be in that?” Y/n said with a smirk and wiggling her eyebrows in a goofy way. It was dark out and Arvin sat in the open back of the truck while Y/n threw stuff at him that she’d packed. Arvin was surprised about how prepared she was. She packed all the necessitates. Like blankets and clothing, even food and water and even money. Arvin was grateful and lucky Y/n came after him, he would’ve been completely lost without her. 
“ Now git dressed. I’ll look away, don’t yah worry.” Then made a show of slowly turning around and putting her hands over her eyes. It made Arvin chuckle, he liked when he saw Y/n like this, all goofy and just plain smiles. It reminded him of Lenora, it reminded him of his mother. 
“ So where did yah get these clothes anyway? They look like mine.”
“ Yeah, I raided yer drawers. Grandmomma helped me too.”
“ She knew yah were going after me?”
“ Yeah, she does. She wanted me to find yah and to make sure yer safe. She said I’d be the only one to keep yer ass in line out here.” There was a moment of silence between the two.
“ I’m done getting dressed.”
“ Finally, I need some well deserved sleep and you are taking up our bed for the night. We’ll find something better tomorrow though.” Y/n hopped on the makeshift bed with all the blankets she had piled onto one another to make it more comfortable than it was on the back of the pickup truck. She laid down and looked up at the sky, a small smile on her face. 
“ Yah aren’t gonna change either?”
“ Oh, uh I uh, I forgot to bring a change of clothes. I was so focused on getting shit for yah and finding yah. I forgot some clothes for myself. But it’s fine.”
“ No it ain’t. Here, wear one of my shirts yah brought, I bet wearing that dress isn’t too comfortable.” Y/n raised an eyebrow at him. 
“ Is this just yer way of getting me to wear yer clothes. Cause yah could always ask.” 
“ Oh shut up and put on the clothes.” Arvin said with a little red starting to creep up on his cheeks, he was thankful it was dark out so she couldn’t see. Y/n laughed as she grabbed one of Arvin’s shirts, it was his white button up church shirt. Y/n had always wanted to try it on, it seemed comfy to Y/n, and it was. When Arvin could finally look, his eyes wanted to pop out of his skull, and in a way they were. There she was, in just undergarments and his white button-up. Arvin always hated that shirt but right then, he loved it. 
“ Alrighty, now it’s time for sleep. We got a lot of driving to do tomorrow cause we are going all the way to Cincinnati.”
“ What’s in Cincinnati?” Arvin asked as Y/n climbed in the back and laid down. 
“ My Uncle lives out there. I gave him a call at one of the phones while you slept in the Truck. He’s gonna keep us for awhile, he’s got an extra room and he’s gonna let us stay until we are able to leave and make a life for ourselves without the cops coming after yah.” She laid down looking up at the sky as she spoke. She never saw her uncle anymore, the man used to live with her and her parents when she was young. But one fateful day at age 10 he moved to Cincinnati and never really kept in contact. Y/n knew his number, always wanted to call him. There were multiple times where she wanted to call and beg him to take her away from her small house in Coal Creak. But she never did. When she called, the man was ecstatic when he heard her voice. He offered her to stay with him before she could even ask. It made her wonder how a man who obviously wanted her to be in his life never kept contact for many years of her life. But she already knew it was probably cause of her Daddy. The man never liked how his brother looked at her Mama and how she looked at him. How he seemed to act like more of a father to Y/n then her own was. 
“ You have an Uncle?”, Arvin asked popping Y/n out of her thoughts as he propped up on his elbow so he could look at her. As he looked at her, he started thinking about how beautiful she was. Even in the dark and with the dirt and the few stray leaves in her hair and even wearing his horrid old church shirt. He still thought she was just plain beautiful. 
“ Yeah I do, he used to live with me when I was younger. He’s a good man.”
“ And does he know what I did?” Arvin asked nervously.
