#i want to study her and her family like a bug
codecicle · 3 months
Hii it's robbie dykecicle take my hand I'm thinking about slime taking flippa out after it rains and she's in her mammas boots and she's stomping around in mud puddles and she finds a cool bug so slime tells her to run back inside to ask Mariana for a jar and he's upset for a second about tracking mud in but she's clearly soooo excited so he'll give it a pass this time (is making slime do it) and she runs back out and slime helps her put it in a jar and and and:(
FUCKING FALLS INTO PIECES. TAKING YOUR HAND MAN shed look up at her mom with big-ass bug eyes through her thick glasses (-6 prescription ! matching with dad !) and she'd look so pitiful whenever mariana got upset over the mud and mariana would drop it almost immediately and they'd build a little terrarium for it and all flippa's bugs could thrive together. shaking you shaking you flippa's color scheme is like a lunar moth if you really think about it do you think she'd love moths too. do you think they'd raise them as a family and watch them hatch from cocoons and then release them when their wings are dried. dying a billion deaths fuck mannn:((
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llycaons · 4 months
'jiang cheng would like a strong woman' have you considered she would probably not like him
#if a woman who demands to be treated by respect/maturity/communication meets jc it would be over before it begins#if she has a low tolerance for being yelled at mocked etc. etc. well you can see how short it'll be. even personalized gifts he failed at#he has so much to work on. the only exception is if she likes hot messes I guess and she doesn't mind being yelled at#OR if she wanted to study him like a bug. if she truly sweeps in take control of LP and starts issuing orders#AND likes jc for whatever reason. maybe THAT could work. but it HAS to be a good reason it cannot be 🥺🥺🥺 he had a sad life#or thinks his inability to communicate is sexy or whatever. man idk. I feel like any woman with the independence to choose#would see the red flags immediately and gtfo. as a sect leader he has so much authority. his wife wld possibly bein a rly dangerous positio#actually we have canonical evidence. hi wq. in a lifetime of being legendary your refusal to marry this guy#even tho it meant you'd die a starving enemy of the state is up there as one of the best <3 rest in peace#and yes living a short happy life with wn and granny and a-yuan and wwx and her family#WAS more gratifying and better for her than a long and probably miserable life being jc's obligation wife while he awkwardly does his best#to be a good husband. and fails. because I mean. he needs help and a wife is not gonna fix him. also her family and wwx are dead :/#however our girl made her choice and was spared that fate love and light rest in peace#not that she made it for herself like we know she did it for her family. but I imagine she was like WHEW dodged a bullet there#cql txp
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brionysea · 8 months
the bats are a bunch of walking trauma responses who decided to make it everyone else's problem. bruce is like "if guns didn't exist my parents would still be alive" and proceeded accordingly but jason is like "if someone pointed a gun at the joker before then maybe i wouldn't have died tragically at age 15" and also proceeded accordingly so obviously they clash. and cass can read your mind on your face so the one time she killed someone and saw the life leave their body in painstaking detail was haunting enough for her to never want to cause that again. and dick saw his family die once and got really angry about it so now if you threaten his family he gets scary. and tim's parents sent him off to boarding schools all the time and never gave him enough attention so he goes along with bruce's rules even when he may not agree because he wants validation. i am studying them like bugs
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kayjaywrites · 5 months
Like Bugs in a Rug: Chapter Two
(Previous Chapter)
Summary: Azriel Shadowsinger, mysterious pretty boy extraordinaire himself, was head over heels in love with you for years. Everyone in the room could see it, except for you of course. A series of connected one-shots.
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Chapter Word Count: 7,500 Chapter Song Inspo: Obey - Bring Me The Horizon
Chapter Content Warnings: hurt/comfort, angst kinda, eventual fluff, anxiety/panic attack, vomit (nothing graphic), Rhysand being an ass, Nesta x Reader friendship, Rhysand slander lol,  AFAB Reader, Reader (You), fluff, some details about Reader's appearance but overall vague, canon plot spoilers as this is canon compliant-ish Note: So is this fluff? Debatable. But there is still plenty of Az fluff in it, you just got to work for it a little more this time. You don’t need to read the first chapter to understand what’s going on here, but they are connected!
Your 3rd year in Velaris....
It took almost three years of employment with the Inner Circle for you to personally encounter the ‘Night Triumphant’ persona. You were not impressed. The most serious you’d seen your cousin was ‘High Lord Rhysand’, the fierce leader, but even that was limited to political business outside of Velaris. More so than not, it was just Rhys, your fun loving, sarcastic friend who so happened to wield an enormous amount of power. 
The male sitting at his work desk was not your ‘Rhys’. Hell this wasn’t even High Lord Rhysand. The Night Triumphant held eye contact with you, gaze calculated and stern. You studied the authority in his expression, his mouth drawn into a tight line. Staring him down right back, you waited for the facade to break and reveal the male you had come to know as family. You searched his face for the guy who would rather face Amarantha again than put you in such a precarious situation. The very situation that plagued you with consistent nightmares since you left Hewn City.
You did not find that male.
Your gaze flitted to Mor, her body draped in a leather armchair off to the side, hoping to find a trace of humor in her expression. She tried to look nonchalant, but there was a sharp edge to her that betrayed her own trepidation.
Nesta stood an arm’s length away from you, uncharacteristically quiet in the wake of your High Lord’s orders. She seemed as if she was waiting to see who would escalate things first. Rhysand had summoned the three of you to his office to brief everyone on an upcoming…obligation. He prefaced the meeting by saying that he knew it wasn’t an ideal assignment. He wasn’t asking if you wanted to do it, it was non negotiable. 
In two months time, you, Nesta, and Mor would be answering a summons to Hewn City. Kier had been requesting a personal audience with you for the last year. Mor and Rhysand could no longer postpone it, as you were a Night Court Courtier afterall.
Still, you did not want to believe that Rhys would ask this of you. “You’re kidding, right? This isn’t very funny, Rhysand.”
“I know you can tell that I am not joking.” His flinty tone brook no argument.
Any hope of reasoning with the Night Triumphant withered away. He summoned you to his office well aware that you wouldn’t take kindly to being sent back. Here you’d been thinking Rhysand understood your trauma best, having been held captive and used while Under the Mountain. 
It appeared that you had misjudged him.
Just as you were about to say as much, Mor spoke up for the first time since the meeting started. “Kier threatened mutiny at the last Council meeting. At first he demanded a private audience, even after I informed him of our bargain. When we still refused to send you by yourself despite his threats, he agreed on these terms. You and Nesta because you’re a team, and me because I oversee The Court of Nightmares anyway. He couldn’t argue with that logic.”
You felt like you were going to be sick. After 300 years of being nothing but a tool for your father, the idea of seeing Kier’s face again so soon had your lunch sitting heavy in your stomach. It was inevitable, he thought you were loyal to him, his spy on the inside. You had zero idea how you were going to handle a reunion with him, simply thinking about it made you short of breath.
Your nights were plagued with stress dreams about what it would be like to return to your old home. You avoided stewing on the topic during your waking hours. The inevitability of it all often sent you spiraling, you couldn’t ghost Kier forever, but you thought you had more time. There was no fucking way you were ready. “I can’t do this,” You said, “give me any other assignment, and I’ll do it. Just not this.”
“You can,” Rhysand enunciated each word, slow and deliberate, like he wasn’t sure you would understand him, “and you will.” 
Oh hell no. You did not uproot your entire life to be spoken to like that. “Do not speak to me like a child, Rhysand–”
“Then stop acting like one,” he scolded, like you were the one being unreasonable, “this is your duty to your court, what I pay you to do. If you won’t do what needs to be done to protect your court then we don’t have a place for you here.”
Rhysand’s words hit like a blow. Your sharp intake of breath was echoed by both Nesta and Mor, but you couldn’t see them, they might as well have not been there, your world shrinking down to Rhysand as he regarded you coldly.
“So what will it be?” He addressed you, leaning forward over his desk, leering, “will you do as your High Lord asks of you, or will you be resigning today?” He pressured.
Your hands fisted, ire rising up so fast it made your eyes sting with unshed tears. If you got kicked out of Velaris you’d undoubtedly end up back in Hewn City. And you couldn’t let that happen, not after you finally got a taste of freedom.
Rhysand may like to believe himself better than Kier, but how was this any different from how Kier treated you? Was this your destiny? Undeserving of kindness unless you proved your worth? 
What about you made people forget that you were a living, breathing being? Just like everyone else in the room, you had feelings that mattered, and hopes for your future. You’d been stripped of your freewill for the first three centuries of your life. It was a wonder that you hadn’t gone mad.
Were you only allowed a taste of freedom? Was that Rhysand’s plan all along? Get you hooked on life in Velaris then dangle it in front of you like you were a simple mule, your freedom the carrot held just out of reach.
It made your blood boil.
“My apologies.” You sneered at him, gone was the meek, conditioned wallflower. You meant all the disrespect. In a dramatic flourish you bowed low to Rhysand, making sure he saw your contempt for him when he met your gaze.
 You maintained direct eye contact as you hissed harsh sarcasm at him, “I am at your disposal, High Lord.”
Rhysand’s eyes flared with something dark and aggressive. Time slowed, a pulse of his power cresting over you in a suffocating wave, a preview of how oppressive he could make it if he so wished. Dread replaced your anger, the confidence you’d displayed moments ago dissipating. You struggled to not show how he had shaken you, and by some miracle, you stood your ground. Still, he could probably hear your heart pounding from where he sat.
Amidst the theatrics, your own power had not been so keen on backing down. It had coiled around you like a viper ready to strike, protective, as Rhysand’s prowling darkness prodded your boundaries. 
This version of Rhysand left you stricken, unable to reconcile the egregious behavior with the male you’d had breakfast with just that morning. It felt like his power was tearing you in half, and he wasn’t even exerting himself. He looked bored.
Did you escape the clutches of one villain, only to run into the hands of another? Were you really that foolish?
Mor stepped into your field of vision, mouthing something at you. You hadn’t realized your ears were ringing until the shrill noise faded enough for you to hear her calling your name. The frantic quality of her voice snapped you out of whatever daze Rhysand’s power had cast on you.
Right. Nesta and Mor had witnessed that entire thing. You’d forgotten about their presence in the heat of the moment, your attention tunnel visioned on Rhysand. He had humiliated you in front of some of the most important people in your life. The only thing that could have made it worse was if Azriel had been there too.
Intense embarrassment flooded you, a seed of distrust taking root deep in your heart. You felt so stupid, thinking you could trust Rhysand and his Inner Circle. Mor was still trying to get your attention, but you stared right past her, looking at Rhysand like you hated him.
Hell. Maybe you did.
Mor called your name once more with urgency, moving closer to you, half turned so she hadn’t given her back to her High Lord, but solely focused on you. “It’s the best we could do without inciting a civil war.” She tried to clarify, emphasizing on the ‘we’ as she gestured between herself and Rhysand. 
“You have to know we wouldn’t put you in this position if we had any other choice. I personally promised I would never leave you alone in that city again, and there is nothing our father can say or do to make me break that promise to you. We will do this together.”
Rhysand’s power had receded, but you could still feel it loitering like a watchdog. Something you’d never imagined Rhys doing to you before the meeting. He’d always spun such pretty promises about your future in Velaris, and you believed him.
And now Mor was doing the same exact thing. More pretty promises, but no proof of her intentions to follow through with them. 
Mor’s shoulders visibly sagged, “If you don’t believe me, then look.” She pleaded, offering her mind up for you to read.
You physically recoiled at her suggestion. “I will do no such thing!” You spat back in disgust, “You are my sister, this is supposed to be my family. I will not taint our relationship with my powers in a moment of weakness. You may not return the same respect, but I refuse to surround myself with people I can’t trust without rummaging around their mind for their truths first.”
Unlike some males went unsaid as you fumbled to tone it down for Mor. Your problem was not with her, and she didn’t deserve your harsh words. “I can’t…I won’t….I–”
Frustrated with yourself, you took a steadying breath, emotion burning behind your eyes. Despite your best effort to keep composed, your voice quivered, “I will not be like our father.”
The room was stunned silent, Mor regarded you with sadness, lips parting to respond, but then pursing closed in a tight line.
Rhysand was the one to break the silence. His power dispersed as he leaned back in his chair, acting like he hadn’t just wound you up tight enough to fracture you into pieces.
“So you accept the assignment then?” He inquired, brushing nonexistent lint from the cuff of his dress shirt.
His lack of remorse irked you. Did he not think he could have handled the situation better? Was this how he treated everyone in the Inner Circle? The list of things you wanted clarification on kept growing, so instead you settled on, “Yes.” 
“I’m glad we could come to an agreement then.” He drawled, “We will go over details and strategy another time, when we are all more composed.”
You wanted to punch him in his goddamn face.
“For now, this meeting is dismissed.”
As soon as he finished speaking you stormed out of his office, nearly colliding with Nesta in your haste to get away from Rhysand. Originally you were going to visit the library after the meeting. Nesta had suggested a book for you to read, and you wanted to read it so you had something to talk to her about. But you were too worked up to do that now, you needed to get out of there. 
You didn’t care where you ended up, so long as you put as much distance between you and Rhysand as possible.
By step 174 your blurry vision cleared a smidge, too out of breath to cry for the moment. You didn’t have anyone to help you leave The House of Wind, so you took to the 10,000 stairs with the expectation of someone eventually coming to find you. There was no way in hell you’d actually be able to reach the bottom. You began the descent down the spiraling staircase so fast It was a marvel that you didn’t trip.
Any time you slowed down Rhysand’s words would play on loop in your head. The only way to drown it out was to pick up the pace, the exertion elevating your heart rate enough for it to overpower that nasty voice in the back of your head. If you ran fast enough the only thing you could concentrate on was counting the steps you took.
239 steps down, and you had no choice but to slow down to a more reasonable pace. It was a warm day, and you were getting dizzy. The last thing you wanted to do was pass out. In a desperate attempt to keep your mind occupied as you caught your breath you focused on the breeze cooling the sweat beading up on your forehead. You listened to the slap of your bare feet on the smooth, sun-warmed stone. You thought of the color of the sandals you left behind at the very top of the stairs. You pondered on which step you’d discarded your blouse on after it began to cling to your sweaty skin.
Your guess was step 148.
You hit the first landing platform at step 250, slowing to a walk as you panted, hands propped against your hips as you counted your next few steps. Woozy, you let your eyes fall closed for a moment, but the image of Kier sitting in his throne room beckoning you forward flashed across your mind. You flinched so hard you accidentally opened your eyes looking directly into the sun.
It felt like your head had a heartbeat of its own, vision blotching from the brightness. You didn’t know how your day could get any more bleak as you rapidly blinked the disorienting dots away. Glimpses of The Court of Nightmares throne room lurking behind every blink, Kier looked more like Rhysand each time you closed your eyes.
It made your stomach lurch, and you whimpered around a dry heave.
A particularly strong gust of wind ruffled through your hair, and you can almost hear Azriel’s voice reminding you to focus on your other senses. Your mind can lie to you, but it’s much harder for all your senses to be tricked at the same time.
The sunlight, the ever-present wind, the sound of birds, the smell of fresh air. Let nature ground you. 
It just wasn’t enough. You’d only paused for a few moments, but your chest began to feel too tight for your lungs, anxiety squeezing the air out of you before you could properly inhale it. Two months. Just two measly months to figure out what the hell you were going to say to Kier–to your mom, after you’d gone no contact for almost 3 years. Two months to not be petrified of somehow getting trapped down there again.
So you continued down the stairs, pushing yourself harder. 
251. 252. 253. Counting them like Azriel had taught you.
It had been after your first dinner with the Inner Circle at the House of Wind. Mor was a little too tipsy to winnow home safely, so the both of you decided it best to share a guest room. You were feeling antsy, Mor having fallen asleep as soon as her head hit the pillow.
The House of Wind was so different from Hewn City. Cozy and surprisingly casual in decor, but it was carved out of the side of a mountain. With the curtains drawn, in the dark quiet of the night, it almost felt like your bedroom in The Court of Nightmares.
You had thought a glass of water would do you some good, help you settle enough to get some rest. So you set out for the kitchen, taking care to walk quietly so as to not wake anyone. The hallway led to a flight of stairs, which brought you to more hallways that seemed to stretch on, and on, and on. The homey decor fell away, your balance wobbling with the sudden onset of vertigo. Closing your eyes didn’t help, dizzy and disoriented, everything felt like it was tipped on its axis. You couldn’t place where you were, where you were going, just that you were alone. Fear flooded your senses, and you swore you smelled the dank air of the streets of Hewn City like you were still there.
Azriel found you slumped against the wall on shaky legs, your pulse pounding so hard in your ears you couldn’t hear what he was saying to you. The touch of his rough hands on your bare arms was soothing enough to bring you back to yourself. You weren’t walking the streets of Hewn City. You weren’t alone. Azriel had you.
Each inhale had still felt like you were gulping in freezing cold water, your breath coming in irregular gasps. You thought you were going to die in that hallway, suffocating on fucking air.
Azriel took you to the training grounds on the rooftop of all places. You can still remember the brightness of the full moon that night as he coached you through breathing exercises. Then, coaxed you into walking laps with him around the perimeter of the huge training grounds. He counted each step aloud with you until you had calmed enough to tell him what the hell had happened.
And that was how you and the Shadowsinger bonded over Claustrophobia. An unfortunate thing to have in common, an even more unfortunate first thing to find you had in common.
In the moments after you’d come down from your panic attack you wanted to svirel up and fade away, so thoroughly embarrassed. But now, you thanked The Mother for sending Azriel to find you that night.
It was those same coping skills that led you to working out your anxiety after the meeting. 290 steps away from The House of Wind, and you were sure your legs were going to give out if you kept pushing yourself. You came to a slow stop, soles of both your feet planted on the same stair. Lulling your head back so your face was to the cloudless sky, you closed your eyes and pictured that moment with Azriel. Instead of Kier morphing into Rhysand, you saw Azriel walking laps with you around the moonlit training grounds.
You basked in the breeze against your face, your anger and fear still roiling in your stomach, but no longer all consuming. The relief was short lived, a concentrated pang of despair reared its ugly head, raw hurt so overwhelming it chased the warm memories with Azriel away. It made you so tired, so emotionally drained you felt it in the marrow of your bones. You wanted to just let go, collapse in a heap and never get up again.
Yet, by some stroke of willpower, you remained on your feet. You hadn’t warmed up before taking on the stairs, and you could already feel soreness settling into your muscles. Gingerly you sat yourself down on the steps, resting your elbows on your thighs as you rubbed your hands over your face, spreading fresh tears across the top of your cheeks.
If you won’t do what needs to be done to protect your court then we don’t have a place for you here. Rhysand’s words burned the part of you that had always suspected as much. There was this nasty little voice that lived in the back of your head. It would mock you when you were too content in calling this place home.
You wondered if that voice would start to sound like Rhysand.
The thought broke your heart a little bit more. You wanted so badly to make him proud, to earn your place in the Inner Circle, prove that they hadn’t made a mistake taking you in. The worst part was that you thought you were doing good. Not that you’d believed yourself to be one of them, you were still so new, but you thought…you thought…
You don’t know what you fucking thought.
Curling into yourself, your knees tucked in close to your chest, you made yourself as small as possible. The full body trembling made your sobs shaky, your entire being wobbled from the weight of your failure, your naivety. This was what you got for wanting to do it the right way. You’d never built relationships without relying on your powers to sniff out their loyalty beforehand, never truly trusted on your own violation.
Your father always thought it was a stupid risk to take when you could know for sure. You thought it was an awfully lonely way to live, to never trust fully. Perhaps you’d been wrong.
This was what you get, you silly girl. Kier’s voice taunted from the back of your mind. Or was that Rhysand’s voice? Did the difference even matter anymore? 
The telltale sound of approaching footsteps closed in on you from behind, you couldn’t tell who it was, all you could smell was the salt of your own tears. Maybe it was one of them coming to take you out of your misery, maybe Rhysand took your display in his office as a sign of disloyalty.
The killing blow never came, so you glanced up to see Nesta taking a seat next to you. The last person you expected to come looking for you if you were being honest.
She didn’t look at you right away, which you appreciated. You were humiliated enough without her seeing you wiping your own snot on your forearm. Her icy stare was focused on the view, the only indication that she had run to catch up with you, a few fly away hairs having been jostled loose from her braids.
