#i want to be nice to sasuke here but also everything i have seen indicates that he just dropped team taka and said later bitches
something-like-air · 1 year
blank period karin is one of the most interesting, complex versions of karin but there's a dearth of content that's dedicated to her in that era
a lot of the content ive seen that features blank period karin is like, sssk fic where she shows up to deliver the baby and is either like, mean or depressed about it, and maybe she and sakura have a moment and become besties, but usually she's there as set dressing, or to like, put the nail in the SK coffin
and like, that scene is absolutely something id want to dig into as a dirty little karin fan, but there's plenty of other shit i think a good karin-centric blank period fic could hit
this list got mad long so here's a read more. check it out.
the creeping, gradual realization that sasuke is not coming back for team taka and will be settling/based out of konoha
generally, any sort of wrangling/reconciliation between sasuke and taka after the war when he's in his new and improved grown up state of mind. if not this, then dealing with the frustrating realization that sasuke will continue to associate with orochimaru and taka whenever he needs anything, while having no intent to maintain serious personal bonds with any of them
in relation to the above, karin havign to deal with the fact that she's probably the only member of taka who is bothered by this, since juugo tends to be passive, and suigetsu is independent enough that if sasuke is fine just being LDBs (long distance bros), he would be totally chill with that. karin!!! not so much
and like i said this would be stuff other than the sarada stuff, but like WHEN the sarada shit happens, how karin approaches the entire sarada situation, whether its like, instant love bc its sasukes kid, or something she needs to force, bc holy shit is that an emotionally complex situation, and holy shit does sasuke do her no favors by asking her to deliver his literal child
aside from the sasuke bullshit, i wanna see karin wrangle with log/mitsuki/other babies(???) being grown in the lab while having no blood family of her own while also being unlikely to ever have her own children
karin also wrangling with the fact that she's creating entire human beings, presumably so that they can be experimented on by orochimaru, which isnt new per se, but is new in the sense that shes now an adult who may or may not have more complex feelings towards helpless children (esp after sarada)
the fact that juugo apparently takes off from taka at some point, and karin and suigetsu either go separate ways or begin working in different hideouts
literally????? any kind of revelations regarding her heritage??? the fact that she busted out the chakra chains in the middle of the war in a very conspicuous moment?? shes a cousin of the future hokage???????? one of two uzumakis left in the world, and the only known pure blooded one, presumably?????????
also this is probably where karin experiments with The First Guy Who Is Not Sasuke, which either fails gloriously in a murder-tinted kinda way, or is wayyy too normal for her to ever be able to maintain it
ALSO i dont think theres a lot of fic that address the long term toll of karin using her healing bites, and it seems like young adulthood would be the time where any wonky shit would present itself
basically i think there should be more fic about how complex karin is in this era, how she tackles leaving behind the sasuke era of her life and forming an identity separate to that, to the extent that she may or may not try to, and she may or may not succeed
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yahboobeh · 4 years
When the Clock Strikes Midnight
Happy New Year everyone! Here’s my NejiTen discord server Secret Santa fic for @giada-luna! FF.net | AO3
There were very few things to do at the hospital, and Neji could count them all on one hand. He thought he would have been used to it by now. He had spent most of the past two months in and out of the hospital between checkups and surgeries as his body slowly recovered from the multiple impalings that should have killed him. 
He mostly slept, breaking apart the cycle of visits from nurses and loved ones with groggy drug-induced naps. However, four days post-op meant his pain medication was replaced with something less addictive, making even napping a difficult way to adequately pass the time. Hinata insisted that Neji packed a book, but he’d made short work of that the first day the nurse had removed his IV (and, by extension, his pain medication). The tv on the wall was only good for the white noise, and even meditating was starting to feel monotonous. 
Luckily, tonight was his last night in the hospital, recovering from what was hopefully his final surgery. It was also New Year’s Eve.
As if on cue, Tenten was there, pushing the door to his room open, sporting a pink and white quiapo and smile on her lips. 
“Oh good, you’re awake!” 
He nodded and watched Tenten close the door and cross the room to the side of his bed. 
“New dress?”
Her face reddened as if she hadn’t expected him to notice, much less comment on it. 
“Yeah, new year, new me?” She chuckled awkwardly. “What do you think?” 
“I like it.” 
Her blush deepened, and she muttered out her thanks before shifting the conversation away from herself.
“Have you done your exercises today?”
Neji sighed before answering, yes. A nurse came by twice a day to ensure he was walking and practicing special breathing techniques to keep his lungs clear. Tenten knew this but continued to worry over his recovery consistently. 
“You did the breathing exercises?”
“And the coughing?”
“Ok, but when did you go for a walk last?”
“Last night when you insisted,” he teased.
Tenten crossed her arms and huffed at him.
“That’s not funny. Sakura said it’s important for you to move.”
“I know,” he said with a bit more exasperation than he’d intended, “I’ve been through this countless times over the last two and a half months, Tenten.”
“I’m sorry,” she huffed, “forgive me for being concerned.” 
Neji sighed. They were both tired and stressed. Tenten came to visit him every day, and it didn’t matter if he was in the hospital or resting at home. She seemed to have made overseeing his recovery her primary job. Neji knew from Lee’s visits that Tenten was also fretting over Gai. He appreciated her concern and even felt guilty for being the source of her anxiety, but the constant worrying and nagging opened the door for more arguments. Neji enjoyed exchanging barbs, but Tenten was the last person he wanted to argue with.
“A walk sounds nice,” he relented. They walked every night, regardless of her questions and his answers. So, Neji began the slow process of sitting up. It didn’t hurt nearly as much as it did during his initial recovery, but his muscles still ached and protested from the exertion. 
The nurses made him keep a walker next to his bed to brace himself on while he got out of bed, but Neji hated it. It reminded him that he was weak, mortal, and very lucky. Tenten knew he hated the walker; Neji didn’t even have to tell her. It was one of his favorite parts of their friendship. They knew each other so well that they communicated silently. Tenten stood in front of him, offering out her hands should he need them. 
In front of anyone else, Neji would wave away assistance but not from Tenten. They gripped each other by the forearms, and Neji stood up. She smiled the whole time, and his heart fluttered. 
“Where should we walk to tonight?” she asked as they stepped out of Neji’s room and started down the hall.
“Have you eaten anything?” 
“Not yet.”
“Then how about the cafeteria?”
“Oh, are you offering to buy me dinner?” Tenten teased.
“Sure, just charge it to my room,” he joked. 
But he’d seen the glint in Tenten’s eyes at the prospect of a meal. He knew she wasn’t eating well. She looked thinner and tired. The war had been particularly unkind to Team Gai, and while Tenten carried herself with a demeanor that said ‘I’m okay,’ Neji could see the truth. He hated it. Hated that she was spreading herself so thin between his and Gai’s recoveries, that she only had Lee to train with, that she had seen so much and cried so little. 
“Let’s eat,” Neji confirmed. 
The walk was slow. All of his walks were slow. 
“How is Gai-sensei doing?” Neji asked. “Lee thought he was almost done in surgery when he was visiting.”
“Yes, he is doing well. He was in recovery when I went to see him today. I left when they moved him back to his regular room. Although I think Sakura gave him some extra medication to make sure he rests.”
“Ah, so I take it we won’t be seeing him tonight?” 
Neji paused to rest, and Tenten leaned against the wall.
“Lee and I talked earlier. Gai-sensei will likely be in and out of consciousness all night. We decided it would be best if we split up this New Year’s celebration. He’s staying with Gai-sensei, and I’m with you.”
“So we finally get a quiet and uneventful new year?” 
Tenten giggled.
“Just this once.”
They started walking again, quiet as they neared their destination. At the entrance to the cafeteria, Tenten continued the conversation.
“You know, this just means that next year Gai-sensei and Lee are going to go over the top to make up for this year.”
Neji rolled his eyes, trying to ignore the images of Gai and Lee’s potential outlandish plans. 
Tenten, at Neji’s quiet insistence, filled a tray with food. He had eaten earlier, so he prepared a cup of tea and purchased Tenten’s meal. 
“You didn’t have to do that,” she muttered while they scanned the room for a table.
“I wanted to,” he ensured. A wave of emotion hit him. He always wanted to do small things for Tenten, to repay her selflessness and kindness with his own. 
He knew she felt the same way he did, and Neji had resolved to tell her as much. It wasn’t a matter of if he should tell her, but when and how. 
Would she want a grand romantic gesture, or would she appreciate something more quiet and comfortable? He could easily imagine either scenario and felt overcome with indecisiveness and nerves. 
Tenten elbowed his arm, and he was back in the cafeteria. 
“Sakura and Sasuke are here!”
Neji gave a nod to indicate that joining them was fine and followed Tenten to the table. 
“Hey, guys!” Sakura, who had been hunched over a cup of coffee, perked up when she saw them. 
“Hey, Sakura! Do you mind if we join you?” Tenten asked. 
“Oh sure, I’m just on a coffee break.” 
Tenten set down her tray and glanced up at Neji. He shook his head, silently declining her offer for help. 
He winced as he sat down and let out a sigh before sipping his tea. 
Sasuke sat across from him, toying with his coffee. 
It was strange to see him without an arm. It made Neji’s stomach turn, and he wondered if it was similar to how Tenten might have felt when she saw him half dead. 
“How are you guys doing?” Tenten asked. 
“We’re good,” Sakura replied, “tired, but good. Things are starting to slow down, and Tsunade-sama is feeling well enough to help out here and there.” 
“That’s good,” said Tenten. 
“And I was just checking up on Sasuke’s… uh… arm… before my break, and here we are.” 
Sasuke polished off his drink and stood up. 
“Gonna grab another coffee, want one?” 
“No, thank you.” 
Sakura then jerked her chin towards them, ever so slightly. 
“How about you two? Need anything?”
“We’re all set, I think,” said Neji, “thanks.” 
Sasuke walked off, and Tenten instantly leaned across the table, her meal half-forgotten. 
“How are things going?”
“He wants to stay and keep me company tonight!” 
“Yes! My shift runs late. Do you think he’s going to kiss me at midnight?” 
“Maybe! If he does you have to tell me everything!” 
