#i want to shake them both like chew toys ngl
glitchedcosmos · 8 months
You don’t understand how much the possibility of seeing a classic style smol lil baby shadow next to smol little classic baby sonic means to me
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sunaswife · 4 years
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Summary: It’s been five years since you’ve seen your ex, Rin. He’s still not over you and you’re not over him. When he finds out you have children he thought he didn’t have a chance. Then he finds out they’re his? All of a sudden you’re teaching Suna how to be a single dad.
🔪: Y’all my heart 🥺 ngl I kinda cried as I wrote this
Warnings: Fluff, angst I guess, drama, and cuteness twin overload
Previously Up Next Masterlist
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Chapter Twelve
“Hi hi are you our grandma?” Rini said with wide eyes, you, Rin and Kauru were outside grabbing the last of the groceries and talking. It was like his mother was frozen in time, they looked exactly like her son when he was a kid, when she was still learning how to raise a tiny human.
She finally realized she was a grandmother because the looks were uncanny. “Yes I’m your grandma.” She replied and she kids ran and hugged her legs. “It’s nice to meet you, we’ve never had a grandma before but we promise to be good grandkids for you.” Rini said and Akira nodded. “What do you mean you never had a grandma before?” She asked the twins, they didn’t see the glint in her eyes. She needs all the information she can get to show her son that she’s not a good mother and he can fight for custody.
“Momma doesn’t talk to her parents. They’re mean and think she’s a dispointment.” Akira chimed in. Obviously the kid met disappointment which made sense. If Rin was a girl she’d probably do the same thing.
“Hey guys guess what grandma got!” Rin walked in, his hands full of groceries. He placed them down and pulled out the pack of the frozen Chuupets. The kids eyes widened and they ran to their dad to hand them a chuupet. “You are only getting one because you haven’t eaten dinner yet.” He said and the kids nodded. After he handed them the chuupet, they ran off. “How’s everything mom.” He looks down to see the shorter woman. “Could be better without your dog and your ex.” She answered and Suna frowned.
“At least try to get along with her? Please. She’s the mother of your grandkids and hopefully we can be together again.” He said hopefully and her eyes widened. “You wanna get back together with her.” She said almost disgusted and Rin sighed. “Yeah mom.” He replied. “You’re gonna regret it.” She hummed and Rin rolled his eyes.
“Excuse me..um...Mrs.Suna..?” You peered from behind the wall you somewhat heard their conversation but that’s a talk for another time, “What.” She raised a brow and Rin facepalmed. “When was the last time you checked the oil of your car? And your brakes?” You asked. “I don’t know. Usually we take it to a mechanic, but we’ve been busy raising someone else’s dog.” She said and eyed her son. “Mechanic? Rin nor Kauru don’t know how to do that?” You asked. “I have a sports car, no way in hell I’m fucking it up.” Rin replied.
“Is it okay for me to change the oil and the brakes? I would hate for you to get into an accident.” You asked. “Accident? You’d probably tinker with my car so I’d crash the next time I use it.” She crossed her arms over her chest. You were beyond confused, “Mom, stop.” Rin scolded and she rolled her eyes.
You left the car as is but made a mental note to ask Kauru for permission to add more oil and fix her brakes.
Other than that conversation you haven’t spoken to her the rest of the day. What bothered you was that she didn’t try to get close to the kids. You sat on the small picnic table in the backyard while Rin was throwing a chew toy across the backyard while his dog, Chewy chased it eagarly. When Rin came to the back yard he whistled causing the dog to turn its head, it stayed frozen as if not believing his owner was truly there. But eventually Rin called him and his ears perked up and he began running and whining at the same time. He tackled Rin and he fell back. Chewy licked his face and Rin was giggling with a big stupid smile on his face, you smiled lightly at the scene and Akira tugged onto your leggings to tell you that Rin was crying.
Your eyebrows scrunched in confusion and turned again to see Rin and then you saw it. The way he held on to his dog and a small tear streamed down. “Who’s a good boy? Are you a good boy?” He talked and Chewy’s tail wagged. “Alright bud, sit.” He commanded and he sat obediently. You could hear a tapping noise but it was because Chewy was so excited to see his owner. “Chewy meet your brother and sister.” Rin introduced and you started laughing. “What do you mean he’s our brother? He’s a dog.” Rini pointed out, “Same difference.” Rin shrugged and you covered your mouth to stop yourself from snorting.
“Okay get close and tell him to shake. Then shake his hand.” He instructed, Rini was first and gasped when Chewy obeyed. Earlier they got around to playing but they didn’t know their dads dog—I mean brother was trained. Akira did the same thing and she giggled. “Alrighty, Chewy. Meet your new mom.” He introduced you and you stepped back. “Nope, not my son.” You waved off, “Are you really gonna leave him motherless.” Rin pressed, “Yeah mama, he’s our brother you can’t be like that.” Akira whined.
“I just never really liked dogs.” You admitted, “Me neither but he’s my best friend.” Rin said softly. You looked down at the brown dog with curly hair. His tail wagged as his tongue sticker out so adorably. Now you understood why Rin named him Chewy, he looks like Chewbacca. “Nice to meet you, Chewy.” You reached your hand out to pet his head but he jump and rested his paws on your stomach, causing you to lose you balance and fall back. Before you could fall and die from embarrassment, No one other than Rin was there to catch you. “I’m sorry he doesn’t really do that. He’s just too excited.” He said from behind and helped you up. “No it’s fine.” You said and you both stayed quiet.
“So are you gonna continue holding on to my waist or..?”
“Fuck..sorry.” He apologized with flushed cheeks and let go. The kids began scolding their dad’s potty mouth and you hated that feeling in your stomach from when he pulled away.
Rin’s mom looked from the kitchen window and gritted her teeth while scrubbing the pan a little too hard. “Good job, Chewy.” Rini and Akira quietly praised and continued to play with their new brother.
“Finally we can talk.” Rin’s mom said and sat at the head of the table, you and Rin both gulped and Kauru sighed. He just wanted to nap. “Okay I can tell without a doubt that those children are Rintarou’s. And it’s nice that they don’t look like you.” Rin’s mom spoke up and you gasped. “If you’re here just to fight then don’t even open your mouth.” Kauru told his wife and she gave a glare. “Okay first of all. Why didn’t you tell my son you were pregnant.” She crossed her arms over your chest and you cuddled with your fingers. “Well Mrs.Suna...like I said over the phone. We had just broken up and I was hurt and afraid. I wasn’t sure if he would support me in keeping them—“ “Well how could you know if you didn’t speak up?” She interrupted but you ignored the jabs she threw. “I also wanted him to continue on with his career, stress free. I guess at the time I still loved him a lot that I didn’t want him to suffer with me. Or else I could have easily filed for child support.” You said and Rin frowned slightly.