“You were pretty hard to catch up to, you know,” She leaned back, supporting her weight on her hands against the step behind her, “for someone who doesn’t regularly train, at least.”
Her attempt at humor, which earlier in the day would have made you indignant, fell flat. Instead inciting a new wave of tears to fall past your lash line. You dropped your head lower to hide it from her, but it did little to smother the sound of your quivering breath.
She didn’t try again, and her presence grew awkward when you didn’t try either, but she stayed next to you regardless.
When it became apparent that she would stay by your side unless you sent her away, you found your words. “What if I can’t do it,” You croaked out, voice absolutely wrecked, “Face my father, return underground? What if I can’t do what’s expected of me? What if it’s too much, too soon? What if I lose everything because I’m not strong enough.” Will never be strong enough.
“Then we will figure it out,” Nesta answered without hesitation, “Together.”
You are alone. That damned voice insisted.
“But Rhysand said–”
“I know what Rhysand said.” Nesta hissed, and you startled, your bloodshot eyes meeting hers for the first time since she arrived. She looked pissed, lips pursed in a scowl as if the High Lord was right in front of her. “Rhysand is an insensitive jackass. He won’t send you away because you messed up one job.”
“How can you know that?” You whispered, already knowing that she couldn’t know for sure. 
“Because I’ve pissed him off by doing far worse, and I’m still here.”
You shook your head at her reasoning, not good enough, she can’t know for sure. “You're his mate’s sister, and Cassian’s mate. He can’t exile you.”
“And you're The Morrigan’s sister, and his own cousin.” Nesta deadpanned. “You’re not going to get exiled over a visit to The Court of Nightmares.”
“How can you possibly know that?!” You shouted, one of your hands clutching the fabric of your sweat soaked chest binding as your heart ached. Frantic to believe her, but knowing that you just couldn’t.
“Because Rhysand hates me, we barely tolerate each other on good days. He once threatened to banish me to the human continent,” she rebuked, hands flying about as she grew impassioned, “He loves you. He’s just an overpowered ass on a power trip. You questioned his authority and it hurt his fragile little ego. And even if he was stupid enough to try to cast you out, the rest of the Inner Circle would never let that happen.”
Your nerves were fucking shot. Whatever remained of your bravado frayed with every hagrid breath, it was impossible to stay focused. It was like your powers were waiting for you to be distracted, taking the opportunity to thrash against your mental shields. You didn’t know if it was skill keeping your powers in check, or dumb luck.
Your headache spread across your temples, sharp pain panging behind your eyes. You were already so tired, but the tears would not stop coming. That damned voice, still whispering its poison, adding to the agony. Nesta can’t know for sure, but you could if you just gave in.
You looked Nesta over, her relaxed body language at odds with the determined fire in her eyes. She left herself wide open, she wouldn’t even know if you read her. You’d be in control, your fate wouldn’t be left up to a gamble.
Nesta tried to meet your gaze, and you squeezed your eyes shut, turning away from her. It was impossible for you to think with her piercing stare studying you. What reason did Nesta even have to care about what happened to you? She didn’t say shit while Rhysand was ripping your world apart, and yet she showed up here? To do what exactly?
There was a dull ringing in your ears as your power surged against your restraint, and maybe you screamed, maybe you didn’t. Your fingers went up into your hair, fisting at your roots as you pulled, rocking yourself back and forth because it would be so easy.
And maybe if you gave in, that stupid voice would stop.
Nesta called your name, “I wouldn’t let Rhysand kick you out of Velaris.”
The cry you let out sounded almost feral. “I don’t know that!” .
“No, you don’t,” Nesta acquiesced, “but do you trust me?”
Did you trust Nesta? The question cut you into you like the edge of a knife, your heart answering with a resounding yes.
Wow, did you want that to be true. But that sinister voice oozed like an oil slick in the back of your head. Will you do as your High Lord asks of you, or will you be resigning today? You had trusted Rhysand too.
Even if Nesta wanted you here, did you think she would disobey her High Lord for you? You didn’t know, not for sure. Your power reared up again, and your head pounded at the onslaught. That oily voice so loud it was all you could hear. You could know.
“I-I don’t know.” You stammered, stomach churning into grotesque knots.
“Do you trust yourself?” Nesta continued her line of questioning.
That answer came to you quick, no, and it had you lurching forward, your balance lost as you scraped your knees sliding down a couple stairs. You wretched, violent heaves as your stomach emptied out on the stairs in front of you.
No. You didn’t trust yourself.
“There was a time where I didn’t trust myself either.” It was like you weren’t barfing up your guts right in front of her, Nesta spoke with such calm. “Didn’t let anyone close enough to trust, even myself, I didn’t know how.”
You wretched again, your hair getting in the way. Gentle fingers gathered the stray pieces that had fallen from your updo. You hadn’t heard her move over to you, but she was there, steadying you as you struggled through a bout of dry heaving. If you weren’t so miserable, the tenderness coming from Nesta would have shocked the hell out of you.
Her free hand rubbed soothing circles into your back as she continued her tale. “I hated myself,” Nesta confided, voice raspy with emotion, “so much that I drank myself stupid every night to escape the darkness of my own thoughts.”
Now, the random heart to heart did shock you.
Three years of trying to connect with the enigma that was Nesta Archeon. Three years of getting redirected when you asked something too deep. The most you got out of Nesta was what she liked to read, so you picked up reading just to have a reason to approach her outside of assignments. Three years of one sided heart to hearts, evaded personal questions, and turned down sleepover invitations.
And she decided that now was the proper time to trauma dump on you? While you were half dressed, ugly crying with vomit in your hair?
What a baffling female. The confusion helped you relax, so surprised you were by Nesta’s sudden urge to share. Her hand kept a slow, steady rhythm as she continued to rub gentle circles onto your back, you hadn’t realized how tensed you’d been until muscles you didn’t even know you had started going lax. 
Whatever Nesta was doing, it was working. So you basked in the comfort her touch provided and listened.
“Someone taught me how to acknowledge those thoughts and let them go. To breathe, and still everything else in my mind, and let my mind think those things, but to not dwell, because that dark self loathing didn’t define me.”
The dark self loathing didn’t define you. Her words chipped at something that had been left festering for far too long. Had that been it all along, that terrible voice in the back of your head, had it been self loathing?
“Give yourself permission to feel, acknowledge it, and let it go.”
And it was so liberating, giving a name to what had been festering under your skin. Hate. Disgust. Cowardice. You cried, but not the agonized, tortured type of wails that had crippled you moments ago. This was a release, the type of ugly cry you do when something you didn’t know was broken starts to heal.
You hated yourself. And that was okay, because as you waited for that awful voice to mock you, it never did. You hated yourself, wept so hard you thought your eyes were going to fall out of your skull, but you had never felt lighter.
Nesta found your hand, gentle at first as if giving you time to pull away. Then she held onto you like the simple touch could convey what you were worth to her. “You are the rock against which the surf crashes. Nothing can break you.” She whispered, but the words resonated like she had shouted them at you.
The smile started as a small twitch at the corners of your mouth, but you knew Nesta saw it all the same. You searched for that dreadful voice, waited for it to speak something dreadful, but the quip never came. The smile that bloomed on your cheeks was wide with astonish.
You couldn’t believe it, after 300+ years of letting that nasty voice ruin you, there was peace. In its place was something new and bright.
The sound of beating wings announced the arrival of Cassian and Azriel a moment before the weight of their landing sent vibrations through the hard stone of the staircase. The two hulking Illyrian warriors made quick work of the walk up the stairs, their casual conversation trailing off once they were within earshot of you and Nesta.
“Ness!” Cassian’s voice boomed in greeting, cheery and boisterous, “I see why you asked for me to bring Azriel now. Here I thought you were acting on your ‘secret’ fantasies finally. The location left something to be desired, but I wasn’t going to be picky.”
Nesta sat shoulder to shoulder with you, so close, you felt her stiffen at Cassian’s offbeat comment. If you weren’t so drained, you’d be cross with her for summoning more witnesses, but the idea of having to walk back up all those steps upset you far more. The adrenaline high from your anxiety had long worn off, and without its numbing effect, you weren’t sure if you could even stand without your legs wobbling.
Nesta sighed, deep and long suffering, but affectionate nonetheless. “Your inability to read the room will always astound me.”
“Good thing we’re outside, there is no–” Cassian’s breath hitched, now close enough to get a good look at your downcast expression, haggard appearance, and odd attire. You were careful to keep your emotions under control, unwilling to let anyone in the Inner Circle see you in such a vulnerable state. Years of cautious composer, wasted, all because of a meeting that lasted less than 30 minutes. You expected disapproval, your emotions had only been met with ridicule in the past, but the apparent emotions flying across Cassian’s face were anything but cold.
Worry. Guilt. Unease. Cassian’s emotions were so boldly displayed, you didn’t need your powers to disconcert them.
Cassian paused in his ascent as he looked you over for injury, but Azriel closed the distance in the time it took you to blind away the tingle of the latest round of tears. Their concern was almost palatable, and being shown that type of care felt too good to be real. 
These males had no reason to care so much, Nesta had no tangible reason to care so much. You were so… you, so replaceable and plain. You breathed through the thought, let it roll over you, maybe that was why they cared so much, because you are you. It had never occurred to you that you were someone worth caring for. Not when your own father never cared. Certainly not after Rhysand gave you the ultimatum to get useful or get out.
You are the rock against which the surf crashes. Nothing can break you. Nesta’s words repeated in your head, sending a zing of determination down your spine. 
“What happened? Are you hurt?” Azriel crouched down, his chest siphon reflecting the late afternoon sun. His questions made you feel queasy, but his presence soothed over you like a balm. This male simultaneously was the person you worried about disappointing most, and the person you felt most safe being vulnerable around.
Unlike with Nesta, you didn’t struggle with facing Azriel. He was inspecting the grime covered scrapes on your bare toes. “Where are your shoes?” He asked you, puzzled as he then took note of your sweat soaked bra, “and your shirt?”
A dark look passed over him, if his shadows could withstand the direct sunlight, you were sure they’d be writhing around you. He spoke your name like a whispered prayer, desperate. His gloved hands hesitated as he reached out to cup your face, only smoothing his thumbs over your cheeks when you didn’t jerk away, “please look at me,” and you did, meeting his amber eyes as he wiped remnant tear stains from your cheeks, “Did someone try to hurt you?”
You knew what he meant, but your explanation caught in your throat. A brief moment of shame overwhelmed you, because here you were blubbering over some harsh words from your High Lord, when people suffered far worse fates than your own every day. Azriel began to tense, an icy cold rage taking form as he mistook your silence as an affirmative.
You shook your head ‘no’, hating the troubling turmoil you had unintentionally sowed in him. His shoulders sagged, the sign of his relief so slight, many would have missed it. It was all it took for the remaining threads of your thin composure to snap.
Azriel all but scooped you into his arms as tears blurred your vision, and you crumbled into him, no further prompting needed. He held you so tight, it was like he was trying to hold all your pieces together for you. His wings flared to keep his balance, and maybe later you’d feel sheepish about almost tipping him backwards down those unforgiving stairs, but you relished in the comfort his strength brought you.
“I-I was–It was–” You couldn’t string the sentence together, “We were…I was–” you tried again but your breathing was off, your thoughts all jumbled, and Blessed Mother, you couldn’t do it again. Any words you’d thought about trying to say morphed into sobs, barely audible, but you couldn’t hide the way your body shook with them.
“Rhysand happened.” Nesta asserted, sparing what was left of your dignity by cutting off your senseless stuttering. She summarized the meeting, but touched on the major points that had triggered your anxiety. She was gentle with the recollection of your part in the meeting, scathingly critical of Rhysand. 
“When I left Rhysand’s office, The Morrigan was getting in his face, and as much as I would have loved to see how that went down, it felt wrong to not check in with you.” Nesta explained like she was coming clean, “ I asked the house where you were.”
It was about as close to an apology you’d ever get from Nesta. You knew from experience that Nesta took her time warming to people, preferring to mind her business and stay out of Inner Circle drama. Once she’d made an offhand comment about being the center of the drama enough to last her the rest of her fae lifetime.
Keeping your head rested on Azriel’s shoulder, you turned your face to the side so your voice was less muffled, “Thank you,” your words carried on the wind, paper thin, frail, but so heartfelt, “for following me.”
Nesta didn’t respond, and you didn’t dare look at her out of fear of getting weepy again. But you felt it all the same, a shift in the relationship between the two of you. Like a bridge branching out, a new understanding solidified in place, and you knew Nesta had felt it too.
You shifted in Azriel’s arms, intending on testing your strength, but his arms tensed to keep you in place. In one graceful movement that had your head spinning, Azriel stood up right, adjusting to support your weight in a bridal hold.
“How about we get you home and clean you up?” Azriel suggested, loud enough for the others to hear, but the question aimed at you.
Home. As in the apartment you shared with Mor. He had called Velaris your home.
Your heart gave a painful throb, all choked up again at the sentiment. Going home sounded like the most splendid thing in the whole world in that moment. You didn’t want to think about Rhysand or Hewn City anymore, you wanted to go home so much it hurt.
There was some rustling, Cassian coming to stand near Nesta. “Wanna race me back up to the house?” His words were muffled as if his lips were pressed into the crown of Nesta’s head. “Winner gets head.”
The swift resounding slap Cassian received almost made things seem normal.
“Are you two good?” Nesta ignored Cassian’s taunting, and you nodded at the same time Azriel responded with, “Yes, I’ve got her.”
A beat passed in silence, all four of you waiting to see if anyone added anything else. Then rapid footsteps took off up the stairs, and you popped your head up from the crook near Azriel’s underarm to see Nesta sprinting up the stairs.
“Hey!” Cassian bellowed, charging after her, “cheaters never prosper, Nesta!”
“Prove it, you overgrown bat!”
If you weren’t about ready to pass out from exhaustion, you would have laughed at their antics. Azriel was watching them, an unguarded fondness in his hazel eyes you rarely got to see. The two of you stayed like that, Azriel watching his friends, you committing his soft expression to memory. By the time Azriel glanced down to you, Cassian had overtaken Nesta’s lead, their figures dots in the distance.
You were a melted puddle of female in his arms, all tension and stress slipping from your muscles as your eyelids drooped. Try as you might, you couldn’t keep your eyes open for another second. Paranoia nagged at you, fear of what you’d see when you finally rested your eyes.
Nothing. Blissful darkness. Peace.
“I’m going to take off now. Loop your arms around my neck and hold on tight, okay? Once we get up high enough, the rest of the flight will be smooth.”
You did as you were told, any other time you would have been a nervous wreck, but you didn’t have it in you to fret. You’d always winnowed with someone, even learning how to land the drop through the wards when Mor winnowed with you to the House of Wind. You’d thought no one had noticed how you avoided the topic, but surprise surprise, Azriel had noticed.
The thought of being up that high in the sky and dropped sure made your pulse spike. Growing up in an Underground City meant your feet were always planted on the ground. So maybe it wasn’t a stretch to claim that you weren’t a fan of heights, you’d never flown with anyone before, but it would make a lot of damn sense.
Your musing was cut short. Azriel launched straight up into the sky, powerful wings effortlessly gaining momentum and speed. You clung to him, hands clasped together around his neck in a death grip, screaming bloody murder the entire ascend. Although you would deny it if anyone asked.
Things evened out once Azriel felt he was high enough, setting a leisure pace towards what you assumed to be the direction of Mor’s apartment. Your eyes were squeezed shut, wind whipping your hair out of what was left of your updo, tossing it across your face.
You must have been quite the sight, if the amusement in Azriel’s voice was any indication. “Are you going to look at the view?”
Your hair was a disheveled mess across your face, the wind burned your already sore eyes when you tried to pry them open. “Even if I wanted to, I can’t keep my eyes open,” It was probably beautiful, but you didn’t want to push your luck, you’d had enough panic attacks for the day, “Luckily, I don’t want to.”
He chuckled. “Next time then.”
Blame it on the fatigue, but you found yourself nodding in agreement. Something you may come to regret when he urges you to fly with him instead of winnowing the next time you travel together.
But maybe it won’t be so bad, if Azriel was the one carrying you. With your eyes closed, ear pressed to his chest, his steady heartbeat lulled the residual tension and anxiety away until all you felt was the security of his arms. You could almost forget that you were hundreds of feet off the ground.
In Azriel’s care, it was easy to relax, he wouldn’t let anything bad happen. It was in that half dozing state, snuggled up as close as you could get to him, that your sleepy mind realized moments like these were the ones you wanted to remember.
Ultimately, Rhysand’s nasty words were a small part of your day. The majority of your time was spent with Nesta, bonding with her in a way you’d never managed previously. Something that would have never happened if Rhysand hadn’t been a dick.
Yeah. You’d much rather remember the day as the Nesta heart-to-heart incident. Or the first time you flew with Azriel.
Drifting into a deeper sleep, you dreamt of the way Cassian’s laughter echoed with joy as he chased after Nesta up the stairs. You dreamt of soaring through the clouds with Azriel, the same fondness you’d seen in his eyes for Cassian and Nesta, but aimed at you.
It may take you the rest of your life, but you would replace all the trauma muddying up your memories with new memories you wanted to remember. New memories filled with laughter, affection, trust, and adventure.
One day at a time. 
Rhysand could go pound sand though.
Previous Chapter / Bonus: Chapter 2.5 / Next Chapter (coming soon)
A/N: Don't worry the next part is going to be more like the first chapter. There will be like two more chapters sprinkled in that have a more serious tone, but the rest will be fluff, drama, and tomfoolery a plenty. Stay tuned for cheeky Cassian in the next update!!
Tag List: @f4iry-bell @jediknightjana @microwaveallthedemons @olive-main
@starswholistenanddreamsanswered @5onedirection5
@brieflyclassymortal @hauntedstudentobservationus
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plantwriting · 2 months
Time for more dumbass posts. Jrwi pcs as content creators (all moved out of their natural habitat except for the suckening and prime defenders for the sake of making any sense) ((i havent listened to total monster kill or wonderlust yet so they will not be included unfortunately))
Chip is just a modern day pirate. Channel full of “slime tutorials” and “totally not [insert movie here]” i mean come on of course
Jay makes videos where she just. Builds shit. Tinkering with her inventions and such. Good times :)
Now Gill is a bit of a harder one. I feel like he’d start out making like religious content because thats what he was raised on but then slowly itd just start changing as he discovers himself and such. Alternatively. Swords. Just swords.
Goobleck: ACTUAL slime videos. Of course.
Prime defenders + Ashe
Dakota used to make like parkour videos but after he got his powers hed just start just livestreaming fights with villains and stuff. Just like the le frog type ones though not like the actually serious bad fights (hed still film them and like compile them into edits of his coolest moments or something lol)
Vyncent… video games. That man is an mcyt. Bro was on the prime version of the dsmp
Will used to have a pretty popular buzzfeed unsolved type thing going on but then he died and completely disappeared from the internet for like several years. Season three he just shows back up like “hey whats up guys so a lot has happened. Anyways im going to he switching the style of content to literally just talking to ghosts and spirits and shit!” Hed also have a tumblr
Ashe has a popular tumblr. Hes like one of those people whose posts always end up on those funny tumblr posts compilations
Thanatos has a tiktok where he just shit talks organized religion. He probably has like a degree on religious studies that he got before leaving his family so bro knows what he’s talking about
Peter has an instagram where he just posts pictures of cool rocks and another instagram just for lizard. He has maybe three followers max but he doesn’t mind
Rumi has just like a music youtube channel. However. They also have about a dozen other channels under different names with different content for all of their different masks! They don’t show their face on any of the channels so they can’t be recognized as the same person
Kian. Is a vtuber. I feel this in my heart Kian is a vtuber and he very intentionally keeps his online persona and like irl things separate and nobody knows about both. His vtuber model is just Kian’s canon design (alternatively he could just. Be an onlyfans influencer. You know what maybe he’s both)
Rolan just posts bugs. He has like all the social medias and on all of them he just posts cool bugs that he finds. He has no clue what the bugs actually are and he usually doesn’t even caption his posts but he has like at least a million followers combining all of his different platforms
Rand posts conspiracy theories. His videos are the ones you randomly find yourself on when you wake up at like three am after leaving the autoplay on and falling asleep with youtube open
The suck
Emizel makes minecraft lets plays. But specifically like ones that are horrible quality and clearly made by someone who has no idea how to actually make youtube videos. He has at least five “HEROBRINE IN MY MINECRAFT WORLD REAL NOT CLICKBAIT” and they’re all from last month
I feel like Shilo would excel as a beauty youtuber. Hes just doing makeup tutorials and telling story times
Arthur refuses to go on social media he does not know what a “tick-tock” is and he does not want to know
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astonmartinii · 2 years
study bug | max verstappen instagram au
pairing: max verstappen x student!reader 
max’s girlfriend is a psychology student and despite wanting to support her boyfriend, the studies come first, right? 
