#i want to tear the movie apart someday
tstain-i-guess · 6 months
my brain: oH bOi ItS 3oClOcK iN tHe Am LeTs dRaW a FuCkIgN cHiPmUk
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spaghettiposts · 3 months
To be loved
Tara Carpenter x Reader
Summery: You’ve never known love, until Tara.
Warnings: Fluff, lovey dovey words, mentions of Ghostface attacks, fluff fluff fluff, wlw, neglectful parents, hurt/comfort.
Word count: 2.1k
A/n: This was just a bunch of word-vomit I came up with in the spam of 3 days, reader definitely has been neglected but Tara’s here to fix that <3
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You’d say love was one of the things you missed most, a missing puzzle piece to your emotions. Absent parents tended to do that being busy with work and all, love only feeling like a distant concept because of it. Sure, you knew they cared for you—deep down somewhere, but not enough to take a day off. The more you thought about it, the more that nagging voice in your head mocked you; not once did they take a day off. 
There were fleeting moments of jealousy you felt, gazing desperately—longingly—at your friends and their mothers, wishing for just a fraction of that affection. The ache of longing never quite left, as you watched them being cared for, held close, and repeating the same wishful thinking. You never truly got to experience that, but swiftly pushed those feelings aside, burying them.
 By high school, you became pretty good at patching up your own wounds and learning to live on your own. Maybe that was for the best.
You learned to rely on yourself. 
That was until college, Blackmore University. A relatively close college to your house, the commute was doable and hey, you actually liked some of the classes. Your parents had encouraged you to attend first, explaining how getting a degree in engineering would really help you take over their business someday.
You hesitated to tell them that wasn’t what you wanted. Not if it meant having to put work before others, you didn’t wanna be like them. 
Still, you went along with it, taking the classes they suggested. Amidst the sea of blueprints,  you had picked up an appreciation of the art of film. Deciding to take a class for yourself, you signed up for Film History. Later, it was the best decision you ever made. 
And the first time you met Tara Carpenter. 
She was undoubtedly beautiful, anyone with eyes could see, but it was the radiance surrounding her that truly mesmerized you. Indisputably, you folded like a table. The effortless confidence she emitted during class discussions, the stubborn fire inside her, and her unabashed passion for something as simple as filmmaking—it seemed like the whole world to her. 
It only took a group project for her number to end up in your phone, and it only took a party for her to slam her lips against your own.  
With her, you found a happiness previously unknown to you. Every moment turned into the highlight of your week,  you were absolutely head over heels for your girlfriend. From tender first dates ending in soft slow kisses on her doorstep, to the cozy movie nights leaving your lips swollen and your cheeks flushed, and between those; gentle moments of care. They blossomed a newfound sense of joy in you, and in Tara. 
Day after day you effortlessly fell into new habits, soaking up every second of them. You learned Tara loved to smile between kisses, while she, in turn, learned you enjoyed the feeling of your hair being toyed with. It was all just perfect. 
However, as time went on, you couldn’t shake the feeling of Tara drifting away. Her sudden coldness left you stunned and hurt. The more you tried to talk, the more she pushed you away. But you weren’t one to back down so easily, confronting her in her apartment one last time, seeking some closure. 
 It only took a month for Tara to be honest with you, and fearfully so. Through shedded tears and shaking hands, she explained to you, and you listened. It hurt you to see her hurting, expressing vulnerability she hadn’t allowed you to see. Her arms came up to hug herself and you’d never wanted to punch Ghostface more. 
Tara half expected you to walk away, laugh at her, and leave her like the rest of them but you made it clear you weren’t leaving. You spent the entire afternoon by her side, determined to prove her wrong and keep her safe, whispering murmurs of promises between kisses. Holding her close until tears subsided and drifted off to sleep, thoroughly exhausted from it all, peacefully in your arms. 
Following her confession, it felt as if a weight had been lifted off Tara’s shoulders and your relationship picked up from where it stopped. Your bond with the shorter girl only grew stronger, surpassing previous boundaries as you both delved into a deeper understanding of one another. Tara clung to you, unwilling to let you slip away, and gradually, you found yourself spending more nights at her place than your own. And truth be told, you didn’t mind that one bit. 
As much as you wished everything could continue perfectly, a coward in a mask would only try to ruin it all. 
It had been a week since the latest run-in with Ghostface, A week since your left arm got slashed up. Tara was absolutely livid, and you wondered if her anger was directed more at the attacker or at you. Either way she let Chad hear it when she learned you had “heroically” taken the hit for him — though she preferred to call it stupid rather than heroic. You didn’t argue with her on it. Fortunately, Chad was able to pick himself up and knock out the idiot before he could do more.
Despite that fury she held inside her, you could see the worry etched on her face, bordering on tears, during your hospital stay.
Days later you’d learn he was just some deranged kid trying to be “Funny”. He was promptly arrested by the police and sent to a hospital. You’d never seen Sam so disgusted. 
Considering the circumstances, you were fine. Mentally? Probably not, you hadn’t had time to reflect on it. Physically? That’s where it was hitting most. The scars left by his knife only got progressively worse as time passed. Chad was quick to call an ambulance for you, and you thanked the man greatly, holding onto his shoulders for support. 
The doctors affirmed the bone wasn’t too severely damaged but it would need time to heal. Hence the blue cast hanging from your shoulder. 
But the strangest part wasn’t your injured arm - it was Tara’s behavior. You understood that she was reliving the whole ordeal all over again and tried your best to comfort her. But it seemed just being around you, without fail, brought tears back into her eyes. With time, she was starting to recover too, but she stayed unusually quiet. Despite this, she never left your side, not even for a moment. Like right now, she sat beside you, on your good side, as you watched a movie together in her room. 
You didn’t want this attack to get in the way of your relationship or mess things up, so you insisted on keeping things normal - like movie nights and when you were both up for it, date nights. 
Tonight, Tara picked a Disney movie, probably to keep things light after what happened. You tried not to let your heart swell too much at her consideration. 
“Sit up for me,” Tara mumbled out of nowhere, pulling you out of your thoughts. You furrowed your eyebrows but did as she asked, watching as she disappeared into the bathroom and came back holding a familiar red box. 
“Tara, I’m okay.” You lied. 
She arched an eyebrow, reading completely through you but didn’t say anything, simply opening the kit and motioning for you to swing your legs off the bed. 
You sighed, complying with her words knowing better than to argue. 
“You’ve been scratching at your shoulder this entire time. I know it’s bothering you. Let me change it.” She said softly.
Pursing your lips, you nodded, giving her the go-ahead. You understood that helping you made her feel better, even though you constantly reassured her that it wasn’t her fault.
Sitting straight up, you watched as she delicately unwrapped the gauze, marveling at her gentle touch. A shiver ran down your spine as the fresh air hit the wound, her eyes softening as they fell upon the scar. She then grabbed some cotton balls and applied alcohol to them, causing you to hiss at the burning sensation.
“Sorry.” She murmured, leaning in to press a kiss on your cheek before blowing softly on the cut. “I don’t want it to get infected, it’ll just get worse.” 
You nodded, biting the inside of your cheek. It felt good, having someone care for you like this. More than you’d ever admit, really. The thought of how much you secretly loved Tara fussing over you was too embarrassing to acknowledge fully. 
You couldn't help but relish in the feeling of being looked after, of having someone fuss over you with such genuine concern. It was comforting, reassuring even, to know that you weren't facing this ordeal alone, that someone was there to support you every step of the way. 
As her fingers delicately adjusted the bandage, ensuring it was snug yet not too tight, your heart spoke before you could stop it. And just like that, the words spilled out, unfiltered and sincere: “I love you.”
Tara froze, the silence turning deafening. Her fingers pressed slightly harder against you, fingernails digging into your shoulder but you didn’t comment on it, too overwhelmed by your own anxiety and fear that she could hear how fast your heart was beating. After a beat of silence, she continued wrapping the fabric, cutting it off once she finished. Yet, her touch lingered, eyes fixated on the injury, her thumb softly rubbing against your shoulder. 
A small sniffled escaped her, and she stood up abruptly. Covering herself with her arm to wipe away tears. Your heart sank, fearing you had ruined everything.
“You shouldn’t.” She whispered, her voice barely audible, as she rubbed her arms in search of comfort. “I’ll just get you hurt.” 
Your eyes softened, heartbreaking at the sight of her vulnerability. It was a side of her you had only seen once before, the last time you nearly broke up. A look you didn’t want to see.
“Tara, don’t say that.” 
“It’s the truth, everywhere I go he follows.” She choked out, her eyes glistening, “You’ll never be happy constantly looking behind your shoulder, living in fear.” 
You stood up, pausing in front of the shorter girl. Tara sighed, shaking her head and turning away. Your hand gently lifted her chin, and you leaned down to press a kiss against her cheek, coaxing her shaken eyes to look at you. Very seriously you uttered, “Every time I'm with you I feel more secure than ever in my entire life. We take care of each other, I’ll take care of you. I love you, Tara.” 
Tara shudders, her head leaning against your forehead, letting the words wash over her. Your arm rubs softly against hers, while you pepper kisses along the side of her face, expressing your feelings through touch. 
Shakingly, her nails grip tighter against your back. “If you’re gonna keep saying that- you have to mean it.” She affirms, pulling back to look at you,  “You can’t just say that and leave, not anymore.”
You nod in agreement, finally, leaning down to capture her lips between your own, pulling her into a loving kiss. “I mean it, I love you.” You whisper against her lips. 
Tara swallows, before letting out a watery laugh. “I love you too, god I do.” 
Her hands find a home between your neck, pulling you in closer into a much firmer and passionate kiss. Your stomach tightens, and you shiver when her tongue slides in effortlessly, melting at her touch. 
Getting lost in the moment, your feet move before you realize it, and your knees hit the bed. Tara gasps in surprise, clutching onto you for support and you wince at the sudden pressure to your cast. 
You let out a breathy chuckle, sinking back into the mattress, Tara quickly joining in to meet you. The room fills with shared laughter, a moment of light amidst it all. Being mindful of your arm, Tara moves to lay by your side once again, draping an arm across your chest. She presses a lingering kiss to your neck, sighing against you.
You recall your previous conversation. And you wanted to say she had nothing to worry about—nothing to be scared of. But you both knew the truth of the cruel world you lived in. Safety wasn’t something you could guarantee, not to Tara, and not to yourself. 
Instead, you pulled the girl closer, her body adjusting to fit with yours, her head resting on your neck. If physical contact was what she needed to sleep for tonight and any night, you could provide that. Pressing a tender kiss to her head, you placed your chin on top of her, reveling in the moment, focusing on the small patterns she traced on your skin. 
And just for once, without fear, Tara let her eyes close. Slowly falling asleep in your warm embrace, completely reassured that you wouldn’t be leaving her.
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familyvideostevie · 11 months
emma, loml, here's a quote from happy place emily henry that i think could be a great blurb... "In every universe, it's you for me. Even if it's not me for you." w steve or eddie? whoever ur heart desires <333
happy place ripped out my soul. i went kind of angsty with this one but it works out!!! this is fighting about the future with steve <3
You don't know how you got here. Tonight started as just another night in your sweet apartment with your sweet boyfriend, Steve. Takeout, movie, and cuddling, like you do every weekend. But somehow it's devolved into you both on opposite sides of the couch on the verge of tears.
All because Steve said he wants to get married.
"So you're saying no?" he sneers. His tone is mean but his expression is hurt.
"Are you proposing?" you shoot back. Your arms are tightly crossed, fingers twisted in the sleeves of his high school swim team sweatshirt that you love wearing.
