#i want to draw more vash but i have!!! no ideas for him!!!
jjoshlynaround · 9 months
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making a part two to the gay moment comic i made. making it clear my favorite wolfwood is 98 wolfwood
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cozylittleartblog · 4 months
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my ACEN tip gimmick has been fulfilled, aaand i got a little carried away with it. I haven't had time to draw for myself (or at all, really??) in like two weeks, i needed to Doodle and Have Fun. ... also, i did not think he would get so many donuts. people understand the value of giving treats to fictional characters :) its what he deserves
also shoutout to snazzyskeletons who had the same Tip Theme i did. we took pictures with our tip jars together. they are adorable v
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i'm glad their vash got some donut money too :) 🍩 please check them out if you want some cute trigun stuff
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lno-x · 1 year
your art is SO COOL. AND YOU USE SUBTLE COLORS SO EFFECTIVELY. i feel like i learn more about art just by Looking at yours
also, did you have a context in mind for that third doodle of plant vash? the one with ww and meryl struggling to hold him up
cuz i just find it so funny and charming and it seems like something with a backstory!
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the idea is quite simple, i just wanted to draw an angel form for vash, but in tristamp style (more alien looking) I think this is a very stressful state for him (as well as for Meryl and Wolfwood) so his level of mental development drops to a minimum and he behave like some animal (NOO CLOTHES GET OFF)
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galactiquest · 1 year
I just adore your blog! Something about it and your imagines are just so sweet and homey 🥺 Could I please request some headcanons for Vash, Woowoo and Knives with a reader who loves to draw and is really passionate about it? I mostly have general sketching/figure studies in mind but you can do whatever is easiest for you! I hope that you have a good day and your blog continues to prosper <3
Thank you for the compliment 🥺!!! I'm so glad it feels homey. I try to make things like a home here... after all I LIVE HERE... thank you I hope to keep this blog going for a while after trying to revive it like twice before!
I think this request is so cute, I'm an artist too (have been for like, over a decade ^_^) so I've got lots of ideas in that aspect. I tried to keep to general sketching/traditional stylings of art but I think a lot of these can be applied to other art areas too!!
Vash, Wolfwood, and Knives x Reader: Artistry
Content Warnings: None! Reader doesn't have a specified gender, and some parts of the imagines are a little romance-oriented but this could also be interpreted as a strong friendship. Also this is my first mutli x reader so I hope the formatting's alright. No version was in mind for any of these so take them as you will!
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Oh, he is definitely excited about this.
Vash is a bit of an artist, himself. He can do those super-complex technical drawings, and he really likes making art of machinery and stuff like that. There's a lot of diagrams of his arm lost in a notebook somewhere.
He loves to see your style and interpretation of the things around you. Seeing the world through your eyes, even for just a moment, is like heaven to him.
If you ever give him some of your art as a gift, he keeps it hung up on a wall or wherever he can stay for a while. (If he's in a more permanent place, his walls are covered in your art. He just loves it that much.)
The ones that are most special to him, he likes to keep in his pockets, so he can look at them whenever he needs a morale boost. Like, this is what he's fighting for: a world full of love and peace, a world that's able to keep creating beautiful art like this for years to come.
One day, the two of you get to draw each other as a sort of practice. Seeing each other through the others' eyes... again, it feels like a dream. Vash draws all the parts of you that you weren't always confident about with such care that you feel truly loved by him in that moment.
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"Oh, yer an artist? ... Can ya draw me?"
Yes he will absolutely pull that stunt at least once or twice, if only to get a hilarious dirty glare out of you. If you do actually take him up on this, he might let out a nervous "Haha... I mean, ya didn't have ta' do it, but..." He'll be really charmed.
Though his hands are strong and nimble from doing all those flippant tricks with the Punisher, he's entranced with the way you're able to use yours to create, to draw.
He's always sneaking you extra supplies, like pens, pencils, and paper, whenever you least expect it. You never have to ask for any of those things anymore, or even shop for them--they just happen upon your desk whenever you think you're running low.
One day, he takes a piece of your paper and a pen and doesn't let you see what he's doing until he's all done. He's a little dodgy about showing you, eventually he does. It's a crude scribble of the two of you, though you can tell he really put his all into it.
It's your most prized possession, and you give him a big hug for it.
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Much like Vash, he's actually an artist himself--but doesn't really call himself one, rather saying that he's... capable of copying something he's seen part-for-part. So, his drawings are more like pictures or prints. They're exact. Eerily so.
The art that you make gets a half-hearted snort of approval from Knives, which is basically one of the highest praises he can offer in his own sort of language.
Though normally he'd want to give some sort of unwarranted criticism for a drawing looking wonky or off, he saves you from it. He doesn't want to break your passion--but he's not going to admit that outright.
If you do ask for criticism, though, he's very thorough while keeping you on the road to improvement. If you're studying a specific style, he's reading up on it. If you're trying new materials, he's making sure you have all the tools necessary for it.
And speaking of materials, he's able to secure uncommon colors and rare tools for you to use for art. He's making sure that everything you create is of the highest quality.
One day, you drew a portrait of him and presented it to him as a gift. He gave out that little snort of approval and maybe even a a tiny "Thanks..." as he wandered off. He secretly keeps it close to look at it in his private time, tracing his fingers over the ink marks and recalling your movements.
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peachy-posy · 1 year
Stargazing (Vash the Stampede x Reader)
Summary: An encounter with a bounty hunter leaves you feeling uneasy.
A/N: Vash has me in a chokehold, all I can do is write fics. Pls send help. Anyway, I am once again combining elements of both 98 Vash and Stampede Vash because best of both worlds and all that <3 Posted here on AO3
Warnings: Non-graphic violence, strong yearning (pre-relationship ofc), idiots in love
Word Count: 2.5k
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Today was too close.
Rapidly cooling water drips down your sore arms as you hug your knees to your chest in the bath. The only sound in the bathroom of the quiet inn is the occasional drip of the faucet leaking into the cloudy bathwater. You close your eyes, resting your forehead on the tops of your knees.
A bounty hunter had caught you both by surprise. The pair of you were nearing the next town in your travels, laughing and chatting with each other like always. You had been admiring him; how the sunlight made his hair shine like gold, how his brilliant blue eyes would sometimes peek over his sunglasses if they slipped too far down his nose when he laughed. 
Then, there was a gunshot. 
It was all so fast. The rapid shifting of his expression made you feel like someone had dumped a bucket of ice cold water over your head. He shoved you, and then you were on the sand, looking up at him as a bullet tore the side of his shoulder.
You were frozen, the shock of it gluing you to the ground. He was virtually unphased, drawing his gun with a focused expression and frightening efficiency. He fired a single shot, and you registered someone grunting in surprise. Vash taking off in that direction was what shook you out of your stupor - you scrambled clumsily to your feet, drawing your revolver and following him.
The rest of it was a weird blur in your memory. The fight ended the way all of the other ones do. But for some reason, this one was so different. You couldn’t get the image of Vash being struck by the bullet out of your mind, even now.
The bullet that was supposed to hit you.
Luckily, it was just a graze. He didn’t even really need much first aid. But while he laughed and shrugged it off, you trembled the whole way into town.
You open your eyes once more, blinking a few times to focus your vision. The cloudy water ripples gently around you, and you realize that you are shaking. The water has grown quite cold, and you take that as a sign that it’s time to get out. 
After pulling the drain, you lift yourself out of the old tub, carefully maneuvering over the ledge. You make quick work of toweling yourself dry, wanting to escape the chill of the water. Goosebumps raise on your skin regardless.
You change into the set of clothes you brought into the bathroom with you, running a brush through your hair carelessly. You didn’t have it in you tonight to care all that much about your hair of all things.
After finishing up, you reach for the doorknob, but find yourself hesitating just before reaching it. The idea of sitting in the room with Vash made you feel nauseous. 
What a great friend you are.
You feel sick with guilt over that stupid graze on his shoulder. Logically, you know that it’s not your fault and he doesn’t blame you. You know that you would have shoved him out of the way if your positions were reversed. You know that both of you have had much, much worse injuries from various encounters with enemies. So, why are you feeling so weird? 
You swallow thickly. Suck it up. Stop being weird and go sit with him. Talk like you always do.