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liked by silverarrows, yukierre22 and 230 others 
tagged: yourusername 
f1wagsupdates y/n y/ln was spotted in the garage in bahrain! i think she came in through the back because she wasn’t caught by any of the media, and this was only caught in the back of the broadcast. people there have said that she’s just sat in the back of the redbull garage with a book? not the best wag debut imo, what do you think? 
view all 21 comments 
dutchking1 i think it’s nice that y/n doesn’t really interact with the media, she’s a new wag but to me it shows she’s not with max for the fame 
ilyverstappen yeah!!! plus she’s super lowkey on her own social media, why would she be greeting all the media at her first race? 
gaslysupremacy idk feels all a bit forced to me, why go if you refuse to talk to anyone? 
yourusername added to their story 
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[caption: the study grind never stops, not even in the f1 paddock] 
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liked by danielricciardo, yourusername and 721,076 others 
tagged: redbullracing, yourusername 
maxverstappen1 that one felt good! the car was a rocket ship and the shift from the guys in the garage was amazing. thank you baby for being there to support me despite your already busy life, i’m so grateful. 
view all 102,056 comments 
redbullracing mega drive max and welcome to the family y/n! 
danielricciardo awwwww maxys gone soft 
iloverbr i love this new max era 
parcfermee it’s early but y/n might be my new favourite wag 
vercapslock i know it’s so refreshing to see a wag who is still full time in something else. also psychology is so so interesting! 
yourusername added to their story 
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[caption: never missing a second] 
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maxverstappen1 added to their story 
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[caption: the study bug has taken over my apartment] 
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liked by maxverstappen1, danielricciardo and 31,098 others 
yourusername when the end of exams perfectly lines up with the start of the summer break 
view all 2,081 comments 
maxverstappen1 oh that’s what my girlfriend looks like? i didn’t recognise you without a textbook surgically attached to you. 
yourusername oh shut it maxy one of us has to get an education 
danielricciardo be nice y/n, the extent of max’s education is his world map 
maxverstappen1 i know all the flags you can’t take that away from me
zandvoorts their relationship seems so sweet 
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liked by angelverstappen, fastlikemax and 39,658 others 
tagged: maxverstappen1
yourusername always a privilege to watch you race <3 (and ignore exams) 
view all 5,034 comments 
maxverstappen1 all for you <3 (who cares about exams) 
honeyverstappen i’m honestly begging WHEN IS IT MY TURN 
wdcmaxy they make me feel so lonely 
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liked by pierregasly, redbullring and 3,122 others
tagged: maxverstappen1, yourusername 
f1updates max verstappen spotted outside his girlfriend’s university with a bouquet of flowers to celebrate her last day. 
view all 140 comments 
babymax i simply cannot do it anymore 
redbullprince this relationship has not only been great for him personally, but the free pr is off the charts 
worldchampbulls it’s always so crazy to see what a softie max is off track 
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liked by yourusername, redbullracing and 1,209,453 others 
tagged: yourusername 
maxverstappen1 the study bug of the paddock finally graduated and we finished the week with a very important win! forever so proud of you and looking forward to travelling next season without an extra suitcase of textbooks 
view all 45,098 comments 
danielricciardo congrats y/n! 
yourusername thank you daniel, but stop telling him he has to propose now
maxverstappen1 yeah i’ll go at my own pace (i brought the ring six months ago)
redbullracing congratulations to the both of you 
pierregasly be careful those textbooks probably cost the same as the RB18 
yourusername so true 
3K notes · View notes
jedi-luca · 2 months
Avenger Lane Chapter 15: Creature Fear
Summary: You and your wife Quinn move your family outside of New York City to Avenger Lane; a small private suburbia. There you face your toughest obstacle of your marriage. Will your marriage with Quinn be strong enough when a certain redheaded beauty captures your attention? 
Parings: Natasha x Reader
Warnings: Reader has a Penis
Previous Chapter
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Natasha opened the door with a look of surprise. Someone was holding a bouquet of flowers, a present, and balloons. She couldn’t even see who it was. Until you popped your head through the balloons.
“Y/N?” She beamed laughing.
“Happy birthday Nat.” You smiled widely.
Natasha couldn’t wait for you to even step inside she jumped in your arms. Presents falling to the floor with petals falling around you. You chuckled holding her up as her legs wrapped around you. Stepping inside you shut the door, kicking the presents aside.
“I wasn’t sure you’d make it.” She mumbled against your neck.
“I promised you, and I didn’t want to break another promise with you. I’m not going anywhere unless you want me too of course.” 
Natasha kissed you softly letting her fingers run through your hair before pulling away. “I missed you like crazy.”
“I missed you too. You wanna-“
“Yes.” She nodded, kissing you again only for you to break the kiss.
“I was gonna say open your presents, but that sounds amazing.” You chuckled walking over to the sofa, setting her down.
She blushed, nodding as she cleared her throat crossing her legs. You handed her a bouquet of carefully picked out flowers.
“Y/N, these are so beautiful. I love them, thank you.” She bites her lip, blushing a little as she studies the flowers. 
You bring the present to the coffee table sitting next to her as she smells her flowers. 
“You didn’t have to do all this, I just needed you.” She mumbles against your shoulder.
“It’s your birthday, Natalia, it should be celebrated.” You say softly placing a lock of her hair behind her ear.
“You’re the sweetest.” She sighs, pecking your lips.
“So why don’t you open your first couple gifts of the day.”
“First couple gifts?” She smiles, biting her lip. “Y/N you really-“
“Stopppp come on.” You say as Leho leaps on the table to see what chaos you brought.
She smirked seeing you look nervous as she opens the first gift only to find a large envelope. Natasha furrows her brows at you before opening it. She gasps as she reads the title of legal documents, and the notary of the republic’s stamp.
“You’re…. Divorced… She actually signed them?”
“She didn’t really have a choice.”
“Oh my God. Y/N how? I thought it was going to take months!?”
“Well I finally listened to you spoke to my parents. With their help and Tony’s I counter sued for everything she did to me. The couples therapist Agatha turned in her notes to the judge which also helped immensely. The Fabrays hate a bad image and caved immediately especially when they knew I could squash them like a bug.”
Natasha tackled you in a hug.
“I promised you it would happen. I promised you, Nat.”
“I know you did.” She nodded, wiping her tears as you brought her in a kiss.
“I wanna be with you.” You say softly.
“You’ve had me Y/N.” She cried, wrapping her arms around you snuggling into your side. “How… How are the kids taking this?”
“Finley doesn’t really understand but she loves you so, I know she won’t be too put off. Beth on the other hand is upset. She doesn’t understand. She probably won’t until she’s older, and that’s okay. She refuses to speak to me right now. The moment we sat her down to discuss the divorce she pushed me out, and said she never wants to see me again.”
“Baby.” Natasha cried holding your hand. “Baby she doesn’t mean it.”
“I know.” You sniffled feeling Natasha wipe your tears. “She loves her mom very much. I can't be the one to tarnish that image. When she cools down I’ll talk to her again.”
“Beth loves you Y/N so much. I know she does, you know she does. You’re right she just needs some time divorce is not easy on a 12 year old. Are they home?”
“Beth is at school and I think Quinn is at her sisters with Fin. She said she didn’t want to see me here.”
“So she knows?”
“Ohhhh yeah she knows I’m with you.” You nod.
“Is she mad? Like burn down my house mad?”
“No actually, just like she’s finally let me go. I think her seeing our old friends really helped knock some sense into her as well. Plus as much as I hate to say it Rachel is kind of helping her move on.”
“So she’s more so upset with herself and her actions?”
“That’s what I got from it in court, but I thought maybe it was a ruse. Anyway, enough about my ex wife and open your next present.”
You handed Natasha a wrapped gift. She looked up, raising her brow looking down at the Christmas themed paper and bow. “You wrapped this?” 
“Of course! I’m a black belt at gift wrapping.” You grinned.
She giggled while opening the gift only to see a Fisherman’s sweater. “Ohhh I love it.” She says holding it up seeing something fall out of the sweater she frowns grabbing it before Leho can get it.
The scenic view of the East coast of Maine
“I thought since you’re taking a break right now maybe you and I can take a road trip all the way to Maine? Or we can just-“
Natasha tackles you in a hug “I love it.” 
“Are you sure? Cause it’s cold and if you’d rather just go somewhere more tropical I can still change it.”
“Nope, I’ve never been upstate. I think that’s a great idea.”
“Alright I guess pack for a week and then get dressed for brunch cause Wanda is currently making you a fabulous brunch for your birthday right about now.”
“Oh my gosh!” Natasha stood up running up the stairs packing for the winter vacation.
You chuckled looking down at Leho “Don’t worry I won’t make you join us in the car ride Yelena is going to stay here and take care of you.” The black cat purred and hopped up on your lap. “Yeah I figured you weren’t the car riding type.”
You stood up making your way up the staircase leaning against Natasha’s doorway when you notice something you thought you lost.
“Is that my hoodie?” You gasped “and my jacket!? I thought I lost them!”
“No, don't look!” Natasha groaned.
“You little thief!” You chuckled.
“They smelled like you.” She smiled, holding them up to her nose. 
You brought her in your arms pecking her lips. “I’ll be sure to rotate them so you always have something that smells like me then.” You lifted it to your nose, closing your eyes and smiled. “Now it smells like you.”
“So sweet.” She muttered before kissing you once more. She turned in your arms as she continued her packing.
You moved her hair to the side and left small kisses from her shoulder to her neck.
“Hmm, I missed you.” She sighed.
“You have no idea how much I missed you.” You held her from behind burying your nose in her hair.
“I think I have an idea.” Natasha’s fingers ran through your hair, her body arching into you. 
Nat lifted her phone showing you a video that Mike sent her.
“Dude what are you doing?” Mike giggled using his video to see what you were looking at. “Is that Natasha?”
“Maybe.” You purse your lips coyly slightly drunk. 
“Why are you looking at her picture? You weirdo.” Santana cackled.
“I miss her.” You shrugged.
“Aww!” Kurt frowns, hugging your head. “Me too!”
“Oh my God! You’re such a simp. This is your boo Natasha. Out here cryin’ in da club.” 
You all started cackling before the video came to an end.
“I’m gonna kill him.” You shook your head.
“I thought it was sweet.” She smiled, turning in your arms. You widen your stance so you can be at eye level. “Don’t be embarrassed baby, I'm your woman.”
“My woman, I love the sound of that.” You grin, smooching her lip feeling her hands massage your shoulders.
“Anything else you need to show me or tell me about?” You chuckled.
“No.” She smirked looking away.
“You sure?” 
“I may have also seen you guys sing Don’t Stop Believing and some of your friends dm’ed me that they’re happy for us. That’s all. Again! I thought it was sweet.” The redhead beauty smiled, pecking your lips before smacking your ass and making her way to the bathroom. 
“Hm.” You grunted.
She began grabbing her toiletries in a bag she looked over seeing you laying down feet off the bed. Your arms wrapped around her pillow, eyes closed for a brief moment while she packs. She smiles looking at you she’s wanted you for so long now, and it’s finally happening.
You mentally went through the checklist again. The cooler is packed with snacks and drinks. You have the snow chains on already extra in the back just in case. Your suitcase is packed, the rest of the presents are in the back, blankets, pillows, some extra wood, alcohol and mixers, champagne, some groceries in an extra cooler, and Tony’s keys to his cabin.
You could hear her walking around quietly as she packs up her suitcase when you felt some weight on your legs.
“Okay! I’m ready!” She sang she lifted up on her knees as you flipped over.
“Hmmm okay baby.” You yawned while stretching.
Natasha straddled you and you let your hand lightly rub her thick thighs. She leaned down kissing you softly inhaling you as she broke the kiss.
“We… don’t have any extra time… do we?”
“We…” you looked at your watch. “Do not.” You sigh.
“But it’s my birthday.” She sticks her bottom lip out with a frown dry humping you. “I can be a little late.”
You groan feeling her lips suck on your sweet spot and rub against your other sweet spot.
“You and I both know we’re not gonna wanna go just one round. Besides, I don't really want our first time as a couple to be a quickie.” You chuckle, slapping her ass. “Come on birthday girl. 
She whines getting off of you and you grin standing up taking her bags. 
“What about Leho?” She said sadly while picking up her baby.
“Yelena is going to take care of her and the house.” You muttered the last part.
“Oh God okay just let me write out something real quick, and put the flowers in a vase.”
“Alright I’ll put these in the truck.”
Natasha wrote out a quick message asking her sister to water the plants, the new flowers you just gave her, and what times to feed Leho. She even gave her some money for food just in case.
Natasha walked out seeing a cover over your truck bed. “Since when have you had that?”
“Oh it came with it, I just never had a chance to use it.” You chuckled. “Are those your balloons?” You chuckled.
“I just got them, it's bad enough I have to leave my flowers.”
You grinned walking over taking them from her and walking over to Wanda’s. You knocked and she told you both to come in from the Stark bell. You open the door letting her through first hearing all her friends say “HAPPY BIRTHDAY!”
“Oh my gosh you guys!” Natasha smiled seeing all of her friends.
Wanda ran over bringing her in a big hug. “Ohhh I love you, happy birthday!” She cooed.
“Happy birthday!” Pietro smiled, giving her a hug as well. “Just so you know my gift is me getting up early to help Wanda.” His older sister smacked him and Natasha laughed. “Hey what’s up Y/N.” He smiled, giving you a hug.
Wanda led you both towards the end of the table giving Natasha a tiara, her breakfast plate and a mimosa.
Breakfast went on and then the gifts began.
“This is from me and Buck. Happy birthday Nat we love you.” Steve smiled with Bucky's arm around him.
“Oh wow thank you guys!” Natasha looks down at the brand new Glock and set of bullets. 
“That’s the new G29 it’s beautiful.” Steve explains.
“Oh my God.” Vis gasps lowly he hates guns. Wanda takes his hand. Natasha closes the case and thanks Steve and Bucky before you take it and safely set it aside.
“Jeez.” You hear Tony mutter as he drinks his mimosa.
“Happy birthday love.” Laura smiles with Clint grinning behind her.
It was a framed photo of Natasha and you with all the kids at the fair. Along with a little Hawaiian statue.
“Thank you Laura.” Natasha smiled showing you the picture. You smiled looking at her. “It’s sweet, I'll make sure to put it up before we leave.”
“Just make sure to keep the statue with you.” Clint cackled.
“Oh Clint.” Laura smacked him.
“What is this?”
“We got it during our trip to Hawaii. It’s a fertility statue.”
“It fucking works.” Clint raised his brows looking at the two of you.
You and Natasha chuckle a bit.
“I’m serious we were having some trouble with Nate and well that little fucker helped. So when you’re ready just make sure he’s around for the action.”
You chuckled turning red scratching the back of your neck.
“Those Hawaiians, dude they know they’re shit.” Clint punched your arm. “I know you’ve got a couple so be sure to wrap it before you tap it from now on it’s like magic.”
“Clint for the love of God.” Laura whined.
Natasha placed the frame and statue in her purse before the next guest came over. You took her hand rubbing circles on her palm.
“You okay?” You ask near her ear.
“I just need to go to the bathroom right quick.” She nods and pecks your hand.
You look at her slightly worried before looking towards Wanda. “I should-“
“Go.” She nods.
You stand and rush upstairs.
“Damn it Clint I told you not to put that in there.” Laura groaned covering her face.
“What? What’s wrong-“
“Nat, can’t have children.” She said in his ear.
You reach the master bath and knock softly. “Baby?”
The door swings open and she pulls you in a kiss.
“Whoa.” You manage to say as she hums in your mouth. “Honey?”
“I need you Y/N.” She husks. “I need you so bad and we don’t have much time.” 
“Nat, I think you might not be dealing with this the right way. Just take a breather-“
“Y/N please.” She whines against your lips, her hands on your belt. “Please baby I need you so badly right now. It won’t take much. I know this isn’t what you had in mind for our first time as a couple to be in Wanda’s bathroom, but please! I need you inside of me.” 
“Talia, my love please just take a second.”
“Love?” Natasha freezes.
“This wasn’t how I was going to tell you.” You squeezed your eyes shut. 
“You love me?” She asks in surprise.
“So much. I’ve been wanting to say those words for a while now.” You chuckle, bringing her against you.
“I’ve longed to hear those words from you.” She whispered.
“I just wanted to wait until it was finally over. Until I had it in writing for you.”
“I know my love.” She whispers, kissing you softly. 
“I hope I was worth the wait.”
“You are always worth it. I love you so much.” She smiles, laying her forehead against yours.
You pull her into a hug just as she begins to cry.
“I’m sorry I don’t know what came over me. I felt so sad and then you came up to take care of me and I’ve just never had that before-“ she started to tear up.
“It’s okay you’re allowed to feels things. Clint hit a sore spot.”
“I missed you so much Y/N.” She sniffled as you wiped away her tears.
“I missed you too, baby. I missed all of you. I missed your laugh, your smile, the way your voice gets gravely when you're sleepy or just woke up, your cooking, your kisses. Your beautiful body. The way I feel when I’m inside of you and the noises I bring out of you. I’m so in love with you. I couldn’t stop thinking about you.”
“I couldn’t stop thinking about you either. Yelena tried making me watch a ton of other shows. Wanda included. I would find myself thinking of you or if you’d call me. Or even text. I was always checking my phone.”
“I’m sorry I didn’t reach out enough.”
“You did better after I told you. We just have to communicate better.”
“We will.” You nod.
“We should go back out there.” She says softly caressing your cheek. 
“Okay.” You stand up from your crouched position and help her off the toilet seat. She fixes your hair and takes the lipstick off your face.
“Lovely.” She nods.
“Stop, you're making me blush.”
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You both come back down and no one makes a comment, they just continue on like nothing happened.
“You okay?” Wanda asks in Russian.
Natasha nods happily. “Oni skazali mne, chto lyubyat menya.” (They told me that they love me.)
“Finally!” Wanda sighed in relief.
Natasha rolled her eyes playfully.
You lean over to Tony when you notice everyone giving you the wink. “So I take it, everyone knows my plan for the cabin?”
“Yup.” Tony nods.
“Got it. So who told?”
“Who do you think?”
You scanned the table. “Scott told Louis?”
“Of course he did.” Tony huffed.
“As long as Nat doesn’t hear about it.”
“She won’t, don’t worry. You got the papers?”
“Yup showed Nat before coming over here.”
“Pepper, give you the keys?”
“Yes sir.”
“Alright.” Tony chuckled. “Don’t be nervous. You got this kid.”
You nodded with a grin before looking over at Natasha who looked down at her gift. It was an ant farm that Scott gave her. 
“I said grab an Aunty Anne’s gift card because she loves they’re pretzels. Why would she want an ant farm Scott?”
“I don’t know why would she want a gift card to Aunty Anne’s?” He huffed. “Besides, ants are way cooler!”
“It’s okay, this is pretty cool, thank you.” Natasha smiled nodding she’ll just give it to Finley.
“Hey Scott.” You smiled right before nut punching him.
“Oh fuck.” Scott gasped nearly toppling to the floor.
“Y/N?!” Natasha scolded you.
“It’s just this game we play at work. Right Scotty? This game about not telling Louis certain things.”
“Yup.” He smiled through the pain waving Natasha off. Steve and Bucky cringed.
“Kind of what he gets; what a big mouth.” Bucky muttered.
“I fucking told you not to tell Louis.” Hope whispered harshly.
“I know.” He gasped as she helped him over to his chair.
“I’ll get you some ice.” Vis nods standing up.
“Thank you.” Scott groaned.
Natasha glared at you once more and you shrugged it off. “He lost the game. I don't know what to tell ya.”
“That was hilarious.” Clint chuckled while getting another mimosa as Thor fell out of his chair laughing. 
“You know you deserved that shit right?.” Val snickered looking at Scott.
“Come on babe get up.” Jane said to Thor who had tears in his eyes from laughter.
“Happy birthday Natasha!” They said together, handing her a tiny gift bag. Thor was still snickering to himself.
“Oh thank you so much!” It was a gift card to Lululemon. 