Neji drifted in and out of their rushed conversation giving an appropriate nod or shrug whenever Sakura looked at him for reassurance or he felt Tenten’s expectant glances. 
Sakura excused herself shortly after Sasuke’s return and the pair departed the cafeteria. 
Tenten tried to push her half eaten bowl of fruit onto Neji, claiming she was full and he needed to eat more. 
She cleared their dishes and they slowly made their way back to Neji’s room. 
Neji sighed as he leaned back against the bed, the pillows and mattress taking over for his strained and sore core muscles. The bed was raised so he could sit up comfortably. 
Tenten stretched her arms and yawned before sitting next to him on the bed. 
She reached for the remote and turned on the tv. 
“Only three and a half hours left of this shit year,” she said, flipping through channels. “Do you know which channel is the news?” 
Neji shook his head. 
“There might be a list in the drawer,” he suggested. 
“Oh! I found it!” The local New Year’s Eve celebration show had started. Any other year they would be among the revelers in the center of the village enjoying the festival.
...the crowd is ecstatic tonight...eager to leave behind a year of death and destruction...hearbreak and loss....
“I heard from Hinata that they’re going to interview Naruto and Kakashi-sensei.” 
“Sakura mentioned that earlier today,” said Neji.
“It’ll be weird to see them on TV.”
Neji glanced over to his teammate, catching her eye. 
“I’m sorry you’re stuck here.” 
Tenten giggled and leaned her arm against his. 
“Don’t be silly. This is where I want to be.” 
Neji raised a brow. 
“In a hospital room?” 
“With you.” 
Neji felt his face flush and hoped she didn’t notice. Was this the right moment to speak up? 
“Besides,” she continued, “we can see the fireworks from your window.” 
Neji shrugged. 
“I suppose it’s a fitting end to this year.” 
Tenten smiled. 
“Yes. The year that we never thought would end. It’s been awful from start to finish.” 
“The entire year?” 
“Pretty much. I mean, there were some good things. But it was all just preparation for the war and then…” 
Tenten trailed off, picking idly at a loose thread on the blanket. She shook her head as if she was denying access to the dark place of her mind where those memories were tucked away. Neji knew that place well. He suspected everyone did. 
“It doesn’t matter. The further we move away from this year the better.” 
Neji chuckled. 
“Do you think that once the clock strikes midnight everything will suddenly change?” 
“Maybe, you never know.” She gave him another smile. “It doesn’t hurt to hope though.” 
Their conversation died down for a moment, picking up the familiar pattern of silence between topics. 
The television hummed with the activity of revelers and hosts entertaining the crowd as the last few hours of the year ticked away. 
Twenty minutes before midnight Kakashi appeared on screen to help ring in the new year as Hokage. 
...we’re ushering in the new year with an era of peace...
“I hope Gai-sensei is awake for this,” said Tenten. 
Kakashi was a bit awkward and unprepared, but if Gai was watching, Neji knew that the new Hokage’s performance could be discussed as nothing less than perfect. 
After a few minutes Naruto made his appearance. They listened for a bit before getting out of bed to look out the window. 
“Oh, I almost forgot,” Tenten reached into her kunai pouch and pulled out a small bottle of sparkling sake, “can’t celebrate without a drink.” 
“Don’t let Sakura see that.” 
“It’s a mini bottle and you’re going home in the morning. I think you’ll be alright.” 
She twisted off the cap and took a swig. 
“Although I got a twist-off lid so no one hears a cork pop.” 
She passed Neji the bottle and he took a drink. Fizzy bubbles rippled across his tongue, the sake dry and tart. 
They finished the bottle as the countdown to midnight started. 
The energy in the room shifted. Neji felt lightheaded with anticipation.
Neji remembered the question Sakura had eagerly posed to Tenten at dinner.
‘Do you think he’ll kiss me at midnight?’
And he knew that the moment was right. 
Neji watched Tenten watch the television. She was smiling, and Neji didn’t need his byakugan to see that she had relaxed. If it was the sake or the prospect of a new start, Neji wasn’t sure, but her aura of calm was contagious.
He looked back up at the television, where Naruto was helping lead the countdown.
...5...4...3...2...1... Happy New Year!
Neji could hear cheering from the nurse’s station as the first few fireworks went off. 
Tenten ignored the view of the fireworks show they had stood by the window for, turning from the tv directly to Neji, her smile wider.
“Happy New Year, Neji.”
His arm moved before he could register it, cupping her jaw. The smile on fell from her lips, and her brows furrowed with the confusion that played across her face. 
That was when he kissed her, soft and gently. He heard the smallest gasp between the burst of fireworks outside their window. Tenten’s lips were soft and tasted sweet like sake. She kissed him back and pressed her hands to his chest. Neji put his hands on her waist and drew her in closer. 
They were slow, sweet and unsure. His mind hummed, and his body buzzed. He wanted to pull her even closer and kiss her harder, but he was too nervous, and this was perfect.
Neji wasn’t sure how long they kissed for, but when they stopped it was nothing more than a brief pause, foreheads pressed together.
“Happy New Year, Tenten.”
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elegiesforshiva · 7 years
Ghosts XIV: Heartthrob
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The camp they set is rife with silence and agitation, not unlike most missions, but something is different with this one.  
Despite Nara’s calm and apathetic disposition, Sasuke can tell he is livid.  His right hand keeps palming the pocket he keeps his cigarettes in, and the turn of his jaw is twitching, probably itching to chain smoke like he has since the start of the mission.  But he doesn’t because tonight they are too close to enemy lines.
Despite the frigid cold, they’d be going without a fire.  Just blankets, soldier pills, and water.  They’re even resting on the thick bodied branches of Konoha’s trees to avoid leaving obvious footprints.  
This is a reconnaissance mission, Shikamaru had said at least six times since the start of the mission. We cannot be seen.  
If anyone else were leading the mission, Sasuke would have thought it excessive.  But it’s Nara, and if he’s being overly cautious, there’s probably a good reason for it.
Sasuke suspects it has to do with him, lone arm trembling and head buried beneath six feet of ash.  But he thinks it must be more than that too.  Handicapped or not, he can hold his own and everyone knows it.
“That’s it—I need to ask,” Kiba says, and Sasuke already knows something stupid is about to come out of his mouth.  “Why the hell do you keep staring at him?”
“Huh?  Who?” Ino says, so dull-witted and obvious that Sasuke thinks it would be catastrophic if she were ever interrogated.
“You!”  Kiba says, scrunching his nose until it mirrors the nin-dog curling against him.  
“I’m not doing anything!” Ino hisses, her head rivets so fast it’s a wonder it doesn’t snap right off.  She glares hard at him, like she’s reprimanding Inuzuka for noticing her gawking for three days.  Sasuke is just glad her eyes are finally off of him.
“Shh,” Kaito intervenes.  “Keep it down.” He’s the only one in the team that’s not part of the annoying band of genin Sasuke once knew.   There’s a strange comfort in that—along with the fact that he’s relatively quiet and docile.
“You’ve been looking at Sasuke like Akamaru does a piece of meat since we left Konoha,” Kiba says, his voice only marginally softer.    “Aren’t you dating Sai?  Either way, it’s Sasuke—“  Sasuke tries to ignore them, hone in on the hiss of the wind.
“—he’s not going to sleep with you.”  It doesn’t work.
“Kiba, you crude, dog-breathed shit stain,” Ino whisper-shouts. “If you keep yapping, I’ll knock your ass right off that branch!”
“No, you will not,” Shikamaru says, sounding as if he wanted to be anywhere but here.  “Ino, stop staring at Sasuke. Kiba, shut your trap.  You’re both going to agitate your teammates—primarily me.”
“Oh please,” Ino mumbles, just loud enough for Sasuke to hear.  “You’re always agitated these days.”  But then she’s turning on her side, pulling her thin blanket up to her pink nose.   Shikamaru rolls his eyes, the only indication that he heard her before wisely choosing to ignore it.
A thick quiet sets in, and Sasuke can hear his harsh breath as much as he can feel it.  He tries to focus on the bright strip of moon, the thick stitching of his blanket, the grainy texture of bark against his fingers—anything but the aches in his body.  He desperately itches to ignite Susanoo, if only to feel his body come aflame.  Fuck, he just needs some relief.  
“Sasuke, get over here.  I need to talk to you,” He hears Shikamaru call.  A growl is born and dies in his throat, because he already knows he’s been caught.  When he looks up, he sees Kaito staring at him, and Ino looking like she’s trying not to.  
Sasuke shifts his weight, standing on legs that feel as if they might fall right off.  He wonders if he can chalk the shaking of his arm up to the cold.  He pushes off his branch with a single stride and lands on Shikamaru’s.
Sasuke can see every hard line around the scrunch of red nose and cheeks beneath those worn, inquisitive eyes.  Sasuke can’t help but think that Nara looks far older than even most shinobi his age. And he imagines his own face must look much worse.
“Ino said you’ve been having withdrawals,” Shikamaru says.
For a fleeting moment, Sasuke imagines himself strangling Ino, before consciously shoving the brutal image down in an overflowing mental trunk of his unwanted rage.  
“Have you been hallucinating since we left Konoha?”
“No,” Sasuke lies.  It doesn’t matter.  The hallucinations are nonviolent and brief enough for the lie to pass.  Still, Shikamaru gives him a dubious look, and it’s like grime coating his every exposed nerve.  
“Is that all?”  Sasuke presses, wanting to just be done with this conversation and this mission so he can just see Naruto and Sakura again.  He hasn’t seen them in days.
“I just need you to be honest with me,” Shikamaru says, leaning back into oak trunk so wide it looks like it might swallow him.  “There’s a number of concerns right now, some involving the members of this squad and I need to know if you’re one of them.”
“I’m not,” Sasuke says.  “If anything, you should be worried that there’s a chunin in the squad.”
“Kaito is the most qualified person for his position here, other than Akamaru,” Shikamaru says.  “He’s the least of my problems.”  He nods over to Sasuke’s cloaked shoulder, calculating eyes trailing down the length of his side.  “What about your arm?  I can’t imagine you’ll have great accuracy with shuriken when it’s shaking like that.”
“This is a reconnaissance mission,” Sasuke says, repeating Shikamaru’s earlier words.  “We won’t be seen.”