Inhaling deeply and finding your resolve, you square your shoulders and open the door. He’s sitting on one of the two beds in the room, cleaning his gun meticulously. Locks of his golden hair fall in his face, and he shakes his head to the side to move it out of the way. You find yourself smiling fondly at his focused expression, his bright eyes flicking up at you for a moment before returning to his task. He smiles softly, hands working all the while.
“Hey,” he calls softly.
His focused expression, while endearing, reminds you of how he looked earlier today. You feel your resolve crumble, and that constricting feeling squeezes your chest once more.
“Hey,” you manage weakly, walking over to your old, worn boots sitting by the door. You sit down, lacing them up. 
Out of your peripheral vision, you see him look up at you, more intently this time. He says nothing for a moment, likely seeing if you plan on explaining where you’re going. 
“Everything okay?” He finally asks, the silence stretching on long enough apparently. 
You tighten the laces with a firm tug and sigh. “I’m okay. I’ll be back in a little while.” He seems like he’s about to question you some more, so you add in a teasing tone, “Go have a bath. You could use it, Stampede.”
He gasps with mock offense, his hand clutching his chest. You crack a smile, and you can tell he’s stifling a smile of his own.
“You’re so mean!” He pouted. 
You finish with your laces, standing up and putting your hands on your hips. “Doesn’t mean I’m not right!” 
He frowns playfully in response, and you shoot him a grin, turning to face the door. You reach for the knob, but the sound of your name from his lips has your hand coming to a halt before reaching its destination. You turn your head to the side, silently waiting for him to continue. 
He catches your eye, hesitating as he settles on what to say. “Be careful,” he finally murmurs softly, and you give him what you hope is a reassuring smile. You feel more guilt squeezing your heart at his affectionate expression. 
“I will,” you promise. With that, you twist the doorknob and quietly leave the room.
You don’t even know where you’re going. You left with absolutely no plan, letting anxiety and avoidant tendencies drive your decision to flee the room. You let your feet guide you out of the building, walking onto the small street. At this hour, there aren’t many out. You pause, sighing and lifting your gaze to the clear sky. The stars look stunning. 
You know where you want to go. 
There is a large rock formation right near the inn. You remember seeing it on your way into town today. The vantage point it would provide would make for some excellent star gazing. 
You walk around the base of the large rock aimlessly for a bit, trying to find a way up.  Eventually, you stumble upon a small, worn portion of the stone, making a path of sorts. Looks like the locals enjoy coming up here too.
You slowly make your way up the rock, the worn, smooth path becoming clearer as you ascend. At the top, you find that there are lots of flat spaces to sit down at, so you choose one near the edge. The ground is cold, the air is cold, but it’s all worth it for the view. 
The rock sits behind the inn, tall enough to be above the buildings of the town. You can see the vast, open desert stretch as far as the eye can see in every direction. The inky, dark sky is clear, the stars glittering brilliantly above you. Your cold, wet hair clings to your skin as you hug your knees to your chest. You feel most at ease under the night sky like this. Your problems feel small in magnitude when they are compared to the vastness of the universe.
You don’t know how long you sat in that spot, unmoving, thinking about both everything and nothing. It was apparently long enough to warrant a search party of one, though, you soon find out. 
You feel a sudden warmth drape over your shoulders. You turn around, but know who it is before seeing him. The warmth surrounding you comes in the form of a long, red coat you know very well. Your eyes travel up the tall figure behind you, eventually finding his own staring down at you. The look he gives you is nothing short of fond exasperation. You are certain your confusion is clear on your face, because how did he find you?
He crouches down, reaching for your wet strands of hair. He lets a small, wet lock slide between his fingers, and he sighs.
“You’ll catch a cold out here like this, Mayfly.”
You clutch the red coat that is engulfing your frame, drawing it against your chilled body more tightly. 
“How’d you find me?”
He sits down beside you, close enough that your shoulders are brushing against one another. 
“Because I know you. When in doubt, I go to the highest point I can find, and you’re usually looking at the stars up there.”
Well that makes your chest feel weird. You didn’t even consciously do all that, but he knows you well enough to spot those subconscious little patterns and habits. 
“Oh,” you breathe out, not knowing what to say.
He doesn’t suffer from the same predicament, apparently, because he keeps going. 
“I also know you well enough to know when you’re avoiding me.” You suck in a breath, ready to cut him off and argue that statement, but he shushes you, continuing. You relent begrudgingly, because… well, he’s not wrong. “Let me explain! It’s okay - well, it’s not necessarily ideal, but I’m not upset. I just want to know what’s wrong.”
Oh, this is dangerous. Because you’d tell him anything he wants to know if he looks at you like that for much longer. He locks eyes with you, gazing at you so earnestly, so kindly. You start to look down to avoid the eye contact that has you under its spell, but he quickly reaches out to lift your chin back up. 
“Please, Mayfly. Let me in.”
The dam cracks ever slightly. 
“How’s your arm?” You ask, and he furrows his brows. 
“It’s… fine? Why?”
He’s wearing that black turtleneck he always wears. You reach out to gently graze his arm, keeping your touch featherlight. He watches you curiously.
“I don’t know. I really—“ you cut yourself off with a sigh, feeling stupid. “I’ve just felt weird ever since you… well, you know.”
He regards you for a moment, an unreadable expression on his face. He says nothing, prompting the dam to crack a bit more.
“And I know today wasn’t that out of the ordinary. I know that. But…” you feel the traitorous burn of tears in your eyes, but keep going. “It scared me. That’s all.”
His expression doesn’t give much away, but you swear he seems… sad. Yes, definitely sad. You furrow your brows as he gives you that fake smile, the one you know he hides behind so often with others. It hurts to have it directed at you.
“Listen… I completely understand if you don’t want to travel with me anymore. Having danger constantly at your heels? It is scary. Of course it is. I know that better than anyone.” His voice is soft, and there’s a melancholic sound to it that you recognize from spending countless hours with him. He takes a deep breath, continuing. “There’s nothing wrong with wanting to protect yourself… this is your life we’re talking about. That’s something that’s precious, something that needs to be protected. I promise you, there will be no hard feelings if you want to part ways.”
Wait, wait. What is he saying? Does he think you’re afraid because the bullet could’ve hit you?
Well of course he does. Why would he think otherwise? You haven’t explained yourself. This is probably the most logical conclusion for him to jump to. 
“No! Vash, wait, no. Please,” you reach out, taking his hands, halting the rambling he was engaging in while you sorted your thoughts out. “Listen.”
He obeys, watching you carefully, and gives you his attention with a nod.
“I wasn’t afraid for me. I was afraid for you.”
He looks completely taken aback. “Me?”
You frown. “Yes, of course you!” You squeeze his hands, not liking how surprised he sounds. “I care about you a lot, and today, I think I just realized that I need to do better. I need to be better. You wouldn’t have gotten hurt at all if I’d noticed that bounty hunter the way you had. I don’t want you getting harmed, especially not because of me.” Your voice trembled as you spoke. At some point during your admission, the tears you’d held back finally spilled. The dam broke. You sniffle, turning away from him.
He breathes your name so softly, you almost miss it. “C’mere.”
You feel arms wrap around your shoulders, pulling you close, and you don’t hesitate to curl into him. He holds you tight, hand threaded in your wet hair.
“I’m okay. No more tears. Not for me,” he murmurs, resting his chin on the top of your head.
It’s at this moment that you realize the true crux of the issue. You are terrified of losing him. He has become the most important person in your life, and so many people want him hurt or dead. That’s terrifying. This man, this kind, gentle person, is so hated for no reason. 
He’s become so much more to you than just a travel companion, or even a friend for that matter. That… is also a terrifying thought. 
“I promise I’m okay. And I’ll be okay. You don’t need to worry about me.”
You pull away from his chest enough to meet his eyes. “I’ll always worry about you.”
He softens, a smile forming on his lips.
You lean back into his chest, sitting together quietly, neither making a move to separate from the other. You watch the starry night sky, leaning your head onto him. His arm stays wrapped around you, keeping you close. 
He’s the first to break the silence.
“It’s… nice,” he remarks softly. “It’s been a while since I had someone to worry about me. Or to cry for me.”
Your eyes widen, heart breaking at his words. This world has been so, so unkind to him.