“That’s not a good excuse. Rintarou has missed out on so much because you were selfish. You just wanted Rin to go pro for the money.” She accused with a pointed finger. “Mom—stop!” Rin immediately said and Kauru raised his finger to stop his son. “Karin do you know that for sure?” He asked his wife. “Yeah. All she does is party and drink. I think the kids are unsafe under her care. All of her money is wasted on her fake breasts.”
“Ma’am I can assure you that these are real. Ask your son.” You waved off and she gasped before she could open her mouth to utter more stupid shit you said. “With all due respect Mrs. Suna, you don’t know me. You don’t know how I raise my children, you don’t know what I do for a living and you don’t know what I’ve been through. Please before judging me, see how I treat my kids and how I treat your son. I have been nothing but respectful and the least you could do is treat me like a proper guest.” You argued back but she just ignored you and went through her iPad.
Why does she have an iPad? She flips the device over so you and the two Suna men could see and Rin almost spit out his drink. Karin told Kauru to look away and your mouth hung open as she swiped photo after photo of you in revealing lingerie. In some photos you’re wearing a gag and in others you’re chained up but it’s all modeling for Jamie and her line. You looked at your stomach and thighs and you could see those stretch marks.
Even though the world has seen these pictures, you can’t help but feel nervous when Rintarou is looking at them. You weren’t the same athletic girl from highschool, you gained weight, developed stretch marks, and you hate working out. You know you’re beautiful, that’s why you asked Jamie to not edit the photos of you she posted on the web. Your stretch marks and tummy were there for the world to see. But their comments or praise didn’t matter. The only person’s opinion that matters is Rintarou’s. Which is ridiculous to say but, some part of you still wants his approval and to be with him.
“Is this a good example to show your daughter? You want her modeling and showing off her body like a filthy wh—“ “Enough!” Rin smacked the table and stood up. You flinched as well as she did and you began to cry. “You make it seem like I should be ashamed of myself...”
“You should be.”
“Have you told them why we broke up?” You turned to Rin and he saw the tears streaming down. He wanted nothing more than to hold you in his arms and say that it’s okay. “No..” he shook his head and you sighed. “You won’t understand unless your son tells you what he did. Everything I did for myself and my children was for a reason. Now if you’d excuse me, I need to go, it’s time for their history lesson.” You wiped your eyes and left the table. Quickly you grabbed your bag with all their supplies and you met them outside. “Come on, time for school!” You called with a fake smile and red eyes. The kids understood to not argue and to just obey.
You sat on the picnic table with your two kids across from you and Chewy was laying on the bench right next to you, with his head on your thighs. “Mama...” Rini interrupted your thoughts, “Yes baby?” You asked and looked up from their lesson plan, “I love you, and you’re the best mom in the world.” He said with a small smile. “I love you more than Rini and you’re the bestest momma in the universe!” Akira chimes in and you chuckled. “I love you guys to infinity and beyond, forever and ever! It’s called unconditional love.” You said and their eyes widened. “Unconditional love...” akira hummed and you nodded.
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“Hi Kuroo-san is everything okay?” You asked as you made your way to the patio outside. It was already time for the kids bedtime. “Y/N I’m sorry for informing you last minute but one of the commentators for tomorrow’s game is in the hospital so we were wondering if you could fill in.” He spoke calmly. “I—oh gosh I’m all the way in Hyogo..when does the game start?” You asked.
After going back in forth for tomorrow’s game you hung up after respectfully telling him you weren’t interested in going out on a date. You rubbed your face and looked at the time. The trains have already closed for the day, so you’d have to take your car.
“You good?” Rin asked as soon as you walked back inside. “I need to go in to work tomorrow. Another commentator is in the hospital. Nobody else can fill in.” You said and his eyes widened since it’s a very long drive. “Oh how fantastic, leaving your young children overnight to go work—“
“I’m taking them.” You interrupted the witch and her eyes widened. “What do you mean you’re taking them.” She asked. “They’re my children and I don’t want to leave them with you. I’d rather take them and ask Jamie to watch over them and I’ll come back the day after tomorrow.”
“Y/N...” Suna snapped you out of your rambling and you turned your head to see him. “I’m here now, remember? You don’t have to do this alone anymore. I can take care of them and watch them. I’ve done it before.” He assured. “I’m sorry but I really don’t want them near your mom.” You explained your reasoning. “Tomorrow we’ll be at Kita’s farm all day. They’ll be fine.” He said and patted your head. Without even realizing, you leaned forward and wrapped your arms around Suna’s torso, his face flushed and he wrapped his arms around your shoulders. “Thank you. It means a lot.” You mumbled in his chest.
“It’s my job, partner.” He chuckled and you pulled away. “Fist bump?” He asked and presented his closer fist, you giggled and nodded. “Fist bump.” You did the same and your knuckles met. Rin’s mother scoffed and rolled her eyes, walking away to her room.
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You took a deep breath as you crossed lanes on the freeway going back home. You wanted nothing more than to stay with your kids or take them with you, but you can’t control everything yourself anymore. You gonna trust Rin.
You made it home by five am since the drive was eight hours but you made it in seven by speeding and automatically fell asleep in Rin’s bed. You decided to take the pull out bed in your office when Rin moved in and he slept in your old master bedroom. But you were too tired to pull it out so you slept in your old bed. You couldn’t help but notice how the pillows smelled like Rin.
His scent definitely changed, he doesn’t use the old spice fragrance from highschool. He now uses something more expensive and more subtle yet manly at the same time. You definitely needed to know what the scent was so you could buy more for him on a birthday or something.
You woke up at around 13:30 to get ready and leave by 15:00. You showered, did your hair and wore the white button up with the green dress pants and a green blazer on top. You slipped on some hot pink heels and some subtle jewelry and made your way. You called your kids and they said they were having a blast, they really missed you and wished you and their grandma were there and you couldn’t help but roll your eyes.
While Rin’s mom stayed home, her husband worked and Rin took the kids out, she began thinking about the day before.
“You won’t understand unless your son tells you what he did. Everything I did for myself and my children was for a reason.”
Rin’s mom was obviously confused and still annoyed at you. But then Rin sat her down after breakfast, the kids were outside and Kauru was already gone. He explained what he did with his friends and Karin couldn’t help but feel disgusted. If she would have been more involved in his teenage life then she could have prevented this. Prevented minors drinking, prevented her son getting sexually involved with you, and preventing an innocent girl getting hurt.