“Don’t be a smartass, Uchiha.”
“You’re asking if I can throw shuriken correctly,” Sasuke quips, and he doesn’t bother to keep the strain from his voice—he’s beyond his limit.  Ino has been staring at him, waiting for him to snap this whole trip, Kiba’s perpetual, obnoxious commentary is even more annoying than the dobe’s, and Sakura should have been on this mission, but now he has to worry about two sensors tracking his erratic chakra instead of one.
Shikamaru sighs, palms his head in nothing short of irritation.  “Just don’t screw this up.”  He crosses his arms.  “I’ll have Ino check on you before we leave in the morning.  Get some rest, I’m not putting you on duty tonight.”
Sasuke doesn’t nod, or give any clear indication he heard the order.  He just returns to his branch and curls against the trunk with the elegance of a capricious child.  He loosens his thin cloak off his shoulders and tucks his chin enough for his hair to veil his face.  He feigns sleep through posture alone, refusing to do so much as close his eyes.  It doesn’t matter.  In the shinobi world, there’s two ways to go about your teammates:  Pretend you’re not watching, or just do it openly.
He hears them trade off shifts to keep watch. And the cold settles thick in his sore, fevered muscles in a painfully pleasant way.  It’s nearly midnight when he feels a slight weight shift on the end of his branch.
Sasuke doesn’t even glance at the chunin.  “What?”  He asks, trying not to sound annoyed, or like he’s been daydreaming of ripping his own skin off for the past two hours.
“Can’t sleep again?”  Kaito asks, his voice so distant and calm it felt like it was forged in the night sky.
“Hnh,” Sasuke grunts.
“Is it the mission?”
Sasuke considers not responding, but decides against it.  The less heads rolling in elusive questions and grim fantasies, the better.  “No.”
Kaito frowns in a way that suggests determination.  Maybe he doesn’t believe him, or maybe he’s stupid enough to think he can serenade away a stranger’s childhood traumas by morning.
“I know it’s not my place,” Kaito begins. “But you don’t seem well.”
“You’re right,” Sasuke says.  He tilts his head to see past rotting foliage, towards a blackened, starry sky.  “It’s not your place.”
There’s a stunned silence, and Sasuke fully expects the nin to leave, possibly after mumbling a clumsy apology.  But he doesn’t.  Kaito just chuckles, forced and awkward.  
“You know, you remind me of a friend,” the chunin says.  “We were in ANBU together, her and I.  She taught me a pretty neat trick—” His eyes flit to Kaito’s dark ones, the way his mouth twitches and knees buckle in on the next phrase, “Keeps the noise down.”  
Sasuke can already tell he puts this nin on edge. He doesn’t blame him.  He knows his chakra has been turbulent and he kind of feels like the timebomb Ino has been treating him as too.  But Sasuke also knows his trigger already went off.  He's just been trying to keep up with the devastation.
“If you concentrate your chakra around your eardrums, you start to hear your pulse a little louder,” Kaito says, and closes his eyes, forces himself to relax.  The Rinnegan traces the sensor’s yellow chakra, marvels at how it simmers in, like it’s been dipped in a warm bath.  “When I’m on safe grounds, I make it so it’s all I hear.  Sometimes it’s just a nice reminder to know you’re alive.”
Sasuke quietly studies Kaito, the soft line of his lips, and the downcast of his eyes even when he opens them.  He wonders if the shinobi who taught him this “trick” is dead, or what other tragic stories must accompany this chunin for him to take comfort in his heartbeat—  
when Sasuke spends most days just wishing his would stop.
Ino’s hands move methodically over his muscles, pressing gently at key points where Sasuke felt the greatest strain.  The sun is gone too early again and everything about this winter is too cold. Ino’s teeth are clattering against one another like fine glass, the ice blue of her eyes gliding over the aches of his rigid body.  
“If he’s this concerned about withdrawal, why isn’t he just ordering you to feed me more medication?”  Sasuke asks, sounding slightly less cynical than he feels.
Ino huffs part of a laugh or sneer, and her breath comes through in a thick vapor.  “I told him it wouldn’t be a better trade off with all the side effects.”
“And you believe that?” Sasuke asks.
“Uh, yeah,” Ino says, slides a dry, pink tongue over her cracked lip, eyes cemented to her hands.  Sakura looked like that too, when she was healing his and Naruto’s bleeding appendages.  “I wouldn’t have given Naruto most of that crap if you weren’t on active duty and Hinata wasn’t pregnant at the time.  You don’t need drugs, Sasuke.  You need support.”  
Her hands move to his left shoulder, and he gasps at the sudden pressure.  It feels like her chakra is penetrating bone marrow and soothing as it is, it feels violating.  He doesn’t remember Kabuto’s quick checks being like this. But then again, Sasuke had a tendency to cut those short, if not outright refuse them.  
“But unfortunately,” Ino says, “You’re a shinobi like the rest of us—and that makes you damned to feel alone no matter how many people are with you.”
“Does she feel that way too?”  Sasuke asks before he can stop himself.  He hates himself for it.  He can’t tell if Ino’s presence is disarming of he’s just hopelessly desperate to hear from someone who has answers.
Ino is startled, her lips parting and her eyes growing into wide, cold mirrors.  Sasuke can see his naked need reflected through them.  
“You really care about her, don’t you?” She asks.
Sasuke snarls in offense.  “She’s my teammate.”
Ino is quiet, hands still, and he can see her eyes searching for something in his face before she turns her gaze past him.  When he looks close enough, he can just make out Shikamaru’s figure reflected in her icy blue iris.
“We really thought you left, Sasuke,” she says. “We didn’t think you were ever coming back.”  Ino looks down at her hands, the color past pink and bordering red from the cold.  Her nailbeds are brown with buried dirt.  His are too. “Sakura, she… We mourned you, Sasuke.  It was like...like you died.”
Sasuke doesn’t want to hear this.  Cherished as Ino is, she’s not the one he needs to beg for forgiveness.  But he knows that pain is shared and Sakura’s hurt is Ino’s too.  They’re connected.  Just like him and Naruto.  And so he whispers it anyway, laying a firm hand around her wrist, hoping to feel the presence of a single, blooming blossom through the contact.  A tremor runs through instead.  “I know.  I’m sorry.”
Her other hand slowly clamps down on his and he feels like a hostage.  It’s cold, and the grip is strong with the kind of hurt that Sasuke often tries to daydream away.  But he doesn’t resist it this time.  
“I’ll save it,” he tells her.
Sasuke studies the iron bars below, rusted and nearly buried in snow and dead foliage.  
The hideout is underground, like most hidden lairs, but the entrances are rarely this small and narrow.  It resides in a hollowed out tree, between a thicker branch and the trunk, sealed with an area genjutsu that his eyes can see through with comical ease.
“It’s even smaller than I thought it’d be,” Ino whispers.  “How is Akamaru going to fit?”
“Oh, he’ll fit just fine, don’t you worry.”  Inuzaka’s smile is somehow both mocking and prideful.  He glides a hand over his prized nin-dog and Akamaru lets out a bare whimper, despite the eccentric flailing of his tail.
“This is the safest entrance our intel gives us,” Shikamaru says, before inclining his head towards Ino and Kaito, who sit in the rear.  “How many can you sense?”
“Not as many as there should be with a hideout as big as the report suggested,” Ino says, frowning.
“Is it concentrated or scattered?”
“Concentrated for sure,” Kiba says.  “I can smell them right from here.  And a bunch of chemicals too.”
“Yeah, it’s mostly clumped together, but I can still sense a few signatures on the outskirts,” Ino says.
“How many?” Shikamaru asks.
“Probably three or four,” Ino says.
“I feel four,” Kaito confirms.
Shikamaru stares forward, pensive.  His eyes are locked on the gateway.  “Change of plans,” he decides.  “We’re going to rely on Kiba’s nose for tracking. Ino, Kaito.  You two stay on the outskirts.”
“What?  I’m the medic,” Ino says.
“And I’m the captain,” Shikamaru dismisses. “I’ll give you the signal if we need back up.”  
“What about the chemicals?” Ino asks.  “What if they’re toxic?”
“Then more reason for you to stay behind,” Shikamaru says, a rough edge to his voice that demands submission.  “Are we clear to go?”
Ino looks like she wants to protest further and even Kaito looks peeved.  But they hold their tongue.  Kaito murmurs a reluctant, “You’re clear.”
“Good.  Stay within a five mile radius.  If you can’t for any reason, contact me with Shintenshin,” Shikamaru says.  Then they’re off, slipping through a dubious passage with Sasuke’s Sharingan rippling in the wake of his genjutsu.
The hallways are obscenely cramped and monotonous, clad in blacks and greys and dirt.  There’s no trace of light, and it’s frigid yet stuffy with an odd fume that Sasuke can only hope isn’t poisonous.
Sasuke is leading, the only member of the group who retains sight, and relying heavily on Akamaru who snarls or growls when he smells a nin down a pathway.  Their steps are a practiced quiet, so soft that all that’s left is silence, bleak corridors, and more silence. Sasuke can hear the mellow thump-thump of his heart and it almost sounds like the taps of a clock.  Tick-tock tick-tock tick-tock.
“What are we even looking for?”  Sasuke whispers, trying to discern one long, rotting passageway from the other.
“Anything,” Shikamaru says.  
“There isn’t anything,” Sasuke says, frustrated.
“Wait, shut up,” Kiba says.  They stand in a long stretch of strained silence, listening.  But nothing comes.  
The cool, damp fumes grate Sasuke’s throat and stiffens his skin.  He wants to shrug it off his skeleton, peel it away. Snakeskin.  Sasuke has never understood Orochimaru’s coveted newness like he does now.  He breathes, channels chakra to his eardrums.  It gets louder.
Tick-tock tick-tock tick-tock.
Finally, Shikamaru whispers, “What do you hear?”
“A conversation.”  Kiba says, before finally turning on his heel and walking forward.  “And it sounds important. C’mon, this way.”
“You’re about to walk into a wall.”  Sasuke sneers, grasps Kiba’s shoulder and guides him down the aisle.
They move down narrow halls until there’s a sliver of light peeking at the end of a corridor.  And then there’s a wordless, unified shift in their movements.  They’re faster, yet meticulous.  And when they get closer, they can hear an exchange of voices.