“ I told him, he said it wouldn’t be any different if yah were in the war. Don’t worry, we gonna have a place to go. Yer gonna be okay. We’re gonna be okay. I got it handled,” Arvin couldn't explain how he felt in that moment, as he stared at her, knowing how Y/n was always there. Even when they were just kids and he was just plain lonely and to now where she's helping him get away from the law after killing. But all he knew, in that moment, was that he loved her and he wanted to tell her in the best possible way. Love to kids like him and her was a rare thing, so he decided he was gonna act on it. So he kissed her. 
From his propped up position he was able to swoop down and touch his lips to hers as she laid there looking up at the stars. Y/n was surprised at first, not knowing what was happening when realization hit her. Arvin Russell, her best friend growing up, the boy she loved was kissing her. So she kissed him back. Their positions changed through the kiss. Y/n now straddled his lap and her arms circled around his neck, one hand running through the back of his hair. Arvin sat below her, one hand on her hip and the other grasping the side of her face gently. Both putting all their love and passion for one another into that one kiss. They both finally pull away, both of their lips being swollen but big smiles on both of their faces, even Arvin who rarely showed smiles. But that just made Y/n appreciate them that much more.
“ Arvin...,” Y/n started, looking at him with so much love.
“ I love you’ Y/n. And not just as a friend or any of that shit. I love yah, I love you as someone I want by me like my Daddy wanted my Mama.” Y/n looks at him as if he just moved the moon. 
“ I love yah too. Always have, always will,” She speaks, with lovey, dovey tone to her voice before leaning down and kissing him again. Both got aroused fast from their positions and soon they both had one of the best nights of their lives. The lost of both of their innocents. Both of them were each others first and will also be their last.   
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It was sunrise when Arvin woke up, Y/n laid upon his very shirtless chest as her naked body stayed hidden under the blankets. The memories of what happened last night circles around in his brain, making him smile. He and Y/n had both lost their innocence last night in the back of her Black pickup truck. Arvin couldn’t remember a time of being so happy and feeling so loved like he was last night. Both knew it was a sin in god’s eyes, but they both hoped he’d forgive them since even though it was before marriage, they were still in love and in their eyes its not any different.
 Arvin looked down at her, entranced by how beautiful she looked, how pure she looked just sleeping all sprawled out on his chest, her hair all messy and a light pink dashed across her cheeks from the cold. He sighed, wishing this type of peace could last forever. That the two could just stay like that in the middle of the woods in the back of the truck just enjoying one another’s company. But he knew thats not how life always worked. 
Y/n started to stir, her eyes starting to slowly open as she let out a small yawn. Her nose scrunched up as she yawn, it reminded Arvin of a small Kitten. She was his little kitten. 
“ Mornin’,” Arvin spoke in his deep southern voice as he looked at her. She looked up at him, a small smile gracing her face. 
“ Good Mornin’, so yah ready to take off for Cincinnati with meh? You know you ain’t getting rid of me now?” Arvin smiled, swooping down to give her a gentle and soft kiss the lips before pulling away. 
“ And I wouldn’t change it for the life of me, Darlin’.” 
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lucky-peoqle · 4 years
Craig feeling guilty for snapping/hurting at someone he cares about and is very apologetic. (Not many people like Craig but I do i love reading about him) circa s4, maybe he brings up canon nods from his past and gets kinda vulnerable and heartfelt. Idk i love softcraig.
a/n: this is my second time writing this bc the draft didn't save :( i would be lying if i didn't say i watching season 2-4 just for this imagine (i'm on season 6 now hehe)
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fandom: degrassi
character: craig manning
warnings: crying (?) other then that it's pure fluff
summary: the reader accidentally calls craig the wrong thing and that causes him to snap on the reader.
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you knocked on the door of the jeremiah household, waiting for someone to open the door.
just as you thought no one was going to answer, the door opened to reveal the familiar face of caitlin ryan, who was probably watching angela for joey.
you smile, "hi caitlin!"
"y/n, hey! craig's upstairs."
"alright, thanks," you grin, walking into the house.
"y/n!!" you hear one of your favorite people call.
"what are you doing here?" she smiles, hugging you tightly.
"to see you, of course!" you smile, picking her up and twirling her around, causing angela to squeal out of excitement.