“I know that sounds bad to say. I guess I just mean… I’m glad I have you,” he whispers, chin resting on your head. You can hear the smile in his voice.
This starts a whole new wave of fresh tears. You turn around and face him, a tear sliding down your cheek. If you weren’t so heartbroken by his words, you would’ve laughed at the expression of pure panic he gives you.
“Wait! No, don’t cry! I’m sorry!”
Shifting to sit on your knees in front of him, you wrap your arms around his neck, squeezing him in a tight hug. You feel his jacket slip off your shoulders, but you don’t care. 
“It doesn’t sound bad at all. I’ll be that person for you. Always,” you murmur. “I’m sorry that people have been so cruel to you. If I could undo the hurt that others have done to you, I’d do it in a heartbeat.”
You feel him slowly wrap his arms around your waist, reciprocating the embrace as he processes your words. Though belated, he’s holding you just as fiercely as you’re holding him. 
“Please… stay with me. I know it’s selfish to ask—“
“I’m afraid you’re stuck with me, Stampede.” You smile at him. “I don’t know how you put up with me.”
“It’s the easiest thing I’ve ever done.”
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silentwhispofhope · 2 years
*Limping to your request box* I MISSED YOU AND I WANT TO GIVE YOU AN IDEA FILLED WITH FLUFF!! Is it okay to request?
💞[Skin Writing/Drawing Soulmate AU]✍️ 🖌️ - Reader is an artist and constantly draws many art in their skin because it's just so satisfying! Their soulmate Vash feels appreciated, in love, and beautiful whenever Reader's drawing appear on his skin. Their art just gives him a reason to love his skin despite skin scars 🥺 🖋️ - Reader does calligraphy, and they sometimes quote the bible doing it cause why not? Soulmate Wolfwood just looks with a soft, maybe teasing smile as he sees his soulmate's work. 😎 📜 - Reader is a poet and they randomly have ideas and prompt all throughout the day, so they grab a pen and start writing all the poetry from their head. Soulmate Knives who's intellectual and curious admires whenever his soulmate's writing appear on his skin, he just covers it from others eyes because pest don't deserve to see this beauty. 🌱
- Sugar Plum Anon 💟
A/N: Just for you Sugar Plum Anon, I’ll do all three <3 I do hope you’re alright though! Please do stay safe! Since I’m doing all three, I hope you’re alright with headcanons instead of normal lil’ one shots. :)
Skin Writing/Drawing Soulmate AU Headcanons
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He was absolutely scared out of his mind when he first saw the ink appear on his skin. He even went as far as to try to scrub his skin raw, and the ink was still fresh as ever. Poor blondie is wondering how the hell something like this is happening.
Meanwhile, you’re doodling like there’s no tomorrow with your ballpoint pen, tracing the outlines of your veins and doodling smiling faces.
Over time, Vash learns to just accept the random appearance and disappearance of drawings across his body. At the end of the day, it’s like a fun little game to see what’s been sketched on him underneath his turtle neck.
It takes a while for Vash to realize that it’s his soulmate doodles appearing on his skin. Warmth floods his heart each time he thinks of this, causing him to lovely trace the marks across his own skin.
He would laugh sometimes at the sudden ink smear appearing on his skin before new sketch marks appeared, your work hypnotizing him. He especially loved when you used different colors, almost painting his skin like a canvas. Eventually, he makes the move to respond.
So imagine your surprise when you find a poorly drawn flower appear on your skin. Ensue the same panic Vash experienced when you remembered you didn’t draw that.
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Scrubbing his skin did nothing. Seeing the scripture on his forearm made him wonder if he had perhaps gotten too drunk the night before and had gotten a tattoo.
The fancy calligraphy was choice, especially with that proverb. For the lips of the adulterous woman drop honey, and her speech is smoother than oil. Wolfwood decided that there could be worse things etched into his skin from that old religion.
You, on the other hand, were giggling to yourself. Oh, the irony of something appearing to beautiful but naughty. A snort escapes from one of your nearby friends.
He didn’t put anymore thought into it until the next day when the ink disappeared. Lowkey, thought he was super dehydrated for him to imagine that, but nope, even after drinking tons of water, the ink was no longer on his skin.
Cue some praying. He nearly has a heart attack when more ink appears on his skin. He has to go back to the orphanage and ask the elders for help on understanding the situation. Turns out it’s a soulmate thing, one which they didn’t even bother to mention until now.
Overtime, he appreciates the calligraphy he appears on his skin, particularly when new motifs appear. Wolfwood liked seeing you test new things and watch as the ink appear on his skin.
However, he was very glad to wear long sleeves when you would write down a particularly dirty proverb like 5:19. He would always end up blushing a bright red like a tomato, a huge contrast to his normal, stoic personality.
Imagine, your surprise when you notice fresh ink on your skin. For your ways are in the full view of the LORD in basic script.
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He almost didn’t see the script appear on his arms, the ink nearly blending into his suit and pale skin. His fingers traced the letters he could make out. Knives immediately knew what this meant, it was his soulmate reaching out- most likely not knowing what was happening.
He tried to ignore it the best he could and kept himself covered with his cloak. Having someone would just drag him down, make it harder to reach his goal of eradicating humanity. However, his curiosity got the best of him.
Taking another look, the bleach blond quickly recognized the letters as chords with their denoted accidentals. Luckily for him, he new how to play. It was child’s play, really.
Meanwhile, your trying to understand how to play different songs only by listening too them. You were too stubborn to look them up, very confident in your ability.
And so it became a pattern for him to decipher your song you had written on his arm. He would spend hours playing the piano, watching the notes on his arm be crossed out and replaced. The composition rarely stayed imprinted on his skin for longer than a day.
Often, Knives would see lyrics being written with the chords. A little artist are we now? His small joke to himself caused a small smile. He would end up humming them, his low voice cutting through the air. It was for the sake of rhythm, he told himself.
Imagine your surprise when you saw a new. mark you knew you hadn’t inscribed into your skin, a word marked out for another.
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whirlwindimagines · 2 years
So I hear you’re taking requests? 👀♥️
Could we possibly have the reader be an artist and that’s how they make money for the group? But the reader has a personal art sketchbook that Vash stumbles upon by accident when someone tries to steal the reader’s bag. He then sees the drawings that consist of different people, scenery, doodles, and then of him and little notes about him like “literal sunshine”, “kissable beauty mark” “weak in the knees with this face”
Just a little something for baby girl ♥️
Requests are always open for babygirl lol also this is so cute, and I agree that beauty mark is very kissable. Give him to me 👏👏👏 😭
Also not me posting this with out tags I’m an idiot
‘If you saw him too, you’d know what I mean’
Vash x Reader
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Glancing up every once in a while, you admired the scenery in front of you making to observing every detail as you quickly sketch it out in your notebook. 
Smiling softly at Vash who sits across from you, he’s not paying attention watching a crowd of people instead. It was his idea to sneak away to this little outdoor cafe, and you greatly appreciated the gesture. It gave you time to just sit down and draw. 
And who were you to blame, if you happened to catch sight of Vash’s handsome face and want to sketch it as well? Was it a crime, you nearly drop your pencil when Vash suddenly turns to you with those sweet eyes. 
Trying to be nonchalant about what you were doing, you meet his gaze with a raised brow. “What?” You ask softly, he blinks and blushes maybe he didn’t know he had been staring at you as well. “Nothing, what are you drawing?” He answers quickly. 
It’s your turn to blush, as you quickly close the sketchbook. God, you’d die of embarrassment if he saw the sketches you’ve done of him. It’s not your fault, his face is so pretty that you need to capture his expressions! “Oh, just the landscape.” You say with a wave of your hand and a shy smile. 
You flip to the page you were sketching, checking it over to make sure it’s safe, and flip to show Vash. You smile as his eyes light up, looking over the drawing. You are a little nervous as he takes it all in, you're just hoping he doesn’t flip the page. Vash doesn’t and hands the notebook back to you. 
“Amazing!” Your heart warms at the compliment because coming from Vash you know it’s genuine. You smile, placing the sketchbook back in your bag, and you thank him. Vash places some double dollars on the table and helps you out of your chair. Shouldering your bag, the two of you walk out of the cafe side by side. Everyone was supposed to meet in the center of the market, you let Vash lead you there without complaint. 