“...about the expedition?”
A deep, musky voice echoes.  “Nothing.”
“What do you mean nothing?”  A high pitched voice growls.  “It’s an Uzumaki and this was the fifth one made.  Your sensors should be more reliable than this.”
“They are reliable,” a man says with a strained sort of anger.  “But we don’t even know what country to look in. We’re about to set off to search in Ame now.”
They sound so far that Sasuke can’t help but peak through the corner.  He realizes the hall leads to a crumbling balcony, and they’re hearing the voices of a candlelit room down below.  He crouches low and moves closer, grateful that Shikamaru trusts his judgement enough to follow.  He can just make out the figures of a dark haired man and two women, one who is slouched in a corner desk, writing.  Beside her is a teal haired child, shackled and gagged, lying still on the floor.
“We’re running out of time,” the woman says.  “We don’t know how the nations are going to respond after the deposition.”
“We can guess,” the bandit replies, a smile in his voice.  
“Do I look like a fucking Kage to you?” She snaps. “If we want to see tangible results, we can’t just direct our people on guesses and prayers.  But I guess you wouldn’t know that, since you—”
“Rina, you need to relax,” another feminine voice pitches in, placing her pen down and shifting in her seat.  Sasuke just makes out a different movement in his peripheral, and he turns his head to see Akamaru pawing at Kiba’s leg.  His stomach starts to squeeze. “They’ll probably just tighten the security a little.  It’s no big deal.  And besides, we have so many clans in ou—”  
“And Konohagakure alone practically has two Gods, Yuki.”  
“What about the guy in the northern hideout?  His plan could work, if we coordinate it right.”
She scoffs.  “Fat chance.”
Sasuke watches Kiba try to hush his nin-dog, but then Akamaru clamps his mouth over Kiba’s arm and starts dragging him backwards.  Shikamaru is there in the next moment, and there’s a whispered exchange before he signals Sasuke to come back.
“We need to retreat,” Shikamaru says, voice so dry, so practiced.  And the tick-tock gets replaced with a wild th-thump th-thump th-thump.
Sasuke leads in haste, wishing he had his second arm again and maybe a third so he could just snatch them all up and move.  He can’t let it happen.  He can’t lose more people.  And neither can she.
When they reach the entrance they came through, Kiba has already prepared them for the two nin waiting, and Shikamaru’s signature jutsu has them planted still for Sasuke’s methodical incapacitations.
“Out. Now.”  Shikamaru commands before the last body even meets the ground.
Kiba is pulling an unconscious bandit up by the arm.  “Shouldn’t we ta—”
“Now.”  Shikamaru growls, vicious, and Kiba drops the body in an instant.  “We don’t have time.”  
Sasuke is pacing around his head while scampering up the hollowed tree.  That pasty Root-nin will never accept him as Team 7.  Naruto will be disappointed, and Naruto already has too much to be disappointed about.
They’re out, and the open air frees Sasuke’s lungs.  First it’s dead leaves and frosted moss and everything once green and now white.
And then it’s blood.
“Shit,” Kiba breathes.
Lying yards from the exit is Kaito amongst the snow. He’s all brown and green and red. His mouth is agape, his eyes match, and there’s an endless hole sitting where his heart should be.
The gore is splattered everywhere.  On tree bark, on snowy forest floor, and all over Sasuke’s mind.  There’s so much of it and it couldn’t all be Kaito’s.  It couldn’t.  
Sasuke’s eyes dart about frantically.  His chakra is rupturing inside the left arm he doesn’t have and Shikamaru is telling him to get a hold of himself.  But he doesn’t see Ino nor her chakra and Gods, Sakura is going to be so upset.  She’ll never forgive him for this.
“Yamanaka,” he says. “We have to find Yamanaka.”
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@all bros but sasuke: GO TO FUCKING THERAPY all of you and after u can say shit or not about sasuke >:c (especially madara/itachi)
Family Therapy part 1 
“Today, we are going to burn all our old bridges and build knew ones, stronger ones”
Sasuke rolled his eyes and looked at Izuna, making an indication that this was going to boring. Izuna smiled and nodded before getting hit in the back of the head. He hissed, looking at Itachi who was making notes like a nerd.
“He started” Izuna whispered.
“So, are there any questions before we start?” The man asked, he had this kind expression on his face and it almost looked like a mask, it was hard not to notice.
“Yes” Sasuke raised his hand, as if he was in school, “I actually already go to therapy...so...can I go?”
“No” Itachi responded for the therapist who just smiled kindly, pretending it was funny.
“I don’t think it is for you to decide, is it?” Sasuke asked the man.
“I think you are smart enough to know the answer to that and moral enough to know what the right thing to do is” He gave a supportive nod.
“Okay” Sasuke got up, “Bye suckers” He wanted to walk away, but Shisui pulled him back on the couch.
“I am telling you the moral sense is turned off on this kid” Shisui stated, looking at the therapist.
“It is not even a question, it is a fact” Sasuke admitted, nearly proudly when he leaned in to Shisui, who wrapped his arm around his youngest brother. Little did Sasuke know, it was his typical trick to keep the younger one to sit still and not get away.
“Shall we just start?” Madara suggested.
“Look at you paying attention” Obito turned his head towards Madara, looking impressed.
“Pff, the only thing I actually want to pay for is your silence and...a scotch”
“This is how I know you “ Obito sighed.
“We start with a warm up exercise before we proceed to the emotional side, I want all of you to get loose-” The therapist wasn’t even finished talking when Izuna slit off the couch on to the ground.
“He said get loose” Izuna justified his action.
“Keep him on the ground, where he belongs” Sasuke commented.
“How about we start with an exercise where we pretend to be air dancers-”
“I will stop you right there...what are air dancers? Because I can’t really dance, I mean I can hang around a pole-”
“It is the inflatable tube man” Itachi interrupted Sasuke.
“Yeah, the ones that goes down and then goes up and then down and then up!” Izuna laughed.
“Now quit it, they actually got a lot slower and don’t always go all the way down” Obito stood up making a similar movement.
“This is just a disgrace to dancing” Madara stated, crossing his legs and refusing to stand up.
“I don’t have to do this shit when I am talking to Mr Namikaze”  Sasuke whispered moving weirdly up and down next to Shisui.
“In a way, this makes up for a pretty good workout” Shisui tried to lighten the mood.
“What part of your body are you training, dude...come on” Sasuke hissed, rolling his eyes annoyed. Wasting an entire Sunday afternoon for this crap,  “I can’t believe I wore pants for this”
“Good job boys-”
“Hey, how does Madara get a compliment? He was just sitting the entire time” Izuna complained.
“Don’t be horny for compliments now” Obito said, immediately sitting back down.
“Hey, I was very productive in my mind” Madara yawned, “How long is this going to take? I want to see if I can make happy hour at the bar”
“Oh yes, I could go for a beer right now” Shisui said.
“Nobody is leaving until the Doctor Phopra says so” Itachi stated.
“Phopra...sounds like a blend from Phil and Opera” Sasuke muttered, but got completely ignored.
“Now, I want each of you to draw a number from the jar and then go to your partner, find a nice and comfortable spot in the living room for the next exercise, the ‘feeling wonderland exercise’”  
“Even the name sounds gay “ Sasuke commented, grabbing a number and immediately comparing it to Shisui’s “Damn it” He hissed before looking at Izuna’s who also wasn’t identical.
“You can stop praying, I drew number 2, we are partners” Itachi said.
“No, I have number 21” Sasuke immediately lied.
“Idiot, we are only with six people, at least try to make sense” Shisui smacked Sasuke lightly on the back of the head.
“Switch with me” Sasuke said
“I am paired with Madara”
“Keep your number, sucker” Sasuke got up and set next to Itachi, folding his arms and crossing his legs.
“Now, I want you to hold your partner and pull them closely towards you as if he is your baby you want to protect from the cruel world” The therapist said, walking around the living room to check if everybody was doing the exercise.
Sasuke and Itachi exchanged a serious look and both cracked a smile. Sasuke moved so he was lying down with his head on Itachi’s lap while Itachi stroked his hair.
“Why do you hate this so much? You don’t mind crawling next to me in bed, but now when you are supposed to, it is suddenly a problem?”
“Because it looks weird and stupid” Sasuke answered, “I mean look at everyone…”
The dark eyes examined the room and he wonder how Itachi ever came up with the idea of group therapy. This family had no boundaries to begin with. How did he ever hired a relationship therapist? Where did he find that guy?! On Craigslist?
“Come on, this is for the greater good, to strengthen our bond” Itachi smiled gently as he leaned in to place a kiss on Sasuke’s forehead.
“You are right, we already have the strongest bond in the room, I mean Shisui and Madara? Worst combination ever and I bet Obito doesn’t even know Izuna’s birthday...and they are like cosmic twins or some shit, you know what this means?”
Itachi raised an eyebrow looking rather worried.
“That we are totally going to win this, it is like shooting a baby through the head”
“Okay, first and foremost worst, that’s not how to expression goes, who shoots a baby through the head? It’s disturbing, secondly, this is not a competition” It seemed Itachi’s words were only half heard by the younger Uchiha, he seemed too busy examining the room.
“Yes, it is not a competition because we already won” Sasuke said, causing Itachi to shake his head.
“Just close your eyes and feel my love” Itachi moved his fingers over Sasuke’s face, closing his eyelids.
“It wasn’t instructed to close your eyes” Sasuke whispered.
“I know, I just don’t want you to look at me from that point, I once held my phone like that and it is one ugly angle”
“Wow, you are really opening up” Sasuke held Itachi’s cheek and he opened his eyes, “Do you want to talk about how that makes you feel? “ Itachi looked away exhaling deeply. “No, nissan, you should talk about your insecurities, how does it feel to have people look at you from that angle?”
“How’s it going here?” The therapist asked, sitting on the armrest of the couch.
“Not good, it seems everything coming out of his mouth is either sarcastic or some other way to mock everything” Itachi answered, looking disappointed at Sasuke.
“And why is that, Sasgay-” The entire room scoffed from the therapist’s pronunciation.
“It is Sasuke” Sasuke tried to correct him.