"hey, hey! be careful before you drop her!" caitlin chuckled with a smile.
"don't worry, i always am! you can trust me."
"don't worry, i always do," she chuckles.
"is that who i think it is?" you hear a voice call from the stairs.
"maybe it is, maybe it isn't," you say back.
"haha, very funny," craig says, walking over to you and angela, "hey kid," he smiles at angela, taking her from your arms.
"yes, i'm so funny. maybe even funnier than jt."
"yeah, totally," he said, putting angela down, grabbing your hand and leading you up the stairs and into his room.
you sit on his bed, sigh, and look over at him.
"sooo...," he says.
"sooo...," you reply.
"what's up?"
"i'm stressed, school sucks."
"i feel ya, i feel ya."
"yep," you said, popping the p.
"how's home?"
"same old, same old. i'm pretty sure my dad's grilling tonight. what about you? how's the band, rockstar?"
"good! amazing actually! jimmy's finally got this new riff down. we're really getting somewhere, y'know?"
"totally! craig, i'm so proud of you. you're amazing, have i told you that?"
"maybe like one or twice... or one hundred times."
"haha very funny, don't be too modest."
"don't worry, i'm not. i'm not."
"yeah, sure craiger."
craig's head snapped towards you, making you look at him with worry.
"you okay?"
"what did you just call me."
"don't call me that ever again," he said, his voice raising slowly.
"what? why?"
"just don't, okay?!"
"okay, fine. just calm down, please. you know how i get with yelling."
"don't tell me what to do!" he snapped.
"okay, i'm sorry craig," you say, tears streaming down your face.
once he saw the tears, his face softened, "wait, no, y/n i'm sorry."
"don't. i should leave."
"y/n please don't. i need you," he said, grabbing your hand.
"craig, i'm not breaking up with you. i just need space right now," you say, your hand slipping out of his. "see you monday."
you walk out of his room, and down the stairs, walking towards the door.
"y/n? why are you leaving?" you hear angela call out.
"i have a dinner to eat, ange!" you smile, crouching down to her level.
"oh, okay. i thought craig did something bad."
"what? no no no, he would never do anything bad. never think that okay?"
"okay!" she smiles.
"i gotta go, but i'll see you soon alright."
"maybe not tomorrow, but soon, promise."
"pinky promise?" she holds out her small pinky.
"pinky promise," you smile, locking her picky with yours.
"see ya kid," you smile, hugging her tightly before getting up and walking to the door.
before you open the door, you hear a creak at the top of the stairs.
"y/n, i didn't know you were still here."
"i was just leaving actually," you say, reaching the doorknob.
"oh, okay. see you later," he said.
"yeah, see you later," you say, walking out of the house, making your way to your house.
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you lay on your bed the next day, which happened to be a sunday. tomorrow you would have to face your boyfriend who snapped at you, even though you didn't know you did anything wrong.
you hear someone walk up the stairs, expecting it to be your mom or dad, until your heard a knock at the door.
"come in," you state.
the door opened to reveal none other then the craig manning.
you sigh, "what do you want craig."
"i couldn't sleep last night, i felt so guilty."
"craig, you yelled at me, even when i told you i hate when people yell at me. why did you yell at me anyway?"
"okay, do you want me to explain?"
"what you called me.. my dad called me it all the time. i didn't know how to react so i just snapped."
"craig, you should have just told me, i would have stopped."
"i know, but i just... i don't know what's wrong with me.." he said.
you looked over at him, noticing the tears that were streaming down his face.
"craig please don't cry, please. i'm sorry i just left out of the blue yesterday, i should have let you explain."
"no, really it's fine, it's not your fault. it's mine. i'm crazy, y/n.
"you're not crazy, i love you, craig. so much. you're okay, we're okay."
"wait, you mean it? we're okay?"
"craig, we were never not okay sweetie."
"oh, thank god."
"i love you, a lot," you smile, kissing him on the lips.
"i love you more, but i think ange loves you more. she's dying to see you again, wanna come over?"
"i would love to," you smile.
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a/n: IT'S DONE!! THIS IS PRETTY LONG LMAO,, also degrassi update, i just finished the episode were jt dies and im SOBBING.