You are shoved to the side harshly, letting out a startled yelp you managed to catch yourself with an annoyed huff. Vash turns to you concerned; you shrug going to adjust your bag when to your horror it's gone. Eyes widening, you frantically look around for it had you dropped it? Or… you gasp turning around. “That guy stole my bag!” You sob out, startling Vash beside you. You feel Vash place his hands on your shoulders, it forces you to look at him with a determined look in his gaze.
“Stay here, I’ll get it back.” You don't get a chance to reply when Vash takes off running. You frown, letting out a sigh as you listen and do what you are told for once. 
It's not difficult for Vash to catch up to the thief, he does so pretty quickly and is sure he can resolve this without any issues. The moment he saw that sullen look in your gaze, he knew he had to do something. It broke his heart to see such a sad look on your pretty face! 
“Hey stop!” Vash calls out, it startles the thief, who clearly thought they were in the clear. Vash lunges forward getting ahold of the bag, he didn't have much of a plan after that. “This belongs to my friend!” he says it with a cheerful smile, catching the man even more off guard with his attitude. 
The thief lets out a ‘tsk’ noise and tried to pull the bag back towards themselves, but Vash’s grip was stronger, and with one yank managed to get it out of the thief's hands… and spill all the contents. Vash cringed as the thief ran off, with a sigh he dropped to his knees to place everything neatly back into the bag. 
It seemed to all be mostly art supplies, he knew if you had to replace anything you would feel guilty spending the money. But you deserved it, hell if it wasn’t for you, they wouldn’t have enough to eat sometimes. Vash paused looking down at your sketchbook, you were always drawing in it but it was rare you’d show your work to him, and the others. 
Surely a quick peek wouldn’t hurt? It was already sitting half open, not wanting to psyche himself out Vash grabs it carefully and starts looking through it. His gaze softens as he looks at your sketches, familiar landmarks and places you've traveled, some animals, and people familiar and not. Vash turns the next page and flushes.
Sketches of him, is this how you see him? All soft lines, and gentle expressions. He can feel himself growing redder by the minute, he spots your handwriting, little notes around the sketches. The notes are about him as well, pointing out something in his expression, what he was looking at. And then some of the notes are cutesy with little hearts around them, the biggest heart seems to be around a note about his beauty mark. With an arrow pointing to the sketch. 
Vash slams the sketchbook closed, heart racing. He’s flattered, but unsure what to make of all of this. After a minute he smiles, you think he’s cute! Feeling light and fluttery, he places the sketchbook in the bag, making sure he’s gathered everything he stands heading back to where he left you. 
He stops when he spots you, he notices your nervous glance as you shift from foot to foot looking around. Vash watches you for a moment and his heart skips a beat, he walks towards you joining your side. You look up at him wide eye, your eyes shining when you noticed your bag in his hands. Taking the bag carefully, you hug it to your chest, “Oh Vash! Thank you so much.” 
You throw your arms around his neck, and his arms wrap around your waist without hesitation. “It was no problem.” mutters, you huff pulling back. “Oh, I’m sure, I didn’t think a bag snatcher would be the one to take down the big bad Vash the Stampede.” You tease watching him blush under your gaze. 
Vash rubs the back of his head with a slight chuckle, you smile leaning in and placing a delicate kiss on his cheek. He nearly goes as red as his coat, and you’re sure your face is flushed as well. “Seriously thank you.” stepping away from Vash, you turn going to find the others. You don't notice the soft look in Vash’s gaze as he places his hand over his cheek, or the whispered ‘you’re welcome’ he gives you. With a soft chuckle, Vash follows after you quickly joining your side.
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fruitsoxs · 1 year
Ok.. Ok.. Wolfwood sitting on the side, directing Vash was *chefs kiss*
but what if the next night, Vash sits on the sides and watches Wolfwood teach him? He might be a visual learner too?
what if im feeling silly and can't sleep so i drop this at 2am
pairings; vashwood x (GN AFAB) reader warnings; once again, !NSFW MINORS DNI! , a bit of eeverything again work count; 1.2k
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“Watch and learn blondie.”
You can’t help but squirm under the pressure of the two gazes on you. It’s so different from the last time, so much more tense. When Vash had joked about being a visual learner, you had no idea the two would take it to this level again. Vash, watching from the side, his blue eyes trailing your exposed skin with a sense of longing. He got a taste of you last time, and now he wants more.
He can’t touch you though. Not tonight.
Wolfwood’s calloused hands run down your back, pushing your head down. He gives your ass, which is lifted into the air, a small smack. You can tell the man is grinning. “I know exactly what they like.” The man behind you mumbles, rubbing the skin that he slapped a little while ago. I’ll show you exactly what to do to make them scream.” Your head is spinning at the thought. Vash watching you only adds to your arousal. Especially when you’re faced towards him, watching his every move.
Every time Wolfwood squeezes your ass, Vash’s eyes widen. You can see the need written across his face. He jerks a bit as Wolfwood spreads your cheeks and lets out a little hum. “So wet already.” He runs a finger through your wet folds, and leans forward to stick his hand in your face. “Suck.” he demands, and who are you to deny? You wrap your lips around his fingers and lick at them. Vash sucks in a breath, as he paws at his pants.
“They’re so good at that aren’t they?” Wolfwood asks, cramming his fingers into your mouth. Saliva pools at the edges of your lips, and when he pulls his fingers out there’s a thick thread of drool. “Let them use their mouth a bit. They like that, don’t you sweetheart?” You give an affirmative nod, already a little too caught up in the moment to speak.
“Plus they look good with something in their mouth huh?” Wolfwood asks, pressing his hard cock against your ass. Vash’s eyes snap up to Wolfwood as he nods. “Cmon use your words. Tell ‘em how good they look.” Wolfwood sighs and Vash’s eyes widen before he stammers out a “Yeah! They look…amazing.” Vash sighs. He’s got his hands down his pants, making eye contact with you now. His gaze seems to soften when it meets yours, and you can feel your heartbeat pick up.
You don’t have time to think about it before Wolfwood is pulling you up so your back is flat against him. His hands grab at your breasts, squeezing roughly to draw out moans from you. His lips find your neck, and he trails soft kisses down your neck.
He flips you around suddenly and grips the back of your head as his lips find yours. It’s a rough kiss, rushed and passionate. He seems to be showing off extra hard for Vash today, working his tongue into your mouth right away. He pulls you as close as he can before pulling your head back by gripping onto your hair. Once again he’s trailing kisses down your throat, these ones rough– marking you. His teeth dig into your skin, then he kisses away the pain after. Each bite leaves you whimpering and moaning.
When he’s done he leans back to look at his work, smiling proudly. He leans in for another kiss. This kiss is much softer than the last, almost sweet. You kiss back with the same energy.
He slowly lets you drop into your back, so you’re looking at Vash upside down. The blonde has his dick out already, and is stroking it. His pupils dilated, cheeks red, eyes on you. His stare is unmoving. You almost feel small under it.
Then, Wolfwood pulls your legs apart. He runs his fingers against you, gathering up what he can before he pumps a finger into your cunt. Then two. You’re left gasping at the intrusion, lifting your hips up to meet his fingers. He chuckles a bit, but keeps his pace going. “So reactive.” he mumbles. His fingers curl in just a way that has you melting
He keeps going until you’re a moaning mess around his fingers, begging him to let you cum. “Pleasepleaseplease-” your words fall short when he curls his fingers again. “Go ahead.” and you do- you cum around his fingers instantly. He works you through the orgasm, before pulling out.
You have no time to miss the feeling of his fingers as you watch him hold them out towards Vash. Vash leans forward and immediately starts licking your juices off of Wolfwood’’s fingers. He treats it like he’s dying of thirst, and that’s the last bit of water on earth. Your jaw drops at the sight. After he’s done, he looks down at you and smiles.
Holy shit.
A gasp leaves your throat as you feel something hard at your entrance. Your eyes move back down to Wolfwood, who’s lining himself up.
His hands grip your thighs, pushing them back towards your head as he slides inside of you. Finally, he’s full in. He waits for a second, nails pressing into your skin. He presses your legs down as far as they can go, before he pulls out and slams back into you. You let out a cry and grip the mattress underneath you. “Just … gotta..” he’s grunting as he tries to instruct Vash, moving in and out of you . “Find… the right angle.” He presses up against you in just the right way, and suddenly there are tears in your eyes.