“Sasugay, that’s what I said” He smiled, Sasuke exchanging a look with Itachi.
“Sasugay, don’t avoid the question” Madara teased  from the corner in the room.
“The reason why you don’t feel weird by the fact your head is on Shisui’s crotch is because that is where your head 90% of the time actually is...around people’s dicks”
“Ooh ooh he ran and he scored~ Sorry Maddy!” Obito exclaimed.
“Back to my question, Sasgay, why is it so hard to let yourself be open towards your brother?”
“Because my brother is judgy and this is stupid”
“Explain why this feels stupid to you” The therapist crossed his legs and held on to his clipboard.
“Well, it is stupid because...I...I just don’t like pretending to be vulnerable” Sasuke frowned slightly.
“And why is that?” The therapist asked, narrowing his eyes slightly.
“I don’t know” Sasuke stated.
“I think you do” The therapist said, the entire room was quiet, listening eagerly.
“Because my dad said vulnerability is for weaklings and gutless people” Sasuke sat up, “And you know what, I have felt like a weakling, like a gutless person when mom hurt me, when she hit me and tried to kill me and I couldn’t do anything about it!” He stood up, “And don’t want to relive that!”  With those words he turned around and walked out of the living room, leaving the others behind.
“What happened?” Shisui looked concerned, getting up from the ground.
“He...he opened up” Itachi said, “I am concerned, is this good?”
“Yes, he is opening up” The therapist said.
“I am afraid, his voice sounded like he was about to cry ” Shisui looked at Itachi.
“I am going to check on him” Itachi got up and while he was followed by the others, he walked up the stairs towards Sasuke’s room.
“Otouto?” He called.
“No...not now! I need to be alone…” Itachi frowned by those words and opened the door. His expression turned to anger as he saw Sasuke with one leg out of the window.
“You are trying to get away…”
“No...no...I was just…trying to...commit...suicide?” Sasuke said, looking around him.
“What? Why would you jump out of the window when you have guns?” Izuna looked confused.
“He is trying to get away” Itachi clenched a fist, “Uchiha Waitforit Sasuke...get your ass back downstairs!” He shouted. Sasuke hesitated for a second, looking down the window.
“Don’t even consider escaping!” Itachi hissed.
“I was considering the suicide option…” Sasuke sighed and pulled his leg back in the room.
“Was anything you said even true?” Shisui asked, feeling like he got played.
“Shisui...come on...you have seen me fight” Sasuke rolled his eyes, “I am not vulnerable in any sense”
“Yet you are Itachi’s bitch”  Madara teased.
“Itachi pays the wifi, if you pay the wifi I be your bitch” Sasuke answered when he passed Madara to get back to the living room.
“You prefered to jump out of the second floor than to talk about your feelings!” Itachi snapped when he walked inside the living room, followed by the others.
“I don’t see the big deal I am already talking to Mr Namikaze and frankly I don’t think
I should be here”  Sasuke sat down, leaning his chin on his right knee.
“The big deal is that you keep everything locked up inside and at some point you are going to fall apart and then I have to pick up the pieces, like I do every time!”  Itachi raised his voice and it might have been the tone, or perhaps just the words, but at that point Sasuke looked hurt and for a brief moment it was clearly visible for everyone in the room to see before it was hidden away behind the big, black walls which were his eyes.
“Itachi, that was mean” Shisui commented
“It was bitchy and I am a bitch, but this was too bitchy for me” Madara added.
“No, no, this is good, let all the feelings out! Only then we are able to feel free, do you feel it?” The therapist asked and at this point Itachi was just straight up annoyed by everyone in the room.
“Do ya feel it, Mr.Krabs?” Izuna whispered, but Itachi ignored him in favour of expressing his annoyance.
“No! Because Sasuke doesn’t feel anything, but anger!”
“Look who is shouting!” It appeared quite controversial since Sasuke was shouting now too.
“Stop it, both of you” Shisui pulled Itachi slightly away.
“When do we get to the part where we can straight up talk about what annoys us the most, like how Shisui always supporting the wrong side”
Shisui was about to say something, but the therapist interrupted him.
“Actually, I am glad you brought that up, Itachi”
“You're welcome, at least somebody is taking this seriously” Itachi sat down, leaning back in the chair.
“Because that kind of language is actually counter productive-”
“Ooh snap!” Madara clicked his finger, enjoying Itachi’s annoyance more than he should have.
“Let’s start with the next exercise, I want you guys to sit in a circle” The therapist said.
“This better be good” Madara sighed as he sat down, as everyone was seated the therapist suddenly put his hands on Shisui shoulder, startling him.
“I want each of you to go around the circle and tell that person something that bothers you, but try to avoid words like never and always, instead of that, mention...your feelings”
“Uhm alright…” Shisui looked at Itachi on his right,  “I ‘feel’ like you complain a lot”
“Yes, this is good” The therapist said.
“I wouldn’t have to complain so much if you guys just did things right” Itachi folded his arms.
“Right, sorry I mentioned it” Shisui’s tone was sarcastic.
“Shisui, never apologize for how you feel” The therapist said.
“I thought we were not supposed to say the word ‘never’” Sasuke said, turning his head to the therapist who remained quiet for a couple of seconds.
“Good catch” He said.
“Uhm...okay...Izuna...sometimes you can be very annoying and needy, Madara your harness of assholeness is not appreciated, Obito…I have no problem with you whatsoever, Sasuke…” Shisui was thinking deeply, trying to find the right words,  “I am worry about you, a lot, and it hurts that you don’t realise how much everybody cares about you-”
“Owh right, I am hurting you guys” Sasuke wanted to get up, but Obito put his hand on Sasuke’s shoulder pushing him back down, “I am hungry, at least let me get something to snack on”
“Why do you suddenly feel hungry? You didn’t appear hungry a few minutes” The therapist tapped his finger against his chin.
“Because I wasn’t hungry back then, I am now”  Sasuke gave the therapist an awkward look.
“Or are you feeling sad and you try to progress the sadness by filling up?” He asked seriously.
“If I would have done that, I would not fit through that door” Sasuke stated, “I am hungry so I eat”
“He just wants to put something in his mouth so he would have an excuse to not talk and to put his focus on something else that is far away from his feelings” Itachi said, leaning forwards to look passed Shisui at Sasuke.
“Are you a psychology student?” The therapist seemed genuinely interested in Itachi.
“No, I am Sasuke-ologist” Itachi stated.
“So Sasgay, is that the reason why you eat so much?”
“Bitch, you didn’t, I don’t eat much, I just have a healthy appetite”
“You did not just call the therapist a bitch, apologise”  Obito said strictly.
“What?! No, he is criticising me for eating, a basic human...thing” Sasuke looked away from Obito.
“Sasuke, I am not going to repeat myself, you are in the wrong and you have to apologise”
“This isn’t working!” Sasuke exclaimed, “And honestly, I FEEL like I am being attacked”
“Sasygay, is always good to talk about how you feel”
“And I thought we weren’t supposed to say words like ‘always’”  Sasuke rolled his eyes, “You guys want to know how I really think about all of you, Shisui, you are worried about me? Look at yourself! You are in a terrible relationship, you smoke like half a pack a day, you are always stressed because of work and you wanna know why? Because you aren’t sure if you made the right choice becoming a lawyer because at the end of the day it was just a decision you made to annoy dad because he hated attorney lawyers! And you felt neglected by him!”  Shisui looked confused and the confusion turned into hurt before he looked away, not sure what to say.
“Let’s move on to Mr perfect because everything you do is so good, Itachi, I hate to break it to you, but you are a terrible, terrible brother, you are just like mom, you think you can make a difference by pretending you care about my mental health and shit, but the truth is...at the end of the day, you are not there!  Not for Christmas, for my birthday or for any occasion I actually want you -or I don’t know- NEED YOU around, to be honest, I stopped talking to you...I stopped telling you about my days or the stuff I have been up to because you have become so judgy!” Sasuke took a deep breath, shaking his head slightly.
“You want to connect? You want me to tell you everything I feel? Fine, I feel sad, I feel depressed and I feel sucky! Because everything I do...I fail and you won’t ever understand because everything you do always goes right without any difficulties! I studied weeks for a fucking maths test, only to fail it! Do you know how that feels?! Of course you don’t because you’re a fucking genius”
“You think I had it easy because I am considered smart?! I missed my entire childhood because it was suddenly appropriate to be involved in stupid adult stuff, unlike you, I don’t have memories of packing my bag and going on adventures! Because I couldn’t! Because it was always ‘Itachi, you are smart, you know the right and mature thing to do’ and yes maybe I did, but I didn’t want to, I don’t want to sit here nag and complain and give constant speeches about how family is important...but if I don’t...we won’t last a day” Itachi exhaled deeply, “And right now...I am not even sure I want us to last”
“Madara, you seem to be thinking very deeply, do you have anything to add?” The therapist asked.
“Did I take back my red tie from Hashirama’s place? I can’t recall” Madara seemed lost in thought.
“Let’s not even begin with Madara” Itachi shook his head.
“His entire existence is just...a no” Sasuke added.
“You are very mean and not caring” Shisui sighed.
“The worst part is that you just ignore all of it by drinking booze and fucking your boyfriend” Obito added.
“Hashirama is too good for you, I keep saying it” Sasuke sighed.
“Nah, it is probably upstairs, is it? It was such a nice tie” Madara said, causing everyone to exhale deeply.
“You guys say I am annoying, but if I don’t talk it is going to be very quiet and boring, you don’t realize that! I think if Obito and Madara aren’t home, this house never talks about happy things, so yeah, I try to cheer up the mood and get the conversations going, it is better than having Sasuke be depressed, Itachi complain, Shisui...being boring, that is all I have to say” Izuna said.
“Is it?” Sasuke asked. “Nothing about a certain someone misplacing your stuff?”  Izuna remained quiet and just looked at Shisui.
“I ‘feel’ annoyed when you place my stuff from the table somewhere else and forget...so I lose stuff...expensive stuff” Izuna gritted his teeth slightly.
“We have been over this, if it is important, don’t litter it around, put it in your room” Shisui said.
“I don’t litter it, I place it somewhere...where I can find it” Izuna took a deep breath.