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moonie-here · 7 years
Shaken to the Core-Chapter 1
Fandom: Thomas Sanders/Sander Sides
Summery: Logan and Roman make a mistake with deadly consequences. Can Patton right their wrong before Virgil is gone forever?
Warnings: Angst. Crying. Non-descriptive body horror. General sad feeling. Slight physical fighting.
Pairings: Platonic Moxiety
ao3 link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/13874427
The cracks first appeared he was alone.
Virgil was sitting on his bed drawing and listening to My Chemical Romance when he felt it.
It was as if someone had taken a sledgehammer to his ribs and mercilessly beating him with it. A scream of pain wracked it’s way up his throat, but was muffled by the sleeve of his hoodie as he threw his hand over his mouth.
Oh god oh god ohgodohgodohgod.
He crawled off of his bed over to the mirror on his wall, small sobs coming from his lips  even with his hand over his mouth as he worked his way over slowly to the mirror.
He took a minute to gain focus and work past the pain before yanking his hoodie off and lifting up his shirt.
When he saw what was there a much louder sob pushed from between his lips.
Starting at his left hip slowly working their way up his abdomen and onto his chest. Something that looked like oil and blood dripped slowly from the newly formed crevices in his skin. Bruises were forming around the edges in shades of black, blue and yellow.
He let his shirt slip from his fingers and sat back on his knees. He finally caught his own reflections eye in the mirror. His makeup was smeared down his red puffy cheeks and exposed the heavy, purple bags under his eyes. His hair was messy from where he had grabbed his head in a state of panic. He looked like shit. He felt like it too.
“So this is how I go huh?” He whispered to the empty room.
“Not surprised.”
He figured out pretty quickly what was happening. Patton would avoid eye contact, Roman didn't talk to him and Logan would freeze every time he entered the room.
They didn't tell him. He didn't expect them to. It was supposed to be a secret between the three of them anyway. Why make it awkward?
Oh hey, by the way, I totally know you got Thomas is to take anxiety medication. Yeah, also it's totally gonna kill me. Anyway how's your day been?
Not happening.
Whenever he felt the cracks worsen he simply shut himself in his bathroom for as long as it took for it to stop and to clean himself up. The blood-oil stuff was a mess to clean up so he stopped trying to clean the bathroom after every “attack”. It was gross but at this point he didn't care. He was dying after all.
This happened consistently for a week before it really got worse. The cracks spread rapidly and Virgil spent most of his time in his bathroom, which was now covered in a layer of black sludge. He left only if he knew nothing was going to happen, which was almost never at this point. And despite the fact that Pat had tried to talk to him consistently over the last two weeks he felt...so alone.
Patton missed Virgil. Ever since Logan came to him and Roman with the idea of medication he felt...iky. Roman had been on board right away but Patton wanted to ask Virgil about it and the others wouldn't let him.
He felt wrong. Virgil was his best friend and he hated lying. He had rarely seen Virgil since this entire thing started and when he did Virgil looked on the brink of death. It had been two weeks since they had they had a proper conversation and oh, he just wanted to hug his son right now. He wanted to help Virge with whatever was going on and see if the pills had done anything bad.
Patton was curled up in his bed debating on going to tell Virgil what was going on. He’d tried to check on the other side before but Virge had always turned him away saying “I’m fine,” or “I’m just tired.”
In fact Patton was so wrapped up in his own thoughts he only snapped out when a violent, hysterical scream pierced through the tense air of the mind scape.
He shot straight up, throwing his quilt and several stuffed animals off of his bed. He swung his door open and rushed into the hall looking around widely until another scream pierced it's way into his brain.
His stomach sank.
The scream came from Virgil’s room.
Virgil felt it coming. After about two weeks he could feel it before it hit, like someone would just start slowly squeezing his kidney until pain took over his entire body. The cracks almost covered his body now. Up to his collarbone, forearms and ankles.
This one was different though. He could tell. His stomach twisted differently and his hands shook more than usual. The throbbing all over his body was more intense as well.
