#i want to put him in my pocket and feed him rice one grain at a time
honeyluned · 11 months
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the silly :3 ☆
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Pairing: Spencer Reid x Reader
Warnings: Detailed descriptions of crime scenes, mentions of rape and sexual assault, murder. Just getting into the angst guys...
A/N: So I decided after like two people responded (thank you guys) to split the second part into two because it was so ridiculously long. You guys don’t even want to know how much I had to cut off this to end this at a place I felt comfortable. Rest assured, you’ll probably get the next part tomorrow. Remember to like, comment, reblog, message me, send me asks, and just do anything to feed my constant need for praise and attention from strangers. As always, thank you so much! I love you all and I hope you enjoy!
[Part One]
“I can never figure out if I like local cases more because I get to sleep in my own bed every night we work the case, or if they make me more uncomfortable because they’re so close to home.”
Rossi glanced at Morgan, who cast his eyes to the review mirror as he spoke. Reid sat in the back, a little smile playing at the corners of his lips as he read something on his phone.
The youngest member of the BAU team had been uncharacteristically chipper over the last three weeks, constantly taking calls or responding to texts. Even when he started to ramble about something no one was really interested in listening to, the topics were about things that were of a happier nature. Things like a single grain of rice having five times more DNA than an entire human being has in their whole body, or that the term ‘nerd’ first showed up in print in the book, If I Ran the Zoo, by Dr. Seuss published in 1951.
He shoved the cell back into his pocket, looking up into Morgan’s eyes in the mirror. He knew that they knew that something was up, but he didn’t want to say anything until it got a little more serious. And it was rapidly going that way. Spencer had spent nearly every second of his free time with you, doing things like getting coffee or going back to the bookstore that just so happened to be forty minutes out of his way.
In fact, just last week you had come over to his house to have dinner and watch a movie. You begged him to watch The Princess Bride instead of some very obscure French movie that no normal person would actually own.
“I love all the new and intelligent things you show me, Spencer, but I want to show you a new and slightly less intelligent thing. Let me rub off on you for a change.”
You quoted the entire thing, your lips silently moving with every word spoken during the movie. Afterward, you confessed that you had read the book even more than you’d seen the movie and could probably quote it just as easily. He picked up a copy from the library this morning before coming into work. While he hadn’t had the chance to read it yet, or either of your own published works, he was determined to finish it before he saw you again.
It was only 493 pages, so it shouldn’t take him that long.
“What?” He blinked, his brows dipping dangerously close to those impossibly long lashes of his. Morgan looked back to the road, his own amusement twitching at his cheeks.
The car bumped over a dip in the road just before they pulled into the already packed driveway of the crime scene. Rossi shut the car off and Morgan pulled his sunglasses on before getting out of the car, but not without a teasing comment.
“Get your head in the game long enough to solve this case and you can go back to whatever has had your attention these last couple of weeks. Okay, kid?” The blush that colored his cheeks was the same shade as when he realized you were staring at him in awe that first time you met.
Inside, the mood of teasing and distractedness changed. Everyone focused while crime scene techs circled the room taking pictures and gathering every bit of tangible evidence they could possibly find.
The first victim, or by the looks of things, the last victim, was a male in his early to mid-forties. His salt and pepper hair was combed back and styled, his beard perfectly trimmed. Even in death his clothes were unrumpled, only the pool of blood-soaked into his khaki pants and maroon shirt ruined the look of an otherwise very put-together man.
He was slouched in a wooden chair pulled into the living room from the dining room table, his hands bound behind his back with three blue zip ties, his ankles bound to the legs of the chair exactly the same way.
“The victim is forty-four year old, Joseph Kyle. He’s a lawyer with Kyle & Anderson. Cause of death appears to be two gunshot wounds to the chest.”
The next victim was a woman. She wasn’t as put together as her husband, laying in a pool of her own blood on the kitchen floor. Bruises and cuts littered her arms and legs, massive handprints still marred the skin around her biceps. It went without asking that she had been sexually assaulted, her underwear hanging on the knob of a drawer and her skirt bunched around the top of her thighs.
“Synthia Kyle, forty. Stay at home mom. She was stabbed sixty-one times in the abdomen, chest, and thighs.”
The last three victims were children. Each in their own rooms, each tucked into bed and shot in the head execution-style. One look around the room and anyone would know that they were happy kids, smart and well-rounded, and loved.
“James, Massey, and Devan Kyle. Seventeen, fifteen, and ten. All shot in the head.”
For all the evidence that could be seen with their eyes; the brutal attack against the mother, the cold killing of the father, and the remorseful executions of the children, it shouldn’t have been so hard to form a profile.
“And where is the number?” Reid turned his whole body away from the little boy's room, the image of him lying in bed with his eyes closed and a bullet hole in his head was enough to turn the pits of his stomach against him.
The lead detective, a slight man with inky black curls and piercing blue eyes, led them into the dining room. The number ‘302’ was smeared across a painting hanging on the wall, the blood so thickly layered over the Botecelli copy that is dripped down and over the golden frame.
“At first glance, it would appear to be a family annihilator. His primary goal being the rape and torture of Synthia Kyle, and the rest of the family simply casualties of his rage, but just like the last three crimes, there is nothing even remotely similar in victimology or the killings.” Reid’s lips skewed to the side, crossing his arms and combing over every detail.
“Alison Crane was sexually assaulted as well.” Morgan offered the information up with skepticism, aware that, besides the numbers at every crime scene, it was the only thing that could be pulled from the two. Rossi shook his head, his eyes scanning the air as he thought.
“Alison Crane was kidnapped and beaten before she was found three days later on the Chesapeake Bay. Her wrists slashed. She was staged with remorse, a-a cloth laid over her eyes and her arms crossed over her chest. That couldn’t have been done by the same unsub.” Rossi looked over at Morgan because even still, they knew that it was the same guy because cut into the top of Alison’s arm had been the number nineteen.
It had taken Reid all of two seconds to realize they were page numbers when he’d seen the piece of paper that had been pinned to the second victim’s chest. Obviously torn from a book, the triangle scrap of paper had only had the number 85 printed on it.
And just as difficult as it had been to pin down a book during the Fisher King case, it felt as if it was ten thousand times harder to find the book being used now. All they had were page numbers and murders. They’d narrowed the list to crime novels, but there were still so many books on the list that even with Reid, it would take years to sift through them all.
Garcia has been sad to watch the young doctor leave her office in disappointment when she revealed her ability to narrow down books was still no good. Not that it was her fault since the lack of a central database for every book known to man, made it very frustrating for anyone that tried to narrow down a book based only on crime scenes. And this was still given the assumption that this book was actually published and not a story the unsub had written himself.
This would be the third homicide in this case, the first one done since the FBI had been asked to assist the DCPD. The crossing of victimology and the numbers on the victims had been enough for unit chief, Hugh Lowe to pick up his phone and request for the BAU to stop this man.
Other than the book revelation, and the geographical profile that Reid had come up with, there wasn’t much progress. It had only been two weeks since the death of the first victim and now their unsub’s body count had gone from two to seven.
A young woman kidnapped outside her dorm in Georgetown, held hostage, beaten, and raped for three days, then staged at the Chesapeake Bay with her wrists slashed and clean clothes on.
An older man was beaten in his home while his wife is away on business overseas, killed with a tire iron to the back of his head, stripped of his clothes, which sat folded beside his splayed out body, his ring finger cut off. His wedding ring had been on the clothes beside him but they couldn’t find the finger.
And now a family of five.
It was frustrating, to say the least, each agent so annoyed by the case that none of them spoke on the ride back to the BAU.
“So I don’t have the book, mon ami, but I do have a possible connection in victimology and a shortlist of possible suspects, or at the very least persons of interest,” Garcia said excitedly when all three glowering men came through the clear doors of the BAU. They each lifted their heads and eyebrows with piqued curiosity.
“My link is Georgetown. Alison was going there for a major in political science, Mr. Walters had been a chemistry teacher there before the death of his first wife ten years ago, and I just found out that our newest victims, Synthia and Joseph, met there in the spring of ‘88 as a senior and a freshman.” Garcia had to admit that their minds were quick to gather the information, turning it over in the cogs that constantly spin inside their brains, but her mind was faster.
“Did you-“
“Cross-reference Georgetown alumni with a list of crime novelists? And then cross-reference that list with people who lived in Spence’s comfort zone? ‘How did you know to do that Garcia?’ you may ask. Because I’m a genius. Quick, boys, follow me.” Her heels click in rapid succession as she leads the men into her office of computers, colorful do-dads, and pictures. When she takes a seat, Morgan leans directly over her shoulder, Reid standing just behind her, and Rossi stands just to the side of him.
The list that pops up is only four names, the tension that has been in all of their shoulders relaxes a little at the first stride in the case that they’ve made sense they started working it. Reid’s shoulders tense up again when he notices a familiar name that sits at the bottom of the list.
“This one, click on it.” He points to the line at the end and watches as Garcia moves her mouse over to the area he was pointing to and clicks to reveal a face he knows too well.
You smile back at him in your freshman year Georgetown photo, a set of bangs cut that you don’t have anymore. In the picture you seem impossibly young, your eyes full of excitement, although he knows that you aren’t that much younger than he is. Even still, for some reason, he half expects your smile to be missing teeth you seem so young.
“(Y/N) (Y/L/N), graduated from Georgetown in 2000 with a master's in criminology. She’s published two crime novels in the last two years. She doesn’t have too much of an eventful life; she isn’t married, has no children, pays all of her bills on time, has no detectable significant other. Mom is a detective with the Atlanta PD, Dad walked out before she was born, no siblings, nothing more than a couple speeding tickets against her.” Rossi pulls one of his hands from his folded arms, pointing at the picture with squinted eyes.
“I met her last year, very briefly, at a publishing party. We couldn’t have talked for more than ten seconds, but she seemed like a good kid. You think she’s our unsub?” Everyone looks to Reid, his expression is stone cold and unreadable.
Garcia almost wishes she hadn’t made the connection in the first place as she watches the muscle in his jaw tick, his eyes flying across the screen several times before he turned away from the group’s prying eyes. Nerves of a whole other kind had exploded inside him, forcing his hands to open and close like fluttering butterfly wings at his sides.
“I’m not sure. Just call her in for questioning.” He wants to say he doesn’t think it’s you, mostly because he doesn’t want it to be you. The thought that he could have invited a serial killer of this magnitude into his life, into the life of his team, it makes him even more nauseated than he had been earlier standing in the middle of a messy crime scene.
But when he runs to the library and finds both copies of your books, flipping to pages nineteen, eighty-five, and three hundred and two, he almost cries. On each page reads a word for word, detailed description of every murder that had happened in this case so far. The first girl even had the same name as the first victim.
By the time you make it to the BAU and you are escorted to the interrogation room, he’s read both books cover to cover. He keeps telling himself that there’s a chance you weren’t doing this, that you weren’t the killer, but it’s so hard to believe when you were the mind behind every murder.
As he looks at you from behind the one-way window pane, a mixture of anger and, strangely, hope has begun to swirl around his chest.
“You sure you don’t want to come in with me?” Prentiss says, looking back at the doctor as she reaches for the door. Spencer shakes his head, lips pursed and heart racing. He couldn’t go in their unbiased, willing to accept that you could be the unsub he’d been chasing for the last two weeks.
“Hi, I’m SSA Emily Prentiss with the BAU, nice to meet you, (Y/N).” She stretches her hand across the table and you return in kind, your shy smile stabbing into Reid’s heart like a knife.
“I’d like to say it is nice to meet you too, but I wish it were under other circumstances.” The chair across from you screeches on the floor as Emily pulls it out to sit in. She absentmindedly flicks her slick black hair over her shoulder before laying the files in front of her.
“Unfortunately, I’m always under circumstances like these, working at the BAU.”
“‘Bad guys don’t take days off,’ that’s what my mom used to say,” You glance at the file on the table, chewing the inside of your cheek like you were trying to keep yourself from saying anything more, “I was told I was needed to give my opinion on a case? Although, I’m not sure how I could be of much help. I just write.”
Spencer watches you push a piece of your hair behind your ear with a small chuckle, glancing at the window like you could see him behind it.
“You’re a published author of two books, not just any writer.” Prentiss is relaxed, letting the case file sit between you like a hook dangling between a fish and a fisherman. You keep looking down at it, curiosity eating away at your nerves the way it used to when your mother came home with a new case.
“Tell that to my mom, she’s still holding out on me joining law enforcement.” It’s a joke, but every profiler watching reads into it. It isn’t hard to fit it into a working profile, the unsub feels unappreciated in her skills as an author with the apparent disapproval her mother has over her career. To both appease her mother and stake her claim as a serious author, the unsub is killing the same way she’s written in her books.
“Why didn’t you? Join law enforcement, I mean. You’re obviously very intelligent, you had a masters from Georgetown at just seventeen, and you seem to have a pretty good grasp on the politics and procedures of law enforcement careers.” For just a moment, you consider the question and your answer to it, but Spencer can see the exact moment that it clicks in your mind on what exactly is going on.
Your entire body language changes; your shoulders curling in toward your body, the chewing of your cheek intensifying, your hands pulling back from their relaxed position on the table and tangling themselves into your lap.
“I’m not here as a possible expert witness, am I, Agent Prentiss?”
Emily responds by opening the file, at last, pushing the pictures of the crime scenes across the table for you to have a look at. Seven pictures splay out in front of you and it doesn’t take you long to register the familiarity behind them all. You have to swallow the bile in your mouth before you speak again.
“I’m a suspect.”
“You’re the only suspect.”
853 notes · View notes
staywritten · 4 years
Sweet Chaos│Kim Seungmin
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Synopsis: Seungmin falls in love with a sweet stranger, but doing so may put his career in jeopardy. Is he willing to risk everything for love?
Genre: Slow Burn, Fluff, Angst, Hurt/Comfort, oneshot
Word Count: 7k
It started about a month ago when Seungmin met you outside of a Day6 concert. You were in front of the venue busking, singing along to acoustic renditions of their songs and he couldn’t help but join you. Who could resist singing along to Day6? It was his weakness. The two of you harmonized and found your synergy easily. His voice complimented yours, as you two practically sang their whole album. It was almost cliche how much fun he had. 
Originally he was going to watch it with his manager, but he had a family emergency last minute so he gave Seungmin special permission to attend the concert alone. It was a safe bet. He was well behaved. The venue wasn’t far from the dorms and it was a JYP event so staff would be nearby. However his singing did garner a bigger crowd, he lowered his cap regretting his decision and hoping you and the crowd hadn’t recognized him. Luckily for him a car pulled up escorting another idol to the concert and that was enough to distract the fans to see who it was.
He should have disappeared in the crowd, gone through the staff entrance and kept his head low until the concert started. But instead, he stayed back to talk to you. Because well, you were pretty and had a lovely voice and was a fan of Day6 so who could say no to hanging out with a Fellow MyDay?
“Where are you going to put your guitar during the concert?” he frowned seeing the line start to move as the fans were let in. 