"I--." He runs a hand through his hair and looks utterly defeated. "No," he admits. "I just wanted you to know that I'm ready whenever. To get married."
"But I'm not, Steve!" you say, too loud. You close your eyes and take a deep breath. You never thought talking about marriage would be a fight. "I'm not and I feel like you want me to be."
"Woah," he says. "Woah, woah, woah. I don't think I said that. Did I say that?"
You turn away from him and chew on the inside of your cheek. "No, but now I'm worried that you'll be thinking it."
"That's not the same thing," he chides. "C'mon, that's not fair."
"No, you're right," you admit. "But I don't feel like you're hearing me when I say I don't want to get married this young. And you saying so makes me feel like you think what we are doing right now isn't enough."
Steve opens and closes his mouth like a goldfish. "What we are doing right now?" he says, softly. He scoots forward on the couch little by little until his knee touches your ankle. "You mean you being the first and last thing I get to see every day? Coming home and knowing that you're coming home to the same place? Kissing you and brushing my teeth with you and living with you?"
The fight sags out of you once you realize it's out of him, too. It seems that you've been talking around each other but you both want the same thing.
You reach for one of his hands and he twines your fingers together. "I don't want to get married yet, Steve. For a while."
He nods. "Okay," he says. "All I meant by it is that I want to marry you someday. Because you're it for me, you know? And if you don't want to get married ever, that's still true. If you want to break up someday, that's still true."
"No one said anything about breaking up," you grumble. He laughs and it sounds relieved.
"No, we sure as hell did not." He squeezes your hand. "Can I have a hug now? I think I'm going to whither and die from lack of attention."
You roll your eyes but surge forward to wrap your arms around him and he flops back on the couch dramatically. "Crisis averted?" he whispers in your ear.
"Yeah, Steve," you whisper back. "Crisis averted."
join the celebration!
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roosterforme · 9 months
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THANK YOU to everyone who sent in a headcanon request! Please comment or reblog and let me know how you feel about some of these. And if you can think of any other details you'd like to know more about, let me know!
Roo and BG
1. How do you imagine their perfect date?
Roo and Baby Girl are pretty chill on their date nights. Usually a beach walk with Tramp after some pizza is what they want. But a perfect date for them might include Roo taking BG back up to Del Mar to visit the hot sauce restaurant and the silent disco from their first date. 
2. Who is the most likely to cry when watching a kids’ movie?
Baby Girl is going to be the one in tears saying, "Why the fuck did this stupid movie make me cry?" while Roo chuckles and rubs her back.
3. Each of your pairings have a different vibe in the bedroom. I’m curious what is each roo-nicorn’s (and Bob’s) favorite position?
Roo likes hitting it from the back. I would venture to say that having sex in the kitchen with his now wife bent over the kitchen counter might be his favorite. He loved the way she fills out her khaki uniform pants from the very first moment he first saw her, so I think he really likes her ass. 
4. Where does Roo see himself in ten years? Where does BG see herself in ten years?
I love this question. Roo probably sees himself in a bit of a different role as an aviator. Perhaps dividing his time between flying and teaching. I've touched a little bit on him being a guest teacher at Top Gun, but I think that's a role he could eventually be really comfortable with. Baby Girl's career goal is to be the head of her own lab. I think she'd be happy to stay in San Diego for her whole career since she established her place there even before she met Roo. But I think I can speak for both of them when I say that in ten years, they would love to be parents. 
5. We know Roo and BG’s wedding song, but what would the song be for your other couples?
Everywhere by Fleetwood Mac
6. For your headcanon party... How many kids do Bradley and BG have?
Bradley and Baby Girl have [REDACTED]. And we will get into that even more in Always Ever Only You. 
7. Roo and Baby Girl: what are their dream vacations?
I think they would love to go back to Hawaii someday and relive their honeymoon. I also think a hot sauce/spicy food trip through South America or Asia might be in their future. I could also see them in a cabin on a snowy northern California mountainside, enjoying a bit of peace and quiet. 
Beer Boy and Sugar
1. A little Heady for Beer Boy and Sug. Favorite place to have sex in the frat house?
Kitchen counter or on the beer pong table. 
2. How many kids do Beer Boy and Sugar want to have or do they not care how many they have?
Beer Boy would probably have as many kids as Sugar wanted. But I don't see her getting pregnant again after this. It's a one and done for her, because she is very serious about her career. Peep more of this in the upcoming Grateful Dad part 2.
3. Who is more possessive, Sugar or Beer Boy?
Beer Boy. I don't think Sugar is very jealous, and that plays a big part here. Beer Boy on the other hand has shown himself to be possessive of his Sugar when it comes to certain fraternity brothers of his and certain coworkers of hers. 
4. What do you think would have happened if Beer Boy and Sugar had run into one another when she was in grad school?
Wow, okay. If Beer Boy and Sugar had run into each other while she was still in grad school... I think they would have had that instant chemistry again. I think it would have felt a bit like the beginning of Right Girl, Wrong Time when they spent the night together after their ten years apart. But I don't think either of them were at a place where they could have really made it work out, even if they wanted to. Bradley was still all over the place with the navy, and Sugar was still working at such a crazy pace to get her PhD. And I think that if they ran into each other after four years apart, they wouldn't have had that same opportunity they got after ten years. 
5. How do you imagine their perfect date?
Their perfect date is a night at the movies where they just make out through the entire thing. 
6. Who is the most likely to cry when watching a kids movie?
I actually don't see either of them doing this!
7. What is Sugar’s favourite work snack?
Beer Boy packs Sugar's school/work lunches when he's not deployed! I like to imagine that he packs her a little bento box with different things in it. I think her favorite snacks would be the fruit and nuts portions that he lovingly packed, knowing she would need some 'brain food' to get her through her day of teaching math.
8. What do Sugar and Beer Boy end up naming their future kiddo(s)/how many do they have?
Just you wait for The Grateful Dad part 2. We will learn more about [REDACTED] Bradshaw. 
9. Each of your pairings have a different vibe in the bedroom. I’m curious what is each roo-nicorn’s (and Bob’s) favorite position?
Beer Boy loves when Sugar rides him when he's sitting down. He also knows how much she likes riding his thigh and leaving him with a marked up pant leg. And surprise: he likes it, too.
10. What would be Sugar's reaction meeting Maverick after Beer Boy told her about him pulling his papers?
I think Sugar will always be a little wary of Maverick. She met Bradley when he was still pretty fresh from the catastrophe of having his papers pulled. She saw how much that (along with losing his mom) affected his time in college. Sugar would be cordial to Maverick as long as Bradley told her that they were on good terms again, but I don't think she'd ever be a big fan.
11. I know this is so random, but for your HC party, I need to know, is/ was BeerBoy the frat bro who played cornhole or the frat bro who play disk golf?
Just beer pong.
12. What would Sugar have done with her degree if she hadn’t become a teacher? What was her second choice for her career?
Sugar always intended to be a college math professor. I think that was her goal early on when she realized just how freaking good she was at math, calculus in particular. If she didn't go into academia, I think she could have worked for NASA or Boeing or even a federal research lab!
13. Does Sugar plan to keep teaching after Jerry Garcia Bradshaw Bean is born? Or have they gotten that far yet?
Sugar does plan to keep teaching. She loves it a lot, and she doesn't want to take too much time off. She's kind of lucky she got a tenured position at San Diego State University, so she can at least take a little bit of time off after being pregnant (I could go on about how the structure of the American workforce and economy is designed to negatively impact women and minorities, but I'll just leave it right there).
14. Is Sugar her honorary call sign with the Daggers? I know they all have called her that, but she’s the only one who can call him Beer Boy, so do the same rules apply? Or is she just universally known as Sugar?
Nat knew all along that Bradley called her Sugar and that he was still in love with her when he started flight school. I think she would let Nat get away with calling her Sugar, but I also think that Nat is the dagger that she is the closest with. The two women fell into a fast friendship as soon as they met!
15. Is Bradley gonna be Beer Dad now, or just the grateful dad?
You know, I think he'd gladly answer to either one of those if Sugar said it! But he is forever the Grateful Dad. 
16. We know Roo and BG’s wedding song, but what would the song be for your other couples?
Beer Boy and Sugar: Easy to Love You by Grateful Dead
17. I know deployment is covered a lot in your stories. How does Beer boy and Sugar handle it? I mean yeah they’ve been apart for 10 years but I’m sure after that it’s kind of hard for them to be separated from each other. How do they handle being separated again?
I think Sugar is a bit of a loner by nature. Being on her own doesn't particularly bother her, so she does pretty well without Bradley. She still misses him like crazy, of course, and she has a countdown to the minute he returns to her. But she spends her time alone being productive at work and having fun with Nat. Beer Boy is the one who kind of goes to pieces. He worries if Sugar is going to eat well without him at home, or keep the house clean, or remember to sleep. And he has a million photos of her over the past ten plus years on his phone that he spends all of his free time looking at. 
Coach and Kitten
1. Who says sorry first in an argument? Who can hold a grudge longest?
Kitten says she's sorry first. She will fold under that kind of pressure. After spending so many years with Danny, she turned into a bit of a people pleaser, but she's getting better about it now. Luckily Coach would never try to force her hand in an argument. He's quite patient and even tempered for the most part.
2. What about Coach and Kitten and their favorite sex position?
Coach loves going down on her. He's a pussy eating king. I'd say his favorite thing would be eating her out until she cums and then fucking her missionary until he cums. 
3. How do you imagine their perfect date?
Their perfect date is probably a night out at the batting cages with Everett. If they can get some time alone (if Bob and Molly watch Ev), a bottle of expensive champagne on the beach followed by some stargazing would be a perfect night.
4. Between Coach and Kitten, who is the "discipline" adult when it comes to Ev?
Kitten is the disciplinarian. Coach Bradley is the fun one. However, if Ev really, really needs to be disciplined because of something more egregious, I think Coach would step in. And I think Ev would definitely learn his lesson.
5. Who is the most likely to cry when watching a kids movie?
Kitten. I can see Kitten and Ev both scared or crying during a movie while Bradley has one arm wrapped around each of them.
6. So, we know Coach loves Kitten in leopard print. However, would Coach ever give Kitten a glimpse of him in leopard print? Ya know, maybe a leopard print banana hammock (iykyk)? I think Kitten would really enjoy that.
I am kind of speechless. He would look hot! I think Kitten would love it, too! And Bradley would find it kind of funny to wear it for her, but of course as soon as he knew she was into it, the thing would be on the floor. 
7. Each of your pairings have a different vibe in the bedroom. I’m curious what is each roo-nicorn’s (and Bob’s) favorite position?
I answered this one above... Coach loves going down on her. He's a pussy eating king. I'd say his favorite thing would be eating her out until she cums and then fucking her missionary until he cums. 
8. Sooooooooo, we know that Coach and Ev are getting a Phillies man cave, and it’s also the guest bedroom. Would Coach and Kitten ever consider breaking it in?
100% they broke it in before the baseball decals were fully stuck to the walls. That's their favorite spot for a quickie. 
9. What's Coach's favorite part about living with Kitten and Everett?
Coach loves that he feels included. They all take care of little things for each other that make up the big picture. He also loves when Kitten packs him lunch in a brown bag with little hearts on it. He also loves helping Ev with his homework, because he gets drawings to take to work in return. 
10. Has Coach ever told Kitten about his mom and dad? What memories has he shared about Carole and Goose if he has?
Coach told Kitten all about Goose and Carole. And he told her that he was a little afraid that he was going to fail at being a good parental figure for Ev. But Kitten assured him that he was more than enough. I think that Coach told Everett about going to Phillies games with Goose when he was tiny (he even has a photo of it). And about how Carole got him the stuffed Phanatic after Goose died. And he told Ev that he's in charge of taking care of the Phanatic now. Also, Ev starts referring to Goose and Carole as his grandparents when he asks questions about them, and it makes Bradley cry (Grampa Goose and Gramma Carole).