This was gonna be the last one.He felt tears gather in the corner of his eyes as he walked shakily from the bathroom to the desk in his room. He didn't want to sit down but his legs were giving out.
He slumped into the chair and pulled out a new sheet of lined paper and his favorite pen. He couldn't figure out what to write to the others. He wanted to say goodbye but he wasn't good at all this mushy stuff.
Fuck it.
He poured out everything he was thinking onto the paper until he had to flip it over for more room. Halfway down the second side the pain hit full force.
He tried to push up to make it to the bathroom but ended up falling onto the the floor, chair toppling right alongside him.
The pain was so much at once. It tore through him. Literally. He couldn't breath, he could barely think. He wanted it to end.
Make it stop oh god oh god please helpme helpme helpme i should have told them i dont wanna die please stop it it hurts
Tears ran down his face as he curled into a ball. He clenched his jacket’s sleeves looking for some release but all he felt was his fingers cracking and slipping on the weird sludge that was now soaking the fabric. He felt a scream claw its way up his throat.
Hands were on him. Pulling his own fingers from where he clenched the hoodie till it tore. Someone was crying and holding him. Pushing his bangs from his forehead, as he felt tears land on his face. The person was singing to him with shuddering breaths. He wish he knew who it was. He couldn't sort out any real thought and his body was thrashing out of his control, jerking violently in every direction.
You are my sunshine, my only sunshine. You make me happy when skies are gray. You’ll never know dear how much i’ll love you. Please don't take my sunshine away.
Virgil open his mouth to talk, only to start hacking up black sludge. The taste of mud and iron worked its way up his throat and passed his lips. I can't breathe!
The coughing, pain and cracking went on for what felt like hours. The presence of two others appeared by his side only to be pushed back by what he assumed was Patton. It took all of his strength but he managed to pull his eyelids apart. He locked eyes with Pat.
“V-virgil? Kiddo-o you with-th me?”
“Virgil, what caused this?” Virgil’s eyes flickered towards the voice even when his body jerked away, curling further into Patton’s arms.
“Not now Logan.” He looked back at Patton who was glaring at who he gathered was the logical side. Patton looked…. Scary. His eyes were red and watery but looked as if they were shooting daggers to kill someone. His entire face a bright pink in the non-blushy way. Sadness? Anger? This wasn't Pat.
He coughed again and all attention was back on him. He whimpered “P-patn?”
“Im here kiddo. Im right here…”
“Hurts...make it stop?”
He felt fingers run through his hair. “Yeah I know kiddo. I’m not sure I can make it stop, but i'm damn well gonna try.”
“I-I think ima die?”
The hand froze and three people sucked in at the same time.
“No. You're not gonna die Virgil. You're my best friend and im not letting you die.”
“I can feel it… I don't wanna die Pat.” His fists worked their way into his polo. “Don't let me die.”
Tears. Everything was blurry as tears ushered down his cheeks making tracks through the black goop that strained his face. He let loose a few strangled gasps as he felt himself crumble.
“NO! COME ON VIRGIL PLEASE! I-I cant l-loose you…”
“M’sorry Pat….”
Patton’s arms were empty now. They had been for an hour. At least what he thought was an hour. He didn't know anymore. He didn't care. His best friend died in his arms and he did nothing but cry.
When Virgil passed it was messy. A mix of dust and black sludge were pooled around him staining everything it touched. The only thing left was Virgil’s hoodie, which Patton had clutched in his closed fists. Logan and Roman were still standing in the doorway where Patton had kept them. He still didn't let them close. When Patton finally moved from his kneeling position, two hours and thirty-seven minutes later, he fell onto the edge of Virgil’s bed smearing black onto the mussed up sheets.
Logan spoke, breaking the silence. “Patton. We... we should clean this up.”
Pat looked up at him from the hoodie in his grip. Mouth opening and closing a few times before he found his voice. “No.”
“Pat this is hard for all if us but surely we cant-” Roman was cut of when a fist connected with the side of his face.
“Patton!” Logan yelled as Princey fell to the floor with a thud.