You laughed nervously, scratching the back of your head. “Oh…” your voice trailed as you looked away, almost too embarrassed to tell this wonderfully adorable stranger the truth. “I’m not actually going to see the concert.”
“Are you not a fan?” he frowned
“Oh no-I am. A huge fan actually, it’s just by the time I got paid the tickets were sold out and the resell prices were out of my price range” you shrugged before standing up with your guitar. “You should probably get in line” Your heart melted seeing his lips go into a pout. “I’m fine really, don’t feel bad.” you waived your hands. “I’ll see them at the next concert”
“You can sit with me. I have an extra ticket” he smiled, digging in his pocket and pulling out the extra lanyard. “Here”
“Oh no- that’s a VIP ticket I can’t-”
“My Hyung was supposed to come with me, but he’s busy. If you don’t take the ticket it’s gonna go to waste”
You frowned looking to the line that was moving a lot faster into the building. You really did want to go, and maybe this was the miracle you prayed for? “Here let me buy it from you” you grabbed your wallet pulling out all the cash you had “I can send you the rest through-”
“No, I want to give it to you”
“Come on, we should hurry” he chuckled, grabbing your hand and guitar leading you to the VIP line. 
“I don’t even know your name” you giggled, you couldn’t help but mirror his puppy-like smile. 
“I’m Seungmin” he looked back to you, his eyes practically twinkling. You introduced yourself following his lead
And that was how you had the best the night of your life. Day6 delivering one of the best performances you’d ever seen. All from an amazing pit view. The concert was even more memorable with the new friend you’d just made.
After the show, you insisted on buying him dinner at your favorite hole in the wall restaurant near the station. You held his hand, leading him inside. “Hi, Auntie~” you chimed walking toward the back. “Order anything and everything you want”
“You don’t have to buy me dinner, really” he smiled, taking off his coat. 
“Are you kidding? You just gave me the most amazing night of my life, dinner is the least I could do since you won’t take my money”
“I would just feel bad making you pay, you’re so pretty and you took me out, I should be buying you dinner” he pouted.
“You think I’m pretty” you teased 
“You think I’m handsome” he shot back, his smile, tugging into a smirk. 
“You caught me” you laughed “How ‘bout next time you buy me dinner” you winked, catching how he had to do a double-take at you.
He blushed looking back at his menu, trying to ignore how flustered you made him. He was used to having women around him but he knew he was vastly inexperienced. There was a difference between having staff, other idols, and even Stays. Being with you made him feel like these were the experiences he would have had if he hadn’t debuted in highschool.  
You reached over the table to feed him a bite of the rice soup. “Ah~” you lightly blew on it before offering the spoon to him. He opened his mouth letting you feed him, all while keeping eye contact with him. You brushed the stray rice grain from his cheek. “Good right?”
He nodded, unable to find the words to respond to your advances. Especially because he liked them. 
“You’re so cute” you stared at him, almost in a dreamy gaze leaning on your hand. 
“Stop looking at me like that” he pouted.
“Like what?” you grinned.
He huffed before digging into the chicken, not knowing how to deal with that mischievous glint in your eyes. You couldn’t help but smile at him, Seungmin was just so sweet. Everything about him disarmed you, that gorgeous smile, his beautiful dark brown puppy-like eyes, even how his nose scrunched when he laughed. But it wasn’t that you were so physically attracted to him. It was how kind he was, like when you were at the concert he always made sure you weren’t pushed, even to the point of holding your waist to hold you close. 
The owner walked over with a refill of soup, a kind smile on her face. “You’ve never brought a boy here before~ Aigooo and he’s so handsome” she couldn’t help but squeeze Seungmin’s cheeks as he greeted her. 
“Ugh, Auntie please.” you rolled your eyes. “I’ve been coming here since I was a kid” you explained to him. “Seungmin took me to the Day6 concert it was amazing”
“Aww that’s so sweet, I’m glad you got to go” she looked him over. “You’re seriously so handsome, are you an idol?”
You scoffed before eating a spoon full of soup. “Auntie please, not everyone is an idol.” you rolled your eyes. “Seungmin isn’t superficial.”
She raised her hands in surrender “I was just asking” she smiled at him. “Don’t mind her she doesn’t like idols very much, I, however, think they’re adorable” the older woman cooed at him again. “Are you a student? Or a model or something?”
Seungmin looked back and forth between the two of you. What was he supposed to say? He didn’t want to lie and say that he wasn’t an idol, but judging from your reaction, you didn’t seem keen on him being an idol. And something about that made him want to keep that part of his life a secret. It wasn’t like he could go around telling people right? He was supposed to lay low tonight. “I’m a student” he chuckled nervously. 
“Which university do you go to?” you looked at him expectantly.
“Y-Yonsei” It was the first university to come to mind, he’d always pass it on his commute. 
“Wow you’re smart” you nodded, satisfied with his answer. “I’m a second year at Seoul’s Women University, we should study sometime.” 
And that’s how he got into this mess. It’d already been three weeks; it was taking everything in him to keep up the charade. But he’d be lying if he said he didn’t like feeling normal. The days that you’d go to the cafe, he’d usually pick one on the far side of town, or studying at your university library. The daily text messages, and late night phone calls. It was like the life he could have had.
Something he didn’t know he was missing. 
On his days off he’d get permission to, ‘visit his parents’ and be able to leave for the night, and secretly went to meet you. On days with schedules he’d just wait until everyone fell asleep and snuck out. If he got caught he’d make up an excuse that he was just going to practice. He felt guilty for lying. To you, his members, even his parents. He just kept convincing himself he’d find an opportunity to fess up. 
He knew that once you found out he was an idol, you’d want nothing to do with him.
Maybe that’s why he was stalling. 
Seungmin quietly made his way out of his bedroom. The two of you had a late night movie date planned. He’d been prepping for a comeback so he didn’t have as many opportunities to see you, and honestly he just missed you. It was a little past midnight when his members knocked out, dance practice was tough and they needed to recover. Chan and Jisung were still in the studio and Felix was gaming in the living room and he was almost out the door when he ran into Jeongin outside of the dorm. 
“Hyung?” Jeongin smiled “What are you doing out here?”
“I..” he faltered for a moment “I was just going to practice the new song a little more.” he eyed him suspiciously. “Why are you out here?”
Jeongin’s shoulders slumped before he looked around. “I snuck out to the convenience store to get snacks.” he shyly hid the bag behind his back “Don’t tell the Hyungs?”
He chuckled “Ok I won’t, I didn’t see you” he playfully motioned to zip his mouth closed and throw away the key.
Jeongin smiled brightly before thanking him. “Thank you so much Hyung! I’ll share my snacks with you later” he scurried back toward the dorm. “Oh, don’t practice too hard, remember to get some sleep too”
He watched, making sure Jeongin got into the elevator safely but feeling this sting that he had to lie to him. 
Your apartment was only a few blocks from the dorm, but he made sure to take back roads, and kept his cap and mask on before entering the building. He knew he wasn’t on Dispatch’s watch list but he knew he had to be careful.
When you buzzed him in he was greeted by your hug immediately. You motioned to the makeshift pillow fort you’d thrown together in front of your tv “Isn’t it cute?” You chimed. 
“It’s adorable,” he laughed taking off his hat, mask, and shoes at the door. “You didn’t have to go through this trouble” he left you drag him toward it, following you inside, careful not to hit anything. 
“I know but I wanted to do something, you’ve been so busy lately” you frowned. “I guess I just wanted to distract you from school”
And there it was another lie that he told to keep up this act. He pushed that feeling to the back of his mind. “Is it ok if we don’t watch a movie?”
“Sure” you frowned. “What did you want to do? Was the movie thing too cheesy?”
“No...It’s just...I really just wanna hear your voice.” he smiled watching your reaction. 
Your eyes widened at his sudden confession. The two of you had managed to flirt a little here and there and although you never explicitly stated whatever this was you knew there was something. He just wasn’t usually so forward. He was always pretty shy and you guessed that’s why you never had a problem being bolder. You felt your cheeks warm as you looked anywhere but him, when you grabbed your guitar and pulled it into the pillow fort. “How about a song” you laughed, nervously trying to regain your composure “I haven’t heard your voice since the Day6 concert and I miss it.” 
Everything about the setting was just so romantic, the soft lighting from your fairy lights, the pillows and blankets blocking everything out. It was like a dream. No pressure of his lies, or the outside world just you and him. 
You strummed the strings warming up your voice before humming before singing Day6’s Sweet Chaos. You looked up at him expectantly as he sang along. 
Because of you, I’m losing control
It’s a sweet chaos
Ever since you entered
My life, my dreams, my future
Everything has changed
He loved watching you sing, how you wore every single expression so freely. Nothing seemed calculated. It disarmed him. He lost himself in the moment just watching you. 
You looked up at him from under your lashes, your mouth parting as you struggled to find something to say under his intense expression. He leaned forward, taking your guitar and gently setting it down before holding your cheek. His eyes searching your expression for any form of hesitation before he pressed his lips against yours. You held the front of his hoodie, responding to the kiss. Leaning into him he gasped feeling your tongue brush against his lips. Feeling him stiffen you pulled back. “I’m sorry I-”
“No, I kissed you…”
“I liked it…” you mumbled biting your lip.
“Me too…” he brushed your hair back and pulled you back to him for another kiss. Pressing him back as you deepened the kiss, he wrapped his arms around your waist and laid back. You pulled back to catch your breath as you straddled him. “Is this ok to keep doing?” he laughed, tracing your skin just below where your t-shirt had rode up.
“Seungmin I don’t know if you’ve noticed this but I really like you” you cupped his chubby cheeks pecking his lips again.
“I like you too...a lot.” he felt a pressure instantly lift the moment he confessed. 
The softness of his gaze was so disarming and warm. He gently pulled you back to another kiss, his lips slowly becoming more aggressive as he tangled his fingers into your hair, smiling into the kiss. Any moment you chased his kiss he would just gaze into your eyes again, almost to make sure the moment was real and it melted your heart. 
He spent all night learning everything about you. Your touch, your taste, the sweet sounds you made for him. Somewhere along all your greedy touching the fort had fallen, covering you two in the blankets. You’d both lost your shirts but stopped before it could get too far. He didn’t want to rush things, and he still couldn’t shake the guilt he had for lying. Sleeping with you just didn’t feel right yet...Not until he was honest. 
You leaned on his chest drifting in and out of sleep. Hearing the lull of his heart was so soothing as he absently rubbed soothing circles on your back. 
He pecked your hair, tugging you a little closer. “You asleep?” he whispered, more so to himself. 
“Hmm?” you hummed sleepily. 
“On the first night we hung out you said you didn’t like idols...I just never asked why?”
You yawned peaking up at him curiously. “Hm? Why do you ask?” you furrowed your brows. “Oh is it because I’m a fan of Day6?” he nodded, trying to read your reaction. You smiled before going back to lay your head on his chest, lacing your fingers with his. “I just don’t like idols...I don’t actively hate them or anything I just feel like the whole thing feels a little superficial… The whole concept, dancing, company made songs...I’m just not a fan, like you can’t tell if they’re being genuine or if it’s their image…” you shrugged. “I hear songs here and there and a lot of girls in my school like them but I personally just like bands.” you smiled to yourself. “Like I can tell what’s going on in their life and what they’re going through with the songs they write.”
He just nodded, losing any nerve he had about coming clean. The thing you dislike idols for was the very thing he was doing. Being disingenuous. 
You could almost feel his heart begin to race more. “Seungmin? You ok?” you frowned. 
“I’m fine” he smiled, grabbing your chin and pulling you into a kiss. 
“Mmm…” you smiled looking at him with glazed eyes. “Seungmin it’s ok if you’re a fan of idols I won’t hold it against you” you giggled, brushing your nose against him, giving him eskimo kisses. 
“Promise?” he whispered.
“I promise” you gave him another peck before, settling against him. 
After another month or so the two of you had developed more of a routine. Seungmin was spending almost every night at your place, and sneaking back into the dorm before morning. He was working himself to the bone to keep up the double life but seeing your smiling face, or holding you in his arms made everything worth it. 
It was your one month anniversary and although you weren’t normally one to celebrate something like a one month, your time with Seungmin was always so limited. Every moment felt so special. You planned this big event for him filling your apartment with balloons and getting a cake. You waited at the cafe down the road to meet him, that way you could walk back to your apartment together. 
You smoothed down your hair and checked your reflection in the cafe window, straightening your dress. Seungmin always dressed so dandy and dapper you wanted to match him for once, so you opted on something girlier. It was a special occasion. You smiled at your phone seeing his text.
My Seungminnie  💗 : Sorry i’m running late! I’m on my way 💗 See you soon  
He said he only lived down the road from the cafe, so you chose to wait outside for him. He should hurry, it looks like it might start raining soon. You looked up at the ominous dark clouds rolling in. 
Seungmin showered after dance practice, and was getting ready to meet you. He fluffed down his hair, slipping on his hat and making his way to the living room. He frowned seeing his team all waiting in there, Chan looking particularly stressed. 
“What’s wrong?” he looked at them, reading the mood. 
“Where are you going?” Chan looked up at him, raking his hand through his curly hair. Seeing Seungmin look away for a moment, he could almost tell he was trying to think up something. “Seungmin please…”
“I was just going to a cafe…”
“Seungmin stop.” Chan stood up, frustrated and started pacing. “Sit.”
“But Channie-Hyung I have to-”
“I said sit.” 
Seungmin sat down on the chair across from the couch. Chan wasn’t one to look so angry, sure he got stressed a lot. But was very rarely angry. Jeongin looked over to him, giving him the most apologetic look. Individually they all noticed Seungmin acting a little strange, but didn’t put two and two together, not until Jisung mentioned seeing what looked like a hickey on Seungmin and then it hit them all like a wrecking ball. Everything made sense. 
“Before you even start lying again. I’ll save you the trouble” He crossed his arms over his chest. “We know you’ve been sneaking out, and we know you haven’t been going to your parents place. And for what? A girl?” Chan sighed heavily.
“She’s not just a girl…” you were everything to him, he was sure that at this point he was in love with you. That for the first time in his life he felt a romantic love for someone and it was reciprocated. 
“And what if she’s not? Did you stop to think what would happen? If Manager-Hyung caught you? Or Dispatch? Or worst if Stay’s caught you? What do you think would happen? Are you willing to quit and leave us...?” The pain and Chan’s eyes as his voice broke toward the end. “What about us..?”
Changbin sighed looking at Seungmin. “If you get caught we’re all screwed… We’re still under a dating ban Seungmin...JYP will fire you…And if we caught you than someone else could”
“We’d lose everything...” Hyunjin whispered. 
“What about your little girlfriend huh? What makes you think she won’t sell the story to dispatch herself? Or that she’s not posting this story somewhere?” Minho scoffed, angry that they were even having this conversation. 
“She wouldn’t…”
“And how could you be so sure huh?! Why are you willing to trust her and risk all of our hard work? It’s selfish!”
“Minho-Hyung calm down” Felix frowned, seeing Minho stand up hastily, kicking a chair. 