“Shisui is right, put it in your room if you don’t want to lose it”
“I place it wherever I want! And you guys should stop putting it away! It is literally bothering no one when I put it on the counter! NO ONE! Sasuke is right! Itachi is a controlling bitch and he always thinks he is so much better! You are only 2 years older, you are not my mom! Sasuke, fuck off you don’t even have it that bad! Shisui, stop trying to defend everyone and just keep yourself out of it, Madara, I don’t know where your tie is, Obito, nobody has anything bad to say about you because you are an uncle that only comes during christmas with presents, you are never there when somebody needs support and yes I was hurt when you didn’t let me make that T-shirt design and instead when to a fucking marketing team! We are family!”
“I don’t decided the t-shirt designs, but...I guess I could tell the marketing team to consult you next time?” Obito asked.
“Empty promises, I know how to recognise them” Sasuke said, looking at Itachi.  “Nobody has a problem with Obito because his appearance in general is already a miracle, thank you for making time in your busy schedule for your family, that doesn't come first, or second, but third”
“Which rhymes with turd” Izuna added.
“I can’t help that I have to work”
“It’s not a real job, Obito! You make people laugh, how long is that going to continue? Five years tops? And what will you do after that? You didn’t even finish college! You are the one setting the wrong example!”
“Wow, Itachi, back off” Obito said.
“I think I see more of you on the internet then I do in real life” Shisui added.
“I am not complaining, whoever can give me backstage passes to Lady Gaga is awesome” Madara stretched his legs.  
“Madara...don’t even...” Obito sighed. “Why don’t you say something?”
“Well, I don’t hold my thoughts back, I say whatever comes to mind, you all know the things I hate about you and I don’t mind making you guys feel bad about it, I do that everyday, sometimes I just make my assistant text it to you guys so I won’t have to”
“Is that healthy?” I asked
“I don’t know” Shisui responded. A silence emerged the room and it was awkward.
“Well...everything is out” Itachi stated, looking up at the therapist, “What do we do now?”
“How do we fix this?” Shisui asked
“How do we build these stronger bridges?” Izuna added. Everybody was looking at the therapist.
“I...I can’t take it anymore!” He shouted, “You guys are a lost cause! It’s a miracle to me that you guys haven’t killed each other yet!”
“I think because they know they won’t be able to kill me…and the effort should then really come from my side” Sasuke said
“I can poison the tomatoes?” Shisui suggested.
“Mass suicide, we put poison in our soup, we are all done then”  
“No, not everybody wants to die” Itachi said in a harsh tone.
“Not everybody lives for army dick” Obito commented, causing Sasuke to laugh.
“This is the unhealthiest family I have seen, I can’t help you!” The therapist grabbed his bag.
“No wait! You have to!” Shisui said.
“We can’t go on like this!” Itachi shouted.
“I can’t help you...I can’t”
“I wrote you a cheque, you have to, this is your job-”
“NO, I QUIT!” The man shouted and stormed out, slamming the door behind him while everybody could see him run towards his car.
“Wait...I never signed the cheque” Madara made a not caring gesture.
“Okay...I am going to my room” Sasuke stood up.
“What?!” Shisui and Itachi said at the same time.
“What? I am bored” Sasuke stated.
“Are you just going to ignore everything that has been said?” Obito asked.
“ Yes...that exactly my plan”
“No...no, I can’t continue like this” Itachi stood up.
“Wow, niisan, I made a joke about the mass suicide thing-”
“We are going to Mr Namikaze”  Itachi stated and it seemed everybody agreed with him except for Sasuke...who just wanted to walk pantless around the house.
oxoSpecial thanks to @failureoftheyear 
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Bang Crush part 5 (Final)
Also read:  part 1 , part 2, part 3  part 4
“Professor Sunray?” I looked up questionable at the teacher climbing on the lower bookshelves in order to reach the top. He turned his head and for a moment he thought he was on the ground. He lowered his head and smiled.
“Hey, Sasuke!” He made a salute gesture with one hand, it caused him to almost lose balance. He quickly held back on the wood before exhaling relieved.
“What are you doing, professor?” I asked.
“Exercising.” He turned his head back to face me,” What do you think I am doing in a library.”
“I didn’t know you could read,” I muttered.
“No, I got my Ph.D. sucking dick, but I don’t expect you to put one and one together and figure out I was being sarcastic. That level of maths seems to be above you.”
“Itai~” I felt an imaginary brick fall on my head. No, scrap that, I felt an imaginary wall fall on me. “So, you are good at sucking. I am happy for you.”
“Really…Now you are suddenly a genius with words?” Nardo looked at me,”I used to have a friend, he made quick comebacks, just like you.”
“What happened to him?” I asked, but my words got ignored. I was pretty sure he heard me because he responded to my muttering so his ears weren’t going bad.
“There it is.” He grabbed a book from the top and had to pull pretty hard to get it out. With one strong jerk, he grabbed the book. “Owh no!” his movement caused him to lose balance and he tried to regain it, but the fell backward. He screamed but I managed to catch him.
He looked at me almost shocked, but then he smiled again.
“Kohai noticed me!” He said and burst out laughing. I shook my head and let him go.
“How the…” He looked from the bookshelf back to me.
“I am stronger than I look,” I said, scratching my cheek.
“What workout do you follow?” He asked, pretty seriously. Though the only image in my head was me dragging Madara drunk body over the doorstep. Getting him up the stairs actually was a good workout.
“Owh, I don’t like that look on your face. I think a sad childhood story is coming.”
“It’s more like Saturday night,” I laughed.
“Thank you for catching me.” He said before looking at the book in his hand. His expression changed slightly.
“Wrong book?” I asked.
“Since ur this strong, can I ask for a boost or would that be inappropriate?”
“Yes, ‘that’ would be inappropriate.” I shook my head, “Of course I can lift you up, but I can also grab you a stable ladder. Which is, right there” I pointed at the ladder with wheels under it. “If you hadn’t seen that before.”
“That has been an eye-opener for me.” He scratched his cheek nervously, “so are you here to study?”
“I came to return this,” I said, holding a small plastic bag with his shirt.
“Owh, my shirt, right.” He said as I handed him the bag, though now the people who were already present watching us, now had these ‘Oh my God’ eyes. Nardo looked up and seemed to notice.
“Why am I being so loud, damn!” He rubbed the back of his neck.
“Bit out of context,” I admitted. My head felt warm, “I washed it.” I added.
“How nice of you. Do you happen to still have my tie?” He asked.
“Isn’t it in the bag?” I looked in the bag, of course, it wasn’t there, it’s in my room for God’s sake. I left it there on purpose, of course. “Owh, I probably forgot to take it out of the dryer,” I said looking thoughtfully. “And tomorrow is the weekend. Hnn I have soo~ much studying to do.” I tapped my finger against my chin and turned my head around,” So much chemistry…” I muttered, knowing he heard me damn well. “Well, if you have an address, I can deliver it to you first thing tomorrow. I know how important that orange tie is to you.”
“That would be a lot of trouble for you, won’t it?” He asked sympathetically. I could see the nice-guy taking over. He is probably going to tell me that I can keep it or just bring it another time if I remember, but I couldn’t have him do that. He has to give me his address, or hotel whatever!
“No, it is my fault for forgetting it. It is just that, it takes me so long to understand chemistry with my current teacher. I mean..I understand everything you are saying because you make it sound so easy…But my current teacher, well..He gives migraines.” I looked at him.
“Why not swing by my hotel room, I can tutor you.”
“Would you do that?” I asked, “Won’t it be a drag for you?”
“Before I became a professor, I taught kids in high schools. I love being a teacher.” He put his hand on my shoulder, giving it a tight squeeze. A devilish smirk appeared on my face, before putting up my innocent face. He gave me his address.
“You are awesome, professor Sunray,” I said and used this as an excuse to hug him. I could hear him chuckle as he patted my head. He was about to say something, but then he suddenly let go,” Can you students stop giving me that perverted look!” The students turned their heads back to their books and studies. Except for this one woman, who gave a check sign with her hand towards mr. Sunray who gave her an unbelievable look.
”Ship it.” She said.
“You go to the lab,” Nardo said, his eyes still fixated on the woman. He gave her a strange look while he gave me a slight push towards the right direction.
I walked towards the lab and I could see Sakura and Suigetsu wait for me. I walked towards them before nodding.
“No waayyy~” Sakura looked amazed, “how?”
“Tie,” I said, “And I will tie him up with that same tie.” I satisfied and rather creepy look appeared in my eyes.
“Wow, I might actually be a little turned on right now.” Suigetsu joked, “At least once a week you look bangable.”
“Thank you,” I said, as I ran my hand through my hair.
“So what are you going to wear?” Sakura asked as she walked in the lab while we followed her.
“I think I will just grab an outfit from Izuna-”
“I meant under,” She had this perverted look for a mere second, “Didn’t you own some sexy undies?”
“I do..But I don’t know how to wear them.” I said, “Besides, I got them as jokes. Suigetsu bought one of them!” I pointed at him accusingly.
“Everybody laughed. It was a great gift. Also useful now, ain’t it?” Suigetsu asked.
“….I never put it on. It is like this black rope all around you..I don’t know how to get in there.”  I frowned, “maybe I should ask Izuna?”
“Or maybe you should order something very sexy.” Sakura seemed awfully amused.
“He said he liked being a teacher. Now that I think about it-”
“Sexy schoolgirl uniform! Amazing idea,” Suigetsu said.
“I was going to say white shirt with a tie and black pants.” I said, “I can put my glasses on.”
“Boring! Schoolgirl uniform was better.” Suigetsu said.
“I am with him,” Sakura commented.
“Wait fuck…Tomorrow is Saturday.” I frowned, “I promised Itachi’s boyfriend to be at home base.”
“Because they have a sweet ass shooting range and I could use it if I was going to help him demonstrate a few techniques for these newbies.” I threw my head back, and groaned, “I will be all sweaty and how weird would be if I brought sexy underwear with me.”
“Can’t you cancel? This is bang crush,” Sakura said.
“I know…But it would be too suspicious.”
“No, no, this is actually good. What is hotter than this fella sweating in shorts.” Suigetsu said pointing at me with his thumb, “ Sweaty Sasuke in short army pants, fishnet stockings, boots and a black tank top. Even I would turn gay.”