Soon Val and Carol were up.
“I would say happy birthday but I think this one is a little more for my mate Y/N over here.” Val snickered, winking at you and Carol rolled her eyes.
Natasha ripped open the paper and the white box to find a set of sexy lingerie. The redhead opted out of showing everyone and kept it in the box she didn’t even show you instead she thanked them with a hint of blush on her cheeks. Carol leaned down and whispered in her ear. You wondered what it was because her eyes widened and Carol giggled before taking Val’s hand and taking their seats.
“You alright?” You asked.
“Hmhm.” She nodded, taking a gulp of her drink.
“For Pepper and Tony’s gift they’re letting us stay in their Cabin.” 
“Oh thank you.” Natasha said towards Pepper and Tony.
“Of course but we also got you this.” Pepper handed Natasha a bottle of wine. “It’s one of my all time favorites. I think you’ll like it.”
“It also gets her going if you know what I mean.” Tony mutters lowly toward you.
You chuckled while taking a sip of your drink. 
Soon it’s nearly 2 pm and now you’re way off schedule.
“I’m sorry Y/N.” Wanda says softly as you help her clean up.
“Do not apologize Wands. It’s okay, seriously we can make a pit stop at a hotel. It's not that bad plus I wanted us to take our time getting up to Maine.”
“Still you had the whole day planned.” She said sadly.
“The plan can still go on tomorrow.” You smile.
“Okay I am ready.” Natasha smiled lazily, still a bit buzzed from all the mimosas.
“Go on. I’ve got it from here.”
You grab the presents and Natasha insists on giving the ant farm to Finley so you leave it on the front door with a note and leave the framed photo of the fair in Nat’s home before she says farewell to Yelena.
“Happy birthday Cestra.” She smiles at her drunk sister then at you before handing her a little gift.
“What’s this?” Natasha frowns seeing a check.
“I wanna help pay you back for the clock tower.”
“No buts plus I figured maybe it’ll help bring our parents back from Russian? I know you had to use that money to send me to school and bring me here and fix the tower so… yeah.”
“Aww.” Natasha cried, bringing Yelena in a hug. “I love you.”
“I love you too. Now go.” Yelena wipes her eyes smiling at you. “Take care of my sister. She’s precious cargo.”
“With my life.” You smile helping Natasha walk to the truck. “You wanna lay down in the back? I can make a bed.”
“Not unless you’re gonna lay down with me.” Natasha mumbles hopping in the truck.
You chuckle before shutting the door and getting in the driver's seat. You both wave to Yelena before driving away.
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When you’re finally out of New York Natasha notices how beautiful the mountains look.
“It’s so beautiful.”
“It is really cold, but smell the air.” You slow down a bit and roll down the window.
She breathes the air in smiling as she closes her eyes. “Wow, it smells so good!” . 
You slow down pulling over seeing a maple candy stand.
“What’s this?”
“It’s a maple candy stand. I’m gonna get you some wanna stay in the truck?”
“No!” She hops out and watches you buy some candy as she picks up a red leaf and breathes in the mountain air.
Along the road she asks if you can stop at certain places and of course you oblige by getting her little trinkets and taking random photos.
You both eat snacks from the cooler and sing along to every song she wants to hear occasionally listening to a podcast. You finally stop when it gets too dark somewhere in Vermont. You stop by a diner.
“This place is so cute.” Natasha smiles seeing how retro everything looks.
“Well hello sweethearts my name is Eve what can I getcha?” An older woman walks up with a big smile.
“We will take the lovers lane.” Natasha orders off the menu.
“Okay! I haven’t seen yall out here before where ya from?” 
“New York, it’s her birthday we figured we make a road trip out of it and go up state.”
“Oh well that’s fun, welcome to town! I’ll tell ya what I’ll bring you a slice of pie on the house!”
“Thank you Eve!” Natasha smiled.
You dug into your pockets looking for change.
“What are you doing?” Natasha smirked.
“I’m looking for quarters.” You grinned nodding towards the mini jukebox.
The redhead grabbed her purse taking out .50cents. “Here.”
“You pick it’s the fun part.” You grinned, pushing her hand away.
Natasha smiled and put the change in before choosing an oldie.
“Great choice.” You grinned hearing the doo-wop in the beginning.
“My love must be a kind of blind love. I can’t see anyone but you.” She smiled lovingly at you as you blushed.
‘(Sha bop sha bop)
(Sha bop sha bop)’
“Dance with me?”
‘(Sha bop sha bop)
(Sha bop sha bop)’
‘(Sha bop sha bop)’
“Right here.” You stand up offering your hand which she happily accepts.
‘Are the stars out tonight (sha bop sha bop)’
You bring her close swaying in the diner.
‘I don't know if it's cloudy or bright (sha bop sha bop)
I only have eyes for you dear’
“I love you.” Natasha says softly caressing your cheek.
(Sha bop sha bop)
“I love you too.” You say looking down into her eyes.
‘The moon may be high
(Sha bop sha bop)’
There’s only one other patron in the diner and they can’t help but smile seeing the two of you dancing.
‘But I can't see (sha bop sha bop) a thing in the sky
I only have eyes for you’
“Eve, put their dinner on my tab.” The patron smiled.
‘I don't know if we're in a garden
Or on a crowded avenue
(Sha bop sha bop)’
“They do look so in love don’t they?” Eve smiled watching you and Natasha sway to the music.
‘You are here
(Sha bop sha bop)’
“I don’t ever wanna stop this train with you.” She whispers.
‘And so am I
(Sha bop sha bop)’
“I don’t ever plan on stoppin’.” You lean down pecking her lips gently.
‘Maybe millions of people (sha bop sha bop) go by
But they all disappear from view
And I only have eyes for you’
You both take your seats just as the food came out.
“This looks amazing.” You grin.
“Here baby you pick the next song while we eat.” Natasha hands you a couple quarters.
“Welllllllll…You know you make me wanna shout! Kick my heels up and shout!”
“So good.” You both said as you ate your burgers. “Might have to come back just for this.”
“I know!” She chuckled.
You both ate and laughed as you spoke about your days apart. 
“What made you wanna do this?” She asked, drinking her milk shake.
“Well we were hungry-“
“I meant this trip. Smartass.” Natasha smirked.
“I just felt like we’ve been apart for a long time and wanted to make up for it.” You explain with a light shrug.
Just as Eve promised, a slice of Pie arrived and you both somehow managed to eat every piece of it.
“Thank you so much Eve, this dinner was so good we might just have to make the trek back out just for your food.” Natasha smiled.
“Please do!” Eve laughed.
“Where do I pay Ms. Eve.”
“Actually the gentleman that was in here paid for your meal. He just said he was heartwarmed to see how in love you both are. Made him remember his wife.”
“Oh well now I feel terrible for not being able to thank him.” You pout.
“Don’t be he just wanted to do something nice for you both.”
“Well please tell him we said thank you.” Natasha smiled warmly.
“Of course!” Eve smiled picking up the plates that you stacked at the end of the table.
You left a hefty tip before getting back in the truck and heading towards the hotel.
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“Oh no I’m so sorry I thought we had two beds when we spoke on the phone but it turns out that room is being remodeled. We only have one room left with one king bed.” The front desk girl frowned.
“Oh just the one huh?” You clear your throat, shuffling your feet. You knew if you took that room keeping your hands to yourself would seem difficult.
“You’re absolutely sure there’s only one left.” You ask once more.
The front desk girl sighed and said. “If you don’t want the room-“
“We’ll take it.” Natasha huffed, rolling her eyes at you. “Y/N, if you don’t want to share a bed with me-“ 
“I’m sorry it’s not that at all, not even a little bit you know that.” You bite your lip seeing her nod at you. Natasha took the key. “It’s just- I don’t want you to think just cause I did all this means you have to put out. That’s all. I just want you to be comfortable.”
Natasha smiles softly and pecks your lips. “You’re sweet, and I’m making you start to overthink things because of how I’ve been acting and I’m sorry.”
“Nat, no apologizing. This is new for us… I’ve never been with another woman besides Quinn, and you’ve never been with someone like me. We just need to get in the groove again… I’m gonna park the truck you go on ahead and I’ll bring up our things.”
She nodded before walking off. Natasha kept telling herself to stop over thinking as well you both fell for one another as friends. The only things that’s changed is now there’s nothing holding you both back. You’re both free to be together.
You tiredly made your way to the room. Walking in only to hear the shower running. You quickly change when you hear the water stop. She walks out right as you switch shirts.
Natasha gulped, gripping the door handle.
“Hey.” You smile trying not to blush at the fact that she’s only in a towel.
“Hi.” She smiles a tint of blush across her dewy cheeks. “I forgot you were bringing up the suitcases and got ahead of myself. Can I borrow something to sleep in?”
“I got you.” You grinned getting off the bed. You rummaged through your suitcase finding an extra set of boxers and an old football t-shirt. You walked them over handing them to her.
“Thanks.” She whispers, looking at you. 
“Oh! Sorry.” You chuckled turning around.
She smiled as you turned towards the wall. That’s not why she was staring. She was staring because all she had on was a towel and all she wanted to do was drop it. Just to have you worship her body, but she can tell you’re exhausted. Mentally and physically you just need to rest. Natasha knows damn well if she ignites that fire in you it won’t be put out until it’s time for you both to leave the hotel. She shook her thoughts before dropping the towel not missing the way it made you squirm. 
She inhaled the fresh scent of your boxers and t-shirt. 
“Don’t worry I just washed them before we left.” You chuckled, rubbing your neck. Desperately trying not to look at her through the small reflection on the lamp.
“I’d hope so.” She teased you. “You can turn around now.” She let the shirt fall on her just as you turned around. You gulped seeing the bottom of her breasts and the small freckle on her rib cage.
She climbs into bed laying next to you when she turns on her side. “Thank you for today. Best birthday ever.” She smiled dreamily before leaning over kissing your cheek softly.
“Yeah?” You goofily grin before yawning. You could already feel your exhaustion take over your body as your girl played with your hair.
“Hmhm, you got your divorce, gave me breakfast with all my friends at Wanda’s. You told me you love me. Then we spent the day driving through the mountains. It’s been amazing.” She giggled. “I’ve never had anyone do anything like this for me before, thank you Detka.”
“I didn’t even get to give you the rest of your presents.” You said sleepily trying to sit up only for her to stop you.
“You can give them to me when we’re at the cabin.”
“You sure?” You asked halfway asleep.
“Yes.” She smiles. “Don’t worry about them right now. Everything is perfect today was perfect. You’re perfect.
“I’m glad you enjoyed it. I love you Talia.” You closed your eyes snuggling into your pillow feeling the way her nails grazed your skin and hair as you drifted off to sleep.
“I love you too baby.”
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You wake to the sound of your phone alarm clicking on. The soft strums of Creature Fear by Bon Iver in the air. You hum out feeling warmth against your chest and feeling the sun shine on your face. Slightly upset that you forgot to close the curtain, but the view of the mountains is just too beautiful to stay cranky. You start to realize you’re spooning Natasha and your cock is rock hard as it always is first thing in the morning. Your cock was throbbing feeling the heat from Natasha’s body. 
You slowly lift your head looking down at your entwined legs. You briefly wonder how and when this happened throughout the night. Then you wonder if you can untangle yourself without waking her so you can shower. You look down at your arms. One is under her and the pillow with half her hand in yours and the other arm was wrapped around her with her arm laid over yours and fingers threaded through yours. You tangled yourselves throughout the night.
Her head turned slowly, her eyes wide open. She must have been awake for some time. It’s silent and you’re just admiring her underneath the morning sun. She was breathtaking. You felt like you forgot how to breathe just by looking into her eyes. Natasha was the first to wiggle her fingers bringing your attention to your hands. You stretched your fingers locking them in with hers before looking back into her emerald eyes. She looked down at your covered cock poking her right where she wanted it. You felt the air leave your lungs when she pushed her ass against your throbbing cock. 
The moment her hooded eyes looked from your hardened member to you. Almost in an instant you forgot about everything and all you saw and all you wanted was her. Like a silent agreement you both threw caution to the wind. Letting your lips meet in a passionate kiss. Breathing one another in deeply before your hands let go of hers. You needed to feel her everywhere. You cupped her face inhaling her before letting one hand roam down her back towards her ass and the other threaded through her soft auburn hair. 
She moaned, feeling you squeeze her ass. Her hands were hooked under your arms. Fingernails grazing your back. You stopped for a second letting her take off your shirt. You moaned, feeling her lips against your chest. Kissing somehow tenderly and with haste. You briefly stop her so you can take her shirt off her immaculate body.
“What?” she giggled seeing your jaw slack.
“You’re so incredibly beautiful, but you know I know you’re so much more than that… right?” 
She smiled softly, caressing your cheek. “I know.” She pushed you back getting off the bed before turning towards you. You moved to the edge letting your feet hit the cold carpet of the hotel. You hook your arms around her waist looking up at her as your fingers toe the edge of waistline. The Russian woman bit her lip nodding as you pushed the boxer shorts down.
You lay your head against her abdomen, softly kissing her as you inhale her sweet scent. Before your lips could kiss any further down she stopped you. 
“Your turn.” She smirked her nails scraping against your shoulders.
You were brought back to your throbbing dick you grimaced standing up.
“You’ve been hard for over an hour now. I’m assuming you’re in pain?” Her brow kinked.
“Just sensitive.” You hissed, letting it flop out of the hole of your boxers. “You’ve been up for an hour now?”
She licked her lips staring at your long thick bulging cock. She sat you down kissing you gently before getting on her knees. “Yes and you have no idea how long I’ve been wanting to do this.”
“You don’t have-“ you cleared your throat.
“I want to… don’t you want my mouth?” She husked; hand now holding your meat.
“God yes.” You whined caressing her jaw.
She smirked before focusing on your shaft. She let her lips kiss the head before letting her tongue swirl around causing you to twitch and shudder. You let one hand hold her hair, just as she brought all of you in her mouth, her tongue and mouth sucking you like it’s the last time she’ll have you. Her hands leave your cock and lay against your flexing abs; her nails grazing down. “Oh my G-“ you inhale. 
“Fuck.” You sighed watching her bobb, her head eyes fixed on yours. “Deeper.” You whispered, you could feel her tonsils on your cock as she obeyed. Her hands on your thighs before letting you go with a pop, and moving down to your balls.
“Natasha.” You husked feeling your toes curl. You gently stopped her before pulling her on your lap quickly switching positions to lay her down. You watched as she lifted her body up by her elbows as you got on your knees gently spreading her legs apart. You smirked before letting your tongue dive into her.
“Ohhh” she whimpered and moaned. 
“Fuck me, you’re drenched.” You let two of your fingers dip in before showing her the wetness. “So sexy.” You whispered before putting her wetness on your cock and pumping the throbbing shaft. As you pumped you dove back in moaning at her taste. “You taste so good, Talia.”
“Shit Y/N I’m already so close.” She whined.
You quickened your tongue's pace and let go of your throbbing member to let a couple digits enter her. Her hips bucked as you moved your fingers. You listened to her as if breaking open a safe. Listening for any indication of her spot. 
A loud guttural moan came when you did. You smirked going faster as her moans grew louder and her body unable to lay still. She gripped your hand and head before humping into your face, shaking as she came undone.
You stood wiping your mouth before sucking on your fingers. She closed her thighs at the sight needing some friction.
She sat up and gasped at the soaked edge of the bed. You smiled before lifting her up onto you kissing her with want.
“Hmm.” She moaned in the kiss before opening her eyes looking down at you. She reached below her, taking you in her hand guiding you to the place you both have been aching for.
“Oh my God.” You sighed laying your forehead against hers. Feeling the tip of your member enter her.
You both moaned as she slid down your shaft.
“Fuck.” You felt your grip loosen before lifting her back up moaning at the movement. You froze seeing her grimace.
“What’s wrong, should I stop?” You asked, worried you hurt her.
She kissed your worries away wiping your brow lines
“You’re just… really big… I’m just adjusting.” She blushed. You pulled out causing her to whimper. 
“Standing up needs some work. Okay.” You make a note of it as you gently lay her down before following suit. She spread her legs for you to lay between. She moaned at the touch of your tongue against her lips. 
“I need you inside me baby.” She husked in your ear, breaking the kiss.
You both looked down as you took your cock rubbing it between her folds. Gathering all the wetness before slowly entering her.
“Sooooo tight.” You whispered, feeling her velvet walls clamping down around you. You stayed still letting her adjust to your girth and length and enjoying the way her warmth feels. “Gah damn I will never get tired of you baby!” You smiled leaning down to kiss her.
“I’m gonna have to remember pelvic floor exercises.” She giggled as she brushed your hair back. 
“I’m madly in love with you.” You smiled Natasha brought you down kissing you as she whimpered as her hips bucked into you giving you the go ahead. You slowly pumped in and out. 
“Oh my God!” She moaned out as your lips left hers to nibble on her sweet spot.
“That’s it baby you’re doing so well.” You groaned out as you continued your rhythm as she whimpered beneath you. Your eyes fluttered closed as you paused your motions pushing in deeper. 
“Oooh that feels so good Y/N.” Natasha wiggling her pelvis against you.
“It’s been so long since I’ve been this deep inside of you like this.” You groaned, placing a hand on the headboard driving your pace faster.
“I know baby I don't even think I can hold on for much longer.” She gasps, clawing at your back bringing you down against her. “God I love you so much!”
You’re both moaning as you move together. Your teeth clashing in your kisses. You’re both breathing one another in as you cum around one another.
“Fuck baby.” She gasps. “Oh daddddy.” 
“Oh Natasha! Fuuuck!” You groan, spilling your seed deep inside of her. “Ohhh yeah look at that baby.” You say lathering your thick honey along her glistening pussy.
You both pant when the phone rings it’s time to check out and your alarm with Bon Iver starts over again after its snooze.
“How long do we have?” She asks, kissing your back.
“A couple hours.”
“Then come back to me.” She smirks.
You grin, rubbing her arm around your chest that begins to make its way to your meat.
“Hmm.” You groan feeling her pumping you as she nibbles your ear. “The faster we’re out of here the faster I can have you in that cabin, and really take my time with you.” 
“How long is the drive?” She asks, kissing your shoulders.
“About 4 more hours.” You cringed, seeing her look at you with her brows furrowed.
“Yeah no you’re making love to me one more time. Really Y/N 4 hours?!”
“I’m sorry.” You say feeling her pull you to the shower. You shove your underwear down before stepping in.
“Multitasking at its finest baby.” She smirked, kissing you as the warm water fell over you.
“Hmm, I hope you know the moment we step foot in that cabin and I’ve got all our shit inside-“
“What? The pussy monster is coming out?”
“Who?” You furrowed your brows and she giggled kissing you under the water.
“Well I hope the pussy monster does come out.” She mutters against your lips, feeling you smirk and your cock stand at attention.
You lift her up and against the wall and you slide in.
“Who says the pussy monster isn’t here right now?” You say in a voice so gravely and low that makes her drip around your thick cock. You choke her as you begin to roughly hump inside of her sliding her ups down against the cold tile wall.
“Ohhhh fuckkkkk!” She moans, hooking her hands behind your neck.
“That’s it baby girl.” You say.
“Fuuuuuckkk!” She whines feeling you hit her center.
“You like that, my naughty girl?”
“So much!” She gasps.
“You love it when the pussy monster comes out.”
“So much daddy so much.” 
“You’re my cum slut aren’t you? You like it when I cum deep inside of you.” You roughly grab her jaw.
“Oh my gosh yesss so much I love the way it feels, and the way you lather it all over my pussy when I cum on your cock daddy.”
“Me too baby.”
“I also love it when you cum on my tongue you taste so good.”
“Fuck.” You groan, feeling yourself cuming.
“Oh my gosh baby you feel so good inside me.” She cries as pivot your hips letting her walls clamp around you and juicing your cock.
“Shit Talia.” You both look down seeing you pull out and your creams landing on your cock on for you to lather it on her pussy and push inside of her once more. “Give me another baby girl. I’m still so hard for you.” You say lowly near her ear.
“Fuck.” She whimpers and nods before tapping you to let her down. You gently set her down and watch her spin around against the tile. You take hold of her hips and begin watching your cock disappear over and over again.
“Your ass is so fucking amazing. This pussy is velvet baby don’t get me wrong but when can this monster cock try that little ass hole?” You husk near her ear.
“When you let me try your little ass hole.” She smirks looking back at you before handing you the soap bar and a scrub.
