#i wish i could write these fics faster
something-like-air · 1 year
blank period karin is one of the most interesting, complex versions of karin but there's a dearth of content that's dedicated to her in that era
a lot of the content ive seen that features blank period karin is like, sssk fic where she shows up to deliver the baby and is either like, mean or depressed about it, and maybe she and sakura have a moment and become besties, but usually she's there as set dressing, or to like, put the nail in the SK coffin
and like, that scene is absolutely something id want to dig into as a dirty little karin fan, but there's plenty of other shit i think a good karin-centric blank period fic could hit
this list got mad long so here's a read more. check it out.
the creeping, gradual realization that sasuke is not coming back for team taka and will be settling/based out of konoha
generally, any sort of wrangling/reconciliation between sasuke and taka after the war when he's in his new and improved grown up state of mind. if not this, then dealing with the frustrating realization that sasuke will continue to associate with orochimaru and taka whenever he needs anything, while having no intent to maintain serious personal bonds with any of them
in relation to the above, karin havign to deal with the fact that she's probably the only member of taka who is bothered by this, since juugo tends to be passive, and suigetsu is independent enough that if sasuke is fine just being LDBs (long distance bros), he would be totally chill with that. karin!!! not so much
and like i said this would be stuff other than the sarada stuff, but like WHEN the sarada shit happens, how karin approaches the entire sarada situation, whether its like, instant love bc its sasukes kid, or something she needs to force, bc holy shit is that an emotionally complex situation, and holy shit does sasuke do her no favors by asking her to deliver his literal child
aside from the sasuke bullshit, i wanna see karin wrangle with log/mitsuki/other babies(???) being grown in the lab while having no blood family of her own while also being unlikely to ever have her own children
karin also wrangling with the fact that she's creating entire human beings, presumably so that they can be experimented on by orochimaru, which isnt new per se, but is new in the sense that shes now an adult who may or may not have more complex feelings towards helpless children (esp after sarada)
the fact that juugo apparently takes off from taka at some point, and karin and suigetsu either go separate ways or begin working in different hideouts
literally????? any kind of revelations regarding her heritage??? the fact that she busted out the chakra chains in the middle of the war in a very conspicuous moment?? shes a cousin of the future hokage???????? one of two uzumakis left in the world, and the only known pure blooded one, presumably?????????
also this is probably where karin experiments with The First Guy Who Is Not Sasuke, which either fails gloriously in a murder-tinted kinda way, or is wayyy too normal for her to ever be able to maintain it
ALSO i dont think theres a lot of fic that address the long term toll of karin using her healing bites, and it seems like young adulthood would be the time where any wonky shit would present itself
basically i think there should be more fic about how complex karin is in this era, how she tackles leaving behind the sasuke era of her life and forming an identity separate to that, to the extent that she may or may not try to, and she may or may not succeed
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drawnfamiliarfaces · 5 months
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what is a battle but a dance of two warriors?
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david3096 · 3 months
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I think they have always been in love 😭💕
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seiwas · 2 months
just a lil bit of a share ! i’ve been feeling really down lately about not writing that much 🥲 and keeping up with posting more frequently/updating a few of my series more regularly 🥲 but i looked at my masterlists and noticed almost 60% of my fics are actually from this year and we’re only half-way in 🥺
anyway ! the point of this is, if you’re being too hard on yourself today, i hope you’re reminded that you’re doing much better than you think 🥺
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inkblackorchid · 6 months
I swear to fucking—this duel is tormenting me. Outline and all, I have been writing on this thing for a month. I'm officially shaming myself for stuffing a duel with too many plot-relevant elements, character moments, and card game actions. Somebody put a dunce hat on me.(Or pat me on the head and tell me to keep going, I am s t r u g g l i n g.)
Like. Don't get me wrong. Would I rather be doing anything else than this? No. Am I still acutely frustrated with how hard it is to juggle several structural writing threads at the same time, while weaving them together to form something coherent? YES.
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mister-forest · 2 days
patiently waiting for the long fics between Alone (season 6 blackcell operator) and Soap. They're driving me crazy.
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myriadebleue · 3 months
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here's a messy little thing I scribbled while I tried to think of ideas and plot points for one of the longfics I'm working on.
If you're curious, here's the scene it was based on:
Once the flames and their light had receded, Xie Lian could make out a figure kneeling on the ground. A slender young man, wearing tattered dark robes, his black hair falling loose upon his back and shoulders. His form was flickering, a clear sign that he was not human.
Xie Lian broke through his bindings by shattering the rod he was bound to against the rocks. He stood up from the ground, careful as he walked closer to the figure. Just then, Ruoye zipped past Xie Lian, startling him a little. It came back and looped around him in an apology, before it leaped at the ghost and looped around him as well, patting his head in a clear reprimand. With how familiar Ruoye was acting, there was little doubt as to who this could be. Yet, Xie Lian needed to make sure.
“Xiao Hua?”
The ghost lifted his head, mismatched eyes looking up at him, joy and awe only barely concealed behind a veil of disorientation. Xie Lian was momentarily stunned at the sight of the crimson eye, mesmerized in kind by the fairness of the young man's face; his features were ones that many would be envious of.
“Are you... you're really that ghost fire?”
