#i want that vid to be referenced so badly by them
boiboiperson · 11 months
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The feeling I get from watching that bootleg vid is indescribable
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twelvedaysinaugust · 3 years
I just sent you ask about following larries and one more thing, people are going overboard with sing walls if you believe larry is real. They think Louis is pointing to the sign and smiling and telling the crowd to sing walls. They won't stop. Also here's something that's bugging me a lot, they brag about how much Louis doesn't love el. Like how he pulled her around in the pap vid and dropped her hand as soon as they get to the hotel. So that shows it's a stunt and he doesn't care about her. Why would you brag your fav is treating anyone badly? Like even if it's a stunt don't you want your fav to be nice and not controlling or unkind?
Look... At first, I wasn't sure that Louis pointed at the "Sing Walls if Larry is Real" sign. I was hoping against hope that he didn't. After watching numerous videos from numerous different angles... I think he did, indeed, point to the sign. And it seemed premeditated because he glanced up at it multiple times before "doing the deed." And that same night, Louis allegedly winked at someone in the pit holding two Larry pictures and then pointed to his heart. Anyways, referencing the sign, the biggest Larrie on Tumblr said this: "I am fired up for at least 5 more years from that alone." Well done, Louis!
After it happened, I texted my sister and said, "It's really strange because when you watch Louis do it... it does seem kind of genuine? It has a hint of realness and almost... gratitude? But maybe that's me projecting and feeling nostalgic. If he's fucking with fans, I really don't like it. Very odd. How to blog in these conditions? Such a mindfuck."
But I agree with you about Eleanor. I know Louis and Eleanor lack chemistry sometimes (whatever that means) but I've never seen any of the actual animosity Larries assume exists between them. With the exception of the breakup period, of course. But Harry and Eleanor? Well, things get a little more interesting now, don't they?
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real-faker · 8 years
I was going through your vimeo and saw that real neat reanimation you did of the south park movie opening song, I LOVE how dynamic some of the shots are! I was wondering if you have any advice on how to get good at perspective? what are some good exercises that you feel they worked for you?
Oh man, haha.  I wanted so badly to animate that song, but at the time I just had nothing that even vaguely resembled a workflow, haha... All I had at the time was this very old version of ToonBoom and BOY did we not get along.  In any case, I’m glad you liked it!  Maybe one day I’ll do it for real, now that I’ve got my shit together!Now, about perspective... I’m gonna be completely honest with you, I don’t exactly specialize in it.  I’ve only really felt like I truly understood perspective ONCE in my life, and that was only because I was a little bit high.  What I HAVE noticed though---and what I was doing in that animatic---was that if I just started drawing it, it usually worked.  If I wanted to do some ridiculous camera movement or forced perspective, I just started drawing frames and making it happen.  If a drawing wasn’t working, I’d take it out.  I don’t know what it is specifically, but I feel like when you’re animating something with a weird perspective, you can get away with more than if, say, you’re just drawing something at a weird perspective.  If it’s a still image, people have more time to look at it and criticize it, but if it’s a moving image, where every drawing is a just a component of the overall motion, it’s much more forgiving.  It’s surprisingly freeing, because you just bust out some quick drawings to see if it plays back correctly.  You don’t fuss over the individual drawings too much, as long as they serve the motion.  I’m not sure if that makes much sense, but I hope it helps!My buddy Craig is actually absurdly good at perspective, and he told me once that what he does as an exercise is to just draw a bunch of random lines on a page and then start connecting them into 3D shapes.  It ends up just being a bunch of kinda forced-perspective cubes or whatever, but he says it helps to think about how things can move around in a space.  Actually you know what, he might have some cool videos to share with you, or some good advice, so maybe try hitting him up.  He animates sakuga shit all the time so, like I said, he’s just absurdly good at perspective.  Here’s his blog!Also for anyone who’s curious, this is probably the SP animatic anon is referencing, but it’s in a few different chunks, so there are other vids floating around there too.Anyway, my answer was pretty specific to animation, and like I said it’s not something I really specialize in, but I hope it helped!
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