#i wanna get them all the expensive one too
torialefay · 2 days
maybe this is too niche but the most random thoughts keep popping into my head?? idk but i must share them.
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these are the types of doctors i think stray kids would be, based on different doctors' stereotypes (from the pov of a medical student):
chan: sports medicine 🏀⚽️
• description: physicians with training in areas related to treating and preventing injuries and health issues associated with sports, exercise, or strenuous physical activity
• stereotype: athlete-turned-doctor. the less extreme brother of the orthopedic specialists. get to meet a wide range of people and are well-liked. very passionate about sports and physical health. dress really nice and know their ass looks great in their tight pants. probably has memorized all the stats of their favorite teams. ACTUALLY very intelligent and not just a meat head.
minho: forensic pathologist 🩸
• description: subspecialist in pathology whose area of special competence is the examination of persons who die suddenly, unexpectedly or violently. The forensic pathologist is an expert in determining cause and manner of death.
• stereotype: honestly just leave them tf alone. they just wanna do their thing... without you there, just come find them when they've figured it out. nice but also scarred forever. a little fucked up in the head but much needed. no one understands how they're able to do their job tbh. able to conjure up the most morbid situations. kinda freaky but in a respected way. you should be concerned if they stare at you for too long.
changbin: orthopedist (aka orthopedic surgeon aka "ortho bro") 🦴
• description: medical specialist who focuses on injuries and diseases affecting your musculoskeletal system (bones, muscles, joints and soft tissues). although this type of doctor is a surgeon, they often help people get relief with nonsurgical therapies.
• stereotype: the "bro"est of the bros. always talking about their new workout routine or equipment with the other ortho bros. will out-eat you any day of the week. probably has a hot spouse. will be blasting their workout playlist for hours on end in the operating room. honestly just want to do surgeries so they can play with the tools. could fight off an entire army with the amount of protein powder they consume on the daily.
hyunjin: dermatologist 💉
• description: medical doctor who specializes in conditions that affect the skin, hair, and nails.
• stereotype: distinguished and better than you. better than everyone else. can be nice, but can also be cold depending in the person. only uses the best hair products. the specialty is very competitive, but you're 99% sure they got in with pretty privilege. owns 7 cars, but their sunday car is their favorite. sells $90 moisturizer at the check-in counter. most definitely is also certified in botox and filler and will give you a discount on your injections if you compliment them enough.
han: psychiatrist 💆🏻
• description: medical doctor who can prescribe, direct, or administer psychotherapeutic treatments or medications to treat mental, emotional, or behavioral disorders.
• stereotype: actually does give a fuck about you. you can tell them the most fucked up shit and they honestly will not be surprised in the slightest. quirky to a fault. knows how to make you feel special. very #relatable. sacrifices their own mental health for the sake of yours. cannot do math. just wants world peace. mentally diagnoses everyone they meet with a personality disorder.
felix: gynecologist 👛
• description: physician who specializes in diagnosing and treating diseases of the female reproductive system.
• stereotype: will be kind to you and work for the promotion of women's health. never makes you feel uncomfortable and tries to make you feel more secure in an environment that can seem scary. has very expensive bags. their children are very successful, but in a humble way. emotionally intelligent. wishes they had more time to bake. an advocate. seem sweet, but if you cross them, they can drag you through the absolute mud. may or may not have a rhinestone cup collection.
seungmin: general surgeon 🔪
• description: doctor and surgeon who’s trained to diagnose and manage a broad array of medical conditions before, during, and after surgery (preoperative, operative and postoperative care), often as leaders of a team.
• stereotype: literally just trying to get you cut open, close you up, and leave. has 27 different playlists to listen to in the operating room. may or may not flirt with the other staff. got this job bc they cannot handle people telling them what to do. will humble you so quickly. other besties are also surgeons. has very niche interests. weird sense of humor that not everyone gets but they still have to laugh because they are scared of him.
innie: neurologist 🧠
• description: medical doctor who diagnoses, treats and manages disorders of the brain and nervous system.