You’re almost seeing stars as he fucks you. Somehow, you reach a climax right away. Your pussy tightens around him and he smiles, ramming himself at you. He rides you through your orgasm, and leaves you screaming his name. When you regain your senses, Vash is covering his face with one hand, and jerking himself off with the other. He seems to have moved his chair closer, because you swear his dick is right above you.
You cross your eyes to get a good look, and Vash moans out for you.
This moment only lasts a second before Wolfwood picks up again, thrusting into you at that same deadly angle. You squeeze your eyes shut and let out a cry as he quickens his pace. “You can have ‘em…fucked out…” Wolfwood mumbles moving his hands up a bit to get a better grip. He presses down against you, your limbs burning. He’s got such high stamina, but you’re not sure how much longer you can last. Any longer and you might as well be a puddle on the floor.
Vash isn’t looking better. His hand is jerking around like crazy, and his face is fully red. He’s biting his lip to keep from moaning too loud, but it isn’t working. The noises the blonde is making are driving you insane. They mix so well with the groans from Wolfwood. You can already feel that heat building up again. You look up into Vash’s eyes and crumble once again.
“V-Vash!” You gasp out, and the man’s eyes widen. He lets out a loud moan as his cums over top of you. You follow quickly behind him, your hips spasming up to meet Wolfwood's as you tighten around his cock. The sudden orgasm makes Wolfwood stiffen as he pulls out, jerking himself off as his cum covers your stomach. “Shit.” He mumbles as it splatters against you.
The three of you are left panting as the moment dies down.
“And that’s how you do it.”
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transgenderenkidu · 5 months
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ok since i posted about it last night, i might as well finally debut my comicaurora sentinel au, even if my drawings for it are. not fully realized
in this chimerae are a localized disaster event that can spring up anywhere, draining the life energy for a mile around. in response (in accordance with the rule of cool), cities built the sentinel corps, giant robots to fight off chimerae before they destroy the city.
more under the cut
kendal is one of these sentinels, a relatively recently developed mark III whose pilot is vash fairblade, captain of the sentinels. there aren't any city gods in this au, so vash is just a guy. why does he have the same name as the city? bc i didnt want to change it. anyway. after a while, kendal develops something of an active mind instead of just being a giant robot¹, mimicking vash's own mind. and then a wave of chimerae attack the city, destroying it, killing vash, and leaving kendal the only remaining sentinel. in the midst of the destruction, though, he could have sworn he saw a woman, unruffled, just... watching.
the sun is on its way down when alinua finds the corpse. or, more accurately, she finds the sentinel. the pilot is still tangled in the cockpit, sentinel curled around him like it was trying to protect him. the corpse is of course vash, and the sentinel is kendal.
alinua still has the 'chimeric plague' (here hypothesized to be the cause of chimera events), and the only reason she goes with him is that a. hes inorganic (can't be affected by the life outburst) and b. if she does cause a chimera event, hes literally a giant robot designed for the specific purpose of fighting chimerae. and besides, vash the city is destroyed. there won't be any collateral damage.
sidebar, alinua can pilot kendal. it's a team effort - now that ive watched pacific rim, i think its a little like drifting if your jaeger also could think. tbh i also think canon kendal and alinua are drift compatible, but thats another post for another time
dainix is another mech pilot, though not willingly - zuurith's sentinel corps is not Exclusively prison labor, but what does it matter if a few prisoners die of brain hemmhorages while piloting? dainix, piloting the sentinel "champion", is the longest lasting prisoner pilot they've had, and he's brutally effective. there are murmurings that he'll be released and placed in the sentinel corps as a citizen, but if he is ever released he'd fuck off in a heartbeat, so he's still in prison, sentence artificially extended for as long as he's useful.
i'm still a little uncertain as to what kind of roles erin, tess, and falst play, so if anyone's got any ideas i'd be delighted to hear them!!
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trigunsbbygirl · 1 year
I loved your writing! And I just loved the Vash isekai reverse, could you make a do knives too? How would he react to staying on earth and also some headcanons
lol I said I was gonna draw, you know, like a liar. I saw this and my brain said I must write- but!! thank you!! I'm glad you liked the Vash one!!
I mention trimax but there's no spoilers since I've never read it, just thoughts and analysis from twt. and so! this is stampede Knives I'm talking about!
also talk about the last episode of tristamp so spoilers for that!
•Knives is really confused when he first arrives on earth. and when you first met him he kinda??? just goes along with your flow because he really has no idea about what's going on.
•you're worried about this man, he looks dazed and confused and you don't know if he's been drugged or had a stroke or something cause he's also asking where he is. you ask if he needs to go to the hospital or has anyone you can call, but then he asks what planet this is when you really take a look at him.
•and it hits you that oh, this man looks a lot like Million Knives. you had been so caught up in worry that you just glossed over his appearance.
•Knives is waiting for you to answer and he notices that you've all of the sudden gone timid in body language, voice nervous when you answer 'Earth,' then ask for his name.
•your, what you hoped was just a delusional theory, is confirmed when he answers that his name is indeed Millions Knives.
•he's kinda amused seeing your eyes widen in fear, but he's also curious, is there a version of him here? or did life somehow prevail on earth and his name is known? why do you act like you know of him?
•you stumble over answering that, how's he gonna react that people read/watch a story that involves him for entertainment?
•and so you just vaguely say, "well, there's this story and you're in it, but like, you don't actually exist in the real world.."
•Knives just raises an eyebrow at that. that just gave him more questions. and so, he demands that you show him what you mean, and sure enough, that's himself he's looking at on your phone.
•ngl I'm a little torn on how Knives ends up living with you? I suppose it would be him being like, "human, show me how this world works" or something like that, and you're like "uh? okay? but where are you gonna stay?" and he just responds, "you'll be housing me."
a bit of a crack way to put it, but yeah, he just forces himself into your house because there's no way he's living out on the streets, and well, he has no fucking idea where to go so.. congratulations! you've got a roomie!🎉 (also, if you live in the city, the noises are lowkey overstimulating him)
•angry little man doesn't know what to do at first. there's no plants like him, there's no Vash, so, he can't exactly chase after that utopia for plants..
•but he is pretty upset seeing the state of the world and how a lot of people aren't really doing much or just don't care.
•kinda still wants to do that whole, killing humans thing, but there's almost 8 billion people here, and a bunch of militia and weaponry, and he doesn't really wanna deal that. plus if they bring out the nukes on him, Knives thinks that would just cause way more harm so, he decides to just try and enjoy the world Rem talked so much about.
•although, if he sees someone litter, he has to hold back on his murder rage. Knives has learned that his actions have consequences here, and again, he doesn't wanna deal with that. but! he does throw the litter back at them and chews their ass out.
•going into learning, Knives forces you to take him to a library, and later on, teach him how to use your laptop. but after that, he kinda refuses to ask for help with learning about Earth. Knives does catch on and thread how everything works and entertwines pretty quick though.
•he finds natural disasters very fascinating, however it makes him wonder why humans continue to live in places with reoccurring disasters. well, he doesn't actually care, neither the answer, it just makes him think of how humans continued to live on Gunsmoke despite the harsh environment. no matter what planet humans are annoyingly stubborn he supposes.
•it takes Knives a long time to actually warm up to you, and even longer to start exploring hobbies.
•you had gotten Knives a keyboard piano once. it's not that big and it doesn't sound as good as he wishes it could, but considering your small house and that money is an important thing, he'll make do with it. Knives never did say thanks or show you any appreciation, but he does play it often.
•Knives might even start getting into composing music with more instruments later on too. he found the composing side of YouTube after watching a lot of orchestra videos and he kinda got interested in composing with more than just a piano.
•he again, demands you take him to the library and he reads a lot about music theory and how to write his own music before trying it himself. Knives actually gets really good it and you joke saying he should upload his stuff to YouTube and Spotify. he just brushes it off(he won't admit he's happy that you like his work.)
•Knives is really fucking good at mobile and arcade rythym games. he saw you playing on your phone once and he kept watching until you asked if he wanted to try. it took a while, but he got the hang of it pretty quickly. (you're a bit jealous of just how quickly he got it lol)
•he doesn't play them often, especially early on, even though he starts to enjoy playing. some of the songs like faster paced ones kinda overwhelm him or bothers his ears.