In reality you should have thrown a full can of coffee at Rin instead of an empty one. You should have cursed him and made him pay child support. That’s what she would do straight up. But you’re not her, and you explained why you did what you did. And she began to understand. “You have a lot of work to do in order to get back in her good grace.” She told her son. “I know I know..” he said softly. “That’s why we’re starting as friends. And eventually I wanna be with her romanticly and marry her. I want to be the man she can rely on and trust again.” He said and her mom smiled.
“I understand, I’ll make sure to apologize when she returns. And I’m rooting for you.” She said and Rin smiled. “Thanks mom.” She stood up and grabbed her bag, “I’m not in the mood to cook. How do burgers sound?” She asked Rin and he nodded. “There’s a place down the street that’s pretty good. I’ll be back in a few.”
Rin’s mother wanted to repent for her actions and she tried thinking of a proper way to apologize. She went into the restaurant to order and everywhere she saw, it explained that the food was made with peanut oil. But that’s what gave it the flavor. That’s why it’s so delicious. She happily payed for the food completely oblivious that her grandson was severely allergic to peanuts.
She arrived home and rounded up the kids. She gave them a kiss on the head and smiled as they showed her their drawings that she could keep. Rin’s mom passed around the burgers so Rin couldn’t see the bag that promoted the peanut oil being a main ingredient and the kids munched.
When Rini took the bite his eyes widened at the deliciousness. Bite after bite and his throat began to feel weird, as well as his stomach. He took a sip of the lemonade and he couldn’t swallow it properly. He began to cough and Rin patted his back confused and he face turned red.
“Rini are you choking?!” Akira asked scared and Rini shook her head. “My stomach hurts—“ he coughed and Rin’s eyes widened. “Oh shit.” He quickly ran upstairs to his old bedroom and looked through the bag with Rini’s inhaler and other vitamins. He saw the epipen and ran back out quickly unscrewing it. Rini’s face was turning purple and he continued to cough. Akira was crying and Karin didn’t know what to do. Rin fell to his knees and slammed the pen on his sons thigh. “Are you okay bud. Stay with me please.” Tears prickled his eyes. He seriously fucked up.
Rini’s chest heaved up in down as he tried to catch his breath. Rintarou instructed his mom to call 119 and an ambulance soon came and took Rini away with Rin in the ambulance. Akira was stuck with her grandma driving to the hospital.
Karin was so confused at the situation. And she was worried for her grandson. She tried her best calming the little girl who held the green pig plush and the fox plush in her arms. “Is Rini gonna die?” Akira pouted with watery eyes. “Of course not. Everything is gonna be alright.” She assured.
While all this was going down, you were talking and laughing as you talked about Sendai frogs and their intimating demeanor. You felt a weird feeling in your chest and felt like something was wrong. Your purse and phone was stuck in the lounge locker so you didn’t see the 20+ phone calls and messages you received from Rin.
He was afraid and didn’t know what to do. He really wished you were here by his side. He couldn’t do this alone and realized this is what it’s like being a single parent.
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🏷: @therealwalmartjesus @differentballooncollection @aaesuki @atsunflower @dope-squish @prettysetterboiss @june-phantom @tomo-uwu @austriasmariazelle @xrnia @katsulia @aprettyfruit @shut-your-eyes-kiss-me-goodbye @tvbiio @sun-daddy-yoriichi @kamenoyaki @ppangiiroo @loeyprivvv @kmskj92 @lovinnoya @sarahvvictoria @tris-does-stuff @mokkeguts @sunaluvr6969 @bara-rose-would @sempiternal-amour @volleybloop @leykyuu @bokutoichigo @stfucanunot @iloveanime691 @tpwkatsumu @ohrintarou @shoutosimp @mqrinqcele @bokutosdivineass @anngelllla @toworuu @hidden-otaku-stuff @seijohiselite @caxsthetic @aquariarose @hhwanggu @bakuhoetoedoroki @yoozuku @osamus-onigiri @akaashi-todorki @donica95 @kakaokenma @airheadpillar
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mischiefandi · 4 years
Prom? - Peter Parker
A/N: sooo, it’s been a hot minute since my last fic on this blog haha, and by hot minute, I mean over a year and a half hahaha (not counting my drake fic). This also happens to be my very first Peter Parker one-shot, so I really hope you guys enjoy it!
Summary: Peter wants to ask Y/N to go to prom with him, but will it go as planned? 
Warnings: it’s pretty fluffy ngl
Word Count: 4,3k
“Y/N, wait up!” Y/N whirled around instantly at the sound of the familiar voice calling out her name.  
The corners of her lips quickly quirked up when her eyes rested on her best friend, Peter. He was running towards her, his backpack jumping up and down against his back as he leapt across the hall and past the lockers to catch up with her. His eyes met hers, a bright smile on his face.
“Didn’t get much sleep last night?” she asked him, glancing at his obviously mismatched socks peeking out from under his pants and disheveled hair.
“Uh, yeah, not really. Ned and I stayed up really late to finish building the Lego Death Star.”  
“How’s it looking?”
“She is officially up and running- I mean obviously not- up and running, I mean, it’s just a bunch of Legos- what I’m trying to say is-,”
“Yeah?” he asked, lips slightly parted, eyes wide with anticipation.
“Why are you rambling? You only ramble when you’re really nervous about something,” said Y/N, smiling tentatively at her friend.
“I’m not rambling? Why would you say I’m rambling?”
Walking alongside Y/N and passing by the brightly-colored prom posters plastered on the walls, Peter looked down at the floor and she laughed, the angelic sound turning the color of his cheeks to a deep shade of red. He was nervous. Truth be told, she had always had that effect on him. Making him blush and stutter was something she did a lot more than she noticed. But he was more nervous than usual that day. Prom was right around the corner, and the students of Midtown High had been asking their significant others to the dance. Almost everyone had a date at this point. Except for Peter, and hopefully, Y/N.
Y/N chose to ignore her friend’s anxious antics and spoke again, her skirt twirling a bit as she danced ahead of Peter, still facing him. His pulse quickened at the sight of her. She truly was the most gorgeous girl in the world, at least in his eyes. She always wore sweet dresses and skirts, and she was never seen without two little hair clips in her gorgeous hair. She didn’t wear makeup aside from a light shade of pink lightly applied to her soft lips by her delicate fingertips. Her eyes sparkled with joy everywhere she went. She was sunshine. She was his sunshine. Or at least, he wholeheartedly wished she was.
“I had lunch with Tobias and Jessie. It wasn’t half as fun as building a toy spaceship would have been but-”
“-it’s not a spaceship Y/N! We’ve talked about this,” he whined with a smile tugging at his lips and she burst out laughing before hooking her arm around his own and kept walking, dropping her voice to a lower tone.
“I’m just messing with you, Parker.”