11. I need to know everything the Coach fam does on their vacays to Philly, including but not limited to stalking Citizens Bank Park. I also need to know how many days start with a pork roll, egg, and cheese. (If it’s not everyday then I have some concerns)
Every day starts off with a pork roll, egg and cheese bagel. They visit the Liberty Bell and do all the touristy stuff in Old City. The boys laugh at how it looks like Ben Franklin is peeing off the top of City Hall. They visit the oldest zoo in the country. Then they eat soft pretzels and tomato pie for lunch. Kitten tries some water ice. Then when they get to Citizens Bank Park for the game, they are all decked out in their Phillies gear. Coach drinks a Yuengling. Kitten has a Yards Pale Ale. The three of them share cheesesteaks and crab fries. The Phillies win, and it's fireworks night. It's the best day of their lives. 
12. We know Roo and BG’s wedding song, but what would the song be for your other couples?
Technically, Coach and Kitten's first dance was to Take Me Out to the Ball Game. But their song is Just Like Heaven by The Cure 
13. Kitten walking in on Ev when he has a girl in his room and he thought he was home alone.
Kitten would panic! It could be totally innocent. Like 16 year old Ev with a crush on their neighbor. But Kitten would absolutely panic and have a full family conversation about it that night. And then Bradley would end up having a conversation about sex with Ev which would make Ev want to die. But at least he would walk away knowing all about condoms and how to use them. 
14. Coach and Kitten: we all know that Kitten doesn't want to have another baby, but do you think that the two of them would ever consider adoption? Or is it just no more kids, period?
I don't know that adopting a child would be in their future. Kitten is so happy with Everett as an only child, and she wouldn't want to start over again with another baby. However, under certain circumstances, perhaps they would adopt.
Daddy and Princess
1. We already know that Daddy and Princess can’t get enough of each other…would pregnancy change that?
I think Daddy's hands would be on Princess constantly. He'd definitely have a bit of a breeding kink, and I think he'd love it if she were pregnant. It would probably also make him even more possessive. 
2. How is Daddy reacting if he ever runs into Greyson or the other two dimwits?
Punch in the face on sight. KO'd. 
3. Headcanon for Daddy and Princess. What is a date night like for them without Noah?
Without Noah, Daddy is going to take Princess out to a restaurant that she thinks is too expensive, but he's going to tell her a million times that nothing is too good for her. 
4. Who says sorry first in an argument? Who can hold a grudge longest?
Daddy apologizes first. Princess can hold a grudge, especially if she knows she is right. 
5. How do you imagine their perfect date?
Their perfect date with Noah would be taking him to the children's museum and then to the beach. Their perfect date without Noah would be a fancy dinner and then drinks at a speakeasy. 
6. Who is the most likely to cry when watching a kids movie?
Princess cries at all of them.
7. Between Daddy and Princess, who fell in love first and what happened to send them head over heels?
Daddy knew he was in love first. He was falling steadily in love with her as soon as he met her, but it took him a while to catch on. And he was ready to say it with intent after he rescued her from Greyson's frat house. Princess held out a bit longer, but then she just tumbled over the edge into love shortly after Bradley came clean about Meredith and the lawsuit. She was still surprised to hear him say the words, but she knew she was in love, too. 
8. What is Princess’s favourite book to read to Noah?
This is tough, because honestly she spends a lot of time reading to Noah. I think fairy tales, because Noah called her the Princess from so early on! 
9. Each of your pairings have a different vibe in the bedroom. I’m curious what is each roo-nicorn’s (and Bob’s) favorite position?
Daddy likes taking Princess so many ways. Missionary so he can watch her pretty face. Standing up in the shower is a favorite with him holding her against the wall. He also likes to make her squirt, and he knows how to do it like a pro now (overstimulation is key). 
10. Would Daddy ever consider having another baby? This time with Princess? I know they both love Noah to pieces, but is it in the cards for them?
Would Daddy consider another baby? Sign him up right now. The man is thinking about it all the time now that he's really with Princess. He'd start trying to get her pregnant tomorrow if she indicated that's what she wanted. Noah would be an amazing big brother. 
11. Do Bradley and Noah attend Princess’s graduation? Does Bradley push to the front row of seats so he’s certain she’ll see them?
Well now this is absolutely a headcanon. Thanks!
12. We know Roo and BG’s wedding song, but what would the song be for your other couples?
Daddy and Princess: Fade Into You by Mazzy Star
13. Does Princess have a favorite trait of Bradleys? And vice versa.
Princess loves the things about Bradley that perhaps he's not exactly crazy about himself? She loves that he's kind of technologically inept and likes to do things the old school way (she's kind of an old soul herself. She's very mature). She loves how bad he is at cooking, because slowly but surely, he's getting better. She loves the way he loves Noah. She loves how gentle he is. Physically, she loves his hands and his smile and the fact that he has a few gray hairs. Daddy first and foremost fell in love with the way Princess just seems to fit with him and Noah. She and Noah were like two peas in a pod, and Bradley could tell his son trusted her. He loves that she's smart and sweet, but she's not a doormat. He loves that she gives people a second chance. He loves the way she takes care of little things that he wouldn't remember to do. Physically, he loves that she looks innocent, and he loves how perfectly she fits next to him in bed. He loves that she tells him she feels safe with him.
14. If Princess could plan the perfect date for Bradley what would it look like?
She would joke that she's going to take him out to play BINGO and have a senior citizen early bird dinner at 4:00 pm. But in reality, she would plan a night at home. Sexy cooking lessons where she's dressed in basically nothing while she teaches him how to cook something, and then they eat it together. They probably have sex at that point before heading to the living room couch to snuggle and watch a movie.
15. Does Princess have a place that she'd love to show Daddy and Noah?
I think Princess would absolutely love to take the boys to Disneyland! She knows Noah would have a blast, and Bradley would probably grumble a bit before he conceded that he was having fun.
16. Princess walking in on Noah when he has a girl in his room and he thought he was home alone.
Princess would probably just ask them exactly what was going on, making both of them blush as they responded. She would stand in the doorway with her arms crossed until they both shuffled out of the room, and then she would have a long discussion with Noah. She'd also tell him he needs to keep his bedroom door open.
17. Rooster and Princess: what was the moment that they knew that whatever was between them was love?
I think for Daddy, watching one of the interactions between Princess and Noah was the first time the word LOVE was triggered in his mind. I think for Princess, the first time she heard Bradley say he needed her, she could feel it start to bloom inside her.
Bob and Molly
1. As a Mobaholic, I must know…how do you think Bob would react to seeing Molly in maternity lingerie?
Bob goes literally bonkers over the way Molly looks, even when she's wearing her scrubs after a work shift. So lingerie is going to make his jaw drop. Maternity lingerie is going to make him feral, because he is SO excited to be a dad and raise a child with her.
2. Why is Molly so insecure about Bob? Why does she have so low self esteem?
Molly is very outwardly secure with herself. She's beautiful, and she kind of knows it. Guys like her. They always have. But as far as relationships go, she always thought she didn't have much more to offer beyond a face and a body that got the job done very well. She never had a guy appreciate how funny and smart she is until she met Bob. And that made her feel very insecure inside. She was instantly afraid that the other shoe was going to drop at any minute, and that Bob would realize that Molly was just a pretty, disposable thing without real substance. Because she never really gave herself the credit she deserved as far as her personality and spirit were concerned. But let me count the ways... Molly is: hilarious, caring, honest, trustworthy, intelligent, hard working, loving, loyal, strong, empathetic, warm and so many other things besides physically pretty.
3. How do you imagine their perfect date?
Bob feeding Molly sushi in the bed of his truck at an outdoor concert just after sunset.
4. Who is the most likely to cry when watching a kids movie?
Molly sobbed at the Lion King with Ev, so I'm going with her!
5. Each of your pairings have a different vibe in the bedroom. I’m curious what is each roo-nicorn’s (and Bob’s) favorite position?
Bob's favorite position is whatever Molly feels like treating him to. She's adventurous in the bedroom, and he didn't know how much he was going to love that until he experienced it. If he had to pick, he would say he likes it when she rides him cowgirl. He also likes uniform time and domming her.
6. We've seen a little bit of Molly and Kitten's family life in both The Batting Practice and the Curveball. And we've met Piper and Bob's sister and family as well. But what was Bob's childhood like? How has that changed what he looks for in a romantic partner?
Bob grew up on a ranch in Wyoming before his family moved to San Bernardino, CA. He's the baby sibling behind Rebecca and Rachel, and he was always a little bit of a reserved misfit. He liked being outside and keeping himself company more than anything else. As far as what he wants in a romantic partner as an adult... I'd say Bob is used to being overlooked. When he catches someone's eye and they let him know he's something special, that really is a surprise to him. So being with someone who wants to show him off and tell him how wonderful he is makes him happy. He's also going to look for someone who is smart and honest. I'd say those are his top two non-negotiables. 
7. We know Roo and BG’s wedding song, but what would the song be for your other couples?
Bob and Molly like to argue about this. She thinks All Day and All Of the Night by The Kinks. He thinks You Really Got Me by The Kinks. Same band, different songs.
8. Bob and Molly: what was the thing that first attracted them to the other?
If we are being completely honest, Bob almost fainted the first time he looked at Molly. He just thinks she's that beautiful. And then she was looking right back at him, coining the term Coach Cute Glasses right away. So he was surprised to find that beautiful Molly was biting her lip and grinning at him. Molly thought Bob was adorable. Tall, strong and handsome, but so gentle with the tee ball kids. And when she could make him blush a deep crimson without doing much of anything, she was hooked. 
1. What do you love the most about Baby Girl/Kitten/Molly/Sugar/Princess?
What I love most about Baby Girl: She is so unapologetically smart. And she lets herself feel all of her emotions and form her own opinions. She is a good friend. She doesn't change anything about herself to fit what someone else thinks she should be.
What I love most about Kitten: She is the best mom to Everett, even though she doesn't give herself enough credit. She juggles so many things so elegantly. She takes care of the people she loves. She works hard.
What I love most about Sugar: She knew what she wanted in her career, and she really went for it. She is reserved and thoughtful, but she's still bold. She works tirelessly as a college professor, because she cares about her students. She gives second and third chances. She is fair and loyal.
What I love most about Princess: She is sweet and gentle. She is instantly likeable. She is young but not immature. She's an old soul. She can take whatever she's given and work it into something special. She has a great imagination. She always tries to find the good in people. 
2. Each of your pairings have a different vibe in the bedroom. I’m curious what is each roo-nicorn’s (and Bob’s) favorite position? Also, I wouldn’t hate it if you answered this question for BG’s Jake, too.
Okay, okay. Alright. We haven't seen this from Jake per se, but I can tell you a little bit anyway. Jake in the Roo and BG universe has a bit of a reputation. He's a rake, similar to how Roo was. He has hooked up with a lot of the women on base, and he's not really trying to hide or deny anything. In bed, he likes to sit back and enjoy things. That's not to say he's not an active participant, but he definitely is one who is going to make his partner feel like the star of the show. He talks a lot in bed and is encouraging. He prefers his partner on top. He also likes doggy style, getting his lips and his encouraging words right next to your year. "You're doing great, darlin'."
3. We saw roo get a bit more dominating in part 4 of “a love you don’t find every day” (which is one of my favorite scenes across your series’ ). do you think any other universe bradley’s would ever try this with their respective partners? or would roo ever try that again with bg?