• stereotype: a little peculiar, but very smart. takes a long time to get an appointment with them. probably thinks you are a little dumb, but tries to be nice anyways. hard to make friends. has an amplitude of medications that they are legally not supposed to have. their children are most definitely overachievers. would not trust you to bring an important dish to the potluck. has the cutest shoes. dabbles in unexpected kinks.
(descriptions gotten from various websites hehe)
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persephone411 · 1 day
Hi darlin
If youre open to it I have a request
Going lingerie shopping with John(I read the John wick lingerie freferences and it was amazing) I’m giving you complete freedom what happens there🎀
I wish you well
First of all, thank you for the request (it’s actually the first one I’ve ever received 😂) I hope you like it, it actually became a lot longer than originally planned but well… I suddenly felt very motivated
Lingerie Shopping with John Wick
-it happend while you were spending a day at a mall, mostly just window shopping. You were walking hand in hand while John also had a bag full of new books for both of you
-Originally when you saw the store, you wanted just to quicky buy some new panties, because John had managed to rip another pair of yours (which also happened to be one of your favourites)
-you were surprised when he followed you into the store, none of your exes would have done that (they would have just stood outside the store while being on their phone, looking awkward)
-but not John. He walked without any shame, handsome and majestic as always behind you.
-“It’s fine John, you can wait outside, it will only take a few minutes”
-“but I wanna come with you. I ripped the panties, I replace them”
-you shake your head in disbelief, but at the same time couldn’t hide your smile as you see your boyfriend, dressed in dark jeans and a black Henley shirt walk through the pink and white store.
-because it was already late, the store was nearly empty, with only two two saleswomen gossiping at the checkout.
-so you took your time looking through all the different designs and cuts.
-as you turn around to search for John you saw him in the section with the delicate, more expensive lingerie.
-He was staring at a gorgeous night blue set with golden details, including a garter belt. You didn’t wanna even know the price of it.
-“found something you like darling ?He asked as he noticed your gaze.
-“still looking, any specific wishes ?” You asked teasingly
-“I love everything you feel confident in”
-after a bit you found a few pairs you liked, now debating if you should get the bras too.
-“Here, try this” John gave you a bunch of cloth hangers, full of lace and satin.
-a bit overwhelmed to took everything and walked towards the changing rooms while John grabbed the bras you were debating if you should get them and followed you.
-As you looked through John’s selection you smirked. Yes, he definitely had preferences.
-All the things he picked out for you were classy and elegant, no bright, corny, colours, no cheap looking designs or fabrics.
-While trying on the bras, You wondered briefly how he knew your exact size.
-But he was John wick, of course he knew everything about his girlfriend, including her bra and panty size.
-After the first bra, John asked if he could come inside the changing room.
-his eyes widened as he saw you (and you wore the most simple set out of all. Matching bra and panties in a nice dark green)
-“you look gorgeous Angel” he whispered as we wrapped his arms around your waist from behind.
-you giggled and ushered him out of the changing room so you could try all the other sets he had brought you
-As you tried on all the different sets, you made sure to let him not see all of them
-He loved spoiling you, and you loved surprising him
-In the end you left the changing room with four new bras plus matching panties, a new pyjama set and a bunch of other panties.
-As you walked to the checkout, you didn’t even try to argue with John about splitting the payment, you knew he wouldn’t allow you to pay for them
-As he pulled out his card, your gaze wandered over to the night blue set had had his eyes on earlier. It was truly gorgeous and luckily Johns birthday wasn’t that far away.
-while he paid, chatting with the saleswomen, you quickly ordered the set online, knowing that it would arrive just in time for his birthday.
-,,Let’s go home darling” he whispered In your ear and you smirked as you felt his errection against your butt.
-you nod and take his hand, leading him out of the store.
-As you reach his mustang, he pulled you against him, kissing you softly
-“how about we I get us some nice wine on the way home for later ?”