•I didn't put this on the 'things that confuse him post' but, Knives doesn't understand objects like figurines, plushies, charms, stuff like that. what purpose do they serve? when you answer that you just like the character and wanted to show support for the show/game, Knives still doesn't understand. he thinks it's a waste of money</3
•he especially won't understand spending money on gacha games. Knives will make you budget yourself if you aren't already. he thinks it's a bigger waste of money, especially if it's a gacha where you just pull for cards, you can just save them onto your phone no?
congratulations! you're free of gacha addiction!/j (do not show him how people have spent thousands on gachas or how some have sent death threats over pulls)
•Knives keeps your house spotless. he refuses to live in a dirty house. but he won't do the dishes, your laundry or clean the toilet. those are your responsibilities and Knives makes you do them daily and weekly respectfully.
•I feel like, overtime once you two are together, Knives gets into cooking. now he doesn't really eat much, but he does enjoy the process (and he wants to make sure you're eating good)
•he forces you to hike with him or go to the park every week. he loves being out in nature and observing everything. sometimes when Knives comes across certain plants or animals, he'll make a little comment or bring up a fact he read about.
•loves when it rains, he finds it really soothing
•Knives tried to read trimax once, he got curious one day, but he couldn't finish it. it sent him into a panic attack. likewise, I don't think he could watch the last episode of tristamp, watching himself burn like that would freak him out a bit, whether he went through that or not yet.
•he gets into painting! it kinda started as him just sketching plants he finds in the wild to drawing landscapes. you gifted him paints one day he's been enjoying using them
•I think he'd like using gouache paint. he usually only draws close ups of plants and landscapes. Knives got a small kit and artbook, and he takes it with him when you two go out for your weekly walk.
•he has secretly drawn you once, but you didn't hear that from me-
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triplesilverstar · 4 months
Broken AC should not be allowed
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Rating: 18+ Minors DNI
Pairing: Vash X F!Reader
CW: Naked, sweaty, fingering, unexpected orgasm, slight voyeurism
Word count: 1.1K
A/N: You are not enjoying the hotel you and Vash are in as you both swelter in the heat. At least until you realize part of him is kind of cold and use it to your advantage.
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You let out a pained whine that is lost to the creaking of the ancient fan that is slowly spinning above you. It does nothing to help with how gross you feel with a layer of sweat glistening on your skin while forming tiny rivers that flow along the dips in your body. Your hair is plastered to your forehead and neck in a way that makes you feel somehow even more gross than you do from the sweltering heat alone. 
The open window does nothing to help, the breeze that had existed earlier died when the twin suns reached the apex of the sky and right now those few feet to go close the glass divider it seems like it's iles away. You don't even care if you would have given any of the poor souls out and about in this heat a show since you're naked, you just want something, anything to try and help you cool down. Even the rough spun cotton sheets under your body are drenched in sweat, just not from you alone. 
A low whine draws your attention away from how miserable you are in this oven they called a room. “I thought you could handle the heat?” Stopping halfway through as you needed to moisten your tongue before you kept talking. You wanted to turn your head to look at the blond next to you, but even that would take more effort than your body had to give right now. 
“This is way more heat than I can handle.” Vash sounds as pathetic as you do, the tall man is equally as naked as you in both of your attempts to cool down. Something you’d normally be rather pleased about given his nature to hide under his layers of clothing. 
“Seriously.” You hiss as you try to shift and feel the sheet stick to your butt. “How are we as sweaty just lying here as when we have like several rounds of sex?” 
A squeak from Vash before you feel a swat against your stomach that gets your attention. “Mayfly!” His high pitched tone isn't what has you looking down at the space just above your belly button. No. It's the cooling sensation coming from the metal mass resting against you. Feeling one of your eyebrows raise as you look at Vash's prosthetic before looking at him. 
“Your hand is cold.” You say the words slowly as you let out a long exhale as the chill seeps more into your belly. A chill you're very much enjoying as it spreads out along your flesh. 
 You know his hand isn’t truly cold, but whatever material it is made from seems to be dissipating any heat from forming on the surface. 
“Huh?” Quirking his eyes at you before lifting his hand, or trying to before your hands dart up to press his hand back against you. 
“This.” Rolling onto your side and ignoring the sheets. “Is.” Pressing more of the arm against your heated flesh as you let out a sigh of relief. “Cold.” Letting out another noise of pleasure that has Vash blushing to match his coat as you rub your body against the metal that has to be in an awkward position for him. With his metal fingers down near your core and his elbow pressed against your belly button, you’re entirely obviously to how the flush is slowly working it’s way down his neck and chest. 
Lost in your newfound relief, you don't notice where the back of his fingers are as you make a noise akin to a purr as the chill gently spreads across your body. Letting out a soft moan as you roll your body with your eyes closed and bite your lip as the coolness sinks in. If you were unaware of the effect before, you have zero idea about the way your body is pulling certain reactions from Vash. Swallowing hard as he takes in the show of you brushing his arm against your body and wishing his own wasn’t responding so quickly. Glancing downward to see the position your sex and the long digits of his prosthetic are in, it’s too good of a chance to pass up.  
Licking his lips as he spreads his fingers downward against your clit and somehow blushes harder when you let out a soft moan. A glance upwards to see your eyes still shut and Vash, even as warm as he is grows a little more daring. After all, you're the one who put his hand where it was, and if he could get away with hearing you let out a few moans of pleasure instead of frustration with the heat he was all for it. 
Taking a deep breath as he slowly twisted his hand around to a more comfortable position and started to rub his fingers along your folds. If you were on to what he was up to, you didn't show it. Instead shuddering as your burning skin finally felt some relief from the heat of the day. Curling onto his side and ignoring his length, it grew harder at the sight of your body reacting to him and the way your face was marked by pleasure. Now with his palm against the apex of your sex and your eyes flicking open, he smiled, slipping two of his digits inside of your walls and toying with the hood of your clit as you came with your lips parted open. 
“Vash!” Screaming his name as an orgasm you were expecting tore through your body, arching your back and pressing yourself more against his arm and in turn the rest of his body. Panting as you scowled down at him. Giving him a swat as you came down from your high.
“You sort of did it to yourself, I couldn't help myself.” His voice was low as he took in your appearance with a gentle smile, all while keeping his fingers inside your core. 
“Funny Vash.” You snort with a smile before licking your lips seductively. “Want me to return the favor?” A furious blushing across his face as he nods quickly. “Should we close the window for when you scream my name then?” 
Vash blanched as he sat up and looked over your shoulder, somehow appearing even paler than normal with his scars in vivid detail. Maybe next time you won't settle for the cheap hotel with the broken down AC. 
The window does get closed and you realize you might as well give the hotel a reason to have to clean your sweat-soaked sheets after you leave. 
After all, you don’t believe in the only one getting to have an orgasm during the heat of the day. 
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Back to series (I need to update a lot of links...)
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nanomooselet · 5 months
Wraith I
It's a common fan theory that the Eye of Michael's members are hybrids of human and Plant. It's interesting to read about, and I encourage its exploration.
However, I confess that I don't subscribe to it myself. Because I've got my own, even crazier theory.
Knives, I think, does not want humans and Plants swapping body parts. Knives is violently possessive, hates humans, and cares, first and foremost, about empowering himself enough that he no longer feels afraid. If he has a second priority it's keeping his loved ones close - but personally I believe that folds into the first, because he tries to do that by making them more like himself.
He doesn't do that by giving away what belongs to him, because that's not what he does. It's what he's afraid of. The closest I've ever seen him come was grafting Vash's amputated arm onto Legato in the first anime adaptation, and that speaks more to... something. I don't know. (If you have any idea what Knives thinks he's doing with Legato, you are way ahead of me.) Regardless it was Vash's arm, not his own. If anything, Knives was reclaiming what was his and putting it to a better purpose. He didn't have it removed from himself.
Connections like this?
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I suspect they're misdirection. I don't think the special abilities these individuals display have anything to do with Tesla. I don't believe Knives has any intention of letting anyone else touch her. They're more like echoes, motifs, reminders - but for us, not for Knives.
And if you like, I have proof. Click to embiggen.