Hey! I loved that chapter! Roo would absolutely try that again with BG. I think Daddy would love to get a little rough and demanding with Princess, too. I would love to explore that. (We have also seen how much Bob loves to dom Molly in The Curveball).
4. OMG what are the coaches' walk up songs???? And Everett’s?? And Kitten and Molly’s if they had one???
This is so important to me:
Coach Bradley- Panama by Van Halen
Coach Bob- Raise Your Hands by Bon Jovi
Kitten- Centerfield by John Fogerty
Molly- I Want Candy by Bow Wow Wow
Ev- Party Rock Anthem by LMFAO
Thanks to @mak-32 for the banner and @beyondthesefourwalls for helping me with this. Check my other Roo and BG HCs here. And check my masterlist for more! Tagging some usual suspects and those who sent in asks:
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taylor-swift-bracket · 2 months
🎇Please reblog!🎇
Notable bridges
(Under the cut)
1989 (Taylor’s Version)
Out of the woods
Remember when you hit the brakes too soon?
Twenty stitches in the hospital room
When you started crying, baby, I did too
But when the sun came up, I was looking at you
Remember when we couldn't take the heat?
I walked out, I said, "I'm setting you free"
But the monsters turned out to be just trees
When the sun came up, you were looking at me
You were looking at me, oh
You were looking at me
(Are we out of the woods yet? Are we out of the woods yet?)
(Are we out of the woods yet? Are we out of the woods?)
I remember
(Are we in the clear yet? Are we in the clear yet?)
(Are we in the clear yet, in the clear yet? Good)
Oh, I remember
Wildest Dreams
You'll see me in hindsight
Tangled up with you all night
Burnin' it down
Someday, when you leave me
I bet these memories
Follow you around
You'll see me in hindsight
Tangled up with you all night
Burnin' (Burnin') it (It) down (Down)
Someday, when you leave me
I bet these memories
Follow (Follow) you (You) around
(Follow you around)
Is It Over Now?
And did you think I didn't see you?
There were flashin' lights
At least I had the decency
To keep my nights out of sight
Only rumors 'bout my hips and thighs
And my whispered sighs
Oh, Lord, I think about jumpin'
Off of very tall somethings
Just to see you come runnin'
And say the one thing I've been wanting, but no
Ten months sober, I must admit
Just because you're clean, don't mean you don't miss it
Ten months older, I won't give in
Now that I'm clean, I'm never gonna risk it
The drought was the very worst, ah-ah, ah-ah
When the flowers that we'd grown together died of thirst (Oh)
I reached for you, but you were gone
I knew I had to go back home
You searched the world for somethin' else
To make you feel like what we had
And in the end, in Wonderland, we both went mad
Illicit affairs
And you wanna scream
Don't call me "kid," don't call me "baby"
Look at this godforsaken mess that you made me
You showed me colors you know I can't see with anyone else
Don't call me "kid," don't call me "baby"
Look at this idiotic fool that you made me
You taught me a secret language I can't speak with anyone else
the last great american dynasty
They say she was seen on occasion
Pacing the rocks, staring out at the midnight sea
And in a feud with her neighbor
She stole his dog and dyed it key lime green
Fifty years is a long time
Holiday House sat quietly on that beach
Free of women with madness, their men and bad habits
And then it was bought by me
You know I left a part of me back in New York
You knew the hero died so what's the movie for?
You knew it still hurts underneath my scars
From when they pulled me apart
You knew the password so I let you in the door
You knew you won so what's the point of keeping score?
You knew it still hurts underneath my scars
From when they pulled me apart
But what you did was just as dark
(Ah, ah, ah)
Darling, this was just as hard
As when they pulled me apart
my tears ricochet
And I can go anywhere I want
Anywhere I want, just not home
And you can aim for my heart, go for blood
But you would still miss me in your bones
And I still talk to you (When I'm screaming at the sky)
And when you can't sleep at night (You hear my stolen lullabies)
Back when we were still changin' for the better
Wanting was enough
For me, it was enough
To live for the hope of it all
Cancel plans just in case you'd call
And say, "Meet me behind the mall"
So much for summer love and saying "us"
'Cause you weren't mine to lose
You weren't mine to lose, no
champagne problems
Your Midas touch on the Chevy door
November flush and your flannel cure
"This dorm was once a madhouse"
I made a joke, "Well, it's made for me"
How evergreen, our group of friends
Don't think we'll say that word again
And soon they'll have the nerve to deck the halls
That we once walked through
One for the money, two for the show
I never was ready so I watch you go
Sometimes you just don't know the answer
'Til someone's on their knees and asks you
"She would've made such a lovely bride
What a shame she's f*cked in the head," they said
But you'll find the real thing instead
She'll patch up your tapestry that I shred
So yeah, it's a fire
It's a violent blaze in the dark
And you started it
You started it
So yeah, it's a war
It's the fiercest fight of my life
And you started it
You started it
tolerate it
While you were out buildin' other worlds, where was I?
Where's that man who'd throw blankets over my barbed wire?
I made you my temple, my mural, my sky
Now I'm beggin' for footnotes in the story of your life
Drawin' hearts in the byline
Always takin' up too much space or time
You assume I'm fine, but what would you do if I
The autumn chill that wakes me up
You loved the amber skies so much
Long limbs and frozen swims
You'd always go past where our feet could touch
And I complained the whole way there
The car ride back and up the stairs
I should've asked you questions
I should've asked you how to be
Asked you to write it down for me
Should've kept every grocery store receipt
'Cause every scrap of you would be taken from me
Watched as you signed your name Marjorie
All your closets of backlogged dreams
And how you left them all to me
Right where you left me
Did you ever hear about the girl who got frozen?
Time went on for everybody else, she won't know it
She's still twenty-three inside her fantasy
How it was supposed to be
Did you hear about the girl who lives in delusion?
Breakups happen every day, you don't have to lose it
She's still twenty-three inside her fantasy
And you're sitting in front of me
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i should make this into a proper meta someday but i'm writing it down so I won't forget...
as much as the Mortis story may seem weirdly out of place with the rest of the Force lore, it can work as an illustration. sure, in the movies "balance" means "no more Sith" and the less dark side around, the better (balance in the movies is absolutely NOT 50% light, 50% darkness like it seems to be on Mortis) but hear me out. on Mortis, the Father (balance) says he has to keep his children from tearing each other - and the fabric of the universe - apart, but....... that's not what's actually happening.
The Son (the Dark Side) wants to kill Balance. The Son does actually kill the Daughter, aka the Light. The Dark Side is always, always the aggressor, and the Light only ever defends herself, defends the innocent bystanders, and defends Balance.
The Light protects Balance against the Dark's attacks on both Balance and Light. That's the conflict here, it's not that both Light and Darkness need to be kept in check. The Father never has to worry about the Daughter's actions.
And you know what else? The Father - the one in the middle, the representation of balance - makes a ton of mistakes and fuels the problem by bringing Anakin to the planet (since the Mortis Gods are heavily influenced by the presence of anyone around them, and the Son very clearly begins to mirror and embody some of Anakin's darker parts). Balance is only restored when the Father follows the Daughter's example of self-sacrifice and, very importantly, allows the Son to be killed.
If the Son had been killed first and not the Daughter, do you think the planet would have gone haywire? There's no real evidence of this.
Anyway, all of this to say, the Light is not and has never been the problem, the Light actively defends Balance even to the cost of itself, and the Dark is a poisonous destructive Force that threatens everything and even goes against its own interests and Mortis doesn't contradict that.
The Jedi - and other 'light' Force users - weren't "dogmatic" or "going against balance" for completely rejecting the Dark. They were defending balance and rightly siding with good.
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inklessletter · 9 months
I've been coming across some posts on and off these past few months about people complaining of fandom behaviour, particularly what is right or wrong to write about a character or a story. And I want to clarify that this me giving an opinion, and I'm no one, I'm just expressing myself, but I kind of feel like I need to say this before it gets me mad enough to snap someday.
I'll start with saying that, to me, "fandom" is just a place for you to be yourself. You saw a piece of media that became your comfort place, and fandom is that place where you are allowed to experiment, bend, deconstruct, rebuild or tear apart that, because you are, ultimately, experimenting with your own feelings. This means that nobody in fandom writes to meet another people's expectations, but themselves'! There is no use other in pointing out "but that's not canon!" that making that person who just poured a bit of themselves into something they made feeling bad and ashamed, even for a second. Of course it's not canon. That's the point.
It is okay to take a canonically good, pure, heart of gold kind of guy and write him being a serial killer. It is okay to take a villain and turn him into the hero. It is okay to take a side character and make it all around them. It is okay. Seriously, what good can it make to say "he would not do that", "but that character is evil, that would not happen", "but the story is not about them, tho"?
Who cares about canon anyway? It is a good starting point but once you don't treat that piece of media as something meant to entertain you for the two hours that the movie's running, and start thinking about it, and analyzing it, and creating aus, and thinking about characters' motivations, you're making that story yours. And we do collectively join here, in fandom, to share. I find it so petty and mean just to point out, to even suggest to a certain someone without mentioning them that they're wrong when they defend their personal headcanon about something. It is so silly and funny to me, like, can you imagine taking a literature exam in college and they ask you to write about Jane Eyre's red room meaning and some ballsy student just writes down "well, the room was decorated mainly red and she hated it because it was a punishment place. If there is any religious meaning behind, it is not canon because Brontë didn't write about that specifically."
Let people analyze and make out what they need out of a character or a piece of media. Let them draw their own conclussions. What's it to you? Who are any of us to say that a certain depiction is wrong because it's not canon? What do you know about those people motivations anyway to write about a character that way?
Fandom is not government, it's a community. There are no rules, no laws. No headcanon is above another headcanon. No canon is above a headcanon!
So please, stop weaponizing canon and fanon. Either case, it's just people creating, saying what they need to say, one way or another. Just let them do their thing without making them feel bad for doing differently from you.
That's all I have to say, really.
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lovelyleclercs · 2 years
Chapter Two- You Can't Hide This Forever
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Arthur Leclerc x Sofia Sine
-> Sofia doesn't want to tell Arthur the truth, especially after he gets emotional over a movie scene.
word count: 1581
warnings: Mentions of cancer + I wrote this at like 3am and didn't read through it so I'm sorry if its complete chaos lol
A/N: This is a small little baby chapter that wasn't apart of the original storyline, however I wanted to write something about Charlotte finding out that Sofia is sick.
Sofia had seven days to figure out how she was going to bring up her diagnosis to her sister Charlotte. Seven whole days to figure out what the proper way to tell her would be. Seven days of bracing herself for the emotions that might overtake her the moment she says the three words she dreaded the most for the first time. Yet all she could do was hand her the paperwork from her doctor’s visit. 
Charlotte took the paperwork from Sofia’s hands and glanced through the first couple of pages before landing on the fourth page where the word cancer caught her eye. She paused for a moment, reading the sentence over and over again. After nearly five minutes of silence, she finally put the paperwork down on the counter and looked up at you. “How are you feeling about this?” 
Charlotte’s words hit Sofia like a truck. As she picked at the skin around her finger nail, she looked at the window and sighed. “Devastated, confused, scared, stressed, sick… I don’t know” she said quietly as she felt tears well in her eyes. “I’ve been sitting alone in this apartment for the past seven days trying to understand how this could happen to me. How I have done everything possible in my lifetime to be as healthy as possible and yet here I am, twenty years old getting diagnosed with cancer…”
Charlotte sighed and sat down beside Sofia, not really knowing how to respond to her comments. “Life just sucks sometimes, sissy. It’s the way it goes…”
Sofia nodded and wiped her tears away. “Dr. M wants me to start treatment immediately so my first appointment is tomorrow.”