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danielcalmdown · 27 days
Just finished a third playthru with cheats (all skills maxed) it was really damn fun. i was able to see and do many things i didn't before and i failed only two checks in the whole game. one of them was saving kim during tribunal x'D i was like wow okay it's a sign from god, I'll go with cuno (a little sad cause i didn't talk to him once in this playthru, was too busy doing other things i didn't do). but yeah before i didn't have enough courage to fail it on purpose. it was good shit especially the ending with him. and I was shocked once again at how well written the deserter is together with the phasmid. Fuck man. also cuno's got real potential, but if kim doesn't get hit u just leave him in this falling apart shithole... Next run I'm doin with all skills low so i can get every check failure to see what happens then B)
a side thought about failing the tribunal check. kim did not really trust me in this playthru, and i wonder if it's a result of never failing anything. like, is failing a vital aspect of getting closer to kim? i dunno, maybe it was accidental
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edenfire · 10 days
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I forgot to post about it, but we went out for pancakes for akechi's bday🥰🥳🌈🌈
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bootyful-seventeen · 3 months
I am heavily contemplating on buying myself a dvd player soon and buying all the DVDs for a ton of movies and tv shows I grew up watching cuz I miss the magic of dvds
#hear me out on this one okay. but the Barbie movies were magic on dvd back in the day#and I do wanna see if stores are still selling the old strawberry shortcake dvds before I go online for those#I wanna snort that nostalgia so bad#and of course I’ll need to get the dcau on dvd#like all of it cuz I’m so bored with the dccu since we don’t get as much new stuff#it’s always Batman or superman and love them but I’m kinda bored from always seeing a new bman or sups movie#Wonder Woman I wouldn’t mind a new actor for her but I know she’s not gonna be a muscle mommy which I’ll be sad about#give me a Wonder Woman that is built like rhea ripely god damnit#the flash is eh cuz I found out this whole time I’ve been watching the Wally west flash#but yeah Wally is who I want and then there’s the green lantern like dude is so cool iams all we have is the 1 from 2011 I think#sure I could watch some of the tv series they have but I have too many shows on my watch list it’s overwhelming at times so I skip over lots#tho I will have to pray like crazy cuz some of the things I know I want are probably gonna be expensive as fuck even as second hand#saw a class of the titans season 1 dvd going for $81 cad 💀💀💀#the world is not kind to those who don’t love the digital age#I prefers my dvds cuz I own it and no one can take it away from me unless they physically steal it#omg I’m turning into my grandma cuz she still had the vhs player with some tapes too#just wish she never donated the tapes for swan princess 1-3 and Anastasia and ferngully and basically all my faves that she owned#like Ngl a part of me wants to hit up value village just to see if maybe they’re still there or if I’ll find other copies of the same things#cuz a perk about cities with older people is that you get so much older tech and other items it’s insane
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hauntedorpheum · 2 months
first time people tell a content creator GIVE US MORE ADS
#i dont think they are greedy corporate monsters. i think they are creators trying to run a business with no knowledge on how to do that#icarus flying too close to the sun and all that#is just so clear they didn't make any kind of market research#a youtube poll would have helped them#is just a shitty thing because they clearly just want to have more creative freedom and do bigger things#but if you are running a business then you also need to think about your audience. which i don't think they did#and the international issue with dollars in this economy#+ the need to use a vpn in order to watch in certain countries apparently#+ an audience of mostly 20 somethings and younger people who have other priorities#and like nearly every single person that i've seen that actually likes this idea. has also said that are not paying#because they can't afford it. so even if people were on board with this. is just not viable with their audience#like sorry. but 'streaming service' is not plan b on the list of things to if you dont wanna rely so much on ads#and them doing a 14min long video that is edited like a shitty corporate apology video#in which you say 'if you can't give us money. bye ig' while promoting#a show about people traveling to dif places and paying expensive meals#while also saying you have no money to pay your 25!!! employees#not to mention not clarifying anything and leaving everything in vague terms#like international issues. whether you are deleting your previous youtube content or not (they don't say anything about this on the vid....#.... Variety said they were gonna do it. but then they did the pinned comment so it feels like they are backtracking...#...even if they were never gonna delete it)#what newer content you want to make. the pros you get subscribing#broken record with this. but watch the og dropout ad. its clear. adresses concerns. tells you what shows would be available#and the one moment that they use sad piano music is used with irony#ok. no further comments until they say something lol#watcher#my post