“Turn gay or are gay.” Sakura jokes.
“I am not sure about you, but when I sweat..I stink.”
“Don’t sweat, just be wet,” Sakura said.
“It is like 3 degrees celsius outside,” I folded my arms.
“For bang crush!” They both said.
“For bang crush!” I clenched a fist, speaking about bang crush. Seems he just arrived. I looked up and at that very moment the only thing on my mind was that I was going to bang him..I was going to bang him hard. I couldn’t surpass that smile on my face. I was so close.
“Hey, blondie, will you pay some attention?” Nardo snapped his fingers, “Yes, I can say that I am blond too.”
I turned my head to the seat next to the window, where Naruto was sitting. I saw him give this arrogant and annoyed look to Nardo. I didn’t know his kind face could even make that look.
“Am I talking to the walls or something?” Nardo asked.
“Pretty sure you were talking to Uchiha over there.” He rolled his eyes from Nardo to me. I narrowed my eyes.
“Is that so? Because it appears to me you are the one who is daydreaming.” He indicated with his head towards me. Daydreaming or planning my death? I guess the second one was more realistic. Naruto looked away and he frowned slightly.
“Owwh, do the two lovers have to sort some fight out?!” Ino said loudly.
“Pff…As if.” I leaned my head on my hand and rolled my eyes, automatically exhaling. I questioned myself what it was about Naruto that actually had made me like him. It certainly wasn’t this behavior. If he could just back off.
“Wait, hold on a sec. Dattebayo!” I turned my head to Naruto, uninterested. “Really, fucking kidding me, this is coming from the same fucked up guy that begged me to fuck him after like..Two light beers.”
My eyes widened. I have done a bunch of humiliating shit in my life, but this was by far the worst. I heard a few classmates whistling and ‘ow-ing’. All I could feel was the heartbreak in my heart and the shame. I could feel my eyes burn from the tears appearing in them. A part of me wanted to stand up and just get the fuck away from this fucking lab, this fucking class, and that fucking Naruto. It was the wisest thing to do before I would do something I regret. This was the mature way to go, even though I was furious.
 I got up and I grabbed my bag from the ground, heading for the door.
“Right, because that is what you are good at. Walking away.” Naruto said.
I remained standing not even two steps away from my seat. Yes…Today WASN’T the day I was going to do the mature thing. I threw my bag on the ground. I was going to slaughter him. I shouldn’t be the only one suffering. He should! I wanted to hit him, punch him in his pretty blue eyes, break his nose, break his bones!
“You fucker!” I shouted at Naruto while Suigetsu tried to push me back, and I didn’t mean to hurt him when my body moved on its own and kicked him in the kneecap, landing him on the ground.
“Calm down!” I got grabbed from behind and no it wasn’t some brave guy who figured he was strong enough to hold me back from severely injuring Naruto. It was Haruno fucking Sakura. I wanted to roll her over my shoulder, so she would let go of me, but she was a step ahead of me. Not sure if she predicted my move, or learned what I was capable of during Military camp. Either way, she did the right thing to stop me from going to jail for assault or even murder at this point. Which was throwing my body over the table and onto the ground. I was too angry to even think clearly of how to soften my landing. As I slid over the table I fell right on the ground, I could only remember hearing the loud sound of my head hitting the ground and the immense headache that followed. I felt my body get raised from the ground, held into somebody’s arms. I opened my eyes half, hearing the professor shout my name a couple of times. Was he scolding me? His voice was getting vague, my vision was blurred and turned black.
I was standing in the corner of a white room. For the most part, it was empty except for the mattress on the ground. I turned around and saw a door, with a small window in it. I tried opening it, but it was locked. I looked through the window inside a hallway. It seemed familiar like I have been there before, but this room..I couldn’t tell where I knew it from. I turned myself around and blinked twice seeing suddenly somebody sitting in the corner of the room. Long hair, covering the face, one big white shirt that reached the person’s knees. I could hear a repeating ‘bonk’ from the head hitting the wall at the same pace as a second from a clock.
“Hey….” I didn’t approach the person right away, “where are we?” I asked. The stranger started whispering and I frowned. I got closer until and kneeled down. It was then I could tell the person was a woman.
“What did you say?” I asked, “speak up.” I added as my hand reached for the hair fallen all over her face. I shoved it aside, it felt familiar. Too familiar. The moment I could see the eyes..Those eyes…That crazy look. I knew right away who she was. “Mom,” I said. She didn’t respond, she was hugging her knees, tighter, hitting her head harder against the wall.
“No, no, mom, don’t.” I put my hand between her head and the wall, “don’t, don’t, stop!” I grabbed her face so she was forced to look at me and stop hurting herself. “Mom, it is me. I am your little boy.” I stroked her cheeks, they were wet. Her eyes looked around, searching for something. She was muttering something, but I couldn’t tell what she was saying.
“Mommy,” I whispered. Seeing her like this…No wonder Itachi-nii never allowed me to come near the…Mental institute… I looked around me. “No….No…,” I whispered. I turned my head to the door. I got pushed to the ground and I looked up meeting her eyes.
“Die! Die! Die!” Her hands were wrapped around my throat, putting all her weight on it. I gasped for air holding her wrists. I couldn’t breathe, I couldn’t breathe! I pushed her off and gasped for air.
“No. Not again!” I was panting as I rolled on my side, tilting myself up from the ground. She was standing next to the door. “NOT AGAIN!” I screamed. “I can’t take it…I can’t take this ANYMORE!” I walked backward until my back hit the wall. I slit to the ground and hugged my legs tightly. I wanted to cry, I was crying, but tears weren’t rolling down my cheeks. Nothing was. The pressure in my heart didn’t get lighter. “Just kill me…Just fucking kill me already.” I whimpered as I looked up to meet her eyes, “I can’t do this…I can’t.” I hit the back of my head against the wall. I couldn’t take this pain, this sorrow, this guilt.
The door got smacked open and two guys dressed in white appeared in the room.
“Told you he was going to crack.”
“He is weak”
“Fucked-up.” They both grabbed me on each arm and I looked down at my wrists, I was handcuffed…But I couldn’t remember when…When did I get handcuffed? Where did my mother go?! I looked around the room, my eyes desperately trying to find her. She was nowhere to be found. I looked at my feet, they were shackled and I seemed to be wearing nothing but a long white shirt.
“My mother where is she?” I asked and turned my head to the man on the right.
“Pff..He is at it again.” He talked to his co-worker.
“Always the same story. Hey, psychopath, if you want any family visiting you, you might consider trying to kill yourself after visiting hours.”
“Family…Visiting hours?” I looked at the man on the left. “Where are you taking me? Where am I!?” I tried to fight back. “Let me go! Let me go! I am not crazy! I don’t belong here!” I shouted.
“That is what they all say.”
“I didn’t try to kill my own son!” I shouted, “I am nothing like my mother!”
“Of course you aren’t. You killed her like you killed your father like you killed that innocent man.” My eyes widened.
“I didn’t..That man wasn’t innocent! He was a stalker, obsessed freak! He killed my father, he caused my mother to become crazy!” They opened a door and threw me in a room. “I didn’t do anything wrong! It was a self-defence!” One man pinned me on the ground and gave me an injection. I screamed and tried to fight back, but I felt my body going numb. I laid on my back, looking at the dark ceiling. Everything was made out of this soft material. The floor, the walls…The roof…There was nothing in the room.
“The faster you accept it, the less painful it gets, murderer.” I turned my head to the door.
“Will you finish up?”
“Of course.” One of them left, leaving one behind. He walked up to me, kneeled next to my face.
“I am not crazy…” I whispered. I could see a devious smirk on his face before he took his cap off. My eyes widened. There he stood…The man that had ruined my entire life. The stalker, the killer, the freak.
“You are.” He said, I looked at his forehead, there was a bullet wound there. Blood dripping over his face. When did that appear? I couldn’t keep up.
“You are.” I saw my father stand behind the guy.
“No.No..” I closed my eyes and turned my head away, “This isn’t real…No..No..I am not crazy.” I bit my bottom lip.
“You are.” My eyes snapped open, seeing my mother next to me, holding a kitchen knife.
“No, no, Mommy, no! NO!”
I saw a bright light shine in my eye and could see the silhouette of my mother. Her face was blurry, but I could see the shape of the eyes, the shape of the face and her long hair tied into a ponytail.
“NO! NO!” I screamed I got up, my head bumped into her and my hand reached for whatever my hand could grab at such short time. I held a night lamp and I smashed it on her head. She fell on the ground and I heard screaming. Everything was blurry, I could only see the color white around me. My breathing became faster. I had to flee, I had to escape from this mental institute. I tried to escape, but I got pushed down on the bed.
“Quick grab me the syringe!”
“No, don’t!”
Security was off guard by whoever was shouting. I used the opportunity to wrap my leg around his neck and push my torso, causing the man to fall on the ground. I raised my fist punching him in the face. Once. Twice..Trice. Somebody grabbed me from my back and I quickly stepped on the person’s toes before pushing my elbow in his guts and throwing him over my shoulder right against the wall. I heard glass shatter I looked down at a big piece. I managed to see myself. My bangs were fallen over my face.My face had some plasters, but I wasn’t paying attention to that. I was looking at the crazy eyes…Those crazy eyes.
I shut my eyes and grabbed that piece of glass from the ground. I stood up and I needed a moment to regain my balance. I looked up and saw the image of two blurry people, both in white, suddenly back away from the entrance. The man who held the syringe threw it on the ground, holding his hands up, just like the woman did. My grip around that piece of mirror tightened. I could feel drops of blood fall on the ground. I took one step towards the door but stopped seeing somebody appear. I couldn’t make much of it…Perhaps it was Minato? Had he sent me here? My hand tightened further around the mirror.
“Sasuke…” I looked confused. That sounded like Naruto.
“Sasuke, it’s alright.” He didn’t approach me.
“See these black thing in my hand?” I nodded. “These are your glasses. Now don’t be shocked. You are in the hospital, a medical hospital, your head hit the ground and you fainted. You have been out for like two hours.” I blinked a few times. “It is alright, you’re scared, I get that. Dattebayo.” I could see his arm reach out to me. “But I am here, and I won’t let anything happen to you. Alright?” He took a few steps closer. “Now drop the glass. You don’t need a weapon. I am here to protect you.” He said calmly ad he approached me slowly. I looked at the piece of mirror in my hand, it was covered in blood. I dropped it on the ground at the exact moment I felt Naruto’s hand on my waist. I could see him clearly now.