Charlotte sighed and looked at Sofia with sorrow written all over her face. “I fly out to Italy early tomorrow morning with Charles for a sponsorship event, but maybe Arthur could go with you?” 
Sofia smiled sadly and shook her head. “No, I’ll be fine. I’d rather go alone.”
Charlotte looked at Sofia and sighed, knowing all too well that the real reason she didn’t want Arthur to tag along is because she didn’t want to tell Arthur her diagnosis. “You can’t hide this from him forever, Sof. He deserves to know, he is your best friend…” 
“I understand that, Char but if I tell him he is going to want to quit racing to be by my side 24/7 and I can’t have him do that. Not when he finally got to F2, not when he promised Herve he would race in F1 someday, not when my diagnosis is so similar to Herve’s…”
Just as she was about to continue her sentence, she noticed Charles was standing behind her. She had no idea that he had somehow managed to sneak in without notice, but she knew that he had heard everything she just said. 
“You have cancer?” he asked quietly, almost in disbelief that someone he loved was going through this all over again. Charles had already lost two important people at a young age, he couldn’t bear the idea of losing a third. 
Sofia nodded slightly, unable to make eye contact with him anymore. “I found out last week” 
Charles sat down in the empty chair next to Charlotte and put his hand on her thigh, knowing that this was probably hard on her too. “When does your treatment start?”
“Arthur can take you, he wanted to come visit you tomorrow anyways”
“No. I don’t want arthur to know i’m sick”
“Sof, you two never keep anything from each other… if he finds out that you’re hiding this from him, he’s going to be devastated…”
Sofia stared out the window. Everything that both Charles and Charlotte had said were true. Arthur was your best friend, he would in fact be devastated if he found out you were hiding this from him and yes indeed he deserved to know. The whole conversation was making your head spin. That familiar dizziness came back as your mind continued to repeat Charlotte’s words.
You can’t hide this from him forever, Sof.
He’ll be devastated if he finds out you kept this from him.
He deserves to know the truth.
He’s your best friend. 
When Sofia felt two familiar arms wrap around her, she practically burst into tears. It was Arthur, she could tell without even opening her eyes. She knew his hugs like the back of her hand. Arthur looked at both Charlotte and Charles, extremely confused as to why Sofia was sobbing in his arms. The two of them shrugged at Arthur, knowing that it wasn’t their place to tell him what was going on. “Sof? Are you ok?” 
Sofia wrapped her arms around him tightly and buried her face into the crook of his neck. She had no idea how badly she needed his comfort all week until this moment. He was the only person who could comfort her during her worst moments, and the only person who could make her laugh until she cried in her best moments. She knew that she needed to tell him- that going through this healing journey would be impossible without him- but was telling him going to be the right decision? 
Arthur’s voice very quickly snapped Sofia out of her thoughts. “Come on, Sof. Let’s get you upstairs and into bed, ok? I’ll order us a pizza and we can watch a movie and eat some pizza like we used to do back in our karting days.”
Sofia nodded, knowing that spending some time with Arthur was much needed. Arthur grabbed her hand and walked with her up the stairs, opening the door to her room, allowing her to go in first like he always did. When Sofia stepped into her room, she very quickly realized how messy it was. Tissues everywhere, clothes thrown around, and a few plates and cups from the few meals she had eaten throughout the week were scattered around her room. It was very unusual of her to have such a messy room as she was usually a neat freak, but this past week had proved to be too exhausting for her to even care. 
Without any hesitation, Arthur began picking up her room while she changed. He knew where everything went as she had watched her clean her room several times. When Sofia had finished getting changed, she came out of her bathroom and found her bedroom to be completely spotless with no signs of Arthur anywhere. Sofia couldn’t help but smile a little, relieved that she got to go to sleep in a clean room for the first time in eight days. She climbed into bed, tucking herself in under the covers while she waited for Arthur. 
Nearly thirty minutes had passed and part of her wondered if he was even coming back. However only a few more minutes had passed before Arthur walked into her bedroom with a pizza box, two plates and napkins, as well as two coca-colas. Sofia sat up a little and smiled at him. “Thank you for cleaning up in here, you really didn’t have to do that. You also didn’t have to buy pizza, so thanks for doing that too.”
Arthur smiled and sat down beside you, pulling the covers over himself before opening the pizza box. “You’ve clearly had a rough week, it was the least I could do for you. How many slices do you want?”
“Just one, please. I’m not that hungry right now” 
Arthur nodded and placed a piece onto both of your plates before setting the box on the nightstand. Sofia handed Arthur the remote, indicating to him that she wanted him to choose the movie. Sofia watched as he scrolled through several movies before finally landing on one. 
A Walk to Remember. 
Sofia leaned back, knowing very well that this movie used to be one of her absolute favorites, however right now, it was probably the one movie on their list that she didn’t want to watch. Sofia had made it through the first part of the movie just fine, eventually she had cuddled up to Arthur like she typically did during a movie. Arthur wrapped his arm around her, not taking his eyes off the screen once. 
The scene where Jamie tells Landon that she was sick had started and Sofia felt like it was a punch to the stomach. Soon enough, she was going to have to do what Jamie did and tell the one person that mattered most to her in this world that she was sick. She heard Arthur sniffle, making her look up at him. There were tears in his eyes. Arthur had never cried at this movie before, he always would make fun of Sofia for balling her eyes out, so when she noticed his tears, she grew confused. “Art? Are you ok?”
“I’m sorry it’s just… I can’t imagine if you ever… got sick like that you know?”
“Art I-”
“I know I know. The chances of you getting cancer are very slim and you’re ok, you’ll be fine. It's just.. What if? You know?” 
Without saying another word, Sofia just nodded and rested her head back onto his chest. Every part of her wanted to tell Arthur that she was sick, that she did have cancer and she was scared. Seeing Arthur’s reaction to even just the idea of her being sick absolutely broke her. There was no way she could tell him now, right? 
Chapter Three
Tag List: @hammick @Cl16msc47 @majkaftorek @04asheley16 @itsrogersstuff
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90skiyoomi · 2 years
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haikyuu x f!reader
tw: cheating in a relationship, gaslighting
5 years into your relationship, you saw him and your bestfriend sitting in the restaurant that you both went when he asked you out as his girlfriend.
navigation <next>
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you never thought that this day would come.
you thought that the both of you would last forever. he’s always told you that you were the only girl that he ever want in his life.
in the countless of letters that he sent you, always saying how beautiful you were and how he’s going to marry you someday, you never thought that you would see him with someone else. 
you always thought that he was the sweetest guy. bringing you flowers after every milestone that you’ve accomplished in life, always whispering sweet nothings into your ear on your bad days. 
who would’ve known?
he called out as he enters the apartment that the both of you share.
“babe, i’m home”
he said, again, when you didn’t answer him, or greet him at the door like you always do.
maybe you were sleeping, he thought. 
you tried your best to fight the tears.
that voice. that sweet voice that you were so used to. the voice that you swore could make everything bad go away in an instance. 
he walks into the bedroom to see you laying on the bed, back facing the door. 
“hey babe. i called for you, didn’t you hear me?”
you kept quiet, as a small whiff of that girl’s perfume fill up the air, almost chokingly. 
he reached out for you, trying to pull you into a cuddle.
“don’t touch me”
he pulled away immediately, looking confused
“what’s wrong?”
you scoffed.
“what’s wrong? why don’t you ask (your bestfriend’s name) instead?”
“what are you talking about, babe?”
“i saw the both of you in that restaurant, acting like some couple straight out of a romance movie, yet you still have the guts to pretend like i’m spouting nonsense.”
he kept quiet, looking like a deer in front of headlights. 
“you know, i really thought we were in this forever. with you saying how you would marry me and how i was the only one for you, i really believed you when you said that i was the one for you.”
you started to choke a little, gasping for air slightly as you find it harder to breathe by the second.
“why did you do this? am i not good enough for you? am i just not good enough for anyone?”
“i don’t know what to say”
that’s all he said.
“pack your things and leave. i don’t want to see you ever again”
“babe, let’s be reas-”
“don’t ‘babe’ me, you’ve lost your rights to call me anything the moment you lay hands on another”
he sighed and started to walk towards the wardrobe to pack his things.
“how long?”
“how long has this been going on?”
there was silence for what seemed like forever before he spoke again.
“4 months into our relationship.”
those tears that you tried so hard to hold on just fall relentlessly.
4 months into the relationship.
the both of you have been together for 5 years.
“for the record, i really loved you, i still do.”
shut up. shut up. shut up. shut up.
you tried shutting down all the negative thoughts in your head.
but you can't help but to think what you did wrong for him to do this to you, to us.
"just ,,, leave"
you sobbed.
you watch him leaving the bedroom that you once shared with someone that was your everything, your home.
"i'm sorry"
he whispered, as he closed the room door one last time.
how could you be so reckless with someone's heart?
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hopewritcs · 2 years
all the somedays.
pairing: steve harrington x henderson!reader
word count: 1.1k
notes: so i was talking with my bestie ( @scoopsahoyharrington​ ) and i decided to write a follow up to this fic because it’s soft & fluffy and given the way this season’s going i think we could all use some steve fluff. 
part one | part two 
stranger things tag list: (if you wanna be added to any tag list, let me know!!)
You never thought about the things that were absolutely certain in life. Not the kind of things that everyone knows, that the sky is blue and lightning usually follows thunder. The certainties of your own life. You never thought of those things, because who could really predict them? You knew some things, like your mother was a cat person, your little brother was annoyingly overprotective of you, you had to keep an eye on all of his friends just in case. 
Some things you never thought were possible, like the fact that there was actual evil beings in the world--the demodogs and the mindflayer--or people having powers. 
And another thing that you had always wanted, but didn’t dream of happening until much later in life. You were in love, and you just knew that it was going to last forever. 
Steve Harrington was something different than you expected, the kind of person who could surprise you still after all this time. 
When you were a senior, curled up on a couch with Steve one night while your mother was away, you made a promise to him of someday soon. 
But someday soon wound up being a ways away, because life got in the way. 
There were monsters to deal with -- literally and figuratively.
So, when your college moving day had rolled around and Steve had given you a small ring, barely a diamond, and you knew he had used all of his money from the summer job at Scoops Ahoy that he’d had left over, all the breath left you. 
“Not now.” he said, while your mother and Dustin were busy packing up the car with the rest of your things so you could say goodbye to your boyfriend privately. He held the ring closely, and you could see it was attached to a golden chain as well. “Someday.” 
“Someday.” You repeated, tears in your eyes as you kissed him goodbye. He put the necklace around your neck and you didn’t want to let go, to go off to school in the big city. “Someday soon.” you echoed his words from all those months ago as you kissed him one last time, before finally letting your brother tug you away and head toward the car. 
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College was in your rearview mirror now, graduation night come and gone as you headed home. 
Home to Steve, where you knew in your heart that you belonged. 
Even after all this time, the promise of someday echoing over four years worth of phone calls and every time you came home to visit. It was never enough. Every time that you saw him, you didn’t want to leave. It got harder and harder to say goodbye as time went on, the ring still dangling around your neck. 
Some nights, when you weren’t with him, you could feel the ghost of Steve’s fingers grazing where the ring laid. 
Someday. you promised yourself. You promised Steve. You promised your relationship. 
You hadn’t even told your mom or Dustin that you were coming home, you just went straight to Steve’s place and let yourself in with the spare key on your chain. 
“It’s not just my apartment, Y/N.” Steve had said when he’d given you the key. 