“NO LOGAN…” He yelled spinning to face the logical trait, and grabbing by his collar. “MY BEST FRIEND JUST DIED IN MY ARMS AND YOU BOTH ACT LIKE IT’S NOTHING!” He spat it out as if it was the most disgusting thing ever to touch his tongue.
Tears threatened to spill from Patton's eyes as he stared Logan down.
“He’s gone…
And it’s because of his own family….”
Pat let go of his shirt, arms swinging to his sides. A sob broke through his lips as he sank to the floor once more, curling up into a tight ball. His whole body shook as he cried loudly into Virgil’s hoodie.
Roman looked on in disbelief. Patton hadn't cried like this ever...not even when Thomas got dumped.
Bile rose in his own throat as he looked over the moral side. He threw his hand over his mouth in order to keep it down. Tears spilled down his own cheeks as he looked up at Logan.
His eyes widened when he saw red blotchy cheeks and shaking shoulders.
“What did we do?” He heard Logan whisper.
“Oh god what did we do…?”
@pattson @anxious-ball-of-sunshine @my-happy-little-bean @ironwoman359 @mirror2thespirit @shadow-walker-1201 @thecrimsoncodex (suffer with me)
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tricksexual · 7 years
I stopped watching Supernatural somewhere between seasons 8 and 9.
I stopped for multiple reasons, but for huge Cas-stan such as myself, the biggest was having to watch my favorite character die over and over-and us as the audience never really knew if this time it would stick, or if he would just be brought back once again.
But now the show is on season 13, and I honestly can't believe it's survived this long. But finally having time to myself, I decided to rewatch the show from the very beginning with a clear mind-not being actively involved in the fandom, the drama, the ships. And it's honestly be very eye opening.
So far I've caught up to myself from the past. I've watched seasons 1-7 in completion and am currently in season 8 (which I fondly remember being called Season Gr8), and I have Opinions™.
Season 1 was, of course the slowest, and I found myself skipping through a few monster-of-the-week fillers until we started coming onto the plot that would lead us all the way to season 5. And I genuinely enjoyed it. It was a great story, Sam and Dean go through some serious character arcs and handle certain storylines with a lot of emotional intensity. Sam's struggle with emotional and mental abuse, being taken advantage of, and the addiction he struggled with were seen with greater appreciation this time around. Having gone through some serious things in my own life, I felt myself really reaching for Sam as he fought tooth and nail to redeem himself in the eyes of those who loved him.
Dean's battle with depression was something I'd connected with when I first started watching the show who knows how many years ago, so to see it beginning to stem and build after John's death and continue all the way into season 8 (and I'm sure further down the line as well) was hard. The one thing I always loved about Dean, though, was that he always made the choice to stay alive in the end, to fight. And, of course, at the end of the day it all about Sam and Dean and their relationship that keeps both boys on the right path.
Something I had noticed the time around is that Dean constantly foreshadowing our Big Bads-which I directly correlated with Stiles from Teen Wolf, who has first impressions of characters that tend to be directly spot on. Seeing it now makes me want to scream at the other characters while Dean tries futilely to get them to see things his way.
Castiel is probably my favorite story. He started off as someone who was mindless, followed orders, and didn't question his Father. I relate because I spent many years walking and talking to my father's tune, and I was a good daughter. No matter how my fathers actions hurt me or others, there was a part of my brain that said, "follow orders, unquestioningly. I consider this brainwashing, and to break this connection is extremely difficult. For Cas, it took falling in love with humanity. Seeing the worth of humans, especially the ones he guarded. His story progressed, and I noticed Dean calling Cas a 'child' more often then not. Now that I can take a step back, I understand how, once again, Dean was foreshadowing events to come. Castiel didn't know how to handle his new found free will, making choices which cross the line between right and wrong. Later he admits that he truly doesn't know what is right and what is wrong, which I can understand. After having been under someone's control for so long, only to be left alone to remake who you are can leave your perceptions pretty askew.