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fishsticxz-art · 7 months
im moving in a few days and gonna have to buy some stuff for the new house and also i have to get a new computer soon because my laptop battery has started failing (its 7 years old) and a new external hard drive because. i have one but its the only place i store my files and if it fails basically all my art is gone SO i'll make a new comm info post soonish after the move, posting this to make myself STOP PROCRASTINATING ON IT ive been meaning to make a proper comm info sheet for like a YEAR at least. also i encourage people to buy the splatoon emotes or other stuff or just drop me a few dollars on my ko-fi if you wanna be super nice to me thank you :teehee: (imagine that pink splatoon emote from my pack here)
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toastsnaffler · 18 days
love my leather boots sooo much.. polishing them at weekends is my favourite chore by far I always look forward to getting to do it :-)
#just re-lacing them rn so theyre ready for work tomorrow theyre so shinyyy muah#when my next payday comes around im gonna get a second pair so im not putting as much strain on the leather by wearing them everyday#but i think im gonna go for a different colour to my standard black.... ik solovair do similar ones in burgundy or bottle green hmm#well i have a month to think abt it before i decide!#red is my go to accent colour but green would probably fit better with my work wardrobe... and i do wear work clothes 5/7 days a week#anyway.... i need to meditate and then sleep. i usually settle down for bed 9:30 but im a little wired cuz new med change#so ive been putting it off until i feel actually tired so i wont stress abt not being able to fall asleep and then make it worse#i will probably feel pretty tired at work tomorrow but thats okay i dont have anything taxing scheduled#feeling so much better now this weekend is behind me. ik next weekend will likely be difficult again but im more prepared for it#i need to book myself this trip as well before train tix get too expensive so i have smth to look forward to next month....#just debating whether i actually want to invite other ppl or not. itd be rly nice for everyone to come but with recent events i feel-#a little delicate abt social stuff and i dont want to stress myself out and get insecure bc its meant to be a treat for me#like if i invite other ppl itll become their trip and suddenly im in the backseat third wheeling them all#and ill wish i had uninvited myself so they would enjoy it more etc but the POINT is its smth i wanna do!!!! for me!!!#we'll see how this week goes. i dont rly feel ready rn to unmute their server yet tho bc ill just make myself upset abt next weekend#letting sleeping dogs lie for now... ill come back around eventually it always takes some time to recover from mood swings that intense#okay now goodnight! xoxoxoxooxo#.diaries
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natsmagi · 10 months
hi again
#thinking abt deleting the prev rambling i did in the tags#bc i think i got a lil heated and i also feel my point may get misconstrued#the point i was making is i feel like people are coming at the current state of switch from very biased perspectives#and lacking in nuance of said characters aswell as the current state of all other units#a Lot of the !!-era stories have sucked and rehashed old conflicts between charas that had been resolved in !-era#and all in all its just been. Weird. for everyone#but i didnt like seeing people ignore the progress switch have made#which can even be evident in current stories#the charas have also changed since !-era and that shift should be acknowledged when discussing them in current day which i felt it wasnt#in a sense all of them are outcasts. the current state of switch is a very complicated one#i dont wanna talk about this too much#ive just been sad about the way the switch community has formed i guess#i remember when there werent many eng speaking switchPs#its the reason i even started posting about them so much to begin with#i wanted to share my love for them with people who loved them too#but whenever i check twitter its just so much needless discourse........ esp at the expense of tsumugi ??#or just ntmg in general. its a weird shift that has happened and i know its to be expected but i cant help but feel a little sad#seeing these perceptions of the characters i love deeply be created and skewed in real time#i know i should just ignore it#and i have been for a while#but when nearly every single switch account is talking about the same stuff? i get tired#i dont know#this is very rambly#i was struggling to fall asleep which is why im typing this#this is very venty and i apologize#but yea. i dont know#nat rambles
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mydr3aminvi0let · 26 days