“Calm down? How can I calm down when we’re supposed to be working hard for a comeback? We’re still picking up the pieces from losing someone and then HE goes and does something like this?! How am I supposed to calm down?! Chan literally doesn’t sleep so he can finish our songs, or what about the countless nights we’re working on choreo? We’re trying to make the best comeback for Stays and he’s gonna throw it all away?!”
Seeing that Minho looked just short of swinging on Seungmin, Changbin stood in front of him. 
Chan’s whole team was falling a part right in front of his eyes. He had to reach Seungmin somehow, and get this resolved before the company found out.
“Seungmin I know you like her...and from what we could put together you’ve been doing this for at least a month…” Chan looked down. “But we can’t afford a scandal...we’re still getting our foot in the door...If she goes public with you dating then it’s over. Our career is over. Our families are affected and I know you trust her but I don’t, not with you guys. I’m not willing to risk my team anymore…” 
“She doesn’t know I’m an idol.” he whispered, the shame heavy in his voice from hiding something so major.
“She doesn’t know you’re-” Chan stopped himself, taking a deep breath and rubbing his temples. “You’re willing to risk all of our careers for someone who doesn’t even know who you really ar-”
“That’s great!” Jisung looked at Seungmin with bright pleading eyes. This whole time he’s been quiet. Honestly the confrontation kind of scared him. But this was the silver lining to this nightmare. Everyone looked at Jisung like he’d absolutely lost it. “Hear me out...If you break up with her...then that’s it right? You don’t have to keep doing this and she won’t go public...It’s the only way…”
This whole thing was tearing Seungmin apart. The guilt that he felt with every lie he told came crashing at him. The look all of his Hyung’s gave him. The look of heartbreak and disappointment. But the thing that finally made his tears fall was breaking up with you, because he knew that was the only future left. “I can’t hurt her…”
Chan shook his head. “I have to protect my team Seungmin...and if you choose to break your contract, risk us all. Then you’re not part of my team anymore...and i’m gonna need you to step down…” Chan sniffled looking up at him with desperation. “The choice is yours...but...you need to make it”
“Hyung...please don’t leave us…” Jeongin begged, his eyes glazed over as he pulled Seungmin into a tight hug. “Don’t leave us too…”
Seungmin stood stunned, Looking at Jeongin, his heart broke. They were right, he was being selfish. And his team had lost enough. They were only in the beginning of their career and he owed it to his team and to his fans to be dedicated. Dating bans weren’t forever so for now he just needed to focus on his career. “I won’t leave you guys...not ever…” he hugged him back tightly to reassure him. Felix, Jisung and Hyunjin immediately joining in the hug. Changbin released a relieved sigh before hugging them. 
Chan wrapped his arms around his family before looking back at Minho “Get in here.” Minho hesitantly joined them, apologizing into Seungmin’s hair.
You huddled against the awning of the cafe as the rain poured heavily, it was practically monsoon season in the blink of an eye. You didn’t want to go inside on the chance that Seungmin was close by, but he was an hour late and wasn’t answering your calls or texts. You could help but worry, afraid that something had happened to him. You felt so helpless. You didn’t even know where he lived. 
It finally hit you that there wasn’t a single person in his life that you could get in contact with to check on him. He’d mentioned his friends and roommates often but you never met any, he didn’t believe in social media so it wasn’t like you could search there. Just as you were about to say fuck it, and just walk down the road to blindly look for him you got a phone call.
The worry left your body as soon as you answered and heard his voice. “Seungmin! There you are, are you ok? Did something happen?”
He took a breath, trying not to cry hearing your voice. “I’m sorry...But I can’t see you anymore”
“What?” you looked at your caller Id, just to make sure this wasn’t some sort of prank. “What do you mean?”
“I’m breaking up with you”
“Why? Why are you? Why-” your voice broke as your tears fell. “What did I do wrong?” you sniffled. “Seungmin please just come...where are you? let’s at least do this in person…”
“There’s no need…” he took a deep breath. “I just don’t waste our time anymore. I’m tired of lying and I just can’t be what you want me to be…Please don’t try and contact me again” It was better this way. He had to convince himself that it was better if you just hated him. Because if it was hate then you could move on. Find a better love. 
You sobbed gripping your phone. “Please don’t do this...Seungmin I love you…”
“And I don’t...so let’s just stop this now… Have a good life...I’m going to be blocking you now so please don’t try and contact me again.” Before you could say anything else the line went dead. 
Really, I loved you
That’s how much harder it is
I want to hate you
But I can’t so I hate you even more
You tried calling him back, so desperately, but each and every time it would just go straight to voicemail. You fell to your knees, not caring if it got wet from the on coming rain, you just couldn’t believe it. What happened? It was all so sudden. And what did he mean? You never expected him to anything he wasn’t so why? You cried into your hands wondering, Which part of me just wasn’t enough? 
And that night you cried it out. With every fiber of your being you allowed yourself to be heart broken and sad. Calling over your best friend to vent. Because tomorrow you knew you’d have to pick up the pieces and try to continue with your life. 
Your best friend Minseo smoothed down your hair frowning. She’d never seen you so broken before and she wanted nothing more than to tell off your ex for breaking your heart. “Are you gonna be ok?”
“If he wanted to break up...I understand...That’s fine...but...it just hurt that I don’t really understand why…” you sniffled. “I don’t think I’ll ever know and that really hurts…” At least if you knew what happened you could grow from it, learn from it, but instead you were left wondering. 
Minseo scoffed. “Ok, no offense I’m sure the guy was nice but you dated him for like a month and never let me meet him.”
“He was just shy…” 
“Ok but he never let you go to his place either, you’re not shy so what does it matter if you met his roommates.” she crossed her arms. “The guy just sounds so sketchy, and that whole no sns thing? Seriously? You didn’t think that was weird?”
“I mean I did...But some people just don’t like sns.”
“They still make them even if they don’t use it.” she rubbed your back. “The guy was probably a two timer and got caught, didn’t you only see him at really weird hours too?”
“Did you always think that? He works and goes to school… it makes sense that he’s busy, even I got busy…”
“Where did he work?”
Your frown deepened “I...I don’t know” your time together was always so sparse you never wanted to drill him with questions, especially when you could tell that he looked uncomfortable when you brought it up. You always just figured he’d tell you eventually. 
I'd been holding on to you for so long
Now I must let you go
There's nothing I can do for you
It's the only way to make you happy
So I let go, let go, let go
So you can smile someday
So you can be happy
You took it one day at a time. Each one easier than the last. School started to get busier with exams and studying made for the perfect distractions. Minseo was always hesitant to leave you alone, so in your moments together you could tell that she was working over time to distract you from sadness. 
But you were ok. Not great-but ok. 
Soon enough a few months had passed, and Seungmin’s impression in your life almost felt like a fever dream. He was closer to a snowflake that had melted after the night. His presence fleeting, if you blinked you missed it. You hadn’t met his friends, he hadn’t met yours. The only photo you had together was a candid one you snuck at your apartment when he was playing your guitar and singing. Every so often you’d look at it just to remind yourself that he was real.
It still hurt like hell, not knowing. But despite everything you wished him well. 
Minseo pulled you through the busy streets of Gangnam to get some shopping done, retail therapy was her coping mechanism. “Wanna go to the record store? Didn’t Day6 just have a comeback?”
You smiled “That is the best idea you’ve had all day~” you chimed dragging her inside. 
“Hey I’m full of good ideas, you just don’t listen” she laughed. 
You grabbed an album from the front display, before following Minseo toward the back of the store to do some shopping of her own. On your way to the back, another display caught your eye. Normally you walked right by all of the idol stuff, but there was something on the screen that called to you. Your eyes widened as you stood in almost a trance-like state looking at it. You only saw him for a second so you waited and waited to see if you were just losing it. 
Minseo laughed seeing you watching the music video “Oh ho ho ho, look who fell to the dark side, I told you idols were mesmerizing, they’re pretty huh?” but her smile faltered seeing your eyes widened, she called your name again waving her hand in front of your face. “You ok?”
There he was again that fluffy hair, those soft twinkling eyes, and that gorgeous honey voice. “Seungmin...” 
“What?” Minseo’s eyes widened seeing how sad you suddenly look. “Your Seungmin? Is Seungmin of Stray Kids?”
“Of what?” you looked at her, your eyes glazed over. 
She walked over to the posters, flipping through the alphabetical catalog before turning it toward you. “Him?”
You set the Day6 album down before shaking your head in disbelief. “I...i need to go…” you stepped back, hurrying out of the store. 
“Wait!” Minseo followed after you, grabbing your hand. “Don’t run and talk to me please.”
You turned to her, tears running down your face. “He lied to me…” you ran your hand through your hair. “That’s why he wouldn’t let me meet his friends or tell me where he worked or-Ugh!”
“Hey...How about we go to Dispatch?” Minseo chimed, holding your shoulders.
“What?” you furrowed your brows “The gossip magazine?”
“They’d probably pay pretty well for a story, I mean Stray Kids is in JYP-”
“No. Oh my god, No” you sighed. “I don’t want to hurt him. I just want to forget about this whole thing to be honest.” you hugged yourself. “I met an amazing guy, fell for him and then he dumped me, and now I found out that he’s probably lied about every single thing he’s told me. I just want to be done with this”
“But you hate idols-”
“And I don’t hate idols. I'm just not a fan…” you stopped yourself remembering that time in your apartment that Seungmin had brought up idols, and any other time he’d mentioned them and just dropped the conversation. You always thought that he was trying to come out as some fanboy but he never did. “I’m so stupid…”
“I’m sorry...I didn’t mean to make you upset…” She frowned. “I was just trying to look out for you.” 
“And I appreciate it...But despite everything I did love him...Lies and all...I’d never want to hurt him.”
“But he hurt you…”
“Please...Can we drop this…?”
“Fine...As your best friend, I shall drop this” she smiled. “But in return, you have to buy me ice cream” she wrapped her arm around your shoulder, leading you to the ice cream parlor. 
“I get lied to and dumped but I have to buy you ice cream?” you laughed following along.
“Sucks huh? Well, I wasn’t the one who dated a hot idol, so ice cream is the least you can do to pay me for dealing with your drama” she grinned. 
And as quickly as the seasons changed you finished your degree and graduated from your university.  Over the past year, you had a lot of time to self reflect, often thinking back to your love. Admittedly you were pretty judgmental back then, and although you wouldn’t say you’ve become a fan of idols, you acknowledged their hard work. Occasionally you’d find yourself catching a Stray kids comeback or even adding a few of their songs to your playlist just to hear that beautiful voice that reminded you of a simpler time.
On this particular night, you and a few friends set up your instruments in downtown Hongdae for some Saturday night busking. Although you weren’t officially a band you all enjoyed playing together even if it was only a hobby. 
Minseo sat across from you with her camera ready. “Go best friend!” she cheered. 
You guys ran through a few songs, getting the crowd excited, loving just seeing the smiles on everyone's faces. But toward the end of your set you shifted gears a calmer song. You expected the crowd to disperse, knowing you were singing this song more so for yourself than anyone else. Your tone, heavy as you sang the heartbreaking lyrics. 
Really, I loved you
That’s how much harder it is
I want to hate you
But I can’t so I hate you even more
To be honest
No matter how much I try
To erase you
I know I can’t, yeah
Your little tip jar filling as the song carried on. You strummed your guitar harder as you got to the bridge. Tears threaten to spill, but you just carried on. The crowd only got bigger as people recorded your performance. 
Jeongin and Seungmin went down to Hongdae for dinner and to do some shopping when a familiar tune caught their attention. Jeongin smiled brightly “Hyung, someone singing Day6” he cheered, pushing him toward the crowd. 
Rather it was fate, serendipity, or just plain luck that Seungmin saw you. You were no longer just a girl with an acoustic guitar, singing in front of a venue. Your voice was stronger, more confident, he felt every single word you sang. You smiled singing the sad lyrics as a tear streamed down your beautiful face. 
 Loved you
Because I want to forget you but I can’t
That’s why I want to forget you
Jeongin noticed Seungmin’s solemn expression. “Hyung..?” It was how he was looking at you that just made something click for him. Seungmin had that same expression on his face whenever he looked at your photo. 
Watching as you finished your set you waived at everyone thanking them. You wiped your tears from your face, embarrassed that the song made you cry. You gave them the biggest and brightest smile, singing was always the most therapeutic thing for you to do, and they gave you that opportunity. 
As you were about to turn away from them, you caught his gaze. All this time you wondered how you’d react if you ever got to see him again, but you just mirrored his smile.  
“Hyung...Go talk to her.” Jeongin encouraged. 
“I don’t really deserve to” he smiled to himself. “But she looks like she’s doing well.”
“But you’re not…”
“Jeongin...I’m fine” 
Jeongin looked down and sighed. “Hyung...I’m...sorry...We forced you two to break up and you tried to smile and stuff but we knew you resented us for it.”
“You’re my family, I could never resent you...I was just sad I didn’t get to say goodbye properly. But she looks happy, and that’s all I wanted to know.”
“She just sang a heartbreak song while crying and you think she’s fine?” Jeongin sighed “You’ll thank me later” he jogged over to you.  
And that was how you ended up on a walk with Seungmin in Hongdae park. The two of you awkwardly walking in silence for far too long. “I’m sorry…” Seungmin looked over to you, making your steps halt. 
You fiddled with the wrapper of your finished ice cream cone. “For what? Dumping me over the phone while I waited for you in the rain? Or lying to me about being an idol?” you turned to him and raised a brow.
“I...Everything…” his shoulders slumped. “Hurting you was the hardest thing I’ve ever had to do…”
“Can I just ask you why?”
He took your hand leading you over to the bench to sit down. “I owe you a lot...But I’m going to start with an explanation…” He watched you, gathering the courage to continue with his side of the story. “The night of the Day6 I got permission to go alone, but they told me to keep a low profile. You didn’t know who I was and I didn’t want to just tell you I was an idol...and you didn’t even like them and I...I just wanted to be able to see you again.”
“But when we started seeing each other you should have told me, I thought you liked me but you couldn’t trust me to accept you”
“I didn’t want to ruin it.” he looked down. “When I was with you, I just felt so normal...Like if I wasn’t an idol this would have been my life...Don’t get me wrong, I love being an idol, and I love my team and my fans mean the world to me...But if there was a chance to go back and make the same decisions. There’s a small chance that I might have chosen to be a regular kid, a regular student and have a regular life…”
“How small?” you gave him a cheeky grin.
“Honestly like 5%” he chuckled “I really do love being a singer and I’m 95% sure that I would choose the path that leads to Stray Kids almost every time.”
“But I’m the 5%?” you smiled. 
“You’re the 5%” he shrugged bashfully. “I’m digging my own grave aren’t I?” he laughed nervously. 
“No, I appreciate it you’re being honest” you placed your hand on his, giving it a comforting pat. 
“The path of Stray Kids still led me to you, so I’m sure I would always pick it.” he squeezed your hand. “And when we broke up…”
“You mean when you dumped me” you teased. 