You slipped out of your shoes and walked into the apartment, finding Steve asleep on the couch with the credits of some movie playing in the background. A grin on your face, you leaned down and brushed hair out of Steve’s eyes softly, pressing a kiss to his forehead. 
“Y/N?” Steve mumbled, half awake and half asleep as his eyes fluttered open, looking toward you sleepily. 
“Hi Steve.” you whispered, taking a seat on the floor so you were face to face with him. “I missed you.” 
“I missed you too.” he said, rolling to his side as he continued to wake up slowly. “What are you doing here?” 
“Surprising you.” you answered. Then, before he could speak again, you looked at him and asked the question you’d been thinking about the entire drive over. “What if someday was today?” 
Steve’s eyes widened when he finally registered what you said, sitting up on the couch he looked down at you, “Are you serious?” 
“We’ve had a lot of somedays, Steve. And I think we’ve seen a lot of proof that sometimes someday doesn’t come.” you answered him, putting your hands in his as you looked at him. 
“You’re serious.” he said, looking at you. As if you were going to tell him you were joking and this was all some sort of prank. As if you would dare to do that with the someday pledge the two of you had. 
“I love you Steve Harrington, and I want to spend the rest of my somedays with you, and I don’t want to wait anymore. We waited until I was done with school, and I’m home now. So what else do we need to wait for?” You pulled yourself off the floor to sit beside him on the couch and looked at him. 
“I love you too Y/N Henderson.” Steve said, pulling you to him for a soft kiss. A kiss that you’d been waiting for. A kiss that meant someday. When he pulled back he looked at you and let out a small chuckle, “You know this means we’re going to have to tell Dustin now, right?” 
“That’s a yes?” you asked, a smile spreading across your face as you looked at Steve, your hand resting on his shoulder as you waited for his response. 
Steve looked at you with a nod, moving his hands as he played with the clasp of your necklace. “I think it means if you want we can finally take this ring off the necklace you’ve been wearing.” 
“We’re getting married today.” you spoke softly, looking at Steve and watching as he played with the chain around your neck to get the ring off of it. 
“We’re getting married today.” he echoed, holding out the ring for you so he could put it on your hand as he smiled. 
And you knew that you would be spending the rest of your somedays with Steve. 
That is, at least, once you told your brother about the whole thing and convinced him to come along without giving yet another threatening “big brother” speech. 
Some things were just absolutely certain. 
Your mother gave you a kitten for a wedding present, your brother walked you down the aisle so he could give Steve one last “glare”, and your brothers group of friends made sure you had the best backyard wedding Hawkins had ever seen. 
And Steve Harrington would always be able to surprise you. 
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jjungkookislife · 1 year
Secret ||PJM|| Pt. 33: Only with you
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pairing: sugar daddy!jimin x f. reader
genre: sex work au, angst, misunderstandings, 18+
wc: 2.8k
warnings: misunderstandings, mention of breakups, overthinking, alcohol use/mention, confessions
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Jimin sat on his bed, ignoring the group chat as his friends (mainly Jungkook) tried to convince him to attend the launch party. He had made it clear he had no intention of attending both for his sake and yours. 
The past few weeks have been miserable for him. He missed you, painfully so. He knew someday your arrangement would end, but he thought the two of you would remain friends and stay in each other’s lives. Time and time again he found himself reading your past conversations, how everything seemed so easy between you and his father destroyed it in a matter of minutes. 
Jimin tried to focus on his work, spending long nights in the office, often being the first one there and the very last to leave every evening. He took work home with him, often falling asleep with his head on a contract. 
Taehyung and Yoongi had tried taking him out to dinners and movies, and even some of their dates, but he wouldn’t budge. He wanted to be miserable, wanted to listen to all those songs about heartbreak and breakups. Wanted to wallow in his sorrow until he felt numb. 
Jungkook tried to stay neutral, but the fact of the matter was that he was dating Namjoon. Jimin didn’t want you to think he was miserable without you, didn’t want to seem weak. So he tried pushing Jungkook away, but that only made him more persistent. 
Today was the worst day of all. Aside from the day, Taehyung asked his friends who would be attending your launch. That had been the first time Jimin had heard from you directly, well indirectly, and it had hurt. Taehyung had spent the night at his place making sure he’d been okay, apologizing endlessly for not thinking it through. 
However, that day didn’t hold a candle to today. He had gotten off work earlier, not wanting to hear about the party from those attending from his office. 
A frown had appeared on his face when the delivery came. A large box with an enormous bow wrapped around it. How could he have forgotten about the dress he had ordered in advance just for tonight? 
Carefully, Jimin had opened the box containing the gown. It was beautiful, and he knew you’d look gorgeous in it… if you decide to wear it. Jimin read the note attached, his fingers tracing over the words before shutting the box and calling for his driver. 
Once the gown was off to your apartment, he debated going. He knew he should let you have your night. It was major, and he was so proud of you, but the ache in his heart made him almost sick. Is this how it would be for the rest of his life? Feeling empty and hurt? He didn’t like it one bit. 
Jimin ignored the ringing of his phone, not wanting to talk to anyone as he stewed in his indecision. Maybe he could go and keep a low profile? Just to see you for a moment. 
The phone on his bed rang again. A sigh escaped Jimin as he answered. 
“Are you going? You have to go!” Jungkook exclaimed as he styled his hair. 
“I’m not gonna ruin her night. I’m sure I’ll be doing that enough in a moment.” Jimin shrugs as he steps into his shower. 
“What did you do?” Jungkook is curious, setting his hairbrush down on the counter. 
“I just sent her the gown I had ordered for tonight. She’ll probably throw it away,” Jimin mumbles, biting his bottom lip to settle himself. That doesn’t stop the tears from pricking at the corner of his eyes. 
“So if she wears it, you’ll go?”
“Don’t, Kook. Please, I’m begging you as your friend. Just don’t.” Jungkook nods, apologizing as he tells Jimin he hopes he’ll see him tonight before hanging up. 
For once, Jungkook decides he won’t meddle. 
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After sending your last text message, you’re panicking inside as you try to meet the gaze of your friends. 
For a moment, you’re distracted by the gorgeous chandelier that’s the focus of the night other than you. Music plays softly in the background as appetizers and drinks are being had. The dinner should start shortly and the last thing you want to is to be confronted by Jimin. 
You had made all your friends promise not to mention him tonight in lieu of your celebration and they had all come through… until just moments ago. 
Turning and tucking your tail wasn’t an option as the distance between you and Jimin became less and less and you were pressed against the bar already. You should have known this would happen when you chose to wear the dress that had been delivered just two hours ago. 
Needless to say, you had been surprised when his driver had shown up at your door. Taehyung and Seokjin had been busy fussing over you and their makeup artists were working their magic on you and later on them. 
Your dress arrived, and you were puzzled for a moment, accepting the box and thanking the driver. You had set the box down on your bed, hesitantly tugging on the ribbon until the bow came undone. 
For once, Seokjin was speechless as he watched from the sidelines with Hoseok. Both held their breath as your trembling hands opened the box and a gasp escaped you. Taehyung stood behind them with a small smile on his lips.
Inside was a beautiful gown, a note lay on top of it. 
Congratulations on your big night. You deserve this and so much more. 
Love always, Jimin
Tears had pooled in your eyes, but you refused to let them spill. You sniffled, blinking away the tears. Carefully, you took the gown out of the box, placing it against your chest as you spun to show your best friends. 
“It’s gorgeous,” Seokjin was the first to speak, Hoseok quickly nodding his head in agreement. 
“You should wear it,” he urges, and you bite your bottom lip. Could you wear it? Would it mean you wanted to make amends? Was it just a gift or something more?
“Wear it,” Seokjin insisted. “You’ll look marvelous in it and it’s better than the one you picked out, no offense.”
You stick your tongue out at him but give in, the excuse of being short on time sitting on your tongue. You wanted to wear it. It had been made for you and it fit like a glove once it was on. Jimin really has impeccable taste, and it just made you miss him more. 
You’d been miserable without him. He was your best friend, and going from talking daily to complete silence was excruciating. Was he okay? Was he eating? Was he sleeping? Was he relaxing enough? All these worries filled your head constantly and you wish you could just pick the phone up and talk to him. Jungkook had tried to get you two to talk, but you were both too stubborn and now you wish you could see him. 
Though now that you’ve seen him, you’re not so sure. The crowd of guests between you part easily, your heart skipping a beat when you take him in. Your breath is ragged and your fingers clutch your wine glass tighter than necessary, but all your focus is on him. He looks beautiful in his outfit, stunning, and you’re not surprised when a few guests stop to do a double take. 
There’s only a few feet between you now, and you gulp down the rest of your drink, setting the glass on the bar as he finally approaches you. Everything fades in the background. The sound of your pounding heart is all you can hear and you can tell just by the twinkle in his eye that you’re having the same effect on Jimin as he does on you.
Butterflies erupt in your stomach, making you dizzy as he smiles softly. 
“Hello,” he says, and you realize you’ve missed him so much. Hot tears pooling in your eyes in a heartbeat. 
“Jimin,” you breathe, holding back tears as you take his wrist to lead him away somewhere more private, out of the eyes of your friends and all your guests. After all, this could only go one of two ways and your temper was surely a sign of it going sour. 
Jimin tries to ignore the sparks that arise from your touch. He tries his best to keep his composure as you lead him to a small room off in the distance, away from the guests.
When the door shuts, he’s biting his lip, his thoughts swirling around in his head, but most important of all, he can take you in fully. He frowns when you release him, your touch being the only assuring thing he felt since he laid eyes on you.
However, you’re wearing the dress he picked out for you. That’s got to count for something, right?
Just like he thought, you look beautiful in it, radiant. He says as much and you thank him quietly, not sure where this is going to go and terrified this may be the last time you ever speak to him.
Jimin seems to think the same as he slowly slides his hands into the pockets of his pants. He bites his lips, staring at his shoes while you lean on the wall opposite of him. You can’t bring yourself to look at him yet. His stunning beauty is disarming. Instead, you look at your nails.
“I’m sorry,” Jimin starts, licking his lips. “I didn’t mean to crash your party.”
You finally look at him, his gaze soft and unsure. You haven’t seen him like this in a while. You nod, your tongue feeling too heavy to speak. You don’t want to say the wrong thing, but what is the right thing to say? You never thought you’d have nothing to say to Jimin.
“I mean, Tae said you paid for it,” you shrug.
Jimin bristles and you wish you could fall into a hole and never come out. 
“I’m sorry, I-” you sigh. “I’m sorry. That was a low blow. You know I never cared about your money, not recently anyway.”
“No, I didn’t know that,” Jimin whispers as he looks at you, but you look away. Your body heats, feeling embarrassed, but anger still boils in your veins.
“You just assumed what your dad said about me was true?” you ask, tone darker than he’s ever heard.
“You seemed to agree with him, didn’t you? You were only after my money,” Jimin shrugs, as if that same conversation hadn’t been occupying his mind since the night.
“What?” you grimace. “Jimin, what are you talking about?”
“The money? That’s why you stayed with me, right?” 
“Jimin, I stopped caring about it so long ago! I don’t want your money! Hell, I’ll cancel the launch and throw everything away if it means being with you. But you only wanted me around because you paid me. I-I loved you, Jimin. I still do, but I can’t be with you.” You quickly wipe the tear that escapes, refusing to ruin your makeup, knowing there’s still a party on the other side of the door.
“Why didn’t you say something?” Jimin is flabbergasted. Was this just a misunderstanding his dad had caused? Should he have listened to his friends instead? How often had Jungkook tried to tell him otherwise?