i wear a lot of skirts and pink and whatnot as my style has developed with me & my personality but when one of those age regression girlies latch onto me....i do not like that
#like oh....you think im one of them...bestie no im freshly 23 and im happy i made it this far i dont wanna go back#sometimes i hate being 5'2 with a small frame you have to be very careful and kinda vet everyone you interact with#idk there's a complex discussion to be had. i am someone who has went through what they fetishize and i know a lot of girls in that#community have too. so i worry a lot if if my behaviors and preferences accidentally align with that community in ways i don't realize#bc trauma will always reveal itself. idfk. when i was 20 i got in a relationship with a man who was 30 because i misheard him and thought#he was 24. i thought he was okay until we were at this giftshop and he wanted to get me something but as giftshops are super expensive#i mentioned i could fit in childrens clothes and it saves me a lot of money ($60 shoes are $30 for kids) and tbh fit my frame better#so he was “prove it” so i did and mf said “THATS HOT” ??????????? BITCH#my style wasn't even feminine in the slightest at the time 😑 it feels like a curse to have this kind of trauma then never outgrow this body#believe me ik how trauma changes your brain but how#as a woman#can you ever be apart of that community? why do you allow this to continue and not persecute these men for existing?#you're inherently enabling it and saying its okay this happened to you and its okay that other adults can hurt other kids#when my rapist got put in prison i screamed i yelled i sang i danced my friends set off FIREWORKS for me#when he got out i cried more than i ever have. i moved STATES (not the sole rzn but nonetheless) not that i was in the one he was in prison#in anyways but i was so fucking petrified he'd find me again. its embarrassing but i started sleeping with a chastity belt again.#i made more phone calls i ever have in my life to people who have and will get their hands dirty#i understand the self hatred those girls have. i understand the girls who sleep with everyone to take some of their power back.#i even understand the girls who want to get raped if they got assaulted but it never felt like enough for the pain they're experiencing#but please stay the fuck away from me. as someone who has tried to heal and wants every man like that erased from earth.#do not give them an ounce of attention. ostracize them like they're meant to be. leave it to god for their karma they will be dealt with#reckon with your pain and make sure it never happens to anyone else. only the harmed can make the greatest teachers#tbh bro i am disgusted with myself at all that those are the kinda vibes i put out.#what are you supposed to do as a woman when feminity is equalized with infantilism? i think its tone deaf and misguided whem girls are like#i dress this way to contradict societies views!!! babes its a whole cultural issue that requires reviewing and reforming#you are not doing anything revolutionary by wearing frilly skirts and saying im not like them bc they see you and ur automatically boxed in#i dress how i want and say what i want but i know as a individual im not the beacon of a groundbreaking movement#singularily flipping society on its head. dress how you want but be aware of the connotations. you're living in this society here and now#there's consequences that may not be in your favor and youll be assumed to have values that dont align with you and it may break your heart
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nomaishuttle · 7 months
now heres the thing is my rule is i have to live on my own for a year before im allowed to get a pet but also consider what if i had a little friend .
#in my heart i want a wawa so badly it hurts but alsoooo i worry quite a bit bc like. i work full time... so el wawa would be at home alone a#lot and one thing about the beautiful adorable majestic chihuahua is they have to pee every 3-4 hours. so i would have to have some way to#let them out OR keep them outside while im at work but another thing is 1. apartments dont generally have backyards#2. chihuahuas get cold very easily .... i could do some ssort of doggy daycare but i fear that would be expensive .... and i hate pee pads#and would prefer not 2 use them so i dont rly have much optionn 😭 but i want a chihuahua so badly.#but ALSO. a kitty cat.... i love cats i think theyre really quite sweetsies and also i think they could handle living in an apartment bette#esp since famously cats use the bathroom indoors. u may know.#so... i could potentially get a kitty..... but also i dont want to get one until im absolutely positive i could take good care of it and i#feel like i could esp now that ive got a system that works so well 4 motivating me to do my daily tasks yk. and also i think if i had my ow#apartment id feel a lot safer just like. being up and around the apartment so thatd be good... but also pets r expensive. but also the apt#i just applied to is rly quite cheap (like 1050 a month) its income restricted but i qualify by like a lot LMAO... n this would be perfect#bc 1050 is likee. not even a full paycheck i could pay rent with 1 paycheck and still have like 150 left over and then my other paycheck fo#the month is fully mine... so i could save up lots#+ wsg is included in the rent whichhh is insane. adn the apartment is cute and Trust . alarm bells were going off a bit bc i was like maybe#this is too good to be true we all remember the 800$ scam incident. but its a verified listing and i checked the propertymanagers and theyr#legit... its even got a washer and dryer IN UNIT and also a fitness center which is good bc i wanna try n start doing more cardio...