The ghost smiled, as he kept staring up at Xie Lian. He seemed confused, but soon enough, he nodded.
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Chapter 2- Investigation (Pages 1 & 2)
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And so we start Ayla’s chapter! I really hope you guys enjoy what’s to come! Also, I’d like to say that I have an official update schedule: I’ll be updating every other Friday. Thank you again for all the support so far!!
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elithemiar-blog · 7 months
1,2,3 Who do you see? Chap 7 Excerpt
Wik paused outside the gate of the garage, Chay beside him wearing a pullover hoodie that he almost drowns in, but he knows that in just a few more months or closer to a year that the cloth with be a little snugger, more fitting. Just the sight of Chay instantly choosing to quickly pull on the offered item before they left gave a visceral reaction of pulling the younger into his arms and gripping the collar tight. Wik, remembering the gaze that Chay had given him, turns to him and pulls the hood up over his head, gripping the edges wanting to pull the boy in closer. "Wik." Chay whispers, hands raising to rest on Wik's forearms, pushing against them slightly. Wik nods slowly, just once, "Come on, let's get you inside." turning to guide Chay farther inside by wrapping an arm around his waist. He guides them just outside the garage and around the back, keeping close to the building, a camera that's hidden in Chay's hood provides visual coverage to Arm and his brother's inside so that they can track progress and guards on the inside. The hand not wrapped around Chay is holding tightly to his phone, too nerve wrecked to place it in his pocket, so he can read any messages the moment they are received. The only audio communication they could agree upon, a physical phone call that is meant for emergencies only. Chay stops on a dime, "Wik"
He hums in response, eyes scanning until he sees what Chay could. His Pa, with a cup of tea scanning the yard, looking calm but Wik knows that his father is constantly watching over the security cameras for any suspicious activity. "Get down." he hisses low, grip on Chay's back fisting the hoodie. One of Chay's arm wraps around Wik's waist as they kneel on the ground behind some bushes, leaning slightly into his form. Wik meets Chay's weight with his own, as he unlocks his phone to send a short report to his brothers. If he was alone, and no third personality running around, he could've easily have Chay enter the compound and then he'd follow. If Kim wouldn't be so logical in getting his stupid investigation thinking that this has their father written all over it, and Kimhant being so murdery, he could've had Chay safe in his flat with no need to go sneaking through his own childhood house. He'd be Wik, not Kimhant, not Kim…who just couldn't keep just one good thing. A few moments later, his phone vibrates with one word: Move. Slowing the soothing motion against Chay's lower back that he'd begun to keep himself calm and hoping that it's keeping Chay calm as well, he peeks over the bush back towards Korn to find Kinn in a discussion, his brother facing towards them and their father's back to them. "Let's go." Wik takes lead again, this time a little further out of reach from Chay as these next few steps may need his intervention if the guards that are stationed close to the hidden entryway. Which really only depends on if anyone has found out his secret garden door from when he was little. Either way it'd be vital to keep Chay at a distance, for a very short time. Chay though, gripped onto Wik's wrist, a memory coming to the surface, hand tightening in anxiety.
Yes, I'm still working on this monstrosity of an idea, it's plotted to chap 15 but may drop down to 11 or 12 with combining plot points.
The time travel fix-it fic is also plotted, with a plan of 4 chapters, I'm just having problems with figuring out a title.
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ornstein · 5 months
Admirer of writers who can go on writing their stories while keeping as quiet as often as possible, if I don't talk about mine at least once a week my head explodes.
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television-overload · 6 months
If I could snap my fingers and have this fic be done and perfect...
I love writing it, but BOY does it take a while when you want to do it right. And then I'll have to make sure the pacing is okay before I can post.
I'm so impatient, but I'm determined to not leave a WIP unfinished again 😭 regular updates this time fr
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you ever purposefully write shit that makes you giggle and blush like an enamored schoolgirl
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qin-ling · 2 years
Maverick doesn’t regret it when he takes the hit, when the last thing he hears before he ejects is Rooster screaming his name.
But then he wakes. Not to a vast, white snowfield behind enemy lines—but to an inverted cockpit of an F-14.
And to Goose, alive and well in the seat behind him.
Or; the time-travel fix-it in which TG:M Maverick wakes up at the start of TG (1986).
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a-very-fond-farewell · 7 months
listen. when I say these two are toxic for each other I don’t mean it in an abusive way. if they want to fight, brawl and then fuck about it or pine away that’s their business. I’m just transcribing what I see. I’m genderfluiding what they show me. I’m out of here.
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renegadeknight · 5 months
Yesssss more Joel/Tess pls 🙏🙏🙏
Haha mmmkay well you'll be happy to know that I have ~some~ plans already in the outline but it's nice to know that's something you wanna see happen! I might play it up a bit more, we'll see how it goes 💙
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musical-chick-13 · 10 months
More fic writing notes from the margins of my Word Document™, for the sake of your entertainment:
not being able to find the word I'm looking for and putting "[verbing]" as a placeholder
having the same thing problem later and putting "[adverb???]"
ending a section of dialogue with, "<-I'M QUESTIONING EVERYTHING WOULD SHE SAY THIS"
"And maybe, if he's very, very lucky, [IDK THINK OF SOMETHING]"
[Do I need a thing here???]
ending a list with "[third thing]"
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