Her breath hit his neck and every single hair on his body raised at the warm feeling, his muscles tensing as she held onto his arm and swung it a little on their way to History.
It was moments like these, harmless to her but so utterly overwhelming to him, where he wished the simple action meant the same thing to the both of them. Where he wished her heart fluttered when she saw him run towards her, where he wished she was holding onto him because the idea of not feeling his touch was simply unthinkable.
Moments like these, he wanted nothing more than to lower his lips to hers and kiss her in front of everyone. They didn’t matter. Only she did.
“When do you go home? I always confuse Ned’s timetable with yours,” said Y/N, furrowing her brow.
“I-uh- have History with you and then Calculus right after.”
“Ha! Sucks to be you! After this, I am done for the day, and thank God too ‘cause I’m exhausted!” she added with a sing-songy voice.
Peter rolled his eyes at her but grinned from ear to ear as she rushed into the classroom, his body feeling light as air. A feeling that was about to disappear in just a matter of seconds.
“Oh my god Toby-…”
Inside the classroom, a dozen students stood next to Tobias who was holding a bouquet of pink roses in his hands, a dorky smile splashed across his face. Peter’s heart sank as he glanced at Y/N. She looked completely dumbstruck as the crowd held up a large poster with the words : “WiLL YoU Be mY DaTe To PrOm?” written in bright purple glitter letters.
Peter suddenly felt like melting into the ground and disappearing, the harrowing reality striking him. She was going to prom with Tobias and he was a fool. Squeezing past the students who had gathered around to watch the promposal unravel, the distraught boy slid out of the classroom and walked past the lockers.
An eruption of cheers coming from inside the class made his heart throb and he shut his eyes, accelerating his pace, knowing full well that what he had prayed wouldn’t happen, had.
Peter burst through the main doors of the school and stumbled down the stairs as he chewed on his lower lip, trying to inhale and exhale through his nose with serenity but failing miserably. He wasn’t going to admit it, not even to himself, but he was fighting tears right then and there. Ignoring the confused looks students were throwing him, he dashed down onto the sidewalk and turned a sharp left. Crossing the street, Peter ran towards the small alley by the dry cleaners and he stopped to catch his breath. He was probably going to get in trouble for skipping class, but he didn’t care. He needed to get away.
His eyes stung with emotion and he groaned out loud, weakly huffing before resuming his journey. After running past the dodgy trash cans and garbage, desperately trying not to inhale the unpleasant air engulfing him, he finally came to a halt and placed his backpack on the concrete ground. The strong smell of something rotting and other things he’d rather not think about filling his nostrils, Peter grimaced as he hurried to take off his blue sweatshirt and beige pants. Throwing his clothes in the backpack, Peter struggled to get into his spidey-suit, his shaking fingers making his task a little bit more difficult than usual.  
The disguised teenager then spewed a web at his things, sticking them to the brick wall opposite him, looked up, and leapt. Closing his eyes, he felt his feet leave the ground and the wind blow against his suit-covered skin. He always embraced the feeling he got while jumping up into the sky, the sensation unparalleled, but this time, his thoughts were clouded by the cheers he had heard just minutes before.
Peter shook his head as he landed with a smooth flip, his breathing slightly ragged, and he resisted the urge to yank his mask off, knowing it was still too big a risk taking it off so close to the ground.  
Again, he spewed webs all over the place, pulling and jumping and spinning around the towers and buildings that surrounded him. A few excited squeals could be heard as he flew above the crowded streets of New York but he didn’t bother stopping for a selfie. He needed to go somewhere quiet, somewhere he could be alone with his thoughts and his dejected self.
He found it soon enough.
It was the small fire escape he had spent most of his summer and early fall lunches at, calling Happy every single day to tell him what he had done around New York and to describe the crimes he had stopped. It was a place he knew well, a place he had gotten used to. His old faithful.
Peter huffed and rubbed the back of his neck after pulling off his tight mask, his hair messy and uncooperative. He tried to pass his fingers through the locks but his disheveled mop refused to set itself straight, so he gave up.
Looking out at the horizon, Peter gazed at the Manhattan skyline, the lines and corners of the buildings in front of him clashing with the sunlight. He had always loved this view. It wasn’t the best one in the city, but it was something, and it was his. You could still hear the cabs and the people down in the streets, but the sound was music to Peter’s ears, as was the sound of Y/N’s laugh, the sound of her voice.
Peter’s eyes welled up and he angrily rubbed at his them. Tobias was an idiot. He was. He liked baseball more than breathing and his stupid smirk made Peter’s blood boil. He wasn’t a bad boy, but he liked to pretend he was and that was something that annoyed Peter more than anything else. He seemed to think it was cool to say idiotic things, and he thought it was fun to smoke and drink cheap beer and wear a leather jacket. He was a walking cliché.
But…he was nice, and pretty funny once you got used to his sense of humor. And he was a decent chess player. He even liked Star Wars. He was a good guy, and that’s what Peter hated about this most of all.
Peter had liked Y/N for months, but he had always been so afraid of telling her how he felt. It was because he knew his awkward rambling would quickly turn him into a blabbering fool and he would hate himself for making his friend feel uncomfortable. But mostly, it was because he was terrified she didn’t feel the same way. It wasn’t just the obvious humiliation that scared him, it was the idea of losing the beautiful friendship he had with her. She was his everything, and losing her would hurt more than anything else.
As he gazed at the view, Peter thought back on the wonderful times he had spent with her since the beginning of the year.
They had met in that very same classroom in September. She was sitting in front of him, her back turned on him. He was absent-mindedly staring at the blackboard, his thoughts on something unimportant when she suddenly turned around and clapped her hands against his desk, bright yellow nail polish painted on her nails catching his eye.
“Do you have a highlighter I can borrow?” she asked, her voice smooth as honey.
Peter’s mind blanked, his eyes widening at the sight of her beautiful eyes, eyes he would often get lost in later down the line.
She watched him curiously, a confused but kind smile on her lips.
“Earth to Parker?” she insisted playfully and the boy snapped out of his daze.
“You know my name?” he asked her, bewildered.
“Well yeah, aren’t you in Debate Club?”
Peter’s brow furrowed and he leaned in a little, the sudden scent of sweet vanilla and strawberries invading his senses.
“Yeah, how do you do that?”
“Oh, I’m psychic,” she replied, shrugging nonchalantly as though this was a perfectly normal statement. Peter’s eyes widened a bit and she giggled, shaking her head with a grin.
“I’m kidding, obviously! I talked to Mr. Harrington about joining this morning. He showed me a picture of last year’s team and told me everyone’s names,” she explained.