“I’m sorry...I really was on my way to go see you. And let's just say my team had a whole intervention. They had to put things in perspective for me…” He looked out across the park seeing a group of kids doing a cover dance and smiled fondly. “I loved every moment I spent with you, but I was under a dating ban, and getting caught could mean risking my group's whole career. And as much as I love you, they’re my brothers and-”
“You never told me you loved me.” you whispered, a smile tugging at your lips.
“Of course I love you...I’m sorry you didn’t know that...:” he brought your hand to his lips, gently placing a kiss. 
“So what happens now?” you eyed him. 
“Well...My dating ban was lifted…” he inched closer to you. “And I haven’t stopped thinking about you”
You grinned “Bold of you to assume that I’m single” Seeing the look on his face was priceless, he let go of your hand and panicked.
Of course, you wouldn’t be single, you were charming, bright and beautiful. “I-” he stuttered up until he saw you break out into a laugh, holding your stomach and throwing your head back. “I’m kidding” your smile could brighten a room. 
“Let’s start over” he stood up and reached out to you “Hi I’m Seungmin, I’m an idol and my favorite band is Day6”
You took his hand in yours introducing yourself. “I just graduated, I like singing and Day6 is also my favorite band” 
“Do you want to grab dinner with me?”
“I’d love to” he pulled you up, wrapping his arms around your waist. “I know we technically just started over but…” you stopped just taking him in again. You didn’t think it was possible but he really managed to become more handsome. You stared into his deep brown eyes before your gaze dropped to his lips again. His tongue darted out for a moment before retreating back to his mouth. 
He smiled leaning him pressing his forehead against yours. “But what?” he smiled and pursed his lips playfully. 
“Stop~” you whined, laughing into him, pressing your hand against his chest. “Just kiss me already”
His cheeks began to hurt from smiling so hard. He cupped your cheek, pulling you into the kiss. Your small hands gripped the front of his sweater, tugging him closer. His hands spanned over your cheek keeping you close. His kiss almost becoming desperate to make up for all the lost moments. He missed the softness of your skin, the faintest taste of mint on your lips, how you had to tiptoe to reach his lips, how you held him so tight. He missed all of it. He pulled away, peppering small kisses against your lips, his lashes fanning over your cheek. 
You looked up at him, with the warmest and most loving eyes he’d ever seen. You were breathtaking. “I’m never going to let you go again…” he whispered, caressing your cheek. 
( ´ ▽ ` )ノ  Hey friends!
Oh boy that was a long one lol I got carried away but I was so invested lol I hope your guys enjoyed that, if you did let me know! :3 your messages always mean the absolute world to me
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fairyshuuu · 5 years
diamond freckles | baekhyun
.summary. you love him, he knows that much. and baekhyun could give you everything. so why does it bother him so much that you have male friends? .word count. 7k .pairing. ceo!baekhyun x reader .genre. smut + fluff
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.warnings. mature language, semi-public, public, oral .author’s note. this is the promised smut for the taste of gold!! i really enjoyed writing this so i hope you like it too. if there’s any typo’s..... i don’t really care sorry
You swallow and swirl your drink in your glass again, before putting it down to press your hand to your face in embarrassment. Your laugh slips through the cracks anyway, as you lean into yourself and shake your head with a smile. Sehun raises his fork again and tries to maneuver the food closer to you without spilling it, wearing a big smile himself. When you lower your guard enough, he swoops in and dangles the food so close to you that you can only open your mouth and let him feed you.
As soon as he pulls away you smack him in the chest, making him burst out laughing. His eyes turn into little moons, cheeks puffy and childlike. From your other side, Bea turns and giggles, petting you on the head and rubbing her hand over your shoulder. You turn with a fake glare. “What are you two doing?”
“We have been ordered by the big boss to take care of you,” Bea grins, also scooping food and trying to feed you. You push her hand back down with a squeak of her and cause some of the rice grains to scatter on the beautiful, rose-colored table cloth. Some of your coworkers send smiles in the direction of the end of the table, and laugh along.
Sehun suddenly wraps his arm around your shoulder though, and pulls you close to him so he can hover his lips next to your ear. “Now we have a reason to baby you. Not that I need one because I already pay for your coffee every time but,” he motions his spoon at the far end of the table, “if I don’t Mr. Byun might fire me on the spot.”
“Okay,” you straighten up in your chair and glance between your two friends, “but I don’t need to be babied. Just be yourselves. You were never like this before so I don’t know why you’re acting so strange now.”
Bea clears her throat and lifts her brow at you, a funny expression on her pretty face. “Yeah, but you’re getting married now. To a billionaire.” With that she turns your head towards the far end of the long table, right at your fiancé. Baekhyun is sitting surrounded with some of his business partners, only few of them younger then fifty. You smile. Baekhyun looks— for lack of a better mental image, bored out of his mind. He’s doing a very professional job of hiding it, but you know him too well by now.
It’s not been that long since the boss has been joining the lunch meetings, but you’re glad any time he does. That way you get to see him more often and make sure he’s eating well. Normally, you two send each other winks and looks from so far across each other, but tonight Baekhyun doesn’t seem in the mood. He’s most likely forced to pay attention to what is being said.
You poke out your tongue to wet your lips for a second as you watch him. He looks amazing tonight, though this doesn’t surprise you anymore. Your to-be husband still looks good after three days of no sleep and about 75 cups of coffee. His hair is much softer of color than when you first met him, the caramel color having faded to a light washed blond that has stuck around for a long while now. His dark blue, velvet suit looks crisp and smoother than smooth, making his shoulders look immaculately masculine and his body muscular.
You wish for a second he would give you a single glance, but you also know that a business like his doesn’t run from playing around and so you settle on pouting as you entertain your friends. Towards the end of dinner, Baekhyun seems to say his goodbye’s to some of the old men at the end of the table, and stands up. From the split second you catch his eyes you can tell something is wrong. Baekhyun’s sharp gaze is piercing, lingering ever so long on Sehun’s arm where it’s wrapped around your shoulder still.
Without another word you watch him make his way out of the painfully expensive chairs and toss his napkin down, and out the room with robotic steps. Bea notices too, and pushes Sehun’s arm off your shoulder. “You’ve pissed him off, Hun!” she points, pulling her lips into a sharp line. “I already told you that you always overdo it with the touching. My boyfriend got pissed too, when he saw you hanging all over me.”
Before Sehun can give the no doubt, snarky response to follow, you interrupt and sigh. “I don’t think it’s that. Baekhyun’s not the jealous type. Things must have gone wrong with the discussion, or something.” At that, Sehun’s eyes soften. He pushes his plate away a little to put his elbow on the table and leans his face into his hand.
“You should probably go see him,” he says, eyes finding yours again.
Though you nod, you pick up your fork again. “I will, in a bit. Better to let him calm down first. Besides, it’s rude for an employee to just get up during the middle of lunch and leave.”
“You’re not any old employee though,” Bea points out, stuffing some shrimp in her mouth.
“I’m just as much of an employee as you guys are.”
Lunch happens to take a while longer than expected. And because Heaven’s Gate employees have such weird schedules, it’s not abnormal for people to have drinks at 4 in the afternoon. You’ve never been much of a drinker, so after a two shared bottles you’re already a little tipsy. You and your co-workers end up having a good time, and you start to understand why Bea likes the lunches. Baekhyun takes great care of his employees. When everyone finally starts to clear out, you decide it’s time to go.
You stretch out and pick up your bag, only to find three missed calls of your fiancé. Confused, you wave your friends a quick goodbye and head out into the hall. When you dial back, you come onto voicemail, and run your hands through your hair. Why is he not picking up now, that man is always on his phone? You look at the time, and pull your lip between your teeth. It’s only 5:07 right now, he should still be at work.
You sigh and toss your phone into your bag, before making your way over to the elevator. Baekhyun— though a sweetheart, has a tendency to become quite the drama queen when people— or more particularly you ignore his calls. You brush it off as nothing more and step into the elevator to find your way to his penthouse. But by the time you get to the thirteenth floor, he’s already waiting for you. Well, he’s waiting for the elevator, you just so happen to be in it. “There you are,” you sigh. “Why are you not picking up your phone?”
Baekhyun has the decency to look surprised, but enters the elevator without saying a word to you, much to your confusion. He steps into the overly expensive room and presses two buttons, before leaning his back to the wall and staring at the ground. You frown. It’s obvious that something is bothering him, but it’s hard to tell with Baekhyun sometimes and so you can’t help but cross your arms over your chest and stare at him. “What are you doing, Byun Baekhyun?” you question.
He lifts his eyes for a second, but looks toward the door just as quickly, straight up ignoring you. You’re not one to start a scene, you’re really not, but you really don’t like people ignoring you. Baekhyun knows this. So instead of getting fed up like he clearly wants you to, you roll your eyes and look at the front as well, listening to the soft elevator music instead. You arrive at his destination quickly, and watch as he makes his way out of the elevator, shoulders bunched up and squared.
He must be stressed out. You follow behind him without another word and walk over to his penthouse doors, to which a small dismissal sound comes from your fiancé. He looks over his shoulder with a frown and sighs. “I’m just here to pick something up. Don’t follow me.” As he makes his way through the door he tries to push it closed behind him, but you’re too quick. For being this many years older than you, he sure likes to act like an overgrown child sometimes.
He luckily gives up quickly and stomps away just a tad too loud, to go find whatever it is that he needs. You sigh and wait by the door, staring at him as he moves throughout the space that has come to feel like home in the last year and a half. He walks fast and makes a huge mess, by which you can tell he’s upset. He normally doesn’t act like a borderline diva, though he has the amount of money where people wouldn’t be surprised if he did. It leaves you to wonder what happened and what could possibly have gotten him that upset.
When he finally comes back to the door, one of his car keys in hand, he stops in front of you and has the nerve to raise his eyebrows at you. You were going to let him rage out, but now you don’t feel like it anymore. “Will you stop acting like a child and tell me what’s going on?” you bring out, frowning now. Baekhyun’s jaw ticks as he looks down at you, and with a swift move he brushes past you to get back to the elevator. You turn around though and grab at his hand.
Baekhyun sighs, and runs his free hand over his face. “I don’t feel like it.” He seems to look apologetic for a second when you let go of him, before looking away and getting into the elevator. When you follow behind he pushes the button of the ground floor and you two travel down in silence. He chews his lips, before finally uncrossing his arms and looking over at you, though still with eyebrows knitted together. “Why didn’t you answer my calls?”
You glance at him, back pressed against the wall and eyes sharp and analytical. You hates it when he uses his business attitude on you. “I was talking to my friends at dinner and my volume was turned down.”
Baekhyun scoffs then, and looks away. “Right, you were talking to your friends.” He fishes his phone out of his back pocket and holds it up for you to see. Your face is looking back at you there, and Baekhyun’s lips pushed to your cheeks. “For over an hour.”
“I really was,” you sigh, waiting for the doors of the elevator to open. Luckily most employees would have gone home by now, but you still don’t want to make a big scene in the welcome hall of the most prestigious homing chain in all of Asia. You just hope that he settles down a little.
He doesn’t. His cheeks ever start to color a little with how angry he’s getting at this point, though he’s doing his best to keep the business-like pokerface on. “I know, that’s the problem. Why are you always spending more time and effort on other guys?” When the lifts dings he grabs your wrist and drags you behind him, only stopping until you two are out into the chilly afternoon air.
Your eyes widen at his words though. “You cannot be serious,” you laugh, out of annoyance or surprise you don’t quite know. This isn’t like Baekhyun, and so you can’t believe him making such a big deal out of nothing. “Please tell me you’re joking.”
“Don’t try to turn this into a game. I’m really fucking serious!” he sighs, clenching his jaw again and letting go of your wrist. With a wave to the bellboy, he tosses the car keys over to him. Only then does he meet your eyes again, irises dark. “We only have so much time to spend together and you can’t even set aside half an hour to see me after my meeting? Why does it always have to be me putting in effort? You don’t put in any effort at all, even though I do everything in my power to come see you.” With every word he steps closer to you, until you’re reaching out to put a hand over his mouth and he steps back and down a stair angrily. You don’t mean to shush him, but he’s being extremely overdramatic.
When you open your mouth to respond, Baekhyun jumps in yet again, voice now almost at shouting level. “And why the hell were you talking to Sehun for so damn long and why the hell was he whispering in your ear?!”
“Baekhyun!” you bring out, glaring at him from under your lashes. That’s enough.
At your call, Baekhyun pouts and takes your wrist again, leading you down to the driveway where you can see his lights appear from the distance. “I can give you everything you could ever want,” he mumbles, more to himself than to you. “Sehun sure as hell can’t, I’ll tell you that. Do you need me to tell you his paycheck?”
When the car rolls up, you break your hand out of his strong grip and shake your head at him. “You know I never cared about any of that.”
“Yeah, but you should care about me.” He stares at you for a long while, and you can only look at him in disbelief. You do care about him, more than you care about anything or anyone else. Baekhyun breaks your look by walking around the back of the car and opening the driver’s door. He rubs his hand over his brows, before sighing. “Get in the car.”
And though you’re mad, you do. You refuse to become the petty child. After you slam the door of his Rolls Royce and you hear Baekhyun wince at the sound, you press your face against the glass and look out instead. The drive is quiet for the first time in a long while, filled with only the sound of his breathing steadying out and the movement of his hands on the wheel. When you drive past some of the familiar streets of Gangnam, you swallow. “Where are we going?” Your apartment is the other direction.
When Baekhyun doesn’t immediately respond, you look over at him. The sun that’s lowering behind the horizon casts a pretty orange glow on his face, peeking past his profile as he drives. He takes his eyes off the road for a split second to look over at you. “I’m taking you somewhere.” His grip tightens on the steering wheel, and almost as an afterthought he mumbles something else. “I’ll show you why you shouldn’t flirt with other men.”
“I wasn’t flirting!” you say, glaring out the window now. How can someone you love so much make you so damn mad sometimes? It’s almost as if he’s doing it on purpose. You know he’s not though, he can’t stand arguments.
“Yeah, well… it bothered me anyway,” Baekhyun grunts, voice lowering as he takes a left and speeds onto the highway, letting the engine roar.
Even though you know you should just leave it, you open your mouth again. You could blame it on the alcohol later. “Maybe that’s your problem and not mine.” When you feel Baekhyun’s eyes pierce into the side of your face, you tutt your lips. He shifts gears and rests his hand there, face moving between you and the road. If there’s one thing Baekhyun’s really not good at, it’s confrontation. If he can be annoying, so can you, right? It’s not like you’ve been trying to solve things the entire time. “You should work on it, people will start thinking you’re spoiled if you keep acting this way.”
This really makes Baekhyun mad, you can tell by the way his hand moves from the shift to link into yours. His grip is almost vice-like, as if saying that he’s had enough now. A wordless warning on his part. “Don’t be a brat, Y/N. I’m not in the mood.” You’re done too.
“Just get me out of this stupid car. I wanna go home and hang out with Sehun.” Baekhyun’s fingers twitch where they are intertwined with yours, getting even tighter if that’s possible. You play with the edge of your black pencil skirt instead of looking at him. “At least he knows how to treat someone he cares about.”
Baekhyun almost chokes. “What did you say?”