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1) Leftmost image, Tesla's eye is still part of Knives (at least if you trust the advertising material - and it's a subtle enough nod that I do, since it delights my black little heart). He didn't pull out an eyeball and hand it over to plug into Elendira. She's simply cloned from his cells, a bit like a dependent Plant. 2) Central image, Vash's sliced-off arm was consumed by the out-of-control Gate, and Tesla's amputated left arm looks too small and ravaged to have been grafted to Legato. 3) Rightmost image, Wolfwood was simply 'lucky' enough to be born compatible with the drugs used by the Eye of Michael. They just had to prime their syringes and get jabbing. At most the chemicals used may have been Plant-derived. Insert dirty joke about being receptive to Plant fluid exchange here, if so inclined.
I do believe Tesla has a presence and trajectory of her own through the story, though. Just not as a body, which has been fully integrated into Knives.
I think she's a spirit. Knives genuinely believes he's doing what his sister wants of him. He is the son of his father, and Tesla is his holy ghost. She grants him power. At least... as long as she's with him.
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Because Tesla, in Stampede, is specifically listed as being alive when the twins stumble across her and Vash accidentally removes her from cryogenic suspension. Then Knives, controlling the memory, skips over something... but rather than focus on that, I'd like to draw attention to the colour she was giving off.
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I'll point to this post about the way Plants speak and this post about significant colours and this one about Tesla and how she's represented. It's a lot of reading, but if you don't like my yammering about Trigun Stampede I genuinely have no clue why you came even this far (and please, do tell. I'm curious).
Tesla isn't giving off blood red light, like Plants who've lost use of their Gates. It's pink, like the ones reacting to an incompatible environment. I think that means only is she still alive, she can still access her Gate. So she can still communicate. And I suspect, like Vash, she can receive communication from other Plants. She's horribly wounded and sick, but she can still take action. She still has power.
In Trigun Stampede, Tesla has agency.
So. That means she can make a choice.
Part II
* I'm starting to become morbidly curious about what it takes to truly kill an Independent Plant. Vash, as always, looks like he lost a wrestling match with a combine harvester, Tesla's still alive, and Knives took several seconds of planet-busting Angel Arm discharge to the face, melted off his flesh and almost certainly survived, for a given value of "survived". He's right about one thing: humans have reason to fear Independents.
I'm also starting to have some queasy suspicions about how Orange intends to get him back in the game, but that's for another day.
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moon-mage · 4 months
Sashmir Info Dump Thingy 1
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I love my boy, so here is some dumb information/headcanons/half assed ideas I have for this dorky bat boy. I am working on some outfits for him and tweaked a bit to start so theres some WIP visual for ya. Information is below the cut and here is his original profile post.
Name: Sashmir Magnífico Age: 19 Birthday: November 24th Star Sign: Sagittarius Gender: Cis Male Pronouns: He/Him Sexuality: Homosexual/Demiromantic Height: 165cm | 5'5" Hair: White [ Dark Red ] Eyes: Red [ Blue ] Birthplace: Sunset Savanna Species: Vampire Bat Beastman Family: Vash Magnífico [Adoptive Father???] Dominant Hand: Left
Magical Education: Night Raven College Assigned Dorm: Ignihyde Grade: Sophomore / Second Year Class: 2-B (No. 17) Best Class: Biology Worst Class: Ancient Curses Club: Flim Studies Favored Element(s): Fire/Cosmos Ultimate Magic: Together In Spirit
Sashmir is known for being one of the most social Ignihyde students on campus besides Ortho Shroud. He likes being surrounded by familiar people so he's most around other second years and Ignihyde students. He is known to be rather generous with food and if he notices anything on you, he will groom you up with permission of course. Unless it is a bug. He will quietly take it off you and never mention it. (He tried to warn Jamil about a bug on his back once and accidently got elbowed in the neck in his frantic outburst.)
Sashmir is usually softspoken and comes off a bit meek, but he is far from it. He understands he is not physically the strongest but he has an unusual amount of grit and endurance for someone of his stature. Verbally, he can elaborate exactly why you are full of shit and how with a shit eating grin on his face. Honestly, he is genuinely a decent person when unprovoked...but it's obvious he had real world experience with defending his peace and does so viciously.
I tend to put braces on Sashmir when I draw him. I realized this is probably because I subconsciously gave him Joint Hypermobility Syndrome. I did want him to be abnormally flexible so...yeah. I am still on the fence on keeping it hypermobility or Ehlers-Danlos syndrome.
In the dorm, Sashmir likes to host study groups in the night as he is more noctural. Sashmir is known for keeping the dorm's common areas tidy and hosting introverted social events. Examples being, Book Club, where everyone brings their blanky to the main lounge and cozies up in a spot and reads their own book. Remote Game Night, where everyone gets online and plays a game together...they have a Ignihyde Minecraft Server. Lobby Game Night, where they all play a game together but old games...Sashmir enjoys replaying Sonic Adventure 2 to everyones dismay. Who knows why. As he tries not to stare at Rogue the Bat and her one polygon tit.
Sashmir is a huge dork for live performance. Live musical performances in general. He will hyperfixiate on learning the vocals and choreography from songs he enjoys (which is a WIDE RANGE). He is a bit internet famous for writing sheet music for popular songs within 24 hours of them dropping. He uses his computer to create the sheets and music the same way Idia and Ortho would use their intangible blue computer screens they can type into the air. I dont know how to describe that right but you get it. He basically has GarageBand on there or somethin.
Adding on, Sashmir was going to join Pop Culture Club but decided that Film Studies would work best as he really just wanted to be a talent coordinator and teach people with 'natural' talent but Vil made him audition and he did. He sang Dangerous Woman by Ariana Grande in Acapella....and because he wanted to be show he was serious about immersion in live performance, he wore the bunny costume and heels....and almost broke every bone in his body trying to walk around singing in them but he did it and showed excellent vocal skill. Vil accepts him on the condition he will not be so fucking reckless next time and he will teach him how to properly walk in heels. Here. I drew this one.
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Will write more soon...later...meeh...ENJOY MY RAMBLING.
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MmmmMMNGH some early concept sketches. Pretend any weird lines don’t exist—-I’m drawing this on my phone like the poor person I am lolol.
The story is still developing as well but…feel free to add in any input! I love hearing ideas.
Instead of Wolfwood being a terrible Ashley Furniture salesman, Vash decides to give it a try and spills his wine all over the bleached upholstery.
….whatever leads up to that scenario I’m not sure, but the death is certain.
The roles are reversed, and Wolfwood has to bury Vash. And he’s absolutely terrified of what this means now, especially for humanity once Knives finds out about this.
Vash’s soul enters the afterlife, and it’s kind of a big community like in Coco. The mood is mixed, maybe he recognizes quite a few people. But he probably doesn’t want to be recognized, really.
Especially not when those fangs of his are on full display. He’s just skull and bones, even lankier than when he had flesh. This wasn’t the “him” that people had come to know in the living world.
Somehow, Wolfwood finds out a way to enter this realm and he attempts to do it without Knives knowing about any of this. He has a time limit. He paints his face, covers his head, wears black gloves, whatever he needs to do to blend in.
He manages to find Vash (though it’s not that hard, he’s one of the few 6 ft+ tall skeletons meandering around). He lays out the stakes, lets Vash know that Knives is going to wipe the planet clean now that there’s nothing holding him back. He misses him, he honest to god needs to come back to the living world no matter what it takes.
But Vash….he hesitates. Maybe he’s seen Rem. Like the actual Rem. He hasn’t talked to her yet but he needs to. He’s been just a stone’s throw away from her at one point and he’s going to find her again and he needs to tell her everything. He can’t go back. Maybe he doesn’t want to. Maybe he’s somehow given a normal life here, as normal as it can be. He sees everyone he’s missed, and they missed him. And they’re like family. Why would he come back?
Wolfwood knew Vash’s skull was thick, but he didn’t know just how thick until his fist makes contact and quite literally pops it clean off Vash’s shoulders.
They eventually come to an agreement and there’s trials they would have to face to get back to the living world, but I wanted to capture just the amount of color this world would bring out compared to dusty Gunsmoke.
I’m wondering if Vash still has powers in this world. Maybe, Wolfwood’s flesh starts to fade away the longer he stays there, but for Vash it’s the opposite. He can bring out powers and he gains a faint blue glow that outlines his wings and his missing arm (I don’t think he would carry that prosthetic into the afterlife anyway?)