“Right, obviously. My bad,” Peter replied, chuckling softly. His eyes clinged to hers. They were beautiful and vibrant, twinkling with joy as she smiled at him. He was enthralled by her. Though her smile became hesitant as the seconds grew longer.
“So, um, about that highlighter?” she said, laughing nervously.
“Right! Yes, a highlighter. I’ve got plenty of those!” Peter exclaimed, shoving his hands in his pencil case, retrieving a bright blue felt tip pen. He grinned, victorious, and she laughed again, the sound sending butterflies in his stomach.
“You’re a lifesaver! Thank you,” she said softly as the History teacher walked in and sat himself down at his desk, the students starting to quiet down.
Peter smiled at her and shook his head.
“No problem. By the way, it’s cool you’re thinking of joining Debate. I like it a lot.”
“Yeah, there weren’t many clubs at my old school so I really wanna branch out, try something new,” she said.
“Alright everyone, let’s all use our inside voices from now on. I suggest we start the year off with a reading from your textbooks, page 7,” the teacher drawled and Peter reluctantly looked down at his history book, his fingers slowly flipping through the pages in sync with the other students, the girl’s back facing him again, though not for long. She turned around again and held out her hand.
“I’m Y/N by the way, Y/N Y/L/N,” she said with a grin.
Peter smiled at her and took her hand, his body jolting at the feeling of her skin against hers, soft and soothing like herself. He calmly shook her hand and chuckled.
“Peter Parker. It’s nice to meet you.”
That had been the first of many History classes filled with laughter, fun, and inside jokes, all so dear to Peter. Y/N finally joined Debate which he was thrilled about. He also introduced her to Ned, and the trio started to hang out after school, watching movies and going on walks around the city. Y/N especially loved nature so she constantly dragged Peter to Central Park, giggling at the sight of squirrels and little children running around the pathways. He always felt so lucky falling in step with her, her arm linked around his, something she always did.
Months later, their friendship was even stronger than before, the pair confiding in each other and exchanging stories and secrets they hadn’t told anyone else. Peter told her about his uncle’s death and how difficult it had been going through that, and she told him about her insecurities and fears. She was afraid of being alone, of being left behind, and she wasn’t confident, something he just couldn’t understand.
He couldn’t think of anything he didn’t like about her. Yes, she was very stubborn, she hated to admit when she was wrong, and she didn’t like Star Wars. But that was all fine. It was who she was, and he loved who she was. Because aside from her flaws, she had wonderful qualities that made her so very special. She was a joyous and optimistic ray of sunlight, happy and enthusiastic about everything. She was understanding and kind too, always by his side in case he needed anything at all. Y/N was curious as well, asking questions about anything and everything, constantly in the mood for an adventure. She was vibrant and just the sight of her made his days a hundred times brighter.
He couldn’t pinpoint the exact moment where he had fallen for her. It was all of the little things about her: how her eyes sparkled when she was happy, how she always skipped ahead of him to get to History, how she hummed to herself whenever she looked up at the sky. Insignificant things in the eyes of a stranger, but so precious to Peter, like little drops of gold gifted by the universe, destined only for him. He cared so much about her. Which is precisely why he wanted to invite her to the prom.
He had spent weeks trying to come up with the perfect way to do it, afraid of doing something too tacky or cheesy. He wanted to do something memorable, but what if he messed it up with his rambling? Peter had so much he wanted to tell her, his extracurricular activities being one of those things. He still hadn’t told her he was Spiderman. It wasn’t that he didn’t trust her. He knew she would never betray his confidence, of that he was sure. He wasn’t sure, however, that she wouldn’t see him differently. Maybe she’d think he was lying, or maybe she’d only like him back because he was Spiderman. So many maybes and what ifs.
Peter eventually told Ned about his feelings and fears, and Ned wasted no time, immediately encouraging his friend to confess the truth to Y/N. The whole truth.
“She won’t see you differently, it’s Y/N! She’s the most down-to-earth person we know. And she’s crazy about you, even I can see it.”
“She’s not crazy about me…” Peter replied shyly, his eyes fixated on the floor.
“Um. Yes, she is. Do you not see the way she looks at you? Heart eyes!”
After much deliberation and planning, Peter had finally mustered up the courage to reveal himself to Y/N, tell her how he felt about her, and ask her to go to prom with him. It was no small feat. But now it was too late; she was going with Tobias. Peter was so disappointed, angrily cursing at himself for wasting so much time and for letting her get away.
He had worked so hard on what he was going to say and on the actual promposal, and he had been so nervous as well. When Peter got to school that day, his lungs felt like they were about to burst from anxiety. He was unbelievably scared, terrified even of what was going to happen later that day. After school, Y/N was going to go home and see what he had left for her.
Oh no.
Peter shot up, the sudden realization hitting him square in the face like a pack of bricks. She was going to go home and see what he had left for her. A huge pit formed in his stomach and he hastily covered his face with his mask, immediately spraying his webs onto the building opposite him and leaping off the railing of the fire escape. He had to get there before her.
Almost out of breath, he jumped and somersaulted off apartment complexes, flying above tourists excitedly calling out for him just like they always did, but again, he paid them no mind, mentally apologizing to them. The air grew a little cooler as the late afternoon settled in, a welcome breeze blowing against Peter’s warm body.
“I’m almost there, almost there. Can’t let her see it.” He thought to himself when a ding sound suddenly interrupted his inner dialogue. He gripped onto the side of a deli, taking out his phone and his heart sank further down.
Y/N: peter?? where’d u go?
Y/N: I told the teacher u were sick, what’s going on??
Y/N: peter you’re scaring me!! where are u??
Y/N: I’m heading home cus I cant find u
Y/N: pls call me and tell me ur ok
Peter groaned. He quickly typed in a vague but somewhat explanatory answer, praying it would stop her from worrying.
Peter: I’m okay. Just had to take care of stuff!
Y/N: I’m almost home, r u sure ur okay??
The suit started to have difficulty clinging to the building so Peter decided to shove his phone back in his suit and leave. He couldn’t risk her seeing what he had done in her room. Thankfully, he wasn’t too far from her apartment, only a few blocks away.
After what seemed like an eternity, Peter finally reached the apartment building, his nerves wracked and fingers shaking. Shooting a small web onto the glass window of Y/N’s bedroom, he managed to slide the panel up, effectively slipping inside, eyes immediately landing on the giant web he had meticulously created for her. It spread from her bed to her desk like a gleaming trampoline, only much more delicate. The shiny white strings clung to each other, forming a large and uneven set of letters that spelled out the word he had planned to say out loud to her.
He sighed loudly, removing the mask from his face, his hair messy and disheveled as usual. Passing a hand through it, he turned around to shut the bedroom door, but he stopped dead in his tracks when his eyes met Y/N’s.