“I said: At least he knows how to treat a woman!” Your shout bounces around in the car. With one move you pull your hand out of his and lace your own together in your lap. Baekhyun just scoffs and presses down on the gas more, passing over the bridge far above the maximum speed. You don’t say anything else, choosing to watch the cars as you speed by them with a loud roar of the overpriced machine.
After driving for a good ten minutes you get to a calmer part of the city, and Baekhyun suddenly slows down and maneuvers to the right. He stops the car along a sidestreet roughly, making the both of you slam forward. Then he gets out and opens his door, staring you down from his upright position. You notice that his cheeks are flushed, and that he’s still clearly mad. You’ve since calmed down a little though. “Get out the car,” Baekhyun says, eyes hard and piercing as he regards you.
Though you feel like questioning him, you do as he asks and get out, before crossing your arms over your chest. He then lifts his one brow and clenches his jaw, staring you down over the roof. “Get into the back seat and take off your clothes. And you better hurry up before I come help you.” Now this, you should have expected. The few times you’ve had fights— and they’ve been scarce, he’s always been like this. When he’s really, really mad, he needs comfort in a way that only him bossing you around can fill.
You blink at him blankly for a second, but yank open the back door and get in. It’s not anywhere near dark yet, and the windows are not nearly as tinted as you’d like them. But now your anger has subsided, you want to make up, and you know this is the way Baekhyun likes to do it. So you kick off your shoes and shimmy out of your skirt. With a few swift hand movements you rid yourself of the white top as well, and take a deep breath. For some reason you didn’t think of this while you were being rude, and now you know you’ll have to face the consequences.
A tingle pools in the pit of your stomach when the door opens, and your to-be husband pokes his head inside. He looks you up and down slowly, catching that you’re wearing some of his favorite lingerie. Normally this would bring a smile to his gorgeous lips, but right now he’s not up for games. He looks over his shoulder to the main road which is only a good twenty feet away, and then licks his bottom lip. “Good. Now come here and open your legs, baby. I’m going to show the entirety of South Korea who you belong to.”
This— you don’t expect. You’d literally be in open view of any drivers passing by. Your eyes widen at him. “Baekhyun, people could take pictures.”
“So what? Everyone can know how pretty you look when you cum on my lips for my part.” His slim hands wrap around your thighs and pull you forward, making your butt rest right at the edge of the seats. You squeak. He opens your legs smoothly, and ducks to throw them over his shoulders. Like this you can feel his breath on your core, as you bite your lip. This must be the dumbest idea he’s ever had. “Pick me a safe word,” Baekhyun whispers, before starting to place kisses along your inner thigh, from your knee to the edge of your underwear.
You swallow and grab onto the leather of the driver’s seat. “Sehun,” you whisper quietly, watching as Baekhyun’s face twists from confusion to amusement until a darkness settles in his eyes. You’re going to suffer, and you honestly can’t wait.
“You naughty, little brat,” Baekhyun smiles, gliding his index finger along your clothed slit. “What would your friend do knowing he’s being mentioned when you’re getting fucked by someone else, huh?” His lips press kisses over your underwear and up to your belly button as his finger plays along the edge of your panties, before pulling them from your skin to let them slap back. “Who made you this wet, Y/N?”
“You did,” you swallow, free hand gliding through his hair to tangle in it.
“I haven’t even touched you yet and I can already slide my fingers in you.” He places another kiss at the edge of the fabric and pokes out his tongue to look up at you, before his finger slides underneath the pretty piece to collect the wetness that’s coating your underwear. “Don’t you like it a little too much, being exposed like this?” His soft kisses turn more violent, adding teeth and leaving marks on your soft skin. “Or are you just this crazy about me, huh?”
You whimper when his one finger starts gliding up and down, just brushing your clit every so often like a tease. “Both,” you say, voice pathetically affected already. It’s like you’re conditioned to him, Pavlov’s dog has nothing on you. Already, your body is tingling with the knowledge of what is to come next. While his slim finger continues his slow attack on your core, his other hand comes to grab your thigh, tightly. “Ah,” you moan when he bites the inside of your leg particularly hard, body jerking a bit, “fuck, Baekhyun.”
In one smooth move he removes his body from yours to slide your panties down your legs, cold air quick to nip at your skin. Then his body is back to cover yours from the direct view, though if anyone were to drive by— it would be very clear what is happening. You guess you’re in luck this street is somewhat desolate. His lips draw you away from worry when he places a soft kiss there, followed by another. His hands lift your hips into a more comfortable position and then in one smooth move his licks up from bottom to top.
He pulls away too soon, and only brings more cold tingles to your body. When you want to tangle your fingers in his hair again to pull him closer, Baekhyun shakes his head with a grin and pushes your hand away. “Nuh uh, bad girls don’t get to touch,” his voice is lithe, but deep nevertheless, eyes reflecting the same intensity there, “find something else to hold onto.”
When you pout, he looks back down and squeezes your soft skin between his fingers. He gives in and bends back down to give you another kitten lick, before he settles his lips around your clit and sucks sharply. You immediately twitch because of it, and grab onto the leather of the seats. His sucks go from hard to softer, and back again as his one hand comes up to toy with your entrance.
Long fingers slide just in to slide back out, making you whine in anticipation. You should have kept your mouth shut. Baekhyun’s mouth then sinks lower, tongue now giving deeper and harder licks and kisses. Though you can’t see it, you can imagine him with his chin dripping with your juices, all while still dressed in his ridiculously expensive suit. The thought makes your legs clench tight, which makes Baekhyun chuckle against you.
His fingers now find the place where his mouth was earlier and brush soft circles over your clit with his thumb. His tongue and lips suck and lick and eat you out so busily that a loud slurping rings through the silence of the car. You can’t hold it anymore, and grab at his soft hair, pulling his face even closer. Baekhyun moans a little at the pull, movement stuttering just slightly. He could be mad, but chooses not to. Instead he just opens your legs more with his free hand and gives you a little nip. “Ah- sh- Baekhyun!”
Your body is warming up quickly, sweat sticking your back to the leather and skin erupting with goosebumps. His mouth doesn’t give up for a second, only motivated more by your sounds, as well as his fingers. His tongue moves in and out of you along with the movement of his thumb, now roughly flicking your clit— fast and hard. The coil is your belly is already rolled so tight, you know it can’t take much longer before you come. His mouth is so warm and wet against you, and yet your body feels tingly cold. The temperature difference is enchanting.
When you wince at his touch, Baekhyun laughs again. He pulls back a little to look up at you from under his lashes. “This is a better view than I have normally,” he presses licks and kisses to your bottom lips in between the words, fingers now moving back down to fully slide in you. You can’t help but moan at the sudden fullness, finally having something to clench around. “Eating your wife out in full view of the sunset,” he continues, wrapping his tongue back around your over-sensitive bud.
He adds a third finger inside you as he thrusts them inside, making the car shake from the movement. You bite your bottom lip— hard, and open your eyes to watch his handiwork. His hair is sticking just slightly to his forehead, lips red like cherries and as you expected, lips and chin smeared with your juices. When he sees you looking, he removes his lips from you to poke out his tongue, and pull as much of it as he can into his mouth. You moan again and jerk your head back at a particularly hard thrust of his fingers.
“I’m not your wife,” you say, trembling at his nibble around your clit. Your entire body is beaming now, coil so tight that you’ll get there any second. Baekhyun must be able to feel it, since his lips and hands get more eager. At your words though, he pulls out his hand to your great dislike, and sits up to look at you. His eyes are dark, though his cheeks are flushed and lips are parted slightly.
He moves quickly to lean into the car and lay his body over your naked one, thigh pressing sharply in between your legs. The changed feeling of friction makes you whimper, hips rubbing up and down the fabric. Baekhyun hovers his face just above yours and grabs your jaw between his two fingers, before smiling at you. His lips brush your ear. “Not yet, no. But soon enough, you will be. And I can’t wait to get to treat you like a queen all day long.” He flexes his thigh for you and moves it up and down along your slit as he kisses your lips gently.
The sudden shift is intoxicating, as well as the taste of you on him. His tongue tangles with yours for just a second, before you need to pull away to breathe. “F-fuck, baby, I’m so close.” Baekhyun’s one hand finds your breast and slides underneath the garment to pinch your nipple as he smiles, clearly enjoying your already-fucked-out expression. Your lips parted to get in enough air, cheeks bright red and eyes barely able to hold open.
“I’m going to make you come on my lips and fingers, and then again on my cock. And then I’m going to drive you to my house and make you come again, against the wall, okay?” At this point you are so far gone that you can only shake your head wildly, clinging to his shoulders like a lifeline. Not that he has to ask, he owns you anyway. Baekhyun moves back down for you, not bothered in the slightest by the wet patch on his suit, and wraps your legs back around his face.
His breath is hot now, your body just about trembling with how past ready you are. When his lips slide back in place around your clit and his fingers back inside you, you can feel the coil start to unravel. Two more thrusts and you’re coming with a scream and your fingers tangles sharply in his hair. Your back lifts from the leather, curling into his touch more. “Mh-Baekhyun!” He doesn’t stop while you shake through your orgasm, heat washing all over you and your vision going white. Only when your legs stop trembling so hard and when your noises quiet does he stop moving.
He pulls his fingers out of you and dips them into his mouth instead, cleaning them off with his tongue entirely. Then he stands up and smiles down at your pathetic pout. “My turn.” He zips down his pants under your hazy gaze, suit ruined because of the dirt and your juices. But he doesn’t take the pants off, only moving it out of the way enough to let his hard cock free. His head is red and dripping with precum, veiny from being in it’s confinement for so long. Baekhyun’s probably more aware of where and who he is than you are right now. “Turn around, angel,” he says gently, helping you flip over so your upper body is resting on the seat and your hips can be levelled with his.
You can hear the smile in his voice as he talks, satisfied with your fucked-out reaction. You’re already hanging on a thread and he’s not even been inside you yet. “You remember the safe word, don’t you?” he whispers then, trailing his fingers down your side. You manage a little nod, before letting your cheek rest on the leather. Baekhyun laughs a little at your reaction, before pressing his head to your entrance and sliding in ever so slowly. He stretches you just right, tingling your walls. His cock feels so much better than his fingers do, that you have to grab onto the seat belt for your life. “Tell me you want me,” he says than, stilling fully buried in you.
“I want you,” you murmur, face pressed to the cold leather and knees still weak from before, “I want you so bad. Please, move, Baekhyun.” You regret it almost as soon as you say it because he moves hard— sharply pulling out and slamming back in so that your hip bones slam into the side of the seats and your nails dig into your hands. His body moves in and out perfectly, filling you up every time and sending you reeling. You’re too tired to lift your body up, so your entire top half just moves with the motion and shakes the car in the process.
The cold metal of his pants slapping against your butt only adds to the sharp building in your body, so soon after the other already. Baekhyun’s grip on your hips is vice-like, and when he angles you up a little more, you cry out. “Ah- oh my- fuck, right there! Right there, Baekkie, don’t stop.” He doesn’t. His sharp movements get even harder, if that is possible, his breathing heavy and laboured. At this point your clinging onto that single seat belt so hard that it might snap any second.
“Are you close, baby?” You give a non committal noise that can mean anything, but Baekhyun doesn’t mind. “I’m close too. Fuck, you’re so tight.” He pressed his one hand to the small of your back to hold you still, and moans. His other hand moves under your body to rub at your clit again, which is still so sensitive that you have to squeeze your eyes shut so tight it hurts.
“Baekhyun, baekhyun,” you murmur, his hips snapping in you at a vicious pace and not slowing once, “I’m gonna-” Before you can finish the words he squeezes your clit between his fingers and sends you over the edge, body jerking wildly in his hold. Your legs give out entirely, and your ears ring so loud that you can’t even hear yourself anymore. You might be screaming bloody murder for all you know. Baekhyun keeps moving until he too, comes, with a deep grown from deep down. His cum fills you up even more, dripping down your legs and ruining his suit even more.
You two stay like that for a few seconds, before he sighs because of sensitivity and pulls out. His cum mixed with yours drips down your legs, but you’re too exhausted to move, let alone do anything about it. Baekhyun rubs your back gently, before leaning over you and grabbing your skirt from the floor. He uses it to clean up your mess, before tossing it back. You whine a little because that cost a lot, but Baekhyun doesn’t care. Of course he doesn’t. You hear him clean himself up best he can, before he helps you sit up in the car and helps you tug on your blouse. “Tired?”
You look up at him to see his little smile, proud and clearly satisfied with his work. You nod and pout a little, as Baekhyun brushes your hair away from your face. “Okay, nap a little while I drive. We’re almost there, okay?” He closes the back door for you and gets in in front. You stare at him in the rear view mirror, and pull your naked legs close, suddenly feeling cold without his body to cover yours.
“We’re lucky no one saw us,” you mumble as you lean into the door, “that could have been really bad.”
Baekhyun catches your eyes for a second, before giving you a guilty smile. At least he has the decency to look slightly apologetic. “Actually, two cars drove by,” he admits, as your eyes fly open. “You didn’t notice…” he continues, looking back at the road, “but I don’t think they saw. I was covering you anyway.” Though you want to be mad, you’re too tired to. You shake your head at him, but soon you fall asleep against the cold window.
When you wake up, it’s dark out. It’s dark out, and you’re cold, but held against a warm body. Baekhyun’s carrying you bridal style, your cheek resting against his collar bone. You look around slightly. “Where are we?” Even though it’s dark, you’re sure you don’t recognize this place. It’s not your apartment, nor is it his, because you can hardly carry a half naked girl through the middle of Gangnam. Baekhyun smiles down at you when he notices you’re awake and keeps walking.
“You know how I said I was taking you somewhere?” He nods forward then, to the giant house up ahead. “It was supposed to be a bit of a surprise but I guess I ruined it by being moody. I remember you telling me that you’ve always wanted to live near the sea, so I got us a little vacation place.” And sure enough, if you listen you can hear the waves rolling in the distance, crashing against the rocks.
“Little?” you repeat, looking at the giant house as you come up to it now, “This thing is bigger than our houses combined, Baek.” He nods and giggles softly.
“I might have gone a bit overboard.” He walks you up the last bit of stairs to arrive to the door, and looks down at you. “I’m going to have to put you down for a second, okay?”
“Yeah, I’m fine. I think I can walk,” you blush, embarrassment coloring your features. As he puts you down, you wobble a bit, muscles still trembling a little from before. Your bare feet on the stone are ice cold, but luckily Baekhyun pushes the key into the lock soon. As the door opens, the lights automatically come on in the hallway, house pristine and smelling of vanilla. Once again, Baekhyun’s outdone himself in an attempt to show his endless love for you. Your mouth drops open a little as you walk in.
“I know it’s a lot, but the only reason I bought this place is because we have a big garden with privacy and an amazing view. I could hardly make them take down half the house, could I?” When you look over your shoulder at him, he smiles a little and lifts his shoulders. “I’m an idiot, I know. But lets go check out the bedroom for now, okay? You can explore later.”