#IT EVEN HAS A FIREPLACE i dont particularly need a fireplace but its cool 2 have one i could make smores right in my very own living room#AND ITS NOT A STUDIO its a 1 br...#grahhh i rly rly rly want ittt ik i prolly wont get it but :[
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deus-ex-mona · 2 years
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i thought of my family. i ✨shrivelled up inside✨
#incoherent ramblings that may or may not be oversharing af in the tags. you have been warned#the lyrics just… really hit home at some parts. infidelity ain’t cool man. :(#ughhhh i just. the song’s just…!!!!! aaaaaaaaaa#now i really wanna take a crack at tling it bc. the…. aaaaaaaa#i can’t really explain my feelings about this song? but i have lots of them#like it brought back memories of being there in the cigarette-scented living room of my old place as my apparent other parent called his gf#i’ll never forget how sickening the softer and sweeter(?) tone his voice took on as he talked to her. it was grossssss#like it was such a huge shift from how he was towards his biologically female family members (my mother and myself)#just how was he able to be so soft towards that lady while also slapping the living daylights out of us? >:( it isn’t fair!!!!#my brother was spared from getting hit though. and he was spared from being involved in their fights too. male privilege ig. it’s not fair!!#not that i’d want that asshat to be sweet to me in the first place. heck no.#there was this time he asked me what kind of music i listened to. i told him t-swift bc i didn’t want him near my fav song: caramelldansen#he looked up one of her songs on yt to seem relatable,i told him ‘i don’t listen to t-swift’,and he screamed at me :(((#and there was also that time i was screamed at for calling him a perv for pointing out mosquito bites on my inner thighs :(((#and yet… just *how* was this ugly ass loser able to get girlfriends as a married man??? he’s 155cm so he doesn’t even have the height factor#ughhhhhh cheaters always remind me of this clown. i hate him. i really do. i hate tons of things but he’s the thing i hate most in the world#i can’t get rid of that mf though >:( the cons and cons of being literally named after him bc he was disappointed that i was born a girl ig#well. this sure got off-topic… i probably need therapy lol#but therapy’s too expensive (and too complicated to get) so tag therapy it is!!!!#i’ll just vent my life’s worries in the tags here all while everyone else suffers with me >:)#but… kitto wakareru yo’s a beautiful song (musically speaking). chico’s voice and the instrumentals are so good and very emotional…#but the dude mentioned in the lyrics can go cocc himself ig. cheating is unforgivable!!!!!!!#it is suiyoubi my dudes#inedible blubbering
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orcelito · 1 year
Dropped my gorgeous girl (my bike) off at the shop to get her basket installed & fix the pedals. Apparently it just needs a part replacement, so I should have her back in a few days hopefully
Stopped by the shop I wanted to go to yesterday since it wasn't far out of my way & picked up a new deck of tarot cards. As much as I love my first deck, it's a very average starter deck, & I wanted smth more personalized. So now I have one. Gonna have to break out those puppies sometime soon
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supercantaloupe · 1 year
fine i'll order the damn shoes. are you happy now (<- talking at the mirror)
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fabulouslygaybean · 2 years
i love robotics but it's so hard to find classes that actually, like,,, focus on actually building robots
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nightroo · 2 years
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Here's my second project- well, at least the first half of it. The simple half, because I'm not 100% sure on the design for the hard part. It's simpler than the box, and originally I was going to do it first but I got cold feet lol
Not much to say about the design itself, it's just a vine pattern I've done before, that gradiants from dark to light green. I'm quite satisfyed with the gradiant effect! It gives it that bit of interest that it needs since the pattern is not that interesting.
The next part is the horizontal lines of the shelves. I'm considering simplifing the design because it's not excatly easy to paint with no place to rest your elbow... especially when I don't have much practice with that.
Also don't ask about what I have on my shelves. Just... ignore that lmao
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