They were wide with astonishment and shock, her lips slightly parted, expression completely blank.
Peter gasped, desperately gesturing towards the webs behind him.
“I can explain! I-“ he exclaimed, but she cut him off, taking a step forward.
“You’re Spiderman?” she almost shrieked and Peter’s finger immediately reached his lips in a shush signal.
“No one can know, Y/N!”
“You’re Spiderman?” she tried to say in a hushed tone, her voice wobbling a little. She couldn’t believe what she had just seen.
“Yeah. I’m Spiderman.”
“So that’s why you run off after school and you’re always really jumpy and nervous?” she inquired, eyes still wide open.
Peter’s heart stopped for a second.
“Well-um, that’s part of it,” he croaked.
“Peter, what’s going on?”
The boy looked at his friend, the girl he cared so much about. She seemed genuinely concerned, her brow furrowed as she gently contemplated him. He hated the thought that he was the cause of her worries, so taking a deep breath, he looked down at the ground, and finally, spoke.
“The truth is yes. I’m Spiderman, and I’ve been meaning to tell you that for a while, because I really care about you and you mean so much to me and I hated not telling you but I was afraid that you’d see me differently or that you’d think less of me, so then I talked to Ned about it and he told me I should tell you, and I wanted to, and I also really wanted to ask you to go to prom with me, so I thought I’d do both, because you’re amazing and you deserve the truth and you also deserve a great promposal but I didn’t know what to do so I figured I would do both at the same time, right?
“So then I did this and I was gonna walk you home and skip Calculus and I was gonna tell you once you saw the webs in your room but then at school, Tobias asked you, and I’m really happy for you, and I didn’t want to make you feel bad, so I came here and I was gonna clean it all up but you’re here too and I’m sorry, I’m so sorry- I didn’t mean for you to see this- I mean I did, but-“ he rambled on and on, unable to stop the words from spewing out of his mouth, only to be cut off by Y/N.
“-Peter, I said no. When Tobias asked me. I said no,” she said, her voice gentle and sincere.
Peter couldn’t believe his ears. Had he heard her correctly? His hands trembled a bit as he passed them through his hair yet again.
“What?” he asked, unsure.
“I mean, I said yes in front of his friends because I didn’t want him to feel bad in front of everyone, but I talked to him right after and told him no.”
“Wh-why would you do that?” Peter muttered, bewildered by her words. Why would she say no to Tobias Pierson?
“Because I don’t want to go to prom with him. I want to go with you,” she replied hesitantly, her cheeks filling with red as she bit her lip.
Y/N Y/L/N wanted to go to prom with him. He just couldn’t believe what was happening. He found the courage to look her straight in the eyes and the kind look she was sending him made his heart skip a beat.
“You do?” he whispered, unable to take his eyes off her.
Y/N giggled nervously, her arms tense with anticipation hiding behind her back as she shifted her weight.
“Are you kidding? I’ve been dropping hints for weeks!”
“You were? When?” Peter exclaimed.
“Um, like when I sent you pictures of prom dresses and asked you which ones you liked best. Or when I told you about how Marcus had just asked Jess and I told you it was really sweet and she was a lucky girl, and-“
“-those were hints?”
“Yes! Although, now that you mention it, obviously not very good ones.”
“Well, technically, your hard work paid off,” Peter said, a soft smile drawn on his lips as he gestured back at the large and shiny webs.
“I still can’t believe you’re Spiderman.”
Peter tried to suppress a frown before speaking again.
“How does that make you feel?”
“Peter, I don’t care if you’re Spiderman or Batman or Wonder Woman for that matter. You’re Peter. You’ll always be Peter to me. You’re the one who always makes me smile, the one who makes every day, no matter how terrible, so much better. You’re the person I care about the most. I’m just happy you felt like you could tell me.”
Y/N nodded with a grin, her beautiful eyes twinkling like they always did.
“You have no idea how relieved I am to hear you say that,” Peter said, breathing out for the first time in what seemed like ages. His heart felt light and airy, utter joy settling in his abdomen like warm tea. She cared about him too, and that simple fact sent a whirlwind of butterflies straight to his stomach.
“So, weren’t you going to ask me something?” she said playfully, her grin widening.
Peter laughed, suddenly remembering why he was in her room in the first place.
“Y/N, will you please go to prom with me?”
Y/N stepped closer to him, just inches away from the suited teenager, her gleaming eyes boring straight into his before lifting her body on the tips of her toes, reaching up to place a soft kiss on his crimson cheek and saying:
“I thought you’d never ask.”
A/N: I hope you guys liked it! feedback is always appreciated and feel free to reblog :)
if you would like to be added to my taglist(s), feel free to fill in this form
Peter tag:
@stiles-o-dylan24 @duskholland @mersuperwholocked-lowlife @r0s3mm @hcomet28 @decaffeinated--fangirl
Forever tag:
@stixnstripesworld @masterofbluff @drakewalker04 @superapplepie
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javisjeanjacket · 4 years
Whatever It Takes - shara bey x kes dameron
A/N: hey gang! we’re trying something new this time around, so let me know what you think! I love our boy Poe and the more I researched his parents the more I fell in love with them and writing this for them made me cry ngl. but then again when do i not cry when writing angst? 
This takes place in between Empire Strikes Back and Return of the Jedi fyi
Photos and gifs are not mine.
Also a HUGE thank you to my gal pal @mndalorians​ for beta reading for me!! LOVE YOUUUUU
Word Count: 2.6K
Warnings: angst, one curse word:)
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"I think they've got him back on Tatooine." A Pathfinder operative hypothesized, scratching at the collar of his uniform as he shoved a spoonful of rations into his mouth.
"Tatooine? Why Tatooine?" A second operative asked from down the Mess Hall table, his expression smug.
"I heard they've got him in carbonite. That's gotta be the Hutt cartel; come on, man." The first Pathfinder splayed his hands.
Kes Dameron sifted his hand through his hair and ran it down his face. He picked lifelessly at the field rations before him, his stomach gurgling.
"Nah, I bet Lando's probably still got him on Bespin. He thinks Commander Solo stole the Falcon from him and he's probably holding him prisoner for it." The second Pathfinder responded.
"He's definitely on Tatooine. I heard that Leia is-"
Kes shook his head and sighed, the war and it's intricacies resting heavily upon him. "You guys heard if the A-Wings have come in yet?'
The few operatives at the table around him looked to each other, taken aback by his interruption, and then looked back at Kes. One responded quietly, "Haven't heard anything yet.."
The dark haired man sighed and took his tray of gray-ish brown food to the trash compactor shoot at the opposite side of the Hall. His brown eyes scanned over the heads in the Mess Hall, searching desperately for any member of Green Squadron or the woman who held his favorite tangle of black curls upon her head. Not finding anyone, he shoved his hands in his pockets and weaved his way through the bustling Hall back towards his quarters.