“For what? So you could tell me you don’t date? That you don’t pay me to have feelings for you?” Jimin rubs the nape of his neck at your words. You’re right. He was scared of what he felt for you, often denying it to himself and his friends until recently. Now he was sure of his feelings. Sure he couldn’t live without you. Didn’t want to live without you. Being apart for so long only cemented his feelings, and even if you were to turn him down, he hoped this wouldn’t be the last time he ever saw you.
“Baby,” Jimin’s loose tongue surprises you, melts your icy demeanor just a little. “I know I was a dick before, but I’ve been denying my feelings for you. I should have just told you. I didn’t want to scare you off. I mean, when we first met, it wasn’t under perfect circumstances, especially with our arrangement.”
You smile, shaking your head. “Back then, you said you didn’t do relationships. What about now?”
Jimin feels his cheeks heat. “Only with you.”
You laugh, shaking your head before stopping to dab at the stray tear that escapes you. “So Jungkook was right? You do love me.”
Jimin blushes, his heart skipping a beat. “Yes. I was an idiot. I thought it would be easier to convince myself you were just after my money. My dad only made it worse.”
“Your dad’s an asshole,” you scoff.
Jimin grins. “He is. I don’t think he and I will ever be on good terms, but he shouldn’t be a problem for us. Never again.”
“You mean that?” you bite your bottom lip nervously. Jimin approaches you cautiously, his hands holding yours.
“I swear it, baby. It’s just us from here on out. If you’ll have me?” Jimin is the one nervous now. You could turn him down, shout at him, and kick him out of your life for good with just a few words. He can barely hear anything over the frantic beating of his heart, and when one second turns into two, he’s almost spiraling into oblivion.
“Of course!” you throw your arms around him, holding him tight as the dam breaks free and you cry into his chest. Oh, Seokjin was going to have a fit once he saw you.
Jimin holds you, softly assuring you that it’ll be okay. He kisses the top of your head repeatedly, never wanting to let you go. He’d been so miserable without you, and he knew the two of you had a long road ahead of you if you wanted this relationship to work. Jimin was confident in the both of you. You loved each other so much, and it was clear to him that he was too afraid to see it before.
“I can sneak out before I cause too much of a commotion,” Jimin states after a while. “I don’t want my attendance to cause a scene.”
You shake your head instantly. “Please, stay. I want you at my side.”
Jimin licks his lips, unsure. “But what about the press?”
“Fuck them. They don’t get to ruin us again. We’re stronger together.”
Jimin agrees to join your party. He helps you fix your makeup as best as he can before you’re taking him by the hand and leading him out of the room. 
The two of you walk side by side, pausing to look at the window that draws your attention for a moment. Jimin leads you to the door beside it. It takes you to a balcony that overlooks the city.
“You sure know how to pick a venue,” you smile before a flash goes off and you both turn, panicked.
“Taehyung,” Jimin growls. “Get the fuck out!”
Taehyung giggles, waving his phone as he runs off before Jimin can decide to chase him and ruffle his hair. It had taken an hour to perfect it, and he’d be damned if anyone ruined it, even his best friend.
“It’ll be about thirty more seconds before our chat is bombarded with texts,” you sigh as you lean into Jimin. His hand rests on your waist, chuckling.
“I don’t doubt it, babe. We’ll have to get you back out there soon though,” He reminds you. You groan, couldn’t this evening end early? All you wanted to do was take a bath and cuddle in Jimin’s bed.
“We should-” you’re cut off by Jimin’s phone vibrating incessantly in his pocket.
“There they go,” Jimin grumbles as he silences the group chat quickly. You laugh, wrapping your arms around his neck. Jimin smiles sweetly, his forehead pressed to yours.
“Hi,” he whispers.
“Hi,” you whisper back with a bright smile that sends him to heaven for a moment.
His hand cups your cheek, his thumb gently caressing your skin. His eyes meet yours before flicking back to your lips and you close the gap between you. Surprised, it takes Jimin a split second to kiss you back, moaning when you tug on his hair gently.
The two of you kiss for a few minutes, smiling like idiots when you finally pull away for air. 
“We should probably get back to your party,” Jimin says in between kisses. You moan at the last one, knees weak when he pulls away with a smug look.
“In a minute,” you assure him. You lead him back inside, stopping him shortly. “Should we announce our relationship to everyone?”
“The public,” you bite your lip. “When we go in there, they’ll see us.”
Jimin grins. “Let’s do it!”
“Are you sure?”
“Positive,” Jimin nods enthusiastically. You kiss him, nervously taking his phone and snapping a picture of him. You easily log into your Instagram account on his phone and post the picture. Jimin chuckles and kisses your cheek when it posts.
“Here we go.”
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satancopilotsmytardis · 11 months
Holy shit your writing for my last ask was so good!!!!!! Thank you so much for answering I can't wait to read it several times lol. I gotta send in another one because I feel like this ship is criminally underrated and you write them so well so, smiling while kissing for Shigahawks?
Okay so I had actually already started this one without being prompted as a ShigaDabiHawks, but I did rework it to focus more on ShigaHawks so I hope that's okay!
Prompt: Smiling while kissing
Falling in love, Hawks thought, was supposed to be messy. He will readily admit that he doesn't have the most experience with the phenomenon, his work and training kept him far too busy for those kinds of things. But his expectations had been set by Rumi. Or rather the exorbitant amount of romance movies she made him watch with her and the books she told him about at length whenever she found a good one. Expected passion, misunderstandings, and complications that tore the two apart over and over until they finally overcame them all and had a happily ever after in the end. 
He was sorely mislead in a myriad of ways. Because Hawks has found that falling in love is so easy and that apparently it can be three instead of two. That it's possible to fall in love not because someone is bringing flowers, or defending your honor in a tournament, or any of the other things that seem common in the stories Rumi likes, but just through little things. Just from starting to know each other. That, Hawks has found, he can fall in love with the smell of cigarettes and the pretty gleam of staples that hold together someone as violent as that method of healing is. And can love slow, deliberate movements of hands that are so desperate to be careful so that nothing they touch gets destroyed without his permission. That it's so, so easy to fall in love with soft words, and clever tongues, and beautiful, vibrant eyes. That he might not even notice he was in love at all until it happened. 
Falling in love with Dabi was like a flashpoint of passion. His bird instincts loved the patterns and pretty metal speared through his skin. The human part fell in love with lazy eyes, violent smiles, a barely concealed cleverness that always saw right through him, and words that could always cut to his core. It had been quick to catch and so hot that Hawks is pretty sure they're both going to walk away with fresh burn scars if the flames manage to go out before they consume them. 
Falling in love with Tomura Shigaraki was like being drowned. He fought it at first. Didn't think he was allowed to have a second when he already shouldn't have the first. But it was so hard to fight. Because Tomura isn't what he expected any more than Dabi was, than what he thought love would be like. Tomura was far more patient than he'd expected, level-headed too, calculating. And so caring. Is going to tear down the entire world to rid himself of the darkness wrapped around his heart, but still has room in it for his friends, for him. Will make sure that no matter what, the things they love, the things they want saved, are never touched by his destructive quirk. Will go out of his way to make sure that they are alright. Hawks wasn't expecting that. Went from desperately trying to escape the pull he felt towards the other man to letting himself be smothered in that blanket of affection and attentiveness because god, has he ever had that before? 
"Where are you, little bird?" Tomura's lips press lightly against his temple. They're in their room at the villa, he's sitting on the window sill. A rare day he doesn't have hero work. Was trying to pretend for a little while that he was one of the heroines in Rumi's books. That he got swept off his feet by a billionaire and this was his expansive home. Not the reality that this is an insurgency's base. That someday, probably someday soon, this will be a battlefield and remembering sitting on this sill, being in their bed, will be something that hurts him. If he survives it at all. It's so weak, cowardly, but he hopes desperately that he won't have to fight either of them when that day comes. Doesn't know if he'll be able to do it. Doesn't want to make them kill him. Thinks that, once the dust settles, if they get out, they won't feel as righteous about killing him as they might in the moment. Doesn't want them to have to carry another hurt that he forced on them. 
Can't say any of that. Turns to Tomura with a little chirp. The sound makes his eyes go even softer on him. Loves to hear him being himself, will tell him so often how much he loves those sounds, as often as he tells him how much he loves his wings. Not because they're useful, not because they're weapons, but just because they're part of him. Because they, like his talons and the markings around his eyes, are things that make him who he is. And Tomura loves every part of him. Every part of him that he's been allowed to see at least. Won't love the rest of it when he finds out. Breaks his heart even as he smiles. That hasn't happened yet. The truth of why he sought out the League will come. But that doesn't get to poison this space. Not yet. 
"Right here, waiting for you." Reaches for him and is allowed to, wraps his arms around his neck and pulls him closer. Sees Tomura's lips curve up into a smile before they press softly against his own. 
"Mmhmm," his mate hums against his mouth, "waiting for coffee." 
Meets Tomura's smile with one of his own, because, yeah, there are two mugs in his mate's hands. Because Tomura likes coffee, but knows Hawks is severely addicted and always gets out of bed first so that he can bring him a mug. A small gesture but one that makes Hawks fall in love a little more every morning he spends with the other man. Can't help how his feathers shiver and fluff. Sees Tomura track the movement before leaning around to set the mugs on the sill before curling two careful hands around his waist. Is still smiling when he kisses him again. His heart squeezes sharply in his chest. Tomura, Dabi, the whole League are so expressive when they're behind closed doors, and even then, Tomura, Dabi, and Toga always smile often and wide. But those smiles are so different than the one pressed against his mouth right now. Those smiles are sharp and full of teeth that are just begging to remind the world how hard they've had to learn to bite to protect themselves. 
This smile is small and soft, fills up his eyes and skin with warmth. This smile tastes like the sunshine and ozone during a perfect summer flight. Makes him believe for a second that they're just Tomura and Keigo. That there isn't an army preparing itself for war beyond these walls, that he's not a spy who's going to have to tear it all down because that's what a hero would do. Wraps his arms tighter around his mate's neck. Kisses him harder, wants to memorize the feeling of that smile against his mouth. Needs to have this moment to look back on, to cradle close to his heart when it all disappears again. 
Rumi's romances mislead him in a lot of ways. He knows that when they're torn apart there will be no coming back together. No happy ending for the three of them. But he thinks that their lessons on how badly heartbreak will hurt were correct because his heart is already in pieces in his chest and he hasn't even lost them yet. 
Thanks for submitting! I'm still accepting prompts from this list!
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nervousladytraveler · 6 months
Love those writer asks!
I’d love to hear your responses to #13 (favorite writing song/artist/album of this year) and #23 (fics you wanted to write but didn’t)! ❤️
Aww, thanks @dreamstone28737 for the ask. How fun.
#13--Why is it when someone asks me about a favorite song (or movie or tv show) I suddenly go blank? I never listen to music when I write but I do when I edit. Mozart's Requiem is one of my favs as well as Vivaldi's Filiae Maestae Jerusalem. But Spotify tells me the song I listened to most this year was Joy Division's "Love Will Tear Us Apart" so go figure.
#23--I had very seriously entertained writing a fic from Ross's POV about what happened the night of May 9, 1793. As you can imagine, it would be a tough one to get just right (I kept getting stuck on the question how did he get his boots off?) Maybe someday.
Thanks again--and check your inbox!