I’ll do more doodles but hopefully you guys like these for now?
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emeraldblossom254 · 1 year
𝐻𝑜𝓂𝑒 𝓌𝒾𝓉𝒽 𝒴𝑜𝓊
𝔸 𝕍𝕒𝕤𝕙 𝕩 ℝ𝕖𝕒𝕕𝕖𝕣 𝕤𝕠𝕗𝕥 𝕠𝕟𝕖𝕤𝕙𝕠𝕥
ᴍᴀʏʙᴇ ᴛʜɪꜱ ᴄʀʏɪɴɢ ꜱᴇꜱꜱɪᴏɴ ᴡɪʟʟ ʙᴇ ʜᴀᴘᴘʏ ᴄᴏᴍᴘᴀʀᴇᴅ ᴛᴏ ʟᴀꜱᴛ ᴛɪᴍᴇ. Love y'all. Bye. ╔═*.·:·.✧ ✦ ✧.·:··:·.✧ ✦ ✧.·:··:·.✧ ✦ ✧.·:·.*═╗
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"Tell me," Vash speaks, his chest vibrating against your head, "Do you ever dream about your future?"
You lift your head and look up to him, his bright blue eyes looking down at you at an angle, just barely visible through his orange sunglasses. You laugh, reaching up to his face, lifting the big orange circles upwards. Vash scrunches his nose in response, immediately smiling afterwards with a giggle. Laughing in turn, you rest the glasses atop hid head, bits of his hair falling free from the glasses's hold and back down in front of his face again, and you smile warmly as you draw your hand back. He catches your hand on his chest with his right hand, squeezing the one armed hug with his prosthetic arm as he urged his previous question. You stare, and sigh gently after a few seconds.
"Never in depth," You admit, shyly, "Being a couple of wanted 'criminals' traveling like this, we never know when we die. I never gave it much thought." He nods, though you've turned your head away. You can't see his agreeing gesture. He sighs, though, and you look back up at him, a look resembling curiosity on your face. "Why do you ask?"
"I had a thought," He follows, smiling at you, "About us, y'know? In the future, I mean." You propped yourself on your elbow and looked at him with a more in depth look of curiosity and he laughed. "Maybe we could get a place of our own, I dunno. We could invite friends and have get together events and small parties and such. Living away from the fight, away from the bloodshed, even for a little."
You giggle at the light that suddenly flashed his eyes, nudging his waist gently. "And you never told me sooner? That sounds beautiful!"
"You mean it?" He chimes, looking back at you with wider eyes, "It's not a dumb idea?"
"Why would it be?" you ponder, scooting yourself upwards towards him, "Being at peace like that, and TOGETHER, above all? That's not a dumb idea. In fact, none of your ideas are dumb. We could have a few guest bedrooms for people, maybe a deck, or a wrap around porch? And all the food we can ever eat, provided we have the right stuff to make what we like-"
There you went, rambling again. It was one of the things he loved about you. When you had something to talk about, you had the ability to talk for ages it seemed, and he didn't mind it at all. He actually liked seeing you like this, Wrapped up in an idea, even if it wasn't your own. He smiled at you, pulling you atop him as you continued, something about pets and having a farm in the longer run. His hands rested in the small of your back, yours on his chest as you spoke, occasionally using your hands to talk with gestures as you kept going. Somewhere he wondered when you'd run out of breath. Though at the same time, he didn't want that to happen. Seeing you so passionate, so happy about something for the first time since the last town you left together on the run. It wasn't something he wanted to see end.
Ah, but alas, it had to happen sooner or later.
You hang your head, panting, your hair falling in front of his face loosely and he laughs, poking your sides a couple of times. You can't help but squirm a bit, inching your way up his torso as you moved, giggling your newly regained breath. When you look back up, you're met with bright sky blue eyes and a gentle smile. He moves his hands a bit, resting them on the upper part of your back before chuckling.
"Sounds like it was one of my best ideas yet," Vash whispered, moving his right hand to brush some of your hair out from your face. You smile, your cheeks suddenly pink as you look back down at your hands. He stops you suddenly, lifting your chin up with a finger and smiles up at you again. "Is that something you want to do, though? A home for us? And however many animals you want, too?" He takes his hand and rests it against your cheek, practically searching your eyes for the answer.
You giggle, nodding as you lean into his hand, looking into his eyes with a blurry shine on top of them.
"Did I make you cry? I'm sorry-"
"No-" You interrupt him, holding his hand against your face eagerly, "It's just that, I've never thought of having a Home before. It feels so ethereal just thinking about it now, really. I never thought it would happen." The tear that threatened your eyes fall, and you sniff softly as he continues watching you. "It's something you want, though, right?"
He nods, somewhat too quickly as he reaches his fingers behind your neck and through your hair softly. "More than anything, really. As long as you're happy, (y/n), more than anything."
The last words were a mere whisper before the distance between you both was closed in, a soft touch for both of you, could easily be mistaken for the sound of a feather hitting the ground. Your soft kiss seemed to last for more than forever, at least to you. The sweet smell of cinnamon and a sweet floral tone on his clothes is suddenly more noticeable to you. With a soft giggle, you pulled away, and he rested his head back against his bag with a soft sigh.
"And what about your happiness?" you ponder, tapping your fingers on his chest softly, "Surely you'd want something out of that plan, too, right?"
He shook his head with a laugh and looked up, taking a deep breath. "So long as we get more nights like this, nights where we can just-" He wraps his arms around you completely, tightening his arm's grip with a content sigh, "So long as we can stay together, just like this, even if the sky somehow brings rain, I'll be happy, (y/n). I'm always happy when i'm with you."
You smile again, but just as quickly, your positions are shifted again. A few shuffles, giggles and more content sighs, and you're both in the same position you were in before. Your head on his chest, his arm around your waist, other hand holding your own, and your feet tangled together under the blanket draped over your lower torso and legs. You both sigh happily and he looks up at the sky littered with stars, smiling brightly.
"Home, with you, will make me so happy."
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wtfforged · 7 days
well im feeling awfully wizardacious rn so ill post n talk about my inspiration list for aescwynn, how about that.
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see, the funny thing is, actually going into his campaign the first session, i had NO idea what aescwynns personality/character would be like. i just winged it. i tend to do that. so technically these are all like, post-inspirations. he existed and then changed after his conception. except for mando. for obvious reasons of helmetry business. but aside from that, for his design i just saw the trait in the reborn race description about phantasmal limbs replacing your missing ones and whipped up the entire design based on that. so these are all character based mostly. explanations under read more
(i swear to god i didnt forget about doing these asks its just that i realized that ive Never Actually talked about my ocs before without doodle assistance unless under extreme torture or you are my DM. these are not mutually exclusive. im shy)
mandalorian: again, obviously the helmetfreak part. antisocial, overly serious, overly quiet and very traditional/sticks to the books. however, hes a bit of a softie.
larry doompatrol: the biggest insp for his personality. like i think i unconsciously completely copied him, i just recently started slowly rewatching doom patrol after a couple years and my eyes boggled at the fact that every time this guy was on screen i was like "sighh hes so aescwynn core. they copied my stupid wizard and made him green". i have like 8 clips saved over only the first couple episodes just to look at and go god aescwynn is real they put him on tv. anyways. to put it simply, he inherited his pushover-y-ness and sopping wet personality.
olruggio wha: kind of gruff but a sweetie. modest and easily flustered. please take a nap
vash trigun: i only watched the first few episodes of 98 and stampede so i didnt know what he was ACTUALLY like. but i liked the Cowardly Acrobatic Pacifist that is actually really cool when he wants to be bit he had going. also he inspired his outfit somewhat.
caleb cr2: the least inspirational tbh but i noticed similarities in my recent attempted rewatch. shared guilty-dirty-and-sad-hobo-wizard-ness. you get the idea. so i shoved him in there
nott cr2: alcholic scaredy klepto with a terrible coping mechanism. body dysphoria. etc
extra not-really-an-insp but i realized i now draw aesc the same as i draw sanji, or like, the way i draw him is definitely inspired by oda's art, specifically the way he draws sanji and sanji's poses. theyre both just Lines and Legs at their very core. just stickbugs. living actionlines
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