As he exited the warmth of the Mess Hall and entered the bitter cold of planet 5251977's environment, the familiar roar of A-Wings sounded above him. A breath of fresh air wafted over his heart and a tender smile spread on the Yavinite's face.
The ships soared through the howling wind and snow whipping above him, pushing towards the far east hangar bay.
Kes turned from his path towards his quarters and walked with hot steps to follow the landing ships.
As Kes made his way through the piercing winds and soft snow, he noticed a trickle of people crowding the hangar entrance. Most of them were like him, hungry for a few precious moments with the person they loved. He smiled softly at the earnest Rebellion members around him as he found a spot towards the back of the crowd. He looked over the multiple ships, searching for the one known to be piloted by Shara Bey. 
Pilots began to emerge from their ships, throwing their helmets to the flight techs and beaming, rushing, towards their loved ones. Relieved squeals and sniffles filled the chilly hangar.
Kes meandered through the gaggle of reunited Rebels and continued his search for his wife's ship. His heart began to quicken and his palms became clammy.
L'ulo Lampar passed the panicking man, his helmet tucked underneath his arm.
Kes's heart jumped into his throat. He reached out an arm and grabbed the Duros man by the forearm.  "L'ulo!"
L'ulo jumped and a soft smile spread on his face. "Kes, what's going on?"
"Shara..." Was all that he could get out, the backs of his eyes pricking with emotion.
L'ulo jerked his head backwards towards an A-Wing just kissing the hangar floor.
Kes squeezed L'ulo's arm and began to jog towards the ship. He could see her face, pulled tight in a focused expression, as she began the powering down sequences. Heaven had come down to planet 5251977 and had somehow found Kes Dameron.
Shara finished her power down sequence and opened the airlock release to open the top of the ship.
He could hear her mumbling and unbuckling and pressing the final buttons and Kes's heart beat wildly in his throat.
She wiggled her helmet off and held it as she began to make her way down the ladder.
Kes ran to the ladder and wrapped an arm around her side as soon as he could reach her.
The woman jumped and then softened, gazing upon her husband. "Kes." She said, her voice tender.
The shape of his name in her mouth, how gracious she had been to say it aloud for him. He could feel his hands shake on her skin.
Shara jumped from the ladder to wrap herself around Kes, burying her face into his stubble-ridden neck.
The man smiled and held her tight against his body. Choosing not to speak, for he knew words would not be able to touch the tremors in his heart. He brushed a calloused hand over her dark hair and held her neck to him. A relieved moan caught in his throat. 
Shara kissed his skin softly, one of her hands wrapped around his back and the other tucked in his hair. "God, I missed you."
Kes nodded, his mouth seemingly glued shut.
The pair rested there for a few moments, absorbing the other.
The lips that had been glued shut finally worked themselves free and Kes asked, "Have you talked to our little man?'
Shara chuckled, moving her mouth from his neck to smile at him warmly. "Dad says Poe's doing well."
Kes's heart burned at the thought of his young son and for a moment he saw a flicker of Poe's mischievous grin in Shara's face. He leaned in close to Shara, his lips parting softly to brush against hers.
Shara met his kiss with passion, squeezing his shoulder as their mouths worked together. Pulling away from his mouth she finished, "Dad said he's been playing with the X-Wing toy you made him." 
"He's gonna want to be a pilot, Shara." Kes teased. He stepped in time with his wife back towards the hangar entrance.
Shara shook her head and patted her husband's chest. "He better not. One of us has to make it out of this thing alive."
Kes chuckled and pressed a kiss to his wife's hand. "Stop talking like that-we will be fine. Even if we told him no, you know he would learn to fly anyway. He's too much like you."
Shara rolled her eyes and congratulated L'ulo and the other members of her Green Squadron as she passed them.
Sighing blissfully, she let her head fall to Kes’s shoulder. "Let's get something to eat." 
A frazzled Leia Organa slid into a seat in front of the chowing Damerons. "Kes, Shara." She greeted them and nodded. 
They both looked up from their rations to smile at the Commander; Kes’s appetite having returned to him. 
Leia smiled, her lips tucked into her mouth and the couple braced themselves.
"New intelligence has been gathered by our spies in the Outer Rim." The Commander began.
Kes leaned forward in his seat and stopped his chewing to make sure he heard every bit of what she was about to say.
"We think the Hutt cartel has taken Han to Tatooine. Jabba's palace to be exact." Leia's piercing eyes moved from one Dameron to the other.
"Oof." Shara exhaled, gathering another bite of salad on her fork.
Leia shifted her weight on the uncomfortable stool and took a deep breath. "Shara, I would like you and Green Squadron to scout out the palace."
Shara stopped mid-chew and Kes's deep eyes flicked between the two women.
"Commander, I just landed. I don’t even do ground work." Shara quietly protested, her breathing becoming shallow.
Leia nodded, her gaze dropped to her hands folded in her lap. "I know...I know you did. We would just need you to map the palace from above; me and Chewie are the only ones going in. This is-," She wet her lips and shook her head. "We think they have Han."
The pilot looked to her husband and saw the way his eyebrow cocked up at her, how his eyes pleaded with her to stay but the determination over his eyebrows told her to go. She pictured herself as Commander Organa. She would have asked herself to go too. 
Kes's eyes wet with emotion and the flames crackling in his heart began to scorch the back of his throat. He reached out and took his wife's calloused hand. He swallowed and whispered, his gaze fallen from his wife's, "Whatever it takes."
Shara's dark eyebrows scrunched and her jaw ground itself together. She squeezed Kes's hand and ran her thumb affectionately against the top of his hand. "Whatever it takes."
Taking a shaking breath, she turned from Kes and back to Leia. "When do we leave, Commander?"
Leia's eyes gleamed with emotion. She nodded and reached out for Shara's shaking hand. The two women held hands as Leia answered, "First thing in the morning."
Shara looked down at her knees as she nodded that she understood.
Kes let out a weighted breath and closed his eyes.
"I can't-" Leia swallowed. "I can't tell you that I know what you're going through, but...I know how hard it is to try and love someone you only see once every few months. Shara, you're one of the best pilots we have." Leia seemed to be pleading. "This needs to be done quickly and without detection and I know you and your Squadron are the only ones capable of getting it done."
Shara took a deep breath. "We will get it done, Commander."
Leia gave Shara's hand one last squeeze and then stood from the table, walking quickly out of the Mess Hall.
Shara's body slumped in the seat as soon as Leia was out of eyesight. She ran a weary hand over her face and a pained expression sat upon her face.