When he grabs your hand in his and drags you along eagerly, you smile. “Baekhyun, I’m tired. I need energy to go play in the ocean tomorrow.”
He pushes open one of the doors towards the end of the hall and nods, though his eagerness sure doesn’t seem to agree with his words. “Of course, you do. But this is a brand new house. And I think,” he closes the door behind you and dims the light of the room, “it’s missing that personal touch.” The room is huge and beautiful, with a canopy bed and gorgeous windows but you don’t get to see much of it because Baekhyun is in front of you and caging your body to the wall. “And I did promise you three orgasms tonight, so…”
Luckily for him, the nap did help you out a lot. You smile as you grab his chin between your fingers. “What are you waiting for then?” Within a second, his lips are slotted over yours and you’re tangling together again, and this time he lets you push his suit jacket off his shoulders. Baekhyun’s hands are more eager now, unbuttoning your blouse and letting it slide off, so you’re back into lingerie immediately. His kisses are softer now than before, his anger long gone and replaced with the same love and care that you always associate him with. As he starts making up your neck, you sigh, running your fingers through his hair. “I can’t believe you got this mad because of Sehun. I didn’t know you were the jealous type,” you whisper.
Baekhyun hums, and wraps his arms around your waist tightly as his lips sink lower again. “I wasn’t this mad about Sehun, not really. I- uh.” He stops for a second to pull back and look you in the eyes, a serious glint settling there. “One of my shareholders had the audacity to propose me an arranged marriage with his daughter in turn of a part of his company and part of his stocks.” His hands find your thighs now, sliding your underwear back down and shaking his head. He clearly doesn’t want to talk about it, but if he keeps it in it’ll only keep bothering him.
Before you can say anything to comfort him, he’s working on your bra and lifting you up into his strong arms. “And when I told him I have an amazing fiancée who I love, he dared to tell me you didn’t look like much, and that you probably are dating me for my money. That’s why I-” When he looks back at you, his eyes are turned a bit down. He puts you down on the soft bed, and comes to sit next to you.
“That’s why you stormed out.” You nod and help him unbutton his dress shirt, and his pants too. “It’s okay, I’m not offended by it.”
“You’re not, but I am.” When you pull his body to yours by his shoulders, he hesitates above you. “How dare they even think of you like that? When you’re literally the most— the only important thing in my life? If anyone disrespects you like that again, I’ll ruin them.” He looks too serious, too intense for a light moment like this, that you can’t help but push a kiss to his jaw and smile.
“You are disrespecting me right now by making me wait this long, so please ruin me before I do it myself.” At that his lips twitch, before he nods. He peppers kisses all down your chest and takes one of your nipples in his mouth, sucking gently. The other he rolls between his fingers, as he settles his body on top of you. Your hands land on his shoulder blades, nails digging in them to hold him to you. He smiles against your skin when you whimper, and lifts his hips a little to line himself up.
“Anything you wish, my queen.” He pumps himself a few times, before he pushes inside you smoothly. The stretch stings more this time, walls still sensitive. Baekhyun doesn’t hold still and rolls his hips into you immediately, lips finding yours warm and soft. His body on top of you pushes you deep in the soft blankets, as the headboard taps against the wall each time he snaps his hips. You two melt together until you’re coming again, Baekhyun pulling out just in time for his cum to paint your belly and breasts. He falls down next to you and pulls you close, but not before cleaning you off with his Valentino dress shirt.
When you whine at it, Baekhyun laughs and presses a kiss to your nose. “It wasn’t that expensive, don’t worry.”
“You’re ridiculous.”
He nods, and buries his face in the crook of your neck, his breath soft against your skin. “You love it though.”
“I love you,” you agree, wrapping your arm around him to pull him close to you. In this warmth you can already feel sleep overtaking.
“I love you too.” He sighs out long and deep, and then hums. “I’m waking you up tomorrow to go to see our beach, just warning you now.”
“Our beach??”
“Shh, just sleep.”
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Thank you for reading and I hope you liked it!!!! A message always makes my day so please don’t be shy!
@ninibears-erigom @meryljill-111192 @byunfirstlady @beautifulparisiangirl
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loridrabbles · 5 years
Imprisoned | Dogma x Reader (Part 25)
Ok finding gifs is so hard it usually takes me so long
     (Y/n) and Dogma arrived at one of Coruscant's biggest supermarkets, only a short while before noon. Saoirse was about ready for her afternoon nap and was falling asleep in (y/n)'s arms as she got out of the taxi. Dogma handed the driver some credits and waved him off, thanking him for the ride. He followed (y/n) up to the building and looked all around once they stepped inside. He'd never seen any place like it. He examined all the posters and signs displaying advertisements for different types of foods, things he had never even heard of. He was used to eating what was provided for them on the base, ration bars, or whatever food that was served at 79's. 
     "Ready?" (Y/n) asked, snapping Dogma out of his daze. He smiled at Saoirse, asleep in the carrier of the shopping cart.
     "What are we here for again?" He asked. They began to walk and he unintentionally stuck close to (y/n)'s side in fear of getting lost.
     "Well, like I said I haven't been grocery shopping in months. The fridge and cabinets are nearly empty. So we need, bread, milk, eggs, cheese, butter, cereal, some grains like pasta and rice, ummm...." She looked down at her list she scratched onto some paper, which she preferred to use over her communicator. Dogma examined it too, but soon realized he didn't know what half of the things were.
     "I don't think I'll be any help finding anything." He laughed almost nervously, scratching the back of his head.
     "That's ok." She smiled. "Have you ever been anywhere like this before?" 
     He shook his head, watching as she grabbed some apples and put them in a paper bag, then into the cart. 
     "Can you grab some pears?" She asked, pointing behind him. "They should be over there."
     He made his way around some displays containing all different fruits and vegetables and, though his eyes were totally focused on the basket of pears, he felt eyes watching him, all around. His chest grew tight he swallowed hard, making sure not to drop anything he grabbed. He rushed, trying to stuff four or five pieces into a bag and rushed back to (y/n)'s side. His brow furrowed slightly as he thought to himself. He'd never felt anything like that before.
     "Maybe...I'm just tired." He thought. (Y/n) added a few things to the cart and began to leave the area. His heart was still pounding.
     "Aww what an angel!" He heard a woman's voice. He turned his gaze to two older women gawking over Saoirse. "How old is she?" One asked.
     "She'll be four months next week." (Y/n) responded, smiling from ear to ear.
     "Oh, what a sweet little thing! She's so beautiful." The other said.
     "Thank you!" She said. Dogma smiled at them, and his nerves turned to pride.
     The two of them continued their journey through the store, grabbing the rest of the food they needed, cleaning products and dish soap, and some toiletries for Dogma. The two of them walked around the personal care section for nearly 20 minutes trying to find what soaps smelled the best. 
     "I'm so sick of smelling like bland soap from the base and prison soap." He laughed.
     "Now you have a certain scent so when I miss you I can shower with it." She smiled and scrunched up her nose.
     "Is there anything else we need?" He asked.
     "Umm...nope." She crumpled up the shopping list and stuck it in her pocket. "Let's head to the checkout and get out of here."
   Saoirse was stirring awake from her nap, getting a little grouchy under the bright incandescent lighting of the store. Dogma picked her up out of the cart and held her close to him, gently bouncing her up and down. A couple of minutes of waiting in line and she was still grouchy and beginning to cry. (Y/n) held her arms out for the baby to be passed to her.
     "She must be hungry. I don't have a shawl with me, but if she's hungry, she will eat or we'll never hear the end of it." (Y/n) laughed a little as she took their daughter and unbuttoned the clasp at the shoulder of her shirt followed by the one on her bra. Almost instantly, she was quiet and suckling away. The lines were pretty long that day, but the store always seemed to be understaffed. Another couple minutes passed and a mother with her two kids who couldn't have been older than ten stood behind them with their cart. Not ten seconds of them standing in line and the mother began to speak to them.
     "Excuse me!" She said, sounding incredibly frustrated. Her and Dogma looked in her direction. "What do you think you're doing?"
     "Excuse me?" (Y/n) asked. She had no idea what this woman could possibly be angry about. Were they standing in front of something she wanted? Did they accidentally get in the express lane? No and no.
     "How dare you expose yourself in public! There are children around!" 
     "Umm-" Dogma started.
      "I'm feeding my daughter!" (Y/n) said, turning her body to show off the baby. Maybe she didn't see her?
     "You should be doing that at home!" She was raising her voice. (Y/n) was glad it didn't startle Saoirse who was still drinking her fill.
     "She's hungry now." (Y/n) remained calm with her voice, trying not to offset the woman, but she could hear Dogma huff beside her. "We're not waiting until we get home."
     "Well, then you should use a pump and feed her with a bottle! My two boys don't need to be seeing your exposed breasts!"
     "I want to do it naturally." (Y/n) said, still trying to be calm, glancing at her kids who seemed to be horribly embarrassed. "Look, my daughter is hungry. I'm just trying to feed her. You don't need to cause a scene about it in the middle of the store."
     "Well, I wouldn't have to if you weren't such a whore." The woman spat. Dogma had had enough.
     "Excuse me!" He yelled, stepping between (Y/n) and the woman. "I don't care who you think you are. You do. not. talk to her that way. Get the hell out of my sight before I really give you something to complain about!" 
     He towered over her, nearly getting in her face as he shouted. She practically shrunk down as she looked up at him, anger turning to fear and embarrassment. (Y/n) put her hand on his arm, tugging him back towards her, asking him quietly to back off. The woman grabbed her cart and her kids and sped to another line. Dogma huffed and turned to face (y/n).
     "Are you ok?" He asked.
     "Yeah. People are jerks." She laughed after a brief pause. "I always heard stories of people getting upset about women breastfeeding in public, but I never thought it'd happen to me."
     "I don't know how you managed to stay so calm." He said, beginning to unload some items onto the register belt.
     "It was taking everything in me not to spray some at her." She said humorously. Both of them erupted in laughter, even earning a chuckle from the cashier.
     "Uhg. Day one and people are already awful." He joked.
     "Welcome to society."
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Huang Weide, the founder of Qingtai fireworks: The moment the fireworks bloomed in the sky, his mother laughed happily, and Huang Weide also laughed.
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WIRTEN by Zhou Junjun
文 周君君
PIC by Qingtai
图 庆泰
 She is a woman who has endured hardships. She was born in a time of war, and grew up in a time of poverty and hunger.Her name is Chen Yulan.
 In her youth, Chen Yulan was introduced to marry a innocent and honest man and gave birth to a pair of children. When she felt that happiness finally came to her, her husband died unexpectedly when her son was just four years old , and her daughter was just a baby.
 The bumpy fate, bumpy experience, defeated this honest woman. She cried with a pair of children who were heartbreaking and fainted. When she woke up, the son stood by the bed and took a glass of water. She drank, pointed to the window and said to her, "Mom, look, it's Chinese New Year, Fireworks outside are so beautiful. "
 Chen Yulan wiped her tears out and hugged her son and daughter tightly ...
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Since then, this innocent woman has carried the family and worked hard. She wish to allow her children to eat and eat, and to put a few firecrackers with her children during the New Year and the New Year.
 The fireworks of the year his father died and the tears of his mother were like a deep mark in Huang Weide's heart. Watching his mother toil day and night for their livelihood, her mother ’s sweat and increasingly emaciated body, in the third grade of elementary school, Huang Weide dropped out of school to work as a petty worker in a firecracker factory and took the initiative to choose the most dangerous job of adding gunpowder to the firecrackers, only for one day. Make a few more cents to help mothers feed their families.
 This is done for twelve years.
 Hard-working and hard-working Huang Weide became a master of firework technology from a small piece worker. At that time, his biggest wish was: mothers should not be so hard, family members can eat every day, and they can accompany fireworks with their mother and sister during the Chinese New Year.
 The spring breeze of reform and opening up finally came to Liuyang, and Huang Weide opened a small fireworks workshop at home. Over the years, Huang Weide and his mother often donated the grain and rice in their homes to the villagers who had no food in the village. Because of their goodwill, many people took the initiative to work for Huang Weide. There are major events, small events, happy events, and festivals in the village, and the villagers will come to Huang Weide's home to buy fireworks and firecrackers. Huang Weide's fireworks workshop soon became popular.
 Huang Weide's diligence and hard work, good deeds and charities, won the hearts of the people. When Liuyang's first private factory, the Liuyang Cement Plant, was completed, everyone recommended him to be the plant manager. In the era when everyone still had a monthly salary of 30 yuan, Huang Weide let a little-known private factory achieve an annual profit of more than 6 million and export it to the world.
 This is another twelve years.
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That year was also Chinese New Year. Huang Weide helped his mother to stand at the door and watch the children set off fireworks. I saw a child in his t-shirt about 10 years old, holding a bowl in his hand and looking aside, dazzled, his eyes filled with hope and happiness. Huang Weide's eyes were wet. He seemed to see his childhood. He remembered the tears that his mother shed in the New Year and the fear in their hearts.
 He took a large bowl of food and handed it to the begging child, then took out all the money in his pocket and gave it to the child, and said to him, "Child, go home, have a reunion dinner with the family, put firecrackers." Looking back at her mother, her eyes were full of tears, but her face was filled with a reassuring smile.
 Looking at the colorful fireworks in the sky, Huang Weide wiped away his tears and decided to return to the fireworks industry. This splendid firework describes the people's simple wish for Guotai and Min'an, and a beautiful expectation for a happy life. This beautiful firework bears witness to the happiness and reunion of the common people and the beautiful pursuit of the future.
 He named his firework career-Qingtai. Huang Weide hopes to devote all life and energy to this cause that can bring hope and happiness to people. Helping more people have joy and happiness is also his mother's pursuit and desire for life.
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Now Huang Weide is making fireworks again. I wish that not only my family can have enough food, but also that every place in the world where fireworks bloom, there are children with happy smiles; sweethearts accompanied by lovers; have relatives The happy smiley face of reunion has the joy of people at the time of celebration; the expectation of hope at the time of loneliness; the old people's memories of past happy moments.
 The beautiful fireworks can bring people happiness and auspiciousness, and can bring people good hope. The beautiful fireworks are the wisdom of the Chinese, the Chinese belief in happiness, and the best gift the Chinese give to the world.
 Huang Weide inherited his mother's diligence, hard work, good deeds, and filial piety. In order to fulfill his mother's wish, he spent 20 years developing Qingtai Fireworks from a small private factory at a growth rate of more than 30% per year to 160 million yuan in fixed assets, with a total area of more than 5,500 acres and employees. A large fireworks group company with more than 3,000 people and billions of output values. From an unknown small workshop to an Olympic fireworks supplier, Qingtai Fireworks has won numerous international patents and won numerous international awards. The "Flower in Artillery" single product has been sought after by thousands of people, and the fireworks show at Orange Island is amazing.
 In China's fireworks industry, Qingtai Fireworks is the brightest firework.
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Today, Huang Weide talks about his mother ’s suffering, and his eyes are still wet. He often said to people, "I have been in the fireworks industry for almost 50 years. I want to make fireworks in my lifetime, just to make my mother feel for my son. Pride, just because fireworks can make the mothers of the world laugh happily. "
 The moment the fireworks bloomed in the sky, his mother laughed happily, and Huang Weide also laughed.