The lines, "It sounds so simple when you say it. Where were you when I needed to hear it?" - "I was there, where were you?" Between Dean and Cas really strikes something in me. Castiel tried so hard to make the right choice, but instead he decides to do right by his leader, Dean, who wanted a normal life outside of hunting after Sam jumped into Lucifer's cage. I found this parallel between Dean and God much more pronounced this time around for Castiel. Cas never really made his own choice, only did his best to follow a leader that wasn't present. Of course, Dean would have dropped everything for Castiel if he'd gone to him, but the drive to give Dean normalcy overrode sensibility. Later rationalizing terrible decisions and tragic mistakes, which is indeed childish and would be his downfall. That downfall lead to a great redemption arc in season 8, which I haven't watched in it's entirely quite yet, but have enjoyed.
To build off of that, I wanted to address Dean's trauma. The fact that Cas refused to go through the portal from Purgatory traumatized Dean so much that the memory became unreliable, and lead Dean to believe that he wasnt strong enough to bring Cas back. Dean goes through so much. I've touched on his depression, but he has absolutely been through the ringer, and I can guarantee that he still holds the weight of the world on his shoulders, which leads to this complex of 'im not strong enough to save the world but I HAVE to try'.
When Bobby dies, Dean's severe alcoholism really begins to stack up. Enough that even Sam speaks up about it a few times. The episode where they fight the Shojo, he asks if Dean can even get drunk, and Dean's surprised when he does. And it gets worse when they have to send Bobby back before he becomes a vengeful ghost. When the cameras pans over to show Castiel watching form the background, really broke my heart. Through Castiel's mental break and outright refusal to participate in any conflict, he still knew his loyalties and was still broken by Bobby dying, something that we hadn't seen Cas handle until that moment.
At this point though, in season 8, I'm getting more critical of what I'm seeing. The vision that Kripke had for the show has run it's course, and that's crystal clear to me. I have to remind myself that these characters have grown and moved on in ways that I didn't originally see them going. Namely, Amelia and Dean.
I don't like Amelia. At all. And I vaguely remember that being the majority opinion among the fandom, but I could be wrong. Yes, I'm glad Sam found someone who knew the pain of losing a loved one. That's extremely important for Sam to recover and move on. And yes, I'm glad Sam found someone to move forward into a better life with. But good good, could they have written someone a little kinder? A little softer? Someone who wouldn't have so mean, rude, and harsh? At this point for me, 8-9 episodes in, I have no interest in her and am excited for her character to be written off. In my opinion, Sam deserved way better from a partner, someone similar to Lisa for Dean back in season 6.
As for Dean, I understand that he's gone through a full year of combat. He and Benny bonded like they fought in the same foxhole, saw blood and gore daily, took lives or else their lives would be taken. I know that Dean is going through a PTSD arc, and that's fantastic. It's a story that's very much needed, because Dean has been through a lot already, and the mental scars of those things need to be addressed as well as healed eventually. But I'm absolutely horrified at Dean and the way hes treating Sam for moving on. I continuously find myself routing for Sam to go off on his own again, to leave Dean and his attitude behind. In my personal opinion, Sam doesn't deserve the treatment that Dean's been giving him. I understand that Dean was hoping Sam would find a way to bring him back, fail, and move on like Dean had done back in season 6. I understand that Dean has seen so much war in Purgatory that now his vision of civilian life, even hunting itself, might be askew. But that doesn't make.his treatment of Sam okay.
The final thing I want to touch on is Sam and what he went through while having visions of Lucifer in season 7. I just want to say how proud of Sam I am at this point, because he is not the picture of mental health. He has been through things that most couldn't imagine. And we get to see him heal. That is the most important message to me. Go through hell, heal, grow, make better choices on the next go. That's all you can ever do. And I've watched this boy do it time and time again. Sam's message on mental health is probably my strongest take-away from this rewatch.
I'm my writing this to get a reaction or to even interact with the fandom, just to get my thoughts down in writing. Because I've had all these thoughts floating in my head since I started the rewatch, and I just couldn't keep it in anymore.
If you do wanna strike up a conversation, you can message me or reply to this post, totally up to you. I'll probably do another post once I fall into season 10 and again once I'm caught up with the series.
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