Kes watched his wife grapple with the news, her shoulders tensing and relaxing with her catching breaths. The man rubbed a comforting hand over her back, mulling the information over in his own mind.
The weight of Shara's head on his shoulder pushed heavily upon him. "I know this won't change anything, but I can't keep it together anymore, Kes." Her normally warm voice was raw with emotion.
Kes leaned his face against her head and placed a soft hand on her cheek. His lips reached to touch the top of her dark curls. "You don't need to keep it together, babe. At least for tonight."
Shara hiccuped and pushed away from his shoulder. "Let's just go to bed."
He searched her face, the streaks of pain and disappointment discoloring her features. He took her hand and nodded as they both rose from the table.
As Kes lay in bed, the scratchy standard issue blanket pulled tight to accommodate Shara nestled behind him, he thought of his wife. He thought of her talent behind the controls of her favorite A-Wing. He remembered her hair streaking across her face on the day that he had first met her. He could see little Poe nestled in her arms, her voice gently reciting his favorite bed time story. His wife was beautiful and unrelenting on every front, an ace pilot, a highly decorated Rebel, the love of his life and the mother of his child. He missed her even then, with her breath trickling down the crook of his neck. He missed being with her without a timetable attached. His mind drifted from the twin bed they both were squeezed into to a place much larger. A place with land and a warm sun and a home to raise their son in peace. A place where Shara could fly freely and he could tinker with old droids to his heart's delight. A place with space for Poe to play and grow and become a man Kes knew he would be proud of.
Suddenly, Shara's breath on his neck became staccatoed.
Kes moved his head slightly to make sure he wasn't imagining it.
His wife's chest beat hard against his back and he froze, struggling to figure out how to help her. Her body began to jerk backwards slightly and her hands around his waist seized.
He placed a soft hand on her forearm and whispered, "Shara."
His wife continued to dream in peril, her eyebrows pursed tightly on her face.
Kes ran his hand up and down her skin, trying to wake her gently. His heart began to pound against his throat. 
Tears began to plop onto his neck from her sleeping eyes.
His body tensed now and his voice became louder. "Shara." He said, squeezing her forearm until his fingertips turned white. 
Shara jerked awake, her mouth gaping and her eyes blinking in the surprising moisture.
Kes turned in bed to face his wife. "Sweetheart, what happened?"
Her chin scrunched and she raised a hand to cover her face. "I had a nightmare about Poe."
He swallowed tightly. He reached a hand out to grab her unoccupied one. "You wanna tell me about it?"
Shara shook her head no and then ran her fingers underneath her eyes, collecting the welling tears there. "I miss him, Kes."
Kes nodded. "I miss him too."
The blue light of the moon coming in from the viewport settled over the couple as Shara's sniffles began to fill up the small room. "There is a place in my heart that I keep just for you." She ran a hand through her wild curls, desperately trying to calm herself. "And I can feel it," Her voice clipped. "I can feel it growing smaller and I don't know why."
Kes's face twisted in pain for his wife, he ached to reach into her and pull the anguish out of her, to store it safely inside himself, but he knew the sobering reality was that only more anguish was to come. 
"I miss you and you're right here and we're never together long enough to be...us. You know?" She added. 
Kes nodded that he understood. He gently caressed her cheek, pushing her to meet his gaze.
"Shara Bey," He began. "I am with you until the end of this thing. Whether that means the notice of death signing, or whatever it is we choose to do after this. I'm going to be right beside you when you do it."
His wife's tears began again at the tenderness of the heart inside of the battle hardened man laying next to her.
"We will be us again. One day, we won't have to be here. This thing will be over and we will just be us. And Poe, of course."
Shara smiled and nodded at the thought of her son.
"You are the only thing I'm sure of in this war. We just have to kick the buckethead's asses and then we'll be done. We can go somewhere, anywhere we want, and take Poe with us. I'll build us a big house and a landing pad for your A-Wing and you can plant your garden-"
Shara's face softened, imagining the warmth and comfort of the yarn Kes was spinning. She could feel her heart settle into the safety of Kes next to her, to the warm bed below her and the thought of Poe playing in a big backyard, his tiny head of charcoal colored hair shining in the sunlight.
"Time has passed and time will pass without us realizing until we look back at it." Kes whispered. "This war and this moment will be a memory and someday our biggest worry will be making sure Poe doesn't start running spice or something." Kes embellished the last of his sentence, pulling a smile out of Shara.
"Let's just be here. Pretend like it's just you and me and the moon." He finished.
Shara nodded, her eyes falling from her husband's and fixating on the collar of his t-shirt. "Okay." She mouthed, her throat coated thick with emotion.
Kes wrapped himself around her, tucking her face into his neck and weaving his legs around hers. He softly ran his hand over her hair, over and over again, lulling her back to peaceful sleep. His watchful eyes now becoming heavy with the weight of the night around them and the knowledge that she would be gone when he woke up and this evening would become a figment of his imagination, much like Shara Bey sometimes seemed to him. A goddess wandering so far from her throne to find him, her touch so very scarce it felt like Heaven on his skin, and her voice so bright it filled his lungs with light.
"Good night, Shara." He whispered, his lips touching her ear softly.
She hummed softly in response, her mind already drifting out of her grasp and to sleep.
As Kes allowed his eyes to close, he tucked this evening with Shara away in his thoughts, constructing a home for it in his mind, locking it away and keeping it pure for the moments when his heart became too heavy to hold without her. One by one, the grip Kes had kept so tightly on this moment began to relax, pressure releasing from his shoulders and at the base of his neck, and he could feel himself fall into dreams, mirages maybe, of a life unbridled by the passion and demands of the Rebellion. How fragile, how cruel, the galaxy had revealed itself to be and how it all could never outweigh the goodness of Shara Bey and Poe Dameron. Every disappointment, every surge of adrenaline, every close call, paled in comparison to those two.
"Whatever it takes." Kes whispered, as sleep pulled him fully into it's soft embrace.
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SHARA AND KES TAGLIST: @fanfiction-trashpile-replies​ @itspdameronthings 
What did you think? I really hope you enjoyed reading my work. Just your liking / re-blogging it means a lot. If you have a moment, I would love to hear your thoughts! Tell me what you think via my ask box or a comment always warms my heart!! Thank you again for reading!
Need more reading material? You can visit my Masterlist for more Poe Dameron content, as well as my other works.
Want to be kept in the loop? Let me know so I can put your handle in my taglist form. Right now, I’m writing for Poe Dameron, Santiago Garcia, Kes and Shara, and Din Djarin; but I have plans to expand my SW character list, and eventually add in my favorites from the MCU as well.
Thanks again for reading! Sending love! -hai
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