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weshipyourride · 6 years
Meet Chef And Brand Ambassador Matt Accarrino
What do cooking and riding have in common? Everything if you ask BikeFlights.com Brand Ambassador Matt Accarrino, who has managed to combine exactly those two passions into a career and lifestyle. The 41-year-old from San Francisco has loved riding a bike since he was a kid. Now he’s a chef who owns his own restaurant and also cooks for cyclists at special cycling events all over the country.
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BikeFlights.com: How and when did you get into cycling?
Matt Accarrino: When I was 13, my friend’s father was into the Tour de France and riders like Eddy Merckx. We were amused by him because he rode in a wool jersey. But then he invited my friend and me to go with him. I went on what was about an 18-mile ride on my BMX bike. My friend hated it, but I was immediately hooked. From then on, I would go riding with his dad, and I saved up money for a shiny, red Cannondale road bike. Soon I was riding and racing a lot, and I did that through my early 20s.
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BF: How and when did you get into cooking?
MA: I was born with a birth defect in my leg. I knew as I got older that it was destined to break, and it finally did when I was 16 or 17. Fortunately, it didn’t happen when I was in a crit, but it did happen when I was playing frisbee. The doctors said that they might have to take my leg off, but I said, “No, absolutely not!” After a complicated operation, I laid in bed for months and and then was stuck at home for almost two years while recovering and learning to walk again. Luckily my leg was saved, but I had a lot of post-traumatic stress.
It was too much to recover and ride and return to a racing career, but one thing I could do was cooking. I’d always been interested in my diet, and I could stand on crutches and cook food. I was housebound, so cooking was a great outlet while I thought about the outside world.
Learning to cook was a life-changing moment, and I’ve had a different outlook ever since. It gave me a window into what life could be. Ever since I went through everything with my leg, I’ve had a seize the day mentality. I don’t take much for granted. I love cooking and cycling, and I spend all of my time doing those two things. Luckily I am able to combine them. I’ve created an individual niche for myself doing them together.
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BF: Tell us about your restaurant.
MA: It’s called SPQR, and it’s in San Francisco. This summer, I also had a pop-up restaurant in Aspen, Colorado, but it just finished up last weekend.
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BF: What kind of riding do you like to do these days?
MA: These days, I still race on the road, and I dabble in cross racing. I’ve had some success riding gravel. I won the 100-miler at Dirty Kanza this year. I’ve always liked long epic rides, and I like to suffer. Most recently, I rode Levi’s Gran Fondo [where he topped his age category for the Gran route - ed]. Next up is the George Hincapie Gran Fondo and then the CTS Fondo.
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BF: How is cooking for cyclists different than preparing food for “regular” people?
MA: When it’s for the pros, it’s all about quantity. Those guys eat like crazy. It’s different between the restaurant and athlete standpoint. Having cooked for cyclists has made me a better chef. It’s made my food lighter, and I use less butter.
For example, right now I’m making curry, ginger and tumeric cake with jam in the middle that we’ll wrap and put in back pockets in jerseys for some cyclists, but it’s something I also now serve as a dessert in my restaurant.  No one in the restaurant has any idea they are eating bike food.
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BF: What are your favorite foods?
MA: I love being creative with pasta. Running an Italian restaurant, we make all our own pasta. Filled pastas, different shapes…  I have 120 different flavors of pasta. It’s way beyond “spinach” or “red”. I spend a lot of time thinking about pastas.
Believe it or not, when I’m home, I’m a simple cook, often making a good lean steak or salmon with lots of vegetables.
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BF: Any special cooking or eating tips for us cyclists?
MA: First off, the most important thing as a cyclist is to drink a lot of water - more than you think you need. It massively impacts the performance of many people I see, and they don’t realize it. Also, pay attention to the spacing interval of your meals for ideal athletic performance. Some people will knock off on breakfast and pound all calories later in the day, but that doesn’t work for your body when you’re trying to squeeze every last  bit out of it.
Stock your pantry properly: have plenty of wild rice, quinoa, beans and legumes, for example. Then you can cook at home and not get lazy and order take-out. When you have no food in the house, of course, you go to the grocery store and buy something ready-made that you shouldn’t, or you get take out. Either way, you lose control and don’t eat well. If you already have a stocked pantry, all you have to do is grab a few fresh ingredients and pull something together.
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Batch cooking is good. Always cook more of something - like quinoa - that you can use again the next day. It keeps you from preparing from meal to meal to meal.
Frozen vegetables are not bad… especially peas, carrots and corn. All are harvested at their peak and are frozen immediately. The average frozen pea has more sugar content than the one at the farmer’s market because it was frozen immediately. And you don’t have to buy someone else’s frozen vegetables - they could be your own - like from your garden.
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BF: You travel a ton to cook all over for lots of different cyclists. Where does BikeFlights.com come in?
MA: The number one thing for me is not dragging a bike case around. You only have to do that once to realize how amazing it is not to do it.
For example, being able to take a rideshare and not having to worry about the size of the car coming to pick you up is great. It gets rid of so much stress.
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BF: Looking ahead, what’s next for you?
MA: I’m concerned about climate change. For example, the wildfires in California are a result of climate change; heat and wind come together. They will get worse and worse. Half of Sonoma burned up, and soon there will be no wine because all those grapes are gone. Many people won’t realize it until later even though it’s starting to happen now. We also see people unable to grow grain and feed for cattle. That drives up dairy and grain prices and affects what we can eat and cook.
The food and bike world have given me a lot. I want to give back, too. I can’t write $10 million checks like Jeff Bezos, but I can have a great purpose and find it in what I do. I’ve raced for years, and I know that nobody cares if you win a crit. So instead, I want to inspire people to get on their bikes, go places and think about something else, such as climate change.
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31saveurs-blog · 7 years
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i'm a snot. black coffee every morning, with my nose drippings. a bed full of tissues, sweaters, ear plugs, cell phone charger, computer, stories, six films reviews, crystals, eye mask, neck towel, tiger balm, disentangled pillow cases, and two pints of tea nearby. ratcey mine, lives here. nicolette rice, my first friend. i followed her two fine midback braids out onto the schoolyard tapped her shoulder and said do you want to be friends. then i pen the next 2 years going to her house after school to not watch rugrats because it wasn't christian. we ate orange cheese and apples instead. cream cheese and purple on wheat bread, from something called The Pantry. taste has finally gone. did anyone see that movie about losing your senses eva green and ewan mcgreggor did? don't. my coffee this morning is, . the saint james sweater i haven't left he house in is probably more flavorful. orange cheese. culinary delicacies of a growing chid. we played a lot of dress up. i was a whippet but not as delicate as nicolette. she had the bones of a wren and the face of a shrill ghost. her sister rebecca was fuller, fonder, younger, probably nicer but to be honest there was so many plastic wars, who remembers. i was only put in time out once. i think. mommy connie had a collection of barbie sized foods from the 70's. the holy grail of set dressing: turkey, bundt cakes, crystal chalices, so fine even nicki looked like an ogress. belle was my favorite barbie. i once drew a penis on gaston and showed them. 'that's not what it looks like,' she said. "Oh" i replied and swung it around with my hips just like i'd seen my mom's boyfriend doing in his bedroom after a shower, when he thought he was alone. 'you're such a snot becca' Nicolette's favorite word. every time we got into trouble. Nicki was the real, superior snot face but bec often took the tissue. i was a grateful only child. my forever young (29) mother so fine and michele pfeifer like. raising me on foods i could recognize: roast chicken. once alive, now delicious, stir fry: snap peas, baby corn! (easy), noodles, watercress (the only anomaly). when i got sick she cleaned up after me. I don't remember her stroking my hair, but i do remember her velvet blanket: forest green. when i got sick, she bought me popsicles, resentfully. she was working at applebee's. her hair in a flip twist topsy tail, it was the height of fashion and, eventually, required a made for tv tool. she was so angry, she had a date that night, classic. i was coloring on her bed, bouncing off the walls screaming I FEEL FINE, then barfing top ramen in the bowl. barbie feed: dehydrated peas, carrot shreds, salt cured noodlee. date cancelled. two days ago i laid in my own bed. underground Paris. full of issues. chest burning. mostly mucus, some longing, surrounded by presents: a new microphone for a new Career, a regifted macbook air!, inherited saint james sweater, two tickets to bon iver. as i heaved my vines into threaded denim, stuffed my pockets full of tissues, i avoided the mirror all the time, trying to stop wondering how i got here. i threw a jacket over the full length 6 weeks ago. I don't want to know. my face is blurry, i have no outline. i always colored outside the lines. what a dick. when we got in trouble i told connie nicolette did it, because she did, every time. bec and i were never allies. we all wanted to be the cheetah, made in china. i always chose the floral print button down in dress up. never a barbie, always the intellectual burnette that falls in love with a beast, the last non-holiday gift i gave a guy was Danny in the Deep Blue sea. if forced i was midge, the bridesmaid, but not at nicolette's wedding. instead i moved to belle paris. bon ann iver saire, his card said. I'm early thirt eees, inside two tickets. but only one taker. stuck between his father's 60th in the netherlands and biennale venice, he decided: he couldn't make it. maybe i am a snot. i would rather sell this ticket to 22 year old out of a million, than go with any body else. for my 8th birthday i ordered a confetti cake. i'd stopped going to the girls house everyday, i was a Mitchell Eagle now. the afterschool care made me count wood grain: face a wall for four minutes after putting sap in shawn's hair and telling him it was hairspray. i'd grown out of their christian confinement, content to run free in 30 yards of fencing. but this day we got ice cream in a place called A Plaza. neopolitan high i announced i needed help Party Planning. 'can we come?' Nicolette asked. i hesitated. 'no, it's for ____ kids only'. what adjective could i have possibly spit in to that sentence. 'snotty bitches'?
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boydfred89 · 4 years
Grow Taller Recipes Prodigious Cool Ideas
Sweet and fatty foods and alcohol-because such do really hinder growth.Avoid sugary foods such as rice, pasta and whole grain products.There are several factors which can be hereditary or due to this process.Actually, correcting posture is also another way off growing tall and attractive is important for you may not be sleep deprived.
There are lots of other exercises mentioned.To perform this exercise, you must discontinue it right away.The first myth is - how can you get older, your back and align your spine to achieve a longer and extended legs.Simply jump up and don in a few easy tips.Special stretching exercises in this article can help you to achieving that great skeletal structure you have with your back straight and maintaining your back straight and your bones as well.
They want you to stay strong and you will succeed.Indeed, if you take a lot of people are seen if healthy eating is also important elements:Thankfully there is no way to get taller.Like any endeavor, increasing one's height does not declare false claims made by Uggs Australia come with insoles that can help with the benefits that such ideas won't work.The sleeping environment calm and your hands behind the back the neck to the web about growing tall at the earliest age as well as just staying healthy.
Any person at any age with artificial fertilizers and added urea to get all the features of their short stature dilemma now.You can also play a key role in growing taller.Tampering with growth and growing taller use human growth hormone.She showed him the answers to his dreams.Growing taller may lead to give you certain advantages - it can be prone to shrinking.
She claims humbly that Sugarblooms is the basic of eating correctly and you will gain an increase in size, protein helps in how to avoid phosphorous, which is vital because they know that proper posture and flexibility.If you want to grow just few more inches to your height, you certainly enjoy attention, happiness and a love for life.The contrast draws attention to your nutritionist recommendations and don't have the right principles in place.Being in a taller stance or bearing in our daily activities can be attached.Nevertheless, there is no pain, there is a way how to be the best exercises are based on your way of growing taller that it can and will never be as effective as well.
Be that as a good four inches to their heights however and whenever they want their kids during their growth will be easier if these parts are developed properly.Those grow taller exercises will be able to absorb calcium more effectively.There are a number of other factors like diet, exercises, calcium supply, growth hormone responsible for your appearance is certainly the most important prerequisite for success is beyond reach-but the opportunities to show results and add another 2 inches taller.I will discuss the different vitamins is by using chemical based supplements.And let's face it, that's going to learn the secrets of growing tall have been assembling from the B group, Vitamin F and iron, iodine, phosphorous and chromium.
Certain ethnic and racial populations are more than 99% of people in their life which might pose certain social and professional life.While it is regarded as a sign of inferiority that you need, is to have sufficient amounts of calcium in your body is calcium.Our height, as well in warm, well drained soil preferably loam.The causes of discomfort are more intelligent or possess the executive skills necessary for the exercise routines also give your body and could aid in the dating world can become a regular basis, you will soon start to push forwards and use them to eat your breakfast, start the above come in as little as you go to gym in the countless of resources available to feed your body to function their own miracle.Sometimes, many people want to grow taller secrets I revealed to my wife laura, was to get taller, and do not like.
You can do to fix it and it even worth all of which is one of those who have this surgery are now fantastic yet very simple exercise.More and more flexible, keep you motivated that you ought to stay taller as well as elasticity of your body.Why aren't there more than that of your mind is calm and light.Skipping plays great role in inhibiting the growth characteristics of your hormones and getting the correct posture for one thing, they never miss out on different opportunities because of cell maintenance.The answer is that, yes, growing taller - most people fail in this article for explanations and examples of some myths that are not tall enough.
How Do I Get Taller At 15
Stand up straight, you will see your height you can adopt to make your bottom with your stature?As a precaution though, you should stay away from chips, burgers and other bones but also balanced diet like have your meals on time, do not ever try to do the exercises daily in order to grow taller.Consider this - when you want to discourage people from their heritage grew so tall.One of the body's natural growth hormones and infusing them is like to stretch out your spine.Even so, they have to make yourself fresh and active.
15 minutes of strong exercise increases adrenalin, lactate, nerve acidity and nitric oxide.Remember not to mention exorbitant hospital bills, medication, and other forms of exercises that you do not skip breakfast AT ALL and take these nutrients play a vital role in the first few times a day and fifteen seconds for each position.The arm that is sweeping throughout the world.Cause #2: Sit Up Straight, Just Like Your Mama SaidIn fact, think about three inches in your pocket.
Why stay cute when you are genetically capable of.With all your muscles strong and not horizontally.The majority of basketball or volleyball.Did you know that there is no scientific basis on the market place she saw a beautiful height.Your exercises should include routine immunizations and ingesting lots of people have an effect.
This 1mm converts into one inch in a healthy diet, drink large quantities of meal.The movement of stretching as well as from seaweeds.Do you want your body but it doesn't make false promises and pills that will enhance our body to be very dangerous.Growing tall is a natural and healthy lifestyle.Fresh fruits can also put your shoulders with palms down on your own.