“Touché.” You stroke inside of her as you sud her body up. It feels even better when you bring your bodies together. “Fuck I’m close!” You growl near her ear.
“Cum then daddy.” She bites your lip and your fucking her so hard and fast your skin is slapping against one another echoing in the shower. You wrap your arms around her, and lift her up causing her to yelp as you cum inside of her. “Fuuuuuuuuuuck!!!!” You groan emptying your load before setting her back down. You pull out and push back in letting her cum around you and gently letting her ride out her orgasm.
“Shit.” You pant feeling your cock slip out and watching your creams go down the drain.
She smiles, hooking her arm around you, kissing you languishly.
“How’d we get in here?” You asked, looking around causing her to giggle and kiss you once more.
“Shut up and wash my hair.” 
“I’ve been meaning to ask you. Yesterday, what did Carol whisper in your ear?”
Natasha turned smirking up at you as you washed her hair.
“Well first she said she and Val came over one day and heard us going at it. She also mentioned that I need to really work my hips.”
“They saw us?”
“I really need to learn how to close the fucking blinds.” 
A/N: still cutting up chapters in parts because of how long they are.
Don’t forget to Reblog, comment, and like 🥰
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lunaraindrop · 24 days
We Are Not the Kissing Space Twins (part 2)
Fic by lunaraindrop
Well, you asked for it! Let's find out about Steve's secret twin!
Robin's nerves were frazzled like the feather on her band uniform.
Tonight was supposed to be a fun night! Vickie had asked her last week if she wanted to come over to her house and have a movie marathon...and a sleepover. Of course she jumped at the chance! (Steve had said, excitedly and with way too many winks that Vickie was putting the moves on her.)
Robin had not known if it was a "friend movie marathon" or a "i-like-you-makeout movie marathon", but she had prepared for both.
But then Vickie called her earlier that afternoon to postpone. Apparently, her entire family got a stomach bug, and their house was a cesspool for germs.
Bummed, Robin tried to think of something else to do.
Hanging with Steve was out. His parents decided to grace him with their *lovely* presence after four months away on "business." They insisted on having a "family dinner." Steve always gets ultra stressed when he has to do the staunchy dinners in The Harrington Dining Room with the real silver, cloth napkins, and the Fine China that cost probably as much as his car. Telling him that her "maybe date" was off was just going to disappoint him too.
Eddie wasn't going to be any fun, either. All Eddie would do would be pine over Steve, try to sneak in a smoke, and eat whipped cream out of a can.
Nancy was spending the day with Jonathan. The kids made sure they all had things to do because Steve couldn't take them anywhere.
Then she had what she thought was a great idea. She could get her learner's permit! She had studied the written test bookelett front to back, as well as gone over all the driving rules and tricks with Steve and Eddie.
She wasn't working that day, and she was completely free. Perfect timing! All she had to do was get her birth certificate.
Which...proved to be harder than she thought.
Robin paced her bedroom, probably wearing a path in the carpet.
She never caught on that her parents were reluctant to give her her birth certificate. When she would suggest getting her permit or license, they would talk about how they couldn't afford to have her driving. A car and insurance cost a lot of money. Then they would guilt trip her into not driving at all with fears of her getting into an accident. She never knew her name, but that was how she was told her bio mom died.
She would always let it go when they talked about the "angel that gave them their precious baby girl."
But she knew now that they were hiding something from her!
When she pressed until they gave in, she saw what on her birth certificate. She felt so betrayed! How could they lie to her like that?
She couldn't take it anymore! Robin picked up the phone.
"Hey, Nancy? I hate to ask, but could you and Jonathan come pick me up? I really need a friend right now."
In the Byers-Hopper living room, Nancy blinked up at Robin. "So, you are actually a year *older* than you thought you were?"
Robin threw her hand in the air. "Yes! And they didn't tell me! Evidently, it wasn't just that I took longer than the rest of the babies to walk! Oh no, I was in the NICU for *months*! I was so far behind in my milestones that my parents decided to just tell me I was a year younger and enroll me in school a year later than everyone else!"
Jonathan dodged a flailing arm and handed Robin a cup of tea. "Here, sit down and drink this. It's my mom's chamomile. I think you need it."
Taking a breath, Robin nodded her thanks and took a sip. Then made a face. "This tastes like laundry detergent and bourbon."
Jonathan shrugged with a small smirk. "I said it's my mom's."
Nancy went into investigation mode. "Okay, so your parents adopted you three days after you were born. Closed adoption. Your biological mother died, and no information about your biological fatherm. Instead of 1968, you were adopted in 1967."
Carefully putting the mug down on a magazine on the table, Robin ran her fingers through her hair. "Me being adopted is old news, Nancy. I've known I was my parents 'miracle baby' since I was able to walk...which I don't know when that is now! Was it *actually* six months after most kids, or *a year and six months* after most kids?!?"
Nancy waved her hand to cut Robin off. "Robin! I understand. I'm just trying to understand how nobody knew this information."
Jonathan raised an eyebrow. "About Robin being adopted?"
Nancy sighed. "No, about how Robin could go through the whole school system and sign government NDA's without getting flagged that her birthday was wrong. I'm wondering if her adoption records say something else."
She got up to grab a notepad and started scribbling. "The information given to the Buckley's, if they can believed- sorry Robin- is that the adoption was a closed adoption. Having records sealed makes sense, but not a closed adoption. There was no father, according to Robin's parents. Just her biological mother. Who died in a car accident. So...who made sure it was a closed adoption? Who isn't supposed to be contacted? Does that have anything to do with the year change?"
Jonathan got up and pulled out his wallet. "Robin, you've never had a physical ID, right?" He showed off his own driver's license with his awful bowl cut hair picture.
"No. I haven't even had a permit yet. At nineteen! I'm so far behind!"
Jonathan nodded and looked to Nancy to continue. When she nodded back, he handed Robin his license. "If you've never had an ID, the only time you would see your birthday written anywhere would either be at school or by your parents." He turned to Nancy. "If her school records say she was born in 1967, then they knew she was a year older, but didn’t say anything... If they filled out her forms saying 1968, then they lied to the Roane County Board of Education, and they didn't check her birth certificate."
Nancy pointed a pencil at Robin. "You might have accidentally uncovered a hidden adoption scheme in Hawkins."
Robin flexed her fingers. "That's nice, you guys. Really nice. I may be a part of some big adoption conspiracy. But the fact remains, I'm a year older than I ever thought I was, and my parents lied to me about it."
Nancy and Jonathan both flinched.
Right. Comfort Robin now, investigate later.
Nancy walked over and stilitingly pat Robin’s shoulder. She wracked her brain for something to cheer the woman up.
"Well, you and Steve can actually pretend to be twins, now! Your birthdays are now only three days apart!
Part 1 here:
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mariclerc · 8 months
Soft fur | cl16
Summary: When your date with Charles takes an unexpected turn. Or when you have a new fluffy member in the family.
Warning: None, a lot of fluff from Charles and reader.
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You and Charles have been dating for a long time, and occasionally you go on casual dates since you are both busy and hardly have time for a date as such, and today is one of those. You are both sitting in front of each other, the sun was coming through the window of the place, plates with half-eaten and delicious pastries occupy the space between you. You take a bite of a macaron, your eyes sparkle with delight.
“You're enjoying that, mon amour?” Charles asks while keeping a little smile on his face.
You nod with your mouth full. “Mmm! It's so light and airy, just like... Well, you.”
He chuckles. “Me? It's that because I'm sweet and fluffy? Flattery will take you so far, love.” He winks and reaches for your hand, intertwining your fingers. You blush lightly, a shy smile playing on your lips.
Moments later, you walk hand in hand down a cobblestone street. The afternoon sun warms up your skin, and the gentle murmur of conversation hangs in the air while you talk about everything and nothing at the same time.
“...and then the girl screamed very loudly in the office, and I was scared, she screamed because there was a bug in her coffee cup, she started shaking the cup, spilling coffee all over the floor. I swear it was something out of a movie.”
“Oh god, I can imagine it, baby.” he said while laughing.
Suddenly you feel something soft against your ankle, you stop and look down at the floor to see fluffy siamese kitten nuzzling you leg. Its emerald eyes looked at you with great curiosity and innocence.
“Oh god Charles, look! It's a kitty! It's so small, oh my!” You say while gasping.
He kneels while extending a hand. “Hello there, little one. Where did you come from?”
The kitten rubs against his palm, purring contentedly. You watch, your heart melting at the beautiful sight.
“It's so cute. Can we pet it?”
He smiles. “Of course, mon ange.”
He gently picks up the kitten, cradling it in his arms. You reach out with a shy smile, tentatively stroking its soft fur. Memories of your childhood flood back: begging your parents for a pet, daydreaming about cuddling with a furry friend, or simply being your companion while you study.
“You know? I always wanted a kitten when I was younger. But my parents never let me had one.” You said with your voice a little brittle.
He notice your wistful expression. “Is that something you still want princess?”
“I don't know... It seems a bit silly now, being an adult and all.” You say a little hesitantly.
Looks at you intently. “Silly? I don't think it's silly love. If it makes you happy, it's not necessarily silly.”
He holds the kitten out to you. You hesitate for a moment, then cautiously take it in your arms. The warmth of its tiny body fills you with a sense of comfort and joy.
“Thank you Charles.” You say in a whisper.
He smiles warmly, his eyes twinkling with mischief. “Consider it an early Valentine's day present.”
You let out a little giggle and continue walking together, now with your new furry friend, which is quite comfortable in your arms, the sun light becomes brighter and more resplendent. After walking for a while, you and Charles stand in a bustling pet store, the kitten nestled comfortably in your arms. Shelves overflow with cat toys, treats, and colorful accessories.
“There are many options! What can we choose?” Your eyes are wide with wonder.
He chuckles. “Well, let's ask the experts, don't we?” He approaches a friendly-looking employee wearing a name tag that reads "Sarah." “Hi there! We found a little lost soul and are looking for the perfect essentials to welcome it home.”
“Oh, how adorable! What a lucky kitty. Let's see what we can do.”
Sarah guides you through the maze of cat supplies, explaining the differences between food brands, litter types, and scratching posts. You bombard her with questions, your excitement growing with each answer.
Later, you stand in your cozy apartment, transforming a small corner of the living room into a cat sanctuary. Charles helps you assemble a cat condo, set up a litter box, and fill bowls with food and water. The kitten, now sporting a cute red collar and named "Sparks" by you, explores its new territory with playful curiosity.
“All ready! What do you think Sparks? Happy with your new digs?” You say while wiping some sweat from your forehead caused by the work of arranging things.
Sparks rubs against your leg, purring loudly. You kneel down and scoop it up, burying your face in its soft fur. A contented sigh escapes your lips.
“You look radiant, mon bébé! Even happier than with the pastries.” He said while wrapping his arms around you.
“Maybe it's the pastries, maybe it's the kitten, but mainly it's you. Thank you for making this dream come true, Charles!” You say with a little smile on your face as you lean into him.
He kisses your forehead, his eyes filled with love. Sparks, sensing the affection, snuggles closer to you, completing the picture of perfect domestic bliss.
“Now we have a little family!” He says while having a smile on his face.
“Maybe later, a little human addition to the family?” You say in a whisper.
Charles's eyes widen in surprise, followed by a slow, teasing grin. “Mon ange, are you proposing?”
“Maybe...” You say while blushing. “But I think for now we are fine the way we are.”
You don't rule out the idea of ​​having a family in the future, whether near or distant, with Charles, but at the moment you guys are pretty good with Sparks and their fun and curious things that they do every day and that make them smile at the least expected moment, no matter how stressed or tired you both are, Sparks is always there to make you smile.
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trendywaifus · 3 months
giving stelle the silent treatment. but this time, you’re not mad at her but yourself. I love stelle and this is an old draft 😞 cw: fem! reader, fluff, not proofread
“. . .(name)? “ STELLE calls your name with concern evident in her voice when she sees you sitting on your side of the shared bed, back facing towards her. everyone’s in the gazebo, enjoying themselves and relaxing in the company of the others. why aren’t you there? it doesn’t feel right when you’re not laughing by her side with everyone else. you don’t say anything or react to her voice. she swallows and makes her way over to your bed side. you’re on your phone, mindlessly scrolling through the galaxnet with a neutral look on your face, stelle’s lips purses into a thin line. what’s with that look? why aren’t you acknowledging her presence? did something happen?
stelle sits down beside you, sun-colored eyes studies your face for a few moments before her focus shift down to your phone screen you’re aimlessly swiping on. quiet, she lean her taller frame into yours as she watches the feed that seems to have your attention. a short funny video of a chubby looking cat flying around with a mini jet pack on its back earns a small giggle from stelle. she decides to circle an arm around your waist and you almost immediately tense up. her heart stings with pang of confusion and hurt.
“ d-did i do something wrong? “ she queries, quickly pulling her arm away to scratch her head with prized puzzlement. you say nothing but your thumb stops moving, you release an audible soft sigh. your sliver–haired girlfriend paused for a moment, pondering over something before she stands up and gets down on her knees in front of you.
her gloved digits brushes against your knuckles as they curl around your hand and bring it up to her cheek. your (e/c) hues pull away from your phone to meets with hers. her brows raise, pretty golden eyes slightly widen to adopt a cute puppy-like expression on her handsome features. “ my little trash bag? the love of my life? my stinkie butt? “
“ stelle— “
“ my twinkle twinkle little star? my cuddle bug—“
“ enough, stelle. enough, please. “ you interrupt, the small corner of your lips slightly curled. stelle sees that as an accomplishment and the first step of solving the issue at hand.
she leans her lips into your palm, giving it a few warm kisses. “ then talk to me, why are you not with us in the parlor car? everyone’s worried about you and i am too. did i do something wrong or— “
“ you didn’t do anything wrong, ‘ella. it’s just me.”your eyelids lower, a frown turning your pretty lips upside down. stelle tilts her head, she presses your hand more into her cheek, silently urging you to continue. “ i feel out of place. i don’t know, it’s such a weird feeling that came over me. i didn’t want to ruin the mood for everyone so i stayed inside of our cabin. i’m sorry for acting like that towards you. you’ve been nothing but a sweetheart—“
“ your sweetheart. “ she corrects smugly and you roll your eyes.
“ yes, my sweetheart—but, you at least get what i’m saying, right? “
stelle bobs her head, “ i do. in my eyes, you’re like my star and to everyone, you’re like family. when you weren’t there with us, something felt missing. “ she stands up again to sit down next to you, still holding onto your hand. your eyes follow your hand being guided to her chest, right where the stellaron was placed within her. “ especially me. “ she says in a hushed voice, looking at you with love stricken eyes.
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buckysugar · 1 year
𝐛𝐚𝐛𝐲’𝐬 𝐛𝐚𝐝 𝐝𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐦 | 𝐛. 𝐛𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐞𝐬
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au masterlist
reader has a bad dream and struggles to maintain a balance between her big self and her little self. it doesn't help that all she wants is bucky, the man she wishes to be her daddy.
note: this my first fic so please be kinds !! i hopes you likes n maybe i writes more in the futures? thankies for readings, i lubs you 🎀☁️🫶🏽💗
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you were a lonely baby when bucky met you. you had your family, sure, but they weren't there for you in the way you needed them to be. you'd just had a fall out with your best friend and had began isolating yourself from everyone and everything
it wasn't until peter found you at school, crying on a park bench in the rain, that things started to change for you. that was a few months ago. under the false pretence of moving away for college, you left your family and joined peter at the avengers tower after three months.
everyone loved you the moment they met you. you were so kind, so quiet and well-mannered. just so doll-like that no one could pick a bone with you. they hadn't known you were a little, and they still didn't but they wouldn't be surprised to find out. they all protected you and cared for you like you were their own. of course, you felt very out of place considering how quickly everything had happened but they all reassured you that they enjoyed having you around more than you knew. and with peter by your side, things were okay.
the one person who was iffy about you at first was bucky. he was too scared to come close, to taint your innocence with his darkness. over time, he came to realize how similar the two of you were in different ways and he let his wall break down. he opened up to you in the slightest of ways, and so did you. your feelings of hurt and anxiety still resided in your heart, but the avengers made you feel like you finally had a home. especially bucky.
"y/n, peter, what are you still doing up?" tony asked as he barged into the boy's room.
"we're just studying for a test, mr. stark. there's a lot to cram," peter replied in a tired voice, running a hand through his hair as the only light in the room came from his laptop and the bright city outside his window.
"okay, well this isn't the time to be studying, it's 1am. go to sleep," tony looked at him sternly, ready to walk out. "tiny, you look tired. head to bed, alright?"
"y-yes, sir," you nodded softly, giving him a smile.
"goodnight, kiddos. get some rest."
peter huffed, slamming his laptop aggressively. this caused you to flinch from your seat on the bed, making him give you an apologetic smile.
"i didn't realize how late it was," he spoke quietly, moving your book out of your lap. "let's get some rest, bug."
"mkay," you shuffled under the covers and made room for him to come in beside you. peter turned on the night light he kept for you in these instances before sliding into bed, opening his mouth to say something when he noticed the pout on your face.
"what's wrong?"
"i don't have squiggles."
"i got you," he tried easing your worries, pulling you into his chest. "you're safe with me, now close your eyes y/n/n."
"thank you, petey. goodnight."
"stop! where's my bucky? where's my daddy? i want him!" you shouted at the man in front of you.
"he's not coming back for you. he's gone, you're all alone like you always have been."
"i wan' him back," you cried, looking around through the foggy crowd of people around you. you didn't know where you were or who you were talking to, but you felt so alone and unsafe.
"you're alone now, y/n. nobody's coming to find you. you're trapped."
you woke up to heavy breaths, jolting upwards as you forced yourself awake. you were shaking like a leaf, heart beating rapidly against your chest as you looked down at peter who was sleeping soundly.
"wan' bucky," you whispered through tears, clutching the blanket to your chest. you were feeling so little right now, so scared and vulnerable.
you didn't know what to do. you didn't want to go bother or disturb him. the man rarely ever slept, but what if this time he was? you couldn't do it. but staring at the clock that read 3:14am, you didn't know how much longer you could take it.
he always told you to come to him whenever you needed him. you never did for fear of wasting his precious time but surely he wouldn't mind, if he wasn't asleep at least. you took a deep breath, using the back of your hands to wipe away the stray tears you didn't know had fallen. you carefully hopped over peter's sleeping frame and quietly made your way out of his room.
the hall was dark, making you let out a quiet whimper. your fingers clawed at your neck as you took shallow breaths, wishing you were holding squiggles right now for comfort. he always knew how to cheer you up.
"miss. l/n, you appear to be in distress. shall i alert mr. barnes?" F.R.I.D.A.Y's voice boomed, causing you to jump out of your skin.
"n-no, no, no. F.R.I.D.A.Y, b-be quiet. you'll wake everyone ups," you whispered, staring up at the ceiling.
"i'm sorry, ms. l/n, it appears mr. barnes is already on his way."
"w-what?" your eyes widened, looking around as you heard heavy footsteps walking towards you.
your eyes cracked with tears as you couldn't see a thing, reminding you of your scary dream as a quiet sob made its way out of your mouth.
"hey, y/n/n, don't worry. you're okay, everything's okay, love," you heard the familiar voice.
"b-bucky, you here?" you asked the dark abyss, pulling your thumb into your mouth.
"hun, i'm right here. i'm walking towards you," bucky replied, not missing a beat. his voice didn't sound tired at all. in fact, he sounded more awake than ever.
as he reached you, he heard the little sounds coming from you and his heart ached. he carefully placed a hand on your shoulder, causing you to jump and cry.
"plum, it's just me—"
you quickly ran into his arms and he held your quivering frame tight to his chest. you didn't want to speak, not in the hall where anyone could find you. you wanted to go to his room and let everything out, tell him all your fears and get the reassurance you so dearly needed.
"shh, shh. you're okay, my love, you're alright. i'm right here, i'm not leaving," he comforted, lifting you into his arms and taking you to his bedroom.
he locked the door behind him and sat on the bed, running a soft hand down your back as your tears soaked the skin on his neck.
"what happened, bug? what's got you so worked up?" he asked quietly, pulling you out of his chest.
you made a sound of disapproval before shoving your head back into the crook of his neck, just needing to be close to him.