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virgincels · 7 months
you’re such an incredible writer, baby <3 ddlg is something i genuinely love so much, just someone taking care of you, being so loving and thoughtful, i love both the sexual and nonsexual parts! and the dressing and brushing your teeth scene was so perfect, i love you so much <3
younger chris was a little surprised at your confession, he’d never really heard of anything like this. sure—he has dabbled in different genre’s of porn but not once did he come across this. you play with the ruffles of your sweatshirt when you tell him, looking down at your fluffy socks as your face is hot with embarrassment. it’s not embarrassing that you have this mindset, just embarrassed with the thoughts of chris being your loving and sweet daddy.
he’s accepting, i mean, he’s seen a lot of shit, and this couldn’t compare. he’s more than willing to learn—he’s always been fond of taking care of someone, weither it be making claire lunch for school, or helping jill fix her hair, he loves the praise he gets when helping others. when he makes you bear shaped pancakes with chocolate chip eyes and whipped cream hair or when he gives you soft kisses on your stomach, the stars that float in your eyes are all worth the trouble. “i love you so much dada!”
he doesn’t like when it happens but he really doesn’t know what to do when you’re throwing crayons around and having a tantrum. he doesn’t even know how it started—maybe he made you eat something you don’t like, it was probably corn, nobody likes corn. or maybe the outfit he picked for you today wasn’t up to your standards, some days your picky, somedays you’re not. but chris has also had a long day, he hasn’t had the chance to change out of his uniform when he has you bent over his lap. he feels bad, so so bad, the cries you make are breaking his heart, but he knows he can’t spoil you forever.
the sting is obvious and the way you jump when he slams his big hands on your cheek is tearing him apart. it’s never a lot—twenty at most—you can handle more but the sniffles you make, make him stop prematurely. he’ll pick you up and give you the biggest kisses, all over your face, the scratch of his beard making you giggle through your stuffy nose. he’ll pet your pretty little cunt, make you cum a few times before stuffing you full, and make pure and sweet love to you. he’ll order your favorite food and watch that my little pony movie that he’s seen at least ten times. anything for his pretty little baby. “ah- you’re so big, daddy ..!”
older chris is a little different. he’s unfortunately a lot more busy than he use to be—he doesn’t get to see his baby as often as he’d like. he remembers how absolutely destroyed you were when he told you he’d be gone for awhile on a mission, something about a guy and his kid—and mold, can’t forget about the mold. you kicked your feet and screamed, “it’s not fair!” you’d cry. even as he’s older, his love for being your caretaker never faltered—he takes severe happiness in having to take a break from his war lifestyle and come home to his pretty little baby. but, as he’s gotten older, he’s realized that in order to have a good baby, discipline is important.
he’d be very careful of his punishments before, one was given maybe once a month, sometimes when you were pushing his luck, he’d put on a show you both loved and distracted you from your exaggerated anger—but as time goes on, he comes to understand that he can’t do that forever. you cry and stomp your feet, “it’s not fair!” you say again, and he’s had enough.
he was already annoyed with the duration of this mission. why does it be him? why can’t they call leon? he’s not doing anything anyways. he wants to be home, his pretty baby sat in his lap, and play the frills of their skirt. but instead, he has to go save some guy from his own trouble.
he’s had enough as you scream again, he has you over his lap in an instant, your skirt is hiked up and his hand comes down without warning. you’ll never get use to it, it seems like he’s gotten a little bigger since last time, and you cry and shake as he continues. it’s never twenty anymore, it’s thirty, maybe even forty. he’s not as patient as he use to and you need to learn. “you earned this baby, always gotta act up.” he still feels bad though—even as a old man, he frowns slightly at the sound of your sniffles. it’s why he’s never made it to fifty.
he’s still a softie, he’ll rub your little butt and give you a kiss on your cheek—just one, that’s all you get. you’re punishment isn’t over, it’s not as easy as before. he’ll drag you on his cock, he doesn’t take the time to warm you up—the slick gushing down his thighs is hint enough. chris runs out of stamina easier than he use to but whenever a punishment arises, it’s like he’s twenty five again. he’ll cum inside you over and over again—until he gets that pain in his chest that lets him know that he needs to tap out. he’s a softie, he’ll always make sure you’ve came as many times as him, and it’s obvious when you’re slumped over him. “so- so much, daddy..”
he’ll clean you off and wait for you to wake before explaining his mission in detail. he’ll never leave his baby on purpose and you can call him every night. he’ll send you texts to remind you to eat and take those vitamins gummies—even if the grape ones are gross. “make sure you take them baby, they’re good for ya.”
young and old chris have something in common.
they love their baby so much.
i swear younger and older chris were supposed to be the same length but i got carried away :( sorry if it’s too long! your writing style is so nice, the references you make and the way you display the characters thoughts and include characters who may not be in the fic itself but are still mentioned are so captivating! i’ve been writing a lot more because ur so inspiring :3 thank u for ur talent baby! 🫶 - 🕺
FIRST OF ALL,, thank you sososooso much :( you’re too sweet to me literally ughhhh kicking my feet n blushing
ddlg w younger chris ughhgg he’s still learning, too sweet ab it, lets you get away with too much, fumbles over himself a lot and lets you off easy. half the time he forgets the rules he set out bc you bat your lashes so pretty at him, then you’re staying up past midnight and waking up so incredibly grumpy. UGHHHH AND THEN OLDER CHRIS he’s even more tender now, knows how to actually be a daddy, how to take care of you, how to implement the right rules n do things the way you like, both spoils you and makes sure you behave :3 THIS IS SOOOO GOOD ANON I WILL EAT U UGHHGV
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I was thinking about HTTYD: The Hidden World, and some of the themes people seem to miss from the ending-- the whole concept of a short-lived golden era of wonder the world isn't ready for, but hopefully will be someday.
And it kind of reminded me of Arthurian lore and, more generally, the classic King in the Mountain archetype.
As someone who enjoys exploring literary motifs, I thought you might have some ideas about this?
If anything I think people fail to notice how little the movies actually talk about coexistence through Hiccup as opposed to Hiccup's goal every movie being about bringing an end to violence, when you get down to it. In the first movie even once bonding with Toothless, Hiccup never thinks that humans and dragons can live together. He goes into the Kill Ring to try and show that there's another way once he realizes dragons are controlled and equally victims, stating, "Put an end to this; I have to try" and "We don't have to kill them." Cohabitation on a widespread level was something that the Berkians decided on independently of him when he was asleep / recovering. That doesn't mean Hiccup doesn't want humans and dragons to live together - he absolutely does - but the first movie is far more centred on
Likewise, the second movie also isn't about co-habitation, although it's starting to get there. For example, Hiccup doesn't say to Drago that dragons deserve even to be treated kindly / to love in community with humans. What they disagree on is the role dragons play in the lives of humans: "Dragons, they are kind, amazing creatures, that can bring people together" "Or tear them apart." Likewise, Valka never believed that no humans could live in harmony with dragons, only that it was a limited few ("some of us are just born different") and that you had to submit to draconic ways rather than finding a middle ground, like Berk. It's also worth noting how little Berk does to protect the dragons / the humans do in general in the climax. Whereas in the first movie the kids were equally in the battle, the side characters are side lined until Hiccup frees Toothless, and Toothless gets the rest of the dragons on board. Rebuilding is a joint effort, but ending the violence successfully is not
Finally, HTTYD3 makes co-habitation an actual hardcore theme, and has a villain who is logistically and ideologically opposed to Hiccup's life's work: "You would have them live among us, as equals?" That's why the ending is so important, because it's Hiccup realizing that dragons aren't equals - they're better than humans, and just like he doesn't try to change Grimmel's mind because of Drago, it processes that humans will bring misery to dragons through involvement and constant chaos. It's Hiccup realizing he's entrapped in his own cycle.
Which is to say: the movies are obsessed with Endings and bringing about the ends of cycles of violence and upheaval. Letting the dragons be free in safety from human terror is perfectly in line with this theme. It's why the first and last noteworthy thing Hiccup does is the exact same:
He lets a dragon go.
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He sets a dragon free.
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haliyahfm · 11 months
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( zuri reed , twenty8 , cis woman , she/her ) ⎮ would ya look who it is , haliyah moore in the flesh ! dude , i heard they were a dj for kiss 89.5 at that place across town . yeah , no , they’re the one that’s really gutsy and warm-hearted but my buddy said they’re super uncompromising and a bit excessive too . i wonder what they’re doing over here though ? c'mon let’s go back to my place and i can show you their myspace profile , it autoplays this must be the place (naive melody) by talking heads when it boots up , it’s great . ⎮
full name: haliyah corinne moore nicknames: hali, yaya birthday: august 16th (28 years old, leo) hometown: columbus, ohio gender and sexuality: cis, bisexual woman education: bachelor's in communications from nyu occupation: radio dj for kiss 89.5 pets: moose (shih tzu mix rescue, 3 years old) favorite hobbies: autumn roadtrips to watch drive-in movie double features, keeping up with her favorite soap operas daily, playing dungeons & dragons, volunteering at the public library to spread wholesome chaos, reading tea leaves and tarot cards, sliding on her socks on hardwood floors
haliyah moore (hali to her loved ones) grew up in the suburbs of columbus, ohio wishing she was in new york city. like most little kids, she dreamed of wearing a feather boa down fifth avenue in defiance of the fashion elite and living in a park-view apartment with her best friend where they could complain about the horror of modern dating. what do you mean, that wasn’t most little kids? alright, it wouldn’t exactly be the last time hali wasn’t like most kids.
with dreams of new york like hali’s, columbus was a small pond in comparison. she was the free spirit, the dreamer, the rebel; the kind of person who got bored of following the rules and started playing by her own rules instead. her mothers were both biologists who studied at nyu and hali’s twin sister was the future valedictorian, so it only made sense that hali took a hard left into the absurd. she was the court jester of her high school’s theatre department, speech & debate team, and its worst garage grunge band (not to mention the band’s guitarist).
when hali and her sister graduated, her sister had a full-ride scholarship and a summer internship lined up, and hali had a buttercup yellow 1970 convertible beetle and a dream. that dream: spend the three months she had until new york road-tripping through the continental us. every corner, every nook and cranny, haliyah wanted to explore it. bars she had to sneak into, tires she had to change on the side of the freeway in the middle of nowhere, the tears she cried when she broke her arm in texas and realized she was on her own; she cherished every moment.
by the time hali finally reached new york, even with the most summer behind her, it was clear that this was still the beginning of something new and terrifying and enchanting. and she was positively enchanted by new york. nyu and a whole host of student loans took her in with open arms. it quickly introduced her to improv comedy, late-night college public radio, jungle juice, and college boys, and the rest was history. her senior year heralded in her first real adult relationship and her most important decision to date: accepting an internship at a dinky little radio station in brooklyn. 
six years later, she’s only had to hop between three stations, most recently landing at kiss 89.5 in columbus circle. it’s been three years at the station and she’s finally got a decent timeslot, but she’s never stopped dreaming of being the dj on all the billboards; the one everyone tunes in for rather than just her die-hard fans and the mildly interested listeners who didn’t really care whose voice they heard. something inside her keeps on believing that if she could just get the rest of her life together, she could really have it all someday. 
for now, awful blind dates, drunken trips to see her local bodega cat at two in the morning, and the constant search for a new manicurist after spilling too many of her secrets again will just have to do.
connection ideas
the neighbor next door she borrows sugar from and almost certainly has a crush on
the ride or die bestie who keeps her sane in the city and knows her coffee order by heart (and vice versa)
the listener who doesn't realize hali is the voice coming out of their radio
the bartender who has seen her at her most and least charming
the found family that makes her feel whole and seen in the chaos of the city
the meet-cute she keeps running into and having three quarters of a rom-com interaction with
the blast from the past that knew her in ohio
the college sweetheart - or maybe just roommate? - from nyu (she attended between '93 and '97)
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