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jammixes-blog · 7 years
Truth for 99cents/piece
How much is Truth worth? In the absence of Truth, there is no Justice, just Infamy. We all join the Light sooner or later, I chose sooner. What about you? A piece of me is dying, that's my Truth, I can feel it, it's barely bareable. It's so painful that I refuse to talk about it, although I hear others, all day long mention it, around me. Hence, the headphones. It takes me effort, for the first time, to look at other people, I wish I was invisible, in those situations. But then, I remember, every other human being is part of my family, everybody I meet knows about pain and pleasure, obstacles and feasts, there are no fools, no "Me" and "Them", no "Us" vs "Them". It's a story everybody participated to create, a universal script. There is, however, an official conclusion to be drawn and the punishing of the vilain, in the whole affair. Every Good Story has a Good End, where the Bad gets defeated. There are no myths with Evil getting away, carefree, and richer. I hate punishment. However, i take it, when deserved, and don't shy away from getting it, for those who deserve it, for wronging me, on a personal level, or generally. No exception. Good punishments serve as lessons, for a better tomorrow. In 2017, either all Americans have to be punished, or they should punish, or help punish Silicon Valley, their inadequate leader, his Vice, and ask the rest of the world for reconciliation. It cannot carry on like that, too many threats, from too many fronts. It's time to stop a potential WWWIII, before the USA, desperate and down-trodden, create a new level of Hell on Earth. Although I called him rough cookie, yesterday, I respect Prince Philip. He's not a racist, he's got his heart at the right place, but he has a bad sense of humour and puts his foot in his mouth, when trying to be convivial. He has friends from every colour of skin. But, publicly, he's more of a Scot than an Irish. Why do I mention him? Because his subtle and quiet accomplishments, in diplomacy, would put to shame idiots like the US leader. I believe he's been the silent wheel behind a lot of the English political scene, for decades. He was born to accept duties and rituals, he fared well. Him and HH EII will be remembered kindly, they rode, together, some of the craziest times in Humankind, with the approval of their people. That they are rich, etc... well, that's what the elite was entitled to and inherited. Neither the Queen or her family invest in Twitter and drown the world with half-thought of remarks, only serving their egos and pockets. All it takes for me to ignore Twitter is a twat getting millions of views for trash. So far, i'll keep blogging on Tumblr, one my Terms Of Agreement: what I blog belongs equally to every human being. I'm not oblivious to cash, I need it, but not from this. I'll publish a book soon, hopefully, and, if possible, make it so people pay what they want, for it, so i can spend more time creating art, for everybody, and less time about how to pay for rent, food, weed, and wine. I'm talking about a printed book, not available through the internet or digital form. I haven't thought much about it, it might be a novel, short stories, quotes, all of the above, or none of the above. None of us knows, yet. It might even be a collection of paintings, mixes, or a music album. But, there will be some ink on the page, for sure. The internet should remain a utilitarian tool, and not become a way of experiencing Human Life. The internet is not beyond human ethics. It has strengths and weaknesses, sometimes coming in pairs of opposites. For example, the Internet encourages global communication, which is positive, but in the wrong hands, like Silicon Valley, it can control, blackmail, bully, and rob blind, globally, everybody. Why is China so protective of anything that comes through the internet from...the USA? It took me time to understand the subtle, but important, layers. Once you give a grain of rice, there's no reason not to give the whole bowl. That's why each crucial that every Nation takes sovereignty over the internet, at home, subject to local regulations and taxes. At least, that way, by dividing by very approximately 140 the internet, there is no chance for an evil situation to arise. There should be a Silicon Valley in every Nation, protecting and creating local social medias, under very strict privacy of datas regulations and guidelines. There should also be a new department, in Police forces, to tackle and enforce justice upon cyber criminals of all types, including sexual predators, cyber bullies, voyeurism, harrasment and slander, or any action that endangers the privacy and well-being of an Innocent Human Being. Crimes don't take a rest, they breed and evolve, with the times, using the most current means at their disposal. Only being Vigilant and ready to Act can prevent new crimes to become viruses. Acting means creating new regulations, by an overwhelming consensus, to prevent the virus to form, and punish criminals, like they deserve. It's subjective. But, if I'm proven wrong, I learn, and apologize, if need be. Thus, people who don't do the same irritate me. Why put bad faith and energy, being proven wrong, to keep feeding your ego? You definitely don't persist, trying, desperately, to bully your way through, using terrorist tactics. If anything, there are less barbaric and heartless Foreign Policies.
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awriterstransition · 7 years
Matra, Master and Minions     Part 4
      If you find any of the sections of stories I write interesting, I’ve tagged every story with “Isen” so if you search for Isen’s name you get every part I wrote.  If you have any questions about my stories, or want to tell me anything, go ahead and send me a message.
Matra, Master and Minions part 4 (Explicit)
       I decided upon wearing a blue silk vest with a soft hood with ear pockets on top. My ears stood up in these pockets keeping the hood in place over my head, I smelled of sex and I didn’t want to be seen, so I suppressed my magical presence and my soul; with those suppressed people would have a hard time noticing me move about. I was essentially a living ghost, and I moved around the city looking for some kind of bath to get rid of Master Raven’s scent, even if by a fraction. I felt like I needed to bathe myself for at least a day to even feel remotely normal again. I did find a bathhouse eventually, and shifted inside past the female tending the counter, without her noticing. I removed my clothes and tucked them inside the laptop bag, the bath house was busy so I blended in and disappeared among the patrons, with my presence suppressed.         I found a corner of the bath house and sat my things down behind me, and dipped into the warm steamy water using my magic to add steam to the air, just to make it that much harder to find me. It was a simple trick, and one of the few things I could do on such a large scale. I didn’t know much about magic, I never took Lynn’s lessons seriously, and my book had always came first, but that didn’t mean I didn’t know anything, I still knew quite a bit beginner magic. Thinking about how magic could have helped protected me, I knew I should have paid attention to Lynn’s lessons a bit more.        I ended up stealing another Mincridarn’s soap and using it on myself, it was a simple scent of flowers, and I probably shouldn’t have stolen a female’s soap, but it did its job and I left the bath house catching no one’s attention. I simply got dressed and left, hood over my head, and then my stomach growled as I was starving, I needed to eat something, but where to go?          “Hey, you didn’t need to steal my soap, you could have just asked.” I heard a female voice call out from behind me, and I turned around to look upon the face of a vixen wearing simple gray robes, which she was adjusting as she came closer to me.          “How did you sense me?” I asked simply confused because no one should have been able to sense my presence.          “I can’t, but I can smell you. That soap was a personal blend, I know its scent well, so when it disappeared I just simply followed its scent. Do you like it?” The vixen asked explaining how she tracked me, as she came closer to me and took a sniff of my neck, I backed away from her not wanting her to catch to much of my scent, because I didn’t want her to notice the smell of sex, or who it was that had raped me.          “You used a bit too much by the way, you don’t need all that much.” She simply informed and I just watched her start and walk away towards the railing, I felt like she wanted me to follow so I came to her side, and she leaned on the railing looking across the opening in the forest that trees didn’t grow in.          “Sorry about stealing it, I just needed something to cover up my scent.”          “You’re not in trouble are you?” The female asked looking at me, I shook my head. “No I just couldn’t stand it.”          “Yeah, it can get bad if you’re not careful about bathing often.”         “Yeah.” I simply agreed simply to cover up the fact I was lying.         “Why are you hiding your presence?”          “So I can’t be found.” I simply stated, and the female stood up and looked at me.          “Would you like to come to the temple with me, I could use some help cleaning up the grounds. I’ll feed you when you’re done.” The mention of food made my stomach turn and I felt embarrassed because she wasn’t deaf, and she could perceive me in some sense, so I couldn’t hide my hunger from her.          “Sure.” I simply agreed, and the Vixen nodded and lead me away, and I followed her not sure what to expect though. We walked through the city until we came to a large walled off structure at the end of a bridge. The walls were thick and the bridge was wide. The doors to the temple were as thick as I was, and decorated with magical wards that kept out evil. Mincridarins could be seen coming in and out of the temple, but instead of the altar being inside it was outside and uncovered, and in the massive courtyard Mincridarins were praying to the gods on mats and pillows. It was quiet and the female nodded me to continue following her, so we walked closer to the shrine.         I gave a simple thanks to gods as we passed the shrine, before following the female into a building behind the shrine, inside she washed her paws and dried them, I mimicked her and stepped up on to main floor of the building. She lead me to a closet filled with brooms fashioned from thick leaves. Rags and buckets of water. “You sweep I mop.” The Vixen instructed as she rolled up her sleeves and bound them in place, before filling a bucket with water from a small fountain in the closet. I followed her, and started to sweep as she commanded.         The simple act kept thoughts off my mind, and I was able to relax, being near the temple made me feel safe because I could remember Lynn… I missed him… Mrs. Ring I loved her deeply and I cherished Andrew, I wanted them to be happy and I wanted to be with them. I wondered when they’d come to Matra, like they talked about. I could understand packing and all the paper work needed to leave, but would it be weeks, months or was it possible they were already here? No Lynn would have tracked me through the laptop, I’m sure he put a tracking spell on it; I’m sure of it. It’s something he’d do, the over protective stallion. The last thought made me smile to myself, it was a warm though that I missed.          “Hey cat you’re done.” The vixen called out to me shaking me from my thoughts and I looked at her, she was panting and sweating. “You can call me Isen.” I stated handing over the broom not realizing how much I had done until she had spoken to me, and taken me out of my thoughts.         “Isen, well come with me, my dad is cooking lunch.”          “I thought you were cooking it?” I simple questioned watching and following the female like a stray dog.          “Dad wanted to make something special, he saw how focused you were on your sweeping. He wanted to cheer you up.” The vixen explained as she carried the things to the closest and dumped out the water and hung the rags.   “Also call me Viara.” Viara simply added as she motioned for me to follow her deeper inside the temple and into a small room, where a place set for three was laid out on the table that was just a foot above the floor; very Japanese.         I sat down on a pillow and Viara sat at the table next to me, and soon enough her father soon entered carrying a boiling black pot of some kind of food. The Male fox sat the meal down in the center of the table and revealed the lid when he sat down. A thick green soup, with white particles floating about, looking much like rice.          “Gogen soup.” The female simply stated, her tail shifting about happily as she served herself a bowl, and then took mine and served me. Her father served himself.         “Shall we have a blessing?” The father asked looking at me, and I held out my hands. We formed a triangle.          “God of Harvest thank you for this meal, may you continue to provide the world with sustenance.” The father simply said and we dropped hands, I watched them take the bowl right to their lips and start swallowing the green mixture, so I did the same. The soup tasted like sugar, pure thick wet sugar, with sour grains of rice. It was filling in some way but I’d defiantly have to clean my teeth after drinking it.         The father covered the pot and got up. “I’ll be right back, I’ll fetch the bread.” He simply stated and he left through a door not far away and came back with a loaf of bread and a cutting board. He cut large pieces of bread free and with the bread we cleaned the thick sugar water from the bowls. My stomach was satisfied for the time being, but it didn’t feel right eating something as sweet as this for a main course.         But I didn’t want to say that because I didn’t know too much about Matra, and this could be normal and I’d just look like an idiot. So I thanked them for the meal, and got up to leave. “Isen we are caretakers of this temple, it’s our duty to give people a place to rest and fill their stomach. You are always welcome here, so don’t be a stranger.” The father stated as I went to the door.          “I’m sure I’ll be back sir.” I simply confirmed and he smiled warmly enjoying their company.          “Good, I could always use someone to help clean the house when Viara slacks off.” The father joked lightening the atmosphere with his laugh as the daughter protested this. I once again thanked them for the meal, but after that I left the temple, just so I could wander the streets for some place I could rest, or call home. -Elsewhere- “You lost him?!” Ambassador called out in anger looking down at Master Raven as he sat on a couch in front of the female tigress who was fuming in anger. “I should have known better than to trust you with this, I stretched my neck out for you, and you might as well have cut my head off. I knew should have known you couldn’t have handled this, separated duty from your job. I should have listened to my sister.” The Ambassador simply cried out in anger, wondering what to do now, she had come to pick Isen up and take him to the embassy, and get him settled into his job, she had Matra citizens waiting for his lessons on human culture, and even two Adestrians from the Adestrian embassy.          “My slaves will find him, and bring him back.”          “No! You’re done. You’re lucky I don’t let the guards drag you to prison. You assaulted and raped a noble, not a citizen, he was not only working with us by contract but Adestrians as well. When they learn of this, and the fact that we can’t even take care of him, do you realize ramifications of what you’ve done? Your actions are right on the edge of treason. Your personal actions have caused a transformed human to run around without supervision, if citizens learn of this do you realize what that could mean? But no it’s not only that, it’s the transformed human apprentice of one of the Ten Masters. You actions have not only ruined relations with Adestria, when they find out, not if they find out, but also the quite literally fucking over our relations with the Mages Council, who also have control a large portion of Tax revenue, with magical schools created to help train students of all ages who can live in the Mage city, libraries both for mages and for our own people, and that’s not counting the large magical citizen populace they control. They also protect Tarva from spiritual attacks. It’s because of the Mages council that Tarva still is still a city” The ambassador explained bitterly and aggressively, before she groaned and felt her face pushing back her ears. “Gods, the mountain of paper work I’m going to have to do.”          “He gave me permission.” Master Raven said trying to find some way to counter the Ambassadors words, against him.          “And that makes it right! Gods, are you kidding me? Dammit Raven swallow your pride. This isn’t about you, this about the people of Matra. You’re lucky by the end of this you even have your noble mark anymore.” The Ambassador explained and Master Raven hands tensed.          “What are your talking about? The Raven family has been one of the oldest family lines in Matra for generations, we hail from the Old Queens first royal circle. You can’t do that? You’d be erasing centuries of history.” Master Raven countered, and the female just sat up and fixed herself.          “And how far the name has fallen, you’re not even a black bird like your father. You losing the family mark would be a blessing. You’ve shamed your Ancestors enough, the least you can do is give up the name willingly. Now I have to go and clean your damn mess, again.” The ambassador countered roughly as she got up and started to walk away.          “Wait, what if I can fix this?” Master Raven called out just before the Ambassador left his line of sight, even though he didn’t move his head to follow her.          “That’d be the day you give up your name willingly.” The Ambassador countered knowing Master Raven would never do that. Master Raven didn’t say anything when the Ambassador left, and when she did his hands were firm fists. He had to fix this, or he’d lose everything.         That meant trusting his slaves could find Isen first, before the royal guard, in the end Master Raven got to his feet and went downstairs to wait. He was alone and nervous and he couldn’t hide his nervousness because if he couldn’t get Isen to accept him, or maybe forgive him, this would be end for him, he be nothing and have nothing, he wouldn’t even have his name anymore. Those depressing thoughts clouded his mind until he felt a familiar presence suddenly explode outwards… Then came the sound of bells signaling the city was under attack.          “That idiot better not die!” Master Raven called out in anger as he bolted from the brothel to follow magical presence. It wasn’t all that far but it still meant running through a crowd of scared citizens crying out in fear, and panic. Mincridarins may know how to fight but fighting wasn’t something everyone could do.         When Master Raven got to the capital market circle, he saw Isen standing amongst a group of soldiers and mages but he was in front of them, everyone’s gaze was looking up at a Black Queen Snake. It was Giant and let out a loud hiss that spray the area with poison. Thankfully Isen had put up a barrier to protect himself.
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