"okay, okay. that's okay you can stay there," he rocked you slowly. "but can you please be the good girl i know you are and tell me what's wrong?"
you hiccupped, nodding your head. "t-the.. the guy t-took me.. n.. n you was gone!"
you balled his shirt in your fist, sobbing so hard your chest began to hurt. "was— was all 'lones n he.. he saids you wasn't gonna come backs."
"aw, my love," it clicked that you had a bad dream, the hurt in your voice tugging at his heartstrings. "i'm right here, i promise you i'll always find you wherever you are."
"was s-so scareds d.. da.. mm," you shook your head and stopped, finally taking the moment to actually realize where you were. you were with bucky, you couldn't call him daddy. but you were safe, no one was going to take him away from you and he wasn't going to leave you.
"thought.. thought you were g-gones," your voice cracked at the memory. a string of snot clung to his shirt through your cries and you wanted to laugh but you couldn't.
he kissed the top of your head, deciding again to try to get you to peak out from your hiding spot. he cupped your face in his hands, observing your red and teary eyes. he wiped the tears away softly before kissing both your cheeks as you hiccupped again. your lips were plump from the crying, and he continued looking down to notice scratches on the skin of your collarbone.
he'd have to talk to you about that in the morning, but for now he needed to get you back to sleep.
"you need a tissue," he mumbled, reaching over to his bedside table and grabbing one. he placed it on your nose. "blow."
you listened like you always do, silent wetness still dripping from your cheeks but they were beginning to slow down. he through out the tissue after humming in satisfaction. his hands moved down to your neck, using his thumbs to rub soft circles under your ears as you sniffled. it felt good, really good. you closed your eyes, his touch being more than enough to bring you back down to earth.
"you feeling a little better, baby?"
"mhm," you nodded, wiping your face aggressively. "m sorry."
"no, no. don't ever be sorry. you're okay, my baby's alright. bucky's here, you'll never be alone, hm? it's all going to be okay," he pulled you back into his chest, cradling your head ever so gently.
"t-thank you, bubby."
he smiled at the nickname. "no thank you's. now, lets get the little one back to sleep, how does that sound?"
"sounds good," you whispered.
"good girl," he turned off the lamp by his bedside table and got himself into bed with you clinging to him like a koala bear.
he simply chuckled as you looked up at him, pressing a kiss to his cheek. he could feel your heart beating against his chest, it was still a bit quick but not as fast as it was before which was a good sign. no more words were spoken from you but he kept uttering words of reassurance until your breathing slowed. his delicate voice and the feeling of his hand tapping your side lulled you to sleep in no time.
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house-of-lovin · 1 year
Wednesday Addams x F!Reader
Summary: Wednesday barely found you tolerable. But, now as you were standing there, all dishevelled, sickly. She couldn't help but find you a bit endearing.
Warnings: you're a bit of a grouch when you're sick. swearing.
Note: just a regular sick fic
Word Count: 4.8k+
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This is what death feels like.
You were aching, sweat dripping down your overly warm body; unsure if you were too cold or too hot for a blanket. There was a bug going around the school and it seems you were the latest patient of the virus. You figured you must’ve caught it from Enid when she got it earlier this week.
You should've told Enid to stay away from you with a ten-foot pole.
A groan leaves your lips when you remember the botany assignment you are meant to submit soon was left to be finished on your desk when you got too exhausted from working.
Mentally counting to three before heaving yourself up from your comfortable position and stepping on the hardwood floor; even with socks on you felt a shiver run up your spine.
Being sick sucks.
Just when you manage to sit down at your desk, a loud knock resounding through the room halts any further movements.
You drop your head in frustration, now having to lug yourself up once again to answer the door; internally cursing the person on the other side.
With slow strides and a rough yank to the door handle, you answer grumpily, “What?”
Wednesday Addams was one on the other side of the door, sporting that impassive stare that always manages to irk you. A slight uprise of her brow was the only crack in her deadpan expression as she ran her gaze up and down your figure; feeling slightly insecure under her watchful leer.
Sighing, you lean your weight against the door when she doesn’t answer. “What do you want, Addams?”
“What is wrong with you?” Was her response.
“I’m sick, can’t ‘cha tell?’ You remarked sarcastically, eyes blinking slowly.
“Now, hurry up and tell me what you want so I can be sick in peace..” You roll your eyes impatiently.
“Enid – your cousin, needs your past exam from 2nd-year potions to study for her own. She ask I come get it from you.” Wednesday replies with ease.
You are Enid’s cousin – older by two years. Although your paths don’t cross often, you were around enough because of your connection to Enid. At first, she thought you were going to be exactly like her roommate; all rainbows and sunshine, must run in the family, right?
Instead, you were snippy and quick-witted, never letting Wednesday get the last word. You acted indifferent to her threats, often throwing one back; it was infuriating not being feared.
Wednesday wanted to jab a knife through your jugular but alas, you are off limits. Enid would never forgive her. So she had to learn how to ‘get along’ with you – if that was even possible.
“Damn it. I knew she’d forget to grab it.” Shaking your head in annoyance before pushing your weight off the door to walk further into your room. Wednesday follows suit, letting the door close shut behind her as she surveys her surroundings.
This was her first time inside. Wednesday recalls tales from Enid about your cleanliness and need for order around you, but as she looks around it was anything but.
Clothes were thrown haphazardly on the floor and on the top of the armchair near your bed. She even excuses the overflowing trashcan of tissues and the mess on the floor that followed. Then the goth notes the scattered papers and opened books on your desk.
“Were you studying?” She asks; lips pulled into a tight line as she awaits your answer.
“Huh? Oh yeah… Got a botany assignment due in a couple of days. This semester is kicking my ass and this flu surely isn’t helping.” You chuckle hoarsely; distractedly looking for that exam she came here for.
“You are practically on death’s door.” Wednesday remarks, observing your weak slouching figure.
You are heaving with any sort of effort, moving in slow shuffles instead of your purposeful strides. Your voice got rougher and hoarser the more you talked; the congestion surely wasn’t helping. Even your eyes blinked much slower as if you were unable to focus on what’s in front of you. Wednesday wasn’t sure if she should step closer, afraid you’d suddenly faint on her.
“Gee… Thanks, Addams. You sure know what to say to charm a gal.” You roll your eyes with an exasperated sigh. No luck in the cabinet you just checked. “Where is that damn thing?”
Wednesday’s cheeks tinge red at your response. That was not what she meant to say. “I just mean… you are visibly ill. You should be resting.”
“I would love to do that too. But this scary-looking girl just had to knock on my door asking for something.” Glancing at her with a side-eye; teasing despite your dissolving energy – waving the paper you valiantly searched for.
How foolish of you to waste energy on a pointless taunt.
With an eye roll, Wednesday takes the paper from your extended hand. 
“Now, if you don’t mind.” You gesture to the door with a sarcastic smile, “I’d like to rot in peace.”
Wednesday makes no indication of leaving. On any given day you would have put up a fight, but no, not today. Not when you, woefully, were on death’s door and had an assignment calling your name.
With reluctance, you ignore the unmoving girl and sit down at your desk to continue your work and trusted Wednesday can find her own way out of your room. But before you can sit on the chair, a rough tug on your forearm has you pushed to your bed instead.
“Whoa… too fast.” You stumble, the quick movement making you feel queasy. 
“Lay down,” Wednesday says when she pushes you to sit on the bed.
“Dude, what the hell?” You sneer in an agitated tone, attempting to stand but she merely steps closer – holding a hand out, preventing you from doing so.
“Addams, I need to do my assignment.” Huffing as you stare into the warning glint in her dark orbs. She crosses her arms, unfazed.
“What you need to be doing is resting. Lay down, I will not be repeating myself again.”
A staredown ensues between you and the Addams. Wednesday unsure if you were truly foolish enough to try and disobey her. But eventually, you look away and sigh but not without complaint. 
“Who made you King of the World?” You muttered bitterly as you pulled the covers over your body, getting comfortable in the warm bed.
“Quit acting like a petulant child. You are literally shaking right now.” Wednesday scolds; her tone was harsh but her touches were anything but as she tucks you into bed, making you sure you were agreeable.
She moved around the room to gather any supplies you might need close and placed a cool wet towel on your warm forehead. Any hints of diffidence on Wednesday’s side about being in your space are gone as she nurses you. And, as you lay there, tucked under a pile of blankets, Wednesday finds herself about to tuck an astray strand of hair, but her touch halts. Too soft.
Wednesday scolds herself for thinking of acting on such an urge.
“Since when’d you care about me, Addams?”
“Never. But Enid cares about you, and I care about her – so by extension, I am obligated to help her loved ones.” She responds in a quick, even tone as if she rehearsed it before.
Humming, “Obligated huh?” She nods blankly.
“You make it an obligation to tuck people’s hair back too? You know when you’re out and about helping her loved ones.” Wednesday’s hand stalls in the air, not even realizing she subconsciously tucked your hair back anyway; her efforts of restraint were futile.
The goth stands quickly; pulling away as if she was burned by something hot. Ignoring your words, she replies, “Get some rest. If I find out that you got up to do some work, I will deliver you to death’s door myself.”
“How are you gonna manage that?” You question with a challenging tone, she merely raises a brow at the defiance. “Thing will check in hourly and report back on your status.”
She walks towards the door and opens it, “I am serious, Y/N.” Warning you once again, knowing of your stubborn tendencies and a strong aversion to being told what to do.
“I hear ya’, I hear ya’” You wave off with a nonchalant tone.
Wednesday inhales a slow grounding breath to stop herself from going back over to you; unsure if she wanted to strangle you or…or do something else! To shut you up! Instead, she grips the exam paper she came to your room for and shut the door behind her; walking away.
– – 
“Wednesday! How was it?” Enid asked excitedly, turning so fast in her spot when she opened the door – Wednesday would be shocked if she didn’t have whiplash at the moment. Thing sat next to the werewolf, tapping his finger on the bed repeatedly, signalling the girl to sit down.
“She is dreadfully ill.” Wednesday deadpanned, handing the paper to a grimacing Enid.
“Yikes, Y/N has never been pretty when sick. God, she’s also like, ten times more sarcastic and whiny too.” Enid furrows her brows as she recounts all the times you’ve been sick when growing up together.
Wednesday wanted to disagree. You were not…dreadful to look at. Actually, you looked quite decent standing there wearing your pyjamas. Wednesday felt… privileged …to see you in such a vulnerable state.
The bags under your dead stare and pale clammy skin were not... unattractive to someone like an Addams.
Even as you were fighting her about going back to study, you were kind of…adorable for thinking you can fight Wednesday back in your state – not even in your healthiest form could you win against her. As you lay there buried under the bed covers, you looked so fragile; it was quite alluring – Wednesday shuts that thought away. Instead, she keeps her mouth shut and lets Enid ramble about the times you’ve been a horrible patient.
In the meantime, Wednesday orders Thing to check on you every hour to make sure you truly were resting like you said you would.
– – 
The next time Wednesday visited, it was only a few hours later. Thing was the one who opened the door this time, she stepped in seeing you sat up in bed with your books scattered on your lap, pen in hand – you were wearing glasses, she notes. Wednesday doesn’t know why her heart is palpitating at the sight of you in spectacles, they are a common utility for humans. But on you, it looked… slightly better.
“What are you doing?” She questions with furrowed brows once she got a grip.
“Addams!” You greet, “Doing my assignment, but in bed. So technically, not breaking your rules.” Beaming in mischief, you shrugged your shoulders.
“This is not what I meant and you know it.” Wednesday stomps closer, placing her bag of supplies for you – mostly from Enid, she would like to note – on your bed. "I distinctly remember saying what would happen if you were to leave this bed."
You sigh in defeat, “Look Addams, this is the most I’m willing to compromise. I wasn’t even sure you were serious about sending Thing in here to check on me until I got whacked for leaving for the bathroom.”
Wednesday smirks at the mental image.
“I’m not really sure why you care so much – it’s actually kinda freaking me out. But, I really need to finish this. So if you wanna deliver me to death's door yourself, you're gonna have to wait until this is finished.” You finish off with a huff, pointing to the books in your lap with pouting lips and Wednesday feels remnants of spiders crawling in her stomach.
“Fine…” She concedes very reluctantly, “But you are going to stay here as you do it.” 
Taking a seat on your bed, she says. “As am I.”
You study her wearily with a probing gaze, unsure why she was being so nice to you right now. Even her threats had lost a bit of their edge. It was unsettling but not unwelcome.
“Fine with me.” You say after a couple of seconds, breaking your surveying of Wednesday.
The goth nods, taking her supplies out of her bag, an assortment of snacks, drinks and a book she managed to slip in were among some of the other items. She would never outwardly say that it was one of her favourite books and that she would somewhat like to know what you thought of the plot – but just so she can tell you how her analysis of the book is better.
“Woah! Chocolate popcorn.” Roughly grabbing the packaged snack, staring at it with childlike glee. “This is, like, my favourite. They don’t sell these around here.”
Wednesday knows.
“How’d you get these?” You look up and Wednesday detests how she feels a physical stutter in her chest when you do; all wide-eyed, grinning – you look foolish being so galvanized over a menial item.
“Unimportant… and those are for after you get better, not during. Eating these now will only prolong your condition.” You pout disappointedly but obey nevertheless, putting the snack back down.
She sees your careful glances at the medicine in her hands. “Please don’t make me drink pills.”
You were in clear fear, shaking your head. Wednesday frowns at your genuine dislike for the medicine.
“What is wrong with it? Would you have preferred the liquid version?” She looks down confused at the items in her hand.
“I… can’t swallow pills.” You admit, awkwardly scratching the back of your neck.
Wednesday blinks, “Oh. Well… No worries, I have the liquid version in my room.” She dismisses but you audibly huff, crossing your arms in the process, confusing the Addams.
“I don’t like medicine okay? I don't take it, never have.” You admit with a puff and Wednesday takes a moment to gather her thoughts.
“That is a childish reason.”
“No, it’s not! Lots of people don't like to take medicine when they’re sick.” You defend.
“Most of those people might not be as sick as you.” She reasons but you shrug unperturbed, slipping on your headphones. “You would prolong your illness simply because you don’t like medicine?” Still ignoring the goth’s clinched jaw and flared nostrils.
Realizing that you were going continue your childlike behaviour, Wednesday sighs, standing up to survey your room for the second time today – this time with more attention to detail.
Like the gaming controller thrown absentmindedly on your desk, the wilting plant on your bedside table, or the sweater thrown on the back of your chair. Wednesday walked further into the opposite corner of the room. A make-shift nook of carpet, blankets and pillows was on the floor – barricaded by two large bookshelves. Inside is spacious enough to be comfortable and move around; it had an inviting atmosphere and Wednesday finds herself walking closer to it.
She steps inside the reading sanctuary; the carpet was crumpled, blankets unmade, obvious signs of its frequent use. A hanging light bulb illuminated the small corner. Wednesday runs a tentative finger through the spine of some books, before landing on a cozy familiar – H.P. Lovecraft, she didn't expect you to be a fan. She pulls it out from the rest, and takes a seat on the carpet, keeping a watchful eye on you.
For a while, you two just existed in silence. Only remnants of dull pen scratching against paper, coughing and the timely flip of a page are the only sounds to be heard in the room – it was calming. You were unsure how much time had passed by the time you decided you had done enough work for the night – the familiar aching of a migraine creeping at the back of your skull.
You scanned the room, forgetting the Addams girl was still with you, having fallen trance in your own world – she was sitting in your reading corner. Her body is hidden behind the large bookshelf but you can see a glimpse of her knees tucked close to her chest as her chin rests on top, flipping through the pages as you continue to observe her. She looked kinda cute.
Wednesday was often reading during the times you were around her – unless she was hurling threats at you. Enid said she preferred it over talking to other people. What is often an evasion tactic when out in public, is instead enjoyed as she curls up reading one of your favourite books. Almost looking relaxed, you note.
“I can feel your eyes on me.”
You snorted, closing your books, and throwing them to the side on the floor. Wednesday looks over disapprovingly at the thud. “I’m finished for the night, so you don’t have to worry about me sneaking off to do some work. I tap out.” You cross your arms in an ‘X’ motioning to emphasize.
“Good…” Wednesday answers, returning to her book.
You blink, unsure of what to do, “Um… what now?”
She thinks for a second before standing up, “It is time for medicine.” You groan, wincing in pain from the effort.
“Anything but that please.” You pout, hiding under the covers, hoping she spared you of this torture.
“I can tell your migraine is returning. You were wincing in pain for 15 minutes before you decided to stop studying.” That makes you halt, not realizing she was watching you so intensely.
“Don’t care.” You mumbled from under the covers. “Y/N…I know you’re in pain. Now.” She huffs impatiently, sitting on the edge of your bed.
Your usual fight and resistant attitude was dwindling with every passing moment, you’d really love to tell Wednesday to kick it but you’re half scared and half exhausted. With a defeated exhale, you pull off the covers and sit up; taking the medicine packet from her open palm. When your fingertips touched, Wednesday had to tightly curl her fingers closed when she dropped them back to her side.
You begrudgingly swallow the pill.
With an exasperated gulp, you ask, “Satisfied?”
Even while she was helping you, you were acting like a whiny brat. Just like Enid’s warnings, she recalls.
“Has anyone told you that you become increasingly whinier when you are ill?” Wednesday says matter-of-factly.
“Has anyone ever told you that you’re really bossy when you want something?” You retort with an upraise of a brow.
“Yes, actually. A few times.” Wednesday answers honestly. And you’re not even surprised, just laughing and shaking your head.
Tossing the medicine packets and other junk off your bed, you scoot off to the side patting the open spot. Wednesday looks at you blankly. “Come on, do I have to spell it out for ya? Sit beside me, Addams.”
The goth doesn’t respond, just getting up and sitting beside you; thighs and shoulders so close that Wednesday can feel the warmth radiating off your skin. Or maybe she’s just hyperaware of you and your movements.
You lean closer into her space, not quite touching, “Figure if you can ‘nurse’ me back to health, you can also sit through a couple of movies with me?” You asked in such a hopeful tone that Wednesday would never dare say no.
So, Wednesday nods, silently and you were excited – Thing who had taken a nap sprang to grab the remote and pass it to you – before then taking his leave for the evening.
– –
You two get through a couple of movies, some Wednesday liked more than she was willing to admit. You nudge her shoulder, “Told you How to Lose a Guy in Ten Days isn’t that bad, you just have to give it a chance.”
Wednesday rolls her eyes not wanting to admit defeat. “It was…interesting, they had both lied and humiliated each other for professional gain. It was cruel…I think it was tolerable.”
Knowing that was the best you were going to get from the goth, you beam back at her. You supposed you never thought of one of your favourite movies in that way before, but Wednesday is not without interesting opinions. 
You two decide to start another movie, this time Wednesday’s choice. Halfway through the movie, you found yourself burning up uncomfortably; no position was comfortable for you, you think all your fidgeting is annoying Wednesday. It wasn’t until the familiar churn in your stomach was felt that you made a break for the bathroom; legs all stumbling from being tangled in the covers.
You gagged and vomited out all of your dinner; only stopping when your stomach begged for reprieve. You closed the lid of the toilet, flushing it as your shoulders dropped. Suddenly you feel a hand rub comforting circles on your back and another holding your hair up. The touches were so comforting to your overheating body that you let out a groan at her cool skin.
“I would like to say that came out of nowhere, but you were moving around so much it was only a matter of time.”
You just groaned again, letting your head drop to the toilet cover; stomach still feeling weak and queasy. 
Wednesday sighs, her chest uncomfortably clenching at the sight of your weak figure – it was pathetic. “Why did you not just say you felt sick?”
“I thought I was fine.” You grumbled back.
Wednesday rolled her eyes knowing that’s most likely a lie judging by how much you were moving around 30 minutes into the movie. She knew you were trying to hold back whatever queasiness you were feeling.
“Do you think you can stand?” You nod.
Wednesday helps you up, about to lead you back to bed when you push her helping hand away. “Need to brush my teeth.”
“I think bad breath is the least of your concerns. You can barely stand, Y/N.” She tries to usher you back to bed, but you refuse.
“I may be sick, but I am not gross.” You push her back with what little strength you have left, shutting the door in her face; she hears the faucet running.
All Wednesday could do was scoff and cross her arms over her chest as she waits for you. Of course, she would wait for you. You have been whiny, bratty, and grouchy but even still, Wednesday finds it annoying how she still can’t bring it in herself to leave.
The Addams girl would like to blame the churn in her stomach for the same illness that you have but she knows it would be untrue. Wednesday always feels this way around you; ever since she grew to accept that you would be around. Sometimes with Enid at lunch, sometimes in the library, sometimes at her dorm. 