“Naruto.,” I whispered and he gave me his warm smile before putting the glasses on my face.
“It’s me,” He said. I smiled, I felt pathetic at this moment. “Come on, breath slowly. In…And out.” He said. I didn’t listen to him, I wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled him close to me.
“I was so scared. I was so scared!” I repeated myself. He stroked my back. “I was at this mental institute, she was there, she wanted to kill me! They were all there! All of them!” I kept rambling on and on. I couldn’t let go of him. I didn’t want to be separated from him. I felt safe, for once. I felt safe.
“It was a dream.” He said.
“It felt so real.” My voice was soft and pathetic on so many levels. I shut my eyes and I felt him hold me tighter. “She was here, I saw her.” I could feel Naruto stiffen slightly. He opened his mouth to say something but exhaled uncomfortably.
“That wasn’t ‘her’.” I could hear from his voice that he didn’t know I was referring to my mother. I slowly opened my eyes and turned my head to look behind me. My heart stopped beating when I saw Itachi-nii. I saw a broken lamp on the ground and the blood dripping from the wound on his head to his face wasn’t lying. I hurt my own brother. My body was shaking and my already heavy heart managed to become worse.
“Sasuke, breath in..And out.” I didn’t notice the hyperventilation until Naruto pointed out I had to breathe slowly in and out.
“I fucked up…,” I whispered. I couldn’t look at Itachi without feeling the guilt eat me from the inside.
“You should lay down.” I heard Itachi’s voice say. He sounded like his usual self, not angry…Or emotional. My grip around Naruto tightened again.
“You should, Sasuke. You had quite the hit on your head.” Naruto agreed.
“You…You are not going to transport me to a mental institute, are you?” I only was making it worse on me by looking at Itachi.
“Never.” He responded.
“Look who woke up,” I opened my eyes and looked at Naruto. It seemed he hadn’t left my side. I couldn’t help but crack a smile. I sat up and looked around the room. Had I been dreaming? I looked at the bandage around my hand. I was disappointed, turns out it was real.
“So, Itachi had gotten the neuro scans back. You had a slight concussion, but you’re fine. Dattebayo.”
“He told you?” I asked, “How is he?”
“They had to glue it, but he is fine. A bit light headed but said because he saw my ugly face and puked twice thanks to it, Dattebayo!” He laughed, rubbing the back of his head.
“What are you doing here? Why are you trying to cheer me up? Why-”
“Because it is my fault.” He interrupted me, “I was angry. I wasn’t thinking straight and yes…This is all my fault.”
“My fucked-up mind is not your fault. It is like genetics or some shit.”
“No, what I said. It was bad, there is no way around it. It was a low blow and…I… I just still have growing up to do.”
“In my defense, it wasn’t the light beers. I hadn’t eaten all day. Also, I don’t drink that much-”
“You don’t have to defend yourself. Because honestly…I was tempted.” He had this little smug smile.
“What stopped you, my ugly face?” He cocked his head by my comment.
“No….It is because I care about you. I mean if you were a random guy I met at the bar. By all means, I would have done it in a bathroom stall.” He shook his head, “Putting that aside-”
“I want to know one thing.” I interrupted him, “Why do you care about me, so much?” He opened his mouth and I pushed my finger against his lips, “Don’t give me that ‘because we are friends’ speech or some shit. I will smack you with a nightlight. Believe me, I practiced.”
“Because…You are like a brother to me, dattebayo.” I felt ‘trolled’.
“Bitch, you don’t even have brothers. You don’t know jack shit about how a brotherly bond feels.”
“Fair enough!…I am witnessing you making the biggest mistake of your life, and yes…I don’t want you to get hurt, or regret it. I want to stop you from making that mistake. But you aren’t listening, you are never listening. So….Yes…I was pissed.”
“Pffff.” I laughed, turning my head away from Naruto before looking at him, “It sounds more like you regret something. I guess you made the wrong choice during Halloween.”
“Funny!” He said, shaking his head.
“But really Naruto. I might not have a dad to look after me, but I have five brothers. You don’t have to take that responsibility.”
“Are they taking care of you or are you taking care of them?” I was about to open my mouth to say something, “Because I recall you beating up somebody who tried to hurt Obito, carried a drunk Maddy to his room, always forgive Itachi for neglecting you, cleaning Izuna’s shit up and dealing with the terrible girlfriend choice of Shisui.”
“But I am fine, besides they do tons of things for me too. So, I will release you from your self-proclaimed daddy role.”
“Yeah, I heard from Izuna you accidently called Suké dad.”
“One time! I was sleeping! Besides, this has nothing to do with the professor,” I said. He smiled and his finger poked my cheek.
“Whatever. Go get him, tiger.” He sat back in the chair, kicking himself towards the window.
“Knock-knock.” I turned my head to the door and smiled, seeing Nardo. “How are you feeling?” He asked as he got in the room.
“Not bad, but my head hurts quite a lot.” I got on my elbows, “Aah, my mom used to give me a kiss against the pain, though I doubt it would work this time.” I put up my sweetest face.
“Owh, you poor little boy.” He approached the bed and laid the rose from the gift shop on the counter.
“You son of a bitch!” I screamed, suddenly feeling Naruto above me.
“My mother is dead! Show some respect!”I shouted.
“You son of a dead bitch! Dattebayo! Not even two seconds and you are back at it!” He shouted.
“You told me to get him. You said that 3 seconds ago!” I shouted back.
“I will punch you in that pretty face!” He shouted, “I was indicating for you to do the right thing! Which is listening to me!”
“Fuck Naruto, I thought you were just like your father, but you seem to be just like your mother!”
“It seems you’re lacking good beating from your mother!”
“Teenagers…They are the worse with oxytocin involved.” He scratched his cheek.
“You should shut up! Dattebayo!” Naruto hissed.
“Hey, don’t talk to Bang Crush like that!” I grabbed Naruto by his collar while he a gripped on mine.
“Bang…What?” Nardo looked confused
“Don’t you dare act innocent. Fucking lab coats hanging everywhere and you give this fucker your shirt?”
“I hate to break it to you, professor, but you did look at the ecchi picture.” I said, “Don’t worry. Together we will make an entire album.” I winked, but then got head bumped by Naruto.I hissed in pain.
“Keep it in your pants, bastard!” He shouted.
“Hey mate, so I heard you knocked urself out and then had PTSD moment. I figured the least I could do is visit the person who hit my boyfriend with a lamp and gets away with it.” Suké walked inside and didn’t even look around the room, “what did you get yourself into. Blondie, get the fuck off him.” with one pull he pulled Naruto off me.
“Suké? Nightsky…Suké?” Suké looked up and his expression blanked. He dropped his bag and ran to the door, though it was his bad luck Itachi just happened to block it.
“Honey, what is going on?“ Itachi asked. I could see a plaster on his head and I felt guilty again.
“Uhm..Ah..Uhm..” He turned his head back and then back at Itachi, “Remember that jackass ex of mine. Waldo the idiot. Yeah…Turns out he is Waldo.” Suké pointed behind him.
“Uhm..I am professor Sunray, but you can call me Nardo.” He said.
“Wait…Professor Sunray? Otouto, he is your bang crush.” Itachi stated.
“Ooh~ So Sasuke’s bang crush is Suké’s ex who is now Sasuke’s brother’s boyfriend. How ironic.” Naruto seemed amused.
“What in a hell is a bang crush?” Nardo looked confused and then looked back at Suké, “Why are you running away from me. I have been searching-”
“Owh, naff off!” Suké interrupted Nardo, “You married that nobody and have not one, but two brats with her. The same fucking year you begged me to come to you.”
“I have been trying to explain-”
“You promised to come back in two years, but you never did!”
“No bitch, I said I would come back when I got my bachelor….I ain’t got no bachelor because I quit the moment I hear you married-…I don’t even know her name!”
The argument heated and I Naruto sat next to me in the bed.
“Are you following this?” Naruto whispered.
“Yeah…So turns out Nardo is not over Suké, but Suké has finally moved on with niisan. But he is still angry at Nardo, for breaking his heart.” I whispered.
“I am…I am not sure what is going on.” Itachi sat on the edge of the bed. He looked from his boyfriend to…Well, his boyfriend’s ex.
“I think this is foreplay.” Naruto joked.
“Yeah definitely. Fanfiction rule. When an argument gets heated, one of them will get roughly kissed and pressed against the wall.”
“Otouto…Why didn’t you bang the bang crush…At least he would have been away from my boyfriend.”
“Yeaaahhh…..Y’know what…Now…That I know Suké has tapped that first…Well..I think the bang crush is gone.”
“Fucking finally.” Naruto turned his head towards me. I saw Suké grab Nardo by his collar.
“HEY!” Itachi raised his voice.
“I am going to punch him!” Suké said.
“Owh, alright. For a moment I thought the two of you were going to make out.” Itachi crossed his legs.
“I…I am going take that…I don’t have to return your tie no more?” I interrupted them.
“What is that brat doing with your tie?” Suké looked furious.
“Owh, jeez, I was only trying to get in his pants for a month.”
“You were what?!” Nardo looked shocked.
“My god, you really have a type.” Suké shook his head, “bang your own blond!”
“Oh well, guess we got to listen.” Naruto wrapped his arm around me.
“Get your hands off him.” I heard Itachi say.
“Right..” Naruto removed his hand and cleared his throat, “Aren’t you…Feeling a little afraid of losing Suké to Nardo?”
“Naruto, look at me. Really look at me. What do I have to fear?” Itachi asked.
“Nothing..” Naruto scratched his cheeks.
“Indeed. He hurts, he is dead. I will make sure of that. I will fake his death and I will get away with it.” Itachi didn’t seem too worried.
“Nah… Sasuke? I think I have a bang crush.” I smacked Naruto in the face.
“Fuck to the no,” I said and I heard him laugh.
xoxo Special thanks to the lovely and talented @emeneska-chan xoxo
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