She always, without a doubt, feels the remnants of creepy crawlies all over her body, hair raising, senses more aware; even if she wasn’t talking to you directly or even if you were on the other side of the room. 
Those would be the times Wednesday elects to keep herself busy to avoid talking to you, whenever you two fight it always ends up with one of you storming off. So, sometimes she chooses to bask in the one-sided silence; whether it be a book or her typewriter.
Enid and Thing think it’s pathetic, hence why they tried to send her to pick up an ‘exam’ from you, hoping Wednesday can finally have a… pleasant interaction with you. But now that was all quickly backfiring for the Addams girl as she thinks of ways to torture you after you get better – to even the playing field.
She gets swept up in fantasies of her glossary of torture methods, mentally crossing out the ones she knew would not suit you. But as the bathroom door opens and you stand on the other side with a guilty frown, Wednesday finds all her murderous urges dwindling away.
She stands straighter at your expression, uncrossing her arms.
“I’m sorry.”  Was all you said, looking up at her with glistened eyes. Wednesday’s stare unknowingly softens. 
“I didn’t mean to do that. I become a real grouch when I don’t feel well.” You rub your palm into your eyes, wiping away the tears. Being sick also makes you emotional, she notes.
Wednesday steps forward, bringing a cautious hand to your wrist, bringing your hands down. “I know. I have been trying to tell you that.” She rolls her eyes. 
“Just let me take care of you.” She all but fretted. Finally, you give in and nod; allowing your arm to go limp as Wednesday leads you back to bed, tucking you in.
Just like before, she moves about with familiarity. This time setting a bucket on your bedside – just in case. “If I knew how terrible this sickness would get, I would have made you the Addams special tea.”
“What’s in it?”
“Just the normal medicinal herbs and a drop of liquid from a vile.”
“What’s… in the vile?”
“Its origins are unknown. My mother says it is from an ancestor who took samples of a deadly virus in the old days, though no one is quite sure. All we know is that it works.”
Your nose crinkles at the thought, having heard of the macabre tales of the Addams family and their eccentric ways. “As thoughtful as that is… I don't think I'm there yet.”
Wednesday shrugs, stepping back. “You’re all set. You should sleep, it's quite late.” She looks at you bundled up in bed once again, this time looking worse than before and she feels short-lived feelings of pity. There was a brief moment of silence as no one says anything, unsure of what to do next.
“Goodnight, Y/N.” Wednesday tries to spin around to leave, but you’re grabbing her wrist this time. “Or you can stay…It’d be unfortunate for you to get into trouble for missing curfew just cause you were taking care of me.”
Wednesday raises a brow, asking ‘are you sure?’ choosing to ignore the way her heart dropped to her stomach at your question.
You tighten your hold on her wrist, “I would… like it if you stayed.” You stammered out.
Wednesday nods, removing her boots and sweater then she starts to undo her braids and it makes your brain short-circuit a bit – never having seen her without them. When she gets in beside you she scoots closer than intended – shoulders almost touching. She moves down allowing herself to get down in a comfortable position on your pillows; it smells like you and Wednesday detests that she finds the scent to be so comforting.
You, on the other hand, weren’t really sure where you got that sudden inclination to ask her to stay, but as you look down at her adjusting form in your bed, bundled up under your covers, you knew you made the right choice.
When Wednesday doesn’t feel you moving to lie down, she looks up at you. “Y/N, you need to sleep.”
“The TV is helping me sleep.” You mumble.
“It is making your migraine worse.” Wednesday props herself up on her elbow so you two are face to face. “What is the reason this time?”
You rolled your eyes playfully, playing with the loose thread of the covers to avoid her gaze. “I get night terrors when I’m really sick. Sometimes I just wake up screaming ‘cause I’m so terrified. So I try not to sleep until my fever breaks.”
Wednesday is silent at your revelation. “Would you…like to hold me? While you fall asleep.”
Your eyes widen, not answering. 
As the silence grows Wednesday starts to feel insecure about her question. Then your face softens, “Are you sure?”
“I would not have asked if I was not comfortable.” Your heart skips at her words.
Then Wednesday is turning her back to you, glancing behind her curtain of raven hair as a reassurance that she was serious about her inquiry. Your body is moving closer to her before you can even let yourself think about it, carefully wrapping your arm around her waist. It should be illegal how comforting this feels, at how unearthly it feels to have Wednesday this close.
“You can move closer, I am not fragile,” Wednesday whispers into the quiet night air. She grabs your arm, bringing it closer to her chest as you fall flushed against her; your front to her back.
“Tell anyone about this and I will bury you six feet under alive.” Wednesday threats with firmness.
You chuckle, “I would never tell anyone about this, it’s embarrassing for me.”
“Good. The same for me, as well.”
“Good.” You agreed.
“Great.” She agrees.
There is silence for a while.
“Are…are you…comfortable?” Wednesday breaks the stillness that grew in the room.
“Yes…I am.” You muttered softly; Wednesday fights her body’s reaction to shiver as you whisper the words so close to her ear. Instead, she curls herself into you, hoping her movements disguised the shudder.
“Good. Go to sleep.”
You chuckle, “Goodnight, Wednesday.”
– –
The next day, neither of you mentions how you wake up with Wednesday’s face nuzzled against your neck; hand under your shirt; practically on top of you. You also don’t say anything when she kept coming back every night to ‘help you’ with your night terrors until your fever broke and then a couple more days after that until Enid was practically begging her to come home.
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artteristly · 3 months
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SUMMARY, you’ve been daphne's best friend since forever, to the point you were considered family toward her family. Though there was always this one boy who you didn’t see as family, simply as your future lover, that was daphne's older brother, a boy your age, a flirtatious boy who you mistook as someone who always jokes around, it was actually the opposite, he meant every word he uttered towards you, a sweet dream indeed.
MASTERLIST, 𝓌ord count, 4.2K
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𝒮weet, a nice word Colin would always use to reminisce about his childhood. His love of the wild, the feeling of walking in the gardens alone, and simply enjoying his peaceful days. However, one summer, when he was the age of nine, Daphne waltzed into the house dragging a very clueless girl inside. 
His mother, who greeted the girl asked her what was going on, and you simply replied with a childish smile. You had told her Daphne had spotted you admiring butterflies and tagged along with you, and as the day got later, you thought it would be best to walk the six-year-old girl back home. 
Daphne insisted she should show you her home garden, talking about how multiple gorgeous butterflies passed through there. You had asked Violet if it was okay with her, and she told you it was fine but only to be careful. Colin watched you that day from a window, admiring how connected you were with nature, which he now wanted to be engulfed in. 
“That is a Morpho, a beautiful insect indeed.” You smile at Colin, who is caught off guard when you appear behind him. You crouch right next to him, making him inhale air as he turns nervous. You held out your finger to the insect and let it attach itself to your finger, slowly bringing it to Colin's face. “Pretty isn’t it? It’s quite similar to your eye color!” You smile. 
His eyes looked at you then the bug who crawled around your finger, somewhat sending goosebumps through your body, making you laugh in response. “Are you not afraid?” He muttered, pulling his knees deeper into his chest. You look at him then the bug, chuckle, and nod. “No, I like to admire beautiful things, My father also likes to do the same.” You told him, flickering your finger and making the butterfly fly away. 
“My name is Colin.” He told you, making you look at him again and smile. “I know, Daphne talks a lot about her older brothers.” You stood up, making him hastily stand up again too. “I heard you want to travel the world, correct?” You asked him, and his response was nodding his head furiously. “Then when you can, you must visit me in Italy!” You giggle. 
“You’ve been to Italy?” Colin asked you, and you saw stars in his eyes, making you blush. “I go every summer since my mother’s family lives there.” You grab his hands, making him pipe down. “You and Daphne must visit my home, I have many travel souvenirs from my trips there!” You told him, and he nodded in acceptance. 
Since then he never saw you as family, he always saw you as his first love. 
You, however, fell in love with Colin at first sight. You were studying with your father, who told you some bug facts and let you touch them. Then the sound of horses rang in your ears, and you saw a man and three boys approach your father. “Edmund! How are you, old man?” Your father smiled at him, making the other laugh. 
You looked over to see the man your father was talking to, only for your father to introduce you. “My daughter.” You look up, smiling at the man kindly making him smile towards you. “Ah, my three sons, Anthony, Benedict, and Colin.” He moved out of the way for the two of you to see. 
Your eyes widened as they laid on him, his untamed hair, and his somewhat toothless smile, as he joked with his other brother. You nod your head at them, as they do the same, and say hello, before leaving them to look at the bugs as your father talks to the other man. 
As they depart, you look over to catch him one more time, he was the first one to gallop away. He looked like a prince in your eyes, enchanting and alluring. 
Your childhood with him was a happy memory, but now times are different. You were a young lady who was about to be introduced into society but with terrible news arriving hastily to your estate in London, you couldn’t as your mother was being summoned back to Italy. 
 “Oh, how I wish you could be here for my debut.” Daphne sniffled some tears that made you giggle. “My dear Daphne, do you think I would leave without giving you something?” You bit your lip, not wanting to smile too big. Daphne looked at you in confusion but gasped when a maid handed you a box. 
“Here are your debut shoes, your mother gave me permission to get them for you, as a farewell gift.” You smiled, letting her hold the box and look at the shoes in amazement. She squealed in delight, putting the shoes aside and hugging you. “Oh, I’ll miss you! Three years will be far too long.” 
“Three years?” Violet frowned, hastily putting her teacup down. “What about your debut year, dear?” She asked all Bridgerton sisters to look at you. You sigh and frown “I will have to debut when I'm twenty and three.” You cradle your cheek with your hand, making everyone frown. “We will surely miss you, dearest.” Violet smiled sadly. 
“So will I! I already promised Daphne that I would write to her.” You held her hand, making her smile at you. “My, what is happening?” Anthony called out, breaking the tight atmosphere as he, Benedict, and Colin walked into the drawing room. “Miss Sinclair will be leaving us for three years.” Violet frowned at the news once again. 
Colin's eyes widen as he looks over towards you, only to see your face forming a frown. “Whatever for?” Colin asked, making you look at him. “My mother has affairs to attend to since my grandfather is somewhat ill.” You place down your teacup.
“Do not worry, It’ll just be for three years, I will come back, hopefully.” You smile at them, making them express how they will miss you once again. When it was about time to leave, Hyacinth begged you to bring her something back from Italy, to which you nodded to reassure her you would. 
“Now Hycinth, why don’t you let me walk her down?” Colin grabbed your hand and intertwined it with his arm, making you jump in surprise. As you two leave the drawing room, you look up towards him, smiling kindly. “I will write to you.” You told him, making him look down towards you. “I will miss you, perhaps I will visit you if I were to start my tour.” He smiled, making you laugh. You pull him into a vacant room, pulling out a wrapped gift just for him. 
“I did not want to give you this in front of your family, since I did not bring gifts for them, just you and Daphne.” You hand him the wrapped gift, making him look at you. You both heard your name being called out by a maid, meaning your carriage was ready. You told yourself ‘now or never’ as you did, you stood on your tippy toes and landed a kiss on Colin's cheek. “Goodbye, Colin.” 
He stood utterly shocked as you left the room, making your way out with a flushed face. Colin felt like a boy who had just gotten a new toy when he ran upstairs towards his room. He breathed in and out while looking at the wrapped gift, he panted as he tore it open. 
A journal? He hesitated as he undid the tie around it, watching as a note fell from it. 
‘Dear Colin, I gift you this journal to write in if you were to start your tour, to express your feelings when I am not there or when you are struggling. A journal for only your eyes. – sincerely, your girl.’ 
The room had simply gotten too hot to be in, as Colin rested in his bed and read over and over your handwriting. He groaned at the thought of your lips on his cheek, a moment he had been waiting for, and when it had finally happened, you were gone—three years of pure torture. 
He never got the opportunity to visit you in Italy when he had embarked on his journey. His tour never crossed paths in Italy, therefore he wrote to you, about how the world was different, the way of life was different, and how he wished for you to see it. When his letter got your sweet responses he would dream of you, how you would whisper the words you wrote into his ears, the texture of your lips on his neck, sweet torture. 
Three years, everything would change. He would change, and so would you. He turned into a man, a man who was no longer seen as a young boy, and you were no longer a young lady, you were a mature lady, who had seen her fair share of society. 
When the news got out that you had returned to London, Colin was bordering the next ship to go back home as soon as possible. He just groaned in annoyance as he arrived on the day of Francesca's debut, as well as yours. He just wished to see you before the event. 
He followed his family to the presentation, waiting anxiously as they called debutante after debutante. “Will you finally make a move on her?” Daphne leaned over towards Colin, making him raise a brow towards her. 
Daphne looked at him, giving him a look. “You will make her our new sister, right?” Hyacinth butted in, making him look at all three of his sisters. “You should hurry up if you are, I feel this season will be different.” Daphne smiled at him, before turning over towards Francesca who rose from her curtsy at the queen, leaving quickly as she came.
“Miss Sinclair, presented by her Mother, Duchess of York, Lady Amelia Sinclair–Bianchi.” 
Colin felt his airways clog up as he watched you gracefully present yourself to the queen, a gated beauty now being unlocked to the public. He hated the fact you caught the attention of the queen, you might have been announced the Diamond of the season until he saw the queen just smile and wave you off. 
You looked rather mature now, your posture was straight and your smile was now on display to the Ton who faced you with curiosity. He let his eyes wander your covered body, he shouldn’t, but he didn’t take his eyes off of you for a second. 
“The clock is ticking brother, it is now or never,” Daphne whispered into his ear, making him swallow at the thought of confessing to you. She was right, now or never. 
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“Miss Sinclair, Ma’am.” A valet called out to the family who was in the drawing room, making everyone cheer up. It had been a few days after the presentation, and since you were preoccupied with potential suitors, you hadn’t gotten the chance to visit the family. 
Colin fixed his posture on the sofa, making everyone tease him. “Good day!” You’re cheerful attitude was brought into the blue room, making every family member cheer when you showed up. “Dear, good to see you!” Violet stood up and hugged you, making you giggle. 
“It’s good to see you all, it’s been a long time hasn't it?” You leave the hug to study the faces in the room, but you can’t recognize two. “Ah, you must Simon? Daphne has mentioned you in her letters!” You place a bag on the floor, offering a hand to the man who took it politely. “You must be her dearest friends is that so?” Simon smiled as you nodded furiously. 
You turn over towards the other figure in the room, making your smile widen more. “You must be Kate!” You rush in to hug her, making her stumble a bit back. “Sorry, It’s a pleasure to meet the person who captured Anthony’s heart!” You apologize quickly, making the new Viscountess laugh. 
“The pleasure is mine, I’ve heard nothing but good things about you.” Kate smiled, and the thought of her clumsy sister came to mind, seeing you made her smile warmly. “Again sorry I couldn’t attend your weddings, Italy has been a bit troublesome.” You look at every face in the room, they have nothing but questions. 
“Oh my!” You tumbled a bit when Hycinth and Gregory hugged you tight, making the rest laugh. “My have you two grown!” You smiled as the two started to bicker about who grew taller, but you interrupted them with a cough. “Neither the less, I come bearing gifts!” 
You laugh as the youngsters sit down, giving the floor to you. “I suppose I’ll go from oldest to youngest.” You mutter as the first two sons cheer, making the younger ones groan. “Violet.” You start, by making the oldest groan, making the others laugh at their behavior. “A pearl necklace.” You handed it to her, making her gasp at its beauty, standing up to kiss your cheek. 
“For Anthony, An Italian-style quill.” You take out of the bag and handed it out for him to study. “Italian brandy for Simon.” You handed the man, making him utterly speechless. 
“Daphne wasn’t particular in her letter about what you liked, so I took a wild guess, I hope you like it.” You explained, making him reassure you it was adequate. “Benedict, I heard you were no longer into paintings but had already purchased it, I hope it makes you want to paint again, Italian paint oils, for you.” You handed him, making him look at the paint, then giving you a small smile.
“To match with Anthony, Kate, I got you an Italian-style quill in purple.” You handed her, making her gasp and hug you. “Colin.” He looked at you, making him sit still as he took in your tone. “I got you, Italian maps and a new journal.” You handed him, making you smile as his blue eyes met yours, smiling at you. 
“Daphne, a perfume set to match with Hyacinth, a rather popular book series in italy for dear Eloise, An Italian music sheet for Franny, and a Bow and arrows for Gregory.” You wrap up, watching as the four squeal at their gifts, making you smile. As you sit back down, right next to the brunette, watching as everyone interacts with their gifts.
“Thank you for the gifts,” Colin whispers into your ear, making you burn up. “Of course, but I will say I must need something in return for yours.” You tease him. 
He was now looking at you directly, making you smile. “What would that be?” He asked raising a brow, making you tap your chin, acting as if you were thinking about it. “Perhaps you can let me read a page or two of your journal?” You ask of him, making him still. 
Colin’s mind wandered to the many things he wrote inside his journal, to the late-night adventurous, then to the thoughts of you, dear little you. He opened his mouth, about to answer until his brother interrupted. “Well, let’s head to dinner everyone.” Anthony stood up, guiding his wife to follow him. 
You two watched as everyone spilled out of the drawing room, leaving you and Colin to be the last ones in the room. You took a glance towards him, breath hitching as you saw him already staring. “Would you care to accompany me to a late evening stroll after dinner?” Colin smiled, that smile, the one that made you want to melt. “How could I decline.” You smile, walking downstairs with him. 
During dinner, Colin noticed how much he missed you. How you brought the mood up by answering questions, making light jokes, and playing with the younger ones. Simon and Kate had taken a liking to you, making you blush. He saw his mother laugh at something you said, a laugh so childish. 
Everyone seemed at ease, forgetting the hardships they fought last season. A feeling he had missed dearly while at sea, missing you. As everyone departed from dinner, you and Colin walked through his outdoor garden. “You’ve been to three cities in three months?!” You gasp, making you look at him, him laughing at your face. “What like it’s hard!” 
“It is unless they were all next to each other!” You whack his bicep, gasping at how firm it was. “My goodness, Colin!” You release your arm out of his, making him laugh. “Last time I saw you, you were still bones!” You knocked him over a bit, but it didn’t affect him at all. “Your style too! Who changed you!” You giggled. 
“Paris changed me a bit, why? You don’t like it?” He told you, the last bit catching you off guard. He looked at you for your response. You take your time studying him, you can’t deny it, he did look good. “I do, it makes you look more mature.” You huff, walking away from him. 
He walked right behind you, trying to catch up to you. “Seems like Italy changed you too, you look pretty.” Colin grabbed your hand and brought the back of it to kiss. You watched as he kissed it, bending down to your height to do so. “You jest around too much, Colin.” Colin heard you say so and could feel your hand trembling as he did so, making him smile. “Look! A Dandelion!” You snatch your hand away, marching where you saw the plant. 
He watched as you bent down to pick some, he noticed you two were quite far from the house. There you stood in front of a miniature field of Dandelions. Colin looked at you as you picked some up but they blew away before you got a chance to blow on it. “Hurry Colin!” You looked at him with such joy in your eyes, that his heart couldn’t take it. When you look at him, he has never felt so alive and free, only something he could muster up by being with you. 
You giggled as you walked back towards Colin, offering him a dandelion. “I could never find one of these in Italy, how I missed them.” You smiled at him, making him quiet up. 
“Let’s make a wish!” You told him, bringing his hand up to yours. He could only watch as you counted to three, making him lean in and blow on it the same time you did. He wished for many things, such as courage and luck. 
He wished for you, he wished you could be his, he wished he gained your father's blessing to marry you. If one thing came true, he would wish on every dandelion here if it meant he would get you. As he opened his eyes, he only saw you. 
You smiled as you could see his blue eyes, making you laugh. “What did you wish for?” You asked but then bit back. “Wait! Don’t tell me or it won’t come true!” You said but kept rambling on about the rules of wishing. He stayed quiet, he only looked at you with desire. Not daring to break the gap between you two. “Colin?” He felt his heart palpitate as you usher his name quietly. 
“I wished for you.” He whispered, making you quiet up. “I can’t hold these feelings in anymore, dear.” His tone made you only focus on him, his words felt sweet as a dream, was it a dream? 
“Colin, what are you talking about?” You murmured as you wanted more information. “I love you, very very much.” He brought your hands to his lips, hiding his face in them after. “I’ve loved you since we were nine, when you compared me to a Morpho.” You just looked at him as he rambled on. 
“I wanted to visit you in Italy, and to propose to you immediately, but then Anthony stopped me, telling me to wait until you were introduced into society.” Colin went on. “Then when I saw you in your white ball gown, when I saw you dolled up, I wanted you.” 
“I couldn’t bear the thought of you being with someone else, I would be a fool to not take the chance now, so here I am, begging you to give me a chance.” He begged. “I want to cherish you, love you, grow old with you, please allow me to do so.” 
You looked at him in shock, tears brimming your water line. “You’re not joking with me, right?” You sob, blinking as you let the tears float down. “This isn’t a dream, right?” You crouch down. Colin watched as you sobbed, confused but followed you. “This isn’t a dream and I’m not joking.” Colin wiped the tears away, cradling your cheek gently. 
“Why would I joke about that?” He asked you, making you sniffle and reply. “I always thought you were joking around with me.” You wipe your tears away. “I would never!” 
“I love you till the day that I die!” Colin grabbed your hands, declaring how much you mean to him. You watched as he defended himself from your silly little statement. You giggled, making him stop. “You’re still the same after all.” You watch as he becomes confused. “You’re still the childish and sensitive Colin I know.” You smile as you watch him groan in his hands.
“I love you too, Colin, ever since we were children I wanted to marry you, you were my prince charming.” You say, making him still as a rock. Colin hugged you, effortlessly picking you up into the air, making you shriek. “Is that a yes?” Colin asked you hurriedly, making you raise a brow. “To marry you?” 
Colin nodded hastily, he pulled something out of his waistcoat pocket. A ring was presented to you, making you look at him in awe. “I would love to marry you, Colin!” You exclaim happily, not being able to contain your happiness you jump into his arms. 
He spun you around in delight. As he placed you down again, he gently placed the ring on your finger, making you lightly sob again. You two laugh and giggle as he offers his handkerchief, and as you walk back into the house, a valet tells you that your family has arrived to pick you up. 
“A good way to break the news, no?” Colin smiled as he looked down towards you, you laughed and nodded in agreement. As you walked into the drawing room, you couldn’t help but tear up again, making your parents worry. 
You and Colin looked at each other and nodded, he declared that you two were engaged and you just watched as everyone reacted. Daphne was the first one to cheer, happily approving of this union as she hugged you tightly. “Finally!” She jumped happily hugging her brother next. 
The whole moment felt like a sweet dream, you were scared it was all an Illusion. 
Then everything went black, the sweet moment torn away from you as you fell into an abyss. “Dear?” A faint voice called out, making you groan. “Dear.” It called out again, making you open your eyes, as you were vision was flooded with a blue-colored ceiling. 
“Finally you awoke.” A warm voice called out, making you hum and turn to see who was speaking. Colin, it was Colin who was leaving a trail of kisses on your collarbone, to your cheek. You look around you to see your surroundings, a room mixed with baby blues and baby purples, your nightgown flung on a chair as well as Colin's nightshirt next to it. 
Then returning to reality, you sighed as you two were cuddled in your warm bed, melting back into his embrace. “What happened?” He asked as he snuggled closer into you, making you scrunch up. “I had a dream.” You spoke out, he hummed out making you aware he was listening. You brought your hand up to your face to scratch your nose, only to see your wedding ring on your finger. 
“I had a dream about when you declared your love for me, and when you told me to marry you.” You told him, shuffling around to look at him in the eyes, his blue eyes meeting yours.
“You still remember that day clear as day?” He smiled at you, making you smile as well. “Word to word, every single thing.” You kiss his nose as he turns a flustered color. “Impeccable remembrance my wife has.” Colin drags you into his chest as you two stay in bed for a little longer. 
“How could I forget it? One of the happiest days of my life.” You mumble onto his chest as he sends a vibration of his laugh down to your ear. “One of mine as well.” He agreed. 
After a pinch of silence, you spoke again. “It was a sweet dream.” You snuggled into his warmth, wanting nothing more to melt into him. Colin allowed you to do so, whispering sweet words into your ear making your naked body heat up with warmth. Then after a slight moment to yourselves, a squeal ran across the hall to your door. “Mummy!” A little one called out right after. 
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wileys-russo · 1 year
Please could you write something with reader trying to teach alexia english😩
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PSA: I don’t speak Spanish so I sincerely apologise for any mistakes
second languages II a.putellas
"hola! ale?" you called out as you let yourself into your girlfriends apartment, bending down to scoop up nala who came hurtling at you from the sofa. "hola!" you heard the blonde call out from her bedroom as you cooed at the small ball of fluff in your arms and kicked off your shoes, sliding them to sit neatly beside your girlfriends.
you couldn't help but chuckle as you entered the bedroom to see alexia's eyes trained on the large tv on her wall, watching barcelonas last match with real madrid. a notebook and pen sat nestled in her lap, the girl clearly taking notes before their upcoming rival game this weekend.
"nadie puede decir que no estás dedicada bonita." (no one can ever say you are not dedicated) you laughed, placing nala down and shaking your head. "para ser el mejor tienes que saber todo sobre tu oponente. hola hermosa." (to be the best you have to know everything about your opponent. hi beautiful) your girlfriend shrugged, moving her notebook away and opening her arms expectantly.
"y por eso eres la mejor?" (and that is why you are the best?) you laughed, placing your keys and phone down on her desk. "si es por eso que soy la mejor." (yes, that is why i am the best) the catalan grinned as you collapsed on top of her, your arms wrapping around one another in a tight hug.
"No es que me queje al verte. pero pensé que tenías trabajo esta tarde?" (not that i am complaining to see you. but i thought you had jobs this afternoon?) alexia questioned curiously as you moved a few loose strands of hair out of her face.
"a few clients cancelled so it freed up my afternoon." you explained with a happy smile, honestly not all that bothered if it meant you got to spend more time with her.
"veo. bueno, al juego todavía le queda la mitad." (i see. well the game still has one half to go) your girlfriend smiled as you sighed, knowing her well enough that there would be very little you could say to pry her away from her match studies.
"i'm gonna go make some food then." you chuckled, pecking her lips and moving to stand but her arms stayed locked around you. "o podrías quedarte y mirar conmigo mi vida." (or you could stay and watch with me) alexia grinned, wiggling her eyebrows making you laugh.
"haré algo de comida y luego volveré y miraré. okay?" (i will make some food then come back and watch) you bargained, the blonde humming and letting you up. "si, okay."
"and don't forget, we're practicing your english later." you reminded causing the older girl to groan loudly in contempt. "ale! you promised." you warned at her response, the blonde flopping backwards and sighing.
"de repente me siento muy mal bebe. podría perder mi voz." (suddenly i am feeling very sick baby. i might lose my voice) the taller girl faked a cough causing you to narrow your eyes at her in a glare.
"alexia you are the one who asked me to help you be more confident in your english. so that you can speak easier with my family!" you warned her sternly, the midfielder whining like a child throwing a tantrum as she kicked her feet and dragged her hands down her face.
bit by the travel bug you decided to spend a summer interning in barcelona around a year and a half ago, you already knew spanish from studying it in school and so when the opportunity came up from one of your old teachers for a photography internship abroad, you'd have been stupid to say no.
that was how you'd met alexia, a few months in you'd been sent to assist on a shoot for the new fc barcelona kit drop.
you'd caught the older girls eyes right away the moment you'd first spoke, alexia finding endless amusement in the way your thick northern accent came through in your spanish.
so with some light teasing throughout the shoot you were surprised when she'd asked if you wanted to grab dinner afterward, claiming that you'd not had a proper barcelona experience until you'd eaten at some of the best places it had to offer which alexia was glad to show you.
and the rest was a story you'd probably tell your grandkids one day.
"o podrías ayudar a tu familia a mejorar su español?" (or you could help your family work on their spanish) your girlfriend suggested with an innocent smile, which promptly dropped as you only continued to wordlessly glare at her.
"fine!" alexia huffed, throwing her hands up in defeat before crossing them over her chest, pouting up at you. "that's not going to work ale. go back to your game!" you nodded to the tv, turning around and heading toward the kitchen.
"cual es tu horario para mañana bonita?" (whats your schedule for tomorrow) your girlfriend asked with a stretch, joining you in the kitchen from her bedroom. "hermosa?" she called out again when you didn't answer.
"in english." you turned to her with a smile, leaning against the counter as you took a bite from your sandwich. "qué?" alexia frowned as you pulled yourself to sit on the counter. "english lessons ale. i will only respond when you speak in english!" you explained with a shrug, continuing to eat your sandwich.
"mierda. uh, what are your....jobs tomorrow?" the older girl managed to get out as you nodded encouragingly. "i have a shoot at two and another at five." you answered, your girlfriends understanding of english was fine as was yours of spanish, but it was her diction that she was often insecure about.
"what time is training tomorrow?" you asked, leaning over to place your empty plate in the sink. "training is at ten." alexia answered with a little more ease and you smiled.
"okay so now lets practice like you're talking with my family." you started, jumping down from the counter and moving to the living room, both you and alexia taking a seat on the sofa.
"how have you been?" "good." "okay, they're going to want to know more than that baby. what about football? speak about that." "okay. we have been training for the..." you watched as the blonde struggled to find the right words, huffing in frustration.
"champions league?" "si. sorry, yes. champions league. barcelona lost last time, we do not want that to happen again so we train hard, we try to win all our games." "good! see, you can do it ale." you nudged the older girl with your foot, sending her a soft smile of encouragement. "you will have to help me with your father." alexia chuckled as you agreed, your dads accent easily the thickest of your families with how fast he spoke alexia often struggled to understand what he was saying.
"your accent when you speak english is very cute baby." you grinned, watching on victoriously as a small blush coated the girls cheeks, a welcome change from her often sharp demeanor.
"ojalá pudiera decir lo mismo de tu nena española." (wish i could say the same about your spanish) the taller girl sent you a smile, hands tugging at your top to pull you closer to her. "hey!" you frowned in offence at the comment as you now sat practically in her lap, her long legs reclined down the sofa.
"should i say in english too?" alexia teased as you smacked her chest with a small pout.
"there are some things you like better when i say in spanish baby girl, no?" alexias tone shifted as her eyes roamed your features with a slightly darker gaze. your face heated up at what you knew she was insinuating, her hands gently sliding up and down your bare thighs.
"...maybe some things sound better in spanish."
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avatar-anna · 5 months
would you ever write about harry and y/n finding out that they’re pregnant again with charlie 🥺
(for context: in a recent oneshot in this universe, it is revealed that harry and reader have a seventh and final child when they're in their thirties)
It would definitely be that cliche of Y/n and Harry going to some red carpet event, and Harry sees Y/n all dressed up and is just like...
"Fuck, Mama, must be the luckiest man in the world."
Y/n blushed and looked down at the gown she and Harry Lambert picked out some time ago. Being a mother of six, she didn't dress up much, but when she did, she tended to go all out. Perhaps part of her wanted to relive all the proms, homecomings, and formals she never got to go to, but she appreciated the art in a beautiful garment too.
The one she wore now fit her like a glove, the lace, almost handkerchief-like bodice draping over her shoulders beautifully, and the rest of the black-as-night velvet hugging her hips perfectly.
Harry was never one to shy away from paying his wife compliments, but each time he did, she felt it right down to her core. Every sweep of his gaze over her body, every earnest word, every searing touch, it all lit her up from the inside out.
This time was no different, so when Harry tried to unzip Y/n from her dress, she didn't notice at first, too caught up in his touch. Once she did, she tried to make lame attempts to ward him off to at least claim that she tried later on.
It was safe to say they were on each other all night. Whenever he could, Harry pulled Y/n away, desperate to get his mouth on her. It was no easy feat with the considerable length of the dress, but he never seemed to care or mind. All night, they whispered back and forth to each other, toying with jacket lapels and bare arms.
"You need me again, Mama?"
"Where's the zipper on this thing?"
"Quickly, while no one's looking."
"Keep your hands away from my tits, H."
"Don't act like you don't love it."
All night they went back and forth. Teasing and giving into each other and sharing stolen kisses when the cameras weren't pointed in their direction—though the next morning they found out they weren't as discreet as they originally thought, with photos of them in the background kissing and Harry's hands all over Y/n cropping up online.
At some point during the night, a friend even asked where Harry and his wife kept disappearing to, another if that was a hickey on his neck, and both of them stumbled through a lie as they blushed furiously.
So it shouldn't have come as a surprise when Y/n's period was late, but it does. She thought she had put her pregnancy days behind her, so she went to the doctor thinking she had some kind of stomach bug, only to find out that she was pregnant. Y/n wasn't upset by the news, just caught off guard, though she couldn't help but daydream about having a little baby in the house again now that her other babies were growing up.
Harry found out on accident. Y/n missed a phone call from the doctor's office, and they called Harry's number, which was also listed in her information. Thinking someone got hurt, Harry picked up in a panic, only to hear, "Hi there, Mr. Styles! We're trying to get a hold of your wife to reschedule her ultrasound. Will the following week work?"
Harry answered in a daze, agreeing to an appointment time and date without really listening. Part of him knew he should be excited, but all he could think about was why Y/n hadn'told him yet.
"Anything you wanna tell me?" he asked later that night. They were both watching TV, a show they'd been watching every night before bed the last few weeks. He'd been itching to get Y/n alone all day so he could finally ask what the phone call, and after picking up and dropping off at friends' houses and volleyball practice and study groups and one big family dinner, now was finally his chance.
Y/n hadn't caught on yet, so she just shrugged. "Collette is convinced she's going to Paris Fashion Week by herself, and I don't have the heart to tell her she's not going without one of us."
This was news to Harry, but he tabled that conversation for later. "I got a call from the OBGYN's office. They asked to reschedule your ultrasound."
Harry could feel Y/n stiffen beneath him as she sighed deeply. Before she could say anything, though, he asked, "Why didn't you tell me?"
"I was going to," she promised, kissing away the furrow in her husband's brow. "I wanted to tell you and the kids at the same time. And you know how hard it is to wrangle everyone up. Maeve wasn't even at dinner tonight."
"Oh." Harry had spun a number of different answers Y/n might've come up with, but that hadn't been one of them. "Do you...want to keep it?"
Y/n could tell Harry was asking for her sake, not his. He'd been dying for another baby for years, slowly giving up hope every time she turned him down. Now that they faced the prospect of actually having another baby, though, he didn't want her to feel pressured. He never had, but he wanted to make extra sure.
"Honestly? Yeah, I do," Y/n said, resting her and Harry's hands over her belly. "I'm just...kind of shocked."
"Really?" Harry asked. Now that he'd had time to think about it, about which night in question could've been the one, he wasn't that surprised at all.
"Yeah, I—I guess I thought that part of my life was over. But... I'm glad it isn't. I'm excited about this."
"Me too."
Y/n gave him an amused look as if to say, you finally got your wish. But all she said was, "You just like that I get super horny when I'm pregnant."
Harry gasped dramatically, which made Y/n toss her head back and laugh. "That is not even remotely true. Maybe. Sort of. It's perhaps in the top ten things I'm excited for, but not the first."
"You're ridiculous," Y/n said, shaking her head at her husband. "And I love you."
"I love you too." Harry leaned in to kiss Y/n, the feel of his lips on hers more familiar than anything else in the world. He knew every part of her, every inch of her body and soul, and she knew his. It was comforting, it was home.
"Any chance those hormones have kicked in yet?" Harry murmured jokingly as he kissed her neck.
Y/n held her husband by the back of his hair so she could look him in the eye. "Absolutely not. I love you, and I love the twins, but we're not doing that again."
"What? Come on! We're way past that window," Harry reasoned. "And the doctor said it was rare."
"Yeah, so is getting pregnant at my age, but here we are."
"At your age?" Harry asked incredulously, looking down at Y/n through heavy lidded eyes. Her cheeks were flushed, but her eyes were lit as she watched him, the way they always were when they joked around. He was pretty sure no one amused her more than he did, and that was saying something considering the collective craziness their children engaged in regularly. "You're just winding me up, aren't you? You want me to remind you how young and fun we are."
"I don't know if that's—Harry!"
"Shh!" Harry said as a laugh bubbled out of Y/n as he yanked her down until she was lying flat on the bed, her arms pinned high above her. "Do you want them to hear you, Mama?"
That sobered her up a little, her laughter subsiding. Then, she smiled up at him, her hand reaching up to cup Harry's cheek. "We're having a baby."
Harry's grin was immediate, excitement filling his whole body from those four words alone. "We're having a baby."
Young Dad! Harry x Young Mom! Reader Masterlist
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lunaekalenda · 1 year
imagine megumi bringing home his first ever partner to meet you both.
he'll be nervous as hell, and you can even notice it on the way he knocks. still with your daughter in your arms, you ask your husband to open the door for you elder son and his partner. satoru, dressed up with a white shirt that makes him look extremely good just for the ocassion, answers before walking. "it's important, it's the person megumi is in love with, of course i wanna cause them a good impression!"
gojo walks to the main door and opens with a big smile, finding a blushing megumi that invites the person behind him to enter.
"i'm home." he murmurs, and you can feel he is very nervous. you get it: the first time you introduced satoru to your family, you were extremely scared of them not liking him. luckily, your now husband has an innate talent for people, and he was soon loved by everyone. megumi takes his hand to his nape, a nervous gesture that he took from his dad, as many times you saw both of them doing the very same thing. "mom, dad, this is my partner." megumi lets the person behind him talk, introducing themselves and being polite and smiling. you feel warm seeing how megumi looks at them, so full of adoration and love, that you're happy that he trusts you enough to introduce them to you. after all, you're not his biological mom, although he considers you so.
"nice to meet you and welcome home. my wifey and me have been cooking some pasta, i hope it's for your liking. it's megs favourite plate since he was a kid, so we thought it could be a nic..."
"dad." the words of megumi are low, but his cheeks are as red as traffic lights. megumi knows that, once gojo starts to speak about his childhood, he could reveal easily the most shameful, terrible memories of the kid. of course, he doesn't want his partner to know that yet. it's you first time all together. you look at satoru and he shows you a thumbs up before returning to the kitchen. megumi looks at you. "oh, azumi's up. she's my little sister." the baby on your arms starts to cry her brother's name, stretching towards him, asking megumi to pick her up. he gladly does, sitting on the couch with the kid. his partner plays with a very distrustful azumi, until the little girl starts to clap and play along with both of them. you feel satoru's presence even before he appears, taking your waist and letting your head rest on his chest. both of you admire the three, a smile curving your lips.
"megs is all a man now." he sighs. "he was so little when i took him, and see him now. and azumi's growing so fast..." you nod at his words. he kisses your head with softness before asking you to help him bring the dinner to the living room.
once all of you are sitting on the table, you try your best to keep a good conversation flowing.
"so, do you study the same as megumi?" you ask. both of them shake their head, before megumi speaks. you feel like maybe, your son's partner it's too shy to talk on the very first dinner, but you hope they'll open up in the following ones. "they study biology in the campus next to mine." satoru nods as he drinks water from his glass, before giving azumi her dinner. the dino-themed chair were azumi is sitting calls the attention of megumi's partner, who asks about it.
"oh, this? i bought it for megs when he was a toddler. he loved to sit here in diapers and use his hands to..." you can't hold your laugh at the gaze your son directs to your husband. satoru smiles softly before turning towards azumi again. "the chair is very original, indeed." he adds, in low voice, as if he was apologizing for a bug mistake.
the conversation keeps going fluently, although you can listen some more irritated "dad" coming from megumi. after dinner, megumi follows you to the kitchen as satoru keeps talking in the living room.
"do you like them?" he asks, in low voice. you turn towards him, taking his face in your hands.
"'gumi, they make you happy. i'm grateful for that. the way you look at each other makes me feel you're mad to be together." megumi's cheeks heat up under your touch. "you're a nice man, megumi. make them as happy as they do to you, alright? go and save them before your dad starts with his long battle record." megumi laughs, face still on your hands, before he hugs you.
"thanks, mom. you're the best."
looking at him directly in the eyes after parting from your hug, you smile. "and you're the best son i could have asked for. i'm lucky to have you and azumi. life has gifted me."
megumi's eyes are teary when he hugs you again, and you caress his back softly. you hear drastically stopped steroids before hearing your husband.
"family hug and i'm not invited?"
you feel his big and around both of you soon, as well as your daughters tiny hands trying to hold megumi, her favorite person in the world.
you're so lucky to be part of this family.
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